#I'm still accepting prompts
darkeneddawning · 1 year
Escaped clone au
You know all those fics where Danny and Damian are twins but everyone first assumes Danny must be a clone? How about an au where Danny is Damian's clone who escaped the League after he was assumed dead. Damian could even have been the one to have "killed" him, back when Danny was a newly created, fully brainwashed clone minion and trying to kill Damian himself.
Danny gets adopted by the Fentons and canon goes on as normal, until Dan. Witnessing what would happen to the world should he turn evil really drove home to Danny how dangerous he is.
Even if he was confident he could be trusted with his absurd amount of power (which he isn't), what if the League of Assassins found out about him? Does he still have programming triggers from his evil assassin clone conditioning?
So, Danny does the responsible thing: he goes to Batman to turn himself in.
Cue Danny showing up on Bruce's doorstep with ghost hunting equipment, intel on the afterlife, and an almost unbelievable backstory. Somehow he still managed to be more well-adjusted than Damian.
More thoughts under the read more
Here's how I'm thinking Danny leaving the League went down:
After surviving his wounds but failing his mission, Danny (then an unnamed potential Damian replacement) knew there was no point in returning to the League. As a failure, he was meant to be disposed of. He even thought of simply allowing himself to perish, since that was what the League would do.
But he couldn't help but feel as though that would be a waste of a resource. Surely he could be of more use to the League alive than dead?
That tiny bit of rebellious logic is what caused Danny to go into hiding, only living on based on the off chance he would find opportunities to further the League's goals. Obviously, that mentality didn't last long after being exposed to the real world and meeting one Jazz Fenton.
Being adopted by the Fentons was the best cover Danny could have asked for, since any odd behavior he couldn't hide while he was learning how to be "normal" was totally overshadowed by the sheer bizarre eccentricity of his new parents. He was still the neighborhood weird kid, but even that was a major upgrade from disposable tool, so Danny considered it a win.
Anyway, if anyone likes this idea, please feel free to have at it! Interpret it as you please :)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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A-Qing, the little fox.
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skymantle · 8 months
noticed a while ago that yes man has a small lisp that's noticeable in a handful of his lines, so i made a little compilation of the ones where its Most apparent! :-)
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lymricks · 1 month
what's a harringrove story you wish you could read?
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demodoggonetired · 1 year
" I'm Batty 4 U "
For the @steddiemicrofic September Prompt: Charm || 548 Words || Rating: T || Warnings: implied verbally absuvie parent, implied period-typical homophobia
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It sweeps through the group like wildfire after the whole Vecna ordeal. Something about everyone trying to go back to normal, re-engaging with non-world-ending topics.
Out window shopping, El happens upon a charm bracelet display and within the week convinces Hopper to buy one for her and Max. And who’s to deny the girl that's suffered through so much. 
El states it as her “momento of who she is, and those who helped her find that definition.” All while thumbing the rainbow and sunflower charms. 
So it’s no surprise when Robin, Nancy, and Erica are seen wearing their own charm bracelet designs after Girl’s Night. Then through a spidering chain of conversations and convincing, the rest of the party soon each have custom bracelets.
For Steve though, the issue is that he’s just not a bracelet sort of guy. The occasional pinching when it doesn’t sit right. Constant jangling and shifting every time you move. It’s not for him.
(Plus he knows his Dad would make him throw it out if he ever saw it. “Jewelry isn’t for men.” and all that. (Of course I don’t agree, Robin. But I still don’t want to risk it getting tossed.))
Until Robin solves the problem for him. Turning his bracelet into a keychain for his car keys. And he didn’t realize just how much he’d come to care for said keychain once it’d stop pinching his wrist. 
Exactly as El had painted it from the get-go; a constant reminder that he’s more than the harsh words his dad sneers as “encouragement”.
Of who he matters to and of who matters to him. His family. 
But it’s not for another few months that his keychain gains a companion.
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“Hey, uh. Hey, Stevie.”
They’d danced around one another for weeks. From exchanged glances at the hospital, to touching under the guise of lending a hand, pulling excuses to spend time together.
Finally culminating in Steve getting fed up and testing the waters with a kiss ‘hello’. 
“I know we’ve only been technically dating for a month now. But I’m pretty sure I remember you being a big relationship guy back in high school, and I figured well ‘Stevie probably never had someone buy him the cheesy anniversary gifts he bought for others’-”
“They weren't cheesy, they were well thought out-”
“And so, I got you something as a faux sort of ‘Happy One Month Anniversary’ gift.”
Eddie shoves the little trinket into Steve’s hands, forcing him to drop his book. 
“Small towns, especially Hawkins in particular, suck and so I figured this is as public as we’d be able to be. And I know the bat was maybe a bold choice considering the bites and all that shit but- Actually maybe this was a bad idea- Ya know what, give it back right now, Stevie. This was stupid- I’m gonna do something else.”
Deftly leaning away, Steve hooks his arm around his boyfriend so he can’t lunge for the keychain again.
“Oh hell no. My boyfriend gave this to me, it’s mine now. You can’t take Ozzy from me.”
“Ozzy? What?”
“Yeah, the little bat charm. His name’s Ozzy, he told me so himself.”
“What-?? Shit- Jesus Christ, you’re so lame. Come here so I can kiss your lame, adorable face.”
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icedmetaltea · 1 year
I cannot offer anything for you to do but may I suggest finding yandere prompts? There were a few on Tumblr iirc, just type in yandere prompts into Google! Maybe that'll help as others can then take a line or something and you can either draw something or write a short snippet???
I got too anxious to do much but kinda just lay down for a while so this is late but here ya gooo (this was actually rlly fun I need to make these more often)
Plot twist, I’m switching things up and usin Moon this time. Decided to use they/them pronouns for Moon today just cause it felt right (also I’m making them a jealous bitch lol)
“I know the sound of your heart.”
You didn’t sleep last night. It was obvious from the bags under your eyes, the slouch of your back, the way you mumbled a greeting rather than a cheerful hello like you always did. Moon was dormant right now, the light holding them painfully still, but they could watch even so, they could listen.
Pumped full of cortisol and adrenaline from a mix of sleep deprivation and work stress, your heart was beating faster than it should. It was nothing serious, they didn’t need to scan you to know that much, but it was enough to peak their attention. They watched as you struggled to stay awake throughout your shift, their awareness nestled somewhere behind their sunnier counterpart’s stupid grin.
Your movements jerky, hands trembling slightly- nothing noticeable except under a watchful eye- you cleaned, put on a smile and cared for the children as best you could. Sun didn’t realize. He never did, waltzing around with you and accepting your help as if you were perfectly fine. Sleep wasn’t a concept he understood, so he couldn’t comprehend the lack of it. The way it demanded more on the nervous system, the way it made you hungry and hot and cold all at once. Created with the one function of providing sleep, seeing you like this was almost painful to watch- more so that they couldn’t do a thing about it.
As the hours rolled on, your heart rate grew faster. Sun insisted on parading around with you like it was all some game to him. He was completely unaware of your struggles, far too absorbed with his own excitement from your company. Company that didn’t belong to him. They watched as you forced on a happy face for his sake, so he wouldn’t worry. Even if he knew, you’d just play it off, telling him it was nothing to worry about, shy from the attention. You’d done that too many times to count.
Your heart was loud in their head, thumping in time with the glances of their eyes over your tiring face. You were growing weaker, just barely able to force your eyes to stay open. You were prone to making mistakes like this, doing something silly old Sundrop wouldn't very much approve of...
That organ, the only mechanical thing about you, ticked away as the minutes rolled by, counting the seconds till the lights would go out for the day. You didn't think to check your watch, almost ready to nod off at the desk . Even Sun was too busy to notice, reveling in your presence and the smiles he stole from them. That didn't matter.
They'd steal them back soon enough.
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theskyequakess · 1 year
Can someone write (me) a Secret Invasion fix-it fic where Maria Hill doesn’t die and appears in every episode/chapter, and probably saves de day... MY MENTAL HEALTH IS AT STAKE, please 🙏🏻
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waywardmillennial · 8 months
update on me
what I've been up to the past few months -- that'll end up being mostly a fandom update bc that is my life (no joke) and also some insights into what I'll be blogging about more now
✰ dan and phil games returned!
anyone who follows me on discord knows I love dnp and I was shocked when they made their dramatic comeback last October. that funeral video was so extra, in the most dnp way! I'm so happy that they're already making the channel whatever they want it to be, and can both be out and make so many gay jokes now
✰ ofmd s2
it was beautiful. it was sad. it was joyous. those first few eps were so much darker than we were used to, but I trusted Jenks and he did a great job (esp when you think of max cutting so much of their budget -- bugs bunny meme to those twats). but I was given so many Izzy feelings that I never asked for T_T doing what I can to help get s3 renewed and I have some hope
✰ loki s2
this one was also beautiful, and heartbreaking, but in a good hurt kind of way. this season was made with so much love and honestly one of the best things marvel has ever made. s2 also gave us O.B. (Ke Huy Quan I love you!) and it was even gayer than s1 which I didn't know was possible. I want more (kinda?) but also don't want them to mess up what was practically a perfect ending -- and the most canon lokius we could have hoped for. if they decide to let the old men kiss, then they can greenlight s3
✰ doctor who
the end of the year really kept given me more fandom content than I could keep up with -- but having Tennant and Tate back together again was such a joy! and following the trend of everything else I've been excited about recently, DW came back loudly declaring "gay rights!" I'm unsure if disney being so involved is a good thing (I'm inclined to say it's not) but I already love Ncuti and I can't wait for more of Fifteen & Ruby. and I'm still crying about Wilf tbh
✰ the marvels
solid movie. so much fun. Kamala and family stole the show! and god bless they made Carol gayer
✰ holiday times
I put more effort into celebrating halloween and christmas and enjoyed both of them more than I have in the past few years, so that was really nice.
✰ creative writing
I have only started to get back into doing anything creative but I have a few ideas. I'd like to finally post a stony fic this year. and maybe lokius. and probably skippypants (I have a few others that are very rare pair, so who knows)
EDIT: I can't believe I forgot a big one!
✰ gf live
what an amazing show! the boys are so good with a live audience and it was a treat to watch the show with a whole theatre full of people. it's the best way to watch it imo and I would do it again. and at my show Mari came up to wait in a line near me so I talked to her for a bit. I didn't ask for a photo or anything, just had a normal conversation. but I definitely melted into a puddle right after and she is even more beautiful in person!
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msnihilist · 9 months
will really appreciate a bevin fanfic in ben 10 ,btw love your fics🫶🏻
Thank you for enjoying my fics!
If you want to make a request, though, you'll have to wait until I open prompts or commission me :p
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alleyskywalker · 2 years
Theon/Jeyne + fairytale romance, if you’re still accepting prompts
It feels like a dream to Jeyne, like one of those songs she and Sansa had loved so much in their girlhood - hundreds of candles, ladies in beautiful dresses and lords in rich finery, the swaying melody of a dance that has them going around and around until Jeyne begins to lose sense of reality and everything blurs about her. And Theon -- the most enchanting part of all, one arm at her waist, the other holding her hand, guiding her through the half-forgotten steps of her girlhood as her wedding veil fans out behind her on the sea breeze sweeping in through the open windows of the hall. "I suppose you're a princess now," he says against her ear, laughter in his voice. She flushes: technically it's true. She's married to a prince, that makes her a princess.
"That still feels odd to say and hear," she tells him, holding him closer to her. It's not the title she wanted anyway. That's not really what feels magical about this night, although the atmosphere certainly helps. She runs a hand through his hair; it's mostly back to black now even without the dye. That makes him happy, she knows.
She'd mentioned it to Asha at some point adding, sheepishly, he looks so much better now in general. The peace has been good for us all, despite winter.
Asha had given her a strange looks and said, it's you who've been good for my brother, Lady Jeyne.
Jeyne hadn't known what to think of that; it seemed like a lot of power just for her alone, as though she really is some princess or perhaps goodly woods witch from a story. That doesn't seem nearly likely, but her initial visit to the Islands kept getting extended and extended, until it was finally understood that she would simply stay on Pyke indefinitely. It made her happy and it made Theon happy and... She hadn't even seen his proposal coming until he'd taken a knee in front of her on the beach and she'd gasped, not quite understanding at first what he was doing, her only thought at first being, this cannot be a comfortable position for him, all things considered.
It took them a year to get to the actual wedding. But now it's hear and Jeyne's married to the prince who had saved her from a monster what feels like a lifetime ago, she's a princess now besides. It does feel much like a song or a story, but she's not about to complain. After all, how many people get to have a fairytale ending in their actual real lives?
[send me a ship + prompt and I'll write a 3 sentence fic]  
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heytheredeann · 1 year
STABBED for Illya 💕
Here it is! This one was also on the list that @huggiebird sent, so here, for the both of you LOL. Enjoy! (Ao3 version)
Napoleon’s first, instinctive and extremely heartfelt comment is: “Fuck.”
It isn’t very original, but, knees on the ground and trying to stop the bleeding with nothing much at hand in lieu of supplies, he honestly stands by it.
“Fuck, could you just not get stabbed every other mission?” he says through gritted teeth, trying not to wince when Illya flinches under his hands.
To be fair, the last time it was just a cut. The only real casualty was Napoleon’s poor shirt, because he saw Illya bleeding and he rushed over to help before he could realize that it was nothing worth fussing over. Still.
Illya doesn’t answer, which he can recognize, somewhere in the back of his mind, as a fairly worrying sign. He may not have known him for very long, but a good chunk of that time was spent getting on each other’s nerves, so he’s pretty sure that if Illya isn’t telling him off for complaining when he isn’t even the one bleeding it’s because it’s bad.
“Christ, now I’m going to have to drag you all the way,” he complains, electing that he has performed as much first aid as he can afford to at the moment and sliding Illya’s arm around his shoulders. They just need to get to the car and get out of there, before there are any more surprises.
Illya is fairly complacent, hissing at the movement when he pulls him up but trying to push his own weight up as best as he can—Napoleon grows fairly certain pretty fast that he must be dying.
“I want a written apology, by the way, I told you that I didn’t like this and we should have gone for a strategic retreat, but did you listen? No, of course you didn’t listen, no one ever listens to me on this team.” He risks a glance at him, which only serves to make his stomach plummet to the ground at the sight of Illya’s pained expression. “Having any regrets?” he asks then, light and reeking of judgement.
“Hate you,” Illya mutters, his strained voice not helping with Napoleon’s nerves. He’s seen him walk off worse. He’ll be fine. He’s seen him walk off way worse.
“The fact that you just heroically got stabbed for me would beg to differ,” he points out, to which Illya only huffs, because clearly he can’t argue his point.
Napoleon decides not to examine too closely the fact that he doesn’t feel flattered, annoyed at being indebted or happy at the prospect of having clearly gained an advantage over Illya, since he apparently likes him. The only thing he feels is bone-deep fear at the sight of all the blood gushing out of the wound, at the sound of Illya’s shallow breathing and at the feeling of the weight on his shoulders.
This whole partnership thing really has done a number on him.
spin the whump wheel and send me a prompt + a character!
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amitsuma · 1 year
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Send ✏ and the mun will draw their muses together // selectively accepting
@hopefromadoomedtimeline asked:
✏ perhaps amandine and trunks if you're still accepting??
i almost drew amandine reacting to trunks breaking his sword but i couldn't figure out a composition/set of poses i liked enough, so i went basic--
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bumblerhizal-art · 2 years
(Set shortly after Novhen and Morrigan's post-Inquisition reunion. Possible Inquisition spoilers re: the old god baby. CW: Discussions of memory loss)
[70 One Word Prompts]
Someone was watching him. Novhen felt the eyes boring into the back of his neck plain as anything. The Vigil's gardens were small and simple. He was on their edge and, by all appearances, alone, save for his mabari resting at his feet. All that was behind him was a single waist-high hedgerow and the roofed corridor that led back into the keep's interior. Just enough shadow for someone to conceal themself.
His hand tightened around his cane, but his muscles burned too much from old wounds to let him rise from the bench.
Novhen leaned forward as best he could and pet Griffon for a chance to get a good look at the hound, but he was placid, yawning even. It was doubtful that he wouldn't have noticed an unfamiliar scent. Whoever it was couldn't have been a threat, but the unwelcome feeling wouldn't go away. If they were going to watch him, Novhen at least deserved to know who it was.
"Griff," he whispered into his ear, "do you think you could fish out whoever's spying back there?"
Griffon smushed his snout against Novhen's jaw and hopped up. He ran around the bench and over the hedges behind it. He stood tall and barked with his tail wagging vigorously.
Novhen turned in time to see a child fall backwards out of the shrubs. The child held his arms defensively in front of himself. His face was the spitting image of Morrigan's. 
"Griffon, stand down," Novhen commanded.
Griffon barked affirmatively. He toddled back to Novhen’s feet and laid down to passively watch events unfold. He had done his part. Kieran lowered his arms and stared at anything but his father.
Novhen looked at him apologetically. "Hope he didn't give you too much of a fright, kid."
Kieran twiddled his fingers anxiously, "Hello, Father. I'm sorry for hiding."
Novhen's chest sank. The poor boy clearly didn't trust him. Not that he could blame him. They'd only just met. Until last month, he had been nothing but an absence for years, worse than a stranger. He had no right to expect any better.
He tried to smile, "There's no need to apologize for that. You don't have to be so formal with me either, you know. You can just call me Da."
"Right… Da," Kieran said.
A silence fell between them. Kieran looked at his feet. Novhen kicked himself. He was lucky the boy acknowledged him as family at all. He shouldn’t try to force that familiarity so soon. He would have to earn it, but this could be a perfect time to work towards that goal.
Novhen said, "Kieran, why don't you come sit with me while I wait for my strength to come back? There's still space for another."
Kieran cautiously stepped forward. As he turned the corner around the nearest gap in the hedges, he kept his eyes fixed on Griffon. Novhen followed his line of sight.
"Don't worry yourself about him," he said. "He's a smart dog. Wouldn't hurt a hair on your head."
Griffon huffed as though any other possibility would have been completely absurd.
Kieran sat down slowly. He now stared off into the distance, refusing to look either Novhen or Griffon in the eye. 
Novhen leaned back. Birdsongs filled every inch of the air at this hour. The thought flitted through his head that Kieran could have snuck up on him by shapeshifting into a bird or some other innocuous animal. He was all but guaranteed to develop magic someday, and Morrigan would certainly be a willing teacher. It was only a matter of whether or not he already had. Or, Novhen mused, maybe he used more traditional means of sneaking around, like a Tabris.
The boy sat stiffly next to him.
"Something on your mind?" Novhen asked.
Kieran hesitated to answer. "I remember you with a sword. I haven't seen you with a sword here though."
"Don’t know where you would’ve gotten that image of me from. I'm not really a swordsman. I don't think I've even touched one since…"
Right. The archdemon. Of course he would remember that.
Novhen cleared his throat. "I guess that doesn't matter. I only used a sword that one time."
Kieran looked down at his hands and said quietly, "He said that you killed him, but he wasn't mad."
A pause.
"How much do you remember of that day?" Novhen asked delicately. 
"Not much anymore."
"That might be for the best. I can't imagine those being pleasant memories for you to hold," he said softly, "but hey, that gives us something in common, doesn't it?"
Kieran looked at him quizzically, "What? But how would you forget? You were there."
"Ah, so I was," he answered, "but as it went, I also hit my head something awful right after and was still recovering from the last time I got knocked down that fight. I only know I'm the one who killed the archdemon because everyone else spent the next six months screaming in my ear about it nonstop."
He said, "The story I heard was much more heroic than that."
"I bet it would be. The truth makes for a lousy story, and your storyteller had dignity to protect."
"Can you tell me the truth then?" Kieran asked.
"Would if I could, kid, but like I said, I got slapped around a few too many times to remember much of anything," Novhen shrugged. "I guess if you want to know about any earlier part of that battle? Or is there any other story? I know a few good ones."
Kieran furrowed his eyebrows for several seconds before he responded, "How did you become a Grey Warden? Whenever I asked Mother, she would say she didn't know."
From the ground, Griffon raised an ear.
Novhen drummed his fingers against his cane's handle, "Yeah, I suppose I never told her much of that one. It's not my favorite to tell, but for you, I'll let it slide this once. Listen close because I can't promise you'll hear it again."
Novhen cleared his voice for the show. This would be a lot of details to smudge.
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peaktora · 7 months
𝐂 𝐈𝐒 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐘 ˚◞♡ ⃗ satoru gojo
𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬 ┊ your husband is unbearably clingy.
𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩 ┊0.9k words. no pronouns used or specified gender for the reader. intended lowercase. established relationship (#married).
a/n. — i’m warning u guys right now that this is not proofread 😭 .. i literally just typed this up rq and posted it bc it’s been too long since i’ve last posted something on here
p.s. the prompt was in my notes from a longgg time ago, but i believe it’s from @/creativepromptsforwriting .. if not please lmk !!
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"c'mere, hold my hand," satoru pleads for what has to be the third time. he pouts at you, who’s sitting on the countertop.
your brows furrow as you look up from your phone, "but, you're washing the dishes?”
he twists the faucet handle, and a steady stream of water flows down. after a brief glance at you, he places the plate beneath the water and says, "i know how to multitask, baby."
clinginess is defined as “the tendency to stay near someone for emotional support, protection, ect.” but there has to be another term for what satoru is, because you can't give any of those things while holding his hand right now.
you let out a deep breath and turn off your phone, watching as the screen fades to black. "satoru, there's no way i'm sticking my hand in that dirty dishwater," you say, sliding your phone into your pocket.
he practically shoves the plate into the drying rack. "i can't believe this," he huffs. "we literally had vows."
“what are y—“
“we had vows that said you’d love me in sickness and in health.”
"well…are you sick?" you ask, crossing your arms across your chest.
he pauses his task of washing dishes, leaving them untouched. leaning over the sink, he rests his arms against its edge. he steals a furtive glance at you, only to find your gaze locked onto him. with a hint of hesitation, he softly mumbles, "no..." before you can respond, he interrupts, "but i’m in health, and the vows said that you have to love and cherish me in this state too."
you lean back, searching your mind for what the alternative of holding his hand would be. because in no world would you hold his hand in dishwasher. then, it hits you. "for now, would a hug make you feel better?"
he answers your question with a hum, and you can't believe he's debating whether or not to accept your offer after all that drama over holding hands in dishwater. even so, he adds, "i'll have to give it some thought."
two can play that game.
“it’s okay,” you say, gracefully hopping down from the counter. a smirk spreads across your face. “i could just go—sit on the couch?” slowly, you start to walk in his direction and make your way over to the living room.
he doesn’t say anything, letting you do as you please. it’s not until you start to pass by him, that you get the reaction you wanted.
or atleast, somewhat similar to what you wanted.
"on second thought—" he exclaims, and the dishwater swirls around him as he turns around, his hands still wet and dripping.
you cringe as small puddles gather on the tiles. "hey—" but he interrupts you as he reaches out to grab your wrist. “ew—I—what the hell?”
you instinctively try to pull back, but he slips his wet hand in yours; sealing your fate.
“what happened to nicknames?”
"’m not sure who that is. i go by a lot of names, but not that one. lets go down the list, yeah?” he clears his throat. “i go by "babe, baby, swe—"
"you should consider adding "gojo" to that list."
"now, when have you ever called me gojo?”
"right now, in exactly ten seconds.” your husband gasps, hanging his mouth open. “satoru go—"
“woah woah woah—what’d i do to deserve this treatment?”
“you put your dirty dishwater hand in mine.” you jerk your hand back, struggling to escape free of his grip.
his grip tightens on your hand, “if you’re feeling like not loving me today then just say that.”
“hey—don’t discredit me. i offered you a hug and you said you had to “think” about it.”
“cause holding your hand ‘s better.”
you sigh, “after you’re done with the dishes, you can hold my hand as long as you want.“
he lets out a soft, thoughtful hum—the same hum that got you both into this situation in the first place. at the same time you shake your head, a mischievous twinkle appears in his eyes, and a smile twists onto the edges of his lips. "deal" he says, shaking your hand. “but before-“
you tsk, making him drop his excuse.
"the quicker these dishes get done, the quicker you’ll be able to hold my hand. so get on with it—go," you playfully command, and his grip loosens in response. seizing the opportunity, you slide your hand out of his grasp. you look down at it, seeing bits of food that’ve stuck to your palm. gross.
you walk over to the sink, feeling the cool water flow over your hand, washing away the food and dirt that clung to your skin. as you stand there, you hear satoru's voice grumbling from behind, "i hate doing dishes,” and you can’t help but snort.
before you know it, you feel his presence close behind you, his body pressing against yours. his arms encircle you, creating a cozy pocket of space between the counter and his body. satoru leans over your shoulder, gets a sponge from the soapy water, and starts washing a bowl. you simply lean back and look at his features.
the sight almost makes you want to stay in his arms forever. that is, until you realize the predicament you're in.
“you did not,” you whine. you desperately try to break free from the cage he’s trapped you in, but your attempts prove more and more pointless.
"oh, yes, i did," he declares with a smile. “what did you say earlier?" he clears his throat before proceeding. "the faster these dishes are done, the sooner you'll be able to hold my hand," he says, mockingly imitating your tone. "so, the faster these dishes are done, the sooner you can leave and do anything you want."
you sulk and moan while you reluctantly grab a dish and a spare sponge from the sink. “i hate you.”
“i love you more.”
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fruitanddarkness · 1 year
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets? 6. Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams? //For Goten and Mirin if you're still doing this
Character Development Questions: Hard Mode
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5. Probably some cool rocks and leaves that he found that he wants to show his brother, Trunks, or Broly because they make him happy.
6. Running really fast and having adventures. Sometimes he has the perspective of doing this as an animal like a lizard, a fox, or a bird.
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5. Gonna throw what's up her sleeves in here too! You can find prayer slips, acorns, and apples.
6. She doesn't really dream that much, or at least remember them. What she does remember, is always her viewing the world from the perspective of another person. Sometimes she has dreams about traveling through space as well.
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rubys-domain · 1 year
listening to imperfect love always gets me a little emo
#⇢₊˚⊹ 🩷∥ruby∥yo,ide yo !!#like... those lyrics#are so fucking sweet#the last line especially almost always brings a tear to my eye#I appreciate songs that can make me cry. But like,gently. Some songs just aggressively prompt the waterworks and i'm not cool with that#if that makes any sense#I bury my own feelings so much that it takes prompting to let myself feel some things#yeah this song is pretty hopeful lyrics-wise. but personally,it allows me to mourn#mourn what our relationship could've been#the relationship is on the rocks right now. and honestly,it was inevitable#we're still together. but I feel like it's only a matter of time before we break up for real#I used to be really scared of that happening. but now I'm halfway towards accepting it#there's no animosity between us or anything. it's just... we're finally facing the fact that we're not as compatible as we thought we were#and we tried really hard to make things work. ppl irl see us and think we're like a perfect couple#but in reality it took massive effort and a lot of pain on both sides to make it work#we've been together for a couple years now. and I still love him more than anyone else in the world#I'd like to think he loves me just as much. even though it's still really hard for me to believe that someone could love me#(which is also kinda part of the problem but I digress)#anyway,yeah. I'm too used to being with him at this point. we'll still be friends after we break up,but#I'm going to need a long... long mourning period...#I guess it can come off kinda dramatic that I'm calling it a “mourning period.” and yeah it kind of is#but we spent literal /years/ together and invested so much into the notion of being together forever#that I think calling it mourning is kind of justified
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