#I'm sure charlie weasley has some
Hi, hello! I hope you are doing fine and are happy! I got to know you from your Charlie Weasley fics and I wanted to hop in here!
Charlie had always seemed to me as someone chill most of the time, but when Bill or anyone mentions his s/o or crush, he would become sooo red that his siblings would make fun of him by teasing him how he gives lovesick smiles etc.
I was hoping to hear your thoughts and it would be amazing if you wrote something short and sweet!
Don't forget to take cate of yourself, love you😊🥰
hiiii, love! 😊😊 I hope you're having a great day today too! AHHH thank you so much for liking my Charlie stories! I love writing for him! oh my God! I love this plot so much! 🥰🥰🥰🥰 I feel like this is DEFINITELY something that would happen to Charlie! love you too! ❤️❤️
"Oi, Charlie, isn't that your girlfriend?" Bill asked, pointing your way in Diagon Alley.
"What? Charlie has a girlfriend?" George and Fred asked at the same time.
"I don't have a girlfriend!" he glared at them and then at Bill. "She's not my girlfriend!"
"Oh, but you know who I'm talking about" Bill smirked as Ginny giggled being carried on her oldest brother's back.
"Are you sure? Your face is turning red" she chuckled.
"They're not wrong" Percy pointed out. "You talk about her non-stop, and the two of you are practically glued together when in school-"
"That is not true!"
"She's coming this way!" Ron alerted him.
"Charlie?" you asked, smiling. You recognized Bill, Percy and you could never not notice the twins. "Hi, I thought that was you" you said walking over to him and hugging him.
"H-hi, love" he said, hugging you and kissing your cheek, trying his best to ignore, Bill's smirk. "F-fancy meeting you here" he stuttered.
"Yeah, it was a bit hard to miss all the redheads" you chuckled. "Hi, Bill, Percy" you nodded their way. "George, Fred" you told them. "And I don't believe I know you two" you said, looking at Ginny and Ron.
"Oh, right" Bill said. "This is Ron, he's starting next year" he informed you. "And this little rascal is Ginny" he told you.
"You're really pretty" Ginny smiled at you, making you feel your cheeks burning.
"Oh, thank you! So are you" you smiled.
"Are you Charlie's girlfriend?"
"Oh, um- n-no" you chuckled, nervously. "We're just f-friends" you explained.
"Um, guys, why don't we go find mum and dad" Bill said, pulling Ron along with him.
"But we wanna stay-" the twins started.
"NOW!" Bill instructed, making all of them follow the oldest Weasly and leaving you and Charlie alone.
"Sorry about that" Charlie said, with his face still flushed.
"It's alright" you insisted. "Your family is awesome" you told him.
"Live with them for eighteen years and then get back to me" he said. "Hey, um... would you maybe like to uh- I don't know, go get some ice cream or something? Sometime?" he asked, nervously, placing his hand on the back of his neck.
"Well, I'm not doing anything right now" you told him.
"R-really?" he chuckled, feeling releived.
"Yeah" you said, as he held your hand and walked you in the opposite direction of his family.
"Mate, see? Now they're going to get ice cream. Without us!" Ron complained to Bill.
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sailforvalinor · 6 months
Some of my HP headcanons:
The entirety of Gryffindor House was extremely confused as to whether or not Fred and Angelina were dating--and that's because they made a pact in their third year to make everyone confused about it on purpose. Situations such as these would arise:
Gryffindor student: "Are you and Angelina dating?"
Fred: "Whaaaat? Noo. Absolutely not."
Angelina: *comes in through the portrait hole* "Fred, what color are your dress robes for the Yule Ball? If they clash with my gown, I'll kill you."
Gryffindor student: "Angelina, are you and Fred dating?"
Angelina: *holds up their interlocked hands* "Of course we are!"
Fred, affronted: "I'm George."
By their seventh year, George noted to Ginny, the only other person in on the joke, that he was pretty sure that the two of them were starting to get pretty confused about it themselves.
2. When Hermione's parents first bought a computer, Ron was the only one of all of their acquaintance who could beat it at chess. They'd never admit it, but this was one of the first things that made them take him seriously as marriage material for Hermione.
3. After the war, Harry often went out of his way to hang out with Luna, sometimes with Ron and Hermione in tow, sometimes not. Among other things, they watched a lot of Muggle films together at Harry's flat, and eventually started watching Friends together as it aired every week. If Harry noticed any similarities between Luna and Phoebe, he kept his mouth shut.
4. Remus Lupin is a Frank Sinatra fan. That's it, that's the headcanon.
5. Charlie Weasley has a personal vendetta against J.R.R. Tolkien, claiming that he mischaracterized and misrepresented dragons.
6. You would think that Bill would be the first of the Weasley siblings to get a tattoo, but it was actually Ron, who got one after he and Harry were dared to get matching ones by Ginny when they were nineteen and his pride was on the line. However, Molly still thinks that Bill was the first, as Ron didn't tell her that he had a tattoo for a good five years.
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oncethrown · 11 months
Steganography Cut
"Okay," Ron sighed. "I'm just going to say it. I'm not convinced about Percy."
"Convinced?" Bill asked. "What the fuck does that mean?"
"He shows up at the 11th hour saying he knows Aberforth— "
"He was in danger," Charlie cut in. "They were arresting dissenters, and he didn't have anywhere to go, what did you want him to do?"
"Saying he knows Aberforth," Ron continues. "Mum let him bring Oliver Wood back to the burrow with him for some reason, and now they've been holed up together since the end of the battle. I didn't even realize they knew each other."
Hermione opens her mouth to speak, but Bill raises a hand to cut her off. "No. We're not going to do this. The war is over. We're not digging out spies and detractors any more. Percy is back now. None of of us know what he's been through, he was there when Fred," Bill stumbles over his brother's name and the temperature around the table drops several degrees. He clears his throat. "He was there when Fred died. People grieve in their own ways and shit like this- Ronald- is not making easier for him to be with us instead of 'holed up with Oliver,'" Bill huffed. "Besides, according to Oliver, Percy has been working against the ministry for years. Oliver says he saved a ton of people and he knows where all the bodies are buried "
"When did you even get a chance to talk to Oliver? When did you get him away from Percy? What are they always doing up there?" Ron jabs his finger toward the house, encompassing the window to the twins old room, where Percy and Oliver have spent the majority of the last few days, only surfacing to sit silently through meals or walk out to the old paddock in the evenings and come back red eyed and loose limbed. 
"I think they are just boyfriends," Fleur says with a shrug. Everyone around the table stills so much they may have turned to stone. She looks around at all of them, then to Bill. "Is this not the word? Ills sont les petit amis, non? Les copains?" She looks around at the assembled Weasley's, Hermione and Harry. "Lovers. What did I say? What does 'boyfriends' mean?"
"Lovers?" Ginny repeats, horrified. 
Charlie and Bill exchange a look. Charlie shakes his head. "Oliver can't be… surely. He's a professional Quidditch player."
"Oui," Fleur insists. "Bill, when you were attacked- Percy came to see you after Dumbly-dorrs funeral. You were not awake, of course. We talked a little, and I left him to sit with you. 'e was so sad, I thought I would bring him something, a tea. When I came back, Oliver was there, and they were in a…" She looks up at the sunset kissed sky, around the table, then back to Bill "ils se tenaient l'un l'autre. Romantique."
"I understood romantic," Harry said. "What did she say?"
"She said they were holding each other." 
"And you're just bringing this up now?" Ginny demands.
Fleur straightened. "I 'ave barely spoken to Percy! I do not know Oliver! I am supposed to know this is a surprise?"
The back door creaks open and they all freeze again as Percy and Oliver step out into the garden. Hermione lets out a peel of fake laughter, realizes its the first laugh there has been in the house since the battle and turns it into a cough. Percy and Oliver exchange a look and walk self consciously toward the table. Percy executes an awkward wave. Oliver seems to be hiding something behind his back.
"Hey,' Percy says. "Everyone. What's up out here?"
"Just a nice night," Bill says. "Hard to be in the house, and…"
"You're welcome to join us," Charlie says. "If you weren't… doing something else."
Oliver looks at Percy and shrugs. "Uh, no. We were just going to get some fresh air and uh," he pulls a bottle of wine from behind his back. "Alcohol. But… we can.." He looks at Percy again and sets the bottle on the table "Break out the old refillable charm and split it, uh. Nine ways."
"Ginny's underage," Charlie says.
"No I'm not," Ginny argues. 
"Yeah. Yes," Bill says, standing and pulling his wand out. "Stay. Come talk with us." He waves his wand and everyone is so busy watching him conjure a chair that they miss the back door opening again. 
"What's everyone up to out here?"
In a night of stops and starts, they have still not frozen like this. Slowly, they all turn to George. 
He swallows deeply, looks back at all of them, and lets a slow, hesitant smile roll over his face. "You all look like you've seen a ghost." 
No one laughs. No one moves. 
George nods. He leans over, grabs the wine bottle off the table. "Percy, can we talk?"
"Uh… of course. Yes." Percy says. George nods again and starts to walk away. Percy rocks strangely on the spot, as though cutting off a movement, touches Oliver's back, and scurries after George. 
Oliver watches them go, then settles himself down into one of the vacant chairs. 
They stare at each other in silence for a moment. 
"I will go get some more alcohol," Charlie volunteers. 
"Yes, god, yes, please do that,"Bill agrees. 
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shanastoryteller · 2 years
HAPPY HALLOWEEN: Percy Weasley if you would like :p
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Percy has enough on his plate without having to worry about Harry Potter. The kid's not even in his house, for merlin's sake.
Unfortunately, Harry is in Agnesa's, who's determined to make it his problem for some reason. He'd complain about it to Penelope, but she hates Agnesa, and probably will continue to until she comes out ahead of her in the transfiguration rankings again. He's staying out of it, but only because he's ranked above both of them.
He's on his way to potions when someone grabs his elbow and yanks him into a broom closet. He doesn't know why the castle has so many of these - it's not like anyone actually sweeps.
Agnesa shoves him into the corner then locks the door. He's maybe sort of had a dream or two that started like this before. "We're going to be late for class."
"This is more important," she says, which gets his attention. Agnesa's holding onto the top spot in potions by her fingertips. "What do you know about Remus Lupin?"
He stares at her. She can never come to him with something normal. "Um. Wasn't he a known associate of Sirius Black?"
She nods. "I need to get in contact with him."
When nothing further is forthcoming, he sighs and rubs at his forehead. "Why?"
"I thought you didn't want to get involved in this," a touch to acidic to fall into their normal sneering exchange.
They've only had a real fight about one thing recently.
"What does Remus Lupin have to do with Harry?" he demands.
"I don't know," she says, "but I'm going to find out. Once you give me his contact information."
"And how am I going to do that?" he asks.
"By asking your parents," she says, which wasn't what he'd expected. "Sirius Black was in the Order of the Phoenix, along with the Potters, and probably Remus Lupin. And so were your parents. I bet they still have someway to contact him, or at least a place to start."
Percy was only a toddler when the war ended. But Bill and Charlie had told him stories, ones that he'd refused to pass down, but he knows that his parents did not stand idly by during the war.
He's still not sure how he feels about that. For better or worse, he doesn't think he's the type of person that could take that risk if he had kids who were depending on him. There were five of them then, five children who couldn't take care of themselves, waiting for their parents to come home each night. What if they hadn't? What if Dad or Mum had been in the wrong place or been a little too slow or gotten caught passing along information? Then he and his brothers would have been all alone -
Oh. They would have been put in the same situation as Harry.
Who Percy doesn't think they have to worry about, because Dumbledore wouldn't let anything terrible happen to the boy who lived, and an outdated prescription and hand down clothes just happens sometimes. He'd dismissed it as Agnesa growing up too rich to know the difference between poverty and neglect, but even if that's the case, what do they really lose by looking out for the kid?
He hates feeling put in his place by a Slytherin, even if it is Agnesa.
"Okay," he says. "I'll send them a letter today."
She softens, blinking at him. "Really? What do want in return?"
His moral superiority back. "We'll call this one a freebie."
Agnesa smiles at him, sweet and large enough that her eyes crinkle at the corners.
He ends up getting a detention for showing up late to potions.
Agnesa doesn't, of course.
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captainlunaxmen · 5 months
Charlie Weasley x reader
This is a repost since the old blog doesn't work anymore. 🥰Also if you want to be tagged in future Charlie's stories let me know❤️
Summary: the library is usually a peaceful and quiet place... sometimes it's not.
Warnings: non-con touching, heavy mention of rape, it might trigger someone, so don't read it unless you're sure about it.
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The library has always been my favourite place here at Hogwarts. It's quiet and... magical. Quite a bold thing to say considering I'm living in a magical castle, a magical school that teaches us magic.
Regardless, the library has a different kind of magic. Different stories, different adventures and different people to "meet".
It's always been my favourite place, I prefer it to the ball after all...
It's not that I don't like balls... it's simply not my scene.
Charlie, my best friend and boyfriend, doesn't mind it. He knows I sometimes enjoy books more than people, he teases me about it but never makes me feel bad about it. He's more social than me, however, I think he's gonna join me soon.
I look for a book to read and when I find it I go sit down in one of the quieter spots in the library.
I start reading Frankenstein, one of my favourites and I just get lost in the pages as if it were the first time.
I get so lost that I couldn't hear someone enter the library, not until I heard footsteps getting closer.
"Charlie?" I call, but no answer. "Charlie? Is that you?"
"Someone way better, don't worry, babe"
Kyle. God... can't this guy take a hint?
He's been bothering me all year, even before I got with Charlie he constantly asked me out, tried to touch me whenever he could, always leaving notes here and there... some very explicit.
"What do you want?" I ask, trying to hide how nervous I am to be alone with him.
"A girl shouldn't be alone on a night like this, don't you think?" He asks back with a smirk.
"I'm very much okay on my own, thanks," I tell him dryly.
"Where's your little boyfriend? He should be with you" he looks at me up and down walking closer to me slowly "that's not very nice. Leaving you here... alone... anyone could come in here and just take advantage of you"
Realising his intention, I quickly stand up and just go to move away from him, but he quickly catches me and makes me walk backwards until he corners me against the wall, his face's too close to me and even though his hands are not touching me I feel completely stuck.
"This is not funny, Kyle. Let go" I say, even though it comes out shakier than I intended.
"Nor is teasing me as you do" he replies.
"What the-"
"Don't play with my emotions, sweetie. You're breaking my heart here." He pouts "I think you should apologise"
He moves his hands from the wall next to my head to my hips, squeezing.
"N... no... Kyle... please. Don't." I plead while I push his hands away from me, failing.
"Sh sh sh, we're just gonna have some fun, babe."
And with that, he leans down to kiss me and when I move my head to avoid him, his lips simply meet my neck.
I keep trying to push him off, but he doesn't let go.
He just keeps caging me.
Charlie's been dancing all night, trying to have fun with his friends, which he had of course, but there was one thing missing.
Y/n convinced him to stay and enjoy the ball, saying he could've joined her later. But Charlie can't seem to think of anything else except "I wish she was here"
"Go find her, mate," one of his friends tells him. "You've been miserable all night without her"
"I haven't" Charlie defends.
"Sure..." his friend replies with a laugh "go. You've waited long enough"
"Enjoy the rest of the night" he shouts at them as he rushes out of the Great Hall.
He knows exactly where his girl is.
Charlie decides to treat her a little bit, he rushes to the kitchen and asks the elves for some sweets.
"C'mon! You know those are her favourites!" Charlie tries to convince the cooks to let him take some pastries.
"You know you shouldn't be here" one of the Elves playfully scolds him.
"Yeah... but... but she deserves that. Right?" Charlie smirks. "I mean... you all went out of your way to make her that big... huge cake for her birthday. I'd say I'm not the only one caring for her"
"Fine! But only for her, Mr Weasley." The elf tells him to gather some of those delicious pastries she (and Charlie) loves so much. "Go now, before a professor sees you"
"Thanks!" Charlie grabs the food and rushes out, heading to the library.
'Can't wait to see her' he thinks.
I don't know how long had passed since Kyle ran away.
I just know I can't move, not because I'm tied up or anything... I just don't have the strength to do that.
He got what he wanted and left... but not without a threat.
"This isn't over." He said.
I try to stand up, everything hurt, but I manage to stand holding onto the desk next to me. My dress is ruined, torn apart by Kyle's disgusting hands.
I'm taking deep breaths to calm down when I hear a voice. I can't understand who that is or what they saying yet.
"Love? You in here?" I freeze when I realise it's Charlie's happy voice.
He can't see me like this.
I don't have any time to think of a way to hide though, he immediately finds me.
"Love? I brought some...." he stops, and I can't even turn to look at him "love?"
I feel him walking close and I take a small step back, he stops.
"Y/n, what's wrong?" He asks getting worried.
"I... I was.." I shakily try to speak.
"Love, can I come closer? Is that okay? I won't touch you if you don't want me too, I promise" his sweet tone manages to comfort and calm me a little.
I nod slowly and he walks to me, putting down a small package on the desk.
I recognize it... it's from the kitchen.
"Can I do something? Tell me what I can do and I'll do it" he tells me. "Want me to go get someone?"
"No. Please... " I say looking up at him, at his worried face. "Just... hold me, please?"
He instantly wraps his arms around me careful not to cross any line.
I start to sob, turning around to hug him back and hid my face in his chest.
"I'm here, my love. You're okay." He whispers caressing my back.
"Kyle..." I start and I feel him tense.
Charlie lets me go and helps me sit down, him sitting in front of me holding my hands in his. His full attention is on me, and even though I know he's already furious his expression is still soft and loving.
"Kyle came looking for me here... started to say his usual nonsense." I take a shaky breath "saying things like how I shouldn't be alone on a night like this and that you weren't being a good boyfriend... That he was better."
Charlie gently kisses my hands, I notice his eyes slightly watering. From anger or sadness, I can't exactly tell... maybe from both.
"He then...he... he started touching me and... and then he... did that," I say in between sobs.
"Love..." he gently pulls me closer to him kissing my head reassuringly.
"I'm sorry.." I say.
"No." He pulls away to look me in the eyes "no. None of that. Okay? Nothing of this was your fault. Do you understand?"
I nod weakly.
"Please, say you understand. None. Of this. Was. Your. Fault. Okay?" He urges, still using a sweet tone.
"I... I understand" I say and he nods, kissing my head once again.
"Do you want to get out of here?"
I nod.
He gently helps me up and holds my hand ready to walk out.
We don't get too far before he suddenly stops.
"Almost forgot the pastries, love," he says taking a package he put on the desk.
"Are those...?"
"Yap," he says proudly popping the p.
"You didn't have to," I tell him, holding onto his arm.
"You know I like to treat my girl properly"
We walk to the entrance of the castle to get out and finally head to the boathouse, Charlie offered his jacket to help cover my body.
We're almost there when we hear another voice calling for us.
"Mr Weasley? Ms L/n?" Professor McGonagall catches our attention "shouldn't you be in bed by now?"
"I'm sorry, Professor... we're... Uhm..." Charlie starts to explain.
"What happened?" Her demeanour suddenly gets softer. "Ms L/n?"
I look up at her with tear-filled eyes I open my mouth to say something but no sound comes out.
"Want me to..?" Charlie softly asks and I nod. "Stay here, love."
Charlie walks to Professor McGonagall and starts to explain what I told him.
"Are you sure, Mr Weasley?"I hear her ask.
"Yes, ma'am. 100% sure. And it's not the first time he bothers her." Charlie says, getting angry.
"Why didn't you say anything earlier?" She asks again.
"Because we always thought he was just all talk. Also, she didn't want me to do anything, because I'm not gonna lie, professor, if I find him in front of me I wouldn't hold back" he firmly explains.
"I know, Mr Weasley. I wouldn't blame you. The only thing that prevents me from letting you is that you'd most likely get in more trouble than him." She tells him, and her words make me smile a little.
"Does that mean you're gonna do something about it?" Charlie asks hopefully.
"I will, Mr Weasley." Professor McGonagall walks close to me "I'm sorry, ms L/n. I promise you, I'll do anything in my power and make sure there will be consequences"
"Thank you, professor. Thank you" I say, smiling a little.
"Now..." she sighs "I haven't seen you sneaking out. Alright?"
Charlie just laughs and thanks professor McGonagall, who winks at him nodding for us to go quickly.
"Let's go, love"
We quickly walk outside to the boathouse.
Once we get there Charlie builds a sort of fort for us to sleep in.
"You okay?" He asks me while we both lay down.
"Yeah" I softly answered.
"Is... uhm... is it okay..?" Charlie's hesitant to ask, wanting to get closer to me and wrapping his arms around me like he always does when we sleep together.
"I always want you to hold me, Charlie." I get closer to him so he can put his arm around my middle "You're my safe place"
"I'm sorry I wasn't there... I should've-" he starts apologising but I turn around to face him.
"That wasn't your fault either. I don't blame you, I would never. The only one to blame is him" I say and then kiss his cheek.
"He's lucky professor McGonagall will take care of him. If it were for me.."
"Love... I think he would be luckier if you took care of him. I'm not sure you saw the look in her eyes" I chuckle.
"I guess you're right" he laughs "but still if I find him before them... he's done"
"My hero" I smile at him grabbing his hand and interlocking our fingers.
"I try" he smirks then turns more serious "I love you"
"I love you more. And thank you for the pastries."
He kisses my head and then we just lay there together enjoying each other's presence... and the pastries of course.
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firinniee · 1 year
Nah, I'm on Percy's side on this
Okay, so I'm listening to an HP OoP audiobook at work today, right? And I realized that Arthur's argument with Percy was based on what Percy had said, namely:
1. While working at the Ministry, he tried to improve Arthur's image.
2. Arthur has no ambition and his family is poor.
3. Arthur is crazy & he's on Dumbledore's side and going to be in big trouble for it.
4. Percy wants to be loyal to the Ministry because the only thing that confirms Voldemort's return is Harry's words.
And Harry summed it up by saying that out of all W. siblings, he always liked Percy the least, but he couldn't imagine that he could say such words to his father ... but what words? Percy say something that is completely untrue? As if aside from the fact that he got a promotion after his career was on the bad line, Arthur said it was just to be "a spy for the Ministry" (which was probably true) but Percy countered this argument with the truth as well.
1. We don't have any information about it other than that, but we know that Arthur didn't have the greatest respect, so Percy could actually do something here, so let's just leave it at that. 
2. It's probably the most delicate of sentences and something that must have been going on in Percy for a long time for him to say it out loud. So the Weasleys are portrayed as a poor family that has one working parent (who has been holding the same low-paying job for years) and despite this, and then ongoing war, decides to have seven children. Percy was the 3rd child and in my opinion the first one to have the vast majority of second hand and “after brother’s” stuff because Bill was the eldest but Charlie was a completely different build and height so I suspect a lot of Bill's stuff just didn't suit him. In turn, Percy, 6 years younger than Bill, was tall and thin, so he probably inherited everything from him (and personally, I think that it was like an extra kick for Percy, probably because of similar achievements in Hogwarts and appearance, he was still comparable to Bill. And we know that Molly especially likes to compare her children so). I can see this as a reason why he wanted to achieve more for himself and felt that since his father still wants to be in this position, he has no ambitions for anything better. In fact, Weasley's poverty is one great absurdity of the series, but maybe another post about it someday.
3. Percy had a point here, being on Dumbledore's side could lead to real trouble. Everything to do with it was a kept secret for some reason, right? Additionally, Percy knew what trouble was, his first memories being a childhood in times of war.
4. If someone suddenly appears and says that H*tler has risen from the dead, will anyone believe it? Well, it was something just as abstract to the wizarding world. I understand that the Ministry didn't want to let the Dark Lord return, but the thought itself was very abstract, to the point that even people who liked Harry could not believe it.
I'm sure what Percy said hurt Arthur but what Arthur said and his attitude hurt Percy, I don't want to say anything but he was just entering adulthood and his father shouldn't have yelled at him knowing that his son just made his biggest dream come true. After all, he was the parent. Aside from the fact that everyone, without exception, takes Arthur's side and condemns Percy's words, he was only half the side in this argument, but he was the only one who apologized in the end. 
Years after that feud, Percy even named his daughter Molly, and I'm sure if he had a son he'd name him Arthur, to me it just shows how much he blames himself even though he was only half to blame. 
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forgottenspring · 3 months
Mild rant on Alastor bc I'm tired.
*takes deep breath*
I was going to stay out of this so rip to my inbox.
Does anybody remember the whole ace doxing list on here? The whole discussion of not shipping gay characters with the opposite gender? The rep for pan/bi representation and the steps to do it right? Does anybody remember when ppl on here discussed how aros and aces aren't a part of the queer community bc they're not 'gay enough' in a way? Bc I do. That was about a decade ago. And I remember when Alastor was first introduced in the pilot and ppl not accepting he was aroace back then.
It doesn't matter if Alastor is entirely aroace and if he's capable of dating or not.
What matters is we still have so little ace representation and acceptance, especially aroace rep, that a few years ago when a real person Jaiden Animations came out as aroace, ppl tried to destroy her, bc even with a perfect valid explanation of her just saying aroaces are their own thing and she just doesn't want to date, ppl treated it like she was lying or was trying to sneak into the queer community and was straight or all the other horrible things yall might remember "fans" did to her.
Alastor being aroace isn't about being the rep of "Aroaces can feel attraction!!!" bc be real honest.
How many aroace popular characters can ppl list that a regular person on the street is going to know? Bc I've heard all their arguments to invalidate their representation.
Jughead? Oh you mean Cole Sprouse who made out and got it on with Lili Reinhart playing Betty bc he found her sexy? Oh but in the old comics he's a gay character whose in denial. Yelena Boleva? Who? Oh that woman? She's hot she's just traumatized and needs to find the right person. Charlie Weasley? Oh he was only in the books? He was confirmed as aroace through a passive comment most ppl didn't know about from the author that never used the term? Luffy? You mean one of the most shipped characters in One Piece? No he's just an idiot/childish so he doesn't understand girls are pretty. Caduceus Clay? Sorry I didn't watch Critical Role whose that? Are you sure he's aroace? He feels gay to me.
I can list more ppl, but I'm sure most ppl couldn't.
I remember the whole discussion of the pan/bi representation argument of "Yes! We know pan/bi ppl can date the opposite gender. But straight ppl don't know about pan/bi nearly at all or don't accept it," so showing it as gay, who know the term more, until it's shown clearly the character is queer and not "confused straights" they then can have opposite gender attraction. Bc sooooo many pan/bi characters end up "straight" at the end of their show/book. Bc I remember when ppl refused to accept that Deadpool is pan bc of his wife and started freaking out when he dated a nonbinary person in the comics or helped that one genderqueer person he knew.
Representation is about showing to ppl what they're not understanding about the identity in the plainest sense of the words of the identity, then when there's enough rep to show they're not all the same, then you can have the ones that break the rules.
Alastor whether or not he wants to date doesn't matter. What matters is this whole situation blew out of proportion bc ppl refused to accept that some ppl don't feel comfy shipping him. Bc they see themselves in him and don't want that. BUT! Also ppl under the aro and ace umbrella also have no rep and wanted to see him breaking the stereotype they probs have yelled at them of "You can't have a partner you're aroace I forbid it" and wanted to see thru their own experiences how that would be done.
Here's the problem.... As someone who has read a lot of aroace headcanon fanfics as an aroace....... A lot of ppl who are allo don't realize aroace "crushes" are missing emotions... That's why they're aroace. And they'll write them like they're the same just "muted" or "needs to warm up" kinda thing. Or make the character's love "childish" to explain the lack of romance/sex. Which is messed up. And that's the problem here.
Alastor didn't need to be this blown out of proportion of a situation. The problem is ppl found him sexy and the classic "But aroace hot, they can't be aroace bc why hot?" discussion got brought back up without the gentle post format discussions and instead it was a lot of shippers on tiktok with tiny word counts arguing a complex issue.
Ppl should be allowed to ship whatever (except problematic I know yall too well), especially if they see themselves in the characters and especially if they have the same identity and want to explore that!!
The truth of the matter is this is such a huge issue that just keeps happening bc ppl are too used to fandom queer spheres where ppl already know aroace means "off the table" and so they want to play with qprs or grayromantics/sexuals not knowing what that entails bc there's sooooo lil aroace rep that actually explores being aroace and a lot of ppl don't know the basics, and even how very different aroace "off the table" is when you aren't the classic "uwu I'm just innocent and have no friends or importance to the plot so just ignore me and have me be adopted by one of the main couples as a 'kid' figure."
Not to mention that a lot of ppl still think ace means aroace. That aces can't date bc there's ppl who don't know that romantic and sexual attraction are different!
I'm just.... So tired. So very tired of having ppl shout at me what it means to be aroace and being unable to look up the lil aroace rep we have bc of this issue I've seen a million times is all.
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lunamadhatter99 · 1 year
Charlie Weasley x Fem!reader
So... here's a new Charlie fic for you, waiting for inspiration to "overwhelm me" so I can finish the third chapter of my Steddie fic😅 hope you like it❤️
@once-upon-an-imagine here's your tag.
If anyone else wants to be tagged in any Charlie Wealey/Harry Potter related fic tell me🥰
Summary: the library is usually a peaceful and quiet place... sometimes it's not.
Warnings: non-con touching, heavy mention of rape, it might trigger someone so don't read it unless you're sure about it.
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The library has always been my favourite place here at Hogwarts. It's quiet and... magical. Quite a bold thing to say considering I'm living in a magical castle, a magical school that teaches us magic.
Regardless, the library has a different kind of magic. Different stories, different adventures and different people to "meet".
It's always been my favourite place, I prefer it to the ball after all...
It's not that I don't like balls... it's simply not my scene.
Charlie, my best friend and boyfriend, doesn't mind it. He knows I sometimes enjoy books more than people, he teases me about it but never makes me feel bad about it. He's more social than me, however, I think he's gonna join me soon.
I look for a book to read and when I find it I go sit down in one of the quieter spots in the library.
I start reading Frankenstein, one of my favourites and I just get lost in the pages as if it were the first time.
I get so lost that I couldn't hear someone enter the library, not until I heard footsteps getting closer.
"Charlie?" I call, but no answer. "Charlie? Is that you?"
"Someone way better, don't worry, babe"
Kyle. God... can't this guy take a hint?
He's been bothering me all year, even before I got with Charlie he constantly asked me out, tried to touch me whenever he could, always leaving notes here and there... some very explicit.
"What do you want?" I ask, trying to hide how nervous I am to be alone with him.
"A girl shouldn't be alone on a night like this, don't you think?" He asks back with a smirk.
"I'm very much okay on my own, thanks," I tell him dryly.
"Where's your little boyfriend? He should be with you" he looks at me up and down walking closer to me slowly "that's not very nice. Leaving you here... alone... anyone could come in here and just take advantage of you"
Realising his intention, I quickly stand up and just go to move away from him, but he quickly catches me and makes me walk backwards until he corners me against the wall, his face's too close to me and even though his hands are not touching me I feel completely stuck.
"This is not funny, Kyle. Let go" I say, even though it comes out shakier than I intended.
"Nor is teasing me as you do" he replies.
"What the-"
"Don't play with my emotions, sweetie. You're breaking my heart here." He pouts "I think you should apologise"
He moves his hands from the wall next to my head to my hips, squeezing.
"N... no... Kyle... please. Don't." I plead while I push his hands away from me, failing.
"Sh sh sh, we're just gonna have some fun, babe."
And with that, he leans down to kiss me and when I move my head to avoid him, his lips simply meet my neck.
I keep trying to push him off, but he doesn't let go.
He just keeps caging me.
Charlie's been dancing all night, trying to have fun with his friends, which he had of course, but there was one thing missing.
Y/n convinced him to stay and enjoy the ball, saying he could've joined her later. But Charlie can't seem to think of anything else except "I wish she was here"
"Go find her, mate," one of his friends tells him. "You've been miserable all night without her"
"I haven't" Charlie defends.
"Sure..." his friend replies with a laugh "go. You've waited long enough"
"Enjoy the rest of the night" he shouts at them as he rushes out of the Great Hall.
He knows exactly where his girl is.
Charlie decides to treat her a little bit, he rushes to the kitchen and asks the elves for some sweets.
"C'mon! You know those are her favourites!" Charlie tries to convince the cooks to let him take some pastries.
"You know you shouldn't be here" one of the Elves playfully scolds him.
"Yeah... but... but she deserves that. Right?" Charlie smirks. "I mean... you all went out of your way to make her that big... huge cake for her birthday. I'd say I'm not the only one caring for her"
"Fine! But only for her, Mr Weasley." The elf tells him to gather some of those delicious pastries she (and Charlie) loves so much. "Go now, before a professor sees you"
"Thanks!" Charlie grabs the food and rushes out, heading to the library.
'Can't wait to see her' he thinks.
I don't know how long had passed since Kyle ran away.
I just know I can't move, not because I'm tied up or anything... I just don't have the strength to do that.
He got what he wanted and left... but not without a threat.
"This isn't over." He said.
I try to stand up, everything hurt, but I manage to stand holding onto the desk next to me. My dress is ruined, torn apart by Kyle's disgusting hands.
I'm taking deep breaths to calm down when I hear a voice. I can't understand who that is or what they saying yet.
"Love? You in here?" I freeze when I realise it's Charlie's happy voice.
He can't see me like this.
I don't have any time to think of a way to hide though, he immediately finds me.
"Love? I brought some...." he stops, and I can't even turn to look at him "love?"
I feel him walking close and I take a small step back, he stops.
"Y/n, what's wrong?" He asks getting worried.
"I... I was.." I shakily try to speak.
"Love, can I come closer? Is that okay? I won't touch you if you don't want me too, I promise" his sweet tone manages to comfort and calm me a little.
I nod slowly and he walks to me, putting down a small package on the desk.
I recognize it... it's from the kitchen.
"Can I do something? Tell me what I can do and I'll do it" he tells me. "Want me to go get someone?"
"No. Please... " I say looking up at him, at his worried face. "Just... hold me, please?"
He instantly wraps his arms around me careful not to cross any line.
I start to sob, turning around to hug him back and hid my face in his chest.
"I'm here, my love. You're okay." He whispers caressing my back.
"Kyle..." I start and I feel him tense.
Charlie lets me go and helps me sit down, him sitting in front of me holding my hands in his. His full attention is on me, and even though I know he's already furious his expression is still soft and loving.
"Kyle came looking for me here... started to say his usual nonsense." I take a shaky breath "saying things like how I shouldn't be alone on a night like this and that you weren't being a good boyfriend... That he was better."
Charlie gently kisses my hands, I notice his eyes slightly watering. From anger or sadness, I can't exactly tell... maybe from both.
"He then...he... he started touching me and... and then he... did that," I say in between sobs.
"Love..." he gently pulls me closer to him kissing my head reassuringly.
"I'm sorry.." I say.
"No." He pulls away to look me in the eyes "no. None of that. Okay? Nothing of this was your fault. Do you understand?"
I nod weakly.
"Please, say you understand. None. Of this. Was. Your. Fault. Okay?" He urges, still using a sweet tone.
"I... I understand" I say and he nods, kissing my head once again.
"Do you want to get out of here?"
I nod.
He gently helps me up and holds my hand ready to walk out.
We don't get too far before he suddenly stops.
"Almost forgot the pastries, love," he says taking a package he put on the desk.
"Are those...?"
"Yap," he says proudly popping the p.
"You didn't have to," I tell him, holding onto his arm.
"You know I like to treat my girl properly"
We walk to the entrance of the castle to get out and finally head to the boathouse, Charlie offered his jacket to help cover my body.
We're almost there when we hear another voice calling for us.
"Mr Weasley? Ms L/n?" Professor McGonagall catches our attention "shouldn't you be in bed by now?"
"I'm sorry, Professor... we're... Uhm..." Charlie starts to explain.
"What happened?" Her demeanour suddenly gets softer. "Ms L/n?"
I look up at her with tear-filled eyes I open my mouth to say something but no sound comes out.
"Want me to..?" Charlie softly asks and I nod. "Stay here, love."
Charlie walks to Professor McGonagall and starts to explain what I told him.
"Are you sure, Mr Weasley?"I hear her ask.
"Yes, ma'am. 100% sure. And it's not the first time he bothers her." Charlie says, getting angry.
"Why didn't you say anything earlier?" She asks again.
"Because we always thought he was just all talk. Also, she didn't want me to do anything, because I'm not gonna lie, professor, if I find him in front of me I wouldn't hold back" he firmly explains.
"I know, Mr Weasley. I wouldn't blame you. The only thing that prevents me from letting you is that you'd most likely get in more trouble than him." She tells him, and her words make me smile a little.
"Does that mean you're gonna do something about it?" Charlie asks hopefully.
"I will, Mr Weasley." Professor McGonagall walks close to me "I'm sorry, ms L/n. I promise you, I'll do anything in my power and make sure there will be consequences"
"Thank you, professor. Thank you" I say, smiling a little.
"Now..." she sighs "I haven't seen you sneaking out. Alright?"
Charlie just laughs and thanks professor McGonagall, who winks at him nodding for us to go quickly.
"Let's go, love"
We quickly walk outside to the boathouse.
Once we get there Charlie builds a sort of fort for us to sleep in.
"You okay?" He asks me while we both lay down.
"Yeah" I softly answered.
"Is... uhm... is it okay..?" Charlie's hesitant to ask, wanting to get closer to me and wrapping his arms around me like he always does when we sleep together.
"I always want you to hold me, Charlie." I get closer to him so he can put his arm around my middle "You're my safe place"
"I'm sorry I wasn't there... I should've-" he starts apologising but I turn around to face him.
"That wasn't your fault either. I don't blame you, I would never. The only one to blame is him" I say and then kiss his cheek.
"He's lucky professor McGonagall will take care of him. If it were for me.."
"Love... I think he would be luckier if you took care of him. I'm not sure you saw the look in her eyes" I chuckle.
"I guess you're right" he laughs "but still if I find him before them... he's done"
"My hero" I smile at him grabbing his hand and interlocking our fingers.
"I try" he smirks then turns more serious "I love you"
"I love you more. And thank you for the pastries."
He kisses my head and then we just lay there together enjoying each other's presence... and the pastries of course.
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holyhead-hufflepuff · 2 years
"I am more interested in experiencing life than in analyzing it" - will bradley
warnings: none
notes: lol not me writing about how you don't have to follow a set path and I'm willingly and gladly pre-med
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"Stop it, Fred Weasley." A laugh escaped your lips and ruined your annoyed facade as the redhead continued to poke your sides. "Quit it! Some of us are attempting to study for our N.E.W.Ts."
Fred flopped back in his chair, a cheeky look smudged his face, and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. "You and every other nerd in this castle. My mum hasn't let up on Georgie and me about studying for these boring tests. What is knowing mooncalf M.O.M classification going to do for my future?"
"XX," you beamed, putting down your quills and scrolls. "Don't take these tests too seriously; they are meant to see how you handle intense, lengthy material. Just like the O.W.Ls but with boomslang. Get it? Because it's a slow-acting poison, and the exams are slowly killing my brain cells."
"No, I didn't because you don't need boomslang to make the potions I care about. I want to make people forget about bad times- not induce blistering in their throats until they chock on their blister pus." 
"Boomslang doesn't do that," you teased, sitting next to Fred and placing your arms around his shoulders. "Nonetheless, I see your point and agree that these exams will do nothing for your future."
Fred shrugged his shoulders, your arms dropping softly. "Do you, though? You, my mum, my family, and all the professors push school onto me. I'm not brilliant like Percy- Merlin, save his soul from the ministry- nor do I have some niche brilliance like Bill and Charlie. I'm a joke. My future is making sure people laugh at my antics and not me." 
You watched Fred and the way his lips pressed together as his eyebrows knit together. He was always soft laughing lines; you forgot how much he'd grown up since the two of you met. You forgot how much of his softness had been sharpened by external pressure and expectations. 
"Do you know what I see when I look at you, Fred Weasley?" 
"Someone who is going to fail all of their N.E.W.Ts?" Fred questioned back, avoiding looking at you. 
"Yes," you laughed, nudging the boy lightly with your shoulder. "I also see the boy who runs to crying, homesick first-years and shows them Whiz-Bangs. Or, the boy who acts "scary" to anyone who likes his sister but would walk through fire to make her laugh when she's heartbroken. Even better, I catch a glimpse of the thirteen-year-old boy who grabbed my hand and ran me down the hall so I wouldn't get blamed for a prank on Filch." 
"Actually, it was George. I just never had the heart to tell you that you got us mixed up," Fred laughed, his cheeks warmed with embarrassment. 
"Nope. You don't need to put yourself down and throw a pity party, Mr. Weasley." You threw your arm back over his shoulders, bringing him in for a side-hug. "If you could see yourself through my point of view, your ego would explode." 
"Please, I always have room for flattery." 
"I'm sure you do." 
"In all seriousness, thank you," Fred whispered, leaning his head on you. "I-I don't know what came over me? I have all this confidence in George and I's plan. We aren't the type of brilliant our mum wants us to be, but we have this dream and all these ideas. I just-my family means everything and my mum has the best intentions. If everyone pushes something at you- maybe it is for the best?" 
"Or, maybe some people aren't supposed to follow the pathway? Don't get me wrong, I will be a ministry drone for years until I get a position in the International Confederation of Wizards. However, I want that for myself. Either way, it's not wrong only if you want it for yourself and not someone else." 
"I wish my parents could hear you right now," Fred chuckled, his shoulders dropping. "I want them to be happy with me being happy." 
"They wanted nothing more than for you to be happy. It just takes parents a while to realize what will make their kids happy." 
"You're too smart to be a ministry drone, you know," Fred smirked, wrapping his arm around your waist and giving you a squeeze. "Too attractive too." 
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whinlatter · 1 year
If you could save any of the characters in the hp books who died, who would you save and why?
Ah, this is such an interesting question!
Honestly, I think the most pointless death is Fred's, and if I could save him, I would. I could write essays on it, honestly. I think it's one of the cheapest emotional shots taken in the series.
Fred's death is kind of gratuitous. It's not well foregrounded, it's not a particularly good scene or a murder that's carried out by a character with any significance or symbolism (Rookwood? Really?) But neither is Fred's death used to be a particularly sophisticated comment on the randomness of death in war or make a broader point about the nature of the conflict at hand. It's as if the Weasley twins' position as a comedic device and a source of laughter throughout the series made them prime candidates for JKR to batter them, in order to hammer home an already hammered-home point that war is tragic and costly and terrible lol (like, already in the same book, George gets his ear blasted off! Why keep coming back for shots at the twins?)
You can almost imagine JKR going down the list of Weasleys like, ok, well Bill's already been mauled, killing Charlie wouldn't do enough damage because he's such a side character, Percy needs his redemption arc, killing Ron is a bridge too far and she's already had him poisoned, killing Ginny would be plot repetitive and would polish Harry off, she'd already decided to nearly kill then save Arthur, and Molly needs her boss bitch moment - oops sorry guess it's a twin that's getting it! Why not kill one and not the other for maximum devastation! It's not like JKR was even very attentive to the twins' emotional life or made any real effort to characterise the twins separately from one another, other than giving Fred more lines than George throughout the series. So for the reader, the death of one of the twins is this horrendous awful blow, but the reader also is left with no directed tools for how to think about his death or conceptualise what this character was for the series arc. Also to end a series knowing you just robbed this beloved family of a son and a brother - robbing George of his twin - and then make no attempt to think about the impact of that death on your characters, and write an epilogue that says all was well, is just extremely poor plot detonation, imo.
I say this also because I think there are deaths in the series that are awful and tragic, but which are still narratively and symbolically important, either as ways of propelling the plot forwards or offering a kind of narrative symbolism or arc that has some payoff for the reader. James and Lily have to die to set in motion this huge plot arc for the entire series. Cedric's death is a powerful watershed moment both for the reader - things are getting serious now - and for Harry. Sirius' death, while completing devastating, does at least make some sense to strip away from this central character an important protector as he steps towards a fate no-one can shield him from. Dumbledore's death was a masterstroke, and I actually (sorry) think Hedwig and Dobby's deaths make a ton of sense, as characters that represent innocence and the uncomplicated warm friendship of childhood friends (also I think Harry digging Dobby's grave is one of the most powerful images in the series). Even Remus and Tonks' deaths do something for the arc of the series, offering the symbolism of both another baby orphaned by war, and for Harry beginning the next chapter of his life as the godfather to that orphaned child (I'm typing that out very grudgingly because obviously those deaths are horrendous). But Fred, it's like, ok, well, the only possible point for this is to make sure you see it's a war and deaths will happen and to make sure the Weasleys are grieving for the rest of their lives. Great, cool, fine! But I think it's cheap storytelling. Anyway there's my piece!
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sitp-recs · 1 year
Hello Liv! Hope this is okay to ask. Feeling a Weasley/Draco streak. Do you have any Bill/Draco, Charlie/Draco, or Ron/Draco fic recs?
I'm deep into Bill/Draco ideas but there are barely any fics and wasn't sure if you had any more material ^^
Hi anon! In this house we thirst over love and support the Weasley family! I have a Dron list here, so I’m highlighting my top 5 and adding some fics with Bill and Charlie as well. Enjoy 😌
A Soft Spot for Lost Causes by Helenish (E, 13k)
"Remember at school? Weasel? You’re so poor and dirty?" Ron said encouragingly "You hated me." "I did," Draco said.
The Sun, Shining Above You by @oknowkiss (E, 14k) - technically a Dronarry but Dron stole the scene for me
Since joining up with the dragontamers, Draco counts his days in nights. Nights spent drinking in the commune mess, making poor choices he doesn't regret, for once. Nights he doesn't remember, and nights he wishes he could stop remembering.
Dreaming Skies by @sweet-s0rr0w and @tackytigerfic (E, 20k)
Draco's life is going nowhere, so when Charlie Weasley offers him a job out on his reserve, Draco doesn't think twice before booking a Portkey. After all, it's not as if he has many other options. But when he arrives in Romania, he realises that nothing is quite what he expected...
A Fine Foray into Fashionable Fellatio by @wellhalesbells (E, 31k)
First comes tolerating, then comes shagging, then comes unintended consequences.
Is This It series by MillicentMakepeace (E, 52k)
Ron Weasley and Draco Malfoy get trapped in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement during an attack drill. HOWEVER WILL THEY PASS THE TIME?
A Room with a View in the Flowering City by @wolfpants (E, 1k)
During Draco's internship at Gringotts, Bill and Draco get to know each other in surprising ways. For Bill, it's fun, but also comforting.
slide by @onbeinganangel (E, 1.5k)
Bill Weasley, who insists on approaching Draco every time, no matter where, on fetching him drinks, on flirting relentlessly, on touching him softly with rough, big hands that leave Draco’s skin prickling. Bill Weasley, with that fang earring dangling enticingly off his ear, moving ever so slightly as he speaks, with his hair pulled up into a messy ponytail Draco desperately wants to pull on.
love on high by tryslora (E, 1.3k)
Charlie loves to take Draco up on dragon back and fuck him high above the ground.
Wildflower by @wolfpants (E, 1.3k)
Charlie and Draco's relationship grows like the wildflowers on the alpine meadows, and Charlie wonders how many seasons they'll survive.
Dragon Taming by who_la_hoop (T, 2k)
When the Malfoys flee – with dignity, of course – to Romania after the war, Draco finds unexpected kinship with one of those awful red-haired Weasley boys.
Put on a Show by @gracerene (E, 3k)
Charlie's not supposed to have sex with clients while on the clock. Luckily he's found a loophole.
Stay Gold by provocative_envy (M, 4k)
Draco has a favorite brand of caviar, for fuck’s sake.
how to win (despite yourself) by curiouslyfic (M, 4.5k)
Charlie knows he's only got Draco until Harry makes his move. Just, Charlie's gotten attached now and Draco's not easy to give up.
Leap of Faith by Alisanne (E, 5k)
Charlie's always had a way with magical creatures, and Draco is just a fancy name for a dragon.
Four Times Charlie Had Authority Over Draco and One Time He Didn't by Snegurochka (E, 8k)
It started the week after the final battle, in a Ministry holding cell with a fake Auror and a suspect who was used to doing as he was told.
Calling Me Out to the Cliffs by @wellhalesbells (M, 9k)
The war ends but Fenrir Greyback has evaded capture and he’s made no effort to hide his fascination with one Draco Malfoy. For his own protection, the Order decides to shack him up with Charlie Weasley in Middle-of-Nowhere, Romania. Which is just what Charlie wants this Christmas: to spend the hols with his ex.
Dragon's Ink by Leela (E, 9k)
One evening, just before closing, a hooded and cloaked man enters Charlie's studio. Draco Malfoy wants a tattoo. The only problem is that he already has one.
it's brutal out here by @dracoladon and @lazywonderlvnd (E, 25k)
Draco finally meets Charlie Weasley. He's kind of a beast.
Fire on the Mountain (Run, boy, run) by cryptonym (E, 25k)
Charlie is just trying to get on with life post-war with his beloved dragons and forget. Draco just wants to get out of England and somehow manages to wangle his way into a placement on the reserve. Charlie doesn't expect him to last a week, but his dedication, perseverance, and obvious love of dragons are impressive, and it doesn't hurt that he has a damn fine arse. Charlie's just not sure he can trust Draco.
There’s Something About A Malfoy by mindabbles (E, 27k)
Charlie has no room in his drawers for anyone else's skivvies, Harry wallows in moral agony for a bit, Draco wants to rebuild his life, and Scorpius just wants Harry to stop being an idiot. And there's something wicked in the forest. If they're going to stop it, they're all going to have to work together.
Bonus: Bill/Draco/Charlie 😈
He Wants Him by Leela (E, 1.5k)
Bill wants Draco. Charlie wants him, too, especially after Bill's had him.
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hchollym · 1 year
Hi, I saw your recent post and from one Percy enjoyer to the other, I recommend:
A Study of Resonance by mymovingfingerwrites on ao3 (rated M) (warning for graphic depictions of violence)—— in which Percy travels back in time and tries to defeat the dark lord.
This story expands so much on the magical elements from the books, it’s amazing. And Percy is such a nerd for magic. Though, this Percy is very much morally gray and makes some questionable decisions, he is still compelling and makes you still root for him. He grows as a person over this 500k+ (!) word fanfic and is just so human, i weep.
I hope you enjoy this story as much as I do if you haven’t read it already. Anyways, what are your favorite Percy-Weasley centric fics overall?
In response to this post.
I'm sorry that this took me so long to respond to! 😓
I've had several people recommend that fic to me! I started reading it a while ago, but I stopped (because of things going on in my personal life), so I'll have to go back to it! 🙂
To preface this, I love AUs (especially more obscure ones); I just find them really fun and enjoyable. So be warned that a lot of my favorite Percy stories are not necessarily realistic or in-character!
Also, please make sure you look at the warnings/tags if you are going to read any of these stories!
I'm sure there's more, but some of my other favorites are:
Treat You by BoiJustLetMeBe (Percy & Charlie, Rated G) --- An adorable story where Charlie takes Percy on a fake date to show him how his future boyfriend should treat him.
At least he has great abs by Irisen (Percy x Oliver, Rated T) --- Muggle AU where Percy finds out from the internet that Oliver (a famous athlete) is his soulmate. It's got a lot of the text and social media format instead of a traditional story format, but it's pretty funny!
Sexetera, Ad infinitum by nqdonne (Percy x Everyone, Percy x Harry, Rated E) --- Percy gets stuck in a groundhog day situation and decides to spend his time sleeping with basically everyone. There's some plot and fluff at the end though.
tears like shooting stars by starsailing (Percy x Oliver, Rated T) --- A very sweet, mermaid Percy AU where Oliver meets Percy when he almost drowns in the Black Lake.
Put Your Arms Around Me (And I'm Home) by MoonytheMarauder1 (Percy x Oliver, Rated T) --- Muggle AU where Percy is blind, Oliver becomes his roommate, and there's some great interactions between Percy & the Weasleys.
A Journey Home by edelweissmar (Percy x Oliver, Rated T) --- A Post-canon story where Oliver became disabled in the final battle. The author's summary explains it well: "Or, in which Oliver performs illegal magic on his broom and Percy, instead of having him arrested, falls in love"
Price of Wisdom by james, MadPoetess (Percy x Multiple, Rated M) --- Percy works at a sex club, has to stand up to Lucius Malfoy to protect Ron, and has some awesome interactions with all the Weasleys.
A Matter of Perspective (Through the Veil) by flowergrown (Gen, Rated T) --- Percy can see ghosts. The story includes Regulus & Ariana, as well as Percy's friendships with Oliver, Marcus, and Penelope.
So Sane It's Driving Me Crazy by tryslora (Percy x Marcus, Rated E) --- Percy is spending Christmas Eve alone for the first time, but he runs into Marcus, which leads to some lovely interactions and steamy sex.
Thanks for the ask! 😊
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ellorypurebloodculture · 10 months
Just realized that had Voldy won, Magical Britain would have likely suffered an economic collapse. Muggleborn and Halfblood families literally pour money into the magical community, but there are really no known instances of magical wealth being used in the muggle world. Because most if not all use of miggle goods is through imitation via transfiguration or the like.
And I doubt the people who curse muggle objects (like what Arthur Weasley works with) care to purchase them first.
Magical families who have books and cauldrons, witches gardens and potions, brooms and wands of their own passed through the family don't necessarily need to go out and buy extras, though at least for a some things they do. A family library only needs one copy of a book and everyone in the family can use it, but Muggleborns would each need their own copy as there don't seem to be public libraries in the magical world. A few semesters without Muggleborn students and some of the businesses in Diagon and Hogsmeade would have to shut down. I'd give it Three years max before the country starts to grind to a halt as the lower classes lose access to basic goods because of inflation and product scarcity.
In canon? 🤔
I mean, Voldemort's pure-blood supremacy agenda would have mainly left the pure-bloods and notable half-bloods, many of whom are canonically exceptionally wealthy.
There aren't many known Muggle-borns compared to half-bloods and pure-bloods in canon. The Wikia has a list of, if I counted correctly, twenty-three canon Muggle-borns across all the eras.
And we do have several instances of wizards and witches shopping in the Muggle World, I believe. Harry having seen several people (not just Order Members) at shops and such in the Muggle World. Am I remembering that rightly?
And I think the department was Misuse of Muggle Artefacts? Which would imply they're acceptable imports if not bespelled and misused?
But even the Weasleys buy things secondhand (like Ron's dress robes). And I do believe they had to buy each child (Percy, George, Fred, and Ginny) the complete set of Lockhart's books in CoS. 🤔
If I'm remembering correctly, Transfiguration is canonically the most difficult magical subject and many people struggle with it. If a mistake is made, things can get permanently stuck partially Transfigured and can't be undone or changed even by spells. So, Transfiguring things they need wouldn't be viable for many.
I also remember certain potions requiring specific cauldrons, and if one's melted, a new one being required, which implies they aren't magically repairable, perhaps due to the inherent magic in the potion? And something about cauldron bottom thickness being necessary for some potions, which might require a potioneer to own a great many cauldrons for brewing.
Plus, broom charms break down, rendering them unsafe for use, I think? I'm fairly sure it was canon that the school brooms were rubbish and needed to be replaced. Or, old models might not meet updated safety regulations and thereby become illegal to use.
And we know it's canon that wands only work well for those they choose/who won them, so hand-me-down wands wouldn't be the norm, I don't think. Charlie's didn't work well for Ron and Frank's was an awful match for Neville.
I absolutely believe there's a public library. Especially since canon makes such a big to-do about the size of the Hogwarts' library and personal family libraries. It definitely implies a library system, to me. It not having been relevant to Harry's adventures or interests, though, would excuse its absence from the novels.
Some jobs requiring specific O.W.L.s or N.E.W.T.s implies, to me, there are many opportunities of employment for those with a less advanced education. I sort of equate O.W.L.s to a certificate/degree/diploma of adequate education as Ron canonically said:
O.W.L.s are really important, affect the jobs you can apply for and everything.
And Newt Scamander was allowed to keep his wand even after being expelled because he'd passed his O.W.L.s, while Hagrid, who hadn't taken or passed his, had his wand snapped upon expulsion.
And then I equate N.E.W.T.s as something like a bachelor's degree.
Because, let's be real here, Percy went straight from school, having gotten every possible O.W.L.--all 12; Hermione got 10--and a N.E.W.T. in every exam he took, and he went right to work for a Department Head in the government. The Department of International Magical Co-operation. So, he's basically the P.A. to a magical ambassador. At eighteen.
And the fact that "Charms Master" and "Potions Master" and such are canonical titles, implies to me a Mastery was obtained through even more advanced study, one which would qualify said person to teach the subject.
And I'm rambling now. 😅
But, I swear I have a point!
I think the economy would have survived, they'd have enough workers, especially with the low number of canonical Muggle-borns, (and I think only the Muggle-borns had to register and were sent to Azkaban, not the half-bloods, in Deathly Hallows), but the massive change in government policies would have been utterly stunning and harsh to many.
(This was a very interesting thought exercise! Thank you, blooms! I had fun. 💛)
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camilamortem · 1 year
This is my first writing, just wanted to clarify. Plus english is not my first language. Also Canon is not relevant for my mc's storyline
"There you are."
That voice took me out of my thoughts. I didn't have to look at him to know who he was, but it was useless to resist looking up. I could never stop wanting to count those freckles or draw constellations with them, but that won't matter in a few weeks. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm looking for you, like everyone else." "Why are you hiding?" Everyone? I shouldn't even be surprised that rumours here fly faster than those of any quidditch player in Hogwarts; at least I know why he seems so concerned.
"Who says I'm hiding?" "You make it sound like I've been avoiding you for months."
"You were the one who told Rowan to back off when they were telling you something about your family just before storming out." Well, shit, if it weren't for the fact that he called those people my family, I would be more insulted that he thought that was something to be worried about.
"First off, it's not the first time I tell someone to back off when they talk about my relatives, and second, I can be way more dramatic than that."
"True, but we are talking about Rowan, Opaleye, we are talking about your soulmate."
I didn't even notice when he got this close. He wanted the truth, a truth that I can't share no matter how much I want to; I can't let my situation affect him.
"I guess you have a point there; they were getting over my nerves about something, that's all."
"What did your family do now?"
I still can't decide if I found it adorable that in his mind there's no other way to call people you share blood with but family, or just a beautifully aching way to remember how different his family is from mine and how similar it used to be.
"Nothing I can't handle; therefor none of your business." That came out way more bitter than I expected.
"So they did something to you."
"Don't start trying to make it your business; I don't want you to get in the middle of this," saying that won't stop him. If I can presume something about Charlie Weasley, it's how far he will go just to make sure someone he appreciates is fine, no matter the consequences that could bring him, and that single thought scares me to death.
"Okay, I just don't get why you insist on staying in that place."
Why did he keep pushing that button?Every time since the 5th grade, something happens, and his answer is always to blame my relatives. Well, he has a point most of the time, including this one, but it's still none of his business.
"Don't start with that either."
"No, really, all of us offered you to stay in our places, so you can leave those horrible people."
That's it.
"I already told you, I'm not leaving my dad; I don't give a shit if you don't get how he was the only stable thing in my life since everything started going down." I can already feel the tears falling down my cheek. "I get why you feel the way you do about them, but talking about my father, my brother, and my cousins for me makes it quite difficult to hate someone who has only shown me love."
I dried my eyes before he had the opportunity to move his hand closer to my face
"Sorry, I didn't mean to," stupid guilt, why couldn't I be as indifferent with this stuff as other times or with other people?
"I know, Charlie, I know, you never do. "It's my fault sometimes; it's inevitable when you don't know some things."
"Can you help me understand, then?"
He's looking at me like that again, making it impossible not to feel vulnerable, yet the way he cupped my face just makes my heart melt, I know he knows what he's doing. He knows I can't say no that way.
So I just did it. Once I found it in my pocket, I handed him the shiny piece of jewelry. I swear he was about to fall when he saw the ring on his palm. The silence started being the loudest thing I've heard in my life, and the seconds were passing like hours until he stood up.
"WHAT THE FUCK?" "Cam, this is not the kind of thing you keep to yourself."
"I know, that's why I told Ro, don't look at me like that, but it's not as bad as it seems."
"Since when?" It felt so wrong that he was talking to the ring and not me. I guess it is better if he doesn't look at me as frustrated as he seems to be.
"Christmas break, met the guy the same night."
I didn't know what to do when he threw the ring from the astronomy tower, it's true that I don't want it, but if I want to be alive after the graduation, I needed it.
"Look, I don't care if you don't want to, but you are staying at the burrow until you can find your own place, or until I convince you to go to Romania; the point is keeping you away from that place."
"Except that I won't." I don't know if I stood up out of pride or confusion, the only thing I know is that he won't solve my problems.
"Opaleye please"
"Why do you care so much?"
"Because I fucking love you!"
And the silence took place again, and it wasn't until he got closer that I noticed I was holding my breath.
"I love you so much that it fucking kills me to see you in this situation, and you're not giving a shit." "I want to be the first one you think of when you are in trouble."
"I started already, let me finish."
Silence again
"I want to fall asleep with you in my arms every night and wake up every morning the same way; I want to live and recreate every scene you ask me to in those romance novels you seem to like; I love you so much that sometimes I just want to grab and hide you from the rest of the world just to keep you safe."
"Please let me love you."
The same second the phrase was finished was the one my body collided with his; the more he talked, the necessity of being in his arms grew.
He wasn't ready for that reaction, but the moment he held me meant everything to me. It was all the proof I needed to be sure it wasn't a dream.
"I'm sorry"
"Don't be"
How can he not be mad at me? Why is he holding me and petting my hair? It doesn't matter; I've learned to enjoy the good moments without asking questions. But I couldn't fight that urge, not now.
"You love me?"
"I love you so much, Opaleye. I didn't think it was possible to love someone this much."
"I love you too," I said, looking at him with some of the courage he thought of me, "as much as my mum would have wanted me to be in love with anyone."
"Then why do you keep making excuses?"
"Because I'm scared, it will take some time for my dad to accept it, but I know he will end up loving you. My brother would be the first one to congratulate us for going against the Mortem values, and well, my cousins don't hate you, and I'm almost sure Apollo likes you." But Polaria and Octavius on the other hand, I'm terrified of what they are capable of.
"We are going to be fine."
"You swear?"
"I promise"
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madelineorionswan · 1 year
The Royal Queen: The Journey of a Young Duchess.
Chapter 5: Meeting Charlie Weasley.
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Summary: With a whirlwind start to her reign, things are finally starting to wind down in the country, the palace and her personal life. But as she discovers the world of politics, she realises that it might be a bit more complicated than she anticipated. So she hires a professor who teaches law and politics, as her tutor, who goes by the name of Charles Weasley, more commonly known as Charlie by his friends and family. Madeline confronts her parents about her education and later goes to a county fair and dance, where she dances the night away.
Warnings: fencing(?) a pinch of angst and a ton of fluff, swearing(like once)
A/N: The exciting part has officially arrived, and the much anticipated Charlie Weasley has entered the scene!!!!!! I'm internally screaming as I wrote this chapter, cus this is way too exciting !!!!! Hope you enjoy this chapter guys!
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. All of the characters in mention (Except the ones from history) are fictional. The relationships mentioned among these characters aren’t real. I respect all of the characters from history mentioned in the story; the story is in no way written disrespectfully. I am not an expert on history and politics hence the mentions and portrayal of these two subjects are based on my imagination and are not real.
Some time had passed since the coronation and the opening of Parliament. Slowly but surely, the royal household slipped back into the normality of its daily routine at Eallesborough Castle.
Madeline had been rather desolate, always busy with the many new duties her day had been flogged with, never getting a moment for herself. But whenever there were days when she had to only affirm and sign documents or meet the prime minister, Madeline was left to herself, in the eerie silence of her bedroom or office room, where only the scratching of a pen against paper or the rustle of sheets at 11 pm could be heard.
This silence would consume her in depression, like an ominous and dark storm cloud which engulfs every inch of the sky in darkness in its wake. Nights went by without Madeline getting a wink of sleep, staring at the ceiling fan, driving her mad internally, but her face didn't give a single emotion away. After weeks of sleepless nights, Madeline conceded to Rowan's pleading to visit a psychologist for at least one consultation.
Madeline met up with the so-called "Headshrinker" (her words, not Rowan's), with whom, she thought, the meeting would be an absolute waste of time. But surprisingly, it proved to be quite likeable. The doctor diagnosed her with anxiety and depression, prescribing her some medication, and for a while, life went on well.
It was early in the morning when Madeline got up. No one knew where she went, but the moment the staff member, who came with her coffee, was flabbergasted to see her bedroom empty, the whole palace went into panic mode.
Rakepick got up from her desk abruptly as the head of the household, Mr Hudson, confessed about the missing queen. She immediately ordered Rowan to look around the front entrance of Eallesborough, along with the extra apartments, while she searched around the castle, followed by a bustling group of staff.
Rakepick rolled her eyes, annoyed as she tried to shoo away the annoying staff, whom she found to be like a comb of noisy bees. The staff were quick to scurry away when they saw her furious expression. Rakepick let out a sigh and returned back to search for the missing queen.
While searching around the back hallway leading to the backyard gardens, she abruptly stopped when she heard grunts and the sounds of a sword's movement. Rakepick opened the door and sighed with relief and annoyance when she saw Madeline fencing with a wooden mannequin.
As the tall redhead approached the queen, she quickly ducked away as Madeline made a feint with her sword. Madeline smirked to herself from inside her helmet.
"Care to join me for a round of fencing, Madam Rakepick?" Madeline quirked a brow. She used the tip of her sword to pick up another fencing sword by the handle, spinning it around the tip and then tossing it over to the older woman, who caught it skillfully.
Rakepick quirked her brow at Madeline, who just shrugged and spun her sword in her hand. Taking the opportunity, Rakepick smirked to herself and charged forward with her sword. Madeline quickly blocked her attack and twisted her blade to turn the charge on Rakepick. But Rakepick too proved to be skilful at the sport as she deflected the attack. The two women went on for a couple of minutes, only focused on the other and the movement of their Epee.
In under fifteen minutes, Madeline had gotten a lead, lunging forward with her sword. But Rakepick, taking advantage of the flexible blade, flicked it in such a manner which disarmed Madeline, declaring her the winner.
Madeline gasped as her sword flew out of her hand and fell beside her, the pointed blade sticking to the ground, making the sword stand as straight as a stick. Rakepick smirked to herself as Madeline sighed, but with a smile on her face nonetheless.
She took off her helmet and mask, placing them on the table beside the mannequin and dropped her sword into a bin full of swords as Rakepick did the same with her sword. The pair quietly walked back inside, not quite sure how to start a conversation. When Madeline shut the door to the back yard she let out a soft breath and turned to face her secretary.
"I'm assuming you didn't just come to have a round of fencing Madam Rakepick," Madeline said. Letting a sigh escape her lips, Rakepick cleared her throat.
"Your majesty, it is simply not acceptable that you leave the household for such a long time without anyone's knowing. You have no idea how much it delayed our schedule," she said with a stern voice.
Madeline scoffed, "I'm sure it wasn't as huge of a problem as you make it sound. Besides, I hadn't left the castle. Is it really that hard for the castle to function for at most an hour without me?"
By this time, the two women had started walking, Madeline walking ahead of Rakepick. The latter frowned at the young queen's disregard and sped up her steps to walk beside Madeline, who pretended as if she wasn't annoyed by the women.
"Your majesty, I do hope you remember that you have a meeting with the prime minister in an hour," Rakepick reminded Madeline. She smirked internally knowing full well that the queen had been too busy in her musings to actually remember the meeting.
Not that she cared about her mental state anyway. She only bothered about getting the work done.
Shit, Madeline thought to herself, why does she always end up forgetting meetings? But she didn't show it. As they walked into the main corridor, Madeline sped up her pace and turned to go to the breakfast hall. Before going inside, she turned to speak to Rakepick.
"I think, as the monarch, I'm quite aware of my duties. But I appreciate you reminding me of them," Madeline pressed her lips into a thin smile before heading inside.
"Absolutely ma'am, after all, it is my duty," Rakepick commented, knowing she had irked Madeline. She smirked and left to prepare her files at her office.
After a hurried breakfast, Madeline was quickly escorted to the study room, where the Prime minister was waiting. She entered the Drawing room, where she saw the Prime Minister sitting with her pet dog, Almond. He was happily lying on the sofa next to Mr Richardson, getting belly rubs from the latter.
When he heard the sound of Madeline's heels clicking on the floor, the dog turned around and looked up at Madeline, launching off the sofa. Madeline laughed as Almond snuggled against her leg. She smiled and ushered him out of the room.
"Good morning, Your Majesty", the Prime Minister, Mr Richardson, said as he got up.
"Good morning, Mr Richardson. I'm sorry for the delay, I was a bit busy earlier", Madeline lied through her teeth and sat down on the single sofa opposite the prime minister, "Now, how about we begin where we left off?"
The prime minister gave a curt nod and brought out a file full of newspaper articles and certain documents passed by the parliament that needed the approval of the Monarch.
The morning passed almost instantly with the discussions of economic fluctuations in the market and diplomatic relations with other countries. While Madeline understood a little of everything, certain aspects of economic disparities and political decisions confounded her.
And she hated it.
She drifted off into her thoughts as Mr Richardson continued talking about financial issues. It annoyed her when she was not sure about all the subjects of discussion. While Mr Richardson had helped her a lot to understand many subjects, Madeline felt it was her duty, as monarch, to be aware of all of the aspects of the political, economic and cultural situations that affected the country, her country.
She was brought out of her thoughts when Mr Richardson closed shut his binder full of documents and pushed it forward to Madeline.
"That's all we have to discuss today. These are the papers that need signing, ma'am", Mr Richardson said.
Madeline smiled and got up from her sofa along with Mr Richardson. She extended her hand towards the older man. He smiled and shook her hand before collecting his files.
"I hope to see you at the Prybush ball this weekend then, ma'am", Mr Richardson said as he was heading out. Madeline sucked in a breath with a smile and replied with a curt nod.
"I'm not looking forward too much about the press coverage, but I definitely am looking forward to a nice evening of dancing and music", she chuckled, making Mr Ricahrdson laugh along.
"It's true. Being Prime Minister has been hard work. Every other day I feel like going to a nice country retreat for a holiday! I can't imagine how hard it is for you, ma'am!"
"Yeah, it's been harder than I... anticipated", Madeline said quietly.
"I'm sure you will do alright", Mr Richardson rubbed the back of her affectionately as he held it in his own. He then bowed before her and left the room.
Madeline left the room with her equerry closely following behind. She went back to her study room with the stack of documents. She sat down behind her desk and started studying them closely. The more she sifted through them, the more she started to get confused.
Prolonged and complex words and sentences all firmed a tangled web of confusion in her head. Madeline groaned and fell back on her chair with a sigh.
It was only the first document.
Having no other choice, Madeline went to the library, followed by her butler. Both of them brought back a stack of dictionaries to her study room. Madeline skimmed the first document, letting the stack of books fall with a dull thump on her desk. She marked some of the complicated terms with a pencil and searched the dictionary for their meanings, eventually piecing together the meaning of the statements.
Even though it took a long time, Madeline eventually finished signing and reading all the documents, although it took her 5 hours to do so. She sighed and fell back against her chair, rubbing her eyes. Suddenly there was a knock.
"Come in," Madeline said. the door opened and Rowan entered the room, making Madeline smile a little.
"Long day?" Rowan asked as Madeline nodded.
"I think I need thirty hours a day now. Half the time I know nothing about what the documents are talking about. They all seem like Hebrew to me", Madeline groaned.
"Hmm. All could be resolved if you could've had a tutor though", Rowan half joked as she sat opposite Madeline.
"Yeah", Madeline muttered, dismissing the thought as a joke.
But the more she thought about it as she and Rowan sat in silence, the thought started to make sense.
A tutor! Why hadn't she thought of this before?!
"You know you're a genius, Rowan", Madeline said, getting up abruptly from her chair and standing beside her friend.
"Uhm, Thank you?" Rowan answered unsurely.
"We should hire a tutor! It would be a great help. They could teach me everything and I'm sure no one could refuse the offer of the Queen of the country.
"You're right. I am a genius!" Rowan exclaimed, agreeing with Madeline's idea.
"But Madam Rakepick would never agree to this", Rowan said, her excitement dying.
"Who says she has to know?" Madeline smirked, "While I'm slowly growing to...trust her possibly, at the end of the day, it is my decision about who gets to know what."
"So, Ro, could you please possibly hire someone appropriate?" Madeline pleaded.
"But... Madie... you know this is very risky..." Rowan tried to refuse. But Madeline's puppy dog eyes finally made her agree.
"Fine", Rowan said, a slight smile creeping up her face as she got up to leave.
"Oh, Rowan", Madeline interrupted before her she could leave, "make sure the tutor isn't too old and grumpy and has a sense of humour at least."
"Go it!" Rowan put her thumbs up and left the room as Madeline started to put aside her documents and get ready for a much-needed hearty dinner.
It had been a couple days since that conversation. Madeline waited nervously in one of the many palace living rooms, shaking her leg impatiently. Just as Rowan had promised her, she had contacted multiple tutors who were more than willing to help the Queen.
Needless to say, most of them were grouchy-aged men. But with some scouring, Rowan had found a professor at the Royal Oakland University willing to tutor the young queen.
But when Madeline had asked Rowan about the professor, she had refused to tell her more about him, except that he was the same age as her and taught Law and Political Science.
Today Rowan had arranged for him to meet with Madeline hence her being nervous. But she didn't need to wait much. Within a couple minutes of her wait, her equerry pushed open the door and informed her that a "Mister Weasley" was waiting for her. Madeline let out a breath she wasn't aware she had been holding and asked him to escort the latter in. Within a couple minutes, Madeline's equerry returned, followed closely by a young man.
The first thing Madeline noticed about him was the fiery red and unruly curls that framed his face. His honey-coloured eyes were warm and friendly with a hint of mischievousness. His smile was honest and charming. All of these features were unfamiliar to Madeline and she was intrigued by them. She had never seen such comfortable and kind eyes save for Rowan and Penny.
Madeline felt her lips tug to form a smile and extended her hand to shake his. He gladly shook her hand.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr Weasley-"
"Charlie is fine, Your Majesty. Charlie Weasley," Charles Weasley said with a smile as he bowed, although awkwardly.
"It's quite alright, Mr Weasley. There's no need for that. And call me Madeline", Madeline said with a chuckle when she noticed that the man clearly didn't know how to properly bow.
"Please take a seat", Madeline said, sitting on the sofa. Charlie sat opposite her, putting aside his leather rucksack.
"Before we begin, I saw these and thought it would be a nice gift for you", Charlie said, bringing out a small chaplet of White Lilies and White Roses.
"Oh, thank you", Madeline said with a smile, pleasantly surprised. She got up and put the flowers in an empty vase.
Once she returned to her seat, she asked Charlie, "Now, where do we begin?"
"Perhaps you can begin with your problems. Which areas do you face issues in?" Charlie suggested. He brought out a notebook and looked expectantly at Madeline.
"Well... where to begin?" Madeline started with a nervous chuckle, "When I enter a room full of ministers and highly educated dignitaries, it feels like I know nothing. Even though I'm of a higher rank, I can't even hold a decent conversation with them about politics or culture or administration, things that I'm expected to know in detail. So if you ask me, I barely know anything."
Charlie frowned a little and put aside his notebook at Madeline's answer.
"Do you know what educational qualifications you have?" he asked.
"As in?" Madeline asked, confused.
"As in, what level of education have you completed? Like junior level, secondary level or senior secondary level? Maybe any equivalent?" Charlie asked.
Madeline felt embarrassed. She understood that these were basic educational qualifications that any person, especially someone holding such a high office, should have. But she shook her head, denying that she had any formal education throughout her entire life.
Charlie nodded carefully. There was a moment of silence between the two as Charlie thought to himself.
"Well, let's start from the beginning then, with political science", Charlie said with a smile as he brought out a thick book from his rucksack. He placed it in front of Madeline and opened up the first chapter.
Madeline was a bit taken aback. She had expected him to judge her or pity her. But all she saw in his face was an eagerness to teach and a friendly smile. Madeline felt herself start to feel comfortable in his presence. Something about his friendliness and warm smile made her feel relaxed. She listened intently to his lesson, noting some of the main points in a notebook.
Charlie was undeniably a good professor. He made the dull lesson enjoyable with occasional jokes and fascinating stories. Madeline was in awe of the complex and intricate world of politics that she had never been able to understand completely, which started to become more and more familiar to her.
Unfortunately, Charlie had to leave to attend a seminar at the university. Madeline got up along with him as he gathered his belongings.
"Uhm, before you leave", Madeline interrupted Charlie just as he was about to walk away. He turned to face her as she continued.
"I wanted to thank you for agreeing to tutor me. I know it was a bit odd but I found myself enjoying your class very much so thank you", Madeline said with a smile, "I hope we can meet again for our classes?"
"With pleasure Madeline," Charlie said with a charming smile, "I hope we can be friends, more than just being teacher and student."
"I would bet on it", Madeline said, making Charlie chuckle.
"Also, Uhm, could this and the future meeting stay a secret?" Madeline said. Charlie signed, zipping his mouth shut. Madeline laughed a little. The two walked to the door, after which Charlie left with a last smile.
After Charlie left, Madeline felt a sense of excitement for their next meeting, which left a permanent smile on her face for the rest of the day.
It was the evening before the Ball at Prybush, the Capital city. It was Madeline's first public Ball which would undeniably be covered extensively by the media.
Madeline was busy practising her speech for the opening of the Ball while Penny helped her dress, so she could charm the crowds. After she helped Madeline get into a chemise and an underskirt, Penny left to find a dress from the selection provided by some designers.
"Which one do you think we should go with?" she asked Madeline, holding up a sleek wine-coloured dress in one hand and a light pink A-line gown in another.
"Uhm... the pink...maybe?" Madeline said unsurely and quickly returned to murmuring the speech under her breath.
Penny sighed exasperatedly and went back to looking through the gowns again. She audibly gasped with delight when she saw a pink floral gown with off-shoulder bell sleeves. It was simple yet romantic, just what the ball needed.
With the dress and a pair of matching flowery gloves in hand, Penny came back, only to see Madeline pacing around in her room, busy memorising the speech. Shaking her head, she approached the young queen and took the sheet of paper from her hand eliciting a groan from the latter.
"You won't be getting that back from me now", Penny said with a mischievous smirk, "Come now, into the dress you get."
After a moment of annoyance from Madeline and some struggling, Madeline finally got the dress on. Penny pushed her in front of the mirror, forcing her to look at herself as she did her hair.
It was gorgeous. She looked gorgeous.
Madeline looked different. The dress was not something she would have picked for herself. It was unlike the darker colours that she usually wore. It added a certain softness to her features which was complimented by the soft smile which had crept onto her face.
"I would say I've outdone myself this time," Penny smiled proudly as she to looked at Madeline's reflection with a proud smile.
"I second that," Madeline said with a chuckle.
Penny then put a dainty diamond chain necklace and matching earrings on Madeline. She then sat Madeline down in front of the vanity. She handed her the gloves eliciting a groan of annoyance from the latter.
"Do I have to put these on? You know how feel about gloves," Madeline protested.
"I do, but it is the protocol that you wear gloves during evening balls," Penny said as she did Madeline's makeup.
"I know, I know. It's just... they're itchy and annoying. And they make me feel more upper class than I'd like to admit," Madeline muttered with annoyance. She begrudgingly put on the gloves as Penny tutted and continued to put on Madeline's makeup.
After a couple minutes, Madeline was ready to go to the ball. She walked down the grand stairs to the entrance of the Palace. There she was met by the ever-serious Mdam Rakepick. They both got into the black cars and set off for the city.
It was only a few minutes until they reached the City Hall. The moment Madeline stepped out of the car, she plastered a smile on her face and turned to face the cameras and media.
For a moment, she was blinded by the constant camera flashes. But after a second to adjust, she focused her eyes on the crowd and waved at them. The throng of journalists and paparazzi cheered for the young queen, boosting her confidence.
She waved one last time at the people before climbing up the stairs and into the City Hall. On entering the hall, she was greeted by the sweet yet intoxicating smell of champagne as the soft ballroom music flowed freely.
The guests inside stood when Madeline walked in. Everyone smiled in awe at the young queen and clapped at her entrance, making Madeline smile too. The Prime Minister, his wife and the Mayor and his wife stood up to greet her.
"Your majesty", The prime minister said with a bow. Madeline smiled and nodded her head curtly in a reply
"Your majesty, it truly is an honour to have you here," the mayor greeted Madeline after the Prime Minister stepped aside.
"It is me who is honoured, Mister Mayor," Madeline said, smiling politely. The mayor bowed and offered his arm for her to take. Madeline accepted and linked her elbow with his. They both walked to the centre of the hall. Everyone clapped as the young queen waved at the guests with a wide smile.
A young waiter handed her a glass of champagne for her to toast. Taking the crystal goblet in one hand, she began her speech.
"Mr Mayor, Mr Prime Minister, ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure and honour to be a part of this incredible Ball, which has been hosted in honour of a long line of sovereigns. After today, I hope that I do all of the people proud as sovereign of this country. But for now, I hope everyone enjoys themselves tonight," Madeline finished, raising her glass for a toast. The guests all toasted their glasses in unison before returning to chatting or feasting.
Through the next couple minutes, Madeline was greeted by the nobles and dignitaries who were attending the ball. She made polite small talk with all of them under the watchful eye of Rakepick, although she felt bored and out of place in most of those conversations.
Stepping aside after some time, Madeline decided to munch on some of the locally sourced food. While taking a bite of her food, she saw Madam Rakepick approaching from the corner of her eye. She stuffed the last bite of the ceviche into her mouth before walking up to the older woman.
"I hope you're enjoying the party", Madeline remarked, not exactly hoping to get an answer.
"I've never been one to enjoy parties, ma'am," Rakepick scoffed, "to me, it is a waste of time and words, something which we are already in a deficit of."
Madeline pursed her lips and nodded in agreement. "You know," she said, "I don't particularly enjoy these parties and balls either."
Rakepick looked at the young queen from the corner of her eye with a hint of suspicion, not expecting her to agree.
"You don't have to agree with me," she replied emotionlessly, sipping on a glass of champagne.
"I'm not," Madeline replied, "has it occurred to you that we might share the same opinion?"
"... It's not something I expected," Rakepick replied briefly, "but I suppose it is a possibility."
"Look, Madam Rakepick, I know you aren't quite as friendly with me. But I do expect us to at least get along," Madeline sighed, frowning.
Rakepick remained expressionless for a second. Then she nodded, with what appeared to be a small smile.
"I too hope that we can eventually form a friendship, ma'am," She replied, shocking Madeline a little, but she smiled in reply.
"I hope you enjoy this event, ma'am," the auburn-haired lady said before curtsying and leaving Madeline to continue to mingle with the guests
While conversing with some people, she noticed a young man with messy black hair, round glasses and mossy green eyes standing in a corner by himself. Recognising the young noble, she walked towards him, glad to have seen a familiar face. The man noticed the queen approaching him and straightened himself. He bowed before her, making Madeline smile gently.
"Lord Potter, fancy seeing you here," Madeline said, a smirk forming on her face.
"Well, I-I had a free evening, so I decided to stop by," Harry replied sheepishly.
"It's good to get away from duty for a while, you know. Even if it is only for one evening," Madeline smiled. Harry replied with a nod and the pair turned to look at the crowd.
A peaceful silence fell between the two as people danced the night away. Madeline soon noticed Harry smiling, looking at a young red-haired girl dancing away on her own amongst the people, her smile bright and carefree. Madeline smiled to herself. Then an idea struck her.
"Go talk to her," Madeline encouraged Harry. He looked at her with confusion for a moment before refusing. Seeing that he was too shy to approach her, Madeline grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him to the dance floor, ignoring the younger man's confused reluctance.
"Listen to me, go and ask her to dance with you, Harry," Madeline said almost sternly.
"No buts, go ahead! She looks to be free now. Go, will you!" Madeline said, ushering him to the dance floor. Harry sighed and looked at the girl he had been admiring. With one last encouraging smile and nod from Madeline, he left to approach her.
From a distance, Madeline saw Harry approach the girl shyly and ask her to dance, to which she happily agreed. She smiled to herself, satisfied, as she saw them dancing away, dreamy smiles on their faces.
"Young love's always adorable, isn't it?" Madeline turned around and saw the warm and friendly hazel eyes with which she had first familiarized herself a few days back.
"Professor Weasley? I wasn't expecting to see you here," Madeline said with a surprised look.
"Please don't call me that, makes me sound ancient," Charlie said, feigning annoyance.
"Then I shall make it my ultimate mission to call you that always," Madeline joked, making Charlie and her laugh.
"You still haven't answered my question though," Madeline pointed after they both recovered from their fit of laughter.
"I actually came along with my family. That's my sister dancing with the young lad," Charlie pointed at the red-haired girl chatting with Harry. He then pointed her to his family who were standing amongst the crowd. From there she noticed Bill Weasley too standing with them.
"Oh, so Bill Weasley is your brother," Madeline remarked with a smirk, "didn't he ever mention meeting me?"
"Actually, he did, but I guess I never knew which "Madeline" he was talking about. He said her identity was a secret," Charlie remarked.
"All good things said, I hope?" Madeline quirked a brow at him.
"Only the best, Madeline," Charlie replied with a playful grin.
The pair continued to watch the crowd of dancers at the ball. Suddenly, the music changed from the merry tune being played earlier to a more slowed and romantic waltz. Many couples started to dance to romantic music.
"Dance with me?" Charlie suddenly asked Madeline, a lopsided grin gracing his face.
Madeline smiled to herself and replied, "With pleasure," as she accepted his hand and let him lead her to the dance floor.
Charlie looked at Madeline for a split second, silently asking permission as his hand hovered beside her waist, to which Madeline nodded and placed her hand on his shoulder as he gently placed his on her waist. Taking his hand in hers, the pair spun in circles, shuffling their feet to the slow, rhythmic music. As she sensed herself getting lost in the rhythm, Madeline's chocolate brown eyes connected with Charlie's hazel eyes, a mix of warm honey and cinnamon with a hint of grassy green.
"So, how did you enjoy our first lesson?" Charlie asked, breaking the silence, a hint of nervousness evident in his voice.
"I actually loved it! It was brilliant learning about this subject from you. I hope we can do it again," Madeline replied with a smile, making Charlie let out a breath he unconsciously held onto and smile. Charlie then spun Madeline in his arms, almost making her trip, but he quickly helped steady her. The two went back to swaying casually to the beat.
"I'm glad you did, cus I did too. I'm looking forward to doing it again... this Thursday maybe?"
"It's settled then. I'll meet you this Thursday." Madeline smiled, "I'm actually surprised you liked teaching me," Charlie frowned with confusion at Madeline, the song playing in the background long forgotten by them.
"I mean... I know nothing, and you know so much. All I do is cut ribbons, smile agreeably and wave at people. My life is defined by what dresses I wear and whom I smile at, while yours is represented by the vast world of this incredible and convoluted subject" Madeline heaved a sigh, her emotions unclear from her expression.
"Hey, give yourself some credit," Charlie said softly. He slowly moved his body closer to her and continued, "What you do is something very few can do. It's admirable how you keep yourself so composed after all you've already been through. So I disagree about you being bland because you are one of the most fascinating people I have ever met in my life." Charlie replied with firmness and confidence.
Madeline felt blood rush to her cheeks and a smile form on her lips at Charlie's words. It was true that she barely gave herself any credit for what she did. But hearing Charlie's words solidified how little she gave herself credit for. Yet his words provided her comfort and faith about her work, a compliment, something that anyone rarely told her, let alone actually mean it.
"Thank you for that, Charlie," Madeline replied softly.
"I consider it my priority, my Queen," Charlie winked at Madeline with a playful smirk making Madeline chuckle and shake her head dismissively.
Suddenly, the music changed to a classic Mozart piece, one of Madeline's favourites. The melody was gentle yet romantic, making one lose a sense of reality.
Madeline and Charlie continued to dance the night away in their careless dances. They weren't sure what style of dance they were doing. Between Madeline tripping constantly and Charlie almost confusing the right from the left, it was an absolute mess. But they didn't care. It was the company that mattered. They spent the rest of the evening laughing at random jokes and talking about their lives. It was as if they'd known each other for years. It was a magical night for the start of a new friendship.
And maybe something more.
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silent-silver-slip · 1 year
Fires please please please write Charlie Weasley + his dragon tamer friends going to pick up Norbert through the lens of them as an exhausted, over-caffeinated grad school cohort trying to avoid working on their dragon tamer's equivalent of a thesis.
Knits, I love you and I ADORED This prompt and it went in a direction i did not expect, but I did enjoy writing some fun OCs. My apologies for any mistakes - I had work until 2am, am going off 5 hours of sleep, and it's almost bed time.
Needless to say, I'm a little tired lol. Story is below the line along with some fun little notes I made along the way!
Charlie feels like no one warmed him that studying dragons involved reports.
Which, look, sure it probably could have been explained in the whole ‘studying’ thing, and it’s not like Charlie minds reading or writing about dragons. He can do physical reports and description reports and health reports (and even incident reports)—but! He didn’t sign up for writing a Merlin damn thesis.
Except for, y’know, how he kind of did.
“Does anyone want to swap thesis topics?” Taylor asks, from where they’re on their bed—though, perhaps, it would be more accurate to say that they’re hanging off their bed, hair touching the ground. “I don’t think I understand anything about the keratin growth and how the production changes from an adult dragon to a hatchling dragon. I didn’t sign up to learn chemistry!”
Jessie kicks zir legs out. “I’ll trade,” ze says. “Do you know how little research exists on how sunlight effects the properties of dragon scales while the dragons themselves are still alive? The answer, in case you were wondering, is very little!”
“Would our supervisors kill us if we swapped topics a week before our three-minute presentations?” Charlie muses.
“Yes,” is the resounding answer he receives from the two other parties in the room. Charlie accepts this with a groan, and rolls over so that he’s face-first in the carpet. If he’s lucky, he might suffocate and die and not have to present his thesis at all.
One can always have hope.
There’s a moment of silence before Sunny says, “I suppose it’s a good time to mention I’m back?”
Charlie rolls over, and makes grabby hands at one of the mugs that Sunny has levitating beside her. “I love you,” he says. “What would I do without you?”
“That would be almost romantic if I didn’t know you were talking to your coffee,” Sunny says, “and also maybe if I was straight. Anyway, I caught the ends of the conversation—and I think our problems can all be blamed on one source.”
“Oh?” Taylor—no longer upside-down—says, before taking a long slurp of their coffee. Charlie pulls a face at the sound. At least he remembers his manners, for the most part.
Sunny hums as she hands Jessie zir drink. “Indeed. It’s Charlie’s fault.”
Charlie splutters, coughs, and almost dies by coffee. “I’m sorry, how?”
“Well,” Sunny says, as she begins to levitate herself, legs crossed, “consider our thesis topics themselves—do you know how often it is that there’s a focus on dragon health and safety to a standard above and beyond the Ministry standards? It’s not that often at all, you know.” The carpet rises until Sunny is sitting on it, and Charlie doesn’t know whether to frown at it—it never works for him—or at Sunny for her slander.
“She’s got a point,” Jessie says. Ze taps zir fingers against zir mug. “I mean, the sanctuary is a sanctuary, but usually research tends to be a little less ethical.”
By now, Charlie is well and truly frowning. “Just say cruel,” he says, anger growling in his chest like a dragon. “I mean, we’ve heard the rumours about how the goblins treat their dragons! But if I want to launch a rescue, it’s wrong and going to start a goblin war. I’m sure they wouldn’t notice if I figured out a way to create a spell that did the same thing without the whole sentient problem.”
“You,” Taylor says, with all the dramatics an over-caffeinated thesis student can contain, “are going to be trying to create this spell for years.”
Charlie sniffs. “That’s better than your first opinion of it taking decades,” he says, like he isn’t aware of the fact it will, likely, take decades. “Anyway, I fail to see how my caring for dragons wellbeing has anything to do with the struggles we face with our thesis?”
“I mean, it makes sense,” Taylor says. “The lack of research we run into is partially a result of our methods, really. I only look at shed scales, as does Jessie. You’re just insane, and Sunny is trying to start a new branch of research all on their own based on records from the dragon riders’ action in the war.”
“Well, when you put it that way,” Charlie says, and they all laugh at that.
Silence falls over the group as they let the warmth—and caffeine—of their drinks sink into their bloodstreams. Charlie glances at the letter off to the side, which he’d been using as a bookmark in a four-hundred-page book on how dragons have motivated spell development.
Pressing his lips together, Charlie considers it, and then surveys his friends and fellow students. Technically, they’re not formally recognised as students as they work on the sanctuary and get paid for it, but the research they do is a requirement to be recognised as having the academic requirements to work with dragons and, considering their workload on the sanctuary, Charlie bets that they’ll all get the title dragon tamer/worker or something too.
“You staring at the note like it hurt you personally for a reason, Char?”
Jessie’s voice has Charlie blinking and shaking his head. He really did drift away in his thoughts for a second. “I was wondering whether we would all like a break,” he says, “complete with a dragon hatchling and some adrenaline and maybe some minor illegal activities. Y’know, just for some fun.”
“Count me in,” Taylor says, with approximately zero hesitation—and it’s times like this that Taylor’s criminal record makes sense.
Somewhat more reasonable, Jessie says, “Can I ask for a bit more information?”
Charlie tosses the note in zir direction, only for the note to drift aimlessly down to the ground because—unsurprisingly—paper isn’t that good to throw when it’s not crumbled up into a ball. Pulling a face at it, Charlie says, “Well, one of my old teachers might have gotten a dragon illegally, and it might be a very dangerous breed, and he’s maybe keeping it in a wooden hut. Not fireproof, mind you. My youngest brother—Ron—found out and he and his friends think it would be best if the dragon was no longer where the dragon currently is.”
Jessie blinks once at his explanation, and then says, “Yeah, sure I’m in. Sunny?”
“Hm?” Sunny looks up at the call of her name. “Oh, I’m down. Sorry, didn’t think I needed to verbalise it. Tomorrow night, then?”
“Sure,” Charlie says with a shrug, rather nonplussed at how quickly it’s all coming together. His friends, after all, are insanely intelligent for all that they grumble over their thesis topics and research and the number of hours they spend on crying as opposed to actual writing.
So, really, there’s nothing else Charlie can say except, “I’ll bring the coffee.”
Additional notes:
Love how this kinda became crack
Sunny is trans (amab) and goes by Sunil, technically, but prefers Sunny by all
All of them are queer to varying degrees, which is just on point
Please don't ask me how any of the thesis work or how the whole academic requirements work because I will either not remember any thoughts I had while writing this or I will go off on a tangent (this is a joke, feel free to ask)
Yes I am scared of the fact I have to write a thesis for my degree, next question
Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed! I will likely upload this to AO3 when I locate a brain cell to edit and I'm not yawning so much lol.
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