#I’ve been in other fandoms where putting male characters in a dress is seen as degrading or a mockery :(
lumiilys · 9 months
Gonna go find my old paper dolls and try to draw Ed in some of their dresses. This is a brilliant idea.
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loveotomization · 9 months
For the past 10 years of my life as a Mikan enjoyer, I've been daydreaming about writing a series of essays examining Mikan's fall scenes through a lens of both satire and in-universe character motivation. Finally got off my butt and did it.
Mikan vs. Fanservice
Part 1: A Doyalist look at satire of fanservice in SDR2
(warning: contains images of anime girls in skimpy clothes)
This is a part of my larger Mikan fansite, Sad Nurse.
Essay can also be read under the cut!
(Please don't go picking a fight with me over cartoon people. I'm old and tired. I probably won't respond.)
I’d like to start off by saying that analysis will deal almost exclusively with Mikan’s portrayal in the SDR2 game, rather than the DR3 anime or any manga adaptation. Being a different medium, and produced a few years after the game, I believe that the writing and art could at times have different intentions than the games.
I personally find the writing choices for Mikan’s character absolutely fascinating, to the point that it invites both Doyalist and Watsonian exploration of what makes her function.  (simply put, Kodaka’s writing and Mikan’s in-universe motivations work in concert, rather than at odds)
I’m writing this series of essays in response to the constant, not to mention surprising, confusion I’ve seen surrounding Mikan’s character over the past ten years. Mikan is a very unique character, and her motivations are difficult to find perfectly mirrored in another existing character (not to say that I have consumed every piece of media ever, but I have yet to run across another character like her). Either way, I’m hoping to challenge some incorrect views or at the very least have the chance to say my piece after so many years.
Now, of course, I am not Kodaka nor have I met him personally. I have, however, been in the fandom for longer than the average DR fan, not to mention being somewhat older, so I may have different experiences with media than some other fans.  
Now that I have all of that out of way, I’d like to begin with what I personally believe was Kodaka’s primary intention in creating the scenes where Mikan falls over-
Dictionary.com defines satire as:
‘The use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.’
So just what is the ‘stupidity or vice’ that Kodaka is satirizing?
(and perhaps the dojikko archetype, but we’ll visit that in another article)
I feel as if the term fanservice has become skewed as of late, as terms often do with passing decades. Back in the early days of English-speaking online anime fandom, fanservice was most often used to mean a scene or piece of artwork that was literally intended to be sexually appealing to the (usually straight male) viewer. At the same time, these scenes would do nothing to further the plot or add to the characterization of the woman in the scene.
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These are images of Faye from Cowboy Bebop. I choose her because she exists in a sci-fi action canon that contains a well-written story and characters, as opposed to a pure fanservice series that is only created to showcase women’s bodies for an assumed male gaze.
While it can be argued that the way Faye dresses can make a statement about her personality, it is also clear to the viewer that her outfit is intended to be sexy not just in-universe, but for the viewer as well.
Let’s consider these pictures.
Faye’s top leaves little to the imagination, showing much of her cleavage, which is of course something that many female-attracted people find to be a turn on. You’ll also notice that her booty shorts are unzipped in front, inches from her privates. While I am neutral on the topic of fanservice, characterization and story-wise, there is no reason for the creators to dress her this revealing other than for viewers' pleasure. The adjustments to her costume in the live action prove that she can still be a strong and attractive woman without letting it all hang out.
The same goes for her cocktail dress. There is no vital in-universe need for jiggle physics.
(Disclaimer: This is not a critique of Cowboy Bebop. I think it’s a brilliant show. These images are here solely to juxtapose true fanservice with Mikan’s suggestive pose scenes)
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Now, let’s take a look at some characters you’re more familiar with. These are from a collab with a mobile game called Sengoku… something. I’ve never heard of it, and I’m not sure what the actual characters from it look like. That said, let’s look at Mikan and Chiaki in these images.
These images are stand-alone, rather than being scenes from DR canon. In that case, they say nothing about the personality of characters in question, or the story they are from. These images serve no other purpose than to titillate the viewer. The outfits are clearly drawn in ways specifically to highlight their chests and other areas.
So what does this have to do with Mikan’s scenes in SDR2?
I firmly believe that Kodaka is doing three things with the following scenes: satirizing fanservice, satirizing the dojikko character type, and showing quite a bit of Mikan’s character at the same time. I find this pretty clever writing, and the reason I felt compelled to write this series of essays. We know that Kodaka likes satire and parody. Please just take a look at the entire DR series. Even the major themes underlying the games as a whole, such as reality TV culture and the pressures placed on Japanese youth, are largely satire. So why wouldn't smaller moments of satire be present in these same games as well?
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These are the scenes in which Mikan falls over on purpose in order to diffuse tense moments, and shift the focus back onto herself by using her sexuality (I’ll go into this topic in depth at another time). As I said, these scenes show us a great deal about the personality of the character, making them immediately more valuable than simple fanservice scenes.
Take a look at her pose, and how she is dressed. Compare it to the ninja costumes above. They show quite a bit of skin, and the poses highlight their breasts and thighs.
In SDR2, Mikan is fully clothed in a reasonably well covering outfit (I once saw someone on Tumblr say that her skirt was drawn too short, and sometimes I feel like we’re one step away from visible ankles becoming scandalous again lol). Her chest is covered. There is the tiniest little peep of plain white panties in one of these images, but that’s about it. I can assure you that these scenes are not very sexy to the average female-attracted person. They are over the top, and clearly present a parody of the sort of scene truly meant to be sexy. Now, of course, literally anything can be a turn on to someone out there, but I’m talking about on average, of course.
Does this mean that Kodaka is against fanservice? I’m sure that’s not the case. However, it is possible to satirize things that you enjoy as well. In fact, I encourage creatives to critique tropes that they personally enjoy. I personally think that it’s a good way to challenge your own point of view and to not take yourself too seriously.
Satire can be shocking, or bring on feelings of discomfort. It is not always intended to be funny. Spending ten years of my life in the DR fandom, it’s always been strange to me that depictions of sexuality--even when they show very little or are used to further characterization--are more shocking to the general viewer base than the actual murders themselves, but that is likely a larger discussion for another day. Back to my point however, is that even if you do feel disgust or discomfort at Mikan’s scenes, they do elicit an emotion in the viewer, which is a large part of the point of art in the first place. In short, you have every right to feel discomfort at these scenes, but I do think that understanding the meaning and value behind them can help deepen enjoyment of the game, or at the very least of Mikan’s character.
Upcoming- A look at the dojikko archetype, followed by a Watsonian look into Mikan’s own motivations in the conscious use of her sexuality.
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angryschnauzer · 3 years
The Devil Inside You
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Summary: He wants you to dance for him and you can’t say no. He’s in charge and not to be argued with, he’s the devil.
Fandom: Non-specific. The male character is never identified or named, i imagined him as Henry Cavill in perhaps August Walker guise, but it could work for any male.
Pairing: August Walker Mob Boss Devil x Female Reader (No one is named)
Warnings: 18+, Smut, Nudity, Suggested Prostitution, Exotic Dancer, Fingering, Performing Sex Acts, Sybian/Riding Dildo, Oral Sex/Blowjob, Choking/Airplay, Cum swallowing, Devils/Demons.
Wordcount: 1485
I do not run a tag list, instead please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications.
  Henry Cavill Masterlist
The Devil Inside You
The marble floors were slippery from being freshly polished, the heels of your sky high sandals struggling to make traction as you tried to keep up with the enormous man that had come to get you from where you’d been getting ready in the dressing room with the other girls. You had known it would eventually be your turn, your turn to be called into the luxury offices above the club in the ancient building, to entertain him.
He owned the club. He owned the city. He was in charge of everyone and everything. Even if you didn’t know it, he knew what was going on everywhere. Politicians bowed to his every request, law officials couldn’t touch him. Whatever was thrown would never stick as he had eyes everywhere. There were rumours of course, whispers of a darkness that surrounded him, of his way of being able to reply to an argument before it’s even said. Something dwelled behind those eyes, the pale blue making you think of an icy cage on the occasion you’d caught a glance of him as he’d been passing through the club whilst you’d been on stage.
The enormous goon in front of you turned and let out a short puff of frustration at your inability to keep up with his long strides.
“Okay okay, i’ve only got little legs and these floors are slippery in these heels”
“Rubbish, i’ve seen you wrap those legs around a pole and strut your stuff in heels higher than those…” his eyes raked up and down your body; “...In less clothing”
You went to retort back but a foreign noise caught your tongue before you could speak.
I’m waiting.
Both you and the goon turned towards the closed door ahead of you, the colour draining from his face;
“You’d better get in there, he doesn’t like to be kept waiting”
He stepped aside and let you approach the door, the handle making your hand seem tiny as you turned it and stepped into the room. 
It was as if time kept jumping ten seconds at once. You were in the middle of the room but had no recollection of stepping through the door or shutting it behind you. He sat on a low seat next to the window, the pale light of day illuminating his strong features. He was impeccably dressed, an expensive suit clung to every part of his body, then the jacket open and he was sitting back, you were stood at his feet. His gaze was hypnotic and it sent a chill down your spine.
“Don’t be scared Little One”
His voice surprised you, deep and soft, it licked at your senses like an cold mist, whisps of smoke curling around you. His hand captured your own, pulling you towards him as he smoothed the palm of his other over the back of your hand;
“You’re shaking. You’ll be ok, its just us in here”
That’s what scared you the most. You felt like you were in the lions den, the reputation of the beast before you the most you feared. Finally finding your voice you spoke;
“I was told you wanted a dance? But there is no music…”
“There will be music to my ears” he said, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth; “Now, let me see…”
He nodded to your robe and released your hands, his own moving to the silk tie at your waist, pulling the strings and letting it fall open. He sat back to appreciate what he saw, the expensive lingerie that had been delivered to you just an hour before, what little ribbon and lace there was not covering anything, instead it framed your assets. 
Entranced by his gaze, you found yourself letting the robe fall into a pile on the floor, the cool silk draping over your feet. With feather light touch his fingertips danced over the bare skin of your hip down to your knee, before they travelled up your inner thigh. The first touch of his finger against your bare lips caused a gasp of surprise to escape your mouth, but as he rubbed his thick fingers through your swollen petals which were devoid of panties, you hummed as sparks started to ignite in your belly and your arousal grew. Pressing the back of his hand just above your clit, he parted two fingers and ran his thumb over the sensitive pearl, drawing it out from beneath its hood, teasing it - and you - until you felt your leg start to shake. Then he stopped and sat back, a move that caught you by surprise.
“I think you’re ready to dance now” he nodded his head, indicating something behind you. 
Turning you were surprised to find a small leather footstool behind you, maybe a foot long and half as much wide. But was was glaringly obvious now was what you would be dancing on, the thick phallus that rose from the centre. The piece of obscene furniture hadn’t been there when you’d entered the room, and no-one had come or gone since you’d arrived. 
A voice in your head tugged at your subconscious, telling you to move and that you knew exactly what you were expected to do. Straddling it, you slowly dipped down, a move you’d done many times in front of many people, but then it had only been to simulate the act, never to actually do it. His ministrations had left you soaked, so as the blunt tip nudged at your folds it slid through them easily, bumping against your clit. Lowering yourself you whimpered as the thickness stretched your velvet channel. Barely two inches in and you could lower yourself no further, instead with some seasoned dexterity you moved to your knees, first one then the other as you braced your hands on the front edge of the padded leather and started to ride.
Your gaze was always trained on him, as he watched you perform the most private dance. With renewed vigour you took the shaft deeper, your juices flowing down your thighs and soaking the leather beneath you, the phallus seemed to grow and mould to your inner walls. To be on show like this in an act so private, yet being watched sent pleasure straight to your core, the rush enveloping your mind as your head fell back and your eyes fluttered shut, it felt so good. 
A quiet huff of breath brought your attention back to the room, to the devil in front of you. His eyes now dark and beneath hooded eyes, his large hand palmed himself through his expensive suit. You rode harder and faster, and it was as if you were riding him. He rested his head back against the seat, fighting the urge to close his eyes and miss seeing your beautiful performance. 
You knew you were getting close, so when he suddenly stood it threw your rhythm off for a moment as he strode over to you and quickly unzipped himself, pulling his hard length from his pants. As he held the thick base his other hand moved to your throat, gripping you as he fed his wide mushroom head between your lips. 
“Ride. I want you to swallow what you do to me”
Never releasing your throat, instead he pressed a little harder, restricting your airflow just enough to tell you he was in complete control. It restricted your movements but you still bounced up and down on the shaft, all whilst he was deep in your mouth, the salty tang of his precome a tart reminder that he was close. With each rise of your hips it was as if you were riding him, yet he was overwhelming your senses, his voice in your thoughts as barriers between realities dissolved. 
Your body constricted as your orgasm hit, a white heat spreading through your core and enveloping your mind, but through it all you could feel the phallus move and jerk inside you, its movements identical to the way he filled your mouth, each spurt of his thick seed a delicacy on your tongue and a ghost in your womb. 
With a groan and in a moment of clarity he released his hands and took hold of your shoulders, to support you from falling and himself from the same. You fell against his thigh, the thick muscle warm and firm beneath the expensive fabric as he zipped himself up. He carefully lifted you from the device, carrying you like a bride as he exited the room and made his way to his chambers, doors seemingly opening and closing on their own.
“Sir, you have meetings this afternoon…” a voice called out.
“No, i do not”
“But it’s the Mayor”
“Definitely not”
In his arms the world narrowed, it was just him and you, his voice in your head.
The devil inside you.
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stellar-imagines · 3 years
SCENARIO REQUEST: ❝that's a little dark.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Class 1-A ]
「 Class 1-A with an emotionless reader who gets hit with a quirk that make them turn back into a child along with the mentality of a child. In the end, Class 1-A and then fluff ensues with them basically fawning over a cute shy and easily flustered reader. But, they discover something about you.」
You couldn't remember what you did yesterday but it felt like you had the greatest sleep in your entire life. As your eyes adjusted to the surprisingly bright light, you slowly got up and looked at your surroundings. The place was unfamiliar and for a second, you found yourself rubbing your eyes and yawning. It seemed that you were in an infirmary of some sort but you don't recall going to school or anything. There were bandages around your arms and neck but it wasn't anything new.
"Oh, you're finally awake, my child." an old lady you didn't recognize swivelled around her office chair and hopped off.
"Who are you and where am I?" you asked, voice coming out a bit weaker than you had expected.
She identified herself as Recovery Girl — the nurse of the school and explained what had happened to you. It seemed like you got hit by a quirk in an unfortunate accident which caused you to turn back into a child with no memory of yourself in the future. You didn't believe it until you saw the different technologies and the date on the calendar. Never in your life you had felt so out of place in your entire life.
While the friendly old lady was trying her best to fill you in, the door to infirmary opened and a brown haired girl stepped in. She had has shoulder length, brown hair that's bobbed and curved inwards at the end. The girl looked at you for a moment, her eyes lit up and you could sense the relief in her eyes. She dropped her belongings and rushed towards the bed you had been sitting on. You backed away on instinct, slightly intimidated by how aggressive she was being.
”Where did you get those injuries from!? I thought you just got hit by a quirk on accident!” she exclaimed, looking at the gauze wrapped around your wrists and neck.
”Calm down. You’re scaring the poor girl.” Recovery Girl stepped in before this brown haired stranger did anything to you.
Recovery Girl explained your situation to the girl who quickly understood the situation. She then approached you but this time, she did it cautiously and ensured that you wouldn’t feel uncomfortable nor intimidated by her. After a quick introduction, you leaned that she was Uraraka Ochaco and supposedly one of your classmates. She got down to your eye level and attempted to befriend you. She tried asking a few questions about yourself. You could answer the simplest questions like ones about yourself. However when it came to questions about the times you spend in UA, you shook your head to everything, none of them sounded familiar to you.
Uraraka spoke in a gentle manner that you were not used to and it didn't take long for you to get comfortable around her. She entertained you by telling stories about her life in UA and heroes. The brunette managed to make you smile a bit with her way of storytelling which included a bit of exaggeration here and there along with the occasional hand gestures.
"Uraraka-san? Are you ready to go back to the dorms?" another unfamiliar voice was heard from the entrance of the infirmary. You saw a few heads peek into the infirmary, those you did not recognize at all.
With the help of Uraraka, your situation was explained to the new people that just arrived. It didn't take long for your classmates to gather around you and pointing out how cute you were. Though it was a bit embarrassing to be put under the spotlight, you quite liked the feeling of having so many people care about you. It made you think about how bright the future seemed for you.
You were brought back to the dorms where you met up with your other classmates. Those who knew about your current situation quickly explained what was going on with you to avoid any misunderstanding and confusion. You stood awkwardly at the entrance, fiddling with the hem of your dress and looking down to avoid eye contact. Suddenly, you were pushed forward by an unknown force, falling on your knees.
“Who left their fucking child here?” a scary looking guy glared down at you as you tried recovering from the small fall you had.
”Hey, Bakugou! Mind your language!” his friend whispered at the ash blonde who just clicked his tongue in response.
Their loud voices startled you which resulted in you to hide behind Uraraka's legs as if it was the safest place in the world. You gripped tightly on her skirt, hiding yourself from the people you didn't recognize. Loud voices always made you nervous and scared, it reminded you of your mother whenever she was unsatisfied with your performance. Uraraka let her hand stroke your hair to soothe your nerves a little. Ashido stood in front of the two of you with her hands on her hips, looking like a mother reprimanding their child.
"Bakugou, you're scaring [First Name]!" the pink haired girl scolded Bakugou who seemed a bit confused.
"You're telling me this brat is [Nickname]?" he closed the distance between the two of you with a few large strides. He stared at your for a few seconds to study your face a bit. It didn't take him that long to actually recognize a few familiar features and eventually he walked off, muttering something under his breath.
"I've never seen her like this before!" Uraraka cooed as you continued to hide behind her legs. You were never the type to be in the center of attention and didn't have any friends in when you were young because of how shy and awkward you were. Ashido crouched down and offered you a small jar of cookies that she had found in the kitchen.
"Should we send her home? She might be more comfortable staying with her parents." Yaoyorozu suggested, watching you munching on the cookie that you've been handed to.
"I think its best we tell her family about it this." Iida took it upon himself to pull out his phone and prepare to dial your home.
”Are we all having a sleepover?” you spoke up after being silent almost the entire time you arrived at the dorms.
"I don't want to go home." Everyone stopped to stare at you for a while, some surprised because it was the first time they've heard you since you came back. The girls looked at each other for a while as if they were silently communicating with one another. Midoriya who seemed to be the first one to notice that you seemed a bit uncomfortable, crouched down in front of you.
"You can stay here with us if you want. I'm sure everyone is okay with that." the viridian haired male gave you a gentle smile that made you feel a bit relaxed.
"Do you like having sleepovers, [First Name]-chan?" Ashido plopped down right next to you.
"I don't have friends and mommy doesn't like having me around." you mumbled.
"That's silly. I'm sure your mother is worried about you." Iida replies.
"Nu uh, mommy strangles me like this every night.” you shook your head lightly and wrapped your hands around your neck to imitate someone strangling you. The room immediately grew silent at your comment, clearly unsure of how to respond to your oddly specific comparison.
"Haha, good joke [First Name]-chan!" Kaminari patted your head gently, his laugh clearly a forced one.
"Mommy used to pull my hair too."
You never the friendly type of person to begin with anyways. From the very first day you got into UA, you were quite anti-social, never initiating any conversations or made effort to befriend anyone. However, it was quite surprising to know that you've been abused when you were younger. Almost everyone seemed shocked by the revelation and had no idea how to react.
"My mom gave me this scar." Todoroki crouched down next to you and gestured to the scar over his eye.
”I can’t believe that the only thing closed off people have in common is the fact that they’ve been abused.” Jirou muttered out loud.
"Okay, don't worry! We're all having a sleepover tonight!" Uraraka beamed brightly which made your eyes light up like a Christmas tree. A small smile made its way to your features and you couldn't help but sway excitedly.
"Everyone is joining right?"
There was no way they could refuse those hopeful eyes of yours, not when you have been through so much at such an age. They all seemed eager, suggesting a movie, snacks and games.One particular ash blonde looked indifferent, hands shoved into his pockets as he began to slowly walk away from the crowd of people. The first person to notice that he was making his way back to his own room was Iida.
"Where are you going Bakugou-kun?" the class president had asked as if it was a natural that Bakugou was also supposed to be a part of this so called 'sleepover'. Bakugou glanced over his shoulder, eyes narrowing at Iida as if he had gone insane.
"What makes you think that I will join this stupid—" the ash blonde gestured at whatever was going on.
"But a sleepover is not one without everyone." your quiet voice interrupted, your small hands tugging at his pants. He held his tongue after seeing Iida wildly gesture at him not to be so mean to you. The entirety of the class seemed to be really hell bent on giving you what you wanted.Bakugou felt his eyebrows twitching and began weighing his options.
Sero, Ashido, Kaminari and Kirishima were openly pleading him to stay while some others seem to believe that Bakugou would never want to sit down for a stupid sleepover. The ash blonde gave in, realizing that no matter what he chose, it won't be any different. If he chose to not participate, he probably won't be able to fall asleep from all the noise. And the possibly of witnessing these extras embarrass themselves didn't sound too bad.
"Fine! You guys are so annoying....." Bakugou grumbled. Your eyes lit up at his change of heart and began tugging him enthusiastically towards the common area’s couch.
Why does he agree to the stupidest things?
Total: 1717 words Published: 05.06.2021
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Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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nostalgicatsea · 4 years
Racism in the Marvel fandom as seen through the number of fanworks per M/M ship on AO3
I talked about this on Twitter, but I'm posting it here with tweaks and additions.
A couple of notes about the ship selection process:
I focused on M/M ships here as they're the biggest and most common on AO3 overall and, for the most part, the Marvel fandom
I put aside my personal feelings, so the following selection ranges from my OTP and ships I like to ships I dislike or am squicked by and NOTPs. The big ships and crack/niche ships are ones that have the most popular male characters or I’ve seen come up the most often, but I'm sure the pattern is consistent with more minor characters and subfandoms with fewer works
I focused on ships that exist in the MCU (film side only, no TV), only or in addition to other universes, just to simplify things. The MCU fandom is the biggest, and it gets complicated once you throw in other universes considering the vastness of the Marvel multiverse
I looked at the overall fanwork count for the ships rather than fanworks for that ship in the MCU tag as people tend to miscategorize their works
As of 6/19/20:
AO3 fanworks of big MCU/MCU-based ships: 
Steve/Bucky: 50,501 
Steve/Tony: 36,638 
Loki/Thor: 13,071
Clint/Coulson: 10,940
Loki/Tony: 9,880
Bucky/Tony: 7,504
Spideypool: 7,271
Starker: 6,073 
Ironstrange: 4,844 
Bruce/Tony: 4,734
Bucky/Clint: 3,841
Stuckony: 2,331
AO3 fanworks of MCU/MCU-based ships with 1 or more POC where the characters interact a few times, have meaningful relationships with each other, or have genuine or crack potential: 
Sam/Bucky: 3,023
Steve/Sam: 2,908
Rhodey/Tony: 1,434
Erik/T'Challa: 578 
Ned/Peter: 429
Coulson/Fury: 264
M'Baku/T'Challa: 155 
Rhodey/Sam: 149
Strange/Wong: 82 
Heimdall/Thor: 50
Scott/Jimmy Woo: 36
Scott/Luis: 24
Fury/Pierce: 16 (fandom is also ageist)
The disparity between the two lists is particularly egregious when you consider:
Clint and Coulson had 17 seconds of dialogue and 7 lines with each other and never interacted again after Thor. This is a generous estimate as I included pauses
Loki and Tony haven't interacted since The Avengers 
The only time Bucky and Tony as a duo and Steve, Bucky, Tony as a trio interact is in the bunker in Siberia
Spideypool includes a character who isn't even in the MCU
Ironstrange didn't exist or really exist in MCU fanworks before 2018, and Tony and Strange only communicate once in their second movie together, with Strange holding up his finger silently 
Bucky and Clint never interact with each other
I’ll be focusing on the Captain America, Avengers, and Iron Man subfandoms first as those are the three biggest in the MCU. Before I start, here's my thread from last year about some of the ships I’ll be mentioning. 
Okay. How does Bucky/Tony have 6,070 more fanworks than Rhodey/Tony and 4,481 more than Sam/Bucky and Bucky/Clint have 818 more than Sam/Bucky? How do Loki/Tony and Ironstrange have 8,446 and 3,410 more fanworks than Rhodey/Tony, respectively, and Stuckony almost as many as Steve/Sam?
The gap is especially glaring when you compare Steve/Bucky and Steve/Tony to Steve/Sam, Sam/Bucky, and Rhodey/Tony; however, though it's important to point out that wide gulf, I lose my mind more over the fact that ships with white characters who have never interacted or only exchanged a few lines (Clint/Coulson never even STAND IN THE SAME ROOM, and they're one of the top ships!) have more fanworks than ships with POC who do or have potential. 
I will point out that at least with the MCU Spider-Man and Black Panther fandoms, you do see some diversity with their big ships (I’m including some M/F ships here to make a point in the next paragraph). MJ/Peter has 3,518 fanworks, and in addition to the two T’Challa ships above, Nakia/T’Challa has 286, MJ/Shuri 220, Bucky/Shuri 210, and Peter/Shuri 140 (Black Panther is a much smaller fandom, but some ship numbers are higher if you put BP and non-BP characters together, e.g., Tony/T’Challa (405) and Bucky/T’Challa (345). 
It's important to note, however, that these two films are significantly more racially diverse than all other MCU films; in fact, they're very much the outliers. These ships and Ned/Peter are also heavy indicators of racism in this fandom. These numbers are very low compared to the big ships, and there are fewer works for these fandoms especially in BP’s case. Additionally, ships with white non-BP characters rank second, third, sixth, and eighth in the fandom (Bucky isn’t a BP character as he is only in the post-credits scene). Nakia/T’Challa is canon but outranked by Tony/T’Challa and Bucky/T’Challa, and all other ships with only BP characters, not listed here as the numbers are much lower other than M’Baku/T’Challa (second-lowest among the listed), are outranked by all the ships with white non-BP characters. 
To sum up everything I said above:
white M/M ships are extremely overrepresented by a huge margin, even if they have little to no canonical basis
interracial ships are poorly represented even if the characters have meaningful relationships or potential (and even if they clearly have all the traits that would ensure that they would be a big ship had the character of color been white)
the ships with the least representation by a longggggg mile are ones that involve only POC. Their fanwork count is, aside from Erik/T’Challa (578), in the low 100s and 200s. Countless ships are below the 100 mark. 
If you want to make this even more infuriating, here's a random selection of white (or in one case, AI) crack ships and ships that are more niche that I’ve seen to compare to the ships of color above: 
Clint/Tony: 1,423
Loki/Steve: 1,251 
Clint/Steve: 986 
Bucky/Rumlow: 984 
Clint/Pietro: 837 
Hydrahusbands: 770 
Grandmaster/Loki: 633 
Steve/Rumlow: 547 
Steve/Howard: 457 
JARVIS/Tony: 414
And just for the hell of it because Darcy, a minor character who appears in only two movies and last appeared in 2013, shows up all the time in MCU fanworks (17,004 (these include ones where she’s not paired with anyone)) and is probably one of the top three or four little black dresses/fandom bicycles: 
Darcy/Steve: 3,013
Darcy/Bucky: 2,640
Darcy/Loki: 1,558
Darcy/Clint: 1,107
Darcy/Steve/Bucky: 676
Darcy/Tony: 326
The Darcy situation is a post for another day (she has more fanworks than all other female characters except ~3 women), but in the context of this post, it’s absurd that nearly all of the non-canonical ships above which feature characters whom Darcy has never interacted with (I don’t even remember if Darcy interacted with Loki) have more fanworks than the listed ships of color.
That said, if you like the aforementioned white M/M ships, even if they have little to no canonical basis, that's okay. Anything goes in fandom. It IS a problem, though, if you have more than one ship, but ALL of them are white M/M ships or, if you like F/F and M/F, those are also all white. If you only create and consume works for a single ship, which a good number of people do (many people only get into a fandom because of an OTP!), it's fine if it's a white M/M ship. Honestly, it’s not that surprising either considering most of the screen time and meaty development is given to white characters because of racism (that's a post for another day). However, it IS a problem if most or all of your other ships across your current and previous fandoms are white—and if the only media you consume is predominantly or all white.
This post is longer than planned, but tl;dr, fandom has a racism problem which is nothing new, and we should all examine the following and see and remedy any implicit biases that we have:
our feelings about different characters and relationships, both platonic and romantic
our decision whether or not to seek or make content with characters of color. This includes content with your white ships that have POC in the work because sometimes every other white character in the MCU show up except them or all of them play bigger roles than the POC despite their relationship with the protagonist(s)
the way we interpret and write/draw those characters. For example, is Sam a yes-man? An unofficial or official therapist for white friends? The bro who cracks jokes and/or gives sage advice but seems to not have any flaws, struggles, or life of his own outside of his white friends? The BFF who thinks his white best friend is being dumb about another white guy and wants them to get their act together already?)
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hakuoukisyoi · 4 years
TW // Sexual Assault
"people only like hinata hyuga because she's submissive"
if you've ever said that or even remotely entertained a mindset like that then i am genuinely wishing the worst on you and idgaf.
I've been an avid fan of naruto since I started watching the anime when I was 7 years old (I'm gonna be 23 this year) and the older I grew with that series, the more I was grateful for hinata's existence because she was everything I was as a teenager. From the age of 12, I was violently bullied which caused me to have severe social anxiety to the point where I could not get words out due to how much I stuttered, I developed quickly in terms of physical appearance and ended up with really big boobs that I always covered up by dressing in baggy clothes, I tried my best to be nice to people and always spoke calmly and gently, and didn't like confrontations. I don't kin any fictional characters but she's the closest I've ever come to doing so. Unfortunately my modesty didn't stop cishet men from being absolutely disgusting towards me and sexualizing me for no reason. I ended up being sexually assaulted and when I spoke up I was met with people..specifically WOMEN telling me "it's because you're always trying to appeal to men." Someone once told me "you've finally gotten the male attention that you were craving.", "you're too submissive." I grew up detesting that word. Being accused of catering to the male gaze simply because MEN couldn't act like normal human beings was something that affected me for almost a decade and I dropped everything,hobbies,interests, etc.
I got back into all of my old fun hobbies in 2019 or so..for the first time in a while and naruto was one of the first things I was happy to get back into. I joined fandom stuff to create content and interact with other fans only to be welcomed by the absolute nightmare that comes in the form of this shit take. It's even worse on twitter. Everyday I log in and I'm forced to relive all the bullshit that happened to me years ago anytime I see some freak throw around the term "submissive." Y'all do not know how frustrating it is to log on to social media apps everyday and see a character you identify with get shamed for her body and personality all because cishet men are being their usual disgusting selves towards HER! I think the most irritating part of it comes from a bunch of really bizarre women identifying as feminists who like or stan other female characters with more assertive traits. I don't recall women empowerment ever being like "yeah to be a strong and likable role model to other women you have to act like this or else you exist to cater to men" lol. You're advocating for female characters while slutshaming the ones that literjust sit there and eat their food simple because they're more on the hyperfeminine side? Is it the women's fault that gross men lean that trait? Instead of protecting them from men you're putting them down to uplift the kknd of female traits that you like so we "normalize that instead"...I literally saw a tiktok the other day of a girl saying she'd praise men who went for less feminine female tropes.....it's a full 360 to the "I'm not like other girls" era. Y'all are down terrible.
Also, seeing takes that imply that a female character is weak because she's a stay at home mom is really driving me insane because never in my life have I seen people try to convince other women that mothers are somehow....not strong women. Y'all are constantly going out of your way to disrespect real life women...all because you wanna be vile towards a FICTIONAL CHARACTER!! Chile...
Anyways the whole point of this rant is to express how enraging it is to see how some of y'all view certain types of women while claiming to support a movement that pushes for women to not get shamed for their lifestyle choices. Tired of y'all indirectly disrespecting REAL LIFE PEOPLE over your personal beef with some drawings. Defend your favorite fictional character without spitting in the faces of real life women or die. Happy Women's Day <3
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Family (Part 3 of “Unexpected Reunion)
Here’s the 3rd and possibly final part of “Unexpected Reunion” and “Just Fine”. *Familiar Characters are NOT mine!*
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Warnings: Angst. Mentions of betrayal and murder. a couple swears. SLIGHT SEASON 5 SPOILERS! 
Pairings/Characters: Past!Michael Gray x fem!reader, Michael Gray x Gina Gray, Mentions of the rest of the Shelby family. 
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You jumped a little as Polly once again came thundering into the house. Ada shot up from her seat next to you as little (Y/D/N) began fussing. You took the baby in your arms and settled back to rock her when Polly met your gaze. "Everything is not fine," she said, recalling your words from the day your daughter had been born.
         "What do you mean, Pol?" you asked. Ada had just returned home from the family meeting, her own pregnancy far underway, and had yet to tell you what had happened. "Michael. He's betraying us." You sighed heavily and shook your head while she continued, "He wants to take over as head of the company and expand to America. He said the States don't want to work with the Peaky Blinders. They don't approve of our methods or some-. It's that girl. Michael never would have thought of betraying the family until he met her."
         You remained silent. You never had anything nice to say about Gina, so you tended to keep your mouth shut. Not to mention that you had NEVER, in all your years knowing the Shelbys, seen Polly that angry. She was furious and she was hurting. Her own son was stabbing her in the back.
         Polly turned back to you, eyes filling with tears as her anger began to dissipate. "Tommy is coming to you. He has questions. He knows you would never betray us, but he'll want to know if Michael had given any clue to you before he left." You nodded, bouncing Y/D/N a little bit as the door opened again.
         "Ada? Y/N?" Ada called back that you were in the parlor. Tommy appeared in the doorway a moment later. "Since Pol is here I assume you know why I've come." You told him of course and that Michael had never given any indication that he was going to betray them. "He looks up to you all. Or rather he did. He was eager to bring me into the family." You felt your throat tighten a bit.      
         "I'll put on some tea. Ada, would you mind lending a hand?" The other two women left the room, leaving you alone with Tommy and your daughter. After a moment, Tommy came and sat in the chair Ada had been occupying. "I believe you. But I have to tell you, if Michael does betray us, no force in Heaven, Hell, or on Earth will be able to save him. We have to take care of business. Can you understand that?" He took something out of his pocket and placed it on the table between you. It was a bullet with the name "Michael" etched into it. You glanced between it and Tommy. It took a moment for you to realize that the Thomas Shelby was all but asking for your permission to kill Michael if the worst case came true.
         "I-I understand. Let's hope it doesn't come to that." Tommy met your gaze and held it. He hummed lightly. "Michael has already betrayed you. By all rights, that bullet is yours to put through him…" You instantly shook your head. "Don't. Do not put that on me, Thomas. As much as he hurt me, I can't do that. I'm not like you."
         You expected him to be a little angry, but he smiled a little. "I know. Glad to see you're still you. You haven't let us corrupt you too badly." You chuckled and rolled your eyes. "If you have to, please don't tell me until it's over. I may not love him anymore, but I don't hate him." Tommy nodded and stood. "No matter what happens, you're an honorary Shelby, Y/N. Nothing that Michael does from now on will change that." You thanked him, eager for a break from the heavy conversation.
         Later that night, as you were putting your daughter to bed, you felt a presence behind you. "I'll be there to help tuck Karl into bed in a moment, Ada," you assured her. Since she was so heavily pregnant, you helped where you could. It was why you hadn't moved back into your own home. "Hey." You nearly jumped at the voice behind you that was quite clearly male. You whirled around to see Michael standing there. Even in the near darkness of the room, you could see tear stains on his face. That wasn't like him. Michael never left the house looking less than presentable.
         "Michael? What is it? What are you doing here?" He didn't say anything at first. He simply walked further into the room to gaze down at the baby in her cradle. You stared at the side of his face as fresh tears began to slip down his cheeks. You gently took his arm to lead him from the room, but he rooted himself there. "Please…let me stay here for a moment."
         "Tell me what's happened," you insisted quietly. "She lied to me. And I let her. I let her get in my head." He was getting more upset and you had to physically pull him from the room so he wouldn't wake Y/D/N. You practically dragged him down the stairs to the parlor. You sat him down on the sofa and poured him a whiskey.
         "Who lied to you, Michael?" you asked as you sat down next to him. You couldn't stand seeing him like this. This wasn't the Michael Gray you knew. "Gina. She's not pregnant. She never was." You did everything you could not to ball your fists in your lap and Michael continued, "It was all a lie to get to Tommy through me. Oh God, Tommy. He's gonna kill me."
         "Not if I have anything to say about it. Stay here." You rose, but he caught your wrist. "Please don't…" You attempted a smile. "I have to tell him, Michael. He'll come looking anyway." For the first time since you'd known him, Michael looked scared, but he let you go.
         A little while later, Tommy sat across from Michael along with Arthur and Finn. Polly stood by the window, not wanting to look at her son just yet. Michael let spill everything from how he and Gina had met up until that even when she revealed her true intentions. "I know it doesn't change anything, but I am sorry, Tommy." Tommy lit a cigarette before pulling the bullet out of his pocket yet again. He placed it on the table.
         "We've all had our heads turned by a woman one time or another. With maybe one exception." He turned to you and you gave him a wink. It wasn't his business, but you enjoyed the banter you had. He looked back at Michael and continued, "I'm willing to give you another chance. Because you're family. And family sticks together. But you're on thin fuckin' ice. You understand?"
         Michael looked humbled and defeated as he agreed with Tommy. Tommy cleared his throat and handed the bullet to Michael. "As a reminder to never betray us again. We hardly give second chances. There won't be a third." Michael nodded, taking the bullet with his name etched on it.
         "Thomas," Polly's voice came from the window, "The other one." Tommy sighed heavily before fishing another bullet out of a different pocket. He set it down and you were able to see the name "Gina" on it. "I don't like it, Tom," Arthur said and Tommy nodded. "Neither do I, but we protect our own and she very nearly tore this family apart."
         Michael glanced between his cousins and the bullet with his wife's name on it. He gave a barely there shake of his head. From your spot behind him, you squeezed his shoulder, prompting a silent conversation between the two of you. He slowly reached over to take the bullet.
         "I can't, Tommy. She's still my wife…" Tommy opened his mouth to argue, but closed it when he saw Michael reaching back to hand you the bullet. You took it, meeting Tommy's icy gaze and nodded. While you may not have been able to even think about killing Michael, Gina was a different story. She had put the entire Shelby family and yourself through hell for months. Now it was her turn.
         "Why?" Arthur asked. "What was it Tommy said? We protect our own? Well, you're my family. It's my turn to protect you for once." You slipped the bullet into the pocket of your robe for the time being. Tommy chuckled, pulling all eyes to him again. "Guess we corrupted you after all." You shrugged a bit. "Maybe. But I wouldn't want it any other way. Now, if you'll excuse me. I've got a job to do. Michael can look after the baby."
         You turned on your heel and made your way to your room to get dressed. Your hands were shaking slightly, but you were determined. That woman was going to pay. You dressed quickly and heading downstairs. Tommy was waiting by the door. He slipped a revolver into your hand. "Be quick. Be safe. And welcome to the family, Y/N." You laughed a little in spite of yourself. It wasn't exactly how you imagined your initiation into the Shelby family, but you knew that, no matter what happened, they would have your back.
(a/n: I hope you like it!)
Tagging people who showed interest: @gilraenpalantir​ @namelesslosers​ @liviakomtrikru20​ 
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wordsoflittlewisdom · 4 years
Watching bop again
I kinda forgot Cass was at the roller derby game. Love how all the characters are connected
Why does Roman’s voice...sound like that
Boss Bitch is weirdly nostalgic now
I like that the whole roller derby team is wearing like. team jackets. and harleys got her whole fringe sleeves thing going on
The chemical plant blowing up as fireworks was a very Harley choice
“So I’ll start where I fucking want” four minutes ago
huntress huntress huntress huntress huntress
I read somewhere that this huntress and Montoya scene was one take and they just changed the lighting to show the change
romans middle name being beauvais is probably the clearest clue they could have given that he was from a rich family
Love that Renee finds the necklace and knows Harley and the joker broke up. I like this idea that superheroes/villains are kinda like celebrities in this world
The egg sandwich scene is great what more can I say
Love that there’re cars and people just living their lives in this city
It’s a crime that we never see Harley wear this glittery fanny pack
The music is really good in this
It’s neat how the line between her narration and her dialogue is blurred, like how she’ll say the first part of something in narration and the second part in dialogue
Huntress’s little flute theme
And Montoya knows Cass; c o n n e c t i o n s
Montoya’s been going after Roman, too
And now we’re flipping back to the bertinelli massacre and diamond
Even if the whole missing diamond plot isn’t that unique, everything’s woven together so neatly
And now Dinah and Renee are on the phone about Cass and the diamond
It’s all connected
Harleys whole “I’m here to report a terrible crime”—she could have just run in there but she wanted to be Dramatic
I do wish the vocals were a little louder here maybe?
Big fan of this fight choreography
Harley pausing on a frame where she’s making a weird face before rewinding to explain about the diamond—it’s so rare to ever get to see women like. making weird faces in movies. All the women in his this are gorgeous but they don’t always have to be; they look beat up after fights and get dirty and make weird faces and it’s great
Dinah singing? Exceptional
“Loans, liquidity, laundering” ah yes the three L’s of illegal business
I unironically listen to Black Canary’s man’s world.
I like that everyone just calls Dinah “Canary”
“I’m all on my lonesome. It’s great” Harleys even an unreliable narrator when she’s just talking
I’ve really never seen a movie that feel like it’s from the female gaze visually as much as this one—all the rings and earrings, the hair, the makeup, it feels like what women might fantasize about dressing like
Dinah yelling “you motherfucker!” While beating some creeps up is quality
What time of day is it? Dinah would probably be leaving early in the morning, but I Refuse to believe that Roman would be awake particularly early any morning
She either canary is leaving her nightclub singing gig in the late morning/early afternoon or roman is still awake from the night before and is going to go to sleep soon
Cass and Dinah in the same building. (Bernie voice): I am once again talking about the connections
I’ve riffed on this before but i refuse to believe that Roman can drive
This Dinah and Renee scene establishes character, backstories, and moves the plot along all at once
Jesus some of ewan mcgregor’s acting in this is painfully bad
I love that Cass has a big bomber jacket and longer, looser shorts
Jurnee’s abs wow
The lights from behind the hands with the eyes behind Harley, who’s surrounded by people and then Roman and Victor emerge from the back, whispering to each other? Beautiful
One of the grievances roman has against Harley is “constantly interrupting him, like I’m doing right now”
Harleys “you’re really not as complicated as you think” bit is almost satirical of this cult we’ve created of “complicated” white male movie villains who have massive fan followings (cough cough joker)
Interesting that Roman holds the knife to Harleys face but hands it off to Victor to do that actual cutting
Someone handed Roman a bowl of popcorn
Harleys pocket tampon
It’s diamonds are a girls best friend yeah babey!
The male backup dancers are wearing muzzles/masks (Roman has one too for a split second) is an interesting flip on the way women are typically the ones being silenced, as well as Harleys desire to silence the men around her and be the one telling and controlling her own narrative
“Hey! you’re that singer no one listens to!” “Hey! You’re the asshole no one likes!”
Harley with her glitter gun
Harleys reaction when the sprinklers go off is perfect��Margot makes her feel like a living cartoon
This cell block fight scene is a showstopper
I like that cass doesn’t immediately want to stay with Harley. It gives her some agency in a story where she’s mostly just following the curveballs life throws her
Harleys little stare straight into the camera when cass admits to eating the diamond
Harley at the grocery store really emphasizes that she’s a total weirdo
I think I heard somewhere that the pic of child Harley with the nuns is a pic of young Margot??? Not totally sure though
Cass not knowing who the joker is goes with the whole supers are like celebrities thing—cass probably follows a whole different group of them (like how most kids follow different celebrities than their parents)
Huntress huntress huntresssss
“Give me number 32. Mild”
This kid in helenas flashback doesn’t really look like she’s grow up to look like Mary Elizabeth Winstead
This filming in this flashback has so much style
Helena practicing in the bathroom mirror with her drawing and her multiple bottles of travel mouthwash
We’re in the scene where Roman makes the girl dance on the table and oh god it’s so uncomfortable
No no no no no not this hate this
Alright that nightmare’s done
“and that’s why you should never pay federal income taxes”
Harley offering to bring cass to Roman after hearing doc say “business is business is interesting
Dinahs car is yellow because it’s...canary yellow
Roman putting on the mask is cool and all but he’s just gonna have to take it back off to get changed
This Harley vs Renee fight is fun because they keep mirroring each other—they’re fighting each other, but they’re really on the same side
The way the women all kind of circle each other at first and don’t immediately get along
Cass popping up with the gun also gives her some agency—she’s at the end of her rope with the diamond and being betrayed by Harley
The way Huntress sounds so uncertain when she says “...and now I’m done” Mary’s acting really popped off
Roman’s a bitch but I like his outfits
Helenas little smile when Harley says “you just killed his BFF”
I love how excited Harley is when they all agree to work together
Roman’s giving his little speech in the back of a pickup truck?
When all the guys turned around with masks on I got chills
“I love this chick she’s got rage issues.” “I DONT HAVE RAGE ISSUES”
Huntress stabbing the guy while going down the slide is peak cinema
This set lights up as the scene progresses and reveals more
I love love love that Helena is genuinely caring towards Cass and recognizing that children shouldn’t have to go through trauma like her
“When the fuck did she have time to do a shoe change?”
Forgot to mention this but it’s a stroke of genius for this place to be called the booby trap
Love me some canary cry
“Told ya she had a killer voice”
Harleys chase was a real group hurrah—the canary cry cleared the way and pushed her forward, Huntress towed her, Renee gave her the gun with one bullet
Cass and Roman are just sitting in the back seat. That must have been an awkward car ride
Cass pulling the gun away from Roman when he tries to shoot up at Harley when Harleys on top of the car is elite
Damn this is one foggy pier
When Harley starts with “your protection is based on the fact that people are scared of you” you expect her to say that it’s wrong or something but she says “I’m the one they should be scared of” this movie messed with tropes so much
That also includes the whole “one bullet” thing—Harley misses with her one bullet, and you don’t really know what’s gonna happen next
“I took your ring”
You can pinpoint exactly when Harley and Roman realize what Cass did
I’d put the entire taco scene here if I could
Renee moving the drink away from cass shows her caring side—she doesn’t want a kid to get into alcohol and make the mistakes she did
“Does she always talk like the cop in a bad eighties movie?”
Harley and Cass stealing the car is a fun way to show that she may be on the side of the good guys sometimes, but that doesn’t necessarily make her one
“Woman” by Kesha
Wow the outfits in this scene are iconic
I mean they are in the whole movie but I especially like these
Cass riding around with Harley and a hyena, wearing cute outfits and learning the ways of chaos
Harley got her sandwich!
The credit art for this movie is cool
Especially how they represent each character
In conclusion this is still my favorite movie
I know I’ve been kinda absent recently, but watching this again has really reminded me how much I love it. I got really busy but I’m going to Make An Effort to be a contributing member of the bop fandom again.
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The Girl Out of Time
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Background: Willow Roffe was born and raised in Brooklyn. She lived her life as happily as she could with her two childhood best friends Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers. When they both left her to join the military she tried to continue with life but that didn't get to happen for her for the simple fact that she meant something to James Buchanan Barnes.
Rating: Story will be overall MATURE but not every chapter. There will be strong language, talk of both mental and physical abuse, some good ole angst, and smut. There will be a warning at the beginning of the chapter when it includes smut.
Chapter 36
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The silent conversation the three women were having stopped suddenly. Shuri turned to look at me with a huge smile on her face.
“What’s going on?” I asked her.
“Come with me and I’ll show you what James has been up to.” She reached her hand out to me.
I cautiously took her hand and let her lead me to her lab. Inside the lab there was no sign of anything being different. Shuri led me to a large screen then had me stand in front of it.
“I’m going to show you a few different designs. Just let me know which one you like the most. I can even mix and match pieces.” Shuri explained as she picked up a tablet.
“Designs for what?” I asked her.
She smiled then gestured to the screen. My breath caught in my chest when I realized what I was looking at. They are wedding dresses! Beautiful and expensive looking wedding dresses. I just stared at them in total shock.
“See any you like?” Shuri asked.
“I don’t understand.” I said in somewhat of a confused trance.
Shuri chuckled then stepped over to me.
“Sergeant Barnes told me about how he asked you to marry him all those years ago and how he wanted to make good on his promise. So, we have agreed to lend a hand to help the two of you finally have your day.” Shuri explained.
“James did this?” I asked her.
“It was all his idea. We are just helping him execute it.” She smiled at me.
I turned back to the dresses on the screen. I looked each of them over before deciding which one I liked the best.
“That one” I pointed to it.
Shuri smiled then nodded. She stepped over to a cylinder machine that almost reminded me of the frozen chamber I was found in. He typed a few things on the tablet in her hand then hit a few buttons on the machine. A few minutes later she pulled open the chamber. I was shocked to see the exact dress I had picked before me. Every detail was perfect. It even looked like my perfect fit.
“Let’s see how it looks.” Shuri said as she gently took the dress down.
Shuri and the other two women helped me into the dress once I was undressed. It fit perfectly like it was made just for me. With Shuri’s insane technology I’d guess it was made exactly for me.
“You are gorgeous.” One of the women said.
“Absolutely breathtaking” Shuri smiled.
She placed her hands on my bare shoulders then turned me to face a mirror. I was completely stunned by what I saw. I looked and felt like a princess.
The dress was white, strapless, and perfectly fitting around my hips. The front came down to my ankles then flowed into a long train in the back. It was the most gorgeous thing I’d ever seen.
“Is this the one you want?” Shuri asked staring at me through the mirror.
“Yes” I smiled.
Shuri clapped her hands together excitedly. The other two women hurried out of the room.
“Come sit so we can get your hair and makeup perfect.” Shuri said gesturing to a chair.
“Wait, this is happening right now?” I asked in surprise.
“Of course, Sergeant Barnes didn’t want anything else to get in the way.” She explained.
My stomach suddenly flipped. The nerves taking control. I know I want to do this. This is all I’ve wanted since the day James asked me even if I didn’t remember it. But finding out so suddenly had me on edge. I had no time to prepare myself.
“Everything is taken care of Willow no need to fret. James and T’Challa are finishing up as we speak. It’s going to be magical.” Shuri reassured me.
I nodded then sat in the seat she was standing next to. A few second later the other two women came back into the room. Shuri stood in front of me like she was looking over a piece of clay she was about to sculpt into a masterpiece.
“You already look like a princess in this dress but how about we step it up and make you a queen.” She smiled nodding to the other two women.
I sat quietly as they did their work. Shuri mainly worked on my makeup as she instructed the other two on what to do with my hair. It felt like no time had passed when they stepped back to admire their work. Shuri looked more excited than I had ever seen anyone.
“You have to see yourself. You look like a true queen.” Shuri chuckled pulling me gently.
We stopped in front of the mirror again. She was right. There were small sparkling jewels placed throughout my hair. They had put it on top my head in a beautiful mess of curls. My makeup was flawless but seemed almost nonexistent. I did look like royalty.
“Thank you Shuri.” I smiled trying to keep my tears at bay.
“Don’t worry that face is one hundred percent waterproof. I made it myself.” She said proudly.
I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Knock knock” the male voice had me instantly trying to hide myself.
“Calm down Willow it’s only T’Challa.” She chuckled.
I let out a sigh of relief. I turned to face the king. He was definitely dressed to impress. I thought I looked like royalty until I saw him.
“Everything is ready whenever you are.” He said with a smile.
The nerves instantly came back. I was really about to get married.
“I would be honored to escort you to Sergeant Barnes.” T’Challa said extending his hand to me.
I smiled and nodded grateful for someone to hold onto. I’d probably fall on my face if I had to walk alone.
“Ladies, please help with that dress. I’ll meet you there.” Shuri said then quickly left the room.
“Nervous?” T’Challa asked.
“Completely” I breathed out a laugh.
“No need to be. You look breath taking and Sergeant Barnes is more than excited to see you. He hopes you’re not angry with him for springing this on you so suddenly.” T’Challa spoke as we walked slowly through his palace.
“I’m not angry. I’m surprised and nervous as hell but I’m also so excited to finally do this.” I told him.
“We are all very excited. It’s been some time since we’ve had a wedding here.” T’Challa chuckled.
We stopped in front of a heavy door. It looked like the main door to the palace. T’Challa knocked twice. Music began playing on the other side right before the doors slowly came open. My insides twisted as I saw James standing at the end of the walk way. Shuri stood beside him with a large grin on her face.
T’Challa and I began walking slowly towards them. The look on James’s face was like nothing I’d ever seen. His features were softer than ever as he watched me walk closer. As we drew closer and closer I could see his eyes moving up and down my body trying to take everything in. T’Challa stopped in front of James then grabbed my head to help me step into place. The two women who had been following us fixed my dress to flow properly behind me. T’Challa stepped up to stand next to his sister between James and I.
“You look gorgeous.” James whispered.
“Thank you” I mouthed with a giddy smile.
T’Challa raised his arms silencing the music.
“It has been some time since we have gathered for a ceremony such as this. A beautiful day of joining these two in a bond that will last for eternity. First, I’d like to tell you the story of their love. It’s a love that has withheld for almost a century. It began in America in the 1930s where Sergeant Barnes and Willow grew up as close friends. In the 1940s when Sergeant Barnes was leaving for war they finally confessed their feelings. James left with the promise of marrying Willow when he returned but he did not return. He was thought dead for many years along with Willow. It wasn’t until the 21st century not long ago at all that both Willow and James were found to actually be alive. After a long fight between many different enemies both internal and external did the two finally come together again. The love between them strong enough to withstand all the horrors of their past. They stand here today ready to restart together in a new time in and place. A new life for them both to finally find peace and happiness. Now, if you two will unite arms.” T’Challa finished gesturing to us.
James extended his hand then grabbed my forearm. I mirrored his action doing the same.
“The bond of marriage, as I said, is eternal. To take on not only the same name but a combined life to be there for each other in all moments. To be each other’s strength and comfort. To fight by each other’s side. Do you accept this bond?” T’Challa turned to James.
“I accept this bond.” James said with a smile.
“Do you accept this bond?” T’Challa asked again turning to me.
“I accept this bond.” I answered smiling up at James.
“I, King of Wakanda, would like to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Barnes.” T’Challa said happily.
James grabbed each side of my face then pressed his lips against mine softly. It was a sweet and simple kiss but it hinted at more to come. The crowd before us cheered. Shuri clapped happily as T’Challa looked proudly down at us.
James took my arm in his then guided me back down the aisle. I was giddy with happiness and nerves. I really just got married! I finally married James Buchanan Barnes!
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microsuedemouse · 4 years
man it has been a MINUTE since I made my own post about anything fandom-related on this website but @suzirya is blogging about The Old Guard and I haven’t seen anyone else talking about it really and I’ve got. some thoughts
I had literally never heard of this movie at all until a few nights ago when we were eating dinner in the living room and my dad pulled it up and said ‘hey I want to watch this’ and played the trailer for my brother and me. We were pretty much like yeah, sure, we all enjoy a good action flick, and aside from my other brother (who was occupied with D&D) it ended up being the whole family watching it. and I enjoyed it WAY more than I’d anticipated, especially for something I’d never heard about.
if you don’t know what I’m talking about: drop what you’re doing and go watch The Old Guard on Netflix. (it’s a Netflix original so yes it will be there.) it’s a very fun and good action film based on a series of graphic novels about a small group of immortals trying to do what’s right. there are many selling points but one of them is that it will be very good for your little gay soul, bc Charlize Theron stars (in a character with no explicitly-stated romances but lots of relationships that will make you Feel Things) and two of the other main characters are two men who met during the Crusades and are just amazingly in love with each other. And not in a vague way that the straights can interpret as Powerful Friendship. They are explicitly in love with each other and so devoted and ugh.
ANYWAY. putting the rest of my chattering under a cut bc spoilers and also I’m a wordy piece of shit
1 - early in this movie I was thinking about how glad I am that Charlize Theron has stepped into this role of like... cool female action star, but also, her characters are never super sexed up. almost any female characters I can think of in action movies, if they’re part of the action rather than victims/bystanders, are always made sexy. even when they’re Strong sexy, they’re still... a lot sometimes? I was thinking especially of some Angelina Jolie stuff, Scarlett Johanssen, etc. there are probably lots of exceptions to this that I just don’t know but still - we’ve had Theron in several roles like this recently, and appearance-wise she’s treated with the same respect as her male counterparts, which is so fucking cool and also such a fucking relief. we all love beautiful ladies, obviously, but it’s so SO good to see our female heroes just doing their jobs, without us ever being made aware of their sexuality.
and as the movie went on this was hitting me more and more, and I was also thinking it about... everyone? like. the other female lead, played by KiKi Layne, was arguably more feminine than Theron but not any more sexualised. even once she’s out of her army fatigues she’s dressed with practicality in mind, and again, we never have her female-ness pointed out to us. and I was so about every bit of that. both objectively and as a person whose relationship to female-ness and femininity is kind of weird, it’s such a good thing to see leading women whose gender and appearances and bodies aren’t being focussed on that way.
and as a sidebar to that, while I wouldn’t describe any of the prominent male characters as unattractive by any means, none of them were like... Marvel-actor hot. and I just, idk, especially in action/superhero movies, that’s refreshing to me. a lot of them looked like Regular Dudes in a way that I find very appealing.
2 - can we TALK about Joe and Nicky. holy shit. my brother and I kept leaning over to each other to be like ‘if anything happens to either of them I’ll riot.’ I MEAN.
we got a genuine, explicit, on-screen established romance between these men. it was not implied, it was not just how the actors played it in the hopes that people would catch on - it was right there. they hold each other to sleep, they kiss each other with such love, they talk to other characters about how much they adore each other. they met during the Crusades. they’ve been in love for centuries! and they’re so sweet, so devoted, so adoring! and they never have any arguments or tension to further the plot (one of my personal most-hated plot devices in any story with an established relationship). they just spend this movie loving each other, protecting each other and their weird little family, doing anything they can for each other. they’re taken prisoner and spend their time awake joking and making each other smile. and the one singular bit of casual homophobia they encounter on-screen is met with a declaration of love so heartfelt and intense that the guy who made the shitty comment literally doesn’t know what to say - which is a brief but extremely good scene in the movie, imo.
oh, also worth noting: this romance is biracial and interfaith (inasmuch as either of them may be men of faith after being alive for centuries). just to add to how good this is to see on-screen. all of this on top of them being IMMORTAL AND UNKILLABLE. NO GAYS BURIED HERE
2.5 - can I talk for a second about how goddamn much I love seeing non-hetero romance in genre fiction!!! I know it’s getting easier to find, but still. genre fiction is very much my domain and I love seeing queer romance there, especially when it’s simply an accepted fact and the characters’ queerness isn’t central to the story. narratives about queerness are good and important and serve a function but most of them aren’t really my thing, personally. a story that’s about all kinds of other things but also has queer characters there, being themselves, being in love, is so 1000% my shit.
3 - also? Charlize Theron’s character, Andy?? fascinating from a queer perspective. she doesn’t have any explicitly-stated romance with anyone, but her relationships with other characters are so compelling and so interesting. The backstory about her and another immortal, Quynh, very very distinctly gives you the impression that they were women in love. everything about Andy’s guilt and bitterness over not having been able to find/save Quynh feels so much like there was a romance there. it could have been platonic or familial - they were together, without anyone else, for centuries at least, and therefore obviously developed a very deep love - but the way Andy talks about Quynh it feels so much like there was something left unsaid, or unresolved.
also, her scene with the clerk in the pharmacy. oh my god. this woman clearly recognises that whatever is going on with Andy, something is wrong, and she offers her help, no questions asked. she takes her into the back room and patches up her wound. this scene has such an inherent intimacy because of the close quarters and the privacy and the act taking place, but... there’s also this really interesting connection happening between them, where they recognise something in one another but don’t state it. (personally, I couldn’t help wondering if the clerk was a domestic abuse survivor, maybe? but there are so many ways you could interpret her character from her behaviour and dialogue in that scene, and I’d love to see other people’s takes.)
and then on the other hand you have her relationship with Booker, who’s been with her the longest out of any of the living immortals. they’re incredible. their relationship is so, so interesting and well-depicted! they have such chemistry, that you can easily read as romantic or platonic. they’ve been together for so many hundreds of years and they work together, trust each other, with such a deep understanding and love and respect. and it never quite tips over into the romance you kind of think it will, which imo only makes it that much more compelling - there are so many directions you could take that dynamic.
4 - and then on the topic of Booker: I am SO into the way his betrayal was handled.
he did, undeniably, betray the others. there’s no argument on that fact. his motivations were understandable (and heartbreaking), even to Andy, though certainly not an excuse. so yes, they were furious with him. reasonably so! but... that didn’t actually break their relationships with him. they didn’t leave him behind in the lab, even if in some ways they might have wanted to. and in the ensuing battle, they were still able to work together and trust each other as they always have. the damage done to their larger relationship was put aside to be dealt with after all of this, as it should be. and even when they did deal with it, what they agreed on was just a century of exile from their group. given the lives they’re all living, that seems like such a mild sentence.
but to me, it makes so much sense. again, these people have lived for centuries, and there are so few of them. they need each other. the bonds they’ve formed over all this time together - the trust, the love, the sense of family - would not only be vital to both their survival and their sanity, but also incredibly difficult to truly break. what he did would seem unforgivable from an outside perspective, and even after that century passed I’m certain he’d have to earn back their trust and respect, but it makes absolute sense that they’d be willing to take him back one day.
god. GOD. I’m sure there’s more I could talk about but this is what I can think of right now and I’ve been typing for like forty minutes probably so I’m done for now but.
this movie and its characters GOT ME, guys. I’m really in it. ugh UGH
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gascon-en-exil · 3 years
It's still somewhat astounding to me that a single offhand comment about trans headcanons for a Three Houses character got me a torrent of verbose anon hate, all presumably from one very loudly opinionated person. I'm not going to bother responding to those directly or any of the many that will assuredly follow - although I am old enough to be amused by the thought that the same whining the troll makes about trans headcanons contributing nothing to fandom could have been ripped right out of 2000s-era discourse, except back then it was about gay headcanons/fic - but a combination of candor and spite has nonetheless prompted me to put my current project on hold for a moment and talk a little about why I would have trans headcanons at all, and more specifically the kind that I do.
I have in the past suggested that, while I generally identify as cis, my gender has become more fluid in certain circumstances over the past half decade or so. Sexual circumstances, to be precise, to the point that I do now describe myself as "genderfluid in bed" for men who display an interest in such things. The common term for that is feminization kink, and for the men who are into that it usually manifests in little more than a desire to see me in lingerie and/or the use of associated wordplay during sex (ex. calling my hole a pussy/cunt, expressing a desire to impregnate me). I can understand why that might be appealing for some men; gay men collectively have a bunch of hangups with regard to straight men, and while that more often manifests through lewd fantasies of celebrities or watching porn where allegedly straight guys jack off for the camera I can also see in encounters with those men a desire to in essence RP as straight men fucking women. I get that from some bi men too, men who have explicitly enjoyed my natural androgyny and in some cases have even used their sexual experiences with cis women to add some extra flavor to our time together. Obviously this isn't a thing for all or even most gay/bi men - and guys who are looking for more masc partners are unlikely to start talking to me in the first place - but anecdotally speaking there are men of varying self-identified orientations who are into feminized AMAB sexual partners.
Now of course this comes to what is probably a more salient question: am I into that, or is it just one of several types of kink I'm willing to engage in because it broadens my appeal? There's no shortage of that in my sexual CV; I've let men suck on my toes, piss on me, tie me up, flog me, on occasion done all of the above to them, and more - but I'm sufficiently aware of my own interests to know that none of those things really turn me on. Feminization however I do like, so much so that I've noticed that I'm more genuinely attracted to men who treat me in what I perceive to be a feminine way, who take the lead in social situations and in intimacy and who enjoy the contrast in our bodies (these men almost always being bigger, hairier, and hopefully more well-endowed). The concept of treating me as feminine alone carries a ton of culturally specific baggage. The French are traditionally perceived as a more feminine/effete culture in the English-speaking world. Créole women like my female relatives and ancestors are notorious for the way they control their husbands, lovers, children, and (back when we had them) domestics while still constrained by the bounds of patriarchal society. It is through them that I learned most of how I conduct myself around men both in and out of bed, that the easiest way to control a man is to appear to be controlled by him while simultaneously enslaving him to his passions - passions that I intimately understand because I too have a dick. Most of my sexual partners come from backgrounds very different from that, so they have trouble understanding how I approach sex even if I'm trying to form an actual relationship with them. Still, some of them try, and I enjoy it when they do.
I've had trouble opening up about this before on my blog, not because of any trolls (although pissing off trolls is always fun) but because I've never been quite certain of how welcome talking about this would be. Most of the content and resources by, for, and about trans women online I've come across has concerned lesbian trans women, or otherwise centered around trans women's relationships (sexual or otherwise) with other women. As someone who still conceptualizes my gender identity first and foremost in relation to my sexual availability to men, those resources are unsurprisingly not going to speak to me very well. General trans content on Tumblr and other fandom spaces is similarly of little personal appeal, with the users skewing heavily AFAB and therefore more likely to feature trans men. I fully understand why that is, and on occasion I've been known to enjoy M/M porn where one character has a vagina with no explanation. God knows I've fantasized before about having an orifice that lubricates itself, doesn't need to be flushed out before sex, and is naturally built to take a cock. The philosophy behind most trans headcanons does elude me a bit though, as it seems to me like it'd be easier to keep a character's canon AGAB and change their gender identity rather than the reverse. Apparently that approach is much less common, but I can safely say that all of the handful of trans headcanons I've had involve canonically cis male characters imagined as trans female and sexually involved with cis male characters - big surprise there, right?
I get the impression that my perspective could easily be considered antiquated in several ways: that I emphasize sexual activity over the more nebulous sexual attraction when it comes to discussing orientation; that I prioritize my sexual activity over my gender identity; that I believe there exists a liminal space between fem cis gay men and straight trans women, and that there is historical precedence for such a space in pre-modern/early modern queer communities; and that to the extent that I've internalized a feminine gender identity I do so in the context of my relationships with men. Again, a lot of that comes down to culture, to the myriad ways in which queerness in New Orleans has retained its own history and character independent of other queer cultures in the English-speaking world. Maybe some of it sounds outdated, or misogynistic (I've seen that criticism lobbied at drag queens, and it would probably apply here too), or most bizarrely of all transphobic...but it's all nonetheless a part of who I am, and at the end of the day the only people whose opinions on this subject really matter to me are the men who want to take me to bed. To quote a particularly fitting verse from "Sugar Daddy" of Hedwig and the Angry Itch:
So you think only a woman Can truly love a man? Well, you buy me the dress, I'll be more woman Than a man like you can stand
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
Can I request a Prompt with Tifa and Male reader, "You're bleeding!"
I think this is my first proper Tifa writing, I’m excited! Thanks for requesting, sweetie, hope you like it! :D
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Tifa Lockhart x Male Reader
The 7th Heaven was like a haven for me, a place where I could rest and recover. This time was no different, as my friends had made me feel better in no time. MY recent encounter had been tiring and painful, but as soon as I came in and saw Tifa smiling and offering me a drink, everything was alright.
"I can’t believe it!” Barret laughed after I told them about it, heavily dropping a hand on my shoulder. “You can’t take a couple of enemies on your own, Y/N?” 
“I can, better than you” I teased him back, earning a resigned grin from him. Cloud even chuckled from the other side of the bar.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Tifa worriedly stared at me. “You seem tired”
“I’m fine” I opened up my arms to show her I remained in one piece. “They got me in the chest, but I don’t think-”
I stopped myself as I looked down to my shirt. A small amount of crimson seeped through the white fabric of my shirt. 
“You’re bleeding!” Tifa hurried to leave her place behind the bar to close the distance between us. “Cloud, get the first aid kit”
“On it” The young man didn’t lose a second to stand up and fetch it.
“Shit, Y/N... I was joking...” Barret watched us in shock. “You really went and got hurt?”
“It’s nothing” More than talking to him, I was saying it to calm Tifa’s obvious concern. “Just a scratch, I’ll be fine”
“That you’ll be” She replied, not establishing eye contact as she busied herself with opening a few buttons from my shirt to reveal part of my bare chest. “Because I’m going to patch you up and then you’re going to rest”
“Yes, ma’am” I playfully told her, grinning at her.
Tifa looked up at me, laughing a little in response. Just then, Cloud arrived with the first aid kit and handed it to her. He and Barret stood there and watched how she patched me up.
“Don’t freak out, Tifa” The latter told her. “Y/N might not look it, but he’s tough”
“Thanks...” I jokingly glared at him, earning a guffaw from my friend. 
“He’s fine” Cloud added too. “I’ve seen much worse”
“See? Just a scratch” I kindly squeezed her upper arm to comfort her.
“Good” Tifa’s hands were gentle as she finished treating my wound and put a dressing over it. “Please more careful next time”
“Anything for you, Tifa” 
“Shut up” Once she was done, she laughed a little and softly punched me in the arm. I faked to feel deeply hurt by it, grimacing in offence. It only widened her smile.
Tag list: @call-me-harley-quinn / @anxiouslyreckless​​ / @xionroxas​​ / @dancewaterdance02​​ / @little-faerie-artist​​ / @x-joie-x​​ / @honeybunhanbin​​ / @legallyblindgamer727​​ / @imaginealllthefandoms / @lotsoffandomstoimagine // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, let me know!! // Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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discoursecatharsis · 5 years
I’ve gotten more than one anon ask from a teenager, paranoid that they’re a pedophile or a predator for crushing on a peer 2-3 years younger than them. Because anti-shippers/fandom purity police constantly use the term “pedophile” for ships between teens 2-3 years apart, it’s no wonder why real teens are confused and terrified. So I wanted to make a post with proper definitions of these terminologies and link to some sources, so that maybe it’ll reassure some other poor teen out there that it’s perfectly fine for them to crush on their schoolmate.
First I’m going to get this out of the way: I’m talking about crushing and dating and having a romantic relationship. Sex between a legal adult (18 and up) and a legal minor (17 and down) could be illegal depending on the age of consent where you live, and any Romeo and Juliet laws that may or may not be in place. That’s way more complicated, so I won’t be touching on teenage relationships where sex is involved. While I’m on this subject though, a quick PSA: if you’re under 18, do not take/send nudes at all. You could be charged with child pornography for “self-producing” your own nudes. As dumb as that sounds, it happens. I don’t agree with courts that do it, punishing hormonal teenagers for having hormones is dumb, but it still happens. It’s not worth it, don’t do it.
One more thing: I’m talking about relationships between peers in the same age group. Between two young adults, adolescents, or teenagers. Note that there is some overlap between these groups (i.e. 15 year old is a teenager and an adolescent but not an adult, while an 18 year old is all three, while a 20 year old is only a young adult). I’m not justifying age gaps that are obviously wrong and illegal, like a 30 year old and a 14 year old, so please do not put words in my mouth.
Moving on to the topic at hand...
If the only “concerning” thing about a relationship is a minimal age gap between two peers in the same age group, the relationship is probably okay.
The existence of an age gap alone does not make someone a pedophile or predator or child groomer. Intent needs to involved. Ill intent. Along with other abusive, predatory, manipulative behaviors.
Let’s break down some of these terms further:
A pedophile is attracted to prepubescent children. If the younger party in the relationship is not prepubescent, the older person is not a pedophile.
Here is the criteria for being a pedophile, as defined by the American Psychiatric Association.
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If there is less than a 5 year age gap between teens (i.e. a 15 year old and a 19 year old), there is probably not an issue.
If however, for example, an 18 year old is attracted to someone who’s 13 and still prepubescent, there may be an issue there and the older teen should seek help or talk to someone about it. This doesn’t mean they’re a bad person. If they haven’t hurt anyone, they’ve done nothing wrong. It may just be a disorder that they have no control over, so that’s why it’s a good idea to seek help for it.
Moving away from “pedophilia” now. What about people who prey on (i.e. are intentionally seeking to harm) teens who are post-pubescent? That person is not a pedophile, but they are a predator or a child groomer.
Which leads to the next point, what are some examples of “ill intent” when it comes to predatory relationships? What exactly is a predator or a child groomer?
This site lists the definition of grooming, along with some red flag behaviors.
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First I want to point out the word “deliberate.” You can’t accidentally groom someone, like I’ve seen multiple fandom police claim. Posting properly tagged and flagged nsfw fanart on a public forum like tumblr or twitter that allows nsfw content is NOT grooming. Grooming is a deliberate act. It involves intent. If an adult is sending private DMs of nsfw sexual fanart to a minor that they KNOW to be a minor, that is completely inappropriate and grooming behavior. Same goes for any nsfw sexual talk, like an adult having a nsfw rp chat with a minor, that’s wrong too. But simply posting/liking/sharing nsfw fandom content on a public website is not grooming.
That link has a longer list of red flag behaviors, along with examples, but here are three I want to especially point out.
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A lot of these sites seem to write their info with the focus on young children being groomed, going by the language they use (”child’s natural curiosity”). But teenagers can definitely be groomed also, in the same ways. If an older partner is taking advantage of a vulnerable teen due to an abusive home life, or trying to isolate them from their family and friends, or overstepping any emotional/physical/sexual boundaries, that teen is very likely in a dangerous situation and needs to confide in a trusted friend, and eventually in a trusted adult, about it.
I also wanted to share this source as well, just as a general example of other signs of abuse in a relationship. The National Domestic Violence Hotline has a chart that lists common behavior patterns of an abusive, manipulative partner.
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This chart uses the example of a male abuser and a female victim, but they have another page and chart for lgbt+ relationships.
As their site says, this can apply to anyone. Age, gender, sexual orientation, it doesn’t matter, anyone is capable of being an abuser or being a victim. Notice how this has similar tactics as the child predator/groomer red flag list too, such as isolation.
Also notice the different manipulative behaviors in this chart. This chart is just a good rule of thumb for red flags in any kind of relationship, be it sexual, romantic, platonic or familial.
Here is another source that lists more red flag behaviors, but more specifically for teenage relationships.
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With that in mind, here are some hypothetical scenarios. Let’s use a specific example of a 18 year old high school senior (12th grade) dating a 15 year old high school sophomore (10th grade).
This relationship could be bad if the senior is using the sophomore for their own personal gain. Taking advantage of the fact that the younger person is inexperienced when it comes to dating, and using that fact to manipulate them into a relationship. Maybe the senior isolates the sophomore from their family and friends, makes them feel guilty for wanting to hang out with friends, makes them quit their after-school sports activities or forces them to cancel plans with friends so that they can spend more time together. Maybe the older teen controls how they dress or what they do, or makes them do things that they’re uncomfortable with. All of those are signs of an abusive relationship. If the older teen doesn’t care about the younger teen or about their feelings and is just using them, obviously that is an unhealthy, abusive relationship. (*It’s important to note though, that this exact thing can happen between two people of the same age too. A partner who’s the same age as you can also be controlling and abusive. It can happen with friendships too, it doesn’t have to be limited to dating relationships.)
On the other hand, this senior/sophomore relationship very well could be a perfectly healthy one too. Maybe they are in the same after-school club and bonded through that. Maybe they’ve already known each other and have been friends for years, maybe their families are friends, etc. And they’ve recently started crushing on each other and decided to date. As long as they respect each other, it’s fine.
That’s why you need to know what is going on in a relationship before you judge. An age gap by itself is not proof enough that a relationship is bad or abusive or predatory. One of the partners needs to have ill-intent, and exhibit these abusive red flag behaviors.
So to sum up everything, if the ONLY thing in a relationship is that there is an age gap, but both people are otherwise peers and in the same age group/range, and none of the above red flags are present, your relationship is fine and you have nothing to worry about. You know you’re a good person, your partner is a good person, you have family and friends supporting the both of you, you care about and respect each other, then you’re fine.
You’re not a pedophile or a predator or any awful thing like that. Remember, those are deliberate acts and involve ill-intent. Please don’t let fandom police scare you. They’re internet strangers, they know NOTHING about you or your personal life or your relationships or your home life or your upbringing or your family and friends. They’re judging you based solely on the fact that there’s an age gap, and nothing else. They have nothing to go by. They’re not trying to educate others on healthy or unhealthy relationship dynamics. They’re just instilling fear in people to back up their own moral superiority or ship war or whatever tf is driving them to be like That and spread misinformation and make inaccurate generalizations. And they don’t seem to realize or care how dangerous it is that they’re telling teens that they’re predators when they’re not. They don’t care about victims. If they did, they’d be spreading helpful advice, but instead they’re just spreading fear and misinformation. Please stop listening to them. And please for all that is good, don’t take advice from them. Talk to adults in your personal life, if not a parent, then an older cousin or an aunt or uncle or teacher or counselor. Or Google it and find reputable sources for yourself. That is much more reliable than taking advice from people who throw around the word “pedophile” to describe a ship between two teenage anime characters. People need to use common sense and look at relationships on a case-by-case basis. And anti-shippers/fandom purity police are unable to do that.
To fandom police: stop telling teenagers that they’re a predator or pedophile for dating their schoolmate who’s two years younger than them. It’s none of your business, and don’t give me that “but if they’re hurting themselves or others, I need to say something” BS. You’re a stranger, you do not know their personal lives. You know nothing about what is going on except that an age gap is involved, that’s it, and that is not enough to jump to such a drastic conclusion and serious accusation. It’s not your place because you don’t know their life or their situation. Also frankly, it’s damn weird and highly inappropriate for you to be inserting yourselves into the personal lives of some random teenager on the internet that you don’t know (especially if you’re an adult). You think shippers are gross for “being invested in the love lives of fictional teens,” yet here you are trying to control the love lives of real life teens. Please get some perspective.
Edit: Another point I forgot to mention, so I’m tacking this onto the end.
Stop acting like all teens x-years-old are the exactly same as every other teen who is also x-years-old. “I’m 18 and I would NEVER date a 15 year old because they’re practically a baby and I’m such a mature adult already and-” Good for you, you want a cookie? Repeat after me: not everyone is the same as you. One 18 year old might be socially awkward but nice and with no dating experience at all, and would fair well with dating a 15 year old who also is in their first relationship. Another 18 year old might be really responsible for their age due to circumstances in their family life, and are fully capable of handling themselves and dating a 21 year old college classmate. Everyone is different. Two people of different ages may just “click” with each other, they’re on the same wavelength, or they have similar experiences, etc. Just because you personally wouldn’t date someone 2-3 years younger/older than yourself doesn’t mean 1) that it’s wrong, or 2) that others wouldn’t be okay with it for their own personal (and valid) reasons.
Again: it is not your business to interfere with an internet stranger’s personal life and relationships when the only thing you have to go off of is “there’s an age gap.” I’m begging y’all, please look at this with the nuance that it deserves. It is not black-and-white, and your black-and-white thinking is really messing up teenagers and making them feel bad about completely normal and healthy age-appropriate crushes or desires to date someone else.
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gayregis · 4 years
I've listened to the part where Geralt talks with a very ill Cahir about Ciri and vengeance... it was one of the most emotional parts of the book by itself but also thanks to your take about the lost innocence of Ciri ! I felt it thrice hard in the feelings! Also, do you have thoughts on the declared love of Cahir for Ciri? Personally I see it as disturbingly romantic, let's say. Thank you for your commitment to the books and sorry to bother you
omg thank you for the ask. first of all i have to say you’re not bothering me!! tbh i have been loving getting asks because it gives me an opportunity to like bring more discussion to the witcher community... 
i feel like although reblogging pretty gifs of characters/landscapes from tw3 and any good fanart i can find is nice, my FAVORITE thing to do is write or read a really long textpost about the witcher books, i really like the discussion aspect of fandoms where people post their reactions and opinions to the content they like, because you get a bunch of shared reactions and differing opinions.
so no this is NOT a bother at all, and its nice especially to get asks about topics that i have strong feelings about but have not made posts about yet, like this one
ok, as for the actual topic: i hate forced heterosexuality, so you KNOW i hate that canon cahiri! it was out of line from sapkowski and imo, it came out of absolutely nowhere in tower of the swallow, it wasn’t something built up to or foreshadowed at all, so it felt not only weird in context but weird for sapkowski as an author.
my main problem with canon cahiri: i think it’s super creepy!
first of all, let’s discuss the age difference. cahir in baptism of fire is estimated to be “not over 25,” which i see as putting him around 20 to 25 years old, and i usually take the median of this which is around 23. while this “not over 25″ comment is said in the context of the hansa to remark upon how young cahir is (i believe it’s thought of by either geralt or dandelion, and geralt is around 60 years old and as a witcher he looks 45, and dandelion is 38 in tower of the swallow), and how cahir is described as a young man in time of contempt to illustrate that he has a sense of innocence to him as ciri cuts him down, his age gap with ciri is super innappropriate for anything to occur between them, since she is 10 or 11 during the massacre of cintra (as stated by geralt in something more), so she would be around 14 at thanedd, and 15-16 during baptism of fire to lady of the lake. so sapkowski deemed it fit to pair a 23 year old man with a 16 year old girl. this isn’t the first time he’s done something like this, what with essi being “not over 18″ and shani also bein around 18 / college age, and yennefer canonically looking around 20. listen, the man has some messed up values when it comes to women’s ages. we have to take it upon ourselves as people who like the not-weird parts of canon to understand how worldviews and personal biases affect one’s writing, and change it for ourselves to make it right so we can continue interacting with it, if we so choose (tldr: retcon some shit when it’s fucked up in canon).
now, before someone argues that “it’s fantasy medieval world, medieval relationships between men and women were just like that,” believe me, i am aware. i study ancient greece/rome and men who were in their 30s were most often paired with women in their teens as part of their arranged marriages. that is how their ancient societies functioned more than 2000 years ago. the issue is that this is a fantasy world, in which societal norms and laws do not have to conform to real-life earth history, and this is the work of a modern writer writing in the 1990s. it’s not “just how the times were,” it’s deliberately choosing to include an age gap like that to be something canonically acceptable by their society/ies.
also, one could argue that the age gap would be fine once they are older, like, when ciri becomes an adult she is already medievally-style betrothed to cahir so they start dating when she’s like 20 and he’s like 27. eh... that’s still an uncomfortable age gap, at least for when they’re in their 20s. people in their older 20s have more life experience than people in their younger 20s. but at least it wouldn’t land cahir in modern-day jail.
it’s still just an uncomfortably large age gap, and if you think about it, it’s even creepier considering that cahir met ciri when she was a helpless child around 10 - 11 and it just makes the bathing scene excruciatingly creepy too if you put it in the context that he eventually would fall in love with her. it even begins to not be about strictly age, but about life experience, development, and power imbalance within the relationship. i mean, he did literally kidnap her.
cahir in tos calls ciri a “woman” when she is like, 15 or 16 (with the rose tattoo) (to anyone reading, please don’t come at me with that “the age of consent is 15 in poland, just because it’s 18 in the US doesn’t mean your laws and culture apply to everyone” ... please do not try and justify this with laws, legality is not morality. only saying this because i’ve seen it in other posts). like.... hm! don’t like that! she is a teenager... he is in his 20s... this should not be occuring.
sorry for the loooong explanation, but every time someone brings up the subject of age gaps on tumblr it turns into crazy discourse with everyone trying to justify it.
but yeah, CANONICALLY cahir would have been 16-21 (median 18) when he met ciri at 10-11, and 20-25 (median 23) when he declares his love for her at 15-16. that’s ... not good ... to put it more into perspective, these are their ages on a traditional school system path: a 18 year old is a high school senior, an 11 year old is a 6th grader. a 23 year old has been out of college for 2 years, a 16 year old is a high school sophomore. ITS NOT GOOD
my other problem with canon cahiri: it’s boring and contradicts sapkowski at his own game.
all of the witcher is about taking fantasy tropes and inverting them, like you can’t have some random peasant kill a dragon, you’d need a professional, and also guess what, the dragon isn’t evil but a dad trying to protect his wife and child.
all of the characters in the hansa (as well as the four main characters of geralt, yennefer, ciri, and dandelion) are inversions of the tropes they represent. for some examples, milva’s trope is something like the hot action girl who only exists to be the only girl in the company and to be sexy eye candy. instead of falling into this, she is actually an action girl, not bothering with sexiness and appeal to the gaze of a male audience but a “get shit done” type, who also dresses and acts “like a man.” regis’ trope is all vampire tropes ever. he/vampires in the witcher doesn’t/don’t fall into any of the traditional european vampire myths like burning in sunlight, needing to drink blood to stay alive, being disdainful of humanity, having aversions to garlic, belonging to a super-secret orderful society that lurks in the shadows and controls everything like puppetmasters, etc... instead, he is the epitome of redemption arcs and overall “goody-goodiness,” understands humanity perfectly and does things out of his good nature. i already talk about regis too much, so i’ll quit it. 
cahir is an inversion of every knight trope ever, particularly the evil knight. he scars ciri’s memory as a night terror, but actually is not ... a bad person. he’s just some guy, pressured by his family and his society to do what he saw as an assignment like a college kid might see their final essay assignment posted on canvas. except you know. the final exam was to kidnap a girl. and he got an F on that and failed the course (ie got thrown in prison). ANYWAYS, cahir is meant to be this inversion of the knight tropes, so WHY, WHY, WHY make him become the knight trope of being the one to romance and to save a hapless princess? if we’ve learned anything about ciri, it’s that she’s the inversion of the princess trope! she KILLS PEOPLE. she ALMOST KILLED CAHIR. she can defend herself and kill for herself, she doesn’t need the knight trope going to protect her! 
heterosexual romance as the Big Reason and Motivation behind all of a character’s actions is tiring, annoying, boring, and not well-thought out. it’s so base and not unique, it doesn’t fit in with everything else about the witcher.
how i would fix it: not make them fall in love.
cahir already HAS a motivation to find ciri and to help her. he needs to APOLOGIZE. he needs to say, hey, i’m sorry i kidnapped you and ruined your life, i made peace with your dad, he doesn’t wanna kill me anymore, i can only hope that you can forgive me too after i SET THINGS RIGHT. 
as opposed to regis’s arc (i swear i am not playing favorites with regis, i just tend to compare and contrast regis and cahir’s redemptions because they are quite different yet they join the hansa side by side so they’re bound to be compared), cahir actually can find the one (not many) people he wronged, and set things right on his own accord, not go forth with a larger mission to assist all humanity, or whatever.
i think cahir also had this WONDERFULLY UNDERUTILIZED anti-imperialist message as part of his character that pains me to see being swept under the rug for some cheap lame romance story. sapkowski already created some anti-war sentiments with the battle of the bridge in baptism of fire, and he tried to create anti-racism sentiments throughout the book/at the end of lady of the lake. anti-imperialism fits with the rest of the saga as a message.
the fact that cahir was instructed by his family to hate the northern kingdoms, despite the fact that they were related to northerners, is really profound as something to happen to a character, and holds a lot of meaning in today’s society. the fact that he broke, finally, after he lost ciri, just completely lost his mind and had to be restrained because he was wailing so hard, because of the pressure that this society put him under to succeed and achieve pride for his family, is such a great example of the tragedies of society. then he speaks out against his leader and is jailed... and yet, after this, he gets to learn from his mistakes and redeem himself as a good person, and his character has developed SO much. he is not doing what his country wants him to do, he is not doing what his family wants him to do. he is doing what he wants to do because it is the RIGHT thing to do. that already is such a powerful message, he doesn’t need anymore character motivation!
so yep that’s my thoughts on why cahir is a good character asides from all that forced romance biz
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stellar-imagines · 5 years
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Takami Keigo ]
「Scenario of Bakugou and Hawks making their S/O fly with their quirk.」
"A-Are you sure that this is safe?" you stammer, looking over at the edge of the building. Your heart dropped at the sight and you stumbled backwards. You never knew that you had a fear of heights until now. Scratch that! Anyone would be scared to be standing at the ledge of a building. Shaking your head and recomposing yourself, you took a deep breath to calm your racing heart. 
You stepped back, thinking to yourself that this was practically impossible and that there was no way you were going to face that kind of view without anything to guarantee your safety. Just after about three good steps backwards, you hit something solid. It wasn't as hard as concrete and it felt oddly familiar. When you felt an arm snake around your waist, you squeaked and brought your hand to slap at the person who scared the living daylights out of you. The thrill, or should you say the petrifying sensation was not for you and only for those who're truly adventurous. The culprit behind your yelp was none other than your boyfriend, dressed in all his glory, the hero costume that hugged his muscles perfectly.
My god, you scored a hottie. You couldn't imagine the amount of girls who would kill to be in your position, as the girlfriend of the Pro Hero, Ground Zero. 
"Katsuki, you scared the shit out of me!"
"Are you backing out now, babe? When you're already this far?" Bakugou teased you, wrapping his arms around your smaller frame.
At this very moment, you questioned yourself―Why did you say that you wanted to know what it feels like to be in the sky? Seeing Bakugou from the television in action, flying all over the place using his quirk got you a bit curious. You were both chilling on the couch on that day, watching some television together. With your head resting against his chest and a blanket draped over the two of you, it felt very peaceful. At first it was out of curiosity, you had seen all the heroes flying through the air effortlessly with the use of their quirks. You were, on the other hand, quirkless. Bakugou never complained about it, you were a strong girl in heart with a determined heart. The way you didn't take shit from others who berated you for being quirkless was what drew Bakugou towards you in the first place.
"Isn't it dangerous? I mean we're like 40 stories above the ground! What if you slip up and we fall and die!?" you exclaimed, looking up at your boyfriend as you motioned to the ledge. Bakugou rolled his eyes in response, it's ridiculous how little trust you have on him right now. 
"I’ve done this a shit ton of times. Don't you trust me?" he asked. You gazed at him for a few seconds, taking note of how his eyes softened and the firm grip he had around you. He has carried countless of people in his arms, saving people from disasters and villains. Bakugou knows what he's doing and you should believe in him. He'd never drop you.
"Of course I do." you replied. The male pressed a kiss on your jaw before pulling away, stretching his arms a bit and moving in front of you and standing not too far from the edge of the building. Even though you said you trusted him, there was no easy way to get rid of the fear. You felt like a kid again, staring at the tall roller coaster ride with a drop and hearing all the children screaming in fear and joy.
"Then grab on tight or you'll fall off." he smirked. You put your arms over his shoulders and around his neck and your legs around his waist, almost as if you were a human backpack. Since Bakugou's quirk comes from the palm of his hand, you tried your best to avoid holding onto it. Before you could even adjust properly, Bakugou's palms began crackling.
"Here we fucking go." he said before blasting off. You instinctively buried your face into his air and held onto him tighter. It was terrifying, you could feel the air whipping past you and the sensation of the sun shining down at you. The blasts from his palms were loud but you quickly got used to it.
"Hey! Keep your eyes open! It's such a fucking waste to keep them closed!" Bakugou hollered. You cracked one eye open, amazed by the sight of the Tokyo cityscape passing your eyes faster than what you’re used to. It was truly a sight. The time was perfect too, the sun had just set but the sky was still bright.
A nice shade of dark blue with lights illuminating the city. You didn’t know how long you were in the air but it was long enough for you to admire the lights, sky, vehicles and buildings. You had been afraid in the beginning but the sight of the city overwhelmed you, turning that fear into bewilderment. Before you knew it, Bakugou descended and landed on one of the shorter buildings. You still clung into your boyfriend’s back when he landed onto the building.
”That wasn’t so bad right?” Bakugou smirked at you, seeing how mesmerized you looked after the ride.
”Y-Yeah, I guess. I enjoyed the view.” you were embarrassed because in the beginning you were kind of throwing an tantrum.
”We’re going again.”
”Wait! I have had enough for today!” you declared, quickly getting off of his back.
“So that means we’re gonna do it again next time.”
It was a night for you to hang out with your friends. One of your close friends is inviting a few people for dinner in a restaurant, treating you and the others as it was their birthday. You had just arrived back at your apartment, slipping your shoes off and putting your purse aside. It was when you slowly made your way to the living that you heard a few knocks. Not from the front door where you had implemented a bell but elsewhere. A series of knocks that played a playful beat, you recognized this pattern and skipped over towards your balcony, making sure to be extra careful because of your dress.
“You do know that the front door is where people come in from right?” you sighed, opening the balcony door and stepping out. The cool tiles hit your bare feet, causing you to shudder involuntarily.
Standing on the railings was your boyfriend of one year, Takami Keigo also known as the current Number 2 Pro Hero, Hawks. He had a mischievous smile as you chuckled at your greeting as he hopped off the railing gracefully. You moved backwards to give him some space, admiring his appearance underneath the light. He was still dressed in his work outfit and you assumed he just finished patrolling for today. He stepped closer and wrapped his wings around your smaller frame. 
”By the way, what’s with the dress? Are you trying to look pretty for me tonight? You know, black always looked good on you.” he wiggled his eyebrow while you lightly shoved him back, retreating into your apartment with him hot in your trail.
”No, I just went out with a couple of friends for dinner.” you picked up your purse and looked at your reflection in the mirror one more time, fixing your hair a bit when you saw how dishevelled it was because of the wind.
”You went with this pretty black dress of yours? Because your legs look really good in these—”  the man moved behind you, massaging your shoulders lightly before crouching down.
”Hands off, Kei. This is one of my favorite dress, don't mess it up.” you exclaimed, swatting his hand away. The man chuckled and guided you over to the balcony again, saying something about how the sky was pretty today. The stars were shining and you could see the cars moving from where you stood. You glanced at him, seeing that he was smiling at you. You were sure that he had been staring at you instead of the sky.
But now when you think about it, it has been a while since you get to spend time with Keigo like this. You like to plan a few dates with him but with how busy he was, you would cancel them. You knew what you'd be getting yourself into when you started dating the Number Two Pro Hero and you didn't mind at all. Despite his very busy schedule, he still tries to find some time to text you, ask you how your day was and what you're doing at the moment. You never hoped for anything special from Keigo, knowing that he would be busy on any special occasion. You were quite happy with the relationship you have with him right now.
"I'm craving for some ice cream right now." Keigo suddenly said.
"Now? Seriously?" you questioned.
When you returned it was already late at night, almost 10 at night. You gazed at your boyfriend as if he grew another head. Sure there were a few dessert places that are still open at this time of the day. But after going out with your friends, you didn't to go out anymore and stay at home. You can't believe that your boyfriend was having craving like some girl during her pregnancy. A sigh escaped your lips but thinking about having dessert sounded nice right now, maybe some shaved ice or ice cream.
"It sounds really nice but I'm in no mood to go out at such a time. Besides, all the places that are open at this hour are quite far from home." you tried reasoning with your boyfriend who looked a bit too eager to your liking. Keigo let out a hum, sounding like he's thinking of something as he rubbed his chin in thought.
"So if transportation and distance is the problem......how about we fly there?" he grinned, taking you by your wrists and pulling you into his embrace. The movement had you colliding straight towards his chest while his wings fluttered behind him.
“In the middle of the night? Didn't you catch enough attention in the day by flying already?" you huffed. Keigo crouched down and lifted you up with ease, with one arm around your back and the other under your knees.
“Wait, what are you doing?!"
“Giving you a lift. It's faster this way but you still need to pay with cuddles and kisses." Keigo giggled for a second, and by the next second Hawks had already took flight with you wrapped in his arms.
"Don't ask me that when you're already taking off!" you scolded. Your face was bright red and you were trying to hide your face from his vision. Because of that, you weren't able to see your mischievous boyfriend smiling victoriously to himself as he started flying off.
"I thought you said you liked to fly with me."
"Say that to me when you're not flying because you wanted ice cream at 10 20 at night okay?" you rolled your eyes. 
"But the sky is pretty today right?"
"Yeah, it is."
Total: 1877 words Published: 02.03.2020
We need some votes for our upcoming project! Vote here and read the announcement here!
Thank you for requesting! *。٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و*。 Our first time writing for Hawks. Sorry, we don't write for Sero m(_ _)m Hope we got his personality and character correctly. We've both caught up in the manga and may or may have not fell in love with him ehehehe Hope that you enjoyed it, anon!― author Hibiki/Lou
Thank you for requesting! For some odd reasons, we find ourselves sleeping a lot nowadays. Which means we have been procrastinating a lot. Sorry to keep you waiting anon. ― author Natsuki
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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anti-an-tea-blog · 5 years
Why it is extremely harmful to throw around words like homophobia, transphobia and pedophilia to work your personal vendetta
Before we begin, have some basic info. 
I am a cis male, mlm, I am 22 years old, and I am part of a very active lgbtq+ community in my home country, I have taken a lot of classes about different lgbtq+ issues, and are now working with it on a daily basis. 
My boyfriend is ftm and gay. He is currently is his third and last year of getting a bachelors degree in Gender Studies at a University that’s very acclaimed. 
This post is not meant attack, bully or harass anyone. I will not mention names. If you prefer me to put your name in here, let me know. 
This needs to be addressed, and I’m going to do it. If I step on your toes while doing it, so be it. This post will be using examples from the South Park fandom I have personally seen, but I know it happens all the time, everywhere. 
There is two main examples of this that stands out to me in this fandom, and I’m going to dress them separately. 
The first one is a person who have been telling people who disagrees with their head canon that Cartman is gay, that they are homophobic for it. 
In her words, he is gay in canon.
First of it, he have never been confirmed gay. If you look into it, you may find hits, and you have every right to headcanon and believe him to be gay.
But when you use this as a basis to call people who doesn’t see it that way for homophobic, it makes it into an entirely different argument. 
As a mlm male, I can tell you. about homophobia. I can tell you how it ruins lives. How two friends of mine have lost their lives to it. How it affects me and thousands, millions of people every single day.
Bu you, as a cis bisexual woman, you should not feel entitled to use that word regarding a personal headcanon about a paper cut out boy from a satire cartoon. 
Shame on you. 
The second example, and honestly the one most infuriating for me personally, is the person, or people, that are going around saying that headcanoning Craig and Tweek as bi, pan or any other sexuality for that sake, is homophobic. 
First of all. These characters are cannily ten years old. When I was ten, I was into dinosaurs. Ten years olds does not always know their sexuality at that age.
I’m not saying it’s impossible, I’m just saying that it’s not fair to expect them to have that figured out at an age where they still play superheroes and thieves and barbarians. 
It is also very harmful to actual bisexual and pansexual and other mlm people to say things like this.
I can not tell you how many years I spent dealing with internal homophobia, fear and anxiety because I couldn’t figure out my own sexuality. 
I have been with girls. I have not hated it. But I still felt gay. 
But because of statements like this, I never felt gay enough. 
Homphobia is very a real issue. 
But not in the way you guys are presenting it. You are slowly taking power away from the word, and that is extremely harmful to mlm and gays all over the world. 
Stop playing SJW and find something real to care about. 
This one is going to be shorter. 
There are people, but especially one person, on here, that likes to call out people who does genderbends for transphobic. 
When my boyfriend was dealing with figuring out who he is, and later his transition, writing and roleplaying online was a huge deal for him. 
Experimenting with gender vs sex, society’s view on gender roles, these were things that helped him through a lot of stressful times and thoughts. 
As I mentioned earlier, he is also studying Gender Studies at uni, where gender bending is something they use in assignments and experiments of the social and physical part of the science. 
You may feel like it’s inappropriate or gnarly, and that’s okay. Block, blacklist, choose to ignore and move on. 
But if you, as a cis person, go about this with throwing the word transphobic around, you are making a fool of yourself, and you are actually hurting real life transexual people. 
I’ve already talked about this briefly, and I’m going to keep it short. 
There are people in this fandom, and fandom in general, that are calling aging up fictional characters and writing/drawing nsfw content of them, for pedophilia. 
That is such a serious accusation that can ruin peoples lives. It is a horrible thing, that affects the lives of so many innocent people in the real world every single day.
To compare drawing and writing about aged up, fictional, characters in sexual situations with actual ped*philia doesn’t only show that they have major issues separating reality from fiction, it shows that they have no respect for actual victims of these horrible instances.
It is not only wrong by definition, it is wrong in ever sense of the word.
It shows no respect for the real world victims.
It shows no understanding of fiction vs reality.
You are taking all power away from the word, and by that, the power of the victims that choose to stand forward and talk about their experiences.
In fact, all victims of the actual crime. 
It’s not just dumb.
It’s vile.
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