#I’ve only done one of the three sessions I was scheduled to do!
victory-cookies · 9 months
my physio was cancelled 😭
0 notes
thedeerman · 2 months
RadioApple Fic:
Do You Want To Know?
Hey all, this is the first chapter of my little slow burn radioapple fic. Please let me know what you think, I don’t write much!!
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Ch1: A New Idea
It’s been three weeks since the attempted extermination. Three weeks since Lucifer just barely saved the life of his daughter in a fight that nearly killed everyone she cared about. Three weeks since he helped to build the new hotel and moved into his very own suite. It’s been both terrible and beautiful for Lucifer. He had hardly spoken to another soul for years and now was thrown into daily gatherings with sinners he didn’t know. Some of which he certainly didn’t care to know. But those gatherings also included his daughter. His wonderful, smart, passionate, forgiving daughter. I don’t deserve her, Lucifer thinks constantly. He spent years neglecting their relationship, burying himself in his own sorrow, and yet Charlie welcomed him in without a second thought. Without even asking for an explanation or apology for his years of absence. He’s not sure where she got such a big heart, but he’s beyond grateful that she has it. And as an attempt to show her just how dedicated he is to helping her see out her dream, he’s been showing up for every morning meeting. Every ‘family’ dinner. Every chore list, cooking schedule, errands run, nearly anything that could be signed up for, he does. Lucifer didn’t mind chores much. Cooking was fun and he could be experimental (in a way that didn’t include human remains, much to the other residents’ delight). Doing dishes or laundry was something as monotonous and calming as making ducks and other little trinkets. And on the days when he really just wasn’t in the mood to deal with it, he simply used his magic to help him get it done quickly. No matter how emotionally taxing, how time consuming, or how frustrating the task was, Lucifer was ready and willing to do anything he could to help his daughter succeed.
It’s because of this that Lucifer ends up on the attendance list for all of Charlie’s ’family’ activities for the hotel. It doesn’t seem too bad at first, but as the activities get to be a little more personal, Lucifer ends up regretting how agreeable he was to his daughter’s every request. A bit too late to be kicking myself for that now... Lucifer thinks as he sits in yet another hotel ‘family’ meeting. The ‘family’ being Charlie of course, her girlfriend Vaggie, the spider demon/porn star Angel, the grumpy bartender Husk, the scary little maid (the one that killed Adam, no less) Niffty, Angel’s one eyed bomb loving friend Cherri, now Lucifer, and... Ugh. This guy, the fallen angel thinks, as the final ‘family’ member graces them with his presence by appearing from the shadows. Alastor... What a pain in the ass. Lucifer doesn't actually have much reason to hate the demon aside from his frustrating theatrics and his need to always be the one Charlie pays the most attention to. Whatever game you’re playing, I’ve got my eye on you, he’s always thinking.
“Alrighty everyone!” His daughter’s voice catches Lucifer’s attention. “Now that we’re all here, I’d like to announce that we will be trying a new activity!” There are a series of groans from the group. None from Alastor, of course. But his creepy, always there smile seems strained, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly as Charlie continued. “So! You all know how we’ve been trying out some new ideas as test runs for new residents,” she starts. Yes, and it’s been excruciating. No one involved has been enjoying being guinea pigs for Charlie’s therapy experiments. The only silver lining being that the new residents wouldn’t have to suffer the same fates, as each and every “new activity” so far has been tossed out after a resounding failure of some kind or another. Fights, tears, broken furniture, and excessive day drinking have occurred both during and after a few of these sessions. Her ideas weren’t terrible in concept, but in practice, with demons and fallen angels and souls under contract, they just weren’t working. Lucifer’s attention is once again brought to the front of the room as Charlie continues.
“And yes, I understand that the past few exercises we’ve tried... haven’t exactly ended well.” Lucifer hates the sad look in her eyes as she considers her failures, but it’s gone as quickly as it arrived. “But after a lot of discussion and thinking about how and why our previous activities went so....” She pauses, looking for the right word. “Awful? Terrible? Destructive? Shitty? Depressing?” Angel adds. Vaggie glared his way but the demon wasn’t paying any attention. “Yes, thank you Angel,” Charlie says hesitantly. “So! I took those... experiences... into account while creating this one!” Lucifer shifts uncomfortably in his seat. He was a huge fan of Charlie living out her dream, but he wasn’t a huge fan of having to be this close to the action. He lets out a small sigh. I can’t abandon my place as her dad again. Charlie paused for a moment to reach into a bag and hand a bundle of items to Vaggie. Small strips of paper and markers. As Vaggie started passing them out to each of them, Charlie explains. “First thing’s first, I need everyone to write their names down. Once you’ve written your name, please give your paper to Vaggie.”
Lucifer’s anxiety starts up, as it always does when he’s involved in one of his daughter’s ‘family’ activities. He just hopes whatever comes of this involves less property damage than before. He hands his paper back to Vaggie as she walks around to collect them. Giving the papers back to her partner, Vaggie continues the instructions. “You will now each receive a randomly chosen name. The name on your paper will be for your eyes and your eyes only. Do not tell anyone else the name that you got.” Charlie excitedly passes the papers back out, now folded shut. “Except for me!” she interrupts. “I’m going to make a note of who gets who for the sole purpose of understanding the effectiveness of this activity. Don’t worry, no one else will get to see!” Her smile is infectious, Lucifer just can’t help it. He always smiles when he sees his daughter this way, so full of hope and joy. Vaggie hands him a folded strip of paper. Before he can open it to see who he was assigned, Charlie speaks again.
“Now, unlike some of our previous attempts, this activity will not be done as a group.” Multiple sighs of relief are heard, and Lucifer notices that Alastor seems to relax ever so slightly. At least that’s one thing we can agree on... “However,” Charlie continues, “This will be a week-long exercise-” multiple groans again, “that will involve a prompt each morning. That prompt will be a question or instruction that each of you will respond to in a letter. The letters don’t have to be long, but must include a full response to the prompt. They don’t have to be short either, just go for whatever your honest answer is!” She’s practically bouncing up and down with excitement as she says “The recipient of what you’ll be writing for the week will be the name on the paper youve been given. You’ll have a full 24 hours to write your letters. Tomorrow you’ll hand them in to me during the morning meeting, and will then be given the next prompt. Any questions so far?”
All of them are silent for a long moment. Vaggie breaks the silence. “Here are the rules. Rule number one: You MUST be respectful. OUR version of respectful. No insults, no petty jabs. Just answer the prompt. Rule number two: No discussing who each person is writing to. I mean NO discussion. Do not ask, do not tell. If we find out that this rule is broken, the offending parties will be sitting in on Charlie’s hotel-wide group therapy sessions for a month.” Lucifer’s eyes went wide at this. Several others did as well. Group therapy wasn't an uncommon ‘punishment’ (though Charlie wont ever call it that) but the sessions are held four days out of the week and last for one to two hours at a time. And with new arrivals slowly trickling into the hotel to be redeemed, the sessions were getting larger. Lucifer tensed, thinking of the last time he was forced to participate after getting into a spat with the only sinner in the building he just couldn’t stand to be around. Lucifer was not meant for group therapy, that was for sure. The most any of them have been forced to attend for bad behavior was one week. None of them wanted a whole month.
Vaggie looked amused at the group’s reaction to this. She spoke again. “This also includes revealing yourself to the person you’re writing to. These letters are supposed to be anonymous.” Charlie speaks up. “This exercise depends on honesty and anonymity, and I have really high hopes that this one can be used by new residents learning to redeem themselves.” She pauses. “Okay. So now that we’ve gone over everything, I’m going to call each of you over to note down who you’ll be writing to. I’ll then give you a paper with today’s writing prompt and an envelope to put the letter in once you're done. Make sure to seal it! After that, bring your envelope with you for tomorrow’s meeting and I’ll mark the intended recipient on the front. At the end of our meeting you’ll get the letter addressed to you and the next writing prompt.”
All of this information takes a moment to register in Lucifer’s head, but after he’s gone over it all in his mind he’s left with a sense of pride for his daughter. Out of all of her experiments so far, this one is the first that Lucifer doesnt think would turn into an all out war. It seems... feasible. He smiles as she makes eye contact with him, clearly ecstatic with her plan. Vaggie calls each one of them over to the desk that Charlie has against the room’s far wall. One at a time, each member of the ‘family’ does as they’re told and then leaves the meeting room. Lucifer spends a moment wondering who got his slip of paper, the one with his name written on it, until he suddenly remembers that he never looked at his own intended letter recipient. With no one close enough to peer over his shoulder, Lucifer slowly opens up the folded paper to see whose name is written.
Of course. Go figure. Yeah, why not just make the next week my own little slice of Hell? I mean honestly- His thoughts are interrupted by Charlie’s voice. “Dad! It’s your turn!” He looks up and realizes he’s the last one to be called. Everyone else, save Charlie and Vaggie, have already left the room. He attempts to smile as he stands and faces his daughter, but she sees through it immediately. And it's obvious. “Come on Dad... I know who you got.” This surprises him. Was his face really that revealing? “Everyone else’s name has already been marked on my chart, so...” She smiles awkwardly. “Listen, I think this will be good for you! Please, just try your best?” Lucifer slowly walks to the desk and sighs heavily. “Anything for you, sunshine. I’ll try my hardest.” He hands the strip of paper to his daughter and she gives him the paper with the prompt and envelope in exchange. “I dont think I’ve got you on the chores schedule today, but I’m gonna be pretty busy so I probably won’t see you until dinner.” She smiles at him, that glowing warm smile that he’d missed out on for so many years. She encourages him with an “I love you, Dad. You’re gonna do great!” and gives him a thumbs up.
He leaves the room smiling, just loving being in his daughter’s presence, until he walks into the lobby and sees him. Sitting on one of the many comfy chairs, sipping black coffee out of a mug that says “Oh Deer” on the side. The asshole. The worst demon in the hotel. The piece of shit that loves to torment Lucifer to no end. The name on his strip of paper. He strides by as quickly as possible to avoid any contact. Damn it... He thinks on the way back to his side of the hotel. Why, of all people... He can’t get the vision of the neat, cursive handwriting out of his head. His mind focuses on one name and one name only.
Read Chapter 2!
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ikroah · 2 years
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Wherever I have gone, wherever I've been and gone, wherever I have gone, the blues are all the same —“Blues Run the Game,” Jackson C. Frank (1965)
It Keeps Right On a-Hurtin’ #23 - Ring-a-Ding-Ding II
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Read IKROAH on Archive of Our Own
Notes / Original Pencils / Transcript:
Let’s talk about two things.
The first thing is burnout. It’s hilarious in retrospect that the notes on the previous issue open with an apology that it’s been three months since the preceding issue, which given that this current hiatus lasted six months, lmao. As I’ve mentioned before and elsewhere, shortly after completing the previous issue of IKROAH, the toll of working on it and other projects so industrially for two years finally caught up with me, and by May I basically had a kind of flip turn where suddenly, I could not stand my own art. More than that, I was repulsed by the very act of drawing, of making. Too many self-imposed deadlines, too many long nights churning comics out in as few sessions of work as possible, too many other things that I wasn’t giving myself enough time for. Something had to give, and when it did, I could barely hold a pencil for months without just getting really angry. I wish that I could say that there was something specific that I did to overcome this feeling, but there wasn’t: I can only attribute wanting to draw again to spending a long time not drawing at all, a time in which I tried to basically forget through disuse all of the bad habits that I’d ingrained about making myself make art. Art is an important hobby and creative outlet to me, but sometimes, you really just need to step away from something for a relatively long time so that you can come back to it with a much healthier mindset. And that’s what I’ve done. Thank you all for being so patient with me during IKROAH’s first real hiatus. There have been “hiatuses” in the past but, for example, one thing that I definitely had to strip out of myself was the anxiety and the guilt that I would feel when IKROAH would go on “hiatus” because more than three weeks or so passed between issues. I had myself on an absolutely insane production schedule for no reason except believing that getting every issue out as fast as possible was paramount. When I first began this comic with issue #1, I thought I could do one issue every two weeks. This was colossally stupid and going in as naive as I did with this mindset was like ingesting a slow-acting poison. IKROAH issues come out whenever they come out and that’s that from now on, and I feel silly because no reader of the comic has ever acted entitled to anything but that anyway.
The second thing I want to talk about is my art itself. My burnout had a point, especially with IKROAH, which is that there are some things about my art that is very frustrating. Did you know that the reason that IKROAH pages are the size that they are (1080 x 1678 px) is because I draw them two-per-sheet-of-paper at 13cm x 21cm each, and 1080 pixels is twice the width of the (possibly outdated) maximum display width of an inline image on the dashboard, and a height of 1678 pixels matches the aspect ratio of the best way that I could digitize my images at the time, which was by taking a picture of my art the best that I could with my phone in good lighting? This was the standard that I set for myself in summer of 2020 and for some reason I decided that it was etched in stone. I made some small improvements over time, such as finally buying a scanner sometime around IKROAH #12, and then changing IKROAH’s dialogue font and switching to digital paneling in #22, but this is going to be the final issue that abides by that old, absurdly small page size. I have finally reached my breaking point in this issue with how it completely prevents me from drawing fine or distant detail, so this is the final issue that is going to be at this size. Were it not for the fact that pre-burnout I hadn’t already drawn the first two pages of this issue and had formatted the paneling and lettering already for this specific size, I probably would have gone bigger already!
IKROAH has been, for the most part, an artistic playground where I’ve honed my skills and experimented with the comic book form gleefully. Compare the art from the first few issues with the more recent ones to see that development in action. But for all of this development and experimentation, why have I felt like page size is unassailable? I can’t tell you for sure what the “new” page size is going to be, because while I have a larger size in mind, it’s another experiment, not a promise of consistency. I used to think that it was easier and faster to work small because smaller art meant less art, but I’m finally sure that it’s more trouble than it’s worth. Now, I’m extremely excited for what a much larger canvas will mean for the look of the comic, and for the rest of Volume 2, I’m sure that you’ll be able to see me experimenting artistically in some way with every issue.
Original Pencils
Unfortunately, due to the way in which this issue was inked, I don’t have the complete original pencils to share with you! I would draw and ink panels one-by-one instead of penciling the whole page first. This is because I my burnout was actually triggered, essentially, by fucking up the inks on the first page after penciling it and feeling sure that I would have to redraw it, and that making me so mad that I couldn’t bear to reapproach my art at all. I didn’t want to make that mistake again, so I went through the rest of the pages with a lot more caution. Still, I can show you some scans.
One major thing that made working on all but the first two pages was finally investing in real non-copy blue pencils instead of blue colored pencils. Real non-copy blue pencils lack the waxiness of colored pencils, making them draw much lighter, erase much cleaner, and generally behave much more like regular pencils that just happen to be blue. It’s been a godsend for my ability to ink more expressively, and I’m experimenting with inking and coloring styles are going to be my favorite part of the rest of Volume 2, because I think that that is something that I want to overhaul the most.
Also, one funny thing: if there was a significant reason why I made Benny’s suite number 1007, I have forgotten it. Just like how I must have forgotten in the writing and penciling of this issue that Benny’s suite is canonically on the thirteenth floor. Oops! Well, not in this canon it’s not.
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I do have one complete pencil sketch to show you: IKROAH’s first ever two-page spread! Bang!
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EXT. THE TOPS CASINO, NEW VEGAS. The Tops’ signature sign shines brightly outside the entrance, brightly even for Vegas.
INT. THE TOPS CASINO, NEW VEGAS. Casino guests hustle and bustle around the main floor, checking in, heading to and from the cashier on the second floor, and mingling. Leaning against a rail overlooking the slightly sunken gaming area is AGNES SANDS. She stares intently and furiously toward the back of the room, where an older man is laughing with a younger man. The younger man is drinking a martini, wears a black-and-white checked suit jacket, and is oblivious to her presence.
AGNES thinks to herself as she watches him.
Hello, Benny.
Her eye narrows.
You’d think that getting shot in the head would be the worst thing to ever happen to somebody, but at this point in my life, I’m genuinely not sure.
On the casino floor, a RED-HAIRED WOMAN seems to accidentally bump into BENNY from behind, knocking his drink out of his hand. It shatters on the ground, and he turns angrily to face her.
When I was six years old, my father died from a bad fall. He was a caravaneer, so they never shipped his body home.
ROSE OF SHARON CASSIDY stands in front of Benny, clutching a nearly empty glass of whiskey. She raises her hand up to her faced, shocked and embarrassed. BENNY is just as surprised, and even more so when CASS takes his face in one hand and suggests that he come with her to refill her glass.
My mom was our town’s doctor, so after that, she decided to apprentice me as her nurse. I was still just a kid.
She was right to do it. It takes a long time to learn medicine, and it’s a useful skill. She knew it’d do me good.
CASS hurriedly leads BENNY by the hand toward the casino bar. As the pair brush past AGNES, she pickpockets BENNY’s key, and holds it up to glean the room number from its tag: 1007. Satisfied, she drops the key on the ground, and heads for the elevators. Just behind her, CASS points out that BENNY seems to have dropped his keys, and he reacts with relief.
But she was hard, as a teacher. Maybe even more so as a mother. Maybe she had to be.
AGNES’ elevator slowly ascends. First floor to the tenth.
Maybe I wouldn’t have started messing around with locks if I didn’t get it in my head to act so damn rebellious later on. I broke in somewhere I shouldn’t have. Found something I shouldn’t have. I was thirteen.
I had to put my own face back together right there on the concrete floor. Held it in place with duct tape, and two-hundred year old bandages. Pre-war.*
*As depicted in IKROAH #7 and the IKROAH Vol. 1 Special Delivery companion story, “Scar Tissue.”
Ding! The elevator arrives and the door opens.
I still can’t even shave without getting a cold sweat.
Back on the casino floor, CASS and BENNY have it it off. They’re smiling and laughing at the bar, several drinks deep.
Meanwhile, AGNES stalks toward Room 1007.
My mom was happy I was alive, but didn’t care whether I was okay, if that makes sense. She was always like that.
It’s why we fought when she found out about...me, when the changes from the hormones I’d been sneaking got...unignorable.
The lock is easy to pick for practiced hands. It opens with a CLICK. The door swings open and AGNES stands in the doorway, assessing the area.
I wonder what your mother would think of this. What she must have been like. Whether she’s even alive now. I wonder if she loved you, her baby boy, a killer in cold blood.
Eventually, we fought. Physically, I mean. It was a long time coming. I hit her hard, once, and that was it. It was over.
I don’t think I’ll ever forget what that felt like. Maybe I’m not one to talk.
Time passes.
BENNY returns to his suite and puts his keys in the lock.
I ran away to the NCR after that. I was an adult now, and had to start over. And I needed skills that my mom couldn’t have taught me. I thought I’d be a combat medic, out in the field. But no. No, no. Of course not.
BENNY opens his door, looking exhausted and covered in kiss marks. Looks like somebody really wore him out. He shuffles over to his bedroom.
They shipped me to some do-nothing recon station way up north in California, near Gecko. And from the minute I set foot there, my C.O. fucking hated me.
He abused me, berated me, blamed me, because I took his old friend’s position or something. Stupid petty bullshit like that.
I think that he was sabotaging my medical supplies. Messing with my work, trying to get me discharged.
There’s no other way he could have found my estrogen from home.
BENNY undresses in his bedroom, and then flops onto his bed.
Just another thing for him to scream at me about. Or it would have been.
AGNES enters the bedroom.
Never got any military police after me when I attacked him with a scalpel that night and ran.
Maybe he couldn’t cover up his own bullshit well enough, so he just kept his mouth shut. Doesn’t matter. Lucky me.
AGNES rifles through BENNY’s jacket, which he hung on a coatrack near the door.
I ran to New Reno. I’d deserted. The only job I could get was at a charity clinic run by one of the crime families there, and it was dismal. I couldn’t afford to live.
So I started picking locks again. Pockets, too. Got real good at it, too. You’d know.
AGNES’ eyes fixate on something. She’s pulled it out of his coat.
I was stealing to survive. Same dance, different song. Nevermind my hormones, I needed food and shelter. I’d never felt lower.
The Platium Chip.
I was casing one of the casinos there when I saw a man get glassed. I was still a doctor. Still had that oath. So I went to work, and saved the man’s life right there. His name was Yancy Bishop and he made my life a living hell for six long years.*
*IKROAH #12.
Until I killed him.
Something else catches AGNES’ attention in BENNY’s bedroom. Something on his nightstand. A gun.
He came to me helpless in surgery and I ripped him apart from the inside out, thrilled, exhilarated, terrified of myself.
AGNES approaches the nightstand. She picks up the gun.
And after that...I ran away again. Ran until I got to the Mojave. Ran until I fumbled into being a courier. Making deliveries, always running, but not a doctor anymore, not stealing to survive, just some stability in my life for once. For once. And then:
It’s the same gun that BENNY shot her with.
She turns to face BENNY.
AGNES removes the 9mm bullet that she has been wearing around her neck since she left Goodsprings; a bullet made partly from the lead that was fished out of her own skull.
You are not special.
She loads the gun. As quietly as she can.
I’ve been dealing with people like you my entire life. My mother. My C.O. The Bishops...
...your Khans, McLafferty, the Van Graffs...have I killed more people in the last week than you have in your whole...
AGNES approaches BENNY’s bed. She gets one shot.
...was I the only one, Benny? And you couldn’t even do it right. I clawed out. An ugly life, too ugly to kill, even with a gun to my head. Your gun. This gun.
She raises the gun. She aims with both hands. Bodies are easier to hit than bottles.
Rigged from the start—is that what you’d said? You piece of shit. You look like you have everything, have been given everything. So you just had to rub it in, that night. Didn’t you.
AGNES scowls. Her brow furrows with rage.
Always been too big of a target. Too tall, too wide, too mannish. Never been beautiful. Never even got to be handsome, like you. Then you shoot my eye out, butcher me even more—and all for what? A mail-order tchotchke!?
The gun gleams in the sparse light.
I’m going to fucking kill you.
AGNES’ expression shifts.
I’ve killed so many people to get to you.
Her hands start to shake. The gun is heavy in them.
And...and now I’m going to kill you.
Sweat is beading on her face.
Because of what you did to me. Because I can’t sleep at night. Because of you. I don’t sleep, most nights, because of you.
AGNES grimaces as her whole body trembles.
So I’ll kill you, with the fucking gun you killed me with, then I won’t be so...
The gun. The gun. The gun--
Her eye is wide with terror.
Oh God.
AGNES stands alone in the dark in the bedroom of the man that she has planned to kill. The gun is in her hands. Tears stream down her face, frozen in grief. The gun is in her hands.
BENNY is awake. He has been awake. He is sitting up in his bed. He is staring at her staring at him.
The gun is in her hands.
AGNES fires the gun.
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bvannn · 1 month
Weekly Update May 3, 2024
Tomorrow I graduate and get my degree. I know most of what I post is art and music so it might be a bit of a surprise to some of you to learn my degree is actually in chemistry! I worked really hard for it but got all A’s and B’s this semester. Really sad my internship is over but I’m hoping I’ll get a permanent job like it soon. I’ll be returning to my lab job from last summer pretty soon, but I think I might have next week off, at least for the most part, so I can make up for all the art work I didn’t do this week.
The main thing I did was work on the comic. I can probably finish the page I’m on in one more sitting. I’d guess I’m still only around 11 or 12% done, but that’s fine, I’ll have much more time to work next week so I hope progress will be faster. If anything having more time will bore me, and when I’m bored I have to work on something. Last night I stayed up real late for an anime campaign game (worth it) and whenever it wasn’t my turn, I’d draw.
I also did a bunch of songwriting stuff this week, trying to work more with lyrics. BATB lyrics are probably 50% done, also threw together lyrics that maybe I’ll turn into another smaller song, or maybe I won’t. If I get that one done I won’t need to prepare anything elaborate for visuals like the others, but also it’s so half baked that I’m not sure if I’m going to invest more time into it. I haven’t touched any other music projects this week.
I didn’t do anything with animation this week. Not even writing. I’m planning to invest more in that next week, too. I’ll try to get back to actually making the puppet rigs next week, since having three things to alternate between should keep me from getting too bored. Also because the new FNF update has real fun animations and make me want to flash animate again. Again I’m not sure how much I’ll need to animate in flash vs CSP, but I think getting faster at rigs will be a good skill to have. Plus I’m getting attached to the Kyo design, I might pull a nem or neru and rename him and split him off into his own character. If I do I’ll post a little character sheet for him, since he’ll probably be relegated to music related projects.
Last thing: TTRPG stuff: playing in the campaign last night helped me finally get unstuck on the campaign I’m writing, for real this time. Plus, for the next session we have to make new characters and happened to roll one of my favorite words (three guesses what word), so I expect to get very attached to that character. At night and in the car ride back home on Sunday I’ll try to write more, although good chance I’ll just be getting that character sheet ready and then take a big nap.
Next week I’m going to rest first and foremost, but then I’ll inevitably get bored and put in a rotation of projects to do, and hopefully have more to show. I’ve done a fair amount of smaller doodles that I’ll try to trickle out this weekend, and next week I’ll try to throw together a flash puppet, get more storyboards done, and more comic progress. Not necessarily in that order of priority. And then for smaller writing projects will be more epithet work or more song lyrics if I’m ambitious. I’ll try to get a schedule together on Monday, maybe I’ll post it if it’s good enough. Bottom line is I’m going to try to get back to doing art projects right as soon as my health is back to normal. I’ll also be in an area where I can get access to produce as well, so I’ll try to eat healthier to boot.
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parttimedragonslayer · 7 months
10k training updates. I haven't been great at putting the updates here, but I have been keeping a diary, even if I might not write the entry til a day or two later.
Day 9 (Day 11) - Completed 10 November 2023
I swapped today’s cross training and tomorrow’s rest day because I’m going hiking tomorrow. So today was rest day.
Day 10 (Day 12) - Completed 11 November 2023
Cross training today (swapped with yesterday’s rest day). Some girls I met from Okayama University took me to visit Smile Rock, one of the local sites. I wasn’t sure what to expect as it was called a hike, but it also seems pretty accessible. I prepared for a serious hike so I was a little disappointed when it was just a bit of a walk around for about 40 mins. I suppose that technically meets the needs of my cross training, but I do feel like a little bit of a slacker. All that said, the actual sightseeing part of the trip was amazing. Great views, a cool rock, a bunch of cats and I even hung out with people and managed to be somewhat social and not entirely awkward the whole time. 
Day 11 (Day 13) - Completed 12 November 2023
This was the first run that was starting to get close to the types of runs I was doing before. 2 mins on 1 min off. The run felt pretty easy and I ran for about an extra 5 mins at the end. I found a loop that I can run that makes a 5.5km circuit. So PR for distance today too! Part of the route I took today is the actual 10k race course. I want to scout the entire course on my bike soon. I know vaguely where it goes, but I want to follow the actual path as much as possible while training to get used to any hills. 
Day 12 (Day 14) - Completed 13 November 2023
Cross training today and I went to the gym for a weights session. It’s been almost 2 weeks since I last did weights as I’ve had other things to do for cross training. I did 10 mins on the treadmill for warm up, deadlifts and the push press machine. I started on some lunges but was saved from having to finish them by Steve finishing up his workout at that point. I hate lunges. It’s been almost three weeks since I’ve done deads so I think I’m going to feel it tomorrow. 
Day 13 (Day 15) - Completed 14 November 2023
Really pushed myself to run in the morning before work today because I don’t like taking away from evening hang-out-with-the-husband time to run. Also I have four classes today so there’s a good chance I’ll just be too tired or have a headache at the end of the day and chances of bailing are high. 
So I did the morning run. It was very cold. 5 degrees. It wasn’t too bad though once I got going, which is promising. I’ve been a little worried about running in full winter. The run itself was easy. I only did the prescribed amount, no more. I surprised at how short the 30 second rest breaks felt. 
Started feeling the DOMS from deads later in the day, so I have another reason to be glad I ran in the morning. The idea of running in the cold evening with post deadlift DOMS, ergh…
Day 14 (Day16) - Completed 15 November 2023
Scheduled rest day. I’m wondering if I should run though as I have English Camp the next two days which I think means early start and late finish. There’s a high risk I won’t run because of that so maybe I’ll run tonight instead. 
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Day 15 (Day 17) - Incomplete 16 November 2023
I should have run yesterday. As predicted I didn’t run today because a) I had to get up early for English camp, and b) when I got home I was super tired and didn’t want to, so I didn’t. 
Day 15 (Day 18) - Incomplete 17 November 2023
Didn’t run again because of English camp. These camps really take it out of my, mostly because a lot of my day is spent around the other ALTs and I just can’t deal with people anymore. Especially noisy Americans. I end up drained and headachey. 
Day 15 (Day 19) - Complete 18 November 2023
This run was scheduled for 8 intervals of 2:30 run, 1:00 min walk. This was about what I was doing before starting the program so I knew this would be a fairly straightforward run, and it was. It was super cold too, probably the coldest I’ve ever been running, about 5 degrees, I think. I’m going to need to get some gloves and a headband that can keep my ears warm for future winter runs. My poor ears were so cold they were hurting.
Day 16 (Day 20) - Complete 19 November 2023
Cross training today was hiking and it was amazing! We headed out to the local hiking mountain where we’ve been before, with no expectation of how far we’d climb. It’s been a long time since we went there and the last time we only made it to the halfway point. But today we made it all the way! It was such a fun hike too, with some actually difficult bits here and there where you actually have to scramble up rocks and use the ropes that are placed there in order to pull yourself up. It was so much fun! I can’t wait to do it again.
Day 18 (Day 21) - Complete 20 November 2023
Decided to skip rest day and try to catch up a little. Today was the first day of the conference and I got home a little early so I went out as soon as I got home. I took a slightly different route to what I have been lately. I’m glad it was still light because it ended up being through some windy back roads that I hadn’t expected. 
The run itself was easy - only 8 intervals of 1 min on, 1 min off so I tried to push a bit on the run intervals. I also finished with some extra running, about 12 mins straight, which I’m still surprised I can even do. 
Day 17 (Day 22) - Completed 21 November 2023
So today ended up being rest day instead. I had fully intended to just continue on and do a cross training session today, but I didn’t. It’s a pretty lame excuse too. Steve messaged me about 4pm saying he was heading to the gym. I had been planning to go with him when I got home, but even that slight change was enough for me to say “my plans are ruined, might as well not even do anything now!”, because that’s just how I am. 
Day 18 (Day 23) - Incomplete 22 November 2023
I intended to run today, even though it’s cross training day, but I didn’t. I don’t really even have an excuse. It was the last day of the conference so I think my mental battery was just completely drained by having to socialise so much. 
Day 20 (Day 24) - Complete 23 November 2023
I know my next session was meant to be cross training, but I felt like running today instead. Today is a national holiday so I have no excuse. It was sunny out, actually a little warm so I only had to wear a t-shirt, I didn’t need to worry about long sleeves. This last week or so has just been a bit squiffy training wise, what with switching days around and English camp and conferences. 
This run was the first time it’s really pushed me past what I’d already been doing before starting this program, so I was a little apprehensive, but still pretty confident that I could do it. It was 6 intervals of 4 mins run, 1 min walk. I was worried that I’d be out of gas for the 4 min intervals but I was mostly ok. The last two intervals I was starting to feel like it was a push but I got through it ok. I felt more drained at the end of this run than I have any so far, so I think I’ve found the point where this program is going to start to get hard. There’s some big jumps coming up - like 5 min intervals, to 10 minutes, to 3km no stopping all in the space of a week. This might be where I tap out. Not that I want to, but historically that’s what’s happened. The program makes a big jump that I can’t keep up with and I quit. This time, if I can’t keep up with the intervals I’ll just repeat days as much as I need, or add intermediate steps in there. Like 7 min intervals, or 2kms without stopping. I have extra time - there’s 65 days left of the program and 92 days until the race, so that leaves me room to slow things down and add in additional training if I need it. What I shouldn’t be doing is using those days for extra rest days, unless absolutely necessary. 
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aro-langblr · 2 years
general update (in english this time lol)
I’ve been doing okay lately. in fact, I’m really motivated to study! but I’m a bit nervous about becoming overwhelmed because I have an all or nothing mentality. I really want to do a langblr challenge, consistently use italki, practice immersion again, and return to my weekly tracking, but I know that if I do all of that, things will fall apart very quickly.
This week, I’ve added in a lithuanian italki session into my schedule. if this goes well, I want to try three weeks of classes back to back. if I can handle that without issue, I’d like to start a langblr challenge.
here are some of the things I’ve done lately:
watched a few episodes of death note (jp audio, no subs)
 used lithuanian more just in general
cleared my memrise reviews
started watching schloss einstein (de audio, no subs); I’ve only watched one episode tho
self-speaking practice
more language-specific information under the cut
Japanese - I’ve really been enjoying rewatching death note, but I’ve seen it many times, so it’s not too hard to understand. I should be focusing on speaking practice, but for now, I’m fine with putting that off. I like using japanese casually, and that’s how I want to keep it for right now.
German - I’ll be focusing on listening and speaking practice for the foreseeable future. I hope to maybe get into schloss einstein bc it has so many seasons, but we’ll see. I have a hard time consuming new media... I haven’t done much for german aside from journal posts, but I think I’ll  almost certainly be doing more in the upcoming weeks
Lithuanian - I’m so fucking determined to become proficient in this language. after reviewing my vocab a few times, I realized that I didn’t forget as much as I thought. I’ve also been speaking with natives more again. it’s nice. I have my italki lesson in 2 days. that will be a real test of skill, and I hope it goes well. 
overall - I’m really prideful of my skills even if I haven’t really seen much progress in the past year. ya know, due to CircumstancesTM. I feel comfortable in both japanese and german still (tho my german listening skills could use some help), and I’m not completely useless at lithuanian. please wish me well. I want to be able to continue on this path... tho I am still nervous. ugh >_< why can’t my life be simple??
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lizzy-calaxio · 2 years
Memories of a Ghost City (takes place after Shadowbringers patches, before Endwalker MSQ)
Lizzy strolls the empty streets of Amaurot, her lone companion being Tango. She feels the hollowness among the buildings. Sees the ghosts in the windows. A part of her soul screams as it remembers, but the memories are nowhere to be found. She wanders the labyrinthian city until she finds herself on a somehow familiar street. Confused by the feeling, she traces it, letting her legs take control. Turning down this street, cutting through that alley. She eventually lands in front of some kind of office building? She thinks. She opens the door and walks through, the vibe on the inside gives off the feeling of an apartment building. She looks at the elevator, unable to read the words scratched alongside the numbers, and decides to enter. She hits the button that feels right, and the elevator whisks her off to the destination. She looks out of the elevator, seeing a nondescript hall. She trusts her feet, and lets them walk to where they want to go. One, two, three, four...The rooms are numbered. Her feet stops dead. Number Eight. She opens the door, surely the worst she encounters is another shade of a departed amaurotine.
She’s met with an empty room. Bookshelves line the walls, it appears to be some kind of study? Maybe a living room? Lizzy looks at the shelves, not recognizing any of the books there. She lets a sigh out, wishing she had the time to translate them. She turns, and heads through the opening in the room, it leads to a small kitchen, and she sees two doors leading off it. A bathroom and a bedroom, she thinks absently.
Lizzy frowns, “’Remember Us’, ugh….I can’t even remember my own life, let alone every life in my stupid city.” she stops, corrects herself, “Your stupid city.”
She sighs again, and opens the bedroom, flopping on the bed like she’s done so many times before.
“I...haven’t...Though?” Lizzy says out loud.
Tango looks up at her, quizzically. She sighs again, and pats her lap, which the red panda obliges, curling up in her lap as she pets him. Absentmindedly, Lizzy opens the bedside table, and pulls out her journal.
“No...My journal is on my hip…” Lizzy corrects the thought.
But the journal stays in her hand. And another on her hip. So she decides to open the journal, finding that it’s one book she can read.
“Journal #52, entry 1. Fae continues to be a blessing in getting several members of the convocation to open up, but the others remain locked tightly. I’m sure they’ll open eventually, but I’m growing more concerned with each passing day. These people are meant to lead the city and half of them are ticking time bombs. I’m doing what I can, but I worry that it won’t be enough. Venat has...expressed some worrying behavior as well. Honestly, at this point I feel like I can only count on Thalassa and Thymos.” Lizzy sighs at the end of the sentence, “Thymos also seems worried though. I feel like I’m not being given all the information about what’s going on. Maybe it’s for the best...Ah...Someone visited me from Elpis recently, saying something about a familiar of mine. I guess they didn’t know my creation magicks are pitiful, cause I’ve never made a familiar outside of Tango.” Lizzy gasps, and looks at the red panda next to her, she continues reading, “I’ve...heard some interesting rumors from Elpis and Pandaemonium. Lahabrea also seems very…Off. I wonder what’s going on. I may need to visit there soon.” Lizzy frowns, and flips through the book, “Entry 20, There’s certainly something going on with Venat and Themis. They keep looking at me weird. And they’ve cancelled most of the sessions they’re scheduled for. I...I trust Venat, but...I want to know what’s happening that she’s trying to hide from me. Thalassa claims she doesn’t know anything about it, I trust her.”
Lizzy closes the book. Then closes her eyes and focuses. She looks at the back of the book, on the back cover, “Property of Iremia. If you’re reading this, I’d like to speak to you.” she flips to a random page, “Entry 339. I’ve taken to encrypting all of my journals with magic, so only I can read them. I’ve also...I told Hades that if anything were to happen to me, that he should hold on to my journals. He can’t read them, but...There’s worrying events happening across the planet, and...I want a part of me to live on.” Lizzy chuckles instinctively, “I guess that’s silly, considering the encryption...but...Still.” she sighs, “Thymos is asleep next to me, she’s more stressed than ever. All I can do is try to continue helping people in the only way I know. People will always need therapy, after all.”
Lizzy puts the journal back in the side table, “….Iremia...The name feels...Familiar.” she looks at tango, “You would tell me if you were actually a multi-millennia year old familiar from Amaurot, right?”
The red panda blinks at Lizzy, then snuggles up against her.
Lizzy closes her eyes, and meditates. She was never really good at it, but it felt like she needed to right now. Right here. So she does.
Her mind’s eyes open and blink, as a familiar face appears in front of her, white wind swept hair on the taller woman, she’s talking to Lizzy, but lizzy can’t hear her.
A shudder shakes Lizzy’s body, and she lets a sigh out again. The scene shifts, and she’s talking to Emet-Selch.
“Look, I see you as a brother, so why don’t you just tell me what’s going on? Why won’t you trust me? Just let me in, I can help you!”
A pained look flashes across his face, and the scene shifts.
Several convocation members are walking by, she feels her heart drop, Lizzy isn’t sure why, but she feels immense dread.
Tango puts his paw on Lizzy’s hand, and the scene shifts again.
Lizzy feels herself filled with frustration, and anger, and hopelessness. The sky is ablaze. There’s amaurotines running in every direction. She can’t do anything to help, nothing to stop it. She curses the convocation for hiding everything, she curses Venat, and Azem for hiding things. She’s filled with so much anger, and then nothing.
Lizzy opens her eyes, tears streaming down her face. An amaurotine shade sitting next to her.
“Hello little one. I see you’ve found my journal.”
Lizzy blinks, and rubs the tears from her eyes, “Are...you?”
She feels a wave of calm wash over her, and the shade speaks, “I’m Iremia. I’m what you used to be. I gotta say, I’m very surprised at your power.” she giggles, “More than I ever had.”
“Wait, you...you recognize me?”
She nods, “I’m not one of the shades of the ‘vainglorious’ Emet-Selch. You brought me here. I’m not sure how.”
Lizzy’s mouth hangs open, “You’re...I’m...These journals…”
“Are yours now. I gave them to Hades, and I guess he decided to put them where I had them.” she gets up, and opens a hidden compartment in the nearest bookcase, and retrieves a journal from it, “Here, take this one,” she hands it to Lizzy, “I wrote this one specifically for you.”
“For...me?” Lizzy takes the book.
“Well, no. I wrote it for my successor. But you’re me, and I have no successor, so it’s yours now. It’s my final journal, my final farewell.” concern crosses Iremia’s face, “You...Aren’t doing too great, are you?”
Lizzy shakes her head, “Not really, no.”
Iremia frowns, “Yea, I can sense it. Are you going to therapy?”
Lizzy tilts her head, “Therapy? I...I’m not familiar.”
Iremia takes a deep breath in, and exhales, “You...Don’t know what therapy is?”
Lizzy shakes her head.
“I’m...Ok, hold on let me process this. If you are...what? 30? 25? somewhere around there? And you don’t know what Therapy is. That means...Is...No...Is there no Therapy in your time?”
Lizzy slowly shakes her head again, “I’ve never heard of it.”
Iremia stands up, places her head in her hands, and screams for a minute straight. She sits back down next to Lizzy, “Ok. So. Psychology is the study of the mind and how it works, and Therapy is a process in which one works with a Therapist in order to work through mental traumas and issues.” she takes a breath, “You have….So Much Trauma that I can literally feel it. And you aren’t going to therapy???”
Lizzy frowns, “Is it...Is it that bad?”
Iremia blinks several times, “Ok! You know what! I never do this except for extreme cases, but YOU are an extreme case! Do you consent to me using magic on you?”
Lizzy tilts her head, “Can you do that?”
Iremia nods, “However you managed to bring me back, I’m exactly how I was. I feel myself fading so I’m trying to go through this quickly. I have enough magic to Help you, but I want your consent.”
Lizzy nods, “Sure, why not, it can’t hurt.”
Iremia grabs Lizzy’s head gently, maneuvering around the horns, “I like the scales by the way, it suits us.”
Lizzy feels aether flood into her, and a great deal of calmness washes over her. Memories of training in psychology come flooding back to her, memories of the ancients fill her mind, decades of knowledge poured into Lizzy in an instant, resulting in the worst headache Lizzy has ever felt.
“It won’t fix you, but at least you’ll be armed with knowledge of how to fucking deal with your gods damned problems.” Iremia backs off, “Side effect of this being now I have a lot of your memories too. Glad to see Thalassa is still around. Tell her I said Hi. Thymos too. Er...Shio and Sadu, to you, I suppose. Please take care of yourself. Go a little easier on yourself. Love yourself like you love them. For us. Forget that garbage Hades told you, he was always dramatic. Don’t worry about remembering us, we had our time. Spend your time making the future brighter. Bye Tango, thank you for taking care of little me.”
With that Iremia fades away. Leaving Lizzy on their bed, tears once again streaming down her face. Tango curls up on Lizzy’s lap. As Lizzy tucks her newly acquired tome into her satchel.
She’s...going to have a lot to tell Shio.
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afr0-thunder · 5 months
[Poor Chronicles Pt. 41]
Topics: Work (Vacation)/Chicago vs. CPD/Photography/Vocabulary/Girls/Super Bowl/SEXI (Final Update Pt. 2)/Phoenix “Theory”
Week 1 of my work “vacation” is complete. I am not scheduled for this entire holiday season. This may have been one of the only weeks I’ve had off since I had started.
I was almost murdered by the police for ignoring their “greeting” and being identified as someone holding a firearm. It was a visual misunderstanding. Still, he pulled his gun on me and I was not entertained. Will not elaborate any further.
I took some more pictures, my Ralph Lauren Polo sweater is actually more intriguing than I had initially thought.
I will be referring to my housing design as an “assortment”. I want a 50-story assortment so that my promiscuous wenches must go through multiple levels of physical activity before fucking me. Showers on the 47th floor. For example, “wife” #1 must complete a video of 10 three point shots, 1 min of jump role (freestyling), obstacle course with barbed wire (Jokes. Possibly. I like crazy women). First woman to the top, no reward. Just fucking. I don’t want the others to get jealous, but she was first and this ideally shouldn’t take the same amount of time for them all, so it shouldn’t even be an issue on finishing first (for them). Not like if I did…sexually. Like who makes it to me first…because it’s not a race, so they won’t finish near eachother in time, as I only have one dick in my arsenal. How would I start fucking 50 bitches at once? A bit of a friendly fire on myself for the “finishing first” originally. But nonetheless (anyways), unless I make my room door transparent… should I just make them come join? Do I make them edit it and put it all together. If they have time. DON’T. BE. LATE! Class is in session *yard stick slam on the desk* (All jokes). Timed? 30 mins or less, if task based not speed based. Effort based? Like “punitive” measures for intentional slacking/decrease in quality? I will obviously do mine as well. I may do timed 30 minute sessions for myself as well for hobbies such as sketching to say sharp. There may be a hot tub or even a pool on my level. A large TV! First done can pick today’s show or movie. Watch whatever show in the meantime. Or update others as they come if you don’t choose an [appetizer show]. Paused? Or maybe it’d just keep getting stopped from someone new always entering the room and become a big group discussion. Once a week. I forgot they’d have to have jobs and have to travel a lot so I can’t make them do it ALL week. Can I? They may have time. It depends. Can’t complete a level? That’s okay. Ends at 2:00pm. We’ll have those digital clocks with the red numbers, so everybody knows what floor and hour they are on. Make it tomorrow’s whole day goal. If met early, complete other tasks from previous day (for daily fitness/exercise). Until you can complete the circuit by 2:00pm, don’t set a new goal. (This would be a great reality show, but I don’t want cameramen, have any interest in entertainment as far as movies/television and I could potentially do this naked. Why would I record obstacle course porn?).
The Ravens continue to reign dominant. Lamar Jackson is a spectacular Super Bowl champion versus the Dallas Cowboys. The Philadelphia Eagles will be there though. Obliterated the Dolphins for that 28 point comeback last year. I like Tua, but damn Lamar did him dirty.
I have decided to reduce the number of baby mommas. I said I would never speak to SEXI again, last year in 2022, for my own personal reasons. She responded to the direct message from the other day and said “Thanks” with a crying laughing emoji. I said she looked “sexy”. I’m about to leave this bitch on read for life. I, however, elect to resume fucking up people’s lives. I will not fuck up hers in any fashion. As long as she holds this fumble in. Otherwise, they will make fun of her.
Your pathways from birth until death carrying every breath you take, following your every step. New cells are created, hair sheds, skin sheds, blood, sweat and tears, saliva shed. One day, they will all follow along the same path as the airways and in the perfect moment will all come together and you will rise again as phoenixes do. Everything you once were will all come back together long after your death and you will rise once more. If you hate your being, you will continue to pollute the airways and deteriorate your natural being through practices such as drug consumption and heavy eating.
I have more thoughts, but time to smoke.
- MH (2023)
[12/31/2023 - 7:59PM]
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lianabrooks · 5 months
A Year Of Doing Less – Welcome to 2024
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Happy New Year!
2024 has tiptoed into my life on silent cat paws of fog. It’s 8am and I’m slowly enjoying my breakfast as I sit down to write and make my Monday to-do list. I’m grateful that this is happening in a hushed house where most of the family is still asleep because the nearest shop won’t open for several more hours. I’m in the Land of the Morning Calm where the majority of people are not morning people and where no one thinks twice about starting your day much closer to noon than my old 5am wake-up times when I was on the rowing team in college.
I like that I have this little pocket of space to think. To mull over the coming months. To really dive into what I want.
My writing partner reached out this morning to tell me about an author doing a 2,024-word-per-day challenge for the year and, let me tell you, I almost spit out my hot cocoa. That is decidedly not my goal this year.
In fact, I’m scaling back in 2024.
As many of you know, I have a writing calendar that I fill in with stickers every day for writing, editing, and general office work. Because secretly I’m 3 and I really love stickers. It works for me because I have an instant visual reminder of what I’ve done, and I get the beautiful dopamine hit of putting a sticker on paper when I finish my work.
But, in 2023, I realized my desk calendar with my writing recorded doesn’t have the full story. In fact, none of my calendars have the whole story. I have one for appointments, one for writing, one for work, and one for volunteer work. None of those four have my daily parental tasks of getting kids to school, overseeing meals, grocery shopping, bill paying, ect.
I glanced at my regular calendar that only has appointments above and beyond the regular schedule and I realized I had 100 days not scheduled in 2024. Day 1 and I am already two-thirds booked.
That made me step back and re-evaluate my plan for 2024.
I am under contract for two books. I have promised my agent a new title to shop in 2024/25. I have multiple editing clients booked for the year.
That’s on top of commitments to family and friends, my local community, and myself.
I know SELF can get dropped out of the planning a lot of the time. If you’re a certain age and background you were probably taught to put yourself last and prioritize other people. You probably will give up your time for a massage to go help a neighbor or pick up that extra shift. But I’m not twenty any more and I do actually need to make time for myself and my health.
So I’m taking a three-pronged approach to 2024 so I can do everything I want while also not losing my mind (or health).
1) Less Writing Usually I earn a sticker for every 1000 words written towards a publishable novel. This year I’m dropping the word count requirement and giving myself a sticker any time I write. The goal of a writing session will be 400 words, 1/10th of what I usually write on a writing day.
There is science behind this decision. First off, Terry Pratchett aimed for 400 words a day and had a fabulous career and wrote a world he loved while being happy. I want that too. Second, quantity leads to quality. It’s the whole 100 Pots thing taught at every motivational speaker event for the past two decades. If you ask half a class to make 100 pots and the other half to make one perfect pot, the group that makes 100 pots will be the ones who make better pots.
In 2023 I wrote 182,000 words, but I was writing only a few days a week. It was inconsistent, and I was only writing when I could guarantee I had the time to write at least 1000 words. At this point in my life that’s not sustainable, so I’m not going to do it. I’m going to aim for small, daily sessions. If I write 400 words five days a week I’ll write 104,400.
Who wants to bet I’ll write more than 104,400 words in 2024? I am.
2) The 2024 BINGO Card Someone introduced me to this idea in passing while I was in Australia last week, and I love it. The idea is that you write down a bunch of crowd-sourced, random things that are either goals or events or even disasters, and put them on a bingo card. When something happens, you mark it off. When you have bingo, you celebrate.
I’m crowd-sourcing my bingo card with family and friends this week and aiming to make a card that’s optimistic. It’s a little silly and a little different, and I love that for me.
3) Setting A Fun Goal This came from another conversation with friends and a social media post about setting goals like Seeing The Most Birds or Having Weekly Picnics. And that honestly sounds like so much more fun than the usual list of goals.
There are reasons people set goals involving health or good habits, and I support that. But I also suspect that those healthy goals are much easier to reach if you are having fun while you hit those goals. Mindset is a huge part of success in any venture. If you believe in something and you enjoy it, you’re much more likely to succeed. Citation needs? Citation provided, my friend, USC published a study on this only a few months ago (https://appliedpsychologydegree.usc.edu/blog/how-liking-your-job-will-help-you-succeed).
I’m still looking for my fun goal. If you’ve got a great idea please drop it in the comments.
As we fly into 2024 I hope you find something joyous. I hope you wake you wake up every day with something to look forward to and spend more of your time with people who love and support you. I hope that by bringing optimism to your daily life you end 2024 much better than you ended 2023 (if it’s possible – I know a few of you are going out on a very high note, and I’m proud of you).
Happy 2024, everyone, let’s have a magical year!
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f1 · 2 years
Doohan to drive for Alpine in Mexico and Abu Dhabi practice sessions | 2022 Mexico City Grand Prix
Alpine junior Jack Doohan will drive for the team in the first practice session at this weekend’s Mexican Grand Prix and the season-ending Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. The two sessions will be Doohan’s first in a Formula 1 car on a race weekend, and in Alpine’s A522 car. The Formula 2 racer has previously done private running this year in the manufacturer’s 2021 car. Doohan lies fourth in the F2 standings with one round to go, and the rookie is in contention to be championship runner-up. He looks set to race in the series again next year, and will likely also replace McLaren-bound Oscar Piastri as Alpine’s reserve driver. “I’ve had a few runs this year in the A521, but to be actually driving this year’s current F1 car but also on the same track at the same time as the current F1 drivers, on a F1 weekend, is going to be unbelievable and something that I’ve dreamt of since I’ve been a little kid,” said Doohan “We had some good time on the sim, in which I was able to work with the engineers to kind of get my head around it. It’s quite an extraordinary circuit and place. So it’s going to be an experience, and not only for a new track, but to experience conditions like this. But nevertheless I’m super-excited. “I’ve been over-looking, you could say, the F1 weekend from afar over my F2 season so far, being able to come up into the paddock at certain points. But actually being able to be full-time in the F1 paddock and be with the engineers through every moment of the weekend will enable me to really understand the step-by-step movements that is required to fully be ready for these sessions and for the participation in the session.” By placing Doohan in the car at two events, with the 19-year-old replacing Esteban Ocon in Mexico and Fernando Alonso in Abu Dhabi, Alpine will complete the new-for-2022 requirement of running a driver with less than three grand prix starts in two first practice sessions across the season. “We have all been impressed with Jack’s progression across many areas this season and he’s deserving of this chance as we continue to nurture his high potential,” said Alpine team principal Otmar Szafnauer. “It’s important to give our young drivers opportunities to test Formula 1 cars and our Academy programme has proven to be successful in doing just that. We expect Jack to work hard during the session and take as much as he can from the experience of being involved in a Formula 1 grand prix weekend.” Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free F1 teams’ junior driver practice schedules Team Event Driver Event Driver Mercedes French Grand Prix Nyck de Vries TBC TBC Red Bull Spanish Grand Prix Juri Vips TBC TBC Ferrari United States Grand Prix Robert Shwartzman TBC Robert Shwartzman McLaren United States Grand Prix Alex Palou Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Pato O’Ward Alpine Mexico City Grand Prix Jack Doohan Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Jack Doohan AlphaTauri Belgian Grand Prix Liam Lawson TBC Liam Lawson Aston Martin Italian Grand Prix Nyck de Vries Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Felipe Drugovich Williams Spanish Grand Prix Nyck de Vries United States Grand Prix Logan Sargeant Alfa Romeo Bahrain Grand Prix Zhou Guanyu United States Grand Prix Theo Pourchaire Haas Mexican Grand Prix Pietro Fittipaldi Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Pietro Fittipaldi 2022 Mexican Grand Prix Browse all 2022 Mexican Grand Prix articles via RaceFans - Independent Motorsport Coverage https://www.racefans.net/
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detailshears1 · 2 years
An Unbiased View of Locator
Casey N. pointed out "I tried to schedule with them listed here for an emergency repair service. But they didn't obtain along along with me. What can easily they do?". He would not comment. At one aspect, he included, he was forced to wait in product line for even more than two hours, also though it would cost him $250. When a judge rejected a request along with two males, he was relocated to one of six different residences by his legal representatives to make space for the 2nd male. They responded a few hr eventually to tell me schedule a time through their internet system. They asked me how I was going to complete their experience (some were going to leave behind from the airport to obtain house, while others were going to find and participate). I wrote back the very first time of school, but nothing took place. I was merely a couple of moments behind schedule. The next time, I was the very first one, and the exact same. There was actually no session up until next." read through additional Kimberly K. claimed "I actually like these men. They possess a wonderful top quality of work. We'll see from our workdesks. The only individual who's not on a committee is our manager." claimed one of the various other people. She asked "When's my following visit?". "After you've finished.". mentioned the various other individual. There was actually a big "OH YEAH! The owner James is very cool and responsive. He has actually a excellent smile that goes with his character and a strong sense of wit. He has actually an outstanding present for being a gentleman. In the incredibly quick time frames of time he has been out here we possessed him. He has constantly been so kind to me and I hope we can proceed to continue to be friends. Find More Details On This Page is a wonderful location, and that has been an fantastic month for us. His mindset and solution is top degree. The service technician Kevin was super educated, immediate and specialist. We asked him several questions which led to his response and we ended up giving him the project. Kevin gave us one of the greatest task meetings I've ever done. Kevin was kind, attentive, considerate and the supervisor is the best individual I've ever functioned with. With this manager my very first two years of working were an journey and they never created me feel responsible for what I put in when I was leaving. The job was done immaculately and." went through more Gary J. pointed out "I possessed them change an outdated gravitation central home heating device with an completely brand new device. Now I have brand-new components for home heating. We are using brand new batteries and a brand-new converter and converter device, which is amazing but not excellent." stated Gary. "We are right now making use of a brand-new temperature. There are actually three or four in solution. The device is under service warranty and no one has ever done anything like this in the past! The new unit is wonderful and the installation appears highly professional. The brand-new parts are quite hassle-free and will definitely be effortlessly set up and run under stress. The entire system is ranked at 2.8 litres and it are going to get you to 80 km/h at 20,000 gauges every hour. This is the ideal gas transfer for those of us that just like to bring my bike at a low Revoltions per minute which is the case for most individuals who yearn for to discover an money-saving container to lug all their training and activity. They left behind the location." checked out additional Chunhui Z. claimed "This is a belated review. What have you carried out?! I am writing this customer review because. I desire I were certainly there." I had a powerful hostility to her. I'd seen a pair of these previously, but nothing to my expertise can truly assist. The very first time I went on a time along with a man that I hadn't seen on the road outside of H-T. Pablo carried out a great task for our HVAC units last year. The power source can easily be adjusted by using a USB link that are going to permit all USB tools to be mounted in a PC, thereby lessening the need for an interior hard drive and enhancing electrical power usage for laptops. Having said that, it must be took note that the USB user interface just allows distant pc apps using it. In the final 4 weeks, I experienced numerous occurrences where the USB cable was broken, triggering the USB and HDMI wires to neglect.
The whole body has been operating without any issue for a year. We've possessed a whole lot of support coming from various other services and folks coming from the community.". Winnipeg's transportation board is likewise thinking about a report to be launched following week on how the area ought to deal with increasing price. The appointment will comply with the rural backing and website traffic safety council conference at 7 p.m. on Nov. 16.
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The entire household truly enjoy the." reviewed additional Amanda L. claimed "It's thus much easier to publish what you require job on and have firms arrive at out with their schedule and costs. Now you can easily see that this is merely how a culture may increase through assisting everyone, and the assistance is not simply there certainly for our work." This additionally implies that if you're looking to do the very same traits in your work you likewise possess to have an existing background inspection. I worked with NEXT HVAC because they reacted right away, provided." checked out even more Sergei S. claimed "High high quality service, respectful to home, well-communicated possibilities and outcomes. This has been a satisfaction to work along with. The administration, staff, and team all assisted you and we are appearing onward to seeing you in the quite near future!". I've possessed even more than one job improvement over the years and so much no other city in the world delivers any better.
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iwadori · 3 years
When they neglect you for another girl Part 5 (Kuroo)
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Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
Word count: 1.3K
Genre: angst, fluff
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You and Kuroo have been dating all throughout highschool and now your in you first year of university
It’s a bit harder to see each other because of your conflicting class schedules
But when you did see eachother kuroo has been acting a big suspicious, ‘secretly’ glancing at his phone or always needing to head out early.
And you were going to get to the bottom of this.
You were just finished with your class, and you had plans to meet your boyfriend at the library so he could tutor you for your chem test that you on Tuesday. On your way over there, you got boba for both of you and some study snacks to get you through the session.
You arrived their first, which you didn’t really mind as Kuroo was usually a bit late to your study sessions (especially recently with his dodgy behaviour.) You decided to go over your recent class notes as you were waiting, which was pretty useless as you didn’t understand anything.  
You actually met Kuroo bonding over chemistry, since it definitely wasn’t your best subject so in your first year your chem teacher suggested getting a tutor and recommend Kuroo Testuro the self proclaimed best ‘chemist’ in the school.
It’s been half an hour and Kuroo hadn’t shown up, you were about to call him until you saw a quite disheveled looking Kuroo who is heaving out of breath.
“Tetsu, what happened to you?” you exclaim with amusement.
“Umm I kind of got in a fight?” he said questioning himself “well not really a fight but a disagreement.”
“A fight? With who?” you said a bit too loudly, as the librarian gave you an obnoxious ‘shusshhhh’ glaring at you.
“It doesn’t matter babe.” he said nonchalantly “I see you have your electrolysis work out, why don’t we get started.”
“But what abo-”
“So what is positive, the anode or the cathode?” he asked distracting you from asking him about what happened.
You spent two hours going over all the topics that were going to come up on your exam, and you can’t lie and say Kuroo didn’t help you. However, you weren’t as focused as you were wondering what happened to him.
After your study session, you both went to your dorms. Sadly, you couldn’t share a room since your University didn’t allow co-ed dorms (and maybe if you did live together, you’d be able to understand his odd behaviour.)
Even though he was still in highschool, every Friday afterschool you and Kenma made sure to spend atleast an hour playing a game online together, and today it was minecraft.
“Kenma help, theres a creeper outside my door!” you screech frantically running around on game.
“One second Y/N” he murrmed
“Kenma, do you know what’s going on with Kuroo.” you inquire.
“What do you mean, isn’t he being his loud cat-like self?” he responded
“Well yeah of course, but recently he’s been on his phone ALOT, and always leaving our dates early or showing up late and stuff so I don’t know I thought maybe you’d know something.”
“Oh maybe it’s just that he’s been pretty busy with Hana right now.” he said nochalantly
“Who’s Hana?” you say, your eyes squinting.
“Oh you don’t know Hana,” he said a bit surprised “Ooops Kuroo’s going to be so mad at me.”
“Mad at you, what do you mean mad at you?”  
“Um, I got to go by Y/N!” he said quickly
“But Ken-” the sound of him leaving the party cut you off, and now you were in more of a confused slump then you were before. What is Kuroo hiding? And who the hell is Hana?
Since you couldn’t go over to Kuroo’s dorm right now because of your universities weird curfew times, you decided the only thing you can do right now is call him. After a few rings he finally answered and you could hear his background was really loud.
“Um, Y/N this isn’t really the best time right now – ow shit.” he said frantically.
“Kuroo, what's going on it sounds like you’re at a rave. Wait are you at a rave?”  
“No I'm not at a rave I'm just – Hana stop doing that.” he said trying to whisper the last bit.
“Who’s Hana, Kenma mentioned her on PlayStation tonight but he didn’t explain.”
“Kenma did what? God – Ouch “there was ruffling in the background before Kuroo finally “Sorry Y/N I got to go..”
He hangs up before you could respond. What is wrong with these boys today?  
It was your study week break, so you don’t really go into school to do classes you just have to prepare for studying. Which was great for you, since you could actually get revision done without being distracted and you can avoid Kuroo whilst thinking about what happened a few days ago.
Kuroo didn’t message you anyways, which kind of sucked, since these chemistry notes aren’t going to learn themselves. You went over each of your topics that you need to learn and you’d say you were pretty much ready for your exams. So for the rest of the week, you didn’t have much to do. Kenma was pretty busy with volleyball and his high school life and your boyfriend was still being odd and you didn’t have any real close friends at Uni since you’re only a first year and Kenma and Kuroo were mainly all you needed anyways.
You chose to go on a date, by yourself, to your favourite bookstore café to have some ‘self care’ time. On the way their you heard a familiar voice shouting down the street, looking in that direction you saw your boyfriend yelling “HANA!” “HANA!” repeadetly.  
Going over to him you said, “Kuroo, are you okay?”
“Umm hey Y/N...” he said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck “to what do I owe this pleasure?”
“The pleasure of being my boyfriend properly again,” you said smartly.
“Oh Y/N shit, im sorry about that” he apologised “I’ve just been really busy right now with Ha-”
“Hana.” you say rolling your eyes “Who is she?”
“I can’t really say Y/N, it was meant to a be a surprise.”
“A surprise for who?” you say  
“Well fo-”
Before you can finish you say a loud ‘HISSS!’ Come from near your feet. “Hana! Thank god!” Kuroo said picking her up, but then dropping her again when she did a even louder HISSS at him. “Umm I really need to work on that..”
“So this is Hana.” you say a bit stunned “She’s a cat.”
“Indeed she is.” he said “ surprise...”
“You got me a cat?” you said still very stunned
“Indeed I did.”
“A feral cat?”  
“Feral!” he said shocked “What do you mean feral!”
“Tetsu! She’s obviously feral!” you say reprimanded him.
“No she’s not! Look” he tried to pet her again and she nearly bit him and then sped off “Okay...maybe she is.”
Kuroo explained that he saw this cat one time outside of his dorm building and wanted to adopt her and give her to you as a gift. He’s been spending his time trying to ‘train her’ but every time it would result in Kuroo getting scratched up or him having to try and chase her around the city. You did appreciate the sentiment, however you reminded Kuroo that if he would’ve told you, you could’ve easily shown him that she was feral or if he listened to Kenma, then Kenma would’ve told him (which he did) that she was feral.
Kuroo did feel bad that his big plan didn’t work and he ended up looking like an idiot, not knowing the difference between a stray and feral cat. But you took him to a cat café as a little ‘pick me up,’ and promised him that for his birthday you’ll adopt a real cat for him.  
An: this is basically a shit post but who cares 😃 Also am I the only that thinks that hana being a feral cat in the end is funny? Or is my humour that dry😭
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RE: the tags about being tempted to post a half finished fic and guess the ending, well you are a reckless writer for a reason
this is long overdue, so here have a fic.
It has come to the point that nothing fazes her anymore.
A kidnapping? Been there, done that. It means calling Sam Arias to intimidate the board of members into temporary submission.
An explosion at the office? Just a typical Tuesday. It means relocating to the 23rd floor and sharing the desk with two other interns for 2 months tops.
An assassination attempt? It means bracing herself for at least 3 deliveries of donuts and coffee for the two following weeks that Kara Danvers would be protectively hovering over L-Corp, until her boss snaps and shoos her away back to CatCo.
She’s seen it all, endured it all and she sure as hell is prepared for it all. She’s got three different ironclad statements ready to publish for whatever PR disaster will most likely turn up that week. She’s got contacts from the FBI, DEO, CatCo, Daily Planet, Gotham Gazette-- hell she even has Lillian’s personal cell (just in case the Luthor matriarch ever tries anything y’know? ) and yes, even the number of that 'Mexican place at 5th and Spring, you know the one Kara likes, Jess?'
She’s got two pairs of heels, a raincoat and four sets of outfits neatly folded in a duffel bag, at the back of the office, reserved for any emergency that requires a change of clothes.
The point is, she is an independent Asian-American woman who has worked her ass off for the better part of the decade and has long learned to take no shit from anybody.
Not even stupid superpowered Kryptonians.
See, it takes a lot to be her. It takes unlimited patience to put up with a woman like Lena Luthor, not because she’s a terrible person. Oh no, no, the complete opposite, actually. She is so overwhelmingly kind to a fault, and she doesn’t want nor let anybody see it. It’s infuriating to see sometimes. Okay, fine, she sides with the Krytonian on that one matter. But oh, ho, ho, not today. Today, she’s mad.
She’s livid, actually and it’s all Supergirl’s fault. (and Lena Luthor's too.)
Jess has had her fair share of ‘I-Should-Not-Have-Been-Here’ moments, like that one time she forgot to knock and stumbled unto Lex mid-yell with Lena whose eyes were shimmering but was still keeping a rigid posture.
Or that one time when she thought her boss had long left the office, only to be greeted with quiet sobs and an empty bottle of scotch rolling on the floor. Or that time she happened upon Lena, skirt and sleeves on fire with fumes rising from a green solution.
Apparently, her staff from the lab refused to let her in after three days of their CEO holding herself in isolation with the experiment. Lena had gotten the great idea of smuggling the chemicals to her office instead. Luthors are nothing but determined. Jess still remembers the adrenaline rush of holding a fire extinguisher—as if she were the chosen 5th grader for a school fire drill—and shoving her boss out of the way.
Like she said, nothing fazes her anymore she’s seen it all, except maybe, this one. Yep, definitely this one. This one just made a hot ball of fury unfurl at her very core. This one might just take the cake.
Jess was just going about her day, returned from a hearty lunch and feeling reinvigorated from that dose of sunlight and fresh air. It was a quiet day today, she noticed, which should’ve been a foretelling.
Nothing really is ever quiet. Well, when it comes to L-Corp, at least.
She’s been sitting on her desk for about a good fifteen minutes and finished with screening a few papers from their new contractors, when it occurs to her that the latest blueprints from R&D are still on her desk instead of already being reviewed by her boss.
She grabs the drawing tube and quickly makes for her boss’s private office. They’ve spent enough time with each other that Jess could just come and go as she pleases, instead of having to knock each time. Saves both of their time, that way.
Although, usually, she buzzes through the intercom first to double check, but it was 1:20 P.M and she knows Lena doesn’t have anything scheduled after lunch. So, she pushes the door, confidently strolls in and promptly stops in her tracks.
Jess stops breathing for a moment, blinks once, twice, stares at the scene before her.
Lena Luthor sat atop her work desk; blouse open, eyes closed, cheeks flushed, neck currently being ravaged by Supergirl with legs wrapped around the waist.
She probably should’ve just turned and left while they haven’t seen her yet. That would’ve been the smart decision, right? Yes. Yes, it was so very clearly The Right Decision.
Of course, she doubts she could look Lena in the eye for the next few weeks after that, but at least she wouldn’t know that Jess walked in on them during an er- make-out session? Office tryst? Oh God, she shudders internally. It sounds even worse.
Incident? Yep. Yeah. She’s sticking with incident. Indecent incident sounds more apt really.
She should’ve left. Would have left, if her eyes didn’t just land on the desk—well, more like Miss Luthor’s as- backside—and felt the stirrings of rage make itself known. Because there, underneath Lena’s ass (Backside!! Jess, that’s your boss!) is the squished—probably crumpled—pages of a contract.
A contract they’ve spent 5 months securing!!
Jess decides to do what everyone else would have done in a situation such as this; she clears her throat. Loudly.
Classic move.
Supergirl’s head immediately shoots up and Lena’s eyes snap open.
“Jess!” Supergirl squeaks and she sees the exact moment the realization hits Lena. Her eyes widening at her girlfriend’s exclamation, whips her head to the side, spots Jess, hands scrambling to a panic to close all the buttons of her blouse.
She hears Lena hiss, “Fuck, shit. Oh my God. Shit. How did she even- You have superhearing!!!” as she pushes Supergirl—who lets herself be pushed, stunned by the intrusion, face redder than a tomato.
Lena gets off the desk, fixes herself all the while to futile results. Her hair is tugged down from her usual ponytail, her neck and chest is marked, her lips swollen.
Supergirl's hands twitch at the sides and Jess sees her gulp as blue eyes frantically dart to Lena and her, and then Lena, and then back to her.
Lena finally turns around after those few awkward beats.
"Jess," she begins, clearly trying hard to put on her business bitch persona, but come on, there's a hickey under her jaw for fuck's sake.
"It's not what you-"
Jess doesn’t let her finish, she stomps her way across the office and forcefully puts the drawing tube on the desk. It makes a hollow thump.
“Jess I-”
“Supergirl, do you know how long it takes to finalize a business proposal, pitch it to the board, persuade the board and finally have a contract drawn?”
Supergirl gulps again. Lena’s eyes are wild next to her, she doesn’t like not knowing what the next best move is, Jess knows this all too well.
“Uhhh- no?”
Jesus Christ, you’d think after years of shadowing Cat Grant, she'd had at least learned a thing or two. Then again, if somebody is full on glaring at her after getting caught red-handed, Jess doubts she could answer coherently too.
“That’s right,” Jess says, “You don’t.”
“Jess,” Lena repeats pointedly. She knows that tone. It’s a warning.
“Ms. Luthor.”
A period not a question mark. It’s a challenge.
"I've spent all my evenings working late on that, do you know how many dates I've had to cancel? Just so I can secure a meeting with Qatar and simultaneously sync it with Beijing's time? My boyfriend hasn't seen me in two weeks!” Jess bursts out.
“Two weeks, Supergirl!” She gets close enough to jab a finger to the Girl of Steel’s chest. A feat she will gladly tell all her coworkers later when she’s calmed down enough.
“Not to mention, the 10 other people who worked their ass off trying to make sure that Miss Luthor's presentation is airtight, bulletproof and waterproof!” Lena has the decency to look a little guilty at this point, nothing big though, just a slight tug at her lips, but it was enough for Jess.
Supegirl of all people should already know this! For fuck’s sake!
Jess’s chest is heaving. She takes a deep breath, kneads her knuckles to her eyelids, “So, please if you're gonna have sex in the office, please, pleaseeeee clear the desk first. And at least, lock the door.”
She stares them both down, till Lena gives her a solemn nod; cheeks and ears still red. Supergirl squeaks out an, “U-understood, Ma’am.”
“Good. Glad we’ve come to an agreement.” Jess gives them one final nod before finally fulfilling what she came in here to do, “Miss Luthor,” She turns to Lena, “here are the R&D blueprints. Good day, to you Supergirl. I'll be going now. "
When she finally goes home, tells her boyfriend, and wonders aloud if she’ll still have a job the next morning, he tells her she’s such a badass.
And well, Jess can’t disagree with that.
"Did I just- Did I just get yelled at by your secretary?? D-did she just chew us out?"
"She did, and she deserves a raise."
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wrenhyperfixates · 3 years
All I Need is You
Pairing: Loki x reader Summary: You do so much for everyone else and so little for yourself that when you almost collapse, Loki finally gets you to agree to let him take care of you. Warnings: the reader skips some meals; a lot of fluff A/N: Its really just Loki taking care of you. But please remember to take care of yourselves too everyone!! Hope you enjoy :)
Permanent Tag List: @lucywrites02​ @frostedficrecs​ @lunarmoon8​ @twhiddlestonsstuff​ @lokistan​ @lowkeyorlokificrecs​ @gaitwae​ @whatafuckingdumbass​ @castiels-majestic-wings​ @kozkaboi​ @cozy-the-overlord​ @birdgirl90​ @myraiswack @mythicalgarlicknot @what-a-flammable-heart @marvelouslovely @laurenandloki @fallinallinmendes @sophlubbwriting @mooncat163 @lokislittlesigyn @wolfish-trickster
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine
Loki was watching you even more carefully than normal these days. Yes, you’d caught his eye even on your first day in the Tower back when you were just a new recruit, a SHIELD agent with some kind of sixth sense that let you anticipate things, recently transferred to the Avengers Tower. Even now no one was entirely sure if it was a power or just an uncanny knack you had that made you extremely good at your job. Regardless, the trickster god could see how the ability had shaped you.
You’d only been in the Tower a week when you’d started running errands all over the city, offering things to people before they could even think they needed it themselves, then going to pick it up for them. Loki had declined the offer after hearing all the places you were already going. He’d hoped it was a fluke, that you wouldn’t make it a habit of taking care of everyone. Not that it was inherently bad, he just knew how tiring it could be to please everyone, worried that you would burn out. Of course, you had kept doing it, and his worries turned out to be justified.
“Darling, are you going out again?” Loki asked as you passed his seat in the common room on your way to the elevator. He set his book down, frowning. “Did you not just go yesterday? Unless, of course, this time it is for you. Then by all means, please be on your way.”
“No... It’s just Steve and Bucky were talking about some cereals they used to like and we don’t have any in the Tower so...” you trailed off, shuffling your feet.
“And can they not wait for it until the next scheduled trip to the supermarket?”
“Well, yeah, they said they could. But I don’t mind.”
Loki stood and sighed, walking over to you. Gently, so you didn’t have to comply if you didn’t want to, Loki lifted your chin to look at him. You looked tired. Admirable as it was that you wanted to do things for others, you needed a rest day.
“And tell me, darling, when was the last time you did something for yourself?” He waited a moment for an answer, but was met with silence. “What about that drawing you started two months ago? Have you worked on that more?”
“It wasn’t any good, anyway,” you shrugged. “I’ve been busy.”
“It was wonderful,” he reassured you. “What about eating, though? Have you eaten today?”
“I... I had a mint.”
“That does not count.” Now he was outright worried. You did this every once in a while, saying you just got so caught up in other things, you forgot to eat. Whatever the reason, it troubled Loki. “You have had some water at least? You know what, do not answer. I am sure I know already. Just wait here a moment.”
You waited by the lift as Loki padded to the kitchen, searching for a water bottle. The problem went beyond just these shopping trips. Sometimes when Tony or Bruce got stuck on one of their projects, you’d pore over books and blueprints for hours, searching for the answer, losing sleep. Then other times, you took it upon yourself to plan events for the team. It was more than a simple, casual invitation. No, it usually involved at least three days of extensive planning. Everyone enjoyed them and was appreciative, needing a break from their day-to-day lives, but it just took up more of your time and brainpower. Pile that onto your own training and missions, it was enough to wear anyone out.
But what he both loved and hated the most was how you’d always be there to talk. Not just for him, but for everyone. And not merely a laid-back chat, either. No, they were practically therapy sessions. Again, just like all the other things you did, that would be all fine and good, except for the fact you never talked about your own issues. You just did so much for everyone else and practically nothing for yourself, even something so basic as remembering to eat, that it broke Loki’s heart a little more every day.
“Here,” he said, handing you the plastic bottle. “But I am coming with you.”
Smiling brightly, you led the way out into the city streets. You chatted as you went about your task, and Loki was yet to take his eyes off of you. It wasn’t until you started the journey back, however, that he began to grow worried. You hadn’t taken even the smallest sip of the water he’d fetched for you, and on this hot day, it was clearly taking its toll. You stumbled a little, suddenly looking more out of it than Loki could stand. He gently gripped your arm to steady you and led you to a bench. Grabbing the water out of your backpack, Loki uncapped it and held the bottle to your lips.
“Drink,” he ordered, but with kindness in his tone.
One of your hands that was gripping the bench a bit too tightly in an attempt to ground your dizzy mind came up to take the bottle from him. Complying, you downed nearly half the bottle in one gulp. It seemed that was a mistake as your empty stomach gargled, rebelling against the sudden intake. Loki rubbed large circles on your back while you scrunched your eyes closed, breathing deeply as you tried to force yourself to feel better.
“Are you alright, darling?” Loki asked when you felt well enough to take another few small sips. You nodded your head, eyes still closed. “Now do you see why it is important to take care of yourself? Will you please get some rest this afternoon?”
“I’m fine, really. Don’t worry, I-”
“That is madness!” Both Loki and you flinched at his sudden increase in volume. He removed his hand from your back, feeling unworthy to make contact with you after snapping like that. You were his friend, and he was yelling at you for something like this? It made him disappointed in himself. He sighed. “Listen, I am sorry. All I mean is I care about you. I do not like to see you like this. It is not healthy, and I believe you know that.”
You opened your eyes, blinking at him. “You-you care about me?”
Loki felt heat flood to his cheeks as he realized that he had, in fact, said that. “I do. So will you please let me take care of you?”
You bit your lip for a minute. “I will,” you sighed, giving in.
Satisfied, Loki coaxed you into accepting a piggyback ride the rest of the way home. You placed your forehead in the crook of his neck, enjoying his cool skin against yours, which was noticeably overheating. He quickly tossed the grocery bags of cereal onto the counter and brought you to your room, your own little pocket of the world that you trusted Loki enough to share with him if even for a moment. Laying you down on your bed, he told you to rest for a minute, lips placing a ghost of a kiss on your forehead.
The god moved to your bathroom, looking for what he needed. After preparing a bubble bath with nice, cool water, Loki left you to sink into it with only the order to relax. While you did, he hurried to prepare you a light meal, something that wouldn’t upset your stomach. When you padded out of the bathroom in the soft pajamas Loki had left for you and saw the meal on a tray on your bedside table, a smile tugged at your lips.
Loki peeled back the silken sheets he’d put on your bed so you could get under them. With a little bit of difficulty—Loki never had gotten a firm grasp on understanding Midgardian technology—he flipped through the channels on your TV until you found something you wanted to watch while you ate.
“Is there anything else you need?” he asked once you were done eating, before leaving you to your own devices.
You bit your lip as you thought before ultimately shaking your head no. “I’m good thanks.”
“Please, darling, be honest with me,” he pleaded. “Anything you want. Name it, and it is yours.”
“Will you stay with me?” you blurted out. “No, I’m sorry, that’s ridiculous. I’ve taken up enough of your time.”
“Darling,” he tsked. “The only thing on my schedule today is taking care of you.”
You smiled as he slid under the sheets next to you, wrapping his arms around your body and pulling you onto his lap. You twisted your body so you could look at him and tuck a few locks of his raven hair behind his ear. You were living in your own place in time, the two of you finding a safe haven in each other’s arms.
“You know what would make me really happy, Loki?” you began. “If I got to give you a little, thank you. Would that be alright?”
The god hesitated for a moment. “I suppose. Depending on what it is.”
“Can I... Would it be alright if I kissed you?”
“Well, that depends, again.”
“On whether or not we can make it a regular occurrence,” Loki replied with a playful grin.
“You know, you are always saying I should do things that make me happy. So yes, yes we absolutely can.”
“In that case,” he said, already leaning in, “what are you waiting for?”
Giggling, you bridged the gap between you. As Loki smiled against your lips, he realized something. No matter how stubborn either of you were when it came to accepting help for yourselves, you’d always have the other to take care of you. And even more importantly, Loki thought, you’d have each other to love.
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delu-jean · 3 years
𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲 𝐎𝐫 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲?
(Hawks x fem!/reader) -> Mostly Fluff -> 1.4k 
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Synopsis: You and Hawks decide to go out for a date. He’s running a little late, and you’re alone for a bit. You end up meeting a close friend of yours, and Hawks isn’t very pleased.
Notes: Might be a little angsty/sad after hearing about his insecurities? Other than that, I would say this os is kind of fluffy. Hope you like it ^^
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It was the day you were looking forward to (since the beginning of the week at least). The day where you and Keigo would finally go out. It’s been at least two months since you last talked to him. He was busy with his job, and you, with university. It saddened you that you both were separated by your choice in career. Him a hero, and you, an accountant. It may have sounded boring compared to his extravagant job, but it was one you found enjoyable. 
Keigo texted you a couple days in advance, saying that he wanted to take you out. Of course you had agreed, and here you were, now at the mall waiting for him to arrive. You both planned to go shopping for a bit, and then watch a movie. Maybe go on a short stroll and part ways after. You made sure to fix up your appearance for once, knowing you might not be able to see him for sometime after. Plus, you wanted to make sure that you could make the best of things with the time given. 
You waited for about ten minutes. Not thinking much about it, you decided to play on your phone, scroll through your socials, and do whatever you could to distract yourself. It worked for a while...until you found yourself looking at your phone for the next hour. You happened to scroll onto a post talking about Keigo at an interview. 
‘I thought he said he was free today…’ you sighed and put your phone away. 
You then got up from your seat. Though he doesn’t stand you up as often as he meets you, it still sucked knowing that you both barely met. This was the first time in two months, would you have to wait another three?...four even? You decided not to think too much about it, after all, you understood and respected Keigo’s schedule. 
‘I guess I’ll get going now-’ 
“L/n?” you looked up to see a very familiar face. 
“Watarou? What are you doing here?” 
“I’m just strolling around haha. I just got back from America, and decided to do a little bit of shopping. You?” 
“Oh...I’m...or rather, I was waiting for my boyfriend. He’s a little late though...so I think I’m going to get going.” 
Watarou took note of your disappointment, and based on what he knew (about you), he thought about what would cheer you up. 
“Hey...if you don’t mind, we should go and get some crepes. My treat.” 
“Really, like old times.” 
Hawks arrived about an hour later. He felt super guilty that he wasn’t able to see you at the time he promised, but duty called when it needed to. He also knew you understood his schedule and was grateful for that. He was very, very thankful for it. Reason being, one thing that Hawks had always been insecure about, was his lifestyle in general. 
He was constantly doing something, whether that be hero work, interviews, promotions, and so much more. That being the case, whenever he tried making relationships work, they’d always end with “why are you so busy?”, “can’t you try to make some time for me?” He tried doing his best, but things would always end because of that. But when he met you, things had changed. 
Although he was a little reluctant, and it took a while to convince him, he ultimately knew you were someone who did respect his time. So because of that, he made sure to make your sessions special, to show the appreciation he had for you. Because of this, he always made sure to be on time. Rushing out of his work so he could sprint to you. So when he was late, he’d feel horrible for making you wait, secretly having thoughts about traumatic past experiences. 
“Where is she?” 
He tried calling only to realize your phone had died, it immediately sent him to voicemail. He was getting anxious at this point, maybe you went home? But then, you would’ve had a charger?...maybe it broke? He then looked around catching a glimpse of your hair...and what seemed to be like...another person. 
He started to stride towards you. Just who exactly were you with? He then gazed as the two of you ate crepes together. You seemed to be enjoying your time with him while you both conversed. Hawks on the other hand, was not. Though he was fine with you having friends...your interaction seemed to be a little “too friendly.” He continued to watch from behind, and saw as he then slid something over. 
“What’s this?”
“It’s a bracelet...do you like it?”
“It looks gorgeous!” you looked in awe as the gentlemen smiled. 
“I’m glad you do. I’ve been trying to get the right gift for a while now.” 
“Who wouldn’t like it? I can tell you put a lot of effort into it,” he then put his hand on the box as you continued eating your crepes. 
Hawks had seen enough. To see someone give you that type of attention, whether he was a friend or not, didn’t sit right with him. Not only that, but it really hurt seeing someone else was treating you better than him (in his eyes at least). Regardless of who he was, Keigo was your boyfriend, and that being the case, should’ve been trying harder. 
He then approached the both of you, and gave a cold stare to Watarou. Watarou seemed a little uneasy with the exchange, while you were thrilled to see Hawks. You got up and wrapped your arms around his torso, hugging him tightly as his hands stood at his side. 
“Keigo! You’re here!’ 
“Were you having fun?...” he said, agitated as you then realized what was going on. 
“Oh Keigo...I never knew you’d get jealous over something like this.” 
“What!? What do you mean!?”
“Watarou, this is Keigo. Keigo, Watarou.” 
“Nice to meet you man,” Watarou said as he gave his hand. 
“Yeah...same here…” Hawks said while feeling uncertain. 
“Watarou was just helping me kill time, it’s been a while since we last got together, so we took advantage of it while you finished your duties.”
‘So they’ve known each other for a while.’ 
“Yeah...I hope you don’t mind. I took her for crepes and we talked for a bit.” 
“What about the bracelet?” Keigo would ask bluntly as he then said: 
“Oh, I was asking for Y/n’s opinion. I’m gifting it to my sister, and since they have similar taste, I wanted her input on things. I’m glad they’re good.” 
“Ahh...I see.” 
“Well, I’m going to head out. I’ll see you both sometime, I have about two weeks left? So see you then!” 
“Bye Watarou!” you waved as he exited the mall. 
Keigo then realised as to why he was so irritated. It wasn’t that you had done wrong, no, he trusted that you were loyal. It was that his insecurities got the best of him, which threw him off. He was upset that such feelings got him acting so petty, especially towards someone who had done nothing wrong. Knowing this, he knew what he needed to do. He sighed to then look you in the eye. You still a little confused, he then apologized, saying: 
“Dove...I’m sorry…” 
“Sorry for what?”  
“It’s just that...I was so caught up in my insecurities...that I assumed you were doing wrong…”
“Oh…” you weren’t going to lie, you were a little disappointed. Why would he even think that, after all your time together?...but then, you also understood his past and whatnot. Still, it bothered you to say the least. 
“I’m sorry for that...along with not showing up on time. I tried my best to come, but I guess, Watarou beat me to it haha. Not in a bad way of course, I’m just grateful you had some company while I was on my way.” 
“I guess so, but Keigo.” 
“You know, you won’t ever have to worry about that kind of thing. Even though I'm a little hurt by your assumption, I get why and will let it slide for this time,” he smiled and then grabbed your hand. 
“Mhm, love you,” he pecked your cheek as your hands intertwined. 
“Silly, I’d only fall for your chicken-like charms.” 
“Aww, why not my Hawkish charms? Sharp, daring, handsome?” he winked as you shook your head. 
“Because a chicken is vulnerable, soft, cute, and gives me loads of egg,” you then stared at his wallet as he rolled his eyes (playfully). 
“Okay okay fine, let’s go catch that movie,” he sighed as you laughed. 
“Sounds good to me!” 
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the-modernmary · 3 years
chess, not checkers || a. hotchner x f!reader
Summary: Cross-examining Agent Hotchner should have been a lot more simple than it had been. But when the questioning slips out of your control, you find yourself being profiled right there in the middle of the courtroom. Amazing how one stranger can know you better than anybody you've ever met.
Contains: SMUT! 18+ only, minors DNI. Fingering, (light) choking, semi-public sex, adultery, anger sex, enemies to lovers, edging, lawyer hotch <3
Word Count: 8k+
Comments: This is so heavily inspired by “charcoal grey” because we all know how hot he was in that scene. Thank you to @angelfxllcm for being an absolute godsend as I wrote this and being the most supportive friend ever. (If you haven’t read her work, you absolutely should!)
“Fucking FBI and their selfish ass schedules,” you grumbled as you hurried through the hallway of the courthouse, your intern Robin on on your heels. “Court gets pushed back for a week because Agent Hotchner just had to leave with them on a case instead of working remotely, and then expects us to drop everything to go to court the second he gets back to D.C. As if we don’t have jobs too. As if I don’t have six other cases sitting on my desk that now have to be pushed back because of him.”
 Robin scrambled behind you, nodding along to every word that left your mouth. “Does this happen with the, uh…”
  “BAU,” you supplied.
  “—BAU, right. Do court cases usually get pushed back for them?”
  You shook your head as you checked your watch. A glint caught the corner of your eye. Shit, your ring. You hadn’t expected to go to court, and completely forgot to leave it at home. You pulled it off and slipped it into the outside pocket of your bag, hoping nobody noticed.
“No. Most cases from the BAU never go to court,” you explained. “There’s enough evidence against the people they arrest that it’s almost always a plea.”
  The Bankers Box in Robin’s hands almost slipped as you placed another file precariously on top of it. “Then why is this case going to court?”
  Your step faltered as you processed her question, and you couldn’t hide the disbelief on your face. “You did read the brief for this case, right?” you asked, unsure if you really wanted the answer, except her embarrassed blush and averted gaze gave you enough of one. “Seriously? Okay, well, first of all, because of that, you won’t be sitting at the attorney’s table with us. Instead you’ll be in the public seating. I won’t weaken my case because you decided to be unprepared. If this happens again, you won’t be welcome to join me in court at all, am I clear?”
  “Yes, ma’am.”
  “Good.” Deciding to take pity on the poor intern, you sighed as you started your explanation. “Our client claims that his arrest was unlawful and therefore none of the evidence they found should be usable. I’m inclined to agree with him, so we’re fighting all of the charges that were made with evidence found after the arrest.”
  “So you don’t think he’s guilty?”
  “I don’t ask that question. I’m not God and I’m not his priest, I don’t need to hear his confession. I just need to get him out of unjust and illegal charges.”
  Robin’s eyebrows furrowed. “So he’s going to walk free? Even after everything he did? How do you sleep at night?”
  Fucking Christ, how did this girl even get into law school? You rolled your eyes, suddenly regretting your decision to take on an intern. “No, he’s not going to walk free. He’s going to get a lesser charge, because everything else was obtained illegally. And I sleep very well, actually, because my job isn’t some episode of Law & Order. Less than 10% of my cases ever go to trial. I’m not here to suddenly convince juries that the evidence is wrong. My job is making sure that everybody is given their constitutional rights, that the police are doing their jobs correctly, and that the State isn’t over-punishing. Any cop knows that, and if you ever come across one that doesn’t, you know that you should look into those cases even further. You have to realize, criminal defense lawyers—”
  “— are the last line of protection against a corrupt system.” You turned to see your assistant, Marcus, making his way towards you, briefcase and your spare blazer that you keep in the office in hand. “I see you’re giving her your famous anti-prosecutor lecture.”
  Marcus helped you slip on your blazer over your satin button up, his hands lingering on your skin for just a little too long to be considered professional, and it made you shiver in anticipation. “God knows she needs it. Thank you, Marcus, for bringing these so quickly. Were you able to get the physical copies of Agent Hotchner’s files?”
  Marcus held up his briefcase. “All right here. Although I have to say, I’m a little lost as to why you need his service records.”
  The three of you turned the corner to enter the courtroom, your heels clicking on the tiled floor. Robin obediently took her seat in the public viewing area while you and Marcus pushed through the swinging door to settle at your table. “I’ve heard stories of Agent Hotchner’s testimonies. He used to be a prosecutor, so he’s not easily tricked, but he is prideful and will defend his work. I’m going to use that to my advantage. It’s like I always say, practicing law means always playing chess, never checkers.”
  Marcus took the seat next to you, making sure to sit close enough that his knee brushed yours the whole time. “You know, I was thinking, this case is complicated,” he whispered, “And we haven’t combed through everything yet… It could take more time than we planned.”
  You smirked, knowing exactly what he was insinuating. “Agreed. I’ll tell Tony I have to stay late at the office tonight.”
  Before Marcus could continue his flirting, you were distracted by the door to the judge’s chamber opening, revealing the back of a man in a black suit. “Thank you again, your honor, for the continuance,” came the deep timbre of the man, and oh. You certainly weren’t expecting that. “A young girl was able to be reunited with her family this week because of it.”
  The man in the doorway turned, and your breath caught in your throat. He was tall and buff and expensive-looking and absolutely gorgeous. His suit was tailored to fit him perfectly, the sleeves of his blazer straining against his biceps. He carried himself with an aura of confidence, like he belonged in the courtroom, and he was making his way directly towards you. Unconsciously, you separated from Marcus, putting as much distance between you and your assistant as possible without raising suspicion.
  The man said something to the prosecution before turning to you, hand outstretched. He said your name as a greeting, and your name had never sounded so good. “I’m Aaron Hotchner.”
  When you stood up to shake his hand, you tried to ignore the way his eyes raked down your body, or the way the two of you held on just a moment too long to be considered proper. It felt as if he was looking right through you, learning all of your secrets as though they were written on your body. No, you knew that look. He was studying you. “Agent Hotchner, it’s a pleasure.”
  “Likewise, Counselor. Please, call me Aaron.”
  You raised your eyebrows in Aaron’s direction, still shaking his hand, and it made your skin burn. You dropped his hand. “I’m just glad we’re able to get this case done and over with. Hopefully with no more delays.”
  His eyebrows quirked upwards in what could only be described as shock. “I see your reputation precedes you,” was his only reply before going to his respective seat, and if he noticed you watching his every move, he made no indication of it. That being said, you definitely felt his gaze on the back of your head as the judge entered the room and the session began.
  As the proceedings dragged on, you and Marcus continued to talk strategy, his hand finding its way to your thigh ever so often. You also continued negotiating with the prosecutor, both of you flashing Post-It notes of potential plea deals that you would be willing to accept, always careful to keep it out of the eyes of the judge and jury. By the time Aaron had been called to the stand, the offer given to you still wasn’t low enough. Fine, if the prosecution wanted to make a fool of themselves, so be it.
  You listened to Aaron’s testimony with the prosecution, completely enraptured. There was something about the way he spoke, so full of authority and confidence, that made the entire room drawn to him. He was incredibly intelligent, that much was clear, and despite the many years since he had actually practiced law, that prosecutor candor hadn’t left him. Staying focused on the case had proven to be more difficult than previously expected. You found yourself staring at his lips, and it didn’t take long for your mind to conjure up some obscene and explicit situations starring the man in front of you. 
  Eventually, his eyes caught yours, and he watched you, his lips — god, those lips — quirked up in a smirk. Aaron watched you expectantly, and in the light of the courtroom, his eyes were almost the color of whiskey, and you wanted nothing more than to drink it all in.
  A sharp “Counselor” broke you out of your trance. In the corner of your eye, you could see Marcus looking at you in concern, but he was the furthest thing from your mind now, especially as Aaron let out an amused huff of air.
  “Counselor, does the prosecution wish to cross-examine the witness?” the judge asked with barely hidden annoyance, making you think that it probably wasn’t the first time she had asked the question.
  You stood up quickly, smoothing down your pencil skirt as you did. “Yes, your honor. Thank you,” you said, trying your best to keep your voice steady as you noticed Aaron’s eyes trailing down your bare legs.
  The cross-examination started normally, and Aaron answered all of your questions with careful precision that only a lawyer could pull off. He seemed to know exactly where you were trying to go with your questions, and easily sidestepped any unflattering implication you were trying to make. Long, biased questions were met with short, clipped answers, not giving you anything to work with. Whatever move you made, Aaron was right there, two steps ahead with you. Never in your life had you met somebody who could follow you so easily or could match your wit without so much breaking a sweat.
  It was exhilarating.
  “Agent Hotchner,” you started, hands clasped behind your back. “Could you please explain to the court how profiles are used when finding and apprehending suspects?”
  Aaron sat up a little taller in the witness box. “Using behavioral research and past case studies, we’re able to construct what we call a profile of the perpetrator, or unsub. Anything they do can give us insights as to who they are — their victims, what weapons they use, even how they dispose of the bodies. Once we have a profile of who we believe is committing these crimes, we have our technical analyst run the parameters through her system. From there, narrowing down our search is easy.”
  You nodded slowly, pretending to mull over what he was saying. “For clarification’s sake, in layman’s terms, you build your profile off of assumed psychology, and not concrete evidence, is that correct?”
  The muscles in Aaron’s jaw flexed, a sure sign he was gritting his teeth. “Behavior analysis is a tool, just like any other—”
  “It’s a yes or no question, Agent,” you interrupted, and oh, he was not happy about that.
  His tongue darted out from between his lips. “The research we use for behavior is—”
  “Yes. Or no.”
  Aaron hesitated, his frustration building up to palpable tension that settled in the courtroom like a thick fog. You weren’t giving him a chance to explain or show off anymore, didn’t allow him to be seen as the smartest person in the room anymore, and that was getting to him.
  “Yes,” he conceded, grimacing as if admitting that was physically painful for him.
  “Thank you,” you replied, and he caught the unspoken that wasn’t so hard now, was it? even if the rest of the room did not. You walked back over to your table, snatching up a piece of paper and holding it in the air. “Your honor, the defense would like to submit Exhibit Seven into evidence.”
  Once the judge gave her express permission, you placed the form in front of Aaron with your left hand, perfectly manicured fingers splayed out in front of his eyes. You almost missed the way his head tilted ever so slightly and his eyes narrowed, like he was staring at a puzzle half complete. “Agent, could you please tell us what’s laying in front of you now.”
  He leaned forward slightly, eyes scanning the paper before meeting back with yours. “This is a part of our official report of the case. Specifically, it has the profile that was used to lead us to the apprehension of Mr. Mckenna.”
  “Does it say on that paper who had the final sign off on the profile before it was circulated?”
  “Yes, that would be me. As Unit Chief, my job is to sign and finalize any reports.”
  “And could you please read the profile, verbatim, as written on that report?”
  Aaron’s face remained neutral, with the exception of his eyebrows scrunching together. Slowly, he had started to piece together your strategy, and he didn’t like it. “The unsub is a white male, between 32 and 40 years old. He’ll most likely be unemployed and driving a van or truck — anything that would let him easily transport his equipment and victims. We believe that he’s also had run-ins with the law before, likely as a juvenile. He’ll come across as friendly, if not a little shy. We believe that this comes from a failed relationship in his past, one where he believes that he was manipulated and wronged, and now he’s going after surrogates for that woman. Killing these women is the only thing that gives him any sort of power. If we can figure out who this past relationship was, it will lead us directly to the killer.”
  You paced back and forth in front of the witness stand, your skirt tightening around your legs with every step you took. “Between 32 and 40 years old, unemployed, and killing surrogates… Except Mr. Mckenna is 22 and works part time as a bartender. How do you justify arresting my client with those inconsistencies?”
  “As I mentioned before,” Aaron started, his voice dangerously low, “A profile is just one tool we use of many. Not every single part of the profile will fit every single time. Which is why we also rely on outside evidence to ensure that we have the best chance at catching the unknown subject as quickly as possible.”
  “Except you had no concrete evidence, which you admit in your own report!” You took two steps closer to him, getting as in his face as possible without risking being held in contempt. With every word that left your mouth, your voice got more and more forceful, and you got more and more under Aaron’s skin.
  “All of it was circumstantial at best. You had a hunch, an inherent bias against my client due to his previous conviction record, and you were frustrated at your own inability to get a good lead. But you can’t arrest somebody on a hunch, or because you’re angry. You had no evidence and the man you arrested didn’t even match the profile that you came up with!”
  Your eyes locked with Aaron, his gaze heavy, and neither of you dared look away first. “Objection!” came from the prosecutor behind you. Exactly what you wanted. “Argumentative and foundation.” You flashed Aaron a predatory grin.
  Two moves to checkmate.
  “Sustained,” said the judge.
  “Withdrawn.” You tapped the witness bench, hoping to convey an air of aloofness and calm. Aaron scowled. “Agent Hotchner, before joining the FBI, you were a prosecutor, is that true?”
  Confusion flashed across his face for the briefest of moments, and it gave you a twisted sense of satisfaction to know that you had the upper hand. You knew the answer to every question you were about to ask, and he knew that. He just couldn’t figure out where you were going with this line of questioning, or what the relevance even was. “Yes, that’s correct.”
  You made a soft hum of approval. “Could you please walk us through your higher education?”
  “I attended George Washington University for both my undergraduate and law degree.”
  “What did you major in for your undergrad?”
  Aaron hesitated. “Political Science.”
  Check. “So all together, you’ve had about seven years in higher education. In that time, how many psychology classes did you take?”
  It was almost sadistic, the way you relished in the slight twitch of his face — the realization that he had been backed into a corner. The silence was deafening as Aaron’s scowl met your smug grin.
  “None,” Aaron said finally.
  “None,” you repeated, performative shock dripping from your words. “Do you have any academic background in psychology or human behavior, then?”
  Aaron’s jaw clenched, and as you made your way closer to the witness stand, you saw his thumb frantically moving back and forth over his fingertips. Clearly, you had struck a nerve. “The FBI has rigorous coursework in order to become a profiler, along with multiple exams and continued training as more research becomes available to us. The profiling classes are no easy feat and are written by experts in the field. Creating profiles has a long and respected history in detective work, and these profilers have caught some of the most prolific serial killers of all time.”
  You placed a hand over your chest in faux modesty. “My apologies, Agent Hotchner, I believe I wasn’t very clear. I’m not calling into question the validity and effectiveness of profiles. I’m calling into question the validity and effectiveness of you as a profiler.”
  You could practically see the cartoon fire spewing out of Aaron’s ears. He was so close to being in your trap, something he had to have known, too, yet he continued to toe dangerously close to that line.
  “A lack of formal education in profiling,” you continued, keeping your voice light, “and the blatant disregard for basic police and legal procedure as shown in this case with my client… I mean, how many other mistakes were made in your past cases? It’s hard to believe that you can read anybody, much less the hardened criminal that you have painted my client to be.”
  “Objection!” cried the prosecutor again. “Your Honor, this is —”
  He was cut off by the judge raising her hand. “Sustained. Counselor, I would advise you to tread lightly from here on out.”
  You raised your hands in mock surrender. “Withdrawn.” You turned around to make your way back to your table, ignoring Marcus’s look of complete disbelief. Baiting Aaron had been easy, and now all you had to do was wait.
  The courtroom was uncomfortably silent for one beat… two beats…
  “Not only can I read Mr. Mckenna,” echoed Aaron’s voice, “But I can also read you.”
  Once you got back to your desk, you turned around, hands resting on the cool wood of the table top, but you never sat down. Instead, you leaned forward, and arched your eyebrows in a silent challenge — one he was all too eager to pursue.
  “The red Harvard Law tag on your briefcase is a perfect match to your lipstick, and you wear the same one every time you go to court. Not because you’re superstitious the way most lawyers are, but because it’s your way of maintaining control in the courtroom, something you’re desperate to keep in every aspect of your life, personal and professional. I would guess that this need goes back to late high school, early college. But you’ve been worried about appearances and how you’re perceived for even longer than that.”
  You fought the urge to roll your eyes. So he thought you were Type A? Anybody could have guessed that by your anything. All they would have to do is look at your color coded case files or your daily schedule, planned down to the minute. You had only been trying to sway the jury when you insinuated that he wasn’t a good profiler, but maybe you were actually starting to believe it yourself.
  Except Aaron got a dangerous glint in his eye, causing your stomach to bubble with anxiety. Clearly, he was playing chess, too, and by the looks of it, he believed he was winning. 
  “In fact, you’re so worried about losing control, that despite your busy schedule, you refuse to hire a planner for your upcoming wedding.”
  That got your attention. The objection that you were about to call died on your lips, and all you could do was stare with poorly hidden shock. Next to you, Marcus turned pale as a ghost.
  Aaron, cocky bastard, continued his profile of you, with no clear signs of stopping anytime soon. “You have a tan where your ring usually is, and I know you’ve been wearing it recently as you subconsciously fiddle with where it would be whenever things in court aren’t going your way. Just like you’re doing now. You still have your maiden name, which you plan on giving up when you do get married because not taking his last name would arouse too many questions that you want to avoid. Just another way your concern of appearances is manifested. So you’re engaged.
  “I would say congratulations, but it’s not a happy relationship, not on your side, anyway. Younger female professionals will take their rings off in fear of not being taken seriously, but you’re an established and respected lawyer. You needn't worry about that. So if it’s not about you, it’s about the fiance. You don’t want to be associated with him.”
  You gripped the edge of the table, too angry to form words. Your nails dug into the varnish, and you were sure that your heavy breathing could be heard from across the room. This dick. This absolute, garbage, piece of shit dick. The worst part was how casual he sounded as he aired all of your dirty laundry for everybody to hear.
  “He’s holding you back, in all aspects of life, but mostly intellectually. He doesn’t have a sliver of your capabilities. The two of you are probably high school sweethearts, prom king and queen type, but while you grew up and matured, he never did. He can’t keep up with you. Still acts the same way he did in high school, only now with more access to alcohol and money. Career wise, he doesn’t have much going for him, probably some sports related pipe dream. But you stay with him because you know how to control him and how to use him to your advantage.”
  Aaron’s eyes zeroed in on Marcus, and all of the color drained from your face. The voice in the back of your mind was screaming at you to object, to get the judge involved, anything, before Aaron did any more damage, but you were frozen in your spot. For the first time in your life, you were completely and utterly speechless and spiraling out of control.
  “That need for control is also why you’re sleeping with your assistant. It’s casual for you, but not for him anymore. You should break that off. That’s nothing new for you, though. In fact, I would bet that if we looked back at all of your affairs since your engagement, we’d find a long string of men and women, all of whom are your subordinates or of lower status than you. It’s a win-win situation — they’re more than eager to have a chance with you, and you get to stay in control. Oh, you’ll stop when you actually get married, but you continue to push that date back, as well. So…”
  He leaned back in his chair, clearly feeling good about himself, and God, you could kill him. You could reach over the witness box and wrap your hands around his throat and squeeze until his whiskey colored eyes popped out of his smug, beautiful face.
  Aaron lifted his chin, eyebrows raised in your direction. “Do you believe in my abilities as a profiler now, Counselor?”
  That snapped you back into action. You cleared your throat and unnecessarily smoothed down your skirt in an attempt to regroup your thoughts. “Well, Agent Hotchner, thank you for that little show and tell. It’s clear that you are very passionate about your career. However, just like your profile of my client, you have no evidence for any of your unsubstantiated accusations.”
  It was a pathetic attempt at saving face, and Aaron knew it, but it had to be enough for you. You turned your back towards Aaron so that you could face the judge, who, to her credit, had a perfect poker face the whole time. “Your Honor, I move to strike Agent Hotchner’s outburst” — not an outburst, Aaron was too composed to ever have one of those, but he grimaced at the word all the same — “from the record, as no question stands before the witness at this time.”
  The judge looked at you dubiously, clearly debating her ruling. There shouldn’t have been any reason to worry, you were legally in the right, but there was always the chance that she wouldn’t be on your side. You noticed yourself fiddling with where your engagement ring would usually be, and you cursed yourself under your breath. How could Aaron have possibly known all of that?
  “Sustained,” she said finally, “I direct the jury to disregard the witness’s, uh, example when considering the evidence.”
  You let out a breath of relief. It wasn’t much of a win — everybody still heard what had happened, it was still in the back of their minds, like the ring of a bell echoing — but at least in regards to the case, you had the legal upper hand.
  The judge turned back to you. “Defense, the witness is still yours, if you have any further questions.”
  If you were a little more in your right mind, you would have cut your losses, but between your oath to defend your client to the best of your ability and that stupid self assured grin on Aaron’s face, you knew that you really had no choice.
  Deep breath in… Slow breath out… You’re at a stalemate now.
  “Agent Hotchner,” you said, causing him to perk him up in interest. Clearly, he hadn’t been expecting you to continue. “Wouldn’t an ex-lawyer and an FBI agent be familiar with the rules of decorum in a courtroom?”
  His eyes narrowed. “I’m not sure I understand your question, Counselor.”
  “Let me rephrase, then. Would you say that you have a history of emotional outbursts and rule breaking in your line of work? And I’ll remind you that you are still under oath.”
  Aaron shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “No, I wouldn’t. Integrity is one of our core values, and we take that very seriously.”
  With shaking hands, Marcus handed you one of the files you’d had him print out on Aaron. “If that’s so, can you explain why, since your promotion to Unit Chief in 2005, you and your team have had seven disciplinary hearings, one of which being an internal investigation into the excessive force used by one of your agents, and another being a congressional hearing?”
  A sick sense of satisfaction passed over you when you saw him get visibly shocked, his poker face breaking for the first time that day. If he wanted to go for blood, you could fight back twice as hard. “I’m not at liberty to discuss either of those cases.”
  You shrugged nonchalantly. “Very well, Agent. So between the discrepancies in the profile, your inability to control your temper, and your history of breaking procedure, coupled with the fact that you arrested my client without any warrant by kicking in the door to an innocent civilian’s house, do you really believe that your arrest and the subsequent evidence that came from that arrest was obtained legally? Or do you just not care either way, as long as you’re able to prove that you’re right?”
  Right as he opened his mouth to speak, you turned your back on him and started to walk back to your table. Aaron wasn’t even able to get a peep out before you cut him off with a sharp “Question withdrawn. At this time, the defense rests.”
  “Our arrest was made on the grounds of—” Aaron tried, and you smirked to yourself. He must have been desperate if he was trying that move twice. You whipped around, gaze steeled.
  “I have no further questions, Agent Hotchner,” you repeated, only letting out the slightest hint of amusement. “But thank you for your cooperation with Lady Justice today.”
  Aaron’s eyes met yours, and a weight settled in the pit of your stomach. You should have hated him, but something about him had you completely and utterly entranced by him. Maybe it was the novelty of the case. Maybe it was the matching intellects and the fact that he was the only other person who could give you a challenge.
  Maybe you just liked the way you got to lose control with him.
  As he passed you, his arm brushed yours, and your whole body burned.
  “Very cute, Counselor,” he whispered, voice dripping with condescension. “How long did it take you to come up with that little switch up?”
  “Don’t patronize me,” you snapped. “I was playing chess, you were playing checkers, and that’s why you lost.”
  The rest of the session went on normally, if not a little tense. To your surprise, Aaron hadn’t left immediately after his testimony, and instead took a seat in the section for the public. Good. As soon as courtroom decorum wasn’t a factor, you were sure to give him a piece of your mind.
  Court adjourned for the day, and you couldn’t get out of there fast enough. You told Marcus to continue to push for a better plea option as you grabbed your briefcase and stormed out, pushing through the throngs of people until you could see the back of Aaron’s head.
  You sped up your steps until you were right behind him, and you grabbed his wrist to stop him in his tracks. “I have a bone to pick with you.”
  You pulled Aaron into an empty conference room, hoping to get some privacy before you completely blew your lid. You already had one public humiliation because of him, and you did not need another.
  “What is your problem?” you hissed, locking the door behind you. “You had no right to put my personal life on blast like that.”
  Aaron placed his hands on his hips, swooping the sides of his suit jacket back, and you had to make a very conscious effort to not stare. “You questioned my profiling abilities, and I proved them.”
  “You didn’t prove shit,” you argued, folding your arms across your chest. “Except for the fact that you’re an insufferable bastard.”
  “Are you saying that my profile was off? Because if you didn’t want to be caught committing adultery, then you shouldn’t have made it so obvious.”
  You gritted your teeth and took a step towards him in a futile attempt to come across as intimidating. Even in your heels, he still seemed to be towering over you. You’d have to level the playing field somehow. You gripped his tie and used it to pull him down so that he was closer to eye level with you. “I don’t need your judgment, Aaron.”
  Aaron moved closer to you, and you could feel the heat radiating off his body. His Adam's apple bobbed and it captivated you. “I couldn’t care less about what you do,” he said flippantly. “Matter of fact, I don’t think this fit of anger is even inherently about your little secret coming out. Do you want to know what I think it is?”
  “Not at all.”
  “I think,” he continued, completely ignoring your protest, “You’re angry because as much as you can dish it out, you can’t take it.”
  Your grip on his tie tightened at his words. “Trust me, I can take anything,” you said, voice low and breathy.
  Aaron’s eyes flickered to your lips — those kissable, red stained lips of yours. You hadn’t had to reapply your lipstick once throughout the day, and he idly wondered just exactly what it would take to muss up that perfect, pouty red lip. 
  “I also think that for the first time in a very long time, you didn’t have control, and you liked it.” He bent down a little bit more so that his lips brushed against your ear with every word and you could feel his breath run down your spine. “Aren’t you bored of sleeping with boys who are so far beneath you?”
  You’re not sure who initiated it, but the next thing you knew, your lips crashed against his, the two of you making out like it was the last kiss either of you were ever going to get. His hands felt impossibly everywhere all at once — gripping your hips, tugging at your hair, and even snaking under your work blouse to palm at your breast. His teeth nipped at the fibres of your lips. With every movement of his hands, little gasps escaped you, and you could feel the curve of his lips curling up into a smirk.
  His fingers trailed up the side of your body, past the curve of your neck, and tangled themselves in your hair before yanking it back, exposing the column of your throat. Immediately he attached his lips to your neck, nipping at your pulse point.
  “Aaron,” you whined, trying to regain the breath he stole from your lungs. You practically melted in his arms, going completely weak at the knees, especially as his tongue trailed across the underside of your jaw. You let his tie fall from your grip, instead bringing your hands up to cup his face to pull him in for another kiss. 
  His lips set a bruising pace, and it caused a fire to burn in the pit of your stomach. You had never once been kissed like this, never once felt so all-consumed by a person. Aaron’s cologne surrounded you, making your head spin. Bruises were sure to form from how harshly he was gripping your hips, but you didn’t care. He was addicting, and you wanted more.
  Hotch walked you backwards until you were pressed up against the wall, his thigh shoved in between your legs, forcing your skirt to ride up. The position made his arousal obvious as he pressed against you. The way he held you was possessive, primal even, Unconsciously, you ground down on his thigh, hoping for anything to help relieve the ache between your legs. 
  Unfortunately for you, Aaron caught on to what you were trying to do, and he chuckled against your lips before pulling away just far enough to speak. “Look at you,” he whispered, and the raspiness of his voice only served to turn you on even more. He hooked a finger under your chin, forcing you to look up at him, and his thumb traced your bottom lip, tugging at it ever so slightly. His other hand slowly trailed its way up your thigh, nails scratching at your skin. “Skirt hiked up around your waist, desperate to get off. Your little boyfriends aren’t doing it for you anymore?”
  He pressed his thigh further into you, ripping an involuntary moan from your throat. “Fuck,” you gasped, your hips still moving back and forth against him, not caring how needy it made you seem. “I need… I…”
  “What? Big, bad lawyer doesn’t have any more smart ass comments?” he cooed sarcastically, pushing your skirt up even higher. He replaced his thigh with his hand, and his fingers ghosted over your covered pussy, teasing you, not giving you nearly enough contact. “Fuck, you’re so wet already. Go ahead, needy girl, if you’re that desperate.” Aaron yanked down your panties in one fell swoop, and you blindly kicked them off to the side. “Be a good girl and show me how much you want this.”
  Without any more of a warning, one of his fingers entered you, and you let out a breathy moan that Aaron was sure to have on repeat in his mind for days to come. When the heel of his palm pressed against your clit, your brain completely short circuited. You threw your head back as far as you could despite being pressed against the wall as his name clumsily tumbled from your lips like a prayer.
  “You’re so fucking tight,” he grunted, pressing you further against the wall. “Can’t wait to feel you around my cock.”
  Electricity coursed through your veins as he added a second finger, easily finding that spot in you that made you see stars. You rocked your hips back and forth against his hand, eyes screwed shut in pleasure. His lips trailed from your jawline, down your neck, and to your collarbone. 
  “Look at me,” Aaron ordered, tightening his grip on your chin, and your eyes shot right back open. Instead of the whiskey colored irises you had gotten used to, Aaron’s pupils were so blown that they made his eyes completely black. “I want to see you lose control all over me. Gonna make sure you come harder for me than you have for any of your boy toys.”
  That wouldn’t be very difficult. Nobody had ever made you feel the way you did then, Aaron’s fingers buried deep in your cunt and lips exploring every inch of skin he could access. No part of this was for his pleasure — from the curl of his fingers to the slow circles on your clit, it was all expertly calculated to bring you to the edge with as much intensity as possible, and it was all devastatingly effective.
  “I’m so close,” you whimpered, and if it weren’t for the wall behind you, you would have completely lost your balance. “More, fuck, please.”
  “More?” he mumbled against the column of your throat. “Use your words, sweetheart.”
  Coherent sentences were not an option for you at the moment, not when you were so deliciously overwhelmed with pleasure and with Aaron. Besides, how could you tell him that you wanted him to completely and utterly ruin you? That you wanted him to bend you over the conference table and pound into you until you could barely speak. You wanted Aaron to mark you and send you home to your fiance with reminders of every little thing he did to you for the days to come. You wanted raw and untamed passion. You wanted to be consumed, for him to settle in your lungs like smoke, and haunt your dreams for the rest of your life. 
  You didn’t want nice and calculated the way every other man you’d been with had acted — you wanted Aaron Hotchner to take control.
  You couldn't say any of that, so instead, you grabbed his wrist, the one that was holding your chin in place and, without breaking eye contact with him, you guided his hand down until it rested on your throat. “More,” you choked out, giving him an animalistic grin.
  That was all it took. Using his grip on your neck, he pulled you in for another kiss, messy and desperate and swallowing all of your incoherent moans as his fingers moved harder, faster.
  You clung to him like a lifeline as you felt your whole body tense up, your orgasm fast approaching. You were so fucking close and he felt so fucking good and, God, if this is what losing control felt like, then you and Aaron could do this forever and —
  His fingers were gone from you, and you clenched around nothing. You cried out in protest, which only seemed to amuse him.
  “Oh? Prom queen isn’t used to not getting what she wants?” Keeping his hand on your throat and you pinned against the wall, he made slow, teasing work of his belt buckle.
  Your chest rose and fell in a desperate attempt to catch your breath. “What happened to watching me come undone all over you?” you shot, trying to even out your voice as much as possible. It didn’t work very well. “Did you lose your nerve?”
   A dark, humorless chuckle escaped his lips. “Don’t worry, Princess, that’s still the plan. I just never said where. I want to make sure you’re nice and wet and ready for me to turn you into a moaning mess on my cock.”
  In an attempt to regain some control of the situation, you rolled your eyes. “Yeah? And how do you expect to do that?”
  He smirked and released your throat. Wordlessly, he grabbed your wrist, and guided your hand down your body, further and further until you reached your throbbing pussy. He used his hands to press your fingers to your clit, and you whimpered softly. God, you were dripping, and the extra stimulation didn’t help your shaking legs.
  “By making you so needy and whiny that by the end of this, you're begging for me,” he hissed, lips brushing the shell of your ear with every word. He moved your fingers so that you were rubbing small, slow circles around your clit, although it wasn’t nearly enough to give any real relief. “Begging for me to come and fuck you over and over and over again. Because you know that your pathetic fiance and your string of affairs have never made you feel like this before.”
  Aaron yanked your hand away from your clit and you could sob. You wanted to cum so badly that you could barely put it into words. Still holding your wrist, Aaron brought your hand up to his face. He took a brief moment to admire the way your fingers glistened, covered in your arousal, before bringing them to his lips and sucking.
  Eyes wide, you made a choked noise as you committed the view of Aaron to memory. “Please, Aaron, fuck, I need you,” you whined, the start of a long string of incoherent begging. You needed him then and there, damn the consequences.
  He pulled your fingers out of his mouth slowly, and you moaned at the obscene wet noise it made. “So desperate,” he murmured as he began to unbutton his slacks. “All for me. All because I edged you once.”
  Aaron pulled down his pants just enough to pull out his dick, and you licked your lips involuntarily when you saw it, big and thick and leaking precum. Clearly, it gave Aaron a bit of an ego boost, because as he ran the head up and down your sensitive folds, he reminded you, “You did say you could take anything, Princess.”
  Your breathing came out shaking as you shivered, waiting for him to do something — anything. You were so empty and you needed him so badly. If you didn’t get his dick in you soon, you were pretty sure you would lose your mind completely.
  “Fuck me, Aaron,” you moaned, arching your back to press into him more.
  He pressed a chaste kiss to your lips in an almost intimate gesture. “Patience is a virtue,” he chastised.
  In your haze of arousal, you barely noticed him grabbing your briefcase and digging through the small pocket in the front. You especially didn’t notice his pause when his finger touched something small, round, and metal in the bottom of the bag. The only thing you cared about was him coming back to you, holding up a condom packet with a smirk.
  “I knew I’d find one somewhere in your briefcase.” You let the comment slide, the excitement at the prospect of sex with Aaron Hotchner outweighing any jackass comment he could make. Aaron made quick work of putting on the condom. The second he was done, one of his hands ran up your thigh, getting a good grip on it before pulling it up and around his waist.
  “Do you feel how wet you are for me? How willing you were to give up control? All for me? That—” Lips pressed to your ear, he pushed his cock into you, bottoming out with one thrust. You threw your head back in pleasure. “—Is playing chess, sweetheart.”
  Aaron dropped his forehead to the crook of your neck as he began pounding into you at a desperate pace. He had held off on his own pleasure for long enough, and now he was chasing his orgasm with a ruthless determination. One hand stayed gripping your thigh, the other one braced against the wall next to your head. Aaron nipped at your neck in between moans of praise for you.
  “I — oh, fuck — knew it,” he groaned, digging his fingers deeper into your thigh. “You wanted somebody to take control. Somebody who knows how to please you.”
  You wrapped your arms around his neck and tangled your fingers in his hair, pulling him impossibly closer to you. You were an incoherent mess at this point, his name tumbling from your lips like it was the only thing you knew how to say. At that moment, it probably was. 
  “Finally, that bratty mouth of yours is good for something. You sound so pretty, moaning out my name. Say it again.” A particularly deep thrust caused you to tug at his hair. “Louder.”
  Never before had you met somebody like Aaron Hotchner, and you weren’t sure if you ever would again, so you screwed your eyes shut and let yourself get lost in the absolute pleasure he was providing. You memorized everything you could — the way the calluses on his hands felt against your skin, the way he moaned out your name, how deliciously full you felt, and how for the first time in your life you felt truly seen — so that you could suspend the moment in amber to preserve in the back of your mind.
  “Please,” you begged, scratching his scalp lightly with your nails. “I’m so close. Fuck, Aaron, you feel so good, please.”
  Aaron tore his lips from your throat, choosing instead to press his forehead against yours. His lips brushed yours with every word he spoke, so close that you were practically kissing him. “That’s it, princess,” he murmured. “Be a good girl. Be a good girl and come. All over my dick.”
  When you came, it was with a cry of his name as your whole body shuddered. You clung to him as he continued to fuck you. His thrusts began to stutter, and he took the opportunity to capture your lips in one last, scorching kiss, and you were all too happy to oblige.
  You think he moaned something as he came, but you couldn’t hear it over the sounds of skin slapping against skin. He fucked you through his orgasm, making sure that you felt every single inch of him. As if you could ever forget it. 
  The two of you stayed where you were for a few moments, relishing in the feeling of being full a little longer. Your walls fluttered around Aaron, which caused him to muffle his whimpers into your throat.
  “Aaron…” you whispered, not wanting to disturb the moment. “That was so—”
  “I know.”
  “We shouldn’t have done it.”
  “I know.” He pulled back just enough to leave a lingering kiss on your lips, and your whole body burned. “But I don’t regret it. Do you?”
  You shook your head. “Not at all.” The confession lingered in the hair for a tense second because both of you seemed to remember where you were.
  Aaron slowly pulled out of you, an act that looked almost painful for him when you let out an involuntary moan at the feeling. He could have spent all day in you, if given the chance.
  The two of you adjusted yourselves in silence, both of you hoping to be able to leave the room with some semblance of professionalism. At the very least, the goal was to not look like you had just had sex in a courthouse conference room. Shame and embarrassment flooded you — what had you been thinking?
  Once you felt that you were presentable enough, you grabbed your briefcase and tried to ignore Aaron burning a hole in the back of your head with his gaze.
  “Well, Aaron, this was fun.” You cleared your throat. “I’m sure we’ll see each other around at some point.”
  You were two steps away from the door when you heard his smug, courthouse voice come back in full swing.
  “Forgetting something?”
  You turned around in a huff, ready to go right back to arguing with him, but what you saw made your whole body heat up in embarrassment. There was Aaron with a self-satisfied grin and dangling off his finger was your panties.
  “These are cute,” he mused. “It’s a shame I didn’t get to fully appreciate them.”
  You rushed over there, fully prepared to snatch them out of his hand. “And you never will,” you shot, but even as you said it, you didn’t make much of an effort to take them out of his hands. You just stared at him and his swollen lips and mussed hair, all your doing.
  Ever the gentleman, Aaron started to hand your underwear back to you, but instead of taking it back like you knew you should have done, you covered his hand with yours, closing it in a fist around your panties.
  “Who says you can’t?” you whispered, guiding his pantie-filled hand down to his pockets. “This way… You can keep it as collateral. To make sure I’ll come and see you again.”
  His breath hitched in his throat as you guided him to put your panties into his suit pocket, and you were glad to be the one surprising him this time.
  “I don’t care about your fiance,” Aaron started, and you braced yourself for the worse. “But I’m not interested in being the ‘other man’ to your affairs with your assistants, too.”
  “Consider it ended,” you promised, not caring how desperate or easy it made you look. You wanted to keep Aaron around for a long, long time.
  Just until the wedding, you corrected yourself.
  You slung your briefcase over your shoulder, wincing as it dug into a bruise that Aaron had left. It would be there for a while — you’d have to find a way to hide it from Tony until it faded. The thought made you stupidly giddy. “I’ll see you around, Aaron.”
  He nodded in goodbye, and you slipped out of the conference room on shaking legs. As soon as the door closed behind you, you reached into your bag, and reluctantly slipped on your engagement ring.
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