#I'm assuming but still need a bit of validation x)
fantomette22 · 2 years
Hey, you need to remember that many ships that Exist have not been hinted at in canon - someone one day just "invented" them and other people joined! x) You do not really need community for the ship or pre-existing works, it just feels way more nice and validating if other people are into it too. Like... I for one do not get the attitude that shipping something no one else shipped yet is somehow 'awkward' if not 'cringe'. Questions like 'omg this ship is REAL?' don't make sense either... like, every ship exists as a possible scenario, for example Valtr x Eileen is as 'real' as Valtr x Yamamura, whether someone created stuff for it or not yet is not relevant. Be a trend starter! You might stay alone in this boat, yeah, but you ALSO might get other people into shipping it too, when they see how much fun YOU have talking about this ship or drawing/writing for it. Because they'll wanna have fun too! Be the change you want to see!
(Naturally I am curious what rareship you refered to x) You gotta tell us now dfhhsds I mean if you are comfortable sharing)
You're right and I 100% agree with what you just say!
It's just it's kinda the first time that this happened to me ? or at least the first time I fully realize it. That I was probably the first one who thought about this particular ship? ... but who knows. (I was tired too XD)
To talk a bit about my life, I don't really have that much ships. (even across all the fandoms I have and all, but it's something I really like as well). Of course there's plenty I found cool but only a handful of ships I like really hard/i'm really invested in (not sure if that's an aro/ace thing too lol) (half of the time it's really popular and the other half it's quite rare and except the weird stuff you can find at time I like this particulars ship so much I'm taking almost every content I can found!)
So for all the others I generally have a scale that goes from :
(my eyes!) ew not my thing ->...-> I don't really care/neutral->...-> oh that's valid/ cool-> oh that's cute (-> ship them so hard I'm taking almost ANYTHING XD)
So for Bloodborne now... that's subject is not really the focus of the game too (an I really like that aspect) but yes there's quite a few I "like" or found cool but only like 1 I'm super invest in ?
(Some people here might know who I might reference XD One day I need to actually seriously talk about it... I guess when I will just not care anymore or if someone nicely push me... I know the mutuals I got here are super encouraging about it too x) The problem, it's that I have so much different interpretations of this relationship at the same time I'm afraid it's weird (that create more than 2 AU and one character became like 2 different idk ...)
And recently I thought about another one... so hm on my last post I was basically thinking about Dores x Gate Keeper...
So who wanna join my lil boat ? XD I'm gonna develop a bit here too :
I know we don't know much about them but for me it just makes a lot of sense I guess? I don't know I just think they would be cute. (And it's funny and drama... and really sad at some point too...) Not too serious into it but cool background/minor ship
In the grave guard set description they don't just talk about Dores but about mr Gate keeper as well (and we know other people become mad because in the dungeons but it's only referencing this 2!)
They became mad like... Together ?! They might have done the most of their expedition together as well. Perhaps they help each other with their issues...they probably got the same problems at the same time and the only who could fully understand what one feel was the other... And they both stick with Willem in the end.
I begin to imagined quite a few headcanons about them too. Because well I needed that to prepare my big bb story x) especially the first part at Byrgenwerth.
I do believe in badass young middle aged (+older) woman Dores supremacy. Who is really feral, can kick& punch Pthumerians with only her bare fist. (Willem know he was right to got her by their side, Gehrman is impressed, Liam (the name I choose for mr password gate keeper) is so in love and encouraging and Laurence is just really concerned XD).
If she likes you that's great she gonna scared whoever is mean to you in the best case. If she don't... well hope you don't see her often... For Gate keeper he's usually you know, the "calm and collected one", the guy who was raised in Yharnam and didn't spend all his childhood in like... the forest... But if he needs he's not afraid to shoot people with a shotgun (especially mad pthumerians). And this 2, after Willem, act like the parents of the Byrgenwerth squad/gang at times ? (yes even Gehrman who is just a bit younger than them XD but this trio guys I swear... so much potential)
If I remember correctly there's indeed a moment where I begin to consider them as a ship...it begins when I decided to re take a look how/where you found the graveguard set.
The set is divided between the corpse of two hunters? (who appeared in the game with the yharnam's hunter set, but like the member of the church got the default black church attire in the overworld so...).
One have the mask and the other the rest of the set (I took the first pic I could find on YouTube too). They're really close, but you can't access to the mask directly after you got the rest of the set.
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And well obliviously you can wonder why this two have it? They're not Dores right? They might have take her(/their/his) role after she passed away I guess? but who are they really ? (it's highly possible it's just some hunter from Ludwig era or after, who stick with Byrgenwerth or in the lost wood/villagers for some reason or that Dores took in to help and taught them stuff ^^ it's a cute idea but I got another...)
I begin to wonder, what if... what if... this 2 are like her children/grandchildren ?? (depending on their age and this dumb timeline... also if they're the grand kids who could be the kid(s)? Well the Madras twins need to come from somewhere right? hm forget it...I'm not even settle on this they could just be friends) So um... I figure it could be cool if the other parent was like... gate keeper... 😵‍💫
Yesterday in between the G&M hugs, group hugs & the crows I draw this too ^^
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(My designs for them are like there and there too...)
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kanpaeki · 1 year
Can you do where dominic and the reader have an argument and give each other silent treatment even though they really wanna talk to each other but they’re being petty
i changed it a little bit but i hope this is close enough to what you wanted, i got writer's block like 3 times trying to write this lmao
“how many times do i have to say i’m sorry? i couldn’t fucking be there, i don’t know what else to say.”  dominic’s fed up by now, clearly done with the conversation if the flushed face and disgruntled expression is anything to show for.
“are you not getting this? that’s not the problem! but you should’ve talked to me!” and just like him, you're beyond frustrated. he's usually more communicative with you but you had an event that you really wanted him to go with you to and he straight up stood you up, no call, no text, no nothing. and you were furious. he didn't want to talk about it, claiming he was just was busy and with friends and lost track of time but you weren't having it. he needed to understand that he couldn't do that.
"i'm not doing this anymore." he abruptly stands up from his chair at the kitchen table and heads towards the doorway to what you assume is his makeshift home studio.
"where are you going?!" you shout, eyebrows furrowed in anger, "you're not doing what anymore?!"
no answer. he's retreating to the studio.
"dominic david fike."
he pauses.
but then he continues. and he's out of your sight within the next second. you hear the door slam.
you groan, running your hands through your hair. you don't think you've ever fought this bad. he was usually better at letting you know where he was or if he was going to be late, you don't understand why he all of a sudden stopped. it didn't make sense. something was weird. but at this rate, you were never going to find out why. you just wanted to talk to him, you don't even understand how it became a screaming match. sighing, you shake your head. maybe some time would be best for you both.
so you continue the day as normal, given there is quite a heavy and dark rain cloud looming over your head for the remainder of the evening, but you try your best. you get your work done, which was a nice distraction but the second you were done, your mind went back to dominic. so you tried to make dinner. you weren't the best cook but he seemed to enjoy it, especially when you make that one dish he really likes. he might even view it as a peace offering.
“dom? babe?” you call out, “dinner’s ready!” you plate the food at the stove, carrying them to the table. you wait for the telltale sound of a door opening and feet slapping the floor. it never comes.
“dom?” your heart starts to deflate. so maybe this issue was bigger than you thought. you stand there beside the table, watching the steam rise from the two plates. trying not to panic, you wring your hands together. maybe he’s just got his headphones on.
you think about texting him for a minute but you decide just to go knock on the door. if he's got headphones on, he probably won't hear his phone anyway. so up the stairs you go, putting your tail between your legs and knocking on the door. "dommy, dinner's ready. if you want to eat." pressing your lips together, you wait for the door to open.
yeah, maybe this was worse than you thought. you give it another knock but still, no answer. resting your forehead on the cool wood, you exhale. usually after an argument, some time apart was all he needed. but it seems like this was going to take a little bit more than you anticipated.
"well, i'll be downstairs if you want to talk about it. i'll put your plate in the fridge." with that, you head back downstairs, thoughts racing through your mind. reaching the table, you just sit there. you don't even feel like eating anymore. you just pick at your food with the fork, frustrated more than anything. you know your feelings were valid, if anything, you should be the one giving him the silent treatment. you were willing to put everything behind you. why wasn't he? god, boys are so infuriating.
you stand up and just decide to wrap your plates and put them in the fridge. you didn't have it in you to eat right now and you're sure he'll be down to eat the second you leave the kitchen and shut yourself in the bedroom. and that you do. without even changing into pajamas, you just slide into the sheets in the darkness, left alone with your thoughts. you hated this silence. usually he was singing, showing you what he made, watching a movie with you, you guys even liked to online shop together. you loved his sense of style. you missed his nose. his cute button nose. you don't even realize you're crying until the feeling of something warm and wet on your nose bothers you enough to wipe it away.
you're half asleep when you hear padding around in the kitchen, socks shuffling on the floor and the sounds of the fridge opening. there's a sigh and muttering. more scuffling. and then it gets closer. you pretend to be asleep right as the door opens.
he seems to pause at the door but then there's a weight shift at the end of the bed as he sits on it. you carefully blink your eyes open, looking at him as he sits by your feet. his elbows rest on his knees and his hands are in his hair. you want to speak up, he looks frustrated but you don't know if you trust your voice after having cried yourself to sleep.
he takes a deep breath before he sits up, "i'm sorry." is all he says before he looks at you with an expression you've never really seen before. "i was trippin', i shouldn't shut down like that. i could've moved things around, i could've been there. i know how important it was to you and i'm sorry. it won't happen again."
you take a deep breath before sitting up, facing him. "i'm sorry i lost my temper. i know your schedule gets unpredictable. but you're right, it meant a lot to me." he nods and leans forward, resting his head on your chest. you run your hands through his messy curls.
"i love you." he murmurs into your chest, kissing you through your shirt. "will you eat with me please?" he looks up at you with shiny eyes and you just nod, smoothing the stray hair away from his cheeks.
he stands up first and you grab his hand as he outstretches it, taking his lead as he heads back to the kitchen. rarely did you ever eat without each other. maybe that's why you lost your appetite before. but sitting at the table with him now, smiling as you eat your dinner's together, all feels right again.
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silverstar-8 · 8 months
Lucifer's Headcanons!
I decided to write some headcanons for Luci. There will be sfw as well as nsfw ones! I'll might create more, but for now there will be only one part.
Also, I think you could say Lucifer x Reader, because I'm talking about "you" while describing some of his interactions. But most of the time, I think about my self-insert. Just letting you know!
SFW (Some random, but also romantic ones. They are NOT in the order):
Of course, he loves making his little ducks in his workshop, but he can create other things too! I have a feeling that he would make toys for Charlie and also jewellery. He is really creative with them.
He moved in to the hotel and the apple tower is his. I know it's more like prediction for a future season, but it isn't 100% confirmed, so still counts as a headcanon.
He is autistic. Yes, I know he has depression, but for me he is depressed autistic.
If he is around someone he loves (romantically) his tail shows up. It might even wag! Really fast!
And also, his tail would totally hug his lover's leg. And he wouldn't even notice.
He is a little bit more social than he was before. He's still struggling, but visiting more Charlie and helping her with a lot of stuff is still a big step!
When he's sad and alone, he is hugging himself with his wings. He's in wings' town. It's his way to comfort himself.
About wings, he can also do this if his loved one feel sad. He will literally hug with arms and wings. Really comfy.
Also, his feathers are really, REALLY soft. Great for petting. (He loves when someone is petting them)
If you feel sad, he would probably hum a melody or even literally sing for you. As well as playing an instrument, because why not. He can do all of this.
When he was alone, he talked with his clones. They are connected to his thought, so the conversations were interesting. He still sometimes talks with them, but most of the time he's using them for helping him with stuff, like makeup.
He likes to jump in the pile of rubber ducks. It is comforting for him.
He's pansexual. I don't have an explanation for this, I just feel he's so fruity XD
He has dark gray arms AND legs.
He has also hooves.
He is that short, because he actually like this height. He was like that since he was created and it would be really weird for him to change height.
But also! He loves to be carried!
And carry others!
NSFW below! (Time to be more wild, hehe)
First, I want to share my personal favourite nsfw headcanon I created. I've seen that most people assume that he has a dick. And of course, it's valid! Everyone can have their own headcanons, but I decided to think more about his design and what he is. So, he is an angel. Fallen, but still an angel. And he looks like a doll. What I mean to say is that he isn't human. He might look like one, but he doesn't even have ears or nose. So after this analysis, I've thought to give him... nothing! Yes! He is like a doll! He has nothing down here. No dick, no anus, none. BUT, remember everyone that he is a shapeshifter! He can adjust! So even if he doesn't have anything down here, he can create anything he or his partner wants. Dick? Sure! Pussy? Of course! Both? Why not?! Maybe something more crazy, like tentacles? We can go wild as fuck! I love inhuman characters like Lucifer, because you can actually create something really crazy like that! And it makes sense! I mean, think about it! Why angels would need anything down here? It just makes sense that they don't have anything here!
So, as I said, he can create anything he wants, but what is happening with him when he doesn't have anything? I've thought about this too! So, when he doesn't have reproductive organs, few spots on his body are becoming more sensitive when he's horny. They are: Hands, hooves, tail, around his horns, few spots on his wings. If you massage those places, he can have orgasm. It is a little different experience than what we, human can achieve, but it's as intense, if not even more sometimes, as our orgasm.
About horns... if you pull them during sex, he can come just from this. But you have to do this strong! Don't worry, you won't hurt him.
He fucked with his clones for sure. He is the fucking sin of Pride, of course he had to have fun time with himself. But it is kinda like advanced masturbation, because he controls them.
But it also means, that with a partner, he could use his clones, so you could have a literal gangbang with just Lucifer.
He prefers folks with pussies. It is just his personal favourite, but he wouldn't mind if his loved one had different thing! He would eat you anyway.
He is a total switch. He is the literal definition of this. He feels comfortable in being sub, dom, top and bottom.
As a power bottom, he is a little shit, because he is challenging your dominance. He loves it.
I can imagine that in dominant role, he would be really caring or more aggressive, depending what you wanted.
He talks a lot during sex. He would say a lot of dirty things with his deep voice.
He can growl when he is close to the climax.
He has totally a kink that is connected to him being a king.
And also daddy kink. I can totally imagine that he would have this.
His demonic side might appear during sex. He thinks that it's too scary, but if he sees that you like it, he will show it more.
For now it's all! Those are my headcanons, so I hope you had fun reading them!
See ya! ~ Silver
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chaithetics · 1 year
I was rewatching season 3(the Kendall birthday episode) and I thinking, maybe Stewy and Porce are married, or other story of course; and the part where Ken takes the siblings to see the mocking pictures and it could have one of Porce and Stewy together and Kendall "jokes" about the "crying baby and the shark" and it really upsets her(as it should) and even the siblings are upset by this, and she just turns to him and says "this is why my kids are playing with their cousins(Sophie and Iverson) ,so they don't grow up like you" and goes away. I think that'd be powerful, because the kids have a true bond, Rava and Porce are true friends and Ken is a j*rk, and when Stewy finds out, there'll be a reckoning
Porcelain and the Shark: Too Much Birthday
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Pairing: Stewy Hosseini x f (Roy) reader
(reader has anxiety, no use of y/n, physical descriptions or other names but does have the nickname Porcelain/Porce - due to family viewing her that way not because of her complexion)
Word count: 3.1K
Chapter warning: 18+ MDNI (smut-free fic) established relationship, fluff, soft Stewy, anxious reader, some familial angst, some cussing, some misogynistic views, Roys being Roys.
Authors note: Thank you so much for sending this in lovely Nonnie! It was such an inspiring ask, I hope you don't mind the few changes I made, please do let me know what you think! I adore you! I'm so glad to be out of hospital and after reading this prompt I was inspired to rewatch this S3 episode. I went a little off-track and I think this one is a bit different to other fics but I made the connection about the misogynistic tones with this and also the poster that Shiv had and saw it as a great opportunity to explore and develop Porce and Shiv's dynamic. Especially with all the asks about girlhood in film and then with the Barbie film re-prompting those conversations I just wanted to explore it even more (this doesn't have Barbie spoilers or mentions btw) so I finished it pretty quickly. It's nice to be back! I'm still pretty unwell despite being out of the hospital so I can't promise or commit to a writing schedule again yet but I'll definitely still be writing more Stewy (I've had a few Barbie inspired asks which I want to get around to asap as well haha). I appreciate you all and I hope you enjoy this! Please do let me know what you think, I'd really appreciate it! Comments, reblogs and asks are more than welcome and appreciated! I adore you all! 💗(PS this hasn't been proofread..."
Kendall was sensitive, controlling, and obsessive. Which often manifested around certain significant events and moments in his life. It was a quality all of the Roy children seemed to share to an extent, you’d seen it in your siblings numerous times and even occasionally yourself. 
Kendall’s birthdays were often disastrous, he wanted perfection, he wanted to fill the hollowness inside with extravagance, validation and company. But it never quite was good enough, it was always disappointing and fell through somehow. You knew the self-created stakes would be even higher for Kendall as it was a ‘significant’ birthday along with the latest edition of family drama. Shiv’s letter had hit pretty hard and far. 
You weren’t sure if any of your siblings would go, probably Connor, loyal as always. Rome? Maybe? He had an interesting, pained soft spot for Kendall. Shiv…? You’d think she wouldn’t want to show after recent events but Shiv was cunning and clever. She could show up to play a mind game perhaps? Or maybe they’d show up on behalf of your dad to really get into Kendall’s head. Would your father even attend? You assumed he’d been invited. 
It was a lot of questions swirling around in your mind, you weren’t sure of any of those answers. Which was part of the reason why you were certain you needed to go, some visible and physical support for Kendall as you knew he’d be crumbling, you’d all been walking on eggshells your whole lives but the last few years for Kendall, they’d been getting more and more brittle. 
You feel a little anxious as you’re stuck so deep inside your head until a familiar and soft voice brings you back. 
“Where’d you go?” 
His tone is laced with neutrality and an air of caution but his face clearly says that he thinks this is all a bad idea. He looks at you sitting down, facing the mirror, he thinks you look gorgeous but he notices your legs bouncing now that you’re back in reality. 
“I was just thinking about Ken.” You try to keep your voice level, without a drop of any emotion. 
“We don’t have to go-” 
“I don’t think we should go.” Stewy resigns. It’s at least the twelfth time he’s said it today. 
Stewy hadn’t RSVP’d, he hadn’t acknowledged his separate invitation to yours and had been somewhat silent regarding Kendall. Which was extremely unusual. He didn’t like the direction of the mess of Waystar’s strategic and boardroom politics and his relationship with your family personally and professionally was strained. 
You had to go to Kendall’s birthday to support him and you didn’t want to go alone. You felt bad about it but you and Stewy were both aware that the optics of Stewy being there was beneficial for Kendall’s sake. 
“I know.” You sigh as you shift a little so that your head is facing him more as you look up at him standing. “He needs this though…And I need you.” You walk over to Stewy, giving him a gentle peck on his soft lips. “Please?” You press your lips against his and wrap your arms around the back of his neck as it deepens, his tongue brushes against yours and your hand tangles a little in his hair as you feel his hands wrap securely around your waist. 
“We’ll just go for a little bit?” Your voice is soft as you break away from the kiss, you start to caress his cheek, your fingers dancing over his handsome beard that never ceases to amaze you with how well-trimmed and clean it is. Stewy tilts his head to gently lean his forehead against yours and nods as he inhales. 
“You’re too good to me.” You whisper as you give him another kiss on the lips, you can taste the whiskey on him from his drink that’s sitting across the room half-empty. He’s sweet and his touch is so gentle with you. 
“Well you’re perfect, you deserve nothing less baby.” He says as he gives you a quick but soft kiss on the lips. “Now, am I matching my turtleneck to what you’re wearing?” He asks with a smug smile. You laugh a little at that and nod, giving his cheek another stroke and then a quick peck on his lips before he squeezes your side and then walks over to the walk-in wardrobe. 
You’d always been anxious about the concept of nannies and babysitters and when those services had been needed you’d preferred to have Connor (when possible) and Stewy’s family watch your children. But you trusted Rava with your life, you adored her and you knew she adored Sophie and Iverson more than anything. So with her reassurance, your children were with their cousins and would be looked after by Rava’s nanny. Sophie had been loudly looking forward to some quality time with her younger cousins which was sweet. 
Those thoughts and the anxiety you’d had quickly left your mind though as you and Stewy walked into the venue and through what you were horrified and shocked to learn was a model of Caroline’s vagina. 
“Do you think he talked to her about…this…?” You asked Stewy with widened eyes as you waved your hand around gesturing to the bizarre scene of a campy body horror film in front of you. 
“No.” Stewy said as his eyes flitted across the room once again to take in the nurses, surgical equipment and very briefly, a “replica” of his mother-in-law's vagina. It was beyond reason, even for Kendall. “They don’t talk in the first place.” He spoke as his hand wrapped around your waist a bit tighter, pulling you in closer as he then navigated you both towards the bar. Stewy was certain alcohol would be necessary to make this night bearable, it was inevitable that someone would blow up.
As you and Stewy stand by the bar waiting for your drinks a man comes over, you don’t think you’ve seen him before and you’re not the biggest fan of the smug expression on his face as his eyes hone in on you. 
“Hey, I’m Kyle.” He says boldly, Stewy’s right next to you with his hand on the small of your back. Your ring is visibly on your finger. You’re kind of surprised at the audacity of him, especially with Stewy right next to you. You look at him a bit confused, hoping he’ll end it but his smile persists. “So what’s your name?” 
You say your first name as Stewy wraps his arms around you, leaning against your back with his head on your shoulder, making a point. 
“Shit, you’re a Roy?!” Kyle asks, you see the flash of excitement in his eyes at that prospect. It grosses you out. 
“Hosseini Roy.” You say somewhat firmly, as Stewy quirks an eyebrow and then starts to press some kisses to your shoulder and your exposed neck. 
“Right, where’s your husband Ms Roy?” Kyle asks. You don’t know if he’s a stupid asshole or an arrogant one but you know for sure he’s one either way. You feel Stewy chuckle a little at that as the movement of it and its breath tickles your neck. 
“The international space station-” You dramatically quip, and Stewy stops his kisses for a moment to laugh at that against your neck. This stranger is being ridiculous and so you may as well if he’s going to be so oblivious, it just so happened to be convenient that Tillie really liked space books and toys at the moment. 
“That must be lonely-” Kyle cuts you off and the smirk on his face is too much. You scrunch your face up at him in annoyance. 
“Can’t you see that my husband is here? Literally right here?! The whole time you’ve been doing this. Why the cuss did my brother invite you?” You ask with an eye roll as you take Stewy’s hand and walk off before Kyle has a chance to say anything else.
“What a douche.” You say as you lean your head against Stewy’s arm. He pecks a kiss to the top of your forehead with a grin on your face. 
“You handled that impeccably.” He says with a small chuckle. 
“Well, your act was pretty good.” You say moving your hand to rest against his back and trace patterns there. 
“The international space station, I’ve never been. Do you think it has some villas with good views?” He asks playfully.  
“Possibly. I don’t think we should invest in space tourism or realty though.” You answer and he laughs. 
“Does Tillie think I’m an astronaut?” He asks, thinking about Tillie’s fascination with space. 
“No. She’s never said it and I haven’t told her that. But I do think our children are far too young to understand the financial market.” 
“You sure? I’d understand if you were worried Jonathan was going to mansplain stocks to you.” Stewy teases, as he presses another kiss to your head as you scoff. 
“We’ll leave the mansplaining to you, darling.” You say tilting your head up from his arm to press a kiss to his lips, they’re soft and warm. He looks at you with a large smile. 
It’s not long after that that somebody who knows Stewy through work comes over and the three of you have a conversation for a few minutes, you’re pressed into Stewy’s side with his arm around you. You tilt your head and then you see Shiv and Roman coming in and then there’s Ken. 
You’re stuck inside with a hit of worry at first, you look at your handsome husband as he’s mid-sentence talking to this finance bro that you’re not the biggest fan of but who is considerably less gross than Kyle. As Stewy finishes his sentence you quickly cut in placing a hand gently on his cheek, he leans into the touch and looks into your eyes affectionately. 
“Sorry, Kendall’s over there, I’m going to go over. I’ll find you after okay?” You ask. 
“Yeah, of course, baby.” He nods and your lips brush for a quick affectionate kiss, you apologise to the man that you’ve been in a conversation with who nods as you walk off. 
You walk over to where three of your siblings are discussing and come over when you hear Shiv saying she couldn’t find a card that said “Happy birthday” and “Get well soon” You look at her with a somewhat pointed expression, she shrugs slightly and raises her eyebrows at you. 
After he hugs Shiv, Kendall’s eyes land on you and he smiles. You can tell that he’s glad Shiv and Roman came, even if they’re biting him. It makes you sad but you’re glad that he at least has some solace in that. There’s a bit of banter and you do raise your eyebrows when Roman asks about the vagina replica. When he does his little pleased expression and gesture at being told he can take it home you glare at him. 
“Roman!” You exclaim and he smirks at you. 
When Shiv asks if Stewy is there, there’s a pointed look from her, some smugness and a pointed look from Kendall but it’s different. It’s more desperate. You nod. 
“Yeah, uh- Stewy’s here. He was talking to some finance bro. He’ll come over soon Ken. I just wanted to say hi first” You say. You’re not sure if it’s a half-lie or not yet. But you know it’s better for Kendall’s sake for you to say it, he nods at that and there’s a look in his eyes that you can’t read but boy does it worry you. Shiv drops a few more names and it’s very clear that she and Roman showed up to use it as a business opportunity. 
“Hey, I got something to show you. This way. This way!” Kendall says somewhat excitedly and then walks ahead with the Roy siblings following him. 
You watch Roman hand Kendall an envelope and after that he retreats back a bit for Shiv to go ahead of him, you raise your eyebrows at him and he raises them back at you. 
“Please tell me you’re not stirring the pot?” You ask quietly as you walk side by side. 
“I’m not- it’s nice- it’s nice. It���ll be good for Ken.” Roman says, his tone is earnest which surprises you. 
Kendall then grabs your attention by talking about what he’s going to show you, you recognise some of the names and you’re intrigued by whatever it is based on that and Kendall’s imagination. 
You walk into a room that’s being used as an art gallery space. As you walk in your eyes are immediately assaulted by the fictional headline of Roman. Roman’s response is more upbeat and amused than the tone of his voice or his facial expression. You can see it in his eyes, he’s retreated somewhat and he seems to get lost the longer he looks at it. Everyone knows of his intimacy issues and it’s cruel to point them out in this way you think. 
You look at Shiv’s and you just feel angry. It’s a pit in your stomach of fire and you don’t feel this way often, it’s an odd feeling but it’s strong. Connor gets angry with Kendall over his and you understand that but you’re more focused on this. What was Kendall saying? Adding more stigma and cruel jokes onto sex workers? Shaming his sister for her sexuality? Reducing her to just an anti-feminist sex joke? 
Shiv’s bobbed around hers and then her eyes land on your one. You turn, already upset at Shiv’s as you clock her shocked gaze at yours before you get a chance to look at it, to process it. 
It’s an image of you from your childhood as a baby, it’s been digitally altered so that you’re a baby and you’re in shark-infested waters. You read the headline and comments and feel tears forming in your eyes and they’re hot. Your eyes flit between yours and Shiv, Shiv’s doing her best to hide her discomfort. 
Shiv looks at you, her eyes silently saying “I can’t say anything.” And she can’t. You know that. Each step of hers is a careful calculation to avoid the emotional, hormonal, overbearing, hypersensitive, incompetent woman accusations they already throw at her. Whether it’s unspoken or spoken, and it’s both, they all say her head is unfit for that coveted heavy crown. 
As a woman, sister, and mother, it’s already there. Your fate, reputation, and purpose. You’re emotional, a crybaby, sensitive and hormonal. But unlike your siblings, and well Shiv, you do not need nor want that tragic fate that they all betray each other for. While there is a sting in providing them ammunition for those perceived claims from your actions and words, it won’t kill you in the same way. You give Shiv a small nod, a silent “I know.” That is only for her. 
“What the absolute fuck Ken?” You ask, he looks at you with raised eyebrows. 
“What?” He asks with a chuckle. 
“What the fuck is this?” You ask gesturing behind you to the large images of you and Shiv in your brother’s eyes. 
“It’s a joke, c’mon you don’t need to uh get so emotional about it-” He says and you let out a humourless laugh at that. 
“Kendall?! This is disgusting! You’ve reduced Shiv to ‘wife of Tom Wamsgams’ yes, because that’s all she is?! A wife? Oh, and it’s an embarrassing joke to say she’s a sex worker?! So your Times Up campaign is just strictly performative? Mr Fuck the Patriarchy is actually a SWERF trying to humiliate his sister and women for an already stigmatised career? And this is coming from the fact that Shiv has a sexuality…?” You question, he looks at you, not saying a word. Shiv stands near you watching you carefully, as Roman looks down uncomfortably and Connor and Willa stand together tensely. You’ve never spoken out like this against any of them. 
“And what is this?” You exclaim as you point to the image behind you. “I’m your sister, you’re meant to care about me. Not infantilise me like that and make cruel, perverted jokes about my marriage. It’s sick Kendall. Stewy and I are there for our kids- we probably see Sophie and Iverson more than you do. This is why they’re close and Rava and I work so hard with them all, so they don’t end up doing this.” You breathe out shakily for a second, Connor looks at you sympathetically, Shiv is still silent but she’s grateful for everything being said. The tears are hot and burn your cheeks where they stay. “You have no idea what it’s like and you’re part of the problem. This is just cruel and it all reeks of so much fucking misogyny. I’ve-I’ve defended you. I’ve defended and supported you my whole life- I didn’t, I didn’t even sign that letter because it was harsh and cold but this is misogynistic and disgusting. This is just so mean and gross.” You finish.
“Fuck off.” Kendall says, it’s somewhat playfully, he has a smirk on his face but it doesn’t reach his eyes. 
“I can’t do this Ken, I can’t. You need to reflect on this and just do better. For us, Rava, Sophie. Just everyone.” You sigh out as more tears come, there’s nothing else to say to him and you’re ready to leave.
Shiv looks at you again, it’s not a scowl or an attempt at nonchalance. It’s also not a smile but her facial expression has softened. There’s another silent conversation, one that surprises you both as they often happen with every other sibling you have except each other. For you both, it’s a moment of understanding. It’s a genuine thank you and the usual, unusual display of Roy love and affection. You both do care about the other and you’re bonded in the impossible difficulties of being a woman. A brief few seconds of sisterhood are shared between you both. For possibly the first time, and even though you both know Shiv may never see you as more than competition due to her nature and your upbringing, you hope it’s not the last time. 
You nod looking at her, giving her a small, tight-lipped smile and then leave the room to find Stewy. Shiv watches you leave and gives your quickly retreading silhouette a small smile.
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monstaxdirtywonk · 2 years
Heaven is a place in hell with you. Pt. 3
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Member: San as Hades X Persephone reader
Plot: It is similar to the myth but there are some changes.
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut (not in this chapter)
You opened your eyes and looked at your hands at first. You wanted to have a safe reference point and to check if you were okay or you passed away and this was the afterlife. Little did you know...
You glanced upward and saw two men looking at you while keeping a safe distance in order to not scare you any further. One of them had wings and the other didn't but his beauty made it obvious that he was a God. The dark corridor enhanced the shadows that played along his face, the square jaw could cut a finger and his eyes were hooded and black, but deep within them, a softness could be seen. Maybe you were seeing things however, because you'd like his eyes to exceed such softness, you wish this was a God that wouldn't harm you. You didn't really have many powers other than healing. Ironic to say because healing is of great importance. You didn't have the power for great healing, at least not yet, but you didn't have any way to defend yourself or harm others. Not that you'd harm anyone, but the healing powers, were only targeted towards others.
"Are you okay?" The winged man asked and moved a bit closer but the other man grabbed his arm to stop him from moving too close to you.
"I..I think so. Where am I exactly?" You asked, bracing yourself for the upcoming answer.
"Try not to freak out but that's the underworld."
Your eyes grew double in size and you felt very confused.
The other man spoke out this time.
"The lake you saw, is a portal to the underworld. We can see from the inside what's going on and when we saw that...wolf approaching you, we tried to help you out."
All this sounded really nice at first but you grew very suspicious. You didn't have much experience with socializing and that made you feel a bit paranoid by others intentions.
"Why would you help someone you don't know?"
The man was taken aback by the blunt question.
"Why would I let a young girl being killed by a wolf?"
Valid. He had a point. But at the same time this all seemed too good for your fate. You never thought you were lucky. It was strange that luck would bless you during a time you needed it the most.
You stood up because you realized you were still on your knees and gasped. The man looked at you concerned but you shook your head.
"I'm well. My knees felt a bit sore, that's all".
You were smaller than them, which made you even more self conscious. You didn't like feeling exposed, out of your comfort zone.
"Wait..." you extended your arms in an exaggerated way to get their attention.
"If this is the underworld and you are a God, then you are Hades?"
The man smiled and two dimples formed next to his lips.
"How did you figure out I was a God in the first place?"
*I mean look at you*
"I just assumed it based on the fact that you or he opened the portal. One of you is Hades, I'm sure that's you. I've never heard my mistress say you had wings."
Artemis never mentioned how gorgeous he is either.
"Who is your mistress?" He asked.
"Artemis. I'm one of her nymphs." You answered with pride.
The winged man spoke this time.
"It's weird that I don't know you if you're a nymph."
Hades laughed at his friend's statement but you didn't.
"What do you have to do with us?" You said in a defensive way which made Hades eyebrow to raise.
"Nothing. I just have some...friends among you."
"Friends?" You thought it was really strange how this teasing man had friends among you.
"Yes. I'm Thanatos by the way. Just don't tell your mistress about that little confession I made before."
"I won't. She doesn't have to know about any of this. I wasn't supposed to wander that far from home to begin with."
Hades felt a frown appearing on his lips. He didn't know why but he didn't want you to leave so early.
"Before you go, would you like to take a walk with me? I'd like to show you around."
You felt very confused about his proposal. Why would you want a tour around such a dark place? Yes you wanted to explore the world but this wasn't the world of your choice. It felt dark and scary, not much to see or experience. But at the same time you'd never have the opportunity to witness the underworld again.
"Yes. But let's not take too long because Artemis will be looking for me." You said.
Hades smiled at you and Thanatos started feeling rather suspicious. His friend had a wonderful smile but not many reasons to show it off. Today however, his master seemed so smiley that he was gonna form wrinkles around his eyes soon.
"I'm such a bad host. What's your name?" Hades asked.
"Persephone". You responded.
"Such a beautiful name" he said and then muttered a second sentence.
"It suits you well."
"Thank you" you smiled back after the longest time.
"Artemis gave it to me because she thought that it was fitting. It means the one that grows the flowers and since I have healing abilities, it is a true match." You laughed a bit.
"Healing abilities?" Hades' eyebrow was raised again, his signature move when he felt curiosity.
"Yes. I am not that good yet but I do have some abilities to heal others. Mostly plants and flowers, some animals. I'm not that capable to the point that I can heal many creatures but I wanna get there."
"Ah I see. So we are the opossite it seems like..."
Hades said and he gave you his hand for you to take your walk around. You offered it right back at him and a tiny electric shock got through your body.
"Sort of. I am nowhere near as powerful as you are. I feel ashamed to even talk to you to be honest." You looked down defeated.
Hades placed his hand underneath your chin and made you face him.
"Your work is more noble than mine. Power should be measured by the good that you make for others and not by rank. I am more powerful but I'm not helping anyone. Meanwhile you do. Because even a plant can be saved by your hand, while I have the weight of death around me." He said and let go of your chin. You were more than thankful the place was so dark otherwise he'd see how red your cheeks were. Your heart was beating so fast, you were sure his supernatural senses picked up on that. You never thought a God would tell you such a thing. Most of them were very arrogant, you thought. You'd never voice that but deep down you knew they had their fair share of arrogance and bad traits but they were blinded by their power. But he seemed different, almost apologetic for his position. You didn't want him to feel that way. He was the most admirable in your eyes.
"There's beauty in death too. If you think about it, at our core, we aren't that different. Death can heal someone from all their worries and pain and give them the gift of an everlasting sleep. I might keep them alive for a bit longer, but you heal them entirely at the end."
Hades was left speechless and surprised. He never thought anyone, let alone a pretty young nymph, would find anything noble and worthy about him.
"Wow...I never thought anyone would think of me that way. Not even God's consider me equal to them. My brothers probably think of themselves as superior. I don't mind that. I just felt like I was lacking in comparison to them."
Hades couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth. He wasn't one to talk a lot, especially to a stranger. But he couldn't even call you that, it felt to cruel to label a pretty flower like that. You seemed trustworthy to him and this encouraged him to voice his frustration.
"You said ranking doesn't matter, right? So I hope my words of encouragement were as if Hera said them to you." You smiled at him.
They might be even better coming from your mouth, he thought.
"Maybe we should go this way, it's my throne room."
You followed him right behind and made out his silhouette. He was wearing a dark blue chiton that was fasted by a thick belt around his delicate waist. His collarbone was exposed and so were his muscular arms. Truly a God like physique.
He opened the extremely heavy looking door with ease and gestured for you to come inside. The room was large but not as fancy as someone would expect for a throne room to be. A very large throne was at the very center, with some gold fleeks decorating the top parts of it. The shape was long towards the top and it made a triangular shape.
"Wow. It's beautiful."
"It is...what it is. I guess it's majestic enough for me to not complain."
You laughed at his grumpy comment. He was indeed way older than he looked.
"May I ask how do you spend your time here? I guess there aren't many things to do." You asked with eyes full of curiosity.
Hades could feel his heart swelling from the sweetness you were oozing. It's been such a long time since anyone asked for his interests. He felt seen.
"Yes you are right." He chuckled. Damn for such a dark God he sure smiled a lot, you thought.
"I usually keep up with some practical matters that don't take that long. The dead don't put up riots exactly to say the least." His sarcastic dark humor was a prized possession of his wit.
"Other than that, I might see any crazy love struck mortal that come and see me to save their love from my capture. I might call them crazy but I do admire their ability to love. Like in Orpheus' case".
You knew about him. He was an exceptional musician that traveled here to have a second chance in life with his lover, Eurydice. But his longing for her couldn't keep him from taking a look before they made it all the way out and he lost her again. Talk about pain, having to lose the love of your life twice. You sighed after recollecting their story.
Hades sensed that this discussion was too much for you and he tried to change the subject.
"I like to read too. Having a lot of free time is excellent for book lovers."
"What are you reading currently?" You asked.
"A collection of myths. I love how such simple stories can hide a great meaning behind them."
"Mmm." You agreed.
"What about you?" He was the one asking this time.
"There aren't many things I do to be honest. I hunt sometimes with Artemis, although I find the sport cruel and I try to avoid it. I do read a bit but I like to find inspiration elsewhere."
"Elsewhere?" Hades' interest peak. He knew you were a nymph that wasn't supposed to have affairs with men but he felt like that was what you implied right now.
"Right there." You said and pointed at your forehead.
"I travel with my imagination as my vessel. I visit far away lands that I form there based on other peoples descriptions. It's like a mental painting if you will. You can imagine anything your heart desires, from freedom and happiness to love."
"Which one of those has you longing for the most?"
You stared at him because you didn't want to answer such a personal question. If freedom was that, you'd say it without a second thought. But you'd lie if you said so. It was love in your case, and you couldn't be this vulnerable and admit it out loud.
"I guess I don't know yet". Almost a lie, you thought.
"You still got time to figure it out after all."
"Yes. Although some guidance would be nice."
"I'm here if you'd like that. Unlike you I've found what I'm longing for. Now whether I'll have that or not is a different story but at least I know. Our past time activity isn't that different, you see. You paint a mental image written by you, I do so based on other people's words. I guess I'm not ready yet to be as vulnerable as you are. If you take the ink to write your hidden desires, you never know what's gonna come up and scare you."
You never thought of yourself as vulnerable. I guess being that was synonymous with being yourself, so it never felt out of the ordinary. You weren't afraid of your fantasies, you were accepting of them. It wasn't a personal matter entirely, your position in this world didn't let you to be who you wanted to. A nymph that had the privilege to be in Artemis companion had to follow her example and not have any kind of inappropriate relationship with a man. But currently you were in his world, and maybe rules are different now.
"How do you do that?" Hades spoke up putting an end to your train of thoughts.
"How do I do what?"
"How can you make me feel so comfortable around you?"
Oh. That's what he meant. Here comes your crazy heart beat again.
"I don't know. But I've never been told such a thing before. I guess it's my non threatening demeanor or my insignificant existence?"
"Insignificant?" Hades had an almost disgusted look on his face. He didn't like the way you were talking about yourself in the slightest.
"Well...I'm not supposed to be here in the first place. So whatever you're gonna say, I'll keep it a secret because my very own presence here should be a secret. It's also that, I'm a nobody so even if you said something you shouldn't, it won't matter much."
Hades really hated how you labeled yourself. It definitely wasn't that which made him feel comfortable with you.
"It's not that. You seem so pure and trustworthy, like a newborn that has sparkling eyes for everything they discover. When adults see the world it's a mundane ever the same routine but when they're asked questions by little kids, they see everything again for the first time. It gives them a new exciting perspective on things they've already witnessed. I'm not saying this in a demeaning manner if that made you offended. If anything it's very refreshing to talk with someone like you."
"Someone like me?"
Someone so beautiful and pure, he thought.
"Yes. Someone curious for the world around them." His answer didn't voice his thoughts exactly. He was such a coward.
"Thank you for your kind words. I really enjoyed our discussion but I'm afraid I have to leave. Artemis might get worried."
Hades nodded in an understanding manner although he really didn't want to let go yet.
"Hope we'll meet again".
"Maybe we will". You lifted your skirt a bit and moved up the stairs, taking a last look at the lake.
"I hope we will". You whispered.
Next chapter:
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sophietv · 1 year
What are your thoughts on Kaylor being referred to as "sisters" in all the recent articles? Now, assuming Tree has released this statement, it leaves a bit of a bitter taste in my mouth. Like friends was right there, why couldn't we just refer to them as just friends, doesn't even have to be bffs. And then calling them sisters starts making me doubt if they are together or if this is another attempt to clear Karlie's name considering she still gets so much unnecessary hate.
Maybe I'm overreacting and getting a bit impatient on them finally giving us more Kaylor interactions in any format. But as always keen to hear your interpretation of the articles! :)
P.S. Sorry I wrote an essay, I was meant to stop after the first question but here we are haha
I personnally did not take the use of the word Sister like that.
And if you think about it, someone that is as your sister, is closer to you than your friends.
Tree also said in some articles that they are closer than ever. And also talked about plans to be seen together in the future.
I get being impatient. But Like I said in a post I made just before the LA show where Karlie was. (X)
There's a chance that neither Karlie or Taylor comes out.
And we need to be ok with this possibility.
We are already so lucky that they are both sharing their love story with us as they are doing now.
And, even if it would feel exceptionnal to have that validation, especially with all the antis. They don't owe it to us.
This year has already exceeded all of my expectations toward Kaylor public interactions to be honnest.
And I can only hope, that Tree has a plan to clear Karlie's name.
In fact, I'm rooting even more for this than a public reunion. Because the hate she is getting is totally undeserved and out of control.
I hope I answered your questions!
And I really get where you are coming from.
Don't hesitate if you have any other questions!
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So are the Chris/Leon shippers, even though the two characters are canonically straight, this nonsense is still going on. I'm not homophobic, but it bothers me that people ignore canon
I'm assuming this ask is a partial continuation on the idea that some shippers are "delusional"
"I'm not homophobic, but it bothers me that people ignore canon"
this is homophobic.
now i may have a somewhat unpopular opinion, but i ALWAYS encourage lgbtq ships (if that is what you find more interesting and relatable) sure some lgbtq+ ships are a bit wacky, but lgbtq relationships in media have always struggled to be represented in a respectful manner.
"this nonsense is still going on."
what do you even mean by this.
are people not allowed to like gay ships?
the problem that i have with a majority of the leon x any other white girl in re ships is that there are inherent issues with power structures, age gaps, and the blatant misogyny and racism towards Ada.
I RARELY SEE a Leon x ship/reader, where they do not refer to Ada as something like a racist archetype, or something misogynistic. Ada is often used as a scapegoat for their own poor writing abilities and is pushed to be a "villain" so they can self insert themselves as the good girl, the best girl, the wholesome girl. this is so so damaging and problematic.
to think that i don't like leon x other ships because of the canon isn't the issue here. (although I do use the canon as some backing towards why i do not think other ships are that valid. you can still obviously ship whoever you want. but if you NEED to bash other characters to do so. I do not think you're as pure and wholesome as you think you are.)
chris/leon however, yes deviates from the canon, but the canon isn't an issue for me.
lgbtq representation will over supercide canon for me. and we need to get rid of this narrative that everyone is automatically straight.
gay people exist and will always exist. period
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welcomingdisaster · 1 year
2 and 25? 😁
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
oh no my only weakness... i have to be real every single ship i write i imagine switchy. so take this as a "in certain circumstances" kind of thing. i have written fic that contradicts both of these. it'll be compelling (hopefully) but honestly i don't know if i'll believe it. buuut. maedhros is absolutely a control freak that doesn't like being vulnerable, and sleeping with people is already toeing the line a little bit too much. i wrote enemy of good in part about his control issues in bed and i think that fic kind of captures my headcanons about his general vulnerability issues. i'm working on a longer fic about him experimenting with trauma through kink, and the rush that having power over people gives him -- so i lean towards "maedhros has to be in a very good mental state to bottom, which, considering that he wouldn't recognize a good mental state if bit him in the ass, means he doesn't really bottom." also hmmm. miriel is equally a control freak in my mind's eye. she will bottom but she will never stop bossing her partners around. she has an artistic vision for this sexual encounter please stop interrupting her creative process with your leg cramps 25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing oh man I do not know if I have a good answer for this. here are two weird ones i know that banning a language is a shitty move but i feel like. the level at which people talk about thingol is a person for banning quenya among his people is weirdly disproportionate to the action, especially considering it was prompted by him finding out he was lied to about the deaths of his own people. like it feels like people assign that action a worse moral value than all the murder. that being said that is such a feanorian assessment of morality i do kind of loop back around to admiring it. i'm also reaaallly over hearing arguments about what tolkien intended or wanted in terms of shipping (i think it's still an interesting question when we interpret some other parts of the text!). "tolkien was a catholic who would have hated your gay ships" has weirdly managed to make it on my dash several times and that is obviously the worst one. but i also kind of find the argument of "no i promise tolkien actually made x ship gay on purpose" kind of... tinfoil hat-y? i've never been convinced by them. and honestly, i don't really like the whole framework of applying authorial intent to ships. my current #1 favorite ship for the fandom was absolutely, 110% not intended, but i just... don't need jirt's permission or intention in this. i feel like the arguments about whether something like russingon or turleg (two ships i really like, mind you!) were intended by canon kind of imply that they would be less valid if they were not?
i have no idea if this makes sense & i do actually find the queer readings/analysis very interesting. but if anything i generally tend to assume that they leaked into tolkien from the (secretly queerer than we assume?) fairytales/myths/epics he was inspired by rather than being there by design. i feel like we can point out things like "hey, x plotline mirrors a romance" without needing to necessarily say "tolkien intended this and meant to hide gay stuff in his works." like i'm just over needing that old man's permission or intent.
this has been the rambliest response yet and i hope it's entertaining/coherent lmao. thank you for your ask!!
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primewritessmut · 8 months
1, 2, 5, 12, 31, and 38
I totally was going to do this during my training but the forty gallons of perfume lady but me under for several days. So instead, here it is now.
Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Seeing the Other. I think regardless of what genre I find myself in, there's always a component of that. The joy and tragedy of being seen, fully seen, for who/what you are and being loved or hated (sometimes both!) accordingly.
I don't know if I really have any other comfort zones. But that's almost definitely me having a blind spot to my own writing.
2. Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
The You've Got Mail trope!
I think I've mentioned this before but I FUCKING LOVE that trope and I've been dying to give it an actual go. I haven't really been able to find a fandom or situation in which I can envision it going the way I want it to, yet. But someday. Maybe.
Or, you know, I'll just have to do it as an original work.
5. Share one of your strengths.
I'll be honest. I am in a place where I am not feeling my strengths at the moment. Everything feels like splinters underneath my fingernails all the time. Which I think is normal and valid for any type of artist. So for this question, I'm giving you a resounding fuck you.
I'm good at trust falling into a story. Just knowing that I'll figure it out as I go along and not feeling like I need to know everything (or really anything) before starting to write.
12. Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
An episode of what? My life? A show? A podcast?
I'm going to go ahead and assume that you're asking me about Loki since you and I scream at each other about that literally every day. And, while I am a S1:E1 enjoyer like yourself, my favorite (and most inspiring) episode is S2:E1. There's a barrier that falls down between Mobius and Loki in that episode, primarily because I think Loki starts to realize that, in all this absolutely Time Slipping bullshit, he keeps going back to Mobius. All the way up to LITERALLY colliding with him near the end. (TWICE.)
31. Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
I never intend to take liberties with canon. But most of the fandoms I write for are comic fandoms first and foremost (with some movies thrown in) and there's SO MANY goddamn comics. I'm not trying to spend all my writing time lining up all the bits of canon. I'd never write.
Also, there is not way in hell that I'm letting canon get in the way of a good story.
Basically, I try not to stray too far from "accepted" canon, but it's also not tying me down.
38. Talk about a review that made your day.
Uh… all of yours? When I’m yelling “YOU GET IT” at your comments.
Other than that, I have a terrible memory so specific reviews aren’t always something I can recall. However, there are two FLAVORS of review I enjoy a lot. One is the “I think I just discovered a new kink” review which is maybe a bit odd because I typically do not want people infodumping their kinks into my comment section. BUT to hit someone where they live like that? With something I’ve written? It’s pretty cool. Second, the ones that are essentially “wow this was disgusting, but I loved it anyway, I find it all reprehensible but I read to the end.” Sort of the opposite of the first type of comment, I think. That my work repelled someone and they still had to finish it? Deep emotions in both sides. That means I did something right.
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mint-yooxgi · 2 years
I was waiting for your taeyong kinktober since the beginning but then when it came it was so smaller than the others, i was lowkey disappointed. It felt incomplete to me. Ik writers have a hard life too but just wanted to get this off my chest. I hope you know it’s not hate for you just criticism.
That’s it. Kinktober is cancelled. Thanks to everyone who’s supported it this far, but since the length of certain prompts aren’t up to this anon’s standards, everyone go home!
Is how I really wanted to answer this ask, amongst other things. (Though that’s still a bit dramatic, even for me lol)
I’m not going to lie, when I first got this ask a few hours ago while I was out with my friends, it fucking sucked. I was having such a good time with them since it’s one of my last times I’m going to be seeing the both of them for a while, but then when I saw this pop up in my ask box, it put a damper on my spirits.
I’ll be honest, there was definitely a time when I was writing these prompts when I worried about the length of some of them. I know first hand which ones are shorter than the rest, and it worried me that people would be upset that “my prompt isn’t as long as x prompt”, or “why is x prompt over 1k words while y prompt is only 250?” It is a valid concern. However, I have also stated time and time again on my blog that I will never force my writing, and certain prompts just didn’t give me as much inspiration as others.
Well, isn’t that just the million dollar question right there? Probably because I've written so many similar things to other prompts, as well as the ask isn’t actually for someone I bias. I definitely have more inspiration for people I bias, or groups I am hyper focused on at the moment than others. Also, I will reiterate, I will never force my writing.
Keep in mind here that I am writing 62, yes, you read that right, sixty-two kinktober prompts. If I set a word count goal for each of them, do you know how mentally draining that would be? Not to mention how repetitive and boring they would be because I will never force my writing. Writing them day after day leading up to their postings, a lot of them tend to blend together because it can be the same thing over and over. Some of them were a ‘I need to write this to get it done, so I can move on to the next’ rather than an ‘I want to write this.’ Also, again, the fact that for this particular case I felt I had written so many similar things just grated on my mind.
I have This Drabble which includes bondage with Taeyong.
I have This Drabble which includes Demon!Taeyong smut.
I have This Drabble which includes bondage with Taeyong.
These prompts are not meant to be very long, you can look at any of my 2020 Kintober Prompts to know. If some of them ended up being longer than the rest this time around, that’s great! If not, I am not going to force my writing. These are not full on smut pieces, of which I literally have one for Taeyong, a fact in which not many of the other nct members can say they have a stand alone smut on my blog.
I know this isn’t hate, but tell me where I asked for criticism? I always ask for feedback, but this message just reads to me that you (who probably sent this request, or at least that’s what I'm assuming based off of this salty ask), are butthurt about your request not being as long as you wanted it to be. I never promised novel length prompts. Besides, isn’t the saying quality over quantity? Though, it looks like you don’t think the prompt’s that good, either. Shame.
Like, I'm going to be real for a second here, (cause I'm starting to get heated the longer I look at this ask), but how entitled do you think you are? I don’t owe you kinktober prompts. I did it because it was something I thought would be fun to do, and because I wanted to do it. I don’t owe that to anybody. 
Let’s also not talk about the fact that it seems that over half of the interaction I only seem to get is people wanting to request something from me. It’s different when I ask for requests, but it’s still disheartening as a writer to know that one of the only types of interaction you get (after begging for some asks with games and stuff), is just people wanting something from you. I can’t count the amount of asks I've deleted in the past week about people sending me shit like “can you write this same kinktober prompt for x member from y group instead?” That shit is not okay!
Also, the fact that you came into my ask box on anon to tell me this, instead of, I don’t know, reblogging the fic with your feedback instead says a lot. This response probably would have gone a lot differently then. 
Yeah, I'll admit, this particular prompt is not by best writing, but let’s be real. Even if it were longer, you still wouldn't have reblogged it, anyways.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Hi ! I just want to ask for some advice about archiving an old livejournal fic collection I found from my fandom. I really want to move it all to AO3 to preserve these stories, since it's been untouched for years and years and years, but I'm wondering how to go about it. Should I just start? Or should I try to find and contact the authors first? I'm hesitant to archive / move fics without permission, but it's so old I have no idea how to find all these authors. And is it even a good idea to move it to AO3 or should I just leave it?
Any advice would be really appreciated !
Okay, first thing to be aware of is that AO3 only allows you to archive other people's fics if you are the owner of an archive and you are moving the archive to AO3.
Basically, they gave you permission to host their works before, and AO3 feels that transferring the archive to AO3 is like moving from one hosting service to another, not like a completely new and different archive, so the permission is still valid. (Though, of course, they make an effort to contact the writers, and if they want to delete their stuff from AO3, that's their right.)
But that doesn't mean you should give up on preserving these fics!
Your three big options are:
Download everything and keep a personal copy for yourself (useful if these are locked posts)
Put links to public works on the wayback machine
Try to contact the authors and ask if they'd be willing to post to AO3
I assume that you're looking at a Livejournal community and the fics posted to it?
Fandom moved to LJ a little bit in 2002 and in a big wave in 2003 (when you no longer needed an invite). LJ remained big until around 2010 with some trailing years of pretty heavy activity.
I realize that that might seem like a very long time ago to you, but it's honestly pretty recent in terms of fandom's history.
The majority of highly active people I knew on LJ got Dreamwidth accounts under the same name and may have the occasional post there even in the 2020s. A lot of them were in their 20s or 30s when they got an LJ and are now in their 40s or 50s. So, sure, some left fandom and a few may have died, but we're not looking at a population that is overwhelmingly dead of old age, you know? You can probably still track down a lot of people.
The first step would be to look at the info/profile page and see who the owners were. You can also click through to the profile pages of any accounts whose posts you're hoping to preserve. They may list what social media they went to after LJ.
Check Dreamwidth under the same names. If there's an identically named account and the profile page looks similar, it's likely to be the same person. Both LJ and DW have a PM function if you're signed in.
LJ people built AO3 and its early adopters are from there. There's a decent chance a bunch of these people were able to snag the very same name on AO3, so do a user search there. Their AO3 profiles if they've filled them out, their icon, and whatever they've posted will give you a clue if it's the same fan.
You can also do a general site search on Dreamwidth (which will catch many old imported posts that were once on LJ) for each username you want to investigate. You can often find people going "What ever happened to X?" and someone replying.
You should also ask Olds on here.
For starters, what's the fandom, @noelleidle? What's the community you'd like to preserve? (Or links list or whatever it is?) I might even know some of these people personally.
LJ fandom wasn't like modern fandom on twitter or something: we're talking thousands of people, not millions and millions, and many of us were only a few degrees of separation apart.
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queenjosielaufeyson · 2 years
The Only Logical Response
Loki x Reader (a bit of Bucky x Reader)
Summery: Loki goes with the only logical response to Bucky attempting to flirt with Y/N
Note: I'm using he/they for Loki
Loki finally had convinced himself that he was going to ask out Y/N after all the two had been becoming quite close and the way that they made him feel made his heart soar. He could only hope that they felt the same way.
Loki had been hyping themselves up in the mirror for a solid week now, knowing damn well that they would not be able to go to Thor or the other avengers at risk of being made fun of or his secret crush being spilled.
Today was finally the day though, Loki was going to ask them to dinner and and a movie, (their ideal first date as they told him). Loki was making their way to the compounds lounge where he assumed Y/N was. He was full of confidence the adrenaline from his morning training still in their system keeping them from backing out, but he soon stopped in his tracks when all of a sudden he heard the wondrous laugh that belonged to Y/N coming from Bucky's room.
He didn't see much of what was going on choosing to respect Bucky's privacy as much as possible, but he could hear the charm coming from Bucky's every word and with Y/N's contagious laugh that they have making its way through the hall he just knew he was utterly fucked.
That is until a white little kitten escaped through the slightly opened door. Y/N came dashing out first attempting to scoop up the cat but Loki was able to grab the little white fur ball before she could escape further.
"Hi Loki!" Y/N smiled.
"Hello Y/N, how are you?"
"I'm good! Bucky was just introducing me to his new cat! Isn't she so cute!" Y/N gushed at the little kitty still in Loki's arms. Bucky showed up behind Y/N shortly after grabbing the cat from Loki's arms.
"Thanks for grabbing her, this is Alpine," Bucky said with slight irritation in his voice at the intrusion of Loki, "I know how much Y/N loves cats so I just had to introduce them, the two of us are going to have breakfast with this little furball at this cat cafe I found." Bucky said clearly rubbing it in Loki's face that he got Y/N first.
But Bucky's satisfied smirk soon dropped as quickly as it came when Y/N said, "You should join us! I know you are just as much of a cat person!"
Bucky shot a look at Loki from behind Y/N where they couldn't see but Loki read it loud and clear they were not welcome.
Loki smiled politely "Thank you but I am swamped with meetings and such today."
Y/N frowned "Aww maybe next time! I'd hate for you to miss out on the cats. That place has such big chonkers there I'm so excited!"
Loki smiled and walked away but was soon struck with an idea getting an even better cat for Y/N to fawn over. But the question was which cat.
Loki had been pondering the idea when finally he heard the perfect conversation between Y/N Wanda Yelena and Kate.
"I see a big cat like a tiger or something are you stopping me or joining me in petting the big cat?"
"That would be such a cool way to die," Yelena said.
"We wouldn't die from it but you're right!"
"I'm not gonna stop you but I'm not joining either." Wanda said
"A valid response"
"Who needs limbs," Kate said.
"DO NOT PET A TIGER Y/N!" Natasha shouted.
"This is why I didn't ask you."
The next day Loki knocked on Y/N's door, "Y/N may I come in?"
"Yeah! What's up?"
"Would you care to go on a walk with me?"
"Of course Loki! It's been ages since we've hung out!"
"Yes well it seems you are always with Barnes," Loki said.
"Actually I'm always with Alpine, don't tell Bucky but I sometimes sneak into his room while he's training to play with her."
"Your secret is safe with me but I must warn you he will probably find out soon," Loki chuckled.
"I know but..." Y/N paused as their stroll brought them outside," Loki what is that?"
"A tiger," Loki said simply proud that they were able to find one.
"Oh my god!"
Loki smirked "I am your god."
Y/N lightly smacked his chest "Don't be an ass, did you do this for me?"
"Only the best for you, don't worry she is completely trained you will not lose any limbs, and if you prefer to be just you and the cat I will be on my way."
"No don't go! You did this for me and love cats just as much as I do. Honestly I've been trying to get Bucky to let you join us when we take Alpine out. He always says no."
"I think it's cause he likes you," Loki softly smiles.
"I know, I overheard him talking to Steve, it's why I started visiting Alpine while Bucky is away," Y/N said.
"But why?"
"I in love with someone else, but I'm not sure if they like me back."
"You're amazing I'm sure whoever it is is lucky to receive your affection."
"And if it's you?"
Loki sat there stunned.
"I'm sorry you can just forget about it."
Loki leaned in and kissed Y/N deeply showing the love that they have for them.
"I could never just forget about it, I love you too why else would I get you a tiger to pet."
"You just wanted to one up Bucky."
"Never my only motive was to see the smile on your face."
"That why you have the tiger over by where Bucky is training?"
"Of course not meer coincidence I promise you that."
"Whatever you say." Y/N smiled before making a dash for the tiger completely missing the victory smirk that Loki sent over to Bucky.
@darkacademicfrom2021 @lucywrites02 @lostgreekgod @gaitwae @funsized-mimi @ethanshide @the-emo-asgardian
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strangertheories · 2 years
shoutout to fandom romanticing pedophilic gives-drugs-to-kids-with-no-safety-checks-except-making-vulnerable-people-trip-in-his-van-like-a-fucking-creep no life lowlife actual adult who hasn't given a shit enough to graduate school and bullies literal children because he's an insecure loser eddie.
I feel like this is a tad extreme. First of all pedophilic? Eddie is not a pedophile. Chrissy's age is still up for debate but even so, their interaction was never said to be romantic, he was just comforting someone who thought they were going insane. I also kind of interpret him as being gay and into Steve, but I will admit Steddie is not canon. But neither is Eddie X Chrissy? And yes, he did deal drugs, but he's also shown to be living in poverty so I don't think it makes him an evil person because he just needs the cash. I don't know much about drugs so I'm not going to comment on the safety stuff, but I suppose that's a valid criticism.
But again, I don't think these are irredeemable evil acts. Isn't that kind of the point though? Because he's a drug dealer and he's kind of mean and he has a spiky exterior let's say, people assume he's therefore a bad and horrible person who's capable of murder but he's just some kind of nerdy and cowardly but also very friendly guy. It's why Chrissy said she thought he was going to be meaner. It's the same attitude I take towards him 'bullying' children. Is he a bit too mean and harsh at the start of the series, especially when he refuses to postpone D&D? Yes, I'd say so. But once you get through his seemingly scary and mean appearance, you realize why these kids love him so much and why they want to be like him. I think he also acts mean because people expect him to be like that because he's into alternative stuff when in reality he's just a nice dude who likes heavy metal and LARP.
Correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I always interpreted the fact he hadn't graduated was not because he was lazy but because he was scared to move on with his life. That's the point of his whole character arc. He starts out as someone who is too afraid to change so he just avoids his problems entirely and as the season goes on, he becomes more and more brave before sacrificing himself to prevent the demobats from attacking Nancy, Steve and Robin and to damage Vecna via hive mind. It's why he says he's finally going to graduate before he dies. He's finally been able to move on and not be afraid of change anymore because he stopped running from his problems.
Hopefully this explanation made sense. Thanks for the ask anyways.
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scaramouche-bully · 3 years
i hope this isn't rude to ask, but why do you write dark content topics like noncon and abuse? i'm a s/a and abuse survivor who had no problem with these things before my trauma but afterwards i became angry at people who made such content. now i'm trying to remember that people have different reasons for writing these things and i've been asking writers what their thoughts are. i've been following you for a while and i know you're kind and not ill intentioned in your writing, so i was wondering what your views are. this isn't meant to be hateful at all and i am just curious and want to understand. if this makes you uncomfortable feel free to delete it!
Hello anon,
Don't worry, this isn't rude to ask at all. I respect that you want to understand and this is from curiosity rather than being hateful (which I don't take your ask as such) and that you remember that there's a person behind the work. To be honest, I don't really know how to answer your question so I might go on a tangent. I hope you don't take my words as fact or my entire thought process but I just want to say:
I don't support rape or abuse. I don't want anyone to think that just because I write it, I fantasize about it or condone it in any way. I don't. I'm not trying to offend or make anyone angry, that's why I tag everything twice and add a read more. It's your choice whether to believe me or not, I just ask that you don't harass me under those assumptions.
To put it bluntly, it's just writing to me. When you see people write or do something really obscure or relating to dark content, you're completely right to assume it's because they're interested in those topics. But that's not necessarily the same for everything and everyone. I can't speak on the behalf of every single writer out there but personally, it's just something to explore from an omniscient point of view. I'm not going to bullshit you or sugarcoat my words, I'm not a survivor and the harassment and abuse that I have suffered aren't traumatic to me. That's why I can think that way and it's not because I have any ill-intent or I'm trying to undermine or pretend that those issues aren't serious. They are. Personally, I would get very upset as well because, in my mind, someone is taking something very personal and traumatic and doing what? Writing about it with fictional characters that they want to fuck? It feels insulting in a way. Naturally, I have no idea what you feel but that's how I would react.
But it's similar to any murder/mafia au or even yandere. Does that mean I like killing people or obsessive behaviour? No, absolutely not. When I write a character or direct a movie and someone is shooting someone, does that mean I'm into violence or condone guns? No, that was not the intention at all. We can say it's "not the same thing" and you're totally valid to think that way. But for me, it is. I'm not pretending as if murder or abuse doesn't exist or it's something to want. When it's in shows or books, no one really bats an eye to that. Maybe it's the stigma with fanfic authors that we're all 13-year old quotev writers/readers (I used to be one so I'm really just making fun of myself here) that we rightfully assume it's because we like those topics or we fantasize about being in those situations. Because why else would I want to read or write about x reader fics with those topics?
You don't need me to tell you that it's reasonable to be angry at people that make dark content. I myself, don't really like dark content that much either. I don't daydream about being used and I don't like feeling upset. Which I guess doesn't make sense especially for the type of fics I write. But when I actually write, there's a major disconnect between fiction and reality and I understand that it's not like that for everyone else. Writers pov compared to a reader's pov I feel is very different. I can be a selfish person and write this way because I've never been through it. But it's never from a place of disrespect and I apologize if it feels that way but I can't control what you feel. All I ask is that you read the tags and determine whether or not you want to associate with it. To me, it's just words on a paper and action queues I'm giving to imaginary characters. I'm not fantasizing about anything, I don't even like sex that much. I just think it's something to write that I feel like doing. For example, I don't care for Venti at all. He's cute I guess but I don't want to fuck him. But I still write for him and how I write makes it seem as if I actually look at Venti that way. I don't, it's just writing. I guess it's the same question as to why do you write in general. Because it's fun? I wouldn't really call it "fun" and more of a hobby that I like to do. This doesn't really make sense since people that do anything as a hobby naturally assume they have a passion or like it. In a sense, it's kind of like this: You enjoy drawing but if someone asked you to draw a monster, yes you could do it because you like to draw but it's not like you're putting your heart or deep emotional thoughts into it. It's just a drawing of a monster. You've never had an experience with a monster (in a fictional sense) so there's nothing for you to be traumatized with. There might be some aspects, spikes or tentacles, that make you uncomfortable, sure. And people can find deeper meanings in your work and make assumptions when there isn't, to you it's just an image.
I know this is an incredibly shitty way to explain why I write dark content because it sounds like I don't care or I think abuse/noncon subjects don't matter because it's "just words on a paper". I get it, in movies when the protagonist is abused or has been a survivor of rape and that doesn't go anywhere. That it's just a way for the movie to pity the main character or to explain why they act a certain way, it feels cheap and manufactured and I hate it. But I always believe that as long as you aren't doing anything illegal or endangering yourself + others, I don't care what you do. When I see topics that I personally find disgusting or don't like, I just move on. They aren't hurting me in any way and they're allowed to write what they want to write. I know that isn't the same for everyone and that kind of thinking is very romanticized but I like to think that I'm smart enough to know when that thinking breaks or isn't acceptable.
Sorry that I keep drawing comparisons, it's just how I like to explain things and it's easier for me to explain my thoughts that way. My writing is like a snow globe. Sure it has some real connotations with the snow that comes from nature, but it's not real snow. It's an overly pretty, dream-like world, that can never be cold and doesn't show how awful living with a lot of snow does to you. People that have never seen snow, they'll love it because it doesn't remind them of actual snow since they've never experienced it. But I have, I live in NA. Except I understand that it's just a snow globe. Sure it might make someone uncomfortable for any reason, but it doesn't for me and at the end of the day, it's just an object to me. You can take that as a very selfish way of thinking but I'm not going to throw my snowglobe in the trash just because someone doesn't like it. I know for a fact that anything I write isn't meant to trigger or make anyone upset, I write it because I want to explore those topics. I don't think it's hot, I don't think it's okay, and I don't condone it in real life. But it's just writing to me, it's just fiction, it's a way for me to explore those topics in a way that I am comfortable. If you don't like it and it triggers you, that is completely okay and understandable, but that wasn't my intention and I'm not going to stop.
I hope that answers your question and gives you a bit of insight into my views. I know my way of thinking isn't for everyone and you're allowed to disagree with it. Dark content is a very thin line that a lot of people aren't comfortable with and I acknowledge that. I don't even like dark content that much but I'm not going to stop writing about it. I'll tag everything, crop away topics that trigger people, and to be honest, I don't find myself writing about dark content ever unless an anon asks for it. But if you don't like me or disagree with what I've said, the block button is right there.
- 🐑
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thedreadvampy · 3 years
Hi idk you personally but I've followed you for a while, I've recently gotten into a polyam relationship, like really recently, and I'm trying to kind of warm my family up to the realisation that polyam relationships are no less valid than any other relationship. My mother is on board and also the only one fully aware that I'm in one, my sister however reacted immediately with disgust when I brought up the topic to her. I asked her what she even thought was so gross about it and pointed out that she was unable to give me an answer when she wasn't. She claimed polyam relationships "never work" and I asked her how many polyam people she knew, the answer was of course, none. she then claimed she knew that because she didn't like polyam relationships and I told her nobody was asking her to be in one, so that's irrelevant. I don't have anybody I know who's been through this, and you don't have to answer if this stuff is triggering for you of course, and I know you're not some kind of poly agony aunt, but I feel kind of out of my depth with this. I love my partners and I love my sister and I want her to know about this, how the hell to I explain it to her when she's so automatically against it??
Hmmm, that's a tricky one, I'm sorry you've got this to deal with. People can be so word about polyamory.
I'll be honest, I don't really know - I've been very lucky with my family and they've all been very chill about it, but I've had 2 partners who just aren't out to their whole family about being poly (and one who only was bc they were caught in flagrante with their other partner by a parent and had to explain very rapidly) so yeah like it's a big issue.
For me, I don't really know but I think my best guess would be: instead of warming her up to the idea of polyamory warm her up to the idea of your partners? Like tell her about nice things about your partners without using names and pronouns, maybe introduce her to one and then further down the line introduce her to the other(s), and kind of let her get a less abstract and biased view of what your relationship is like until she's like 'wait, weren't you dating X? I liked them' and you can be like 'well good news I still am!'
That approach means slowing things right down with her, and that might not be the right fit for you, but that's I think the approach that's worked best for me and people I know - she loves you, so let her be happy for your relationship and develop an emotional investment rather than asking her to change her immediate bias in the abstract. Also if you are comfortable to wait until you've got a bit more entrenched and she knows a bit about your partners, she's less likely to assume you don't know what you're doing/are making rash decisions.
(This is a lot easier for people like me who generally takes a need-to-know approach to dating, like eh it'll come up when it's relevant - I don't think my dad ever knew about my ex girlfriend of 4 years, not because she was a secret but just because I never brought her to a family thing)
I suspect ultimately the thing is: one way or another it's going to take time. And that's frustrating and miserable when you're in the flush of a new exciting relationship and you want to tell the people you love, especially if you're used to your sister being your confidante, but unfortunately it doesn't sound like she's ready to be there for you and be excited for you yet however you approach it, and that sucks but there's probably not a magic bullet that will make her Suddenly Get It. It's great you have your mum onside - that means when/if you do tell your sister, you're not standing alone against the tide.
I think if she's that opposed to poly in the abstract, even if you don't slowly introduce your partners and you tell her all in one go, wait a wee while. If you tell her about it a week into a relationship then you break up after a month (I'm not saying you will but Shit Happens), that could reinforce her ideas that poly is destructive and unhealthy (even if polyamory had nothing to do with why you broke up). On the other hand, if you wait a few months then when you do tell her, if she's like 'no such thing as a healthy poly relationship' you can be like 'well ok but I've found this really positive and supportive for the last six months.'
She'll probably take a while to get used to the idea and that sucks. But if you're happy and your mum's happy and she increasingly sees you happy with your partners, gets to know your partners etc, poly will be less of an abstract concept and she may well soften over time - that's been the case for a lot of people I know. It's always tempting to stay safely in the abstract before you commit to telling someone but it's much harder to convince someone to change their minds on an abstract concept than if it's attached to real people they care about.
It probably isn't going to be an easy road with her and I'm sorry you have to deal with that. It will take time and she might never come around and if she doesn't all you can do is understand that it's not your fault and it's not up to you to change her mind if she refuses to. But she may well surprise you over time.
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How about that WandaVision finale?
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I have been MCU trash pretty much since 2008's "Iron Man," and it's currently a great time to be MCU trash. "WandaVision" is one of the few series that not only kept me coming back week after week, but actually amounted to much more than just a gimmicky twist (I'm looking at you, "Behind Her Eyes." Seriously, that show is soap opera drivel with a shocking double twist as its only captivating trait...and the double twist wasn't handled very well anyway)
In the end "WandaVision" was about overcoming grief and accepting reality.
Spoilers ahead!
The "WandaVision" finale was quite good overall, but there were a few disappointments. I'll address the latter first:
We never found out who was in witness protection. At the beginning of the series, Jimmy Woo stated there was someone trapped in West View who was in the witness protection program, and it seemed like it would be a key subplot but ultimately, it didn't lead anywhere. Perhaps it wasn't meant to be seen as anything more than some...random bit of information, but it is odd that they put such a specific detail into the story in the first place if it wasn't going to lead anywhere. Then again, supposedly we may get more questions answered in "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness," so this subplot may not have been wasted after all.
There were so many theories floating around hinting at who the true villain was behind the scenes, including Mephisto, Nightmare, Grim Reaper, and Chthon. All seemed like valid enemy choices, especially Mephisto as many clues appeared to lead to him, and Grim Reaper due to his helmet making an appearance in the opening credits of episode two. However, there wasn't a big baddie hiding in the shadows, and Agatha Harkness and Tyler Hayward were the only villains. Then again, that doesn't mean there isn't an ultimate villain lurking out there who could appear in "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness," but it kind of sucks we have to wait until 2022 to find out.
I wanted White Vision to go to Wanda and get together with her since Hex Vision restored his memories. But White Vision just flew off and wasn't seen again for the rest of the episode. I guess he needed time to process all the memories that had just flooded his high advanced robot mind, which is understandable because it was a lot to take in. I would have liked to see him make another appearance in the episode, though, even if it was at the very end with Wanda in her secluded cabin. I just want them to be happy together, ok?
Evan Peters wasn't actually Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff from the "X-Men" movies but someone named Ralph Bohner. This must be the Ralph Agatha referred to numerous times throughout the series but was never shown (not until the later episodes, that is). It does seem a bit weird -- off-putting, really -- that Evan wasn't Quicksilver from an alternate timeline. It would have made sense, and would have been a nice sampling of the "Multiverse of Madness," but in the end, he was just...Ralph. I honestly, don't get it, though: Why choose Evan Peters for such a random role when he was Quicksilver in the "X-Men" movies, and we are getting into the Multiverse part of the MCU storyline? Also, what happened to him in the end? After Monica freed him from Agatha's magic, we never saw him again. So....? What gives?
Although this is more of a personal gripe than anything, I was seriously hoping Doctor Strange would appear in the finale, even if it was in a post-credits scene. It would have been an excellent lead in for "Multiverse of Madness," and I just really love Benedict Cumberbatch's portrayal of the character. But again, this isn't really a flaw with the "WandaVision" series and is more of a pet peeve.
Also another peeve: What happened to Señor Scratchy?
I can't even say that there was a lot to be disappointed in with the finale, though. The lack of an "ultimate big bad meanie" isn't so bad. The series was more focused on Wanda running from her grief, having it smother her, and then earning her acceptance. Agatha and Hayward were sufficient as "true villains" of the series.
The only big issues are Evan Peters being a random dude named Ralph, and the weird subplot of a missing witness that ended up leading nowhere (for now?)
There was plenty of good in the "WandaVision" finale!
Wanda finally donning a scarlet outfit and crow reminiscent of what she wears in the comics was totally bad ass. It looked fantastic, and it shows she's now understanding herself and her powers much more. She isn't naïve about any of it, and is ready to learn how to control and enhance her abilities. Initially, she didn't want to be seen as a witch but ultimately, it is her destiny, and she chose to accept it without fear.
The second and final post-credits scene with Wanda making tea in her secret cabin in the mountains was interesting to say the least. Physical(?) Wanda was doing daily task while her astral projection -- which featured her in her costume -- was studying the book of dark spells (or "Book of the Damned," as Agatha called it). This is a funny nod to 2016's "Doctor Strange" considering Doctor Strange's physical form would sleep while his astral form would study magic. The difference, though, is Wanda is reading from the Book of the Damned, which can't be a good thing. Also, it almost indicates she has two personalities: Wanda Maximoff and Scarlet Witch, and I like that idea. She may have to wrestle with herself internally in the near future.
I was so glad that White Vision was able to regain his memories of his past -- and true? -- self thanks to Hex Vision. I hope White Vision will go to Wanda and reunite with her, but I'm not sure when that will happen. Paul Bettany isn't listed in the cast for "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" so...I'm really confused. White Vision still exists and is somewhere but...where? When? How? The cast list for "Multiverse of Madness" is very short, though, and Paul's upcoming films and series list ends in 2020 so...maybe it's meant to be a secret? The movie isn't due out until next year so it COULD be the case. Otherwise, it seems like a huge oversight on the MCU's part to just forget about White Vision. It would be a pleasant surprise if he shows up in "Multiverse of Madness" to help Wanda from doing bad things, losing control, or whatever?
Scarlet Witch is supposedly stronger than the Sorcerer Supreme, which is kind of awesome but kind of troubling because Doctor Strange may not have the best time in "Multiverse of Madness" is he is to confront her. This is why I hold on to the theory that White Vision may appear in the movie to aid Doctor Strange by calming Wanda down. Either way, knowing she is so powerful and at the same time, a very emotional person, hints at an epic fight in the near future.
I really liked how Wanda tricked Agatha into stealing her chaos magic. I was wondering why Wanda was missing with some of her chaos magic spheres, but assumed she was just growing tired and weak and was losing focus. Then it's revealed that she wasn't missing her shots -- she was placing large runes on the Hex's walls to prevent Agatha from using her magic. Then this allowed Wanda to take back her powers and steal some of Agatha's, which, in turn, made her accept her role as the Scarlet Witch. Agatha is punished by being trapped as nosy neighbor Agnes in West View, but I don't think it's the last we'll see of her.
I'm glad Wanda was able to finally accept Vision's death as that was what had caused all this mess in the first place. Despite what she did, she was a sympathetic "villain," if you can even consider her one. She was overwhelmed by grief and found a way to cope...she just happened to drag a small town into her world. Oops.
Monica's powers continuing to evolve was amazing, like how she managed to stop the bullets Hayward attempted to fire at Billy and Tommy. I really like Monica's character and the actress, Teyonah Parris, is very talented, so I'm excited to see more of her in Phase Four.
While it was expected, it was ultimately the right decision to let the people of West View go free. Even if they still resent Wanda for trapping them previously, they are given the chance to return to their normal lives without any harm done to them (well, maybe some mental and emotional trauma but, hey, who doesn't deal with these things in life, right?)
Some things I want to make note of:
Paul Bettany is a fucking troll and I love it! He had hinted at a surprise cameo later in the "WandaVision" series, which would involve working with an actor he's always wanted to work with. This caused a lot of speculation as to who it would be, although, Benedict Cumberbatch was the top choice since Doctor Strange and Vision never had screen time together, and Benedict is a great actor (then again, so is Paul, although, he's underrated, I think). Then there were rumors of Al Pacino being the surprise cameo since he was a major influence on Paul, and there were theories Al would show up as a secret villain like Nightmare. Turns out the secret surprise cameo was Paul Bettany himself since he played both Hex Vision and White Vision, and the two did fight for a bit before having a philosophical chat which led to White Vision regaining his memories. So, yeah, Paul Bettany is Troll of the Year. I guess I was initially disappointed that the big reveal wasn't really a big reveal, but I quickly realized how hilarious it was that Paul played us all so well. He's probably laughing his ass off right now at everyone's "WTFFF?" reactions.
I know Elizabeth Olsen was criticized for her poor Russian accent, but I think she's a very good actress and love her portrayal of Wanda. I mean, accents can be a bitch to master, I get it, and sometimes, I think if the performance is still impressive, we can learn to be unbothered if the accent is off.
I noticed that Chiwetel Ejiofor is returning as Karl Mordo in "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness," so perhaps he will be the main villain or a secondary villain? He has to be a villain since he is hunting down sorcerers to take their powers. Maybe he wants to take Wanda's powers, too? I mean, she's a sorcerer of sorts, so...maybe that is going to be a plot point? Although, Mordo is probably way out of his depth against her but we shall see.
I kind of still want Mephisto or Nightmare to appear in Phase Four since they have been hyped so much due to clues in "WandaVision." I don't think Wanda will be the big baddie for Phase Four, I just don't see it. Also, I don't see Mordo as being the big baddie, either. Both are very single-minded in their goals, and yeah, Thanos was, too, but he dragged the entire universe into his insane and devastating goal. I don't think Wanda or Mordo have such grand and deadly intentions. Wanda just wants her kids back and Mordo wants to get rid of sorcerers as...revenge against the Ancient One's "betrayal?" I don't know...but I don't think he wants to take over the universe. I never read the comics, though, so I could be wrong.
In the second post-credits scene of the "WandaVision" finale," we see Wanda's astral self studying dark magic from the Book of the Damned, and Billy and Tommy suddenly call out to her. I am guessing she could have been studying spells to see if there was anything that could bring them back since, unlike Vision, they were a creation unique to her from the start. Vision was initially a new, more powerful, more durable body for Ultron, then he was given Jarvis' AI and became, uh, the Vision, so, he never "belonged" to her. Getting her kids back, however, may prove to be a problem for the universe because it could lead to multiverse madness. I'm so funny, I know.
As disappointing as it was for Evan Peters to presumably be some dude named Ralph Bohner and not the "X-Men" movieverse Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff, maybe it makes sense when you really think about it. Marvel owns the rights to the X-Men now because Disney owns Marvel and Disney purchased the rights through their merger with 21st Century Fox. Marvel plans to reboot the X-Men with "The Mutants" movie sometime soon, and that means characters will be recast. They kind of have to because the current cast's movie series has hit a dead end with "Apocalypse" and "Dark Phoenix" proving to be underwhelming. I do wonder how Marvel will breathe fresh life into the X-Men in the movieverse because I feel like there is X-Men fatigue right now? Or maybe it's just me. I've grown disappointed with the franchise and am sort of annoyed at a reboot because it may be too soon. But, hey, hopefully I'm proven wrong!
Marvel also has rights to the Fantastic Four, which means we may actually finally get a good Fantastic Four movie! Three attempts have been made so far (yes, three), and they all failed to impress with the last attempt being an embarrassment. I mean, it was a disaster as nearly everyone hated how boring and bland and choppy it was, and that is reflected in its pitiful earnings. On a budge of $120-155 million, the 2015 "Fantastic Four" movie only grossed $167.9 million globally. OOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFF.
Phew, that was a huge post, but got all my thoughts out. Considering how shitty things have been since the abomination of 2020 was born, and with little hope for things to improve anytime soon (I have my own problems as well, which aren't going away anytime soon, either, hahaha T__T), it's refreshing to have some stuff to be happy about. Some people hate the MCU, some people have lost interest, and some people may just be indifferent, but I'm definitely and MCU fan and it makes me feel excited and giddy, two things I don't experience often anymore :\
Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments or in a reblog, but no hate and no "cancel culture" talk. I want to keep this post positive.
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