#I'm so fucking tired of it
twopoppies · 2 months
I 100% agree with the tiktok you posted about Billie and what Finneas said in defense of his sister, but he really needs to keep the same fucking energy for everyone when it comes to accusations of queerbaiting and forcing people out of the closet. He's literally doing to Harry what people have done to Billie imo. The hypocrisy is gross.
(I didn't want to add this on to your original post. I always feel weird about doing that.)
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I remember that dumb ass post, and it's fucking gross. Especially because Harry has always been so lovely about Billie and so supportive of her as an artist. People never give Harry the benefit of the doubt. Ever. And it pisses me off.
In reference to this
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blacklezrage · 2 years
womyn are allowed to critique certain actions and behaviors as feminist or not
centering men/aligning yourself with men/dating men is NOT a feminist act
you can align yourself with feminism and not have 100% of the things you do be feminist actions
osa womyn deserve the right to have a partner who views them as an equal without having to put themselves in danger to find him
can we end this discourse now?
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eleilinnrallin · 9 months
Realized that the main reason I hate the way a lot of conservative Christians talk about queer things is because they have made absolutely no effort to actually understand it.
And sure maybe they've read a book or two, but never with the intent to see "oh, what is this, actually?" or "what can I learn about these people?" It's always with the intent of "how can I learn why I am right?" "how can I more effectively argue against this ideology?" "how can I feel like the good guy for saying these things they say are hateful?"
There's several issues with this.
Going in with the intention of learning how to defend your point isn't going to lead to an actual understanding of the people you are claiming to try and learn about. It's only going to confirm what you believe.
Treating people as "ideologies" is flat out wrong. (This is why I hate the word "transgenderism", for one.) It is dehumanizing, even.
Never go to second-hand sources to learn about a group of people. Because those people will be wrong. I primarily learned this from being Mormon--people will say outright wrong and hateful things about Mormonism! And so if people are aiming to learn about Mormons they're going to end up with misinformation rather than real understanding. And this is true about queer people.
If you really want to understand queer people, talk to queer people. With a genuine interest in understanding, not in rejecting them and finding reasons they are "sinful" or whatever.
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ardri-na-bpiteog · 7 months
Also increasingly aware that a LOT of people "manage" getting through the 40+ hour work week by sleeping less than is healthy and relying on stimulants like coffee and energy drinks to keep them going.
For people who are unwilling or unable to do this...work really does just dominate your life. Like we really should not have to rely on unhealthy practices just to have a social life or keep on top of housework or whatever.
I know I post about this a lot but I'm so TIRED all the time and it's just so depressing that this is how we're expected to spend the one life we have.
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i-still-mask-because · 2 months
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Nassau County of Long Island, New York passed a mask ban bill today. Please make a habit of calling your city, county, state, and federal representatives expressing your opposition to mask bans because fascist legislative proposals like this is absolutely going to be domino effecting throughout the US. AND WEAR A MASK IN PUBLIC. WEAR A MASK TO NOT ONLY PROTECT US, BUT SUPPORT US.
Editing to add (8/14/2024): Please read the recent update.
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mithrandirl · 7 months
Why is it that any time this happens I'M the one who feels embarrassed and wants to delete all my posts? Why don't people who steal and plagiarize ever feel that?
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lazylittledragon · 1 month
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dadkarios doods sponsored by my stress migraine
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journey-to-the-attic · 3 months
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"karasu search how 2 cheer human up"
"karasu search difference between sad human and zoning out human"
"karasu search how long is it safe for humans to zone out for?"
(+ a longer look at each scene:)
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animatedtext · 2 months
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requested by python-nebula
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ahahnopenope · 7 months
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here's the picture i couldn't get out of my head
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I am incredibly serious right now when I beg you all, please, and if you have Twitter or Tiktok or whatever to please spread the word: click on an author's profile on Ao3.
You want to know if an author has written more? Want to know if they're still writing? Want to see more from them? Want to know if they've written a trope or kink or sex scenario you enjoy?
Click on their name. And look at their profile.
I cannot tell you how many times in the last six months someone has read a new or newer fic of mine and said they (a new reader who has read nothing else I've done) "can't wait to see what you do next!" I've written 50+ fics and over a million words already.
"I don't know if you're still writing..." click on my profile. I am. I literally wrote a 128k+ fic for that ship last month.
"Would you ever do X?" "Please do Y!" I already did. Click on my name and look at my works.
Archive of our Own is a library. It's an archive. Not social media. It is your responsibility to fight back against the laziness that corporate algorithms have trained into you.
Click my author name. Just click it. Just click it.
Before you demand more, or ask if a writer will do XYZ, or wonder if the author still writing, or anything - click on their profile. Click on the author's profile.
I'm not trying to be mean or condescending or anything like that. I'm just exhausted. It's disheartening and frustrating to repeat myself ad nauseam, because someone couldn't take thirty seconds to do the tiniest bit of work to see if I've written lately, if I've written more for their ship, or scan my works to see if I've written what they're asking for. Please. Please. I'm begging.
Click the author's name, and explore before you ask.
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blacklezrage · 1 year
i need more bi womyn to be like the bi womyn i follow on here, because almost every bi womon i know in real life is a male-centered misogynist who will tolerate abuse from a man while waxing poetic about how womyn are evil and manipulative for leaving her on read 🙄🙄🙄
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barghest-land · 3 months
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first 10 days of jurassic june! i'm slow with it but still going ;__;
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bunn-iiii · 1 year
if another able bodied person gives me advice on my physical disability and, in general, my pain I'm going to violently sob at someone
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gay-otlc · 9 months
Me: I am a straight trans man. Here are the struggles that I face due to being a straight trans man.
Tumblr, every time, without fail: Those struggles aren't real you dumb cunt. You're a straight man and you have straight privilege because I say so and your sexuality has never ever caused you suffering. In fact, you are a homophobe and a misogynist just because you had the audacity to whine about your straight male problems
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renthony · 3 months
I wonder how fast I'd die of alcohol poisoning if I did a shot every time someone in my notes boiled one of my posts down to "but are you pro or anti ship."
How many times, tumblr? How many times must I say that "proship/antiship" is a completely asinine way to frame this discussion, and no matter how much my opinions may align with one side, I'm not using a fucking shipping discourse label to discuss my media studies and censorship research?
"Are you pro or anti ship?" Neither. I am not engaged in shipping discourse. I am much more concerned with the ways that censorship is used to specifically target marginalized people raising awareness and making art about their own experiences and worldviews. You cannot enact any form of censorship without it hitting marginalized people the hardest.
I do not care about your ship wars when I am discussing things such as the Hays Code and 2024 book bans, and I am incredibly exhausted by how often people derail my posts into shipping arguments. It's slightly more tolerable when teenagers do it, because they're still figuring out how shit works and lord knows I fell into my fair share of rancid discourse as a teenager, but I am appalled at how often it's dragged into my notes by grown-ass adults.
"Proship/antiship" is a reductive framework grounded in bad-faith internet discourse drenched in purity culture. It is not a useful framework to use when discussing dark fiction, censorship, free speech, or obscenity laws. "Proship" and "antiship" are loaded buzzwords that make people stop thinking critically and engaging in good faith, and I have no tolerance for it.
I'm not interested in declaring my side in tumblr ship wars when I'm focused on things like, "when is the next local school board meeting regarding book bans, and am I eligible to run for the citizen advisory council that helps decide the fate of specific books?" and, "with the overturn of Roe v. Wade, in what ways do we need to be concerned about, and what ways can we raise awareness about, the enforcement of the Comstock Act?" and, "as a trans person living in Florida, how do I navigate my existence being treated as an inherent pornographic threat to children that should be censored and legislated out of existence?"
I do not care! About! Fucking! SHIPPING!
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