#I’ve been using them a lot recently
sockdooe · 2 months
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Yay!!!!! I finally finished my sketchbook!!!!!!
obv I had to draw some shance but more specifically @chiliger shance au with mer!shiro and Avion!lance :))))
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boomerang109 · 28 days
yeah maybe you’re a great music fan but actually i think you should be jealous of the joy and whimsy that my audio processing issues bring into my life
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kkst0904 · 1 year
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in from the snow ❄️
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whimsyprinx · 1 year
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a new attempt at me trying to sketch out ideas for my porcelain (faerie) royalty outfit that I’m putting together, all I have so far is the shirt, earring (it’s not even finished) and bracelet
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chibishortdeath · 7 months
Hello chibishortdeath! I hope you don’t mind me sending an anime recommendation. This anime sorta reminds me of Simon’s Quest and so I thought you might enjoy it (and it makes me fantasize of what an animated Simon’s Quest might be like). It’s Dororo (2019) and the whole series is available on YouTube. It’s basically got a protagonist suffering from a curse that has to travel to defeat monsters and “gather” body parts. But unlike Simon’s Quest, the protagonist is followed by a kid, so that might not be to your liking. But I just can’t recommend it enough! It does get really violent and gory though, so here’s a warning.
Oooo, I looked it up and it sounds really cool!!! :O I’ll have to check it out, I think some of my family members might like seeing it too tbh. As much of a legend in manga as Osamu Tezuka is, I’m surprisingly not very familiar with most of his work. I saw a couple episodes of Astro Boy and one of the movie adaptations when I was younger, but that’s about it. So it’ll be cool to actually get into something of his!!! Thanks for the recommendation, I really appreciate it :3!!!!!!!!
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lesbiansanemi · 3 days
Google how to make peace with the fact that you will always be vaguely to extremely uncomfortable (depending on the day) with your body and how others perceive it until the day you die and nothing you do will ever change that
#I almost wish I was much more masc leaning than I am#so the answer would just simply be ‘go on t’#I keep seeing so many posts that are like hrt is good! this is your sign to go on hrt if you’ve ever wanted to!#GOD I wish I were that simple#(those aren’t bad posts that’s not the point they’re just not applicable to me and seeing the sentiment makes me sad and a bit frustrated)#(cuz for me it’s not that easy)#like are there some things T would do to my body that I would like?#yes absolutely. I would LOVE a deeper voice and fat redistribution#but like. that’s it#I would not want it to do anything else#in fact that idea of anything else and potentially ‘passing’ as a man makes me VISCERALLY uncomfortable#I do not want to be a man and I do not want ppl to perceive me as a man#but the same is true for being a woman#I do not like a lot of feminine traits but I do not want to strictly trade them for masculine ones#UNFORTINATELY you cannot pick and choose the affects of hrt#there is no way to ‘look androgynous’ (which is what I want)#(yes ik you can use shapewear and makeup and contour and that can do SOME)#(but it’s A LOT of work and effort I don’t have time or energy to do every day)#(and there’s still some things about my body I wouldn’t be able to alter doing stuff like that)#and it’s like sure I could go on T. but I’d still have this problem just the opposite direction#and it. sucks#it sucks so hard knowing there’s literally no conceivable way I will ever just have a body#that correlates to how I feel gender wise and will get people to ‘gender me correctly’#just based on how I look#and it’s something I’ve been thinking about recently a lot and it’s making me FHDJDKKSSKKSKS in a bad way#I know it’s cuz it’s pride month and I follow A LOT of trans ppl#who are posting trans pride and hrt and surgery info and stuff#(and obviously these are all very good things as I said)#it’s just. because of my particular situation they make me feel… bad#because I won’t ever have an option to be comfortable and happy with how I look lol
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tomyo · 5 months
While I was working on my therapy comics, I remembered that as a teenager I kept expecting to unlock some repressed memories of molestation from how men, specifically I as a child and them as an adult made me feel. It was this distinct instance around seven or so when I came home to my dad talking to one of his friends who stopped by, they were sitting in the back of the garage while I was at the threshold of it and terrified when they beckoned me over. I was acutely aware even then that grown women did not make me feel this way and even though this friend was a kind guy regularly in my life, being around him was still distressing. And like, the fact that child me knew men scared me and in denial that I was severely mentally unwell teenage me could identify it was uncanny makes adult me all queasy. It’s where I hate to admit that a small part of me knows I am ‘functionally a lesbian’ or something of the like because of this guttural feeling that I struggle to process properly. The weirdest part is I know I am also attracted to cis men albeit usually much more rarely (emotionally attracted but rarely aesthetically??) but often it seems like it comes from not it being off the bat mutual. Like there is safety and ownership to me when I’m the one who defines the attraction. But I’m still troubled to not fully understand the source of it all. With time it made sense, the weird blooming in later adolescence brought on a whole bunch of unwanted attention and for a long while any form of romantic interest has been a frustrating ‘but why? What can you tell me you like about me that isn’t related to me physically?’ That goes unanswered properly. Objectified feels like my wholesale experience with the human race at points. But on the side of the shes and theys, it feels like they at least take somewhat more time to soak in the whole picture. Haha, admittedly now I’m just struggling to think of what it’s like to be treated beyond a commodity for others.
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ciderjacks · 5 months
Gonna be real it would be a lot easier to talk about transmasculine specific oppression if we were allowed to acknowledge sex is real unchanging and not the same as gender identity, but saying that gets you called a terf, so instead we wind up with t-dudes saying that they’re oppressed bc they’re men.
#trans#I feel like I’m going insane here like. You guys realize oppression bc of sex is a huge issue right?#Afab people (in america at least) are legally and constitutionally less than amab people#Like that’s. That’s a thing. That’s why female reproductive rights being easily revoked happened.#A fully transitioned trans man won’t be discriminated against for his gender necessarily but he is still oppressed on the basis of sex#Transmasculine oppression is a specific offset of sexism combined with lesbophobia and transphobia#But at the roots it is sexism. It is oppression and commodification of our bodies on the basis of us being female.#And it really gets me that within the trans community we’re not allowed to even talk about it!#Sex is real! It is impossible to have trans liberation for everyone if we can’t acknowledge that! Bc these are intersecting things!!#And while trans women aren’t oppressed for their sex it does also play into transmisogyny!#Bc a big issue of transmisogyny and what frequently gets trans women and transfeminine people killed is that homophobic cis men#See them as male and get scared by that bc they take a trans woman’s existence as a threat to his own!#also there are legitimate biological differences between sexes and ignoring them can pose real and dangerous health risks#Especially In medical settings which is a big factor of a lot of trans medical abuse#Bc doctors are uneducated on factors of transgender people’s sex and biology#Sorry this is out of nowhere but I’ve especially recently been noticing a shift#Where we’re going from “gender is fake sex doesn’t equal gender” to “sex is fake gender equals sex”#And trans men being attacked for talking about sexism and sex oppression#And I think that’s really not. Great.#Also again it keeps leading to trans men pulling out some freak ass borderline MRA shit to try and explain sexism without calling it sexism#”androphobia” is not a thing guys unless you are perceived as a female#And then it’s just butchphobia#Also no hate but you’re stealing a word which was previously used as a term by abuse survivors who developed a fear of men due to it
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no1ryomafan · 7 months
The subject of the getter manga spin offs came to my mind randomly today talking to some of my friends and I’ve been thinking about how IIRC the only major spin off manga to not be translated is High, aka the Mahjong one with a all girl team. The only other ones to follow are a manga made for the PS game and the “try to remember” manga that arma’s first 3 ep director made, but those are in a weird territory of spin off classification, at least compared to the others, but I also chalk up their lack of translations being their hard to find, especially because try to remember was considered lost media. (Until my friends randomly found it lol) But I’ve been wondering to myself something regarding that: While High simply could’ve never been translated because finding the proper scans could be hard, I feel another factor people gloss over it compared to the other spin offs is because there’s a absence of the OG getter team.
Because even though I talked about how Go team been not adapted properly in animes and the toei go show was likely overlooked because of that-to manga readers-I also note it is the only Getter show to NOT be fully subbed even though getting the footage doesn’t seem to be a issue. All the other getter manga spin offs feature the OG team in some capacity, most of them are their own tellings of getter so we get adaptations of the team. The only example I can think of that didn’t do this was Hien, but that had Hayato in it. Meanwhile High is a new getter team completely so people seem to turn an eye to it, even though the girl pilot is- very much clearly “Ryoma but gender bent” lol. (And I do know a handful of people who like her but not a TON)
I don’t wanna make bad assumptions about the fandom because it’s just more so how it goes, the first line of protagonist’s will ALWAYS be the most popular with there only ever being a few exceptions to this, but it is kinda a shame Getter falls victim of most of the fandom either liking Ryoma and/or Hayato the most-mainly Ryoma but I met plenty Hayato fans and y’all are insane /pos-and don’t really bother to bat a eye to the other characters which I just feel leads to these things getting neglected. And I’m- guilty of this but I’m trying to talk about the others more.
#meg text#getter robo#I will say I only haven’t read the spin offs next to “my ass struggles to read” for a particular reason#that being I’m always scared to go down the nichest pipeline of a multi media fandom because I’ve been there before and it fucking sucks#Not in the content sucks more so “oh wow this is good- wait five people know this”#(this is a certified mega man starforce fan moment)#Granted given how I’m- obsessed with this series and already know they exist I may read them eventually (once I like reading again maybe)#Though for toei go case I know a lot of other things factor like peeps just shitting on toei in general because it’s more light hearted#which how dare getter not just be edgy! /s#it’s not like only Armageddon was really the brutal one since the others had humorous moments in between#oh wait arma the most popular one that’s why rip#will say I do have hope High might spark interest eventually because it was in the now dead SRW gacha and devo got into mainline#so now they have a excuse to bring High into something but who knows when that’ll be (and if devo actually does bring forth the spin offs)#that said if the spin offs join DONT USE DARKNESS (I hate to be that guy but- why)#of all the iffy shit in getter that whole fucking thing is probably the worst because it can’t be excused by “oh it’s old”#it’s more recent and the writer just sucks ass with subject matter#if I ever read it to fully see how bad it is you have to pay me but keep that shit OUT of SRW#that or like- add it but take away the gross shit (but preferably pretend it doesn’t exist)
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willowcrowned · 2 years
I think when professors hand you back a project with comments they should have to tell you how cool and special and smart you are
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clownsnake · 2 years
getting the sudden urge to make a new fursona thats literally just a Minecraft cow or maybe a frog because, as far as I know, there is no sexual dimorphism in any of the mobs in that game
#notch (notable cisgender) said that he wanted the game to be ‘genderless’#which of course he meant to apply to sex & gender bc no doubt those are the same to him#But it seems like mojang is trying to continue this trend of a gender neutral world#Which is pretty cool bc it means I can have my mc experience be entirely nonbinary#which is like. not especially notable given that it’s just an open world sandbox game#but sooooo many games I (a non gamer) am able to play feature gender in a rlly obtrusive way#and it’s just nice that a game im enjoying right now feels so tailored to me in the gender department#Going post#minecraft#also in most main/more prominent mojang stuff it seems like they’re avoiding referring to alex & Steve with any specific pronouns which#I think is neat#god there’s so many tags in this. i think I’m just gonna keep ranting#Did you know that if you use splash potions of swiftness or leaping on two horses and breed them#the baby they produce will be faster & jump higher#Just like if u found a rlly fast horse and a horse tht jumps rlly high & bred them#The mobestiary depicts elder guardians as being mechanical which is RLLLYYYYY INTERESTING 2 me!!#I need to get that book I need it so much#ofhdkvhhfjf now I’m just on the Minecraft wiki bc I want to learn more#sorry posting for the day is over I have research to get to (<-neurodivergent)#completely got off topic somehow. The point of this post was tht I’ve been getting a lot of dysphoria recently & I want to cope by being a#Cow that notably can’t be sorted into male or female#Also I just want horns :)
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galariangengar · 1 year
#I hate constantly being scared and afraid of the people who used to bully me on middle/high school#I hate still feeling this way as an adult and not seeing them for several years now#this also goes for so called ‘friends’ who treated me like shit and gaslit me and tried to make me seem like the bad guy#since I reactivated and been using TikTok for the past like week or so#it’s been finding former ‘friends’ and recommending them to me and it’s been lowkey triggering me tbh#like today it suggested that one guy I knew in middle school and reconnected freshman yr of college but made me REALLY uncomfortable#and also this one girl from high school was was a cunt/bragged about being rich & ‘daddy’s girl’/etc etc#then I got a notification that she looked at my page/ it freaked me out#I blocked the guy/that girl and blocked another girl that used to be my ‘best friend’ in middle/high school#i also put my account on private for now and turned off setting for suggesting contacts and stuff like that#i honestly should find and block people I went to school with and shitty friends if they pop on again on TikTok#… I think when my parents leave next weekend/ I should talk with my two best friends about a lot of things that happened recently#and be honest about how I’ve been feeling/well not completely honest cuz I don’t want to worry them but yea…#I hate that I honestly can’t access or afford help for my mental health#or hell even just fucking talk to someone about everything without a session costing a fucking arm and a leg#jazz uses curse! 💜
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#I’ve recently gotten a pretty influx of new followers so hi#but also I’m so incredibly nervous#I’ve never had that on anything before#I’m trying to just imagine it’s not there and just not think about it#and like I know I’m fairly anonymous on here so no one will know who I am#but like that fear of being judged and hated for my sexuality has jumped through the roof#because like first and foremost I made this account when I had a crush on a lady who didn’t reciprocate my feelings#so I wanted a place to vent#and I ended up venting a lot on here which I find helpful since I don’t feel like I really have people in my life I can talk to#and I wanted to share photos and quotes and reviews of lesbian stuff#but I used to get like 100 notes at most#and even then I was like wow that’s massive 100 people like this!#it made me want to share more#but I guess my head is just getting worried now that people are going to say what’s been said to me in the past#and they are going to say I’m a bad person for being a lesbian or just say mean stuff to me#or like I’ll get dragged into discourse#honestly that scares me a lot I don’t want to be dragged into discourse#and I know likes it’s my own fault I made this account and chose to put stuff up here so I don’t really have any right to complain#but I still want a place to vent and I still want to share lots of cool oop or hard to find things so everyone can enjoy them too#but I guess I’m also anxious about it. because that’s a lot of people#and for someone who is on the dsp and only really leaves the house for appointments most of the time#like only rarely leaving it for other reasons like enjoyment#that’s pretty daunting#I am definitely glad I don’t have a photo of my face on here or my name because that would overwhelm me too much
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lilnasxvevo · 2 years
Xiao Xingchen thoughts:
While Xiao Xingchen sometimes seems a little bit prone to black and white thinking, for the most part Xiao Xingchen is someone who believes in extending kindness, mercy, and understanding. Forgiveness. He takes in A-Qing even though almost all he knows about her is that she’s a thief, and when he rescues Xue Chengmei and is patching him up, he assures him that he doesn’t need to know who he is or who beat him up or why—with the implication that he would have helped Chengmei regardless because he needed help, and, as he lets Chengmei stay, that someone’s past has no bearing on how he treats them as long as they’re trying their best in the present.
And yet, when he finds out what he’s done—what his friend Chengmei tricked him into doing, it wasn’t even Xingchen’s fault, it wasn’t even Xingchen’s choice—he decides immediately that he will never be able to forgive himself, and takes his own life.
He extends a truly radical sort of forgiveness to everyone but himself, and it’s terribly sad.
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tw: vent, PTSD, flashback 😩
(I’m fine just irritated and upset)
#read a post that upset but I managed to calm myself down and not be triggered#then saw a second post that caught me off guard but still managed to stay calm but now bad thoughts are amuck#saw a third and fourth post in quick succession with triggers in them#(I need to check my filters or stop using mobile bc I can’t use xkit)#I’m just gonna get off the internet and like do Duolingo or something#but it feels like my brain is floating in bad feeling soup#and like yeah! i managed to calm myself down and ground and not grt triggered or have a flashback or get drowned in awful thoughts#and that’s progress and a lot of work and my therapist would be proud!#but I’m still like 10x more exhausted than I was counting on tonight#and even if I’m not spiraling I’m still THINKING about things I don’t want to have to think about right now#but that’s the sort of thing that doesn’t go away really.#there are some topics I’ll always be stupidly sensitive to that will ruin my day upon encountering them#and these are not safe topics to be sensitive about because people love to take advantage of that sensitivity#and my ESA is over an hour away because my school makes it intentionally difficult to get approval#if anyone is reading my rant (bless you 💕) and knows how to filter words on mobile please let me know how#of course that doesn’t always help because there’s a lot of slang and allusions and images#and feel literally sick to my stomach having to ask people to tag my triggers#(I’ve had some bad experiences with asking people to accommodate my triggers recently)#and I hate doing it in the first place#i hate being in America. my PTSD has been making up for lost time since I got back from Wales.#ah whoop there it goes flashback time 🤪#(I’ll be okay I am fine I just was upset and wanted to rant but that made me more upset :/)#((gonna go suck on a jolly rancher watch Old Enough))
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imaginarypasta · 23 days
i just feel like we’re at a point where podcasts can and should be organized by something beyond all episodes in reverse chronological order
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