#I'm glad if you enjoy any of the new series from my rec lists
galvanizedfriend · 3 months
Hey, I'm new to KC fanfics...any good authors you know of+their works? Just stated reading TW series and it's so good!
Hi, nonnie! Thank you, I'm very glad you're enjoying The Wolf! 😊
This fandom is luckily blesses with many good writers. If you search for Klaroline Fic Rec on my blog, I've done tons of rec lists over the years.
But to rec some:
Just about anything by @definedareasofuncertainty , or coveredinthecolors on AO3. You'll find her works here. I'm a fangirl and will vouch for absolutely everything she has ever written. One of my all-time favorite authors, who has a brilliant Klaus voice and one of the most evocative and colorful writings in fandom.
@cupcakemolotov is a fandom legacy writer for a reason. There are more than 200 (!!!!!) fics for you to choose from and they are all brilliant! There's something for every taste, seriously cannot go wrong. Works here.
Borzoi has sadly only ever posted on FF.net, but you will not regret a trip to the past to read her works. You'll find some of all-time favorite fics here. If I had to rec one, it would be Parisian Deal, but Paradise Lost is fantastic too. Works here.
@highgaarden, who's but_seriously on AO3. Hannah has also written some of my favorite fics. This is a Harvest has a special place in my heart. But I have read almost everything she has ever written, and it's all fantastic. Works here.
@kirythestitchwitch writing is just delicious, the type that you can't get enough of because as soon as you start reading you just become addicted. Perfect dialogue, perfect wit, perfect characterization and Mikaelson shenanigans! Works here.
@morningstargirl666 has an epic TVD rewriting that starts all the way from a retelling of the Originals' past, and it's honestly impossible not to embrace it as canon after reading it. Works here.
Another one of my all-time favorites: @lalainajanes! Some faaaaantastic one shots and brilliant multi-chaps that worked as gateway drugs for me when I starting to read KC fics. Colored You In is perfection! But just over 200 fics for you to choose from. It's a feast. Works here.
@misssophiachase writes some of the best KC rom-coms fics, the type that just warms you heart and makes you fall in love with them in any setting. I'm WEAK for a good rom com and she has many to choose from! Works here.
These are just some of my favorites! 😊 But like I said, if you check out my recs lists, you'll find many more. Hope you find something there to your liking, nonnie!
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lesbianmarrow · 3 months
please feel free to ignore this, but i was wondering if you have any recs for where to start with comics for laura/x-23? i've been an x men cartoon fan since like birth and i've never ventured into comics but i wanna do it for her since she's my favourite character and she's in so little of the screen adaptations. i've looked up reading lists for her appearances but i wanna know from someone with certified good taste if there's anything i should read first (or avoid entirely). thank you!! i hope you're having a good day <3
ahhh i'm so glad you came to me with this question! i love laura kinney and if you've never really read comics she's a good character to follow because a lot of her comics are really her solo adventures and you don't need to know too much about the wider marvel universe to understand.
here's the reading list i would recommend:
x-23: innocence lost (2005) - this is a 6 issue miniseries exploring laura's backstory and traumatic childhood in the facility. it's a grim read but one of my all time favorite marvel comics stories and absolutely fundamental to understanding laura's character. it's written by craig kyle and christopher yost, who were writers on xmen evolution and co-created laura for the cartoon. they were defining writers for her in the comics too.
x-23: target x (2007) - a 6 issue miniseries that is a sequel to innocence lost. it shows what laura gets up to after escaping the facility. not as good as x-23: innocence lost but also very important for defining laura's character. also by kyle & yost.
captain universe/x-23 (2006) - kind of an odd little one-shot in which laura gets possessed by a cosmic force, but it gets called back to in marjorie liu's x-23 run in a lovely way, so it's worth reading!
new x-men: academy x - this was a series about the teen students at the xmen academy. it wasn't doing so well so marvel brought kyle & yost on as writers to give the series a new direction, and they introduced laura into the cast and made her the central character. their run starts with issue #20, and you can pretty easily jump into it there without having read the previous issues. this series shows how laura relates to other mutant kids her age and sees her struggling to fit in. if you liked xmen evolution, you'll probably enjoy this series (though it can get grimdark at times).
x-force (2008) - another kyle & yost production! this is the ultra grimdark xmen murder squad. it's a team book, so it's not all about laura, but this series is really important to understanding how laura views herself and how the adults in her life have often failed her. still, if you're not enjoying it, you can probably bail after the first 6 or so issues. kyle & yost can have a problem of constantly putting female characters through gratuitous violence and suffering, and that's turned up to the max here.
x-23 (2010) one-shot - this is a one-shot written by marjorie liu that serves as a prologue to her x-23 solo series. it's beautiful and horrifying and is a great introduction to the work liu will continue to do with laura.
x-23 (2010) series - finally, laura gets a solo series written by a woman! this series by marjorie liu is a must-read. the character work is absolutely incredible, and there are plenty of wacky adventures. includes some of my favorite comic book scenes of all time. i should note that there's a crossover partway through with the series dark wolverine, which liu was also working on at the time.
.......and then comes the dark ages. laura is in a number of other comics in the 2010s - avengers academy, avengers arena, all-new xmen, wolverines - but i would say they're not really worth reading if you're approaching them for laura content. you can check them out if you're interested, but don't expect too much.
all-new wolverine (2016) - laura takes up the mantle of wolverine after logan's death! there's a lot in this series i feel iffy about, but for better or for worse, this version of laura has really stuck. it's a pretty readable series, but if you find yourself not enjoying it, i would say just read the first arc (issues #1-6) and the third arc (issues #13-18). in the first arc she meets her clone sister gabby, and in the third arc she has to deal with an old enemy.
x-23 (2018) - this is mariko tamaki's run! another woman writer yay :) this series is way underrated and i love it, especially the first 5 issues. it's a follow up to all-new wolverine, and it builds on the aspects of that series that i really enjoyed while avoiding the problems it had that irritated me about it. if you care at all about sibling relationships, this one will get you right in the heart.
and then comes the krakoa era! laura has a story in x-men (2019) #5 and then #18-19 that's pretty cool albeit kind of confusing in a sci-fi way. i know laura is a member of the xmen in x-men (2021) but i haven't read it so i can't tell you much about it! i looooove the miniseries x-terminators (2022) which she stars in but it's pretty inconsequential, it's just her and her gal pals having a wacky vampire adventure, so up to you if you wanna read it!
stories to avoid:
nyx (2004) - okay so really there's just one story you MUST avoid and that story is nyx. this story is technically laura's first comic book appearance but it sucks so much. all you need to know is that it establishes that laura was manipulated into underage sex work sometime after the events of x-23: target x and then escaped. while this aspect of her past is relevant to her character and gets alluded to in liu's run, the depiction of it here is horrible and you absolutely do not need to subject yourself to it!
uncanny x-men #450-460 - this series sees laura briefly join the x-men and i'm not really sure where it's supposed to fit in continuity? plus she's kind of out of character? it's confusing and not really important so i would recommend skipping it.
fallen angels (2019) - this miniseries was the first place laura showed up during the krakoa era and it just isn't very good so you don't have to read it!
i haven't said much about the art but i also should mention that some of the art in stories where she's a teen can be kind of sexualizing and uncomfortable to see - x-23: target x puts her in risque goth outfits and new x-men: academy x often has artists who like drawing teen girl characters with ridiculous balloon boobs. but once you get to 2010 or so the artists mostly stop doing that thankfully. i also ought to warn you that laura's stories tend to deal with heavy themes, such as abuse, self-harm, suicidal ideation, and human trafficking. loss of agency is a big theme for laura and with that comes some heavy stuff! but i still think most of her stories are worth reading. she's a compelling hero and i love her <3 <3 <3
i hope this is helpful! let me know if you need any help or clarification :) have fun reading about laura!!!!!!
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can you please do another list of odesta fanfic recommendations.
Of course! I'm actually really glad you asked this because I've been in such an odesta phase lately. Here are some of my current favorites.
Below the Surface by deathmallow - This is a cool oneshot focusing on Annie and Finnick pre-relationship. It's well written and offers some great outsider POV, so I'd definitely suggest checking it out. This author has a ton of great THG work, a lot of which features odesta.
The Finish Line by voidshade - This is a great one that focuses on Finnick's time as a new victor. Because of how early it takes place, it doesn't actually feature Annie, although I think it will eventually. I love how this one highlights Finnick's youth and his transition from a teenager to what we see in canon.
The Kindling by perilearring - This is another one that takes place while Finnick is young. This fic tells the story of his Games, and although it's still in the early stages, I'm really liking it so far. Odesta is tagged as a relationship so I think that's something we can expect to see later on. This one really captures the writing style of the original trilogy.
Exit Light, Enter Night by grumkin_snark - This is a short one that really highlights the tragedy of Finnick's life. I would definitely recommend checking out the author's other odesta works, because I love them so much. They're all so well written and pretty iconic, in my opinion.
The Moment I Knew by wisteriawall - I love this one, it's so sweet. There's definitely an undercurrent of sadness running through it, but the ending is so poignant and hopeful. I also love the other odesta works from this author.
It Takes a (Victor's) Village by sakurasencha - I'd seen this one around before but I only recently read it, and it was so worth it. This is just so funny and sweet, it brings such a welcome levity to a dark story. I enjoyed every minute of reading this and I think any odesta fan should give it a try.
Like the Tides by Indefatigable - If you're into AUs, this series could be a great one to check out. It puts Finnick and Annie's relationship into an interesting new context that I find really cool, and it's nice and long so you'll have plenty to read.
Once, the Stars Aligned by Gamemakers - This is another AU that I really love. It's a historical AU, so it doesn't take place in Panem, but we still get to see Finnick and Annie come together anyway. I will warn you that this story is unfinished and most likely won't be updated, but I thought I'd throw it out there since I really enjoy it anyway. The author also has several other odesta works, many of which are cool AUs.
I hope you find something good to read! As always, feel free to reblog if you want to share your own recs or self promo!
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lilliancdoodles · 3 months
Hi, hope you’re doing well!
I really enjoy your art (especially the one for the mer au) and you’re my favourite FitMC/Pactw live blogger (mainly bc I have to work during their streams so I feel like I am in the loop when I see your posts haha).
I saw that you made a fic rec list in February and I really enjoyed your recommendations!
Do you have any more fitpac fic recommendations (or qsmp fics in general)?
Thank you!
I'm really glad you like the Mer art!! I'm really proud of it and im working on something that should put most of the character sheets to use. ;) . Also happy to help with the live blogging. idk how i got here i just like doing it i guess XD.
FIC RECS!!! Im so glad that you used the list and im more happy that you liked them!!! Admittedly im not in the tag as much as I was early on but I do still have a few recommendations!! All that it meant (and all that it did not) (by @yb-cringe) - On going Fantsy AU fic focusing on Fit and Ramon. only has one chapter so far but I like it a lot. Since it's only one chapter i don't want to spoil much, but the world building seems super interesting with Madagio and the border and everything. It's a prequel to a Fitpac fic that will get written later but I love fit and ramon fics so this is amazing. I'm really interested to see where it will go
I'm worried 'bout the future, aint fuckin' with the past (by @tastytoastz) - On going Time Travel AU where Tazercraft travels back in time 8 years to 2b2t. If you haven't seen me reblogging every chapter of this and freaking out, please take this as the sign to read it. It's a wonderful look at how 2b affected Fit especially while he was in the middle of it, and how it still affected him years later on Quesadilla island. It's such a good fic like everything Toast writes <333
Lightning and Thunder (by ..... Tastytoast (you can fight me if me recommending literally everything toast has ever written is a problem (/j /lh)) - One shot were Fit has trauma from lighting storms on 2b2t and Pac comforts him when one causes him to panic. Very sweet fic of protective fitmc. It's also an english translation of Blixtar och dunder (also by Toast).
Maybe you really are Alive (by @yourfauxentropy) - On going, Detroit Become Human AU , also only one chapter so far. Pac is Connor and Fit is Hank. I had a big dbh phase so im really looking forward to this one and seeing what they add
I think your roommate is hotter (by @fitpacs) - One-shot were Pac and Cellbit are friends with benefits but Pac meets Cellbit's new roommate Fit and it goes from there. It's really good and one of my favorites from Fitpacs. I read it a while ago honestly surprised it wasn't on my first list
hypotheticals (by @tinkatonic) - One-shot of Fit and Pac in different worlds, and in some of them they get to kiss. A bunch of mini peaks into different AU's like royalty, roommates, and a few others i don't want to spoil. But it's absolutely lovely and I love all of the au's so much.
Hideduo Stardew Valley AU (by @hepbaestus) - This is a series as opposed to a one shot or chapter-ed fic, but it's a Rose Family centric au series (including Rosa, Fitpacs fan child) They're all so cute, the last one made me cry. Im also happy that Richas is getting included in Rose Family stuff, i feel like he gets left out a lot.
to love is to be changed (by hepbaestus) - One-shot fic following the popular headcannon that the eggs adapted features of their parents, and this is when Ramon's eyes change to look like pacs. It's so sweet and wonderful. Hep my beloved.
Like a parody of Tantalus (by InconvenientImmortal; @shikai-the-storyteller here on tumblr) - Ongoing (?) Pac centric fic that hasn't been updated in a while, but it's still amazing. It focus on pac's relationship with food, love, and him growing up. This first chapter is so wonderful and his relationship with Isa is so sweet. There's only one chapter so far but if it ever updates i would love to keep reading it.
Teeth, Talons, and Hearts (by WyldChild) - On going modern au (i think?) where most of our cast were federation experiments but all broke out at some point and dedicate themselves to helping others who are lab experiments. They rescue 11 dragon hybrid kids and thats about where the fic is, but it follows Fit's pov and it's going to be FitPac eventually, and raising Ramon and Richas. It is a pretty dark au, the federation are EVIL, and the kids have been through hell, so pay attention to the tags and the warnings before reading. I can easily see how this isn't everyones cup of tea, but im liking it so far.
heaven found in a hellhole. (by kmsquill) - One shot purgatory fic where fit and pac get stuck in a hole hiding from Bolas and they spend that time talking and totally just being roommates. I think it's best described with two of the tags they have '#kissing #woah who put that kissing tag there' My favorite purgatory fic, honestly should have submitted it to the awards.
I said I had a few and i think this list is almost the same length as the last one. There's at least 4 more that I haven't read yet so i don't want to recommend them yet but once I do i'll probably make another post. Hope this has some stuff you would be interested in!!!
(and for anyone else here is the og fic rec list)
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llycaons · 5 months
now that I'm home, a brief summary of the new (historical) fantasy books I AM interested in. there are still nonfiction (essays, social commentary, biology) that are on my list but THIS is more my jam. putting this under a readmore but 1. if you've read any of these I'd love to hear your (non-spoilery!) opinion of them, and 2. if you have any recs based on this list, feel free to reply or send me an ask!
The Water Outlaws by S.L. Huang: if this book is bad I'm going to cry. it looks like it could be everything I've ever wanted. I love when lesbians are anti-authoritarian and I love wuxia settings. the rebel love interest has tattoos 😍
The Witch's Heart by Genevieve Gornichec: I haven't actually read much norse mythology-inspired stuff except that pjo spinoff that wasn't very good (and one set in 9th century greenland that was HORRIBLE) but this was suggested a few times and I think it looks very promising! it's always neat to see older women as protags and she's bisexual and maybe polyam as well, which I've only ever seen in baru cormorant and the broken earth iirc
The Forever Sea by Joshua Phillip Johnson: this doesn't look GREAT but I looovvee environmental fantasy so I'll give it a shot
The Night Tiger by Yangsze Choo: this one looks WILD
The Keeper of Night by Kylie Lee Baker: this one seems a little more YA than the others but the concept is pretty original so I'm curious to see what they do with it
Fireheart Tiger by Aliette de Bodard: the description made me cringe a bit but the idea is pretty cool and it seems like YA but it's marked at adult?
The Order of the Pure Moon Reflected in Water by Zen Cho: another wuxia-inspired book!!! please be good PLEASE be fucking good 😭
Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse: this one is sparing in the description but I have a sense it'll be VERY intense
The Emperor and the Endless Palace by Justinian Huang: I may struggle to keep focused on this one but I thought I'd check it out bc in theory it's interesting
The Black Tides of Heaven by Neon Yang: I didn't really understand the summary but it's hopefully good? I'l always check out a wuxia and I like a sibling dynamic
Deep as the Sky, Red as the Sea by Rita Chang-Eppig: PIRATES, BABY!!!!
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov, Katherine Tiernan O'Connor (Translator), Ellendea Proffer (Annotations/Afterword), Diana Lewis Burgin (Translator), Hans Fronius (Illustrator): *points* like from tumblr...in all seriousness I HAVE heard some really interesting things about this book and the relationship so I'm glad to add it to my list
The Winged Histories by Sofia Samatar: the first book of this series sounds really boring ngl but this one oohh 👀
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia: I heard high praise for this one so while it doesn't specifically appeal to me, I'll give it a shot
Sistersong by Lucy Holland: I like a sibling story!
Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh: this one could touch me tenderly I feel. I like when love interests are nice. whenever I see those setups that are like 'oh he's got an OBNOXIOUS and HOT partner' I'm like well this projection isn't working for me bc I'd leave then. I don't want to be annoyed by someone I'm supposed to like. I am aware this is a big setup for CR arc of mdzs but the annoying guy is my actual younger brother and my dear dear friend wwx so he can do whatever he wants. and also lwj really does have a stick up his ass and wwx is acting significantly more normally all things considered. anyway. this gay tree man may touch my heart
books that are ALREADY on my list/I have read excerpts from already
The Mask of Mirrors by M.A. Carrick: this one is pretty YA but I enjoy the writing and the setting, and the plot is exciting. I look forward to reading more
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley: I think my mutual suggested this to me and I tried reading it but I found it really hard to read but I am going to try it again because it sounds so intruiging!
The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty: I'm on the fence bc while I liked the city of brass, I thought this one was a bit weaker so idk if I'll keep reading. I like the concept tho
The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro: this one's strange and mysterious and I love the almost primordial atmosphere of england 1000 years ago...the ancient and massive landmarks around the elderly characters as they go about their relatively small lives. kind of frightening, kind of magical
These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong: I haven't read any of this and it DOES look pretty YA but the setting sounds fun so why not
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septembersghost · 1 year
oooh book rec time! 📚
- house of leaves (so good, but can be confusing considering its ergodic literature!)
- the kite runner (top tier, very emotional tho)
- sula (omg, toni morrison is a god, this book was amazing and very sad)
- Ishmael (amazing book, really makes you look at life in a different light, think everyone needs to read it at least once!)
- the viscount who loves me (but any of the bridgerton books really, im partial to romancing mr. bridgerton too though)
- anerican prometheus (this is a biography about oppenheimer but it really is pure poetry as well, and i recommend robert oppenheimer letters and recollections as well, just because oppies own writing is something to behold)
- rabbit and robot (a book from my childhood technically but still has to make the list just because of how utterly hilarious it is)
- ethan frome (such a sad beautiful story, very poetic and tragic)
- girl from nowhere (this has nothing to do with the netflix series lol, but its a pretty good suspensful spy thriller romance!)
- where the crawdads sing (very very interesting and the twist at the end is def amazing)
- the sound of waves (this novel was translated into english from japanese and it's a very beautiful, simple and life loving romance)
those are all i can think of right now but I also of course have to recommend the classics such as the great gatsby and dr. jekyll and mr hyde!
your last sentence flashing me back to the unhinged dni @arthurwilde showed me this morning that had gatsby, to kill a mockingbird, frankenstein, dracula, wuthering heights, and the phantom of the opera listed as "irredeemable media" (along with the magic schoolbus and garfield..?). 🤓 i'm surprised jekyll and hyde wasn't on there too. what did the classics ever do to that person?! i have read and enjoyed them, lock us up for literary crimes!
thank you so much for this list and your thoughts, i appreciate it and am always glad to have new things to add to my to-read ideas!!! ❤📖
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jandjsalmon · 1 year
2023 FFRC - July🌞
Hello friends! July passed in the blink of an eye. I'm definitely not looking forward to the end of summer (because it snows like 9 months of the year where I live and I just want to freaking enjoy my back-yard okay!?) Anyway - I hope you've all been enjoying the sunshine.
As far as the @fanfic-reading-challenge goes- I’m 5 tasks away from finishing the whole thing - (4 of which I can’t finish until December) so that’s neat. Gotta get up to 15 million words and then I'll just be waiting to finish the monthly tasks. This month I got to help Juulna sort out next year's list of tasks though and that was a super fun time.
July 2023
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As you can see, I read lots of really great stories this month. I reread a lot of fic and then double read fics too - there isn't a lot of new content for Wenvier so I reread over and over again. It's never a bad time to reread. I also read a Needle Bughead story that I'd held off on because of the tags - but it was wonderful - as all of her stories are. I'm glad I came back to that one. And given the circumstances, I think I'm going to deep dive into some Fexi favourites this week - so if you have any suggestions, please send them my way. 💔
As always - I’ve gathered a couple recs but I'm going to put them under the cut to save your dashboard. I hope you enjoy them.
Dear Annabel Lee by @ozmathegreatand (Wenvier - T 6/6)  Summary: Wherein Wednesday is forced to Cyrano her own love story when she is tasked to take up the mantle of Annabel Lee, the school newsletter's biweekly advice column, and receives a letter from Xavier asking for advice on how to get over her. Notes: It's always a special treat when someone gifts you a fic. BUT it's even more special when the fic is as fun and lovely as this one. Wednesday is forced to be an advice columnist and Xavier unknowingly bears is soul to her. It's funny and sweet and yet still perfectly in character. It's wonderful. Read and Review. Do it! 😉
Xavier Knows Wednesday Loves Him (series) by Agmo (Wenvier - T/E 4 fics) 
Summary: Xavier keeps a running list in a notebook in his desk drawer.
Notes: This story started out with one story with bullet points of how Xavier knew Wednesday Loved him - then expanded into this SUPER cute fic with a chapter for each one of those points (but the chapters are sometimes only a few lines long). Then there are a couple more one-shots to really flesh out some of the bigger points. And each and every one of them was delightful. All told, the series of 4 stories is only 20,000 words, so it's not long but it's wonderful and funny and touching and perfect. Give it a try!
Starving Faithful by @shesonlylittle (Fez/Lexi- E 1/1)  Summary: In most respects, he’s a nineteen year old. With the glaring exception that he can feel where his wings have been clipped— and that he can nudge the material world a little, here and there, from time to time.  He has childhood memories, a normal human’s wants and desires, but he also knows he’s got a divine mission. And that he has it because he fucked up somehow. Ash was supposed to be his redemption. He was supposed to watch over him, keep him safe.  -- or: Fallen Angel Fez has one last shot at redemption, his new charge Lexi Howard. Guardian Angels probably shouldn't be down bad for the humans in their safekeeping, though. Notes: I have a lot of feelings right now. After yesterday's news - the first thing I did was go find and read a Fexi fic to calm my broken heart. This one is SO good. Fez is SO well written. And there is a lot of neat religiosity that fits with him too. It hurts to read because we've lost Angus - but it has a happy ending and it's beautiful. So you should read it too!
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See you back here in a few weeks! Happy reading! 🖤
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niuniente · 3 years
Hi Niu It's me the Bruno anon, idk if you remember but you helped me find Burn the witch and then recommended me more anime. We're clearly (again) in sync cause in your list, I've seen Samurai Champloo, Devilman, Nozaki-kun (one of my favs), The promised neverland, and I've read/own the manga of Samurai Champloo, Mushishi, The promised neverland,Made in Abyss. I planned to watch Space Dandy and I think I might start with that !!Thanks for your help !! I definitely dont regret Burn the witch !!!
Oh awesome! Please see Space Dandy, it is such a delight! I personally love the 2nd season of Dandy the best.
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(Also I want more Johnny content. Johnny is a great character!)
Definitely see Jujutsu Kaisen, too. It's something that really impressed me so I assume you would enjoy it too. I get shivers when I think about the Malevolent Shrine-scene! First season is out.
Maybe I can recommend something else you hopefully haven't seen?
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Alice in Borderlands This anime has only 3 episodes but Netflix has made an acted version of this series. This is Alice In Wonderland meets Battle Royale-type of a survival horror series. I have not seen the acted version yet but I definitely should. Manga was entertaining.
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Devilman - The Birth and Devilman - The Demon Bird
If you have not seen the old Devilman movies, please do. Ryo is great and Sirene is like she's in the manga. I didn't like what Crybaby did to Sirene, including the unnecessary rape scene (which was, originally, the creator's own idea but the publisher managed to make him pull it out from the manga. Somehow they decided it would be a good idea in the Crybaby. I'm yet to see a series which a rape scene would have made somehow better...)
Speaking of Devilman, there's a short ova series Go Nagai World which is super adorable.
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Candy Candy I'm a sucker for Candy Candy. I grew up with it similar to Ginga Nagareboshi Gin I also recommended. This is a long romantic drama + slice of life series. Very dramatic tearjerker as the vintage series tend to be :D It follows the life of an orphan girl Candice "Candy" White as she grows up, facing an obstacle after another but keeps going nevertheless.
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Slayers Next I can't believe I forgot Slayers Next! This is a super fun series with absolutely amazingly funny characters. I used to watch this with English dub and I still favor it over the Japanese which is weird but hey, the English dub JUST WORKS SO WELL. Follows a hot headed food loving sorcerer Lina, who is looking for a magical book Claire Bible with her friends Gourry, the original Himbo, Amelia the emotional and justice loving princess, and Zelgadis the tsundere cursed swordman. This is definitely one of the best comedy series out there.
There's also Slayers and Slayers Try, but I personally like Slayers Next the best.
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rexplusahsoka · 2 years
Favorite Rexsoka fan fiction? Or any recommendations? And just thanks in general for having a rexsoka blog to follow. My fangirl heart needed this 🤍💙🧡🤍
Hello!! First of all, I'm terribly sorry for the late reply! ಥ_ಥ Secondly, thank you so much! 💕 I, personally, can't get enough of Rexsoka, it's like my most hardcore otp for life :D Always glad to meet new friends, all aboard our beloved ship ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
There are many wonderful Rexsoka fics both on ao3 and good ol' ff.net, and in the future I'm planning to make a big rec post, but for now, here is a very short list of some of my fave rexsoka stories:
(also, plz plz keep in mind that English is not my native language and I'm far from perfect in it, esp in grammatical things)
1) Mind Space by warriorgramma (Rated E)
Absolutely favorite one 💖 Warriorgramma is a genius of a writer, and btw all works of this author are brilliant, I honestly could sing praises to them all days and nights, just...gorgeous stuff. READ IT.
2) Something New series by imnewintown
I'm gonna be honest with you, I'm a HUGE sucker for domestic rexsoka family trope and this series fulfills all my wishes so, naturally, I love it to death. If you share my enthusiasm in this topic, you should really check it out. Includes both steamy and fluffy works. Out of all fics with similar trope, imnewintown's series forever will be my most beloved version ❤
3) There's Nothing Holding Us Back by distantdaylight (Rated E)
This fic seriosly needs more attention, it's so good 🙏 Written perfectly on all aspects, from plot to characterization, a great read that I highly recommend. But beware, not finished yet.
4) Something More by Abel_VaLore (Rated M)
A good, decent fic. Written from Rex perspective, often angsty, but with a happy end.
5) Stronger than Fate series by hrtiu (Rated from G to T)
Another wonderful, fun series that I love very much, worth every second of your time to read it.
6) War Bonds series by ArcticMatter_77 (Rated M for violence)
Who doesn't know War Bonds? Great series from start to...not finished yet xD If you like "rewrite" fics and slow burn, I think you'll enjoy this work.
7) I'm Glad You're Still Alive by Eekapizza (Rated T)
Stunning ✨✨✨The build up, the angst, the character development done perfectly and natural, 10/10, how this is not canon again? =D
8) Douse The Flames AU series by armchairaloof (Rated from T to E)
All hail armchairaloof, queen of beautiful rexsoka AUs ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
But this one is still my fave, gorgeously done modern firefighter AU with rom com vibes, CHECK CHECK CHECK
9) After the Order by Sunflower_Bundle331 (Rated M)
Highly underrated, like, wtf, wish I could leave 93723 kudos to it, cos' its honestly one of the best rexsoka fic I've read in my life with this awfully low amount of feedback. (┬┬﹏┬┬) Technically not finished, but in a sense of rexsoka it came to some sort of conclusion ;-)
10) Subterfuge by WildHoneyProse (Rated T)
I LOVE this one. Adorably tender, spot on characterization and beautiful relationship growth ❤
That's it for now 😶 more is definitely to come cos' I mentioned, like, only 10%, the ones that immediately came to mind right now =D
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distort-opia · 3 years
really liking ur recent fanfic so far & am looking forward to the next chapter! pretty sure u have great taste, so: got any good batjoke fic recs?
Thank you so much, glad you're enjoying it! Sorry for answering so late, I’ve been in writing hyperfixation mode. To be honest, I think an amazing and recent Batjokes fic rec list was made by @lemanzanabizarra -- you can find it here if you wish to get high on some premium Batjokes content from all ‘verses. There are so many incredibly talented writers and great fics out there for this pairing.
That said, I still really appreciate the vote of trust, so I'll try to leave you with some of my personal favorites. I'm an absolute sucker for angst, and my favorite Batjokes incarnation is the comics and the Arkham games one, so that’s what the next couple of fics will exclusively be. The whole list is under the cut (in no particular order).
+ Made For The Journey by Merixcil (194,476k)
When Superman falls, the world doesn’t end. Bits of it die, and all of it changes, but life persists.
Bruce picks his way through the remnants of American society, desperate to get back to Gotham and piece together whatever fragments of his life are left standing. Along the way he picks up unwanted baggage.
Personal thoughts: A completed long fic, and such a well-written one. I do love both Bruce and Joker in it; the author takes their time to explore both of them inside this apocalyptic world, and then show how they might realistically end up traveling together and becoming more. The kind of fic that makes you think to yourself, “man I’ve paid for books so much worse than this”.
+ #48 verse by DesdemonaKaylose (48, 797k)
Amnesiac Bruce and Joker come together for a beautiful domestic dream, which must end, but not yet… Not yet…
Personal thoughts: Alright, this goddamn series. If you’ve read the New 52 run, including DotF and Endgame, this absolutely reaches into your heart and pulls onto your heartstrings one by one. Beautiful writing style and heartfelt characterization.
+ The Bitterest Joke by Dracze (4,822k)
Set during the “Mother Panic Gotham AD” comic.
Joker doesn’t handle grief very well.
Personal thoughts: Once again, this is based off a comic, and I do recommend reading it first. Joker’s thoughts and feelings are so easy to adopt for yourself in this one; amazing writing and characterization (but I mean, it’s Dracze).
+ Echo-logy by ArgentNoelle (2,144k)
Batman doesn’t kill. /// (“He’d hate the maniac for that; for turning everything in Bruce’s world to something Joker owns; if he didn’t have so many other reasons to hate Joker first.”)
Personal thoughts: This is pretty much based off of Bruce’s words in Batman: Under The Red Hood, when he says that he imagines killing Joker every single day. I absolutely love it, read it more than once; it has such a great Bruce, shows off his dark side so well. This fic might as well be canon to me.
+ The Minotaurus by Gjak (8,388k)
That was a peculiar night when Joker decided he would take that bullet for Bruce Wayne.
Not the best of decisions he ever made, albeit a terrible one, to be honest. But absolutely no regrets! The look on Wayne’s face was hilarious – the bubbling giggles gurgle out the oxygen between his bloody lips.
Personal thoughts: This isn’t finished, aaaargh. It has such good writing, and the interactions between Bruce and Joker are just so... dark and complicated, so good. I still recommend reading it.
+ devour me (if you really think that you can stomach me) by gaily-daily (3,825k)
“It’s okay.” Dicks says in a rushed tone. Though he cannot quite look Bruce in the eye. “It’s not your fault.”
Bruce nods, unable to do much of anything else. He would stand if he thought he could handle it. But the truth of it was, Bruce is terrified that if he moves again he’ll end up forcing himself upon whoever was closest to him. Be it Joker or Dick or Barbara.
Personal thoughts: This is basically a fuck-or-die fic... without the fucking. It’s unbelievable how good it is, especially because it takes place through the POV of Barbara and Dick. They witness Bruce’s loss of control, and their acceptance that only Joker could ever withstand the darkness in him -- amazing. I mean I’d still pay money for the full on smutty version, but alas, we make do with imagination.
+ Paris, Revisited by Dracze (7,231k)
Set during “Batman: Europa,” after the events in Paris. Batman and the Joker decide to take a break before flying to Rome, but then Joker’s health takes a dramatic turn for the worse.
Personal thoughts: Amazing Batman: Europa fic. I think I’ve read the scene in which Bruce thinks Joker is dying like ten times. The emotions that transpire between them are so well-captured.
+ Two Step by synthwave (10,133k)
If you travel in a full circle it might be equally probable that everything changes, or that nothing does. (Set after the ending of Batman: Europa.)
Personal thoughts: Another brilliant Europa fic. I adore the way this fic frames Batman and Joker’s relationship as more or less a zero-sum game. Bruce is just so... raw in this one, and his interactions with Joker feel so them.
+ Destined To Do This Forever by Vulcanmi (86,775k)
The Joker turns himself in, and Batman waits for him to put whatever he's got planned into motion.
And keeps waiting.
Personal thoughts: This one is a long fic and still ongoing, a combination of the Arkham games, comics and the Lego-verse when it comes to characterization. It’s terribly captivating and dynamic and has such a good premise, I can’t wait for the author to update! Things have started to get very interesting.
+ I'll Tell You No Lies by TheMidnightOwl (29,507k)
Earth-22.  One mistake was all it took.  In the months that pass after Bruce accidentally kills a hired gun, he must reevaluate his life, his methods, and his mission.  He remembers everything the Joker has ever said to him, every taunt he ever made, every similarity they share, and this time he's listening.  This time he gets the joke.
A fix-it of the origin of The Batman Who Laughs.  Readable without having read any of the Dark Nights: Metal series, more details inside.
Personal thoughts: Let me tell you, I love this one so much. It’s everything I ever wanted in a Batman Who Laughs origin. I always hated that they made his origin a freaking chemical, it’s such a simple cop-out. If the author didn’t write this fic, I might’ve ended up doing it at some point; this is a rare case of “God, I want to see this written so badly” and then finding an amazing fic that already exists! Blessings to you, author. Blessings upon your family and your cow.
+ Giving In by mollyknight (22,177k)
When Bruce Wayne presses the playing card against the glass of Joker’s padded cell, everything changes.
Personal thoughts: Another one I’ve re-read more than once and adore. It starts off from the New 52 moment in which Bruce brings the Joker card back to Joker’s cell, basically revealing his identity -- a moment that lives rent-free in my brain, tbh. It’s such an interesting exploration of where their relationship could have gone, from that point onwards. And the way the author writes Bruce’s guilt but overwhelming attraction to Joker... incredibly satisfying.
+ Road Trip by GreenJacks (2,038k)
They're a long way away from home, and one of them has a broken ankle. The barman has no idea why those two men were calling each other friends, because they clearly weren't. 
Personal thoughts: This is from the perspective of a complete stranger and outsider, and it’s so interesting. Bruce’s and Joker’s dynamic is so well-captured, especially that sense of inevitable attraction and understanding, intertwined with genuine animosity.
+ And When (His) Edges Soften by MissNaya (6,106k)
“You need something from me, I need something from you. What's say we make a deal?”
“You don't need me. Not for that.”
“Oh, but I do!” Joker grins, looking up at Batman through half-lidded, radioactive-green eyes. “Who else knows how to hold me like you do? Who else peppers my cheeks with kisses? Granted, they're kisses from your fists, but it's the thought that counts...”
Or, Joker is an unconventional omega, and Bruce is never quite sure who's in control.
Personal thoughts: Yes, this is A/B/O. Don’t know if you like this trope, but I had to include it because it’s so goddamn well-written. Bruce’s reluctance, his obsession, his guilt and his excuses... and Joker’s feralness, God. Chef’s kiss. 11/10. 
+ Sooner Than You Think by DictionaryWrites (1,275k)
After the events of Arkham City, Bruce doesn't know what to do with himself, and secludes himself in the Batcave. 
Personal thoughts: Aaaaaa. Bruce mourning Joker in the Arkham games will never fail to utterly destroy me emotionally, and this fic is beautifully heartbreaking. The idea of mourning, of sitting shiva for Joker, his yearning -- exquisite.
+ The Last Five Years by Dracze (1,936k)
Set somewhere around "Injustice: Gods Among US" Year Five, issues 10-14. Knowledge of the comics is not necessary to understand the fic if you know the game or the basic premise, but it will help.
Selina leaves the resistance. Alfred tries to comfort Bruce the way he usually does, only to discover that Bruce is already seeking comfort with someone else.
Personal thoughts: Another one that deals with Bruce mourning Joker, dealing with his death. Bruce’s loneliness and the way he misses Joker, the things he tells him -- incredibly well-done. I would definitely like to sue Dracze for emotional damages for this one.
+ The Clown by CaptainMarls (700)
A criminal, dead by the hands of a savior.
After Superman kills the Joker, Batman tries to react and finds he has no idea how.
Personal thoughts: Once again, this deals with the aftermath of Joker’s death in the Injustice game and comic. It’s short, but packs such a punch. I love how it also deals with Bruce’s complicated relationship with Clark himself, and that famous accusation of “You loved him, didn’t you?” -- very impactful.
+ Freak Like Me by TimmyJayBird (3,018k)
“I knew you had it in ya, Batsss,” he said, his voice rough and strained, “Don’t stop now. Come back and split me open.” 
Personal thoughts: This is pretty much smut. Really good, in-character, angry hate sex. Absolute chef’s kiss.
+ contact high by venetianAnarchist (3,407k)
There's something slightly intoxicating about being so close to Joker at his most vulnerable, his rawest. His pupils are blown, black overtaking green, and there's something quietly challenging in that gaze that sets Bruce's skin alight at every point of contact.
(Literally a cavity search fic, because Joker's a naughty boy and no one else is game enough to search him. They both just really need to get laid, guys.)
Personal thoughts: What it says on the tin. Bruce is really well-written in this fic, I love how the author shows him basically get drunk on Joker’s closeness and weakness, alongside an awareness of crossing the line. So well-written.
And we’ve reached the end! There are so many other fics, but I’ve tried to stick to ones I’ve reread, or came back to at least once. Otherwise we might be here all day. I truly hope you like these; and of course, don’t forget to show your appreciation towards the authors! <3
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allieebobo · 3 years
hi! do you have any if recommendations? and if you know any other ifs that take place in a college / university etc, could you let me know? i love your if and would love to read more ifs that have an 'ordinary' setting like this, since most ifs i've read are very much centered around fantasy (and i'd love to get a break from that).
Hi!! :-) Sorry I took a while to get back on this, I really appreciated the message and am really glad you like the IF!
Let me give the recs a shot. It's a p small list and I've included some established/finished games as well, hope that's OK. (And yeah, I haven't come across a whole lot of 'ordinary'-setting IFs, but I tried my best!)
Disclaimer: I'm still relatively new to the whole IF scene - been playing COG/HG for 2-3 years or so, but never realised there was a whole flourishing community of people making their own games until recently! (one of my fave discoveries of 2021)
1. Citadel | @bouncyballcitadel I can't rec this enough! I really think it's one of the best "realistic"/ordinary-setting games out there. Everything about it is so well-done, it feels real. But like, real in a fun, living vicariously through my MC way. My mom's obsessed with kdramas, so I thought I'd reached the threshold for medical-dramas, but I was WRONG.)
2. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - An affair of the heart |@doriana-gray-games The writing/dialogue/characters etc. are so good - really transports you to Victorian London and sucks you in (I love snarky british ppl and truly enjoy Lestrade so far). Also, the mystery is actually so legit?! Or maybe I'm a little air-brained. haha. Also. There are actual pictures between the pages. Production quality A+.
3. A Long Weekend This is a little different from the games I usually enjoy - I generally get sucked into character-rich, world-rich games with lush writing, but this one is compact and packs a punch & is worth a try (look out for the trigger warnings though!)
Other considerations: Ear Candy | @earcandy-if (this one has no demo yet but it’s on my to-play list for sure. Other than sports IFs, musician-IFs have been top on my IF-wishlist for ages.)
Relics of the Lost Age series You play as an archaeologist (for all your Indiana Jones fantasies)! Not exactly ordinary, but... set in the real-world (ish) I suppose? I've only played the first game but there's a demo out for the third game now, and the second game just came out.
Finished games that I really enjoyed:
1. Slammed! I know nothing about wrestling, but this was everything I need/expect from a realistic / ordinary-IF. Good writing. Good plot. Many branches. 'Nuff said?
2. The Parenting Simulator I was a lil shook by how much I enjoyed being a parent, I really don't think I'd feel the same with a real baby in my arms.
3. Choice of Broadsides (the OG game that got me into choicescript games).
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ninja-muse · 2 years
Hi! I'm the anon who asked about kind protagonists. Thanks for the recs! So far I have read Piranesi and Small Gods, and I liked them both (I knew I would like Small Gods because... Terry Pratchett, but Piranesi was new and lovely!) Anyway, I'm here for another rec ask - do you have any ghost or ghost-like stories that are romantic rather than scary? And by romantic I don't mean "with a romance", I mean... haunting in the sentimental sense, haha. Thank you!
Oh, I'm so glad you're enjoying my recs so far! And yes, I have more recs for you. Hopefully they'll hit the mark as well as the last batch. :)
Poems Bewitched and Haunted is part of the Everyman's Pocket Poetry series and is probably my favourite of the ones I've read. It's full of beautifully spooky and haunting poems and I should really reread it.
Sparrow Hill Road by Seanan McGuire is an incredible ode to Americana and ghost lore. The Hitchhiking Ghost was killed by the Phantom Car and is now travelling America to avoid the Car's driver and helping other ghosts along the way. It started as serial short stories so every chapter's very much its own thing within the story arc, and it was very much a book I sank into. It has sequels, The Girl in the Green Silk Gown and Angel of the Overpass, which are probably just as good because McGuire's excellent, but I haven't read them yet.
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman is a middle grade about a boy who's raised by ghosts and the undead in a graveyard and was inspired by The Jungle Book. It's about family and belonging and facing your fears, and the inhabitants of the graveyard are wonderfully portrayed.
Ghosts by Gaslight, edited by Jack Dann, came up when I searched my "read books" list for ghosts. I would've read it a decade ago so my memory is fuzzy, but I know it was a solid anthology so it should give you a good mix—scary, haunting, beautiful, offbeat.
Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger never got the buzz The Time Traveller's Wife did, but if you're looking for over-dramatic teenagers and toxic relationships and other literary-type drama, but set in a haunted flat next to Highgate Cemetery, look no further. It's too full of unlikable people for me to have properly liked it, but it definitely has that heightened-emotions-a-la-Gothic-novel flair and I found a lot of it unsettling.
Gallant is V.E. Schwab's most recent novel. It's about a girl who can see ghosts and who's grown up in an orphanage, and then she gets a letter from her birth family inviting her home to their Gothic mansion. The one that may or may not border another world. It's about courage and determination and making your own family, it's darkly beautiful and immersive, and it has that middle-grade/fable sensibility while being written for an older audience.
On my TBR:
Echoes, edited by Ellen Datlow (1000 pages of ghost stories by the best writers in SFF)
The Haunting Season, edited by Sara Collins (nine wintery ghost stories)
Ghostland by Colin Dickey (a history examining America through ghost stories)
Honorable mentions to:
Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury (two boys vs. evil carnival, really about boyhood and growing up and related fears)
Flyaway by Kathleen Jennings (gothic Australian fairy tale, distinctly unsettling)
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semperama · 3 years
Can you recommend your favorite Max/Daniel fics to patch us over for until you post the next chapters of yours, please?
It’s really hard to wait :(
(but no pressure!!!!)
I am afraid I'm so behind on reading fic right now! It's been a busy few weeks for me, and any time I haven't been doing family stuff or cooking or Christmas shopping, I've been trying to write, so I haven't had much time to read. I have like 15 tabs of fic open that I need to read and comment on. D: Hopefully later this year I'll get caught up and be able to do a rec list and give some of the other extremely talented writers in this fandom the love they deserve.
For now, if you haven't read @yekoc's glory, from a high rise yet, it's so, so good and I've thought about little else since I stayed up way too late reading it when it was posted.
Some others I love are:
young blood by @trailsofpaper (she also has a sewis fic in the same universe with is similarly phenomenal if that's your thing, and if we're really lucky, maybe there will be more fics in this series forthcoming!).
off your roster by @veryspecificfantasies (this might be my desert island maxiel fic tbh)
as death itself was undone by higgsbosonblues (and really all of their other maxiel fics too; their characterization is so on point)
and of course steal the air out of my lungs (make me feel it) by @baking-soda if by some very slim chance you haven't already read it--it's truly a masterpiece!!
I'm sorry if these are all things you've read already, because I feel like they (very rightly) get recced a lot. Again, hopefully I'll have more recs in the future! And there will be a new chapter of LDoA on Friday, nonnie! I'm glad you're enjoying it! <3
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bbugyu · 2 years
omg it’s totally fine, luv! answer the asks whenever you want~ hope you’re getting some rest too, bff!
HAHAHA i have so much on my list as well! i just finished watching he’s just not that into you and i loved the film sm it tugged at my heartstrings i can’t even explainsjdhskdjdk 😭 and oh i finished ld+r yesterday and watched a lot of films and can i say i’m so glad i finally have time now T___T alsoooo do you have film or series recos??? would love to start another show!
shua best bf ever we love to see it 🤌
btw i wanna share this with you… my ults are 95z now!!!! i hate them and their talented ass and their pretty faces istg </333 cheol being a new addition to my bias line just proves that there should be someone to balance the jihan dynamics 🤕
- 🐰 <3
congratulations on ulting 95z!!!! ur taste is... *mwah* yk like truly they are so deserving.
omg!!! i have soooo many recs since we are talking abt tv i'll stick to shows i've been enjoying lately!!! any show or movie i mention in any of my fics is immediately a rec, btw. i'm always trying to reference things i love on my writing LOL
the last series i watched was only murders in the building (on hulu), which i had heard a lot about and had heard from a few people that it was pretty fun, but this show was so VASTLY undersold to me. i literally put it on because my stepmom had bugged me about it recently and i was like, "it's steve martin, martin short, and selena gomez. like, worst case scenario, it makes me laugh sometimes." YALL. THIS FUCKING SHOW. this show is so INSANELY well directed, so perfectly cast, and i have literally gasped and slapped the space bar at reveals (guest star reveals, too, bc WHAT THE FUCK **** ***** IS HIS STUNT DOUBLE??). it's SO compelling, SO funny, and there is so much genuine chemistry in the main cast. i'm all caught up on season two, i can't believe i have to watch it week to week 😭😭 it's shaping up to be just as fantastic this season, too!!!!
i also recommend what we do in the shadows on fx!! the new season is about to start (streams on hulu i believe) and i am not lying when i say this is the funniest ensemble cast on television today. taika waititi is a fucking genius (we all know this) and has literally perfected my career trajectory dream (which supposedly means i still have time to do it too bc he was 30 when he wrote and directed for flight of the conchords... hmmm), and he is so deserving of the praise because he creates these morally gray annoyingly idiotic characters in these fantastical and absurd situations and makes you SIDE WITH THE EMPATHY LACKING VAMPIRE???? the characters are incredible the fashion is on point the gothic castle vibes always hit and then they are just like. in new york. GOD ITS SO FUNNY
on the reality front, trixie motel on discovery+!!! oh my god TRIXIE MOTELLLLLL i love this show so much i grew up watching food network and hgtv so i love a good home improvement show and this just takes that extremely heteronormative genre of reality television and. puts it in drag. like, its so gay, its so well put together and organized and the ROOM DESIGNS??? ARE SO FUCKING GOOOOOOD LIKE MY DREAM MANSION LOOKS LIKE THE TRIXIE MOTEL OKAYYYY yes im a gay architect lets move past it. the 60s space bombshell room really blew me away i loved i soooo much. so much.
another one of my absolute faves recently has been the world according to jeff goldblum on disney+!! it's a docuseries where jeff just pursues information from experts on weird niches that he finds interesting, like sneakerheads, or roller derby, or practical magic. such a feel good series, super informational about fringe culture, and accurately represents bipoc creators and influencers. it's soooo fun! and jeff is such a charming weirdo, i adore watching him talk about anything at all. he reminds me of my history loving story telling human rights protector gramps (probably bc they're both jewish and truly wonderful men).
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storybookprincess · 3 years
so I finally started watching fruits basket as per your one ask rec from ages ago and the angst is so good like cmon. especially the angst with my new favorite ship kyo and tohru (so happy that the spoilers I’ve seen like. That they’re actually the endgame cause I at first thought I just found another ship that was never actually gonna happen xD) anyway anyway. I was wondering if there was any chance of a fic from you to add onto all this amazing angst? I’ll admit I miss your writing I’m general lol. Hope you’re doing well and your day is going great! :)
okay, first, SO glad you're watching furuba!!!!!!! it's such a dear series to me & it always makes me so so happy when someone else enjoys it!!! and YES kyoru supremacy they are the best otp ever. like if i think about them too long i lowkey just wanna throw up from emotions XD
and thank you for your kind words about my writing--i miss writing a ton too. i'll spare you the laundry list of things i dealt with in the latter half of 2021, but suffice it to say that pretty much any aspect of my life you can think of (personal, professional, health, family, financial, etc) had at least one major development occur that took a lot of my time and energy. some of these were good--i love my new job, for example--but all of them were eating huge amounts of my time & energy regardless. and i just now have enough stability to be able to be creative again.
i'll be posting a short fic on monday for an exchange, am working away at my big bang fic, and am hoping to write some more stories in the meantime. it's slow going to fully recover my creative energy, but i'm definitely making progress!! and thank you again for your kind words & well wishes!!
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ingravinoveritas · 4 years
Hello there. I'm finally (I know, I know) watching Good Omens (I'm on the third ep) and while I've been low-key shipping MS and DT since gifs started appearing on my dash shortly after the show dropped on Prime, I finally get to experience it for myself. RPF is very much old hat for me, and I was wondering if you have any recs for fics. I'm open to just about anything fic wise, especially body worship, D/s dynamics, and impact play. Tickety boo.
Well hello and tickety-boo to you, too! Glad you have finally found Good Omens and low-key fallen into Michael/David shipping hell with the rest of us. The show is truly fantastic and Michael and David’s chemistry will always be one of the most wonderful facets of it.
I’m honored that you’ve come to me for RPF recs, and I can certainly recommend some to you. I have actually written several fics myself, so if you don’t mind a self-rec, this post has links to all of my Good Omens/RPF fics. Three of them (”Trespass Sweetly Urged,” “Birthday Presence,” and “Ageless”) have some of the elements you mentioned (#1 and #2 have D/s dynamics, and #3 has some light body worship), so I hope you might enjoy those. There are a lot of great RPF stories and incredibly talented authors on AO3, though surprisingly there is not as much RPF for this fandom as you would think there’d be (only a little over 100 fics since Good Omens came out). Of the fics that do exist, I would highly recommend the following (all of which are rated E or Explicit unless otherwise noted):
- Do Actors Dream of Purely Decorative Sheep? by Anonymous. This fic differs from the rest in that it’s the only one on my list written during Covid times, so we have it starting out with Michael and David on Zoom. But the relationship dynamic and chemistry is as strong as ever, and when David comes to Wales for a visit, what follows is something that feels so utterly raw and real it’s unbelievable (or perhaps entirely too believable). Definitely some elements of body worship, but what sets this fic apart also is that there is a spectacular reverence for David in it. The author/Michael seems to worship David not just physically, but emotionally. Three chapters are up so far, and we can only hope there will be more. - Tempt You Toward the Flood by triedunture. One of the best and filthiest fics I have ever read, anywhere, in any fandom, ever. Six chapters (and counting) of mind-bending smut that contains all of the elements you mentioned (D/s, impact play, and body worship) to different degrees and intensities, as well as a lot of role-playing (and did I mention the filth?). And all of it underpinned with gradually increasing emotion and the struggle of keeping feelings separate from sex and both their complete failures to do so.
- Borderlines and Once Burned by hollybennett123. This is a two-parter (not two chapters, but two fics in the same series), so you’ve got to read both. The first one is a lot of teasing and passion and blurring of lines, and the second is crossing those lines entirely. Utterly filthy but so tender and affectionate at the same time, which is the intersection these two seem to be at frequently.
- Switch by obstinatrix. Starts off with a delicious scene of Michael topping and leads into what it says on the tin. I believe this was the first bottom!Michael fic I read, and it works gorgeously well with service top!DT. Smut and sex commingle here with lighthearted banter that only comes from being close enough to someone to poke fun at each other during sex. And of course the sex is again incredibly hot.
- To Eat Ortolans by rhosyndu. This was the first MS/DT RPF I ever read, and it still holds a fond place in my heart. It’s set in New York during the Good Omens press tour and still feels so real--the way Michael and David speak, the internal POV from David, the dynamic of their relationship, and of course the smut is also wonderfully hot, too.
So those are some of my Good Omens RPF fic recs, from me to you. Again, this is not an exhaustive selection, but just the ones that are my personal favorites. Also, one other thing to keep in mind is that Michael and David have just done a new series together called Staged, in which they are playing exaggerated versions of themselves, using their own names. Therefore some of the fics in the Michael Sheen/David Tennant tag are Staged fics written about those characters, rather than the real MS and DT (though the lines do get very blurry).
Happy reading, and thanks for writing in! x
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