#I'm gonna go to sleep knowing my favourite won for once
symeraid-s · 5 months
Ignoring the entire shitshow around Eurovision this year, it was pretty solid for music.
Switzerland absolutely deserved to win. The Code is a bop and their performance was my favourite of the evening.
Croatia also was really good. Baby Lasagna has a really strong voice and I really liked the vibes of it overall. Also, he's apparently an Electric Callboy fan, so that's a plus in my book.
Ireland was solid. I don't think I like the song as much as other people, but their staging and the screamo parts of the song were perfection.
On the other hand, Israel got way too many points. I kind of expected it, but it still stings. Like, even if the votes were unpolitical (which is highly doubtful), the song wasn't that good. Lativa had a way better ballad.
A thing I definitely didn't expect though, was Germany being in 12th place. It feels wrong to see us on the left side of the scoreboard. Though it is also funny, because Isaak told a newspaper: "who would want to end up on place 12?" He really jinxed himself with that one.
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loveforalexzverev · 27 days
🎤 Sascha's R1 press conference after his win over Marterer:
Moderator: Sascha, congratulations. Four sets in three hours, assess your performance today.
Sascha: Just my usual first round, I guess (smiles). [I] Made it complicated for myself at times. But, you know, in the practice week beforehand, I was practising extremely well, I was feeling the ball extremely well. And then obviously it's different on the match courts, it's different in the first round. But, you know, I'm glad that I won, and, you know, moving forward, I know that I have good tennis in me, and hopefully I can show that on the match courts.
Moderator: Thank you. Questions in English, please.
Q1: It seemed like you made hitting stuff out of bounds, hitting the net quite a few times. Could you talk a little bit about the unforced errors today?
Sascha: I mean, I don't know what the stats are, but as I said, it's the first round. [I'm] Not usually the type of player that plays extremely well in first round matches. But, you know, getting through is the most important thing. And as I said, I felt the ball extremely well in practice, I feel like I had a very good practice week so far here. So I know that I have good tennis in me, and it's about showing that on the match court. And, again, I think my performance will improve over the next few matches.
Q2: At Wimbledon, before you got hurt, at the beginning of the tournament, you said you felt as though, "this is my chance, I feel as though I'm playing as well as I possibly can to win a Major". How are you feeling right now? And what is that mentality?
Sascha: Yeah, actually at Wimbledon this year, I felt like I was playing some of the best tennis of my life until the injury. And definitely some of the best tennis on grass courts I've ever played. But, you know, I've been close this year, I feel like, really in Australia and at the French Open I was close to getting one. But, you know, it didn't go my way, but still I feel the same way. I feel, you know, I'm on the right path, I feel like I'm doing all the right things and hopefully it's gonna come.
Q3: I wanted to ask, you've spoken before about [how] you like to get a lot of sleep in. And I just wondered, do you have, like, a schedule? Do you speak to an expert or something like that? The thing is, especially at this tournament where sleep can be a premium, and how you manage that?
Sascha: I'm actually lucky enough that when I lay down, I sleep and I'm fine. It doesn't matter whether it's 3am or it's, you know, 11pm, I sleep quite good and quite deep. So, yeah, I'm not somebody who struggles with that in that regard, but 11am matches is not my favourite (laughs). I think everybody knows that. But it's part of our sport, I mean, we don't have a set schedule. We don't know when we play, you know, in advance, except if you're number one or two in the world, then you can maybe have a say or have an influence on the schedule. Or if you're American at the US Open, then maybe you can as well.
But, you know, that's about it, I don't have an influence on the schedule. I don't know when I play, I don't know what court I play. Even though, you know, being no.4 in the world, I would like to think that I'm gonna play on the big courts. But apart from that, there's no influence in that regard.
Sascha: Do I think I benefit [from more sleep]? I think there's a study that shows that - I don't know if it's true or not - but that tall people need more sleep than maybe shorter people (smiles). So, I would, yeah... me, I'm between 9 and 11 hours. If I sleep under 8 hours, I'm a zombie, I'm not functional at all (laughs).
Q4: You know, US Open is the last Grand Slam and, you know, you had to play the Olympics. How do you think that would affect the players now here in New York?
Sascha: Yeah, it's been a tough year, tough schedule this year for sure, it's very packed. But of course, the Olympics is a highlight that comes once every four years, and everybody wants to play there and everybody wants to perform well there. Some players did, some players didn't, I was one that, you know, had quite a disappointing Olympic Games.
But, all in all, of course we have important tournaments throughout the year, Olympics was one of them for sure. The Grand Slams are the other ones that are quite important for us. So I think everybody wants to do the best they can for the last Grand Slam this year.
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cats-thoughts · 2 years
o/ again
🍒❌📙🧡⭐️💙🌷 for anyone!
Ender Time >:D
🍒 What kind of things do they expect from their relationships? Does this differ between platonic relationships and romantic ones? Is your OC “demanding” or a door mat? What kinds of things do people expect from them in a relationship?
Really just. Respect? Like "look I'm going to do my thing and you're gonna do your thing and if u gotta problem with that this aint gonna work" The only difference between romantic and platonic is that they keep a relative distance in romantic. Ash goes first, full stop. If it has time for a partner, it has time for a partner, but if Ash is in trouble or needs something it IS going to Drop Everything to help. They're kind of an ass but... I love them ^.^ I would say they're more demanding than doormat, but only because they definitely aren't a doormat. Really it isnt very demanding either. I think it would treat a relationship as a friendship with extra steps. (I mean, they're ace and very affectionate with friends, the main difference really is just how they feel abt it.) I think- well, we'll use Derrien as an example since hes technically the 'love interest'. Derrien mostly just expects honesty and time from them, which it does both of ^.^ they hang out after school n stuff. Derrien is also one of the few people who knows abt their chronic pain- it even hides it from Ash.
❌ What kind of things would end any relationship for them? Is there a history behind why these things bother them? Could they ever take someone back despite this? If so or if not, why?
Honestly? Not really. Like, obviously cheating, cause its a blatant lack of respect. But, other than that? Like i said its very "you do you, I do mine" thing. The only other 2 things that come to mind is One: harming Ash in anyway, or even badmouthing him too much- friendly is fine but theres a limit, and 2: Straight up attacking them. They don't really appreciate being attacked by friends? Especially on pain bad days. They got jumped by Rory and a small group of their lackeys once and (they won but) it took them out for a week. Which freaked Ash The Fuck out cause they'd never disappeared for more than a few days until that point. Decidedly Not Friends with Rory anymore. It MAY take someone back after cheating or badmouthing Ash once or twice but after that, nah. Just cause people make mistakes and such. But attacking is a one time knock out. And if they attack Ash they will Probably have to transfer schools cause Ender does Not let that slide.
📙 What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun?
What things bore your OC to tears and they couldn’t care less about? Why?
Fighting, but that's more of a "I am willing to teach people how to fight so they'll stay safe" than a "I am genuinely interested in this stuff" sorta thing. It likes reading, sleeping, and more low impact sports like walking and swimming. It sucks at swimming tho. It usually just floats. (me irl- I took swimming lessons an entire summer and it did nothing👍got that from my dad. Poor man Cannot Swim at All.) They actually also enjoy yoga like a fuckin nerd /j and videogames. They're Very Good at mariokart. Ash is the only one who can beat them. (They let him win <3)
It gives 0 shits about classwork and schoolwork. no thoughts, head empty. Also most high impact sports, like basketball, soccer, football, etc. Trust me a bunch of sports recruiters tried to get them bc the fucker is Tall and Buff but they'd rather punch people's lights out behind the school than anything else. It DOES its schoolwork it just hates it. Mostly gets by on prior knowledge, problem solving, google, and Lizzie's help. Lizzie fr fr the Only one who pays attention in class.
🧡 Who is your OC’s favourite person? Why is this person the top of their list and have they actually met them (an idol or rolemodel or celeb can be someone’s favourite after all!).
ASH. 100 TIMES ASH. They've known Ash since fucking Kindergarten and just, over time, have platonically fallen in love with him. They r soulmates ur honor. They're... sorry Im so mentally ill abt those 2. It's dad is a close second tho! They're besties <3 It has a very cool dad, he taught them most of their basic fighting skills and supports them in their violent endeavors <3 It's just been them 2 for years now, since Ender was maybe 9 or 10? 11ish, at the oldest. They're 17 now so, a while.
⭐ What is your OC afraid of? Any crippling phobias or some such? How do they act when scared and what helps them calm down? Does anyone ever find your OC scary? Why?
Ender is afraid of spiders. Yeah. It's one tough motherfucker but the GodDamned Spiders.... eugh. They get REALLY AGGRESSIVE when scared, like, It will Likely Deck someone who looks at them wrong after seeing a spider. Lots of bottled energy. Ash is usually the only thing that can calm them down, but warm sugary drinks can help. And most Half the school is afraid of Ender. It's Tall as Shit, can Punch someone twice their weight's lights out, best 4 or 5 people in a fight at once, and is the singular person between Ash and the General Populace. Ender may be scary but Ash, in all their 5'2 glory, is a Nightmare. Love that for him <3
💙 What did your OC want to be when they grew up and why? Did they have any lifelong dreams or ambitions they never got to work on or are they currently working to achieve this dream? Has their life taken a very unexpected turn and put all these plans on hold for a while or have they given up on any dreams?
When they were Really little, and up until about 7th grade, they wanted to be an artist. Then Ash got hurt and they got the shit kicked out of them and did a 180, decided it didn't matter what it did for a living because for the foreseeable future it was ride or die with Ash and it's main focus would be Beating The Fuck outta anyone who hurt him.
🌷 In what ways would your OC alter their body if they could? How would they do it using mundane means (hair dye, surgery, make-up?). What is their ideal look for themself?
Eh they don't really care. Remove it's spine if it could. And hips. Fuck Chronic Pain 👍if they COULD they'd fucking LOVE wings. And sometimes it dyes its hair- usually purple or pink. Ideal look is pretty much what they look like. Though, it would like to be able to wear softer/more pastel clothing, like huge sweaters and pj pants all the time. It wants more tattoos. It loves tattoos <3 maybe even get some more piercings who knows.
Thanks for asking!! And letting me talk about my fucked up little meow meows :D it is so.... ough. Objectively an Awful person but has a strict moral code. That moral code just so happens to be "Protect Ash whatever it takes or Die Trying"
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bunnybunbun0 · 3 years
Harry james potter request where he just win a Quidditch game and his girlfriend (reader) promised him a reward.
smut prompt #26. "wait to see what i'm wearing under it" & #30. "well, i think you're being a bad girl, don't you think you deserve a punishment?" also #27. "just one more, for me."
Reminder: it is completely fine if you don't want to do it so no pressure! It's your account, and it's your choise so I understand :)
- Stay happy, love!
Prize| harry James potter
Summary: that was always something about the cocky grin on Harry's face after he has won a match that made you all hot and bothered,this time,you decieded to take matters into your own hands.
Pairing:harry James potter X fem! reader
Warnings:smut, fingering,oral(f receiving), overstimulation, penetrative sex, degradation,Dom! Harry,hints of subspace.
Prompts: smut prompt list
#25 "wait to see what I'm wearing under it"
#30 "well,I think you are being a bad girl,don't you think you deserve a punishment?"
#27 "just one more,for me"
A/n:first of all hello,and thank you so much for your request! Second of all, sorry it took so long to respond I was out of town visiting my godmother and the internet connection there is awful,but I'm finally back home,and posting again!
That was very cool to write, harry owns me on a silver platter,it was also my first time writing overstimulation stuff so I hope it doesn't sucks.
Hope you enjoy it <3
The match had came to an end after what felt like forever, griffindor had won, and that meant youd have to deal with an extra cocky harry.
You weren't such a quidditch enthusiastic, but you loved harry and wanted to show it to him,so you always came to watch and cheer extra loudly for him.
As usual, there was a party planned on the common room to celebrate the victory and hard work of the team by being showered with firewhiskey and a lot of music.
Now what you had planned for tonight's party was the real news. There was something about seeing harry all confident and extroverted that just did it for you,letting you all hot and bothered, so you decieded to take matters into your own hands.
After greeting the boy by the door of the locker rooms and make sure he would be at the party you came back to your dorm to put your plan to work, you took a fancy shower with all the self care products you owned,then you dressed up in a sexy pair of see through dark blue lingerie, putting on top a a tight black dress to ensinuate your curves.after fixing your hair and putting on some makeup you were ready to go down to the common room.
You went in naturally through the door, being used to said so celebration,you saw harry sitting in the couch bickering his drink,almost spilling it when looked up and saw you in a dress much shorter than you used to wear
"hi,uhm,wow,you look..."
You chuckled lightly at how easily you could flutter the boy;you choose to ignore how he was devouring you with his eyes,and invited him to the improvised dance floor,being familiar with the playlist of Muggle sounds playing in the background.
The little firewhiskey you took making you confident enough to start purposely grinding down on harry times enough to make his mind wander to some dirty thoughts.
"I'm warning you y/n,you should stop while I'm being nice"the look in his face was hard
"stop what?"you knew that playing dumb would get you exactly what you wanted,encouraging you to bat your eyelashes at him innocently.
He chuckled darkly, expression getting even harder.
"you know exactly what you are doing don't you?"he smirked and pressed his tongue against the inside of his cheeck.
You kept ignoring his warnings and getting even more confident while swinging your hips to the beat,while harry shamelessly stared at your body,giving you an awesome terrible idea.
In one swift move you locked your lips on his, slightly biting his bottom lip,them pulling away only to whisper seductively into his ear
"you seen to like my hair huh?wait to see what I'm wearing under it"and then pressed your body against his.
That was it,in a split second,he was dragging you to his dorm by your arm,being followed by weird looks and wolf whistles, everybody knew what you were about to do,so it was no surprise to find the bedroom empty
Once inside it,he slammed the door shut pinning you on it and passionately kissing you,roaming his hands all over your body,lips now trailing down your jawline to your neck, getting on that spot that made you melt.
"bet you liked acting like a whore, let's see if you like what comes now"
He threw you on his bed,and proceeded to assault your neck,claiming you with red marks all over,knocking the breath out of your lungs.
"your dress,"he gave your clothes body another hungry look"take it off, now"
You did as you were told without hesitation,presenting him his favourite post game prize, pulling out a huge smirk from him
"all of this for me huh?"if he looked hungry,now he was a starved man looking at his favourite meal.
His gaze shot from your body directly into your eyes.
"well I think you were being a bad girl, don't you think you deserve a punishment?"
You felt yourself get wetter over your panties where a damp spot were already sitten,you simply looked at him with this doe eyes and he already knew what you wanted.
His feather like touches teasing you through the fabric of your underwear, slowly taking them off,teasing you by rubbing agonizingly slow circles on your clit,making you gasp loudly;harry slowly but surely buried his fingers on your cunt,knowing very well how to find that spot that made you melt and giving it no rest,prescisely brushing his fingertips in there with every thrust of his hand.
As his ring and middle finger pumped your pussy,his thumb played with your clit,bringing you closer and closer to a release.
Harry could feel the familiar feeling of your pussy clenching around his fingers,he leaned his body upon yours,attacking your neck once more,never stopping the ministrations on your pussy,it was definitely gonna leave a mark,but he knew you liked to be marked by him,so that everyone knows what he's getting after a well played match
"are you going to cum?"
"yes!" You somehow breathed out
"let go them"
You came almost immediately after his words, feeling your orgasm wash over you,at first you find it Weir that he so easily gave you your release,you were expecting him to tease the hell out of you and make you beg for him to let you cum.
But when his fingers didn't stopped after you rode out your high,it was when it hit you,he was going to overstim you,turn you into a sloppy mess,the startled look you gave him letted the boy know you were aware of his intentions,but it never stopped him though,he just winked at you,before diving into your pussy like he needed it for a living,tongue flicking your little bud,fingers never ceasing
You were still sensitive due to the orgasm you just had,the vibrations his groans of pleasure sent to your core had you already on the brink of cumming again,moans getting more desperte and hard to hold.
"ha-ah!-harry, gonna cum again"
"weren't you acting like a slut?that's what sluts like you get,just what you fucking asked for"
These words were all you needed to push you over the edge,coating his fingers and moth on your release.
You were already a whimpering mess,harry had that power over you,make you putty in his hands with so little,the sight of him pulling his pants down along with his briefs made you whine loudly,both for seeing his rock hard cock finally free,and for the thought of him fucking you in such a fucked out state
Harry knew you,he knew how you could get carried away,but he was painfully hard and just needed to feel your warm walls clench and cum around his cock.
He started to pepper little kisses all over your face whispering sweet nothings in your ear while easing himself inside you,his groans and whimpers in sync with your moans.he really did try to hold himself but you were just so close to him,so warm,so his,he quickly started a relentless pace
At this point you were giving zero fucks about being quite,just straight out moaning aloud.
"that's right princess,let the whole castle know how good I make you feel,f-fuck so tight"
You were literally quivering,shaking underneath the boy,wanting to get closer and away from him at the same time,it was hurting,but felt so good you didn't had the heart to stop
"h-harry 's sensitive,too much,'s too much!"
Now call him a masochist but this boy loves seeing you like this,writhing underneath him,face contorting in both pleasure and pain,him being the cause of it.
"fuck,I know love,just one more,for me"
He reached his hand down to toy with your clit,sending you into a blissful high,eyes shutting close as you came hard with a loud cry.
The way your pussy clenched impossibly tighter around him was all he needed before filling you up with his warm cum.
Once you regained yourself and opened your eyes again,you were met with harry holding a wet cloth and a glass of water.
"you okay love?was it too much?are you still with me?"
"it's fine,I'm here love,just tired" once the adrenaline ran out it was hard to keep your eyes open,a drowzy smile on your face.
"all right, let's get you ready to rest"
Harry handed you the glass,and carefully wiped you clean while you drank,he them handed you a pair of his boxers and one of his shirts,after you were all dressed up you just snuggled against each other,curled in your own little bubble of affection until doze off to sleep.
Sorry,I don't do good with endings,and sorry for any mistakes,English is not my first language.
Hope you like it,tell me if something needs a change.
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1800-omi · 3 years
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characters: sakusa x reader
warnings/genre: liberal use of italics, female reader, swearing, angst, fluff
notes: i tried to proof read as much as possible i swear
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Saying Sakusa Kiyoomi was good-looking was an understatement. Everything — from his soft skin to the way his perfect black curls fell on his forehead to his deep brown eyes — looked amazing on him. From that description alone one might say Kiyoomi is feminine, but his well built body and strong jaw say otherwise. He was pretty. Perfect balance between masculine and feminine. With that said, you couldn’t understand how Sakusa Kiyoomi had eyes for you when everyone else had eyes for him.
In fact, Kiyoomi not only had the looks, but he had the smarts too. He had perfect grades, had won so many awards, so many certificates. He had been at the top of his class ever since primary school. You weren’t sure whether there was something he has not achieved. He is the golden boy every family wanted, so when your family found out you were dating him you could say they were more than pleased.
Having known him for more than 3 years and having dated him for 2 years, you knew that being Sakusa Kiyoomi’s partner wasn’t easy. To others, you weren’t Y/N, you were Sakusa’s girlfriend. The perfect girlfriend for the perfect boy, always by his side, always supporting him. This was not necessarily a bad thing, but at times you thought whether you’d ever be more than just someone’s girlfriend. Not to mention, were you just an accessory to him too? When with him, you had this terrible desire to be loved, and still there was a horrible fear of being left behind.
Once again, you decide to put all these thoughts and insecurities aside. Letting out a soft sigh, you open the door of the café you were supposed to be meeting your boyfriend. The edge of the door shakes a little bell, causing it to ring, alerting the people in the café that someone has entered. You look around the place, eyes searching for your boyfriend.
The café was decorated beautifully, with big lilac plants planted in vases placed at the corners of the room. Each table had a little vase with a small flower on it, you never were sure whether all of them were real or not. The metal chairs were each coloured differently and looked quite vintage, each of them had a cushion placed on top of it, to make it more comfortable. The pastry and desserts the café offered also smelled wonderful. This place calmed your nerves the moment you stepped in which is why it was your favourite place to spend time in.
Looking around the café, you see Kiyoomi sitting at your usual place, at the corner. You make your way to the table he’s sitting at and sit in front of him.
“Hello, love,” he says the moment you take a seat, “how was your day?”
You take your bag off and put it on the empty chair beside you. “My day was good. I'm quite tired, though.”
“Not getting proper sleep again?” he raised an eyebrow, “you do know that's not healthy, right?”
Another thing Sakusa Kiyoomi likes to do is make sure you’re living as much of a healthy and perfect life as he is. You knew he did this out of love but sometimes you couldn't help but feel as if you couldn't keep up with him and his perfect lifestyle.
“Yes, I know. Don’t worry, I did get sleep, I just didn't get my daily coffee today.” That was a lie. You were up all night studying for your exams. The exams you have not studied nearly enough for because of the responsibilities that came with being the cheerleader’s captain.
“That’s good then.” A waitress walked to the table you were sitting in, placing two coffees and two slices of cake on it, one for each of you. “I ordered for us, I hope you don't mind.” He says and he removes his mask getting ready to sip his coffee.
“Thank you, you always know what I like.” you smile at him before looking down at your slice of cake, grabbing a fork and begging to eat it.
You see Kiyoomi grab his phone and swipe a few times all before opening his mouth and saying. “The exam results are out.”
With that, you feel your stomach turn and you get hit by a sudden wave of anxiety. You are not sure whether or not you want to check your results right now. You know you did not do well, but you can't just stand there staring at your cake either. You slowly pick up your phone, hands slightly shaking. Kiyoomi doesn't notice this, actually, he does not know this side of you at all.
He sees you swipe a couple of times, all before freezing and gulping. You’re praying he doesn't ask about your grade, so you try to ask him questions instead. “So, what did you get?” you put your phone down and put both your hands on your lap, playing with your fingers under the table.
“Maximum points, as usual,” he answers, making your stomach feel even sicker.
“That’s amazing! Congratulation—”
“What about you?” he interrupts you, his dark brown eyes staring into yours.
“I did, um, I did alright!” you stutter, forcing a smile at him. You were proud of your grade, but you knew he would not feel the same. It wasn't even his opinion on his grade that mattered to you, it was the fact he did better than you. You used all the free time you had for studying, you truly gave it your all, and yet here you are, second, again.
“Let me check.” before you could protest, he grabs your phone.
“No, Kiyoomi, ” by the time the words left your mouth he’s already swiped a couple times.
He opens his mouth and lets out a soft sigh, a soft sigh that almost went unnoticed by you. “You know, I’m gonna need to tutor you more often.”
Here he goes, once again, making your heart ache. Making you feel so small, so useless, so ashamed. He does not know that you were expecting way worse. He does not know that if you didn't have him, you would be way happier with your results. To him, your efforts are small, so, so small. This feeling has been going on for years now, you can’t remember whether there was ever a time where you didn't feel like the second-best beside him. He made you feel so pathetic, it made you angry and unbearably sad.
“Actually, no, I don't think I need your tutoring. I did quite well.”
“I know you did, but you could’ve done better.”
“Oh? Well, I didn’t and I’m proud of my results.” You raised your voice slightly. Your tone made it seem like you were trying to prove something wrong even though there was nothing to prove him wrong.
He could sense you were mad at him and he didn’t even know why, which made him angry too. “What’s with the attitude? It’s not my fault you didn’t study. You literally had weeks to do it.”
That did it. You were at the edge of breaking. “You know what? You’re right, it’s not your fault. I was the one wasting time coming to all your games and getting your cheerleading squad ready. I was the one wasting time supporting you and your dumb fucking team.” At the end of the sentence, your voice broke and your vision was getting blurry by your tears. By now, everyone else in the café was staring at the argument go down. “Next time, I won’t even fucking bother.” You grabbed your bag and rushed out the door, trying to sob as quietly as possible.
His eyes had widened at your response. He put his head on his hands and whispered, “Fuck, I messed up.”
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It had been two weeks since you last talked to Kiyoomi and there was not a day that passed in which you had not thought of your fight with him. Whenever you thought about what went down you felt sick. Yet here you are, sitting on your desk, homework waiting to be finished in front of you while you think about it again. All Kiyoomi was trying to do was help you, how could you be so selfish? How could you let your jealousy take over? Your failures are not his fault. You should’ve just studied, but you’re so fucking useless you can't even do that properly. Regret and anxiety had consumed you. Seeing him in the hallways of the school didn't help. You weren't sure what was going on with your relationship anymore, is he breaking up with you? Once again you were dragged away from these thoughts by the sound of knocking on your bedroom door. You shake your head, trying to make yourself sound as normal as possible before talking, “Come in!” you say, looking back at the homework in front of you.
“Hey, ” You’re shocked to hear a voice that didn't belong to any of your family members. You turn around to see Kiyoomi. “Your mom told me to come up, sorry if I'm interrupting.”
“No, it's alright.” you stay quiet, not sure whether you're gonna continue this conversation normally or not. Should you apologise? Should he be the one to apologise?
“I’m sorry,” Kiyoomi speaks up and continues before you can reply. “Can I sit down?” You nod and get up from your desk as he sits down on your bed. You sit down next to him and speak.
“ 'm sorry as well.”
“No, you don't have anything to apologise for. I shouldn't have said what I said.”
“No, you don't understand, it's my fault. I, ” you start tearing up, “I was so selfish and I was jealous and, and–”
“Jealous? Of what?”
“Of everything! I mean, you’re so perfect and you achieve everything you want to and I’m just so terrified of being left behind. I'm so terrified of always being second.”
“Love,” he pulled you into his arms, making you start sobbing.
“And I’m sorry I’ve been so selfish. I’m sorry I couldn’t be a better girlfriend, I’m so sorry.” You manage to get out through the sobs. “It’s just that these thoughts have been hurting me so, so much. I don’t think I can take it.”
He kept hugging you as he answered. “Love, I couldn’t have asked for a better girlfriend. You’re always so supportive and I know you always try your best.” He placed a kiss on your forehead, “I’m sorry for making you feel this way. Please know that to me, you’ll always be the first. I love you.” You hadn't expected Kiyoomi to say anything, he had always been the type to just let his presence comfort you. The fact he’s trying to reach out to you with his words made you realise how much you meant to him.
“I love you too.” you wipe your tears. “Thank you, Omi.”
Instead of replying, he kisses you. You missed his soft lips on yours, you missed the feeling of having him so close to you. You missed feeling so loved, feeling so important to someone and at the same time having someone who’s just as important to you. You missed him.
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reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
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lexiwright · 4 years
Building Jealousy
Benny watts x reader
A/N- so hey first benny sorry. This was requested by Anonymous with the second prompt. This is my first in a while so I'm a bit rust but I really hope it's well received and yeah.
Also a side note that isn't import but when writing this Ive been listening to ”You” by petit biscuit. I'm not sure why but any time I've been reading anything to do with benny or writing him this is my go to song. But yes thanks for reading and ya.
Word count - 1720
Warnings - none
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Prompt 2 “your jealous aren't you.”
You weren’t amazing at chess. You knew that. Next to people like Beth Harmon and Benny watts you were well aware of the fact. But it was an interesting game which you did good enough when you put your mind to it that you had entered a few tournaments over the years just for the adrenaline rush. You’ve managed to build up to a good enough level that you were state champion for a while but it only lasted a little while.
You’ve known benny a while. And Beth too. You were closer with benny and for a time you thought maybe the pair of yous could become something more. But as soon as Beth came into the frame you lost his interest and you went back to just admiring him without him returning any ounce of feelings to you.
You met Beth in Mexico. Before the great loss against Borgov. You barely got past the second round and lost in the third but hey you weren’t to bothered. But you had noticed how often Beth appeared alone and you decided to see if she wanted company. She seemed to take to you fairly well and yous quickly became friends. After her mum died you comforted her for a little while before you both had to go home. You understood she needed a bit of time and you went to New York for a little. You’d called up benny in advance who wasn’t doing much that weekend so offered his living room.
Accepting the offer and hoping to get to spend some more time with the man you arrived outside his house at a quarter to midnight. Shattered out of your mind from travel. You came in and greeted him as an old friend before you sat down at his table that displayed his board and had a look to see what he was playing.
It took you a second before you realised he’d been playing Beths last game with borgov. It’s angered you a little bit you tried to not care.
“How was the trip Y/N? “ asked benny as he rounded the table to the kitchen for some glasses.
“Nothing special. How’ve you been keeping?” You yawned and watched as he poured you a glass of milk.
“Ah, you know. Not a lot to do around here. Just waiting for the next tournament as always. I hear you met with Beth Harmon. What do you think of her?” He asked. Placing the glasses in the microwave for you both.
“Of course. She seemed nice. We got along well enough. Shame about her mum though but her playing is beyond amazing.” You accepted the glass of warm milk as you spoke and failed to notice as he tensed at your praise of the redhead.
He pushed his hair back and sat down in front of you and watched for a second as you took a sip of your milk. Studying your face with admiration.
Leaning forward, elbows on the table, he leaned his face on hand, two fingers tapping his cheek. Something you noticed he did when he was in thought. You tossed him a quizzical look before questioning him.
He took a breathe and held it for a second before speaking in a gentle tone. “You look tired. Are you okay? “
You chuckled at him. Thinking he was joking. “Well, Benny I have just got off a plane so of course, I’m tired.”
But he stopped you. “No. It’s more than that.” You didn’t know what to say and just stared at him confused. He cleared his throat and moved back and gestured at the board. Still set up with Beth's last match. And spoke, “care for a few speed games?”
You rolled your eyes. You rarely win against him at speed chess. You know he was only doing this to show off. But you indulged him and let him flex his bored muscles. Yous played about ten rounds, winning two and drawing one while the king in a loose black striped shirt won 7. And you were sure he was going easy on you but you didn’t mind. It’s still fun.
Once he was sure you knew who was the best player and had finished your warm milk he suggested time for bed. Which you gladly accepted. He left you with the blow-up but knew you were too stubborn to let him do it.
You said goodnight and melted into one of the comfy seats rather than taking the blow-up bed and found yourself involuntarily drifting to sleep where you sat.
You woke with a start as you were shaken awake. You were on the plane and the air hostess was shaking you awake. Clipping in before landing you looked out the window. You were landing in New York again. Only this time you weren’t going to stay at Benny's. Beth was there now.
It had been a few weeks or so since you last stayed. You smiled at the memory of being woken up by a laughing Benny cause you hadn’t made it into bed last time.
You were staying at a hotel a while from Bennys. There was a small tournament that you thought would be fun to go too.
After leaving New York last time you’d called up Beth to see how she was doing. She had Harry beltik with her so at least she wasn’t alone.
You ended up taking for hours. Going over matches verbally for the fun of it and discussing favourite theory’s. This turned into a habit every few days and yous both seemed to get along well.
She called when Harry decided to leave. You could tell she was upset but didn’t want to push it too much. She called before her match with Benny. After the losing rounds of speed chess and you told her not to worry. And she called when she beat him. And then the next day when she told you she was going to New York with him.
You were happy for then although a little sad you wouldn’t get to spend time with him but you understood why.
You had got there a few days earlier so when you heard cleo was in town you opted to spend some time with her.
It had been a week or so and you had been invited to benny's along with Cleo and some boys. You went and was happy to catch up with Beth and Cleo.
You didn’t notice a dismayed benny who was disappointed your attention wasn’t on him.
He thought he could win you over by playing Beth in speed chess but even then he lost spectacularly. You sat out for the games. Not feeling like losing today. But when you and Cleo applauded beths wins. You failed to see just how livid he was that she impressed you more.
He went to bed sourly that night. Tossing and turning. Unable to get the beaming pride for Beth he saw on your face as you clapped her and not him.
Your third match of the tournament had been the next day. Normally if you think your gonna struggle you call benny and get some advice while you listen to him speak. His voice soothing you from nerves even if you end up loosing. But he knew that the match was today and was subtly waiting for the phone to ring. However when it did this time Beth picked up and you felt that you’d annoyed benny enough over the years so you decided to talk to Beth instead.
She was fine with this. Beth is proud of being needed. However, she ( unlike you) noticed the way benny drummed his fingers on the counter and stared at her as she said the first few words “Oh, hello Y/N...”
she noticed as his pupils dilated and the drumming stopped.
He had expected her to hand him the phone after that but when she didn’t he couldn’t understand why. And when Beth started talking about the game you were about to play he could feel as something boiled in him. He was who you needed. Not Beth. Yes, Beth was better than him but you needed him. Benny like being able to give you that little bit of ease before a scary match.
He waited a little while longer in case Beth gave him the phone. Till he realised she wasn’t going too.
“Is that Y/N?” He questioned harshly.
Beth just nodded and continued the conversation.
Benny couldn’t take it. And marched over to stand in front of Beth. “What does she want?” He asked. Even though he knew.
“Well she’s got her match today and she said she was nervous,” Beth said deadpanning.
The look on Benny watts faces told Beth something was afoot. Then she realised and gave him a smug look as she said her next words slow and loud enough for Y/N to hear.
“Your jealous aren’t you?”
He froze for a moment. Realising what she said was right.
He barely registered as Beth spoke to you again apologizing “sorry Y/N. I’ve got a green ogre here that I’m going to pass you too. Good luck for the match. “
She preset to phone into his hand and moved for him to sit in her seat.
He held the phone to his ear to hear your voice and he frowned.
“Benny what’s wrong”
He paused thinking before speaking with an almost whiny tone.
“ you think you can drop me cause I was beaten by Beth Harmon at speed chess, no, uh uh. I'm here to stay Y/N L/N and I won’t sit back and let you go off to someone else. No. Your mine got it.”
You were speechless. You hadn’t realised benny felt like thins. He realised what he said.
“ well eh you know, your not my property that’s not what I mean. I just.”
He took a deep breath and spoke with confidence. “ I need you Y/N. You're like the queen to my king. I feel I’m nothing without you. So please don’t brush me off for someone better.”
You smiled over the phone and he could hear it in your voice. “ I’d never brush you off benny.”
He sighed in relief and smiled.
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ravenquingvax · 3 years
Was playing Soul Calibur 6 again today and made new fighters;
Darius Gilmore
Dariax Zaveon
Dorian Storm
Fearne Calloway
The Worldbuilder (an OC inspired by Matt Mercer as a DM)
& The Fate Scribe (inspired by Aabria Iyengar as a DM)
And the way I like to warm a new fighter up is by having them face off against the very first fighter I made in this game, Vax'ildan.
Vax destroyed Darius pretty quickly, but Darius got some good hits in too.
I can only imagine Shaun's reactions during that fight, tho, as some armour did get torn off and skin was revealed. 👀👀👀👀
Then Vax fought Dorian.
In all honesty, Vax looked like he was about to win when Dorian came in with a series of quick hits and rendered Bird Boy's ass obso-fucking-lete.
Next up was Opal.
Now, Opal did do pretty okay, up until the point where she attacked the air, facing away from Vax, and Vax started getting many hits in against her in quick succession.
She fought really hard to win, but Vax fought harder and ultimately won.
Next was my beloved Dwarf, Dariax, and uh.
He got a Perfect.
Vax didn't land a hit.
It was pretty surprising, but then, It is Dariax.
It is Dariax.
Up after him was our favourite chaos druid, Fearne.
Admittedly, the fight didn't go well for Fearne, but she did get a few hits in on Vax, but ultimately ravens are assholes and the poor faun lost.
Then it was Orym.
At one point I think I saw Orym slam Vax into the ground by wrapping his legs around Vax's head and pushing him down with all of his bodyweight???
I may have hallucinated that???
I really hope I didn't???
Because Vax getting Halfling Crotch to the face and being stunned by it is way too fucking funny.
After Orym was that one Goddess!Aabria OC I previously mentioned, The Fate Scribe, and uh.
The Fate Scribe fucked Vax's shit up pretty hard.
Vax barely got any hits in.
The Fate Scribe murdered him.
This really is the summer of Aabria and I'm here for it.
And last, but not least, was Vax'ildan vs The Worldbuilder, a God OC inspired by Matt and all of his amazing work in building Exandria.
Vax was once again destroyed.
And I'm pretty sure Matt would be very happy knowing that.
And I did all of this during a heatwave (this is Scotland? Why the fuck is there warmth? We're meant to be freezing to death at all times while it rains cats and dogs 24/7? WTF?)
Hence the worry that I hallucinated Orym stunning Vax with that Glorious crotch-to-face body slam I swear that I saw
But anyway, hope this amused at least one person other than myself. I'm gonna go sleep now. Fucking... Bidet!
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zu-is-here · 3 years
Hi zuuuuuu! No problem at all about disappearing! I keep telling ya, its no worries.
I'm sorry that I took so long to reply.
Oh it was! I spent many days as a kind in that forest school. We used to play a game called 123 where are you? Which I actually won! Cheated the system, it was amazing and no one saw it coming bruh.
Building dens was amazing! Once when we were being taught about ww2 the teachers had us build dens that we would need to run too when they played a fake air raid siren. I really miss that school sometimes.
What's your favourite memory of primary school Zu?
Ohhhh sewing lessons? You know I did used to go to a sewing club, I made an embroidery of a house for my grandad! He still has it. What kind of things did you make? It still sounds like it was fun!
Yesss! Perfect! Maybe his cat can have alittle jumper with a strawberry on it!
Yeah! The lights don't change colours, but they all light up and shine really bright!
Ah I see, my parents house is full of noveltys, the metal chicken, Hall of heads, mums mushroom collection..... The list goes on.
Well I haven't got the job yet, but it's for a shop called greggs! Do you have this? It's kind of similar to my first job so I'm hopeful.
Yeah he's alright! No throwing up, though.... I went through the bathroom bin and ate some sanitary products.... Dum dog *face palm*
That sounds so lovely! Having everyone together! What kind of things did you guys do? Or did ya just talk?
Either way it sounds like you had a good day.
oh! The wizard of oz! Oh that one's a classic, the feet really used to scare me in the movie. Who's your favourite character /part.
As for me? I love the Far Away Tree stories! Mother used to read them to me.
Do you know this book? There was just something about it I always loved.
Today my day was good! It was actually really hot today! Nice and sunny for once. My friend came into town and we were able to meet and get ice-cream!
I got a Mr whippy! Have you had this? Its such a classic right!?
We've talked about ice cream before, but what's your favourite ice-cream topping? Me and them also talked alot about nightmare and dream and there character development and also my headcannons about ccino's origin.
We also talked about creepy pastas......... No sleep for me tonight. XP
[after this]
Hi Gayfish! Thank you <3 same here, no worries (ówò)
Ah so that was some kind of forest school? *^* Now I can relate! Oh wow– is this game like hide-and-seek? (゚∀゚) Heheh nice play! >:3
That's a really cool experience! ☆ In safety lessons, we were told how to act in emergencies as well and even taught to (dis)assemble a rifle. Hopefully we'll never use this knowledge ("ó_ò)
Ooff, all my time in primary school was spent in olympiads and competitions, for I participated wherever I could and am "very proud" of my dusty folder full of certificates XD What about you? *^*
Awww that's really sweet! <3 We embroidered patterns on clothes and bags but it wasn't as fun as using my grandmother's sewing machine to make clothes for dolls (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) By the way, what hobbies did you have before drawing? ☆
Wow— all these noveltys seems like having a cool backstory *^* Especially the hall of heads, like omg, whose heads?? :D
Aw you're going to work at the bakery? \(//∇//)\ It's so cool! It'd be so interesting to see the inner working (*⁰▿⁰*) Was your first job also in a bakery/cafe? I'm sure it'll be great, good luck! <3
Ohhh guess he'll be alright for sure! :')
Thank you! <3 We were gonna go somewhere but it was raining heavily outside so we enjoyed the food and conversation inside xp
I haven't watched the movie but the parts where Ellie (Dorothy in the original?) meet her new friends with different wishes were really interesting! As for the Far Away Tree stories, I've never heard of this book but looks interesting, sone good classic like Winnie Pooh? *^*
Aww I'm really glad you had a good day! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) Is it that ice cream van? \(//∇//)\ Oh we don't have it here but it is a classic indeed! <3 In different movies as well (like Despicable Me 2 :D) What kind of ice cream did you get? My favorite topping is caramel~ And yours? ☆
What are your headcanons about Ccino's origin? (゚∀゚)☆ Oh these creepy pastas,,, xp
How are you doing today? ♡
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sunarintoes · 4 years
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Dear Whovever: [Kenma]
Synopsis: You and Kenma are both best friends and youtube gamers however you want to be more than just best friends so you decide to ‘man up’ one day and write a heart felt confession in a minecraft notebook before then putting it in Kenma’s personal chest.
WC: 3K
TW: slight swearing :)
[Episode one]
[recording in 3… 2… 1… start!] 
“Hey gamers, Kodzuken here with Tulip-but-make-it-yellow! I've done a few Minecraft videos with Tulip before, but thought I'll start a new series that will be posted every Monday.”
“It's called Minedays with Tulip and Kodzu”
“I- no, Tulip. I'm not sure what we’re gonna call it. But you guys will know- obviously since it's the title of this video.”
You whine and pout into the monitor, “Kodzu I think Minedays is a cute name.” 
Instead of replying Kenma rolls his eyes and hits you ingame. “Should we introduce the challenge and get it started?”
“Yeah that's a good idea!” 
“Well, it's about eleven am right now, we have until eleven pm to build a Minecraft house from a random topic,” he pauses and moves to the side to point to a sectioned spinwheel, “on this bad boy,” whacks the spinner, “we have eight different themes, in a sec I’ll spin it and whatever it lands on will be what we have to build.”
You let out a high pitched ‘hmm,’ “I feel bad for Kuroo and Hinata, they’re both going to have to edit twelve hours of footage down to 10 minutes!”
Kenma chuckles, “fifteen minutes actually.”
This time you roll your eyes. “Hurry up and spin it you fool! I want to get buildinggg” 
Smiling, Kenma moves back a bit and spins the wheel, after thirty seconds full of anticipation the wheel finally stops and its small arrow is pointing at- “Yes! Cottage core theme!” you yell out while Kenma groans. 
“Really? That's lame why couldn't we have ‘Lucifer’s Bedroom’?” 
You poke your tongue out to the monitor - which Kenma could see, after all, you are in a Discord call with him. “Don't be sad just because you're prancing in my turf…. Looooooser!”
Kenma playfully glares towards you, “You’re on! See you in twelve hours!”
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Unfortunately, the difficulty of building a cottage core house in the woods - in survival mode, proved more difficult than planned. 
“We spawned in a desolate area huh? Barely any flowers!” you hear Kenma make a sound of agreement as you sink into your comfortable ‘gamer’ styled chair. 
“Don't tell me you've given up? Just because you can't find any flowers?” 
You scowl at his cocky tone however your mood does a one-eighty when you suddenly get a good idea. “Ok everyone! I know what I have to do! I'm going to restart in another place because this isn’t working!”
Kenma makes a sound of surprise, “you're restarting? It's been an hour already-”
“Yeah and we have, like... eleven more.” Kenma sighs in response, “better get a move on.”
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For the most part, the two of you kept quiet - not wanting to let the other know how well you were doing. However one look at your phone only to see that your twitter has blown up, you decide to take a short break, after all it has been four hours of you sitting on your ass playing Minecraft. Once you open Twitter you're met with a barrage of tags and mentions - all of which screaming ‘KenYn’ and ‘Kodzutulip.’ You felt heat rise to your face, you - yes you, Ln Yn with the online alias Tulip-but-make-it-yellow, has a big, fat, humongous crush on your best friend and fellow youtuber - Kenma, aka Kodzuken aka the cutest guy in the world. To make it worse - or better, you couldn't really tell, was that many of your viewers shipped you with him - as did his viewers. 
You are of course, happy with this but you can’t help but wonder if Kenma feels the same way, does he feel weirded out by all this shipping content? Does he find it uncomfortable? Does he find it unsettling to be shipped with his in-real-life best friend?
“Hey Yn?” Kenma calls softly, “you've been looking at your phone for the past ten minutes and your face looks sad.”
You instantly look up to meet Kenma’s face and try to find the right words to say, “I… I’m just kinda tired and eventually got distracted!! Sorry Kenken!”
Kenma visibly cringes at the old nickname - the one you gave him in primary school, “if you say so… better get your head in the game though - my mansion looks epic.”
Your eyes narrow, “mansion? The theme is cottage core!” Kenma quietly chuckles in response, “a mansion can still have a fairy aesthetic, you should know that”
You huff in faux annoyance as you place your phone away and ‘get your head in the game’ just as he requested. “Be prepared to be crushed! I am the cottage core guardian!”
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There are ten minutes left to your’s and Kenma’s excruciatingly long Minecraft challenge, your ass hurts from sitting on it for almost twelve straight hours - including bathroom breaks. When the buzzer rings the two of you step back from your respective buildings and make your way to the starting point - which had been marked by a stack of 20 or so dirt blocks. 
“Well that was twelve hours of eye straining torture,” you say as you stretch your arms. 
“You're tired already?”
“Kinda… I can't wait to go to sleep after this.”
“Weak, I’m playing Battlefield as soon as this is over.”
You roll your eyes and scoff, “this is why you look like a living corpse in the morning…”
Kenma looks you dead in the eyes and with a completely serious face he says, “yeah but you love it.”
You choke on your spit at his boldness, “y-yeah I guess.” 
If you were being honest, you were not the best at reading people and it was dark in Kenma’s gaming room, the only light coming from his three screen/monitor computer setup, but you think you see a light blush creep up to his cheeks. And you hate it, you hate when he says things that make your heart flutter, you hate it when he just sits there and the digital glow accentuates all of his delicate features, but what you hate most is yourself. You hate yourself because you have fallen in love with your best friend, you hate yourself because you know he doesn't like you back and you hate that you continuously give yourself a sense of false hope. 
“Yn… you want to stay up and game with me don’t you? ”
You sheepishly look to the side, ‘mayhaps.’
Kenma sighs looking at you with a soft face as he whispers “then I won’t play Battlefield and I’ll go to bed and so will you, ‘kay?”
You smile tiredly at him, “sounds like a deal.”
“We'll get back on at the same time tomorrow and we’ll do the final part of this video - the reveal. Until then.”
You smile and wave at the camera “cya soon~”
[recording over]
After your call with Kenma ended you got ready for bed but for some reason, no matter how tired you were, you just couldn't fall asleep - your mind was screaming obscene ideas that you couldn't help but contemplate. At first it was just wishful thinking but then came a thought that refused to leave, ‘confess.’ 
It was a tempting thought, but how? Surely you couldn't just say ‘hey Kenma I've liked you since high school lets date!’ yeah no, that was a horrible idea. Maybe if you confessed with some originality he would be more likely to accept but for now, you were going to do your best to go to sleep.
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[Episode two]
[recording in 3… 2… 1… start!] 
In the morning you woke up feeling refreshed and excited for the day to come, Kenma had texted you and asked if you were feeling up to recording the reveal from last night and episode two today and of course you said yes. 
The video goes on without any troubles and soon you find yourself staring at the computer screen at eleven once again. 
“Remember to like, subscribe and comment below on who you think won this round.” Kenma’s voice is soothing - if you had to describe it you would say that it is silky like honey and smooth like dark chocolate; or maybe you would just say his voice is perfect. Kenma waves to the screen monitor, “hello? Earth to Yn! Are you dead or something? You look like a zombie.”
It takes a while to register, you weren’t really paying attention to the words he said as you were more interested in the way he sounded. You sit up and smile into the camera, “I'm awake… thanks for caring!”
He scoffs and swivels in his chair a bit, “I don't care about you, you're just my idiot best friend and flatmate.”
You playfully narrow your eyes, “well this idiot flatmate of yours helped you bake apple pie so you wouldn’t starve to death!”
“Hmmm, I guess. Well I'm going to head off. I'll see you later.”
You smile softly, “yeah I'll see you later, i'm just gonna stay on for a while.”
Kenma looks at you with an intrigued expression, “you're going to stay up longer? Better not be in this world, that's cheating. Want me to stay up with you?”
You roll your eyes and giggle, “it's all good I want to fix my house up in the other world. I'll see you tomorrow.”
He sighs, “if you say so.”
[recording over]
Your chair rolls back as you stretch, “maybe I should confess to him through a Minecraft journal…” you jump up. “Thats it! Thats a great way to confess! Its original and Kenma would appreciate it…. If he accepts my feelings that is…” 
You groan and slump back down into the chair, “maybe it’s best if I don't confess at all. No! I've wanted to do this for years! If he doesn't like me back it's all good! Maybe I just won't do this on a stream!”
You reach over to the bench and pull up your phone, “who to call, mmm ok let’s call Alisa I’m going to need some emotional support!”
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“Hey gamers, Kodzu here in another Minecraft live stream, today we’re just in mine and Yn’s regular world and i'm going to build a house - a cottage to be specific,” he pauses and looks at the comment section; ‘no Yn isn't here right now, no Yn won't be joining this video, no I didnt know shes streaming at the moment, yes my favourite food is apple pie, yes I have a calico cat, no Yn is not my significant other, yes we are just friends.’ Kenma moves back and takes a breath, “wow you guys sure are interested in Yn huh? Maybe I should get them in more videos, might get more views that way,” he laughs a bit.
“Let's start off by heading to my base, I have the materials I’ll need there- oh uh what's this?” Kenma pauses as he stares at the foreign object, “I don't remember having a written book in my chest… maybe Yn went in here and put it in?”
Kenma stares at the book for a while before he opens it, only to be shocked. The comment section notices the blush on his face and continue to spam him with questions:
[kodzusbabe]: what's in that diary!!
[piefacecutie]: ^^ omg you're so right @/Kenmastan hes so cute 💓
[Kenmaxyn]: I hope it's a confession!
[ynhater]: @/Kenmaxyn from who? Cause I didn't do it and I'd be the only one for Kenma oppAr
[kennismaken]: I hope it’s Yn! They’d be such a cute couple
[applepudding]: umm? Kodzu! Why did he get up and leave??
[ynhater]: babe come back!
[Kenmaxyn]: OMG MAYBE IT WAS YN !!!!
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After your late night call with Alisa, you decided it would be best to just do it and then ignore Kenma for the day - well, not ignore him per se, just simply decline all his Discord calls and Facetime calls so you could put off being rejected a little while longer. You woke up with a throbbing headache that you could only blame yourself for, after all you are the dumbass who stayed up until God knows when just to write a heartfelt confession. Eventually the angst of waiting for a message from Kenma overwhelmed you and here you are now; streaming Overwatch to get your mind off of a certain someone.
“Ah no! Cant believe that stupid Hanzo got me! What a pain!” you frown at the screen and let out a sigh, “the round is over… bummer. Well while we wait an eternity for the next round I guess I should answer some of your questions… oh? I didn't know Kenma was streaming, no I’m not dating him… “ you feel your heart sink as you read the next comment; “what do you mean Kenma ran away after reading a book? Was he unhappy?”
The next moments felt like a blur, your heart was heavy and you felt tears well up in your eyes and somehow you missed the sound of someone breaking into your apartment and then your bedroom. Within a second you feel someone wrap their arms around you from behind, your body tenses up but immediately relaxes when you recognise the perpetrators scent; sweet yet salty, like caramel toffee.
“Kenma! W-what are you doing?”
“I like you too… I have for so long.”
Your eyes widen and it doesn't take too long for a smile to appear on your face, “I'm so glad to hear that.”
You feel him smile into your neck as his embrace tightens, “finish up your livestream so we can talk please.” 
“You don't need to tell me twice!”
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It is eleven at night once again, but this time you’re not sitting alone in your gaming chair, instead you're sitting on Kenma’s lap - in his gaming chair as he slowly runs his hands through your hair and softly kisses your neck.
“So everyone’s pretty much freaking out over us huh?” you hum in response, “we’ve been officially together for what? Five hours?”
“Correct you are.”
You smile and hold up your phone while you continue to cuddle into him, “smile baby, I want the whole world to know that you're my player two.”
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[Bonus - the love letter]
Dear Kenma,
This must be so strange - finding a journal in your chest. 
I have wanted to tell you this for quite a while and I guess I have never found the write words to say; or the right way to for that matter,
But I love you
I have loved you since our first year at Nekoma
It's been a while hasn’t it?
I'm sorry if this inconveniences you, makes you uncomfortable or makes you never want to see me again; 
Just let me continue for a little while longer because I need to get this off of my mind.
I love your smile - especially the rare one where you really smile, where your eyes crinkle and your cheeks begin to hurt 
I love your voice - it’s smooth and silky, like honey being spread across bread
I love your scent - it reminds me of salted caramel,  I can never get enough 
I love your mind - the way it works to make me laugh, make me calm and all else
I love your lips - not necessarily in a sexual way, but more so in the way you talk and speak, they move softly and slowly in a way only your lips could move in.
I love your body - how although you're hunched most of the time you still possess a fine elegance in the way you move. How at times it reminds me of a graceful swan floating down a lake. 
I love your hands - they are so pretty and dainty and soft, I want to hold them all day and all night
And most of all;
I love you
I love you in your entire
I could go ahead and pick the parts I love most and least but then you would no longer be you
I love you in your entire
Flaws and all
I know this may not be the most romantic, especially considering you’re reading this through Minecraft and I've never done this before but I had to let you know
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Taglist: [open] @ladyrenart
note: sooo this is another style that i tried and i have mixed feelings about it :) also if you can’t tell,,, i’ve never written a love letter before :’)
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millytempesta · 3 years
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Mine and only.
Chapter 2, chapter 3.
Paring: Bokuto Koutarou X reader
Rating:  fluff.
Summary: After another date went horribly wrong, all that (y/n) wished for was for the only man in her life that ever understand her, to become a human.Little did she knows that her pet owl wished for the same thing, and that magically their dream became true.
Warnings: This story will contai SMUT.
A/n: I realized that this chapter is a little rushed, it’s the first time I’m writing somethin, sorry. Also I'm already sorry for all the spell and grammar error, english is not my first language.
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Tapping sound is all that can be heard around the office.
Tap tap tap…“Ugh…” a groan can be heard from one of the desks.“My head is killing me…” (e/c) eyes scan the office, almost empty at this hour of the day.The clock shows 8.45 pm ‘Only 15 more minutes left and I’ll finally be able to go back home’. Her eyes land back on her desk, where a small frame is situated. Her small hand takes hold of it, studying the picture inside of it. A dreamy smile appeared on her pink lips. ‘My Bo, he must be worried I’m this late… I need to finish this quickly!’. With a look of determination the (h/c) haired girl turned back to her computer and started typing again.
‘For my Bo!’
“And.... Done!”, with a satisfied nod, she turns off the computer, ready to finally head back home. ‘I should stop by the store to buy some of Bo’s favourite food as a sorry, and maybe some more wine for the weekend’ she thinks happily, moving to the elevator, but before she could even get near it a squeaky voice calls her name. "(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Wait, I need to tell you something!!!” The blond girl jogged to her with a huge smile on her face. With a sigh, the (h/c) haired girl turned to face her, already knowing what was going to come. “You are not going home, are you?”
“… Yes…?” A whine escapes from the younger girl in front of her. “But it’s Friday night, we don’t have work tomorrow and the day after! Come to have a drink with me and my friends, you’ll have more fun!” With an apologetical smile, she answered “I’m sorry Ichika-chan, but I’m too tired today… Maybe the next time okay?”
But was only met with a disappointed look “You always say so, but never come… You know, in my group of friends there are a lot of hotties, I bet you’ll find someone of your likening”. “I’m not-” the blond girl waved her off “Yeah yeah, you are interested in dating at the moment, because you all heart belongs to Bo… Yeah same story every time, when will you change your mind? You are already 25, you won’t be young forever you know? It’s now that you need to experiment, to truly live your life. Not passing all your time playing the housewife, you can do that once you’ll have your kids.” Green eyes lock on (e/c), searching for something that apparently she did not find, since a defeated sigh escapes from her lips. “Look, I don’t like to nag you every time, I am just worried about you… Since that guy accident happened you stopped going out, closing yourself in your apartment with Bo… You know I like him, but I miss my friend, and I want too some time to spend with her, getting drunk, doing stupid things and talking about sex experience of the night before”. Guilt starts expanding in the older girl for making her friend worry so much and making her feel left alone.
(Y/n) didn’t have many friends, they all stubbed her in the back. Ichika was the only constant in her life, way before she met Bo. She knew about this point that all the little girl said was only for the best, that’s why she always found it almost impossible saying no to her. With a sigh she locks eyes with her “I promise you I’ll come tomorrow night out okay?”. A huge grin spreaded on Ichika’s face, happy that her friend decided to spend some quality time together. “Hey I’m counting on it, I’ll tell the guys too. We are gonna have so much fun tomorrow!!”. With a last hug and excited exchange of location and time, the two went their separate ways back home.
After stopping by the shop, (Y/n) finally arrived home. Opening the door she announced herself “Booo, I’m hoome”. A loud flap sound can be heard before a big gray and black mass of feathers appeared from the bedroom door. “CRIP”. A big horned owl made his way towards the girl, who is waiting for him with her arms wide open. Yes, the guy who is stuck on her head 24/7 is none other than her lively and cuddly pet owl.(Y/n) and Bo met 1 years ago, during her morning jog in the park, where she heard his screaming. A dog had one of his wings in his mouth, shaking the poor bird from side to side. She couldn’t leave him there, so she runned to him and scared the dog away. Turning back, she felt like an electric shock runned through her, when yellow eyes met her (e/c) ones. It was like in that moment, a bond formed between the two, proved when the injured animal itself moved closer to her, letting the girl lift him in her warm embrace. It was only natural for her to take the pet in her home, taking care of his healing and loving him beyond any other relationship that she ever had. In exchange, the horned owl, once healed, didn’t once leave her side, always waiting for her to come back home, and going out hunting for treasure to show her on her return.
“Hi big boy! I missed you so much!” she says sweetly, stroking the bird’s head who is resting on her chest. With an annoyed tone, the owl looked at her “HOOT!” Trying to calm the bird stroking under his chin,“I know, I’m late… I’m sorry, I had lots of work to do” she tried to explain. But that seemed to don’t convince him, as he took a step back and opened his wings to her “Hoot hoot!” showing how he was not happy about it. Fidgeting with her hands, the girl looked at the owl through her lashes, and with her best pout she continued “But I bought you your favorite for tonight… Will you forgive me?”. At that the howl started jumping happily “Hooooooot!!”
A giggle escapes her at the cute image of her happy pet. Moving to the kitchen, she started unpacking the groceries, taking out the rabbit for her pet, and the vegetables to prepare her pasta. After some cooking, she placed their food on their plates and moved to the sofa, where her olw was waiting for her. “HoooOOooT!” he started jumping as soon as he saw her with the food. Giggling she sat on the floor, placing his plate next to her “Calm down, or you’ll spill it everywhere!”. Ignoring her warning, he started devouring the food, sending bits of it everywhere. Shaking her head she turned and started eating her food “At least I know you like it, cooking for you always brings me so much satisfaction”. In response she received a purred like “hoooot”, emphasizing her point.
After they both finished she sat on the sofa, bird laying on her tummy, watching some action movie on the tv, Bo’s favourite.
When the scene with the main character kissing came, a sigh escaped the girl’s lips. “Hoot?” a curious sound came from the big feathers-like-tummy-warmer. Without looking at him she started talking “You know… I miss it…”. Looking down at the confused yellow eyes she continued “I miss being kissed, touched… I miss being in love, being for once the one pampered” Turning back to the screen, another sigh escapes her “I’m going out tomorrow night, I might pass the night out if I’ll find someone…”.
“CRIP” Suddenly the bird stood up and flapped his wings. “Hey I’m coming back in the morning okay? And we’ll have a cuddle day together-” The bird interrupted her flying away in the bedroom “Booo, please, it’s only tomorrow night” no response. After some seconds, worried, she made her way in the room, but found it empty. It’s not the first time the bird went out, so she tried brushing it off and decided to go to sleep, knowing he would be back and cuddling next to her. But after one hour of waiting under the covers, alone, she started panicking.
Bo always came back during night time, never letting her sleep alone. Moving to the window, relief washed on her, seeing her pet sitting on the big tree in their garden. She could swear she saw her bird in an emo-like mode, pouting at her when their eyes met. “Bo… What are you doing there? C’mon, get inside” she said using her sweet voice. The owl seemed conflicted if giving up on his sulking state, but apparently deciding she didn’t deserve his time that night, he turned his back to her. “Bo… I can’t sleep without you… Please… I need you next to me…” at that his ears perked up and, rotating his head of 180°, he looked back at her. Smiling, knowing she already won, she finally said “You are the cutest bird, and best horned owl I ever saw, and I loooOOOoove you!! Can you now come and cuddle on the bed?”. Pumping his chest out -provoking her to roll her eyes- he quickly made his way on the bet, jumping in a way that meant for her to get into bed with him. “I’m coming, I’m coming” she said giggling. Cuddling near the soft feathers, her eyes became heavier. With a yawn she gave her the good night and before falling into the land of dreamland, a whispered “I love you Bo” made his way out of her.
This night couldn’t go worse.
She knew that going out was going to be a total mess. She knew she had to stay at home with Bo, watching some action film and eating meat all day.
But no… She decided to go out…
And now she found herself having to kick out the guy she met that night, who was screaming like a mad man at her, saying the worst offences she ever heard, in complete contrast with the world he was telling her when he was trying to get in her pants, because he tried to hurt her pet. On his defense Bo tried to attack him, having seen him as an intruder on his territory and a threat for her owner, probably not understanding the moans that escaped her while he pushed her against the wall. But she couldn’t find in her to be worried about the man, who risked his eye probably, when he tried to grab Bo’s wings as a defence from his claws. All she could see was her lovely pet, risking to be seriously harmed from a stupid madman. And now she found herself with a sulking owl and a man screaming at her door at 1 in the morning. She’ll have to deal with all the noise complaints tomorrow. “I’m sorry… I should have known better to take a stranger in the house”. No response from the bird, who was now under the small table, back turned to her. “I put you in danger, when I promised you no harm would have come to you in my presence” Her voice started shaking. Still no response. A tear fell from her eyes “I am so sorry Bo” a sob escaped her. Closing her eyes, she let herself cry, knowing how much she fuked up, and that maybe her pet would never trust her again. A soft and warm wing spread across her back, followed by a softer head nugging at her harm. “Hoot…” he sounded so fragile. She turned and looked back at him “I am sorry Bo, it won’t happen again”. The owl nugged his head under her arm, making her space for him to cuddle her side. “Hoooot” the purring-like sound made her smile, a reassurance for her that he was no more mad.
Taking him on her arms, she made her way to the bed, laying down with the soft animal on her chest. That night she fell asleep with the weight on her body increasing, and with the most beautiful voice whispering in her ear a soft “I love you (Y/n), I promise you I’ll protect you from all those men”.
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I found this post and I really love the prompt so it goes like this "you're unfairly good at everyhting but I'm strong enough to carry you bride-style and this for some reason renders you speachless" I'm sorry it's not a nermaid thing.
It doesn’t have to be a mermaid thing! You’re good! I just thought it would be On Theme for the month dfshgdfg
ANYWAY YES THIS IS A TOP-TIER PROMPT it’s,,, Kirishima @ Bakugou tbh
so um. it might have taken a while to write this but have like, a whole 4k fic? i don’t know how to drabble,, apparently,,,
Eijirou was in love.
Okay, well, maybe that was a little over-exaggeration of his feelings. Maybe it was being dramatic - especially since he wasn’t actually with the object of his affections (yet) - but dramatic suited his would-be suitor.
Or, Eijirou thought. Am I the suitor?
It wasn’t like he was actively persuing anything… Whatever, the point was that Eijirou was desperately in love with one Bakugou Katsuki, his long-time best friend and the owner of his entire heart and most of his soul. And who could blame him? Bakugou was perfect.
It might not be an opinion that everyone shared of the blond bombshell. He was prickly and wore an almost permanent scowl. He was the grumpiest, grouchiest bastard that Eijirou had ever met. He swore liberally, was unapologetically self-confident almost to the point of arrogance, and he exploded stuff. He’d been even worse when he was younger.
The thing was, as Bakugou’s best friend, Eijirou saw the other side of him, too. Where Bakugou’s walls were raised high around him, he’d carved out a small door for Eijirou and a few of their closest friends to let them in.
Where most saw Bakugou as a unfriendly and standoffish guy, Eijirou saw the introverted young man who was shy and just didn’t want to admit it. Where most heard the blistering language that rolled off of Bakugou’s tongue, Eijirou heard the Bakugou who was bad with words and at a loss for how to really express himself. Bakugou was way more into physical expression than verbal. He didn’t like to talk about feelings or ‘gross sappy shit like that’.
Most people didn’t bother trying to get through Bakugou’s walls to see the part of him that really, truly cared about people. It had been a stunted, shrivelled sort of thing when Bakugou had started at UA. Now, five years later and two into actual hero work, it was like a tree in full bloom. Bakugou cared, in his own way.
His drive was unparalleled. Once Bakugou Katsuki set his mind on something, god, he was gonna get it. Eijirou didn’t doubt for a second that he’d snag the Number One Hero spot at some point in his career. Bakugou inspired Eijirou, he always had.
Bakugou was also absolutely, mind-bendingly smoking hot. Which, you know, that didn’t hurt Eijirou’s attraction to him one bit.
One of the things that Eijirou found most appealing about his friend was his sheer level of competency. In like, any situation. Eijirou would think that maybe they were stuck on something - in a hopeless situation, on an investigation, anything, really - and then Bakugou’s face would do the thing. He’d get one of his special thinky-faces on, the one that meant he was trying to remember something. Then his eyes - bright and shiny and the most gorgeous deep red - would widen slightly as he pulled on all the strings inside his head and found himself weaving up a thought.
Bakugou would bark out a laugh, one of Eijirou’s favourite Bakugou laughs because this one meant I’ve got it, we’ve won, and proceed to obliterate whatever their obstacle was. Bakugou had done a whole lot of things, somehow. He’d done ballet and acrobatics in addition to martial arts to shape his movements as he fought. He was musical. Origami swans had saved their necks twice, somehow, and Eijirou had nearly died for other reasons that one time Katsuki had had to teach him how to tango for that one undercover mission they’d gone on. Both of them had worn awful wigs. Eijirou remembered the mission fondly.
One thing that Bakugou Katsuki still wasn’t great at doing, however, was knowing when he was beaten. Kaminari often joked that Bakugou had no off-switch. He never stopped.
Not even when his leg was cut up from hip-to-calf and there were seven other heroes on the scene.
“Don’t make me call timeout on you, Zero,” Eijirou growled, holding onto Bakugou’s shoulder to stop him rushing after the villain that Eijirou was pretty sure Battle Fist had already smacked down into the ground. Bakugou tried to keep walking. “You’re bleeding. Like, badly.”
“They can stitch it later,” Bakugou said, eyes darting around.
Eijirou narrowed his own eyes. “Once you’ve passed out from blood loss, you mean?”
Bakugou glared at him and tried to shake Eijirou’s hand off his shoulder. “Don’t mother-hen me, Red.”
“Oh yeah,” Eijirou huffed, doubling down on his grip. “Because not wanting my partner to drop ‘cause he’s being stubborn is unreasonable.”
“Exactly,” Bakugou said, raising one hand. It was already popping a little. Was he going to try and blast Eijirou’s hand off of him? He ought to know that wouldn’t work by now.
Eijirou sighed. “Well, if you’re gonna act like a baby about it… It’s timeout time.”
Bakugou only had time to frown at him before Eijirou was scooping him up into a bridal-style lift. Bakugou squawked and let off a couple of bangs from his hands. They achieved exactly nothing.
“Let me go, you bastard!” Bakugou snapped. He wasn’t wriggling too much, though. His leg must have been really painful. Eijirou tried not to jostle it. “Put me down!”
“Nope!” Eijirou said, and he looked around to see if he could see any medical assistance. If not, well, the hospital wasn’t too far from here… Bakugou folded his arms over his chest and pouted. Good, he’d accepted his fate.
There were no medics set up around here, so Eijirou set off at a light jog towards the route to the hospital. He could feel warmth dripping down one of his arms and grimaced to himself. Bakugou really was losing blood, huh? He was lucky that the villain hadn’t caught one of his major blood vessels.
It didn’t take very long until the hospital was in sight, and Eijirou glanced down at Bakugou, who was staring fixedly at his own knees with a weird expression on his face.
“Hey man, you holding up?” Eijirou asked, wondering if Bakugou was in more pain than he’d thought or like, fainting or something. He shifted Bakugou’s weight in his arms a little.
Bakugou nodded, flushing pink? “Just get me to the docs already.”
“You got it, dude,” Eijirou said, jogging around the hospital building until he saw the sign for A&E. People moving outside the hospital caught sight of them and ogled. Man, they were probably both covered in blood, huh? This’d probably make the news.
It was worth it if Bakugou was okay, though. Eijirou was beginning to get worried - his friend had gone pale again, paler than he should be, and quiet, too. Quiet and Bakugou did not mix. He sped up a little and then all of a sudden he was at the desk in A&E.
“Uh,” Eijirou managed to get out, but the receptionist had seen them coming and a doctor was already rushing over.
“Over here, Red Riot,” the doctor said, showing Eijirou to a free bed. He laid Bakugou down on it as gently as he could. Nurses swarmed under the doctor’s direction, and before Eijirou knew what was going on, he was being bundled into a waiting room chair with a shock blanket and a mug of cocoa.
He texted Mina to go to his and Bakugou’s apartment to pick up some fresh clothes for them both as she had a spare key, and then he was just waiting. He offered himself as a blood donor - as an O-Neg he was a universal donor - but the doctors had deemed it unnecessary. They had plenty of blood for Bakugou to have. That was good. He thought that they had probably stitched him up by now, and maybe even used a medical quirk.
“Red Riot?”
Eijirou looked up. One of the nurses from earlier stood in front of him. “Oh, uh, hi! How’s Ground Zero doing?”
“Good,” said the nurse. “His injuries have been treated and he’s currently being given painkillers for it. He is currently asleep, but would you like to sit in with him?”
Eijirou glanced down at his soiled clothes. “Am I allowed, with all of this gunk on me?”
“His injuries have all been cleaned and dressed, so unless you try to remove any of them, I think you’ll be safe,” the nurse grinned. “Follow me.”
Eijirou did. He was led through a few different corridors and into a ward with individual rooms. The nurse pushed one door open and then there was Bakugou. He looked a lot cleaner and was a far better colour than he had been. Eijirou let out a sigh of relief and went to sit on one of the visitors’ chairs.
“Thanks,” he told the nurse, who smiled again and left the room after telling Eijirou to yell if anything was amiss.
Eijirou stared at Bakugou’s face. “You’re a fucking idiot.”
One of Bakugou’s eyes cracked open. “Yeah.”
“Huh,” Eijirou said. “No arguing with me any more? Those painkillers must be strong.”
“I’m so fuckin’ high right now,” Bakugou agreed. “Sorry.”
“Apologies, too? Man, I should keep some of this stuff and slip it to you the next time you get too grumpy.”
Bakugou grinned at him. “Nah, ya like me when I’m grumpy.”
Damn, well, that was true.
“Yeah, I do,” Eijirou said, and prodded Bakugou’s chest. “So stop ending up in here. This one’s gonna leave a real nasty scar.”
“Mmhmm,” Bakugou said, closing his eyes again. “Sooner I rest up, sooner I’ll be cleared to leave this fuckin’ place. So shut ya trap.”
“Charming,” Eijirou said with a snort.
“I know I am,” Bakugou mumbled. “Shut up.”
Eijirou patted Bakugou on the shoulder. “Yeah. I’ll be here when you wake up again, yeah?”
“Better fuckin’ be,” Bakugou said, and then his face dropped into the genuine relaxation of sleep.
Mina was a goddamn lifesaver. She had brought them their clothes, informed Bakugou that he was a moron for making everyone worry about him, and then swept herself off with no wriggling eyebrows or probing about Eijirou basically gluing himself to Bakugou’s side. She had also taken away their dirtied costumes ‘to be burned’.
The hospital staff had given Bakugou the A-Okay to head home (and rest his leg, which Eijirou was going to have to enforce, somehow). Now all they had to do was physically get out of the hospital.
That was easier said than done.
“I do not need a fuckin’ wheelchair,” Bakugou insisted, despite the fact he wasn’t really supposed to walk in case his stitches ripped. He had woken up on the wrong side of everything, let alone the bed, and now that they’d taken him off the strong painkillers the reality of his injury had settled in.
Eijirou was losing his patience with his friend. “Stop swearing at the staff, Bakugou.”
“I do whatever I damn well please,” Bakugou spat, glowering. “Fucking antibiotics, feel like shit. I’m allowed to cuss, I’m an adult.”
“It’s not professional, man,” Eijirou said. “What if a kid in the hospital hears you? They’re gonna repeat what Ground Zero says.”
“It’s education.”
Eijirou’s mouth threatened to twitch up. No! He wasn’t amused!
“Dude,” said Eijirou. “You suck.”
Bakugou scowled at him. “You wish.”
Eijirou took a moment for himself to scream internally. Being head over heels for this man was incredibly testing at times. He had a suspicion that Bakugou knew, from comments like that, but he could never be sure. Eijirou pinched the bridge of his nose. “Are you going to get into the chair? Or are you hoping that you’ll start spontaneously levitating?”
“I just don’t want the press to get me in one of those things,” Bakugou said, pouting to the side.
“There’s literally nothing wrong with being in a wheelchair, Bakugou,” Eijirou said.
Bakugou scoffed. “Of course not! But the tabloids’ll overreact and make out like I’m dying or I’ve lost my leg or some stupid shit like that. It’ll affect the rankings.”
Eijirou sighed. Bakugou narrowed his eyes and Eijirou held up his hands. “I get it, bro, the world is stupid. They probably already got me carrying you in here covered in blood, though. I could carry you back out again?”
“And do what, carry me the whole way home?” Bakugou snapped.
“Sure, why not?” Eijirou shrugged. “If it gets you out of the hospital.”
Bakugou glared at him. “Why n- We live three fuckin’ miles away, dipshit!”
Bakugou blinked. “And that’s a fuckin’ long way to go if you’re lugging someone along with you.”
“Not really, ‘cause I’m like,” Eijirou paused to reorganise his words. “I’ve definitely carried more than you for further before.”
“Excuse me,” said one of the nurses. “So will you be using the wheelchair or not?”
“Not,” Bakugou said.
Oh, wait, so the carrying thing wasn’t hypothetical. Okay.
“Alright, let’s go then,” Eijirou said, walking over to where Bakugou was sitting with his legs dangling over the side of the hospital bed, signed discharge papers in his hand ready to give to reception. Eijirou tried to pretend that his heart wasn’t thundering in his chest. He failed.
No use agonising over it! Eijirou scooped Bakugou up. Bakugou slung one of his arms around Eijirou’s neck - for balance, probably - and lay the other with the discharge papers over his lap.
“You good?” Eijirou asked. Bakugou nodded. “I’m not grabbing your cut, right?”
Bakugou shook his head.
“Comfy?” Eijirou asked. Bakugou nodded. Okay, that was weird, he’d gone quiet. And slightly red. Was that like, a symptom of something, or? “Cat got ya tongue, man?”
Bakugou went pale, and then red again, almost like some kind of squid thing that Eijirou had seen on a wildlife documentary once.
“Just go already,” Bakugou muttered, scowling at the papers he was holding.
“Alright,” Eijirou said, thanking the nurse and striding from the room.
“Home, sweet home,” Eijirou said, setting Bakugou down for the first time since they’d left the hospital. They weren’t quite in yet, but Eijirou did sort of need to unlock the door. He kept ahold of Bakugou’s arm to make sure he stood in one place, and then the door was open and he was picking Bakugou up again.
So what if he was enjoying all this extra contact? Sue him.
“Sofa or bed, Bakugou?” Eijirou asked, and Bakugou jumped slightly in his arms. He’d have his Thinking Really Hard face on all the way home and had barely said a word.
“Sofa,” Bakugou said. Eijirou set him down and Bakugou leant back into the cushions with his Thoughtful Scowl on again.
Eijirou sat next to him, breathing out a sigh of relief that they were finally home and mostly back in one piece after the fight today. Eijirou had dealt with knife quirks before - on his hero debut, even! - but while his quirk protected him from the worst of any sharp things, it meant that he no longer really got aimed at and it was harder for him to take hits.
Man, if the knife villain had gotten Eijirou? He’d’ve come away from the battle totally unharmed and desperately seeking a new pair of trousers or something. But no. The villain had got his best friend instead, and now everything was going to be a hassle for a while. Patrols without Bakugou didn’t suck, but they did get a little dull, and Eijirou would always be worrying that Bakugou had fallen over or something and injured himself more without anyone around to help him.
“You wanna get take out tonight?” Eijirou asked. He was gonna order it anyway because he didn’t want to cook and he wasn’t gonna let Bakugou do it. Bakugou grunted - probably in agreement - and Eijirou realised that he was still on his no-talking thing. “Dude, what’s up?”
Bakugou levelled a glare at him. “Take a wild guess.”
“Nuh uh, that ain’t gonna fly,” Eijirou said. “You’re moping, or something. Injuries make you angry. You get louder. Not whatever this is.”
“The fuck do you know?” Bakugou grumbled. Eijirou reached out and whacked Bakugou’s shoulder lightly.
“I know you, man,” Eijirou said.
“Ugh,” Bakugou said. “I guess you do.”
He was still looking at Eijirou, expression shifting and shifting so quickly that Eijirou couldn’t keep up. Bakugou’s thoughts must have been racing - and for such a quick-thinking guy that speed must be intense.
“You don’t have to say anything,” Eijirou said, launching into his usual get-Bakugou-to-open-up-about-things spiel. “But I’m here for ya, Bakugou.”
“Yeah, you are,” Bakugou said, face moving into a frown. Huh? “Why?”
“Why are you here?” Bakugou asked. “Why do you want to be here?”
Well, this was not exactly the conversation Eijirou had envisioned having… Like, ever. “You’re my best frien-”
“That’s not what I meant, Kirishima,”Bakugou growled, cutting Eijirou off with a glare. What, was Eijirou not giving the right answer to his vague and nebulous question? “It- Ugh. What do you want from me?”
Eijirou blinked. “What? Nothing.”
“No, there isn’t nothing,” Bakugou snapped. Huh? Eijirou didn’t understand what Bakugou was saying. Was this just from all the pain meds, even if the loopy ones weren’t being used any more? Did Bakugou think that Eijirou was only hanging out with him for… For what? Personal gain? What would that even be? Years of friendship (and feelings) down the line and Bakugou thought this? Bakugou clacked his teeth together and frowned harder. “Stop- Stop thinking whatever you’re thinking.”
“No, fuck, let me just,” Bakugou grimaced, looking off to the side. Oh, this was some weird feelings thing, wasn’t it? No wonder Bakugou wasn’t making any sense. Eijirou still felt tense, but not quite as alarmed. “You carried me home for three fucking miles, Kirishima! What do I- How the hell am I supposed to- Ugh!”
Oh, Eijirou thought he could see the picture of things, now. “You don’t need to give anything back to me for that, Bakugou! It’d be selfish to ask for you to repay me for something I volunteered to do!”
“Well, maybe you should be,” Bakugou said. Eijirou tilted his head. Bakugou glanced at him and away again. “Be selfish, I mean! You’re always fucking giving. Giving and giving and never taking a single thing back for yourself and it drives me up the fucking wall!”
Eijirou shook his head. “There’s nothing I need from anyone that I don’t already have.”
“What about what you want,” Bakugou said. He fixed Eijirou with his stare again and something in his expression made Eijirou’s stomach do somersaults. “Is there anything you want from me that I could give you?”
Eijirou met Bakugou’s burning gaze.
Everything, his brain supplied.
Bakugou’s eyes widened slightly, and Eijirou realised that he’d said the word aloud. Before he could even think about being horrified, Bakugou’s scowl slipped from his face. It was replaced by a triumphant grin.
“Oh thank fuck you finally said it,” Bakugou said, leaning over into Eijirou’s space. Eijirou could feel his whole face burning. “‘Cause if I never got the chance to tell you how god damned hot it is that you can carry me in your arms for three fucking miles without even breaking a sweat, I think I would’ve died.”
Eijirou couldn’t provide a response to that. His lips were occupied, all of a sudden. With Bakugou. Because Bakugou was kissing him, and kind of insistently. Eijirou allowed himself a few more moments to be utterly confused, and then he wrapped his arms around Bakugou and kissed him back with just as much enthusiasm as Bakugou was putting in.
“That’s a little dramatic,” Eijirou said, when they parted to breathe.
Bakugou snorted. “You know who you’re dealing with.”
“Mmhm,” Eijirou said, kissing Bakugou again and finding himself delighted by the way he reacted. When had Bakugou crawled into his lap? “Uh… We should probably talk about this.”
“I’m fuckin’ crazy about you. We’re dating now. That enough talkin’ for ya?”
Probably not, but- Bakugou kissed him again. And again. And again. Eijirou laughed into the kisses, and began to run his hands down Bakugou’s sides. “Wait, um. So does this make you my boyfriend, Katsuki?“
“Fuck, yes,” Bakugou said. Or should it just be Katsuki now? Yeah, Eijirou liked the sound of that. “You- Ow! Watch it!”
Eijirou winced, pulling his hand away from Katsuki’s hip. “Oops! I forgot! Are you okay?”
“Dumbass,” Katsuki said, but fondly.
“For the record, I’m crazy about you, too,” Eijirou said, taking advantage of the lull to speak. “I’ve been kind of head over heels for you since school.“
“I know,” Katsuki said. Oh.
“Wait,” Eijirou raised an eyebrow. “You knew? Like, since when?”
Katsuki rolled his eyes. “Since forever. You’re not subtle.”
Eijirou blinked. “What? Then- Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I dunno,” Katsuki said, pulling himself back to lay against the sofa cushions again. “I was confused about it for a long-ass while.”
“So, you’re not confused any more?” Eijirou asked. It didn’t really need to be asked, given the way that Katsuki had kissed him just now, but Eijirou wanted everything out in the open.
“No,” Katsuki lifted his good leg and prodded Eijirou’s chest with his foot. “I’ve been flirting with you for like, a fuckin’ year now. Thought it’d finally spur you to action but noooo, you have to be all self-depreciating and second-guessing shit all the time.”
“A year?” Eijirou said, feeling his mouth fall open. His brain scanned through all of their recent interactions - there was a lot to sift through. Oh, that explained a few things. Eijirou put a hand over his face. “God, I’m an idiot.”
“Yeah,” Katsuki said. He beckoned Eijirou over with a finger. “But you’re my idiot now, so come here.”
Eijirou crawled over him, mindful of Katsuki’s injured leg. Katsuki hooked his arms around Eijirou’s neck and drew him into a languid kiss.
“I love you,” Eijirou said, feeling a shiver down his spine as the words left his mouth. Wait, fuck, it was too soon for that and Katsuki was probably going to-
“Holy shit,” Katsuki said, turning bright red. “Fuck- Fucking warn a guy if you’re gonna say something that sappy!”
“I’m sorry, I, uh-”
Katsuki slammed a hand over Eijirou’s mouth. “Don’t you fucking dare take it back, Eijirou.”
Oh, Eijirou thought. That was the first time he used my given name.
“I,” Katsuki swallowed, his flushed face darkening further. “I love you too.”
The shiver that followed Katsuki’s statement dwarfed any he’d experienced previously. It felt like his soul was on fire. Eijirou didn’t know how to respond, so he kissed Katsuki again.
“I love you,” he said, pressing his lips to Katsuki’s jaw. “I love you,” he said, kissing Katsuki’s cheek. He continued, saying those three words over and over and peppering kisses all over Katsuki’s face. “I love you. I love you. I love you.”
Katsuki grinned, happier than Eijirou had ever seen. He could feel Katsuki’s fingers running through his hair at the back of his head. “Fuck, I love you. So fucking much.”
Eijirou pressed their foreheads together.
“Katsuki,” Eijirou said, but not for any particular reason. He just wanted to say Katsuki’s name.
“Eijirou,” Katsuki echoed. “We still have to order food.”
“Oh, right!” Eijirou sat up.”Whaddya want?”
Eijirou flushed. “Babe. Er, can I call you that?“
“Fuck, call me whatever you want,” Katsuki said, matching the shade of Eijirou’s face. “Curry?”
“Curry it is!” Eijirou said, climbing off of Katsuki and the sofa and making his way over to the phone to call their usual place. He rattled off their order, maybe a little quicker than usual. Once it was confirmed, he put the phone down and turned to stare at Katsuki.
Katsuki looked back at him. Eijirou didn’t think he’d looked away, and that was just. It was something. Eijirou’s stomach flipped and flopped. Katsuki patted the space next to him on the sofa and Eijirou made his way back over. No sooner had he sat down, than Katsuki’s arm circled his waist and pulled him close. Katsuki buried his face into Eijirou’s shoulder, and Eijirou echoed his hum.
“Wish you’d wised up sooner,” Bakugou said, voice slightly muffled. “Coulda been doing this for fuckin’ ages.”
“Well, we can do it now, and as much as we want,” Eijirou said, twisting to press a kiss into Katsuki’s hair.
“Mm,” Katsuki mumbled, pushing his face down harder. “Wanna post something mushy on social media?”
“Shouldn’t we run it by the PR team, first?” Eijirou asked.
Katsuki looked up at him. “Fuck that. Tell the world you’re in love with me already.“
Eijirou grinned, because he did.
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trashyeggroll · 4 years
2, 15, 29, 36, 40, 63, 64, 66, 76 (can be any system not just PC), 81, 94, and 96. Why are you adding banking to the Post Office? Who's the nominee at this point without Joe; I'm not a fan of him just being the nod either but admit now I'll vote because I'm not into the behavior we've seen.
Hey rhanks anon!! 😇🤩😁
2. Have you ever faked an orgasm?
Oh heavens yes, but I don’t recommend it. You teach people bad habits that way and then you’re never gonna get off!
15. If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be?
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Specifically, beef pho with meatballs (phở tái bò viên)
29. Dumbest lie you ever told?
🤔🤔🤔 I’ve told a lot of bad ones but I guess once I told my parents I went to a football game (& went to make out in my gf’s Jeep instead) and I misunderstood what my friend reporting back said, so I said we lost when they were watching a news clip saying we won 🤪
36. What would you name your daughter/son?
We plan on having one (1) kid, and regardless of sex assigned at birth, their name is gonna be Emerson. We have to hurry bc my cousins are coming close, they’ve already had kids named Eleanor and Evelyn.
40. What was the last gift you gave?
For our upcoming anniversary, I got us one of those WiFi connected, standalone air filters that mrs t has wanted for awhile (given, y’know... five pets!)
63. What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex?
64. What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex?
I’ma combo these to reject the premise of a same/opposite sex to me, personally, and because I generally am irritated by the same root behaviors that reflect in different ways depending on socialization—
1. When the cishets get married and all of a sudden are very 😇 I am a GOD FEARING woman and OBEY MY HUSBAND (& worse when the husband is posting that shit about his wife)
2. People who act like having a kid is nbd and they don’t need to do any research or planning into doing a halfway decent job. I’m not talking about those who struggle with other oppressive issues like poverty, addiction etc, and I’m not saying you need to have access to classes and books and the best preschools—just, the baseline solidly stable people who seem so committed to passing on the emotionally abusive behaviors they learned from their parents w/o ever questioning it
3. Denim jeans with designs on the butt. I disagree with the lifestyle, but I’ll respect it if you’re into that 😉
66. How would you describe your bad side?
I’m a shutdown-er. Usually if I haven’t been sleeping enough or been bad with my meds, something smallish will set me off and I’ll spiral emotions and then just pull the failsafe switch when it gets too much. 😕 I’m working on it! Helps to practice identifying what’s caused the spiral and talk about it. Also to sleep 😴
76. Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game? (anon said any system!)
I have Xbox, PlayStation, and Switch systems, no gaming PC, but that spread pretty much covers everything 😌 The Mass Effect games are my all time faves but I also love Witcher 3 and RDR2!
81. How long have you been on Tumblr?
I have a secret trail of abandoned blogs going back to about 2009
94. Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber?
Not really, not the way the kids watch YouTube, and I don’t know if he counts but—
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96. What is the meaning of life?
I’m not religious and not even really that spiritual but have you ever sat around with a big group of people who love and support each other unconditionally, family or friends or comrades?
Why are you adding banking to the Post Office?
The unbanked and credit invisible population of the United States are shut out of services and access to funds for absolutely arbitrary reasons, and there’s no social safety net for that. There’s no way, other than money and time, for most people to enter the US financial system, much less begin to build wealth in the first place.
The USPS already has the physical presence throughout the United States to serve poor and unbanked people as a banking branch, and with government backing, they should offer zero fee, no credit check required checking accounts to everyone.
More on this here
Who’s the nominee right now without Joe?
Pie in the sky: Can I get, uhhhh, President Stacey Abrams, VPOTUS Julian Castro, Secretary of Treasury Warren, Secretary of Housing and Urban Devepment AOC
Reality: How about Joe drops out and either encourages the delegates to vote for his next choice, or for the 1st/2nd place from their state? I don’t think there’s a winning way to do this but Joe needs to Go. I’m sick of talking about Bidens and Clintons and if we had any real leadership in the “established” wing of the Democratic Party, he never would have run in the first place. Just different flavors of the same old rich white people in both parties and trying real hard to kill us all
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Bohemian Rhapsody - Ben Hardy/ Roger Taylor fic [Chapter 6]
A/N: I did not go writing this referencing by the years but mostly the events that had happened in Queen and the movie, Bohemian Rhapsody not in a particular order. I hope you enjoy as much as I enjoyed writing it.
INTRODUCTION: Roger Taylor, the famous drummer of Queen won a lot of hearts as he performed several gigs along with his bandmates, Freddie, Brian and John. His playboy self slowly vanishing as he meets the girl of his dreams but what happens when their dreams after marriage takes a toll with fame and publicity?
Chapter Six:
"Off we go to the next show!!" John says. Jude joining him with the excitement as she kept throwing her hands up and laughing making it hard for Roger to put on her shoe that fell off. I giggle with the expression on his face which caught his attention. "Y/n, it's not funny. Could you get this shoe on." He says giving up.
We reach the venue and I held Jude as they took all the instruments out. Several fans had crowded around the area. A few camera flashes here and there combined with the screams of our names. I covered Jude's face as I kept her over my shoulder. She was only a a couple of months old and we all decided to keep her out of the press and the screaming.
"John, could you take Y/n and Jude inside." Roger says as he had more instruments to carry around. Nodding his head John walked towards us and followed us inside.
"I like this changing room better." I say enjoying the big mirrors and the colourful clothe racks. "Remember that box you got last night?" John asks. "Ah yes. I forgot about it." I say. "Here. Open it before Roger comes." He says in a hurry. John took Jude as I begin to open the small box. "Oh my gosh. This is so cute!!" I say holding a mini denim jacket shirt and little drumsticks. A favourite outfit I put Roger in once for a show. "You should make Roger wear that outfit." He says. "Aw yes. Thank you John." I say giving him a hug. I hid the outfit behind as I hear the boys enter the room. "What you got behind you, darling?" Freddie asks. "Where's Roger?" I ask. "He's fixing the drums." Brian says. "Oh. Look what John got Jude!!" I say excitedly holding up the outfit for them to see. "That is so cute. Put Roger in that too." Brian says. I quickly hide the outfit as we hear Roger outside.
"Why are you all so quiet?" He asks confused. "We were thinking of what to put on a ham sandwich." John says making all of us look at him. With the awkward quietness Jude lets out a laugh making us laugh with her.
"Honey, can I pick an outfit for tonight?" I ask. "Sure. It's that denim shirt. Isn't it?" He asks. I frown. He giggles before kissing my forehead and walking to the clothes rack.
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"You really love this outfit on me, love." He says. "Always." I say fixing his collar and leaving a kiss on his lips. "Um, love, one more thing. Can I bring Jude on stage tonight?" He asks with doubt. "Sure." I say. "Wait, really?" He asks surprised with my quick response. "I guess one time wouldn't hurt." I say.
"So you'll bring her at the end of the show?" He asks turning back to face me as he walked behind the other boys. "We'll watch from the side after she gets her nap." I say. "Alright."
I get Jude all ready in her matching outfit with Roger and walk towards the side of the stage. Jude laughed loudly clapping her hands and gaining attention from the people around who just smiled at us. I stand by the stage and look at them playing their songs to the huge crowd. A flash went on from my right gaining my attention of the bands photographer. He showed a polaroid of Roger's expression to seeing Jude in his outfit and her arms waving at him.
"There's a new drummer in Queen. Well, backup drummer maybe." Freddie says speaking into the microphone making Jude even laugh more. Freddie looked towards Roger as a sign it was time to bring Jude on stage. Roger came down the small steps smiling widely.
"Ohmygosh! She even have got tiny drumsticks!" He says excited as Jude put her arms out for him to carry her. Leaving a quick kiss on my lips he carries Jude up the stage. "Our new drummer is very hyper today." Freddie adds as Roger took her to the drums as she hit it with her small drumsticks and that was the beginning of their song, We Will Rock You.
"Jude, love, why are you so hyper today?" Roger asks as he struggled to carry her. "Maybe she's getting excited for the add on shows." Brian says making Roger's eyes go wide. "More shows?" I ask. As much as I've loved being on tour with them with Jude it was not that easy. "Y/n!! I think Jude's hungry." Roger says trying to change the subject. "She just wants to walk." I say. Jude can't properly walk on her own balancing herself but lately she has been wanting to walk holding my hand. "Um, I'm gonna go get the drumsticks." He says leaving. I walk towards their changing room as they all were having a drink from performing. "There's Queen's little drummer." Brian says raising a glass which made Jude giggle at him. I sat on the sofa as Jude stood leaning on the sofa. "How long are those shows going to last?" I ask. "In a few months." John says. "Another month I guess but Jim said something about stopping at London." Brian says. I wanted them to have a break but I also wanted them to be free for Jude's first birthday next month.
"You alright, dear?" Brian asks as I got too quiet. "Yeah. I'm alright." I say. "When did you know about the extra shows?" I ask. They look at me confused for a moment. "Um, a week ago." John says. I nod with a smile.
"We'll head to London first for an interview and start with the add on shows. They are not far from London." Jim says standing by the doorway. I spot Roger behind him with a nervous look. "I suppose that's enough time." John says slightly nodding his head. "Jude, you want to go outside and walk?" I ask as Jude had her head resting on the sofa. I walk pass Roger out of the door as the cold wind gives me a shiver. "It's about to rain." I hear Roger say. Him being the overprotective person drags both of us inside.
We walk back into the room and Jude begins to whine rubbing her eyes. "She's tired. You're tired." Roger says making me sit at the end of the sofa. He kept Jude on his chest, caressing her back. Nobody talked about the extra shows or the album.
"We got one more day here. Should we go somewhere?" John asks still full of energy. The others groaned. "We'll only know tomorrow." Brian says putting his guitar case in the van. I had Jude sleeping on my shoulder.
We all reach the hotel and took our separate ways to our rooms. "Y/n, are you mad at me?" Rogers asks after I put Jude. I shake my head no. I wasn't mad him but I was sad knowing that he wont be their to celebrate occasions together. "What's troubling you? The shows?" He asks. "Maybe." I say unsure of my answer. "You don't want to join us?" He asks. "No it's not that." I say. "It's nothing. Let's get some sleep."
[Tag list: @rogerbuttersmyeggroll @hayley8089]
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heckingowlsman · 5 years
Awnser 21, tag 21
Well @petitprincess1 and @emile-hides tagged me so I guess I'll do this now :0
1. Nicknames: Max, Maximum overdrive (by my siblings), idiot (also by siblings) and I guess just random words my siblings yell at me
2. Zodiac sign: Leo
3. Height: 166 cm, I think that's like 5'5??
4. Hogwarts house: Probably Hufflepuff
5. Last thing I googled: Google translate (I forgot how to say a word in Swedish even though it's my native language)
6. Favorite musicians: Hhh I don't know, I don't really listen to one person more. I listen to most things :0 though I've been listening to a lot of 1930s music recently for some reason so I don't really know
7. Song stuck in my head: Hhhh "so much better" from the legally blonde musical cause my brain loves musicals
8. How many blogs am I following: 56 it's not that many cause I haven't been on here for that long
9. How many followers do I have: 36 on here :) 121 on @realtoasted and 11 on @realtoasteocs
10. Do I get asks: Sometimes but not that often, feel free to send some in though if you ever want to :)
11. Amount of sleep: My sleeping has been kinda wacky for a few years now so I usually get around 5 or 6 hours of sleep per night if I take my sleeping pills, if I don't well then I don't fall asleep ; v; So usually I fall asleep around 2 or 3 am and wake up at like 7, 8 or 9 am
12. Lucky number: I don't know I've never really had a specific number, though at an amusement park once on one of those lottery wheels I won a really big chocolate bar on number 10 I think? So maybe that?? (I don't know if y'all have those wheels anywhere else so it might sound weird)
13. What I'm wearing: A black tank top with a purple flannel cardigan thing over. And black shorts
14. Dream job: Hhhhm I don't know, maybe like a game graphic designer or like animator, if not those I guess like working with kids somehow?? Like you know those teachers that help kids who need more attention maybe??? I don't know what it's called
15. Dream trip: well it's to go to Washington Dc again so I don't know if it counts. But I really want to go there cause my aunt, her husband and my cousins live there and they're some of my favourite people ever. I get really happy just thinking about them!! And my mom might fly there with me sometime next year!! So if anyone is around there and wants to like hug me like at some very public area (cause I'm scared of being murdered), then hit me up :)
16. Favorite food: Hhhhmmm strawberries and peach yoghurt... I don't know why I just really love em
17. Instruments: I can't play any but ukulele are cool so I might try to learn it someday!!
18. Languages: Swedish, English and like 5 words in German
19. Favorite song: HhhHHh I don't know I like a lot of songs but I guess uuuh a lot of set it off songs, hhh also a bunch of 1930s songs right now. It changes a lot but thats probably it right now if I didn't forget anyone
20. Random fact: ok buckle up friends cause I've got a lot of weird stories so if any of you are interested in hearing more of them then send in an ask or message me I guess. So here's a child friendly one.
For Halloween of 2018 we were carving pumpkins and we like to get creative and try to just me the heck out of em so I was like I'm gonna make Gru.
And so my dad printed out a picture of Gru in as much of a profile view as we could find in the 2 minutes we googled and gave it to me as a reference picture and so I made a Gru pumpkin.
But we did not throw him away. Me and my sister (who was carving pumpkins with me, she just stabbed hers randomly) we taped Gru to the inside of my closet, and there he stayed for like 2 months.
But then one morning I woke up and I heard my brother and my sister talking in the hallway next to my room. And my sister said something about Gru being strong I think and so I shot out of my bed. Ripped him out of my closet, sprinted into the hallway and slapped him onto my brothers walk in closet door.
He's still there to this day
21. Asthetic: OOooO there's so many. I guess goth sometimes, really bright stuff sometimes, and a lot of flowers and stars I guess
Now time to tag people??? The awnser to that is no because Lee and Emile already did this and they tagged the people I was thinking about already and I don't want to crowd their notifications :)
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And here's Gru. Sorry the last pic is really bad quality it's 1 am and my family is asleep so I don't want to wake them up by turning on the ceiling light :0
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attanos · 6 years
laurie i'm not gonna pretend having any chill....4, 8, 10, 15, 20, 26 for santi and riley
uhhhhhh yeah i’m about to go feral 
4. Favorite non-sexual activity?
they’re both pretty lowkey people so honestly just chilling out at either of their places and watching shitty movies or tv shows is one of their favourite ways to spend their time. 
there’s also their semi-regular camping trips. like let’s be real they probably have a ‘spot’ as this point and unironically do all the cheesy camping stuff. horror stories around the camp fire and stargazing included. 
(honorable mention to cryptid hunting with boomer)
8. Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
well, santi, obviously. 
riley uses babe in a pretty platonic way like even before they’re dating she’d call him that but it definitely carries over into the relationship. baby is way more rare for her to use and she either has to be half asleep or fully in her feels to use it. also old man because riley loves to milk every single inch of their four year age gap.
i feel like santi has a collection of sickeningly sweet and stupid nicknames for the sole purpose of embarrassing riley. ( “hey pumpkin” / “i’ll kill you with my bare hands” ) but also he calls her riles once without noticing when he’s tryna get her attention and she knows it’s stupid but her heart does a fucking summersault. 
10. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
riley’s got a stupid good memory and also knows santi’s weird taste in food to a t. but they’ve honestly eaten out so much together and always get the same stuff so either of them. 
15. Who wakes up first?
they’ve both got weird sleep schedules because of work but riley is a freak who gets up with the sun to work out and stuff so she’s up first but it’s way harder when santi sleeps over because he’s warm and a cuddler and really cute asleep so it’s a fucking trial to drag herself out of bed and not just go back to sleep with him. 
she’s a real fool so sometimes she’ll just lay there and watch him sleep for a little bit and play with his hair and just honestly let herself think about how much she loves him and how happy she is that she got over her own stupid issues to give them a shot because she can’t imagine not being with him. 
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
most everyone’s reaction when riley and santi tell them they’re dating is something along the lines of ‘jesus took y’all long enough, huh?’ half of hope county was in on a betting pool on when they’d finally get their shit together. (pratt won) 
but honestly their friends and family can see how much they care about each other and how happy they make each other and even before they were dating they were living out of each others pockets so everyone is used to the two of them by the time they do start dating. 
riley’s grandma fucking loves santi. she thinks he’s incredibly handsome and funny and loves how clearly happy he makes riley (her fave grandchild lmao). 
26. What would be their theme song?
the only exception - paramore 
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wooksbazooks · 7 years
Hey hello good morning it's torture time. Can you Please answer all 100 questions because except for paying you back because you made me answer all of them, I'm also kinda curious about my Favourite Weeg. Thanks. Have fun.
Hello hi good evening thanks for the torture (no it’s fine I’m sure I’ll have fun)
1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?Spotify! I didn’t even know a music service called Pandora existed.2. Is your room messy or clean?Clean?? Kinda clean. Halfway between messy and clean.3. What color are your eyes?I’m gonna say greyish green.4. Do you like your name? Why?Yes, I like that it’s short and?? A little unusual maybe?? Also a few restaurants and other businesses share my name so I can make the dumb ‘haha that’s mine’-joke.5. What is your relationship status? Single.6. Describe your personality in 3 words or less.Buncha question marks7. What color hair do you have?It’s brown!8. What kind of car do you drive? Color?The non-existing, colorless kind
9. Where do you shop?Once every 49583 months you can see a cryptid (me) sneaking through the city, leaving with only H&M clothes probably10. How would you describe your style?As in clothes? Basic with like some things that are a little different and colorful I guess??11. Favorite social media accountThis account here on Tumblr is the only one I have left, I think.12. What size bed do you have?Just a regular-sized bed for one person.13. Any siblings?No!14. If you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? Why?I like living in Europe but?? In a country with a little more nature would be cool?? That would be Austria or Sweden or something right. That sounds pretty good.15. Favorite snapchat filter?From those I’ve seen, I like the ones that put little flower things and such around people’s heads. Those look nice.16. Favorite makeup brand(s)I don’t know any oops17. How many times a week do you shower?Three or four times probably18. Favorite tv show?Wie is de Mol? is a favorite!19. Shoe size?39 or 4020. How tall are you?I’m about?? 1,78 metres I think??21. Sandals or sneakers?Sneakers, though I’ve worn sandals a lot too when I was younger.22. Do you go to the gym?No, though I applaud the people who do.23. Describe your dream dateWachting movies?? Watching movies probably24. How much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?Ten euros, I think.25. What color socks are you wearing?They’re grey!26. How many pillows do you sleep with?Just one.27. Do you have a job? What do you do?No, I’m focussing on studying right now.28. How many friends do you have? I don’t know dude. I think about six Friends?? Of the Good ones, that is.29. Whats the worst thing you have ever done?I once kicked the leg of someone I was angry at for no real reason and I have Regrets30. Whats your favorite candle scent?I like the smell of citrus so maybe that?? Or like. the orange with the little thingies stuck in it, that scent.31. 3 favorite boy namesI never thought about this help uh.. Benjamin sounds nice?? Jax and Alex too.32. 3 favorite girl namesAlex again?? Luna?? And all those like. Long but graceful-sounding names those are Real Good too.33. Favorite actor?No idea, Chris Pratt maybe?? He seems like a cool guy.34. Favorite actress? I don’t know enough famous people for these things. Ellen Page seems cool as well??35. Who is your celebrity crush?I don’t have one.36. Favorite movie?Not ag a i n why I can’t choose or list all of them nowSome of them are the Guardians of the Gaxly movies, the Back to the Future movies, the first Captain America,  Star Wars and Star Trek, The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared, The (Second) Best Marigold Hotel and I could probably could go on but this is a Decent list right37. Do you read a lot? Whats your favorite book? I used to read A Lot more than I do now which is?? A shame really?? Because I like reading quite a lot. Some of my favorite books are The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy, The Martian and The Rest Of Us Just Live Here!!38. Money or brains?Brains probably?? Though it would depend on how much money and how much brains you’d have to trade for it.39. Do you have a nickname? What is it?Yes! Luku in text-based things and Lucie (Lookee) in spoken things.
40. How many times have you been to the hospital?Not a lot for myself, actually. Maybe?? Once or twice??41. Top 10 favorite songsI can’t dude I can’t but the songs I have on repeat a lot lately are Charger by Gorillaz, Girls by The 1975 and Short Skirt / Jong Jacket by Cake.42. Do you take any medications daily?No.43. What is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)Oily, my dude.44. What is your biggest fear? The death45. How many kids do you want? None, as of now. I honestly don’t know if that’ll change in the future but who knows.46. Whats your go to hair style?It used to be a really tight ponytail that looked Bad in hindsight so now it’s loose with maybe the irritating, fall-in-front-of-my-face part of my hair tucked behind an ear.47. What type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) I think it’s somewhere between medium and big??48. Who is your role model? I’m not sure if I have one. There’s not really someone that comes to mind.49. What was the last compliment you received?I got a text today from someone saying that I was good in reading German articles and answering questions about them because they wanted to know my Secret™ (which I don’t. have, sorry bud)50. What was the last text you sent?‘I’m on the bus’
51. How old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?I never believed in Santa Claus because he isn’t really?? A Thing here?? Or at least in my family. Sinterklaar though, I found out he didn’t exist durig my last year in kindergarden, I think. I must’ve been?? Nine or ten??52. What is your dream car? Those cars that are modified to have a bed in the back for travelling.53. Opinion on smoking?A bad habit that I don’t want to take up but?? Yeah. There are worse things, I guess??54. Do you go to college?Soon™55. What is your dream job? I have no idea. If I can enjoy doing it for as long as I have to or maybe even longer, I’m good.56. Would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?Both are fine, but the suburbs would be a nice change of pace for a while, I think??57. Do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? I haven’t, but I recently learned that it’s expected and okay, and now I might if I stay at a hotel again.58. Do you have freckles? Maybe a few yeah.59. Do you smile for pictures?Yes, when I’m aware a picture is taken.60. How many pictures do you have on your phone?2290, apparently. That’s.. A lot more than I remember being there.61. Have you ever peed in the woods?Probably yeah62. Do you still watch cartoons? Not really, but that’s because I don’t really watch television-things anymore besides movies and some television series and not because I don’t like them.63. Do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?I’ve never had chicken nuggets from Wendy’s, so I can’t really give a preference.64. Favorite dipping sauce? Is mayonnaise a dipping sauce65. What do you wear to bed? PJ pants and a big T-shirt, most of the time.66. Have you ever won a spelling bee?No, and I don’t think those are a Thing here. 67. What are your hobbies?Staring at various things on my computer screen, writing a little, watching movies, reading?? Photography when I’m at a Special Place™ or on vacation is nice too.68. Can you draw? To some extent, yes! It’s pretty fun.69. Do you play an instrument?My beautiful voice of course those sweet sweet vocal cords. No, I can’t play any instruments, but I do sing along to songs badly when I’m feeling it.70. What was the last concert you saw? Some free concert my parents wanted to go to, I can’t remember the name.71. Tea or coffee?Tea!72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?I’ve never tasted coffee before and never had anything from Dunkin Donuts but. the white chocolate milk from Starbucks is Pretty Good so my vote would go to them.73. Do you want to get married?No, not really.74. What is your crush’s first and last initial?Blank spaces, my dude75. Are you going to change your last name when you get married? If I’ll ever get married, I would like to keep my last name, actually.76. What color looks best on you?I don’t know, cold colors I think??77. Do you miss anyone right now? Yeah, I miss some friends.78. Do you sleep with your door open or closed?My door is closed when I’m sleeping or pretending to sleep when I’m in fact listening to music in bed or something.79. Do you believe in ghosts?No, not really.80. What is your biggest pet peeve? When people keep asking question and you Know they’re trying to get you to say a specific thing so they think is true.81. Last person you called?My mom!82. Favorite ice cream flavor? Cookie, yoghurt and the?? Reddish?? Berry flavor are All good.83. Regular oreos or golden oreos? Okay so golden oreos look like?? Normal cookies with the oreo filling?? They look pretty tasty, but I’d have to go with the regular oreos.84. Chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Chocolate!85. What shirt are you wearing? A white shirt that says ‘I love cupcakes ;)’. I can’t remember when I got it and why that text is on it.86. What is your phone background?It’s a picture of my dog being a goof. I love him87. Are you outgoing or shy?Shy, out of those two. I’m kinda?? Silent around people I don’t know that well??88. Do you like it when people play with your hair?I don’t?? I don’t know. Maybe??89. Do you like your neighbors? There’s a house on each side of mine and the people on the right are nice and I like them, but the person on the left is an ass.90. Do you wash your face? At night? In the morning?I should wash it in the morning and evening, but I forget about it A Lot, so it’s mostly just whenever I remember or feel that my face is oily.91. Have you ever been high? No.92. Have you ever been drunk? No.93. Last thing you ate? Some potato chips.94. Favorite lyrics right nowWe got the power to be loving each other/ No matter what happens, we’ve got the power to do that/ On a le pouvoir de s'aimer, okay? Is surprisingly fun to sing along while sleepily making summaries, I’ve found.95. Summer or winter? Winter, for sure. I love snow and cold it’s Great.96. Day or night? That depends on my mood and what I want to do, I think?? I can’t really choose here.97. Dark, milk, or white chocolate? White chocolate please98. Favorite month? The spring and winter months.99. What is your zodiac signI’m a virgo!
100. Who was the last person you cried in front of? I almost-cried in front of a classmate some time ago, and I for-real-cried in front of my mother a while before that.
Thanks for asking Wari you’re the best!!
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