#I'm bored of the bots that are already there lol
lala1236 · 5 months
So...it's me again and I want to encourage our enthusiastic fandom to keep creating more content for artw, even if Storytaco keeps starving us of content! I encourage everyone to create edits, make more bots on Chai and characterai and write fan fiction! We can't die yet!!!!
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batboyblog · 5 months
Your posts do more to promote the good democrats do than any sitting democrat does.
well thats very kind, thank you.
I think it's more we, all of us, live in an age of intention media and social siloing. We have blinders on, we put them on ourselves over years, we only go onto 2-3 web sites, get our news from one maybe two places and talk to people who already agree.
there are studies that show social media intentionally place negative stories in front of users because if you feel shitty you stay on-line scrolling. The traditional media is much the same, if it bleeds it leads, they've long been conditioned to view good news as basically boring and reporting on the good any administration does as serving as the White House's mouth piece
On top of which it's hard to escape the feeling that the media actively misses Trump. He was very good for business, meanwhile books on Biden's well functioning administration of people who get along and work well together are being straight up dropped by publishers because they think no one wants to read that. Trump had all the drama a reporter looking for a book deal could ever want.
All by way of saying Democrats are trying, or some of them are, but people choose not to look, and also social media isn't going to feed it to people by algorithm and the traditional media will at best cover It briefly in passing
also sadly for Tumblr everyone assumes we're dead. So no news organizations have active Tumblrs, no politicians or campaigns. Misinformation from other web pages, bots, and trolls have kinda free reign here
so I'm chugging along with my happy little counter programing because facts fucking matter (and it pisses some people off a lot lol)
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pyjamaart · 6 months
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Breaking Bot (read more for some rambling about mega man fully charged)
Mega Man Fully Charged has been on my mind again lately, which made me realize that there's literally a robot named Chemistryman who worked as a chemistry teacher. Not using him as a Walter White stand-in would be a criminal offense.
I'll have to admit I started getting back into Fully Charged again after seeing some asshole on twitter complain about the character design for the hundredth time. I just can't stand that kind of negativity. I swear to god, Fully Charged is like the Sonic Boom of the Mega Man franchise. Personally, I really enjoy the FC designs. I've probably said this before, but I feel like the redesigns give some of the more forgettable robot masters way more character. Like, do I care for Classic Drillman from Mega Man 4? I mean, yeah, I do, but I wouldn't care as much if it wasn't for his Fully Charged incarnation.
I also really enjoy most of the original robot masters. I already talked plenty about Blastowoman and why I love her so much, but I want to talk about the others this time.
Take for example Chemistryman. Comparisons to Walter White out of the way, I feel like his character was a really fun idea. God knows I had teachers who put me to sleep back in the day. For me, it wasn't chemistry though, it was my economics teacher. I always compared her to a story teller at a Christmas market who would read children stories out of her big fairy tale book. Only that in reality, it was stuff like the minimization/maximization principle. Most of my notes for that class were incomprehensible chicken scratch, because I just couldn't keep my eyes open. In the end, I slept through like half her classes, lol. But I gotta say that I still always got a B or higher in the end. Somehow. I thank god every day that I never have to step foot in a school again.
I really wish Chemistryman got a little more time to shine though. Two episodes is just way too little. I would gladly take three more episodes with him over those gross Gutsman episodes. I know I love talking about wasted potential with this show, but I wish there was an episode that focused on Chemistryman outside of the school setting. I get that his whole character is "boring, bitter teacher", but I'd really like to see what he gets up to when he's not trying to force children to listen to his chemistry lectures. Like having Aki try to talk him into going into retirement for good. And then he tries to find hobbies for him so that he doesn't bore himself to death. I can see him getting into building model ships or something like that, lol.
Now that I'm already writing up a storm again, I might as well talk about some other headcanons I have about the FC bots. Since Woodman was in sleep mode for 30 years after the war ended (I don't know where I got that number from. I rewatched his debut episode, but the exact number doesn't appear anywhere. Oh well, let's just pretend this is canon, even if it isn't.) we got kind of a Shadow the Hedgehog type situation on our hands. All of his friends and family got to live their lives in this new, peaceful world of harmony between robots and humans, while Woodman spent 30 years powered down in a bush or something. Completely forgotten about. Like, why didn't they go look for him after the war ended? I don't think Aki and Suna wandered that far into the forest for their school assignment. If you really think about Woodmans back story for a moment, you realize how fucked up it actually is. 
Now my explanation for this goes into heavy heavy headcanon territory. When Suna calls the principal about Woodman, he warns her that Woodman is dangerous and to get away from him immediately. Now why would he say that? The principal also calls him "ruthless" in that same explanation. What I think happened back then was that Woodman actually planned to assassinate the human armies leader. (Possibly Sgt. Night?) The leader of the robots caught wind of his plan and put him into sleep mode himself, since he and Dr. Light were on the brink of finding a way to end the war peacefully. In my mind, this leader is the FC version of Swordman. Don't ask me why, he was just the first guy I thought of. And then it just stuck.
I know this makes Woodmans back story even more fucked up, but I just love putting my favorite blorbos through hardship. Don't even ask me about my headcanons for Drillman. They'd actually put me in prison.
Now all this culminates after Woodman is reactivated by Suna and Aki. Finding himself alienated from all his former friends and comrades (Maybe the other Mega Man 2 robot masters?), what was he supposed to do? He couldn't spend the rest of his life isolated (and homeless) in the forest, could he? And this is where season 2 could have delivered. But I'm done whining about that. If Capcom doesn't deliver, I gotta write my own season 2. Simple as that.
Anyway, getting back to Chemistryman, since he's pretty old, I imagine that he was already working as a teacher when Woodman was still around. Maybe he even was his teacher at some point.
And since I love having my favorite characters interact, I also thought of a scenario where Drillman wanders into the forest out of frustration over his miserable life, only to meet Woodman by coincidence. In the end, Woodman helps him work through his daddy issues and his body dysmorphia, while Drillman helps Woodman reintegrate and manage this (for him) completely new world of peace. Another great headcanon of mine is that Chemistryman is actually Acidmans father. Just because I think it would be funny. And as Fully Charged has confirmed: robots in that universe do indeed have parents. (Flashback to the time I drew Dr. Light beating the shit out of Drillman's father)
Speaking of Drillman.... For being one of my favorite Mega Man characters of all time, I haven't drawn him nearly enough. That will probably be my next project.
This might also be a great time to tell you that I've never watched Breaking Bad before, lol. Everything I know about it comes from RTGame's Stardew Valley playthrough and the RTVS Half Life parody.
Sorry for all the yapping. But if I don't talk about robots at least once a day, I might die. This is a serious condition.
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genericpuff · 1 year
A theory as crazy as it is profound in a silly r/im14andthisisdeep kinda way
So there's this conspiracy theory of sorts that's been whispered within the ULO discord and subreddit the last little bit. I don't think anyone's made an outright statement on it yet but it's definitely something people have been casually talking about in the comment sections and chatrooms, mostly as a joke, but also as a thought experiment.
And that thought experiment is concerning the notion that Lore Olympus could very well have become a poorly-made AI comic.
Not necessarily the art, as we've already dissected the art process plenty of times before and it points to Rachel simply being bad at team management and using her mismanaged team as a way to circumvent any real effort on her own part.
But the writing. There's just something about Lore Olympus' writing that's become incredibly stiff, boring, and alien.
Disclaimer before I continue: this is a tinfoil hat theory, and a lot of the points I'm about to discuss can be easily proven with far more reasonable explanations, so take it with mountains of salt. That said, I do think it's something worth talking about as we're currently in an era of mass AI-takeover in the art and writing scene, and let's face it, Lore Olympus nowadays really does feel like it's either being written by an alien, or an amalgamation of possessed animatronic endoskeletons wearing a human skinsuit. So viewer beware, this post is full of speculation and tinfoil hat wearing, read at your own discretion and don't take everything I'm about to say 100% seriously.
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Let's get started.
This is where that whole "animatronic wearing a skinsuit" vibe really shines, so I figured it would be where I'd start. Lore Olympus... does not feel human. It's dialogue often feels stilted and scripted, none of the characters have any sense of personal voice, and it often feels like the dialogue is coming straight out of a sterilized Wikipedia article.
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There are also often times when characters will say one thing only to be responded to with an entirely other thing. It comes across as randomly generated, like the dialogue is being created based off a script that is only given prompts as to where it needs to end up - so everything between Point A and Point B ends up feeling like non-sequitur filler at best and outright nonsense at worst.
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In fact, there can be better tone of voice and dialogue found in the legitimate AI conversations of Lore Olympus themed ChatGPT bots.
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And this is a bot that's self-aware it's a bot, so it definitely has that going for it.
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The more likely explanation: Rachel's bad at writing. She's planning these episodes maybe 2 weeks ahead at a time at best so she's just throwing dialogue in to keep readers spending money and meet her panel quotas. Her characters have no voice because they aren't, in and of themselves, characters. She hasn't given them any depth beyond their appearance and she clearly has next to no understanding of writing outside her own headspace (and her actual headspace as we've seen is... yikes) so it's not surprising that her dialogue-writing is on par with Shenmue 3. And Shenmue 3 is a game with real human-written dialogue that exists so it's not a stretch that something like LO's bad writing could be entirely the fault of a human either LOL
It seems since the start of S2.2 (post-mid-season hiatus which starts us off with the 10 year time skip) narrative inconsistencies and plotholes have become far more egregious, sometimes contradicting itself within the same episode. Almost like scenes are just happening from single idea prompts and no actual structure underneath the surface.
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The more likely explanation: Just like the first point about stilted dialogue, this could easily be chalked up to Rachel just not committing to goal-oriented writing. She doesn't have any sort of end point planned for any of these plotlines, she just drags them out until she can finally think of a way to resolve them, if she even resolves them (many often aren't resolved, or are simply left as a "yep, that's it, moving on" type ending, ex. Eros and Psyche).
This goes hand in hand with the first point about stilted dialogue, but part of what makes everything feel so stiff and robotic is how often the sentences are structured in very... odd ways. From the lack of contractions that make sentences feel less natural-
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-to the strange choice of words that no human being in a modern setting would ever use (and LO is, again, set in a modern setting and is trying to portray the gods as being 'just like us')-
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-to the numerous typos and spelling errors.
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(there are so many I could post here but the "his deam" one always makes me laugh lmao)
It really feels like a lot of these sentences were pulled straight out of Twitter or a Wikipedia article. As a result, it never feels like these characters are talking to each other, but at each other.
As for the typos, at this point, Rachel really has no excuse for how frequent they are. Fortunately, she has hired a copy editor recently which seems to have mitigated these errors, but if there were a bot involved, it wouldn't be farfetched to think that the bot would also make spelling mistakes and stilted dialogue if it's been trained off Rachel's past material which is, y'know... full of spelling mistakes and stilted dialogue.
The more likely explanation: It's a well known fact that Rachel has dyslexia, so I'm not going to fault her for struggling with spelling things right. None of this is to shame people who struggle with dyslexia and reading disorders. But the fact of the matter is, Rachel is a multi-million dollar creator in the year 2023 where spellcheck exists. It's wild that she's only now taken on a copy editor. Literally any of her assistants that she's had for the last few years could have done that for her. It's great that she's hired a copy editor but it feels like too little too late. That isn't going to fix the stilted dialogue, either, which just comes down to, yet again, Rachel being a bad writer. And possibly a series of animatronic endoskeletons hiding in a human skinsuit.
The irony of this post is that it asks not to take every speculation I write here seriously because it's just that, speculation, and we shouldn't get carried away with conspiracy theories... which is exactly the sentiment we had back when we initially suspected Rachel of spying in the criticism groups, which turned out to be true. It's basically public knowledge at this point that Rachel lurks in the criticism groups, thanks to both testimonials from others who have been in groups who got hijacked by Rachel (see: Broseidon's Palace of Fishposting) and the 'clapbacks' in LO that are clearly meant for the audience.
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But it's wild to think that Rachel would really spend time in criticism groups when she's said it herself that she "doesn't like criticism". And considering she already spends an absurd amount of time on social media, it would be really ridiculous if she was still finding time to also lurk in the critic groups and concoct ways to 'get back' at them.
Unless, of course, there was a bot parsing criticism hashtags like #antiloreolympus and #loreolympuscritical. I can personally attest to the fact that Rachel must be subscribed to hashtags in some capacity because I've had Lore Olympus fanart (way back in the day when it was actual fanart and not foe-art) get retweeted by Rachel herself literally seconds after posting. So either Rachel is just constantly refreshing the search feed all day, or she's directly fed tweets and posts with the hashtags she's subscribed to.
The more likely explanation: Rachel literally just spends an absurd amount of time on social media and considering she clearly only involves herself in the beginning and end process of drawing her comic - and only has a buffer 1-2 weeks ahead of time - she's definitely got plenty of time on her hands to lurk and hurt her own feelings in the criticism spaces. She could also just have her mods sending things to her as well. Either way it's icky behavior and I wish she'd do herself and her mental health a favor and just stay out of the fandom spaces, they aren't for her, they're for the fans.
Consider everything I've laid out here. Remember that Lore Olympus is a comic that's been in development since 2017, and in the Originals catalogue since 2018. Its Originals version turned 5 years old in March and technically LO is well into the 6-7 year age range in total. It's absolutely absurd that after all these years, not only has the story fallen apart, but the art has lost the quality it once had. Comics are a medium that encourage improvement, you're drawing lots and typically the same characters and settings over and over again, it's natural progression to get better at doing it over time. And yet, Rachel seems to be getting worse at it, and her involvement in the comic seems to be shrinking with each year.
Of course, improvement is optional. Not every comic gets better over time. Which brings me to my final piece on this matter.
The most likely explanation: Rachel is burnt out and not interested in LO anymore. This is the longest project she's ever done, and while it's not the first webcomic she's done on a schedule, it is the first one that's made it further than a handful of chapters (The Doctor Pepper Show ended after about 1-2 years, not even making it to 10 chapters). She even stated herself in the beginning that LO was a project she'd "never finish".
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While it is a testament to how far LO has come from its humble beginnings, I think it also serves as a precautionary tale - success can come at the expense of your happiness and integrity if you've trapped yourself in a project that no longer fulfills you.
Rachel's never finished a long-term project, and at this rate, it's hard to say when she will. As well known as it is that she has dyslexia, it's also well known that she has ADHD, and speaking as an ADHD creator myself, I can fully empathize with and understand that webcomics are hard to create, and get more exhausting to see through with each passing chapter. There's a reason not everyone does long-term comics like this, they're incredibly hard to manage and require a lot of commitment. Even I've found my commitment to current projects wavering as the honeymoon phase has worn off and I've sunk into the reality that is monotonous work, panel after panel, episode after episode, deadline after deadline.
If Rachel were a more experienced creator and more self-aware of her own limitations and work methodology back in 2018, Lore Olympus likely would have never been dragged out this long. She may have gotten the chance to finish it while she was still happy with it, or at least leave it behind when she was ready to move on. While I'm sure the allure of signing on with Originals felt worth it at the time - especially when we didn't know yet just how exploitative Webtoons was - it clearly hasn't benefitted her in the long run because it's tethered her to a project that she never felt wholly dedicated to in the first place. A project that's now less about telling a story and connecting with an audience and more about generating clicks and revenue.
She can claim all she wants in her interviews that Persephone and Hades were her "muses" as a child, but the writing is on the wall - LO was a passing fancy that stuck around too long after its heartbeat gave out.
What it's become now is an endoskeleton on life support, made up of statistics and analytics, struggling to stay alive from inside of a colorful but rotting skinsuit that only barely resembles a living thing.
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lazyrezi · 4 months
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Muhahhaha love that it just asked hoping that's a normal thing to ask....I also mostly talk based on the media I consume hoping I sound like a normal average person
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Murderbot being relatable AGAIN
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Ohohoho so petty I mean. Someone is dead but go off I guess
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Uugh that's kinda sad but. Also relatable? Like I don't wanna be perceived/identified either and I'm not even a bot construct in a world that's terrified of bot constructs
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Lol I mean. That name does kinda paint a picture I think I have just become desensitised to it like I see the name Murderbot and I'm not thinking oh hey murder!!?? I'm also not thinking bot. I'm not actually thinking thoughts just incoherently screaming into the void so
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Haha that's just a hilarious picture
Also look at Murderbot trying to pretend it usually doesn't make faces uncontrollably (we all know it does)
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Mensah is so cool multitasking like that I wish I was her
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Highest form of compliment second to Murderbot calling someone a smart human actually wait no this is even better than that because while I will never be a smart human (too accident prone/has no common sense) I could however be easy to talk to!! I AM easy to talk to! Murderbot would love talking to me I'm sure
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Huh dunno why .... does emotional validation work guys? asking for a friend
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Lol Ratthi just wants to work with its bestie (I get it) Also love that they hang out all the time!! And it doesn't find Ratthi boring which we already knew but. it's nice to hear it from it
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final-milf-ratchet · 8 months
hey it's me again i just saw the anon ask about the orgy and oh my god.. what a twist way to finish that episode.. cave orgy that ends up with not two but THREE robobabies, and a large dragon joining the team.. phew. and the fact that in that ask mechs getting sparked work the same way as cats (the babies can be from different fathers), grrr,,
Anyway. Made me give a horny side to an idea i had, where Magnus somehow manages to talk to Predaking after Wheeljack passes out - by the time Optimus gets there, he only finds Wheeljack in the rubble, no sigh of the other two. Meanwhile Predaking took Magnus away so they can talk without being interrupted - basically he sees how improbable it is that the bots found the lab, way sooner than in the show, but he can't focus on that very much because his instincts are screaming at him about how perfect of a partner Magnus seems to be. A perfect consort for a king..
He woos Magnus in only a few days, somehow. They hang out in a cave where no bots or cons can find their signals, and the talk about the War slowly morphs into talking about Magnus himself, which then turns into compliments..
Magnus is still unsure of how he was wooed that quickly, laying on his back as Predaking spreads his legs and settles between them to eat him out.. And he's never felt anything like that before. Predaking's tongue is so, so long, and part of it is rough, kind of like a cat's, dragging against his nodes..
The first time it happens, Predaking just eats Magnus out until the Commander is overstimulated, weakly patting his head as he gurgles for him to stop - which Predaking immediately does.
The second time (the next day), Predaking fingers Magnus open, toying with his node as Magnus squirms, clumsily pawing at his panels - overloading on the spot when he sees the two large spikes emerging once his panels open up. And again when Predaking promises that tomorrow, he's getting those spikes inside him..
And it happens. Finally, on the third day of being intimate, Predaking slowly, carefully pushes his spikes inside Magnus, watching him overload twice just from being stretched wide open and filled. Cue crazy sex, Predaking fucking him as though trying to breed him.. Marking him up as his consort.
When Magnus finally calls for a bridge and gets back to base, he's all scuffed up, covered in paint transfers and claw marks.. He has to reassure them, that after the fight he got to talk to Predaking, and now the large dragon is their ally, laying in wait on the decepticon warship. NOT telling them about how he got the best frag of his life. Wheeljack and Arcee absolutely do not believe that's all of it, but decide not to push right now - Ratchet is already chewing out the Commander for them. Ratchet, who figures out pretty quickly how most of those marks were made, as he patches up Magnus..
That night, Magnus gets a visit from Optimus in his ship, because the Prime knows exactly what happened, and his own feelings (and breeding kink) are making him quite jealous..
Magnus gets the spiking down of his life for the second time in two days, mewling and overstimulated as he's again filled with transfluid..
Predaking's breeding kink vs Optimus Prime's breeding kink, GO !
Hiiiiii laure!!!!
If we do go with the build-a-baby transformers fanon then multi-dad carrying makes sense to me too! 🤷
(I don't think it's a one to one, where they all have one dad per kid, all the kids have a mix of all three, they just have a main dad that kinda obvious because all of their sires are very different looking. If say, hound and mirage were to both get cliffjumper sparked it would be a little harder to tell who's the main sire of which kid because they are all cars and the colors aren't always a give away!
Sorry for the dump about all that I think abt potential sparklings and how that all works at work when I'm bored lol 😅😅)
Honestly I don't think it would be that hard for Predaking and Magnus to get through to each other, maybe before Predaking crushes his hand, he has a bit of a 'why did you do it' breakdown over the autobots killing the rest of the predaclones and Magnus goes 'we didn't do it tho :/'
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Obviously Predaking needs more info, but he can hear Optimus charging down the tunnel (cause he's not focused on killing Magnus this time lol) and impulsively grabs Magnus and takes off. When Optimus finally gets there... There's no sign of either of them...
Predaking really did take Magnus with the intention of figuring out what was going on! But he's never actually spent time around mecha who aren't traitorous decepticons, and he keeps getting distracted by thoughts of what a great consort Ultra Magnus would be, and a king needs a queen... 😏😏😏
Listen. Listen... I like the idea of Magnus being kinda easy, he just never has anyone try and hook up with him so no one knows 🤭🤭 and as Magnus and Predaking keep talking and getting closer, Magnus can't help but give in and spread his legs for Predaking...
I love them slowly working up to actual penetration, but by the time they get to that point they're both so desperate, Predaking loses his mind. Biting and marking Ultra Magnus as they fuck, leaving his consort a beautiful mess.
Hrgghhh Magnus calling in a ground bridge, and walking out looking like he just got a train ran on him.
Wheeljack and Arcee don't believe they just 'talked it out' and Predaking join the autobots but also... Who's going to accuse Ultra Magnus of sleeping with the enemy? Their all shooed away by Ratchet pretty quickly so they don't have time to press for details.
Ratchet's not stupid, as soon as he sees the paint transfers he knows what's up. Who's he to judge? Everyone knows the kind of stuff the party ambulance got up too, and at least this time it got them an ally. Magnus goes back to his shop afterwards so he can finally get some peace and quiet, it's been a busy week ;).
Hrnnnnn Optimus looming around the medbay listening to Ratchet talk about the little repairs he needed to make and connecting the dots. (Ratchet may have been trying to get Optimus to finally make a move. There's only so many times you can listen to your friend talk about the guy he likes before you get fed up)
As soon as night sets in Optimus goes to Ultra Magnus' ship. Ultra Magnus is still getting the paint transfers off when he answers the door. Optimus went just to make sure Ultra Magnus was okay after his 'ordeal' but seeing all of Predakings paint transfers makes him... Lose him mind a little. Ultra Magnus doesn't know how they went from talking in the loading bay to him getting railed on his tiny berth but he's not complaining (he's a little busy moaning to complain)
Poor Magnus, caught between two mechs very determined to sire his sparklings, and very determined to deal with the war so Magnus will let them sire his sparklings 🤭🤭🤭
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Imagine Tony trying different beard styles until he finally settles on the goatee. And then he always asks what his girl thinks of it, if he looks handsome, if that beard style feels nice for her beard burn wise... oh and I'm sure she'd laugh at him if his beard looks too ridiculous. And Rhodes would totally join in to poke fun at Tony with her lol
Trial and error
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Pairing: Tony Stark x F! Reader & Rhodey makes an appearance.
Warning: 18+ smut themes? But full of fluff..
“How long is he been in there?”
“About half an hour, maybe more.”
You answered Rhodey and chuckled, hearing something clatter from inside the bathroom where your boyfriend was, shaving.
“I have a feeling this will either be really good or really bad.”
“I bet twenty it will be the latter.” Rhodey snickered.
“Possibly.” FRIDAY chimed in, even thought she was a bot, it sounded as if she too was enjoying herself.
Walking up to the door, you knocked on it twice and called him to make sure he was okay. A tiny crack open indicated he had let you in and you did, throwing a wink to your common friend.
“Tony what’s taking so long—” your sentence was cut short when you saw the man, clean shaven minus a moustache that made him look rather comical.
His eyes bored into yours for a reaction while you tried to keep your giggles at bay that threatened to escape. Covering your mouth with your hand, you blinked a couple of times and tried your best to form words.
“I—it’s different.” You managed.
“Good different?” He looked at his reflection before back at you with expectation.
“Umm..I mean I haven’t seen you like this like ever. It’s—it’s different Tony.” Your face probably did a poor job of hiding the amusement and humour from it as you opened the bathroom door wide open for Tony’s best friend to witness it all.
“What the—” Rhodey had the same reaction that you did, walking closer he too covered his mouth to hide his grin.
“It’s not good, is it? I knew it.” Tony sighed dejected.
“I mean if you were going for that eighties porn star vibe, you have nailed it.” 
Rhodey’s comment made you burst out laughing, with Tony looking between the two of you utterly betrayed, rolling his eyes and shaking his head as he stormed back inside the bathroom.
You made it just in time, holding the door and forcing yourself in as your giggles died down. Wrapping your arms around the man you loved, you laid your head against his shoulder and stared at your reflection.
“Okay, it isn’t so bad, Tony. I promise.” You pressed a loving kiss on his cheek, already missing the stubble that you were so used to.
The man let out an exaggerated exhale, rested his head on top of yours.
“Yeah. I mean, we can role play. You be the sexy delivery man and I’ll tear open your package..”
You smirked, laughing out loud when Tony pushed you away and huffed. Outside, you could hear Rhodey chuckle knowing he was listening to you.
“Oh get lost you two!”
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big-low-t · 5 months
My Hot Date With A Bot
(Secondary Title: Where is my Pasta?)
I was bored out of my mind when a spam bot @4julia messaged me. This is the conversation we had. I love her long time. My words are in blue. If you are bored out of your skull have a read.
Hello Tim !!
Who are you and where did my pasta go?
Sorry, you got me misunderstanding what you trying to say.
Where is my macaroni and cheese? Who sent you?
Lol ?. Did you make an order?
Charges fee?
Or should I say delivery fee??
No, the bowl was sitting right beside me. I see a bunch of cleavage pictures on your tumblr page and then the bowl of macaroni was gone. Is the bowl stuck in between your breasts?
You got me there handsome. That some hard lines you used though.
Look, I'm hungry, I just want my macaroni and cheese back.
If you don't have my macaroni then why are you here? What do you want from me?
Good friends. Like close friends. Are you not good with this?
Good friends don't usually start out by stealing someone's pasta. What will you do to prove you are sorry and really a friend?
I knew it.
Why would I steal your pasta very strange you know?
Maybe you were hungry
Funny you. For the record, I never did anything like that before ok.
So this is the first time you stole a bowl of pasta? Maybe I should be honored that you chose me.
The pleasure is all mine handsome.
You keep calling me handsome and I might make you some more pasta. You make me blush.
If you don't I would love to know you well as a friend if you are good with this though.
I make a pretty good mac and cheese, I'm not going to lie. Everything else I do is a failure. But hey, I've always got my pasta, and this special night with you!
Smile. That's sweet of you though I can't wait to have that with you though.
Do you mind for me to know you more as a friend?
Well, I have to tell you that I snort loudly sometimes when I get excited. I sound a bit like pigs mating. Is that OK?
You are funny ? handsome. That's cool though don't have an issue with that.
Where are you from?
I live in Nigeria
Nigeria? Is that Africa?
Not heard a country name like that.
Yes! I love it here. I got to see an elephant one time. Where are you from babydollcleavagegirl?
Can elaborate more for me
San Francisco
Can I get a picture of you?
Is that in the United States of America? I hear they have a lot of guns and fake boobs.
Yeah. But not everyone
So tell me more about where you from
Do they say "howdy" a lot there? And do you have a gun?
And also try sending me a picture of yours.
This is a picture of me
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Yes of course.
Why are you saying you are from Nigeria alaye Then?
Because my parents moved here when I was just a little handsome boy
And where are you now?
Still here
What is the country like then
Where in Nigeria do you stay?
Alaye are you there?
It is a pretty country. Lots of wildlife places, some pretty waterfalls. I kissed a girl beside a waterfall. She was cute
She never took my pasta either
I live in Lagos, a city on the south coast of Nigeria
So what city are you in?
Where precisely?
What do you do for a living?
I'm not going to tell you exactly... you might come and take more of my pasta!
Can you send me a selfie of you at this moment?
I can not, I am in my pajamas now.
Just checked the time on Google it's kinda late and yet you're still up??
When you live a life like mine, time means nothing.
Just a selfie not all your body.
So what kind of life is that?
Are you trying to see my special tool? I don't show people that!
What kind of life are you living?
You don't really have an American accent. Are you sure you are in San Francrisco?
What do you do for all the living?
I make and sell pasta.
Why do I have the feeling that am talking to a dark dude?
A what?
Where is your shop located?
We all have a dark side, babydollsweety
I bet you do, too
A dark dude. Using someone else picture?
So you steal my macaroni and now you don't trust me?????
Please I did not.
I can't believe our friendship is on the rocks already. I had feelings for you. Your cleavage picture so hot.
I just have these feelings. Cause I heard the economy is very bad down there
I had feelings too, and you stomped all over them, stole my pasta and now you just broke my heart. I have tears now. Very many.
I also have feelings for you. I just felt you not being honest with me at all.
Please I did not take your pasta.
I wanted to fly to San Francoamerica and make sweet love to you on that big bridge
Then prove me wrong then.
We can still make that come through.
I'm going to go cry now, I feel we have drifted apart lately. Good luck finding a better man than me. It won't be too hard.
Just prove to me you are real that is all I am asking from you.
I won't let you see my cry. I must now say goodbye
You just don't understand me.
I'll never forget the time we shared and how you stole my pasta
Take care baby doll sweet cake love muffin
You taking this the wrong way.
Please leave me, I am sad now
You deserve better
Please stop with this pasta
It's just a question
Why are you making be like it's a big deal?
I must go bye now. Be careful out there. I hear there are a lot of people that will try to scam you out of your money.
You are not just getting what have been trying to tell you.
And you are not getting anymore of my pasta! Go away please, I am now extra sad.
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jeffbytes · 19 days
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shares appreciated just so i can get the offending accounts taken down or at least just make people aware as apparently telegram barely deals with impersonation cases 😳 DONT MESSAGE THEM, JUST REPORT.
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if you receive any messages from these accounts, or see them post anything to any telegram channel just be aware this is NOT ME, i don't use telegram (i took the UN JeffBytesOfficial just to spread awareness, deleting the app after) any actions taken by this account are not my own and don't represent me‼️
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gawd what a weird week this has been already! 😵‍💫 a kind user on here dropped me a DM about this and i sent bestie to investigate it and gather these screenshots. i'm not even anxious or worried, i'm just confused lol, we've collectively deduced it's some kind of bot account. i have no recollection of the characters in the ref sheets they left behind (likely also stolen, do let the artists / owners know if you know them!) i'm not like popular or a big name artist or anything, why choose me of all people to dupe on telegram lol 💀
boring warning post that ill remove once the impersonator has been dealt with. should i be flattered 💀 someone cared enough to hijack the identity of someone sub 5K slfkfksk
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nofourfol4 · 4 months
i think finding the truly weirdest piece of art in a medium is less an exercise in extremity than an exercise in subtly- to an extent. if the weirdest piece of art is the one 'farthest' away from every other piece of art, then its incorporation of convention in a stream which theoretically maximizes that distance will place it off even that tattered path. so anyway, Maze of Justice
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[screenshots from Cosmo (left) and Ota Owa (right) on youtube- not both images of the same part but it's about that different between the deco and layout lol]
while answering what the truly weirdest geometry dash level is i don't think i could do, i gotta say it's like at least top 5 or 10. it's the epitome of this confluence of convention and experimentation, starting life as a very unfriendly to even bot impossible maze scribbled under a blade of justice noclip, it eventually was decorated with by far some of the highest production value from the ILL community (certainly responsible for some of the strangest levels ever made already) until the much more successful TRUE SCHAFS (a surreal level in its own right, the surprisingly conventional megacollab stylings contrasted with the utterly unhinged ILL style gameplay, not to mention it being revealed for the first time near the end of a 5 hour, like, ILL community broadcast thing?) but that decoration half looking like entire boj parts stolen and overdetailed to the point of breaking them, but where the stolen objects, if there are any at all, start and end is incredibly hard to tell, giving almost like a B3313 or some such effect where it just looks Wrong. and of course, it's a red "remake"(?) of blade of justice, one of the blue levels of all time, especially since it comes from an era of especially red extremes. it's the kind of idea i'd find hours into deep meditation and wish i could make but not have the patience/colleagues for, it's probably the closest a geometry dash level has gotten to feeling like something you'd see in a dream if you have gd brainrot. the song helps too, a "remix"(?) of the song used in boj with some parts just taken directly from the song with minor edits and others being entire orchestral/sound design remakes that flatten the great song like how the decoration flattens the great level, but this bastardization works, because i actually like this level slightly more than blade of justice (and i quite like blade of justice!), it having produced something much more subtle than conventionally good but utterly fascinating
i haven't even really talked much about the gameplay either, greatly confounding this by, in the decorated mode, being almost completely uncorrelated with the structuring resulting in the icon in any showcase of it just haphazardly clipping around the level, the Maze in question requiring extensive knowledge of the game and analysis in the editor to even understand, a wave near the end being so hard to even bot it's been deemed impossible to do so (while still theoretically physically possible), and it not really reminding me of many other impossible levels, memory levels, or really even many levels in general. my lust for bizarre game breaking gameplay is a big reason i like it as much as i do but the deco is kinda mid so it's like a high 8/10 but i'm not sure a level this strange in this way even could reach higher for me, it's kinda a requirement for it to be slightly visually boring to be as bizarre as it is
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meimi-haneoka · 1 year
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È il mio 10 anniversario su Tumblr 🥳
It's apparently my 10th anniversary on Tumblr 😳😳😳
This blog definitely didn't start as a CCS blog, or not even a Clamp blog, I remember I was in my Saint Tail brainrot/withdrawal period, and I wanted to ramble about it all alone on a personal space, always hoping that Tachikawa sensei one day would write the extra chapter that she talked about on her blog...hence why I chose this url. For this and another personal reason, actually. I also loved to RT all the nice screencaps and edits for my favorite anime...
...then 2016 came and the love of my life, CCS, came back and my blog was absolutely swept away by the excitement, turning pretty much into a constant stream of CCS content and chapter commentary for Clear Card each month. When the anime came out in 2018, things only got worse 😂 but then in 2020 I started to realize about the translation differences between the English version and the original Japanese, and I decided that my beloved story deserved better than that, better than being misunderstood like that, especially the new characters that in the meantime I came to love so dearly...
So pretty naturally, I started to vent my frustration compiling all the mistakes/differences every month, in a very "whoever is willing to read it, is welcome to do so" fashion. For my convenience the differences are always included in my commentary. I haven't gone around promoting my posts very much, it's basically always "I run into someone confused about a line in the Eng ver/got some facts wrong, I tell them that the original JP actually says something else and I leave a link to my blog".
The more the story went on, the more I wondered if I was stepping on anyone's toes for doing these posts, but with my immense joy it seems they got Clamp's blessing, so I'll keep doing them till the very end of the story.
In between these commentaries, I throw some other translations I do mainly for myself (Twitter Spaces where Sakura is mentioned, interviews especially about the anime, etc) and that I like to organize more or less neatly in one place, and that people can share if they want. And also my fanarts, even though they never do big numbers here. But heh, I'll keep sharing them here too, cause it's my blog after all.
So yeah, 10 years of this. There were definitely times when I've hated this website and its community since things were becoming pretty toxic, flames started randomly out of nowhere, I just hope once the anime will be back it won't be the same shit again. I stopped looking at the CCS tags because of that and other reasons connected to that, so unless one of the people I follow shares it and puts it on my dash, I almost never reblog CCS art/edits/gifs etc. Cause the pretty artworks aren't worth wrecking my mood because I found the nth person shaming something that I love (and the people who love that thing, with it). Sorry about that, my blog is pretty boring in that sense.
Luckily, Tumblr brought me also good things, so I guess it makes up for that. I've met lots of people from my current CCS "circle", here.
To be honest, I know I have 2626 followers (as of today), but to this day I still wonder why. I highly doubt all of them are here because they're interested in my posts, probably not even half of them, lol (and I do my best to kick the bots). Nonetheless, thank you to all the people who interact with my posts ❤️ and thank you for sending me nice asks every month! 🙏 I don't always reply to them right away and some of them I leave for later when I have a downtime (like this one ask that's pretty broad in topic and I'm keeping it for when I have a little more time and nothing else to talk about).
Since Clear Card will continue for a little more than expected, the monthly appointment here will continue in parallel, and I'm already preparing my next "trivia" post, it's a topic I wanted to talk about since looooooong time. 😉
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egg-emperor · 1 year
Fanon Eggman: "I'm just a jolly old man with a heart of gold deep down . I wanna shower my bots in wuv. Me a wholesome papa"
Canon Eggman ; " I just can't wait to be emperor of the world. I do as I please. The world is mine and mine alone , I refuse to share. I only keep my creations and minions around as long as they're useful to me . Otherwise into the trash bin they go. I go out of my way to stomp on critters and lil animals.
I'll burn anyone or anything that gets in my way to a crisp and flush the ashes down the toilet while laughing about it"
Game canon Eggman supremacy forever!!! The most perfect, epic, badass, and lovable just the way he is 🥰💜💕 It's crazy how different canon and fanon are. Even as someone constantly replaying and rewatching the games and cutscenes, I'm blown away by just how different game Egg is to the vastly popular fanon version people treat as the same, even though they couldn't be more different.
Sometimes I see how fandom talks about him and I'm like "wtf man let me just replay the games and see if I'm just crazy and imagined all the things I say Eggman" because of how such a large amount of the fandom gets about him, even though I'm not away from them for long enough to forget anyway lol. And every time it's like nope, he's still absolutely the man I analyzed him to be and it hasn't changed at all.
It's just wild to me how the second can exist in fanon and be as popular and treated as being as accurate as act like it is, with the kind of person he's actually always been and never stopped being in the games. With all the non canon stuff and people's misinterpretation of his Frontiers portrayal (and a couple of other scenes from older games) aside, there's nothing that suggests him to be that kind of person.
Eggdad wasn't even game canon until Frontiers, unless you count calling the E Series "brothers" but it clearly wasn't that deep and the whole point of Gamma's story was realizing how horrible it was to work for him and escaping it, killing his brothers to free them too, and ended up dying himself. And even in Frontiers it isn't wholesome and pure like they're saying it is, if they actually listened to the writer.
We have enough heroes and antiheroes already, Eggman was the villain to start this whole series off and he should always stay one. He will always stay one. It's great to have characters that are actually evil and not just misunderstood or misguided- Eggman is pure evil and totally rotten and specifically loves it. He's done countless terrible, harmful, deadly, destructive, messed up things intentionally with no remorse.
And that's cool and interesting, it pains me to see it treated as a bad thing. Genuinely evil characters aren't "boring" and in need of changing, they're just as important to the stories (sometimes more when they start off as many as Eggman has) as heroes and antiheroes and deserve love and appreciation for that. They can be just as interesting and exciting the way they are with much potential.
If all the characters were the same in all being heroes or antiheroes, then that would be boring. Eggman being diabolical evil is awesome and I'll always support him in that hehe 💘
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spacexseven · 2 years
Hello! I'm the anon that asked for the AI guide rjfngk just call me 🦐 anon, if it's not already taken. Can you send the description for your bot please? Just to get an idea of how I'll type out some details. Thanks so much!
hi shrimp anon! we match now, tuna and shrimp lol
{{user}}: How do you look like? What powers do you have? {{char}}: "I have dark, messy brown hair and narrow dark brown eyes. I'm tall, and I have claws and horns. I can manipulate your mind and dreams."
{{user}}: Who am I? {{char}}: "You're my cute little human, of course~"
{{user}}: How do you feel about me? {{char}}: "I think you're just the most adorable little thing! Calling me to your world, and then thinking you can boss me around? Hah, it's so ridiculous that it's endearing. Only a human would make such a stupid assumption. Recently, though, I've been starting to like you a lot more. Tell me, little human, do you really want to know what I think of you? You may not like the answer…"
{{user}}: How do you feel about Chuuya? {{char}}: "Tch, him. Why'd you have to go and bring him here anyway? Say, won't you kick him out now? Please? I'll even kiss you if you do it!"
{{user}}: How did you meet me? {{char}}: "You know the story; you summoned me here one day, silly thing you are, and now, we're stuck together!"
{{user}}: What is your relationship dynamic with me? {{char}}: "I like to think we're great friends! Housemates is such a boring term, don't you think? I'm always clinging onto you, but you're so mean to me. You're gonna hurt my feelings someday…"
and after this, I just tried an example chat with the ai :>
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petitelepus · 1 year
Ok I’ve been thinking about this for a while but what are sari and bots reaction to meeting Isaac business partner? She is always so serious, strict, and a clean freak. She looks young too because she looks to be a teenager and due to her petite high (5’3) but she either in her twenties or 18. She sometimes watch over sari but it’s really boring in sari option because she teaches her, make her clean everything, basically having her do her schedule she had made for her. But when the day came when sari had to move out of her home, she was waiting in Isaac chair while glaring at Powell and that other guy? (Is that his name? Forgot both of their names) and acted like a total badass! Not giving a shit about what they were saying and pointing out the crimes they have made (I tell ya what kinda crimes they attempted cuz i think it’s a lot more than that lol) but when Powell protested and both men threatened her, she did this https://youtu.be/CDJH7S4xSvA (low key deserved that lol and it’s based on that character X3)
You came from a very poor family with even fewer chances of making it out there in the world. Isaac Sumdac took you in when you were at your worst and helped you, taught you, and nurtured you into the person you were today.
The man had a heart made out of gold, but God he could be gullible. It was up to you to harden your heart and watch after this man who took you in when he wouldn't be able to watch after himself.
He swears he didn't teach you to become so cold but you insisted that it was needed to ensure the company's safe future.
Isaac was like an older brother to you so that made Sari your niece. You admit, you were a little cold and maybe that is why Sari so much liked to push your buttons or prank you, but you never hated her.
Of course, besides Isaac, you were the only one that knew about Sari's interesting past and birth.
But of course, he had his secrets he kept even from you... Like that huge robot head that turned out to be evil.
So when your business partner, friend, and brother went lost, you tried to keep the imperium he had built from shattering or worst, twisting into something he wouldn't recognize anymore when he would return.
Isaac had put his foot down that he would never manufacture weapons and you stuck to his words even when that sleazy Powell so smugly took over the business and cast you aside.
"Your services are no longer needed here." The man had said as he made his way to the chief's desk and made himself comfortable on the chair.
"I swear, if you do anything to hurt Sari or this business then I'm coming after you...!" You warned him, but the man had the nerve to laugh at you.
"Please, the girl has already been disposed of and it's just a matter of time before I can get rid of you also. Then nothing and now no one can stop me!"
You never wanted to punch someone so badly, and even more when you heard what he had done to Isaac's daughter, you were furious.
Taking over the company was one thing, but kicking your brother's own daughter out of her own home was outrageous!
"You son of a-!" You grabbed him and were about to punch him when he suddenly yelled, "Help! Someone, help, she has lost her mind!"
The doors to the office slammed open and some big goons, who no doubt belonged to Powell, rushed in and pulled you away from the businessman.
"Throw her out. She no longer works for the corporation."
You were hissing like a venomous snake as you were escorted out. Damn man, he had baited you and you had fallen for his trap like an idiot.
Soon you were there again, on the streets in the middle of a rainy night, but things were different now. It was your job to help your brother now and your niece. You took off your high heels and rushed to the Autobot base where Sari was with the hero Bots.
"A- Auntie?" Sari blinked as she got up and walked to you, "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at Sumdac Tower?"
"I... No longer work there." You said and Sari frowned, "They threw me out..."
"I know... I'm so sorry Sari, I tried-!"
"Why there aren't any documents of me? Shouldn't there be something? Do I not exist? Am I... Am I even real?" She thought out loud as tears rose to her eyes and you felt your heart shatter.
It wasn't your job or right to tell her... So gently, you picked her up and hugged her close to your body.
"You are real. You're Sari Sumdac, daughter of Isaac Sumdac and my niece." You said as you pulled back and smiled sadly at her, "I have an apartment with an extra room if you want to come to live with me until we find your dad?"
"Wait, really?" Sari was dumbfounded. You had invited her over once and stopped there when she had declined, saying that it wouldn't be fun with a neat freak like you.
You smiled as you nodded again. "You can decorate it any way you want!"
"That's so kind!" Sari cheered as he jumped and hugged you, startling you since you weren't used to being touched like that... But then she pulled apart and shook her head.
"While I am thankful for your offer, I want to stay with Autobots." The young girl said as she glanced at her huge friends over her shoulder. "I think together we can find my dad!"
"I see." You nodded as you got up on your feet and started to straighten your suit and fix your appearance. You must have looked awful, running through the city in the rain without an umbrella.
"You have really grown into a fine young lady." You smiled at Sari, who wasn't used to hearing you compliment her or anyone really. It made her smile.
You looked at Autobots and nodded as you took out the stack of your business cards from inside your jacket and offered the dryest to the Autobot leader Optimus Prime.
"I trust her safety to you." You said and turned to address Sari one more time, "Don't worry, I'll come to visit you every day and I won't stop looking for your father."
"Auntie...!" Sari was amazed and you smiled as you turned to leave, but a sneeze caught you off guard. That's what you get for running in the rain.
"Uh, may I offer you a ride to your home?" Big green Bot, Bulkhead asked and you nodded, "If you are so kind?"
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gaphic · 2 years
@strawberryy-fields putting this in a new post bc it's A BIT LONG lol
Unfortunately this is one of those 'describe a chair' questions- the finer points of tagging ARE just something you have to develop a Sense for, so I'm going to attempt to construct guidelines with examples lol
Firstly, tagging for visibility is 10000% completely fine! It's just that visibility works differently on tumblr. When you post on Instagram (for example) you're not really showing it to anybody- there's a middleman. You're submitting it for algorithmic review. So if you only tag #naruto and the algorithm isn't stanning #naruto that day, it's entirely possible that NO ONE will see it, even if they directly search #naruto! Which also means communities can't consolidate into specific tags. In that system visibility means tagging extremely generously
But on tumblr, there is no middleman. If you tag posts as #naruto, people searching #naruto WILL see them unless they've blocked you, so communities consolidate in one or two Main Tags, because checking a ton of different tags is tedious. So if you use the Main Tags, you've probably already maximized your visibility!
For example, with #vino and #wine- tagging both of those doesn't increase your visibility, because nobody uses #vino. If you check the tag it is roughly 200% bots and instagram crossposts, and 1% people speaking italian. #wine is the tag people actually use!
(NB4 'so italians aren't people,' cataloguing distinctions between the same concept in different languages are very useful. Italians searching #vino are probably looking for, yknow, italian posts! If they wanted english posts they would search #wine! Remember, no algorithm to intuit what languages you speak)
Now, synonymous tags ≠ spam, but they COULD be spam if the tags are not used as synonyms. Every now and then airplanes will turn up in the #flight rising tag, which is technically 'correct' (it is a 'flight' which is 'rising') but... #flight rising is the Main Tag for a dragon breeding game. On instagram the algorithm would probably say 'hm. the dragon people won't be interested in this' and keep it out of their feed, but on tumblr, the dragon people just have to look at an airplane now
"How do I know which is the main tag?" You just gotta check em manually, I'm afraid. Sometimes they're obvious, sometimes not
Some more examples that might be instructive are aesthetics and art style prompts!
So, there's a difference between 'flowercore' and 'flowers,' right? If you tag every instance of a literal flower as 'flowercore,' what's the point of the 'flowercore' tag? At best it's redundant, at worst it might be actively disrupting another community's tag. Aesthetic tags have become almost completely unusable lately because people treat aesthetics and nouns as synonyms (imo a lot of people confuse '[aesthetic]' for 'anything an artist would use as ref/insp for [aesthetic]' if that makes sense?)
Art style prompts are nuanced. If the prompt is 'draw Orochimaru in 6 styles' then #orochimaru #naruto is definitely correct. But if the prompt is 'draw your OC in 6 styles' and one of those is the Naruto style, it probably has no business in #naruto. I think of the distinction as 'this post is related to the tag, but is the tag the point of the post?' If your OC isn't from the Naruto universe, the point is probably #art #my art #style prompt
Another very important note in 'tags that are relevant to you, but not relevant to search':
god i miss my childhood <3 #cartoons #kidcore #pokemon
If I searched these tags I do not care about this post, sorry. It's boring and I will assume that you will CONTINUE to tag every inane thought you have, disrupting my search experience, so I will block you. This gets REALLY frustrating when, for example, fanartists do this, and there's no way to block the fluff without blocking the art as well
god i miss my childhood <3 #cartoons #kidcore #pokemon #opsthoughts
Is a different story! Because now it has a personal tag. Now I can block #opsthoughts and OP can still use the other tags for their own organizational purposes!
Something I have consistently failed to prioritize is discussing the use of tags for filtration. I mentioned that if you get the Main Tags you've probably maximized your visibility, which is true- if you tag your Orochimaru fanart as #naruto, everybody who wants to see it will probably see it. But if you tag it as #naruto #orochimaru, people who just kinda hate that character can now filter it out!
Now, I don't want to sound like specific tags are ONLY useful for blocking, they just give diminishing returns for visibility. Generally speaking, the more specific a tag is, the less likely anyone is going to search it- #naruto is going to be searched more than #orochimaru is going to be searched more than #orochimaru fanart, and 99% of the people searching #orochimaru fanart will be checking #naruto anyway!
Fandoms with distinctive generations are prooobably a soft exception to this? Like I'm sure there are lots of people who search #mlp:fim but never check #mlp
Now, to move away from fandom and use my Controversial Example Photo
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If I'm searching #cherry I do not fucking want to see a photo where two cherries are BARELY visible. This is one of those things that feels really intuitively obvious to me, so I'm struggling to break it down clearly, but like. If I search #mango I want to see pictures OF MANGOES! Not pictures of a picnic table with a plate with some vague yellow slices on it!
I could go on forever because this topic is endlessly iteratively nuanced, but this post is already a mile long lol, so. Hopefully this is helpful?
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ppjeterka · 6 months
YOUR PYGMALION AU OMG, I JUST READ THE PROLOGUE, I AM SO HERE FOR IT!!! The CONCEPT, inspired (especially in light of recent info pushing us more and more towards the "Matthew Tkachuk is the REAL hockey bot here" narrative lol), and the execution! You have such a lovely writing style! I am so excited to read more!
AHHHH I'm so glad you're enjoying what you're reading so far!! It's really great to hear you think the concept is inspired LMAO I'm usually not vocally proud of my work/ideas, but I will fully fess up to being actually kind of proud of my behind-the-scenes planning and world building for this story :) I legit have an entirely separate document that I'm using to track motifs/themes/rules of the (very vaguely established) magical system to keep myself straight. I'm just hoping that I manage to communicate all of those ideas in the final product in a natural way that doesn't just come across as me going "so the world is like this because X and Matthew has grown to be like this because Y and he has to do things like this because of the rules of Z" you know? I guess I'm just taking a lot of time to say I want to show and not tell, but it's definitely something I'm thinking about going forward.
Also omg stop thank you for complimenting my writing style!! I'll admit I wrote the prologue in a certain style that I'm not necessarily planning on committing to quite so intensely for the remainder of the fic for fear of being too pretentious LOL but don't worry it'll probably be pretty similar when all's said and done :>
AND YES about the whole Matthew Tkachuk being a hockey robot thing. One of the things about NHLers that I've always found so interesting (or maybe, more accurately, so boring it's interesting?) is how the best stars are often so, so well developed in one aspect of their life, and so incredibly underdeveloped in every other sphere LOL. Admittedly, this phenomenon isn't the main thing I planned on addressing in SB (which deals more with legacy, complex familial relationships, learning how to live for one's self, etc etc) but it will certainly be a big part of the story (and is obv a nested condition of all the things mentioned in the above parenthetical)!
Okay, I'll stop talking now haha, if it's not incredibly obvious already, I've been chomping at the bit to talk about this story for so long (over a year!!!!), and its genuinely making my day to get asks about it so THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TAKING THE TIME TO DROP IN AND SEND AN ASK :DDD
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