#I’ve had the quilt top done for a while but now it’s fully done!
tj-crochets · 10 months
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The starry purple quilt is finally finished!
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years
GF - The Sapling of His Labors
A Drifting Stars AU one-shot, in collaboration with @clownwry.
1st, 2nd, 4th.
Ford hummed an old tune to himself as he worked on dinner. Rather than sitting in front of a fire-pit in the middle of nature, butchering food to make it edible, he was blessed to be standing in a humble kitchen with a stove, cabinets, counters, and everything. The only thing he didn’t have was a fridge or freezer, but that was okay. Ford worked calmly and at his own pace as he chopped up the onion, blinking the burning feeling away, and he used his knife to scoop the diced pieces of onion into the hot skillet, and it sizzled and immediately smelled good.
Ford smiled as he added the green bell pepper, and other delicious things from the garden, and then he gave the veggies and herbs a stir with his hand-carved wooden spoon. Estimating that dinner would be ready soon, he walked across the kitchen, through the living room with a fireplace, two rocking chairs, and a large homemade three-way desk with two chairs, and to the front door. 
The top half of the dutch door was already open, so he leaned against the bottom half of the door to watch his little girl run around with other kids her age, playing tag. “Mabel, honey, dinner!” He called. “Will you please bring some water when you come?”
“Okay!” Mabel called back cheerfully, and Ford trusted her to end the game soon and say goodnight to her friends as he went back to dinner.
The veggies were cooking well, so Ford threw some of Mabel’s special homemade butter into another pan, let it melt, and then he carefully laid two filleted fish down to cook.
The bottom half of the dutch door opened and Mabel came in with a bucket of water from their well. She grinned at the sight of him and sat the bucket down to use a ladle to pour some water into wooden cups. “Ms. Mahogany asked about you again.”
“Oh?” Ford raised an eyebrow at her, his smile still present.
“Yeah, I told her how just last night you told me you were lonely and only wanted someone to hold at night…”
Ford barked a laugh that Mabel joined in with, but she continued as she set the table. “Then she said her son is still single if…”
“Mabel, please!” Ford guffawed with rosy cheeks as he flipped the fish. “I wish you would stop trying to set me up with everyone in town.”
“But I’m a great matchmaker!”
“I know you are. Why not focus on someone else’s love-life?” Ford suggested as he began to plate the veggies.
“I don’t really care about everyone else’s love-life.” Mabel said with a shrug as she sat.
Ford snorted as he platted the fish on top of the veggies, one plate slightly smaller than the other.
“Well, not nearly as much as I care about you.” Mabel elaborated, and smiled sweetly at her uncle as he turned to set the food at the table. “I just want you to be happy, Grunkle Ford.”
The old man was a bit surprised by this, but he smiled softly and said, “I am happy, darling.” He sat the plates and himself down where they belonged, then patted his lap. “Come here.”
The girl didn’t hesitate to crawl into his lap and let him hug her. “I’ve got you.”
“Yeah, but imagine how much happier you’d be if you had me and a partner!” Mabel said optimistically.
Ford chuckled and brushed her shoulder-length hair with his six fingers. “Sweetie, I’m much happier now than I ever thought I would be.”
Mabel grinned at him and hugged him around the neck, allowing Ford to squeeze her gently and hug her back.
A little while later they sat by the fireplace, Ford in his rocking chair, and Mabel by his socked feet, propping her back against his leg as she knitted away. Ford used to tease her and wonder why he even built her a rocking chair, but once she explained she felt more comfortable against him, he let it go. Maybe next time they go to the store, he should trade fish for fabric so he can build a couch.
The eldest read a book out-loud while Mabel knitted, their favorite thing to do in the evening, when all they had for light was the fireplace and lanterns and the stars, but there were no stars tonight. Rain peacefully trickled down outside. They left the dutch door open to enjoy the smells and sounds and cool air, not a hint of a storm in sight.
Ford was enjoying the book, but not nearly as much as he enjoyed looking down at his beautiful girl. The sounds of her needles clicking as she worked, the way her brown eyes twinkled, the blush on her round cheeks, the shine in her hair. Ford had no idea what in the Multiverse he did to deserve her… No, he didn’t deserve her, but he was still grateful for her, and beyond happy he somehow managed to give her a happy life.
Ford was very excited, too excited to let his little girl sleep in too much. True that he purposely got up early to get the eggs, milk the cow, and let the sheep out for her, but he decided to surprise her earlier rather than later, so he made her some pancakes and eggs, squeezed her some fresh orange juice, put a pretty flower on the tray for decoration, and tucked the present wrapped in parchment and card under his arm.
A soft knock alerted Mabel of company, and her door opening and a warm voice fully woke her up. “Mabel, honey,”
She grinned and sat up in her bed. Ford had no regrets. All his hard work was worth it for that smile. “Happy Birthday.”
Mabel was absolutely delighted by the sweet surprise, but a bit disheartened when she saw no plate for her uncle. She raised an eyebrow suspiciously at him, still too used to his bad habit of skipping meals so she could eat. Well, he didn’t have to do that anymore. “Grunkle Ford, where’s your breakfast?”
Ford smiled and chuckled. “Don’t worry, it’s all fixed and downstairs waiting for me.”
Mabel smiled again and said, “Why don’t you eat up here with me? Then I’ll open my present!”
Ford nodded. That seemed like an even better idea than eating separately. So Ford retrieved his mug of coffee and pancakes, and when he sat at the foot of Mabel’s bed, she opened the card. There was no glitter to decorate it with and the card wasn’t nearly as colorful as Mabel would have made it, but Ford still drew plenty of pretty pictures for her and wrote plenty of kind words, and more importantly, he made it just for her.
Mabel grinned and thanked him for the card, sitting by her nightstand and candle so she could see it every day, and then she tore into her present. She gasped happily and squealed at the gift. Mabel had seen Ford sew here and there, but she didn’t know this was what he was working on.
It was a large quilt. It had many different patches, some with colors, some with pictures of animals, one with a shooting star and one with a six-fingered hand. There were so many different patches that Mabel felt she could look and look without seeing every detail.
Ford rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “I asked everyone in town if they had scraps of cloth. I wasn’t sure what to get you, but you deserve something nice, and…”
“Grunkle Ford, I love it!” And Mabel let her new quilt fall on her lap so she could hug him tightly around the waist. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’ll use it forever! I love you, thank you!”
Ford chuckled and hugged her back tightly. “Y-You’re welcome.”
It wasn’t much, but it was better than what he could have done for her before.
Ford ran as fast as he could. He didn’t care how sharply branches pricked his face or how many times he stubbed his toe on a rock or tree root. The screaming rang in his ears. Mabel needed him.
He was grateful to find Mabel up in a tree, safe, but not for long. At the base of the tree was a giant black bear, roaring and growling and scratching the tree. It wouldn’t be long until the bear decided to try to climb. Ford gritted his teeth and allowed instincts to take over, animal vs animal.
Ford threw a rock and it hit the bear on the neck, making it forget the human cub in the tree and turn to the adult to roar warningly. Then Ford shot his crossbow and it hit the bear right in the shoulder, close to the chest, but not quite enough to kill it, only to anger it. Mabel screamed for Ford to run away, to get away, but Ford stood his ground as the bear charged at him and he rolled out of the way just in time, then shot the bear again, this time hitting it’s back.
The bear turned and roared at Ford, and he was prepared to pull the knife out of his boot and do some real damage, tired of giving warnings that the bear wasn’t hearring. But then something made everyone freeze. A small wheezing roar. A squeak from a cub. The little baby black bear ran out from the bushes and to its mother, who nuzzled the cub with her nose and stood protectively. Ford lowered his crossbow and nodded. Mabel must have accidentally stumbled across the cub, must have gotten too close, and the mother was being overprotective.
The mother roared once more at the humans and ran off into the woods with her cub, taking the arrows lodge in her with her. Well, good. That’s what she gets for going near Ford’s niece. Speaking of…
Ford turned to the tree and looked up at the frightened girl. “Mabel, are you hurt?”
“N-No. I’m okay.” Mabel looked at the spot where the bears disappeared and bit her lip. “I… I didn’t even see the baby one…”
Ford smiled and nodded. “It’s alright. You’ll find parents are quite protective of their kids. Can you climb down?”
Mabel nodded and carefully made her way down the tree. When she was about halfway down, she leaped into Ford’s arms and they hugged each other tightly, the crossbow still in Ford’s hand.
“Oh, Mabel, I was so worried…”
“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry…”
“Shh, hey, it’s alright. I’m not mad.”
“I thought you… I thought…” Mabel mumbled into his shoulder, her grip on his coat extremely tight.
“Hey, hey, it’s alright. I’ve got you.” Ford muttered to her as he walked them home. “I’ve got you.”
Ford walked home from the ocean, smiling with the large net filled with fish on his back. Mabel was with the sheep, as usual, and smiled and waved when she saw his safe return. The leaves were changing colors and the air was getting more comfortable and crisp. Soon winter would be with them, and rather than fish for money, Ford planned to build music boxes and carve toys, a brilliant idea Mabel had when she noticed how he missed tinkering and building. He enjoyed fishing, but it wasn’t like the old lab work that made him proud.
The next day, like always, Ford walked home and saw Mabel among the sheep, but this time she was chatting with a boy her age. Ford had seen the boy before, Mabel labeling him as a friend, but the old man couldn’t help but wonder if he should be putting money away for a small wedding, a thought that made his blood boil and his heart swell at the same time.
Ford gave the soup another stir before ladling it into a bowl. Poor Mabel sat on the newly built couch, wrapped in her quilt, close to the fire, her cheeks and nose cherry red and dark circles under her eyes as she sneezed and coughed. Ford wasn’t as worried for her as he normally would be; it was just a bad cold. She would be alright. 
Weirdly enough, Mabel’s brain had decided to call it quits and she was nothing more than a rag doll, barely interactive and aware of her surroundings, which was fine by Ford. He could take care of her and the house just fine. He smiled softly and sat next to her, holding out a spoonful of warm soup for her. “Here you are, my dear. This will make you feel better.”
Shakily Mabel ate the bite she was given, but it burned and made her cough roughly. Ford rubbed her back and stirred the soup to cool it down a little. “That's it, easy does it. There we go, I’m sorry, sweetie.”
The second time was the charm; Mabel was able to swallow a second spoonful of warm soup no problem. She actually made a weak smile, then muttered to Ford, “Thanks Daddy,” and coughed roughly into her quilt. She patiently waited for her next spoonful, unaware of what she had done to Ford.
She had said it so innocently, so quietly… Was it possible, that in her weakened state, Mabel thought she was back home with her father? Even though she seemed out of it, she did seem aware of where they were; a few minutes ago, when Ford was making the soup, she had asked if the sheep were put away. And she had thanked Ford for making the soup when he first started on dinner. So, maybe, there was a small possibility that Mabel knew exactly who she was talking to, and she articulated with a title that felt fitting to her.
Ford smiled with a bit lip and held out the spoon filled with soup for her. “Y-You’re welcome.”
He smiled sympathetically as she sniffed again, her poor sinuses turned against her. But then she sniffed again, louder, and Ford began to notice it sounded different…
He also began to notice he was sore. And lying down. And wrapped up, like he was tucked in for bed.
Ford was pulled from his dreams and was sluggishly half-awake, his eyes still closed, and he bought his body some time to gather some strength by paying attention to his blind surroundings.
He could hear and feel a fire going. He was lying in a sleeping bag on the ground, and he could tell there were other things keeping him warm and wrapped up. Some damp cloth was on his forehead. And he could hear crying.
Ford forced his eyes open slowly and he discovered someone had taken his glasses off. He forced himself to work with his blurry vision and he sat up a little, leaning on his arm for support in search of his niece. She sat a few feet away, in a tight bundle. If Ford had to guess, she was hugging her knees and hiding her face in her arms and knees. “Mabel…”
She lifted her head up quickly, but then hid her face again, looking away from him and wiping her face dry with the sleeves of her coat. 
“Hey, no,” Ford said softly, taking the damp cloth off his forehead. “None of that, you don’t ever have to hide anything from me. What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
“N-No,” Mabel cleared her throat and finally turned to look at him; he was a little disheartened to see her trying to smile and still hide what was bothering her. “I’m okay. H-How do you feel? Tea is almost ready.” And she scooted closer to the fire on her knees to check on the teapot.
Ford sighed tiredly, his lips tight to try to keep her from hearing it. “Mabel…”
“Oh, here!” Mabel reached into a pocket of her uncle’s backpack and pulled out his glasses for him. “I thought I’d better take them off you so your face wouldn’t hurt.”
Ford smiled and accepted the visual aid. “Ah, thank you.” He slipped his glasses on and more clues came to his senses.
They were in the middle of the desert. Well, not entirely in the middle, it looked like there was a jungle a few yards behind them. Ford had also been blanketed with sweaters for extra warmth in the cold desert night. Everything seemed well in order and normal, except when Ford looked at his poor little girl. Her hair was a mess, frizzled and… Ford recognized that hairstyle. His hair often looked like that after he grabbed at it too roughly and tried to pull his hair out. There were dark circles under her eyes, eyes that didn’t sparkle. That legitimately scared Ford.
“Good! Tea is ready.” Mabel turned away from him again, refusing to look at him as she pulled out a cup for her uncle and poured him some hot drink. “Here, it’ll make you feel better.”
Ford accepted the drink and sat up fully. “Thank you.” He sipped it and watched Mabel carefully. She didn’t pour herself a cup. Or bring out the water canteen for something else to drink. Instead she held her knees and watched the fire dance. He opened his mouth to ask her if she was alright, but she beat him to it.
“How are you feeling? Does anything hurt? H-How’s your neck?”
“My neck?” Ford touched his throat, a bit confused, and answered, “I feel fine. Nothing hurts. Why?”
“We were ambushed. You got shot. You… You had a bad fever and wouldn’t wake up.” Mabel, still refusing to look at him, held out a dart to him that had been lying on the sand. “Here. I thought you might wanna study it.”
Ford adjusted his glasses and held the dart. It was quite long, but very skinny, and it had a red bull point at the top, like a sewing needle, but Ford recognized the dart. “Interesting. These are Hummie darts. They’re sold through the dimensions, they’re very useful for bounty hunting. See, the top here is filled with poison, just enough to render the body useless and to also hypnotize the target in a deep, dream-filled sleep. Oftentimes the dreams are the victim’s happiest memories or goals, so they won’t try to wake up. It’s also very fascinating because the side-effects are next to none, this makes these darts ideal if you want to bring someone in for questioning or for next-to-perfect condition.”
But Mabel wasn’t listening. Her eyes were still on the fire, she was still holding her knees, but her mind was elsewhere. Ford watched her mournfully and tried to remember what had happened.
Oh. Right.
They were in a different dimension than this one. They had been laughing and playing in the woods, unaware of who they were attracting. By the time Ford hoisted a laughing girl on his shoulders, a dart barely missed him and it hit a tree, causing him to run while Mabel shot pop-rocks with her slingshot. Ford can now remember feeling a tiny prick by his neck. He had hoped Mabel had accidentally pinched or pulled some skin on his neck, but she was horrified to have let a dart get past her. Ford managed to stop running and put Mabel down safely, shaking his head and even slapping himself to try to stay awake and attentive, but just as he was sharing a plan with her, he fell on his knees and collapsed into the grass, the last thing he heard was Mabel’s desperate please to be okay. Not to stay awake, not to help, but to be okay.
Ford put the dart and his tea down on the ground. “Oh, Mabel… You were amazing. Absolutely amazing! You saved us. You saved my life.”
“M-Maybe if I hadn’t asked you to play with me…”
“They were relentless. I’m glad we had fun and played.”
Mabel held herself tighter and turned her head away so it was out of sight. That broke Ford’s heart. What he wouldn’t give for her to just look at him. Had he done something? Had he scared her? He had heard that while under the influence of the Hammie darts, the body is as useless as a ragdoll, but… Oh. Maybe that had scared her. Mabel had no way of knowing what the darts did, she had no idea what kind of poison they were filled with. Did she refuse to look at Ford because when she did all she saw was the shadow of a dead man?
“Mabel,” Ford croaked longingly, and he opened his arms. “Please come here.”
Mabel was trembling. She sniffed again and swallowed a sob down.
She was a Pines, after all. She was going to be stubborn. So Ford scooted himself and the sleeping bag and pile of sweaters. He carefully began to scoop her up, but she finally broke and turned and hugged him around the neck, sobbing into his shoulder and allowing him to hold her close and burrow her in his arms and sweaters and sleeping bag.
“Shh, shh, it’s alright now.” Ford petted her hair and closed his eyes, giving everything he had into making her feel better. “I’m okay, I swear. You did an incredible job.”
“I thought… I thought…” Mabel croaked and swallowed to try to communicate better. “Y-Your eyes… they rolled! Into… y-y-you looked d…” And she choked and sobbed and held him so tightly her fingers ached, but she didn’t care.
Now Ford had never heard of that side-effect before. “Oh, Mabel, honey…”
“I k-k-know you’re okay now… I know… but I th-th-thought I was g-gonna lose you!” Mabel cried out, her throat sounding like it was going to tear in half. 
“I’m sorry…” Ford cooed to her and adjusted her so she laid by his heart and he felt her hands. Holy Moses, she was so cold. “I’m so sorry. I’m not going anywhere, I promise. I love my little starshine too much to be anywhere else.”
Mable hiccuped a weak giggle and she nuzzled her cheek against his chest. “I love you, too, D-Grunkle Ford.”
Yup. Ford wasn’t shedding tears alongside her. No. A raindrop must have fallen on his cheek. On a cloudless night. Yeah, that was it.
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cpd5021 · 4 years
Love Drunk
Happy almost Valentine’s Day! Here’s a long, annoyingly fluffy Upstead one-shot inspired by the song Afterglow by Ed Sheeran. Written for the “Upstead Valentine's Love Songs Challenge” on @upsteadofficial. Enjoy! 
Hailey slumped back in her chair, rubbing at her face and never feeling so thankful that it was a Friday. The past week had been long to say the least and Intelligence had been hammered with case after case. But finally their work week was over and she was about to go home. She glanced over to Jay’s desk, only to find him already looking her way with a soft smile spread across his mouth. 
She mouthed quietly, squinting her eyes at him when his smile increased. He shrugged and shook his head before shutting down his computer and standing to stretch. They made their way into the locker room and found Kim and Adam exchanging a playful banter over the fact it was Valentine’s Day this weekend. Hailey rolled her eyes, laughing when Adam made a comment about the discount candy he’d be buying on Monday. Every time she looked Jay’s way she caught him looking at her, an almost mischievous look behind his eyes. 
Finally they made it out to his truck, Hailey jogging to get out of the freezing wind and letting out a sigh of relief when she was tucked into the warmth of his cab. Jay climbed into the drivers side, sending her another grin as he pulled them out of the lot. 
“You’re up to something.”
She stated, eyes boring into him. He shrugged again, reaching to adjust the heat and giving her a wink. 
“Can you make sure my bag is back there?”
 Jay asked, motioning towards the back seat. It wasn’t an odd request, seeing as they usually packed a bag to stay at the others house on the weekends. But when Hailey turned to look into the back seat she spotted not only Jay’s but hers as well. She shifted back around and stared at the side of his face. 
“It is. And it would appear mine is as well.”
She watched his mouth creep up into a grin again and he sent her another wink. 
He shrugged again and she playfully smacked his shoulder. 
“Why is my bag in the back Jay?”
She pushed when he wasn’t going to answer. 
“Well, it’s your overnight bag.”
He stated simply, turning them into the parking lot of Portillo’s to grab them some dinner. 
“Yes, thank you. But why do I need it?”
She tried to sound annoyed but really her tone was light and held a hint of excitement. 
“Because you’re staying somewhere overnight.”
He grinned her way once more before pulling up and ordering their usual.
“Somewhere? So not your place?”
Hailey angled in her seat to fully face him now, becoming more curious by the second as to what he might have planned. 
“Not my apartment…”
Jay paid and passed the bag of food her way, then pulled into a spot for them to eat. 
“So where?”
Hailey asked, handing out the meals. Jay chuckled her way and she rolled her eyes in response. 
“You ask a lot of questions, you know that?”
It was Hailey’s turn to chuckle as she shook her head at him. 
“Just trying to catch up.”
She shrugged, opening her sandwich wrapper. 
“How about… you just enjoy the surprise.”
He kissed her mid sentence and she smiled into him before he pulled away. Hailey gave him a hesitant nod and they settled into eating. Once Jay was done he pulled them back out of the lot and pointed them in the direction of the expressway, only peaking Hailey’s curiosity more but she did her best to keep quiet. Jay turned on the radio after a while and Hailey settled back into her seat, letting the soft lyrics of Ed Sheeran fill her ears as the lights of the city began to fade from view. After a while she felt her eyes getting heavy and rested her head on her hand, propping it up against the window. Jay’s hand reached over and took her free one, tracing lazy circles over the back of her hand and the gentle touch lulled her to sleep. 
Hailey woke when the truck came to a halt. Rubbing her eyes she glanced at the clock on the dash and felt disoriented when it read just after 10pm. Jay’s hand squeezed hers and she looked his way before letting her eyes finally take in the sight before them. They were parked in front of a cabin, seemingly in the middle of the woods, with a string of white Christmas lights illuminating a covered porch. Her gaze drifted back to Jays and she smiled back at him when she saw him grinning her way. 
“Come on…”
He nodded and jumped out of the truck. Hailey climbed out of her side and met him at the front of the truck. Jay came to stand behind her as she took in the small house, unable to contain her smile at the almost magical sight before her. His hands rested on her hips and he placed a kiss on top of her head. Hailey leaned back into his touch, placing her hands over his as they wrapped around to her abdomen. 
She couldn’t finish, still in awe over his surprise. She assumed this was his family's cabin, something she had heard about once but never seen. 
“I know it’s kinda cheesy, but I wanted to do something nice for you for Valentine’s Day and you don’t seem like the candy and teddy bear type.”
She laughed against him, squeezing his hands in hers. She definitely wasn’t that type. But this? This was perfect. 
“Are we here all weekend?”
Hailey turned in his arms to face him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as she spoke. 
“If that’s okay with you.”
He smiled, looking relieved that she was appearing to like his surprise.
“The whole weekend, just us...no interruptions?”
Her voice dipped lower as she spoke and his eyes darkened in response. Hailey stretched up onto her tiptoes to give him a kiss and his arms pulled her in tighter to deepen it. They stayed locked together for a moment, letting their lips dance together in a slow pace, before Hailey pulled back to look up at him.
“Can I see the inside?”
She bit her lower lip, grinning when he moaned a little at the sight. He took her hand in his and led her up to the steps of the cabin. Snow was starting to fall around them and the sight of it under the glow of the string lights was beautiful. 
Inside the cabin, Hailey found herself awestruck once again at the beautiful simplicity laid out before her. Worn down furniture, an old handmade quilt draped over the back of the couch and a brick fireplace that was screaming to hold a crackling fire. She turned to face Jay and pulled him into another slow kiss. When they separated, he pressed his forehead against hers, his eyes beaming with happiness. 
“Thank you.”
She whispered against his lips before placing a quick kiss against them and then pulling away. 
“For what?”
He asked, following after her as she trailed around the small room. 
“For this surprise. It’s perfect.”
She grinned his way as she went on to explore the tiny kitchen, just enough room to cook a meal and perfect for her and Jay. 
“You’re perfect.”
He sent her a cheesy grin when she rolled her eyes at him. Jay stepped back out to grab their bags from the truck and tossed them onto the dining table when he returned. 
“How about you take these to the bedroom and then take a hot shower and I’ll start a fire.”
Hailey quirked an eyebrow at him, trying to picture Jay bent over the fireplace. It was almost something she wanted to stay and witness but instead she gave him a nod and took the bags down the hall. For such a small, simple cabin Hailey was surprised when she stepped into the bathroom to find it completely remodeled, huge walk in shower and a soaker tub big enough for two included. She located some towels stacked in a closet and then turned the water of the shower on, quickly undressing and then stepping into the hot stream. Her body began to melt instantly and she was pretty sure she could happily stay in here for the rest of the weekend. 
She half expected Jay to join her but when he hadn’t appeared by the time she was done, she shut the water off and wrapped a towel around herself. Padding into the bedroom, Hailey smiled when she noticed what appeared to be another handmade quilt laid over the bed. She rummaged through her bag in search of pajamas but came up empty handed.
“Hey Jay, did you pack me some of my sleep clothes?”
She called, jumping slightly when his response came from the doorway of the room. 
He smiled, making his way across the room and digging into his own bag. 
“I packed you mine.”
Hailey couldn’t help but grin up at him because it was usually his shirts she was sleeping in anyway. Once dressed, she followed him back out into the living room and they settled onto the couch together. Jay leaned back into one corner and Hailey tucked herself into the side of his body, letting his arm pull her in closer. They stayed silent for a while, just enjoying the crackle of the fire. 
“I gotta be honest, fire starting isn’t a skill I pictured you having.”
Hailey teased, dancing her fingers up and down his chest. He scoffed underneath her, causing her to chuckle. 
“I’ll have you know, starting fires is something I’m very good at. It being in the fireplace is just an added bonus.”
Hailey laughed against him, resting her head against his chest and letting her eyes flutter close when he kissed the top of her head. 
“This really is perfect.”
She said after a while, feeling herself completely relaxed now. 
“We’ll have to run into town in the morning for some groceries. I didn’t want to wake you up until we got here. But the town is kinda cool so we can walk around a bit if you want.”
Hailey tilted her head up to look at him, smirking when he met her eyes. 
“Building fires and grocery shopping. I’m learning all sorts of things about you now.” 
He scoffed again and rolled his eyes down at her. 
“Come on, you gotta give me some credit…”
He tried to give her an annoyed look but it fell flat when she smiled up at him.
“I’m just saying, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you go shopping. Any other hidden talents you want to share with me?”
Hailey’s voice lowered as she finished speaking and she watched as Jay’s eyes darkened, immediately picking up on her train of thought. Without saying another word he shifted them on the couch and then scooped her up, carrying her down the hall and into the bedroom as she squealed with the sudden movement. 
When Hailey rolled over she noticed she was alone in the bed. After a quick stretch she climbed out of bed and pulled her discarded shirt on from the night before. She found Jay in the kitchen, standing over the small stove and cooking what smelled like bacon and eggs. She walked up behind him, wrapping her arms around his bare torso and pressing a kiss into his shoulder blade. 
She whispered sleepily against him before going to perch herself on the counter by the kitchen window. Jay turned around, handing her a cup of coffee that she happily accepted. He stepped back towards the stove but his eyes were locked on her, watching as she sipped from the mug. Hailey felt her cheeks blush under his intense stare. He walked back over towards her, reaching up and tucking a loss strand of hair behind her ear, his eyes tracing all over her face. 
She questioned, darting her eyes down towards her mug, suddenly feeling self conscious. Jay placed his fingers under her chin, tilting her head back up to look at him. 
“You’re beautiful.”
He gave her a quick kiss and then went back to finishing their breakfast. Once they ate, Hailey found herself staring out the window above the sink as she cleaned up the dishes. The sight of freshly fallen snow against the forest backdrop was truly breathtaking. Jay came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head against her shoulder. She grabbed the towel and dried her hands before turning in his embrace and sliding her arms up around his shoulders. They kissed slowly, both content with a lazy pace as they had no fear of being interrupted. Eventually though, Hailey trailed her hands down his bare chest and into the waistband of his grey sweatpants, escalating the moment into something more. 
Sometime later, Hailey was once again laying in bed but this time Jay was with her. His fingers trailed patterns over her bare back and her eyes were closed, just enjoying the touch. Her stomach let out a tiny growl and she felt Jay laugh beside her. 
Hailey grumbled into the crook of her arm before replying. 
“A little. But we just ate…”
Jay laughed again and she picked her head up to shoot him a look. 
“Well...in one context, yeah. But breakfast was a while ago.”
Hailey smacked his chest, shaking her head at him as she hauled herself out of the bed. She made her way over to where their bags were and pulled out some clothes.
“As fun as it would be to lay here all day and listen to your amazing jokes...I really am hungry. For food. And I believe I was promised a Jay Halstead shopping trip last night.”
She pulled on some jeans and a blue flannel button up as she watched him get out of bed and dig his own clothes out. Once they were both dressed and her hair was pulled into a ponytail, they made their way outside and scrambled into his truck. 
The drive into town was surprisingly short. Hailey felt like they were in their own little world so to realize that they weren’t actually that far from civilization made her chuckle. The town itself was quaint to say the least, with a few stores littered here and there and only one stoplight hanging in the middle of it all. Jay pulled them into the parking lot and Hailey jumped out, eager to see what shopping with Jay was actually like. He picked up on her excitement, playfully rolling his eyes as they made their way into the building. She decided to let Jay push the cart and he followed along after her as she trailed up and down the isles. Hailey had made a loose mental shopping list on the way and plucked the things they needed off the shelves, tossing them into the cart as Jay pushed along behind her. She turned to add a few things to the cart and caught him picking up a box of fruit snacks, giving her a sheepish look before letting them fall in with the rest. They wandered up and down the rest of the isles before Hailey decided they had everything they needed. Jay took a quick detour down one of the isles and returned with a box of hot chocolate. She raised an eyebrow at him but he simply winked in return before they headed to checkout. 
“So, was shopping with me everything you had hoped for and more?”
Jay teased once they were back in the truck. Hailey shook her head at him, letting out a chuckle and refusing to answer. The whole shopping trip had felt oddly domestic, something she wasn’t quite used to with him yet but something she had enjoyed every minute of. Jay drove them down the main street, pointing out the little shops here and there. He nodded towards a tiny diner, the only restaurant in town and his eyes shined with fondness. 
“We’ll come get lunch here tomorrow before we leave. My mom used to take Will and I there every time we came up. They have the best pancakes.”
Hailey glanced at the diner before looking back at him, smiling at him inadvertently sharing something about his childhood. Fond memories weren’t something either of them seemed to have many of but she was happy he held onto some good things from his past. 
“Pancakes for lunch?”
She teased, breaking the silence they had fallen into and pulling Jay back into the moment.
“Well, I have zero intentions of getting out of bed early tomorrow and they serve breakfast all day.”
He sent her a wink and then pointed them back towards the cabin. 
As Jay hauled their few bags of groceries in, Hailey found herself wandering around the back of the cabin looking around in awe at the scene laid out before her. It truly was a little piece of paradise, their own little corner of the world. She pictured a younger Jay and Will running around the yard playing and felt a smile tug at the corner of her mouth. Lost in thought, Hailey jumped when Jay came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. 
“It’s pretty great, isn’t it..”
Jay stated, placing a gentle kiss on top of her head. She leaned back into his embrace, nodding against his chest. 
“Did you come here a lot growing up?”
She felt Jay let out a slow breath behind her before he answered. 
“Yeah, we’d come up a few times a year. I’ll bring you back in the summertime. There’s a little pond over there that’s perfect for fishing.”
Hailey smiled and turned in his arms to look up at him, her arms finding their place around his shoulders. 
“You fish?”
Jay’s head fell back slightly as he chuckled and when he looked back down there was a playful glint in his eyes. 
“I’m just full of surprises. It’s almost like you haven’t known me for all these years.”
His tone was teasing and Hailey smirked up at him before darting her eyes back down.
“Yeah well...this is kinda different.”
Jay tilted her head back up so she met his eyes, a quizzical look on his face. 
“How so?”
Hailey played with the buttons of his shirt, feeling suddenly embarrassed by the conversation. Not that she really had reason too, but the last two days with Jay had her mind wandering to the future and it was something new for her and it left her a little uncomfortable. 
“Just...us. I don’t know. We don’t get time alone like this, it’s nice.”
Jay dipped his head down to look at her, giving her a small smile. 
“She says with uncertainty.”
He spoke in a light tone but she could tell there was some unvoiced worry under his words. 
“I love you Jay.”
She wasn’t sure what made her say it so suddenly. It wasn’t the first time they had said it, but as the words left her mouth she felt something inside of her shift and she knew then that he was the one. The one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, to wake up every morning with and go to sleep next to every night. She glanced back out into the yard and suddenly it wasn’t a childhood version of Will and Jay running around but her own children, their children. The thought overwhelmed her and she felt tears gather in her eyes. Jay cupped her face between his hands, kissing her forehead and lingering there before pulling back to meet her eyes, letting her know he understood exactly what she was thinking and feeling without her needing to say another word. 
“I love you too Hailey.”
Hailey pulled him down into a kiss, smiling against his mouth as his strong arms wrapped around her. They stood like that, frozen in time and completely lost in each other, until Hailey felt huge clumps of snow hitting her head. She pulled back, smiling up at him again as more snowflakes danced around them. Jay took her hand, leading her back towards the cabin. They made it about halfway before Hailey had an idea, dropping Jay’s hand and quickly bending to scoop up some snow. Jay sent her a warning look but was unable to control the smile from reaching his eyes when she chucked the ball of snow in his direction, hitting him squarely in the chest. 
The only sound was their crunching boots in the snow, mixed with squeals and laughter as they battled it out, tossing snow back and forth until they were both soaked and freezing. Eventually Jay conceded, holding his hands up in surrender and making her send him a smug look. They hurried into the cabin, pulling their soaked clothes off and draping them by the fireplace. Hailey headed down the hall, intending to take a hot shower to warm up but Jay scooped her up from behind and raced her down the rest of the hall, tossing her onto the bed and immediately hovering over her as their lips melded together once again. 
When Hailey and Jay re-emerged from the bedroom darkness was falling outside. Hailey glanced out the window and was surprised to see how much snow had accumulated over the last few hours. Jay was in the kitchen, turning the radio on and letting it play softly as he pulled out the stuff for dinner. Hailey joined him, working beside him to chop up the produce and then making her way to the stove. They worked around the kitchen like it was the most natural thing and Hailey found a smile on her face that seemed to be a permanent feature now. They leaned against the counter, waiting for dinner to finish cooking and Hailey heard a song playing on the radio she recognized as something by Iron & Wine. Jay came to stand before her, taking her hands and surprising her when he pulled her away from the counter and started moving them together in a slow rhythm. 
“And now we’re dancing?”
Hailey grinned up at him, shaking her head playfully. 
“And now we’re dancing.”
Jay replied, tucking her head under his chin. Hailey let her head rest against his chest and her eyes wandered to the kitchen window. She could see the snow coming down hard as they swayed back and forth. She listened to the soft music and the steady beating of his chest, feeling that no matter what was going on in the world around them that she would be okay as long as he was here with her. Whether they were tucked into this little nook of the world or back in Chicago, it didn’t matter as long as Jay was by her side. Jay was the reward for everything she had gone through in the past, the breath of fresh air when she felt like she was suffocating, the light at the end of the tunnel, and the safe place to come home to when nothing else was right. Jay was home.
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tatooedlaura-blog · 3 years
The Warmest Thing I Own
Feeling good enough for the time being to attempt herding Mulder in a grocery store ... 
Our Moments: Chapter 1: Five Words (post-Leonard Betts) Chapter 2: Sidebar Nonsense (post-Memento Mori) Chapter 3: Interim (floating somewhere around Unrequited) Chapter 4: Max 2.0 (post-Tempus Fugit/Max) Chapter 5: Shadowed Grey Eyes Chapter 6: The Warmest Thing I Own @today-in-fic
The following morning, she woke him up, stretching beside him, humming as her muscles flexed and moved, liquid twist of spine and limb. He felt her and opened his eyes, finding the room grey but light, “what time is it?”
Her voice scratched out an, ‘I don’t care’ before burying her head back in the pillow.
“Are we not caring today? ‘Cause I can get behind not caring today.” Reaching out to poke her side, “how are you feeling?”
Rolling in his direction, she gave him a smile that could have lit the city had she come with plug and adaptor, “I actually feel okay. I don’t think I’ve slept like that in weeks.”
“No nightmares?”
“No. Only dreams of farmhouses and men in kilts.”
Mulder laughed, “more than one?”
“Maybe.” Sighing deep, “it’s Saturday, right? Now, I know we’d normally share the worry today but I think I’d rather ignore it completely and go grocery shopping and maybe make dinner and eat a gallon of ice cream.”
“It’s actually Friday but I’m good with all that anyway.” Finally able to see the clock on her nightstand, “it’s 8:27 so I vote you call Skinner while I go shower, then we commence.”
Booping his nose, “you’ve got five minutes or I’m coming in.”
Good God.
He knew she was joking. Had to be joking. But he found himself washing a little slower than usual, wanted to see what she would do at the five-minute mark.
She stood outside the bathroom door at 4 minute, 45 seconds, hand on knob. She felt giddy and free and happy and relatively well and the thought of opening the door made her stomach tighten but would it be all kinds of stupid?
Five minutes.
She felt her hand turning the damn handle.
Just as Mulder pulled the door open.
She stumbled forward into wet flesh, towel around waist holding fast as Mulder took a step back, catching her in his arms, “hi there.”
Both knew she had been opening the door.
“Almost didn’t make it.” Eyes sparking down at her, given he now knew she had been opening the door, “damn slow water heater.”
She was red.
It amused him.
“Were you coming in for something?”
Something, at the moment, in her mind, was removing his towel and taking him back into the shower but instead, she pointed around him, “toothbrush.”
His grin made her shake her head, slip under his arm, brush her teeth, and keep taking deep breaths.
They were both crazy.
Grocery shopping with Mulder was akin to herding cats. She looked left at something, he threw three things from the right into the cart. She questioned two of them and winning, turned right to replace them on the shelf while Mulder, pouting, turned left, tossing in two other things, plus a box of Twinkies.
Finally, she threated to make him sit in the cart and while he looked her square in the eye, evaluating life and limb, he reached up, tipping a box of CocoPuffs from the top shelf into the cart, never breaking eye contact.
By the end, they had at least remembered the juice boxes.
Steaks were the order of the day, Mulder waving away her cheap-ass $6.00 on sale frugal fingers in favor of the New York strips, thick, red, mouth-watering, and definitely not $6.00. Mistaking her longing look for hunger, he gently turned her away, “we need to cook them first.”
Swallowing, “I know.”
Mashed potatoes followed, “yes, I’m getting the box of potato flakes because real potatoes are too damn much work.”
“Fine by me.” Then came the three pounds of mushrooms, “who the hell is washing all these dishes?”
Mulder smiled, tossing a bulb of garlic in the cart, “dishwasher. You have one but you never use it. I’ll teach you how tonight.”
She just kept stealing glances at the steaks.
Ice cream came last, small tubs of chocolate, cherry, orange sherbet, mint, dark fudge, and peanut butter swirl, “I like variety. Don’t look at me like that.”
“I’m just wondering if either of us will be able to fit through the front door by the time we’re done.”
“You could stand to gain twenty pounds.”
He hadn’t meant to say it out loud, bring reality into their fun but glancing at her, he saw understanding in her eyes, her hand finding its way into his for a moment, “I’d rather not do it all in one night, if that’s okay?”
She got a long hug for that, shoppers steering around the odd couple embracing in the freezer section but smiling at them regardless because, really, there’s nothing wrong with a little love in frozen foods.
Mulder paid the bill and Scully didn’t fight it, especially after she saw the amount of items he’d stashed in the basket under her radar, “how did I not see any of this?”
“Once you caught sight of the steaks, I could have jammed an elephant in here and you’d have never noticed.” Handing the cashier his credit card, “little woman’s got an appetite.”
Swatting him on the arm, “Mulder! Did you see how many things of ice cream you got? I don’t know how we’re going to fit all that in the freezer.”
The cashier grinned, handing him his card back, “you can always buy her a bigger freezer.”
“This is very true. Freezer shopping next.”
Scully gave up, “that’ll be tomorrow’s trip. We’ll just have to eat all this tonight.”
“Challenge accepted.”
Back at the apartment, groceries spread from one end of the counter to the other, Scully was mid-ice cream put away when she stopped, hand shaking, head spinning. After a second, she turned to Mulder, his back to her, “I’m, um, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go lay down.” Her hand was already rubbing her forehead, “are you okay putting everything away?”
Turning, his stomach sank at how pasty pale she’d become in the last two minutes, “yeah. I’m fine. Go take a nap.”
She was already moving, one hand on the wall of the hall to steady herself as she headed to the bedroom. Once alone, he slowly, methodically, put the groceries in their proper places, shutting cupboards quietly, trying not to rattle pasta or click jars. Five minutes and a fully stocked kitchen later, he realized it was only a little after one. She’d made it four hours. It had been a good four hours but …
If he dwelled on that, he’d scream at the top of his lungs, cursing the sky, fist shaking in the air. Instead, he pulled the mushrooms back out, deciding some manual cooking labor would keep his mind occupied.
That and trying not to cut the tips of his fingers off.
Three pounds of mushrooms, a stick of butter, six cloves of garlic, a teaspoon of salt, and ½ that of pepper later, and small, diced onion to boot, he set her crockpot to warm, snapped the lid tight, and wondered what next.
Put the sheets in the dryer.
Checking that the stains were gone, he hit the button to set the machine humming.
Clean up.
Last night’s Chinese cartons and chopsticks were still on the coffee table. Trash. Check.
Take out the trash. It smelled. He killed five minutes tying the bag, walking it to the garbage chute. Coming back inside and locking the door.
Then he stood there. Tight circle rotating, trying to find something else.
He knew what he wanted to do but felt he shouldn’t. She was fine. She would yell for him if need be.
Bu something kept pulling him in the direction of her bedroom.
“Fuck it.”
He made his way to her door to find her curled on the bed, small lump under thick covers. Stealing to the other side, he carefully lay down, sliding under the quilt in silence. If she wanted to, she could hit him later for arriving in her bed unannounced.
He would love it if she had the strength to hit him hard enough for it to make an impact.
Then again, she’d hit him before and it never made an impact.
It mostly just made him more stubborn and annoying.
He couldn’t help a small smile as he thought about how irritating he could be but she just kept coming back anyways.
She’d come back from this, too. She had to.
She had no choice.
He could see the tension in her face, even while asleep, forehead wrinkled, eyebrows tight. Reaching out, he began massaging between her eyes, imaging that fucking tumor only an inch below his thumb. How the hell could they not take the damn thing out? It was right there.
Another thought he had to banish from his mind or screaming would ensue, he kept rubbing, watching her face slowly relax, pinched look disappearing, “mmmhmm.”
Soft sound in the back of her throat told him to keep going, small circles, occasionally venturing to the round bones surrounding her eyes, the bridge of her nose, up to her hairline. Another ‘hhmmmm’ later, then a deep sigh, she rolled to her back, making his task a little harder, arms more awkward in their reach.
Shifting slightly, arm now across her chest, he continued. Feeling himself drifting off, his thumb movements lighter and slower, he felt her turn her head, face him, “Mulder?”
“Hi.” Rolling towards him once again, her hands slipped under his arm and one palm to his face, she moved forward, kissing him. Shocked, he pulled back after a moment, “are you awake or asleep?”
He saw her suddenly blink, head shake, both signs she was just waking up, “what? Mulder?”
Knowing she didn’t recall anything because there was no embarrassment turning her red, no heat in her cheeks, eyes innocently confused, “nothing. You said something and I thought … I just wasn’t sure if you were awake. Go back to sleep.”
Caught in limbo of dreams and Mulder, she didn’t care, and scooted closer, into his arms, “you are the warmest thing I own.” Snuggling into him, about as up close and personal as they could get fully clothed on a Friday afternoon, “I like it.”
She so totally did own him and he would be perfectly fine declaring that by billboard, sky writer, or booming voice from the sky. Lips to her forehead, he left them there as he agreed, “I do, too.”
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hidden-otaku-stuff · 4 years
Different but the Same (pt. 18)
Tumblr media
tw: possessiveness, cursing, an emotional breakdown, mentions of bullying/gossiping, very brief mention of cat-boys 
Word count: 4.8k
Rating: R18+/M
Omegaverse AU, Rating: 18+/M
Pairings: Iwaizumi x fem!reader, Ushijima x fem!reader
Summary: An unexpected encounter at the Inter-High tournament tossed you into a whirlwind. Being tugged between two males, two different packs, who will reign supreme in this battle for your heart?
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ch 18: Normalcy
“Tendou, where are we going?” She whined, stumbling as the middle-blocker dragged her arm. “I have to go to the office.” 
“You can go later,” he replied as they approached the volleyball gym.
“Oi, why are you taking me here?” She squeaked, tripping. “I’m not supposed to be at practice until Wednesday!” Tendou shrugged, ignoring her protests as he threw the door open. The lights flickered on, revealing the Shiratorizawa pack. Goshiki’s face was flushed as his hands shook, bowing steeply at the sight of the Omega. The others grinned. Semi was wearing a party hat, a party horn perched on his pink lips. The others were just smiling at her, all wearing an assorted mess of party hats. 
Her jaw dropped. “You boys didn’t have to do this for me!” 
(Name) looked up at Semi who offered her a lopsided grin before he ruffled her hair.
“Don’t be like that (Name). Of course we did.” 
She squealed, throwing herself into Semi’s arms - ignoring the flicker of irritation and jealousy that spiked through her mark - burying her face into his chest. “Thank you, thank you!” 
Semi grunted, holding her while his cheeks flushed. “It wasn’t just me,” he muttered. “Tendou planned most of it.”
Her (e/c) eyes landed on Tendou, detaching herself from Semi before hurling herself into Tendou’s arms. “No wait!” Tendou squawked, dropping the boxed gift in his arms in favour of holding her. (Name) giggled loudly, the chimes filling the Shiratorizawa gym. 
Immediately, everyone felt at ease. The crease in Shirabu’s forehead straightened out, Taichi had a pleasant smile on his face. Yamagata was teasing Reon over one thing or another, a wide grin breaching his face. 
(Name) giggled, tears welling up in her eyes at the sight of all these familiar and happy faces around her. She had been scared - petrified even - that the boys would leave her once the whole mess between her and the pack’s head Alpha had occurred. She was grateful that they still wanted to be around her. Her thoughts were interrupted as Goshiki bounded up to her, cheeks dyed a cherry red as he held a box in his hands. 
“What’s this for, Goshiki-kun?” She tilts her head.
A shiver shoots down Goshiki’s spine as he bows and holds out the box to the Omega. “F-for you!” 
She opens the box carefully, eyes widening at the splotches of maroon and white fabric. Her hands shake slightly as she pulls it out, fingers tracing the soft fabric. “This, this is-” she whispers, heart humming.
“We made it. All of us,” Semi supplied, appearing behind Goshiki. He helps her unfold the blanket, pointing at the various patches on the quilt. “This patch was from me,” he grins as he taps on the square with a guitar and their silhouettes on it. 
“And me!” Tendou did a little wiggle of a dance when he tapped onto a different chaotic square. A blend of Studio Ghibli characters laying on top of a cookie-patterned square decorated it. 
Goshiki shyly taps on his square - an image of an eagle on top of a pattern of a mother bear holding a baby bear. “This is me.” His cheeks darkened as his eyes flit away from (Name).
(Name)’s entire face felt hot as her mouth drops slightly. She had never received such a thoughtful gift before. Flipping the corner up, her fingers traced the plush velvet lining. “This is so nice of you guys,” she sniffles, looking up at their faces. The boys are quick to surround her, enveloping her into a pack-hug with Ushijima keeping his distance. His fingers twitched, longing filling him as he ached to be beside her.
As they break away, Semi ruffled her hair. “‘Course, you’ve done so much for us. It’s the least we could do.” 
They all exchange glances before they simultaneously chime, “Happy birthday (Name)!” 
“Now let’s party!” Tendou cheered, pulling out two bottles of sparkling apple cider. 
“So what?” She glanced over at the Alpha, brows furrowed. They were sitting off to the side as the rest of the pack partied - the blanket over her lap. Her fingers idly traced a navy blue square with a volleyball pattern mixed with white roses on it, a majesty eagle superimposed over it.  
“You’re avoiding him.” 
His brown eyes flicked from the square over to the captain. Tendou and Ushijima were standing on the complete opposite side of the room, his olive eyes flitting to her every few seconds.
She sighed. “Yeah.” 
“What’s running through your head, little one?” 
The Omega swatted at him, “don’t call me that dumbass.” Semi chuckled, ruffling her head. “I don’t really know,” she admitted with a sigh. “I marked Hajime this weekend.”
Semi hummed, “We all figured as much. Your scents have mixed.” Semi looked down at her. “And what about Wakatoshi?” 
Her fingers played with the bottom of her shirt. “What about him?” 
“You’ve been avoiding him.�� 
Semi’s fingers reached up to brush against the mark. Ushijima’s head snapped to the movement, feeling the touch through the bond. “Have you decided?” 
Her nostrils flared as she let out a deep sigh. “No.” She raised her face to meet Semi’s brown eyes. “I don’t know what to do, Semi.” 
“What does your heart tell you to do?”
(Name) snorted at the cliche advice, rolling her eyes. “A little late to ask that, isn’t it?” She took a sip from her cup. “My emotions have been all over the place since they marked me...since I helped him with his rut.” She scowled. “Ever since I met him at Interhigh this year actually.” 
Semi’s baritone chuckle caused her eyes to snap up at him, glaring. “I’m sorry, I know it’s not funny.” He rolled his arm back, stretching it. “Be honest with yourself right now.” His brown eyes froze her in place. “Do you want Wakatoshi in your future? You obviously saw some type of future when you accepted his courting gift.”
“His what?” Her jaw dropped. 
Semi grabbed her hand, pushing her sleeve back to reveal the silver watch. “This? Didn’t you know that was his courting gift to you?”
Ushijima turned back to her, the watch in hand. “Will you accept this gift?” He firmly - but gently - grasped her hand, pulling it towards him as he placed it into her hand.
“Ushijima-san, that was expensive, you didn’t have to get it for me.” 
“I’ve already bought it. Will you accept it?” 
She pouted before giving him a small nod. “Thank you, Ushijima-san.” 
“No!” She spluttered, yanking her hand back and staring at the watch. “I thought he was just being nice and bought it for me to replace the watch I broke.” She groaned, slapping her hand to her face. “No wonder he started getting closer and started scenting me more.” Her head whipped up as she glared at Semi. “Did you know?” (Name) demanded, eyes narrowing as she jabbed a finger into his chest.
Semi stumbled back, holding his hands up in defeat. “We all did, we thought you’d changed your mind and was seeing where it went. I didn’t know that you weren’t aware.” He snorted. “Can I just say that I’m honestly not surprised that Wakatoshi didn’t even say it outright though?” He flicked her forehead, jaw clenched. “Do you accept all Alphas gifts?! What on Earth were you thinking, dumbass?”
“Hey!” (Name) whined, rubbing her forehead. “He just invited me shopping, I had just broken my watch so I was looking at some, and by the time I knew what was happening, he’d already bought it for me.” 
Semi thumped her again. “Stupid Omega,” he rolled his eyes. 
“Stop that,” she pouted. “I didn’t know.”
Semi pinched his nose, “well now you do.” She sighed, nodding. “Well, how long until your next full heat?” 
(Name) pulled out her phone, checking her calendar. “November.” 
Semi raised an eyebrow, “oh wow, after Spring prelims?” She nodded, humming as she crossed her arms. “Guess you’ll need to have your decision by then.” Semi’s lips quirked up teasingly. “How will you handle your mates competing against each other? Will you comfort one or celebrate with the other?”
Her nostrils flared as she smacked his chest. “I don’t even want to think about that right now, Semi.” She headed towards Goshiki and the other first years, throwing one final glance at Semi. “Though Seijoh is definitely going to win this time.” 
Semi chuckled, shaking his head. “Whatever you say, little one.”
“I said stop calling me that!” 
“So, where is she?” 
“Where’s who?”
“(Name)-chan, of course!” Iwaizumi shrugged his shoulders, tugging his jersey on. “What do you mean? It reeks of strawberry in here.” Iwaizumi sent his best friend a sly smirk, humming in response. Oikawa gasped, fumbling to catch his bottle. “You guys--!”
Iwaizumi snorted, “obviously. Did you think I wouldn’t fully bond with my mate?”
“Eyyy, nice goin’, Iwaizumi!” Mattsun grinned, clapping the male on the back. 
“So, I’m guessing she’s not keeping the bond with Ushijima?” Iwaizumi pursed his lips at Makki’s question, shrugging again. “Why are you shrugging?”
Oikawa gaped, scandalised. “She isn’t thinking about taking that asshole as a mate, is she?”
“She hasn’t really said anything about it to me,” Iwaizumi said dryly. “She promised me that she only wanted me, but maybe she’ll change her mind.”
The expressions of the other third-years darkened. “We have to keep her away from them,” Oikawa growled, his scent stinging their noses.
“Oi! We gotta finish getting ready first,” Makki chided, smacking his shoulder against Oikawa.
“Yeah, clean that scent up or this fundraiser won’t go as well.” 
It was the day of Seijoh’s annual cultural festival. The volleyball team was hosting a retro Western diner where they would be selling typical Western fast meals in their volleyball uniforms. Considering that Oikawa was one of the biggest names in their school, they couldn’t have his bitter scent driving away people. As the Seijoh third-years made their way to the gym, they were greeted with the sight of bustling tables that the first and second years were managing. Immediately they hopped into position, flitting between the curtained-off kitchen and the rest of their cafe. 
“Got any room for me?” 
Watari looked up from the menu, grinning. “(Name)!” 
At the call of her name, the other males’ heads snapped to attention. Iwaizumi itched to approach his mate, but he was busy serving a table of Omegas, who were all busy gawking at his arms and giggling. 
(Name) had changed out of her Shiratorizawa uniform, wearing her favourite blouse and skirt. It had been a rather hot fall day, the seasons still changing. “Right this way, (Name).” Watari led her to the open table closest to the kitchen - giving the pack an opportunity to greet her when they were walking to and from the main cafe. 
“How’s it going so far?” (Name) asked Watari, glancing around. Her eyes lingered on the Omegas, her nostrils flaring slightly as one of the Omegas giggled even louder, leaning forward in an attempt to grab Iwaizumi’s attention. 
“It’s been good! We’ve had a really steady flow all day,” Watari grinned before placing the menu down onto the table. “I have to get back to the front, but I hope we can chat more later!”
“Of course, Watari-kun. Don’t forget to drink water, okay?”
“Yes Mama,” Watari rolled his eyes playfully before taking back his position.
“Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” 
(Name) glanced up to see both Mattsun and Makki standing beside her. Behind them, Iwaizumi was glaring at their backs. He had planned on waiting on his mate, but the two idiots had snagged the chance as Iwaizumi was currently preoccupied with his own table. “Well don’t you both look so handsome,” she teased. They were all wearing their volleyball uniforms with a silver tie loose around their necks. 
Mattsun ran a hand through his hair, giving her a cheeky grin. “Don’t we just?” 
“What can we get for you, miss?” Makki winked, pinching his shirt by his shoulders and pulling it forward slightly in mock importance. 
(Name) scanned their menu. “I’ll just have a milkshake and some fries please.”
“Anything for you madame,” Makki bowed with a flourish. The Omega rolled her eyes as the two walked away, arguing about who would be the one to fetch what.
Her eyes scanned the room once more. Each table was full. Oikawa had his own section, several Omegas sitting there in an attempt to vie for his attention. Oikawa threw (Name) a flirtatious wave, blowing her a kiss to the distaste of those hopeful Omegas. 
(Name) rolled her eyes before she looked back at Iwaizumi - black filling her vision at the sight of a bold Omega grabbing onto his bicep. Blood rushed to her ears as she abruptly stood up, pushing the seat back before she strutted over to her mate. 
“Oh, (Name)!” Iwaizumi’s eyes widened as he took in the sight of his mate - anger pulsing through their shared mark. 
He didn’t know how to react when her hand darted forward, grabbing a fistful of his jersey in front of his chest as she yanked him towards her. He let out a confused mmph as their lips met, easily succumbing to her touch as his eyes shut. 
 “Wow,” he breathed as they pulled apart. 
(Name) turned back to the Omegas, who visibly flinched before (Name) gave them a wide smile. “Sorry, I must have missed you there. Please keep your filthy paws off of my mate.” The Omega turned back to Iwaizumi, eyes darkening. “Haji, do you have your spare jersey?”
“Yeah, it’s in my duffel in the kitchen,” Iwaizumi replied, head still spinning from his mate’s actions. 
“Thanks!” She chirped before strutting back towards the kitchen - leaving heads to turn and watch her. The Omegas were mortified, Iwaizumi was in a haze. The Seijoh pack, however, had an array of reactions. Kindaich was especially pale, unsure of what to think about the exchange. Yahaba’s jaw was slightly dropped. The third years, especially Oikawa, were busy trying to hide their laughter. Never before had they seen such a possessive display by (Name). 
The two “quieter” ones of Seijoh Four approached (Name) just as she was unbuttoning her blouse. They both threw their heads back in laughter, Makki wiping tears from his eyes. “Damn, (Name), I didn’t know that you could be like that.”
“Like what?” The Omega’s nose flared as she finished tucking the jersey into her skirt. She fixed her hair slightly before turning back to look at the third years. 
“Nothing! You’ve just never really been that possessive of Iwaizumi before,” Makki glanced over at the ace, who’s eyes were darkened. 
“Yeah, that was kinda hot,” Mattsun admitted, ruffling her hair. 
Iwaizumi let out a sharp growl at the contact, glaring at his packmate before he focused his energy on calming down his Alpha. His Alpha was more than prepared to claim her again right then and there after that display of dominance she had shown everyone. 
She rolled her eyes, tugging the jersey more so that her marks were shown off to the world. “Am I not allowed to be possessive over my mate?” She sniffed, before retreating to her table. “Those silly Omegas should have seen his mark or smelled my scent on him.” With that, she spun on her heels and stalked off.
“We get it, Iwa’s yours, (Name),” Makki chortled, calling after the Omega who promptly ignored him.
A flush of lust and admiration filled Iwaizumi. His mate had never reacted so negatively when it came to other Omegas interacting with him. Though he hated that Mattsun had been the one to say it, it was definitely hot. 
“She’s never done that before.” Iwaizumi muttered as he collected the dishes, briefly thanking Kindaichi and Kumini who were working in the kitchen.
“Done what?” Mattsun glanced over at the Omega. 
“Been possessive.” 
The other two exchanged glances as Oikawa came up. “What did you do to piss (Name) off, Iwa-chan?”
Iwaizumi rolled his eyes. “None of your damn business, now go take care of your tables before I beat you up.”
“So mean,” Oikawa lamented, rolling his eyes before heading back. 
The males all watched as (Name) tugged down her shirt even more, broadcasting her bonding mark to the room as the scent of pine-mixed strawberry permeated the air. Iwaizumi frowned slightly. Just why was she being more possessive? He spared another glance over at his mate, a slight smile on his face. 
He had always loved how his jersey looked on her.
“It’s fine, we’ll take care of it. Go study!” 
Semi waved the last of the first years off before turning back to the gym. The party had long since ended and now it was a matter of cleaning up before tomorrow’s morning practice. The Alpha bent down, gathering some fallen paper plates from the ground. 
Footsteps caught his attention, but Semi kept his face down as he continued to collect the trash. Cinnamon washed over him. “That was fun.”
“She seemed a lot happier.” 
Semi’s lip twitched. “She really did.” Tendou’s scent soured the slightest, causing Semi to finally look up over at the middle-blocker. “What’s bugging you?” 
Tendou frowned, leaning against the broom handle that he was holding. “I don’t want her to leave.”
Semi pursed his lips as he looked around the room. Just a few hours ago, (Name) was amongst the pack members, laughing. Looking like she belonged. It felt right to have her in the pack as she rubbed Goshiki’s back after he choked on his drink. 
As she easily found Yamagata’s phone and made sure that the male had all of his items. 
As she studied with them and made sure they all stayed on track. 
As they had never felt as happy or as peaceful and the way that even the stoic Ushijima Wakatoshi became more expressive around her. 
The Alpha shook his head, shrugging. “What do you want me to say, Tendou? She has a bond-mate.” 
Tendou sighed, nodding. “As much as I don’t like Seijoh, she seems happy with him.”
“They are happy.” 
“Oh, Semi! This is Iwaizumi, my bond-mate.” 
The two males stood facing one another. Iwaizumi’s arms were crossed as he surveyed the other Alpha critically. Semi stood straight, unflinching under the scrutiny of the wing-spiker. Semi and (Name) had just finished a long study session on-campus, and Semi had walked her off-campus to ensure that she got home safely only to be greeted with the sight of the Seijoh player.
“Nice to meet you, Iwaizumi.” 
Both males remained silent. They had met one another prior to this, facing each other across the net and it wasn’t that (Name) wasn’t privy to that information. After all, she had yet to miss one of Iwaizumi’s matches. 
Iwaizumi glanced over at his mate who stood completing the triangle, beaming before the two males - his eyes softening as he looked at her. Semi raised an eyebrow, both clearing his throat. “I’ll see you later, (Name)-chan, okay?”
“Sounds good! Thanks so much for everything.” (Name) hugged the Alpha before waving at him. 
As she turned to walk down the street with Iwaizumi, the Omega laced her fingers with his, swinging their arms. The scent of pine peaked, rolling with waves of contentment. “Can we get ramen on the way home?” 
Iwaizumi rolled his eyes, pulling her close to place a kiss on her forehead. “If that’ll make you happy, princess.”
From the moment that he had met Iwaizumi, Semi knew that (Name) and Iwaizumi were happy with one another. That they completed one another. It was a surreal experience seeing how gentle he was with his mate when on the field, he became a monster. But the one thing that Semi could say was that it was unsurprising how well they fit together, though. Iwaizumi was nothing if not reliable and considerate, similar to his mate. They took care of each other in a way that others would be hard-pressed to reciprocate. 
“What does Wakatoshi think?” Semi asked, remembering that Tendou and the captain had spent a majority of the party with one another. 
“I’m surprised you aren’t over there with her, Wakatoshi.” 
Tendou sipped from his cup, eyeing the Omega who was standing with Semi.
Ushijima gave the slightest shoulder lift. “I thought it would be for the best that I gave her space.”
“Why’s that?”
“She asked me for it.” Ushijima’s grip tightened on his cup, knuckles whitening slightly. He cleared his throat. “(Name) asked me to give her space in order to see how she truly feels about me and the potential of our relationship.”
“So she’s considering whether she’ll accept you as a mate?”
“Hopeful.” Tendou supplied, leaning the broom against his chest as he stretched his arms. 
Semi hummed, nodding. “Hopefully it’s not unfounded.”
Tendou shrugged. “Even if it was, does it matter?” His scent got stronger, the sorrow seeping through the facade he put on. “I don’t wanna lose (Name),” Tendou said softly.
The Alpha threw Tendou a surprised look before quickly averting his eyes and clearing his throat. “Her happiness is what matters at the end of the day.”
“What about our happiness?” Tendou fired back before he shook his head. “Sorry. I do care a lot about her, but I’ve never felt so comfortable with anyone else.”
For once, Tendou was quiet. 
In front of him was Ushijima, who wasn’t the type to make conversation to begin with. The sound of a tray being placed on the table caught his attention, but Tendou couldn’t bring himself to face the newcomer. 
A soft hand grasped his, shocking him out of his stupor just as strawberry greeted him. “‘Tori, are you okay?” 
His face cracked as he shook his head, abruptly standing up. “I have to go.” His footsteps rapidly retreated as he threw himself into an empty classroom. Tendou slumped against the wall, hiding right beside the door as he slid down.
The door opened and quietly shut as the warm strawberry scent entered, waves of concern hitting him. “Tendou, what’s wrong?” 
Tendou shook his head, throat constricting. He hadn’t felt displaced in so long. It was rare for him to be affected by people’s comments, but hearing some of the first years complain how terrifying he was, it hurt. No matter how much time had passed, it still hurt him when even his paradise hurt him.
(Name)’s eyes softened as she sat down beside him, gently patting her lap. Tendou swung his legs over her lap, burying his face into her shoulder as his shoulders slumped, hands on his lap. The Omega hummed slightly, one hand stroking through his crimson locks as the other held his hand. They sat in silent for the rest of the lunch period - tears soaking her uniform as Tendou wept.  
“T-thank you.” Tendou mumbled into her shoulder, breathing heavily as the strawberry gently caressed him, enveloping him in a blanket of comfort.
“You don’t have to thank me, ‘Tori. I care about you.” (Name) murmured, giving his clammy hands a light squeeze. “Are you feeling better?” 
He sniffed, nodding. “I always feel better around you.”
“I’m glad.” She let out a breathy laugh. “I’ll always be here for you, ‘Tori. All of you.” 
Semi let out a sigh. “Let’s hope for the best, yeah?” 
“Let’s all meet back here in 15 minutes, okay?” Reon instructed, clapping his hands as he looked at the rest of the team. Various chimes of agreement came from the crowd before they all darted off into various directions. 
“Do you think she’ll like this?” Taichi asked Shirabu as they looked at the flannel fabric together. 
Shirabu shrugged, face blank. As much as the setter respected the Omega, he thought that this whole excursion was a bit too...extreme. He’d rather buy her a gift-card for a restaurant or a store that she would shop at. The idea of making a home-made gift for an Omega he wasn’t interested in the slightest was tedious. On their other side, Goshiki was eagerly flicking through all the fabric options, excitement evident in his face.
The Beta shrugged before he put the roll back, shrugging his shoulders. “Man, this is hard,” Taichi complained. He looked around, seeing Tendou and Semi sitting at the computer. “What are they doing?” 
Shirabu shrugged before they meandered over. Tendou was arguing with Semi as he pointed at the screen. “What are you idiots doing?” Shirabu huffed, blowing his hair up as he shook his head at his senpais.
“Don’t speak to your Senpais like that,” Semi snapped. “We’re trying to design something custom for (Name).”
At the moment, Tendou had a graphic of Haku going around the border of the square. The background was of a chocolate cookie pattern. Tendou stuck his tongue out as he carefully added a Totoro to the middle of the box. 
On Semi’s screen, he just had a guitar pattern for his background. He pulled out a photo of him and (Name) from their second year, deciding that he wanted to throw it onto the fabric as well. He turned it into a black shadow outline where it was still clear who the people were before throwing it and centering it on the box. 
Shirabu shook his head, walking away as he decided to settle for a soft grey fabric with stars on it. Beside him, Taichi picked out one with a starry-sky type print. 
Ushijima paced the aisles, charged with getting the base fabric for all of them to use as he had already designed and finished his own fabric design. Ushijima paused, feeling the velvet plush fabric before placing the other fabric on top of the one in his arms. He walked towards the counter, waiting patiently for an employee to cut the fabric. “How much would you like?”
“Half a yard of this one.” He tapped on the navy blue fabric, the white rose prominent on it. 
The Omega employee looks between him and the fabric before nodding. “Of course.” She pulls out her scissors, carefully measuring out a yard. “There’s a lot of you here,” she comments, looking around her store.
“I’ve never seen so many Alphas together in a pack before.” Ushijima nods. “I suppose you’re buying a gift for a pack Omega then?”
“That’s right.” 
The Omega hums as she folds up the rose fabric. “And how much for the other one?” 
“Three yards please.” 
The store-owner remained silent, it was clear that Ushijima wasn’t the most talkative person. The door chimed open, a pleasant lavender scent entering. Her head snapped up, smiling. “I’ll be right with you, Azumane-kun.” 
Ushijima glanced curiously over at the entering wing-spiker. Asahi froze, his face paling at the sight of the entire Shiratorizawa pack. Beside him, Suga and Daichi entered, jasmine and coffee following their arrival. At this moment, Tendou and Semi appeared behind Ushijima, finally finished with their designs. 
The six Alphas stared at each other. “Aren’t you from Karasuno?” Tendou tilted his head, recognising their volleyball jacket. 
Daichi smiled. “Yes, we are. And I suppose we’ll see you again on the court.” 
Ushijima raised an eyebrow. “You will have to beat Aoba Johsai in order to do that, and based on your previous loss, that may be difficult for your team.” 
The three Karasuno third-years stiffened, jaws clenching slightly. “I suppose you’ll just have to wait and see, won’t you?” Daichi replied tersely before looking over at Asahi. “Why don’t we go get what we came for, Asahi?”
By now, the Shiratorizawa pack members had finished and were watching this little exchange. “Let’s head back to campus,” Ushijima told his pack, walking out the door. “I wish you the best, Karasuno.” 
“Why not a cat cafe?” Kindaichi suggested. 
“Where are we going to get a bunch of cats?” Iwaizumi asked, raising an eyebrow. “Or did you mean for us to wear cat-ears while we worked?”
Oikawa raised a hand, brown eyes narrowing onto the male. “Kindaichi...are you a cat-boy?” 
The rest of the Seijoh pack turned to face Kindaichi, eyebrows raised in various forms of amusement. Makki and Mattsun were barely able to stifle their laughter. Kumini looked like he wanted to die. Yahaba’s face scrunched up in horror. 
The first-year’s cheeks flushed cherry red as he violently shook his head. “N-no! I meant having actual cats. But, you’re right, Iwaizumi-san.” Kindaichi lowered his head, pulling his jacket all the way up so that his face was covered before he shoved his hands into his pocket.
“Why don’t we just wear our volleyball uniforms?” Iwaizumi sighed, rubbing the creases out of his forehead. “Since everyone, especially Stupidkawa’s fans, will support us anyways.” 
“Yeah that sounds good.”
“That’ll do it.”
“Alright, I’m going home now.” Iwaizumi stood up, shrugging his bag on as a semblance of a headache began to creep in. “And Kindaichi?”
A shiver went down the male’s spine. “Yes, Iwaizumi-san?”
“We won’t judge you if you’re a cat-boy as long as you’re happy.” And with that, Iwaizumi stalked out the door leaving a roar of laughter in his wake.
💟 Tendou had been the one to plan the entire birthday party for (Name) from the menu to how they’d make it happen. 
💟 Tendou made all the desserts while the others made the other party foods. Turns out, Semi is incredible at making sushi
💟 The Shiratorizawa pack enjoyed the comforting and calming presence of (Name) so much, they would all be sad if she left the pack
💟 It was Ushijima’s idea to make the quilt. He had planned to make it himself but when he was shopping for fabric, Tendou brought up the idea about making it a pack-gift so that all members would be able to contribute 
💟 In Japanese culture, white roses represent innocence, devotion, and silence
💟 Tendou picked out Haku, Totoro, and Princess Monoke for the Studio Ghibli characters for his patch
💟 Semi considers himself (Name)’s closest friend from the pack and she definitely is more open with him than she is with the others. She often babies the other members such as Goshiki and Tendou 
💟 As much as Semi wants her to stay with the pack, he knows that she’s happier with Iwaizumi. He just hopes that she won’t forget about them if she does decide to leave officially
💟 Though Semi had yelled at her for accepting “all Alphas gifts”, he has also given her gifts
💟 Semi rotates between calling (Name) ‘little one’, ‘tiny’, and ‘baddie’ in an attempt to fluster and/or piss her off
💟 Oikawa totally forgot what happens when you complete a bond and had a total brain-fart about why Iwaizumi smelled like (Name)
💟 Only Kyotani wasn’t involved with the cafe. He did show up later and sat at (Name)’s table, taking delight in his chance to boss his team-members around
💟 The first years and other Omegas often call (Name) ‘Mama’ for her mothering nature, though it’s more playful than anything
💟 Both Mattsun and Makki decided they wanted to ‘spice things up’ and threw on the ties to see if they’d get any compliments. They were delighted to hear that there were some Omegas swooning after them because of it
💟 (Name)’s possessive behaviour triggered Iwaizumi’s Alpha. When they got home, he definitely took the time to reclaim her. all night long. 
💟 Tendou has abandonment issues and is anxiously waiting for the day where (Name) will leave him too. He’s not sure whether he’d rather hear it from her directly or if he’d rather have her just disappear. 
💟 Life for Shiratorizawa generally got better with her around to help them maintain themselves
💟 Tendou isn’t the only one who benefits from (Name)’s company during breakdowns. Even Semi, Taichi, Goshiki, and Shirabu have had their own breakdowns around her. 
💟 Ushijima had to convince Washijo to allow them to end practice early in order for them to go to the store. (Name) was still on medical leave which is why she didn’t know about it 
💟 The photo of Semi and (Name) were from one of their late-night study sessions at a cafe. They were going crazy and decided to take silly pictures together to relieve their stress 
💟 Most packs will have a pack Omega, not necessarily a female. After this excursion, Semi, Tendou, and Ushijima decided to make a similar quilt for Reon to commerate his years with Shiratorizawa and causing a new tradition for the pack 
💟 Asahi was supposed to go to the fabric store with his sister, but she ended up cancelling last-minute. He was supposed to help her design an outfit for her upcoming work event         
💟 Kindaichi will never live down the “cat-boy” jokes for as long as the third-years are there, but the poor lad really just wanted to play with some cats. (Name) eventually found out and reprimanded the third-years before taking Kindaichi and the rest of the pack to a cat cafe, banning the third-years from coming
AN: We’re getting close to the end! Next week will be the last chapter before the ending.   
Taglist: @sawamooora​​  @kriswu46​​ @pantasticalcat​​ @shadowkunoichi​​ @awuariyuh​​ @4lfalfagarlic​​ @kuroowh0r3 @sourapplex​​ @pastelpuffbar​​ @froyopet​​ @michelepiekenma​​ @gywjd0131​​ @aideen00 @loudpoetry23 @kaizumi​​ @chrisrue15​​@aideen00 @mayor-chu-of-many-towns @ ephemeralninon @kinkymint  @dabilove27​​ @sol-demure​​ @dark-mermaid25​​ @otaku-explosion​​ @fake-id-69 @zlatanakermann​​ @killuaking​​ @hxsxxk-180294​​  @uwukris​​ @cheerysparkle​​ @seiijixcia​​ @tsumue​​ @shoyomeow​​ @vicassa​​ @newfriendjen​​ @jubilee40​​  @kiritokunuwu​​  @cuddlesslut​​ @terminallyvolatile​​ @indecisivehusky​​ @kaitycole​​ @bioticbarbie @queenluce13 @ash-aph​​​ @aruhappy​​ 
*Bolded names were unable to be tagged
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vexillumalbum · 4 years
MLQC boys having a nightmare about MC part 2
Hello, everyone! As promised (although a little bit late, but still) I present to you a hcs about Lucien and Kiro from MLQC having a nightmare about MC (reader). 
I was supposed to change Lucien’s hcs a little bit but I truly have no strength to do that and because of eleven messages I've received in the past four days regarding this piece (which is awesome, thank you all for interest in my hcs!), I decided to just publish it as it is.
Still, I wanted to thank @its-mew, for her amazing support and her patience for me (I’m kinda annoying lol). Thanks to her I gained a little bit more confidence in publishing these hcs. Also, thanks to her I’m now working on a Victor series and so far it’s going amazing, so stay tuned! 
Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy.
Part one with Victor, Gavin and Shaw you’ll find here.
It wasn’t meant to end like this. He wasn’t supposed to fall in love, not now, not ever. And certainly not with you. 
But your kindness, warmth and a heart too big for your own good attracted him to you, and after many months he found that he would never want to be separated from you
So one evening when he came home after a long day at the research center, and saw you packing your things into a suitcase and a few boxes, a part of him died. 
“Are we moving out?” He spoke as he set his papers on the table, and when your eyes fell on him, he saw nothing familiar in them - only disgust and annoyance. It almost made him shiver. 
“We? No.” You threw some of your clothes into one giant box. It took everything in Lucien not to stop you. “I am.”
“May I ask why?” On the outside he was calm and collected but inside his heart broke a little more with every word you said. Milion thoughts a minute raced through his head. For the first time professor found himself unable to properly think.
What could be the reason for your behavior? Was it something he’d done? 
“Did you really think it could work out? You disgust me, Lucien. Or Ares. Whatever you are.” You turned your back to him and laughed. “And you call me a fool. Looks like the joke’s on you.”
“Don’t call me that. I don’t know when or where you thought that this - us - could work out but you were wrong. I don’t want you in my life. Do not ever call or text me again. Do not come to my work. The only thing you deserve, Lucien, is to be alone for the rest of your life.”
Taking your suitcase you headed for the exit not sparing him as much as a second glance. For a moment he thought about stopping you, hugging you to his chest strongly so you wouldn’t be able to leave, but a bigger part of him knew it was a bad idea. 
If you love her let her go something inside his head said.
Your figure disappeared behind the door. And with it the only color and joy in his life. Familiar pain in his chest made itself known and before he knew it he was leaning on the countertop unable to take a breath.
With sweaty palms and ragged breath Lucien woke up in the middle of the night. As he sat up, tightly clutching a hand over his heart, you stirred and tossed around a little. He was perfectly aware he just woke up from a nightmare but still he couldn’t completely shake off negative feelings. 
“Lucien?” Soft, barely audible voice came from your side of the bed. 
“Sleep, butterfly.” 
Maybe you would listen to him, if his voice weren’t so upset and distressed. You turned over and faced your boyfriend and the sight of him being in pain caused you to fully wake up. He turned to you as you sat up next to him.
Gentle hands took ahold of his face and your fingers delicately brushed the skin under his eyes. Even in the darkness of your shared bedroom Lucien was able to see the love and warmth radiating from your eyes. The complete opposite of what had been in his dream. The you here, next to him, was this kind, tender woman who he had given his heart to, you wouldn’t hurt him like that. 
“Whatever this dream was, it’s over now.” You said as one of your hands covered his, squeezing his shirt over his chest. Scooting over to him you let the warmth of your body comfort your boyfriend - it was a thing you learned from him as he would use this technique thousands of times before on you.
Lucien chuckled quietly as you fell asleep against him barely a few minutes later. Well, at least you tried
“Silly girl.” He mused lying you on top of him and covering you both with a quilt pleasantly discovering there was no pain in his body left.
He was running in circles, he was sure about that but somehow he wasn’t able to stop. As long as he had the strength to take a breath he wasn’t going to stop. He needed to find you, talk to you, hug you, kiss you—
The sea of people now flooded the park not letting him go anywhere and he was SURE you were somewhere close. He could feel that in his bones. He was pushing through faceless people but you still were nowhere to be found. He didn't care if anyone would recognize him at that point.
The last words you’ve spoken to him were ringing in his head and he wasn’t able to properly think. Should he go to the right? Or maybe left? Where were you?! Ugh!
“It’s over, Kiro.” 
“I can’t be with someone who doesn’t have time for me.”
“It was meant to end this way. You’re no good for me.”
“There will always be something more important than me for you. I can’t do that anymore.”
Another minute passed by while he was running and running and running. Your name left his lips countless times however it didn’t matter. You couldn’t hear him because you weren’t there. You left. You left him.
“I thought you loved me, Kiro.”
“I thought you were my sun.”
Kiro fell to his knees. People kept bumping into him, touching him, rubbing their legs against his shoulders, but he remained in the same position. He was breathing heavily, blocking the tears from flowing down his cheeks. 
One last time, the blonde took a deep breath and, trying with all his might, shouted your name. But he was sure you wouldn't be able to hear him, and the name of the person Kiro loved more than life was lost somewhere in the crowd.
At the same time, people who recognized him immediately started running out of the crowd. They started yanking him, screaming his name, pulling his hair. He defended himself, but there was little he could do. His fans were ruthless. 
“Let go of me!” He shouted. 
“Let go!” 
Startled, sweaty and a little bit shaky Kiro woke up holding a pillow in his arms, clutching it tightly to his chest. Little did he know his scream also woke you up and after a few seconds you sat up, trying to get ahold of his hand in the complete darkness. You asked him what was going on but your voice didn’t get through to him because of his loud thoughts. 
When he sensed your warm fingers on his cold clammy hand, his head whipped to the side and as he was able to distinguish your features in the darkness he immediately let go of the pillow and pulled you into his arms. 
“Miss Chips, you’re here!” He beamed, his voice still a little quivery. 
“Where else should I be?” Your question stirred something inside him and he instantly pulled you away from him to be able to see your face. Even without lights on you were able to see that his eyes were watery.
“Nowhere! That’s the point! You shouldn’t be anywhere else but in my arms, you hear me, Miss Chips?” 
“Oh Kiro,” you said as your hands traveled to his hair and you started massaging his scalp - he always liked when you did it. The blonde almost purred when your nails scratched particular spot on his head. Through half lidded eyes he looked at you with admiration. “I am not going anywhere.”
“Good… That’s good.” 
“Go back to sleep, babe.” 
He fell back down on the pillows, dragging you with him while keeping your hands from leaving his hair. He pulled you to his chest with his arms, and you both fell asleep again in record time. It was safe to say that Kiro had no more nightmares that night.
thank you so much for reading!
if you want to read more of my works they are here
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mikkomacko · 4 years
Dear Daisy 7
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Before Chapter Blurb
The Christmas tree Niall brought over last week lights up the living room in the early morning shade, the dark snow clouds outside leaving the house darker than usual. Daisy shakes off the snow on her boots and leaves them at the door, cold fingers clutching the letter she just retrieved from the mailbox. Harry’s neat writing has scribbled her name on the envelope, and the heart he placed next to it makes her tummy flutter. She hooks her nail under the seal, tearing it open and unfolding his letter with hopeful eyes.
Dear Daisy,
How's the weather back home? I hope it hasn't been too brutal on you. Remember that one winter it snowed so much everyone got trapped inside their homes? I don't think that'll happen but if the snow picks up too much please call my mum over or go stay with her. I really don't want you home alone during a snow storm. Funny that I told you not to worry about me but here I am fretting over the idea of a blizzard, aye?
Anyway, nothing has been set in stone for my Christmas plans yet, however, a buddy of mine is returning home for the holidays and he's heard word that I might be at home as well. No matter I promise you'll have the best Christmas, I'll do everything in my power to make sure. I'm sure my mum has told you but you're welcome to her annual Christmas party whether I'm there or not. Gemma will be there and she'll take care of you. Speaking of taking care of you, I've heard from a little birdie that you're thinking of using your own hard earned money for gifts this year. While I find that incredibly sweet, I can't allow it. Daisy, you know you can always use our money for anything. I also need to send gifts and it would really be much more simple if you just used the card and then signed my name as well. And if you don't agree with that, too bad. I've contacted my uncle and he's told the local shops to not accept cash from you. Yes, even all the way in France I'm taking care of you. Promised I would, didn't I?
The money you've got from working is yours Daisy. I honestly find it wonderful and inspiring that you've gone out and found work and are able to take care of yourself. I reckon more ladies in our town should be like you. I also reckon you take your earnings and buy something for yourself, something you've always wanted. I know you love reading, and I know Robin has got a couple could bookstores in mind. I'm sure he'd be happy to point you in the direction of them if that's something you'd like. Don't have much time for reading here so maybe you could read a couple good novels for me and then tell me all about them? It's the least you could do really considering that I'm playing knight in shining armor for you.
Hopefully next time we talk I'll have more news about Christmas for you, but remember that you're always in my thoughts. I see your eyes sparkle in the lights and tinsel around town. I see snowflakes melting on the apples of your cheeks and sticking to your eyelashes. I feel your hands when I warm up next to the fire. I feel the same joy you carry in the spirit of Christmas that surrounds me. In some ways I think you and I are a lot like winter. The bitter bite in the air and the soothing heat of cocoa. The hibernation of creatures, the death of plants, and the pureness and rebirth of snow. I could go on forever about you and I Daisy, but I think I'll save the rest of my affection for in person.
Happy holidays love,
The Harry Styles x
Daisy had never been so disappointed in her life. Not even when her family threw her out of the house and into the arms of Harry to be cared for. Maybe this is so much worse than being let down by her parents because Harry actually did care for her. She doesn't know what changed between the time she moved in and now, but something inside both her and Harry went from disgust to attraction. She can feel it her bones when she thinks of him. How much she aches for him, how much her lips miss saying his name. It's even present in their letters to each other. They're thoughtful of each other, loving towards one another. They've spent more time apart than they have married and yet she thinks they're more dedicated to each other than any other couple in this town.
Unable to hide her sadness over Harry still being overseas despite Christmas being a few days away, Daisy decided to not spend tonight with Anne. She'll be there for Christmas Eve, thinking of how Harry should be there too, so tonight is just time for her. She'd found a copy Pride and Prejudice a few days ago in the office downstairs, deciding to read it again as it's one of her favorite stories. Harry's probably read it before but she'll still write her thoughts on the book to him.
He's all she can think about as she curls up in his bed, the thick quilt his grandmother had made him wrapped around her shoulders. Bedside lamp still on, Daisy falls asleep wondering if she should tell Harry that he very much reminds her of Mr. Darcy. Of course that would make her Elizabeth and she really can't think of a more romantic representation of their affection for each other.
The spare key under the loose brick in the front hasn't been moved, though it is buried and frozen by snow. His car has been moved into the garage to be protected from the weather and the vibrant green of his front yard is now a white wonderland, lit up by multicolored lights. Harry can't help but hate how much has changed without him. He wasn't there to put up lights, wasn't there to winterize the grass, wasn't there to salt the sidewalk. Fearing what else might have changed while he was gone, particularly Daisy, Harry's hand trembles as he unlocks the front door.
He stays as quiet as can be as he moves into the house, dropping his bag by the closed door and re-locking it. His train ticket was a late departure, but he won't complain. Better to get home late than not at all. Peeling off his wet boots and coat, Harry drops them into a pile on the floor. The Christmas tree Niall had cut down for him is still gleaming in the living room, lighting the path towards Daisy's bedroom. Maybe Harry should go upstairs and change, wash away his time in France before he goes searching for his girl, but he's exhausted and aching for her. It's not until he's tiptoed down the hall and nudged her door open does it dawn on him that Daisy could be at his mother's house. He knows she's been sleeping there a lot and there'd be no reason for her to come home tonight because he didn't tell her that he was coming home.
Heart sinking lower into his stomach as he checks for her in every available spot downstairs, Harry dejectedly yanks on the plug of Christmas lights, bathing the house back into darkness. He's heading back to the door to put his boots and coat back on when he catches the sliver of yellow light coming down the staircase. Pushing himself up the stairs, his heart leaps back into his chest when he reaches the landing and finds his own bedroom door open. From here he can see his bedside table with the lamp still on and a lump under his blankets. She's here. Daisy's home and she's in his bed. On the side he sleeps on and everything.
Harry's quick to cut across the hallway, stepping into his bedroom. Lightly, he closes the distance between him and the bed. He can barely see Daisy from how she's wrapped herself up in his blankets, one arm hanging out with his copy of Pride and Prejudice sitting loosely in her palm. He perches his bum on the little space between her and the edge, carefully removing the book from her palm and placing it on his bedside table. Peeling back the blankets she's snuggled under, Harry's heart leaps when he finally her beautiful face. Still sleeping soundly, lips mushed into his pillow with the smallest bit of drool staining the side of her mouth. He desperately wants to just strip off his uniform and climb into bed with her in nothing but his pants, wants to feel her on his skin after so long of sleeping alone on an army cot, but he can't. He'd hate if she woke up and was uncomfortable, if he made her uncomfortable, so he silently returns to his feet and slips into the closet.
Remaining in the doorway, just so he can still be able to see Daisy, Harry leaves his uniform in a mess of green fabric on the floor and quickly slips into a set of pajamas. The wood floor is cold on his toes but he ignores it in favor of getting back to her as quickly as possible. Harry pauses, eyeing the side of the bed that's completely open for him but he doesn't want to sleep there. He wants to curl up on his side, lay his head on the same pillow Daisy's is on, share such an intimate space with her again because he surely took it for granted that night he left. He should've held her tighter, should've stayed awake longer just to have more time with her. He should've memorized how it felt to feel her hands on him and how she's the heaviest sleeper he's ever met. He just should've done more for her.
He's not going to waste anymore time.
Pulling back the blankets, enough to expose Daisy to the cooler air of the bedroom, Harry lies himself next to her. She remains as still as a statue, but he notices that as soon as his feet brush hers it's like she fully relaxes. As if she were having a bad dream or uncomfortable and his presence next to her has brought that fragile peace needed for a good nights sleep. His heart swells at the thought of her subconsciously needing him like he needs her, and it takes all his strength to reach over and turn out the light instead of throwing himself on top of her and kissing her until they suffocate. He reckons that'd be a great way to go but he's not ready for that. He's still got so much of himself to give and share with her.
Perhaps he was right when he told her the heart grows fonder with distance, because never in a million years would he imagine his eyes stinging with unshed tears as he wraps himself around Daisy, body fitting to hers like it belongs there.
Daisy's first reaction upon waking up to loud snores and a heavy weight around her middle was to poke her fingers into the strangers closed eyes and definitely knee him in the groin, and then hopefully be quick enough to get to the neighbors for help. That is until her bleary eyes focus on the face in front of her. His strong jaw, the frown that's always on his face, even when he sleeps, and the mess of curls on the pillow. His face is a little slimmer in the cheeks and his hair shorter (and a little greasy at the roots) but he's still handsome. He's still Harry.
Her vision blurs again, this time with tears on her waterline, and she reaches up to cup his jaw, afraid this is just part of a dream. "Harry?" She whispers, heart pounding on her chest. A little short cuts off his snores, pink lips smacking together and he wiggles further into the mattress before falling still again. It's really him. He's really home. He's somehow made it back to her and climbed into their bed at God knows what hour without even waking her. She can't help but mentally curse him, wishing she had known sovsge could've met him at the train station with hot tea. He must have been freezing when he got home last night. The least she could've done was gone to pick him up.
"Harry? Will you please wake up?"
Luckily for Daisy, he's a bit of light sleeper, her thumb brushing over his cheekbone being enough to peel his eyes open. He blinks twice, eyebrows pinching together as his sleepy eyes flicker over her face.
"I'm sleeping." He grumbles, eyes closing again but Daisy doesn't care if he's annoyed or mad at her for waking him. She missed him too much to care so she pushes him onto his back, throwing her body over his and worming her hands under his neck. Harry grunts under her weight, lifting his head to adjust the way she's holding him before falling back into the pillows with a soft sigh.
"What are you doing here? Why didn't you say anything you prick? You scared me to death!" His lips curl up at her words, obviously pleased at getting a rise out of her by not giving her all the information about him coming home.
"I scared ya?" He mumbles incredulously, "Came home to find your room empty, thought you'd somehow got frozen outside trying to sneak to my mum's and then I find ya in my bed? Scared me more, I reckon."
Daisy leans back, hoping to get another look at his beautiful eyes after so long of not seeing them but he's still pretending sleep when she looks down at his face. "How'd ya know I've been going to your mum's?"
She blows on him in attempt to annoy him enough to open his eyes, to just please look at her but he remains stubborn, squeezing them shut. "She wrote me." He answers simply, the thickness of his voice catching her off guard. Squinting curiously, she notices his Adam's apple bob nervously, and his teeth take in his bottom lip.
"Harry?" Daisy murmurs, releasing her right hand from it's spot under his neck to place it over his chest. She's shocked by how fast it's pounding, how his shoulders have tensed up. "Are you okay Harry?"
His nose scrunches, his eyes closing even tighter, features twisting as if he's in pain. He nods just once, a trembling breath leaving his flaring nostrils. Daisy doesn't know everything about Harry, not yet, but she knows that he's not okay. That he's holding something back and she's so worried that maybe he's hurt, that something happened in France and he's been sent home because he's injured, that a sudden knot lodges itself in her throat.
Her words are croaky and strained. "Can I see you Harry? Please?" She begs, trailing her hand up his collarbones to cup his jaw. "I haven't seen you in so long."
Silence. Not a word from him. Not even a shake or nod of his head. Harry remains twisted up, refusing to look at her, to speak to her.
"I miss you Harry. I miss you so much."
Her words push him over, his arms flying up to wrap around her and he sits up to hold her to his chest. She can't see him like this either but it doesn't matter because he's shaking and sniffling, the cries he was holding back finally breaking through. Daisy wraps her arms around his waist, her own eyes welling up with tears again at the sound of him whimpering.
"I miss you love. More than you'll ever know. Don't think I can go back now that I've got you again." Harry's rambling under his breath, soft sentiments of everything he missed, every little reminder of her that tormented him in France. She thinks he might be influenced by drowsiness but that doesn't stop her from pulling back enough to finally see his eyes. Even red rimmed and leaking, shining with longing and pain, they're the most breath taking color. They're eyes only meet for a moment before she's sealing her lips to his.
It's refreshing to feel his mouth again. Like warming up by the fire after making the wall home from the bakery. Like the sight of gooey chocolate chip cookies being broke in half, melted chocolate still connecting the two pieces. Like waking up to a fresh coat of snow in the morning, untouched by feet and vehicles and sleds. Like stockings resting over a fire. Like the silence that sits between them when he reads and she crochets.
Somewhere deep in her heart, it registers to Daisy that this is what home feels like.
Robin's a fairly short man, not that Daisy had noticed until Harry's standing next to him in the bakery, an old apron of the owners barely reaching his thighs. The knot in the back is the smallest possible knot she could tie because Harry's training has beefed him up quiet a bit and Robin's a very thin man. She doesn't know what it is, if it's the fact that it's so overwhelming to have him back again he just seems so much bigger than he used to, or if she somehow didn't notice how much he towers over everyone until now, but Daisy feels like a flower in the shadow of Big Ben next to him. It's both intimidating and soothing at the same time, but that's just Harry's brand she supposes.
"It's really not necessary for you to spend the day here." Robin repeats, digging through the orders for today. Daisy knows he's got a lot to bake today seeing as he closed for the holidays starting tomorrow and plenty of families need their baked goods for their celebrations. She promised to be here to help and even Harry's surprise drop in isn't going to ruin her word.
"Don't be silly Robin. We want to be here." Daisy assures, washing her hands so she can begin making the dough for the first order of dinner rolls. Harry looks a bit lost as Robin pins up the orders on the cork board and Daisy gets cooking. She's never seen Harry not completely own the whole room before and seeing him watching her curiously is oddly cute.
Robin puts Harry to work the counter and wrap up orders, much to his disliking seeing as he's not the socialist of butterflies, but he doesn't complain. Not even when Jacqueline Haverhill is utterly rude to him, glaring at him throughout the whole transaction. Daisy doesn't exactly know what Harry did to bother Jacqueline but she guesses it's probably something similar to his interaction with Mrs. Weathers.
As the day goes on, the orders get sent out, and a soft trickle of snow begins outside, Daisy notices that Harry's really good at wrapping the orders. He's precise about cutting the wrap and his bows of ribbons are perfect and the card with the order name is always written in a neat, slanted cursive. She can't help but imagine a Christmas Eve night in which her and Harry are both sat awake in the dead of the night, Harry wrapping gifts for a child that's asleep on the floor above them, scribbling their name on the gift tag and signing it from Santa Claus. He's got the perfect writing for that of the holiday icon. And then he'd hand the pretty package over for Daisy to place nicely under their tree.
Something in her stomach twists, realizing for the first time that she's imagined herself actually being a mother to his children. Of course she's thought about how good of a father he'd be, but she's never had such a vivid picture of the two of them parenting. It's such a shocking and sweet moment that she can't help but wipe the flour on her hands off on her apron, tentatively approaching Harry as he piles the two orders of cakes next to each other. He pauses when she walks over, mouth opening to question her but he doesn't get a chance to before she's pressing herself into his large chest, arms finding their way around his waist.
Harry freezes just for a moment, obviously caught off guard, but then he's wrapping his own arms around her shoulders and squeezing her a bit tighter. Daisy doesn't know what to say as reasoning for her suddenly wanting to hold him but Harry luckily doesn't question her. Maybe he's just as desperate for her as she is for him. Robin doesn't say anything to the two, simply smiling to himself as he watches Harry's eyes flutter close, resting his cheek on top of her head. Harry's not an affectionate person, most often he's rather cold, but he looks perfectly at home holding Daisy the way he is. Like he needs her to breathe.
"Hello hello!" Anne interrupts as she enters the bakery, Daisy opening her eyes just in time to see her brilliant smile drop into one of shock. Her gloved hands cup her mouth, eyes watering at the sight of Harry standing in the bakery when she'd been under the impression that he was still in France.
"Hello mum." Harry greets casually, lifting his head as Daisy pulls away. She catches the grin on his face, resembling the cat that got the canary as he moves around the counter. "How are ya?" He spreads his arms wide, blocky teeth sinking into plush lip. Anne visibly trembles, dropping her hands from her mouth to swing her handbag at him. Daisy giggles at Harry's flinch and the way his entire face scrunches into a childish pout.
"Oh you bugger!" Anne scolds wetly, smacking him one more time before finally accepting a hug from him. Daisy's chest expands with her growing heart at the image of Harry holding his wailing mother, stroking his fingers through his mother's dark hair while assuring her that he's fine. Like Daisy, she must have thought Harry is back due to injury or illness.
"Got home late last night mum, didn't want to wake you." He explains when she curses him for not stopping the minute he returned. "Didn't even wake Daisy. She came after me the same way too."
That same thickness that had taken over his voice this morning clouds his words, and the imagine of his tortured eyes makes Daisy nauseous. She distracts herself with wrapping up Anne's order of biscuits for the Christmas party tomorrow. Of course that doesn't stop her from listening in on the two, heart turning to mush at the sweet interaction between mother and son.
"I can't believe you're here Harry! And look how big and handsome you've gotten!"
"Was I not handsome before?" Harry's time is teasing but a quick glance at him and she can see the genuine curiosity in his slightly offended gaze.
"Of course you were ya goose! But you look awful proper with ya hair short and all." Anne continues to gush over him, fawning over the dusting of stubble on his jaw and how's he's too big for even the apron and how she better watch out or she'll have Goliath for a son. Daisy thinks it's a bit cheesy, Anne's compliments to him. Maybe a bit exaggerated too but then she catches the blush on Harry's cheeks and the boyish glint of pride in his green eyes, and she understands. Harry's a mumma's boy. He's eating up Anne's attention and fawning over him like a dog posing for treats.
Harry enjoys being doted on. Flattered. Babied even. There's something about that revelation that stirs in her stomach, warming her entire being.
Robin slides up next to Daisy, mixing bowl in the crook of his arm and whisking the batter in it. He nods towards Anne and Harry, a bashful smile on his face. "Don't charge her, alright?"
Daisy supposes it's because Robin's always known Harry's family, cares for them. And seeing the heart warming reunion between Anne and Harry, she's not surprised at all that he's dropped the charge. Robin's a nice man and he's got a soft spot for Harry, therefore having one for Harry's loved ones as well.
She looks back at him, biting back a smile when she sees him press a sweet kiss to the top of his mother's head, and she's so darn lucky to have a place in his life.
Soldiers wear their uniforms when they go out. At least that's what the ones in the pub do. Daisy thinks it's to pick up girls seeing as every available lady in town is eager to flatter a serving man, and all the ones in here do have a girl or two attached to them, stroking the collars of their jackets and praising the ribbons and metals pinned to them.
Harry removes his long army green coat, draping it over his arm before reaching to help Daisy our of her white one. He didn't wear his uniform and she's quite glad for it. Of course Harry would probably scare away any girl that came near him and she'd definitely enjoy seeing it but she doesn't want to see anyone try to get his attention anyway. She just got him back and she's not sharing at all.
"This way Daisy." Harry guides, a warm hand on the small of her back. Two of Harry's army friends, a man named Pip who he roomed with, and another named Oliver were also allowed home for a visit. Both men were from the same town and enjoyed Harry's company enough to offer a meet up halfway between their town and Daisy's and Harry's.
The table closest to the bar and furthest from the dance floor is where Harry's mates are sat, and just like him, they're not in uniform either. However, they do have women with them and Daisy guesses that that's the reason they're dressed down. They don't need to impress or brag because they've got birds.
"Aye Harry!" The tallest man cheers loudly through a slight slur, slamming his hand on the table next to his pint. The girl with him, a lanky and slim brunette halfheartedly shushes him but it falls on deaf ears as he scrambles from his seat to greet Harry.
They exchange hugs, Harry clapping him on the back quite hard in a way that makes Daisy wince, but the man must be used to Harry hitting him like that because he just grins and smacks Harry's chest in return. "Is this ya girl Harry?" He questions when his blue eyes catch Daisy hovering behind Harry. She smiles politely, blushing when Harry reaches back for her hand.
"S'my Daisy, alright." He murmurs with a proud nod, pulling her into his side. "Daisy, this is Oliver and that quiet bloke in the back is Pip." Harry gestures the man still sat at the table, sharing a warm drink with the blonde next to him, who judging by the ring on her finger, is Pip's wife.
"Hello," Daisy greets, accepting a hand shake from Oliver. Harry leads her closer to the table, letting her pick a seat before settling himself next to her. She ends up by the blonde, nodding when she introduces herself as May. Harry leans over to gruffly shake hands with Pip, his arm on the back of her chair and warm chest against her shoulder. Oliver's girl says her name is Molly, and Daisy can't help but think that May and Molly are the prettiest names for two friends like them. She supposes Summer and Daisy are pretty good too.
"Would you like a drink love?" Harry murmurs in her ear, interrupting her thoughts with his warm breath. She nods gently, receiving a tender kiss on her cheek before Harry's on his feet and heading towards the bar. Daisy watches him, enjoying the way his white trousers cling to his peachy bum. She's dragged out of her admiring by Pip.
"When Harry told us he's got a bird back home, I never expected him to have someone so quiet and sweet."
Daisy giggles nervously, pushing her hair behind her ear when Oliver nods his agreement. "Big grumpy lad like him, was expecting someone like my bloody Aunt Cecil." Pip and Oliver chortle drunkenly, Molly chuckling before turning to Daisy.
"Aunt Cecil is the most terrible woman I've ever met. Very braggy when she's not even got anything to brag about!" Molly's obvious distaste makes Oliver laugh louder, pressing a kiss to the side of her head.
"Terrible," he agrees with a sigh, "but I think it's right fitting that Harry have you with him. A bit of balance eh?"
"He definitely looks less brutish with a little thing like you on his arm." Pip agrees, "Proper cute you are." May repeats his words, smiling sweetly at Daisy. Not knowing what exactly to say, she’s grateful when Harry returns with her drink and a beer for him. When he settles back into his chair, his arm returns to it’s spot around her shoulders. Daisy relaxes into his touch, remembering all the girls here that would definitely try to win his attention, and she beams with pride at the fact that he’s hers.
Oliver and Pip start up a conversation of what they missed most about home. Pip swears he’ll never find better cooking than the meals May makes, practically on the verge of tears as he dramatically declares his love for her beef stew. Oliver laughs, scrunching his nose when he says he missed the smell of home. Paris, he thinks, smells of cigarette smoke and too much perfume. Daisy’s not sure what she was expecting Harry to say, maybe that he missed his comfortable mattress or his novels, but she’s not expecting him to shrug and wholeheartedly say her name.
Her heart swells, ears burning as Molly and May coo. She catches Harry’s bashful gaze, grinning as she pecks his pink lips as tenderly as she can. For a moment they’re stuck in a lover’s bubble, gooey eyes and shy grins, but it’s quickly shattered by Pip’s groan and mouth.
“Excellent choice Styles,” he approves, “Nothing like coming home to shag and love on your wife, aye?” That’s followed by a holler from Oliver, and the clanking of beer bottles. She watches Harry’s eyes widen, and he turns to them with a laugh that doesn’t really sound like him. They take his sip of his beer as joining in on their celebration of sex. The heat in her face grows, spreading to her belly and Daisy suddenly wishes they’d stayed home tonight so she could have had Harry all to herself.
She's changed into her night gown, sitting with her legs folded on Harry's bed and peeking into the bathroom while he brushes the alcohol of the night off his tongue. Harry's only put on pajama pants, leaving his torso fair game for her eyes to roam over. It's odd not feeling like she's prying by ogling him but she can't get the words of his friends off her mind.
"Nothing like coming home to shag and love on your wife, aye?"
He is her husband. She's devoted herself to him for the rest of her life, willingly, and she doesn't even remember why she was so upset about being Harry's in the first place. He's thoughtful, caring, intelligent, and so very handsome. It feels silly that she ever looked at him and hated him, because right now all she wants is him.
Daisy's never shagged anyone. The only person she's ever kissed is Harry save for a few cheek kisses from boys throughout the years. She can't help but look at Harry and wonder if he has. He's obviously attractive, every girl in town has wanted him at some point in their lives, but she's never heard anything about Harry wanting them. Up until that night her parents dropped the marriage bomb on her, she kind of assumed Harry would always just be Harry.
There was one rumor though, she recalls, coming up when she was about sixteen. A girl named Lucille had been the center of it, everyone claiming she'd lost her virginity too young to a boy at the summer party always thrown at her house. No one cared about the boy because the real spice of the rumor was Lucille having sex outside of wedlock, but the boy mattered to Daisy because it was Harry. At least that's what Summer had heard from someone. She remembers how awful she had felt hearing that, having to leave school early because her stomach was doing an awful job at holding down her lunch. At the time she thought it was just a disgust at the thought of anyone, especially someone as sweet as Lucille, sleeping with someone as rude as Harry.
But now, watching him lean over the sink to rinse his mouth, shoulders rippling as he moves, Daisy thinks she was jealous. She wasn't disgusted that Lucille slept with Harry, no, she was disgusted that Harry had slept with Lucille. She was absolutely put off by the fact that Harry hadn't come to her. Because he was always going after her. Always teasing, always picking, always embarrassing. Why was that time the exception?
"Harry?" His name is out of her lips before she can even rationally think about what she's wanting to ask him, and when he exits the bathroom with a soft "wha'sa matter?" her cheeks burn with embarrassment. Instinctively, her hands reach to the bottom of the bed for the crochet blanket, fingers wiggling through the stitches in attempt to calm her suddenly pounding heart. Deciding that there's no possible way for her to ignore her curiosity nor how much she wants to feel his skin under her fingertips, she quickly spits out her question.
"Do you miss shagging?"
For a moment, Daisy thinks Harry might be mad. There's a flash in his eyes, one of annoyance and frustration, and she can feel an apology building on her tongue when Harry moves to sit on the edge of the bed by her.
"What's got this on your mind Daisy?"
She feels a bit like a child with the tone he uses, as if he thinks she's repeating something she'd heard on the playground and knew nothing about before inquiring about it. "Pip and Ollie mentioned it, and well, you sort of laughed but it was different. I was just wondering, I don't know. We don't really speak about personal things but I don't want you, I don't know, suffering because you think I'm clueless or-"
Harry interrupts her with a sharp call of her name, cutting off her defensive ramble. His hands reach up to untangle her fingers from the blanket, holding them in his own. Thumbs brushing over the back of her hands, his usually stoic expression breaks into a fond gaze. "First of all, I want you to know that I would never want you to do that based off the belief that you think m'suffering or whatever other bloody nonsense your mother has put in that head of yours."
Daisy's ears burn, embarrassed by the mention of her mother because Harry's spot on. She's always grown up hearing that as a wife, she does whatever her husband requests of her, no questions asked. But beneath that layer of embarrassment, is another source of heat, begging for her to just lean over and smear her mouth to his.
"Second," he continues "I don't need shagging Daisy. If we talked about it and both wanted to that'd be a different story but I promise you that I don't wake up every morning and curse the world because I've still not made love to you." His sentence is punctured with a shy giggle, one she's never heard come out of his mouth and it makes her heart swoop pleasantly. Harry's cute, she tells herself while mentally adding to the list of new things she's learned about her husband in just a few days of having him home.
"Ok Harry." She agrees, even more flustered at his compassion towards her and the subject of sex. "I suppose I just got caught off guard when Pip said how much he missed it while he was away and I didn't want you to feel that way too. You're already in a trying situation and that's the last thing I want."
Daisy moves closer to him when his dimples sink into the plushness of his cheeks, lips shining when he runs his tongue over them in attempt to hide the boyish smile on his face. "Want to hear a secret?" He finally whispers, dropping his gaze to where his hands are still tenderly holding hers. Daisy mutters a yes, eager to know something personal about Harry.
He clears his throat gently, shaking his head as if he's mentally scolding himself for whatever information he's holding inside his head. When he does finally speak, his voice is so quiet she wouldn't have heard it had it not been for how closely together they're sat.
"I can't miss something I never had."
It takes another moment for his words to register in her mind but when they do she could jump in elation. Of course she'd never judge Harry for having already had sex but she's so utterly relieved to know that she's not alone in her inexperience. She can't fight the grin that pulls at her lips, Harry rolling his eyes when he glances up through thick lashes to gauge her reaction.
He looks so shy, so tentative about what she might say to his secret and for the first time since she's known him, confidence surges through her. She squeezes his hand, pushing her shoulders back as she nonchalantly replies, "Neither can I, but I can yearn for it."
Harry's head snaps up at her words, eyes bright and big with surprise. Pink lips dropped open in disbelief, Daisy refuses to shy away from his prodding gaze because she knows what she said is truthful. Why can't she finally shag Harry? She's married to him and she trusts him, and if the admittance that she was jealous of Lucille is anything to go by, she's wanted Harry for a lot longer than she thought.
"Daisy," Harry utters, voice strained and rough in his throat. It sends shivers up her spine. "you're gonna have to give me more than that if you want something darling."
Before any unpleasant nerves can take over, she complies. "I've never slept with anyone before either but I would sh-I want to do that with you. If you want to."
His fingers are gentle but persistent as they trail up her exposed arms, Harry's eyes remaining on hers for any sign of reluctance or regret. He reaches the sleeves of her nightgown, fingertips dipping under the fabric and when she steadily maintains eye contact, he knows that's he's fully got the go-ahead. She can tell by the simper that lifts his lips and the sudden darkness in his eyes. Harry pushes himself onto his knees, face leaning in so close to hers his minty breath blows the baby hairs out of her face. Daisy allows herself to be guided back by his wide shoulders and bulging chest, eyes growing heavy under his heated gaze as her head meets the pillows.
"Are you certain Daisy?" Harry murmurs, checking once again. His thoughtfulness for her feelings and emotions is endearing and overwhelming, bringing a sudden sting to the back of her eyes. Daisy nods, reaching up to hold the side of his face, and tilting her chin up to brush their lips together.
"There's no other person I'd want to do this with Harry, and there's no other time that would be as perfect for a first time as right now." Harry's breathing grows heavier at her words, and while she usually struggles to read his gaze, tonight's different. She can see it in his eyes too, that burning need and passion that she can feel in her chest as well. "Besides, this is usually a wedding night activity so we're quite behind Mr. Styles."
The smirk that lifts her lips brings elation to his eyes, his dimples making an appearance with a smirk of his own. "If that's the case, reckon I should carry on, aye Mrs. Styles?"
She manages one feeble nod before his mouth is fully on hers, leaning all his weight onto his right elbow while his left hand drops down to her waist. He holds there for a moment, strong, nimble fingers a reassuring weight on her skin while she takes the time to run her own fingers over his exposed skin. The dips of his muscles and the heat of his body is enthralling, drawing her in before reducing her to mush.
The heat in Daisy's belly is searing, a fire burning so strongly she thinks she might melt into a puddle on the bed, soaking into the fabric of Harry's sheets to stay there for the rest of eternity. She's not sure what's warmer, the arousal in her core or the heat wafting off of Harry. Possibly Harry because she's never seen him like this. He's never looked so big, so manly, so strong while somehow also being so soft and sweet. This is the Harry she likes, the Harry she hopes is around for the rest of their lives. Calloused hands on her waist, eagerly pulling up the fabric of her clothes, prompting her to lift her bum so he can get the gown up around her waist.
Knickers visible to not only the chilly room, but Harry as well, goosebumps prickle her skin and her heart thumps erratically in her chest. Harry's large palm continues to trail up her body, exposing more of her skin inch by inch. His hips settle between her thighs, the soft skin of his belly brushing against hers. Daisy's never felt his skin on her like this and a wave of arousal pulses between her thighs. There's a bit of struggle with getting the nightgown over her head, Harry not wanting to release her bottom lip from between his teeth but eventually sacrificing the kiss to get her naked.
He sits back on his haunches, tossing her clothes over his shoulder as his eyes drink in every inch of her heated body. His fingers trail up her legs, brushing over her hips in a teasing manner as they follow an unmarked path to her naked chest.
“Prettiest bird I’ve ever seen, ya know that?” Harry murmurs against the corner of her lips, tentatively cupping the supple flesh and watching her face intently. Experimentally pinching his fingers into her skin, his eyes twinkle when the first shuttering moan breaks through Daisy’s lips. “Feel good?”
Nodding, she grips his arms for stability in the swirling mess of heat and desperation that’s taken over her body. She’s always been fairly quiet, but Harry’s touch is so comforting and exciting, she doesn’t hesitate to whine impatiently. “Thought you were getting a move on it Styles?” He quirks an eyebrow at her response, fingers pausing for a moment before he scolds her with a gentle tug on her nipple that sucks the air out of her lungs.
Harry slips off the bottom of the bed, shaking his head just once. “I’ll hurry Daisy, but I want ya calling me Harry tonight. Not Styles,” his eyes meet hers with a warning glare in them, daring her to argue. Something about his dominance has more wetness pooling between her spread legs, dampening the cotton fabric of her underwear. “Want to hear just my name from you.”
She nods again, so quickly her brain rattles around in her head but her eagerness is rewarding because Harry smirks and hooks his thumbs in his only two layers, tugging them down in on go. He kicks them off his ankle but Daisy barely catches the movement because her eyes are stuck on his stiff member. Red and thick, the head of him bobs up by his belly button and smears the clear liquid leaking out of him against the sprinkle of hair that leads between his thighs. Harry stands like a Greek sculpture, one hand on his lean hip and the other tangled in his unruly hair. His body glows in the soft light of the lamp, illuminating the layer of sweat that glistens on his muscles. Her eyes land on his thighs, gnawing on her bottom lip as she realizes how thick and pretty his legs are. She finds herself wishing it was the meat on the inside of his leg that were between her teeth instead of her own lip.
“Harry,” his name leaves her mouth in a sinful whimper, thighs subconsciously opening wider as if inviting him to dive between them. She sees his cock twitch at her call, his eyes fluttering for a brief second before he’s leaning over her again, hands on the sides of her knickers.
“May I?” He requests in a whisper, smiling brightly when she moves her hands to push his down, taking her underwear with them until she too is spread out bare on his sheets. Their mouth meet again, Harry’s cock a heavy weight on her lower tummy, twitching at every soft moan that he swallows off her tongue.
“Do you have protection?” She questions, breaking their kiss. Harry freezes, and a heavy weight settles in her chest as his eyes fly open and his forehead creases in thought. After a few seconds his eyes light up with hope, leaning off the side of the bed to dig through his drawer. The little packet containing the condom is pinched between his fingers as he comes back to her, eyes squinting as he checks the date on it.
“Thank god for Niall taking the piss out of me with this, huh?” Harry says, an eager and excited lilt in his voice. Daisy giggles, pushing his floppy hair off his forehead as he opens the rubber and rolls it down his prick.
“Who’s laughing now.” She responds, fingers digging into his shoulders when the covered head of him probes at her opening. Harry cups her face with his free hand, naked chests brushing against each other, and he smiles like a boy on Christmas morning. He doesn’t push into her though, instead presses a chaste kiss to her lips.
“You still comfortable with this Daisy?” His breath is hot on her face, but soothing. And when she nods and whispers, “absolutely” she knows it’s 100% the truth. That’s all Harry needs before he’s flexing his hips forward, nudging her slick folds apart with his thick tip. The initial sting makes her flinch, a grunt leaving Harry’s clenched teeth as he she clamps around the few inches he’s managed to sink in. His forehead drops to her shoulder, arm shaking but he doesn’t rush her into taking all of him. No, instead he waits for her muscles to relax, easing up on his cock and the way her body melts into his brings tears to Harry eyes.
“You’re doing so good sweetheart,” Harry encourages, voice raspy with the effort it’s taking him to keep from bursting already. He wants to, needs to make Daisy feel good. He wants her to know that he’ll worship her for the rest of his life. “Already feel like heaven around me.”
With sweet words and tender smears of his mouth against hers, Harry finally sinks balls deep into Daisy. The feeling brings similar moans from both of them, a peaceful aura of completion settling around them. Daisy’s never felt this before. Like her body could just float up into heaven if it weren’t for Harry’s broad frame draped over her. Like he’s a limb she never knew she was missing but now that it’s here, she can’t imagine ever being empty again. She loves it, loves him.
“You’re so big Harry.” Daisy admits, bashfully meeting his gaze. Harry pants a choked moan into her face, steadying himself before pulling his hips back and slipping forward into her warmth once again.Her compliments seem to drive him, spurring him on, and she recalls how he’d melted under affection at the bakery the other day. Grinning softly, she latches her legs around his hips and lovingly runs her hands over his spine.
“Feels so bloody good,” Harry mutters, most likely talking to himself. Daisy’s chest swells with pride, gasping when the head of him nudges deep in her belly, tightening the string in her abdomen.
Attaching her lips to his jaw, Daisy breathes her own adoration. “Making me feels so good Harry, want to feel you forever.” The whimper that escapes him makes her core flutter, squeezing him tighter. Like she predicted, the compliment creates something feral in him, the pace of his thrusts picking up the slightest bit.
“Yeah? You want me to keep my cock in you all the time? Show you how fucking well I’m going to take care of you for the rest of our lives?”
The revelation that Harry’s got a dirty mouth brings her closer to the edge, whimpering out more agreements to all of his filthy promises. He drives his cock into her deeper, quick but strong ruts of his hips that stretch her open so well. After a particularly vulgar promise from Harry, a declaration that he’ll spend the remainder of the war fucking his fist to the memory of making love to her, Daisy smashes her mouth back to his, teeth clashing and tongues colliding as the string in her belly snaps. His name leaves her in a quiet chant, encouraged by his thumb reaching between them to rub at her clit and the deep rasps of “Yes Daisy, cum for me, say my name, my name....”
Her velvet heat pulsing around him sends him spiraling, filling the condom with his hot cum as his body trembles and shakes over her. Daisy encourages him as well, shyly thrusting her hips up to meet his sloppy thrusts and nibbling on his jaw. Cock still twitching in her, Harry drops all his weight so she’s basically trapped under him. Not that she minds of course. Daisy loves the feeling of holding him, petting at his damp hair and rubbing her toes over his calf soothingly. It takes Harry a minute to return to earth, lifting his head and blinking sluggishly. He looks utterly breathtaking, pink cheeks and swollen lips, gleaming eyes and dimples as he takes her mouth back with his.
Daisy never imagined she’d end up here with Harry, but she’d never want to be anywhere else now, and she supposes this was the feeling Harry was talking about when he described home. It’s not a home, it’s a person, and she’s somehow ended up with the best one.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction || Night Terrors [Request]
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A/N: I hope this helps you feel a little better hunny and if you need somebody to talk to I’m always here for you!!!
The Tae one is based on a book I’ve been thinking of adapting into a fanfiction for him or bang chan but I’m not sure if people would like it?
Jin was coming up to bed after coming in late from the studio when he heard you screaming, he dashed up the stairs and into the shared bedroom he had with you to find you scrambling toward the headboard and holding your head.
"Hey, hey, hey!" He called out dropping his bag on the floor and getting onto the bed beside you and wrapping his arms around your shoulders where he started rocking you back and forth in his arms.
"I'm right here baby, it's not real. It's okay." He whispered over and over again in your ear, kissing the top of your head as you began to cry about the night terror you had just been experiencing.
"J-Jin it felt so real." You managed to say between the broken sobs and he held you tighter to him, holding your hand over his heart so you could feel it beating.
"This right now is real, this here." He told you as he turned your head up to look at him,
"Look at me, I'm real. This is real." He assured you, you stared back into his eyes looking at him as he smiled down at you.
"You're here." You breathed laying your head back down on his chest and breathing in his familiar scent that had you relax instantly and your body eased into his and he laid you both down not caring that he was fully dressed as long as you were relaxing and laying beside him, he began drawing small patterns into your skin to help you relax that little bit more and he kissed your shoulder.
"Do you need anything?" He whispered noticing that you weren't falling back to sleep but he knew how hard it was for you to get back to sleep after experiencing a night terror.
"Can we get hot chocolate?" He nodded sitting you both up in the bed and going to get you one of his hoodies and a pair of your leggings,
"The fresh air will be nice." He told you one you were dressed and ready to leave, you did this whenever you had a night terror. He would take you out of the house for a little while, there was a small cafe right around the corner from your apartment which was open 24 hours a day so you could always count on them for a good hot chocolate. Jin linked his hands with yours as you walked down the stairs and out of your apartment door, he didn't question you on what happened because he knew you would talk about it whenever you felt ready and he didn't want to push you into anything that you didn't want to talk about yet.
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Yoongi was working in his home studio trying to get some last-minute work done when he heard your sobs,
"Y/n?!" His voice was full of panic and he jumped up from his desk not caring that he'd sent the chair flying into the bookshelf behind him. He rushed to the bedroom where he found you crying while curled up in a ball on the bed,
"Y/n?!" He asked coming into the room and sitting behind you, you said nothing but turned around so you could lay against his lap and he began softly playing with your hair to try and comfort you in any way that he could.
"What happened?" You shook your head not being able to find the words to explain what it was about and he wrapped his arms around you so you were now sitting in his lap,
"It's alright, none of it was real okay?" You knew it wasn't but it still didn't make it any easier.
"W-What were you doing?" You questioned trying to think of something to distract your mind and he told you he was working on a new song.
"Can I hear it?" You whispered to him looking up at him and he smiled down at you nodding and letting you get up off the bed and walk to his studio inside the house and he smiled as you got into his big leather desk chair and rolled yourself to his desk. He grabbed one of the other chairs that he kept in the room for the boys or you whenever you came to work with him and he clicked on the newest song hitting play, you slipped on the large headphones he always wore and Yoongi began watching your face for a reaction.
"Whoa." You whispered nodding your head back and forth to the beat as you listened to the music, then the lyrics started and he could tell by the look on your face that you liked it. Your eyes were glowing as you stared at the screen before turning to look at him with a shocked expression,
"Yoongi it's-" You couldn't even find the words to express what the song was like but it was perfect in every way shape and form.
"You like it?" You nodded putting down the earphones and asking him who it was about,
"It's about my love for someone close to me, and how much I love them." He wrapped leant closer to you before kissing you on the lips and chuckling as you began to hide your face from him feeling shy.
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Hoseok woke up to feel you shaking beside him, he assumed you were just cold so he wrapped the quilt around you but once his hand came into contact with your skin he ripped the covers away from you and went to get a cold flannel for you from the bathroom.
"Baby, baby come on wake up." He whispered shaking you softly and waiting for you to come out of it naturally and when you did he scooped you into his arms applying the cold flannel to your skin and letting you relax back against his arms. He'd done this a million times before with you so he knew how to get you to calm down, he kept the cold flannel on your skin to try and bring your temperature down while you held onto his arms tightly.
"I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere." He repeated in your ear knowing that you needed to hear that from him and that it was true,
"You alright?" You shook your head and he kissed the top of your head ignoring your groaning and moaning about you being covered in sweat,
"I don't care that you're sweating, we'll have a shower. You alright?" You nodded and he pulled you closer keeping you close to him so he could comfort you while you told him what had happened in the night terror.
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That morning you'd gone with Namjoon to the studio since it was your week off from work and you wanted to spend time with him, you took your favourite book to keep you busy while he was working but you'd fallen asleep after an hour being there on the sofa. Namjoon smiled turning to see you asleep on his sofa clutching the book close to your chest as you mumbled in your sleep, he turned back to the computer for a second before the mumbles turned into whimpers and then the whimpers turned to screams and he rushed over to you abandoning the work he was doing and holding you in his arms, shifting your head so it was on his thigh.
"Namjoon?!" You cried out when you woke up to him kissing your forehead and whispering something you couldn't hear,
"Shh, it's okay." He moved you closer to him and he began rocking you in his arms whispering sweet nothings to you to help slow your heart rate down to its normal beating pattern and once you were calm and breathing normally he turned so you were laid between his thighs and he was sat against the arm of the sofa.
"Do you want to talk about you?" You shook your head and so he kissed the top of your head while you linked your hands together wanting to just have him hold you a little while longer.
"I'm not going anywhere." He whispered in your ear as he felt you tense up when he went to move,
"Don't say sorry, I love you." He whispered giving you another kiss on the cheek before laying his head in your neck and watching you playing with his fingers.
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He knew he was late home and he was expecting you to be in bed waiting for him but what he hadn't expected was to come home and see you crying on the sofa with one of his hoodies wrapped around you as you cried into your hands.
"Y/n?!" He yelled rushing over to you and questioning what was wrong, you'd only just moved in together and it was your first night alone in the house which was scary enough but then you went and had a night terror along with it and woke up to see Jimin wasn't with you.
"Another one? I thought we were making progress on them?" You whimpered and he sat beside you on the sofa laying you both down so you were laying on his chest. He began rubbing circles in the small of your back while you explained what had happened, he was comforting you in any way that he could, kissing the top of your head whenever you found it difficult to talk about something.
"I'm so sorry baby," He whispered when you finally finished and broke down into another set of tears, you hid your head in his chest and he began to tell you all of the love he had for you. Telling you that he was always going to be there for you, reminding you that the terror hadn't been real but what was happening with him was.
"Do you want to get something to eat? Drink?" You shook your head yawning as you felt tired and he smiled softly standing you both up and going towards the stairs so you could both go to sleep together.
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Taehyung usually snuck in through your bedroom every night to help you fall asleep and sleep without the night terrors you experienced but you'd had a fight over him flirting with everyone that day and he hadn't shown up like he always did. He would normally climb through the bedroom window to come and spend the night beside you. He was your brothers best friend and you didn't get along at all outside of the bedroom, but it wasn't anything sexual. He would just fall asleep holding you and it had been that way since you were kids, it was how you slept without waking up sobbing, screaming and sweating.
"Shit," Taehyung whispered panicked as he heard your broken cries coming from your room, he was walking towards your brother's room when he heard you and he opened the door and spotted you clutching onto the pillow and whimpering in your sleep. He climbed into the bed behind you and as soon as his arms wrapped around your waist he noticed your body relax and you stopped whimpering.
"Tae?" You whispered rolling over to look up at him, he was in jeans and a t-shirt looking down at you,
"What's up?" You stared at him before leaning up and kissing him gently on the lips,
"Thank you for coming back." You whispered to him before tucking your head into his chest and listening to his heartbeat, he kissed the top of your head and you hummed not wanting him to ever leave you again.
"I heard you when I came to see Yoongi, you alright?" You shook your head and he only held you tighter and closer to him trying to and get you back to sleep, he knew how hard it was for you to sleep so he was going to do the best he could to have you well-rested.
"Don't leave me again." You begged and he linked your fingers together bringing your hand up to his lips and kissing it gently,
"I promise I won't." He whispered back to you before closing his eyes and trying to sleep beside you praying your brother wouldn't walk through the door and see you both laying there.
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Jungkook was doing his best to stay quiet from beside you, he was gaming while you were curled up beside him on the sofa finally getting the first time in a week. You could never sleep without him being next to you and he'd been so busy all week that he hadn't been there and your night terrors got worse to the point where you dreaded going to sleep.
"Shit. No." Jungkook groaned moving to the end of the bed so he could see the screen and concentrate harder on the game he was playing.
He hadn't even noticed that you'd woken up until he turned around to see you staring at the bed blankly,
"Y/n?" He whispered dropping the controller and turning to come back to you, you blinked and he knew that you were in shock over what had happened during your night terror.
"Jungkook?" You asked turning to look at him with tears in your eyes and he took you into his arms shuffling back against the headboard and keeping you as close to him as he could get you to him.
"You- You left and then I erm-" He told you not to think about it and you closed your eyes trying to focus on anything but had happened,
"Listen to my voice okay, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere." You nodded and he began to sing softly in your ear to try and calm you down from everything, hearing him and feeling him beside you made you feel a lot better and you closed your eyes tightly listening to his heartbeat and then focused on his singing letting it help you relax.
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@writingdreamsnottragedies @yoongisdumplingcheeks @snowy-meowl @lynnthevirgo @jooniesdarlingdimples @chimchims-stories-and-tales @fan-ati--c @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @callingmyangel @btsiguess-kpop @rjsmochii
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nataliedanovelist · 4 years
GF - Where the Crop Circles Grow ch.2
Summary: When things get out of hand at the Pines’ family farm, Ford asks an old college buddy to assist investigating anomalies and Stan hires a farmhand. Who knew asking for help would actually get you somewhere?
For @lemonfodrizzleart. Part of her Farmer AU and featuring her OC, Jackie Asante.
Ao3 link here.
ch.1 - ch.3
A loud scream Jackie wasn’t prepared for disturbed her slumber and made her jump, lying on her stomach and propping the upper-half of her body up with her hands pushing against the mattress. She calmed down as she became used to the crowing of the rooster… or an opera singer dying… one of the two. Jackie relaxed and fell back on the bed. So that’s what Stan had meant yesterday.
Looking forward to her first day, Jackie hopped out of bed and started to get dressed in blue jeans and a white t-shirt with boots. No sense taking a shower now since she would get sweaty and gross later; she’d treat herself to a bath after dinner, like she did yesterday. After a quick brush through her jet-black hair, she took in a deep breath and gazed around her bedroom.
Stan said it was a guest bedroom, not that they ever had any guests, but Ma had this part of the house built in with the idea of visiting grandchildren. So Jackie was granted a small bedroom with a comfortable bed with an old quilt, a dresser, a nightstand, and a Jack and Jill bathroom with the opposite bedroom promised to be Fiddleford’s when he came up here from Tennessee. Jackie, who didn’t come here with much, was comfortable and anything she couldn’t fit in the nightstand and dresser she kept in boxes under the bed.
Jackie finally emerged from her bedroom and peered up and down the short hallway. She listened and could hear the shower running. As she journeyed to the kitchen her nose picked up the beautiful aroma of coffee and she instantly saw the pot filling up and heard the boiling water when she entered the empty kitchen. Whoever was in the shower must have started the coffee so it would be ready by the time they were done. Seeing no indication that breakfast was going to be made and given what she learned yesterday (that the boys couldn’t cook to save their lives), Jackie rubbed her hands together and started to hunt for ingredients to make biscuits.
About fifteen minutes later, Stan came out of the bathroom with a puff of water vapor behind him, shaking his mullet dry with a towel, his maroon robe wrapped loosely around him. He hummed to himself drowsily as he strode to the kitchen, but his not-so-keen senses heightened as he swore he could smell something cooking. Bacon? His mouth watering, Stan picked up the pace a bit without running and saw Jackie working hard in the kitchen. Holy Moses, who knew he had hired the best cook in Oregon?
“‘Mornin’.” He greeted casually.
Jackie glanced at him and her face dropped in shock. His toned, hairy chest was half-exposed, his legs bare below his knees apart from his slippers, and he had a smile on his face alongside those nice pair of brown eyes, the kind of smile you naturally mimic. It’s more contagious than the flu. Jackie caught it and returned it. “G’mornin’. Slept well?”
Stan shrugged. “Yeah, pretty good. You? Bed okay?”
“Yeah, it’s real comfortable.” Jackie replied. “Fix your coffee and sit down, biscuits are almost ready.”
Stan threw his towel onto the back of his chair and went to the cupboard above the coffee machine for a mug. Standing right next to Jackie and the stove, he saw a skillet full of sausage gravy being cooked, a pan sizzling with bacon, and she was currently cracking eggs into a bowl while another pan heated up. Stan marveled at how one person can keep an eye on so many things at once.
“You like your eggs scrambled?” Jackie asked.
Stan shrugged. “Sure.” His favorite way to eat eggs was over-easy, but hey food is food. The farmer can force anything down his gullet if needed. He watched as Jackie whisked six eggs in a big bowl and added previously shredded cheese, some chopped basil, and a small splosh of milk. Stan raised an eyebrow at that. “Why add milk?”
“Makes the eggs fluffier.” Jackie explained as she threw in some salt and pepper, whisked some more, and then poured the eggs into the small pan. The little hand-timer dinged and Jackie slipped on some oven mitts to pull out the pan of biscuits. Stan’s jaw dropped as the new farm-woman had a tray of twelve beautiful, fluffy, golden biscuits. She carried the tray to the table, where a dishcloth was folded to protect the wood, and she sat the tray down and used a little brush to paint melted butter on top. Stan licked his lips and reached to grab one, but Jackie smacked his hand and said, “Wait, mister, if you eat ‘em now you’ll burn yourself.”
Stan snorted as she turned back to the oven to flip the eggs with a rubber spatula and Stan sat with his mug of black coffee. Ford entered the room, yawning, but fully dressed. He had a rolled-up newspaper under his arm and he dozily threw it to Stan, who caught it one-handed like it was a baseball and opened it. “‘Mornin’, Sixer.”
Ford grunted as he grabbed a mug like a drunk man, poured some coffee, sweetened it with some sugar and milk, and gulped it down. Jackie watched him with a raised eyebrow as she moved the bacon onto a plate. Some people simply could not function in the morning. Ford poured a second cup, sweetened it, and sighed after a few sips, and then sat in his chair to breathe and obtain his necessary caffeine. 
“How long before he can talk again?” Jackie asked as she sat the bacon down and quickly moved to the eggs.
“I’d say two full cups for half-baked sentences n’ a full pot for him to function like a normal human bein’.” Stan sneered playfully as he read the headline.
“Har, har.” Ford said sarcastically. He then blinked a few times at the realization of another feast before him. Jackie set the big bowl of cheesy scrambled eggs down and began to move the gravy to another bowl. “Holy Moses, Jackie, you didn’t have to…”
“What else am I payin’ her for?” Stan asked but took the time to throw her a wink so she knew he was joking.
Jackie snorted and sat the bowl of sausage gravy down and made herself a mug of coffee. “Since none of you know how to cook and I don’t wanna eat brown meat, I figured I’d make breakfast.”
“Hey, I can make some mean pancakes.” Stan corrected. “Sure they got a bit of hair in them, but…”
Ford and Jackie laughed and the young scientist reached for a biscuits and was pleased to find it didn’t burn his fingertips. He bit straight into it to give it a try and it was like his brain had exploded. He had never thought he would ever know what it was like to eat a cloud, but here he was. He hummed and took another huge bite, too happy for words.
Jackie’s cheeks suddenly felt a little warmer and she smiled as she spooned herself some eggs.
While Ford happily fixed himself some biscuits n’ gravy, Stan bit into a biscuit as he read his paper and he froze like a statue. Angles were suddenly dancing on his tongue. He moved his eyes to Jackie and muttered, “I’d have to marry you if you always cook this good.”
Jackie rolled her eyes. “Oh, c’mon, your mother never cooked?”
“She always cooked,” Stan explained. “N’ she was good at it, too, but you’re… you’re really, really good!” And he engulfed the rest of the biscuit in his mouth.
“What Stanley is trying to say,” Ford said firmly and smiled at the dark-skinned woman. “Is that we’re extremely grateful you’re here.”
Jackie returned the smile. “Thanks. I’m grateful to be here. What made you decide y’all needed help?”
“Well,” Ford sipped his coffee again and began to explain in detail why exactly the twins decided to hire extra help on their farm. “You see we can handle it for the most part by ourselves, with Stanley handling the sheep and chickens and with me supervising the crops and sales, but recently something has caught my attention and… erm, kept me away from the farm, and it’s too much for one man to do on his own.”
“What’s been keeping you out of the farm?” Jackie asked, not at all judgmental as to why this man wasn’t helping his brother, but curious as to what caught his attention.
“Recently some strange things have been occurring.” Ford added. “I don’t know if it’s because I went away to college and saw what was considered normal and not normal or what, but there have always been weird happenings in this town. The deeper you go into the woods, the more natural anomalies there seem to be.”
“Which means stay outta the woods.” Stan said firmly.
“Which means, since we live on the outskirts of Gravity Falls, we’re safe.” Ford corrected. “But I plan to further investigate what’s going on, and I wish to spend all of my time doing so to quickly get to the bottom of it. I also need some help, and Stanley is too busy and it wouldn’t be fair to ask him to be at my beck and call, so I’ve asked my old college buddy to come down to help me investigate the strange findings in this town.”
“I get it, okay,” Jackie said with a nod, it all making sense now. “But what kind of weird stuff have you been noticing?”
Ford grinned excitedly. “You’ll see in time.”
Jackie blew a raspberry at this guy deciding to be “cool” and mysterious, making him laugh and resume his breakfast. “So, what kind of stuff we’ll you have me do?” Jackie asked Stan.
“Well,” Stan closed his newspaper. “Since it’s your first day I’ll walk you through everything. Some stuff you’ll do every day, some stuff only on certain days. The chickens need to be fed, the sheep need to be let out, the cow’s gotta be milked, n’ the crops gotta stay healthy n’ weed-free.” And he left the table to get dressed in a red button-up and jeans.
Stan made Ford do the dishes, claiming they were behind on work and it would take longer to get everything done since Jackie was learning. Right by the kitchen door, next to two big pairs of rain boots, was a huge bag of chicken feed. “We gotta keep it here or the hens get into it.” Stan explained and opened the bag, showing a big measuring cup inside. “One cup’s enough, just spread it out n’ don’t pour it all at once. If they’re still hungry there’s plenty of bugs.”
Jackie nodded, taking mental notes, and watched as Stan scooped out some food and opened the back door. Jackie had seen the farm yesterday, but to see the sun rising on the barns and crops made the whole thing sparkle gorgeously. She grinned at the little chicken coop by the house and watched Stan sprinkle out the feed as he whistled. A dozen or so hens scurried out of the coop with one big rooster standing as king on top of the small structure, and he fluttered his wings and floated down for food.
“That’s our rooster, Clock.” Stan explained as he put the cup back inside the bag, grabbed a woven basket, and closed the kitchen door behind them so no chickens would run into the house. “Here, get in the coop n’ collect eggs. We don’t need a whole lot, so don’t freak out if the hens aren’t makin’ that much.
“Any chance they’ll have chicks inside?” Jackie asked, eyeing the loud and proud rooster.
“Nope. Clock’s an old boy.” Stan explained. “That’s why he sounds so bad. We haven’t had a chick from him in years. Hey, he always does his job, though.”
Jackie chuckled and ducked into the chicken coop. Some nests had no eggs but some had one or two. Jackie carefully collected them and knew they would be great for baking and breakfast. When she emerged, Stan tossed a metal bucket to her. “Sheep need water. There’s a well out that way, just make sure they won’t get thirsty after you put the eggs in the kitchen. I’ve already got ‘em out in the field. If you need me I’ll be in that barn over there.” And he pointed to the smaller one of the two.
Jackie nodded and headed in the direction he pointed toward when talking about the well. As she walked, she took in her surroundings and was free to acknowledge how big his farm was. There was a lot of land, with the woods acting as the border. On one side of the land it was full of crops like a big cornfield, rows of carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, watermelons, and pumpkins, and closer to the house strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries blossomed. Jackie also noticed a little herb garden growing in a basket on the back porch, not too far from the kitchen door. 
On the opposite end of the crops was the two barns and a huge patch of clear land for the sheep. Jackie awed at the thirty-something sheep that “bah”ed quietly and gnawed on grass, their coats a bit short, telling Jackie that they had been trimmed not too long ago. Somewhat between the crops and the fields for animals was an old well that might have once been the primary source of water here, but thanks to modern plumbing now it was only used for the livestock. Jackie saw another bucket tied by a rope with the pulley system and she was clever enough to figure it all out on her own.
Mustering up her strength and hardly breaking a sweat, Jackie filled her own bucket with water and carried it to where the sheep dwelt. By the fence that kept them away from the crops, there was a trough, so Jackie poured the water in it and the sheep came flocking, craving water. She chuckled and noticed the trough wasn’t full, so she walked back to the well, refilled her bucket, and poured it out again, this time sploshing some sheep a little, but they didn’t mind. In fact, they started licking each other’s faces for more water, making Jackie laugh and she petted a nearby sheep and admired the soft wool.
As she petted the sheep, she caught something out the corner of her eye and looked over at the smaller of the two barns. Stan was emerging with a beautiful gray and black horse and then gently slapped his behind so the horse would know he’s free to wander. The horse galloped for a bit and then slowed, lapping up some water at his own trough. Jackie wondered if she needed to fill that one, too, but Stan made his way to the well with his own bucket and watered the horse. Jackie smiled and walked to Stan, ready for her next chore.
“That there Truffles.” Stan explained, pointing to the horse as the woman approached. “Stubborn. It’d be best if you let me handle him. He doesn’t like people much, even gives Ford a hard time.”
Jackie nodded. “Gotcha.”
“Watered the sheep? Good. Ever milked a cow? Well today you’re gonna learn.” Stan said and motioned for her to follow him into the smaller of the two barns. Inside were two stalls and equipment for a horse and a cow. Jackie could even see a horse-drawn sled collecting cobwebs in the back corner. “Luna’s okay, as long as you’re quiet. Doesn’t like noise much. She’s got a soft spot for Ford.”
Stan opened one of the stalls and Jackie got a full view of a white cow with only one big black spot over her right eye. She mooed at the visitors and licked Stan’s outstretched hand. Jackie couldn’t help but notice how gentle he petted her neck and talked to her. Despite having a voice made of gravel, his talk was as soft as silk. “Hey mama, good to see you, good to see you. Try to be nice for me, girl, okay. Alright, c’mere, Jackie.”
Stan pulled a short stool over and motioned for her to sit. He knelt beside the cow and placed the bucket below the utters. “It’s really simple, just squeeze n’ pull n’ squeeze n’ pull.”
“Okay,” The woman sat on the stool, held the bucket between her boots, and carefully grabbed an utter. It was soft and squishy and she could feel the milk, and she did as she was told and smiled to see delicious warm milk fall into the bucket.
“Not bad, not bad at all.” Stan commented with a smile. “Here, you can squeeze harder, you won’t hurt her. Like this.” He gently covered Jackie’s hand with her own and showed her just how tightly to squeeze and pull. Jackie followed, her eyes darting up to Luna, but the cow only happily chewed on some hay. She didn’t even twitch her tail with uncomfortably. Jackie smiled at Stan, thanking him for his help, and he returned the smile and let her go to milk. She milked just as well as Ford or Stan could, and when Stan checked to make sure Luna was empty, there was no milk left to obtain.
“Good job.” Stan praised and stood up. “Take the milk in the house n’ Ford can pan it. He’s got a knack for dairy n’ makin’ butter. He can teach you if you want.”
“Sounds great.” Jackie hoisted the bucket up and let it hang in front of her. “What after that?”
“Well, nothing’s ready to harvest yet.” Stan answered. “We’ll check for weeds n’ make sure the gardens are healthy, then I think we’ll be okay until the afternoon. Usually around noon is when we go into town, do laundry, chop wood, or whatever else needs to get done aside from mornin’ n’ afternoon chores.”
“Well what are the afternoon chores?” Jackie asked.
“Basically reverse of what we just did. I’ll put up Truffles n’ I’ll show you how to drive in the sheep. Then you’ll water ‘em n’ milk Luna again, or you can make Ford do it so you can cook.”
Jackie snorted. “I think I’ll do that.”
“Good. Then we’ll have your afternoon chores only be to drive in the sheep.”
“Anything needs to get done today?” Jackie asked.
“I can’t think of anything.” Stan said with a shrug. “Ma used to have a little jingle… Scrub on Monday, Laundry on Tuesday, Knit on Wednesday, Prep on Thursday, Bake on Friday, Rest on Saturday, Clean on Sunday. O’course, you can do whatever you want, s’long as work’s gettin’ done. I’m sure I can find you something to do.” He hinted at and winked.
Jackie rolled her eyes. “I like it. Your mom was really smart… What’s today? Wednesday? Well, I don’t feel like knitting or sewing, so I guess I’ll try to clean the house for when Ford’s friend gets here. Hey, what did your mom mean by scrub on Monday?”
Stan shrugged. “Usually that meant the kitchen n’ bathrooms. You know, the tubs, sinks, toilets, the oven, the stoves…”
“Ah, gotcha.” Jackie wandered out of the barn with Stan and said, “Well, after I check the crops I’ll scrub.”
“Have fun.” Stan teased and headed for the corn to check for crows and other pests.
“Great, so we’ll see you on Tuesday?” Ford clarified. “Thank you so much, buddy. I owe you. No, of course we don’t mind. We’ve got plenty of room. You’re welcome, goodbye.”
Ford hung up the phone and sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He had been foolish to think Fiddleford could simply drop everything and move across the country just to assist him. Foolish and selfish. What stung most was how worried Fiddleford had sounded over the phone when he began making his request.
There was no good in stalling and not telling Stan, he had to tell him that the plan had changed. Ford stood and exited the parlor to try to find his brother, probably out in the fields by now. He knew if he did he would get tangled into trying to help, which was fine for today, so Ford mentally prepared himself for hoeing and pulling weeds as he entered the kitchen and found Jackie entering the room with a bucket of milk. “Oh, thank you, ma’am.” He said politely. “I’ll pan it later, we’re low on butter. Right now I need to have a word with Stanley.”
“He’s out at the cornfield.” Jackie assisted.
“Thank you.”
Ford found Stan right where Jackie said he would. The younger twin emerged from the field, satisfied with the state of the corn, and raised an eyebrow when the older twin said, “Stanley, we have to talk.”
“What’s the word, Sixer?” Stan asked as they started to walk alongside the edge of the field.
“Fiddleford will be here on Tuesday…”
“... and he’s bringing his son.”
They kept walking as Stan gave Ford a surprised and confused look.
“Tate. His four-year-old.”
“I know who the boy is, Poindexter!” Stan snapped, irritated that that was what Ford thought he was confused about. “That’s fine, we’ve got room for him, but why in Moses’ name is he brinin’ Tate? I thought your friend was only visitin’ for a few weeks.”
Ford sighed and ran a six-fingered hand through his fluffy hard-to-maintain hair. “Fiddleford is getting a divorce.”
Stan winced. He may not have known the nerd as well as Ford did, but from what he gathered he had been over the moon for his gal.
“She doesn’t want anything to do with Tater, either.” Ford added. “Says he’s too much like Fiddleford. He thinks this is a good way to start a new life, you know? Move here and help me, then maybe find their own place.”
“Or we can build a smaller second house.” Stan threw in. “More houses means more hands to work the farm, which means more money n’ more land.”
Ford rolled his eyes. “Perhaps. For now I was thinking Fiddleford could have the guest bedroom and Tate could have the Jack and Jill bedroom.”
“Sure, I bet Jackie won’t mind.” Stan predicted.
“And you’re okay with Tate coming to live with us, too?” Ford double-checked.
“You kiddin’ me, I love kids!” Stan punched Ford’s shoulder and stood still with his arms cross over his chest. “It’ll be great, you wait n’ see! There’s plenty of stuff here to Tate to do until he’s old enough for school n’ nobody’s gonna get claustrophobic here. Not that Santa Claus is real.”
Ford groaned and pinched at his eyes under his glasses. “That was bad, even for you.” But the young investigator smiled at his twin and returned the punch on the shoulder. “Well, thank you. I know it’s a lot to take in in such a small amount of time…”
“You know something, Sixer?” Stan interrupted and gave him a slightly-more serious look. “It’s been too quiet here lately.”
Ford raised an eyebrow. “I’m not sure what your definition of quiet is, but…”
“You know what I meant.” Stan said firmly and resumed what he was trying to say. “I ain’t got a problem with it just bein’ the two of us - you know I don’t - but it’s been way too quiet here. I miss it bein’ crowded n’ busy n’ loud. So I say the more the merrier; n’ the sooner I can’t hear my own thoughts (though few there may be), the better.”
Ford smiled softly at his brother. It was true. The quiet had been appreciated at first, but now it wasn’t as appreciated as the noise that comes with good company. Ever since Ma and Pa had died and Shermie had gone back to California, it had just been the twins on this big farm. What Stan said was true, it was fine, and with Ford gone for four years while he earned as many PhDs as he had fingers, it was nice to reconcile and catch up. But now it was high-time the Pines family grew bigger and louder and weirder, the way it was supposed to be.
“Well, guess we should tell Jackie she’ll be sharing her bathroom, then.” Ford suggested and led the way away from the cornfield with his twin by his side.
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ma-lemons · 4 years
fairytales at the fireplace (april 2- book/favorite story)
I’m quite sad I skipped three? days but I’ve been really busy. And now I’m posting April 2 on April 4. @rwbyrosegardenweek
Qrow settled down on the floor, while the others sat around him, near the fire.
It was dark in the room, save for the brightly lit fireplace. Weiss and Blake shared a blanket. Yang was on the couch, with a blanket of her own. She was to fall asleep any minute from now, but protested against falling asleep.
Ren, Nora, and Maria were settled underneath a large quilt Maria had knitted in her free time. Jaune was his infamous onesie and claimed “He was too fuzzy to need a blanket”. That left Ruby and Oscar, who had to share the only blanket left. How convenient.
“Where are the other blankets?” Qrow asked, eyeing Oscar with suspicion.
“I looked, I swear! They all had holes in them,” the boy replied, panickedly.
“A blanket’s a blanket, kid.” Ruby had glared at her uncle to quit pestering Oscar so the old bird cleared his throat.
“Ahem. Fine. So we’re gathered here to retell a story. One of Summer’s favorites. Never told this one to you two when you were younger,” Qrow said, a bit regrettably.
Ruby looked down sadly when she heard her mother’s name. Yang murmured a sleepy, “mom”.
Qrow sighed. “Yes. Well, here it is. I’m telling it from memory, so bear with me. Once upon a time...”
In two lands far, far, away, lived the Aurum and the Argenti peoples. They had been rivals for centuries, but no one really remembered why.
The Aurum people were of a noble and intelligent sort, many of them wizards.
The Argenti people were a smaller group, full of fierce warriors that destroyed the creatures of the night.
The Aurum typically had magical abilities that surpassed others. They had the ability to levitate, duplicate, and talk to to the dead, depending on their strength. Aurum people had golden eyes.
The Argenti people were not only a brave group of fighters, but some of their warriors possessed special silver eyes, a rare and wonderful power.
Who were stronger? Some said the Aurum; many of them had ancestors who were wiped out by the god of destruction. Some say the Argenti, who had many of their own destroyed by an ancient witch. Only a few of both tribes have survived.
Off in the Aurum land, there lived a young boy. He was the apprentice to the Great Wizard, the most powerful of the Aurum people.
The Great Wizard, from a very young age, was convinced that the Aurum and Argenti people could live in harmony one day. As time passed, however, that dream was never fully recognized.
The young boy thought his master was ridiculous. In fact, he thought him learning magic was ridiculous. He was one of the few Aurum people without magic.
Every day, the boy would ask his master, “Why am I your apprentice, when I have no magic?”
And the Great Wizard would reply, “You do have magic. It is only a matter of time.”
The boy would hear around town the rumors of the Great Wizard being crazy and nonsensical, and the boy felt embarrassed to be his apprentice.
He would go and ask again, “Master, why did you choose me? I have no magic.”
The Great Wizard would laugh. “You do have magic. It is only a matter of time.”
The boy, frustrated, stormed away. He considered running away, but returned dutifully the next morning to do his daily chores. Cleaning the hall, dusting the prayer mats, shining the portraits of all the Great Wizards before this Great Wizard. If he wasn’t cleaning, he was flipping through old spell books.
It was quite funny to the boy, all the Great Wizards seemed to have the same twinkle in their eyes.
Snapping out of his trance, the boy went back to work. He wondered if he was actually being trained to be a street-sweeper.
In the land of the Argenti, there was a young girl who was training to be a silver-eyed warrior. She was one of the lucky ones, whose silver eyes gave her the ability to wipe out the creatures of the night. She was no ordinary Argenti girl.
Her master, was a wrinkled elder, who was losing their sight.
“Master, I’ve been training day and night. My final test will to be to defeat the creature on the mountain. Am I ready yet?” she would ask.
“No, my child. I may be blind, but I can see that you are not ready yet.”
So the young girl would sigh, but continue on with her training anyway.
That’s how the days always went. The girl would practice with the other children, then go train with the elder alone. They were always so adamant about keeping fit, even though the girl believed her powers were enough to defeat anyone.
She was headstrong and loud, but could be compassionate at times.
“Master, may I complete the ritual on mountain yet?”
“No!” her master yelled, smacking the girl’s hand with a spoon. They proceeded to pat the girl’s back. “Not yet.” The elder looked out the window, where the floating pieces of the moon were gravitating towards one another.
“When then?” the girl asked.
“Soon. Very soon.”
The young boy woke up bright and early the next morning, and set to feeding the chickens around the temple. Before beginning his morning chores, there was a shout from beyond the temple grounds.
“Isn’t it quite boring being cooped up with the Great Wizard all day?” a boorish voice yelled to him.
The lad knew it was one of the burly boys who tormented him often. Becuase the bully possessed the ability to move things with his mind, he thought he was the cream of the crop.
“Hush. Don’t disrespect the Wizard on his grounds.”
“I wonder why he picked you. You don’t have any magic. Must’ve lost his mind after all,” the bully guffawed.
The boy trembled, the bucket of seed in his hand shaking slightly.
“Oh, are you going to send me flying? Oh wait, you can’t. But I can,” he smirked. Before the boy could run away, he felt himself floating above the ground. Suddenly everything was upside down as the bully burst into laughter.
The boy felt lightheaded. He was being tossed like a rag doll. When the bully couldn’t contain himself, the boy finally fell into a mud puddle.
“Serves you right! You, the Great Wizard? I don’t think so.”
The bully continued down the path, and the boy, angered, stood up and ran inside the temple, without cleaning himself or removing his sandals.
“Master! Master! Where are you? I demand you teach me magic! I have done nothing but clean and cook and clean and cook! Teach me!”
The boy roared fiercely, but there wasn’t a reply.
He ran frantically all over the house, tracking mud everywhere. He finally stopped inthe prayer room. There, on the ground in front of him, was a note, written hurriedly with fresh ink.
I have gone to the mountains to meditate. I will be back tomorrow morning. My intuition told me the temple might get dirty while I am away. Please make sure it’s clean.
The boy ripped up the note and sighed. He might as well get to work. The bully was right; he would never learn magic.
At the end of the day, he was exhausted and weary, but the temple was clean. He ate his meal and retired, waiting for the Great Wizard’s return the next day.
The sun rose and the boy continued on with his day, ignoring the taunts of the more powerful Aurum. His master was to be home soon.
Several hours passed. His master had not returned.
The Great Wizard had never broken a promise. Where was he?
But then the boy remembered that he was promised magical abilities and had yet to see them. Maybe the Wizard wasn’t so great after all.
Soon, it was evening, and the moon was beginning to come into view. It looked peculiar tonight, almost as if it was whole. The moon was never whole. Never.
Well, once in a millennia, he was told. But he couldn’t quite remember why that was significant.
Still, when his master hadn’t come back, he began to worry some more.
So, he packed a bag, stuffed with cheese, bread, and water. An invisibility charm. One could never know when it would be necessary. Ointment and herbs in case of an emergency. And his master’s stick.
His stick? The old, gnarled cane that the Great Wizard carried along with him at all times? He never left it behind... he could be in a lot of trouble.
Suited with his pack and the stick, the boy headed out of the temple.
Suddenly, a thought occured to him. There were no mountains in his land. The only mountains were in the land of the...
Argenti. Their enemies.
There was a mountain range, and the highest peak scraped the top of the skies. That’s where his master was.
So magic, or no magic, he was going straight into the heart of the deadly warriors. Thank the gods for the invisibility charm. It only lasted for small intervals at a time, so he would only use it when crossing the border into Argenti lands.
The young girl had finished her training, blasting wooden dummies with her eyes all afternoon. Exhausted, at night, she returned to her home.
Day after day, all she did was dummy practice. She wanted to be a fully-fledged silver-eyed warrior. But she was stuck with the basics. Again.
The old woman seemed to fiddling with something at the table.
She coughed when entering the home, starling the old woman, who hurriedly hid the object behind her back.
“What is that?” the girl asked.
“Nothing. The moon’s pieces have come together, have you noticed?” the sage muttered.
“What are you hiding from me?”
“How often do these pieces come together?” the elder asked instead.
“How often do they come together?” she asked again.
“Once in a millenium,” the apprentice grumbled.
“That still doesn’t answer—“
“You may complete your ritual tonight. Take nothing with you. You must spend an entire night on the highest peak and defeat the creature of night that lives there.”
“What?” the girl’s eyes widened. “Truly?”
“Yes. You are ready.”
The girl’s smile reached from ear to ear. “Thank you, master.”
The girl began to turn away when the old woman stopped her. “Take this.” Her palm stretched open to reveal what she was hiding: a simple gold band.
“Gold? There’s no gold here,” the girl asked in confusion.
“There’s gold in Aurum.”
“You went to Aurum?”
“I had a friend in Aurum. The band is magic, so it will fit your finger nicely. Guard it well, it is my prized possession.”
“Thank you, master. I won’t let you down.”
The girl slipped the ring on and disappeared into the night. It was her first step to become a real silver-eyed warrior. Nothing or no one would stand in her way.
The young boy slipped through the Argenti forest. He had managed to evade the bazaar where flaming swords were being sold, arrows were being thrown about, and warriors were sword-fighting. Though he was invisible, he was still liable to getting injured.
Being magic-less was quite hard. He wondered how the Argenti survived. Well, they did possess a sort of magic. A magic of their own, their brute force. It was only a small population of theirs that had the ability to completely decimate everything around them. He didn’t want to come across any of those.
He soon reached the mountain and began to climb up.
Qrow broke from the story to say this. “It’s a fairy tale, so it takes, like, minutes to get up the mountain.”
He soon reached the peak, and expected to see his master there. But he wasn’t. Instead, there was a cave, where a menacing glow shone from. Scared, the boy paused at its entrance.
Suddenly, he swallowed his fear. All he had left for him was the gnarled staff. If he needed to, he would fight off any beast to save his master. Great Wizard or not, the being was getting quite old. He could’ve been... kidnapped by some bear... lion... thing.
So with a final inhale, then exhale, he plunged into the cave.
The girl was one of the fastest people in all of Argenti land. So she reached the peak quite quickly. It wasn’t as chilly as she thought.
She saw a cave as she reached the top. The wind whistled. Something seemed off. The milk was big, round, and white. Never in the girl’s life had she seen something quite like this. It was quite mesmerizing.
It felt as if someone else was here with her. But she didn’t have time to get nervous. There was a wail from inside the cave, thunderous and booming.
She had her eyes, her master’s ring, and her dagger that she secretly hid in her left boot.
Then she went in.
The boy couldn’t believe his eyes. Before him, was a large creature, made of shadow and darkness. He could see it because of the fire that was lit in front of it. It took the form of a dragon, but it was all wispy shadows. It wailed and thrashed around.
Why did it cry like that?
He soon got his answer. As he peeked into the cave’s end, he saw a bright flash.
That was the yell of the Great Wizard. The man was trying to fight the beast by himself!
The boy had never seen a beast quite like this, and had never seen the Great Wizard in action. His robes were torn and his face was dirtied with mud and blood.
The dragon-beast shrieked again, clutching the Great Wizard in its claws. The shadow creature seemed to glide across the cave, shaking the earth wherever it touched.
He felt the rumbling. He was frightened. Terrified, actually.
But he had to. He had to save this man, who had denied him magic for all this time. Some part of him couldn’t leave him alone.
It was insane for a non-magical person to fight something like this.
But people already thought of the boy as insane for being the old man’s apprentice anyway.
He crept into the cave, and realized that he was invisible. He could do anything he wanted now!
“Hey, you oaf! Let him go!” he shouted, throwing the chunk of cheese at the beast. It completely went through it. Of course.
He heard his name, weakly, and saw that his master was looking at him, within the grip of the beast.
“Master!” he called. Wait. How did he know it was him?
The beast’s glare answered that for him. Guess the invisibility had worn off.
“What are doing here? It’s too dangerous!”
“No, master! I’m here for you!” the boy yelled, holding up his staff.
“Go home! Save yourself!”
The girl watched as the foolish boy argued with the geezer in the beast’s clutches. She had to admit, she had never seen a shadow creature like this. It was huge.
She wondered which silly Argenti boy found himself up here. With his silly master, too.
She blinked a few times. Showtime.
She entered the cave. She shouted out her name. “I am a silver-eyed warrior of the Argenti people and I will destroy you on this fateful night!”
With that declaration, the one she had memorized countless times, she closed her eyes, in preparation to blast them at the creature.
The wind was knocked out of the girl’s lungs as she fell to the ground. Something... or someone had landed on top of her. Very heavy too.
She opened her eyes, blinked them twice and saw that it was no Argenti boy who was in the cave. It was an Aurum boy. She should’ve been able to tell by his weirdly-colored attire.
“What are you doing on Argenti lands?” she roared, pushing him off of her.
“You were about to kill my master!” he cried, pointing to the beast.
“And? You deserve it as a punishment for crossing the border. How did you even do it?”
The boy didn’t get time to answer, as the beast flung him to the other side of the cave. It let out its horrible wail again.
The girl stood up, prepared to use her eyes again.
Then the old man caught her eye. He looked wrinkled, frail... weak.
What if that were her master? The sage? What if they had been kidnapped by this very same beast?
She eyed the boy, who was trying to avoid the beast’s jaws by throwing... bread at it?
“Stupid! Do you not have any magic?”
“Unfortunately, no!” the boy yelled back.
The girl groaned. Weren’t Aurum people good at levitation magic?
She apologized to her master and pulled off the ring. “Beast! Look! Instead of Aurum flesh, what about real gold?”
The girl tossed the ring to the opposite end of the cave, and the beast went after it, unfortunately, without letting go of the old man.
The boy was free and the girl ran over to him. She helped him up. Touching an Aurum person was not on her to-do list for the day.
His hand was warm at least.
“No magic? At all?”
The boy picked up a staff, with a bright green gem within it. “I’m sorry, no.”
“Then how do you expect me to save your master alone? My magic will only destroy the beast. Which is why I’m here.”
The boy snorted. “Well, my master is in trouble, so if you’ll excuse me,” he murmured.
“No!” she shouted, stopping him.
“If we have to fight it, it must be defeated with magic. Not cheese and bread. Is that staff of yours powerful enough?”
“I don’t know what it does exactly...”
The girl groaned; the boy was hopeless.
Suddenly, the girl began to feel tingly all over.
Her eyes started to glow of their own accord.
“Uh... what’s going on with you?” the boy echoed.
“I... I don’t know! I can’t control it!” the girl yelled.
The boy inched away from the girl, just as the beast whirled back on him. Its shadows swirled more and more, as if it was not satisfied with the gold that was thrown at it. The boy glanced at his master, who he found was unconscious. It broke the boy’s heart.
“Let him go!” he shouted, holding out his staff to the beast. The Argenti girl was in her own zone, and his master could be as good as dead. He was the only one left.
As the words escaped his lips, he felt his body begin to glow. The beast screeched and began to move back.
“You’re golden!” the girl yelled.
The boy turned back to her. She was covered in silver light. “Your eyes glow too. Like mine.”
He finally got his magic. Grinning, the boy turned back to the beast. He pointed the staff at his master and willed the beast’s claws open. As his master fell, a glow overtook him, and the boy settled him gently on the ground.
Now the girl could destroy him as she wished.
As he turned back to face her, the beast gave another bellow, but it was harsher this time. His magic wasn’t enough.
“Give me your hand!” he yelled.
“What?” she screamed back.
“We can only defeat it together. I read it an old spell book that two magic users are better than one!”
The girl knew this was her mission, but the strength of her eyes was too much, even for her. She couldn’t even focus her vision at the beast.
The two then joined hands. Argenti and Aurum. Wizard and Warrior.
Eyes directed at the beast, on the count of three, all their strength was poured towards the beast.
Then, it was dark.
The next morning, the air was quiet. The girl woke up, and found the boy next to her. Her head hurt, and around her, the boy’s pack was strewn around, and the old man was still lying in the corner.
Moving away from the Aurum boy, the girl shifted around in the dim light until she found her ring.
She whispered a relieved thanks under her breath and pushed the ring down her finger.
“You have their ring?” a quiet voice asked.
The girl whipped her head back around to see the old man, standing near her. She jumped up.
“Their ring? My master?”
“Yes. I gave it to them a long time ago.”
The girl was in shock. The frail man from last night suddenly towered over her, his skin had some color to it (a bit dirty) and his eyes were bright gold.
“You’re... friends?”
“Legend says that the Argenti and the Aurum were friends long ago. Do you even know why our lands hate one another?” the man asked.
The girl thought. “No... that’s just what we were raised to know.”
“Exactly. I don’t think our lands will be friends anytime soon...” the man trailed off, looking at his apprentice, “but this is a good place to start.”
“Argenti and Aurum? Friends?” the girl scoffed.
That’s when the boy woke up.
“I mean, he just got his powers yesterday? He’s supposed to be a Wizard?”
“Actually, he’s supposed to be the Great Wizard. The next one.”
The girl’s eyes widened. “You’re telling me... you’re the most powerful Wizard of all time? And you couldn’t defeat this creature?”
The man chuckled, and snapped his fingers. Before her eyes, her master appeared before her.
“I could’ve. Let’s say... it was a test,” he grinned.
The Wizard smiled at the sage, who in turn glanced at their pupil.
“You’ve done well. You’re a true silver-eyed warrior. But I’m glad you realize that Argenti and Aurum can be friends.”
“You two... are friends?” the Aurum boy piped up.
His master turned to him. “I see you have gained your powers. Congratulations.”
“So this was a whole set up to test us?” he asked, bewildered.
“No... the creature was very real. But I chose to not fight it in hopes you two would get here in time.”
The boy could hardly believe what he was hearing but more importantly, he was glad he could zap a bully when he needed to.
“So. How do you two feel?” the mage asked.
The girl stared at the boy. Really looked at him. His eyes were a pretty gold. Silver was still better.
“Is there something on my face?” he asked, patting his face frantically.
“No, you idiot.”
“Who are you calling an idiot?”
The Great Wizard turned to his old friend then, who chuckled.
“It’s been a long time, hasn’t it, old sage?”
The apprentices started bickering. Until the elders broke them up.
So the Grand Wizard, the sage, and their apprentices left the cave, and the mountain. And strolled right Argenti grounds. It took a flash of silver eyes to get people to disperse.
“We’re friends! Friends!” the girl said before slamming the door.
Inside, the Great Wizard blinked, and the gold band ended up in the palms of the sage. The Wizard and the girl went to go make tea, as the sage stopped the boy in the hall.
“She dropped this. Give it to her, will you?”
“Isn’t it yours?” the boy asked.
“It’s now hers. A symbol of her new Aurum friend.”
“I don’t really think she meant what she said out there...” he started, but the elder was already down the hall.
He found her in the kitchen, pouring tea into cups on a tray.
“Uh... this is yours,” he said, holding out the ring.
“Oh... thanks,” she murmured, lifting the tray. “I’ll get it in a minute.”
“Actually, here.” Quickly, he floated the tray with his mind. “It’s easier.”
“Wow, you have magic for a day, and you’re already showing off,” the girl laughed.
The boy thought her silver eyes were kind of cool. But they weren’t gold, of course.
The boy took her hand, and she didn’t protest. He slipped the band onto her ring finger, watching it fit on her finger.
“Gold’s nice on you,” he commented.
“Really? Still like silver better,” she smiled. “Let’s bring the tea to them before it gets cold.”
So moving his magic along, the boy left the kitchen with the girl. The girl took the opportunity to snake her hand into his. He didn’t shake it off.
This didn’t mean that the two lands would be close anytime soon. But the two apprentices, the next Great Wizard and the silver-eyed warrior began to see their masters differently. And each other.
The end.
“Yep. That’s it.”
Qrow yawned, before looking around. Yang was comepletely asleep, as was Weiss and Blake, who were slumped up against each other. Maria had disappeared, most likely into her room. Ren had most likely retired too, leaving Nora and Jaune, who were at odd angles on the floor. The only other people awake were Ruby and Oscar. Oscar was a bit sleepier, but he was still awake. Ruby looked at her uncle.
“You said you’d tell the story from memory. All I heard were exact details. This is a fairy tale?” Ruby murmured.
“Well, there’s a condensed version, obviously. But Summer never cut corners. She had the original copies, the long versions that no one liked to read anymore. I thought you’d appreciate it.”
Ruby glanced at Oscar. “I do. It was a nice story. Thanks, Uncle Qrow.”
“No problem kid.” The old bird stood up, and dusted himself off. “Get some sleep. Both of you.”
“Goodnight,” the two murmured to him.
Almost everyone else was sleeping in the living room, so Ruby had no problem doing the same. Her mind raced with stories of magical eyes, kidnapping, and friendship. It reminded her of so many things. Her mother, herself, Oscar... it was nice.
Ruffling his hair, Ruby pulled them both down for the night. The floor was hard, of course, but they were too tired to care. Content, they fell asleep together.
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ahtohallan-calling · 4 years
an unfortunate incident | a drabble set in my plane au/professor kristoff verse
The one where Kristoff accidentally backs into Anna with his car.
written with @gabiwnomagic‘s help
“Sofie!” Kristoff cried as he charged into the kitchen, Anna in his arms. “Call 911!”
The little girl’s jaw dropped, a cheerio falling from where it had been stuck to her lower lip. “Which one is the nine, Pappa?”
“She doesn’t have a phone, Kris,” Anna groaned, rubbing the back of her head. “Also, she’s three.”
“Hush, kjaere, you’re bleeding!”
“What the fu-- frick does that have to do with me talking?”
“What’s wrong with Mommy?” Sofie asked, her lip trembling now. 
“Nothing, Ducky, I-- Kristoff, at least make yourself useful if you’re going to be dramatic and carry me over there,” Anna said irritably, pointing towards the high chair, and he complied, clenching his hands tight enough around Anna’s shoulder and leg that she yelped in pain.
“What is it? Where does it hurt?” he cried, and she smacked his chest in frustration.
“Where you’re squeezing me, you big doof,” she said, a hint of amusement undercutting her irritation. “And you can set me down, thanks. It’s my elbow that’s bleeding, not my legs.”
He set her down after a moment’s hesitation, though he didn’t move an inch away from her even as she freed Sofie from the high chair and pulled her close, bouncing her gently. “Mommy’s fine,” she reassured the toddler. “We were just playing a game.”
“Oh, okay,” the little girl said with a sigh of relief, her head falling against her mother’s shoulder. “Can I have waffles?”
“Honey, you have to go to work.”
“I will, but you have to answer the question first, Anna.”
She crossed her arms; it would have looked less intimidating if she wasn’t sitting in the armchair, swaddled in a quilt, with an ice pack perched precariously on top of her head (which was the most ridiculous part of all, considering she’d hit the back of her head when she fell.) “It’s 1964. JFK is still the president, right? Nothing bad happened to him?”
“Ikke morsomt, skatten min,” he snapped from where he knelt in front of her.
“It is, too. Kris, baby, it’s fine. You hit me with your car. That probably happens to every couple at some point. I’m sure my mom wanted to hit my dad with hers more than once.”
His eyes widened in concern. “You think I wanted to hit you?”
She groaned and leaned forward to cup his face in her hands, the ice pack falling with a thunk onto the floor. “Kristoff. Honey. Love of my life. Father of my child. I know you did not want to hit me, but I also know that you are worrying way too much about an accident where nobody really got hurt when you need to be on your way to work.”
“But you are hurt. There’s already bruises on your elbow. And what if there’s-- what if there’s internal bleeding, or-- or brain bleeding, or you have an aneurysm--”
“Honey,” she pleaded, leaning further down to kiss his forehead, “you were backing out of the garage and tapped me, and if I hadn’t been halfway through taking a step I wouldn’t have even fallen. People don’t get internal bleeding from that.”
He sighed and rubbed a hand over his face, knocking his glasses askew. “I’m so sorry, Anna. I...I never…”
She sighed and reached forward to affectionately straighten the glasses. “It was an accident. And it was partially my fault, anyway, for running behind the car to bring you your lunch. Oh!”
“What?” he gasped, frightened again.
“That was a good lunch, too,” she pouted, crossing her arms. “I put two kinds of cheese on your sandwich. But I think you stepped on it when you ran over screaming ‘dear God, what have I done’?”
“I didn’t do that, Anna,” he said, exasperated.
“Look, if you get to be dramatic, so do I.”
“Faen, kjaere,” he grumbled, “I feel bad enough already.”
She kissed the tip of his nose this time. “Then I’m sorry, too. Now we’re even. Go to work.”
“Gabrielle can cover my--”
“I will call and tell her what you did if you don’t go right now, so help me God, and you know she will never let you live it down.”
That got him scrambling for the door.
“Kris?” Anna asked groggily. “What’s wrong?”
“Anna? Are you okay? You sound funny. Do I need to come home?”
She groaned and shifted beneath Sofie where the little girl had fallen asleep on her chest while they were in the middle of a Disney Princess marathon. “No, we were just napping, and you woke me up.”
“Oh, good.”
“Good? I was having a great dream, just FYI.”
“Well, if you have a concussion, then you’re not supposed to sleep.”
“That’s not actually true. And I don’t have a concussion. Just an insane headache that gets worse when people talk.”
He was quiet for a long moment. “Are you mad at me?”
“For this phone call, yes. For hitting me with your car, no?”
He swore under his breath as a loud laugh came from his end. Anna winced and held the phone away from her ear. “Kristoff, are you on speakerphone?”
“He is,” came Gabrielle’s ecstatic voice. “He was making me ride to CVS with him before we went to Panera, but he wouldn’t say why. And now I know.”
Anna sighed and set a hand on Sofie’s back as the little girl began to stir. “Tell him to get me mac and cheese, okay? The full-sized one. In a bread bowl. And grilled cheese for Sofie.”
“Selvfølgelig, skatten min.”
“Using Norwegian in front of me is unfair, Bjorgman. Just because I’m the only one in the department to focus on Finnish--”
“Goodbye, both of you,” Anna said irritably before pressing the button to hang up, and she closed her eyes again.
A moment later, she heaved a sigh and lifted the phone again to tap out a text.
Jeg elsker deg, Kris. Stop worrying.
She hadn’t thought it was possible, but Kristoff held her even more tenderly than normal that night in bed, peppering her face with slow, soft kisses while he ran a hand gently up and down her spine. It took all her willpower to put a hand on his chest and push him just barely away, and the look of worry that immediately filled his eyes when she did so nearly made her wince.
“You really don’t have to feel this bad about it, honey,” she said softly, tracing her fingers along his cheekbone. “It was an accident that could have happened to anyone, and I’m fine.”
“But you could have been not fine,” he whispered. “What if I had really hurt you?”
She knew where this was coming from, why it tore so at him; she just hadn’t wanted to face it until they had the time to talk about it properly.
She brushed the tip of her nose gently against his. “I worry about losing you, too, sometimes,” she admitted. “Because I know-- we both know-- how fast things can happen.”
He drew a shuddering breath, his eyes sliding shut. “I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you, skatten min. Today I...I know I was being ridiculous, but it was like...I couldn’t help it, Anna. I’m sorry. I just worry about you.”
“I know. I’m sorry I teased you.”
“I deserved it, I think.”
She laughed softly and nestled close to him again, smiling when his arms wrapped warmly around her. “You did. But I know it probably didn’t help.”
“It did. It reminded me that if you were okay enough to laugh at me, then surely you were going to be fine.”
“Well...I am a little sore,” she said sweetly, looking up at him through her lashes. “Like on my elbow. It’s bruised.”
“Are you going to make me kiss it better like I do for Sofie?”
She nodded, already leaning back and raising the injured arm. “It’s the only cure, Kristoff. Nothing else will make me feel better.”
“I thought you said the mac and cheese-- what was it? ‘Purged your body of agony and cured all wounds past, present, and future’, because it was that good?”
“I was a different woman then. I’ve changed.”
He obliged her then, kissing the aggrieved elbow and trailing a line of kisses up the rest of her arm and over her shoulder until he reached the corner of her jaw, where he left one lingering kiss before pulling her as close as he could to his chest, tucking her carefully under his chin before folding his arms securely around her.
Anna smiled and nuzzled her face against his neck. “I’m glad you hit me with your car if it ended up like this.”
He chuckled, the sound rumbling against her. “Do you want me to hit you again tomorrow?” he teased, and finally she relaxed fully against him, reassured that he, too, was going to be alright.
“No,” she replied cheerfully. “Tomorrow, it’s your turn.”
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duhliriouss · 4 years
Joker One Shot:
Painted Faces
Request: Hey, can i request a headcanon (or one shot if you like) for Joker and reader painting each other's faces, because reader wants to be a clown too, so she starts daub her face with Joker's greasepaint and he finds her doing it, and he helps her? That would be cute I think. :)
A/N: @ohallthecrushes I got so into this that I finished quicker than I thought! I also got a little too into it and forgot that you wanted reader to paint Jokers face as well :( I hope you like it nonetheless! It’s kinda more sexy than cute but I’m pretty happy with how it came out. I hope you are too 🤎 oh and also.. I write on my phone and can’t figure out how to add breaks in my posts so I’m so sorry if this blows up your feed for anyone..
Word Count: 2,199
Warnings: mentions of sexual tendacies, mentions of nudity, violence, some angst?
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You sat with your legs bent in front of you outside the apartment window on a small roof overhang that overlooked the rundown streets of Gotham. It was windy so your (y/h/c) hair flew a tad viciously In and around your face.
You liked to sit here and smoke your cigarettes waiting for Joker to come home. You would people-watch at the chaos that persisted every day down below you. It kept you at ease at this point.
You and Joker were called the king and queen of Gotham. Although you didn’t enjoy the publicity as much as he did.
So you sat from afar most days. Looking down at the beautiful mess your clown had created for the both of you.
Your eyes flicked around casually looking for any hints of reds and greens. You never knew when Joker would return. It was different day by day. He became a busy man after throwing over the city. The whole world as far as you could tell had heard about the Infamous Joker. It created a mass over throw of government everywhere. People wanted him dead. Lots of people. So most days he was out without no telling when he would be back. Lots of times you went with him. But he encouraged you this morning to stay home this time. It wasn’t safe.
You sighed anxiously. Giving up on your routined lookouts, you stood up and made your way back into the flat, careful not to trip over your black red and blue checkered skirt while stepping back through the window.
You left the window open to be able to still feel the nipping breeze as you paced around the flat. You were so tempestuously bored. You counted your paces, holding your hands tightly behind the small of your back. Your eyes flickered to any possible thing that could save you from the dullness this day has given you. Little huffs of disapproval left your lips each time you flicked your eyes to each corner of the room.
Giving up fast, you walked into Joker and yours bedroom. You looked around desperately until your eyes laid on Joker’s cassette player that laid scrambled on the round wooden table in the left corner of the room. Piles of cassettes toppled over each other, there was so many that some must have trickled onto the carpet.
Waisting as many seconds as possible, you walked over and began to pick them from the ground, shuffling each between your hands to read each one before placing them back on the table neatly. You moved your thumb away to read one that caught your attention.
“Son of a Preacher Man - Dusty Springfield”
You placed the rest of the cassettes that was tucked between each finger down on the table before putting that one cassette into the hatch, Flicking on the play button.
You closed your eyes and listened for a moment before turning your back to the table in approval. You began to sway into your steps gracefully around the bedroom barefoot. You took your left hand and lazily dragged it across the neatly made quilt that laid on the bed following to the end of the bed frame . Slipping your delicate fingers up to the top of the wooden bedpost. You let go to the batter of the music and swayed again to the other side of the room. Your right hand now fell to Joker’s vanity. You traced your fingers along everything that laid on the table. You traced over the words in his journal that was left opened, then quickly switched over to the photos that stuck to the sides of the mirror. Most of the photos were of you. Joker loved to take random pictures of moments he didn’t want to forget. A collection of them were mainly you posing naked. He always had a way of making them more tasteful than inappropriate; resplendently eye catching. It had become a hobby only shared between each other.
So entranced by your own thoughts, you failed to notice that Joker was home
And he was watching you.
The music was just loud enough to not hear him sneak in. He heard the music playing remotely in the other room as he silently stalked over with a smirk written on his face. He danced into each step gracefully. Soundlessly bringing himself to the door frame that connected to the bedroom you were in.
He placed both hands above his head resting on each side of the frame as he absorbed your every move.
You let your finger slowly fall down the length of the mirror followed by your gaze until your eyes landed on the basket of greasepaints and lipsticks. Excitement swelled throughout yourself as a sudden thought crossed your mind. You instinctively sat down in his seat and pushed yourself in. Placing both your hands on the vanity pondering what you should touch first.
Jokers lips parted slightly into an amused sneer, bringing his tongue up the front of his teeth in a gratified manner.
You began to swift through the paints looking for white, all the while singing along to the music that resounded the whole flat. Finally finding the white greasepaint, you let out a small squeal of pure excitement. How have you not thought of doing this before?
You flipped your hair behind your shoulders with a giant smile that stretched ear to ear. You dipped the paintbrush in generously and brought it up to your pale skin.
“Need some help darling?”
The little tinging sounds of the paintbrush falling to the vanity elucidated your shock. You whipped around to the familiar amused grin written all over Joker.
The end of song faded until silence fully filled the bedroom. He was clearly determined to see your cheeks turn a rosy shade of red. And clearly it didn’t take much. Your cheeks beamed and your wide (y/e/c) eyes looked up at him bashfully. Your jawline held a small streak of white.
“I um.. I wanted to.. I-I’ve been so bored today being alone all day. I just wanted to see what Id look like as a clown too..”
You lowered your head shamefully. You weren’t quite sure why you were so embarrassed. You felt caught in the act of something you haven’t done before.
Joker let out a series of chuckles before making his way over to you. His slender finger lifted your chin until you looked up into his admiring eyes, a pout written evidently on your face.
“I want to see too” he nodded his head slightly as he spoke, his grin widening.
Your pout quickly turned into a wicked grin that matched his own. You closed your eyes and hummed into his hand that now cupped your face.
He leaned in, tickling your face with his hair as he did so. His cheek rested on your eye as he kissed your temple before doing the same to other side, then finished with a passionate kiss to your lips.
He pulled away now. And without any permission, placed his hands underneath the wooden dining chair, turning it away from the vanity and toward the side to face him. You complied silently, anticipation filling your stomach deliciously. You watched his every move.
There was another chair that was next to the vanity that held many VHS tapes. He picked them all up in one swoop, tossing them onto the bed. He then brought the chair to face yours, creaking the floor as he did so. He took a seat, spreading his legs as he leaned forward past you to pick up the paintbrush up off the vanity. Your nostrils filled with his heavenly scent that you could never get enough of.
“Lean towards me doll”
You leaned forward and closed your eyes. His right hand rested on your thigh just beneath your skirt. It was cold and sent shivers up your spine. You visibly shook and let your lips part slightly.
Joker watched you intently. He was already so In tuned with the reactions he gave you. Most of the things he did was all on purpose anyway just to see your captivating reactions. And oh did it please him.. watching you being a dismantled mess under his touch.
With one last kiss on your still parted lips, he dipped the paintbrush into the white paint and brought it your flushed cheeks. You twitched, trying to quickly accustom yourself to the sudden coolness.
“How was your day Princess?”
“Boring. Oh so so boring” you aspirated dramatically. Letting out a childish giggle which Joker harmonized along with you.
“Shh. Keep your face still”
“How was your day?”
“Wonderful now” he cooed
You let out another warm hum while he finished turning your face into a bright flash of white. His hand still laid on your thigh for leverage while he continued with his masterpiece. He reached behind you again to clean the brush and came back with a new color dipped on the bristles.
You finally opened your eyes for the first time since he started. A flash of confusion crossed your eyes at the black paint that engulfed the brush. Joker was quick to read and respond to your expressions and mannerisms as he always did.
“I’m replacing the blue with black for the eyes. Everything else will stay the same. It will make your beautiful (y/e/c) eyes pop” his voice cracked as he gave you a charming smile
“whatever you say” he always put you in a trance when he talked to you like that.
He continued on with his mastery taking his time to make sure it was perfect. He licked the bottom of his lip, pausing occasionally to take in the mask that hid your sweet innocence. He’s never seen you like this before. And he wanted to see it more often. You both didn’t talk much as he finished. You and joker were so in sync with each other that you didn’t have to talk all the time. You both just knew. And you couldn’t explain it. But the feeling was so raw and rhythmic.
“All done my Queen” Queen?
You fluttered your eyes open to find Joker looking smugly back at you. Both hands now found your thighs as you turned your head to look in the mirror.
“You like it?”
“I love it..”
Joker swiftly stood from his chair, placing it back against the wall. You watched as he shuffled over to his cassette player, digging through the tapes, letting them fall to floor.
You huffed with a roll of your eyes.
“I just picked those up!”
Finally finding the one he was looking for, he placed it in the hatch and turned it on, spinning around back to you.
Didn’t I Blow Your Mind This Time - The Delfonics
His steps danced over to you in a flash, reaching out his hands for you. You intuitively placed your hands in his letting him bring your weight up to his chest, expecting him to lead you in a dance. Instead he turned you around by the hips to face the mirror, reaching around you to move the chair you were sitting in to the side. He stood behind you and moved his hands from your hips to the underneath of your arms, bringing them up until they were parallel to the ground. His face came in from the side and nuzzled in the crook of your neck as he spoke, letting his hot breath send shocks throughout your core.
“Your officially a queen now baby girl”
“I am?”
“Mhm, and I think we found your signature look”
You let your head rest against his as he dragged his hands back to your hips. He swayed you back and forth to the melody that boomed the whole apartment. His head still in the nook of your neck, leaving hot kisses. He spun you around again and took your hand in his, leaving his right on the small of your back. He led you softly and rthymically across the wooden floor. Swirling you around with his arms in the air with yours shortly before bringing you back up against his chest.
The music took over your body and beamed through every vein and vessel of your being. You kept your eyes locked as he twirled and spun until dipping you down low to the floor, letting your long (y/h/c) hair brush against the cold wood. He brought you up again and took you with him in wide circles. You closed your eyes and let your head fall back, welcoming the dizziness that swelled in your head. Joker took that opportunity to shower the front of your neck and chest with kisses, leaving marks of red and white greasepaint. You whimpered In approval. He brought you in slowly until your chests heaved against each other. You were both out of breath, feeling each other’s hot pants against your lips. He brought both hands around you and swayed you more lazily. He placed his forehead against yours as he rocked you more gently.
“Yes kitten?”
“You’re such a good dancer..”
“I know”
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mikrocosmonaut · 5 years
dessert wine pt. 1 ♡│ pjm
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pairing: jimin x reader
[ part of the ‘Galentine’s Day’ miniseries ]
summary: Setting up for Galentine’s Day at Jimin’s house was going great until he raided his parents’ alcohol cabinet. Drunk on ice cream and dessert wine, it becomes harder and harder for you to ignore the new, intrusive thoughts you’ve been having about your best friend. And to make matters worse - the party hasn’t even started yet!
word count: 4-5k
warnings: very light smut, bad language, slight voyeurism if u squint, y/n and jimin are oblivious dumbasses, part 2 will contain actual smut so beware~
genre: mutual pining, f2l, jealousy, lots of fluff, eventual smut
a/n: hey lovelies, sorry for the slight delay due to internet problems. sorry in advance for any errors, this is the first piece of writing I’ve done in months so I’m probably rusty as hell lol. hope you enjoy and keep an eye out for part 2 of Jimin’s story. I’ll be posting the other members’ parts throughout the month so stay tuned for updates :) happy reading~
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It’s February 14th. Life is great. And you have the cutest best friend in the whole world who has kindly invited the whole group to a ‘small gathering’ to celebrate the occasion.
Jimin told you to turn up at his house a few hours early to help him set up. His mom and dad are currently on a cruise somewhere in the Mediterranean -romantic, right?- so your gang has the run of their modern, spacious barn-conversion for the entire night. You’ve been to Jimin’s house several times before, often staying over to avoid your shitty roommate back at the dorms.  
Jimin has no shitty roommate of his own, because Jimin commutes to university. He says there’d be no point paying for the overpriced student dorms when he only lives about forty minutes train-journey away. And also, because his mom does his laundry for him.
By now, you’re no stranger to the grandeur of Jimin’s house -or ‘The Chateau’, as you like to teasingly call it. There’s a kind of fancy atmosphere about the place: the minimalistic décor, the huge dining table and even the trophy cabinet in the hall. Yet for all the luxury he lives in, your friend remains annoyingly humble and down to earth.
When you rock up at Jimin’s that afternoon, he opens the front door to find you a little pissed off and a whole lot soaked. It’s raining heavily, and you stand on his porch like a lost, soggy puppy, big eyes pleading for sympathy and arms huddled around your denim-jacket-clad torso.
Your friend simply raises his eyebrows, stepping aside to let you past. You can’t help but sigh in relief as the warm, vanilla-scented air of Jimin’s house greets your shivering form. The house feels like your second home.
“Really?” Jimin says out of nowhere after a few seconds of silence. He’s trying to sound scolding, but you can see a smile pulling at the corners of his plump lips, “A denim jacket? In February?!”
You grumpily flinch away from his reproach, “Jeez, sorry, Mom.” Shooting him a mournful glare, you begin to peel off the offending denim article, dripping water everywhere, “Okay- first of all, it’s not my fault! I couldn’t find my actual waterproof coat anywhere, I think my klepto roommate must have stolen it or something.”
You finish removing the drenched jacket and fling it towards Jimin’s face. Impeccable reflexes as ever, he catches it seamlessly before it hits him, though his eyebrows climb higher up when he catches sight of your baggy t shirt. You grunt as you kick off your shoes, then continue your rant,
“Secondly…It was like, really sunny earlier, dude! I was tricked! It looked warm out, okay?”
Jimin lets out an exasperated sigh and drapes your jacket over the coat rack to dry off, “Y/n. I repeat: it’s February!” He rolls his eyes at you and walks towards the stairs.
After a second you follow, thudding up the staircase after him, “Whatever! Oh – and what’s your issue with my t-shirt, by the way? You looked at it just then was like I’d killed your dog or something.”
You reach the top of the stairs, by now struggling to keep up with Jimin’s long strides. Curse his beautiful, graceful gazelle legs.
Jimin looks back at you, face still unimpressed, “I don’t have a dog.” His tone is flat, intentionally missing the point and he disappears from view through the doorway into his bedroom. His voice echoes out onto the landing, “Nah, the t-shirt itself is fine. I just thought you’d have a more festive outfit for tonight, is all.”
“Huh?” You frown, “But it’s just a Galentine’s Day gathering at yours, you said! We’re not going out, just hanging here, so what’s the-”
You immediately trail off as you enter Jimin’s room and are greeted by the sight of a dozen or so balloons in various shades of red scattered around every available surface. Jimin has already flopped onto his bed in the middle of it all, arm raised and shielding both eyes wearily. His hoodie has come up a bit, exposing his stomach and you try not to let your gaze linger on the sliver of soft, peach skin. Weird. It’s really been too long since you last got laid if you’re being horny for Jimin. Just the thought makes your face screw up like you’ve tasted something sour.
Tearing your eyes from his sprawled form, you only then begin to notice multiple carrier bags stuffed full of tacky decorations amongst the balloons. You even catch a peek of what look like the most garish fake roses you’ve ever seen.
You take a second to process this scene. All the red and pink is making your head swim. You breathe out a quiet, ‘what the fuck’, shaking your head in bewilderment. Maybe Jimin has finally lost it. Carefully, you pick a path through the assembled obstacle course of crap on the floor and plop down beside Jimin, pushing balloons aside as you do so.
“Yo, Jimin,” You nudge his leg with your elbow, “You planning on starting up the world’s most nauseating home décor shop or something?”
Your best friend rolls over to face you, mouth settling into his signature mochi pout, “Noooo. It’s for Gal’entine’s Day. I wanted to make an effort with decorations, y’know. Seeing as we’re all losers who’d otherwise be spending the day alone.”
You snort and reach out to ruffle the boy’s warm, gray hair, “Aw, Jiminie, you’re too much! That’s so cute, but you don’t need to do all that for a gathering, especially when it’s just the guys! I guarantee over half of them will be tipsy before they even arrive.”
On past Galentine’s Days you’ve usually all just gone out for pizza or bowling: something casual with plenty of drinking involved. And while Jimin had always gone out of his way to make the whole event as cheesy and cute as possible (one year he even gave handmade cards to each of you), this was a whole new level of extra you’d not been prepared for.
The tips of Jimin’s ears are turning pink and he buries his face into the duvet in embarrassment, “Don’t tease me! I just didn’t want people to feel lonely today.”
For a minute, you’re struggling to make out the muffled words but when you do, they hit you with a jolt. Personally, never gone in for Valentine’s Day and all the lovey-dovey bullshit that it stands for. Even on Valentine’s Days where you weren’t single, you barely made an effort. You’d maybe order a pizza and have sex, but that was it.
It was only when you met Jimin and he started hosting these ‘Galentine’s’ events that you started to take notice of and even begin to look forward the date. Because Jimin’s version was all about celebrating the gals -or boys, as most of your friends have turned out to be- and how much you all meant to each other. So, you suppose you never considered the possibility that Jimin was lonely, when he had his whole Galentine’s thing. Heck, now that you think about it, maybe that’s the whole reason he started doing it in the first place?
You stare as Jimin’s ears flush even more, wondering if you are a terrible friend for never even considering this realm of possibility before. Maybe. But Jimin’s never seemed to mind, at least.
It’s no real secret that you’re oblivious enough to your own feelings most of the time: you’ve had your fair share of hook-ups and casual things during your time at college, but you’ve never gotten caught up in anything serious. Never had the time to even think properly about relationships, let alone wonder about the state of your friends’ own romantic lives.
Now that you think about it, Jimin has never really clicked romantically with anyone, that you can think of. He doesn’t generally like talking about that kind of stuff, he finds it hard to discuss deeper topics without getting embarrassed.
Unless he’s drunk. Then he’ll cling onto anyone he can find and fully dive into his whole romantic psyche without shame.
Jimin rolls over to glare at you, the colour of his cheeks now matching his ears, whether that’s from embarrassment or being smushed against the quilt is unclear. You shake off your confused thoughts of romance and loneliness and Park Jimin’s love life and nudge him again whilst you try and think of something to say.
He shies away from your elbow, still sulking, “Why’d you think I asked you to come help me set up today in the first place? Obviously, that means preparing for tonight.”
You roll your eyes, “Oh, I dunno, maybe because ‘preparing for the tonight’ to us usually means doing facemasks and trading gossip before the others get here?”
Jimin narrows his eyes, “Not today.”
For a minute, neither of you say anything. Jimin is looking oddly conflicted, like he’s debating whether to speak or not. Finally, he blurts out, “-but did you bring some? Face masks, I mean. Just if you have any on you. My skin would thank you for it.”
He taps his cheek. His fucking flawless, smooth cheek, that is so clear it practically glows. The sheer audacity of the lies has you cackling.
A moment later and Jimin’s laughing too: airy, indulgent giggles whilst you reach for your day-bag that you’d dumped beside the bed.
You produce two thin packets triumphantly, like some kind of skincare magician, grinning at your friend, “Park Jimin-ssi, my precious facemasks are wasted on your already perfect skin. But fine. Let’s put up the decorations first, though. Then we can properly have a pamper date until the boys arrive.”
Jimin’s face lights up and he gives you a strange half-hug as he tries to avoid bursting any of the balloons. “You’re the best, Y/n!”
You sigh sympathetically and pat his head, “I know, doll. 
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By the time you’ve finished putting up all the decorations, you feel as though you’ve run a marathon. What a workout. You could sleep for about ten years. Your arm muscles especially ache, but you still manage to expertly affix Jimin’s sheet-mask for him after putting on your own.
In return for the pain suffered on your behalf though, you’ve demanded compensation in the form of ice cream. Like the obedient mochi he is, a sheet-masked, bouncy Jimin returns from the kitchen after a few minutes bearing two generous bowls of ice cream and a bottle of something wedged under his arm.
You’d been sprawled on the cream couch in the living room flipping through one of his mom’s many interior décor magazines, but you crane your neck nosily as he hands you your bowl, “What’s that?” You nod to the bottle after unsuccessfully trying to read the label upside down.
Jimin takes a seat and holds out the bottle to you. You turn it over once in your hands, feeling the liquid inside splash around. You frown, “’Dessert wine’?! The fuck is that?”
Jimin shrugs, “Found it in my parents’ drinks cabinet. I thought we could try it with our ice cream. Seems pretty self-explanatory, right?”
“Woah, Jimin-ssi is really going for it with his pre-game today!” You tease, though you decide to humour him, twisting off the cork with a small ‘pop’. You take a cautious sniff, “Fuck!” Your eyes are watering at the sudden sweet scent and for some reason you almost feel like you have to sneeze.
Jimin watches while digging into his ice cream, “Does it smell strong?”
You pull a face and eye the dark-coloured bottle with caution, “I don’t even know. Just smells really, really sweet. Oh well, guess there’s only one way to find out if it’s any good.”
With the go-ahead from you, Jimin hops up and walks to a tall, glass-fronted cabinet on the far side of the room. He opens the door and retrieves two small-ish wine glasses before heading back to stand in front of you. You pour the wine while he holds the glasses. The wine splashes out of the bottle in a warm, tempting crimson. You really hope you don’t accidentally spill any on the expensive cream couch.
Jimin returns to his spot beside you and holds up his glass, “Cheers! To having the best Galentine’s Day yet.”
You bring your glass to meet his with a pleasant clink and the two of you simultaneously knock the stuff back. If the smell of the wine had your eyes watering, the taste almost makes you splutter. Instead, though, you swallow it down quickly, thinking once again of the sofa.
Jimin’s face is screwed up beneath his sheet mask, “You weren’t kidding about it being sweet,” he says in a strained voice and you can’t help but laugh.
“Maybe if we alternate between eating ice cream and taking sips it won’t be so bad?” You can’t help but shudder in spite of your suggestion, “Even though it tastes pretty nasty. We shouldn’t waste it, though,”
Jimin hums in agreement, and sure enough, you both eventually find a more bearable system of dessert/dessert wine intake.
Shit. Jimin’s portions of ice cream had been so generous that you’d already finished your glass of wine before you’d made it a third of the way through your serving. It’s weird, the more you drink, the nicer the wine tastes. So nice that you’re pouring yourself another glass without even blinking and topping up Jimin’s while you’re at it.
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 And that’s basically how you ended up here, thirty minutes later, laid flat out on the floor like a starfish while Jimin laughs manically from the couch. Your empty bowls and glasses are stacked on the coffee table and Jimin drains the remaining dregs of the wine straight from the bottle. Although you had at least remembered to take off your sheet-masks on time, any further preparations for the night were forgotten.
 You brush the carpet under your palms appreciatively, “God, Jiminie, your floor is soooo comfy,”
 Jimin does this thing when he laughs where he flings himself in any given direction, deflating in a fit of spluttered giggles like if you undid the knot of a balloon. You love his laugh.
 “You’re welcome,” he garbles, already drunk as all hell. He raises his head to look at you, “Hey, watch you don’t make it all dirty with your gross ass t shirt,”
 Oof. You’d forgotten about the shirt.
 You glare up at Jimin and that only makes him laugh more, “Hey! It’s not-”
 You falter. Even in your state, after a quick visual confirmation, you have to admit that your tatty, now ice-cream-stained top is looking worse for wear.
 Jimin glances at the clock and gets to his feet, holding a hand out to you, “Come on, mucky pup. Only got about fifteen minutes until the guys begin to turn up and I still need to get dressed.” His nose wrinkles in disapproval, “And we need to do something about your outfit.”
 Upstairs, you sit with your back to Jimin on his desk chair, decidedly not even breathing in his direction while he flips through the hangers in his closet. You hug your legs to your chest and rest your chin on your knees. Your face feels hot. Curse that fucking wine. You’re gonna have to pace yourself with the rest of your drinks tonight.
 You hear the rustle of fabric followed by a muffled thump of what you assume is Jimin discarding his worn clothes onto the floor. You wonder whether he’s just changing his hoodie or putting on fresh pants too. Fuck. Why is your brain even going there? You need a distraction.
 You unlock your phone and open Spotify to look for a suitable playlist for the gathering; anything to try and squash thoughts about the ambiguous state of undress your best friend is currently in.
 You’re startled, however, by the sudden tap on your shoulder. You jump, locking your phone on reflex as if you’d been caught looking at porn and not a Spotify playlist and turn to look at Jimin over your shoulder.
 Your lungs feel like they’re being squeezed. A shirtless Jimin stands behind you, so close that you can smell his familiar vanilla scent, practically feel the heat radiating off his bare skin. Oh my God. You’ve seen him in various stages of undress plenty of times: he’s your best friend. And he’s not exactly shy. Hell, one time you and Taehyung had to strip him and put him in the bath after he puked all over himself at a party. You think that yourself and Taehyung are more embarrassed by the memory than Jimin himself.
 None of the other times you’ve seen Jimin without clothes have ever come close to invoking the fucking primal reaction your body is currently having. Your stomach actually flips. You struggle to pull air back into your lungs but oh God. Jimin is so soft and slender yet at the same time his muscles swell beneath his beautiful, peach skin that’s as clear as his face.
 And speaking of his face, when you eventually manage to meet his gaze, his dark eyes look just as dazed as you feel and -. Fuck, fuck, fuuuuck. His delicate, plump lips are stained a deep cherry from the wine. You swallow.
 You reluctantly drag your brain back down to earth as Jimin waves his hand in front of your face. You finally focus and realise he’s been holding a jumper out to you this whole time.
You blink stupidly at the article of clothing, “Huh?”
Jimin huffs in exasperation and drops the jumper down onto your head, turning away to slip into the shirt he’d finally decided on, “You should try this on. I’ll lend it to you for the night. I feel like it could look cute with those jeans.” He chuckles and the low sound of it sends blood rushing to your face. You’re so thankful that he’s not looking at you anymore. “Better than what you’re currently wearing, anyway.”
You open your mouth, searching for some kind of cohesive response before managing a mumbled “thanks”.
You stand up, holding the sweater out in front of you. You recognise it as one of Jimin’s favourites. You always say how nice it looks on him.
His voice sounds from the other side of the room, “It was in my laundry hamper but I did a sniff-check and I think it’s okay. I only wore it for a couple hours the other day so it should be fine.”
You don’t even attempt a reply. Your head’s still swimming. Partly from the booze and partly from these new, weirdly horny thoughts you’re having about your closest friend. Whatever. The guys will be here soon. Better hurry and get dressed.
By now, Jimin has finished buttoning his shirt and stands in front of his mirror, smoothing down the fabric and checking his reflection. Still caught up in your inner conflicting emotions, you grab at the hem of your shirt. You’re about to pull it up over your head when your eyes meet his in the mirror.
You freeze, top halfway off. He waits. Neither of you look away. In the reflection, Jimin’s eyes are large and dark. Almost hungry. You feel your heart pounding against your ribs, hear the blood in your eardrums tear through the sudden silence of the room.
You’ve never cared about changing in front of him, not bothering to kick him out or anything. You’ve done this thousands of times. So, what the fuck is actually going on with you today? You mentally scold yourself. Today is no different from any day, you’re just overthinking it because it’s Valentine’s Day and it’s been so long since you’ve gotten any action. You are here with your platonic friend of several years, literally just changing your outfit. No big deal.
So that’s that. To prove the point to yourself, you grit your teeth and tug your shirt the rest of the way off in one quick motion before you chicken out and make things even weirder. You can’t, however, fight the blush off your face as Jimin very audibly takes a shaky breath, still transfixed as he watches your reflection.
Why isn’t he looking away?! Why aren’t you looking away?!
Goosebumps prickle over your bare collarbones as you let the discarded top fall to the floor. It’s not cold but you’re shivering. You absently thank the gods that you’re wearing a presentable bra today by chance and not one of your usual comfy-but-ugly nude coloured numbers.
The white bralette you’re currently wearing is still comfy (do you own anything that isn’t?) but it’s super cute, all lace and little ribbons on the straps. You know for a fact that it looks good on you, and that Jimin is lucky to even be blessed with this view but that doesn’t stop the wave of self-consciousness that washes over you. You fight the urge to run and hide yourself away from him forever.
You’re about to put on Jimin’s sweater when you are once again stopped in your tracks. Scratch that. You’re completely floored.
It’s the smallest action, and an unconscious one at that. But even so, Jimin’s subtle swipe of his tongue over his bottom lip, wetting it, has heat pooling between your legs. Your hands go completely slack and the sweater you were previously clutching falls to the floor.
“Y/n,” The husky edge to his voice and the sound of your own name somehow catch you off guard. You almost can’t believe it when you find yourself walking closer to him on autopilot, coming to a stop right behind him, all the while never looking away from his reflection. He follows your movements in the mirror, at one point allowing his gaze to not so subtly shift down from your face. His eyes linger on your chest.
You’re inches from him now. All it would take is a step forwards and you’d be pressing your breasts against his back. You could wrap your arms around him from behind, capture his earlobe between your lips. You shiver again. You’re both acting incredibly calm considering the fact that what you’re doing is essentially stomping all over your friendship.
You can feel it though: this whole time, a new, unfamiliar energy has been building between the two of you and by now it’s almost palpable. The air tastes like lightning.
“Jiminie,” You breathe.
And just like that, Jimin whips round and clasps your face in his delicate hands, fingers brushing your temples. He’s not tall, a fact you frequently like to tease him about, but right now you feel tiny as he looms over you, face finger lengths from your own.
His thumb moves to stroke your cheek, trailing down to your mouth and his gaze follows. Jimin’s own mouth parts slightly as he runs his thumb over your lips. You’re searching his expression but it’s unreadable. The lust in his gaze, however, is undeniable.
This feels like a joke. Your best friend, Park Jimin, is softly caressing your features and looking at you in such a way that is practically sinful, and you don’t mind it. Moreover, you are so turned on that you wonder if you have ever been this horny before in your entire life.
 Jimin’s sweater is forgotten on the floor. Your breathing is shallow and quick and your chest heaves, covered only by the lace bralette. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Jimin, his thumb leaving your mouth to cup your jaw while he unabashedly traces the contours of your chest with his eyes.
He goes to dip his head but stops himself, now eye-level with you. You’ve never seen Jimin so serious, without even the trace of a smile on his face. He looks at you with such a mix of emotions you can’t pick just one out.
Carefully, you slip an arm up and over his shoulder, burying your hand in his thick hair. Your movements are slow and gentle, as if any sudden action would break the spell you both seem to have fallen under.
You can feel his breathe on your lips, still sweet from the wine as he lets out a barely audible groan, “Fuck…Y/n, I-”
And then you’re really crossing the point of no return. Because you’re leaning in to taste your best friend’s beautiful, wine-stained lips.
 Before you can even feel them on your own, a loud chiming echoes throughout the house, scaring the crap out of you. The two of you spring apart, spell broken. And shit. You can’t even look at him.
He grabs his phone, lighting up the time: 7:10pm. Ten minutes past the time he gave for the others to turn up. The room is spinning once more. You’d lost track of the time completely. If the others had been on time none of this would have even happened.
Would that have been good or bad? You don’t know.
Jimin begins to stutter out something: an apology, an explanation maybe – you can’t tell – but he’s interrupted by the same obnoxious chime before, this time prolonged and insistent. Someone’s obviously holding the button down. Your money’s on Yoongi.
Jimin looks defeated, mouth still working to form words but no sound’s coming out. He casts one last, mournful look at you before he scampers out of the room without saying anything.
You’re still frozen.
What the fuck just happened?
You hear the sound of the front door opening downstairs followed by multiple scolding voices, unhappy at being made to wait out in the cold and Jimin’s good-natured apologies. As your friends begin to file on into the house, letting out boisterous whoops at all the decorations around the rooms, you force yourself to move.
You can already hear Namjoon asking where you are. You’d told him you were arriving early, and sooner or later you just know that one of them will come upstairs looking for you.
For the sake of whatever dignity you have left, you need to put some clothes on. You can’t let the others find you standing topless and flushed in the middle of Jimin’s bedroom.
You pick up the sweater and pull it on. It smells of soap and vanilla and warmth. Jimin’s smell.
You wrap your arms round yourself and are surprised to find that you’re blinking back tears. A dread settles deep within you. You’ve possibly just ruined probably the best thing you have in your life right now. Yours and Jimin’s friendship means the world to you. So how could you be so stupid?!
You sniff. There’s no time to think about that stuff now. You just need to get through tonight. Enjoy yourself. You can talk about it with Jimin tomorrow. It’s Galentine’s Day, after all.
You hear someone thudding up the stairs, followed closely by shouts of, “Y/n, where you at?”
You smile and turn towards the door, “Coming, Hobi!”
Before you leave, you take one last look in the mirror, definitely not thinking about the way Jimin’s eyes gleamed at you in his reflection mere moments ago. You quickly wipe away any remaining tears gathered on your eyelashes and you’re good to go.
It’s going to be some night. You blame the dessert wine.
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© mikrocosmonaut 2020
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thefriedbird · 4 years
Alucard x F!Reader x Maria Renard
A/N: Hey guys! I want all of my readers to be safe when they read this. This fanfiction is based off of my experiences with having C-PTSD and being a chronic illness sufferer for many years. Lately, I have been struggling really hard with my flashbacks and this was written to help me cope to progress my trauma recovery. The Castlevania series has been at the center of my focus lately, and I had the urge to write for it. This work will have self-harm as well as mentions of child abuse and sexual assault. Be warned. But, I have been wanting to get better at writing and I’ve been wanting to write to also spread awareness on the natures of PTSD and other various chronic illnesses, I felt compelled to post this as maybe a way to help other people.This does take place after Symphony of the Night. 
If any of you have been experiencing a low sense of self-worth, suicidal ideation, self-harm, flashbacks, or have been having panic attacks please call your national suicide hotline prevention numbers. Remember that your life is precious, even if in the moment you do not see that way. You are not alone. Stay safe, you are loved.
The unbearable tingling sensation in my wrists. Making me want to scratch and bite at it, like a dog tending to its fleas. Imagining the flame fluttering across the thin skin, knowing how easy it would be to rip at it and break the veins. I felt my head twitch, my fingers starting to fidget the soreness in my fingers. I looked down to my fingertips, the shortened bitten cuticles, and the blood pooling from the tips of them. I flinched as I attempted to squeeze around the nail, the sharp pain from the hangnail digging further into the flesh beneath. My heart pounding in my chest as I fell upon the love seat, I felt my muscles spasm. The fabric of the furniture making the tingling in my wrists stronger with every brush against it. Scratch it, scratch it, bite it, bite it, do it. Do it. Now. My other hand began to caress the inner wrists, the welts around the joint already flaring. My nails began to scratch at it, my breath shaky as the pain began to burrow itself in my skin. A steady scratch turned into rapid scarring of it, my senses being lost to me. All I could feel around me was the memories, just the pain to make them gone. The pain to rid of this sensation surrounding me. Tears began to cascade down my cheeks, my attention to my wrist stopped. Now the tingling spreading everywhere else. Anything to get rid of this sensation. Anything to kill that memory. Anything to remove it. Please, help me. A whimpered cry broke itself from my lips, as it seemed my body was not my own. I fell back to the floor, I could feel my body twitching out of control. All I could think of was the screaming, the yelling, the knocking, and heavy footfalls what would be the drunken stupor of my parents. Hide. Hide. Do not interact. I feel myself bite at my wrists once more. Then I heard a yell and a door slam open, my body recoiled from the sound instantaneously. My vision was so blurry, so dizzy. What is going on? Where. No. Don’t think! Hide! I felt something pushing my hand away from my mouth. What is happening?
 “(Name), we’re back!” Maria looked around the dark house, her green gown fluttering behind her as she looked around. Alucard tailing her, the stoicism showing mild puzzlement. “Where had she gone?” Alucard muttered. She placed the day’s groceries onto the table. “I did tell her that we would not be gone long.” Maria sighed. A sharp cry followed by a loud thud rang through the halls. Alucard made swift haste into the adjacent room, banging open the door which made the woman on the floor recoil violently backwards. The dhampir tried to grab the woman’s wrists, his eyes noticing the blood coming from the harsh welts around her wrists. Maria almost slid into the floor beside her, “Oh my God, (Name)!” The gentle woman placed a hand behind the woman’s head. Maria looked to Alucard, who was desperately trying to keep her from attacking herself and the two around her. The woman’s hyperventilating drowning out all sound from the living area, her hands clutched into Alucard’s. “What’s the matter with her?” Maria cried out, tears forming in her own eyes watching the poor woman thrash about. Alucard used his free hand to place it upon (Name)’s brow, inhibiting the rough twitching and thrashing of her body. “She is just in a panic. A horrific one.” He stated, eyeing the welts. Maria bit her lip, waiting alongside her companion to watch over (Name). Maria decided to try to pet her head, trying her best in attempt to calm her down. The petting seemed to begin to sooth (Name)’s breathing, the shakiness in it beginning to deescalate, her head twitching slightly. Her cheeks stained and her eyes puffy, the fog that had clouded over her seemed to dissipate. “I’m sorry.” The woman croaked out, her voice barely a whisper. Maria broke into a solemn smile, “We are just glad you are okay.” She sniffed out. Alucard closed his eyes, a relieved sigh coming from his lips. (Name) looked up to see his face above her, “Are you alright?” She murmured. Alucard shook his head, “We should be asking you that. Not the other way around.” Golden eyes stared almost warmly, “Will you be okay?” (Name) was taken aback by the eyes, her speech stuck in her throat. Maria was about to hug her, but stalled “Is it alright, if I embrace you?” The woman beneath her nodded, letting out a shaky breath and tears spilling from her eyes. Maria embraced her happily, Alucard retreating from the two to watch. “I know it seems bleak, but you are going to be okay. No one is going to hurt you.” Maria consoled, rubbing (Name)’s back as she wailed into Maria’s shoulder. The dhampir felt at a loss, unsure how to approach the crying girl. The dhampir arranged himself closer to the two, “(Name) let me see the damage.” The young woman seemed to have swallowed a rock, her voice shaky “No. Please, I don’t want you to see.” Alucard reached out his hand. “It is alright, I need to assess the damage.” The woman shook her head violently, “No! Please, I don’t want-“ “(Name), I do not want this to get infected! I am doing this to help you. Maria!” The blonde woman looked to Alucard, “Yes?” Alucard slowly grasped (Name)’s hands, the look of trepidation in the young woman’s face as he looked over the wounds. “I need bandages for her and alcohol.” Alucard prompted, as he began to inspect both wrists. “Of course!” Maria left the room, to return with the medical supplies at hand. Alucard’s brows furrowed, as he looked to (Name). “Would you be willing to tell me your traumas?” (Name) looked up, Alucard felt a strong pang in his chest watching the emotional fatigue grow and her face becoming pale. “Mayhap.” (Name) glanced her eyes away, as Maria popped a cork from the bottle of alcohol and dabbing a clean rag. Alucard took it from his companion’s hands, dabbing the rag gently onto the wounds. A hiss from (Name), and her body unintentionally jumped from the pain. “Stay still, it will not last long. I promise.” Alucard’s voice spoke softly, his other hand coming to steady her own trembling one. Almost, seeming to caress her. (Name) felt bile coming up to her throat, tears pricking her eyes. The only affection she had ever wanted. Why does she feel this way? Maria rubbed her back, “Do I need to get a pail?” (Name) shook her head, “No, I’m fine!” Once Alucard was done cleaning the wounds, he brought up gauze and began to dress both wrists. (Name) choked back a cry, Maria shushing her soothingly as she rubbed her back. Once Alucard was finished dressing the wounds, he brought her up slowly to stand. “Will you be alright walking on your own?” He asked, (Name) nodding. “How about we get comfortable and talk?” Maria suggested, grasping a quilt from on back of the loveseat. Alucard looked to the smaller female, “Would you be comfortable with that? Know that you do not have to if you do not wish to. We will give you all of the time in the world.” (Name) placed her hand on to her mouth, as she nodded. Alucard brought an arm around her, somewhat awkwardly, but managed to set his head a top of her own. “We have you. You will be safe with us.” Maria smiled, “I will be back then. How about I make some tea, would you like that (Name)?” (Name) nodded once more, pushing herself more into the dhampir’s body. Alucard was taken aback for a moment at the increase in contact, but he did not mind. He was once in her position and maybe still is. Regardless, he would gladly allow for them both to heal together.
Once Maria came back with tea, she smiled at them cuddling onto the loveseat. (Name)’s head was buried into the dhampir’s chest, her hands clutching tightly onto his jacket. Maria was happy that she had extended the offer to Alucard to stay with her, she was right not letting him out of her life. (Name) had been staying with Maria for a while, happily traveled with her and Alucard. Yet, the two could never fully grasp onto why the smaller woman wished to travel with them both. Her excuse was to seek the wonders of the world, almost like a curious puppy. Maria could not turn her away, Alucard however felt different about it but accepted her nonetheless. But over the course of many months, their initial thoughts seemed to question something deeper as to why she had actually wanted to stick with them.
Alucard looked up to see Maria, adjusting the quilt to make it longer for her as well. Maria smiled as she sat with them, (Name) turning around to grasp the tea from her. “Thanks.” (Name) spoke, testing it as she seemed to cradle the porcelain with upmost care. Alucard looked to (Name), his expression growing serious. “When you first tagged along with us, your excuse was to learn how to defend yourself as well as to learn all that is out here. However, I believe it is also something else.” Alucard pressed, trying his best to soften the tone as to ensure he did not intimidate her. “I did want that. I do want that.” (Name) grasped the porcelain tighter. “But I also wanted to be away from it all.” Maria cocked her head, “Away from what?” (Name)’s frown deepened, “My family. I wanted to get away. I’ve moved so many times in my life, I’m so sick of it being temporary. My mother and father were heavy drinkers, and they liked each other little. They screamed and fought all the time! It is so hard to be surrounded by the foreboding fear that they would scream at me, hurt me!” The tears began to flow once more. Alucard bringing his hand to her shoulder, his thumb rubbing it in circles. “I’ve always felt so alone. Every other child’s parents were so loving. But why did they not love me enough? Why did they hurt me the way they did? They told me they loved me, but they don’t show it in their actions! For so long, I sought affection elsewhere. But he ended up hurting me too, he took me even if I said no!” Maria scooted closer to her, grabbing the trembling hand gripping the porcelain. “Here, let me take that for a moment. I would hate it if you were to burn yourself.” Maria gently set the tea on the coffee table. (Name) began to rub her gauzed wrists together, Maria cupping one of them in her hands. Gently rubbing her thumb into the other’s palm, being careful to not touch the woman’s sensitive wrists. “It will be alright, they are not here now. Alucard and I, are willing to help and care for you. Those people, did not care for you as they should have. You were supposed to grow up in a home that was safe, none of that is your fault.” “You are also not obligated to love the people who have abused you.” Alucard added. “But they are my blood-“ “Blood does not mean anything, if they have hurt you. And the one who forced you, they are no longer around. You are safe with us.” Alucard affirmed. (Name) began to whimper, Alucard pressing his head into hers. “I killed my father. My mother was burned on a pyre, the church folk claimed she was a witch. My father, Dracula, wanted to rid all of humanity. But it was my mother’s wish to me to not hate humans. But my father disregarded her wishes. So, I had killed him.” “I’m sorry.” (Name) let out a small cry. Alucard shook his head, “No, there is no need to be sorry. Our traumas are valid. But it is a point to be made, blood does not mean that you are to remain obedient to the people who have wronged you or someone you love. The one who forced you is no longer in your life; none will touch you without your consent.” Maria smiled, “I may not be able to understand both Alucard’s and your traumas, but I can empathize with your emotion’s (Name), I lost both my parents and I believe that the three of us are companions now for a reason.” Maria brushed the hair away from (Name)’s face, “You are safe here, with us. As long as we are together, I believe we can heal together as well.” (Name) looked up and nodded, smiling. “Thank you.” Maria brought up a hand, “No need. We are glad to help you. But I think we need to be able to accommodate you and help you with your panic. Do you know what set it off?” (Name) frowned, “There are a couple things that set it off a lot.” “Like what?” Alucard questioned. “Certain smells, aggression and confrontation, certain names, the cold, and my wrists.” (Name) looked at them and sighed, “Sometimes I don’t realize I mess with them until I panic.” “What were you thinking when you did?” Alucard asked. “How lonely I feel, even when others are around.” (Name) responded, bringing her knees to her face. “If you ever feel such a way, you are always welcome to come to us.” Maria smiled, “We adore and love you, (Name).” (Name)’s breath wavered, but she could not help but smile as the dhampir and the woman beside her wrapped their arms around her. This was comfort, this was what she had been desperately searching for. 
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aswithasunbeam · 5 years
Falling asleep on each other, a Hamliza snapshot
Rated: Teen and Up (some sexual content, but nothing explicit)
For Day 20 of @mamapeggs and historysalt’s Hamliza Month Challenge!
“Are you sure you’re feeling up to this?” Eliza asked as she arranged the thick quilt over her lap. A fire blazed in the grate nearby, brightening their bedroom with a warm reddish-orange glow, and the bedcurtains were mostly closed, but the she still shivered slightly from the cold.
Alexander finished blowing his nose into a handkerchief, coughed weakly, then turned to look at her. “Of course I am,” he said.
“You seem like you still have a cold, honey.” He’d been fighting one before he left for his trip last week, and from the sound of it, he still hadn’t fully recovered.
“It’s fine. A little congestion at night, is all.”
He wiped his nose once more, then rolled over on the bed until he was facing her, a lascivious glint in his slightly bruised eyes. His hand slipped under the covers, teasing softly at her breast through her nightgown before tracing slowly down her side towards her hip.
She moaned softly at his touch.
“I’ve been fantasizing about this all week,” he whispered.  
She hummed approvingly as he leveraged himself up over her. His knees straddled her legs as he lowered himself down, pressing hot, slow kisses to her neck. She ran her palms over the warm cotton of his nightshirt, feeling the softness of his belly, then gliding them over his chest to tease at his nipples as he’d done to her.
“Mm,” he moaned, adjusting to the other side of her neck, his nose tickling at the sensitive flesh beneath her ear.
She hooked her arms around his shoulders to draw him closer.
He relaxed against her, heavy and warm, kissing and stroking her in the most pleasing ways. She shifted beneath him, desire building low in her stomach. Craning her neck to lay a kiss upon his shoulder, she ran her hands down his back, then up into his hair, letting her knees fall open against his thighs on either side of her.
Just as she was expecting him to begin advancing things, however, he seemed to be slowing down. His kisses grew further apart, his stroking hands stilling until he was merely holding her. He relaxed even further atop her, resting all his weight on her.
Then he drew a soft, congested breath that sounded oddly like a snore.
“Mm?” he hummed, not in pleasure, as before, but in question.
She patted at his back to rouse him. “Honey, wake up.”
“You’re sleeping.”
“No I’m not.”
“You are. You’re also crushing me a little.”
He shifted over to his side and propped himself up on an elbow, blinking heavily at her. “Sorry. I’m awake.”
“Why don’t we pick this up tomorrow?” she suggested, though disappointment flooded over her at the idea.
“No.” He shook his head a little, and his eyes opened more. “It’s just this cold, and all the traveling…it’s fine now. I’m up. Come here.”
She furrowed her brow at him, skeptical.
“Come here,” he insisted, his hands returning to her hip to encourage her closer. With a charming little wink, he added, “Though maybe you should be on top. Just in case.”
She pulled back. “I’m not going to make love to you while you’re sleeping.”
“I’m awake,” he said. His lower lip pouted out adorably. “Come on. Kiss me.”
He really was hard to resist. With a sigh, she rolled closer to him, kissing him softly. His arms wrapped around her in a warm embrace. She adjusted over him, her foot lazily caressing his calf muscle as she ran her hand over his torso to embrace him in return, her nose buried in his warm neck.
He was so soft, and warm, and comfortable.
She didn’t notice when her own kisses started to slow, nor when Alexander’s breathing began to even out beneath her.
When she woke, the fire had burned down to embers, and the soft pink glow of dawn was starting to sneak beneath the heavy curtains. Drool had puddled beneath her cheek on Alexander’s nightshirt. She pushed herself up, wiping at the corner of her mouth.
Alexander’s eyes opened a sliver, still bleary with sleep, but he grinned up at her. With the slightest little shrug of his shoulder, he said simply, “Oops.”
A laugh bubbled out of her, and she collapsed back down atop him, hugging him to her.
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In Love With A Crow
Summary: You’ve been in love with Jon for as long as you can remember, but it doesn’t stop him from joining the watch. When you met back up the love is still there
Pairing: Jon x Reader
Warnings: smut, vag penetration, oral(fem recieving)
You paced back and forth in your room not entirely sure what to do. Jon Snow was leaving to join the night's watch and your heart was breaking at the thought. The two of you had been the best of friends ever since you came to Winterfell. And now he was going to leave without even telling you; you had to hear about it from Robb the night before. "What am I suppose to do Jaileen?" you asked your handmaiden/best friend.
"Either you go tell him how you feel and hope he doesn't leave or you go with him," she replied. You gave her an incredulous look. There was no way you could tell him how you felt, but going with him was just as crazy. "What just chop of my hair and pretend to be a man?" you asked with a raised brow. When she nodded her head you gestured toward your breasts. "And what pray tell am I suppose to do about these?" you questioned.
Jaileen walked over and grabbed some cloth. "You could bind them with this," she suggested. You shook your head at her ridiculous plan. "I'm not gonna throw everything away from someone I'm not sure loves me," you told her putting a stop to the idea. She shrugged her shoulders and said, "You asked for my advice I gave it, but just so you know he loves you he's just too afraid to admit it."
Later that day you walked through the courtyard and spotting Jon stormed over to him. You punched him in the shoulder giving him a menacing look. "Was that supposed to hurt?" he asked. While you could throw a mean punch his furs had cushioned the blow making it almost pointless. "Were you ever going to tell me?" you questioned. Looking into his grey eyes you could see the quilt swimming in them.
"Listen, Y/N I have to go there's nothing for me here," he said. A lump formed in your throat as you tried to choke back your tears. "Are you saying I mean nothing to you, Jon Snow?" you asked. His eyes went wide as he pulled you in for a hug. "No that's not what I meant and you know it," he replied. You pushed back and looked into his eyes once again. "Tell me what I mean to you then," you demanded.
He sucked in a breath as he searched your face trying to figure out what it was you wanted from him exactly. "I've been in love with you for years. I just never had the guts to tell ya," he finally said. More tears leaked down your face when you realized he was telling the truth. "Then why are you leaving?" you asked. Jon ran a hand down his face letting out a heavy sigh. "I'm a bastard, Y/N. That means nothing more than friendship can ever happen between us," he explained.
While you knew he was right the truth didn't stop your heart from breaking. You knew nothing you said could convince him to stay. His last name might not have been Stark, but he had honor just like Eddard and he felt this was the only way he could honor his family. You took a step back and bit your lip trying to think of something to say, but nothing would come to you. "Stop biting that fucking lip," Jon said catching you off guard.
"Why? Does it bother you?" you questioned. He let out a groan and pulled you close pressing his lips to yours. Without hesitating you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and kissed back. When Jon pulled away from you, you whimpered at the loss of contact. "That's why, Y/N. It drives me crazy and there's nothing I can do about it," he said pushing a piece of hair behind your ear. He stared into your e/c eyes for a few moments longer before letting you go and walking away. That was the last time you would see him for a long time.
You sat at your desk with your head in your hands and let out a heavy sigh. Jaileen had just informed you that Jon and Sansa had arrived wanting to speak to you. "I don't even know what to say to him after all this time," you groaned out running a hand through your hair. "Tell him the truth," she replied. You looked at her as if she had grown a second head. "Oh yeah that'll be great. Hey Jon it's great to see you so I'm not married because my heart still belongs to you. Like that will go over well," you sassed.
A knock on your door alerted you to Jon and Sansa's presence. "Come in," you called out. When the door opened the only one there was Jon. You cocked your head in curiosity. Jaileen snickered as she walked out closing the door behind her. "Where's Sansa?" you asked. "I asked her to let me speak to you alone," he replied. Your heart rate sped up wondering why he would want you alone.
You gave him a look letting him know he could continue. "Listen, Y/N I know I have no right coming in here saying this, but after recent events I realize I need to. I never stopped loving you. I should have never left and I hope you can forgive me," he told you. Tears pooled in the corner of your eyes at his confession. He still loved you and now there was a chance for you. "I don't know whether I want to punch you or kiss you," you told him. "Can I pick?" he asked.
Knowing just which one he would pick you walked around the desk and pulled him toward you. His soft lips pressed against yours letting out all the emotions you had bottled up for years. Jon's tongue darted out to lick your bottom lip and when you granted him access he drank you in like a man deprived of water. You groaned feeling his tongue map out your mouth.
Sliding your hands under his cloak you pushed it from his shoulders. You then began undoing his leather curiass dropping it to the floor once it was undone. "Gods I want you, Jon. You have no idea," you told him when he broke the kiss. He nipped at your earlobe and said, "I think I do." His lips trailed kisses down your neck until he reached your collarbone. He undid the laces holding your dress allowing it to pool at your feet.
His hands then loosened your shift leaving you completely bare before him. "Damn you're beautiful," he said as his eyes caressed your body. Jon walked toward you, picked you up and placed you on the edge of the desk. He then kneeled before you. "What are y..." you never finished your sentence as his tongue licked you from your entrance to your clit. You gripped the edge of the desk tight as his tongue flicked your clit over and over.
The pleasure was unlike anything you had ever felt before. You bucked your hips as a coil began tightening in the pit of your stomach. If anyone was to come near the room they would hear you moaning Jon's name like a mantra. He held you in place with one hand while the other dipped into your slick folds to tease your entrance. "Please," you moaned out.
Listening to your plea he slid two fingers in curling them so he could reach that special spot inside. With a few pumps of his fingers the coil sprung loose allowing warmth to wash over you. Your walls clenched around his fingers and your head fell back as your body tensed and quivered.  When you came down from the high of your orgasm, Jon stood, removed the rest of his clothing, and placed himself between your legs.
"I love you so much, Y/N. Words can't describe how much," he said caressing your sides gently. "I love you too, Jon. Always have and always will," you replied placing your hands on top of his. He laced your fingers together as he slowly pushed his cock inside you. The feeling of him stretching you had you tightening your hold on his hands and whimpering.
Once he was fully in you he leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours in a tender kiss. After you grew accustomed to his cock you wiggled letting him know he could move. Jon's thrusts were slow and languid allowing you to feel every inch of him. The angle he had you in allowed him to rub your clit as well as your sensitive walls. You gripped his forearms tightly when he released your hands to grab your hips.
Burying your face in his neck you bit and sucked trying to keep your moans to a minimum. However when another orgasm began to build that became easier said than done. "Fuck," you groaned out gritting your teeth. Jon leaned his head down taking one of your nipples in his mouth and rolling the other between his fingers. The new sensation was all it took to send you over the edge into oblivion. You dug your nails into his arms as your body shook from the intense pleasure.
Your walls clenching around his cock sent Jon spiraling into his own orgasm. His seed coated you with its warmth making your orgasm last a moment longer. After you came down you unwrapped your legs from around his waist placing your feet on the floor. Jon held you whispering sweet nothings in your ear peppering your neck with kisses. Pulling back he placed a loving kiss upon your lips.
A moment later his bliss turned into pure panic as he realized he had spilled his seed inside you. "Seven hells what if I got you pregnant?" he questioned. He pulled completely away from you and began to pace. Standing up you grabbed his hands stopping his movements. "So what if you did, Jon we can get married this child won't have your fate if that is what you fear," you told him trying to quell his worry. Looking in your eyes he saw nothing, but love and the truth of your words.
"You would really marry me?" he asked. You shook your head amazed that he could even ask such a question. "Of course I would. I love you and only you," you replied. He swooped down capturing your lips in another kiss. "Now that, that's taken care of why don't you tell me why you and Sansa came here," you said picking your clothes up off the floor.
"We need men to take back Winterfell. We were hoping you would help us," he told you. Tying the laces to your dress you looked up at him with a grin. "Nothing would make me happier than to help you defeat that bastard," you said. Ramsay was a deplorable human being and if Jon planned to take him down, you would help the best you could. Jon wrapped his arms around you from behind kissing the side of your neck.
"How many men do you have?" he asked. "200," you answered. He pulled away from you and began walking toward the door. You grabbed his hand to stop him pulling him in for one last kiss before he left. "I love you," you told him letting his hand go. "And I love you," he replied opening your door. As he started down the hall you yelled his name. He turned to look at you curiously. "Try not to be gone as long this time. We have some catching up to do," you told him with a wink. He nodded his head grinning as he continued his walk.
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