#I'll cry a thousand tears y'all
respectthepetty · 4 months
I'm here to report on the colors in episode four of Wandee Goodday, but first a few stray thoughts like I have another image to add to my collection of Yak looking at Dee crazy,
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yet still going along with whatever Dee wants.
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Also, Yak being bothered that Dee didn't immediately think of him as a friend was a good beat in establishing the "friend" portion of their benefits. They are friends who share their lives with each other and scheme together, and I'm glad the show is explicitly stating that.
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Because the way the conversation began paralleled the way Yak wants to approach Taem about their relationship - What are we? "Are we datin'? Are we fuckin'? Are we best friends? Are we somethin' in between that?"
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But also the nurse stating Yak must care a lot for his lover to get the vaccine and Yak looking immediately at Dee was perfection because 1) safe sex isn't just about you but about the people you are sleeping with,
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2) you shouldn't be ashamed of caring about sexual health, so even if you hide behind queer pamphlets, drink water, get the shot, wear the condoms, and use the lube. Also, PrEP isn't just for men just like HPV vaccinations aren't just for women, and
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3) it showed that Yak does care enough about DEE, his lover, to take their sexual health seriously -> Yak is on that Bed Friend's King level of sexy, and I'd go through the entire Kama Sutra with them both once all our test results came back clear.
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Translations are always iffy but Ter mentioning that Dee wasn't thinking about his professional persona while Yak reminded Dee to not include his face in the pictures and Yei mentioned his brother being fine with Cher when they first started dating gives me hope that this show is going to lean more into the layers of being out because even though that "666" told me Ter was el diablo, he continues to make comments like that and Golf's other show, The Eclipse (which has been featured often in this show) was very much about (not) passing and levels of outness.
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Yei and Yak's dad was a world champion boxer, yet he wasn't mentioned in this mom-focused episode and the mom is the one who opened the gym, so is the space that Cher and Yei are giving Yak to figure his feelings out something they weren't given by the father? Because Cher was worried about the pressure Yei was putting on Yak to move up a class.
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And if the gym was the mom's, with all of its yellow, is Yak really like his mom as Dee assumed?
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Because putting the opening scenes in black and white is an easy flashback technique, but in this particular story, where Yak and his mom are bright yellow, it was a painfully good choice to take the color and brightness out of the scene.
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And it was an even better choice to parallel Dee comforting Yak in the same way Yak comforted him with a warmer (yellow) light than his normal purple one.
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Because Dee is already in his feelings about Yak without realizing how deep he was, which is why he is wearing a soft yellow while Yak is wearing Dee's fake blue.
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When they practiced what Yak would say to Taem, Dee thought about all their moments together, so he is falling quickly, while the signs are pointing out that Yak isn't there yet.
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But I wouldn't be there either if I was still daydreaming about this beautiful goddess who always rescues Yak with her brilliance, sassy personality, singular focus, and yellow folders, but that sounds a lot like someone else.
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A Purple Prince who is also brilliant and focused on winning but wild and sassy. Good to know Yak has a type. (Sidenote: the music choices swinging between romantic to tension-filled as the scene flipped between Taem and Dee was another great choice)
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Because Taem is taken, even if not officially. She matches her guy. She had on a dark brown and black shirt, so he had on a dark brown cardigan with a black tie.
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And she had on a brown-striped shirt with a black star, and he had on a brown jacket with black writing and a black tie.
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Then again, Dee is no consolation prize. Not looking like that at least.
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No wonder Yak is conflicted about what he feels when he looks at Dee because he most certainly is sexually attracted to him because *duh* who wouldn't be attracted to Dee (TER!), but as they sit in Yak's black and yellow room, it becomes more apparent that whatever he is feeling isn't just sexual desire.
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And when Dee scratches his back just like his mom used to while tutoring him, it starts to become clearer that Dee, wearing his necklace, and in orange which is sooooo close to yellow fits easily into his life. (Sidenote: Together with Me taught me that in Thai, being itchy is slang for being horny, so good for this show and its layers)
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Dee works so well in Yak's life that Yak is willing to get three shots to continue to have sex with him which can take anywhere from eight months to over a year to complete because each dose is spaced out by at least two-to-six months. Basically, Yak committed to a long-term plan . . . with Dee, who is chilling in his yellow-striped shirt.
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So it's not surprising that Yak is wearing a deeper blue next week as he holds Dee on the couch since he is far more invested in this fake relationship than he originally intended.
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I could write 5,000 more posts about them and this episode which I probably will.
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But know that even though the blue Yak is wearing is getting deeper, I will not be satisfied until it turns into purple.
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That's when I'll know they are both in love.
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not-magdi · 5 months
-ucl nights / lamine yamal
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Warnings: None, well the loss yesterday (I think that should be a warning to)
Words: 756
Reading Time: 5min 53sec
This story was inspired by yesterday, I kind of tried to comfort myself with it so yeah I hope you'll like it.
Love y'all Magdi
1:4, that was the end. Barcelona was out of the Champions League. They fought so hard, especially Lamine. That boy gives his heart and soul every time he plays, so a loss hits him extremely hard. But this one was different. After a period of losses, the last few wins made hope spark in everyone's chest.
It was also painful for you to watch. Being a barça fan since you were a little kid. But nothing prepared you for the emotions you would feel as you saw the player's faces when they walked past you in the tunnel.
As soon as the game ended, you rushed down the tunnel, wanting to see Lamine as fast as possible. Lamine and you haven't been together for such a long time, only 2 months. But over these months, you have become each other's safe place, with only being 16 years old in this crazy world.
You have been waiting for about 10 minutes now, greeting and comforting a few players you know as they passed you. Then, Lamine finally came into your view. His shoulders slumped, and his eyes brimmed with tears.
Your heart broke at this sight. Lamine tried to stay strong in front of you, but as soon as you opened your arms, he fell into them, holding you tight.
One of your hands went from his back to his head, stroking his hair. He buried his head deeper into your neck, letting out little sobs as you continued to hold him.
"Hey, it's ok. I'm here baby, I'm here."
The two of you continue standing there for a few minutes until you feel Lamine pull away. Opening your arms, you look up at him, kissing away a few tears that rolled down his cheeks.
"How about you get changed, then I'll drive you home, and we cuddle a bit on the couch." You whisper into his ear, kissing the side of his head.
"Y-yeah, I like that plan." His voice is still a bit croaky, but there's a slight smile on his face again, which was everything you wanted.
It was now 30 minutes later, and you were sitting in your car. You let Lamine take his time, knowing the time with his teammates is really important now.
To pass some time, you decided to open up Instagram, where you are instantly flooded with thousands of new videos of the game. One particular video caught your eye, though it was a video of Lamine sitting in a chair, his jacket completely covering his face to not see him cry. It broke your heart to see him like that.
You were lost in your own world when you heard the door opening. You looked at who it was only to see the familiar face of your boyfriend. He was wearing one of your favourite hoodies and a pair of comfy jeans.
"Hey, did I scare you?" Lamine asked you with a teasing tone in his voice.
"You could never." You answer.
Laughing, he gets into the car, holding his hand out for you to take.
With one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding Lamine's, you drive to Lamine's apartment. The drive was silent, which was unusual as you usually talked the whole trip. But you don't wanna pressure him into talking, knowing he needs some time to open up.
Arriving at his apartment, Lamine immediately flops down onto the couch facefirst. Giggling, you lay yourself on top of him, burying his head in the crook of his neck.
"You wanna talk about tonight?"
Turning his head to face you, he shakes his head, "Not at the moment, I just wanna apologize for disappointing you tonight."
Frowning, you sit up, "Disappointing me? Why would you ever disappoint me?"
Lamine now sits up, too. "You were so excited about the game tonight and I wanted to play good for you tonight so you would be proud."
Gasping, you grab Lamine's face to make him look at you. "You, my love are going to listen closely to me now, understand me? There will be not a single moment in my life where I will not be proud of you. You are one of the most passionate and hard-working players I know. You have come so far in your career already while only being 16! Every time I look at you I feel so lucky to call you mine."
You ended your speech with a deep kiss on his lips, laying your forehead against his afterwards.
"Thank you, Amor, I love you"
"I love you too Lamine"
Don't forget to leave a note if you enjoyed it, feedback is always welcome!! ❤️
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I'll come pick it up after pt.11
John Egan X Female! Reader
Summary: Y/n starts to lose hope, but he and his silly mustache made her a promise...
Warning: Historical inaccuracies/ mention of violence/ medical inaccuracies/ allusion to sex/ crying (joy)/
Word count: 1,4k
A/n: I can't watch Friday's episode because I watch it with my father and I'm away, so I'm just going to guess what's going to happen and pray for no spoilers. Again it's pure fiction so yeah. Thanks for all the like, the comments and the reblogs. I love reading what you have to say about my story. Love y'all :)
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Weeks passed since she had the news that Bucky didn’t made it home. She was hoping to hear that he was coming back. But her hope was starting to fade, a small part of her still thought he was going to come home, and they could get married. Days past, she was thinking about him all the time, his smile, his mustache, his arms and his eyes. She wanted to remember his face, but even if she tried to forget him, it wouldn’t be possible. She loved him too much to forget him this easily. Harry Crosby was her best friend during this time of loneliness, him and Meatball tried to make her smile all the time. She spent time with the kids that were with the mechanics. One of them had lost a hand, so he had a metal hook, it didn’t bother him, he was making jokes about it, he was strong. Today was a normal day, it was the beginning of winter, so the temperature was colder than usual. She was in her uniform with a vest, to protect her from the cold. There was only one man in the hospital, he had lost his middle finger, and he needed to stay here so the nurses could make sure it didn’t get infected. She was checking his wound when Harry Crosby came rushing in. His eyes filled with a spark. ‘’Y/n, he’s back… Buck too’’ he said, smiling. She dropped the tool she was using; she didn’t believe him. Her heart filled with joy. ‘’Croz you better not be lying to me.’’ She warned, smiling. ‘’He’s here, Y/n, he came back.’’
He walked into the base like a champion, he made it back, with his best friend and the other soldiers that were captured. He still didn’t know how he managed to escape, but he did, that’s what was important. Men were cheering for him like he was the president of the United States. He was back home. ‘’Good to see you Bucky!’’ Rosie cheered as he hugged him. ‘’Good to be back Rosie!’’ he replied. John Egan was happy to see his friend, but only one person mattered: His future wife. When they heard Meatball bark, the men in front of Bucky stepped away, knowing he was always with the chief nurse, they wanted to let Bucky reunite with his girl in peace. Then he saw her, in her nurse uniform, her hair was a mess, probably from the running she just did. She stopped when she saw him, realizing that her pilot was back home. She breathed as joy tears fell off her eyes. They looked at each other for a couple of seconds before they both ran in the direction of the others. She jumped in his arms, hugging him like a koala. He hugged her so tightly he thought he was going to strangle her. ‘’You’re real, please tell me your real?’’ she whispered. ‘’I’m really here, darling, God, I’ve missed you!’’ he said. ‘’I love you too, John, I love you and don’t ever leave me again!’’ she said, kissing him.
God, he missed the feelings of her lips on his. They didn’t even care about the men cheering for him and his girl, about the men telling him to ‘’get a room’’ He came back for her. ‘’I love you too, darling’’ he mumbled against her lips. He noticed the ring she wore, his ring. He took it off her finger, she was confused, but when she saw him kneeling down on one knee, she understood. ‘’Y/n, my beautiful darling, will you marry me?’’ he asked, already knowing the answer. ‘’Yes, thousand time yes!’’ she said, kissing him as he put the ring back where it belonged. The men cheered and yelled their happiness. The feeling was euphoric, he just asked her to properly marry her, they were going to get married. When they stopped hugging, Y/n ran to Buck, she’d missed him too. He was one of her best friends. They became close, before he disappeared. ‘’Told you I’d protect him’’ he said, smiling. ‘’Shut up and hug me’’ she said, hugging him. ‘’Congratulations future Mrs. Egan’’ he said in her ear. ‘’You know your already the best men, right?’’ Bucky yelled. They both laughed as a Jeep approached. It was Crosby, with the nurses, because put the joy aside, the men were injured. Bucky had a black eye, it was swollen and had bleed, he was in bad shape. When Elodie came out of the Jeep, she ran towards Buck, hugging him and kissing him.
Bucky put his arms around his girl. ‘’Darling, I’ll need a doctor, they beat us up pretty badly’’ he confessed. ‘’I got Major Egan! Elodie, take care of Major Cleven, others, find yourself someone to heal’’ she ordered her nurses, making the Buck’s grin. They got in the Jeep and went back to the medical center. She still couldn’t believe he was alive, and she was engaged to him. Now she was going to treat his injuries. When they arrived at the medical centre, she guided him to her office. She needed privacy with him, not that she planned on having sex, but if it happened, they would be alone. When she closed the door, he roughly kissed her, he was eager for her, he needed her. ‘’Bucky, I need to look at your wounds’’ she says, giggling. ‘’All right, look at them’’ he said, taking his shirt off, in a seductive way. She looked at his chest, full of bruises, it was bad. ‘’What did they do to you?’’ she whispered. She touched the bruises, making him hiss in pain. ‘’You probably have broken ribs. Your face, well it’s just bruised. What did the pirate wanted?’’ she tried to joke. ‘’They wanted me to talk about you, and Buck, and all the secrets the army told. But I didn’t tell them anything’’ he said. ‘’That’s why they hit you?’’ she asked, cleaning his wounds. He nodded as he watched the nurse take care of him. ‘’I’m so happy you made it back, John, when I read your letter, I couldn’t believe you were… ‘’ she didn’t want to finish her sentence. ‘’Well, I’m here now, darling, and I love you, so much’’ he said, taking her face in his hands. ‘’I love you too, Bucky’’ she said, kissing him. ‘’Your ribs will heal, but slow down on the physical stuff’’ she said, seriously. ‘’I’m afraid I can’t slow down on one physical stuff in particular’’ he said, trailing his hands all over her body. She grins but tilt her head to the side. ‘’Bucky, don’t you’ll only hurt yourself more’’ she giggled. ‘’How much time do I need to lay off the physical stuff, darling?’’ he asked. ‘’4 weeks’’ she said. He shook his head. ‘’I can’t wait 4 weeks to have sex with you’’ he said. ‘’Well, you could piece your lung, and die, and I don’t want that. Maybe say 3 weeks, you heal fast’’ she said. ‘’All right, no sex for 3 weeks, but get ready, because I’m marring you in 3 weeks’’ he said. She smile and kiss him. ‘’If I stay on bed rest, can I make it 2 weeks?’’ he asks, making her laugh. ‘’We’ll see about that, Bucky’’ She was just happy he got back to her, in one piece
The last part ⬇️
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nichiperi · 8 months
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Gonna be honest....I am not totally sure what this number means. But it feels significant. So uhhhhHHH
In celebration of getting a thousand of anything on a thing I have made (my brain is short-circuiting at the mere thought, WOW), I shall make another thing of the good public's choosening~! Below is a list of different AUs that are either in the fic currently, or....may or may not appear in it in the future hehehe... For the one that wins, I'll draw some snazzy art of the boys from that universe!! And they'll be in color for once too so it's gonna be special~! ✨(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)✨
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arthrobug · 2 years
Yo yo yo! I'm exhausted and it's 1:30 AM
Vote for an idea of mine, my broken kneecaps and back are on the line homies, please reblog and vote
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I kinda suck at deciding for meself, since I like all of them (of course some are favourites I'll get to dat later), so I need some help if y'all don't mind! If you want to, you can simply comment which idea is your favourite! It would be GREATLY appreciated!
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First up, is a story I made almost two years ago now (April 3rd-5th 2021), The Living Void!
The Living Void follows 24 skeleton children who seemed to appear out of the blue! They all have different goals they're pursuing, but a question that's on all their minds in one way or another is: 'Why are we here?' or 'How are we here?', or something else to that effect! Muscadine is the appointed leader of them, and he is the one most motivated to answer this question, due to the fact he seems to be 'strangest' one. Fighting through their multiverse, Muscadine and the other Living Void kiddos will have to encounter various enemies, such as a group dedicated to eradicating kids like them, a fellow group like them, of course a Destroyer of Universes, and various others!
The Living Void is one of the top three stories! This is because I love my kids and honestly I love the intractability of it.
(By the way this description is so much shorter than the others because it's an interactive story, and details are asked by other people, so if you wanna know Muscadine's backstory, than ask for it if this story is chosen!)
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Secondly, is Killer and a Baby, my oldest story yet! I made it in September of 2020, which is two years ago, and since I go by years and not months cuz' my brain's a bit lazy, almost three years ago. (Feels longer being honest lmao)
Killer and a Baby follows Sans in a post-apocalyptic world, driven mad by the death of dozens of monsters close to him, and watching hundreds, maybe even over a thousand other monsters be slaughtered by discriminating humans. Sans slowly takes the name 'Killer', and due to his new 'lifestyle', determination now drips from his eye sockets, and his soul can now be seen out of his body at all times. One day, while scouting out an abandoned city, he hears human soldiers acting up nearby and hides until they can no longer be heard. Killer leaves his hiding spot only to pass by a dumpster with a small skeleton baby inside. It starts to cry black tears like his when he plans to just leave it there, and he panics and grabs it. Later on, Killer shockingly discovers the baby's soul is also permanently out of it's body as well, but in a shape of a bright star instead of a red target. What an oddly similar child.
KaaB is a tie between bottom three and top three for me, since it's my oldest and I REALLY wanna finally flesh it out, and while I like making backgrounds, backgrounds are still super tedious for me and I also suck at drawing them sooooooooooooo,,,, oh and just as mentioned there's mass genocide so violence/heavy themes warning
It'd be tubular if y'all voted for it, but just know this one will take quite a while because of the details it'll def have.
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Third is Glitch Dad, a more recent story I've never even posted about ANYWHERE yet! Due to that, I don't really know exactly when I made it, I just know I made it sometime this year, maybe mid 2022, whoopsy.
Glitch Dad follows Erratum, a sort of 'reincarnation' of another Multiverse's version of Error. That Error somehow fell into the void, and was scattered across time and space until two great deities decided to give him another chance at life, and placed him in a far of multiverse where he could finally be free of his forced destruction. Error awoke as Erratum, and decided to try to find other monsters (preferably skeletons) like him, his fellows. Instead, the first one he finds is a skeleton toddler, named Ragnarok. Throughout the years, Erratum does find fellows, but in skeleton children that were either abandoned, orphaned, or mistreated in some other way. Because of his slight resemblance to the Error of that multiverse, this giant version of him being still standoffish but quite kind was causing quite the ruckus in the multiverse.
There is seven fanchildren in this that I will include, such as Ragnarok (Hatemare), Meteo (OuterKiller), Somber (Crossmare), Kenza (DustLust), Starcross (Cream), Belladona (DustLust), and Mute (AfterDeath). If I am not allowed to use these characters, PLEASE someone inform me of this.
Glitch Dad is the story tied with KaaB for top three and bottom three, because there will of course be a story in all six of these, but Glitch Dad will be comprised of mostly memes and softness/fluff (AKA an absolutely ginormous traumatized guy being a nice/good dad to equally traumatized kids), so this one is tied because I think it'll be fun to make awsedtryftygouh
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Number four is Bloody Buttercups, the second oldest story! This started because I like the trope of someone hurt caring for another hurt person or something similar to that lmao.
Bloody Buttercups takes place in SaveFell, an AU that exists for (currently) unknown purposes, all that's freely known is that the Sans somehow is in possession of a Determination Star/Save Point, and there is no Player in the files or anywhere. Sans is commonly bullied for being known as the 'soft' monster of the Underground (SaveFell isn't entirely based around strength/LV, it's based around personality and what you do. Strength is still important though-), and one day after leaving his post because he couldn't handle seeing humans from the surface enslaving skeleton monsters due to their heightened magic/strength capabilities, he goes to the Ruins, and sees the usually clean river streaked with fresh blood. Sans follows it until he finds the source, an odd skeleton monster with small destroyed wings. He seemed to have maybe fallen from the surface, somehow, but he had no chains whatsoever. Only odd clothing, ripped up wings, and the large skull of a bird placed upon his own skull. Sans decides that for once, he's going to act like the 'softie' he is, and with some struggle, brings the skeleton to his home to care for in secret.
Bloody Buttercups is one of the top three! This is because it's one of the older ones, has not too many characters, I REALLY like the trope/main character interactions included, AND, this story, when finished, could connect to two other stories that are included! I'm not telling which ones though hehehe
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Number five, UNDERRINK! Probably the newest story I can't remember lol
UNDERRINK follows Frisk, a nonbinary child who is a selective mute, and resides in a rural orphanage. There is some good snowfall one day, and one of the other kids invites Frisk to ice-skate. Frisk doesn't know how, so they reject the kind offer. However, he does take the skates that are given to him. They wander into the forest nearby, but they suddenly feel the ground dropping. Suddenly Frisk falls under the ground, and she lands on a large pile of snow. Soon, she wakes up, to be met with a yellow flower, wearing a yellow scarf, calling themselves 'Flowey the Flower'.
UNDERINK is simply UNDERTALE but played with battle/competitive ice-skating in mind! Everyone simply has a skill and clothes change, nothing magic related! Oddly enough though, 'Sans' looks very different. He has a scar under his left eye, has snowflake shaped eyelights, and even though the story is a basic change, 'Sans', who prefers to be called Frost instead, uses Ice magic?
Oh well, you'll only know the story and why Sans is unique if this is voted for! (And, if this is voted for, and the story finishes, it won't exactly end yet :].)
I'm going to be honest though, UNDERRINK is in the bottom three, specifically the VERY bottom,,,, Mainly because I have no clue how ice-skating works GNEKGHWNAS so if there's someone who knows a lot about ice-skating and is willing to teach it easily to me that would be  a w e s o m e , also I have to draw the entire/main points of the UNDERTALE game so this could either be the longest or shortest one lmao
OH! And, one of the characters (bet you can guess who lmao-) could (keyword, could) be included in one or more of the other stories, hehehehehehehe
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LASTLY! Tunnels, my autistic arse's favourite! (but on the bottom three and I'll explain why in a moment-)
Also pretty new, but older than the last one!
Tunnels is a multi-perspective story following humanoid Arthropods, except Crustaceans, f*ck Crustaceans, no one cares about them right now. This is basically the 'bugification' of the UTMV characters lmao
Some of the main characters include Paint, the dragonfly version of Ink, Sun, the wasp version of Dream, Passion, the moth version of Lust, Slayer, the centipede version of Killer, Grimm, the true bug version of Reaper, a couple of humans too, such as Alphys, and even more!
Since there's so many, I couldn't possibly provide a story example of each one lmao so y'all are just getting this:
Each one has some sort of trauma, minor or major, and they're all dealing with this one detail- Humans have discovered their existence and that might cause a bit of problems, especially violent ones.
By the way, 'Oh wowie bug story!' Gets slapped in the face with some REALLY MESSED UP SHIZ. I think this is the darkest one other than KaaB, which is mass genocide and regular gore (but mass genocide is in UNDERTALE so um). So that's your warning if you're still interested-
The EXTREMELY dark themes warning is because when I was just awfully explaining the backstory of one of the characters to my mother, she had to stop me because she was getting uber uncomfortable with how gory it was, from me just  t a l k i n g  about it,,,, So  U H , major warning! I didn't even really realize how dark this one is until I started explaining some of the story awesrdtfyijnmokl-
Anyways, this one is on the bottom three even though it's a favourite of mine is because: The story and world is absolutely MASSIVE. The large amount of characters require an amount of meticulous detail, and as mentioned previously, Tunnels is one of the darkest ones out of the six. It'll be fun for me that's for sure, but I haven't even fleshed out a solid storyline yet, it's just in bits and pieces for each character.
If you guys want this before all the others though, same as the others as well, totes rad I need a singular thing to focus on lol
That's the six I'm willing to work on, this took about maybe two hours to write out holy he c K my back and neck hurts
PLEASE CHOOSE ONE! If you can't decide or if you want to list out your favourites to least favourites, PLEASE DO SO! Literally any sort of decision other than just going, "this sucks" is awesome ersdtyfiohjk
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kaseyskat · 2 years
in light of the journal page, I'd like to offer y'all something bittersweet.
the airport is big and looming.
marcy clutches her bag so tight her hands are white. she doesn't have much in there; just miscellaneous items from her time in amphibia, and some of her own things from when her parents move that had been left at the boonchuys. still, it's enough that she feels hollow, empty, like she's already thousands of miles away.
she had gotten two weeks. two weeks of hospital checks and long conversations and tearful confessions. two weeks to reconcile seven months worth of missing time, to sort her memories out, to come to terms with all she's lost and all she still has left to lose. two weeks, and then the plane ticket had been bought on her behalf. she already has classes waiting for her in her new home, already has a life waiting for her, and yet...
...she can't do this to herself, not again.
the boonchuys and sasha are all here to see her off. the boonchuys had been housing her since the invasion, and both anne and sasha had been such active presences, marcy still doesn't know how she's going to live without them.
but they're at security now, which means it's time for marcy to step forward on her own.
she's never wanted a guiding hand more in her life.
the boonchuys are the first ones to hug her. mrs boonchuy offers her a comforting smile while mr boonchuy squeezes the life out of her, and they've been her secondary family for so long now, marcy truly doesn't know what she's going to do without them. she promises mr boonchuy that she'll still play vagabondia online with him, and they both step back, fond and proud of her in a way her own parents never have been.
sasha steps forwards next. "you're not gonna escape me so easily, nerd," she teases, but there's something hollow in her tone, longing and wistful just like the way she takes marcy's hands, clutches at them. "you gonna be okay on your own?"
"i'll call you if I need someone to kick ass for me," marcy teases right back, and she swallows past the lump in her throat to step into sasha's welcome embrace. as she inhales, her eyes sting, and she squeezes them shut to force her emotions back. "take care of anne for me?"
"only if you take care of yourself too," sasha says wetly. "i'm sorry we didn't get the time we needed."
"don't do that, please, don't apologize, it's okay." marcy finally - reluctantly - steps back, and she meets eyes with sasha, who is finally looking at marcy like she's a gem that sasha can't afford to buy- like she's valuable. it's one that marcy's wanted for herself for years now, and now that she has it, it just feels pointless.
still, she smiles, and gives sasha one last little wave- sasha smiles back, and then she's giving way for anne to dash forwards.
it feels right somehow, letting anne have the final goodbye with how long they've known each other, and this is the part that doesn't quite feel real. anne throws herself at marcy with a hunger, and marcy catches her, and she can't quite believe that this is it for them. surely she'll hug her best friend again one day, but they'll never be as close as they once were, and marcy doesn't know if it's because of the move or amphibia or both but she knows it's the one thing she regrets the most.
"I'm gonna miss you so much," anne mumbles into marcy's hair as she clutches at her. "I'll call you every day, and we can stream movies together! whatever you wanna do, promise."
"I'll miss you too, Anna Banana," Marcy whispers right back, and she sniffles, the burning in her eyes coming back with a vengeance. "it's okay, it's not a real goodbye, just a see you later. just like the temples!"
anne's voice is wobbling when she speaks next, and as she finally releases marcy from the clinging embrace she looks on the verge of tears as well. "I'll still miss you," she says, sounding almost petulant.
marcy sniffs again. "don't cry," she accuses, wiping at her eyes. "or I'm gonna start crying."
anne manages a shaky, wet little smile, before her eyes absolutely light up. "oh!" she exclaims, "I almost forgot!" she starts digging in the drawstring bag she had carried with her, brow furrowed in concentration. "I meant to give this back to you awhile ago but I thought I'd do something nice in it, give you something to read when your plane lands. only then, okay?"
it's her journal.
marcy had almost forgotten about the thing, truth be told. she remembers panicking the night after the battle of the bands, writing down a letter in amphibian runes just in case her plan didn't work out like she'd hope, and leaving the journal in anne's bag for convenient safekeeping. it hadn't been her smartest plan, because she had acted on impulse, fueled by her own guilt and last minute regrets.
somehow, it never occurred to her that anne would still have it now.
she takes it gingerly, flipping through the pages. her own notes on amphibia and rambling about newtopia make her feel small, her chest aching with a misery that hasn't quite managed to leave her yet.
"i read it," anne admits, and marcy startles, glancing back up. "I wanted to see if you wrote anything about how to travel between worlds- I didn't know how much you knew. I'm sorry for invading your privacy, but I'm not really sorry for reading it, it was... insightful."
suddenly, marcy remembers all she had written on anne, and her cheeks flush.
"it really helped me come to terms with everything, and I hope my sections help you come to terms with everything too," anne says, and she manages one more smile, one that marcy barely reciprocates.
and then it's time.
marcy clutches her journal in her arms as she forces herself to wave one more time. tears trickle down her cheeks as she turns away from her best friends, her favorite girls, the people she loves the most in the entire world.
she inhales, she exhales, and she steps into her new world; alone.
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Someone To Stay
Summary - Y/N realises she finally found her person who would stay with her, no matter what happens.
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader
WC - 1130
Warnings - Angst but with a fluffy end
Square filled - If it's all in my head, tell me now. Tell me I've got it wrong somehow ( @taylorswiftbingo ); Free Space ( @supernatural-jackles' TMAS'22)
A/N - Hey guys! It has been a long time! This fic is a little personal to me. It's just about things I have been going through recently and yeah, so I wrote a little something instead of studying. I hope y'all like it! I feel a bit rusty but I hope it's really something more than just word vomit lol
Unbeta'd. All mistakes are my own. Dividers by @firefly-graphics.
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“Open the door, Dean–” the thudding on the door ceased as Y/N rested her head against the wooden surface “-open the door, babe. Please.” She tried to listen to something, anything that would tell her he was okay. “De, please, open the door. I'm beggin’ you honey.” She placed her palm on the hardwood, screwing her eyes shut and replaying the moment where it all went wrong in her head.
She did it out of fear and said those words because she was afraid. She never meant it. The muffled footsteps had now died down. The silence was deafening. She balled up her hands and her fist connected with the door and struck again. Again. And again. “Dean, I'm sorry.” I love you. I'm sorry that I let you down. I'm sorry that you ever loved me. I'm sorry because I can't be the person you want me to be. The words remained unspoken, weighing upon her shoulders like a dead weight. She wanted to say it all and bare herself in front of him but she never could. She was never good with words. “Honey, promise me to not do anything stupid in there. I'll leave. I'll…I want to give you the space you need. I know I let you down, again, but I still love you like the very first day.”
She had given up, understanding he needed his space and if that meant she had to walk away from him, she would. His happiness was all that really mattered to her. Dean had never reacted so fiercely before but this time she had truly hurt him, pushed him to the edge of the cliff.
Reluctantly, she dropped her hand and moved away from the door when she heard the latch open. Her ears perked up and a shuddered breath escaped her lips. Slowly the door opened and she saw him. Dean saw her too. Dishevelled, tear stained cheeks, eyes turned red from all the crying, she looked up to meet his sad green ones. “You keep hurting me. And I…I keep forgiving you and loving you.”
“I never meant it. Any of those. T-the words. I never meant any of those,” Y/N said.
“But you still said those, sweetheart,” Dean said.
“I'm sorry.” I love you. I'm sorry that I turned out to be a monster you can't love anymore. I'm sorry that I am the reason you can't love me anymore. I'm sorry because I can't stop loving you. She wanted to say everything but yet again, the words died down in her throat. She didn't know where to start. She never did.
“Our love is fucked up, is that what you think?” He asked. Tainted, he meant.
“Then fight–” fight for me, he said “-stop pushing me away. Stop trying to walk away from us.”
“I can't–” the words were on the tip of her tongue yet she couldn't say those. She wanted to say she would fight for them but the darkness inside pulled her under, telling her she would never be enough for him.
“All my life, I have had some really shitty people pretend to be the person I can lean on. They stabbed me in my back while hugging me. But you were the only person who made me believe that I can love again, trust again but I am always too scared. That you'll leave me like everyone else. Yet, each time I hurt you, I'm hurting myself too. Because I can't stop.” A stray tear rolled down her cheeks as she spoke.
“Let me break down the walls. I promise to never leave you wounded with a thousand cuts.” His hands had found her face, his palms cupping her cheeks. He wanted her to look into his eyes and know that he wasn't lying.
“But I'll always end up hurting you, sweetheart. I can't–” she screamed at herself to speak up. Tell him. She tried again. She had to tell him. “Dean…I can't…I'm sorry because I can't be the ideal woman for you.”
“I never wanted a perfect girl, sweetheart. I just want you. And you're perfect to me,” she said.
“I'm broken.”
“I'm too. But I have been healing since I found you.”
“I never wanted to hurt you. I was scared. For a moment, I thought you would be better off without me. If it's all in my head, tell me now. Tell me I've got it wrong somehow. I know that you deserve someon–”
“Don't you dare finish that sentence, Y/N Y/L/N. How many times can I make you realise in how many ways that you are the one I want? Broken, bruised, battered, Y/N, it doesn't matter. I will take you, with or without scars. It is not your fault that people don't know your worth. You deserve someone way better than those scumbags who just use you for their own benefit. You are not a bad person for not letting them treat you like shit. You are a fighter for kicking all the toxic people out of your life. And you should be proud of yourself.” Dean said and pressed his lips to her forehead, “And I promise that I'll never leave you–” She wanted to believe. She needed to believe him “-unless you want me to go–”
“No,” she said.
“No? Then I'll stay. No matter what happens, I'll stay with you. But you have to show me too that you want me to stay,” Dean caressed her cheek with his thumb, wiping away those tears, “promise me to never shove me out. Talk to me if anything bothers you.”
“I'm not good with words.”
“I know, babe,” he pulled her into his arms, “I know.”
Sniffling against his chest, she whispered, “I'm sorry–”
“It's alright–”
“I love you.” Wrapped in his arms, Y/N found the guts to say every single word stuck in her throat. She let all the bottled up emotions flow. “I love you. I'm sorry that I let you down. I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry because I will always be scared that you'll leave me. I'm sorry but I love you.”
His hold around her frame tightened before he tilted his head, dipping down to place a chaste kiss on her lips. Dean said, “There hasn't been a single moment since the day I met you when I wasn't completely in love with you. I love you, sweetheart.”
Y/N reached out to cup his face. On her tiptoes, she pulled him in a kiss, again. Leaning in, he deepened the kiss and they stayed in that embrace for a long moment. They still had a long road ahead but at least they were in this together.
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Feedback is highly appreciated!
Tags -
My Forevers - @bccky @zjm @prettyinplaid94 @foxyjwls007 @flamencodiva @writercole @asgoodasdancingqueen @allys-creative-bubble @trend90s @unfortunate-brat @downanddirtydean @stoneyggirl @gia-25 @thatmotleygirl @hobby27 @onethirstyunicorn @eliwinchester99 @valsworldofcreativity @percico-heronstairs @fablesrose @donnaintx @amandamdiehl @mrspeacem1nusone @waynes-multiverse @awkward-and-indecisive
Dean/Jensen Taglist - @basically90sjensen @deanwanddamons @akshi8278 @defenderrosetyler @whatareyousearchingfordean @jensengirl83 @torn-and-frayed @krazykelly @lyarr24 @thoughts-and-funnies @deandreamernp @apple-piie-life @siospins2 @vickyfarley @whiskey-infused-dreams
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winterpower98 · 2 years
idk y'all Ma and possessed wukong......
wher- where am i-? Wasn't i in bed? there- the fire! Wher-?
a monkey with yellow fur woke up. In the middle of thousands of mountains in the middle of the night.
this isn't flower fruit mountain. It's way less alive and it's more darker.
"where even am i—"
The monkey asks, obviously not expecting an answer.
but as soon as she spoke, she realized that she was not sick anymore, her lungs were free from the smoke of the fire that burned and doomed her home, and she could finally breathe normally.
Oh! Oh how she missed this.
But, a problem still remains.
Where is she?
as she looks around the dead silent mountains, with a chilling feeling crawling on her spine,
She feels watched. Observed.
she doesn't know how she got here, but she must come back to her home. She must help her people while his..king..is well-
"happy to see her my champion?"
A voice speaks behind her, as the yellow monkey turns in a defensive position, just so she could see a child with blue-ish hair and a dress.
what's a child doing here?
but most importantly, who is she talking to?
the monkey, still confused of the situation, stays silent, maybe it's a demon? Or the ones who started the fire! ugh! Hate those guys.
she decided to leave, as the child didn't seem to do anything but stare and smile.
while walking backwards, and keeping an eye on the child, the monkey bumps into something.
it's not a wall, it's cold like silver. But it's also soft, and something she recognizes slightly.
As the monkey turns, her expression turns into a state of fear and even more confusion, her skin turning pale.
"w- wukong?!"
The monkey spoke, screamed at the sight of her king.
With a silver and blue armor, with blue shiny eyes with nothing but a dead and stone expression.
"what the- wukong?! Wha- is this why you were gone all of this time— y- where have you been?!"
The monkey grabs wukong arms to shake him, demanding an answer.
but the king remains unfazed, but he's shaking.
"w-..hey.- wukong. It's me- hey. It's me Ma come on don't ignore me- why are your eyes like—"
"isn't she the one you lost? The one you wished and prayed to come back so many times?"
The child spoke, a terrifying feeling crawled around Ma, the yellow monkey.
what was even happening?!
As he turned back to the king, she noticed how despite the unfazed expression, the king kept shaking, not because of the cold, but because he was crying.
his cheeks red, while his blue eyes struggled to stay open wide because of the tears.
"lost— what the- what did you do to my king."
Ma turned towards the child, full of rage for what- the monkey assumed- did to her king.
"oh i only made him perfect! he's my champion. And he's gonna help me fullfil everyone's destiny."
The child changed her tone into something more low and scary. She is definitely a demon.
ma screamed at the demon, demanding an answer.
whatever happened- whatever this demon has done to her king and friend, ma dosen't care nor she wants to know.
But she is going to help save his dear friend and king sun wukong.
I swear to god, if LBD touches a single hair on Ma...
I don't know what I'll do, but I'll do something
Part 2
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respectthepetty · 8 months
Pit Babe Colors Finale
I'm challenging myself with this show and seeing how good my color skills really are, so I'm doing my normal thing of watching it double-speed on mute, but now, the captions are off also.It's just colors and vibes here. It's been a chaotic journey, but it finally ends today, most likely with a character death, so . . .
Disclaimer: I'm just screaming this entire post.
Surprising absolutely no one, Barbara immediately forgave Charles. Like I wrote last week, I'll hold this grudge for both of us, Babe.
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If this bastard is still alive by the end of this, there is no justice in the world.
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Did he just give them a key to get out? They could just walk through a door, but . . . I'll take it. Kentana is trying to redeem himself. Now, KILL YOUR SHITTY FATHER, and you will earn the top place in my heart.
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Don't do it, Way Way. Don't. I see you eyeing that man, but you will take zero bullets for Pete or Babe. Am I clear?! NONE! I don't care if you are wearing white compared to everyone else's black. You will not die. No.
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I'm not even going to say shit about these two's colors because BIG RED JUST KILLED A KID!
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And this is why you deserve to die. Who does something like this? It's not a porn, sir. This is a murder. You're about to die. Not get laid.
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I know it's blood, but the 'smoke' being red too is great and I need more of it as BIG RED DIES FOR KILLING WAY WAY!
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Y'all are letting Big Red talk too much while Way Way is just bleeding out on the floor, and I just need one of y'all to apply pressure to the wound so Way has a fighting chance. Please for the love of God. PLEASE! LET WAY LIVE!
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Oh, shit, this is awful. Do NOT think about any good memories with this man who wore red in the past but no longer does for some wacky reason. Those memories are all tainted. He is awful. KILL HIM ALREADY AND GET WAY WAY TO THE HOSPITAL!
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I HATE HIM! Barbara, don't you trade your life for Charles. Don't fucking do it. Charles came back from the dead once. He can do it again. KILL BIG RED ALREADY!
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Now, someone go hug him! Pete what the fuck are you doing?! One boyfriend is dying and another is breaking down. DO SOMETHING, PETER!
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I knew this was going to happen! I knew Way was gonna die taking a bullet for Babe. I knew it, and I'm still upset! WHY?! Why can't Peter have TWO boyfriends?! Why do we always have to kill someone to redeem them and to cancel them out of the poly plot equation. LET POLY HAPPEN!
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Fuck, Alan is crying.
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I will not be pacified with Jeffrey finally being consumed by blue. I'm still very upset about Way Way having to die instead of Peter just having two boyfriends.
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Vegas' Hedgehog, I'm so over your ass! Red flowers?! At Way's funeral?! That is sooooo rude! What is wrong with you?! Read the room, you pretty bitch! RED IS OUT! Way died for the blue! THE BLUE!
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I hate this necklace. I hate that Way is dead instead of being taken care of by his two boyfriends. Where the hell is Ken anyway?! Why is he not holding Peter's hand right now? WHAT IS THIS LIE?!
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I trust your dad, Barbie, because he is wearing blue, but you have had to cry a thousand tears this episodes, and I pray like GMMTV's First, you stay hydrated because crying can wreck havoc on a thirsty body.
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Y'all cannot fuck the grief away in the blue. You can try, but Waymond is still gonna be dead instead of having two boyfriends. This is a real problem, and I want it addressed. RIGHT NOW!
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Everyone is in blue, and then we have Vegas' fucking Hedgehog in those damn orange pants, and . . . AHHHHHHH *starts throwing clothes around the room and out the window*
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Barbie is lighter. He is still black, but now he has the white mixed with it while he looks longingly into the eyes of his Blue Boy (who lied to him several times including lying about his death, pero I'll carry this grudge for both of us, Barbara)
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Now why the fuck are you wearing red, Alan?! Why won't this show just let me have nice things?!
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So . . . now that this is all over and I, unsurprisingly, did NOT get poly nor Kenta x Pete, I will be unblocking the tags because seeing black boxes on my dash is driving me crazy, and I need to reblog some GIFs of Kimberly, Alan, and Waymond x Peter x Kentana to fill this huge void in my heart where a poly plot would have perfectly fit.
I will never go back and watch this show with subs. Never. Whatever I got from it was exactly what I needed to get from it, and I need nothing else. Because what I got was a boy FINALLY deciding to
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Kenta, you deserve my respect. You loved Pete. You helped all the guys in your own way. You killed your shitty dad. You committed queer wrongs, and I forgive every single one of them. You deserve a happy life, and I hope you are laying in Pete's bed with his arms around you thinking about what y'all will have for breakfast, so he can read your mind and go make it for you.
I like you.
I respect you.
I love you.
And so does Pete.
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ari-shipping-stuff · 4 years
Fake Dating AU
im sorry
Weiss's first instinct was to scream.
Tears already pricked the edges of her vision. It wasn't even just the worry. She was just so overwhelmed with emotion she didn't know what was happening.
That kiss? Now Blake's gone? Where was she even? Everything was just spinning.
She nearly knocked herself over with another person next to her. She couldn't see. She was crying. She wanted to sink into the floor and let the ground swallow up her existence forever.
Suffocating. So that's what that was.
"Blake!" she screamed.
She screamed at the top of her lungs, yet she was still drowning. Unable to breathe under the raving lights and the wild crowd.
But someone did hear her. And he ran faster.
"Weiss?" Ruby yelled. She pushed her way they the crowd, ignoring all the annoyed glares she was receiving for knocking so many people off balance.
The translucent white hair came into view. Out of desperation, Ruby lightly grabbed a strand, trying not to pull.
"Weiss! Where did she go?" Ruby exclaimed, her voice's pitch heightening.
When she didn't answer, Ruby placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. Her other hand reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone.
"I'll call Yang," she said. "We will find her."
Weiss wanted to cry.
Blake realized what happened too late. She couldn't even get onto her feet. She was being dragged along the room, only kept up by the crowd she was knocking over.
But she as she hit the ground, so did reality. She gasped, trying to wrench her arm out of Adam's grip. But it was futile. In no time, they were already outside. In an alley. Shadowy. No one would notice them there.
Blake saw him in the corner of her eye, but she turned away, still comprehending what happened.
She just wrapped her arms around herself, staring at the brick wall, refusing to stand.
And neither Adam nor Blake wanted to speak first.
She heard him sigh behind her. She saw this a thousand times already. He would be running his hand in his hair, his dark brown eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly.
"This is kidnapping."
"Then why aren't you getting up?"
"Because I know you'll stop me." Blake's voice quivered near the end of her statement. But she went on.
"I'll get up. Then you make a show of blocking me from the door with maybe some growling and yelling while you try to make me feel worthless. Like every time before."
"I just want to make you happy."
"You do, huh? Then go away."
She could hear a resounding clang. He probably kicked the dumpster.
A growl escaped his throat.
"You—!" he stopped himself, the growl fading. Then it was a laugh. Breathless. Bitter.
"That's why I like you, Blake." he sighed and sat on the dumpster. "You're quiet. But you're smart. You fight. You always fight."
"I fight, or we fight?" Blake scoffed.
"We both fight!" he said. "We're warriors at heart, Blake. That's why we make such a great team. That's why I fell in love with you."
"You don't know what love is, Adam."
"You don't know what I feel!" he yelled, jumping off the dumpster. "You don't know how empty it was without you, Blake. You don't know just how much you destroyed me when you broke up with me."
Blake seethed. "That was not love, Adam!"
There was another one. Another one of those bitter laughs. A chill ran down Blake's spine.
"So you love that Schnee girl then?"
She stiffened.
"I know who she is, Blake." he said. "Don't think I haven't checked up on you."
His footsteps were slow, calculated; timed just to make her squirm. And it was working. She hated it. She hated how familiar this was.
"Do you love her, Blake? What has she ever done for you? It's been months since you rejected me. And here I am. Still here for you. What could she have done that was oh-so great to get your attention?"
Then his breath was on her neck, his venomous whispers filling her ears.
"Speechless, I see." he sighed. "When will you realize that I'm only doing this for you? That I'm the only person you can rely on?"
The thought of Weiss looking for her filled her mind. Then every moment before then. The start of their plan. The growing feelings. When they messed with Henry Marigold. The white of her hair. Her melodic voice. Her headstrong attitude. Her regal aura. The softness of her kiss. And the dandelions in her dream. And it hit her—
Blake could stop this. And only she could do this. Adam wouldn't listen to Weiss. Or Ruby and Yang.
Blake turned sharply, taking Adam by surprise when she landed a punch in his nose.
He fell back, a hand on his face. Blood seeped between his fingers.
Blake sucked in a breath, shaking as she stood. Then she let it go.
"This isn't happening again, Adam." she forced through gritted teeth. "Yes. We're both fighters. But that's precisely why we don't work. Even if I still did like you, we would have a cycle that would never stop. Fight. Make up. Repeat. And it hurts me."
Adam frowned. "But.. I can—"
"You can't."
He seemed to deflate. And part of Blake wanted it to keep deflating.
"Weiss made me feel like a person, Adam." she did. "She treated me like an equal and didn't ask anything of me. You needed me there for you to remind you of how great you are when it wasn't true. We will never work, Adam. Never.
"I know I love her. And I will respect what she wants. Respect her as a person. And I don't expect anything from her other than for her to be herself. We.. We weren't like that."
"I love you, Blake." he tried again.
Blake groaned.
"If you really fucking loved me, you'd let me be happy for once!"
That seemed to hit his thick skull. Blake huffed, watching him closely.
"Blake!" Weiss gasped.
"Weiss?" Blake's eyes widened.
Weiss ran towards her, tightly wrapping her arms around the taller girl.
Blake gasped quietly. But she smiled, leaning her chin on top of Weiss's head, since her arms were being encased.
"I'm alright."
"You better be." Weiss huffed.
Yang closed the door behind her, eyeing Adam suspiciously. He was still the same, on the floor, staring into space. But his gaze almost made it seem like he was focusing on Weiss.
"I'm guessing he's Adam?" Yang crossed her arms.
"Yep." said Blake.
"What's with his nose?" Ruby winced.
Blake feebly waved her hand, but the blood on her fingers were almost invisible in the shadows of the alley.
Yang nudged Adam in the leg.
"Hey, bub? You in some vegetable state or something?" she raised an eyebrow.
Adam didn't move for a while, but his shoulders slumped. He stood, looking dazed, and began to walk out of the alley.
"Hey!" Yang exclaimed. "Where do—?"
"Yang." Blake cut in sharply. "It's fine."
Weiss let herself off of Blake, hugging her arm to allow her some semblance of movement.
"Where's he going?" she whispered.
Blake caught his gaze as he rounded the corner and left. It was unlike him. So much that she almost couldn't believe it.
She interlaced her fingers with Weiss's.
After they were sure nothing else would happen, Yang and Ruby went home. Weiss never let go of Blake. So she brought them to the park, just so they wouldn't have to say goodbye yet.
"What did he do?"
Blake shrugged. "Yell a lot. And he dragged me towards that exit. But that's about it. I'll get a few bruises or something, but I'm okay."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, Weiss." Blake smiled amusedly. "I've had to tell you, like a thousand times already."
"Well, sorry, if I'm concerned for your well-being." Weiss huffed, crossing her free arm over her chest.
Blake's smile only widened.
"And how'd you find me?" she asked.
"We just kicked down every door we could find, honestly." Weiss shrugged.
"I was so.. Scared." she added softly.
Blake turned. Weiss was looking away. "About what?"
She shrugged again.
"..I dunno. Anything. You might've gotten hurt. Or.. Or kidnapped. Or something even worse, and I just didn't know what to do.."
Blake squeezed her hand gently. Weiss squeezed back.
"It was.." Weiss sniffled. "Overwhelming, I suppose."
Weiss turned, her eyes red and her lip trembling. Blake placed a hand on her shoulder. She hesitated, then trailed her fingers upwards until she was caressing her cheek.
"I'm here now, okay?" she whispered.
Weiss nodded.
"He won't bother us anymore."
She nodded again.
"And I'm not going anywhere."
Weiss didn't notice the tear falling from her eye until Blake wiped it away. They were frozen in time. It was just them. No one to bother them. In the quiet of that night, or any day after.
"Can I kiss you again?"
Red exploded across their faces. They both could see it. And they just giggled like excited little school girls.
Weiss glanced around, wanting just another confirmation.
"There's no one here."
"Yeah, I know."
Weiss grinned. "Then go ahead."
i can't thank y'all enough for actually enjoying my writing and wanting more i—
i literally have no other words, except thank you but repeat it a million times—
@maburito @majdart @dragonswordmaster @seeing-circles @wassup32
and everyone who liked or reblogged any of the parts at some point
look at me, being excessive.. am i being excessive?
all of you ^^ i appreciate your existence
— ari
part one | part two | part three | part four
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rogue-barnes-16 · 5 years
Summary: After months of being friends with benefits, the dangerous agreement backfires and Bucky’s feelings for Y/n are exposed. Instead of talking it out, they make the situation worse, and it might get more difficult after a dangerous mission.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Genre: angst w/ a pleasant ending
Permanent taglist: @notexactlythatgirl @thisismysecrethappyplace @sofreakinmanyfandoms @pizzarollpatrol @bubblycypress87 @1a-girl-has-no-name1 @loislp @lovenaturefirst @dyanna-corona @2ptonpt @goodnightmode @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @mannls @cutie1365 @catch22inareddress @mybooradley @sebastianisasnack @butifulsoul125 @unlikelygalaxygiver
Warnings: language, injuries
A/N: here it is my dudes. It was, for some reason I can't understand, heavily inspired by When the party's over by Billie Eilish, Haunted by Melanie Martinez, and What about us by P!nk. Just a little curiosity for y'all, hope you enjoy <3.
Part I
Rogue-barnes-16 masterlist
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That night that we accidentally found each other in a shitty bar on our way out of Stark's house after Tony and Natasha's funeral, we shouldn't have lost control.
We wouldn't be in this situation, maybe I would haven't fallen that hard for him, and maybe he wouldn't think he loves me now.
We probably would be friends, close friends, or at least regular people who don't have to hide that they're sleeping with each other.
"Hey there, stranger." his voice was broken. He stumbled to the booth I was occupying, and I realized he was somehow as drunk as me. "rough week?"
"rough five years." I corrected him, sniffing. "It doesn't seem to get better." I felt the lump in my throat mixed with my hoarse voice as I chucked another shot of tequila. When I looked up at him, I noticed how red her eyes were. "what's wrong?"
"A lot." he replied, easing his position to rest against the backrest of the booth. "Never got to tell Natalia I remember." he shrugged. "Also wanted to... Apologize to Stark. Didn't get the chance to." he shut his eyes.
"Somethin' else." I stated more than questioned. "it's somethin' else."
He hesitated before looking at me with glassy eyes "can I tell you a secret?" I nodded lazily, muttering an 'always'. "Steve's leaving."
"What?" I frowned, sitting upright. "Where?"
He shook his head no with a sad smile in his face, a sad smile that held little happiness and too much sorrow. "When, not where."
"Director Carter..." I spoke in low voice, and Bucky nodded at me. I looked down, not knowing what to say. "at least he's got his happy ending."
"Yeah." tears streamed down his face as he drank from what I recognized as Thor's flask. "I'm happy for him." I tilted my head in disbelief and he denied slowly. "I really am."
"It's just the two of us now, Bucky." I whispered leaning against the wall to face him. "you should be selfish once in a while" I advised, scooting closer to him. "say what you think, no matter who gets hurt." our thighs were brushing as I leaned on him a little too close to whisper something in his ear. "you don't owe anything to this fucked up world."
His head spun and our eyes met. "I don't." he affirmed, letting his hand drop to my thigh as mines traveled to his hair. "you don't either." he bit his lip and I sighed. "You don't have to be strong all the time."
"what...?" I questioned quietly, too focused on his lips to even process what he was saying.
"Allow yourself to cry for 'em doll." his mutter made me let out a strained, shaky breath, remembering why I had hidden in a bar in order to numb my pain, remembering why I hadn't stayed with the rest in Pepper's house. "It's just the two of us now, Y/n..."
I looked up at him through glassy, blurred eyes just to see his in the same state. His eyes flickered to my lips, just like mines had been staring St him that whole time, and something took over the both of us.
It was probably the sadness, at least partially, and the thinking that losing more wasn't possible anymore, what made us close the gap in a sloppy, needy kiss, which would be the first of many, that night and the followings.
I had desperately wanted to apologize to Bucky for two days, in hopes of getting our friendship back.
I figured he didn't inform me he was back because he didn't want to see me, and that mere thought made my heart shrink until it physically hurt.
I was getting dressed when my phone buzzed. "Sam?" I called him, utterly confused. Sam rarely phoned me, he would just show up at my door. "what's wrong?"
"The mission went wrong. So fucking wrong." I couldn't ask about Bucky before he resumed his narration. "Listen to me carefully, 'cause he made me promise I wouldn't tell you shit."
"what- why?" I inquired, sitting down in my couch.
"Those fuckers were shooting me, there was no way I could dodge all of 'em, and that dumbass jumped in fucking front of me." his voice was strained due to the anger and the worry, and I felt my heart pounding against my chest. "he received two bullets. He's in the Avengers' private hospital. Pepper got us in."
"he what..." I was already grabbing my things to rush there, but he spoke again.
"you can't come, he'll kill me if he sees you here." Sam pointed out.
"why the fuck are you telling me then, Wilson?" it was desperate, and it was shaky, but I managed to get that question put of me without breaking.
"What the hell? 'Cause you're good for him, and I don't want you to think he dumped whatever you guys have." I stood there, my mouth in agape at his words. "Sharon's telling me she'll take care of the paperwork so we can go home in a couple of days."
"Go see him at his apartment on... Monday." he advised me. "at 9 pm, he won't have an excuse to avoid you."
Despite the fact that he knew I would definitely not forget about the day and the time he had told me, on Sunday Sam called to remind me it, and also to inform me that he had just left Bucky’s apartment. He was now there resting, and would be until tomorrow morning.
On Monday, at 9 pm I was carefully knocking on Bucky’s door, and he answered in no time.
"Sam, you better bring Chinese food you promised or-" he stood there, resting all his weight against the door and the door frame, taking in the fact that I was there. "Fuck..."
I had planned a whole speech, apologizing for what I had said in a thousand different ways, telling him how much I didn't want to lose him, and maybe, just maybe, confessing my feelings about him.
But everything was gone the moment I saw his bruises, his bandaged body under the tee, peeking out of the collar, the way he barely could stand upright.
Everything was gone. "what the fuck..."
"he told you, didn't he?" I couldn't even look at him in the eye, but I just knew he didn't either, just by how hurt and tired his voice sounded. "that's why you're here."
"I'm fine Y/n..." he assured me, bitterness fading from his voice the second he started to sympathize with how I must be feeling, the second he imagined the situation reverted. The way guilt and fear most likely would have been killing him slowly. "I just need a few days to heal... You don't need to—"
He gasped when I my arms embraced him almost desperately as I tried to convince myself that I wouldn't lose him. "I swear on my fuckin' life, Barnes—" I choked on my words and he wrapped his arms around me not without closing the door to rest his back against it. "don't do this to me alright?" he took a deep breath with his nose buried on my crown as his thumbs caressed both my back and my shoulder. "don't-- I can't lose you... Not you-- please not you."
I didn't realize I was sobbing until I didn't feel my tears on his shirt. "You won't" ha assured me, trying to keep his voice uniform for me not to notice that he was crying too. "I'll heal soon, don't worry." his breath was sharp as he squeezed my body against him, despite the pain that he most probably was feeling. "I got you."
I pulled away when my hands accidentally sneak under his shirt and felt the bandages. "you gotta lay down."
"yeah, you're probably right."
"If you're here to apologize 'cause you feel guilty or bad... Don't." he requested, looking up at me from my lap. "you really don't need to." his voice slowly started to drop when I ran my hands through his hair. "It was my fault... I shouldn't have... Said..."
"I love you."
"No, Bucky." I stopped my motions and looked at him dead in the eye. "I love you. I have done for a long time." he was quiet. "When you said... I really didn't wanna believe it... I don't know I just—" I sighed, shutting my eyes and leaning against the backrest. "I don't-- I don't wanna lose more people that I love and if I didn't say it out loud, I felt-" I took a deep breath, swallowing the lump forming in my throat. "I felt like I wouldn't lose--"
I didn't even feel when he had propped himself up to reach me, I only felt his velvety soft lips against mine in the most loving, sweet kiss I had ever had.
"I get it, but we... We gotta be brave." he stated, laying down again with a wince, gazing into my now open eyes. "we don't have regular lives... And I didn't wanna say it out loud either but... I- I needed you to know." I nodded, letting my fingers ran through his short hair once more. "I don't wanna lose you, but let's be honest, that possibility exist, and..." his voice started to drop again, slowly being lulled by my touch. "I'd rather having you know how much... How much you mean to me... Than regretting not... Tellin' ya all my life..."
"You're right." I replied, leaning over to peek his lips, and then his forehead. "I'm sorry for the way I reacted... I really, really am." my thumb rubbed lazily his forehead as my eyes observed him with the love I finally was able to disclose.
"Y/n." I hummed. "lay down with me, please." he requested, lifting for my to move my legs. "I wanna hug you again." I complied without hesitation, being careful not to hurt him. "I love you." He whispered in my ear, pulling me up to rest half of my body over him.
"I love you too."
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Requested: no, not at all
a/n: this has been such an emotional rollercoaster for me y'all. the only reason I made this was bc I want you all to know what can happen when you leave someone behind. So if you're struggling, please talk to someone, talk to me, my asks and dms are always open. Ily
*Listen to Clouds by Before You Exit, either before or after reading this*
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x reader
Genre: angst, bits of fluff scattered about, but just pure angst if we're being honest here.
Warnings: Language, suicidal death, panic attacks, depression, lots of hurt and depressed Kookoo I'm so sorry.
Word Count: 5.7k hoo
Read at your own emotional risk. If this is triggering for you do not read it please. Go find happy fluff on my Masterlist
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The smile on your face could fool anyone. It sure did fool him.
The way you danced to the music no matter where you were or who was watching, made his heart skip a beat in his chest.
You would belt out whatever song was playing, even if you didn't know all the lyrics. A ton of 'la la la's' would ensue and he couldn't control his giggles while watching you. His heart pounded in his chest everytime he heard you sing, even though you weren't the best singer in the world.
The way you would subtly tell him that you were hungry–dramatically grabbing your stomach and groaning about how your belly button was surely sucking your spine because of how empty it was down there.
Your eyes would light up when he suggested getting lunch, and 'oh yeah sure, if you're hungry' would be your nonchalant reply, although the brightness in your eyes and the skip in your step as you hurried ahead of him gave you away. His heart fluttering as he was tripping over himself to catch up to you.
The way your eyes would get bigger as you looked at the food choices, whether he took you to a restaurant or a random food stand on the sidewalk. You were so excited every time.
The day Jungkook asked you to be his girlfriend would be etched into your memory forever. You'd been friends for about a year, he trusted you with everything and would always turn to you, and he knew that you were the person that he wanted to spend his life with, maybe have a family with someday. He actually knew it the day he first laid eyes on you–you were introducing yourself to them all, and reached Jungkook last stretching your hand out to shake his and the second you touched him–a bell went off. It startled Jungkook and he whirled around trying to find where it came from. He found that it was Jimin's alarm as the older boy quickly turned it off. He never told anyone until you two were dating, you were both hopeless romantics and you squealed in delight when he told you the story. He knew then that you were his soulmate.
The day he asked you to be his was in the spring, you two were walking along a path of cherry blossom trees. It was cliché but his cute stutter and pink cheeks made it a thousand times better.
Of course you also had your bad days, everyone does. But you always tried your best to keep a smile on your face. He admired you a lot for that. But he loved you just as much when you cried for hours, lying in his arms, feeling like you wanted to give up, when you didn't know what to do anymore, though he always helped you come down from that. On the less serious days, you would rant for a bit about what had you down, then suggest a dance party, and he would happily oblige.
You two would spin around dancing and singing along to the songs until your lungs inevitably gave out or your head got too dizzy, then you'd plop on the ground in a fit of giggles. Troubles long forgotten.
At least that's what you made him believe.
Yeah, you definitely fooled him.
Now you were gone.
And he would never get the chance to ask you why.
"....Kookie?" Your voice on the other line sounded weak, it was late and he was worried you might be sick.
"Hey baby, what are you doing?"
"...Kookie, I'm sorry." Your voice broke at the end, Jungkook didn't think he'd ever heard you sound so sad and tired.
"What do you mean baby? It's okay, what's going on? Talk to me."
"Jungkook, I...I lo-" Were you crying? He tried to stay calm, "Y/n? Baby, what is it?" You didn't answer so he spoke again, a little louder this time, "Y/n, please answer me love."
'Hyung, I think I need to go to Y/n.'
All he can remember is pale.....pale walls, pale tiled floors, your body lying limp on them, pale pills dumped on the floor next to you.
Confusion and panic.
That's all he can remember. No matter how hard he tries to forget it.
Voices shouting around him. Someone grabbing his arms when he started to fade. Jin hyung picking you up in his arms, cradling your lifeless body and hurrying out of the bathroom. Where had the light in your eyes gone? Why did they look so empty?
'She's tired...she needs to sleep.'
He kept repeating the words to Hoseok who was holding him up now. Hoseok just nodded silently and held the youngest up the best he could.
'Hyung, she's sick. She needs medicine. She needs to sleep.'
Why was no one listening to him? Why was Jimin crying? Where did Y/n and Jin hyung go? What was going on? Why was Yoongi hyung shouting into a phone?
Hoseok practically carried Jungkook to the car, pushing him in and slamming the door shut behind them.
Why wouldn't Jimin stop crying? Why was Tae pale as a ghost as he sped down the road? Why was Namjoon trying to calm everyone down? Where were Y/n, Jin, and Yoongi?
What the hell is going on??
There you were, someone was wheeling you into a white room, on a white bed, your hair splayed haphazardly around your face.
That was the night he lost you.
That night.....It will haunt him for the rest of his life.
"Shut up Kookoo!" You laugh and hit him playfully, he couldn't help but reach out and tickle your sides to get you to stop smacking his chest–causing you to shriek and flail away from him. He loved that nickname that you always called him, and he wouldn't dare let anyone else call him that.
"Why should I?" He laughed as you kept trying to get away from his tickle attack. He had just beaten you at yet another round of 'Sorry', that stupid passive-agressive board game, and he wouldn't stop teasing you for making that one dumb move.
"It was a stupid accident Kook! Just shuddup already!" You couldn't stop laughing and kicking at him, trying to knock him off of you.
Eventually he pins your arms to your sides, and lays on top of you. You try not to let a smile break as he grins down at you, then he leans down and kisses your nose softly, then both your cheeks, he rubs his nose against yours before kissing your lips, "sorry baby, I'll stop teasing you now." He leans down and starts kissing all over your face again, giggles leaving your lips at the ticklish feeling...Then he takes your hand and looks at the little silver ring on your pointer finger–he had a matching one on his–he traces it and looks for the little engraving on it, then reads it aloud, " 'forever and always', remember when you didn't want that on it?" He makes a face at you and you laugh, "it's not that I didn't want it, it just sounded cheesy at the time. But I love it." He kisses you again,
"I love you Y/n."
"Love you too Kookoo."
"What are you saying?" The confusion and fear shook Jungkook's voice as he looked back and forth between Jin and the doctor he met only hours ago. None of the other members around could meet his eyes.
"What are you s-saying?" He repeated the question when no one answered him. The sound of Tae's voice cracking and his sobs starting didn't even register in Jungkook's brain. He didn't see Jimin trying to figure out who to go to, then settling on hugging Tae as if his life depended on it, seeing as Jungkook wasn't in the state to be touched.
"Please answer me." His voice was steadier than he expected. The doctor was the only one willing to look him in the eyes, "I'm sorry...but she's gone."
"Gone where?"
"You're confusing me, please, just." Jungkook was obviously struggling, his eyes started to burn, from confusion and the frustration of not being understood.
"Jungkook-" Jin's eyes were red as he stepped forward to take his young friend's arm, but Jungkook moved back, away from Jin's reach.
"Can I please just go see her now? She needs me." Jungkook's voice broke again and he just wanted to scream, what was the matter with everyone? Why couldn't he go to you? "She needs me...."
"Jungkook, your girlfriend, she's-"
"She's dead, Jungkook. I'm sorr-"
"Stop it."
"Jungkook please-" Yoongi stepped up to him now, trying to take his arm, tears streaming steadily down the usually composed elder hyung's cheeks.
"Don't lie to me."
Namjoon and Hoseok were turned away, they couldn't watch anymore, their own faces were damp with tears, their eyes red and swollen.
"Jungkook, I wouldn't do that, I wish I could say it isn't true." The doctor himself was close to breaking down in tears, even though he'd seen many deaths, "I don't think it's a good idea for you to back there right no-"
Jungkook ignored him and pushed past everyone, heading straight to the room you were wheeled into a few hours ago.
The second he saw you lying on the bed, cold and motionless; his mind shut down. That wasn't you. That isn't you. It can't be. He saw you yesterday, you were in his arms yesterday. That wasn't you. He didn't know who that was, but his Y/n was fine, she was at home sleeping, she had work tomorrow. They were going to hang out tomorrow when she was done. Get ice cream and walk in the park.
You were alive. You were fine. They were all pranking him and trying to make him cry. He should call you, call you and tell on them. They were pranking him and it wasn't funny. You would scold the other members and cuddle him to make it okay again.
The sound of Hoseok sucking in a deep breath brought Jungkook back, he turned and saw the other members staring at the person in the bed. They looked sick, like they were going to cry or throw up, Jimin looked close to passing out. Jungkook shoved past them, "you're all assholes, I'm telling Y/n on you and you'll be sorry when she scolds you." Taehyung reached out for Jungkook, tears flowing freely down his face, "J-Jungkook, where are going?"
"I'm going to call Y/n, leave me alone." The boys stared after him in horror. They couldn't process everything that was happening too quickly.
Jungkook's hands shake as he dials your number, listening to the ringing. It rings again and again and again. He hangs up and tries again, after more ringing he gets sent to your voicemail; 'Hello this is Y/n, I'm sorry but I can't answer the phone right now, please leave a message. Unless you're Jungkook, in that case please call again, Kookoo! I'll answer for you.' your laugh bubbles out and then there's a beep, his voice gets caught in his throat, "Y-Y/n, it's Jungkook, please answer your phone, the boys did something horrible and I need to hear you." He tries to keep a steady voice, calling once more and getting the same message that says if it's him, to call again. So he does, again and again and again.
Jungkook leapt up from your bed and sprinted to the living room after hearing your shout come from the bathroom, no way was he letting you get ahold of him now. He couldn't stop his giggles as he jumped on the couch and waited for you to get your revenge. Sure enough a few seconds later you stormed out of the hallway, eyes ablaze with fury.
"Jeon Jungkook what the hell is the matter with you??" Your hands are on your hips as you glare at the boy playing innocent in front of you.
"What do you mean Y/n?" His eyes are big and brown causing you to hesitate getting angry, curse his beautiful doe eyes.
"I'm gonna get you back Jeon." You harshly point an accusing finger at him and turn to stalk back to your room. At the sight of your wet shorts he bursts into a fit of laughter. You swing back around and glare at him again.
"Something funny?" There's no hint of amusement in your voice and he chokes back another laugh, biting his lip and shaking his head. You turn and go back down the hallway to change, "very unoriginal prank Jungkookie, very unoriginal. Just you wait. I'll get you worse than that." Yeah, plastic wrap on the toilet seat when you really had to pee was very unfunny.
"Love you babe!" He calls after you, smiling to himself, and chuckles when he hears you shout back,
"Shuddup, Kookoo."
"Shut up, you're a liar!!"
"Jungkookie, please, just listen to me." Tears streamed down Jimin's face as he held his hands out to his best friend, completely helpless.
"Get out!" Jungkook's voice broke despite the volume he was using.
"I'm not gonna leave you." Jimin's voice trembled and he sat down on the couch inside their dorm.
Jungkook clenched his fists, trying not to lash out at Jimin. He just wanted to be left alone.
"Jungkook, you need to go to the funeral. It's the least you can do." Jimin speaks up again after a few minutes. Jungkook turned on him instantly, "the least I can do? The least I can do? Who the fuck do you think you are telling me what to do?!" Jimin flinched at the words Jungkook was shouting down at him.
"Do it for her."
"Shut up."
"She loved you Jungkook."
"Stop saying that."
"I won't, because it's true."
"IT'S NOT TRUE!" Jungkook hadn't meant to scream that loud, Yoongi ran into the living room from the back when he heard the shouting.
"What's going on?" Yoongi looked back and forth between the two boys, confusion that turned into sadness written all over his face when he saw Jungkook tearing up. Jimin was the one to speak up, "he won't go to her funeral next week. He says she didn't love him." Yoongi looked back at Jungkook and saw tears spilling down the boy's face. The thoughts running around in his head were going to swallow him up.
You were selfish. How could you leave him like that? He hated you. No he didn't. He couldn't hate you no matter how hard he tried. No, he hated himself for loving you.
"Jungkook, I think you should go. At least for some closure." Yoongi said quietly and cautiously. After a minute Jungkook finally nodded, he would go. If it meant it would help him forget you.
Whenever he had a bad day, your face would pop into his mind and he'd immediately text you, asking if he could come over. You would always reply right away, and he'd smile down at the words 'of course love, please come over.' So he would.
You would end up holding him in your arms, it didn't matter that he was bigger than you, your arms would wrap around as much of him as they could hold, gently rocking him back and forth. His tears hitting your chest and bringing tears to your own eyes, when he was in pain, so were you.
You'd sit there for as long as it took, a few times you two had been in that position all night long. Sometimes you would sing to him, his favorite songs, lyrics tumbling from your lips, voice cracking beautifully in his ears. His sobs would turn to shaky breaths as he listened to the imperfectly perfect sound of your voice. Your hand stroking his hair, letting him know that you were there, you'd always be there.
You lied to me.
Those are the only thoughts that pass through his head as he stands among all the people dressed in black. A picture of you smiling is sat on top of a closed casket, your eyes seemed to be looking straight into his.
Why did you lie?
Jungkook feels someone's arm touch his, he turns and sees your mother holding onto him. Her eyes are red and swollen from all the tears she's cried in the past week, and they don't seem to be stopping anytime soon. He turns and hugs her tightly, his throat closing up at her weeping. Once she collects herself she looks up at him, "thank you Jungkook," he looks at her in confusion, "what for?" His voice is barely above a whisper and he feels his throat closing up again at her next words, "for loving my beautiful daughter. You made her happy. I don't think we'll ever know why she did it, but you're the reason she was here for so long, I do know that. She wanted to marry you." A sob escapes Jungkook's throat, "I w-was going to ask her." Your mother cries harder and holds his arm tighter, "I know, I know sweetie, thank you Jungkook, she loved you so much. Thank you."
A little while into the funeral, Jungkook starts to feel himself panic; his breaths getting shorter and shallower. You weren't here to talk him out of this panic attack. You would never be here again. The other members are all sitting stone faced, their eyes are red and a few have tears welling up again. You're never going to make Yoongi laugh again, or make Jimin blush, or tease Namjoon for being clumsy, or compliment Jin on how handsome he is, you'd never dance with Hoseok again, and who would listen to Tae talk about the most random things, with a look of pure awe and interest in what he was wanting to say? Jungkook starts to hyperventilate and when people turn and look at him he rushes out of the room and into the hallway, trying to find someplace to be alone.
The hallway is dark and he sits on the floor a ways away from where the funeral is being held. That's when the tears come; flooding down his face instantly, and his sobs wrack his entire body, he can't get a deep enough breath in to calm himself down. So he sits there and sobs helplessly for a few minutes, each breath after the next getting caught in his throat.
"God," he finally chokes out after a while, "w-why did you take her away? There was so much we were going to do together. I never even got to say goodbye," then he clasps his hands and starts crying again, "I-I'll do anything, please just give her back to me. P-please let me have her back....God, please." Jungkook sits and cries for another few minutes, saying anything he can possibly think of that he would do to have you back. For you to be alive again. So many words he wanted to say and never would. He wanted to at least know if you were doing alright, up in the sky where he knew you were. He wanted you to be alive again.
But it was too late.
The fight you two were having had been going on for a while now, and frankly you were over it. You couldn't even remember why it started. But Jungkook was clearly still angry and wanted to get the last word, "maybe you should stop being so whiny and annoying Y/n, and then I'd listen to you!" That stung. You've fought before but you never called each other anything, your eyes start to water and you grab your bag, throwing it over your shoulder and heading for the door. Jungkook rolls his eyes, "where are you going now? Why do you think running away all the time is gonna solve everything?" He sounds exasperated and like he doesn't even want to keep fighting now.
You turn back to face him, "I'm getting some fresh air, thank you very much, and I don't see why you should care since I'm so annoying and whiny." You go to open the door and he stands up, coming over to you. You can see the regret at his words in his eyes, but you can't find it in you to get over it just yet. You needed a break. He puts a hand on the door to keep you from opening it, "Y/n, you know I didn't mean that." You scoff and reach for the door handle again before he grabs your hand, "then why did you say it, Jungkook?" He just looks down and stays silent, yeah that's what you thought. You yank your hand away and open the door, "fuck you Jungkook. Leave me alone."
A few hours later you had mostly calmed down and you were at home reading a book in bed, when your doorbell rings. You get up and walk over to it reluctantly, you already know who it is before you look through the peephole, but you do so anyway and see Jungkook standing there biting his lip, just like you knew he would be.
You open the door and he looks at you hopefully, so you open the door wider to let him in. He immediately wraps his arms around you in a tight hug and you can't help but to hug him back, you knew he was sorry and you were tired of being angry. You talk it out and he apologizes for everything he said, you apologise for the things you said too. Eventually you end up watching a movie and cuddling after talking through it all. He kisses the top of your head and you smile, grateful that you two could always work things out. You mess with the little silver ring on your finger, smiling and remembering how he won the matching pair for you both.
"Jungkook, maybe you should take a break." Jimin wipes the sweat off his forehead and walks to his bent over friend slowly, putting his hand on his back and rubbing it, "look, we have a while to learn it, please just rest Kook-" Jungkook jerks away roughly, "please don't call me that." His voice was different, heavier and without a lot of feeling, it had been like this for almost a year now. Jimin looks hurt but says nothing more. They all saw a difference in Jungkook since you passed away, they would hear him crying in his room every night, they wouldn't miss the tears that choked him during certain songs they performed. There was an emptiness around them all, and they weren't sure it would ever be filled again.
Tae walks over when he sees the scene unfolding, he looks at Jungkook and tries not to look upset for his best friend, knowing it would just make things worse, "alright guys, we're all going to take a ten minute break...Jungkook can we talk please?" Jungkook huffed but agreed, moving over to sit on the couch on the side of the dance room. The other members walked out of the room to give them some privacy.
"Look, Jungkook. I'm not going to try to say anything much, but I do want to say this. Y/n loved you, she was hurt and couldn't tell anyone. It isn't your fault, Jungkook. No one saw it coming."
"I should have."
"Don't say that."
"It's true though, what kind of boyfriend was I that I didn't even see the signs? That she felt like she had to hide it from me? I-it's all my fault." Jungkook's eyes start to water and his breathing starts to get quicker and shaky, a panic attack was coming on. Tae swallows his tears and reaches over to put a hand on Jungkook's leg, bringing him back. Tae swallows hard and trudges on,
"It wasn't your fault. But, I think you need to seriously think it all through, and then let go."
"I don't want to let go."
"Why not?"
"Because no matter how hard I try and say I want to, I don't want to forget about her."
"You don't have to forget about her Ko-...Jungkook...But I think she wants you to keep living without her now, she would be sad to see you like this."
"Then maybe she shouldn't have been so selfish and decide to leave me alone."
"You don't mean that." Tae can't keep his shaky tear stained voice under control and he turns away to wipe his eyes.
Of course he didn't mean it, but being angry seemed to make it hurt less. Maybe he should try, like Tae said, maybe he could try to keep you in his heart while continuing to live.
Like you would want, and he always wanted to make you happy.
"Hey, Y/n. What about this one?" Jungkook tugs you over to the huge ride, the kind that swoops around in a giant loop. Your stomach drops to your feet but he looks so excited; bouncing up and down with his big doe eyes shining brightly.
Well, at least you hadn't eaten anything yet. Maybe you could do it once before lunch and get it over with. He lets out a shout of excitement when you nod and then he pulls you over to the line of people waiting to get on the ride. As you wait for your turn you tap your foot anxiously, Jungkook notices and wraps his arms around your waist. You smile and he lays his chin on your shoulder, "love you baby~" you tsk and bring your hand up to pat his cheek gently, "love you too, I hope you know that since I'm doing this for you." He chuckles and holds you tighter.
After the ride, which wasn't as bad as you thought–having held Jungkook's hand tightly the entire time–you two find a table to get some lunch. You order and try to ignore Jungkook's teasing about how hard you held his hand and how he thought it would fall off. He keeps laughing as you roll your eyes playfully and avoid looking at him.
When the food comes, you both start to eat, then you notice a little girl and her older brother ordering some ice cream at one of the many food stalls in the fair, a few feet away. Jungkook turns to see what you're smiling at and smiles widely himself as he turns back to you. "I bet that's what our kids will do someday, Y/n...We should take them here, right?" You look at Jungkook happily and nod, you couldn't wait for that day to come.
Later that day, you and Jungkook stopped at the claw machines, Jungkook insisted on trying to get you a stuffed animal. After about ten tries he frustratedly walked away, you tried not to laugh at him walking away only for him to see another machine and say he actually wanted to get you that; which was a little egg with two silver rings in it. One for you and one for him, he said.
Miraculously he was able to get the little egg and he cheered loudly in triumph, reaching down to get it out of the machine and quickly telling you to put the smaller one on. It was cute, and Jungkook's matched.
Later you ended up getting the engraving, 'forever and always' on it.
Jungkook's eyes open slowly, the sun shining in through the window, signalling to him that it was time to get up now. He closes his eyes again and turns onto his side, pulling the covers up to his chin and taking a shaky breath. He tries his best to conjure up the dream he just woke up from, he didn't want to leave. Please come back. His eyes start to burn and tiny tears pour over his lashes when he blinks.
His alarm goes off a minute later but he just ignores it, the insistent beeping drowned out in his thoughts, he can't escape. When he opens his eyes again he sees you lying beside him. He blinks but you're still there.
"Hi Kookoo."
"Y/n?" His voice shakes uncontrollably as he tries to make sure he isn't dreaming.
Your eyes fill with tears and you nod, "yes Kookie, it's me."
"H-how...are you still alive? Y/n are you actually alive?" His voice starts to raise in hopes that maybe this had all been a nightmare. A horrible horrible nightmare. He starts to sit up on his arms but his face falls and his heart crumples when you shake your head, tears slipping out and rolling down your soft cheeks. Your face looks so soft and healthy, not at all what it looked like the last time he saw you.
"I'm sorry Kook, I'm so sorry." Your voice cracks and wavers as you start to cry. He reaches out and touches your wet cheeks, slowly rubbing the tears away and at the same time doing the one thing that he knew always calmed you down.
"Shhh, it's okay love. Don't cry please." He didn't care if this was a dream, you were here. His beautiful Y/n had finally come back to him. He wipes your tears gently, after he wipes them all away he keeps his hand on your cheek, softly rubbing with his thumb.
"Jungkook, I need to say something."
He looks at you and feels his tears returning, he nods and says slowly as if just realizing something, "that's why you're here isn't it? That's why you came back." You close your eyes and take a deep breath, then nod while you bite your lip, trying your very hardest not to throw yourself into his arms and cry.
"Y-yes, Kookie I need you to-"
"What?" You open your eyes again and see the desperation in his face as he seems to be having a battle with himself, "don't tell me, please. Y/n please don't leave me again." He starts to cry and your heart is torn to pieces, he reaches out to you and you push yourself into his arms.
Jungkook's mind is racing a mile a minute. You were in his arms, you were alive and in his arms. He hadn't felt your warmth for over a year and a half now. Jungkook buries his face into your hair and inhales deeply, memories flooding back into his mind. "Y/n, are you okay? Please tell me you're doing okay." He feels your tears wetting his t-shirt and he holds you tighter, listening carefully when you start talking again–voice muffled by his shoulder, "I'm alright Kookie I promise, but I miss you...I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize the effect it would have until it was too late." Jungkook's breath catches in his throat at your words. He leans back and brushes your damp hair out of your face, "how long do I have?" He whispers sadly, tears threatening to choke him once again.
The walk. The walk in between the cherry blossom trees all that time ago when he confessed, that's where you went.
You walk side by side, holding hands, eventually you stop and turn to Jungkook. He focuses on you even though all he wants to do is turn away and cry. You smile at him and squeeze his hand, "Jungkook," he blinks hard and nods in affirmation that he's listening. "Jungkook, I don't have a lot of time. But I need you to promise me something." He nods again and you continue, "w-when I leave, I'm not coming back," you ignore the tears streaming down your face, "I need you to promise me that when I let go of your hand, you won't look back." Jungkook takes in a shuddery breath, "I'm sorry Y/n, that I didn't see, I couldn't save you. I don't know if I ca-" you cut him off before he can finish. "You can, and none of it was your fault Kookie, it isn't your fault. If I could take back what I did," he shakes his head tears already slipping out again, but you continue, "I would take it all back. I made the biggest mistake of my life, and I hurt you in the process. I ruined the future we were going to have one day." You're full on crying now as he cries next to you, his shoulders shaking, "and I want you to know how sorry I am." He pulls you into a hug and cries into your shoulder, his breath comes out in heavy gasps, "I forgive you Y/n, I forgive you, I love you so much." He keeps repeating those words while you hold each other for another minute, just crying. Tears of sadness and relief that he forgave you spill out of your eyes and you clutch onto him.
You two go to a ton of different spots that you had dates, stopping to get ice cream, to fulfill the promise you broke the day you died. Eventually you end up at the fair, standing in front of a claw machine that was full of random items, one of them being a small egg that contained two rings. You stare at the machine for a minute before turning to the young man that you loved. He was staring at you, one hand in his pocket fiddling with something, you look at him curiously and he looks down, pulling his hand out and opening it, to reveal a small ring with a chain around it, your ring.
"Jungkook, you still have that?" You refuse to cry again, but you see his eyes well up with tears. You hated that he cried so much nowadays, and hated more the fact that it was you who caused it.
"Of course, we made a promise Y/n, 'forever and always', remember?" You nod tearfully not caring about your stupid 'no crying' rule anymore, and he wipes your eyes gently.
"I'm scared Y/n, I don't want you to leave me again." His voice trembles and he doesn't try to stop the tears. You hug him tightly, letting your own tears escape for the last time, "I'll be with you Kookoo, forever and always. But I have to go know, please keep your promise?" He nods as he hugs you against him, then he pulls back and kisses you quickly before he starts to cry harder. Jungkook hugs you one last time, enveloping you in his big strong arms, the last time either of you would feel each other.
The regret and anger with yourself is overwhelming you, but Jungkook hugs it all away. In a tight warm promise that he's forgiven you and he will keep his last promise to you.
You both pull away and that's when you turn, giving his hand one last squeeze before you walk a few feet, "goodbye Jungkook," you whisper your last words to him, he swallows hard, "goodbye Y/n, I love you." With those words in your ears you walk away and disappear.
Jungkook lets out one last sob and puts the necklace with your ring on it around his neck. He got to say his goodbye. He would never forget you, he didn't want to. But, he forgave you and he would live on with your memory in him. He kept in his heart what he knew; that someday, he would see you again. When you meet in the clouds.
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a/n 2.0: I can't stop sobbing rn. Somebody help me. I'm so sorry for this, but I hope this shows you that there is always another way, but when it's over, it's over. You can't come back. More people than you know will miss you. The future is unknown. So please stay.
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madphantom · 4 years
Goodbye Eddie Goodbye
Chapter 25 - This is for you
The crowd was cheering wildly and screaming for the Juicy Fruits. Swan was in his box, content and fully aware of the money he'd earned today.
However, his mood abruptly changed when the Fruits stepped on stage. They were not in costume. At least, not in the costumes planned. Instead they were wearing their old clothes. The stuff they'd been wearing when he'd discovered them. Patched jeans, colourful sweaters...
"What the hell is going on?", Swan whispered as he noticed the backup musicians weren't there either. Instead they'd set up an empty keyboard with a sunflower lying on it.
"Hello folks, I hope y'all are having a rad evening, welcome to the Paradise!", Archie greeted the audience. He was welcomed with cheers. "As you've noticed, today we're performing in our old formation. Except-" He paused. "Someone's missing."
"What the hell is he doing?", Swan whispered in his box.
"When we started this band we were four," Jeffrey continued. "Our best man, lead singer, pianist and songwriter was Eddie Goodbye."
Silence filled the hall.
"Unfortunately Eddie disappeared today, one year ago," Harold concluded. "So tonight we will remember him and play our old songs as a tribute."
"Eddie, wherever you are," Archie said, "this is for you."
And with that he started to sing.
"Got the news on Friday morning
But a tear I couldn't find
You showed me how I'm supposed to live
Now you showed me how to die
I was lost til Sunday morning
I woke up to face my fear
While writing you this goodbye song I found a tear
I'm going to miss that smile
I'm going to miss you my friend
Even though it hurts the way it ended up
I'd do it all again
So play it sweet in heaven
'Cause that's right where you want to be
I'm not crying' cause I feel so sorry for you
I am crying' for me
I got up and dialled your number
Your voice came on the line
That old familiar message
I have heard a thousand times
It just said, sorry that I missed you
Leave a message and god bless
I know that you think I am crazy
But I just had to hear your voice I guess
I'm going to miss that smile
I'm going to miss you my friend
Even though it hurts the way it ended up
I'd do it all again
So play it sweet in heaven
'Cause that's right where you want to be
I'm not crying 'cause I feel so sorry for you
I am crying for me
So play your upside down, left handed
Backward bass guitar
I'll see you on the other side superstar
I'm going to miss that smile
I'm going to miss you my friend
Even though it hurts the way it ended up
I'd do it all again
So play it sweet in heaven
'Cause that's right where you want to be
I'm not crying cause I feel so sorry for you
I am crying for me
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cruel-summerxy · 5 years
you belong with me // michael clifford x reader
"I'm such a fan of Eminem!" Michael spoke to his phone. He had been making fun of all the people at Coachella on Instagram, which caused you to laugh hysterically.
Out of the four boys, Michael had been the only in that chose not to go. He wasn't necessarily into that kind of space: thousands of people, drugs, and overly hyped music.
"Michael, stop being rude!" You snorted. He flipped you off and continued recording.
He put his phone down and spoke, "it's just annoying how fake they're being. They literally don't even listen to half the line up!"
"I know! I'm suprised Calum went. He doesn't seem the type to be going to a huge music festival," you replied.
"What do you mean?" He pushed. Michael continued driving. He truly enjoyed your company, the way you explained yourself always suprised him.
"I just have this vision of Calum. He's so nice and not 'fake nor mainstream' and just doesn't fit the LA picture..."
Michael gazed your way. He knew about your crush on Calum, almost the entire group knew except Calum. You and Cal were only friends though.
"So how does that make you feel, " he said pretending to be a therapist.
"Kinda sad if I'm being honest," you confessed, "I just wished I didn't like him. I know I'll never be with him and I'm okay with that, but it makes me sad when I see him like that."
"And have you told him how you feel."
"Ha! Of course not, I'd break down crying. Plus I'm okay with just being friends, its-"
"Hold up, I'm getting a call from Calum," Michael interrupted you.
"Yo, Michael where are you!" Calum exclaimed, you could hear that he wasn't sober.
"Orange County with y/n, why?"
"Are you not coming?" He shouted, music was playing the background. You frowned, he hadn't even acknowledged your presence.
"Nah. Me and y/n are going to this new escape room thing. You know how obsessed she's with those things," Michael smiled fondly at you.
He was too sweet, always there for you. When you had lost your keys and your roommate was out of town he let you crash at his place, when you got in a car accident he had bought a bunch of flowers and stuffed animals. Michael was the best to say the least.
"They do have a weird obsession with those escape rooms. They need to grow up, they're too introverted; how are they supposed to have a special someone if they doesn't even try," Calum responded.
Your eyes widened and your heart broke into a billion pieces.
"Okay gotta go," Michael hung up. "He didn't mean that y/n."
"He did though. He has a point. I'm too introverted. You guys always to cool stuff and I'm always the baby who backs up; how is he supposed like me," you teared up a bit.
"He's a prick. Calum doesn't know what he's missing out. You're a great person y/n. You are so smart and generous. When you let your guard down you are so cool, but when it's up your incredible. You don't what to get hurt and that's a great quality y/n."
"You're just saying that to be nice," you sniffled.
"No, I'm serious. Y/N you are such a lovely person. And you care, like actually care about the consequences and overthink things that should be over thought . You are everything someone would be lucky to have." He looked at you, his eyes seemed to hide something.
"Let's go fuck Calum. Wait no! I meant let's go to the escape room, fuck Calum for being a bitch."
You laughed, Michael managed to make you feel better once again.
"You know what yeah! Let's go, fuck Calum!" You stomped out the car with a new wave of confidence.
Michael snorted, "how could you not see, you belong with me."
Y'all pls send in some drabble requests for any of the boys!
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 years
A Stranger Things 2 Fanfic
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Chapter Four- Part Two
   The tears were streaming down her cheeks as she drove, her mind not completely on where she was going or the road ahead of her. It was dangerous for her to drive in this condition, but she didn't care. She didn't care if anything bad happened to her, if she drove on the wrong side of traffic and got hit, if she drove into the trees, she didn't care.
   They were well into the shorter days of the autumn and winter months, the night sky already starting to appear yet it was only five. It would be darker than midnight soon, and she didn't plan on going home because of it.
   She comes to a stop, at wherever her subconscious decided to take her. And when she saw where she was, her mind fell back into reality at a dizzying pace. Why had she come here, of all places, why here. Phina had stopped on the street in front of Steve Harrington's house. She wanted to kick herself over and over again. Yet, at the same time, she knew that she wanted this, her subconscious knew, and that's what pushed her towards the door.
   The tears were still flowing, with no end in sight as she walked towards the door. Her feet moved on their own, not listening to any protests from the rational side of her brain. She came to a stop at the front door, freezing in place. What the hell am I doing, she asked herself. Her left hand rose without her consent to the doorbell, only pausing an inch from it.
   "God damnit," she cursed herself as she pushed the bell.
   The ring echoed in her mind, regret pushing forward as an answer. She wanted to run, to hide, but her feet wouldn't move. The only thing she could do was look down at her trembling hands, so much damage could be done with them.
   The lock clicked on the door and it pulled open. She didn't even look up to see him.
   "Phina," Steve asked, confusion clear in his voice.
   Her body shook as a new wave of fear and sadness hit her, tears streamed down her cheek.  
   Steve took a tentative step towards her, "Phina? What's happening."
   "I didn't know where else to go," she whispered, her voice thick with tears.
   He took another step towards her, "are you crying?"
   She didn't answer, but her body shook with a sob that she tried to contain. He placed a hand under her chin, lifting her head, forcing her to look at him.
   His heart came to a dead stop. He had never seen her cry like this. He'd seen her cry out of anger, but, this? These tears were from sadness, from fear. It broke him, his heart, it broke for her.
He put his hand on her cheek, wiping away a few tears, "what happened?"
She doesn't pull away from him like she should, "I lost control. I-I could have hurt them Steve, I-I..."
She choked on her words.
"Shh, calm down," he whispers, "breathe Phina."
She took a deep breathe through her nose and let it out through her mouth, "Will, he was, I don't even know. He was having an episode, I touched him and I was transported to the upside down."
Steve's eyes shone with worry, "what?"
She shook her head, "not completely. My body was still here, but, it was like my soul was there. He was there too, he was being attacked by this, this thing. I wanted to save him, I used my fire, but when I came back..."
She goes quiet and Steve nods, "what happened?"
"I was alone, in a circle of destruction." She looked down again. "They were scared of me."
She lifts her hands between them, they still shook with fear, "I'm scared of me."
   Steve took her hands in his, the calming warmth of them engulfed her. They both looked down at their entwined hands.
   "I could have hurt them Steve," she whispers.
   "Yeah, you could have," he whispers back, "but you wouldn't."
   "You don't know that," she argues.
   He looks up at her, his gaze heavy on her face. She lifts her eyes to meet his.
   "Phina, I have never met anyone so protective of her friends and family that she was willing to sacrifice anything and everything to save them," he says, "you would never hurt them Phina, because, even when you're not in control, there will always be a part of you that will look out for them, because, you are incapable of letting someone go unprotected."
   A small, involuntary smile lit her face. He was right, the direct line of where her circle of destruction suggests that she had made a barrier around herself, to do what she does best, protect the ones she loves.
   Yet the smile falls again, "they were scared of me Steve."
   He sighs, "it's because they don't understand, we tend to fear the things we cannot control. And no one, no one, can control you Phina, forgive the soul who tries."
   She looks deeply into his eyes, "are you scared of me Steve?"
   He chuckles lightly, shaking his head, "no. Not at all. I may not completely understand you, not able to get past your walls, but I know that you would never hurt me, at least I would hope so."
   She chuckles as well, "you're right."
   Phina knew that he was absolutely right, she couldn't hurt him. She remembers last year, when she had punched him for insulting Jon and Nancy, she remembers the awful feeling it gave her. She knew now why it had left her in such a bad place, she did, not that she would ever admit it.
   He slowly guides her inside, away from the cold, their hands still connected. The tears had finally stopped, yet her eyes, bloodshot and swollen, remained as tribute to the fallen tears.
   His parents were supposed to come home sometime late tonight, and he didn't want them to come home to find a girl in his living room. His parents weren't unused to random girls at their house, he had brought many here before Nancy. Yet, he didn't want them to see Phina as just another girl he brought home, just another hookup. His parents were judgmental people, and once you've been labled something by them, they were incapable of seeing you differently. Which, unfortunately, meant that Nancy was labled as a hookup girl.
   So he lead her upstairs, to his room. When they get there, he sits her down on his bed.
"Did you drive here," he asks.
Phina nods slowly, "yeah. Probably not the best of decisions to drive in the state I was in."
Steve let's out a breathy laugh, "yeah, no it wasn't. If I remember correctly you wouldn't let me drive in that same condition."
"Well, what can I say," she shrugs, "I'm a bit of a hypocrite."
He stands in the middle of his room, awkwardly as if he didn't know what to do with himself. Phina noticed, and the anxiety of being here hit her again.
"You know what." She suddenly stood up. "I'm sorry, I really shouldn't have come here, you probably had plans, I-I'll go.."
Phina rushes towards the door and Steve holds out his hand, "no no, it's fine. Phina."
She doesn't stop, "no I'm sorry, I don't want to be a burden."
He grabs her arm, pulling her back towards him, "Phina, you're not a burden. I.."
She whirls around, "no Steve I..."
They both stop short. Steve had pulled her closer to him than he had thought, as they only stood mere inches apart. Her hand on his chest, to steady herself from spinning around.
He was so close to her, he could see each little freckle that ran across her nose, from afar, you could only see a few, but here, he could see them all. They looked like a galaxy had been painted on her, thousands of stars and constellations delicately placed one by one. Her hand rested on his chest, and he felt as if she could steal his heart right then and there.
She could feel his breath on her lips, warm, inviting. His hand still rested on her arm, sending a shock of warmth through her. His eyes look into hers, searching for a door to pass through her walls. He was close, to passing the first wall, the door just ahead of him. The more she was captivated by the warm chocolate brown of his eyes, the closer he came.
"Phina," he whispers, almost to quiet for her ears to catch.
And he had broken that first wall. The way he said her name, like a pray to any god he could think of, it shattered that wall. Yet, there were more. And that next wall was named Nancy.
Though Phina knew Nancy's heart had been captured by Jonathan, she knew that Nancy had truly loved Steve. What kind of sister would she be if she let this continue on, whatever this was.
Steve could see her closing up, watched her inner struggle take hold, as it always did. His hand involuntarily moved up her arm, to her shoulder, to her neck, to her cheek. He memorized the feel of her beneath his hand, because he knew she would close him out again.
"Steve," she breathed.
He broke. Any reason he could think of to stop this in its tracks, left him. Nancy left him. His thumb ran absently across her cheekbone, leaving a blissful trail of warmth.
And she came to her senses, "I can't do this to her."
He knew who she meant, no name had to be mentioned. He knew that she would always come first in Phina's mind, no matter what.
"I know," he sighed, her he made no move to let her go.
Her other hand, the one not resting above his heart, came up to cover his hand on her cheek. She gently, heartbreakingly so, pried his hand off. The coldness that came, broke both of them. She guided his hand down to his side, and let go. His heart shudders beneath her palm. Her own answers.
"Goodnight Steve," she whispered.
Her hand fell from his chest, back to her side. And, like he always did, he watched her walk away from him. Watched till he no longer could. Till the sound of her footsteps faded away. Till the sound of her bike driving away was to faint to hear.
"Goodnight Seraphina."
-1766 words-
I'm so sorry, that was to adorable not to write. The feels. I was thinking about their ship name, y'all have any ideas cause all I've got is Stina and that's kinda stupid. Let me know.
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ratilyn · 5 years
Now, your misses claims you assaulted her
Bloody oath, man, why'd ya fuckin' beat her?
Man, I didn't fucking beat her! Listen, I'm telling you
I got her the engagement ring that she liked, booked a new flight
To come to Sydney, just to see her, start a new life
Man, she's 20 weeks pregnant and I was tryin' do right
For us, the family, the kid, but maybe I was too nice
My homie text me a picture and I just burst into anger
It was my girl in a bed with her personal trainer
I text my homie like, "Yo, where you find this?"
He says, "Snapchat, bro, it's all on my timeline, shit"
Swear it struck a fuckin' nerve in my chest
I looked at my girl and said, "Get a paternity test!"
She said, "NO! Don't you get all worked and upset
I only slept in his bed right after work just to rest"
I said, "What? You expect me to believe that?
Ha, alright, yeah I'll 'relax'
Guess it doesn't seem bad
My girlfriend's with a buff nigga gettin' t-bagged"
Officer, correct me if I'm wrong but she needed her head detached
I said, "Bitch, I can't believe this shit!
Does he know you're pregnant? Is that his kid?
Look how big my headache is!
This whole time y'all havin' sex and shit
What type of nigga would fuck a pregnant chick?!
I said, "Let's get this paternity test, I'm not kiddin', bitch!"
She said, "No, I'm not gettin' it!"
Officer, I ain't seen her in months, I couldn't trust the lyin' whore
Plus she told me she slept with this guy before
And then I said, you know what? Forget it, it's all good, nevermind
Shit was makin' my blood pressure high
I love her unconditionally, you know, I can't pretend I ain't never lie
For the moment, I guess I'll let it slide
She said, "If you don't want to take care of this kid, Marcus, then say so"
I said, "Wait, no, it's mine too, I can't go
How you gonna support this kid without me? You don't make dough"
She said, "Hahaha, I make loads"
She had six grand cash
I said, "But you was broke two weeks ago!
How you makin' chips that fast?"
She said, "I bartend, I made it all in tips, ha ha"
I said, "Girl, you must take me as a big jackass"
I'm like, "Please, we both know money is hard to come by"
Her bullshit might fly over the heads of some guys
Officer, she's always tellin' dumb lies
I've known her for six years, and she hasn't lifted a finger one time!
I said, "Where'd you get the cash from?"
She said, "I bartend, duh, from tips I'm a waitress"
I said, "Where'd you get the cash from?"
She started stutterin' like, "Uhm-uhh-mmm, Marcus, wait just"
I said, "Where'd you get the cash from?"
She said, "Ok, ok, I'll tell you, just promise me you won't get mad"
I'm like, "Baby, where'd you get the cash from?"
She said, "I work at a strip club… it's how I made the six grand"
I said, "Woaah, no no!"
I fell down in tears, my heart broke, I turned cold
I don't want the girl that I'm in love with doin' ho shit
If she needed cash I woulda loaned it, and she knows it
They won't let me get a refund on this $20, 000 ring
Fuck, my head hurts, I need some ibuprofen
Yeah, Mr. Hopson, you need a minute?
Um, may I have some water please?
Ah, no worries at all
I don't mean to cry and get emotional, but all this just bothers me
Yeah, it's alright, you're good…yeah here ya go, mate!
I wasn't me no more
I looked her in the eyes and straight told her
(What'd you say to her?)
I need you to tell me where this strip club is at
Or this family we're about to have is over
I said, "Tell me where it's at!" — she said, "No"
I said, "You about to make me mad!" she said, "So?"
I said "Bitch, you better panic and run, the damage is done
You're doin' this four months away from havin' my son!
I told her I would always have her back
I forgave her after all the careless acts
I have one question, and she couldn't share the facts
The strip club — how come she couldn't tell me where it's at?
Who the fuck she fuckin' in there?
Whose dick she suckin' in there?
Shakin' her fuckin' butt in the air
It's like we've argued for a thousand fuckin' hours, I'm annoyed
And I was at the point where somethin' was 'bout to get destroyed
I grabbed her purse, threw that shit across the room
I fuckin' launched it too
It was filled with makeup kits and all of her jewels
I blacked out; she said, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
She got up out the bed to get it, I pushed her ass back in it
I said, "We're still talkin', bitch, you and I ain't finished
Now, this strip club, where is it? BITCH, WHERE THE FUCK IS IT?!"
I said, "You know what? fuck it, awesome, fine"
In the process of all this drama, I had lost my mind
I felt lost and blind: the gym trainer, the strip club
The ring, the baby, she really crossed the line
And then I finally came down and all the madness was finished
Then she invited me to dinner with her family in Penrith
I said, "I ain't goin' with you, you can leave now
I need to stay in this hotel room and figure some things out"
Officer, I know you ain't gonna sympathize
I don't approve of any man puttin' hands on his girlfriend or wife
Especially when she's pregnant with his kid inside
Honestly feel like I wasn't in the wrong, but still I wasn't in the right
Ask her, she ain't got no bruises on her
I'm human, there's only so much that a dude can conquer
She knew that her actions reflected true dishonor
And tried to cover it, sayin' I'm an abusive monster
That's bullshit, huh, and that fast, poof
All of her wrongs are in the past, cool
She's just the innocent white girl
And I'm the black guy who always gets mad, true!
I know y'all about to make it hard for me to get back into Australia
Man, this shit is fuckin' sad, dude
I still don't know if this baby is mine or not
So when he's born, who's gonna be the fuckin' dad? You?
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