#I'm hoping to get through all the sketches for them today so I can start working on them for real
xesiarah · 3 months
Yan!Loser oc x Reader
Synopsis — some call it a coincidence, some say it's fate, but I say it's absolute utter fucking, bullshit.
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"I'm sorry."
The other line hangs up, the irrational telephone beep ringing against your ear as you genuinely start feeling the symptoms of hysteria bubbling up your chest and clamming up your breathing. At this point you definitely wouldn't say no to a fucking lobotomy.
This week has been feeling like the universe is actively trying to kill you off, like as if already getting coffee spilled on you wasn't bad enough; You, in this modern age and time having to use the telephone because your phone was snatched, along with your favorite handbag, containing the newly expensive perfume you brought still half full, and then just now your partner of 2 years breaks up with you after you asked them for help because you tripped on a rock, resulting on a sprained ankle and having to distressingly limp all the way to the phone booth.
Coincidence? Yeah, I think not. Just before this hell week was 3 days after your best friend ditched you for her new boyfriend, 4 days after you fucked up an important exam, and A WEEK after you befriended that jackass freak at school. Losing a few people here and there was to be expected but, c'mon! Isn't this just a new form of torture? You're sure that he was the one that caused all this, who else is to blame!? Maybe the rumor that said he must have all that hair to hide the dent he got when he was dropped as a baby was true, I mean. He probably performed some dark sorcery on you for whatever reason.. or maybe he's a sick masochist that fucks over people who don't treat him like an accused witch during the Salem Witch Trials. — Seriously, it was as if the universe's will to make that mfs life a living hell has rubbed off on you. But you know what, yeah.. It's fine, you can live with this.
Or not. Your alarm blaring for you to awaken gladly disturbs your nightmarish slumber, this is the 3rd time. The THIRD TIME! You've dreamt about him. — of that freak that brought you to your misery, who knows, what if dreaming about him more then once was some sort of bad omen? The 3rd time being on the first day of the week nonetheless. Of course the birds are extra chirper, you thought that maybe they're basking on your torment, if they were, you hope stray bullets manages to shoot all of them dead because we aren't having that kind of bullshit today. — You have finally devised a plan to avoid Satan's reincarnate for the rest of the school year as if they were carrying a covid variant. Finally getting that horrendous goblin off your back would feel like it's the second coming of Christ, and you're not about to let any twinks get in the way of living your life free from any agony inducing minger either.
You manage to find the will to exist. Entering the gates of your school muttering prayers to God, and whatever other deity that’s listening, to please not let you set sights of his probably-smells-like-cheese, greasy ass hair, the overgrown bangs covering ⅔ of his hazel eyes that always seemed to bother you, he even has those weird Incel glasses on.. maybe that one rumor that said he had some sort of eye fungus just makes this all more oddly debatable. You wander through the empty hallways, not seeing a single student kinda unsettles you. — makes sense though, It's pretty early, and you've never seen him around this time so, the coast is clear, for now, or so you thought. — You were approaching the rows of vending machines all pushed up against the back of the building when you caught a glimpse of a silhouette you're all too familiar with, he seems to be sketching something, not that you totally cared for whatever it was. You shrug, but when you were about to turn to leave he gets up and walks towards the boys bathroom, leaving his precious notebook unattended, out in the open, where anyone could take a peak... Just a little peak, alright? You tiptoed, walking towards it in longer strides to minimize your footsteps, upon getting closer, you notice the front page already wide open, as if he purposely left it like that, — that should've been the first red flag. Because inspecting it a little further made your jaw slack, the thing he was sketching.. was you. "What the fuck, I look amazing." You mutter, it's a little creepy but you're flattered with the way he straight up beautified you, admiring it for a little longer then you should've had was a mistake though, because just when you took your eyes off of the notebook, you see him literally lurking and hiding behind the bathroom's entrance. He's wide-eyed, and a huge creepy grin plastered on his face. — Genuinely scaring the flattery out of you and making you bolt straight to the opposite direction on instinct, the way he looked at you literally triggered your flight or fight. The sound of your fast footsteps filled the hallways, your heart going pitter-patter, quite literally about to burst out your chest. Fuck. Just your luck. Guess this won't be an easy day to get through.
Morning lectures are finally over. Which means you can finally celebrate the fact that you pushed through and made it to lunchtime! It was still agonizing nonetheless, waiting around corners to let him pass kind of felt like you're stalking him, can't say that you didn't get any weird looks either. The worse part was definitely him searching and skimming through the halls, asking everyone for your whereabouts, half of them made themselves look busy so he wouldn't approach them, and the other half straight up ran the opposite direction as if he threatened to bite their toes or something. Weirdly enough, most of them ended up slipping on wet floor, which just further gives in to your suspicion of him practicing dark sorcery. Anyways, you're proud of the little progress you made, and that's all that matters for now.
Lucian sits alone, his table is tucked away in the very corners of the cafeteria, no one even daring to glance at his direction, he used to typically eat in the bathrooms but nobody wants him in their presence to the point that they all stand up and leave when he approaches a table. — there's just this weird air surrounding the dude that automatically repels people away, and no it's not body oder dammit! He just gets greasy fast, and probably for threatening to unalive a teacher but that isn't important! The love of his life is avoiding him! He chews on his fingernails as he ponders, possible reasons fill his head, and they aren't very good ones. — Did someone make you do this? Is there someone else...? That surely can't be. That's just cheating isn't it? You love him after all! He saw the glint in your eyes when you looked at the portrait he drew of you. He could even show you his shrine! Made just for you, containing such precious things you lost! — His excessive chewing of his fingernails grow desperate to the point of drawing blood, he grimaces at the sight of crimson streaks, wiping it on the sleeves of his hoodie. — it just can't be. Why would you do him wrongly like this? You smiled at him, you laughed with him instead of AT him, you sat together.. So why!? Are you gonna leave him like his mother did..? Was that all a joke to you..? He just couldn't accept this, you aren't that kind of person! You know what, he finally snaps. he just has to hear an answer from you. — "He's right behind me, isn't he?" The person right Infront of you nods, and immediately scurries away. At this point you're frozen in place, what the fuck do you do? Just make a run for it? "Can we please talk..?" He speaks behind you, his hand is on your shoulder. You swallow, the remaining bits of your conscience crumbling as you fucking make a run for it, aggressive footsteps follow behind and you realize HE'S CHASING AFTER YOU. You have never let out such a gut wrenching scream than what you just did in this exact moment. — You hide behind a wall, thinking you've lost him. Not until a hand grabs onto your arm.
He caught you. He has you pinned against the wall, not in a shoujo cutsy romantic way, he looks as if he's a starved vampire about to chomp on your neck, and not in a good way. Just no fucking way this scrawny mf outran you. Another 'unfortunately' for you too, the Gods did not answer your prayers. You're trapped in between the arms of the man you swore to avoid like the plague for the rest of the school year, this was definitely not on your 2024 bingo list. You didn't even last till' the end of the day and that lowkey hurts your pride. — But holy smokes, they say that you experience something new everyday, and this is the first time you've seen him up close, messy bedroom hair, teary eyes that looked like he hasn't slept since the first star wars movie came out. Wowza. If he actually made an effort, or if he didn't have such unsettling vibes, you can't lie, he'd be a revelation hottie. — ... Shit. Not the time to be thinking about his potential glow up. — Poor guy, watching him trying to maintain eye contact but just failing horribly is kinda cute.
The fuck? Your face scrunches up just after you snap back out of, whatever that was. Seriously.. say WHAT now? That was a demon possession right there, you need to stop acting as if his existence didn't just cause your downfall unprovoked. "You're avoiding me.." His voice disrupts the silent war you were having with yourself. It sounded meek, he genuinely looked like a shivering wet dog, with those.. tears boiling up his eyes, and.. quivering lips. Fuck. What if you'd just slide down his arms and escape? Hell no, if someone walked in they'd think you were giving him a blowjob and that's honestly worse then whatever's going on right now. "A-Answer me!" He yells(?) hesitantly, the dude genuinely looks like he's about to burst into tears any minute, you're surprised how he somehow grew the balls to yell at you though. "Okay, dude I'm sorry..?" — It's sad how he goes ballistic over a 'friendship' that lasted a week, but he did show you the list of student names he wanted to glock, and you listened to some of his nerdy ramblings, so you guess he did cherish your short time together even if you gave him absolutely zero fucks. — he goes completely quiet for a minute before he finally bursts out crying, fat tears are running through his acne filled face as he drops to the ground. "I really just wanted a someone-" He says in-between hiccups, he's crying as if you killed his mom or something. You decided to just wait it out until he grew tired but his wails started growing louder till' you were forced to crouch down and comfort him. "H-hey, uhm.." Fuck. Screw it. You know what, Who cares if your life starts crashing down, it already was unsalvageable from the very beginning anyway. Everyone needs a friend and you're too nice for this. You finally give in, breathing in a sigh of defeat. "How can I fix this?" His cries shimmer down and you swear to fucking God you think you just saw him flash a smirk. This bitch looks like he's bout to spit out the most outta pocket bullshit. — and he indeed did not disappoint. The two unexpected words coming out of his mouth just further inspires you to jump off a bridge. "d-date.. me."
Maybe hiring a hitman on yourself wouldn't be so bad.
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dolcekissy · 8 days
tattoo galore , ღ
: ̗̀➛ rafe dating reader that has multiple tattoos and is also a tattoo artist.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ masterlist
disclaimer // 18+ content. this story includes mentions of sex, titty fucking, and yeahhh.
✎ i'm a beginner tattoo artist and love tattooing myself and people! but girl i just did a tattoo on myself and randomly thought about this. i loveee doing line work on myself, i'm working on doing a sleeve on my arm rn of butterflies and flowers and girlllll 😮‍💨. but i also love doing dope ass tattoos on people too. okay that's enough i just love sharing my love for tattooing! anyways hope you enjoy <3
rafe dating a tattoo artist would definitely consist of him getting turned on just from looking at your tattoos. you could be fresh out the shower, fresh ink barely peeking through the towel and right off the bat he wants to fuck you. he's obsessed with your naked body to begin with but your naked body filled with some sexy ass ink? whew.
me personally i love me a good tattoo down the valley of the breasts and so does rafe. rafe goes absolutely feral when you come home from your shop and he sees your tits halfway out and some fresh ink right in between them. he's already sooo obsessed with your tits and now this? are you trying to kill him?
once that tattoo is healed and all pretty again (which were the longest few weeks of his life), don't be surprised when he's fucking his dick into your breasts and watching his cum drip down it.
rafe loves watching you work. whether that be you practicing on fake skin or sketching something out or watching you do tattoos on some of your friends. one time you did a tattoo on sarah and he was amazed by how steady your hand was and how beautifully done it was.
"how do you keep your hand so steady? that line is straighter than sarah's priorities." sarah whipped her head around, threatening to get up and slap him just for you to yell at her to sit still. "girl fuck him but please! sit still!" you say trying not to laugh at his corny comment.
rafe also loves watching you work on yourself. whether it's a small tattoo or a big one he'll watch you work for hours. he's so fascinated with how you can do them on yourself, knowing it's extremely difficult to learn.
you two are sitting in your shop, him stealing a chair and sitting close enough to be able to watch you while you set up and start printing out the stencil.
"what're you doin today?" you grab the stencil from the printer and hold it up showing it to him. he observes it before asking where you're doing it at, almost shitting himself as you point to your inner thigh. immediately thinking about how good that's going to look and all the open mouth kisses he'll give it before lapping up your sweet, sweet juices.
rafe is totally in awe looking at your work you've posted on your socials or when you show him the work you did that day. he's so quick to show people your work or refer people to you. he could hear the word 'tattoo' come out of someone's mouth and he's automatically jumping to tell them that his girlfriend is an artist.
he'll be out in public and hear someone talking about how they want a new tattoo and will literally walk up to them and start showing them your work. his beautiful girlfriend is just so talented. why wouldn't he?
"yeah, my girlfriend did this on herself. oh and this one on my friend just a few days ago. i'll give you her info." he'll go on and on about you, "those other artists are just shitty if i'm being honest."
rafe would immediately go to you if he wants a tattoo. no matter how many times you tell him it's free of charge he'll still pay you.
"baby, you're literally my boyfriend. you don't need to pay me for this." you say as he's shoving hundred dollar bills in your face.
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keruimi · 4 months
Lingering Gazes
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Pairing: Bokuto Koutaro x reader
Warning: Slight Angst and Fluff
Note: I don't know how to write it better but I deeply relate to the reader. I love calm boys like Akaashi but Bokuto took my entire attention away. Hope you all enjoy!
When I was a kid, I always wanted someone to like me. The smart ones, and boys who can provide a good future for the both of us.
And the more I grew up, I found myself getting interested with the stoic and cool leading man in every drama I watch.
Someone who will gently treat me better than other girls. The type of man who is the dream of every lady.
And I thought I would never change that standard, even if those type of boys were the one who badly broke me.
Until I surprisingly found myself falling in love with the volleyball Ace of the Academy.
Bokuto Koutaro whose presence can immediately light up the day of the students he passed by with.
Like the Sun in my world. Like a medicine that can heal my wounds.
He is the opposite of who I wanted. Yet loving him felt so right.
But I am aware that I will just be another stranger in his eyes. An average student who is part of the audience who watched him play on the court.
Even if he is friendly, he still seems too far for me to reach.
A remarkable volleyball player in the history of the Academy.
I'm sure the type of man who will already make a name in the country would want someone as great as them.
No matter who they are. And it was discouraging.
Until that far admiration on the Ace gradually closes its distance when all the students are called to the gym for announcements.
My eyes never left his figure who kept showing his bubbly side to his friends who just keep up with the topic of his talking about.
A small smile made its way to my lips when I saw how happy he is everyday.
An unusual emotion to feel with the stress the school has given to us. That sometimes it made me think if he ever felt negative since he seems to be the only lifting up the mood.
A difficult role he manages to easily fill up.
"Y/n, what food did you bring today?" My classmate's voice made me immediately remove my gaze from the man before they look at where I have my eyes set on.
"Sushi" I whispered before I started to offer it to them and like a flock of hungry animals, they started asking for me which I always agreed on until I heard his excited voice in front of me.
"Can I have some too?"
"Bokuto-san" I heard his favorite's setter disbelief making my smile a bit bigger.
"Of course Bokuto-san. You can have the rest"
His eyes seemed to brighten up more when I lent him the container that has 5 more sushi as he gradually took it.
I can feel my cheeks getting warmer that made me start looking for my mask just to cover up the smile that is threatening to get bigger the longer he stayed complimenting the food I gave.
"L/n-san, my apologies for him"
"Did you make this? It's the best sushi I have eaten" Bokuto cut him off while still chewing the food that made my heart swell more.
It was the opportunity I took to get closer to the Ace.
I mean, it goes with the saying...
One way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
And with a man like Bokuto, that can mostly happen.
Small things can make him happy. That it pushed me to start learning how to sketch just to draw the grins that lift from his lips because of me.
Just to help me engrave that memory as one of the happiest moments in my life.
Because in even another way, I still manage to interact with my biggest crush in my entire life.
It was an accomplishment that made me different from who I was before when I just secretly liked him.
Now I started to openly show it.
And I know the people around him also began to notice.
How my eyes linger longer on his retreating back. The way my eyes seem to spark when I watch him play the sport he deeply loved.
The way I shakily gave him the bento I made for him.
It was obvious actions that he didn't think of deeper.
And it made me dejected that if I don't confess now, only my eyes would look at him with fondness.
And the hope of it returning will never happen if I stop moving.
That brought me in front of the gym doors with the sketchbook in my hands.
The best gift I can think of is to portray my feelings.
Is to show him how I look at him.
It was a lot of deep breaths before I mustered up the courage to knock on the door until his teammates teasing voice became more clear.
"We knew it!"
"Akaashi! This is your fault! You promise to not tell them!" I heard his screeching voice that made me put a hand on my mouth to suppress the giggle that is attempting to escape from my lips.
Until I stopped when I heard the next word of his friends.
"Bokuto, it's obvious that you like her. It is not difficult to know how you seem to be happier when she appears in your view!" Konoha's words stab an arrow straight to my heart when it reaches my ears.
He likes someone?
I stood silent in front of the gym door as thoughts began to appear on my head.
Who is it?
Is it fine for me to hope that it would be me?
Is she someone he knows?
Is he really in love with someone right now?
"Bokuto-san, why don't you just confess to L/n-san?" It made me snap from my train of thoughts when the familiar voice of his setter stated those words.
"But Akaashi" my mind went blank from the conversation I am eaves dropping on right now but it didn't fail me to imagine that the Ace is pouting right now.
"Wow" I muttered breathlessly from the new revelation.
The happiness I felt was unexplainable and only the thing I did to save myself from humiliation is to back away and start running away from the gym.
Just to let this happiness be expressed.
"Oh my gosh" I felt tears form in my eyes as I stood in the school garden with the sketchbook on the bench.
I can't prevent the squeals that bubble up in my throat as I jump around in delight.
His untold feelings made me happy.
And at that time, I am not aware of how his eyes my energetic figure around the garden.
All this time...
His eyes also lingered on my form.
Like how my eyes watch him
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emillyverse · 7 months
Production stages of the Fan Comic of "The Wish Kingdom" !!!
(written by @annymation)
And as promised, here is the "schedule" I said I was putting together for the Comic fic production process.
In the end, this isn't really a "timeline", it's more like a list of what I'll do to build the comic. I want to make all the processes very clear and described to give you an idea of how it will be done and a small idea of how long it will take.
Remembering that I am a human being, not an AI to do things quickly, I have another life beyond networks and this project.
Besides the fact that none of us are being paid to do this comic (although I really wanted to, I'm not going to lie), all of this is being done on the basis of love, affection, positivity and adoration for the initial concepts dispensed by Disney, their classic films that really made that company grow and the main messages conveyed by Walt Disney while he was still alive: "If you can dream something, you can make it happen!" and "It's fun to do the impossible!"
So please be patient and kind to me and the entire team! I already love, adore and thank everyone willing to follow our project.
Well… Let's get started!
1- Rereading and Separating the text:
Starting today (02/26/2024) I will be re-reading Anny's fanfic, separating all of her text into scenes, highlighting the following points:
Characters (designs made by @uva124)
Speeches and facial expressions - the message
Thus defining "who says what, how and in which place?"
Since I will be doing the setting art myself, as the story progresses, I would really appreciate a little help. I'm guessing if you're reading this you've probably already read The Kingdom of Wishes and consequently imagined the scenarios! If you find any images online that remind you of the locations of the scenes in your mind, you can send them to me as a reference! I'm always open to references for drawings!
2- Make the "Thumbnails"
I don't know what term foreigners use to define the thumbnails that make up the first drafts of comics, but here in Brazil, we call them "Doll", in reference to the fact that the sketches are a "test doll" for the comic strip .
Anyway, I digress! It is at this stage that I define the composition of the scenes through sketches. This is where I define what appears or not in the scene, what the scene will be focused on, how I will guide the reader's eye by the meaning of reading the scene, where the lines, the characters, their movements and others will be located… It's a planning phase on how to portray the scenes; the most complex I would say.
3- Review
Here I take a break for two days or three days at most, to relax and forget about the project for a bit. I come back with new energy and review everything that was done, ask for opinions and suggestions from the team, in short, I give a great evaluation and improvement in everything!
4 - Finalization and Publication
In this last step, I transform the sketches into final artwork using graphite pencils, colored pencils and pens that I have available.
When they are all finished, I will publish the comics here and on all my social networks!
I would like to say that yes, I will be posting spoilers for all these stages, watch them at your own risk!
Remembering that English is not my native language, so I really hope everything was understandable! But if you have any questions, you can send questions to me or any member of the team!
And if you want to know a little more about my arts, you can check out my Instagram!
Kisses full of light and stars!
Let's work!!
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zelda-cooper · 5 months
My version of Loonatics Unleashed (Part 3)
This is just my interpretation of this universe of "Loonatics Unleashed", don't take it as a summary of the series or as absolute truth to interpret your version. NO! It's just MY view and you have every right to disagree. Furthermore, there will be low-level words (even though I censor some) and there may be sensitive topics for certain people. Besides, this refers to the universe of Loonatics Unleashed, so for those who don't care, you can skip this blog, but for those who are a fan or if this interests you, you can continue reading. Part one of this blog is at the link below if you want to see it.
Part 1
Part 2
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Hi I came back! And this time with bombastic news (And I hope no one has forgotten me at this point-). This time it's going to be a simpler blog because today, I'm finally going to show the Redesigns of the protagonists of my version of Loonatics Unleashed! For those who want, the links to see my journey through this madness are there at the beginning, I don't want to go into detail here because I'm really, like... VERY excited to show them soon! So, let's go!
Credits again to @drakepad-luv-200, who was the person who inspired me to make this crazy saga!
Protagonists' Visuals (Reinvented/Redesigned)
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Let's go, I wanted to start by saying that this was one of the parts where procrastination came STRONG... Because, first... I had to consider their new personality, think about the pose that would represent this, the clothes that would have a heroic look and, at the same time, is minimally simple to draw... And that's not easy...TuT
So I had to get a lot... But A LOT OF REFERENCES!!! And in this I have to talk about two artists who inspired me and who I NEED to give credit to thank them for how incredible they are! The first is @onyxonline, who is currently making a Smilling Crittens AU called Space Riders AU (I highly recommend reading it). She also has her Loonatics AU and her visuals are AMAZING! I really like her style, something very Anime and such. She helped me a lot with some clothes.
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The second is @theangrycomet-art, he, in this case, helped me a lot with the proportions and also with the bodies of some characters. His art is very clean and he made sketches of how they would look. I also highly recommend checking out his blogs!
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But now... Time to talk about MY Redesigns! Let's start with the Bunny brothers: Ace and Lexi!
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For Ace's design, I wanted to give him a pose of a somewhat inexperienced leader, "mainly protagonist" and who is good at fighting (even on the street), I put looser clothes and bands on his arms to symbolize him as a fighter.
As for Lexi, I gave her a cuter look that could show a heroine power. I gave them very long clothes and some extra accessories. This was one of the easiest.
Danger Duck
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Danger Duck was also reasonably easy (the pose was difficult, but ok-), I took a lot of inspiration from Darkwing Duck (because the personalities even match and are really similar), a very arrogant pose, a calm one to symbolize that he is the "most incredible hero of all time". The beak wasn't difficult, because... I draw a lot of ducks...-3-)
Tech E. Coyote and Rev Runner
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MY GOD!!! TECH'S MUZZLE AND REV'S HAIR WAS HARD!!!! But it was worth it, I think... The Rev wasn't too difficult, I picked up some references from marathon runners and a scarf and glasses to add some charm. Tech I mixed a bit of scientists, but also a more "Mad Max" look with the torn shorts and scarf around his neck, I also took the opportunity to show him wearing the glove and projecting a holographic screen.
And finally, Slam Tasmanian.
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This one was difficult, but it was one of the most fun. I got the fighter vibe and also made sure he had a muscular physique, I made his fur simulate a beard to make him look older and I gave him some stylized gloves to give him something similar to boxing gloves.
Final Considerations
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Well... That's it, folks! It was actually shorter because I wanted to talk about the redesigns (and because my life is pretty busy these days-). I'll still work on Zadavia and us villains, I'll also show two of my OCs that will be relevant to the plot, but that's for another day. I hope you enjoyed it and I’ll see you in the next blog! BYE!!!!
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the-sky-queen · 1 month
Does your After Today AU have any designs for their real counterparts? 👀👉👈
I DIDN'T HAVE DESIGNS BUT I SAW THIS AND DIDN'T WANNA LEAVE YOU HANGING SO I SKETCHED THEM OUT AS FAST AS I COULD!!! They are very rough sketches though, so apologies if they don't look the best. (Also ran out of room for Silver and Blaze, so I'll just explain what I'm thinking for them.)
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Starting with Sonic, we've got our pretty standard Nicky look with slightly different bangs, though no glasses for this boy. But I think the hoodie is still red. Also, I made his quills much shorter than Hero!Sonic's quills. This boy isn't fighting evil every day, he has no reason to make sure he can cut through solid metal with his hair. XD
For Tails, I changed his bangs because I can't draw his canon bangs for the life of me. (Or Amy's for that matter.) I was thinking for his shirt that he's wearing some kind of baseball jersey. We can let this kid play sports, as a treat. :D The number two is obviously a reference to his two tails, which yes, I let him keep! I figured since it's a mutation, it would probably still happen in the real world. The only difference is he can't fly with them. I also gave Tails glasses because yes.
With Knuckles, I tried my best to make him tall and bulky, since he's a football player. So basically, the Boom Knuckles look except not quite that exaggerated. Gave him a scar that he probably got during practice one day, but mostly because I really like giving characters scars. XD And then he's got a skull t-shirt and some shorts because he's a tough sports guy.
For Amy, I debated hard on what expression she should be making, and I ultimately decided on an indifferent pose because of character arc thingies I have in mind for her. :3 Changed her bangs, changed her hair a bit, and gave her a long sleeve shirt with a heart. She's a cheerleader with some cutesy clothes, not much else to say. (Also she's looking at her phone if you couldn't tell.)
Rouge was pretty fun because I LOVE putting her in outfits. Gave her bangs because I'm a Rouge bangs truther. She's wearing what I hope are some stylish popular girl type clothes complete with way too many bracelets on each wrist. (pretend she's wearing more than she is) And then some high heels to top it off! Also let her pierce her ears twice because why not.
Shadow's wearing a hoodie like Sonic, but his has some patterns! I think his hoodie would be dark gray with those stripes being red. He doesn't have red stripes on his quills since he isn't the Ultimate Lifeform, though I think he can keep his red eyes. Also gave him some emo bangs for fun.
Moving on to describing the ones I didn't get to draw! For Silver, I think he's wearing all white clothes. I'm kinda picturing a jacket with some puffy white fur around the hood kinda like the jacket I drew here. Also, I think he's wearing sunglasses, like he's too cool for this world. XD
And then for Blaze, she's a foreign exchange student and I'm thinking she's from Japan. So, I think it would be really cool and pretty if she wore a kimono! Maybe she's got her hair up in a bun with a pretty accessory/clip of some kind to keep it tidy.
Anyway, yeah! Those are my basic thoughts for everyone's designs! :D Hope you like em!
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sattorntempura · 5 months
:) i would really appreciate it if you gave my oc a chance. If not, it's okay. *cries*
Hey, peeps. Lately, I've been going through this uuuuugly artblock for my main project. (This is my first post, scary, lol.. really nervous)
So, a few months back, I drew a Devil May Cry OC. The images are under the 'more' tab, but i would really appreciate it if you read this first. With this art block going on and the urge to draw something other than my main/serious project, I decided to make a small comic of my OC's childhood and how he ended up meeting the main/canon characters/crew.
And if you're new to the DMC world, hello, welcome! I hope this little comic will encourage you to check out the official games, it's pretty fun!
Try to guess who I ship him with... Hey, don't look at my pfp! That's cheating!
So yeah, there's going to be some sketches/panels of this ship. Dw, nothing too explicit/graphic. It's fluff, lol. I think that's what they call it? There's going to be more information regarding the dmc - oc comic in a future post.
I know there's a lot of different opinions when shipping an oc with a canon character, so that's why I added this little 'more' tab/bar below so in case you're not interested, you can scroll away :) for those who choose to stay and continue on, thank you.
My oc's name is Ezra. He was created when a cool friend of mine invited me to RP the DMC5 storyline with them. I was kinda nervous at first since it was my first time to ever RP with someone. I got the hang of it, though! And it was fun! (The next/future post will provide more information of that if anybody is interested. Since it's kinda the reason why Ezra exists in the first place.) I am not sure if I will include the RP events in this comic, since like I've mentioned, it took place in the DMC5 storyline, and its quite a lottt. Just like the canon game. So I might draw the day (i mean the in-game time) after the Qliphoth was taken down. Or summarize the DMC5 storyline. There's still a lot of time to think about it since I'm going to start off with the background of this character, then when he becomes an adult, and then when he meets the crew.
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☝️ This is how the cover of my oc's DMC comic will look like. The title is blurred out because I am still debating whether I should change it or not. Lol, it's kinda edgy, I might keep it that way.
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☝️These right here are adult/present Ezra and a few panels of Vergil. I am still experimenting with the way I draw Vergil since I want to have him look a little closer to the game than the way he looks in manga. (Which is hard since I prefer drawing the exact style of any series official art... Because if I do it in my own version, it never looks like the character. So yes, this is a challenge.)
The drawing with Ezra's full body is supposed to be Ezra holding his scythe over his shoulder, but I gave up on finishing it since I didn't like the way his coat looked. You can even tell from the different coats he has in the other panels/images...
The image with Ezra getting food poisoning was from eating Dante's food. This idea stems from all those memes with Dante creating unidentified matter, whereas other characters like Vergil make decent food.
The first image and 3rd image are actually linked together, hehe. I wonder if any of you know the tilted towers reference? Lol
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☝️Another Vergil sketch. He is laid next to Ezra in bed. (You can see the pillow that Ezra is cuddling with peeking in that image, lol). This moment is related to Vergil's nightmares.
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☝️ The first image out of the two is one out of the 2 closest friends BEFORE the DMC5 events. I think you will really like them. They've put a huge impact on Ezra's life and are the very reason for the way/who he is today. I still don't have a design for the other friend, that's why it's not provided here.
The second image is just baby Ezra, not having a clue what the adults are talking about. The adults definitely didn't call him that...
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☝️Lastly, this is my reaction once I created this DMC OC and decided to ship him with Vergil. I have no clue why Samsung does this to my images once edited, lol.
The same friend mentioned before also had me create an OC for a game that they play, and I failed to not grow attached to this character. (What!? I created them. They're like my own children now!) I might show u guys how he looks like when I finish his design.
If you guys have any questions, feel free to hit that, uh, *checks profile*, Ask me anything button, I will try my best to respond. If I don't respond, it's because I am still a boomer to this app and don't know how to operate it. Another reason is because the answer to your question may be a spoiler.
Like I've mentioned before, information about the comic itself will be explained in the next post. I don't spam post, so don't worry about getting lost in my profile trying to look for more information. I will try to have a pinned(?) post, if this app allows me, where I can add links like the way I've seen other users on here do it.
Haha, I add lazy watermarks (even though my art ain't that worthy) because I've seen small artist get their art clapped by a-hole users without permission. This has also happened to me, but it was yeeeaaarrrsss ago. This is why I don't post much of my art nowadays. Especially with the "art" bot-stealing going around. I need to find a better way to not let it happen to my art ever again.
Thank you for taking the time to view this, I really appreciate it! If you are interested in my OC's journey in the DMC world, feel free to follow me. You might even see my art growth/process between the very start of the comic to the very end of it! I hope it gets better... lol, watch it get worse- they slowly transform into stickmen HAHA
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echantedtoon · 7 months
Everyone Wants A Brother Like You Part 1 A Brother In A Different Way
Everyone wants a big brother, especially if it's one as caring and kind as Tanjiro. They all think so but it's too bad they can't have a brother like him-...Or can they actually in a different way?
(DISCLAIMERS!!: This is gonna be a little story based on the art by feshnie on deviantart and an au based on the same picture by @yuki2sksksk on Tumblr. It'll just be cute little Oneshots because honestly I think all these ships involving Nezuko are cute. Although Inosuke's route will be written up for interpretation as platonic or romantic. This is just an au I'm doing for fun so things aren't going to be cannon and might be ooc. All art shown with the Chapters (minus the coverart which is by Feshnie on DeviantArt) was either taken from the anime, from the Kimetsu No Yaiba/Kimetsu Gakuen mangas, or are sketches by Koyoharu Gotouge. I don't own demon slayer, the characters, art, etc. Demon Slayer/Art/etc. belongs to Koyoharu Gotouge.
Links to both content creators are below please support both artists and their own content.
Also everyone is alive because I said so. This takes place after battling Muzan for the final time and everyone is currently recovering.)
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The beautiful morning sun gazed over the earth with a golden glow and cascaded through the window making the glass glow with a shine. The cherry blossoms outside swayed gently in the breeze as soft pink petals and perfect green leaves fell from their branches and floated down onto the ground outside of the Butterfly Mansion. Birds sang and fluttered about the breeze. The peaceful quiet settling in with the silent morning.
Until a flurry of giggles and squeals interrupted the air as three little girls ran past the window in play kicking up petals and leaves.
"Dammit! Can't they wait until later in the day to start playing!?"
The once silent room was alive with grumbles and groans of others waking in their beds. One in particular cursing the sun and turning around to plop back onto his stomach shoving a rather fluffy pillow over his head. However one of them was energetic enough to sit up and stretch out smiling at the window with a yawn and smile. 
"Oh, come on. It's not that bad. It's a beautiful morning today!"
"Would you be quiet?! Your yelling is worse than your snoring- OOP?!"
Red eyes turned over and sighed. Tanjiro had been hopeful it would be a nice morning before any training but it seemed like that wouldn't be the case. Inosuke had woken up in typical Inosuke fashion by yelling and declaring his righteous toughness over anything he randomly decided to challenge that day making Zenitsu yell back complaining. Unfortunately the blonde hadn't been fast enough to duck the incoming pillow their friend had thrown right at his face knocking Zenitsu back onto the bed.
"THAT'S UNCALLED FOR!!," the blonde furiously tore the pillow from his face sitting back up and pointing right back to him. "And it's Zenitsu! Got that?! You've known me for how long and you still can't get my name right?!"
"Oh, give it a rest both of you!! You're annoying as hell!!" Tanjiro looked next to him. Genya was still laying on his stomach and had the pillow over his head still. On his other side Muichiro blinked silently as his brain slowly became ungroggy to the world. "Next time I'm sleeping outside! At least the birds are quiet at night!"
"Says you!" Zenitsu dared to point at Genya next as the black haired boy glared at him from under the pillow. "You both snore so loud you can attract an army of demons from a hundred miles away!!"
"Guys." Tanjiro rose a hand to no avail.
"HUH?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN PENTA IS LOUDER THAN ME?!" In an instant Inosuke was standing on his bed pointing one hand at Zenitsu and one at Genya accusingly as both turned to now glare at him. "MY LUNGS ARE SO POWERFUL I CAN BEAT BOTH OF IN YELLING!!"
"Fucking hell. Can't you get my name right at least?"
"See?! I told you you're always getting everyone's names wrong!"
"I wasn't talking to you, Sunflower!!"
"Guys?" Tanjiro asked slightly louder as Zenitsu whipped back to Genya.
"No. At least plants are quiet." Genya finally allowed the pillow to fall from his annoyed face having given up on sleeping in that morning.
"At least sunflowers are nice to look at! You look like a piece of coal that got hacked up by a mangy cat!!"
"What the hell did you say to me, Blondie?!"
"GUYS!!" All at once the three of them stopped whipping around to stare at Tanjiro who gave a stern look back holding both hands up... before sighing allowing both his arms to plop back down to his sides. "Let's not fight. It's too early in the morning to fight like this."
Both Zenitsu and Genya looked at one another and scowled but otherwise didn't argue again much to Tanjiro's relief. Inosuke laughed loudly in triumph.
"HA!! That means I beat both of you in loudness!"
"You certainly do, Inosuke." Tanjiro smiled happily. "Let's all save the next contest for later."
"None of us were in a contest," Zenitsu mumbled under his breath but didn't start an argument again.
"Ok. Hey, Misthead. Where are you going?"
They all turned to Muichiro whom had just gotten up silently, tossed off the blankets, and walked off towards the bathhouse area. Rubbing his eyes and yawning as the others followed him with their heads.
"To get dressed. All of you are too noisy."
"Hey! That's not a bad idea!" Tanjiro smiled at him and quickly followed Muichiro's lead in tossing off the blankets and following after their friend. Making a motion at everyone else to follow. "Come on. Let's all go get breakfast! We'll feel better if we eat something."
More grumbling was had. Eventually one after one they followed after the cheerfully smiling boy. At least it would stop the grumbling and put everyone in a better mood and hopefully stop them all from fighting. Twenty minutes later and the whole group of them found themselves just outside the door leading to the garden. Shinobu had suggested they should get some fresh air while waiting for their food to be made but to in her own words-
"Mind your injuries. You're still healing from very serious injuries from a very serious battle. I'd hate to confine you all to bed."
Shinobu's threats were to be taken very seriously as experience has taught them. So they gathered just outside of the garden and watched the peaceful day go by. Not a single thing to be worried about now. Just then all and the peaceful morning air-
"TANJIRO!!" That was until three little girls came running right up to the red eyed boy looking almost worried.
"Huh? What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong!," one of the three girls spoke up smiling at him. "Nezuko just needs your help with getting firewood!"
"Oh! Of course! Where is she?"
Nezuko. Finally after so long she was human again. After so long and after so much stress and effort, his beloved sister was finally able to walk in the sunlight again and live out her life. Human. It's still as if he'd wake up one day and it'll all be a dream but it was his reality. One they had to keep.
Tanjiro scanned behind them but didn't see any signs of his sister. "Where is she?"
"Outside of the garden with Aoi." Another pointed to just outside the garden and near the treeline. "She's waiting for you."
"Alright then! I guess I better go help them." He turned a smile right back to his friends just as another new face appeared in the doorway behind them. "I'll be right back. Save me a bowl of udon when the food arrives. Alright?"
Then he left quickly leaving everyone else to wait standing there.
"WWWWHHHHAAAAA- Why didn't Nezuko-chan ask for my help?! As her future husband, don't I get some consideration from her?!"
"Oh put a sock in it, Sunflower!"
"What's going on?" A new voice asked as a boy the same age as Muichiro stepped out holding a broom in his hands looking confused.
"Senjuro," one of the girls greeted him. "Tanjiro's gone to help Nezuko and Ali with the firewood!"
"Oh." The flame haired boy smiled. "That's nice of him. Nezuko's lucky to have such a kind brother."
Muichiro glanced curiously at the other boy, a look of slight concern in his eyes. "Senjuro, how's Kyojuro?" Senjuro jumped and blinked taken aback in surprise at Muichiro of all people addressing him. But Muichiro only tilted his head further. "I heard as of lately he was still recovering from his battle wounds, but I have yet to see him around. How is he?"
Senjuro blinked again before sighing. "You mean despite the missing eye and hole in his stomach?" He nodded glumly. "He's ok. Not great but ok. Ms. Shinobu says he'll live but..I'm still worried about him." He looked uncomfortable to say the least and decided to change the subject. "How's your brother doing? Last I heard, Yuichiro's waiting for you at home right? I bet he'll be happy to see you again after so long!"
It was Muichiro's turn to frown with a hum. "I.. suppose so. It's been so long-"
"You two shrimps have brothers?," Genya questioned raising a brow and crossing his arms although not in a rude way, he looked more lightly surprised than anything."
"Why is that so surprising?" Genya paused as Muichiro pointed at him and uttered his next sentence. "Don't you also have a brother in the corps? I'm pretty sure it's Sanemi."
"Sanemi? Wasn't he the jerk who tried to kill Nezuko-chan?!" Zenitsu tossed another dirty look directed at the sweating Genya as Senjuro gave all three of them a look of alarm.
"He tried to do what?!"
"OH DROP THAT SUBJECT!! IT'S IN THE PAST!! Besides didn't you have a brother too or something that went into the final selection before you even did?" Genya half challenged half changed the subject to Zenitsu who flinched. HARD. "Yeah. He trained under the same master you did right? What was his name?....Kai or something like that."
Zenitsu stared wide eyed at them all.. before turning away with a quick sad look. "We weren't really brothers....I don't want to talk about it."
"I DON'T HAVE ANY BROTHERS!!" Of course Inosuke had to proudly and randomly yell it like it was something to be proud of.
A tense and awkward silence fell over the group as no one felt the urge to talk about their brothers or lack there of. A small cough was given to the group as they shuffled about...until the trio of girls looked at one another and the one with braids decided to change the subject.
"Nezuko-chan has a really cool brother," she said trying to lift the mood.
"Yes! Tanjiro's a really good brother! Nezuko is so lucky to have Tanjiro! I bet every wants a brother like him!," one of the other girls agreed making a small murmur of agreement pass through.
Yes...Nezuko was lucky to have such an amazing brother like Tanjiro. Anyone would be lucky to have a brother just like him. They all knew it... It's just a shame they couldn't have a brother like him, and Tanjiro wasn't related to them anyways. He was a really good friend however.
"Zenitsu, you're going to marry Nezuko-chan aren't you?" One of the girls asked curiously tugging gently on the blonde's sleeve careful to not jostle his still healing injuries.
Zenitsu was certainly surprised at the sudden question but still gave the girl a soft smile. "Yes, that's right!"
The middle girl who had asked the previous question hummed in thought and rubbed her chin. She was the only one who wore her hair down instead of in braids or pigtails. "But-...If you get married to Nezuko-chan, Tanjiro-san would be your brother-in-law wouldn't he?"
Zenitsu paused, blinked, before shrugging. "Well yeah. But that's not a problem with me. Do you want to know how our wedding will be?"
A silence had fell upon the others. Whatever else Zenitsu and the butterfly girls said was lost to the other four as at least of them went blank. Eyes wide open as a realization of what was said before them rang true in their heads.
"Tanjiro-san would be your BROTHER-in-law right?"
.... right-....
"WHAT'S A BROTHER-IN-LAW?!," Inosuke demanded looking confused by the term and three of his friends spacing off. "Can I fight it?  I'll fight it and win!!"
"Calm down will you? Jeez! A brother-in-law is what you call a girl's brother when you start taking her out!"
Inosuke tilted his head at the blonde. "Are you saying I can get a brother just by taking out a girl?"
"Well...Yeah? I guess that's one way to put it. You weirdo."
"HA! The Great Inosuke then shall use this tactic from his underlings to extract this brother! If everyone else can get one then I will too!"
Zenitsu only deadpanned at him but couldn't get another word out as three familiar figures came around the corner. Aoi looking annoyed carrying a basket and the Kamado siblings. Tanjiro looked absolutely happy just carrying firewood joyfully and next to him just as joyful as her brother and more pretty was Nezuko. Laughing at something her brother said. Zenitsu instantly gushed out seeing her, Inosuke still proclaimed his soon to be victory, and meanwhile the three others remained silent. Staring. Idea swirling about in their heads taking glancing at one another 
.... Maybe there actually was a way to gain a brother like him.
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iwasonthelastbus · 4 months
5 Years ago today, I began my art journey. As a kid, I did draw and paint, but my perfectionism got the better of me and I quit, feeling art was too stressful for me and that I'd never be good at it. I tried taking art classes in grade school, but I instantly shied away from it. I went through school for the longest time feeling like I wasn't good at anything. That changed in the summer of 2019. It was then I decided I really wanted to try and improve and not waste away my summer wondering what to do with all the time. For the longest time I wanted to draw a story I had in my head that thinking about helped me get through the lonely times of school. So, I made this first sketch of Aridus
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(Summer 2019) I wasn't very good at first, but I felt proud in the moment that I was drawing something and that I was liking it. My dad saw me drawing on empty individual sheets of paper and got me my first official sketchbook. I felt like I would never fill up all the blank pages, but I was glad to have something where I could have all my drawings compiled. I began to improve quickly, refining ideas and applying drawing fundamentals, feeling more and more confident with it. This definitely wasn't overnight, but I learned to love trying to draw better while not being too hard on myself. After 5 years of learning, I've felt so happy to see where I am now.
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(Summer 2023 to now) Now, I'm taking art classes in college and plan on majoring in Illustration, where I hope to be able to use my skills to touch other people's lives and bring them joy. That's the very purpose I believe that we were created for, for mankind exists "that they might have joy." (2 Nephi 2:25) Our happiness is of the most serious business to God. The things we create can greatly shape our view on life, and its more important than ever that we fight against feelings of perfectionism and fear that keep us from making and doing wonderful things. To all starting artists out there, pick up your pencil, pen, whatever you have, and draw!! You won't regret it. One day you'll look back and feel so proud of how far you've come.
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firstsprinces · 8 months
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Thank you @anincompletelist for the tag this week! I can't wait for more of the dom!Henry/Alex you've got us begging for! I've been purposely saving the rest of bridesmaids so I can read it all in one go, and partially because I'm not ready to say goodbye to them yet!
We’re so close to this WIP finally being posted! This may be the last preview you'll get from this chapter. Below the cut, you'll also get a bonus share of this fic's title.
The radio announcer’s voice comes back in, breaking up in between his words as the signal Henry’s found seems to weaken, “if you are planning any kind of travel for this weekend, the Deputy Sheriff advises everyone to be cautious as the ‘Boxcar Bandit’ moves his way closer to our city. Policemen have begun to post these signs in businesses as well as passing around a sketch of what this twisted man may look like from an eyewitness who described him after spotting a suspicious-looking person rummaging through his pigs' feeding troughs late at night.” At the mention of the wanted poster, Henry twists around to reach into the pocket of his coat where he’d placed the paper the policeman had given him at the train station. He quickly unfolds it in excitement because he’ll finally have an idea about what the notorious outlaw may look like. When he opens the paper’s final fold, his eyes are met with the large bold letters spelling out ‘WANTED’ with a picture of a man wearing a black cowboy hat and a kerchief that covers everything but his eyes. Dark brows are furrowed on top of filled-in eyes, making him look deranged. Henry studies the way the man’s expression has been drawn because how could a witness describe the angry look in his eyes if he never approached him, especially if his face is covered and it had been dark outside? Henry wonders if this sketch will also be printed in the Western Observer, or if it already has been included in today’s edition. Surely, they must have because this is the biggest news story to hit the city since the railroad workers’ strike during the last war. Nobody’s going to bother with reading Henry’s column about the church’s fundraiser and bake sale when they can read the exhilarating update about the outlaw from the Southwest. He doesn’t blame anyone for wanting to skip his piece because it doesn’t compare to the increased fear about this criminal that could be heading their way. Henry doesn’t want to be a columnist anyway, but at the time it had been the only job available for the paper once he’d been granted entry into American territory. One day he hopes that he’ll be able to impress his boss enough so he can become a featured journalist and write and report on more newsworthy material that giving his short personal thoughts on things happening in the city or the surrounding farmlands. He doesn’t necessarily wish to be a reporter on politics and international affairs – partly because he has come to America from a different country and he will not tarnish his homeland just to please other people. He wants to travel and write about all the places he’s been, or maybe become an investigative journalist – just something with a sense of adventure.
Here’s the bonus share of the inspiration board with the fic’s title! I’m aiming for this week, or Monday at the latest to start!! If you'd like to be tagged when I publish his to AO3, let me know!
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I know you've been tagged alreadt @priincebutt but you're also someone who always tags me and I also always appreciate when you do! This tag is always open and I will be checking in with everyone's posts shortly!
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oekaki-chan · 2 years
hey c! can i ask how do we get over the feeling of embarassment when drawing self-indulgent shippy fanart? i've seen most of your amazing art and i've noticed that you don't seem to hold back when drawing fanarts, it's really beautiful with the way you portray characters' intimate relationships.. be it thru manga, illustrations, sketches. I have quite a lot of ideas on my mind that I want to draw similar to what you've drawn in terms of shipping characters, but I can't help but feel embarassed most of the time when I attempt to draw, thinking that it's "cringe" or I should draw something else with more deeper meaning into it, not just shippy stuff.. so I get very hesitant posting said art online or even starting the sketch (i haven't drawn 95% of my written ideas for nearly a year ;_; pain lol) since a few of my friends might see and question it lmao but deep down i really want to draw them ofc! i'm just very scared with what others think, but I do want to show myself more through my art and what I really like to draw.. Have you had a similar feeling of embarassment too c? I'm sorry if this got too long, I don't rly have any artist friends to talk to this about :')) I'm just so amazed at how you're able to fight the fear and just draw what you want in the end ^-^ I hope I can be like that too with myself and art, there are rare times where I just say f*ck it and post it anyway but 99% of the time is just me overthinking on whether it's cringe or not but I want to be cringe so bad so I can just be free and draw whatever the heck I want! ahh so many conflicting feelings ;_; i hope you get what I mean, thank you again for responding to my previous asks with the colors and numerous questions! I'm sorry for being so curious lol i just want to draw my favorite characters to kiss and cuddle so bad but im too scared to even draw them so intimately like that so i dont even draw majority of my ideas for fear of being judged :'D :') :(( hope u had a nice day c!
I might never show it but actually I relate to you so hard, it's not once or twice that I keep overthinking if my art is too self-indulgent and cringe, everytime I'm about to post my art I'm one click away to post it but I always have this nagging worry of people judging my art (even tho there's nothing wrong with it, for god's sake!!!) so I just spend another 30 minutes worrying about it until I close my eyes, flick my finger quickly, and close the tab.
And oh god in heaven put a curse on meme culture for this because there was this one instance when someone made a corny meme out of my art (that's not even a funny drawing) and dared to send it to me, I know it's only one person but it's enough to crush my confidence in drawing and posting shippy/emotional art.
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Whenever I draw my favorite characters looking all seductive and cool I always worry people would think it's cringe, whenever I draw characters kissing I always worry people would think I'm weird, but then I remember about the other artists I like who post (their own) self-indulgent stuff and they make me joyous, I want people to feel the same way about my art when I post my own self-indulgent art too, so I guess that's what keeps me doing what I do today 😂
My 2023 resolution is just to stop giving a single damn about what people think of my art, if they think it's cringe then so be it, I can't control the mind of people, at least the cringe art gives me the happy brain chemicals and that's what truly matters 😊
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 1 year
Hello, I hope you are well.
You could write about laurel when she realizes that she is in love with the reader and it makes her jealous to see her with someone other than her. From Laurel's perspective. Lectora is a friend, a co-worker at Nunca Más, Laurel's confidant, and a reader confesses that he is attracted to a girl from Jericó. Laurel enters a conflict with herself. Knowing that he has feelings for an outcast, he is jealous, he will not be able to say or do something to show the reader that it is hers and he will not find another person like Laurel. Due to sexual frustration and pride, Laurel behaves very cold.
Reader goes to see the girl from Jericho. And he forgets that he had to help Marylin with some plants. Laurel/Marylin is enraged by that fact. And when reader returns, laurel shows her disagreement and she loses control of her and lets reader know that she is from
At the end a lot of obscenity and more obscenity .
Yess here it is!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes :))))))
It's a sin
Pairing: Marilyn Thornhill/Laurel Gates x  Fem, Teacher! Reader
Warnings: Laurel’s POV, smut, dark Laurel, jealousy, dark themes
Word count: 5,307
Summary: I like you, but I shouldn’t, do you like me?
 N/A: Requests are open!!! Sorry about the delays, I’m working hard on your requests. I love you all!!!
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I don't know what's wrong with me. I can't concentrate, I can't think, I can't live. Since I arrived at this disgusting school, I only had one thing on my mind. Kill them all. Finally get rid off all the outcasts, erase them from the face of Earth. Between the things that could happen to me, falling in love was not at all on my list.
(Y/N). She's an idiot, always with that cheerful smile, like she doesn't care about anything. I admire the desire to live that that outcast has. Nevermore is a cesspool of arrogance and classism. I never felt appreciated here, and it's not like I wanted it, after all, they were all going to die.
The naive and innocent Marilyn Thornhill was the odd one among the odd ones. I've been pretending to be that silly botany teacher for so long that sometimes even I get confused when I’m looking myself in the mirror. They think it's not worth wasting time with a normie like me. They will soon realize that they were wrong.
But she never treated me like that. (Y/N) didn't seem like the others. If it wasn't for the fact that she's an outcast I might even think that she cares about me, that she's… A friend?
I know she doesn't care. I cannot afford to become intimate with them, to start friendships with the murderers of my family. But there's something about that girl that makes me forget why I'm here, that my name is Laurel Gates and my purpose is revenge, destruction. Surely my ex was right and I'm losing my mind.
“Hello, hello, hello,” (Y/N) says, entering through the conservatory door. These little intrusions had become commonplace. I confess I don't lose my temper, I might like to see her stick her stupid outcast head trough the door.
“(Y/N), as always, you're here,” I say, putting on Thornhill's silly face, that fake smile that it's less and less difficult for me to sketch. I take off my gloves and smile again, trying not to let her notice the plant which I was working on. You are so ignorant, you had death in front of you and you are not able to see it.
“Today has been a horrible day,” she says, sighing exaggeratedly and leaning on one of her desks. I guess I have to pretend that I care about her.
“What happened? The werewolves again?” I ask, joking, standing a little closer to her.
“Gorgons. They would have to give us an extra to teach them to wear a hat properly, I don't know how you can stand them,” she says, smiling, staring at me. I hate that she does that, I can't take my eyes off her stupid eyes.
“I think that's not part of the contract,” I say, playing along. She looks at me and smiles, taking the cell phone out of her.
“How are your plants?” She asks. Please don't pretend you're interested, no one is interested in plants.
“Well, they don't seem like they want to go for a walk,” I tease, with that Marilyn smile. I hate playing dumb, she probably doesn't understand to what extent I'm better than them.
“That would be so cool,” she sighs, raising her eyebrows. “Hey, Mari, it's Friday, finally, do you want to go out for a drink after dinner?”
I don't think she asked me that question. It had been a long time since anyone asked me if I wanted to do something. You probably feel sorry for me, and that's why you do it. You are all the same, miserable.
“Are you asking me?” I ask, pretending to be surprised.
“No, I'm asking that nightshade plant you have there,” she answers ironically. She leaves me stunned, I didn't know that an idiot like her could recognize this such deadly beauty. “Come on, we never left this academy. “Don't you feel like taking a walk far away from teenagers?”
I'm thinking about it. My first answer was a resounding no, but her eyes... Those damn eyes make me change my mind, make me feel... Things I didn't think possible.
“Okay…” I whisper, nodding. I don't know why I say yes. I have many things to do, I can't waste time with someone like her, I shouldn't. But what is she doing? She walks towards me, jumping for joy.
“Great, great, thanks,” she tells me, before doing something unusual. Without expecting it, she gives me a kiss on the cheek. A small one, but a warm one. I can feel her lips on my skin. I'm finished, I know what's wrong with me, and I can't feel more guilty about it.
“Besides, I have something to tell you and I don't want to do it here,” she whispers to me, lowering the volume of her voice more and more “Too many ears...”
I nod, pretending my cheeks haven't turned red.
That hour and a half that she has been with me has passed as if it were a thousand years. She laughs, jokes, says nonsense and I listen to her, I thank her, I look at her...
My father always told me that they were evil. Creatures who had lost their way, who did not belong in God's world. While I get ready to go out with (Y/N), I do nothing but think about them, about my family. I always think of them. I remember my brother, my mother, my father. This time I don't think of avenging them. I look at myself in the mirror, putting on my glasses, ready to make a confession that would weigh on me for the rest of my life.
“Forgive me, mother, forgive me father. I don't know what they've done to me, but I can't help it. I feel bad, my stomach hurts, my chest hurts. I can't sleep, I can't eat. I feel like in a dream, a nightmare. I tried to stop it, to get away from her. But I can’t do it. I'm in love, I'm in love with an outcast.”
There is no answer in my reflection, but in my conscience, how did I come to this? Why have I let myself be consumed so easily? You only had one task, Laurel, and you botched it. (Y/N) appeared in my life as one more enemy, a pretty face that had to disappear. If you only knew how many times I've thought about watching her drown, seeing her spit foam from her mouth and her skin turning blue.
I can't do it anymore, not with her. I don't want to kill her, I want her to live, I want her eyes to shine forever. That is not just any feeling and I know it well, it is love. She's young and awkward and cheeky, but I like her. God I like her too much.
It's a sin, I know, it's wrong, I know. I feel that at any moment you will come for me. Your spirits will come to take me for being weak, for feeling love for a monster. I don't know what to do, or what to say. She has told me that she had to tell me something, and the possibilities made me dizzy.
We get along well, we have more in common than I could mention. At first I pretended to be nice, but I stopped doing it a long time ago. I was nice because I wanted to, because that stupid Marilyn Thornhill seemed nice to her.
What should I do if she tells me that she has feelings for me? Should I tell the truth? Should I lie? I am going crazy. It's just a drink, I know, but it's being alone with her outside of this evil environment. I have to be careful, my father said that love made us weak. Too late, dad.
“Are you ready?” (Y/N) asks, when I go down the stone stairs. I haven't gotten too pretty, I don't want to make things so easy for her.
“Yes, we can go whenever you want,” I answer, sighing.
She is beautiful. I don't often see her dressed like that. I have to hold my jaw so it doesn't fall. It seems like she's testing me.
“You look awesome, (Y/N)” I say without wanting to, without thinking. I regret it, but I enjoy the blush on her cheeks.
“Oh wow, thanks,” she says, turning around so I can see her better. Bad idea. “You are also, stunning.”
I don't believe your compliments (Y/N), the outcasts are false, you lie. Still, I nod gratefully. Lie or not, you’ve said that to me.
We walked for 20 minutes. She says that she does well, and that it is always good to walk. I agree, but I wouldn't want to come back like this at night, if we ever come back.
I have to calm down, stop thinking stupid things. She has told me that she has something to tell me, not something to confess to me. I'm dying to know, I want to know what do you want to tell me, what do you feel. Fuck, (Y/N), I'm dying for you and you don't even know it.
“Two margaritas,” (Y/N) says to the waiter, who politely nods. I look at her with an arched eyebrow. I don't usually drink alcohol, and I'm afraid I'll do something stupid if I do, I mean, something else.
The situation is tense. I don't talk and neither does she. We just look at each other like we don't quite know what to say. We always see each other in the conservatory, or in her class. It was very strange to be in a bar, drinking cocktails that didn't contain poison. Surely if that margarita had a blue glow, my father would be proud of me. It is not time to regret. I have to find out what she wants to tell me.
“Well… (Y/N)…” I say, raising the glass to my lips and giving her an intriguing look. “What is that you wanted to tell me?”
She puts her glass down on the table and clears her throat. Her smile is mischievous and I can smell her perfume as she leans into me.
“We're friends, right?” She asks. I widen my eyes, feeling the knot in my stomach grow bigger and bigger.
“Of course we are,” I say, wanting to speed up the conversation as much as possible.
“Well, well. I don't have much confidence with the rest to say this but... You are different, you are special, you know.”
My heart flutters with that statement. She shouldn't, but she does. Yes, (Y/N), we are special, you and me.
“Uh-huh,” I affirm, trying not to make my hand shake, so that it doesn't show how happy it makes me to hear it.
“It turns out… I've met someone,” she says, with an amused and confident smile.
My soul goes to the ground. I feel disappointment and relief. My conscience would stop haunting me if she didn't feel something for me. But my heart would break into a thousand pieces. And after those words, it's starting to crack.
“Oh, really?” I ask, taking a long swallow of the cocktail to hide my disappointment. She nods profusely. The sparkle in her eyes tells me she's not lying.
“The girl from the clothing store, she's amazing, we have many things in common…”She says again, excited.
I want to run, run away without looking back. I've given up my principles to allow myself to commit the sin of loving her, and she didn't feel the same way. I was convinced, really I was. I believed that she had feelings for me. Her eyes, her gestures, her words told me. I am delusional, I have become Marilyn Thornhill.
“Well, what are you going to do?”
“I don't know, I was waiting for you to give me some advice,” she tells me, leaning back on the sofa. I feel cheated, anger runs through my veins.
I try to remember that bitch's face. Yes, I remember her. Pretty, young, nice. It's perfect for her, she almost is for me. I feel jealous, even though I have no right, even though I shouldn't.
I don't get it, (Y/N), why are you getting my hopes up? Why do you look at me like that if you love another girl? You are torturing me. Now I understand Garrett.  His love for an outcast was what killed him.
My expression changes from happiness to indifference. I shake my head.
“There's nothing I can tell you, (Y/N),” I finally sentenced, ending my humiliation.
I toss and turn in bed. It's been a strange night. After that drink I pretended to feel bad and we have returned to Nevermore. In part I am not lying, I do not feel well. Your eyes have lied to me, they have deceived me. You have no idea what it's been like for me just to admit that I love you.
I'm frustrated. In the bar you have touched me, you have hugged me, you have thanked me for being a good friend and keeping that secret. I hate you, I hate you viscerally. You not only reject me, but you also leave honey on my lips. Just thinking that bitch lays a hand on you makes me sick, my skin burns and my fists clench.
My body needs you, (Y/N), I need to love you, to make you mine. That no one can touch you. I want to bite your neck, your lips, your chest... I'm going crazy imagining you moaning with someone who isn't me, and at the same time I get horny thinking about your naked body.
I have already sinned, the evil thing is already done. I feel frustrated for not being able to touch you, I will have to settle for imagining you.
I can't help it, my hand moves by itself, impatient, hurt, hot. I can't have you but I can imagine you. I imagine what your kisses would be like, those forbidden kisses. I'm lost, no one can help me. It has been knowing that you like another person and I lost my mind. I caress myself, thinking that you are doing it, that you are the one on top of me, that it is not someone else. Let's not kid ourselves, (Y/N), she's nothing compared to me. She will never be able to do the things that I would do to you.
I sigh and gasp. I'm excited and furious and I can't tell you, I have to settle for caressing my body in bed. That is the life that Marilyn Thornhill has. A bitter spinster who resorts to masturbation because she never dared to express what she felt.
I give myself pleasure and that relaxes me, it makes me feel closer to you just by saying your name. How I need you, (Y/N). I have an orgasm, two. Silent, discreet. There is no one who can hear me, no one to whisper an I love you. I'm dying, (Y/N).
That ephemeral pleasure does not make me fall asleep. Laurel Gates can't sleep like Marilyn Thornhill. Laurel Gates is not like Marilyn Thornhill. My thoughts wander from lust to anger, to rancor, to the desire to do bad things. Not against you, (Y/N), but I feel comfortable thinking that I can really get that bitch out of my way. With just one phone call I can tell Tyler to rip that girl up, turn her into compost. That image makes me smile. I wish I could, but I can't.
I'm so in love with her that I feel incapable of playing dirty. At least that way I'm managing to fall asleep. I will not play the same game as Garrett. I must learn from his mistakes. I won't chase her like a lapdog, I won't beg for her love. I'll let her realize the mistake she's making. It is time to change the tender Marilyn for the cold Laurel.
She continues to come to the conservatory in the afternoons, as if nothing had happened. Nothing happened, in fact. She told me about that girl, how shy she was, and how they hadn't even  had a coffee. That made my corners rise, satisfied.
“Hey, Marilyn,” she told me one afternoon. “Is something wrong?”
I played dumb. Well, of course something is wrong with me, but I won't give you the pleasure of telling you about it.
“No, nothing,” I said dryly. I played indifference, ignorance.  It seemed to work, now she was worried.
“Lately you barely talk to me, I'm starting to think you're angry about something…” You murmured, looking at the ground.
“I told you that nothing is wrong with me,” I answered abruptly. She stepped back a bit, startled by my unusual reaction.
“Okay…” she sighed, swallowing. “Do you want me to help you with the plants tomorrow? Larissa told me that they are going to bring new things from Jericho.
I took a breath and pursed my lips. Now you were being nice, right? Are you beginning to realize what's happening to me? It's impossible, you're a stupid outcast, but you're my outcast.
I turned around and looked at her with the same coldness. Her face was that of a little lamb, that of a child apologizing for breaking a plate. It's not a plate, (Y/N), it's my fucking heart. But I am pious, my mother taught me to be.
“Alright. The shipment arrives at 4:00 p.m. If you want to help me, you're welcome.”
She nodded and awkwardly left the building.
Little by little, Laurel, little by little.
This morning I feel somehow better. I'm meeting her, even if it's not a date. At last I think I have stirred something in her consciousness.
Maybe a bit of my true personality was needed for you to realize that there is no one like me, that I can make you happier than anyone. You are a forbidden fruit, (Y/N), and it is better to enjoy those slowly, treat them with care, without forgetting why they are forbidden.
The hours pass slowly, as if time itself were torturing me. I've arrived at the conservatory an hour early and I'm starting to get nervous. I touch the plants without much sense, wandering all over the place.
I don't know how to act, I don't know what to tell you. Am I starting to be nice again? I don't want you to fool me, I don't want you to take advantage of the fact that I'm weak, like my brother. I don't want to be cold either, I don't want you to leave me. I don't even know what I'm saying. I should think about killing you, not loving you.
The agreed time arrives and I begin to tremble. I pretend to be watering the plants, like I didn't want to see your stupid head sticking out the door. I rehearse a conversation in my head, but none seems good to me. I don't want to apologize for having treated you badly, I'm not really sorry, I think you deserve it for having despised me, for not having seen beyond your own ego. Soon you will realize what I am, what I can be for you. You will begin to value me, to value the fact that I have decided to save you from extinction and forgive your miserable life, so that you can live it with me.
It's half past five and you still haven't shown up.
 I had to turn on the lights, it's starting to get dark. I have no news of her. I have even lowered myself to writing her a message. She doesn't answer, I don't know anything about her.
I have patience, but I also have my limits. Dinner time has passed, I'm hungry, but I can't feel it. I stare into space in the conservatory, my fists clenched. You're not coming, it's too late. You have deceived me again, you have made me look stupid again.
I feel something weird, like tears pooling in my eyes. I can't believe it, I'm crying for her. She has made me miserable, but still I cry for her, I cry for my enemy. What I've become. I am a failure as Gates, as a woman and as Marilyn. Not even the innocent botany teacher has managed to remove her conscience a bit. You dirty bastard, you'll pay dearly, just like everyone else.
I go into my room and sit on the bed. I don't feel like screaming. When Brianna left me, I trashed the apartment, screaming in anger. She said that I was crazy, that they would have to lock me up. Maybe she was right. But now I don't feel like screaming, I feel like sitting there, waiting for the flames of hell to come for me. Wrath, lust, envy, pride... There are too many sins.
I sob thinking about what my life would have been like had I been born like Marilyn Thornhill. If something had changed. Would I be in Nevermore? Would I have found love in someone other than my enemy? I confess that sometimes I dream of being her, of being Marilyn. Sometimes I dream that I am her, that I do not hate them, that my principles and my lineage are not on my shoulders.
A few knocks on the door take me out of my weak woman thoughts, of an unfortunate woman who has lost her life thinking about revenge, and not about love.
I get up to see who would want to see poor Marilyn Thornhill at this time of night. I can't believe it, it's her.
“Hello, Marilyn,” she tells me timidly. I look at her defiantly and start to breathe very hard.
“What are you doing here?” I ask, with a clear tone of anger. Damn, I'm angry.
“Well… I've come to apologize…” She says, almost whispering.
“Why?” I ask abruptly. I hope my words are able to express all the hate I feel.
“Well, I forgot that I had a date with you…” She says, running a hand over the back of her neck.
You dare to come to my room to say those words. You are very daring.
“Oh,” I sigh, crossing my arms.
“Seriously, forgive me, it's just that… Can I come in?” She asks, pointing into my room.
I think about it carefully and I make a gesture for you to enter. You don't realize what you're doing, now you're trapped.
“It's very… Cozy,” (Y/N) comments. She wants to mislead me, but she's not going to get it.
“Cut the crap,” I tell her, cutting off her absurd comments.
“I'm really sorry, Marilyn. Rachel told me that she wanted to have a coffee with me and…” Oh, no. Not that
“Rachel,” I say, pronouncing her name in the most despicable way possible.
“Yes, the Jericho girl I told you about.”
I can't take this nonsense anymore. I burn with rage. She's locked in my room, she can't escape. It's time to be myself, to take out Laurel and to bury Marilyn.
“I know who she is, (Y/N)!" I scream, my hands shaking and I feel that familiar feeling of losing control.
“But what's wrong with you? Why are you screaming?” She asks, clearly scared.
Well, that's it, I want to see the terror in those beautiful eyes.
“Don't take me for an idiot, (Y/N). You come to my room, at night, to tell me that you didn't come to the date you had with me because you had a date with that whore,” I say, hissing, approaching her little by little, stalking her until her back hits the wall.
“But what are you talking about? If precisely I came to...”
“Shut up! I'm sick of you playing with me!”  I'm crazy but I must confess that I enjoy it.
“What? Why would I play with you? Have you gone crazy?”(Y/N) asks. She is shaking, scared. She's afraid of me, and that turns me on, turns me on too much.
“I want you, (Y/N),” I hiss, gripping her jaw hard. Her skin is so soft…It feels so good between my fingers. “You have devoted yourself to making me jealous, deceiving me and deceiving yourself. I see your eyes, your glances, your gestures... I know you feel something for me...”
“I…I…” She stammers. Her expression has changed, she has relaxed. I can't understand her, she'll make my head explode. “You like me?”
I'm stuck for a moment. It wasn't the question I thought I'd hear.
“What?” I ask, shaking my head. I had to hear wrong.
“You like me!” She screams, almost making me deaf. “Because if you liked me all this time I don't understand why you haven't been brave and you have told me instead of letting me think that you will never love me.”
I'm hallucinating. It was just a guess. I didn't know if she really had feelings for me. I thought that I was only blinded by desire, that my eyes only saw what they wanted to see. I was very wrong. I have no answer. Saying it out loud would only show my soft spot for her. Letting myself drag on the ground, ending up being a disgrace to my family.
 I don't want you to know, but I do want to make one thing clear. You’re mine.
I gasp and my grip on her jaw tightens. I hope I'm hurting her, I hope I leave a mark on her, I want her to remember, I want her to know. My lips are very close to hers and I am very sick. I can't help it, I threw me towards them, finally feeling what her kisses would be like, what it's like to kiss the lips of a scum, an outcast.
She sighs, surprised, but she doesn't stop me. I suck her, I bite her, I make her bleed, but she doesn't want to stop, she's enjoying , I know, now I know.
I go crazy and drop her chin, lowering my hands to her waist. Her hands rest on my neck. She pulls me, drags me towards her, she doesn't let me move. I don't want to do it either.
“(Y/N)…” I sigh, opening my  eyes for a moment, seeing what was on her face. Only sparkle in her eyes, heavy breaths. I see the same thing as me when I look in the mirror. Lust, desire. You're a sinner too, (Y/N), I've always known that.
“Don't stop kissing me, Marilyn,” she gasps, devouring my lips again. I can't help but sneer at hearing that name.
Don't you see? Marilyn doesn't exist, she never did. Laurel is the one who kisses you, the one who touches you. She doesn't care if you don't know, you'll soon find out.
Her tongue and mine fight tirelessly. It is a struggle for domination, for power. I can't allow her to dominate me, to let me melt by her caresses, to let her unbutton my blouse with total impunity. I have to be above her, I have to dominate her, subjugate her to me, I need to have her at my mercy.
I am not delicate, nor loving, at least not in that situation. Without any remorse I pulled her arm and pushed her against the bed. She is surprised, but she doesn't say anything. Her eyes flick to me as I climb on top of her.
I don't know how she did it, but she managed to get off my blouse. I was so busy kissing her skin that I had forgotten that her hands roamed my body freely. That couldn't be allowed. I forcefully grab her wrists and pull them over her head.
“Stay still,” I whisper dangerously in her ear, as I unbutton her pants. She nods, obeys. That makes me moan, feel pleasure. She is already mine and she doesn't know it yet. I tossed her pants across the room and settled on her hips.
I start to move, to feel her warmth. She can't help it, she wants it too.
“I've always liked you, Marilyn…” She gasps, moving her hands towards mine, disobeying.
Her voice is tender, adorable. She is telling the truth, she is being sincere. I'm happy to hear it, but no, that won't be worth it to get rid of me. I want to take her and do it now. I've been dreaming about this for too long. My hand goes to her panties, without mercy, without consideration. I want it, and I want it now.
She doesn't resist, she allows herself to be dominated. Damn, I'm sorry father, mother, but she's perfect. I can finally touch her, feel her. She is excited, wet. I bite her lip while I caress her, while I rub her. I see her eyes, she is moaning. I can't be happier, but I'm not going to show it.
“Please…”She begs me. She is desperate, that amuses me. I play with her entrance, making her suffer.
That's more than you deserve for what you've done to me. But I've said it before, my mother taught me some compassion.
I insert my fingers into her. She is slippery, hot. I moan at the contact, to finally have you where I wanted. She doesn't moan, she screams, she cries with pleasure. I know I'm good, but not good enough to produce those moans. I melt watching her squirm at my touch. I'm cruel, painfully slow. She has to suffer, she has to realize that she just sold her soul to the devil.
“Please… More…” She begs again. I laugh with pleasure, with satisfaction, as I pick up speed. I feel the her walls squeezing my fingers. She's about to explode. What a disappointment, I thought that being so young she could take more. “Ahhh”
She screams even louder, grabbing my bra, clawing at my back. She lost her mind, she gone crazy, and it's all thanks to me. I shouldn't let her, so I do. It hurts me to admit it, but I love her, I love her so much...
I don't let her breathe, she shouldn't. I take off my panties, hike up my skirt. I want her mouth on me, I want to get on top of her and drown her, I want her to eat me, to kiss me, I want her beautiful outcast face to get wet with me, I want to cover her with me.
She doesn't complain, she doesn't kick, she just moans, moans even more desperately. I'm going to faint from so much pleasure. I feel her mouth sucking, licking, tasting my body. It's just what I wanted, it's just how I dreamed it. I can't feel anything but her mouth anymore. All my senses are clouded by pleasure. I don't know what my name is, nor what I want it to be. I reach the orgasm quickly too, it's humiliating, but even more so for her. She is covered in me, she smells like me, she is mine at last. I get off, giving her a soft slap on the cheek.
It is the ideal moment for an I love you, but I do not want to do it without first making one thing clear.
“(Y/N), listen to me,” I tell her. She's catching her breath, she can't even speak. Only her eyes tell me that she is listening. “You are mine, only mine. Repeat it!”
“I'm…” She murmurs, exhausted. I like this game.
“I'm yours! Only yours!”
I smirk and kiss her softly on her lips, tasting myself. It's fantastic, wonderful.
Mother, father, brother. Forgive me please. I have fallen into temptation, I have succumbed to sin and I like it.
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ravenstargames · 1 year
✦ Lost in Limbo Devlog #3 | 03.31.23
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Almost April already, huh? Time does really fly when you are busy. If February promised to be a stressful month for me and the team, March has been hell let loose. Our second trimester has ended as of today and our plan of action is to do as many things as we can during April, as we will hopefully have less workload from our master.
Without further ado—let's see what we managed to do this month!
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Fixing sprites has still been one of our priorities. Truth is our master is doing a good job at teaching us how to do things better, and the eyes that once did those sprites are not the same watching them now. One of our bigger struggles is the lack of personal—we are literally four people doing our best with our daily lives while also being in charge of whole departments, and that is a bit crazy sometimes because there's a lot to do. I hope we can hire some help for the full game, because I don't want us all to crunch forever :').
Following the character art train of thought, this month we will also be giving priority to finishing at least one of our key art / promotional art pieces. Raquel is already working on polishing the sketch and we hope we can finish it soon to really start having a solid package of key art to represent us and our game.
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Final piece will include bodies attached to heads, mind you. Unless...
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Ahá! Remember last month when we said Raquel and I were working on some LiL backgrounds for a master assignment? Well, they are looking pretty good! We got rid of one forest background during the prologue outline process to alleviate some workload, but we seized the opportunity to bring it back! We won't be showing that one yet as we want to finish it and make an individual post for it, but you can have a look at this one instead!
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Taking a stroll through Limbo's woods seems like a good idea...
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Not too many news from the writing department this month. I'm going full speed with the fixes and editing the demo script like I planned, and I hope to have everything ready next month, but we'll see how things go. The changes to the script are being very beneficial to the general pace of the prologue. We want to get to the juicy part as soon as possible and have as much content of the LIs as we can, right?
The main lore document is still on the works too, but, dare I say it, I'm very happy with it! I'm secretly hoping we can offer the lore book as a physical reward for our future kickstarter, but that's still far away in the future. The artbook is our main priority!
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This month we have also focused on something really special and important that sadly we won't be revealing until it's done because, well, it's in the making, and no one wants to see it all ugly and in progress, right? But we are working very hard and are very excited to be able to show it soon! Agh!
Also, our GUI is almost, almost completely finished! Only the title screen is left, so we are leaving you a preview of another screen right below. Our designer is once again doing an impeccable job.
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Yep, you'll have a compendium with all the important bits and lore pieces you discover. Only in the full game, though.
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It has been an okay-ish month for us. Very stressful because of our master; there's definitely a lot of excitement we have been bottling up as we found ourselves unable to work on LiL like we wanted to. I hope that April, or at least the beginning of it (before the last trimester of our degree starts getting serious and unhinged, which I'm afraid will happen) proves to be productive and enough to at least tie up some loose ends. The team needs a couple of days to rest, but we are ready to get back on track and do as much as we can this next month.
Thank you all so much for your unending support and for your patience, it means the world to us :') 💜 We hope you all are doing alright!
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modern-inheritance · 4 months
Ait, animatic peoples and randos just here for the weirdass MIC/IC animatic. Here's the plan for the day.
This will probably change but I'm here for lunch and looking through the absolute MESS I made of my layers and folders while fretting over the run sequence frames so we'll focus there.
Eyeglow for Run2 and redo the motion blur with that added.
Run4, the final frame of the run sequence. Like, the whole thing of it. I already did the grid (i think? i fuckin HOPE–) yesterday so just need to trace, add background, ect. I'm sticking with the gradient for the background that was started in Run3, it looked really wrong with just the grass color.
think of something fun for feral!Arya to say when she's looking at the guy in Run4 because that's NOT going to be a smear/motion frame and we get to have anxiety about THAT because we're constantly forgeting that EACH OF THESE ONLY SHOW UP FOR 0.4 SECONDS.
Slash frames. Get some glow on them, clean them up. might do the paths trick but I prefer the sketch look. Motion blur? we're gonna be tinkering.
Past that, if it gets done today, then we can focus back on Murtagh's arrow cam sequence.
The Young Rider sequence, at least the door opening and Murtagh stabbing the guy, need to be remade in MagicPoser now that I have swords and stuff.
I'm gonna wait for the weekend to plan out/build the stuff for the intro with the mountain and all that.
do a few quick frames of Murtagh shooting everyone. easy shots, prob just an overview with each person 'HURK! blargh *faceplant*' from above. OO or maybe a few diff angles, quick to each–
Try not to panic about the dragon parts. If you have to, you can...you can try to export-import from MP to daz but that sounds like pain and tweaking it all in daz just with the dragon model sounds painful but not quite as much.
And yes. Yes we are going to start planning out Eragon's scenes. There's some finicky stuff I need to do with the final part of the Young Rider sequence, which could involve me doing music mashups and inserts again, but we'll cross that later. But there are indeed IDEAS for 'Oh My God He's The Most Powerful Man On The Continent and We Made Him Mad and Threatened The People He Loves and Protects that is not a human nor a man that is a fucking MONSTER–'!Eragon.
:3 because I don't think I've ever shown Eragon post war yet in an angry state. I'm a bit excited.
ooo. Do you think he's started trying to grow some scruff? Arya did find it a bit fetching on Fäolin, maybe he's gonna try and get somethin growing.... He still looks YOUNG, but he's in his mid 20s at this point, and while his growth and aging has stalled there due to his elf stuff now, he does look Man and not Boy/Teen.
I"m getting too detailed again alright i need to actually EAT MY FUCKING LUNCH WHY IS THERE ONLY FOUR MINUTES LEFT–
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fuku-fuki · 1 year
"Wh-What the—? And I was lookin' forward to a happy ending!" "Not yet! We're just getting started!"
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okay wow the quality is absolute garbage. i guess that's what i get for exporting this on samsung notes. i'll see if i can somehow get a version that doesn't look so low resolution it looks like i reposted it
anyway, this sketch i did today is inspired by this sprite of kokichi, which for some reason i associate with this scene from chapter 1? hence the caption.
(now that i'm rewatching it, the "don't worry!" voice line he says is so endearing—i sure hope he doesn't go through experiences so traumatic it eventually backs him into a corner where he feels he has to be antagonistic and cruel to everyone for their sake. and is it just me, or is he a lot more cooperative here, even, somewhat genuinely, reprimanding kiibo for pointing out that "assumptions are all but useless" when they were talking about being friends after escape. i'm sure that kokichi also agrees with kiibo, however i believe he was more in favor of boosting morale—after all, 1. it's important for preventing a murder, which would be very high on kokichi's priority list, and 2. they only tried twice, so like hell he's gonna let them give up so easily when a possible exit is right there—so he was also in favor of kaede's leadership.
i think the entirety of chapter 1 ruined all his hopes of everyone cooperating normally, alongside with giving him the conclusion "this place wants us to get our hopes up in order to crush it," and with how good (for better or for worse) he is at adapting depending on the situation, that lead to… *vague hand gestures* yeah. i like this prologue-to-chapter one version of him a lot, and i wish we could see him leading in a peaceful environment—even if he does it really indirectly/subtly, because it would definitely be different from the way he leads for the rest of the game, or maybe even the entirety of it, from the moment it's announced to the end.
did not intend for this to be a ramble/"analysis" but alright. i do recommend reading this analysis by unweavinglies, as well as their other analyses, they're really good!)
although i'm not fully satisfied by this somehow, i think it's pretty good for something i drew on a literal notes app. if you ignore the hands.
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clarktooncrossing · 1 year
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Happy National Cartoonists Day, everyone! What, you didn't think my current computer crisis would stop me from celebrating the Holiday, did ya? Actually, it almost did. Y'see, despite this piece being drawn by hand, my computer's scanner wouldn't save the file onto my craptop. My computer's going through a processing error, meaning it's set to stop working any day now. Fortunately this hunk'a junk managed to work just long enough for me to upload the newest Sketch BOOM! Yes my friends, the Sketch BOOM is back! I figured if I could only post one thing for NCD it might as well be something covered head to toe with cartoons. Some pretty well drawn cartoons too, if you pardon me tootin' my own horn. It just feels so good to have drawn something, have it come out looking as good as it does, and to be able to upload it here on tumblr for you all to see. For the record though, screw tumblr's stupid@$$ upload size limit, I freak'n hate websites that do that! It makes me as mad as a blood-cursed Croczilla fighting a sentient mobile home, but we'll get to that in a bit. For now though, let's see what silly sketches managed to make their way onto the page, starting from the top left corner and making our way down.
Don't forget to be on the lookout for the Snow Conies, the tiny sentient species of snow cones that have invaded almost every part of the page! Can you spot all 8?
[1] DID SOMEONE SAY PIZZA? You wanna know what the downside is of drawing at the bottom of the page and working your way up is? You have tiny pockets of blank space that you're unsure what to do with. Such was the case was this corner, having been left blank after drawing #2. For a while I thought of filling the void with a cosmically charged Snow Conie in the same vein at Rosie, but the Cosmic Cutie was already part of the BOOM due to Discord shenanigans. Instead I opted for a Clarktoon that sadly hasn't been drawn in a while, that being the ever-goofy Pizza Monster. No doubt he was lured here by the scent of all the pretzel pizzas I've been eating lately. While he was here I decided to experiment with his expressions, adding more cheek to his smile. Honestly I think he looked better without them. Still, I'm happy to see him here as I hope all of you are. Now if only he'd stop hogging all the grub!
[2] EYE OF THE THERIAN Rosie isn't the only character here due to Discord shenanigans. At the beginning of every month my friend @Foxhatart opens herself up to sketch suggestions on her Kofi page. For the record, those of you wanting to help out another artist keep food in their bellies can click here. With a few of these Kofi slots still left open, Fox came to her friends asking if they had any ideas for pics involving her characters. Not knowing a ton about her characters, I joked that she ott'a draw her half-lemur girl Cath bench press a bus, her freakish strength having become a reoccurring gag via game nights. Funny as the idea was, I didn't expect Fox to actually do it. You can imagine my surprise when this popped up in my inbox a few days later. Consider this doodle a long overdue 'thank you'. Here we see the crazy Cath lifting weights with, of all peeps, Bumper! No doubt the little marshmallow's here for moral support since he can't actually build up any muscle mass. Ghost problems, am I right? Hope you enjoy this silly little sketch, Fox. Next time I'll have Cath bench-pressing your mortal nemesis; a train.
[3] TOOK ME LONG ENOUGH Despite what I said about Pizza Monster, he actually wasn't the last sketch to be included. No, that honor goes to the metal mercenary, the bodacious bot bounty hunter, the anarchistic anti-hero herself; Candy Banger! Much like the aforementioned monster I figured it had been too long since I drew Candy or really any of the robotic cast of 3K. Atop of that, Candy represented a good chance for me to use the stockpile of poses I've saved up from a thumb drive. Using one from a tumblr site called @posereference turned out to be surprisingly easier than anticipated, the only real flaw in the end being how I colored her. This is one of many coloring errors I made on this piece, Candy's hair looking more bluish purple than I had intended. Still, considering I drew her at all, I doubt Candy's complaining. Here's hoping I can draw more of her in the future, otherwise I might be riddled with bullet holes like that wall behind her. 
[4] AN AVERAGE DAY AT WHIMSYLAND And thus we've arrived to the first sketch of this compilation given to me by a friend, this one coming from @jackieariane. She and I both suffered during the Chapek administration of Disney, Jart regaling me with tales of when she dealt with rude customers at Animal Kingdom. It reminded me of when my friends AnimatedTigerGirl and RigbyH00ves worked at the Floridan Park too, all three of my companions having a surprisingly miserable experience. All these stories started melting together in my brain until I asked the question; what would happen if Brooklyn Nine Nine was set at Disneyland? Thus Whimsyland was born, albeit originally out of spite towards Chapek. I already detailed all this back in the DUDELZ from the Dumpster I posted earlier this year, but I failed to mention the human protagonist of this story, Wendy. Having been to Whimsyland once in her life at a young age, the young Vietnamese gal with OCD was immediately smitten by the place, vowing she'd someday work there. Spending the rest of her life researching the park and watching Matt Whimsy documentaries on uView, you can imagine Wendy's disappointment when she returned to the Perkiest Place on the Planet to find nothing was as perky. Whimsyland had lost its whimsy. It's here where she met Freddy Fox, the cartoon mascot of the company living in exile over how the house Matt built is being run today. In other words, what I'd imagine Mickey would be doing if he were real. Together these two kindred spirits are set to bring magic back to this wonderland! Overall I'm pleased with how the sketch turned out, though Wendy's face reminds me of my character Sue the Game Genie more than I'd prefer. Also, Fred Fox is way bigger than intended, no doubt I'll be changing that for future depictions of these two. For now though, this drawing has just enough Whimsy for my liking. 
[5] CROCZILLA: BLOOD CURSE More Discord Shenanigans! This time it's the result of a Dungeons & Dragons campaign that @burningthrucelluloid somehow roped me into yet again. Instead of robots and dragons set in a medieval fantasy however, this time it's elves and crocodiles in an approximation of the American south. One ruled by Jerimiah Strahd, a ruthless blood-sucking bastard that Alec based off Leonardo DiCaprio's character from Django Unchained. If that wasn't a sign of how crazy this campaign has become, here's an actual moment from the game. The heroic but hesitant human Jason (YoungSamurai18), the loud-mouthed scaredy cat Toby (Mr-Herp-Derp), and the silent but deadly Ed (void-android), and the equally hungry and adventurous Crocie (me, of course) were hunting for a witch named Bubba Lysiga when all of a sudden the witch brought her mobile home to life in order to attack our heroes. Worse still, she put Ed under mind control to attack his comrades. Croc got the worst of it, his HP dropping to 0 due to him falling from the house and getting stomped on by its gigantic set of wooden chicken legs. Did I mention this campaign gets strange? Well it got even crazier when a dark, shadowy entity housed in Croc's body suddenly gave him a recharge, the reptile taking the chance to mix a Heat and Growth potion he obtained earlier to become CROCZILLA! It was a moment Alec was hoping would happen in game and I didn't intend on disappointing. Same goes for this sketch, it mostly going just as envisioned in my head. The pissed off look on my green friend's face, the damage done to the rusty trailer that is the witch's house, the tiny silhouettes of Croc's teammates in said home, the heavy fog, the Earth-shattering roar in the background, it all came out great. Save for one detail. You'll notice that Croc's eyes are black with red irises in this pic. That detail's due to Croc having blood curse abilities, hence the dark entity sharing rental space in his body. As such, you'd think Croc's fire breath would be just as vibrantly red, but sadly that idea didn't occur to me until after I made the fire blue as well as the shine off every surface. Spam it! Still, coloring hiccup aside, I'm mighty proud of this pic! Hopefully so are the rest of the Barovian Bozos that make up my team. 
[6] WONDER ZIGGY, CINEPHILE FROM THE PLANET GARBONZA EVEN MORE DISCORD SHENANIGANS! Cut to a few months back and I was restructuring my Discord server, cutting down the multiple move threads it had before merging them all into one. Being the story-driven bozo I am, I quickly wrote a backstory for this thread involving an alien named Ziggy falling in love with the Earth B-Movies he was picking up on his deep space probe. So much so that he came down to our planet only to discover there were even MORE types of movies for him to enjoy! It overwhelmed him so much that he blacked out, awakening the next day having purchased a since abandoned drive-in theater on the outskirts of Clarksburg. Faced with this new impulse purchase, Ziggy followed the oldest piece of wisdom known to man or alien; Screw it. After a refurb Ziggy reopened the drive-in, screening B Movies and cinematic shlock to an appreciative public. And if you can believe it, I typed all of that out after thinking about it for five minutes. My brain is weird like that. All that said, it'd take a couple of RP sessions before I got his personality down, that being an MST3K character if the show were written by Joe-Bob Briggs. In other words, a surprisingly well educated weirdo with a deep love of Hollywood history. It'd take me a while longer before finally sketching him, basing him off the titular villain from Robot Monster, an appropriate design for someone who loves old, cheesy movies. All he was missing was a pink Hawaiian shirt and a cowboy hat. If you think he's strange, you should meet his wife Wanda, though let's save that for a future BOOM...
[7] LOOKIN' SPAM GOOD! What better way to show my friends I care than drawing them in ridiculous outfits? This sketch, the first to be included in this BOOM, is a merging of two repurposed ideas I had for other pictures. The first would've involved the Swedish menace Finjix with a fish bowl on his head much to the confusion of Alec, the recipient of a kawaii make over. I can't remember where the fishbowl idea spawned from but Sir Alec the Adorable came from him scoffing at the idea that I could make anything cute, himself included. Just you wait Alec, I'll get you someday! For now though I swapped out making him uber-adorable in favor of dressing him up like the Wasp from Earth's Mightiest Heroes, the awesome animated show he finally binge-watched on my behalf. Granted I could've drawn him as Maria Hill, the character on the show he deemed the sexiest, but it wouldn't have been as funny. After all, all Maria's outfit is a blue jumpsuit. Far less interesting than Jart's leather jacket, an image that popped into my noggin following her telling me she's learning to ride a bike. That and me desperately clinging onto the back as she gave me a ride, but that would've been harder to draw. Instead I went for the jacket, a fashion statement that would be stupid in real life since she lives in the infamously hot country of Vietnam. Yet even in the face of logic, Jart not only humored me but encouraged me to include this in the final sketch. Thank goodness she did cuz I love how it turned out, minus the green stripes that were accidentally colored black like the rest. DRATS! Not only that but she informed me that she was no longer using her fursona, instead opting to draw herself as a human from now on. DOUBLE DRATS! Ah well, I have more ideas involving 'Trang the Tyrant' as I've nicknamed her, so chances are I'll get the chance to correct both mistakes in the future. It might also give me another chance to draw myself as Super Giraffe, which was what I originally intended to do with my own fursona. Sadly the costume still needs work so instead I opted for my classic Pagonian Wizard robes. Even in the face of all these snafus, I think we all look spam good!
[8] ROSIE STARDUST, SPACE WIZARD Turns out I'm always right even when I'm spewing nonsense. Don't believe me? Plenty of peeps have made that mistake before. Take my friend Alec for example. In the midst of him running the current Strahd campaign I mentioned earlier, I jokingly tossed out the idea of Rosie transporting our heroes out of Barovia and into another universe. A cute 'What If' scenario the Dungeon Master wasted no time in shooting down. Mistaking my silly suggestion as a legit one, Alec explained how unfair it'd be for a god to play a game with a bunch of mortal meatbags. Let the record show that I never declared the sentient Einstein-Rosen Bridge to be a deity. Some alien cultures have mistaken her from one, but Rosie herself would be the first to tell you she's no holy being. Not that any of that mattered. Alec held firm to his statement, Rosie was denied access to any dungeons. For about six seconds before my buddy realized how a depowered Rosie would make a wonderful wizard for a Spelljammers campaign. Fueling this fire was his recent watching of The Owl House, imagining Rosie rocking wizard robes similar to those worn by The Good Witch Azura. Before I could say, "NOW EAT THIS SUCKA," he was leading the charge on my server of peeps demanding I draw Rosie as a space wizard. At first I was floored at the audacity! You shoot down an idea that wasn't meant to be taken seriously only for you to turn around and do so anyway? MAKE UP YOUR SPAM MIND! Then I followed Alec's example and got over it, the idea of Rosie in wizards robes too tempting a sketch not to capitalize on. In the end the only aspect of Azura that made it into the final product was the hat, minus the cute lil' crown. Everything else took cues from the fashion of @cherrysdesigns along with a style @girlofhearts101 turned me towards called whimsigoth. All of which resulting in an costume that gave Alec 'David Bowie Ziggy Stardust vibes'. It's thanks to that comment that Rosie now has a last name. Everyone, say hello to Rosie Stardust, universal explorer and space wizard!
[9] DIREKTOR AND 3D1T0-R Is there a Hollywood equivalent in the Star Wars universe? Some sort of glamorous planet where overpaid alien celebrities are shamelessly rebooting beloved classics for a profit? All while amazing writers are getting screwed out of the earnings they deserve? This was what I asked Alec during his binge watching of The Clone Wars. Surprising me once more, the Masked Maniac revealed that he had asked SIM-N the same question before, the two creating a character called The Direktor for their Monova comics. Her whole gimmick was producing hypnotic propaganda for the tyrannical Twin Emperors, a cool concept that never went anywhere due to the robotroll cutting From Destiny's Ashes short. Being the character man that I am, I decided The Direktor couldn't go to waste. Especially when she'd make such a good villain in the world of 3K and a good addition to this BOOM. After asking SIM-N for the character's original reference sheet I set out to give her a Clarktoon makeover while watching cutscenes of The Second Sister from Jedi: Fallen Order. No doubt Elizabeth Grullon's intimidating vocal performance effected my outcome, the alien movie maker now sporting a streamlined outfit along with a smugly sinister smile on her face. As apposed to her boss, the Direktor's little droid 3D1T0-R hardly changed in the transition. He was a little creepy ball to start and he's still a little creepy ball now. One that was cooked up by Alec according to SIM-N, which makes sense given our pal's passion for film editing. Once the two were fully drawn I decided to test out my shading and lighting techniques in an attempt to make her look more menacing. If the response I got from the others on Discord is any indication, I succeeded. Indeed, this fem fatale filmmaker will fit in phenomenally as a 3K villain. Now the question is to who? 
[10] JURAKISS Finally we conclude things with a sketch somewhat prompted by @zernna. Way back in August of last year she was commissioned to draw my cretaceous crusader Saura and her girlfriend Patricia enjoying a delightful day at the pool, a pic as charming as that description would imply. In my comment thanking Ze I couldn't help but laugh at how the two had already been declared a cute couple despite how I hadn't drawn the two together in my own artwork yet. The Alien Artist than demanded I draw 'moar art of them then', prompting me to ask if that was a challenge. She said yes. Though not from a lack of trying, it took me nine freak'n months to meet that challenge. Blame that on me being a picky artist since I have been meaning to draw references of these characters in the meantime. After all, Zerna got asked to draw Saura in other pics without having any color references for the Blue Beast of Fosslin. Fortunately Saura's shown up in a number of previous Sketch BOOMs, now getting to share the spotlight with Patricia here. A Patricia that would've been notably paler were it not for Alec asking if I had any markers that matched Patricia's skin tone. I didn't, but the local hobby store did! Who knew Sharpie made skintone markers? It not only helped me color in the cute Muslim girl here, but also Cath and Wendy later on. Talk about a perfect purchase! Now if only the colors of Patricia's outfit were as satisfactory. Ah well, there's always next time, since I'm pretty sure Zerna's challenge still stands. XP For now though, I hope you all enjoy this compilations of crazy scribblings fresh from my mind. If you didn't, worry not, chances are I'll be making another one soon....
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