#I'm sick of discourse
lastoneout · 1 day
I really do miss back when it was considered fucking weird to ask trans people(or anyone who is even a little gnc/has a label you don't understand/is giving you queer vibes)* what their assigned sex at birth is. Like we literally used to roast cis people for this shit, that's legit why the "what's in your pants" meme exists, but somehow we've reached a point where a very vocal portion of the online trans community genuinely thinks you owe people this information so they can make insane generalizations about you and your life and if you refuse that's cause for suspicion and I really shouldn't have to explain how fucked that is.
Interrogating people about what's in their pants is transphobe/terf/transmed shit. "If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear" is fed shit. Tbh "you owe me personal information about your body and medical history" is ableist and intersexist shit. Sex and/or gender tells you literally nothing concrete about a person and there is no world where you are owed this information. Can we cut this shit out and go back to judging people by their words and actions instead of what some random doctor decided their body looks like when they were a squishy baby, you know, like normal people? Please??
*It's also wildly intersexist but unfortunately I don't think we've ever reached a point of collectively accepting that it's horrid to ask intersex people unprompted questions about their bodies and medical histories. You are absolutely not owed any of that information for any reason, especially given that medical history typically goes hand in hand with profound trauma due to how normalized medical abuse against intersex people is, and everyone needs to get that through their heads yesterday. If they want to share they can and will, aside from that it's none-ya.
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revvethasmythh · 5 months
You know, I think there's something so, so insidious to the idea that Orym's perspective of the Vanguard is "flawed/human" or that him repeatedly reminding his friends what the Vanguard does (kill innocents to achieve their means) "blocks nuance" in the conversation, etc, because it implies that, in this mythical "objective" perspective that apparently exists, the Vanguard aren't so bad. If only Orym could put aside his petty grievances, such as the murder of his father and husband, and let people be nuanced about this situation, he'd see there's two sides to this story. And why discount the Vanguard's perspective just because *checks notes* they're a massive, manipulative cult that preys on vulnerable people to join their ranks and turns them to violence, or that they work with a centuries-old fascist eugenicist literally mind-controlling psychic government with the goal of freeing a creature that could very well destroy the world as we know it and even if it doesn't, will leave an enormous power vacuum for that fascist government to potentially occupy when they invade Exandria?
I think there's some misconception people have that they think war shouldn't ever be personal and if it does become personal for someone then their logic is too clouded by their feelings to see the situation clearly, just automatically. And perhaps sometimes, in some contexts, this can be true! But not here. It's actually quite cut and dried that Orym's "flawed, human" perspective is the one reminding everyone of the human cost to Ludinus' grand plans, all in the name of so called "progress"
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swordscleric · 22 days
What is it about Orym that makes a certain subsection of the fandom lose their goddamn minds! The Wildmother is not manipulating him by showing him his dead husband like lads (gender neutral) cop the fuck on
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amywritesthings · 6 months
okay, i have to address something that i've seen float around a bunch on tumblr, reddit, and tiktok lately when it comes to readers who are angry at fanfiction authors for not writing the content they wish to see in their fandom spaces.
...did you ever think to try and write it yourself?
this weekend i saw someone comment on the bg3 sub about how they're sick of seeing astarion fics with 'special/edgy female-centric tieflings or durges' and not much else. they were angry that 'they scroll for hours on ao3 and tumblr but only find all this oc and reader insert garbage, when it's plaguing their fandom space'.
so write the damn story you keep searching for. write what you find the fandom lacks. you take it upon yourself to curate the content you want out there.
if a writer wants to make 50 stories of the same 'special/edgy' original character smutting up a canon, they can? it's their labor of love. their passion project. a hobby. they choose to share it online for free. we are so very lucky to live in a digital age where fanfiction is so readily available, and there are millions if not billions of stories (for free!!) at your fingertips to scroll and enjoy.
i'm getting very tired of finding posts/videos of entitled readers who vocally complain about not being catered to when they themselves are not trying to contribute with the content, pairings, or topics they wish to see.
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hallaburger · 5 months
i'm actually really upset at the watcher "fandom"
y'all seem like a lot of fair-weather fans to a group of guys who have consistently put out shows that you love, you've gone to their live shows, you've bought their merch, you've followed them over the years as they've grown and built their own brand
and then when they come out to say "hey, we're proud to announce the next big step for us as creators, producers, talent, and directors," you fucking scream and rail and throw a fit because they are launching a paid service that allows them MUCH more creative control and freedom while also supporting their staff in a more sustainable way???
that's sick and pathological, and i wonder how many of y'all were blogging in support of the wga/sag-aftra strike, because if you were and you're pitching a fit now? check yourself. not fucking cute to say you support those folks and then bitch and moan when your so-called favorite creators take the initiative to support themselves in a way that they feel more confident in.
"but we liked the old content that looked like it was made in a basement and the blue and yellow text and--" okay, did you ever think that maybe?? MAYBE???? the guys wanted to do something better??? if you really supported them, you'd be in support of their creative ambitions, too.
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stardustbuck · 26 days
“it’s bucktommys who are the toxic ones and ruining the fandom”
is that so? oh look at these.
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or maybe these on tiktok
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or perhaps comments left under lou’s own posts?
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oh maybe these comments under a completely non-911 related tweet from an account that just posts mlm gifs? (btw, they posted a bwdd!e gif right after...I wonder why)
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if you want to try and turn the mass hate behavior onto us, at least bring receipts.
and btw, your lord and savior Oliver Stark does NOT fuck with you.
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I just don't see the point of a rights/liberation movement that has to shame and argue its beneficiaries into adopting its 'core' praxis. If the beneficiaries are that resistant to the praxis, then maybe it's fair to say that the particular praxis is unworkable, and that it's time for proponents of the rights/liberation movement to reconsider how they're going to address the problem (in a way that actually is achievable)?
Like, let's argue that separatism was the core radical feminist praxis (and not consciousness-raising, which actually is): if male violence, female (un)happiness and housework disparity statistics and a healthy dose of shame aren't enough to convince heterosexual and bisexual women to ditch their romantic relationships with men, then separatism can't be said to reflect the needs and desires of the affected group.
And radical feminists have two real responses:
They can either ignore the feedback, dig their heels in, and keep trying to convince women, which, I'd argue, doesn't actually help anyone - women in/open to relationships don't want to be condescended, especially by those who aren't perceived as having a stake in the issue (lesbians, bisexual women, women who don't want romantic relationships), and the women doing this inevitably end up feeling frustrated and alienated from others.
Or they can use the repeated rejections as feedback, and reconsider how they want to achieve their goal of female liberation even if women are still living with men (and this, imho, is the beauty of consciousness-raising, because it allows people to get a sense of what a group actually wants).
Separatism has been splintering the feminist movement since the 1960s; if separatism hasn't appealed to heterosexual and bisexual women until, then maybe, just maybe, it's time to get back to our consciousness-raising roots and start brainstorming what's actually achievable?
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ingravinoveritas · 3 days
Nothing says "supportive partner" like promoting his second run in a highly acclaimed play by making a crack about him struggling to relearn his lines, particularly when his own father is currently living with Alzheimer's. Definitely queen behavior, for sure...
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cardentist · 11 months
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The post that was screenshot: [Link] This post with the reply by catgirlforeskin: [Link] A convenient post that I wrote going into it about my gender yesterday: [Link]
obviously I would suggest reading the original post, as it has context for what was being said in those screenshots.
So Like, We Just Hate People Who Aren't Binary Huh?
We See Someone Come Out About Being Genderqueer And Talk About Their Own Presentation And Sense Of Self On Their Own Post And It's Immediately Responded To With "You're Fetishizing Trans Women By Thinking That You Have Anything In Common With Them."
let's review !
1: I made a Vent Post where I responded to a Cis Person, I made my own post and crossed out their username because I didn't feel like they did anything Wrong, but I wanted to discuss my feelings on it anyways!
2: these feelings were that it's upsetting that people don't seem to think about the trans perspective when discussing gender Stuff, or how marginalization in general plays a factor when discussing representation in media.
3: within Two Notes I got someone crawling into my replies and dms to talk down to me for being trans masc, so I expressed frustration that That's something that happens to me.
4: THEN somebody responded to That to insist that me expressing frustration about people lashing out at marginalized men was harmful to trans women.
you'll notice ! I was a trans person speaking about my own feelings on my own post, responding to a cis person and someone who explicitly harassed me. I did not mention trans women in this post, because it was a vent post. I explicitly say in my response to that post different kinds of trans people venting about their experiences does not imply or take anything away from other sorts of trans people.
so ! what we're left with is !
1: people being Furiously Angry that I would say that all trans people are capable of being hurt and that all trans people deserve to speak about their feelings, enough to rip things out of context and lie
2: People Just Unironically Saying With Their Entire Chest That A Trans Person Who Considers Themselves Both Masculine And Feminine Is Transmisogynistic, Because Being Genderqueer Implies That You Don't See Trans Women As Real Women. Somehow.
so like. where do we go from here huh.
firstly, there's an awareness. I need people to be Aware that this is something that is happening. that we've reached a point where people hate trans mascs so much that they're willing to tear them down for talking about Their Feelings in response to Cis People.
that we've reached a point where people get so blindly Angry when someone suggests that trans people should all be treated with dignity and respect that they're willing to act like this.
I Need people to share things like this, even if it's not this post specifically. because I Need People To Understand the kind of vitriol and hatred that trans mascs are facing simply for being visible At All.
if people aren't aware then they Will end up supporting and spreading this kind of harassment without realizing.
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1pcii · 8 months
oh, you like the idea of zolu or find the fancontent cute but can't bring yourself to ship it because you HC Luffy to be aroace? (ignoring that asexuality and aromantisism exist on a spectrum. and that QPR's/relationship anarachy are a thing). should we tell everyone??? should we throw a fucking party???
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bronzetomatoes · 11 months
so when THEY (high schoolers) (not famous) (don't have grooming allegations against them) make jokes about mcyts being pedophiles nobody bats an eye, but when I, Dream (24 years old) (30 million subscribers) (has grooming allegations against him), make jokes about being a pedophile people get upset?? this is another example of hypocrisy and targeted harassment
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basilbots · 1 month
Y'all do not need multiple confession blogs to spread more negativity for fucks sake. Not even having the courtesy to use the pre-existing tsams confession tag for people to block any of these kinds of posts isn't cute either
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adam-sadmon · 1 year
I've found it: Videogame Journalism³
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demodraws0606 · 9 months
It's wild how much people frame Bad as "problematic" when his actions basically are :
-Defending a person whose been friend with for years from grooming allegations that he didn't believe were true that turned out to not hold much water in the end.
-Making a self-harm joke a long time ago that he explained was based on what he went through when people pushed him about it.
-The usage of the r-slur a fucking long time ago when it was normalized which he apologized for (which is funny cos no one brings that up when its the ONE thing he has actually done wrong and apologized for)
-People lying about him being xenophobic ????????? Ig ???
Like oh god what a problematic evil person ????? Truly I'm shaking in my boots rn from all this tension
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problemnyatic · 8 months
"Trans men treat transfems like shit, trans women are so weird to transmascs-"
hey ive got an idea what if we all shut the fuck up and held hands and realized letting our dysphoria and trauma bleed out into how we treat others is something we all need to work on together and drawing lines in the sand and reinventing boys versus girls Queer Edition isn't gonna help any of us heal from the shit we're all going through in some form or another
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sokovianfortune · 3 months
some gentle fucking reminders
that is not wanda's real body that agatha finds in the woods. we have to remember that the mind control spell that wanda cast on agatha is altering her perception of reality. rio says it herself - agatha is trapped in a distorted spell and therefore it's highly likely that nothing that she's seeing is real. later on in the trailer, we see a shot of agatha, naked and trying to use her magic. by all accounts this is because when the spell breaks, she's not in the morgue anymore but rather, she's in her home or rio's in westview. there is no real morgue. there is no real body. it's not wanda.
the card with wanda's name on it is a library card -- the kind that used to be stuck in the back of a book and that you'd sign your name on when you checked it out. this may or may not be some allusion to the darkhold, but the point stands that it has absolutely nothing to with her death.
i'm sorry but if you still think wanda is perma-dead when it could not be more obvious that they're setting up her own little corner of the mcu by giving her mentor, her husband and her son their own shows in preparation for her return, i genuinely don't know what to tell you. get well soon, i guess.
this also goes for people who think that they're """giving everyone except wanda their own projects."""" marvel clearly wants wanda's return to be a Big Deal when it happens, so if there really is a solo movie, it's probably not going to be announced until she's back in action.
so let's all take some deep breaths and stop with the histrionics for five minutes, please.
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