#I’ve appreciated all of the kindness and encouragement and stuff it’s been really great to meet ppl and talk
starfall-isle · 3 months
Hey 👋 I’m a broken record but things have been hard again. I did not realize how long I’ve been gone want to try and be here for a while
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diasomnia ice-cream parlor au doodles
[Referencing this post!]
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Hello, yes, I’ve been thinking about the Diasomnia ice-cream parlor AU again 🍨🍦 I guess I must have been really hungry lately www
I see them as offering not just ice-cream, bur also variants like gelato, shaved ice, milkshakes, etc. (They can afford it with support from the Draconia royal family’s funds 😂) The focus here will be ice-cream though, just because that’s Malleus’s favorite.
Imagine walking in and not knowing what to order (there’s so much to choose from!), so you ask the staff to pick something for you… (Yes, I’ve thought about this way too much and now I’m going to shovel this at you—)
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Malleus strikes me as a very traditional and old-fashioned guy, so I’d see him falling back on ol’ reliable. You can’t go wrong with a classic sugar cone and a healthy scoop on top!
He recommends mint chocolate chip because it adds an additional pleasant cooling sensation to the actual coldness of ice-cream. Malleus is fond of the flavor himself; it’s great for cooling down a mouth that’s hot from breathing flames!
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You’re brave if you accept anything Lilia hands you… You ask him what this is (the ice-cream looks… discolored in some places, and there’s all this weird stuff jutting out from it; is that a piece of lettuce???). He just winks at you and calls it “Lilia-chan’s Super Cute ⭐️ Special”, featuring a bunch of “unique” flavors he created himself.
It comes served in a cup because it’s easier to eat it while walking that way. For Lilia, who is a well-seasoned traveler, foods that are able to be eaten on the go are a plus!
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Silver picks out a waffle bowl (it resembles a sturdy bird’s nest) and encourages you to try a lot of different things. It’ll help you to gain an appreciation for the new and unfamiliar! With how wide the waffle bowl is and how many flavors and toppings are in there, this can be good for sharing with friends from all over.
The particular version featured in the doodle has three kinds of ice-cream, each one representing one of the three Good Fairies. A pink flavor, a blue flavor, and a green flavor—maybe rose or strawberry, blueberry or cotton candy, and pistachio? It’s a very naturey palate.
His animal friends have helped with the ingredients; there’s honey drizzled on top, as well as crushed nuts. Freshly picked berries and edible flowers garnish the bowl too—oh, and we can’t forget a generous chunk of honeycomb!
… I don’t know much about Kingdom Hearts, but I’ve heard that Silver resembles Riku from KH?? So maybe Silver can offer some sea salt ice-cream too as a throwback 😂
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… Was anyone surprised by this? No? No.
Sebek chose a tall parfait glass for serving so that the dessert can be as tall as possible. It’s a matcha and ube soft serve, swirled high. The green is Diasomnia’s color, and the purple is meant to be the color of the underside of Malleus’s cape. (Sebek wanted to include black ice-cream to for the Draconia royal color, but couldn’t find a good flavor.)
Art isn’t his forte, but Sebek did his best to “recreate the imposing, elegant image of wakasama” in his dessert. The cherry on top, flanked by two conical chocolate pieces, are meant to be Malleus and his horns. The wafer poking out is supposed to “enhance the young master’s presence”. All the other things are extra details in an effort to make the ice-cream larger than life: candied fruit peels arranged in a line (to resemble the spines on a dragon’s tail), mochi balls (“magestones”) piled to one side, and a chocolate biscuit stick + wafer that, together, look like Malleus’s staff.
Sebek tried really hard! … He will aggressively try to sell you on this item.
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If you’re really hungry or with a large group, why not go for the Diasomnia Family Fundae? It’s their take on a sundae, served in a glass boat. There’s a whole banana, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and three maraschino cherries! The bramble is made of dark chocolate.
Each student is represented by one scoop and a little candy or chocolate that helps to characterize the boy (horns, bat wings, lightning bolt, or sword). Sebek is a lemon-like sherbet, befitting of his loud, in-your-face personality. Lilia is a bright red berry flavor (strawberries, cherries, cranberries, etc.), like his favorite red juices, deep and complex. Silver is vanilla bean, pure, simple, and earnest. (He could also be a subtle lavender flavor, since that's a flower known to ease you into sleep.) And Malleus… well, that scoop is a pitch black, but the flavor is something you can’t quite place your tongue on. It’s a mystery, just like he is! (Maybe the shop changes the flavor every now and again. They can run a promo where if you guess the right flavor combo for that particular week’s Malleus scoop, they give you a discount or a free cone.)
A lot of chocolate sauce is dripping down from the Malleus scoop; this is because the sauce is supposed to be his “blot”. The bottom three scoops—Lilia, Sebek, and Silver—are blanketed by the chocolate thorns as a reference to how those three were sentenced to sleep.
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mouschiwrites · 4 months
Hiiiii! <3 been scrolling through your Ninjago masterlist and I saw there was no HC/drabble/fanfic about a reader who has a culture (or I'm just blind and didn't see it T~T ) anywho, it made me think....I hadn't seen any head cannon of reader x ninja (+ pixal my baby✨) who the reader had a Portuguese culture (and I'm just deprived to see no Portuguese babies in there).
Just the basic stuff like speaking the language, or the food? The habit? I don't know how to explain but it's not something really in research or deep, just the basic stuff.
Here some ideas to help ya if you got no idea ! <3 :
-men usually shake hands with men as a greeting
-we usually smile to anyone and anything in politeness
-We do small talks with anyone, also a sign of politeness
- family events are a somewhat must
-we like to dress nicely (sometimes fancy) to meet family
-PDA is appreciated and somewhat encouraged in public
Also, if you feel like you can't write it because it's too complicated, ten thank you for reading! ✨
Of course!!! I really hope this turned out okay ^^ I’ll admit that I didn’t really know too much about this culture beforehand, so please let me know if I’ve gotten anything wrong!! It was fun to do research though, super interesting stuff!!
Ninjago - Ninjas With a Portuguese s/o
He LOVES hanging out with your family
Ever since he reconciled with his dad, he’s realized just how important family is
So of course he admires your family’s closeness!
Whenever you invite him along to a family function, he’s already putting on his shoes and a nice button-up shirt
He makes sure that you approve of his clothes before you leave
He has an okay sense of fashion, but he just wants to make sure his outfit isn’t inappropriate for the occasion or anything
He’s always super careful to make sure he doesn’t offend your family
Sometimes it’s kind of cute to watch him balk or scramble to correct himself
Even your family finds it amusing
Of course, he’s never actually said something offensive, but he’s still super cautious
He also just tries to have fun and get along with your family!
They adore him ofc, he’s the perfect balance between respectful and friendly
As time goes on, they start to ask where Cole is when you show up to family gatherings alone
You have to explain that sometimes he just can’t make it, especially because of his ninja responsibilities
That’s another reason they love him btw; he has the coolest stories
And he’s a great listener to their stories in return! :)
He is ALL OVER the PDA thing
He’s a very physically affectionate person, whether he likes to admit it or not
Actually, it was you and your family that helped him realize this
Of course he likes being affectionate with you, but he learns to be affectionate with others too
It started when one of your friends/family members gave him a hug
He was really stiff and awkward at first, but after it was over he realized how warm and fuzzy he felt
From then on he was hooked
He immediately transformed into this super affectionate person
Not just with your family/friends, either; he starts being super affectionate to his family/friends too
The other ninjas tease him about it at first, but he doesn’t care
He’ll hold hands, hug, sit shoulder-to-shoulder, anything that involves touch
He just LOVES being able to show his affection like that!! So much easier than words
(I headcanon that he’s not very good with words when it comes to showing love)
And he loves having the favor returned! (By you or your family/friends)
Makes him feel accepted :)
Congrats, you’ve found a way to finally validate our anxious boy
Honestly he might get a bit carried away with it, so beware
Zane’s more of an explicit learner than an implicit one when it comes to social culture
(Meaning he can’t really pick up on cues; you’ll have to verbalize things)
So you’ll have to explain your culture to him
But he really loves hearing you talk about it!!
His eyes literally sparkle while you speak
For one, because no one’s ever done him the favor of actually explaining social culture
But also because he can see how important it is to you, and he thinks you’re positively lovely when you’re impassioned
He’ll remember every word, and do his best to practice what you preach
Sometimes it comes off as mechanical or forced (it kind of is), but he gets the hang of it the more he practices
And he’s eager to get practice, which means…
More family time!!
Though it does make him nervous, he likes being around your family so he can practice your teachings and learn more
Your family probably thinks he’s a little odd, but he’s got the right spirit
Being accepted by them would be so validating for him… like all his hard work paid off
AND he’d be close to the people who are important to you!! Double win
He’s another one who really likes being physically affectionate
He’s a huge cuddle bug; this we know
So when he learns that he can hug your friends/family too, not just you, he takes the opportunity
(He still loves you the most, of course, he just likes showing others some love)
It’s mainly the hugs that he likes
Hand holding is a bit uncomfortable when it’s not you, but he won’t reject a hand he’s offered
Cheek kisses are great though :]
He always gets this dorky shy smile whenever someone (especially you) kisses him on the cheek, even if it’s just a greeting/goodbye
It takes everything in him not to giggle like a schoolgirl when he gives one back (for the first little while, anyway)
At first he was a bit awkward giving kisses back, but he warms up to the practice pretty quickly
He used to be just a cuddle bug in private, but by the time you’re done with him he casually practices PDA like it’s nothing
I’m going to be so honest with you rn. He is going to struggle with the politeness thing
As much as he tries to be cordial and put things gently, if he’s mad that’s all going out the window
If, for whatever reason, you or your friend/family member sets him off, he’s not going to waste his energy on being nice
Cold stares and crossed arms are the least of it; consider yourself lucky if that’s what he does
At the worst…. Be ready to hold this man back
This is pretty rare though, he does try really hard to stay positive
On the topic of trying hard, though, he’s really worried about your family liking him
He knows how important they are to you and he wants to be liked by them
So he’ll always try his hardest to control his temper and follow their polite customs
Unfortunately you will have to be the outfit police when it comes to family gatherings, though
His idea of “nice clothes” is very different from the actual definition
Like, you’re expecting a nice button up and slacks, then he comes out in a tank top and varsity jacket and jeans ripped like he got into a motorcycle crash
He is devastated to learn that, no Kai, those are not appropriate clothes
He’ll still change though, dw
And he’ll be happy about it if/when one of your family members compliments his outfit :)
Ohhh man….. she LOVES learning about your culture
She wants to know all the details
And she’ll go beyond what you tell her; she’ll do her own research
She’s super eager to test out what she’s learned
She impresses your family first try
Especially because she’s so eager to listen to them
She grows really close with your family, and she secretly starts to consider them an extension of hers
Totally not because she was raised with little to no actual family
She will cry if they start to think the same of her
It might be a little weird for you, with her being so enthusiastic to partake in your customs, but she’ll cut back if you let her know it’s weird
She’s just so excited to learn, especially about something that involves you :(
And she’ll be happy to teach you about her culture in return!
(I headcanon that she’s Chinese :) so if you’re interested she’s glad to share)
Overall she’s just super enthusiastic and supportive regarding your culture!!
She will fight anyone who isn’t
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Thank you for this request!! And thanks so much for reading, take care doves <33
(divider by saradika)
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psshaw · 1 year
Now I'm curious. What sort of art do you mean by "cynically crafted, redundant artwork?" This isn't said as judgment, or a gotcha, by the way. I have my own dislikes, I wonder how we match up in the sort of stuff we're bored by.
No gotcha taken!
Let’s see. My relationship to art is very me-focused. I got into art because I saw it as a way to express myself and communicate, especially back when normal socializing was confusing and hard. It’s how I say “I’m here, I’m me, my art is loud as fuck because there’s a theater kid trapped inside my body, deal with it”.
The great thing about being around artists, to me, is to see what THEY have to say about THEMSELVES through art. This is what made early webcomics so delicious. One person’s id on paper.
More and more, I’ve run into people who overtly use their art to please others, to build a following or otherwise Make Number Go Up, to sell products, etc. All of these kinds of artists are interesting enough in moderation, but now it feels like almost everyone acts like this. We always knew that throwing fandom a bone every once in awhile helped people find your more passionate work, but now even guilty pleasure art seems to have been standardized, categorized, and otherwise flattened out. Everything is about consuming or being consumed. I see very little playing just to PLAY. Very little drawing 100% for yourself and sharing only in case one person appreciates it. It’s harder than ever to escape the feeling that you have to perform for somebody. Be accessible, #relatable, and the accepted degree of grimy at all times. Is that really what you came to this world to do? I know for a fact that I came here to talk shit.
So to me, cynical art is art that pays too much attention to how to catch eyes and blow up. I’ve felt the “oh no this will be too niche and narrative for anyone to like!” self-limiting instinct before, and it feels like hell, so I never want to encourage it. Usually I do this by avoiding fandom in general, which works out because media products made by paid teams are not very interesting to me anyway. The other reason it works is where “redundant” comes in— I don’t need to keep seeing the same portrait of a cartoon character standing still and possibly in a funny t-shirt or reciting lines from a meme. I want to see YOU. Not the video games and TV shows you watch!! Beautiful wriggling horrible horny weird idiosyncratic Y O U
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tremendum · 11 months
I love love LOVE the way you writte. Can you give us some tips for writting good smut? It's been years I read fics (I'm 23 now, may as well have started when I was 14) and its rare to find good stuff like yours
thank you bb !! id be happy to give you some of the tips i consider when writing :) ur too kind i appreciate it so much <3 tips below the cut & please feel free to add on!
dialogue is your friend. dialogue keeps readers interested and is a great way to make a story unique!!!! i alwaysssss start smuts by bulleting certain bits of dialogue that i want to see in my fics. it helps with keeping your characters in character if that makes sense.
i honestly tend to use personal experiences for a lot of writing especially with smut, whether it’s bits of dialogue or things that i’ve actually experienced, so that i can recall the way i reacted (and imagine how someone else may react). it just makes the writing much more authentic.
going along with the aforementioned, i always try to think about how i’d really react to dialogue or a certain scenario and use that to apply it to my fic so that it’s not robotic - this goes for plots, too. try to make it at least somewhat realistic!
ok so songs help so much with mood setting. so if you find some songs that you resonate with, listen to them and pull inspiration from the lyrics/music/ feelings you get!! i promise you will not b disappointed and neither will readers
this is just a writing thing that i was always told but SHOW don’t TELL! that means for smut too - just stating something sexual is not nearly as pleasant as describing emotions or sensations or using metaphors/similes to show what is happening. paint a picture. make a movie. how does their body react? breathing/hands/face/voice? heart?
following off my last point. scene building: honestly, this is probably more of a fault of mine bc my smuts are never less than 3k but i genuinely believe that the best way to write good smut is to build the world (what do they see, what do they feel, smell, what time of day/weather, what’s their mood, etc.) and make sure there’s enough room for imagination for your readers while creating the setting.
i also try my very hardest (and still need to work on it) to avoid specific physical descriptions of the reader if it’s a self insert. this is obviously for inclusivity - small things like wording, phrasing, all small things a writer may not think about (like describing a reader as turning red - not all people turn red over their skin color when they blush!!!) this also imo is good for clothing bc not only is everyone’s style different but also everyone’s body is built different and it’s easier to include everyone if you avoid specific descriptions :) it’s hard to do because i often picture someone similar to me (as i’ve mentioned above) but not everybody looks like me and it’s very important to make sure everyone has equal access to all your beautiful writing!!
also PLS PLS i encourage readers and writers and lurkers to expand on any of these ideas and please leave me some tips!! i’m always looking to improve my writing :)
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batbigbang · 9 months
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Bat Big Bang: Playboy Therapy
Author: @iwantapettiger Artist(s): @trekkele
Rating: Explicit Ao3 Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationship(s): Lex Luthor/Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent & Bruce Wayne, Batfamily Members & Bruce Wayne Key Characters: Bruce Wayne, Lex Luthor Summary: Bruce Wayne has been benched following an injury. After completing his backlog of work, he escapes the overprotective eyes of his family by pursuing a mystery in Metropolis. Namely, a reformed Lex Luthor, recently returned to the public eye. Luthor's quiet new image is at odds with the LexCorp technology found in the possession of Harley Quinn. With Luthor's technology rivaling his own, the only way to get close is physically. Something his playboy persona is very good at. With all this time away from Gotham someone might think Bruce is avoiding it… Word Count: 63,039
Author’s Notes: I’ve been writing fanfics for a long time and recently gathered up the courage to try to properly post them. I saw the challenge and decided to interact with others in the community and force myself to focus on publishing a work in full. I decided on this one as I had quite a bit of material. Most importantly I really wanted to see Lex/Bruce art. Rikki/Trekkle, the amazing artist I was paired with, has provided! I ended up finally having my own fanfic author moment where a bunch of personal stuff happened but I still really had to write this fic. The kind mod team and Trekkle have been very understanding and I appreciate it so much. Having the art to look at has given me motivation to work on the longest thing I have ever written. It was far more difficult than I expected, as I don’t usually publish, editing is an unfamiliar skill. It’s taught me a lot about where I can improve. I hope that publishing this will encourage me to publish more work so that I can become a better writer. Here’s to the five other people in the Lex/Bruce tag!
Artist’s Notes: I had such a good time working with this fic, which is an absolutely delightful tangle of identity porn and unexpected character development and fantastic plot work. I wanted to incorporate as much as I could of the reactions around Bruce and Lex, which were so much fun to read, into my art for this fic, and a comic page felt like it could really catch that relationship developing over time. And since Bruce flirts his way into a corner with Lex, which is a very Cher-in-Clueless move, a mock rom-com poster felt like the obvious choice for this fic. Tigoon was such a dream to work with, I had a great time reading their fic and trying to guess what happens next. 
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tinybitsubby · 1 year
You have described yourself as "NOT a masochist" but enjoying rough (often very rough) sex. You have described your Husband as not only a Dom but a sadist as well. This is very similar to my relationship.
How does one balance the desire to [consensually] inflict pain on someone who is not completely wired to receive it? Conversely, how far will/do you let him go before limits kick in? Is that limit based on your desire to please or your personal, physical limit?
I have been with masochists before and the flow was very natural and easy. But with someone who is also self described as "not a masochist" AND me being a sadist who would not want to hurt anyone outside of a BDSM consensual agreement, I sometime find myself treading especially carefully.
Any thoughts are appreciated.
Hi Anon. I’m glad you wish to tread carefully! I want to give a thoughtful answer. Before I get to your question, I feel I should define my husband and myself a little better for clarity’s sake.
I say I’m not a masochist because I don’t enjoy the actual sensation of pain. I do however really enjoy that my trusted partner is either turned on or finds some other positive from inflicting those sensations on me when he knows he’s making me uncomfortable . For whatever reason, it’s the ‘he likes that I don’t like this’ that I enjoy. Does that technically fall on the masochist spectrum? Maybe??? It depends on which definition you’re working with. I’m just not a pain puppy. I don’t dream of physical pain and I don’t get off from the actual sensations of pain.
Now for the Hubs. Another writer used the term “sensual sadist” on here before and I feel that applies to him. If there were a sadist spectrum he’d be Sadist Light. He doesn’t desire to push me to see how much pain I can/will take for him. He does enjoy taking his pleasure from me in ways that are emotionally complex for me (us?). I get the great subby feelings that feed my soul, he lets loose the sexual side of his dominance. He does seem to be growing and exploring this side of himself. I wrote in another post that he’d probably have trouble answering the question “Do you like face/throat fucking me so hard that it hurts me?”. I wrote that I assumed my sweet hubby would struggle with how he feels about it, but I asked him the question a week or two ago and he answered with “YES”. I must admit I really liked his emphatic answer.
Ok, now that you understand us a little better, I’ll try to answer your question. For us, the balance is struck from years of growing into this together. He’s not the kind of sadist that simply wants me to suffer more and more for him. (There’s no judgement here for other types of sadists.) He has studied my immediate and long term reactions to the uncomfortable and painful. We have awkward conversations about us each being happy I hurt for him. He cares about my pleasure a great deal and has done an AMAZING job at exploring what feels good to him, turns him on, fits inside my pain tolerance, feeds my subby heart, and brings us closer together.
In our situation, our desires just seem to line up. We lucked out on that one. He hasn’t expressed any interest to explore inflicting more pain on me. If he did, I’m sure we’d talk it out a lot. I’d do my best to give him whatever I’m capable of. In our relationship, he does have the freedom to explore and push a bit, safeword at the ready. I’ve told him many times that I’d rather be in a situation where we need to talk about maybe reeling in a certain activity or intensity level than for him to ever feeling unable to express himself and explore. I encourage him to try new things and he welcomes honest feedback. I guess that last sentence might be the takeaway here.
I fear our situation may not be of much help to you, sorry about that. We’re all so different when it comes to this stuff, but I suppose there’s always something we can learn from each other.
Again, it’s good that you know yourself and want to tread carefully.
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ohgodmyeyes · 5 months
thanks for answering my question! 🩷 i would never want to shame people for their kinks even if i don’t understand them (i myself have some strange kinks), and you explained it super well :)
when i say ‘morbid’ and ‘dark’, it’s mostly because all i’ve seen from it is (in the media) real life people having been groomed into it and then they’re stuck being such a heavy weight and it makes them miserable (and also, death feederism). SO i wanted to know if it’s not always like that, that it’s not to be associated with that side of it.
i’m happy to know it’s not always like that, especially as a slightly bigger person myself (and having always been insecure about it), it would break my heart if it’s just a fetishisation of hurting fat people.
so i really appreciated your explanation to know it is not! also, love your fics as well!! and i hope you have a great day 💕
oh wow, thank you for getting back to me! rest assured i didn't feel at all shamed by your question (and i'm thrilled you didn't take offence to my answer).
i actually think you and i largely agree on what constitutes dark & morbid ... because when a relationship based heavily on power dynamics turns abusive or suffers a communication breakdown, the consequences can be pretty catastrophic. no one should ever feel that they "have" to maintain a certain physical attribute to make a relationship work, and dominant partners who encourage real-world dependency have a serious responsibility to uphold. a dom/sub relationship is, functionally, a marriage — with (ideally) all of the obligations and protections that entails.
that being said, i strongly believe that anyone who outright abandons a dependant or disabled partner is a straight-up piece of shit, circumstances notwithstanding. i also think that it shouldn't be as difficult as it currently is for people with mobility issues and health problems to lead dignified lives. it shouldn't matter how or why someone needs that kind of help, just that they get it when they need it.
the most unique, enticing, interesting, damning thing about this kink is that by indulging it, a person has the potential to put themselves in a vulnerable, socially disadvantageous position. i wouldn't recommend anyone without strong financial security, good health insurance, and a strong & tolerant social network engage in feeder/feedee relationship... especially if they're open to it getting as intense as we all know it can get.
again, though, that's good advice for people getting into all kinds of relationships; the only thing that really differentiates feedees from other submissive partners is their high visibility... which kind of also raises the question of whether fat & feeding fetishes would be what they are in the first place outside the context of a fatphobic society. it's kind of like asking what heterosexual marriage would be like in the absence of misogyny: we just can't know; we've never been blessed with the opportunity.
which is, essentially, why i would mostly rather enjoy my feeding kink from a distance/with anakin/through a lens coloured by fantasy. i've joked before that i write these stories so my husband doesn't choke on cake batter, and while that does make me giggle, there's a deep, underlying truth to it: because like i said before, sex and relationships are inexorably connected for me — and loving someone means actually loving them... even if they change physically over time, whether that's by choice or by happenstance.
that means that if i love someone, i'm going to love them exactly the same whether they weigh 100lb or 600lb... thus taking some of the 'edge' off of the feedism stuff, i guess, and mostly relegating it to imaginationland.
i hate that you or me or anyone else has ever had cause to feel insecure about their size; it's a symptom of a really deep sickness that has no place in a functioning society. i can't help the kinds of bodies i'm viscerally attracted to, but that doesn't give me the right to put myself in a position of power over the people who occupy them, especially given the backwards nature of the world we live in. i'm old and i've been all kinds of sizes, and i can confirm that folks are fucking stupid about it — so i more than understand a degree of suspicion directed at anything perceived to be hurting a group of people who frankly don't need any more crap.
i kinda want to say some stuff about death feedism but this answer is already long enough, and that's kind of its own weird thing by itself, not that i haven't fantasized about anakin in that position
honestly, i can't thank you enough for giving me such ample opportunity to share my thoughts, and for being so kind/generous about sharing yours. because at the end of the day i get what you're saying, and it's kind of a relief to know that we seem to agree on what constitutes healthy human interaction.
sometimes i worry about people, but talking to you about this has been really nice — and really heartening, in a way i think i probably needed.
thank you again, stop by any time!! :))
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regallibellbright · 1 year
Hirogaru Sky thoughts:
1) Shoutouts to the bird rider who drops Sora off but is like “I am not paid enough to stick around while the castle’s under attack, you’re on your own there lady.” That’s reasonable and we respect this.
2) Sora. She’s great. She fights even as a civilian. SHE’S BLUE. But aside from that fact, like that they made it clear even from the first episode that yeah, despite the fearless going forward stuff she is SCARED, and her notebook is clearly aspirational.
3) I also like the clear implication that her mom (or someone she looks up to at least) was the inspiration for her to be a hero per the OP, and then she’s clearly inspiring Mashiro to be heroic herself.
4) Speaking of the OP, the homage shots are a nice touch, and continue separating the team into the Sky + Prism, Wing + Butterfly duos. It definitely seems like we’ll be getting Wing and Butterfly later on, and honestly I’m cool with that it’ll be nice to have a duo for a bit. (Dare I hope for a shared transformation, or at least them sharing a bit in the opening there? Let them make a heart with their hands during the transformation, Toei. Let them hold hands. It’s been too long.)
5) I’m pretty sure we already knew Mashiro’s civilian look but seriously she just does not stop looking like a Sylveon gijinka, and I love this as a design aesthetic.
6) You know for another baby season... especially when IMO they didn’t really do anything particularly interesting with Kome-Kome’s transformations because she’d change them so quickly, cough cough... Ellee is pretty unintrusive despite spending the whole episode as a macguffin. Do appreciate that Sora straight-up does not seem to fully realize or care that this small child is a princess with magical powers. She is a hero, heroes rescue babies from being kidnapped.
7) “Oh, this is a dream. Nice to meet you dream girl!” is just cute. Surprised in a neutral way they didn’t go for the mutual crash into each other-head bonk, but I suppose that does seem more dangerous when the bonkees are all human. Not encouraging kids to headbutt each other and all that. Fair enough.
8) The transformation sequence. It’s so GOOD. The cape pull bit is particularly cool-looking, and I’m hoping that final bit with all the parts of the costume side-by-side is going to eventually be filled with each Cure the way Tropical Rouge did for the makeup calls. (Including the midseason Cure, since there are five of those.) In general too just the kinetic nature of it’s a delight. I always enjoy that.
9) And she seems to power down very quickly after the threat’s done, interesting. Wonder if it’s something about the power being exhausted or what.
10) The end sequence. Touched on it in the tags last post but that bit with them in the pages of the notebook in particular is really nice, and I’m admittedly more than a little disappointed that we change backdrops so often. It’s fun, though, the rainbow flying in from different angles at the end is nice, and seeing them in motion really does make details like Butterfly’s back bows pop a bit more.
OH ONE MORE THING I FORGOT: Kaboton’s genre-savviness is fun. I enjoy the “what kind of idiot stops because the people chasing him ask him to?” and calling Mashiro a side character... though of course, we know she’s not... and immediately deciding that yeah, if Sora’s a hero, that makes him her nemesis and so he will swear to come back and kill her even after he gets Ellee. If he leaves her around she’s a threat. In general the tone of this episode - and the fights in particular - seems a bit different from the last few seasons. They’re clearly mixing things up for the anniversary (BLUE LEAD! BOY CURE! YOUNG ADULT CURE!) so I wouldn’t be surprised if this IS a deliberate choice as well, but I admit I’ve also only seen a handful of seasons and most of them are recent, so it could easily just be me thinking this because I’ve only seen the last three in full. (Still need to finish a la Mode, I’ll get through it eventually.)
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shellsweet · 1 year
Soo. After hearing that you would really be willing to become an artist at IDW for the TMNT series, which yes , you clearly have the talent for it and we would be extremely excited to see something new and refreshing on this series when it comes to the art as well to get more fans to work whit those guys , becose, boy, oh boy , ther is a lot of great potentially out there who they can use for the future , I wonderd..
Do you wana be an writer as well if ghiven the chance?
And one last question, related to something a little different .
What was your opinion for issue 3 and 4 of the Alliance issues?
Those 2 in particular , lets say ,were of major interest to fans and I wanted to see what you thot about them.
PS. Sophie did a bit of throw back in issue 4 to the 2003 series, which makes sens ,seeing that was its 20th anniversary. Did you see it ?😁
I seriously appreciate all the kind words! It’s super encouraging for me to keep at it with networking and pumping out more stuff! Hopefully I’ll get there one day. But know that I’m definitely trying! Been trying for awhile now!
I’m not much of a writer but I love the process! If anything I love being in a space to brainstorm ideas out to come up with story pitches or explore character development or interactions, just to help flesh out stories or characters in general. Is there a job for that? 🤔
The last few issues of Alliance have been very good which I honestly wasn’t expecting, thinking that the main juicy bits were going to be in the armageddon game issues. But I’m insanely happy to see IDW Donatello especially being challenged with Venus now being involved! I’ve been waiting for them to focus more on the turtles since they’re always being thrown in bigger than life adventures or battles. The latest issue might be one of my top favorites!
If you mean the little note! I did! The idw comics does a fantastic job throwing in little nods for all the iterations! You never know who or what is gonna pop up! ❤️
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jayflrt · 2 years
hey!! hope you’re doing well, i’ve really been enjoying your fics :) i kind of have a random question; what are your thoughts on the “reblog to like ratio” discourse that’s been going on here on tumblr? personally i have some opinions on it but they don’t really match with the majority of what i’ve seen haha. so i’m curious about what your thoughts are? like do you think writers are entitled to reblogs and comments?
hihi anon !! 💘💘 thank you for supporting my fics ! and i hope you’re having a great day/night love :’) ooo hmm i’ve definitely seen conversations about that going around 😵‍💫 i’ll put the rest of my answer under the cut since it sort of got long 🤧
i do agree that interaction is a factor of encouragement for a lot of people and it can be discouraging when you pour your heart into a fic and don’t get the engagement you anticipated. however, i do think we should be realistic about how well content does in certain fandoms. for example, smaus and headcanons/reactions seem to do a lot better in enhablr than long fics. with tumblr in general, a lot of readers seem to prefer smut over fluff. btw i’m not saying people don’t like other genres like crime or mystery or something, but from what i see smut gets a lot more engagement
and there’s also other factors as to why engagement might be slow. maybe your readers are just too busy to read at the moment, maybe the certain trope/plot you’ve written isn’t their cup of tea — it honestly just comes down to personal preference
i used to write on wattpad and i’m ngl i feel like the interaction there was worse (and kind of negative) so tumblr is kind of a dream LMFAO and also ngl i never thought of my like to reblog ratio until i saw posts about it and stuff. i don’t rlly mind it tho bc the reblogs and comments and asks are very very sweet. tumblr does have an odd algorithm where only reblogs are how you spread posts across other blogs, and that’s why i use my likes as bookmarks instead :’)
i do see that across most platforms tho, like tweets will have more likes than retweets and wattpad books will have more votes than comments sometimes. so i do encourage people to reblog more for that exposure, but i also feel like the criteria changes each time i see a post LOL like i’ve seen posts going from “don’t just like, reblog the post” to “don’t reblog with just tags” to “don’t just reblog with one comment and keysmashes.” i will say when you place these expectations on your readers, it becomes hard to enjoy what you’re writing and to appreciate the praise you do receive
i used to be a silent reader around 2019-2020 and now i do enjoy leaving extensive commentary on fics if you see my fic recs blog, but i also can only really do it with long fics :o if it’s a smau/drabble/timestamp/reaction, then i sort of just read it and don’t have much to say yk? i feel like that’s the same for a lot of people as well, especially on enhablr when that seems to be a lot of the content
i’m not sure if “entitled” is the right word for reblogging and commenting. i do encourage readers to reblog and comment on content they like !! since we’re all putting out free content tho, we gotta keep in mind that readers are not expected to read all of our works in the same way that we’re not obligated to write for others. i also respect that some people like to curate their own blog’s content. like yeah blog aesthetic whatever — i make multiple side blogs for that reason. we can’t be entitled to reblogs but not allow our readers to be entitled to having their blogs be the way they want yk ??
i’m sure people have other opinions on this so i hope this didn’t come off in an aggressive way or anything !! and i’m sorry for rambling on for so long omg 😭 ofc i’m always open to other perspectives on this matter as well 💗
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jaybakernyc · 2 years
Have Yourself...(Part 1)
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WHO:  Seblaine, Blam, Huntjay, and the New York New Directions and Warblers
WHERE: The Upper West Side of Manhattan
WHAT:  Sam, Catie, Blaine, Hunter, Jay, and various Ohio glee club alumni go Christmas caroling. Hunter grows somewhat uncomfortable, Jay and Blaine are  even more so. Their last stop reunites Seblaine’s hearts. Part 1. 
Jay had a small, content smile on his face as he made his way to Hunter and Catie’s corner of the American Museum of Natural History. He couldn’t remember ever having a more relaxed, happy Christmas season. Emblematic of this was the fact that, Hunter, who did not have close friendships, had agreed to go caroling. It was another one of the sweet surprises about this man who Jay loved so much.
Jay was looking forward to spending more time with Sam and Catie, too. His interactions with them had been in passing, but they both seemed great and Jay hope he could help broker a closer relationship between Hunter and both of them.
Also, Jay was looking forward to possibly seeing and even talking to Blaine Anderson. He would never betray his ex’s highly guarded privacy, but he felt in his gut that Sebastian was in love with Blaine all over again and might need some support to try again with him. Maybe Jay might glean a few encouraging nuggets about or from Blaine to bring back to Sebastian. His ex’s mood was very up and down lately, which was a shame, especially during the holidays.
When Jay came into Hunter’s office, he found it empty. His boyfriend’s  coat was still there, so Hunter must be in the mens room. Jay walked the few steps to Catie’s office and found Sam and Catie with their coats on, ready to go.
“Hi,” he said cheerfully.
“Hey, Jay!” Sam said with his big friendly smile. They paused a little awkwardly before Sam said humorously, “Yeah, I think we’ve leveled up to a bro-hug. Bring it in!” He opened his arms and Jay smiled broadly and gave him a bear hug, patted him on the back.
“You’re not a big hugger,” Jay said with an easy smile for Catie. “We don’t have to hug.”
Catie looked amused. “Where’s Hunt?”
“Mens room, I’m guessing? His coat is still here.” Hunter had stepped out to use the restroom before Jay arrived and they joined Catie, Sam, and Blaine on an evening of caroling.  He hadn't sang outloud with a group of people like this in a long time; he hadn't participated in any of the drunken karaoke the weekend of the Ivy opening celebrations. He wasn't expecting to walk out of his stall and to find Blaine already at the sink, washing his hands.
"Hello Blaine," Hunter said with a nod at his reflection in the mirror.
Blaine looked up, startled, but recognizing the voice immediately.  "Oh, hello Hunter."
"Thanks for letting Jay and I crash your caroling with Sam and Catie.  Jay is really excited, and I haven't really sung in forever," Hunter explained as he walked over and started washing his hands.
Blaine looked a little awkward.  "Yeah, no, the more the merrier right?"
Hunter nodded, this time it was his turn to be a little awkward.  "I appreciate it.  Like I said, Jay is looking forward to it."
Blaine turned, grabbing some paper towel and drying his hands.  "Sam says, well, I suppose it's Catie says, that you really like Jay."
Hunter ducked his head and rubbed at the back of his neck.  "That's putting it mildly, but yeah.  I do."
Blaine smiled genuinely at the show of emotion from Hunter.  He could sort of see what Sam had said about Hunter being different.  "Still, I'm sorry about you and Sebastian."
Hunter looked up at Blaine.  "Thank you.  I appreciate that.  It was kind of a shock, to me, but it really was, or, is for the best. "  He cleared his throat.  "In that vein, I was hoping we could call a bit of a truce.  For Catie.  And for Sam.  And for S--stuff.   Catie seems to really like Sam, and I don't know that I've ever seen her so happy.  I don't want to be part of something that puts strain on what's making her happy, you know?" Blaine looked at Hunter and nodded.  "I agree.  Sam was a little down for a bit, and it's nice to see him with his spark again.  I think Catie is really good for him."
Hunter grinned.  "That's just who Catie is.  She is good for me, here, at work.  She became my first friend here in the city outside of Sebastian, and his friends."  He looked down.   "I'm sorry about you and Kurt.  But you seem to be doing okay, yeah?"
Blaine chuckled.  "I am.  The best that I've done after a break up with Kurt, so that is something."  He nodded his head and smiled.  "This is going to be fun, and good.  We know that you and Sam, and I, can all sing and harmonize, so it'll be great."
Hunter laughed, a deep hearty chuckle.  "You might be over estimating my skills at this point.  But we should get back to them before they go off without us."
Blaine laughed too, and nodded his head, following Hunter to his and Catie's offices.
"Hey there, look who I found in the mens room," Hunter said as he entered, eyes lighting up as he saw Jay was already there.  He walked over to his boyfriend and wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pressed a kiss to his temple.  "Hey you," Hunter whispered to Jay. Jay's face softened at the sight of Hunter and his brows lifted at the sight of Blaine. He gave them both a sweet smile as Hunter crossed the room, saying to Blaine. "Hi Blaine! It's been awhile..." he said. He wasn't even sure Blaine remembered his name but he gave him a kind, knowing look. “i’m Jay, Sebastian’s friend? We met at your store.” His eyes conveyed  that he wasn't denying what had happened between Sebastian and Blaine. He just wasn't going to get into it at the moment. He leaned into Hunter's hug and the kiss. "Hi, Baby," he whispered.
Sam had been bent over his his phone, checking off who else would be meeting them. "Santana, Britt, Tina, Cam, Nick, Jeff, and David," he said under his breath. Then he looked up, his smile wide. "Ok!" He  clapped his hands. "Everyone else is meeting us at the hospital! Let's go!"
The group moved down the hall and down the stairs. Jay's arm was hooked in Hunter's but it wasn't long before Catie tugged at Hunter's other arm. She was asking Hunter a work-related question, so Jay let go of Hunter and dropped back behind them, which brought him in step to Blaine Anderson. Blaine smiled, recognizing Jay immediately and he looked over at Sam, wondering if Sam didn't recognize or remember him from that day in the store.  "Hi!" he waved, not wanting to pull the new couple out of their quasi embrace.  "It's nice to meet you and put a name to the face."   Blaine couldn't help but smile softly at the two, immediately understanding right away what Sam, and Catie, had said about Jay and Hunter.   He wondered if Kurt and Dave would be like that too.    As Sam named off his list, Blaine visibly brightened.  "Yay, David.  --- Wait, Warbler David right, not my ex David?  Because for a moment I was afraid it was going to be third, or eleventh wheeling it as it is."
Blaine fell behind, letting the two couples lead the way, but Catie soon was tugging on Hunter's arm and before he knew it, Jay had let go of Hunter and was falling in step with him.  He swallowed his nerves and lowered his voice so they wouldn't be overheard.   "I'm really sorry for stalking you on social media.  I really should have known better."
Hunter grinned as Jay called him baby.  It wasn't a name he would have expected to like but from Jay it worked.  Because Hunter trusted Jay was going to take care of him, and for the first time, Hunter actually wanted that, and wasn't going to fight or push back on it.  They walked arm and arm through the museum, like they did many a time, until Catie tugged on his other arm to ask him something about work.  Hunter pouted slightly as Jay pulled away and then a few moments later, Hunter checked over his shoulder to see Jay walking in step with Blaine.  Hunter shook his head with a smile.
Hunter looked at Sam.  "Careful Evans, or you might loose your bestie.  As Sebastian always says, everyone loves Jay." Jay nodded and smiled back at Blaine, relieved that they had started on the right foot.
“Yep, Warbler David, and Nick and Jeff, oh and my friend Susie (you remember, the P.E. teacher at my school)?” Sam called good-naturedly to Blaine from across the room. “You are definitely not the only el-lobo-solo.”
Catie came over and bumped Blaine's shoulder. "If he doesn't  stop speaking Spanish I'll eleventh wheel with you," she said with a smirk.
Jay wasn’t sure that he’d heard Blaine correctly as they began walking together. “I’m sorry? Uh, I didn’t think…or know... You were.” He looked into Blaine's beautiful eyes and added reassuringly, "Whatever it was, it's okay. Sebastian's told me a little about the...complicated relationship you guys have had." He wished he could say so much more, but he stopped there.
Hunter interrupted them and Jay's face lit up with a sweet smile at his boyfriend's teasing.
Sam looked backwards and answered Hunter's teasing with a jovial tone. "Nah, Blam is bulletproof. And we just keep adding on. We were Blam, then we became Blamtina. So now we'll just become Blamjaytina!"
Jay leaned forward to give Hunter's arm a small squeeze before he turned his attention back to Blaine. "Sam's so great. He said you've known him since high school, and so have a lot of the people coming tonight?  That's so great, I only keep in touch with a couple of people from high school. But Seb and I are good about keeping our college friends connected. " Blaine rolled his eyes playfully.  "Nick and Jeff are like you and I, meaning they qualify as a couple if they don't have an s.o. around.  And then Susie and David?  I am still the odd man out," he countered playfully.  "You're lucky I love Christmas so much."  He grinned at Catie and winked.  "Sounds like a plan to me."
Hunter laughed.  "They are very, very close.  And in that enviable easy way."
Blaine turned his attention back to Jay.  "Oh, now I feel embarrassed.  But that message I sent you, anyhow, I guess it doesn't matter."  He chuckled softly.  "Yeah, complicated."  Emotions threatened to take over so Blaine looked away, blinking his eyes rapidly and taking a breath, hoping to keep them at bay.
Blaine was so grateful for Sam and how inclusive he was.  "Might as well go big or go home and go Blamtiehuntjaycamtina."   He watched Jay with Hunter and it made him smile.    Hunter was definitely different from the boy he remembered.  And different even, in a way then he had been the last few times recently that Blaine had crossed his path.
He shook himself from his thoughts as Jay spoke to him again.  "Yes.  We met when I left Dalton to go to McKinley to be with Kurt, my ex.  And even though Sam was Kurt's friend first, and even lived with his family, he and I are really the friendship that stuck.  Actually Tina was Kurt's friend first too.  Opps.  I never thought about how I took his friends away like that."   Blaine raised his eyebrows at Jay.  "So when someone (s) stole the New Directions National trophy, I went back to Dalton alone, to get it back.  After charming me into a Blazer again, and a song, I left, without the trophy.  Sam went back with me the second time, to steal it back.  In our alter ego costumes I might add.  Sam is definitely my ride or die." Blaine nodded.  "Our high school group still remains incredibly close."  He wondered if it was in part because of Finn.  "We just keep adding people to it.  One big happy, if somewhat dysfunctional, family.  Welcome."  He offered Jay a smile.  "Anyone who doesn't really know Sebastian might be surprised that he is in part responsible for keeping a group of friends together."  It went unspoken that it wasn't a surprise to Blaine.
Hunter's eyes glinted mischievously as he turned around.  "Your alter ego costumes... I forgot what dorks you were," he teased.  "It was embarrassing to be bested by someone in tights, a cape and a mask."  He looked at Catie then.  "I didn't know you had a thing for superheroes," Hunter teased her now.
Blaine laughed at Hunter's teasing before he turned to Jay when Hunter was focused on Catie and Sam again.  "I never knew him well, but he is different with you."  Once again memories struck Blaine and he was glad as he spotted the hospital and some of the others. When Blaine brought up direct messaging something clicked in Jay's memory and he vaguely remembered Blaine had messaged him  - after the museum? Yes, he'd been uncomfortable about it, and had redirected Blaine to Sebastian. His blue eyes widened as he remembered. "Oh...wow, that feels like it was so long ago...I forgot...I'm sorry, I'm the one who should be embarrassed. It's just, so much has happened since then...please don't worry about it, I'm sorry if I made you feel awkward. I think that was after the Blue Diamond exhibit opening? Sebastian was upset with you then and I didn't want to make things worse. But I'm glad you two seem to be doing better. I'm not sure if Sam told you that I used to date Sebastian in college? So I know about the ups and downs dealing with him."
Sam sang back at Blaine, "Blam-tie-hunt-jay-cam-tina-expialidocious!"
Jay listened closely to the history Blaine related, giving a Blaine a small smile acknowledge that he was tracking. Clearly there was more to be said about Blaine's ex Kurt, as there usually was with all exes. He remembered Sebastian's account of the trophy steal-back, and smiled. "I heard about that," he said, with a smile. "I always rooted for you guys in that story." He wanted to add that he was also always sad for Sebastian in that story, but it felt like it would be a betrayal. Catie rolled her eyes at Hunter. "I only have eyes for the most epic superheroes..." she shouted so Sam could hear, "Sam Evans, the most nutjob superhero, ever!"
"YOUR nutjob, Babe!" Sam sang back.
Jay smiled a little bashfully, looking down at Blaine's comment, not accustomed to talking about Hunter with anyone yet. "He's wonderful with me. I'm lucky." Blaine nodded his head.  It did feel like a long time ago, but it also felt like not so long ago too.  "Yeah.  Maybe-- there was a beach trip.  There were some pictures of you, Hunter, Sebastian, maybe another guy, and a girl.  I can't even remember why... I just... yeah."  He chuckled a little at the idea of him and Sebastian being better.  Honestly Blaine kind of wished they could go back to not even really knowing they were in the same city and not crossing paths over whatever was going on now.  It was an all or nothing deal.  "Well at least we're not screaming at each other in public or snipping at each other on any kind of media.  I'm sure that's doing better, but it's a far cry from the friendship we once had."
Blaine paused, literally stopped walking when Jay mentioned dating Sebastian.  It felt jarring for some reason, even though he was sure Sam had said something.  Maybe it was the way Jay said it, maybe it was the ups and downs dealing with him.  He shook himself out of his stupor and continued walking.  "I ah, admittedly when I saw the two of you in the store with Matt and Annabelle, how are they by the way, I actually thought you and Sebastian might be a couple, and the kids were yours.  Together," Blaine admitted.  "But then... well, you were there," he said with a laugh as his cheeks flushed red.   "Although Sebastian did flirt with me right in front of Kurt all the time.  It infuriated Kurt."
Blaine was glad for Sam's comedic timing, laughing, and trying to shake memories of Sebastian.  He looked from Jay to Hunter, and back again, realizing that he was standing with two of Sebastian's boyfriends.  "Wow," he said with a shake of his head.  "Looking at the two of you, Sebastian has a type.  Not that it's a bad thing, or anything.  Or surprising.  He always had beautiful taste." Hunter had been listening slightly to the conversation going on behind him.  Worried that too much was being said he tried to intervene.  "Don't show him a picture of Marc," he joked with Jay.  He slowed and fell into step with Jay and Blaine, his arm going over Jay's shoulders.  "You're rooting for them?  I can't believe my ears.  Traitor," he teased.  Hunter pressed a kiss to Jay's temple.  "Don't listen to him Blaine.  Truth is, I'm horrible, but he puts up with me and I'm learning.  I'm the lucky one."     As he watched Catie with Sam ahead of them, and pulled his arm around Jay more Hunter also thought about how Tina was engaged, and then Seb and Blaine both were coming out of relationships while the ones around them flourished.  He wasn't a big believer in fate but sometimes things were too much of a coincidence. Jay was saddened a Blaine's words. Something in Jay's gut could tell from those words that Blaine really cared about Sebastian, maybe even as more than a friend. Actually, probably as more than a friend. Because anyone who knew Sebastian was a little in love with him, or at least had a crush on him, even if he annoyed or even tormented them.
And this was without even knowing that Sebastian was behind the love letters they'd been writing these last few months. Sebastian had let Jay read a few of the emails and they were remarkable. They were more than you usually got in person, and charming in a different way than even the most intimate conversation you might get live.
Jay looked sympathetically at Blaine. "Of course. I'm sorry."
When Blaine stopped Jay was surprised, and he stopped, too, wondering why they had halted. When Blaine continued Jay's brows raised with comprehension. He hadn't thought of that, that he and Seb and the kids looked like a little family when they came into the store.
His brow furrowed at Blaine's last comment, and he felt a badly for Blaine, who seemed increasingly awkward and uncomfortable. The right comparision would have been Blaine flirting with Sebastian in front of Jay, but Jay wasn't going to nitpick, he wished they would get off the subject all together.
Then it got worse, Blaine was kind of awkwardly objectifying Hunter and Jay, as if Sebastian dated them primarily for their looks.
Jay gave Blaine a sympathetic smile but was relieved when Hunter cut in. He smiled and shook his head slightly, trying to see the humor Hunter did. And Blaine. Blaine was trying to be funny and Jay wanted to get on board, so he did, with effort. It just hurt his heart to hear Blaine talk about Sebastian like that. He was so...wounded.  And there was so little Jay could do. "Hah," Jay chuckled. "Yeah that would prove his point." He explained to Blaine with a smile, "Marc was another one of Sebastian's boyfriends in college. Has a sexy, square jawline just like Hunter's...so yeah, maybe a type..."
Jay leaned into Hunter's kiss but he chided him for perhaps the first time since they'd started dating. "Yes, I'm rooting for them to not fight like they were in the media anymore, so they can become friends again. Beyond that, it's not my business..." He goosed Hunter's waist. "Don't mind him," he said to Blaine in a friendly tone. "He likes to tease me."
At Hunter's sweet words, he pulled Hunter back to put his arm around his waist, so his boyfriend was on one side of him and Blaine was on the other.  "You are the opposite of horrible," he whispered, looking up at Hunter lovingly. Blaine just shrugged his shoulders.  It felt difficult for him to talk to Jay about Sebastian.  Maybe it stemmed from their friendship.  Maybe it was the knowledge they’d had a romantic relationship.  Perhaps he was just a bit bitter about it.
Blaine hoped others would join their conversation; not because he didn’t want to talk to Jay but because this was one subject he didn’t want to talk about.  Hearing about multiple romantic relationships, this whole side of Sebastian he’d never known, might never know, was a difficult pill to swallow.  « Have you met a lot of the others coming tonight? » Blaine asked Jay.
Hunter chuckled.  “ I meant you were rooting for Sam and Blaine in the Dalton trophy story.  And not my ingenious plan to lure Blaine back,” he continued to tease.  Hunter wanted to say he was rooting for Sebastian and Blaine to not be arguing but he thought better of it and kept his mouth closed.  Sebastian deserved that much from him. "Ohhhhh," Jay said with comprehension. "That makes more sense." He felt embarrassed now, that he brought up Sebastian and Blaine's relationship. He turned to grimace at Hunter about his mistake.
After a beat while Hunter full into step with them, Jay glanced over at Blaine, who was quiet and throwing off an uncomfortable vibe. He felt some relief when Blaine spoke. Jay replied genially, "No, just Catie and Sam, and Santana and Brittany. Santana came out to Stanford to visit regularly, and Brittany came sometimes, too. I love them." He chuckled at his most vivid memories. "Santana was always trying to get me to get back together with Sebastian after we broke up, she was not subtle about that, at all. It drove Sebastian crazy, because he wanted the ask to come from him. I don't know what she was worried about, he didn't need any help asking, he did it on the regular!" Blaine nodded his head somewhat solemnly.  "That sounds like Santana," he admitted, even though he was busy racking his brain for something, anything, to change the topic.  "Brittany is a great dancer.  She and Mike basically taught all of us in the New Directions what we needed to know, and carried us with their fancy choreography and effortless dancing.  Mike dances at the Joffrey Ballet in Chicago.  He was just in town visiting and I took him out dancing.  Even though I should have known he was going to get hit on." Hunter's eyes narrowed and he pursed his lips slightly at the continual mention of Jay and Sebastian; the reminder of course that Sebastian had always wanted Jay back.  It made him slightly uncomfortable, and fueled his mostly irrational fear of them getting back together.  Instead he pulled Jay a little closer. Jay listened to Blaine, but was noticing that he looked uncomfortable again. He thought about what Blaine was going through, a break up and closing his grandmother's store. Sebastian had shared this with Jay over lunch that week, looking more anxious than Jay had seen him in a long time. Jay knew that Sebastian didn't normally share other people's business but he seemed to really need to get Jay's support and feed back. Blaine also had some kind of emotional connection to Sebastian's alter ego which was probably not always easy - Sebastian had stood him up, after all. He suddenly felt totally insensitive to bring up Sebastian up again. He needed to relax, when he was anxious he knew he often spoke too soon.
Taking comfort in Hunter's body pressed against his, he took a deep breath and replied, "Haha, that sounds like it was fun." He gave Blaine a small smile that was more relaxed. He let a short silence pass as they walked and he looked up at Hunter and noticed he was looking a bit far away, and somewhere not that pleasant. "Are you okay? he whispered. Blaine nodded, a sad sort of smile on his face.  "It was a lot of fun.  Something I needed I think.  And Mike is great company." Hunter turned to look at Jay and nodded.  "Yeah.  I will be, at any rate," he whispered.  "I'm glad we're doing this.  It'll be fun.  And Catie and Sam are great to hang out with." Jay was feeling the brave emotions on either side of him it was breaking his heart a little. He squeezed Hunter's waist and gave him an empathetic smile. "Ok. We'll talk more later," he said, before turning his attention to Blaine as they continued to walk.  "I'm sorry," he said, his blue eyes earnest, "...if I said something wrong." He wished he could start over somehow. Blaine shook his head.  "No, it's not you, it's me," he insisted.  "I'm just all over the place when it comes to Sebastian and everything that's happened this fall.  I should probably figure out where my head is before trying to have conversations about him," he said with a determined smile.  It was easier of course, to talk to NY152 about Sebastian since he knew neither of them.  He could be more objective that way.  Perhaps Blaine was just used to talking to him about Sebastian and having it be objective, or talk with Tina and Sam, who generally took his side.   "It's been nice though, to hear about him over the years.  The ways he's changed and grown, and the ways he's stayed similar, familiar, to how I knew him."  It didn't help him decide on his feelings though.  It was still a confusing jumble and Blaine wondered if things would just always be that way for him when it came to Sebastian.  It was something to bring up with his therapist.  Caroling books began making the rounds, and Blaine smiled as he took one and handed the others to Jay.  "What song are we starting with?"
Hunter pressed a kiss to Jay's forehead in reply to the talking more later comment.  He listened to Blaine and had a strange amount of empathy for the other.  Hunter thought about how Sebastian had been at Dalton, and the changes in the man he'd been with the last several years, and then also the differences to the guy he was in California, at Standford, with Rob, while dating Jay and Marc.   He nodded his head in agreement that maybe Blaine wasn't in the right headspace to have conversations about Sebastian.  And although it was manifesting differently from his own, Hunter thought he recognized some jealousy there and it made him feel sorry for Blaine, and very sorry for the situation Sebastian found himself in. Jay nodded his head and gave Blaine an understanding smile, though his head whirling a bit, thinking about how Blaine didn't even know the full story, that Sebastian was his anonymous online friend. "Right. I'm sorry. You seem okay with him online, but of course not everything is what it seems online. You read what you want to read, sometimes. I won't talk about him anymore, I'm so sorry." Then he bit his lip and took a deep breath, trying not to be awkward.
Jay gladly took the caroling books, keeping one and handing the rest to Hunter with a slightly apprehensive look, seeking a little silent support from his boyfriend about Blaine. "Mmmm, I don't have a strong opinion. I'm guessing a crowd like this needs guidance. Why don't you lead us, so Sam doesn't make us start with 'Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer?" Jay said, feeling better already with just this funny thought. Blaine smiled and gave Jay a nod of thanks.  It wasn’t worth saying being okay online was in part a show, for all their mutual friends so they didn’t end up feeling like they were picking sides.
Hunter accepted the books from Jay, keeping one and passing the rest to David, who had come over with Jeff and Nick to say hello.   Hunter could tell Jay wanted him to do or say something, but he couldn’t think of anything that would make things better.
Blaine shook his head.  “No this was Sam’s idea, he’s leading, even if it’s to start with that,” he said with a chuckle.  “I’m just here to get some lacking Christmas spirit,” he said as Sam approached. Blaine took the opportunity to step over to the other former Warblers, greeting them with hugs. Jay felt better after ending things with Blaine like that, and took one arm and wrapped it around Hunter's waist. "Tell me next time to mind my own business, so I don't put my foot it in again like that," he whispered as Santana and Brittany came over to say hello.
Caroling at the Manhattan General began well, with Sam playing his guitar and Santana guiding the group's harmonies. They ended with "Jingle Bell Rock." Sam and Brittany danced along and the whole group was laughing at their antics as they left the hospital.
Inspired by their performance, Sam led them singing through various public areas, in front of festive stores and delighting children walking down the street. Finally, Jay looked up and realized where they had gotten to. He said to Hunter, "Oh, let's stop and sing for Mattie!" He called out to Sam, "Hey Sam, can we stop here? The boy I manny for is here. I can call them and tell them to come to the window."
"Sure!" Sam said amiably. Jay texted Bill Smythe and Sam asked Blaine, "What should we sing? Maybe a few lines from all of our favorites tonight? We could all take turns with a mini-solo? Santana could start, she always starts things off strong. Or maybe just a solo, do you want to solo?" He adjusted the strap on his guitar. Hunter gave Jay a reassuring squeeze.  “We know too much,” he said simply.  He smiled for Brittany and Santana but he was quiet.  Even for him.
The  caroling was fun though and Hunter enjoyed listening to Jay sing and playing proud boyfriend.   Although Sebastian often raved about his voice, Hunter still stayed in the background, providing solid harmonies instead of taking any leads. His mood had picked up by the time they arrived at Bill Smythe’s but the man always had a way of putting Hunter a little on edge.  However, Mattie helped make it better-- now that he was mostly past the sticky, germy phase Hunter didn't enjoy.
"He'll love it," Hunter said to Jay.  "Maybe we should sing him something fun?  Rudolph, Frosty, or  Up on the Rooftop?"
Blaine's mood had also improved during the caroling, as singing often did for him.  Time with his Warbler friends had also helped.  When Sam came over, Blaine put an arm around his shoulders and leaned into his best friend's side.  "Whatever you think.  This is your show.  Mattie's young though, so definitely at least a fun song for him.  And since it was Jay's idea, let him take a lead." Jay noticed Hunter was quieter than usual that night, and in between songs he thought about when Hunter had looked a bit bothered earlier that night. It was while he and Blaine had been talking and he'd made Blaine uncomfortable. He put his head against Hunter's shoulder and tightened his grip on  his arm, thinking of how his boyfriend had politely declined solos that Sam was handing out. As they got closer to the Smythe home he said simply, "I love you. I haven't forgotten that you were not so okay earlier. We'll have some hot chocolate later and talk it through." He looked ahead at the Smythe mansion and it occurred to him that Hunter had never actually been there with Jay before. Then he remembered Hunter's relationship with Bill and it made sense. He lifted his head to look in Hunter's beautiful eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't think about you and Bill...how thoughtless of me..."Sam was nodding at Blaine and saying to the group, "Let's start with Rudolph!" Then he said to Blaine, "You up for Christmas Dance, then? And maybe wrap up with Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas?"  [to be continued via reblogging with gifs]
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waywardstation · 2 years
Wow, even though I knew parts of what was coming the whole second chapter still hit hard. The Second Chapter really hurt!
Still so glad Akari convinced Ingo to eat the fruits and the bread roll! It really isn't much but still better than nothing at all... And Ingo really would have went through with eating nothing at all... He's too kind for this world!!
I felt the guilt along with Akari throughout the rest of the chapter and the night must have been so hard for both of them...
But honestly what killed me the most was the last bit with Irida and Ingo talking...
I really love it so far, its sad its sweet and its sooooo good!
And on top of it all another wonderful piece of art as well! So many treats! Thank you!
It really was another wonderful chapter and I really look forward to the next one! More Angst, more fluff, more pain! But all wrapped up in a wonderfully written story with (possibly) even more wonderful pieces of art to go along with! I can't wait!
Thank you for yet another update and take care!
In regards to chapter 2 of my fic Heart Full, Bowl Empty
I’m so so glad you think so OP!! Haha I was running out of stuff to share on WIP Wednesdays that people knew about already, I wanted to keeps some stuff newer and fresher to read!! I’m so glad it worked!!
I had like 3 prompts that wanted Akari to share so she was gonna share haha, and it absolutely fits for her character to be stubborn like that once she found out what was going on! (Though it might have hurt more than it helped, having a little bit only makes you want more! It’s like chips, you can’t have just one!!!)
But yes, Ingo is too good for this world…that’s why Arceus has to put him back in his own!!!
The night absolutely sucked for them both, Akari is going to make it up to Ingo the next say somehow!!!
And I am so glad you liked that paragraph at the end!! Originally that was where it should have been chronologically, but that whole conversation was like 1.5k words and it felt like it was confusing the narrative where it was. So I did a risky thing (I thought at least, haha; I’ve never done that before!) and moved the whole conversation to the very end, and replaced its original spot with Akari’s POV of the argument. So glad you liked it!!
I am so so happy you appreciate all I’ve put into the fic, I appreciate all the help I’ve gotten from everyone!! So thank you so much for the kind words, and the review of the chapter, and the support and encouragement!! You are so sweet! I hope you have a great day! :)
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
Heya! It’s been a while. I’ve been busy with college stuff lately but when I saw your stuff re-appear on my dash I felt compelled to send an encouraging message. Your stuff has always been so very good, especially with all the analyses and deep-dives into the themes since it not only deepened my appreciation of Knightfall as a ship but for RWBY as a whole. I always felt like one of a very small number of loners in the community who seriously shipped Jaune and Cinder together, so it’s really encouraging to know someone like you can make something so grand and popular about it. Please keep up the good work, I’m really hoping you continue doing this for a long time.
On another note, I think you also mentioned a few times that you also shipped Reylo? To be honest I was always iffy about that as a ship, but when I kind of off-set the ship + characters themselves from the movies (which is helpful because I never actually watched Movie 9 b/c of how everyone harps on it), I actually think I like it as well. You mentioning it plus how so many other folk I’ve seen analyze Star Wars to help support and deepen it like you do with Knightfall really makes me feel part of a wider community, so thanks for that!
Hi, it's great to hear from you again. I hope college is going well for you! Feel free to drop by on Tumblr whenever. Thank you for your ask, I'm sorry I didn't respond yesterday, I got hit by a migraine and checked out for the rest of the night.
I'm glad my blog can be a source of support like that. (: That's the most important thing! I mean I knew of only very few blogs on Tumblr that were seriously into it, because it sort of depends what one means by 'shipping', and I am usually a canonshipper. I don't like blogs that post shortfics or scenarios or roleplaying or any of that stuff more common with R/WBY ships on Tumblr, I am generally someone who wants to discuss canon or post longer fics to AO3. I make memes because I think they're silly fun and I like having silly fun, but that's just the logical consequence of discussing things seriously, you need a bit of lighthearted stuff sometimes lol.
I would really like to keep doing this too, so thank you for saying so. Honestly, I think that were I less invested in Knightfall, I probably wouldn't bother anymore because in terms of fandom behaviour and sensibilities, I have had a lot of fucking weird comments on my fic that just speak to a lack of respect and kindness extended towards fic authors, I have had a sizeable amount of rude anons (though I do get a lot of good ones, that's why anon is still turned on) - and at the end of the day, it doesn't matter how much you toughen yourself up, if you look at your kudos:views ratio and compare it to other fandoms and curl up into a ball and cry because it hurts, is it worth it? Numbers shouldn't matter, but I'm only doing this because I like Jaune/Cinder that much. That much. THAT MUCH. I don't have any obligation to write or share fic otherwise.
So, er, yeah, I don't know where I'd draw the line, but for me it's the ship that matters more than anything. That's the bit I care about. I like writing my silly little fanfic. I don't really know if a 'community' exists for Knightfall as such (correction: it may well exist, but I'm very solitary); I'm not even sure if I'd call myself popular? It certainly doesn't feel like it. I guess I have pretty low self-esteem so I don't assume that I'm special or anything, but it feels like I have to - constantly try to earn my place, I suppose. I feel like I'm barely tolerated. Lol. Like I post a fic and I'm just waiting for someone to tell me, 'Oh, good enough, I suppose, but I don't like the rest,' and it really hurts. It just feels like losing. I only feel satisfaction when I'm in the middle of writing something and when I finish. This is a R/WBY fandom problem, by the way, I could be anywhere else and probably not encounter this.
That is to say, on the upside, the fact I'm still here now means I intend to keep going. I try to see silver-linings and be grateful for what I've got.
I do want to emphasise it's really nice that it makes you feel less alone and gives you more of a community space so that's really special.
On another note, I think you also mentioned a few times that you also shipped Reylo?
It's funny you mention Reylo because I veryyyyy vividly remember a Knightfall blog mentioning a fear that Knightfall would attract Reylo shippers and then I never interacted with them ever again. This is a while ago (like over two years ago lol) but it really put me off. I suppose quality over quantity of fans - there are... so many Reylos who can fabricate communities out of nothing lol - but I'll take my toys and go home in that case.
But also lol, wow, Reylo has been like my entire online identity since TFA. I only don't mention it that much because I wanted the space wizards to have fat Jedi babies together and I get sad thinking about it and because going to new fandoms being a Reylo means you have to put up with people taking you to task over Reylo. Small fry, I suppose, but again: I'll take my toys and go home.
I do think Reylo is/was the best fandom I've ever been in though, including some of the most masterful analyses I've ever read in any fandom. I can't link skysilencer since she got run off Tumblr by antis, but anything by Ohtze is a very good read, and going through corseque's Reylo tag is a very fun time as well as that one reincarnation theory - which by virtue would lead you to the Wayward Jedi, who after he went through some troubles, has actually reuploaded or unhidden all of his original Anidala/Reylo videos on YouTube - and I'm really only scratching the surface here. In fact, last night I was rereading Ohtze's the Usurper and the Holy Mother meta.
So I miss the TLJ era, what can I say. I would have to say that in terms of Reylo characterisation, because I began to lurk reading Ohtze's metas right after TFA and then rediscovered corseque's blog (I initially found hers through her wonderful Zelgan fanart lol), my perception of Reylo was a little different to some of the Dark Fuck Prince characterisation which pervaded the ship. So where you come from and what blogs you follow certainly matters and changes your perception of things.
I'm not sure about Tumblr anymore but the Reylo community is still very active on Twitter.
What I think is interesting about Reylo is that very conscious Jungian storytelling was used in TLJ. So it's relevant to use as a recent reference and to demonstrate what that kind of thing can look like. I recommend wit_and_folly for her early videos on Reylo and the monomyth - more specifically, the Heroine's Journey. I think she has a lot of interesting things to say, and is one of very few video essayists I can actually stand.
There's a very specific kind of enemies-to-lovers that I'm into, and Reylo and Knightfall are the two who pretty much hit the spot. I haven't really found any other ship that hits the same mythic beats or characterisation of the baddie and hero or has the same kind of narrative stakes. So tracing the similarities is always interesting to me.
I haven't tried to preach about Knightfall, I have mostly just tried to share my thoughts on the matter, and if that makes people interested or makes them feel seen then that's all I would want. It is a bit hard sometimes though. Very few reblog my posts, I get some likes here and there and I'm thankful for that, and that's just part of a broader shift of the website - but on my end I don't really know that it stands for much?
I think that's why I'm so confused about people being offended by me or Knightfall because there is seriously no threat here. All other Jaune and Cinder ships have their own juggernaut positions in the fandom. I'm one fucking person. A... a... a onewomancitadel, if you will.
I didn't know that username would become so apt lolol.
I'm sorry to be so down in this response. Ultimately, I think being committed to an idea is the thing that matters to me, that's why I write and that's why I post on my silly little blog. There's a certain security in that as well, and I think that sincerity - sincere care for an idea, for a ship, for a fic, for a silly meme - is the bit that matters, and certainly matters the most to me, and should be able to stand on its own.
Hope you have a good weekend and good luck once again with college. <3
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
RE: your response to my last ask: Yes I have to note take!! I’m definitely one of those people who will get to the end of anything, a movie, show, album, fic, book and just be like “yes, it was amazing! Vibes immaculate!!” But not be able to tell you why. I’ve just enjoyed interacting so much on here, ive started to take notes while reading from authors of fics i like so i can give feedback on WHY it is I like it!
Also, reading this was so therapeutic for me. The starkness of Yoongi’s dislike of himself was so… there’s definitely been moments where i could relate to that. And seeing the similarities and contrast between how reader and Yoongi think really was moment for me to like parallel that in my own life, like the people who care about me are in their own head on some level and not thinking about me like i think about me. This whole series has been pretty therapeutic for me on that level if you couldn’t tell from past comments, so… thanks for that *finger guns of unnecessary and anonymous vulnerability*
Back to the topic at hand, I love the contrast between the things reader is worried about and what Yoongi is worried about, and it’s really highlighted to me in the flashback to sidewalk talk, where he tries to commit to living in the present in that moment instead of worrying about the past. He seems very focused on how his past demons may manifest in the present, that he’ll repeat old mistakes, having regrets about how he’s negatively impacted her already with basketball. Meanwhile she’s focused on the future kind of. What people will think, how strange it will be, what her brother will think and do. Yoongi isn’t even actively thinking about that stuff because he’s blocking any future, that’s just off limits, on top of his worries about the past! That was a really interesting part of him, and them, to see!!
Also loved getting understanding of when he started thinking some type of way about her when she’d come back from college and give him hell!!
I just loved seeing his shyness and nervousness around her come through as well. It was so clear even through his guilt and regret and worry that she still was knocking him off his feet at every turn! He’s very clear even to himself that she’s someone he cares very deeply for on a personal level, even if he believes he can’t act on it. Not that that wasn’t apparent before, but this gave us a whole new look of just how deep he’s in.
I just wish reader knew how much the things she says and does matter to him!! I think she’s starting to, but still!!
It was also great re-reading Stay w Yoongi’s pov right before. I had forgotten a lot of the details in there about how much he appreciated her not testing his boundaries by sleeping on the couch, how shy he got when she called him hot, how nervous he got about asking her to stay when he went into work.
This part specifically had me all in my feels from Stay:
“The point is that, despite having several chances to do so, you didn’t overstep. Despite showing him—and telling him—how much you wanted to be here, you just… 
He might be in trouble.”
But having read some of your responses to feedback already about how this chapter was wanting to portray the turmoil he’s going through AND something you said a while ago about having planned around 12 main parts to this series has me nervous about 3tan9!! I just have a feeling that things are about to come to a head in a really angsty way as a last hurdle to the end!! Ofc i trust you to bring all the feels and in your no unhappy endings policy, and in every good story ive read the darkness before the dawn always makes the dawn so much sweeter! But whatever way it goes im so along for the ride!!!! You always feed us well even if it’s so different then what i guess at!!
Also rereading stay was a kick i needed to do my own job search and applying things this weekend like reader! If only I had a Yoongi encouraging me… His cloud pictures have been nice though… Wish me luck!!
BUS I LOVE THE NOTE TAKING!! it's so smart! when i used to read fics on here, i would literally do live commentary with my author friends or just write down my thoughts on another tab while reading so i didn't forget! i wanted to make long/thoughtful reviews, and that was the easiest way to do so! let's get into this one under the cut bc i may have another essay coming along LOL
therapeutic?! omg.. that's so :')) i'm glad you found it that way. i've related to this, too, sadly. it's not a good place to be, and you really have to claw your way out once you actively work to get out of that headspace.
love the commentary about the different ways of thinking! it's so true. the people that care about you are thinking about their own fears, worries, goals, lives. if you're worried about how people perceive you? guess what. everyone is thinking about themselves and their own problems most of the time, so try not to put too much stock in what people think. at the end of the day, we have our own thoughts about our own lives. all of us are just living our own lives in our own ways. *finger guns back* aren't we all just people?
YES! the contrast between what each of them are talking about omg. he really does try that in sidewalk talk, with the exception of past references being reader's food stand moments. while he's focused on his past mistakes usually, reader's looking to the future. he isn't thinking about the future because, you said it, he's holding it from himself. at least, the future we know he wants. it's like he's stuck in a weird timeframe of the past and present.. he's in both. just not the future. i love this commentary so much wow.
AHAHAH HELL YEAH. reader didn't give a shit back then (at least, from his pov) and she doesn't give a crap who he is now if she wants to bring him down a couple pegs. i knowwww yoongi found/finds that attractive as hell.
3tan yoongi is the shyest confident boy. his aura is legitimately intimidating if you don't know him and don't know what he's going through inside his mind. but around someone he kinda sorta is into? so shy. it's endearing af and i love him. if only reader knew exactly how much she means to him... yoongi if you don't do something, move over bc i'm coming for reader mySELF LOL
OH MY GODDD i'm so glad you brought up those moments in Stay! bc yes, we can already see that shyness coming through! him getting a little flustered when reader called him hot/unfair got me kicking my gd feet dsdkfs if reader only KNEWWWW I WANNA SCREAM. yoongi loves his privacy and boundaries, so when this one person didn't cross them when they had plenty of opportunities to? of course he's gonna start thinking some type of way. especially if they're also caring and smart and just a good person..
DKHVDKF i'm just gonna say.. i'm not holding anyone's hand through 3tan9 LMAO i'm just gonna sit there while y'all read it. and you'll see why when it drops ahahahahahahhelpmehahahah. but real talk, i'm glad and honored that you trust me. we all know there's more to come, including angsty moments, but no sad endings<33
WISHING YOU ALL THE LUCK WITH JOB HUNTING!! omg that's so exciting :D you can do it i believe in you with all my heart. thank you so much for this fantastic review and have a great week!
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fountainpenguin · 2 years
Hi, another update. Mentioned a while ago that my laptop was no longer functional- I’m still working towards replacing that with something new. Also got a new desktop computer (Replaced a device I’ve had for nearly a decade + transferred lots of files over). Going through lots of changes (Job switch, sibling got married, got a new office, also some other things I don’t want to go into detail about on Tumblr).
No longer have access to my old art program, but I planned ahead for that and bought a new program while it was on sale, so I’ll be experimenting with that in the upcoming weeks. Expect Happy Peppy Gary art. Might be some 130 Prompt spoilers in it but at this point I frankly don’t care, I’ve been actively planning and drafting the 130 since 2016 and I’m anxious to draw for some of the major plot stuff skljdf. My hyperfixation for the last several months has been War & Peace / Great Comet of 1812 and :’) “Pierre & Andrey” is a very good song for a lot of my OCs but also for Gary and the Pixies, I swear...
May also draw some Chloes and Kevins and others. Possibly Dame Sandy, some Longwood, and maybe some Commelina because I read through all the remaining Origin chapter drafts and stuff hit me hard and I cry, idk. I’m wasp dad trash and I’m really excited to share more Origin.
Basically I’m straight-up tired of living in fear of judgment so I hope you’re all ready to remember that this is my house and in this house I post what I want.
Don’t really have the emotional strength to talk to anybody, but I’ve been reviewing my ‘fics. I really want to put the next Reedfilter Rules chapter out- been sitting on that one for a very long time. Writing RR!Anti-Cosmo is extremely difficult but... wow, I often love him more than Riddleverse Classic Anti-Cosmo SKLDFJSKLDJF. In Classic he’s often bound by social status and tradition while RR!Anti-Cosmo straight-up does what he wants and it’s fantastic. I know I’ve been picking at the revisions for his chapter for ages, but he has to be perfect when he goes public because he's very different from Classic!Anti-Cosmo and I want everything to be /chef’s kiss for me.
If you’re new here and/or not up to date with Reedfilter canon, I encourage you to check the Reedfilter Rules tag on my blog and maybe learn some interesting things you didn’t know yet :> RR is an AU of my Classic take on canon, but it remains consistent with show canon and it’s full of dumb cliches and dumb flirting and political idiots and it’s just silly and fun for me.
Should be some Frayed Knots and Origin on the horizon as well, so thank you for your patience. I am extremely anxious to move both stories along and there’s not much left to do before I post, but I’m finicky and want to ensure my buffer is stable before I return to a consistent schedule. Fingers maybe crossed for going back to our one chapter a week schedule, but not promising that yet. We’re entering my favorite part of Origin, but it coincides with the most difficult part of Knots, so it’s a struggle.
Emphasizing again that I basically have not been keeping up with reviews, Tumblr notifs, or FFN / AO3 commentary for a very long time. I thank you for sending them and apologize if you were waiting for a response you didn’t receive. Life is kind of stressful and people always need me for something, so at the end of the day I don’t always want to build up the emotional strength to search my inbox and read comments for my different stories/fandoms that might not always be nice, and even if they are nice then I don’t always have the ability to reply. Sometimes it’s easier to look at nothing and sometimes those avoidance periods need to last a long time. I appreciate any kind words that have been sent my way.
I’ve been extremely busy and still have not watched the FOP live action spin-off thing. I’ve kept my distance from fandom content and successfully avoided spoilers all this time, but I’m planning to watch it very soon now that life is starting to come back under control. I watched the first episode and enjoyed it, but blocking out enough time to binge on free trial isn’t easy and suddenly most of the year goes by... Exhaustion.
Vainly hoped I’d return to Tumblr someday and find that the divider line and/or abilities to create white space dividers with the enter key had returned to the post editor and wow I cannot express enough how disappointed I am that they have done exactly not that.
Sorry for Ask box stuff I haven’t touched in one million years; just didn’t have FOP brainpower for a long time and needed to do other things. There are some heavy topics like war, abuse, politics, discrimination, death, and affairs in my ‘fics and sometimes you need space from that type of content even when you’re the one who put it there.
If anyone knows whether Tumblr still refuses to show posts that contain links, I’d be interested in knowing more about the current situation.
tl;dr - Sorry I can’t engage in long talks; holding conversation via back and forth writing has always been draining on my emotions and frankly everyone should just call me /lh
‘fic updates starting soon? Hoping to get a buffer up, thank you for your patience while the Creature Crossing ARPG has been getting all my love on dA. Anxious to see my fairy kids again, though. 
More updates on fanfic schedule to come. Will probably post new FOP chapters on Fridays once it’s mid October. Further details to come.
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