#I'll post some of the more funny or interesting videos tomorrow
Breif rundown of the panel:
Talked about the DC Crossover (and that Yang and Weiss have a Type)
How different it is voicing a dub of your character who is in a lot of ways you helped create (about IceQueendom)
The actors being aware of the passage of time and that some fans started watching RWBY when they were in elementary school
Biggest growth: Weiss - identity outside of her family. Blake - trusting and rebuilding relationships. Yang - abandonment and learning people leaving isn't about you, it's about them (and a "Sorry!" From Arryn). Ruby - trusting and choosing herself, not just following roles placed on her.
Barb and Arryn thought the bees were beautiful, of course, and well paced even if Arryn was impatient having to wait 10 years.
Fave volume to voice: immediately for Lindsay and Arryn 9, Kara 9 and 4, Barb 9 and 5
Don't remember specific question (hardest scene maybe? Or hurt them the most?): Lindsay said the tea party was hard for them to voice from an acting standpoint and getting into those emotions. Kara said talking to herself and making sure the right emotions were coming through was hard. Arryn got distracted and talked about how dark it was for Neo to have nothing left and that Hawker died. She did mention the acting with Apthy was hard (and her long monologue in V5 after burning her house down). Lindsay pointed out it didn't have to be dark and that they knew the bees scene was hard because they wanted to make sure it was right. Barb said it was that no one gave her a high five. Truly, the worst thing.
They all loved Weiss's "mature" line, and joked about daddy issues, but Barb mentioned Weiss is used to dealing with things herself and would need someone who could match her.
Arryn HATES Sun's line "I knew you'd look better without the bow". "Bees are canon now, baby! Back off!"
Lindsay said Ruby helps remind her to get out there and meet more people. Barb said the love the fandom shows them and playing a confident character makes her want to be more confident.
When asked about switching bodies with characters Lindsay said Weiss so Ruby could run around the Schnee mansion. Arryn was going to say Blake and Yang but "they'd just be touching the same parts" (and she lost it). Barb suggested Zwei for her cause cat and dog switch. Barb said Raven because mommy issues and so they both could learn about each other.
Crack ships: Lindsay said Sncheekos, Arryn just likes the name Pussy magnet, Barb insisted Yang isn't straight, but Solarflare would be the ultimate bromance.
And all of them love Nora and Zwei
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wondrouswendy · 7 months
On Writing and Alan Wake Part II
[Part 1]
I was just working on polishing up chapter 15 for tomorrow's update, and I noticed my fic Out of My Hands and Into Your Heart (an Alan Wake/Fictional Alex Casey fic set prior to the events of Bright Falls) has reached over 2000 hits and over 100 kudos. I'm really happy this fic has garnered this level of interest and support, and there's still a lot of story to tell!
This fic means a lot to me, as it represents what I consider a huge chunk of growth for myself as a writer. Through this fic, I've experimented with my writing style and gone outside my comfort zone by writing in 1st person. Alan's narration throughout Alan Wake especially was always interesting to me, and it helped form his voice in my head with extreme clarity.
I still find it funny how I was watching @rangerzath work on their Alan Wake 2 review video and sharing some footage, and we both had a similar thought: there's a lot of tension between Fictional Alex Casey and Alan.
Obviously this is based on their history together, but it reminded me of the opening sequence of Alan Wake 1, where the shade is chasing Alan and taunting him about his role as a writer:
"You think you're God? You think you can just make up stuff? Play with people's lives and kill them when you think it adds to the drama? You're in this story now, and I'll make you suffer!"
I loved this dynamic between a character and their creator, and with the hindsight of seeing Casey in the Dark Place, the wheels started turning, and I wrote my original piece Kill Your Darlings and then Fanservice shortly after. Both of those one shots involved playing around with writing meta and the role between creator/creation.
It's fun to imagine what your original character might say or do if they ever met you, and it's even more fun to imagine that relationship through a romantic lens.
Alan Wake really reconfigured my brain. I've spoken about it at length, but this particular side of the Remedyverse really spoke to me as a writer. Alan and I share a lot of qualities as creatives, and I deeply sympathize with Alan's creative struggles. I've never had a piece of fiction cut so deep on such a personal level.
I didn't think I was going to reach my word count late last year for the first time since I started keeping track, but Alan Wake and this story changed that. I pushed through my writer's block and was able to reach my goal and then some last year after being inspired by Alan Wake. Watching Alan struggle in the Dark Place hit close to home, so writing about Alan's struggles while writing his Alex Casey novels felt very cathartic and familiar. Writing about a writer struggling came naturally. After all, what writer hasn't had a case of writer's block. We've all been there. I'm incredibly pleased I've been able to keep to a consistent posting schedule with Wednesdays and Saturdays. It's a great feeling, having a story finished and knowing that I have something to look forward to as much as those following the story.
It's been a long time since I've had a fic reach these stats. I'm happy to see the Alan Wake fandom's thriving and constantly moving with new works every single day. I feel very fortunate to be able to contribute to this passionate fandom alongside other talented artists and writers!!
If you've been following the fic, thank you so much for the hits, kudos, bookmarks, subs, and comments. I can't underscore enough how appreciative and flattered I am.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Everything is so quiet. I thought there'd be more promotion before the midseason finale
Well, I've been quiet because you could say I'm working on my own thing with a deadline. For what it's worth, an hour and twenty of content is exporting right now, at about 24% with just over an hour and a half remaining.
One could say I hit my development project thing out of the park, or more TPTB did because they're shooting straight through, and the only way to really illustrate it is BY updating the spiral narrative project.
I initially thought I'd get one (1) vid done by the time reflections aired and develop the rest over hiatus, the way I did with the first round of the project 4 years ago (I had started on it and released the namesake Lateralus along with episode 300, then finished developing the other 12 songs over hiatus and released them with Ouroboros, For Reasons.).
Instead, I uh. Have what I could call a 1x6 Art of Dying Edition that I'll be streaming in the server tonight and tomorrow for those interested, then once the episode drops and I can get a decent copy, update it for a few final pieces I'm waiting for and drop it Wednesday and everyone can entertain themselves picking at it for the month we're down.
So that's why *I've* been quiet. Basically I silently adjusted my deadline a while back when I realized how SMOOTH the updates went.
For those interested, beyond Grudge and Reflections that were *also* updated on S15 hiatus (and shelved when things smelled funny, before being sent. somewhere.), what mostly worked was actually re-establishing the base premise.
S1-13 spiral narrative
S14 Master Track (including post-Ouroboros updates), and S15 itself becomes a List Of Processes in alchemy, which then tag in over the master tracks of Season 14 and The Winchesters running tandem, trying to find the proper order.
...and you could say some metanarrative framing.
It's. It's a lot. It's 333 episodes shuffled to mythic math and 4 years of video development so. If people like my shit, damn, you about to be entertained af.
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hospitalterrorizer · 3 months
sunday - monday
we have to go out to a friend's birthday tomorrow so i am doing an all nighter.
it's going. well or bad, idk, i'll see how i feel tomorrow i guess, i feel crazy and loopy right now though.
i did some more work on the cover art, got the text sorted i think, which is really fun, and i got a new gimp plugin to make text along path go way smoother and that makes me very happy, it makes it a lot more fun to work w/ so i'll probably fool with that more. i also got a new font, the one used in this:
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i also wrote another song today, it's just fun to write stuff. i need to write words! i actually need to get some stuff together for publication soon, almost forgot about that, can't forget about that. the only thing holding that back is i need to get a bio written and i feel like it needs to be like, kind of professional or like, not professional, just not so casual i guess. idk. i guess what do i actually think people need to know about me? like, nothing, i want to be nothing, just words on the page. maybe i should just take the one i used in ergot again? i might as well try honestly. 'nothing in particular,' is accurate. there's no detail worth transmitting really. i guess it's bizarre to do that while writing a diary. it's really just that there's a gulf, or not a gulf, but it feels like a gulf, it's a strange geology in my life, there's nothing here other than everything here, it feels like a lie to not talk about the everything, so if i can't, i must admit that there's nothing else other than the activity of living, that's all i care about anyway, or it's what i feel tethered to, all warmth is from the friction of that.
it's just weird. nothing in particular is all that feels applicable.
ok, i need to just sleep, it's 8 pm now and i can hardly keep my eyes open or think straight, i'm like, getting weird visions. i guess i hope i have interesting dreams come out of this or something.
i just watched this video by frog power where he ranks all his albums and talks about them a bit, but he privated the vid. i really liked it though, i was gonna post it here. it's funny how he talks about his music sucking, or thinking it sucks, what i've heard doesn't, and one album he says is average i think is really special. he is a truly strange man.
one thing, is not sleeping makes me feel super super super ugly. hopefully sleeping now won't make me wake up too early or i can just go back to sleep. wwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. i did want to do more on the cover rn kinda but i don't think it'd really be wise to start trying to do a figure drawing rn tbh. that might drive me insane.
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gaming · 3 years
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I posted 231 times in 2021
6 posts created (3%)
225 posts reblogged (97%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 37.5 posts.
I added 136 tags in 2021
#fandometrics - 34 posts
#video games - 15 posts
#gaming - 14 posts
#genshin impact - 14 posts
#acnh - 13 posts
#animal crossing - 11 posts
#minecraft - 10 posts
#pokemon - 9 posts
#botw - 8 posts
#destiny 2 - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 65 characters
#thinking about how we haven't played this yet on this fine day 😭
My Top Posts in 2021
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Bryan Dechart and Amelia Rose Blaire are celebrating the third (!!) anniversary of Detroit: Become Human with a marathon stream of the full game on PS5 tomorrow, 5/25, starting at 10 a.m. PST. Check out the full stream on their Twitch channel for a chance to win some awesome prizes and collectibles!
191 notes • Posted 2021-05-24 20:04:45 GMT
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Meet the Artist: Nathengyn
Hi, I’m Lina Nguyen/Nathengyn, and you can find me by that handle just about everywhere! I’m an ESL teacher by day and a digital artist by night. I love to make both fanart and original art, and I tend to flit around from fandom to fandom, drawing whatever and whoever catches my interest. Mostly, though, I want to create art that inspires people. When I’m not drawing or sleeping, I can be found reading (probably fanfic or manga), gaming, or napping.
Thanks for sharing your art with us, Lina! For more incredible work, check out and follow @nathengyn!
1218 notes • Posted 2021-06-24 15:30:00 GMT
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Meet the Artist: Vanillafry
All month long, we’ll be highlighting some of our favorite women gaming fan artists on Tumblr. Check back every Monday in March for an introduction to these talented ladies.
Hey there, Vanillafry here! I'm a 22-year-old biracial artist from Singapore currently studying animation at a local university. My studies may keep me busy most of the time, but I still very much love to draw fan art for my favorite anime and video games. Nice to meet you!
Thanks for sharing your art with us! For more of her incredible work, check out and follow @vanillafry!
2120 notes • Posted 2021-03-15 16:02:45 GMT
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Meet the Artist: Renkkai
All month long, we’ll be highlighting some of our favorite women gaming fan artists on Tumblr. Check back every Monday in March for an introduction to these talented ladies.
Hello, I’m Renkkai (or Ren), and I’m a freelance illustrator and character designer based in Spain! My dream as an artist is to work in many, many different capacities, such as game artist, character designer, VTuber artist, book illustrator, and self-publisher. Right now, I am trying to polish my 3D skills too! I like keeping myself busy and always like to plan my drawings days ahead, even if I sometimes fall behind schedule. I also take great inspiration from video game soundtracks! Nice to meet you all!
Thanks for sharing your art with us, Ren! For more of her incredible work, check out and follow @renkkai!
2122 notes • Posted 2021-03-22 16:02:50 GMT
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Indie Game Spotlight: Stratospiel
We're exploring the colorful and mysterious world of Stratospiel in this week's Indie Game Spotlight! Stratospiel is an upcoming turn-based RPG that follows the journey of a child who awakens on a strange planet with no memories and is faced with a vast array of enemies and the choice to either destroy or befriend them. The choices you make will impact the tone and outcome of this story. We caught up with Stratospiel's designer, writer, programmer, and composer, Vaughn Haynes, to learn more.
Stratospiel is reminiscent of other turn-based RPGs like Earthbound and Undertale—was Stratospiel inspired by either? Were there any other games that inspired you during the development process?
It's funny—I've been told by my friends that the game has a lot of Earthbound vibes, but I've never actually played any of the Mother games. I'll definitely have to as soon as I'm finished making this game :) I can say with confidence that this was very much inspired by Undertale, though. I played that for the first time on my Switch back in February 2020 and was absolutely blown away. I've wanted to make a video game forever but always backed down when I saw how much of an undertaking it is. Once I found out that Undertale was primarily made by one guy, I was like, "yeah, I can do this," and finally got to work learning how to code and all that fun stuff. Undertale has a huge influence on Stratospiel, with its defining mechanic—acting/sparing the monsters—being implemented here. In a broader sense, though, I'd say the Mario & Luigi RPG series has had the biggest influence. I played Bowser's Inside Story as a kid, and I loved how fast-paced the battles were without losing that feeling of RPG strategy. I also liked how the items you used in battle were also used to manipulate the overworld. Stratospiel's battle system is a happy marriage between those two games' battle systems. Other games that influenced Stratospiel are the WarioWare and Ace Attorney games—absurd humor is my favorite, and that has definitely worked its way into Stratospiel.
See the full post
2283 notes • Posted 2021-07-22 14:00:39 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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nongnaos · 2 years
Liveblogging atots episode 5!
(I have to take an unexpected trip to the beach tomorrow so oh nooo I'm gonna have to watch more atots now..)
(Edit: Did I watch both these eps staying up til 2am last night, write up these posts while watching, get up late to go to the beach and forget to actually schedule the posts for a decent hour? Yes. The beach was beautiful though.)
"Are you afraid I'll die" this seems like a very reasonable fear, Tian, you were on the floor clutching your chest. Boys be like "I'm fine" and then need major surgery.
P'Aof! Love a P'Aof cameo, can't wait to watch a reaction video to see how hard he cringes. Surely one exists.
Once again Dr. Nam best boy, best wingman, subtle as a brick. Love to see it.
"I don't think we can do good deeds to erase bad deeds" oh boy I smell the mental turmoil.
Mr. Sakda is gonna shank you, sorry Tian.
Tul/Tian friendship so cute!
Horny flashback product placement 😂
Tian: "Everything is awful and I love it!" Tul: 😐🤨
Oh no, Chief is waiting for him, he's a lovelorn puppy of a man!
I really love the dynamic of the army ranger group, they seem so genuinely like friends. I'm curious about their age gaps.
Drunk Yod is making me laugh so hard ajdjak, this group will definitely make you confront your feelings.
The mood shift from Tul being like "you're gay. You're gay for him. You're gay in your heart. You are just gay" and Tian's "fine, I guess 🙄😔...... 😌 ok let me gush about how mean he is, it's so funny and I like him so much!😄". Absolutely precious.
Oh no the mean guys! In for a penny, in for a shanking we knew was coming.
"Totally support you being gay but I am gonna have to gossip about it to our friends" Tul is getting up there with Dr. Nam in terms of best boys with 0 chill. You know that tiktok of the guy whose straight friend sets his notification to the grinder notif sound so he can find gay people to set up with his friend and he's like "thats so weird and sweet.. what is happening.. thank you"? Dr. Nam and Tul are both that overly helpful straight friend.
It's hilarious to me how Chief has been flirting this whole time and clearly it's working but he's still gonna take Nam's advice and make it awkward.
Sharing a banana, the latest gay euphemism. 🍌
"How do you smile at someone you're interested in?" *grimaces* "that's why you're single" buddy go easy on him, he's trying 🥲
"You're over 30, don't sit on the fence about your feelings" could I... could I get more over-30 queer dating advice pls Dr. Nam? 👉👈 the girlies are struggling. (I'm girlies)
Literally burying my face in a teddy, I can't handle this, just kiss already, I'm getting heartburn from this I swear.
Forever jealous of Drake's eyebrows tbh.
Chief is smiling at Tian being a nerd! He's making mild innuendos! I physically cannot handle any more loving eye contact!! Someone has to do something soon pls jesus give us the gay kisses we deserve 🙏
The wind was clearly going in a different direction but anyway! Fly your kite against the wind. There's something so sweet and like humble about him throwing the flower in the air to check the wind direction though. Like that's just what you do. All the world over people are throwing little bits of grass in the air before flying a kite, everyone is the same when it comes down to it and home could be anywhere.
"I'm also strong" prove it Chief, lift him up. Do some squats. Be shirtless while you do it 😏
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Pairing: MusicProducer!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13; Alcohol Consumption, Fluff
Word Count: 2,037
Synopsis: Reader gets asked what is the most romantic thing she could dream of Bucky doing for them, Bucky pulls out all the stops with the help of their friends.
Info: This goes out to @imerdwarf who inspired this little work. One of my all time favorite songs and videos growing up was Take On Me by a-ha. I knew this had to be written. Thank you @jacobs-pup for some help! The dividers are provided by @firefly-graphics. Sorry this was written on my phone, and posted from my phone I cannot add not read more. (Laptop is broken.) I hope you enjoy this!
*Моя Маленькая звезда — My Little Star (according to google translation)*
Y/H/C = Your Hair Color
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Taylor Swift's voice blared through the flat as the final coat of Berry Naughty was drying on Y/N’s fingers. Looking down at them, she was oblivious to Darcy, Wanda and Natasha talking with their eyes and sitting down at the coffee table around her, staring at her. Y/N was the topic of their non-existent conversation and Natasha, clearly getting annoyed, rolled her eyes, got her phone out, setting it on the table and finally catching the other girl’s attention.
“Моя Маленькая звезда, now that we have your attention, we have a few questions for you.” Natasha smirked as she set down four shot glasses, starting to fill them with premium vodka. Y/N felt a chill run down her spine, both trying to recall anything she had done since the last girls night and whether she had anything to do tomorrow. When the vodka came out, the wills and ability to do anything the next day were impossible.
“Way to scare her. Is it not yours and Bucky’s four year anniversary on Friday?” Darcy made grabby hands for the first shot as she looked at Y/N, one eyebrow up with a smile on her face. Y/N laughed as she took her shot from Natasha, clinking with Wanda. She was worried for no reason. She quickly downed the shot and the burn was felt all the way down to her stomach.
“Yeah, four years, holy shit, can you guys believe it? It feels like just yesterday we were at the cafe, studying for finals, and he passed me that note asking me to be his girlfriend,” she sighed dreamily, leaning her head on the palm of her hand with a smile.
She had kept that very note in every wallet she’d owned so those days when things got hard, when they fought, or when she just needed a smile, it was there. That note was a reminder of Bucky’s love for her.
“He’s always been a sap, no?” Wanda started to pour more vodka into the shot glasses, lifting hers and clinking with Darcy as Natasha shook her no.
“My brother did not become a sap till he fell for Y/N, before that he was more of a laid and ditch 'em type.” Both Darcy and Y/N found their jaws dropping to the floor, before Natasha shrugged and motioned for them to take their shots. Y/N tapped her glass on the top of the table and leaned back, the burn hitting fast once again.
“Anyway. Y/N, what is something so romantic you wish would happen to you? Like, something that you’ve always dreamed about, but would never dare bring up to Bucky because you think he would laugh at you or just brush you off?” Wanda passed out mini cans of Ocean Spray cranberry juice along with candy bars, while maintaining eye contact with Y/H/C.
Biting her lip, a habit of her which she had been trying really hard to break, she sat there, thinking, trying to decide if she would admit her main desire or lie. Natasha could tell a lie from a mile away and Wanda had always been able to read her, so there was no use in lying.
“Okay, so you know I have a thing for 80’s music? Well I’ve always wanted to have Bucky pick up his acoustic guitar and sing Take On Me by a-ha, nothing could be more romantic than that. Extra points if he wears that leather jacket his mom got him for Christmas, because that just does things for me.” Y/N started to pour shots of vodka as blood rushed to her cheeks and her body heated up from all the attention on her. She was so focused on pouring shots she didn’t notice Natasha fiddling with her phone.
“Interesting, now do you think we should have something to eat? I’m thinking we should order a little bit of something from all our favorite places and have a smorgasbord.” Clinking her shot glass with Y/N’s, Natasha pulled it to her lips, knocking it back in one go. The girls didn’t ask her to elaborate, and it was like that girls night was back to being a girls night, gossiping, talking about TV shows and complaining about work.
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*6 Day’s Later Bucky P.O.V.*
Bucky stepped back and looked around the living room, the stringed lights Darcy had provided from her and Steve’s wedding hung from the ceiling, providing mood lighting. Candles that Natasha had found were burning all throughout the apartment, reminding him of that day when he had asked Y/N out. Sitting on the back of the couch was the leather jacket his mother gave him for Christmas, waiting to be put on till last minute.
His palms were clammy from nerves. He needed things to go perfect, because the past four years he had with Y/N had been the best four years of his life. She loved him, supported his dreams of wanting to be a writer and music producer, encouraged him when times were hard, looked at him with adoration, and she never gave up on him. He loved Y/N so much, it ached the days they were apart when she was working in DC for Senator Potts as her personal assistant, but, when she came home, he felt whole. She made the days worth it, she made love worth it.
“Bucky, Darcy said she just dropped Y/N off.” Steve, Bucky’s best friend handed him his leather jacket, along with his acoustic guitar that Y/N had gifted him for this past birthday. She has gotten it signed by the music legend Bruce Springsteen, when he had done a charity show thrown by Senator Potts and her husband Tony. Needless to say he cherished this acoustic guitar greatly and showed it off to anyone who stopped by the apartment for the first time.
Steve took a seat at the piano that sat under the TV, leaving room for his best friend to sit beside him. Bucky strapped the acoustic to his body as he pulled the guitar pick from his jean pocket before he sat down, he let out a long breath. Never before was he so thankful for the elevator being broken in the apartment building than he was in that moment.
Bumping shoulders with his best friend, Steve pressed a few keys on the piano getting his attention. “You got this, don’t sweat it.” Bucky just nodded his head before moving his neck side to side, cracking it, making Natasha who stood in the corner of the room with her camera chuckle. Bucky out of reflex, showed his middle finger to his adopted sister, she stopped when they heard keys go into the lock of the door and the key chains rattle.
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*Y/N’s P.O.V*
Y/N pulled her key out and threw it in her open purse as she grabbed her suitcase from the hallway, it had been a really long 3 days in D.C. helping Senator Potts with her speech, of the announcement for the run for president. Pushing the front door open, she called out to Bucky but soon noticed the lights were out, minus beautiful sets of string lights hanging from the ceiling. Immediately soft acoustic guitar was playing as she hung her purse up making her turn around in a rush, where she found Bucky sitting at the piano bench beside Steve, whose back was to her.
“Talking away. I don't know what I'm to say. I'll say it anyway. Today's another day to find you. Shyin' away. I'll be coming for your love, OK? And… Take on me. Take me on. I'll be gone. In a day or two.” Y/N gasped immediately as she realized what Bucky was doing as she walked her way into the middle of the room.
“So needless to say. I'm odds and ends. But that's me, I'm stumbling away. Slowly learning that life is OK, and. Say after me. It's no better to be safe than sorry.” As Bucky serenaded Y/N, tears slowly started to weld up in her eyes.
“And… Take on me. Take me on. I'll be gone. In a day or two.” As Steve took over playing his piano solo, Bucky stole a quick peck on the lips from Y/N before quickly sitting back down at the piano bench.
“And oh, things that you say. Is it life or just to play my worries away? You're all the things. I've got to remember. You're shyin' away. I'll be coming for you anyway. Take on me. Take me on. I'll be gone. In a day or two. I'll be gone. In a day or two. In a day or two.” Ending the song with a smile on his face, Bucky looked Y/N in the eyes, who was looking straight back at him with adoration and a matching smile. Taking his acoustic guitar off, Bucky placed it behind as Y/N walked into his arms placing a kiss in his neck, breathing thank you to him.
When they eventually pulled apart Bucky wiped her tears, smiling at her as he got down on one knee. Y/N eyes starting to grow big, her hands again going over her jaw as she kept saying no over and over again.
“Bucky, are you kidding? This isn’t funny.” His hands reached up to grab Y/N’s from her face a dopey smile on his face the same one he gave her every morning they woke up beside each other, the same one he gave her when she made him a fresh cup of coffee, the same smile he gave her when she said I love you to him.
“Darling, it’s been four of the best years of my life, and I would like to think not just mine but ours. You make getting out of the bed in the morning not a chore, eating vegetables, worth it because I’ll live longer just to spend more time with you. You support my love for music and my career when some of my family had their doubts. It’s been an honor to watch you grow into one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever met. So courageous, hard working, loving and charitable. I would be one lucky guy to get to spend the rest of my time with you, so I guess what I’m trying to get to is.” Bucky leaned on his left knee as he reached into the right front pocket of his jeans to pull out a ring box opening it up to show a beautiful sterling silver garnet ring.
“Y/N Y/L/N would you do the honor of spending the rest of our lives at my side whether it’s here in Brooklyn or Georgetown, I can’t picture it without you.” Y/N pulled Bucky up by the collar of the leather jacket she loved so much and kissed him on the lips. Natasha and Steve whooped at the couple making Bucky chuckle as they continued to kiss, tears of joy streaming from Y/N’s eyes. Bucky slipped the ring onto her ring finger as they pulled apart smiles on their faces.
“I would be honored to become Y/N Barnes. Who told you?” Y/N looked down at her ring then back at Bucky who motioned hand to his sister who stood to the far corner of the room holding the camera filming the engagement for their families. Natasha waved as Y/N laughed recalling the Saturday night where the girls had questioned her.
“You are right, the voice memo app really does come in handy.” Y/N laughed when she realized that Natasha had recorded the questioning and must have sent it to her boyfriend, now fiancé, to help plan this. Thanking her soon to be sister-in-law, Y/N turned to Steve and hugged him and thanked him for making her romantic dreams come to life.
Bucky pulled her back towards him and hugged her close to his body kissing the side of her face, “I love you, and I can’t wait to spend forever with you.”
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sayitaliano · 2 years
30+1 days Challenge w/ @lovelybluepanda
Everyday this month (May 2022), me and @lovelybluepanda will share our personal finds and opinions on a specific subject we decided beforehand. You can join us too in the comments or simply by tagging us in your post!
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I have become such a sucker for movies and films... I am leaving so many books behind! I really cannot read anymore (but spoiler: I'll tell you about this tomorrow).
I've grown up being a lot into photography: my father used to shoot a lot and I took up this habit of stopping moments with my camera (one of his friends gifts me a little one when I was a toddler, not even going to school probably). From photography, and talking with a friend who has the same passion, I moved on movies: the photography used there, the composition of the images, speak so loud in a movie, much more than the dialogue itself. It all gave me a new perspective on movies' meanings, and directors' povs. Not to mention about the coloring (already did, lol). But anyway... I want to leave you this link to a youtube's channel called Slim Dogs that is all based on movies and directors, and how specific scenes were created and other funny and also interesting stuff realted to this world. These guys are from Rome, you can hear the accent but also some slang words; they're so good at what they do that is impossible to not follow them: they release a video each friday (last friday's one was all about how some scene of the recent The Batman were made + spoiler with the final scene). Slim Dogs Production has been created by Cane Secco (I already mentioned both in my Italian youtube's suggestions), they do photography and videos (but also small movies) for the most different target: mvs, tv advertisments, public events and so on...
Vocabulary: movie/film = il film scene = la scena director = il/la regista photography = la fotografia film studio = casa di produzione point of view = il punto di vista dialogue = il dialogo prompts = i suggerimenti shooting a scene = girare una scena
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calciferstims · 2 years
ohh its fine, dont worry! but, doesnt tumblr do that automatically nowadays? put posts under a cut? i seen posts being put under a cut, but granted, idk if they do it themselves or nah lol.
yoooo legit same here!! i wasnt sure what it was about at all before i began watching it, i do like going into some stuff completely blind, having no idea whats it about and so on. i feel like it makes stuff more funny to watch? ayo if you into pirate stuff, idk if you into watching anime though, but if you lowkey are you may like it hahah. its actually really funny.
yall, i was watching so much anime these past days being sick that i legit have burnt tf outta them lol...now im just barely getting through one episode of any im watching and im like "ehhhh...thats gonna have to be it for today. maybe even for tomorrow" lmao. all i been watching is, seriously the fucking youtube shorts. its an evil cycle though, bc i'll go into it thinking "just one, this one that im clicking im gonna watch" and then the scrolling begins, until its the semi same videos popping up then i'll quit.
i agree, and i aint no fan, but i wanna know what the hell happened. whole set too uncomfy to release what happened lmaoo 😂
oh my god what a coincidence lmfao. "french izzy cant hurt you" LMFAOOO. 😂 what the hell was just witnessed LMFAOOO WHAT WAS THAT?? it sounded like all he made was some strange noises and then ohzzee OHHHZZZZEEE!!
absolutely wild to think someone being given a whole ass ship at the age of 17, thats crazy! i lowkey do wonder, bc im dumb lmfao fr i am, how does people know that people like this existed way back then. like what are the 'proofs' or whatever of them having existed. like how do they know their names too. not to be a creep but i lowkey thought you was like 18. SORRY IF THAT WAS WEIRD TO SAY. 😳
yea! they legit be puking out all these kinds of emojis but NO CAPY??? illegal! CRIMINALITY EVEN!
oh? do tell me what you'd think he could do worse lmfao, im curious... 😳 LMFAOOO you legit speak of him like you know him in person! plot twist: yall related and he is your uncle. 😳😳 hahaha jkjk!
what if you sent in some suggestions of what he could do, and the crew working on it was like "oh my...these are some good ideas lettuce try them out!" 😂
hope you have a good day! ~🐨
HIII NONNY boy oh boy did I go through an Event on the izzy hands front lmaoooo but let’s get to that in a minute shhsghs
ohh yeah I forgot that tumblr cuts off long posts now bc I’m pretty sure I just turned that feature off lmao
aw burnout’s no fun!! :( especially with something you like that much. just take it easy I think 😌 don’t push yourself to watch anything yknow
and yeah it’s crazy to think about pirating at that age!!! to answer your question I think most of our solid information about people back then is based on like surviving documents and stuff (like I’m pretty sure I found something that had a court trial involving Israel Hands?? Idk) but there’s also a lot from like, random books about pirates, which we can’t even be sure about the validity of those sources 🤔 it’s interesting to think about. but like I figure a lot of that stuff is passed down through fancy tales and stories especially when it comes to the really famous pirates. like, israel hands wasn’t that big but he did work under blackbeard, so 🤷
and don’t worry about it 😅 I’m not 18 yet sadly but you’re only a year off on that one so. no big deal lmao
anyways yeah but ON THE TOPIC OF THE DADDY THING AND CON LMAOOO so I was lowkey (highkey) freaking out recently because there was a convention :O Con O’Neill and another actor from OFMD appeared at a comic con and did a panel and I lost my MIIND lmao 😂😂 it was the first time I’ve ever gotten to hear Con really talk about Izzy since he hasn’t done any interviews for ofmd and it was super exciting!!! Plus I’m just hyperfixated on Con too so it was like. CAL HYPERFIXATION EVENT EXTREME MODE GHSHSHHS I was bouncing off the walls
he did actually talk about the daddy bit!! 😂 turns out it was indeed improvised by him on the spot and he didn’t even really register that he was doing it until he heard the words come out of his mouth GHSHSHJSJS. he then proceeded to full on growl ‘daddy’ into the mic bc he’s insane like that sggsgshsb
he also joked about taking his shirt off REPEATEDLY during the whole thing so like. I feel like that just answers your questions about this man lmaooo he’s so funny to me
I think he knows how obsessed people are with him at this point and it’s just given him FAR too much power. If he was that crazy in ofmd season 1 WITHOUT a rabid fanbase behind him I cannot fucking wait to see how insane and hilarious he could be in season 2 with all this added confidence.
but yeah there was soooo much going on that day gshsggsvs the pictures were hysterical and he said some stuff about Izzy that just made me want to laugh and cry and go insane,, I was actually thinking like damn where is my anon friend I must talk to them!!! 😂😂
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here is my insane lil man with his fellow actor ^^^ sghshhs I’m obsessed with them
really hope you’re doing well!!!!! also forgot to say this but I think just going into a show without knowing anything ab it is so funny 😂 especially with anime like who knows WHAT is gonna happen lmaoo
thank u for chatting again!!
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breitzbachbea · 3 years
👨‍👧‍👧 Do you tell people in real life that you write fic?
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
/ @fireandiceland (there were so many others I also wanted to send but I settle for these two for now ^^)
Oh Riva, feel free to send more for me to answer tomorrow!
Fanfic Ask Game
👨‍👧‍👧 Do you tell people in real life that you write fic?
Oh yeah! Like, I wouldn't send my grandma my ao3 account, but I talk rather freely about writing as a hobby and say where one can find me if they want to read my stuff. I usually don't talk about what I write more specifically, because talking about fanfic with someone outside a fandom just isn't very interesting to me.
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
Let's get one non-Hetalia related thing out, because my entire ao3 profile is either Hetalia, my original characters from my Hetalia AU "Like Father Like Son" (LFLS) or the OCs of my beloved friend Jonah.
I reread Soul Eater last year and read some excellent GiriJasu Fanfics to the point I had an idea for one myself. I even have some dialogue snippets still in my notes app, but sadly, I don't think I'll ever write it :') WIP list for LFLS too long and hyperfixation on Hetalia/my OCs burning too bright.
So back to my regular scheduled bullshit - Hetalia/LFLS
There are a lot of characters I'd like to write. The problem with LFLS is that the worldbuilding always requires every nation to have two right hands for me to consider international relations properly. Means I can't just have a character without their two closest allies, besties, worsties, their dreamteam. I however also keep telling myself NO new OCs, because I already have too many and this AU is wildly out of control already.
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But I have been reading way too much fanfiction that features aph Egypt & been thinking too much about how much more I could do with Turkey's neighbours & old acquaintances, so have my ramblings under the cut anyways:
- I was thinking of a followup for The Amulet of both of them running to other people - Michele in Herakles' case and Mohamed (Egypt) in Sadık's. This was also inspired... well, the root of all of this is honestly me reading too many TurGre fanfics with the Egyptian in it, even some TurGregypt stuff. (Which also means that if I ever write this, I have to fold and make Egyptians. SIIIIIIGH.) ALSO, sidenote about that - Love the idea of Turgypt or Turgregypt in this. I'm so sorry though, because the other thing I fucking loved in the fanfics was Mohamed always being the second fiddle, the only one next to Herakles, but still not there. And he knew it. So I also do wish him that he actually found a more stable, nice partner in here. Presents us with 3/4 possibilities though: 1. His partner is not down to clown whatsoever. Mohamed is off-limits. 2. His partner IS down to clown and foursome shenanigans continue to ensue. (If it worked with SicIre, why stop there.) 3. His partner would be down to clown with ONE of them, but not both. Now, I'm sure Sadık has made enemies enough that it'd be easy to find someone who's give Herakles a thumbs up, but not the Turk. However, it would be so infinitely funnier therefore to find someone who says yes to Sadık but isn't here for Herakles. "Oh yeah, I could go for a hatefuck with Sadık, but I don't know about the Greek."
- Here are some more ideas about potential right hands for both Egypt and Iran/Persia:
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- Recently sent Jani a voice note about how funny it would be if the OLD right hand of Mohamed (who must have already worked for his parents, at least) brought the other, younger one into business ... and they had this dynamic: "I should have left you on that street corner where you were standing." "But you didn't!" (If you don't know this video, do yourself the favour and watch it.)
- Also this post about a potential right hand for aph Iraq. I know nothing about Iraq and would super love to have a good reason to learn more; I would need someone else's aph Iraq OC though, because I'm not making any new aph OCs these days.
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kitkatisinspace · 3 years
𝗜𝗻𝗳𝗼 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗺𝗲 𝗯𝗰 𝘄𝗵𝘆 𝗻𝗼𝘁
Hello stranger! Welcome to my blog and to my pinned post, in this case. You are probably reading this because you are stalking me or considering to follow me (if you are not you should consider it y'now?), so keep reading. Also if you see this on your dashboard this works better on the "web" blog I don't know how to say it. Like, when you go to the url.com that thing. So go, what are you waiting for?
I'll put a cut because this is infinite. I don't want you to be scrolling till death if you don't want to read. I recommend reading it though. Well, if you're already a mutual you don't have to.
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𝓑𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓬 𝓭𝓪𝓽𝓪
First off, you can call me Kat! I have my name in the blog title but anyway, it could be useful.
Any pronouns. I'm agender and I don't have preferences for pronouns, so as you like, I don't really mind.
English is NOT my first language, expect a lot of mistakes. I usually check a couple of times what I post, but sometimes I'm too lazy to do it. This post is the best example (I'm not checking and I won't do it).
I get bored easily. That's it that's the point.
I don't know what else to put here, I'm a dumb bitch. What do people even put on these? I'm just improvising, sorry.
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𝓐𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓶𝔂 𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓰
Surprise! I don't know how to draw, I don't know how to write and I don't know how to communicate with people! Have I mentioned that my English sucks? No? Well, there you have, then.
I can't be on two fandoms or like two shows at the same time (in this case), so don't expect me to post about anything else that isn't JoJo's. Also, expect tons of shitpost or me just talking about things that happen to me.
Every now and then I post something interesting, but not that much. My two most popular posts are an Araki drawing of Caesar and Joseph and a comment on TikTok about Stardust Crusaders and how fucking sad it is.
I used to talk a lot about DIO. Now I don't do it much, but just wait till I rewatch Stardust Crusaders. My gallery is filled with pics and videos of DIO, just you wait.
Caejose is my current brainrot, but I don't post much about it because I suck at headcanons. I think about old Caesar in Stardust Crusaders a l o t, but I just imagine specific scenarios, so that's why I don't post them (oh shit I just had a déja-vu).
I sometimes post about my dreams, when I'm not too embarrassed of them. I once dreamed with Abbachio poledancing, another one with Bucciarati and me in a jacuzzi and the last one I had I was hiding with Caesar in some secret place, I don't remember the context. My dreams are elite I don't care what y'all say.
I love tag and ask games, so feel free to tag me. I'm bored 80% of the day. If you like you can leave a random ask, I don't mind. Actually, I like random asks. Do it.
Also, I have like "sections" of my blog, like tags. "Kat draws" where I... post my sketches???, "Kat is mad" where I just post random stuff I'm mad at, "Kat kats"... I don't know what this is about it's me in my most pure state, that's why it's called "kats". I had to invent a verb.
If you see this tag ":]" on a post (most likely to be sth about DIO), hell is going to unleash on the rest of the tags. You can check it for yourself just by searching it on my profile.
Everyone is welcomed here and I want y'all to feel safe on my blog, unless...
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𝓓𝓸 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽...
(I have to fix this part but it's 1 am I'll do it tomorrow ig)
If you are or support proshippers, this is not your blog, I'm sorry. I'm not comfortable with you around here.
If you are TERF/rad-fem. I don't share your ideals, sorry. I'm not comfortable with you around here either.
If you are or support pedophiles, racist, homophobic, transphobic people. Don't be an asshole please, open your eyes.
I want this to be a safe place for everyone and you are a threat to my goal.
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𝓕𝓾𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓲𝓷𝓯𝓸 𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓶𝓮
Well, you can skip this, this will be long.
I'm dumb af, you can notice in many of my posts but it's important to get this clear before starting.
I'm a minor. I don't mind adults interacting as long as they aren't weird and aren't mentioned in my do not interact. Thank you.
Sometimes I'm too friendly, but please do not misundertand my words. I'm aro and I don't want any relationship. Sorry if you're uncomfortable with how I talk, just tell me and I'll stop.
I think I'm funny but I'm not.
I don't know how to communicate with people. I don't even know how to do it in my mother language, I don't know what you are expecting from me. I'd love to talk to you if you want though, I just suck and I'll probably run out of things to tell after 2 minutes of chatting.
I vent sometimes, but just trivial things. I think I do not have any TW to put like, in the general blog. If it is one, I'll put it on the specific post.
I get obsessed over a specific series, anime or book and I stick with it for months. In that time, I can't watch any other series or anime that isn't the one that I'm obsessed with at the moment. Right now I'm on my JJBA obsession.
Also, I've just watched the anime parts. I would start reading the manga, but I'm waiting for the Stone Ocean anime release. I don't know if I could wait til then though.
My personality type is INTP in MBTI and 5w4 in Enneagram. I was True Neutral in Alignment but I did the test on January. I have to do the tests again. By the way I know this tests aren't 100% accurate but it's the unstoppable need to try to know myself that keeps me inspiring me to do them on repeat, don't mind me. Annnd because I'm too lazy to read all the personalities one by one.
I don't know if anyone wants my Discord, but here it is anyways:
I usually forget things a lot so expect a bunch of "I was going to say/complain about something but I forgot what it was".
I had more things to put on here but I forgot so this section will be constantly updated.
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𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝔀𝓱𝔂
Again, the unstoppable need to know myself. Here's my kinwheel:
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If you don't know how this works, in the centre is my main kin, then medium or highkey kins and lastly, the lowkey ones.
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Get my blood sucked by DI- Oh no I shouldn't say this publicly sorry
That's it that's the section.
Recommend books and songs thank you
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𝓣𝓻𝓪𝓭𝓮 𝓸𝓯𝓯𝓮𝓻
I think that's it by now. Thank you for doing it this far! Now, can we be mutuals? Or besties maybe? I don't have much to offer, but here is my visual representation:
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If you want to know about my JJBA opinions search the tag #jjba 30 day challenge. I left it on day 6 but I'll continue soon. I promise.
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Well, now's definitely over. I hope you see me as a cool person because that's my goal in life. Also, I'm praying for this shit to work well on my blog, this ain't Amino.
Have a nice stay! Thank you for making it this far. And remember: you're cool, you're loved and you matter. Take care of yourself please. See ya.
Kat out ;)
PS: If you read this, you have to follow me, I don't make the rules /j
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seoschangbin · 5 years
hehe totally understandable!!! also i forgot to compliment your mobile header!!! its super nice and pretty😊💞man i'll be wishing you best rachel n will be hoping those marks are better than you expect!😭💞and thank you! only got one more final left!!! luckily yes i enjoy my major, it's doable!!! omggg microbiology and immunology!!! Respect😤💞i have a cousin who majors in micro bio too so i know how tough it can be! so always wishing you the best with it😚do you enjoy your major? :0 -🎁💫
omg thank you msdjgsdkg things i do to avoid studying haha sorry for my late reply btw!! 😭 aah no hopes for those marks just want to not think about it 😩✋ you finished tuesday right! how was the last one! are you graduating soon? :O i enjoy parts of my major!! some parts i could do without (@biochem. Die) 
also i saw your final moodboard n recent text post ; ^ ; i hope you're doing well and that tomorrow is kinder to you!!! i'm cheering you on and sending you positive thoughts🙇🏻‍♀️💓and goodness that just makes the intros a lil more special then!💞oh you're right! :0 i remember seeing that interview!!! i hope felix can indulge in more song writing since he clearly seems to have a passion for it!💞gremlin rap i djsakjslka😭n oh gosh voices is so!!! beautiful n so emotional🥺-🎁💫
my final tomorrow morning.. prayer time... looked my prof in the eye as i left and i felt kinda like 😒 but thank u for your kind thoughts!! me too!! i feel like he wrote his own lyrics for the song they did on immortal songs and 😯 felix bls write more rap lyrics hehe .. i said what i said! he’s Gremlin! + i agree.. voices (also hellevator) always makes my heart hurt 😩
side effects!!!!! nice to know you're a cultured stay😎i loveeee side effects!!! i'm gonna have to say miroh is my favorite title tho bc it was their first title i listened to so i'm gonna remain sentimental about it for a while! even tho i reallyyyy love levanter🥺💓i feel like binnie would pull off plat blonde... but true who knows😣and wow we got even More changbin selfies yesterday... hes really blessing us huh🥺the binnie drought... she improving!!! oh and the group before was got7! -🎁💫
njasdg i love side effects.. the choreo... i’m always 😭 omg that’s fair!! i love miroh too it’s what brought me back into skz after a while so i’m always like ~hype~ about it too 😌 binnie drought back again.. winning 1st for levanter and bin only posting a hyunjin pic.. ok changbin.. i see how it is.... 
oh interesting got7!!!! hehe i had a phase w got7 too they’re lovely 😖
from all the things i've seen skz really are such sweeties🥺i'm SO slow tho i really gotta start watching more of their variety omg... tired of being a fake stay😔i watched that video the other day n i swear the transition to changbin getting his punishment sent me😭this may be too much wishful thinking but i am desperately wishing when they go to LA they can go to buzzfeed n see some pups or kittens🥺oct 2017!!! truly an og stay pls thats so cute😭💕happy late anniversary! -🎁💫
they really just are the biggest sweeties :( me watching their vlives just 😭 don’t be sweet i’ll.. i’ll fall in love with u boys stop that... if you haven’t already you should watch their reality show finding skz!! they’re so funny 😞 omg i would DIE for a buzzfeed interview now i want that too 😭the monsta x puppies one was so cute bls skz.. bls do one.. also thank u!! i’m ancient 🤦‍♀️
binnie's rap truly takes me out all the time... the talent inside this little man i just😳😳😳when i first saw the matroshyka perf i was!!!!! mind blown omg. i've always loved rappers in groups but changbin really won😭and ofc! take time with your list n do it only if you want!!!😊felix and hyunjin as wreckers!!! so cute i totally get it hehe since truthfully ot9 always gets to me! -🎁💫
omg “this little man” msdgj it’s true .. i always think abt how felix was like “yeah when i heard changbin say maaaatroshyka on the survival show i knew we won” like bro. ur right.. me too! changbin 🤝 changkyun best rappers. nd ur right! i rly cycle so much through ot9 wooj was rly climbing to the top and then the News 😫
so cheesy but when i heard channie singing to tenerife sea i just Knew he was the one🥺🤲🏼and when i saw a video of him just being his sweetie self in chan's room n talking about how we can always come to him n skz!!! i just admire his sweetness so much, idk he just inspires me a ton!💞hehe do you think chan is my only bias though? i'm not sure if its obvious, i feel like it is, but i'm double biased!!!😎💞even tho all of my friends say i should just claim to be ot9 biased🙇🏻‍♀️-🎁💫
omg cute!!! he rly is the sweetest boy :( his recent-ish live w felix sent me they’re just so pure nd just the goodest boys 😔💕 omg! double biased!! who’s the other! :O ot9 bias goes too hehe 
also hope you're doing well rachel!!! i'm doing okay🤗💞don't apologize for the late reply bc i totally understand! please take your time, its all good!💞💕(also dont mind the paragraphs at all! i send bunches too! its nice talking to you🥰💞)-🎁💫
me and chronic lateness.. terrible smh! but i guess you’d be on break now, do you have any fun plans? 😊
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My Sassy Cat Burglar
Okay y'all, this isn't a Tom Hiddleston or Loki story. ['So what's the point in posting here, Tooz??? You're taking up prime TH space on the dashboard!' Ha ha, very funny. Bite me!] But if you bare with me, maybe y'all can help me out? When I had my husband read my story, he thought it was funny. (He better. It's about his spawn.) But he looked at me, "I'm confused. When does Tom Hiddleston come into it?" He thought I would put Hiddleston-smut in a story about our daughter! Does he think that is ALL I think about all day long? (That was a rhetorical question, by the way!)
Like a lot of parents in this day and age, I post about my kids on Facebook. I honestly haven't kept track of anything anywhere else. I didn't do baby books. I don't have the attention span for scrapbooking. And a diary or journal is way too much commitment. Facebook, though, I can handle. I especially enjoy posting stories about how ridiculous living with these 4 monsters feels some days.
When the twins were infants, I would post video after video of the 2 of them crying at the top of their lungs. I wanted to provide that sample taste, if anyone needed a baby-fix. Or I posted the photo of my daughter's tantrum when she emptied out all of her drawers onto the floor. Endless photos of them filthy, naked, and usually crying. I need to assemble a montage of how every video seems to end with me saying, "Oh, forget it!"
One of my favorite videos of the twins around 1 yr old is only 5 seconds long. Instead of helping me put cans into the bag for recycling, they had emptied the bag all over the living room. With Lincoln's eyes glued on me, defiant from birth, I sweetly ask, "Now can we put the cans INTO the bag?" He reaches in the bag, grabs a can, holds it out, and basically does a mic drop with the can, never taking his eyes off of me.
Today, I wrote this story, My Sassy Cat Burglar. WITHOUT Hiddleston smut. If you're lucky, maybe tomorrow I'll post another version WITH Hiddleston smut. But I promise nothing.
My Sassy Cat Burglar
Veronica peeked into the living room, spying me asleep on the couch. I no longer have a fever, so Rob went back to work today. I'm laying on the couch though, because my head is still aching and my throat is sore. Mind you, if a mother is dozing, that never guarantees that she doesn't hear every single sound around her. I could easily discern Veronica's footsteps as she quietly padded back into the kitchen. Her tiptoes sound completely different from Jack's patters or the twins shuffles.
She pulled a chair slowly to the fridge. The floor is filthy again, so moving any chair silently on that nasty floor would be impossible. Between the spilt sugar, ground up chips and crackers, and dripped strawberry smoothie for added stickiness, the chair pads made a loud grinding squeal for the entire 18 inches that she dragged the chair.
My little burglar paused, listening for any sign of life from me, I'm sure. Yet I wasn't going to move a muscle, unless I had to. Once she'd concluded that her stealth hadn't been compromised, she stepped up onto the chair to reach the treasures on fridge-top. The chair creaked more than the floor as she carefully shifted her weight from foot to foot, then back down into the floor.
She's actually getting very good at this. With her recent growth spurt, a whole world of goodies are suddenly within her reach. The cabinets and shelves have never been more interesting to her than they are now. But I knew exactly what she was seeking this time.
Earlier this morning, she had already asked me if she could have a brownie at 10am. Actually, her request started with, "Can I have one if Daddy's York Mint Patties?"
"No." I don't think she was surprised by my answer to that. I may not have even needed to be conscious to provide that answer. Those are Daddy's special treats he takes to work.
"Then can I have a brownie?"
"No!" I actually had to glance at the time before I answered that one. I'm desperately trying to be more of a 'yes' person. I truly am. But no one needs brownies at 10am.
"Then, what CAN I have?"
No shock to her, I'm sure, I sternly retort my standard answer, "How about REAL food?"
In turn, my sassy little thing stomps off in a melodramatic huff. "I'll just starve then!"
So a few hours later, after playing outside and making sandwiches for her and the boys, I don't mind if she finally has that brownie she wanted. I haven't heard any fighting. That is a rarity any day. Granted, I wish she would learn to put meat and cheese back into the fridge when she's finished, but I'll nag about that later. So far today, she's been a great big sister.
As soon as I hear the brownie wrapper pull open, I holler out to her, "If you're going to have a brownie,..." I pause, and she stops rustling the brownie wrapper. "Do you hear me?"
A quiet little "yes" squeaks out of the kitchen.
"Please put the brownie box back up on the fridge when you're done. If the babies get into the brownies, they'll eat them all. And Dad will be PISSED!"
No answer. "Do you hear me? Don't leave that box on the table. OK?"
After that, this mom's dozing-radar went off high alert, and I drifted back off to sleep - until I heard more plastic rustling. Rustle. Rustle. Rustle. Dammit Veronica! I can't trust you to help at all! I knew those babies would devour all the brownies. It won't be the first time I find the box empty with brownie wrappers covering the table and floor. The twins are worse than puppies! They use scissors!
Using my firm mom-is-patient-but-serious voice, "That's enough of the brownies!"
The rustling pauses for a moment, leaving only silence. But then, to my shock, the rustling starts again. How dare they!!!! "Do you hear me? I said no more brownies!"
There's only a mere second of pause this time before the rustling starts again. Ooooh, I'm angry now. This means I have to get up. (Well, it's time for more Motrin anyways, since that headache is back. But that's not the point.) So I stand, and fly into the kitchen to catch the culprit in the act, rustling away.
No kids.
No box of brownies.
No empty wrappers.
Just Bingo on the table, biting and tugging on the plastic bags of cereal left on the table. She looks at me with the sweetest, more expectant face, giving a hopeful little "meow!" She jumps off the table and runs to her food bowls, putting a paw on the tupperware, with another pleading "meow."
Veronica pops her head in the backdoor, "Did you call me?"
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@alexakeyloveloki @haute-macabre @dianamolloy @missdibley @missanonwrites @largebeeffriedrice @ohhhmyloki @redfoxwritesstuff @bambamwolf87
So I guess we could find Tom sitting on the table fussing with the cereal bags, instead of Bingo? The ties on those bags aren't necessarily easy to undo. What do you think? ;-)
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