#I’ve been rereading this fic multiple times a day
siconetribal · 21 days
Beyond the Bookshelves (9)
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Frustration, Impatience, Time taking forever, Loki still not getting anyone's title right
Summary: You’re a Resource Management Specialist at S.H.I.E.L.D. normally referred to as “The Librarian”. You’ve been assigned the nightmarish task of digitizing all the physical resources currently owned by the agency, with a few new computers and one extra helper.
Please comment/like/reblog. If you’d like to be tagged moving forward, please let me know! (If I missed any tags, please let me know, I’ll add you right away!) I’d also greatly appreciate it if rebloggers remember to add the tags (or some at least).
The lovely banners used in this fic are from @cafekitsune.
If you’re new to the story, please check out the master post for the rest of the chapters.
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Two more days?! The plastic and metal rectangular deceive creaked from the intensity of the grip, moments away from breaking. “What does she mean, ‘just two more days’,” he sneered the words, launching the device into the leather cushion as he stood up from his couch. It bounced up and plummeted to the carpeted floor with a muffled thud that was masked by the rapid steps of the pacing god. “It is not ‘just’ two more days, she has failed to respond to me multiple times, and she dares to say it’s a mere two extra days? I’ve been going mad in this overly decorated prison tower with nothing new to read! Had she looked at my earlier texts, she could have easily changed the order while on site at those other facilities!” He curled his lips inwards and pressed down on them, coming to an abrupt halt as he clenched his fist and took a few deep breaths, running a hand through his hair. This was unacceptable. He was a prince, and she was supposed to answer to him. Regardless of professional ranking, he outranked her socially. She was a mere Midgardian, and he was one of the great Asgardians, whom her kind revered as gods once upon a time. He knew the Librarian was aware of this, she was well-informed and managed the resources of this organization. And yet, here she was able to cripple him, bend his knee and ask that she return his clearance to enter the library. “She will pay. I will make sure of it.” He hissed the words through gritted teeth.
The spoke words worked like a charm, dispelling his anger as a calm fell over him. His frigid body temperature quickly warmed, and the frost that was beginning to coat the surrounding furniture and floor quickly evaporated. He walked around the sleek coffee table and picked up the abused phone. Tapping the screen to life, he reread her message again. However, this time he focused his attention on her other words. There, in black text, were the words ‘I trust you’. How could she trust him? He was the unforgivable, irredeemable villain who terrorized the world and nearly lay waste to the entirety of the city he was currently in. The very city where she worked and most likely lived in with loved ones and kin. He was the monster that needed to be caged and monitored, never to be trusted. And yet, here she was giving it away to just anyone? He scoffed and rolled his eyes at the naïveté.
No one in their right mind would give me their trust wholeheartedly. This has to be one of those sayings these Midgardians have. What were they called? Me-mes? He relaxed back into the couch, lips scrunched to one side and eyebrows furrowed. “She has to be out of her mind, there is no other plausible option.” The hushed words seemed to echo in the silence of his suite. Painful and sharp, there was no other explanation. “Why else would she wait for an apology from a prince?” He rubbed at his chest to ease the uncomfortable ache that swirled above his heart. “At least she is fine.” The words lingered on the tip of his tongue, but were never spoken. He had too much on his mind at the moment to care about yet another oddity that linked to this queer young woman, it would be something to worry about another time.
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Y/N sneezed for what had to be the tenth time within the last hour. She knew planes could be a bit chilly, but she was well bundled up and currently comfortable. Pressing the inside of one of her wrists to her forehead, she tried to assess her temperature.
“I don’t feel warm, but it must be fatigue getting the better of me. I’ve been running all over the freaking globe getting all this set up.” She gently massaged her forehead, closing her eyes to ease any potential sensory overload of her exhausted body. The only solace she had was that everything was set into place and the other locations could begin scanning all the documents they have into the database. She would start the scanning process in the main branch as well. She knew traveling to and fro from the various bases was a waste of valuable resources and, most importantly, precious time. With only two translators, who were not even always readily available; it was better to have them read through scanned files when she could nab them, instead of letting them look at the physical text in person. “This is the most efficient way to do this. They’ll read and translate it, I’ll transcribe and upload it.” Easier said than done, Y/LN, easier said than done. She rolled her wrists and flexed her fingers with grim foreboding, the ghosts of cramps future coming to haunt her like the ghost of Christmas future did Scrooge.
“I’d joke about retiring early after this, but I don’t think this task will end soon enough for it to be considered ‘early’ anymore. What did I do to deserve this punishment anyway? At least Scrooge as a miserly jerk, what karmic deity did I piss off in a past life?” Rubbing the back of her neck, she reclined the seat and shut her eyes, sneezing one more time before falling into a deep slumber.
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Two hellish days sluggishly ticked by as Loki impatiently awaited the return of the little nuisance known as the Librarian. The fact that he knew she would be back seemed to make the wait all the more insufferable. Each time he looked at the clock, it was as if the hands were frozen in place. A part of him even wondered if Stark somehow caught wind of her reply and purposely adjusted every clock that he happened to look to show that no time had passed at all. The younger prince knew it was not plausible because Stark had gone on his mission with Thor and some others. They left days prior to her response. He was in this infernal hell because fate was cruel. The only thing keeping him sane were his own meetings and training sessions. Only then did time seem to move properly, instead of slower than molasses.
Great, I’m thinking in such weird terms because of all the time I’ve been forced to spend with the Lieutenant Chatterbox. He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath in through his nose and out through his mouth. Never mind that, today is the day. He glanced at his phone’s lock screen. There was a notification with the date that read: Return of the diabolical librarian. As soon as the clock struck eight, Loki left his quarters and made his way to the sanctuary he was unlawfully denied access to. He could have left early and been at the door just as it was to be opened, but he decided to have some leniency and give her a fair ten or so minutes to prepare. He was a magnanimous ruler, he would hear her out before deciding whether she left with malicious intent or not.
Standing before the wooden double doors, Loki hesitated for a moment. He gripped his key card that hung from a badge reel on his suit jacket. He eyed the speaker system above his head, knowing full well that the same grating computer voice will spew the same words that have been haunting him for weeks now. This time, he had a response, though. He would tell it that the Librarian has asked for him to come speak with her, and it would verify with her before allowing him entry. If not, he would use his magic to transport himself to the main desk and calmly request that she upheld her word of removing the hold. Pressing the card to the scanner, he watched the red light turn green and heard the chime of it being registered. A click from the speaker above signaled it had been activated. His jaw tightened as he took another deep breath, anticipating the rejection.
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Tags: @vbecker10 @huntress-artemiss @softestqueeen @thegodofnotknowing @princess-ofthe-pages @firedrakegirl @rcailleachcola @cabingrlandrandomcrap @lotrefcp @lwtannie @jainaeatsstars @msdjsg7 @tom-hlover @kneelingformyloki @gruftiela @gigglingtiggerv2 @kats72 @mischief2sarawr @evalynanne @wolfsmom1
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mrghostrat · 5 months
i’m not sure if someone already asked you this, but now that you posted flawless, you’ll finish atws? or you’ll start posting the editor au? so sorry if you answered this question before
yea i wanna focus on atws next because its been sitting there for too long. editor au is still in progress, much longer to go than flawless, and i might not even write it privately until i have the next chapter of atws done
but fuuuuck man, just to vent for a minute
i’m trying so hard and nothing is killing my motivation more than this fic. i can only ever write like 50 words at a time, and it’s pulling teeth for every letter. flow doesn’t exist. even after editing down this scene, or trying to skip past it and write the funner bits that come later. i think my inspiration is just dead for this world and it’s gonna take a playlist or multiple rereads or some other kind of external trigger to get me in the mood for it again.
i’m upset that i’m struggling with this world, but it’s also frustrating that of course it’s the one that’s everyone else’s favourite 🫠
i don’t think it’s demand avoidance because i’ve had so many days where i think about it and get myself amped up like yEAHH gonna write streamers today!! and then i open my doc, fully medicated and all, and everything dies on my fingers.
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twopoppies · 7 months
Fav re-reads:
Escapade (I cannot seem to get bored of it, I love h&l's relationship dynamic, the whole vibe, impeccable. This is my comfort fic, I always go back to it)
got the sunshine on my shoulders (I'm a sucker for louis praise and this fic has a lot of it. Angsty and a bit heartbreaking but I love it sm)
Danger I Can't Hide (I read this because of your recommendation Gina, and holy shit. I'm speechless every time I so much as think about this fic!)
Haven't re-read them yet but I most definitely will:
Through Eerie Chaos (I cried way too much nearing the end considering that it has a happy ending😭) (also all of MediaWhore's works are gems and should be framed)
may we all have a vision now and then (I just read it today but I already plan on rereading it. It's a short one (4k) and I didn't expect to like it so much, but it made me so emotional! Harry is pretty and he should be called pretty every goddamn hour of every goddamn day!! Thank god for Louis)
Generally, I think if someone's looking for amazingly written works you cannot go wrong with: MediaWhore, Velvetoscar and CelticSky's works. There are obviously many more amazing and talented authors, but these tree are my absolute favourites if anyone cares about a stranger's opinion on the internet 🤍
So glad you loved Danger I Can’t Hide. I’m on re-read #4 and it’s only been a few months since I read it the first time. 😅
Escapade by dolce_piccante
got the sunshine in my shoulders by hattalove
Danger I Can’t Hide by CelticSky
Through Eerie Chaos by MediaWhore
may we all have a vision now and then by @gaycousinlarry
(I’ve re-read those last two multiple times, as well!)
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frownyalfred · 1 year
*busts down your doors* HEY! Long ask for ya
okay so I was rereading your fic where EMS showed up because Dick couldn’t flip on the trampoline (rip) and it got me thinking about routine trauma.
So here’s the thing: I am not EMS. I know three people who are EMS, but my extent of EMS experience comes from one (1) ride along and lurking on EMS subreddits. Those guys are a hoot. Great memes. Anyways.
A comment stuck out to me: “You haven’t truly lived the job until you’re eating a gas station burrito next to a dead body”. I’ve seen a bunch like that. Nonchalance and dark humor because well, that’s their job. Gore is the norm. Sure, depending on the area, your usual calls might just be lift assists, but other areas are neck deep in gang violence and violent crime.
A pretty common post on that subreddit is also, sadly, “I just got a call that’s never bothered me before but all of a sudden I’m broken” or “I’ve never had a problem running this type of call before but all of a sudden it just hit me.” Delayed trauma is a bitch. Someone pointed out that if a civilian saw a fatal car accident with multiple corpses, they’d be in therapy and given support and it’d be a huge deal. With EMS, they’re just expected to deal with it. (EMS mental health is getting better- there are helplines and resources and first responder focused therapies- but it’s still a developing field)
ANYWAYS, now that I’ve given you a crash course on the EMS mental health crisis (someone should really write a feature on EMS in Gotham those fuckers would be crazy and I love them already), my point is, how would this apply to the bats? Seeing bodies is treated as very much the norm to them, but do you think it ever just… catches up? The impact of seeing corpses day after day? Do you think they have to fake being fine and tough during those times because well, “everybody else in the family is fine with it, I’m not going to be a liability/burden/weak/etc”
Do you think Bruce, the goddamn batman, who shouldn’t be ruffled by anything, ever just feels something crack inside when he looks at a little boy who could have grown up healthy and strong like his Jason, had (Bruce) someone been there for him? and then he can’t work cases with kids for a week?
This is such an excellent ask, thank you so much for gracing my inbox with it!
It's a very good question. I'm also on a lot of those subreddits (needed to do some research for that fic) and the discussion in those forums and on TikTok is like you described, a kind of practiced desensitization to all gore and suffering in order to survive in their job.
What I've seen from those discussions (and my EMT friend) is an almost sub-conscious trend where they allow themselves the "thing" that breaks them, and they push a lot of that trauma and emotion onto that thing. Like an EMT saying they don't do kids, or they don't do gunshots to the eye, etc. And they'll sob like a baby on those calls, while remaining stone-faced and level-headed through the triple homicide.
I'm just theorizing here, but I imagine the Batfamily uses similar coping skills -- pushing all that trauma and suffering into a box which cracks only under limited, defined circumstances. And they break or snap only under those conditions, because, subconsciously, they allowed themselves to.
So yes, Bruce might be 99% fine with most of the bodies he sees, but there might be a little boy who has a detail (like Jason's dark hair) that just slams into him out of nowhere.
PTSD and trauma literally change the structure of the brain. Individuals react differently to trauma after that, but there does appear to be a "desensitizing" effect with repeated trauma, as the body tries to compensate.
I agree that the Gotham EMTs must be some crazy motherfuckers. They probably deal with 6x the normal shit EMTs deal with in other cities. They probably take on a lot more trauma and burn out quicker than other EMTs, too.
Anyone else have thoughts on this? I admit I don't cover PTSD explicitly in a lot of my fics.
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imagineitdearies · 2 months
Thank you for indulging me if you’ve already answered this, but, I’ve been re-reading PS and a question came up:
What would a healing potion have done in addition to the rat (chapter 20)?
Hi friend 😊 I don’t believe I have ever shared what was behind Astarion’s question, “Did he give you a healing potion after the rat?” and why he was relieved when Tyrus answered, “Just rats”!
And I’m very happy to do so—this fic consumed my life for a whole eight months, I am definitely not ready to let go of or stop talking about it, so ask away friends 🥰
To no one’s surprise I’m sure, given this is the direct aftermath of chapter 19, warning for potentially triggering talk of sexual assault and physical abuse from here on out that I’ll put below the cut:
Tyrus inwardly concludes from seeing Astarion’s relief, “So it could always get worse, then” (a mini theme of this story lol), and that’s a simple explanation in and of itself: he just needed rats to restore his blood, not healing to his body. Chapter 30 can give some more specific context—Astarion is not only being raped by Cazador when Tyrus walks in, he’s covered in bleeding claw marks, and later in the chapter his leg is gouged open, he’s stabbed multiple times, etc.
So Cazador using healing potions implies not just a sexual violence, but an extra brutish physical violence on top of it that even vampiric regeneration would take a while to heal. Rape with extra punishment, basically, instead of rape as a transaction or whim on Cazador’s end.
Needless to say Astarion has experienced both many times in the PS-verse, and hates both. But not the same amount. His relief goes back to his personal threshold for certain kinds of trauma—he has a much lower pain tolerance than he does a tolerance for forced sexual encounters (that’s just another day in his life, isn’t it). So it was a question he asked Tyrus because he feared terrible physical torture had also taken place that he just couldn’t see.
What kind of physical torture? Well, I’ll leave the *super* specifics of this to people’s imagination. There are plenty of horrors Astarion experienced that Tyrus has no idea about, and I think readers can fill in those gaps without my help….though chapter 25 & 30 were a little taste of it, I suppose.
Thanks for the question 🩵 I hope you enjoy your reread!!
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chimkin-samich · 7 months
I have had a block for both writing and drawing for several years. I look at your works with longing in my eyes and think how wonderful it would be to draw regularly again. I was never particularly talented and had many gaps in learning to draw, but I enjoyed it. Now I don't know how to start drawing or writing. My laptop is full of unfinished stories. I have lots of ideas for drawings, but it's hard for me to get down to work.
Therefore, my question is: Do you have any advice for people who haven't drawn/written for several years and would really like to get back to it, but can't motivate themselves, have no ideas, etc.? Or quite the opposite. They have lots of ideas, but for some reason they can't draw anything?
Greetings and have a nice morning/day/evening/night!
Hello! Sorry it took so long to respond, I wanted to make sure I could respond properly to this so I thought it over a lot, I’m going to put it under a read more cuz it’s gonna get long lol
I (sly) am kinda in the same position as you at least when it comes more to art, writing ive kinda cracked the block but still trying to break through the ice, all the art on our blog is Ferals art, I only complete the line work and shading (but not always) I haven’t drawn any of my own stuff in probably a few years but I’m trying to get back into it cuz I miss it as well, I completely get the whole feeling of looking at Feral’s art and wanting to create my own but finding it so difficult to do
For the art aspect my plan is to start at square 1, start how I first starting drawing, which for me was to look up refs, animals and draw them by sight, just to get back into the groove of trying to bring back that muscle memory, maybe you started by tracing images, you could trace only the rough outlines and then shade and detail them, just something simply and easy, you probably won’t be happy with the results (I know I certainly won’t be with my own) but it’s a start
Look up things that you enjoy, draw your squad, incorrect quotes to do with ocs maybe even draw them out, try and keep it simple, you don’t need to create a masterpiece on the first day back, any attempt is a step forward even if you dislike it, try it out at least once a day everyday, a simple doodle just for fun or to exercise your muscle memory again, the first part is gonna be hard and messy, that’s totally ok! All that matters is the attempt!
For the writing aspect try and keep it simple as well, focus on making short one-shots or even just bullet point dialogues, your old unfinished writing isn’t going anywhere, when you feel comfortable enough to attempt to continue it just go for it!
I had a big gap in my writing periods and sometimes I still go a few months with out touching any of my stories, blocks happen and are normal, something that I try to get back into is read other people’s work, both to see the writing style and to get some inspiration to continue my own works
When I actually get down to actually writing my story I just dump down the story as I think it, I just keep writing even if it looks messy and grammatically incorrect to at least get the story moving and progressing. After I have the rough story down, is when I go back to correct spelling mistakes, add more details/dialogues or events in between to create a much better flow for the story
I usually do this multiple times for each fic I create, usually in between pauses (either due to blanking on ideas or just cuz I wasn’t feeling it) so whenever I reopen my doc, I just reread and add on, then I do it again one or two more times once it’s completed
I struggle a lot with perfectionism when it comes to my art and writing, and unfortunately it’s a big killer for my motivation, especially when I see others that make better works than me. I’ve been slowly unlearning that urge to make everything perfect, by just allowing myself to have messy and rough works, it’s not always going to come out how I want it but at least I got it as close as I could in the moment with my current skill level
I like to tell myself, the more I keep doing it, the more I’ll improve, and I’ll always be able to come back with more ideas and skill to remake this better than my first attempts, just because I did it doesn’t mean I can’t try to do it again
Being easier on yourself does wonders (I know easier said than done unfortunately 😭) but your practically having to relearn skills that have gotten rusty, even if you were doing great before, your gonna have to build back up to that point, it’s just like exercising a muscle ✨
I hope this was able to help! I wish you much luck in your journey back into art and writing!
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gokartkid · 2 years
f1 fic rec list
self indulgent! my personal masterlist of hits, also theres 25 of them... 25 days of fic christmas, an advent calendar perhaps!
turn back and return by @rudesses
“No! We are climbing together,” Charles says, because Charles is very generous. He likes to phrase it that way—together. They haven’t climbed together in years.
charles/alex mountaineering au, SUCH good characterisation, the universe is so full and it has this like. longing-not-going-for-it that makes me crazy. THEE chalex fic to me. it holds tension so well and really makes you feel nervous in the high adrenaline moments, and you can tell the care that charles and alex have for each other, and their well established relationship immediately as the fic starts, which i think is so well communicated in so little time!
phantoms and pencil marks by cazio
Pierre woke to a boy sitting next to his bed. Amnesia AU
pierre/charles, amnesia au where pierres been in a accident and has severe amnesia, its written so well from his perspective you can feel his confusion the whole time and its amazing piarles but also a standout character study of pierre it has so many painful moments, i love how pierre he... is meeting charles again and again, but warped and you can see how painful it is for everyone. so so so good. it takes everything i love about amnesia fics and elevates it
Second Star to the Right by @gufettogrigio
It is stupid of Nico to even give Lewis the chance to notice. The hot water kettle is just a bit too heavy at breakfast one morning and Nico loses his grip. Lewis is next to him at the buffet table of the hotel and catches it out of reflex; Nico knows better than to think it’s kindness. He stares at where Nico’s fingers are still refusing to cooperate. "What happened to your hand?" "Nerves" - Nico answers with a shrug, glad for the double meaning in the English phrasing. It's up to Lewis how he wants to interpret it; Nico didn't lie.
nico rosberg/lewis hamilton but also jenson button/nico rosberg but separately, there are alternate endings.
SOO so so iconic, i have reread this multiple times. mind the tags, but it's an incredible nico character study, everyone in this is amazing but especially toto, this line: [Toto laughs, kindly. “You are my World Champion and I’ve only got two of those. I am invested in your continued survival. Always.”] it is everything to me. nicos mentality about himself, his feelings about racing, about the championship, about lewis. wow!
provenance by ecorone
At the end of the world, art curator Lewis Hamilton finds his way back to the artist called no5.
lewis/sebastian, genuinely like. an incredible work of art fic. it's an apocalypse - non driver - surreal fic. its setting is if the end of the world dinosaur times were happening now, and what to do with all your regrets, and follows lewis as the main character. it has so much depth to it, the writing style itself is incredible. the characterisations, the philosophies, the EVERYTHING. i left an insane comment on it just so i could spill my thoughts out better and i can't do it a second time hahaha but i would so so so highly recommend reading, to be honest even if sewis is not your thing just because. imo it is so much more than just a fic about drivers. also read their other stuff bc i do not like lewis/max as a pairing but i will vouch for ecorones interpretation as being. THEE lewis/max thesis.
echo of the future by @tetrapod7
Lewis, once on the path of the Jedi and now in the midst of the Galactic Empire, learns of the chance to save ancient Jedi texts. Max, a stormtrooper, becomes smuggler Daniel Ricciardo's copilot. They too pursue the Jedi texts -- with the hope of selling them to the Empire.  Their stories collide at the Jedi Temple on Genbara. As the danger of an Imperial Star Fleet looms large, Max, Daniel, Lewis, Seb, and Jamie have to figure out what matters most to them, what they owe to each other, and devise a plan for an unavoidable space battle with the Empire -- a battle for their future and hopes.
lewis/sebastian max&daniel i will like. forever and always be a star wars guy x i read this in one sitting it made me feel insane everything about it is perfect, all of the storylines running at once then colliding. lewis in this especially is EXCEPTIONAL, r0s-c0 made me laugh so hard when i read it. droids 4eva! the particular sw verse this is is built up perfectly there are SO many details here and so much world building it makes me want to eat it. the entire atmosphere is quintissentially star wars, a mission running on hope and a few credits. amazing <3
in that iron ground by @lilyrizzy
"Maxy,” Daniel says and it sounds like he’s choking. Max frowns, deeper. He crouches in front of Daniel, resting his hands on his bare thighs. Daniel is still only wearing the boxers and undershirt he went to sleep in. Nothing’s changed. “Daniel, what is wrong?” Max repeats.  Daniel swallows. I don’t want things to change, he thinks again. “My dad’s dead," he says. Or Daniel takes Max home to Perth for a funeral.
max/daniel incredible scholarship on daniel and max, who they are to each other especially in daniels lowest moment, i love how it... it is the lowest point of daniel that we are seeing which brings out so much depth to his character, and who he is especially behind his like, media/character mask. the characterisation of daniels family, how he struggles to process the grief, the complexities around grief and the consistent running undertone of why-mine-and-not-yours surrounding max and daniels fathers. his internalised homophobia/fear of coming out. amazing
sixteen cadences for children in bloom by distressedgremlin
Pierre flips his cap around and marks it on his calendar: 2021, the year of living selfishly
pierre/charles SUCH A GOOD PIERRE. such a good pierre. he deserves to be selfish and to live selfishly. i think seeing him become so confident is so great in this fic and especially the narrative foils between him, daniil and yuki i love, how he evolves in those relationships, becoming a team leader, becoming someone who HE likes. also obsessed with distressedgremlin's sewis fics. so so so obsessed. the le mans fic is everything to me
constellation falling into place by wraysford
For some reason, the last part is what sticks in Nico’s head, you were quick, in that awed, painfully genuine tone of Lewis’, but, he hastily reminds himself, how fast or slow he was back then doesn’t matter anymore or, wherein Nico goes to university and Lewis races
nico/lewis HEARTBREAKING au to me. nico quits racing and lewis doesn't and they meet again. im obsessed with it as a nico character study and a look inside his strange little brain in this universe... its perfect. the underlying jealous and what-could-have-been in every scene, the way lewis is so. GENUINE about wanting to reconnect with him, it kills me.
tomorrow on every shore by @missyourflight
This season on Below Deck Sailing Yacht... Six weeks. Nine charters. Lots of hot tub stuff. *  “Is it not your colour?” Max says. The production team gave the whole crew new uniforms for this season, swapped their usual navy polos for something that apparently pops more on camera. It’s sort of peachy, not Max’s favourite, but it looks good on Daniel. “Please,” Daniel scoffs. “Everything’s my colour.” He bumps his hip into Max. “You weren’t tempted to go with the skort option?” Max bumps back, pretending to consider. “I thought about it, but it’s just not practical on deck, you know?” “Guests are arriving,” Christian says, his smile tight, eyes fixed ahead. “Could we attempt to act like professionals, please?” And then the guests are on the dock, and everyone puts on smiles to greet them, and it’s almost like a normal charter except for all the fucking cameras everywhere.
max/daniel, below deck au, i read this right after binging below deck med so obvs it was perfect. i love everyones characterisation especially christians. + yuki as the chef is perfect. i love the interview sections paired with whats happening in the fic bc its like... i love an unreliable perspective! fantastic au and they are so 3D fleshed out
striving for goodness while the cruel men win by @misonikomi
Lewis had been at a disadvantage. Cruelty had never been bred into her; she had to learn it one piece at a time. When she first started karting, she had tried to blend in with the other kids, an impossible feat. There had been so much violence even then, in the way the kids looked at her, spoke to her, and touched her. She had to learn that violence as well, in order to win
lewis/sebastian, gender swap au, i think one of the first and only i read because i get a bit nervous about them, but incredible, incredible thesis material. the characterisations of lewis and charles and amazing, how they change and are the same as women. perfect narrative foils for each other. sebastian and lewis' relationship in this is fantastic, how lewis' past with nico has affected her into her relationship with seb but also with f1 in general. suzie is standout in this to me, the woman-woman relationships in general are perfect
december makes me quiet by @warriorbarnes
“Hallo?” he greets, and gets to his feet.  “There is a snow storm,” are the words he’s met with. He’s taken aback at first, the accented english not what he’d expected, and has to recalibrate his brain from german to english.  His brows knit together when he realizes who it is on the other end of the line. “Charles?” he asks. or, right before Christmas, Seb gets an unexpected guest.
sebastian/charles, one of my favourite sebchal fics!!! i think it handles that line between awkwardness and getting to know each other so well. any sebchal fic that has charles being normal around sebastian is immediately inaccurate, we know his complexes! i love to read it... so comforting, being snowed in is THE premise!
lucky thirteen by @azzy421
Being the daughter of the most successful racing driver in the world (retired) comes with a lot of privilege and a few very notable downsides.  1. Dad is famous, and it makes people act weird around him and ask Ayla weird things, like what he eats for breakfast or what deodorant he uses. 2. Sometimes he gets talked into going to Germany for the summer to talk about engines and aerodynamics with Uncle Toto’s team for months on end. And this is only really annoying because - 3. He never, ever wants to talk about racing with Ayla. Ayla, head over heels in love with the world of Formula 1, is determined that she’s going to prove she has what it takes to start karting, even if it means going behind her dad’s back to do it. When she discovers that not only is there a girls-only karting group next to their temporary home in Germany but that it’s being run by four-time World Champion Sebastian Vettel (Ayla’s second-favourite driver of all time) (also retired), she is determined to seize the opportunity with both hands.  And, well. Her dad is lonely. Sebastian seems even lonelier. Solving that problem would be a nice bonus.
lewis/sebastian, i also usually never go for kid fics but this one intrigued me and it is SOOO good. seeing lewis through the lens of his kid, her passion for karting and especially his very, very real fear for her entering that world... so so so realistic and good. it has the exact right amount of self indulgence but also reality, i love seeing the 'future of f1' with mick, lando and george, and how lewis to ayla is still first and foremost her dad. sebastian in this is incredible but also this cannot be prophetic because if he did become an f1 hermit it would make me so sad xx
how to get it, how to live it by grandsprix
Alex wants to say no, because - well, because his ex was a closet case, and Charles is the kind of beautiful Alex is going to feel insecure about, and he has half a tub of strawberry cheesecake Haagen Daaz and a rental of Dune waiting for him at home after his shift, and is that worth giving up to give some French twink a blowjob in the staff bathroom? or, Alex works in a gay bar in Soho, and Charles is lost.
alex/charles, obviously love every grandprix chalex fic, but this is my favourite! i am so charmed and in love with charles' characterisation here, his clumsy confidence and how he is immediately offended by alex not wanting to have sex-sex with him haha also alex's like... slow sense of impending doom at becoming closer to him. perfect
come on, starboy by @yekoc
Daniel’s just slinging his bag over his shoulder to head out to the parking lot when there’s a noise behind him, the hollow metallic echo of a locker door slamming. Turning, he sees that kid. Max. The running back who always fumbles.  He’s standing in front of the locker he just slammed, muscles tense. His too-big mouth is drawn into a flat line. He has his phone in his hand: he looks at it, puts it in his pocket, and grinds his fist against the bank of lockers in front of him.  “Hey,” Daniel says, because he feels creepy now, just looking.  The kid looks up at him, startled.  “Oh,” he says. “Hi.”
max/daniel, obviously like anyone reading this list will have read this or if you haven't you should?? max and daniel are perfect in this actually perfect. it has that... stuck in a small town that you are outgrowing but will you ever be able to stretch. standout to me: the spectre of max's dad. we hardly see him properly but you can tell the impact he is having on max, and by extent on daniel. this is also possibly my favourite lewis, second only to new wave (new emotion). the way he steals the show for me in every scene he is in, his college aspirations, fears for the future, wanting to gone beyond the simplistic perceptions of him... amazing. number 2 yekoc favourite is glory from a high rise but i am only reccing one per author strictly to not make this list insane
the heartbeat is a hunger by @thelittlebirdthatkeptsomanywarm
2019 FORMULA ONE SPORTING REGULATIONS Art. 34: BONDING Teams are required to register all bonds between drivers with the FIA at the beginning of each season. New bonds must be formally recognized through a bonding ceremony under supervision of at least one FIA representative [...]. Art. 34.1 [added on 1.01.1993] Bonds between drivers competing for different teams are prohibited. I'm so unused to being - well, understood perhaps. - Vladimir Nabokov's first letter to his future wife, Véra
lewis/sebastian, lewis/nico, SUCH a good bonding au... a really interesting look into how dystopian something like this could get, and i think a realistic look into how sports is constantly pushing us to the limit so if there were more ways to do so.... they absolutely would take advantage? lewis and nico's relationship is so interesting here, and seb as the trope inversion is SOOO. it is so well executed.
new wave (new emotion) by nothoughtsjustvibes
In which Max realizes he’s in love with Daniel and flies to Colorado to make it Lewis’s problem. Lewis just wants him to leave – preferably on a plane to Australia.
max/daniel lewis&max, my favourite lewis. ever!!!!!! max in this is STELLAR as well, their relationship is so so funny and so well balanced, i mostly love how... lewis deals with AD21 mentally in this? and how he's like urgh max is here? i will be nice. to hey. max is pretty cool :) in a very organic sense and also lewis being a mentor figure when i have 2022 lh superimposed over 2008-2016 menace lh in my mind is very funny. lewis micromanaging max's problems to fix them is my favourite thing, also every small interaction with charles in here is brilliant.
crude generalisations and vulgar simplifications by @janinaduszejko
Alex remembers attending his first Cabinet meeting - he’d been awed by the imposant room, the history this place held, where wars had been declared, disasters averted and ensured, with its stately inner ring of ministers, surrounded by the bustling outer ring filled with their advisors and assistants. The gratitude he had felt in that moment, being a part of the centre of it all, the place where power housed. Almost six hours later, he’d stumbled out of the stuffy room with George at his side, eyes wide with commiseration as he’d led Alex through the narrow halls.  “These ministers.” Alex had said, a hollow look in his eyes. “Are they all-?” “Afraid so.” George’s voice had been kind, but knowing, like he’d expected this and had grimly prepared himself.  “Halfwits.” Alex had moaned, as George had patted him on the back in sympathy. “Fools and idiots, every last one of them.”
george/alex, so so osos oso os good. i LOVE a political au i love intrigue i love stupidity i love jargon <3 and this baby has it all!!! i love any kind of misunderstanding/torment in a fic and in this one... alex u are so good at torment <3 george also coming up with the weirdest solution to their workplace romance is SO him. christian horner in this made me laugh a lot. this was i think the start of my galex downfall
steal the air out of my lungs (make me feel it) by @baking-soda
Max has never been so tired in his life. He can’t believe he’s going into call like this, that he couldn’t get to sleep last night. What an idiot. “Hey,” Daniel says, sauntering into a work room balancing a green smoothie and two large coffees from the caf. He puts one in front of Max. “You ready to save lives, Maxy?”
max/daniel obviously like. titular maxiel material, but i read it again and often! i am not a med student by any means but ive done placements in hospitals + medsci papers and reading this was like. it is exactly the feeling! when ur in it and you are a cog in a very big machine made for helping people and it is the most exhausting thing you have ever done but the most fulfilling... max in this fic is so so so amazing. the dissonance between how he sees himself and everyone else around him sees him. scenes that stick with me: when hes going to text his dad about the intubation but then he deletes everything because he thinks it wasn't impressive even though he had just been riding high. and every scene where he comforts the rookies but he like.. doesn't even realise himself he's doing it. to him he is being normal. love &lt;3
Invent us as we were (real tears, hard love) by diamondcrystalink
“Seb, aren't you freaked out?” Every human who doesn’t work with mimic engineering hates seeing mimics down to their components, it's said to ruin the illusion. Sebastian didn't even hesitate to help him. “Why would I be? It's just you,” Sebastian replied without much thought, his concentration on shaping the lattice to the gash. - Charles is an android who should have had his memory wiped at the start of the season per regulation, Ferrari decided otherwise. Sebastian doesn't know.
sebastian/charles, android-au-i-love-you! illegal ferrari goings on i love you!!! i am forever and always a sci fi lover and this hits all the spots for me, the idea of charles as the golden boy of ferrari because he was literally made crafted and perfected by them, the ethics/philosophies of being an android (charles hating remembering that he is), the way it starts and ends with a dream as well, bookended perfectly. so so good
the alps by @grandprix-ao3
Yuki catches his first glance of Pierre somewhere without him in pre-season testing. He’s blue and pink, he’s glowing, a flat-brimmed cap with Alpine’s A emblazoned on it sitting backwards on his head. Pierre and his sunglasses, the microphones in his face, the questions, the novelty, the half-arrogant grins. “He looks different in pink,” Liam remarks, halfway to a joke. Yuki hates it. It reminds him of all the distance between them, all the words he’s too scared—too late to say. There’s a gap between them, now. It's mountainous. It’s brutal.
yuki/pierre, this is one of my favourite all time yukierre fics so i couldn't not include it. every single thing about it is perfect, yuki struggling with his feelings, the way he and pierre are drawn to each other again and again. the struggle with what people seem to see so easily and making that real. ALL TIME!
cleaner better breed by @toastandvegemite
The lights inside the glass box turned on and Daniel saw the android for the first time. Something hooked in his chest. “Did they have to make it look so real?” he murmured to Michael, turning his head slightly. (RedBull builds a robot driver. They call it Max.)
max/daniel this had me on the edge of my seat the whole time, the idea already of technology displacing high risk/reward activities like sport is so fascinating combined with the fact that sports is such a political tool in terms of soft power, almost unmatched, so how to wield that soft power effectively with a robot? make him a bit human and likeable. all of daniels internal monologues feel so true to form throughout this fic, and the ending. AGH! catch! love this au
Everything I do, I'm gonna think of you by @misonikomi
Charles's eyes scan up and down his body, expression somewhat unimpressed. Seb takes inventory of himself. Nondescript jeans, gray Puma sneakers, plain gray t-shirt. Not much to look at, he admits. Or: Charles is Bella Hadid, if Bella Hadid used to kart and was also a bit disillusioned with modeling, and Seb is still Seb.
sebastian/charles, SUCH A GOOD AU!!! i love fashion and i love f1... this is like a perfect in between. a really really good charles character study again i love taking the drivers out of their... natural habitats! and this as well, it doesn't shy away from how charles in this universe has lead to quitting karting, homophobia, gender etc. and sebastian is so unabashedly seb and them learning how to be together and charles gradually showing more of himself... the modelling world in this as well is so rich. its so good!!!
home (is wherever I'm with you) by actparci
On the drive back to the hotel Max had turned to him, blue eyes fierce and piercing.  “Promise me you won’t stop being angry. You’re angry because you know what you can do. Use it, control it, let it fuel you. Other people won’t understand but that doesn’t matter, you know what you’re capable of.” You and me, he’d seemed to say, we’re the same. Charles wonders now how he ever thought Max wouldn’t understand. Or: Charles leaves Ferrari, tries to win a championship, and learns some things about belonging. All the while, Max is there
max/charles, i do not read much lestappen at all but this was amazing. charles moving to red bull and its done so well, because. i am a forza-ferrari-forza-charles guy forever but i am also addicted to alternate universes! all of the moments where there are differences between the teams, having the cheesy but so emotionally cathartic races and interactions and wins... its too good!
For the thrill of it all by @boxboxlewis
Charles unfolds from his headstand with cervine grace and stands up. “Geooooorge,” he says slowly. “George, George… George.” His eyebrows fly up, and he narrows his eyes at Alex. “Your friend who needs a place to stay for a few days, he is George? The George from your classes? That one? Posh George?”
george/alex, this is a series so technically cheating... essential george characterisations here! they are both so british (deeply derogatory) all of the dialogue is so perfect!!! i love their dynamic as flatmates, charles i love you but if i were flatting with him id kill him xx [If this were real, if they were dating, he wouldn’t fuck George, not tonight; he would draw it out, the anticipation, he would allow them the luxury of a long slow discovery. As it is he pulls back] my favourite line because alex is in every universe deluded. that boy loves you!
transmotion by heroics
Vettel's eyes fly to Lewis's, and he looks as shocked as Lewis feels. Then he grins. "You again." "Me again," Lewis says. He's lived in Frankfurt nearly four years now, and the German feels clumsy on his tongue in a way it hasn't since those first few months.
sebastian/lewis, literally what can i say. football, fashion designer au. the sebastian in this fic is so well fleshed out, and i love how its the.. uncertainty of being between stages in life, and how they struggle as adults with their relationship. lewis having moments of unintentional cruelty that they have to pull apart, and sebastian the same, the perils of homophobia in sport. charles and pierre in this i love, when pierre and lewis talk about his fashion show. pierre is a lh fanboy in every universe!
okay. that's it! they are literally in no order and also so muddled i am so sorry. if you are on this list i am such a big fan of you and just want to show my appreciation xx
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garoujo · 2 years
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i just wanted to say a huge thank you for not only reaching 20k followers right at the end of the year but also 4 all of the kindness i’ve been shown on this blog ! fank yew 4 letting me have this little corner of the internet as a little safe space ^_^
i wanted to do my own sort of ‘year in review’ i guess so i could kind of throw a spotlight on all of my favourite fics / blogs / artists that have rly added to my time here with everything they do <3 if you’re not included pls don’t take it personally i hav smol brain + also couldn’t involve everyone since theres so many !
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a small list of all of my favourite pieces of writing i’ve read this year, mostly for my favourite blorbos <3 please read the warnings before proceeding on creators blogs + b4 reading !!!
WHATS TAKING A LIFE OR TWO [IF IT MEANS GETTING TO KEEP YOU] — hanma shuji. ( @hijackser ) this is my absolute FAVOURITE SERIES PERIOD. obviously i’m actually insane 4 hanma but no this series made me EVEN MORE INSANE ! i’ve reread it an insane amount of times, i think about it 24/7. it is my favourite piece of writing to even exist.
SHOW OFF — hanma shuji ( @killsaki ) dallas is probably sick of me talking about this fic but ILL NEVER BE OVER IT ! favourite stand alone shuji fic ever ! everything about it is soooo perfect n so insanely him i could cry <3 absolute favourite shuji fic in the world.
ABSENTEE LOVER — hanma shuji ( @shoyoist ) ive read this an absolutely criminal amount, words cannot DESCRIBE !!! how much i love it like it has such a special place in my heart i adore him in this ! rekha never disappoints w the shuji content <3
CLOUD 9 AND SICK DAY — nagi seishiro ( @iitoshi ) everytime kai writes nagi i absolutely eat it up + these little drabbles are on my mind literally always !!! i will never be able to get enough w how well he’s written here EVER !!!
BLLK BOYS WORKING IN A PIERCING SHOP — multiple. ( @pinteukr ) i literally just read this, specifically nagi’s part but i HAD to include it because i was a MESS !!! ABSOLUTELY DONE !!! it is so good + this imagery / au is EVERYTHING 2 ME <3
PROPOSAL — nagi seishiro ( @tcshi ) i read this a few days ago + it’s still on my mind constantly hes just SO IN CHARACTER ! EVERYTHING IS SOOOO RIGHT !!! would reread one million times after !!! infact i’ll reread right after writing this !!!
WHEN THEY GET JEALOUS — multiple bllk characters ( @lalunanymph ) SO GOOD !!! SO CRAZY !!! nagi’s part had my toes curling n my feet kicking like akajakaka dawn !!!! i literally ate up every character honestly i’d read anything from u <3
SUGARSTREAM — gojo satoru ( @satorhime ) THIS FIC CHANGED THE TRAJECTORY OF MY WHOLE EXISTENCE !!! literally thee reason i became like actually unhinged 4 gojo satoru . it changed me down 2 the core it’s TOO GOOD !!! FOR FREE TOOO ????
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a small list of some of my favourite blogs who are also amazing writers + i recommend with my whole heart ! again i can’t include everyone but just know ily <3 again please read warnings byf !!!
@saetoshis + @goroushis — multifandom [+ genshin writing blog] nsfw + dc !
@getoswhore — multifandom. nsfw + dc !
@bbiemilk — multifandom. nsfw + dc !
@tetsutits — multifandom. nsfw + dc !
@alhaithms — multifandom. nsfw !
@anantaru — genshin impact . nsfw + slight dc !
@blueparadis — multifandom. nsfw + dc !
@itoshi-s — blue lock. nsfw + dc !
@ilykento — multifandom. nsfw + dc !
@r-oronoa — multifandom. nsfw + dc !
@touyyes — mostly jjk but multifandom. nsfw + dc !
@510hz — multifandom. nsfw + dc !
@starlitheaven — jjk + hxh. nsfw + dc !
@torufilms — blue lock. sfw + nsfw !
@sailewhoremoon — multifandom. nsfw + dc !
@dilu3 — multifandom. nsfw + dc !
@shirohyorin — multifandom. nsfw + dc !
@saneminx — multifandom. nsfw + dc !
@takaholic — multifandom. nsfw + light dc !
@haruchiyos — multifandom. nsfw + dc !
@satorini — multifandom. nsfw + dc !
@ohsatori — multifandom. sfw + nsfw !
@suget — mostly jjk. nsfw + dc !
@bleubrri — multifandom. nsfw + dc !
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a small list of the artists who i follow + love seeing on my dash ! they’re just so crazy talented it’s insane <3
@tinymaru — reine is the one who drew my emmie x nagi fanart in my header and they are so craaaazy talented <3
@kita-dynasty — laine is SO AMAZING !!! every single time she posts i eat it up i could look at her art all day !!!
@omiishii — i’ve followed jace for YEARS ! and he only gets even better it’s actually insane !!! it’s just so amazing to see their art whenever i’m on dash <3
@omiyours — remi made my theme for me + she is so CRAZY TALENTED i just think she deserves absolutely everything 4 sharing it with people and being so kind <3
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if you don’t want 2 be tagged pls let me know + i can take you out but i just wanted 2 do a little round up and also thank everyone 4 all the support they’ve shown me on this lil blog of mine <3 i am so very grateful ! again if i’ve not included u i’m super sorry there were so many !!! I STILL LOVE U I SWEAR !!! yay 2 2022 tho >_<
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200 notes · View notes
ryan ross iceberg (tier 2)
tier 1, tier 3, tier 4, tier 5, tier 6, tier 7, tier 8
the tip of the iceberg:
the young veins:
this is the band that ryan and jon started after they split from panic! it included a few other members, and often times ryan’s good friends z berg and alex greenwald (of phantom planet), who will be mentioned more later on. they only released one album in 2010, called take a vacation! they played some live shows, but at the end of that same year, they went on an indefinite hiatus. HOWEVER, they made an official instagram account and have been active this year!! it’s likely that it's because there will be vinyl repress (further supported by a comment jon left on their only post) but it’s super cool nonetheless [i].
this is a personal aside, but i honestly like this band more than anything panic! released post split, with the exception of new perspective and the calendar. like god this was such a good fucking band.
dottie, elwood, and hobo:
these were all ryan’s dogs.
hobo was the dog he got in 2006. however, when he and keltie (we will discuss her soon) broke up, she took her with her [ii].
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dottie was a dog he got circa 2015.
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elwood is the dog he got in 2017.
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i’m not sure if ryan still has dottie and elwood since he has pretty much disappeared from the internet.
eta: i misspelled elwood's name as elmwood in the iceberg image. sorry about that!
z berg:
this is one of ryan’s exes and his bestie. they dated around 2009/2010. they still hang out today and he’s made appearances at these events she does called proms. she gives us the majority of ryan content that we’ve gotten in the past few years.
he featured on one of her songs, “the bad list,” and she featured of the young veins cover of “nothing matters but you.” she will come up more in other entries as well, which is why i'm not going super in depth here.
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this is a ryden fic – probably the most iconic after the milk fic – called the heart rate of a mouse, written by anna green. it was originally posted on livejournal, and it’s LONG, coming in at 3 volumes and over 500k words.
the plot summary is that in the 1970s, ryan is the lead singer/guitarist of a famous band called the followers, and brendon is a roadie on their tour. brendon is openly gay, and ryan and brendon start hooking up, even though ryan is “straight.” from there, the series becomes 3 volumes of angst and pining. of course, there’s so much more that happens, but i won’t say too much for the sake of spoilers.
despite it being a ryden fic, it’s incredibly well written (if you’re able to get past the explicit smut), so i do recommend reading it at least once in your life. i’m gonna keep it 100, i’ve read this series at least 10 times with a yearly reread and have physical copies of it.
anna also wrote some ficlets to go along with it, such as one from brendon’s pov and just some extra stuff that didn’t end up in the final cut. she also wrote a lot of other iconic fics (all of which i also recommend), like the black rose season, how a resurrection really feels, posing in a ballroom, miguel sanchez’s grand slam of love, amongst many, many others. sadly, she purged her entire livejournal account, so you would have to turn to internet archives to read anything other than throam [iii].
unfortunately, this fic also reached the icon status that the milk fic did so multiple people from the bandom sphere know about it and have acknowledged it. for example, keltie, ryan’s ex-girlfriend, has read it and mentioned it on twitter multiple times (embarrassing for her but whatever) [iv]. jon tweeted about it once [v]. also, i swear that vicky t from cobra starship mentioned it (i wanna say it was on instagram, but i could be wrong); however, i can’t find the comment she made anymore.
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link to throam for those who are curious
jac and keltie:
these are two of ryan’s exes from the panic! days.
jac vanek was a scene queen in the early 2000s, and they dated from november 2005 until feburary 2006 [vi]. it was a pretty cringey teenage relationship that was overly (grossly) chronicled on livejournal, and if you’re interested to read more, there will be a link in a later tier.
an interesting tidbit is that while ryan was dating jac, brendon was dating another scene queen named audrey kitching, which will also come up later in this iceberg.
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keltie knight (née colleen) and ryan started their relationship in august 2006 after meeting at the vmas, where panic! was performing and keltie was a backup dancer (she was a rockette). he was 19 and she was 24, which may not seem like a big deal, but it definitely played into some power dynamics in their relationship. for example, in keltie’s book, she says she often had pay ryan's bills for him. also in her book, she stated that he didn't take their relationship seriously, leading him to propose to her and asking her to move in (maybe he wasn't taking it as seriously as you because he was barely in his 20s keltie just a thought). they broke up in 2009 right before the split. we’ll touch on that again later. there is honestly so much more that i could say about this relationship/keltie, but some of it will be covered in this iceberg and the rest will be linked along with the jac info.
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sun and moon:
another ryden entry. this refers to a theory about ryan and brendon about which one is considered the moon, and the other is the sun; it’s based on their personalities, like who embodies which more. polar opposites and all that. when ryden was still relevant, who is the moon vs who is the sun was a hotly debated topic (ryan is the moon, while brendon is the sun is the only correct answer).
this also loosely tied into some lyrics from panic and their solo music. for example, when the day met the night is often referenced in relation to this theory, although this song is definitely about keltie [vii]. also, in 2014 ryan wrote lonely moonlight, which also could refer back to this theory and kind of calls back to the lyrics in when the day met the night [viii]. however, this song is most likely about keltie too, if not another past relationship (not brendon).
dead end kids club:
this is a band/touring project that ryan was part of, including z berg, dan keyes, and the band palm springsteen. it was first announced in july, 2019. later that same year, they went on tour, hitting 8 cities for fall balls. this was referred to as the “1st annual” but….[ix]
in 2020, they released a song called lonesome town that featured a lot of videos from fans [x]. also that year, palm springsteen was accused of assault, which dekc posted a couple of statements about on twitter, here and here, stating that they had been removed from the project “a long time ago” [xi]. they pretty much disbanded after that and haven’t been active since october 2020.
iconic. livejournal (aka lj) was basically tumblr before tumblr existed. similarly, it could be used as a personal blog, a place to post rpf fic, an emo poetry hub, a photo album, etc. it’s on this iceberg because ryan was very prolific on livejournal, under the username i_amclandestine, and it’s essentially where panic! got its start. ryan made contact with pete wentz through lj, sending him the early demos, which lead to pete signing them and then cue domino effect to a taylor swift song.
anyway, ryan made many iconic posts on there, some of which will be addressed directly in this iceberg, but i will leave a link to an archive of his lj account for further viewing. he made his last post in june of 2006, but he deleted the account in july of that year after receiving a spam of hate. at the same time, brendon changed his (part_time_lovah) to friends only [xii].
along with the links to ryan’s old lj, i’m also going to link a youtube video by one of my favorite channels, the cozy representative, in which julian goes through ryan’s posts.
this is the web archive for ryan’s lj (does not include his last post):
this is a tumblr masterpost of all of his entries, including the last one missing from the above link:
and finally, julian’s video:
ryan and spencer childhood besties:
ryan and spencer became friends when they were around 5 or so years old, which was always the saddest part of the 2009 split to me. ryan and spencer were in the og band before panic!, which will be discussed later.
in 2016, spencer’s wife tweeted that ryan and spencer were still friends. however, ryan did not attend spencer’s wedding, which could have been for a number of reasons, one of which we will also discuss more heavily later on [xiii]. of course, there is no way for us to know whether ryan wasn’t invited or if he just decided not to go.
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mcr makes me dance:
in 2004, ryan went to the chemicalromance livejournal community and posted, “hey im ryan im new i live in las vegas my chemical romance makes me dance” and history was made [xiv]. this became a "meme" amongst panic! fans, and they started bringing signs with that phrase written on them for ryan told in pics. this has continued even in recent times.
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newsboy cap:
this is another iconic piece of ryan ross fashion. he wore it a lot in 2004-2006 cause he’s a little fruity. like seriously, this hat had him in the biggest chokehold.
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now, we move onto some of the deeper stuff and into the waters.
tier 3
[i] https://www.instagram.com/theyoungveinsmusic/
[ii] https://pathetic-at-the-disco.tumblr.com/post/171475122211/did-keltie-knight-ever-steal-ryans-dog-or
[iii] https://web.archive.org/web/20170606154418/http:/beggarsnotes.livejournal.com/
[iv] https://youngveins.tumblr.com/post/141384273691/keltie-has-read-throam-this-is-not-the-twitter
[v] https://twitter.com/iamjonwalker/status/958805938227433472
[vi] https://pathetic-at-the-disco.tumblr.com/post/170958104996/the-tragic-love-life-of-ryan-ross-part-2
[vii] https://genius.com/Panic-at-the-disco-when-the-day-met-the-night-lyrics
[viii] https://genius.com/Ryan-ross-lonely-moonlight-lyrics
[x] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzcWGQQiFDU
[xi] https://twitter.com/DeadEndKidsClub/status/1275849828459823105, https://twitter.com/DeadEndKidsClub/status/1283511345330049026
[xii] https://prettyoddfever.tumblr.com/post/629056560433446912/why-ryan-ross-deleted-his-livejournal-and-brendon
[xiii] https://pathetic-at-the-disco.tumblr.com/post/171901498176/so-i-saw-your-ryanspencer-post-and-i-was-just
[xiv] https://chemicalromance.livejournal.com/96360.html?page=1
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trulybetty · 1 year
Sunday Week In Review on a Monday
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How is everyone doing? Did we make it through the last week? Those who got a long weekend I hope it was a good one! Yesterday was a clusterfuck and I had the mother of all naps - the type where you wake up and don't know where you are let alone what day of the week it is lol.
So here is Sunday's Week in Review, on a Monday edition! 💕
Truly Betty Updates This Week…
Strings IV
First Sentence Game
Fics I Enjoyed This Week…
A Girl Walks Into a Bookstore (Ezra) by @oonajaeadira
While I’m still undecided if I truly enjoy Prospect, I absolutely do love a good Ezra fanfic and this one doesn’t disappoint. It started as a late-night read last Sunday when I was the only one awake and once I started I couldn’t stop. It also seems to have popped up for a lot of other readers as I’ve seen it all over my dash since. @oonajaeadira master list is a joy to go through on Sundays at the moment. 
Until Now, Until You | Chapter 1 (Javier Peña) by @wildemaven
This was all the right levels of sexy and spicy and leaving you wanting more and I can’t wait to see how this plays out when the two run into one another again!
Leave off Your Wanderings (Joel Miller) by @oonajaeadira
This series is a total balm to my TLOU2 feels - this is the ending Joel deserved (and in my mind the official sequel to TLOU) and in the third instalment the autumn vibes are warm and cozy, and the build-up between Joel and Songbird is soft in all the right places. This whole series is a warm gentle hug and the writing is so good - definitely check this one out.
Hungry Hearts | Atlantic City (Joel Miller) by @atinylittlepain
I’m sad that this series is nearing its end, but that means I get to go back and read it again. Between flashbacks of young Joel with baby Sarah we’ve got Cherry and Joel reconciling in present day and never knew mini-vans could be so sexy, so check it out!
The Layover | Epilogue (Frankie Morales) by @goodwithcheese
This finale was bittersweet - it has been such a pleasure to follow this story, so much so that it was a highlight of my week. The story wraps up in a way that is perfect for reader x Frankie with them both on pace with one another. It’s done so perfectly that I read it more than once. I will be revisiting this story for sure.
Late Night Texts | Epilogue (Javier Peña) by @mvtthewmurdvck
Another fantastic story that came to a close this week *sigh*, this was just  the perfect ending. This story is a delicious rom com romp and I know will hold up to multiple reads. I don’t want to give anything away if you’ve not read it, but it’s a delight.
The Window (Dave York) by @wildemaven
This was a delight to read and Heidi crafts a great story of longing from a distance that has a soft ending that is all enveloping and lends itself to multiple reads. 
Bush Pilot (Frankie Morales) by @legendary-pink-dot
Oh boy, this one *fans self* this one was something else. Frankie taking you to see the sunrise but makes you see stars instead in the back of his truck. Oomph, all kinds of good spicy smut here that lends itself to a second read… or three ;) 
sam and diane, eat your heart out (Marcus Pike) by @chronically-ghosted
I could easily be biased as this was written based on the prompts I sent Taylor - however, Taylor blew it out of the park with our boy Marcus! This was spicy in all the right places and honestly, I would love to see more of these two. This is a take on Marcus Pike x Reader that I haven’t seen before and it will be on my perma reread list that is for sure! Also, peep the Cheers reference, *squee*
IRL | Part 2 (Javi Gutierrez)  by @grogusmum
I’ve had a hard time finding some good Javi G. fanfics, but this one here is so good in its characterization. The story of Javi meeting Reader for the first time since meeting online, is incredibly sweet and I had been waiting in anticipation for this second chapter since I finished the first. It’s also one of the few plus sized reader fanfics that nails it without going over the top and making the character a stereotype. I have this bookmarked to go back and re-read this week, because that ending has been living rent free in my head all week.
Private Dick (Tim Rockford) by @wardenparker
Speaking of plus size reader interpretations - this was one of the few that really resonated with me. I haven’t come across many Tim Rockford fanfics (if you have any others, please send them my way) - but this felt like a perfect interpretation - great at reading situations, until they’re too close to him, but he’s in a process of redeeming himself through his relationship with Reader.
Fics I’m Looking Forward to Reading…
My TBR List is still a work in progress, will share it when it’s done 💕
Light Me Up (Benny Miller) by @musings-of-a-rose
Thanks to Jess and Heidi I seem to be straying into Benny territory this week and have been recommended this story to dip my toe further in. I mean the opening premise alone is enough to have me excited to get stuck in!
Double Dealings (Javier Peña & Ezra) by @julesonrecord & @stardustandskycrystals
1920’s, New Orleans and the potential of two Pedro characters? I cannot wait to get stuck into this one this week over my morning coffee this week!
Posts I Enjoyed This Week…
@shirks-all-responsibilities reminding me of my grumpy Joel (Pedro) header for the mobile layout of my blog. Now has me thinking about making a seasonal one now! September is Halloween Eve of course! 🎃
@wildemaven’s early morning thot post that just took on a life of it’s own 🥵
@rhool’s live blog of the pilot of the Pedro show that never was ‘The Sixth Gun’ entertained me while I had a tame evening watching something Mr. Truly wanted to watch while sipping on a non-alcoholic beer lol.
Things I’ve Enjoyed This Week…
The long weekend - didn’t do anything, no one slept through the night, but there’s something satisfying waking up on a Monday and knowing you don’t have to work.
Saturday’s interactions and posts were a delight to go through and helped my Saturday working go by so much quicker and made for a more enjoyable day.
This Week’s Song…
This recommendation came from @gnpwdrnwhiskey who told me it was Dieter x Bryony coded and it totally is. I’ve listened to this on repeat and I’m dying to revisit these two again, and have something up my sleeve 🎃
Hope everyone has a great week this week and Monday is treating you well! 💕 xx
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kth1fics · 2 months
hi hi! i’ve been having some wonky sleepy times recently… on days i work i struggle getting up but on days i don’t work I end up not able to sleep in. most of the time i feel like i need 8+ hours of sleep — probably more like 10-11 haha.
anyways, i had an array of dreams last night… one actually was so real and kind of saucy but i shouldn’t be dreaming of who was the one kissing me LOL
but — i did wake up and wrote! just ran through some typing and shrugged at any bad grammar mistakes. i know i said i’m on hiatus — my head is a cluster-fuck of everything. but i have SO many things half written already in wips i haven’t touched… i want to do good and i want to finish them. i even reread my long overdue hobi x first time puppy handler fic and almost continued that! i know i just dropped the tale of a champion mlist too and thats halfway written as well. golly i wish i had multiple copies of me that all can write haha.
i want to show you a little sneak peak of what i wrote last night! hoping i can make connections again here on tumblr as well 🧡
(tw: oneshot for sure, implied sexual touching, there’s a degrading word in here!) 🫣
please don’t take/copy 🧡🧡
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codesandstuffs · 11 months
Mcyt Yuri Week - Day 1: Dance
(full fic below the cut, and link to ao3 version here!
hiya @mcyt-yuri-week i hope this fits the prompt alright!)
<File Retrieved...> <Loading...>
Target attended gathering at 0158 hours to meet with associates. Multiple suspicious persons seen on location. G and Z tracked target throughout night. At 0232 hours, target approached G and initiated conversation until 0457 hours. Z found multiple encrypted documents at suspected dead drop. Both agents left gathering at 0524 hours.
Further observations detailed below:
<End Of File>
It was with no small amount of trepidation that Gem stepped over the dashed white line that marked the entrance to Olive Point.
This mission had been stalled for over a month by multiple complications, including but not limited to the introduction of a new department head in her agency, but today was the day that she was finally permitted to return to it. It had taken a good amount of paperwork; her new boss had spent a good week rereading all of her work so far and then asking question after question about what she had discovered so far, and then she had to re-sign all of her forms and documents for some clerical reason that her boss hadn’t really bothered to explain.
“Paperwork, you know how it is,” her boss had said, waving her complaints away.
Gem had narrowed her eyes in response. “I do, which is why I’m so confused. I’ve already confirmed I understand my legal limitations and turned that form in. Why do they need it again?”
“If I knew, I’d be in administration, not espionage, wouldn’t I?”
And then she’d received another three forms for her efforts - all of which she was certain she’d signed just days ago - and realised that her boss might just be messing with her at this point.
After that, she’d stopped complaining so much, and the paperwork had dramatically decreased. Gem could pick up a hint.
Finally, she’d been allowed to return to the field, this time attending the same party that her target was attending in hopes of finding some sensitive information. It had been a good month since she had even seen her target. Her stomach was doing flips at the thought of sharing a room with her target at all.
Gem managed to keep a calm composition all the way through the process of entering the club and locating her target, but then -
She had changed.
Last time Gem had seen her target, her hair had been longer and straighter, falling flat around her shoulders like a curtain of silk. And she’d only really seen her in the professional wear she wore on the train and in her workplace, which was where Gem had been situated during her observations last time.
Now, however, her hair was cut and curled so that it hung just above her shoulders, shimmering in the flashing lights of the party as if it was set with stars. Her dress was short and bouncy and pretty and cute. Oh goodness - Gem’s target was cute.
Maybe she should have expected to be surprised to see her wearing anything but sharp navy suits and pressed shirts. Maybe she should have known better than to think her target was just a distant figure, moving about her unchanging life with no care for anything outside of it. Maybe she should have seen the butterflies in her stomach coming.
But when her target looked over at her across the room and gave her a small, friendly smile, she was caught entirely off guard all the same.
Well, fabulous.
Gem was doomed.
Gem hadn’t come to the party alone, of course. It would be just suspicious enough to be memorable, and so she had asked her colleague and closest friend Cleo to accompany her for the night. Cleo was better at parties, too - she fit in better with the noise and brashness of the guests, without the more delicate manner Gem usually preferred to wear in her civilian identities - and had even lent her one of her dresses for tonight.
Still, Cleo had left her side after only a few minutes, apparently finding some interest in the bar, leaving Gem to navigate the odd social event that was a late party on her own. It wasn’t that much of an issue, or she would have called Cleo back and suffered the grumbling she’d get in return, but it still did make focusing on her mission a little harder - especially with her newfound distraction.
Her target, however, had apparently noticed her loneliness. She approached Gem a good half an hour after Cleo had vanished, a pair of drinks in her hands and a grin on her face.
“Hello!” she greeted, and Gem almost jumped out of her skin at hearing her voice in person rather than over a transmitted signal from a bug. “I saw your friend ditched you and thought you might want a conversation partner.”
“Oh,” said Gem. She was meant to say more, but the smell of her target’s perfume wiped the words from her brain.
“Would you like one?” Her target offered out one of the glasses. “It’s pineapple flavoured, apparently.”
Gem took the glass and tried to inspect it discreetly. “You haven’t tried it?”
“Don’t tell my friends, but I’m a bit scared to try it myself,” her target said, leaning a little closer and dropping her voice as much as she could over the loud music. “At least if it’s bad, someone else will get to experience the same badness, y’know?”
“That does make sense,” Gem agreed. She swirled the glass a little, before deciding that it looked safe enough. “I’d be honoured to give it a go with you.”
“Perfect!” her target beamed, and then downed the whole glass in one. Unsure if she was meant to do the same in this specific circumstance, Gem followed suit.
“Oh shit,” she said suddenly, “that’s stronger than I expected.”
Her target glanced at her expression and burst into laughter, eyes crinkling up at the edges and cheeks flushing the longer she laughed. “You look horrified! Why did you have it all in one go?”
“You did the same thing!”
“Yes, but I can handle it! And no offence, but you don’t really seem like… well, do you feel okay?” her target asked, voice dipping into concern.
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” Gem said. “Really, I am.”
Her target gets her some water and takes her to another room to sit down anyway, still stifling a few giggles behind her palm as Gem blinks confusedly at the new, quieter environment and the steel table in front of her. Eventually, her target seemed satisfied, settling down on another chair with her chin in her palms and elbows on the table.
She talked at her for a few minutes as Gem sipped on her water, talking about how it was her friend’s birthday party and how her friends had decided to dance far too close to the speakers for her to join them and how her name was Lizzie, by the way, and it was very nice to meet her.
In return, Gem introduced herself as Meg - not her most creative name, sure, but these were more unusual circumstances than usual - and explained that Cleo was far more the party type than her, inventing some tale about how they had decided to drag Gem out of the house for once to see what the scene was like.
“It’s a shame she didn’t stick around to show you around a little more,” Lizzie said when she’d finished her brief story. “It really can be a fun time here.”
“I’m not sure I’m the dancing type, really,” Gem replied, chuckling a little.
Lizzie gasped and raised her head from her hands. “But you haven’t even tried it!”
“I don’t know, I really don’t think -”
Without warning, Lizzie stood up and stretched a hand out to her. “Meg. You are going to dance with me right now, or so help me, I will find your friend and tell them you’re being a total scaredy-cat.”
“Alright, alright! Just for one song,” Gem compromised, taking Lizzie’s hand and letting her pull her to her feet. “And if I don’t like it, I’m sitting back down.”
“Trust me,” Lizzie said, tugging her towards the centre of the room, “you’re going to have a great time.”
There weren’t that many people in this room, as it was a little too early for most people to want to sit down and listen to slower music, so Gem felt almost unshielded as she awkwardly followed Lizzie’s steps, stumbling a little as she did. She wondered if the others in the room could hear her heart beating loudly in her chest.
The truth was, she wasn’t nearly as much of a lightweight as Lizzie thought, nor was she as bad of a dancer as she was pretending. She didn’t have any excuse at all for her rapid heartbeat or the flush in her cheeks. Even a few songs later, after they’d tried a slower dance and a faster dance and something in the middle that they couldn’t quite figure any good way to dance to, it felt as though she was floating in a warm haze.
Even when Lizzie eventually bid her farewell to go home with her friends, she could feel her hands tingling from where their hands had been tightly knitted together for the last hour.
Cleo returned, finally, her back pocket a little less empty than it had been a few hours ago. The moment she saw Gem’s face, she sighed.
“Please don’t tell me you spoke to her,” Cleo said. “And please don’t tell me you’ve got a crush on her.”
“I don’t!” Gem replied, but her flustered tone gave away the lie in an instant. “I - listen, it’s nothing important. It’ll vanish by tomorrow - it’s just the alcohol, probably!”
“Uh huh. Well, I think I’m good for the night, so I’m headed home. Are you ready?”
Gem folded her arms over her chest. “Of course. I’ve been waiting for you. This really isn’t my kind of place.”
“If you say so,” said Cleo, grinning in that practised way that Gem knew was reserved for missions in the public. “I’ll order us a taxi, then.”
Fortunately, Cleo didn’t press her on her recently acquired feelings for the rest of the night, and Gem got all the way back to headquarters without having to think about them at all, getting back into uniform and sitting down at her desk to finish the night’s task.
It was only when she was actually writing up her report that she had to stop and scream into her hands for a moment, unable to believe that she’d let this happen.
Of all the people to fall for, did it have to be her target?
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morverenmaybewrites · 4 months
Just wanted to say I’ve been treating myself to rereading a chapter of Pizza Girl every 3 days as a reward for getting my work done 🫡 sometimes I reread the same chapter multiple times until I can get to the next one djhdjdnfjfn ITS JUST so tasty!!! Delicious work!! You explore Jason in ways that make so much sense for him while adding to his character in places we don’t get to see in the Arkham games. It’s just a delightful read, and extra refreshing to see you developing his relationship with Pizza Girl naturally and giving her her own agency as well. AUGH so enjoyable <3 thank u for sharing ur work with us!!
Lately, I've been getting asks about people who use my work as a source of comfort, but using rereading it as a reward to get things done? Oh my goodness, I'm so flattered. Thank you!
Writing out Jason's character development and his growing relationship with PG is one of my favorite bits of the fic, so I'm glad you enjoyed it, too, anon! Thank you for reading my fic!
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grubbin22 · 6 months
Hi im an avid reader of Smooth Operator(i’ve reread it like, 10 times now) and i just need to say that i’m in love with the fic. You write beautifully and how the characterize all the characters itches my brain very pleasantly. You are the salesperson and i am the hardcore drug addict. And your art? Phenomenal. Its so deliciously pointy and vibrant, yummy yummy.
I am waiting patiently and calmly(feraly and autisticly) for more. Your fic is so good. There have been multiple moments where i have kicked my legs in sheer joy or giggled like a madman. You have singlehandedly made me love Emmet more than i already have. He’s silly and it makes me so happy. I read under the same name on ao3 btw and im just— RRAYSVSODBAKDBSKDBSLJSHAHAHSHXHSJDBDISBXKSBXHDKWUWP
Hope you’re having a good day and please do take your time!!
haha thank you omg. i’ve seen your comments on ao3 and I absolutely love them. i really really appreciate you. thank you for your support & i’m so glad you like the fic!
being compared to a drug salesperson is definitely a new one. i’ll accept that title with pride.
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gumnut-logic · 8 months
*sneaks into your asks with WIP questions*
8. ♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP
Follow up question if you’re up for it - how do you deal with shedding stuff that isn’t working?
(I’m struggling with getting attached to ideas or bits I’ve written and it’s hard to say nah I’ll bin it because WORDS exist 🥺)
11. 🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
(Any tips on pushing through? You’ve written so many amazing epics I’m guessing there must have been times you got around a problem)
*lurks and awaits nuggets of nutty wisdom*
Ooooohkaaay, a scrapped idea ::pokes brain::
When I start writing, a good part of the time, I have no idea where I'm going. Sometimes I will have a single scene to write towards, sometimes I will scribble down a vague skeleton of an idea, but a lot of the time I have the scene I start with and then have to work out how the hell they got into that situation.
For example, my current 'Virg got shot' fic. I wrote that from a prompt that pretty much outlined the scene in purpose. Someone interrupting another person, trying to get their attention, but that person is too busy and brushes them away, until they say that they are shot and the freak out happens. Which is essentially what I wrote.
The purpose of writing it was just to write. I had zero plans of expanding it, I don't need any more wips. But then...
What about Scott's point of view? Would be interesting to see his thoughts, so I started writing that second bit. John poked his nose into the equation as I often like to let my characters' thoughts wander - it can be entertaining.
By the end of writing that bit, the fic is calling out for more. What's next? Could be a hospital scene...eh, boring...hmmm, why did he get shot? Is it related to anything else that has sprung up in the story? Damnit, I can't write tomorrow cos I have to work all day pretty much 8am - 8pm. But that is not going to stop me from building ideas.
But anyway, I'm waffling, I do that.
For Sweetapple part 3, I have a definite scene I'm writing towards. There will be a moment and I will love it and it will be great. Whenever I finally get there. And if it plays out as I see it or the story demands something else, well, hopefully that will be fun, too.
Cos sometimes those scenes change. 'Gentle Rain' was all about one scene that occurred in Chapter 12, but that scene never happened in the way it was conceived (cos it would have killed da Virg and we can't do that), so it came out differently. Ultimately I find character logic and plot demands write the story.
I have written myself into corners, even one where things took a sharp turn simply because I didn't have the energy to write what needed to be written if the story continued in the direction it was going. See if you can work out where I changed direction in 'Who do you save, John?' It bugs me each time I reread it and I'm tempted to write an alternative ending because it could have been so much more.
Then there are the fics with massive plot holes that I can't fix and just have to watch them as they sail past. 'The Tattoo' has a massive hole in it, but I wanted to explore the concept, so completely ignored it. The pedantic in me has a fit every time.
And I'm still waffling, sorry.
A scrapped idea...none in my current wips because...hold on...Callisto. I stopped writing Callisto because it was Virgil's birthday at the time and I needed a break, but mostly because I felt I was writing into a corner. Virgil was too whumped to function and I needed him to be funtioning. Multiple rereads has me questioning that decision, I could just keep writing and work around it. Also, Jeff isn't working the way I wanted him to, plus the Mechanic went on the voyage but hasn't had any impact on the plot. Wanted him to do stuff, but it hasn't written itself. So I stopped to re-evaluate. Unfortunately that is not how I normally write and stopping was a mistake cos I stopped...for years. I haven't thrown bits of the fic out yet, but it needs some fixing.
If I do 'throw something out' of a fic, I always keep it. I have a file that usually sits next to my main fic file that says something like 'Callisto - cuts'. I stash cut text in there just in case I need it later. Most of my long fics have one of those files sitting around somewhere.
What am I struggling with? This is also for @sofasurf ::hugs:: who also asked.
My problem isn't ideas, it is usually focus. Put it this way, if I was a kid in school now, I'd be diagnosed with some attention difficulties or executive dysfunction or whatever. I'm definitely on the spectrum (that was diagnosed when I was four, but my parents didn't believe the doctor apparently). I've had years of practise working with my brain and have minimised its effects on work and my life (being unable to finish things is a real curse) but as you can see, my creative life is still impacted.
So writing...I can only write in short bursts. My longest ever was 7000 words in one day, all day. Most of the time I write between 400 and 1500 words at a time. I use the Terry Pratchett method of 400 a day when I can, which is why you will often see short bits of my fic flung up on my blog. I try to write to a publishable point and not stop in the middle of a crucial scene or something, but both my working life and my attention span impact on what gets written. Some of those fics were all written on the side of the road outside my kids school in tiny little bits, fifteen minutes here, ten minutes there, that kind of thing. It has been a big thing for me to learn that little bits can make big things. I am now using this theory with my crochet as well :D
As for my current WIPs challenges. It comes back to asking myself questions - why was Virg shot? (I have an answer and I like it, but the fic will likely get bigger and Scotty might need to take out another country :D)
Vamp!Virg fic - currently deciding between POVs for the next scene. Also need to build some world rules.
Getting around problems can be simply switching POV or someone walks into the room. Characters can also be the greatest source of problems. Like the time Alan decided he wanted to visit the site of his mother's accident - I knew the moment I wrote his line that I now had several thousand more extra words to write and a pile of research to do (I now know a lot about Mount Rainier :D). But writing those words ended up with that ending....which I am so soppy about. I wrote poetry for goodness sake.
Ah, it's 10.30pm and I'm rambling all over the place making little sense.
In the end it is just writing. Don't push yourself too hard, remember it is supposed to be fun, not torture (yeah, right) and often a good thing to do is to poke a friend and ask them to slap you around the head a couple of times to knock some sense in. I have had several Thunderfam members do this for me. Thanks guys :D
Write little, write big, just write and see what happens.
(sense is apparently optional)
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raspberrysmoon · 26 days
hi hi hi sorry uh just here to say that you saying that like a good treasure should is your favorite Eddie fic that like- made my day. Genuinely I was so worried about that fic but that gave me so much joy and it’s been multiple hours and I’ve yet to stop giggling and kicking my feet about that
dude ive reread that fic like six times since i first saw it. idk how you managed to capture then so perfectly but like. its so fucking crazy its so perfect. i dont bookmark things often but i'd do it twice for that fic ngl <3
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