#outlaw alex
firstsprinces · 7 months
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The Western winds have brought something this way…
Introducing the “Country Boy Alex AU Series/Collection”! A series of one shots where Alex takes on the personas and occupations in “country” worlds because my brain can’t stop putting him in them and the latest photoshoot demanded that everything Alex and cowboy hats needs to exists.
I currently have 9 WIPs at the moment and 4 of them are of Alex in Southern/Small Town/Horse Related Worlds, so I think it’s best to keep them herded up together. Two of them have been shared in snippets and the other two haven’t yet, but my most recent idea from yesterday has a strong hold on my heart so it’ll escape its cage soon. I’m sure my brain also won’t stop with what I already have either.
These one shots will vary in rating and length. As of now 3/4 will be E and the other one might. I’ll have to see where the words take me. The series link will eventually be added to my master list post once I have time to clean it up.
I will be posting these sporadically while working on my other WIPs that are multi-chapters alongside the Holiday/Gift exchanges that I’ve signed up for that I need to post during this month (I can’t believe it’s December already!). I also don’t want to look like a one trick pony writer. I promise I have other ideas that aren’t like these!
I hope you’re ready for the ride!
Also tagging some people who I feel would be excited about this, as well as thanking them for be amazingly supportive of these WIPs: @anincompletelist @priincebutt @wordsofhoneydew @dragonflylady77 @england-would-fall
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celticcatgirl2 · 10 months
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“Oh my God is this allowed? I’ve had the biggest crush on you in forever I hope you like-like me back…”
“Come here you big silly….”
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Part three of Siren and the Cowboy
(Also Continuation of this )
A while had passed ever since her birthday as her, Blitzo, Loona, Stolas, Octavia, Millie, and Moxxie were out in the Envy ring on one of its many beaches, Loona mainly sunbathing while Blitzo was with Stolas under an umbrella talking to one another, Octavia ignoring everyone with her music, Millie and Moxxie were splashing each other in the shallow end of the water, all the while Alex had been walking along where the ocean met the sand when a familiar Imp caught her eye, she noticed how he was being pulled onto a ship, she quickly ran back to her father "Dad, Dad!" she said rather urgently "Yeah, Alex?" Blitzo responded, Slightly amused on how she still called him dad and not by name "I think I just saw Striker being carried onto a ship" She pointed over to the ship she saw the Arch Imp be pulled onto "So?" he asked as he looked at her "So that means we have to help him" she retorted "Oh no, no to the no the Fuck no" he responded as he shook his head "Come on dad he save my live it is only fair" she huffed and then Stolas spoke "Come on Blitzy that is her friend after all, and she is worried about him and she wants her friend to be safe" Blitzo groaned but then gave in "Fine, but I'm not happy about it" he grumbled as he crossed his arms
(@helluvaoutlaw I hope this is good)
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mudgazing · 4 months
Hear me out. Outlaw Alex and Farmhand Farah. Alex, who’s in a spot o’ trouble with his sheriff. Had to leave in the dead of night. Slow death or bruised pride, and he made the coward’s choice. Ended up in the middle of a wheat field at the crack o’ dawn, his mare shielding him from the cold air. And Farah, in a moment of what? Stupidity, compassion? Let ‘em both drink from the refilled trough. The outlaw looks ‘er right in the eye. The hell is she doing, pettin’ his horse? But he ain’t one to talk, drinkin’ like an animal. 
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felixcosm · 5 months
LIEUTENANT / MICHAEL: Feels good to be put back together again. And out of that godforsaken dome! Yeehaw! OUTLAW: Yeehaw! SLY: Yeehaw! MATT: Yeehaw! JAM: I think you set off a chain reaction. MW: Yeah yeah, yeehaw.
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suseagull04 · 23 days
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Ficlet Friday
Thanks @tailsbeth-writes and @onthewaytosomewhere for the tags!
Ficlet Friday is a month old! Thank you for joining in, I love seeing all your interpretations & I hope y'all are having fun 🥰
The Rules: Copy the following prompts or make your own, post what fandoms you write for & your followers can request one of the prompts with a ship, character or fandom for a ficlet. Have fun! 
This week's prompts:
The truth is…
…and that's when there was no going back.
(name/pronoun) is quite frankly, fucked.
There's probably a new circle in hell being created for (name/pronoun) as they speak.
Would (name/pronoun) ever learn?
Everything is telling (name/pronoun) not to.
Did (name/pronoun) want to do that again? Yes. 100%.
Here's the thing,....
I'll write for pretty much any of my fandoms for these- Gilmore Girls, Ted Lasso, Shadow and Bone (the show, or the Six of Crows book duology), RWRB, or OUAT- maybe the MCU too, if anyone has an idea for it!
No pressure tags for @believingispowerfulmagic @anincompletelist @blueeyedgrlwrites @duchessdepolignaca03 @emmalostinwonderland @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heysweetheart-writes @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @iboatedhere @inexplicablymine @kiwiana-writes @firenati0n @getmehighonmagic @leaves-of-laurelin @myheartalivewrites @ninzied @theprinceandagcd @priincebutt @read-and-write- @sherryvalli @thinkof-england @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @welcometololaland @zwiazdziarka @14carrotghoul and as always, an open tag for anyone who wants to do this!
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syd-barker · 2 years
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mydreambatfam · 1 year
Batfam Fancast Part 14: Outlaws
Its been a while since I made this Tumblr and wondered if I should finalized some older fancast I made. Specifically Jason Todd who a made a list of actors instead of choosing 1. So I thought it would be a nice idea to finalize who gets to play Jason Todd while casting two of his teammates in the Outlaws, Roy Harper aka Speedy/Arsenal/Red Arrow and Artemis of Bana-Mighdall (Still don't know how to pronounce that).
Jason Todd
Its time to finalize the fancast I made years ago. No need to really elaborate since I talked about this before, Alex Landi has become my final choice for Jason Todd. The Korean-Italian American has the build, the looks and with his current work in Grey's Anotomy, I definetly think he has the potential for the former Boy Wonder.
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Roy Harper
For Green Arrow's own protege I wanted someone who can bring that same rugged energy that Jason Todd brought.someone who's been though stuff but is able to overcome their personal challenges. The actor must be old enough where its possible they became a parent when he was a teen.His daughter Lian Harper is a extremely important character in his story and sadly became an afterthought when they rebooted him in 2011 during the New 52.
Jake Austin Walker is 25, fits the look of the character and has worked in a previous DC project Stargirl.This actor just might have what it takes to play the Crimson Archer.
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Artemis of Bana-Mighdall
The mysterious Artemis, no not the one from Young Justice. A fellow Amazon of the Bana-Mighdall tribe,who traveled to ancient Egypt from Greece, she is the apex warrior without the need of godly powers like Wonder Woman. Before her reappearance in Rebirth she was once a major side character that eventually took on the role of Wonder Woman. Practical, stubborn and passionate she found herself in the company of the Red Hood and reformed the Outlaws with him and even forming a romantic connection with him. He loved the kind of woman that will actually kill him.
Adria Arjona is known for a plethora of roles in major shows like Andor and actions movies such as 6 Underground. While not popularly known for any major action her time as a drama actor will bring depth and layers to this action-oriented character. While I originally considered casting wrestlers to play this role, it will be like rolling dice and most of the time you're going to lose. For every Dave Bautista there is Rock can only play himself or a John Cena who really needs the right director to help him out. Adria however has the skill and experience to perform this character, give her some intense stunt training and she has the potential to ace this role.
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logangarfield · 10 months
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I got some comics for my birthday 😭
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totallysora · 4 months
This song has an actual death grip rn on me it’s unreal
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nikkikatie · 1 year
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Florence Pugh for The BAFTA Awards via Alex Babsky on Instagram
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firstsprinces · 5 months
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Thank you @anincompletelist for the tag this week! I can't wait for more of the dom!Henry/Alex you've got us begging for! I've been purposely saving the rest of bridesmaids so I can read it all in one go, and partially because I'm not ready to say goodbye to them yet!
We’re so close to this WIP finally being posted! This may be the last preview you'll get from this chapter. Below the cut, you'll also get a bonus share of this fic's title.
The radio announcer’s voice comes back in, breaking up in between his words as the signal Henry’s found seems to weaken, “if you are planning any kind of travel for this weekend, the Deputy Sheriff advises everyone to be cautious as the ‘Boxcar Bandit’ moves his way closer to our city. Policemen have begun to post these signs in businesses as well as passing around a sketch of what this twisted man may look like from an eyewitness who described him after spotting a suspicious-looking person rummaging through his pigs' feeding troughs late at night.” At the mention of the wanted poster, Henry twists around to reach into the pocket of his coat where he’d placed the paper the policeman had given him at the train station. He quickly unfolds it in excitement because he’ll finally have an idea about what the notorious outlaw may look like. When he opens the paper’s final fold, his eyes are met with the large bold letters spelling out ‘WANTED’ with a picture of a man wearing a black cowboy hat and a kerchief that covers everything but his eyes. Dark brows are furrowed on top of filled-in eyes, making him look deranged. Henry studies the way the man’s expression has been drawn because how could a witness describe the angry look in his eyes if he never approached him, especially if his face is covered and it had been dark outside? Henry wonders if this sketch will also be printed in the Western Observer, or if it already has been included in today’s edition. Surely, they must have because this is the biggest news story to hit the city since the railroad workers’ strike during the last war. Nobody’s going to bother with reading Henry’s column about the church’s fundraiser and bake sale when they can read the exhilarating update about the outlaw from the Southwest. He doesn’t blame anyone for wanting to skip his piece because it doesn’t compare to the increased fear about this criminal that could be heading their way. Henry doesn’t want to be a columnist anyway, but at the time it had been the only job available for the paper once he’d been granted entry into American territory. One day he hopes that he’ll be able to impress his boss enough so he can become a featured journalist and write and report on more newsworthy material that giving his short personal thoughts on things happening in the city or the surrounding farmlands. He doesn’t necessarily wish to be a reporter on politics and international affairs – partly because he has come to America from a different country and he will not tarnish his homeland just to please other people. He wants to travel and write about all the places he’s been, or maybe become an investigative journalist – just something with a sense of adventure.
Here’s the bonus share of the inspiration board with the fic’s title! I’m aiming for this week, or Monday at the latest to start!! If you'd like to be tagged when I publish his to AO3, let me know!
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I know you've been tagged alreadt @priincebutt but you're also someone who always tags me and I also always appreciate when you do! This tag is always open and I will be checking in with everyone's posts shortly!
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celticcatgirl2 · 10 months
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Two fathers preparing to give their daughters away at the altar…
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A small blue box has been left on the front door of Blitzø's residence. Inside, Alex will find a beautiful blue and gold seashell necklace and a note:"
Happy birthday, kiddo.
S. (@helluvaoutlaw )
Alex picked up the small box, opening it to see the beautiful necklace. A soft smile gracing her lips, she put the box down, and put that necklace on, the chain resting around her neck while the shell rested on her chest, her thumb rubbed against the top. Blitzo stepped up and stood next to her "Happy birthday my sweet little singer!" he wrapped his arms tightly around her "heh, thanks dad" she chuckled as she returned the embrace Blitzo looked up, his eyes catching the necklace "Who got you that?" he asked Alex smiled as she fidgeted with the shell once again "A friend of mine" she replied Blitzo smiled but then they both heard from Loona
"You have friends?" (Said necklace )
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sentryworm · 2 years
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notatoydotcom · 2 years
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Old Parvill Redraw (Old ver comparision under cut) Yogscast fuels my soul sometimes
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The date of the old one was 31/3/2022
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