#I’ve not been able to stop thinking about Zoro giving them all his earrings
bunitivity · 7 months
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Third highest bounty of the strawhats, three sword style Zoro, with his three earrings and three-headed demon form. Is it any wonder that a man like that would end up falling in love three times?
I’ve been inspired by this amazing fic by rkdlkai on ao3. I’ve been meaning to draw something for it ever since I read it awhile ago and finally got around to it.
(Note: I know I tagged this zolusanuso which this art is but the fic is very much about Zoro falling for the three of them and them not dating each other just fyi but the fic is very good either way!)
@redriotinggg you told me to tag you so come get your juice lol
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hylianane · 3 months
I’ve read Time Traveler Zoro AUS far more interesting than anything my feeble little mind could cook up on it’s own, but I’d still love try to play around with the premise and give it my own spin.
I’ve read two in which Zoro loses the crew in a great tragedy, so he goes back in time to save them, and the greatest source of tension in the story is the way he tries to hide all the future knowledge he maintains from the others, while still trying to rewrite history. It’s so good and thrilling. But. Yet. However.
I’m reminded of the scene in Sabaody in which Rayleigh offers to tell the crew about the One Piece, and Luffy furiously rejects him. Says he doesn’t want a boring adventure where he knows the ending. And though I don’t recall Zoro saying anything in that moment, I think he would agree. So in this Time Travel AU, when Zoro goes back in time, he does so with the idea that this second try isn’t for him. He wants to help, but if he gets on that boat, he won’t be able to keep himself from giving Luffy all the answers in hopes of saving his life, and that would ruin his Captain’s dream.
So let’s imagine Luffy. At seventeen years old, he sets out on a journey through the Grandline to become the King of the Pirates. He has his navigator, his sniper, his cook, his doctor- all his friends by his side. And things are challenging sometimes, but always fun. And he gets lucky.
He gets lucky a lot.
Sanjj tells him it’s a guardian angel, but Luffy’s not so sure. There’s something at the back of his mind, an itch behind his ear. He starts to notice signs of a certain presence everywhere he goes, a mysterious someone who seems to always want to beat him to the punch, but also seems to never finish the job.
Like back in Orange Town, when he met Nami and fought the Buggy guy, the Clown complained about his knife thrower being put out of commission by a bounty hunter right before the fight. Or in Syrup Village, when Captain Kuroo called for reinforcements two of his officers were a no-show, their crewmates reporting that it was as if the Nyaban Brothers had disappeared into the night. When Luffy met Sanji at the Baratie, he’d felt a tension build within him as he listened to all the rumors of the Greatest Swordsman in the World having been seen nearby. But then, the tension is cut abruptly when Don Kreig walks through the door instead, announcing that he’d escaped the Warlord when some suicidal swordsman intercepted his chase.
In Whiskey Peak, Nami tells him about how she saw a cloaked figure take down 100 hundred bounty hunters without making a sound, as if trying to not disturb the Strawhat’s sleep. Luffy thinks he might’ve seen such a figure from afar when taking a leak, but he can’t be sure. In Alabasta, Ace keeps throwing looks over his shoulder as if searching for someone, but always telling Luffy there’s nothing to worry about. Vivi is shocked to discover someone took down Baroque Work’s Number 1 in a duel a night before their arrival at Alubarna. When Robin joins them at the end of it, she seems shocked to find the crew only has five members, instead of six. But she doesn’t seem keen on elaborating why just yet.
The only place that they haven’t been followed to by this Mystery Guy (as Luffy has taken to calling him) is Skypeia. Almost like he couldn’t figure out how to get up there.
And still, the whole time Luffy’s there he can’t stop thinking about him. Looking left and right as if between the clouds and the trees he’ll catch a glimpse of Mystery Guy’s face. Nami says it’s ludicrous to think that all these instances can be chalked up to same guy. Usopp tells tall tales of how they’re being stalked by a man who fell madly love with the Great Sniper’s good looks, or sometimes he tells tales of how they’re being followed by the ancient God of Fortune, or sometimes it’s any other grandiose tale he’ll accept before he accepts that it’s just a guy, just a Mystery Guy, who is real and Luffy knows it.
He knows, and he’s a little obsessed with it. And it’s not always great. He loses sleep, wondering who are you and do you know me and do i know you and stop getting in my way and why don’t you do it more and do you want to join my crew and i need you to watch me and i need you on my crew.
(Meanwhile, on his end, Zoro is planning how to stop the tragedy that will befall his family. But in the meantime he doesn’t want to just be dead weight. He doesn’t want to be apart from them. He may not have a place on that boat anymore, but he can’t have his Captain fighting his battles. He can’t let his friends go unprotected. So he’ll protect them, protect him, in silence, from afar, always one day head, always knowing what’s coming next)
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eirist · 3 years
I Was Made for Lovin’ You
Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning: OOC possible. One shot.
Rating: M (Not really explicit but mature-themed, yes)
Note: For the Day 1 of the ZoNa Days event (at @zonamievents). It’s Zoro day… what better way to celebrate it with Nami pondering about him.
I Was Made for Lovin’ You is by KISS. I had The Umbrella playlist accompany me while writing and l’m borrowing it. Enjoy!
Summary: She can’t say she’s not amused when that supposedly innocent piece of clothing article was now not-so-innocent at all.
Nami jolted slightly, waking up from her still-not-deep slumber. She blinked a few times to clear her thoughts as well as the sleep still lingering behind her eyes.
She blearily looked around her surroundings and realized she had fallen asleep on her deck chair while relaxing with Robin on the Sunny’s lawn.
She was just talking to the archaeologist earlier right?
The navigator tilted her head to her left. The deck chair beside her was empty. She must’ve have fallen asleep in between the lulls in their conversation.
With a sigh she settled back comfortably on her chair again. She was still feeling heavy-eyed and the call of sleep was still beckoning to her.
Must be because she didn’t get any proper shut-eye last night. No thanks to a certain green-haired swordsman.
Not that she is complaining. She absolutely cannot whine about Zoro lavishing her attention—physically speaking.
But it was kinda hard to explain why she seemed to be lacking sleep once, twice sometimes thrice a week. Robin and Sanji were already noticing it and were asking questions.
Was that what she and Robin were talking about earlier before she had fallen asleep?
Another sigh escape her.
She couldn’t very well tell them that a late night tryst with their swordsman was the reason.
Hell will definitely break loose.
A commotion coming from the galley grabbed her attention. She can hear Sanji’s voice rising above a cacophony of other sounds. She strained her ears to listen if he was fighting with Zoro but he was just shouting at Luffy and whoever was with the gluttonous captain, pestering the him.
The door of the boys’ quarters opened and with a loud yawn out stepped Roronoa Zoro.
Did he just woke up?
Nami frowned.
Well… she hadn’t seen him since they went their separate ways this morning. That probably meant he slept almost the whole day off!
Talk about unfair! How come he was able to get more rest than her!
Well… he hardly had any task in the ship after all.
That’s it he’s not getting any more all-nighters more than twice a week. She needs her beauty sleep after all.
He trudged across the deck, still looking half-asleep and oblivious to her and his surroundings.
She just continued watching him from her chair and her eyes zeroed in on the sash that he was still tying around his waist.
The one damn reason why she was lacking sleep today… aside from the crazy swordsman himself.
Nami pursed her lips and stifled a groan as she remembered how steamy the night before was.
She had known long ago that Zoro was a domineering man. She shared that trait with him in all honesty. That’s one of the reasons why they clash so much.
And she got to experience first-hand just how much he can be when he wants too—especially during their private sessions.
Of course, it’s not like she doesn’t put up a good fight every now and then. Like he could really boss her around as easy as that whether inside the bedroom or out (well, in this case… the crow’s nest).
But damn, whatever has gotten into him last night and prompted him to bend her over and tie her hands on the metal plate rack in the nest using that red sash of his, took their sexual relationship into another level.
And seeing it again out displayed nonchalantly out in the open… was making her hot and breathless all over again just thinking about how he had skillfully used it to make her succumb to him.
She can’t say she’s not amused at all when that supposedly innocent piece of clothing article … was now not-so-innocent at all.
Now all she can remember whenever she sees it is how it had looked—tied around her wrists, keeping her hands together as if in prayer, unable to grasp anything to steady herself as Zoro mercilessly pounded her in so many positions she had fucking lost count as her brain short-circuited from too much pleasure.
Goddamn it. That was hot! Really, really, really hot.
And she should stop thinking about it right now. Not when he’s just a few feet away from her and can sense when she’s burning for him, the unmistakable heat pooling in her middle making her rub her feet together as if that would appease it.
How did he turn from an idiotic numbskull to a rather irresistible hunk who was so damn good in sex?
It’s just one of the many wonders of the sea they were sailing.
Stealing one last glance at that sash and the man who owns it, Nami decided it’s better to stay quiet and just let him go about with his business so she’d still have time to reminisce their sexual escapade last night while it’s still fresh in her mind.
Her eye caught the sun beginning to set down the horizon. It will be evening soon and they’ve been sailing without any trouble the whole day… she’ll talk to Franky later about anchoring the ship for the night.
Fingers snapping in front of her face made Nami jerked back slightly, startled at the sudden intrusion.
She blinked at Zoro, who was looking at her amusedly as he crouched down beside her deck chair so they were eye-level.
A pout appeared at her lips just as he asked.
“What are you thinking about?”
Nami’s eyes unconsciously darted from his face to that damned sash tied around his hips.
And a grin immediately appeared on Zoro’s face.
He leaned closer to her… so close that their noses were almost touching. His grey eye flickered all over her face, studying her. It was almost as if he would kiss here right there and then, in the lawn deck of their ship, for all their crewmates to see.
“You want a repeat of last night?” He asked and his grin widened some more at her reaction.
See? There was no way she can hide from him how she absolutely enjoyed their tryst yesterday.
“Come on Nami. I’ll tie you up again and fuck you good.” He whispered lowly on her ear.
Nami felt the heat crawl from where she can feel his hot breath against her skin.
“That’s really raunchy Zoro.”
He laughed at her attempt to call him out when they both know how it definitely turns her on.
Zoro captured one of her hands in his, his thumb rubbing over the soft skin of her wrist, studying the telltale marks left by his sash from their encounter last night.
Then his face broke into a smile. A sweet, rarely seen one, for her eyes only. “Maybe next time,” he murmured as he brought her wrist to his lips for a kiss.
And just like that Nami felt her insides exploded as she stared at him.
Now he’s not just an idiotic numbskull and an irresistible hunk. He’s also an endearing lover.
Remind her again how could she be this lucky?
“Damn it Zoro,” she hissed, grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling him to her for a heated kiss.
“Ah.” Zoro stopped her as a playful smirk graced his lips. “Not now when there are eyes everywhere.”
And with that he left in her deck chair with her mouth hanging open in disbelief.
Damn it all to hell! Did he just…?
She hastily vacated her chair to chase after him and give him a piece of her mind and a kick or two.
Idiotic numbskull, irresistible hunk, endearing lover…
She also forgot to add that he can be a teasing ass when he wants too.
The overall combination was too appealing and too hard to resist.
Or maybe she really is a sucker for him.
Her eyes settled again at that red sash as she hurried towards him. Zoro just reached the top of the stairs and was about to head to the galley.
A mischievous smirk pulled at the corners of her lips as she reached him.
Nami immediately hooked her fingers on that piece of clothing, stopping him in his tracks,   before pushing him against the galley’s wall.
She pressed herself on him as Zoro gazed down at her looking downright amused. She toyed with the sash, pulling at it slightly for emphasis.
“Let me borrow this later,” she murmured the request against his lips. Teasing. Seducing.  “I’ve got a favor to return in full tonight.”
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psychedelic-ink · 4 years
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This is my commission piece for @some-piece ! Thank you so much for commissioning me and I hope you like it and I hope I did your boys justice!
Pairing: Law x fem!reader x Zoro
Genre: Porn with little plot 
Word count: 4k (behold the longest thing I’ve ever written) 
Warning: Dirty talking, face fucking, biting, rimming, double penetration, oral sex (giving and receiving)  
Commissions | Ko-Fi
You opened the door with a loud sigh, today was one of those days where you just felt awful and just needed physical contact. Work had been awful the past couple of days and every day you felt more and more done with people, with work and with everything. If your boss ever asked you to do one week's worth of work in three days ever again you swore that you were going to punch her. 
The noise of the TV reached your ears and the smell of a home cooked meal reached your nostrils. Law must be home, you thought, excitement starting to brew inside you. The three of you haven’t been spending much time together and frankly you missed them both. Law, sadly, was busy with multiple assignments, meaning that he basically passed out when he came home. The fact that he was actually up and cooking was a true miracle. 
When you stepped into the living room you expected to see Zoro, but the couch was empty. Raising an eyebrow you head to the kitchen. Laughter reached your ears, and you peeked inside, the wall hiding your body. 
Zoro was leaning against the counter with a beer in hand, his cheeks were uncharacteristically pink, Law on the other hand seemed more energetic than usual, mixing a salad and chatting away as he stood right across from the marimo. Curious about what they were going to do you continued to watch them, you felt like you were watching a documentary. 
Zoro leaving the beer behind, came closer to Law. Licking his lips he leaned in and locked his lips with Law’s. The man seemed startled by this, the utensils slipping from his tattooed hands. Your mouth watered as you watched the two, Zoro greedily claiming Law’s lips as his own and the other surrendering completely. A soft moan was heard and you felt your insides starting to churn. A mix of jealousy and lust filled your brain and you pouted. When they finally parted with a string of saliva still connecting them, Zoro chuckled, the corner of his eyes fixated on the entrance. 
“I know you’re there, you creep,” he called out, making you flinch “Just come out  instead of watching us like some porn.” 
Of course that asshat knew, a blush starting to color your cheeks you took a step inside. Law genuinely seemed surprised as his golden eyes landed on you, his face lighting up with a bright smile. 
“Y/n,” he said smiling. “Welcome home.” 
“Welcome home to you as well,” you replied, throwing yourself into Zoro’s arms and burying your head into his chest. “I missed you both so much.” your voice came out muffled. 
“What’s wrong?” Law asked, noticing your dropped mood instantly. 
“Ahh, she’s been beat from work.” Zoro replied on behalf of you, his arms tightened around you as you nodded. 
“I keep telling you that you should take a break. Call and say you’re sick.” he said, reaching out to grab a bottle of olive oil. 
You shifted and turned, still nestled between Zoro’s strong arms, your back now firmly pressed against him the heat he radiated made you feel secure. You rolled your eyes at the soon to be surgeon. 
“Says the man who passes out every time he comes home.”
“As you can see I’m home and I haven’t passed out.” 
“...yet.” Zoro muttered, earning a giggle from you. 
“You know what,” Law said, annoyed. “Lasagna for neither of you.”
“Noooo, I’m sorry…” you whined, your stomach growling along with you.
“I’m sorry too, please feed us.” Zoro continued. 
Law chuckled and shook his head. Leaning towards you he gave you a small peck on the lips. 
“Fine you can have some,” then his eyes landed on Zoro. “You on the other hand can’t have any.” 
“You’re a dick.” he said as he grabbed your hand and started to pull you towards the living room. 
“Where do you think you two are going?!” he exclaimed, pouring a bit of olive oil into the salad. 
“We’re going to spend some time together so that y/n can cheer up.” Zoro replied with a smirk. 
“I don’t think so. I haven’t spent any time with her” he said, and stomped towards you both. 
Honestly you were happy at where you were, being sandwiched between the two while they bantered truly was fun. Shame they couldn’t see the simple answer to their problem. 
“That’s not my fault .” 
Their voices fainted away as you started to think more about where you were. Both of their warm bodies flushed against your own, you could basically feel every muscle and breath on you. You could feel yourself starting to get wet, needless to say you already felt quite horny since the moment you saw the two kissing, rubbing your thighs together you decide to enlighten them one of the biggest positives of being in a polyamorous relationship. 
“You know,” you said and cut them off. Your voice was dripping with mischief. “We could...you know… spend time together?” 
You snorted when they actually looked surprised by this revelation. You loved these dumbasses so much. Law was swift and didn’t hesitate when his hands dove under your shirt and started to travel along your body, his hands dipped into every crevice and squeezed your love handles. Already starting to feel flustered you leaned in to him, Zoro grunted and started to leave open mouthed kisses on your skin and traveled down to your neck. He nibbled and sucked on the soft skin, and earned a soft moan from you. 
Not wanting to lose to Zoro Law started to kiss you as well, his hands traveling up to your big breasts, squeezing and massaging the soft mounds. Everytime their lips touched your burning skin, you moaned and your pulse quickened. İmpatient, Law stopped and pulled off your shirt, leaving your upper body completely naked in the middle of the kitchen. Zoro seemed to like this as he licked your neck, his tongue dancing along your skin, he dipped down and took your semi erect nipple into his burning mouth. You trembled slightly as his tongue rolled your nip and nibbled at it with his teeth. He grabbed your other breast, kneading the soft flesh, with his thumb and forefinger he started to pinch, pull and roll your nipple. Your moans gradually became louder. 
Groaning, Law pulled you in for a kiss. Captivating your mouth he stuffed his tongue between your lips, usually you would challenge him but today you were more than willing to let him have his way. You closed your eyes, and with a wide open mouth he engulfed your lips, your nose smushed on the side of his cheek, he licked the inside of your mouth and sucked on your tongue. While you were occupied with the sensations of Zoro’s mouth on your nipple and Law devouring your mouth, you didn’t realize that the sneaky doctor’s hand had already unbuttoned your pants and snuck underneath your underwear. 
A surprised muffled gasp left you as two fingers traced your labia and grazed against your clit. Freeing your lips Law licked the side of your face as he started to play with your clit, rubbing the sensitive nub with harsh and eager strokes. Being stimulated by both ends, your mind started to feel foggy from the pleasure. Law’s tongue was warm and wet against your skin, Zoro, contrasting  Law,  continued to softly squeeze your breast and suck on your now fully erect nipple. 
Just as you were getting used to the feeling of Law torturing you by mercilessly by playing with your clit, he slid his fingers in to you with ease. It was kind of embarrassing how wet you were for them. 
“God you’re so wet, you love having my fingers in you don’t you?”
You didn’t answer, when silence followed a harsh pain shot out from your breast, it made you jump and hiss in pain. You looked down to see Zoro staring up to you, his teeth feeling sharp against your skin. 
“Answer him.” he growled, voice husky. 
You blushed, having them work together was always such a turn on for you. Your legs twitching, you let out a shaky breath. 
“I...I love having your fingers inside of me.” you spoke out, your voice strained. 
“Good girl.” Law hummed. “You wanted this so bad, didn’t you? Wanted both of us to spoil you endlessly.” 
You nodded, tears starting to sting the corner of your eyes, you felt overwhelmed by it all. Your body trembled and ached with desire. A desire that you were craving for so long. 
With a sudden pull your head was thrown back, Law’s fingers tangled in your hair, he pulled you enough to expose your bare neck, a pained groan came from you. He ignored this and licked your neck which was followed by a sharp bite, he sucked on your flesh and you knew that he was marking you. Your inner walls clamped around his fingers as he went in deeper, curling and pressing his fingers into the spongy spot inside of you. Your whole body spasmed at the feeling. 
“Hey,” you were barely able to hear Zoro’s voice. “Don’t be so rough with her.” 
“She likes it,” Law replied, his breath ghosting over your neck. “She’s so wet right now.” 
As if he wanted to prove his point Law’s fingers made a loud squelching sound as they moved in and out of you. The sound and sensation heightened your arousal, you felt yourself starting to move your hips, trying to be in sync with Law’s hand.  Your body burned hot, your pussy was slick with fluids, every time they touched you your desire amplified. 
“Fuck, I can hear her.” 
Your breasts felt cold when Zoro left them, he got on his knees and watched as Law’s fingers thrusted in and out of you. Your fluids trickled down your inner thighs, it was embarrassing how needy you were but you couldn’t help it. Law spread out your folds so that Zoro could take a better look, you could feel your hole twitching at his gaze. 
“Want a taste?” Law cooed, edging Zoro on. 
You wished you could see what was going on but Law was still firmly pulling your head back, your only view being the white ceiling. It was a tragedy that you couldn’t see. You felt a warm, wet muscle dance along your inner thighs, cleaning the remains of your juices. You felt Zoro’s hands grip the underside of your ass and squeeze as he traced your labia with the tip of his tongue. He moaned at the taste of you, he pushed his face further into you, your pubes tickling his nose, and he pushed his tongue into you.
“Fuck.” you managed to say, your inner walls spasming.  
“Now that’s not a very nice thing to say is it, y/n?” Law warned, but it was obvious that he was enjoying himself. 
Law dove back into your neck, marking you as he pleased. Law continued to play with your clit, pulling and pinching as Zoro fucked you with his tongue. You were amazed how a muscle so small could be so strong. He wiggled his tongue deep inside you making you moan uncontrollably. 
“Are you going to cum for us?” Law whispered, his lips pressed against your ear. “Come on cum all over Zoro’s face. You know you want to.” 
With one more torturous pinch on your clit, you were seeing stars. Your legs threatened to give out as your walls twitched and clamped around Zoro’s tongue. You could hear how slick you’ve become with the lewd sounds of slurping getting louder and filling the kitchen. Zoro hummed, the vibrations of it made you moan. 
“Good girl.” Law said, releasing your head. 
You looked down at Zoro, only now he parted away from your pussy, he looked up to you with a grin on his face. You were left breathless when you saw his mouth and chin glistening with your cum. Law grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt and pulled him up. He captured the unexpecting man’s lips with a kiss. You watched intently as Law’s tongue darted out momentarily to taste you on Zoro’s mouth. It wasn’t often that Zoro moaned when Law kissed him, so when the man moaned into the kiss, rutting his hips against the slimmer man… needless to say you got worked up all over again. Law broke the kiss and licked Zoro’s lips one last time before locking his gaze onto you. Just how horny was he? 
Zoro followed his gaze and his lips spread out into a devilish smirk. He grabbed you by the hand and led you to the bedroom, Law following from behind. They both were quick to get naked when you sat on the bed, you swallowed when you saw how hard they were. Zoro’s cock was thick and glistening with precum whereas Law’s was longer than his and a bit slimmer. They both looked delicious. 
“Like what you see?” Zoro asked playfully, he very well knew that you did. 
“Get on your knees.” Law ordered. 
“Someone seems eager.” you teased but complied anyway. 
Getting on all fours, the bed dipped under their weight. Zoro stood behind you, kneading your soft ass, he peeled your cheeks open and placed his cock between them. He rubbed his shaft between them, the tip of his cock barely visible between your ass. Instinctively you raised your hips, a series of groans came from his as his grip on your ass tightened. 
Law on the other hand had other plans. Standing before you, his dick was just a bit below from your eye level. With his thumb he pulled down your bottom lip, you stared up at him. Your gazes locked on each other, you darted your tongue and locked the tip of his finger. He flashed you a grin and replaced his thumb with the tip of his dick instead. He smeared the precum all over your lips and rubbed his shaft along your cheek. Your mouth watered, his cock warm against your flushed skin. 
“Zoro,” he said, tearing his gaze away from you. “Hold her head for me.” 
When his demand was followed by silence, he rolled his eyes. 
“Fine.” he grunted. “But only because you asked so nicely.” 
The loss of Zoro’s cock spreading your asscheeks made you whine, he playfully slapped you and chuckled, as if to say don’t worry I’m going to be back soon. Zoro wrapped his fingers around your hair, his hand keeping you steady, Law teased your mouth with his cock. 
“You remember the safe word right?” Zoro asked, prompting Law to wait a bit. 
You nodded.
“Moron Sanji.” 
“I...I feel like we should change the safeword.” Law said, and rolled his eyes. 
“It is what it is.” Zoro replied, dismissing him. “Now where were we?” 
His grip on your hair tightened, shots of bittersweet pain spreading across your scalp. Spreading your lips you stuck your tongue out, pleased by this Law rubbed the tip against the flat of your tongue letting you taste him. He tasted bitter but you enjoyed the slimy texture and the flavor. With one thrust he buried himself completely in your mouth. Your throat closed around him as your gag reflex took over you. Zoro held you in place as your flight reflex kicked in. Law sighed happily. 
“God your mouth feels so good.” he cooed. 
He pulled his hips back and snapped with full force again and again. Your chin started to ache and your eyes watered. Saliva mixed with precum dribbled down your chin as he continued to fuck your mouth. You felt so good with your mouth so full, each time he thrusted his hips the tip of his cock touched the inside of your throat. 
You heard Zoro groan and felt him tugging at your wrist, stumbling only for a bit as you let him guide his hand to his throbbing cock. Loosely wrapping your fingers around him, Zoro started to slowly thrust in and out against your palm. Your hand was now slick with Zoro’s precum, making it easier for him to slide between your fingers. The heat in your palm was steadily building. 
The way Law was thrusting into your mouth, whispering words of praise to the both of you, you could feel yourself starting to flood with fluids all over again. Before you knew it your grip on Zoro’s cock tightened. You could feel them all over you, it felt so good that it made you crave for more. 
Law continued to slam his hips into you, and you started to jerk Zoro off more vigorously, his cock throbbed, the amount of precum increasing and lubricating your palm. Zoro’s breathing hitched as his movements became more erratic and desperate. His cock twitched, he was close, his moans gradually became louder moaning both yours and Law’s name over and over again. Law’s chuckled, continuing to fuck your mouth he leaned in towards Zoro, he slammed his lips against the larger man and sucked on his tongue. Zoro’s grip on your hair loosened as he groaned into Law’s mouth. 
Zoro’s body trembled as he blew his load all over your hand, his cum thick and warm over your fingers. Law let go of Zoro’s lips with a pop and started to focus on his own release instead. Letting go of your head completely Zoro collapsed on the bed, trying to gather his breath. Your hand fell back to the bed and Law’s hands replaced Zoro’s, his movements grew impatient with each thrust into your mouth.  
Zoro, watching the two of you, licked his lips as an idea formed in his head. He crawled behind you and came across face to face with ass. He loved to watch how it rippled as Law fucked your mouth. Placing his calloused hands on to the soft mounds he spread your cheeks apart, burying his face in between them he wriggled his tongue and reached your hole. It twitched when the warm muscle touched it, with a hum Zoro licked it. 
You moaned around Law’s cock, your eyes widening, instinctively you pressed into Zoro’s face begging him to go deeper. Not being the type of man to deny his wonderful girlfriend Zoro slid his tongue in, he pushed as far as he could. Soon enough he was fucking you with his tongue, the muscle sliding in and out of you with ease. 
“We’re really spoiling you today huh y/n?” Law said, teasing you. 
You answered him with a loud moan, your body feeling warm. Law’s grip on your head became stronger, with one last thrust Law buried himself deep inside you, keeping your head in place. He trembled as he shot his cum into your mouth. It felt heavy on your tongue as you swallowed every last drop, only a bit of it escaping you and trailed down the side of your chin. Letting out a shaky breath Law released your head, with your mouth now free you let out loud moans, as Zoro continued to thrust his tongue in and out of your ass, your voice now hoarse. Knowing that Law came Zoro pulled out his tongue and planted open mouthed kisses all over your ass, not being able to contain himself he gave it a sharp bite before looking at Law. 
“I really want to fuck her now.” by the sound of it he was barely hanging on. 
“You’re insatiable.” Law said with a grin. “But yeah, I want to fuck her too.”
Don’t I have a say in this? You though but honestly, you really wanted to feel them both inside of you too. Besides you were too worn out to actually banter with them. 
Taking both of your wrists Zoro pulled you back, Law came closer to you teasing your slit with the tip of his cock, your body trembled at the thought of them both entering you. As if he read your mind, Law slid between your folds and into you with ease. The two of you took in sharp breaths, Law waited for you to adjust to him, leaning in Law captured your lips with a soft kiss. This time he took it slow, exploring your mouth and tasting you. 
Your body relaxed as he kissed you, making Zoro’s job easier. Spreading your asscheeks Zoro probed at your already wet hole, slowly he pushed in, your groaned at the intrusion but Law continued to entrance you with the kiss, his hands came up to your breasts and squeezed your tender flesh, your pained groan was quick to turn into a moan.   
When Zoro was finally sheathed completely inside of you, your whole body threatened to give out right then and there. Lucky you that Zoro was still keeping you standing still by holding your arms. Law broke the kiss and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. 
“Are you okay?” he asked. 
You nodded, both of your whole twitching and burning. 
“You can move.” you managed to whisper. 
Law was the first to move, each time he slid in and out of you he could feel Zoro buried deep inside of you. With a groan Zoro followed suit, slowly he snapped his hips back and thrusted into you once again. You screamed mixed with pain and pleasure. The feeling of being filled from both ends made you feel dizzy. 
Law buried his face in the crook of your neck, kissing and nibbling at your flustered flesh. Zoro let go of your arms and grabbed your breasts, pinching and pulling at your nipples, the two of them made your whole body spasm with desire. The lewd noises of them both fucking you filled the room, the squelching managed to turn you on even more if possible. 
Both of Zoro’s and Law’s moans got louder, the way they could feel each other thrusting into you through your inner wall drove them crazy. Law continued to bite your neck and Zoro roughly squeezed your breasts, his mind too occupied to actually think of playing with your nipples. Your insides were burning, the sensation of being stretched out so deliciously edging you towards your release once again. You didn’t even know which name you shouted as your second orgasm hit you like a truck. Your toes curled and your body arched back as you saw white. 
Both of them groaned when your walls fluttered around both of their cocks, sucking them in deeper. Your juices dripped down Law’s dick, making the noises of him fucking you grow louder. 
“Fuck...ahhh… I’m close.” Law moaned against your neck. 
“Me...Me too...fuck, y/n you’re so tight.” 
You wanted to retort and say it wasn’t everyday you got your ass fucked but you just couldn’t as your second orgasm was still washing over you. 
Before you could come down from your high Zoro pulled out and  you felt the warmth of his cum trickling down your ass, you felt him falling back onto the bed, his breathing uneven and short. Law was quick to follow, he pulled out and shot his semen all over your stomach, leaving you empty and twitching. 
The two of you collapsed after that, you falling backwards into Zoro’s chest and Law falling into the bed. Automatically Zoro’s arms came around you, pulling you close, he placed a gentle kiss on your temple. The three of you, sweaty and hot, sat in silence, only your heavy breathing filling the room. 
“We should prepare a bath.” Law said, being the one to break the silence. 
“I wouldn’t say no to that.” you replied a soft smile tugging at your lips.    
 “I bought some new bath bombs if you want to try them out.” Zoro chimed in. 
Sighing happily, you leaned further into Zoro.
“How did I end up being so lucky.” 
“We’re the lucky ones,” Law answered, smiling. “You’re amazing y/n.” 
You continued to smile until a faint smell reached your nose, you sniffed the air.
“Is something burning?”
“The lasagna!” 
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deathlikesdeep-dish · 4 years
“You’re Making Me Wet” (Zoro x Female Reader)
JUST UNDER THE WIRE BUT I FINISHED FOR BAE’S BIRTHDAY. It was not probably my best move to try and start and finish something in an evening, but here we are. A bit rushed, but I hope y’all enjoy this lil fic! I’ve been meaning to write this for a while, (specifically for the One Piece of Summer event) and haven’t gotten around to it. Inspired by the “We Can!” opening where the crew has a water gun fight, and sexy flirtation ensues. 
WARNINGS: cussing as usual, heavy suggestion but no smut! 
Zoro x Female Reader
Word Count: 1960
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It was a particularly hot day aboard the Sunny, and the crew was beginning to get a little stir crazy. It would be days, according to Nami, before you all would arrive at the next island, and Luffy’s heavy, bored sigh every ten minutes after he’d ask how much longerrrr was beginning to wear on the entire crew. 
“Goddamn it, Luffy, if I hear you ask that question one more damn time, I’m gonna lose my fucking mind,” Zoro growls from his usual spot.
“Not like there’s much there to lose,” Sanji mumbles under his breath as he walks back to the kitchen, to the great amusement of both Chopper and Usopp, though their laughter is cut short by Zoro’s sharp gaze. 
“Shut up, cook,” Zoro ground out. 
You giggle quietly, but don’t say anything.
“Boys,” Nami rolls her eyes from next to you. You, Nami and Robin are all lounging in the shade on the deck. 
You look over at Zoro, who has uncharacteristically chosen to shed his usual gear in lieu of swim trunks and a simple white t-shirt. Though this is not out of place, as the entire crew had donned their swim gear after the third straight day of heat, it is still jarring to see the swordsman out of his normal attire. It left much less to the imagination, and made it difficult to concentrate. His brow is still furrowed in annoyance towards Sanji, his lips a thin, tight line. He doesn’t notice that you are staring, which you are grateful for. You are also grateful that both Robin and Nami seem content to occupy themselves with idle chatter. They have been giving you a hard time recently about your sometimes unabashed attraction to the greenette. 
You can see the slight sheen of sweat forming on Zoro’s tanned forearms and at the nape of his neck and as he tilts his head back, your gaze follows the sharp line of his jaw. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, clearly attempting to calm himself down and you can see his facial features beginning to relax. How is it fair for someone to be this attractive, you think bitterly. 
Abruptly, as if Zoro felt your gaze, his eyes open and the flash to yours. They are vigilant at first, cautious, but soften when he realizes that it is you, and not some enemy, that is looking at him. You realize, stupidly, that he has trained his Haki to notice any sort of energies directed towards him, and you could kick yourself for being so careless. 
He smirks a bit, but otherwise does nothing. You flush brightly and look away, turning to ask Nami a question but you find that she is no longer in her spot.
“Hey, where’d Nami go?” You ask Robin.
“I think she went to talk to Luffy about something,” Robin replies vaguely. 
“Oh,” You say, looking around. Luffy, too, has vanished from his normal spot atop the figurehead. 
“Come to think of it,” You say a little more loudly, attracting the attention of the other crew members nearby. “Isn’t a little too quiet?” 
“Huh, you’re right, y/n,” Chopper says. “It is really quiet...” 
Before you can utter another word, you hear the loud yell of your captain from the helm. “Gum-gum….WATER GUN FIGHT.” He leaps onto the deck with a cackle and begins rapidly firing a water gun at Usopp and Chopper.
“Hell yeah! Talk about a super soaker!” Frank yells out, his Franky water cannons emerging from his shoulder pauldrons, primed and ready to go. 
Nami yells out to you and Robin. “Robin, Y/n!” You both look up and see her toss a similar water weapon to each of you with a mischievous grin. You catch it with a loud laugh. 
“Oh, you idiots don’t even know what’s about to happen,” You say evilly, launching up from your chair. 
“Oh yeah?” Usopp challenges, and the battle ensues. Since you joined the Strawhats with Franky in Water 7, you have been through many battles with your nakama. And in some of these, you recall with unpleasantness, you weren’t sure if the crew was going to make it out all in one piece. So, it is with great pleasure that you engage in this battle, one where the only stakes of the loss are cleaning up Sanji’s dinner or helping Chopper get a mat out of his coat. You, along with Robin and Nami, are in immediate opposition to Franky, Chopper, and Usopp. Your captain is, of course, trying to take all of you on at once. 
Sanji is still in the kitchen, probably preparing some sort of fruity drink for the ladies, and Zoro is to the side, being an overall dolt and spoil-sport. He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest, leaning against the side of the ship as he curls a dumbbell. 
“Nami, my sweet!” Sanji calls out, busting through the door with a tray of drinks, completely unaware of the chaos unfolding. 
“FRANKY SUPER CANNON,” Franky yells, firing a jet of water directly into Luffy. The blast is so powerful, that the Luffy is launched into Sanji, who is then launched into the marimo as he sits with his weights. The three of them are also immediately drenched with water from Franky’s cannon.
“Hey, what the hell!” Zoro barks out, standing up with a menacing glare.
“Stop getting in the way, moss-head! You knocked down my drinks for the lovely ladies!” Sanji replies with equal rage. 
“Why you….” Zoro replies. “Give me a fucking water gun. I’m gonna kick this cook’s ass.” 
“Ha! Not a chance, you couldn’t even touch me, cretin,” Sanji says. 
Luffy is cackling as Franky tosses two more water guns to Zoro and Sanji respectively. 
“Don’t wreck my ship!” Frank yells out with a laugh, as Zoro and Sanji are brought into the fight. The battle continues for a while longer, Zoro wanting desperately to use his swords (aiming a gun was not exactly his strong suit) and Sanji not wanting to use his delicate chef hands too vigorously (my hands are only for cooking and women, he’d say). Zoro, turning his attention away from Sanji, who is being attacked by Luffy and Robin, looks around to find you. You’ve been hiding from him intentionally, knowing that he would show you no mercy. 
“Oh, y/n…” Zoro calls. “Where have you been hiding? Don’t think I’ll let you get away scot-free.” 
Hearing his voice, low and taunting, throws an unexpected pang of desire down your spine. You bite your lip in an effort to remain silent. You know that you hiding is pointless. He could find you in a second with his Haki. He’s teasing you intentionally. Does he know how desperately aroused that this is making you? 
“Got ya,” You hear in your ear from behind you. You jump at the sudden closeness of his voice and yelp a bit. 
“Ugh, Zoro,” You complain, hoping he doesn’t notice how breathless you are. “You’re such an ass,” You turn towards him and meet his gaze. He is much closer than you thought, so when you turn around and look up, your noses nearly touch. He makes no moves to back off, challenging you. You take a step backwards, cursing in your mind, and rip your gaze from his. This is a mistake. Your eyes settle on his torso. The white t-shirt he has been wearing is all but translucent now, soaked with water from the fight. The fabric clings to each line of his chest and abdomen, and even though you’ve seen him shirtless many times before this, there’s something particularly erotic about him being fully clothed and yet so exposed. 
Your lips are parted as you let out a shuddering breath. You take a step back, trying to regain composure, only to find your back against the side of the ship. He is very close. And you have nowhere to go. “Uh,” You stutter. You look up at his face again, which was yet another mistake. You are now close enough to trace the lines of his face with your eyes. You notice, for the first time, how ragged the scar over his left eye actually was. You feel a tinge of sadness, wondering for a long moment how it happened, and hating the thought of him suffering. 
That thought quickly leaves your mind, as he reaches to place a hand on either side of your head, leaning in. “What the problem, y/n?” He teases.
Since when has the socially awkward first mate become so incredibly seductive?! 
“Zoro,” You start, droplets of water from his hair and his arms dripping onto your skin. “You’re making me wet.” You finish without thinking. 
His grin widens and you don’t realize why until you remember the words that had just come out of your mouth. You flush bright red and you bury your hands in your face immediately. 
“Oh my God,” Your words are muffled by your hands. Oh my God, please just fucking kill me now.  
After a moment, you feel warm fingers wrap around your wrists, to pull your hands to the side. You try to ignore the tingling sensation emanating from his touch. 
“Sorry. Didn’t mean to make you wet,” He says slyly. “Let me fix that,” he finishes before stepping back to strip off his shirt. The two of you are far enough away from the rest of the crew to feel particularly vulnerable. Though you know, of course, that Zoro poses no threat to you, you are beginning to feel like your dignity may end up being threatened if you’re not able to get your shit together. 
“Zoro, what are you doing?” You ask in a near whisper.
“Y/n,” He breathes. “You must know that I can sense you.” He looks you directly in the eye, his dark gaze penetrating. “I know your energy. I know when you’re near.” 
You are disarmed, unable to look away. “I’ve trained myself to know. Because I need to know that you’re safe.” You are taken aback, not expecting to hear something so sentimental come out of the swordsman’s mouth. 
“I know when you’re looking at me. I know when you stare. I can sense your heart racing right now,” He continues, leaning in so that his lips barely brush yours. 
“I can sense that you want me in the same way that I want you,” He says finally. 
Wait, what? You think, your mind hazy. He had never once given you any indication that he felt this way. “What did you just say?” You ask.
“I said that I want you.” He replies simply. 
You don’t know what to say. You’d never even allowed yourself to consider the possibility that Zoro may feel something like this for you. 
“You don’t have to answer right now,” He reassures you. “And there’s no rush. I want you to feel comfortable, y/n.” 
Your heart is warmed by the gesture and you are grateful that you are going to be able to have some time to process this information. Nami and Robin are going to lose their shit, you think.
“But y/n,” Zoro says, the same sly tone back in his voice as leans down to your ear. “If I catch you staring at me while I’m shirtless again,” He gently tugs your earlobe between his teeth. You gasp, nearly collapsing. “I make no promises to go slow.” His lips trail to the hollow beneath your ear, and you brace your hands against the wall of the ship. 
“I may be honorable,” He whispers. “But I am a pirate.”
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purplehairedwonder · 3 years
Hearts With(out) Chains Chapter 11
Fandom: One Piece Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Gen (eventual Lawlu) Words: 3537 Characters: Trafalgar Law, Monkey D. Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Franky, Smoker, Tashigi, Vergo Note: I’m taking my turn at the Corazon!Law AU because my brain won’t leave me alone until this is written down. Tags will be updated as the chapters come out.
The story title is based on the Ellie Goulding song “Hearts Without Chains.”
Summary: Law is reclaimed by the Family when he's 17 and, with Doflamingo holding the lives of his crew as collateral for his good behavior, eventually becomes the third Corazon. Years later, trapped by his impossible situation, Law finds a strange connection to Monkey D. Luffy, which offers a glimpse of something he's repeatedly had ripped away from him: hope.
Previous chapters: Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Read also at AO3 / FF.N
Smoker’s eyes widened. “Vergo? What is the head of G-5 doing here?”
“I’m here on business, Vice Admiral,” Vergo replied, inclining his head at Smoker.
“We called for backup but were told you were on leave,” the swordswoman said, frowning.
He never said whose business he’s here on, Law thought wryly as he sliced through the chains holding the two Marines captive. He stepped back out of the cage, eyeing Vergo. Law didn’t like the sense of satisfaction radiating off the older man. He’d heard what Law had said—but had anyone else?
“Doffy didn’t believe me before that you’re a traitor, but now he’ll have it in your own words, Law.”
Could Vergo have a line open to Dressrosa? Or perhaps he’d recorded what Law had said.
It also confirmed that Vergo had called Doffy with his report on Law’s defection, but apparently Doffy wasn’t buying it; the Warlord knew full well the safeguards he’d put into place to prevent Law from betraying him, after all. If Vergo had proof, though…
Law needed to make sure those words never left this room.
“I didn’t think you’d be so foolish as to blow your cover over a grudge,” Law commented, raising an eyebrow. He kept his tone purposefully light, but he expanded his Room and kept Kikoku hefted in front of him.
With a quick scan of his Room, he found Zoro’s swords and Shambled them into the man’s hands. Zoro let out a surprised yelp (one Law knew he would deny making until his dying day), and Law’s lip twitched as he glanced back and met the pirate hunter’s eye. The other man’s startled expression quickly shifted into a nod of appreciation as he replaced the blades at his side.
“Cover?” the swordswoman asked, following Smoker out of the cell.
Smoker jerked. “A traitor?” he growled, glancing between Law and Vergo. His gaze finally settled on the base commander. He shook his head, and Law could practically hear the pieces clicking into place in his brain. “I can’t believe I didn’t see it. You’re the one who’s been covering up the abductions of the children, aren’t you?”
“Don’t feel too bad, White Chase-ya,” Law said, and Smoker looked back at him suspiciously. “It’s not like Vergo was a traitor to the Marines. Vergo was a pirate from the start.”
Law couldn’t help his lip curling into a sneer. “He’s Doflamingo’s most trusted subordinate. He joined the Marines on his orders fifteen years ago and climbed the ranks.”
“A pirate posing as a Marine,” Smoker hissed. “Shameful.” He shook his head, disgusted.
“How dare you,” the captain yelled at Vergo, betrayal tinging the anger in her voice. “Those children are innocent!”
“They’re sacrifices for the greater good, Captain Tashigi,” Vergo said simply. He’d been watching the exchange with a bored affect in place, though Law knew better than to take him at face value; Vergo was always poised to attack.
“The greater good?” the cat burglar snapped. “What greater good could possibly come from experimenting on children?”
“That is super messed up,” the cyborg agreed.
“A world ruled by Donquixote Doflamingo, of course,” Vergo said, as though the answer were obvious. And, Law supposed, for Vergo, it was. “Give me some credit for keeping up my cover, Smoker-kun. I’ve been on my guard ever since you transferred to G-5. It will be good to finally be rid of that concern.”
Vergo turned back to Law. “And who says I’m blowing my cover, Law?” Vergo had completely dispensed with Law’s title, apparently. He’d never respected Law as a successor, no matter how many times Doffy pushed him on it, and now he had the excuse to back it up. “None of them are leaving this island. I’ll file it away as a tragic accident at sea, as always.”
Law narrowed his eyes, reminded once more of the World Government’s coverup of Flevance’s destruction. Vergo, as far as Law was concerned, was proof pirates and soldiers weren’t so different, no matter what people like Smoker professed. Law knew he was no better, but he also never claimed to be.
“I won’t let that happen,” Smoker snarled. He didn’t have his jitte since he’d been captured—and Law wasn’t feeling particularly inclined to return the weapon that had taken him down with Seastone—but he didn’t let that stop him.
Smoker shifted into smoke form and charged Vergo with an outraged yell. He had to know about Vergo’s talent with haki and the effect it would have on his Fruit’s abilities, but he attacked anyway, his fury at his base commander’s betrayal driving him on.
“Smoker-san!” the captain called, worried.
“What is he doing?” Zoro muttered.
Smoker punched at Vergo with a smoky tendril, but Vergo blackened his arm and grabbed the smoke. Smoker cursed as Vergo spun and whipped him into the far wall. Smoker coughed and sagged to the floor. His second and the Straw Hats gasped, but Law took the moment of distraction to Scan Vergo; there was a Den Den Mushi in his pocket.
With a twitch of his fingers, the Den Den Mushi flew from Vergo’s coat toward Law. Vergo’s eyes snapped toward him.
Law grabbed the snail from midair, and he pocketed it just as Vergo’s haki-coated stick slammed into his chest, tossing him like a rag doll into the wall behind him. The back of Law’s head hit the metal; his vision briefly went dark, and his stomach threatened to empty itself—another blow to his head was not what Law needed when he already had a concussion—but Law, taking a stabilizing breath, was able to collect his wits and keep his Room from falling. He Shambled himself across the room before Vergo could recover the Den Den Mushi.
“Brat!” Vergo snapped as he turned to find Law slumped over on one of the couches, having swapped places with a pillow. “But I suppose running away is always what you’ve done best.”
Law could vaguely hear the Straw Hats making some kind of commotion, though their words wouldn’t form in his ears; his blurry vision, however, was directed entirely toward the man striding toward him, a murderous intent barely contained beneath his haki-clad skin; Vergo knew he couldn’t kill Law before bringing him back to Dressrosa, but that wouldn’t stop him from beating the shit out of him—again.
Law just needed a moment to bring his vision back into focus…
Suddenly, Vergo was flying across the room. He crashed into the far wall and crumpled. Law blinked, his battered brain trying to comprehend what he was seeing. Belatedly, he turned to see Straw Hat, flanked by his crewmates, standing in the doorway, his rubbery arm returning to him with a loud snap.
Before dealing with that, Law pulled Vergo’s Den Den Mushi from his pocketed and noted in relief that there wasn’t a live line open. That meant Doffy hadn’t been listening in. Vergo still could have recorded his words, but Law would worry about that later. If Doffy hadn’t heard Law, then all Law had to do was prevent Vergo from bringing his words back to Dressrosa.
He pushed himself to his feet and headed toward the new arrivals. His vision was clearing, but his balance was still slightly off. The doctor in him was concerned, but the pirate in him knew he didn’t have the luxury of taking a break.
The two factions of Straw Hats were greeting each other happily. Straw Hat’s expression lit up as Law approached.
“What are you doing here, Straw Hat-ya?” Law demanded. “We agreed you would wait.”
Straw Hat frowned. “We were talking, but then there was all this chaos on Torao’s end of the line. No one was responding. It sounded dangerous, so we decided to help.”
Ah. Law supposed he had gotten distracted by Vergo’s appearance and hadn’t considered how that would have sounded to the Straw Hats listening in.
“So, what exactly happened to cause this?” the cat burglar asked, gesturing between Straw Hat and Law. Though she’d agreed to trust Straw Hat, she was still suspicious of Law—and she was right to be.
Still, Law ignored her. They didn’t have time for this; Vergo wouldn’t stay down long, even after taking a hit like that.
“If you want to rescue the children, this would be the time to do it,” he said.
“What about him?” Straw Hat asked, nodding back toward Vergo.
Law grimaced as he noticed Vergo stirring. “I can handle it.”
“Because that went so well before,” Black Leg muttered.
Law ignored him as well. He didn’t have Seastone draining his abilities now. “I’ll handle it,” he repeated, looking directly at Straw Hat. Vergo might be taking an excuse to finish what he’d started thirteen years earlier, but Law wasn’t a terminally ill child anymore. It was unfinished business for them both.
“Luffy, what—” the cat burglar started.
But Straw Hat studied Law’s face for a long moment and seemed to find whatever he was looking for because he nodded. “Okay.”
Law felt a measure of relief at the response; it wasn’t that he needed Straw Hat’s permission to take on Vergo—alliance or not, he wouldn’t let anyone take this fight from him—but having his agreement was a lot easier. His crew would follow his lead, and they’d be able to accomplish both their tasks and move on to rescuing Law’s nakama.
“What?” several Straw Hats gasped.
“Okay,” Straw Hat repeated. “Torao will handle the Verto guy, and we’ll go after the kids.”
“You think I’m going to let that happen?” Vergo said. He’d risen to his feet and stood, arms crossed, in front of the doorway the Straw Hats would need to go through to find the children.
Straw Hat made to draw his arm back again, but before he could strike, Law held out a hand. Straw Hat stopped, eyeing Law curiously.
“Go. Caesar and Monet are still with the children. They’re both Fruit users, so don’t take them lightly.”
Law Shambled Vergo into the cage, and, with a few twists of his fingers, retwined the wires holding the front of the cage together. The doorway was now open, and Vergo cursed. The cage wouldn’t hold him long, but it didn’t need to—just long enough for the others to leave.
Straw Hat whooped. “Thanks, Torao!” he called as he charged forward, the promise of a fight clearly drawing him like a magnet.
“Wait, Luffy!” the cat burglar called, running after her captain. “You don’t know where you’re going!”
Straw Hat’s laughter echoed against the metal walls as the Straw Hats and, Law noticed, Smoker’s second filed out of the open doorway. Smoker, however, remained where he was; he’d gotten to his feet while Law was talking to the Straw Hats. Law narrowed his eyes at the other man.
“This is my fight, White Chase-ya. Stay out of my way.”
“That man is a traitor to the Marines, and I plan to see justice done,” Smoker said, voice tight, as he strode up next to Law. “Don’t get in my way, pirate.”
Law and Smoker both turned at the sound of a metallic slam; Vergo had kicked the cage’s front out, the metal wiring sliding several feet across the floor before coming to rest. Though Vergo’s eyes were still hidden behind his glasses, Law could feel the anger radiating off the man.
“Enough,” he snapped, stepping back into the room.
“My thoughts exactly,” Smoker roared, charging at Vergo. “Traitor!”
Law sighed but didn’t intervene. Though he thought the man was being foolish considering how his previous attack had failed, Law could understand his rage at realizing Vergo, the base commander of his own unit, was a traitor.
However, Smoker wouldn’t get an advantage on Vergo this way; Vergo’s haki was superior to the other vice admiral’s. The first Corazon didn’t have a Devil Fruit to enhance his attacks, so he’d trained and honed his haki over the years until his masterful control and overwhelming power became what he was known for. For a Logia like Smoker, Vergo was a bad matchup.
Still, if he wanted to wear Vergo down while Law took a few moments to rest, Law wasn’t going to object. At full strength, Law wasn’t particularly concerned about taking Vergo on, but he didn’t want to take any chances when he was unsteady with a head injury. As the two vice admirals clashed, Law scanned the room until he found Smoker’s jitte. He could still feel the ghost of the Seastone tip slamming into his back, causing his Room to fall around him as weakness spread through his entire body. Law grimaced, but, grudgingly, he summoned the weapon into his hand.
“White Chase-ya,” he called as Smoker fell back from a swipe of Vergo’s bamboo stick.
“What?” Smoker demanded, not looking toward Law.
“Catch.” He tossed the jitte in the man’s direction.
Smoker’s eyes flicked in his direction then widened as he saw his weapon flying in his direction. He sent a smoky arm toward it, grabbing the hilt before Vergo could interfere. He grunted a nod in Law’s direction, clearly unhappy to owe Law anything else.
Even with his jitte, Smoker was clearly outmatched. Vergo’s haki-coated arms were able to strike Smoker’s smoke form, forcing him to revert to his base form. They traded blows, Vergo’s bamboo stick with Smoker’s jitte. Vergo’s haki-enhanced hits pushed Smoker into retreat.
“It’s no use, Smoker-kun,” Vergo taunted. “You’re no match for me.”
“You’ve betrayed G-5. The men trusted you. I’ll see you pay for that, pirate,” Smoker snarled back.
Vergo side-stepped Smoker’s blow and looked at him curiously. “You seem to care for those morons. Why?”
Smoker leapt at Vergo, only to be pushed aside by his bamboo. “Because they’re my men!”
Vergo tsked. “And that is your problem, Smoker-kun. Placing loyalty in trash. You will only end up discarded along with them.”
Smoker roared in response, but Vergo kicked out and tripped Smoker. Smoker fell backwards, hissing as his back hit the floor. His eyes widened as Vergo suddenly appeared above him, ready to strike a killing blow with his bamboo.
Deciding he’d seen enough, Law twitched his fingers, sending Vergo to the far side of the room.
“Law,” Vergo growled when he realized what had happened. “Don’t interfere. I’ll have time for you, too.”
Law rolled his eyes and turned back to Smoker. “Enough, White Chase-ya.”
“Dammit, Corazon! I can still—” He broke off, wincing at what Law would guess were broken ribs from Vergo’s many haki-enhanced blows.
“I can see that,” Law replied wryly. “Don’t make me move you, too.”
Smoker glowered but didn’t argue.
As Vergo started charging back toward Law and Smoker, Law Shambled himself across the room, directly into Vergo’s path. He swung Kikoku, but Vergo dodged just in time. A large chunk of the wall behind Vergo came down with a loud clatter. Law swung his blade several more times to create smaller pieces of metal from the fallen wall.
Law turned on his heel and immediately jumped back toward Vergo, using Kikoku to block a flurry of blows. His arms shook under the strain of countering the strikes, but he gritted his teeth then powered forward, driving Vergo back.
Lifting a finger, Law used Takt to lift the metal pieces he’d created and hurled them toward Vergo. The vice admiral cursed and dodged the large sheets of metal, knocking those he couldn’t dodge away with his stick.
“What’s wrong, Vergo?” Law taunted as he ducked under the flying pieces of metal to approach his target. “Not so easy when your target isn’t shackled in Seastone?”
“Don’t flatter yourself, Law.”
Law sent a large piece of metal Vergo had already knocked away back toward Vergo and ducked behind it; Law followed its path, so when Vergo knocked it out of his way again, he jolted in surprise as Law suddenly appeared. He swung his bamboo to push Law back, but Law ducked under Vergo’s outstretched arm, catching the man off-guard.
Law shoved his free hand forward into Vergo’s chest. Mes.
Vergo gasped as his heart was expelled backward. He slumped forward as Law summoned the heart into his hand.
“Bastard,” Vergo hissed.
To his credit, Vergo’s heartrate remained steady as he kneeled in front of Law. Even now, he wouldn’t let his successor rattle him.
“I have your life literally in my hand, Vergo­,” Law said, eyeing the heart. “I’d watch my tongue if I were you.”
“And what will you do with it, boy?” Vergo sneered, looking up. “Kill me?”
As Law felt the heart pulse steady in his hand, memories of Minion Island flashed in front of his mind’s eye.
Finding Vergo as he looked for help for the fallen Cora-san.
Vergo and Cora-san recognizing each other.
Vergo beating the wounded Cora-san, taunting him all the while.
Vergo beating Law, no sympathy for a dying child.
Vergo leaving them both, battered and bloody, in the snow to report to Doflamingo.
Law squeezed the heart, and Vergo writhed on the ground, pained groans coming through his clenched teeth.
Cora-san. Law released his grip on the heart. Vergo let out relieved gasps and slowly stilled.
“Corazon,” Smoker said slowly, as if afraid to spook Law. “He needs to face justice.”
Cora-san had always believed in justice. He hadn’t wanted to kill Doflamingo but bring him in. He wouldn’t want to kill Vergo either but instead, like Smoker, to bring him to justice.
Law wasn’t like them.
“Justice,” he scoffed bitterly, eyes never leaving the heart in his hand. “Where was justice when my little sister collapsed from Amber Lead Disease at seven years old and died as my parents’ clinic burned to the ground? Where was justice when soldiers destroyed my country then covered it up?” Law could hear his voice rising in his ears as he spoke, but he didn’t care. Years of pent-up rage flowed through his veins. “Where was justice when the man who saved me was murdered for it? Where was justice—”
He cut himself off at the sound of Vergo’s choking laughter, throat tightening as he realized what he’d just said.
“There’s no such thing as justice, Smoker-kun,” Vergo said between pained gasps. “There is only strength and weakness.” He turned his head to stare at Law. “And your precious Cora-san was weak, Law. Just like you.”
Fury rising in his chest, Law squeezed the heart again, Vergo’s screams a melody to his ears.
When Law let go of the heart once more, Vergo collapsed to the floor and panted. For years, Law had waited for the chance to avenge what Vergo had done to him and Cora-san that night; Vergo had haunted his nightmares, a looming figure of cruelty. But now, laid out on the ground and trying to hold onto his pride in his defeat, Law thought he looked pathetic.
And just like that, the fury drained out of him, leaving him feeling oddly hollow.
“So now what, Law?” Vergo asked between gasps for air. “You can’t kill me.”
Law raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”
“What do you think Doffy would do to you if you did? To your crew?”
Law barked a humorless laugh. “If he thinks I’m a traitor, we’re all dead anyway.” He narrowed his eyes. “Might as well take you with me.”
Vergo frowned. “You know how the Family deals with traitors.”
“I do,” Law agreed.
“He’ll never let you go,” Vergo said. “Not until he’s done with you. Wherever you go, he’ll find you.”
“I know.” That was why he’d return to Dressrosa once his business here was done. “Don’t worry, Vergo-san. I’ll file it away as a tragic accident at sea.”
He tightened his grip around Vergo’s heart, watching as the man writhed. He felt… nothing. Vergo coughed blood, but the satisfaction Law had expected to feel at the sight of Vergo dying at his hands was missing, sucked into the hollowness in his chest.
“Corazon, you don’t have to do this,” Smoker spoke up. “I can take him in.”
Law tightened his grip further. “You really think Doflamingo would let his favorite subordinate be locked up in Impel Down?”
“Even Warlords don’t have the power to stop something like that,” Smoker replied with a frown.
Law shook his head. “He has more connections than that, White Chase-ya.” If Vergo left Punk Hazard alive, Law and his crew were assured slow, agonizing deaths. If Law killed Vergo now, there was still a chance this could be salvaged.
Vergo huffed a strained laugh around his cries. “He’s. Right. Smoker-kun. You. Have. No idea. Who. You’re. Dealing with.”
Smoker looked between the two pirates and shook his head but said nothing. Law continued squeezing the heart, waiting to feel something after all this time.
“What’s wrong, Law?” Vergo panted. “Don’t have. The stones. To finish it?”
Law closed his fist completely, crushing the heart until Vergo let out a final bloody gasp then went limp.
Still feeling that odd emptiness, he opened his hand dropped the still heart next to the corpse.
“That was for Cora-san.”
Next chapter
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xxrat-bastardxx · 4 years
mind if i slide in the first three parts of my zoro x reader fanfiction in here, its posted on archive of our own and wattpad too but i might just switch over to here so ppl can request one piece oneshots and drabbles n’ stuff anyway here it is:
Stargazer: A Roronoa Zoro x Reader
     I've been looking up recently. Not that I don't look up ever, as it is kinda my unspoken job on this ship. However instead of looking up to navigate the stars at night, lately I have been fascinated with looking at the crow's nest in the daytime, wondering what a certain swordsman was doing in there all day. Since I joined the crew the green haired hunk intrigued me. His cold personality strange to me as it was so different than everyone else on the ship. Although I found him interesting we never really had conversations, only short small talk here and there and common courtesy. A part of me wanted to get closer to him and find out all of his little secrets. The sane part telling me to leave him alone and find another person to bother.
    "(Y/N)!" Luffy yelled, pulling me out of my daydream, "FOOD!"
    "Go get Zoro while you're at it too," Nami followed.
    I got up from my spot on the grass and started my ascent. A sudden wave of excitement and nervousness washing over me. Finally I would learn the secrets of the crows nest. I unlatch the door and pull myself up, sitting myself up with my legs dangling out of the door.
    "Oh, that's boring," I say accidentally, quickly covering my mouth when I realized I actually said that out loud. Zoro drops his weight and looks at me, a puzzled expression on his face.
    "Excuse me? What did you say?" He questions even though he obviously understood what I said.
    "Shit, I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that. I was just expecting...Well I don't know what I was expecting, something different I guess." I answer not wanting to lie to the poor man I just insulted.
    Don't get me wrong walking in on a buff man working out is not necessarily boring. Just the obvious thing a buff man would be doing with his time. I guess I was hoping he would turn out to be a mad scientist or delicately painting the ocean from the perfect view the windows give.
    "Um...Anyway. It's dinner time, Nami wanted me to come get you," I say trying to change the topic and quickly make my escape. "I'll be going now, sorry I interrupted your workout."
    "Wait," Zoro says, stopping me before I leap down to the safety of the deck, "I'll walk with you." Weird. I just insulted him and now he wants to walk with me. It's not even that far of a walk either...
    I wait for him to grab a towel and dry off his sweat before heading down to the deck. Waiting for him at the bottom I listen to the commotion ensuing in the kitchen. If we don't hurry our damn captain will eat all the food. I hear a soft thump as the swordsman lands next to me. Looking up at him I shudder slightly just now realizing our hight difference. I quickly take in all of his features, never being this close for so long. Short green hair, did it always look that soft? Tan skin, was it always that smooth? Thick scar running across his chest, do you think he would let me touch it, I wonder how it feels? Damnit (y/n), why are you such a creep! I shake my head and start the short journey to the kitchen. Zoro following silently. I turn open the door to the kitchen with a smile and offer Zoro the chance to go in first. He nods to me in thanks and takes his seat at the table.
    "There you are (y/n)-swan! I thought that marimo brute kidnapped you, I was about to go save you myself," Sanji swoons carrying plates of delicious looking food. I laugh making his face light up as I sit down. The mentioned brute becoming visibly annoyed at the cook.
    "Don't worry Sanji he couldn't kidnap me even if he tried. Everyone knows I'm too quick to get caught," I reply teasing Zoro as I point my chopsticks at him.
    "Tch, how do you know...I wouldn't even want to kidnap you." Zoro grumbles poking at his food.
    "Did I make the moss head sad?" I jab, enjoying the thrill of making fun of such a powerful person. If I wasn't able to find his hidden talent, annoying him would be the next best thing. I wanted to know how far I could take it. I swear a slight tinge of red now dusted his cheeks and ears. Cute. He didn't respond but ate the rest of his meal obviously fuming.
"Luffy?" I question making the captain pause for a moment, "Who's on night shift with me tonight?" Since I navigated the ship most nights with the stars so Nami could relax, I usually asked for a helper to be on deck so I wouldn't drop dead the next day because of pulling all nighters every night. After asking it became apparent that Luffy hadn't thought of it one bit during the day. Which was typical of the airhead.
"Ussop!" Luffy smiles. It was obvious this was the first name to come to his head.
"Hey! I've done it 3 times this week already, why not someone else?!" Ussop retaliates. Ouch. I laugh it off understanding that for a normal person that was too much time to be awake.
"I'll do it," Zoro growls "I did it most of the time before she joined so its fine." This shocked me a little, he had never offered before and just after I've insulted him this much he wants to hang out with me? Or maybe he'll through me overboard as revenge. I guess if I survive the night I'll be able to learn more about him so maybe this is my dream come true.
After dinner I go to the back of the ship and watch the sunset, It was my nightly ritual so to say. Something calm to end the hectic days on the Sunny. I take in the salty ocean air and lean my head into my hand. The ocean was so peaceful today, a gentle current pulling the ship along gentle waves. So lost in the moment I didn't realize the person coming up behind me until I felt a strong pair of hands on my shoulders. I yelp in surprise and whip around to face my attacker.
"You say you're too fast to catch, yet you don't even hear me coming," Zoro scoffs.
"Hey, that's not fair, I wasn't paying attention," I pout crossing my arms over my chest. Now this guy was touching me? What the heck did I do to get all this attention, I thought teasing him would do the opposite! I guess I'm in for a long night.
    We sat in an awkward silence for the next hour, I still had no idea why this man wanted to give me so much attention all of a sudden. I had been on the ship for almost 2 months now and had never gotten any recognition from him before. Most of my time was spent with Nami talking about maps and directions, or with Ussop and Franky trying to make bigger better telescopes to research the huge sky above us. And if I wasn't with them I was usually sleeping, preparing myself for the night ahead.
    I look over to the man sitting a couple feet away, bottle in hand. Aha! Conversation starter, please let this awkward silence end!
    "So, you like sake?" Damnit he wouldn't be drinking if he didn't like it. Why did you ask something so obvious.
    "Yeah, I guess so." He replied taking another swig. Come on (y/n) think of something better. A few more excruciating minutes passed, nothing came to mind of what I could do to fix the situation.
"I don't really drink, I don't like the taste," I say, another awkward sentence for another awkward situation.
Zoro snickers, "I guess you just haven't had the right alcohol then," He reaches the bottle out towards me, "Try it," He says. Carefully I reach out and take the bottle in my hands. I shrug and take a sip. Nope still awful! I scrunch my face as the swordsman laughs. Wiping my mouth I pass back the bottle.
"Nope, definitely not for me," I mutter, earning another chuckle from Zoro.
"It seems like you don't like anything I do huh," Zoro says.
"Huh! No no no, its not like that I promise!" I quickly jab. I sigh and look up at the stars. Zoro softly punches my shoulder.
"I know I'm joking. You're different, I like that," He reassures me. At least now I know he isn't planning on throwing me overboard.
    "Wait what do you mean I'm different?" I say, the phrase finally hitting.
    "You aren't in awe of me, I respect that." Zoro says softly. A blush creeps onto my face, I didn't expect something like this from the guy. He seemed so cold and distant most of the time, it was quite intimidating. I look down at my lap, trying to hide the redness of my face. It was reassuring to know that the scariest person on the ship thought of me with respect. With those words the atmosphere seemed to lighten up. Instead of excruciating silence it was calm, like my moments with the sunset. I lie down looking at the stars, the spring constellations jumping out at me. The grand line may have the strangest seasons, but the sky remains the same throughout the years, on a cycle you could count on. Reliable as always, beautiful as always.
I hadn't noticed Zoro lying next to me until he spoke. "What are you looking at?" I turn to him our faces closer now.
"The constellations," I reply, "They help me figure out where we need to go, and what time of the year it is."
"Hmm, I never thought of it that way," Zoro says turning back to the sky, hands behind his head like a pillow. I daringly scoot closer to the man. Leaning closer to him I point to a collection of stars.
"Look over there is the Big Dipper, that one you probably already know. Oh, and over there is Virgo!" I explain excitedly. I continue to gush over the stars pointing out more constellations and going into some of the stories behind them. This goes on for a while, I spit out random star facts while Zoro nods and quietly takes in the information I shove at him. By the time my rant is over we are sitting up again, much closer than last time. When we first sat down it was as ship mates who barely knew each other, now it was like friends, who still, barely knew each other.
"You see, I grew up on a small, but well developed island. There was a lot of light pollution so I could hardly see the stars. Definitely not how we can see them tonight. My parents were just business people, nothing special, but my grandmother was an astrologer. She taught me almost everything I know about the sky now." I slow down, "Before she passed she told me that the only place I could truly see the sky in its glory is the sea. There no one can pollute the sky with bright lights and you'll be the freest you'll ever be. So that's what brought me to the Grand Line I guess. My parents weren't so happy about it but I didn't care what they thought." I hadn't noticed my tears until a calloused hand wiped them away. A small gasp escapes my mouth as I look up at Zoro, our faces much closer than I ever thought they would be. His hand remains on my face as he looks at me, the gears in his head turning. He moves a stray (h/c) strand out of my face.
I don't know what drives me to do it but I wrap my arms around the man's waist and pull him into a hug. My ear against his chest. It takes a few moments but he soon returns the gesture sliding his strong arms around me. My heart skips a beat as he gently caresses my hair, running his fingers through it. I feel the rise and fall of his chest as he breaths, the beating of his heart echoing in my ear. I knew he was just as nervous as me, even if he refused to show it. I slowly pulled away and our eyes met, locked in to each other for what seemed like hours. A delicate smile was painted on his lips and I smile back at him. What were once cold eyes showed a new formed warmth and fondness. New feelings sparked in me as I looked at his expression and got lost into his gaze. Bravery flooded through me and I hoped he felt the same spark I did as slowly leaned towards him again. I closed the distance putting my forehead against his, eyes closed. I hesitate for a moment putting my hands on his warm cheeks, then softly place a kiss onto his lips. I pull back hands still cupping his face. I look at him, a blush dusted onto his face. He places a hand on my waist and closes the distance once more, returning the kiss with more force than the last. My hands move to his hair as he gently leans me back to the floor. I look into his eyes again when we come up for air.
"I don't hate everything you do, I definitely like this," I say bringing him into another kiss.
A few days had passed since the exciting night watch with Zoro. After getting caught with Zoro straddling me by Luffy we were too embarrassed to really talk to each other. Especially when the stupid captain brought it up during breakfast the next morning. Who knew the kid would expose us like that,
"Zoro why were you wrestling with (y/n) last night? I thought you didn't like playing, you never wrestle with me," Luffy pouts reaching for another piece of toast. This alerts Sanji instantly,
"You brute! Why would you lay a finger on my precious princess?! Explain yourself swordsman!"
Me and Zoro both turn red like a tomato and look away from each other quickly. Nami and Robin snicker both knowing what was going on.
"Um..w-well you see, Its not like you think Sanji. We weren't fighting its f-fine," I manage to blurt out before Sanji went completely apeshit on Zoro.
"But why was he on top of you (y/n)?" Luffy asks. At this point Zoro was just about ready to bolt out of the kitchen and I was just about ready to melt into a puddle of embarrassment. With Luffy's new statement it seemed to have clicked with our ero—cook what was really going on...
I shudder as I recall the events of that awful breakfast and rest my forehead on the chart I had been working on in the aquarium bar. Robin pats my head as she reads her book.
"(y/n), you're going to have to talk to Zoro again. You can't just keep ignoring him like this,"
"I'd rather die than have that awkward conversation. Plus he probably is totally over me now, he's avoiding me too you know," I mumble into the paper.
"I'm sure that's not the case (y/n). I bet he feels the same as you do right now," Robin reassures me, flipping the page.
"I think I'm going to go take a nap to clear my head," I say softly closing the lid to my ink and rolling the chart back up.
"Have fun," Robin replies, lost in her book like always.
I start my walk to the girl's room remembering how gentle Zoro was when we kissed. It was a nice surprise, I didn't realize how caring he could be. His smile flashed in my mind, how genuine it was, how deeply he listened to everything I said, truly interested in every story I told about the stars. Everything that night felt right after we took down our guard walls. God I hope that's not the last time I see his smile.
Hmm, tomorrow is my night off, I wonder what I should do. Sleeping that whole time sounds like a waste, maybe I'll pamper myself extra and take a longer bath. Yeah that sounds like it will be perfect.
I turn the corner and suddenly trip over something on the floor.
"Ack! What the hell was that?!" I yell, rudely pulled out of planning my night off. I turn around to see who tripped me to yell at them some more but stopped once I saw who it was. "Zoro?! W-what are you doing napping in the hallway?"
He blushes slightly and turns his head away from me, "I was waiting for you so I could talk to you."
"Oh, umm what did you want to talk about?" I ask sitting up,
"I wanted to apologize. For the other night," He says looking in his lap.
"What would you have to apologize for? You didn't do anything wrong" I reply
"If it wasn't for me taking things too far then Luffy wouldn't have embarrassed you in front of the whole crew like that. I'm sorry that I was the cause of that," Zoro says starting to get up. Before he could walk away I grab his arm and pull him back down. I look him in the eyes making sure he listens to what I have to say.
"Zoro, you have nothing to be sorry about, I don't think you took things to far. I'm glad you did what you did and no amount of embarrassment is going to change that," I start, "Look, I'm just glad you don't hate me. I really like you, you know."  
Those seemed to be the magic words as Zoro face lights up, the same beautiful smile he gave me that night resurfacing. He leans closer and kisses my cheek. "Meet me in the crows nest tomorrow night," He says, turning back into his confident self. He kisses me before getting up, "I really like you too," He says before turning and leaving me sitting in the hallway.
It didn't register what I got myself into until a few moments later.
"Holy shit, I just confessed to Zoro. AND HE LIKES ME BACK!" I yell to no one in particular. I jump up and run the rest of the way to the girls room like a 15 year old who just met their celebrity crush. Not my best moment but it was so good to know how Zoro felt about me. It was even better that he felt the same way about me as I felt about him. I was to excited after that to get a nap in but that was fine by me.
\ \ \
Nami came in to get me for dinner a few hours later. I was surprised she didn't ask me about what had happened between me and the swordsman, I'm sure everyone on the ship could hear my squeal of excitement earlier. I'm sure her pestering would come soon enough.
We make our way to the kitchen quickly not wanting Luffy to eat everything before we get there. I was going to sit in my normal spot next to Nami but before I could get there a familiar hand grabbed mine,
"Sit next to me," Zoro says gently tugging at my hand. I smile and sit next to him mouthing a quick sorry to Nami. The new seating arrangement did not go unnoticed by anyone. Everyone was either shocked or weirded out by how physical Zoro had become with you. His embarrassment was obviously gone as he shamelessly had his hand on my knee the entire meal and kissed my cheek every once in a while. Sanji was fuming the entire meal as well, and Zoro shot him his normal icy glares. It was almost as he was making fun of the cook at times or maybe just making sure that Sanji knew his place.
It actually wasn't long before the meal felt like just an average dinner on the Sunny. Brook singing and joking with Franky, Nami being annoyed with Sanji as Robin laughs at his antics, Luffy eating all the food while Chopper and Ussop try and match his impossible pace. Time seemed to slow down every time I ate with the rowdy crew, just having a good time.
After dinner I head to the back of the ship again to watch the sunset like normal. It was the perfect day for a nice sunset, just enough clouds to make the light shine just right, caressing the sky with beautiful pinks and oranges. I smile, stretch, and head to the grass to sit with Franky to start the night shift. We had planned to set up the telescope so I could do some extra research for my chart.
It was getting late and only a few of the crew members were still on the deck. I saw the light in the crows nest go out and Zoro heading down to the deck. I tell Franky I'd be back and went to go say goodnight to the moss head. I get to the bottom of the ladder just as Zoro does.
"You off to bed?" I ask.
"Yeah, I have to be up early for training tomorrow." He says yawning.
"Ok sleepy head, get some good rest. I'll see you in the morning,"
"Goodnight (y/n)," He smiles and leans down to gently kiss my lips. I watch him disappear into the ship before I go back to Franky and the telescope, a grin plastered on my face.
I love the whole "Zoro is actually a cuddle bug" head cannon so i sorta ran with it in this oops. anywhoo lmk how you like it or if u want more, i’ll be taking requests for x reader stuff and writing more so yeah
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mystical-flute · 3 years
Uncharted Waters (YGOxOne Piece Crossover)
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The worlds "Earth" and "Eturn" used to be united, until a mysterious force ripped them apart eight-hundred years ago. Now, the Veil between worlds is starting to crack, just as the Shadow Games return to Earth. Reika Muto, an undercover operative in Eturn and owner of the Millennium Bracelet, is caught between two worlds.
“Did you really think that a rookie like you could really stop Baroque Works?” Mr. 3 asked with a sneer, staring down at Reika with contempt in his eyes. “You pirates should have just left well enough alone, don’t you understand that? Then your poor body wouldn’t be in the state it's in!”
As if to emphasize, he wiggled the dagger that had been stuck in her, causing her to cry out in pain again.
“But don’t worry, you’re going to be at peace soon enough,” he continued, the wax slowly climbing up her foot.
Reika shifted her outstretched arm, desperately grasping for one of the batons just outside her grip. “I’m not dying here,” she choked out.
“Aren’t you? You’re out of moves! Out of options, and out of time.”
Her pinky grasped the baton, sliding it into her palm as his back turned away, keeping an eye out for any of her allies.
“Hey Mr. 3, do you know what’s scarier than a little shock?” she questioned.
“Hm? What do you - ”
“Jupiter’s Storm!” she called out, a bolt of lightning shooting from the baton and straight onto the Baroque Works Officer.
He slumped to the ground, unmoving.
“It came from this way!”
“It sounded like Sakura!”
Sakura. Stupid undercover names. But it was to protect her from the Marines, so she dealt with it.
She slowly sat up, knocking some of the wax off her foot just as two familiar shadows appeared in the alley.
“Chopper! Usopp!”
Chopper rushed forward with his medical kit. “What did he do to you?!”
“He picked up a dagger from one of his minions and tried to distract me before turning me to wax,” she grunted, looking at Usopp, who was almost totally covered in bandages. “I’m in better shape than you though, Usopp.”
“Nothing can keep the great Captain Usopp down!” Usopp replied, puffing out his chest before going into a coughing fit.
“Uh-huh. Where are the others? Are they okay? What about our captain?”
Chopper tied the last of the bandages to her shoulder. “This is all I can do for now. Luffy went to go hunt down Crocodile, but the others are waiting at the end of the alley!”
“I’m okay, Azila. I promise.”
She rose to her feet. “Let’s go.”
All they needed to do was stop a civil war and disarm a bomb.
Get Princess Vivi to the top of the clock tower… watch in horror as Pell, the captain of the Alabasta guards, flew the bomb up to the sky. Watch it explode, knocking everyone off their feet. Watch as the fighting resumed despite the horror that just took place.
Be… unable to stop them. Marine and pirate alike stood in utter disbelief as VIvi’s cries for peace went unheard until rain, precious, life-giving rain, that had been denied Alabasta for three long years thanks to Crocodile’s manipulations, finally began to fall.
“I don’t remember much of what happened after that,” she admitted, days later. “We passed out in an alley after telling Vivi to go be with her father and her people. When I woke up, we’d been out for almost a full day.”
“So to recap, you’re telling me a rookie pirate with a thirty million berry bounty defeated one of the Seven Warlords?” Commander Kenji Hashimoto questioned, squinting at her from his screen.
Reika rolled her eyes. “Do you really think I would lie about a report like this?”
“I know you’d never lie to me, Reika,” Kenji said with a heavy sigh. “Have you spoken with your family?”
Reika Muto nodded slowly. “I talked to them about a week ago. I warned them that I’d be unavailable for a while. Said I was going off the grid for a desert excavation for an internship.”
It wasn’t a complete lie, technically. Alabasta was a desert, she did see ancient sites, and she never would have been able to contact her family with how chaotic the fight against Crocodile was.
Alabasta just wasn’t anywhere in the United States… or on Earth.
“I spoke to your aunt the other day. They don’t seem suspicious about your whereabouts,” Kenji explained.
“Good,” Reika said, glancing at her watch. “I should head back to the palace. The others are going to start wondering what took me so long. Agent Sakura signing out.”
The name still felt weird in her ears, but she was a scout, and the best scouts had disguises, after all.
“Thank you for letting me use your equipment,” she said to the old woman in the next room. “My commander was pleased to hear from me.”
“Of course. It must be hard to get a chance to contact them while you’re at sea,” Megumi replied with a smile. “Now, I’ve added a few little trinkets to your bag as a thank you for helping me arrange my furniture.”
Reika grinned as she grabbed her things, tucking her cell phone out of sight after sending a quick text to her boyfriend. “Of course. Thank you. It was good to speak with you.”
The walk back to the palace was swift, nod and say hello to the citizens who were diligently working to rebuild their city, duck when it came to Marines, and keep gaze steady when passing the ones that had stationed themselves on the palace steps, blocked by the royal guard, who let her through without issue.
“There you are, Reika! What did that old lady want, anyway?” Usopp asked with a small frown when she entered the room they’d bunked down at.
“Oh - nothing major. She just said I reminded her of her granddaughter and asked for help arranging some furniture,” she said, waving her hand dismissively as she set her bags on her bed to look over what the woman had given her.
“So… did she give you any cash as a thanks?” Nami questioned. If it were possible, Reika was sure Nami’s eyes would be money signs all the time.
Reika rolled her eyes and tossed over a small sack of coins, hearing Nami’s delighted ‘hah!’.
“Luffy’s still out of it, huh?” she asked, glancing over at the bed where their captain lay fast asleep.
“His fever broke, which is good, but otherwise no, nothing,” Chopper replied with a sigh.
Reika smiled. “Hey, don’t be so glum. You’re going to be the world’s best doctor, remember? I’m sure he’ll wake up -”
Her head throbbed.
The Shadow Games are coming…
She snapped her head back up, looking at the worried crew in front of her. “Sorry, I’m fine. My head just hurt for a second. I’m just going to go splash some water on my face.”
“You sure?”
Luffy chose that moment to wake up, creating the perfect distraction as she ducked out of the room and took her phone out of her pocket, seeing an incoming call and feeling her stomach sink.
“Okay okay okay!” she grumbled to it, moving into an empty bathroom before putting it to her ear. “Hello?”
“Oh thank goodness I got through! Reika, grandpa’s hurt!” came her cousin’s frantic voice from the other end. “I was dueling with Pegasus and when it ended all of a sudden grandpa was passed out! We can’t get him to wake up!”
Reika blinked several times, trying to process the information. “Okay - what? Slow down this time.”
She heard Yugi taking deep breaths before he spoke again. “You know how I won against Kaiba a few weeks ago?”
“Yes, of course I do. I had a very… interesting conversation with him that night,” she said, frowning.
“Pegasus somehow found out that I won against him and wanted to find out more about me. But the DVD he sent was a trap - he was on it using his Millennium Item on it. He - he said he took grandpa’s soul and now grandpa won’t wake up!”
She pinched her brows together. “Well, that explains the headache.”
“What do you mean?”
A sigh escaped her. “I got the worst headache a few minutes ago. Heard a voice say something about the Shadow Games? Listen, I can’t really talk right now. I’ll be home as soon as I can. I promise. Call me if anything changes with grandpa.”
“O - okay…”
Reika ended the call and swallowed back the lump in her throat. Why now? Of all the times for this to happen, it had to be while they were celebrating their victory. After she’d clawed her way into the Grand Line to find her parents.
“Dammit all…” she grumbled, switching to her agency communicator. “This is Agent Muto requesting extraction from the Kingdom of Alabasta.”
“Reika? What seems to be the issue?”
“My grandfather’s in a coma. I’m at the palace. Be advised there are Marine ships in the area. The group I’m with plans to cross the desert tonight, so I’ll make sure my tracker is on.”
“Aiko will find you. We’ll get you home safe.”
With her family believing she was studying in California, they needed to match up the amount of time it would take for a cross-continental flight. Thirteen hours ought to do it.
Reika slid to the ground, her head in her hands. She’d finally made it to the sea her parents had gone missing in. She finally had started being able to investigate and now… now she had to leave it all behind.
But her grandfather had raised her, and she knew deep down Domino was where she needed to be.
“Reika! Where’d you go?”
She rose to her feet, swallowed the lump in her throat, quickly splashed some cold water on her face to get rid of the redness that had started forming, and opened the door to find Vivi.
“Sorry Vivi, splashing water on my face did the trick. I feel much better now,” Reika lied with a wide smile. “Did I miss anything?”
“Well, Terracotta said dinner will be ready soon. I’d say she brought an appetizer, but Luffy ate it all, so…”
“I can wait until dinner,” she said with a laugh. She wasn’t very hungry anyway, knowing what was going to happen tonight.
At midnight, the Straw Hat crew packed up their belongings and descended from the palace.
Reika switched on her tracker as soon as they hit the desert. It was only moments before Aiko appeared in a bright flash of light, the pirates tensing immediately.
“Who the hell are you?” Zoro asked, hand already on his sword.
“Zoro, wait! Aiko’s a friend of mine!” she said, eyes wide. “But how did you find me all the way out here?”
“Sheer dumb luck I suppose. You know my powers are still a little scattered,” Aiko said, slipping into the lie with ease. “I’m not here with great news though. Your grandfather’s fallen ill, Reika. The doctors can’t seem to wake him up.”
She let the tears she’d hidden before flow. “What?!”
“What’s wrong? Was it some sort of disease?” Chopper asked with wide eyes.
“Grandpa’s had heart issues for years now.” Reika sniffled. “I knew he shouldn’t have stayed by himself.”
“We’ll help him. Chopper’s the best doctor here!” Nami insisted. “Er, right, Luffy?”
Monkey D. Luffy sat with a contemplative look on his face.
“Where is this island?” he finally asked.
“Oxram Island,” Reika explained. “It’s only a couple days journey from here, but it’s back the way we came, and with the Marine ships around, it’d be too dangerous for you guys to come with me.”
Luffy gave her an uncharacteristically serious look. “I see then. If you feel you need to leave the crew, that’s okay. I understand.”
“You’re sure?” Reika asked, looking at the crew with wide eyes.
“It’s your family and your grandfather’s in trouble. Of course I’m okay with it,” Luffy agreed with a wide grin. “Besides, you can come find us again!”
“Luffy, she has to go back the way we came,” Zoro grumbled. “I don’t know if - ”
“Aiko has the power of the portal-portal fruit. It can help guide me back to you, especially if you guys keep making waves!” Reika said. “Come on, Aiko. You can ride with me back to the ship. I’ll hurry up and pack the rest of my stuff.”
The journey across the desert was long, and they arrived at the Going Merry around three in the morning. She ignored most of the chaos on the deck with the escaped Baroque Works member who called himself a friend, and ducked into the women’s room, haphazardly tossing her things back into her suitcase.
“You sure you’re okay?” Aiko asked.
“I have to be, Aiko. You know what Uncle Takeo and Aunt Kumi will say if I don’t go home,” she replied, slipping a tracking device behind her nightstand so she could find the crew whenever her grandfather recovered. “Let's just get this over with.”
“I guess this is goodbye for now!” she called to the deck, unsure if any of the crew could hear her. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. I promise.”
Aiko summoned a portal (using her technology, not a devil fruit power), and with a deep breath, Reika vanished through the Veil, back to Domino, Japan.
“Welcome back, Agent Muto,” Kenji greeted. “I’m just going to need you to go through a health check and we’ll get you home to your family.”
Reika nodded, first making a stop in the changing room, where she rid herself of the Alabastan fashion she’d been wearing, removing the batons and their braces from her arms, revealing the golden bracelet she’d kept hidden during her time in Eturn. She slipped into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, then reached up to take the clip out of her hair, letting it hang free around her shoulders as the dark brown she’d had faded back into her normal color.
In the med bay, as the doctor took her vitals, she stared at herself in the mirror. It had been days since she’d truly been able to look at herself this way - her natural state. Multicolored hair like her father, warm brown eyes like her mother. The older she got, the more of them she could see herself in them.
It was why she’d been sent to Eturn. Why she’d been on a pirate crew, sailing around that mysterious world and getting into danger. She had a clawing, desperate need to find out why her parents had disappeared in that same world ten years ago.
She winced when Hiro’s fingers found the scar on her shoulder. “Easy there, would you?”
“When did you get this?”
“Four days ago. I jumped in the way of an enemy that had been going after my friend. The assailant ended up driving their dagger into my shoulder before I managed to get them off me,” she explained as Hiro’s fingers traced down it gently.
Hiro frowned. “It’s healing well, but I’m concerned about nerve damage in your shoulder. I’d like you to come back in a couple days so I can run some tests.”
Reika nodded in agreement, hopping off the exam table. “Sure.”
“One more thing before you leave, Agent Muto,” Kenji said, frowning as she passed him on her way toward the elevator. “The Veil is beginning to wane.”
She stared. “Wane? Megumi didn’t mention anything to me about that.”
“It hasn’t spread to all corners of the dimensions yet. Megumi’s superiors may not have informed her,” Kenji explained. “It seems to have started here in Japan, though.”
“Okay, so I’ll keep an eye out. Is it glowing blue like our portals?”
“It is, and worse, it seems to keep pulling people between worlds.”
Her eyes widened. “This could be a disaster. Is there any way to stop it?”
“At this time, it seems the only way to stop it is to close the portals. Each agent has been given a personal transporter for this emergency.”
Reika stared at the device as it was pushed into her hand. “Pretty odd to have one of these here in Domino,” she admitted. “You and Yume are always so strict about not using them unless we’re in danger in Eturn.”
“Things may get dicey here, so be on your guard. We’ve been trying to increase security, but it seems with each ripple we close, another opens. It’s like someone is trying to combine the dimensions,” Kenji sighed. “But I shouldn’t be bothering you with this now. Go home and get some rest. I’ll call you when we’re ready to put you on active duty.”
“Thanks, Mr. Hashimoto,” she murmured, making her way to the private parking lot and finally pulling out into the familiar Domino streets.
Three-thirty in the morning even in the heart of Domino City meant not many people were out and about, but still, it almost felt wrong seeing cars instead of ships. As she drove past the hospital, she squinted at the bright, fluorescent lighting of the parking lot.
Reika’s hands shook against the steering wheel.
She let out a heavy exhale as she pulled up to the game shop, cutting the engine. In all honesty, she hadn’t even thought about what she might say or do if she ever came back to Domino.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
The scent of yakitori still hung in the air as she pushed her way into the apartment, closing the door as quietly as she could behind her and glancing around.
It hadn’t changed much in her absence. Not that she expected it to - Domino as a whole, despite being a city, seemed to be stuck in the mundane. They didn’t know about the global espionage agency that used a restaurant as a front. They didn’t know that there was an entire world beyond strange portals.
It was perfectly ordinary.
A yawn escaped her as she opened her bedroom door, dumping her bags by it and pulling out her phone as she flopped onto the bed. There was at least a fifty-fifty chance that her boyfriend would be awake, knowing his tendency to work through the night.
Seto, I’m home. Text me if you have time to meet.
She meant to stay up and check if he got back with her, but the exhaustion of the day finally caught up with her, and she drifted off, not even bothering to get under the covers.
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creative-type · 4 years
wake from death (and return to life) iv
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22564141/chapters/53920291
Previous: https://creative-type.tumblr.com/post/621667466339385344/wake-from-death-and-return-to-life-chapter-iii
Kuina spent the next three days learning her way around Belo Betty’s ship. As promised, Dragon soon departed, disappearing like a mirage on a hot day, gone as if he’d never existed. He had been the one person who seemed to actually wanted Kuina on board, and with him gone Kuina felt quite alone. She spent her days doing what Lyudmila told her to do, when she told her to do them, fulfilling the obligation she had to the Revolution for getting her out of Loguetown and hoping it was enough to keep them from throwing her headfirst into the sea.
Practically speaking, that meant doing dozens of chores while Revolutionaries showed her the ropes. Literally. Kuina spent much of her time cleaning what needed to be cleaned, hauling what needed to be hauled, and mending what needed to be mended while learning the basics of sailcraft. Darareaksmey in particular seemed to take great delight in mocking Kuina’s ignorance, which according to the other crew meant she liked her.
The work was a welcome distraction, reminding Kuina of the menial chores she used to do around the dojo before she was old enough to learn the sword. And more importantly, the people around her liked to talk. The Revolution never openly discussed their plans when she was around, but Kuina was such a silent fixture that they seemed to forget when she was in the background swabbing the deck, or washing dishes, or whatever other odd job she’d been assigned at that moment.
What she learned was illuminating. Belo Betty wasn’t just some Revolutionary nobody—she was in command of the entire East Blue. The ship Kuina was currently on was hers, Dragon somehow able to manage travel by himself from the Grand Line for a mission of strategic importance.
Aria de Gris was another leader, but of only a single ship that had been damaged in the previous battle. She and a portion of her crew had joined with Betty to see Dragon back to the Grand Line and talk strategy. Dragon had never planned to return with them to the battlefield, his departure interrupted by Kuina’s sudden appearance.
It was childish, but Kuina bitterly wished he would have just taken her with her. She could feel Zoro’s lead stretching by the second, and the thought of falling even further behind made her want to pull her hair out.
The Army wasn’t even going to let her fight.
“Better,” Dara said as she inspected the rope she’d given for Kuina to practice her sailor’s knots. “This one almost looks like it’d hold together during an East Blue squall.”
If she was nervous about their nearing destination, she didn’t show it. With quick, nimble fingers she undid Kuina’s handiwork and returned the rope. “Now do it faster.”
Kuina grudgingly did as she was told. The noonday sun beat down overhead, cooled by a delicious sea breeze. After three days Kuina was almost used to the sway of the ship, but didn’t think she could ever feel comfortable surrounded by so many people crammed in such a small space. “I don’t know why you bother. I’ll be gone in a few days.” Kuina said.
“Pfft, you wouldn’t last a week on the Grand Line in your state,” Dara said. “You’re lucky you’re a quick study—it took Lizard three times as long to get half as good as you are now.”
“I can hear you,” Elizabeth said irritably as she passed out rations to Kuina and the women minding her. The galley had been made into a makeshift war room debating last-minute preparations for landing later that day, with Lyudmila given strict instructions to shoot Kuina if she went within twenty feet of its doors.
“I know,” Dara said breezily. “That’s why I said it.”
Elizabeth made a rude gesture that only made Dara laugh. Scowling, Elizabeth asked, “What are you even doing out here? Shouldn’t you be in the meeting? It sounded important.”
“Boss knows I don’t have the patience for that kind of stuff,” Dara said. “She’ll let me know what I need to know. This is much more amusing.” She turned her attention to Kuina. “Watch out, you’re tying it backwards again.”
Kuina gave it another attempt. “Where are we even going?”
Elizabeth and Dara exchanged looks before turning to Lyudmila, awaiting her judgement. Kuina held her breath, giving up on even the pretext of industry. Of everything she’d overheard, no one had breathed a word of their ultimate destination, let alone any details about the supposed war that was being waged there. The veritable brick wall only whetted Kuina’s curiosity.
Sometimes she regretted not reading the paper.
“You can’t keep it from me forever,” Kuina pointed out. “Is it Tolouse?”
Elizabeth let out a huff and turned away, giving a sarcastic wave as she walked back to the galley. “I’m not getting into trouble for this.”
“Coward!” Dara called before grinning at Kuina. “How’d you figure it out?”
“Been headed dead east for three days. There aren’t that many islands it could be,” Kuina said. She shrugged, picking at the ropes. “Besides, you hear a lot of interesting things from the pirates who come from that way. The king doesn’t seem all that popular—easy to stir up trouble there.”
“You’re half-right,” Dara said.
“Dara…” Lyudmila said in a warning tone.
“Fine, fine,” she said, flopping dramatically on her back, hands tucked behind her head. “The big fight’s over anyway. This is just a pitstop.”
“To switch ships?” Kuina said, glancing at Lyudmila. As always, it was difficult to guess what she was thinking, but she made no further effort to censure their conversation.
“And gather the rest of our crew, yeah,” Dara said. “Then we’re getting the hell out of this backwater and going back to where we belong. East Blue is bor-ing. Don’t know why Boss was so interested in coming, to be honest.”
There was a pause, and Dara turned over to her stomach, propping her head up on her hands. Her eyes flickered to Lyudmila, who shook her head slightly. She sighed. “Haven’t had a decent fight in weeks.”
“You just came from a war,” Kuina said, nonplussed.
“An East Blue war,” Dara corrected. “And thus one that was very boring. Everyone knows East Blue isn’t worth anything in a fight.”
Kuina smirked. “Maybe you haven’t been fighting the right people.”
The glint in Dara’s eyes turned wicked. “Sweetheart, I like you. In fact, I think you’re hilarious. But you underestimate the strength of the Grand Line, and it’s going to get you killed if you’re not careful.”
“Maybe, but all I’ve heard is a lot of talk without anything to back it up,” Kuina said.
“That’s bait,” Dara said, grinning, “and I’ll not bite—Oh hello there, Boss. How’s tricks?”
Kuina didn’t jump, but her hand did move instinctively to her katana as de Gris exited the galley, breaking away from a cluster of Revolutionaries exiting the war room to approach them. She acknowledged Dara’s greeting with a nod. “The situation’s changed.”
Lyudmila went very still, while Dara and Kuina exchanged confused looks. “How do you mean, Boss?” Dara asked.
“Reinforcements arrived before the Revolution could completely secure their defenses. They punched a hole through our line and recaptured the armory, jammed communications, the works. We’re lucky Trini was able to get a message through at all. It sounds like the situation’s hot and not in our favor.”
“What?!” Dara exclaimed. “We had the city completely taken! Their king was in chains.”
“Not anymore,” de Gris said.
Dara jumped to her feet. “What about the rest of the crew?”
“As far as I know they’re fine, but we’re going to need all hands on deck if we’re going to scrape out a win.” She looked down at Kuina, the scar running down her cheek pulling her mouth into an unhappy grimace. “Alright, Swordsman. Time for you to put your money where your mouth is.”
Far above them, the Revolutionary flag snapped proudly in the wind. Eyes narrowed with suspicion, Kuina tried to discern the older woman’s intentions. “You’re going to let me fight?”
“I need to make sure you’re good enough to not die. Big difference.” With a whisper of steel, de Gris unsheathed her sword. “Prove to me there’s some bite behind all that bark.”
Beside her, Dara paled. “Boss, you can’t be serious…”
“It’s just a skill check. I need to know what level she’s at, and this is the easiest way to do it.”
They didn’t think she could win. Kuina threw the rope she’d been working on aside and climbed to her feet. Bowing slightly to de Gris, she said, “I’m honored to accept your challenge.”
“What are you, some kind of samurai?” de Gris paused to fish out a cigarette, putting it to her lips and lighting it one-handed. “You have till I finish this to show—”
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In a flash her blade was up to meet Kuina’s. Even holding it one-handed, de Gris was able to effortlessly stop the full weight of Kuina’s blow. Dara and Lyudmila scattered as a cat’s grin stretched across de Gris’ face, smoke curling from the end of her cigarette. “Not bad, not bad at all. And here I thought you were nothing but dojo trash.”
She pushed Kuina back, and for a moment the two circled one another, each trying to get a measure of their opponent. Kuina was vaguely aware that they had attracted the attention of the rest of the Revolution, and saw Lyudmila whispering fiercely in the ear of Belo Betty.
“Eyes on me, kid!” de Gris shouted before exploding in a flurry of strikes. Her movements were unlike anything Kuina had ever seen. With impossible quickness she closed the distance between them. Her footwork, the angles she used to attack, were all new and unfamiliar. Kuina, used to fighting against sabers and katanas, was quickly driven to the defensive, each reaction a heartbeat too slow to do anything else as she tried to process the foreign fighting style.
De Gris moved with liquid grace, reminding Kuina more of a dancer than a swordsman as she fought. Each step was economical and precise, her blade flashing from every angle, seemingly simultaneously. Kuina was forced to take a step back, then another, but was quickly running out of room to retreat.
But even as she was being driven back, Kuina began to sense the pattern in her steps, the method to her mad dance. The rapier a piercing weapon. It depended on thrusts and parries over slashing attacks. The blade didn’t have the mass to manage a single, crushing blow, relying instead on speed and precision.
Well then. It was time to disrupt de Gris’ timing.
Kuina feinted a forward thrust, and in the half-second it took de Gris to defend jumped backward onto the ship’s railing. A ripple of surprise rose through the crowd as she ran across the iron rails until she reached the middle of the ship, leaping toward the boom of the foremast.
“Very impressive, if you’re a monkey,” de Gris called. “But I thought you were going to fight—”
But Kuina didn’t stop. She caught an unsecured line and used her momentum to swing behind de Gris, aiming an attack at her exposed back. As expected, de Gris was able to evade with ease, and the bones in Kuina’s arms jolted with the force of her blade cutting through the deck before somersaulting back to her feet.
“You don’t like giving people time to talk, do you,” de Gris said. “And you do realize we have to actually sail on this ship, right?”
“Send me a bill,” Kuina said, grinning wildly. She pulled her sword from the wood in time to deflect de Gris’ rapier, melting from defense to offense as she tried to use their reversed positions to force de Gris into the same limited space she had just escaped from.
It was damnably difficult. De Gris wasn’t the strongest opponent Kuina had faced, but she was the most technically proficient. It had been years since Kuina had needed this level of focus in a fight, and she could feel the rust in her movements.
Without even realizing it, she’d let herself grow complacent, and de Gris was exposing that weakness now.
All the more reason to get to the Grand Line as soon as possible. The East Blue had nothing more to offer her. On the world stage it was nothing, which meant she was nothing...
Blood roared in Kuina’s ears as she failed to get anywhere near de Gris. Kuina took greater risks, forced her body to move all the faster to match her opponent’s feline grace. De Gris’s thin, weightless blade was no match to Shimotsuki steel, and Kuina put the full weight of her rage behind each attack.
Somewhere in the back of her mind she registered a flicker of surprise in de Gris’s eyes a moment before Kuina’s blade clashed against her own. With a quick flick of the wrist Kuina batted it aside, just as de Gris had done at the start of her fight, using her own momentum against her to gain inside position.
Kuina attacked without thinking, and she was lucky de Gris was as fast as she was. Her blade passed by the tip of her nose by a hairbreadth, slicing what was left of her cigarette down to the pale orange filter.
The silence couldn’t have lasted for more than a moment, but it felt like it captured an eternity. De Gris’s eyes followed the path of the still-burning cigarette now rolling down at their feet. She sighed, sheathing her sword and said, almost to herself, “Is that all?”
“What do you mean?” Kuina demanded. “Clearly I—”
“You had until the cigarette was gone to show what you were made of. Well, time’s up. This fight is over.”
“You’re just scared because I was winning,” Kuina said.
The words struck a nerve. A muscle in de Gris’s jaw twitched and her nostrils flared slightly as the air around her shifted, circling like the winds of a hurricane with de Gris as its malevolent eye. Kuina shifted back into a defensive stance, keeping half an eye on Belo Betty. The Revolutionary commander had her arms crossed over her chest, flag nowhere in sight.
“You really thought you had a chance,’ de Gris said. “You couldn’t feel the distance between us.” She shook her head in disgust. “And you call yourself a swordsman.”
She reached for another cigarette, paused to take a deep drag. When she finally looked at Kuina, she saw nothing but contempt.
“Hit me with your best shot, kid,” Aria de Gris said, raising her sword in languid challenge. “I’ll show you how much you have yet to learn.”
Kuina’s grip on her sword tightened. The blood boiling in her veins had calmed enough for her to realize she’d said a very stupid thing when surrounded by a ship full of enemies who likely wanted to kill her, but she wasn’t afraid of de Gris or her sword, and her pride refused to back down from such a grievous insult.
This was her chance to prove herself to these people.
Kuina took a deep breath, steadied her racing heart. She could feel the power around de Gris. The older woman was settled, like a table with a low center of gravity. She wouldn’t be easily overturned, but Kuina was confident. She was ready. She had trained her whole life for this moment, for the chance to be acknowledged as a skilled swordsman and not just a little girl playing with a blade
Her father once said that a true warrior wielded the blade of ten thousand men. Maybe she wasn’t there yet, but she was worth more than this one.
Kuina lifted her katana above her head, ready to end this in one strike. “Thousand man—”
De Gris was inside her guard before she could finish speaking.
Kuina moved on instinct, but de Gris batted her sword aside as if it were an inconvenient fly. With her free hand she reached inside the long coat hanging from her shoulders. In one fluid moment she pulled out a gun, cocked it, and pushed the cold metal barrel under Kuina’s chin.
It was horror in slow motion. Kuina flung herself back just as de Gris shouted, “Dara, now!”
An unseen force plowed into the back of Kuina’s knees. She crumpled face-first into the deck, white light flashing across her vision as her forehead cracked against the wood. Attempts to roll away were stopped by a pressure against the wrist of her sword hand and a vice-like grip around her ankles.
Kuina looked up to see Aria de Gris’s foot on her wrist and her gun between her eyes. Twisting frantically, Kuina couldn’t help but let out a yelp of alarm that Darareaksmey’s arms, head, and torso had her legs pinned firmly to the ground, the rest of her body seemingly melded with the deck.
“What the hell?!” Kuina exclaimed. “This was a duel! You...you cheated!”
“It was a skill check,” de Gris said flatly. “Do you think people in a war are going to line up for you all nice and neat, one at a time? Do you think they’re going to play by some arbitrary rules?”
She lowered her gun and sheathed her sword. “I’ve no use for a soldier with more ego than common sense. I don’t care how big a hot-shot you were in your little backwater dojo. In the real world, you aren’t worth shit.”
“You know, you don’t have anything to be ashamed of. I’ve not seen anyone do that well against the boss in, well, a long time.”
“Please stop talking, I am begging you.”
Kuina ground the heels of her palms against her forehead, hoping to counterbalance the terrible pounding currently beating against the inside of her skull. She’d suffered from headaches on and off since being pushed down the stairs of her father’s dojo, and falling face-first into the deck had triggered a monster between her temples.
Dara was undeterred. “I wondered why Dragon wanted you so bad, but I can definitely see it.”
The island of Toulouse was a tiny speck on the horizon. With a favorable wind at their back, they’d soon arrive at the near-hopeless battle. Kuina didn’t know what was going to happen to her once they did, and worse, she didn’t care.
With the change in situation, Lyudmila had been relieved of babysitting duty in favor of joining the rest of the ship’s leadership in their makeshift war room. The mood of the Revolution had shifted, men and women moving with increased urgency as they sharpened weapons, prepared guns, and tried to coax every bit of speed from the brigantine, their faces drawn in grim, serious lines. Every once in a while a bark of nervous laughter would punctuate the air like cannonshot, but it was quickly hushed. Everyone knew that the situation was dire.
Dara, whose disregard for meetings extended even when the Revolution was on the verge of defeat, had taken over Kuina-watching duty. But even her enthusiasm had its limits, and every few minutes she would look out at the approaching island, squint as if she were trying to suss out the enemy position on that tiny black speck, her knee bouncing with nervous energy.
“Wonder what Boss will have you do,” she said absentmindedly.
“Probably nothing,” Kuina said. “You heard her: She’s got no use for me.”
Dara snorted. “Oh, please. Compared to the trouble I got myself into when I first joined, that was nothing. It’s an, ah...learning process. Being part of a group, I mean.”
That wasn’t very reassuring, but Kuina had no desire to argue. “What the hell was that trick you did, anyway? I never saw you coming.”
“Oh, my devil fruit?” Dara said, eyes brightening. She raised an arm, and in the time it took Kuina to blink, the space from her hand to her elbow went paper thin. The change was so sudden, so utterly bizarre, that Kuina couldn’t help but recoil away from it. Dara laughed, and just as quickly put her arm back to rights again.
“Flat Flat Fruit,” she explained. “Not much good for fighting, but sneaking around? Easy-breezy.”
“Just how many devil fruit users are on this ship?” Kuina asked.
“Right now? I don’t know everyone on Betty’s crew, but I think it’s just three. Once we hook up the rest of the crew there’ll be a couple more to show you.” Another squinting look at the horizon, more bouncing of her knee.
There was a comfortable lull in the conversation while Kuina massaged her aching head. A gull screeched overhead, making at least one Revolutionary jump. The moment quickly passed, and Dara slapped her palms against her thighs. “Well, I need to get ready. You just brought that backpack with you, right? You don’t have any armor or anything to put on, just in case?”
Just her mask. Kuina lugged herself to her feet and followed Dara belowdecks. For the first time, no one was paying attention to her, the Revolutionaries too busy with their own preparations. Kuina was glad to be invisible once more. Despite Dara’s reassurances, shame coiled around her belly, constricting like a snake squeezing the life out of its latest meal. It was impossible to walk with her head held high after her disgraceful performance. De Gris’s voice echoed in her mind, conflating with the voice of countless others she’d heard since childhood. The scar that drug across her chest pulsed with her head, bringing to the forefront the weakness she thought she’d long ago left behind.
You aren’t worth shit.
The words were short, concise, and painfully blunt, but they were also the truth. And for that, she had no one to blame but herself.
They passed by Elizabeth’s little workshop on the way to their quarters. When she saw the door was open, Dara paused to poke her head inside. The assistant cook was deep at work dividing what appeared to be dozens of firecrackers into different piles.
“Hey Lizard, got any goodies for me?” Dara asked.
Elizabeth didn’t look up from the task in front of her. “On the back shelf.”
Dara clasped her hands in front of her gave Elizabeth a tiny, mocking bow that was returned with a raised middle finger.
“Gracious as always,” Dara said once she returned to Kuina’s side. “C’mon, we’re wasting daylight.”
“Is she…?”
“Our munitions expert?” Dara said. “Yes. Yes she is.” She hugged a little baggie close to her chest like it was a lover. “Her food might be garbage, but I’m pretty sure that’s because she’s testing some new long-acting poison without telling anyone.”
“I can still hear you!”
“Seems like an odd mix of jobs,” Kuina said.
Dara shrugged. “Cooking, catastrophic explosions...it’s all chemistry, really. Lizard here just happens to be better at one form more than the other. Isn’t that right, Lizard?”
Elizabeth had stormed to the doorway while she was speaking. She hardly came up to Dara’s shoulder, but she carried herself with the same energy of a lady’s lap dog that thought itself a wolf. “Go. Away. And stop blabbing to the stowaway. She’s not on our side.”
Dara’s grin showed entirely too many teeth. “Wanna bet?”
“I’m not a stowaway,” Kuina said at the same time. There was a pause as what Dara said sunk in, and both she and Elizabeth looked up at her with disbelief.
“You’re crazy,” Elizabeth said. “A hundred berries says she bails at the first opportunity.”
“I’ll put down five that she stays.”
“Your loss,” Elizabeth said, and she slammed the door in their face.
Dara looked for a moment like she wanted to shout something through the door but thought better of it. She put her little baggie into her pocket and said, “You better not run on me. I don’t actually have five hundred berries.”
“It was a stupid bet,” Kuina said. “I’m not joining the Revolution.”
“Maybe, maybe not. But I saw how pissed you were when the boss pulled that gun on you. You’re not going to be happy till you beat her in a fair fight, no matter how long it takes.”
They walked the rest of the way in silence, and Kuina wondered if, just maybe, she was right.
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writingoneshots · 5 years
Healing Eye
As I didn't get any Tumblr requests yet :(, I thought about writing an own idea of mine. I've been writing a One Piece FF since a while now and I had to give up on a scene, because it did not fit into the story any longer. There is a main OC, who is Mihawks niece, and she owns the power of Toro Toro no Mi (the control of every liquid). But now it's about you (reader). Here are the short infos about the one shot: -it's during the time when Zoro was training on Mihawks island -you keep visiting for some training and documents -Zoro has just had his eye-accident -Mihawk suspects something Ps: thank you for the very nice response to my last One Shot :) - 1.516 Words - Romance, contains a little smut
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It's your fifth time visiting your uncle since the green haired swordsman was training on your uncle's island. You didn't know why he was there but you hated the fact that he was deflecting Mihawk from some of his duties. In the very late evening, you were floating on the surface of the water, looking around the island for a living being. Spotting the apes and gorillas and nobody else, you figured that the others might not be on the island since there weren't even any lights on in Mihawk's castle. At least Zoro wouldn't be bothering you while you looked for some documents. After letting yourself down to the ground on the opposite site of the island, to not end up in a fight with the gorillas, you kind of felt too lazy to walk right through the main doors, which is why you decided to get in through some open windows at the top of the building. While you were walking towards the building, you made a small part of the ocean behind you follow you to the building and let it float right below your feet to make yourself fly. On the way to the top, you closed your eyes again and focused on everything in the building, trying to feel any type of blood movement in the castle, which would inform you that someone was there. Not feeling anything or anyone, you sighed a little annoyed and shook your head, 'Never there when I need him.' ... Zoro tried to enjoy the silence in the castle, while Mihawk and Perona went to get some groceries. This time he didn't join them as he was way too tired and didn't want his eye to get an infection again - he honestly feared Perona's treatments more than the actual infection. While he was meditating on the floor, centering his inner self and focusing on his surroundings in the moonlight, which was shining through the window, he frowned when a shadow seemed to pass the window. As he was trying to get used to opening just one eye, he slowly opened his still healthy eye and looked out of the window, not seeing anything. "Probably an eagle or something..", he sighed and tried to calm himself down. It wasn't easy for him to admit that he had to readjust his fighting skills since fighting with only one open eye was a little different. Zoro was still having a hard time getting used to the new angles but Mihawk didn't care about it. He knew that Zoro didn't have much time left to train, which is why he is pushing a little too much. Now that he has closed his eye again, Zoro tried to focus his inner self to stay calm again until he hard some movements in the room right above his'. Slowly opening his eye again, he stood up, took his swords and went to the door. While failing to grab the handle at once, Zoro growled at himself for being so stupid and ran upstairs, trying his best not to get lost. ... You were way too focused on finding the needed documents for some research, which is why you did not hear or feel someone standing right in front of the slightly open door. But what you did feel was a sudden sharp cut in the air right next to your ear. Not moving at all, you frowned at the sword, which was now stuck in the wall right in front of you. With a smooth turn to the door, you raised an eyebrow and tilted your head a little, "Since when do you miss?" Zoro clenched his teeth and moved in slowly, demonstrating his eye and preparing himself to be laughed at, just as Mihawk did. "Oh my..", you looked at him shocked and immediately approached him, "Did my uncle do that? I told you to not steal his wine or he might pay you back!" You placed your hands softly on his cheeks and made him look at you. Being too fixated and concerned, you touched the area around his eye very carefully and pressed your lips together at the sight of the blue stains. "Stop pretending like you'd care, Dracule!", he went a step back and shook off your hands, "And it wasn't your uncle! It was Aokiji, who paid us a visit."
"Aokiji? What was he doing here?" "He was looking for you. We didn't want to tell him where you are and then he started attacking Perona. I protected her and then.. Well..", he looked down, not bearing the thought of having lost a fight again. He sat down on the table and looked away from you, pretending to look at the spread documents, "What were you looking for?" "Just some information.", you sighed and went to the sink, pouring water into an empty cup. When you came back, you stopped right in front of Zoro, standing in between his legs. As he wanted to move away, you used your powers to make him stop moving. You slowly took off his bandage and checked his wound carefully. Realizing that the cut was very deep, you took a deep breath and let some water float right in front of Zoro's eye. "This won't hurt but it might feel uncomfortable.", you explained whispering and let the water float right in front of his eye. Before he could stop you, a cold feeling was spreading from his eye to his nose, ear and his hairline. It felt like crystalls slowly forming a bandage on the inside of his eye. As you felt the healing processing very fast, you slowly started to feel dizzy and even though Zoro had his healthy eye closed, he could feel your body shaking a little. Placing his hands on your hips, Zoro wanted to make sure you were alright. He was more than grateful for what you were doing and holding you also helped him to keep calm.
A few minutes later in silence, you let the water drop down to the floor and Zoro looked down at you, opening just one eye. When he spotted the little blush on your cheeks, he had to smile, "Thank you." "No, this is my fault.. I always cause things like this, even if I am not there and I wished to be able to give you more but-", you weren't even able to say more. He immediately fulfilled his wish, which he had since he saw you for the very first time, and kissed you. The feeling of your lips on his and the connection he has felt since his eyes were locked on you, from the first moment you started fighting with him, made him desire more. There's nothing he wanted more right now than to feel your body under his. When he felt like his eye sight was robbed forever, he feared to never be able to see you again but even the sensation of touching you and holding you tight to him right now seemed to be worth the pain and fear. He knew that he would have done it all again just to keep you protected.
He easily took you up, sat you on the table with your legs around his hips, without giving you the opportunity to take a break from the kiss. When he pulled you to the edge of the table, you suddenly felt his member strong against your legs and sighed deeply into the kiss. "Oh, Zoro! Take me, now!", you begged him and stripped him off his white shirt, then pulling him more down and into the kiss as you leaned back. When he couldn't reach your lips any longer, he slowly started to kiss your neck down, while unbuttoning your trousers. "You don't have to tell me twice, Princess.", he smirked and was glad to still have a good sight on the other eye as he enjoyed the sight of the woman laying down on the table right in front of him.
As you were slowly taking off each others clothes, you started to feel Mihawk and Perona coming closer to the island. You stopped Zoro's hands with yours and looked at him, "We have about 8 minutes. Do you think this will be enough?" Zoro understood immediately and grinned, "More than enough."
When Mihawk and Perona arrived on the island, they were carrying many shopping bags into the kitchen. Mihawk frowned at the sight of you and Zoro cleaning your swords at the kitchen counter. "What's going on here?", he frowned and didn't trust your silence. "Oh nothing. I just healed his eye and we started training afterwards.", you explained and focused yourself on breathing calmly. "Really? Who won?" "Two for (Y/N) and one for me", he smirked proud and dodged your kick, as he stood up to help Perona unpack. While he put everything on it's place, he couldn't resist but to look at you every now and then, catching you staring at him too. His heart was beating fast. But he knew that it was only beating for you.
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crapitskizaru · 5 years
Sanji x Male!Reader
Your writing style is one of the best things I’ve seen on here that I’m mad at myself for not finding it sooner!!! So, as weird as this may sound, may I request a scenario where Sanji and his partner (either female or male) are masturbating in front of each other? Possibly during mid-day, while the whole crew is on the ship?
Warning: filth 
Word Count: 1,6k
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He had his pink apron on, a few dirt stains already decorating its sides as he roamed around the kitchen. For someone who just walked in, Sanji might have seemed nervous, hectic almost. It was far from the truth - his movements, apparently chaotic, were in reality fast but controlled; his attention, visibly jumping from one task to another, was divided to each action in its own pace and sequence. 
He was truly a master of his profession. 
You couldn’t help but smile back when he caught your stare, his face lit up with pure happiness. 
“Everything alright, (Name)-san?” 
“I wish I could help you in some way.” 
What it seemed like a million times you’ve already asked about various ways in which you could help him prepare the huge feast in celebration of Zoro’s birthday, but the blonde refused stubbornly, justifying it with having all the dishes and recipes under complete control. 
Right now he was decorating a steaming dish of duck meat with cranberry, his expression focused as if it was the most important piece of duck on the planet. 
“There’s no need,” he mumbled, sticking the tip of his tongue out in concentration. As the last drop of cranberry sauce was located on top of the dish, the man exhaled with relief. 
Most probably the hottest grunt you’ve ever heard escaped his lips when he stretched, trying to get rid of the tension in his shoulders, the courtesy of being leaned over the kitchen counter during the past few hours. 
“Oh, I think there is a need for something.” 
You walked closer and placed your chin on his shoulder, arms wrapping loosely around his waist from behind. “Your well-deserved break.” 
“I still have to finish the icing for the cake, though.” His voice ringed with weariness as he brushed his nose against yours. 
“Zoro doesn’t even like cake.” 
“But Luffy does.” 
You rolled your eyes and moved your hands to caress his lower back, only to shift to rub circles at his shoulder blades. “C’mon, babe. Just five minutes.” 
From behind the kitchen door, loud shuffling and someone’s panicked scream indicated the rest of the Strawhats were having a good time decorating the ship with green balloons and every other green-ish thing they had been able to find on the last island they docked at. 
Of course, Zoro was indulging in his mandatory, two-hour nap in the middle of his crew’s rumpus that even the Devil himself would envy. Since their noisy cackling and yelling would have awakened the dead from their graves, it made you question Zoro’s vitality for at least a dozen times already. But it seemed like no one else paid it much attention. 
“I guess I could survive that,” Sanji muttered, turning around and nuzzling your whole frame into his embrace. He smelled like duck meat he so insisted on preparing and deep-fried Margaritas, since alcohol was an absolute must at this particular celebration, no one doubted it. “Mmh~” 
He hummed with content when his lips touched your neck and jawbone just so tenderly, you were barely able to register it. From his worn-out expression anyone could make a guess that the man wanted nothing more than a Marimo-worthy, long nap, but he wouldn’t ever admit it. 
So you decided to take the matters into your own hands. 
“We still have some time left before he wakes up, right?” you whispered and pressed your lips against his. “With a little bit of luck, he will be out for another two hours.” 
A soft mewl that usually heralded an up-coming nosebleed echoed in the small kitchen, the courtesy of your palm diving from the blonde’s hair to rub along his groin in teasing circles instead.
“Can we ever be sure about anything when it comes to that guy?” he smiled, leaning over to catch your lips again. 
Cupping his cheek with your other hand, you wiped away the few droplets of blood already smeared under his nose. You’ve done it so many times before, it would feel almost weird if one day it didn’t happen. 
With the knowledge that even the most fleeting of your touches was capable of making this man bleed in excitement it was hard to engage in any kind of dalliances at first. But now? It was one of the many quirks Sanji possessed that would make anyone fall in love with him. 
He whined again at another of the crew’s rather boisterous roars behind the door and raised an eyebrow when the sound of, what it seemed like, a wooden mast snapping in half reached your ears. 
His hips buckled into your palm. He wanted to take it further, of course he did. 
“Sweetheart.” His raspy voice was barely above a whisper. “I really wish I could cum right now, don’t- Mhh!- please, don’t tease me like that.” 
“Who said I’m teasing you?” 
You just smiled and tried to take in his whole frame. His hair tousled, skin glistening with sweat, that purple apron wrapped tightly around his narrow hips and his half-opened mouth were so appealing, and apparently enough to make you harder than you had been in a long time. 
Before you could stop and think it through, your hand was already diving into your pants and wrapping around your length, giving it a few strokes that caused strings of pure pleasure to climb up your spine. 
Your whole body pressed against his as your short breaths landed on his chest and neck, a loud moan escaping your mouth when he sneaked one arm around your waist. 
“I know you wanna do it,” you almost pleaded, rolling your eyes from ecstasy. “Baby, c’mon.” 
Another Strawhat-themed noise from the deck broke the relative silence in the room, making the man hesitate just a little bit longer before he exhaled with surrender and reached down to his pants. 
“If they catch us, I’ll say it’s all your fault.” 
The teasing tone of his voice soon turned into one of relief when he finally felt his hand stroking his erection. His tugs were fast and rough, per usual, impatient to orgasm, and it was the most arousing sight you’ve ever seen.
“That perverted nosebleed of yours may suggest otherwise,” you hummed and, without stopping the movements of your palm, reached up to catch his lips in a slow kiss. 
A wave of satisfaction washed over your abdomen and thighs, making them tremble. All the pent-up tension was starting to leave your body with each of the ministrations of your hand around the tip of your length; you were sure he was feeling just the same. 
“(Name)-san,” he breathed, eyes closing with content. “I- Oh-h, it feels so good.” 
“Just keep going, baby.” With your head nuzzled into the crook of his neck, it took all of the willpower not to cum on the spot from the electrifying touch of his warm chest against yours, his breath on your cheek and the slight thrusts of his hips jolting your body. “You’re doing so well~” 
A quick thought ran through your brain; a thought so shameless that it almost made you blush. 
Anyone could walk in at that moment. Luffy, with his striking innocence, Nami, who surely wouldn’t let you two forget about this incident for the rest of your lives and then tease you about it after you’re long dead as well; hell, even Zoro might have finally woken up from the comma and barge in. But it only made the rush of excitement flow in your veins even faster than before, bringing you to the edge of a climax sooner than you were expecting. 
“You’re going to come for me, love? Yes?” 
You could do nothing more than just moan against his skin, the whole weight of your body pushing into his when you opened your mouth in a silent chant of his name and came right there, your cock throbbing in your hand and cum springing onto his apron. 
With the last stutter of your hips, you breathed slowly to come down from the sensation and pull your pants up. Your thoughts have finally cleared enough to push the man into a proper kiss, biting his lower lip just to turn him on even more. 
“Oh, honey,” he mewled, his expression taken over by an almost painful need for release. “I’m so close-” 
The tug at his hair that you gave him was harsh, but from the broad experience you’ve had with this man, it acted as nothing else than an additional incentive to his pleasure. 
With a random spur of want, you dropped to your knees and let your tongue touch the tip of his cock. As soon as he peeked down to comprehend the sight in front of his eyes, a following stroke of his hand brought him to the edge of an orgasm.
“Shit,” he groaned and threw his head back. “Oh, shit!” 
As the push of his hips caused him to come into your mouth, you bobbed your head up and down on his dick to let him ride out the waves of his peak. 
Eventually, he pulled out and exhaled, tucking himself back into his pants. 
The last drops of his cum were being wiped away from your lips when the door suddenly burst open, revealing the furious swordsman. 
“You let Luffy handle the balloons?!” he hissed as a green, almost-flaccid balloon flew right past his head from the direction of the lively deck. “He was stuffing them down my throat when I woke up!” 
You sent Sanji a slight smirk and entwined your fingers with his. He seemed much more relaxed now, his posture not as tense as mere minutes before as he calmly put a cigarette in between his lips. 
“Happy birthday, Marimo.” 
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sanami-love · 5 years
Slow and Steady Ch.2
Alright guys! I’m back. It’s only been about a week right? Sorry to keep you waiting. I hope you guys like the second chapter! This one is a bit shorter I believe, and this one’s gonna be a bit more spicy, and may even make you question the title of this fic lol Anyway, here you go guys! :D 
Sanji worked tirelessly to fix the crew their daily breakfast. Despite the fact that he felt like if he closed his eyes for too long, he would likely fall asleep standing. Still, even his weariness couldn't do anything to take the everlasting smile off his face. He still couldn't believe that Nami reciprocated his feelings. His beautiful Nami-San...he couldn't stop thinking about her after last night. Little hearts began forming at the end of his cigarette as he began thought about her. The way her light auburn hair swayed on her delicate, lightly freckled shoulders, her pretty brown-red eyes, the way she smelled like tangerines and parchment, the way she often had ink stains on her little fingers...She was just so electrifying. Even when she hadn't just struck him with a thunderbolt! And then there were her curves. Those legs, that waist, those brea- "Gah!" Sanji winced, burning himself for the third time that morning. He couldn't tell if it was sleep deprivation or thinking of Nami that had him so distracted this morning, but either way he needed to wake up. Just as he began reaching for the coffee pot; "Saaanjii!! More food!!" Luffy yelled across the kitchen, sitting at the front end of the dining table, banging his silverware against it. "Oi! Luffy! Shut up! Nami-San is trying to sleep!" Sanji yelled back a decible higher, realizing he likely just caused the chances of Nami waking up to skyrocket. "I want more fooood. How much longer do I gotta to wait?" Luffy asked, laying his head on the table and pouting like a sad child. "It'll be a few more minutes Luffy, be patient. The meat still isn't cooked thoroughly." Sanji said, now in a much quiter tone. Turning back to the coffee pot and pouring himself a mugfull and gulping it down. As he turned back to flip the seasoned fish over, he felt the presence of an elongated hand behind his back. "Luffy." Sanji began. "Do you remember what happened last time you tried to steal the meat out of the pan?" Sanji inquired in an ominous tone. "You burned your hand, ate the meat and burned your tongue, and got kicked the shit out of by me." Sanji stated, recalling the incident. "If you're that desperate for more food.." Sanji said, reaching over for a nearly expired loaf of bread. "Then eat this. It'll only be a couple more minutes." He finished, handing the bread over. Luffy grumbled, but still ate the bread happily. Shortly after, Sanji approached him with a massive plate full of seasoned fish that could feed at least six people. Luffy's eyes lit up as he gladly began eating the fish before Sanji had even finished handing him the plate. "Thanks Thanji! You're tha bethst!" Luffy said happily through mouthfuls of food. Sanji was about to scold luffy for talking with his mouth full, when the kitchen door opened and their tall skeleton musician walked in. "Yoho, Goodmorning Sanji-San, Luffy-San." Brook greeted them eloquently. "Sanji-san, might I have some tea to go with my breakfast?" He asked, sitting at the opposite end of the table. "The usual, coming right up." Sanji said, giving a slight smile to his skeletal friend. As time passed, the rest of the crew members excluding Nami came to join breakfast time. At this point, Sanji would become lost in his work. Moving diligently to meet all the crews dietary needs. And yet, even as he focused on his work he still couldn't get Nami out of his mind. "Nami-san is my girlfriend~.." He kept thinking, unable to keep a grin off his face. Of course, this didn't go unnoticed by some crew members. Namely Robin, Zoro, and Brook. "Oi. Shitcook. Stop imagining pervy shit while making my food. I don't want drool or any of your other bodily substances ruining my onigiri." Zoro snapped, clearly trying to wipe the smile of Sanji's face. "Fuck off Mosshead. Here's your damn onigiri. Try not to choke. Or don't, I don't really care." Sanji retorted, handing Zoro his onigiri and still smiling. Not even he was going to ruin his good mood. "Huh. Still smiling. Must've been a pretty good wet dream then huh?" Zoro sarcastically said, biting into his riceball. "Now now, boys." Robin said calmly, setting down her cup of tea. "Lets try to have a peaceful meal. It's such a nice morning." She said, turning to Zoro and patting his head. Zoro's raised an eyebrow at her, but relented. "Fine, whatever." He said, returning to his onigiri. "Heh. He might act tough but even he can't resist a pretty ladies charms every now and then." Sanji thought, giving a look of 'thank you' to Robin that she clearly accepted. "Guess I owe her a new book for that.." Sanji thought to himself. Robin had to admit, she was curious as to why he looked so chipper despite looking as if he'd had no sleep at all. She wasn't one to pry, though. Sanji made his way over to Brook, carrying a small serving of scones for the musician. "Ah, thank you Sanji-san." Brook said, eagerly taking one of the scones and dipping it into his tea. "Yoho, I have to say Sanji-san, you do look rather chipper this morning. Might I ask what has you so lively today?" Brook asked in his usual merry tone. "..What do I say? I don't really feel right about telling the crew about Nami and I's relationship without her permission.." Sanji thought for a moment. "Oh, I just had a good dream is all." Sanji lied, as he poured the musician more tea. "Ha! Knew it was a wet dream!" Zoro shouted across the kitchen. Sanji glared at him, and just as he was about to snap back at him, Robin reached over and pulled Zoro's ear, causing him to wince. "No more of that please. I'd like to be able to enjoy my morning." Robin said, giving Zoro a slight glare. "Ah, so it was that kind of dream. No wonder you look so happy!" Brook said, leaning over to whisper to Sanji. "Hey, hey, what color were her panties?" He asked eagerly, awaiting the cooks response. "Sorry Brook, wasn't that kind of dream. Mossheads just being a dipshit as usual." Sanji whispered back. "Sorry, I'll tell you later. Nami-san should be waking up soon so I need to bring her her meal." Sanji said, waving to him as he picked up Nami's platter and walked out of the kitchen. "That was close." He thought as he strolled through the cold misty deck of the Sunny. Truthfully he couldn't come up with anything convincing enough to tell Brook. Oh well, he was just happy to be able to get away from the others for a moment to see his beloved Nami-san. Currently, it was 10am. Nami should've had four hours of sleep and would likely be up. As much as he wished she could get more sleep, she was their navigator. Her role in the crew was one of, if not the most important jobs on the Sunny. Sanji reached into his jacket pocket and took out another one of his death brand cigarettes and lit it up as he neared the girls room. Taking a long drag just before knocking on the bedroom door. "Nami-san my dearest~..It's Sanji. I've brought you something lovely to eat." Sanji said in his usual chipper, lovey tone. A moment later, he heard a click and the door began to open. "Good morning, Sanji-Kun." Nami said with a smile. "Whatever you have, it smells amazing. Come on in." She said, yawning as she finished her sentence. Sanji entered the room and set the plate on the small circular table nestled between two red chairs. He turned to gaze at her, feeling overcome with joy as he did. She hadn't brushed her hair or gotten dressed for the day yet. She was wearing a long sleeve, form fitting yellow sweater and fuzzy blue pajama pants with little hearts on them. And yet she still looked so angelic. He pulled out a chair for her, and she sat down. First, taking a swig of her freshly squeezed orange juice.  Sanji took a seat in the other chair, sitting across from her. "You look so pretty today." He said, gazing at her. Nami raised an eyebrow, but smiled and continued to enjoy her meal. It wasn't unlike him to tell her she looked nice even when she looked a mess. "Whatever you say." She said, glancing away with a slight blush. Looking back to see Sanji had taken her hand in his own, gently rubbing his thumb against the back her hand. "So...now that we're dating...is there anything you'd like to do once we reach land?" Sanji asked, scratching his cheek. Nami blushed a little harder as watched him fiddle with some strands of his hair. "He's so cute when he's nervous.." She thought, trying to think of something she wanted to do date wise. "Um..Well, we don't have to be on land for a date. I do have one idea though.." Nami said, beginning to fiddle with her own hair. "Im all ears, my love." Sanji said eagerly. "Well...we could go down to the aquarium bar tonight and maybe have a few drinks. Sound good?" She said with a bright smile. That was a really good idea. The aquarium bar was a pretty romantic place to have a date too. He just hoped no one would just decide to hang out down there tonight. "Thats sounds wonderful, Nami-san. Its a date." He said gleefully, taking her empty cup and plate and stacking them. "You bet. And don't be late." Nami said jokingly as she stood up from her chair and walked to her vanity. "Wouldn't dream of it, love." Sanji said, watching as Nami began to brush her long hair out. Wanting to feel how soft her hair was. "Nami-san, would it be alright if I help fix your hair? I'm actually pretty good with hairstyling." Sanji inquired hopefully. He really wanted to run his fingers through those beautiful orange locks of hers. "So a master chef and a hairdresser, huh?" Nami joked as she handed him the brush. "Alright, show me what you can do." She said, standing back in front of the mirror. "Yes ma'am." Sanji said getting up from his seat to stand behind her. He began collecting her from around her shoulders and bringing it back, loving how soft it felt against his fingers. He brushed the hair out from the bottom and began to separate and braid it, bringing it up and putting together high braided bun. "Now, turn to face me." Sanji said. Nami turned around to face him, blushing from the proximity. She watched Sanji's face as he focused on fixing her bangs and pulling a few strands of hair loose to hang in front of her face. He was incredibly handsome. His eyes were so pretty, and his eyebrows had a strange charm to them. His jaw was well defined and his beard gave him a slightly rugged, sexy look. And his lips, they looked so soft. They looked so irresistably soft. Sanji tucked a single hair behind her ear, bringing his thumb to caress her cheek. He looked into her eyes, realizing she was staring at his lips. He began to look at her own, and couldnt resist leaning towards them. Their foreheads and noses touched, feeling each others breath on each other. Eyes becoming half-lidded, slowly inching closer until their lips were mere millimeters apart. Their lips brushed ever so gently, driving the two over the edge. Lips met eagerly in what felt like pure ecstacy, moving together in unison in a sweet, normal fashion at first. Sanji glided his tongue against her upper lip, begging for her own. Her tongue glided against his own, allowing their kiss to become more heated. Lips opened wider to fully taste each other as light moans filled the quiet room. He tasted like smoke and spices, and she tasted like sweet oranges. Sanji's hands began to wander down her sides, lightly running them up and down. Nami ran one hand through his hair excitedly, and one hand felt his chest with need. She ran her hand down to reach under his shirt, feeling the hardened muscle of his abs underneath. Sanji moaning slightly at the feeling of her soft hand and nails running against his skin. Sanji moved a hand to feel her hips, cautiously tucking his thumb in the side to feel her soft skin, and moving his other to just under her breast as he just barely felt her with his thumb. Nami began moving her hand downwards, slipping her fingers past his waistband, slowly trying to inch further downward. Sanji felt his hard member twitch with pure desperation to be touched by her. Nami slipped her fingers in halfway just as she heard the bedroom door open. The two immediately separated, faces stained tomato red as Robin looked at them with what was pure amusement on her face. "H-Hi Robin..." Nami said, dying of embarassment. She couldn't have walked in at a worse time. Sanji just had his hand on his neck, staring at the floor in sheer mortification. Robin couldn't have been anymore amused. "Well, I guess I know why you looked so happy this morning, Cook-san." Robin said smiling. "Sorry, I just dropped by to grab one of my books." She said, walking by the two nonchalantly and grabbing said book. She walked back to the door. "Don't worry, I won't say a word to the others if thats what the two of you want. Congratulations." Robin said as she began to close the door. "Have fun, Nami." Robin said with a teasing smile as she left. Nami fell to the floor in shame. "Well. That was completely mortifying." Nami said, glancing over at Sanji who was still an embarassed mess. "I-uh...Sorry, Nami-san. I got a little carried away." Sanji said, giving her a slight nervous smile. "Don't be sorry. I did too. Besides...it felt really good." Nami said, not daring to look him in the eyes as she said it. Sanji walked over her way and helped her back up. "Im glad you think so...It did for me too." He stated, placing a finger on her chin to lift her face up to his own. Sanji brought his lips to hers once again, but this time the kiss being short and sweet. "Nami-san...kissing you feels so wonderful. I honestly don't want to stop. But, we've got jobs to do. So, I'll leave you to get ready for the day." He said, bringing his arms around her for a moment. "That being said, I'll see you tonight in the aquarium." He said, smiling brightly as ever. "Yeah. Its a date. I'll see you then, Sanji-Kun." Nami said, smiling but still shaking from the prior embarassment.
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pingo1387 · 7 years
Hidden Admiration
Special gift for @summerotaku​!  One Piece; ZoSan; Pre-timeskip  Words: 7,009 
“Stop following me.”
“We’re supposed to be walking together!”
“I don’t want to!”
“Your lost ass needs a partner!”
Zoro and Sanji glowered in each other’s faces as they walked through the woods, scaring away small animals. The others had been quick to vote Sanji as Zoro’s chaperone when Zoro had wandered away from the ship—neither liked the situation, but Sanji wouldn’t leave him, not when Nami had asked him so sweetly while batting her eyelashes.
“I don’t,” Zoro hissed, “get ‘lost.’ Just because I can find cool new paths through things—”
“It doesn’t count if you didn’t mean to!” Sanji folded his arms, staring ahead as he walked. “You always do this, and then one of us has to go find you, because you’re an idiot and never think of the consequences of not fucking knowing where you’re going. Honestly, if you would just do as you’re told and pay attention to where you are, this wouldn’t happen! It shouldn’t be that difficult to keep one of us in sight, at the very least! Even Luffy has a better sense of direction than you, and that’s saying something! You—”
Here he turned, and saw no one beside him. Zoro had vanished.
“Fucking moron,” he hissed, looking around. He went in a random direction, hoping he’d be able to make out Zoro’s hair among the mossy trees.
“And he tells me not to wander off?” Zoro muttered when he realized Sanji had vanished. What a telling-off he could give him when they were both back at the ship! Of course he knew which way the ship was . . .
Sanji scowled. The only things surrounding him were trees, a small, glimmering boulder, and more trees. It was Zoro’s own fault, he reasoned, the idiot had gotten himself all lost and turned around. He hadn’t seen where he’d gone, how was he supposed to find him, anyway?
He sighed, resting a hand on the boulder and running a hand through his hair.
“Why’d he have to be like this?” he murmured.
He shook his head and straightened up, heading off in another direction. His head began to pound.
Zoro frowned, looking around. He knew the ship was this way, but it must’ve moved—he didn’t see any water, only a bunch of trees and a big glittering rock. Stupid cook! Why had he wandered away like that? And in the middle of a rant, too! He just had to be like that, complaining all the time . . .
He rested a hand on the rock, frowning.
“Not how I thought this would turn out,” he muttered.
He removed his hand and wandered away again. His head pulsed with pain.
“They really should’ve been back by now,” Nami said, annoyed, staring into the wilderness of the island.
“I am back,” Luffy said, bouncing up behind her. “I just got here, didn’t you see me?”
“Not you, stupid, Zoro and Sanji-kun!” Nami turned around. “Usopp! Chopper! Go find them!”
“Why us?” Usopp complained as he and Chopper came to the railing.
“You’re good trackers and I’ll cut your allowances if you don’t.”
“Let’s go!” Chopper exclaimed, jumping from the ship onto the sand below.
“Wait!” Usopp leapt after him, and they hurried into the woods.
They split up at a fork in the path, agreeing to meet back at the ship later. Usopp found himself wandering downhill and came to a rocky beach. As he made his way to shore, he saw a familiar blonde head staring out to sea.
“Hey!” he called, approaching. Sanji whipped around, eyes wide, and stared as Usopp came up to him with a friendly grin. “C’mon, let’s get back, everyone’s hungry! Did you guys wander off from each other?”
“Get back . . . where is this?” Sanji said blankly.
“The island we landed on,” Usopp said patiently. “I dunno if it has a name.” He squinted at Sanji. “Did you shave?”
Sanji rubbed his smooth chin. “Why wouldn’t I? But, more importantly, how did I get here?”
“Didn’t you walk?” Usopp said, confused.
“Walk?” Sanji repeated, utterly baffled. “No, I . . . I woke up in those woods—” He pointed. “And I don’t remember coming here at all.”
“Sanji, what are you talking about?” Usopp exclaimed.
Sanji’s eyes widened and he stepped back. “You know my name?” he said accusingly. “Do you know something?”
“Sanji, I—” Usopp held up his hands, taking a step forward. “You might’ve hit your head. Let’s go back to the ship and Chopper will help you.”
“You . . . have a ship?” Sanji said cautiously.
Usopp nodded slowly.
“Okay.” Sanji swallowed. “Maybe the captain will be nice enough to take me back to the restaurant.”
Usopp opened his mouth, but decided not to bother and shook his head. “Just follow me.”
“Zoro!” Chopper exclaimed in delight. Zoro, who had been studying a tree to see if it looked familiar, turned and jumped when he saw Chopper.
“Did you get lost again?” Chopper asked, grinning. “Let’s go back, it’s getting late!”
“Back where?” Zoro said. “Who are you? What are you?”
Chopper’s smile faded. “Is this a joke?” he asked tentatively.
Zoro placed a hand on his swords. “Where is this? How did I get here?”
Chopper frowned. “Zoro, it’s me, Chopper! You guys were on a walk, and Nami made Usopp and me come find you—are you okay? Let me look at you!”
Zoro narrowed his eyes. “What are you talking about?”
“Zoro,” Chopper said slowly, “if you don’t remember m-me—or how you got here—you might’ve been hurt. Let me check your head. Please?”
Zoro slowly removed his hand and knelt, allowing Chopper to run his hooves on his scalp.
“No injuries,” he said at last.
“I could’ve told you that,” Zoro snapped. He rubbed his temples and sighed. “Look, can you help me? I think someone might’ve kidnapped me. I just need to be dropped off at an island somewhere. I’ll find my way from there.”
Chopper stared at him in worry. “Okay,” he said at last. ���Yeah, we’ll help. Come on, hold my hand, it’s this way.”
He turned big, startling Zoro.
“What are you?!” he yelled.
“Reindeer,” Chopper said with no further explanation. He grabbed Zoro’s hand and led him through the trees.
“Why did you yell?” Sanji hissed. “And why am I an emergency?”
“What, Usopp?” Luffy asked, bouncing towards them. He grinned. “Hey, Sanji!”
Sanji frowned at him, but when he saw Nami and Robin approaching, he grinned.
“Oh!” he exclaimed. “I didn’t know I would meet such lovely ladies today! Pardon me for intruding, mademoiselles, but are you single?”
“Evening, Sanji,” Robin said. “Usopp, what’s the emergency?”
Sanji’s face fell at their lack of response, and Usopp cleared his throat as the others approached. “Well, uh, Sanji doesn’t . . . know us?”
“Huh?!” Luffy cried in dismay.
“Bro, tell me it ain’t so!” Franky exclaimed. Sanji leaned away from him, staring at his exposed form in alarm. “How could you forget the super Franky?!”
“Is it true, Sanji-san?” Brook asked despondently. Sanji stiffened and scooted away from him, and then looked up at the flag.
“Oh, this is a pirate ship?” he said, frowning. “No wonder you’re all weird—except for you, you lovely ladies—but I’ve never seen this mark before. Which pirates are you?”
Franky began to cry in despair.
“Sanji, we’re the Strawhats,” Luffy exclaimed. “You really don’t remember?”
“What am I supposed to remember?” Sanji snapped.
“Hey! Emergency!”
Everyone looked over the railing to see Chopper returning with Zoro. He carried Zoro in his arms as he leapt over the railing, and then set him down and turned small again. Sanji jumped, and when he spotted Zoro, his eyes widened and his ears turned red.
“Zoro doesn’t remember me,” Chopper announced tearfully.
Zoro looked around, squinted at Franky and Brook, and frowned at the person he couldn’t make out hiding behind Usopp.
“Don’t tell me you forgot us too,” Luffy moaned in horror.
“How can I forget someone I’ve never met?” Zoro said, confused. He bowed. “Uh . . . nice to meet you all. Can I request that you take me to the nearest island?”
“What d’you mean, too?” Chopper asked.
Usopp looked around for Sanji, frowned when he noticed he was hiding, and gestured. “Our chef’s lost his memory too,” he explained.
Chopper whimpered in distress while the others looked around, confused.
“How could they both have . . . ?” Robin murmured. “Come to think of it . . . Zoro, how old are you?”
“Seventeen,” Zoro responded.
“Sanji-kun, how old are you?” Nami asked.
“Seventeen, my lady!” Sanji exclaimed, popping out at her voice. When Zoro saw him, he frantically looked around and ducked behind Robin, who glanced back at him in confusion. Sanji likewise hid behind Usopp again.
“So . . . they didn’t exactly lose their memories,” Brook said thoughtfully. “What they lost was their age?”
“It sounds that way,” Usopp agreed. “Sanji’s chin was all smooth, and Zoro looked a little younger, too . . .”
“I’m gonna check them over properly,” Chopper said. “Zoro! Come out here!”
He turned big and dragged Zoro to his office. Sanji slowly came out again, straightening his shirt (he was a touch smaller, but his clothes fit nearly as well).
“What’s your deal?” Usopp said.
“Nothing,” Sanji snapped, his ears pink. “I just need to go back to the Baratie.”
“We . . . can’t really do that,” Franky said.
“Why?” Sanji said in surprise. “Are you holding me hostage? I’ll have you know I’m a decent fighter.”
“Yeah, so are we,” Luffy said patiently. “But, Sanji, the Baratie’s in the East Blue.”
“And we aren’t?”
They gave him pitying looks. When they finally told him their location, his eyes nearly fell out of his head. He was reeling by the time they explained his role on the ship and why they were on the Grand Line in the first place.
“I need to sit down,” he whispered.
Robin helpfully used her ability to grab a chair from the upper deck and bring it down. Sanji collapsed into it, staring at her in awe.
“You can still cook, right?” Luffy said hopefully. He playfully stretched out his arm and tapped Sanji’s head. “We’re hungry.”
“Of course I can cook,” Sanji snapped, making a face at his ability.
Chopper came back, Zoro close behind, and Sanji jumped. Zoro spotted him and hid behind Robin again. Nami squinted at him.
“Sanji, your turn,” Chopper called. He dragged Sanji up from the chair into his office, and Zoro came out from hiding.
“So why’re you hiding?” Nami asked, suspicious.
“Just because,” Zoro muttered. “Chopper gave me the briefing on this situation. This is the Grand Line, huh?”
“Sure is,” Luffy said, eyes shining.
“I see. I’m sorry I don’t know you all.”
“No worries, Zoro-san, I’m sure we can make fast friends again if this situation isn’t resolved,” Brook said merrily. Zoro eyed him curiously. “Though I do hope it will be resolved. Robin-san, I don’t suppose you have any idea how this could have happened?”
Robin shrugged. “I can only assume something happened to them in the forest.”
“Yeah, Chopper said S—Sanji and I were on a walk,” Zoro interrupted. He rubbed the back of his neck. “Do we do that a lot? Go on walks?”
“In general? If we have downtime on an island, sure,” Nami said.
“I meant me and Sanji.” Zoro ducked his head, looking away.
The others were surprised, but before they could question him, Chopper returned with Sanji.
“No injuries on either of them,” he said as Sanji ducked back into the kitchen with a mumbled promise to start on dinner. “I don’t know how this could’ve happened.”
“You really don’t remember anything?” Franky prodded, leaning forward. “Like, how this could’ve happened?”
“The last thing I remember was looking for a tavern,” Zoro said, still confused.
“You’re skinny,” Luffy said in wonder, poking Zoro’s arm. Zoro frowned and elbowed him away.
“I should go help Sanji-kun,” Nami said suddenly. “He won’t know the combination for the fridge.”
“You can tell me and then I’ll go tell him,” Luffy offered from the ground. Usopp kicked him while Nami went inside.
“Hello, my lady,” Sanji crooned when Nami entered. “Is there something wrong?”
“Code’s 7-3-2-6,” she said, coming around and unlocking the fridge.
“Oh,” he said in relief. “Thank you so much. Why is it locked?”
“Luffy always steals.”
“The captain?”
“Yeah.” She straightened up. “Need anything else?”
Sanji shook his head. “I don’t think so,” he said. “It looks like everything’s where I like it, so . . .”
“Let us know if you need anything.” She was oddly gentle. “This must be a real shock, being torn away from your restaurant.”
“I can guess why I left,” Sanji murmured. He suddenly looked panicked. “That reminds me, Nami-san, if you don’t mind me asking—was I in a relationship with you or Robin-san?”
“Oh, thank god,” he said, smiling in relief. Nami stared at him, puzzled, as his ears turned pink and he continued, “Was I—in a relationship with—anyone else?”
Nami rolled her eyes. “Get started on dinner.”
“Okay!” he exclaimed, voice cracking. She left the room.
Sanji called everyone in for dinner within an hour, having found meal preparations already in the fridge. Luffy was the first one in, followed closely by the others. Sanji watched them expectantly as they dug in, and his face fell when he saw their smiles freeze.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, wringing a towel between his hands.
“Well . . . it’s good,” Usopp said. “It’s just not what we’re used to.”
The others nodded.
“Is future me really that good?” Sanji murmured. He looked at the table, and the only ones digging in with real vigor were Luffy and—Zoro.
“You’re both good,” Luffy said through his food. Zoro set down his plate for a moment, and his and Sanji’s eyes met.
“Do you—like it?” Sanji asked tentatively, nearly ripping the towel in two.
“It’s . . .” Zoro looked down. “The best food I’ve ever tasted.”
He dug in again, and Sanji hid a smile behind his hands. The others looked between them, baffled.
“Are you sure neither of you met before you woke up in the woods?” Franky asked.
“Yeah, why?” they said together. Zoro hastily shoved more food in his mouth.
“You’re acting awfully weird.”
Zoro made a point of keeping his mouth full of food to avoid responding, while Sanji snapped, “Weird? Y—You’re one to talk, dressed like that!”
Usopp laughed. “He’s got you there, Franky!”
“I’m weird and proud of it!” Franky took out his ukulele and strummed it. “The wand’ring pervert, shunned by society—”
“—Shows no shame in his lack of propriety,” Brook continued.
Sanji rolled his eyes and started on dishes. He had never met a merrier band of pirates.
Zoro and Sanji slept as far apart from each other as possible, though both stole glances once in awhile. While Sanji had occasionally fallen asleep with the other cooks in the kitchen, it was Zoro’s first time sleeping with so many people in years, and he shied away from the pillow fight Luffy had started.
“Hey, guys!” Franky yelled. “What’s it like being seventeen again?”
“As far as we know, seventeen’s the oldest we’ve ever been,” Zoro pointed out. “Right?”
“R—Right,” Sanji said. It was the closest they’d come to speaking. “So, it’s normal.”
“Boring!” Luffy exclaimed.
“It’s not really fair to call that boring when your only point of reference is being a pirate,” Zoro muttered. “Compared to that, a lot of things must seem boring.”
“Yeah, but you guys are pirates, too,” Usopp said.
“It’s a pirate party!” Chopper exclaimed.
“Yeah! Let’s have a party!” Luffy yelled.
The door flew open, revealing a livid Nami. “If you idiots don’t shut up, I am raising your debts through the roof!” she hissed.
“Whatever you say, my lovely!” Sanji cried. Zoro looked away, and everyone promised to be good. Nami turned off the light and shut the door, leaving behind whispers and muffled giggles.
Sanji woke early out of habit, and found few others stirring. He remembered where he was after a moment and slipped out of bed, creeping out the door and heading to the kitchen.
He’d just started on breakfast when someone said, “Good morning,” and he whipped around, not having heard anyone come in. Robin sat at the table, smiling.
“Could I have some coffee?” she asked, crossing her legs.
“Yeah, of course,” Sanji said quickly. He searched the pantry, found the coffee and filters, and took them out, heating water over the stove. As he poured the steaming pot through the filter into a mug, he said, “That ability of yours, what is it?”
“A Devil Fruit. They’re uncommon outside the Grand Line.”
“Yeah.” Sanji finished pouring and waited for it to steep. “Do you take cream or sugar?”
“No. Chopper didn’t mention our abilities?”
“He didn’t. But I’m guessing he has one, too. Reindeer Fruit?”
“Human. He was a reindeer originally. Brook can live because of a Fruit, too, and of course, Luffy . . .”
Sanji nodded. “Did I have one?”
“No, why?”
“Well . . . it’s not important.”
They sat in silence. Sanji busied himself with breakfast again while waiting for the coffee, and then brought it to Robin when it was ready. She thanked him and held the warm mug.
“Um . . . Robin-san?”
Sanji was just finishing breakfast, and his ears turned pink as he played with his hair and said, “What . . . what’s my relationship with Zoro like?”
He stopped the eggs from burning and doled them out onto plates, watching Robin expectantly. She stared at him, amused.
“Well,” she said. “How should I put this . . . ? There’s a lot of tension.”
Sanji’s eyes widened. “Oh,” he said, voice cracking again.
Robin stood. “I’ll get everyone in here.”
Sanji stared at the plates, neck beet-red, while Robin left and Luffy entered.
“No good?” Sanji asked, dejected, when the crew’s chewing became reluctant again.
“Again, it’s just not what we’re used to,” Nami said reassuringly. “It doesn’t matter, don’t worry about it.”
“You guys are weird,” Zoro said. “This is—” He saw Sanji and hid his face. “This is the greatest food ever.”
Sanji turned around, smiling and pretending to wash dishes, while the others either bit their lips or stuffed their faces to hide smirks.
“Chopper,” Robin said. “I think you and I should head out to explore after breakfast. We need to look for clues on how this situation happened.”
“Good idea!” Chopper exclaimed.
“I’m coming,” Luffy announced.
“You are not,” Nami snapped.
“Because you’ll run off from them, and knowing you, you’ll probably get hit with whatever made Zoro and Sanji-kun this way and lose a couple years, too! I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m not putting up with a younger Luffy.”
The others nodded. Luffy frowned and slumped in his chair. “I still wanna go.”
“Luffy, we’ll stay here and play or something,” Usopp promised, patting his shoulder. “Once Robin and Chopper figure out what happened, they can tell us, and then you can go explore, because then we’ll know what it was so we can avoid it happening to us.”
“Yeah, okay!” Luffy said, sitting up again.
Zoro stood on the bow, peering out to sea. The Grand Line certainly didn’t look like all the horrible tales he’d heard—rather, the waves were calm, no Sea Kings were attacking, and hardly a cloud was in the sky.
He sighed and sat against the railing, closing his eyes. He opened them again when he sensed movements and squinted at Luffy and Usopp crouching by him.
“Show us your chest,” Usopp said.
“Show us your chest,” Luffy insisted.
“Why?” he asked, scooting back against the railing.
“We wanna see if the scar’s still there,” Usopp explained.
“Scar?” Zoro sat up and pulled off his shirt, studying his chest. “I don’t see anything.”
“It did vanish!” Usopp exclaimed. “I bet the ones on your legs vanished, too!”
Zoro pulled up his pant legs, studying the smooth skin.
“They are gone!” Luffy said. He traced a circle around Zoro’s shins. “You had two here!”
“What from?”
Usopp rolled his eyes. “You tried to cut off your own feet when you got stuck in a giant wax cake.”
Zoro frowned. “That doesn’t make any sense.”
“Exactly! I think you traumatized Nami, too, she was practically screaming when—”
“No, cutting off my feet would make perfect sense in that situation,” Zoro interrupted. “I meant the giant wax cake thing. Where did something like that come from?”
Luffy grinned while Usopp groaned. “Just a guy with a weird power.”
“Okay.” Zoro pulled his shirt back on and glanced towards the kitchen. “Hey . . . can I ask you guys something?”
“Shoot,” Usopp said, folding his arms.
Zoro looked down. “What was—what was our relationship like?”
“Who, you and me, or you and Usopp, or both?” Luffy asked.
“No, I meant—Sanji.”
Luffy burst out laughing while Usopp squinted. “You guys have been acting weird towards each other ever since you de-aged . . . why is that?”
“Weird?” Zoro said, attentive. “Weird how? How did we act before?”
He stared at Usopp intensely, and Usopp shifted. “Well, y’know,” he said. “You, uh—you were always, like—”
He gestured with his hands, thinking the meaning was clear, and he didn’t realize Zoro had misinterpreted it when he leaned forward, saying, “Is—is that so? Do you think we should talk?”
“Well, if only to clear up why you guys are all weird now,” Usopp said, exasperated.
“Okay.” Zoro stood. “Thanks!”
He hurried to the kitchen, cheeks pinked. Usopp and Luffy looked at each other and shrugged.
“What if we both lose our memories, and ages? What then?”
Robin stared ahead. “I suppose we’d have to find the ship, wouldn’t we?” she said. “We wouldn’t know anyone, but . . .”
She trailed off. “Let’s just hope it doesn’t happen, hm?”
“Right.” Chopper straightened his hat and his posture. The trees surrounded them and small animals ran out of their way.
They paused for a break by a glittering boulder.
“Could this be what made them lose their years?” Robin remarked, smiling teasingly.
“Oh! Maybe!” Chopper exclaimed, taking her seriously and hiding behind her legs.
Robin smiled and knelt by it, reaching her hand out. “I’ll need your help if I forget where we are,” she joked. She placed her hand on the rock for not even half a second before withdrawing.
“Robin!” Chopper cried, grabbing her. “Are you okay? Do you know me?”
“I’m fine,” she said reassuringly. She frowned as a headache began to come on. “I was kidding. Don’t worry . . .”
She pressed a hand to her temple, gritting her teeth before collapsing into the dirt.
Chopper turned to pull off his pack, but just as he finished rooting through it, Robin stirred.
“What . . . ?” Her eyes flew open and she sat up quickly, looking around. She saw Chopper and relaxed. “Doctor-san? Where is this?”
Chopper stared, dejected. “You did lose your memory!”
“Lose my . . . ? What do you mean?” she asked warily. “Where is this? What happened?”
Chopper put away his equipment. “Let’s go back to the ship. The others should know about this.”
Sanji jumped and whirled around when Zoro slammed the door open, flying into the kitchen.
“Uh—hi,” he said, swallowing.
Zoro rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m, uh—I just wanted to say, um—I’m a fan.”
Sanji stared, eyes wide and ears red. “What?”
“When I was younger, I heard about someone who’d survived an amazingly long time without food or water,” Zoro explained, stumbling over his words. “I always thought that was incredible, and wanted to meet that person. And, not too long ago, there was an article about your restaurant, and how it was full of amazing fighters—I recognized you, and—your cooking’s even better than I imagined. I just, I could never find the restaurant itself.”
He hid his face as soon as he’d finished. Sanji stared, gaping.
“I’m . . . your fan, too,” he whispered. Zoro looked up, stunned. “You won some competitions. It was in the paper. I never thought your hair was green, but—you, uh—you must be really strong.”
He bit his lip, staring at Zoro.
“I—I see,” Zoro said, adjusting his swords. “There was—something else I wanted to say. I—”
“We’re back!”
Both jumped at the shriek from outside, and they hesitated before reluctantly heading out.
They found the crew gathering at Chopper’s behest. Chopper held Robin’s hand while Robin stared around warily, moving away from Brook and Franky.
“Well, the good news is we found out what happened to Zoro and Sanji,” Chopper said wearily. “The bad news is—”
“Luffy, are you aware that a skeleton and a pervert have boarded this ship?” Robin asked.
“Robin lost her memory, too,” Chopper finished. “But, she only seems to have lost a couple months.”
He explained about the rock.
“Damn, so we’re the only ones you forgot, Nico Robin?” Franky asked, dejected. “I’m hurt!”
“Please put some pants on,” she said.
“Robin-san, I’m sure this is a shock to you,” Brook said gently. “The others will be able to explain it to you thoroughly.”
“Why not you?” Usopp said.
“How am I supposed to explain things I wasn’t here for?”
“Good point.”
Robin studied Zoro and Sanji. “Swordsman-san, Cook-san, why do you look younger?”
“So . . . this is what happened to us?” Zoro said, interested.
“Robin-san, I hope your memory of me will return soon!” Sanji cried. Zoro scowled at the floor.
“We’ll explain things, Robin, don’t worry,” Luffy said reassuringly. He and Nami led Robin away from Brook and Franky, and Usopp and Chopper followed.
“So . . . you were saying?” Sanji said to Zoro, turning to him.
Zoro glanced at Brook and Franky, who had leaned in obviously, putting hands around their ears (or where ears should’ve been). “I was saying it in private,” he said pointedly.
“Right.” Sanji beckoned, and they went back to the kitchen. As soon as the door shut, Franky and Brook went to it and pressed their ears to the wood.
“I, uh . . .”
Zoro stared at the floor. “I . . . I think I have a crush on you.”
Sanji’s eyes widened again.
“I sure hope so, because otherwise I don’t know what this feeling is,” Zoro continued. “You’re—you’re strong, you have amazing willpower—your food—”
“Fuck, fuck, are you serious?” Sanji whispered.
“Yeah. Sorry if you don’t—”
“Fuck, Zoro, I like you too.” Before Zoro could say anything, Sanji ran a hand through his hair, continuing, “You—you look so cool when you’re fighting, that’s what the pictures were of, and you have this—this air about you—it’s just amazing.”
“I thought you liked girls!”
“I do! I love women! I didn’t even know I was capable of liking guys until—!”
He cut himself off, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Well . . . let’s date.”
“What?” It came out as a squeak.
Zoro shifted. “The others act weird when our relationship that we apparently forgot is brought up. Have you noticed?”
“I figure—I figure, we were already—together. Why wouldn’t we be? If we’re both like this, and we’re on the same ship—there’s no reason we wouldn’t be—fuck, you know what I mean.” Zoro rubbed the back of his neck, still staring at the floor. “So, we . . . might as well . . .”
He looked up to see Sanji holding out his arms.
“Come here.”
Zoro nearly jumped into him with a hug. They held each other, basking in each other’s warmth.
It was tapping at the window that got their attention, and they saw Brook and Franky staring at them with thumbs-ups. The two fled when Zoro and Sanji sprinted for the door, swords drawn and scowls on.
“Well . . . this is a change.”
Sanji and Zoro looked at Usopp as the rest of the crew stared at them, Franky and Brook giving thumbs-ups again and everyone else wide-eyed and slack-jawed.
“Oh,” Sanji said, who had just given Zoro a kiss when serving lunch. “Right—we got back together. Or, it’s the first time for us, but . . .”
“Second time for you guys, right?” Zoro added. “No wonder you thought we were weird earlier, if we were together before. We’re together again now. Or, for the first time.”
Sanji nodded.
“Should we say something?” Chopper whispered to Nami, who shrugged helplessly. Robin said nothing, despite being more confused than anyone there.
“Something wrong?” Zoro added, noticing the stares lingering.
“No,” everyone said together, returning to their food in thick silence.
“Robin,” Chopper cried when she sank to her knees and collapsed for the second time that day. Brook, who she had been in the middle of questioning, knelt by her and felt her forehead.
Robin sat up after only a minute, blinking. She rubbed her head and looked at Brook and Chopper.
“I’m back,” she said with a smile. “Sorry for the trouble.”
Chopper hugged her and Brook clutched his ribcage in relief. “Thank goodness, Robin-san. And this means Zoro-san and Sanji-san will eventually revert to normal as well!”
Robin nodded. “Probably this evening at the earliest.”
“Speaking of them—” Chopper pulled back. “What’s gonna happen when they get their memories back? Are they gonna stop being in love?”
“Chopper-san, such questions are meant for fate,” Brook said gravely.
“I wonder how they got together so quickly,” Robin added, standing. “To their knowledge, they only met last night . . .”
She shook her head. “I’ll tell the others.”
She ran into Franky on her way. Franky studied her and lit up. “You’re back!”
“How did you know?”
“Your face is different. You’re gonna apologize for earlier, right?”
“No. Put some pants on.”
“So . . . how’d you two meet?”
Nami watched Zoro and Sanji, waiting. They stared at her and glanced at each other.
“We only met last night,” Sanji said. “But, um . . .”
“We’d heard a lot about each other before this,” Zoro explained, looking away and smiling with embarrassment. Luffy and Usopp crept up behind Nami, listening. “Sanji’s amazing—”
“That’s you,” Sanji interrupted, seizing his hand and resting his head on Zoro’s shoulder. He looked back at Nami with a smile. “Didn’t either of us bring it up when we first got together?”
Nami shook her head. “It never came up.”
“You guys are weird,” Luffy remarked, grinning.
“I’m . . . looking forward to remembering how we first met,” Zoro admitted. “This will probably feel like a redo of the situation.”
Luffy and Usopp looked at each other and laughed, hurrying away.
“Good luck,” Nami said, giving them a pitying look before leaving.
“Everyone’s still acting weird,” Zoro remarked, squeezing Sanji’s hand. “Why is that, d’you think?”
“Maybe we didn’t quite act like this before?” Sanji suggested. “Careful with my hand.”
Zoro brought it up to his mouth and kissed the back.
“Wow, who knew those two were mutual fans?” Franky exclaimed. The crew watched Zoro and Sanji from afar as the two held hands on the island’s shore, gesturing and smiling while the sun started to set.
“It’s so weird to think about it,” Nami agreed.
Brook sighed. “It’s like a look into another universe, at what could’ve been!”
“If they stay like this, maybe they’ll stop destroying the ship,” Robin said.
Luffy draped himself over the railing, not too interested in the conversation.
“Oh, oh, I think they’re gonna kiss,” Usopp whispered, pointing.
“Really?” Chopper squeaked. Everyone leaned in, staring obviously.
On the beach, Zoro studied Sanji’s face, lit by the sun and sea.
“Hey,” he said. Sanji looked at him. “I’m, uh . . . I’m glad you’re here.”
Sanji smiled. Zoro’s visage was perfect in the light. “Me, too.”
They leaned in, tentative . . .
And then they clutched their heads, leaning back as sharp headaches came on. Both sank to their knees and collapsed into the sand.
“They—they’re going back to normal?!” Chopper cried.
“So close!” Franky exclaimed, frustrated. Chopper and Luffy leapt from the ship to get them, and Chopper picked up Zoro while Luffy dragged Sanji across the sand.
They woke up against the railing, rubbing their heads. Before the crew’s eyes, Sanji’s goatee had returned, and Zoro’s muscles had become thicker.
“How do you feel?” Nami asked. The others stared with bated breath.
Sanji’s eyes couldn’t be wider with shock, and when he saw Zoro next to him, he scooted away so quickly he singed the deck with friction. Zoro stood and backed away, stunned.
“Guys?” Usopp said timidly.
“Is everything . . . alright?” Brook asked.
Luffy was the bluntest as he picked his nose and said, “So, are you guys still gonna be kissing each other?”
No one knew how it happened, but he suddenly had a shoe imprint on his face and a bump on his head as he lay still halfway across the deck. Zoro fled to the observatory and Sanji to the kitchen.
“Guys!” Chopper exclaimed, too late. He frowned. “Oh, no . . .”
Usopp went to help Luffy up. Franky took out his handkerchief and blew his nose.
“They were so sweet!” he cried. “And now—now they’re—!”
“Oh, Franky-san, I’m sure they’ll work things out, don’t cry,” Brook said, patting his shoulder.
“I’m not crying!”
Dinner was the quietest it had ever been. Sanji and Zoro looked everywhere but each other, and the eyes of the others darted between them.
“So . . .”
Sanji tapped his fingers against his arm, leaning against the counter and facing away from the table. “The food’s better now, right?”
“Much,” Robin said reassuringly. The others voiced their agreement, but Zoro scowled at his plate and stabbed his fork into a piece.
“You guys have weird taste buds,” he said, tone unusually harsh. “This is shit.”
Sanji froze, staring at the wall.
“What happened to ‘The best food you’ve ever tasted?’” Chopper asked.
“Something must’ve messed up my head when I regressed,” Zoro muttered, eating his portion nonetheless.
“I’m going for some fresh air,” Sanji said abruptly, striding out of the kitchen. Zoro was the only one who didn’t watch him go, and Franky hid a sob in his handkerchief.
Zoro had jumped at the chance to take lookout duty, leaving the others in the men’s quarters. No one dared to speak to Sanji for a long time.
Finally, Brook spoke up. “Sanji-san?”
“What?” he snapped.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“No.” Sanji covered his face with his pillow.
“Do be careful or you’ll suffocate,” Brook exclaimed. “Sanji-san—”
“Leave me alone,” Sanji said into his pillow.
“Sanji, don’t hide your emotions, talk them out,” Usopp said, leaning over and poking him.
“Talk them out,” Luffy echoed, stretching his arm to poke Sanji.
“Talk it out, yeah,” Franky sang. “Don’t bottle it up—”
Sanji removed his pillow to silence him with a scary face.
“Thank you,” Robin said in surprise when Sanji set her coffee in front of her as soon as she’d sat down. “You knew I was coming?”
“I had a feeling,” Sanji admitted, turning back around to put the finishing touches on breakfast. Robin was quiet, holding the mug up to her face to breathe in the scent.
Sanji faced away from her, gripping the counter, head bowed.
“Do you—” He grimaced. “Do you—think he feels the same way?”
Robin paused, setting down the mug and watching Sanji. His hair was barely combed: a sign he had stayed up late.
“I don’t know,” she said. “Would you be satisfied with staying friends?”
Sanji raised his head. “Yes,” he said hesitantly.
“Then, it shouldn’t matter.”
The door flew open and Sanji whipped around to see Zoro storming in with a determined face. Zoro opened his mouth, but he spotted Robin and promptly backed out again, shutting the door.
“Wait,” Sanji whispered. “Wait!”
He turned off the stove and ran outside. Robin stayed in the kitchen, taking a sip of her coffee.
Sanji caught Zoro on the bow, leaning against the railing and catching his breath.
“Hi,” Sanji said, staring at him.
“Hi,” Zoro said. He bowed his head. “Sorry about last night. That was uncalled for.”
“No, it’s—it’s okay,” Sanji said, shaking his head.
Zoro looked up again. “I’m, uh,” he said. “I’m glad we got to redo our first meeting.”
Sanji’s breath hitched in his throat.
“I think it went a lot better this time, is what I’m saying,” Zoro continued. “I’d almost forgotten . . . how it was to feel that way.”
“You’d better be saying that you still love me,” Sanji said, voice quavering.
“Was that not clear?” Zoro muttered, looking away.
“Because I do, too. Love you, that is.”
“Of course you do.”
“You’re the love-cook.”
Sanji kicked his shin and went in for a hug when Zoro winced. Zoro shifted his weight to his uninjured leg and awkwardly embraced him in return, both reveling in the comfort of each other’s presence.
Wolf-whistling interrupted them, and they looked over to see not only Franky and Brook, but the rest of the crew (minus the women) staring at them.
Zoro drew his swords and they both charged, sending the others scattering for safety.
“What’re you reading, Sensei?”
Koshiro looked up from the newspaper. “The newspaper.”
“Oh. Is there anything cool in there?” Zoro bit into a rice roll.
“I was reading an article about a boy your age,” Koshiro said. “He and his guardian survived over two months at sea without food.”
Zoro’s mouth fell open and a few grains of rice fell on his lap. “Two months?” he cried.
Koshiro showed him the article. Zoro studied it and saw the picture of the boy and the old man, who looked like they were returning to health and were starting a restaurant called the Baratie.
Zoro looked at his rice roll and shoved the tray away.
“I’m not eating today,” he declared. “In his honor. I can go a day without food, easy!”
Koshiro smiled and took the tray away. “If you insist.”
The next morning, Zoro ate so quickly he nearly made himself sick, and his admiration for the boy’s strength of mind and body grew.
Several years passed, and Sanji, just turned seventeen, could be found reading a newspaper before opening time.
“Roronoa Zoro?” he murmured. “Won several tournaments in a row . . .” He leaned forward. “Three-sword style?”
His eyes traveled to the picture shown, of a man with a bandana tied around his head, shadowing fierce eyes, and his heart jumped, startling him.
“Whoa,” he whispered.
“What’s up?” Patty asked, passing by and clapping him on the back. “See a pretty girl?”
“None of your business,” Sanji snapped, folding up the paper.
“Touchy,” Patty muttered, strolling away.
Sanji opened up the paper again and stared at the picture, rereading the article. For the first time in his life, he began to question his sexuality.
It was around this time that Zoro was hit in the face with a flyaway newspaper. He removed it, rubbing his cheeks, and a small article caught his eye.
“Baratie?” he murmured. The memory of the boy who had survived at sea came back to him and he squinted at the article. “Fight with pirates . . . small bounty . . . Sanji?”
Though the picture was blurry, he recognized the grown-up version of the boy he had seen all those years ago—who else had that spiral eyebrow?—and his heart skipped a beat.
“A cook . . . he’s got to be amazing,” he whispered, folding up the newspaper and tucking it away. He lost it days later, but kept the name Baratie in mind.
Two years passed, and Zoro was relieved he could keep his cool in front of his new crew. Finally, the Baratie, where he could meet him, Sanji.
He waited at the table with the others, and became distracted by Luffy’s antics, failing to notice Sanji staring at him, wide-eyed, from across the room.
Sanji could hardly believe his eyes. Roronoa Zoro, in his restaurant! What was he to do? Take him somewhere private? Give him a free meal?
He realized his legs were walking on their own to that table, and he stopped right by it. His mouth wouldn’t form the words he wanted to say, and when Zoro finally noticed him, he didn’t linger long enough, instead panicking and turning to the woman sitting next to him.
“Oh, mademoiselle,” he said loudly, refusing to look at Zoro, “your beauty blinds me! I had no idea I would meet a goddess today!”
“Great,” she said. “How much is the food?”
“For you? Free!” His brain was on autopilot.
“Oh, thank you!”
For a moment he was completely distracted when she hugged him, but when he turned his head and saw Zoro and Usopp staring, he said the first thing that came to mind:
“You guys have to pay.”
While Sanji tried to cover up his internal crisis by dragging Luffy back to the kitchen, Zoro sat back in his chair, barely breathing. So, the man he had wanted to meet, the man who had made his heart jump, hadn’t even spared him a second look. He stared at the table as Usopp and Nami argued over paying for the meal.
“Hey, yourself.” Sanji looked at Zoro as they leaned against the railing, having left the island before Luffy could find the de-aging rock.
Zoro grinned. “You’re pretty okay.”
“Thanks. You’re not bad, yourself.”
Sanji took his chin and turned his face towards himself, and they leaned in, holding each other’s shoulders as they kissed.
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soulcrowvi · 8 years
40 questions because why not.
1.do you prefer to shower when you wake up or before you go to sleep?. Can I have both? I like to shower in the morning because I can clean off any  sweat I may have produced when I slept and it also helps me start my day. Before bed helps me unwind and clean off the germs of the day… but I may sweat in the middle of the night… hmmmmm I guess morning showers LOL 
2. does it bother you to sleep with the lights on. Yes, I really cant sleep with any type of light in the room. I always find myself waking up if I see light.
3. cigarettes, marijuana, or neither? Neither fam.  
4. beer, liquor, or neither? Liquor, I hate the taste of beer 5. what is the biggest impact you hope to make throughout your lifetime?  Probably being able to help someone with their journey get through the darkness of mental diseases. This is a part of the reason why i want to go into the field of psychiatry.  
6. what’s your favourite movie genres.  Uhhh, romantic comedies, animation, horror, fantasy, and anime (if that’s a thing) 7. puns or dirty jokes? Dirty jokes boiiiii. My pun game needs work 8. bubble bath, bath bomb, or bath salts. Probably bubble bath. I haven’t tried the other two. 9. you wake up to find you’ve traded places with a celebrity – who is it? Hmmm I don’t pay too much attention to many celebrities lives so I cant really answer 10. you wake up to find you’ve traded places with a fictional character – who is it? Probably Monkey D. Luffy from one piece. Hes always carefree, does what he wants, eats all day, goes on these dope adventures with his crew and will beat someone’s ass if they step to him wrong. I wouldn’t mind living a life like that for a day or two. Although Zoro is my favorite character I prefer luffys lifestyle a little more.
11. what are you wearing? A grey shirt and blue joggers? WHY YOU NEED TO KNOW HUH? 12. what is your earliest memory?. Crawling on my mom’s bed and she picking me up with a big smile while making  some kind of going up sound. I know I was a baby because even to this day she does that when she plays with other small children.   13. moon or stars? Stars because I like to lay down and count them. Also having sex under the stars is on my bucket list LOLOL 14. sunrise or sunset?. Sunrise.  I love the crisp air and quiet atmosphere of everything being asleep.  During times like that it feels the world is at a stand-still and I can take a second and breathe maybe even go for a jog. Oh and you cant forget the colors of the sky: they so purrrrdy . 15. what’s the best present you’ve ever received? The gift of life boiiiiii. Nah but for a material gift, I hate to say this but, probably a hand written piece of poetry my ex gave me. It a cheesy love poem that made my heart flutter at time. no one has ever done something that for me before so it was something special.  I haven’t looked at it in years and don’t plan on doing it any time soon. That bridge was burned  many years ago cuz fuck my ex lmaooo 
16. what’s your favourite scent? Vanilla or lavender. I use to use candles with those scents as a way to calm myself during a time of depression. In a sense, I associate them both with calmness 17. what do you think about when you need to be in a calm state of mind?  Thinking of myself as a flowing river. This concept came to me after witnessing a small stream on street carry away a twig during the rain. The way I saw it was that twig representing a problem of any sort and the water being my conscious. Basically my conscious developed the habit of analyzing the given problem and determines if it needs to be addressed now, later, or not even be addressed at all. It’s a way I practice mindfulness lol 18. what do you think about when you need motivation? “I know I can fucking do this, so let me stop being a bum and do it” sounds a little harsh but that’s how I get myself moving lmaoo
19. list 5 things you like most about yourself.
My personality
The melanin in ma skin
Dance abilities
Being able to push through most of my anxiety and depression
Kinky af 20. do you have many friends or do you prefer to keep a close circle? I have a small circle of true friends mostly because I dread small talk with new people because ive never been too interested in it with strangers and you know small talk is the best way to start friendships soooooo. I can say this though I have a large number of acquaintances and I probably wouldn’t mind building deeper friendships with them. 21. if you had the chance to be immortal exactly as you are now, would you take that opportunity? Although it’s a tempting offer, im going to say nah to immortality.  Sure, it would be nice to witness how the rest of history will unfold and being able to live forever but it comes at a high cost. The cost being that youll out live everything and everyone you love and cherish. Plus there will come a time when everything ends and you’ll be the only one left, wandering endlessly in the hallowed shell of what you once called home…. That got dark LOL #PessimismOnFleek
22. what do you think of when you wake up? I think of three things in this order:
“….need food”
“I wonder how kn is doing”
“what the fuck do I need to do today?”
23. what’s your favourite word? Breathe. This word helps me calm and recollect myself in time of anxiety and also allows me to take a second and appreciate life.   24. if you could change your name, what would you change it to? I would keep my name the same, I love it actually lmaooo
25. what would your name be if you were the opposite/another gender?  I asked my mom about this before and apparently I would have been a Diana lmaooo 26. turn ons? I have turn ons for both physical and personality
Physical: freckles or small moles on the face. Glasses (bring yo blind ass here girlll) a nice warm smile, long hair although I don’t mind short hair. Ticklish. Has a nice style
Personality: Really kindhearted, loves animals, willing to sit down and talk about finding a solution to our problem if we fight, motivated by a dream,  passionate about her craft or hobby, doesn’t mind carrying the convo at times, is comfortable with silence at times. Knowledgeable about things she finds interesting, does little things for me like buying me my favorite snack as a surprise for when she sees me.  Is comfortable with my level of kinkiness and sexual expression through words. Keeps up with and feeds off my dark, sexual, awkward humor. Not afraid to speak her mind.
27. turn offs? A girl that tries to have “the best of both worlds” basically flirting with multiple dudes at once. Has a history of cheating.  Completely selfish(only concerned with what I can offer her and no “what can I do for them”). The “im fine” text when we both KNOW something is wrong. Goes ghost out of nowhere. Liars. thinks relationships are temporary  and not looking for something long term (I hate wasting time). Treating other people like shit, fake (talks shit about someone then next thing you know they’re the best of  friends) entertains other dudes KNOWING damn well they have a thing for her.  Says “My feelings changed” (three words I despise)
28. kinks? Bondage, neck bites, ear nibbles, lip biting while kissing, biting any part of my body really lmao.(those three areas will rev me up real quick ) letting me pull her hair, licking/ kissing random spots on her body. heaving breathing….lots of it pls. dark colored knee socks/thigh highs if she wears those.. LAWDDDDD *nose bleed*(this could be a slight fetish).  Lap dances and strip teases (both combined as well)   29. what’s your “type”? Uhhh, never really had to think about it until now but glasses, long hair, older, the “social butterfly that’s lowkey and introvert” woke, wants to help me grow, supportive, caring will call me out on my shit, intelligent, high ass gpa (why is that relevant? Idk )
30. give a piece of advice. Everything happens for a reason. Whether you believe in a higher power or not, certain things occur in your life as a way to prepare you for the future, teach you something about yourself, or aid in your growth. You just have to stop and look at the positive in the situation. 31. do you fear death? Nah, but I do want to live my live to the fullest and live to be at least 96.   32. do you believe there is anything that exists after death? Ive juggled the idea around in my head and, similar to the person I snagged this questionnaire from, I definitely  love the idea of reuniting with lost loved ones in some kind of after live. I also like to believe reincarnation is a thing only because it would be dope to die and come back as a giant octopus lmaoooo, but seriously the idea of coming back to life as a different creature is fascinating 33. what expectations do you set for yourself? do you live up to them? Honesty, trying my best at whatever I do, always stay true to myself,  not being pressured ny others. I think I live up to these pretty well but recently ive decided to stop being passive of things that bother me so I guess im still working on that 34. are you a good friend? would you want to be friends with the type of friend that you are? I think im a pretty good friend. Im always down to listen and support my friends with whatever their endeavors may be. Im very chill, understanding, and mature so you don’t have to worry about me  creating drama of any sort. Yeah I would befriend myself if possible 35. dinosaurs or space? Dinosaurs because I’ve always found archaeology to be interesting and I actually love learning about history. I loved T-rexes ever since the first Jurassic park  film I saw. 36. do you believe in aliens?  If we as a species could evolve from particles who’s to say creatures on a distant planet couldn’t do the same? So I guess you could say I don’t deny the existence of them. 37. do you believe in ghosts? Not really but you’ll never catch me messing with an oujia board or casually exploring a proclaimed haunted house. Aint nobody got time for that (similar to the previous question I don’t deny their existence) 38. describe your style? Uses a LOT of dark colors. Its very simple and classy but nothing over the top. I love to wear beaded bracelets because I like fidgeting with them when im bored or anxious. Oh I like flannels as well. Idk if that paints a decent picture lmao 39. send me your name, I’ll post what I think your aesthetic would be. Bish whet? 40. post a photo of yourself? Look at my tumblr default lmao
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deathlikesdeep-dish · 4 years
The Razr (Zoro AU Scenario)
Hi guys!
I’m so flattered that I’ve had some people join me here on this fun writing journey!! I truly truly do a little happy dance every time I get a follow. :D 
I keep meaning to just sit down and write a quick lil somethin somethin, but it always ends up longer than I intend 😅
This is a headcanon I came up with about Zoro having a crazy outdated flip phone that he refused to get rid of and his friends finally forced him to get a smartphone so he could use GPS. 
It turned out a little more serious and emotional than I originally intended, but I’m pretty pleased with it!! Would love to get y’alls feedback. 
Warnings: obscene amounts of fluff, language 
Word Count: 1862
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“Zoro, where the fuck are you??” Nami yelled on the other end of the phone. He could hear the irritation in her voice.
He groaned and rubbed his hand over his face in frustration. “I really don’t know, Nami. I think I made a wrong turn,” He paused and sighed. “Or two? Shit, I don’t know.”
Zoro could hear Nami yelling on the other end of the line, and he placed his phone in the cup holder, knowing that this might be a while. He hit his head a few times on the steering wheel of his car, closing his eyes as he waited for her to finish screeching. He was used to this. He knew that he wasn’t the most directionally adept member of his friend group, but he got by….when others were around.
What made matters worse is that Zoro absolutely refused to get rid of his ancient, bulky flip phone, a fact that Nami never failed to bring up in situations just like this. He didn’t see a point in getting a new phone when his old one worked just fine. He thought back to a conversation he’d had about it just the other day with his friends.
“Bro, you’ve gotta be kidding me,” Their newest friend Franky said upon seeing Zoro pull his phone out of his pocket. “A fucking Motorola Razr? That thing has gotta be 10 years old!”
“It’s actually 12 years old,” Luffy chimed in with a laugh. “It was Kuina’s before it was Zoro’s.”
“Kuina? Who’s Kuina?” Franky asked. Zoro tensed up at the mention of her name, and the room went silent. Even Luffy noticed that he’d made a mistake in bringing her up. Zoro squeezed the phone tightly in his pocket.
Kuina was Zoro’s older sister. Five years his senior, Kuina had used the phone as her own for several years before she upgraded and passed it to Zoro. At first, he resented that she always got the newest stuff, and that he got the hand-me-downs. Now, he wouldn’t dream of letting it go. Kuina had died in a tragic accident just a couple years back. She was only 25. This phone was one of the only things that she had ever given him that was hers, along with the family katana that had been passed down for generations.
“Sorry, Zoro,” Luffy murmured, stuffing a bite of food into his mouth uncomfortably. Zoro simply grumbled in response with a shrug.
“Still,” Nami ventured tentatively. “Maybe it would be helpful for you to get a smartphone sometime soon. They all come with GPS systems built in.”
“And what’s wrong with a map?” Zoro snapped back.
“Well, nothing…” Nami said.
“Unless you can’t actually read it!” Luffy shouted out, not able to help himself. He cackled. Zoro shot him a glare, and he laughed even more. He crossed his arms over his broad chest.
“Yeah, well whatever. Next time I get lost, I’ll get a fucking smartphone. Deal?” Zoro said, to get them off his back more than anything.
Nami’s eyes lit up conspiratorially. “Don’t say stuff like that unless you mean it, Zoro.”
Zoro waved her off. They all knew that he certainly wasn’t going to purchase his own phone, so it was a moot point. It worked perfectly fine. Plus, it was hers. He’d keep it as long as it worked.
He was pulled from his reverie by Nami yelling his name.
“ZORO,” She yelled. He picked his phone back up and placed it at his ear.
“Goddamn it, Nami. I fucking know I suck at directions, please stop bitching at me,” He growled.
She started to say something, but stopped herself with a sigh. “Ugh. You exhaust me.” She replied.
“What else is new?” He snapped back.
“Whatever, Zoro. I just can’t believe you got lost on the way to your own birthday party.”
“Like I even care about this shit anyway,” He said. “It’s you and Luffy that always insist on throwing a party in the first place.”
“Hey man, don’t pretend like you don’t like eating food and getting shit-faced.”
He rolled his eyes, but didn’t say anything. He knew he didn’t have an argument there.
“Can you see a street sign anywhere?” Nami finally asked after a few moments when there was no reply.
Zoro looked up towards the streetlight and squinted at a sign in the distance. “Yeah, it looks like I’m at the corner of Alabasta and Logue Town drive.”
“Thank Christ,” Nami sighed. “You’re not that far. I’ll send Franky and Sanji to go get you.”
Zoro groaned. “Why does Sanji have to come? Doesn’t he have a fucking cake to bake or something?”
“They need to go out and get a few things from the store,” Nami said. “Listen, you’re the one that’s lost. Suck it up.”
“Ugh. Fine. See you soon.” He hung up, not wanting to hear anything else.
It took Franky and Sanji about 10 minutes to get to him.Thankfully, they just decided to have Zoro follow behind them in his car rather than ride together. Zoro wasn’t sure he could stop himself from punching that jackass directly in the face if he said anything to him.
They finally got back to Robin’s house where they were having the party. Robin was for sure the most adult out of any of them. She’d already bought this crazy historic home and had a job at an archeology firm while everybody else was living in shitty, thrown-together apartment complexes, eating pizza rolls and beer for every meal.
Sanji had looked like he was going to start some shit when they got out of the car, but decided against it when Zoro gave him a look. Plus, Sanji thought, it’s the guy’s birthday. Probably should lay off for one night.
Everyone was pleased to see him, and only gave him a moderately hard time about getting lost on the way to his own party. And despite himself, Zoro gave in to the jovial atmosphere. A few beers certainly helped. By the time he and Luffy had teamed up to play beer pong against Law and Usopp (“Sniper-king, my ass,” Zoro had thought to himself on Usopp’s third consecutive loss), Zoro was feeling pretty damn good. These were his people. They’d been the ones that were there for him. Even when new friends were added to the group, they’d always fit in. Luffy was the usual recruiter, and he somehow managed to find some cool-ass people.
The best time to give Zoro any gifts, Nami had discovered, was when he was sufficiently plastered enough to not object to them. Zoro was always more affectionate and willing to be the recipient of attention when he was drunk.
“Alright!” Nami announced over the blare of the music. “It’s present time, you degenerates! Sit your asses down!”
Franky turned the music down from his smartwatch, lowering it to a dull roar. Zoro was feeling warm and smiley, so he didn’t object when Robin lead him to the couch in the middle of the living room to receive his gift.
“What did y’all fuckers get me this time?” Zoro laughed, slurring a bit as he talked.
Nami rolled her eyes and Luffy just bounced excitedly from the armchair across the room. No matter how much he had to drink, it would seem, Luffy was always one big ball of energy.
“Remember,” Nami said, handing him a small, delicately wrapped box. “You promised.”
Zoro furrowed his brow, confusedly. “I promised?” He started to open the box, a bit nervous all of a sudden about what he would find under the shiny paper.
When he finally finished unwrapping the box, he froze. In his hand, he found a brand new iPhone. He looked up at his friends, knowing how much something like this cost.
“Guys, this is ridiculous,” He said, not knowing exactly how he felt.
“Stop,” Nami said, holding a hand up.
“Yeah, we all pitched in! Even Sanji!” Luffy grinned from his chair. “So no take backsies!”
He looked up at the room full of expectant faces, flushed from the alcohol and the good company. There was a pit in his stomach. On the one hand, he was angry. They knew how he felt about his phone. They knew what it meant to him. It wasn’t just a stupid phone. On the other hand, he was touched. Touched that his friends had come together to help him out. He found himself putting his hand in his pocket, thumbing over the ancient flip-phone that had once been hers.
“Guys, my phone works perfectly well,” He managed after swallowing. “This is completely unnecessary.”
“C’mon man,” Usopp clapped his hand on his shoulder. “You know it isn’t unnecessary. Do you need a reminder that you got lost on the way to your own party tonight?” He laughed.
Zoro remained silent, one hand gripping the new phone, and the other deep in the pocket of his pants.
“So, of course, we figured that you’d feel this way,” Robin chimed in. “So, that’s only one part of the gift.”
Zoro snapped his head towards Robin, the crease in his brow deepening. She pulled out another box from behind her back and handed it to him. This one was slightly larger, and a bit heavier. He peeled back the wrapping paper.
“It’s a shadow box,” Franky said. “So you can still keep your old phone, too.”
“Just on display on the shelf,” Nami said. “Instead of in your pocket.”
“We know how much it means to you, mosshead,” Sanji grumbled from the doorway. “You don’t have to get rid of the old phone. So, just accept the gift already.”
Zoro felt himself get teary-eyed. He told himself it was the alcohol as he wiped his hand over his eyes before tears could fall down his cheeks. “Thanks guys,” Was all he could manage.
Knowing that he needed the attention off of him, his friends just laughed and cheered, turning the music up to get back to the party. Franky spent the rest of the evening helping set up Zoro’s phone and showing him all of the functions that he would have access to. Zoro was still so overwhelmed, but he tried to make himself pay attention. Finally, and most importantly, Franky downloaded Google Maps and showed him how to use it. Zoro pocketed the phone with a slight smile and a ‘thank you.’ It felt heavy and big in the back pocket of his jeans. His heart felt heavy too. He couldn’t help but feel like this was the end of something. But somewhere, he knew that Kuina would be looking down on him, so happy that he had found such thoughtful friends.
Luffy raised his glass for a toast. “To Zoro! And never getting lost again!”
The rest of them raised their glasses, looking over to Zoro expectantly as they waited for him to raise his glass too. He reached for his beer and raised it slightly with a smirk.
“You motherfuckers are gonna regret this,” He grinned finally. “Getting lost was my only character defect. Now I’ll be unstoppable.”
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