#I'm gonna go eep now
tired-o-fighter · 1 year
I didn't kill him
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Total horses hatched: 9
Total manure harvested: 196
The poop was in the corner i couldn't have touched it i was literally tapping everywhere and the timer just went down
That should be cheating right?
Anyways he's living in the horbe afterlife with crow and blue's horbes and probably yoshi and someone else and they're all going shopping
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bleaksqueak · 25 days
God I wish I could just gloves off, full ramble, in-depth talk about world and characters.
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daincrediblegg · 7 months
I am once again wishing to god I could procrastinate going into video editing hell but I cannot
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nervocat · 3 months
I'm gonna go to bed guys. Hope you had a good April fools and booping day 🫶🫶
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scuddle-bubble101 · 3 months
I am going to spam boop you >:3
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Yessssss, attacka me/j
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nickeeree · 5 months
squealing wtf /pos
look can you tell im normal about rw aus and hcs and stuff. character writing is my passion [written in bold comic sans]
I THINK ITS REALLY FUN TO PLAY AROUND WITH INV because there's not Technically a lot of canon regarding it [dating sim isn't canon and as aroace i refuse to acknowledge it tbh] there's so many concepts you can explore, especially as a glitch or something akin to it!!!
i'm so very normal about this idea lmao. i love brainstorming for concepts that are meant to be jokes.... my inv being an iterator turned slugcat was originally a joke but then oops! lore
gotta be honest i never finished Inv's campaign and i never got to the dating sim so to me they always were just a funny guy whom community loves to interpret a lot
but the interpretations are always so different and interesting i think it's very cool
ohh and i like the idea of Inv being formerly an iterator!! i think this concept should be used more bc it kinda makes sense for more rebellious iterators to try escaping their cans via organic vessels
also it just sounds incredibly badass
this reminds me of an oc of mine....maybe i should bring them in the light one day (< really bad at oc posting)
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acemakes-art143 · 9 months
wow I'm actually making a "I'm going to eep" post look at me go
Well gn funny people I met through the screen
Hope you have a good eep (or have one later if it's not eep time for you yet)
Night night lovely people ily /platonic 💖
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pastel-peach-writes · 9 months
Hey can I request Korra x gn!reader where Asami doesn’t know that reader is in relationship with Korra and starts flirting with reader and Korra gets jealous and it ends up in cuddles?
Can be headcannons or one-shot. However you want it!
EEP. I've been in a korra mood lately so I'm sooo down for this.
Jealous Thing | Korra x Reader
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╰┈➤ PLOT: It's her own fault. Due to Avatar duties, Korra failed to tell Asami you and her were together. Now, she has to suffer the consequences of her actions.
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: A Curse Word, Jealous Korra, Mako Cameo, Playful Banter, Not Proofread
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
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Okay, it wasn't supposed to be this way. Today was supposed to be a calm, chill, relaxing day in the Air Temple. You finally got a day off of work, Korra had some relief from her Avatar duties, and Asami got some time off as well. But now, Korra has to watch Asami flirt with her partner from across the room.
You were laughing, playfully pushing Asami. You were completely oblivious to her acts.
Asami's flirting isn't subtle. It's very in your face in the best way possible. She deepens her tone, uses touch and body language, and she never ever breaks eye contact. Her attempts toward you fell flat though.
You were with Korra. Hopelessly devoted to her, if you will. Since Korra and Asami are best friends, you assumed the raven knew of your relationship. However, with work and avatar duties, neither of them had the time to chat or sit down to write a letter. You thought Asami's touchiness and flirts were a part of her nature.
You were only acquaintances after all.
"No, you have to come over sometime!" Asami laughed. "I brought the Krew before, it's only fair you come to. Think of it as a new friendship tradition," she shimmed her shoulder against yours. A laugh broke out of you.
"Mm, sure. I mean, spending some time in a pool sounds fun. You said it was at your house?"
"Yeah! Indoors, you can use floaties or you can stay on the pool chairs."
Korra watched as Asami's green eyes sparkled as she looked into yours. She watched as the raven made subtle flirtatious expressions as she listened to you speak.
The scene made Korra want to barf.
"You gonna say something or are you going to stand here, hiding behind a pillar, like a creep?" Mako spoke from behind Korra. The Avatar didn't jump. She simply waved him off.
"Go away, Mako. I'm listening to an important conversation here."
Mako quirked a brow. He peeked from the pillar, his eyes landing on you and Asami. He hummed. Unlike most people, Mako was observant. It was obvious Korra had some sort of crush on you.
Her body langauge was closed off, her jaw was tense, and if looks could kill, Asami would be obliterated. The sight of Korra made Mako chuckle.
"Why are you laughing?" Korra spat. Her eyes remained on the two of you.
"Because this is reminding me of when you first met Asami. You were jealous of her then and you're jealous of her now."
Korra snapped towards him. "I'm not jealous. I don't get jealous. I'm the Avatar. What do I have to be jealous of?"
Mako shrugged "I don't know. Someone else getting close to someone you want to get close to? Someone else getting the opportunity to be romantically involved with someone you want to be romantically involved with? Someone who--"
"--Okay, I get it. You think I'm jealous," scoffed Korra. The Avatar finally peeled her eyes away from the pair. With her arms crossed over her chest, she turned around and rested her back on the pillar.
"No," Mako mimicked her arms. "I know you're jealous." He gained another scoff. He only continued. "Look, just sort through your feelings and confess before it's too late, okay? You don't want to break up another couple."
Korra dropped her jaw with a gasp. She looked up at Mako who only laughed in response. "Kidding, kidding," Mako said through laughter. Korra's face morphed into a scowl. "I'm kidding!" the boy defended with his arms up.
With a roll of her eyes, Korra turned back around to watch you and Asami again. "Whatever, Mako."
A quiet laugh blew past Mako's lips as he walked away.
"I don't need to confess anything," Korra muttered to herself. "They're my partner. I've already done the hard part. If only Miss.Asami could see that."
Dinner was anything but peaceful. Asami decided to take you and Korra out for noodles in the city. Mako and Bolin were invited as well, but they had prior plans.
You sat in a booth next to Korra. You slurped your noodles and wiped the broth off your face. Asami would like to do the same, slurping her noodles, but Korra sent daggers from across the table.
Her blue eyes pierced into Asami's green. Korra was so tense that her shoulders were to her ears, her lips were pursed to the side, and her jaw was tensed.
"Is something wrong?" Asami asked. The girl neatly placed her chopsticks on the chopstick rest.
"No." Korra iced.
Slurping up an awry noodle, you peeked out of the corner of your eye. "Doesn't seem like it."
Korra snapped a glare towards you, but once she realized who she was sitting next to, she eased. "Oh, sorry." Korra grabbed her soup spoon and scooped up some broth.
You and Asami shared a puzzled glance.
That was weird, right?
Back at the Air Temple, you three walked in a horizontal line. You were in the middle, Asami was on your left, Korra was on your right. The crickets chirped as the cool breeze brushed past your skin.
If twinkling stars made a sound, they would chime and ping. The water from the fountain in the middle of the courtyard completed the night's ambiance.
You stopped walking, letting the moonlight bask on you. You closed your eyes and took a deep inhale.
"Everything okay?" Asami asked. She and Korra stood in front of you.
You nodded. You continued to let the moon soak into your skin and the breeze settle you. It was times like this where you remember how pivotal nature is to the human body. You needed to meditate with Tenzin more often. Is this what grounding feels like?
"Never better," you exhaled. Your feet dug into the ground and you opened your palms to further enjoy the night.
Both Korra and Asami couldn't believe the sight there were seeing. This ethereal human was standing right in front of them looking like a deity. Your complexion glowed in the moonlight and your eyelashes looked especially long and kissable.
Korra took a gander towards Asami. It had to be hard being lighter-skinned. Even in the nighttime, a blush still showed. Asami's lovestruck eyes and tilt of her head made Korra sick. She felt the urge to grab your face and kiss you until your lips turned purple.
Yes, right in front of Asami.
She wished she didn't care about Asami's feelings, but she does. If Asami truly had a crush on you, kissing you like that would break her heart. Plus, Korra couldn't blame her. You were the most beautiful being she's ever seen and Korra owns a mirror.
"I think," Korra's voice croaked. "I'm gonna hit the hay. Dinner was so filling and who knew a day of nothing could be so tiring?" she gave the two of you a forced chuckle.
"But you barely ate your dinner." you finally opened your eyes to see Korra. You should've opened your eyes earlier. She looked like a moon spirit in the moonlight. Her eyes were wide and sparkling and damn, her arms never looked better.
"Ah, well. What can you do? The body is crazy, haha." Without another spoken word, Korra turned on her heels and walked away.
You and Asami exchanged another glance.
"Hey, Korra?" you murmured. You let your knuckles knock on her wooden door. "Can I come in?"
Korra was dressed in her pjs with her hair down and her bed prepared for sleeping, but she shuffled over to the door. She gave you a tired smile when she opened her door. "Of course you can. You don't have to ask.”
"Oh, well, I thought I should since... since you've been mad at me all day," you kept your gaze on the ground as you stepped into her room. You picked at your nails and met her eyes when she closed her door.
"Mad at you? I'm not mad at you. I could never be mad at you," Korra frowned. She shuffled over to you. She put her hands on your shoulders and looked into your eyes. "What makes you think I was mad at you?"
"You haven't spoken to me all day. I thought we were supposed to be spending time together. You know, you and me. Maybe even you, me, and Asami," you pouted as you spoke. "Do you hate me?"
"No, babe. No. I don't hate you and I never could." her hands found their way to your face. She cupped her cheeks. "I-I'm sorry, I've been in my head all day."
"Why? Did I do something?" Your eyes shifted between hers, trying to find some animosity or insincerity. You couldn't find any.
"No, here, come sit." Korra took ahold of your hand. She led you to the bed and sat you down. With her next to you, she pulled your legs over her lap. Korra took a deep breath.
She hates when Mako is right. She was jealous. Jealous as hell. She was so jealous she didn't want to admit it and ended up hurting you in the process. She couldn't even imagine how Asami felt. She'll have to deal with that in the morning. Right now, Korra's priority is you.
"The reason why I haven't been sociable today is because," she took another deep breath. "Iwasjealous."
"What?" You leaned closer into her.
"I was jealous," admitted Korra. "I didn't like how Asami was flirting with you, putting her hands on you, making you laugh. That's my job. Mine. Not anyone else's and especially not hers."
You debated on scolding Korra for the way she was talking about her best friend, but it would be inappropriate. Korra was expressing an insecurity of hers. Now was not the time to scold her for talking ill about her best friend.
"Korra," you cupped her cheek. "Asami wasn't flirting with me. She was just being nice."
"No, babe," Korra chuckled. She placed a hand on your hip. "She was flirting with you. Trust me, I've seen it myself."
"But, why would she flirt with her best friend's partner?" Your face scruched in disgust. Maybe Korra talking ill about Asami was justified. You never struck Asami as a girl who would steal her best friend's partner. Icky.
"Because," Korra chewed on her lower lip. Her heartbeat rose and she bit down on her inner cheek. "She doesn't know you're my partner."
"What?" You peeled yourself off of Korra. You went to take your legs off her lap, but Korra pinned them down.
"Hey now, wait. It's not like that."
You went to rebuttal, but Korra put her hand over your mouth.
"Shh, listen." Korra was tempted to smirk and tease you about how cute you looked with her hand over your mouth, but she decided against it. At least for now. "She doesn't know we're together because we haven't had time to chat. I've been so busy with my avatar duties and any free time I have, I want to spend with you. Not to mention Asami's killer and brutal schedule. That girl cannot get a break."
You brought your hand to push Korra's off of you. She didn't budge. You continued to push and nudge at her hand.
"Are you gonna be upset? I'm not going to take my hand off if you're still upset."
Your eyes nearly bulge out of your head. You exclaimed her name behind her hand.
"As much as I like hearing you scream my name, that's not the answer I'm looking for," the Avatar smirked at you.
Warmth glowed behind your cheeks. You playfully slammed your hands down on the bed and kicked your legs which were still under her grip. "Korra!" you exclaimed once more, laughter ripping from your belly.
Since your laughter is music to her ears, and the fact that she didn't hear you laugh this way with Asami, Korra removed her hand from your mouth. "Hey, stop kicking me." Korra gave a love tap to the side of your thigh.
You laughed, kicking a few moments longer before stopping. "Why didn't you tell her about us when she first arrived?"
Korra whined. "I don't know! I just saw you two talking and the way she was moving and knew she was flirting with you. I was stunned with jealousy. I couldn't move," she whined again.
"Oh, poor baby." You brought Korra's head down to your shoulders. You laid yourselves back on her mattress, your heads resting on her plush pillows. "You should tell her. And you should know I'm yours and only yours."
"But she's my best friend who has a crush on you! If I tell her you're taken by me, she's going to be heartbroken. Who can blame her? You're a catch," Korra pouted up at you.
You smoothed your hand over her hair. "Or she'll be understanding and the best best friend ever. She'll congratulate you and tell you how lucky we are to have each other," you hummed. "If you can't tell your best friend about the hard stuff, are you really best friends?"
Korra pondered over your sentence for a second. Korra loved talking about anything and everything with Asami. Not being able to fawn over you with her and ramble about how awesome you are was killing her.
"I guess you're right," Korra snuggled her head into the crook of your neck. "Can we pick this up in the morning? I'm sleepy and I haven't had time with you all day."
"Oh, I wonder who's fault that is."
Korra playfully smacked your butt.
"Hey!" you laughed. You rubbed the area she hit. "Kor, you're heavy-handed! That hurt!"
The Avatar shrugged, humming as if she wasn't the cause of your stinging ass. "I just want cuddles. I don't see what the problem is."
With a playful eye-roll, you pinched Korra's side. "Yeah, right, Avatar. Go to bed."
"Only in your arms."
WC: 2,331
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wonysugar · 6 months
Heyyy this is my first time requesting something
Imagine gamergf! Sakura, who is always gaming and doesn’t gives attention to reader, so one day reader sneaks into sakura’s gaming room and kneels in front of her, kkura doesn’t even notices her presence until she feels how now her pussy is exposed, reader who starts to eat her out while she’s playing, begging reader to stop overstimulating her
cw: somnophilia, cnc (boundaries discussed beforehand ofc), bondage and overstimming (so begging!)
sakura was exhausted as fuck... originally just getting on her computer and playing geometry dash to pass the time but having it being quickly turned into an intense gaming session, as per usual, her eyes glued to the screen until like what.. two am at this point? btw doing allat while only wearing a tank top and panties because let her live anyways moving on
she just cannot for the life of her pass this godforsaken level and she's sick of it; being an incredibly competitive person, she couldn't bare backing down. she was gonna pass that level, even if it took the whole night.
you, on the other hand, have been trying to get her attention throughout the whole day. look, you loved your girlfriend, she was loving, caring, everything you could possibly want. but one thing you knew she wasn't good with; giving you attention whenever she was focused on something else. if you tried texting her, she wouldn't even see the notif. if you tried coming in her room and starting a conversation, she would give back short responses. it was difficult, if not impossible.
long story short, you were incredibly needy, and you were ready to do anything to get her to pay attention to you.
the discouraging words "attempt 1553" displaying on her screen as it lit up the dark room that she was in, her eyes fighting what felt like an invisible force that was desperately trying to close them shut. throwing her head back, she sighed exasperatedly, almost dozing off. a small break wouldn't hurt, she told herself.
yeah no, no matter how hard she tried fighting her own drowsiness, the chair was so comfy, she couldn't help but eventually give up and close her eyes. she was eepy, if you will.
and eep did she do!
what she didn't know, though, is that she was sooo incredibly tired that she didn't even notice you walking into her room and strapping her to her chair. poor bby was just sooo tired and unaware. :((
when she went to rub her eyes, she quickly realized that her hands were restrained, she noticed you under her desk and immediately looked lost, what were you doing there? suddenly, she felt the slight vibration in between her legs, already giving her sleepy brain somewhat of an idea "mmh.. love..? w-what are you doing—"
"i'm gonna untie one of your hands so you can play and win this level, okay? if you don't, i'm not letting you cum, as simple as that. also, i unplugged your headphones; i wanna make sure you won’t be lying when you'll say that you won."
"couldn't we have just— mmh— done this in bed..?" she asks, stumbling on her words as she tried to keep her eyes open.
you scoffed at her words, mocking her "do you really think i'd go to this length if you actually paid attention to me throughout the day? you seemed soo committed to passing this level, i can't just take that away from you, can i?"
she furrowed her eyebrows in guilt as she looked down at you, avoiding your gaze once her eyes started tearing up. was it the drowsiness, the sudden culpability she felt when she figured out why you were doing this, or the pleasure her clit was throbbing for?
she didn't know, she felt like she didn't know anything at that moment.
you took away the vibrator to pull down her only piece of lower clothing, her underwear. upon taking it off, you watched as the slick of her cunt stuck to the fabric of her panties, smirking at the sight. looking up at her and noticing her hard nipples through her thin tanktop. she was barely even awake and she was already this needy for you?
"slut." you spit out, making her whine in the process.
after untying one of her hands, the rest of the night turns into you pressing your favorite vibrator against her clit as you ate her out, hearing her desperate moans and cries of pleasure mixed with the, quite frankly, unserious geometry dash music coming from her speakers as she desperately tried winning. and whenever her noises got louder and her breathing got heavier? you simply took away all the sensation from her, denying her orgasm as you made her twitch with anticipation as she whined..
and the need to constantly remind her, "keep your eyes on the screen and hand on the keyboard, i'm not gonna keep repeating myself, sakura." whenever she pathetically begged you to let her cum, staring at you as tears fell from her eyes, she was just so desperate to cum :((
eventually, after like, 3 hours, she managed to pass the level. holding onto your promise, you untied her limbs and ate her out, licking all of her folds and sucking on her clit until she finished all over your tongue and lips, gripping your head and pushing you closer to her wet core. you were certain that your neighbors would have a word with you the next day the way she was screaming out your name, blabbering sleepy nonsense as she came undone under your touch :((
long story short, she slept incredibly well after you carried her to bed that night. <3
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Kalim: Okay, Leona! You're next!
Leona: *sigh* Why are we doing this again?
Vil: Stop complaining and just answer the question that he's going to ask.
Azul: That's right. The questions are slightly embarrassing to say the least and none of us has skipped any. *smiles*
Leona: ...
Riddle: Just drop the question, Kalim.
Kalim: Okay~!
Kalim: Leona, have you ever had "love at first sight"?
Leona: ...
Leona: *crosses his arms and thinks*
Leona: "Love at first sight", huh? Yes. I had one.
Kalim: Wow!
Vil: I was really expecting you would say no.
Azul: Now we expect a full story on that.
Leona: Seriously? That was a long time ago.
Kalim: But you have to tell us the story. Or else you'll get cursed.
Leona: That dumb— Fine. It happened when I was—
Idia: Wait a second. I need to record this.
Leona: I'm gonna smash that thing.
Idia: Eep! Okay! Okay! I'll just listen!
Leona: *frowns at him* *then lets out a sigh again*
Leona: I fell in love at first sight with this boy who stayed in our castle for his vacation.
Idia: Wa-wa-wait! Did we just hear it right?
Vil: Your love at first sight was a boy? Color me intrigued.
Azul: What was he like?
Idia: ROFLMAO! Just imagine Leona getting all blushy-blushy!
Leona: *annoyed* Do you want to hear the story or not?
Kalim: We want to!
Riddle: *still trying to process everything*
Leona: Well then—
Leona (7 years old): ...
MC (6 years old): *looks worriedly at him* *has accidentally bumped into him earlier*
MC: Are you alright?
Leona: ...
Leona: Are you single?
The housewardens: *wheezing*
Leona: *unamused*
Vil: Love at first sight and you embarrassed yourself.
Leona: Shut up. He thought I was asking because kids during that time were already engaged.
Kalim: So what did he say?
Leona: He said that he was.
Idia: Good for you. Good for you. So did you two become close?
Leona: He stayed in my quarters and he became my playmate. But when he left, he never came back.
The housewardens: Aww...
Leona: Don't "aww" me. It was just a puppy love.
Leona: *already back in his dorm*
Ruggie: Oh, Leona! You're just in time!
Leona: What?
Ruggie: Your boyfriend's here.
Leona: Huh?
MC: Leona?
Leona: ...
MC: *smiles* Long time no see. How have you been?
Leona: ...
Leona: *turns around and runs*
Ruggie: Leona?! Where are you going?!
Ruggie: Leona-!
Ruggie: *sigh* What's wrong with him?
MC: *who's equally puzzled as him*
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dawnthefox24 · 5 months
Rody: *is talking too Vincent*Physically, yes, I could fight a bird, but emotionally? Imagine the toll! Vincent: Rody in the end I don't care if you fight a rat, you'll lose in the end now get back too work. Rody: *Is offended* I CAN TOTALLY FIGHT A RAT!! Vincent:*Glares at Rody* GET BACK TO WORK LAMOREE!! Rody: Eep! Y-Yes chef!!*runs out of the kitchen to take the costumers orders* Vincent:*Rubs the temples on his head* I'm gonna go grey from him....
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suction-cup-fan-man · 4 months
Val and Vox Tickle Fight~
Part 2 - Lee!Val x Ler!Vox
Ft: Velvette
It's been a couple of days since Val completely violated Vox. Vox has been thinking what the hell to do. Valentino has FOUR. ARMS. Val could EASILY slip one of his hands to tickle Vox instantly. Vox had trouble, so he went to his... friend for help.
"VELVETTE!!" Vox bardged into Velvette's office, making her jump
"AH-- Fuck Vox! What do ya want?!" Velevette yelled, slamming her hands on her desk
"Calm down. Anyway, you got handcuffs?"
Velvette blinked. "Handcuffs? What would you need handcuffs for?"
"Not important. Do you have any?"
"Pink fluffy handcuffs?"
"...Don't make it kinky." Vox growled a little, making Velvette snicker
"Alright, alright. Do you want the handcuffs to dig in or?.."
"Something like a pillow."
"Kinda like an ankle brand thing?"
"Kay..." Velevette opened a drawer and ramadged through the things inside it. Finally, she pulled one out. "Here." She tossed Vox the handcuffs, and he caught them with one hand perfectly.
"...Why do you even have these again?"
"No apparent reason. Why do you even need those?"
"No apparent reason. Have another pair?"
"Yeah." Velvette tossed him another pair, which hit him in the face
"HAHA!!!" Velevette laughed. Vox just growled and picked up the handcuffs.
"Thanks, ya bastard." Vox scoffed and walked out, slamming the door behind him
Val was chilling on his couch, completely zoned out. Then, two hands covered his eyes
"WAH--" Val kinda screamed. "WHO THE FUCK--"
"Guess who~" Vox hummed. Val chuckled.
"I don't know~ Maybe a short TV man?~"
"I- That's just mean!>:(" Vox huffed.
"Just close your eyes, you damn moth..."
"If you say so~" When Vox uncovered Val's eyes, Val closed em. Vox walked in front of Val and grabbed his upper arms, and handcuffed his wrists. And then grabbed his lower arms and handcuffed those wrists.
"...Should I be concerned Vox?" Val finally opened his eyes once he was handcuffed.
"Kinda..." Vox chuckled a bit.
"So... Val..."
"Remember a couple of days ago where you absolutely violated me with your four damn hands?"
"Pfft, yeah, why?" Val chuckled a bit before his smile faded and his eyes widened. Val giggled nervously. "W-Wait... Vohox don't--"
"Wow, I'm not even touching you yet, and you're giggling!" Vox chuckled, raising his hands and wiggling his fingers teasingly.
"VAX--" Val voice cracked watching to back away, but his legs were numb
"I'm... gonna... getcha!" Vox scribbled his fingers all over Val's stomach.
"EEP-- Vohohox!! Nahahahaho!"
"Thank GOD I have you handcuffed right now~"
"You cheheheheheater!!"
"Me? Cheat? How dare you think that!~" Vox snickered. He moved one of his hands under his boyfriends thigh and SQUEEZED it gently.
"Tickle Tickle my little lee~"
"Aww, no teases? Too bad!" Vox smirked and traced his finger along Val's side, making it worse.
"Not there? Sheesh! Where do you want me to go than Val?~"
"But that's no fun~" Teased Vox, he then shot his hands to Valentinos upper underarms.
"VOHOHOHOHOHOHOX!!! FUHUHUHUCKING NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!" Val covered his blushy face with his cuffed upper hands.
"Aww~ look how cute you are! It's like you're BEGGING for me to tickle you~"
"Yessssss Val?~" Vox used one of his hands to poke at Val's waist
"Yehehehehes!" Vox mocked having an evil glint in his eyes
"PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE! NOHOHOHOHO MOHOHOHOHORE!! I CAN'T TAHAHAHAHAHAKE IHIHIHIHIT!!" Val was pn the verge of tears at this point. Vox rolled his eyes and stopped tickling the poor moth
"Are you sorry?"
"Y-yehehes... holy fuhuhuck..." Val giggled breathlessly, taking in air.
"Good~!" Vox smiled and uncuffed Val's (4) wrists.
"Who... whohoho even gave you thohose?"
"She is soooo dehead..." Val curled up a bit, wiping away the tears that were in his eyes
"Did I... go too far?" Vox tilted his TV head in slight concern.
"Nah..." Val chuckled and picked Vox up, placing him on his lap.
"Such a kinky bitch..." Vox's face flushed a bit.
"Yeah, yeah." Val rolled his eyes and planted a kiss on Vox's head
"Ohhh... everyone is gonna LOVE this!!" Was Velvette recording in the corner? Yes. Yes, she was. She was gonna humiliate them horribly online.
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scarapanna · 6 months
Magma stuff!!
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Not on there rn since I'm gonna go eep for now but I'll give a heads up when I return there!
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ristoranteivorykeys · 8 months
graduation [octazinelle: high tide fic submission]
in the few months they have before getting ready to leave for internship, floyd and jade go through the turbulence that future uncertainties bring: where will they go, what will they do, but most importantly... what will happen to their relationship with azul?
ft. floyd leech, jade leech, and azul ashengrotto
╰┈➤ 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: hello hello!! i participated in a zine titled octazinelle: high tide! you can find the full zine through here~ this was a very fun project and i'm so excited to post the fic i wrote for you guys ^^ i really care about this fic so much, so there will be additional notes that i will leave somewhere :3c don't worry, they won't be hard to find fufufu
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“Floyd Leech.”
Said student is just climbing down the steps of the lecture room when he hears his name being called in an austere manner. Any remaining students in the classroom cast Floyd that ‘oh boy’ look as they leave the room. Floyd looks to the teacher’s table where Professor Trein stares at him sternly. He returns the stare with a miffed look, but he approaches the professor nonetheless.
“This is the second time this week that I have caught you sleeping in my class,” Trein rebukes. “This may be your last semester in Night Raven College before you go on your internship, but that doesn’t mean that you can be negligent in my class.”
“Uh huh.”
“Don’t give me that attitude, Leech. I do not want to give any penalties so late into the semester, but if I catch you sleeping one more time, I will. Do I make myself clear, Leech?”
“Yes, sir.” 
“You may now go.” 
Floyd steps out of the classroom with the same expression as he wore when getting called out. Damn Professor Red Squid, if you don’t wanna give detention, then just don’t, he thinks to himself. Meh, oh well. I don’t feel hungry at all, should I even go to the canteen? But where do I even wanna go? Everywhere’s so noisy. 
He walks for a bit, hands in his pockets.
Ah wait. 
There’s the supplies arriving today for Mostro Lounge. 
Floyd barely notices his frown growing ever so slightly deeper, but students walking along the same path as him instinctively step aside. Nobody in their right mind would dare interrupt a disgruntled Leech twin. 
I’m not going to help out with those. Azul can suffer with those all he wants.
“Floyd! There you are!” 
Floyd stops in his tracks. He does not look at the classmate who briskly walks up to him, but he already feels the annoyance rushing to his head. 
“Floyd, we got a paper due in two days,” the classmate yells. “We just need your part, and we'll be done! When are you gonna send it in the gc?”
“Go away.”
“Hah? Don’t give me that!” The groupmate’s voice raises in anger. “We have a literal group paper to submit, and we just need your part so that we can submit it earlier!”
Floyd faces him finally, but this time, his eyes are dilated, teeth are displayed, and brows are furrowed. An all-too familiar menacing expression. “I said go away.”
“Eep!” The classmate takes a step back, expression immediately shifting to fear for his life. “O-ok ok! Just- just submit before the 11:59 deadline in two days! That’s all I needed to say, ok!”
And right after, the student runs away.
Floyd huffs. He has now made up his mind on where to go. 
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Jade is wiping the sweat off of his face in the locker rooms when one of his Octavinelle classmates approaches him. “Hey, Azul’s calling for you,” he says. “He’s by the gates right now.”
“Oh?” Jade looks up in confusion. “I thought Floyd was supposed to be with him right now.”
“Well, he’s not there now,” the classmate replies while scratching his head. “They need more backup and Azul’s calling for you.” 
“Ah, I see.” He smiles. “I shall be there, then.”
The classmate leaves the locker rooms, leaving Jade all by himself. The rest of the class has already left, eager for lunch. 
Jade slows down in cleaning himself up.
Azul’s name brings back a rip that’s been tearing at his heart. It burns in the way that electricity probably burns, maybe to a lesser degree: his body stops working the way it usually does, and his chest still reels from a shock of pain. It’s not physical by any means, though by the Sea Witch, he wishes it was. It would have been so much easier to deal with. He’d be shipped to the best hospital, all bills easily paid for, and he’d be recovering well back in Octavinelle. Or if he dies, then that is that. No more pain to feel.
No, it’s a harder kind of pain. It’s the kind of pain that makes him want to tear flesh and bone with teeth and claws, the kind of hurt that urges him to destroy a ship, the kind of ache that makes him want to burn his already burning eyes. It’s the kind of pain that won’t go away even if he does all three.
Jade breathes in. Hold it. Breathe out. Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Breathe in… breathe out…
He cannot afford to lose himself now, whether by wrath or by tears. 
He packs his bags, changes back to his uniform, and leaves the lockers. His light footsteps are overshadowed by the sounds of enthusiastic jogs to the cafeteria in the corridors. Jade takes a moment to breathe in the afternoon sunny air, letting out a bit more of his worries out of his lungs before he walks down the stairs and through Main Street. 
And soon, he finds himself nearing the tall gates of the school, where a group of students are gathered around large boxes. 
It annoys Jade that the gleam of silver hair stirs mixed emotions. On one hand, his troubles are dashed completely from seeing the very person he keeps close. On the other hand, it is the same person who’s making him go through hell.
He swiftly shifts his focus to the situation in front of him. Some of the other boxes should have been on the way to the Mostro Lounge by this time, yet there are still several of them that the other Octavinelle students have to carry. It isn’t surprising—after all, they decided to upgrade a few things, in preparation for the next dorm leader. Supplies that a simple run to Sam’s shop won’t cover, no matter how much he claims to have it all in stock. 
“Be extra careful with that. That tableware costs us quite a fortune.” Standing by the boxes with a clipboard resting on his arm, Azul watches his dorm mates as he writes notes on the clipboard. He has his dorm leader facade on, serious and stern, but even from a distance, Jade can see his slightly nervous gaze towards the supplies. 
As another pair leaves with a heavy box, Azul looks at them before his eyes fall on him. “Jade, good you made it on time.”
“Hello, Azul,” Jade greets. “I thought that Floyd was supposed to help with the supplies.”
“Well, he’s not here now,” Azul answers, frowning from annoyance. “I was wondering if you had any idea as to where he is right now.”
“I don’t. His history class should have ended 10 minutes ago.” 
“Hmph, nevermind. We need to get all of this into the lounge.” He gestures to the boxes. “All the boxes are complete, and we’ll do a final count of all the supplies once everything has been moved there.”
“I see.” Jade nods. “Will you need me to assist you?”
“No, you may enjoy your lunch break after helping us move these boxes,” Azul answers. “I’ll be making my next successor do that. It’s a part of his learning, after all.” 
“Ah. I see.” 
It annoys him to feel that same shock of hurt returning to his chest. 
A bemused look crosses Azul’s face. “Does that offend you,” he teases. “I never took you for one to be tilted by that.”
Jade blinks. “Why Azul, whatever makes you think I’d be offended over that?” He smiles, with a bit more effort than he’s used to. “You must be imagining things from how little rest you have in passing on your position to the little siren.”
“You exaggerate.” He keeps his clipboard and pen into his bag. “We need to move. Jade, carry that box over there.” He points to one of the smaller boxes, marked with the word FRAGILE, and picks up another box. 
And wordlessly, Jade follows, carrying a box that must contain brand new tea sets. New tea sets that remind him that a new dorm leader and manager of the Mostro Lounge will take over. 
That his term and Azul’s will end because they’ll move up to 4th year and go their separate ways. 
Jade resists the urge to break them. He’ll carry these then find Floyd. 
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Back at home, the schools of fish would band together, staying close until Floyd swam past them, splitting their perfect formation. Together, apart. Together, apart. 
Together. Apart.
Separation was not new to Floyd at all. In an “eat or be eaten” world, fish and merfolk alike live with the thought that the people closest to them may be gone the next day. Floyd has hunted before, has fought before. He’s even the one who said goodbye to his parents when leaving for Night Raven College.
But he said goodbye with the promise of seeing them again after school is done. 
He stares down at the river that runs below the bridge. This spot is rarely ever frequented by students at lunchtime, if only because everyone else is either eating in the canteen, having meetings, or just being with friends, and the bridge is on the other path away from the Hall of Mirrors. Besides Octavinelle, it feels the closest to home on this campus: here, he can watch the current flow, and the fish that live below its clean stream. 
Home, huh? Floyd wonders if home will still feel like home once he returns from Night Raven College. 
It will be the same dark passageways and bioluminescent lights, the same faces but all grown up. Except that he isn’t a child that can pick fights with anyone and nab their scales as a prize, he is to be stuck with running the family business of making deals, expanding connections, beating up people who betray their trust. Pretty much like what he already does with Azul now. 
Except that the boss that would stand with him and Jade is not Azul at all. 
The fish in the river swim with no obstacle in their path. They may split apart to avoid the occasional rock, but they would be together again. Together, apart. Together. In the small space that they share, there is no vast ocean that opens up new paths for them to split ways. Not until they swim down the cliff and into the open sea. 
Floyd has never envied river dwellers until now. 
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Jade walks behind Azul going to Mostro Lounge. It’s something of a routine that started in Night Raven College. When Azul walks, he and Floyd follow him from behind. He doesn’t remember how or when it started. Probably started to make Azul’s image look powerful: he is in the front, wearing a coat that imposes authority, and Jade and Floyd standing at the back makes him look almost impossible to touch. 
Regardless of the hows or the whys, it’s a position that has always given him comfort. From behind, Jade can watch Azul. He can see if Azul is pleased with something by the bounce in his step, or if he’s pissed by the clack of his heels. And from the front, Azul can’t read Jade since he’s always looking forward, and that lets Jade startle him with a random brutal teasing remark. 
Right now, though, he wishes to not look at Azul. 
Azul appears to be beaming, and Jade knows exactly why. He’s found the perfect successor for not only leadership of Octavinelle but also manager for his prized restaurant. He’s gotten accepted in all the places he applied for his internship. 
He’s gotten accepted already into the university that he aims to go to.
Jade vividly remembers the way Azul grinned from ear to ear when he received the email. He remembers the audible, “Yes! Yes, I got in!” that almost sounded teary-eyed. He remembers Floyd saying that they should celebrate over some drinks. He remembers smiling to the best of his abilities while saying congratulations for being accepted. 
That was two weeks ago. He’s said many fake things in his life, and he would never say sorry for them. But until now, the heartless congratulations weighs heavily in his conscience. 
It’s simple, really: Azul has been working hard all his life to achieve his dreams. And Jade was there to witness the journey, from the ideas to the headaches to the defeats to the victories. It’s a huge milestone for Azul to get to stay on land and study in a place where he feels he will thrive. So it’s unfair really, to not be able to celebrate such an achievement happily. 
And yet, Jade can’t bring himself to. 
Their relationship started as something transactional. Tweels keep his secrets, Azul lets them in his plans. Tweels support him, Azul entertains them. And if Azul fails to entertain, then they will drop him like plastic to the chute. There and done. That’s supposed to be their relationship. 
So why then does it hurt to hear that Azul got accepted? Why does it hurt to think about how in a few months, he won’t see Azul as much as the present? Why does it hurt to think about the uncertainty of when they will see each other again? 
“Jade, you can put down the box over there.”
Jade blinks. He’s at Mostro Lounge. Has he been so deep in thought that he didn’t realize when he arrived?
Schooling his expression, he puts down the box on the counter that Azul gestures to, unaware of the concerned expression on Azul’s face. 
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Floyd doesn’t know when he started staring into nothingness to gaze at memories, but he’s now seeing the stone stage from middle school, where his younger self is playing drums to his brother’s bass and someone’s piano. 
He remembers, he was getting irritated with the piano melody, and at the time he couldn’t pinpoint why, except that it lacked something. Now that he thinks about it, it’s because that pianist’s playing had no life. No vigor, no passion, just technique that wouldn’t get anyone dancing. “Next,” he had said and stopped playing. The pianist was protesting. Floyd forgot what he said, just that he protested that he wasn’t done playing, but he didn’t care enough to hear about it.
“Everyone sucks, Jade,” he threw his sticks to the ground. “No one’s good enough to be part of our band. Let’s just go.” And he and Jade—who was bigger than him at the time—left the small auditorium of their school. And it’s a blur, Floyd doesn’t remember why he and Jade didn’t go home right away, but he remembers very well the syncopated melodies coming from the piano they forgot to close. 
And he remembers the gasp he made, the way his heart was stirred from how alive the music sounded. 
And he remembers how quickly he swam back inside to see who’s playing, and his wide-eyed gaze when he spotted the familiar octopus.
“Hey hey, that was so cool,” he said to the flustered Azul. “Play some more, play some more!” 
“Huh? No way, I have to go soon!”
But he didn’t let him go. He insisted he play the piano as he picked up his sticks and played a beat. “Come on, just one song! Then you can go!”
And he started his beat. And when it was just him for a long moment, Floyd had wondered if Azul left. But the sound of an E minor reached his ears, and the next moment, Azul’s playing was matching to the beat of the drums. And his music had heart. It had spirit, it had technique, it had passion. 
And the best part? Azul matched his rhythm when nobody else did. 
“I knew I’d find you here, Floyd.”
Eyes turning away from his reflection in the water, Floyd looks up to the face that he’s known since birth. Jade, impeccably presentable despite having PE class earlier, walks towards Floyd, leaning on the railing of the bridge he stands on. But he does not go near him. 
“What do you want,” Floyd asks. 
“We had a new batch of supplies arrive at the Lounge today,” Jade answers. “You were supposed to help out with the unpacking.”
He only answers with a curt hum before turning back to the water below. 
He hears a sigh. And footsteps approaching.
“You’re thinking about last last week, aren’t you?”
Floyd turns again to Jade. He’s by the bridge railing now, same side as him, but he continues to keep a respectable distance. Jade doesn’t look at him directly either, his gaze directed at the horizon ahead of them. 
He’s thinking about it too.
“Yeah, you could say that,” he answers. “It’s just, really ass, y’know?”
Floyd believes that in spite of their identical genetics, they are two people with different identities, dreams, and beliefs. And don’t get him wrong, it is a lot better that way to have individuality. But deep down, there is a comfort knowing that Jade probably feels the same feeling that leaves Floyd dizzy with frustration, that binds his chest with a mix of anger and sadness. And Sea Witch knows, Floyd needs that comfort now. 
“‘Ass’, you say,” Jade repeats. “Tell me about it.” 
A beat of silence passes between them. 
“It’s just that. It takes half a fish brain to know that Azul’s got grand plans after graduation. Get into the best business school, build his own corporation, build another company, and a third company. And I’ve known this for Sea Witch knows how long, and it was all fine, I didn’t care that much, but then…”
“...But then the letter came in.” Jade fills in. 
“Yeah,” Floyd emphatically answers. “That damned acceptance letter from whosit business university came in. Like, I don’t know why, but it just made everything feel… real. That Azul’s really gonna go somewhere else. And I hate that it’s been hitting me like this for the last two weeks. I can’t focus well, I’m pissed off, Trein’s told me off about sleeping. It’s so ass.”
The silent air between the twins weighs heavier. Floyd’s eyes briefly look at the fish in the river again—the damned fish that he wants to throw a rock at so they separate too—before he turns to Jade. “How ‘bout you? Was it also the letter?”
Jade doesn’t answer right away. Floyd understands; in moments like these, Jade hesitates to speak his mind, even to him. It’s part of their nature to be cowardly, after all, just that Jade exhibits it more between the two of them. 
“... Somehow, yes, but if I were to think about it… it’s actually been a while now,” he finally answers.
“Eh? Really?”
“I knew down the line that there would be farewells to be made,” Jade says. “Like you said, Azul has already made plans for himself, and he invests in those plans, years in advance. But there’s always that part of me that wonders… if there’s space for us in those plans.” 
Floyd finds himself inhaling sharply at those words. 
“I see his goals coming to fruition, and it pains me to say that I can’t even properly support him. The letter, the new supplies, the little siren he’s going to appoint… they’re all reminders that it will all change.” Jade smiles, but in pain. “Azul won’t be the dorm leader, I won’t be the vice leader, and we won’t do the things we used to do. And we won’t see each other until perhaps the next VDC. And when we graduate… would he call an end to our agreements? Would we grow so busy that we become strangers again? We would always say that our relationship is merely transactional and that we would leave him if we get bored, but…”
Jade stops, and the air weighs even heavier. Floyd feels taken back to the first day on land, when breathing with lungs felt heavy and difficult. 
Suddenly, Jade laughs. “What clownfish have we become?”
Floyd too joins his twin in mirth. “Can’t help it, Azul makes me feel understood.”
He raises a brow. “Is it gonna be about the first time you played together with him?”
“I mean, it’s how it started,” he answers. He doesn’t realize the small smile that settles on his face as he remembers once more. “Like, back then, everyone just kinda avoided, y’know? And that’s fine, at least, I thought it was. ‘Twas fun and all to be intimidating. But no matter what I’d do, Azul always matches me. He knows exactly what to play to my rhythm. And even in how we work, he knows what’s the stuff I’d like to do or the stuff I’d do well in. It just feels nice.”
It feels too nice. 
Too nice that if it disappears, it will leave his heart bound tightly by melancholy. 
“…Hey, I can’t be the only sappy one here.” Floyd eyes Jade. “C’mon Jade, share too what’s made you appreciate Azul.”
“I already shared a lot earlier,” Jade says defensively.
“Heyyy, be fair at least. I know you have your own thing.”
“What else is there to say? You already said everything.”
“Liar. I know how you started reading your books more after meeting him.” 
“So? Those were lessons that we had to learn as well.”
“Uh huh sure. Then explain why you’ve only gotten better in everything you do after meeting Azul.”
Jade glares at him. 
Floyd grins in response. “Gotcha.”
A beat of silence, then Jade sighs. “If he makes you feel understood, then he makes me feel capable.”
“How so?”
“One reason.” He puts up one free hand, with one finger up. “He’s demanding.”
Floyd chuckles. “That’s an understatement.”
“You’re right.” Jade grins, teeth flashing. “He’s exigent. Making us run around the school to do 5 things at once, on top of schoolwork. Even before NRC, he was just like that. I assumed he was insane. Until now, I still think he’s insane.”
“You say that, but you don’t look like you’re complaining at all.”
“Because thanks to that, I wasn’t pretending to be good at something anymore.” His next smile is closed. Softer. “I went from barely comprehending a textbook and barely lifting a seashell with my magic to understanding contract language and unlocking my unique ability. He made me do things, and I planned to just make someone else do it and pretend it was me.” 
“Ohhh.” Floyd’s eyes widened with remembrance. “And then he caught you.”
“Yes.” Jade shakes his head at the thought. “And I was expecting him to laugh at me, but he didn’t. All he did was sigh and teach me. Magic, studies, law, something about the way he taught those things clicked something in me. And even the things that he didn’t teach but always talked about, like culinary and how people behave, I was able to absorb things and got better. Dare I say,” a smirk forms on his face, “I’m better than Azul in some things.”
“Like flight class.” Floyd grins.
“Like flight class,” Jade repeats smugly. 
And they stop talking. Jade turns his gaze to the distant horizon, looking at something farther than the blue of the sky. Meanwhile, Floyd glances back at the river. He understands that Jade is done talking personal. But it’s fine for him. He can almost hear the unspoken thoughts. Once Azul leaves, who’s going to be the pianist in their little band that makes their every day exciting? Once Azul leaves, who’s going to tell them that they can do it? 
Once Azul leaves, who’s going to understand them?
“So this is where you two are.”
Simultaneously, Floyd and Jade whip their heads around. Floyd swears his heart almost leapt to his chest when he saw those familiar blue eyes. 
One hand in his pocket, Azul stands on the threshold of the bridge. He and Jade fully turn around as he walks towards them until he’s directly in front of both of them. 
“Hello, Azul,” Jade greets, like the conversation a while ago never happened. “How was teaching your next successor what he has to do?”
“Went well,” he answers. “His prior experiences already reassure me, but he’s also demonstrated that he knows what he’s doing. Currently, he and our other dorm mates are taking care of the supplies.”
“Weird that you’re not being so strict, considering how much you value your restaurant,” Floyd comments. “You’re not even gonna be there to make sure nothing’s going wrong?”
“I trust that things are going well with my new successor in charge. I’ve taught him very well enough,” Azul says. “But more importantly… I have matters to discuss with the both of you.”
He turns his head to look at Jade. “Jade, you’ve been out of focus lately. Just a while ago, when you were bringing the box of teacups to the lounge, you were so deep in thought, you didn’t look like you were aware of where you were going. And even during work hours, you haven’t been as sharp as you usually are. A few professors have commented on your slouched posture as well.”
Jade’s eyes widen in surprise. 
“And Floyd.” Azul turns to look at Floyd. “Professors have reported to me that you’ve either been asleep during lectures or interrupting class with an outburst. You’ve also been moodier than usual, and it shows in your cooking and your behavior. I’ve heard a few students rant about you in group projects.”
Floyd briefly remembers the group mate that approached him earlier. 
“So what are you getting at exactly, Azul,” Jade asks. “Even we have our off days as well.”
Azul casts him a pointed look. “Off days for two weeks straight.” 
He receives no quip in reply. 
He crosses his arms. “Jade, Floyd.” His neutral serious tone changes. It quivers slightly. He’s worried. “I know you two well enough that there’s something going on. Is there something that happened?”
Floyd looks away. Jade does as well.
Floyd hates the concern in his tone. It makes him want to break. It makes him want to be upfront about his feelings and how it’s been bothering him. 
But how can someone like him really tell someone like Azul that you’re afraid to lose him somehow? How can he retract all the times he said that their relationship is all transaction and no emotional connection? How do you even start bearing something so vulnerable? 
They must be the same questions that Jade is grappling with now. Jade, who’s usually good at worming his way out of any conversation, has nothing to say to leave this topic. 
Azul sighs, breaking the long silence. “Is this something that has to do with me?”
The twins stiffen. 
Floyd can feel Azul’s gaze towards him. 
A tense moment passes. 
“... I had a feeling.”
He finally looks at him but in confusion. Jade is also facing him with wide eyes. 
Azul exhales through his nose. “You don’t have to tell me anything about what you’re feeling right now. If at all.” He turns around, preparing to leave. His head is bowed down, not letting either twin see his expression. “But I just want to let you know, I’m always here if you need me. Not just for this, but for anything, even if in the future.”
Floyd’s breath hitches.
“Do you… really mean that?” Jade asks, almost meekly.
Azul looks at Jade in puzzlement. “Why wouldn’t I? You two have been with me for all these years, even in my weakest hours. It’s not like I’m going to leave you even after we graduate.”
“Really,” Floyd asks. “Even when you get really busy with university and we’re running our family business?”
“Well, I won’t deny that we will be busy,” he answers. “But I’m not letting go of you two just because of that. You know me too well, after all. And you’ve supported me all these years, it would be embarrassing to leave that unpaid.”
“You mean that?”
“Have I ever broken a promise? If you want, I can even put that on a contract and have you sign it.”
In one single breath, the binding sadness and worry that tightened Floyd’s chest leaves. 
Without thinking, he moves towards Azul and wraps his arms around his slim frame. He ignores the surprised gasp as he buries his face on his shoulder. His breathing feels lighter than it has ever been the past two weeks. 
He feels Jade joining in, hugging Azul from the other side and burying his face on the other shoulder. His breathing sounds even to any person, but to Floyd, he can hear a slight quiver, like Jade is trying to hold back tears. 
“Is… is this what it’s been all about, all this time,” Azul finally asks. His hands move to pat their heads, a motion that always comforted the twins. “You two are strange for worrying about this type of thing.” 
Despite his words, Floyd can hear the smile in Azul’s voice.
72 notes · View notes
im-not-a-l0ser · 7 months
Hey, so do yall remember that fic idea I talked about a lil bit ago, about Max being in love with Richie pre-transition, and then falling in love with him post transition without him even knowing? Yeah, so I wrote a prologue
Sorry if you don't wanna be tagged, I'm just tagging those who seemed most interested: @boykisserbunny @petes-5yr-cocoa @chaosbrinker @inprisonforsparkling
I didn't decide on a deadname for him, so I hope the way I wrote it is okay.
TW- Bullying, icky behaviour, ghosting(?)
It all started with her.
She's the reason Max ever got violent in the first place.
"Stupid fuckin nerd!" Max once heard. He didn't think much of it. People got bullied every day.
"That's kind of a-an oxymoron, don't you think?" He heard a meek voice say.
Fuck. If some motherfucker was messing with her, Max was gonna break some bones.
"Who're you callin a moron!"
"No, that's not— Eep!" A familiar squeak echoed through the halls before the sound of a fist splatting against the concrete wall rang out.
Max turned the corner.
She was pressed against the wall, although it mostly seemed to be hwr doing at this point, she'd definately been bracketed there before. Despite hearing only one voice, there were three guys. One of them was clutching his hand.
"That's it, you fuckin smartass—"
"Hey!" Max yelled. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
"We're just teaching this nerd a lesson," One of the guys said. "She shouldn't be such a nerdy prude," He said, running his hand down her arm for a second before she shoved it off.
"Fuck off," She grumbled. She was behaving like this wasn't unfamiliar for her.
"Yeah," Max said. "Fuck off." The third guy laughed.
"Or what?" He asked. "Dunno if you noticed, but it's one on three."
She threw her hands up slightly, annoyed.
Technically, she's the one who initiated it.
She swung her backpack as hard as she could into his groin, immediately sending him groaning on the ground.
She smiled for a second before the second guy went for her. She squeaked again before crouching down.
Nothing to worry about though. He was quickly knocked away by Max, as well as the first guy, just in case he wanted to try something again.
"Nice one by the way," Max said as she stood back up. She dusted herself off and swung her bag over her shoulder.
"Thanks for the help," She said.
She always did that. She never thanked him for saving her, never acted helpless. She wasn't helpless. She just wasn't enough on her own. Max completed that.
After that, Max left her side even less. Apparently it wasn't the first time it'd happened. In fact, it seemed like that'd been a reoccurring thing for weeks now. Not anymore, if Max had anything to do with it. Which he would.
Despite not dating, not wanting people to think they're dating, and constantly fighting the accusations that they're dating, Max would swing his arm around her shoulders now to make sure that other guys knew she was spoken for.
Not that she was. He just hoped it was enough to protect her if he wasn't around.
He gave her official and explicit permission to claim they were dating if she so needed to, like if she was being pursued by someone she didn't like and they wouldn't take no for an answer.
Unfortunately, for some people that just got their motor running more.
In those situations, Max advised that she fought them off as well as she could, and called him as soon as she thought they'd be too much for her alone. He'd drop anything to be there for her.
Max didn't see her the entire last week of eighth grade. He was getting worried. He'd ask around, but people would tease him, saying he should know, since they were dating, and that she finally decided to off herself.
That second one hit too close to home.
He went to her house a week into summer, after many text messages and a warning that he was going to do so.
A man answered the door. He kind of looked like her, in a vague way, but Max knew this wasn't her dad.
"I'm here to see..."
"Uh," The guy started, looking confused. "I don't know anyone with that name. Sorry."
"You... what?" Max asked, his brain breaking. He was already so close to the edge.
Two weeks with no contact at all. It was starting to scare him more than he was okay with.
"I've never heard that name before. Sorry," He said. "That's my last name, Matthews. But that's all I got."
"No, sh-she lives here. She's always lived here!" Max tried to lunge forward into the house, but the man blocked him.
"I think you should leave now, young man," He said.
Max yelled her name until his voice hurt, and the man managed to push him away long enough to shut and lock the door.
He banged on it for a while before giving up.
He sat on the porch for a while before working up the energy and motivation to leave.
What happened to her... it was like she disappeared off the face of the earth and no one even cared or noticed.
That had to have been her uncle or big brother or something, they had the same last name! How was this fair, where had she gone!
She was Max’s only real friend. His only true friend. Sure, the football team and the basketball team, but she knew more about his life and feelings than they ever would.
Not to mention, he only hung out with them out of necessity, especially the ones that had tried to hurt her.
Without her, what was even the point of trying to be decent.
In all honesty, Max liked the fear he generated. He liked that he could look at someone the right way and make them flinch. He liked knowing he could protect her.
He needed to show her that. He did his best, while still showing he could take care of her.
Okay, sure. Maybe the accusations and the lies were right, Max was in love with her.
A lot of good that did him now.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 1 month
Cure for writer's block
So uhh have a rare pair cause I love them and my fingers slipped and I wrote this
But fr DaiChuRanPoe am I rite????
I'm done with college for like... 2 weeks until I start summer class lol. Am struggling myself with writing and motivation so I'll be p slow
Yea thats ab it, enjoy<3
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Chuuya x Poe (+ Dazai and Ranpo) (romantic)
Lee: Chuuya
Ler: Poe
Warnings: Tickles! Gey!
Poe let out a frustrated sigh, pen swiveling across his fingers before being carelessly dropped on the desk. This caught Chuuya’s attention. “Something wrong?”
“No, I’m just—”
Poe let out a tired sigh “Yeah… My head keeps pulling a blank on this next section”
“Hmm… mind if I take a look?”
“I was hoping to show you once it was done, but if you don’t mind…”
“Not at all! I’m happy to be of service” Chuuya smiled, causing Poe to return one out of gratitude.
Fancy hat made his way over to his lover’s lap and took the manuscript, starting to read what Poe had written so far.
This was the first time Chuuya read one of his drafts. Ranpo has read countless of them, despite the author wanting to write something to finally stump him. Even Dazai has snooped at his work, but not Chuuya. It felt… flustering? His face surely felt warm.
Poe’s anxious thoughts started to scramble in his head over Chuuya’s reaction. What would he think? What would he say? What if he didn’t like it?! He had an arm around the ginger’s middle, his fingers lightly tapping along the other’s waist as a way to release the nervous jitters.
“Hngh—” Chuuya’s breath hitched from the touch. It didn’t go unnoticed by the author, if anything, Poe had a look of amusement on his face.
He let out a quiet chuckle and asked “Ticklish, love?”
“Of course not!” The ginger spat out quickly in a defensive manner, his own cheeks starting to flare up. “Now let me read” he grumbled, returning his attention to the papers at hand.
Poe tried holding back a laugh, instead letting out a snort at the situation at hand. Who would’ve thought that his mafioso of a boyfriend would be adorably sensitive? He leaned towards Chuuya’s neck and started planting soft kisses along the skin, while his hand lightly skittered over the shorter male’s abdomen.
“Pff- Stahahap it!” Chuuya let out an involuntary laugh, squirming around from the ticklish touch.
The author grinned at the sound, now using both hands to attack at the ginger’s tummy and sides as his lips brushed close to his ear. “Didn’t know my writing was that funny~”
“Gohohod! You teheheasy bastard! You’re just as bahahad as that stupid Dahazai!” Chuuya threw his head back against Poe’s chest, all while giggling like a little boy.
“Oh? I’m a teasing bastard now?” Poe gave off a devious smirk. “Should I tell Dazai about how cute and sensitive you are?~” he asked with a teasing tone, his fingertips tracing up and down the ginger’s sides.
“NO!” I’ll kihihill you!” Chuuya tried seeming all serious, but everytime he spoke up, he’d dissolve into a fit of giggles all over again.
“I dunno… you’re gonna have to convince me not to tell him~” Poe’s fingers trailed up until he reached his ribs, giving them a light squeeze.
“EEP!” Chuuya’s body jerked violently, almost flinging off of Poe if it weren’t for his grip. “I’ll doho anything!”.
Normally Chuuya would never give in so easily, but any sense of confidence would go out the window once Dazai was involved. Not that he’d admit to that out loud.
Poe let out a soft hum, pretending to think about it. “Anything, hmm?” Another amused snort escaped him as the ginger nodded his head furiously. “I think I know…~” with that, he gently lifted Chuuya’s arms above his head and dug his wiggly fingers against the exposed skin of his armpits.
“GYAH!!! EDDIEEEEHEHEHEHE!” poor Chuuya shrieked and cackled at the top of his lungs. His face beet red and hair all tussled. Poe was having a blast seeing his hotheaded boyfriend laughing up a storm.
“What a perfect way to wait out writer’s block. You’ve been of much help~” Poe teased, letting out a chuckle of his own as he kept tickling Chuuya to pieces. Despite being shorter, they both know that Chuuya has the strength to escape whenever he wants, but we won’t mention that.
Outside of Poe’s study, there’s a pair of brown and green eyes watching the scene go down. Snickering to themselves as they take pictures and recordings, mainly Dazai as a way to blackmail Chuuya later on, but for now he’ll let the two have their fun.
The bsd brainrot is p bad. Got stormbringer and first vol of age 15 so maybe more bsd fics?? 👀
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