#I'll leave it up to y'all on if she has a happy ending or not after all
Here ya go!
Your OC accidentally helped a mob boss change a flat while transporting a corpse and was rewarded with a "favor." They then find themselves in a position where they need to make that call. -Is it a successful mission or does it require a few steps to complete?
(Thank you~! I got super into this one, lol - kinda dark warning. And sorry if it's confusing; read the chapter 'The Best Years Of Our Lives' for some more context)
She thought she had escaped this life.
But deep down, Taiga knew all along that that was most likely just wishful thinking.
It had been years, but she would have preferred if it had been a lifetime if she never had to be involved with another gang in any way again.
Yet here Taiga was.
'How do I get myself into these situations...?' She thought; bemused.
She just had to have been outside the woods at this moment to see the near accident caused by an almost blown tire. Just HAD to be so friendly. Unassuming. Nonchalant, and helpful...
To a mob boss.
Better than acting erratic, she supposed, and kept trying to just act normal.
Not that this situation was normal in the first place.
If anyone even glanced at these two, eyebrows would be raised at the very least.
Thankfully it wasn't someone from who she used to run with...
Unfortunately though, this mob boss knew who she attacked the day that her old crew was killed.
Taiga didn't want to kill that man.
But that panicked voice in her head stated that maybe she should have.
Either way...
This explained more on why there wasn't really any freak out or question regarding her appearance.
The only reason Taiga even found out this person is a mob boss, is because they flat-out said it.
They decided to continue their quest in oversharing, because now Taiga was aware that there was a BODY inside their vehicle.
Why her. Why now.
On the outside, Taiga seemed calm, cool, collected.
And she surprisingly continued to keep it together as her clustered thoughts of 'godthisisitthedayidie-' and resurfacing flashbacks of that night were temporarily interrupted.
Instead of anger, what she was met with was a snide, yet impressed tone after they were done laughing.
But Taiga found nothing humorous about this.
"Ain't life downright ironic...?
Surprised a little thing like you could pull that off. But I think this works out in our favor. We can help each other out here..."
Taiga barely swallowed; her mouth having gone dry.
There it was.
But she knew by the boss' tone that it wasn't a request.
She held back from following any instincts to book it, and chose to hear them out for now.
Taiga's voice came out soft, yet firm.
"Well... I may or may not have come into new power lately.
Been working my ass off to get there, but then I was thrown under the bus after everything I've done...
So, you know what I said?"
Their tone was borderline manic and chilled Taiga to the core. Even after dealing with Séthyan, some things she still could just never get used to.
Yet she continued staying unflinching as the body's identity was revealed to her.
The previous mob boss that was splayed out before her, still had that chunk of his ear missing from when Taiga bit it clean off back then...
She felt herself slipping into that familiar pit of suffocation; slowly spacing out some after witnessing the state his body was in.
He sure wouldn't be recognized. This crime was enacted with clear hatred.
The only reason Taiga did was because she could never get his face, body type... Right down to his damn voice, to leave her fragile psyche.
It came flooding back once again. Even after all this time, she could tell it was him. But she was slightly brought back to this harsh reality as the mob boss giggled, saying they answered their own question in a mocking manner:
"Screw "loyalty!!!""
Especially as they spat that last word with such vemon; like remembering part of an oath that was once taken and became tarnished.
Taiga felt nauseous, but just blankly stared off at nothing as her eyes glazed over.
It's all she could do right now.
"I'm willing to forgive your own egregious debt, since this-"
They continued, grabbing onto the deceased man's hair; yanking up and jerking his head around violently before throwing it back down against the vehicle's door.
"-PUTZ decided to be smart and fuck around with me too.
No one seriously cared about you anyways!!! You don't have anything smart to say now, do ya!?
DO YOU!?!"
They took a moment to "collect" themselves after yelling at the corpse like it could hear, but Taiga could still see the truth inside those eyes...
"But only if you keep your mouth shut and don't leave any open ends...
Then maybe I'll be nice and do ya a solid in return~
I really need this to go off without a hitch. But I'm sure the rest of the boys will listen to reason..."
As the fractured soul rambled off to the point of incoherence, Taiga's own fragmented self could see they were antsy and in a bit of a rush, but she honestly couldn't bring herself to care if their plan worked or not.
It most likely wouldn't. Especially with their attitude.
They seemed to react on impulse over rationality, and were hanging by a taut thread at this point.
But Taiga wouldn't dare test its strength.
Even if they seemed sloppy and blabbed about things they probably shouldn't...
People can surprise you.
She didn't feel bad for the dead man, or whoever this self-proclaimed newest mob boss was, though.
Did not feel an ounce of sadness for any of them.
Taiga could understand deep down. Really, she could.
But she was tired.
And she'd never excuse any of this shit.
She just wanted to be done with it all and go back to her happy life that she FINALLY achieved.
Even if Taiga was scared, she would fight tooth and nail each time that she needed to, to keep her life that way.
She didn't want to go against her morals, buy what else could she do here without getting murdered as well?
A voice inside her barely stuck in the thought of 'Maybe that would be for the best' before she smothered it back down inside of her.
As Taiga refocused enough, she agreed, much to the "mob boss'" delight.
And Taiga figured that she might as well try and go for it since they seemed serious in their own way.
If they were, and could somehow pull it off, then...
"Please... If it's not to much to ask..."
She forced herself to go on, despite feeling like she was choking on the vowels of her words.
"I would just want my identity, along with my friends', to be protected.
I know you know enough about me, and I'm done being used by others, and running.
I just want to live in peace.
That's all I ask of you."
She couldn't take it if some ignorant person called the government to run even more tests on her, etc.
She was lucky enough to escape all that, along with any other form of publicity really.
Taiga knew the "cosplay" and makeup excuses, along with any others, could potentially run its course but...
Couldn't she **please** at least just have a somewhat "regular" life for just a little longer?
"I'll take this to the grave."
Taiga looked up into those **icy** irises as they stared right back without a beat; her own now a slight shine of red to them at the intense emotions simultaneously flowing throughout her core.
The churl raised a brow as they simply said that with a smirk.
Overall they seemed pleased it wasn't anything to do with money.
That was one thing.
But life isn't always so easy.
"Glad to see someone has a head on their shoulders."
Taiga heard but wasn't paying as much attention anymore. Not by choice, really. She was just losing even more of her nerve as the seconds ticked by.
She also had a feeling she'd be taken advantage of if they were given the chance, despite the words that were so slyly spoken.
Especially if their plan failed.
They didn't really even hide the slimy tone that made things obvious from the start...
Taiga usually preferred honesty without games beforehand, but she wasn't ready for this.
Then again, could she have ever been "ready?"
For now, she just shook their hand as her own was firmly grasped.
Taiga could've sworn she was shaking by now, but everything...
Even the air itself was too numbing against her skin.
It was all too much.
...Who cared...
It didn't take long for them to get situated and back in their driver's seat.
"I'll see you around, then...
As they gave a wave, they didn't bother to look back, but grinned wide before revving their engine and speeding off; dirt spraying from underneath the now perfect looking tires and almost hitting Taiga.
For once, her own nickname being spoken gave her more dread than her real name that she could barely ever stomach to hear.
As the crushing weight of paranoia fully engulfed her...
Taiga just started to head back to her cottage afterwards, before she had a meltdown outside; her movement akin to a zombie's.
The questions and doubts flowed free, like a dam was destroyed in her brain.
She couldn't bring herself to try and be positive anymore.
Taiga was currently alone, and too deep into this pit to climb out of on her own.
And as soon as she got into her bed and underneath the covers...
She sobbed.
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autumn-hiraeth · 11 months
Hobie brown x reader
angst but not enough. First part.
a/n: so many people asked for a second part. So i hope y'all like it! ( loved all the comments lol). Part 3? Gimme ideas pls
Find more here “ Hobie's masterlist 🕷”
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You knew that being with someone like Hobie Brown would change your life completely and you weren't wrong. It's been three years since you saw him, three years since Hobie not only broke your heart but also got you pregnant (how thoughtfu of him). You found out you were pregnant a month later and it felt so bad 'cause Hobie obviously didn't feel nothing for you. At first you thought he was just busy but soon you got the message; he was not coming back.
So all on your own, you move in, and do what you have to do to make sure your little girl grow up well and has a good life.
Your daughter has some of your features, but she's a mini Hobie Brown. So you try to stay away from him, however he's fucking Spider Punk, if he really wanted to know about you he would have already found you. :( Never mind, he would make a terrible father. You think.
But one unexpected day, Hobie Brown meets your daughter. His daughter. Hobie is panting hard, trying to save people 'til suddenly his spider-sense kicks in and his heart races 'cause he's never felt like this before.
Then he sees a little girl crying, her parents aren't around and no matter how hurt he is, he doesn't hesitate to swing her out of the danger. He looks at the little girl and is shocked 'cause the kid , who is still sobbing, is exactly like him. She takes after him.
So Hobie tries to calm her down, he's cradling her in his arms, not taking his eyes off her as he murmurs "don't cry, little girl"
Hobie knows he should be helping other people, but he can't, the kid looks so much like him that he doesn't want to leave her alone, he doesn't want anything bad to happen to her.
However, Hobie scoffs at his thought, of course the kid doesn't look like him, he's just tired. And when Hobie finally manages to calm the kid down, he hears a familiar voice. "Rhea! Oh thank god you're fine!" you are in front of him crying, in a frantic state and you don't even seem to realize that your daughter is being held by Spider Punk, her father, no, instead you take her off his arms while you sob happy to have found her safe and sound.
But Hobie is frozen watching the scene; you, the love of her life, whom he abandoned three years ago, holding your daughter while you kiss her cheeks in relief and his heartbeat races 'cause Hobie suddenly seems to figure out why the kid looks like him... It is her daughter. He's dad. "Y/n..." as soon as you hear his voice you hug your daughter as a defense mechanism.
“I gotta go” your voice sounds more serious and your look makes him feel guilty instantly. "Fine, I'll take you two home" he suggests and you frown because you can't believe he has the audacity to just act like everything ended well between the two of you.
"no way, I don't need your help" you are being cold and Hobie understands that; he understands that you hate him 'cause he abandoned you; he abandoned his pregnant girl; the thought of everything you had to go through to take care of his, your, daughter, burns deep inside him.
'cause if he had only stayed then now you and Hobie would be a family and he knows he would be a good father. Yes, being a father is a thought he never had but now, he knows that he would make a good father even a good husband.
"Y/n please" he pleads, he wants to talk, apologize and meet the kid, tell you that he's still loving you, but you don't care what Hobie wants so you pick up your daughter, who hides her face in the crook of your neck. "Stay away Hobart" you tell him and Hobie lets you go, for now.
But you two know that they'll see each other again, 'cause Hobie knows that he has a daughter with you.
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 5 months
Read that one with Creator!Reader, who favors Nahida. To be honest! I love her. She is the only one who has tried to help Aether find his sister. And I love Aether, and whoever is kind to him automatically gains my favor.
I haven't finished Fontaine story, so I'm not sure about them.
Nahida Lovers Are gonna be having the Party of a lifetime here 👍 I am going to shove a little bit of Aether into this, but it can also be read as Lumine if other ppl want to :)
Nahida's ALWAYS Off the Hook :D
(Warning: Might be OOC!)
You liked Nahida (platonically, don't get other ideas). She was the only archon that was able to find any information on Aether's sister, and was the only one who made many efforts to find any information regarding Lumine.
It was nice and refreshing for once, to see the Famed Traveler finally getting some help in return of their deeds for the nation. You were so stoked, you started cheering and screaming like this was the best victory you've ever witnessed (it might've actually been).
Nahida, after hearing this, felt even more happy than before. I mean, you were kinda just praising her on the spot for something she thought was just...right to do.
Yet you're making a huge deal out of it. Were the other nations...not that helpful? I mean, the way the Traveler just turned down help and all that was proof, but you praising her for something as simple as this for a "thank you"...Nahida is kinda glad she'll be the first to do it.
It also seems you're starting to favor Nahida alongside the Traveler, which she isn't sure how she feels entirely, but she is for sure happy!
The moment you leave, Nahida's smile is a whole lot bigger, and she's basically grinning from ear to ear. It feels like she truly has spread her wings once the cage was opened. She can only hope her flight can make the Almighty Creator continue to smile and cheer.
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: I really have no clue if this is meeting expectations or not, but I do hope y'all like it! Usually these one characters aren't really something I usually come around in my mailbox, so this was definitely practice for the future lol!
I might open up my mailbox again, but only for a day or two (maybe, no promises for the re-open). I still have a lot of other requests lying in my mailbox, but it's good to have experience out here :D
Anyways, I hope this helps with the Nahida Lovers :) Remember, Nahida is platonic when your reading my blog!
Also, if you're the people waiting for The Lost Divine God of Celestia, I might have to disappoint you in saying that I think I might discontinue the series all together. I have been trying to write the fourth part of the series, but I just come out with nothing in the end. It's kinda depressing seeing the draft in my draft box sobbing. I'm so sorry, but I'll see how I feel about it before I make an official announcement on the matter.
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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mournings-stars · 4 months
doubt comes in
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happy valentines day, here's my apology in advance for the angst. this is heavily based on the story of orpheus and eurydice specifically in the musical hadestown (my fav) with inspo from the lyrics so a lot of this is written with the intention to rhyme and be in a hadestown-esque song.. I probably wont write like this often, but i hope y'all like it there's one mention of pronouns (she/her) with lilith since i basically swapped the reader for orpheus and luci for eurydice but other than that i don't think there's much to indicate this is a fem!reader but this is an angel!reader if anyone would like a precursor with fluff, i'll compensate yall for the dramatic greek angst
part 2 (prelude) part 3 (prelude pt. 2) part 4 (prelude pt. 3) part 5/finale (semi-alt ending)
It was a long way down; winding, golden steps in a narrow hall that you didn’t know the depth of until you reached the bottom. Your legs ached with each step, and your wings fought not to fly the rest of the way. You could see it in the distance when you reached the ground, the red heat of the pride ring, and the home you were headed to. 
It hadn’t been long since Lucifer fell, maybe a few months since he and his love were banished to the darkness he created with the worst of humankind, but you were given a blessing. 
Sera, the oldest of the angels, allowed you to go down to Hell to retrieve him. There was a catch, however, one that made you wary as you now neared his home. 
You could only retrieve Lucifer. He had to leave his love, and you had to trust that he would follow you. You had to lead the way back up the golden staircase she created for you, all the way to the very top where the golden gates you knew so well waited for you. Lucifer had to walk behind you without a sound; he couldn’t assure you that he was there. You just had to trust one another. To follow, and not to check. 
You couldn’t turn around. 
Finally, you reached his home, knocking on the door and waiting patiently before it was opened. “It’s you…” You knew his voice well, the sound of it making your heart swell as you wrapped your arms around him. 
He was quick to return the embrace, the ache in your legs vanishing for a moment in his arms. “It’s me.” He sighed, hugging you tighter and shutting his eyes with his head on your chest. He could hear the drumming of your heart, and he knew if he held you long enough he’d be back in Heaven when he opened his eyes.
But he had to let go.
“How are you here?” He asked a question and it was like a melody, clear as day and symphonic as the winds that flowed beside you as you descended that steep staircase down to Hell. He stepped back, hands lingering until you stepped away. 
“Sera allowed me to come down,” you said. “She said I could bring you back — that you could leave this place…” You looked around, shifting uncomfortably in the unnatural heat before you turned back to him with a gentle smile. “Come home with me.”
He laughed, shaking his head. “It’s a trick. She’s never liked me—“
“No!” You grabbed his hands, forcing him to look at you. “It’s a trial — or a second chance at one.”
It had taken you days to get down. You hadn’t seen Lucifer in months. A few days without looking back at him would be nothing if that meant an eternity back home.
He squeezed your hands, looking down at them and suddenly feeling that it might just be possible. “How?”
“It took a while,” you said quietly. “She didn’t want to listen, but I knew you had the best intentions. I convinced her, and she’s letting you come home.”
“She’s letting me try.” He looked down, dropping your hands and frowning at the ground. “What’s the catch?”
“You have to follow me—“
“I can do that,” he said quickly. 
“And you can’t touch me, or speak to me. You just have to trust that I’ll get us there and that I won’t look back—“
He cut you off with a dry laugh. “Just?” He laughed harder. “We both know how this will go.”
“I trust you to follow me. Don’t you trust me?”
“Of course I do!” His hands went to your face, holding gently. You moved out of his grip, feeling the coolness of the band on his left hand. “We were always close; I trust you, I just… don’t trust her—“
“You should go, Lu,” a voice came from behind him, and the woman you recognized from Eden stood there. Her hair, long and blonde, flowed behind her in non-existent winds. Her smile made you understand why he fell — why he would for her. “Go home with her.”
It was decided then. Just one encouraging push from his love and he was prepared to leave. He looked back at her, giving a smile that made you look away as you turned. 
As they said their goodbyes, you waited quietly, kicking at the ground absentmindedly until Lucifer put a hand on your shoulder. “Ready?” You nodded. “Alright.”
“We can walk together until we reach the stairs… Then, from there, we’re on our own.”
“I won’t leave you alone,” he assured. “I’ll make sure you get back home.”
You frowned at his wording, taking his hand. “We’ll both go home.”
He nodded, correcting himself and squeezing your hand, “I’ll make sure we both get home.”
You nodded. “Let’s go.”
The walk was quiet before it had to be, doubt already coming in and making its way between you. What would happen when you reached the stairs? Would he follow behind you? Who were you to think he would, when his love had to stay in a place like this? 
“How bad was it?” Lucifer asked you. “Are you sure you want to go now?” You nodded. “Aren’t you tired?”
“I can rest when we’re home.” You gave him a smile that made him do the same. “You want to go back, don’t you?”
He had his doubts. He doubted that he could. He doubted he could make it all that way. He hadn’t seen you in months, and all he wanted was to talk to you — all he could do was touch you — but there was silence now. Didn’t that mean it’d be easy not to speak? Not to touch you… After all this time. After he found someone to love—
“Sera said if we make it, she’ll listen to you,” you tried, hoping he’d respond. He hadn’t even realized he didn’t answer you. “Maybe we can bring Lilith up soon.”
“I’d like that.”
The smile you gave him made him reach out his hand, the look on your face forced and sorrowful as you walked ahead of him. He wanted to take your hand for comfort — to both of you — but how was he supposed to go days without it if he couldn’t fight a simple urge now?
“We’re here…” You stopped some time later, silence blanketing the two of you a long time ago. 
But now it was for a different reason. 
Great golden steps stood before you, spiraling high up into thick clouds that shielded the true height of the stairs. 
But even from here they looked endless. 
“We can’t fly, can we?” Lucifer asked, half joking. 
“That’d be nice, wouldn’t it?” You laughed, but it died out quickly. “Are you sure you want to do this? You can turn back now…” You swallowed your pride. “Go home to her… It’ll be days of walking, and going back up is much harder than coming down.”
He took a moment to understand what you were telling him, but surely told you, “If you were down here, I’d come to find you, too.” That brought a smile to your face. There was another pause before he asked, “would you follow me?”
You nodded. “Anywhere.” Even here. 
He smiled, taking your hand like he wanted to before. “Then show the way.”
You squeezed his hand before turning to the stairs and letting go, savoring that last touch until you could do it again; back home. You took a deep breath before taking the first step. 
Immediately, a marble wall surrounded the staircase, and you could only imagine that the steps were shielded, a wall blocking off the first stair as you started to go back up. 
You couldn’t hear a thing, not even your own footsteps as you climbed step after step. 
Lucifer, on the other hand, could hear your footsteps echoing; one after the other, each of your steps right after the other, and sounding like the dull pounding of a drum. He couldn’t tell if it was comforting or foreboding, but he listened anyway. This was how he’d make it through, he decided. To the steady sounds of drumming. 
But you were struggling. Coming down and back up so soon had made you tired already, but doubt weighing you down didn't help any. You let out a breath before beginning to hum as a way to ground yourself to these hellish stairs. 
It was a song both of you knew well; there were no words or swells to make you know what came next, just an endless melody that the winds would sing as they carried the seasons through the Earth. Long before Lucifer went to see the world, this was how you knew it. Through the songs nature sang. 
But now he knew the world much better than you did. He didn’t need this song anymore. You doubted he even remembered it,
but no, he was humming along, hoping you could hear that he remembered your song. He remembered how beautiful it was, and how when you sang it, the entirety of Heaven could feel your warmth — your love. It was why you were given the task to change the seasons, your song persuading nature into the most beautiful summers and captivating winters. But what else could he expect from an angel of Virtue? Could he expect that the love that he felt all throughout Heaven would ever be for him? How could he expect anything from you? 
Pride does not deserve Humility. 
And doubt comes in; he thought about turning back, letting you go alone, but even when he stopped for just a moment you kept walking. You trusted him to follow you, and as you hummed the song of nature, he felt that same love that he used to. The same warmth that was now pushing him up the endless stairs after you. The same winds that made him want to reach out and touch you, just to remind you that he was there. Just to see you look back at him. 
But he knew what you were doing, using your gift of song to bring nature into this empty place so it could push you to keep going. You hoped the winds would push you up, but they weren’t strong enough. 
You weren’t strong enough for this. 
The song stopped after a while, but you continued to climb, up, and up, and further up to no avail. If it hadn’t been that there was only one path, you would’ve questioned whether or not you were going the right way. 
It was harder going back. 
But there was hope; a faint, golden light that led you back home. A faint, golden light that told you you were so close. A faint, golden light that made you want to turn, smile at him, and say, “we’re almost home,” but you stopped yourself and kept going. 
You were much further than almost, but you were getting there. And this light pulled you to keep. Going. 
You didn’t care for the exhaustion, or the pain, you didn’t think about the hunger, or the thirst. You kept in mind that you would sleep, rest, eat, and drink when you made it home with him. 
When he made it home with you. He would worry about how tired you must’ve been. He would worry how much pain you were in — and he would worry about his own once he made it home with you. But he saw how you faltered, hand on the wall to keep yourself going, and he knew he couldn’t make it much longer like this. 
But you trusted him, he had to try. 
And doubt comes in. 
He doubted how much longer he could take this. He doubted how much longer he could watch you fade into exhaustion and pain without doing anything about it. 
He doubted that Sera didn’t expect this to happen.   
He doubted, and doubted, until you were finally there. Until you were almost sure he hadn’t followed you. Until your legs gave out on the final step and you felt him rush to keep you from falling. You felt his hands keeping you up and his wings bringing you onto the pale clouds of your home. 
And you turned back. 
But he was happy that you did. He gave you that same smile he gave her and his hands held your face gently. You reached up to grip his wrists as your eyes pooled. Regret; regret for doubting, regret for tiring, for failing. For turning back. “Why would you?” You asked and it was like a broken melody. Clear as summer rain with no symphony to push away the doubt that just kept coming in.
And he spoke to you. He broke every rule. 
“I couldn’t let you fall,” he said, and you knew how he meant it. You knew he never trusted Sera. She knew he’d fail. So did he. But not you. You were the fool that made him put his trust in you.
And now you knew he had to go. And he knew he could never return. 
He tilted your head down, wings fluttering and lifting him off the clouds. He pressed a gentle kiss to your head and said, “Visit again if you can.”
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unreliablesnake · 1 year
My place (Miguel O'Hara x reader)
Summary: Miguel has a thing for his neighbor.
Warnings: brief mention of masturbation (m), reader's wearing a dress.
Note: Y'all, I'm not gonna write smut at work.
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After losing the family that had never really been his, Miguel promised himself to focus on work to fix things, to make things right after what he had done. But that wasn't the only thing he promised himself. He also decided to stay away from relationships, keeping up his walls so no one could get too close to him again.
But you…
You were hard to resist. You had moved into the apartment next to his about three months ago, always greeting him with a beaming smile when you met in the hallway. He often thought about letting you closer, inviting you over for coffee or dinner, maybe even making a move on you at one point.
There were times when he touched himself fantasizing about you, believing nothing bad could come out of thinking about you every once in a while, imagining what you would be like when he fucked you senseless. All the sweet sounds that would leave your lips, the whimpers, the moans, his name, all of them sounding like a perfect melody that filled the room. He had a feeling you would be very vocal during sex, and the thought drove him crazy.
“I think this is the point where I need to remind you that this is practically stalking,” Lyla told him one day when he was waiting for you near the building you worked in.
Miguel let out a sigh as he considered her warning. She was right. He had been following you around when he had the time a few times in the past week or so, but he always justified his actions by saying it was to protect you. Just to know you got home safe. It was the right thing to do as Spider-man, right?
“You should go back to the HQ,” the AI spoke up again. He let out an annoyed groan, one to which she replied with a roll of her eyes behind the sunglasses. “Or maybe try to talk to her this time. You know, like a normal human being would probably do.”
“I'll talk to her when the time is right,” he replied.
“And when will that be? You've been neglecting work lately. People are looking for you.”
Miguel looked down at Lyla, his mouth open as he was about to answer. But then he took his time, deciding not to lash out at the one person who was trying to help him. “I'm not neglecting work. If anything, I'm neglecting sleep,” was all he said.
His assistant didn't push the matter any further, but it made him think about what he was doing and he realized what a creep he had been. He should talk to you the next time you meet, telling you how he thought about asking you out, just as Lyla suggested, hoping you wouldn't turn your back on him halfway through his monologue.
To his surprise, though, he received a message while he was working at the HQ. It was from you. He had no idea how you found him, but seeing your number–that he already had from not-so-legal sources–made his heart rate jump. At first he didn't even want to read it, being afraid whatever it was would just avert his thoughts from more important matters for the rest of the night. But in the end it turned out not knowing why you wrote him was much worse, so he opened the message and began to read it.
You: Hi, it's your neighbor from 349. I got your number from the janitor who apparently had it for emergencies. Anyway, I know it's probably weird, but I was wondering if you'd like to join me tomorrow evening to watch a play. I got two tickets at work but have no one to go with.
He had to reread the message a few times to understand that you've just asked him out on a date. Or maybe you were just trying to be friends with him with no other intention. Why did this have to be so confusing? After cursing out loud in Spanish, happy that no one was around apart from Lyla to hear it, he began to think about how to reply. He had to be cool about this.
Miguel: Hey. It sounds nice, I'd gladly join you.
You: Cool. Meet me in the hallway at seven?
Miguel: Sure.
“You'll have to talk to her tomorrow, you know,” Lyla noted as if he hadn't known that.
The next evening couldn't come fast enough. He busied himself with work to make time pass faster, but you were always on his mind, the possibilities of how your encounter would end on repeat in his brain. If he played his cards right, he might have you where he really wished to see you–in his bed.
When he stepped out of his apartment two minutes before seven, you were already there, wearing a gorgeous black dress with high heels that were killing him. The moment you noticed him, your eyes began to shine and your lips curled into a sweet smile, making him wonder how you could be this cheerful all the time.
“You look absolutely stunning,” he said before he could stop himself, but you didn't seem to mind. “I can't say I wasn't surprised when I got your message, though.”
You nodded as you licked your lips nervously. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be weird, I just… I've been planning to chat with you for a while now anyway. Thought tonight could be the chance for that,” you explained.
“I'm glad you invited me. And you're not weird.” Miguel assured you with a smile. “I've been thinking about talking to you, too, I just wasn't sure you would be interested.”
“I am.”
You fell silent, but just when he was about to break the silence and ask you if you were ready to go, you launched forward and pulled his head down to kiss him. It was a messy, hungry kiss, and he was sure he would devour you if you weren't careful enough. But you didn't seem scared, not even when you felt his fangs tear into your bottom lip.
When he pulled away for a moment to breathe, admiring your puffy lips and the way you were looking up at him through your lashes, he realized that you didn't want to go anywhere. You had your finger hooked under his belt, and you were pulling him towards your door at a painfully slow pace.
“I don't know about you, but I'm not even that interested in that play,” you whispered quietly.
Miguel kissed you again, this time not holding back when he pushed your back against the wall. “My place,” he growled against your lips, and you were quick to nod in response. “Good girl.”
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imaginesig · 6 months
“If they call me a slut, you know it might be worth if for once”
Lewis Hamilton x singer!reader
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liked by lewishamilton, user1, y/nhq, and 402,038 others
yourusername: my muse <3
tagged lewishamilton
lewishamilton its an honor love
user1 when will I find someone to call me love
lando.jpg your own jpg account when??
yourusername I'll stick to my day job
user2 anybody else bothered by how quickly she goes from man to man
user3 right? like I swear she's had about 7 "muses" in the past 3 years
user4 she's literally done nothing wrong?? how dare a women date more than 1 person in her life??
carlossainz55 so new music when?
Charles_leclerc the Ferrari playlist needs an update
yourusername update loading 🔄
user5 oh please be a new album!!
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liked by roscoovescoco, yourusername, user6, and 183,829 others
lewishamilton: race weekend with my loves
tagged: mercadesamgf1, roscoelovescoco, yourusername
landonorris interesting order
yourusername we all know Roscoe is the real star here
roscoelovescoco listen to the lady 🙌
mercadesmhf1 we love having the Hamilton family in the paddock
yourusername ahhh love to be there!!
lewishamilton 💚
georgerussell63 always a good time with these two in the house
yourusername ahhhh Georgie 🫶🫶
user1 "Georgie" 🥹😭
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liked by user9, user1, user3, and 937,273 others
tmz_offical: just days after the end of the season, f1 driver Lewis Hamilton is spotted out with young girlfriend Y/n L/n. The couple is notorious for keeping their privacy, making paparazzi pictures a rare instance. Click the link in our bio to see what else was taken during their night out on the town.
tagged lewishamilton, yourusername
user1 no wonder they keep private, I would too if ended up trapped in a relationship with a slut like her
user2 didn't she and Dylan O'Brian break up right before they got together? Didn't think he rebound guy would last this long
user3 I could never imagine dating someone that much older than me
user4 fr someone tell her to take it down a notch, her sluttiness is showing
User8 the one sided hate is mid boggling
user5 the negativity is DEFINING
user6 right, y'all can't stand to see a women happy, healthy, and unbothered
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liked by lewishamilton, user5, user9, and 749,934 more
y/nupdates: Y/n seen outside the studio with her producer after radio silence all winter!!
tagged yourusername
user1 she's cooking
user2 she's entering her reputation era I can feel it
user3 fr, after that one tmz post blows up and her comments are flooded with negativity, she locked herself away with her love, and is now seen for the first time in awhile leaving the studio
user5 not the slut trying for a comeback
user6 how about you lead by example? Leave and don't come back 🫶
user8 you know the records gonna slap when @/producer sprinkled her magic
user9 I need them and Taylor+Jack to release something
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liked by user5, lewishamilton, y/nhq, and 394,028 others
yourusername: "Slut!" out now on all streaming platforms!! The rest of the album, "Amor Omnia Vincit" out this Friday!
when I originally sat down to create this new album I didn't image I'd write half the songs that made the final cut, but I did. This has been a very therapeutic experience for me.
Thank you to this album, my amazing team, and my lovely muse for keeping me going in the difficult time <3
tagged: y/nhq
lewishamilton you are so Shawn Hunter coded
lewishamilton I love you dear
yourusername I love you too darling
user1 they are so domestic I'm crying 🤭😭
user2 lets all start a thread of our fav lyrics from "Slut!"
user3 "if I'm all dressed up, they might as well be looking at us" WE KNOW THIS COUPLE ALWAYS BRING FIRE FITS
user4 very obvious but "if they call me a slut, you know it might be worth it for once," just hits so hard, like this is an issue she's dealt with for so long but Lewis makes it all better bc their relationship trumps everything
user5 piggy backing off of @/user4 's reasoning, "the sticks and stones they throw froze mid air"
user7 I'm still not very her admitting that all the negavity around her dating has affected her so bad that she told Lewis "I said it might blow up in your pretty face"
scuderiaferarri we will not apologize for the people we'll become when this drops ‼️
Charles_leclerc we've always been #1 y/n stans
lewishamilton you red fuckers can take two steps back that's my title
carlossainz55 I thought you were her muse?
lewishamilton I'm both
user8 ok possessive king
youruserame for me and me only 🥰
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liked by georgerussell64, your username, user1, and 789,739 others
lewishamilton: SO, SO, SO PROUD OF YOU LOVE!! Watching you work through a rough patch with such grace was beautiful. Thank you for allowing me to be apart of it and listen to these songs+more. I'll be your muse forever if you'll have me <3
tagged yourusername, y/nhq
yourusername forever and always <3
lewishamilton <3
user1 that water look very ~aquamarine~ to anyone
user2 he def knew what he was doing
lewishamilton I had a message to send 🤷🏾‍♂️
yourusername sassy man epidemic isn't a joke
user3 I love that she left like people wanted and wrote a whole song to shut down the hater but also put her and Lewis's relationship on the pedestal it deserves
producer such a sweet album!! Some of the best love songs out there!!
Charles_leclerc Vigilante Shit is my new pre-prix anthem
yourusername watch out @/maxverstappen1
maxverstappen this is where the dutch anthem falls silent 😔
carlossainz55 wasn't ready for Dress
yourusername but...
carlossainz55 its my fav
user4 I love that lewis posted for the whole album when Y/n didn't, but she's replying to comments in his section when he isn't
user5 they really are made for each other huh
roscoelovescoco amazing work mom!!
user5 I will never get over the mom
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liked by landonorris, Charles_leclerc, user5, and 937,039 others
yourusername: surprise!! Since this album taught me what it was like to write and create in such an intamate space with very few people/outide influence I wanted to celebrate it with 3 small shows in Monaco, London, and Ottawa!
tickets on sale at 12 pm eastern this friday, see ya then ;)
tagged y/nhq
landonorris do friends get discounts??
yourusername everyone on the grid plus any serious significant others get VIP entry courtesy of me and my team 💖😘
y/nhq we'll be reaching out soon to select the show
lilymhe you don't understand how excited this makes me!!
yourusername well I couldn’t celebrate without my girls (and their men too ig 🙄🤚)
oscarpiastri thanks a lot y/n
alexalbon anybody else feeling loved??
lewishamilton completely 🫶
user1 this will start world war 3 I can feel it
user2 this is the eras tour all over again
user3 except that was selling stadiums, these are small venues
user4 any f1 driver want to link up for a show?? you'll never have to speak to me ever again
user5 I regret to inform you babe, but I think this is the reason she said serious significant others...
user6 official tour soon?? Please mother??
yourusername oh so very soon...
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liked by your username, georgerussel64, landonorris, and 379,268 others
lewishamilton "got lovestruck went straight to my head" <3
tagged yourusername
user1 crying throwing up
user2 quoting her song?? that's about him?? I'll be resting my eyes on the highway if anybody needs me
user3 my toaster looks like a fun bath bomb
yourusername "got lovesick all over my bed" <3
landonorris beautiful show, beautiful couple 🧡
yourusername 🧡
scuderiaferrari maybe we're colorblind but that doesn't look like Mercedes green
mercadesamgf1 watch your back
georgerussell64 👀
georgerussell64 slayed so hard
yourusername an honor from the meme king?? I'm not worthy
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liked by Charles_leclerc, user9, lewishamilton, and 930,393 others
yourusername thank you to everyone who came out to a show this weekend!! I had a blast sining new stuff, covers, and old pieces with you all- the love I experienced was unreal!! I cannot wait to see what happens in the future 💖
To all those close to me, our relationships mean the absolute world!! Special love to Lewis who held my hand through my darkest time, showed me what a true relationship was, and gave me a perfect little boy (I love you Roscoe). Darling, its been a wonderful experience being with you <3
tagged y/nhq, landojpg
lewishamilton love you so much angel <3
georgerussell64 definitely gave me and Carmen the night of our lives!!
alexalbon the show was so amazing I almost forgot you flirted with my gf in the invitation
yourusername stay mad
lilymhe 🥵
Roscoelovescoco can I come next time??
yourusername I'll see what I can do...
landjpg thank you for photo creddits and well as the opportunity to photograph these unique shows
yourusername you didn't not dissapoint 👏👏 thank you for doing it
Charles_leclerc I had an amazing time!!!
carlossainze55 you should hear him try to speak, voice complelty gone
yourusername that's the kind of energy we all need
comments have been limited
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mikachacha · 7 months
𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚘𝚘 𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚕 (𝙱𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛) 𝙿𝚝. 3
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Synopsis: Bada wanted you to stay in Korea with her as she found work there but then your relationship is falling apart rapidly.
Warnings: toxic relationship and behaviours, angst. This'll be pretty heavy so please if you're not into this kind of stuff, you can ignore this update and wait for the regular fluffs and smuts 🫶🫶
(A/N: i hope none of y'all are experiencing this in real life or if you have experienced this, im so sorry that you have gone through such shit relationship but don't give up, yeah? Things will get better eventually.)
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
It hasn't been well for you and Bada ever since that incident while meeting her friends. You still couldn't believe how she can do that to you. You wanted to get away but at the same time you want to mend your relationship with her. You didn't wanna lose her despite everything that has happened. Plus she's showing lots of effort for you to forgive her. She even got an apartment in Seoul so you and her can live there and won't have to pretend to be best friends anymore like you did at her parents' house. It was a big step for you both but then it also meant that whenever a fight would break out between you and her, you had no one to run off to.
"Jesus.. You scared me!" you exclaimed. You were in the kitchen, making some tea since you just couldn't fall asleep. You've been having a hard time falling asleep the past few days as thoughts plague your mind. Bada noticed you weren't in bed next to her so she got up and searched for you, only to find you making tea in the kitchen.
"I'm sorry my love.. Didn't mean to scare you. Was just confused since you weren't there beside me. Having trouble falling asleep?" she asked and you nodded. She wrapped her arms around you, pulling you in for a warm embrace and kissing the top of your head. You melted in her arms. You missed moments like this with her.
"Baby.. I may need to go back to the states soon. I got a job offer there." you told her and she hugged you even tighter, like it's her own way of telling that you shouldn't go back and to just stay with her in Korea.
"Y/N.. Do you really wanna leave me all alone here? I got this apartment for us and then you're gonna go back to the states?" Bada's questions made your heart ache. You didn't wanna leave her despite everything.
"I.. I don't know if I'll be able to find a job here, Bada.. I don't speak Korean that well and I don't want you to shoulder all the expenses for us." you tried to reason with her that led to an hour long discussion about applying as an English teacher there or working from home as long as you don't leave her. You were tired and just wanted to sleep so you agreed. The next morning, Bada helped you search for jobs before she went to her own. She has been hired as a teacher at a dance studio nearby and she's got to work with artists as well. You're happy for her since it has been her dream to be able to work with artists and teach people to dance.
"So baby, we're going somewhere this Friday. The studio is holding a welcome party for me and I want you to be there with me. I want you to meet my workmates and some friends." Bada said as she came home one day. What happened when you last went out with her to meet with someone didn't end up well but you wanted to move past that and you also didn't want to disappoint her so you agreed to go with her. You really don't want to start an argument with her as you're still trying to fix your relationship up.
"Yeah.. Is it a formal event? Do I need to really dress up?" you asked and she placed her head on your shoulder. She played with your hand, drawing patterns and kissing it.
"Maybe a dress would be fine. It's not too formal plus you look amazing either way." Bada says that made your heart flutter and heat to creep up your cheeks. She really knows how to win you over even with just words.
The night of the event came and it was rather chill. You didn't feel that out of place since you've been studying Korean when you had time to spare. You were able to hold conversations and didn't cling to Bada that much. You were having fun, chattering with some of Bada's friends when you saw something that shattered you to pieces. It was Bada and a girl who looked so familiar. It was Redy, one of Bada's exes before she started dating you. She was clinging to Bada like they're still a couple and the sight made you feel physically sick that you had to excuse yourself to the bathroom. You're just crying there, trying to convince yourself that it's probably nothing and that you're just overthinking stuff when the door opened and there stood one of Bada's dancer friends.
"Hey are you okay? What happened? Should I call Bada to come here?" the woman asked and you shook your head, wiping your tears away. You're embarrassed that this stranger saw you in a vulnerable state.
"Y-yeah I'm okay.. Sorry you had to see me like this.. But I'm good, everything's good. No need to call Bada." you assured her and she offered to help you freshen up which really helped you calm down.
"I'm Monika by the way and if you need to talk to someone, you can reach me via Instagram." Monika says and you followed her on instagram to which she reciprocated. You thanked her and gave her a hug just in time that Bada came in the bathroom, looking for you and saw you hugging Monika. The look on her face terrified you and your heart sank knowing that this will be another fight between you and her.
Monika excused herself when she saw Bada and now, you're left alone with your girlfriend who looked really pissed off. She looked at you before grabbing you firmly by the wrist and basically dragged you back to the car. The whole car ride was filled with deafening silence but it was a whole different scenario when you were finally inside your shared apartment.
"So what was that all about? Lusher told me that you excused yourself to go to the bathroom and haven't returned after 20 minutes. What were you doing there? Flirting with Monika?! What the hell is wrong with you, Y/N?! Am I not enough?!" Bada yelled at you and you flinched. She was still holding on to your wrist rather tightly and it's starting to hurt now.
"Let me go, Bada.. You're hurting me.." you told her and she did let you go but she didn't stop yelling at you and accusing you of cheating.
"Hurting you? Have you ever thought about how much you've hurt me when I saw you hugging Monika?! Who knows what else happened there!" Bada was absolutely furious and you're starting to get pissed off as well. She's accusing you of cheating yet you saw her and Redy looking like they're still together while Bada couldn't be bothered to even check on you, spend at least a minute with you in that party.
"You're really going absolutely crazy about me hugging Monika when you were the one having her ex cling to them and couldn't be bothered to check on their girlfriend the whole night! I was crying in that damn bathroom because you were never there for me, you were paying more attention to your damn ex more than me! How was I supposed to react to that, huh?!" you finally snapped back and Bada just stormed off to your shared bedroom and locked you out so you slept on the couch that night.
The days went by and you could really feel you and Bada drifting apart. She wouldn't even look at you, wouldn't speak to you. It was horrible and you felt like everything was your fault. How did it come to this? What went wrong? Where was the Bada you once knew and loved? You were about to message her when a friend messaged you first, asking if you and Bada broke up since all your pictures together are apparently deleted from Bada's socials which was a shock to you. You checked and sobs wracked your body at what you saw. It was true, it seems like Bada has erased you from her life already.
With a heavy heart, you grabbed all your belongings and packed your bags. You left the apartment and booked a hotel. You're just gonna stay there for a bit until you can find a cheap apartment to stay. You were planning on leaving Korea once your contract with the company you're currently working at ends. You deactivated all your socials and only kept in touch with your friends and family from the states. You just wanted to be alone and away from Bada to really think things through. To think if the relationship is still worth it or if you needed to just let go of it.
@lil-elliesgf, @efyyylee, @hwm1hyun, @mikaleialt, @bunnywonyo, @badaswifey, @mrs-grim-reaper
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sissylittlefeather · 8 days
Your Love's Been a Long Time Coming: The End
A/N: My heart, y'all. I can't believe this is over. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this last chapter for Elvis and Vivian. If there's enough demand, I'll write more of them happily ever after, but otherwise, here it is: the end. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments. I love to hear from you!
Need to read the rest? Masterlist here.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI! Kissing, cussing, fingering, oral sex (m&f receiving), p in v penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie
Word count: ~3k
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"Are you?!"
Sonny's shoulders slump as he sinks into a chair. Vivian's heart breaks for him, but she just couldn't lie to him anymore. It's not fair to anyone involved for her to keep pretending like there's nothing between her and Elvis.
"I knew it. Jerry told me about the wedding and I just kept hoping it was him being, well, him. But no, this has been going on for a lot longer than just that time, hasn't it?"
"No, we've never really been anything-"
"But that's what you've wanted. You love him and you always have." He pinches the bridge of his nose and Vivian swallows deeply. He's right. "I can't fight him. I won't win. Not if you're in love with him."
Sonny looks up at her with his eyes glossy and wet. He takes her hand and kisses the back of it.
"Sonny, I-"
"No. It's okay, sugar. I love you too much to keep you miserable. If you want him, you should be with him." She sits on the floor in front of him and leans on his knee.
"I'm not miserable."
"No, but you would be eventually. Especially if his marriage is over. It's cruel for me to make you stay, knowing what I know now."
"Sonny... I'm so sorry."
"Don't be. You can't help who you love. Can I ask one thing, though?"
"Anything." Vivian looks up at him sadly. Some part of her does care for him. Just not enough. Not more than she loves Elvis.
"I'm gonna go for a drive for a few hours. When I get back here, please be gone." She nods slowly.
"Okay. I can do that."
"Thank you." He whispers and then leans forward, kissing her forehead. Then, he stands up and walks towards the door. When he gets there he turns. "I don't want you to feel bad for me. I'll be alright. Just go be happy."
She nods again as he walks through the door. The tears come hot and fast for a while as she sits there in the rubble of her ruined marriage. After a while, she stops, though, and there's only one thing on her mind.
She jumps up and starts to pack.
Elvis is sitting in the dark in the TV room. All three TVs are going, but he has no idea what's on any of them. His mind is racing. How did he get here? He's alone, his own wife gone to another man as his heart longs for a married woman. What a mess.
His mind drifts back to the night he met Vivian. She was so beautiful reading the book of French poetry in the corner at his party. He should've whisked her away from Charlie that night. He should've broken up with Anita the second he met her and taken her in his arms to be his forever that afternoon when he found her crying at the cafe.
And all the movie years. How stupid was he to value his string of flings over her? How easy it would've been to leave them all in the dust and marry her in 1962.
And the conversation they started should've finished with them together. Why did he abandon her for Ann? Yes, he loved Ann, but what was she compared to his future with Viv?
And WHY, WHY did he choose Priscilla?! He looks at the corner of the couch where Viv had laid that night they made love for the first time. It's like a movie with the scene of her on his porch, arms full of liquor bottles, a soft smile on her lips. Then it cuts to her gently shaving his face, an ultimate gesture of love and service. And the kiss, his mouth on her body, carrying her upstairs and pulling off clothing. The flashbacks wash over him and he lets himself weep. His tongue pushing into her as she moans, her mouth wrapped around him, him pumping into her overcome with passion and love and a need to be hers forever. The gentle and affectionate touches when they finished and held each other like they'd do it every day until they died.
"Oh God, Vivian." He holds his head in his hands as the tears stream down his face. He should've married her. His heart aches thinking of her coming to see him when he was so hurt and needed her so badly, only to be turned away. How could he have spent all those years angry? How could he let her fall into Sonny's arms?
And now she's gone forever. She'll have a baby soon and then he will have truly lost her. He'll only ever-
There's a knock at the door. Whoever it is can wait. Elvis is too lost in his grief to answer the door right now.
He wraps his arms around himself and lets his shoulders shake with sobs.
Another knock, this time a little more urgent. He listens carefully and realizes it's raining. Briefly, he feels for the person who is soaking wet on his porch, but not enough to get up and answer the door.
He's always taking care of everyone else. In this moment, he needs to just be and feel and nurse his broken heart.
More knocking, almost frantic.
Fine. He gets up off the couch and goes to the door.
Vivian sits on the front steps in the rain, crying. She's knocked and knocked, but either he's not here or he doesn't want to see her. She has nowhere else to go and even if she did, this is the only place she wants to be. Why won't he answer?
She gets up to walk back to her car.
"Viv?" He says it softly, not believing what he sees in front of him. Then, he realizes she's walking away and runs out to her in the driveway. "Vivian!"
She stops dead and turns to face him.
"What are you doing here?"
"Sonny left."
"He did? Why?"
"Because I'm in love with you." His heart skips.
"You... what?"
"I'm in love with you, Elvis. I always have been. I love you with every fiber of my being. It's like you're a part of me that I can't dig out. You're in me. You are me. I love you. God, I love you." She stands there, chest heaving, trying not to be a cliched crying mess in the rain. Elvis's heart has stopped with her words. His hands shake and he wants to pinch himself to make sure he isn't dreaming.
"Am I- am I too late?" She asks, almost panicked. Finally, he finds his voice.
He takes two steps and has her in his arms, his mouth pressed to hers in a desperate kiss. The years of yearning pour out of them into the way their tongues mix in an ardent dance of need. He grabs the back of her thighs and she jumps to wrap her legs around him. Then, he turns and carries her up the steps into the house, slamming the door behind them with his foot.
She moans into his kiss as they make their way up the staircase to the bedroom, her still wrapped around him. In the room, he sets her down gently and begins peeling off her wet clothes, one layer at a time, dropping his lips to every new exposed inch of skin. He makes a trail of hot kisses along her body, finally dragging down her pants and underwear until she's fully naked in front of him. But when he goes to dive face first into her center, she stops him.
"No. I want to feel your skin." She unbuttons his shirt and pushes it off of his shoulders, going to the buttons on his pants next. He kicks off his shoes while she undoes the zipper and pulls, exposing him to her fully. They stand for a second, just taking each other in with nothing in between them, finally.
He caresses the side of her face and steps closer to her so that their bodies touch softly. She looks up at him in anticipation as he runs his thumb over her cheek.
"I have loved you from the moment I saw you. I should've said it then and every day since. It's always been you, Viv." He leans in and kisses her gently again, his hand moving down her body tenderly. When he gets to her lower back, he pulls her in close to press against him and kisses down her neck. She whimpers at the feel of his length pushing into her hip, reaching down to stroke him with her hand. He grunts at the sensation and slowly walks her backwards to the edge of the bed. She sits down, her hand still pumping him, but he stops her and gets on his knees.
"You're the love of my life, Vivian. I want to give you the world." He leans forward and kisses her thigh, pushing her legs open further to get to her center. "Let me give you everything I have, baby."
With that, he lowers his mouth to her and presses his tongue into her slit, dragging it up to the hardened bud, licking over and around it vigorously. She inhales sharply and throws her head back.
"Oh, God, Elvis." She runs her hand in his hair. He groans, but doesn't stop working his mouth on her. He moves his tongue in circles and then in a hard line over the top of her clit, keeping a steady rhythm. Her hips buck forward into his face and he slides a finger into her, tickling the spot that makes her moan out loud.
"Fuck!" Her back arches as her orgasm builds quickly. She feels herself on the edge, ready to spill over into an ocean of pleasure.
"Come on, baby. You're right there. Let go for me." He goes back to licking her with a fervor he's never expressed before. He's never been so invested in a woman's pleasure but he wants to give Vivian more than she's ever experienced. And he does. In that moment the dam breaks and she cries out as the waves of ecstasy crest and break inside her over and over again.
"Yes! Fuck! Yessssss!" She moans with her teeth gritted, her body quaking with the aftershock of the most unbelievable orgasm.
When she finally comes down, she sits up and grabs him, pulling him into a deep kiss, her tongue diving into his mouth feverishly.
"I'm so... in love... with you..." She whispers in between kisses, her hands running down his chest. She stands him up and he looks down at her, cupping her chin in his hand.
"No, baby. I'm in love with you." She smiles and leans forward, holding his cock in one hand, pulling his foreskin back and running her tongue around the tip. He leans back, his lips parted slightly and his eyes closed. "God, that feels good."
She tries not to smile as she pulls him fully into her mouth, letting him hit the back of her throat. She buries her nose in the hair at the base of him, swallowing around him. Then, she begins to move up and down as he thrusts slowly. She puts her hands on his hips and works him gently, moaning. He grunts and takes a handful of her hair.
"Viv, baby, you have to stop. I'm not finished making love to you."
She pulls back off of him and looks up, crawling backwards onto the bed. He climbs on top of her, kissing her neck and chest up to her mouth.
"I am yours, Vivian. Body and soul." He lines his cock up with her dripping entrance and teases her clit for a second. "I want to love you like this forever."
"Please, Elvis. Never stop." He nods and pushes into her.
"I won't, baby." He whispers as he slides in as deep as he'll go, grunting when he feels her tightness around him. "You were made for me."
She whimpers as he fills her, pulling back and pushing into her again. Neither of them will ever get enough of the way it feels to be connected like this. They fit together like a lock and key and the pleasure hits them both at the same time.
"Yes, Elvis..." Her back arches as he continues his sensual rhythm of sliding out and filling her, his hips rolling into her over and over and over. Their sweat begins to mix as their bodies meet in burning kisses, breast to chest, stomach to stomach, hip to hip, and thigh to thigh. His hand runs up and down her, squeezing and pinching softly where it pleases them both until it settles on her hip, holding her in place as his thrusting picks up. He's still moving slowly, pounding her deeply, slamming her with his cock both passionately and lovingly.
"Oh, God, Viv, I love the way you feel." He sets his head on her shoulder, knowing his climax is coming fast. "I don't want this to be over."
She takes his face in her hands and kisses the tip of his nose.
"This will never be over. I'm yours until the end. Let go, baby. I'm not going anywhere." He whimpers softly and peppers her face with kisses as he goes back to pumping into her. His pace increases and her breasts bounce as he moves inside her harder and harder. He feels his orgasm building in his cock and he knows he's ready to explode. He slams into her two more times and then cries out as he shudders.
"Fuck, yes, Viv!" He feels his release wash over him as he cums hard inside her, emptying himself as the tsunami-force ecstasy crashes through him. He's frozen inside her, cock throbbing until he's completely spent. She whines through her own orgasm as he collapses on top of her, careful not to crush her with his weight. He slides out of her gently and lays next to her, pulling her into the crook of his arm where she fits perfectly. She reaches up and pushes his sweaty hair back off of his forehead and then runs her fingertips down the side of his face. He grabs her fingers and kisses them, looking down at her. She smiles up at him and whispers. "Je t'aimes toujours avec tout mon coeur."
"You know I don't speak French, baby." He chuckles.
"It means 'I love you always with all of my heart.' It's something I was saving to say to the man that set me on fire. And it's you. I burn for you, Elvis. I always have and I always will." He smiles, his eyes brimming with tears.
"I will make you mine forever as soon as I can. You are the one who my soul loves. Viv, tell me this is us, from now on."
"Always and forever, Elvis."
"Always and forever."
A lot happens for Elvis and Vivian through 1972 and 1973. Vivian moves into Graceland and they christen every room in the house. Then, Elvis films Elvis on Tour in April and Vivian is there. He plays at Madison Square Garden in June and Vivian is there. He goes on tour again and still, Viv is there. Then, he does the Aloha show in Hawaii and she is there for that too. Both of their divorces are finalized in 1973 and they're there for each other. By Thanksgiving, Elvis has a 10-carat ring on her finger and by Christmas they're married.
He records an album at Stax that won't be released until 1975, but there's a song on it that makes him think of Vivian so much he almost cries. He saves it for the right moment, though.
So when she comes to him on New Year's Eve with a note from the doctor confirming her pregnancy, he knows exactly what to do. He pulls her into a warm embrace, kissing the top of her head. Slowly they begin to sway and he sings:
The first time I saw you I knew I was hooked on somebody other than me
And the first time I held you, your soft lips and blue eyes
Were as far as my eyes could see
Yes, here in my arms I knew I had found the reason that I'm livin' for
And I felt the feeling, such a wonderful feeling
That I'd never felt before
Baby, you're love's been a long time comin'
Baby your love's got a hold on me
Baby your love's sure got me hummin'
Baby your love's been a long time comin'
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love @deltafalax @jhoneybees @everythingelvispresley @returntopresley @atleastpleasetelephone @burnthheparaphilia @cinnamoroll-things
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wifeofnatasharomanoff · 9 months
Reaching You
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WARNINGS: angst with a happy ending (jk), arguing,
WORDS: 775
PAIRING: Natasha Romanoff x f!reader
A/N: sorry y'all...!
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She's barely home anymore. It's as if your wife wasn't the same. You were losing her, just as she already lost you.
“Natasha you're barely even at home. You don't get to fucking talk about how I'm taking care of our son who I had to go through 9 months of hell for!” you shouted as you tried your hardest to not look at her. “I'm just saying that maybe he's old enough for a babysitter. The team misses you in the group, babe.” You scoff, “I'm sure that they do, but he's not even a year old, Natasha. I'm not going to leave our son alone with a stranger. You're a superhero. There are people everywhere trying to hurt you, or us too. You don't even make the time to be at home for me or him.”
“The only reason he's safe is because the world doesn't know that the black widow has a son.” Natasha sighed, “you're so god damn stubborn. If nobody knows about him, he's fine.” you shook your head. “Fuck you. You can't say that, Nat, anything could happen. You'd trust a stranger over your own wife?”
She pinched at the bridge of her nose, “That's not it, y/n. I-I'm just saying they want you back on the team, it's not safe to bring a baby to the Avengers compound.”
“And you think leaving Alex with a complete stranger is safer? No. I'm not doing it there is nothing you could say to convince me.” she muttered something before speaking up, “fine. I'll be at the compound if you need me.”
“I won't, don't worry.” bullshit you always go back to begging her to come home. You heard the front door open and then close.
Sighing to yourself as you walked into the kitchen to make a snack for you and Alex. “Mommy!” your face lit up when you looked down to see him walking on wobbly legs to you, “Hi lovebug! How did you get out of your crib hm?” you bent down to take him in your arms as his stubby hands grabbed at your shoulder. “Stawbayies.” you saw him point at the uncut fruit on the chopping board, “you want strawberries?” he nodded. “Only if you promise to not leave your crib.” he beamed at you before crawling away to his crib.
You chopped up some berries before going back to where Alex found himself in his crib, “come on sweetie, I got you your strawberries.” you cooed as he leaped into your arms. You fed him his fruit and he later fell asleep over your shoulder, “Goodnight, sweetheart..” you whispered as you quietly walked over to your bed and laid him on the mattress. You sighed as you let him curl his small hand around your finger, watching his every breath as he slept peacefully, completely unaware of what just went on between his parents.
Eventually, you fell deep asleep next to him. Not knowing that Natasha came back from the compound an hour after you fell asleep. Not knowing that she was sitting right beside you while you held Alex close to you as you slept. “hm.. darling?” she hummed in response, her emerald green eyes focused on a piece of your hair she was toying with. “When did you get home, Tasha?”
“I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said earlier. I was wrong, baby.” she whispered, her hands resting on your waist as her face was buried into the crook of your neck. “Natasha I-” you shifted your position on the bed to look at her, “I understand if you don't forgive me right now, krasivaya but I'm sorry. I asked Tony to not call me in unless it's urgent— I'll stay home more, dekta please.” you sighed as Natasha squeezed at your hand.
“Okay.” she blinked, a spark of hope in her eyes. “I'll forgive you.. but, on one condition. Tell the team I'll come back, except when I'm there, you have to stay home.” she slightly smiled at your words. “okay. I'll do it. I love you so much. I'm so sorry—” you pressed your lips against hers, “I love you too.” she chuckled out of relief against your skin, her hands pressed against your arms. “I love you so much, detka.”
“I missed this. I missed you, darling.”
But she wasn't there. She was on a mission, you were all alone waiting for her to come home as always. As knowing as you were about your wife's actions you were still naive to think that she'd listen to you can come back home just because you told her to.
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syn4k · 15 days
hello!!! as you are the resident miante person in mcyt (there might be another one but in my opinion it's you) I have a question: if I wanted to watch mianite how would I go about that/where do I find it? I know it's a youtube thing but I don't know which channel it's actually on and I am. Extremely Curious about it & want to watch it but I have no idea where to do that /genuine question
(also, I know it's got multiple POVs, is there anyone you'd recommend I start with?)
hello! thanks for the ask!
mianite has four main POVs that remain in VOD and episode form on the creators' channels, they all have a playlist for it and you can find them pretty easily by looking up "[creator name] mianite s1" on youtube.
i recommend starting off with jordan captainsparklez' POV like we did, as he is involved in mostly everything in both s1 and s2 and his episodes are edited down to only really have the important bits. if you decide to watch back through the series later from another perspective, tom syndicate's POV is another good one to watch as he's kind of on the opposite side of everything happening in s1 and it puts a lot of his actions in context that jordan left out of his episodes.
if you don't want to watch through the series in its entirety (which is completely understandable), fern @voidandradiance has made a playlist of the important lore moments in both mianite s1 and s2 that she'd be happy to share :]
also it's really funny to me that we are the resident Mianite Guy to you when we've only been here for like, six months. this series turns ten years old today and there are people in this fandom who have been here since the beginning of it or at least who have been here for way, way longer than we have.
if you do end up sticking around here, i cannot recommend these people enough:
@kiwibirdlafayette - AMAZING artist who has been here in the trenches here since 2014. syndisparklez enthusiast. his art-only blog is @grailknightmonty and he also posts Hermitcraft stuff occasionally :3
@transandor chase my good friend chase!! resident Jordan Captainsparklez Guy. brilliant writer, also happens to be fistfighting The Horrors, you know how it his
@voidandradiance i already tagged him before and i'll fuckin do it again because this bitch's writing is stunning beyond words and xyr brain is HUGE. if you like the style of the stuff we write, you'll LOVE fern's work. its so beautiful that i physically cannot overhype it. its so good, y'all. its so fucking good.
@syndianites is, as far as we're concerned, the mouth of god himself when it comes to Tom Syndicate SynHD. there is nobody on this site who understands this character better than she does. they consistently leave the most galaxy brain objectively correct tags about him on our posts and she never fucking misses. this bitch Gets It and i am very lucky to be her friend
@coolcattime's blog is more of a general purpose one, like ours is, but she carries the f/f ships in the Mianite fandom and is also a great writer! she's written a lot of neat AU ideas and although we haven't talked with her much she definitely lives up to her url- she's one cool cat :]
@cactusprisms is also someone that we see around a lot in the notes of our mianite posts, although we unfortunately havent talked much. also more of a general purpose blog but worth following anyways. shes vibing.
hope this helps! <3
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melancholicbutterflies · 11 months
a Papa Bear story
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Characters: Reader, Elvis Presley, Momma, Macy, Tommy, Danny, Mary
Summary: You get asked out on a double date with Macy.
Tags/Warnings: controlling!elvis, subtle themes of domestic violence
Word Count: 2,858
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IT ALL HAPPENED so fast. You, Macy, Tommy, and Danny were talking one day after class, and Tommy had the bold idea to go on a double date. Him and Macy, you and Danny. Since the few weeks you'd seen each other at the Mall, you couldn't deny you were hoping something else would come out of it, but you never imagined it would happen so quickly, and the word date would be thrown around! Macy accepted on both of your behalf, and the matter was settled. Next Saturday you'd all go mini golfing and then to a diner afterwards. It would have been perfect if there weren't one not so tiny issue to deal with: you'd have to run the plan by your daddy first, who'd no doubt shut the whole thing down before you could say 'Jack Robinson'.
You waited on the ledge outside school for your momma to pick you up to go home. She was a little late getting there, but it gave you ample time to come up with some ideas to get your way. "Hey Momma," you greeted her, getting into the front seat.
"Hey, baby. What's got you so happy today?"
"Well, I got some good news."
"Good news? What's that?" She pulled away from the curb, glancing at you in curiosity.
"I got asked out. Well, not just me, but my friend Macy, too."
"A double date?" Momma whistled, "that's nice, dear. Your first one, right?"
"I'm real happy for you, baby. Not sure how your Daddy's gonna take it, though."
"Yeah..." You said quieter, fiddling with your hands on your skirt. "Actually, about that—"
"Oh no," she shook her head, interrupting you. "I'm not keeping this from him. He'll tan both our hides!"
"Well, no, not keep, per se, just if you could tell him real gently. Maybe he'd take it better from you. I... I really want this, and, and, he has a way of flying off the handle sometimes."
"Don't I know it. Listen, I'll break the news to him slow and gentle-like. I have my ways," she winked back at you. You had no idea what that meant, but you recalled the way he'd come out of their shared bedroom in a better mood than when he went in and figured it had something to do with that. Maybe your momma was magical. You wished she'd share it with you!
Later at dinner, which Elvis was able to be there for after getting a few days off from touring, your momma took over from Mary, the housekeeper, to serve him one of his favorite meals of all time, fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy. She did have Mary prepare a coconut cake, however, which would be served with dessert. Elvis slapped his hands together as he sat at the head of the table, grinning down as he was scooped his dish.
"Now this is a welcome home, honey," he smacked your momma's hide, although gently, causing her to blush as she went around to serve you, and then finally herself before sitting opposite Elvis at the other end. You sat adjacent to both of them. After saying grace, you all dug in; you were kicking your legs as you took in your first few bites. Your momma had surely outdone herself!
"Damn, oughta leave for longer next time," your step daddy groaned, eyes closing momentarily as he savored each bite. You pulled your fork away from your mouth which had some chicken pierced on it. "Don't say that, Daddy. I love having you home. We both do."
He turned to look at you fondly, holding your other hand under the table. "Oh, honey bee, I miss y'all too. I hate being on the road so long. It's real lonesome. And a helluva a lot worse on my stomach, too!"
You giggled, but out of the corner of your eye you saw your momma pinch her nose some. She always did that when she disagreed with something. Whatever it was, she decided to keep it to herself, and you figured it had to do with wanting to keep Elvis content when she broke the news.
"You slave away all day on this?" He asked. "No, not all day, but it passed the time. Was nice getting back into cooking again," your momma replied. Since you both came to Graceland to live with Elvis, he'd had his staff stay on and continue their jobs. Mary was in charge of cooking and other household affairs, and she took it very seriously. There was hardly a day your momma was allowed to cook, and while at first she loved the change of pace, she now missed the more mundane tasks.
"Well, if I didn't know any better I'd think you used my own Momma's recipe. She used to make this for me all the time back in the day." You of course had never known Gladys, but you heard so many good things about the woman. The way your daddy spoke of her she was practically a saint in his eyes.
"I'm glad you're enjoying it so much, dear."
"Mhm. Say, how was your day, darlin'?" He spoke to you first, eying you up as he kept shoveling food into his mouth. Your daddy sure could eat; as such he got the biggest plate, and he always finished what was put in front of him.
"It was good..." You said, glancing at your lap. "Yeah?" He hummed. "What was good about it?" You glanced at your mother in a way you thought was surreptitious, but only got your daddy's hackles up. "What was good about it, doll?" He pressed, now too glancing at momma.
"I'll tell you later, dear." Momma said as you too spoke: "I'm a bit tired," and that was a mistake, because Elvis stopped eating. Which was never a good sign.
"What happened?" He repeated. "Someone gon' tell me?"
There was an awkward pause, so quiet you could hear someone out mowing the many lawns of Graceland mansion. "Well?" Daddy's voice started to get testier. You figured it was better to be out with it; he was impatient and stubborn as a mule. He'd all too happily wait you out and be worser for it.
Momma spoke first: "Well, dear, Y/N here got asked out on a date. A double date," she emphasized, "so don't go blowin' anything out of proportion."
"Who said anythin' about blowin' anything out of proportion?" He said, strangely calm.
Momma opened her mouth, then closed it, choosing her words carefully as she too sat down her fork. "Well, you know, honey, I love you, but sometimes you can overreact—"
"Overreact? I'm perfectly able to hold my damn temper," he bit out the words, fist clenching around his napkin. It was utterly ironic, and you couldn't help the giggle that slipped from your mouth, much to momma's widened eyes.
Your daddy's head shifted to you so fast he might've gotten whiplash. "And you, lil' girl, what have you got to say for yourself? Huh? And what's so goddamn funny?!"
"Yeah, don't sound like nothin'. Who is this boy, anyhow? Ain't I tell you to stay away from 'em? Didn't you promise me?"
"Elvis!" Your momma cried. "Now why would you tell her a thing like that—?"
"Shut your mouth, woman, I'm talkin'. Y/N, you're testin' my patience, speak up!"
Your good mood evaporated at his cold tone, and you saw your momma felt similarly hurt. He hadn't ever yelled at her from what you'd heard, and it wasn't something your real daddy ever did, so it frightened you some. You didn't ever think Elvis would lay a hand on you or momma, but his booming voice shook you to your core. You knew his mood could turn on a dime.
"Uh... U-um..."
"What," he said it like 'wot', his southern twang coming out more in his anger. "Out with it!"
"You're scaring the poor girl," Momma interrupted again, quickly silenced by a glare cut her way.
"H-he's just a boy from school. We're in the same grade together."
"Gimme a name."
"Danny," you whispered.
He stroked his chin, which was developing a five-o'clock shadow. "And how'd ya... hatch this lil' plan o' yours?" He sneered.
"Well, it wasn't really me—"
"Don't lie to me, hunny, you're already on thin ice!"
"I'm not," and you looked him in the eye as you said this. "It was another boy—"
"Another boy? How many boys you been talkin' too?!"
"Oh, Elvis, let the girl speak!"
"Didn't I tell you—"
"Enough!" You shouted. Both of your parents looked at you as if you'd gone crazy. Maybe you had. But you didn't like this! Your daddy had only barely come home and he was already ruining everything!
"Y/N," Momma cried in shock as Elvis went, "Oh, you're in for it now, Y/N Presley!" And you believed him, because he rarely used your name, preferring a term of endearment, and he never, ever used your full name. But all your feelings caught up to you then: you were angry he didn't understand you, and sad that he was being so mean to you and momma, and that he'd probably ruin this shot at happiness for you when you didn't even get to experience it. It was all just so unfair!
"Lil' girl, don't you dare run away from me!" Elvis warned, but you had already taken off, getting a head start that allowed you to climb the stairs faster and slip into your bedroom, shutting the door and locking it behind you. This was another one of your daddy's rules you'd broken: leave your door open, so that he can check on you. You imagined locking it was the equivalent of all hell breaking loose. At this point you didn't care, and besides, daddy was already so furious with you, so what was one more nail in the coffin?
You heard the doorknob jerking from left to right as you laid in bed with the covers over your head, sobbing. Faintly you heard your step daddy order you to 'open this door right now, or else!' You kept shouting 'no' and cried louder. Finally, Elvis seemed to give up, for it grew real quiet and the shadow under the door disappeared. You cried yourself to sleep that night, hugging your big bear to you that Elvis had won at a county fair one summer. It was your favorite bear, and even if you were angry at its owner, it made you calm down enough to fall asleep.
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The next morning you slept in, wanting to delay the inevitable as long as you possibly could. Finally, the smell of pancakes and bacon roused you from your bedroom; your stomach was gurgling loudly from not having gone to bed early without finishing dinner. And you knew Mary made the best breakfast in town.
As you crept downstairs, rubbing your eyes, you heard your parents talking in hushed tones, heads bent towards each other. They lifted as they caught you coming around the corner. "Look who's up," your momma said, smiling tiredly. "How'd you sleep?"
Your eyes flit to Elvis, who looked not at all like himself. For one thing, he usually slept in later then you, so even half past eleven was early for him. But more than that, he looked defeated and continued to distance himself from you. You'd hoped he'd calmed down since last night, maybe even come around some. At least he wasn't yelling at you or momma anymore.
"Y/N?" Momma tried again to get your attention.
"Oh, quit you're worryin'. The girl looks fine ta me," Elvis muttered. "Certainly took her time comin' down here. Ain't realize we were such horrible company to keep. "
Momma frowned at him, sighing. "Oh, dear, don't be that way." She'd never say so, but she was starting to feel like there were two children she had to take care of in this household.
"And what way am I bein'?" He groused. She didn't bother answering, knowing it wasn't a fight he'd ever let her win. "I'm goin' back upstairs. Didn't sleep a wink last night."
"But you've barely eaten!"
"I lost my appetite," he bit out, striding past you, monogramed bathrobe whipping past him, stirring some air around you in his hasty departure.
You felt real awful, felt some tears accumulating at the corner of your eyes; you hated to see your daddy so upset with you, and it didn't look like it was anything you could do about it. He'd just have to cooldown. You worried you might have lost your close relationship with him in the process, though. Momma quickly came to comfort you, "Oh, don't cry, baby. Your daddy's just... havin' a hard time comin' around to the fact that you're growing up is all."
"That's it?"
"Yeah. He just needs some time alone right now." She looked at you. "For some reason he's got it set in his mind that you shouldn't be around boys. Said it wasn't proper, and was insisting on maintaing your purity."
"Purity?" You questioned.
"It's got to do with his religious habits, I 'spose. Anyway, I said that's not right to shelter a growing girl like that, she'd only resent him for it and be even more curious to seek out that attention from boys in ways that are even worse. Hell, it's what I did. Your grammy didn't even want me going to school with other kids and decided to homeschool me."
"Really? I didn't know that momma." She nodded. "Over time it caused a rift between us, and it wasn't until I was on my own for several years that we repaired it and I saw where she was comin' from, although I still didn't entirely agree with the way she went about it."
"Still," she went on. "Maybe I shouldn't a' said that, because he got himself all wrapped around the axel again at the idea of you following after me in that way and he went and spoiled his breakfast." She shook her head, laughing a bit. "Live and learn, I guess."
This was a lot of information for you to take in. "What should I do?" You asked pleadingly. "I hate to have daddy so upset with me. We never fight like this..."
"Just give him time," she reminded you. "And for God's sake, don't let this delicious breakfast go to waste!"
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Later that day, Daddy was sitting out on the lawn tanning, reading a book. It had an angel on the front and you figured it had to be another one of his religious ones. He was always reading them. "Hey Daddy, can I talk to you?"
He didn't immediately do or say anything, and you thought he was now giving you the silent treatment, but finally he laid his book flat on his chest, peering over at you with a raised brow. "I'm listenin'," he said.
You shuffled back and forth on your feet as you tried to think of what to say to move past this rift between you two. You didn't want to give up your burgeoning freedom, but it was worse having him stay mad at you like this; you just couldn't bear it any longer.
"'M sorry for hurting you like I did last night. It was all so new and... and, I didn't even know what I was really saying yes to. I just wanted to fit in but none of that matters if I don't have my daddy anymore."
Some of what you said might've been the right thing, for he opened his arms wide to fold you into his embrace. "You have me, honey bee, you have me. But thank you for sayin' that, baby. I hate fightin' too, and I missed ya somethin' real awful. You know we ain't ever gone to bed mad? And I don't wanna start now." He began peppering you with kisses to your cheek and forehead, no longer held back. It made your heart sing to be close again with your daddy; when he was sweet like this to you there was no one that made you happier on earth.
"But ya gotta understand why I was so angry with you, pumpkin. Ya know that, right?"
You picked at his shirt where the buttons lay open on his big hairy chest. "Yeah, daddy, I know."
"I need to hear you say it, darlin'." He picked up your chin to look him in the eye with his forefinger.
"It's 'cause I disobeyed you."
"And how did you disobey me, hunny?"
"I agreed to go on a date with a boy."
"That's right, baby." He kissed you some more, real sweet-like. "Why's that wrong?"
"Because...because they're trouble and I'm a special girl, and you don't want nothin' bad to happen to me."
He hummed, looking like a weight was lifted off him. "That's right, satnin. My special, innocent little girl." He patted my hair with a smile so wide it made my heart hurt.
taglist:@everythingelvispresley@dkayfixates@animalloverthingsss@suspiciousmindsxo@iloveelvis@18lkpeters@doll-elvis@ccab@elvisalltheway1@satninroses@darkmoviesquotespizza@jaqueline19997@louisejoy86@myradiaz@velvetelvis@sillybookmarks@alllriseabove@livelaughelvis @blog777e @kissforvoid @lillyrob @whatstruthgottodowithit @ashtag6887
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max-nico · 2 months
Songs to listen to for maximum Tails angst, as well as a run down of how I daydream to them
Enjoy, or don't, and feel free to add your own. I'm always looking for new music recommendations.
Multiple paragraph incoming, you have been warned
The Tornado, Owl City
Starting off with an absolute BANGER !!!!! I'm obsessed with Owl City so don't @ me about this lol. In this song Adam Young is telling a story about a young boy delivering papers on his bike, when a tornado hits. Miraculously, he survives.
To me, this song is about Tails gearing up to leave in the tornado. As he begins to fly over the ocean a storm hits, and eventually turns into a tornado. As the music crescendos the storm gets worse, and eventually the plane crashes into the ocean (specifically at 2:05, you can't tell me it doesn't sound like a Wii sports snorkeling mini game). By the time the lyrics come in he's grabbed the chaos emerald from the back of his plane and he's trying to get out of the water. At the line "the shadows slowly melted as I was hunkered down" Tails spots angel island and he flies up there and it's a happy ending yayyyy
I Was an Island, John-Allison Weiss
Honestly I don't have like a particular scene or daydream to this. This song just makes me feel things when I listen to it, and I think Tails would really relate. I think specifically NINE would relate actually, but any Tails variation will do tbh
"I can't do this alone anymore, I'm no good on my own anymore. What did I do to do deserve this? What did you do to me? Baby come back, you know I don't wanna be free." Is just something I feel like Nine would relate to idk
Bugbear, Chloe Moriondro
I don't have a particular daydream to this one either but this song is so Tails to me. This is so him. Y'all aren't listening she said "my brain is surrounded by school kids who all got their valedictorian course, while I couldn't care enough about my 3.8, no matter how hard I try I'm still not trying hard enough to be... Great." YOU'RE TELLING ME HE DOESN'T RELATE TO THAT ?!!?!!
Talk To Me, Cavetown
This is so Sonic talking to Tails to me. "You don't have to be a prodigy to be unique, you don't have to know what to say or what to think, you don't have to be anybody you can never be, that's alright, let it out, talk to me." Is something Sonic has said to Tails at least once and you can't convince me otherwise.
This song is just so comforting. Listening to this makes me warm with brotherly feels.
Vanilla Twilight, Owl City
I used to cry to this song, so tread lightly sympathetic criers lol.
This daydream takes place sometime after Sonic Frontiers when Tails decides to go his own way, leaving Sonic by himself. It switches between their POVs depending on the lyric. For example, one of Sonic's lyrics is "cause I'll doze off safe and soundly, but I'll miss your arms around me, I'll send a postcard to you dear, cause I wish you were here." And one of Tails' lyrics is "I'll find repose in new ways, though I haven't slept in 2 days, cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone."
They'll reunite someday I swear
Overgrown Garden, Beetlebug
Ow ouch ffff-ouch ouchie owwwieeeeeee ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ sorry guys this one involves major character death lol
So the actual song is about an abusive relationship using flower metaphors and symbolism, but I didn't know that when I started listening so this daydream has nothing to do with that. With that being said...
Every chorus is Tails at a different age wondering if Sonic will abandon him, no matter how much Sonic reassures him the thought just sticks in the back of his mind even if he doesn't voice it. Things don't start to get juicy until the 3rd verse, "The rhododendrons crimson flame, set fire to the sleepy air, and lit the early morning haze, that glistened in your tangled hair." I understand that the flame is a metaphor and there's no actual flame but I don't care, in my daydream there's actual flames because Sonic and Tails are in the middle of a flower field that's been engulfed in them.
At the lyric "You place a crown of marigolds on my head, and then you said, as you tried to pull your bloody hands away" Sonic is laying against the only tree in sight, a big bloody wound in his abdomen with Tails trying to stop the bleeding. And then when the chorus comes in again, it's Sonic comforting Tails while he bleeds out on a battlefield. When Tails asked "I wonder if you'll leave me, behind someday, among the wildflowers and lilies, sleeping by the way" he meant like runaway and abandon him on an adventure, not die in a burning flower field you idiot ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ
Blue Hair, TV Girl
For maximum feels, listen to Vanilla Twilight directly after listening to this
I feel like a lot of y'all are already gonna know this one, and I respect that. I'm not super sure what this song is actually about but I like their funny words so it's okay lol
This is another song from Sonics POV to me. It's Sonic talking to his friends at different times about Tails growing up and not needing him anymore. In this case, Tails has to "cut her blue hair off" and Sonic is the blue hair if you couldn't tell lol like "and I tried, to hold her, but it didn't really last long, she's getting older. I guess she's gotta cut her blue hair off".
There's also the line right before that one "what seems so blue in the sunlight, by the night was a pale green" blue and green are literally their eye colors this song was meant for them.
This isn't all of them, we'd be here all day if I listed every single one lol. Don't be surprised if I follow up with more song rec posts bc I love talking about music, and please give me some recs as well
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doctorprofessorsong · 2 years
Destiel Fic Recs
Who needs to stuff your face with turkey when you can stuff your brain with fanfic? Fresh out of the oven, please enjoy these fic recs.
Raise the Black by valleydean (emmbrancsxx0) @valleydean (Explicit, 246k)
There are passion projects and then there is Raise the Black which takes it to a whole new level. It's not surprising that the author of The Shawnee Trail and A Ghost Story knows how to write historical fiction, but there are so many gorgeous bits of pirate life in this fic from the superstitions to the metaphors tied to the sea. 
The story is a Pirate AU. A chance encounter has left Cas, an officer from the Royal Navy, with a lasting obsession with Dean Winchester, the notorious pirate Captain of the Impala. When presented with the opportunity to defect and save his son from the abusive practices of the Royal Navy, Cas finds himself a part of Dean’s crew. 
I cannot overstate how good this one is. The underlying pirate mythology and superstition, the horny sparring, the epic battle scenes and of course the incredibly unhinged Dean and Cas that drive this story. The story had me anxious, like literally unable to focus on work because I had to know what happened.
It's @valleydean so she gives us a happy ending, but she makes us pay dearly for it in angst (so sexy of her really). 
And it isn't just the Destiel. The casting is phenomenal. I would die for pirate Meg. The use of the younger generation (Jack, Emma, Claire, Kaia) is amazing. Sam, Benny and Charlie as pirates. Truly we get so many great characters in this one y'all.
Without giving too much away, I'll just day that this one falls into the sweeping epic category and the results are staggering.
o weary traveler by dothraki_shieldmaiden @dothwrites (Explicit, 107k)
OK. So you know when you are in like Chapter 1 of a fic and already know it's going to be one of your favorites? That was this fic for me.
A mash-up of the Odyssey and Beauty and the Beast, this fic grabbed me and refused to let go. When Dean and his crew are shipwrecked on an island, they inadvertently anger its inhabitant, Castiel. Cas, an exiled angel, decides to take revenge, culminating in a Beauty and the Beast style pact for Dean to accept punishment on behalf of his wayward crew. 
Cas in this fic is very much an ancient being lacking the human perspective and Dean is just some guy who hunts monsters. It's my favorite dynamic. The way they dance around each other and eventually come together is beautiful to watch.
Throw in some delightful worldbuilding and poetic prose and you have a powerhouse of an epic tale.
The Common Hours by quiettewandering @wanderingcas (Mature, WIP 29k so far)
I very rarely recommend WIPs, so you know when I do it's because I think there's something special about the fic. I honestly think this one and the process of getting a bit more information each week is worth diving into, even if you are normally a "wait until it's done" kind of reader (and if not, this one is worth at least marking to be read with stars and highlights and little hearts).
The fic is a twisty mystery that has me throwing out theories every chapter. Cas is an amnesiac trying to recover from trauma he doesn't understand or remember. Luckily, he met Charlie who has been helping him rebuild his life. But Cas is haunted by half memories and a forgotten life, especially the memory of a man with green eyes who inhabits his dreams.
I don't want to say too much because half of the joy of this fic is pulling at threads and watching to see how it unravels. I'll just leave it at this: the story is captivating and fresh and these versions of the characters instantly grabbed me and wouldn't let go.
Vibrato by Tiamatv  (Explicit, 69k)
Tiamatv really does write some bangers. I couldn't put this one down. They are both disasters in this fic, but in a way that makes you to hug them and smoosh their faces. Dean meets a cute boy, has a full blown bi panic, realizes he was an ass, and strikes up a friendship that morphs into a friendship with benefits that morphs into basically a long term relationship but they're both idiots. It's idiots to lovers (but still idiots) at its finest.
Oh and also Cas is a super old genetic vampire. Whoops. One of the most delightful things about this fic is how well tiamatv captures the ancient and terrible being and also just some accountant dynamic that makes Cas so deeply loveable.
Despite some heavy stuff, this one is fluffy cotton candy most of the time and it's really about their irresistible dynamic. It is immensely readable.
The Sweetest Con by aimforsplendor @aimforsplendor (Mature, 19k)
If you are looking for some fairly low angst fun, this DeanCasBang (Taylor's Version) entry is an absolute delight. Dean and Sam are Robin Hood type con men using tech to steal from the rich and give to those who need it. They've finally found the head of a crime network, a billionaire resembling a particularly prominent and news worthy one recently which makes it fairly cathartic actually. But the mission is threatened when Dean gets sidetracked by a particular blue-eyed hottie.
This one is plain fun with a healthy dose of humor and really likeable characters. This one is truly just readable. Fun and fairly light and with enough interesting turns you keep you on your toes. 
Anything You Can Do by FagurFiskur (Explicit, 21k)
From the Dean Winchester is an absolute disaster genre, this is a surprisingly sweet, crack-taken-seriously smutty romp. 
Dean overhears his soon to be ex-girlfriend Daphne talking to a friend about how their mutual rebound relationship isn't working, especially because her gay ex-fiance, Castiel, was better in bed. Dean can't possibly let that stand. 
So he does the only logical thing and tracks Cas down. And hooks up with him. So he can win at the sex. Even though he's totally straight. 
Tag list
@varlysca @naturallyathief @greatbigbugger @fandoms-and-things @cascodedtech @you-cant-spell-subtext-without @deanwasalwaysbi @fellshish @valleydean @raspberry-tooth @the15yearhatecrime
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bcbdrums · 4 months
Full Disclosure
A Drakgo fanfic. Read on: AO3 | FFn
A/N: This next one-shot has a few sources of inspiration. First, the prompt from this list: 2. "If I kiss you, will you shut up?" Prompt was recommended by the legendary "Guest" on AO3 (you know who you are!) who specifically wanted French kissy-face, and the story was inspired in part by @lordwiggyton whose recent Mama Lipsky art has had my mind stirring. I'm also submitting this work to the "Hey, Sweetheart" Valentine's event run by @ficwip. It's not the conventional route perhaps, but within the rules? Pretty sure. And last but not least, it's an answer to @kim-possible-prompts's Valentine's Day prompt! (Have y'all noticed I adore answering prompts? lol.) ALSO this is the first of some birthday gifts I have for the incomparable @gothicthundra. Happy birthday, chaos queen. :) Enjoy!
Full Disclosure
Shego sighed from her perch at the end of the bed, leaning back and re-crossing her legs as she watched Drakken pace and listened to the same worried ramblings for the third time.
"But what if she never forgives me!" he cried as he wrung his hands.
"Dr. D.... We've been through this," Shego said, glancing down to study her nails. "She's jumped across moving train cars for you. Somehow I don't think finding out you've spent the past twenty years attempting world domination is going to come as much of a shock."
"But Shego..." Drakken said, pausing in front of her.
Shego looked up and took stock of her lover's appearance. He had, at her insistence, gone for black slacks instead of his usual Dockers, a tailored cherry-red dress shirt, and a black silk tie that perfectly accented the rest of his attire. And of course, the gold medal he'd received for saving the world hung heavy over his chest.
Shego wished she were the one going out with Drakken that evening, especially considering the calendar date. But this night had been planned for quite some time.
"She's had faith in me my entire life... How can I tell her it was all for nothing?"
"I admit it's past time to tell her the truth, but I just can't bear to disappoint her!"
"And then I'll never hear the end of it!" Drakken continued, throwing his hands up and resuming his ambling around the bedroom. "Passive-aggressive cards and letters is all I'll get for Christmas now! And lumps of coal instead of home-knitted sweaters!"
Shego stood up from the bed and briskly approached him.
"All the years of silence I left between us so she wouldn't figure it out. All those lost years I could have been close to my lonely old mother. That's what her letters will say, now. Have you ever heard that woman start on a guilt trip? She's an absolute master!"
This finally caused the mad scientist's jaw to snap closed. He stopped mid-stride and whirled around to face her.
"If I kiss you, will you shut up?"
Shego didn't wait for an invitation. She snaked her arms around Drakken's neck and pressed in close before he could protest, and was gratified to feel tension leave his shoulders first and his lips a moment after.
She was far gentler with the kiss than with her words, her lips sliding with soft friction against his until they parted and gave her tongue purchase. She felt his soft exhale through his nostrils against her cheek as his fingers found her waist, and she could feel his hum of satisfaction where their chests were pressed together. His tongue was gentle as it slid alongside hers in caress, and he still tasted of cinnamon from his toothpaste.
Warmth blossomed in Shego's chest at his attentive response, and for the moment the dilemma of the present was forgotten. There was only the gentle pressure of noses fitted together, the give and take as their tongues took turns parting supple lips and exploring the heat and texture of one another. Drakken's body melded hot against hers as his hands slid lower, and her fingers rose to tangle his perfectly slicked-back hair.
It was fortuitous perhaps when Drakken pulled back slightly to stroke the outline of her mouth with the tip of his tongue. It was intoxicating, but the faint distance allowed her other senses a chance to process the sound of approaching footsteps. Not in time to leave her lover's embrace, however, before they reached the doorway.
"Hey, Sweetheart— Drew Theodore P. Lipsky!"
It was Shego who moved first, putting a healthy space between them and leaving Drakken blinking and confused for a moment with his lips still parted before he had processed the voice that had spoken.
"M-Mother!" Drakken cried, darting behind Shego instinctively at the sight of his mother's judgmental expression.
"And no ring on her finger yet! For shame!"
Shego's face flushed as she was sure Drakken's was doing as well. That was a topic she definitely did not want to get into right then, and least of all with Drakken's mother who had her own agenda on the matter.
Mrs. Lipsky had opted for nicer attire for the evening as well, choosing a conservative charcoal sheath dress with a floral teal and peach floral sweater and pearls.
"Dr. D.," Shego said quickly, stepping away from the mad scientist and leaving him looking very exposed as he waved at his mother and attempted a weak smile through kiss-swollen lips. "Shouldn't you and your mother hurry to make your reservation on time?"
"Ahh...y-yes. But first," Drakken said, turning and nearly tripping over his feet as he hurried to pick up his mother's gift from the bed. "Happy Valentine's Day!"
The irritated crinkle at the older woman's eyes softened as her frown bloomed into a smile.
"Roses! And chocolate! Oh Drewbie, you shouldn't have!"
"O-Only the best for you, Mother," Drakken said as he presented the gift with a nervous smile.
"Marzipan! My favorite!" Mama Lipsky said after plopping one of the chocolates into her mouth.
"Of course! Now...Shego was right, we'd best get going," Drakken said. He began looking around for his suit coat, and then stopped short when he found Shego holding it up for him, a smirk on her face.
"Aw, she's so thoughtful Drew!" Mama Lipsky said, smiling fondly at Shego as she closed the chocolate box. "Dear, would you mind putting these in water for me until we get back?"
"Sure," Shego replied, smoothing Drakken's jacket over his shoulders.
She received the flowers from the woman a moment later, who squeezed her hand with a grateful smile before turning toward the door. Without the watchful gaze of older generation, Drakken turned worried eyes back upon Shego. All of his fears from the rambling of before were spoken in the inky blue of his irises, and Shego was tempted to give him a shove toward the door as a way of telling him to knock it off. Instead, she leaned in to let her lips graze his ear, speaking so softly she could hardly hear her own voice.
"She'll always have faith in you. Besides, you saved the world. You've accomplished more than she could have ever dreamed. Have some faith in her."
Shego felt again the release of tension from Drakken's frame as she adjusted the medal over his tie. She smirked again when he pulled away, the light of hope having returned to her lover's eyes.
"Coming, Drewbie?"
"Yes...yes, Mother," Drakken said and turned to go, confidence back in his stride.
Shego tilted her head down to smell the flowers as the two left. It was a strange new world they'd found themselves in since the invasion, but, some things would always be constants.
"Now, Drew, on the phone you'd said there was something you wanted to tell me...?"
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chipthekeeper · 11 months
Ranking Velcinta moments by how insane they make me feel, a(n overly) comprehensive list
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As promised, here's my way too detailed ranking of all 18-ish of their moments. This (predictably) got obnoxiously long toward the end, so venture under the cut if you actually care and/or don't mind a lot of scrolling.
18. Valley One (Ep. 6)
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I'm relatively sane about this. Except when I think about how they probably slept in that little hut the night before. Also when I think about how this is one of the very few shots in which they're both visible and (relatively) in focus.
17. "No farewells tonight." (Ep. 5)
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Mostly was insane about this when the episode first came out and I was SO. FUCKING. WORRIED. that they were gonna die in the next one.
16. "What are they doing?" (Ep. 5)
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Girlfriends who scowl together stay together (please Tony Gilroy I'm begging you).
15. Feeding the dray (Ep. 5)
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The fact that Cinta is smiling here is what makes me most crazy. Also I just adore this flash of simple domesticity with them. Ahh, what could have been....
14. "Have you heard from Cinta?" (Ep. 7)
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Vel not being able to look Kleya in the eye when she asks about Cinta makes me crazy mostly for the whole "Vel/Kleya exes" plot but of course this whole part had me jumping out of my seat on first watch.
13. "The rebellion comes first. We take what's left." (Ep. 9)
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(went all-caps way before I thought I would, maybe this one should be higher....)
12. Into the smoke (Ep. 12)
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She looks so worried when Cinta isn't where she's supposed to be and then she sprints INTO the melee while everyone else is running AWAY. I'M NOT FINE!!!!
11. At the campfire (Ep. 4)
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I swear to y'all that the first time I watched this episode and saw them sitting so close I was like "oh. hey" fully intending to ship them even if that was literally all we got. And then holy fucking shit we got everything I was too afraid to ask for. So this moment always has a special place in my heart.
10. "What's she doing?" (Ep. 4)
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It. Makes. Me. CRAZY. That the first time they share a scene together, they're literally always in the same frame.
Like....they've been connected from the VERY beginning, even if the show revealed them being together rather slowly. Also it's everything to me that the first time we see Cinta it's Taramyn asking her what Vel is up to bringing a new guy in. Because if anyone would know, it would be her.
9. "Stay focused, Clem." (Ep. 5)
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All of the territorial Vel stuff is great to me but I especially love this moment. First of all Cinta's little smirk. And also it's just so....idk it's a quiet moment of contemplation and probably anxiety but we can't not take a second to tell Clem to back off.
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I'm combining this with the "you can dress yourself" bit too because that moment just makes me laugh with how Vel's always in the background watching and then immediately jumps up to give Clem the business and use his scuffle with Skeen as an excuse to mark her territory.
8. "Closet?" "Empty." (Ep. 12)
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That bit of dialogue made my gay little self so happy and then they went and did the whole "that's blood" "it's not mine" thing and I'll never recover. Vel being so concerned that she won't even let Cinta keep packing, but then at the very end she's a little impressed/turned on??? 10/10 no notes. (okay I have one note and that's "you're really just going to leave me hanging like that for two years?????" but that's a different post)
7. "Get down!" (Ep. 6)
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Truly one of my favorite scenes in the whole show is when Vel almost loses her shit at the top of the dam. The tension is insane, her fear is PALPABLE, and I absolutely love that it's Cinta just calling her out for stalling and then yelling at her that breaks her out of it.
But the thing that makes me feel most crazy about this scene is this:
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Someone please explain to me WHY Cinta makes the jump while looking directly at Vel. EXPLAIN IT TO ME. Or else I will just continue to believe it's because part of her is scared up there too and looking at Vel is what helps her take the leap. That is a crazy thought -- I'm pretty sure she's fine -- but if it's not that then I don't get why she's even facing that way??
6. This (Ep. 8)
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THE MUSIC. THE FADE. THE SORROW. I like literally can't even talk about this one. But it does make me feel a lot how obvious it is that Vel's thoughts are soooooooooo far from the fight here:
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While at the same time there's not a thought in Cinta's head about her:
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Breaks my fucking heart.
5. "No. She didn't tell me." (Ep. 5)
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Whew. This moment. For a while I was mostly happy about this moment because it was just one more piece of evidence that they were together before that was fully confirmed.
But then my headcanon brain took over while I was writing my multichapter fic and it has been fucking me up ever since. Because I'm always going to wonder if all their drama was always going to happen the way it did or if Vel betraying Cinta's trust as a partner was some kind of breaking point.
Is that probably just me? Yes. Does it matter? Not to this ranking.
4. "She's already sharin' a blanket if that's what you're wonderin'." (Ep. 5)
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I was!!! I was wonderin'!!!!! And I will forever use this phrase as a euphemism for being a lesbian.
What I would not give........to experience this line and this shot for the first time again. Or at least know what I sounded like giving a joyous shout.
3. "Tell me you'll be alright." (Ep. 6)
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This is the one that I would probably sound the most insane trying to talk about out loud. It would be a lot of me like verbally keysmashing and somehow going "!!!!!!" out loud.
The hand-hold that saved my life? The EMOTION in their eyes when they look at each other??? Vel starting to go in for the goodbye kiss right in front of the hostages' salad but then just not????????
2. "Come away from the window." (Ep. 12)
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I have to start by talking about Vel's cute little sad grin in this scene when she's like "nice to see you too" and Cinta like glares back at her. That made me feel crazy enough but then this whole scene that I want to say I can't even put into words even though I have in fact already done it.
The desperation on Vel's part is what kills me. Not that she's desperate for attention or love or whatever people always try to pin on her here (and of course it is that to some degree) but that she's desperate to keep Cinta from losing herself. She's so desperate but all she can do is ask. All she can do is hope Cinta will turn around and take a break. And she does.
I have never screamed so loud about a scene just ending.
Whatever, it gave me something to write and I enjoyed doing that.
1. "You love me because I show you what you need to see." (Ep. 8)
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And here we are. The scene that has taken up space in my brain more than any other single thing since I saw it. I've been over it so many times. Watching and taking notes, staring at the gifs, studying the screencaps, trying to wrap my head around every little line and gesture and movement and emotion. I've spent hours on it, and I still find myself coming back to think about it and wondering if I've truly understood it all.
Just getting them reunited after Aldhani was such a relief (even though it was jarring at first to just see Cinta and be like "how the fuck did you get here?"). But then the conversation just knocked me on my ass.
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"Haven't we been apart long enough?" YES YOU HAVE!!
"We take what's left." NOOOO TAKE IT ALL
"That's cold...even for you." Stabbing me in the face would be less painful.
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And then...hearing the words "you love me" from one woman to another woman in a Star Wars show....not a book, not a comic...a show. Truly meant everything to me. I was so fucking happy to hear those words that I couldn't even process how goddamn sad the rest of it was until later. Once I did I had a stomachache for an entire week. I have one again right now.
And then it ends with the most fucking beautiful hand-hold and yet another tiny look that makes me feel crazy in and of itself (which I've done a whole post on by itself), and despite my broken heart I have hope.
If I am ever able to watch this scene and not feel seventeen emotions at once, it's over for me.
Easy number one.
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jina-juhi · 10 months
~Kim Namjoon x female reader.
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Playlist for this vibe~
• Birthday by Ten.
• make me feel by Elvis drew.
• bad drugs by King Kavalier.
• codeine by solv
• dangerous hands by Austin Giorgio.
• your body by Jimmy brown, Rovv.
Authors note :- Hey guys this is jina, introducing @covertlydark, she's my friend and from now on we both will post our content on this page. hope y'all enjoy
• Reader's pov •
"Okay, This one?" my husband asks the same thing maybe for the sixth time for the night, his voice flat and heavy.
"Noo, we'll watch this some other day. I'm not feeling it right now." My voice lowered on its own at the end of my response when I heard his exhausted sigh. But he still manages to be patient with me.
"This one? This better be the one."
"Nope. Already watched this one."
"Without me?" He raises his eyebrows at me.
"Namjoon, we watched it together." I deadpan.
He scratches his head. "Oh yeah, right. I have an idea, you stay here to get ready, and decide which one you wanna watch while I prepare the table for us, the food is here and the cake is already waiting in the fridge."
"Okay." I smile at him and at the way his brain makes quick decisions and plans, a major contrast to my indecisiveness. He mirrors a smile and his lips brush against my cheeks and give me a quick kiss.
I bury my face in between his neck and shoulder, inhaling his fresh scent of soap and shade of spice and musk. My favorite combination. His mouth touches my bare shoulder and I can feel the curve in his lips against it.
"Go wash up, birthday girl." his husky voice and hot breath fell on my skin leaving a thrill in my spine.
"Be quick or I'll eat the cake myself!" he got up and sang on his way out of the bedroom. I shake my head at his goofiness and stretch my arms on the empty bed, squealing in content.
I hop into the shower and try my best with a little time in my hands. The insta-routine with all that exfoliating and shaving always takes a toll on a girl.
I hear the ringing on my phone after I'm dressed, Seojun's name on my screen, a friend who is also my senior colleague. A frown grew between my eyebrows because one thing that Seojun surely does not do is call after working hours.
I answer while I mindlessly flatten my black flowy dress and fiddle with my necklace, Namjoon gave me last night. It is the prettiest piece of jewelry I ever owned. He slipped it around my neck while I slept in his arms last night and I woke up with a shiny turquoise stone sitting on my chest.
"Happy birthday!" a scream drills my ears from the other side of the line and then an apology, not for me but for a really angry lady. I laugh at her carelessness. "Thank you for the wish, not for the hearing aid bill."
"Oh come on. Why didn't you tell me it's your birthday? I thought you were on leave because you were going somewhere. Jin told me with a cocky-ass grin on his face. I wanted to know it from you not him..." I tune out her blabbering.
I exhale a breath annoyed at the fact that I specifically warned him not to tell anyone. But it's too late now I think he went around the office with a banner of that information because I could hear my notification box exploding.
I don't like it when too many people know about my birthday. It gets overwhelming with all the wishes and responding to everyone with an equal amount of emotion so that the person wishing me does not think I am not grateful or something. I am. I really am, the thing is I don't know how to react to them.
My excitement for my birthday is as same as my excitement for hugging a porcupine. It is just a normal day for me, not for my husband. He is filling the gaps in my lacking enthusiasm because he has got tons of it.
"...and then you know what he told me? He told me that I am not that important to you!? the man really got some nerves to say that on my face. I swear-"
"Okay okay! Calm down. You can discuss him some other time." I huff.
She scoffs and then grumbles, "no one wants to discuss him. Well anyways, I'll be out of your hair. You must be getting ready to go out, right?" exciting curiosity enters her voice. "I mean of course you are. You are THE party girl after all. Wear something sexy, that husband of yours will fall for you all over again..."
Wow, sometimes I forget about how much she talks.
"Seojun, we're not going out. We are just celebrating at home. I wanted to keep it small and simple." I cut in between her chattering.
"Oh." she was speechless after the 'oh'. I know she tried her best to make it sound less pitiful but well she failed. Yes, I've always been the party girl but I guess people change.
I didn't want to go through all that hassle of going out and posting pictures just because I am supposed to do so. I'll do all that when it feels right and when I'm in the mood to go to some fancy restaurant.
"Okay. Well, enjoy your evening. Happy Birthday again." The call ends after I thank her and assure her to call later.
Maybe I'm feeling this because I'm not in my twenties anymore. Am I getting boring? The past-me would be so disappointed, in her eyes, the present-me is lame and boring. If anyone hears this in the office maybe they'll think the same.
You are not fun anymore.
My subconscious screams. I should not have forced Namjoon to stay in today I should have listened to him. What if he thinks-
"Y/N!" I hear his voice anchoring me to earth. "I called your name three times. You okay?" he looks at me with concern but I mask my face with a smile.
"Yes. Just thinking...which one of these should I wear?" I hold up two pairs of earrings while he closed the distance between us in just two long strides.
He changed into a black shirt- with sleeves folded, shriveled up to his elbows- and black pants, looking handsome as ever even in something so simple like this. His hair was perfectly set, not blocking the view of his gorgeous face. He always leaves me mesmerized.
He wraps strong arms around my waist and tugs me closer to him, and uncountable butterflies escape dancing in my stomach. Even after five years of our marriage, he pulls out that effect on me that I know would be the same forever. Every touch, every kiss is like a first. Better than the first.
"The gold ones." his full lips touch my forehead reaping my tiny smile. "Now tell me what is really going on inside this head." he kisses the same spot again.
I sigh against his chest. "How do you always know?" I squint my eyes at him earning his soft laugh.
"Always." he simply shrugs.
He waits patiently for me while I contemplate what to say. "Am I getting boring or... lame?" the question sitting on the tip of my tongue finally made it to my lips.
He frowns and searches for my eyes but I settle them on his chest, and so do my palms. "What makes you think that?" his deep voice pins me with a question. I shrug to lighten the mood, "Nothing it's just the birthday blues hitting me. You know how I was, I used to be the girl who looked forward to going all out and having fun on birthdays. And now... I just don't feel that way."
I finally look him in the eyes and he looks at me with his soft ones with an understanding look. "Now I absolutely feel like I'm getting old." I chuckle lightly.
"Hey... you are not lame or boring. We still go out and have fun when we feel like it. Sometimes I feel the same way, to stay at home and have a good quality evening, just the two of us. That does not mean we are boring people. It simply means we can enjoy ourselves no matter what age we are or the setting is. We are just normal people in our thirties, having fun together in our own way." he finishes with a firm steady voice making me believe every word he said and cherish it, tattooed on my heart.
"Normal people," I whisper out repeating it in my head with a smile. My chest balloons with emotions. He makes me look at things from different perspectives. Good perspectives. He is the anchor of my ship in the vast sea and I will forever be grateful to him.
Now both of us smile. A real one with no masks. He hugs me tightly, healing every tiniest crack in my soul.
"Also," he moves his nose and traces along my neck to my ear. His hot breath rushes on my skin making me twitch with giddiness. "...I don't think boring people do things we do in bed or... kitchen or bathroom. Especially not the ones we did last night and this morning."
My breath gets caught. Eyes wide and lips parted at his low tone. My head replaying what he just reminded me. White silk sheets, whispered promises, his heavy breaths and grunts, his hands tracing the goosebumps of my skin, his tongue on my—
Heat rushes to the south of my body and my face. He breaks the hug to have a good look at my face and fucking laughs at my state.
I suppress my smile and slap on his buff chest. "Now if you are done thinking about obscene things then let's go I have something to show you." he covers my eyes and starts guiding me through the hallway.
"Nomjoon I don't think covering my eyes is necessary."
"Shh. Ofcourse it is. Just walk." We enter and stop in I suppose the living room.
"Okay now, ready?" He finally says.
He removes his hand and back hugs me while I open my eyes taking in the view of the living room. I gasp at the beautiful set-up he arranged, a canopy decorated with tiny fairy lights and cushions scattered under it and my favorite duvet.
He set the dinner table with plates and my favorite food, a bottle of red wine and glasses sitting next to them. Bunch of scented candles here and there, radiating warmth and light in the darkest of corners just like he fills my life, my soul, with his presence.
"Happy birthday, baby."
The pressure builds behind my eyes and in my throat constricting my words. I blink a few times to drive out the moisture in my eyes.
He settles his chin on my shoulder maybe waiting for me to say something but I'm speechless at his gesture.
"You like it?"
Like? "I love it, Namjoon. All this... It's so beautiful." my voice shakes with emotions.
"Thank you. So much. This is perfect." he turns me towards him, "glad you love it."
I lace my hands on his neck, raise on my tip-toes to make up for our height difference, and lock my lips with his soft ones. He sucks in a breath and yanks me flushed against him to deepen the kiss. His sweet taste invade my tongue.
Namjoon groans, and his hand fist the locks of my hair. His lips glide on mine and our chests glued to each other running out of oxygen. He brushes his lips against mine one last time. Breaking the kiss before it gets heated and we end up in the bed like always.
"I love you," I say in a daze.
"I love you." He says back his eyes gleaming in the candlelight and his face glowing with a golden tint. He is fucking perfect. He completes me. Every crevice in my life. We complete each other.
We sat at the table for our evening candlelight dinner. He opened the wine bottle with the cork opener and poured the content, an action that had no right to be that sexy.
"Enjoying the show?" he raises an eyebrow at me.
I hide my smile behind the glass. "Hmm, maybe." I sip the rich red liquid while soaking in the hard work he put into all this. "How did you do all this on your own? How long was I in there, four hours?"
He rasps out a laugh. "One hour. You were in there for one hour, thank god i completed it way before you walking in on me trying really hard to figure out how the hell am i supposed to hang that thing." He gestures towards the dreamy canopy. I would have loved watching him do that.
"Do you know what the most shocking part is? I didn't break anything today." He jokes. "Wow, that's a new record. I'm impressed, Mr. Kim." Our chatter and laughter mingles with the cozy air around us. We finish off what I call, the best meal I had in a long time. He sang me the birthday song while I cut the cake, his goofy playful side returning to him.
These are the little moments I treasure the most in our relationship. No grand gestures, no phones, no office talk, just us. I'll never be tired of this. Of him.
We settle ourselves under the canopy net after dinner. He brought his laptop to watch some k-drama or a movie. "Decided what you want to watch?" he asks me. "Yeah. Since today is Monday I think the new episode of the one we were watching is out by now. I'm so excited to watch that only three episodes are left."
We cuddle under the duvet. I feel safest and comfortable when he cuddles up and grips his arms around my tummy.
His chest moves subtly against my back. I feel every rumble in his torso when he laughs at something comedic. I barely pay attention to the drama. I miss reading the subtitles when the main character said something important about the story. I rewind the scene, "sorry I missed what he said."
He hums and kisses on top of my head. The scene replays but I get distracted yet again when my husband ran his hand on my stomach to my hip, giving it a squeeze before resting it there.
Well, this was not the first time. It is almost normal now. Almost, because every time he gets my mind fogged up.
I replay the scene again this time without saying anything and he too stays quiet. His hand grazes the texture of my dress, resting right on the curve of my thigh.
My mind is blank. Laser focused on his touch. And for the third time, I watch the same thing.
Great. Fucking great. I can't even read the damn subtitles.
"Can't read the subtitles, honey?" he reads my thought in a subtle mocking tone above my ear and my chest tightens.
"He is... talking too fast it's impossible to read that much within seconds." I justify after clicking pause on the screen. He hums in response in a way of saying, 'yeah right'. Not buying any shit. "What? unlike you, I have to pay attention to both the subtitles and the scenes."
Of course, living with him I have improved my Korean but I am not perfect at it.
He chuckles in his deep voice which always sinks into my heart, as deep as it is. "He barely said ten words." And just like that, I'm caught. Thick silence surrounds us, turning up the anticipation.
His lips skim over my neck. I am quiet but the sounds of our breathing fill the air.
He kisses the soft spot on my neck while his hand moves further to the hem of my dress. It takes him no time to find out that I'm already wet for him because I skipped wearing my underwear.
I exhale sharply when his cold fingers swipe between my folds. He groans in my neck, "Fuck. No underwear?" His voice is strained and breathy sending a shiver down my body. "There is no point in wearing one." I manage between my pants and focus back on his fingers working in the slowest circles.
"You're gonna kill me if you keep saying things like that so innocently."
I turn towards him to meet his mouth with mine. He props himself over me. His tall frame consumes my short one. His warmth radiates in the deepest of my soul, renewing it.
He takes away his fingers and I almost cry at the loss of contact. I whimper between our kisses. Namjoon kissed me the same as he fucks me, rough with a burning passion. Claiming me all over again.
"Take this off." He commands tugging on the cloth and making me sit. I collect my hair to side them and he took the hint to unzip me. He drags the zipper down taking his sweet time, his way of saying- you're not getting what you crave so easily.
In a quick slide, the dress comes off leaving me naked and at his mercy. The fact that I am completely bare before him and he is still in his clothes is so unfair and a fucking turn-on. I can feel myself dripping down. We haven't even started yet.
My eyes flicker down to his pants a huge bulge down his waist. I palm his erection and rub it until his breaths become short and fast. I fumble with the button and the zip to free him.
In a quick movement, he pins my hand above my head making me lay down on my back. The light from the fairy light makes his eyes glimmer. He stares down at me and I can feel the love he holds for me. A love without judgments and conditions.
"Today is all about you."
We exchange a smile. He peppers open mouth kisses on my chest. My heart thumps louder between my lungs. His tongue smooths over my skin offering my breasts his much-needed attention. His tongue flicks, licks, and laps on my hardened nipples making me moan, and giving me intense pleasure in every way possible. His hand made up for the other one twisting it between his fingers.
He reaches to my belly unhurriedly caressing the goosebumps. Sending a buzz of electricity in my body. Every touch, every caress is always filled with possession and lust.
He moves further down stopping just above the part of me begging for his touch. He lifts his head to look at me with a devilish glint.
"Click on the play button." He says.
"What?" I blurt out loudly, it sounds funny. I would have laughed at myself but I decide not to. His smile gets wider.
"Just do what I say, Y/N."
My heart will do anything he says if he takes my name in such a way. I click play and the scenes continue. I look back at him and raise my eyebrows at him to say something that's going on in his wicked mind. But instead of any explanation, he dips his head between my legs and I watch his tongue poke out to flick on my clit sending a jolt of electricity in me. He cursed under his breath when he watched how i reacted.
"You take your eyes off the screen, I take my tongue off of your sweet little pussy." He pins me with a playful look.
"But that isn't fair." My voice wavers.
"It... is" between his words, he licks a thick strip with his tongue from my wet entrance to the sensitive apex with a torturous slow speed and my mind staggers in response.
With hooded eyes I watch his beautiful lips curve up in a smirk as if he can see through my poor soul, what effect that action had in my mind, clear as a sky and the sun of reasoning clouded in an instant.
Well, he will always know what effect he has on me. Also, the sight of his face- with that wicked gleam in his eyes- between my legs, I can't expect anything else.
And I lay in a frenzy no longer able to decide what's fair and what isn't, all I wanted was his tongue on me for a lot longer than it just was.
He tips his head towards the laptop silently commanding me to focus my eyes on it, knowing me very well that I won't argue anymore.
I do what he said. Now, all I can feel is his tongue lapping on the sensitive skin making my whole body shudder and moan under his spell. He pushes one finger inside me. Perfect pressure against my walls. The sensation runs through me like an electric current. Heighten every nerve ending on its way.
The power of a slowly building orgasm force my head to watch what he's doing to me and when I turn, his sharp eyes are already watching me like a hawk.
He stops.
He fucking stopped. All that I was just feeling ruined like a sand castle in a wind. A useless heap of sand was all that was left.
"Need another chance, baby?" he speaks up cheekily. I am mad. Annoyed. It probably shows on my face because he rasps out a laugh looking at me. I will keep this in mind when he is at my mercy.
Yes is all I can say. He resumes working on my pussy after I avert my eyes to the screen barely paying attention to the story. The tip of his tongue flicks on my swollen nub and my hands clutch on the cushion for my dear life. Head trying to stay put.
Soon he adds a second finger and then a third while sucking on my clit. Speeding up and edging me towards oblivion. My breathing is harsh, familiar feeling lingering at the base of my spine.
Long gone the soft moans, and screams of pleasure left my throat. My eyes flutter close on their own.
"Eyes on me now." His voice laced with pure lust and... Oh God, the contact of his heated gaze tips me off the edge. And I come. Hard. While chanting his name and whispering how good he makes me feel. Free falling into bliss.
"That's it. Good girl." He wisphers lowly with a strained voice. My body mourns the loss of his fingers. He looks at me and licks his fingers clean, tasting me. God, this man will be the death of me.
I pant, my chest falls and rises dramatically to catch my breath. It feels like I was drowning and I just made it to the surface.
He closes the laptop with a flip. I'm still in a trance when I hear the clank of his belt. I watch him settling between my legs, opening his button and zipper to free himself from the constraint. Pushing his pants slightly down. My fingers clutched his soft hair. My heart skips a couple of beats waiting and eager for him, banging on my ribs trying to leap out.
He placed the tip of his hard cock ready to be inside me but still not giving in, making me whimper. He kisses me, burning with desire, silent permission for carrying on what we started. He pauses to look me in the eye.
"How do you want me, hm? Gentle... or do you want me to fuck you hard?"
My breath got stuck somewhere in my lungs. Without breaking the trance of his gaze, I snake my hand down to hold his cock, pushing just the tip inside me. "Fuck me. Harder." I say, earning his amused-proud smile.
He sits upright and lifts my right leg to anchor it on his broad shoulder. He pushes inside me completely, inch by inch with a steady pace. It warms my heart that even if i gave him permission to be rough with me he knows It always takes me time to adjust to his sheer size. Both of us moan because of how fucking good it makes us feel. Bodies shuttering as he finally moves once i am ready.
This time he thrusts so hard it knocks the air out of my lungs. His hand trails up my stomach to my breasts, pinching my hard sensitive nipple making me cry out his name.
"Tell me, still think the things we do are boring?" He wraps his hand around my neck with a firm delicious pressure while the other one plays with my breast.
I shake my head unable to voice out coherent words. All I can do is float in the magic he creates. I reach out for him but he is a bit far. He slows down and frees my legs and guides my arms around his neck to be closer to me. He kisses me as if it has been days without it, picking up the pace where he left off.
He is still clothed. The picture of his clothed body over my naked one doing the most intimate things is erotic to me.
Though I want to touch him. Feel him. Closer than we already are. My hands fly toward the buttons of his shirt. Undoing each one of them until my hands find their home.
His muscles ripple and his body shudders when I drag my touch slowly to the south. Feeling every curve of his criminally toned body, finally reaching his ass to feel the intensity of his thrusts. He groans out a curse.
"See what you fucking do to me? You make me so impatient, can't even wait to undress before I fuck my wife's tight pussy."
He slams inside me with immense force. I sob hearing him say these things with such ease. No holding back. His dark side resurface with teasing words laced with sin itself, pouring out of his smart intellectual mouth. It always leaves me in awe.
"Namjoon..." I can't recognize my voice as I moan his name breathlessly.
"I'm so– so close, please." Tears leave my eyes as the plea leaves my lips. His thrusts become more rough and harder. His fingers reach my clit. Firm strokes and overstimulation finally cracks through me. i surrender to the climax for the second time this evening. I lost my count for the day as our morning started early today.
"I've got you. I've always got you, baby."
My walls squeeze him tight. He grunts with every jerk. With a louder moan he finishes and empties himself inside me. I love watching him loose control, how his beautiful face twists while he gives in to the pleasure. The way his heavy breaths fall on my skin. It makes my heart swell to watch him like that. A sheen of sweat makes him sparkle. Both our bodies limp as the energy drains out along with our shattering orgasms.
He pulls out and lays beside me. He grabs a tissue and gently cleans up the hot mess we made. He always insists on doing that even after my half hearted protests.
Securing his strong arms around me he brings me closer to his heaving chest. "Tired?" He asks in a whisper while kissing lightly on my shoulder.
I weekly nod to answer. "Really? I was thinking of another round," he says and we laugh wrapped into each other, both knowing that none of us barely have the energy left to move.
"Enough orgasms for today, Mr. Kim." I mumble. I turn towards him to hug him properly. The back rubs, his breathing and the beats of his heart makes my body relax without any effort.
"So how was your birthday?" his chest vibrates with his question.
I place a kiss on his heart and with a satisfied smile I answer, "The best I ever had."
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• Author's note
~ Written by @covertlydark
Hope you like it. Do tell me in the comments if this gave you butterflies lol... or you know somthin' close to it. <3
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