#I'll admit I thought this was gonna take me longer but I DID IT!
melminli · 4 months
Vanilla Pudding II
pairing: young coriolanus snow x fem. reader
summery - of course, coriolanus had his principles. but before he had them, he had you. he didn't want to lose that no matter what. you were his only exception in this game, and you would remain to be that.
word count: 1.3k
contains: district reader living in the capitol, fluff, slightly dark themes, coryo being a simp, flashbacks, fluff, possessiv behavior
a/n: well, i didn't really expect this to turn kinda darkish since the first chapter was so wholesome... but here we are. part 2 to blueberry tartlet!
part I
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Not everything was easier back then, but most things were. As a child, he didn't have to worry about his family's reputation. He hardly cared about his own since he was more concerned about what he had for dessert after dinner. Coriolanus was fine with just about anything most of the time, except for this pastrie with jam his grandmother used to make. He hated the taste of that. Well, he ate it anyway, but he would have been happier if it had been bread pudding instead. Coriolanus loved that shit.
He remembered once when he was a little kid and played alone on one of the swings at the playground outside. He thought of kindergarten as okay because he didn't like most of the kids there, and that still hadn't changed today. Most of them grew up to be idiots just as expected.
"Ya wanna have some puddin'?" You asked him, and this was the first real encounter he had with you. Back then, you still had your district accent, which Coriolanus had found very strange, but for whatever reason, you were still quite popular among the others. They liked you a lot.
He thought you were weird. "Is it bread pudding?"
You didn't seem to know for sure yourself as you looked into the container and thought for a few seconds. "No, just normal vanilla puddin'...sorry." you said in a whisper. "Ya can still have it if ya want? The other like chocolate puddin' more..."
Coriolanus watched your figure for a few seconds, and you didn't really dare to meet his starting gaze at first, so you looked to the side, slightly embarrassed. "I don't want it, but I'll take it." He finally said and held out his hand. It was better than nothing.
His answer brought a smile to your face. "My ma made it, I'm sure ya gonna like it!" You replied and happily placed it in his hand.
He didn't have a spoon. How am I supposed to eat this? He looked at his hands and considered it for a few seconds before shaking his head. No, I can't do that. "Why don't you eat it?" He asked you, suddenly noticing out of the corner of his eye how your braided hair was held in place by a bow. He thought it looked kind of cute on you. It suited you.
"I also like chocolate more." You admitted a little shyly and then realized yourself that he didn't have the necessary cutlery to eat the dessert. "Oh, I don't have a spoon with me. We can ask someone in the cafeteria, I'm sure they'll help us out!" Your voice exclaimed as you grabbed his hand and pulled him along without a care in the world.
He wished he could still see you with the same eyes he did back then. When it didn't matter who was called what, what clothes you wore, or just the fact that you could say what you thought without worrying about how it might sound.
But you weren't kids anymore. He was no longer clueless and all that stuff was important now. The only thing that hadn't changed from back then was that you were still a District girl, and that was one thing you would remain forever, no matter how long you lived in the Capitol.
"Are you okay, Coriolanus?" Rang your sweet voice suddenly in his ears, leaving him stirring only to be greeted with your figure in front of his table. Your eyes looked down at him with concern, and he only now realized that class was over. Most of the students had even left the classroom already. It seemed like he had been caught up in his thoughts for quite a while. "...yes, everything is fine. Don't worry about it, it's nothing." He said and packed up his bag.
You weren't entirely convinced but decided to let it go. Maybe he just hadn't slept well. He seemed to walk around with dark circles under his eyes a lot. "Oh, okay." You just said. You've been making a bit more of an effort to get in touch with your childhood friend lately. You didn't really know why, but somehow, along the way, you just seemed to stop being friends. It was only the other day at the graduation party of your elders that you realized how much you had actually missed him.
"So, I heard you're taking part in this year's Hunger Games." You broached the subject and saw him raise an eyebrow. You suddenly noticed how that may have sounded. "As a mentor, of course! Yeah, sorry if the way I just put it sounded a bit weird..." You apologized to him and mentally smacked yourself on the head.
He shook his hand. It was cute how nervous you suddenly acted around him. He liked that, liked that it was him who made you feel that way. "It's okay. As I said, don't worry about it." He replied and walked down the stairs with you after he was finished with his bag. "I'm afraid I couldn't find your name on the list. It's a real shame that you have to miss out on such a great opportunity."
You disagreed. "Well, I'm actually a bit relieved about that, if I'm being honest." You admitted, looking a little worried at the thought that you could have been in his place. "Yeah, I'm not really a big fan of the games. I hate to admit it, but I'm kind of sensitive to this type of stuff. Like, just seeing blood freaks me out, so I can't really..."
Coriolanus watched you struggle a bit trying to skate around the actual goal of the games. You didn't even seem to be able to say the word kill or dead. He'd bet you'd be the first to fall if you were a tribute. His eyebrows furrowed slightly at the thought. It's better that she isn't. She's not like those other animals. "Don't be absurd. It's completely valid that you feel that way, trust me." He assured you, bringing a slight smile back to your lips.
He stopped you briefly so he could hold your hand comfortingly. "We don't even have to talk about the games if you don't want to. How about this, I know this good ice cream place near the academy." He suggested charmingly. "Do you still like chocolate? I've heard that's their specialty."
You couldn't stop the broad smile that spread across your face at his words. "It still is, actually. let's go! My treat!" You said and pulled him along by his hand without a care in the world, and like then, he just let you do it.
"No way, I'll pay and there's nothing you can do about it."
You shook your head stubbornly. "I don't want you to do that, and you can't stop me."
He had decided then and there that he wasn't going to let himself get in the way of the only good thing that had ever happened to him in his usually so miserable life. And what if you were a District girl? Even if he could never change that, it would make no difference in the future.
After all, no one would dare question the decisions of the President of Panem - especially when it came to choosing his first lady. Coriolanus was sure that something could easily be arranged with those who still couldn't hold their tongues.
Before you could take another step, Coriolanus suddenly stopped behind you and almost let you fall to the ground had he not caught you. "And that's where you're wrong." He said, smiling as sweetly as a poisoned apple. "Because I can."
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kairiscorner · 10 months
question of the day: who would fall the hardest if they ever fell in love?
well... i've got 4 candidates in mind, and i think... (1/4)
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miles g. morales — guilty of falling hard for you.
summary: miles morales always struck you as an apathetic guy, one who wouldn't particularly take relationships too seriously; until you both fell for each other, you realized... he did indeed fall for you, but he fell hard, way, way too hard for you. pairing: miles 42 x gn!reader genre: fluff !!
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miles g. morales was, to you, such a cold, apathetic guy who always looked calm and composed in everything he did. he seemed like a guy that, you believed, wouldn't care too much if he was in a relationship–that he would put himself before his significant other; though you didn't have any evidence to back it up, save for how distant he seemed to you at first. but oh, were you wrong.
miles g. morales wasn't really all that insensitive as you thought when you got to know him, in fact–he was more sensitive to your thoughts, needs, and wants more than any other boy had ever been for you. it took a while, but the longer you spent around him, the more obvious was the fact that he truly, truly cared about you, from the bottom of his heart.
miles g. morales was the boy who'd stay after class, waiting for your class to finish so he could meet up with you and just be around you. ask him to explain why he's always risking his ass getting scolded for loitering outside your classroom, he can't give you one straight answer. "we had free time", "i had no where else to go", "i... left a pencil in that classroom. yeah."
miles g. morales would never admit to your face that he does indeed stare at you sometimes when you're not looking. whenever he sits close to you in class, be it behind, next to, or diagonally across to you–he always finds every angle of you to be a perfect angle to stare at and admire. don't be mad that he's looking, though, he can't help himself; you're way too mesmerizing for him to handle.
miles g. morales whose sketchpad gradually became a book full of... you in it. it started off as simple, small doodles of you; little cartoony you's that he found adorable and kept drawing when he wasn't focusing on anything else. but as time went by, he found himself focusing on you and your features more and more, almost as if he couldn't rip his gaze away from you.
miles g. morales had also noticed that whenever you speak, he hangs on to every word you say. he thought it would've creeped you out at first, how he can remember all the little details you'd tell him when you're telling him about something that happened in your day or how he remembers all the names of your pets, friends, favorite restaurants, favorite bands and artists–he hangs on to every word you utter, and he can't help it; your voice is just too tantalizingly sweet and attractive that he can't not listen to every word you speak.
miles g. morales was the boy who would use his intimidating appearance to his advantage and defend you against assholes who wouldn't take 'no' from you for an answer. he'd stare them down and glare at them, remind them for you that you said 'no', and if they didn't get the message the first time... they'll have to get through him to get to you. "i'm not gonna back down just because they're bigger than me, because i don't fear them. i don't fear them because, for all their brawn, they sure don't have any brains. and whatever happens after, i'll make sure you don't get in trouble; i'll shoulder the fault. i'd do this for you, every time."
miles g. morales would never wish to get in trouble or have beef with anyone else, but if it was you that others were bothering, then he'd willingly do everything he can to keep you safe and unbothered. he doesn't care what happens to him, so long as you stay safe, so long as it isn't your face being beaten in. you insist he shouldn't do these things for you, but... he can't help it. to picture you in danger makes his heart feel heavy; to get rid of that heaviness, he does these things for you, because he... he loves you.
miles g. morales doesn't dream at night, or at least didn't dream for a long while–or maybe he did and just forgets what he dreamt of the previous night–but when you two became much closer friends, he began to see glimpses and images of you in his dreams. in his wildest dreams, he was able to tell you in all kinds of scenarios that he felt weird around you–a good kind of weird. he'd feel a kind of warmth in his chest, accompanied by the pitter-pattering of his heart when your eyes lock with his, and he feels this urge in the corners of his lips to smile widely when you smile up at him. and, he'd never tell you this, but... in those dreams, he'd tell you how he really feels, and you'd teach him how to handle those feelings by placing your hands on either sides of his cheeks and pulling him close to your face–your nose feeling so soft against his own when your noses brush together–and with the feeling of your hot breath against his own lips... he wakes up.
miles g. morales wakes up to the reality that you probably only see him as a very good friend, a friend you used to think wouldn't care about those who love him but was proven very, very wrong. the friendship bracelet you made for him sits there by his nightstand, next to a cutely frame photo of the two of you at your birthday party. you designed that photo frame for him, and despite how a guy like him probably wouldn't care for cute things... he finds comfort and solace in a bit of cuteness in his life; he just wishes he could express that to you, you, who is cuteness personified. he wears that friendship bracelet every day–and wears it proudly. he doesn't hide it under his sleeve nor tuck it away when you're not looking; he's always got it on and shows it off by just having it on him. he loves having mementos of you on him, it gives him a feeling he hasn't had in a long time... and he hopes that, by some miracle, you'd feel that feeling for him, too.
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tags !! @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @solecitoszn @toneystank-3000 @popeheywardssecretgf @lovefrominaya @onginlove @meowmoraless @euphovlq @anikaluv @conitagray @q2ie @zalayni
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ddejavvu · 10 months
this might be a weird ask but what abt a short blurb where a younger reader is getting flirted with by an older man at the Hard Deck and Jake who's been trying to get with her for ages comes in to "save the day and get rid of the creep" but turns out that the older man is actually her husband and non other than ssa aaron hotchner
sorry if it's kinda weird I just thought it was funny😭😭
Jake Seresin is undeniably cocky, but he doesn't often go too far. He's snapped once or twice, but comes away from it a changed man, and stays on the lookout for any ways he can redeem himself.
Having pushed once or twice a little too hard over the counter of a bar, he's been on the prowl ever since for men who haven't picked up the same knowledge as him. The Hard Deck is a perfect place to exercise his keen observational skills, and there's an older man sitting at the counter whos been there for almost an hour.
Usually patrons mingle, but his ass has been on the stool for far too long, his eyes glued to your figure as you work. He's not exactly confused by the man's infatuation with you, as he shares the same feeling, but you keep having to cut off whatever he's saying to serve someone another drink, and Jake thinks that by now, this middle aged douche should have figured out that now isn't the time to chat.
You're clearly strained trying to keep up with both your job and conversation, and the next time someone cuts in to ask you for a beer, Jake sees your eyes pinch shut in frustration. You turn around as happy as can be, always cheery for customer service, but your shoulder sag when you complete the man's request, and the man at the counter doesn't give you two seconds to recover before he's blabbering on again.
Jake's made up his mind.
He strides to the counter in long, confident steps, leaning over opposite the man to call for your attention.
"Y/N, darlin'?"
You cast a tense glance over your shoulder, features relaxing when you see Jake, "Hang on, Lieutenant."
You seem relieved when you turn to face him, a tired smile on your face and his usual order already in your hand, "A refill?"
"That'll do," He grins, that charming expression that he's hoping is wooing the pants off of you, "Hey, honey," He leans in slightly, lowering his voice so that the man subtly observing you two from behind doesn't hear him, "That guy talkin' your ear off?"
A sly grin flits over your face, "It's okay, Hangman. I'll let him."
"You don't have to." Jake presses, eyes clouded with worry, 'If you're trying to make a tip off of him or something, I'm sure it's not worth hearing about what bars were like back in his day. Hell, I'll pay you to let me chuck him out."
"I promise you!" You laugh, "I'm okay, Jake. Thank you for worrying about me."
"M'always gonna," He admits, face gently curved in a frown as you lean back, no longer whispering in hushed tones, "Just let me know if you need me, darlin'."
"Will do," You grin, "But Jake? Tone down the pet names around my husband, would you? I don't want him getting jealous."
Jake blinks.
Jake blinks again.
Then casts his gaze over your shoulder at the older man, who's sitting there nursing his drink with a poorly concealed smirk, his eyes downcast to avoid Jake's.
"That guy's your husband?" Jake verifies, heat at his cheeks and stomach at his feet, "You're married?"
"I don't wear my ring 'cause it gets nasty in the dishwater," You lament, "'Thought you knew, Jake."
"I did not know." Jake nods slowly, gnawing at the inside of his cheek, "Well- uh, alrighty then. Get back to your little chit-chat."
"Thank you for the offer," You call after him as he pushes off of the counter, even if your words fall on deaf, mortified ears, "I really appreciate it!"
"Sorry, Aaron," You grin bashfully at your husband, turning back to take his large hands into yours, "He's like that with everyone. Real sweet guy, just a little forward. He thought you were bothering me."
"It's okay," Aaron hums, leaning across the bar to kiss you, something you normally wouldn't allow during your shift.
"I liked it more than I thought I would," Aaron muses, and you ghost your thumb over the wedding band on his ring finger, "Hearing you tell him I was your husband."
"I don't think he liked it," You nearly cringe at the memory, "Hopefully things aren't awkward."
"Mm, they might be." Aaron chuckles, locking eyes with a dark-haired woman who looks a little bit like she might want to kill him, "I think he told his friends."
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yourdakg · 2 months
Donation Found 2!
It took a little while longer than expected, but we finally found an appropriate donor for Brick! Brick was in desperate need of a donation. As the owner of a high quality gym and something of a fitness influencer, he was catching a lot of shit for not showing any empathy to his clientele or, in general, people who weren't in peak condition.
Maybe that's what scared some donors off, the sheer ego of having to maintain a physique like Brick's. But, by God, he paid the $325,000 to get his new body. Did he read the contract? No. But he insisted the customer is always right and he demanded action from the team at Turnaround Technologies.
Not that he could help how he looked, he was always athletic as a kid. Football, wrestling, water polo, gymnastics. He hit the weights hard as soon as high school started. And now he's a fitness enthusiast's wet dream. Let's remind everyone where Brick is starting this journey:
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But thankfully we were able to find someone who fit the bill for Brick. This is someone who has the ego, the drive, and... honestly, a lot of the same toxic masculinity that Brick has. Just in a different form. So honestly it's a perfect match. Which we were relieved to find. After all, Brick doesn't fully understand the permanence of this yet. So let's take a look at our donor plate:
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Meet Lemmy Chungus. A man who is almost permanently online, a moderator for the r/gayincel subreddit, a prolific user of 4chan, and a man with a subscription to 12 OnlyFans pages and PornHub Premium. He has an interesting take on why this exchange should work.
Donor Statement: This world has winners and losers. I am naturally born to be a dominant male, and it's becoming clear to me that Brick doesn't understand the role he is supposed to have. It's not fair that some buff fuckboy was deprived of the body he needs to match his true, inner self. It's obvious he wants this, so let's seal the deal and make this exhange.
I have to admit, we hear at Turnaround hadn't thought about it like that, adjusting two men into their, perhaps, more honest selves. It really is a public service. Both subjects are being stripped down, injected with serum, and placed in their uniforms as our technicians prepare the chambers.
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Just prior to taking Brick's final "before" photo, he was informed that the contract had been signed, this medicine injected, and that his fate was sealed. Of course, we expected him to fight us a bit when told it was one way, one trip per lifetime, and permanent. Instead we were shocked that the young man started to cry.
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Patient Statement: What do you mean permanent? What do you mean *sniff* 'new lot in life'? I don't understand why you're taking my designer underwear. I'll never wear it again? Wh-why not? I'll be fit again! What do you mean role adjustment? Huh? I dunno what a gaycel is. I don't spend a lot of time on the Internet. Whadda ya mean that's gonna be most of what I do now? *Sniffsob* I'm still an alpha. I *sniff* wanna change my mind. I don't understand. This body isn't legally mine anymore? I'm *sniff* I'll be a good boy, please!
So docile! He's really sliding into his new role quite well, and we're all very pleased. Brick was injected again when he saw the donor body, and his eyes almost went cross from shock. There will be a stiff financial penalty for requiring several staff members dragging his muscular body to the chamber.
The process was a difficult one. As the waves started to swing back and forth, Brick was grabbing his dick and squeezing his own pectorals as if to hold onto them. The beams and serums and molecule destabilization took days. It's like his body didn't want to assume a new role. But we held out hope that eventually the assault of our technology and pharmacology would win out and he would be shoved, unalterably, into his new body. So I'm happy to report the following:
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As you can see, both men are now secured in their new bodies, roles, and lifestyles.
Patient Report: Ohhh God. It's hard to move, it's hard to move. I heard some fat guys had power, but he's... got none. I have none. Oh fuck. I'll get back in the gym and... look at him. What a slut, strutting around in that thong with a muscled up ass. Like he's some hotshot. He's not! Why does it make me so angry???
Donor Report: Chances are there a lot of other losers out there who have hot, buff bodies. Cute faces. Huge dicks. Guys who look like they should be on top, but know they're a beta bitch at heart. Stop being selfish. Ask for a donation today and let the real alphas assume their natural position.
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starlightshadowsworld · 3 months
The Wary Weretiger
"You know, I think therapy might be more effective than this." Said Atsushi. He didn't need to turn around to know Akutugawa was rolling his eyes.
"Shut up."
Atsushi raised his hand, catching the orange. "Huh, you even peeled it this time. Must be serious."
He wasn't exactly sure how they got here. Akutagawa had been hunting him down for his bounty.... And than one day just stopped. Somewhere along the lines this had become their routine.
Akutugawa ranted at him, Atsushi sat and ate whatever fruit he'd pick up on the way. Sometimes he'd voice his own opinion and Akutugawa would begrudgingly listen.
It was werid.
But not unwelcome.
It definitely beat having his leg cut off, that's for sure.
"Go on, out with it. I'm busy today." Akutugawa scoffed "and what could you be possibly busy with." Atsushi shrugged "well I still need to get a job."
It didn't matter how much he saved from what he stole from the Orphanage, it wouldn't last him much longer.
"I thought the Agency offered you a position." Said Akutugawa, carefully. As kind as Atsushi was he fought like a caged beast. He could and would ditch Akutugawa if the other offended him.
And Akutugawa didn't want to admit he liked his company.
Atsushi took a bite out of an orange slice "only because of my ability. They're nice people, but I'll find a job myself. Besides that would you my enemy and I am not dealing with that."
His leg would grow back but it was painful. And being on Akutugawa's not bad side was a nice place to be.
Not that Atsushi would admit it.
Akutagawa nodded, he could respect wanting to keep your pride even when you were at rock bottom. But even soo... "Is it so bad for them to want you for your ability?"
Atsushi paused.
"My whole life people have only wanted my ability. They've tried to rip it out of me because they felt entitled to it.... Do you really think I'd want to join an organisation that values it so highly?"
There was an edge to his tone, but also sadness. Akutugawa's eyes went wide in shock.
He unconsciously tugged his coat closer. He wouldn't know what to do if Rashomon was stolen from him.
Akutugawa felt vulnerable just taking a bath, he couldn't imagine how Atsushi felt feeling his ability get ripped out of his skin. It was fortunate that it clearly failed.
It certainly explained Atsushi's distrust of both light and dark.
"I suppose not." Said Akutugawa, going quiet in thought. He went back to his initial question.
"I was once in a situation like yours. I lived in the slums, it was there Dazai found me and I joined the Port Mafia. That became my purpose, and I'm lost without it. But you... You don't have that, and yet you seem satisfied."
Atsushi hummed, thoughtful. "I'm gonna say something, but right or wrong you're not allowed to stab me again."
Akutagawa scoffed.
"I stabbed you one time, stop acting like it was such a big deal.... But very well, I won't stab you."
Atsushi turned to face Akutugawa, putting his orange slices back into a tupperware box. "That isn't your purpose."
Akutagawa is taken aback. He wants to argue but something in him stops him. The way Atsushi spoke to him now was different to how he usually does.
He sounded like Dazai.
Dazai in the quiet moments, the rare moments when Akutugawa hadn't failed him. The all seeing look in his eye as he read Akutugawa like an open book.
"You had a purpose, one you cherished like a second soul. But you lost it. You tried to convince yourself whatever you consider your purpose now is it, but it isn't. And it never will be."
And yet when Atsushi spoke it was kind. It wasn't intended to tear Akutugawa down, quite the opposite. And Akutugawa found himself unable to look away.
"... How do you know this?"
Atsushi smiled, it was small and sad and it didn't fit him like his usual grin did. "You wouldn't be trying so hard to find your purpose if you truly believed you found it."
He looked away, giving Akutugawa some privacy in his own thoughts. "Ask yourself, who were you before the Port Mafia? Who were you back when you were like me? There's you're answer."
Akutagawa frowned, deep in thought. He'd been... He'd been weaker and pitiful. A small child who killed whoever went in his way, but killing hadn't changed in his life.
He was the Port Mafia's Rabid dog, he was still a killer so that wasn't it.
What had he been killing for? In the Port Mafia it was because those were his orders. Because the weak needed to be destroyed to make way for the strong.
Back in the slums it had been for survival. Akutugawa would've died many times over if he'd let those idiots survive. And Gin wouldn't have survived of he hadn't protected her from them.
Akutagawa froze.
... That's what it was. He had been a protector, his reason for killing down in the slums was to protect Gin and his friends.
His friends who were killed on the night Dazai found him... The night Akutugawa lost his purpose and tried to gain another.
But failed.
"I can't get it back." Whispered Akutugawa, suprised that he choked up at the thought. He hadn't thought of them in years.
"You can" Said Atsushi, looking at him again. "The circumstances may have changed, but the core premise is the same. You just have to open yourself up to that."
Open himself up? So Akutugawa had to find something else to protect? That... Didn't seem so hard, given the Port Mafia protected the city from the shadows. And Gin was still with him.
Had it really been infront of him, all this time?
"That's the difference between us" said Atsushi, quietly but Akutugawa caught it. "You had a purpose only to lose it. While I have never had one."
Atsushi chuckled and it was sad again and Akutugawa hated it. He preferred when Atsushi was genuinely happy. When his smile reached his eyes, his eyes that were kind and shined with light.
Now they looked so empty, so sad.
"You think I'm satisfied but I'm not. I have no dreams, no aspirations, my worth is tied entirely to my ability. I live to spite all those that want me dead, to stop them from taking the tiger if I pass on. I have no purpose, not really."
Akutugawa didn't know what to say, all he could do was nod in goodbye when Atsushi left.
He reached down, picking up the half of orange Atsushi saved for him. That he always saved for him, no matter how hard times got.
"You're wrong" he said to the wind as he walked away. "You're so much more than you're ability."
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tragedyslut · 2 months
Hiiii I adore your writing like ur srsly so talented would u mind writing taking care of abby on her period? Luke just domestic lovey dovey crap and u can add whatever you want or ignore this completely. Thank you ☺️<3
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♡ blood stained sheets ♡
✶ [ a. anderson ] ✶
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🩷 SUMMARY — taking care of abby on her period bc shes stubborn and she needs it<3 🪽
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you and Abby had been sleeping, it had been longer than usual. most of the time, Abby would be up by now, doing something or another. she really wasn't the type to sleep in.
you were enjoying your lie in until you felt Abby stirring next to you. she was getting up slowly as to not wake you, when suddenly she jumped up, practically smacking you in the face with her braid.
" babe.. babe- can you just get up for a minute? " Abby said, a slight twinge of embarrassment echoing throughout her voice.
" why? did something happen? " you groggily huffed, dragging yourself out of the bed. you thought she was going insane as you watched her dragging the sheets off the bed, flinging your stuffed animals and the duvet and various covers off the bed.
" shut up. it's nothing. " Abby said harshly.
to say you were confused was an understatement. that was until you saw the red stain on the sheet she was hurriedly taking away. that made a lot of sense.
" ..you know, I'm not gonna judge you. " you mumbled,beating her to it when you went over to the closet to get new sheets.
you put them on, whilst Abby stood nearby pouting.
" Abby, you okay? " you said, flinging the duvet and everything else back on the bed.
" .. Mhm.. it's just- nothing. " Abby mumbled, sitting back down on the, bed.
you sat down next to her, staring intently at her face. you could've sworn you saw a twinge of pain present in her usually stoic expression.
" abbbyyyy, cmon. I've stained the duvets so many times without meaning to when I'm on my period. you don't need to be all secretive about it. " you whined, laying back and putting your pillows back into their comfortable position.
" I know. sorry. I just. don't.. I'm not usually open like this. " Abby sighed, as she also layed down. she curled up slightly, wincing as she did so.
" you know, you really should let yourself be vulnerable more. " you muttered, taking her into your arms and holding her. she wouldn't ever admit to it, but she loved it. she loved being held.
you two stayed like that until the clock hit 10am and your alarm started blaring through the room. Abby audibly groaned " turn it offfff "
you giggled, rolling over to turn it off. " I gotta go abs. " you said, getting up and leaving her in bed. she groaned louder.
" I feel like my organs are coming out " she whined, as you got up. you took your shirt off, putting your uniform on.
" I know babe, but you know I've got patrol. I'll bring you back something nice tonight, how about some chocolate? I can try persuade the ladies down in the cafeteria. then we can watch those stupid action films you like. okay? " you whispered to her, giving her a kiss goodbye on the forehead. the only reply you got from her was a quick " yes please " before you had to leave.
that night, you got home, earlier than usual. you had managed to persuade the kitchen ladies to give you some chocolate they had leftover from giving it out to the kids. it payed off to have a good reputation around the base.
you walked into you and abbys shared room, dropping your bag and tearing off your gear.
" Abbyyyy, you awake? " you said, walking further into the room. the blinds hadn't been opened, and you could see the silhouette of Abby curled up in a ball under the blankets. it was like she was hibernating.
you giggled, sitting down next to her and stroking her hair. you felt her shift a bit, then poke out of the covers. she smiled softly at you, then hugged you tight. she was pretty much suffocating you considering how muscular she was. " you're gonna suffocate me you know. " you mumbled, which fell on deaf ears as she failed to loosen her grip.
" movies? " she said, looking up from her bear hug and giving you a pleading look.
" yep. I got the chocolate too. like I promised. " you said, wriggling out of her grasp so you could switch on the projector and put the CD in. it wasn't that good quality, but God, any kind of entertainment in the apocalypse was peak.
after that, you two just sat and watched horrendously corny action films (that Abby was weirdly invested in), as she devoured chocolate and occasionally pointed to something on the screen, telling you to look, and that this was the best part. (it was 100% just some ugly white man) but I mean, what more could you want?
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What's One Night With A Different Knight
Pairing: Jake Lockley x Reader & Marc Spector x Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: very brief mention of abuse; not towards the reader just as an idea but besides that I think it's safe here- there's some bickering at the end but otherwise a... relatively cute fic
Genre: very much fluff
Summary: When Marc coincidentally overhears you telling your friend you might dump Jake he steps in to help
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Jake Lockley. He's been your boyfriend for about 3 months now although at this point you're not too sure he'll keep that title much longer. It's not that Jake mistreats you or anything but, he can be cold, distant. Sometimes it feels as if he's not there even when he's with you, which honestly isn't saying much because these days he's hardly with you anyway. This thing between you, it's new, and you want to give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he's going through something he's not ready to share with you because of how new things are. That you can understand, and you don't necessarily want to give up on your relationship if all of this is because he's having a hard time, especially because he was so kind and charming when you met. Although, 'he was so kind when we met' is the beginning of too many stories that end with bruises, restraining orders, arrests, death. So you won't put too much weight in 'he was kind and charming when you met'. You don't want to believe that Jake would ever hurt you but you still don't know him well, and you can only ignore so many warning signs. The more you mull it over the more you think it's time to end things. You just want to figure out the best way to do so.
"El I think I'm gonna break up with him." You mutter to your friend as you walk back from dinner together, the summer nights being perfect for it.
"Jake? I thought you really liked him!"
"I do. Or- I did. These days there's not enough of him around to like. That's the problem." You sigh. "I know he has a life, I mean, so do I but the bottom line is that Lockley isn't putting in effort and I refuse to be the only one that cares in this relationship."
"Maybe you should talk to him about it?"
"Maybe. It's just that it's only been a couple of months, if he's already falling off like this so soon I mean, it seems like he can't be bothered." You shrug.
"I think you should talk to him if you see a future with him in any capacity. But I know you don't have patience for being treated like an option."
"Correct, I don't. I won't prioritize someone who won't prioritize me. I'll think about it though. I just- I'm not going to beg him to be invested in our relationship that's all."
You had no way of knowing that, coincidentally, not Jake but one who shares his body heard a good bit of this conversation. While Jake hadn't told you about his secrets, between Moonknight and his fractured mind, it didn't take Marc and Steven long to find out about you. Considering how little he fronts, it was easy for them to solve the mystery that had him showing up more often. You. They obviously didn't know you personally but they knew enough about you. Marc had particularly taken an interest in you and while Steven would never admit it, because you weren't his girlfriend, part of him liked you a little bit too. They'd both like you to stick around but Marc, unlike Steven, is willing to cross lines if it means keeping you around. Which is why the night after hearing you vent to your dear friend, he's strolling coolly to your apartment with a bouquet of flowers. He knocks on the door with all the confidence in the world, smiling kindly when you open the door, even when he sees the confused look on your face.
"Jake? What are you doing here?" You ask. Marc reveals the flowers from behind his back.
"Now I would've got your favorites but forgive me I'm not sure what they are. I do however know flowers and put together some that show what I feel about you. Blue salvias, morning glories, forget me nots, and a collection of carnations and camellias." Marc says.
"I'm not personally well versed in flowers so I'm not sure what any of them mean but thank you." You chuckle. "And what's up with your voice?"
"I thought it'd be fun to do an accent." He shrugs.
"Oh? Should I do one too?"
"Nah, I love your voice too much." He winks.
"How cute. Did you, really come all this way just to drop off some flowers though?" You ask.
"No. So you'll have to look up their meanings later, I'm actually hoping you can spare a couple hours of your evening for a date. I thought I'd surprise you."
"A date? I'm hardly dressed for a date."
"Well you could wear a paper bag and still be the most gorgeous person in any room we entered, but I'm a patient man, go ahead and get ready. I'll wait."
"Give me 15 minutes." You say ushering him into your apartment.
"Take your time mi amor." Marc says, throwing the endearment in to appear more like Jake.
Marc??? Where are we? Marc sighs at the voice in his head, he'd hoped that both alters would be blocked for most of the evening.
"Jake babe, where are we going?" You call down the hall.
"It's a surprise princessa!" 
"I mean I know, I really just need the dress code."
"Casual is fine, although you'd look perfect in anything."
"So charming this evening." You muse.
Marc rushes into the bathroom and turns on the faucet, glaring at the mirror.
"Yes I know who it is Steven thank you."
"I'm thinking that Jake is about to lose her and I have no interest in letting that happen."
So what's your plan?! To tell her the truth about us?
"No! At least, not tonight. Tonight is just about showing her what she deserves."
That is absolutely mad. Not to mention a betrayal of trust, both hers and Jake's. She thinks you're someone else Marc.
"Yeah, that's kind of the point."
So you're just going to pretend to be him indefinitely?
"No, she's this close to breaking up with Jake so- I'm proving he's not a shit partner."
Right, so that when he fails to deliver after this she'll dump him quicker.
"I'm trying to save their relationship not ruin it!"
You realize if Jake ever tells her about us and she finds out about this she will probably be pissed off
"That's fine because if I don't do this they probably won't even last long enough for Jake to tell her about us."
You've lost your mind Marc, you cannot pretend to be Jake anymore than you could pretend to be me or I could pretend to be either of you
"For a couple of hours, I absolutely can actually."
"Jake? Where'd you go?" Your voice halts their conversation and Marc turns off the sink, swinging open the bathroom door to greet you with a smile.
"Apologies hermosa, I'm here." He says.
"Well, let's go on this surprise date of yours." You say  You've put on a pair of jeans and a mesh sweater over a crop top for the evening, something comfortable but cute since you still don't know where you're going.
"Yes, let's." Marc offers his arm to you and you loop yours through it as you exit your apartment.
"Will you tell me where we're heading now?" You ask him while he leads you through the streets of town.
"I will not, but I'm sure you'll guess before we get there." He says.
"How on earth would I be able to guess before we get there?" You frown.
"Listen closely amor." He says and you allow yourself to take in the sounds of summer evenings. There are people talking, and walking, everywhere, but after a moment you hear faint music, not like the kind playing in restaurants that you pass. It's- carnival music? You can hear the sounds of laughter and screams and the almost obnoxious chimes carnival games are known for and just as you piece it together you just barely pick up the smell of overpriced fair food.
"Are we going to a carnival?" You ask with an excited gasp and though Marc doesn't answer he smiles in a way that tells you you've guessed correctly. Just then you turn a corner and are suddenly met with so many bright lights you're tempted to close your eyes for a moment.
"Surprise." Marc says quietly as you approach.
"I didn't even know there was a carnival in town! This is so cool!" You say beaming at him.
"I thought you'd like it." He smiles softly.
"I love it. Thank you." You tell him.
"Anything for you." He says and he means that. He's not sure Jake would say it but- he feels that way. In this moment, watching you take in the carnival with childlike wonder. He would do anything for you. He's sure of it.
"What should we do first?!" You ask him excitedly.
"Whatever you want, it's your surprise. We can do it all, ride every ride, play every game, eat everything from every stall, win every prize they've got, we can just walk around, we can ride the same ride a hundred times if you want. I'll do whatever makes you happiest." Marc says and you smile so sweetly he's sure his heart is fit to fly out of his chest and into your hands.
"Let's start with the swing carousel." You say pointing out the ride.
"Of course." He nods leading you both to the line. He's quiet as you make your way to the front and onto the ride but he holds your hand even after you're sat in your swings waiting for the ride to start. After a few moments, the ride lifts into the air and begins spinning in large circles, taking all of you with it. Marc watches you as you happily look around at the rest of the carnival from the vantage point this ride gives you. There's a childlike wonder to your happiness that when he's looking at you he feels at peace like every problem he's ever had is dissolving. It's a feeling he wants to hold onto. When the ride ends you and Marc take turns picking what order to hit the others in. Honestly, he'd let you decide every step he takes if you wanted to, but you insist that he have some say in the evening.
"I didn't take you for the carnival type Jake." You say after you've ridden most everything there is to ride here. The use of Jake's name is like a bucket of cold water in Marc's face and he has to remind himself not to react outwardly.
"I don't know that I'd say I am actually but I am the make you happy type, cariño." Marc says kissing your cheek.
"You're so cute tonight." You giggle. "We have to ride the ferris wheel before we go." You point at the large brightly lit up wheel.
"Alright but before that let's play one of these games, yeah? Tell me what prize you want and I'll win it for you." Marc says.
"You don't have to do that Jake." You shake your head.
"I want to. Go on, pick a prize." Marc tells you. You look at the different games around the carnival and your eyes eventually catch on a stuffed raccoon. It's big with blue eyes and paws and ears and feet and it's hanging over one of those impossible ringtoss games.
"Do you think you could win one of those raccoon toys?" You ask, pointing at it.
"Easy." He nods.
"Well the bottle ring toss is notoriously hard usually. Don't take it too seriously." You tell him as he walks up to the booth with you.
"Trust me princessa, I've got this." Marc winks at you before buying his rings from the attendant who looks extremely bored.
"Alright." You laugh.
"Watch this." He turns slightly to the side and tosses the rings in rapid succession, making every throw with surprising accuracy.
"Wow." You say.
"Told you it'd be easy." Marc says throwing his arm around you. He points at the stuffed raccoon you wanted and the game attendant pulls it down with a shocked congratulations.
"Thank you Jake." You say kissing his cheek.
"Of course amor. To the Ferris wheel now, yes?"
"Yes! Let's go!" You smile, clutching the raccoon closely. Your Ferris wheel ride is peacefully quiet and when you eventually return to the ground, Marc walks you back to your apartment. You chat idly as you walk, catching up about how you've been since you last saw each other and before you know it, you're at your apartment door.
"I had an amazing time tonight." Marc says.
"Me too. I dunno what's up with you tonight but, I like you like this." You say with a small smile.
"Yeah? Me too." He smiles. You place a hand on his shoulder to lean up and kiss his cheek shyly.
"Text when you get home, okay?" You say.
"Of course amor." He nods.
"Goodnight Jake." You say softly.
"Goodnight mi vida." He breathes out as you step into your apartment. You almost don't want to close your door because it means the night is over but you do and Marc leaves, whistling happily to himself as he was back to their flat. It's not until he makes it all the way back that a voice rings in his head.
If we didn't share a body hermano I would kill you right now.
Marc looks at the nearest reflective surface to see Jake glaring at him.
That was my girlfriend! What the hell are you doing?!
"Hey, if not for what I did tonight she'd probably be your ex girlfriend by morning. She was ready to dump you just the other night. You should be thanking me." Marc says.
Marc, that's Jake's life. It's not your place to meddle, we agreed to let each other have our things. You overstepped seriously. 
This time it's Steven who steps in, gentle but scolding.
"I just saved his relationship. That girl deserves better, all I did was show it to her."
Not only have you fundamentally destroyed the trust of their relationship but you've set an expectation you don't even know if Jake can maintain! At best you've strung her along and at worst you have to maintain this lie which can only lead to a million other problems because when you eventually start to care for her and hearing her call you Jake starts driving you crazy and you're tempted to tell her the truth you won't be able to because at that point you'll be in so deep that she'll never speak to either of you again if you do tell her.
"I gave her exactly what kind of relationship she should have, now Jake either has to step up or lose her for good."
And when he doesn't fill this weird bar you've set up because he's not you, then what? Because she was about to dump him until you stepped in, right? 
First of all who said I couldn't fill it?!
"If you can be that for her why haven't you?"
It's none of your business Marc
Case in point. He's not gonna do what you did. You've just created this unnecessary contradicting person for her and there was literally no reason for that.
"Whatever, she deserved a nice night."
You're ignoring the part where she is MY girlfriend and you had no right to take her out! Just because she doesn't know there's more than one of us doesn't mean it's okay to take advantage of that!
"If she's your girlfriend. Treat her well and we won't have this problem."
The only problem is you meddling
"God you two are such nags. I saved your relationship tonight Jake. I won't apologize for it because you're lucky you can still call her your girlfriend right now." Marc rolls his eyes and walks away from the mirror and their conversation. Yeah maybe he should've left well enough alone but you deserve nice things and even if it means you leave Jake for not being enough, at least you should know that someone will give you everything you deserve.
Meanwhile, after you've showered and changed you look up the meaning of those flowers he brought you, the blue salvias mean 'I think of you', and morning glories mean 'affection', forget me nots are self explanatory, the different colored carnations mean everything from my heart aches to I'll never forget you and the various camellias have meanings of longing and other dramatic declarations of love, at least according to a website you found. It's a very thoughtful collection of flowers, more emotionally expressive than Jake has been for most of your relationship but it's something that warms your heart as you lay in bed thinking about your date. An absolutely perfect date.
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luverz-exe · 2 years
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Yandere Scp 049 × Female Reincarnated S/O
Thank you for over 100 followers! I'm honored to make a bunch of you happy with my writing, and I'm excited to show you all what else is to come! This is as you can guess, the first one shot in the whole blog! It didn't sit well with me to just leave it as a few headcanons, so here we go!
I took the security part of the request and went with it, I hope you don't mind! If you have any qualms about it, I can always redo it. And FYI for anyone else who wants to request a oneshot, it might take longer than what a headcanon might be, so if it doesn't come at the expected time then I'm sorry.
I am so sorry for the wait, a lot happened in my life, and I had to deal with it. But hey, I found out what I'll write for the surprise! And while I can't say what I have In mind now, I just hope you'll enjoy it in the (hopefully) near future.
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"Are you sure? It's your first week on the job, don't you think escorting a Euclid class should be saved for.. later? You know, try and get some work experience beforehand?" Your cousin asked, trying to coax you out of what they thought was a death sentence. "I mean, think about it..."
You walked down the empty halls of the foundation, checking all of your gear making sure it was in proper condition as they tried to convince you to pick an easier job for today. It was supposed to be a 6 to 12, a quick shift, for foundation standards at least, but you took a bit extra to spend a little time with your cousin who worked the shift right after yours. Now you kind of wished you hadn't, with them nagging you about your decision, about your choice for the extra shift.
But you knew they meant well, they always did. And while you admired the fact they careed about you enough to tell you when they thought you were making a bad decision, you were a grown woman who could make decisions by herself. "I've gotten training for this, it's not like they send us in blind, I know what I'm doing. Besides, it's not like I'm doing it alone, there are other trained professionals working on it too. Don't worry about me."
You could hear them mumble something about you being too stubborn, unwilling to admit that you were right. "Besides, I've done my research, we will just be moving the Euclid SCP to a testing room, then back to its cell, easy." You sigh "Look, I'll be sure to contact you about it afterwards if it's such a concern of yours, if that makes you feel better."
The two of you walked down the hall, passing containment area after containment area, as they slowly start resting their hand on your armored shoulder. "But you haven't worked here as long as I have, I know what it's like. It's scary, your first few months. Hell, It's dangerous if you aren't 100% focused and on point, you-"
You interrupt "Then it seems I'll have to be 100% focused and on point then." You smirk, your cheeky grin causing a small smile to appear on their face. "Besides, I'm older than you, haven't you heard that wisdom comes with age?" You teased, now invoking a slight chuckle from them.
"Well, be sure not to die before the wedding, I'll surely be needing that old person wisdom of yours." They winked, patting you back before making a sharp turn to the left, making their way to prepare for their shift.
You look around the hall, making sure that no one is around before shouting "Lord knows you're gonna need it!" And as you continue walking down the hall, you can hear faint laughter from them, some footsteps fading even further away, and a door closing, ensuring that you are all alone with nothing but your thoughts. You slowly gain your composure back, making sure you can do your job without a grin. Had to make a good impression to your new co-workers after all.
You sigh wistfully, before getting out your key card and continuing to walk down the hall, swiping the key card to open the door in front of you. And as you slowly walk towards the future ahead of you, you could feel the slightest bit of pride in your new life. It was going good.
Your movements sync with your team, and you follow each step of theirs to the single second. Left foot, your eyes stare down at the floor, making sure your movements are timed to perfection as the single file line continues on. Right foot, you don't dare to let your thoughts linger until the task at hand is finished, you have a job to do. There was one person behind you, two in front, you couldn't mess up your synchronization. Left foot, you know you are safe with these experienced members of the foundation by your side. Right foot, so why is your heart beating so rapidly?
...Left foot, you slowly move your gaze from the floor to the back of the person in front of you's helmet. You were now in sync, and with that a newfound sense of ease ran past you. Left, right, left, right, they did not speed up nor did they slow down, leading to perfect synchronization of your unit. How calming for a worrying mind, left foot. You slowly felt more at ease than ever before In your job. No need to think about the danger or the risk, all you needed to do was stay in perfect synchronization with your group.
Right foot, you no longer even had to keep track in your mind, you feel into the pattern naturally. Left foot, you walked passed corridor after corridor, one containment area right after the next, you could feel the pattern slipping away from your mind. It was now an instinct. As it should be.
Your group came to a halt, still standing at attention, single file line in front of a door. Your squad's leader got out of formation from the front of the line and slowly moved towards the end of the line, where a small clipboard was. He picked it up, and slowly started reading the information about the SCP. You heard him mumble "049."
He then put it down, scanning the group still standing single file. "All of you, fall in." Quickly, you now all stood horizontally in front of him. He then continued "Procedure states we must sedate him, now do any of you know how to do that, or did they not go over it in training?" He looked around your squad, seemingly looking for any sign of yes.
The others didn't say much, and if they were anything like you, there's sweat slowly falling down their face. Still standing at attention, you didn't move your head to look at the person that took a step forward towards the squad leader. "No sir." The voice spoke, lighter than expected "They did not go over sedation. Only transferring the SCP from one place to another. They said special cases like this would be taught later on the field."
He sighed at this, and you could swear you could vaguely see a frown under the shaded visor. The voice stepped back in formation, then he began to speak once more. "Well, luckily for you all, I'll teach you." He then went to the opposite side of the hall, opening the door with a keycard, and entering, leaving your group outside.
The soft voice that spoke to the squad leader, now spoke to you. "Hello." They raised their hand for you to shake "It's nice to meet you." You shook their hand, a smile now creeping up upon your face "My name is Jenny, what's yours?" You say your name, and how glad you are to meet them as well.
"That's Rocky, he doesn't talk much" they say, pointing at the final one in the line. "Absolutely a sweetheart though, me and him have been through thick and thin, his story has touched me in a way no one else can." Even from here and the black transparent visor, you could see a big grin coming up on Rocky. "And even after all these years, he's never told me his real name."
You could see Rocky roll his eyes, Jenny quips back without even looking at him "Don't you roll your eyes at me, mister. Some of us don't like that attitude. Every time I ask, you keep changing the name you give me!" As soon as they had finished talking, Rocky approached them, pulled up his visor to show his beautiful dark eyes, and then very dramatically rolls his eyes in front of them. "Rude." Jenny mumbled, still with a smile on their face.
Rocky slowly put his visor down, and got back in formation. He poked Jenny, and she did the same. So, you mimic their movements, making sure your heels were lined up with their own as if you were in the military. That's when you heard the footsteps of your leader, getting ever so close. "Rocky also has good hearing" Jenny whispered to you, as soon as they had stopped to get back in position, the door started to open.
Out came the squad leader, who now stood in front of you "Attention!" He called out, and you all made sure you were in position. You noticed he was holding both a needle and a collar of some kind. "This," he held up the collar, chains falling down as he held it up "is a Class 3 Humanoid Restriction harness. It has a lock, which I have the key to at the moment, and these," he pointed at the chains now hanging off of the harness "are the extension restraints."
"Now, this is what you need to focus on, this is what you sedate him with." He now held up the needle, handing it to you with one hand. "Be sure to get it in his neck," he then looked at Rocky and Jenny "And you two soon after better put that on him and lock him in." He hands Jenny the key, while Rocky gets the harness. "Not very hostile, but don't put your guard down." He said, and slowly got out another keycard.
"Never put your guard down." He whispered, more to himself, and swiped the card. Access granted, the key pad said, and you heard the door unlocking. It then opened, revealing a small cell. You couldn't see who was inside, everyone was crowding at the door, but you could hear a voice. A calm, metallic sounding voice, something resembling a humans speech.
"Ah, good evening. I hope that all has gone well for a fine day, yes?" The voice asked, but to no response. "I see, tough day. Well, let's move this along shall we. Everyone is waiting for what will happen, and we mustn't dawdle." You can hear the rumbling of footsteps, hard walking shoes against the cold hard floor. "Well, come along now, we haven't got all day."
You carefully scoot your way inside, making sure that not a single drop of the sedation would fall. "Ah, good evening, how's your day been thus far?" He asked of you as approached him, preparing to make the needle go inside his skin. You couldn't mess this up, you wouldn't mess this up.
"My day's been fine, how about yours?" You responded, adding leeway for the conversation to continue with the SCP.
"Ah, what a lovely voice, so good to have a chat. I take it's your first time sedating, now isn't it?" You heard laughter coming from it "Well not to worry," they moved a bit of his cloak to get a better view of where the mask ended and where the neck would be, but it was covered in cloth. They pointed to a spot, assumed to be where its neck is "just insert it here."
You saw as the needle approached, it slowly dropped its hand, now sure you'd put it in properly. As you pumped it into him, and brought out the needle, it asked "What is your name, I do not see a name tag of any kind on you."
"Name tags are always removed before entering a SCP's cell now, basic protocol. My name is (Name)." You couldn't tell if the drug was kicking in or it was shock, but you could see SCP 049 tense up. You slowly move out of the way as Jenny and Rocky put on the harness of his, with the squad leader telling them how to properly put it on it.
You couldn't focus on the conversation however, as there was a more pressing issue in your mind. Despite you ending the conversation then and there, the SCP still stared at you with the same shocked and tense expression, its eyes scanning yours for something unknown. "What was that?" Jenny asked the creature "You're mumbling, you know that right?"
049 looked at them and mumbled an apology, but as soon as possible they looked back to you. Eyes now locking with yours. "Alright, stand up" the squad leader asked 049, and they complied. "(Name), hold one of the harnesses, you two do the same." Great, now you'd have to get closer.
As you picked up one of the harnesses, 049 started to speak, but it sounded more like mumbling to himself "Is that really you, my dear? You look so different.." his eyes never left yours.
"That doesn't knock him out, but be sure to take anything he says with a grain of salt," he said to the group "now move out, we haven't got all day!" Slowly, your group started to move. Once out the door, your group's pace quickened.
"Do you remember me?" They asked "It was such a long time ago, it must feel like a faded memory, I bet you hardly remember it at all." He got a bit close to you "But I did. I remembered." You saw Rocky tug on the harness, trying to get them away from you, and they slowly moved back closer to the middle. "How could I forget?"
"Wow, he must be really loopy, huh? Guess that drug was more effective than thought." The leader said, "Just ignore his ramblings, once he gets back to normal he'll apologize."
While the drug limited how loud and fluently they could talk, the SCP spoke once more "They treat me like an animal (Name), only referring to me as a person when it's convenient, when I'm near. But not you, no, I'm a person to you, I always have been." It sounded drunk, almost as if the drug was nothing but alcohol.
Jenny giggled at the little speech it just gave, and it only gave them a side eye, then turning back to you. "You- You look... angelic. I- my goodness. A dove for an angel. That's the best way to describe us right now, correct? None of these dark, vile, crows could be a dove, yes?"
It sounded religious, like a prayer, an erratic saying of devotion. "I missed you, I missed you being near, and by my side. I miss-"
"My apologies," you interrupt "but we've never met before. Perhaps the name is similar to someone close, but sadly, I am not. Perhaps when this drug wears off, we can have a nice civil chat, I'm sure your interviewer might allow it." You try and be nice, but you don't want to say you don't see 'him' as a person. Not yet, it will have to earn the title.
"...Yes, we can talk." They said with a cheery attitude, almost ignoring most of what you had said. "Yes, you must hear of how lonely I was when you went, oh how the night before we had danced the night away. Hand in hand. Sleeping in the same bed, but the next morning, you were not there. And while we can no longer dance the night away, perhaps we can chat it away, my dear."
How dramatic, sounds like something straight out of a play. Testing room after testing room, after a few more minutes you had finally met your destination. "No, I am not ready to go. Not yet. My dear, no..." His mumblings and his rambles made all three of you uncomfortable, but the leader just stood with a poker face.
"Don't worry, Loverboy, (Name) will still be here when you finish. Now go on and get inside." He then yelled out to the interviewers and researchers "AND SOMEONE GET THIS DRUG OUTTA HIM.*
They looked confused, one even tilted their head. "But, with all due respect, what did you give him?"
It was now his turn to be confused "What do you mean? I gave him CO-491, the standard protocol sedation tool for 049! Did you all change it, cause now he's all loopy and talking about (Name) as if she's its lover!"
He pointed at you, and you could see all heads turn "What the sedation is, is a mix of lavender and a few more chemicals to calm him down. This has been done time and time again.*
"He's fully sentient and aware of what he's saying and doing." The researcher then looked at you "Would you mind telling us what happened?"
You saw one interviewer come out with a frown "He keeps asking for a (Name). Says he won't talk unless (Name's) there." All eyes turned to you "Well are you coming?"
"... Alright." You looked through the one way window, 049 looked calm, but you couldn't tell whether it was because he was alone or because he had asked for you. The interviewer brought out their key card and swiped it, opening the door.
"Here they are 049, as requested." The interviewer said. You walked through the door, and you could feel his cold gaze on yours.
"My darling (Y/N), please, have a seat. There is much we must discuss."
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baldval · 2 months
idk if u like writing him so if u don’t feel free to ignore!! but picture this, adam with a higher up reader with high authority that kinda acts like beelzebub?? like adam sees them for the first time and expects them to be all wholesome and kind but she’s actually just a hardcore party gal! which kinda matches his frat boy persona too🌚 and maybe she even resembles bee a bit? UP TO U! i just love ur writing and thought of this
-🎞️ anon
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characters: adam x gn!reader
wc: 1.9k
warnings: cursing, mentions of one night stands
A/N: i'm sorry if i failed you in the whole party-fun!reader aspect i just went on a different direction and when i realised i like this a bit too much. hope you like it too anon!!!!! 🫶
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You weren’t ever too sure about Adam. He just seemed a bit problematic, loud, interruptive, and he never took things seriously. Not that you were the chillest person on heaven, quite the opposite, but still, there was something about Adam that threw you off. You felt like that was all a faced. You knew that, when he wanted to, he could be kind, and was actually very enthusiastic regarding his job at heaven. Not that he would ever knowingly admit it. So when Sera partnered you two for a, quite important job, you didn’t know what to expect, or how to feel. At first you thought he might try to run the shop by not letting you contribute any of your ideas. He thought you were a tightass that would try to make everything boring (exactly what he said to Lute).
However, both of you were surprised once time went on, and you got to know each-other better. He realised you were actually quite fun, he might even say careless. He found himself in shock, and partially offended, when he realised you actually hosted parties every few weeks. You found out that he was deeply misunderstood. And actually really cute and charming. And you also promised to invite him to your next party, once you had finished the long task Sera had appointed you.
"Adam? Will you read that to me again?" You sat cross legged on the carpeted floor of Adam’s basement, chewing on the end of your click pen. Adam was too busy trying (and failing) to get basketballs on a net at the top of his wall to notice you’d called out to him. Dropping the pencil down on your notebook, you let out a frustrated sigh, standing to get his attention.
Startled, he stopped short, turning towards you with his eyes wide in surprise.
"Yeah? You alright?" He asked, putting down the basketball and appearing in front of you.
"Yes Adam, I just wanted to get this part done," you explained, rolling your eyes in annoyance. “Besides, why do I have to work? I would also love to be able to play with that fucking basketball." It wasn't that Adam didn't work, he just got distracted easily.
"Ha! As if you could play." You felt deeply offended even though you knew you did NOT know how to play basketball.
"Wow. Just wow. I thought you would've known about my years in the angel's basketball team. I used to be one of the bests." You lied, trying to defend your dignity.
"As if! I was on the angel's basketball team. Never saw you there." "It must've been waaaay before you got in. I've been here for longer, you know."
"Alright then, prove it."
"Prove what?"
"Prove you can play." He handed you the ball and you held it.
"I'm a bit rusty." You smiled at him as you saw him grin. He could see right through you and your lies, what he didn't figure out was that you could also see right through him. So instead of shooting towards the net, you hit Adam with the basketball right on top of his head. Watching it bounce on it only to later hit the floor.
"Ouch! What the fuck was that for?" he ran his hand through his hair.
"Get to work or I'll hit you again."
"Hey! That's toxic workplace behaviour, I'm gonna have to report you now." You groaned in annoyance. "What will it take for you to work on this with me for an hour? Do we have to make a deal?" You joke with a light chuckle. Adam jumped at the opportunity to compromise, knowing that he could work if he really wanted to, and that the deal would then be in his favour.
"A deal hey?" He asks, resting his chin in his hands, looking up at you with sparkling eyes.
"Yes, whatever you want for 1 hour of your precious time," you scoff, picking up your pen again to work. As a higher ranking angel, you knew better than to be stubborn. You didn't mind having to sacrifice a little something. Besides, the end was in sight, meaning you wouldn’t have to deal with him for much longer - however, you struggled to admit to yourself that it would actually make you sad not hanging out with Adam as much as you were right now, worrying you would go back to the stranger treatment you had with each other before.
"I’m not gonna tell you until the hour is up," Adam teases, retrieving a book full of sinners' names for your work from the couch and opening it to a dog-eared page.
"Okay read it again for me, and this time slowly," you emphasise on the word “slowly”, watching him let out a small laugh, shifting on the floor to get comfortable.
"Okay, ready?"
"Yes, Adam."
"Okay," Adam takes a deep breath before beginning, you’re skimming over your notes, making sure all of them make sense. Adam tries to memorise some of the names before you write them, wanting rather to watch you work than have his eyes glued to the book.
Adam rests his hands in his lap, noticing the way your lips part and your tongue juts out only slightly when you concentrate. He notices you fiddling with the edge of your notebook, your fingertips grazing the spiral as it winds to bound the book. He notices how effortlessly pretty you are, and how committed you’ve been to this assignment. He thought it was so funny that you were so oblivious to his blatant staring. He suddenly lets out the breath he didn’t notice he was holding in.
"Adam?" You ask, the same annoyance bubbling inside you from when he didn’t pay attention before.
"Right," Adam shakes his head from his thoughts and returns to reciting the book.
You hadn’t noticed you’d leaned slightly into Adam, your shoulders brushing. Adam suddenly feels warm, his shoulder tingling where you were touching him. His heartbeat hammered in his ears as he licked his lips, readying himself to read the next part.
He thought of how cunning his side of the deal was, and how much more tempting it got the longer you touched him. It was a gamble, but it was one he was willing to take.
Adam rested his hand on his thigh, inching his fingers closer to your joined knees.
You look up at him, finally noticing how close the two of you had gotten, but doing nothing about the close proximity. Something felt different, the air was harder to breathe, and your stomach felt like it was housed by a million butterflies. His eyes shun as they looked into yours, your faces inching closer and closer.
Adam finished reading and silence filled the room, accompanied by the small pants of your breathing, you pulled your body away, sitting up straighter and looking more alert.
"Good reading Adam," you let out a small cough to cover the awkwardness that had just washed over you. Fuck, you were so close to kissing him, and you didn’t know why. You scowled at yourself for being so cliche, and put down your notebook. Adam bit his lip in a smile as your cheeks blushed red because he knew you’d felt that too.
"Okay, deal time?"
You know you asked for an hour, but a break right now didn’t seem so bad.
"Okay," you say, as he scoots his bottom across the floor to face you.
"One kiss," he says finally, your jaw swinging open in shock. A kiss? Was he serious? Did you hear that right?
"A kiss?" You repeat, chuckling. At first you thought it was a prank - classic Adam. However, his face was dead serious, as serious as you had ever seen him. You hadn’t read that Adam felt anything for you, the same way you hid having a big fat crush on him by being sort of mean.
"Come on, you know you want to." He teases suddenly changing his behaviour and body language as he realised he had been perhaps a bit too vulnerable for his liking. But you has already seen him. You knew his true intentions when he asked that and you knew they matched what you wantes, so why weren't you kissing him?
Your lips form a tight straight line as you contemplate your choices. Give up the tough guy act now and cave to your feelings, or don’t. It was like Adam was giving you the perfect opportunity to do what you always thought of doing.
"Okay, only one," you narrow your eyes at him as he gives you a curt nod.
“Of course, whatever the lady wants,” he sends a wink on your direction and you can't help blushing as you try to hide the redness with a laugh.
You lean forward, securing a small kiss on his cheek, almost too close to the corner of his mouth as it curled into a small smile. Your lips linger there for a moment, before you pull away, just slightly, your face still so close to Adam’s. You contemplate whether you should just go for it. But before you could decide what you wanted to do, Adam does it for you, connecting your lips in a soft, passionate kiss.
It takes you aback, but you compose yourself quickly, cupping his cheeks in your hands, as his secure to your hips. He pulls you closer, until you’re practically in his lap, straddling his hips with your thighs. His tongue prods at your lower lip, and without another thought, you open your mouth, letting his tongue explore where no one else has. The feeling was magical, and after all those nights you lay awake thinking of this moment, it finally came in full force.
You had to pull away with a gasp when Adam’s hand started to cup your bare ass under your shorts, your hands resting comfortably on his shoulders as you stared at each other.
"Fuck I’m sorry- I shouldn’t have-"
"No! It’s fine, I just, I... I kinda like you? Adam... And I mean, I don't care if you want to just fuck or whatever. But... I guess I just don't want that." you let out a nervous laugh, wanting so badly to crawl into a hole and die from your confession. "It's not you! Well, I guess it is you? I don't mind one-night stands, I just..." Adam interrupts you by letting a small laugh, the back of his hand coming up to caress your cheek.
"I get why you assumed that. I mean, I am THE Adam, THE original dick, why would I settle down?" You roll your eyes at his cockiness and his expression softens. "But I do like you. I like you just in the way that you said it, truly."
"Really?" You ask him, your voice only just louder than a whisper.
"Yeah! I mean- you’re so smart and pretty, and we’ve spent a lot of time together, I’ve enjoyed getting to know you, wouldn't mind getting to know you better. The whole of you" he moves his hand towards your waist.
“I’ve felt the same way,” you reply, pulling Adam in for a hug, resting your head in the crook of his neck. He holds you close, before you sit back down on the floor across from him.
“So… you think I’m pretty?” He asks, shooting you a cheeky wink. You roll your eyes again, letting out a small laugh.
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aynahcr · 2 months
𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵 ᡣ𐭩.
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Genre: Smut, Kashimo x gn!reader
Content Warning: handjob, blowjob (m! recieving), face fucking, edging, grumpy!Kashimo, cruel!reader (but not in a bad way), first time writing smut! Sorry for bad grammar :(
¡Minors Do Not Interact!
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You never thought this would happened. Him, whining and grumbling while your hands are rubbing his length so slowly. A frown you see from his face has told you he doesn't like it. He hates being dominated extremely.
It wasn't easy having the God of Lightning in your hands. You took a plenty time thinking and planning how to get him down without being switched or getting fucked by this mad man. He did you good, can't reject it. But sometimes he did make you feel so stupid like you never had a thought at all. So, here's a karma. Having him being tied down like an X on a shared bed with no clothes. Such a cruel you letting the cold air touches his bare skin.
"God, baby..." He lets out a whisper with his eyes keeping on you and your hands, begging you to go faster and stop this painful pleasure. You can't see his face, but you know what he wants you to do just from hearing his voice.
"You must use your words, baby. Whining isn't gonna help." You say the words he usually uses when he teased you. The man then growls hopelessly as you chuckle. Your fingertips tap his tip before your lips were lowered down to give a gentle kiss on it. This makes him flinched slightly. My, he looks so adorable. His face already went red and he sweats all over his naked body like he's oiled up.
"Love... Why did you do this t'me... What did I do t'you?" He asks with a pant, hoping you to answer but he hears nothing. He even tried to move himself just to be failed at it. He doesn't know if he could take this pressure for a little longer.
"It's not funny, love! Tell me why you did this!" Nah, clearly that he couldn't. He begins to shout an order to you. It sounds scary at first before changing to be shaken. His precum's leaking on his tip while your hands still do their pleasure torture job with no stopping.
"Babe!" He calls you, following with your name after. But you remain calmed, not letting his demands win this fight. A sight of this version of you makes him confused. So, so confused. He's never seen this you before and he quite doesn't like it.
Or maybe he does, but just doesn't admit it yet.
As you don't seem to go faster even though how many times he's ordered you. This man finally gives up, lowers his ego down a bit as he begins to please.
"Babe, go faster please. It's closer now, please go faster..." He pleas, it's certainly a plea that he lets out from his lips. You heard it so clear, even your eyes go widened. You've never believed you'd hear this man's plea, but it's happening now.
"I beg you, my love... I'm 'bout to cum, 'bout to cum..." His head goes back to the pillow while his chest raises up and down. You think he meant it, he's really about to cum. You then look up at the ceiling, thinking if you should follow his begging or not. In your heart, you don't like seeing him dissatisfied. It causes a hole in your chest somehow. But the other thought inside your mind is opposite, make him whine and beg for more, it said.
You reply as a hum first, "Hm... alright. but can you wait a lil' longer, lightning? Just two minutes." The corner of your lips were raised up with your eyes shut. A soft smile was sent to him, but he receives it as a cruel grin. This isn't like he's thought. No way.
"Nah nah I can't. Babe, please." He shakes his head two times lazily. "I'll do you good after, so please hear my beg."
"You can't even wait and why should I hear you?" You reply before releasing his cock from your palms as your eyes keep straightening on him. Then you sigh out. "So disappointed. Thought you'll be a good boy for me."
"I'm not a boy!" He immediately protests you with his head leaving the pillow. He's frowning at you, wondered why you stopped, also he doesn't look pleased when you used that word to call him. What an egoistic man he is.
"Then you aren't a man either." You say. "Real man can wait, don't you agree with that? If you can't, you're not a real man."
Hajime Kashimo, your beloved boyfriend is now stopped begging. His brain begins to process about your sentences and his self-esteem starts to get on its work. From your observation, this man believes in a way of the real man they called, like 'Real man shouldn't cry.' or maybe like 'Real man should take a lead.' for an example. So, this trick of yours might be work.
You try to guess a hint on his pouty face. He stills silent as he's fighting with himself inside his head. Just like the first paragraph said. This man hates being dominated, but he also hates to wait as well. But again. If he couldn't wait, he's not a real man like you've said.
When you realise that the room of yours covers with silence for too long, you decide to be the one who breaks this strangely awkward situation.
"I know you can wait, my lightning. Just two minutes and I promise I'll give you a reward." You coo as your hand gently wraps around his length, causing him letting out a short mewling and it blessed your ears so nicely. Your man nods lamely without any dissent, but it isn't enough. You want to hear a word.
"Yeah, I'll wait. I'll wait..." He replies your short call. The corner of your lips then hoist up seeing him in good behaviour. You begin your rhythms with a slow movement of your hand around his long dick. His lower lip slowly separates from his upper lip as a soft moans come out. You barely heard his moans from your experience with him, so your eyes quickly peak up to look at his expression. Oh, lord. His pretty eyes have no focus on you but on the ceiling, wishing you to go faster soon.
"God, Hajime. You're so fucking desperate and I love it." You breathe while you hand's starting to go faster as he wished for. "My lightning just wanna reach the climax so bad."
You could see his body reflecting your hand's movement by jerking. Both of his face and his bare chest are all covered with red like a garnet's colour. He can't shut his mouth now loosing all his moans and whimper out shamelessly.
"Aw, poor Hajime barely get touched and already began to cum." You mock him, but your mock somehow turns him on even more and you knew it. Because it used to happen to you as well when he did the same.
With a need to make him go feral, his cock was suddenly taken inside your warm mouth before you begin accelerating. The brief action of yours did take him to the haven's gate. The man growls as he bucks his hips up and down, fucking your face senseless even though he's underneath you.
"Fuck, baby, fuck, fuck, fuck—!" He curses with pleasure.
"Gonna cum, gonna cum...!" He desperately whimpers out while he's wishing if his hands weren't tied so he could grip your head stills and fuck your face better.
You widen your eyes, feeling unbelievable with his hip's skills. You did tie his hands and legs down but it looks like it has no effect on him at all.
With a final thrust, he explodes his cum all inside your mouth along with his erotic moans and shaking body. This move of him almost had you choke but gladly that you didn't.
You pull him out from your mouth before wiping all messed stuff from your lower face. Then your eyes take a look at your man. He's such a pathetic in the sight, noticing from the way his cyan orbs went back to the skull and his lower lip hanging down. So cute, so adorable.
"That's my man." You praise him as your tongue swirls on his tip, offering to clean him up.
"Baby," Hajime lets out a shaken breath while staring at you like a puppy staring at its owner, waiting for a treat.
"Yes, sweetheart." You say, before you place your quick kiss on his lips. The man's disappointed a bit as he thought you would give him a long deep kiss.
"I've promised you to give you a reward."
Finished your sentence, you begin to think about which rewards you should give him. First option is giving him freedoms, second is riding him dried.
Well, whatever you choose. I think he'll enjoy your choice anyway.
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。𖦹˚.🪼₊ ๋࣭ ⭑
¡English is not my first language!
Art by: @_JulyWj on Twitter!
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steddieas-shegoes · 10 months
Headcanon: Steve's parents come back while their son is having a sleep-over with the older teens. Steve is in the middle of an intense nightmare.
The ground was opening up beneath his feet. He rushed to Dustin, tried to push him out of the way, but only ended up pushing him down. Eddie yelled to him where he was holding onto the edge of the opening, trying so hard not to fall into the abyss below.
"No!" Steve tried to grab one of Eddie's hands, ignoring the screaming of Robin and Max in the distance. "Hold on!"
But it was too late. Eddie slipped and within seconds, Steve could no longer see or hear him yelling his name.
"Steven! Wake up!"
Steve's eyes flew open to see his mother staring at him, hint of concern just visible beneath her usual mask of disgust at his mere existence.
He looked around and saw everyone sitting up and watching him.
Nancy and Robin had death grips on Eddie's legs, trying to keep him away from Steve.
"What in the world is going on?" his father asked from behind the couch.
"Why are these people here? Why are you sleeping in the living room?" his mother continued, not giving him a chance to actually speak.
The comedown from a nightmare like that was always disorienting even without the barrage of questions coming from people who weren't supposed to be home for weeks.
"Steve, we're all okay," Eddie said, clearly fighting every urge to rush over to him, to touch his face and kiss his lips the way he always did when he had a nightmare.
"Are you going to explain?" His father's tone broke through his state of panic and he frowned.
"No. These are my friends and this is my house more than it is yours at this point. We weren't doing anything wrong," Steve gulped.
He'd never spoken to his parents like that, not even in arguments over grades or sports or college or his future.
"Excuse me? This house is in our name and you live here with the expectation that you will work and save money to get your own place since you refuse to go to college."
Steve saw Eddie start to move, but Nancy shoved him back down and glared at him.
"And that's what I'm doing. I don't work every single minute of my life. I'm allowed to hang out with friends."
"With a drug dealer? And two young women who should not be sleeping anywhere near two young men?" his mother asked as she looked over Nancy and Robin.
"Fine. We'll go."
Steve stood up, still a bit off from his nightmare, and gestured for everyone to follow him.
His parents started to argue, but he ignored them, making sure everyone had their stuff as they all walked out of the house.
They all got into Eddie's van, but Nancy and Robin moved to the back so they could curl up under the blanket they brought with them.
"You okay, sweetheart?" Eddie asked him as they backed out of the driveway.
What time even was it?
"Yeah. Just don't wanna be here anymore," Steve sighed.
"Stay with me for a bit?" Eddie asked, looking over at him as he drove towards the trailer park.
"Wayne doesn't like me very much. Not sure that's a good idea," Steve sighed.
"What do you mean? Wayne loves you."
"He hates me! He never even talks to me. He looked at me weird when I cooked dinner that one night for both of you. Thought he was gonna take me out back and shoot me or something," Steve admitted.
Eddie laughed.
"Stevie, Wayne loves you. He's just a man of few words and he was lookin' at you like that because he didn't know we were together yet and thought you were looking at us as a charity case. He didn't realize you were trying to impress him because we started dating."
"Yeah. So. Stay? Until you find a place at least?"
Steve nodded.
"Yeah. I'll stay."
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shattersstar · 10 months
hi ! sorry ! i'm the anon who sent in the romance prompt and #19 was "talking late into the night" 💗 and dick grayson please !
best friend
pairing: dick grayson x reader
prompt: blossoming romance - talking late into the night
a/n: what’s with all the friends to lovers recently u ask? i say..dont :,) this was longer than anticipated bc i’m a wordy boy anywho enjoy! comments r eternally appreciated and thank u for the request bby <33
you're not just some lover, you're more than i’d ever ask for. though we may live far away, you're in my thoughts every single day. in every way.
Everyone had slowly filtered out as the early hours of the morning rolled through. You were the last one left, sitting cross legged on Dick’s sofa and looking at the mess of cups, plates and empty bottles. Dick was at the door, chatting idly with Kori before she threw her arms around him.
“Gimme another hug goodbye!” She called to you over his shoulder, making you giggle as you pushed yourself up. Dick let the door swing open fully and Kori pulled you into a hug, kissing your cheek before finally heading home.“Bye! Miss you guys already!” She called as Donna wrapped her hand around Kori’s wrist, tugging her towards the elevator while waving with her free hand.
You and Dick waved back with a shared dazed look before ducking back into his apartment. He huffed at the sight, heading into his living room while you lingered by the door. “I can help you clean up.” You offered, it had become a steady tradition, always the last one to leave and ready to help. It was rare for everyone to find the time to spend hours drinking and eating in Dick’s massive apartment, sharing stories both old and new, and letting go of the weight they all carried. If just for a moment.
You were sure it was why everyone left tripping over themselves and you were on the less hammered side of things. You didn’t need to let loose in the way your friends did. And while you were never apart of the superhero and vigilante life, you were still a part of Dick’s, and now many mutual friends. You had known him for years, a grounding point to something normal when everything was too much.
“You sure?” Dick called, gathering a few plates while you shrugged.
“Yeah, least I can do. Plus if you still wanted to go out tonight…” You let your sentence trail off, you never inserted yourself into Dick’s vigilantism. You were only ever offered mere glimpses into that side, and had seen him out on patrol only a few times over the years.
“Nah, my shoulder still hurts and I don’t think I'll sober up enough in time.” He admitted, making you laugh.
“What happened to your shoulder?” You asked, heading into his kitchen to find the garbage bags he kept under the sink. Dick followed behind you with an absurdly high stack of dishes, looking all too pleased with himself as he placed everything into the sink.
“I didn’t show you?” He cocked his head, and when you shook your head no, Dick pulled one side of his shirt over his head. He stood close in his rather spacious kitchen, letting you take in the bruising that danced along his shoulder, dipped down his collarbones, before tapering off into parts of his chest.
“Ouch.” You murmured, trying not to dwell on the rest of Dick’s body, the scars you had seen before that faded with age, and the musculature that made your insides warm. You were definitely still tispy, shifting away from Dick with an uncertain smile.
You turned your attention back towards the garbage bag before he could notice, heading towards the living room while Dick started on the many dishes. You picked up all the plastic cups and wrappers, whatever food had somehow fallen onto his floor or couch. You tossed the bag aside and picked up all the recyclables, dumping them into the bin in Dick’s kitchen rather noisily. He shushed you while chuckling.
“It’s like three a.m., if I get another nose complaint my landlord is gonna kill me.” He warned.
“Sorry, sorry, its my bad I care about the earth.” You teased, turning back to the living room when water splattered against your back. Dick stood there as you turned around, hand wet and soapy, dripping onto his floor. You opened your mouth when he flicked more dishwater at you. It hit you in the face and landed in your hair and Dick almost keeled over giggling. He hunched over the sink with his wheezy laughter while you rolled your eyes.
“I hope you slip and drown.” You muttered, collecting any trash you missed and leaving the bag by his door to deal with later.
You shuffled next to Dick, and began drying his dishware. You talked idly about how the night went, how nice it was seeing Wally for the first time in a while, and that Gar was really quiet today.
“He seemed happy though.” You stated, carrying a few dried glasses to their appropriate cupboard.
“Yeah, I think he misses everyone.” Dick said softly.
“Its okay if you miss them too y'know.” You nudged him gently, more focused on his side profile than the bowls that needed to be dried next. Dick looked over at you, sending you a dopey smile, it was all teeth and still so genuine.
“I know…and I do.” He admitted, looking away.
“Well I hope seeing them today made you feel a little better, miss them less.”
“Yknow if you really wanted to make me feel better, we could switch?” Dick asked suddenly, turning off the tap while you stared at him a little dumbfounded. Maybe it was everything still lingering in your system, or how whiny Dick sounded when he asked, but you looked at him incredulously.
“Uh sure?” Dick moved you over and took your place the moment you agreed, obviously much more content with his new task while you washed the last few plates. “Really taking me up on my offer to help clean huh?” You teased after a few moments, Dick looked a bit sheepish as he glanced in your direction, but you were smiling. You bumped him with your hip, bothering him instead about all the television shows you know he hasn’t been keeping up with.
After everything was washed, dried and put away, you two found yourselves back on the couch. “My fingers are all wrinkly.” You said, holding them up for Dick to see who scrunched up his nose.
“It was why I wanted to switch, I hate that feeling.” He shuddered at the thought, shoulders brushing yours as he did. You were sitting with your legs stretched out onto the coffee table, while Dick cross legged next to you.
You reached your pruney fingers over, brushing them over his forearm, much to Dick’s dismay. He let out a way too dramatic scream before both your hand, and his flew over his mouth. You were trying your hardest not to laugh, Dick’s face inches away from yours, pupils blown with fear and liquor. When no killer jumped out or neighbour came yelling, you dropped your hand, giggling while Dick let out a huff, disturbing the hair sweeping across his forehead. Dick leaned his head back against the back of the couch, and you reached over, brushing his hair from his eyes.
Dick looked over at you, grinning at the action. You went to drop your arm, but he caught your wrist, placing your hand on his chest and letting his fingers brush up and down your forearm. You curled your legs underneath your body and shifted to face Dick so your arm rested easier against his torso, the side of your face pressing into the back of his couch.
Dick had always been touchy, craving that physical closeness from both friends and lovers, and you had never hesitated to be that for him. To let him relish in your touch, or feel your warmth under his palm. And you knew he was still drunk, still circling that space of clarity and haziness, and his affection oozed easier with it. It made your throat thick, fingers twitching against the fabric of his shirt and needing a distraction.
You asked Dick about his weekend plans, he replied with closed eyes, fingers still stroking your skin. He asked you about yours, eyes blinking open when you mentioned a date.
“Really?” He asked, hand stopping, but still against you.
“Don’t say it like you’re so surprised. It’s just coffee, and it's mostly for class. I just think he thinks its a date so.” You said, trying not to sound like you were hiding something. Caught in the act and in the wrong. It was just Dick, the person you had been friends with forever, the one you had helped through most of his heartbreaks. He’d climb through your window teary eyed or call you ranting about how he fucked up when he had moved out of Gotham. And while your dating life wasn’t nonexistent, Dick rarely seemed around for your brief relationships.
Which was for the best, the candle you held to him and how it tore apart more of your relationships was not something Dick needed to bare the weight of. Even if it was entirely your fault. Your platonic feelings turned romantic at some point over the years, and Dick’s friendship meant more than what could end in ruins. You’d swallow your feelings like an adult and try to find love in someone else.
It was hard when he was so close, staring at you with his big round eyes, and curious about your life.
“Do you like him?”
“Ugh I hate when people ask that. Next topic.” You waved your hand, Dick’s mouth falling closed as he pouted at you. You brought your hand resting on his chest to his chin, and turned his head away from you.
“Fine, fine.” He relented, and you dropped your hand. You talked about the music you’ve been listening too lately, the throwbacks you loved and the R&B playlist Dick made and swore by. You bickered about listening to film scores, remembering movies you had watched together, or reminding Dick of them while he stared at you like you were crazy, and reminiscing about all the years spent being absolute menaces as teenagers. It was always easy to talk to him, to get lost in a million different tangents about things both big and small until the sun had started to rise and you both were half asleep. You were conscious enough when Dick threw a blanket over the two of you, but remembered little after that.
You woke up some hours later, your usually morning alarm chiming softly from the coffee table. Your hand darted out and you muted it blindly, about to push off the couch when you realized it was Dick’s body you were laying against. Your head was just below his chest, arms lazily pressed to his waist while one of Dick’s hands slipped off your back and the other cradled your head. He blinked down at you, bleary eyed and much less surprised. You had shared beds during sleepovers and cuddled Dick close when he needed it, but tangled up on his couch after a night spent sharing soft conversation felt…weighted.
Dick’s hands found your elbows, hauling you higher up his body and sighing softly at the contact. A smile had seemed to glue itself to his face, making you grin in return until he inched forward every so slightly and his nose brushed yours. Your jaw tensed as Dick stared into your eyes, maybe looking for what was always there, or searching for something yet to be found.
You didn’t know, the only thing you were sure of was you loved the little traditions and rituals that brought you to this place with Dick. And wouldn’t be who you were without them.
title/lyrics come from best friend by mellow fellow
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Am i (FTM 18) the asshole for accidentally telling out friends about how my bf is into CBT? (that's cock and ball torture btw)
So the other day me and my bf's friends were all talking in the group chat we had. My bf is quite a bit older than me so we don't really have the same friends. I'm very open with my friends about my life, even my sex life yeah, though it's all joking. My bf, who I'll call Steve, is decidedly not. He doesn't mind the jokes about it though and we make them with each other and the group chat all the time. ANYWAYS onto the story, we were all talking in the gc and one of my friends made some joke about me needing a dick appointment and i made a joke back about how i needed to be eaten out, kissed and hugged along with the 'dick appointment' and my friend asks if its in that order and i said yes. I jokingly told Steve that we have a new plan for the weekend and he said yes. a second later he says something about how he was gonna say something else but now wasn't going to. Me and my other friend, who I'll call Toby, pestered him about it for a bit until he dmed me telling me it had to be in that order cause he liked eating his cum out of me. 
I screenshotted it and showed it to Toby and we laughed about it for a bit. This isn't the first time I've screenshotted something and sent it to my friend, and Steve knows that. 
Toby jokingly called my boyfriend a freak (which I often do myself, as it’s sort of an inside joke because of the things he’s into.) He then added that he bets Steve would like getting kicked in the balls too, which we both found funny and that prompted me to ask my boyfriend if he’s into it. He immediately knew that I’m asking him to just send it to Toby, but I reassured him that it would stay between us. After a bit of going back and forth between me asking him if he’d be into it and him asking why that’s important, I eventually lied and admitted that I’d like to kick him in the balls just to get an answer out of him. (Btw Toby said that I should just say that *I* want to do it, so that Steve would actually admit if he’s into it or not) Steve was a bit surprised but then he said he’s into CBT. I had no idea how to respond to that, to which Steve got even more suspicious that I’m trying to play a joke on him. I said that’s not true and that I love him and from there on our conversation went a different way. Meanwhile, me and Toby were laughing about it through our DMs, but it was nothing with mean intent. Toby and I joke like that all the time!
Later on, the next day, Steve and I were talking again and he ended up saying something about how if he ever does this one thing, he wanted me to cut his dick off as a joke. The entire message was longer, so I screenshotted it and sent it to the group chat, but I scribbled out the entire message except for when it said “I want you to cut my dick off.” as a joke. Toby and I laughed about it in the groupchat, Steve called me a dick and i jokingly said something like ‘nuh uh, you're into CBT” cause i thought it was obvious everyone else would take it as a joke and toby ended up saying something about how “after yesterday’s conversation, i'm not surprised.” While this conversation was going on, Steve was DMing me telling me to go suck a dick and I said I would go suck one that wasn't his and he told me to have fun. This is also normal for us, to say i was gonna go get fucked by someone else cause then he’d usually fuck the shit out of me and then afterwards we reassure each other that we love eachother and only each other. It's  a sex thing not a toxic thing or something. He wasn't responding back like he normally would and in the moment i thought it was just him pretending to be mad cause he’ll do that sometimes cause i find it hot, but then my friend toby said he would be worried if *his* partner started talking the way Steve was to me, but to him so i got worried and texted him asking if he was alright.
Steve told me that he’s not alright and what I did wasn’t funny. I really thought we were messing around! This wasn’t the first time either of us joked about our kinks with our friends and I thought he was playing along with it the entire time. He told me that he doesn’t find it funny that I asked him such a personal question and then I went to tell Toby and then the rest of the group chat, especially after he thought I was messing with him and I assured him I wasn’t. He told me he wasn’t mad, just hurt, and I suddenly felt really bad for joking about something like that. I explained to him that I wasn’t trying to expose him and I was just joking around. He told me it’s fine, but I still felt very guilty about it, so much so that I began profusely apologizing and even crying at some point because I knew I fucked up real bad. I didn’t feel like I deserved his forgiveness, but he tried reassuring me that I shouldn’t feel so upset about it and that things like that happened all the time. I’m not sure if I could ever forgive myself for making him upset with a joke, but I know that he’s a very forgiving person and he won’t hold it against me even if he was upset.
btw the whole dick appointment joke was cause toby was talking about how he thought i had audhd and i said i needed a therapist then our friends jack said the whole dick appointment thing
ALSO can you tag this with ‼️ /nf just so i can find it later ^^
What are these acronyms?
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ckret2 · 9 months
Chapter 19 of Human Bill Is The Shack's Prisoner But They Haven't Told Anybody Yet (title tbd), featuring: Wendy!!! Who hasn't been told yet! But she sure as heck knows something is going on.
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also featuring: Bill wrangling Mabel into a secret plot against her better judgment; guest appearances from Soos, Melody, Thompson, and baby dragons; and digging into what Wendy's got going on under the "cool girl" facade.
Sitting on the attic bench, Mabel said, "Okay, here's an abstract one."
Lying spread eagle on the floor staring at the ceiling, Bill said, "Hit me."
"A president, an astronaut, and a movie star."
Bill paused. Bill looked at the ceiling thoughtfully. Bill said, "Which president?"
"Your favorite."
Without hesitation, Bill said, "Bury the astronaut, bed the—"
"Stop doing it wrong!"
Bill sighed noisily. "Betray the astronaut, befriend the movie star, and betroth the president."
"Really? You never marry politicians over artists."
Bill hesitated. "I don't?"
"Which president are you thinking of."
"I'm not playing anymore."
"Bill. Which president—"
"I quit. I'm bored now."
"Give me a hint," Mabel insisted. "Is he on a dollar bill—"
Bill sat up and pointed out the attic window. "Oh wow, what's that!"
Mabel's head whipped around to look.
"It's a change of topic!"
Mabel whipped back to glare at Bill. 
"No—no, I'm serious, don't give me that look." Bill lowered his voice. "I've actually been meaning to bring this up. It's something I need your help with."
Mabel gave him a skeptical look—behold the coward, trying to weasel out of admitting which president he clearly had a crush on—but said, "What is it?"
Bill glanced around. "Not out here. Anyone could listen in. Somewhere private."
Mabel pointed out the window. "But Candy's mom's about to pick me up..."
Bill stood up and peered out into the early nighttime dark. "Not for at least fifteen minutes, she isn't. I'll be quick. Come on."
"You're acting really suspicious."
"No, I'm acting secretive. You're the suspicious one. When have I ever given you any reason to be suspicious of me?"
Mabel raised a brow.
"Point taken. When have I given you any reason to be suspicious of me this year?"
Mabel raised the other brow.
"Any reason this week."
"You have had a good week," Mabel conceded. "Fine, but I'm not taking you somewhere private without taking precautions."
"Fine," Bill said. "What precautions?"
He looked in dismay at the sock gloves tied onto his hands with yarn. "You couldn't have at least given me the colorful socks?"
"Sorry! Dipper's socks are thicker than mine and all he has are white. I'm not taking any chances."
"You hate me."
Mabel shut the bedroom door. "Okay!" She sat on her bed. "So tell me what it is you want."
"Okay," Bill said.
He told her.
When he was done, she studied him with a thoughtful frown.
"What? I thought you'd love the idea!"
"I do," Mabel conceded. "The problem is all the other things you could do once you get your hands on it."
"From inside this shack? Not a lot."
"Mmm... It is a great idea..." Mabel screwed her face up. "I'll think about it."
"For how long?
"Give me a day."
"We don't have a day to spare. We're working in a very narrow timeframe if we want to pull this off."
"And whose fault is that?" Mabel planted her hands on her hips. "You pushed this on me at the last minute so I couldn't think it over!"
"I did not," Bill said, affronted. "I only thought of it myself a couple hours ago. Do you think I'd have wanted to do this last minute if I'd thought of it any sooner?"
Mabel wouldn't put it past him, if he thought the pressure would make her more likely to agree. "I'll consider it."
"For how long? Look, kid—it's a great idea, you know it's a great idea, but the longer we take to get started the less likely it'll happen, and if you don't do your half I can't do my half, and then the whole thing's ruined—"
"Hey!" Mabel pointed at Bill. "I said I'll consider it! If you try to make me answer before Candy's mom gets here, it's gonna be no."
"Okay, okay!" He raised his socked hands. "So, what—by morning?"
Mabel thought, then nodded. "Okay. I'll decide by the time I'm back from Candy's."
Bill cracked a wide smile. "I know you won't let me down." He glanced out the window. "And good timing; your ride should be here in..."
He trailed off. Mabel had put her glass pyramid from Ford in the window so it could catch the sunlight, and Bill was completely focused on it. "Hey, where'd you get that?"
Mabel looked at the pyramid. "Oh, that? Grunkle Ford gave that to me."
"He did?" Bill looked at her with undisguised shock. "What for?"
This was it. This was Mabel's opportunity. The moment she'd prepared for. With a casual shrug, she said, "To commemorate my initiation."
Bill's eyes widened further. "Your initiation?"
"Uh-huh. Into the Mysteries."
"Into the MYSTERIES?" If Bill's eyes got any bigger, they'd fall out of his skull. "Hold on a second! Did Stanford join a mystery cult? And he didn't tell me? Which one! Is it about me?"
Mabel tipped her head back. "I'm sorry, Bill, but I don't think you've been initiated into the Mysteries. I can't tell you what they're about."
"It's about me," Bill insisted. "It's got to be about me, why else would it involve..." He flailed one socked hand at the pyramid.
Out the window, Mabel glimpsed headlights sweeping by below. Perfect timing. "Sorry, Bill, that's my ride!" She put on her sleepover backpack, scooped up a doll—Allie-Ann the Alien could come this time—and tried to shove Bill toward the door. "Move. I'm not leaving you in here unsupervised."
As Bill was pushed, he twisted around to stare in wonder at the pyramid. He tripped over a pile of Dipper's dirty clothes and stumbled shoulder first into the wall. "Ow. At least give me a hint! Where did the Mysteries originate? Are we talking the original Greek stuff? Fishmasons? Cheap knock-off Cabala? Real Kabbalah? I've been expecting Sixer to get into that for years. It can't be, I didn't have anything to do with Kabbalah—"
"Who said the Mysteries have anything to do with you!"
"But the pyramid—!"
Mabel got Bill out of the bedroom with one last big shove and slammed the door. He stumbled over his feet and almost hit the wall again before righting himself. Mabel jogged past him to the stairs. "Bye, Bill!"
"Kemetism," Bill tried. "I'll be so disappointed in Ford. At least tell me it isn't Kemetism!"
"See you tomorrow!"
Bill groaned. "Hey! Remember what we talked about!"
The door slammed.
Bill dragged his hands down his face. His fluffy hands. Right. He'd forgotten to ask her to free him. 
He looked at one of his hands suspiciously. "It's not Kemetism, right?" he asked it. "You wouldn't do that to me."
He manipulated the sock into a hand puppet, deepened his voice, and said, "Of course I wouldn't, Bill. You taught me to have better taste than that." Gah, terrible impression. He sounded more like Stan than Ford.
Bill could go downstairs and pester one of the humans into freeing him from his sock gloves; or, he could figure it out himself, in case they tried to restrain him like this again.
Bill sat on the floor and started chewing through the yarn.
Wendy's parents looked at the forest differently.
They both had a tendency to go still and quiet when they were surrounded by trees, but that was where the similarity ended. Her father looked at the forest with Knowing, and her mother looked with Seeking.
Her father was a lumberjack. Her father was a Corduroy. He stood in the forest like he was a tree himself: still, tall, skin rough like bark, rooted to the spot by six generations. Wendy didn't know why "family trees" were illustrated as branches and leaves. They were root systems; your ancestors were buried deep below your feet, and their bony grips on your ankles slowly pulled you down into the dirt too.
Her father looked at the trees like he already knew every secret they held—every ancient lightning scar, every squirrel love affair, every bird with too many eyes and every eye in search of a bird. If you asked him where the Hide Behind was, he'd point at a tree without hesitation, and then he'd tell you to stop staring.
That was the thing with him: stop staring. He knew everything about the forest, except the things he didn't, and the things he didn't know he didn't want to know—and he didn't want his children to know them, either.
When her mother stood in the woods, eyes upturned, quaking like an aspen, she was like a pilgrim in a cathedral, standing weary and rapturous in the nave and gazing up at the stained glass windows. In later years, she'd seemed like a pilgrim who'd just realized she'd walked into the wrong god's church.
Aspens weren't native to Gravity Falls. You found them around Portland.
Her mother always wanted to know more. She talked about things her husband didn't and asked about things he wouldn't. But Wendy didn't think she was ever happy with the things she found out.
One of Wendy's last memories of her mother was of seeing her standing on the overgrown path to the old, abandoned Corduroy family cabin in the woods. Staring at it like it terrified her, but like she had some question she couldn't leave without asking it.
Her father, knowing what he knew and refusing to seek more; her mother, always seeking but never comfortable knowing; and Wendy was somewhere in between.
Wendy had worked in the Mystery Shack long enough that she knew where its occupants were, the way she knew where her heart and lungs were. When there weren't tourists, she could hear the pipes in the morning and know Mabel was showering upstairs—it was always Mabel, everyone else in the shack either showered before Wendy arrived for work or after she'd left for the day—and she could hear the TV through the "Employees Only" door and know from the cadence of the muffled murmurs whether it was playing an English or Spanish station; and she knew when somebody was cooking and could tell who it was based on the smell; and through the floor boards she could hear the washing machine in the cellar, but she could predict when laundry day was coming two days ahead of time because Soos had run out of white dress shirts and switched to blue.
She did the same thing at home. From her room, she was always aware of where her brothers and her father were supposed to be—there was a little hole in her awareness where she felt like her mother should have been—and each thud and smell and footstep and shut door confirmed her instincts. She wondered if she got that awareness from her mother or her father.
From her post behind the cash register, she was quietly, casually aware of where everyone should be. And when something was wrong, she knew.
Mabel came into the shack through the gift shop entrance, wearing her sleepover backpack and carrying a stuffed doll under her arm. "Hey Wendy!"
"Hey, Mabel." Wendy glanced at the ceiling under the upstairs bathroom. She could still hear the pipes running to the shower. Huh. Maybe Dipper decided he didn't want to stink this summer. "What's up?"
"Not much, not much." Mabel heaved herself up to sit on the counter next to the cash register and set her alien doll beside her. "So. Wendy. Home girl. I need a little help, and I hear you're the gal to help me."
"Oh, yeah?" Wendy propped her chin in her hand. "What kind of help?"
"You have a fake ID, right?"
A surprised smile crept across Wendy's face. "Yeah? Why?"
"The gas station cashier knows my family too well for me to use mine."
Wendy laughed. "Okay, you know what? I'm in, just to find out what a thirteen-year-old needs a fake ID for. I can't do drinks, but anything you need to be eighteen for, I've got you covered."
"Awesome! I'll see you after work?"
"How about my lunch break? Thompson's picking me up to go get something." Since the start of summer, Soos had asked Wendy not to keep her lunch in the kitchen fridge anymore. He said it was because between his own household and the visiting Pines, there wasn't any extra space. It was too crowded. "Too crowded" was the same reason he'd also asked Wendy not to eat in the kitchen, or use the indoor toilet, or spend her break in the living room. Wendy had her doubts. "We could get lunch at the convenience store instead of a drive-thru."
"Even better! Thanks, Wendy! I'll see you at lunch!" Mabel waved as she ran to the living room.
Upstairs, the shower turned off.
Wendy stared at the ceiling. Huh.
When Soos escorted the first tour group of the day into the gift shop, Wendy greeted him by bursting out laughing. "Your suit."
For almost two weeks now, Soos had been conducting his tours in a slightly-too-tight, slightly-too-short suit jacket Wendy would bet he'd had since high school. He hadn't said anything about it, but Wendy figured something had happened to his normal coat on the night he and the Pines had been dealing with that thing they refused to talk about.
But today, he finally had his usual, properly-fitted jacket back on; but the sloppy repairs done to the huge gashes in the back stood out like a sore thumb. "Man, you never told me your paranormal problem did this much damage."
Soos winced. "Is it that bad?"
"Dude." Wendy laughed. "The back of your jacket is shredded. It looks like you escaped a horror movie." She paused. "Uh—the repairs aren't bad though! They look great. You did a great job."
"Thanks, but it's okay. I'm gonna work it into the show. I'm telling the tourists a mama dragon almost killed me."
Wendy's eyes lit up. "Did you finish the baby dragons?"
Soos glanced around to make sure none of the shopping tourists were listening too close, then picked up a cardboard box. "Boom. Check 'em." It was full of live lizards with rubber bat wings attached with alien superglue. "Awesome, right? I'm gonna set up a terrarium for them in the museum. I'm putting in some red Easter eggs like they just hatched."
"This is gonna blow the tourists' minds." Wendy fished around under the cash register for a bag of chips and dropped a couple in for the lizards. "So... what was going on here a couple weeks ago? You never told me."
"Um." Soos immediately lost the ability to meet Wendy's gaze. "Well. It's—it's complicated."
"What, is it still a secret? I figured it was over by now," Wendy said. "It wasn't actually a dragon, was it?"
"Then what, a werewolf?"
"No... I really can't—"
"A ghost?"
Soos paused. "Define 'ghost.'"
"Uh... any kind of dead person."
Soos squirmed uncomfortably under the weight of the interrogation. "Does it count if the person should be dead, but, for some reason, is not?"
"Did we have another zombie uprising?"
"Not exac—"
A muffled voice shouted, "Hey!"
Something above the shop thudded. Wendy saw a light flicker. Wordlessly, she and Soos looked up.
"HEY! This isn't what we agreed to!" The thudding traveled across the ceiling, meandering through the gift shop. A few tourists gasping in alarm as the lights swayed over their heads. "If you think you can keep me locked up in here, you'll regret it! Let! Me! OUT!"
Everyone in the gift shop—Soos, Wendy, and a dozen tourists—fell completely silent, looking up. The ceiling creaked and rattled above them one final time before falling silent.
Soos swallowed hard. He let out a strained laugh. "Whoops, heh. Guess you guys found out what happens to tourists who don't buy anything. Am I right?"
The tourists laughed.
"Ha! Yeah, you guys get it! Wendy, hold down the fort a minute, I've gotta... check on something I forgot to deal with. Um. With the... spooky sound effects."
He rushed through the "Employees Only" door.
When Soos cracked opened the bathroom door, Bill's face was inches away, wet wavy hair dangling all over his face, irritated red eyes glowering straight into Soos's.
Soos flinched. "Dude. You jumpscared me."
"Nice of you to finally free me from the bathroom." Bill elbowed past Soos.
Soos rubbed his stomach where Bill had shoved him. "Hey, Bill—I know getting stuck stinks, but uh.... if you shout like that, the tourists could find out about you, you know? And you don't want that."
Bill whirled around. "Correction: if you don't keep your promise to let me move freely around the shack, you cause the tourists to find out about me, and you don't want that! We both know you'd never give me any rights if I didn't make the alternative worse for you—so if you don't want to risk getting arrested for kidnapping, don't put me in a position where I have to make things worse."
Soos patiently waited for Bill to finish spinning the narrative in his favor. "Okay," he said, "granted. But I just sort of accidentally didn't tell someone else to listen for you while I was giving a tour." Soos spread his hands in what he hoped was a conciliatory gesture. "Perhaps, in the future, you could make spooky ghost noises to remind me you're up here, so I can go 'Oh no, I forgot the triangle guy is taking a shower' without the tourists suspecting anything, instead of escalating straight to self-endangerment? That—that seems mutually beneficial, right?"
Bill considered that. He screwed up his face. He said, "Sure! Fine. That's fair." His voice was a lot more chipper than his sour expression. Soos wondered if Bill was aware that his face gave stuff away. "Next time I should just get Stanford to supervise. He'd say I have an hour and he'd be back in sixty minutes and zero seconds."
"Yeah, I don't think Ford wants to do that. Lately he's kind of busy with the whole figuring-out-how-to-kill-you thing."
"And I don't want to shower. Nobody is happy." Bill turned away from Soos. "Is Mabel home yet?"
"Uh, I think I saw her in the kitchen—"
And just like that, Bill lost interest in anything Soos had to say. He drifted down the stairs, stumbled on a couple of steps, and was gone.
Soos returned to the gift shop. "Thanks, Wendy."
Wendy dragged her gaze down from the ceiling. "Sure, no problem." She opened her mouth to ask what all that had been about; then decided she didn't need to hear again that she couldn't be told anything about whatever was going on here. But something was going on.
Whenever a customer wasn't checking out, Wendy listened to every creak and sigh of the wood, the way her mother once listened to the wind rustling in the birch trees. There were so many more thuds and thumps in the shack than there used to be; she'd noticed it for days. From her post behind the cash register, she was quietly, casually aware of where everyone should be. And when something was wrong, she knew.
There was something wrong in the Mystery Shack.
Time to start seeking.
Mabel trotted out of the gift shop in a dark blue sweater with an old-fashioned Polaroid camera knitted on the front. The camera lens was a piece of reflective plastic that looked like it had been popped out of a pair of sunglasses. She was also wearing a pair of cheap plastic reflective sunglasses with one lens missing, so Wendy didn't think there was much mystery about how Mabel had made this sweater. Mabel plopped down on the steps outside the shop beside Wendy to wait for Thompson's arrival.
"Okay," Wendy said, "I've gotta ask. How did you know about my fake ID?"
"Robbie said Tambry told him!"
"Oh, you guys are hanging with Robbie?" Wendy wondered if he and Tambry were back together again. She should ask Lee; he'd be the most likely person to know who it wouldn't be awkward to ask.
"A little. He's working on a music video that he wants creepy synchronized twins for, so he asked me and Dipper. We met up to talk about the details."
"Oh dude, he mentioned he was working on some kind of spooky song. Something about the 'ghost of childhood'?"
"That's the one! We're the childhood ghosts."
"Awesome. Let me know how it goes."
Mabel gave her a thumbs up. "Okay, I answered your question, now you have to answer one!" Her voice dropped to a faux whisper. "Why do you have a fake ID? Is it so that you can work at a casino across the border where you rendezvous with a handsome foreign spy?"
Wendy laughed. "What? No." She looked around. "I'll tell you, but you can't tell anybody else. Except Dipper I guess, he's cool."
Wendy took off her flannel shirt, tugged her hair over her shoulder, pushed aside her undershirt to expose her right shoulder blade, and turned her back toward Mabel. "Check it out."
"Whoa! Tattoo!" Mabel poked the bag of ice tattooed on Wendy's shoulder.
"Yeah, I got inked in February. I think it's cool. Like, it's a weird tat, right? Who gets a tattoo of a bag of ice? But if you know, you know. That makes it personal." Wendy pulled her shirt back on and buttoned it up. "Plus, in like five years, I'll probably be dating someone who goes—" she put on a false high voice, "'Hey Wendy, why did you get this tattoo?' And I can go," Wendy squinted off toward the distant trees and adopted a faraway voice, "'It's a long story. About the greatest fight of my life. When the world... nearly ended.' All serious. But then it's still a dumb bag of ice."
"That's such a cool idea. We should all get matching tattoos!" Mabel pulled up her sweater sleeve, showing off her rainbow rock bracelet. "What if I get it on my wrist! So that the tail of the shooting star wraps around it like a bracelet! Do they have glitter tattoos?"
Wendy chuckled. "I don't know, but that sounds awesome. But you guys are gonna have to wait like, five years to get yours. Ooor, get a fake ID that says you're eighteen." She winked. "Robbie's talking about getting one too. He wants it on his chest, over his actual heart. I'm still waiting for a really funny time to be like, 'Oh, you haven't done it yet? I already got one.'" Mabel laughed.
Thompson pulled up, and they piled into his minivan.
Wendy wasn't quite sure what she'd expected Mabel to need an 18-year-old's assistance for (her best guess had been helping Stan commit voter fraud), but nowhere on her list had she considered—
"Scratch cards," Mabel said to the cashier. She would have looked like a real slick customer, with her serious expression and reflective shades, if one of the lenses hadn't been missing. She was a 50% slick customer. "I'm gonna need to see, uhhh..." She pointed at three of the scratch cards on display behind the cashier. Their art displayed a purple unicorn, a diamond-encrusted tiara, and a neon beach party. "All of these!"
The cashier gave Mabel a skeptical look. "How old are you, again?"
Wendy leaned on the counter beside Mabel and quickly said, "She's with me! I'm buying." She slid her fake ID across the counter to the cashier. "Mabel's just my... uh... helper?"
"Psychic helper!" Mabel said.
"Psychic helper," Wendy agreed.
"Yeah, I can tell which cards are gonna be winners," Mabel said. 
The cashier looked between them, looked at Wendy's ID, and shrugged. "Okay," he said. "You said you wanna get... all of these?"
Wendy went quiet, trying to figure out how much that would cost. "Um."
"No no no!" Mabel waved her hand. "I just wanna see them all. You know. For psychic purposes."
"I can't hand customers cards they haven't paid for. You might start scratchin' 'em."
"That's fine! Can you just... hold all of them up? One at a time? So I can get a really good look at each of them?"
The cashier stared at Mabel, then gave Wendy a weary look.
Wendy smiled nervously. She regretted not asking Mabel what she was planning. "Please? It'd be really cool of you," she said. "Also, I'll leave you a tip." She only had like fifteen dollars. She hoped she could cobble together a decent lunch cheap enough to afford leaving a tip.
The cashier sighed heavily and grabbed the unicorn scratch cards first.
While the cashier showed Mabel every card in all three of her chosen categories one by one, Wendy and Thompson circled the convenience store, prowling for food. Wendy grabbed a cereal bar, a protein bar, a couple flavors of jerky, a bottle of milk—added together that had to be, like, four and a half food groups, right?—and drifted over to the ice cream. "Oh, dude. Check this out, they're selling Summerween ice cream." She pulled out a pint and waved it at Thompson, showing off the jack-o'-melons on the packaging. "I thought Summerween was only celebrated around here. Is Doug & Jimmy's a local brand?" She didn't think she'd ever heard of the brand before. She studied the packaging, but only learned that all proceeds went to an (unnamed) charity.
"I don't recognize it. What flavor is it?" Thompson asked.
"Watermelon sorbet." The only other two Doug & Jimmy's flavors on the shelves were marionberry and huckleberry, which was about as stereotypically Oregonian as you could get. Maybe they were local.
"Aw, I don't like sorbet."
"Hey, Thompson! Buy me this pint, I'll pay you back later."
"What! Why don't you pay for it?"
"I've gotta use the last of my money to tip the cashier." She hoped Mabel had brought her own money to pay for the scratch cards. Wendy doubted she could pester Thompson into that. "C'mon, man, it's only like four bucks. I get my paycheck this afternoon, I'll pay you back." She shook the sorbet in his face. "And it's for charity. Are you gonna notdonate to charity?" She gave him an impish grin.
Thompson sighed, but held out his hand for the ice cream.
There were piles upon piles of unicorn-ed, tiara-ed, beachy scratch cards on the front counter when Wendy and Thompson came up with their purchases. The cashier said to Mabel, "So, that's all of them. Which do you wanna buy?"
"Hmm." Mabel put her hand to her chin, making a show of looking thoughtful. "I think... I'm gonna have to sleep on it and come back in the morning. I'll let you know then."
The cashier stared at Mabel in disbelief. The cashier stared at Wendy in disbelief.
Wendy grimaced. "Sorry, man. She's got this... process?"
"I've got a process," Mabel agreed, nodding firmly.
Wendy shrugged. "Psychics, you know?"
The cashier sighed heavily and shoved the scratch cards aside to scan their food.
Back in the van, Mabel watched as the convenience store disappeared behind them; then, laughing, reached into a hidden pocket in her sweater behind the knit camera, pulled out her cell phone, and stopped the video recording.
Wendy glanced back, did a double take, swallowed her mouthful of jerky, and said—with no small amount of awe—"Did you hide a camera inside a picture of a camera?"
"Yeah!" She pointed at the sunglass lens. "It sees through this like a one-way mirror."
"That's the coolest thing I've ever seen."
"I thought of it myself!" She played back through the video, rewatching to make sure she'd gotten reasonably clear shots of all the scratch cards.
"Why were you recording in there, though?"
"So I can show all the scratch cards to a real psychic!" Mabel stuck her phone in her skirt pocket and beamed at Wendy.
How much did Wendy believe that? Considering this was Gravity Falls, she figured the odds Mabel had turned up a real psychic were about 50/50. "Who is it? Anybody I know?"
Mabel was silent long enough for Wendy to turn and give her a questioning look. Mabel smiled winningly and said, "It's a secret!"
Wendy shrugged like it didn't matter. "All right, sure." There were a lot of secrets in the Mystery Shack these days.
"Omigosh are these baby dragons!" Mabel squealed. Several tourists turned to look at her.
Melody laughed. "Yeah! Soos 'hatched' them this morning." Out of sight of the tourists, she winked for Mabel's benefit. "He's gonna set up a terrarium for them this weekend, but for now they live in the shop." She saw Wendy coming and relinquished the cash register to her. "Hey, Wendy. How was lunch?"
"Hey Mel." She took back her seat. "Gas station junk. I found this, though." She held up her pint of half-eaten, half-melted Summerween watermelon sorbet.
"Oh, that's so cute! I've never seen that before, do they do that every year?"
"Dunno, first time I've seen it. I think the brand's new, they only have like three flavors."
"This'll only be my second Summerween," Melody confessed. "Last year, nobody warned me about it. I thought I was going crazy when I saw a bunch of kids running around in Halloween costumes in June. Some guy in a scarecrow costume knocked on my door and tried to scold me for not having any 'Summerween spirit' when I didn't have any candy. He calmed down when I told him his costume was awesome and asked if he'd explain the holiday to me. I think I gave him a bag of sour snakes? It was the only candy I had on hand."
"You really dodged a bullet," Mabel said.
"Oh yeah," Wendy said. "You're from Portland, right?"
"Yeah," Melody sighed. "There's nothing awesome like Summerween there."
Wendy wondered, not for the first time, how Melody could voluntarily move from Portland out to Gravity Falls. The local quirky holidays weren't that alluring. Anyway, everything Wendy had heard about Portland suggested it was the kind of city that would love to adopt something weird like Summerween.
Mabel said, "this is Dipper's and my second year too. Summerween sophomores!"
"Summerween sophomores!" Melody laughed. "This year, I'm going all out. I promised not to spoil the details, but Soos and I are doing a couple's cosplay, it's gonna be great."
"That'll be awesome! Hey, can you mention that in front of Dipper? We haven't made plans yet, and I'm worried he'll try to flake out on doing a twin costume with me this year. Maybe he'll be more interested if he knows some adults are doing it!"
"Ha! Yeah, I'll let him know."
"Oh, hey, Melody," Wendy said. "You're going in the house, right? Could I ask a small favor?" She held out the sorbet. "I know Soos doesn't want me using the fridge but, would you mind sticking this in the freezer just until the end of my shift? I don't wanna stick it in the cooler out here, I'm worried a tourist will walk off with it."
"Oh. Sure, no problem." Melody took the pint. "You leave at like three on Fridays, right?"
"Yeah. Thanks!"
Three came and went, and Wendy went as well.
She didn't pick up her sorbet—exactly like she'd planned.
(Thanks for reading! Please toss me a comment if you enjoyed, I love hearing y'all's thoughts and I'm excited we're finally getting to Wendy snooping around!)
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Lock Me Up | Short #1
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In which he realizes some things, but denies himself others.
Tags/Warnings: Detective Agust D my friends, Criminal Kitty!Reader, hybrid Yoongi, mentions of murder, mentions of violence, mentions of blood, mentions of past abuse, strangers to enemies to I don't even know, sexual tension?, dead dove do not eat
Length: Mid/short
-> Series Masterlist
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"Takehiko is under arrest currently, and is being watched until we can all agree on a court date. She's still with you, right?" The detective is being asked, as he takes a drag of his cigarette outside his apartment on the rooftop.
"She is." He agrees.
"But..?" His superior questions over the phone, knowing Yoongi well enough to realize when he's got something to say. "Don't tell me she wants to retract her statement. Tell her she's safe-"
"No, no that's not it." Yoongi denies, flicking the ash off of his cigarette while he leans his arms on the railings. "Rather.. unforseen circumstances that will probably push anything involving her back by a week or so." He explains with a sigh. "At least."
"So she's in heat." His superior chuckles, and Yoongi feels a bit irritated. Kim Seokjin might be a smart man, but he sure knows how to draw amusement from Yoongi's struggles every single time the chance is there.
"Not quite yet, but probably soon. She's medicated, but still, she won't be able to make any date you might have in mind right now." He explains, flicking away the smoked bud somewhere down to the ground while he checks your tracker- just to make sure.
Legally, any statement you make in court won't have any weight as long as you're in heat- so right now, you're pretty much holding the whole process in the air until you're no longer under the influence of any drugs or your hormones to say it bluntly. Yoongi himself entirely forgot about the possibility of this.
"Oh, I was about to ask how you wanted to handle that." Seokjin chuckles.
"Anything else would've gone against proto-"
"Ah come on Min Yoongi, everyone steps over the protocol here and there!" He laughs over the phone. "Do you not like her? She seemed cute when I met her, not going to lie."
"…" Yoongi can't answer. He wants to- but he realizes in this moment that he just.. never thought about it. Does he like you? Or has he just gotten used to you?
Well, he certainly doesn't mind you.
He neither minded going out to get your medications, nor does he mind how you sometimes reach for his hand at night when you sleep. He doesn't mind how you constantly try to rile him up or get on his nerves, and he definitely doesn't mind your presence when he works. But does he like it?
He.. kind of does, come to think of it.
"It's alright to admit it, you know." Seokjin hums over the phone. "I'm not testing you or anything."
"That would be exactly what you'd say if you were testing me." Yoongi argues back defensively. "Listen, I'll supervise her while she's on her meds, and I'll ring you up the minute she's through with it."
"Well, you do you detective blank-face." Seokjin jokes. "Have fun!" He laughs, and Yoongi rolls his eyes before ending the call and walking back into his apartment where you're laying flat on your stomach-
In the middle of the main room.
"And.. what is this?" He asks, though you just groan into floorboards in agony.
"I'm gonna die~!" You wail, and he sighs.
This is going to be the longest heat he'll probably ever have to sit through.
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"Stop- hey, slow down alright? One is enough for now." He tells you, taking away the pack of snacks from you. You immediately become teary eyed, grabbing after them- though his arm is longer, palm pressed against your sternum keeping you away.
"But I'm hungry!" You cry out. "I'll starve! You're gonna make me starve, is that it? Did I bother you so much that you want me dead now?" You ask dramatically, and he takes a deep breath.
"You're not starving." He clarifies as carefully as he can manage, putting the snacks back into the highest shelf where he keeps most of your foods at the moment since you use any moment where he's not looking to practically consume everything edible in his household. "You just feel empty, and you confuse that with hunger." He explains, and now you just look annoyed.
"Yeah well, who's fault is that?" You accuse with crossed arms. "Anyone else would've just screwed me already to get it over and done with." You say, and he looks at you with a blank face.
"I'm not anyone, however." He reminds you.
"I know.. I'm sorry- you're tryin'a be nice and I'm such a bitch for no reason.." you suddenly deflate, walking away from him to crawl underneath a blanket on your chaotic bed, hiding.
It's your medication- and he honestly feels sorry for you.
When you're not cramping and uncomfortable and most of all nauseous, you start to feel empty and hungry, not to mention the mess that's your emotions. One moment you're irritated by nothing, the next you're scared of everything. It's a little tough to handle, he won't lie.
Mostly because he wants to help as much as he can, but there's really a tough limit to what he can actually do without.. well, that.
"Here, drink something instead, that's more important right now." He offers, squatting down at the side of your bed with a bottle of water.
There's no answer.
"You're not asleep."
"How'd you know?!" You suddenly ask, throwing back the covers as you sit up, holding your heat quickly from the whiplash.
"Its not that hard to tell." He- chuckles?!- before he unscrews the cap of the water bottle. You drink eagerly- though you keep your eyes on him the entire time, as if you're thinking of something that involves him. "What?- no no no, my God..." he sighs as you try and talk without having swallowed down the last gulp of water, immediately forcing yourself to cough.
When you finally stop, he tries again. "First drink, then talk." He reminds you, and you nod.
"Can I ask how you got that scar? Like, who did that?" You wonder, finger reaching out to touch it- and he instinctively leans away from you. "Oh sorry, my bad." You apologize, and he shakes it off.
"Its not a cool story, really." He mumbles quietly. "Nothing what you might expect." He shrugs, screwing the cap back onto the bottle before he stands up to put it back into the fridge.
"..so?" You ask meekly, still wanting to know. "I mean you don't have to say-" you start, but he cuts you off as he washes some dishes in the sink.
"Me." He says, and you freeze in your spot. "You asked who did it." He says over his shoulder when he notices your silence, and at that, you watch him with an unreadable expression, before you get up. "What, you wanna look at it aga-"
But he's caught off guard when you simply quietly hug him from the back, soft purring trying to somehow get your feelings across.
And he understands.
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"What is it?" He asks when he notices you pacing again, not wanting to sit down at all it seems like. Your tail snaps upwards at the sound of his voice- but you're not answering for a moment.
"I need to go outside." You say, and he puts his pen down, ready to argue. You've already argued twice about this very specific topic- he can't let you outside like this on your own, the risks too high. And unbeknownst to you, it's not just because you're still a key witness to his case- but also because he personally doesn't want you to roam around outside while clearly still in heat, medicated or not.
He doesn't want to admit it yet, but his reasoning aren't just because he's a hybrid and therefore influenced by you.
"I know! I know you said I can't but I really need something and-" you argue instantly, standing in front of his desk with your legs pushed together suspiciously.
"I bought them already." He tells you nonchalantly, picking up his pen again to continue working. "They're in the bathroom, underneath the sink." He explains, and you stare at him for a moment, before you squint your eyes in suspicion, walking where he told you he'd pit what you need.
There's no way he actually-
He did.
It's definitely a more expensive brand you'd be using- but you won't question it for now, rather glad to be able to clean up and regain some comfort as you do your business and line your underwear with the hybrid-heat pads.
Maybe that'll help him, too.
You know he's affected by you inside his home even if he doesn't admit it- it's not hard to notice. He tends to go outside a lot more, he keeps a window open next to him when he works, he tries to keep any close contact to a minimum. You like that he stays respectful, sure- but you also feel awful about it, because you're just making his job and life so much more complicated right now. No one wants to willingly take care of a medicated hybrid in heat- it's exhausting, annoying, and most of all-
"Everything alright in there?" He asks through the door, knocking pulling you out of your thoughts.
"Y-yeah, no issues!" You call out, and he seems to leave at that, making you deflate. The detective seems to be a pretty good guy underneath that weird tough guy persona he puts up during his work- but it's clear to you that while he might tolerate you, and doesn't truly mind you, he doesn't like you either. He's still someone who despises his own genes, so it's a no-brainer that he probably doesn't like you either.
And you don't blame him at all.
Walking outside the bathroom, you rub your eye- and he immediately gets up to check on you. "What happened?" He wants to know, thinking you're crying, but you wave him off.
"..got.. something in my eye.." you mumble, making him click his tongue as he holds your face in his hands to tilt it upwards so he can see better. He's concentrated on his task, but his grip isn't rough or anything- he's awfully gentle, careful in locating and brushing the hair out ofbyour eye, before he lets go of you again. "..thanks." You mumble, and he nods, walking back to his desk.
"No problem." He simply answers, orange hue from the setting sun coloring the entire interior of his apartment.
"Hey, Detective.?" You ask, carefully pushing some things on his desk with your leg as you sit on the corner, making him furrow his brows at your antics- though he's used to them at this point. "Do you have like- hobbies?" You wonder, and he clicks something on his laptop before he closes the device, leaning back in his seat with crossed arms.
"Not really, no." He answers dryly.
"Boring." You huff. "Not even old-people-stuff like, I don't know, collecting stamps or something?" You ask, and he shakes his head.
"No." He simply answers, and you let your shoulders drop.
"Oh come on man, I'm trying to make smalltalk here!" You whine, and he chuckles- something he's been doing recently, and it fills you with happiness, in a way. "You gotta help me out!"
"Why would I?" He asks, leaning his head to the side a bit. "You're pretty entertaining like this." He shrugs.
You, in return, pull out your tongue, before jumping down to walk into the kitchen, attempting to climb on the countertop to reach your snack-stash.
"Hey- stop that!" He immediately calls out rushing to you, pulling you down but your middle before setting you back down onto the ground.
"But De-te-ctive~!" You wail dramatically. "I'm gonna-"
"You're not going to starve, I told you." He reminds you, but you simply suddenly fall limp in his grip, practically melting through his arms like liquid before you're on the ground, giggling. He sighs.
"Your life is gonna be so fucking boring when I'm gone." You joke-
And he knows, deep inside, just how right you are.
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"Pssst, Detective.!" You hiss- but he's dead asleep. "Detective!" You hiss again, but still, he's unconscious.
It's unusual for him to sleep this tightly, not even reacting to you when you're pulling on his arm. And it's freaking you out- because you know for a fact, someone's on the roof, and its a stranger.
You're just about to slap the man, when the window crashes, making you instantly try and hide- but it's no use, because his apartment isn't big at all, and gives you nowhere to truly go in the spur of the moment like this.
You notice how the detective's eyes slowly open, as if he's fighting to wake up- but he still doesn't move.
The food delivered. The young delivery guy at the door that seemed awfully nervous. The soda only he himself had drunk yesterday.
He's so fucking stupid, he thinks to himself.
You can feel Yoongi's grip trying to hold you close to him as you hold onto his hand- but he can't bring himself to do anything else as you finally slip from his fingers, a hit to your head making you go limp as you lose consciousness right in front of his eyes.
And suddenly you're gone, apartment cold and empty again.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 8 months
Thinking about Us... | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: Thinking about You part two <3 Pairing: f!reader x Jungkook Word Count: 2.1k~ Author’s note: The proposal requested by @jeonsrv hope you like it! Read Thinking about You for more context~
'Finally' I say to myself dragging out the last syllable feeling so thankful to be home. I pull out my phone to see how far the ride that I had scheduled is from the airport and before I can even open the app I receive a text from you. 
'Hey handsome I hope you're not working too hard. I'm going out for a girls day with some of my friends so I'll probably be busy until later on tonight but I just wanted you to know that I miss you and I love you and I can't wait for you to come home x'
I can't help but smile at how adorable you are and I send a quick response telling you to be safe and have fun.
'I'll be home before you know it love! I love you and miss you too' I finish and see the notification pop up that my ride is here. 
Opening the door to our home I'm greeted by the feeling of Bam almost tackling me to the floor. "Hi buddy hi! Yes I know I missed you too? Mommy isn't home right?" I question him like I expect him to give me an answer. "Good, because you've gotta help me game plan so we can figure out how to ask mommy to marry me" I say smiling at the thought of being able to truly call you mine. "Mr. and Mrs. Jeon Jungkook, has a nice ring to it doesn't it?" I say to him as I start to walk over to our bedroom. 
"Okay Bam" I say sitting down on the edge of the bed. "You got any ideas" to which he just responds with a tilt of his head. "Yeah me too" I say feeling a bit nervous at the fact that I don't have anything planned yet. "I want to do it tonight because if I have to hold onto this ring any longer she might end up seeing it you know?" he watches and listens even though I know he has absolutely no idea what I'm saying.
"You know you're a really good listener right?" I say getting up and walking over to get the ring. "You wanna see the ring Bam?" I say and pull it out to show him. He sniffs it a few times and looks up at me with clear confusion as to what he's supposed to do with it. "Do you think mommy is gonna like the ring? Huh? What do you think?" I say starting to baby him and get down on the floor to wrestle around with him knowing that he loves it. 
After playing with Bam for a bit I decide to sit down and really plan this out. You would think I would've thought of this a long time ago but I guess I've been so focused on trying to figure out how to get the ring home that I couldn't think of anything else. I flop back down onto the bed, wracking my brain for things that you might like. 'Maybe a trip to the coast? Nah, too far. A walk in the park? No, too simple. An expensive meal? Too extravagant' I say to myself.
I know you, I know that you prefer life being more simple and that you're not a huge fan of the glitz and the glamor. I want to do this right though, you deserve to have a beautiful, well thought out proposal. I close my eyes for a second to think and before I'm even able to take a deep breath I hear my phone start to ring.
"Hello?" I answer curious to see who this unknown number might be. 
"Hey, JK!"
"Oh it's you, who's phone are you calling from?" I question my best friend Jimin.
"What kind of greeting is that? To answer your question I'm calling from my work phone, my other one... well that's not important now. What is important is the fact that you still haven't told me what you're doing for the proposal. Did you get the ring already?" he questions like the nosy and inquisitive person that he is. 
"Yes hyung I got the ring but now that I have it I feel like I'm drawing a blank. I have been so focused on just getting the ring that I didn't give myself time to think about how to propose" I admit. "You got any ideas?" I question cringing at the fact that I'm asking him for help. 
"Well how about a family get together or something? Or like a picnic, or maybe a nature walk! You know, take her up to the mountains to see a beautiful view and then ask her there" he says listing off some new ideas. 
"No I don't think she would like anything like that, she hates hiking and we would be all sweaty, gross and tired. I don't think that's how she would like to remember our proposal" I say laughing at his creative but not so fun ideas.
"Well what does she like? What did you guys do on your first date? That might give you an idea, like what made her want to say yes to a second date?" he offers up and I have to take a second to pause and reflect back on that time when we were so young. 
3 years ago...
"I'm telling you man I think she's super into you! She saw us hanging out at my parent's house last weekend and the next time she saw me she came straight up to ask me about you. I told her that I could set you two up and you should've seen the way her eyes lit up like I promise she's into you. Plus she and Jina have been friends for ages and she's a really cool girl. I think you guys would be really good together" he finishes and I can hear the muffled sounds of another voice and then someone else comes to the phone. 
"Jungkook hey it's Jina, she really really likes you and I know you're a good guy and I wouldn't trust her with anyone else. That being said if you hurt her I swea-" she gets cut off by what I can assume is Jimin ripping the phone out of her hand.
"Yeah yeah we know Jina just go tell he to get ready for their date tomorrow" he says brushing her off and I can hear her run out of his room after what I can assume is her slapping Jimin upside the head. "Aish this girl" he mumbles before coming back to me.
"I never said I would take her out" I say with an amused tone knowing that I am in fact taking her out since I had planned to ask her a while ago anyways. 
"Whatever just pick her up from her house tomorrow at 6 okay? I'll text you her address" I agree and we end the phone call there and I can't help but smile not only at their sibling antics but also at the fact that I'll be able to see you again. 
Flashback over 
Coming back to my current conversation with Jimin I tell him all the details that I can remember from our first date and he helps me plan everything out.
"You really think this is gonna work? Do you think she'll say yes?" I question since I can't help but start to doubt myself as the time gets closer. 
"She loves you Jungkook, more than you know. I'm sure she'll say yes" he says hoping to reassure me. 
"Okay well I guess here goes nothing. Thanks for your help hyung" I say bidding him adieu.
"Anytime, let me know how things go alright?" I agree and we end the call there. 
After making a few calls and also asking Jina to help me convince you to come home early, I make my way to Lotte World. I set up some clues and instructions all through out the apartment so I hope you'll take the bait. Ones that said things such as 'Come and find me at the place that started the first day to our forever' as well as a outfit that I labeled with 'Wear me' that is similar to the outfit you wore when we first met on that summer night. You looked so gorgeous and so kind that something in me knew I needed to get to know you. Call me a hopeless romantic but I think I knew deep down that you would be the woman I would marry someday. I just hope that you feel the same way about me. 
I sent a quick text to Jina to tell you to talk to the people at the front gates and to give them your name so they can give you your ticket along with the note reading 'Where I first held your hand in mine is where you will seek and soon my love you will find...'
I wait around near the ice skating rink and soon feel butterflies in my stomach as I see you start to walk my way, still not having seen me. You look just as beautiful as you did 3 years ago, I don't know how I got so lucky finding a woman like you that understands me and listens to me and helps me become a better man. I just hope that I can continue to be that man that always betters himself so I can be worthy of your love and trust. 
Walking up from behind I place my hands over your eyes and whisper "Guess who?" You play into it and list off a few of your favorite actors and idols until I finally get sick of making you guess and place my hands on your hips and spin you around towards me and press a chaste kiss on your lips. 
"God I missed you" I say just loud enough for you to hear. "Me too, so so much. Why didn't you tell me you were coming home when we were on the phone last night?" you say with a slight tilt of your head. "Because I wanted to surprise you! Did it work?" I say giving you my best bunny smile. "Yes of course you did! I thought I was going to have to wait a few more days but I'm thankful you're home, safe and sound" you say cupping one of my cheeks and I lean into your touch and place a kiss on your wrist. "So what's all of this for?" you say laughing at the whole charade I put you though. "I told you I had a surprise for you didn't I?" I say laughing at your slightly confused face. Why do you have to look so adorable all the time? I swear you'll be the death of me some day. 
"Your surprise was to recreate our first date?" you say blushing a bit at the thought. "I know I haven't been able to spend a lot of time with you lately and I feel terrible about it, so I wanted to take us back to the night we truly met and spent time with each other. Growing up hasn't been easy for us and juggling my career has been a struggle in itself but I just want to remind you that you are so so loved by me. You are the closest person to my heart and I couldn't imagine anyone else that I would want to spend my life with. It's you, it's always been you and it always will be you. So..." I start and get down on one knee. I see both of your hands go to cover your mouth, surprised and I hope excited for this moment. "will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" I say and pull out the ring while my eyes start to gloss over with tears. I see you nod your head up and down a few times before responding "Yes, oh my God yes! Yes Jungkook a thousand times yes!" You say and come down to my level and kiss me with all that you've got while tears stream down your cheeks. 
We break apart for a moment and stand up so I can place the ring on your finger and we're soon startled as the crowd of people around us starts to cheer. "Does this mean I get to call you Mrs. Jeon now?" I say with a smile, "Slow down tiger we've gotta wait until the I do's for that" you say and give me a sweet but short lived kiss. "Well I do, Do you?" I say lighting up at the smile on your face. "I do".
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