#I'm just overthinking again. so I'll go to bed now I think.
I've been having some very.. not so good days.
and I just put it together that I've also been playing a new to me game (Timberborn) a lot every day for a few days. hm. am I doing that because I'm feeling bad (= unable to do anything creative or productive), or is this (part of) what's making me feel bad?
it's probably a bit of both. but I do know that doing that for like 5-8 hours a day without any breaks definitely makes me feel worse. so maybe I need to try not doing that.
I'm going to a couple thrift stores with my mother and my niece tomorrow - that should be fun (very exhausting probably, but I think it'll be good to just go out and do something). hopefully I'll have enough energy left to do something else when I come back.
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tan1shere · 8 months
Too Late
Ellie Williams x female reader
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A/n: it's just one of those days for angst 😍 I put my whole heart into this I hope you all enjoy it <3 also did the paragraphs differently idk which layout I should do. This or my normal one...
Summary: Ellie was blind to it all. But so were you. Blind by her sweet little remarks, sucked in. You fell first but she fell incredibly harder once she realized she'd lost you entirely.
Warnings: not much just angsty angst my friends. NO HAPPY ENDING hehehe sorry not sorry ;)
Tears threatening to spill. For what felt like the thousandth time that week, you've been crying your heart out. Yes that's right, crying over someone who doesn't even glance at you, the way you would like. Doesn't even want anything to do with you... The way you'd like. How could you be so stupid to fall, to cry when they haven't even done anything. Ellie williams, your best friend. Well not right now. You two have been drifting and it hurt like anything. Shes very affectionate towards you, so much that at some points you wonder if she could ever like you for more. You were very stupid to think that even for a second.
Sitting in your room, alone. Text after text. You just wanted to wither away into thin air. Your eyes stung from the constant truckle of tears. But what hurt more, were the texts weren't even from the one person you wanted it to be. You were a bit younger than Ellie, so maybe she just thought of you as a child. That roamed around your brain for what felt like hours. Overthinking to the absolute max. You just wish your brain would zip it. Stop talking to you, just stop. It was silly to think that someone as amazing as her, would ever go for a wreck like you. Turning over in your bed, trying to get your brain to stop antagonizing you.
Fast forward a few days later, you were in your last class of the day, eyes droopy. Dark. Sore. Every possible thing that wasn't good. You were pale from lack of sun, just genuinely looking dead. Exactly how you felt deep inside. Dead. Dead. DEAD. "Y/n?" You get pulled out of your depressing thoughts by a voice. Her voice. You swallow, worried if you look at her you might break and crumble. You turn around looking at your feet, avoiding everything. "Hey, you haven't been in classes recently." You close your eyes for a split second praying that in some random universe this was all a silly dream.
That you were safe in your bed, dreaming this all. But no, ofcourse not. This was reality, she was talking to you and all you wanted to do was puke. Hurl. Your mind was racing. "Everything alright?" Your mouth goes dry, feeling like you can't form any words. You really were dead. So you do the only thing you could think of and just nod. "Babe are you sure?" There it was. That hope. That name. You kept everything in you not to let go completely and just run off to your small apartment, as you didn't live on campus. You finally look up at her, going to be strong as you had finished for the day. Not long to go now. "I'm sure. Just tired." She nods. "Ok well I want you to come with me this avo, I'm having a small party at mine. I miss you, please come."
Does she not understand what she's doing to your little heart. You feel it break more, every single day. You don't know how much longer you can keep going until it fully breaks in half. Jagged edges pinching your organs with that sting of pain. Or do you get over it once that's happened, maybe you want her to hurt you just that much, so even if you're broken you have nothing left to give. No more worries. "Yeah maybe." You go to leave not wanting to continue this any further. But she grabs your wrsit stopping you. "Please. I've missed you these past few weeks. And I have something really exciting to show you." For the first time in what felt like a decade you smile.
She was poisoning you. Your tiny heart started to mend again. Heartbreaking as it was you still loved her so much. You were inlove with her. "Okay, I'll be there." You were still so stupid.
Later on rolled round pretty quickly, your spark had come back again, you still looked like a bit of a mess but nothing a little makeup couldn't fix. Hiding those bags, and dark circles. You decided to wear something cute, maybe in hopes she'd fully see you for you. As you were approaching the dorm room that Ellie lived in you were smiling ear to ear, then suddenly everything in you fades. The door was open music booming, people everywhere. But you saw her. And she wasn't alone. A pretty girl was perched on her lap, they were laughing. Everything went buzzy. Your ears, numb. Your body. She sees you and smiles. Coming over to you hand in hand with this girl.
She looks to be Ellies age. Making your overthinking come face to face with you, as it was true. "Hey, you came! Id like you to meet Layla." You stare at both of them unsure of how to even process anything right now. Your brain was muddled. Hurt. So hurt. Your heart ached. The girl doesn't really say much she just smiles. You get a gross feeling. But you being you. You stay silent. Letting it hurt quietly, not wanting to ruin how happy she looks. But it isn't with you. You gulp thickly. Wanting to do nothing but go home and melt into your sheets.
"I- uhm. I have to go." You abruptly say, letting your small body wisk off, you get into your car and sit there. Feeling like a broken bone, not yet sunk in as the shock still consumes you. But when it hits you. It hits hard. You sob, cry. Break down, putting your head on the steering wheel as you let your heart out. You had gotten your hopes up. Again. In hopes that she'd love you like you loved her. You hit the steering wheel, sobbing with every bit of strength you have left. And just like that your heart was fully broken, no amount of super glue would fix it. No, nothing would fix the ache. The sting. You let out a pained scream as you rest your head back, knowing you can't drive like this.
You get out your phone and call for an Uber, you could pick up your car in the morning when you felt a bit better. But who are you kidding you'd never feel good ever again. It's like the person in you has just deflated. Gone. As you get out you hear her voice. You don't even know if it was a dream or reality. But you didn't care for the calls you couldn't. "What the hell was that." You then hear. You stop in your tracks. Is she really going to be putrid right now. "What...?" You don't turn around. "You heard me, what the fuck is up with you lately." You start to cry more, frustration starting to fuel your body. You slowly turn around. "Are you stupid Williams.." She squints at you. "Excuse me?" You stay silent. Not even sure what to say to her.
"Babe. Just talk to m-" That's when you lost it. "No. NO. stop fucking calling me that. God Ellie. After all these years you don't even fucking know me!" You get a bit sidetracked, letting everything in. "Dont stand there calling me that, you don't know how much it hurts me. When your off with someone else, leaving me behind you say you miss me but where were your texts huh? You're the only one I wanted texts from. I only wanted you." She was speechless. "But no, I'm not going to stand here and argue with you, because if anything im mad at myself. Glad you're happy." Your Uber had pulled up in time. You get in not even looking at her as the vehicle drives off.
Numb. Empty. Dead. You felt emotionless the next day. You truly had no tears left to cry. Like it has been your eyes hurt. But this time, you didn't even care. It was sort of soothing. Comforting to know you could atleast feel something. You hadn't moved that whole night. Hadn't slept. Just laying there. Your theory was right. Your heart was now fully broken, it felt exactly how you had imagined it to. You had nothing left to give. But you were glad about that. Ellie broke your heart to the point where you just lost all that love for her. It was just gone. You scrunch your face up at the sound of a car parking outside. It sounded exactly like your car. And you were greeted with the sound of a knock on your door.
Confusion strikes you. You slowly, emotionlessly. Get up and head over to it. You're greeted with that one person you never wanted to see again. And yet, you don't even care for her arrival. Nor ask why the hell she's even here. You just move, heading back inside and leaving the door open for her to do what she wanted. You did not care. "Hi..." She speaks softly. Your cold, dark. You don't say a word. "I uhm. I had a spare key of yours that you had given me in case of anything so." Silence. Nothing. You go into your kitchen grabbing a glass of water. Was the only thing you felt like. "Me and her aren't..-" She sighs. "She was just using me to make her ex boyfriend jealous and, well. It worked." You turn your head to slightly look at her.
"B- Y/n I'm so fucking sorry-" You don't even know what came over you but you speak. "I'm not inlove with you anymore." She stares at you for a second, letting out another sigh. "I didn't know you were." She responds. You look into her eyes, yours drained and tired. Full of nothing for her, or anyone else in this world for that matter. She saw it now. She didn't the other day because she was so hung up on something that deep down she knew wouldn't end well. She's full of regret, hatred for herself. How could she not of seen any of it. "I can make this up to you, I genuinely want to be with you also-" You then look at her, making her shut up for some reason, worried about your reaction or response. "Guess it's too late for that." Her face drops, watching you going into your room, shutting the door behind you. Leaving Ellie stunned in your living room. Knowing she's lost you for good.
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Request: Would you be ok with Broppy x male reader….like a polyamorous relationship w them…just a little scenario or something…
A/N: Yeah!! Broppy x male reader coming up :D
Broppy x male reader
Summary: Reader is the newest addition to Poppy and Branch's relationship. He isn't sure how to act knowing that he's dating the queen of pop, and the queen's first boyfriend. Poppy and Branch show Reader that dating them isn't as complicated as he's thinking it's going to be.
Warnings: Fluff, dating, reader is an overthinker, happy ending!
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Y/N woke up to the sun coming through his window. It was a lot brighter than it normally is. He grumbled and covered his eyes so he could adjust before he sat up in his bed. When he fully gained consciousness, he saw Poppy standing at the foot of his bed, a smile on her face.
He was shocked to see the queen in his house, and was wondering what she was doing here, until he remembered that he was dating her and allowed her access to his house at anytime during the day. He smiled back at Poppy as he threw his covers to the side and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He stood up and looked around, seeing Branch standing in the doorway. Y/N was still a little tired, but wanted the two of them to feel welcomed.
"Would you two like anything to drink? Or maybe some breakfast?" Y/N spoke in his morning voice, a bit raspier than his normal voice. It always made Poppy excited when she heard it, and Y/N knew Poppy was waving her hands around while he walked to his kitchen.
"Oh no, we're good." Branch spoke up as he walked into the house and closed the door. Poppy moved and sat down at Y/N's dining room table, along with Branch. "You might want to eat something light if you're going to eat right now, Poppy has something planned."
Y/N leaned on his kitchen counter with a brow raised at Branch before Poppy started to giggle. Y/N smiled and turned to grab a cup of yogurt from his fridge. Once he was done eating his yogurt, he sat down with Branch and Poppy at the table. Poppy started talking, rambling quickly, and Y/N rubbed his sleepy face. "Poppy, slow down. I just woke up.."
"Right, sorry!" Poppy spoke with a smile on her face as she took a breath in, then blew it out. "Ok, so for our one month anniversary, I was thinking we could have a picnic. I have everything set up already at my house and I was just wondering if you would be interested in that!" Y/N took in Poppy's words, and then nodded.
"Sounds good to me, I just need to get ready." Poppy smiled and stood up from her seat quickly, knocking it over. She quickly moved to pick up the chair and put it back where it was before she sat down. Branch stood up as well and walked towards the door.
"Great! I'll go set up right now, you get ready, Branch will take you to the spot when you're done!!" Poppy spoke excitedly as she ran out the door that Branch had opened.
"I'll be waiting outside, take as long as you need." Branch spoke softly as he walked out the door and closed it behind him. As soon as the door was closed, Y/N began to panic. He needed the perfect outfit for today, he forgot where he set his gifts down for Poppy and Branch, he was shaking. He took a deep breath and tried to recall where he put the gifts.
"Under the bed? No.. Uhm.. in the cabinet..? I think so.. I'll check after I'm dressed and ready.."
Y/N got dressed and ready for the day, brushing his teeth and his hair, brushing his teeth again. Then he went the cabinet in the kitchen. No gift. He panicked again. He looked through all his cabinets in the kitchen before he moved and looked under his bed. Not there either. His eyes scanned his entire living space, and then he checked his bedside table. The gifts were on the shelf just below his drawer. He let out a sigh of relief, grabbing the gifts softly. He slipped them under his arm and headed for the door. He fixed his hair one last time before he opened the door and stepped out. Branch smiled at Y/N and held his hand out. "Ready to go?"
Branch and Y/N had gotten to the flower field where Poppy had set up their picnic, and she smiled at them widely. "I love your outfit, Y/N!!" Y/N smiled as he sat down on the blanket with Poppy and set the gifts down beside himself. Branch sat down beside Poppy, crossing his legs. It was silent for the first couple minutes, Poppy was rummaging through the picnic basket for what she wanted Branch and Y/N to eat first. Branch started up at the sky, and Y/N was in his own head.
"Are they going to like their gifts? What happens if they don't like their gifts? Am I being weird just staring at them? Maybe I should look somewhere else.. Should I say something? Do they think I'm weird for not saying anything? I should say something.. what would I even say?"
Poppy pulled out a container of cookies from her picnic basket and placed it in between Branch and Y/N. "First course, cookies!" That snapped Y/N out of his thoughts, and he smiled as Poppy handed him a cookie. He examined it, it has little hearts of different colors in it, and a little bunny in the center. He smiled at the cute cookie before taking a bite. It tastes like strawberries!!
"Oh this is great Poppy!" Y/N spoke with a smile. This compliment made Poppy smile even more. She looked over at Branch, who gave her a nod of approval as he continued to eat his cookie.
"Ok, I'm glad you guys like them! I was thinking they might have been a little weird tasting cause of all the different things I added into them. But they were super simple to make which was good but I'm not really all that good at baking. And-"
"Poppy, slow down." Branch spoke softly, holding Poppy's hand with a small smile pressed on his lips. Poppy nodded and lowered her gaze to Y/N's side where the presents were.
"Oh are those for us?? You got us gifts?"
"Oh, yeah! Here," Y/N took the gifts from his side and handed Branch and Poppy each one gift. They were wrapped with colorful wrapping paper, and each had a white bow on top of them. The names on the packages were written in cursive. Branch admired the packaging for a while while Poppy tore open the gift. It was a scrapbook of all the things the three of them had done together since they started dating. Poppy stared at the scrapbook, flipping through the pages. Her eyes teared up a bit before he sniffed and looked up at Y/N.
"You scrapbooked, for me?" Poppy spoke softly. "I love it, thank you." She hugged the scrapbook to her chest before he began to flip through the pages again. Branch then opened his gift and was shocked to see a new vest, hand sewed by Y/N.
Branch smiled and thanked Y/N before he took off the best he was wearing to put on the new vest. "How do I look?" Poppy looked at him and smiled widely.
"Great." Poppy and Y/N said in unison.
Maybe dating the queen and her first boyfriend wasn't as complicated at Y/N thought it was.
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nats-bottom · 3 months
NR - She's Gone
Summary: Soulmate AU - Reader and Nat are soulmates where they feel each other's injuries. When Nat sacrifices herself, Reader doesn't know what is going on.
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff and Reader
Warnings: Angst, Nat Death, The Blip, Panic Attack, Injuries
I also have accounts on Wattpad and AO3! The users there are @ paige_vers
Please give me requests! You can submit them here or on my insta, @ scarlettsoutset
I knew they were out there somewhere, but I just couldn't wait to meet them. My one and only. My other half. My soulmate. All my friends had found their soulmate, but I had yet to find mine. The way people found their soulmate was by receiving the same injuries as them, but to a lesser extent. And for some reason, I always got hurt. Well, my soulmate was, and I was just feeling part of it. I didn't hate them for it, but sometimes I wished I got hurt more just to give them something back. 
I remember this one time when I was about 17, I got this pain in my lower abdomen that felt like the worst cramps I had ever gotten. It felt more like my uterus was being ripped out of you. It was terrible, and I even had to take school off that day. Ever since then, my period has been irregular. I wondered what happened to my soulmate, and what they went through to make me feel that pain.
But now, I am also in a lot of pain. My whole body ached, and I had cuts and bruises everywhere. This happened often, so it wasn't anything new to me. 'Who is my soulmate? What do they do for a living?' I asked myself. I wondered if they were a stunt person, or some sort of fighter. Whatever they were, I just wanted to meet them and ask them why they were always getting hurt.
Natasha POV
The team and I were just climbing back on the Quinjet after fighting some aliens. I felt so bad for my soulmate. Whoever they were, they always had to endure so much from me, when I hardly ever felt anything from them. Occasionally I would get a pepper cut, or a random bruise here or there, but that was it. It was nothing compared to the pain I gave them. 
I decided just to rest on the way back to the compound and to try not to worry about my soulmate. Once we get back to the compound, I just go clean up myself, and go rest. As I clean up my wounds, I flinch at the sharp pain from pouring on the hydrogen peroxide. I bandaged myself up, and put on ointment to the bruises. I can only hope that my soulmate does the same with their wounds. They must wonder where it all comes from, this only makes me feel more guilty. I lay down on my bed, just overthinking about how guilty I feel, and how my soulmate must hate me. Before I know it, I am too tired and end up falling asleep, forgetting about my worries. 
I'm going on a walk in the park with Wanda, Carol, and Maria. Maria and Carol have already found their soulmates, but Wanda and I have yet to find ours. As we walk in the park, I see this cute girl, and part of me feels some sort of connection towards her. 'Should I go talk to her?' I think. But as I'm looking at her, I trip on the sidewalk, skinning my knee. I hear an "Owww" from the woman and see her clutching her knee. Still on the ground, my face lights up as I think that I have finally found my soulmate. But before I can do anything about it, Wanda and Maria help me up and keep on walking. I look back at the girl, still holding her knee, and look back at my friends, a good 30 feet in front of me.
I turn towards the girl, about to walk towards her, but Wanda calls out my name, urging me to catch up to them. Carol backs her up and runs towards me, grabbing my hand pulling me towards everyone else.
I realize that my chance is gone, and that I'll probably never see my soulmate again. I glance back at her, only to realize that she is gone. I keep on walking forward, trying to forget the fact that my life could've just been very different.
It has now been 5 years since all my friends have left, thanks to the blip. I have been able to get back on my feet but still haven't fully recovered. I found a new job, a new dog and cat, and found a couple new friends. I miss my old friends dearly, but I know that they won't come back. A few of their soulmates are still left behind, and I feel bad for them, because they had finally found their other half and were finally happy. Then there was me, who had never found mine, so I was never truly happy. But I knew that they were still out there, because I could still feel them. Which means that they could still feel me. This was something that brought me hope. Hope that I might still find them.
I went to work one day, as usual, and started my day there. It was boring, long, monotonous, work, but it paid the bills. Then suddenly, I felt something that I've never felt before. It was a pain that I've never had like anything else. Everything in my body hurts, especially my back. I felt empty, lost, a new kind of pain. I could tell that it was from my soulmate, but this time it was mental and emotional too, not just physical. I feel like I was at my lowest point, worse than when the blip happened. I'm not sure what had happened to my soulmate, but I sure felt bad for them. 
I had read about the feeling people have when their soulmate dies, and I start to wonder if it is something like this. I sure hope that wasn't what happened. Oh God please no, that can't happen. I would do anything for that to not happen.
I was home, in the apartment that I used to share with a couple of roommates before they blipped. I was watching SNL, when suddenly a few celebrities appeared in the scene, ones who had previously blipped. I didn't know if it was just CGI or what, but everyone else seemed confused. That's when it happened to me. My old roommate, Katie appeared on the couch next to me. I screamed a little, and started to panic. Then Zoe walked out of the room that used to be hers and walked into the living room where I was. I had no idea what was going on, and I really was panicking. 
I just ran to my room, and could feel the panic attack come on. My breath started to get shallower, and my head started to feel like it was spinning. My heart rate was getting faster, and I just bent over, sitting on my bed. I could hear my old roommates talking in the living room, and this only made everything worse.
As the panic attack passed, I decided that I'll have to confront my problems sooner than later, and so I left my room to go talk to them. I saw them sitting on the couch watching the news, trying to figure out what was going on.
I take a seat on the couch, at the side furthest away from them, and we just sit there in silence, watching the news that interrupted my show. It was hectic, but the message that they were able to get across was "the Avengers were able to bring back everyone who blipped. But at a cost. Both Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff died. Tony Stark died right before everyone was brought back, and Natasha Romanoff died at some point earlier in the day. The world has been saved."
I feel a tear slide down my cheek, not out of joy, but out of sadness. I realize that that is what I felt earlier that day. I felt my soulmate, Natasha Romanoff, dying. I had no idea that it was her, and I realize now that that's why I was always getting hurt. My soulmate was an avenger. One of earth's mightiest heroes. And now she's gone. I'll never have a chance to meet her, to be with her. I feel this pang of sadness and guilt in my chest, realizing that I'll forever be lonely. I didn't even realize it, but I'm full on sobbing now. I don't realize it until it gets pointed out to me by Zoe, when she asks me if I'm alright.
"My soulmate- she's gone." I say between sobs.
"What do you mean? Everyone's back." Katie replies.
"She died today. I felt it. Natasha Romanoff, the Avenger, on the news, remember. I was her soulmate."
"oh y/n, I'm so sorry. I know how much you always wanted to meet your soulmate. I can't even imagine how hard this must be for you right now." Zoe says. She comes over to me and gives me a hug. I just cried into her.
"I did. It's all I wanted in life. And now she's gone."
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cheeseceli · 8 months
I'm so sorry
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Pairing: Lee Know × gn!black!reader
Genre: angst, low-key hurt/comfort, (reverse) comfort
Request: heyy could you do a minho x black female reader fanfic. like you guys have an argument and eventually u just burst into tears right infront of him and he doesnt know what to do but comfort you
Warnings: overthinking, everyone is crying at some point, reader is mentioned to have curly hair, mentions of previous argument, not proofread.
A/n: uh I think I messed up this request because this is more reverse comfort than anything else... Okay I'll probably revamp this one later but here's the first version!
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It had been 3 hours and 42 minutes since you locked yourself in the guest room. 3 hours and 42 minutes since Lee Know made you cry. 3 hours and 42 minutes since he watched you leave and did nothing about it.
Now, he's laying on your shared bed, hoping you'll come around soon and thinking about the argument you had not long ago. He said a lot of bad things, things he doesn't even remember because he's sure he never meant any of them. But he said all those hurtful things anyway. And although he knew he was just in the heat of the moment, never meaning to say any bad word to you, you didn't know that. So that could only mean that, for 3 hours and 42 minutes, you locked yourself in a room whilst thinking that your lover didn't love you as much as you thought he did. And Minho hated this.
He looked at the clock just to find out that it was almost midnight. Normally you both would've been entangled in each other at this time of the night, sleeping peacefully in each other's embrace. He didn't know how to sleep without you and he didn't want to try tonight.
Tonight? If you were to be mad at him and be away for the night, it would be only for tonight. Right? You wouldn't go for good, right?
He started to think about this scenario. A scenario where you get fed up with the stupid arguments and unreasonable stubbornness of him. Even though you didn't even fight that much he couldn't help but be scared that this specific argument made you cross the line. He was ready to get down on his knees and beg you to stay. But what if it wasn't enough?
He had to try.
That's how he found himself going to the guest room and gently knocking on the door, just to hear an excruciating silence at the other side. He opened the door, praying that you wouldn't scream at him, sending him away.
At the same time he felt relieved that you didn't ignore or fight him, he was heartbroken to find you sleeping, with a frown on your resting face and dried tears in your cheeks.
He made you cry. That's all he could think about. He, who swore to love and protect you, dared to hurt you. How could he ever forgive himself for this?
He kneeled down to the side of the bed, wiping off the tears on your face so carefully that you barely felt the touch. Barely. You slowly opened your eyes to see Lee Know with teary eyes and a sad expression in his features. You never saw him like that before.
"Hi" he whispered, testing the waters between the two of you.
You didn't know what to feel. You should be angry, but you couldn't when he was caressing your curls like you were porcelain. You should be sad, but you couldn't when you saw his lips faltered. His voice lowed down and he came milimetrically closer to you, afraid to startle you.
"I'm sorry" his voice cracked "I'm so sorry, darling. I don't even know what to say, I... I'm sorry." He kissed your forehead softly, pressing his lips for a little longer than he'd usually do.
It felt good. To have his touch again, it felt good. It was almost as if each kiss and each whisper would erase the doubts the argument had implanted in your mind. You just needed him with you for a bit longer. You didn't forgive him, not yet, but you needed him close to you. That's why you circled his neck with your arms and brought him to bed, laying him down. As you did that, you closed your eyes, trying to get lost in his warmth, so you lost how his eyes widened a bit and the first tear finally dropped down his cheek. He always thought you were too good to him, and now he was sure.
"I'm sorry" he tried to say once more, his voice failing and his face finding comfort in your neck "I'm sorry, I was so stupid. I'm sorry."
You kissed the crown of his head "Tomorrow, okay? Let's talk tomorrow."
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Dividers by @cafekitsune
I have conflicted emotions about this work💀
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ginevrapng · 11 months
ur blog brings me so much comfort!! can i pls request james potter the man himself who’s so big and strong and he’s so attractive and people wonder why he’s with u but neither he no the marauders stand for it and he comforts the hell out of u when it insecure about how chubby you are and he thinks you’re the most beautiful girl and you body is honest to god a bonus
sorry i NEED comfort
love u
sometimes it's hard to stay positive about your body and self image, you try you best but you know people wonder how you're dating the famous popular james potter, why he's with you. sometimes you become insecure about your relationship, you know that people wonder why you're together because he can 'do so much better' and sometimes you wonder the same. james is popular for a reason, he's strong and attractive and charismatic so you wonder why he's even with you. why would he settle for the chubby girl when he can have anyone he wants?
little did you know the marauders do not stand by when they hear people talk negatively about you, they say to you they'll be more careful with pranks now they're older but they take that back when they overhear someone say something about your relationship with james, really those people are lucky that james doesn't hex them.
today's one of your worst days, you're more insecure than you normally are and you're overthinking your whole relationship. james spots you in the courtyard and he can practically see the cogs turning in your head, "are you alright sweetheart?" you jump as you hear james' voice.
"i'm fine james," you mumble and smile unconvincingly.
james' eyebrows furrow in worry. "c'mon love, let's go back to my room." he holds onto your elbow gently and pulls you along lightly. you can't help yourself but turn to the the windows that line the classroom walls where you frown as you see yourself in the reflection.
james is worried but doesn't want to push you in saying something you're not ready to say, he wants you to feel safe enough to tell him, he's in no rush so when you get back to his dorm he shuts the door and smiles sweetly at you before he sits onto the bed. you play with the sleeves of your jumper and look down. james pats the bed next to him as you stand above him not moving.
"okay," you say quietly and make your way to the bed, you lean on his shoulder and turn your head away from him before so he doesn't see your face. he holds onto you tightly to try and comfort you but you just think about how much bigger you are than him. "james why are you with me?" you whisper.
"what?" james says confused, maybe he's misheard you.
you repeat yourself, "why are you with me?"
"why wouldn't i be with you?"
"you could have anyone you want james why me?"
" 'cause i love you, you silly billy."
"don't call me that loser," you mumble. james grins as he hears you call him a loser. he lifts you up and pulls you onto his lap. "james what are you doing?! put me down, i'm too heavy!" you say loudly, already trying to get out of his grasp but he's holding onto your love handles tightly.
"is this what this is about sweetheart? you think you're too heavy." you turn your head away from him, not wanting him to see your face. james cups your cheek gently and moves you he can see you. you stay silent and james kisses you forehead, "you're not too heavy in the slightest. i could carry you with one hand." he strokes your cheek and kisses you again.
"you're wrong, i'm too heavy james i'll hurt you. i don't know why you're even with me i'm chubby and not thin like other girls," you let out your feelings.
"sweetheart do you really think i have a problem with your weight?" he says delicately.
"who wouldn't?" you ask, trying not to cry.
james tries to resist laughing at the notion. "i'm sorry love but that is the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard."
"what are you talking about?"
"i love you and your body. do you really not know how hot you are?"
you twiddle with your fingers, "james stop that's not true. not my body."
he can't stop himself from laughing this time, although he immediately apoligises after. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to laugh it's just hilarious that you think i have a problem with your weight."
you start getting annoyed now, you feel like he's laughing at you and not being genuine in his compliments. "what are you even talking about james? just stop it."
"i'm saying that i love you and i think you're beautiful, your body is a bonus, a big bonus," he says earnestly. before you can interrupt him with your insecurities and doubts he keeps talking about you and continues praising you. "you're super soft and i love hugging you, you're so squishy. when you sit down and your thighs expand oh my god, it's so hot and i love how i can lay down on them and you play with my hair, it's so comfortable i could fall asleep." your face heats up as you hear him ramble, you realise he's not even focused on comforting you at this point, he's just distracted about how much he loves you and can't help himself but talk about it. he's just carried away and in his own world talking about how perfect you are in his eyes and how your body in his words is 'a big bonus'.
"when you cheer for me in quidditch matches you whoop and cheer and jump up and down, i can't help but get distracted as i see your pretty face in the crowd and the upper half of your body, which i can see, jiggle as you jump. it's so hard as captain because i should have complete focus on the game but i'm just thinking about afterwards when i can see you and kiss you. oh and when i grab your love handles and pull you towards me at random moments of the day, bloody hell i love hearing your little gasp in surprise as i feel your plush body pressed against my harder and stronger one." you smile at that as he talks about his own body and his confidence, you really are complete opposites in that sense.
"your tummy rolls are super cute and your pudgy arms are so biteable, just wanna give 'em a big old bite and leave a pretty mark for my pretty girl. and don't even get me started on your stretch marks-" you start giggling at his rambling.
"don't get started on my stretch marks jamie," you interrupt and as he sees you cheerfully smile, he grins in return. "thank you james," you press your forehead against his and hold onto him.
"it's okay love, honestly i got super carried away and distracted and i just wanted to talk about you," he nuzzles the crook of your neck.
"i could tell," you giggle.
"it's all true though. i really do love everything about you, you're the sweetest inside and out." he squeezes you.
"i love you too james, you're the best boyfriend in the world." he smiles gleefully in return.
"let's get into bed," he says suddenly standing up and picking you with him.
you gasp not expecting it, "it's the middle of the day jamie."
"yeah but it's winter and i want a cuddle." you can never say no to a cuddle with james.
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i'm so glad my blog brings you comfort and i really hope you like this and brings you comfort too!! it brought me comfort and i wrote it asdfghjk. this became longer than intended but i got carried away a bit.
love you too<3
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tomssexdoll · 6 months
I HAVE A REQUEST its a 2010 tom/bill smut but its from his point of view.. so like his thoughts and how horny he is and how hot y/n is etc it can be all rough bc hes jealous or smth idk and in the end its all sweet and hes just so in love with her and stuff :) LOVE UR WRITING BTW
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PAIRINGS: Bill 2010 x Female reader CONTENT: A LIL BIT OF ANGST + SMUT + FLUFF SYPNOSIS: Bill is getting a little bit jealous of the amount of time you're spending with a certain friend, he thinks they are tearing apart your relationship and confronts you when you get home from a night out with them, but you solve things and y/n reminds Bill that he's the only one that she wants, easing his mind. A/N: SORRY IF THIS ISN'T HOW U IMAGINED IT IT'S JUST HOW I DID WARNINGS: dom!bill, reader!sub, jerking off, kissing
I waited for Y/N to come home, she was out with one of her new friends and they were spending a lot of time together, I've always had this weird feeling about them, they are just so sketchy and kinda flirty with y/n and it makes me so mad.
I do admit I have jealously issues and sometimes it can interfere with her friendships but I can't help it, she's so perfect, who wouldn't want to be with her?
I tried to tell myself I was overthinking but I just couldn't brush the thought that they were doing something to her, loving her better then I do, kissing her better, fucking her better.
Then suddenly I heard the door open, I didn't notice y/n had arrived home because I was so buried in my thoughts. I got up and kissed her head softly, pondering about whether I should confront her. I took a deep breath in and turned her around "y/n..I don't like the friend you just hung out with.." I mumbled, her face dropped and she rolled her eyes "yeah you never like any of my friends, it's always i'm spending too much time with them or i'm standing too close to them" she pushed me off and sighed, walking off.
I groaned "well maybe I wouldn't think that if you weren't so touchy with them!" she scoffed "touchy? what you mean hugging them? Bill am I not allowed to hug them now?"
"I..no.." I hesitated but she interrupted me "no! I'm sick of you letting your jealously issues get to you! it's not fair for me" she choked out a sob and stormed off, slamming the bedroom door.
I angrily sighed, all my emotions hitting me like a truck, going towards the bedroom and knocking softly "baby..please" she yelled back "no!" "fine if you want to be stubborn then be stubborn but I'm not putting up with it" I barged in, seeing her sitting on the edge of the bed, arms crossed and eyes narrowing at me.
"You're so possessive Bill, it's too much for me" she sneered, "well I wouldn't have to be if your friends weren't so touchy and weird with you!" I said, my voice slightly raising, she rubbed her temples in frustration "i'm sick of having this conversation over and over again, sit down, now" she ordered, my eyes widened a little bit at her dominance and I obliged, sitting down next to her.
She got up and sat on my lap, caressing my cheek "why are you always so worried Bill, have I ever done anything to betray your trust?" I shook my head "no..I guess not, it's just..you know how i get baby" I sighed and looked deeply into her eyes. She leaned in and kissed me softly "exactly so you have nothing to worry about, i've told you countless of times that I don't want anyone else but you Bill and it's true, it hasn't changed from the last 10 times i've told you" she sighed and buried her face into my neck, kissing it gently.
She was slightly grinding on me, I could tell she was trying to tease me and a smirk tugged at my lips, "I'll prove it to you..i'll make you feel good.." she whispered sensually in my ear and tugged at my jeans, trying to get them off.
I helped her and slid them off, along with my boxers too.
I moaned softly as she gripped my cock, slowly pumping it with her beautiful hands, "you're the only one I want Bill" she whispered in my ear as she picked up the pace, jerking my cock faster.
"Mmh.." I groaned as she rubbed her thumb over my sensitive tip, grabbing onto her hips tightly, "keep going..fuck.." I whispered, closing my eyes and letting out a loud moan. Enjoying the feeling of her small hands on my cock.
She started to pump harder, kissing my neck as she did and softly sucking the skin, leaving little love bites everywhere. "I love you so much Bill..i'm not gonna leave you so easily" she whispered softly, easing my nerves. I nodded and kept my eyes shut, biting my lip roughly as she rubbed her thumb over my sensitive tip again.
"Shit..love you so much baby" I mumbled, my grip on her hips tightening, digging my nails and leaving marks on the skin. She groaned softly at the pain, smashing her lips into mine and pumping faster "cum for me.." she mumbled against my lips, I felt tension building up in my stomach, signalling my soon to be climax.
Her pace was rough and fast, it hurt a little but it felt so good at the same time, the way her hands fit just perfectly around my cock, it was like they were made for me. Like we were meant to be together.
She was such a beautiful girl, so kind and loving, I hated that my issues got to me most of the time but that reassurance she'd gladly give me was the best part of her, the fact that she'd never give up on me so easily.
"G'nna cum baby..fuck.." I groaned, bucking my hips into her hands, she smirked and I came, shooting my cum onto her hands and arm. She went to the bathroom and washed her hands, coming back and sitting on my lap again, "see, I told you I love you and only YOU" she frowned slightly "I don't know why you never believe me", I winced slightly at her pain "baby..I don't know either..but i'm sorry i'm trying my best to be better" pushing a strand of hair away from her face.
I held the back of her head with one hand and leaned in, kissing her sweetly, our lips moving together perfectly. "I'll always love you, always be there for you" she smiled, I looked into her eyes, searching for any signs of deceit but all that was there was sincerity and pure love for me, I sighed in relief and kissed her again.
"I'm so in love with you y/n, you're perfect" I pulled away, tracing her curves softly, she giggled, that giggle that I love, the one that could make anyone who was upset, smile. She was all I needed.
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mbbsgf · 10 months
a/n: this might be terrible and i'm sorry about it but keep in mind i js got into writing recently. all my stories will be inspired by a song that i will be putting below the story title. i truly hope u guys like it even i personally don't<3
- marie💋
warnings: swearing, crying, mean!matt, angst, no y/n, slight fluff at the end
based of all too well (10 minutes version) (taylor's version) (from the vault) by taylor swift (RED (taylor's version), 2021)
alexa is laying down in her bed, trying desperately to sleep as it's 4:30 in the morning. but she can't. all she can think about is the altercation with matt earlier in the day. she's trying so hard to understand why he hates her so much. what did she ever do to him for him to be that mean and that insensitive.
flashback, later that day.
"god, alexa. why are you even here anyway!?" matt shouts angrily as he sees the water spilled out all over the floor.
"i-i'm sorry! i didn't mean to, matt!" alexa raises her voice slightly but not to talk over matt or anything, just so he hears what she has to say since he always acts like he never does.
"well, i would fucking hope so you didn't mean to! you better clean all that shit because i'm not doing it!" matt yells, looking directly into alexa's big hazel eyes as tears start to form there.
matt's face softens as soon as he sees the tears in her eyes starting to form. as soon as he notices his own face softening, he tries to hide it but frowning angrily again. he didn't want alexa to see him show care for her but fuck, he did care.
"hey, what's going on here?" nick chimes in. he sees matt's angry face, the tears in alexa's eyes and the water all over the floor. he sighs. "i'll clean this. lex, go on the couch and relax. i'll join you in a minute." nick says softly, looking at alexa with a soft smile. he turns to matt and his expression becomes slightly angry. "and you. don't just stand there, move." he says harshly to matt, clearly upset about the way he's been treating alexa lately. alexa mouths a small "sorry" to nick before walking to the couch, sitting there.
matt goes to his room without saying a word but his face shows clear annoyance. alexa deeply sighs as she hears matt's bedroom door slamming shut. she buries her face in her hands.
"hey, don't overthink it, alright? it's just some water and you clearly didn't mean to. matt's just being an asshole per usual." nick says softly as he goes to sit on the couch next to alexa. he gives her a friendly smile as he rubs her back in attempt to comfort her.
"it's not the water that's bothering me. i just don't get why he hates me so much. all i ever wanted was to be friends and what makes me sadder is that we did use to be friends and pretty close ones." alexa says, her voice cracking and bottom lip twitching.
nick frowns sadly. he clearly understands what alexa is feeling right now. he scoots closer to her. "i know and i'm sorry but you know matt. he's always sucked at showing and expressing his feelings properly." nick says, making alexa look at nick with a confused frown on her face. "wait, what?"
before nick could reply, chris comes into the living room. "nick, c'mon we're leaving in 10." he lazily says.
nick mouths a small "sorry" to alexa before getting up and walking upstairs, to his room.
alexa sighs as she moves to face her nightstand where her phone is charging on. she turns it on. 4:50am. fuck it. she decides to text matt.
why're u mad? what'd i do?
i don't know what you're talking about.
come over.
alexa, it's 4:55am. go to sleep.
matt please. i wanna know what i did.
i'll b here in 5.
thank you
read at 4:57
5:04. alexa hears small taps on her window. she immediately gets the blankets off of her and walks to her window. her face lights up when she sees matt on a tree branch, looking around to check if anyone has seen him. she smiles to herself before sliding the window up, letting matt in.
matt gets in safely, trying to make as less noise as possible but also trying not to fall the window frame. alexa slides the window back down once matt is in her room.
"what do you want? it's 5:10am, alexa."
"it used to be lex.." alexa mumbles.
matt frowns.
"it used to be lex.. what changed?" alexa asks. she looks heartbroken as matt didn't even bother giving her any explanation on why he was acting the way he was.
matt stays silent as his gaze falls down to his feet.
alexa looks away as tears form in her eyes, just like earlier today.
"i'm sorry." matt mumbles.
"what was that?" alexa asks, waiting for him to repeat.
"i'm sorry."
alexa looks at matt, seemingly confused. matt sees no reaction from alexa so he goes on.
"i'm sorry, lex. i.. i'm a piece of shit. you never deserved any of that shit. i guess i'm just trying to make myself hate you because it's way easier to hate you than to just accept my real feelings." matt says quietly, playing with the rings around his fingers.
alexa frowns sadly at matt. he looks up at her and sees her dad frown. he takes a few step forward but she steps back.
"lex, please.." matt says as he stems forward again, grabbing one of alexa's hand into his.
"i don't understand, matt. i don't understand, what'd i do?" alexa asks quietly, her eyes full of tears threatening to fall.
"you didn't do anything, lex. it's not you. i'm just.." matt looks up from his hands. he looks at alexa's face and all he wants to do is kiss her. "i love you, lex."
alexa looks into matt's eyes as her eyes widen. "you- you what?"
"i love you."
alexa looks up at matt as she blinks the tears away. her cheeks now all wet from her tears. she looks away. matt pulls her into him and that's all it takes for alexa to melt into him and cry into his chest. matt leaves a few soft kisses on the top of her head as he whispers sweet nothings to her.
"it's okay, i'm here."
"you're okay, baby.."
"i'll never let go."
alexa could barely believe this. she's liked matt since they were 16 and now he's in her room, confessing his love to her after treating her like shit for months. alexa finally wraps her arms around matt's waist lazily as she buries her face into his chest.
this is gonna be interesting in the morning.
to be continued...
a/n: i truly apologize bc this is so shit. there's definitely gonna be other parts to this story so don't worry just not now lmaooo. thank u guys for reading and even if i don't personally like it, i hope u guys liked it🤍
taglist: @bernardenjoyer @querenciasturniolo @ev3rgreenxtrees @sturnybabes @recklesssturniolo @daddyslilchickenfingers @lustfulslxt @kvtie444 @mattsturn-love @soursturniolo
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spencersties · 2 years
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Willing Closeness - S.R.
Gif is by @radioactive-creative-bug
A/N: I was thinking about that "I'm not sharing with reid" room thing from 5×21 this morning and I wanted to write a little drabble but it somehow turned into a whole ass one shot.
Content/Warnings: enemies to lovers, one bed trope, fluff, some angst if you squint and tilt your head to one side
Word count: 840
Masterlist | Navigation
you and spencer had gotten along as well as oil and water for the few months that you had known him. neither of you understood why, but for some reason, you just couldn't be in the same room together without getting on each other's nerves. you found him infuriating most of the time, and if his constant quips were any indication, he felt the same way about you.
him getting shot didn't help matters. he was constantly putting himself in unnecessary danger. you just didn't understand how a man with such a high IQ acted so irrationally. you had almost lost your shit when you found out he had travelled without being cleared, it was almost like he wanted to get himself in trouble.
now that he was pretty much healed and back to putting himself on the wrong end of a gun barrel, you were closer to snapping than ever. you got the urge to stand in front of him any time you came face to face with an unsub.
so when night rolled around on a case where the killer seemed to hunt at night and you still hadn't caught them, you were more than ready to do whatever was necessary to make sure spencer didn't do something dumb again. if only to calm your own nerves, of course.
"I'm not sharing with reid again." came morgan's voice, and reid frowned, clearly taking some offence.
garcia quickly called dibs on derek and before you could overthink it, you spoke up, "I'll room with the doctor tonight."
confused looks came from all the members of the team, they were all familiar with you and reid's constant squabbles. however, you didn't spare any of them more than a glance, going to get the key to your room and heading upstairs instead.
but of course, of course, when you got to the room there was only one large bed in the centre of it.
you sighed and dropped your go-bag down onto the floor, running your hand through your hair. this was fine, you and spencer would just have to deal with this like the adults you both were.
a click sounded behind you, and spencer walked into the room. glancing at you and then at the bed, still sporting a look of utter confusion. his mouth opened and closed a few times.
"oh." was the only sound that managed to make it out.
"it's big enough for the both of us."
"I'm taking the side next to the window." you expected some sort of disagreement on his part at that.
"okay." was what he responded with instead.
the rest of the night continued in the same unfamiliar manner. with you and spencer getting ready for bed in amicable silence.
after a little while, the lights had finally been shut off and the two of you climbed into the bed.
you turned away from him, grabbing onto one side of the duvet, with him doing the same, which would have usually been fine, but there was only one duvet, and spreading it out like that meant there was a gap through the middle that let the cold in.
"spencer this isn't going to work. We'll both be freezing to death before the morning."
maybe the evening had gotten your hopes up because you were expecting a reasonable response from him, but, naturally, spencer did the opposite of what you thought he would.
he turned so that he was facing your back and wrapped an arm around your front, gently nudging you so you were closer, mumbling something about how this wouldn't be necessary if you weren't such a blanket hog under his breath.
you were too stunned by his willing closeness to answer him.
once spencer seemed to deem that the two of you were near enough, he took his hand away from you. you must have let out some sort of peculiar sound at that because he spoke up again.
"sleep. I'll be fine without your constant hovering for the next eight hours."
"I don't hover." you said, probably not as defensively as you should have.
"sleep." he repeated. and surprisingly, you did. you slept better than you had in ages, not a single concern crossing your mind.
you woke up the next morning with spencer wrapped around you like his life depended on it. His legs were between yours, and his head was buried in your chest while his arms held you in place by the waist.
you absentmindedly ran a hand through his hair, still hazy from sleep, before saying his name. he hummed and pulled you tighter to him, burying his head further into you before mumbling, "stay, we can go back to bickering later."
you couldn't argue with that logic and you were going to take full advantage of having spencer where you could see and feel him.
the two of you spent that morning drifting in and out of sleep for as long as you could before having to get up and ready to go meet the team.
request to be on my taglist
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booboodaddysblog · 2 months
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Warnings: argument, misunderstanding, light abuse, bad time for Colin
Words: 3123
- Colin?
Colin lifted his gaze from over the documents and looked at Marg, who was standing leaning against the door frame. She was wearing only a T-shirt that reached halfway down her thighs.
- Yes? - he replied, measuring her with hungry eyes from top to bottom.
- Are you going to sleep? It's almost midnight.
- Yes... yes... - he answered in a whisper.
- Could you specify? - she laughed quietly.
- Now?
- Are you not sure?
- I'm sure - he got up from the desk and walked slowly towards her - I'm also sure what I would like now - he put his hands on her waist and squeezed lightly.
- Really? - she looked into his eyes.
- Really - he whispered.
- No.
Colin stepped back, puzzled by the refusal to play night games.
- But why? You come here... dressed like this... and you think it won't work on me? I'm tired, I admit, but not so much that I wouldn't be able to give you pleasure - he looked at her slightly offended.
- I just don't feel like it - she shrugged her shoulders.
- You don't feel like it?
- I just said that.
- But Marg! That's not the way to do it! Do you have any idea that this comes under bullying?
- Bullying? - she laughed out loud.
- Of course! You excite me, you don't even know how much! And then you say, no!
Marg shook her head and laughed again.
- Don't be childish. If you want, we'll play tomorrow, but not today. I just don't feel like it. I'm tired - she turned away - I'm going to bed, I hope you'll join me soon.
Colin stared at her still offended. He rolled his eyes and went to the bathroom to take a shower.
When he went into the bedroom and lay down, Marg was already asleep. There was nothing left for him to do but snuggle up to her and also close his eyes.
The next day when he woke up, Marg was no longer in bed. He stretched and rubbed his eyes. He got up and went to the bathroom. Then he got dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen. Marg was sitting at the table, drinking coffee and browsing the morning newspaper.
- Hey - he walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek - how did you sleep? - walked over to the coffee machine to pour himself a cup of coffee.
- Someone was snoring a lot, right in my ear. You don't know who, perhaps?
- I probably know - he laughed and took a sip of coffee.
- Then tell him to let me sleep next time.
- I'll tell him, but I think it's because of the lack of sex before bed.
- Don't you snore after sex?
- I have no idea.
- It doesn't matter. You always snore.
- Sorry sweetheart. Maybe I should go to the doctor with this problem. There are supposedly some minimally invasive treatments that eliminate this ailment - he kissed her again on the cheek.
- It would be wonderful if you could do something about it before our baby is born - she smiled and kissed him as well.
- Okay, I'll think about it - he poured coffee into a thermos.
- Let's hope it doesn't end with just thinking about it - she sighed loudly and went back to looking through the newspaper.
Colin furrowed his brow and hugged Marg's back.
- What's going on? Are you not in the mood today? I know I made you sleep badly. But is there something else that is bothering you?
- Yes, but it's not only about not sleeping. I have a lot of work to do. I talked to the chief to hire someone to help me. He refused. He pleaded that he doesn't have the funds for another employee at the moment.
- I understand. I will try to talk to him. Maybe we can work something out. There are several new police officers who practically do nothing all the time. I'll ask the chief if maybe one of them could help you sometimes.
- Really? Could you? I would really appreciate it - she hugged him tightly.
- I don't promise, but I'll try - he pulled away from her reluctantly - I have to go. I'll see you at work for lunch.
- See you there. Take care - she kissed him on the lips.
He returned the kiss and left the house.
The weather, as usual, made one not feel like leaving the house. 20km away the weather still hadn't changed.
Colin got out of the car, fixed the collar of his coat and walked around the car to get an umbrella out of the trunk.
Mare stood in the parking lot with several other police officers and gave them orders.
- You're finally here, Zabel - she said, bestowing him with a quick glance.
- Yes, hello - he nodded, although he knew she didn't see it.
The policemen moved away toward the forest.
- What are we doing today? - Colin spoke up, but nevertheless with concern in his voice. He knew how this would end.
- Seriously? Didn't you get enough sleep or what? - Mare looked at him with indifferent eyes.
- On the contrary, I got a good night's sleep.
- Then why are you asking a stupid question?
- I like to ask questions - he smiled.
- We are searching the southern part of the forest. Today we have dogs with us. Only three, but I hope it's enough.
- And what are we going to do? Me and you? - Colin asked the question again, which made Mare sigh loudly and inhale her electronic cigarette, blowing smoke in his direction.
Colin closed his eyes and turned his head away. He didn't like the smell.
- Stupid question, stupid answer, Zabel - she shoved a folder of documents into his hands - get to work. I doubt we'll be back for lunch.
He nodded with understanding. Nothing else was left for him. He headed toward the forest, following Mare's footsteps.
- How is Marg? - Mare suddenly broke the silence.
- Hmm... she is doing well. Already the tummy is slowly visible.
Mare stopped abruptly. Colin bumped into her surprised almost knocking her over onto the muddy path.
- Fuck! Watch how you walk, Zabel!
- Sorry, I didn't do it on purpose. I was reviewing the case file. Why did you stop? Did something happen?
- Yes, it happened...
- But what? - he looked around confusedly.
- What sexual orientation are you?
- I beg your pardon? - he muttered.
- Answer.
- After all, I'm straight....
- Then why the fuck did you say, tummy?!
- What? - he raised his eyebrows in surprise.
Mare rolled her eyes and continued ahead. Further conversation was pointless.
- Mare? But what is the point? I don't understand. Can you explain it to me? - Colin did not give up.
Mare merely raised her hand announcing to him that he should keep quiet.
- Okay... - he shrugged his shoulders.
Suddenly Mare stopped again.
- What is it this time? - he asked in a bored voice.
- There lies the jacket. Two meters from that tree - she pointed her hand in the right direction.
Colin moved to the indicated place. He pulled a glove from the inside pocket of his coat, put it on his hand and reached for jacket.
- Women's - he looked inside - size medium, faux leather, black - he looked at the jacket from all sides - patches of rock bands.
- I have my doubts if you are really straight - she muttered to herself.
- Did you say something?
- I'll put it in the bag for physical evidence - Mare took out a bag from her pocket.
- Okay, it may belong to the victim. We have to hand it over for analysis. Only there is one problem. This jacket looks like it's been lying here for a really long time.
- And how do you know that, Mr. Detective? - Mare raised her eyebrows mockingly.
- Just... look it's stiff and cracked. A jacket that had only been lying here for a few days wouldn't be in such bad shape - Colin showed her several cracks on the material.
- Okay. We're going to check it anyway.
- Sure.
Colin's phone started ringing.
- Zabel - he picked up and listened for a moment - no mom - he rolled his eyes and then closed them - there is no need for that - he looked up at the sky - I can handle everything - he sighed - okay... okay... bye... - he hung up.
Mare looked at him in silence, but couldn't stand it. She had to laugh at him.
- What's up? Mommy misses her son? - she smiled broadly at him.
- I think there is no reason to bring up the subject.
- Does your mommy know that your girlfriend is pregnant? - she smiled even wider.
- Not yet...
- Man, it's already the third month!
- And what about it?
- I know where your mother lives.
- You won't - he whispered.
- I will!
- It's none of your business, Mare - he looked at her with a threatening gaze.
- And in fact... yes, I don't give a damn - she moved ahead leaving Colin in the middle of the path with a confused look on his face.
Only after a while he move behind her, not really understanding what had just happened.
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In the late afternoon, he sat in the police kitchen bored, tired and cold. He stabbed his fork into the salad that stood on the table in front of him. He chewed slowly, sighing every now and then. The day was hopeless from the very morning.
- Colin?
Reluctantly, he raised his eyes to the person in front of him. He raised his eyebrows and sighed again. The person he saw before him was the last person he felt like talking to. Or rather, he didn't have the slightest desire to talk to her.
Roby took a bottle of water out of the fridge and sat down at the table opposite Colin.
- What's up? - she tried to start the conversation somehow.
Colin merely shrugged his shoulders and refocused his gaze on his food.
- You are very talkative.
- Mhm... - he didn't look at her.
- Am I disturbing you?
Colin shrugged his shoulders again without even deigning to look at her. He shoved a piece of lettuce into his mouth and began munching loudly.
- Can we talk? I am tormented by thoughts - she fell silent for a moment, wondering what to say next - I wonder if everything is okay? I mean with Marg. I mean, not only with her. With both of you.
Colin reluctantly lifted his gaze to her and furrowed his eyebrows, waiting for what she had to say.
- It seems to me that you two have been getting along poorly lately. Marg is sad. I don't like to see her in such a state.
Colin remained silent, looking at her. He shoved a piece of chicken into his mouth.
- Marg is really trying to make things work out well between you two. You, on the other hand, don't seem to be trying very hard - she fell silent, waiting for his answer.
He looked at her slowly chewing the meat. He was slightly irritated, but didn't let it show. Finally, he spoke up.
- I thought that by coming to me and disturbing my silence, plus additionally wasting my precious time... you want to talk about me, not about Marg or my relationship with her - he refocused his gaze on the bowl in front of him. He stabbed the fork into the lettuce too brutally than intended. His self-control was slightly shaken - my relationship with Marg is my personal business. You shouldn't be interested in it.
Roby looked at him shocked and thought for a moment before responding to his unkind words.
- Marg is like a sister to me... and I care that everything is fine with her. I don't want you to hurt her.
Colin snorted under his breath. He got up from the table and reached into the fridge for a bottle of water. He sat down again and took a big gulp of water, swallowing loudly.
- Since... since Marg is like a sister to you.... hmm... then why did you cheat on her with me? Do sisters do that? - he scooped lettuce and chicken onto a fork and shoved it into his mouth. He watched Roby with satisfaction on his face. He knew he had hit a sensitive spot.
She squinted and looked at him angrily.
- And you know what, you have no idea how bad I feel about it. All the time - he said with his mouth full - I really... wish I could get rid of these intrusive thoughts.
Colin sighed loudly, refocusing his gaze on the food. He felt an inner pressure. He no longer felt like looking at the person sitting in front of him.
- I'm really tired of it - he added in a whisper.
- Why do you think I shouldn't be interested in your relationship? You are my friends. I care about you being happy. I want to help you.
Colin muttered something unintelligible.
- You know it well that when you were drowning your sorrows in alcohol, I was by her side all the time. I took care of her every day. And you had her deep in your ass - she sighed - I'm going to interfere. I'm not going to keep quiet. Do you have any idea that because of your behavior, she might have lost her child?
Colin forced himself to look at her again.
- But she did not lose. All is well.
- But she could. Stress is the worst killer! - she didn't understand how Colin could be so selfish.
- The doctor says everything is and will be fine. Focus on your problems - he shook his head with dissatisfaction and took another bite of salad - besides, this is not the right time for such talk - he added with his mouth full.
- Of course it's perfect timing. I can never catch you. You're practically never at work, I mean you're in the field with Mare - she rolled her eyes - so now I'm taking the opportunity.
Colin pretended not to listen to her while focusing on the water bottle. Bored, he sighed and began reading the label.
- I also wanted to add that I have remorse after what happened in the archives - she fell silent, looking to see if Colin was looking at her.
Colin unconcerned continued to quietly chew his meal.
- Colin! Listen to me! Stop being an overthinker detached from reality. It spoils everything!
Colin looked at her in surprise.
- Did you say something? - he raised his eyebrows.
- That's what I'm talking about! You don't give a damn about what's going on around you!
- I am eating after all! Give me a break! - he was beginning to lose patience.
- Marg said you go to therapy. As far as I can see, it doesn't help you at all. You are wasting money and time, supposedly valuable time.
Colin raised his eyebrows.
- What are you talking about? And besides, it was you who forced me into this betrayal. I repeated "no"... several times - he drank a big gulp of water.
- God, you really are detached from reality. I feel sorry for Marg.
- I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with me - he got up from the table, put the plate in the dishwasher and leaned against the top of the cabinet.
- You are immersed in your thoughts all the time. Do something about it!
- That's why I go to therapy. Believe me, it helps me, it's better - he reached for the water bottle that was on the table - I'm glad that you don't have such problems. I even envy you. Honestly - he sipped the water - and I'll say it again. Everything that is now between me and Marg... this should be our business... not yours. Fine, you can talk to her about it, but please, not with me.
Roby stared at him in silence for a moment before answering.
- I am an overthinker too. You don't know me as well as Marg. I try my best to work on it. I try to think less and not get caught up in false scenarios. It's just that I don't want my whole life to be one big doubt - she fell silent for a moment - do you think you can start thinking like that? More positive? If not for yourself, do it for Marg. Please, Colin. She deserves it. She is a strong woman, but with your behaviour, you are weakening her. It has nothing to do with supporting her in this difficult time for her.
Colin watched her in silence.
- I know it well that Marg is the only person who can help you. And you know it too. Only your masculine pride doesn't allow you to admit it. She needs you as much as you need her. Don't waste it - Roby still didn't give up.
Colin continued to remain silent. He closed his eyes and shook his head resignedly. He pushed himself away from the countertop and moved toward the kitchen exit.
- That's all you have to say to me?! - she stood up nervously with the intention of stopping him from leaving the kitchen. She reached out toward him to grab his arm.
Colin quickly grabbed her wrist, too much harder than he should have, and pushed her away. She stepped back frightened, grabbing her sore wrist. She froze.
- I would ask you not to touch me again. I don't wish it.
He left the kitchen, leaving his shocked colleague alone. Roby pushed back the material covering her wrist and looked at it. It was bright red. At that moment, she began to fear Colin. He wasn't in control of himself when he was angry. This also made her start to worry even more about her friend Marg.
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rorywritesjunk · 9 months
Oh, go to sleep, Little Skylark. Fly up past the stars
After breaking your heart, Buggy is cursed to be a kid again. The last thing you want to do is be involved with this.
Rating: PG-13ish. Warning: Blood, injury, naked adult pirate. Arguing and stuff. A/N: There's only one chapter left after this and it's written so it will be posted in a few days.
Title comes from “Little Skylark (safe at home)” by S.J. Tucker.
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7 + Chapter 8 TAGLIST: @lostfirefly @fluffybunnyu @plethora-of-fickleness @ane5e @valen-yamyam16 @lavanderdreamve  @jollycandyruins
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Chapter Seven
You slept off most of the rum. The kid was awake and dressed by the time you got out of bed and he was glaring at you as you washed your face and ran a brush through your hair. It was dawning on you that your stuff was back at the inn and that you couldn't keep wearing Buggy's clothes. It… it was weird. Maybe you could get Mohji to go get your things. You didn't feel like leaving the ship.
Buggy took your hand as the two of you went to the kitchen and he was glaring at everyone. It was weird how much he looked like himself as an adult right then. You had seen that glare plenty of times and seeing it on the kid's face was a little funny but also concerning. He let go of your hand and took a seat at the table while you made him breakfast.
“What's wrong, Buggy?” You asked as you put his plate in front of him. He shrugged and poked at his food. You bit your tongue when he did that, remembering you promised not to be mean to him anymore, but seeing him poke at the food made you angry for a brief moment but you shook it off.
“Do you like him?” He asked as he looked up at you. You looked at him, confusion on your face as you tried to think of what he was talking about. Him? Him who? “Like, do you want to kiss him?”
“Cabaji?” You asked. He was the last person you've interacted with besides Buggy. The kid nodded as he started eating. “Ew, no. Why would you think that?”
“You two were sitting together last night.” Buggy said, his mouth full of food. “So I was wondering.”
“Ew.” You shuddered. “No, I don't like him like that. I tolerate him as a crew member.” What a weird question to ask first thing in the morning. You walked over to his side of the table and crouched down until you were eye level with him, narrowing your eyes as you studied his face. Was he going to turn back soon? Was this some kind of sign? There was a flash of something in his eyes for a moment and you wondered something…
“Wait, Buggy, did you not like me and Cabaji sitting together last night?” You asked. “Did that make you unhappy?”
He shrugged as he continued eating. 
“Why did you think I liked him?” You asked, trying to get something out of him. You wouldn't dream of hooking up with a member of the crew since you've been trying to leave for the last few days. You wanted to be done with all of this but part of you still wanted to stick around for the kid's sake, even if you were starting to crack a bit. 
“You two talk a lot.” Buggy mumbled as he ate. “I don't like it. And… when I'm an adult again I don't think I'll like it either.”
You sighed and rubbed your face. This was too much of a conversation to have without the right amount of coffee. Either he was about to change back or he was trying to overthink things, but you didn't want to be talking about relationships with a child.
“Well, when you're an adult again you can feel however you want about things.” You told him as you stood back up. “But me and Cabaji? Ew, no. And me and you when you become an adult again? No. We aren't together anymore for a reason and it's better that way.”
“Why?” Buggy frowned as he set his fork down. “Can't I try again? I'll apologize a lot!”
“Buggy, you can't apologize for something you did as an adult when you're a kid. It doesn't work that way.” You said as you went to pour yourself some coffee. “Just…take it easy right now, okay? Just enjoy being a kid without responsibilities for a few more days.”
He crossed his arms and huffed in frustration. It was kind of adorable but honestly, you didn't want to think about any of this. You just needed a stress-free day for once and today needed to be it. You took a sip of your coffee and sighed.
“Look, we can… we can have a conversation when you’re an adult again, Buggy.” You said as you took a seat at the table. “It’s not something I can talk about with you while you’re a kid.”
“Why?” He asked. You took another sip of coffee. He sure liked to ask why a lot this morning.
“Because… you’re a kid right now.” You replied. “And… if I’m going to have a proper conversation about my past relationship, it’s going to be with you as an adult, because I have things I want to know.”
“Like what?” Buggy asked. “Maybe I’d know?”
“No, no, I just want you to take it easy, no more questions.” You said as you took another sip of coffee. You didn’t want to interrogate the kid about whether or not he would cheat on you as an adult. Cabaji said he didn’t cheat but did you believe him? You even found it hard to believe but you also didn’t believe Buggy would apologize to you. It seemed pretty clear that he had been over and done with the relationship, which hurt because you couldn’t understand what went wrong. 
Maybe you should have tried to get him to talk more, to open up about why he was shutting you out, but would it have made a difference? If he wasn’t cheating, and those flowers were for you, would you have accepted his apology? You’d like to think you wouldn’t, you still felt hurt by his words over breakfast that morning that you almost snipped at the kid earlier over, and as much as you tried to deny it, you still cared for the idiot. There was still a part of you that loved him, even though you were hurt, and if he had shown up to apologize that day you probably would have accepted it.
Instead he got himself cursed. 
You finished your coffee and got up to pour yourself another cup. The kid was watching you as he ate, not a complaint to be said about the food, which you appreciated. He really ate up everything you made which was nice, it made you think your cooking wasn’t as bad as Buggy had said when he was an adult. You looked back at him, leaning against the counter as you raised the cup to take another sip.
“When I’m an adult again I’ll be nicer to you.” Buggy told you once he finished eating. “Promise.”
“Thanks.” And you didn’t tell him it wouldn’t matter if he was, because why would it? You couldn’t see him changing anytime soon, and you still thought back to that day when you decided to leave. You didn’t want to wait around for a what if with Buggy. He had called you a useless cook, made a jab at your relationship to him as well, so why would you stick around? “I hope you keep your promise, Buggy.”
Thankfully the morning remained uneventful. After breakfast you cleaned the kitchen with him helping you - you washed the dishes and he would dry them, which was kind of nice. You knew it would have been impossible to get him to do it as an adult, so having the kid help was a nice change of pace. After you finished, the two of you checked on Richie, made sure supplies were good, and that the crew was doing okay. They seemed to accept you were the temporary captain, which made it easier when you gave them jobs to do. 
When afternoon came, however, you looked out toward the docks and saw two figures approaching. One seemed familiar, and as they stood at the bottom of the walkway to the ship, you could see his red, blotchy face, black eye, and bandaged nose. The other was unscathed. 
Guess the pirate you assaulted yesterday brought a friend with him. You had Mohji keep an eye on Buggy while you went down to talk with them, but the kid got away and was immediately by your side, taking your hand in his as he glared at the two pirates. While you appreciated the thought, you couldn’t imagine these two being scared of a child.
“Hi, what can I do for you two?” You asked, trying to sound kind even though you knew they didn’t deserve it. The unscathed pirate looked between you and the injured one.
“This is the one that injured you?” He asked the injured pirate who nodded his head.
“S-She threw these weird bombs at my face! It’s what turned my skin so red!”
You shrugged. “You tried to take my apprentice. I had to step in.”
“This girl hurt my little brother, really?!” 
“There’s nothing little about either of you.” You pointed out, noticing that their swords were just as long as you were tall. If either of them drew a sword you would be done for. They wouldn’t have to move too much to strike you down. “Listen, apologize for trying to take my apprentice and I’ll apologize for stopping you from taking him.” 
“Never!” The injured pirate snapped. “Do you know who we are?!”
“No, not really.” You said as you steered Buggy behind you, just in case they attacked. “And I don't care to, so I think we are done here.” 
You started to turn, to push Buggy back to the ship, when you heard the sound of a sword being unsheathed. The pirate was fast, you heard the sword cut through the air, and you turned to put your arm up, to protect yourself and the kid. You felt yourself being jerked back, the sword managing to cut your arm.
A disembodied fist punched the pirate in the face while another hit the injured one. You clutched your arm and looked behind you, face to face with a naked adult Buggy who had one arm around you while his hands attacked the pirate. He barked for the crew to come chase the two off while he tried to lead you back onto the ship, but you didn't go with him.
“You're naked, Buggy! Put some damn clothes on!”
“Shut up and get on the ship, woman!” He snapped back at you while the crew came to chase the pirates off. Nakedness be damned, he wanted to make sure you were okay. He led you to the bedroom and had you sit down before he pulled on a pair of pants. “How bad is the injury?”
You pulled your hand back for a moment as blood poured from the wound. You could move your hand but you hurt. “I'll live.”
“Fucking assholes.” He grumbled as he went to find some bandages to help. It seemed like maybe the bleeding was slowing down. Buggy came back a few minutes later and knelt in front of you. “Let me see.”
“I really don't need your help.” You said as you tried to pull back. “I'm not useless.”
He ignored what you said as he pried your hand off the wound. “You're going to need stitches.”
“And who's going to do that?” You asked sharply. “I don't want your help, Buggy.”
“Well that's too damn bad because I'm going to help you!” He shot back. “I'm trying to be nice to you and make up for being an asshole!”
“Are you going to apologize then, Buggy?!” You asked as he started cleaning the wound. “Because considering I spent the last few days keeping you alive, I feel I deserve something!”
“I'm trying to!” He snapped as he sterilized a needle. “Just… just shut up for a minute while I do this. I need to focus.”
You looked away from him, wincing when the needle pierced your skin. It wasn't the worst feeling in the world but it wasn't pleasant. He took his time, not speaking as he made sure the wound was stitched properly. Once he finished, he tied a knot and looked it over.
“Should be good.” He sighed as he started to clean up. “Don't do anything stupid.”
“Like getting attacked by a pirate for keeping you safe?” You replied sarcastically. “I'll make sure not to help next time.”
“I never asked for your help with any of this!” Buggy shot back. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to calm down. He needed this to go well. “I'm… I'm trying, okay? I want to make up for how I treated you but you're making it difficult!”
“You're an asshole!” You snapped. “All I want is to know why you were so shitty to me, Buggy! Why did you say those things to me? Why didn't you just talk to me if you were unhappy?!” You sniffed, your heart pounding in your chest. “Why did you cheat on me?”
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doe-eyed-fool · 5 months
Prey | Chapter Five
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Alastor x Fem!Reader
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Your heart rate began to pick up. Maybe you were just tired, and your mind was playing tricks on you. Yeah. Yeah that had to have been it. It's not like there was anyone other than you and Alastor in the house.
That would be ridiculous, to think that. And it's not like Alastor would have someone here and no tell you. Why would he feel the need to do that? He wouldn't. Simple.
If that were the case, then what did you see just now?
You take a few steps away from the door and narrow your eyes, trying to see in the dark.
There was that feeling of unease again. You took a deep breath, and exhale shakily. There was no one else here. There was no need to be worrying like this.
You should just go back upstairs and back to bed. Alastor would come back eventually. Even though it worried you, you had a feeling he'd be fine.
Suddenly the lights were turned on.
You gasped sharply and turned around, you were met with Alastor standing in the doorway.
"Y/n...What are you doing up this late?" He asked, slightly shocked. "I...I heard some noises outside. And you weren't here." You explained. "I got worried about you." Your attention was suddenly caught by the sight of blood on Alastor's shirt cuffs and hands.
"What happened?" You asked, pointing it out. Alastor was silent for a moment before answering. "I had to take care of some things in that shed. I have a place set up not too far into those woods, for hunting. Brought some things down there for the next time I go hunting, and ended up cutting my hand." Before you could speak, he continued. "I'm fine. You should go back upstairs Y/n, I'll take care of this alright?"
"Are you sure?" You ask. "I don't mind to help you."
"Y/n. It's late, really, you should be sleeping. I'll take care of it." Alastor said, and despite his calm smile, he seemed a bit tense. You sigh. "Ok...Goodnight."
Alastor watched as you made your way back up the stairs. Once he was sure you were gone, he sighed.
"Might as well turn in too."
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The next day, Alastor offered to take you shopping. He insisted, saying now that you were a performer, you should look the part. You couldn't argue with that, and went along with him.
Mimzy had told you you'd be preforming soon, within the next week in fact. It so close by, and as the day came that you would finally preform in front of a real crowd, the more nervous you became. This wasn't like singing front of your parents. This wasn't like singing in front of Alastor and Mimzy.
You'd be singing for a live audience. And as exciting as that sounded, you couldn't help but overthink. What if you mess up somehow? Forget this lyrics, or stumble on stage, or just make a fool of yourself in front of all those people?
Alastor knew you were worried, he tried his best to reassure you and tell you you would do just fine. But his words could only do so much. 
As you were in the dressing room, you started to notice Alastor placing clothes over the door from the other side, that weren't all clothes that you came here for. Some were just casual dresses and a few nice evening ones thrown in too. You raise an eyebrow before rolling your eyes.
"Alastor." You say, in a light scolding manner. "Yes?" Alastor innocently responded. "We came here for just a few dresses for my nights preforming. Why did you pick out so many others?" You ask. 
"Why dear, of course you'd want to look your best outside of preforming." Alastor tells you. "The more you sing for folks, the more you will be recognized outside of the lounge. You can't wear just anything!"
You supposed your normal dresses weren't up to the standards of famous singers. What if one day you did get that far? Wearing old hand me down dresses, some that had to be sewn back together, wouldn't do your image any good. Of course, you would still keep those dresses, as they were given to you by your dear mother.
"Alright. But just a few. Please do not buy out this entire store, Alastor." You tell him before grabbing one of the dresses. 
"Oh? But you'd look so good in everything here." 
You were thankful there was a door hiding your embarrassment and hot face. You decided to ignore that. "I mean it, just a few." You say firmly. Alastor chuckles. "If you wish."
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Tonight was a big night for you, your very first performance. You could hardly believe it, your heart was beating wildly in your chest as you stand backstage. You paced back and forth, trying to calm yourself. You kept telling yourself you'd be fine, but your nerves wouldn't listen. 
You turn your head to see Alastor approaching you. "Alastor? What are you doing here?" You ask. You knew he'd be here to see you, but what was he doing back stage? Mimzy must have allowed him back here. "I'm here because I had a feeling you'd be a little jittery." Alastor tell you. You sigh and nod your head. "I am..."
"You shouldn't be, dear. You'll do just fine! I've heard you sing, you're a natural! And you most certainly look the part." You didn't doubt that last part. You wore a flashy flapper dress and matching arm gloves. Your hair and makeup were seemingly flawless. You barely looked like your old self, all dolled up.
"I still can't help but worry, Alastor. What if something goes wrong?" Alastor shakes his head with a chuckle. "Like what, my dear?" He asks. "Well, what if I trip on stage? Or, what if I forget the lyrics? Or my voice cracks?" You list. Alastor places his hand on your shoulder. "Y/n, none of that will happen. You are simply overthinking. I'll tell you what will happen when you go out there."
"You will dazzle the audience with your beauty, and then knock them all dead with that lovely voice of yours!" 
Your face heated slightly at his words. "Alastor?" He hums in response. Suddenly your words were caught in your throat. You wanted so desperately to tell him how you felt, that you loved him so much, more than anything. And yet...
"Thank you."
You couldn't do it.
The song that the band was playing on stage had slowly came to an end, as the crowd applauded their performance. You were up next.
"Of course dear. Now, knock em' dead! I'll be right there in the crowd." 
You give Alastor a weak smile before walking ahead, and onto the stage. The crowd clapped as you entered. You gave a small wave before walking up to the microphone. The crowd went quiet, and the music began to play.
Look at me, I'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree; And I feel like I'm clingin' to a cloud I can't understand I get misty, just holding your hand Walk my way
And a thousand violins begin to play Or it might be the sound of your hello That music I hear I get misty, the moment you're near Can't you see that you're leading me on?
You couldn't help but think of Alastor as you sang those words. He must have some sort of clue of what he does to your heart, when he speaks to you so sweet and kind. They way he makes you feel so important, so special. 
Surely he knows. Doesn't he? But if he does, if he does know what he's doing, and he continues to do so...
Your eyes found Alastor in the crowd. 
Then perhaps it's better you don't give into his game. If that's what this was. 
And it's just what I want you to do Don't you notice how hopelessly I'm lost That's why I'm following you On my own
Would I wander through this wonderland alone Never knowing my right foot from my left My hat from my glove I'm too misty, and too much in love Too misty And too much In love
The sound of clapping filled your ears, and you take a step back from the mic with wide eyes. They liked it, they like your performance, they liked your singing, they liked you. A wide smile fell upon your face before bowing slightly. You waved your hand before walking off stage.
You couldn't believe it. Your first performance! 
And it was a success! 
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lxdymoon0357 · 11 months
Imagine, A Male reader who have read A novel and Webtoon Both them are Remarried Empress.
And he made all analysis, theories and Thinking that Sovieshu is Only being dumb but what if he was dumb then it would have happy ending for Sovieshu and Navier.
While overthinking male reader Crossing the road and he somehow stopped at middle of road and he got new theories, while thinking about it, Trunk-kun smashed it and Male reader got isekaied
Male reader transmigrated into Sovieshu/ Heinrey's body.
If Male reader transmigrated into Sovieshu's body then he would tell everything and apologies to Navier to understand it ( Best friend Kinda). He would go and see Heinrey and starts falling in love (and so on idk)
If Male reader Transmigrated into Heinrey's body then he will use Letter exchanging to Emperor Sovieshu until Emperor falls in love with Secret Admire.... But Emperor Sovieshu and Heinrey are Rivals ( Not enemies )... After Heinrey revealed his secret admirer, Both them will became best friends then Lovers ( sounds like Enemy to best friend to lovers, almost like enemies to lovers trope 😁 ) and Navier is Cupid cuz Her lover ( Rashta) shared plenty of BL/GL/Smut Novel with them
That's all are on my mind, this is my request
But before isekaied, He had huge simps on both ( Sovieshu and Heinrey)
(....I just couldn't...I'm sorry..how long is this WIP? 2 years old...Yes that's right humans, 2 YEARS OLD! Kill me...)
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Isekaid! Sovieshu X Heinry:
Your chance is my change!
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※ The burning pain in your back was stopping your vision from clearing up , as you heard a voice continuously calling you “Your highness…”, as it started to get louder, "Your highness..!” and louder, “Your highness!!!!!!!”
The colorful void finally started to clear up as you head started to hurt. As you finally opened your eyes and your vision cleared up…You saw a lady with long straight blonde hair with golden-green eyes, as you continued to look at her, she reminded you of something you would see back at home....
"Who . . .who are you?" You asked, you throat sore and hurting as you tried to get out words. But as you asked her, the lady immediately looked surprised, before turning to the doctor on the other side, as if he was losing memories....
"Uhm, I'm not sure, you're highness, but I'll try my best to understand this, maybe try to remind him of himself again, I'll come back tomorrow, my grace." The man bowed before taking his leave and going out of the room, as the lady turned to you, before brushing strand of hair behind her ear, she says,
"You highness, You're name is Emperor Sovieshu Vict, I'm your wife, Empress Navier Ellie Trovi. Your the Emperor of Eastern Empire, I'm the empress of Eastern Empire. You've been unconscious for four days now...."
That was the last straw of this weird place...WAIT! Did she just say, her name was NAVIER ELLIE TROVI?! As in from your favorite manhwa?! As you whipped your head back on her face and stared at her intensely, her hair was long and blonde, with mature green eyes and soft yet sharp features..
"So how did I faint???" You asked Navier,
"An object fell from the sky and knocked you out..." Navier replied, completely stoic. As you tried to comprehend things, Navier sighed before asking for dismissal from you, which you granted hastily, as she walked out, she said, "Also your highness, please look after you dear concubine, she's been crying horribly..." Before walking out, you tried to understand your situation...You were just walking back from the grocery store buying some ramen when a truck hit you and did you just isekaid into a manhwa like those in your favorite ones?????
"This is just weird, I just isekaid into Remarried Empress in the emperor's body, do I have to survive this now?" You mumbled, while laying back on your bed cushioning yourself into the soft duvet, before there was a knocking on the door, which caught your attention to it...
'Well, if I have to play an emperor, might as well do it!' You thought before calling out, "Come in!" As you sat up back in the bed, fluffing you pillows in the process, as you turned to look at the door, you were frozen as you saw a beautiful lady with bright, blonde nearly white hair and dark grey eyes, it was Rashta, who was crying her eyes out…As you sat up straight, putting on a façade of caring to hide the maybe upcoming annoyed expression
"How- how are you- you, your highness...Rashta- Rashta was worried..." Rashta said, wiping her eyes and nose with a dark blue napkin, as she rubbed her eyes out and sat on the chair right beside your bed. As you reached out and brushed some strands of hair out of her and behind her ears, before wiping the few stray tears falling down her eyes. You were honestly expecting to be annoyed by her actions, but instead you were her feeling pity for her, she really did love Sovieshu in the manhwa after all....At-least in the beginning, until Ergi manipulated her to make her power-hungry person. As you wiped her tears and talked with her to make a friendship with her, as you both talked while having dinner, you learnt many things about Rashta, mainly that she was a lovey person actually, quite mature and smart along with being imaginative but put on a child-like and cheerful façade to make herself likable by other stuck up nobles and Sovieshu...
Over the course of the next two weeks, you would be again taught the way to live as an emperor, talk with Navier as well and build a friendship with her and Rashta, you both spent time with each other as friends, while she took care of the empire with a little bit of help with you. You met different people from the manhwa, including countess Eliza, Laura and a few others, you pretended to play the emperor so nobody would suspect the emperor forgetting his memory, you knew your favorite manhwa to heart and you knew Sovieshu even better so it was no problem playing him except the fact that maybe you weren't straight....And you were in no way, shape or form in love with Rashta or Navier.... You were actually (y/s) and were not interested in Rashta or Navier, but you didn't know what to do....
As you were sitting outside, reading a erotica, sneaked in by Rashta who was having her education under your guidance, she saw you eyeing that book in the library, luckily since she didn't know how to completely knew how to read, she borrowed it under the excuse of "Buying for a friend" without knowing it was about BL...
As you flipped the next page, too fixated in it to realize somebody had sat next to you, as you heard somebody's voice read the lines, which made the blood run out of your face....Well Sovieshu's , but you get it....
"Well, well...I didn't realize you liked these types of novels your highness...." Navier said, as she leaned beside your shoulder reading the next few lines of the erotica, which was quite rough for a time setting like this one... But still a little bit better than those dumb ass erotica you were reading as compared to those amazing smuts.....
But back to your mind, you smile nervously as Navier sat beside you also holding a book in her hand, "I've read that one before, is it to your taste?" Navier asked, tilting her head. surprised, you shook your head to tell her, "Well, I've read this one before and it is quite boring..", "I have a collection of better ones...Would you like to read them?" Navier asked twirling a strand of her hair in her fingers, obviously blushing after asking such a scandalous thing...
You were shook as you were frozen into place and not being able to answer back and zoning out before Navier snapped her fingers in front of your face, making you snap out of your trance as you frantically nodded your head, your cheeks also warming up, Navier took a deep breathe before opening her book, which was a encyclopedia, in the first eight pages, she took out a list of her favorite eroticas you guessed, she handed it to you, saying she has all of these ordered by her brother and if you wanted to read it you could always visit her room.
As a week or three passed you though about it, reading over the titles of these books and their summary that Navier had written down. You decided which books you wanted for the time being while she gets more for you both. As you walked to her room, face with a faint blush. As you knocked on her door, when she didn't answer as you waited out the door, you knocked again a little harder this time and waited but still no answer from Navier, finally as you slowly opened her door and walked in her room, you saw a sight you weren't expecting in your whole life of Rashta sitting on Navier' s lap only in her corset and a underskirt as Navier pulled on her corset strings slowly opening them. The two ladies were deep into kissing, Rashta whining and panting as Navier and Rashta's tongue were exploring each other (and their mouths).
You were absolutely blushing finding your "wife" in such a compromising state with your "concubine" ... Trying to make known of your presence, you cleared your though as the two ladies pulled away and Rashta immediately screamed as Navier pushed Rashta's head into her neck, muffling her scream and quieting her. Navier looked back at you without a emotion on her face, her and Rashta's lipsticks smudged across her lips and neck and hickeys on her neck and shoulders, you showed her the list and named the books you wanted as Navier pointed to a bookshelf, which had a shelf of fake coloured ombre covers, you pulled on it before taking the books you wanted, and walked out the room before waving to a again making out couple, where Navier who was making out still waved her hand a bit.
As you walked through the hallways, you turned the book on the top of the bunch over to read the summary at the back, not realizing where you were headed as you bumped into someone who was running, the collision was so strong throwing you both away from each other and on the ground, making the books scatter like a drama scene, you picked up all the book before turning to the guy who you bumped into about to put some sense into their heads, as you were met with Heinrey looking at you, annoyed. You walked away, you knew Heinrey was already annoyed with you, because of the the way you treated Navier you guessed before you fainted.
As you sat in your room around 20 minutes reading a book with series of different erotic stories and were reading the first story, where the couple finally confessed their feelings as they had their orgasms together, you were unknowingly blushing and giggling and squealing like a high-school girl, as there was a knock on your door, you without lifting your head allowed the person inside, Rashta immediately jumped up on your bed, she had been very affectionate about these things and talked with you for hours on end,
"And weren't you just kissing Navier in the other room, Rashta?" You asked, curious as to why is she here.
"Well, Sir. Heinrey came to Darling's room and we had to stop kissing and pretend we were doing something important so we had to clean ourselves up real quick and so their conversation was too long and I got bored so I got out!" Rashta rambled on as you nodded your head listening to her but unfortunately zoning out half-way through, but luckily Rashta didn't notice and continued to ramble and talk about how things were going...But also you didn't notice her leaning over in your book, until she read the whole two pages as she yelled for some reason, knocking you out of trance and breaking your eardrum, probably...
"WHAT?! WHAT RASHTA?!" You asked yelling back, until she pushed your face angrily, "WHAT LECHEROUS THINGS ARE YOU READING?!" She asked angrily,
"WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WIT-...Oh...It's fine! I'll convince her!" You said coolly, patting her shoulders as she squealed in excitement like a child getting a present, ignoring the fact that you both were screaming like shit, until you got a multiple bangs on your door, "You highness, lady Rahsta are you both okay?!" "LADY RASHTA, EMPEROR DO YOU NEED HELP?!" And multiple people asking you both,
"Oh, A BIRD! A BIRD Flew into the window?" Rashta answered back as she locked the door..Breathing a sigh of relief, you silently yelled at Rashta for causing a scene as she also silently yelled back at you, you both were bickering in your room until there was a knock on the door "Your highness, is Rashta with you?" You hear Navier's voice call out as you jumped out of bed to open the latch of the lock to let her in. Navier enter the room, as Rashta pounces from your bed and jumps into Navier's arms, who has to carry her like a koala. As Navier sits on the bed while you and Rashta try to convince her to let Rashta reads some books,
"Come on! Rashta will learn to read and once she gets through with such books she will learn to mask her expression better!" You say, Navier still looks very doubtful as she sighs, disagreeing,
"No! She only learnt to read and she's too young to read!"
"I'm 20 years old now your highness, that's not young, I also had a child remember!?" Rashta whines and reminds Navier, "I basically know everything there is need to know to create a child!" "This is different." Navier comments, "SO?!" "UGH FINE! YOU CAN READ THEM!" Navier whines loudly as she finally gave up against you and Rashta as you both cheered loudly around the room,
"ON ONE CONDITION!" Navier interrupted your celebration, "Your highness and Rashta will have to attend a dinner with his highness, Heinrey, and duke Kaufman for my business with Duke Kaufman and also because I want you both to have manners, you've been very chaotic since you woke up your highness!" Navier says and comments on you, your faces drop as you listen to Navier's bet... "AND NO TRYING TO RUN AWAY FROM THE DINNER!! AND YOU CANNOT BEHAVE IMMATURELY, YOU NEED OT HAVE ETIQUETTE..." Navier finished her argument with yelling before taking a deep breathe and sighing...
So that's why you both were sitting on the dinner table, dressed up; prim and proper yet all bored as they ate the amazing food with "etiquette" around them Navier was conversing with Kaufman, Heinrey and Ergi, as you looked under the table and bit to see Navier's hand under Rashta's dress which was bunched up on Navier's wrist, you mentally gagged before lifting your head up making Heinrey look at you annoyingly as he asked, "Are you okay, majesty??" You jumped a bit but answer, "Uhm, yea-yeah! I'm good.." as you drank water and mentally cursed for stuttering..
Finally finishing up on dinner, Kaufman and Ergi decided to retire earlier as Navier said she'll take Rashta, you nodded before waiting for the dessert, ain't no way in hell were you going to bed before having your favorite sizzling brownie with ice-cream and warm chocolate syrup. Heinrey also with you, but he was reading a book for some reason as everyone left. As your dessert finally came and you finished eating, you were finally so full it felt like you were gonna burst...You sighed and started standing up, as Heinrey said, "Your majesty, may I escort you to your room?" He asked, catching you completely off-guard, as you smiled and hesitantly declined, he still somehow convinced you saying you're sick and it would be bad if something happened to you on the way back and nobody would be there to help you as it was very late now, so you hesitantly agreed as he was walking you to your room.
Finally reaching your room, you thanked him and entered your room before closing the door behind you. As you removed your shirt and pants and changed into comfy loose pants for sleeping, as there was pecking on your door. You quickly put on a shirt, as you walk to the balcony and open the door to let a letter fly in...
You wanted to open it, but as you laid in the bed you found it difficult to even sit up and then you realized you're body was so tired and you were too lazy to anything else other than sleeping... Soon the sun rises as the morning rays hit your eyelids, burning your eyes even when they're closed...you angrily open your eye about to throw something, but deciding against it as you freshened up and got ready, when your eyes fell on the letter, you decided to open it which said,
"Your highness, you looked very good at the dinner, I hope to talk to you again soon...Even though I'ma man, I feel like falling in love with you is like being in love with the moon, it's very beautiful but it could never be mine...
Secret Admirer."
As you read, butterflies popped up in your stomach, you silently giggled and brushed a hand up to your chest, feeling your heart thumping loudly and quickly, as your cheeks warmed up, you took a few deep breaths to calm down as you walked out and to your office, Rashta was already there doing some of her paperwork or something, you couldn't tell, but when you entered she smiled brightly at you and you smiled back just as brightly as you started your work while gossiping with Rashta in the middle, until it was time for lunch, while you and Rashta were eating lunch, in entered Navier who sat beside Rashta and Heinrey who sat across from her near you, while you four ate food, you slowly saw Heinrey being less hostile towards you and Rashta, and so you all were having a good conversation...
The next day when you woke up, another letter was there with the same writing,
"Good morning Handsome, hopefully you'll converse with me today and make my day with your gorgeous smile!"
You again giggled and felt your day getting better already as you got ready for the day...and it was a thing for everyday, in the morning you'd find a letter from the secret admirer with pretty comments, speaking how pretty you'd look, how your smile was brightening up the room, and more..you had a hunch who it was, but you still kept it a secret for yourself..
Everyday you'd find Heinrey getting more and more enamored and nicer to you, you knew it was him sending those letters, but you wanted to see how far he would go before coming clean...
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girls-alias · 8 months
Have A Little Faith - Dean Winchester P11
Title: Have A Little Faith - Dean Winchester Part 11
Words: 924
Relations: Dean Winchester X Reader
Part 10
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We drove into town and found a motel. When Sam turned the car off I sat forward. "I'll get us a room if you get him to a doctor?" I asked and Sam nodded starting the engine again.
"What, I don't get a say in this?" Dean asked pretending to be offended. I laughed.
"No," I replied before leaning forward and kissing his cheek. I grabbed my bag from the boot before heading to the reception area. I thought as I walked. My brain started ticking away and something didn't seem right. If this guy is the real deal why isn't every hunter using him as their nurse? I couldn't stop thinking. I was so deep in thought that I got a fright when I almost walked into a wall not watching where I was going. I shook it away.
I walked into the reception area and asked for two double bedrooms, the woman at the desk accepted my payment and handed me the keys. I carried my bag to one of the rooms and let myself in. I instantly put my bag down and got my laptop out. I just couldn't shake the feeling that something shady was going on. I started doing as much research as I could, anything I could find. I seemed to be coming up with nothing. I sighed as I rubbed my eyes. Maybe I'm just overthinking it. My phone ringing beside me caught my attention I answered with a smile.
"Hey, baby. We're heading back to the motel now, what room are you in?" Dean asked through the phone instantly making me smile.
"I'm in room 18, what did the doctor say?" I asked getting up from the bed and walking away from the laptop sick of seeing the words taunting me on the screen.
"She said that my heart was perfectly healthy. It's a miracle," He performed making me laugh.
"Well, I'm really glad, I can't wait to see you," I smiled.
"I can't wait for that thing you promised, I might believe in the Lord," Dean joked in a seductive tone and my brain finally clicked.
"Wait, what did you say? Say it again," I quickly instructed as I rushed back to my laptop.
"I can't wait for that thing you promised," Dean answered slightly confused.
"No after that," I explained as I tapped away on my laptop.
"I might believe in the lord," Dean answered very confusedly.
"I have to go see you soon, kiss kiss," I said quickly before hanging up and dropping the phone on the bed before typing as quick as I could.
When sudden footsteps approached the motel door I rolled into action literally. I rolled off the bed and instantly grabbed my gun from my bag. I cocked it and aimed it at the door. The door swung open with force, I stiffened my trigger finger ready to shoot when I noticed it was Dean. I sighed with relief and stood up, Dean only just noticed me as I was peeking from the bottom of the bed. He looked worried, I was confused as he stormed over to me.
"Are you okay? What happened?" He asked quickly grabbing me and looking me over. I looked at him confused.
"What are you talking about?" I asked as Sam closed the motel door and started searching the room. "What is going on?" I asked grabbing their attention.
"You hung up, you sounded off," Dean explained but I laughed. He looked at me confused.
"I had an idea, I think something going on with the preacher," I explained going to my laptop to show the boys my research.
"See, I told you something is going on," Dean bragged to Sam as Dean approached me sitting behind me to look at the screen over my shoulder. He hugged me from behind slightly making me smile.
"Well, I thought the whole thing was odd, you know. If this guy is the real deal why wouldn't the evil in the world try and kill him or why haven't hunters claimed him as their nurse, that's when I remembered something weird he said," I explained looking between Sam and Dean to make sure they were listening. Sam took a seat on the back of the couch to face us. "The preacher said and I quote." "It is a lord who does the healing," I quoted and looked at the guys to see if they pieced it together as well but they were just looking at me confused. "Dean on the phone you said that you believed in 'THE' Lord, the bible referring only to one God. So, why did the preacher say 'A' Lord like it wasn't God? I did some research and found a Lord of healing, Jehovah Rapha," I explained turning the laptop to show them the search results I got. "God referred to himself as Jehovah Rapha multiple times in the bible, I was thinking that if a demon were posing as God they wouldn't be able to say or hear God's name. They might call themselves Jehovah Rapha," I explained and Sam looked confused.
"But why would a Demon be healing people?" Sam asked so I sighed.
"That's the part I get stuck on," I sighed looking at Dean for answers.
"Can I see the laptop?" Sam asked so I nodded and smiled. Sam started tapping away on the computer seeming to instantly zone out, I leant back into Dean so he wrapped his arms around me fully and kissed my head.
Working On
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cheeseceli · 1 year
Proud - Bang Chan
Pairing: Bang Chan × gn!Reader
Genre: little bit of angst with fluff ending, small drabble
Warnings: reader has low self-esteem, reader's mom doesn't help at all, not proof read, and one (1) bad word i think bullshit (idk if that counts as bad word)
Request: by my inner child lmao
A/n: i thought of this last night because i relate to and admire Chan so much, so he is precisely the person that could make me feel better in a time like this. This drabble ain't supposed to be good, I just wanted some comfort and luckily you can feel some comfort as well
"Were you crying?"
You don't know why, but lately it seems like life hasn't been kind to you. You were doubting yourself and your talents (did you have any?) more than usual. Everything you did seemed wrong, seemed like it could be better. Even things you were sure about, like your potential and hard work, weren't certain anymore.
The last straw was when you were calling your mom before you went to bed. You wanted to vent, to try to understand what was wrong and how you could fix it. Instead, she said "you should give up abot that. You're not that good anyways". You doubt she was saying that out of malice, like she was praying for your downfall or something like that. She actually thought you'd be better if you settled down and just gave up in your "dreams". She was actually trying to help.
But now, past midnight, you're in bed trying to hide your tears and silence your hiccups. The overthinking, the pressure and the fact that everything you were doing this past days was collapsing made you cry. The last thing that you needed was to wake up and worry the man beside you.
Unfortunately, luck was not on your side.
"Babe, look at me" Chan said, growing worried because all he could see was your back facing him "Please."
With that being said, you felt like the worst human being to ever live. You made him worry over something that was probably just drama. He'd ask what was wrong and you would explain to just later realise that you were being dramatic. You didn't want to look at him. Not now, not like this.
So you did the most reasonable thing that came across your mind: you pretended you were sleeping. Perhaps he would believe. He didn't see you crying anyways, he just heard the hiccups. Maybe he would believe that nothing was wrong and he probably misunderstood the sounds.
When he laid back his head in the pillow, you thought it worked. You almost sighed in relieve until he hugged you closer from behind. He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you softly, you almost couldn't feel it, in the back of your neck going down to your shoulder.
"You know I'm here, right? It doesn't matter what it is, I'll always be here."
That was it. Now that was in fact your last straw. As comforting as it was, you couldn't handle it. Because you thought of yourself as someone who wasn't deserving of love, you forgot you were actually loved. And now you were crying even more.
As a reminder that Chan was never leaving your side, he hugged you tighter. You didn't feel suffocated. You were embraced, you were warm. For a second you believed you were safe.
"Could you tell me that you're proud of me?" was the first thing you said that night, it was almost inaudible "You can lie. Just say I'm doing good or something like that. Please."
For some moment all you could hear was the silence. You knew he was there, you could feel him. But he didn't reply. The overthinking crossed your mind once again. You aren't worth, not even in a lie.
You tried to close your eyes and forget that you even said something until you heard him
"I'm so proud of you. I'm not telling you this because you asked me to, I'm saying this because it's the truth and I should've made it clear from the moment I saw you for the first time. To be honest I'm kinda shocked that you are even doubting it in first place." He giggled silently and God, you loved that small laugh "I don't know what made you think that you're not good enough but believe me when I tell you that you are way more than just enough. You're awesome, you're amazing, I wouldn't change a thing"
You kept your eyes closed to keep back the tears. You hated feeling so vulnerable or a burden, and that was the feeling that ever showed up whenever you cried. But tonight, the feeling was slowly becoming something else. Like you were allowed to fall, cause someone, cause Chan, would catch you.
Chan made you turn around gently and placed a soft kiss on your wet cheek, making you hug him closer. Everything that you needed right now was his comfort. He happily obliged.
"I'm so so proud of you. I'll spend the rest of my life telling you this if that's what will take for you to believe it. I admire you so much, Y/n. I love the person that you are and the person that you are becoming. And no one else's opinion matters because everyone that says bulshit about you is wrong and I'm the only one who is right" you couldn't help but giggle at the last part, knowing that it was somewhat true and that made it even funnier.
"thank you"
When you thought it was impossible for him to hug you even tighter, he did it and hid his face in your neck "don't thank me for saying the obvious. Now let's sleep, mm? It's late"
You nodded, feeling way more relaxed than you were when the night began. You close your eyes only to hear Chan saying "Good night, my love."
Reblogs and feedbacks are always appreciated ❣️
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simply-wlw-kpopstan · 3 months
36. Only Good intentions
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After thinking everything through the past few days you realized you'd rather go through the ups and downs with minjeong then to have to live without her by your side. So here you were, standing in front of her door, waiting for a sound so you could go in. After a soft yeah from minjeong you opened the door to see her wrapped up in blankets watching a show on her laptop.
"hi" you said awkwardly as you closed the door behind you.
"Hey!" She jumped up and fumbled with her laptop to stop the show that was playing, "uhh, wha-what are you doing here?"
"I came to talk? If that's okay with you." you stretched out a hand towards her at the second part.
"Yeah ofcours." There was a silence as both of you searched for words to start, "I uh... Listened to your album. It's great." she smiled.
"thank you...." you sat down next to her on her bed as you wiped your hands off your pants, " I uuh... I wanted to apologize for everything. I thought i was ready to start something and leave the past behind but I was wrong."
Minjeong frowned as she let out a little oh, "so, you came here to brea-"
"no!" you quickly cut her off, "I still have things to work out and to be honest I still Carry that hurt from when we broke up but I'm okay with taking this slow if you are?"
"slow?" She asked, "like as starting over, like completely?" you nodded your head at her words as she took it all in, "how?"
"we go on dates again but no making out this time," you joked and that made her laugh, "just repeat the basics and talk to each other. Things went bad because we didn't communicate, mostly because of me but-"
"it wasn't mostly you. It was equally our fault. I should've talked to you before making those decision, give you some time instead of just telling you." she took a hold of one of your hands, "I promise i won't ever do that again."
"thank you." you smiled, "you have no idea how much that means to me."
"since we're starting over does that mean I can't kiss you right now?" She gave you puppy eyes as she asked.
"Only if they don't lead to anything else and are with good intentions." you leaned closer to her, "so do you have good intentions minjeongie?" you cocked an eyebrow and she nods.
"I do." her eyes dart from your eyes to your lips and back again, "only good Intentions."
"good" you smile before closing in and kissing her gently. It was adorable how she didn't know where to put her hands since she didn't want to disrespect your feelings. You took her hands and placed one on your waist and the other on your cheek, "it's okay. I'm not going to break." you say against her lips before she kissed you again and pulling you closer.
"i love you so much," she pulls back slightly, "that's okay to say right?"
You chuckled, "don't overthink everything jeongie. Just do and say what you want and if it's to much I'll tell you."
She nodded and leaned in once again, "easy lover girl" you put a finger against her lips before she could kiss you. " let's join the girls before they traumatize our son."
"you brought Archie?" She jumped up from her bed, "why didn't you tell me sooner?" She raced out of her bedroom to go and greet the little dog.
"I guess now I know who she loves more" you chuckled to yourself and walked out to join the others. As you watched the group of girls fawn over Archie you knew you'd be alright. It was minjeong after all, you knew your heart would be safe with her.
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