#I'm scared of buying shoes online
edenorisshitposting · 10 months
Where do the whippersnappers today get their punk boots from?
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Note: I'm making this because there's literally almost little about him.
Hiro Hamada HCs
Definitely a lot of dates in the lab instead of outside but he still likes hanging out outside of the lab.
Will literally get you whatever you want as long as he knows how to make it.
Or as long as he's able to afford it.
No matter what.
But he won't tell or present it to you like he made/bought it.
You just left your classroom and headed to your lab to do your homework. It was beside Tadashi's(which is now Hiro's but still Tadashi's) and always has been. Once you enter, Hiro would poke his head out of his lab and take quiet steps towards your lab doors before putting down the thing you wanted but in a box. He knocks on the door before dashing back into his lab, pushing Baymax who was watching the whole time back in. You look up from your book in curiosity and set your pen down before heading towards the door to see who was outside. When you open it, you found nothing until you look down to see a well wrapped box with a little flower on top. You grab the present and see that it's addressed to you before unwrapping it to find the item you've been wanting for a while. Meanwhile, Hiro sits on his beanbag with a proud smirk on his face.
He loves it when you play with his hair or wear his sweater.
He literally melts when he sees you wear it.
Baymax is concerned sometimes because of how much smiling he does when you're around.
He introduced you to his friends and they absolutely adore you. Especially, Honey Lemon and Fred.
Whenever he gets bored, he'd just pick up his phone and call you. When you answer, he'd say; "So bored. Can we hang out?"
Late night or not, he still manages to find ways to hang out with you. Online or not.
During weekends, everytime he goes down to the cafe, he'd wait for you to walk in but if you don't, he'll text you.
If you're sick on weekends, Aunt Cass will make some soup and Hiro will gift it to your parents even though they already made your food.
He'll definitely stay beside you when you're sick. If you sneeze, a tissue is already in his hand, holding it out for you to take and wipe your nose.
If he gets sick, then you'll return the favor and take care of him while Aunt Cass runs the cafe downstairs.
He won't admit he's sick and deny it all the time until he accepts it(which is after 30 minutes).
He only lets you to enter his room even when he's asleep.
When he wakes up, expect a goofy smile on this raven haired boy.
"Hey beautiful/handsome/gorgeous."
Cheesy when he's half asleep.
If you're ever scared, he'd sent Baymax over to comfort when he couldn't. If he could, then he'll go to your room and comfort you himself.
He'll probably wake up later than you but we all sleep late sometimes too so...
During weekdays, he always pick you up at your place, brings you your favorites from The Lucky Cat Cafe before walking to SFIT together.
Or you'd be the one picking him up from his place.
It depends on who's texting who to pick who up.
He loves his bags of gummy bears so you buy some more for him.
He loves you even more.
When you two have to do hero stuff, you always ride with him on Baymax when traveling.
He finds you so good-looking in your hero suit that he nearly draw you on his textbook. Trying to be like Miles Morales.
JK. Definitely draw you.
He loves to take you out on dinner dates because he found them more romantic than lab dates.
Gets seriously worried when something happens to you when you fight bad guys together.
He has magnets on your gloves and shoes like his hero suit just so he can keep you still on Baymax's back.
He loves it when you get so serious in your things like, studying, fighting, gaming, creating something. It shows that you're putting a lot of effort into it and he's proud of it.
Always gets higher score than yours in tests, and sometimes lower. Yours is around 90% all the time thanks to your scheduled study dates every time before final exams or tests. But his? 99% and 89% all the way. Sometimes you both get 100.
He loves PDA but not around Aunt Cass. He gets super flustered but so confident when she or his friends are not around.
Brags about you to Karmi to make her jealous.
Literally never stops.
He just love you so much.
Homemade ice creams!
Especially during summer break.
He wanted to make a machine for it but you prefer making them yourself.
He'll join you once he gets too hot from the heat that he stops half way making it. Just wait.
If it's too long to make, you guys would just use science to make the ice cream freeze quicker.
Has a wall for polaroids of you guys on your dates (takes one on each date).
Mostly only you guys but in some there's Baymax and/or Fred who wants to join in by photo bombing it.
Aunt Cass loves them and likes to ask Hiro which date did you guys go to while pointing at a Polaroid.
The camera is yours but he's the one to keeps the photos.
Always play co-op games with you.
Any kind.
Movie nights neither of you guys are tired.
Holds your hand in public even when doing hero stuff.
Honey Lemon will suggest you what kind of dates you two should do together.
Wasabi is a supporter. When someone is about to intervene, he'd politely ask them to leave so you and Hiro can have some quality time together.
GoGo is proud whenever Hiro makes the first move during your dates.
Tells you who he's with and where he's going to.
He wants you to trust him as much as he trusts you.
Rarely is jealous. But definitely get defensive when someone flirts with you.
If you guys ever argue, he'd be the first one to apologize and you two hug it out.
Makes you vehicle of your choice out of scrap. But no car yet. (Motorcycle, skateboard, scooter, etc)
If you love flowers, he'll buy you seeds for them and you'd give the flowers to Hiro and Aunt Cass. Little flower crowns for Mochi and Baymax, too.
If Hiro ever gets a nightmare. You'd know.
Like, he shot up from his sleeping state from his nightmare, panting and sweating cold sweat and you'll just wake up in the middle of the night and say to yourself, "Something just happened."
He's a lot more open to you than he is to his friends.
Loves to share a sweater during winter. And he'll make sure to use the big comfy one.
He adores the view of you in the winter. It warms his heart and his face.
Comforts you whenever you're sad whether you need him or not.
You and the gang plays Just Dance at Fred's house and even- almost- got Clifford to do it.
He makes you your own mini-max that suits your personality.
Video call through your Mini-max and his Baymax if either your phones are charging.
Never sleeps on your sleepovers and ended up fighting to stay awake during the day because you wanted to hang out together.
You guys ended up sleeping in his room and on his bed anyway.
He'd keep every single present you give him because he cherish them.
You'd keep every single present of his and put them to use if they are made for it.
Matching silver necklaces.
Deep conversations on your rooftop.
Skincare together after you both turn 16.
Planning on moving to an apartment that's only a few blocks away from the Lucky Cat Cafe and your house when you turn 20.
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gremlingottoosilly · 1 year
fellow organism hello [A wheel of cheese has been added to your inventory.] friend. what do u think of the idea of manipulative(ish) reader and a yandere konig? Like- civvie reader is full on well-aware they've got a very capable murderer (with lots of money) in love with them so they'd just take full advantage of that. "oh my goodddddd i hate this coworker so muchhh" - konig took care of it first thing "[sigh] [just stares at something at the store longingly before walking away]" - and before you know it, bam! that plush or jewelry or whatever you were staring is on your bed also also ...what are konig's thoughts on a not-so-innocent reader who's just desensitized with everything? like the violent gory shit- and reader is just like "...i'm really too tired for this, i can't be arsed to care" and walks away instead of the reaction of screaming their head off like he'd expect them to?
Konig and his own little-miss-psychological-terror. He would obey almost every of your whim unless it makes him feel jealous or if you're actively trying to get him to let you go to do something on your own. More under the cut!
Konig would love to kill for you - he would also love to kill for you and make you see how he is doing it. Our man has a passion for blood and a passion for you - so if you're not just alright with a person dying in front of you, but would also actively want it...Konig turns those hunts into bloody tributes to you, his perfect, adorable, precious death goddess that would pout if blood gets on her shiny new shoes, so she would have to ask her hubby for a new ones( He isn't born wealthy or has an enormous amount of wealth, but he has accumulated almost all of his, pretty extensive, salary over the years in service + he still has his army payments, so he is fine with spending it all on you. Some expensive lip oil that you saw on social media and immediately wanted to buy, but it's like 50 euros? He already bought it. New shoes, new dress, some jewelry that you really liked? Check under your pillow! Konig isn't really okay with going out in all of those expensive stores - he feels pretty much out of place, especially in makeup or lingerie departments, so the trips with him are usually short and very purposeful. You get in, you buy the whole stand, and you get out before the shopping assistants at Sephora start to annoy him out too much. Because of this, he would encourage online shopping - come on, Liebe, you can get everything from your silly little stores online! And he won't have to contemplate killing a dude in Victoria Secret because he was staring at you for 0.5 seconds! The second part.......reader who is just kinda...over it. Whether it's trauma (I look at my war experience eheh......) or just how she is, Konig is a bit worried at first. Are you sure you aren't scared?? Are you really alright? Do you want his therapist's number?? He would learn to enjoy your calmness about this stuff eventually, you don't cry or freak out when he is taking out the guy who hit on you, but he is still determined to make you rest so good and take off you, so your emotions would come back. He doesn't want his darling to be tired(
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beans-tour-diary · 3 months
Day 422
Long time no see!
I read/saw a few posts about other people's transition experiences the last few days and wanted to write a bit about how mine was different.
First of all: I'm pretty happy that I haven't gotten taller or bigger feet. A little bit of height would have been nice, but I was so scared I would have to buy new shoes. From what I've seen online it's not that unusual to grow noticeably, so I guess I got lucky.
I'm still amazed by how fast my facial hair got dark. They have gotten more since I noticed the first ones, but it's not that noticeable of a change. It's not even just my moustache that got dark! I also found two little hairs on my chin. The peach fuzz on my cheeks just got a lot longer, but not dark yet.
I'm pretty sure my scent has already started changing, but not as extreme as some other people's. I didn't have a moment when I noticed it being overwhelmingly strong and different. So far I've gotten through the day with just normal deodorant in the morning.
My voice is still cracking all over the place. I haven't talked so much that it hurt in a long time. Maybe it got better or I just talked less. The louder I talk the wilder the voice cracks get, but I've gotten used to it. I'm excited to see where it ends up when the cracking stops.
If everything works out I can change my name at the end of this year. I'm pretty sure I'm just going to shorten it to my nickname, but I'll probably use at least one other name online. I just don't feel comfortable using a new name in real life. Online and real life also feel a bit like different people, not just because of the difference in language.
I have been on gel since the first day and I'm very happy with my results so far. There seems to be some people having issues with gel not being absorbed, but there's also so many who it works for. So if anyone isn't comfortable with shots, but isn't sure if gel works at all, it does for a lot of people. I don't know how high the chance of it not working is, but I've only heard about it recently after years of being in trans spaces online, so it doesn't seem to be that many people who have this issue.
Everyone's body is different, everyone's transition is different. We have some similar experiences, but also a lot of very different ones. I was very positively surprised by how fast everything happened, it could've been the opposite. I could've gotten my first dark moustache hair after a year. The important thing is: changes happen. They happen slowly but steady. And I'm so excited to see where the journey is going to lead.
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Roasting Jay And Dami's turn
Jenifer looks at the camera, a little disheveled. "I didn't think he meant actual ninjas. I just thought it was some company theme. But unless it's policy to appear unannounced in someone's home, scaring them half to death, I'm gonna chalk that up to being actual ninjas. So anyway, if anybody with that kind of pick-up system wants more figures. I'll make you a box of the figures you can come to pick up as long as you leave a signed note it was delivered and that nobody please scare me like that again. " She lets out a breath. "Anyway, I'm glad to inform you that RH's figures are gonna stay local. As per policy, I can't tell who gets them, but all I'll say is it's a well-known person here in Gotham, So if you know who to ask, you might be lucky to see them IRL. And now lest roast the outfits." RH roast." image here -> https://www.tumblr.com/xxxnightcorequeenxxxv3/742155316927627264/roasting-tim-and-jays-turn?source=share Nr1: "We all know this was supposedly a villain look, and we get that, but why oh why the pill helmet? If you have siblings, you just know they would have borrowed it and a blue cleaning bucket and asked, do you take the red pill or the blue pill, BTW how do you see anything in that? " Nr2: "You know this looks like Captain America has a Chūnibyō phase. You got the A, the flag colors, and the camo IDK where would be useful."
Nr 3: "Do you fear nothing? Cuz that mask is straight nightmare fuel, cuz we are all the way down the uncanny wally with this one." Nr4: "Ths must have been laundry day of the extreme, like did we need to go all the way back to the mid-16th century for that jester look? " Nr5: "This overall is not that bad, but man, bare upper arms when people are shooting bullets at you, and if those ribbons haven't snagged on anything, I'll eat my left shoe." "Applause for the wonderful roasts, and I bet you someone online will (has I need help finding the link plz) draw an image of RH and his hypothetical siblings doing just that. "
Now, on the following 5 figures for sale are these "lovely" robins. You may rost them now.
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And I know you all wanna see my designs for some reason, so here it is; please do not rost it, though. Robin colors are hard to work with, but I did my best to stay true to the old colors.
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Bonus; Image.
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inkofamethyst · 9 months
January 2, 2024
So what defines "her"?
"her" is assertively feminine, doe eyes with a scheme behind them. "her" inserts blackness into atypical spaces. "her" is intellectual, academic. "her" is curious, ready for adventures. "her" is green, black, cream, brown (and burgundy, and goldenrod). "her" is dainty flats and hefty boots. "her" is pleated trousers and collared blouses. "her" is vintagey purses and hair ribbons.
I really like my "vision board of sorts." This was an excellent exercise in seeing what speaks to me now and being intentional about what I select in response to that prompt. Instead of a broad collection of outfits I want to copy, I think I've curated a mood that I want to emulate through symbiosis of clothes, hair, and beauty (I'm a degree-wielding biologist and can use "symbiosis" however I want, thank you). And I think that's more personal. We'll see how well I manage to reflect it. Since I'm on a savings kick I may not be able to invest much into this project until my emergency fund and travel fund are done, but I'll do what I can with the plenty that I own (maybe I'll follow the advice I gave my sister though and do a planned fun purchase <$30 once or twice a month for whimsy earrings or depop shopping). And maybe it's for the best, as it's almost never a good idea to buy new clothes after reevaluating one's style anyway.
Four years later, I believe the Cute Campaign has reincarnated. I seem to be a person of cycles, huh. From fashion manifestos to learning new instruments, certain life events seem to group together with others in familiar ways.
Ages ago I might've mentioned how I felt kind of weird about buying so many sleeveless mock necks because they were probably just a trend, but I consulted the depths of my pinterest boards to construct "her", and I now retract that statement because I've actually loved that look for years but have just never found any in stores or affordably online (not for a lack of trying). So, really, I'm just taking advantage of a trend to nab items that will likely receive years of wear and care (until I get comfortable sewing knits, that is--then it's sleeveless mocknecks all summer baby).
It does sadden me a lot that I have to leave home again, actually. I mean I'm sure living here all the time could become incredibly grating, maybe, but right now it just feels like love. I know I am loved even when I am far away from but it feels so close while I am here, like a warm blanket against my skin (as opposed to knowing that the blanket waits for me on my bed while I'm out and about during the day, just to extend this metaphor). I didn't really experience homesickness while I was away after those first few nights in my apartment, so I thought leaving would be easier this time, but it's not, not really. My new city does not feel like home, my new school does not feel like home. I hope that they do, one day. Because I hate how the last few days of being here are marred by my looming departure.
(I think that maybe part of it is a lack of community and creative outlet there. I don't have my sewing or my friends or my instruments. So I feel insular and antsy.)
The Winter King is an adult romantasy, the first I've ever read. The.. "adult" bit is admittedly new to me, uhm, so we'll see how I feel about it as I get further in. It certainly fits the angst I said I was looking for, no doubt about that.
Today I'm thankful for the absolutely darling necklace my mother gifted me to wear with the formal gown I thrifted. It's the literal perfect shape for the neckline and matches the shoes I intend to wear with the gown. Now I just need to figure out how to go about hemming the dress a few inches (...might pay a tailor to do it bc I'm scared).
Today's goals: complete alterations (2(?)), pack, redo the skirt waistband (UGHHH (the skirt is rly cute but I measured something wrong when cutting out the waistband and made it too small)), wash clothes. Maybe watch PJO. [edit: did not complete all but did complete other things and I spent a few hours shopping with my sister which was fun and I also made a simple but delicious dinner for my fam]
happy new year :)
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choruscape · 3 months
Choruscape - The Hard Way (Official Lyric Video)
Choruscape - The Hard Way (Official Lyric Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bohZVc3xF1U Watch official lyric music video for “The Hard Way” by Choruscape, from ‘Phoenix’. Buy/download/stream ‘Phoenix': https://ift.tt/H8cpdWM... ►Subscribe to Choruscape on YouTube: https://ift.tt/4hdptmE ►Shop Merch: https://ift.tt/FS1AgEM ►Follow Choruscape Online: Instagram: https://ift.tt/qPDL0hR Facebook: https://ift.tt/cG107W6 Tiktok: https://ift.tt/dtuTVLh (X)Twitter: https://twitter.com/choruscape Website: https://choruscape.com/ ========================= 🎤 Lyrics: Choruscape - The Hard Way In crowded rooms, I just fade out Quiet kid, too scared to shout Invisible, needing a sign Always the one in back, never in line Alone at parties, trying to blend Asked to dance, I get a "let's just be friends." Trying to fit in, always on the outside Dreaming alone, with nowhere to hide I've walked every hard road, chased the cold night From a shadow to the stardust, lost out of sight Chasing hearts, chasing dreams, paying the cost Given everything, still, I've felt lost Years slipping by, behind a mask I hide Family hanging on, love our only guide Looking for peace in a sea of change Finding more struggles, it all feels strange Our home so stretched, across the miles Seeing my past in my children's wiles Their hearts heavy, they carry my mistakes Echoes of my steps, and the path it takes I've walked every hard road, chased the cold night From a shadow to the stardust, lost out of sight Chasing hearts, chasing dreams, paying the cost Given everything, still, I've felt lost At this crossroad, hearts open wide Found love again in the wild ride Facing our past as the night closes in Filling the void, starting to win Each line on my face tells of battles fought Every farewell, lessons taught Still trying, still hoping to fill these shoes History repeats, do I get to choose I've walked every hard road, chased the cold night From a shadow to the stardust, lost out of sight Chasing hearts, chasing dreams, paying the cost Given everything, still, I've felt lost In her smile, I find my calm, her love feels like home Quiet moments with her, life's sweet, no need to roam As the stars light up the night, she's my guiding light Pulling me from the tough roads, into something right With her, I'm starting fresh Leaving the hard paths behind, ready for what's next ========================= ►About Choruscape: Welcome to Choruscape, where we blend fresh soundscapes with heartfelt lyrics to explore life’s complexities, including themes of love, resilience, and transformation. Each song tells a story, capturing genuine human experiences. Subscribe to enjoy the unique vibe of our music. Explore our tracks and find songs that connect with your own experiences. ========================= ►Subscribe to Choruscape on YouTube: https://ift.tt/4hdptmE ========================= #choruscape #thehardway #phoenixalbum #officiallyricvideo #newmusic2024 #indiemusic #lyricreveal #choruscapesong Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contains copyrighted music and images. Any public, media and any other business usage is subject to business licence. Unauthorized usage and publications are prohibited. © 2024 - Choruscape - All Rights Reserved via Choruscape https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBarIUnkMjxacieMl0wlVrA June 29, 2024 at 05:42AM
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purplesurveys · 6 months
Describe your most recent purchase: I just replenished my Korean groceries – I restocked on chapaguri and bibimmyeon noodles and also got moksal and pork bulgogi so I can try cooking other meats at home besides my usual samgyupsal.
Did you enjoy the last movie you watched in theaters? The last thing I watched in full in the cinema was BTS' Busan concert when it had a worldwide premiere in like Feb last year. The first time I watched with friends; the second time I watched on my own.
If you make surveys, where’s the last place you saw a survey made by you on another person’s site? I've never made a survey. I don't think I'll be any good at crafting questions.
Do you take the subway train often (if your city has one)? We don't have that and our public transport is generally shit so you won't catch me in any of the trains that do exist.
What shoes did you wear today? Ivy Park sneakers since I needed to manage a branded event today.
Does your sibling have a significant other? As far as I know she doesn't. She had this...situationship...thing a few months ago but that's done.
Have you ever cried at a real wedding? No, but that's also because I haven't been invited to a wedding since 2007, when I was 9 years old.
How would you feel if a girl asked your boyfriend out for a drink? I don't have a boyfriend.
Do you live in an apartment or a house? House.
Do you use Skype? Nope. If I needed to video call with friends, we'd use Messenger. Facetime to a much lesser extent.
What do your flip flops look like? I have slides instead of flip flops, and they're a plain white pair of adidas ones.
Any idea what you want for your next birthday? I'll probably just treat my family out for either lunch or dinner. No big plans I think this year, as Angela is busy reviewing for her boards and I don't want to take her time by planning an out-of-town trip.
Are there any gadgets of yours that need charging right now? My phone definitely needs to be plugged in, it's hanging on at 2% right now hahaha.
What’s the name of your nearest grocery store? That would be SM.
What do you use to remove makeup? Water.
Which awards show would you wanna go to the most (e.g Oscars, Grammys etc.)? None of them, they all feel just like PR at this point. The big ones are almost always racist and favor men anyway so eh.
Any idea what time you’ll be going to bed tonight? I need to go to bed at around 10 or 11, because I plan on waking up at around 7 AM tomorrow to start working. I didn't do any work last Friday and over the weekend, so I need to make up for it.
Do you think George Clooney is hot? Not really.
Have you ever participated in local magazine cover girl searches? Nope. I joined in giveaway contests, but not cover girl stuff altogether.
What colour is your keyboard? Black.
Do you keep the plastic/paper/whatever bags after you buy stuff? To quote the Tiktok trend, we're Filipino, of course we hoard paper and plastic bags for any and every purpose, including using them as Christmas gift packaging. Not sure if it's practiced in other cultures but we are definitely not opposed to gift-wrapping something like a mug in an Apple, Pandora, or LV paper bag hahaha.
Do you own any high waisted pants? Yes! I like how the high waist finish looks on me so majority of my jeans/pants are in that style.
Do you know anyone who has two different coloured eyes? Yes.
Do you wanna be a pirate or an elf? Maybe an elf? I'm scared of pirates lol.
Have you ever purchased anything online? Yes, it's how I prefer to purchase most things. I've been accomplishing my Christmas checklists entirely online since 2021.
Gold or silver accessories? Silver. 
Have you ever been called a skank/slut because of the way you dress? Not to my face, at least.
Have you ever ridden an elephant? Once as a teenager. I don't want to do it again.
Are you a fan of acrylic nails? Sure.
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i'm buying shoes online for the first time. i have a very high instep so shoes fit me weirdly. i am scared.
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foodieforthoughts · 4 years
Summary: Henry is busy assembling his PC and you got him a pair of shoes.
Pairing: Henry x Reader
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: Fluffy fluff!!!
A/N: On the event of reaching 600 followers, here's a little something for everyone to enjoy. Also, it's not beta read, so please don't mind any typos. ❤️
*divider by @leafsea*
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Title: Shoes
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"Henry," you coed to your husband. Henry's hands were busy with the components of his PC in his hand and one ear free from the headphone perched behind his ear.
"Hmm?" He absentmindedly answered, not even sparing a glance towards you.
The Christmas tree sat undecorated in a corner with Henry's bags lying next to it. He was back from filming for Christmas break, staying away for two whole months from you and yet he was busy upgrading his PC to play a newly released game and ignoring his wife. You glanced down at Kal who was sitting on his dog-bed, giving you a look like he understood your predicament. Kal had been ignored by Henry all day too. Your husband was so excited about his new game that walking Kal and playing with him had been added to your lists of chores.
"I brought you something," You walked up to him with a shoe box in your hand.
You placed it right in front of his line of sight which piqued Henry's interest. He put the component aside and swirled his chair to face you, eyeing the black Nike shoebox with a raised eyebrow.
"Are you giving me a Christmas present? Because it will make me feel like a complete arse since I haven't even gotten to buying you one." He pouted his lips. You tried not to laugh at his adorable face or kiss his perfect lips.
It was a Christmas present for him, but it wasn't exactly what he was expecting. You pursed your lips as a smile spread over your face.
Henry seemed to have forgotten in the rush of his life about the early morning rendezvous you had on the day he was leaving for filming. You both had been too lazy to slip on a condom before engaging in some loving goodbye sex. He had joked about putting a baby in you which had gotten you to think that maybe it was time for you both to start a family.
Henry always mentioned how he couldn't wait to be a father. You too believed that both of you were at that point in your life where the ticking of the biological clock was becoming too loud to ignore. Because of which when you had missed your period, rather than being scared, you were excited about taking the pregnancy test. You had cried when the two pink lines had appeared on the stick and another one flashed the word 'Pregnant' in big bold letters.
"Before you open it, I'll like to say something." You sat across from him on a chair. Henry shook the box and scrunched his eyebrows as it felt light in his hands. But without asking any questions, he placed it on his lap and looked at you expectantly.
You had pictured this moment so many times over the month. You had been nearly jumping with joy to finally tell him. But now that you looked at your husband's handsomely clueless face with his curly hair and blue eyes, you felt nervous. You played with the ends of your shirt as you felt your cheeks heat up.
Taking a deep breath you said, "I know we have talked about it a lot. I would be okay with whatever you decide though."
"Decide about shoes..?" Henry cocked his head to the side, confused.
You chuckled at the innocence of your sweet husband. You gestured towards the box. "Open it."
With a puzzled smile on his face, Henry opened the shoe box. You felt your heart race watching him look inside the cardboard case. You watched as Henry's smile fell and he picked up the tiny baby shoes in his hands. You had gotten a pair of both blue and pink since it had been too early to know the sex of the baby. Perched on the inside of the shoes were the two test sticks you had taken.
"Wha-?" His question died down on his lips as he pulled the sticks and stared at it for a long minute.
You bit your lip worried about what he was going to say. The silence stretched like eternity as Henry stared at the shoes and the tests, making you anxious and scared. You stood up slowly to ask if he was okay when Henry burst into tears. He brought both of his hands up to his eyes as his body shook with his sobs escaping his lips.
"Henry," You called out and walked up to him. "Babe," You kneeled down in front of him as he cried with the shoes still in his hands.
"Is this... Real?" He asked between his sobs.
You gently pulled his hands away from his face. Your eyes filled up with tears too as his tear stained face came into view. His lips quivered as fresh tears began forming in his eyes. Kal came quickly to your side as he was worried about his dad too.
"I could have told you on the phone but," You took the shoes from his hands and placed them inside the box. Keeping the box on the floor you took Henry's hands in yours and smiled at him. "I wanted to make it special."
"What did you mean by you'll be okay with whatever I decide?" He sniffed, turning his hands in yours and entwining your fingers with his. "You think I won't want the baby?"
"I don't know," You felt your tears stream down your face. You were so worried that Henry might not want a child since he had a couple of projects lined up. You were worried if he did say no, what were you supposed to do.
"Baby," He let go of your hands and took your face in his. "I have waited so long to be a dad. This is the best day of my life. Thank you so much, baby." He couldn't control his tears either. "I love you." He could barely mumble as his voice cracked.
He tugged you towards him and placed a soft kiss on your lips. You hugged him and stood up as he made you sit on his lap. With a hand gently placed on your belly, Henry wiped the tears from his face.
He pulled his phone from his pocket and handed it to you. "Would you like to capture this moment?"
"I have a feeling you are going to post it online." You wiped your cheeks too before taking his phone. "Crop me out please. I'm not ready to tell the world." He nodded before you raised the phone up and clicked a picture.
Later in the day after all the happy cuddles and a brief discussion of baby names, you retreated to the bedroom to snuggle with Kal. Your phone chimed as you got notified about a post made by Henry on Instagram.
A smile crept up your lips as you stared at the picture of your husband, the one you had clicked, where he had expertedly cropped you out of it. You shook your head as you read the caption.
Gently rubbing your belly, you whispered to your unborn child. "Your dad is such a nerd. But no one will love you more than he will, little one."
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Tagging: @wanderlustkitkat @michelehansel @stephartrave @yuhsophie @hennerslionhat @henrythickcavill @eldarwen333 @peakygroupie @klaine-92 @thelastsock @indigosaurus @oddsnendsfanfics @viking-raider @cavillliketravel @geralt-of-baevia @achaoticaugust @dancingwendigo @littlefreya @luclittlepond @mansaaay @agniavateira @inlovewithhisblueeyes @henryobsessed @henryfanfics101 @poucinette1333 @ohmygoodie @oolicity @momowhoo @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @asyverson @singeramg @supersweetstache @demivampirew @cavills-cavalry @raspberrydreamclouds @fuckoffbard @the-soot-sprite @hell1129-blog @inthenameofcavill @heartfelt-pen @shyinadarkplace @mary-ann84 @toomanyfandomsshreya @madbaddic7ed @mariestark @feralrunaway @infinite-shite @killjoy-assbutt-1112 @its--fandom--darling
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shionu27cosplay · 2 years
Cosplay on a Budget
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As we all know cosplay can be a VERY expensive hobby, especially if your making your own outfits from scratch. Even if you prefer to buy your cosplays shipping costs can be crazy expensive and quality can be hit or miss. This post will give reads tips to make (or buy pieces) of cosplay for a very affordable price.
Most of my cosplays are relatively cheap. Unless I'm doing a very big project that need specific materials then my budget is almost always under $40.00cad Both my Max and Ellie cosplays cost me around $5.00 to make, so how did I get away with this? The answer is more simple then you may think. 
Picking your Character
First I would highly recommend making a list of planned cosplays (mine is on my Instagram highlights) Characters that you wish/ hope to dress up as in the future [This is purely so you can see all your options for outfit you want to create] I find character from comic and video game to be the most simple for me to cosplay. (not always tho, “Genshin I'm looking at you!”) Pick a character that you already have 1 half of already. (with light alterations)
For example, I already had the pants and shoes for Ellie and Max so all I would have to focus on are the tops and wigs (if needed) Sometimes these parts may need light alterations such as my “MC” cosplay from Mystic Messenger. I had everything for the outfit already, but had to add the yellow circles on the shoulders of the jacket. Don’t be afraid to do small alterations because they can really pull a cosplay together!
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Main Pieces 
Pick out the main pieces that makes the character identifiable, usually this is a wig, shirt, coat or even a prop. These are the items that should have the main part of your budget and attention. You would have no idea who I was cosplaying for my MC cosplay if I didn’t have 707′s coat, same with Max and Ellie and there tshirts. So how can I make these piece well on a budget? 
Thrifting is something I will always recommend not only can you find cheap fabrics but your cosplay becomes more environmentally friendly (especially with fast fashion now a days) You can find props, clothes and fabric all pretty cheap at thrift stores just keep an eye out. My biggest tip for this, is not to only look at big chain thrift store such as Value Village but also smaller locally owned ones. Chances are, they have stuff that can be a lot cheaper and there can be some very interesting finds. 
*Dollar Stores
The dollar store is great for finding materials for cheap, for example its cheaper for me to buy a shirt at the dollar store ($1.00) rather then a thrift store ($3.00) Keep prices in mind. My main point for the dollar store is that the crafting supplies are cheaper here then Walmart or Michaels. I needed clay and it was way, way cheaper to get it at the dollar store compared to Michaels or Amazon. They also have just a bunch a weird stuff that you won’t even think to use. Please keep quantity in mind tho, Ribbon is cheaper at the dollar store for 1 meter ($3.00) while amazon is a bit more but you get more then double for a $1 more - 5 meters (4.00) so please keep an eye on the size and prices. 
*Online Fabric Shopping  
“Idk about yall but fabric is stupid expensive where I live” There are so many great store online that have unique fabrics for amazing prices some can also send you samples before you place your full orders. My favourite website is “Overseas Fabrics” there quality and customer serves is amazing. 
Tip - Don’t Stress for Perfection 
If your doing a cheaper cosplay don’t be scared to change the outfits design a bit. If your thrifting and you can’t find the prefect shirt don't over stress. Let's say you need a light pink shirt with a vneck line and you find a shirt with an off pink but it's has the prefect neck line; but then you find another shirt without the vneck line but it's the prefect shade of pink. pick which ever you think will work best for the outfit. (I find getting the right colour is better depending on the outfit) The best example I have for this is my Kaori cosplay. The dress cut is off but the colour and flow of the dress was prefect! I usually go by “if I can tell who it is then others will too” Be happy with what you make.
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Can’t Sew?
Can't sew, don't have a sewing machine? All good there are so many cosplays you can do without sewing. My Ellie and Max cosplays were all out of my closet except the shirts. The shirts were thrifted and from and dollar store all I had to do was paint the designs on. Don't fret you don't need to be an artist. Simply find an image of the design online, print it out and cut out the design and paint over the cutout parts. Here a very simple tutorial of what I mean. You can use fabric paint but I personally use acrylics because there cheaper. You will have to paint more coats and it may washout but with my past experience, I've never had problems with paint washing out or cracking.
As much as I hate say "hot glue it" hot glue is a great tool. It's cheap (you can get the glue gun and glue sticks at the dollar store) and its time efficient. The only thing I would recommend tho is try and hand sew some parts of it before gluing just to reinforce it. (even if your hand sewing is trash, like mine is) Hot glue has almost always failed me when it wasn't reinforced.
Props and Cost?
If you are interested in prop making or do it as a hobby you may know it can be super expensive. There are so many creative ways to make props cheaply. First it may sound nuts but try cardboard and card stock. There is an AMAZING YouTube channel called "Jette Crafts" he make so many props- weapons, helmet, armor all out of cardboard. Better yet ALL his patterns are free! (only thing I suggest is to use primer and spray paint for when painting. It just looks better[he uses acrylics]this is just a preference tho) If you are new to prop making and are looking for practice or don't know where to start, this is a great spot. Many (not all) of his patterns also work with foam.
Cardboard not your thing or something seems to detailed to make? Try thrifting or used sites (used victoria, kajiji, facebook market, ect) to look for toy sword or guns (I can't make guns out of foam to save my life lol) There are parents all the time giving away nerf guns for free or for super cheap online ($5-$10) . You can sand these done, use clay, glue and other tools to make them look more like the actual prop. The thing that always sells it for me is the paint job. If the colours look similar to the original then you've done a good job. I'm linking a super amazing video here, as an example.
So you don't want to put in the time for cardboard or can't find any bases online, or you just have your heart set on 3D printing your prop. As many know 3D printing can be very expensive, if your buying online. Chances are there is a community printer in your area. There's usually a community printer at high schools, colleges, university's or even libraries! As long as you have the STL files (pretty good site for stl files) you can usually pay a fee and have your item printed. I personally am a part of a cosplay club so I know people who work with printers, but my collage and public library both have 3D printer that people can book. Prices will depend of course so keep it in mind!
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Take away
Be creative, cosplay can be expensive but it doesn't have to be. Look in your communities because people give away free stuff all the time. You may not find the "perfect" item but if it brings you joy or spark the creative process, looks similar to the photo or reference, go for it! There are always amazing ideas on YouTube and online for making something cheaper. This post is meant to give people ideas even tho a lot of it seems generic go to as many places as possible to find material. "That's part of the fun"
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ping-ping-ying · 4 years
ATEEZ as Yanderes! PT. 1/11
⚠️WARNING⚠️ : toxic relationships, mental, physical, and emotional abuse, mentions of death/murder, descriptive violence, kidnapping,
⚠️Disclaimer⚠️ : these are ALL FICTIONAL, and my OWN personal opinions and perceptions on the boys. Yanderes are NOT to be taken lightly or romanticized, these types of people are REAL and are/can be very dangerous. These kinds of stories are ONLY for entertainment. If you know anyone like this in real life, please get help!
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Worship Yandere
"I'll do anything for you! I'll even kill for you! Please use me however you want!"
Hongjoong DEFINITELY strikes me as the worship yandere
Stalking would be highly likely
So he can know exactly what you like and don't like
Whether it be clothes, movies, your favorite historical event, it didn't natter
He took EXTREME action into knowing everything about you before he actually confronted you
When he first met you, he didn't just fall in love with your personality, but EVERYTHING about you
You didn't know but he was basically putty in your hands
Not that you would ever know
At first you were weirded out by him, due to him being so quiet, and his wandering eyes always staring at you
If you are upset, he will do ANYTHING to make you feel better
Someone at work/school made you upset?
You heard the news of that persons death the following week
You wanted a new pair of shoes that you couldn't afford?
Expect to have a whole closet filled with new shoes
No matter what you do, HE WILL NEVER hurt you
Like- ever
You could betray him, from the point of no return and he'd still worship you
Hongjoong doesn't care if you don't love him, he will still aim to please you at all times
He doesn't like killing people, he will only kill if they seem like a threat to you or your happiness
Doesn't realize he's being too clingy and possessive
But you say nothing in fear of hurting him
Hongjoong isn't that big of a softie once you get to know him
His cute, shy, and introvert persona would fade gradually over time
It was actually unnoticeable since the shift in character was cleverly planned out
Eventually you caught him in the act of beating up one of your friends because he was jealous that you were spending more time with them than with him
You called off your relationship immediately
He wouldn't fight you on the matter
But that won't stop him from secretly buying you things or taking care of your "problems"
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Sadistic Yandere
"It hurts? That's your fault! Next time learn your lesson and stop looking at other men!"
I know exactly what you're thinking
I have thought about it, and to me Seonghwa strikes me as this type of Yandere the most
Seonghwa was also HIGHLY intelligent
He knew EXACTLY how to make you fall for him
It didn't matter how long it took
You were going to be his
Made sure to be your typical Wattpad fan fiction boy, whether you wanted him to be that "bad boy" or "good boy"
In the end he decided to try the good boy persona
When he met you, everything had to be perfect
He rehearsed lines ahead of time, and practiced until he had the courage to face you
It was at a summer carnival event, he helped you win a prize at the strength game
From the moment you looked into his eyes, you were putty in his hands
After almost a year of knowing each other, and a couple months of dating, things were going great
That was, until you decided to hang out with your old friends from high school
You invited Seonghwa to be your date to the gathering, and it was hell for him
The way you completely disobeyed his unspoken rules of talking to other men that wasnt him
The final straw that made him break his character was when it was time to leave and you have your male friend a big hug while giving him that smile that makes Seonghwas heart melt
When you got home he grabbed and dragged you to the bedroom
"Seonghwa what are you-"
He smacked you a couple more times before he pushed you on the bed and decided you needed a lesson
Would torture you, sexually or plain physically
Don't scream or beg, it only fuels his drive to punish you
Will not stop until HE beileves you learned your lesson
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Self-Harm Yandere
"Hey... look at me... look at me... look, there's so much blood coming out..."
Through your relationship, Yunho was pretty normal
Until you accidentally forgot to give him his goodnight kiss and hug
It was ONE night, because you were so exhausted from working/school and you passed out on the couch
In his mind, that one mistake told him that you didn't love him anymore
This Yandere has two sub units
One where they start harming themselves in private, and the second one, harming themselves openly
Yunho started off doing it privately
He planned this strategically
When you noticed cuts and bruises on his wrist the next day, you questioned him frantically
To which he nonchalantly explained that he hurt himself at the gym
But you weren't an idoit
You KNEW these particular kinds of injuries were caused by self harming
But you didn't press the issue because you assumed it was a sensitive topic for him, and didn't want to trigger him
Yunho began to lose trust in you
He was scared you would end up leaving him one day
All because of that ONE night
Even though after that one night, the normal goodnight kisses and hugs continued
But to Yunho it wasn't the same
So when you came home one day later in the evening, you and Yunho got into an argument
A very HEATED argument
It ended up with you saying his WORST FEAR
"If you don't stop this right now, we are over !"
That's when he snapped
"You're breaking up with me?!"
"If you don't stop acting like a selfish jackass then yes!"
Honey that's all he needed to hear to send him into a frenzy
He started punching himself in the face, to the point where his mouth started bleeding
He ignored you and then grabbed a sharp knife from the kitchen and sliced all over his arms, legs, torso, and face
You began to cry, and fear for your life
You backed up and was about to dial 911 when he yelled out,
You acted quickly and raced over to him cautiously trying to get him to stop
"Yunho baby I'm not leaving you!"
"Honey I didn't mean what I said! We were arguing and I just said something cruel but please know that I won't leave you ever! I love you."
"I promise now stop hurting yourself please!"
Yunho did what you asked and then started to break down and cry
You engulfed him in a big hug and whispered sweet nothings into his ear
All the while, Yunho smirked, and smiled wickedly while crying
His plan worked
There was no way you were ever going to leave him now
Or so he thought........
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Stalker Yandere
"Do you ever get the feeling you're being watched?"
Yeosang is a man who likes to live off the radar
No one really seems him or acknowledges his existence unless he makes himself known
So stalking you everyday was no problem
You were oblivious to the fact he stalked you day and night
But that doesn't mean you didn't have any strange feelings
For the past three years you always had this sense of uneasiness
You didn't know how to explain it exactly
But you felt that you were always on the defense
Ready for something unexpected to happen to you
And not in a good way
Whenever you confessed these feelings, people would laugh and say that you're paranoid
And yes you were paranoid, because your psyche never lies, it's there for a reason
"I'm serious! Maybe I'm being stalked or something."
"Who would want to stalk you? You don't do anything."
A brutal attack, but the statement was true nonetheless
But that never set your psyche at ease
And the most fucked up thing about your whole "paranoia" was that Yeosang was in your life
He was your neighbor
And the two of you were quite acquainted
Granted Yeosang didn't exactly LIVE in that house down the street, but you'd never know
He would take run around the neighborhood for exercise and would stop to talk to you if he saw you
He played the role of the normal neighbor a little TOO well
Stalking Yanderes CAN be violent, but Yeosang wasn't
It would ruin his ability to stalk you in peace
He never hurt your, or the people around you
One day he told you a riddle that had you stumped completely
You loved when he told you riddles because it was like a little traditional thing whenever you two say each other
"Everyone has it, but no one can lose it."
This riddle had you stumped for days, and you didn't want to cheat by looking it up online
So by magic chance two days later, at night when you were laying in bed in the dark trying to sleep, the answer hit you
Instead of getting giddy with excitement that you fianlly figured out his riddles like you usually did, it made you feel, puzzled
The way his voice sounded as he told you the riddle
The smile that was staining his face as he did, had your psyche going crazy
You needed to calm yourself, because it was just a riddle, nothing more, and nothing less
So you drifted off into sleep and mumbled the words,
"A shadow."
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Training Yandere
"Say you love me... SAY IT, SAY THAT YOU LOVE ME! SAY IT!"
This is why I didn't label San as the sadistic Yandere
Even though he could have easily slipped into that category
But not with this one chile
Unlike the Sadistic Yandere, San doesn't like causing you pain, it hurts him deeply to see you in pain
A lot of Atinys (myself included) are so used to San being labeled as "the demon" or "possessed" when it comes to his stage presence or when it comes to NSFW AUs
But you need to remember that San is actually a bubbly, clingy little cupcake off stage
So that's why I stuck him with the Training Yandere
But you need to be trained, so he has no choice but to hurt you
He easily kidnapped you after breaking into your home and drugging your food.
You didn't know who San was, never saw him a day in your life
But San was convinced that you'd known each other for years
(I can also sense a tiny bit of the Delusional Yandere in this one, but like I said A TINY bit)
In the basement you were, chained to a chair like an animal
He came skipping down the stairs happily and had a plate of food for you
"Now you can eat if you say the magic words."
San chuckled at your response
In normal situations yes that is the magic word, but San said "words" not "word".
"No that's not it."
"Well then what it is?"
"You know what it is silly."
The confused look on your face made San beileve you were lying, and that you were just being a brat
He hated brats
"Alright I see you're still going with this-"
He brought out his bag filled with torture equipment
And that's when you lost all sense of reality
You kept telling yourself that you were dreaming
It was the only logical explanation for this situation
"Awe don't cry, just say the magic words and you can be free of your restraints."
"The magic words are "I love you".
(Y/N why couldn't you just play along tsk tsk)
"Oh boy, I was hoping we wouldn't have to do this."
The first tool he got out was a hammer, a big, hammer
And he released one of your hands only to hold it down on the table next to him
"You have ten fingers, let's see if you can say the words before we get to ten."
He aimed for your pointer finger and slammed the hammer down on it with all his might
You screamed bloody murder as you felt the pain shoot through your body
But you still didn't say anything
He slammed the hammer on your middle finger
You still didn't say anything, how could you with all the pain you're in
The next finger
No response
The next finger
No response
San was getting frustrated, but didn't show it
He eventually broke all ten of your fingers, and was amazed at your strength of not giving in
But that's just the more violent he had to be
Next on the list, was your face
He slapped and punched you repeatedly, blood getting everywhere and your vision becoming blurry
But you STILL didn't give in
San had enough
He grabbed a knife from his bag and held it at your feet
This was also the final straw for you
You can live with broken fingers, but not feet
"I'm sorry for being a brat, please forgive me! I love you!"
"Oh darling! I knew it!"
Of course you were lying, but he didn't know that
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sillyrabbit81 · 4 years
Her Heavy Cross
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Summary: Three years after tragedy hits, Lana she decides to start dating again. She meets Will through a dating app and they begin an online romance. After months of constant requests, Lana relents and agrees to meet and go on an irl date with Will. But is Will who he says he is? Lana is quickly pulled into an intense relationship forcing her to confront her tragic past. Will Lana face it or will she close her heart forever?
Pairing: OMC x OFC
Word Count: approx 3.8k
Warnings: swearing, smut, masturbation
Authors Note: The story started as a Henry Cavill fanfiction but I changed it to be an original character, but shades of Henry are still there. Hope you enjoy the story and thanks for reading.
Part 16 Part 18
Part 17
We got back to Liam's a couple of hours later. I felt exhausted by the time we got back. Finding the right shoes had been a nightmare. I have wide feet and struggled to find something I didn't feel like I was spilling out of.
In a surreal moment, I had found myself debating on whether I should get the Blahnik's or Louboutin's. The prices were unreal, and considering the most expensive shoes I had before those were my Dr Marten's Made in England 1460s, I was out of my depth.
This shop assistant in the shoe department was amazing. He said to go for the Louboutin's because "every woman should have at least one pair in her collection." He made me laugh and was helpful, so despite my misgivings on spending even more on the shoes than the dress, I got them.
The bag had been an easy purchase after that. I got a silver glitter Jimmie Choo clutch. It was half the shoes' price and felt like a bargain.
I hung my dress up, put my shoes and bag in Liam's dressing room and went downstairs to eat lunch with Liam.
"Thank you so much for today. I feel a bit better about the whole thing now that I know what I'm going to wear. One less thing to worry about," I said after we had eaten and packed up. I put my arms around Liam's neck and kissed him.
"You're welcome, Sweetheart. You looked so beautiful in that dress." He kissed me back. "Do you want me to get Ryan to organise an alteration?"
I scoffed, "No, he's probably got enough to do taking care of your shit." I winked. "I can do that tomorrow. I'll also get Jen to do my hair and makeup."
"Riza's wife?" Liam asked.
"Yeah, she does hair and makeup for weddings and formals, so she knows what she's doing."
"Tell her to bring Riza when she comes here, and I can meet them both."
"I'm getting ready here?"
"Yeah, I thought you would. Otherwise, you'll have to get from your place to here all dressed up. And you'll have Perrin with you."
He had a point. "Ok, so next week I'm staying at your place from Thursday until Sunday? Then going to David's and what? Will you stay at mine on Sunday night? Then you come back here on Monday?" Oh, this was complicated.
"Yeah," Liam said like it was no big deal. When you live half your life out of a suitcase, things like that aren't a big deal. Liam looked at his watch. "When do you have to leave?"
"I've got to be at Dave's in a few hours."
"That's just enough time."
"For what?" I asked.
The only warning I got was Liam's bloody twitchy lip. My eyes went wide, and he hoisted over his shoulder again. "For me to have my way with you."
He ran up the two flights of stairs to his bedroom with me giggling at his feat of strength and fitness. I was let down gently on my feet.
I expected Liam to rush me, but he didn't. He brushed my hair from my face as he looked at me with a gentle smile. He seemed so sweet and open that I couldn't help but smile back. I held his hand to my cheek, relishing its warmth, then kissed his palm.
Liam expelled a breath with a short laugh, and his smile grew larger. "I got you another present," he said. "I was going to give it to you on Thursday, but," he rubbed my earlobe, "I can't wait."
"You're very impatient."
Liam nodded. "Wait here." He went to his dressing room and returned with a small jewellery box. Real small. Ring sized small.
I took a step back. I felt cold, sick and my guts churned. Surely, he wasn't that stupid.
Liam looked at me, confused. "Lana, are you ok? You've gone white." I didn't look at him. All I could look at was that little black box. I shook my head.
Liam followed my gaze and must have finally realised why I was looking so sick because he chuckled and said, "it's not what it looks like, Lana." I looked at him, and his eyes twinkled in amusement.
I felt the colour return to my face and covered my face in my hands. "Thank God." I felt a little sheepish.
Still grinning, Liam pulled his hands away from my face and said, "one day, Sweetheart, I certainly hope it will be. Today, however, it's earrings." He opened the box, and inside were two perfect white pearls below a black onyx and diamond setting. They were beautiful. "I know you were joking when you said you needed matching earrings." He shrugged, "I couldn't help myself."
"You got these today? When?"
"I have a confession." Liam's smile was mischievous. "I didn't have to buy a shirt."
I shook my head at Liam, grinning, "you cheeky bastard." I got on my toes and kissed Liam on the cheek. "Thank-you. They are beautiful."
"Will you wear them now?" I nodded and started to take my earrings out. "Let me," Liam said.
Sweeping my hair away from my ear, Liam took my small gold hoops out and put his gift in my ears. He smiled a brilliant smile, revealing just a hint of his teeth. "Perfect," he said, leaning down to kiss me all too briefly. "Go look in the mirror, tell me what you think."
I looked in the mirror in the dressing room, and they were perfect. I played with the earrings. They had such a beautiful yet simple elegance to the design. I felt silly wearing them in my jeans and Joy Division t-shirt.
Going back to Liam, I hugged him again. "Thank-you." I looked into his eyes, so blue and open, and I felt my own tearing up. "You've made me feel special today."
I don't know why I cried. I just knew I felt a warmth in my body, my stomach quivered, and my heart felt like it was trying to escape my chest. I was confused by my feelings. They made me ache, they made me scared, but I also felt happy and safe.
Liam cupped my face with his hands. "Lana, you make me feel that way every day." Using his thumbs, he wiped my tears away.
My next words took us both by surprise. "Make love to me, please?" I didn't mean to say it. The words just fell out as I was swept up in the moment. But it was what I wanted. I wanted to feel love from him, have him hold me again like he had yesterday morning, have him break through my defences, help me tear them down. But more important than what I wanted was what I wanted to give. I wanted to hold him, kiss and caress him, show him how I felt about him.
Liam's face took on a series of changes, moving rapidly from one to another. First, his eyes widened, then he smiled, then his eyes hooded. Finally, he nodded and licked his lips. He leaned down to kiss me, and I closed my eyes. Tenderly, he kissed me, each kiss feathery and light. The ache between my legs was sudden and intense. I kissed him back, matching his mood.
I held Liams head while I got on my toes and kissed his neck. He let out a short groan as I trailed my kisses to his throat. He threw his head back, exposing his whole neck. His hand went to my head, holding me to him. I kissed under his jaw, and his stubble felt sharp on my lips and tongue. I moved down his throat, over his Adam's apple and into the shallow hollow at the base of his neck. Liam ran his fingers through my hair as I went.
I put my hands under his shirt and lifted it, pulling it off with Liam's help. His bare chest made my breath catch, and I reached out to touch him, pausing just short as I had the first night I met him. I smiled at the memory and looked at Liam as I let my fingers sink into his furry chest, his curly hair enveloping them as they did. For a moment, I just let myself feel his warmth through my fingers.
Sliding my arms around his waist, I kissed Liam's shoulder. I felt Liam's hands on my hips, but he let me kiss at his chest as I liked, not hindering me at all, not hurrying me, letting me take my time, allowing me to take control. I travelled across his chest with my hands, mouth and tongue, heat spreading throughout my body as I went. Liam's breath was shallow and rapid as I kissed him. I savoured his smell, texture and taste, hoping to hold onto this moment until I saw him again.
Wanting to feel Liam's skin against my own, I took my shirt and bra off. I embraced Liam as he slid his arms around me, his hands feeling their way up my back. I put a hand to his head and lead his lips to mine. I kissed him slowly, leisurely, enjoying his soft lips while I licked and sucked.
I brought my hips close to Liam's, and we both gasped as we touched.
"Lana," Liam pleaded, rolling his hips into mine, his movements slow and deliberate. "Please, Lana. I need you."
Kissing Liam again, I reached for his pants, undoing his belt. He grabbed for mine, and we undressed each other. Our kisses continued, neither of us wanting to break away. Liam kicked off his shoes and socks and stepped out of his pants. I tried to take mine off, but bloody skinny jeans and Doc's are not easy to kick off.
Liam chuckled when he saw my difficulties. My face warmed. He kissed me as he put his hands under my bottom and lifted me, carrying me the few steps to his bed and sat me on the edge. He got down on his knees and undid my laces, and took my boots and socks off. He pulled my pants and underwear off. To complete the replay of our first night, he held my ankles in his hands before he ran his fingers up my legs, making my skin break out in gooseflesh and my spine shiver.
Smiling at my response, Liam covered his body with mine, and I wrapped my legs around him. Slipping an arm under my waist, he lifted me off the bed and moved me up until my head lay on the pillows. Liam held his weight above me, his powerful arms out outstretched next to my head. He looked so beautiful above me, muscles taut, skin lightly tanned, his face sincere and genuine.
Liam let his body rest on mine, his arms sliding around my shoulders. He let some of his weight onto me, asking, "I'm not too heavy, am I?" I shook my head and nuzzled into his shoulder, sliding my hands under his arms to pull him closer.
Liam made a slight noise of discomfort and rearranged himself before holding me again. I moved my hips and felt myself effortlessly slide against him. A moan escaped my lips as I felt his sex rub against my folds and my point of pleasure. Flares of heat came with each passing, and my mouth sought him, needing his lips, his tongue like I needed air. He kissed me back, and I felt the same need from him, the same desire, the same hunger.
Moving his hips, Liam positioned himself to enter me. He lifted his head and looked at me, his eyes searching for confirmation. I nodded, and he watched my face as he slowly entered me, stretching me, filling me.
It felt like I was whole for the first time in years.
Holding himself still, Liam asked, "are you ok?". Not trusting my voice, I nodded. It didn't help, and the tears came anyway. Liam went to pull out, but I held him with my legs, locking my ankles together.
"Please, don't." My voice was a whisper. Putting a hand to his cheek, I kissed him, my lips firm and my tongue needy. He kissed me back a moment but then stopped and looked at me again.
"But you're crying." He said.
"I'm happy, you idiot," I said softly, smiling at him through my tears.
Liam let out a short laugh. He kissed me again and said, "me too, Lana." He held me tight against him.
We moved with each other, our bodies rocking slowly together. We sometimes kissed, we sometimes just closed our eyes and enjoyed the sensations. Mostly we looked at each other, small smiles on our lips.
"I'm close, Lana," Liam whispered to me.
I smiled at him and nodded. His gentle thrusts became harder now, and I looked into his eyes, watching his expressions change until he called my name, and I felt him release into me.
He let his head fall into the crook of my neck, his deep breaths tickling me. I stroked his hair and caressed his back. We stayed like that, holding each other. It seemed neither of us wanted this moment to end.
I felt Liam's whole weight fall on me as I heard soft snores start in my ear. I chuckled to myself, the poor guy was all tuckered out. I looked over at the bedside clock. I had a bit more time before having to leave, so I stayed holding him until his breaths where long and he had fallen deep into sleep.
I waited until the last possible second before I wriggled out from under Liam and went to have a quick shower. Liam had let me out from under him in his sleep and rolled over. I didn't want to wake him, so I showered upstairs instead of in his ensuite.
I dressed quietly, got my stuff together, went over to Liam, and kissed him on his forehead. He had hummed and tried to grab hold of me in his sleep, but I stepped away, and he relaxed back into sleep.
On the way out, I patted Cole and said goodbye. Cole, being a gentleman, walked me to the garage.
Perrin was happy to see me when I got to Dave's. He dawdled over to me and gave me some licks. It seemed like the kids had worn him out.
The kids weren't tired, though, and begged me to play on the trampoline with them. I rolled my eyes and said to Perrin, "I feel your pain."
Dave, the smart-arse, said to the kids, "I think your Aunty Lana had a big weekend, guys." Smirking, he continued, "she's probably had a lot of exercise."
"You're a dickhead." I said back to him.
The kids giggled their heads off, laughing that "Aunty Lany said a bad word!" I made my eyes go wide and smacked myself on the hand. They laughed and went to play, pulling Perrin along with him.
I said hi to Lucy, who was grinning like a crazy woman but trying hard not to. I laughed at her, blushing furiously. "Stop it," I told her. She just shook her head.
"Come on! Why didn't you tell us? Is he as nice in real life as he seems? Oh God, is he as hot? What's he like?" Lucy gushed.
"Oi," Dave said to her. "Ease up." Lucy just laughed and brushed him off.
"Yeah, he is as nice, really sweet. Funny, exciting and yes, very hot." We giggled.
"Awww," Lucy sighed. "Lana, I'm happy for you. I didn't even know you were dating again."
"Well, yeah, I only started a few months ago. Liam's the only one I had any real interest in."
"How'd you meet him?" Lucy asked. Dave nodded, also wanting to know.
I told them about the Will/Liam thing. They didn't seem to think it was as big a deal as I had thought, but I guess they weren't the ones who went through it. I told them a bit about what happened when we meet, how we had spent the last two weekends together. I left out all the gory details. I also told them about the plan for this week, the premiere, and asking Liam if he wanted to spend Easter Sunday with us.
Lucy squealed and jumped up and down. Dave rolled his eyes at her and agreed it would be good to meet him.
"You know Mum will be there, right?" Dave said.
"Yeah, I know." I scoffed. "Maybe Liam will be the guy to meet her expectations finally."
Dave laughed at that, "Yeah, well, he's got money, so she should be happy about that. He's not a CEO, though, so you still might be in trouble." He was probably right.
My phone rang then, and it was Liam. I must have had a massive smile on my face because Lucy made an "ooooh" noise at me. I hushed her and went outside.
"Hey," I said, my voice was already breathy.
"Hi, Sweetheart," Liam sounded a bit groggy.
"Did you just wake up?"
"Hmm, yes. Sorry. You should have woken me up. I didn't get to say goodbye." He sounded like he was pouting.
"Yeah, I know. But you just looked so sweet laying there, snoring like a chainsaw."
"I do not snore like a chainsaw." He paused, "do I?"
I laughed, "No. You do snore, but it's pretty soft."
He laughed. Then he asked, "are you at your brother's house?"
"I will let you get back to it then. Call me later tonight?"
"Yeah, I will." I paused, building up the courage to say what I wanted to say, but Liam beat me to it.
"Thank you, Lana."
"For what?"
"For forgiving my bullshit and for pushing you. For letting me get close to you. For letting me be with you. For trying to fit into my world when I know it scares you. For being you. For everything."
For once, I didn't feel like I had to make a joke or change the subject. But I also didn't know what to say. "Thank-you." It was all I had.
"Call me tonight, Sweetheart?" Liam asked again.
I agreed, then hung up.
After dinner, Perrin and I went home. I didn't feel like staying later. The kids were disappointed, but I was tired. I knew it would be a big week, and I wanted to try to get a good night's sleep.
I called Riza on the way home, and we talked a bit about the weekend. She told me a bit about her work and her arsehole boss. I asked her if I could speak to Jen for a minute.
"Sure, but why?"
"Well," I said dramatically. "I'm going to a premiere on Thursday evening, and I need someone to do my hair and make-up."
"Jen, get over here!" Riza yelled, and her voice was so loud through my car speakers that Perrin barked.
"Christ, Riz."
She laughed and said, sorry. Before she handed me to Jen, she said, "Thanks Lana, she will be so happy."
"Why will I be happy?" Jen asked. I told her, and she was quiet a minute. "Really, Lana?"
"Yeah, who else would I get to do it?"
"Can I put it on Instagram? Like a picture of you two all ready?"
I knew she would ask that. She did it for most of her clients. "Yeah, but don't mention anything about it before then. Just after I'm ready, you can put a picture up. I don't know if Liam will want to be mentioned or have a picture, but I'm happy for you to ask him."
"Oh, Lana, thank you! This could boost my business."
"I know, that's why I'm ok with it. I mean, there's going to be photos out there of me anyway, so I hope it will help you get some more work."
Jen and I talked about what I was wearing and how I wanted my hair. I told her I had no idea, so she got all excited and said she knew exactly what to do. Before I hung up, I gave Jen the address and time and told her Liam asked if Riza could come because he wanted to meet her.
"Wow, Lana. You guys are serious, huh?"
"Yeah, Jen, I think we are." We hung up not long after that.
Later that night, I called Liam, and I told him I'd sorted Jen to come over and told Dave he would come for Easter.
He seemed pleased, and we talked a bit about Riza and Jen before I told Liam I was tired and wanted to go to sleep.
I was tired, but I couldn't sleep. My brain wouldn't shut off. I kept thinking about being at school tomorrow and seeing the parents. Then I started thinking about Thursday and what Myra and the others would think of me. What it would be like to do that walk down the red carpet. I know a lot of the press will just want photos of Liam, so I'll have to stand there looking like an idiot while he poses. But worse will be when I have to stand with him. I could just imagine pictures of us, Liam looking dashing and me looking like a deer in headlights.
I started Googling how to pose on the red carpeting even got out of bed and tried a few before feeling like a total dag and getting back into bed. I wanted to back out. I didn't want to do it. I couldn't believe I had said yes to it. But I remembered Liam's face when I said I would go, and I knew that's why I had said yes.
I thought about how sweet Liam had been to me all day, how beautiful he had made me feel,  how he had tried to make the whole thing easier, how he had kissed me and held me. How he had whispered my name as we made love.
I felt the heat between my legs grow. I tossed and turned a bit, trying to make it go away. I felt hot, so I took my pyjamas off. I tossed and turned some more. I tried to ignore it but I couldn't.
I went to my draw and got out my rabbit-style vibrator. I touched myself, and I was ready for it. I closed my eyes as I slipped it inside. I thought about Liam as I did. He was thicker than my slim vibrator but just as long. I positioned its ear against my clit and put it to the setting and speed I liked.
I held it there. I thought of Liam's gravelly voice in my ear and could almost feel his breath on my neck. I let my free hand wander over my body, remembering watching as Liam touched me. I thought of how he looked at me sometimes with a small smile, his eyes dancing with amusement as his lip twitched.
As I got closer to the edge, I thought about earlier that day, the way he held me, how gentle and tender he was. I remembered how it felt as I kissed his chest and his hairs tickled my nose. I remembered his smell, earthy and masculine, like the bush after it rained. I fell over the edge when I remembered how he had called my name as he orgasmed, my own rippling through me in waves as his voice rang in my ears.
Not long after that, I finally fell asleep.
Part 18
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thevirgodoll · 4 years
I've been married for 3 years now - this man-child has physically, emotionally + financially abused me. He allows me to "buy whatever I want" but I don't. I know he'll complain later. I also realized while being in this relationship that I may be a heteroromantic bisexual... so for me the relationship is really difficult. I keep the peace so he doesn't retaliate. I'm scared to leave 😟 and anxious he'll retaliate and mention my sexuality to my Caribbean family..
This is really serious to me so I will keep this straightforward...
1. You are going to need to understand how dire this is.
You cannot keep living like this. I’m sure you know this. We need to create a plan. You are going to have to let go of your suspicions involving your sexuality. Your safety is way more important right now, and if you work ahead of him, you can remain safe and unbothered by his tactics.
->A friend that he doesn’t know where they live is best or a family member that you can trust with the details of the violent relationship.
-> If you simply decide you want to go to a domestic violence shelter or women’s refuge, you do not have to give identifying information about yourself, even if asked.
-> You’re going to need to develop a support system over time for when you decide to leave. Your family and friends should care more about your safety. This way you can outsmart him and he will not smear campaign you.
-> Avoid the middle of the night because it will make it worse. You’re going to have to be acting seemingly normal when you leave. Have a plan.
2. Take everything with you. Your license, social security card, birth certificate. You have to get your documents together. Credit cards, debit cards, money. Change of clothes, etcetera.
-> Take the essentials. I mean this. If you’re going to get out it needs to be the essentials only, and your other items such as jewelry etc you can send to loved ones
-> You may need to buy a cheap prepaid phone that he cannot contact you on... with a spare sim card
-> Send any clothes you cannot take with you to your friend and disguise it as a donation. Begin sending things to friends over time if that is your plan.
3. Begin speaking with an attorney...
-> If something goes wrong, notify the police of your ongoing situation. Don’t file stuff until you’re safe...
-> Work should be notified as well.
4. Be aware at all times.
-> You have to stop trusting him. You have to outsmart him.
-> Once you do successfully get out, he may go on a smear campaign involving your sexuality if he knows this detail, your reputation, anything to distract you and keep you vulnerable and going back. Do not listen to it. You have to be 10 steps ahead of him.
-> Do not use computers in your home........be smart enough to delete history or use computers somewhere else. Use a computer at work, the library, your local community center, a domestic violence shelter or agency, or borrow a smartphone from a friend.
When you’re safe and gone:
-> By the time you leave, your social media should be changed, passwords, users and all. If he still knows to find you...temporarily deactivate if he is going to go straight to your account. You can begin new accounts later...so please don’t worry about this.
-> Block anyone who is friends with the both of you and won’t believe you. They are irrelevant. Block them and do not contact or they will give you away.
-> Block his number...do not cave. This is crucial as people do not listen. Please do not undo all of your hard work.
Money and Emergency:
-> Change paypal passwords, venmo passwords, banking passwords. Open banking with a new email account that is online. HIDE YOUR CARD!!!!! Try the sole of your shoe, but since you’ve been living with him I am sure you know how to hide items.
-> Don’t download the app on your phone.
-> Cancel your old bank accounts and credit cards, especially if you shared them with your abuser. When you open new accounts, be sure to use a different bank
-> Know the abuser red flags...know what sets him off.
-> Have your plan rehearsed and have your support system set up long before you leave. Ask all trusted individuals if you can contact them if you need a ride, a place to stay, or call the police. You have to have this ahead of time!!!!!
-> If you have your car make sure it has gas and it’s facing the exit/ready to go...unless you’re leaving with someone else.
-> Your abuser could have tracking devices on your car or anywhere in the house. Leave them until you’re literally ready to leave
-> At a new location , use a post office box rather than your home address
This all seems far fetched right now but you can do this. Now is the time to put yourself first. Waiting until you have the motivation or strength will make you stay there forever and you will never leave. You have everything inside that you need. I promise you you can do this.
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courtneyyharper · 4 years
10 Christmas Gifts ‘for her’ if you’re completely clueless
Since it's apparently time to start thinking about that time of year I thought I'd jump on and attempt to give you some help in an attempt to spark​ some ideas. Whether you're using this list for ideas for your other half, your mum or sister, or even if you are that person that likes something on this list why don't you send it over as a wee hint... the irony of this is that I've banned my boyfriend from looking at this list as there's a few spoilers on here for his gifts! (Hope he enjoys a wee eyeshadow palette😬).
So let’s start...
I'm sure this will be a big gift this year and a perfect gift if you know they'll be getting a new phone or laptop! Perfect for a music lover or just the person that always needs to have the next big thing! I'd recommend planning to get a pair of these bad boys from Amazon or Currys during the Black Friday sale.
A gift my mum got me unexpectedly a few years back and I haven't looked back. Not just for the MUA or photography student in your life but even just for every day make up application and I know my friends always use mine for checking their outfits or taking selfies before a night out! I've shown in the product photo how you can get a full sized one or a desk sized one easily on Amazon, your choice. Along this line would also be a Hollywood mirror, the big vanity mirrors with the bright lights installed but they can be hard to source as they're so popular and you need to make sure they're the bright studio lights. Top tip would just be to check the dimensions so you know what you're getting.
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I wanna say this is a cult favourite. I don't know many girls who don't have one of these now but if your gift recipient is one of them then it'd be a great gift! They're a great idea for Christmas, birthdays and anniversaries because it means you can capture the memories and of course ironically take a photo of the polaroid with your phone and post it to Instagram!! They come in a variety of colours and you can purchase accessories and refillable polaroid packs for other special occasions after, making it the gift that keeps on giving.
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Another gift that keeps on giving. If they're a real music lover and always have Spotify going in their room, and with the lack of concerts this year, this would be a very thoughtful gift. You can get these lads pretty cheap on Amazon or fork out for the pricey ones from UO. The only downside is that the actual Vinyl records themselves is where this gifts will cost you the most, but at least you'll always have an idea for next years present.
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Now these guys can be quite boujee and I remember them being really popular a few years ago. If you type 'forever roses' into google or, probably better yet, Instagram you'll get a lot of companies selling gift sets of these specially preserved roses that can last for years. An incredibly romantic and surprising gift, this one can cost you big bucks but if you shop around enough you can get single roses for around £20 or major bunches for a few hundred but it's sure to win you major brownie points.
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This is the standard gift and perfect for a Christmas Eve bath. If you couldn't come up with this present on your own then please pay close attention to this blog because oh buddy you will need it! There are so many gift boxes to choose from at Lush and the great thing is you can't go wrong with any of them. Not to worry if you don't have a bath too because I also have you covered with these Lush sprays which are sooo good that you won't need to work out what their favourite perfume is for the third year in a row. (Also a great brand to support for its morals which is a bonus!!)
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Not only perfect for those cosy Winter and lockdown nights but also a great home decor item that is so popular on Instagram! These massive knit blankets can get incredibly pricey online, ranging from 20ish quid for a tiny one to a few hundred for the massive ones, so if you're willing to pay that then go ahead but top tip is to have a look in Home Bargains because they had these guys in all year for £25 and even Primark Home had a few in recently but I'd get ahead of the game for this one before they sell out...
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Now I'm not a massive jewellery fan myself but some girls just go ga-ga for a princess ring. If you're wondering if your girlfriend/sister/daughter is one of them you can identify these people by their less-than-subtle 'just gonna post this here xx' social media posts sharing the Pandora sales. I know most boys get scared to choose jewellery in case the person 'doesn't like it' blah blah but chances are unless they've told you somethng they specifically want or you've been missing some massive hints (ie. ring photos 'accidentally' sent to you) then they'll appreciate literally anything you choose. It's the idea you've went and chosen something specifically for them more than the item itself that matters. If you like it, they'll like it more. The big site is Pandora and many sites like it will have 'Christmas Gift Guide' sections to make it super easy for you. Top tip: you could do a wee price low-high if this is just an add-on gift and although it's horrible to say they will most likely look it up and check how much you spent on it... sorry about that!
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Now this is one you will most likely skip over because it feels like delving into a massive jungle with no map and no water and actually no shoes and no clue whatsoever of where to start. That's what boys feel like trying to buy girls make up and I really can't blame you. In fact, if you haven't been told exactly what to buy then who could blame you but if you're really looking to impress and go the extra mile and know they like make up then I'm going to attempt to help you as best I can and try and keep it really simple! So, first of all you'll need to somehow have a look at their collection when they're getting ready or be super stealthy and just double check they don't have the palette you're going to get them.
This is important. Right, so question one is do they watch YouTubers do make up? Because if they do then simply find out who they watch and check if that influencer has a palette or collab with a makeup brand because then your job is done for you!! If they've told you all about the James Charles/Tatti/Jefree Starr drama that encapsulated YouTube in the past then find out who's side they support because all three of those guys have palettes! James Charles x Morphe Artistry palette, Tatti has her own brand, or if they came out supporting Jeffree Starr and Shane Dawson in the whole fiasco then the Jeffree Starr 'Conspiracy palette' is for you. To each their own. These two main palettes I've featured on the left below for you to have a look at.
The top right palette is the new HUDA Beauty Naughty Nude palette and it's the one I'd go for if you're really unsure still! It's a new release so doubtful they have it and there's no crazy colours so can be used by everyone. It would be my top recommendation for make up this Christmas.
The three below that are all YouTuber/Influencer collabs with makeup brands that have been pretty popular this year. From the left: BPerfect x Stacey Marie Carnival III Love Tahiti Palette is one to get if you know they love doing colourful and adventurous looks, middle: Carli Bybel Palette x Anastasia Beverly Hills and far right: BPerfect x Jah Makeup Artist Clientele Palette are both perfect for more simple looks or if they don't go wild with colour and are both from big brands so will be very much appreciated!
God, this really could have been its own post where I explained it a bit better but alas...
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Maybe they're not as into makeup and prefer hair, or maybe they just love both? Then a Beauty Works hair styler would be a boujee gift for them. So, for this you can do the standard version of the products (gold) or you can do the newer versions in the collab with Molly Mae (pink). It's up to you. These products are pricey but great quality. First is the hair curler (Professional styler) which is great if both you and they love their hair curly, and you can't go wrong with Molly Mae's signature bouncy curls. The second option is a new trend in hair his year, The Waver, which creates the mermaid waves that I've pictured Molly Mae wearing below (and yes boys they’re different than curls) and a great gift if they already have the curler. Top tip: is to get these lads while ASOS have 20% off because you're grabbing yourself a bargain or if you're really on a budget many brands do these products without the hefty price tag.
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This year there is a major boom in the idea of gift advent calendars, so behind every door is a small gift instead of chocolate. Now what would be super adorable is to buy advent boxes online and fill them yourself with personalised gifts but luckily many brands have brought out their own versions! The best one I have saw so far this year is this PrettyLittleThing beauty calendar but it has been sold out for some time now! ASOS etc. are doing their own versions and there have even been adorable versions in the likes of HomeBargains and B&Ms where you can get candle or even alcohol versions.
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Well, I hope this helped even a little bit! If you're really on the ball you'll have noticed I haven't included anything like the staple Primark pyjamas or everything seems catered towards girlfriends or 'for her' but not to worry I've many more versions planned, including 'for him', 'on a budget', and 'how to dress up your present'!
Happy (very early) Christmas!🎁🎄
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discoursecatharsis · 4 years
I don't know if you've talked about something like this, but how can I get out of a friend circle that has "fanpol" mindset? There are friends in the circle that I think are also scared to share any opinion mainly because of one or two people and I'll miss them if I end up ghosting this group to restart but as an artist I'm so afraid of the one person ruining my socialmedia career forever if I say bad thing .. You don't have to answer this ask specifically but I'd love if you talk on this topic
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Text of asks
(same artist advice anon I ran out of space) I not only don't want to lose my handful of friends in the circle if I just disappear I have a follower base I've worked to build over the years-not huge but I wouldn't want to lose them all the same. I even agree with some things of the fanpol person's arguements- mostly that I'm uncomfortable with most of the same things they're uncomfortable with but the difference comes to harassment, they 100% condone it even over years old mistakes (2/?)
and I would never condone harassing (3/3) someone over anime ships or art- and I can't believe that's seen as an evil opinion by these types of people. I'm sorry for unloading all of this in your inbox I'm just afraid of this mindset and never had an online person to vent it to with no fear of it hurting me somehow. They make me afraid of being "old" and not being "allowed" to draw anything fandom related in general, sfw or nsfw, and I'm only just entering university..
That’s a tough situation and first I’m gonna direct you to the #SupportExAntis hashtag on twitter. People who have left that mindset are telling their stories, and you can reach out to them for some advice from someone who’s been in your shoes.
My advice: if you feel comfortable bringing it up with your friends you suspect may also be scared to share their opinions... bring it up to them. Just kind of mention it discreetly, test the waters, see how they feel. Y’all may all be feeling the same but everyone is too scared to say something. Then you’d have each other for support against the other one or two people.
But really, please look at that hashtag! Here are a few of the ex-anti accounts I’ve been following, search their tweets or send them a DM if they have DMs open
Edit to address your parts 2 and 3 because I hit publish too early:
I understand you’re scared to lose your follow base, but there are so many pro-shippers who will support you too! 
And again, there may be other people who are quietly feeling the same as you, that they are uncomfortable with certain stuff but just don’t condone the harassment and are also too scared to say something. You’re not alone in this, and it may be scary at first, but people WILL support you! If something happens, you can DM me and I’ll support you. If you don’t want me to be public about it, I’ll tell just my friend group and we’ll support you and boost you back up.
And please don’t feel like you’re too old, oh my goodness, barely entering uni is so young. These are the best times to enjoy fandom, when you start working and have your own income to buy stuff. The best years are still to come. You are allowed to draw whatever you want and enjoy fandom however you want!
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