psychiccupid · 6 years
All the asks
1. What is you middle name?
Nicole! It works really well with my birthname, but not so well with my new name!
2. How old are you?
Turning 24 in December!!
3. What is your birthday?
December 5th, 1994!!! 
4. What is your zodiac sign?
5. What is your favorite color?
YELLOW > PINK >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Orange>Red>Brown>WhiteI like warm colors...
6. What’s your lucky number?
Don’t have one!
7. Do you have any pets?
Not like, under my name or responsibility! But back home I’ve got two cats! Sophi and Cleo!!! 
8. Where are you from?
I was born in Arrowhead, Arizona and grew up in Phoenix, Arizona until I went to college in Flagstaff, Arizona and finally escaped that state in January of 2018 lol
9. How tall are you?
Fuck if I know but also 5′3″
10. What shoe size are you?
8 1/2!!! 
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Maybe 10?? Nah, less. 2 sneakers, 1 work provided shoes, 2 heels, 2 boots, 1 flip flops but I loooooooooove shoes... love to actually wear them someday. 
12. What was your last dream about?
Almost all of my dreams are “adventure dreams” where I go on a grand adventure in a new world. I can only remember bits a pieces but they’re all the hero’s journey with different settings and circumstances. Sometimes I’m a warrior - more often than not I’m a spy - sometimes a super hero. I honestly think they’re all real and my conscious life is just a villain keeping me at bay. 
13. What talents do you have?
I have so many talents!!! Like I can’t even describe how talented I can be!!! I am a phenomenal musician. My best instruments are mallet-piano-like ones: Glockenspiel, Xylophone, Marimba, and Vibraphone etc.. I have been playing the violin since I was 4 and while I’m not a master at it I can carry a tune. I am a pretty great singer (so I think at least) and sound exactly like Mandy Moore. I was also the drum major for my marching band (the person who conducts). I can also play the alto saxophone and to a much lesser extent: all woodwinds. I love music so much!!! I can also act and improv really well! I’ve been in many school plays but never as a main character so I don’t know for sure, but I’ve been the leader of the chorus many, many times. I’m a great manager!!! I won an award for the best crew head for costumes (which is my dream job) which is costume management and backstage quick changes! And if I don’t sound egotistical enough, I’m very good at it. And finally (I promise) I’m really amazing with numbers. I can memorize dates and sequences really well and recite them almost rhythmically (like music and I also think this is why I’m good at music). I know everyone’s birthday, and anniversaries, and I can name 21 digits of pi at the drop of a hat. Look, all I’ve ever wanted to be was famous ok? lol
14. Are you psychic in any way?
Not that I can prove. I can see ghosts? And I feel like I give luck to people? But nothing like mind reading or telekinesis. 
15. Favorite song?
+♂ by GigaP as sung by Len Kagamine! 
16. Favorite movie?
Listen... not only have I had a Tangled themed room... and over 24 things of Rapunzel merchandise... but I get a picture with Rapunzel or go see her show every time I can. 
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
One that gets me and lets me do what I want but also makes me laugh and takes me on adventures. I have no ideal partner - they’ll show themselves when I need them. 
18. Do you want children?
Yes I do!! I would like 2! 
19. Do you want a church wedding?
No I do not but I am going to have a beach wedding and probably have a friend make a fun wedding and just get married via court but have a fun joke wedding. My dress is gonna be Rapunzel’s wedding dress (or at least themed off of it). 
20. Are you religious?
Not in the slightest - but I’d like to be? I’d love to believe in something. 
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
Yes, twice! Once for cracking my head open lol. Once for getting strep throat in places that aren’t my throat. 
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
No, but I’ve been threatened lol. (Like, was threatened to have to police called on me). 
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
I go to conventions lol
24. Baths or showers?
Showers!! Had a traumatic scorpion-in-the-bathtub-while-I-was-bathing scenario as a kid and I never looked back. 
25. What color socks are you wearing?
Black and that’s all I ever wear. 
26. Have you ever been famous?
No but I WANNA BE. 
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
28. What type of music do you like?
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
No and I really would like to...
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
I am forever the jetpack to your little spoon! 
32. How big is your house?
I don’t have one... my apartment is p average though? 
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
A Banana!
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
Yes, once. A hunting rifle that my dad hid away and told me was dangerous. When I was ten he asked me if I wanted to shoot it, Carli (my sister) said yes and I tried it. Wasn’t bad wasn’t good. I prefer archery. 
35. Have you ever tried archery?
Oh shit that was unintentional lolol yeah I own a bow and arrow set that I use all the time!!!
36. Favorite clean word?
Via!!! Dunno why I just love it!
37. Favorite swear word?
Fuck is the perfect word always and everyone who says otherwise is lying. 
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
God I think I’ve done 60+ hours before? But I’ve gone many nights of like - don’t sleep one night sleep the next don’t sleep the next. 
39. Do you have any scars?
Yes! I super injured myself on a brick and cut my leg open and the bruise will never leave. 
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
I don’t... actually know the answer to this question???? 
41. Are you a good liar?
Yes. Incredibly. If I want to lie I can do it with no problem because I just convince myself it’s the truth!
42. Are you a good judge of character?
I would like to think yes but I’m a little too trusting honestly. 
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
Yes. I’m a voice actor I’ve had professional dialect training. (ok so it was a college class - but yes). 
44. Do you have a strong accent?
It is very western-american. Lot’s of “y’alls” and removin’ the g’s of off ‘ing’. 
45. What is your favorite accent?
I don’t?? Have one??
46. What is your personality type?
Cute, Quirky, and unique beyond anything you can imagine.
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
If accessories count - my ring. If not then my prom dress!
48. Can you curl your tongue?
Yes, easily. 
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right handed?
Right but I trained myself to be ambidextrous! 
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Not at all! They are our friends!!
52. Favorite food?
Bean n Cheese burritos followed immediately by Sushi.
53. Favorite foreign food?
... Bean and Cheese burritos followed immediately by sushi??? I don’t think America has any food that I like that originated here??? Ok I looked up a list there’s plenty of food that I like but none that I ever crave or wouldn’t take nearly anything else over?  
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
Messy as all get out that then proceeds to explode when I’m messy and needs it to be clean. 
55. Most used phrased?
Hmmm... I don’t really have one??
56. Most used word?
Definitely absolutely either “fuck” or “love”! 
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
Anywhere between 5 minutes to 2 hours and everything in between!
58. Do you have much of an ego?
Honestly no. I quite despise myself and find me gross and unattractive in all forms (emotional, physical and sensual). However, I know my strengths I just don’t wanna make it. 
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
Suck and this is a dumb question? lol
60. Do you talk to yourself?
All the time. 
61. Do you sing to yourself?
62. Are you a good singer?
Yes. I. Am. 
63. Biggest Fear?
Fatal Car Crush. 
64. Are you a gossip?
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
Love, Simon. Tangled? 
66. Do you like long or short hair?
All hair is good. 
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
Yes because I was raised in this brainwashing country and I can sing a song about it. 
68. Favorite school subject?
That wasn’t lunch or extracurricular: Math. 
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
Extrovert all day!
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
No but I would LOVE TO!!!!
71. What makes you nervous?
Literally everything????
72. Are you scared of the dark?
Not at all!!! I love the dark actually. I prefer the light more but dark is good too. 
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Only if I am in a position where I feel like I can correct them? Like I’m not gonna correct a manager but I’ll correct a coworker (nicely lol). 
74. Are you ticklish?
Incredibly but I can turn it off??
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
Not on purpose but yes.
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
Many times and I like it a lot. 
77. Have you ever drank underage?
Yeah but honestly never enough that I ever would’ve gotten in trouble ahaha
78. Have you ever done drugs?
Nope but I’ve been in lots of rooms with lots of different things
79. Who was your first real crush?
All my crushes have been valid as heck so preschool crush RJ
80. How many piercings do you have?
Just my ears!
81. Can you roll your Rs?
Yes I can!
82. How fast can you type?
95 words a minute with minimal mistakes. If I’m not tired and my nails are cut? No mistakes at all!
83. How fast can you run?
Definitely not as fast as I can type lolol - I couldn’t tell you at my best I ran the mile in 11 minutes at the worst 16. (over a 6? year testing span)
84. What color is your hair?
Currently my natural color which is brown it used to be bright pink and I’m sad it’s gone and I’m gonna dye it blonde soon!
85. What color is your eyes?
I call them Green. But they’re gray/blue/green! 
86. What are you allergic to?
Nothing! Maybe milk??
87. Do you keep a journal?
I keep like 5?
88. What do your parents do?
Ohohohoh! My mom is a design center manager at Interior logic and my dad is a freelance carpenter who is building a house in Colorado for their retirement!
89. Do you like your age?
I do! 
90. What makes you angry?
Literally everything involving politics??? 
91. Do you like your own name?
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
I have 2!!! My firstborn son is going to be named Liam Clancy no ifs ands or buts!!! and then I also like Ezra Gregory but I’m not as picky on that one! I really want girl names in my brain but I have none :c Amber Marie is nice but too southern lol
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
Yes. lol
94. What are you strengths?
I am determined. I am not a quitter. I can be spit at and slapped by life and you will never see me give up. I am kind. I can forgive. I am passionate. I am creative. I am positive.
95. What are your weaknesses?
I do not take care of myself. I will stretch too thin. I am constantly running late. I am lazy. I am depressed. I am not happy. I will never be satisfied. 
96. How did you get your name?
Parents liked it - And then I found many different symbolisms for a star in my life and once Star vs the Forces of Evil happened and I knew that name could be a thing I changed it!! 
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
I have no idea but I’d love to find out!!!
98. Do you have any scars?
You asked this already.
99. Color of your bedspread?
Seafoam Blue and I miss my Tangled bed lol
100. Color of your room?
White because it’s a Disney apartment lol my room in my parents house was dark blue because I wanted to paint a forest in it and draw a bunch of owls. 
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effloradox · 2 years
bear witness to the rise and the fall
dream of the endless x gn!reader
series masterlist
“how do you deal with his lord of grumpiness?” the voice comes from nowhere and you’re ashamed to admit that it does make you jump. looking up to see matthew flying closer to you, you can’t help but visualise your peaceful afternoon in the library slipping away from you.
you don’t blame him for seeking you out; with so few residents left in the dreaming, it’s natural for someone who was very recently human to seek out some company. you can’t help but wish he’d found lucienne or even abel and cain rather than you though.
“he’s my husband, it’s my job to love him regardless of his temperament.”
"all due respect your highness but that's not really an answer." it feels like it should be beneath you to roll your eyes but matthew seems to be bringing out a side of you that had long been dormant.
"i'm not sure what you want me to say. it's been millennia, i'm been witness to every possible emotional reaction he's ever given. it's rare his response to a situation surprises me anymore." matthew caws quietly and the two of you fall back into silence. you return to the pages of your book, assuming the conversation to be over with.
"you must get tired of him being all brooding all the time though? after all that time it must have some impact on you." all that time alive and this feels like the first time you've ever glared at one of your husband's ravens. this conversation is quickly making you realise that you miss jessamy more than you thought.
"i don't think i need to remind you that i lost him for almost a century matthew. i do not blame him for his reaction to his imprisonment and the theft of his belongings. i missed him far too much to judge him for something so trivial." matthew makes a noise of approval, and you think you've finally satisfied him enough for him to leave you alone. if not, you might actually consider going finding lucienne and apologising for the flurry of feathers that will soon fill this section of the library.
"you must really love him if you're willing to put all that work in for him." the final interruption makes it clear that as long as you remain here, there will not be any peace. snapping your book shut, you rise and make your way to the door that leads out of the library into the palace. you're vaguely aware of matthew taking flight to keep up with you and can't help the twinge of bitterness that leaks into your tone at his comment as you respond.
"it's not work. not to me. not if it's him."
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lunamochii · 3 years
Genshin Men [ Diluc, Zhongli, Kaeya, Childe ] taking you into a manga cafe - nsfw -
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WARNINGS  : Modern AU, nsfw, pure smut, Oral receiving (F) [ Zhongli ], tit-fucking [ Kaeya ], Drunk sex [ Diluc ], thigh fucking [ Childe ], f!reader, minors dni
I tried my best and I hope you guys will love this! Enjoy reading! You guys can request too~
You guys have plan this last week that both of you will check out the new manga cafe that just launch around this month and you are excited going there with them, since it has it's own private room enough for two plus it's unlimited drinks, you guys can read many books as you want. Who would've think that things will end up somewhat different on what you expected. Well, you guys better keep your voices down if you still want to come by again.
You guys can request too~ Happy reading!
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"What did you say ?"
You gulp down hearing his baritone voice and you tried to shrug it off by letting out a chuckle and looking away, you totally forgot your man gets jealous easily
"C-Calm down Li! I was just joking about wanting to- hmpf!"
You quickly covered your mouth when slip his fingers underneath the skirt you are wearing, hands grabbing on his polo, his breath hitting your skin on your neck
"Joking ? How can you joke wanting to get railed by another man ? Am I not enough ?"
"They don't exist- Zhongli~"
You couldn't stop yourself from moaning his name when he start to move his fingers against your panty, the way he move his fingers is so slow that you just want to beg for more
Zhongli began to kiss your neck up to your chin then proceed to shower your face with kisses, then he brush his lips against yours
"Just kiss me already.."
You whispered and that made Zhongli chuckle and put his arm behind your back pulling your body close to him, your legs wrap around his waist and he planted a soft kiss on your lips
You quickly wrap around your arms behind his head and pulled his head closer and deepened the kiss, Zhongli groan between the kiss, your tongues battled for dominance but in the end he won
He began on caressing your thighs giving it a light squeeze every time you suck his tongue and you would moan whenever he will slap it softly, Zhongli broke away from the kiss and flip your position
Now you're laying flat on your stomach as he lift your skirt up and pulled your panty down, revealing your wet cunt and all you can do is watch him lick his lips and played with your entrance by his fingers
"Hm! Z-Zhongli~ Stop teasing me~"
"Teasing ? I'm just starting, love."
Zhongli grip your butt and made you lift it up, now your wet cunt is facing him and Zhongli rest his cheeks against your butt cheeks before giving it a slap and trailing his tongue on your cunt
You almost moan loudly but Zhongli stop you by slapping your thighs and you just buried your face on the pillow, this is why you should not provoke him, also it would be bad letting your voice out the people on the other room might hear you
Zhongli insert two fingers and you just want to scream this pleasure building up on your stomach, you move your ass wanting him to go faster but your boyfriend is such a tease, instead of thrusting his fingers faster he instead didn't move it and just lick your cunt
"Yes dear ?"
The way he answered you is like his mocking you, oh how badly you want to tug on his air, you look at him pouting and Zhongli knew exactly what you want
Luckily this room is big enough so he pulled his face away from your cunt and focus on fucking you with his fingers, and in a second he got you moaning and chanting his name
"Shut it Y/N! Others will hear you!"
"It's your f-fault! Hmmff!"
"Can't even control your voice."
Zhongli pulled you up and now both of you are standing on the ground with his fingers slipping again inside your cunt, his other hand groping your breast, you put one of your hand on his hand as he went more faster
His other hand is on your face lightly gripping your neck, he felt you squeezing his fingers tight so he smirk and bit down on your shoulder as he fasten his pace, you squirm slapping his hand trying to get him pull out
But Zhongli remain stern and he got you squirting out, soaking his fingers wet and some of your juices is dripping on the floor, when he let go of you, your body plop down on the bed, with your juices oozing out
"What a sight, how about we go home so I can fuck you, hm ? I would love to hear your voice."
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"It looks fun so why not try it, right ?"
Kaeya smirk and you glared at him back but that only made your man chuckle, his hand softly caressing your hair as you gag on his cock, wrapping your tongue around his cock, you continue on rubbing his cock in between your breast
It all started when he decided to read a smut book, he saw a panel where it shows the girl giving the boy a tit fuck and this man right here wanted to try it, though you can't deny that you love it too
"Oh fuck... that's it baby~ Hmm~"
"Geez Kaeya! Don't moan so loud."
"Oya ? Sorry sorry~"
Kaeya smiled and grab a handful of your hair so it won't get on your way, to get you back on track he purposely slip his feet under your skirt rubbing it against your soaking panty
You let out a soft moan and began to suck him whole, his other hand grab on the sheet as he throw his head back, not wanting to let his voice out but the way you suck him is too good that he can't hold his self back
"Squeeze your breast together for me baby."
You did as what he told you and it took you by surprise when he started to move his hips and you can feel how his cock twitch in between your breast, you roll out your tongue just so you can lick the tip of his cock
"Fuck! Hmm!! Holy shit!"
Kaeya curse non-stop and it was like a music on to your ears and with a few more thrust he came and you open your mouth as to catch his cum but some of it still got on your face and breast, Kaeya let out a satisfied sigh as he lay his upper half body on the bed
"Are you satisfied daddy ?"
Kaeya peek on you and motion you to lay on top of his chest and you did, he twirl some strand of your hair on his fingers as he gave you a quick kiss
"You tire me out baby~ I will go grab more book and maybe I can find more interesting positions."
He wink at you and kisses you passionately before fixing his self and told you to wait for him naked, on the bed, while he fetch more book.
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"I'm back! Gosh I found so many good mangas that are impossible to buy!"
You announced once you entered the room while holding the mangas you got, but what welcome you is the scent of the alcohol on the air, your nose immediately scrunch up
Your eyes landed on your boyfriend sitting at the swivel chair, the coat he wore is now hanging at the back of the chair and his polo is now unbuttoned
"I feel hot.."
You quickly put down the book on the table on the side and went o him but he grab you by the wrist and pulled you making you sit on his lap
His hug on you is so tight as if his afraid once he let go you will run away from him, he inhaled your scent and buried his face on the crook of your neck
You roam your eyes and found a one glass that is now empty and it looks like he drank all of it, you shook your head and pulled away from him, his face is really red and his looking at you with a weird expression
"I love you and you know that right ? This manga cafe... this room... will be the witness on how I show you that I love you so much.."
"Hahaha you're saying weird things again Diluc.."
You chuckled but he just lowered his head down to your breast and he look up at you, then he buried his face in between your chest
"Let's fuck."
"Eh ? Right here ?"
Diluc just nodded and began to rub his cheeks against yours, this is what happened when he gets drunk, it's either he will pass out or he will seek for you
"Then, I will be on your care."
You said to him and Diluc gave you a sweet smile before kissing your lips full of love and passion, his hands didn't waste time and immediately slip inside your shirt, getting rid of your bra his hands groping your breast while the both of you kiss
Saliva dripping on the side of your lips as you grind on his crotch that is starting to grow, Diluc let out a soft moan when you got rid of his polo, he broke the kiss so he can take your shirt off and hold you by your waist pulling you towards him
Your breast getting press by his chest as he suck and lick on your neck, then he whispered to you that you should get up a bit so he can unbuckle his belt and get rid of his pants
"Are you sure you don't need help ?"
"Mhm.. no.."
Diluc sounds just like a baby, gone his deep voice now it's replace by his soft voice. Once his done he held out his hand and you gulp seeing his hard cock, standing proud
"Loving what you see ?"
You nodded and that made Diluc smiled and when you place your hand on top of his, he brought it close to his lips and kiss the back of your hand
"It's all yours"
His sweet even when his sober but him being drunk is a next level, you can't help but get all butterflies on your stomach, you slowly lowered yourself to him and Diluc didn't stop whispering sweet words and praise to you
"Good girl, love you darling.."
You grip tight on his shoulders and Diluc cuss under his breath feeling how soft your walls are, he didn't move for a second since he want to shower your face with kisses, your mind become clouded when he lick your earlobe and started to move
His thrust are sloppy and his hands are groping your butt cheeks, his breath are uneven and every time you guys kiss, you can taste the alcohol and maybe that also got you drunk
You never left his lips not wanting to cry out loud, you just muffled your moans in between the kiss and Diluc thrust his hips faster, giving your ass a playful slap every time he shove his cock deep
That will also earn him a sweet moan for you, he can tell that his not that drunk but being this close to you, inhaling your scent is what making him drunk, he sunk his teeth on your shoulder and buried his cock deep as he painted your insides white
You shivered on his embrace and Diluc sigh as if he finally let out everything he had, though he didn't pull out and just keep you close to him, then he look at the book you got yourself
"Say darling, how about you read those while riding me ?"
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"Two college students fucking in a manga cafe~ How daring~"
Childe lick his lips while thrusting his cock in between your thighs, holding it and all you can do is moan, you never expected you guys would be doing this inside a manga cafe, the books that you guys read are now scattered on the bed
"Look at the tip poking out every time I thrust~ Ahh you look so good like this love~"
Childe can't stop praising you loving how you look right now, his cum all over your body and you can't even count how many times he have cum now and how many times you have cum without him fucking your cunt
He let out a groan when you rub your thighs together and that just made him thrust more faster, your moans getting out of hand so you grab the pillow that is place right above your head and press your face in there
"Oh fuck! Coming!"
Childe release his load once again on your stomach and you felt how hot it is, he reach for the pillow and toss it away as he make you hold your legs, press against your chest and he slowly insert his cock once again in between your thighs
"When will you fuck my insides Childe ?!"
"Patience love~ I will fuck you silly once we get to our condo."
Childe smirk lick his fingers and insert it inside your cunt making you bit your lips and at the same time he began to thrust his cock in between your thighs, his fingers fucking your cunt, he can sense how needy your cunt is for it to suck his fingers in
You tried to grab the pillow but Childe told you to push your fingers on your own mouth while your other arm is holding your legs together, lost in the moment you guys didn't even notice the blinking light, a sign that the time is up
"H-Hurry Childe! Hmm make me cum!"
"Together, let's do it together."
Childe groan and pulled his fingers out and fuck your thighs faster, you let out muffled moans and your eyes saw the blinking light and you know anytime somebody will come knocking at the door
He release his cum on to your face and you squinted your eyes as he rub his own cock and keeps on coming on your body, just as you thought somebody knock and both of you look at each other
"Dear guest, would you like to extend your time ?"
Childe smirk seeing how you began to suck his cock and he caress your cheeks with full of adoration, it's your turn now to feel pleasure from sucking him
"Dear guest ?"
"Ah yes, we would like to rent this room for one more hour. Since.."
Childe bit on his lower lip holding his self back to moan when he felt you wrapping your tongue around his cock
"Since we're not done reading the books~"
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sparklingchim · 4 years
fiery mornings; m | pjm
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pairing: jimin × reader
word count: 3k
genre: smut, fluff, established relationship, idol!jimin
warnings: swearing, fingering, protected sex, some breast play
summary: waking up with jimin, but add a little spice to it 🌶
a/n: hello lovely people! i didn't proof read this because it's almost midnight for me now and i'm really tired but luckily tomorrow is saturday 😴 i hope you like it! and have a good morning, day, evening or night❤ i'm heading to bed now💤
The sun peeking through the curtains and encasing the room with crumbs of light is what wakes you up.
These stupid blinds - that you hated as soon as you slept over at Jimin's place for the first time - were not doing their job properly. The sun overflowing his room every damn morning woke up everytime. You'd like to get more sleep because - let's not lie - Jimin and you don't go to sleep very early with both your needy and touchy hands when you lay in bed at night time. However, Jimin didn't care about your aversion against the blinds - he wasn't the one waking up due to them though... - and said something about them looking cozy and domestic.
You really tried to erase the thought of just ripping them down and buying him some new ones that don't let any sunlight shine so annoyingly in the room, but you hold back. But it's really tempting...
You stretch your arm to the nightstand, tapping on your phone to see what time it is. 7 am? Oh, how bad you want to rip these blinds off.
Nonetheless, the warmness of the sheets that you're both tucked under and Jimin's body radiating a comforting glow around you makes you stay in bed.
Jimin's arm is loosely wrapped around your stomach, his body pressed against you from the back. You glance back at him, his nose pressed against your spine and eyes still closed. Your heart softens at that doting sight, seeing him innocently sleeping. No worries in his mind, but only disguising his features in a tranquil state. Jimin is finally able to gett as much rest as he wants and needs after coming home from the tour.
You push some strands of his hair that are falling into his face away. The need to place kisses all over his puffy adorable face looms inside you, but you stop yourself from doing that, so you don't ruin his peaceful slumber that he's currently in.
Instead you could prepare some breakfast for him, so when he decides do wake up he has a delicious meal prepared for him. You think of some dishes that you could cook even though just staying in bed with him felt more enticing which also leads you to grab your phone despite your original plan to get up and start cooking breakfast. But there was no need to rush, Jimin won't wake up for approximately three more hours.
As you take your phone from the night stander you suddenly feel Jimin's grip on your stomach tighten. He lets out some displeased grunts, like a little child not pleased with something. You softly smile, rubbing soothing strokes with your thumb on his arm that's wrapped around you. Jimin nuzzles his face deeper into your back, sighing out in satisfaction.
God, he is so adorable.
You occupy yourself with your phone, checking social media and maybe salivating at some pictures from Jimin that you come across.
20 minutes pass, before you decide that it's time to start the day and prepare some breakfast for your boyfriend who still snoozes behind you, gaining all of his energy back after working so hard for months.
But then you feel something.
Eyebrows scrunched together, you try to make out what could possibly be poking you in this cuddly bed.
Only spending a second on looking out for an answer to your oblivious question, you find the possible solution for that.
Jimin early-glory made it's appearance by being pressed against your butt, letting you feel his hard muscle.
Yeah, it was definitely about time to get up.
But when you prop myself up on your elbow, still laying on your side, you hear a muffled complaining sound behind you. To emphasize his need, Jimin's hold tightens on your belly again, just like he did before, though this time you actually attempted to leave the bed.
You squeeze his arm lightly to beguile him into letting you go. ,,I'm gonna make us breakfast, Minnie," you say whispering, tilting your head sideways, so you're able to look at Jimin. His eyes remain close, only parting is plump lips to mutter a little 'no'. You sigh out, head falling back onto the pillow. ,,It's not gonna take long," you try to convince him, even though the dishes you plan to cook would take a bit longer than normally.
,,Stay with me." Jimin's hoarse and raspy voice uttering its first full sentence this morning.
Then you seek to wiggle yourself out of his embrace, but it's pointless, because letting you go isn't even up for a debate in Jimin's mind.
,,Then there's no breakfast for you," you utter in defeat. Jimin doesn't answer, suddenly placing soft kisses over the crook of your neck. His sudden sweet kisses cause goose bumps spread all over your body, the tingling feeling automatically relaxing you, although laying in bed with Jimin is already so calming.
,,I'm only hungry for you right now," he says. Your cheeks flush at that cheesy comment, but luckily he can't see your reaction towards his words, knowing he would be smirking and teasing the shit out of you. Jimins usual cute and endearing way of waking up is vanished and instead he pulled out his charms to make you melt for him.
Jimins hand traces over your clothed stomach, heading down to you leg to stroke his fingers up to your thigh, pushing his shirt that you're wearing slightly up. His feather light touch induces shivers down your spine. The accentuating tension effects your whole composure, evoking you into pushing your ass back onto his bulge which results in Jimins body stiffening behind you. The impetuous act caught him off guard, but he relishes in the satisfying friction, coaxing him into the blissful thrill he was all too familiar with.
,,You want this?" Jimins tone was low, turning you on even more.
,,Yes, please," you beg, grinding your ass on his hard length. You both breath heavily, the pleasure building in a fast pace.
Soon your pussy burns in need, desiring to be filled with his huge cock. Your movements of his dick gliding through your clothes pussy makes your wetter by the seconds. It doesn't require much till Jimin has enough of the teasing rubbing and shoves the comforter away from your bodies.
,,I love you," Jimin murmurs, placing little kisses over your neck once again. He gently sucks at your skin, only for a brief moment though, not wanting to cause a mark on your flesh before he darts his tongue out and licks over the slightly flush skin.
,,I love you too," you reply breathless. You don't stop your ministrations. You can't desist when the sensation of his cock was getting you so riled up, brewing you into so much pleasure. Last night you were sceptical when Jimin didn't put on any clothes after your little rendezvous, but it really had its perks having him naked behind you.
Jimin hand wanders further, fingers toying with the side of your panty. Once his fingers get a hold of the thin material, he pushes them down in a swift motion. You help him to get the panties completely off and toss them away with your feet. Jimins hand lifts your leg up a bit, his hand hovering over your warmth, but not attempting to do anything yet. You fuss beneath him, craving his touch.
,,Are you sore from last night?"
,,No." You are. But not too much and your mind is too clogged up with the anticipation that builds for the pleasurable feeling Jimin is able to give you.
,,You're sure?"
,,Yeah, please touch me."
At your wish Jimins finger rubs up and down over your slit, coating his finger with my arousal. A little moan escapes your mouth. You enjoy the feeling of his digit touching your slick folds, gathering all your juices. When you feel his thumb circling your swollen sensitive bud, your legs tremble and you sink your teeth into your bottom lip. Jimins index finger makes it way into your entrance. Your aching walls immediately clench around it, acting as needy as ever.
,,Shit," Jimin curses under his breath. ,,You're always so ready for me, baby." How could you not when a men like that was laying next to you in bed?
You let out a strangled moan when he plunges another finger inside you, his pace slow but steady. Jimin crooks his fingers, hitting that lovely spot every time he shoves his fingers back inside your quivering hole.
,,Just like that," you pant, your hand gripping his arm between your legs. Jimins fingers pick up on speed, your moaning spurring him on.
It doesn't take a lot of time till he gets you at that certain point, the familiar knot in your stomach growing quickly. Your body chases after your high, but you desperately want to cum on his cock, so you squeeze his arm gently and Jimin slows his pace.
,,I- I want to cum on your cock," you manage to say and he stops moving his fingers, withdrawing them after. Your body instantly misses the penetration and you whine at the loss of contact.
,,Shh, I'm gonna give it to you, baby," he soothes you, propping himself on his arm to slightly hover over you. You shift your head to see his awaken state for the first time that morning.
Jimins hair hangs into his forehead again, a tired but sincere smile on his face and his eyes puffy from his sleep. A smile immediately appears on your lips at when you look into his loving eyes, his whole being radiating so much comfort and contentment.
With Jimin you felt like it was you final destination. There was nothing else in this world that could give you more than what he was capable of giving you. Nothing in this world could compare to Jimins love. His love was tightly swathed around you and never vanished since the day you both knew that the tension between you was more than just a friendship. No day would pass in which he wouldn't jostle all his adoration to you and show you how much you meant to him. Jimin could never get tired of showering you in all the devotion he has allocated for you, he loved you after all.
You lace your fingers through his soft hair and for a few seconds it stays like that, pushed back on his head, but then it falls down onto his forehead again. Jimin stays still and watches how you play with his hair, until he can't prolong his desperate need to get some friction on his throbbing cock.
,,Can your grab a condom?" he asks and pecks your forehead briefly. You nod and quickly turn to the nightstand on your side, fishing a condom out of the drawer. You hand it to him and rips the package, doing fast work in wrapping the plastic around his member and tossing the useless package somewhere behind his back.
Jimin preps a few kisses on your jawline, making his way to your lips and every so gently capturing your mouth into a tender kiss. You share a passionate and slow kiss together, savouring the moment of being together again after being apart for months. He dips his tongue in, both of your wet muscles tangling tighter.
When you both need to break the kiss, Jimin doesn't intend to go for another, but raises your leg higher and alignes the tip of his cock on your entrance.
,,Oh my God," you breath out.
Jimin slides his cock up and down your folds, gathering your arousal before he's back on your entrance, slowly pushing in. He breathes heavily, your tight walls latching onto his cock so securely. The more his thick length sinks inside your needy warmth, the presence of the soreness from yesterday night makes itself perceptible. Jimin stretches your walls till he's completely buried inside of you. He stills once he's balls deep in, giving you time to adjust to his size.
,,You're good, baby?" he makes sure, looking you in the eyes. You nod slowly, the feeling of his dick being completely in making it hard to let out any words.
When there's still no attempt of moving from Jimin, you tap his arm that has a hold of your leg in the air. ,,Go on please," you whisper, needing to feel his deep thrusts.
After he hears your wish, desperation lingering in your voice, Jimin bottoms out till only his tip is left inside, but quickly pushes back again. The longing feeling finally getting stilled with his tangy thrusts. Jimin continues his movements, his hips snapping faster and faster from behind you and you just feels so good.
,,Lift your leg for me," he instructs, before leaving his hold on your leg to slide his fingers under your - well, technically his- shirt and palms your breast. Jimin pinches and rolls your nipples between his digits, coaxing louder moans out of you. He furrows his eyebrows, you sweet tones prodding him more on. He relishes in the fact that he is the one making you feel this way, making you moan so sweetly for his hear only. Jimin lets out breathy moans, his pace rapid and hard.
Your hand wanders around his neck, tucking at his hair and he answers with soft groans. Then you push the back of his head closer to yours, pressing your lips against his plush ones and kissing him hungrily. You feel yourself getting closer, you're body reaching your high in a short span of time. Of course Jimin feels it, your walls clenching around his member and greedily wanting to milk him are way too obvious. You retract from the kiss, shutting your eyes close when all the sensations overcome you. Jimin lets go of your breast to nestle his hand between your thighs and soon you feel his thumb circling on your clit.
,,Cream all over me," Jimin murmurs.
The added pleasure on your sensitive bud makes you mewl, biting your lip really hard.
The slick sounds of your pussy getting hammered by Jimins cock and his skin slapping against yours fill the room. Combined with your moans and his breathy sound, makes you so much hornier and all you want to do is to cum around his big cock.
,,I'm- I'm gonna cum!" you warn him, the knot in your stomach getting so close to finally snap.
,,Me too," he pants, his thrusts going faster.
Jimins length kisses your cervix every time his hips shoot back into you. ,,Shit, look at me."
Your head instantly tilts to him, meeting his eyes that were already locked on your face. Your eyebrows knit together, the sharp thrusts of his body making you so close to reach your end. Jimin sinks his teeth into his plump bottom lip, never breaking the intense eye contact with you. Fuck, he looked so hot and stunning.
After a few more hard and deep thrusts, your climax approaches and your hand wanders to his shoulder, digging your nails into his skin. Your legs start to tremble and his hand that was playing with your clit, leaves the wet place to hold your leg up when you have trouble keeping it high because of all the  sensations shooting in your body.
,,Jimin!" you cry, heavy pants following.
It doesn't take long for him to come undone too - only a few thrusts later he spills his cum into the condom, making you feel the way he twitches your quivering hole. Jimin groans loud and nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, letting go of holding my leg up. And just like that you both lay there - breathing heavily, bodies fully spent and coming down from your high.
Jimins hand wander to your face, cupping your cheek and rubbing soothing strokes with his thumb on your flush skin. He plants a few kisses on your neck, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. Your body tingles, his breath fanning over your skin creating goose bumps over it.
Ever so slowly he bottoms his now softened length out of your walls, your sensitiveness causing you to shiver.
,,It's okay baby, I've got you," he coos, giving your cheek a peck.
You turn around, now laying on your back and looking into his brown orbs. They have this beautiful glisten in them, making me feel like I'm safe when I'm with him. His eyes are full of love. And he could say the same to you.
You both exchange some more smooches here and there, being all cuddly and acting like you didn't already say I love you for a hundred of times in the past already. Your heart flutters every time he says something sweet, grazes his fingers over your skin or plasters sweet kisses all over you.
After some time Jimin stands up, discarding the condom in a bin and throws some boxers on. Then he grabs tissues and comes back to the bed, digging his knee on the mattress and spreading your legs. He tugs your shirt up to clean you and when Jimin is done with that  he pushes the white fabric down again.
,,I'm definitely not gonna prepare breakfast now," you say when he turns around to get rid of the dirty tissue.
,,I can do it," Jimin answers, turning to you again. His abs were on full display and you can't prevent yourself from looking at his firm chest before looking into his eyes again.
,,Mhm, you can?" you cock an eyebrow.
,,You don't think I'm able to make the same breakfast as you?" he asks back.
,,Of course I think you can to it, babyy," you  tease him and giggle after he furrows his eyebrows, an angry pout displayed on his lips.
,,I'm gonna show you," he says competitively and leaves the room, making his way to the kitchen.
And yes, he did indeed show you.
In fact, he showed you the burned rice he attempted to cook.
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bored-storyteller · 3 years
Okay, I can't find where this request went anymore, but I'm sure it existed (or I wouldn't have written this). I'm going to try to look again in the mail. Anyway, our boys (Vil, Azul, Leona) a little sad and the reader comforting them with hugs.
54- Twisted Wonderland, Vil, Azul, Leona x Reader
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His life isn't that easy. Back straight, head up, be elegant, be polite, never show the weight that falls on your shoulders. This is Vil's life, nothing more, nothing less.
As beautiful as a marble statue, a precious object that can only be admired, not touched. Sometimes he himself forgets that he is human.
It's hard to never break down, it's hard to keep up appearances, and you make it more difficult. You, the most precious thing he has.
He should feel free with you, right? Isn't that the cliché of every love story? But he can't really know, he's always the bad guy in stories.
So even with you it is the appearance that counts him, because you love him for that, right? It's not like there's much more to him than just his appearance - and apparently not even that is enough to give him any real value.
He is tired, that's why he has such negative thoughts. A restful sleep and the next day it will be a fragrant flower again, but it is still early to go to sleep.
"Vil?" Your angelic voice rouses him. You are there, stuck a few steps behind him, you look at him doubtfully and his heart trembles. Oh, did you notice too much wrinkle in his expression?
"Vil." You call his name again, and he is already preparing to tell you how tiring his day has been to clear the doubts that are likely creeping into you.
Vil is not someone used to being touched, he is a precious work of art after all, yet he is convinced that even a caress from you could at that moment bring him relief. But he has to keep up appearances.
"My dear?" His questioning smile tries not to be too guilty under your worried eyes that scrutinize him.
After a few seconds of silence, you are moving. You are slow, yet fast. Your arms slide gently under his, and your body tightens to his chest. Your warmth invades him as your face seeks refuge under his chin, lovingly rubbing your nose against his neck.
"It's cold ..." You murmur, and this is the justification you use, but he knows that you have only read inside him, and you have simply taken some of his weight for you.
"You smell good." You continue, while his arms hold you slowly, in a silent request for affection.
“Oh yeah… it's a new perfume you know? I thought…"
"Yes, that perfume is good too, but you also smell of something else."
He just walks away, so that his purple eyes can look for the answer in yours for that doubt you have posed to him. There is no need for him to ask, he knows that you will give him the answer.
"The scent of Vil." Your cheerful and affectionate smile erases all poison from his heart, and he smiles at you as he does not smile at anyone else as he silently welcomes you back against him.
Who knows, maybe with you appearances are completely useless.
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A faint sigh comes from the dorm leader's lips to confide only in the air the pressure he is feeling inside him.
He is an excellent trader, a businessman, an excellent speaker and a perfect gentleman. Is not enough. He is never enough, and he probably never will be.
Sometimes the slander and contempt of many also burn him. Not everyone looks favorably on him, Azul knows, it's the price he himself chose to pay - at least he got something in return, right?
He isn't sure. Days like this, flat and heavy, occasionally bring back the most latent insecurities of him. Not that he shows it, only his eyes barely reflect the weight in his heart if you look at them carefully.
You are a relief, usually. Like every day he waits for you to come and greet him, but more than every day he would like to drop everything else, take you in his arms and hold you there. Yet despite his appearances he is still so shy. Sometimes even your gaze makes him blush, you know it, and you also know how much he cares about his figure and his representation in front of others, so you never take a step too far towards him, and he never has the courage to ask.
Your voice finally reaches his ears, your bright eyes peeking through the crack of the half-open door before you allow yourself to enter.
"Oh, here you are ... give me a second, I'm almost done." His voice is as firm and calm as ever. He doesn't look at you, it's not strange, but the way he bows his head to avoid you sends you strange meanings.
He doesn't have the courage to look at you, the need he has for you makes him feel ashamed. A child who needs pampering, that's what he is at that moment. A nullity in front of you.
He feels you close, you are next to his chair, standing, looking at him. You don't move away, and he understands that you want his attention, he won't be able to ignore you for long.
"Do you need something?" He finally asks you, and his eyes force them to lift to your face, and he is surprised when he sees you smiling.
You just stare at him for a few moments, without giving him an answer, and then suddenly your arms are around his shoulders, his cheek gently resting on your shoulder.
"I missed you, Azul!" Your light but cheerful voice caresses his ear, while you hug him protectively, full of affection.
"We only met last night ..." he murmurs, in a tone that wanders between wonder and relief.
“I know, but I don't care. I missed you." You confirm again, as you make your way into his lap and let him hold you.
Your weight on him is reassuring, your touch and your presence welcoming.
"I can't hide anything from you, right?" He whispers in your ear, as if he is afraid of being heard by others, even if only the two of you exist in the room.
"No, I would say no." You mutter satisfied, snuggling up to him.
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Usually he is so good at silencing that part of him, but when that black feeling arises it feels like a living being inside him struggling to get out and leave him weak, empty, mocked. He always swallows it, never allows it to peek out. Sometimes it curls up in the stomach, other times in the lungs, or gets stuck in his ribcage making his heart heavy, almost blocking his breath.
Leona is good at silencing those wounds to his pride, but sometimes it happens that a gesture, a laugh, a word at the wrong time weaken his defenses, taking him away from the already heavy looks of others.
In the greenhouse he is alone with himself. No, he's not there to sleep, he just needs to calm down. For some reason today it is difficult, more than usual. The weight in his chest causes him to hunch over, head bowed, ears down. His hands are left in his lap as he sits hidden among the plants, he almost seems to be meditating. Calm down, calm down, calm your anger. It is what he repeats to himself like a mantra as he listens to his own breath. Nobody can beat you, nobody can hurt you.
No, no one is going to hurt him - no one thinks he's worth hurting, do they? All that he is, all that he knows he is worth, is always trampled on, torn to pieces, thrown away by others, as if it were of no use.
Your weight is never too violent against his sturdy back, but his surprise causes him to lean forward slightly.
You laugh as your hands gently tighten around his neck, and he growls.
"Idiot! Are you crazy ?! " His words are acidic, but by now you've got used to it. You are the only one who can ever afford to do such a thing with him, you are the only one he can forgive.
He doesn't realize it right away, but that little leap to his heart you gave him has suddenly lightened his mind. He only knows when your arms go away from him.
Wait, stay still.
That thought unexpectedly reaches his mind, but he is quickly kicked out. He won't beg for mercy, not even from you, especially with you.
Still, even if he doesn't speak, your weight doesn't stray too far. Your arms now slowly encircle his stomach as you drop relaxed on his back, like a lion cub on his father's back.
With your head resting behind his ribcage, Leona knows you're listening to his heartbeat. He knows this because he is listening to you too, he listens to your breath which naturally coordinates with the muscle moving slow and powerful in his chest. And then he understands that you understand his need that he pretends not to have.
"You are so strong, Leona."
And that's enough.
A light sigh caresses his lips: "Of course I'm strong, otherwise you-"
"I'd be fine!" You defend yourself, knowing full well where he wants to hit.
You don't see him, but a proud smile is painted on his face as he continues on his way: "Otherwise you would have already been eaten by now."
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supernovafeather · 4 years
The Leap (18+)
Abel Morales x F!Reader
Warnings : explicit sexual content, nudity, p in v, prostitution, daddy kink, reciprocated feelings.
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A smile finds its way to your lips as you leave the messy bed, your naked form kissed by some rays of light coming from the nearer lamp post finding their way between the two curtains. It's still night time yet you feel fully awake, your body fully ready for a day of work. You may have slept for only four hours but this was exceptionally enough for your brain. For now at least.
Abel on the other side of the bed shifts lazily, his bare skin fully in display as he still doesn't cover himself with the blankets. Getting access to consciousness seems much more difficult for him, his disheveled hair and grumpy face as he closes his eyes making it rather obvious.
"Stay in bed," he mumbles in a tired voice. "It's only 5 am."
"Abel, I need to get ready," you smile before joining him on his mattress by crawling up to him, proud of his grin as you kiss his stubble. "I have to take a shower, to take my clothes, to take the bus... I'm sure daddy understands that, hm ?"
He surrenders as soon as the magical word leaves your smiling face, his face softening immediately as your rub his bare chest up and down slowly. His eyes are still covered by his eyelids, his muscles relaxed under your touch. You would love to stay pressed against him enjoying his warmth but you have to join your colleagues. After all you never really stop. Every opportunity is good to take. If you didn't do it a few months ago you wouldn't have crossed Abel's path so late at night at the peak of his loneliness.
"Yeah. Yeah I get it," he mumbles with open eyes, staring at your naked body and reaching for your hips with his hands, rubbing them softly. "But you're a girl deserving a good night."
"I already got a good night, an excellent one even," you smile before kissing his lips briefly then leaving his bed for good. "You, you need to sleep."
You don't wait for an answer from him as you shower quickly and dress back, ignoring this familiar melancholy. Abel is your favorite client and among the only ones you really want to see again. You're not unfamiliar with those men wearing their ties more proudly than their wedding ring. Well he isn't married so maybe this makes things even easier for you. He is more than good-looking, well-mannered, good for anything related to sex, kisses well, in general likes foreplay. He is a mix between power and submission in bed, it's interesting. Your sessions are never exactly the same.
"Abel, if you want to see me again I'll be at the usual..." but you don't even end your sentence as you see his sleeping form, his head slightly turned to the side with his parted lips, his hand resting on his belly. This makes you smile and you take a look at his crotch one last time before covering his body with his blankets.
There is a kind of affection growing in your heart, you won't deny it. When another client is boring in bed, or just not your kind of guy you think about Abel. This choice turns into a reflex. Sometimes this makes you cum faster and satisfies the guys ego so much that they leave with a wink, or this makes you feel down for not spending your time with him on this car seat. You miss his bed when you stay on the pavement for hours.
Fortunately he picks you up regularly, your skin finding his and his bed again. He must be stressed out by his work when he pounds you so hard into you, seeking control over your body. He never claims it his as some would do. He is never violent. With this man you are always sure to find your own release, with his cock, his fingers, his tongue... he always finds a way. He always pay everything as well. Always smells good, clean and shaved. And his hair is divine, you like messing with it and it makes him grin when you play with his dark curls.
But this time you are the one who can't leave the bed, your belly pressed against the mattress as you feel Abel crawling up on your back, his hands grabbing your wrists. Tonight he is really into physical contact. You even tasted some expensive wine before, and this simple detail made you feel shy. Not hat you complain but... this is not the kind of treatment you're used to.
"Abel," you sigh as his lips start leaving trails of kisses on your already marked neck, "is the wine making you this horny ?"
You bite your lip as he nibbles your shoulder, his legs trapping your already obedient body. His skin is burning by all the physical effort from earlier and you coo as he starts grinding against hour ass, still not hard enough to start the third round.
"I thought of you when waking up this morning bunny," he mumbles while resting his chine on your shoulder, his hips moving with a bit more strength when you start grinding back. "I was late so I couldn't take care of this little problem and I've been wanting to take you on my desk all day long."
This explains his impatience once in bed and the lust in his eyes when you were back at his house. Flattered, you grin in a cocky way as you feel his hardness already increasing.
"Daddy Abel is such a patient man," you coo as he nuzzles your nape before positioning behind you.
Of course "patience" is a word disappearing from your mind as well as his when he skips to the serious aspect, making you moan shortly after. He knows your body well now, doing exactly what needs to be done to get you where he wants you. He spanks you sometimes, pulls on your hair and groans some dirty things with approval. Once it's over you stay against him, your mind pleading guilty of appreciating his touch so much. He's a good daddy, really gentle afterwards and taking care of your tired body just like you take care of his. You leave some pecks on his lips and cheeks as he seems to enjoy them. That's the kind of intimacy you lack of with so many encounters everyday. You cherish it.
Mortified, you wake up the next day while dawn is emerging in the room. You fell asleep while you had to go back at work. Shit.
"Good morning," Abel whispers before taking you back in his arms, his cheek protectively set on your breasts. "Stay there I'll pay you for the night bunny."
"You're sure Abel," you ask with a nervous smile as you slowly come back to a relaxed state, your fingers playing with some strands of hair.
"Yeah. Go back to sleep bunny."
Your surprise is so great that it keeps you fully awake as you keep stroking his perfect hair, his soft snores adorable. He is holding you tight with his arms and you have to control your bladder for about a hour before he rolls over back to his side of the bed. This morning he is the one fully awake, his good mood obvious in his smile as you join him back in his bed.
"Daddy was tired," you simply say as you kiss his lips longingly, your hands resting on his cheeks as he welcomes your tongue with a hum, his palms rubbing your thighs. "Thanks for the night by the way," you whisper as your heart skips a beat at his half-closed eyes, a determined and knowing twinkle already present.
"Everything for my girl," he says before kissing you deeply and pressing you against him. "And it's cold outside, you shouldn't spend so much time out there."
This makes you snort as he leaves a trail of sloppy kisses on your throat, his lips not feeling the lump forming. You're melting under his touch. You feel loved. More than ever. Don't be naïve, don't be naïve, don't be naïve...
"I have no choice Abel," you protest faintly before having to defy his dark eyes. Shit he's hot like this. Well, when isn't he hot after all ? "I have to wait. That's all."
His warmth creates a cocoon around you as he rests his forehead against yours, his calloused hands rubbing your back up and down slowly. Goosebumps appear everywhere but because you feel good. Great, even. Not aroused, just... great. Safe.
"Do you want to have a choice ?"
This takes you aback, but he sounds serious. It's a genuine question. He pulls back a bit, staring at you with a raised eyebrow and his serious face, the one where his lips are just a thin line.
"What... what choice do I have ? I need to pay my rent, my food and clothes."
"I could... you know, take you under my wing for a while," he says quietly while rubbing your arms with his hands, your mouth dry as you feel your cheeks heating up.
"Abel, I... I want to keep my independence - because yes I have some despite my job - I appreciate that you want to help me but... I'll be honest I don't want to be like a... a pet or something. I've already seen that with other girls and..."
He shakes his head slowly and in silence, his hands stroking your cheeks as his features soften.
"No you don't get it," and he looks away briefly before signing, looking for his words. "When I talk about taking you under my wing I don't mean keeping you here and giving you money. I mean trying to get you a job somewhere in the city."
His reply makes you blink as you don't know what to say. He sounds serious and he never tried to manipulate you whatsoever. His face screams seriousness and sincerity.
"Abel... I don't know what to tell you," you answer with an embarrassed sigh. "You're adorable... I..."
"I could do anything for you bunny," he adds before nuzzling your nose affectionately, grinning as you chuckle with relief as your heart beats louder than ever. "I want to help you. You deserve the world. I would give it to you if I could."
You passively welcome his lips on yours, appreciating the soft pressure on them before crossing his gaze again, your soft smile not going unnoticed as your fingers brush his hands softly.
"Abel... I don't get why you..."
"I think you get it pretty well. You're a clever girl after all," he whispers as he tightens his grip around your hands. "Not everyone treats you like I do, right ?"
You scoff at this, surrendering a bit as you embrace his body, your cheek resting on his shoulder.
"No. That's for sure."
"I can help you if you want. More independence. More money. A better housing. I won't control anything, you live your life. Independence as I said.*
His words make you bite your lips as you think about it. To be honest you like some aspects of your job. You like feeling useful as you lay there with some lost man trying to find the right words as he talks about his life. Even being the first time of a grown but shy man is something you like and of course not for the sexual performance. Some of them need you. Some are assholes of course.
But do you want to quit that job ? Yes, you do. Before crossing the path of some of those creeps you hear about in the news, or making people shiver of disgust and fear while reading some morbid article. And Abel seems to be respectful. He's always been respectful by the way.
"You're not afraid... of... what people might say if they learn about my existence," you ask carefully as he snorts.
"No I don't give a shit about them. If they do, it's because they won't see the same girl as I do," he replies before kissing you again, a grin growing again on your face as his tongue appears to taunt yours.
You accept with this excited shiver, hoping that this is a new chapter of your life. Abel wants to take you under his wing ? Ok. Let's see where this leads you. After all... your interested gaze is reciprocated. And more than just an interested gaze.
- - - - - -
Thanks for reading, please comment and reblog if you liked it ! 😊
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iustories · 4 years
The Visitor
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IU x Kim Soohyun
Jieun’s POV
Of all the places, I met you here. It's out of the ordinary I'd say, but I knew one day we'll see each other here. Little by little, everything faded before my eyes and I only saw you. You met my gaze with the same warmth and I clearly remembered the last time you looked at me similarly. When was that again? How long has it been since? I could tell you I lost count, but that would be a lie and I'm certain you'd immediately catch it before I even finish my sentence because you know everything about me, except for the part that I loved you I guess.
Loved? Should I be speaking in past tense? Do I still have the same fire burning in my chest? Sometimes I'm confused.
I approached you with caution as I always do, afraid to look eager, but I may give myself away when I smile a tad wider than usual. It can't be helped since you bring it out of me effortlessly and I'm a fool for giving in every damn time. But what is to be terrified about? This strange place will forget me, you, us, and whatever will happen, right? So I'll take my chances.
You rose to your feet with such grace and met me in the middle then pulled me into a tight hug. Ah, it feels like home. It feels like you. Seconds passed and I am still in your arms. I didn't detect any intention of you wanting to let go and it was my cue to allow myself to enjoy this freely. Was I always guilty when you're too close before? Now please don't break free. I promise I won't push you away this time. I'll make you stay.
There were no words spoken, just hearts beating in the same rhythm, speaking things that could not be explained if said.
"I missed you," you whispered, your soft breath tickling my ear.
If it weren't for this place, I would be hesitant to say it back, but since we're here let me just be honest. I'm sorry I had to mask my affection with dry humor. It was the only way I could tell you without actually telling you. "I missed you too. How have you been?"
Of course I'm aware that you're doing fine. You've been busy exploring new activities and having fun with your family. I check up on you from time to time. Despite what happened between us, I still genuinely care for you. "I'm good. And you?"
I was still engulfed in your embrace and if we talk for hours in this position, I wouldn't complain. "I'm okay too. I've been doing things here and there. Nothing really special, but yeah I'm okay."
I still can't conjure coherent sentences without feeling anxious. I mean, being around you still makes me nervous even in this place where nobody knows us.
You finally separated yourself from me, your hands traveling from my back towards my arms. You gripped them firmly then smiled at me, evidently delighted by my sudden appearance, like you've been waiting for me to come.
"Let's sit?" You casually asked and I nodded in response. You dragged me to the couch and motioned your hand, telling me to sit.
"What do you want to watch?" You asked, your eyes directing me to the screen. I turned to your laptop and scanned the selection. Seeing the titles brought a small smile on my lips because it just proves that it's you. Those movies and shows are your favorite. Now I'm sure this is all real.
I pointed at medical drama that you were raving about years ago. When you told me about it for the first time, I gave you a funny look because I didn't perceive you as a sentimental person.
"Good choice," you approved, your lips curving into a satisfied smile as you clicked on the show.
Do we have all the time in the world to watch shows? Can we settle some things first? I don't know how much time we have, so for the sake of my sanity, can we talk? But like in the past, my requests refused to leave my lips because your pleasure is much important than mine. I couldn't help it you know—putting you first. It's ridiculous, yes. But this is how I loved you.
Loved. There it is again. That word. It weighs heavily on me, waking the feelings I've come to abandon over the years as my hope dwindled. Can that word not ring in my head when I look at you? It's really bothersome and I can't focus on the present.
There was a considerable amount of space between us which actually disappointed me since we were always skin to skin. Have we fallen apart completely? Have we created boundaries? A while ago I thought we were back on track.
You must have heard my thoughts because you gradually moved closer until your arm was lightly touching mine and at the initial contact, I almost flinched and had to hold the gasp that was about to escape my lips. It amazes me how you still affect me with such intensity after all these years. I felt you arm hover over my neck and it found its way around my shoulder, causing me to freeze. You quietly tugged me towards you, urging me to relax and be comfortable, so I did. The loud beating of my heart deliberately subsided when you began patting my arm repeatedly. I eased my mind and I ran back to the things I used to do when I'm with you—placing my head on your chest and my arm around your belly.
And here I am again wishing this moment would never end, but I already tried it a couple of times in the past yet we were still separated by fate in the end.
"Jieun-ah," You called my name tenderly.
"Do you want to tell me anything?" You asked with a mellow tone, coaxing me.
"Like what?"
"Just anything. Maybe things I don't know?" There uncertainty in your voice, but I heard conviction as well.
Now I wonder if you've known all along. It's not impossible though since people talk and rumors spread quite fast.
Should I be honest or should I lie? Isn't this what I've been imagining—you asking me if I had something to say?
"I won't be mad. Whatever it is just tell me," you reassured me.
I let silence prevail, thinking hard if I should just say the truth. This is the redo that I prayed for, so letting this pass would be another dumb mistake.
"Do you know that I love you?"
Should I have said 'loved'? Which one is appropriate? And why am I answering you with a question? God damn it.
It was your turn to fall silent and tension immediately rose as you let seconds pass. "I know. I've always known."
My heart leaped as a mix of anxiety, fear, and excitement played inside my system. "Really?"
"I could see from the way you looked at me," You explained simply then paused.
"And I looked at you the same, but you never saw it, right?"
I processed your words carefully, afraid I might have gotten the wrong idea, but you interrupted my train of thoughts when you added, "We wouldn't be talking about this if you noticed. I loved you too."
"But things went downhill, didn't it?" I asked, trying to comfort myself from the missed opportunity by blaming it on fate and circumstances.
"It did," you affirmed. "But we could have tried."
"Would you have chosen me?"
You sighed then tightened your hold on me. "Yeah. I would have. Without a doubt."
"So we both ended up being alone after all that," I said chuckling, attempting to dismiss the ache growing inside my chest as regrets threaten to break loose at the gates of my mind.
"I talked a lot about you—no, all I talked about was you." I felt you shake your head, your chin brushing against the top of my head a few times. "I couldn't tell you too so I told other people."
"What were we so afraid of?" I asked, hoping that you had an answer. If we loved each other then, what was stopping us?
"Hurting others? We thought of them first before us."
Right. I almost forgot. Other people. We weren't selfish enough to take it to another level because of others or rather this person we both held close to our hearts. Our friend.
"Did we do the right thing?" I'm desperately seeking reprieve because I am being chased by the consequences of that decision.
"Yeah, I think we did," you answered as you peeked at my face and I wasn't quick enough to hide the sadness that was etched on it. "I'm sorry, Jieun-ah. I know I gave you a hard time. I know you've been waiting."
I bit my lip to control its trembling. The show continues to play on the screen, but it only served as the noise that filled the void when we fail to answer quickly.
"But doing the right thing doesn't always make us happy," you continued. "So are you happy now?"
I parted my lips yet nothing came out. Am I really happy without you? Am I truly resigned to the future I have in mind?
"Am I?" I stroked my chin as if I was really thinking of it, but in all honesty, I couldn't get myself to do it because I'm scared to know the answer.
You chuckled then ran your fingers down the length of my hair and I instinctively shut my eyes as the calming sensation of your touch registered. "I may be doing great, but I couldn't say I'm entirely happy."
Your answer surprised me. Even though you've confessed your feelings just a while ago, I couldn't wrap my head around it yet. How can I? I imagined hearing those words from you for quite a long time until I gave up, therefore everything may be happening inside my head.
"Me too." I was suddenly feeling hopeful since we are in another place. We were just two people who met unexpectedly so maybe this time I can fulfill my wishes. "So can we start again? If we aren't happy after what we've done, can we do what we want this time?"
You sighed again. What is it with the heavy sighs and the tone you've been using? Isn't this supposed to be a do-over, the clean slate that we both wanted? There isn't anyone who could hold us back anymore.
"I'm afraid we can't," you replied in a regretful tone.
You are so good at putting the pieces of my heart back together and breaking it right after. Hasn't this happened countless times already? Aren't you tired of hurting me?
"Why? What is our excuse this time?" I asked, my jaw clenching.
"We just can't."
"At least give me something I can understand. This is too much."
You kissed the top of my head. "This is not real, Jieun-ah"
"It is! What are you saying?"
"You know from the start this isn't real," you pressed further.
I gulped hard, my breathing becoming shallow and rapid. "Do we have to do this again?"
How many times do I have to lose you? How many times do you have to come back and remind me that you are not mine? You've been consistent at that and that's why I couldn't let you go that easily.
"Yes. We must go our separate ways again. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. But I'm glad I saw you here."
Just as tears trickled down my face, my eyes fluttered open. My heart was pounding erratically against my chest as your voice echoed repeatedly in my brain. I'm glad I met you here. I felt the wetness of my pillow and realized that I shed some tears while I was asleep.
You, my frequent visitor, the person of my dreams, came to make your presence felt again. Indeed, you know when to remind me of you when I start to forget.
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bored-storyteller · 4 years
Second part of the request for @amevinil239
25- Twisted Wonderland- Kalim, Azul, Leona, Riddle x Reader
Anger and home pt. 2
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Kalim Al-Asim
-I'm not sure what can get Kalim into arguing, but I'm pretty sure if you're stressed out, his behavior can be irritating sometimes.
-Mostly, Kalim will be blind to your problems. It's not that he doesn't want to see them, but he simply can't.
-And he doesn't listen. Trying to tell him with good manners that you really would need his support and not having to satisfy his whims is difficult.
-Furthermore, Kalim is a good person, perhaps a little childish, but he is not stupid or submissive. If there is a misunderstanding and he feels he is right, he is stubborn on his arguments.
-In any case, he would never intend to hurt you, ever.
-After a fight he will be the most wounded in the soul of the two, and if you run away from him the world will collapse on him.
"That's enough!"
Your voice is so high that it burns your throat as if it were sandpaper.
You never thought you would reach this level of anger and desolation, not with Kalim.
He's angry too, you've never seen him angry. His expression is serious, almost adult.
By now you are tired of making him think. He has never experienced what the suffering of people like you means. It is not his fault.
Yet you can't forgive him, you can't stop being mad at him.
"I just want to go home! Where all this doesn't exist!"
It's not so true, and you know it. You miss home, so badly. But you could never pretend again that this world doesn't exist.
You don't want to look at him again, partly for your badness, partly for shame.
You turn around and run away, hoping he won't hear your sobs. You don't see how much those words hurt him, all the realization you suddenly threw in him.
Curled up in the most hidden corner of the garden, you know he will come to you. Because Kalim is a good person, really good, and he doesn't want to make people suffer.
He knows that because of him many can suffer, you, Jamil... and he hates himself for not knowing how to protect you from this, even if he could.
Sitting next to you he is silent for a while, letting himself be hurt by your sobs.
"I know ..." he murmurs sadly "But ... I'd miss you so much ..."
Those words increase your sobs, but they push you to untie yourself from your knot and push yourself towards him. By placing your head on his lap, you let yourself be caressed by his sweet hands. He is probably crying too, but both of you have finally come close. Because you know that if you are with him, you are a little bit at home anyway.
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Azul Ashengrotto
-It is not difficult for Azul to hurt people, nor is he usually too sorry about it. He has suffered so many wounds that he can no longer empathize.
-If something about you doesn't suit him, he will tell you. Usually, however, he will maintain a gentlemanlike air that will soften his criticisms and make them look like advice.
-But there may be that time he says that extra thing without even looking at you, assuming you will listen to it.
-It will probably not even be a discussion, you will lose the desire to stay in his presence before he understands how seriously you are angry.
-If the Leach twins are there, they will be the first to understand how serious the situation is and they will exchange puzzled looks, hoping that Azul will look up from his documents and look at you before it is too late.
-When Azul also realizes it will be like a bucket of ice water on his head. He can't say how bad you looked to him, but it's too late to fix it.
-He won't lose its composure, but it won't let you go anyway.
"I want to go home away from all this!"
Azul can't stop you while you rush out the door.
He just looks at the door from where you're gone out with a surprised face. He hadn't noticed that you were crying.
Jade looks at him with the worried expression of someone who knows how serious the problem is now.
"Do you want me to bring them back?"
Azul shakes his head, and clearing his throat returns to do his job.
You, locked in your room, you don't know how irritable the Octavinelle leader remains for the rest of the day.
You feel alone and abandoned. An apology would have sufficed, but not even the threat of leaving seemed to scratch his heart.
If you can't count on Azul you know that a void will open inside you that will make you feel even more out of place in that world of magic.
You are about to give in to tiredness and sadness. Now all you want to do is disappear between your sheets, but before you can go to bed someone knocks on your door.
Slowly you go to open it. Azul is in front of you, his expression is serious and composed, but in his hand he holds a small paper bag. From the good scent that comes out you know it's your favorite dessert.
"Can I come in?"
His voice is calm and diplomatic, yet it is softer than usual.
You step aside even if you try to stay hard on him. You are still angry, and he realizes it.
He doesn't know how to behave, you know, you see him as he enters your room.
"I know you want to go home."
His voice resounds after a few minutes in silence.
"But until then, please stand by me, even if I'm just a good-for-nothing octopus."
You know how much those words cost him. You don't know if you'll ever hear them again, but you know they are worth more than a million apologies.
You approach him, and slowly taking the bag he brought and you open it.
"Do we eat it together?"
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Leona Kingscholar
-Arguing is tiring, it must be serious for Leona to really engage in it.
-Leona listens to the complaints by puffing, he will answer every now and then but she will drop the whole discussion, yawning and maybe giving you reason.
-If it gets serious and he gets really angry, though, you'll see his animal side. If there is an incomprehension between you two that hurts him, he will struggle to restrain himself.
-He could really say things that can hurt you.
-Leona is used to people who are afraid of him. From an early age he was considered "frightening" because of his power. He never really felt appreciated despite his efforts. If you run away from him he will feel really bad.
You exploded at his last growl.
"You know what ?! I hate this place! I want to go back to my house!"
You threw up those words on him and ran away, giving birth to your tears that fell from your cheeks.
Those words hurt you too. You missed home, it is difficult to be divided between two worlds (which you perhaps love both).
You leave a broken Leona behind. His green eyes stare at the spot where you are gone. The prince's mind is good at digging under the surface more than he wants to believe. Did you just tell him you hate him? What do you want to run away from him?
He is not stupid, he knows that you miss your home, but the malice and pain with which you spoke to him displaced him. Maybe he really went overboard with you this time.
Leona doesn't often feel the urge to do something, yet now he wants to talk to you right away. But he doesn't follow you. You would probably chase him away and it would make him and you feel worse.
He only looks for you later hoping that you have calmed down, but he finds you curled up in the greenhouse, with your face hidden in your knees tight against your chest, crying.
Carefully sit next to you, not too close or too far. He knows you know he's there, and you're not sending him away. Good.
"Do you ... really want to get away from me?"
As if he had stung you with a pin you look at him. You are certain you have not said those words but Leona's surprisingly serious (and sad) gaze stops you for a second.
"I won't stop you if that's what you want ... but ... I ..."
Even if he doesn't want to, you feel the knot in his throat from the crack in his voice that prevents him from completing the sentence. You didn't want to hurt him like that, you didn't want to leave him.
Cautiously you approach him, and silently snuggle against his shoulder.
The prince lets you act, while his tail surrounds you widely and his cheek rests on your head.
"I know you miss home ... but I'm here."
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Riddle Rosehearts
-Riddle is a demanding person, you know. He is a good boy, but he can easily throw your mood under your shoes.
-For him everything he says is important, so it is often dangerous to challenge him. When it happens it's because he really hits you.
-Yet he won't understand it. He will support his views in anger without realizing how deeply he is digging inside you.
- A stupid argument can get really heavy with him if you don't give in, and sometimes you know it's okay not to give in.
-Riddle knows he has to improve himself, but only realizes it when he's done the damage. And most of the time he doesn't know how to fix it.
Riddle feels a failure when he sees you running away.
He still hears your last words inside himself: "I want to go back to my house!"
He knows everything they mean. All your pain, and all the pain he causes you.
He sighs heavily, bringing a hand to his face and hiding it against his palm.
"I did it again, didn't I?"
Trey only looks at him sympathetically, without replying. All eyes are on the leader, but he doesn't care.
He swallows that wave of impotence that overwhelms him and straightens himself, parading among the students with a determined step, to look for you.
This is no time to be a capricious child, Riddle. It must find you and support you. This is what a leader must do.
You, sitting on a bench, clasp your arms around yourself, seeking comfort in yourself, as you try to silence the tears.
Again Riddle swallows his anguish and approaches you. He's afraid of your reaction, but still he gives you a tissue to wipe away the tears, because that's how a leader behaves, right? He wants you to trust him. He wants to be responsible for you.
"I know you miss home ... and how difficult it is for you to settle here ..."
He begins with a gentler voice. You are not pushing him away, so he dares to sit next to you. hoping to do the right thing.
"But until ... when you can return to your world let me help you."
He doesn't see you reacting, but he feels that your sobs have stopped, maybe he is on track.
"Can you forgive me?"
Finally your hands move, and with a slight thanks you grab what he gives you, cleaning your face.
Riddle feels relieved, it would have been difficult to lose you.
You look at him, and smiling shyly you nod, sure that you forgive him. How can you not forgive such a lovable boy?
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