#I'm a multifandom mess
monorayjak · 1 year
Magnus Archive Characters' MTG Color ID
(In no particular order)
Ground rules: These are largely my personal opinions, so feel free to disagree and suggest your own readings of the characters. This is coming from someone who loves the Magnus Archives, but I've only listened through it one time, so my memory is likely to be iffy in some regard. I'm also reading this through my own interpretation of the color pie to some degree (which is largely the same as the normal color pie, but with a few things I feel line up more closely with a color that the creators have said lines with a different one). I'm going to try and limit myself to just 12 characters, and I will try to nail them into 3 or less colors.
Spoilers for the entire series in some regards:
Jon: Jon's curiosity is both his greatest strength and his greatest weakness. With his emotional connections to others acting as his anchors to humanity as the series progresses, especially in regards to Martin, I don't think it's hard to see him as solidly blue/red. He has glimpses of both white and black as the series progresses. Becoming willing to use his powers to get what he needs and losing himself to them a bit and feeding off innocents is heavily black; but his desire to self-sacrifice in the pursuit to help others, both at the end of the series and his trip to retrieve Daisy from the coffin, as well as his desire to see the entities unable to escape to hurt others in another world is very white. All in all, I think Jon is primarily blue/red.
Martin: Martin is, to me at least, the heart of the Magnus Team. He slowly becomes more willing to hurt others as the series goes on, especially notable during the final season where he encourages Jon to use his powers to kill the Avatars/Monsters they come into contact with. Despite this ruthlessness, I don't see Martin aligned very heavily with black. He's certainly prominent in red due to his empathy and emotional thought processes, and he has both aspects of white and green, desiring to help others and caring for his family, both literally in the form of his mother, but also figuratively in the family the Magnus Team has slowly formed over their time together. With all of this in mind, I heavily think Martin is either red/white or red/green/white.
Tim: Tim. Ah, Tim. Tim is a man with a singular goal in mind: learn what happened to his brother. He acts goofy and lovable during the first season (and is throughout his time in the series, but it gets progressively less), and seems to genuinely care for at least some of his coworkers. With this information I have to say Tim is most likely either mono-black or black/red.
Sasha: Sasha. Sasha is intelligent, adaptable, caring, and a character who tries to help. She may not have had her light shine for long in the series, but by God she made an impact. I have to say she is blue/red/white.
Melanie: Melanie is... difficult to color. At least for me. Her inquisitive nature cries blue, her emotional outlashes cry red, her ruthlessness in her goals cries black, and her desire to completely disconnect herself from the fears cries green in some regard. In totality she fits into all of these colors well, and even falls into white near the end of the series when she tries to protect people alongside Georgie. But, in pursuit of my desire to remain nailing characters into 3 or less colors, I'm going to make a decision; I could see Melanie either falling into black/green/blue, black/red/green, or white/black/green all pretty easily. With that in perspective, I'm going to go ahead and say Melanie is black/green at her core, with different points in time pulling out different colors in combination with her primary two; namely, her time pre-Archives is black/green/blue, her time at the archives with the bullet is black/red/green, and her ending point trying to give hope to others is white/black/green. So, yes, Melanie is primarily black/green.
Elias: The bastard. Elias is obsessed with power and the Eye. He is conniving, cruel, tricky, and a million other things. But, to avoid going on a long rant, I choose to just give Elias' id here: Blue/black/red. Blue due to his schemes and the several layers of backup plans, as well as his connection to the Eye; Black... because he's Elias and he literally murders people because they annoyed him... plus also the whole psuedo-lich things with the body hopping; and finally red, because he enjoys what he does. He is not a stoic man, he is someone who enjoys making others know he's winning, to make them suffer their defeat.
Gertrude: Gertrude Robinson is a perfect example of a blue/black anti-hero. She is largely a hero, but she achieves the goals of saving others through means many people would like to avoid discussing. She is extremely curious, and is much smarter than most in the show give her credit for early on. She was willing to let the world end just to test a theory. She avoids emotional connections. She doesn't seem to want to save the world because she cares for others, but more so because she's curious about the entities, she doesn't want to die herself, and she doesn't want an entity to be unleashed onto the world. So yes, Gertrude is blue/black.
Jurgen: Jurgen is a calm man with a singular goal: Protect the people from the books such as the "Boneturner's Tale" and "A Guest for Mister Spider." While curious and wanting to research the books himself, he makes it clear throughout his time that he is not doing it because he desires power in any real regard, he does not have a compelling personal reason to do it; he simply wants to collect the books to protect them from others and others from them. His curiosity is blue, all the way through. His methodical approach and altruistic goals are white. Jurgen Leitner is white/blue.
Agnes: Agnes is a character we don't really get to know as a person until her episode. We learn bits and pieces of her past throughout the series, but we only have one episode that really shows who she is as a person, so the explanation for her is most likely going to be short. Agnes is red/green, potentially with a bit of white or black. She cares deeply for others, despite being born for the singular purpose to end the world. She sacrifices herself willingly to stop the Desolation's ritual, all because she met one man who showed her kindness and cared for her. She is someone who wishes she could live a simpler life, one where she is not forced on the path of destiny. Despite this, she eventually accepts she is not a person who can remain in the world without consequences, and chooses to give herself up for the benefit of others. Agnes is a perfect example of red/green character who knows destiny exists, but chooses to alter it's course slightly (which interestingly actually leads her into blue because blue is the color that rejects destiny the most, but I digress). Agnes is red/green.
In all honesty, these last three I don't have amazing reasons for, or at least I can't articulate them at this moment, so I'm just going to put the colors and leave it for the time being. I may return in the future to update this. Georgie: Georgie is either black/green or black/red/green.
Daisy: Daisy is black/red/green.
Basira: Basira is white/blue or white/blue/black.
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heytheredeann · 2 years
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These are my words That I've never said before So Far Away by Staind
The bad times were the good times.
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Before I start reading the book (which came in the mail today), I wanna know who you picture as Ambrose and Kodiak?
ambrose i don't really have a good outward picture of for an actor. i'm thinking someone skinny in frame, big in character. i've been reading it again to pin it down. but i got nothing.
kodiak though. kodiak. that's my man tzp. hands down easy.
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bioquill · 6 months
General Info
Been writing stories, mostly fanfiction, for years and I am finally gonna put myself out there more.
I primarily write on AO3 now, see my stories here.
Currently I write multiple stories with no real set update schedule so if you're reading, bear with me.
Stories in the work now:
This series features four main stories, a side story I wrote for fun, and takes place in a multi fandom universe where basically anything can happen.
The Ages of Nokori series are fanfiction I write because of the amazing @lordsalissoon, who's Webcomic Ages of Nokori, deserves all the love and attention I can try and give it. Two of these stories take place in a world similar to the webcomic source with a major split later on, and one totally different AU where things get more interesting.
This is my Solo Stories series, basically stories that are not part of any specific group and basically stand alone.
I will state here that I have a co-writter. We work on each others stories, save a few. The Ages of Nokori Fanworks for me, and Heros Roar and other future projects for him. Without him majority of these works would be at a snails pace. Please check out his A03 page below and show his works love as well.
Q: Do you take asks?
A: Yes.
Q: Do you take commissions?
A: On and off It really depends on a mix of my availability and free time so there is no set commission period for me at the moment but you can ask if you wish.
More TBA with time.
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userjoel · 2 years
cindymooons → userjoel !
about a week out from what’s going to be the best video game to tv adaptation of all time 🤞 and switching things up a bit for the new year! reblogs would be appreciated cus once again idk who to tag 🥲
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lesbianmaxevans · 2 years
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Rachel’s 1.5k celebration ◈  favorite ship(s) + colors for @helloyona
#1 - Max Evans & Liz Ortecho, Roswell, New Mexico #2 - Kay Daniels & Cameron Black, Deception #3 - Gina Porter & Ricky Bowen, High School Musical: The Musical: The Series #4 - Sophie Moore & Ryan Wilder, Batwoman #5 - Ned “Nick” Nickerson & George Fan, Nancy Drew #6 - Macy Vaughn & Harry Greenwood, Charmed #7 - Claudette Williams & Jharrel Mateo, 4400 #8 - Nikita Mears & Ryan Fletcher, Nikita #9 - Dennis Soong & Althea Shen-Soong, Kung Fu #10 - Akeno “Aki” Menzies & Audrey Hope & Max Wolfe, Gossip Girl (HBO)
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starkskypines · 2 years
when it happens
happy valentine’s day or whatever <33
Avenger!Loki gets hurt and Tony realizes that he might be in love with Loki. He doesn't do anything about it but Loki does. Misunderstandings occur but they talk it out in the end
When it happens, it happens slowly and all in the same five-second period of time. For as long as it has taken Tony to come to terms with Loki fighting alongside him as an Avenger, it takes equally as short a timespan for Tony to realize how important Loki is to him.
The Hydra aircraft spirals out of the sky, toward the civilians in the park, and shouts go out over the Avenger’s communication systems. Tony is too far away, and so are the rest of the Avengers and none save one have the power of teleportation.
Loki flicks out of Tony’s view, and the seconds to impact count down as Tony realizes that if Loki dies today, he would not be anywhere close to okay with that. Somewhere along the line Loki became a friend and not just a colleague, and sure, Tony would mourn the loss of any Avenger but he hasn’t felt this wellspring of utter panic since he watched Pepper fall into the flames, and he hasn’t known with absolute certainty since Killian that if something happens he’ll kill the responsible party without hesitation.
The Hydra aircraft crashes into the parking lot that Friday had already deemed clear of civilians. Cars and concrete go flying into the air, metal screeches and fires erupt. Tony catches the swirl and spark of green magic twisting around the craft, and it’s enough to shake him out of his daze and get him airborne.
It doesn’t matter that Steve is yelling something about not leaving his position. It doesn’t matter that there are still more bad Hydra guys to fight. It doesn’t matter that he knows he’s going to get yelled at later for telling Friday to deploy the AI suits that he swore to everyone he got rid of after Ultron but actually didn’t. The Avengers need more firepower to win the battle, and civilians are in danger. Tony can take the yelling. And Loki is in danger too so Tony has to reach him. He has to get him to safety. That’s his priority. He has to save the thing he can’t live without.
read on ao3
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winryofresembool · 2 years
I swear the universe has been telling me to reread THG for a while now but I just found out Taylor Swift is releasing new versions of Safe and Sound and Eyes Open and I’m like. Alright. This is it. Can’t get a clearer sign that I need to do it.
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nuvimuvi · 20 days
Living the Highway
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from this
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V called shotgun to drive Thad's motorcycle
The motorcycle idea was inspired by @/rory-multifandom-mess fic(which hasn't come out yet and I'm patience)
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c00kietin · 11 months
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For more information, please check out my pronouns page! Don't trace or repost my art onto other platforms please! And don't use my art to train ai- Please and thank you.
here is my oc account, @p00kietin!!
Help the Palestinian People with a Click | arab.org
vetted funds for Gaza
more donation links here and here.
Links for Ukraine more here
Let's Stop KOSA! (office.com)
Ban Conversion therapy in Europe
here's an old quiz I made about my ocs :D
aaaaand here's my Buddy Meter Quiz!!
multifandom and multishipper!! My main fandom interests fluctuate so I apologise if you followed me for one in particular </3 (at the moment though my hyperfocus is primarily JJBA lol)
Usual DNI stuff: Proshippers, xeno- and homo- phobics, people who support any sort of war/genocide/violence, AI artists, bigots, terfs, MDNI accounts, etc. the list goes on. I block those that make me uncomfortable. Just be respectful.
I do have a bit of interest in true crime and cults, so please be mindful of that. I also have ocs that tie into cults and murder (at the moment Roxie and Tenebris) so please block their name tags if this makes you uncomfortable. I try to tag warnings as much as I can, please tell me if I forget to.
Please correct me when I make mistakes (preferably nicely) because I constantly fear about messing up </3
I don't feel particularly comfortable with venting to others or being vented to. I'm not great at comforting others and I get stressed/worried easily.
Pinterest: coffeetable2023
Pixilart: c00kietin
Roblox: Floof_426 (please tell me in advance you're sending me a friend request otherwise I'll most likely decline)
No discord!! Sorry :'D
and finally- have a nice day/evening <3
SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO @taperecorder-gizmo AND @justmesadlysry!!!!!!!
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"Your face is so pretty I wanna sit on it"
Fandom: Multifandom
Pairing: Various characters X Fem!Reader
Genre: Smut
Format: Scenario
Warnings: NSFW! Content, MDNI
Word Count: 0.6K
A/n: I mean-
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↳He's eyes widen for a brief second, but after the appearance of a wide smirk on his face, they're back to normal. He never thought you would say something this... creative; but he would be lying if he says that it didn't fuel his ego a billion times harder than before.
"Oh? Is that so?"
You sometimes wonder how can this asshole be so charming, and a huge dick, at the same time? But now you knew why. It was his face. His fucking, stupidly gorgeous face and that damned playful grin of his.
"Yeah. Although I expected you to be aware of that, but your taken aback expression proved me wrong"
Oh he knows; he just never thought you could be this blunt to say it out loud.
But now that you did, he's got other plans for you.
"Yeah? Are you saying you wanna make a mess out of my face between your thighs?"
Well, even if you were just messing with him, you aren't now.
He won't listen to you whimpers and begs to "S-stop, can't t-take it anymore", not even after your third orgasm. No, he needs to take his stress out on something, and what's better than your tasty wet crotch?
"Stay still for me, Baby. What do you mean you can't take it anymore? Well, should've thought about it before making that remark. Gosh, you drive me crazy baby girl; I just know you're going to be the death of me one day. Awww, crying now are we? C'mon girly, you asked for it yourself. Now be a good little pet and don't squirm around much so I can enjoy my meal, hmm?"
DAZAI MY MAN, RANPO, CHUUYA, NIKOLAI, Fyodor, Tachihara, Mori, Jounou, SUKUNA, GOJO, GETOU, Toji, ATSUMU, Osamu, SUGA, SUNA, KUROO, IWAIZUMI, OIKAWA, Akaashi, Inosuke, Iguro, Shinazugawa, Sabito, Light, MELLO, Matt, Vanitas
↳Blood rushes to his cheeks when he hears your words. You can't help but to smile at his adorable expression. Your heart drops whenever he goes like this; all blushy and embarrassed but also horny and turned on at the same time.
"I- You- Really?" "Hmm! Really!"
He smiles awkwardly, scratching the back of his head at he tries to shake the embarrassment away by chuckling and act cool, but he can't; it's too much, you're too much.
"Um- Well, I'm flattered..."
Giggling playfully, you put your hand under your chin and start examining his handsome face without trying to hide it, and it drives him crazy. You just made his hear skip a beat and now you're checking him out like that? No. He can't take it anymore.
"Hey... I'm not doing anything... I mean, My face is available right now..."
You're surprised for sure, but who are you to turn down such a tempting offer?
He might have sounded unsure, but now that you're on top of him, shaking relentlessly? You think if he was just acting shy to get you into... this.
But no, he's just returning the favor. You make him crazy, with your flirty remarks and endless teases; and every time you do, you always leave him behind, all red and shamefaced, and now that you're in this position? You're not gonna be free of his tight grip until he's satisfied. Because this guy, despite how he looks like, is a horny ass bastard who can't stop when he gets the good stuff.
"Stop moving around so much, honey pie. You can give me one more, yeah? Pretty please? I'm having such a great time down here... I don't think I'm ready to stop yet. Ah, thanks baby, promise I'll stop after a few more times. Sorry! But you just taste so good... Ah you're stroking me now? Let's make this all- Ah- about you sweetheart, ok? Show me how much more you can take, please?"
ATSUSHI, SIGMA, Poe, Hinata, KAGEYAMA, Yamaguchi, NISHINOYA, ASAHI, KENMA, Bokuto, USHIJIMA, Tanjirou, ZENITSU, Megumi, Itadori, Matsuda, NOE
Reblogs are wildly appreciated!
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nana-mizu-shiki · 4 months
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"....I was giving Luthor's cellphone a virus."
Also I totally lost order of these screenshots as I just take them from my clipboard and copy the link, but I just forgot to post a bunch of pics so my clipboards now a mess. Sorry but also I'm just reccing fics so not that much
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"So true, bestie,"
I love when the batkids use slang and confuse tf out of each other.
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"Maybe? I don't actually remember what we did with Santa's body."
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He wants to reward the first part because finally the kid realizes cops are bad, but he just called Jason a cop.
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Freebird guitar solo: can't believe I'm gonna turn 18
Stop calling me sonic I'm clearly tails: and it only took 34 years
(Bart:) 😎 🤜 》》+he |Forth ₩all ]]
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I'm like a divorce lawyer with how I'm always breaking things in half.
- The Author
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Oh no.
"What did I do?"
You Dun Fucked' Up, That's What You Did!!
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"Is that how it works?"
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"I tried it once and met Jesus. I remember."
"You don't believe in Jesus," Damian says.
"That's what made it so memorable."
Lmao Tim Wtf ( T∀T)
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lilywily143 · 17 days
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Thad: So, am I still a useless scrap of metal?
J: S-Shut up, you tantalizing torrid drone.
Thad: Huh..?
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T: Was that a insult!? Ugh I hope N gets some care into you!!
N: H-hey calm down... She's been through the same stuff we have, bud....
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[A week or two later]
T: Hey...
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T: So you ran off outside?
J: Eh, why did you come to bother?
T: Because we want you in the comfort of the indoors.
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J: "We" who? You and Mr. Optimistic?
T: Hey, V and Uzi want you to be okay!
J: Quiet liar!!
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J: I'm sure they want me to be "okay!" so that I can't plan my "reVeNGe"!! Like I want that anyways! I at least know THEY don't want me back as a act of kindness!!!
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J: Why would anyone help the drone who followed people of power so she wasn't killed?
T: I do! Because... I can tell you want to be better. And the gang sees the good person you can be... So... come back...
J: ... Can...Can you promise you won't tie me up again..?
T: I promise
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J: Sigh Alright
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T: So.
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T: You think I'm a hot, alluring drone~?
J: Quiet, scrap. I can stay here.
T: Hehee well, okay.
@rory-multifandom-mess @zombytommy @lovelyheartclover
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ruanbaijie · 6 months
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I know I just changed my url not too long ago, and I still love the mlc throuple to bits, but I'm just in a very kod/ spirealm headspace right now (and will continue to be, for the foreseeable future) ((expect more spirealm gifsets in the next few months)) 🥲🥲🥲 so here's a new url with probably the most dramatic moved gif I've made for one of the most dramatic 戏精 characters to ever exist
(psa watch the spirealm)
disclaimer: I am very multifandom! this tumblr is an unholy mess of shitposts, personal ramblings, anime, kdramas, cdramas, danmei, the occasional english-language tv show, and cat videos (●°u°●)​ 」
tags to block if they don’t interest you (since this tumblr is a junkyard):
t:animanga - anime, donghua, manga, manhua, manhwa, webtoons
t:cdrama - chinese dramas & films
t:jdrama - japanese dramas & films
t:kdrama - korean dramas & films
t:tdrama - thai dramas & films
t:tv - western tv shows
t:film - western films
t:danmei - danmei
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
Royal Visitors
☆ The Baby Fever AU ☆
Loki x Y/N feat. baby Narfi & Ella
Summary: Odin and Frigga come to visit the newest member of the family - baby Narfi. But things don't always go by plan, right? Especially not, when Ella comes home with her uncle Scott in tow...
Warnings: fluff, fluff and even more fluff! slight thirst? 👀 baby things and a lot of humour! scott being a dork. 😂
Word Count: 4k
a/n: @fictive-sl0th asked me, if I would write this - and of course I couldn't say no. 🥰 So well... Here you go! I hope you, my wonderful friend and everyone else likes this! 🥰
I'd also like to dedicate this story to @smolvenger . I hope this little, funny fluff piece can conjure a smile on your face. 🫂
Baby Fever Crew: (Let's try 'em tags again! I hope it works! ☺️) @km-ffluv @lokisgoodgirl @eleniblue @vbecker10 @loz-3 @jennyggggrrr @lokisninerealms @peaches1958 @multifandom-worlds @fictive-sl0th @lovingchoices14 @simping-for-marvel @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lou12346789 @kimanne723 @coldnique @lady-rose-moon @acefeather2002 @aagn360 @mostclevermiss @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @chennqingg @anukulee @lokiforever
Peeps who I think might be interested in this as well: @mochie85 @muddyorbsblr @evelyn-kingsley ☺️
Baby Fever Masterlist °☆• Masterlist
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"Babe, when are your parents going to be here again?" You asked your husband, while cradling the tiny boy you squeezed out of you a mere week ago in your arms; breastfeeding him. Loki turned to face you; stirring the cup of coffee in his hands. His hair was positively a mess. He was wearing nothing but black boxershorts and a matching black and very stained tank top. The dark shadows underneath his eyes were the result of the lack of sleep he suffered from the past days. Having a newborn again and a six-year-old wasn't easy for him, nor for you. Especially for him, though, because he made sure that you got as much rest as possible; still needing to recover from the not so easy-going birth.
"Umm..." Loki checked the time, "In about... two hours." and took a sip of his coffee. "Alright. I have to get ready then. Take a shower, put on fresh clothes... Probably even brush my teeth..." Loki gave you an incredulous look, before he made his way over to where you sat at the dining table; passing by the kitchen counter. "You can do that, my love, but first..." He reached for the dozed off baby in your arms, "You are going to take a much-needed nap. Unless I'll have to fear that you are going to pass out in the shower - which wouldn't be good." and took tiny Narfi - who had himself curled up in a fetal position, in his strong, muscular arms. "And I am going to look after this little man, yes?"
You blinked; tired brain trying to process his words. "But... But babe... You only just got up from a nap, because Narfi woke you... You need rest, too. After all, you watched him almost the whole night and morning. Plus, you helped Ella getting ready for primary school. I can't ask you to look after him again, while I-" The god had heard enough and successfully shut you up with his lips on yours; kissing you gently. "Darling... This goes without saying. Of course, I am doing this for you. I'm your husband. We are partners. A team... And this little prince here is my son as well. Not just yours. I am his father and I have the responsibility to look after him as well - just like you. But the decisive and important difference is, that you carried him for over six months within your womb; keeping him safe and sound. You birthed him - which was very difficult, nerve-wracking and exhausting. You deserve and need the rest. I can see when the mother of my children needs a break - and I'll not let it happen that you pass out because of exhaustion. So please... Take a nap."
You were stunned. Utterly touched by Loki's words.
Blue eyes looked deeply into yours, while he shifted Narfi, so that he could intertwine a hand with yours. "Please." He added; gently squeezing your hand.
You felt how your emotions got stuck in your throat; eyes becoming teary. "Oh Lokes, I... I don't know what to say, I..." You stood up; moving to wrap both your arms around his waist. "Thank you, baby. I love you so much. You are the best. I couldn't have wished for a better husband and father." The god smiled; kissing you once more. "I love you, too, my goddess. And now off with you. I want to see that pretty ass in our bed now. Get some rest."
While you laid down and slept in only after a few minutes. Sleeping like a log; Loki took care of the newest addition to his family. He carried Narfi around a little longer, to make sure that he stayed asleep, before he laid him down in the crib - which stood inside your shared bedroom. Then he went to the living room and decided to help you out a little more; folding some laundry. Mostly onesies, rompers, bibs and burp cloths. Unfortunately, it was a very... Let's say tiring task, and so the god slept in as well; cuddling the onesie he was about to fold. The cup of coffee he had consumed was not helping him to stay awake; failing - and perhaps it wasn't the best idea of him to cover himself up with a soft, warm and inviting blanket. Therefore, that nobody was awake now and watched the time, two hours flew by within the blink of an eye and it came how it had to come...
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The Bifrost opened up in the middle of the living room with a rather loud 'wooosh' - but it didn't bother all sleeping members of the family at all. Everybody was way too tired to care. Even Narfi slept through it.
Odin and Frigga appeared; standing now where the rainbow light once was. They both noticed immediately that it was awfully quiet. No Ella who came running excitedly up to them... No you, who greeted them warmly, nor their son. Not even the coos and cries of a newborn could be heard. Nothing. Just entire silence.
The couple exchanged a look. "No welcoming committee?" Asked the Allfather almost sceptically. "You did tell our son that we would come at this time of the day?" Frigga nodded, "I did, dear." and finally started to look around. It didn't take long for her to find her son - deep asleep on the sofa; snugly wrapped up in a blanket. She smiled, "But perhaps they were victims of a higher power." and tapped her husband's arm gently; making him see. He huffed. "What are we going to do now?" "Let them rest and come back later." Odin shook his head. "Dear wife... As you should know, I am a king. I have a kingdom to rule and duties to follow. I don't have the time - unfortunately," stated the king and approached the sleeping Loki.
"Son. Wake up." No reaction. Odin cleared his throat and raised his voice. "Loki!" It helped. The god ripped his eyes open and literally jumped up. "Yes, Sir, I'm awake, Sir!" He almost shouted; blanket falling around his ankles and the onesie hanging messily over his shoulder - just like his hair. Again. Loki was definitely completely out of it; caused by Odin, who ripped him so 'harshly' and sudden out of his deep slumber.
While Frigga placed a hand over her mouth to stop herself from giggling like a maid, who had heard the newest gossip, Odin was rather shocked at his son's messy appearance. Sure, he had a newborn child, but where was his royal behaviour? "Son..." The Allfather started, shaking his head. "What in the nine realms are you wearing?" Loki blinked; was still trying to properly wake up and looked down himself; seeing the stains on his top - which undoubtedly came from Narfi, and that he was basically just in underwear. Oh.
Swallowing hard, he quickly scrambled to get away from the sofa - and the blanket, and snapped his fingers; letting his seidr correct his outfit. "A-Apologies, father, I-" Frigga lifted a hand and placed it on the now black shirt clad chest of Loki; interrupting him. "Don't be, my dear. We understand." She gave him a heartwarming smile, which calmed the god down. "Thank you, mother." Frigga nodded and cupped his cheek for a moment, before she let go.
"Where is your wife and daughter?" Odin questioned Loki then, looking around. "Oh, um, Ella is out with her uncle Scott. He shows her around his father-in-law's superhero suit laboratory and Y/N is sleeping. She's been very exhausted." Loki had no other words to describe his father what his daughter was doing. How should he explain this? The Pym particles? That they were able to shrink you or grow you to the size of Asgard's palace? Right… He couldn't.
Odin frowned; was visibly confused. "What by the holy roots of Yggdrasil…?" Yeah… Exactly, Loki thought. "It's science, father. That's a complicated Midgardian thing." Frigga again just giggled, while Odin huffed, "Such foolery. I'll never understand those Midgardians." and shook his head. "Now, may we move on to the reason why your mother and I made our way here? We wish to see our newest grandchild, don't we?" The Allmother rolled subtly her eyes at her husband's behaviour, but nodded; giving her son a smile.
You and Loki hadn't told his parents yet if you were having a boy or a girl. Both, you and him agreed to keep it a secret and surprise them. Actually, you wanted to do it together, but when Loki saw you sleeping so peacefully and soundly; wrapped up in your oversized cuddle blanket, he didn't have the heart to wake you up. So, Loki tiptoed over to the little crib and slid both his big hands underneath the small body of his son, in order to lift him up in his arms. Narfi stirred; scrunched his little face. "No, no, no, don't wake up, little prince," Loki whispered; rocking him gently. "It's all good. Daddy just wants you to meet your grandparents. They are beyond excited to meet you." The god continued to whisper to the infant, while he carried him towards the living room.
"Mother, father..." He announced his return with a smile. "It is an utmost pleasure for me to introduce you to your sweet, little grandson - Narfi." Frigga gasped as she laid eyes upon the baby; eyes starting to get clouded by tears. She was visibly happy.
While the Allmother gasped and tried to hold back her tears of happiness, Odin let out a loud, uh, shriek of happiness. It almost sounded like a battle cry; causing both Loki and Frigga to flinch. "A boy! A boy! Finally another man in the family! An heir to the throne! A new ki-" The Allfather cut off his own sentence, as he saw the bombastic side eye his wife was giving him. She was clearly not amused by his reaction. Odin cleared his throat; giving his son, who was looking quite a bit confused at him a nod, before he reached out a hand and clapped him forcefully on the shoulder. "I-I meant great, my son. Producing such strong and healthy children."
Loki - and Frigga were both still not quite convinced by his choice of words, but either way, Loki knew that his father was happy. That he was proud of him and his kids - and that made the god smile. "Would one of you like to hold him?" At this question, Odin got surprisingly excited. "I definitely wish to hold my grandson! May I?" Loki blinked; smiling, "Of course, father." and handed Narfi carefully over. The king looked down at the newborn; the softest of smiles twitching at the corners of his mouth. "He's a broth of a man, son. But why is he still in his Jotun form?" "Oh, uh, he just hasn't learned to shapeshift yet. Ella could do it immediately, but Narfi's got more of my Frost Giant genes and needs a bit more time to learn," the god tried to explain.  "Ah, I see."
"Shall we have a seat?" Loki continued; gesturing towards the sofa. Both royals took the offer and sat down. Odin handed Narfi then over to his wife. "He is truly a wonderful, sweet little boy, my dear. You can be proud." Loki smiled; eyes fixated on the still sleeping infant. "I am, mother, I am - but I am even more proud of Y/N. The pregnancy, all that happened while she was pregnant and the birth itself were anything but easy and she did so great; worked so hard to bring him into this world." Frigga - and even Odin nodded; agreeing. "Indeed she is, Loki. Without a doubt one of the strongest women I know."
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You had been asleep for a good while now, but your motherly instincts had tickled you awake. A sleepy gaze on the alarm clock, standing on your bedside table told you, that you had slept for almost three hours now. Three hours and Narfi didn't wake me once? You thought; felt the said motherly instincts kicking in.
Rubbing the remaining sleep from your eyes, you yawned and got quickly up; walking over to the crib - only to see that it was empty. A wave of panic and fear rolled over you, until your hazy brain told you, that Loki was with your baby; causing immediate relief to wash over you.
Making your way to the bathroom then; you heard voices coming from down the hall - and suddenly you remembered. Odin and Frigga wanted to visit you! And you slept through it. Shit. Quickly closing the door behind yourself, you took a pee and tried to make yourself look a bit more... presentable. We spoke about the king and queen of Asgard... They were royalty. After checking yourself in the mirror, you decided to join 'the party.'
The first thing you saw when you stepped inside the living room, were three adults, who had their gazes fixated on little Narfi; laying in his grandmother's arms. He was awake; cooing and gurgling - definitely being the main attraction and superstar.
You smiled; stepping closer. "Seems like the little prince met his grandparents already." At the sound of your voice, every head turned to face you. Loki was, of course, the first to react. He got up and walked over to you; gently placing both his hands on your hips. "Darling. As I can see, sleep has released you from its powerful clasp?" You nodded; smiling softly at all the love and affection Loki gave you in this moment - despite his parents presence.
"And as I can see, have the king and queen already met our little prince," you replied; standing on tiptoes and gazing over your husband's shoulder. "Indeed, darling. Apologies. I meant to wait for you, but you slept so peacefully... I didn't want to wake you." "It's okay, babe." You reassured him and placed a chaste kiss on his lips, before you stepped past him - out of his embrace and approached your son, Odin and Frigga.
The Allmother handed Narfi quickly over again to her husband and stood up; opening her arms. "Y/N, my dear," she said, pulling you into a hug. Frigga was - without a doubt, one of the sweetest and kindest souls you knew. "How are you feeling? I hope you could recover a bit?" You smiled; hugging her back. "I could, yes, thank you. I still feel tired, but it's way better." "Oh, that is very reassuring to hear."
You then greeted Odin as well, who was very enthralled with your little baby boy - just like everyone. You sat down on the sofa then - in between Loki's legs; leaning against his chest, with his arms loosely wrapped around you. Narfi quite enjoyed all the attention he got. Just like being held and carried the whole time, so it was no wonder that he slept in soon again.
After a little while, 'the party' got even bigger... Scott returned Ella back home - and of course she had asked him to visit her little brother as well, to which Scott couldn't say no. And perhaps Ella forgot, that her grandparents were on a visit already...
She gently opened the main door, having learned that she must be quiet in case Narfi was sleeping and tiptoed inside the apartment. Loki had practically enchanted the door knob, so that Ella could make her way inside her home without knocking or taking a key with her. She was already a big girl, but watching over an important key was perhaps a too big task yet. So, whenever she wanted to go back inside, the doorknob turned into a doorhandle for her.
"Come on, uncle Scott!" Ella quietly, but excitedly called out; holding the door open. Scott grinned at her and sneaked inside; walking on his tiptoes. After Ella had closed the door again, they both sneaked down the hall - like agents, on their way to find her parents and brother. "I hear voices, Agent Ella. I think your brother might be awake." The little girl had to suppress her giggles. "I think that too, Mr. Ant-Man. It comes from the living room, so we should go there." "Alright. Lead the way, Agent."
Getting closer, the hushed voices got clearer - and suddenly Ella realised. "Ohh..." "What is it, Agent Ella? Have you been hit?! Is there an enemy close?!" Once again, she had to suppress her giggles. "Nooo, Mr. Ant-Man. But my grandparents are here. I could hear grandma Frigga talking." Scott's eyes widened. "Ohh... So you've got very royal visitors today?" "Uh.Huh. But that's okay. I'll take you to see Narfi anyways. Let's go, uncle Sc- I-I mean, Mr. Ant-Man."
Together, they reached the living room. Ella peeked around the door frame first; analysing the situation. She saw how Narfi was laying in Frigga's arms, while she fed him a bottle. Odin sat beside her - just like you and Loki. "Mr. Ant-Man, we're clear!" Ella turned and whispered to Scott, "All right, Agent." before she peeked around the corner again. "Hi mommy, hi daddy, hi grandma Frigga and grandpa Odin!" The little girl chimed happily, causing everyone to look at her with a smile. Scott, being the dorky and funny guy he was mimicked Ella. He peeked around the corner above her, smiling as well. "Hi Y/N, hi Loki, hi Ella's grandparen- I-I mean greetings, your majesties!"
Ella giggled like mad at her uncle Scott's funny behaviour. She adored him - without a doubt. You had to suppress a giggle as well, while Loki rolled his eyes. And Odin and Frigga? Well, they were quite a bit taken by surprise and confused. After all, they didn't have a single clue who Scott was...
"Hi princess, hi Scottie!" You answered, giving them an amused smile. "Laing, what are you doing here?" Asked your husband, visibly annoyed by the friendly Avenger. Scott wanted to answer, but Ella was the one who did. "He brought me home, daddy, from our expo- No, uh... Expola- Exploration!" "Exploration? That sounds quite exciting, if I may say so," chimed in Frigga, while she still fed the bottle to Narfi. "What did you explore, sweetie?" You asked. Scott didn't tell you what exactly he wanted to show Ella. Just that he was going to take her to Hank's laboratory - and you trusted your friend, of course. After all, he was a father, too.
Ella smiled, grabbed Scott by the hand and pulled him after her inside the living room. "He showed me his friends!" "His friends?" Questioned the Allmother. Loki, though, had already a guess. "Oh norns..." He whispered under his breath. "Uh.Huh!" The little girl let go of Scott's hand again, in order to greet everybody. Hugging you, Frigga and even her grandfather; pressing a smacking kiss on Narfi's tiny, chubby cheek and lastly running into her father's arms. It was the hug that lasted the longest - and everyone understood, because all knew that Ella was a daddy's girl. It hadn't changed and probably never would.
"He showed me his ants!" She announced proudly and happily then, causing Odin's eyes to widen. "Ants?! That mortal showed you ants?!" "Yes, grandpa Odin. Scott has sooo many of them and they are so cute and friendly!" The girl explained; totally ignoring Odin's confusion and aversion. "That is ridiculous," the Allfather whispered under his breath, while Ella talked away; earning another side eye from his wife.
"Well, that sounds amazing, sweetie!" You said, giving your daughter a good feeling - and Scott, too. "Scottie, would you like to sit down, have a cuppa coffee?" You then offered; smiling. Loki wasn't amused, what his eyes told you immediately, but you didn't care. Scott was your friend - and definitely Ella's friend. The man with short black-brown hair smiled, nodding. "I'd love to!" "Great! On my w-" You wanted to stand up, to get Scott that cup of coffee, when Loki leapfrogged you. "I'll get our favourite insect a cup of coffee, love." You blinked; were a bit surprised, but nodded. "Alright, babe, thanks."
While Loki was away, you decided to put Narfi down and lay him inside his crib, since he got quite a bit whiny and fractious. After all, there were suddenly a whole lot of people here, directing all their attention on him... Perhaps it became a little too much for the newborn now. So, you took Narfi in your arms and carried him back into yours and Loki's bedroom.
When Loki and you were away, Ella pulled Scott over to the sofa; making him sit down between her and Odin - and the Avenger was visibly excited about this. After all, he sat beside a king! A real king! An excited, hyped grin was painted on his face, as he slid closer towards the Allfather. "So, uh, Mr. Odin - your majesty, Sir..." Odin turned his head slowly; facing him, but he was definitely not quite as amused as Scott was. "How is it to be a king? It must be so freaking awesome and- Oh ma gosh... Is that gold?" He saw the buttons who kept his robe attached to his tunic. Odin wasn't wearing his armour today, since he was on this family trip, but nevertheless was he dressed royally. "Real gold??" Odin nodded; confirming Scott's assumption. "Wooow... And... And that robe..." The black-brown haired man continued; grabbing a fistful of the king's red robe. "What awesome kind of fabric is that? Some kind of cotton mix? It isn't polyester, is it??"
Odin wasn't very pleased about a mere Midgardian touching his robe. "No, it certainly isn't." He hissed and gave it a tug, to pull the fabric straight out of Scott's hands. "It is fine Asgardian silk." Scott's eyes widened and he smiled even brighter; absolutely not caring that the Allfather didn't like what he was doing. "Wow! That's so cool, I swear!"
While Odin became more and more annoyed with every passing minute; Frigga and Ella were having a hard time to suppress their giggles.
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Later on, when your guests had left and Narfi was fed, you decided to take a bath, in order to relax a bit. Loki let you, of course; was more than happy that you took time for yourself to relax.
Now the god was laying on the sofa, wrapped up in a soft blanket with Narfi sleeping on his bare chest, as Ella made her way inside the living room. She was already dressed in her pyjamas; ready for bed. Loki saw her tiptoeing inside the room and smiled. "Hey there princess," he whispered; already shifting a bit. He knew what was coming and therefore lifted the blanket. Ella smiled her brightest smile, causing the proud dad's heart to skip a beat. She hopped on the sofa, crawled underneath the blanket and cuddled close to her father and brother. There needed no words to be exchanged. Just love. Loki wrapped his free arm around his daughter and dipped his head to press a lingering kiss on her head.
The three of them just laid there and enjoyed the cuddles. No words were spoken, until Ella decided to change it.
"Daddy?" "Yes, princess?" "Can I visit uncle Scott sometime again?" Loki smiled. He and Laing probably weren't best friends, but Ella adored him, so why denying her that? "Of course you can, Ella." "Really?" She quipped excitedly; blue eyes shining. "Really." "Yay!" Loki chuckled; the vibration of his chest causing Narfi to whine subtly - and Loki stopped immediately. "Apologies, little prince."
The conversation died down then, until Ella spoke up once more.
"Daddy?" The god hummed in response. "I invited uncle Scott to come to Asgard with us." Loki blinked; was quite a bit shocked. "You... You... What? Why?" "Because he wants to have a robe like grandpa Odin has." Loki grimaced; not amused by this idea. Oh norns...
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jojosquires · 28 days
It's a little late, but it's also messy so... Enjoy?
In this week's episode: it's panic at the precinct, Babs and Tim talk, Jason and Tim argue, Dick is losing his patience with every living being, dreams are had, and social services show up.
Like I said, a mess. But on purpose, I assure you.
Enjoy or don't. I'm tired and I need to do laundry. See ya!
Make good decisions!
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