#I'm such a sucker for traditional clothes
artemismatchalatte · 2 years
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Sam and Cat from Lip Service (2011-12) in 1920's style clothing.
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skitariiposting · 7 months
Skit's Mini Painting Journey Pt. 3
The Admech one.
C'mon, you all saw this one coming.
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Back when I was painting my nurgles purple, I wanted to do a similar color scheme for my Admech army. I slowly moved away from it however, as I didn't quite like the way it turned out. The green and purple look took to Nurgle well, but purple Admech on desert planets didn't make a whole lot of sense. Didn't stop me from trying though, and while they certainly didn't look bad, I'm glad I didn't stick with it.
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The Mars Pattern Family
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This little fella may look familiar! Here was my first attempt at a more traditional mars pattern skit, and a jawa-esque one to boot! This was a kitbash of a proper galvanic rifle and backpack being added to The Makers Cult's Lil' Recruit.
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I mean, Jawa admech is so amazing, but I had to have my little guy properly equipped!
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Continuing the Mars linage is a technopriest and engiseer, both TMC printed minis. I love the way these two look. The face-shield on the technopriest looks amazing, and I'm incredibly proud of the reflection on it. The OSL on the hand isn't very visible in the picture, but it also looks really good.
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This Thallax bot was supposed to be a Kastellan Bot for @elnubnub, however I got the two mixed up and picked the smaller one. I'm going to eventually remedy that, but he still looks good nonetheless.
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This is by and large one of my best pieces in my opinion. Back when @cannibalcaprine had a bird face, this model was more applicable. Dominus Hera has so much soul and time put into her I don't know if I'll ever be able to replicate the state of mind I was in that let me get this mini to look this good. The cloth effects are fantastic, the OSL from the gun is fantastic, the molten axe is fantastic, the color choices and layout is fantastic, the cables are fantastic; I don't know who painted this mini, but it certainly wasn't me. It couldn't have been.
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And the most important member of the Mars Pattern Family, the fan favorite: Goober. A kitbash gone wrong gone right. A broken mini finally becoming whole. The legend himself. What more is there to say?
Finally: The Submechanicum
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Penelope, the Ocean Queen. My first model I painted for the Submechanicus. I'd love to say that this is my magnum opus, considering I made a whole video about her and everything...
However, I must rip the band aid off and say that this is the first version of Penelope...
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Because what immediately followed her was this beast. This is the Krabaphron, another contender for one of my best models. This sucker was so genre defining, that it set a new standard for the rest of my Submechanicus army and would cause me to re-do my color-scheme and paint job planning going forward.
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I based all of my future Submechanicus models off of it, using it as a template. The Skits and Techpriest both got the same treatment and I've got to say, I'm in love with the way it looks. I've continued using this style so far and I haven't had to make many modifications.
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As such, Penelope... didn't quite fit the bill anymore. She stood out from the rest of the models.
So... after a livestream of planning and base layering...
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She was finally given the paint job she deserved.
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And that's just were our story begins fair traveler... With the rise of the Depth Guard, a proper protector of the Submechanicus will be needed to combat the forces of Nurgle... And coming late April, there will be such a machine surfacing, with a video to present it.
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Of course, this is quite an older photo. It's far more painted than that. I've teased photos of it so far, however I'm saving the proper display of it for the video, so be on the look out if you want to see the completed product!
And that's about it! Hope you've enjoyed this little walk down memory lane and gallery of my mini painting endeavors! I'll be making a website for easier viewing once I've gone through and gotten some more professional looking pictures done. Thank you for reading and viewing!
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I absolutely LOVED your eroticization of radaway/rad-x post!! It brings me so much joy to know others love ghouls as much as I do! I was wondering if you had any headcannons/thoughts on john hancock? love your work!
Thank you sooo much! I wasn't expecting that post to resonate with people the way it did, honestly; it was like 70% shit post. I absolutely love ghouls, both from a sci-fi point of view and from a monster fucker point of view, and I'm overjoyed to have found a like-minded group of people to share my stuff with. I'm usually a huge sucker for fictional physiology and in-universe biology (which I'm sure you can't tell at all based on the few thousand words I've written on this blog about various ghoul body fluids, etc.) and the Fallout universe has so much potential for stuff like that.
I have two requests for Hancock headcanons in the inbox right now, so I figured I'd split the SFW/NSFW stuff between this post and a follow-up.
SFW John Hancock (FO4) Headcanons
He is excellent at mending clothes. After years of partying and fighting and fucking in his old-ass cosplay, he's gotten very handy with a needle and thread. If you need something patched, hemmed, or appliquéd, he's your guy. He's also pretty competent at stain removal, to some degree.
Something else he's surprisingly good at is cooking, but not in the traditional "roast you a chicken" (or a radroach or whatever), "bake you a cake" sort of way; more in the "your stoned roommate with all the weird stories at 3 AM working with what's about to go bad in the fridge" way. He's the master of dressing disgusting shit up to be palletable, or elevating stuff that's easy to get your hands on into something you'll actually find yourself craving, especially when you're high.
We know he loves mentats (mmm...delicious and smarty) and I like the idea of him sitting up all night with his brain buzzing for knowledge, just reading whatever he can get his hands on. He has *one of the highest INT stat of any Fallout companion (a whopping fucking 14/10, quite literally), and I like to imagine that a lot of that can be contributed to behavior like this, in addition to him also being naturally smart.
He may give off the air that he's very confident and self-assured, but a lot of it is bluster and faking it until he makes it. Don't get me wrong, he certainly has aspects about himself that he is confident in, as his talents are many, but...he'd be lying if he said he was confident in his looks. Sure, they don't really bother him, but he's not the biggest fan of looking in mirrors. It's not necessarily because he thinks he's that ugly or anything, but his face reminds him so much of all his regrets; that didn't change when he became a ghoul. The new face is just associated with new regrets.
This man was born to be a gamer and he would absolutely love to chill and play something fun. The games on the Pip Boy don't strike me as THAT fun, but hey, would he really know the difference?
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urachiiiiii · 1 year
masterlist for my human au atwow headcanons!!
(mostly for reference when I'm writing so there's some pretty specific things; might update it ocasionally)
slight dad bod
either in classical home depot dad attire or using the clothes from his 20s there's no in between
looks great with stubble and goes days without shaving but never to the point of growing a full beard (says it makes him look old)
used to have a "show me your boobs if you hate racism" shirt but Neytiri made him get rid of it when she got pregnant
uses the same beat-up running shoes from when he was a teen for any occasion
a sucker for bands from his teens to this day. will die loyal to the late 90s bc he's a young soul (Neytiri says he's just a manchild)
lets his hair grow out after the navy and it makes him look so much younger. Neytiri is actually spooked at how much he looks like he traveled back in time to his teens
used to pick up Spider to go to school when his dad wouldnt take him
never reads the instructions on how to assemble the ikea furniture but somehow gets it done perfectly every single time
cried when he found out about Kiri's first time bc his little girl was growing up too fast for him to keep up
big Queen enthusiast and raised his kids knowing every lyric to every song. if he's listening to bohemian rhapsody on the living room speakers you BET every single one of the Sullys will belt out the mama part no matter how far away they are located
likes to play rough with the kids like he did with Tommy when they were small and they all love it but he doesn't do it as much ever since Tuk hit her head on the ceiling when she was 5
used one of Neytiri's organic face masks once only to discover he's allergic to nuts. one trip to the ER later and now they are forbidden to enter the house
insists on driving the whole way on road trips even though Neytiri insists on switching
swears like a sailor and has to hold himself near Tuk because she's a big copycat and Neytiri wants her to be innocent for a little longer unlike her other children
emotionally stunted to the point where he really wants to express his feelings but it just doesn't come out bc he was never taught how to properly do so when he was young. his love language is more based on actions rather than words because of that
too hardheaded to wear sunscreen, always goes home from the beach looking like a shrimp
don't talk to him before his morning coffee
absolutely despised Jake's accent and taught him out of it once he moved to Pandora (pretend it's a country and not a planet) just bc she was so annoyed whenever he talked
forced every single one of the kids (and Jake) to download life360 ever since Tuk got lost in the mall and they found her hiding inside a mannequin's skirt three hours later
her love language is physical affection, always hugging and kissing and patting her children's heads even if they complain
very liberal about subjects that would embarrass other parents; she was raised without shame and is very comfortable with human nature. whenever the kids need to confide something like first periods, first times and emotional stuff like that they always go to her first
Mo'at is black and Eytukan was traditional na'vi; her dark skin tone is her mother's but she inherited her father's hair so it's naturally straight like in the movies. Neteyam's hair is like hers but Lo'ak and Tuk's are like their grandma's
cleans the entire house whenever she needs to calm herself
hc her working as an elementary teacher, inspired by her own experience with Grace and how well she did; she wishes she could be a good influence for young children as her own teacher was
really loud inside her own home, yells a lot even when she's not mad, she's just a naturally loud speaker
threw Lo'ak's GTA cd out the window like a frisbee when she found out you could hire hookers and run over people
early bird, wakes up at like 5 in the morning even on the weekends
uses organic and/or homemade products on her hair and skin
always snacking on some fruit
walks around the house naked all the time as if they didn't have any windows or neighbors
after her dad's death she has at least one of his personal beads on her hair at all times. even when it's loose she makes one tiny braid to put a bead on
really tall and slender body, Tuk says she's built like a model
eats about anything people offer her, no matter how exotic. Jake still gags when he remembers the beetle incident on their honeymoon
Starboy is his favorite album of all time (sidewalks is his and Lo'ak's ultimate comfort song bc it has kendrick in it)
has asthma but even so he's really good at most sports as long as he doesn't overdo it
kind of a fuckboy but not in a player way. he just doesn't have the time for anything serious so he blows off some steam once in a while but doesn't commit. he makes his intentions clear for everyone involved tho
very clean and needs to take at least 2 showers everyday or else he feels icky
no gag reflex (really cool party tricks except when he actually chokes on something)
got his belly button pierced so that he could match his mother's own. also let Kiri pierce his septum after she pierced her nose (it got infected oops)
loves dancing and knew basically all the choreos in dance central by heart. is too shy to go off in public though unless his siblings dance with him or he's drunk
shoe crazy. has so many pairs and treats them all so well, doesn't let anyone borrow them and if you step on one of those you might just as well jump off a bridge. you're dead mate
made fun of his mom for playing candy crush once but ended up downloading it and liking the game more than she did (still plays it to this day unironically)
splotch of vitiligo on the back of his neck the shade of his dad's skin that kind of resembles texas (Jake tells him it's the only real proof people need to know he's actually his son. Lo'ak calls him 99 dark chocolate)
has a very high pain tolerance but secretly likes to be coddled so he turns into a baby whenever he gets a harmless injury just so people can take care of him
contact lenses for reading but has a pair of glasses he uses sometimes when at home
when Ao'nung flirted with him at first he would scoff and act annoyed but started to miss it when he stopped doing it because he asked to
never actively came out to his parents. they just used their sixth sense and decided he was gay one day when he was a boy and once he grew up and didn't correct them they just went w it
overall masculine but picked some feminine traits from his mother and grandma (sitting w his legs crossed, painting his nails, tweezing his eyebrows and using feminine clothing sometimes)
Neytiri's face with Jake's body
really ticklish
on the spectrum
nonbinary but doesn't really care about how she passes, pronouns and stuff like that. mostly just does her thing whenever and however she feels like it
sneezes like a grandpa
natural ginger but dyes her hair and eyebrows black bc she doesn't like standing out from her siblings too much (being white is already enough)
had a colossal crush on Spider when going through puberty but will never admit it
had her first epileptic episode when watching Lo'ak play geometry dash on the family tablet; the game has since been banned from the house to her brothers dismay
cuts her hair herself
paints all over her walls
has mild emetophobia so she doesn't drink or go on roller coasters bc she's scared she'll throw up; gags whenever she hears the sound of gagging
pierced the side of her nose and gave herself 2 stick and poke tattoos when she was 15; Neytiri was furious she didn't ask her to do it instead
loathes the feeling of Jake's stubble due to her sensory issues but still makes an effort when it's hugging/kissing time bc she knows he likes it and doesn't want him to feel bad and shave it
freckles and moles all over her body
has more body hair than most girls but refuses to shave and sometimes paints her arm hair just to see people's baffled reactions
bites down on things and people randomly out of nowhere and no one knows why, not even herself (her favorite target is Tuk's head)
stims by pulling her hair, listening to the same song over and over again, rocking back and forth and (strangely) smelling people, especially Rotxo
VERY sensitive to smells. steers far away from Lo'ak whenever he hasn't showered in a bit or starts sweating
doodles on every single thing in her possession. the whole bathroom mirror is full of drawings and even if someone cleans it they just come back
not shy at all, just an introvert. most people actually think she's very pleasant and knows how to carry a good conversation (she simply chooses not to)
had the nasty habit of putting her finger inside people's mouths when they yawned; stopped doing that after Neytiri bit her once
astoundingly HORRIFYING posture. his shadow looks like a tim burton character
lactose intolerant but loves cheesy things (always forgets his lactase tablets and has to go running to the bathroom whenever he eats out)
mildly managed (?) adhd and anger issues
aries (surprise surprise)
considers himself bi but would rather DIE than actually enter a romantic relationship with a man
used to make gagging sounds at Kiri just to see her suffer whenever she pissed him off when they were kids. stopped after she actually threw up one day and his mom yelled at him
real life definition of the light skin stare; caramel skin, blue eyes like his daddy, jaw and cheekbones to kill for and full lips. constantly doing The Face™ just to see Tuk laugh
acts tough but is kind of a pussy and gets scared really easily when it comes to horror movies, roller coasters and stuff like that
has a big brownish burn mark on his hip from when he tried to make french fries and dropped a pan of hot oil; tells people he just has vitiligo like his brother but for some reason they don't believe him (doesn't know that vitiligo only comes in white and his siblings don't tell him bc its funny seeing him embarrass himself)
sleeps with his mouth open and drools an ocean every night, constantly has Neteyam washing the pillow cover
whenever his mom has an appointment at the beauty salon he goes with her just to see Tsireya working. secretly likes it when she has free time and practices on his nails but would rather be caught dead than say it out loud
calls Kiri a racist whenever she says anything against him and watches her get flustered and splutter like its the funniest thing in the world (it indeed is)
pierced one ear but passed out when Neytiri went to pierce the other bc he has no pain tolerance whatsoever
doesn't stink per se, he's always got some cologne and body spray on and has good hygiene; the thing is he sweats really easily and has a naturally strong body odor so he doesn't smell all the time, but when he does its really strong
in love with Tsireya's stomach rolls
Jake's face with Neytiri's body
despite common belief she is definitely NOT an ipad kid. this child runs around jumping anywhere every chance she gets; very physically active and can't stand still playing with one thing for too long
has absolutely no shame at all. runs around butt-naked and uses the toilet with her siblings still in the bathroom all the time, simply couldn't give less of a fuck (it's a Neytiri trait but she will never admit it)
watches coryxkenshin with Neteyam every chance they get and both enjoy it equally bc he's funny as hell and family friendly at that
has a gap on her front teeth she uses to squirt choco milk out of (Lo'ak thinks it's the funniest shit he's ever seen but Neteyam always yells at her when she does it)
loves touching her dad's stubble and loves it when he gives her kisses because it tickles
taller than most kids her age (Neytiri hopes she grows even more before her first period so that she doesn't stop growing and end up a sixth-grade sized teen)
crackhead gemini
knows more than the grown ups think she does but acts innocent and clueless to create awkward moments because she likes seeing them squirm (menace)
has a really slow brain to mouth filter, always says the rudest and most awkward things even when she doesn't mean to, ends up embarrassing people really easily
loves feeling useful, you could ask her to paint the fence with water and she would do it if she thought it was helping you
really easy to please; plays with girl and boy toys, uses boy and girl clothes, could be satisfied both by going to the movies or playing on a puddle of mud
took a while to speak and her first word was "dumb" after seeing Neteyam walk into a glass door
annoys her siblings until they let her tag along to their teenage adventures; thankfully most of their friends like her
covers for the teens when they need it but it always comes with a cost (makes them buy candy and robux for her)
kind of kid to crawl inside public bathroom stalls through under the door (Neytiri and Kiri can't let go of her hand anymore when they go)
Maori king
built like a refrigerator, works out but somehow still manages to have a beer belly (Ronal finds it very endearing)
even tho he's always busy bc of his job as mayor he finds time to do house chores, not just because he wants to ease Ronal's burden but also bc he actually likes acting like a housewife (it relaxes him)
meanest man to ever exist behind a grill. doesn't matter if he shouldnt or cant, he WILL grill every single thing in his line of sight
fishing dad!! takes the kids on fishing trips monthly and they love it. has a picture of him with a fish about his size from when he was twelve and cherishes it to this day
was a really cool guy in his teens, a total chick magnet and competed in surfing. his childhood acquaintances say how much Ao'nung reminds of him back then all the time and he's so proud of it
passed out in the room seeing Ao being born. thought he was prepared when it was Tsireya's turn but Ronal passed out so he did too
inhumane alcohol tolerance; usually when they have a cookout he drinks the whole day without even realizing and everybody wonders if he's secretly an alcoholic but no. he's just built different
the other women in the neighborhood are soooo jealous of Ronal because he's the best husband ever
didn't actually plan on becoming mayor; the people actually asked him to do so because he's so likable and such a natural leader it was such a great fit
has really full eyebrows he also passed on to his kids. Ronal tries tweezing them but he doesn't let her
socks with sandals
does woodwork as a hobby, creates some beautiful traditional stuff and actually built most of the furniture in the house. currently making a big swing for when the baby is a bit older (Ao and Reya are jealous)
the house they currently live in is a house built long ago that is passed down to the respective mayors. it was already a really nice house but he made sure to renovate all of it himself bc he's a handy dad
built a small pool house in the backyard under the excuse that the teens needed a spot to hang out when they have friends over. he secretly meant for it to be Rotxo's space for when he needed some alone time. he let him decorate it the way he liked and it's more of a guest house nowadays bc his nephew managed to turn the thing into an actual livable place
accidentally one-ups all the dads in town without noticing (oh your son started swimming? thats really nice, Ao'nung started at two years old! :D)
was a family doctor but decided to quit once she got pregnant to focus on her family. is now the headmaster of Awa'atlu's local high school and the students are terrified of her (she loves it)
wine mom
also an ingredient mom
people think she's so much younger than Tonowari but she's actually the oldest one (she's past her fifties don't tell anyone)
has a big wooden box of every gift and letter the kids have given her throughout the years
gossiping is one of her favorite pastimes but she's not fake about it. she'll talk shit ab you for sure AND will do it to your face too but will also give you advice if you ask her for it
skincare queen!! full of oils and lotions to prevent stretch marks when she's pregnant, always smells divine because of it
knits whenever she's stressed out. usually does rugs and blankets though since Awa'atlu is so damn warm no one would be insane enough to put on a sweater
made a handmade individual album for every one of the kids from their birth to now
has mad steel guts; could see a plane crash and burn right in front of her and wouldn't even flinch, which is good for emergencies but also freaks people out (understandably). her excuse is that being a doctor and raising three children does that
made sure all of her births were natural just to prove she was strong enough to do so even though no one ever doubted her
Roa (pretend shes a bulldog) was a pregnancy gift from Rotxo's dad (who was also her twin). she didn't like it that much bc shes not really big on animals but when he died she warmed up to her because she reminded her of her brother. now they even sleep in the same bed and nobody is allowed to discipline Roa but her because she "doesn't want any of them treating her badly"
strict open door and visible hands policies when the kids' friends come over. also never let any of them alone with strangers when they were smaller
treats Rotxo as if he was her own son and will murder anyone that dares say otherwise
she was pregnant once before Ao'nung but had a miscarriage due to stress; it was one of the main reasons she quit her job, she didn't want to risk that happening again and feeling that amount of pain once more
wasnt really big on the idea of tattoos when she was younger and didn't want to do any even if it was part of the Metkayina culture. changed her mind instantly when she saw Tonowari's first tattoo and how great it looked on him
always know when the kids are up to no good and think they're slick (side eyes Tsireya whenever her and Lo'ak are under a blanket together and never lets Ao and Neteyam sleep in the same room)
is harder on Ao'nung rather than her other children not because he's the eldest but because she sees so much of her teen self in him. she doesn't want him to lose his best years by isolating himself due to being so judgemental and full of himself like she was
does most of her chores with Tsireya and really appreciates how much she takes after her father - she always offers help right away and does everything with a smile on her face even if she doesn't know how to do it and she really admires her daughter for it
looks great with facial hair but doesn't grow a beard bc his mom doesn't let him (it reminds her of how old she's getting so she makes him shave it off). once he's finally able to rock a light goatee without her interfering she swoons at how handsome her big baby looks
used to be a chubby kid but after puberty and several growth spurts along with swimming he's in amazing shape for his age. also works out with his dad sometimes
could wash his hair with only dish soap and it would still be naturally majestic. only uses plain shampoo and conditioner (it revolts everyone in the house)
tallest in the friend group and keeps putting things out of people's reach because he's kind of a dick
got a matching traditional Metkayina tattoo with Rotxo as soon as he turned eighteen (Ronal let the younger one do it even though he wasn't of age just because she thought it was so cute)
really squirmish unlike his mother and will pass out immediately at the sight of blood
doesn't listen to music all that much, so his taste is mostly Rotxo's and Tsireya's songs
the only reason they got a pool built in the first place was because of him. develops chronic depression whenever he's dry for too long (Ronal says his father used to be just like him and compares him to a little fish)
snacks on the most diabolical things ever (raw pasta with peanut butter and such delicacies) because hes too lazy to cook a proper meal just for himself
talks big talk but actually can't fight for shit 💀 the attitude makes up for it at least
best swimmer Awa'atlu High has seen ever since his dad
plays the guitar and had a band with Rotxo and Reya just for shits and giggles. they were actually pretty good but that didnt last long (the fame of having the total of 10 people watching their covers was getting to his head)
laughs at people presenting in front of the class (when its his turn he tells them to shut the fuck up obviously)
although he's really known at school due to his abilities and parents most of the kids don't like him because of his resting bitch face syndrome, they think he's stuck-up when he's actually just chilling
snores like a truck
kind of mf to turn to you in class with the most devilish grin when the teacher is scolding you just so you laugh and get scolded even more
asked Rotxo to share a room with him because he didn't want to be lonely
goes surfing to Three Brothers Rocks at least once a month to smoke with Ao
baby blue and aqua green braces
younger than Ao'nung but is one year ahead so he's in his grade
very insecure ab his looks because he's smaller than others his age and has braces and acne scars. truth is he's a cutie pie and once he hits his last stop in puberty train he has the potential to be a chick magnet
his hair routine is insanely detailed. puts a lot of effort into it and it shows. absolutely beautiful tight curls
naturally smart; doesn't make as much of an effort as Neteyam or Tsireya but still has very above average grades
sometimes people look at him and just laugh because he zones out so often it looks like there are absolutely no thoughts behind those big ol green eyes
even though he's smart, the subjects only make sense in his own head, so he is a terrible teacher
will be talking to you looking like a cutie patootie while listening to the most explicit horniest whorish songs on planet earth on his earphones. AND he knows all the lyrics too
asked Tonowari for a huge aquarium in the living room, takes care of the little fishies religiously and knows how to differentiate all of them, also gave them all names
certified munch
pretty shy but once he gets to know you says the most out of pocket things ever because he hardly has any filter. so unintentionally funny
knows beatbox and plays the drums, so when he drops a beat out of nowhere he gets everyone turnt because its actually pretty good (Lo'ak starts freestyling on it most of the time but they all shut him down real quick)
makes bracelets and necklaces for the people he loves
type of person to start telling a story and have a laughing fit in the middle of it so no one actually understands it by the end
an absolute beast on the drums. actually the only way he found to healthily manage his anger so whenever he plays he goes all out to the point it's just scary (or hot but that's for you to decide)
slightly chubby and has wide hips and big thighs like her mother; used to be insecure about it but started not minding as much as she got older.
very healthy, loves salad and fruit and natural juices and smoothies and all of the things most teens hate
loves pink. its her favorite color of all time and she has dyed some streaks of her hair when she was younger (didn't look great but she loved it regardless bc it was pink!!)
started working in a beauty salon and trained her nail painting skills on everyone for a month. nobody complained bc she's actually really talented and they came out great everytime
big sza beyonce and doja cat gal. ocasionally listens to kim petras bc she's pretty and bc she thinks some of her songs are funny
loves sweet things for breakfast
takes a lot after her mother in her mannerisms but looks just like her father and is a total daddy's girl
carries a huge 2-liter hydroflask with a dangling bell keychain with her everywhere she goes and it annoys the shit out of everyone. doesn't care bc shes unbothered hydrated and flourishing
always wearing lip gloss
watches courteezy religiously and thinks she's the funniest
has a pet hamster named Shuu The Third; the other two didn't manage to escape Tonowari's grasp (he sat on them)
has an entire desk in her room just for doing her makeup. it's a very natural aesthetic, never looks exaggerated but it takes a lot of care nevertheless
in love with Lo'ak's smile. thinks he's the most handsome boy alive even when he looks like an evil santa helper
very girly girl and takes a lot of pride in it, people usually thinks she's dumb or superficial bc of her looks but she's full of personality and really smart; actually just likes the process of putting effort into her appearance
has HELLISH periods. her parents were actually scared she was developing a personality disorder after puberty because her pms turns her into a straight up bitch (turns out she just had endometriosis and was in excruciating pain most of the time)
has the voice of an angel and would sing on her brothers band just because she liked seeing them have fun with something other than swimming and surfing
ugliest laugh of all time. sounds like that one girl on that vine "not to be racist or anything but asian people..."
makes her own scented candles and spreads them all around the house
really good dancer, made her own dance club with some of her friends at school
speaks fluent spanish
runs real fast and also does parkour. doesn't even break a sweat, this boys got some insane stamina
huge '80s and '90s latino music fanboy bc of his mama
kind of dude to say stuff like "later skater", "smell you later" and "deuces" unironically
legally changes his name to Spider Socorro as soon as he gets the chance (middle name is Oscar so it actually spells S.O.S which he thinks is rad as fuck)
only smaller than Ao'nung in their friend group and constantly being asked to pick things up from high places (ao put them there probably)
absolute whore for spicy food and has crazy tolerance. Lo'ak always challenges him to food competitions (loses every time)
had a gigantic crush on Kiri while going through puberty and lowkey still does but he cherishes their friendship too much to tell her. kind of also thinks she deserves better
breaks bones like they're made of glass bc he has no survival instincts and throws himself off of ledges and small buildings like it's nothing thinking he has plot armor (very much does not)
hair straight in the roots, curly in the middle and wavy at the ends. absolute mad genetics
corniest mf to ever exist, will use the most stupid pickup lines ever but he enjoys it so much they actually turn funny
not exactly ripped but he does have plenty of muscle and the girls in school all wonder what he does to have a six pack (absolutely nothing, just climbs walls all day and has crazy metabolism privileges)
skates ever since he was a kid, total sk8er boy
terrible swimmer, can't hold his breath for shit
his closet consists of flannels and jeans and one single pair of beat up converses
has dyslexia so has a hard time at school and barely gets any help from his father, Neteyam and Kiri do their best to help him though
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bumblebeehug · 6 months
I've watched season 1-3 of winx in less than 4 days, and I'm so glad I grew up on that instead of cocomelon. Even when the script seemed cringe and not as fleshed out as it could be, they never made the people watching the show seem stupid (they made Bloom seem stupid instead, lol (half-joke)). The dialogue could be simplefied and sometimes a bit naive, but at the same time they never made it feel very simple? Maybe I'm just blinded bc I'm a sucker for illustrated animations, but the fact that they could make a complicated storyline with a lot of character arcs, while keeping the dialogue simple enough for kids to follow, is just amazing. And as if that wasn't amazing enough, the show had good balance in the art - it was colourful, the characters were dynamic and unique with different siluettes (something i rarely see in kids shows today), while also appealing to the preteen audience: the winx girls are strong, stylish, girly girls, who can seek out love from men without needing them to save them. They show that you can be unique in your friend group, and you can still be loved and appreciated (thinking about Musa, Techna and later on Aisha/Layla, who all aren't the stereotypical sweet/soft/stylish girls, but who still find friends who love them for who they are). (More analysis beneath the read more thing - mainly a discussion on how family is represented in the show and how important it is for children to be able to look up to female figures that can represent them. + some other stuff.)
Winx also casts light on a lot of different family dynamics - something i've only really seen Bluey do well recently. Stella's parents are divorced, Bloom is adopted, Musa's relationship with her dad is strained ever since her mom died, Aisha/Layla is an only child who struggled with lonliness despite having both of her parents together (they were absent bc of their royal duties), Techna doesnt seem to have any mayor issues, nor does Flora. And the thing is - these struggles are shown in such natural ways in the show. All of these dynamics turn out to be part of their journeys - Bloom struggles as a fairy because of her unknown past, so she must resolve it and find out more to be able to become a fully fledged fairy. Stella has dealt with her divorced parents most of her life, but in season 3 the entire Valtor thing strains her relationship with her father, and she has to overcome it so she can save him from Cassandra or whatever that duchess was called (girlie practically gets banned from her home planet, don't you forget). Faragonda brings Musa's dad to her first concert, which once again strains their relationship, but then strengthens it when he sees how capable she is, both as a musician and as a fairy. Aisha/Layla displays how it is to have more traditional parents - as a child she had lots of expectations to be a proper princess, which she for a long time still had trauma from, plus that her parents wanted to pick her future husband for her (they were all lucky that the two of them matched well lol). And then we have Flora who showed off sisterhood in an amazing way - worrying over and scolding her little sister, but never doubting for a second that she'd risk her life to save her. To the point though - everyone faces difficulties that can be reflected in most people's lives, and the show makes these journeys meaningful and important. I personally never had a need to see myself represented in my family situation, but my friend had divorced parents, and she told me that Stella's viewpoint made it easier for little her to deal with it. If Stella could overcome it (reminder that she still allowed herself to feel sad about it) then so could my friend.
Now, while I'm at it, I might as well continue ranting:
Maybe I'm just not updated in modern shows, but isn't there an entire market of preteens who are missing these types of shows today? We're always talking about how clothing trends and social media is forcing younger people to grow up eariler, but let's not forget that these kids have nothing if they don't decide to grow up immediately. There's no shows, no "toys" (i'm mostly talking about merch that caters to young people - "H2O just add water" pillowcases and diaries etc) and no older teens in these shows setting appropriate clothing trends. Shows aren't cool enough nowadays for preteens to see the appeal of being young. Too many shows are changing their target audience to younger and younger children - and not only shows! Just look at the Nesquik bunny! He went from 100% drip and style, to 100% millenial.
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Ik this isn't anyone in particulars fault, but this is just my way of saying: go back to unique styles and outfits! Shows aren't cool anymore, and removing the illustrated style and exaggeration is absolutely part of that.
I also saw someone on TikTok critique the pace of the earlier seasons - they said everything was too slow-paced and boring, and honestly? I couldn't disagree more. Now, I don't have any difficulties concentrating, so maybe it's a bigger problem for people with ADHD or similar diagnosis, but the slower pace gave more time for me to immerse myself in the winx world. They added amazing vocals and soundtrack, that could either showcase heartbreak or joy, and these details made the show reach much higher quality, despite looking like it was made in the cheapest animation program ever.
I went off on a tangent, but I'm getting back to winx now - what I mean is that kids nowadays have no authentic way of finding shows like winx, mainly because there aren't any! Most shows are made for kids under the age of 8 or over the age of 13, and there's almost no inbetween. Shows don't do it like winx did anymore - they don't make the art appealing enough (bc the shows are never illustrated - fair enough i'll add, bc illustrated animation is too expensive to be profitable nowadays, but not even the animation is appealing anymore, they're all rapunzel-lookalikes/wannabes), they don't trust that the watchers have brains and critical thinking, so they make the stories too dumb, they don't have the guts to make scary storylines, and they try so hard to be inclusive without actually succeeding at it (making all the fairies even paler than what they were in the beginning of the show).
I'm sure everything I've said here has been said before a trillion times, but I wanted to get it off my chest. I won't blame anyone if they decide that they ain't reading allat bc i really ran with this. If u did read this though, thanks! And sorry if i spelled things wrong, I'm writing this on a Swedish computer that insists that every single word is spelled incorrectly, lol.
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cerame · 1 year
Artisan’s and Archer’s designs
So a little bit ago, I got a compliment on the two designs of Echoes of Courage I'm proudest of. I do love all these characters, but these two took a bit more creativity on my part, so I'm going to explain them because I am a sucker for design. I will try to remember as many of my own details as I can, but no promises.
Let's explain Archer first.
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Behold, the most recent Link! Breath of the Wild took a departure from the classic green, so I kept with that and made his tunic the main splotch of color on him. The browns and monotone colors are subdued in comparison so that the blue can have the spotlight.
In regards to the tunic itself, botw and totk both have significant influence from traditional Japanese culture, as seen with the sheikah taking on a more japanese fashion sense and the dragons being eastern instead of european shaped, so I kept that with the design of his shirt. His tunic was originally the shape it was in botw, but after the calamity, it sustained such damage that Impa was only able to save some parts of the tunic. Using those parts, she repaired it as best she could, but Archer took a liking to Kakariko fashion anyway, so he's perfectly happy with it. In addition, with the looser fashion of the ancient clothes, I changed his belt to a more ribbony shape.
Thinking about how his shirt might have worked during botw. Perhaps he wore it as a haori, or maybe it was damaged, of a shorter cut, etc. and his Zelda made him the current one. Nothing is concrete about that yet, and I think it would be neat if it was different than it is post-totk.
The turtleneck and the leather armor from the new tunic in totk is incredibly charming to me, so I naturally had to keep it, but in order to show it off practically over the tunic I'd decided on, his sleeve got pulled down. I also designed him before totk came out but after the first trailer came out, and from the trailers, we could all tell that something was going to happen to his arm. I had no idea what purpose it would serve or how Link would end up by the end of the game, so I kept his arm covered up but outside his shirt. Turned out to be a good call.
As for his hair, I loved seeing his hair down so often in totk. It feels all free and wild and soft, so I kept it, except it felt a bit impractical to have it hanging all around him like that, so I did a half-bun. He gets to keep his hair down while tying it out of his face. This also lends itself further to eastern style inspiration.
A note on the smaller details: he does wear his amber earrings, and he's got scars across his body.
Now, we have Artisan.
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It was a bit more difficult to figure out Artisan at first. I took inspiration from as many links meet aus as I could find, but everything for him is so varied, and while it's fun, it does make it difficult to nail down what does work. Unlike with Archer, I had no real direction in the beginning, so I searched for what made him unique as a Link. I also went back to the original ideas of character design, the most prominent being outlines and silhouettes. I'm still a bit iffy on his silhouette, but overall, he works.
First, the albw aspects: His bracelet from Ravio went inactive after the rifts between Lorule and Hyrule closed, but he still wears it. It's becoming comforting to him. As for the clasp on his cloak, it is absolutely the two triforces, and he got it custom-made in Hytopia. His pegasus boots are also from albw, and since Collector and Forge both had their unique pegasus boots, I had to come up with something just as striking for Artisan..... and then, I looked upon none other than the Zelda cartoon of olde, and I decided that Artisan would absolutely wear over-knee boots. So that's what he got.
Now, his triforce heroes parts. I know the green one is player one and all that jazz, but I wanted to see if I could do something not-green, just like Archer or even Piper. The sword suit in the costume catalogue stood out, and not just because the red link is wearing it in the official art. It's more tame than most other choices, and it's casually royal, which is a strange flavor of style, but I discovered after significant experimentation that when you pair it (or the idea of it) with poofy bardic sleeves (yellow, courtesy of albw's blue tunic) and gloves, it takes on an almost roguish look while maintaining the fancier feel. Also, when I lined him up next to Collector and Scout, I found that their colors together were red, blue, then green, and I couldn't not keep him blue after realizing that.
Notes: his cloak is still a bit weird to me, but I've gotten too used to it. Hytopia pushes the boundaries of fashion anyhow, so he can do whatever he likes. His hair is dyed because that's just fun, and it's braided because everyone else in this AU has short hair or a ponytail, and I wanted him to feel more well-groomed than everyone else. He gets to take care of it, and he has gotten hair care advice from Princess Styla. I didn't originally intend for this effect, but the pale outlines of white and gold on his clothing really make his outline pop. The consecutive dark colors of his tunic, pants, and boots would not work without those lines. His eyes are, in fact, purple! Ravio, in turn, has green eyes. I did doubt the choice of yellow sleeves at first, since it's not exactly the secondary color of my choice, but I went with it, and I was pleasantly surprised to see it work so well. Perhaps it was the yellow of his hair and the golden accents, but I am very pleased with it. He only comes a century or so after Collector, so I had to pick a tunic shape that could hold similarities between the two of them, which is why the collar of their outer layer is the same for both of them.
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happilychee · 9 months
songs I associate with fairy tail characters but it gets more and more random pt.2
zeref dragneel -> fairytale by alexander rybak
LISTEN I KNOW THIS ONE IS BASIC. but sometimes basic is best. zeref loves mavis and ultimately it's what kills both of them :,))
sting eucliffe -> livin' la vida loca
yes I'm including sting again bc he's babygirl. he so flirts with guys at the bar and drives them crazy. he stops by an inn during a mission and becomes the life of the party with his sweet charm. ironically, if you flirt back with the blonde and you really mean it, he'll turn to putty in your hands.
erza scarlet -> I am not a woman, I'm a god by halsey
erza is so. so. she's this song because everyone else deifies her. "I am not a martyr, I'm a problem. I am not a legend, I'm a fraud." erza isn't perfect, but she's aware of her reputation and that makes her act a certain way. she doesn't feel as free to express herself, and the amount of praise she gets for her fighting prowess often makes her feel like a soldier.
lucy heartfilia -> akasaka sad by rina sawayama
another lucy one, as a treat. "cuz I'm a sucker, sucker, so I suffer. akasaka sad, just like my father." specifically about lucy's complicated relationship with her parents (mostly her dad). there's so much distance and time between them, but she can never fully recover from the effects her childhood has on her. part of her will always be a sad, crying little girl in the corner of the library, hiding from her father.
alzack connell -> disko boy by shantel
specifically when he's pining after bisca. bisca is outgoing and fun and friendly and she loves to dance. alzack is shyer and prefers quieter, more personal activities like reading or drawing. he's never liked having the spotlight on him, but the way bisca lights up when he asks her to dance makes the embarrassment fade away, replaced by fuzzy warmth.
gray fullbuster -> dodomu by kalush (feat. skofka)
gray is soooooo ukrainian to me. he would shred on the dance floor doing gopak. also dodomu is about never forgetting where home is, and gray never forgets about ur, lyon, or deliora. even though fairy tail is his family and his home, he always remembers and honors where he came from by making traditional dishes and wearing traditional clothing. gray in a vyshyvanka and sharovary??? on the floor rn.
jenny realight -> bijin by chanmina
it just. fits. u can't expect jenny as a model to not have thoughts on how women are treated because of their looks. she will scream the last lines of bijin because it's cathartic.
lisanna strauss -> maggots by ashnikko
I think lisanna has a lot of pent up rage. she's had her life and identity reinvented so many times, she cannot be normal. she usually lets her anger out during missions with juvia and gajeel and lily or during sparring matches with mira (elfman refuses to fight her, understandably.) still, if you piss lisanna off, she will verbally tear you a new one. you didn't know such horrible words existed until lisanna cursed you out with them.
laxus dreyar -> kotik by alexander rybak
yes, another alexander rybak song. this one only makes sense if u put it in the perspective of laxus searching for an exceed. then it's hilarious.
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yumedoca · 8 months
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I'm a huge sucker for Ataru in traditional clothing, he just looks so damn good in them..
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greypetrel · 5 months
Fan Work Friday Saturday
Rules: If you're tagged, MAKE A NEW POST and showcase one fanartist or fanfic you recommend (with links), and tag someone to give their recs next! Don't forget to reblog the rec you were tagged in!
Thank you so much for the tag @dreadfutures! Saving the second for later on in the week. Listen I have a hard time choosing and I'll do these on repeat if I must.
Fanartist: @salsedinepicta
Starting with her, purely because it's litterally 10 years of me being 👀 at her art, and I do love the way she mixes pictorical techniques with swirly, 2D lines. I am not a fan of pink+green combination, BUT when she does it. Add a lot of historical references and clothing and an expressive use of colour. I'm an absolute sucker for all artstyles that just looks like three paintstrokes thrown at a paper (digital or traditional) and she does that. And, she's a wonderful human being too, which really helps. <3 (she'd hate the attention but let me Will Smith meme her.)
Fanfic: To The Bone, by @shivunin
Rating: M Words: 48,373 Pairing: Cullen/Inquisitor Lavellan Summary: Depending on who you ask, either Sylaise or Andraste set a mark of fire on those who are destined to find each other. No matter how curious each of them is, neither Lavellan nor Cullen are especially eager to actually go looking for this person. Either luck or fate draws them both to the Inquisition anyway.
I debated high and low what of her fics to start from. I chose To The Bone because it's a soulmate AU. And I generally don't like Soulmates AU. But this one? Mo has a way to turn tropes and clichès around in a way that just makes them relatable, visceral and real. The way she renders human fragility and vulnerability is really heart-clenching. I know I always fangirl over her work but it bears repeating. To the Bone is played more than a Soulmate AU -it is important, but not the main focus, which tricks me into loving this- as a big story of two hurt people who needs to learn to trust someone with their own vulnerability. It's all about learning that you can trust other people, and exactly how scary a decision it is, how much it feels like a jump in the blue.
It's relatable, it's gritty, it's not the peak angst Mo can reach (for that, get a lot of tissues and click on Wander the Drifting Roads.), but it was the first of her works I read and it has a special place in my heart. For its themes, for its main character (can I hug her?) and also and particularly because it's a trope I generally don't like. And I do like to be stand corrected.
Tags under the cut!
You two whom I mentioned, if you want consider this a tag too! :)
Also: @melisusthewee @dreadfutures @inquisimer @blarrghe @blightbear @star--nymph @pinayelf @dungeons-and-dragon-age @ndostairlyrium @hollytree33 @theluckywizard and YOU
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ruinmemes · 6 months
track 01. poacher's pride.
❝  let it bleed.  ❞
❝  i know one day hell will catch up to me.  ❞
❝ when it's done there wont be anything left.  ❞
❝  i did not cry.  ❞
track 02. mean.
❝  you are the way you always were.  ❞
❝ you like your cruel games.  ❞
❝  i like it when it hurts like hell.  ❞
❝  there's nothing you can do to me i wouldn't do to myself.  ❞
❝  i'll be bound to you in leather and chains  ❞
track 03. white trashing.
❝ show no remorse.  ❞
❝  all that glitters is not gold.  ❞
❝ carved your name into my leg.  ❞
❝  inherited your dad's crazy eyes.  ❞
❝ yeah, this place gets old.  ❞
❝  it's really hard.  ❞
track 04. swan.
❝ you can't forgive me.  ❞
❝ if i had the gun i'd choose to shoot again.  ❞
❝ he taught me to be a good shot.  ❞
❝  you love the sound of sorry.  ❞
❝ you still pretend you don't know.  ❞
track 05. in the land.
❝ hell has a name.  ❞
❝ got the tape recorder in.  ❞
❝ spread apart her legs and pull her soul out of the body that it's in.  ❞
❝  a starving animal will always feed.  ❞
❝ never grow old.  ❞
❝ give it up for the milk carton angel.  ❞
❝ she'll never grow old.  ❞
track 06. alligator blood.
❝ i'm a sucker for the love of the flesh.  ❞
❝ it still gets to me.  ❞
❝ he held my head and made me watch.  ❞
❝  grow up weak or grow up tough.  ❞
❝ he'd always hold my head under the water a little too long.  ❞
❝ be all guts, no glory.  ❞
❝ all survivor, no guilt.  ❞
❝ he calls me his crocodile tears.  ❞
track 07. executioner.
❝ baby, you have to pay in this way or another.  ❞
❝ for as long as we've known each other you've been playing this game with death...  ❞
❝  unprepared to meet your god.  ❞
❝  they think that you emit the light, but you only take it in.  ❞
❝ you'll scream out for your father.  ❞
❝ you'll scream out for your father and in darkness, i pray you will never find him again.  ❞
track 08. american tradition.
❝ he wants to be just like his father.  ❞
❝ if i bleed to death, it doesn't matter.  ❞
❝  my baby, he's still the winner.  ❞
❝  things don't go like they should.  ❞
❝ it's no good.  ❞
track 09. angels of porn ii.
❝ it's harder to be good in here.  ❞
❝ i try to stir my conscience, it was never really there.  ❞
❝  everything is fine in heaven.  ❞
❝  soak all my clothes in holy water.  ❞
track 10. a marvellous persona.
❝ i think i'm dying.  ❞
❝ you tried, ____, we all did.  ❞
❝  shut up! shut up, will ya? don't quit...  ❞
❝  we have to go now.  ❞
track 11. you're so cool.
❝ you're so cool, you're so cool.  ❞
❝ wild eyes, they're black like magic eight balls.  ❞
❝  when i'm good i'm very good, but when i'm bad i'm better.  ❞
❝  i'm yours forever.  ❞
❝  they wanna break your heart.  ❞
❝ you carry all that suffering.  ❞
❝  i can see the future and there's no death.  ❞
❝ you and i, we're angels.  ❞
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high-fantasy-sw · 6 months
Heroforge: Jedi (Part One)
I'm back- with JEDI! Well, actually, only about half of them. I still need to make a few (like Kit Fisto, Quinlan, Barris, Jocasta Nu, etc; they're going to be in another post). But I think you'll enjoy who I have so far!
Also. I forgot to do honorifics for the Clones, because this is a fantasy world, and everyone has honorifics. Mea culpa, I'll edit that post as soon as I'm done with this one, so you can go check that out if you want.
Tagging: @whyoneartheven @anime-obsessed @majorproblems77
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Sir Anakin Skywalker, the Valiant. His lightsaber is a dark-blue greatsword, with the Kyber Crystal embedded in the pommel. I chose it to represent the facts that his attacks are very aggressive but leave room for little defense- as it's a two-handed weapon, he has to defend by using offensive measures. (Also, it's a double-edged blade. *coughs in foreshadowing*.) In addition- his prosthetic arm is an enchanted golden gauntlet, to reference Clone Wars (2003), because I am a sucker for Clone Wars (2003) as much as I am a sucker for The Clone Wars (2008).
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Sir Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Noble (alternatively: the Silver-Tongued). Okay, shut up for a second and let me nerd about his lightsaber. You may notice that he fights with a sword-and-shield combo. This is to reference his mastery of Soresu, a defense-heavy form of lightsaber combat. His crossguard- in which is embedded his light-blue kyber crystal- and his shield shape also reference the Jedi Crest. (And his hair is dark red because I said so, that's why.)
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Squire Ahsoka Tano (later to be granted the honorary title of Lady Ahsoka the Perseverant). SHE'S FINALLY DONE! As you can see, she's differed slightly from her original concept (which I will link here)- her headscarf is now blue, and she has a different skirt (which I realize you can't see in the original picture, but I assure you, it was different), which I changed to match the simpler tastes of the Jedi (sidenote: as you will see, Jedi do have a loose habit, or the uniform dress of a monastic order, but padawans are allowed to be a bit more liberal with their clothing because they are not fully professed members of the order yet). For lightsabers, she wields two Togrutan daggers with the kyber crystals embedded in the pommels, just like Anakin :) Since she dual-wields, I thought it would be more practical for them to be shortblades, so she doesn't accidentally slice herself; her fighting style is still highly acrobatic, just like in canon. ALSO! Her facial markings! I mentioned in the original sneak peek that I'd be writing lore on the different races, because most of them are just different human cultures in this AU, so I'll expand on those now! Togruta have a rich tradition of facial painting (and later tattooing, when a child comes of age) and each Togruta wears a unique pattern that blends elements of the markings of their family. Since Ahsoka is a Temple Youngling and thus doesn't remember her family's markings, she made her own based on the family she found in the Jedi Order. Her markings on Heroforge don't exactly match up to her canon markings but this explanation would work in either universe: her cheek markings represent Plo Koon and resemble the horns on his helmet; her forehead markings resemble Anakin's lightsaber, because he taught her to stand up and fight for herself and others; and her eyeliner markings represent Obi-Wan and how he taught her to be observant to the Force and to always look with empathy towards others.
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Archprior Yoda, the Wise. Sci-Fi creatures are actually quite easy to adapt into fantasy creatures- I just gave him hooves, horns, and a tail. The most intersting thing I want to point out is that he wields a fencing rapier as his lightsaber (you can't see it in these pictures, but his kyber crystal is in the pommel)- and, as you'll see when I post his pictures, so does his apprentice Dooku. Yoda's habit also has some additional accents, to denote his status as Archprior.
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Sir Mace Windu, the Eternally Stressed Just. Mace might just be my favorite redesign, because LOOK AT HIS ARMOR! It's all tinged purple, and his pauldrons and gauntlets are lionesque, referencing his creation and mastery of Vaapad. Additionally, and I know you can't really see it from these angles but trust me on this one, he wields an executioner's sword. These have a blunted end as they were not supposed to be used in combat, and Mace wields one to represent his statues as an arbiter of justice >:) This means he has to be extremely skilled with it to make it work effectively. His kyber crystal seems to be embedded in the pommel, but in actuality it runs all the way up the blade. This was for no particular reason, I just thought it looked cool.
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Sir Plo Koon, the Compassionate. His helmet is meant to reference his canon counterpart's head silhouette, and these helmets are a mark of pride for the Kel Dor- they're passed down through the paternal line and can be thousands of generations old. So, not exactly like Children of the Watch Mandos- they're not forbidden to remove their helmets, but they rarely do, to show pride in their lineage. Also, Plo wears a Wolfpack pauldron and a wolf fur cape, because he is a proud father :) His lightsaber has its kyber crystals embedded in its hand-guard and the base of the blade.
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Sir Ki-Adi-Mundi, the Insightful. Much like the Kel Dor, the Cereans have familial helmets, but they aren't necessarily heirlooms, and they're matrilineal- each Cerean will make his or her own unique helmet against the pattern of his or her mother. (Kel Dor, Cereans, and Togruta are all fiercely tribal- it's speculated they share a common ancestor culture.) He wields a dark blue cutlass, that burns light blue, with its kyber crystal in the pommel.
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Lady Shaak Ti, the Merciful. Like all fully-fledged adult Togruta, her facial markings are tattooed, and she wears a horned headdress over her headscarf. In addition, she wears a cape (to mimic her much longer, adult lekku). Her skirt features the same braided detailing as the braid on her headscarf, and she wields an aquamarine-colored scimitar, with the kyber crystal in the crossguard.
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Lady Aayla Secura, the Forthright. She wields a violet-blue shortsword, with the kyber crystal making up the pommel. She also wears the traditional Twi'lek kerchief. (I'm sorry there's not much to say about her, I haven't deeply explored the Twi'lek culture in this AU yet. I'll have more probably when I do my Rebels set.)
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Lady Luminara Unduli, the Honorable. She wields a seafoam-green blade with the kyber crystal in the crossguard. Unlike Togruta markings, Mirialan markings are completely personal and need not bear any resemblance to one's family's markings. They are, however, still tattooed. The front panel of her skirt also boasts a traditional Mirialan pattern, in the same metallic colors as the metal of her Mirialan gauntlets. (I think now is a good time to mention that, as you may have seen, while there is a habit enforced for the order, individual Jedi are allowed- and in fact, encouraged- to also import features of their traditional dress into the habit. So while they all wear similar clothes, the colors, skirts, shoes, and armor/jewelry/facial markings are unique from Jedi to Jedi.)
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Bonus: The Disaster Duos (I would have made a singular one with all three of them, but Heroforge is stupid and won't let me do that >:( )
I hope you enjoyed! Questions and comments are always welcome, and I'd love to hear them! They really help with characterization and worldbuilding, but more importantly, it makes me so happy to know you enjoyed! Next week, I'll probably have the Villains to post. I'm looking forward to it!
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redd956 · 1 year
Do you have any advice for worldbuilding religions? I have an idea of what i want practice of a certain facet to look like, but beyond that I'm stuck
A few major things to always think about when worldbuilding religion
Size of religion
Cultural influence
The first thing I try to decide is what tone am I gunning for, and what do I want religion to do/represent in my worldbuilding. I work from there. It decides how extensively I want to work on and plan.
Pantheons & Gods
Decide if the religion is Monotheistic or Polytheistic, and balance your pantheons
(Also note that monotheistic religions often times technically still have pantheons due to how the religions formed over time, take for instance Christianity, with its saints, prophets, god, great angels, and demons)
For polytheistic religions try to create a general idea of what role each god plays in the lives of its followers. A common thing people forget about, and a thing that plagued me with two years of plothole filling, is how do the believers use an overall pantheon.
Are believers separated into groups who worship a particular god, but also acknowledge the others?
Are believers set to primarily worship one god out of a pantheon, the others being sidelined in their beliefs?
Are believers worshipping the majority of the pantheon, perhaps viewing a handful as powerful necessary evils?
Are believers equally worshipping the entirety of the pantheon?
Festivities & Culture
If holidays aren't originating from historical events, they often derive from religion, mythology, and folklore. Big influential religions become intertwined with culture, whether people like it or not.
This could be Christmas going from various Pagan religion's celebration of the winter solstice to a Christian holiday celebrating Jesus' birthday to a national tradition of gift giving many celebrate despite not being Christian. Every country sees culture influenced by religion in one way or another.
Other examples IRL
Religious clothing & accessories: Hijab, fez, kapp, modest dressing, clergy robes, cross necklaces, etc.
Calendar & work day: Working the majority of the week except for Sunday, national holidays, length of the month, start of harvest, etc.
Laws & society standards: Isms, Anti-Cannibalism, cleanliness culture, food consumption rules, etc.
Rituals are also a major thing people think of when going to worldbuild a religion. This is the praying, the blessing food at the table, the enchanting a knight's sword with holiness before they charge into battle, the sacrifice into a volcano, the donating entire sheeps to a god's altar...
Rituals in worldbuilding are what can help differentiate and make the worldbuilding unique! Game of Thrones, Six of Crows, and Metro are all popular series that utilize religion heavily in their hard worldbuilding. In soft worldbuilding we also see a lot of unique religion; Hollow Knight, Spirited Away, and Dark Souls.
Ruling out the rituals and their important to the worldbuilding can do wonders to making a religion feel more real for the world it is in
Sadly with religion usually comes conflict. This includes Isms (racism, sexism, religion vs. religion). Either way religion can play a greater role in military, government, conflicts, and more.
Take for instance warrior religion culture! Whether it be the Norse Vikings of Europe, the Pagan Roman Soldiers of the early Roman Empire, the Christian Crusaders and the blood trail they left behind, or even deities of war seen all over the world throughout history
(Im a sucker for war gods in worldbuilding)
Religion can be conflict, and for us worldbuilders, conflict can be very fun to play with!
IRL Controversy
A growing difficulty with worldbuilding religion is what I call mimicry, religion bad, and censoring
It's easiest and often even advised to pull from what we know when creating anything. However there's a point where we're not jumping off the deep end enough, and sometimes unintentionally we just end up making a slightly altered copy of an already existing religion. This can not only be offensive to the religion or it's people, but also limiting to the worldbuilder's potential.
There are always moments where this can be intentional in worldbuilding, especially for Alternate History and futurism worlds that are just an extension of what we know. But if its not what you're going for its a major thing to try to avoid.
Religion Bad
For many people extremism has ruined religion, and this can bleed into their work positively and negatively. That's when we run into religion bad! Where every single time religion appears, it is only there to be an evil, a badness, a stain. (This an awful way to think about religion in general, including in worldbuilding) This can cause people to skip over cultural worldbuilding, as well as limit them by forcing them to never indulge in any potential goods religion can cause.
Now taking the previous two in mind, don't hinder yourself! Modern day Puritan Culture and Cancel Culture makes this last part hard to stop yourself. Self censoring is becoming more and more common for creators of all types, including worldbuilders. If you want to something guttural and grim dark do it! If you want to do something gory and cult-like, do it! If you want to do something whimsical and Ghibli, do it!
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You're one of my favorite fallout blogs right now. Are there any more Cooper headcanons you have rattling around?
Firstly, you deeply flatter me. 🩷 I really enjoy writing stuff for you guys. To answer your question: yes, I have about a million more Cooper headcanons, and I'm more than happy to share, so here's a little random grab-bag. Since you didn't specify NSFW headcanons, I'll put some SFW ones here and do the NSFWs in a follow-up.
I'm currently traveling to visit family and have a hard time writing or editing in the car, but I'm hoping to have at least one longer smut submission done some time tonight or tomorrow. Thank you all for reading!
General SFW Cooper Howard Headcanons
Prewar! Cooper Howard
- I feel like he and Barb met and married a little older than would've been traditional at the time, maybe late 30's? Their relationship has a maturity to it that I think really only comes from meeting when you're both more established and confident in yourselves. I feel like it may have taken them a while to have Janey, as well. I imagine they probably wanted more kids but ultimately struggled to have them (that man absolutely ADORES being a dad, so in my mind he'd want like four or five kids). People seem to generally see Coop as late 40's-50ish, and Janey is like 7, right? 43(ish), with Barb maybe around 40, is pretty old for a first child.
- This man also 100% had pretty boy tendencies (and I bet they're still in there somewhere, just buried real deep). I don't see him as necessarily fussy about it, but after so many years of appearance being a big part of how he makes his living, I imagine you'd catch him in the mirror about any time one appeared, "just to check real quick". Very particular about his clothes fitting right. Meticulous dental hygiene. Always smells amazing.
- He's a big "acts of service" person; his favorite way to show love, whether it be to his family and friends, Janey, or you, is to learn what your interests and hobbies are and to engage with them, to remember things about you and what you like. And, like most people who are big on acts of service, he prefers to be loved that way, in turn. As such, he's a big sucker for inside jokes.
The Ghoul
- His sassy little duster is 110% used to make him look big and scary. Walton Goggins is only 5'10, and it's not like he's beefy in build. He's obviously not unmuscular, by any means, but he's lean. I'd call him "trailer park wiry". You'd definitely be surprised at how much smaller he looks the first time you see him without the coat; he still cuts an imposing figure after cultivating it for so long, but he looks so much more svelte without it. The boots and hat also probably make him seem bigger.
- The man still remembers how to dance, like, really well. Line dancing, ballroom, even a little swing...he's quite eclectic. You will 100% have to nag about this a little if you want to actually see it in action, because he thinks you just wanna make fun of him for it, but if you can convince him you really do just wanna share this with him, he'll teach you. Finds he still really enjoys it if you can convince him to try.
- Doesn't have much by way of a sense of taste anymore, like most old men, and, like most old men, he has a penchant for sweets of any kind (that also isn't totally partially a remnant of how much junk he used to eat with Janey). Sweet and spicy he can still taste.
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twisted-in-underland · 9 months
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I have no self control…I made a TWST!Genie 🫣
Meet my lovely Maram Grant! I’m still fleshing out my idea for the genies as a species but I’ll include some of my current ideas later in this post! [edit to make include link to coloured info card]
Note: did this one traditional because I didn’t have my iPad with me, sorry if it looks a little messy and that it’s not in colour 😅.
Some basic info about Maram;
They’re genderfluid, and have no pronoun preference, but will make “did you just assume my gender???” jokes with people they’re close with.
Maram is a Djinn/Jinn, aka a genie. Since my take on genies is fae adjacent/are an offshoot of the fae species, genies live much longer. Maram’s actual age is unknown, but they would be considered 17 in “human” years so to speak.
I chose the name “Maram” because, from my research, it means “wish” or “desire” in Arabic which I thought was fitting for a genie! It’s also gender neutral which I thought fit for a genderfluid character
Someone on my Reddit post about genies in TWST had mentioned the idea that TWST!Genie was one of Jamil’s middle school friends and I’m rolling with it.
Maram is friends with both Jamil and Kalim. They met Jamil first and then met Kalim through Jamil. Jamil and Maram had a bit of a falling out before they moved on to high school and haven’t really hung out since.
Maram is also friends with Amir Ali (my TWST!Aladdin) and they hang out often when they’re not at school.
Maram’s personality is very similar to Genies in both the live-action and animated movies. They’re a fun-loving and loyal person. They can be a little bit of a prankster but their pranks are all in good fun and never cause harm. Maram is also very invested in pop culture and will make movie/TV show references all the time. They’re also the type to use humour to ease tension or comfort a friend.
Maram is also a sucker for romance novels and love stories. They’re often the ones Amir goes to for advice on how to impress TWST!Jasmine (I haven’t come up with a name for her yet :’D)
Because of Maram’s outgoing personality, they make friends rather quickly. However, they don’t throw around the term “best friend” willy-nilly; there are only a small handful of people Maram would consider their best friends.
In terms of overall appearance; Maram generally takes a more humanoid form to blend in better. Their appearance is similar to the live-action version of Genie in terms of skin tone and general hairstyle, same with their clothing colour palette.
Maram also loves to sing and dance, I think it’s one of the things they bonded over with Jamil originally. I also love the idea that Maram gets introduced to some of the other NRC characters through a fun little rendition of Arabian Nights (the 2019 version b/c I really like that one). Perhaps Maram was doing some kind of performance in the bazaar when the NRC group passed by or something.
Maram is claustrophobic and hates tight spaces; being at the bazaars when it is busy is not fun for them. They also hate guavas; Maram got sick after eating one once as a kid and developed a full-on food aversion to anything guava-related. They can’t eat or drink anything with guava, even the smell makes them gag 🤧
The info I have on genies as a species will be under the cut!
Like I said before, I’m still fleshing out genies as a species, but here is what I have in mind so far;
The real names for genies are Djinn or Jinn (depending on who you ask), though the term “Genie” became popular due to the Scalding Sands legend of the Beautiful Princess and the kindhearted thief (ie, the TWST tale of the Aladdin film) which used the word “genie” to describe the being that helped the thief. The Djinn don’t have a preference over what their species is called since it’s all relatively the same. I'm going to use "genie" for the sake of ease.
Genies are fae-like magical beings who have a wide variety of abilities. It’s said that they are notably skilled in conjugation and illusionary magic due to their “vivid imaginations”.
I imagine a genie's ability to shapeshift is similar to Lillia's ability to fly without a broom; it's a natural ability that doesn't require much magical energy.
Genies share a few physical traits with their fae cousins such as sharp nails, pointed ears, short fangs, and occasionally slit pupils. Genies can also sometimes show traits similar to scorpions, snakes, or lizards, though not ALL genies have these traits.
Genies can change their physical appearance to whatever they desire and not accumulate blot. There are rumours that genies have naturally colourful skin (ie. Pink or blue) but change their appearance to appear more human-like to blend in.
This is true of Maram, who has a naturally blue complexion but often changes their skin tone to match humans so they stand out less.
Genies live incredibly long lives, so it’s not uncommon for some to become sentimental and even take on traits of friends or loved ones that have since passed to stay connected to them.
While there are slight differences, Maram’s hair colour and the little fringe they have are reminiscent of Jamil’s. Even though they aren’t close anymore, Maram still values Jamil’s friendship and this is one way they feel connected to Jamil.
Genie magic is similar to fae magic with the strongest genies having magical powers similar in strength to Malleus or his grandmother.
When it comes to normal spell casting (think the conjuring spells Genie did on his own, separate from Aladdin's wishes in the movie), blot accumulation isn’t that different from the fae or even other mages. Genies are not “all-powerful” though they do tend to possess a lot more magical powers than humans or beastmen.
One difference, however, is that genies don’t rely on mage stones to deal with blot. They actually use a combination of their lamps and bracelets to cast magic and decrease blot.
The lamp is what accumulates blot - the more tarnished the lamp looks, the more blot there is - while they use their bracelets similar to how NRC students use their magical pens.
Genies almost ALWAYS have their lamps on them to keep them safe. The lamps are very important to them so if they lose them it can be terrible for the genie.
The lamps can also act as “recharge” stations of sorts, but only for the genie who’s connected to the lamp. Maram cannot enter another genie's lamp to recharge their magic or diminish their blot and vice versa. They can only use their own lamp.
Now this is where I don’t have everything completely fleshed out; schooling and the three wishes idea.
I mentioned in my discussion post on genies in TWST, but how would their schooling work? Part of me thinks that genies wouldn’t attend normal mage schools like NRC or RSA. Their magic is different enough that it's easier to learn from other genies.
This is particularly true when it’s taken into consideration that they use lamps and bracelets to cast magic and monitor blot rather than mage stones and magical pens.
I think perhaps young genies start schooling when their powers start getting stronger. This is also when they would first receive their lamp and bracelets. Though this concept is open to change, I don’t have much figured out yet.
For the wishes things; I have this idea that genies can access more powerful magic through the use of their lamps. This would be something unique to genies and would be similar to a mage's unique magic. Genies refer to this magic as “wishes”
I mentioned earlier that genies aren’t all-powerful, normally. This magic they can access through their lamps, however, is a lot closer to “all-powerful” than their normal magical powers. However, because of the strength of these spells, it’s easy to overblot.
This is kind of why there’s the “three wishes” rule; typically it takes three wishes to reach the stopping point of build-up up, any more and overblot is likely to happen.
The thing I don’t have figured out is how to tie in the classic “the master rubs the lamp and makes a wish” troupe to this. I think that having a “master” (ie. Someone that is not a genie) being a requirement to access this power helps to make it less overpowering.
It would mean the genie has to find someone they trust with their lamp to be able to access more powerful spells. I just don’t have the specifics figured out yet.
I do think it would be funny if Maram tried to play off this ability as their unique magic by calling it “Friend like me” or something. That or maybe some younger genies think it would be cool to give this power a name or something like other mages. Idk, it’s just a silly little hc of mine.
This is all I have figured out so far! Like I said I’m open to ideas or suggestions because this seems like such a fun and vast topic to me! This is just my take on genies and isn’t anything set in stone 100%. I tried to stick close to the movies while also fitting it into the Twisted Wonderland lore without it being over powered. I have a tendency to try and balance out seemingly over powered abilities with really specific limitations and/or drawbacks.
Let me know if anyone would want to see a proper info card for Maram!
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piiinkfreak · 1 year
Well if you're doing requests... How about Tanya and Visha in Traditional Japanese Kimonos? And a question, what are your favorite outfits to draw?
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Oh that was such a great idea! This was really fun to draw! Hope i was accurarte in my represention!
Oh, answering your question I'm a big sucker for historical fashion so i guess that would be my favorite kind of clothing to draw but to be more specifc i love drawing fabric so so big flowy dresses or interisting textures are so special for me. But when im lazy big jeans pants are really nice to draw cause they are so easy.
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late-to-the-party-81 · 6 months
Jen! Can I have E for extra info 🥹
And you know if I get a chance I'm going to ask about my fellow vegetarian M'Baku! Apart from eating carrots and hummus, what else are we getting up to?
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Thank you, Elsie! A thousand kisses for you! This is, of course, M’Baku from [River Deep] Mountain High.
E - Extra info (any other fetishes? feet? leather? role playing? blood? fantasies that they might want to experience not on this list?)
What can we say about this man? This fucking beast of a man? To be honest I could write the whole A-Z, ya feel? So what can I say outside of all the other letters? Well start with he is obsessed with you, and I mean obsessed. You don’t quite realise how much this man, this leader, this King wants and needs you. And for that reason he loves that the way he dresses not only gives the pair of you easy access, but allows you to hold on when you’re trying to sneak in a quickie. The way your delicate fingers wrap around the leather straps that criss-cross his massive body emphasising the size difference between the pair of you. He’s a sucker for that size disparity. You are his delicate flower after all.
He also loves the simplicity of fucking you in his bed, illuminated only by the glow of the fire, watching the reflection of the flames in your eyes and seeing how your skin is brought to life by the light. It’s his one regret about having to move to the Birnin Zana - less fires needed.
But as for fantasies that you haven’t tried out yet? On the theme of clothing, you’ve taken on a lot of Wakandan traditional dress since your stay started, it’s only practical after all, especially when you were up in the mountains, but there is one outfit he is dying to see you  - and then fuck you - in. The regalia of a Queen. When If that day comes, how he’s going to hold his primal self back he doesn’t know. But even then, he will treat you, and your clothes with the deference you deserve.
Find the link to the ask list here!
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