#I'm not drunk I swear
daily-ethoslab · 3 months
man I sure do enjoy ethoslab. I'm supposed to sleep but ethoslab... why sleep when I could rewatch season 7 hermitcraft. or if I'm feeling spicy rewatch his whole let's play series hmmm...
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thechaoticdruid · 6 months
The Astarion boob man propaganda continues to live on I see. Well I won't stand for it!
This is the real controversy we should be arguing over! Forget about Spawn Ending Vs Ascended Ending. Psh that's old news! This is what we need to discuss!
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gayometer · 1 year
Adoptive parents are just substitute sperm donors and substitute birthgivers
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guys guys guys hello.. guess i'm addressing my 10 real followers and 250 pornbots BUT STILL. i just want to say sorry if i forget to reply to your messages or act weird or something... i have one braincell and it fucking explodes when i try to hold a conversation longer than 2 minutes SORRY it's not that i'm an asshole i'm just dumb and tired all the time..... 
and i'm always VERY VERY grateful for all your feedback and everything you write in tags but i don't know how to tell that, tumblrs interface is so fucked up and i still barely understand how the shit works here lmao
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thornsnvultures · 1 year
I want to eat candied yams forever. The fact that I had to at some point today stop eating candied yams at all was a criminal crime.
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botslayer · 2 years
Stupid questions about werewolfism/Lycanthropy:
If I had a tumor in my arm or a and then a werewolf bites that part of my arm, does my tumor become the next werewolf or do both of us? Am I werewolf with a fuzzy tumor when I change or does it basically claw its way out of my arm to rampage anew as the world’s first tumourwolf? If my parasitic twin who happened to be the only one bitten, do I just randomly have a vestigial wolf’s ear (Or whatever) on my back now? Because what would have been my twin is stuck to me and sustained off of me, do we both become werewolves?  If a werewolf bites a conjoined twin, do they both turn or just the one? Does it depend on how they’re connected? Do you think your twin would spare you as a werewolf if you were conjoined still or would you just be the first person they maul? Would you maul each other if you were both werewolves?
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itsscottiesstark · 4 months
Here's some of my favorite Crowley on laudanum moments, just because:
1. Death is "just wrONGGG", Crowley said so. No more dying.
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2. Because if you don't get high and improvise the unofficial anthem of Scotland (it's canon, Crowley improvised it), what are you even doing with your overly long life?
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3. This lil dance is the best, I swear.
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4. Reminder, he's looking at a graveyard, at night.
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5. Find me someone cuter, I'll wait.
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6. It was dark, he was wearing sunglasses, and he was high. Leave him alone.
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7. I am petrified.
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And bonus points because I will never get over this:
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No, don't be shy, get closer.
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kyouka-supremacy · 7 months
Bsd is so funny because Akutagawa and Chuuya never interacted in canon and are probably barely aware of each other's existence and then there's anime promo art where they're constantly looking like they've been happily married for ten years
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petition to add a fifth category of answer to the RAADS-R Autism test for "I do not know how to answer this question // The premise of this question is highly flawed"
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lamnwar · 1 year
Aomine is the kind of dumbass to tell you
"What for?"
When you tell him you guys need protection
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doodlboy · 1 year
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Does this dude know what consent is???? What the hell
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trve-grimdark · 8 months
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I found myself pondering the movies for Conan the Barbarian, and Solomon Kane respectively.
This came about (Aside from 2 beers and a lot of whiksy) because I realize that, by and large I should in all sense have a passionate hatred for movies that made up an "Origin Story" for two characters never truly given such by their creator Mr. Robert E. Howard.
The more I thought about this the more I realized the reason for my lack of disdain. In today's entertainment culture, we fear cinema making an exploit of beloved characters for the sake of brand recognition and clout with an established fan base, because the people in charge arn't interested in the source material to begin with.
With these two movies, I feel that is absent. In fact I dare say it seems the directors, writers, producers, actors and so on, attempted to look at these characters and asked "How would you create such a titan among men?"
If you watch these films side by side you see the exact moment the character, either of the two, that we know and love, is truly immortalized as we know them.
Interesting that they take place at opposite ends of their respective films I might add.
In Conan, almost near the end, before the final confrontation, our barbarian states "For us, there is no spring. Only the Wind when it smells fresh, before the storm"
Near the beginning of Solomon Kane after a devastating scene of the murder of innocents, Solomon looks to the heavens and beseeches God asking "Is this, all I am to you? Then so be it."
Both these movies give our characters a moment, I believe, where they BECOME, the character we know them as.
Conan makes a statement that he is never going to know anything but the thrill of battle, a life lived on a razor's edge, whether pirate, thief, brigand, barbarian or even king, he will not know the peace of other men. In parallel, Solomon is forced to recognize he is a man of divine retribution. He is a man of no land no people or home but a sword destined to smite injustice and evil wherever he witnesses it.
I think the reason many people flock to, despite these films' obvious divergence from canon, such stories is they are a believable addition to the character's legend.
Conan and Solomon are not "Modern Mythology gods" in the way superheroes or such are concerned. They are Hyper Human. We do not envy their divine abilities and perfect character, we aspire to the length of their human emotion and action.
In that, I think both these films gave us a believable perspective into how such men are made.
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thedragonemperess · 6 months
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roronoacherries · 10 months
pussy eater zoro thoughts clogging my brain
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spiderwebd · 4 months
I'm so powerless right now but once I figure out how to draw anthropomorphic turtles youre all gonna be so screwed
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lesbianneopolitan · 8 months
Curious question especially after seeing the sweet and lovely art of Ruby and Neo
Do you have an idea of a story of these two get along and potentially start having a relationship ?
I actually ended up shipping it because a friend and I ended up developing them through interactions in roleplaying, post V9 lmao
I'm half-drunk so I don't have in me to write down just ALL of it, but the basics go that after coming back to Remnant, Ruby was the first person that Neo approached (from the ones she knew) because she came back with the intention of saving Cinder from Salem.
She's the first one she goes to find because despite all the horrible things she did to her, that small look from Ruby (and slight worry) before they left for Remnant got engraved in her mind, so she wanted to warn Ruby that next time she appeared around, it wouldn't be as an enemy if they didn't get in her way.
However, she's back, she's still lonely because obviously, it's not like she had people to go back to while there before trying to get Cinder, and they exchange Scroll contacts, so Neo starts to bug Ruby to meet up again while they wait for the next step.
At first Neo hates just how kind Ruby is, or how much she tries to actually be her friend, because Neo can't just put herself in her shoes- if she was in Ruby's shoes she would be vengeful and angry, but Ruby's just, there, actually trying to give her a chance.
And she hates it, but at the same time, Neo doesn't do well with loneliness, so the more time she spends with her, the more she starts to get attached and co-dependent of Ruby's presence, and the more she slowly starts to fall for her because she just treats her too well despite everything.
And Neo hates it!!!
It's conflicting, and Neo tries to be a bad influence on Ruby in the process while not exactly changing herself. She still does crime, she pays with fake money in front of Ruby's face, she sneaks into the cinema with her with fake tickets- she's actually the one to convince Ruby to get piercings if she likes them, because they're only gonna live once, in hopes that Yang or one of her teammates would get angry for whatever reason, but even with her not-so-moral methods of going at life, Ruby's still there.
Neo starts being selfish, and possessive, but she's being treated well and as an equal. She still doesn't understand how Ruby could even forgive her, but they're there and they're now together despite all odds.
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