#I'm on the Ninja Turtle diet
forestwhisper3 · 1 year
Question for my DotS readers. Should I split “The Real World” into two chapters like it was split into two episodes, or should I cover everything in one big update? If I do the former, the chapter will be out soon (like, probably tonight or tomorrow), but if I do the latter, we can move on quicker. 
Just so you know, after I’m done with “The Real World,” what will follow is a non-canon related chapter (or two) that deals with the aftermath of these episodes as well as some more delightfully delectable deviation before we touch upon the content of the season three finale. There will be hurt, comfort, and some superhero cameos, oh my!
So...yeah? One big chapter, or two smaller ones? I’ll just roll with whatever you want me to do. :)
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imashoe69420 · 1 year
Can you do a donnie x female reader, that reader has a crush on donnie but was worried that he might not feel the same or might reject reader or maybe wasnt interested on relationships. But little did reader know donnie felt the same but doesnt know how to confessed, he might asked april (or mikey) to asked reader what do they think of donnie or if reader like like him. (he also hid a small camera on april or mikey to listen their convo)
reader would rambled what they love about donnie and they suddenly said been like " I do like- no, love him, but I'm afraid he might not feel the same or reject me, If he doesnt feel the same then I'll respect it and move on already" what would donnie react what reader said?
The Perfect Apprentice
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Rise!Donnie X Fem!Reader
Pronouns: Feminine (she/her)
Timeline: Post-Movie
Warnings ⚠️: Mild language
Things started out innocently.
April volunteered to be a tutor to high school student (Y/N) in order to obtain more credits. Soon, the young women learned that they had a lot more in common than they thought. Even after they completed their tutoring, the two would hang out frequently; (Y/N) eventually becoming an aid to April in exposing corrupt and unethical organizations.
Soon enough, though, the four-eyed teen revealed one of her biggest secrets to her partner in crime: April’s “foreign exchange student” friends. If someone had told (Y/N) that she was going to meet a bunch of walking, talking crime-fighting ninja turtles, she’d laugh in their face before questioning their sanity.
But now that she knew it was real, the girl couldn’t stop herself from asking the mutants question after question:
Who created you? What’s your diet like? Do you even need food? Why choose Martial Arts over another fighting style? (Y/N) wanted to know everything about each and every one of them.
Raphael, Leonardo, and Michelangelo didn’t really know how to answer most of her questions, but the purple clad turtle, Donatello, was very helpful.
The two of them became fast friends. (Y/N) would often help him in his lab, spending hours sometimes days tinkering away at whatever Donnie had been working on. During their downtime, the two would play video games or think about other inventions that would better society over a cup of coffee.
Eventually, something other than admiration began to consume their minds. And neither knew how to process it.
(Y/N) threw herself on her bed and sighed exasperatedly. Donnie was on her mind and she couldn’t shake him. He hadn’t even texted her and he still ran rampant in her head, consuming all the thoughts she had throughout the school day, the walk home, and now while she tried to rest.
It had been happening for the last two weeks. She noticed when she would practically sprint to her phone whenever a notification sounded off, hoping it was the mutant turtle genius asking her to come into the lair to help with another invention. Or (Y/N) would be making dinner and wonder if Donnie was hungry; maybe she could bring some food down to him.
Honestly, the teen questioned her sanity. Donnie was someone she almost idolized. He was extremely intelligent, always having a new plausible idea that (Y/N)’s peers just didn’t—no couldn’t—come up with. Not only that, but he enjoyed talking to her. She almost never had to ask him to work on a project. The turtle would text her nearly every day requesting her presence.
Donnie made (Y/N) feel wanted, and that’s what she liked the most about him.
So why did she feel so guilty about liking him? In general, it was because she didn’t want to ruin the friendship she cherished more than life itself. She felt like Donnie would have no problem cutting her —a human—out of his life.
(Y/N) could’ve have been more wrong.
Donnie was ten times the mess you were. The turtle caught himself pacing around his lab, fantasizing about his lab partner. Not dirty fantasies, but ones were he confessed to her and she received it well. But who was he kidding? Although he knew he was brilliant and probably one of the best scientists/engineers to every exist, he had to face the music:
(Y/N) was a human girl and he was a giant talking, bipedal turtle. A mutant. A freak of nature. What he was wasn’t natural; not even from Earth. There was no way (Y/N) would like someone like himself. On top of that, he wasn’t very physical and kind of emotionally inept. The purple turtle was also too caught up in his projects and experiments, and there were times where he would barely speak to (Y/N) when she was in the lab. Maybe the occasional “coffee?” or “did I leave the wrench over here?”, but besides that, no words were exchanged.
It made him almost angry. He knew he had to stop these feelings; tell that little voice in his head to pipe down and appreciate the girl as just a lab partner and no more. But every time he would shut the voice up, it would come back louder and louder, practically screaming at him to pursue his desires.
So Donnie conducted an experiment.
He knew April was the only one he could trust with this information, so the turtle recruited her. At first, she adamantly refused to do it, feeling like it was a set up.
“Look, I get you’re nervous and all, but don’t you think it’s a little weird to hook me up to a microphone so you can listen in?” April cocked an eyebrow at him. “Why can’t you just talk to her?”
Donnie gave the college student a pleading look. “It’s not that easy. It’s different for you, for humans.”
April sighed and shook her head. “Yeah, I get that. But it’s not like she doesn’t know you already, and she’s comfortable being around you. I don’t think it’s gonna be a bigger deal just because you’re a mutant.”
The purple clad turtle took a few seconds to process what his friend had said. It was somewhat true. When him and (Y/N) first met, she was more fascinated than frightened. She wanted to know more about him and his brothers, not run away from them.
But Donnie also knew he couldn’t risk this. He had to at least know if you were interested or not, then he could decide what face to put on from there. It took a bit of coaxing, but April finally agreed to do it.
(Y/N) softly hummed to herself as she fiddled with some wires connected the SHELDON when she heard quiet footsteps enter the lab. The girl spun around under the pretense that the purple turtle was to make an appearance, but was soon relaxed when she saw April instead.
“Oh, hey!” (Y/N) smiled. “What’s up?”
The college student shrugs slightly with an awkward laugh. “Nothin’ much. Whatchu workin’ on?”
(Y/N) gestured to the motherboard she was reprogramming on SHELDON. “Just some minor fixes to SHELDON’s programming. His artificial ocular system has been glitching lately.”
Man, maybe they are meant for each other, April thought.
“Aw, cool, cool… but I had a question about something. About Donnie.”
The high school student nearly dropped her soldering iron into the robot when April revealed her true intentions in talking to her. “Uh, what—what about him?”
A smirk creeping on her face nearly gave April away. “It’s just… you guys’ve been hanging out for a few months now and y’all seem really close. I was just wondering if you, like… y’know… liked him?”
(Y/N)’s heart thumped loudly in her chest as she attempted to avoid the older teen’s gaze. Had she been that obvious? There was no way! She always tried her best to stay calm, cool, and collected when hanging out with Donnie. How could she have known about her feelings towards him?
“I-I—well, not like anything crazy—er, it’s not like… well… uhm…” she stuttered beyond belief. “I mean… I just… admire him, I guess? He’s really smart and there aren’t a lot of people like that at my school. It’s—well—almost like my dream to work in a lab and stuff so…”
April tried her best to hide her smug grin once again. This was the best day of her life. “Oh, yeah, I feel you. Well, I was just wondering—”
“Please don’t tell him.” (Y/N) spoke quickly.
Suddenly, the college student broke out in a cold sweat. Shit shit shit…! Hopefully she doesn’t take this “spy business” personally.
“Y’know… I kinda have a feeling you won’t have to.”
Donnie slowly placed the headset he’d been using to listen to April and (Y/N)‘s conversation with.
“Holy shit… holy shit…!” He whispered to himself.
No one had ever talked about him like that, not even close. She admired him. She thought he was brilliant. Smart. From what he had gathered, (Y/N) liked him in the same way he liked her.
Was this all really real? Did (Y/N) actually like him? Thoughts bounced around in the turtle’s head. Although it had seemed to like him, she never said it verbatim. But despite this, Donnie enacted his plan.
“(Y/N).” The scientist greeted the girl as he took a seat next to her in his lab, noticing she was still tinkering away on SHELDON.
“O-oh, hey, Dee!” She stumbled over her words. “You missed April. She was here not too long ago.”
Donnie hummed in response before gently taking the soldering iron out of her hands and attempted to do what (Y/N) had been struggling on for the last two hours or so. SHELDON soon booted back up with a “sup dudes!” before flying off deeper into the lab.
(Y/N) giggled, hovering a hand over his shoulder in gratitude. “Thanks!”
After another hum, Donnie slightly opened his mouth getting ready to say something. But when the girl gazed up at him with a curious expression on her face, his words were caught in the back of his throat. The two stayed a few seconds like this until the purple turtle sighed.
“I won’t beat around the bush: I knew April was here earlier.” He admitted. “I… I was listening.”
The high school student suddenly groaned before covering her face with her hands. “Oh my god, I knew it…! I knew she said that for a reason.”
“I’m sorry.” Donnie quickly apologized. “I just wanted to know if you… felt the same.”
Bugged eyes protruded out of her head when he revealed his true feelings. There was absolutely no way he really felt the same way she did. This must be a prank.
But the almost pleading look on Donnie’s face told (Y/N) otherwise. “I… I mean—I do, but… no, no, I do. I really do. You’re amazing,Dee. And I like spending time with you.”
The giant turtle’s shoulders finally relaxed as he exhaled. Without much warning, (Y/N) leaned forward and pressed a kiss against his cheek. Before Donnie could react, the girl quickly stood to her feet and speed walked out of the lab.
Donnie couldn’t help but smile at her flustered form as he yelled after her, promising to text her soon.
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katanashipping · 2 months
Tell publicly 3 facts about yourself or your three favourite songs or favourite books (it can be anything, really-whatever you want to share/feel like talking about) then send it some people you like! 😃
Thank you for this, @nicollini <3! Ich hoffe, dir und deinen geht's gut xx
Three facts about myself:
A wonderful friend once hand-made me a little Leonardo doll, and he still lives with his tall Usagi plushy husband to this day <3
I have a younger sister and unfortunately, I have Oldest Daughter syndrome haha
I didn't just snatch the URL, I'm the person who came up with the ship name Katanashipping (not that I need to tell you this, since you were there!)
Three songs:
Walk Off The Earth - Long Way Home (I am writing a katanashippinig fic to this right now...)
Silbermond - Meer Sein (I have always loved this song, but it's also such a Ninja Turtles mood to me)
Wir Sind Helden - The Geek Shall Inherit (see also my personal blog, @stopbeingbored)
Three books:
Gideon The Ninth - I am unwell about these ladies.
The Murderbot Diaries - I am unwell about this human robot construct.
The Fuck It Diet - I am less unwell, in myself, as a person, and about my body because of this book.
I realised just as I hit send that this was an "either X or Y" ask but whatever! Have all of it! <3
I know this and similar messages have been going around this week, so if I don't send this on, I will love you all :-)
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akesdraws-blog · 1 year
💮 Mom Says… Eat your vegetables 💮
💮I made this little One Shots after finishing watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012, let's be honest those kids needed a good dose of motherly love. This is more than anything a family type being Y/N that motherly support of these children. 💮
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It had been a couple of years since you met certain young people, or rather turtles, the meeting was something so unexpected and rare to tell the truth, (But that will be a story for another time), you already knew each one, and you had gone to his lair you even got to sleep there when it was too late.
But something that you noticed from the first time you met them was that they needed too much affection, that team that kept New York City safe, who took care of them then?, and even if they had their own father and sensei before, something in you it made you unable to leave them alone, after all they were just teenagers facing the world, and without realizing it you not only became one more ally, but your most protective side had come out with them
-Guys, the food is ready!- you spoke loudly from the kitchen to call those characteristic turtles, and soon you heard their footsteps -And no complaints Mikey, you can't always eat pizza- you quickly added hearing a snort behind you -Thank you very much for the food Y/N-san-Leonardo spoke while he was looking at the food
You didn't know exactly when you started cooking for them, maybe it was after the Fifth pizza of the day that you see what they all ate, or see that their diet consisted of instant soups and pizzas, it was something disturbing to think about, at that time you started cooking for them so that they had a more balanced diet, although there was still a problem
-What did I tell you about leaving broccoli?- It was the same as always with each meal that included broccoli or some vegetable that they did not like -We are not rabbits to eat those little trees- Rafael complained, slightly pushing the plate with the vegetables. -Ice Cream Kitten doesn't even like them- Mikey complained as he played with one of the broccolis. -Have you tried giving it to Ice Cream kitten?- I ask, looking at the freckled man, making him just laugh nervously -Although they provide a lot of nutrients, the taste is still a bit... difficult- said Donatello as he played with his fingers -Y/N-san always strives to prepare healthy food for us, it's very rude that they don't appreciate it- Leonardo spoke while he had a cup of tea in his hands -And who doesn't eat mushrooms says so- you said, crossing your arms while you looked at Leonardo -It's just... They're mushrooms... It's still difficult-  he said, looking at the rest with a disgusted face.
You shook your head, you had in front of you the four hidden heroes of New York, capable of fighting with aliens, giant mutants, a crazy killer, but when it came to something they didn't like, it only reminded you that they were children.
-Well, I'm sorry for you, but you have to finish it- you went to the fridge to open it looking for something to drink -besides, it's good for you, and...- you were silent for a moment and sighed to close the fridge -Yeah they left again, right?- you said to turn to see an empty table and plates with leftovers -And we started the same routine again- you said to leave the kitchen and observe the empty room -Guys, hiding will not make that food disappear - you spoke loudly while looking at an apparently empty lair -Very well, is that how you want to play then?- you smiled confidently
1 victim 🧡 Spending time with the boys had had its advantages, like knowing their favorite hideouts for example. And in Mikey's case, his bedroom was his favorite place to hide.
-Mikey, we both know you have to finish eating- I looked around him as you picked up some things -I'll find you sooner or later, and you know it- he said while looking in every corner of the room -I prefer it to be later than sooner- Mikey's voice was heard coming from somewhere in the room -Well, what a pity, if you'll finish everything on your plate I could give you some pizza- he crossed his arms while he had a smile -A whole pizza?- -You won't eat a whole pizza by yourself- -6 slices- -3 slices- -5 slices and ice cream- -2 slices and some cookies-
-Deal!-she came out from under her bed to run to the kitchen -One less- you said with a victorious smile
2 Victim💜
Donatello was a little easier if you knew how to talk him down, and of course you were ready to.
-Donnie, I know you're in your laboratory- you spoke as you entered -I have a graph, pros and curious facts about broccoli- you waited a moment in your place to see how I came out from behind the go kards -I'm just curious about the graph- Donnie clarified as he approached.
-30 minutes of intense explanation later -
-I have to admit that you covered all the points- he admitted as his eyes remained on the graph and the notes. -I haven't exposed like this since school- you said amused while you waited for an answer -But the taste... Can I accompany it with something?- Donnie asked again a little shy -We add olive oil, what do you think?- you offered as an option making the genius think for a moment -Okay... I couldn't know worse- I finished saying to leave his laboratory taking some of the notes you had made -There are already two... And I'm missing the most difficult ones-
3 victim ♥️
-Rafael, come down from there right now- you looked at how Rafa was leaning on that high pedestal -It's just broccoli, not a cockroach- you said a little irritated -Don't mention that word!- Rafa complained, covering his ears. -That thing is as disgusting as Mikey's milkshakes- he said loudly to sit down while he looked at you. -And I thought that turtles eat any vegetable- you murmured while you shook your head -Come on Rafa, what if I give you pizza later?- you proposed but you only saw how he crossed his arms -I'll let you read your favorite comic until late- You proposed again but you saw how he turned his back or shell on you -Don't leave me with another Rafa- you took out your phone -Even if you call Casey or April, it won't work- I speak with a winning smile -Not even Mona?- You smiled when you noticed her nerves and you showed her the contact on the screen of your phone -Either you eat for good or I'll see that it's Mona who convinces you... The noble warrior wouldn't want his beautiful girlfriend I see him complain about some vegetables or yes?- you sang while you waved the phone in the air
I don't spend a minute to watch him go down and look at you reluctantly, but you just patted him on the head
-Very well, Noble warrior, go eat- you told him with a smile to see how he reluctantly went to the kitchen -and the last one-
4 Victim💙
Leonardo was different, he always had a reason behind something he didn't want, and mushrooms were no exception.
-Is sensei not going to finish eating?- you asked while you saw him meditating in the middle of the Dojo, it was not uncommon to see him there -Why do you give me that?- I ask you to open your eyes to stare at you -Because you never eat them, and they have a lot of nutrients- you sat in front of him to gently take his hand -I know you told me why you don't like them, and that's why I serve them to you- I clarify with a calm smile -I know, it's just that- he took his free hand to his neck rubbing a little -It's still hard to see them and not expect them to jump in my face- I look down at his hands -I know it's not honorable of me to act like a spoiled child, alone... I still need time to face it- he clenched his hand into a fist and felt how now your hands came to rest on his shoulders -Leo, you're still a child, but you're also a great leader and very brave- you told him as you took his shoulders -And I understand what you went through with those strange mutant mushrooms... but... you'll eat them or you won't see space heroes- you're done to say to see how he put on a heart attack face -Oh come on!, It's not fair!, I practiced that for a whole hour!- He complained to see how you got up -And it turned out very well, but you used it the first 2 times I gave you mushrooms... Now go finish, if I don't see that empty plate there won't be any space heroes- you finished saying to see how Leo got up and started to go out muttering different things -And I don't want to find them hidden like last time- you warned to listen to how he let out a loud whimper
Your life had given a very big change now that you spent time with those young people or rather children because of how they behaved. But it always made your soul happy to see them act that way… like young teenagers.
Something a little sweet for our 2012 turtles, who needed a lot of hugs to kill us... And maybe therapy too.
@post-apocalyptic-daydream . @turtle-babe83 . @turtlesmakemehappy . @dilucsflame33 . @thelaundrybitch . @scholastic-dragon . @leosgirl82 . @tmnt-tychou . @mackbunny . @happymoonangel .
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kota-corner · 1 month
Hello! Welcome to my blog! This is my main account. I use It mainly for fandom related content and for things like lgbt rights, mental health awareness, disability acceptance, and body positivity. I also occasionally get deep/personal here, but usually, it's just me reblogging fanart or text posts related to current hyperfixations and special interests! I hope you find my blog to be warm and inviting! DMs are always open!
♡Important/Basic Information♡
-I go by the name Kota! 💫
-My pronouns are they/she!
-I'm 20 years old! 2️⃣0️⃣
-I am an open and proud Christian! 🙏✝️
-I am neurodivergent! Specifically, I'm Autistic, and have multiple mental health conditions. I post about these frequently and how they impact my day to day life. Please use tone tags when addressing me directly, as I struggle to read tone even in person, so over text is even harder for me! ♾️
-I am also in recovery from Anorexia Nervosa("Atypical" to be specific, but that label is problematic for a host of different reasons and is not used by many ED professionals, therefore I don't use the term either)! Please do not mention specific weights, diets, or caloric intakes to me! With all the love in my heart, I have to force myself to simply Not Care or else my ED brain kicks in and goes into competition/insecurity mode. 💜
-I am chronically ill/under the physical disability umbrella. Please be aware that my spoons run low at times, and I may need to take space from others for a few days to rest. ♿️
-I am genderqueer/non-binary, femme, demiromantic/nebularomantic/panromantic, alloflux/pansexual, and poly/ambi!!!
-In a QPR with @sp4c3ch33ri0 and @sunandmoonshow-unofficial as of 1.16.23! 🌸💚🎮💜💫🩵
-In the dating stage of a romantic relationship! 💜🍄🥑🩵💫🦉
-I'm a full-time college student studying social work, a certified recovery support specialist, and I work part-time as a student worker in the behavioral health center! ❤️‍🩹
-I'm a comfort kin, specifically a synpath! I will post my kin board (link) when I finish making it here! I am okay with doubles! 🌌
-White/Latinx(Mexican descent), also Italian, Greek, and Canadian French! I just learned that being partially Mexican means I am partially Latinx, so I am a little new to some terminology, but I am also interested in learning about all kinds of cultures!
(Hyperfixations and SPINs have stars!)
-Fandoms: Pokémon☆, Super Mario Brothers, Animal Crossing, Ace Attorney, Telltale Games(ex. TWDG), Life is Strange, Lil Gaurdsman, Pizza Tower, Five Nights At Freddy's☆, Danganronpa, Warrior Cats☆, Divergent, Hunger Games, My Little Pony, Gravity Falls, The Owl House, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, My Hero Academia☆, Demon Slayer, Assassination Classroom, Spy X Family, Frieren Beyond Journeys End☆, Disney, Sanrio, Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Epic The Musical☆, Hamilton, Six, Beetlejuice, Heathers, Musicals in general lol
-Non-Fandom Interests: Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Christian Theology, Animal Care/Animal Science, Writing, Reading, Music, Roleplaying(usually fandom related rp), Hiking, Yoga/Meditation, Swimming, Drawing, Painting, Baking, etc
-Standard DNI applies(ex. Homophobic, transphobic, ableist, racist, sexist, "MAPs/NOMAPs")
-Additional hardblocks for proshippers and pro-ana/mia/thinspo blogs.
-I am a Christian and I don't hide that about myself, so I post about it sometimes, though I have my sideblog @christians-united-by-love now, so I post that stuff mainly on there. However, I completely understand that some may have religious trauma and don't want to see that content. I will tag my posts on *this* account with "tw: religion," but not on my Christian sideblog since the title itself is a trigger warning for those who wanna stay away from it. Do not come here to hate on Jesus, God, or Christians. Respect needs to go both ways.
-I don't identify as a member of any political party. I know my beliefs tend to align more democratically, but at the end of the day both parties are corrupt, and I refuse to be blindly loyal to either one of them. So please don't come at me with red vs. blue propaganda. I just care about integrity and doing what's right for others, and neither side does it effectively. I am simply a humble server of the lord, and a believer in the power of compassion towards all His children❤️🙏
-Please ask me before bringing up anything related to sexual violence of any form, eating disorders, su*c*de, animal mistreatment, and self-harm. If I say I'm not in a headspace to handle those topics, please respect that- all of these are related to either a C-PTSD trigger, my ED, or just generally hard topics for me.
-I am openly supportive of Palestine's liberation and freedom! This is an anti-zionism space- and I say that as a Christian who wears it on my sleeve!!!
Thanks for being here! Remember that you are loved, wanted, and important!
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wonderble · 1 year
...is it bad that i'm kinda curious about the weird stuff you saw when looking for that comic link
I was kinda morbidly curious too, which is why I clicked through them. Not a huge merch person (my income isn't as disposable as much as it is "gee, i like eating") so I really never looked it up. However, fair warning , the expressions on the toys are --
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Maybe they need more fiber in their diets?
Oh Mikey, we're in for it now ...
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It's just my opinion, but if Rise was dependent on selling action figures and merchandise to keep its cartoon going (rather than the actual numbers of people watching it) well, erm, oh geez. ...'
Judging by ONE amazon search (putting in the key words "Rise of the teeange mutant ninja turtles" and trying to weed out Naruto and various non-rise turtles - ninja or not) it's not surprising the series was in trouble?
Take "Bug Busting Leonardo" for example. (It comes up nearly first on my search.)
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It's not well articulated. Why is he holding two hoses instead of being packaged with his odachi? Once he lets them go, he'll look like he has two butt antennae.
Also, the kids can't exactly take apart his "costume" and play with him outside the "bug busters" context. And his expression .... eugh boy. This is a shame because the series itself is renown for its expressions and movements ... none of which you can recreate with this toy.
Compare it to 1980s Leonardo (which amazon also recced on the same search ...)
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A lot more poseable, friendlier expression, comes with his signature weapons, AND kids can use their imaginations outside of one context/episode ... yeaaah. 2012 Leo model kit (SAME amazon rec) Also stacks up much better.
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It's like they didn't even try to make RISE appealing to any age group. there were quite a few action figures, but none of our boys look very playable. Though ...
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NGL, I am amused that the "shell hog Leo" has his stripes painted on the helmet. His bigger eyes in this also helps? But people are charging 84 dollars for it? OMFG no. I need to eat this week.
Then there is the infamous stampers set, complete with Shroomed up Mikey :
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They all have quite a look. Right Donnie?
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Anyways, most of the other stuff are party favors, stickers, bookbags and t-shirts.
I admit, this party set is not bad:
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The paper masks are not bad either, TBH.
However, since I clicked on the masks, amazon thinks I need to go cosplay turtles now.
And boy, the world of turtle costumes get REALLY weird (and scanty) and what made me think about making a post in the first place. Go search at your own risk (I would include more I am running out of allowed images).
Most costumes are for the 1980s or 2012 versions. If you wanna RISE well, there are no sexy costume versions at least. Yay? But you can get their weapons? And poke an eye out?
I guess I would want to be Donatello? Maybe? It doesn't look right without the googles. Instead it looks like that old series, Fanboy and Chum Chum. Yikes.
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The other boys of course get their look stolen too ... but like I said, I am running out of allowed images.
Just know that I would whack myself in the head with Mikey's Kusari-fundo. Leo's odachi has some length issues. Serious length issues. Poor Leo.
Raphael's tonfa looks the best, but you get ONE singular tofa. Yes. One. Budget cuts hit badly or something?!
All in all, much like how Nick totally trashed all its opportunities with RISE on the cartoon front, I don't think they put out much effort in the toy front either. And it's a shame. When they do try, they do it well.
BTW: Don't get me started on how amazon recced stuffies ... but not for RISE. This proves the companies DEFINITELY know how to make good merch for kids and adults, and they are HORRIBLy cute!
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But nope. Not for rise.
Anyway this is getting ASS long, so Imma stop now. I hope it was worth it, stranger on the internet.
Amazon will be reccing me Sexy Splinter costumes forever now.
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bardic-tales · 1 year
Tumblr Game: Nine People to Know Better
Thank you so much for the tag, @artbyeloquent. I'm so interested in the Last of Us, so please let me know how you like it.
Rules: Fill out the following questions
Three Ships: I don't usually ship unless it has to do with my OC and a video game character. So, with that in mind, my first two ships for Star Wars: The Old Republic are: Imperial Agent and Sith Inquisitor, as well as Trooper and Smuggler. I might be partial with those choices as I roleplay those characters with my husband. I've recently watched the anime D.Gray-Man, so I would love for Miranda and Krory to get together.
First Ship: I don't know. It's been so long ago. Most likely, characters from the 80-90s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle cartoon.
Last Song: Kingdoms Fall by Red Means Run. This song always gets me in the mood to write Cold as Ice.
Last Movie: It's been so long. I think it was Jurassic World: Dominion. I don't watch many movies.
Currently Watching: That 90s show. In 1995, I was the same age as Leia, one of the main teenagers in it.
Currently Consuming: Pumpkin-spice coffee and half and half.
Craving: a large plate of ravoli with lots of parmesan. My doctor has me on a plant-based diet and I'm not allowed to have ravoli.
Open Tag and Tag List (no pressure and soft tagging): @andromedaexists @blind-the-winds @jessica-writes22 @crypticcodexcreations @writingpotato07 @perasperaadastrawriting @korblez @worldstogetlostin @dogmomwrites @starryeyes2000
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Chapter 3: Trachemys Scripta Elegans (Red-Eared Slider)
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Family fluff, mutant biology speculation
Read on Ao3
Leo blinked at his brother. "Donnie?"
"Yes, Leon?"
"Why is there a pool in our living room?"
Donnie, who had been sitting in said pool with his arms slung over the edge where he was leaning back, perked up a bit. "You remember how I was testing our body temperatures for a little while?"
"Yes?" said Leo, unsure where this was going.
"Well, April and I ended up running some more tests yesterday, and we needed the pool for one of them since I needed to be completely submerged in water. And I did not want to go under the sewer water." Both brothers shuddered at the thought. "Anyway, since we have a pool now, I thought I might as well spend some time soaking in it. Softshells are a mostly aquatic species after all; it can only help."
"Sounds boring, but you do you," said Leo with a shrug.
"It's actually quite relaxing," Donnie said, stretching out a bit. "You should try it sometime."
"Nah, that'll be a hard pass from me. I was just about to go set up a new skate ramp anyway." Leo held up his skateboard demonstratively. "Catch you later, Dee. Enjoy your bath."
"It's not-" Donnie started, then sighed as his brother had already left the room. Leo never really was one to sit in a single place for too long. Although, now that Donnie thought about it, weren't sliders a highly aquatic species as well? Hmm… he'd have to do a little research.
"So," began Donnie that night at dinner, "I've been doing a bit of reading…"
Despite the innocent words, the Hamato family tensed up. They knew that too-casual tone of voice, and they knew it meant whatever came next had to do with one of them.
"...on red-eared sliders."
Everyone except Leo let out a sigh of relief, while the slider himself groaned.
"You're not going to make me do any weird experiments, are you?"
"No experiments on your brothers," said Splinter almost automatically.
"Wha- I wasn't going to!" At his brothers' disbelieving looks, Donnie protested, "I wasn't! …This time! I was just doing some reading." He pulled out his phone and opened it to the Wikipedia page he'd been looking at earlier. "According to this, red-eared sliders are one of the most invasive species in the world due to their quick maturity rate and other competitive advantages when looking for food and space."
"Ha!" laughed Mikey. "Competitive - that part sounds like Leo. Quick maturity, not so much."
"What! I'm totally mature!" Leo protested. "Dad even made me leader, I'm so mature."
Now it was Splinter's turn to laugh. "Ha! More like I made you leader so you would learn how to be more mature."
Leo gasped. "You wound me, o disbelieving family."
"Anyway," Donnie interrupted before the conversation could get even farther off track, "I looked up a care guide for sliders, which was easy to find since they're extremely common pets."
"This feels like an invasion of privacy," Leo grumbled.
Donnie completely ignored him and continued. "Adult sliders are supposed to have a diet of mainly vegetables."
Leo immediately hissed and protectively pulled his slice of pepperoni pizza toward himself.
Donnie rolled his eyes. "Calm down, I only said mostly. Besides, I'm sure you've got more leeway considering your digestive system is partially human. But you should still probably be eating more vegetables." He paused to frown thoughtfully. "Actually, I'm not entirely sure when the last time I saw you eat something green was."
"Just a few days ago!" said Leo. "I had that green Fruit Roll-Up."
"That doesn't count!" shouted his entire family immediately.
"Alright! Fine!" Leo groaned. "I'll… eat a lettuce or something. Maybe. Tomorrow."
Donnie sighed, but let it go. It was probably the best he was going to get out of his brother.
Leo glanced at the pool, which was still taking up space in their living room. The water sat in it, still and smooth like glass, just waiting for someone to touch it.
Nope. No way. At this point, it was just the principle of the matter.
Leo sheepishly held out his broken necklace to April, who just blinked as she took it.
"Leo. Buddy. This is the second stim necklace you've chewed through in a month."
"I know, I'm sorry."
"No, no, don't apologize, it's cool," April quickly assured him. "It's my fault; I thought the first one was a fluke. Now I know I've gotta get tougher ones for you."
"Thanks, April. I just… can't stop chewing on stuff, I don't know why."
"It's true!" Mikey chimed in from where he was sitting on the floor, taking his turn in Mario Party. "It's been that way ever since we were kids."
Something pinged in Donnie's brain just then. There was something he'd read in the slider care guide, but he hadn't put the pieces together until just now. He quickly pulled out his phone to skim through the guide again and try to find what he was looking for before his turn came up again in the game. There! He was right. (Obviously.)
Later that night, after two rounds of Mario Party, (both won by Mikey) Donnie stopped April right before she left to go home. "Hey, I was wondering if you could pick something up while you're out…"
Leo stared blankly at the bottle in his hand. "Calcium… gummies?"
April shrugged. "Donnie thought it might be good for you. Apparently, normal sliders start to chew things when they need more calcium. Anyway, here's your new necklace. Ready to head out?"
"Yeah, sure, just let me put these away." Leo walked into the kitchen and set the gummies on the counter, then paused. Hmm… why not? He tipped a single calcium gummy into his hand and then popped it into his mouth before leaving the bottle on the counter, to be forgotten until the next meal time.
Leo glared at the pool, which was directly in the path of his aimless midnight wandering. No. It didn't matter how curious he was, it was the principle.
But… if no one was around to see (especially Donnie) he could just deny that he'd ever touched the pool. Yeah. Loopholes.
Donnie let out a contented sigh as he took his first sip of coffee for the morning. Getting fresh vegetables was a bit of a challenge for the underground family, but it was worth it to see Leo drop his token complaining after the first bite of salad. The calcium supplements seemed to be helping too - Leo only chewed on his necklace when he needed to stim, instead of nearly all the time like before. All in all, Donnie's research had paid off, even if Leo insisted on being stubborn every chance he got.
Donnie walked through the living room, intending to get an hour or two of work done in his lab before the rest of his family woke up, but stopped dead at the sight before him. His brother, the stubborn, energetic slider who so far had refused to even get near the pool, had dozed off in it.
He jumped a little, blinking dazedly before realizing where he was and who was there.
"Not a word," hissed Leo, standing up and grabbing for his towel.
And as much as Donnie wanted to do just a little bit of gloating, his brother's health came first. And if keeping his mouth shut was what it took for Leo to feel comfortable taking care of himself, then Donnie would shut his mouth, smile, and say, "Wouldn't dream of it."
1: The Question | 2: Spiny Softshell | 3: Red-Eared Slider | 4: Brumation (Extra) | 5: Shedding (Extra) | 6: Alligator Snapper | 7: Ornate Box
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I'm watching documentary abt some turtles in their adolescence. Who can do ninja stuff. And are also mutant. Their diet also weirdly consists of pizza.
I will report with my findings
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dabblingreturns · 2 years
I dont know who needs to hear this,
But if your kid has ADHD, it's okay to look into medicating them.
The medications might not work out..... if so stop trying that one
The getting the diagnosis might be a pain. (I don't personally remember my own diagnostic process)
What I remember is sitting in class in 1st grade trying to think of 4 words that I could reliably spell and draw for my worksheet as all my classmates got to go out to play. It was a 15 minuet recesses, and I burned though the whole thing because I thought that if I I drew a fort, ( which automatically had to have a flag) I could not also draw a flag. And my fox was bad, and my number four was lazy and stupid. And I was stupid because I kept thinking of things and then they would go away.
I don't remember the doctors vist where is was percribed the Ritalin (it was the mid 90s. I'm not sure if anything else was avaliable to 45 lb goblin children.) But the doctor apparently said to my parrents "have you tried a low sugar diet? To which my parrents said "Yes!" And the doctor said, "well have you tried behavior modification?", to which my parrnents said "yes!" Neither the doctor nor i, knew about the shelf of books with names like "right brained children in a left brain world" or "how to parrent a difficult child"
Finally part way though the questions my dad said , "Just watch her for 5 minuets." The doctor wrote the percription at the four minuet mark.
I don't remember the pharmacy or those other details of getting the drug.
But I do remember the next morning, taking the itsy bitsy teeny tiny pill. And wondering if it would turn me into a teenage mutant ninja turtle.
And I remember how easy it was to fill out the work sheet for the letter M, "Moom, mom, me and may" then out the door to play for the full 15 minuets
I was lucky, I had parrents who advocated for me, I have classic ADHD C which got me a diagnosis, in a time when "only boys got adhd"
I also got a small trampoline from my grandmother for my 4th birthday because "She can't stop boncing so this will keep her in one place"
I've been on an ADHD medication for most of my life. I know that the drug probably isn't great for my liver long term. That's one of the reasons I don't drink. I know there are consequences. My own undialayed eyes catch me off balance. Because my eyes are normal just black holes.
Sometimes it's really hard to get. Getting a new doctor is hard. I've been though addiction risk evaluations and done without when I had to.
But I like myself better on medication, my ideas arnt better, I'm not smarter on drugs. But what i am able to to to look at my ideas and evaluate them and pick the best one in real time, instead of being bombarded by my own thoughts.
What I'm saying is, it's not easy to medicate your child, and it shouldn't be done lightly but it can make a world of difference to them.
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fiftytwotwentythree · 5 months
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Wellness Wednesday:
Da Stats
Stats from 2023:
Meal Tracker:
Salads: 185
Bags of Popcorn: 182
Oranges: 165
Leftover Meals: 145
Cans of Soup: 110
Take Out: 0
Candy/Sweets: 0
* I can't believe I went an entire year without eating:
Ice Cream
Take Out
Eating Out
Completed the Most Workouts in December (46 Workouts)
February had the Fewest Only (29 Workouts)
- Friday, March 10th - Exhausted/Sleep
- Saturday, May 20th - Traveling
- Friday, June 24th - Exhausted/Sleep
- Thursday, August 25th - Sick
*Note: whenever a workout/day was missed - the following day was met with at least a double workout to make up for the prior day's loss
Jumping Jacks: 111,000
Push-Ups: 38,300
Glute Bridges: 35,300
Reverse Leg Lifts: 27,100
Leg Kickbacks: 27,100
Sit-Ups: 22,000
Assisted Push-Ups: 23,525
Squats: 4,850
Plank (mins): 1,221 minutes
Leg Lifts: 280
6 Inches (mins): 140
Starting Weight (Noon, 1/01/2023): 297.6 lbs
Month with Most Amount Weight Loss: January (-22.0 lbs)
Month with Least Amount of Weight Loss: September (-1.0 lbs)
Total/Final Weight Loss: -106.6 lbs
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*** Roll That Beautiful Bean Footage ***
Total Movies Watched: 154
Favorite of the Year:
John Wick: Chapter 4
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Hours Watched: ~ 270
Favorite Show of the Year:
The Bear (Specifically Season 2)
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Books Completed: 7
Favorite Book of the Year:
Best. Movie. Year. Ever. by Brian Rafferty
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Comics Read: 22
Trades Read: 102
Favorite Comic/Trade of the Year:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin
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Closing Thoughts:
The Good:
I'm Done! Eff Yaas!
The Bad:
I going to reward myself with some Extra Sloppy Gas Station Nachos and Ice Cold Can of Arizona Tea's Mucho Mango - that's no joke - my favorite Nachos come from a Gas Station. May The Lord have mercy on my Bowels.
Also... said Gas Station with Heavenly Nachos is CLOSED on New Year's Day thus prolonging my sweet date of jubilation... I live but dang-a-rang.
The Ugly:
I know, I came so far - I worked hard and sacrificed - put myself through the ringer... What if the Nachos and Mucho Mango are a gateway to me Relapsing on my diet, exercise, and health... Yeah, I'm a tad worried.
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My SUPER LONG Bayverse Turtle Headcanons
PART ONE - Their 'Anatomy' Edition
(Bruh, I've been thinking so hard about this shit. Based off real turtle anatomy and problems!)
Nocturnal eyesight. Mostly. It's not perfect but still pretty good. They're eyes glow in the dark (2014). It's a sign of reflecting light in the eyeball. Cats have it.
They all have third eyelids. They look like a milky white film. They can't really control it, and they only appear when they are sick, underwater, under bright sudden light, during combat, or sometimes when they are unconscious. They can see just fine through them.
Churrs are rare. Even rarer the older they get. Sounds like a super deep, rabid fire, 'thuckthuckthuckthuckthuck-' in their chest. It's a vulnerable sound and it's super inhuman- they hate it about themselves. Continuous churrs usually only happen when they are asleep (they can't help it). But you might hear it on an exhale as he cuddles you.
They shed. Their scutes and skin get EXTREMELY dry and tight before the layers start peeling off. Large areas of their exposed body are humanoid epidermis, but it still sheds off. They prefer to stay in the water during shedding weeks. The faster they get this itchy shit off, the better-
Shells have sensation, but it's weird, and your turtle will NOT be able to explain it in a way that makes sense. Yes, they feel your hand. No, they are not in crippling pain when shot with a bullet. The sensitivity is just...weird.
They 'hibernate'. But not in a way you think. Outsiders see it as an extreme case of 'winter blues'. Their routines, personalities, and/or rationality don't change a bit. But they are way more tired, irritable, and lazy than usual. You will see each turtle passed out holding a mug of hot coco at least once during winter.
Next up, they do have mating season. But its way WAY less sexy than you'd think. Just getting out of 'Winter Blues', Spring Fever is a two week window when they are extra hormonal, super hungry, extremely irritable to each other and absolutely chalk FULL of energy. Frequent sexy times are a good way to release all this pent up stress😏
They have stripes. Not really a headcanon. Donnie literally has stripes on his neck and Mikey has the zebra shell. Leo and Mikey have pretty color patterns on their plasteron. Raph kinda does too. I'm sure all four have them in places, they're just super faint.
Shell-rot is something they have to watch out for constantly. So they take daily showers to keep bacteria from staying on their scales and shell too long. Mold can eat away their plasteron, like how sugar causes cavities in your teeth. But it's less about 'holes'; Their shells get squishy, bloody, stink like rotten flesh and it's utter agony. AND if the infection gets in their blood- that's super bad news. Donnie has signs of shell rot scarring under his backpack (top of his shell). Leo has some rot scars on his plasteron. Raph needs to REALLY look out for it because of the cracks in his shell.
Pyramiding is scary as shit. All the turtles except MIKEY show bad signs of it. It's a sign of poor diet and lighting. Too much protein and not enough sunlight can cause their scutes to build up and grow weird, until their shell starts growing INWARD like a bowl instead of outward like a hill.
Turtle eye infections are super easy to get and they HATE IT. Their eyes get irritated and goopy, sometimes going bloodshot and it's hard to open their third eyelid. The eyeballs were mutated a lot, but not so much as to spare them from easy eye infections. They treat these infections with turtle eye drops they get from the pet store. It works.
They produce a LOT of body heat. A lot. A kiss from a ninja turtle is just as warm as a human. They mutated into endothermic humanoid organisms, capable of maintaining a constant body temperature on their own. They are also big guys with big bodies 😂 (Sweating in the plane in Oots, hardly no blankets in cold sewer, no shivering while running around in the snow in the first movie, or the outside ceremony at the end of oots, ect, ect.) While cuddling, your turtles cooler plastron will be your only savior when trying not to die of heat. No, you really won't need blankets. Trust me.
Their shells are super light. Listen, the shells look and sound like they add maybe two hundred pounds to each turtle. But they walk around and do ninja stuff without dying immediately from horrific internal injuries.
Their shell is supported by their ribcages. Like an internal hug around the chest. Their spine and ribs look a lot more like our own. They have a moving diaphragm. Mutated cartilage systems create support and space between their spine and carapace, creating a 'bullet proof' system to absorb impact, and space for things like 'shoulder bones' and 'diaphrams' to move. AND flexibility to tuck into their shells.
Cracking the shell could still be lethal. Much like cracking the shell of an actual turtle. But that is much more difficult to do with these guys. Raph was walking around with zip ties glued to his shell for a while (after the first movie) and he had to tell April what they were for.
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qillmhi · 2 years
Donnie x Reader
Not sure if I posted this yet but here ya go I guess?
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Donatello hummed in delight as he took another bite out of his watermelon-strawberry-raspberry popsicle. He took his time chewing and enjoying the sweet and savory flavours of fresh fruits in his mouth.
Although he still loves the taste of pizza, he's glad that he is able to eat something else other than greasy fast food takeouts. His diet now consists of seafood, vegetables as well as other  fruits and berries. All fresh, sweet and juicy just for him!
It wasn't everyday that someone like him gets to have a treat with food like this.
Then again, it isn't everyday that something like him in general exists anyway. Donatello caught his reflection in the glass wall as he took another bite of his popsicle. His own turtle reflection staring back right at him.
Yep. Everyone's favorite ninja genius is now currently a turtle.
Well uh---of course, he had always been one! But the difference now is that he is no longer mutated.
That's right. Gone was the 5'10, Bo staff wielding, tech-savvy, highly intelligent, purple ninja turtle that everyone knew. Instead he was just a regular looking box turtle(or slider? I'm not sure what they are in 2012 ver). Slightly bigger than a palm of a hand, inside his very own turtle tank.
It wasn't that bad of a tank either. It was considerably large in fact. It has plant life growing at the bottom if he wanted a snack. Underwater cave that is also connected to another cave above, just perched on the basking island with a heat lamp---heck it even has it's own gentle waterfall and slide right next to the water conditioner! How many turtles do you know that have their own waterfall and water slide? Just one look at him and anyone can tell how invested his owner was with him.
But how did he end up here in the first place?
It happened during one fateful night when April and Casey made themselves official to the brothers. Everyone was a bit startled. They already knew what was going to happen from a mile away but still, facing it as a reality was a shock. They awkwardly congratulated the couple, save for an overly excited Mikey, spending the night with their good ol' pizza to celebrate, happy for their friends being together.
But it never masked the looming sorrow coming from Donnie's laboratory.
Donnie remembered how happy he had been the moment he heard her voice coming inside the lair. He remembered how excited he was to show April his new invention, one he made especially just for her. He also remembered how he leaned his shell against the door clutching his gift close to his plastron when the news reached his hearing range. He remembered how his eyes stung with tears when he felt the first of the many stabbing pain in his chest when those horrible words left her sweet lips. He remembered how his legs slowly gave in to his weight as he slid down the floor. How it hurts and how he wanted to crawl away from the door to avoid hearing any more of the happy couple.
But he was too weak to even breathe properly.
He heard it.
Her bashful laughter. Her praises and love towards Casey. Her time when she realized he was the one for her.
All of it one by one broke down the poor turtle's heart like a sledgehammer.
Donatello should have known better. Of course she would choose Casey. As much as she love and cared for the brothers, she still wanted a normal life. April can't just fight ninja aliens for the rest of her life.
Donatello knew hoping wasn't going to help. He expected this. He mentally prepared himself for this kind of situation in his chart that day.
But he wasn't.
He remembered covering his ears. He wasn't one to believe in the existence of god, but at that moment he desperately prayed to every single god in every religion that this was all a horrible nightmare. That none of it was true.
But he knew it wasn't like that. Deep down in his heart he knew that April would never love a freak like him. And he hated it. He hated himself. He wanted it to go away. He wanted to get away. But he can't.
All he could do was silently scream alone on his dark and cold laboratory.
Donatello locked himself in his laboratory for days, barely eating. Normally he did that to focus on his work, but Donatello didn't see the purpose of doing anything nowadays. He just sat there, on the floor, staring at April's picture reminiscing the times they spent together. The hugs they shared, the kisses she gave him. The day she told him he was her mutant. They all meant nothing. But why? He couldn't eat anything. Why would he? What was the point? He was going to get hungry again in a few hours anyway.
Donnie would have stayed like that even longer if it weren't for Raph kicking down his door. He had enough of his brother slowly starving himself to death. But Donnie didn't care. Nor did he care when his brothers began to bomb him with questions and worried expressions. He didn't even look at them. He couldn't muster the strength.
Maybe it was the lack of nutrition in his system? He wasn't sure.
He did however break out of his trance when he felt Mikey's tears fall on his shoulder. He looked up and saw how hurt and worried his baby brother was. He looked so sad that it made Donnie sit up straight so he could hold Mikey properly.
His normally strict older brothers were right there too, holding a plate of pizza and a glass of water.
"Please Donnie.." Mikey cried holding on to Donnie "Come with us?"
"I-If you don't we won't be afraid to drag your shell out of this dump ya' got that!" Raph tried to act tough but Donnie could clearly see how considerably gentle his voice had been despite the sentence.
"Come on Donnie, master Splinter is worried about you." Leo placed a hand on Donnie's shoulder. "We all are. We're here for you brother, so please, let us help you." Leo said. Donatello's shoulders fell in guilt. He bit his lip and nodded, much to everyone's relief.
They manage to convince him to eat that day. April and Casey often came to visit with a lot more snacks than usual. Most of them were Donnie's favorite, hoping it would convince the tall terrapin to eat more. He tried to avoid them for a while, but he knew he shouldn't. He's not mad at them.
They were still his friends and he's not someone who can just dictate who someone should love! Donnie slowly tried to recover himself but he didn't know of he could be himself again.
It was until they had another mission that it all went down.
It was the Kraang again. Donatello and his brothers have successfully destroyed another Kraang lab by the docks and acquired new mutagen samples.
Perfect! Maybe he can start working on his retromutagen again to get his gears straight? Yeah that sounds better than letting his equipment collect dust particles.
Just as they were about to go home after a successful mission, Donnie blacked out after he felt an excruciating pain emitting from behind when he was blasted away and straight towards the river. He heard panic screams. He heard the bubbling of water in his ears. Then... nothing.
The next thing he knew is that he woke up like... this!
A turtle!
A small box turtle (or slider?). He didn't even have his shellcell, his weapons, his mask---heck he couldn't even talk! He couldn't get help! And he was exposed to everything! He didn't need to watch any documentary to know a busy and crowded city is no place for a lone turtle!
Thankfully enough, he was able to keep his intelligence. He used it to manoeuvre his way, trying to spot familiar landscapes, avoid getting hit by speeding cars and getting stepped on by pedestrians. He needed to get back home to the sewers.
Unfortunately that didn't happen.
Donatello internally screamed in pain when the dog bit his shell harder while being waved around like a chew toy. He closed his eyes in fear. This was it. This was the end. He was going to die here!
Regret flew all over his system as he thought of his family. Oh how he never got to say goodbye. He will never see them again. Oh how he wanted to see his friends and family one last time. He wanted to apologise to April for avoiding her and tell her just how much he loved her. He wanted to talk to Casey and tell him to always take good care of her. He wanted to tell Leo how much he admired his brother for being so responsible and a great leader to them. He wanted to tell Raph how he would always look up to him because of his confidence and strength in battle. He wanted to tell Mikey how much he meant to him despite breaking his things, he will always be his little brother. Lastly, he wanted to apologise to Splinter. For not coming home tonight. For not being a better son. They will all be stuck at the lair wondering if he'll ever come back. He wouldn't. Donatello isn't coming home anymore.
But then you came in.
"Hey!" A voice broke him out of his thoughts. "Bad dog!" The dog was startled by the new comer. Donnie groaned in pain when he felt himself hit the concrete floor after he was tossed to the ground with a loud thud. He was sure that his shell was at least fractured. He was upside down on his shell against the cold Manhattan road. God the position was causing even more blood to rush into his head, but he was too weak and hurt to adjust his position.
Donatello squeezed himself as far as he could inside his shell. His whole body was in pain. Even breathing became a problem to him.
Donnie internally cringed when he felt himself being picked up.
'Oh God, if you're coming to take me please just make it quick.'
"Hey buddy.." A soft voice cooed to him.
Who was that?
"You okay?" They called again.
Donatello hesitated, but he slightly poked his head out of his shell and saw the most beautiful creature he laid eyes on.
A human lady, slightly older than he was, wearing a fluffy jacket to protect herself from the cold New York evening air. The lamp post above her was casting a bright yellow glow over her head giving her the illusion of a halo.
Holy shell....
She's an angel. Does this mean, he really died? Is she going to take him to that place? Was he even ready to leave? The thought made his heart drop.
The angel smiled when she noticed he was still alive. Her smile was so heartwarming it made him forget about his injuries.
"Poor baby..." You looked at him in concerned, craning your neck to inspect the injuries on his shell. There was an alarming amount of gashes but thankfully not much went to his flesh. Still this isn't a good place to leave such a creature alone, nor were you even sure if the vet is even open at this time of night.
That just leaves you one place left. You tucked your new friend in your warm jacket "Let's get you home, little buddy."
And home did you take him.
At first it was awkward. He needed to get home as soon as he could and reassure his family that he was okay. But him being so small and injured made him helpless and required your assistance. To which you happily provided with utmost care.
He wasn't really used to being cared like this. Master Splinter was gentle yes but had trained them to have a tougher skin as ninjas, so being treated so delicately like this felt almost foreign.
You would keep him within your line of vision at all times. Donatello was never more than ten feet away from you if possible. He spent his time perched on a soft plush pillow watching you and maybe watch movies. Sometimes you would place him and his pillow on your lap while lightly soothing his shell with your fingers. Although it freaked him out at first, he warmed up to it eventually and even made him crave the feeling of your warmth from your fingertips on his shell.
Hey the boy is cold-blooded!
He knew his brothers are out there worried about him. Master Splinter would have been disappointed too. But after some thinking, he was ashamed to admit it but he doesn't want to go home yet.
He isn't ready to face them. Not yet.
His small heart isn't ready to accept April and Casey's relationship yet. And he didn't want his brothers to look at him in pity again.
But that doesn't mean he won't be coming back! He just... needs time to stay until he's fully healed. Yeah just until he's healed. Maybe a day or two longer?
"Cookie baby~!!" Donatello's chest immediately fluttered when he heard your voice. He tore away from his thoughts to look at you.
You poked your head from behind the door "Is my cutie Cookie enjoying his snack?" Ah yes. You named him 'Cookie' that day. Honestly it was embarrassing but the fact that it was a name that you gave him made Donatello proud to be called your Cookie. He turned his neck to you in reply which was enough to make you giggle.
Donatello blushed when you picked him up for a hug, rubbing your cheek against his shell. He churred in delight when he felt your nails lightly scratch against his shell again (Yes he's a slut for shell scratches).
"You are the cutest little turtle ever~!!" You gushed at your adorable turtle friend. You aww'ed when he stretched his neck to look at you. You booped his snout with a kiss then laughed when his head vanished inside his shell.
He is just so freaking absolutely adorable!!!!!!
Meanwhile Donatello's brain was being turned into mush when he realized you basically just kissed him! Oh my! What does a turtle even do in this situation?!
Donnie stopped to think when he felt the familiar feeling of his reptilian heart beating against his plastron. Oh shell--could it be? Was he... falling in love again?! Oh no! He didn't think he was ready for that again!
The hopelessness! The rejection! The heartache---
"I love you so much Cookie~!" You smooched his shell with kisses. "You're the best thing that has ever happened to me."
Donatello's breath hitched.
Yeah... maybe he could stay a bit longer.
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Sorry to send in so many asks; it’s okay if you don’t answer, but I have another suggestion
In Asian cultures, a parent cutting up fruit for their child is one of the most common forms of affection; how would the gf react to splinter Bringing them a bowl of sliced fruit and her finding out what it means?
Okay, so full disclosure, I AM NOT ASIAN, I am entirely relying on your expertise and I'm gonna be praying I don't do or say anything offensive. Edit: So, I read up and omg this is cute. Okay. You ready? Here we go.
Synopsis: Reader is stressed out and Master Splinter and his boys are there to offer some comfort.
Genre: Fluff,crack, comfort, non-ship
Mood-setter: frad - first date
Notes: Y’all better appreciate this one coz I relearned html just for this one post.
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Leo had promised to help you get your mind off work and stress and given as you were unfamiliar with the field, Mikey, being the ever supportive sweetheart that he is, had tried to rope both Raph and Donnie into it. The moment the deal was sealed, though, was the moment Master Splinter had interjected saying it'd do the team well to engage in this "group exercise".
So, Leo sat there in front of you, teaching you the art of guided meditation, with his brothers flanking you on both sides. Perhaps it didn't help that Mikey sat right by you, and he seemed incapable of NOT fidgeting around, readjusting, repositioning, and making whatever kind of noises.
So you were constantly distracted! Not just by him, but by your own thoughts too. You could not stop thinking about where your career was headed, or how every minor decision may have immense consequences!
Just as you were getting frustrated and nearly quit, a serene presence entered the dojo.
"May I interrupt?" he strolled into the dojo with something in both his hands.
He knelt on the ground next to where Leo was on the matted floor.
"To get free of your mind's chains, you must find where they are bolted. Give yourself time and space to think, child." he then said something to the boys in Japanese which you could not understand, as you seemed to finally catch onto what he meant but before you could word your response, he'd lifted himself off the floor like a specter and was already halfway across the room.
All that remained of his presence were five mismatched bowls of assorted fruit in front of each of you.
How the hell did he carry five bowls? Two in each hand and one in his tail?
There were some slices of peeled apple, some orange wedges and a couple of prefect cubes of watermelon.
Leo looked only pleasantly surprised by this, unlike Mikey who seemed overjoyed by the appearance of healthy snacks snatching the bowl up, closely followed by Raph and Don, meanwhile you were still stuck on how an elderly rat could move so quickly at his age where you in your blooming youth were scared that if you yawned too violently you'd break your neck.
"Let's take a little break." said Leo as he picked up his bowl of fruit and started munching a piece of watermelon.
That's so nice, you think, of Master Splinter to bring you some healthy snacks for when you take a break.
“It’s nice your dad tries to diversify your diet of just pizza with something actually healthy.” you comment giggling yourself, wondering how much workout you would have to do to eat as filthy as these guys and still be this fucking buff.
“That’s not what this is.” he chuckled back, munching on a wedge orange.
“What do you mean?”
“A bowl of fruit is a form of... " Don paused his explanation for a second, staring directly into a slice of apple as if it were the apple of knowledge,"... affection. Of care. It's how he says he cares without saying it.“
"Means you’re family to him." Raph filled in, and kept munching on his own fruits.
“Another way you could be family tho-”
You made sure to give Splinter a huge hug the next time you saw him, that was your way of showing affection.
@shadow-ninjas @mysticboombox @turtle-babe83 @aurora-the-kunoichi @go-shameless-weeb @samyp05 @thatonegothicgirl @remmushound
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If your turtle husband/boyfriend were cat sitters:
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Leo: okay little feline time to get your litter box cleaned!
Cat: *grooms itself*
Leo: (Y/N) said that I got to clean it every morning. *cleans up the icky poops until he saw one out of the box on the floor* oh come on. that’s the second time since yesterday. what the hell did my waifu give you?
Cat: *blinks slowly and meows*
Leo: -_-.....oh really? well I hope you enjoyed that, because you’re in my world now, and i’m changing your diet! you gonna eat what I give you while you like it or not!
Cat: *stares*
Leo: *shakes his head*
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Raph: Alright little puff ball. time ta feed ya. yo mama gave me these fancy feast....things...
Cat: *meows annoyingly*
Raph: quit complaining will ya?
cat: *hisses*
Raph: *stares at the cat angrily* hey! I took great care of ya, and that is how you gonna repay me!?
cat: *stares*
Raph: Tch. and I thought dogs doing a better job at being man’s best friend. *dumps food in cat bowl* there. bon apatitty. 
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Donnie: *cutting the cat's nails*
Cat: *bites him*
Donnie: I don't care how much ya bite me. I'm still cutting your nails. Look what you did to my arm!....you wanna scratch your butt off? Than this is what we are gonna do.
Cat: *Bites him again and meows*
Donnie: yeah I know. And I still don't care if ya bite me.
Cat: *hisses at him*
Donnie: *hisses back* I can do it too! Be nice!
Cat: O_O...*meows*
Donnie: I know how to hiss just like you!
Cat: *meows*
Donnie: yeah! *hisses at the cat again* I can do it too! You bite me again, I bite you back you little monster! *cuts the nails again*
Cat: *meows*
Donnie: uh huh!....be glad my Bae who is your mommy didn't leave you to some expensive day care!!
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Mikey: it's my first ever baby kitten to take care of!
Kitten: *makes baby meowing noises*
Mikey: aww! You're so cute! *rubs his cheeks on the small kitten as it purrs* we're gonna have a great time! It's a good thing my sweet Angelcakes (Y/N) brought you lots of toys and cute outfits to wear!
Mikey: *spends time with the kitten and taking great care of it all day and taking photos until he passed out*
@kokokatsworld @tmntspidergirl @turtle-babe83 @alittletworaph @selfless1978 @cowabunga-doll @kawaiibunga @exovapor @shadow-ninjas @tmntspidergirl @angelcatlowyn
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heartless-error · 4 years
I'm home
Fandom: DC comics, Batman
Pairing: Jason Todd x Timothy Drake (JayTim)
Rating/Tags: JayTim Week 2020 - Day 4: Free Day, Fluff, Sleepy Cuddles, Developing Relationship, Getting Together
Other(s) links: AO3
Jason knew no matter how hard they tried, the cave was no longer his home, nor was the manor. It might sound sad, but didn't matter how many lies they told him or deals made with him to bring him back to the family, such places were no longer considered his home for a long time. However, of all of them, the relationship with his replacement was the one which seemed to have improved the most, and as the comfort and trust between each other had increased, it was obvious his relationship had changed too, they were... Well… He wasn't sure what they were yet.
But Tim being adorable when he slept didn't help him at all.
5 times Jason saw Tim sleep and 1 time Tim did.
I'm home
 That night, if Jason were in the batcave, it was because he had no choice.
 He wanted that to be recorded. Don't get him wrong, the relationship with the bats was improving a minimum, for once both parties had agreed to try to resolve their differences and fix years of roughness and conflict between them. However, this didn’t mean that some tension wasn’t yet present in their interactions, and much as his first instincts as see them wasn’t taking out a gun, it was still a bit awkward to act as if nothing had happened.
 Everyone knew that it was a process and they had to take time, so sharing some simple cases, and not killing each other’ during these were the first steps to take in the right direction.
 Of course, sharing such cases meant that Jason sometimes had to put a feet int the cave to get a more detailed update or pick up something he needed for, like right now.
This time Grayson had forgotten to send him the entire update of a case that they had right now, reason why he had been forced to appear there to demand it. Although if he thought about it, maybe Dick would have done it on purpose to drive him out of his mind and see him in the cave, forcing him to go there and socialize.
 Good strategy, bastard. He'll be punched later in the mission with some vigilante excuse, like "you had something on your nose" or "Batman told me to do it," Or better, he could punch him right now without hesitation, who would stop him? moral? fraternal love? Bullshit.
 No matter how hard they tried, the cave was no longer his home, nor was the manor. It might sound sad, but it was so, and it didn't matter how many lies they will tell him or deals made with him to bring him back to the family, such places were no longer considered his home for a long time.
 So, he started to search Grayson's stupid ass not to waste any more time. But it was then when he walked through the batcomputer and something else caught his eye.
 If there were things that he knew about his replacement, other than that their relationship was still somewhat tentative and strained -but cordial-, is that the guy barely rested, and he was fucking crazy. He was smart, yes, but he sacrificed himself for simple missions to insane points, he didn’t sleep, he didn’t eat well, he worked as CEO of Wayne Enterprise by day, as a vigilante at night, he also had online classes, and his diet consisted of energetic bars, coffee and Monster in industrial quantities.
Yeah, as he said, fucking crazy. Jason didn’t know how he was still alive, even after having survived all attempts on his life, of his courtesy, of course.
So, the sight of the boy asleep above batcomputer’s keyboard wasn’t as surprising as it should be.
 He was wearing Green Lantern pajamas, Wonder Woman socks -like his- and the cup he was holding while he was asleep was white with a message that said "there’s still no vaccine for stupidity." His shiny black hair was very tousled, his skin was very pale and his face had some dark circles that didn’t disappear even after sleep, he could almost hear him snoring, he was drooling on the keyboard too, and his cheek crushed against it was writing a deep and interesting report titled "fhidsgbobvhuyfdvashufso".
 Jason didn't know whether to feel pity, compassion, or amusement at such a spectacle. It was a mix of all of the above.
 In the end, he considered if the boy was exhausted enough to sleep under those circumstances, it was better to leave him as he was, he owed him. So, he did, turned around and left.
 When he punched Dick a few minutes later and he started to yell at him, he said:
 “Shh. The replacement is sleeping.”
 The punch he received back was silent, but effective.
 Alfred's excuses for bringing him into the manor were a thousand times better than Dick's or Bruce's.
 He went on, and was going to go on, never considering the place as his home again. But Alfred's tricks had something the other two pedants didn’t: Alfred's food. Whether they wanted it or not, it was a real plus and a compelling reason to put aside their grudges and deign to step on the place.
 Although as much as being lured with delicious food like a wild animal was a good explanation why he was now wandering through the carpeted hallways of the Wayne Manor, he had to admit that the approaches he had been taking with the family had been having its effects, there was less tension now.
 They were still assholes sometimes, but with less tension and a little more understanding or appreciation on both sides.
Of all them, the relationship that seemed to have improved the most and that was a pleasant surprise for everyone, including him, was with his replacement.
 The one who he found when he entered one of the most remote rooms of the manor.
 He didn't even bother saying hello, but rolled his eyes, this time with amusement.
 At this moment, he had spent more time in the place, and he discovered along with the third Robin that they worked very well together, starting to take more and more team missions than they should. Another thing that he had also noticed is that Tim could fall asleep anywhere and under any circumstances, he didn't care.
It wasn’t a surprise looking at the rhythm of life he led, but Jason had found himself appreciating the fun and entertainment provided by being able to find the boy sleeping anywhere. Without realizing it, it was already something he had begun to expect every time he was there, giving him a kind of routine and a sense of normality that he didn't expect to enjoy.
 This time Tim was on the sofa, his legs still on the floor but his torso lying on the padded surface of the furniture. He would bet the boy had an early conference call judging by the laptop on the table, or because his pants were the ninja turtle pajamas, but his top was the typical jacket, shirt, and tie you could attribute to the CEO, Timothy Drake-Wayne.
 It was hilarious, stupid. Made Jason snort with fun and approach to look like the other slept peacefully, murmuring in his dreams and hugging one of the cushions on the sofa tightly.
 This time what he felt was simple relief to see him sleep, since he would need him at his 100% for their mission tonight.
 And although his first instinct was to leave again, he stopped to think for a moment, considering that he was starting to realize how difficult it was to repair interpersonal relationships, so he forced himself to try. So, he walked over, scooped up his feet as gently as he could to get him properly on the couch, grabbed one of the blankets on the end of it, and covered him, so he wouldn't catch a cold or something. He didn’t know, but since he slept for once, at least he could be more comfortable than usual.
 When he finished, he tried to convince himself that the way Tim had smiled softly in dreams hadn’t affected him at all.
 “I'm fine…”
 “Shut up.”
 “But I'm fine…”
 “I said shut up.”
 He already knew he was fine, fuck, he didn't have to repeat it. Jason was the first to know that he was fine, who was treating the wound? Eh?
 On top of that the gremlin had the audacity to raise his head and look at him in a kind of pout, like a sad puppy or something. He certainly looked like it with those huge eyes and those long eyelashes, he was regretting giving him those painkillers to ease the pain.
 The red team had completely killed it this night, like all the others during the last months. Undoubtedly, discovering the good team they made had been one of the best surprises among the Gotham vigilantes, though not so much for the villains who were kicked in the ass, of course.
Precisely because of one of those villains, quite spiteful in his opinion, they were in this situation.
 They hadn't expected the little ambush across the corner at the end of the night, so they were caught off guard, and they took a couple of unplanned injuries courtesy of some thugs already on the way to jail.
 Jason didn't like that punch in the face, or the stab Tim had received in the shoulder. The last in concrete hadn’t liked him at all, had angered him, very much, maybe more than normal. He almost took out the real bullets again to make it clear that if anyone had the right to stab Red Robin in Gotham without any repercussions, it was him and Robin.
 So no, he hadn't liked that attack on his partner. Nothing at all. He could have been angrier with the attacker but leaving the scene and treating the other was more important after knocking out that guy.
So, without wasting a minute he carried the other, fled the scene and ended up in the bathroom of one of the Red Hood safe houses treating his injuries.
 Tim, the little shit without a sense of survival and self-preservation, insisted it hadn’t been that bad, it didn’t matter the desperation with which he had swallowed the painkillers and the points that he had to apply to close the wound, he was convinced that it had been a slight injury.
 He will teach him what a slight injury is, the stupid shit.
 Although when he finished closing and cleaning carefully the wound on his shoulder, Jason realized that he had no explanation for the annoyance and anger that he carried with him about the whole thing.
Yes, Tim was now his partner in Gotham, they were starting to be feared as a team, and maybe, maybe, out of the vigintalism work he could have realized that he likes the nerd more than he had originally imagined. After all the little bird shared his acid and sarcastic humor, caught his literary references, played more with gray and twisted morality than others thought, he was one of the most attractive men in Gotham, and he also liked chilli-dogs. So yes, Jason wasn’t a stone, it was true he was taking a certain fascination with him. One whose reach didn’t want to start thinking about, because although they don’t always come out unscathed from every patrol, Tim was right in saying that the wound he had acquired tonight wasn’t proportional to his reaction.
 He didn’t want to give him the reason, Jason wanted to convince himself that the discomfort on his chest wasn’t because he was worried about him or anything like that because that would mean that he cared for Tim a lot. And he doesn't, right?
 His plans for constant denial went to hell when he finished cleaning the wound, and he felt a light and soft brush on his cheek, courtesy of Tim's fingers that had startled him.
 “What?” He asked, looking at him confused but agitated.
 The painkillers seemed to have worked, judging by how the boy was leaning tiredly against the wall and looked sleepy, almost asleep. With those baby blue eyes cloudy and looking at his face as he tried not to close them.
He ran his fingers down his cheek to his cheekbone, touching where Jason still felt a little numb, surely where they had punched him and was beginning to have a bruise.
 “You are hurt too…” He whispered, clearly falling quickly into the dream world.
 “Tch. Just a punch.” He said, finishing his task and shrugging.
 “But you're hurt...” The smallest frowned, almost seemed annoyed, but he had already closed his eyes completely.
 “Who cares?” He teased, snorting with amusement.
 There it was again, that boundless kindness Tim possessed and intrigued him so much. It had never stopped to amaze him, really. By now, Jason couldn't help but wonder how anyone could be so generous after all he’d been through, especially Tim.
He was fascinated by the way he gave everything for someone, everything. He just gave, gave, and gave, and gave without stopping, without reservation, gave all of himself and what he had with such force and intensity that it even frightened, regardless of the consequences. And even after receiving betrayals, stabbings, and disappointments in return, he was still there with a stab wound in his shoulder, lying in his bathroom, and worrying more about him and the punch in the face he had received.
 It was admirable.
 “Me…” Tim muttered.
 Jason felt his chest sink, almost surprised.
 “Yeah, sure” He said sarcastically and snorting.
 As if he were to believe that. The medication had to be working a lot for him if it was making him forget that not long ago the one who was stabbing him was him. He shouldn't matter to Tim; he was the last person Tim should care about. But a part of him told him that the medication didn't matter here, Tim would keep thinking the same thing because the way he had forgiven him so easily indicated it, and Jason didn't even want to start thinking about how that made him feel.
 “I care…” He whispered weakly, almost asleep. “I care about you, you're my Robin.”
 He dropped that while Jason was keeping things in the medicine cabinet absently, making him froze and wondering if he had heard correctly or not. The weight and the annoying feeling that had been installed in his chest twisted, and he looked up uneasily to realize that the other had already fallen completely asleep against the wall.
 He had dropped the bomb and retreated.
 The thing was that maybe he wasn't even going to remember it in the morning, but surely those words, along with the tender touch of his fingers, and the way his heart jumped listening to it was something Jason wasn’t going to forget, how to do it?
 He always thought he had been the least loved, least valued Robin in Gotham and the community. After all he was just the violent street boy that had to fill the shoes of the amazing and perfect Richard Grayson. He didn't do much either, he was like Robin for a short time and it was his career as Red Hood that allowed him to help Gotham from another perspective, also he died of reckless. Why would he be anyone’s favorite Robin?
 Apparently, he was Tim's, if he could trust his wounded drugged words.
 But it was that the moment and the place where he realized that it wasn’t worth trying to fool himself, because his chest continued to twist, but this time in a more pleasant and warm way, his discomfort was gone, and when he recognized that maybe he was a little more fascinated by the other than he realized, he felt a certain weight disappear from his shoulders.
 He looked at his partner asleep, leaning on the wall in his half-worn suit and with a bandage covering his shoulder. He noticed the way he wrinkled his nose like a cat, his relaxed expression so different from when he was awake and constantly alert, his long eyelashes, and the scars that completely covered his body, narrating a life of sacrifice and danger.
With an exhausted sigh, Jason decided to pick him up off the floor with care and allowed him to sleep in his bed that night.
 Before going to sleep on the couch, he smiled because the way the other had instinctively wrapped himself like a burrito in his blankets definitely was adorable.
 They didn’t even watch half of the movie when Jason felt a weight light fall on his shoulder.
 The Jason Todd from a year ago, would have simply bothered, overwhelmed, and pulled away, perhaps pushed the other. Now he just smiled, almost touched, and settled better on the couch so that the body of the other wasn’t seen in a bad posture after a while.
 Tim had finished his last assignments that afternoon, concluding his semester. Apparently, the Wayne Enterprise board looked like to have behaved well this time too, so when the meeting ended, the current CEO sent Jason a text to plan a movie marathon to honor the occasion.
 Of course, not was the first time they did something like this, Jason was more than sure what was going to happen. So, he didn’t flinch when Tim fell asleep against him.
 Seriously, it was ridiculous.
 If someone had told him long ago that he would end up having marathons of the Lord of the Rings with the boy whose blood he tried to write on the walls, maybe he would have shot them. However, against everything, he had found himself enjoying and longing those nights.
There were always quiet nights, when the patrol had ended, or they needed to hide from the world together. They weren’t aware at what point they managed to find so much comfort in each other's company, but surely between healed wounds -like that stab in his bathroom- and completed missions, they must have realized that not only did they get along, but they liked, complemented, and helped each other in more ways than one.
 As ironic as it sounded, Tim and his boundless goodness got kept the Lazarus Pit's anger at bay. Not in an exaggerated way, since its effects kept inside him and it was clear that they were not going to disappear, of course it was something he would have to live with now. But Tim, so smart, kind, and perceptive as he was, had learned to read the signs, to interpret them. Soon as he started to get along with him, he could sense when anger appeared, he had learned not to stoke it, not to push it, and give him space when he needs it.
He hadn't said it, of course, because he was a little self-sacrificing shit that did those kinds of things without wanting recognition or anything in return, but Jason had noticed it and inadvertently began to return the same care and caution with which the other surrounded him on his bad days. Without realizing it, he saw himself cooking so that he didn't only eat energy drinks, he canceled some of their joint patrols too when he noticed that Tim wasn’t particularly in the mood, and sent him to sleep when he was too tired. And when he didn't want to, he would play a movie and within a few minutes he was snoring.
 Like now, for example.
 Jason looked aside and the tender smile he had kept until then grew. No doubt Tim had shown up at his door with popcorn, drinks, and was ready to spend the night awake with laughter and his favorite movies, he had to give him that credit. But knowing him, he had slept rather little to be able to finish all his assignments on time, so the moment he was wrapped in a blanket, comfortable, warm, with the lights off and the television in the background, it was impossible for him not to fall asleep.
 Now, he was completely leaning on Jason, lying there placidly while breathing slowly and not even worried by his surroundings, with his guard completely down. As if falling asleep on top of the Red Hood was nothing special.
 Jason felt that amusement turn into affection, devotion, even pride as he realized how safe he had to feel around him, so he could sleep like this without reservations. The boy was ridiculous, but he was even more ridiculous for being at his mercy without resistance. Because being so close he could smell the citrus scent of his hair due to his shampoo, as well as feel his small body completely leaning against his. He couldn't see his face, but in these cases, he didn't know if it was better that way.
 While the comfort and trust between each other had increased, it was obvious it was because his relationship was now... Well… He wasn't sure what it was. Indefinite, if he had put a name on it somehow.
 They flirted, joked, were close, had dates (or something like that) and saw each other when they could.
 They hadn't talked about it, but Jason wasn't dumb, and Tim wasn't either, he knew they were both aware of the change of attitude, but they didn't mention it. It isn’t as if they were doing nothing about it, on the contrary, rather he felt that they were letting it develop on its own, to follow its natural course.
 Eventually they would speak about it, because at the rate they were going to, they would have no choice.
 For the moment, Jason settled on the sofa wrapping the blanket that covered them, put his arm around the little one's shoulders to keep him by his side and after thinking about it for a few seconds, he kissed his hair while he was squeezing it a little and inhaled his scent. Then he looked again at the TV.
 When he fell asleep, he felt that this was something he could call home.
 When Jason returned from patrol, he didn't even bother turning on the lights.
 He entered to the room through the window, like a good with serious problems to remember that doors existed for something, and he started to remove his armor immediately, snorting and boiling of frustration in silent.
 The night had been disgusting. Not because something serious had happened, if not because it had been the typical patrol in which he had only encountered pseudo villains who thought they could aspire to something more, and people believing they were dangerous when they were actually rookies with guns trying to rob an unfortunate gas station. He had also had to cover part of Cass's territory in Chinatown, which coincidentally had been the best of the night, because a kind lady gave him coupons and discounts for her restaurant after helping her with the little mob that was trying to intimidate her.
Tim would very much like to take advantage of these discounts this weekend, so with the coupons in hand, the hassle, and boredom, the desire to return home were more powerful than ever, and he headed there in a hurry.
 When he took off his armor and looked comfortable enough to go to sleep, he went to bed to find what he wanted so badly to see: The Tim-burrito.
 He had convinced his boyfriend to take the night free after an especially busy project in WE, one that had kept him two days awake and working nonstop. When he suggested a break, his little bird had no will to refuse to rest, so finding him in their shared bed sleeping and almost drowned between the oversized blankets, was a complete victory.
He couldn't even see him correctly, because all that was in sight was his soft black hair, tousled and poking out between the sheets, but it was enough for Jason to smile tiredly and lie down next to him carefully.
 Settling properly next to him so as not to disturb his sleep or undo his nest, Jason sighed and felt the discomfort he had felt all night slowly disappear as he was near him. It had taken some time, many attempts at emotional conversations, and certainly tentative steps to get to the point where they were not, but without doubt he couldn’t regret it when he now had his warm presence at his side, being able to listen to his soft breathing and the way he murmured in dreams sometimes, seeing his face with that expression serene that he adored so much, and above all, being right at his fingertips.
 If Tim didn't want him to hug him while he slept, then he shouldn’t be that adorable in the first place. Because Jason loved holding him in his arms, he liked feel how his smaller body fit perfectly against his, loved to squeeze him and listen to those small and sharp whining of his, or kiss his head, hear his laugh, smell his hair, feel how he smiled on his skin.
He loved his babybird and his strange sleeping habits, or nesting, or stealing shirts, he liked too how little by little he looked willing to take care of himself a little more, to value himself just like he deserved. So, nobody could blame him if he got close in the mattress and tried to cover that Tim-burrito with his arm.
 He was on his side and his face half covered, Jason was convinced he was completely asleep, but when he put his arm over his covered waist to bring him a little closer, he heard a snort and a weak moan from him.
Slowly and wearily, Tim opened those blue eyes a bit to scowl at him and churning in his cocoon of blankets. Jason smiled sadly but at the same time moved by this.
 “Sorry Babybird, I didn’t want to wake you up.” He whispered, raising his hand to stroke his hair fondly. “Go back to sleep.”
 The smallest sighed and closed his eyes numb with the caresses, but before fall asleep again, shook his head and shifted, pulling the covers away from him to get closer to Jason with an intelligible grow. Jason snorted amused and allowed it, hugging him tighter this time while he settled on his chest and intertwined his legs. When Tim was finally comfortable enough, he raised his face and leaned down to kiss him despite being half asleep, and because of that he ended up kissing his chin instead, but Jason soon kissed his lips slightly while laughing.
 “Welcome home.” Tim murmured as they parted, each word tinged with love and adoration, hiding then his face in his neck to keep sleeping.
 And there, with the other clinging to him and his heart about to explode from everything he felt for that man, Jason realized that it was true, he was at home.
 When Tim returned from the office, he noticed that everything was silenter than normal.
 He knew Jason was home, today was his day off, and he had texted him asking what he wanted for dinner. But unlike most times than that happened, the kitchen was empty when normally there was Jay muttering and singing under his breath while cooking, so Tim soon started to look for him around the apartment.
 When he found the other, he relaxed and sighed with relief, smiling at the sight.
Jay had fallen asleep reading on the sofa, head down, leaning to one side with the loose book in his hands. The last few days he had been involved in difficult cases that required too much vigilance until late, so it wasn’t surprising that he was so tired.
 Without much thought, Tim dropped his briefcase from work, undid his tie, and approached him to pick up the book that lay forgotten on his lap, a collector's edition that he gave Jason for their anniversary and had made the tallest smile at him with intensity.
 Leaving the book on the table, he looked at his boyfriend tenderly, and he settled him on the sofa as best he could so that he didn't hurt his neck, then covered him with a blanket and kissed his cheek, then his temple.
 “I’m home.” He said, happier than he ever imagined.
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