#I’ve surely forgotten how to tie his tie by now
elabelll · 1 year
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My sweet school boy ❤️
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cassiopeiasdaughter · 10 months
📝- "Is that my shirt?" For Theo Nott
"that's when I love you, that's when"
warnings: alcohol consumption and implications of smut
It was a mistake; you both agreed. Well, you hadn’t actually talked about it, but you knew it was a mistake and were sure Theo would also agree. 
You blamed Gryffindors and their parties and most importantly, the right amount of Firewiskey in your system convincing you that dancing and being close to Theo was a good idea. 
You went from dancing, to your hands running up and down his chest and his tugging possessively at your hips; you were lucky everyone around you was also drunk and wouldn’t remember the way you two acted. 
So, dancing escalated to a heavy make out session by the stairs, which led you right to his bed. Every time you remember that night you feel your whole body heat up, come alive and almost beg for more. But you won’t give in to these thoughts, mainly because you value your friendship way too much.
That is what you say to yourself at least, because you don't want to admit the truth.
What is left of that friendship, anyway? You avoid him almost everyday now, can’t stand to be near him without touching him. His stare sends shivers down your body and you blush like a second year.
You want to grab him by his tie, and smash your lips on his. Actually, you want him to grab you and kiss you without ever intending to stop. But you know him way too well, to know that he would never do that, he is way too subtle and cautious with his feelings and who he lets in.
That morning, the one after the party and after everything that followed it, you ran before he woke. You grabbed whatever clothes you could find and sprinted to your dorm, carefully so no one would notice you. As you laid down in your bed, you felt an ache inside your chest, an emptiness that could only be filled by him. Too bad that could never happen, a voice inside you muttered.
It’s been almost one month after that night, one month since you and Theo have had a proper conversation. You desperately want to know how he is doing, how that essay he was telling you about went, what his last letter from his father said, and most importantly; how he feels after everything that happened.
Did he like it as much as you? Does he remember every detail as clearly as you? Did your touch leave behind an itch- a burn, like the one his hands left on you? And most importantly does he miss you like you miss him?
You put on his shirt, the one you wore that morning, and get ready for bed. You want to sleep everything off. Every emotion and thought tied to him, it feels unbearable when you realize that you will never get to live what you crave most.
It is merely a fantasy inside your head and nothing more. For all you know, he regrets everything or doesn’t remember much. It might be nothing to him, but it is everything to you and that tears through your chest, rips you open, leaving you exposed and hurt.
As you move in your room, trying to find your notebook or a book; anything to distract you, you hear a knock on the door. It is a Saturday night and your roommates are having fun somewhere, but they must have forgotten something. 
“Come in.” , you shout absentmindedly 
And when you don’t hear your friends voice but instead a nervous cough you turn your body quickly in his direction. In front of you stands Theo, after what feels like forever, looking at you with sad-disappointed eyes, as if wanting to beg for something but unable to find the words. 
You stare at him also, it is the first time you are alone with him again and you want to cherish every second. Because you know soon, all that will be gone.
He is the one to speak first, and break the awkward silence 
“I...is that my shirt?”, he says making your face turn red from the embarrassment.
“Yes, uh- I took it, I meant to give it back, but I…didn’t. Sorry.” (Sorry for leaving like that, sorry for avoiding you, sorry for being too big of a coward to tell you how I feel)
“It’s alright, I’ve just been looking for it and couldn’t find it, now I know why.” ,he says calmly willing himself to give you a reassuring smile while his hand scratches the back of his head.
“Give me a minute, I’ll go change and hand it to you.”, you quickly say, using the shirt as an excuse to avoid him once more
You walk past him, without caring to hear what he says, but he stops you.
He grabs your wrist, gently, and looks at you with eyes that beg; beg you not to leave him, and fix what’s “broken”.
“Stop running away”, he says annoyed , “Please.” , his voice filled with complaint and disappointment, his hand wrapped around your arm now, sending jolts down your body
“Alright.”, you sigh “Say whatever it is you want to say, and get this over with.”
“Is it that terrible for you, to be in the same room as me?”
“No, no it isn’t.” 
“Then why do you keep avoiding me? Why are you running away?”, he says loudly, closing his eyes while his fingers pinch the bridge of his nose.
“Because…because you know why”
“Why did you leave that morning?”, he finally says
“I-“ you let out a tired laugh “I was scared of what you would do when you woke up and saw me, I was scared of the ending.”
“So you decided to end it yourself." he shakes his head annoyed and looks up before continuing "Don’t I get a say in this? Shouldn’t you have given me a choice first? Before blowing it all up?"
"Oh come on, what would have been different if I’d stayed? Would you have kissed me good morning and played with my hair? It would be awkward, more awkward than it is now.", you say, anger and poison coating your tongue
"You don’t know that. You don’t even know what I want, and you don’t care to know. You have made up this version of things in your head and are following it blindly. Without looking at what's infront of you!", he exclaims raising his hands in a defeated manner.
"What is there to see Theo? It’s ruined now, we can’t be friends, not like we were. And, frankly I don’t want to be your friend, I don’t want to be just your friend. So really what am I missing?”
He doesn’t give you time to process what he is about to do next. And he doesn’t give time to himself to kiss you properly. Your kiss is messy and it tells you everything he can’t put into words. His lips are angry and his mouth forces your lips to part, beautifully for him. His hands tug at your hips, marking you as his, possessively and longingly. And your hands land on his hair, tugging at the roots as he bites your lower lip. 
“You are stubborn and an idiot.”, he says breathless
“I-“ you try to say but a kiss on your neck, that then turns into a soft kiss on your lips, interrupts you.
“Don’t ever run away like that, you can’t do that. You talk to me, or scream, but you don’t leave. Not like that.” he says looking in your eyes, his gaze more powerful than the Imperius Curse.
“Yes.”, you whisper and let him kiss you again.
“So what does this mean?”, you break the kiss to ask
“That I am inlove with you and I don’t want to just be your friend either.”, he says smirking
“Good.”, you grin and spread kisses along his jaw and neck
“Keep the shirt by the way, I like it on you.” he says sighing as you pull at his hair, to expose his neck.
And the next time you wake up, he is in your bed and you are in his arms, without the intention of ever running away.
fin ❤️‍🩹
Theodore Nott masterlist & celebrate my academic hardships
reminder: I will answer everything, until my inbox is empty, but while taking my time <33
thank you for reading and sending in messages and asks, and excuse the mistakes, I suck at proofreading :)))
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haezen · 8 months
pairing: lucifer x gn!mc
word count: 1k
summary: you and lucifer get into an argument, and you block him as he's typing.
set in obey me nightbringer (but there are no spoilers!)
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To put it simply, you have been exhausted as of late. With the brothers running you ragged, and midterms approaching at RAD, your patience has worn dangerously thin. 
And apparently, so has Lucifer’s.
Did you forget something?
Not that I recall. Why?
Well, obviously you have forgotten. So, I’ll gladly remind you.
Satan must have been lent you some of his tomes. And YOU forgot to put them back where they belong. Safely tucked away. 
They are scattered all over the living room along with the papers you’ve scribbled all over. Come over at once and clean up your mess.
Annoyance bubbled in your gut at the request  — no, his demand. 
You’re lounging on the couch with takeout on the way and thanks to Solomon, a hot bath (with bubbles) awaits you. If you were to go over to the House of Lamentation to fulfill Lucifer’s demand, the night you had planned for yourself would be ruined. With a glance at the time, you notice that it’s approaching midnight and there’s no fucking way you are leaving the comfort of the couch to attend to any of the brother’s needs. 
And the last thing you need right now is to be on the receiving end of one of Lucifer’s lectures through text. 
No. Not now.
It wasn’t a suggestion. Come over to the House of Lamentation now.
I said no, Lucifer. It’s late and I’ve had a long day.
And you think I haven’t had a long day? 
What makes you think I want to come out of my office to see the mess you have left all over the living room? 
I don’t think I have to remind you that you’re also our attendant.
That doesn’t make me your maid.  Listen, I’m sorry for not cleaning up after myself but I’ll clean it up tomorrow.
I’m not going to tell you a third time.
. . .
As his message comes through and the three little dots pop up that signal he’s still typing, you decide that you are done for the night. You refuse to put yourself through more of this torture and to get under his skin, you block him. 
You throw your phone on the couch, force yourself to stand up from your position, and head to the bathroom to take a bath. The time it takes to undress and get into the tub is almost record time. The water instantly warms your skin. It’s the perfect temperature. Solomon also didn’t forget to set the atmosphere. There are candles lit all around the bathroom which only adds to the flowery scent emanating from the bubbles. You slide down further into the tub until the water encapsulates you from your shoulders down. 
You’re not sure how long you were asleep until the sound of a door slamming shut startles you awake. 
The silence that follows makes your heart start pounding. It’s unlike him to not announce his arrival and peek in to see what you’re up to. With a pounding heart and a lump in your throat, you call out for him again. 
The water sloshes and spills out over the edge of the tub as you move to get out. There’s no time to dry off as your nerves start to get the best of you. You snatch your satin robe, a gift from Asmo, off its hook and tie it around your waist once you shrug it on. 
The urgency in your footsteps is evident as you come hauling ass into the living room. A figure looms in the darkness of the hallway and you move towards it without a second thought. 
“What the fuck!” You shout, pushing who you think is Solomon back a few steps. He stumbles but regains his balance almost instantly and you flick the light switch on. 
Instead of being met with Solomon’s gentle and teasing smile, you are met with the eldest brother in his demon form. And he’s furious.
Anger still swirls deep in your gut, but it’s nothing compared to the undeniable rage emanating from Lucifer. You’re frozen in your spot as Lucifer inches closer to tower over you.
“Think you can just ignore my messages? That you can block me whenever you please?” His crimson eyes are glazed over and a scowl is set in stone on his face. It’s at this moment that you realize there’s nothing that you could say to calm him down. And that thought alone absolutely thrills you.
“Why can’t I? Because I’m your attendant or because I’m ‘yours’?” You say defiantly, tilting your chin up to prove that you aren’t scared of him. “Last I checked, I’m off the clock.”
“Last I checked, you are mine.” Lucifer snarls. “Or have you forgotten that as well?”
“It’s pathetic that you think I belong to you and you alone, Lucifer. Don’t I attend to all of you?”
“Pathetic?” He tilts his head and oh, you’ve fucked up. He takes hold of the straps of your robe and grips them firmly before he tugs, forcing you to take a step towards him. He’s so close that you can feel his hot breath fanning your face and the air feels as though it’s been sucked straight out of your lungs. You’re hoping that he’ll release his grip on your robe, but he doesn’t. 
He leans down to whisper into your ear, the sensation sending a shiver down your spine. “Shall I remind you?” Lucifer tightens his grip on your robe to further emphasize his point. “Since you so obviously need to be taught a lesson.” 
You hesitate to respond, stunned at his change in behavior. But as he returns to standing tall above you, eyes piercing into yours, you know he’s still pissed. You, a human who is no match for a demon as powerful and infamous as Lucifer, dare to challenge him?  As the Avatar of Pride, there’s no way Lucifer could ever let that slide.
“Excuse me?”
“Apologize for being an asshole and maybe I’ll let you stay for the night.” 
He’s quiet for a moment, thinking. But you continue.
“There’s absolutely no reason for you to ever speak to me that way. Haven’t I been good to you, Luci? You deserved to be blocked for how you acted.” You place your hands on his chest, smoothing down his perfectly ironed button down shirt. His eyes follow your actions, as if he’s actually considering to step down from his pedestal and apologize.
“So won’t you be a good boy and apologize for interrupting my bath? And for being an asshole?” You grin up at him, sliding your hands down from his chest to grab his own, where they are still gripping your robe. “And maybe go out and get me some dinner while you’re at it, since you left my takeout outside in the cold?”
“Do I look like your attendant?”
“Yeah. Though I would definitely prefer you to wear your uniform.” You nod, unable to stop your grin from widening. He’s already fallen for it.
“Get your hands off me. You’re not allowed to touch me until you’ve apologized.” 
He listens immediately  and retracts from you as though your skin burns to the touch. 
“Sorry.” He mutters so quietly, you could barely hear it if not for the close proximity. 
“What?” You tease, leaning in closer. “Say that again for me? A little louder?”
His gloved hands make contact with your face and his lips meet yours in a clash. His kisses are desperate, rushed, and sloppy which sets your insides ablaze at his fervor. He rarely loses control, so to see it for yourself...
When you pull back for air and open your eyes, Lucifer’s smug expression makes you want to smack him.
“Sorry.” He repeats as he lifts a thumb to wipe your spit from his bottom lip. “I just wanted to see you. You’re the only person I wanted to be with tonight.”
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Winter's King 11
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, cheating, violence, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You are a maid to the Duke of Debray, a lord of the Summer Kingdom. That is, until the king of Winter appears with his particular air of coldness. (Medieval AU)
Characters: Geralt of Rivia
Note: friday, my day, am i right?
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You turn your legs over the bench, feet dangling over the floor as you look at the king, dumbfounded and dozy. He sits in the chair by the table, toying with a grab between his fingers as he watches you. Your heart hammers behind your ears as your breath licks like flames in your lungs. You daren’t ask it aloud but what is he doing there? 
“I only meant to look in upon you,” King Geralt says as if he can hear your thoughts. “I fathomed the night was long tending to my wife and I would make sure you are well-rested.” 
“Your highness,” you stand and smooth the front of your shift, realising you wear nothing more. No dress, no apron. You feel vulnerable to his golden eyes as they follow your hands. The fabric pulls taut on your chest before you can right yourself. “I... Apologies, I am unkempt.” 
You search around and go to take your cap from where you hung it. You cover your shorn locks and tie it tight above your nape. The king’s eyes narrow at you. 
“What is the purpose of keeping your hair short?” He wonders as he drops the grape back to the plate. 
You look at him, shuddering, “I do not... it is only as I’ve been bid, your highness. In Debray, all the maids do so.” 
“You are not in Debray now,” he muses. 
You’re quiet. You’re not sure how to answer that. You gulp and grab the clean dress from the pile and throw it over your head. It hangs loose, not like Jazlene’s carefully cut and laced gowns. You reach for your apron and the king clears his throat. You stop and look at him. 
“Your highness?” You blink, still dazed by his unexpected appearance. 
“I did go to see the lady of Debray,” he intones, “she was in a poor state. She would not permit me in her chambers for her condition.” 
“Oh my, your highness, I am sorry to hear. Shall I go look in--” 
“She has maids a plenty,” he insists, “I hoped...” he leans forward and reaches to his belt. You notice the top of his slate grey tunic is untied and shows the trim of his chest hair, “to share a pastime with her. I hoped perhaps we might see past our differences at last and start our progress towards the kingdom. Alas, despite my warnings, she overindulged and has left herself incapacitated.” 
You stare at him, clutching the apron. He flicks his fingers dismissively as his other hand brings forth a pouch, “leave that. Come, sit.” 
You can only obey. You put the apron down and cross the chamber. As you near the table, he pushes the tray of dishes out of the way. You lower yourself onto a stool as he opens the mouth of the pouch. He pours out the rattling contents. Carved diced in varying shapes, symbols painted on each side, and man longer pieces that look like bone. 
“It is a game,” he explains as the contents roll out, “I’d like to teach you.” 
You look down as he sorts out the many pieces into sets. He is lithe in his arrangement. When he is down, he presses his hands flat to frame the assortment. 
“You don’t mind?” He wonders, “if you are tired still...” 
“Your highness, I am awake,” you rub your eyes and drop your hands to your lap. “A game? How do you play it?” 
You lean forward and he seems pleased by your intent. He curls his fingers and takes a breath. 
“It is like bartering at a market, or the like,” he begins, “you see how the pieces differ,” he points to the longer ones, “there are tick marks here,” he shows you how one has an ex, another a line this way and the next that way, and a circle in another. “We each have our dice,” he divides those up and pushes a set towards you, “it is a matter of trade and cost.” 
“Hmm,” you push your lip out, concentrating. 
He continues to explain the balancing and leveraging of each roll. How once you have collected all the pieces with a particular mark, you may wield a greater demand. You tilt your head thoughtfully, your own fingers drawing lines in the air as you make sense of his instruction. You think you understand but remain uncertain. 
“We may begin simple,” he intones. 
So suddenly are you swept up in the intricacy of the game, that your shock at his appearance dissipates. You can only think of the pieces as he rolls a die. Then the next. You follow his lead and when at last the first trade comes, you hear his offer but have no response. 
“You have a question?” He prompts. 
“I am thinking, your highness,” you squint as your forehead lines. 
“I can tell,” he says brightly. 
You peer up at him and smooth your expression. His cheek twitches as he leans back. You counter his offer and he clucks. 
“Mm, I see,” he rests his chin on his knuckles. 
He hands over his pieces and you bite the inside of your lip. You gather them to your side of the table and frown. You toy with the dice and wait. 
“Your turn,” he urges, “unless you are not having fun.” 
“It is an interesting game but I don’t want to be let to win,” you mutter. 
“I am not letting you win. It is the first turn and it is a long game,” he chides. 
“Mm, yes,” you pick through the dice, “your highness.” 
He exhales and leans on the armrest, “take your time. I am no hurry to be away.” 
You peer up at him and find his gaze set on you. You return your attention to the dice and toss them. He’s a king, should he have better things to do? 
“It appears you have bested me,” King Geralt sighs and puts his dice down, pressing his hand flat over them, “you have the mind of a councilour.” 
“Your highness,” you bring your hands back to wring in your lap.  
“Truly, you’ve taken well to it,” he remarks, “it has been some time since I had harrying competition.” 
You offer a slight curve of your lips and look away. The window is dulled as the sunlight descends. You blanch and slip forward on the chair. 
“Your highness,” you stand, “it is late. I should--” 
“You may remain,” he assures you as he shows his palm kindly, “no hurry, little maid.” 
“But... shouldn’t you--” you keep yourself from asking after his duty. That is not for you to mind, “the queen will need dinner.” 
“As I said before, this place is ripe with servants,” he says coolly, “you should sit and bask in the time you have off your feet.” 
You face him and slowly sit. He drags his fingers along the wooden armrest as his expression tightens. He watches you as his square jaw clenches, “unless you would rather be away from me?” 
You twist around to look at the door, then to him. 
“I will go wherever you command, your highness.” 
“Yes, yes,” his hand balls to a fist, “that is not what I...” he sighs with exasperation, “I want to know what you desire. What do you want? What do you need?” 
There’s a stirring in your chest as he leans slightly forward, his eyes alight. You peer into the golden pools and your lips part. He is a king and yet speaks as if he would serve you. 
“I...” you wisp and clamp your lips tight, measuring your words, “I want to serve you and the queen, your highness. I want to serve the realm.” 
He huffs again and grimaces, “for yourself. Not the queen, not me, not the people.” 
“Hmmm,” you look down and shrug. You shake your head. You can’t think of anything. “I have a new dress and a hot bath and good food. I can think of nothing. What of you, your highness? What do you want?” You lift your chin slowly, “just for you?” 
Your question seems to startle him. He winces and for a moment, seems breathless. He stands suddenly and takes a step forward. He’s close and you think he might lunge at you. You shy away, expecting the same wrath you inspire in the queen. He falters and backs away. 
“I want...” he grits and turns his back to you. 
He walks to the window and looks out onto the lawns. He hangs his head and grips the window’s edge. He lets out a gravelly sigh. 
“I want you...” he utters, “...to come walk with me in the gardens. I would like to do so before we must depart.” 
You rise again, “yes, your highness, I will put my shoes on then.” 
He puffs out into the deepening dusk. You can feel his frustration roiling from his figure. You grab the stockings and the shoes and return to the chair. You roll the stocking onto your foot and pull it up your leg, rumpling up one side of the skirt as you do. As you hike up the next, the king faces you, surprising you before you can drop the fabric back down to your toes. You sheepishly bend to put your shoes on, embarrassed. 
“Thank you, little maid,” he approaches and offers his hand, “for keeping a miserable king company.” 
You look at his hand. It’s big and calloused and lined like a map. The invitation seems overly friendly. You accept it, not so bold as to turn him away. 
“Your highness,” You murmur as he squeezes your hand then lets his arm fall straight, tugging you away from the table. 
Silently, he lets his grip brush from your hand and instead hooks his arm through yours. It is an overly familiar gesture but you allow it. What more can a maid do? As you near the door, he stops and untangles from you completely, stepping away as if struck by the oddity of his actions. He reaches for the door handle and inhales. 
He opens the door and steps into the corridor, you follow him, just a pace back. He looks over his shoulder at you then turns ahead. You scurry to keep up with his long strides. He stops at the end of the hallway and you nearly collide with his elbow. 
“I am not miserable because of you,” he angles his head towards you as he keeps his voice low, “if you worried...” he shakes his head at himself, “come, little maid.” 
You do as he says and trail him through the corridors. It is late and while soldiers remain on watch, most of the lords and ladies have tucked away for their evening meals. The king continues his unstoppable advance with you at his heels. Down a flight of stairs and across the great hall. 
Outside, several soldiers bow their heads at his passing and another nears. He dismisses them without a word. You carry on, sensing how his mood darkens with the sky. You’re uncertain of his demeanour, so suddenly shifting from affable to affronted. You didn’t say what he wanted and now he is unhappy. He can be rather like his wife. 
He stalks onward to the archway that marks the green gardens of the capital castle. He passes between the leafy pillars and stops to look this way then that, then opts to walk along the middle row. You flit between the hedges behind him as the sky ripples with the looming night and a cool breeze stirs around your skirts. 
He is silent as he walks, almost as if he’s forgotten you. You wonder if you fall out of step, if you are lost behind him, would he even notice? Finally, he slows before a pond dug into the center of the gardens, amid lilies and daisies and blue bells. The moon shines down and reflects off the tepid pool. 
He treads around the edge of the pond as you stand by the bushes. He circles around to a wooden bench and sits. His shoulders slouch and he leans his head back. The silver light limns his strong features. When he opens his eyes, they glow as they did in your dream. 
“I have come this far, I have conquered as I vowed to, I have vanquished the old king,” he speaks to the sky, “I have done all I sought to and yet I am wanting.” 
You dip your head, sad for him. You might assume a king would be happy for all his gold and power. That a crown would bring delight as much as glory. All you see is a man in mourning. For all he’s won, he’s lost just as much. Loyal men and many months. 
“I have a wife who is petulant, I have an ally who is cowardice, and I have nothing left here to claim,” he continues, “should I remain any longer, I might give it all up.” 
He hangs his head and leans forward, gripping the edge of the bench. He sits in silence as he watches the water. A frog hops onto a large stone protruding from the shallows and steals your attention. You watch it leap again and again until it meets the other side. 
“Little maid...” the sultry purr crawls over you and you glance over to find the king observing you, “sit with me.” 
You shiver and cautiously make your way around the pond. You near him and sit at the end of the bench opposite him. You fixate on the moonlit water. He leans to grab your wrist and hauls you closer. You sidle down until you are almost against him. He slips his hand around yours, covering it in his grasp. He pulls it onto his thigh and rests it there. 
He clings to you just like that. You feel a pluck in your chest for him. He has a wife who should share in his troubles but she is too buried in the anguish she made for herself. Yet, she is not there, and you are; a paltry substitute for what he truly needs. 
Silence pervades the night but for the chirping of insects and the sweet singing of birds. The king’s grasp on you tightens, then lessens, and tightens again. He eases his hold entirely and pets your hand. 
“Will you play another game with me?” His timbre is silty as he looks over at you. 
“A game, your highness?” You babble. 
He hums and nods, “a child’s game,” he explains, “it is simple.” He sits straight and pushes back his hair, “you will run and I will catch you.” 
Your heart lurches. Your lashes flutter. You played the game before, when you were young, with the queen even. But that was years ago and you were smaller and faster. You look at the king. 
“Your highness,” you utter. 
“It’s my command,” he says, “run.” 
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joongernaut · 1 year
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⇢ pairing(s): park seonghwa x reader
⇢ genres: childhood friends to almost strangers to lovers, SMUT, fluff, a little angst but literally just a smidge
⇢ warnings: tooth-rotting fluff (i could not help myself with this one), subby-ish seonghwa because we love desperate men around here, oral sex (fem receiving), vaginal sex, cowgirl, reader gets called 'noona' once, creampie (i simply forgot to write in a condom but practice safe sex everyone!)
⇢ word count: 3955
⇢ author's note: well this took a bit longer than expected but i was able to proofread and tie up the loose ends on this fic last night and now here we are! this is also my way of wiggling into writing for ateez more as they are one of my favorite groups 😁 also the song title is based off the song glitter by jamilah barry <3 enjoyyy
“Did you know your little boyfriend is back in town?”
The question stopped you in mid-sip of your cup of tea as you peered over the rim of the mug at your roommate, Hongjoong. He peered back over his own mug with a little smirk on his face and a lift of his eyebrow.
Slowly bringing the mug down you let out a heavy sigh. “Oh, I’ve only heard the news about a hundred times. Kinda hard to forget, y’know,” You bit back with a sarcastic smile, “Also, he was never my boyfriend. Why does everyone keep saying that shit?”
“Hm, I really don't know,” Hongjoong said with a shrug, taking a drawn out sip from his coffee before speaking again, “It’s not like the guy followed you around like a lost puppy before and you let him. Honestly, I’m a little surprised you two didn't tie the knot right after high school, I was so sure you would be childhood sweethearts turned old, disgusting married couple.”
Hongjoong hissed as your foot kicked at his shin from under the table, glaring at him before you finally downed the contents of your mug. “God, you all are so annoying! First, my own family and now you? I don’t care if he’s in town, okay? We haven't talked in like 5 years and I highly doubt that I’d see him anyways. It’s whatever.” You said exasperatedly, chair scraping against the floor as you got up to place the empty mug into the kitchen sink.
“What if you do see him, though?” Hongjoong asked, the question once again catching you off guard. “What if he hasn't forgotten about you in the slightest in those years you two have spent apart?” He pressed on with a pointed look, watching your mouth open and close as you blinked over at him.
Park Seonghwa, from what you recalled years ago, was a very sweet boy.
You remember the first day you had met him, walking into your elementary homeroom class clinging to his mother with a thumb in his mouth and fat tears rolling down his face as he refused to let her go.
You were only 2 years older than him but still had felt the overwhelming need to protect him from any harm. And that's also how you two became close friends.
When Seonghwa would fall down and scrape his knee or elbow, you were there telling him not to cry while dusting him off and helping him get back up. When he wanted to be like the bigger kids, who were taller and strong enough to get on certain parts of the playground, you were there to encourage him and give him a boost. And when his eyes sparkled with curiosity, wanting to learn more about this and that as he gained new interests, you were there to talk and listen to him ramble on and on about anything and everything.
That Seonghwa was the one you hadn’t seen in years. You had been really good friends leading all the way up to high school and then slowly drifted apart during that time. Once college had begun, it was like he dropped off the face of the earth and you didn't hear from him for a while.
It wasn't like you to be stuck on anybody for too long, you watched many people come and go into your life before. But Seonghwa wasn't just anybody and you couldn't help but wonder about the crybaby often and what he had been up to lately.
Okay so maybe you did care just a little bit that he had come back to town. But did it really matter? After all, neither of you really made the effort to reach out to one another after going your separate ways.
You shook your head, pushing those fleeting thoughts away before you reminisced too deeply. “Like I said, I highly doubt it.” You mumbled with a shrug before turning away, a part of you truly doubtful while a sliver of yourself remained hopeful.
You were home alone the very next day. Usually Hongjoong would be the one to stay inside while you were out and about but he had run off to god knows where and he insisted that you stay at the apartment to relax. “Because you deserve it.” He had told you with a wink.
So, naturally, you were suspicious.
Not that Hongjoong was an untrustworthy person or anything but this almost, overly-nice front he had put on since this morning was just a little off-putting. Before you could really begin to question him, he had already flown out of the door and was barely responding to your text messages.
He did make sure to tell you to listen out for the door, however, as he said he was ‘expecting something’. You had almost forgotten about whatever that ‘something’ would be, hours into the afternoon, until you heard the sound of knocking coming from the front door of your apartment.
Dreading on leaving the comfort of your spot on the couch, you heaved a sigh before getting up from your seat and dragged yourself over to the door to answer it. “Hello-” You swung the door open and were immediately greeted by someone's chest in your line of vision. Your eyes traveled upward and you felt your breath catch in your throat.
“Y/N… It’s good to see you again.”
The man before you looked much different from the last time you had seen him. But even with the big and little changes in his appearance and how he seemed to carry himself differently, you could still tell exactly who he was just based on the look in his eyes.
“Seonghwa,” You gaped, still not entirely sure if you were seeing him in front of you or just hallucinating after watching TV all day, “H-How… How did you…?” You trailed off with furrowed brows as he gave you a sheepish look in return.
“Ah, sorry, this is rather impromptu of me. I bumped into Hongjoong a few days ago when I first got back and he mentioned you two were roommates so…” Now it was his turn to trail off as a small blush formed on his cheeks. You mentally cursed at Hongjoong, finally putting the pieces together that he had set this all up. You didn't know whether to kiss him or kill him.
“I see,” You muttered, reminding yourself to shoot the little mastermind a colorfully worded text later, “Well, please, don't be shy. Come in, come in.” You insisted, a smile spreading across your face genuinely as you stepped to the side for him to enter.
Seonghwa smiled back gently, a sight that made your heart soar as you saw a flash of the boy you used to know appear for a split second before he stepped over the threshold.
It had been hours of just talking and catching up with Seonghwa. You had learned that he was finishing up his last year of college soon, reaching to earn his degree in astronomy, and planned to move out of his dorm and into a place of his own nearby. The university he had attended was well out into the city, roughly 8 hours away, meanwhile you had attended your local college in town and graduated with your art degree about a year or so ago.
“Definitely not as cool as studying the stars and planets, though. I’m like the definition of a starving artist.” You chuckled, albeit a bit bitterly, facing Seonghwa as you propped your elbow over the back of the couch and tucked your legs underneath yourself.
Seonghwa had turned to face you as well but a bit awkward in body language, one leg crossed over the other as his hands remained in his lap stiffly. “Ah, it's not all that interesting. Trust me. Once math is involved, then you’ll see what I mean.” He said, earning another laugh from you that made his shoulders less tense and a fond smile spread on his face.
“You were always the artistic type, though. That’s something I’ve always liked and admired about you. Never afraid to be yourself… Just being able to think of something so creatively, from a vastly different perspective than anyone else, and turning it into something so beautiful. That’s always been pretty cool to me.” He went on, leaving you a bit stunned at his words.
“Hwa…” The old nickname slipped from your lips in a whispered tone and his eyes found yours, locking onto them as a few seconds passed by in stretched silence. Seonghwa opened his mouth to speak again, hesitating at first before licking his lips, and asked, “Can I tell you something?”
Words felt like they would fail you right now so you simply nodded for him to continue. Seonghwa swallowed the lump in his throat before speaking again. “I’m really happy that you still remember me. I know that's silly to say because it's only been a couple of years but I wouldn't know how to feel if you acted as if I was a complete stranger…” He said, looking away with an almost pained expression despite the smile still on his face.
“I would never! We were important to each other back then.” You told him, scooting closer to him on the couch as you reached out to place your hand over his own. Seonghwa’s eyes shot down toward the movement, feeling the warmth of you from your body’s proximity and your fingers touching him so delicately, then back up to your face. “And now? He questioned, hopeful, as he placed one of his hands over yours and squeezed.
You squeezed his hand back and sighed. “I was scared of the same thing… that you would forget about me or pretend like you did. Or you would see me and want nothing to do with me so I figured I’d try to avoid you... But after you showed up and we talked, it feels like you never really left at all.” You admitted, feeling Seonghwa subtly shuffle closer to you.
“I thought about you almost all of the time during the years we spent not with each other, Y/N. I don't think I could forget you even if I tried.” He admitted back, similar to the words Hongjoong had said to you the other day. That had to have been something Hongjoong had heard him say when they bumped into each other and you mentally noted to punch the man whenever he got home.
Right now, however, you were going to focus on Seonghwa and what you wanted to do next.
Your hand came up to wrap around the back of his neck and he froze, his body stiffening as you leaned in close until your lips were a breath away from his own. “Tell me if this is okay. I want to show you how important you still are to me.” You murmured, the movement of your lips lightly brushing against Seonghwa’s causing him to exhale shakily.
A quick nod was all the confirmation you needed before diving in, catching his mouth in a deep kiss. You untangled your other hand from his lap and brought it up to join the one around his neck as you pulled him closer, crawling your way into his lap in the process until you were straddling one of his thighs.
Seonghwa’s body shook slightly underneath you, his hands hovering over your sides as if he were hesitating to touch. You pulled away briefly, nibbling at his bottom lip before tugging it and making him groan. “You can touch me.” You said, sensing his hesitation, and started to lick the seam of his parted lips.
He let you in with no resistance, the feeling of your tongue against his wet and probing as his hands gripped onto your waist tightly.
You licked in to Seonghwa’s mouth eagerly as you started to move forward until he was effectively pushed onto his back with ease. Feeling breathless, you parted from his mouth again to catch yourself but started to trail your lips from the side of his face to his neck where you began to bite and suck at the sensitive skin there.
“Y/N…” He gasped before letting out a whiny moan. Your eyes flitted up to his face to take in the sight of Seonghwa— already looking debauched and fucked out, and you barely even started. “What do you want, Hwa?” You mumbled against his skin and he shivered at the sensation.
“Whatever you want. You take the lead. Please.” Seonghwa replied in a strained voice, holding onto you as if you were a lifeline.
When you suddenly pulled away from him and stood up, Seonghwa shot up in panic wondering if he had said something wrong until you put your hand out for him to take wordlessly.
He kept his mouth shut and took it, letting you guide him all the way to your bedroom where you closed the door behind him with a click of the lock, officially sealing your fate together.
“You told me to take the lead, right?” You questioned once you were facing Seonghwa again, slowly approaching him. Your finger traced small shapes onto his chest as you backed him up into the bed, the back of his knees hitting the edge and making him sit down.
His ass hadn't been on the bed for more than 3 seconds before Seonghwa slid off of it and onto his knees in front of you, peering up with wide expectant eyes. “Yes. You can do whatever you want to me, I’ll enjoy anything you give me.” His tone of voice sounded airy as he uttered those words and you couldn't help but run your fingers through his hair as he leaned into your touch.
“You’re already on your knees for me… surely you already had something in mind.” You smirked at him teasingly, watching him shift under your gaze. “Can I…?” He trailed off questioningly as his eyes flickered quickly from your face to the crotch of your sweatpants and back up again. Heat pooled in the pit of your stomach seeing how eager he was to please. Eager to please you.
You tugged your sweatpants down until they dropped unceremoniously onto the floor, kicking away the article of clothing before stepping closer to Seonghwa. His breathing had gotten shallow once his eyes fell onto your panty-covered pussy, the thin layer of the material leaving little to the imagination. The small wet spot he could see near the center made his cock twitch, straining against his pants.
Seonghwa’s hands gently grazed along your ankles first, gradually going higher from there to the back of your knees and up the back up your thighs. A small shiver raked through you when his fingers traced the lining of your underwear, slipping under the band a little as he grabbed ahold of your ass.
“A-Ah… Hwa…” You moaned softly when he pressed you forward into his face and placed a lingering kiss onto your mound right where your clit was. You took a step closer to him, pressing his face fully into your pussy now, and what little hold he had of his composure immediately slipped.
Seonghwa groaned as he buried his face into every crevice he could fit into, his long tongue rolling out of his mouth so he could run it along the moist material messily. “Knew you’d taste good,” He mumbled against the inside of your thigh, “Smell good, too. I could only dream about something like this happening in real life.” He added before latching his lips onto your clit and sucking the bud through the fabric. This plus the friction of your panties still covering your pussy was enough to make your body lurch forward a bit.
The back of Seonghwa’s head was now pressed against the edge of the bed, pinned between the comforter as you began to grind against his face.
“You should've told me sooner. I think I like seeing you like this.” You told him with a breathless giggle, swiveling your hips as Seonghwa tried to follow every movement to the best of his ability. He didn't mind it. You were using him to pleasure yourself and he couldn't be any more happier.
His grip on your ass had tightened when he felt you begin to back up and you rubbed your thumb against his wrist to make him loosen his hold. “I just wanna move onto the bed, Hwa.” You reassured him and he reluctantly let go. Despite not being completely bare, the evidence of your arousal shined like a gloss on Seonghwa’s bruised lips when you got a good look at him.
You crawled onto your bed, peeling your shirt and dampened panties off before throwing them somewhere you’d worry about later, and waited for Seonghwa to join you. Realizing your lack of underwear now, he followed along until he was stripped bare and crawled slowly up the bed until he was situated between your spread thighs.
Seonghwa’s eyes stayed locked onto your own as he trailed kisses along the inside of your thigh, bringing his face closer and closer until he could finally taste you without restriction or barriers.
The first swipe of Seonghwa’s tongue starting slowly from your hole up to your clit had your legs spreading out wider for him. And when his plump lips wrapped around your clit sucking earnestly, you felt your eyes nearly roll to the back of your head as you reached out to grip his hair roughly.
Seonghwa groaned, muffled by his ministrations, and the vibration of it made your hips buck up. He unlatched himself from your clit briefly only to laser focus his attention on dipping his tongue into your hole to lap up whatever juices started to leak from it.
“Hwa,” His name came out in a shuddered moan as you placed your hands on his shoulders and squeezed to get his attention, “I really need you.”
Seonghwa’s response came delayed, spending a couple extra minutes using his tongue to simply savor your taste before he made his way up your body where his mouth came crashing into yours. “You have me, baby.” He panted between open-mouthed kisses as his hand came up between your bodies to grab ahold of his throbbing cock.
“Do I?” You smirked against his mouth, nudging his hand out of the way so you could wrap your own around his length. Seonghwa gasped lightly, bucking up into the tight ring of your fist. “You think you could switch places with me, baby?” You purred as you stroked his cock languidly. It didn't take long for him to carefully flip the two of you over and have you hovering above him.
“Fuck, you're–” Seonghwa breathed out, eyes glued to your face as you rubbed the tip of his dick through your folds, “you’re just as beautiful as I always remembered but this is truly a sight.” He said while trailing his hands along your thighs then higher up to your hips where he held onto them as you lined him up to your entrance.
The breach stung a bit once you started to sink down onto him and Seonghwa rubbed his thumbs gently into your hip bones as you took your time taking him all the way inside of you. “I’m starting to believe that crush everyone keeps saying you had on me.” You sighed out once your pelvic bone met his, moving your hips slowly in small circles as you relished the way Seonghwa felt so deep inside of you.
“Have,” Seonghwa corrected as he tried to keep himself still under your movements, twitching every time he felt your walls constrict around his cock, “I think it was obvious to everyone but you.” He licked at his lips before tucking his bottom lip between his teeth when you lifted yourself up momentarily only to sink yourself back down onto him.
Picking up a steady pace now, not going too fast or too slow, you simply enjoyed the way Seonghwa stretched you out and filled you up with every movement of your hips. A whimper-like sound punched out of him when you came back down just a little bit harder, clenching around his cock, and you cooed at the noise. “Poor baby. Am I at least making it up to you well?” You pouted at him with a tilt of your head, smoothing a hand down his chest soothingly.
“Noona,” Seonghwa whined, your body immediately stiffening at the sound of his voice sounding so wrecked, “Please, please go faster.”
You obliged without question, deciding that you would have a chance to tease him another time. You pressed your hand down flat on Seonghwa’s chest and used it as leverage to ride him the way you knew you would both love; bouncing on his dick as he thrusted upward involuntarily to meet the action.
This helps Seonghwa to go a little bit deeper, the head of his cock brushing along your walls just right until he hits directly at the spot that has you quivering above him.
You can barely hold yourself up and soon feel your arm give out as you bow your back and press your foreheads together. “Feel s-so good, baby…” You muttered while staring into Seonghwa’s eyes. His half-lidded gaze stared back briefly before pressing your mouths together in an intimate kiss.
He then caught you off guard by starting to buck up into you, almost frantically, as he wrapped his arms around your body and pressed you to his chest. “Cum with me, please, please, please–” Seonghwa begged, seemingly right on the edge of cumming.
Thankfully you weren't too far behind him with the way he had started to desperately fuck into you. And with the remaining body strength you could muster, you rode him with just as much urgency while still pressed closely to his chest.
Seonghwa had been the first to tip over, pleading over and over again until his voice became slightly hoarse. He stilled himself deep inside of you before you felt warmth filling you up in spurts, a pretty drawn out moan falling from his lips as you clenched around him tightly and followed suit.
You whimpered as Seonghwa helped you ride it out, his hands placed on your waist to help you grind down against him and giving your clit some added friction.
Feeling boneless, but most of all satiated, you finally collapsed against him as he started to rub along your back and traced over your spine. The delicate feeling of his fingers sent a tingle throughout your being that you could only chalk up to the resurfacing of those feelings you had kept hidden so deep within.
Seonghwa attempted to sit up and you grumbled in protest causing a laugh to escape him. “We have to get cleaned up.” He reasoned but you only clung on to him tighter as he rose and had you seated on his lap. “Will you stay afterwards?” You asked quietly, hope laced into your tone with a hint of vulnerability. Because now that you had him in your life again you would be damned to see him go so quickly.
“Of course. I’m not going anywhere without you again.” Seonghwa said, leaning forward to press his lips chastely against your forehead before looking at you with eyes full of love and sincerity.
Those same eyes that always held the stars in them that sparkled like glitter and reassured you that he would be right by your side for as long as you would let him.
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munsonhoneybaby · 9 months
i’d love to see a drabble or a blurb with eddie and the fishnets👀
yet again this one got away from me lol so it's a little long for a drabble but i hope you enjoy !!
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: 18+ mdni, smut, grinding, oral (f receiving), fingering
A/N: takes place in the too much in common realm but isn't a part of the main series !! song is witchy woman by the eagles <3
In a town like Hawkins, there weren’t many occasions that fishnets were suitable for. So, by the time you did eventually wear them again, you had pretty much forgotten about the ‘promise’ you’d made Eddie. He hadn’t, of course.
“Are you sure we have to go, baby?” His fingers clawed at your hips through the thin black dress you wore. “C’mon, let’s just stay in tonight.”
“I didn’t just spend two hours getting ready to ‘stay in’. Plus, I’m excited. I like getting out of town and doing things every now and then, and Steve said this place is supposed to be really cool.” You eyed him in the mirror as you swiped on some lip gloss. The red of his button-up was so deep it was almost black, tucked into his black jeans with the top three buttons undone. Silver chains hung from his belt loops, matching his rings and the barbell in his tongue that had just recently finished healing. Another silver chain sat around his wrist which was soon joined by a hair tie, his boots thudding heavily– even on the carpet– when he grabbed it from your nightstand.
“I don’t know how much of a club person I’m gonna be,” He warned you. “I don’t really dance.”
“Just because you don’t doesn’t mean you can’t,” You pointed out. “And you don’t really have to dance, I’m not expecting you to waltz. You just have to grind on me, and that I know you can do.”
He gave a conceding sigh. “Fine, I guess if it’s an excuse to dry hump you in public we can go.”
“Ever the romantic, Munson.”
The others were already ordering the first round when you got there, the bartender passing out shots until you reached the bar and Steve pushed two more toward you. “Took you guys long enough!” He called over the music.
“Can’t rush perfection, Harrington.” Grabbing the small glass, you passed the other one to Eddie. Knocking it back, you determined it was vodka and not tequila with a grateful nod to Robin. “Are we getting a table?”
“You two grab one, I wanna get another round!” Robin shouted back with enthusiasm.
Flashing her a thumbs up, you grabbed a hold of Eddie’s hand and ushered him toward a big, dimly lit corner booth. “There’s a lot ‘a people here,” He observed as you set your purse on the table.
“I don’t know what you mean.” Drawing him in with your arms around his neck, you hummed, “Just you ‘n me, as far as I’m concerned.”
He palmed at your ass through the silky black satin of your dress as he countered, “The things I’d do to you if it were just you ‘n me would get us arrested if I did them here, babe.”
“Alright, you guys can play grab-ass in a minute, we’re doing more shots!” Steve called as the three of them approached the table, all of them carrying at least one.
“No more for me, I’ve gotta take her home after all this.” Leaning over your shoulder, he prepared to push it back across the table to Steve but was stopped by your hand over his.
“Uh, excuse you. I can drink for two, thank you.” Holding his hands up in surrender, he raised his eyebrows, making a smile crack through your falsely offended expression. He didn’t blink as he watched you swallow down one shot after the other. A clear droplet escaped your mouth, rolling down your neck to disappear between the valley of your breasts and into your dress. He could so vividly imagine how it would taste to follow the intoxicating trail with his tongue.
His gaze was ripped from your chest by the snap of Steve’s fingers, who was giving him a knowing, playfully chastising look. “Could you keep it in your pants a little while longer, Munson?”
You were too engrossed in a conversation with Nancy to pay them any mind as he responded. “Shh, you’re gonna get me in trouble. And I’ll have you know, I have the patience of a saint,” He added unconvincingly.
That finally got your attention, making you let out a little snort. “Oh-kay, babe, if you say so.”
“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?”
“Just c’mon, I’m ready to dance!”
“You mean you’ve drank enough to now?” He scoffed as you dragged him away from the table.
“Yep!” The music vibrated through the floors as you led him through the half-crowded dance floor. You weaved through the various friends, couples, and parties until you found a comfortable gap. Your boyfriend just chuckled and shook his head.
Turning to face him, you let your arms settle loosely around his neck once again as you moved to the music. His hands squeezed at your waist before moving lower to knead at the small of your back. The two of you eyed each other lovingly, with you brushing a few unruly strands of hair back from his face as he admired the hazy halo the lights cast around you. Before you could think of something to say to excuse your silent drooling, the sound of the next song beginning distracted you. The soft, deep thrum of guitars and bass had the faintest excited gasp escaping your lips. “I love this song!”
raven hair and ruby lips
sparks fly from her fingertips
echoed voices in the night
she’s a restless spirit on an endless flight
His hands held you steady as you bowed back ever so slightly, head tilting as you swayed in his arms. You slowly began to wind your hips in time with the music, silently mumbling the chorus. Eddie smiled softly, humming along as he watched your eyes fall closed.
woo-hoo, witchy woman
see how high she flies
woo-hoo, witchy woman
she got the moon in her eye
He caught you by surprise when he took both of your hands, spinning you and bringing his arms over your head to cross around your waist. You giggled and squealed quietly, tilting your head to look over your shoulder at him as your back pressed to his chest. “See, Munson, you’ve got moves!”
“As long as I still don’t have t’a dust off my waltz, I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve,” He promised.
she held me spellbound in the night
dancin’ shadows and firelight
crazy laughter in another room
and she drove herself to madness with a silver spoon
You could already feel him half-hard against you as you wound your hips more intently. Eddie’s fingers dragged up your fishnet-covered thighs, lifting the skirt of your dress dangerously high before moving to grab at your waist again. “Driving me fuckin’ crazy, baby. Know I love you so much, right?”
Head falling back against his chest, you gazed up at him with glossy eyes and a tipsy grin. “I love you too, Eds. Love you so much.” His hands wandered, rubbing over your sides and your stomach as his hips ground into you. Your own hand reached back to wind into his hair, curls growing frizzier in the warmth of the club. Goosebumps began to raise on your skin when he mouthed sloppily at your neck, teeth grazing a sensitive spot before lifting to tug at your earlobe. With the way the blood was rushing in his veins and his head was starting to swim, he may as well have been as drunk as you. The sweet smell of your perfume and the taste of your skin was still enough to make the room spin.
woo-hoo, witchy woman
see how high she flies
woo-hoo, witchy woman
she got the moon in her eye
Far be it from him to complain when you grabbed him by the wrist, pulling him in the direction of the bathroom before the song could even reach its instrumental break. You had never been so grateful for a single-person restroom in your life. Eddie hissed and laughed when you let the door slam shut, fingers clawing at the buttons of his shirt as he reached around you to lock it.
You only managed to get two of the buttons undone before his hand covered yours, pressing it against his chest to stop you as he chuckled softly. “Baby, baby– not here.”
Huffing, you pouted up at him. “Then why’d you let me bring you in here?”
“Well, it wasn’t to strip naked in a public bathroom,” He confirmed. Urging you backward, he didn’t stop until your lower back met the sink counter. “I do seem to remember a promise a certain someone made me a couple months ago, though.”
“Eddie,” You whine. Clutching at his shirt, you tried to draw his body to yours completely as he stood between your legs. “I don’t remember, just touch me. I’ll do whatever you want me to later, but–”
“Oh, I’m gonna need that in writing, babe. Right now, though, you just have to lean back and spread your legs f’me. Okay, sweet girl?”
Nodding, you were already sighing in relief when his hands guided your thighs back toward your chest. He peeled your panties to the side from underneath your fishnets, and it wasn’t until you felt his tongue drag through the wetness he found there that you finally remembered the oh-so-important promise you’d made. 
well, i know you want a lover; let me tell you, brother
she’s been sleepin’ in the devil’s bed
and there’s some rumors going ‘round, someone’s underground
she can rock you in the nighttime ‘til your skin turns red
You were already a mess, your dress bunched around your waist and straps falling off your shoulders. Your disheveled hair wouldn’t be so easy to fix, but it was clear to see you had little concern for what your fellow patrons would think. No, you were too focused on the feeling of Eddie sliding two fingers into you as his tongue ring massaged your clit.
If he were a responsible boyfriend, he would remind you to quiet down, but he just couldn’t help himself. He loved when you got drunk– loved when he could see the tension in your shoulders melt away and you got warm, and giggly, and loud– loved when you’d moan and gasp his name without even realizing you were doing it because the first and only thing you were thinking about was how good he made you feel. 
So, when you cried out that you were gonna come, he didn’t stop. He didn’t hush you, or cover your mouth with his hand. He just crooked his fingers to the spot he knew always made your insides melt and hummed encouragingly against the wet warmth of your cunt, mesmerized by the sight of you writhing on the counter before him.
Hips still twitching with the aftershocks of your orgasm, you pulled him to you for a sloppy kiss that had him panting like a dog in heat. The doe-eyed look you gave him when you finally spoke was almost enough to make him drop to his knees for you a second time. “Take me home, Eds.”
woo-hoo, witchy woman
see how high she flies
woo-hoo, witchy woman
she got the moon in her eye
314 notes · View notes
moonlightndaydreams · 1 month
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Limbo - part 4
Pairing: Lee Minho x fem reader x Han Jisung
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9
Synopsis: Lee Minho is the mysterious new accountant at your workplace, and he seems to have his sights set on you. But things aren't so simple when your ex boyfriend Han comes back into the picture. Can you and Minho make it work, or will you get back with Han?
Spoiler: Happy ending, eventual poly minsung.
Chapter Summary: You and Minho work back, things get steamy.
MDNI / smut
Taglist: open.
A/n: this story may be familiar to some. It’s a rework of one of my older stories where I’ve now changed my fem lead to be reader.
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CW: this chapter - workplace flirting, potentially inappropriate behaviour, alcohol (one drink), choking, using a tie as a collar, stripping, blowjobs, face riding, office sex, protetcted p in v sex, rough sex, tender sex, comfort, pet names, safeword (not used), sex where you could get caught, pet names (kitten, but that's standard for minho)
A few night’s later, you found yourself working back at the office again. You seemed to do this a lot when Binnie and Hyunjin were in full gossip mode, which was happening more and more frequently now they had more to gossip about. They made it their personal mission to keep an eye on Minho “keeping an eye on you”. They were certain he was infatuated with you. But all you knew for certain was that you weren't getting your work done.
Eventually, you decided to call it a night. You packed your bag and turned off the light to the office, closing the door behind you as you left your workspace. The hallway was dark, except for a light coming from up the hallway. Someone had forgotten to turn their light off, or, someone was working back. Other than yourself, who in their right mind would be working back?
As you got closer to the source of the light you could tell it was coming from the accountant’s office. Minho’s office. You stopped short. What if Minho was in there? You weighed up whether to go ahead and see, or to turn and run the other way.
"Come on y/n, get a grip. You’re a mature woman, not a silly girl." Your words did not snap you out of it.
But before your head could make up it's mind what to do, you were walking forward towards his office, catching a glimpse of him through the glass window as you approached.
It was indeed Minho. He was sitting at his desk, jacket off, sleeves rolled up, head in hands, fingers tangled through his hair. He looked stressed. Paperwork was strewn all over his desk and he looked fucking exhausted.
You stopped at the doorway and knocked.
Minho looked up, startled, a wry smile crossed his face.
"No singing and dancing this evening, Kitten?" he tried to tease, but his words held no humour.
You pretended you didn’t hear his quip and wandered into the room. Your eyes scanned all the documents around him. It looked like a mess. Minho looked tired and fed up, and he reminded you of how you felt when she thought it was a great idea to buy some Ikea furniture only to find yourself in the middle of her living room floor, pieces all about you, and no idea where to put them. It was only a lamp table for fucks sake. Although after that you became an Ikea whiz and could put a bookshelf together in record time.
You weren't sure what to say. “Are you okay?” you managed, sitting down in the chair on the other side of his desk. He didn’t answer, so you took one of the documents to see what they were about. You probably shouldn’t be looking, but Minho didn’t stop you. The look of despair on his face began to worry you. 
“What’s happened?” you looked at him closely.
Minho laughed manically. “It’s…” he began. He didn’t look like he was up for telling you, but he surprised you with his next sentence. “Can you help me, y/n?” He waved his hands, gesturing over the strewn documents.
You looked down at the documents once again, taking a closer look at what they were. It looked like a report of some kind. At least five hundred pages of report, each page had holes down the side as if they had once been spiral bound.
“It’s the annual report.” Minho’s face changed from bewildered to pissed off. “I found it on my desk like this.” Again he gestured over the mess.
“I have to present this to the board meeting tomorrow.” his brow creased as he frowned.
You knew what he was asking. He wanted you to help him put the pages back in order. You sighed and picked up a bunch of the paper, scanning them, and began to rifle through the other mini piles on the desk.
“If we can find the contents page then we can at least get some order going on.” 
He looked at you thoughtfully, seemingly approving of your idea.
You both spent the next several hours piecing together the report, tediously and meticulously cross checking with the contents page, and using your judgement of what looked like the right order.
After a while Minho sat back in his chair, loosened his tie and stretched his arms up above his head. He drew in a deep breath and exhaled fully. Then he rested his gaze on you.
“Have you been avoiding me?” he asked all of a sudden.
“Huh?” You looked up from your busyness. You thought for a moment. “Hmm…no.” You shook your head.
“I hope not. I just… I thought we’d have more interactions than we do.”
You didn’t know what to say to that. “Um, well I guess my department and yours don’t really need to interact all that much.” You shifted your attention back to the paperwork.
You could feel Minho’s eyes fixed on you. Your cleared your throat awkwardly and looked up. “What?” You queried. “Why are you looking at me like that?” You eyed him suspiciously. Fuck, he was gorgeous. Suddenly aware of the tension filling the room, you quickly averted your eyes back to the report. Your cheeks felt flushed and your mouth dry.
“Thank you… for helping me.” He said low, still watching you.
You smiled in return, meeting his eyes again. You didn’t expect a man like him to have asked for help, let alone thank you with such sincerity. “Of course.” You said brightly but your insides were melting. You needed a distraction. “You know what?” You looked at Minho. “I think it’s coffee time, again.”
The two of you had been using the smaller kitchenette on your floor of the building rather the main one in the communal breakout area. You boiled the kettle and Minho spooned out more of that dreadful instant coffee. You'd lost count of the number of coffees you'd had so far tonight.
Minho screwed the lid back on the jar and turned to you, smirking. “So, y/n, tell me,” he leaned in close to your face grinning. “do you have a boyfriend?”
“What?” You shrieked. “What kind of question is that? Has no one taught you manners Mr Lee Minho.” You scowled.
Minho simply laughed. “Hey, I was only wondering if you had anyone at home who is subjected to your ridiculous dancing. That’s all.”
Your mouth hung open in disgust. “I can’t believe you’re such a shit stirrer? Can’t you just let it go about my dancing? Please?” You attempted to playfully punch him in the chest, but Minho was too quick. He grabbed your wrist, moving it back to your side, and gently pressed your back against the edge of the bench.
“You’re a feisty one, aren’t you, kitten?” Not that word again? He stood so close you thought he was about kiss you. His eyes were fixed on your lips, like he needed to taste them. But then he pulled away at the last second to finish making the coffees like nothing had happened. You shook your head to try and bring yourself back to reality. Did you just hallucinate? Was he playing some weird game with you? Was he interested in you?
“Let’s go get this finished, yeah?” he called over his shoulder as he headed back to the office holding the coffees.
What the actual fuck just happened?
You continued to work on the report deep into the night. Every now and then you could feel Minho’s eyes drift over to you and linger for far longer than they should. It made you feel self-conscious, and lose focus on the task at hand. Please don’t look at me like that, you thought and swallowed hard. When you felt he wasn’t watching you, you would steal a glance at his toned arms, licking your lips at the sight of the protruding veins in his forearms and hands. It kept on happening, this back and forth between you.
“Oh my God! I think we’re finally done!” Your face lit up. You jumped out of your seat and held up her hands for Minho to high five. Minho appeared more relieved than excited, but he obliged in returning your gesture by slapping his hands against yours.
“I need more coffee.” You slumped back down in your chair and looked longingly into your empty coffee cup.
Minho opened his desk draw and pulled out a bottle of rum along with two glasses. You raised an eyebrow. Minho scoffed at your expression, standing up and walking around to the side of the desk where you sat.
“Fuck!” You checked the time on your phone. “It’s four o’clock!”
“It’s too late for coffee. Here.” He stated holding a glass out for you, then filled your cup. He took his own empty cup and the bottle of rum over to the two seater sofa at the other end of his office. You felt his gaze still on you as he sighed and relaxed into the cushion.
He filled his own cup, then plonked the bottle on the coffee table and slouched back into the sofa. His long fingers loosened his tie further and then he unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt with one hand, revealing part of his chest.
The entire time he stared at you with an expression that made your stomach flip and desire pool between your legs. You couldn’t break from his gaze. Fuck. He looked like he wanted to eat you. His parted lips making you part yours too, as intrusive thoughts of what it might feel like to kiss him entered your mind.
He patted the cushion next to him “y/n, come sit with me.”
“I’m quite fine. Thank you.” You coughed.
Minho shrugged as if to say “Oh well, whatever”, and took a swig of his drink and leaned back and closed his eyes. Was he waiting for you to go sit next to him?
You screwed up your nose. He could’ve tried harder to convince you, you huffed to yourself.
He opened his eyes again locking them with yours once more, and then cocked his head to side gesturing for you to come and sit next to him.
You rolled your eyes. “Fine.” You got up and went and sat on his left, leaning the side of your body against the back of the sofa so you faced Minho.
“You know, it’s against the company rules to keep alcohol in your desk draw?” You eyed him quizzically.
“What? Does it really surprise you that I have this?” he took a sip of his drink and paused in thought as he studied his glass. “You know, I rarely drink to be honest. I only have one of these a week.” He said flatly looking into his cup.
You secretly felt relieved. Minho’s eyes narrowed as he tried to read your expression. “You really are surprised.” He repeated incredulously and put the glass on the table.
You snapped out of your thoughts. “Oh! Yes. Well…I thought accountants didn’t break rules, you know. I didn’t know they were capable of it, actually.” You teased.
Minho leaned forward into your personal space, his face merely inches from yours. “Accountants are capable of a lot of things.” He whispered low looking you up and down greedily, and placed his hand on your knee.
Your eyes flickered down to where Minho’s hand was on your leg and then quickly looked back up, horrified. “What? So they’re capable of workplace harassment are they?” You spoke sternly, but inside you were actually a puddle.
Minho threw his hands up in an I-mean-no-harm kind of way and sat up.
But you were intrigued, and feeling flirty. Minho was an attractive man. He wasn’t nearly as difficult as people led you to believe. Plus, it was the dead of night. That time of night where it doesn’t feel like reality. Maybe you could try something?
“Yes kitten?” Oh sweet Lord. You felt ashamed at what that pet name did to your body. Your stomach dropped. You felt a another rush of arousal head south, and you swore to God you just soaked your panties. You were fucked, and you knew it.
“Hmm?” he prompted you to continue.
With as much fake confidence as possible you continued. “Show me what accountants are capable of then.” You sighed.
A triumphant smirk appeared across his face. Oh he likes this challenge, does he? You thought.
Minho’s hand was back on your leg, this time a little higher up your thigh, and his other arm gripped you by the chin tilting your head up so you were looking him dead straight in the eye.
“Are you sure you can handle it? Kitten?” his voice was deadly. His mouth a centimetre from yours. You could feel his warm breath against your lips.
“Oh trust me, I can handle it.” You dared him. Both his hands came to rest on either side of your neck, his thumbs grazing your jawline. “We’ll see.” He said and closed his eyes and took you in a deep, hungry kiss.
Your body was on fire. Minho’s mouth hot and hungry as his tongue quickly found yours. He pulled back checking in on you with his eyes. “You’re so fucking beautiful, kitten. You make me want to do bad things to you.” He gently kissed your collarbone and licked his way up to your ear. “Will you let me, kitten?” he whispered.
You didn’t know what Minho had in mind. What he meant by ‘bad things’. You didn’t know, but you wanted to find out. “Yes, Lee Minho. This kitten will let you do bad things to her.” You whispered back as adrenaline and desire overtook you.
Minho leaned back and smirked. “I want you to strip for me.” His hand skimmed over your breast and down your waist, resting on your hip. “I wanna see what’s underneath these clothes.”
Your eyes widened. “Like right here? Right now?”.
Minho nodded. “Yes, right now.”
You bit your lower lip and sat up to kick off your shoes. You downed your rum in one go and slowly stood. You were nervous about what you had just agreed to. You definitely didn’t feel like the seductive type, how on earth were you going to strip for him?
Minho leaned back into the sofa, legs spread wide and an obvious bulge where he was sporting an erection. You gulped. He was staring at you with such a hunger that you honestly thought he was actually going to eat you. His almost black eyes drifted down your body as though he was imagining what you tasted like.
Nervously, your hands found their way to your blouse, shaking fingers began to unbutton your shirt. One. Two. Three buttons, and your purple lace bra was revealed.
“Purple. My favourite, Kitten. How’d you know?” he growled.
“Lucky guess.” You raised an eyebrow. Minho let out a gasp when you finished undoing all the buttons and slowly pulled the shirt off your shoulders, dropping it to the floor.
“The skirt.” Minho stated impatiently. His hand palming himself through his black slacks.
You were beginning to enjoy how Minho was responding to you. He seemed to be slowly losing his composure and it made you feel powerful and sexy. “You want this off too, do you?” you teased.
“Fuck yes.” He hissed.
As you unbuttoned your skirt, Minho unbuttoned his pants, and as you slowly pulled your skirt down over your hips, Minho released his cock. His eyes were fixed on your matching purple lace panties. Your eyes landed on his dick, making your core ache with need. You stepped out of your skirt and stood there, waiting for instructions.
“Come kneel down in front of me.” His voice was raspy with desire. You didn’t hesitate. He placed a throw cushion on the carpet and you positioned yourself between his legs. He leaned forward taking you in a heated kiss, plastering saliva all over your lips and face, then he peeled away panting and leaned his forehead against yours.
“I’m going to let you to suck my cock in a minute. But first,” he kissed your forehead. “I want to touch you for a little bit. If you want to stop at any point, use the word ‘podcast’… otherwise, I keep going. And you keep taking it.”
You let out a moan as his hands came to rest on either side of your neck again. You felt so vulnerable in his large, strong hands. Keeping one hand clasped around your neck, Minho’s other hand traced along the top of your bra. You shivered at how gentle and tender his touch was. He cupped your breast and let out a low groan as he squeezed the flesh. You kept still for Minho, you loved this feeling of him taking control like this. You watched his expression as he explored your body. His mouth hung agape and his greedy eyes made you feel desired.
Minho’s grip on your neck tightened slightly while his other hand made it’s way down towards your panties, pausing just before he actually got there. “Let’s see how wet you are for me, hmm?”
You felt Minho’s finger expertly move your panties to one side and slide up between your lips. You moaned at the pressure and how smoothly his fingers slid through your labia. Liquid heat filled your body, and you closed your eyes, losing yourself to the pleasure.
“Look at me.” Minho demanded softly. You opened your eyes and looked at him. “You’re pussy’s so wet. You’re cunt’s already ready to be filled isn’t it?”
You swallowed and nodded. “Yes!” you squeaked. Minho’s hand gripped tighter, almost restricting your airflow. “That’s 'yes Sir' to you.” And he plunged two fingers into you.
You felt like you were going to drip your arousal all over the cushion. You had no idea that you enjoyed this kind of dynamic, but you were loving every second of it. You could feel that an orgasm was building rapidly as Minho dug his curled fingers against your g-spot. You were getting closer, your hips automatically seeking friction against his hand. He removed his fingers and placed one in his mouth, making you cry in agony. “You taste so good. Here.” He shoved his fingers into your mouth. “Suck them clean, kitten.” He bit into his lip as he concentrated on your mouth as you sucked your own juices off his fingers. “I need you to suck my cock now.” He finally let go of your neck.
“Show me how much you can take, Kitten.” He moaned as you set to work on his cock. You teased him for a little while. A kitten lick here, a swirl of the tongue there, licking a long stripe from the base of his cock to the tip. When you could tell he was getting impatient you finally took him in your mouth.
“Ahhhh… yes Kitten. Like that. Good girl.” He moaned loudly. “Fuck your mouth feels good.” You quickly built up a slow and steady rhythm, combining your hand and mouth to work his entire cock. He had the prettiest cock you'd ever seen. Decent size, perfect thickness, and the veins made you clench your vagina with need. You were hungry for his cock, greedy even. You took him as far back into your throat as you possibly could, trying your hardest not to gag.
“That’s it sweetheart… Mmmm… Show me how much you love cock.” He thread his fingers through your hair and pushed down on the back of your head, forcing more of his cock into your mouth. You couldn’t help but make a choked, gagging sound. You worried that Minho would be turned off by the sounds of you struggling, but he seemed to enjoy it even more. “Ahhh… fuck…that’s it…take it.” He groaned.
You could feel tears escape your eyes, no doubt making your mascara smear and run down your cheeks. It was probably just the way he liked it. Noisy. Messy. Dirty.
“What I want you to do now is take off your underwear for me.” You made to release his cock. “Na-uh. You keep my cock in your mouth.” He said sternly.
It was awkward, but somehow you managed to slip off your panties and unclasp your bra, tossing them to the side whilst Minho forced your head down almost the entire length of his penis.
“Okay. You can stop for now.” He patted your head, urging you to lift your head. “Fuck, you’re even prettier with your make up all over your face and dribble all down your chin.” He kissed you again, this time deep and slow. “How are you so perfect?” he whispered and gently closed his eyes for a moment.
He opened them once again, lust in his eyes and with one hand he lifted his loosened tie over his head and straight over yours, slipping it around your neck. You gasped as he turned the tie so it was backwards around your neck, and pulled it tight so that when he was finished it resembled a collar and leash.
Your eyes widened in anticipation as you met Minho’s eyes. He looked deranged and you swore you saw him snarl. “Kneel on the couch. Lean on the armrest.” He instructed with a raspy voice.
You climbed onto the couch and positioned yourself exactly how he wanted you. Exposed, vulnerable and restrained.
“Don’t fucking move an inch. I’m just grabbing a condom.” He got up from the couch and rid himself of his clothes. You watched him as he sauntered naked over to his desk to find his wallet, pulling a condom from it. The man look like a fucking god. You couldn’t wait for him to fuck you.
You felt him come up behind you, but instead of penetrating you, he laid on the couch so that his face was underneath you. “Sit on my face. I wanna taste you.” He pulled your hips down so you were literally sitting on his face, his tongue immediately found your entrance, sending electricity through your body. The bridge of his nose perfectly positioned to apply pressure to you clit. You ground down against his face while holding onto the chair arm for dear life. You worried maybe you would suffocate him, but he gripped your thighs and pulled you down harder whilst he pushed his tongue inside of you as far as he could reach.
Your lower body tensed, your legs became unstable, your mind was soaring in pleasure. “I’m gonna come, Minho… Sir… I’m fuck-“ You cried out as your orgasm hit. Your thighs trembled, your vagina clenched and released involuntarily, tears ran down your cheeks and whimpers flowed out of your mouth. Minho hummed against your core as you rode out your orgasm.
He supported your legs as you lifted off his face and returned to an all four’s position. “You taste so fucking incredible, kitten.” You turned to see his face covered in your wetness, a stupid fucked out grin on his face.
“Turn back around” he nodded his head directing you to face straight ahead while he positioned himself behind you. A tear of the condom wrapper and a moment later you felt him rub the head of his cock against your clit.
Then, holding onto the his necktie that was around your neck he pushed his length into you, stretching you open, filling you completely.
Minho’s exhalation was more a hiss, the tightness of your cunt affecting him. “Fuck, y/n… kitten… fuck you feel good”. He withdraw almost the whole way, then slammed back into you with so much force you cried out. “That’s so deep…ah…” you winced.
“Y/n, I know you can take it for me. A good little girl like you, I bet you can take a whole lot more than you’re letting on.” He slammed into you again. He let go of the tie to grip your hips instead. He needed to hold you still so you couldn't wiggle away when he pushed hard against your cervix. “Use your safe word if you need it, kitten.” He reminded you, giving you an option to stop. But every deep thrust was bringing you closer to another climax. Every impact of his cock against your cervix turning into a deeper pleasure. You didn’t want to ever stop.
“Is this what you wanted when you were watching me in the meeting?” He accused. “Or when you dancing so fucking slutty in your office? Do you know hard it was for me to not walk straight in and rip your clothes off?” He growled increasing his pace.
“I’m close…Minho.” You panted.
“Ya! It’s Sir, remember?" He dug his fingers into your flesh and delivered an even harder thrust.
“Sir!!!” You cried. “Can I come again? Please?” You were desperate now. You felt pathetic but loving every second of what was happening.
Minho pulled out of you entirely, flipping you over onto your back. He carefully, gently even, removed the tie from your neck then kissed you. You could taste yourself on him and you moaned at how erotic this entire encounter felt.
He pinned your legs up, almost folding you in half, and locked eyes with you as he sunk back into you. He leaned over so your faces were close, and brought a hand up to stroke your cheek. His eyes drifted from your eyes and your mouth like he couldn’t decide where to settle his gaze.
“I want us to be kissing while we both come.” He whispered softly. You searched his eyes, surprised by his sudden tenderness.
“Would that be okay, kitten? You think you’ll be able to come with my cock deep inside your cunt, and my tongue shoved down your throat?” His words were so dirty, but his tone was gentle.
“Yes, Sir.” You whispered.
Minho smirked and dove into your mouth with a wild frenzy, while he started to snap his hips against you. With angle of his dick hitting you in just the right spot, you dug your nails into his back causing him to cry out into your mouth. You smiled against him, knowing how you were driving him wild.
Minho slowed his assault on your mouth, allowing the kiss to morph into something more delicate. He rolled his hips as he thrust into you creating a different sensation to what you'd felt so far. His slow, rhythmic, deep thrusts coupled with the sensuality of the kiss threw you over the edge. You saw stars as your walls pulsed around his cock. You cried into his mouth and he groaned into yours as his hips hips stuttered and he filled the condom.
He remained inside you as he propped himself up on his elbows, and just watched you for a long moment.
“What is it?” You broke the silence. A warm smile spread over his face. “I’m relieved.”
Your eyes narrowed. “About what?”
“That you didn’t use your safe word.” He said. “I guess part of me was worried that I’d be too much.” He lowered his head.
“Minho,” You lifted his chin so you could see his face. “I’d never…had that kind of sex before.”
“I didn’t scare you did I?” His smile turned to concern. You shook your head. “I liked it.”
“Thank fuck.” He chuckled. “I’m not sure how I’d be able to show my face in front of you again if I I scared you…or hurt you?”
Minho withdrew his softened cock, and removed and tied off the condom.
“I need to get dressed.” You lifted your head to locate your clothes.
“Shhh… it’s okay. Don’t get up, I’ll get them.” He soothed. He helped you get dressed, slipping your panties and skirt back on. “I need you to sit up just for second.”
You silently obeyed, sitting up so he could help you put your bra back on and button up your blouse for for. “Lay back down. There’s still a couple of hours before work starts. Sleep.” He stroked your arm and got up, returning to cover you with his work jacket.
You wanted nothing more than to snuggle up to him, but he was gone and you were asleep within a minute.
The next morning you sat at the conference table alongside Hyunjin, Binnie and Felix ready for another staff meeting. A hum of various conversations filled the room, while you waited for the meeting to commence.
“Hey y/n, weren’t you wearing that outfit yesterday?” asked Binnie looking you up and down.
You looked down at your clothes. You were a wreck. You didn’t even make it home last night. Putting the report back together took hours, and then, well. Oh fuck! You hung your head as you thought about the hot sex you had with Minho, on his office couch.
You went on to explain what happened the night before. The report, the sleeping at the office. You left out the sleeping with a co-worker part.
“That’s really odd. So he just found the report like that on his desk?” said Hyunjin. You nodded.
“Maybe it was a ploy to get you alone in his office.” Binnie poked, causing you to turn beet red.
“Nah. I don’t think so.” was Felix’s reply. The boys glared at him. “No, y/n. I didn’t mean it like that. You are beautiful and kind… It’s just…” Felix gestured for the others to lean in closer. He looked around the room and continued in a hushed tone “There have been some weird things happening here.” He looked around the room once more, ensuring no one was eavesdropping. “Seungmin in HR says that his files for the productivity report for the accounts section had been mixed up. Like someone had gone in and moved things around.”
Hyunjin laughed. “Come on, are you serious?”
“I am. Seungmin got in trouble for it, and because he couldn’t explain what had happened he was blamed for being careless. He’s spewing.”
“Hmmm.” Binnie appeared to be deep in thought, staring off. “Seungmin is meticulous. OCD style.” he paused while he was deciding what it all meant “I think it sounds fishy, Felix.” He concluded.
Felix pointed his finger at Binnie “Exactly!”
You took a sip of your espresso coffee. Your third of the day so far. It didn’t make any sense. Why would anyone bother to be so petty as to mix up files, tamper with reports? 
Just then Minho entered the conference room. Your heart skipped a beat. He looked dreadful too, his shirt still crumpled, his hair disheveled. Just having him in the same room as you made you feel nervous. To counteract how awkward you felt, you focused on the picture on the side of your coffee cup.
Felix leaned in to say something in Hyunjin’s ear, and then they both turned to you and looked you up and down.
You scowled at the pair and turned your attention back to the coffee cup. You hadn’t quite told your friends every detail of last night. You weren't going to tell them about how nervous you felt in the kitchenette making instant coffee with him. Or how he stood awfully close to you, calling you “kitten”. Or how you stripped for him before he fucked you on the couch. You felt yourself clench at the memory of his perfect cock inside of you.
You stole a quick look over at Minho at the front of the room. He was watching you, as though he could read your mind. You drew in a quick breath and felt your cheeks burn. Come on y/n, act professional.
It was two in the afternoon and you were struggling to keep your mind focused. You poked at your computer keyboard trying to look busy, but you were fading away.
“You should just go home.” Binnie said from his desk.
“I know, but…” you shrugged. You didn’t want to go home. You wanted to see if Minho would reach out and speak to you about last night. Was it meant to be a one time thing never to speak of again? Was he expecting to do it again? Were you supposed to go talk to him? Thoughts of self doubt and confusion swirled around your tired head.
“Knock knock.”
The three of you looked up. Minho.
“Um… Hi.” You squeaked. Hyunjin licked his lips excitedly. Anyone would have thought it was Hyunjin Minho had fucked.
“I was just going to go down to the cafe, and wondered if you wanted to join me…maybe talk?” he scratched his head as though he was nervous.
“So…” Minho sat across from you in the cafe downstairs. “I want to make sure you’re okay. After last night.” He said.
You took a deep breath, avoiding his eyes, but you knew he was watching you.
“Y/n?” Minho urged. “I need to know if what we did was okay?” You slowly looked up and met his eyes. There was concern behind them. He actually cared how you were feeling? What could you possibly say when you didn’t know how he felt about it? You didn’t want to presume anything and you didn’t want to look like a silly, desperate fool.
“I fucked up didn’t I?” he concluded from your silence. “I’m sorry.” He cleared his throat and looked around the cafe.
“Minho, no!” You finally spoke. He returned his attention back to you. “You didn’t fuck up.”
He breathed a sigh of relief and ran his fingers through his hair.
“And I’m okay. Tired,” You laughed dryly “but… I enjoyed what happened.” A flicker of excitement flashed in his eyes. “Um…so yeah. I’m okay if we happen to do that again.” Oh fuck what did you just say? “I mean, either way, whether it happens again - or not - I’m okay.” You touched your cheek. You felt so flustered.
“I’d like it to happen again.” He said seriously, looking directly into your eyes.
You froze. “You would?”
He nodded. “Yeah I would, Kitten.”
You and Minho saw a lot of each other in the workplace. You'd make excuses to visit each other’s office, bringing the other coffee and sneaking little kisses in. Sometimes you'd do more, like the blowjob you gave him at his desk, or a quickie in the small kitchenette. He’d locked the door behind him, and took you from behind. He’d had a condom ready, and all he needed to do was lift your skirt up and pull your panties to side. You were ready for him. You always were. Just the thought of Minho made you wet and horny. You gripped the side of the kitchenette sink as he stretched you wide open and fucked you hard. Then he’d kiss you softy like you were the most precious thing he’d ever seen.
Hyunjin would watch you suspiciously whenever you returned to your desk after a lengthy “short break”.
“You’re skirt’s crooked, girl.” He’d say and Binnie would roll his eyes.
Minho continued to call you “Kitten” in the hallway, smirking at how easily he could make you blush, and he’d undress you with his eyes in staff meetings, causing you to squirm in your seat.
You got to know each other in lunch breaks, sometimes chatting in the cafe, other times in the breakout area. You learned he came from SKZ’s rival company, that he volunteered several hours a week to some program, and he loved cats. But more importantly, you learned he was a kind person who seemed to have the best intentions for those around him.
You shared with him your love of podcasting and how you would use the company’s equipment for your own podcast. You made him promise he wouldn’t listen to it to, but you didn’t trust the look on his face.
It was truly a whirlwind office romance, and you felt yourself feeling happy for the first time in a long time. Maybe you were finally moving on with your life?
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dearest-painter · 1 year
How much time has passed.. PT.1
Summary: Y/N is tired…they’ve forgotten how long it’s been since they weren’t tired or with their friends…they’ve forgotten how long they’ve been stuck in this spider society that they want nothing to do with. When Y/N says fuck it and helps their old friend out it causes problems with people who wanted them as their child
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship,abusive behavior,abusive relationship,Reader is Peni Parker,Reader is burnt out and sleep deprived,Reader talks to themselves in a silent tone,very out of character characters,this is a series,Reader fixed their robot,Reader is unwillingly in the spider society and has destroyed her watch with an amount of 8 times,people might be out of character,tell me if I need to add more
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Yawing as you stretched from your hammock or web hammock, you fixed your tie and cardigan you got down from the hammock. Grabbing your robots suitcase you decided to go to the spider society’s cafeteria as you were hungry. How long have you been asleep? 15 minutes? An hour? A day? Who knows at this point. “Hey little one!” You waved at the spider-people passing you with a half tired and half asleep smile, you didn’t like being here but Miguel forces you to be in the spider society.
You got some food and sat down eating it and drinking coffee. Recently sleep has been more difficult in both waking up and falling asleep, ever since you and your friends parted ways so much things happened. Peter B got a baby, Gwen is best friends with Hobie which is understandable, and Spider-Noir isn’t really seen at spider society. Oh miles your absolute best friend isn’t even allowed to be in spider society for something he never asked at all!
Miguel tried calling your phone but all you did was stare at it, Miguel has been getting more annoying lately and you didn’t wanna deal with it damnit! Getting up you went to your little hideout but once you sat down Mile immediately hide behind the desk in your hideout. You two stared at each other for some time before you started laughing then lunged and hugged him, he hugged you back quickly and tightly. You both started laughing as you rolled around on the ground.
“Mil! Oh my goodness it’s been so long! How’ve you been!?” “I’ve been well! Oh you look so tired are you getting enough sleep N/N?” “Sorta, more problems in my universe and I guess I have insomnia or something but are you hurt at all!?” “No no I just ran away from some crazy people” “oh my god!” He nodded his head he chuckled. You two decided to play some video games as neither of you wanted to take the risk of leaving as everyone was looking for Miguel.
Soon Hobie and Gwen saw you two dancing. “Fuck you stepped on my foot Y/N!” “I told you I got to left feet the fuck did you expect!?” They way you two laughed it was honestly adorable or in Hobie’s eyes it was while in Gwen’s she was jealous as not everyone can make you laugh now a days! “Okay one more time okay!” “Okay but next time you step on my foot Imma throw my damn mask at you” “Pussy” Miles took his mask off and threw it at your face making you laugh. “Oh Hobie, Gwen..Hi” Miles waved and you just nodded your head as you put on Miles’s mask.
“Never knew you could laugh Y/N, you should try it more but I ain’t forcing ya” You chuckled at Hobie’s comment, he always made sure to make everyone comfortable while sticking to his beliefs which you idolize a bit. “Well Miles is sorta my best friend, he knows all the words or pranks to make me laugh” “Hey someone’s gotta do it and I don’t plan on letting anyone take that place!” Miles tried getting his mask off of you but you kept dodging and giggling until it was a full on chase. “Gwen you’ve been quite..why?” “Nothing it’s just…I’m jealous that Miles can make them smile, laugh, or giggle after not seeing them for so long while I’ve tired my best!” Hobie sighed. “Listen, their close. Their basically siblings, their bound will be stronger then other bounds. Nothing people will do or say can break them apart. Seeing each other after so long their bound becomes stronger and tighter…ya feel?”
She didn’t, she was still jealous but sighed and pretended she understood. “Yeah…thanks Hobie” “No probs” the two watch how miles and you play fought with him trying to grab his mask and you giggling while swatting his hands away. It was a cute sight honestly.
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biggestxsimps · 1 year
Semi-Romantic Headcanons
A/N: I know pretty much nothing about Garreth and Amit so, sorry if theirs are off or just completely ooc. And for Seb and Omi, I’ve read so much fanfiction for them that I’ve forgotten what they’re canonly like. Probably lots of filler, I wanted to make sure they all had around the same amount of words. I like Seb’s the least, it’s so cringy 😭Also the pic below took so long to make omg.
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Sebastian S. + Ominis G. + Garreth W. + Amit T. x Male Reader (Seperate)
Sebastian Sallow: 
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Very flirtatious
Always coming up with witty flirty responses to about anything you say.
Flirt back and he’s in awe, absolutely love-struck.
He’s very clingy, gets really jealous if he sees you talking to others he knows are into you. 
Wants your attention constantly on him.
Not-so-subtly lets others you’re talking to know that you’re together.
Wraps your arm around his waist or goes for a back hug, eyes glaring at the person you’re speaking to.
Once the person walks away, you look back at the shorter boy and he’s innocently staring back at you.
Loves spending time with you, no matter what the two of you are doing.
Likes getting up to mischief with you.
If you’re not so into that though, he’s cool with just chilling too.
He appreciates the quiet moments too, with so much going on in his life, he loves to just lay against you and relax.
Prefers being held though, it just reminds him that he’s safe and doesn’t have anything to worry about.
Such a goofy romantic too.
You two lie in bed, Sebastian in your arms as you place giggly kisses all over each other's faces.
Kisses are his favourite, no matter the type.
Loves any time where your lips are connected to him.
Really likes when you kiss his freckles, his shoulders are crowded with them.
His shoulders and neck will start to redden at the contact and you can’t help but laugh as Sebastian tries to deny his blushing.
Also likes when you just count his freckles
He’ll just jay in your lap as your fingers dance across his face, eyes concentrating as you count out loud.
Wearing such a silly grin as he watches your eyes scan over him.
He offers to duel you in the Undercroft, suggesting it so the both of you can get better at it.
Puts his all into trying to beat you, but always ends up losing.
Fixes his tie and cockily states that he “Lost on purpose” “If he actually put in the effort, he’d hurt you, and he didn’t want that.”
You laugh as you nod, accepting his words to spare him from the embarrassment.
Dates in the Undercroft, or any secret place he can take you.
As much as he loves having your relationship displayed in public, he loves being with you in private more.
He’s got quite a bit on his plate so he likes being alone to talk to you about those sensitive things.
He finds a lot of comfort, not only in your actions, but in you as a person.
He doesn’t crack often, but when he does, you’re his go to person for reassurance.
Prefers to sit in your lap in silence as you comfortingly rub your hand up and down his back.
The sound of your breathing and the feeling of your hands are enough to calm him down.
Ominis Gaunt:
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Loves your touch
Not necessarily the romantic sort, just any physical connection.
He can’t see you so he loves the feeling of your hand on top of his, or placed on his thigh to know that you’re there.
He’s not the biggest fan of PDA, so you might have to just sit really close beside him in class instead.
Your knees or shoulders touching.
In private though, he can’t get enough of your affection.
Pretends to not enjoy it but his face erupts with the slightest romantic gesture. 
Really likes it when you kiss his beauty marks
He’s definitely memorized where they are now thanks to you.
He’ll keep his hands on you a lot, most of the time on your face.
His palm grazing over all your features as he compliments them.
He appreciates your beauty through touch.
Tell him how beautiful he is.
He loses his train of thought and sits there with a goofy grin.
“Thank you, Dear” 
Then tell him how pretty his smile is and he’s covering his face while his cheeks burn.
Lots of study dates.
Likes going somewhere private for them so you’re either in the Undercroft or in your dorms.
Prefers listening to you read rather than using his wand.
Your voice always brings butterflies into his stomach.
Insists that you read to him, he’ll excuse it by saying that he can’t be bothered to use his wand and it’ll just be easier if you read it for the both of you.
You know what he’s doing though, teasing him about it but still reading your assignments to the other.
Rests his head in your lap as you talk to him about your day.
Mumbling every now and then when you ask for his input, but otherwise he just silently listens.
Truly can’t get enough of your voice.
Will fall asleep so quickly if you whisper in his ear while scratching his head or rubbing your fingers against his palm.
He’s such a peaceful sleeper
You’re so grateful he lets you see him in such a vulnerable state.
And of course you show him how much you trust him by telling him all your deepest secrets.
A decent chunk of your nights are filled with comforting whispers and muffled sobs.
You two are always there for each other, no matter how late or how dumb the reason may be.
I’d like to think he’s good at comforting others, he knows what he wished people would’ve told him when he was younger and can find all the right things to say.
On nights like that, his grip is iron.
Whether he’s comforting you, or on the receiving end of the comfort, his arms would be so tight around you.
Touch in those vulnerable moments is exactly what the both of you need.
Let’s end this on a positive note, he really enjoys spooning.
His head dug into your shoulder as all he can feel, smell, and sense is you.
Garreth Weasley:
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Type of guy to claim to be a master at relationships and swooning people.
But as soon as you asked him out, he was so awkward, stumbling over his words as he accepts your confession.
Brags about you to everyone, all the time.
He’s so grateful to have you and he wants the whole school to know.
Definitely the most unintentionally chaotic couple at Hogwarts.
The two of you are always getting into trouble for failed potions recipes. 
Accidently making a mess of the potions classroom.
Detentions become weekly dates for the both of you, the room full of laughter as you scrub away the mess you made.
It ends up taking an extra few hours to finish cleaning but it’s not like either of you mind.
When you guys aren’t in detention, you guys go on proper dates to Hogsmeade.
Takes you to Honeydukes more often than not.
Wants to spoil you by buying anything you want from there.
If you insist on spoiling him though, he won’t deny.
He’s really thankful if you do, demanding that he treats you to something next time.
Big fan of cuddles
Loves to just lie in your arms in your common rooms on the weekends.
Face planted into your chest as he mumbles about whatever.
He rambles a lot
Pretty much all the time
When you're walking to classes, in classes, while you're studying and before the two of you fall asleep.
A lot of his rambling is about his potions
He loves having someone to tell all his findings to.
If you're a quiet person, he'll love that you're such a good listener, and he really appreciates you dealing with his rants.
If you're like him, the both of you are blabbing all day. Conversations never ending. From when you wake to when you sleep.
Randomly kisses you all throughout the day. 
Like all over your face, just jumps in mid conversation and pecks your cheek.
He has no shame, doing it in class and in front of your classmates too.
Gets really flustered if you do it back to him.
Honestly loves just any sort of PDA, like I said before, he loves bragging about you so he’ll love having your arm around his waist as he shows you off.
Or just throwing his own arm around your shoulder while you talk to someone else.
It’s part wanting to brag and part being a little jealous.
You assure him that he’s the only one you want, but it doesn’t stop him from letting the whole school know you’re his and he’s yours.
Kiss his freckles, it gets him all giggly and weak in the knees.
Kiss the ones on his cheeks to the ones down his neck and then to his back, he’s an absolute sucker for it.
His face will turn as red as his hair.
Amit Thakkar: 
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He’s definitely a nervous wreck, all throughout your relationship.
He wouldn’t be the best with words at the start, instead sharing his hobbies and interests with you.
Most of your dates would be up in the astronomy tower.
Amit handing you the telescope each time he finds a new constellation he wants to show you.
Always mentioning how they remind him of your beauty.
The way they shine as bright as your eyes.
Cheesy astronomy pick-up lines he probably learnt from Garreth.
“Look at the stars, look how they shine for you.” “You are my sun, my moon and all of my stars.” “If a star fell from the sky every time I thought of you, there would be none left in the sky”
Honestly, he’s such a gentleman though.
If you guys aren’t in the astronomy tower, you’re out in the fields, hand-in-hand as the two of you lay back and stargaze.
Loves to do things you like too, he’ll try any of your hobbies.
He doesn’t mind what the two of you are doing, as long as you’re with each other.
He struggles with small talk so he likes to just lie on you or sit beside you, enjoying the silence together.
Really enjoys the feeling of your hands in his hair.
Whenever he’s feeling nervous or stressed out, just place a hand in his hair, he’ll immediately relax.
If the two of you are in bed and you play with his hair, he’ll pass out straight away.
He just finds it so comforting.
I feel like he tends to overwork himself a lot, or just forgets to sleep while studying.
So once it gets late, you just carefully pull him away, promising him he’ll get it done tomorrow and to just focus on sleep now.
He’s thankful that you’re there for him, after meeting you, he’s been getting much more sleep.
He’s not sure how to kiss, and whenever the two of you do, he accidentally messes it up.
So he’s just resorted to kissing your hands or your cheek, places he can’t kiss you wrong. 
He loves when you quickly peck his lips, but anything more than that and he’s stumbling out apologies after nearly eating your face off.
You find it adorable and don’t really mind when he messes up.
You tell him but he’s usually too busy worrying about how foolish he looked.
Just give him a few pecks on the cheek and he’ll stop apologizing.
He loves studying with you, he helps a lot with the subjects you struggle with. 
Not only because he enjoys any opportunity to learn but you also give him a kiss whenever you understand what the two of you are working on.
His hand will softly rub against his cheek, he thinks about how he wants you to thank him more often.
A/N: These are the best GIFs Tumblr has for them so I’m sorry they look a little weird. These headcanons are just my opinion so please don’t crucify me for them. If your opinion does differ though, please let me know what you think, I’d like to read what people think they’re like, especially the last two.
- Written by Owner 1
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comicalbliss · 2 months
Nadie Más Que Tú
I wanted to try writing something, I love reading everyone’s beautiful work on here so I thought I'd write my own for funsies.
Just to preface I've never actually written anything before so I'm sorry if it's straight booty cheeks and doesn't make a whole lotta sense.
general warnings/cw: 18+ pls no minors ty, fem!reader, mentions of drinking/going to a bar, eventual smut. lmk if I’ve forgotten anything!
♡o .✿ฺ ✿ฺ ♡o.✿ฺ。✿ฺ♡o.✿ฺ。✿ฺ♡o。.✿ฺ。ฺ ♡
You’ve been casually dating for six months now yet you only ever really see him on weekends and even that’s rare, hell you hadn’t even been intimate with the guy. But today was different. He didn’t have work due to a company dinner he was taking you to. So he decided to take you to the mall. Like a date?
“Are you sure you don’t want anything? I already told you it’s fine if you use my card.” Miguel said, trying to persuade you into buying something.
“I’m fine, I don’t need anything.”
This was true, what more could you want? You have a closet full of clothes and literally anything else you could want thanks to him.
“They have a boutique here, we could buy you a dress for tonight’s dinner.” He suggested.
It was like he was trying to get you to spend his money. Kinda cute honestly.
“Mm.. I guess?” You said a bit hesitant, still not wanting to spend his money.
You head over to the boutique and you start trying on different dresses with the help of one of the workers. Though none of the dresses seemed to be “the one”.
“We just got a beautiful dress shipped in if you want to try that one on.” The worker said.
“Let’s see it!” You said enthusiastically.
The worker goes into the back and brings out a gorgeous burgundy dress. It was long, had intricate lace backing, and a thigh high slit. You excitedly get into the changing room and put it on.
You walk out of the dressing room, it fits perfectly. The fabric hugs your curves in just the right ways, not to mention the color and how well it compliments your skin.
“You like it?” You give Miguel a little twirl to show it off and you SWEAR you saw him blush a little.
He pauses for a second, like he’s lost in a train of thought before he speaks. “It looks fine.” Is all he says though. A little disappointing of a response but.. at least he liked it?
“I’ll take it..!” You say with a smile.
You and Miguel walk out of the boutique, new dress in hand. You have a huge smile on your face.
“Thank you!” you say giving him a quick peck on the cheek.
“It’s no problem.” He says with a faint smile.
He then wrapped his arm around your waist as you walked back to his car to leave and get ready at his place for dinner. Weird.. he isn’t usually very affectionate or the type to touch you in public…
— — —
About 30 minutes before dinner you were about done getting ready, putting on your new dress and some other accessories.
As you’re getting ready you just can’t shake off the thought of Miguel putting his arm around you like that, it makes your heart flutter a bit just thinking about it. What did it mean-
Your thoughts were interrupted by Miguel’s voice.
“You ready?”
He was still putting on his tie when he walked in the room.
“Yeah, I’m ready. Are we leaving now?” You looked up at him.
He kinda just stands in the doorway for a second, staring…
“Ah, yeah. Let’s go.” He cleared his throat and walked out.
Weird.. what was that about… he’s been like this ever since you left the boutique...
— — —
Dinner was pretty normal. If normal was horribly boring. All they were doing was talking about business stuff that you had absolutely no interest in. You were bored out of your mind.
Eventually the conversation shifts in a different direction. “So, how did you two meet?” One of Miguel’s co-workers asks. “We had no idea Miguel had a girlfriend.” Another spoke up.
You were a little caught off guard by the question and the response it got from the other co-worker… How did you guys meet..
“We met through a mutual friend.” You replied, sheepishly picking up your drink and taking a sip.
That was a lie. You actually met at a bar, nothing too crazy but it doesn’t sound very professional and you didn’t wanna embarrass Miguel.
You were down at a bar late at night with some of your girlfriends when you spotted a cutie all by himself. He looked a little older, just your type. With a little “Be right back!” you made your way over to him and started some small talk.
“This seat taken?”
“Depends who’s asking.”
Nonchalant type. I can work with that.
“I’ll take that as a no.”
You sit down and scoot yourself closer to him.
“What’s that?” You say pointing at his drink
“Ugh, so boring..”
You picked up his drink and were about to take a sip when he gently grabbed it back.
“That’s unsanitary.” He gave a fake scowl.
“You almost didn't stop me.” You smile up at him proudly.
He scoffed.
“You got insta?”
“Excuse me?”
You rolled your eyes
“I thought you were older but I didn’t think you were that old.” You smirked. Sliding your already unlocked phone over to him.
He looked at you hesitantly before taking your phone and typing something in. He set your phone down before getting up and walking away without another word. Rude. With a giddy smile you pick up your phone and read.
don’t have one
That bastard…
— — —
“She’s just as amazing as the day we met.” Miguel chimed in.
“That’s really sweet!” The co-worker cooed.
You looked up at Miguel and smiled. He then rested one of his hands on your thigh, causing a swarm of butterflies in your stomach. He was doing it again.. so oddly affectionate.
The rest of the evening went smoothly. However, you still couldn’t shake off that weird feeling. Up until this point things with Miguel had never been this way. You treated each other like close friends most of the time.
The time to leave eventually rolled around and you both headed home, you could feel a strange tension in the car. You kept looking over at him but he looked fine.
I’m probably just tired..
Once home you noticed his demeanor had changed, he was acting a little strange but you tried to think nothing of it, he was probably just tired too.
You headed to his bedroom with him. As you went to close the door you turned around to find Miguel was standing in front of you, arms crossed.
“What are you doing..?” You ask fully confused on why he was standing there like that.
Miguel stepped closer to you, pushing you against the door. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, faster than you ever thought possible. He was much bigger than you, and that was very clear in this moment.
He leaned his head down close to your ear.
“You have no idea how fucking good you look in that dress.” Miguel whispered the vibration of his voice going straight to your core.
You could practically see the lust in his eyes.
“I thought about doing this in the dressing room at the boutique.” He said now running his hand down your curves.
You laughed nervously, squirming a bit. This has to be a joke… right?
“Miguel–” You tried to speak.
He turned you around on the door pressing himself against you again, you could feel his hard-on against your ass. Nope, definitely not a joke.
“How much did you have to drink?” You asked nervously as he pressed kisses on the back of your neck.
“I didn’t drink tonight.” He replied.
He then wrapped his arms around your waist resting his head on your shoulder.
“I just want you, I’ve wanted you..” He whispered into the shell of your ear, the words coming out of his mouth like honey. You could feel the wetness pool in your panties at the sound.
Fuck. He’s so hot. Why is he so hot? What is happening?!
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21wanderer · 3 months
Rocking a punk
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I had tried to run into Martin Jenkins for some time, an old classmate of mine, who didn’t care the slightest for me, and it was mutual. But that feeling had changed, since I discovered how he had matured. He was still a punk, don’t get me wrong, he had a temper and could easily get into a fight, but he had potential now… Potential that I could bring forth, with a little help from my father’s pharmaceutical company.
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“Hi Jenkins,” I said as I walked up to him, it had taken me quite some time to build up the courage to approach him, there was something intimidating yet imposing about him, especially with the black leather biker jacket, a cigarette between his lips and the fact I was like a twig in comparison. He looked at me like a complete stranger, then he realised, who I was… I think… He didn’t actually say my name, maybe he had almost completely forgotten me.
“Oh, hi” Martin replied still looking at me with disinterest. There wasn’t really any reason to reminiscence the ‘good old days’, so I just cut straight to the chase. “I heard you’ve been looking for a job,” I said, he raised an eyebrow in return: “Where did you hear that? Does everybody know, I’m out of a job?” he grumbled. “Yes, I heard it from one of the others,” I said, hoping he didn’t see through the lie, it was clear, that he was distrustful of me. “The pharmaceutical company my father is working for is hiring, and they are looking for people.”
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Martin was quiet for a bit, then he asked: “What sort?” I knew that I now got him on the hook. “Well, there’s some jobs in their growing storage facility, and they also are looking for couriers, who can bring samples, equipments and tests around town.” I knew he liked driving around on his moped, so this was my best bet. “And how are the work conditions? Am I expected to treat every assignment as life-or-death, that requires me to bring stuff from one end of town to the other in 10 minutes or less?” I was actually a bit surprised by his response, it sounded like he had been having some rough jobs in the past. “No, not really,” I said, trying to not scare him away. “The pay is very decent, and the work conditions are fine, haven’t really heard any complaints.” “Alright, I’ve just been working as errand boy for so many companies, who tried to screw me over,” Martin muttered.
“Please, come to the company on Thursday,” I said, almost pleadingly “and talk to my father, I’m sure, he can offer you something good.” I handed Martin one of my father’s business cards, beginning to fear I had messed this up. “11 o’clock, Thursday,” I said, before turning to leave, feeling very awkward. I really needed to get away from Martin for now, I also couldn’t stand the smell of smoke. I needed to make sure he quit that.
Martin showed up the following Thursday… surprisingly in a suit and tie, which I did not expect. It didn’t seem like something he was used to wearing, but he looked pretty sharp nonetheless.
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He entered the room and shook my father’s hand. My father looked at me, and asked” Are you absolutely sure about this?” Martin looked a bit confused, as I answered: “Absolutely,” and nodded.
”Very well,” my father replied and then turned his full attention to Martin, “so Martin… Before we begin, may I offer you something to drink? Tea? Coffee?”
”Coffee,” Martin said, “just regular.” My father poured coffee into a mug – a mug, that had been specially prepared for Martin, now I just needed to be sure, he drank it. Once Martin had taken the mug, my father began the ’interview’ like it was just a regular interview. He asked Martin about his previous experience, and we found out that Martin had done surprisingly many jobs, just not for very long as his employers usually had tried to screw him over, and he’d decided to quit rather than accept their terrible working conditions, although he needed the money. He had done manual labour and worked as a courier using his moped.
The conversation went on, while I waited for the effect to kick in, and after ten minutes that felt like hours Martin began to ’doze off’ having drunk roughly half of the mug’s content.
When Martin became entirely unresponsive, it was time to act.
While my father locked the door, I began to undress Martin, or what was left of him. ”So you are really going through with this?” my father asked almost disappointined, as he began to help me undress the collapsed Martin.” Yes, and thank you for making it happening” I replied unable to conceal my excitement. ”But couldn’t you have found someone better? He’s a bit of a punk, isn’t he?” my father continued as he folded Martin’s white shirt neatly and placed it on his desk with the rest of Martin’s clothes. ”He’s perfect,” I replied,” and besides… I can make some changes if necessary.”
Martin’s skin was all that remained of him, like a deflated, human-shaped balloon, his eye sockets empty and his mouth gaping and stretched far beyond its normal capability. It was ready.
I discarded my own clothes hastily, and my father helped me slither into the bodysuit.
It was surprisingly easy to get inside, and made me feel even smaller and skinnier, than I normally did. Not that it would matter for much longer, soon I wouldn’t have to think about that ever again.
Martin certainly was no athlete, but he was fit and strong, maybe due to the manual labour and fistfights he had a habit of getting into.
I could wiggle my toes, and they responded flawlessly. Soon his legs, abdomen, torso and arms were also under my complete control. The skin might need a little moisturiser, but other than that, I was elated with my new skin. I had even gained some extra height, and the body felt naturally, if still a little loose. I looked one last time at my father with my old face, and smiled at him, he just stared at me in disbelief, but it seemed like he had accepted the change. I grabbed Martin’s windswept hair, that still dangled on my back as his hollow head hung around my shoulders. I pulled it and his face up and over my head like a hood. With a final snap, everything fell into place. I massaged the face, just to make sure it was aligned properly. I then felt a tightening across my entire body. I don’t if I was growing inside the skin, or the skin was shrinking to fit me, or something in between or entirely fourth.
But at the end of it, it was a perfect fit. I stretched my new body, flexed my new muscles, and ran my hands over my new skin. I looked at my father again with a devilish grin: “Now this feels so amazing!” “I’m glad you’re enjoying it,” he replied and began to hand Martin’s clothes to me, “and I expect you’ll put it to good use.” “Definitely,” I said with Martin’s voice, as I slipped his pants on, slightly disappointed he didn’t come in the leather jacket and jeans that he wore last I saw him, but that was only a question of time. Having tidied myself up, I looked just like Martin as he had entered the room barely an hour ago.
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“See you at dinner,” I chuckled. “Very well,” my father said still with clear disbelief in his voice, “but do something about that hair,” he continued, as I reached for the door handle. “Yeah, sure,” I replied and headed out the door.
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I headed straight back to Martin’s cheap apartment, it was a poor sight for sure, and I certainly was not going to stay here. I rummaged through Martin’s stuff and managed to find the exact outfit he had been wearing, when last I saw him. I ditched the suit and tie, then pulled on the black t-shirt, the scent of his sweat still clinging to it. A smell I now recognised as my own, I pulled it on very satisfied. Next were his jeans, I loved the way they fit, and the fact that they were several sizes bigger than my old pants only made it more satisfying. I grabbed my crotch hard, barely able to contain myself. Finally I plunged my new, bigger arms into the sleeves of MY leather jacket, claiming it as my own and establishing my new ‘’bad-boy’ persona. I took a look at my reflection and laughed, I couldn’t help it. I was so pumped, that I barely knew what to do with myself, this body needed to be put to the test. I slipped into Martin's/my leather boots with a newfound confidence, with his clothes and body under my control.
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Let’s see what I can do with this before dinner.
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Epilogue: As for my hair, my father and I found a compromise. I’m still going to keep the bad-boy persona, and even with my preference for leather and tight jeans, I can still pull off the look of the handsome young man who’s got a great future ahead of him… if/when I want to.
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uplatterme · 2 years
Oh, Dear Detective! II
cw: heizou x reader, gn!reader, fatui!reader, oooo first kiss how scandalous 👀
a/n: i lowkey feel like rewriting the first one now since i made it as a one-off and u can see how much effort i put into this one than the other 💀 also, ill see how this one does and see if i should make it into a series!
Part I | Commissions
tags: @forgotten-blues, @elaineiris, @zanpastries
Your sudden absence from Inazuma didn’t slip out of Heizou’s mind. The last time he saw you was a week ago, which was quite concerning as you always somehow managed to find wherever he is at all times. Unfortunately, he couldn’t reciprocate that despite him being a professional with these sort of things.
It was as if you never existed to begin with, if not for the hair tie that you left him from before. He wondered if he did something wrong but everything seemed normal that day. You weren’t acting suspicious at all, nor did you have any reason for leaving him without a word. 
So what was our dear detective’s decision?
“Kidnapped. I think (Name)’s been kidnapped.”
“What?! How could that be?!” Paimon exclaimed.
“It’s only a theory for now. I’ve got no one else to ask, which is why I’m turning to you, Traveler.” He explained, it was supposed to be expected. Heizou has made enemies by being a detective. It would only make sense that someone had taken you because of him.
Staring at the hair tie on his wrist, he planted a soft kiss and promised that no matter what, he would find you and make whoever did this pay.
“Still as heartless as ever, (Name).” Pantalone stated.
“It was a shame, but it’s what I do best. Besides, I’d never get with someone who’s working under the murderer of Rosalyne.” You walked right next to him, getting a cigarette out from your pockets. Something to keep you warm against Snezhnaya’s freezing temperature. 
Heizou would always keep you warm.
“Scaramouche is heading back to Liyue. I don’t know why but that’s what I’ve gathered.” The mere mention of Liyue had a certain ginger look over to you but you paid no mind.
Pulcinella joined your conversation as the others mourn the tragic death that’s once again caused by a so-called God. “Work is off for now, (Name). How was it?”
“How was what?”
“Inazuma.” He clarified.
“It is very different compared to here but I did enjoy the trip. The food was quite good and–” You quickly stop yourself almost making the mistake of having his name slip out of your mouth.
How would that be a mistake? It didn’t matter to you anymore, your job was done. This was for the Tsaritsa, for Rosalyne, and for everyone here who’s suffered due to an archon’s wrongdoing. 
“I don’t think I could ever live in that country.”
“Hmmm… So, (Name) really didn’t say anything?” Paimon questioned, trailing behind the two.
“No, they always say something if they’re going anywhere but it’s been a week.” 
Aether stopped in his tracks, an idea coming to him. “Commission.”
“I would like the others to help out. However, they’re not particularly fond of the commission.” He remembered having to tug you away, afraid that you’d start a fight with the General. It was funny reminiscing about it now but he was in panic at the time. 
It was incredible in itself actually. You spend so much time with him but he barely knows where to start. “(Name)’s a great detective too. I’m sure if they got taken then they would’ve left something.”
“Excuse me?” Heizou uttered back to Aether. 
Paimon backed away, sensing the unnerving tension.
The blonde sighed, “I’m not saying that (Name) left on their own. There might be clues that we’ve overlooked.”
He felt insulted. Both with the fact that he was distrusting you and his detective skills. Him? Miss a clue? He could never. 
“Right! Maybe they just went fishing is all!” Paimon laughed awkwardly, trying to make a space between them.
Days passed but everything remained the same and Heizou laid down on his futon restless. He can still feel your hands pinning his wrists down. His partner went out of nowhere and all the Commission could do was put missing posters across the country. How would that help at all? He finally understood why you always felt annoyed. The detective’s frustration flowed through his veins.
All he had of you was that stupid hair tie.
It wasn’t blackmail. If it was, then he’d be contacted by now. What’s the use of his skills if he can’t even find you? What’s the use if you’re not there every time to praise him and remind him when he’s overworking himself?
He missed you.
His thoughts rendered back to the first time you worked together. You were like a dog who’s ready to bite off his head and he’s seen a taroumaru on the loose once without dinner.
“I’m Heizou, it’s a pleasure to be working with you.”
“I know.”
He introduced himself in hopes that he’d get a handshake in return but you didn’t even say your name at all. He had to find that out himself.
Well, he’s dealt with much ruder clients. He would be able to handle you.
“Can you stop that? It’s distracting.” You have been relentlessly tapping your shoe on the ground and staring at the board with no further progress on the investigation.
“You act like you’ve been doing anything.” You said, standing from your chair and looking directly in his eyes.
He scoffed. “And you have? I’ve done everything, from interviewing and getting our client’s alibi.”
“Yet, you can’t still solve it…” His patience continued to thin, you were supposed to be working together, not whatever this was?
“Someone’s said that I’m not easy to get along with but I’ve never thought anyone else could top that.”
You sighed, you wanted to get home as soon as possible. Not whatever this was, you just needed to finish your mission then you’d sail away and never come back.
“Why don’t you try looking at it another way, Mr. Detective?”
“Like what?–”
He stumbled off his chair, eyes widened full of surprise. He would’ve never seen this once coming at all.
A deep kiss from you as you held his chin.
Heizou was stunned, unable to find the right words to say next.
He didn’t need a mirror to see how red he was. “(N-Name)! I don’t see how this is helping!”
You threw him a folder to which he confusedly looked at. “I’ve read this one.”
“No, you haven’t. I got this one from the client’s twin.”
With scrunched up eyebrows, he read the file. He never knew that there was another person involved. Yet, here you were presenting evidence out of thin air.
“Sometimes, clues are buried deep in snow.”
He laughed at your answer. “That’s a weird way of phrasing it but alright.”
“Let’s catch this scum.”
“Sometimes, clues are buried deep in snow.” He repeated to himself and looked once more at the hair tie you gave him.
He’d never seen this design before, nor the cloth it was made from. Running as quick as he can to his book shelf, he searched until he finally found it.
Snow. This tie.
It was as if the pieces were there but he had no way of putting it together.
Snezhnaya. The fatui.
“Why are you involved with the fatui, (Name)?”
“Sir Pierro.” You bowed your head from his sudden call. You’ve never actually spoken before with him as you worked under Signora.
He nodded, allowing you to raise your head. Your heartbeat beating fast as you await the rest of his words.
“It’s a shame of what happened. I know how close the two of you were.”
“Yes, she was like family.” You answered, still not knowing where this was about to go.
“That being said…”
“How would you like to be a candidate as a member of the Harbingers?”
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chrrywavs · 1 year
Tiny black shorts
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚𝔖𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: you show up to school with a new pair of shorts and Eddie’s old t-shirt drawing his attention almost immediately.
ੈ✩‧₊˚𝔚𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: gagging, blowjob, 18+, perv! Eddie, praising, pet names.
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All day Eddie couldn’t get his mind off you. It was the first period when he first saw you walk in, with his oversized band shirt semi tucked into the tiniest leather shorts he’d ever seen. Wearing his favorite color on your lips; blood red, with a pair of black army boots and the chain he had gifted you for your birthday hanging from your waist. Practically wiping the drool from his mouth.
he held you close to his side all day his hand always laying on your hip and squeezing your bare thighs whenever he could. He took every opportunity to steal a kiss whether it be during passing period or a quick bathroom break, and if you let him he’d quickly escalate it, slipping his tongue into your mouth and wrapping your leg around his waist. if it weren’t for the fact that you were on school grounds you might’ve let him keep going and Sometimes he’d hold you in front of him or tie his sweater around his waist to hide the tent that would form in his pants after. You took notice of his behavior.
But It wasn’t until he practically started grinding up against you during passing period, quietly moaning “your makeup looks perfect baby, god your perfect.” And “these shorts looks so good on you baby.” into your ear while you were fixing your makeup that you realized why he was being so needy all of a sudden.
You tapped the pencil against the desk as you thought about how else you would extend this already drawn out essay. You were so lost in thought you didn’t hear Eddie whispering your name behind you, till he reached over and tapped your shoulder. You slightly jumped not having expected it before turning your head to stare at him over your shoulder. He smiled at you handing you a small folded piece of notebook paper.
You took the paper tucking it under your essay and taking a quick peak at your teacher to make sure she hadn’t seen. After a moment you pulled the note back out of its hiding place, quietly opening it.
You look really pretty today :)
You smiled to yourself feeling your cheeks blush. You quickly scribbled down your response handing it back to Eddie.
Really? Our laundry machine broke and this shirt was the only clean one I had left, hope you don’t mind.
You waited for Eddie to respond, your foot now tapping the floor. Eddie peaked at the teacher who still had her nose deep into her book, before quickly reaching over and placing the note on the edge of your desk.
Are you kidding? I hope you never fix your laundry machine if it means I get to see you in my shirts.
You held your head up against the palm of your hand, pressing against your mouth to suppress the giggle that wanted to escape. you wrote your response tossing it over your shoulder toward him.
Hate to burst your bubble Ed’s, but this is the only shirt of yours I’ve got. If you wanna see me in more of your clothes you’d have to come over later and bring me a whole load of them.
You’d heard a small amused hmph come from Eddies direction before he stood from his chair placing the note on your desk and walking towards the pencil sharpener at the front of the class.
I’ll do more then bring a whole load of shirts if you know what I mean ;)
You looked up towards Eddie who was already staring back raising both his brows up and down with a sly smirk. You playfully rolled your eyes writing your response and handing the note back to him as he walked pass your desk towards his.
Your such a pervert Ed’s.
You waited for eddie to give you back the note but after a while of nothing you’d almost forgotten of the interaction, just focusing on your final paragraph when finally he reached over handing you a different colored piece of paper most likely one he’d ripped from an old flyer.
Meet me by my van for lunch later? I got an itch I need you to scratch :)
You turned to look at him over your shoulder, eddie doing nothing but pretending to work on his essay keeping everyone non the wiser. You turned back to the note writing a quick response.
Are you seriously horny right now?
You were keeping your eyes on your teacher as you handed back the note. she had now gotten up from her desk to wipe away any notes she had written on the whiteboard. You felt Eddie gently tap your back and you reach your arm behind you to sneakily take the note back.
What can I say, I got a hot girlfriend sitting right in front of me wearing MY shirt and the tiniest little shorts I’ve ever seen, how could I not be?
You bit your lip, scribbling down a quick little response and tossing it over your shoulder before the teacher turned back around to face the class.
What will I get if go?
You looked up at the clock 11:45 class was almost over and you hadn’t finished the conclusion yet. Before you could turn back to your work Eddie tapped your shoulder.
I’ll take you out to eat, maybe some burgers or pizza?
You wrote down your response handing it back to him and turning back to your essay, at this point just about ready to bullshit the last five sentences.
And if I say no?
Eddie smiled, he absolutely adored when you teased him. He messily wrote his response and reached over letting the note fall over your shoulder.
Then you’ll have a very grumpy boyfriend to deal with for the rest of the day.
You giggled low enough for no one to hear. You wrote back the only appropriate response you could think of.
I can deal with a grumpy Eddie. ;)
Eddie quickly returned the note as if he had already written it beforehand.
No please. :(
You turned to look at him. He dramatically frowned using his finger to mimic a tear running down his cheek. a playful smirk grew at your lips. The bell rang excusing the class and you crumbled the note tossing it into the trash on your way out.
Eddie snaked his arm around your waist pulling you against the lockers. “Where are you in a rush to?”
You giggled, “Ed’s I have to get to class!”
Eddie leaned in stealing a quick kiss “you got five minutes.” He smiled. “So about later?…”
“What about later?” You teased cocking your head to the side.
“Are you up for it? Imagine how hot it’d be to blow me in the school’s parking lot.”
You hummed thoughtfully. “It wouldn’t be so hot if we got caught now would it?”
“Actually it would—“
“Eds!” You slapped his shoulder. “I’ll think about it okay? Maybe I’ll be hungry enough by lunchtime.” You winked at him.
“Oh baby,” he cooed leaning into your ear “you just made me rock hard.” He whispered.
You laughed pushing him off you. “Save it for later freak.”
Third and fourth period flew by and as you stood to leave the class you whispered into Eddies ear to meet you by his van in ten minutes before running off into the bathroom. he practically jumped from his seat dashing towards his car, completely ignoring anyone calling out to him to ‘slow down’ or to ‘watch where he was going’.
Eddie sat in his warm van bouncing his leg impatiently waiting for you to arrive, his cock straining painfully against his tight jeans. his hands found their way to the mound that formed underneath his Jean and began palming himself through the thick fabric so he’d be ready by the time you arrived, he wanted to skip everything and get right into it. He bit his lip sliding his hand into his jeans and started groping his balls over the fabric of his boxers. “Fuck (y/n) hurry.” he whined.
Once you arrived. He spared now time fumbling with his pants and pulling them down along with his boxers. His already hard cock springing out and bouncing against his stomach.
You adjusted yourself to the best position you could possibly find in the awkward layout of Eddie’s van making sure you had easy access to all of him. You spat into the palm of your hand looking directly into his eyes as you slicked it all over his cock coating him with your spit. He groaned shutting his eyes, melting into your touch. “Shit (y/n).” he breathed out.
You were taking your sweet time teasing him and Eddie was getting impatient. You squeezed him gently, fisting the base of his cock and licked your lips savoring him as you watched the forskin pull back revealing his red tip.
“C’mon baby no teasing please.” He practically whined. His soft eyes met yours and he caressed your cheek, thumb tracing your bottom lip. “I need your pretty little mouth around my cock sweetheart.” He cooed slipping his thumb in. With your lips wrapped around his finger you gently sucked the salty skin swirling your tongue around and releasing it with a pop. His thumb coated red with your cherry lipstick.
You slowly leaned in leaving a small lingering kiss on his neck before sinking your mouth down onto his cock. Your tongue stroked a long lick against the underside of his dick, pressing flat against the throbbing vein that ran alongside it before wrapping your lips around the angry red tip. “Fuck.” Eddie groaned as you started bobbing your head up and down taking in as much of him as you could, your spit dribbling down your chin.
Your fingers gently traced alongside his balls feeling them twitch under your well manicured nails. You savored his taste moaning as you swirled your tounge around his tip. “Shit (y/n)” he grunted “you can’t do that.” He gulped. “you’re gonna make me cum too quickly.”
Eddie gently combed your hair out of your face gathering it into a bunch in his hand. “Been thinking about you all day.” he murmured throwing his head back against the leather seat. “You and your sexy little shorts drove me crazy.” He smirked down at you followed by a loud moan when your throat contracted against him. “G-god you make me feel s-so good baby.”
You released him with a pop fisting his length. “You love when my warm mouth is on you, don’t you baby? So desperate for it huh?” You teased. Eddie nodded and small barley audible whimper escaped his parted lips. You tsk “aww already so fucked dumb for me, and you haven’t even been inside my pussy yet.“ you squeezed his shaft tightly watching his face contour into one of pleasure. “Is that what you want? To be balls deep inside me?” You purred.
Eddie nodded, his head completely dazed from thoughts. You squeezed his balls. “your words Ed’s.” you instructed.
“Fuck yes.” Eddie hissed “Fuck (y/n) shit, keep going please don’t stop.” He Panted.
You smirked at his reaction. It was rare to see Eddie so desperate, normally it’s the other way around but you didn’t mind it at all. It was nice to be reminded that Eddie craved you just as much as you craved him. you leaned down taking his balls into your mouth and lapping your tongue around the wrinkled skin. “Jesus fucking Christ baby, you’re-fuck-you’re amazing.” He praised followed by sweet murmurs of your name.
He raked his hot trembling fingers through his hair pulling away his sticky bangs from his forehead. You lazily licked all the way up from his balls to his tip parting your swollen lips around his cock. eddie bucked his hips, his dick hitting the back of your throat causing you to gag. “Sorry baby, fuck sorry.” he panted.
You felt his dick twitch in your mouth. “fuck I’m gonna cum-I’m gonna cum.” he repeated followed by a string of curses. Eddie reached for anything he could and you took hold of his hands placing them over your head prompting him to guide you at his own pace. He threaded his fingers into your hair, holding you still as you gagged, your throat contracting around his cock.“Oh (y/n)- oh ozzy fuck-“ he growled fucking into you mercilessly. Tears spilling from your eyes as his cock hit the back of your throat. A string of curses escaped his lips followed by a loud groan. you felt him spilling his hot white ropes into your mouth coating your throat.
With Eddie hunched over he started guiding your head up and down his cock at a much more slower speed as he came down from his high. Finally he pulled you from his cock. You gasped for air wiping away the tears that formed due to all the gagging. “C’mere” he said before moving you over to his lap and placing a kiss on your lips. “You look so beautiful like this.” He murmured against your lips.
“All messy and gross?” You smiled.
“Yeah” he said before connecting your lips once again. He slapped your ass earning a small gasp from you, he took the opportunity to slip his tongue through. You moaned as he lazily sucked on your tounge groaning at the hint of his leftover seed, guiding your hips in a forward backward motion on his lap.
“Eds.” you whimpered.
“Yeah?” He breathed into the kiss.
“Lunch. is almost. over.” you said in between kisses.
“So?” He murmured pulling your bottom lip between his teeth and trailing kisses down your jaw.
You moaned as he began to suck on the sensitive skin at the crook of your neck. “So I have a test later, I can’t miss it.” Eddie groaned throwing his head back against the seat. “I know baby I need it too, later okay? Come over my parents won’t be home.” You smiled cupping his cheek.
“Home? Alone? With no annoying people to distract us?” You nodded. “I like the sound of that” Eddie smiled lunging towards the crook of your neck leaving small kisses.
“Eddie that tickles!” You squealed.
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Please leave request or ideas I’m literally struggling so hard out here:(
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damn-stark · 8 months
Chapter 12 Fallen Angel
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Chapter 12 of Sugar
A/N- Enjoy :)
Warning- Swearing, Sweet toothing rotting FLUFF, BUT THERE'S ALSO ANGST, spoilers, long chapter, violence and mentions of blood.
Pairing- Suguru Geto x Gojo!fem-reader, (future) Choso x fem!reader
Takes place during- Jjk 0 movie
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
“…and they lived happily ever after. The end,” you finish reading and close the book.
Satori yawns and rubs her eyes from her exhaustion but instead of closing her eyes, she interjects. “Mommy, are you and Daddy happy like the woman and the man in the book?”
You blink in confusion, but smile all the same as you tuck her stray hair behind her ear. “Yes,” you assure her. “We’re very happy. Why do you ask?”
Satori shrugs. “Because,” she mumbles as her eyes droop. “Mikael from down the street says his mom and dad say that they hate each other.”
You sit back in disbelief, even though she’s always telling you the crazy things she hears the other kids say. “Well,” you mutter. “You have nothing to worry about, your dad and I love each other so much.”
Satori flashes you a tired smile, letting you lean over and press a kiss on her forehead before you stand up. “Okay now,” you whisper and turn off the lamp. “Go to sleep. Goodnight, chipmunk.”
“Goodnight mama, I love you,” she mutters.
You grin. “I love you too, to the moon and never back,” you redirect, making her giggle.
Once you step outside of her room you see Suguru push himself off the wall, and you make sure to close the door first before you pick on the matter that just happened. “Did you hear what she said?” You ask as you walk away with him at your side.
Suguru nods as he slides his hair tie off to let his long hair fall over his shoulders. “Yeah,” he says. “I heard it.”
You snicker softly before you burst out laughing over the matter your daughter told you.
“It’s not funny,” Suguru counters to try and scold you, but you can see he wants to laugh too. “We should really…” he trails off and begins to laugh as you continue to chuckle.
“Stop,” you scold him in between laughs. “It’s not funny. It’s very serious.”
“You stop,” he says and nudges you. “You’re making me laugh.”
You shake your head and stop to catch your breath. Suguru stops a bit ahead of you and turns around to look at you with a wobbly smile as he manages to calm down, but he then begins to laugh again as he sees you. Which then turns to you laughing again because he can’t stop, so the subject you were laughing about is completely forgotten.
It’s not until a bit later when Nanako and Mimiko come and find you that you finally stop.
“What are you guys doing?” Nanako blurts with annoyance. “Hurry up, we’re all still waiting!”
You both clear your throat and nod in comprehension.
“Right,” Suguru says as he breaks away from his spot. “Sorry.”
You quickly follow him to the parlor room and immediately get questioned. “What were you guys laughing about anyway?” Mimiko asks.
You draw in a deep breath and shake your head with a smile. “I don’t even remember anymore,” you say honestly.
When you reach the parlor room Suguru immediately addresses your tardiness. “Sorry to keep everyone waiting, this conversation is not for children so we had to put Satori to bed. Darling, if you could please,” he refers to the board.
You pull the board out of the cabinet and show off the maps of Shinjuku, Kyoto, and the school. All of which have been marked according to how Suguru and you have planned the battle strategy.
“First,” Miguel cuts in as he stands up. “Let’s serve ourselves some drinks. I’ve brought this sweet concoction from Fiji.”
“Concoction?” You whisper to Mananmi as she takes a seat by you.
“Sounds like some kind of witch brew if you ask me,” she whispers back.
“Hey!” You actually exclaim. “Yeah, Manami’s right. The last time I tried one of your concoctions I threw up and had a hangover for over two days!” You complain.
“Wait yeah,” Nanako speaks up. “It wasn’t easy to clean up either.”
Miguel walks up to you first and hands you a glass of some kind of dark red drink. “Just drink it,” he insists.
You pull the drink up to your nose and get a hint of sweetness, so you slowly bring it to your lips and take a sip. Luckily for you, it’s not bad at all! It’s very sweet and smooth.
“Taste,” you tell Suguru as you push the cup towards him.
He looks at you with concern considering he was the one who had to take care of you last time you tried alcohol Miguel brought over to try. “It’s okay,” you assure him. “I’ll take care of you this time.”
“It’s really not that,” he says as he takes the cup. “I don’t want to die yet.”
You laugh softly. “You won’t, it’s good.”
“You said that last time, you almost got alcohol poisoning,” he rebuttals.
You roll your eyes and push the cup up as he has it between his lips. He groans and swats your hand away so you snicker and turn to face your family. “Anyway! Did you guys like the dumplings I made? I tried some new stuff this time,” you add smugly.
“Yeah, they were very good,” Larue mentions as he takes a glass from Miguel. “Except I only had one because someone finished them,” he mutters and points his glare at Toshihisa.
The young guy sees and looks at Larue offended. “I only grabbed five,” he defends himself.
“Yeah,” Mimiko interjects. “That was basically half to the plate.”
You smile proudly through the discussion since it means that your meal was very well-liked.
“Yeah, she only made ten!” Nanako snaps. “I didn’t even get to try one.”
“Too slow,” Toshihisa taunts, causing Nanako to stand off her seat and turn her phone to point her camera at him.
Toshihisa begins to snicker, but before she can try anything, Suguru grabs her shoulder and pushes her back down to her seat. “Okay, let’s focus,” he cuts everyone off, causing Miguel to walk to the bar with his concoction in hand.
“Y/N and I have planned out most of the strategy,” Suguru continues and gives you your drink back as he points at the board. “But of course, anyone is welcome to rebuttal and suggest a change. As of now though,” he exhales deeply and points to Kyoto. “Larue and Toshihisa will go to Kyoto, keeping the sorcerers appointed there distracted.”
Toshihisa sighs and cuts in. “Distracted for what exactly?”
“We’ll get there,” you let him know and let Suguru continue.
“As for who you'll have to face, the students of Kyoto,” Suguru says. “The staff as well, but none are much to be concerned about.”
“It doesn’t mean that you should let your guard down though,” you quickly add. “Understand?” You direct mostly to Toshihisa since he is the youngest of the two going there.
“Yes,” he sighs.
You were young once too, you wanted to prove yourself so you know how much it sucks having to be reminded. You can also sense the annoyance in his tone.
“Next Shinjaku,” Suguru continues and points to the map. “Now that’s where most of the higher grade sorcerers will be. Manami, Nanako, and Mimiko will stall the sorcerers there, while Miguel engages with Satoru Gojo in combat.”
Everyone looks at Suguru and then at Miguel with concern since they've all heard how insanely strong your brother is.
“Now listen,” you interject and sit down to cross your foot over the other. “Satoru is strong. As you all know he has the Limitless technique, which interferes on an atomic level controlling space-time with precise manipulation of cursed energy,” you explain what you know. “And what makes it all possible and him even stronger is his six eyes. Your rope will disrupt his techniques, but it won’t stop him completely, he will counter and he will continue to try and use his infinity to block your moves, so be very careful. All you have to do is stall him, so counter and avoid if that’s what you want.”
Miguel nods and doesn’t argue. “Understood, now will you explain what you two special grades will be doing?”
Suguru and you share a knowing look before he goes on this time. “They know we’ll be after Okkotsu so they’ll keep him at the school thinking I’ll be in Kyoto or Shinkaju—”
“Of course,” you cut in. “Someone will figure out that something is up when neither of us are fighting in the front lines, and my best bet is Satoru, so that’s why we need you all to stall them…”
“While we go to the school so I can kill Okkotsu,” Suguru finishes your sentence, making you smirk softly. “And so y/n can steal all 9 Cursed Womb Death Paintings kept within the school warehouse, and hidden behind Tengens barrier,” he continues to say. “We’ll need their help in the battles still to come.”
You nod. “Plus,” you add. “They don’t deserve to be stuck there. We’ll welcome them into our family.”
“Curses?” Larue queries.
Suguru shakes his head. “Half,” he corrects him. “From what I’ve read they’re half human and half curse. We’ll still need to use vessels to reincarnate them of course. But they’ve been incarnated too long, we'll help them.”
You nod in agreement and look around the group. “Any questions?” You ask.
“Yes,” Manami interjects. “How exactly will you get to the warehouse? Isn’t Tengen’s place protected by a bunch of doors?”
You nod. “Yes, but hopefully with my new technique it won’t be much of a problem,” you let her know.
“And about the stalling,” Nanako says. “Why can’t we just have a dummy to go for the both of you so the sorcerers stay there longer,” she wonders.
Suguru nods in comprehension. “Good question, and there’s a simple answer, it’ll make too much of a mess. I won’t risk that.”
The room falls silent, but there’s still one piece of doubt that adds tension. No one dares to speak it though, not out of fear that Suguru or you would get upset, but out of fear that you’d jink this entire plan.
Yet it needed to be discussed, so you bring it up quietly. “If all goes to hell and we lose, then we run. Hide. There’s nothing wrong with that,” you assure them. “Nanako, Mimiko, you guys come back home, as do you, Larue. We’ve all made sure to keep our lives wiped off any database, but keep your heads low nevertheless.”
“But,” Suguru says softly. “I have faith in all of you. We both do.”
You offer them a soft smile to reassure Suguru’s comment. And they all do look comforted by the comment, but there’s still that sliver of tension left. This time Miguel addresses it. “And if Satoru Gojo goes to you two, then what?”
You sigh deeply and let your eyes flicker to the ground before you meet Suguru’s gaze.
“Then,” Suguru says and drifts his eyes back to your family so they can see the confidence he’s trying to make you see. “We will fight him.”
That’s easier said than done. No matter what animosity there’s been neither you nor Suguru have had to actually fight against Satoru. So if it happens will your anger actually be enough to confront him?
“Suguru?” You call out softly as you slide the door open and peek your head inside the empty room.
“Yeah, I’m in here,” he calls out softly.
You walk in and see him sitting on the windowsill that leads to the balcony. He then turns his head and meets your gaze, making the blazing sunset behind him glow around him so beautifully.
“Looking for some time alone?” You ask as you walk past the door.
Suguru shakes his head. “You’re welcome to join me, darling.”
You offer him a soft smile and walk over to him to sit on the balcony to let the sun kiss your skin and bask in the little warmth it provides during December. “Beautiful sunset, huh?” You muse as you fold your hands on the railing and rest your chin on your hands to watch the sunset over the horizon. “Makes me miss spring and summer.”
Suguru hums and then stays quiet, letting you close your eyes to just take in the soft feeling of the sun's rays on your flesh. You enjoy the silence since you know your children aren’t home to have you worried that it’s too silent. You enjoy Suguru’s presence, and bask in the comfort and peace it brings you by just being nearby.
Yet it’s his silence that soon begins to worry you. Ever since he saw Satoru, and since he declared war, he’s been quieter than usual. You’ve found him alone just pondering and it’s never worried you until now.
“Penny for your thoughts?” You probe softly as you drift your eyes to him.
Suguru blinks and lets his eyes fall on you, he then sighs and averts his gaze before he speaks up quietly. “Have you ever thought about what your life would be like if you had stayed at the school?” He asks, making you slowly sit up.
“Well,” you sigh and see him meet your gaze with a curious look. “Sometimes,” you admit. “When I’m feeling nostalgic really. But honestly, there isn’t much to think about, I was going to leave regardless, whether it be after graduation or before. My place wasn’t at that school.”
Suguru hums softly and smiles. “Really? I think you would’ve made a pretty cool teacher.”
You laugh softly. “Yeah, I don’t think so. My attachment to them would’ve gotten in the way if I had lost one,” you say as you shake your head.”
“So what would’ve changed then?” Suguru asks.
You draw in a deep breath and look out at the dimming sky. “Well this,” you exhale. “I wouldn’t have this house, my career, this family, the girls or you.”
“You really think we wouldn’t have worked out if I stayed in that school?” He probes softly.
You look over at him and answer genuinely. “No. I honestly think we wouldn't have worked out. I mean I think we would’ve stayed together until I graduated, but I would’ve left with Yuki. I would’ve come back after maybe a couple of years and started my community. Our lives would’ve taken different directions.”
Suguru nods softly in comprehension. “Yeah,” he whispers. “You’re right.”
You tilt your head and redirect his question back to him. “What about you? Do you think you would have stayed there and become a teacher? Because I think you would have made a pretty damn good teacher. A hot one too. If you were my teacher I would have always paid attention.” You laugh, making him scoff in amusement and turn his head away to hide his smile.
“Well,” he says and draws out a deep breath. “I don’t think I would have stayed as a teacher, or at Jujutsu high for that matter,” he says and loses his smile, making you lose yours. “If it wasn’t that village then it would’ve been something else that made me drift away. I don’t think I could’ve stayed knowing that what we did didn’t really matter. And after Haibara I don’t know if I could have seen any more of our other friends on that same table.”
You swallow back nervously and nod. “I know what you mean,” you whisper.
Suguru holds your gaze for a moment and sighs before he goes on. “I don’t know what would have become of me exactly, perhaps I was always meant to be this, or not. I don’t know, but I know that I wouldn’t have stayed…so hey, maybe we would’ve reunited down the line.”
You hum. “You really think so?” You ask with amusement. “I don't know, I don’t think Satoru would’ve let you.”
Suguru chuckles. “What is that supposed to mean?” He queries.
“Well…you guys had some weird special bond, so I think he would’ve left with you and I don’t think he would have let you join me,” you let him know.
Suguru smiles at you. “Jealous?” He teases.
You shrug. “Just a little,” you admit and look down, immediately feeling that smile fade. “So what brought all this on? Feeling nostalgic? Regrets?”
“No,” he says immediately. “No regrets. I’m satisfied with my life and with the path I chose. I love you and the girls, you guys are the best things that have happened to me.”
You smile softly and keep looking down.
“I guess,” he continues a lot quieter this time. “I’m just pondering over what could’ve been.”
“It’s this upcoming fight isn’t it?” You ask since you’ve been wrapped around in your mind like him too.
“Yeah,” he agrees. “I think it is.”
You exhale and sit in silence to let what you talked about sink in, and to feel grateful that you have him to spill your heart to. It’s not always easy, but you’re glad it’s easy with him. And it’s because of that thought, along with the others that leads you to think about what you have been debating.
And when you look up to quietly admire Suguru as the last rays of the sun kiss his face, as they cling onto his dark eyes and turn them even more beautiful as they blaze against the light, it's all clear. You can’t look past your anger, especially not after what you’re going to do. Plus this, what you’ve built depends on you giving it your all even if it’s against your brother.
And if it comes to Suguru versus Satoru…then you know what side you’ll take. It’s doubtful they’ll ever come to the point of having to kill one or other though. They’ll fight, sure, it’s a fight that’s been waiting to happen, but it’s doubtful that they could ever make a choice like that. They’re too bonded to ever make that choice, even if they’re apart.
“I have something I’ve been meaning to give you,” Suguru interjects, causing your attention to drift back to him. “I wanted to give it to you for our anniversary, but I thought it would be better now.”
You lean over and watch him pull out a small and thin book from his pocket. “What is that?” You probe excitedly.
Suguru sighs and hands you the book, and when you look down at the title you beam out of pure joy. “Wow,” you muse. “The pun book I was missing from my collection…” you trail off and chuckle before you throw yourself on him. “It’s your funeral, so I don’t want to see any eye rolls,” you point out.
Suguru returns your embrace and mutters, “yeah, yeah.”
You press a kiss on his cheek before you whisper, “thank you so much. I love it.”
You shift and sit on his lap now to open the book and skim through the pages. “This is amazing,” you mumble. “I love it and I expect at least a fake laugh—no one laughs at my jokes,” you grumble.
“They’re cheesy,” he rebuttals.
“That’s the point! Puns are meant to be silly, they’re puns!” You grin and go back to a page where you read a funny joke. “Okay, okay, Ladies, if he can’t appreciate your fruit jokes, let that mango.” You snort and then laugh to yourself.
Suguru scoffs. “Okay, I get it,” he assures you with an amused smile and then the fakest laugh you’ve heard.
“Aw, you suck,” you grumble and slide off his lap to walk away. “I’ll find someone who appreciates my jokes one day.”
Suguru slides off the window frame and follows after you. “Baby, you said a fake laugh was enough. I did it,” he actually laughs this time.
You peer over and stick your tongue out at him.
He rolls his eyes. “Mature,” he mutters before he quickens his pace and throws his arms around your waist.
You stop moving and begin to slide down. “No! Let go of me,” you complain as you try not to laugh. “Suguru!” You squeal as he begins to pull you up.
“I laughed,” he says between his own laughs. “Besides, who are you going to find that’s better than me?”
You stop moving and scoff. “Ew, why would you say that?”
“Yeah, I heard it and it was too late to take it back,” he mumbles before he picks you up bridal style. “The girls aren’t here, we should take advantage of that before they return.”
You smirk as you wrap your arm around his neck. “Oh? What do you have in mind? Maybe a bath, with wine to the side! Or you can help me paint my nails while we do face masks together!” You suggest excitedly.
Suguru shrugs. “We can do both, why not?”
You grin at him and then lay your head on his shoulder. He takes you to your shared room, but you actually don’t get to do any of the two things you wanted since the girls get back home earlier. However, it turns out to be better because you all huddle around Suguru and pamper him instead. He never complains about it either so it works out great each time.
Everything always works out fine when you’re with him, so this battle will work out too. It has to—no it will!
You keep telling yourself that, you keep giving yourself hope as you train, as you count the days and the time that passes.
And there’s so much that gives you hope, more than you would have felt when you were younger. You like to think that you’re not as negative now. Yet when December 24th arrives you can’t sleep, all you can think about is the different what-if scenarios that pop into your mind.
But you have to be positive because you can win. You will. And you’ll go on living your life, your great life. You will.
You sigh deeply and try to engrave that in your brain as you lie in bed in the morning. Yet the thoughts are too overwhelming and too stressful, so you get up instead. However, you stop and smile when you see how peaceful Suguru looks sleeping with his bangs over his face, and his mouth partially opened. He then moves and you think he’s going to wake up, but he just lays on his side and stretches his arm out over the empty spot you had been lying on. So you make sure to be quiet to not wake him up as you change, and then walk out of the room to wander over to the small lake that sits by your house.
Mediating often helps so you try to do that in the serenity that being outside brings you. However, no matter how strong you’ve gotten, no matter how many other fights you’ve fought, none of it really gets easier. The stress of it, the running thoughts. And now there’s more at risk; the twins, your family, even your friends and old cherished companions on the other side…
When did it come to this? Fighting against each other.
You sigh and lay back on the shore with a lit cigarette in your mouth. You close your eyes to try and clear your mind, listen to the howling wind, and feel the cold breeze unfurling over your face.
There isn’t a moment of hesitation or regret, it just doesn’t really get easy. But after this fight, you’ll be one step closer to achieving your goal. Maybe then you can talk to Satoru again…maybe.
“No matter how hot you run you can still get sick you know!” You hear Suguru shout.
You smile and open your eyes to look back, catching him upside down with his hand behind his back as he approaches you.
“It’s cold y/n, come inside,” he tries to advise you, but you just sit up and pull the cigarette out to watch the ducks on the still water.
“I’m just,” you talk loudly so he can hear you. “Thinking.”
Suguru stops behind you and nudges your ass with his foot. “Get inside, you’ll freeze out here,” he repeats himself.
You show off your burning cigarette before putting it between your lips to draw in a drag, letting him know that you’re not out here to train or for fun. You’re stressed. You picked up the habit of stress smoking in school after he offered you a cigarette once.
“We’re going to be outside later, you know,” you remind him. “It’ll be a lot colder then.”
“Well you'll be moving then, you're not now,” he rebuttals.
You hum and stand up, but you offer him a drag. He sighs and takes the cigarette to draw in one drag before giving it back to you.
He wants to ask what’s wrong but you begin to walk around the lake. He would’ve insisted on going inside, but he sighs in defeat and has no other choice but to follow you. “You can stay, you know,” he interjects. “The Cursed Womb Death Paintings can be taken further down the line.”
You shake your head and exhale the smoke before responding. “I’m not feeling any kind of hesitation or anything, I’m just overthinking the outcome,” you mutter. “I know I shouldn’t, Yuki says I can’t. I just need to fight. Use your mind and your heart, she says. You’ll be stupid to use one or the other, but I…it’s just a part of me…worrying about what might happen, or what might not.”
Suguru exhales and nods slowly. “Think of it like water,” he says. “You raise it as you inhale when you’re practicing your different forms, right?”
You look at him and hum in agreement.
“Let the stress rise, and bring it back down like the wave of water you pick up and slowly drop,” he adds and looks over to meet your gaze with a soft smile.
“Okay,” you mumble and nod along as you throw the cigarette down and smush it with your foot.
“We’ll win,” he continues to assure you. “And we'll be one step closer to our dream.”
That’s what you said.
“If only we could achieve it now, huh?” You muse as you look at the water you’re passing by.
“Yeah,” he agrees. “But it takes time. Soon though, I promise you that.”
You reach over and take his hand. Suguru glances at you and you then stop the both of you to cup his hands, noticing now as you take his other hand that he’s holding a hibiscus flower.
You smile, but let him continue to hold it as you cup his hand and hold his dark eyes. “Just…promise me you’ll live. I can’t do this without you, you know that?”
Suguru flashes you a charming smile and pulls one hand away to tuck the beautiful red flower over your ear before he slides his hand down and caresses your cheek. “I will, don’t worry about me, okay? I worry about you.”
You scoff and shake your head. “Suguru,” you scold quietly.
Suguru cups your cheek and pulls you closer. “I’m not being selfish,” he says what you’re thinking. “I’m assuring you, stating facts…”
You giggle softly and lean towards his touch.
“It’s just a simple mission,” he adds. “Get Rika and go. No one will get hurt. We will be back home just in time to put our daughter to bed. And then we’ll count the days to celebrate eleven years of being together.”
You grin at him and can’t help but embrace him, just to relieve yourself of the stress with the warmth of his body, with the smell of his scent that clings onto every inch of him, and with the softness of his long hair that falls over your hands. He hugs you back and presses kisses on the top of your head before he rests his chin on your head.
Once a moment passes, when your mind is somewhat clear and your heart isn’t racing, you pull back and continue to smile. “Eleven years, huh?” You mumble and begin to walk back home hand in hand. “It’s fucking crazy. Who would've thought, huh?”
“Me,” Suguru says with a smirk. “Not you?”
You smirk and shrug. “I could’ve been dating Orlando Bloom, or I don’t know, maybe someone else with long hair and a charming smile.”
Suguru chuckles softly before he pulls to the side and digs in his hoodie pocket to pull something out.
“Eleven years ago,” he muses. “I gave you a Christmas present because I liked you.”
You grin before you gasp as you try and guess what he has for you. “Oh my god, Sugar, is it another engagement ring? Because maybe I got you something shiny too.” You hint.
Suguru narrows his eyes and you flash him a cocky smirk. “What is it?” He probes.
“You’ll have to wait to find out,” you tease and look down at his hands as he shows a small firefly pendant.
“I gave you two pendants before, but I haven’t given you one for Satori, so here,” he says and grabs your hand to place the pendant with the two other smaller ones that represent the twins, and then the bigger firefly pendant that came with the red string bracelet he gifted you eleven years from ago.
“Wow,” you whisper. “I love it. Your present is—”
“It’s okay I want to be surprised,” he assures you since he knows you get excited when he gets surprised by the things you get him.
“Well,” you move on. “Thank you then. I really love it.”
When Suguru ties the bracelet back around your wrist he steals one kiss from your lips before he continues to walk with you back inside.
“Now,” you mention. “Let’s hurry back inside because I am cold!” You hook your arm around his and pull him back inside with you.
When you get inside you see the twins eating breakfast as they watch TV, but you notice that Satori isn’t up. And she also didn’t come to greet you at the door either.
“Bunny,” you direct at Mimiko. “Where’s your sister?”
Mimiko drifts her gaze to you and then points to the stairs. “In her room,” she says. “She doesn’t want to get up.”
You share a concerned look with Suguru before you both head to your daughter's room. You make sure to knock first once you reach her door, but she doesn’t answer so you slowly open the door and walk in.
“Hello?” You make yourself known as you notice that her lamp light is on. “Chipmunk, is everything okay?”
You walk further inside and see her snuggled up under her blankets and with her tiger curse lying beside her.
“What’s wrong?” You ask with worry even though you’re beginning to see through her little act. After all, she knew everyone was leaving later today to do a mission, she knew she couldn’t come so she’s trying to make you stay.
“My head and tummy hurt,” she whispers in a fake hoarse voice. “And I think I’m hot too.”
Suguru and you share a knowing look, but you still crouch by her side and feel her forehead. And like you assumed it feels normal.
“Why don’t you come feel, Suguru,” you lure him over, causing her to hold her blanket tighter against her as she watches her dad crouch beside you.
When he feels her forehead and notices the same thing you did, you smile at each other before he sighs and looks at his daughter with pity. “Well maybe we should take you to the doctor, you have every sickness in the book, don’t you think, darling?” He asks you.
You nod. “Yeah. And she needs some medicine and tea too.”
“No!” Satori cuts in with her nose wrinkled in disgust. “Just…stay with me all day and I’ll feel better I promise.”
Suguru offers her a genuine smile and leans over to caress her cheek. “We won’t be gone long. We’ll make it back for bedtime,” he tries to assure her. “I’ll tuck you in and when you wake up again we’ll be here.”
Satori pouts and her eyes fill with tears, so he continues.
“And I’ll tell you what, after we come back, you get to tell us where you want to go for our trip,” he lets her know. “You pick anywhere and we’ll go.”
Satori’s lips tug to an excited smile and her eyes seem to almost glimmer. “Really?” She asks, forgetting she’s pretending to be sick. “Even Disney? Or the beach?!”
Suguru and you share a look before he nods. “Yeah, anywhere, but maybe…not with so many people, hm?”
“Daddy, no! You said anywhere.”
Suguru sighs in defeat. “Yeah, yeah.”
“Okay, I’ll think real hard all day,” she says. “And I’ll tell you when you come back.”
Suguru nods. “Yes, deal.”
Satori grins and sits up to throw her arms around his neck, making him hug her back and pick her off of bed as he gets up.
“Why don’t we go downstairs?” You suggest as you get up to head out the door. “Then again, maybe Satori can stay here. You must not feel hungry since you’re sick…” you trail off and smirk.
“Well,” she mutters. “Maybe I’m a little hungry.”
Suguru laughs softly at his daughter's antics and proceeds to spoil her all day long. And all day long she followed the both of you everywhere, like a little shadow. After a while, she forgot she was sick, but when the time came to leave, she put her act on again like a little movie star.
Nevertheless, you continue to assure her one last time.
“We’ll be back okay?” You assure her before you shoot her an assuring wink and a thumbs up.
Satori grins and winks back at you, but with both eyes and then throws a thumbs up.
You grin, and she whispers. “I’ll miss you.”
You touch your heart and then press a kiss on her head before you redirect her comment, “me too. I love you to the moon and never back.”
Satori giggles. “I love you too, mama,” she says softly.
You proceed to step away or you will feel bad and stay with her. Albeit Suguru continues to go on to say his goodbye, and your heart swells with so much joy when you see them interact that you almost want to make you both stay. But you don’t, you resist.
“I’ll make it back for bedtime,” he assures her and cups her cheeks. “And I’ll be expecting an answer for our trip, okay?”
Satori frowns and her eyes fill with tears.
“Don’t cry,” he tells her softly. “It’s okay, my little love. I’ll be back.”
Tears fall down her cheek, but she tries to act tough and wipes it away. “Okay,” her voice quivers. “Goodbye, Daddy.”
Suguru presses a kiss on her forehead and then hugs her tightly. “Bye, Satori. I’ll see you later.”
“You'll take care of mommy?” She whispers, making Suguru smile wider.
“Yeah, I’ll take care of her. We’ll be back,” he says again and pulls back to brush her bangs back. “I love you.”
Satori grins. “I love you too, Daddy,” she says happily.
Suguru gets up and begins to walk away. She waves at him, and he spares her one last glance before he turns away.
“Bye Nana, bye Mimi,” she waves at her sisters before they join their group, leaving you lingering behind alone.
“Bye, my girl,” you tell her one last time. “I’ll call when we’re on our way home. Okay?”
She nods and holds onto Belinda and her tiger curse as she watches you follow Suguru. When you climb on Suguru’s bird to fly to the school, you both wave goodbye to her one last time.
All you ever wanted when you were young was a big family, a big loving family like those you’d see in movies, those you’d see when you’d go out. A family who didn’t shame you, or turn their back for what you lacked. You wanted friends who would have your back. And you wanted a love that will always last.
It sounded so foolish then, such a simple deep desire, but you lacked it, you lacked a parent's love and a family’s warmth, you only had your brother. So when you had a taste of that sweet desire when you came to Jujutsu High as a student eleven years ago, you didn’t want to let go.
But you did, you let go and you found more, you relished in that love you so deeply wished for, you didn’t find pain, instead, you found simple moments full of joy and love. It was at the expense of others you so deeply cherished, but you can admit that it was worth it to get what you wanted. And when you got it you said you wouldn’t return to a place that reminded you of the pain you later endured in your young years, but here you are now, on a roof as you sneak in with Suguru.
Here you are now ten years later watching the happy memories of then haunting the places you would be at and the places you'd walk through, with the intent to oppose the same side you had fought with once before.
All to protect the family you formed along the way. And most importantly to accomplish a new deep desire for a better world so sorcerers like you don't have a chance to experience the pain you endured.
How odd is that?
“Emerge from darkness, blacker than darkness,” Suguru chants as he raises his hand to do the hand symbol to lower a veil. “Purify that which is impure.”
A white veil emerges and quickly surrounds the school grounds, trapping him, you, and Okkotsu.
“Besides Okkotsu we have to avoid killing any sorcerer that may be here,” Suguru reminds you as you move down the roof now that the veil is drawn.
“I know that,” you mutter, and then jump off the roof and swiftly land on the ground. When Suguru lands beside you you begin walking down the same way for now.
“Except if that Zen’in girl is here,” Suguru grumbles. “You can kill her and we'll rid ourselves of one more monkey.”
You roll your head to the side to shoot him a glare. “She’s like Toji, you know. It’ll be exciting to see how strong she gets as she keeps getting older.”
“It won’t be,” Suguru retorts as he watches out for anyone who might be after you now that you made yourselves known. “That guy was hard to kill before, I’d rather not deal with that again later down the road.”
You hum and nod. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right.”
“But if you come across her,” he adds as he senses your hesitation. “Then you can spare her. You can’t ask me to do the same.”
You shake your head and can’t help but let your lips pull to a small smile. “I never would. Now is he near or what?”
“Satoru,” you correct him. “I’d rather not deal with him right now.”
Suguru scoffs. “How am I supposed to know?” He quips.
You smirk and shrug. “I don’t know, maybe you have, like, a Satoru radar. You would. You guys are weird like that.”
Suguru looks at you with a pointed look that makes you smile and snicker.
“Well,” Suguru sighs, “I don't know where he is, but knowing him he’ll probably come here late. He would’ve caught up with us otherwise. Let’s take advantage of his absence.”
You hum and yawn as you stretch your arms out. “It’s been a while since I’ve fought another sorcerer,” you mention. “This should be fun.”
“Need I remind you of your mission,” Suguru makes himself clear, causing you to sigh. “Take them and get out.”
You nod lazily. “Yeah, yeah, I remember, but there’s a chance I might run into guards, so I’m looking forward to it. And for now, I am helping you until we know there’s a clear path to the warehouse.”
Suguru exhales deeply at your persistence to not listen, but he doesn’t argue with you or force you to actually listen, so he just speaks kindly instead. “If Tengen puts up some fight to protect the warehouse, just get out.”
You smile softly. “Doubting me?” You ask even though you know that’s not it.
“No,” Suguru says immediately. “I’d rather not have you run that risk. Not without me there at least. Who knows what Tengen is capable of, you’re strong but, you’ll be in his territory. You understand that right?”
You nod. “I do, I'm just giving you a hard time…you be careful too. No matter how strong you are, you're not invincible. I want to go home with you after this is over.”
Suguru meets your gaze and offers you a kind smile. “I’m always careful.”
You mirror his smile and hold each other's gaze for a lingering minute before you enter a big empty courtyard.
You knew you wouldn’t find anyone here, no matter how big this school is, not even half of it is actually filled with people. Yet you did expect to come across some curious person. It’s almost worrying how quiet it is.
Almost though, because as you get halfway through the courtyard the Zen’in girl appears with a spear in her hand. When Suguru spots her he looks disgusted as he begins to nonchalantly rub his neck.
“You’re here?” He asks as she approaches bravely.
“Is it a problem if I am?” She retorts. “What the hell are you two doing here?” She asks and points the spear at Suguru and you.
Suguru shifts into a fighting stance, while you roll your shoulders back and just clench your hands to fists.
“Sorry,” Suguru says as he summons long and red centipede-like curses. “But we don't have time to chat with monkeys. Me or you darling?”
You step back. “Go ahead,” you encourage him.
Suguru’s smirk deepens, and with a quick mental command, the curses hurl themselves at her.
The Zen’in girl runs forward and just as one curse is going to bite her she slides down and skillfully uses her spear to slice the curses stomach. It doesn’t die though, it disappears through the ground pretending it did, while the other curse swoops back around and goes after her as she gets up to her feet and charges at the two of you.
Rather than moving out of the way, you stay where you are and wait for her to get close with a growing smirk. And once she’s close enough she jumps up and pulls her spear up.
You remain where you are, so she takes advantage of that and swings the point of her spear down to try and stab you as she gets pulled back to the ground. But you’re faster than her, so instead you swing to the side and rather than using your technique, you manage to throw your hand up to grab her by the throat harshly.
The girl chokes and drops her spear to try and pull your hand off, but you smirk deeper and pull your other fist back before you throw it up, and punch her in the gut so hard you hurl her out of your grip and into the air.
Within seconds you counter and use her technique now to gather wind around your left foot before you shift your body. You then proceed to swiftly swing your left leg around and hurl the wind out to roughly lash her to the ground.
Nevertheless, even as she hits the ground and blood begins to leak out of her head, she slowly pushes herself up and makes you grin with pride. She then fists her hands, but she doesn’t get to move because the curse that was after her jams into her and throws her down, and then the other curse that had hidden comes out from under her and closes its jaw around her to throw her past Suguru and you.
This time she doesn't try to get up, she goes unconscious, and the blood that was leaking out begins to spill out and form a pool around her. The curses he summoned disappear and you approach the girl to check for her pulse.
“It doesn’t matter if she’s dead,” Suguru interjects. “Not her at least.”
You ignore him and when you feel a faint pulse you sigh and stand back up. “Do you want me to go or stay with you?” You break your silence and step away from the girl to turn and face him.
“Go,” he declares as he walks to you. “I don’t want to risk having more people show up and give you a hard time. The quieter you get to the warehouse the better.”
You sigh and wait for him to reach you so you can say your goodbye. Yet just as he gets close he freezes.
“Oh?” He says and grins whilst he continues walking to you. “Someone made a hole in the veil.”
You gasp softly and only think of one man. Satoru. Can it be him?
“Nothing ever goes quite as planned,” Suguru adds and steps on the pool of blood as he continues towards you. “It should take them five minutes from the point of entry to be here.”
Rather than saying your goodbye and proceeding to leave, you fall beside Suguru to stay and help him. At least until you know if it’s Satoru or if it’s someone else with reinforcements. Or until he says otherwise.
“Should we ignore them,” Suguru continues as he rubs his chin. “Or should we take care of them? It’s so hard to decide.”
You part your lips to share your suggestion, but just before you can the wall at Suguru’s side explodes and sends out a cloud of dust and a bunch of debris. And through it pops out the Panda.
He got here fast so it means he took the shortest route here.
“Not bad,” Suguru says.
The panda responds by trying to punch him, but he swiftly slides back. The panda then spots you and tries the same thing, but you mirror Suguru’s actions and move away from the panda. You then manipulate the air to gather some of the smoke together and create a screen to hide behind.
Instead of staying hidden though, you run forward to surprise him. And just as you pop out of the smoke screen you notice that the panda is distracted so you jump up, and then spin around to kick the panda towards Suguru. “Focus,” you scold the panda.
Suguru then meets the panda halfway to punch it down and crash through the ground. However, the panda quickly recovers and just as Suguru was going to throw him back to you, the panda wraps his arms around Suguru and slams him to the ground.
Your husband acts quickly and gets out of the panda's grip before hurling himself back. The panda then turns and tries to charge at you, but you manipulate the air to wrap around your fist. And just when the panda gets close you throw your fist out and send a torpedo of air that sends him flying back before he can even touch you.
Just as he’s in the air though, he lets out a loud roar and grows more muscles on his body. He even grows fangs on his bottom jaw, and his eyes glow purple as they narrow into a fierce glare. But rather than continuing to attack you, he turns and runs to Suguru, as your husband approaches. The panda then proceeds to jump up and zips towards Suguru, but he misses as Suguru jumps on the roof.
The Panda doesn’t fall behind though, he follows Suguru at a much quicker speed than before and envelops his fists with cursed energy to try and hit Suguru, but with every punch he throws, Suguru swerves with ease. You on the other hand step back and jump on the roof across from them to keep out of the way.
And this should be your chance to leave while the panda is distracted, but you sit down instead. He is a cursed corpse after all so you are curious how strong it is, so you watch and see Suguru return to the courtyard and pull out some ugly-looking leech curses.
The panda lands in the courtyard too and manages to crush the curses with ease, but they only serve as a distraction so Suguru can get around him. “Predictable,” Suguru throws at the panda.
The panda lifts his head. “Because it was a feint,” he rebuttals as he turns around and pulls his fist back. “Drumming beat!”
You smirk and lean forward, and watch Suguru pull out another one of the previous curses. However, this time the panda manages to punch through the curse and throws Suguru back, causing you to quickly stand up and cry out with concern. “Suguru!”
The panda snaps his head towards you and runs at you. Yet before he can try and actually reach you, Suguru yells out at the panda, “eyes on me!”
You look over at Suguru again and see him summon out more of those long curses to throw them at the panda. So the panda has no choice but to pay attention back to Suguru to destroy the curses after him.
You now attempt to hop off the roof, but before you can, in the distance you spot the cursed speech user approaching. He doesn’t seem to have noticed you, so you quickly hop off the roof and approach Suguru as he hurls the Zen’in girls' spear through the panda from afar.
“That was close,” Suguru tells him.
“Same to you.” The panda counters.
“Someone’s approaching,” you let Suguru know as you gather the water that’s in the air while the panda slowly goes down.
And just as you predicted, the moment the panda hits the ground, the cursed speech user appears from behind the panda and yells out, “plummel!”
You clap your hands together and quickly shield Suguru and you with a blanket of water.
The sound waves from the boy's cursed technique only cut deep through the ground around you, and just throw out a thick cloud of dust since the water you hold protects Suguru and you.
“Hey!” You yell out at the boys.
As the dust clears you see the cursed speech user on his knees, and the panda behind him holding his shoulder. And they both share the same horrified look.
“Did they not teach you anything?!” Suguru shouts out smugly, and you bounce off his comment just as smugly.
“Water absorbs sound!” You proceed to move the water that's shielding you around Suguru and you, and then gather it into an orb in front of you.
“Which means…” you trail off and shoot the orb out. The boys try to move, but the water orb hits them, and the sound trapped inside damages them instead. Not as much as it would’ve hurt Suguru and you, but it knocks them out and cuts them.
“Thank you,” Suguru interjects and makes you snap your eyes away from the students unconscious on the ground—“you really saved me just now.”
You turn and face him with a growing smile. “Don’t mention it. It’s what we do.” You brush him and flash him a wider smile.
Suguru smiles softly and nods. “I know, but still. Thank you.”
You sigh and lose your smile. “Maybe,” you interject quietly. “You need me by your side when you face Okkotsu. He won’t go down without a fight, you can use my help.”
Suguru closes the small gap that was left between each other and cups one of your cheeks. “No,” he says. “You go, do what we planned. I’ll be okay.”
You let out a shaky breath and he cups your other cheek. “Go,” he insists. “Don’t worry about me, sweetheart. I’ll meet up with you where we agreed, okay?”
You drop your head and hesitate, so he presses his knuckle under your chin to lift your head so you can meet his dark eyes. He doesn’t say anything and you don’t either, you just hold his soft and loving gaze, and as if it were magic you feel comforted by his look alone.
“Suguru,” you whisper.
He leans in and begins to kiss you softly to only deepen that comfort. You don’t kiss him back right away, you savor the sweetness of his lips and cherish the softness and warmth of them. When you slowly grab his jaw you pull him closer to finally kiss him back with more passion and with longing. He wants to pull back so you can go, but you pull him back and linger in the kiss until you want to pull away.
“Be careful,” you tell him once again.
Suguru offers you a smile and nods. “I will,” he reassures you. “You be careful too, hm?”
You brush a strand of his long hair over his shoulder and nod. “I will be,” you whisper and slide your hands off his jaw to step back before you stay. “I’ll see you later.”
“I’ll see you,” he repeats.
You let out a deep breath and hold his gaze for another lingering minute before you turn and walk away. You’re tempted to look back, but you know that if you do you’ll begin to think about staying to help him, so instead, you quicken your pace. It’s only once you’ve turned into a different path that you walk slower and realize that this damned school really hasn’t changed a bit.
The same buildings remain here, they look like they’ve been kept up to date, but besides that, there’s nothing new. How do they expect kids to learn and continue to live if they don’t change? What a pity.
Nevertheless, just like expected you don’t run into anyone either since they all should be in the city. But you would have preferred to run into obstacles, as you wander through the school grounds you remember your youth and you begin to feel all nostalgic because it really hasn’t changed…
It makes you wonder if yours and Suguru’s initials are still carved on the tree by the pond you’d like to sit by. It’d be nice to add your daughter's initials on there now too. Hopefully, once Suguru and you both are done you can do it since you did agree to meet up there.
As for now though, you really need to stop daydreaming and focus on your plan. Thus, you also try to strain your ear to try and hear if Suguru might be fighting, but you’re too far from where you left him, you can’t hear or feel a thing.
Hopefully, he’s okay though.
Nevertheless, when you reach the building that leads to the warehouse and Tengen’s tomb, of course, you come across two guards.
“Stop right there Y/N Gojo!” A guard shouts as he pulls out his metal flail and lets the metal ball fall.
You look at the both of them unamused and retort. “Fighting you two would be no challenge so don’t embarrass yourselves.”
The other guard begins to unsheath two blades, and the one with the flail points his finger at you. “We’ve been ordered to kill you,” he sneers.
You scoff and smile. “Come at me then,” you encourage him. “I’ll give you the first shot.”
The man with two swords charges at you and jumps up to swing his blades down at you, but you run forward and slide down toward the other man.
When the man with the flail sees you he tries to catch you off guard and swings the metal ball down, but you're faster than him, so you swiftly get back on your feet and stand behind him.
“Boo,” you whisper in his ear.
The man with the flail jumps. “What the hell,” he gasps, and then turns back whilst he swings his flail, but you catch the chain and wrap it around your wrist to yank him towards you.
Once he's close you fist your hand and throw him a right hook before you snatch his own flail out of his hand and swing the ball across his face, managing to knock him out, and leaving only his partner left. And just like before he charges at you and swings his blades, but you swerve each one and only get him more upset.
When he charges at you a third time he’s faster, so you let him reach you. However, when he swings this time you meet his blades with the metal ball and then use your foot to kick him back. The man drops his blades at the moment of impact, so you drop the flail and stride over to kick his face and knock him out.
Just like you told them that was no challenge. The real challenge is when you get inside the building and find a thousand doors.
Only one leads to where the warehouse will be. And you’ve prepared, but you don’t know the consequences that destroying the doors could lead to. The last time you came here you were allowed here when you were hoping to find Suguru and Satoru, so the correct door was open. This time they’re all closed, they’re around you, above you, below you, it’s like being in some dark abyss and only doors keep you company.
But you can do this. You can.
You roll your shoulders back and tap into your fire, causing the dragon around your arm to glow red as fire comes out of your palms.
“Cursed technique, fire dragon,” you mutter and begin to fill the dark room with the burning light of your fire-made dragon while you form its large body outward. “Cursed technique, fire snake,” you add and use your other hand to flow fire out and form a large fire-made snake.
“Now,” you sigh. “Let’s hope this works,” you mutter.
You put your hands together and combine the dragon for its fire breath ability, and the snake for its ability to burn away cursed energy, and create a large fire-made Wyrm that lights the room so bright it looks like a sun. Its body grows horns like a dragon, it grows an incredible and ferocious jaw like your fire-made dragon, it grows a tongue and a long slithering body like a snake.
It’s a new technique you discovered while training with Yuki. She helped you realize your full potential in ways the school or your family never could. She made you the sorcerer you are now, you owe a lot to her.
“Now,” you continue and smirk. “Cursed technique, Fire Wyrm!”
You send the Fire Wyrm out and it opens its jaw to blast fire out and bathe every door with bright and hot flames as it flies around the void. The fire grows so hot you begin to grow uncomfortable because unfortunately, you aren’t immune to fire. You can tolerate a lot more than the average person, but there’s a chance that you could die by fire.
Luckily though, this time isn’t the day your fire took you out. Instead, you watch in awe as the fire burns away the cursed technique that was keeping the fake doors up, leaving only one that was too strong for your technique to destroy. Just like you had theorized.
And thankfully there’s no counterattack either, so you return the fire back to you and slowly open the door. When you walk in you see the forest-like room you came across before, and this time just across the door is the warehouse.
You had not even batted an eye to the warehouse before, you had no interest in it because you were too caught up in your own worry to even pay any mind to it. Eleven years later here you are walking to it without caring about the tomb.
When you reach the warehouse though, you see a lock on the metal door.
“What to do?” You ask yourself and glance around the forest until an idea hits you.
You crouch down and wrap your hand around the lock to use your fire to burn it away. Luckily, the lock isn't immune to your fire and melts away, letting you pull the door open.
When you walk inside your breath catches as you find yourself impressed by what’s inside, by how large the warehouse really is compared to how it looks outside. And every inch of it is covered with cursed weapons and cursed objects of every grade.
In theory, you could use it all against the school, use it to win your battle, but you’re only here for one thing, the 9 Cursed Womb Death paintings.
They stand all the way in the back in glass flasks that stand on podiums that are basked by such a dim light that you can’t even shape what’s inside the flasks. When you approach them though, you gasp as you see nine fetuses, all different shapes and different sizes, but they’re all just fetuses…
Maybe it’s the intimidating name, but you expected something scarier. They’re harmless—in this state of course. When they’re incarnated in their vessels though, they’ll grow into intimidating humans with strong techniques, and hopefully, they’ll help your cause.
“You’re not so scary,” you mutter as you crouch to look at the first cursed womb death painting through the glass. “Don’t worry…” you trail off and grab the flask to turn it and read the label stuck to the glass. “…experiment number 1, Choso.” You smile softly at it. “I’ll get you out. All of you,” you add softly.
The fetus opens its little eyes and you jump up. “Fuck,” gasp out of fear. “Unexpected.” You exhale and laugh softly to yourself. “Anyway. Let’s go home, Choso.”
You tuck it in the bag you brought and move down the line to tuck the rest of them inside. And when you’re done you’re about to turn to head out, but then the sound of a familiar voice makes you freeze.
“Are things really that bad that you’re resorting to stealing now…”
You clench your jaw and swallow back thickly as you grow annoyed and angry at the sound of his voice, and at the feeling of his presence so close to you.
You had seen him not so long ago, but it wasn’t the same, there were people between the two of you, his attention was wavered, and neither of you had the intention to get close or attack. This time, it’s just the two of you alone and you know there's only one thing you will have to do. Something you’ve never had to do because you both know you wouldn’t just drop what you took without a fight, you wouldn’t leave without one.
Is that what fills your eyes with tears then? That knowledge? Or is it the anger that’s flowing back in as the memory of him leaving you behind ten years ago resurfaces as if it happened yesterday?
“Y/N,” he calls out your name in that same nonchalance he would always say your name so many times before. It would annoy you sometimes. But this time it’s different, he’s acting like he didn’t break your heart, as if nothing happened. This time it infuriates you.
And when you slowly peer back over your shoulder you display your anger through your furrowed eyebrows and narrowed glare, and through the angry tears that fill your eyes.
“Brother,” you mutter coldly.
A/N- Don’t think about how if Satori sees her dad again it’ll actually be Kenjaku
Tagged- @deniseabad1928 @secondary-character-25 @starlightanyaaa @notsaelty @d4rno
109 notes · View notes
matsur1 · 7 months
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A Kuroo Tetsurou fanfiction penned by Matsur1
Word Count: 2.9k
A/n: Not proofread yett, some things may be a bit confusing since I had a headache while writing this but nevertheless I hope you enjoy! Alsoo, it's my first time writing a haikyuu fanfic!! Do give feedbacks if you please🫶
“I’m tired of this, Tetsu,” you tell him in an irritated tone while you aid your weeping son who kept insisting he’d wait for his dad to come home no matter how late. And Tetsu? Well, your husband unfortunately just came back home from work. Not to mention that it’s midnight. He sighs deeply, rubbing his temple, “Look, I didn’t ask for this either, alright? Don’t blame it all on me,” he defends. “Didn’t ask for it? Well maybe if you’d just learn how to say ‘no’ to work, then things might be a tad bit better, yeah?” you bite back. “Ah, so what you’re trying to say is that it’s all my fault?” he asks, looking at you intently. You surrender, “No, it’s not that I just,” you take a deep breath, trying to exhale all the pain you feel, “It’s nothing, I’m probably just tired. I’m sorry, Tetsu.” He loosens his tie, quietly walking towards you while your little Jason starts to fall asleep. “I’m sorry, darling. I know I haven’t made much time for you and Jason but once work’s done, I promise I’ll make it up to you,” he hugs you and Jason, leaving you with a kiss on the forehead. He makes his way to the bathroom without knowing about the tears building up in your eyes. Your eyes which he used to compliment all the time but is now too busy at work to even look at you. And that promise he’s made over and over again for the past five years? Always forgotten. You don’t even expect much anymore.
You bring Jason into his room and lay him on his bed. You sit on the bedside and stare at your sleeping son. He’s grown so much. He’s five now and you can’t even get to provide him a happy little family who could at least spend the weekends together. Sure, the material things you could both give him, but not the emotional things that a child would need, and that makes you feel guilt. You give him a good night kiss on his forehead and start to head out. You walk to the refrigerator to catch some water. As you pour water, hands loop around your waist and a head rests at your shoulder. “I’m sorry, Y/N,” he apologizes, “I know it’s been hard, and I’m sorry that I’m not always physically present.” You could feel the tears burn up in your eyes again. Tears for what could be but can’t be. “Tetsu, I’ve been thinking…” you mumbled. You clear your throat, “I’ve been thinking of getting a divorce.” The hands on your waist fall and the head on your shoulder lifts up. “What?” he says, almost demandingly, “Am I hearing this right?” You turn to look at him and leave the glass of water on the counter, “I’m sorry, Tetsu. I just think that this would be better for Jason. Perhaps by then he’d at least get the chance to spend time with both of us, even if it’s individually,” you explain. “Wait, wait, wait, are you… how long have you been thinking about all of this?” he asks in suspicion. “Tetsu, that’s out of the point. The thought just passed my mind, the thought that maybe Jason would be better off with separate parents rather than married parents who fight every night. Every single night, Tetsu. I always,” your voice starts to break, tears streaming down your cheeks, “I always feel guilty because Jason would have to go through such a thing at a young age. I don’t want that for him.” He holds your face with both of his hands and he lays his forehead on your forehead, looking at you, his eyes almost pleading. “But I love you,” he speaks, almost in a whisper. “And I love you too, Tetsu. So, so much.” you confess. “But I also love our little Jason,” you look into his eyes as your tears drip onto the marble floor. You softly remove his hands off of your face, “I’m sorry, I just can’t,” you cried, gently holding his hands. He looks down at the floor, still processing the things that have been happening. Processing the things that have happened in the last five years. Possibly going back to the times you and he were so excited to have the baby delivered. 
You then turn and go to the bedroom that you share with Tetsu while he stays still in front of the fridge. He felt his whole world stop. Almost as if his whole body is now paralyzed. Then he finally breaks, sobbing, holding onto the counter. He has no idea what to do next. You have no idea what to do next. You both burn in the same fire yet it’s as if a thick wall separates you both, leaving you unable to help each other.
The next day, you wake up to the sound of Jason laughing. Full of curiosity, you stand up and take a glance at the bed. Tetsu’s side was neater, unmoved. Did he sleep on the couch? Your heart broke at that thought. You slowly open the door, meeting with a lovely sight. Tetsu was cooking breakfast while carrying Jason, tickling his face with his nose. What a sight, indeed. As if the thought of Tetsu sleeping on the couch wasn’t cruel enough to break your heart. Your heart aches at the sight, wishing this was a daily basis. Wishing this was the family Jason had every day. But now that you think about it, did Tetsu not attend work today? Not that it matters, he probably took a day off work so you could both work on the papers. “Good morning, what’re you both cooking?” you ask them in a cheerful tone, putting up an act. “We’re cooking pancakes. Right, Jason?” Tetsu responds. “Yes! Daddy said he did not go to work so we could spend the day together!” Jason exclaims, giving you both a big smile. You were quiet for a quick moment but you quickly recover your smile, “Is that so? Well, are you excited Jason?” you ask him, taking him from Tetsu so he could start cooking properly. “Yes, yes, yes!!!” He repeats excitedly. “That’s good, but we gotta eat breakfast first, okay?” you tell him as he nods in response.
Later, when you were all ready to go, you all ride the car and get on your way to your agenda. Though it’s only Tetsu who knows about it. You and Tetsu kept quiet the whole ride while Jason kept himself busy watching at the road. And when you finally arrive at your destination, Jason excitedly jumps. It was his first time to go to an amusement park, and yours too. Knowing that fact, you looked at Tetsu, giving him an appreciative smile. Hours later, you all finally decide to go back home. Or so you thought. “What do you think of visiting Grandma, Jason?” Tetsu asks Jason. “Yes!!!!!!” Jason happily shouts. You look at Tetsu as he drives, so this was his plan, huh? Is he gonna tell his mom about the divorce now? You were left with thousands of questions on the way to Grandma’s house.
When you finally arrived, the three of you greeted Grandma with cheerfulness. Her house, still the same with its comfortable and feel-at-home vibe. Then, the three of you caught up with Grandma and you were expecting Tetsu to bring up the divorce, but he didn’t. Instead, “Well, we’ll leave Jason with you for a couple of hours, ma. You know we gotta have time for ourselves as well,” Tetsu winks while Grandma laughs. You join the laughter but knowing that wasn’t really the case made your heart drop. The whole time, you and Tetsu kept quiet, leaving an awkward atmosphere. “Sorry about this, Tetsu,” you apologize, your voice shaking. He keeps his eyes on the road, keeping his cool face. The silence went on for a while, taking over the whole car. “You know I still love you, right?” he finally responds. Tears start to build up in you. Before you could find words to reply, “And I always will,” he adds. As if that helped you feel any better. “I love you too, Tetsu.” You tell him in a whisper, looking outside the window. Those were the last words you told each other before you went and worked on the divorce papers.
“Jason? Can you come here for a minute, honey?” you kindly ask of Jason. Jason stood up, walking over to you and Tetsu with curiosity in his eyes. You pat down the empty seat on the couch that you and Tetsu are sitting upon. You hold his hand, “Me and Daddy made a decision,” you pause, not being able to go on. But you must, “we’re gonna live somewhere else, okay? Just you and me, a little far from here.” Jason’s curiosity turns into concern, “But why, Mommy? What about Daddy? Is he gonna live here alone?” Jason asks worriedly. Your heart breaks at his questions. “Yes, honey. But don’t worry, we can always visit Daddy on weekends. Is that alright?” you ask in a trembling voice while Tetsu keeps his head down, eyes stuck on the floor. “Only on weekends?” Jason pouts. “Yes, only on weekends. But it's better than never, right?” you try to convince him. “Yeah,” he pauses, his voice getting sadder by the moment, “Okay, Mommy.” He hugs the both of you. So much suffering for someone so young.
It's only been a few months since the divorce. You and Jason moved away, but not too far from your former house. Things have been hard but better now that you don’t have to worry about the time Jason spends with his Father. I mean, compared to before, Jason and Tetsu can finally spend time even if only for two days. Unlike before, the time they both spend together were uncertain. Nevertheless, co-parenting isn’t easy but easier than what you both expected. For the first week, Tetsu didn’t really have a plan so you all just ended up hanging out together in his house. But the following week, Tetsu had planned to bring you both at the beach. He taught Jason the basics of volleyball while you stood by, watching them have fun while making sandwiches for them. Tetsu kept trying to get you to play with them the way you both used to but you kept denying his offer, perhaps afraid to fall in love with him again and go back to the way it was. But then, did you ever stop loving him? 
Today, you went to Tetsu’s again, but this time he said he had no plans. You try to think of one to help him but none comes to mind either. “Perhaps this is a sign to just rest in the house again, maybe cook pasta together. Right, Jason?” he speaks about while picking Jason up. “I know!!” Jason exclaims. “Let’s play kitchen! I’ll be the chef and you and Mommy are my customers,” he suggests. So, Tetsu brought his kitchen set down and set it up for him. You and Tetsu sit on the floor to match your chef’s height. “You and Mommy sit over there while I cook here,” Jason instructs. Following Jason’s instructions, you both sit awkwardly while he cooks. He didn’t even bother to ask your orders but it’s Jason, he likes surprises. Jason glances at the both of you, “Mommy, Daddy?” he stops in the middle of his cooking. “Yes?” you and Tetsu answer at the same time. “Why are you both sitting so awkwardly? Act like you’re on a date! Face each other.” Jason scolds you. “Oh, alright buddy. Got it. Now get back to cooking before we start to smell burnt food.” Tetsu obeys. And so do you. So now you’re both awkwardly facing each other. You both try your best not to meet each other’s eyes but you do once in a while. “So how’s work?” Tetsu asks, trying to break the silence. “Work’s alright, how about yours? Your boss still bossing you around?” You attempt to joke, which seems to work because Tetsu chuckled. “Yeah, stressful. Thank god he let me take day offs during weekends though,” Tetsu replies. Your conversation kept going after that, and somehow, there was less awkwardness between you and Tetsu. But you did wonder why your chef was taking so long to serve food.
It was almost dusk and you were about to invite Jason to go back home but Tetsu asked you and Jason, “How about a movie?” and Jason, without hesitation, shouts yes. You sigh, but you can’t help but smile because you’re all finally bonding. Tetsu turns the TV on and turns the lights off to set the mood. While he and Jason were choosing which movie to watch, you suggested to make popcorn. They both agreed at that delicious idea. While you were on your way to the kitchen, Tetsu discreetly whispers to Jason, “If Mommy asks you to go home, tell her that you want to stay for a while more, okay?” Jason snickers at that idea and happily nods. When you came back with the popcorn, they were finally able to choose a movie and they had a strange smile on their faces that made you want to question them but you assumed they were just excited.
Later, when the movie finally showed the credits, you were about to speak and ask Jason to go home since it was starting to get late but Tetsu stops you, “shhh” he says as he points at Jason who’s sleeping soundly. You turn the lights on, “Oh great, what now?” you whisper-shout at Tetsu. “Well, you guys could spend the night, it’s getting late as well,” he replies in his low voice instead of whispering while picking up Jason to bring him to his bedroom. You were about to oppose to his idea but he had a great point. If you and Jason go home now, he’ll wake up and you’ll have a hard time bringing him back to sleep. You were cleaning up the living room and the kitchen when Tetsu came out of Jason’s bedroom. “You can sleep in my bedroom, I’ll make do with the couch.” He offers. “No, it’s alright, this is your house. Perhaps it's my turn to sleep on the couch this time.” You insisted. “Come on, you know I don’t like seeing you having a hard time,” he teases you with his perfect smile that you can’t help but smile back. “Alright, you gotta lend me some clothes though. After all, it was your idea that we spend the night here, right?” you smirk, knowing he probably doesn’t know you got him all figured out. “What?” he asks in shock, “You knew? You’re no fun, miss,” he playfully pouts. “You’ve always been easy to read, Tetsu.” You laugh. So does he, “Yeah, you always knew how to read me.” His statement makes you both go back to the old times. The times when you both were the campus couple. But now, you’re both left with awkward silence. “You know, I miss you.” He confesses. You looked away, trying to avoid his confession. “Please, Y/N. Give me another chance? It’s hard to live like this, I still love you. I love you and Jason.” He pleaded. “Tetsu…” you hesitate. “To tell you the truth, I left work,” he confesses once again. You look at him in shock, bringing your full attention to him. “What?” you ask, tears building up in your eyes. “I left work because that’s what took you both from me. And now, I found a new job. It’s still office work but it’s less busy than the last one. I have more time for you both now. So please, please, Y/N. Please come back home.” He looks at you with pleading in his eyes. “Tetsu, I… I need to think more about this. I’m sorry.” You turn to go back to his bedroom, softly shutting the door. Without a pause, you turn back at the door and silently cry against it. 
The next morning, Tetsu woke up with the sunlight hitting his face. He immediately stood up, remembering what happened last night. He runs to check Jason’s room, gone. Then he goes to the room you slept in, gone as well. Finally accepting the truth, he lets out a deep sigh, tears burning in his eyes. He shuts the door, having a good cry outside the door. For about half an hour later, he finally stands up. He makes his way to the kitchen to make coffee. Perhaps coffee could help give him energy for the long day today. He sat down on the island chair of the kitchen with his head facing down while he holds his cup of coffee when he hears the door open. He quickly looked up that his neck almost hurt. He was shocked to see who was at the door. It was you and Jason, with your dozen bags. “We’re back home,” you tell him in a sweet voice, giving him a sheepish smile. He drops his cup of coffee and rushes to both of you, hugging you both very tightly, almost saying he doesn’t want to let you go ever again. “Oh god, Y/N,” he whispers in relief. Finally, he pulls back, taking a good look at you both, caressing your face, “Welcome back home.”
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© Matsuri
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brn-t · 1 month
Thank you @fungalhazard for commissioning me! I really like how it turned out!
Back to earth
tags: original male/original male, transformation, monsterfucker, capitalism unfortunately 😔, height growth, tail growth, monster transformation, tf kink
"Jesus christ dude what the fuck did you DO to me last night?? "
"The same shit I do Everynight! Alan! The same shit you beg for when you’re backin that gay ass up onto my monster junk every night! What, you think I knew this would happen??"
"I don’t know!! How the fuck else could I have sprouted a fucking tail overnight??"
Alan clutched the offending appendage to his chest like he was afraid it would attack him. It was long and muscular like a lizards tail, pushing down the hem of his gym shorts, flexible and vaguely prehensile. There was a small scattering of red scales cropping up from underneath the bare skin. It twitched in agitation as Alan stared expectantly at his boyfriend.
T’urin, the boyfriend in question, avoided his gaze as he wracked his brain for an explanation. He was adopted by a family of sorcerers who found him abandoned on their doorstep, so he really never knew what the hell was going on with him, biologically. But, they said they think he may be some sort of earth totem?? Whatever the hell that was...
All he knew for sure was that there was… a lot going on with him, body-wise. In his “natural” form, he loosely resembled a lion/dragon except covered in a dense coat of iridescent black feathers and three sets of zygodactyl claws. Horn-like spikes spiraled up from his head in a half circle that Alan had told him resembled a crown and made him look elegant.
Alan had been the first person outside of his family to have seen his “true form” and that night had been the first night he’d actually started to like it.
Ever since then, after they got together and had moved in together, more often than not that was the form he would default to. So, when Alan asked him to fuck him open in his monster form the first time, T’urin was nervous but mostly excited.
After that night, his monster form quickly became the default for whenever they were getting into it.
Clothes hit the floor, pants came off, and several extra feet and limbs grew out of places they shouldn't.
T’urin smacked his face and rubbed his temples with his delicate clawed fingers.
That’s what they got for not using protection
“So what now?? I can’t go to work like this! They’ll think I’m a fucking furry or something!
Like a lightning bolt out of a clear blue sky, just then, Alan’s phone began to ring.
Alan picked it up and motioned like he was going to throw the phone. “FUCK fuck fuck FUcking FUCK it’s my manager, FUCK I’ve already forgotten about two shifts this month, I can’t miss another one!!” He answered the phone in his cheeriest voice, not even getting past the "Hi Nicole" before a shrill voice on the other line cut him off.
Alan looked like he was going to cry, his face scrunched up in defeat and his tail literally tucked between his legs.
T’urin stifled a giggle.
“Yes! I- …. yes. Right.. yes, I realize this is my final warning, thank you. Yes…. I will be there… Yes, Goodbye.
Hanging up the call, Alan let out a heavy defeated sigh and turned back into the bedroom, tail drooping.
“You’re actually gonna go??”
Alan came back out with his work shirt halfway on and a pair of giant black harem pants in one arm.
“You wanna eat this month?? Some of us can’t magically shapeshift their-” he shook the offending appendage at him “-freakin monsterparts away whenever they like!”
“Have you tried it though??”
Alan smacked his hands on either side of T’urin’s long muzzle and brought it close to his face.
“T’urin, light of my life, beloved eternal, I cannot express in the slightest how little control I have over this situation right now. Now please help me tie this big ass tail coming out of my ass to my leg so I can go to wOrK AND MAKE A PAYCHECK.”
The last part was yelled directly into T’urin’s delicate fluffy ears and as he reeled back he was hit smack dab in the face with some ace bandage wrap.
Chuckling, T’urin caught the bandages with one of his three sets of limbs and positioned himself behind his boyfriend who had turned around and presented his backside like a sulking child.
He hummed as he took the heavy tail in his claws, admiring the glitter of the burgeoning scalework, turning it over to play with the light.
Alan shuddered.
“Love?” T’urin asked.
“Nothing, it’s just a freakin weird feeling feelin shit on a limb you’ve never had before, like, reverse ghost limb syndrome…”
T’urin held his tail up to a beam of light coming through the curtains, turning the scales translucent.
“I think its beautiful”
“Yea well, for your sake it better be gone by the end of my shift or we’re both gonna be living out of whatever bog you spawned out of.”
A heavy drumming noise gurgled up T’urins long neck and as he finished wrapping his tail, he brought his wide gaping maw right up next to Alan’s ear.
“You promise?” said T’urin, pulling down the nape of Alan’s work shirt, something deep and primal bubbling up in T’urin upon seeing the prickly row of pinfeathers pushing up through the skin along his boyfriend's spine.
Alan spun around and grabbed his dangling tongue.
“Oh that’s a promise, If anything else goes weird, I’m gonna turn you into a boardwalk taxidermy attraction, maybe then you can actually start contributing towards rent, you deadbeat”
T’urin grinned a toothy grin.
“See you at seven.” He said, perfectly clear, despite his tongue being grabbed.
Driving of course was a freakin nightmare and it felt insane to experience pins and needles in a limb you’ve never had before.
After pulling into the parking lot of his dive bar kitchen job, Alan just sat outside his car, steaming, heart hammering in his throat, wanting nothing more than to turn back and drive home but having no choice but to walk forward.
His…scales, turns out, would rub up against his legs on the downwards motion as he walked so he grimaced unpleasantly as he scooted into the kitchen, thankful for the first time in his entire life to be a dishwasher.
The remainder of his shift went surprisingly well, despite him getting chewed out by the manager, and him jumping every time someone walked past him.
“I guess no one notices the dishwasher guy,” he thought to himself, equal parts relieved and depressed.
He actually got into his job at some point, scrubbing dishes clean and restocking cookwear until suddenly there was a tap on his shoulder.
Alan whirled around, looking at his half lidded coworker with alarm.
“Y-yes??” Alan said, angling his backside away from him.
“Yo, yer shift’sup dude, geddahell outta here.
Alan had never felt so relieved to see him, he could have hugged him.
“O-okay, thanks! Man!” Alan held up his elbow length rubber gloves, “I’ll uh, hang these up and head out then…”
The coworker didn’t respond, already looking at whatever was on his phone.
Alan took off his apron and started to pull the rubber glove off his right arm.
A painful tugging sensation ripped up his whole forearm.
“Ow..” Alan said softly.
“Oh! Uh, a glass broke in the uh.. sink, be careful…”
“Whatever man, justgimme the gloves.”
Alans heart beat a little quicker, not wanting to confirm what he suspected.
“These have… holes in them, just grab the other pair in the supply closet! I’ll throw these out!”
The coworker shrugged and shuffled off. Alan quickly pulled the sleeves of his hoodie down over the gloves, shoving them in his pockets and making a hasty retreat to his car, not even bothering to sign out.
The entire ride back his heart was hammering in his chest so loud he almost forgot completely about his tail.
He tried to not stare at the thick rubber gloves wrapped white knuckle around the steering wheel but he swore he could see neat little pale spikes poking out of the fingertips and he didn’t want to think about what that meant right then.
As soon as he was through the door to his dinghy apartment though all he could think about was tearing the damn things off.
They smelled of stale dishsoap and dirty sink water and work so Alan didn’t feel the least bit sad grabbing scissors to cut them away.
And yes, to his dismay, it was not normal human fingers that greeted him as the rubber peeled away.
Not only had his naturally pale skin darkened to a ruddy reddish-brown at the tips, but long rigid backwards facing pinfeathers were just starting to poke up out of the skin of his forearm. And to make matters worse, it looked like over the course of his 10 hr shift, his nails had been completely pushed out, so now his fingertips ended bluntly with only a deep vertical slit at the tip. At the crest of each knuckle he could see rectangular patches beginning to form like the scales of a bird.
Fucking christ was all he could think as he turned his hands over and over, struggling to comprehend that the things opening and closing in front of him were actually his.
“Haelfynn above, what the hell happened to your hands?” T’urin said, standing at the doorway in human form.
Alan could only turn to him, hands spread jazzhands style and flex his fingers, causing needle-sharp claws to pop out from the aforementioned slits kittycat-style, startling them both.
There was a heavy moment of silence where they both just stared dumbly at each other before Alan’s mouth twitched up into a nervous sort of smile and brought a curled paw to his mouth, cocking his hip.
That was all it took and the two crumbled into hysterical laughter, collapsing into each other until they were both wheezing for breath and wiping tears from their eyes.
Then Alan grabbed T’urin by the lapel and slammed him against a wall, lifting him bodily off his feet. (had he gotten taller?)
“You’re going to fix this, now..” Alan said, the barest hint of a growl bubbling up underneath his voice.
T’urin’s eyes widened but his face looked rueful
“On it.” Was all he said, pulling out his phone and dialing his mom.
T’urin’s mom was incredulous at first but her tune changed completely after switching to video chat, exclaiming loudly and calling in T’urin’s mother to come have a look. There were a lot of questions, and a lot of answers that made the young couple blush, but by the end of the conversation it was agreed upon that the two of them needed to make a trip up north to T’urins parents place for a more in depth examination.
His moms graciously offered to pay for a private cabin on the train and said some things over the phone to Alan’s clothes which they said would “help people overlook him.”
The moment T’urin ended the call, Alan felt drained.
He collapsed onto their bed and cupped his face in his hands, or, paws? He held them aloft again just to make sure he still had all 5 fingers.
They were all there… for now.
He covered his face again, groaning through his teeth.
“What am I going to tell my boss?? I’ve got another 7am to 7pm tomorrow and no sick days.”
T’urin was uncharacteristically quiet and looked down, toeing the ratty carpet.
“I’m sorry… about all of this…”
Alan sat up sharply, “Oh, babe, no, it’s not like, i blame you or anything. I don’t think either of us have a fuckin clue as to whats going on, it’s just, like, the WORST possible time to have a magical transformation happen ever. I mean, rent’s due next week and the insurance on the car, plus you’re almost through that frozen deer carcass and THATS another $250 unless you want to go try hunting again, but I am NOT forcing deworming meds down your throat again
“They taste like shit” T’urin hissed
“Yea, well, cry me a river, buddy, daddy’s broke at the moment and also turning into some sort of critter, so you'll have to pick less diseased animals next time.”
They both chuckled but tension still stained the air.
“Are you scared?” T’urin said finally
Alan sighed heavily and looked down at himself. Aside from his hands and the tail draped over the side of the bed, he still mostly looked like himself.
But he didn’t know for how much longer that was going to be the case.
“I just… never have been good with change. You know what growing up for me was like, I just always craved consistency, and now, after finally just barely being able to carve out a life for myself… for us, here’s life again, pulling the football away just as I’m about to kick.
"What is that, a homestuck reference?" T’urin grinned
Alan rolled onto his side and yanked T’urin onto the bed with him, pushing his many braids aside and looking deep into his dark brown eyes.
“I should have never even shown you that fuckin comic” He said,
They lay there for a minute longer before Alan caught a whiff of the restaurant still on him and got nauseous all over again.
He got up, mumbling something about a shower and shucked his work shirt off and into the hamper on his way to the bathroom.
Grabbing his favorite towel, he shut himself in their tiny bathroom and stood there.
Suddenly he was afraid as to what he might find if he took off his pants…
His tail was sore from being constrained for so long so he ripped the proverbial bandaid off and tore his pants off in one go.
Squeezing his eyes shut, he unwrapped the bandage and slowly let his sweaty tail separate from his leg.
He breathed a sigh of relief and tried to give it a little wag.
It wagged.
“Huh…” was all he said, still in shock that this was his reality right now. He’d very much hoped that this was some sort of extended prank by T’urin, but standing here in this shitty apartment bathroom watching himself curl and twist this thing attached to him made it really hit home somehow.
An odd sort of fluttering feeling blossomed in his chest and he ducked inside the shower before he could examine it any further.
Showering was the most normal he’d felt the entire day, and as the boiling hot water ran over him, his muscles relaxed and he began to droop, just letting the stream purify him like a sand blaster.
He closed his eyes and turned the other way, noting with dulled alarm how the water was hitting something on his back.
He ran a hand down the center of his spine and discovered more pinfeathers pushing out from the crest of his spine all the way down to his hips. Logically, he should be freaking out right now but as he kept feeling them and how itchy they were, all he could think about was getting them out
He concentrated and…
His claws popped out from fingertips and latched underneath the keratinous tube of the pinfeather.
Slowly, so slowly, he pulled it off and flicked it into the corner of the shower.
Now in it’s place he could feel a soft feather, like one you’d see escaping from a stuffed pillow.
Oh fuck was all he could think before pulling another one off, and then another, until soon enough his whole back was covered in a dense layer of iridescent black feathers.
The warm water on his feathers felt like a massage, and Alan made a low crooning noise deep in his throat that echoed pleasingly off the walls of the shower.
So he did it again, and for longer this time.
Soon he was just humming and picking at feathers and letting the water flow over him and picking at scales and shampooing and -uhoh the ceiling was getting kinda low..
Alan looked up and suddenly the ceiling was so close he could lick it.
heh, lick it...
He opened his muzzle and extended his tongue to jokingly touch the ceiling, the hot humid air gathering to make his head feel full and fuzzy.
His tongue had gotten very long… Alan looked down his snout to realize there was a lot more hair in his field of view than when he got in…
He brought a clawed hand up to inspect the strand of curly black hair
Somethingssss weird going onn..
But the steady staccato beat of the warm water refused to let him feel anything but calm and relaxed, even when soft velvety antlers started pushing through his scull and bumping against the ceiling
In his mind, he was beneath a waterfall, deep deep in the mountains beneath a natural hot spring, and he was safe and warm, completely bereft of responsibilities.
He actually started to stoop, from both the low ceiling and from how high up his antlers were extending, so he got on all fours and crouched, facing away from the taps.
Eyes still closed, his body felt like it was… slipping into place, like finally cracking a joint that needed it.
His arms extended out in front of him, muscled and furry, with his hands shortening into proper paws. Not from any discernible species, but boxy and wide, with the leathery sort of texture of a birds leg. His hind legs twitch and jerked into place, the central toes merging to form some sort of talons, like a bird of prey. His fat tail thickened up significantly and began to sprout feathers of their own, with the scales plating the underside.
By the time T’urin decided to check on him and yell at him about the water bill, Alan had slipped into the form of something that was decidedly... inhuman.
T’urin pulled back the curtain ready to bitch when the…creature in the shower startled and let forth a sharp hiss, baring its large and numerous rows of needlesharp teeth.
“OH FUCK” was all he got to say before the thing formerly known as Alan spooked and tried to make a run for it.
Unfortunately for him, bathtubs are not well known for their grippability and his long sharp claws just succeeded in shredding the shower curtain to bits
T’urin tried to reign in the ball of claws and feathers but Alan was not having any of it, shrinking away from his carefully placed hand and hissing gutterally.
“Shit what to I do??” T’urin wondered out loud.
Then the idea hit.
“OH!” he said, and then dropped his human form completely, making the bathroom even more cramped as he filled out the rest of the available space.
He didn’t know what to expect as far as a response but Alan took one look at him and yowled like a territorial lynx, clawing his way out of the tub and spraying water everywhere.
Alan scuttled past him, sharp claws clacking across the cheap linoleum tiles as he squirmed through the open door and into the livingroom.
- was immediately followed by a heavy crashing glass sound.
In the time it took T’urin to follow him out into the livingroom, the space was already trashed.
The couch and carpet were shredded, anything upright had been knocked over and the only thing left untouched were the several large potted houseplants, behind which a pair large jagged gold antlers stuck out rather conspicuously.
T’urin tsked and switched back to human form, slowly approaching the beast, his beast, with his hands outstretched.
“Of course you wouldn’t wreck the one thing thats only yours.
A glittering set of golden eyes snapped open, staring at him through the foliage.
T’urin made a grab for one of his horns but Alan was quicker and wriggled out of his grasp, making for the partially cracked sliding glass door.
Despite his yelling, Alan wrenched it open and launched himself off the balcony, disspearing into the hazy murk of twilight.
“ShitSHITshit” T’urin hissed, vaulting over the rail right after him, shifting into flighted form midair, scanning the horizon for his idiot boyfriend.
He didn’t have to look long to find him though, as a clumsily flapping (when did he grow wings??) moose-sized silhouette against the darkening sky wasn’t that hard to spot.
Thank goodness he didn't seem to have any flight instincts, as T’urin caught up with him rather quickly and tackled him to the ground, landing in some dense bushes outside of someone's house.
A dog inside the house started to bark but T’urin had them down a side street by the time the owner came out to investigate.
As he dragged him along, Alan started to groan and shed feathers, leaving a trail of them in his wake.
By the time they made it back home, he was (mostly) human again, save for the tail, the scaling on his arms and legs, and how his hair was longer now and a deep shade of brown, almost black with a few feathers scattered in it.
T’urin dragged him into the livingroom, dumped him onto the shredded couch, and went into the hallway closet for a broom.
When he returned, Alan was sitting upright with his head in his hands.
T’urin huffed and poked at him with the dustpan, jolting Alan out of his thoughts.
He just looked up at T’urin, eyes wide as saucers, tail twitching back and forth.
“T’urin, I flew just now, didn’t I?”
He nodded. Alan took the dustpan and got on his knees.
“Did you know? That rooftops looked like that? Like little glittering mahjong tiles? That the wind feels cold against your face that high up?”
T’urin brought in the garbage can from the kitchen..
“I did.”
Alan dumped his pan of broken glass. “Why would you ever return to earth??” he said.
T’urin brought him from his knees and drew him into a tight hug.
“You didn’t know how to fly yet.”
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