#I'm still upset we sold it
aces-to-apples · 4 years
i know this is because i’ve basically grown up with fandom tagging culture but honestly FUCK teachers who make students read books about rape and incest and child abuse with no warnings and no option to opt out, that is FUCKED UP and i’m still fucking ANGRY about it.
if they made kids watch clips of game of thrones you can fucking BET that they’d be slammed with SO MANY rightfully pissed off parents but because they were written on a page somehow it’s less impactful and upsetting? FUCK THAT and FUCK THEM.
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guardsbian · 5 years
sometimes I check dramarising and... are people just not allowed to complain about sold dragons?? at all? like yeah I get that once a dragon is out of your lair it's not your call about anything but like... you should still be allowed to be upset about things? like if a person goes "oh I'm bummed that this giveaway/sold dragon got exalted/has this fucky lore/got resold" the notes are just full of "well it's not yours anymore so you can't control what happened! die mad!"
I get that if someone is actively harassing people who do something they don't like with their old dragons or something, but if they're just complaining about it... can't they just be allowed to have reactions to things
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mikimeiko · 2 years
There is something about Stede and his inability to form a bond with his crew, and the way that changes after Ed enters the picture, that I find very interesting (and btw, thanks @bookshelfdreams for letting me bounce ideas off your always insightful brain).
I mean, think about it. Up until the end of episode three the crew is very much not sold on his idea of piracy, and Jim explicitly tells him (while he is about to get hanged) "You are the worst fuckin' pirate captain in history" (which, I mean, fair, since his incompetence and naivety had a direct impact on them). But something changes enough between episode 3 and episode 9 that the entire crew comes to Stede's rescue when Badminton's tells him he is not a real pirate.
And the thing is… Stede has this idea that he wants to be a pirate, but he doesn't really like pirate "activities"? I'm not just talking about the very violent aspects of raiding and pillaging, but also like the idea that the pirates have of "vacation" in the second episode (like when Wee John and the Swede are play-fighting on the beach, and he gets very upset because "that was not what he was talking about" when he said that there was no way of messing up a vacation). I know we often compare the way he acts with the crew as acting like a father to them, but I actually think Stede is more teacher than parent (might be professional bias, might be the sheer number of "children"): a teacher that is trying to change the way pirating works but he's doing it on his ideals, not taking enough into consideration what his "students" are actually like. His heart is mostly in the right place but his head still has a lot of work to do.
Of course this role he takes on has to do with his being part of the aristocracy, the self-appointed civilized and morally superior (though I find interesting that he didn't even consider that most of the crew would probably be illiterate: it both shows his disconnect from reality AND a disposition to see this weird group of people as fundamentally the same as himself). But I also think he has received enough pain from the aristocratic environment to understand, at least at a subconscious level, that it has a violent way of suppressing anything that is different from itself. And that's why he's so ambivalent in this "teacher" role: he really wants to foster the gentler side (the side of him that got bullied and ridiculed and squashed by his society) but keeps getting very annoyed when he finds out that being different doesn't always mean being different in the same way as he is.
Enter Blackbeard. On one hand you have this like… powerful cool vibe that he just emits, and makes everything he's interested in cool. It's not just the Blackbeard legend, it's just… him. And he finds Stede's weirdness compelling, so the crew probably would have to reconsider? But he also brings some piracy to the crew's life. Life on the Revenge is different when Blackbeard's there, and the crew gets to live in this "best of both worlds" scenario, where they can be real pirates while also experiencing that emotionally open and accepting space that Stede was so willing (but pretty much unable on his own) to offer them.
But also! Stede getting to know Ed, learning piracy from him, helps him to get a little more grounded and open to the things that his crew enjoys. His attitude towards them changes, and of course their attitude towards him AND his bizarre ways changes too.
So on one hand there's the very stong message that the show is explicitly going for which is "you don't have to change who you are to be loved"; both Ed and Stede fall in love with the current version of each other, but then they DO change each other organically and this has this beautiful ripple effect on everyone around them (to the point that I would almost like to say that the muppet-world magic/liminal space of the Revenge properly starts existing when they are both on it... but I haven't thought about this enough, so I'll just leave it here for future thought).
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possessivedesires · 2 years
Canvas: Chapter 1
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Yanderes: Katsuki, Kaminari, Shinsou, Kirishima, Shoto, Hawks, Dabi
Summary: Your mother had sold you off to the yakuza that Dabi and Hawks lead before she had died. You were their favorite and their most treasured property. But Shoto and his crew refuses to let you go from their grasp, believing that you were theirs first.
Guide: Owner and Yakuza member; Shoto, piercer; Kirishima; tattoo artists; Shinsou and Katsuki, calmer; Kaminari, new trainee; Izuku
Warnings: abusive family, toxic relationships, possessive and yandere natures.
The buzzing of the tattoo guns were familiar as you were resting against the counter; drawing light on the paper absentmindedly. Little doodles of some tattoos you would like on you or to put on another. You were in charge of the counter; leaning against it with a small sigh as you looked up in the waiting room.
Some people were freaking out, others were trying to get their friends to get matching tattoos, some were nervous for getting pierced, then others were completely calm and giving those were freaking out a weird look. You sighed, leaning against your palm. You missed talking with your customers while giving them tattoos; some people had the interesting stories for why they were getting the tattoos.
"Hey Y/n...? Did they hit you again?" Your fingers touched the bruise on your face on instinct of hearing Shoto's voice, looking up at the owner that was leaning against the counter to look at you worriedly. The sleeve of your sweat was pulled over his palm, placing against your cheek to hide the bruise. But he had already seen it... It angered him that you always came in his shop with bruises, but never angry at you. No... There was no way that he could ever be angry with you.
"Love..." He whispered, leaning forward and brushing his cool fingers against your cheek; moving your hand away from your bruise. You looked down at the book in front of you, shading the drawing you were working on. Some part of you wished that you could tattoo people again, but you knew that you weren't allowed to... Not after what they did to your last customer...
You shivered at the thought. Shoto frowned, not knowing what plagued you. He hated not being able to help you, he hated not knowing how he could keep you safe. He would kill your family, but he noticed you always protected your abusive family when any brought it up. It was a natural reaction you had, going by instinct and without even thinking.
There wasn't much you could defend for them. But it was enough to make Shoto know you would be upset if he had killed them... If there was anything Shoto didn't want to do, it was to make you upset. But if things kept happening the way it is, he won't have another choice but to get rid of them forcefully. He can't sit back and watch you get hurt much longer... His patience is running thin, very thin. "Have you tried going to the police?"
"I can't go to police..." You mumbled, knowing that they would find out about that. If they found out... You didn't even want to think about what they would do to you... "I can just suffer through it."
It's not as bad as what they would do to you. It's fine to bear with... Shoto sighed, staring at you and pressing his hand against the counter. "But you shouldn't have to suffer through this, that's the point hon. They're hurting you, why can't you see that you need to get away from there as soon as you can? I can protect you if you're scared."
He offered, but you stayed silent and prayed that he would drop the subject. Even if they were nowhere around, he couldn't help but still feel nervous as if you were being watched by them. That if any second, they would be coming through that door to drag you off to your death. "I- I said I'm fine Shoto... Can we please just drop it already? I still have things I need to."
"Love... I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He whispered, not wanting to waste months of progress with you down the drain because of his cool being lost. "Let's talk about those drawings of yours. They're getting really good."
You smiled at the praise, looking down at the sketchbook and trailing your finger over the design. Shoto gave a silent sigh of relief to see that he didn't lose the progress with you. But he could see the longing in your eye, the crave to give tattoos again.
He walked around the corner to put his hands on either side of you, putting his chin on your shoulder as he flipped through the pages of your notebook. The feeling of your body close to his made him feel calm and relaxed, leaning his head lightly against your cheek as he smiled. You, on the other hand, were nervous and unable to relax. The feeling crawling up the back of your neck. "I love these designs of yours."
He whispered, smirking to himself as he watched your body shiver in instinct to his breath against your ear. His fingers tracing over the drawings on the page and hummed. "Hey darling, why don't you give me one of these today?"
"I- I can?" You asked, Shoto could hear the excitement in your voice and nodded in agreement. To get a tattoo would be a dream come true for him, making him think it was a way to claim him; to say that his only yours. "Of course, it'll be our little secret."
He smiled, watching the way your smile flattered. That made you remember why you weren't allowed to give tattoos to anyone else... You didn't want Shoto to get hurt. "Don't worry darling, I won't let anyone find out. Okay? You can trust me on this."
"No but's." He shook his head, placing his cool hand against the red mark on your cheek. You looked away from him, pushing your chair lightly to get out of his hold and looked over at him as you were playing with the drawstrings on your hoodie. "H-hey... What did you come over here for?"
You asked nervously, Shoto made an oh sound as he just remembered and lifted his book with a small wave. It was just a small notepad, but you recognized it because of the stickers Kaminari had put all over it. It was the lunch order notepad. "I'm heading out to get lunch, what do you want darling?"
"Oh... Um... Nothing, I'm okay."
"But... You need to eat love." He frowned at your words, growing only more worried about you. The need to take you away and care for you only grew more. There was a small tch sound from behind the two of you, Katsuki walking by to get some supplies. "That idiot still hasn't been eating?"
Katsuki has been watching you closely; knowing that you haven't been taking care of yourself by the way you act at work. The way your family hurts you and makes him want to kill them; brutally and slowly. "Sunny bunches, you really need to eat."
Kirishima said, leaning against the counter and booping your nose softly. You looked between the three men, unsure of everyone around you. You began to feel trapped, like the space around you was getting smaller; it was almost hard to breath. "Hey Y/n! Do I have any more appointments?"
Izuku's voice cut through your hazed state, allowing you a chance to push your rolling chair away. You placed a hand at your chest, slowly catching your breath as you were given some space from the three men and looking down at the book. Katsuki's eyes narrowed; watching you closely and taking in your reaction. "Uh, n- no, since you're still training you won't be getting as many appointments. So that's all for you today."
He nodded, walking over to where Shoto was and writing down what he wanted for lunch. Katsuki lifted his hand, taking off the black mask that was pulled down to his chin and standing besides you. "Oi."
He said, keeping his voice low as he gave you his face mask. You looked down at it in your hand before looking back up at him. He sighed, taking it from your hand and putting it on your face himself. His eyes scanning over the prettiest little details of your face as he pulled the face mask over your nose.
He smirked at seeing the dusting of red over the top of the mask, your cheeks even feeling warm under his fingertips as he leaned back. Your smiled shyly under the mask, looking down at your lap with playing with drawstrings. There was a sinking feeling the more you thought about his action... Knowing that you could never have the chance of a relationship, so you knew you needed to stop thinking about it.
"So, have you've decided what you wanted to eat yet love?" Shoto asked while looking up from the list; the only one he needed was yours and yours was the most important to him. Your head shook, still arguing with him about it. "Not really hungry today Shoto."
"Aw, come on, you really need to eat or you're going to pass out." He argued with you, trying to make sure you were eating. He already knew life at home was hell for you, so he tried to take care of you here at work- trying to spoil you as much as possible. "Shoto, just get them something and I'll pay for it."
Kirishima spoke up, not liking about hearing you not eating. He leaned over where his tools were and gathered them up, making sure they were cleaned as he looked at the two of you. Your eyes were wide, staring at him and shaking your head. "No- no, there's no way that I can-"
"It's okay! You can pay me back by giving me one of your tattoos. There was a awesome geometric design in your book that I like." He smirked at you, winking softly and Shoto rolled his eyes lightly at hearing the redhead. You couldn't believe what you were hearing though... Offering to pay for your food just to get a tattoo, you didn't understand why they were trying to take care of you. But you didn't want him to waste his money on you... "Just some rice balls..."
"Is that it love? Don't you want to try to eat some more?" Shoto aksed, looking up from the notebook and lowering his pen. You shook your head at hearing his questions, already feeling guilty for spending his money. Kirishima frowned lightly when you shook your head at Shoto's question, giving him a soft nod. The redhead will take any progress you're willing to show. "Do you already have Kaminari's and Shinsou's?"
You asked, wanting to make sure they got lunch too. Kaminari laughed, leaning in the doorway from the room he was currently in. "Don't worry babe, he got us first."
Kaminari said with a grin, moving back into the room. Shoto closed the notepad and put it in his pocket as he waved goodbye; leaving the shop. Katsuki brushed a hand over the back of your neck as he left back to his client, Kirishima hugged you gently. "Please try eating more hon, I don't want to see you passing out."
"I'll try..." You whispered, patting his hand and he smiled brightly before grabbing the needles he needed for the piercing he was giving and leaving you up front. You absentmindedly went back to sketching, hearing the bell chiming after a while. "That was quick Sho..."
You froze when you looked up, seeing those hauntingly familiar blue eyes. He tilted his head to the side, raising an eyebrow as he narrowed his eyes. "Doll... Was that another man's name going to slip past your lips?"
Katsuki stopped cleaning his station at hearing the rough voice, tensing and turning his head. Izuku- who had been watching Katsuki working- looked at the blonde confused. Katsuki was seething.
You were terrified, feeling his body behind you as one of his hands loosely wrapped around your throat. His hand guided your shaking body back against his own, the smell of cigarettes filling your nose. Dabi, on the other hand, was enjoying the fact that you sweet scent was so close; leaning his head down to bury in your hair. His whispered, the dangerous intent laced in his voice. "You say no, but are you lying to me doll?"
"It- it was a mistake... I'm sorry..." You whispered, closing your eyes as you braced yourself for the heat you were about to recieve. But... Never got that. You nervously opened your eyes to see the calculating look in his eyes; never leaving your face. His other hand raised, pulling down your mask. "What happened?"
He growled at seeing the red mark, the mask hooked around his finger. You looked away, tapping your pencil nervously. Dabi growled under his breath and tightened his hand around your throat, pulling you closer his face. "I asked you a question babydoll."
"I fell..."
"Bullshit." Your stomach dropped, hearing the anger in his voice. They always hated when you lied to them, but you couldn't tell them what was happening! There was no way you could trust them with your emotions... All you are to them in your head is some kind of payment.
If you knew how much you actually meant to them...
"Hey Kacchan, isn't that Dabi?" Izuku asked, noticing why Katsuki was angry. The blonde gave him a dark look that told the trainee to shut up before he got stabbed. Kaminari seemingly could sense the tension and poked his head. "I keep forgetting you're new here. So, Y/n has this weird thing with Dabi and Hawks. But they refuses to talk about it."
"Weird...? How?" Izuku asked innocently, Katsuki punching the wall. "As they fucking use them for their body and throw them away when they're bored. The only reason they come around here is to get their dick wet from them and it pisses me off!"
"The hell you call-" Katsuki went quiet as Shinsou brainwashed him, Shinsou smiling softly at the peace. Kaminari poked his head out and saw that Dabi hadn't been paying attention to them. Good, they were still safe. Shinsou leaned back in his seat and turned his head to look at your trembling form. They all hated when you were scared, feeling that you should never been scared with them here able to protect you. None of them wanted to get involved with the yakuza, but now it's looking very tempting to begin a war.
"Hey, I'm going to try to get Y/n to stay with me tonight... Don't want them to go back to their house. You guys wanna crash with us?" Kirishima said as he was drying off his freshly washed hands. The redhead frowned when he saw you with Dabi, knowing that you'll be upset with his leaves... You always were.
"So, you know your sister had a run in with me." Dabi said, tracing his fingers over your skin slowly. The smirk on his face as he looked over at you, you knew that look... "Did she...?"
"Yea, busted up my bike and cussed me out. Till... She saw who she was cussing out." Dabi smirked, remembering the terror on her face. He was going to kill her, but then there would no reason to come see you. Hawks and Dabi depended on your family to mess up and give them an excuse to see you. Since you followed their first words only, business only. So there was no reason to see them unless you were paying something off... Hawks admittedly moved purposely when your family was around him to mess something up of his and come see you. "You know I can't pay for the damages..."
"Sure you can, you know how we like our payment." He smirked, pilling you flushed against his hips. You looked down when you felt the familiar hardness, your mind beginning to shut down. You really have the energy to deal with it, to do anything.
You've always been the scapegoat of your family. It's the same way you even got sold to Dabi and Hawks in the first place. Because your mother needed a scapegoat. But you wondered if this nightmare would ever end, you didn't know how much longer you could deal with it... "Dabi-"
"That's not the correct name and you know it." He said with a narrowed look, you took a shaky breath in and whispered painfully, "Daddy... I can't just-"
"You can and you will." He cut you off, stepping away from you. You felt your shoulders drop, tears welling up in your eyes. "You know where to meet us after your shift. We'll be waiting."
He pushed himself off from leaning against the counter, giving you a spare glance and leaving out the tattoo shop. Your head dropped, tears beginning to slip down your cheeks as you tried your hardest to stop your body from shaking. Silently sobs slipping from your lips, feeling a tightness in your chest that made it hard to breath.
Shinsou was up before any of the others could move; watching Dabi's harsh glare from the window. The purple male gave him a smirk and flicked him off, crouched down besides you to place a hand on your shoulder. His head leaning against yours and whispering, "Hey there kitten, how are you feeling?"
Dabi clenched his fist; beginning to feel the heat on his palm. The anger he felt only pissed him off more, hating to see Shinsou holding you to his chest. That should be me holding them... I'm going to kill that fucking brat.
Dabi stormed away, passing by a certain familiar two toned hair color boy. His blue eyes followed Shoto, watching him walk into the shop while greeting you with a soft smile. Well... So this is his tattoo shop... Things definitely got more annoying.
Dabi thought to himself, leaving the shop to tell Keigo about someone new they could kill for being near their possession.
"Hey guys, I'm back." Shoto said as he placed the bags down on the counter. He looked down confused at seeing you leaning against Shinsou's chest, wanting to know who made you cry and how to get to rid of them. "Dabi came here and upset them."
"I see..." Shoto whispered, looking back at the door with a narrowed look. He wondered why Dabi would be in this tattoo shop, when he clearly told his brother that his space was off limits. Shoto only made sure of that because you worked here.
Shinsou guided you to sit up and wiped the small tears away. You felt embarrassed that you cried in front of them, but they wouldn't let you feel embarrassed about it. Shinsou smiled at you softly. "Let's get you some food kitten."
"And then you can give us tattoos love."
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"You're just leaving, like that?" Keigo asked, giving you an annoyed look from where he was resting on the couch; wings laid out. He was resting his slacks, sharp golden eyes watching you tying up your laces on your shoes. There was a tired nod from you, not able to face them.
Your body was hurting, from their rough treatment and the abuse from your family. It was even a surprise that you were still walking... You think the only way you were walking was because you disassociated and you feel... numb. "You guys are the ones that just wanted to be a payment thing... So there's no reason for me to just waste our time here, I'm not some annoyance. I need to get home and make dinner."
"Seriously? Are you fucking kidding me?" Dabi scoffed, growing annoyed at you always running away from them. The cigarette between his teeth and blowing smoke out of the side of his mouth; finger tapping his leg harshly as he watched you. He was just resting in his boxers; the forgetting about trying to find his pants. "Have a good night..."
You whispered, zipping up your jacket and hiding the new bruises from their harsh grips. Dabi burned his shirt in his hand, clenching his teeth. "I hate this Keigo. I want them. Here. With us."
"They're right... Annoyingly right. We did tell them not to contact us and that our visits will only be because of business." But that was before they grew obsessed with you, before you filled their heads and they only craved for you. "Shut it asshole."
"They won't visit us unless there's a reason." Keigo sighed, tilting his head back and rubbing his face lightly. Suddenly, his wings stiffened while his feathers sharpened, hearing a certain conversation from one of the spare feathers spread across the club. Dabi gave his partner a strange look.
"There you are Y/n! Whoa... Hey, hey, it's me, Kaminari. Focus on me sunny bunches, let's get you home."
"Kami...? How- how did you know that I was here?"
"I come out here sometimes... You just look like you need to go home. Don't worry, I haven't had anything to drink yet; scout's honor." Keigo's blood boiled, standing up sharply and making his way out to the railing to glare around the club. His eyes moving quickly and Dabi walked next to him, giving the male an annoyed look. "What's going on with you?"
"Someone's talking to them, trying to take them home." Keigo snapped, Dabi looking around before seeing you making your way out with a blonde. "How many more are there going to be?"
"I'm sorry... I hope I didn't just hear you correct; did you say, more?"
"Yea, we gotta talk about that. I found something interesting today." Dabi explained as he walked back into their room, grabbing his drink and crashing back in his seat. Keigo looked back at the pyromaniac and sat next to him. Dabi explaining he found out at the tattoo shop.
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"I thought you hated clubs Kaminari..." You whispered in the car as he was driving down the street, one hand holding onto yours as his thumb rubbing the back of your palm softly. "Why do you think that?"
"It's a sensory overload for you... And you said that you've been kicked out a couple because of you short circuiting and accidentally destroying their sound system."
"Oh... Yea-yea... I can't believe you remember that." He said with a dopey smile, before chuckling nervously. "I just..."
"It's okay, you don't have to explain. Thank you." You gave him tired smile with a sad look in your eyes. "I don't think I could have walked home..."
"Are... Are you sure that you want to go home? We can just go hand out at my house. I just got some Netflix and some new shows just came out! I can get some snacks on the way and we can just crash the two of us."
You shook your head sadly; already know how mad your family must be at you for not being there yet. He frowned. He asked, curious to see if you truly knew, "Y/n...? You know that we are here for you, right?"
You could only lie as you agreed with him; thinking that no one would ever be truly on your side when they find out you're just some property to the yakuza. It was something your family made very clear to you and your steps realized that they could get away with anything because you were there to take their fall. Your free hand pointed to the house. "It's here."
"Y/n... It isn't too late for me just to drive off. None of us want you to keep coming back here and we can just get you more clothes so you'll never have to come back."
"I couldn't do that to you guys. You already do so much for me, thank you." You whispered, leaving the car and rubbing your arms lightly. Kaminari stared at you, free thumb nervously tapping the steering wheel. Trying his hardest not to kidnap you.
The panic building in his chest as he watched you get out of the car. He quickly got out and grabbed at your arm, pulling you back softly. "Please sunny bunches, can you least just stay tonight?"
You looked your house sadly, Kaminari beginning to take the hint of your distracted and weakened state to pull you back to the car. Even when you tried to pull your hand out from his grasp, he pulled you to wrap his arms around you. "I won't let you keep getting hurt Y/n."
He whispered in your ear, hand at the back of your neck and lightly the right nerves. Your eyes closed, falling asleep in his arms as he laid you back in the seat. He's been studying nerves for a long time in the shop, knowing which nerves to shock for relax muscles or even the brain. Since you were already tired and exhausted, it barely took anything to put you asleep.
Kaminari: Y/n's going home with me tonight.
Shinsou: Should I brainwash her family to go jump off of the bridge?
Kirishima: No, they actually care about those assholes.
Shinsou: Seriously? After everything they put them through?
Kirishima: They just have that kind heart and their family takes advantage of it.
Katsuki: They bitches who deserve to die.
Shinsou: That's two against one. Kaminari?
Kaminari: They're shaking in their sleep; hang on.
Kaminari put down his phone, gently placing his hand on your shoulder with a soft smile. He was happy to see you with him; knowing that he wouldn't let anything or anyone hurt you. The heater was turned on, a playlist of gentle music to help you sleep was playing on the radio. His eyes moving with an annoyed look to the house as he saw movement, the door swinging open as he closed your door.
Katsuki: Everyone agree to go crash at dunce face's place tonight?
Shinsou: Already there.
Kirishima: Oh yea, Shinsou has a key.
Katsuki: Whatever, open the door hot topic.
Shinsou: Bitch.
Kirishima: Kaminari haven't texted in a while, hope everything's okay.
Katsuki: Everything better be okay! He has them!
Katsuki: OI!
Shinsou: I think he's called Kaminari 7 times now.
Kaminari: All the phone's ringing is going to wake them up, calm down Kacchan. I'm almost home.
Kaminari put down his phone and looked down at the dark house. The lights inside had busted from too much voltage, the people inside unconscious from the unhealthy amount of voltage that ran through their system. One of them may be dead from Kaminari dunking them in water before electrocuting them.
Oh, I need to get snacks. Kaminari thought with gentle hum, tossing the wet jacket in the backseat as he smiled happily. 10 minutes later, he was leaving the store with a few bags of food and checking on you. You were still asleep, good.
Kaminari: Someone come out here and carry Y/n while I carry in the food.
Kirishima looked down at his phone, reading the text, and then back at the car that just pulled up. The redhead smiled happily at his luck and winked at the seething Katsuki while holding you in his arms. Katsuki wanted to be the one to carrying you inside.
Kirishima adored the way you curled up in his arms as he carried you up the steps, into the house and your head leaned against his chest. You started to wake up as he walked inside, your eyes opening and he smiled down at you. "Hey hon, enjoy your little nap?"
"Oh-oh, sorry," You mumbled, trying to get our of his arms. He worried that you would fall and hurt yourself, so he placed you on the couch. "Good morning sunny bunches~"
Kaminari teased you as he passed by with the snacks, putting them on the table. Katsuki immediately snatched them, giving Kaminari an annoyed look. Annoyed that the blonde thought these cheap foods would be good for you, no he was going to make them better for you.
"Hey pretty~ Come down here and lay here." Kirishima patted the cushion on the ground. You looked at him confused, your body still sore from Dabi and Hawks. They knew. Even if you didn't say anything, they knew. "Pretty please?"
He pouted, making you cave in. How could you say no to him? You laid on the cushion, making him smile happily. Kirishima leaned down and began to gently massage over your shoulders and back. Your eyes fluttered shut at the soft touches, Kirishima humming happily at seeing you relaxing. Shinsou sat besides you, gently brushing his fingers through your hair as Kaminari was scrolling through Netflix as he sipped at a drink. "They're asleep."
"Surprised they even woke up in the first place. You should have seen them when I had picked them up." Kaminari explained, leaning back against the couch. His fingers tapping the side of his glass lightly. Earlier, the boys had split up and searched each club in trying to find you. Kaminari was just the lucky one and now they know which club is the yakuza. "They have more bruises..."
Kirishima said sadly, frowning as he hates to see you hurt. Kaminari stood up from his seat and left to the bathroom to cool down before his blew the bulb next to him. Katsuki clenched the spoon in his hand; trying not to explode anything in the kitchen. "I'm going to fucking kill them..."
"Stand in line firecracker." Shinsou snapped, Kaminari came out with small drops of water dripping from his face. Haven splashed cold water to cool down. "I got the first aid kit."
The blonde mumbled while sitting besides Kirishima who took the first aid kit with a grateful nod. Kirishima and Kaminari took care of your injuries while Katsuki was putting the food on the table. "I hate to say this... But wake them up, they need to eat."
"Are you serious? After everything?" Kirishima looked up quickly at Katsuki. He sucked air through his teeth, annoyed. "You think I don't want them to rest? I do, but they need to eat more than anything. They only had what? Barely a rice ball! And then they go do this shit to them? No, they need food."
No one could argue with Katsuki's logic. There was a small sigh and Kirishima nodded in understanding. His hand reached down, gently shaking your shoulder and watching you whine while trying to sleep longer. Kaminari broke and tried to swat Kirishima's hand away. Shinsou immediately grabbed Kaminari's arm and pulled him back. "Kami... No."
"They need to sleep, listen to them whine." Kaminari struggled in Shinsou's hold. He sighed, locking his arms around Kaminari to keep him trapped on his lap. You whined again, Kaminari struggling again. Kirishima continued shaking your shoulder till you opened your eyes. "Hey baby."
He cooed at seeing your e/c eyes. Katsuki leaned down and ruffling your hair before grinning at you. "Come on, food's done. Let's get you some food in ya."
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"I thought we agreed for you guys not to touch my shop." Shoto said, tapping his fingers against the arm rest. Dabi narrowed his eyes at hearing that, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest. Shoto had called Dabi to meet them in the house, knowing that this is rocky but neutral ground. Their sister doesn't allow weapons or uses of quirks. It would be easy to break her rules, but they had respect for their sister.
"We did." Dabi agreed, shrugging his shoulders. He had finally got dressed here, but just in a black tank top and some jeans. Shoto in a button down shirt and some jeans, giving a classy look. "So, tell me why I've just found out that you've been visiting my place. I hadn't stepped a foot in your club out of respect, but you? Bitch."
"You have something that belong to us." Shoto let out a chuckle, crossing his legs. "Nothing in there is yours, everything in that shop is mine."
Dabi's eyes narrowed, standing up sharply. The blue flames licking his hands and his eyes boredly looked up at Dabi with an unamused look. "THAT'S BULLSHIT!"
He was breathing heavy, anger boiling under his skin. Shoto sighed, standing up and adjusting his sleeves as he looked at Dabi. "No, it's not-"
"Y/n is ours." Shoto froze where he was standing, the orange flames burning where his scar was as his cold eyes immediately shot up to the pyromaniac. Dabi looked more unhinged and ready to lunge at Shoto while Shoto just looked pissed. "We'll see who brands her first then, won't we?"
"Don't get in my way Shoto. It won't end pretty for you."
"Funny, I was going to say the same to you. Enjoy loosing this game Touya."
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domsaysstuff · 2 years
I'm gonna speculate about Tawan here for a bit bc honestly i have so much thoughts that i might as well share (no i didn't and i won't read the novel).
So the fandom focuses a lot on the fact that Vegas said that Kinn shot Tawan.
But noone is talking about the reasons Vegas listed. Like I assume it's because all of us know that it must be load of bullshit but all of them clearly hit Porsche.
In the fucking bathroom Kinn is clearly upset by Porsche too, he is, to Porsche, acting how Vegas described him as before he supposedly shot Tawan "paranoid and untrusting" and so i think that's from where his comment comes from.
But if the stupid reasons that Vegas listed were to blame for Tawan death are true then I don't think Korn would care.
When Korn would care? Well, obviously when it hits the reputation of the family and Kinn's position, to Korn Kinn is a heir first and son second.
So the pic that we are shown looks like from Kinn's collage years and he looks happy, relaxed. Maybe it's even his first love. So he fell in love in the midst of everything, before he had to step up as Korn and he was a little more free and loose with his affections.
Not to mention that Tawan was supposedly what made him harden up in the first place.
And Kinn is fundamentaly a good guy inside and he wants to love and be loved and when he does love we have seen him to give it all of himself. Kinn loves with his whole being and as he had no trust issues before Tawan he probably didn't even tried to be careful around him.
He was young and in love. And so maybe Tawan sold some information or something like a betrayal but not only personal to Kinn but oriented around the family that Korn felt the need to interfere.
And all betrayers must die, right?
So Tawan must die but Kinn is still in love and hurting but he has so much of himself to give so he does what he did to Porsche, he lied and he gave Tawan an out.
Also that's why Korn so easily manipulates him with his ex, bc it was an accident that brought shame on the family and not only Kinn suffered the consequences of his heartbreak.
Which makes it so much fucking more sad because Kinn was suffering from a betrayal and then his father blamed him for loving, for even wanting to be loved and to wanting to trust someone.
No wonder he changed after that and became a shell of himself, in his world there is no place for love and trust. Tawan and his father showed him that.
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neverinadream · 3 years
❄December 11th❄
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Christmas Morning
Summary: Y/n and Mason spend their first Christmas morning together
Song: Step Into Christmas - Elton John
neverinadream's advent calendar
Y/n groaned as she felt her boyfriend's fingers prodding at her ribs. "Mason, stop it," she mumbles, taking her hand out from underneath the pillow to push him away. He continued to poke her, trying to wake her up. "Seriously, Mason quit it!" She snaps, too tired to put up with his antics so early in the morning.
"Come on, baby," he whispers, wrapping his arm around her waist, "it's Christmas!" He peppers her shoulder with kisses, doing every he could think of to stir his girlfriend from her slumber. "I will start jumping on this bed if you don't wake up now," he threatens, prepared to repeat the same thing he did on the morning of her birthday. Y/n had refused to wake up that morning, wanting a lie in as it was her day off from work and classes, but Mason had decided that wasn't going to work for him and proceeded to jump up and down on the bed. He was lucky to not have suffered a sprained ankle. "I know you don't want me to do that," he sings in her ear.
She rolled over onto her back, pushing his arm away. "I'm awake," she huffs, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, "happy now?"
"Very happy."
Mason whispers sweet nothings into y/n's ear as he continues to pepper her skin with gentle kisses. Both had cummed minutes ago, but he still remained inside of her, allowing time for them to catch their breaths and bask in the post-orgasm glow. "I love you," he whispers against her neck, kissing over the hickey he had made last night. He brushes her hair out of her face, soothing her as he moves the tips of his fingers over her face. "I love you so much," he continues, finding himself needing to express how much he truly loved his girlfriend, "and I'm so happy that I get to spend Christmas with you and only you."
"Are you sure your mum doesn't mind you not being there this year?"
This was their first official Christmas together and Mason had suggested it just being the two of them. Plans had been made to spend time with his family after tomorrow's match, but she had heard all the stories from his previous Christmases with his family and worried he'd be missing out.
"She's already sent me every recipe," Mason replies, sealing her lips with a kiss, "twice." She giggles at the thought of his mum having to send everything twice because she knew he'd forget about them. "So, I think we should get cleaned up, stick on those cheesy Christmas jumpers my mum gave us and get a start on the day; what do you say?"
"I'd say because all you can cook is pasta, you're staying away from the turkey and out of the kitchen."
The two of them showered together, got dressed together, Mason even offering to dry her hair for her, before heading downstairs to open presents. They promised each other not to go all out on the presents, only buying small gifts that had a meaning behind them. Of course, Mason hadn't listened, y/n unwrapping both tickets to her favourite band (tickets that had sold out not even an hour after going on sale) and tickets to the opening show of a musical she had been talking about non-stop after she heard it was opening on the West End. She wanted to make a comment about him going over the top, but the warm, cheery smile he beamed as he watched her open the presents made it hard for her to be upset with him.
"What are you thinking about?" Y/n asks, coming in from the kitchen to find Mason laid on the sofa, running his fingers absentmindedly up and down his front.
"The future," he mumbles, pulling her down to lay with him. He ignores her protests about needing to get back into the kitchen, wrapping his arms tight around him. "Just thinking about the Christmas mornings we'll have in the future," he tells her, kissing the top of her head, "the ones where we're stopping the dog from running off with the wrapping paper and the ones where we'll have to help the little ones unwrap their presents."
"Kids and a dog, huh?" It made her smile to know he thought about her when he thought about those things. "Is that what you really want?"
"I want everything with you."
She sits herself up, kissing his cheek as she does. "Well, let's get through this Christmas first, yeah?" She gives him another kiss, him whining as she pulls away. "But we'll be eating burnt turkey if you don't let me go back in the kitchen."
He chuckles, letting her go with a cheeky tap on her arse, before going back to daydreaming about the life he wanted with her.
Tag list: @geek-and-proud (sorry I keep forgetting to tag you)
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marvelous-harry · 3 years
Blurb on H/erica. Or like something on h/Erica. The pairing is very pretty and would love to read more.
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Erica sang along to the radio in her workshop as she measured out the fabric she'd need for the vintage chaise lounge she was restoring. The owner had requested it to be done in this gorgeous deep purple velvet fabric and it was looking like it was going to look very stunning by the end. She was quite envious and would definitely be keeping an eye out to see if it ever gets sold cause it would look perfect in their winter garden at home.
Grabbing her fabric scissors, she made a cut before looking up as her phone started ringing.
Seeing it was Harry calling, she picked it up and put it on speaker. "Hello, baby,"
Harry sniffled and gripped the phone. "When are you coming home, Miss?" he asked - letting out a little sob.
Erica grabbed the phone and held it close. "You okay? What's happened? You hurt?" she asked concerned.
"It broke! I swear I didn't mess with it but it broke," Harry cried into the phone.
"What broke?" Erica asked as she put away scissors and slung the velvet over the chaise lounge.
"My collar! The lock broke and now it won't stay on!" Harry sobbed.
"Oh, sweet boy," Erica sighed. "It's okay, we can get it fixed, I know a great locksmith,"
Harry just sobbed.
"I'm just leaving now, I'll be home in 20 minutes okay? I promise everything is going to be fine," Erica said as she started walking around her workshop, grabbing her things.
"Okay, please hurry," Harry whimpered.
Erica said goodbye and hung up the phone. Locking up the shop, she got in her car and hurried home.
Walking in the front door, she frowned when Harry wasn't there like she had expected him to be. "Harry?" She called out and looked up when she heard a faint reply.
Heading up the stairs, she pushed the bedroom door fully open and stepped inside. "Hey, baby,"
Harry looked up at her as she walked over. He sobbed as he held up his collar and the lock. "It broke," he cried.
Erica sat down on the bed and brushed back his damp hair. "I can see that. What happened?"
Harry gripped his collar tightly as he closed his eyes and took a shaky breath. "I was having a shower and I was just rinsing my hair and moving the collar around to make sure no soap was between it and my skin when it just fell apart and one of the little pieces fell down the drain,"
"I didn't do it on purpose, I would never break it I swear," Harry sobbed harshly as he heaved for his breath.
"Shhh, I know that, sweet boy. I know you wouldn't," Erica reassured him and continued stroking his hair. "I'll call my friend later today and ask if he can fix it then hopefully in a few days you'll have it back,"
"Days?! No, no, no," Harry shook his head and clutched his collar tightly to his chest.
Erica looked at him slightly confused, she knew he liked his collar of course but she wasn't sure why he was reacting this badly to it breaking. "Harry, can you tell me why you're so upset?"
"Because," Harry started. "Because wearing my collar makes me yours and it's special. It's like a wedding ring and now mine is broken," Harry let out a loud sob.
"Oh, Harry," Erica whispered as she leaned down and gave his cheek a kiss before wiping away some of his tears before she lay down next to him.
"Look at me, please," Erica said gently.
Harry whimpered but opened his eyes and looked at her sadly.
"You're right. The collar is a symbol of our love, our relationship, and our roles but it's just that. A symbol. I'm really sorry your collar broke and we will get it fixed but I still love you and we're still together. You're still mine. My sweet, good little boy. Right?" Erica told him while looking him in the eyes.
Harry sniffled and nodded. "Yes, Miss," Harry replied quietly. "m'sorry," he mumbled.
"You don't have to be sorry. Something you love broke, it's okay to be sad when that happens," Erica smiled. "How about you wear one of my necklaces while we get it fixed?"
Harry nodded quickly. "Yes, please," he replied eagerly.
Erica smiled and gave him a kiss. "Okay, you go get me a cup of tea and I'll pick one out. You can give me a foot massage after, my feet hurt from standing all day,"
"Yes, Miss," Harry got up and wiped his face. "Two sugars and milk," he mumbled as he headed downstairs.
Erica picked up the collar and the broken lock and put it on the nightstand. Grabbing one of her shorter necklaces that had a little heart dangling on it, she put it in her pocket before returning to the bed, ready to show Harry just how much he was hers.
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lassieposting · 3 years
I cant believe that in all the times I have read these books i never picked up on all the hints at skug/cassie
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So we meet her, and already it's established that they have some kind of a past. She's warm and friendly to him, and apparently well aware he's a shameless charmer. It's also implied she's aged considerably since she saw him last. We see him in Flirt Mode in the halloween ball story, so Flirty Skug is not out of character for him.
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He's familiar enough with her process that he doesn't need to be told what to do. He knows what her steam room is, how it works, and what she wants from him. They've clearly done this together before.
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Now, Skug is incredibly touch-averse. It takes him years to start hugging Val when she's upset and needs comforting, and a few more to start tolerating hugging for the sake of hugging. As late as LSODM, he's awkwardly trying to redirect her away from wanting a celebratory with, "I prefer the old tradition."
He has no problem telling someone to take their hands off him when he's not comfortable being touched - we see this with Abyssinia ("Hands. Off. The suit.") - but when Val starts crossing his prickly no-touch barrier to hug him, he grouses but doesn't really resist it. He could, but he doesn't, because he loves her to pieces.
Cassie is the only other person in the series who gets to hug him with minimal fuss. In fact, she's the third of only three people who get to be physically affectionate with Skulduggery in the whole series. He hugs Ghastly once, when he returns from being a statue, but Ghastly lets him initiate it. Cassie, like Val, knows the complaining is mostly for show and that she can hug him anyway.
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He? Hates it when someone disparages her. This response to China is pretty savage, especially considering he has a tendency to let her little comments go unchallenged. It also bothers him when he thinks Val doesn't like her, because Val's opinion matters to him, and he wants her to like Cassie.
It's worth noting that Skug doesn't go to bat for hardly anyone like this. Even with Val, nine times out of ten he lets her fight her own battles when someone insults her, and only really intercedes if she's hurt or too fragile to take it on the chin. He gets defensive every time someone insults Cassie.
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He fuckin?? Talks to her at night while Val is sleeping?? And more importantly, the conversations they usually have are apparently private enough that a) she answers the phone to him with a flirty comment and b) he feels the need to immediately blurt that she's on speaker? Val is an adult here. What the hell does Cassie talk to you about that's inappropriate for Val to hear, Skug? Huh?
Also? She makes the noise like he just killed her buzz? Cassie is the reason Skug knows what phone sex is, is what I'm getting at.
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He. He knows where the spare key to her house is??? And none of her possessions have been sold or packed away despite her not having been there for two years? Did she just fuckin...leave everything to him and he hasn't been ready to touch any of it?
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Anyway i refuse to accept her offscreen death & from now on, she was supposed to be targeted for the Night Of Knives but the assassin was unaware that since Val left, Skug's house had become painfully quiet and empty and he hardly spent any time there anymore bc he has an open invitation to Cassie's hippie hobbit hole. When the assassin arrived to kill her, she wasn't alone and Skug put the fear of god into him and saw him off with his tail between his legs thanks for coming to my ted talk
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laundryandtaxes · 2 years
“All our previously existing numbers say should abate over time” are you referring to the 80% desistance rate? I’m guessing you’ve seen the new study that came out which had a desistance rate of 2.5%. Do you have misgivings about the study? I’m still trying to take in all the information available and am not really on any “side.” Interested in your thoughts.
I think this is a pretty good question! I know there are a lot of qualms with the 85% figure I see tossed around a lot or at least with the research methods used to get the 85%, but I do think we have several clues that the desistance rate among people who don't receive an intervention of any kind must be quite high, over a long enough period of time.
Firstly, I think that anyone who's spent significant time with children should feel pretty comfortable making the claim that the number of children who insist on anything extraordinary about themselves as children, even to the point of actively growing upset when questioned on it, is in almost any instance going to be much much smaller than the number of them who grow into adults who still insist that thing about themselves well into adulthood. I think a lot of people find the "my three year old says he's a firefighter" comparisons, etc, to be trivializing, and that makes sense from an adult perspective, especially if you think all or most gender dysphoria is innate, and I think sometimes they can be used dismissively. But anyone who's spent a lot of time with children should know those comparisons are not necessarily trivializing at all, and especially should know that the children who make those extraordinary claims are not kidding, and are taking them as seriously as they can for their age, and moreover are using those declarations to do real emotional work or to learn some important concepts, etc. Child's play is very serious business- it is not unusual for a child to grow very distressed and cry when their imaginary best friend is challenged, or when someone corrects them and says they are 4 and not 9 as they insist, etc. So when we are talking about any claim made by a child as young as 3 (GIDS in the UK has publicly said the youngest person they've seen was 3 years old, last I saw, and in the US there's one very famous case of a person having been taken to professionals who allegedly presented the diagnosis of gender dysphoria at the age of 3 as well) I think comparing the proclamation of a cross-sex identity is directly comparable to the proclamation of other extraordinary identities or realities a child might make at the same age, and that that speaks to the importance of the thing being communicated in every instance and not to one being silly and one being serious.
Secondly, I think the sheer number of very loudly desisted detransitioners does tell us that the desistance rate cannot possibly be all that low, or else it should simply be very difficult to locate members of this allegedly very small subset of the allegedly also very small subset of people who've undergone transition steps.
Thirdly, the best numbers I've found from a very sympathetic source (Thomas Steensma, who helped to develop the protocol for stopping puberty in children in response to gendered distress and supports the practice to this day) still show a desistance rate, being most generous, of roughly 30%, and this in a subset of children who were distressed enough to be at a clinic in the first place. I'm getting 30% by roughly chopping out those who were counted as desisted merely because they stopped attending the clinic because that has been the best criticism I've seen of the study, but if even 30% of the children being given an extremely powerful and medically experimental protocol with drugs we know are correlated with really horrific effects even in adult use for serious medical problems don't "need" it, which is ceding for a second the concept that puberty could possibly be something a person doesn't need to experience and I'm not sold on that concept, that's a very big deal.
Fourthly, I think the prevalence of gender dysphoria among very gender nonconforming gay and bisexual women in their childhoods probably indicates that most people at least of that variety really do make it through the other side of puberty with their gender-related distress significantly lowered or resolved, and I think that could potentially only get harder and harder to see if there is less opportunity ever even presented for non-medical or even just non-transition resolution. However, I think I also have to grant that the percentage of very gender nonconforming female people I know who think of themselves as women is incredibly small right now, and to be fair you could correlate that with the fact that most gnc girls grow up to be non-gnc and heterosexual women, and the small subset that do not grow into those could be argued to be the kind of true gender dysphoric subject in question. I don't think that's a very good argument but I grant it is one you could pretty reasonably make.
I actually personally don't think desistance rates are all that important honestly, and I don't really like much focus on them- the only way in which they matter to me personally all that much is I suspect that puberty blockers and the affirmative model may be actively locking children into identities which will compel them to make choices that cause real harms to their health and body over time. To get to your question about the new 2.5% study, I did see it in the NYTimes and I don't think much of it. I don't think it tells us anything that a child could speak up about distress with regard to gender norms and their body at the age of 6.5 (which was the average I think initial questioning age) and then be handed an entire narrative that affirms and describes and gives real form to a form of distress they are experiencing by professionals in white coats who say it is best that they be allowed for instance to engage in cross sex behaviors from which they were previously barred, and then have their brain development paused (not all of the children were on blockers in the study is my understanding, but some were) while they are experiencing this severe emotional distress about their developing body and the gender norms ascribed onto it which they think about constantly because the purpose of the protocol is often said to be allowing children time to think (I would say obsess) about their distress, and then still be experiencing that distress in a way that lines very neatly up with the narrative they were fed at the age of 6, 5 years later. None of that surprises me given my experience with and understanding of the deeply obsessive nature of a lot of people who struggle with gender dysphoria, the role of homophobia in the distress, the rigidity a lot of these children have around roles, etc. The problem now is that in order to untangle the impact of social and medical transition steps we would need control groups, and while I think the medicalization of this issue in children is unethical, there are others who think that having a control group of children not given blockers if deisred would also be unethical. But without control groups none of this really means all that much to me.
Thank you for the question! Hope this mostly makes sense.
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seat-safety-switch · 3 years
There's a popular belief that car folks only like fast cars. This is disproven by the fact that, while fast cars are the best cars, slow cars are also fun to drive around. If you have a fast car, you're still sharing the road with slow cars. If you have a slow car, you get to irritate people who have fast cars.
Take my daily driver, a heavily worn Plymouth Volare, for instance. It boasts a zero-to-sixty time of about one week. It gets the doors blown off it by literally any new vehicle sold today, including most bicycles. None of this matters, because it has a trunk that is sort of large enough to hold things. As long as you don't care that those things fall through the hole in the trunk and end up on the highway. Most of the things I want to keep end up ratchet-strapped to the back seats so they don't fall through the hole in the rear footwell. Sorry, what were we talking about again?
Fun. That's right. There is nothing more fun in this world than trying to hammer a car through a canyon. Except when the car is very upset about moving at all, much less pull the kind of lateral Gs that top scientists thought were impossible at the time of the vehicle's original manufacture. It turns out that even the junkiest tires you pick up from Tires4Less4DisgustingAmericanPigdogs.cn are still practically race tires compared to late-1970s economy tires, and even more so if the tires you bought the car with are old enough to vote.
And the entire time while I'm rattling my way through this white-knuckle death race, a base-model Corolla is sitting an inch off my bumper, exploding because I can't even get up to the speed limit and keep coughing so much oil smoke onto their hood that it will probably stain the paint and impact the lease buyback. That's what being a car asshole is all about.
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 3 years
I'm sorry if I'm bothering but I cant stop thinking about the brothers reacting to the mcs family accepting them as mcs bf before and after they find out the bro is a demon
The Brothers When MC’s Family Accepts Them As Demons (Headcanons)
These got super long, so I’m gonna put them under the cut. Thanks for the request, this was super fun to do. 
The amount of stress he had going into this was ridiculous. He didn’t want to meet your family in the first place, he thought it was unnecessary and he would have much rather they not knew that he and you were dating. You insisted though, and he begrudgingly agreed to meet them when you went back up to the human world for your birthday. Everything was going fine until you slipped up and used his full name, and he was honestly… relieved. He had hated the stupid nickname you had given to him… “Luci”. It made him cringe, but nobody really named their child Lucifer, so apparently it was necessary. That one slip though, and he froze up, waiting for your parents to freak out… but they didn’t. Honestly, he wondered if your parents were even listening, but then your dad tried to make a dad joke. “So Lucifer, what was the fall like? Just joking, glad you could join us.” Confused. Kind of worried about your parents judgement, because, of course he loves you and wouldn’t want anyone to get in between the two of you… your parents are just… okay?With you dating a demon? Might need to take the second that your parents didn’t take. 
Not really all for meeting your family, but then again, that could be another way of getting free gifts or money. Definitely decides that he wants to meet them around Christmas, and make sure to let them know that you’re bringing your boyfriend, and that he likes gold anything or just flat out cash. He was nervous, but he wouldn’t let that show. Obviously The Great Mammon doesn’t get nervous, not around some measly humans. But these humans, these humans were important to you, and if he didn’t make a good impression, well… he could handle his brothers talking bad about him, but your family was a whole different thing. Christmas morning seemed to be going along without a hitch, the two of you had decided to just call each other by pet names so his real name wouldn’t slip… that is until his greediness started to show and he started pestering your parents about what he got. You lightly smacked his arm, whispering his name, hoping that your family didn’t hear you. “Oh, Mammon? Like the demon of greed Mammon?” Uhm… why weren’t your parents freaking out? “Don’t worry. We didn’t really know what to get you, so we just decided on money. I’m sure you won’t mind.” He’s on a whole new level of shook. Your family is so chill, he wants to come back for every holiday. 
Getting him to leave his own bedroom was a job on its own. Trying to get him to agree to meet your family was a whole new level of difficult. There was no need for it, they won’t like him, he’s a loser… he gave all these excuses, and although none of them were true to you, he believed them to be true. You were on the verge of giving up and he saw that, he saw that you were upset about it, and he didn’t want to be the reason for you being upset so he finally said that he would. Only for a day trip though. His anxiety was already through the roof and he didn’t want to be stuck in a house of a bunch of people he didn’t know longer than 24 hours. That was no problem for you though as your family was having a small get together. It was a cookout and there would be a pool and everything, just a pleasant day of family fun. That’s how you sold it to him, and although he was still reluctant, he liked the idea of a pool. So now, here you were, goofing off in the pool. He was pushing you around the pool in a little donut raft, and he decided it would be funny to flip you off of it. You squealed his name when you came up from out of the water, forgetting for a second where you were, and your entire family was looking at the two of you now. “Leviathan… I know I heard that name before… isn’t that that one demon who…” “Doesn’t matter what he is, they’re both having fun. Burgers are up in five minutes, kiddos.” They’re not… shocked? Not running for the hills, having a panic attack. Nope, just burgers. He finally feels like he can really relax now, and that’s all that matters. 
Pfft, worried? Not him. People love him. Your parents will too, he was sure of it. He was all for visiting your parents, actually, he was the one who brought it up. You were about to visit your mom for her birthday, and he decided that he wanted to come along too, since he’d never met your family before. He felt like you were hiding him and he didn’t like that feeling, so now he was coming to your mom's birthday and he even picked her out a gift. Obviously it was self-care set, but what else was he going to get her? It’s Asmo. Of course, your mother loves him immediately. He’s kind and he’s gentle and soft spoken, and he keeps calling her beautiful. He was a charmer, and everything was going great. The entire party went flawlessly, and you both thought that you’d get through the day without anyone finding out that your boyfriend was in fact a demon. That is, until your mother stopped the two of you for goodbye hugs, and she decided to become curious about his name. “Is Asmo your full name, or is it short for something else?” She was so inquizitive, and you bit your lip, hoping that he’d just agree that Asmo was his name, but, he had no shame. He told her that it was short for Asmodeus, and at first she looked shocked, but then she just shrugged. “Hmm, well… isn’t that something. You two get home safely, and come back soon, okay?” At first he thought that she just didn’t know who he was, but you explained to him that she knew, she just didn’t care. He kind of had a feeling it would happen that way though, so he was just as happy as he was before he came up to visit. 
He’ll agree to visit your parents, you don’t have to bribe him, convince him, nothing. He just wants you to call him by his real name. He said he would be on his best behaviour, and that your family would have no reason to hate him unless they’re judging him strictly off of his name, but if that’s the case, then they’re shit anyway and he doesn’t want to associate with them. It was a Fathers Day party, and you were on edge the entire time. Your parents weren’t judgemental at all, but the name, his name alone would freak anyone out. He was a true gentleman, shaking your fathers hand and having regular conversations with him about different books that they’ve read. Things were great, and then dinner came along. Satan and your dad were still talking amongst themselves when he stopped in the middle of his sentence. “You know, Y/N never did tell us your name. Things have just been so busy, I’m sorry about that.” Satan didn’t hold back, he almost too proudly stated his name to your father, like he was expecting some type of freak out. It was your mom who chuckled lightly, shaking her head. “Ah, leave it to Y/N to date Satan. Well, everyone seems happy in the relationship, who am I to judge?” And with that everyone went back to eating. You were more shocked than Satan was, he just seemed really smug now, continuing his conversation with your dad. It felt like a giant weight had been lifted off your shoulders. 
Halloween, you chose Halloween. There was candy involved and he seemed excited about it. He was always so sweet and you really felt like you had nothing to worry about with him, how could anyone not like Beel? He was a big teddy bear, an absolute sweetheart. He wasn’t even nervous about meeting your family, and there was no reason for him to be. When he walked into your house everyone greeted him with open arms, warm welcomes, and soft smiles. Honestly, the only thing intimidating about him was his height, but everyone quickly got over that and it even became a sort of joke between him and your dad. “Oh, watch your head there, pal. If Y/N would have told me you were so tall I would have raised the archways a little more.” Dad jokes, and while you were embarrassed whenever your dad said anything, Beel seemed to love it. When snack trays went out, Beel devoured everything almost immediately, and it was only when he had cleared the entire table that he realized what he did, smiling sheepishly at you. Your family was clearly… concerned. Beel decided to take it upon himself to explain everything since you seemed so worried, and his plan was, if they freaked out, he’d just take you back to the Devildom to celebrate Halloween there. It was quite the opposite though, and your mom actually seemed relieved that there was a reason for him eating so much. “That makes so much sense. I was getting worried that someone wasn’t feeding you. Well, you can always come home anytime for dinner, alright?” So happy, he’s so happy. Ends up changing into his demon form for a Halloween costume which amazes everyone. He asks to visit your family at least once a week for dinner now. It’s a second home to him. 
Why visit your family when he can just sleep? Sleep is life. He’ll probably just zonk out at your parents house anyway, but that wasn’t the point. You wanted him to at least meet your parents once. They had asked you to come home, and you had told them before that you had a boyfriend and they really wanted to meet him too. It wasn’t particularly hard to say no to you, it’s just that he didn’t like hurting your feelings, and he felt like it was the least he could do considering he did… kill you once. He really did do his best to stay awake, not for your parents, but for you. He didn’t want you to think he was rude for falling asleep at the dinner table, which almost happened. Once everyone moved into the living room though, he couldn’t help himself. Leaning against your shoulder he slowly dozed off and your mom noticed immediately. “Just like your father, able to fall asleep anywhere and everywhere.” You heard Belphie scoff quietly, deciding that he would throw out a joke about being Belphegor, the Demon of Sloth. Of course, you knew that it wasn’t a joke, and you tensed up, waiting for your mom’s reaction to it. “Oh, well, that makes sense now. Do you need a pillow, or a blanket? A warm cup of tea?” He peaked one eye open, staring at your mom for a second before looking up at you and declining, almost too politely. He was kind of bummed out that your mom wasn’t scared of him. There was no fun in it. At least he got to nap a little longer though, and she brought him a cup of tea anyway, so he was still winning in the end. All is well that ends well.
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stillwinchester · 3 years
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for @floral-cas
The first time, Dean gave Cas flowers, it was just a joke.
He saw an old lady on the street with bouquets of daisies. It was a windy day, and she wore only a sweater, and he just thought it would be nice to help her a little. Small bouquets cost three dollars, the big ones five. He took one of them and give the lady ten bucks.
“Keep the rest,” he said, but the lady shook his head.
“No, sweetheart, I can't. But I can make for you a bigger bouquet, just wait a minute.” She took more flowers to added them to the bouquet. “Who's the lucky one?”
Dean scratched his head, thinking about some reliable lie. 
“Umm, I... It's for me, I just like flowers.”
The lady didn't believe him, but she smiled anyway and started talking. She talked a lot, like she missed for company. When Dean walked away, he knew that she sold flowers for years, earlier her wife had helped her; he knew she had an old cat; he knew meds were expensive; and he knew that her names was Jude. 
Dean came back to the car, he had no idea what he was going to do with flowers, he just threw them on the back seat and drove to home.
Cas was staring at the bouquet in Dean's hand. Of course, he was staring, it wasn't like Dean brought flowers every day.
“Do you have a date, Dean?” he asked, tilting his head. And maybe it was crazy, but Dean heard disappointment in his voice. But why Cas would be upset because of some stupid date?
“Oh, no, it's for you, actually,” he teased, giving him flowers. Cas hesitated for a moment, but he took the daisies eventually, watching them curiously. Dean wanted to explain it was just a joke, but before he even can open his mouth, Cas smiled shyly (Dean had no idea Cas could smile this way, it was adorable somehow) and smelled flowers.
“Thank you, Dean. It's very nice of you. They're beautiful.”
Dean didn't say anything, just shrugged his arms. He was cool with this, just dudes being dudes.
It became their tradition. Every Monday, Dean came back to the bunker with a new bouquet, always different flowers: tulips, daffodils, peonies, violets… 
Of course, he was doing it only because he felt sorry for that old lady… Right?
“We were together almost forty years. We were married only for a short moment, she passed away two months after our wedding. But I'm glad that we could finally do this, even if we were old then...” said Jude, showing him pictures of her and her wife. They looked so happy there, Dean knew he won’t ever have something like this, an apple pie life wasn’t for hunters.
“I have a friend, a good friend,” he confessed. “He gets all these flowers... And I think, I like him more than I should.”
“Than you should?” she repeated. “I think you should love whoever you want...”
“It's not that simple.”
“Oh, life isn't simple, boy, but it doesn't mean it's not worth to try.” She smiled to him to get him more courage. Dean for the first time mentioned Cas to her.
“The thing is... He could never feel the same, and I... Even if he does, my father would despise me, I can't do this. I can't like the other man this way.” Maybe John was dead for years, but Dean was still afraid of him to even try to live his own life.
“I see... I and Flora… I was the one, who had doubts. I knew she loved me, and I knew I loved her, but my parents, they would’ve never accepted this relationship. So, we run away.”
Dean realized that for Jude it wasn’t easy for the beginning, and it gave him hope that maybe he could do this too. Maybe it wasn’t too late for him.
“Actually, my father is dead...”
“So what stop you?” she asked politely.
“I don't know.” He shakes his head. “I think I stop myself.”
“Mornin' sunshine, it's for you.” Dean took new flowers from behind his back. 
“Sunflowers!” Cas grinned at him, and something shined in his eyes. He looked so happy like he just got some precious item, not just stupid flowers. Dean was surprised, not for the first time, that his angel can be so delighted because of so simple gift.
“Do you like them?”
“Very much... They remind me about Jack.”
“Ouch! Not about me? I gave them to you!” he mocked, and it made that Cas smiled even more. 
“I know, but you're more like lily.”
Dean blinked twice in confusion. Lily? The hell!
“Umm, what? It doesn't sound... good,” he shared with his doubts. Lily was flower for chicks, he should be Venus Flytrap or some other badass shit (why it was Venus, actually? Mars Flytrap sounded better). 
“Why? It symbolizes pure heart, and you, Dean, have it, no doubt.”
“I… Okay.” He didn't feel comfortable, hearing things like this. Fortunately, Cas changes subject. 
“And what about me? Which one am I?”
“I know shit about flowers symbolism,” he chuckled, but after Cas' sad gaze, he rolled his eyes and replied. “Forget-me-not. I think. They're blue like your... Blue is your color, you know, and I... I could never forget you.”
It was a shitty Monday, Dean was on the case, bloody vampires!, and he didn't have a time to see with Jude. And no Jude meant no flowers for Cas. Although, he stopped a car near the meadow and picked one flower, now it seemed to be ridiculous, he didn't plan to give it to Cas...
In the kitchen, Cas was waiting for him with a pie and a cup of steaming coffee.
“Oh, God, you're the best,” he said, taking the first sip. “I feel like a dumbass now.”
“What do you mean?” asked Cas, frowning.
“You prepared all of this, and I couldn't afford you flowers.”
“Dean, you're not obligated to do this. It was a nice thing, but it's not necessary. And I know, you were busy.”
It's none excuse, he thought. Cas seemed to be really okay with this, but Dean still weren't. 
“Look, I know it's not the same. But it's the only thing I could find on my way,” he said, pulling a single blue flower from his pocket. “Forget-me-not for unforgettable angel.”
“Oh, Dean, thank you! It's perfect.”
“I don't think so… It's smashed, and… Jeez, Cas, it's so stupid, I can't even give you a proper bouquet, I…”
“Dean,” he interrupted him. “Come with me, I want to show you something.” 
Cas took some book from a bookshelf in his room. He opened it and showed Dean what was hidden inside. There were dried flowers from earlier bouquets. One flower for each one.
“Like I said, it was perfect. It's gonna suit to my collection,” he explained. “And, Dean, I won't forget about you either. Never.”
Dean was just staring at Cas, thinking how much this little gesture meant to him, but in the next second, he caught Cas' lip in his own, and kissed him for the first time. He didn't need to wait a long time for a response, Cas hands found the back of his neck, and the angel was kissing him with passion.
Oh my God, he thought. Cas feels the same. Cas feels the same...
They pulled away and stared at each other for a while, breathing hard. 
“Is it why you gave me all that flowers? Like in the movies?” asked Cas, and Dean noded. 
“Yeah... Like in the movies.”
Cas grabbed Dean's hand and brushed it with his lips. He understood him without any words. 
“Me too, Dean.” He kissed his knuckles once again. “Me too.”
“This is Cas,” said Dean on the next Monday. “Cas, this is Jude.”
“It's nice to meet you. Dean talked a lot about you,” explained Cas.
“You didn't lie, boy, he really looks like an angel.” Dean's face turned red, and he mumbled something.
“And what do you have today? Roses?” he changed subject. 
“Red ones. Flowers for lovers.”
Dean smirked, of course, that roses were available on the first Monday after he and Cas got hitched.
“So, I think we'll take the biggest bouquet.”
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antidisneystarwars · 2 years
A Scene I Would've Liked in Last Jedi
I make Rose and her sister Twi'leks in this because come one, there needs to be more aliens in this STAR WARS movie.
"Rose and Finn find a way to disguise themselves and hide amongst a large crowd when Finn notices Rose getting agitated as she tries to get him to hurry."
Finn: Are you alright?
Rose: I'm fine. I just want to get out of here now!
Finn: I can feel when someone's not okay.
Rose: Look, I just-
Auctioneer: Ladies and gentlemen and lifeforms of all kinds, today we have a special treat all the way from Ryloth. *he pulls down a large tarp to show a twi'lek girl maybe 18 or 19 looking broken and chained* Now, like all of her species she's quite the beauty and naturally submissive. Now shall we start the bidding at 10,000 credits?
Finn: That's why you're upset.
Rose: Let's go.
"They make their way through the crowd, Rose's fist still tightly clutched."
Finn: Were you...
Rose: Yes.
Finn: I-I see.
Rose: *glares forward as they duck behind an alley*
Finn: If you don't mind me asking, wh-what happened?
Rose: You really wanna know?
Finn: Yes.
Rose:...When the First Order occupied Ryloth, they reinstated the slave trade, that General Organa fought tooth and nail to stop and my family and I were unlucky enough to be part of it. Papa was sold to the slave mines of Kessel while Mama was given as a 'gift' to the Hutt Clans. My sister and I ended up here where we were treated like party favors and toys.
Finn: I'm sorry. How did you escape?
Rose: We didn't. A Resistance squadron freed us after they heard about it. They gave us everything Finn. Our freedom, the ability read and write, to create and make something of ourselves. To choose our own destiny instead of being seen as a plaything for someone else.
Finn: So that's why you got so mad when I tried to escape.
Rose: I guess. Sorry about that by the way.
Finn: It's okay. I've taken worse beatings by my commanders back with the First Order.
Rose: Why did you leave the First Order?
Finn: I also wanted to choose my own destiny. I wanted to be a person, instead of a living weapon.
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Not teeeechnically a “request”, but it’s a prompt I’ve been wanting to do for a while, so here we go. Just as @direwolfspostsrandomshit described, but the setting is your guy comes home to see you showing off the new outfit. Also, this includes Weaver and Naga as bonuses bc I love them 😌😌
You wouldn't know to look at him, especially behind those dark sunglasses, but his heart starts hammering immediately
"Uh, what's all this for?", He chuckles nervously
You tell him you were just trying it on, but you're not sure if you like it
"Why not? It looks stunning on you"
Oh really?
"Well you sure stunned me", he smiles and pulls you in by the waist
Adler kisses you and runs his hands up and down your bare skin
He loves how much there is to feel
With one more kiss, he slips the tip of his thumbs under the little hem of your shirt
"I uh, don't suppose you know how to take this off...?"
Maybe you can show him ;)
I'm sorry, but I KNOW y'all cannot look me in the eye and tell me that good old clean cut Hudson doesn't secretly have some SERIOUS kinks and fantasies
One of those kinks is definitely a huge thirst for curvy women lmao
You have him on his knees panting as it is, but to come home to you in that?
However, like Adler, Hudson is the master of the poker face
Too bad his blushing cheeks betray him
Now that is a rare sight indeed
You feel a bit more confident in your outfit, just by seeing how excited it's made Hudson
"Where'd you get that?", he tries to hide the blush by swiping at his face a little
You decide to have a little fun and saunter up to him, looking absolutely stunning
You tell him it's thrifted, but that's not of any importance right now
His skin feels hot to the touch as you cup his cheek and give him a kiss
At last he can't keep his hands to himself any longer, exploring every inch of exposed skin and gorgeous curves as he does so
You're going to be there for a while ;)
Ok, first off, Lazar knows you struggle with body image issues and he does his best to support you!
So to see you working it in a cute little number like that is 👀👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
Besides, obviously he thinks your body is lovely!!
"Wow, you look amazing!"
You whip around, looking quite surprised to see him
Lazar continues on his way over, your outfit is even better from the front
You ask him if he really thinks so
You're more then nervous in this get up, but you've come to really trust his opinion and ego boosts
"Fuck yeah I do!", he picks you up easily and gives you a spin
He kisses your nose and then your lips before gently returning you to the ground
Lazar takes one look at you and your crop top and then one at his torso
"Say, you think they have any of those in my size?", the big guy laughs
You laugh too, but you're not entirely sure if he's joking
He's absolutely stunned!
Alex thinks you absolutely own in every outfit you wear, but he's never seen you in something so revealing before 👀
You ask him if he likes it, but all he can do is stumble over his words
He can't take his eyes off that cute crop top
You're starting to think maybe he doesn't like it, since he can't seem to find anything to say
But finally he manages to tell you it looks great on you
It's not much, but you're starting to pick up that he may be a little shy in your presence while wearing such a cute outfit
He smiles and walks up to you, "Um, it looks really great, actually heh"
His hand caresses your hip and and nuzzles your check
"Do you think you could wear it more often?"
You know what?
You just might :)
He fucking DIES
Seriously, like I headcannon that Naga love a thicc Queen™ soooo hard, like I think he'd short circuit lol
For the sake of some sort of civilized manners, he asks some throw away question like where you got the outfit or something as he walks right up to you
He pulls you in for an embrace to greet you while you moodily answer his question
He's not listening however
Instead, he runs his hand from your hip up to the curve of your bust
The silk of the fabric is cool against his fingers, and they shake a little in excitement
You don't even get to finish your sentence
With a scoff and a roll of the eye, you shoo his hand away and scold him, trying but failing to conceal your laughter
He begs and promises you whatever you want if you let him take you to the bedroom in that little get up
Tsk, naughty boy
His mouth falls open the second he sees you
He whistles and howls, making you jump a little when you turn around
"Damn baby, that looks amazing on you!"
You tell him thanks, but you're not a big fan of the low rise pants. They show off you tummy to much, you think
He makes a face like he's upset anyone could think that about you, even yourself
Sims brings you in for a hug and he kisses your forehead, arms gently locked around your waist
"Naw, you look gorgeous", he kisses you again, "in fact, come on, lets go show that little number off! Make some people jealous", he laughs
You're not sure, buuuuuut...
He seems so confident in you that you can almost feel confident in yourself
At last you agree and run off for your shoes
You definitely earn yourself a collection of admirers that night
Hoooooo boy
Weaver is about to combust
Unfortunately, Weaver is also Weaver so he doesn't know how to express it
He can't even speak he's so overwhelmed!!
You give him the usual hey, how was work stuff
He tries, but still no coherent words
Thankfully for him, this isn't a total disaster
You know him well enough by now to know he only gets like this when he's surprised
You gesture to your outfit and ask if he likes it
He nods fervently, unable to take his eyes off that little crop top
You roll your eyes and give a little laugh as you walk over to kiss him
"Thanks", you say
He feels inordinately warm under your touch
He gulps, hands a little shaky as he reaches up to touch your waist
"Y-yeah", is all he can manage
Just give him a minute :p
A very similar initial reaction to Sims tbh
"Oooo hooo... Fuck yeah! Where you going sexy?"
You blush and respond that you were actually about to go change out of this, you're just not sure it suits you
Woods has put up his coat by now, but he hasn't taken his eyes off of you once
"What? Why? You look amazing!"
He comes over and cops a little feel of your sequined booty
You jump and laugh a little, while he nuzzles your neck
You're still not 100% sold on it, but you tell him maybe it's alright just for the house...
"Heh, sounds good to me", he waggles his eyebrows at you
He'll encourage you to wear it out if you want to, but he's the jealous kind and he knows for sure you'll be drawing quite the fanclub in a stunning look like that
But it's alright, you can wear what you want where you want ofc
He knows how to fight :)
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mellomanjiro · 3 years
hey! hope youre having a great day <3 i wanted to request a, mello x reader, big fight and make up? :D i love those type of fics lmao XD. love your writing btw <3 ♡♡
thank you for requesting <3
A fight with Mello
"That's it! I'm leaving!" I say to Mello as I get up and run to our shared bedroom. I'm tired of this.... I'm tired of everything. Mello comes rushing after me and he grabs my arm and turns me to face him.
"Y/n I'm sorry, I'm just so tired with trying to beat Near. I didn't mean to sound so rude to when I was answering your question" he says still holding on to my arm.
I roll my eyes at him saying Near. Mello doesn't talk about much of his childhood but one thing he does talk about is a boy named Near. Near is a few years younger than Mello and back at the orphanage that Mello was at he and Near were always paired up against each other. Near always was better than Mello no matter how hard Mello tried and still to this day all Mello cares about is beating Near.
"See that is all you care about. Near this and Near that. I bet you don't even talk about me as much as you talk about him. Why don't you go date Near instead" I say annoyed with Mello.
Mello makes a disgusted look on his face, him dating his enemy sounds like his worst nightmare.
“You haven’t taken me on dates, you haven’t initiated any affection towards me and you don’t even talk to me anymore and when you do you give me attitude! Mello, do you even love me anymore?” I ask trying to not cry. 
I knew dating Mello wouldn’t be easy. I wasn’t expecting a basic romance story but whatever Mello and I had before is gone. He spends his days stressing over Kira and Near and I just sit around waiting for the boy I love to come back to me.
Mello has a temper too. He gets mad pretty easily. Someone gets my order wrong at a restaurant, Mello won’t shut up about it till the waiter gets me exactly what I want. His favourite chocolate bar is sold out this week? Well lets just say that one of the walls we walk past in the alley on our way home has a few new bullet holes than before. 
But one thing is certain is that Mello has never lost his temper on me. No matter what I have done, no matter how big or small a mistake I made was Mello will only talk to me in sweet, calm voice. Even if I were to argue with him he would only reply back in a calm voice, being careful he won’t say anything he’ll regret later. That’s why I got so upset with his rude reply earlier.
Hearing my question Mello’s face sinks. “What? Y/n? Of course I love you. You are the only one I love” he takes my hand and pulls me onto the bed and we are sitting next to each other. 
“Please please forgive me y/n. I love you so much and you know I would do anything for you. I never want to hurt you. I don’t deserve your love but for some reason you are with me. I’m truly the luckiest man alive. I am so sorry y/n. Please don’t leave me” he says looking at me right into my eyes. 
I look at him right in his eyes. He does love me and how could I stay mad at him when I love him just as much. 
I lean over and hold his face in my hands. I give him a gentle kiss on his lips. “I forgive you love” I say as I pull away. He pulls me back in fast and kisses me harder when he lets go I giggle. “I love you y/n” he says smiling. “I love you too” I reply back also smiling. 
“Okay get ready!” he says and he gets up. “What? Why?” I asked confused. “I’m taking you out tonight” he replies. “Really? Where?” I ask. “Anywhere you want. Now come on, hurry up!” he says. I jump out of bed and go straight to my closet to look for my favourite outfit.
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favefandomimagines · 3 years
Not The Right Time (t.h.)
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Summary: after tom comes into theo’s life, a slip up causes you two to make a huge decision.
AN: part 2 to ‘Why?’ im gonna name the parts something different so they still have their own story and not direct sequels to the first part!
And i found the pics on pinterest
Tom had actively been a part of Theo's life for a few months. You were working through your issues while raising your son together. But at the moment, the two of you weren't together.
But of course, there were boundaries. Tom wasn't allowed to take Theo anywhere that was usually crawling with paparazzi. That was a rule you lived by since Theo was born and Tom was completely on board with that.
Tom also couldn't post about him on social media. Because the entire world didn't know that Tom had a son. His fans were known to get pretty nasty and you didn't need to make headlines for calling out anyone who spoke of your son negatively.
The only people you told right away were Tom's parents and brothers. They were a bit confused at first but once you explained the situation to them, they understood.
And so far, the boundaries were not crossed.
"Daddy, when is mommy coming home?" Theo asked, sitting on the couch next to Tessa. "Soon, bud. She's at work with Uncle Seb." Tom answered. "But she promised to take me to the park." The little boy whined.
Tom knew that he wasn't supposed to take Theo anywhere there could potentially be paparazzi. But how many would be at a children's park? Probably none.
"How about I take you to the park today?" He asked his son. "Really?" Theo asked excitedly. "Yeah! Just you and me." Tom said. "Yay! Can we bring Tessa?" Theo questioned. "Of course we can. Do you want to go get her leash?" Tom replied.
Theo hopped off the couch and ran to get Tessa's leash and brought it to his dad. Tom got the boy all ready to go, sunscreen and all, and got him strapped into his carseat.
Once at the park, everything was going great. Theo and Tom played fetch with Tessa, then went down the slides, and played on the playground.
Tom had Theo's hand holding his right hand and Tessa's leash was in his left as they walked towards the car to go home, when a man with a camera slowly approached them.
"Hey, Tom. Babysitting today?" The man asked. "Uh, yeah. You could. say that." Tom answered. "Does it bother you that you're taking care of your ex girlfriend's child?" He questioned. “Or that she had a baby shortly after you broke up?” He added.
Tom knew what the man was doing. Trying to get a rise out of Tom and it was working.
"Well, he's mine so no it doesn't bother me." Tom sneered. "You and Y/N had a kid together?" He further pushed. "Yes, now if you'll excuse me, you're scaring my son and I need to get him home." Tom said, picking Theo up and walking past the man.
Soon after they arrived home, Theo was napping and Tom was pacing in his room.
It wouldn't be long before that man sold the footage to a huge news outlet and you were going to be livid with Tom.
"Hello? Where is everyone?" Your voice rang down the hall. Tom met you in the hallway and right away you could tell something was wrong.
"Are you okay?" You asked. "Uh, there's something I need to tell you." Tom said. Those were a few words that you did not want to hear. "What happened?" You asked.
You followed him into the living room where he continued to pace.
"So I took Theo to the park today a-an it was the one you said to take him too and he was so upset you weren't here to take him so I did. Everything was fine until we left when this guy with a camera and he started asking all of these questions and I lost it. I told him that Theo was my son." Tom ranted.
He waited to see what your reaction would be when all he got was silence.
"Why couldn't you just wait for me?" You asked. "Because you'd be home late after a day of filming, I had the day off and I'm his father. I didn't think I'd have to wait for you." He explained.
Then it was your turn to pace. You didn't know what you were going to do. "Look, if we just announce it first before he sells the footage, then he has no story." Tom suggested.
"No, Tom, it's not the right time." You rebutted. "Y/N, I love you, but there is never going to be a right time.” Tom said. 
You looked at him with wide eyes as your pacing came to a halt. “What?” He asked. “You just said you love me. You haven’t said that in months.” You answered. “I didn’t think you wanted to hear it. I didn’t want to overcomplicate an already complicated situation.” Tom explained. 
You looked at him for a moment before you sighed. 
“Okay. Let’s do it.” You said. “Yeah?” Tom questioned. “Yeah. You’re right. There’s never going to be a right time to announce this. And I’d rather it come from us than E! News.” You explained. 
Tom smiled at you before taking you in his arms comfortingly. 
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@ tomholland2013: So this is a bit of a shock for most of you but Y/N and I have a son. His name is Theo and he is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me. I wasn’t in his life for the first four years and let’s not start the rumors that it was Y/N’s fault. she’s an amazing mother and she gave me the greatest gift and now neither of them will be able to get rid of me @y/f/n__
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@y/f/n__: i’m sure you all already saw Tom’s post and though him and I aren’t together romantically at the moment, Theo and i love having his daddy around. @ tomholland2013
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