#I'm working on his face still but I can proudly say I'm doing a lot better than when I first tried to draw him
blizzardream · 1 year
I know I keep changing pfps it's a tradition of mine
Also I barely draw humans so. please be nice I know I'm not that good at drawing them yet ;-; I'm working on it
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I originally wasn't going to add more complex-ish shading but I got carried away again. oops
Original sketch + timelapse under the cut
It's in a different aspect ratio because I changed it upon sticking it into MediBang!
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And timelapse 👀
Okay all done :) (unless you wanna read more in the tags. I talk too much I'm sorry)
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Curls | Bucktommy
In the bathroom, Buck is grimacing in the mirror, swiping his hands back and forth over his freshly cut hair. His eyebrows are furrowed with indecision; was this a good idea? He hears the front door open.
“Evan? Where are you?” Tommy voices rings out.
“Up here,” Buck calls back, he closes the bathroom door most of the way before Tommy gets up there.
“Oh there you are, what are you doing?” Tommy tries to push open the door but Buck stops him.
“I got a haircut from the place Hen suggested. You’re not allowed to laugh, okay?” Buck’s voice is hesitant.
“I promise I won’t laugh, did they botch it?” Tommy replies with total sincerity. This time Tommy can open the door and step into the bathroom. He examines Buck’s hair, very relieved it actually isn’t botched or a buzzcut.
Tommy takes it in and can’t help the smile that spreads across his lips. His boyfriend looks damn fine; curls in full force and not reigned in like how Buck usually styles it. The hairdresser added a fade making his neck look a lot longer.
“What? It’s awful. Your silence is making me nervous,” Buck rambles out.
Reaching a hand up, Tommy carefully pinches a wild curl and is surprised how soft it is, not at all crunchy with gel. His hand slides down to touch the equally soft hair on the back of his head. He absolutely loves it. “It’s definitely not awful. I always love your curls, babe. I like seeing your natural hair be free for once, and it’s so soft too. You look really really hot actually. It’s trendy for sure, but not in a bad way.”
Buck is still frowning at the mirror and rubs his fingers on the side of his face. “She even shaved off my sideburns,” he pouts and Tommy laughs.
“They will grow back in no time.” He wraps his arms around Buck’s waist and rests his chin on Buck's shoulder, watching him still fuss with his hair. “You know, it does make you look undeniably not straight, if that’s what you were going for.”
”Not really my intention, but I mean I’m not, so I guess it works?” Buck huffs drops his hands. “I’m itching for my gel, I feel so naked without it.”
“Don’t you dare. It’s just new, it’ll grow on you.” Tommy smiles, catching Buck's eyes in the mirror.
“Hey, what about your natural curls, huh? I don't see you easing up on the hair products.” Buck turns his head to look at Tommy.
“Shhh we're not talking about me right now,” Tommy replies and slides a hand up to cup Buck's jaw and kiss his lips. “I'm sure there's something in the pilot handbook about hair regulations,” he mumbles against Buck's mouth then promptly leaves him in the bathroom.
When Buck walks into work the next day he’s greeted with a wolf whistle from Hen, “Damn, Buck! I knew my girl would make you look fresh! You’re looking damn fine.” And he can’t help but smile at the praise. He gets compliments and light teasing from the rest of the crew. Maybe he can live with it.
One of their calls is at the famous gay night club, The Abbey, in Santa Monica. One of the cages that the dancers was in fell with the dancer trapped inside of it. Buck and Eddie had to break out the saw to get the dancer out, luckily he walked away with minor injuries.
They attracted a small crowd of the other dancers- all in skimpy speedo like underwear. Most of them had their eyes on Buck, giving him flirty compliments and asking if he’s ever been there. At first Buck was confused why he was getting most of the attention from these objectively hot men, especially when Eddie and his stache was right there.
Oh right, the hair, he thinks. The ‘undeniably not straight’ hair style he is sporting right now. He couldn’t help feeling a small blush creep into his cheeks.
His attention gets pulled back to one of the dancers, “Are you single? I know it’s really forward of me, but I thought I’d shoot my shot.” At least he’s polite about blatantly hitting on him.
“Oh wow I’m really flattered but yeah, I am taken,” Buck says proudly. He takes out his phone and shows the dancer and his friends his phone lock screen - a selfie of him and Tommy from one of their recent dates. Buck is laughing and Tommy is smirking at the camera with an amused glint in his eyes.
“Oh my God! I know that guy! That’s Mr. August from the 2019 LAFD calendar! I’ll never forget that year,” one of the dancers muses.
“Lucky bastard,” another one says to Buck, which makes his smile grow wider.
Tommy’s phone pings with a picture from Chimney, which there is no doubt this was his idea. It’s of Buck in the middle of a row of speedo clad club dancers. He doesn’t have his jacket on, so it’s just the fire T-shirt with red and yellow suspenders and the turn out pants. He’s holding an ax resting on his shoulder with the cockiest look he could muster; a sexy smirk on his lips with his left eyebrow cocked. The dancers around him are all looking at him, hamming it up for the picture acting like he’s the hottest thing on earth. Tommy couldn’t agree more and immediately makes it his phone background.
Yeah, the hair is growing on Buck.
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orionremastered · 8 months
hi! I was wondering how the bats would be with a reader who is disabled or has prosthetics? they're all just very protective of people they care about since...everything, and how maybe that could start to feel sufacating at some point? Or something, idk dude
(also-the way you write is realy cute and sweet for all of them, makes them feel a lot less heavy when they have someone to hold them <33)
Batboys with a Disabled S/O
Dick Grayson [Fully Deaf]
A gentle touch on your shoulder prompts you to slowly turn around, a smile stretching across your face when you realise your boyfriend's back from work.
You pull him into your arms, threading your fingers through his hair. Pulling away reluctantly, you give him a kiss on the tip of his nose.
But he's not smiling; only a sad smile that makes you tilt your head in a silent question.
Don't worry about it, he signs. Have a good day?
You nod, though your frown remains when he moves to the kitchen, always adamant that he cooks whenever he's home. He pulls his phone out of his pocket, frowning at the caller ID and puts the phone on speaker as he begins cooking.
Dick gets more and more angry as the conversation goes on, his hands waving wildly around the small kitchen, only stopping to return to the cooking.
Finally, he hangs up. You tap him on the shoulder and he turns, watching as you sign;
Who was that?
Dick's shoulders raise and drop. A case I'm working on. I'll figure it out.
You nod slowly, satisfied with his response.
Jason Todd [Fully Blind]
Mornings with Jason always start like this. They always start with you gently running your fingers across his face, mapping it out and imagining it in your head. Over his nose, his lips, his stubble.
"Did you clean the apartment?" you ask, lying on top of him as your guide dog sits next to you on the mattress. "I almost knocked one of your guns off the counter yesterday."
"I did," he murmurs. You rest your fingers on his lips and feel that they're stretched into a smile. "I'm sorry for letting it get messy."
"That's okay," you reply quietly, "Ollie picked it up before it hit the floor."
Ollie, your guide dog, makes a huffing sound beside you, causing you both to chuckle.
"Good boy," Jason says proudly, feeling him shift underneath you, mostly likely to pat Ollie.
"You're both good. Too good, maybe."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Jason asks.
Tim Drake [Classical Ehlers-Danlos syndrome]
"Love? Can we go for a camping trip on the weekend with my friends?"
Tim turns his head slowly as he sits in his study chair. He taps the pen he's holding against his lips. "What happens if you get exhausted?"
"We can go back to the tent and rest."
"You can get bruises. A lot of bruises," he frowns, gesturing for you to walk to him. You comply.
"That's fine, they're just bruises," you respond, sitting on his lap. He begins gently drawing shapes on the bare skin of your thighs.
"You could dislocate something," he says to you, quieter now.
"You know how to put it back. You do it for me all the time."
Tim's brow furrows at the reminder of having to put back in dislocated joints more often than he'd like. "Fine. But if you even start to get a little tired, you tell me. Okay?"
You rest your forehead against his and murmur, "Okay."
Damian Wayne [Prosthetic Arm]
"I'll take those—"
"Damian, I love you, but I can put shopping bags into the car just fine." This and many similar conversations have been going on practically since the start of your relationship. And while you do find it endearing that he cares, sometimes you just want him to treat you like you didn't lose your right arm in an accident.
The man scowls. "But—"
"I'm not going to hurt myself, really."
He watches you warily, weighing the outcomes of the situation. "Fine. Only the lighter ones."
You suppose it's better than not being able to do any of them. Still, he watches you like a hawk as you put the lighter ones in the back of the car he bought you (you protested but that man has the most selective hearing).
He closes the trunk/boot after the bags are inside.
"Can I drive?" you ask, hoping you'll get luck there too.
"I know how."
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krypticcafe · 2 years
Okay so we’ve got the boys reacting to being called babygirl, but how would their partner react to being babygirlified??
When they call you babygirl (COD:MWII)
rating: mature
character(s): GN!Reader, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price, John "Soap" McTavish, Simon "Ghost" Riley, König, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Hound
warning(s): language, suggestiveness, angst, a smidge of a graphic injury, general military violence, no beta read haha
a/n: reminder to all my gn and masc readers that I'm using babygirl in a gender-neutral context and so is the reader!! Also, I can't guarantee that it'll all be lighthearted as the last part but I can guarantee y'all eatin good tonight :)))
Funnily enough, he purrs it out when you come to bed after a long day of work, pulled into his side the moment you laid down.
"How's my babygirl doing? Good, yeah?"
You're stunned, surprised at the fact that he even used it at all.
He's amused by your reaction and presses a soft kiss to your head, making a mental note to use it more often like this.
Like him, you try not to fall too into the feeling, but he already knows the effect on you.
Luckily for you, he doesn't abuse it, but almost torments you with it, using it in private or a soft tone that only you can hear.
But you like it. It's intimate, a little special in how he uses it to get you smiling or flustered. Much like a lot of other aspects of your relationship, it's something you can trust him with and be respectful about.
Most of the time, you'll find him using it on a sleepy morning, arms around your waist with his chest against your back and his face nestled on your shoulder blade, mumbling a "mornin'" or a "how'd you sleep last night?"
For him, it's best when he can get real close to you and just pour his affections out with that simple little nickname.
He watches you stumble out of bed while he pours a cup of coffee for the two of you and smiles innocently when he offers it.
"Sleep well last night, baby-"
"You are so damn lucky I love you." You warn, taking the cup and rolling your eyes when he laughs.
Don't worry, he knows he's one lucky bastard.
"Atta soldier, how's my babygirl holding up?"
He's watching proudly from afar while you finish pummeling through a group of enemies like it's nothing.
"Doin' alright Captain, we're clear to push on." You respond with confidence.
But you don't tell him that his comment through the comms alone nearly threw you off your rhythm.
He uses it again when you're all at the pub celebrating another landmark success, subtly bragging while half-drunk about how you carried the team today.
A part of you is mortified not just because Price tends to open up a little too much when he's drunk, but also because you hated the fact that you liked hearing him call you that in the first place, how you didn't need a drink for your mouth to get dry and your face warm. Not to mention it was in public—practically a declaration that you belonged to him.
Not that you minded.
His grip grows firm on your side while he speaks with admiration, your face grows warm since one, he was calling you that in front of so many others, and two, he didn't just hand out praise to anyone so when he meant it, he really meant it.
Later when you're both headed to your shared quarters, he asks, "So were you havin' a fever earlier or..?"
Of course he noticed.
You explain to him it just caught you off guard, that's all. Especially when he says it in such a way.
In the back of your head, you hoped he'd be too drunk to remember this in the morning but knowing him...
"I see... well then, we'll just have to put that to the test tonight, won't we?"
You have no objections.
"There's my babygirl, been lookin' for that smile since we been back."
After a particularly rough mission, Soap had been glued to your side for the past hour or so, talking it out with you.
When a particularly dumb joke of his finally cracked you, that's when he said it.
You groan, still laughing while leaning your head into his shoulder, muttering about how "irresistibly insufferable" he could be sometimes.
"So you admit I'm irresistible?"
That gets him a lighthearted punch on his chest and some more hearty laughter out of the two of you.
You now find him using it here and there to get a smile out of you. He's got an eye for when you're a little more tense or stressed than usual.
He doesn't use it in excess either, he's sweet and soft about it, not as casual with the pet names as some would think.
Oh, but don't take it for granted because he can and will tease you. You like to blame him for your ability to keep your guard up for so long and for his ability to somehow find new ways to break it again and again.
And while you think it's a horribly corny pet name, you know he has nothing but good intentions, and you can't ignore the way it makes your heart flutter.
He loves it too, he's a sucker for giving and receiving cheesy nicknames, stuff that really gets a reaction out of you but doesn't cross the line.
"If you don't like it, then why dinnae you give me a different thing to call you?" Cue the McTavish SmirkTM, and you wonder what he has planned this time. And like how you got yourself into this relationship- you decide to humor him.
"You already call me 'love' and 'sugar', I don't think you need any more to torment me with, McTavish."
"I don't know... I'm thinkin' 'my fiancé' sounds pretty damn good."
"But I'm not your-"
You're thrown into the air and onto the ground after a blast hits, one so loud that you're left hearing nothing for several seconds.
Out of the chaos, you hear Ghost call your name, and you try to stand only to fall back into a pair of arms.
"It's me- it's me." He lowers you down onto his lap and looks over you, "Fucking hell... what did they do to you?"
You realize what he's talking about when you try to hold yourself while gasping for breath, but find a cold metal rod jutting out of your abdomen.
"Okay, I'm gonna get you up, we're gonna get to the others-" He halts when you scream out in pain and lowers you back down.
"Nonono- please Simon, it hurts, it fucking hurts so much I can't-"
His heart breaks at the sound of you choking on words, holding you closer, and trying to reassure you (and himself because he's never had his heart pounding so hard and his mask feel so damn suffocating and god dammit he can't afford to lose someone again-)
"I know, I know, I got you babygirl, I got you. It's alright now, but I'm not leaving you like this. You're gonna be alright, it's gonna be okay."
You can only nod your head, tightening your hold around his neck when he carries you. It feels pathetic every time you let out a yelp or sob of pain, but Simon's patient, he's constantly giving you reassurance and letting you know that there's just a bit more left to go. At some point, you let exhaustion take over your body.
Thankfully, you wake up laying in an infirmary bed, with a sleepless Simon at your side. "How are you feeling?" He asks.
"Could be better," You cringe at how hoarse your voice is and thank Simon when he gives you a cup of water, "You seem worse than me to be honest."
"Yeah? 'n whose fault is that? Oh right, the one who took a pipe to the stomach."
Rolling your eyes, you try to remember the last things you saw before blacking out and smirk to yourself when it comes back to you.
"So, since when were you a "babygirl" type of guy? Is it a common thing in Manchester, or are you just that soft for me, Lieutenant?"
"Maybe I should've just left you there." He groans, and you scoff, laughing as you shove at him. Even if he's shit with words, you know deep down he would never have the guts to do so.
Only a fool would.
Let's be honest, he'd only really say it after you've said it to him.
You don't push him, knowing he just has trouble trying to get a natural feel for it and it's not a huge deal. Plus, you already adore all the other names he's given you, most of which are more familiar and natural for him to say with them being in his native language.
Unfortunately, one night at the bar, you find someone else directing the particular nickname at you.
"Hey babygirl, what's a cutie like you doing all alone here?"
But fortunately, you were in fact, not alone.
Konig rises from the barstool behind you and his height alone should have the person pissing their pants.
"You should mind whose 'babygirl' you're talking to, arschloch."
You know what? Close enough.
You turn back to check on König and wow, that. Is. A. Sight.
König's chest rises and falls with his aggravated breathing and you find yourself lost in how intense his glare is while he watches the person scamper away. His words are on a loop in your head with how the rasp and snarl in his voice have your stomach twisting and your heart running laps.
You'd never admit it to him, but you have to repress all of your urges whenever he gets like this on the battlefield. Christ.
"You alright?" You breathlessly sigh, wrapping a hand around his.
His tension instantly melts at your touch and you smile at that.
"I should be asking you that..." He murmurs, almost ashamed as if he had any reason to be.
"Oh I'm more than fine now."
An idea comes to you.
"I'd be even better if you can tell me what you just said to them, perhaps in private? I don't think I can hear with how noisy it is in here" You snicker, tugging him closer.
You just absolutely know he's burning under that hood when his eyes go wide.
"I'm just kidding, liebe," you chuckled, taking another sip of your drink, "But honestly? That was kinda hot. Whaddya say we get outta here and cuddle tonight?"
His response is a quick and eager nod, making you laugh and whisk him away to your quarters.
Ah if only you weren't such a curious soul.
You overheard some of your teammates call each other "babygirl", which made you wonder if there was a sign for it.
You blurted out this question to your boyfriend, not thinking much of it because, hey, you always asked him about signs you weren't sure of or hadn't quite learned yet, or in this case, pure curiosity.
He stares at you dumbfounded before signing the words.
"Oh, so it's literally just 'baby' and 'girl'?"
He nods, "Yeah. What, do you want me to start calling you that or something?"
He lets out stifled laughs when he sees the look of realization on you before you throw your burning face in your hands.
"I'm a damn idiot."
"I know you are."
You nearly strangle him for that comment.
You make him forget about the conversation, but he keeps the thought in the back of his head for future reference because oh you are so gonna regret this >:)
After a mission, he comes up to you and asks, "How'd it go? My babygirl didn't get too roughed up this time, did you?"
"No, I'm good, wasn't a huge bust-" You stop organizing your gear right then and there, mentally replay what he signed, and slowly turn your head, narrowing your eyes at him. "-you little shit! I told you forget about that!"
"But you like it, don't you? You're trying so hard not to smile right now!" He gushes.
"Sanderson, I'm gonna kill you!" You run after him, chasing him around before tackling him down to the ground.
"I could get used to this." He muses, "Maybe you should call me babygirl, kinda suits me too. Oh! We should get matching patches, don't you think?"
"Wait where are you going—"
This time, you had been separated from your team for days after a mission had gone horribly wrong, with no way to communicate otherwise you'd all be jeopardized before you could be rescued.
You didn't even know if there was a rescue.
Just your luck, an enemy had you cornered with the audacity to use your own gun against you. And it was your last one, too. You brace for impact only to see them get knocked out while a voice called out your name.
It was Hound. They immediately run up to you, checking you all over, hands hovering around you worriedly, "Did he hurt you? Christ, they told me that you'd be in danger if I went but shit, how am I supposed to wait when—"
They stopped the moment you began to tremble, instantly pulling you into a tight embrace, and tucking your head in their shoulder.
"Hey hey, c'mere, it's okay. I'm here now, you're gonna be alright, it's okay." He softly repeats, and you weep in relief. "Oh babygirl... they can't hurt you anymore, I promise."
It was warm and safe.
You were warm and safe.
Hound spends the evening tending to you (you told them they didn't have to, it wasn't like you had major injuries), doing your paperwork for you, getting you food, and cleaning you up.
But all you want is to get your mind away from the events of the past few days, a distraction to feel good, feel safe, and feel loved, and he happily complies with your every need for the night.
"Figured you'd need some help after last night... sorry about that." They sheepishly mumble.
You wake up the next morning in your shared quarters, sore but in a pleasant way. The door opens and it's none other than your partner with a plate from the mess hall.
You pull them down for a quick kiss and thank them, telling them not to worry about it as you take the plate.
"You need anything else babygirl, or-"
You choke on a piece of scrambled egg, and they're already rubbing your back, holding back laughter.
"Whoops, should've waited until you were done, I didn't think you'd get so- I mean I thought after last night—" He's practically giggling now and while you'd normally relish in such a rare sight, you whine at him.
"But seriously, if you need anything, I'm there in a heartbeat."
You nod and thank whatever higher being out there for such a patient partner.
a/n pt2: hope the ghost and hound bbygirls enjoyed the "creative liberties" I took because I know I did teehee- anyways lmk how y'all feeling after that :)))
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year
You Give them Face Mask! 🧼
Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Usopp, Buggy, Mihawk
Fluffy Fluff
Just felt like more Fluff Fluff rn 😌 Enjoy!
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Trying to get this man into a face mask is like trying to wash a puppy- A happy struggle and pain in the ass.
"Luffy please" You say with a sad eyes- He will fold after this and let you. However he doesn't sit still so you use a sheet mask that simply helps with oily skin.
"This smells nice" He will say as you have to bribe him with snacks to keep it on for 15 minutes.
"It's rose scented" You say and wear one yourself to keep him still with some gummy candies. Will have trouble sitting still and will start chatting and walking in circles as he waits.
Once it's over he rubs his shiny face and talks about how squeaky he sounds. Utterly destroying your work-
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Sanji is more then willing to indulge you. Picking out some mild scents and you do a peel off mask since he has deep pores.
"Wanna do the charcoal mask?" You offer which he accepts after finding the scent pleasant enough.
"Do people do these often?" He will flirt and talk about the curiosities in your self care. Once the mask is done he will complain about the tightness.
"That means it's ready to peel!!"
"AHHH! OW!!?" He yelps in surprise as you pull the mask off his face. His face bright red and raw from this so you add some water based moisturizer to his face. You show him the mask.
"That was in my face!?"
Will both be disgusted and fascinated by the amount of gunk pulled from his skin.
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His skin is fairly flawless which is honestly frustrating since he cares so little for his skin.
You offer the face mask anyway and he refuses for a while bit does eventually fold. You use a snail slime mask on him since it will keep him skin looking flawless.
"This smells funny..." He grumbles as he will lay there listening to you talk, Half asleep and waiting. Will open his eye occasionally and ask a few questions about your interest in this stuff.
You wipe it off and help him rince his face. Skin is pretty much glowing at this point and You stare in awe. "So pretty!"
"I'm going to go train now-" You scream at him in protest in trying to ruin his pretty face.
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Usopp is willing of course, since the ocean air drys his skin quite a lot. So you use a shea butter face mask and tap his skin with your fingers to help it soak in his rough skin.
"You know I once got a spa treatment from Mermaids like this-' He will spin his tales as You work. When you do rince off the mask you add some nice skin oils afterwards to his skin.
You rub a lot of oil in his skin and he will pause his stories as he judt enjoys the time. Will smell the jar you're using and a softness will run over his face in fondness.
"This smells like the stuff my mother used to use-" He will say with a smile. His skin looks shiny and golden by the time your done, making him look sexy- in his own words.
Will come back regularly to have you treat his skin and will even talk about stories with his mother from time to time.
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Grease paint wrecks havoc on one's skin Buggys especially since he wears it so much. Needs some detoxing clay mask then a aloe moisture one to replenish. If you're doing his face might as well deep condition his hair as well.
He does enjoy the attention and doing them since his face feels better. Secretly he actually has acne marks from his youth and some scars from before he ate a devil fruit.
"What was this one from?" You ask pointing to a light scar on his cheek.
"Hmm 10- Me and Shanks were trying to figure out blades better. Let's say I learned knives can bounce back at you-" He says amused and letting you work.
"The skin around your nose is dry" Buggy will frown, thinking you're about to insult him since even though he trust you the most his insecurities will win- till you carefully paint the mask on those areas and smile proudly.
"There we go, all better" You say and kiss his hand to go apply your own.
Will sit and listen to you read outloud or talk with him about show ideas as he lays there with the face mask.
"Can we do this every night?"
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"No-" He will protest, his eyes narrowing as you offer the mask to him. However after enough begging and ever Perona joining in at pestering him he will fold.
Mihawk gets treated to a full spa day when this happens- A hydrating honey facemask on his skin, cucumbers on his eyes and even a hair mask in his hair to make it softer.
Perona is overjoyed as well as she cleans his nails and applies clear polish to make them shiny and nice! Grumbles the whole time silently and ends up Downing a bottle of wine.
"Do not get used to this-" He grumbles as he takes his wine and drinks from it as you and Perona work. He kinda looks like a spa mom-
Once done this man looks runway ready- His hair is much softer so sets lower, his skin flawless and even his beard looks nicer. Stares at you and Perona deadpanned and sighs-
"Thank you both for the nice gesture..."
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hazelsmirrorball · 18 days
F1 Elementary | Teacher! Oscar Piastri x Teacher! Reader
summary: It's Halloween in Box elementary and Oscar decides it's a good idea to play secret admirer and finally make a move with one of the teachers.
pairings: teacher!oscar piastri x teacher!reader
a/n: Excuse any errors english isn’t my main language. This is based off Abbott Elementary. If it's in bold it's a confesional.
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 The bell rang loudly, filling the halls mixing with the loud voices of the kids that were heading towards their classrooms. The teachers patiently waited outside the door greeting every single kid that entered. The hallways were different from their day to day. Miss L/n had stayed all night up decorating the halls to make them spooky for halloween. People could probably say that she could be a little bit of an overdoer. Spiders webs, spiders, pumpkins, bats surrounded the hallways, clinging towards the halloween aesthetic scaring a few of the kids. 
"Hi! I'm principal Norris. I still don't know how I ended up ruling this school but might I say I love it here. I’m the literal king of this school, everyone does what I say, it’s like I direct them or something. There’s a lot of perks of working at Box elementary,  Hot teachers, smart kids and the paycheck. Being a principal is the best, so I welcome you to my lovely kingdom. But enough about me, let’s talk about my untalented and ugly staff so you guys can see what I have to work with everyday. Look, there we have one of our annoying second grade teachers, Y/n. I'll leave you guys to it and let me say if you need more beauty shots, I'll be in my office" Lando said while tilting his crown down sending a kiss towards the camera. He turns to the left and the camera slowly follows him walking towards one of the students eating a lollipop. Lando  quickly takes it out of her hand and eats it himself. He walks away leaving the kindergartener alone crying in the halls. 
"Hello!! I'm Y/n L/n. But around here everyone calls me Miss L/n. I've been teaching second grade here for about four years now and honestly it's a blast. I love the kids, I love the school, I love my coworkers, I love the classes, I love my mood ...Sorry l am rambling but in my defense it's one of the best holidays of the year. Halloween!  and this year is different because we got the opportunity to dress up. They also let me put the whole school in halloween decor. All the kids are so excited to wear their little costumes and eat candies. That’s why I had to step up my game. Guess what I am? No? Okay. Well I’m a bumblebee cause people say I’m sweet like honey and sometimes that is annoying, but that’s nobody's buzzness. Did you get the joke? Did you understand?  Because I am dressed as a bee? I know you got it, I see that smile on your lips, cameraman. Anyway, let me just get to the point, I teach second grade and around here we all love to have fun. Do you want a Frankenstein cupcake? I made them myself" She said with a huge grin stretching out her hand with a cupcake toward the cameramen while the kids in the background made cute cupcakes. Her face was covered in frosting and her costume was covered in glitter. 
Oscar Piastri, smiled as he excitedly greeted his first graders, exclaiming proudly “happy halloween ” as they entered the classroom, His  Mark Webber  costume intact. He watched as his little students entered the classroom all giggly while holding onto buckets filled with candies he had personally requested them to bring so they could exchange with their classmates. When the last student entered, his eyes trailed towards the end of the hall where he could see Y/n L/n handing her kids a lollipop while they entered. Oscar stared at her in aw, as she did a dance battle with one of the kids that was dressed as a hip hop dancer. Y/n stinger got caught on the door making her fall back as all the kids from her class ran up to her to help her up. She shook them off by saving countless thank you’s. Y/n threw her head back laughing at her kids following the action as Oscar stayed in his place being starstruck by her beauty. Oscar waited a few seconds to catch her eye and waved at her with a soft smile which Y/n happily returned. Being lost by the sudden interaction Oscar couldn’t feel the small child tugging on the side of his pants trying to get his attention. 
“Mr. Oscar! You are staring at Miss L/n again. You said staring at people was rude” The child exclaimed quite loudly making Oscar jump up and panick. He quickly crouched down to be at the same level as the kid. 
“Alex, what did we say about yelling?” Oscar said softly, trying to push back his flushed face. Alex looked down towards his shoes shaking his head. 
“That we shouldn’t do it. I’m sorry Mr. Oscar. I was trying to get your attention because I needed to tell you something but you were looking at Miss L/n. I heard that in their class they are making cupcakes today. What are we going to do? It’s Halloween we should do something fun” Alex said, raising his head and grinning excitedly towards Oscar. Oscar mirrored his expression. 
“Well, I talked to Principal Norris and he said we could race cars outside. So after we exchange candies right after recess we can race” Oscar said resting his hands on his shoulder grinning. Alex quickly squealed in excitement jumping up and down. Oscar followed his actions moving side to side. “Wait, what did you need to tell me that was so urgent?” Oscar said quickly remembering what were his true intentions. 
“I actually don’t remember” Alex said, making a thinking face. 
"Mister Oscar!  Jeremy is kicking me again" a kid screamed from inside the classroom making Oscar quickly enter the room to detain the fiasco before it got worse. Jeremy was quite the fighter and he didn’t feel like cleaning up blood today. 
Oscar Piastri didn't expect to like being a teacher as much as he did but now after being a  teacher for about a year, he was starting to get the hang of things. He enjoyed the kids' presence, they made things actually fun for him and the best thing, aside from the kids, was Y/n L/n. Having Y/n around made the teaching experience quite refreshing. She was around the same age as Oscar  but she had been teaching there for about four years just like her close friend and English teacher, Logan Sargent. Oscar had tried several times to get in their little group but it was quite hard for him to click with the teachers. It wasn’t that they were mean or anything, it was the fact that they didn’t take the rookie teacher seriously. Adding to the fact that Oscar wasn’t the best when getting social clues, for some people, it felt like they were talking to a child while they were talking to Oscarl. 
“Mister Piastri, I wanted to inform you that the camera crew just got here today, so don't be surprised if they catch your fine ass. You look quite attractive with that, costume." Principal Norris said, peeking his head through the door. Oscar  turned around with a scared look on his face seeing Lando wiggle his eyebrows at him. Oscar’s hands dropped stopping the two kids that were originally fighting. 
"Excuse me?" Oscar asked, raising an eyebrow at Lando making him wink at Oscar. 
"I'm just playing but remember that they...Oh look they are here now! Here we have Mr. Oscar Piastri. He teaches first grade and he's been working here for about a year, yet he can barely get a hold of his class but we are working on it. So enjoy your time with him. The hottest teacher in the school. Bye" he exclaimed while he left Oscar standing agape in the hallway with a camera crew filming straight at him. Oscar quickly took his glasses off, cleaning them on his pants nervously while the kids screamed as loud as they could in the back of the class, the kids once again starting their fight.
“First of all, I'm not the hottest teacher here, I'll leave that to Charles and second of all I have perfect control of my kids. Didn’t you guys catch on camera me stopping the fight? " Oscar exclaimed defensively while putting on his glasses and looking at the camera clearly stressed. His hair was now messy pointing to several directions as his  breath was unsteady. 
"Mr. Oscarl! Help me, Jeremy is still pulling my hair now" a kid yelled from the back of the class quickly gaining Oscar’s attention. He quickly ran towards the back of the class and the camera crew quickly behind him. Oscar tried pulling Jeremy off one of the other kids but he wouldn't move.
"Jeremiah, let go!" Oscar said while falling desperately to get his attention. 
"I'm not letting go Osc! She bit me with her stupid vampire teeth" Jeremiah yelled, still not letting go of his grip becoming stronger. 
"First, I told you even though you are stronger than me to call me Mr. Oscar. Second of all, we said no bad words in the classroom and that included the word stupid.  Now let's just try to be in a loving mood, it's Halloween, don't you guys want to be in a loving mood?!" Oscar asked desperately, trying to convince the kids to let go of each other. All the kids around them were unphased by the interaction, exchanging candies while the fiasco unfolds.
"NO!" Both of the kids exclaim pushing Oscar down towards the floor. He closed his eyes in pain waiting for a few seconds for the floor to eat him alive. He let out a sigh, dragging himself to one of the classroom doors praying that someone, beside Lando or Y/n, would help him out. 
"How are you kids so strong?! Verstappen!  Verstappen please, please help me. Verstappen I know you can see me" Oscar exclaimed as he gripped on the side of the door from the floor. He reached forward holding his leg desperately not wanting him to move. Verstappen stopped dead in his tracks staring down at Oscar with pity. His eyes were nearly covered in tears as he begged him to come and help. Verstappen looked towards the break room as he turned his back from it, taking a step into the classroom but not before quickly rolling his eyes at Oscar. Instantly the kids stopped fighting while the ones that were exchanging candies  sat down hiding their sweets.
"How?" Oscar mouthed to the camera while watching the kids stay like statues with Verstappen.
"I'm  Max Verstappen. Please do not associate me with the principal or I will call the authorities against you. If it were my decision, I would have been principal and I would have said no to this little filming festival you have going around here. But since l am not principal, I have to answer your dumb questions.  I am the other second grade teacher here at Box elementary. The only person I don't get annoyed at in this school is possibly Oscar. He isn't the worst teacher in the world but he isn't the greatest. Kids here can be little shits but I have them under control. Oscar on the other hand doesn't. He lacks control and I truly believe he's one of the kids."  Verstappen said to the camera while moving to the side to let into view a giggling Oscar Piastri exchanging his candies  with his students excitedly.
Meanwhile, Logan and Carlos  walked together to the break lounge ready to eat their lunch and enjoy their break. Both of them worked on the second floor with the middle school kids and they were exhausted.
"Good evening, I'm Logan and I teach seventh grade english. I've been in this school for four years and quite frankly still don't know why I've stayed so long."
Carlos sat down taking his food out of his neatly prepared lunch box while Logan took his mug to serve himself some coffee. Both of them took in the wonderful peace and quiet that surrounded the break lounge, something that it always lacked. But the peace and quiet was interrupted by the door slamming open and a visually alarmed Oscar  coming through, Verstappen following behind shortly after.
"I'm so done with those little pieces of sh.. You"  Oscar took a deep breath pointing at the cameramen. "Stop following me with those stupid cameras. You're making me seem like I'm a bad teacher” he said while his eyes twitched, making Logan hide a chuckle with a cough. He continued to drink his coffee attempting to calm himself.
"I don't think they're making you seem like a bad teacher, maybe you're just being one” Carlos  responded while taking a bite of his sandwich making Logan  "cough" even louder.
"Carlos.  I came to this school the same time Oscar Piastri did and it still surprises me that he is still here. There were fifty new teachers and surprisingly the only two left are Oscar Piastri  and me, I thought he was going to be the first one to leave, yet here he is, still struggling and still not getting the hang of it" Carlos said to the camera while fixing the nonexistent wrinkles of his button up shirt.
"Well, I have you know I am a great teacher! My students say it to me all the time when I get emotional. I bet you don’t even cry with your students. My students and I had a Halloween party, something that didn't even cross your mind to have today. We exchanged candies, had a dance party and watched movies. They love me. I love them. And all you did was bore you kids to death today, I suppose. What did you do? Make them read" Oscar responded angrily while looking at the peaceful Carlos. 
"Actually, yes. We read about the history behind witches. Something you can actually do to learn since you come to school to learn not to party. But I guess you didn't get the memo since all you did was go to frat parties in college" he said taking another bite of his sandwich.
"Jokes on you I wasn't even in a frat. But I just know your kids wanted lollipops and by the way I gave my kids lollipops and none of them threw them at each other so I believe that's progress" Oscar said proudly while looking in the fridge giving his back to the teachers letting them see the back part of his robes covered in lollipops.
"Congrats! You are getting better, Piastri. I am really proud” Logan  applauded while placing his cup of coffee down.
“But I don't think you should get your kids hopes up with Halloween. You should show them the gory things that I showed mine today. Real, scary, halloween movies. When they’ll get older they will thank you for teaching them how to survive a psycho. ” Verstappen responded while sitting next to Carlos.
"Aren't your kids seven?" Carlos asked, concerned, raising an eyebrow at Verstappen.
"And your point is, Carlos Jr.?" Verstappen asked while taking a sip of his black coffee. 
“I already told you, my name isn't Carlos Jr., it's just Carlos" he said seriously while glaring at the man.
"I will not stop spreading love in my classroom.I love Halloween and no one and I mean no one  loves Halloween more than me" Oscar exclaimed sitting down with his arms crossed. 
"Hellooo fellow teachers!" Y/n exclaimed throwing flower petals in the air while entering the break room. 
"I highly doubt it" Logan responded while looking at his best friend, dressed up in her vibrant yellow costume. She was holding onto a basket filled with sweets while her wings neatly placed on her back. Her hair wasn't styled as usual, instead it was pulled back in two braids with her antennas.
"Happy Halloween to you, and you, and you" She said, handing a beautifully devoted Halloween box to each of her coworkers.
Carlos smiled softly, Logan whispered a thanks and Verstappen rolled his eyes, but deep down he loved it. Y/n headed towards Oscar giving him a bigger box than the rest. Oscar blushed hard, taking in the gift in his hand while Y/n placed down her things. 
"Thank you, Y/n. I appreciate it a lot" he said smiling softly but his smile got wider when she sat next to him.
"You're welcome Oscar! By the way, I love your red bull costume. I really like the redbull drink. A lot of my students dressed the same. It looks cute" she said, playing with the ends of Oscar’s long sleeve . 
“Actually, Y/n. Oscar’s dressed as An...” Verstappen started but quickly got cut off by Oscar slamming his hand against the table. 
"Thank you, Y/n! I was trying really hard for that can look. I really like your bee costume. I know everyone was buzzing about it” he said excitedly while trying to hide his  blush. Y/n threw her head laughing hitting Oscar’s shoulder softly making Oscar blush more if it even was possible.  
"Thank you! I wanted to go all out today, I heard that the party was going to be the bomb.” Y/n said winking towards Oscar which made him grin excitedly. 
“You know about that?” Oscar asked confusedly, while taking his food out of his bag. 
“Yeah! My kids were telling me about some big plan you have after recess. I was so excited for the afternoon party I forgot to bring lunch" She smiled at her while opening a water bottle and looking down at her notes to fix anything that was incorrect for the party the school was throwing later today.
"Here, have my sandwich" Oscar exclaimed quickly, planting the sandwich next to her. She looked up from her paper shaking her head.
“Don't worry about it Oscar. You should eat, I can wait until later.” She responded by trying to hand it back at him but he shook his head.
"Have it, I'm not even hungry" Oscar said smiling softly while shrugging trying not to worry her.
"Thank you Oscar! I owe you one" Y/n said, taking a bite while Logan looked at the camera suspiciously while drinking his coffee.
"What? I'm not hungry. My stomach is filled with brownies, candies and cupcakes. Plus the cupcake I had this morning, if Y/n’s hungry I wouldn't mind giving her my food!! Or anyone not necessarily her, I give my food to everyone that wants it, look. Here have this kiwi" Oscar exclaimed while taking out the kiwi he was previously eating and handing it in to a kid that was passing by. The kid stared at Oscar weirdly before continuing walking.
"So,what are you guys doing tonight? Anything special planned in this spooky evening" Oscar asked, trying to change the subject while they all peacefully ate. Everyone stayed quiet but Oscar anxiously taped his finger on the round table making Carlos groan and speak up.
"Well, since you're being nosy, I rented out a movie theater to watch movies tonight with my girlfriend” Carlos responded, closing his book. Y/n squealed, turning to him with a smile. "It was so romantic. What did you get?" Carlos asked, directing himself to Y/n, but she simply shrugged.
“The kids gave me some beautifully made cupcakes, those that count?" She asked sitting next to him, Verstappen laughed making the two stare at him.
“It's sad that you want that to count," he said, taking another sip of his coffee.
“Don't listen to Max, he's just jealous the kids didn't give him anything because they are scared of him” Carlos said, rolling his eyes as Y/n fixed her posture awkwardly. 
"My kids love me, they know my second grade class is the superior one and they did get me sweets. I just don't like them" Verstappen responded, getting a bag of candy and throwing it on the table leaving Carlos in shock.
"Well, maybe you'll get something later, the night is still young" Oscar said suspiciously while looking at the camera with a smirk. As if it were by cue a delivery man opens the door holding a big strawberry bouquet.
“Delivery for Y/n L/n” the delivery man said while reading the card. Y/n excitedly got up taking it in her hands and placing it down on the table picking the card to see from who it was. She quickly smiled at the delivery man saying thanks before he left. All the teachers looked at the bouquet waiting for her to say who it was from.
"Who is it from?" Oscar  asked while standing next to her with a huge grin on his face.
"It says spooky berries from a secret admirer, " she said, picking a strawberry and eating it.
Logan, Carlos and Verstappen stood outside in the hallways with the camera crew Filming them.
"It was Oscar" the trio said at the same time while rolling their eyes.
"This is beautiful! The person that got me this has to know me really well, I love chocolate covered strawberries. They are literally the best thing to ever exist on this planet"
" You see! I know her well!! I got her that gift and went all out! I'm proud of my hard work and the smile on her face is to die for. So ha! I win Halloween" Oscar exclaimed happily at the camera while grinning.
"Breaks over, I need my teachers in their classrooms so they can take the kids to that dumb party Y/n’s making" Lando said entering the lounge and getting himself some coffee.
"Nothing you can do will ruin my mood today, Lando. So I will take that as a compliment" She responded, taking a picture of the strawberries.
"You got yourself that gift? That's sad, even for you L/n" Lando responded while taking a sip of the drink.
"Actually, it was a secret admirer," she responded, not even looking at him.
"Oscar, it was Oscar" Lando said, looking at the camera in the hallway while taking a bite of a strawberry he had taken from Y/n's gift.
"Also how are you guys enjoying the reality show we have going on here?" Lando asked, winking at the camera.
"I feel watched and stalked" Verstappen responded seriously.
"I didn't ask you. Oscar?" Lando turned his head towards Oscar who started to pick up his things so he could head back to his classroom. 
"This isn't a reality show Lando. it's a documentary for schools with poor funding so I don't think we should be proud of that” he said while standing up and putting his tote bag on his shoulder. 
"You know what I'm not proud of, the fact I haven't received my Valentine's Day gift yet" Lando said only for him to hear. Oscar shivers while looking at him with the same expression as before. "Now everyone chop chop. We don't have all day" he continued while applauding obnoxiously.
Everyone started leaving the teachers lounge leaving Oscar to himself to open the box Y/n had given him, he slowly opened the box and opened his eyes wide when he saw the gift.
"Oh, I've known about Oscars' crush ever since he started working here. But I love seeing the reactions he does when he thinks I don't know a thing about the little gestures he does for me. That's why I decided that I should give something back" Y/n said smiling to the camera holding the gift she had received from him. In the background you could see Oscar dancing excitedly and when Y/n turned around to look at him, he froze waving at her trying to act cool which Y/n responded with a smile while quickly turning to her classroom.
Oscar looked at his kids jumping up and down at the party and he smiled. He looked at the camera men and then down at his hands.
"I'm going on a date today" He said screaming while joining his kids in a dance battle.
Logan looked at Oscar and then at his best friend from the other side of the school gym and smiled softly at her.
"You asked him out, didn't you?" Logan asked, looking at Y/n.
"Yes, I think he’s cute." She responded while looking at the dancing Oscar. Both of them looked at how Oscar huddled up with the kids pushing a car to make the kids star driving. A few seconds in, a kid “runs’ over another ones leg making them cry.
“I though he meant toy cars?! Seven year olds don’t have diverse license”  
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a-hazbin-reader · 7 months
I would like to see how Alastor's mother meets the reader (when they were alive). I see almost nothing of Alastor's mother and I feel that she is a wonderful mother ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
Alastor lovers would be NOTHING without this woman, she should be WORSHIPPED
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: None I think???
Description: ☝️⬆️
Alastor's mother was his entire world, all the love and affection in his life came from her
The way he learned to love he learned from her
So you have her to thank for that
Which is why you're so fucking nervous to meet her, if she doesn't like you then you feel like your relationship is doomed
Not that Alastor would leave you at the drop of a hat but you just couldn't make him choose, you love him too much for that
You're fretting over everything, your hair, your clothes, your perfume-
It's not until you feel a strong hand on your shoulder and look into Alastor's eyes that you realize you were panicking
He's smiling at you, he's always smiling, but you can tell you worried him
"Sorry...it's just...I'm nervous..."
You're being pulled into his warm embrace before you can say anything more, familiar fingers pushing your chin up
You feel a pleasant shudder go through you as you meet Alastor's eyes, soaking up the affection that radiates from them
"Now now, a little dinner has you this worked up~?"
"What if she doesn't like me?"
He's leaning in closer, never breaking your gaze as his lips brush against your own, his canines glinting almost like fangs-
"Why wouldn't she like you? If I love you then she'll surely love you too..."
God, this woman raised such a good man
If Alastor was being honest with you, he's a bit nervous too but not in a bad way
He's excited for his two favorite people to meet, he's excited to show off each of you to the other so that you both understand his love for you two
He's just so ecstatic that this is finally happening
Coos and soothes you the entire walk to his mother's house, knowing that you're nervous but understanding that you have no reason to be
Alastor lets himself in and you're immediately welcomed with the scent of delicious food cooking
You can hear his mother in the kitchen, the table not yet fully set
Alastor leaves your side to hug his mother in greeting, laughing a little when he startles the old woman
She's beautiful even though she's no longer a young woman, you see a lot of her in her son
"Mother, I'd like you to meet my darling Y/N~"
Alastor's arm wraps around you in an attempt to calm your nerves and to present you proudly to his mother
When her kind eyes land on you, all sense of anxiety and fear melts away as she pulls you in for a hug
She's stronger than she looks, squeezing you as though you two have known each other for years
You realize that she hugs just like Alastor and melt into her arms as you hug her back
"It's so good to finally meet you..! I've been asking Alastor to bring you over ever since he first mentioned he was seeing someone!"
Now Alastor is blushing and mumbling something about her promising she wouldn't bring that up
You can't help but laugh and pat his cheek softly, it's adorable when he's embarrassed
Together the three of you finish up dinner, his mother sending him out of the kitchen to set the table
Leaving the two of you alone
It starts off smoothly, the two of you making polite conversation before falling into comfortable silence
And then it's uncomfortable
Oh shit you're nervous again
She stands next to you as the two of you work together to finish cooking, a soft smile on her face
"My son really loves you, my dear..."
Her voice is still soft, still warm, but there's a warning tone to it
Alastor did say his mother could be the sweetest woman or the scariest woman you've ever met
"I hope that love isn't misplaced."
Oh. Of course.
She's looking out for her son, like any good mother would do
You're careful with your next words, reaching out and taking the other woman's hand gently
You make sure to look into her eyes, wanting to convey your truth
"Ma'am, you son will have my heart and my soul in life and in death. I love him more than words can convey.."
And that's all it takes, the woman pulling you in for another hug and clutching you in relief
This woman is relieved that her son found someone who genuinely loves him and will continue to love him when she's gone
And if you love her son as she does then she has no choice but to love you as well
Things are easy going between you two after that, Alastor's mother loving you a little more with each thing she learns about you
She watches the two of you interact and gains a better understanding of the relationship
She understands why her son fell for you, you're more than just a pretty face that lured him in
You actually remind her a little bit of herself in her younger days
Mother, please don't say that
The two of you actually get along rather well, ganging up on Alastor several times throughout the night
"I'm only saying! The best way to enjoy tea is-"
"Alastor, honey, Y/N and I just told you that you're wrong."
"Why don't you let the two people who know what they're talking about carry the conversation, hm~?"
"I think it's about time we leave, don't you two agree?"
Not Alastor's mother taking your hand and looking at her son with a shocked expression
"You would take away my darling Y/N? What cruel boy you've turned into!"
Oh she's good
Alastor pretends to be annoyed at the sight of you two clinging to each other and whining about not wanting to be separated
Before that fake annoyance melts away into fondness and he's joining in on the hug
Alastor takes care of cleaning up dinner, leaving the two of you alone again
Which means Alastor's mother gets to show you photos of Alastor when he was younger
And tell you all the embarrassing stories
You two are so busy giggling and cooing at the photos that you don't notice Alastor standing in the doorway, face flushed red with embarrassment
"Time to go, my dear!"
She sends you home with plenty of leftovers and fusses over you like you're one of her own
"Do you need a jacket, dear? A hat? I might have an extra one around here-"
Gives you the biggest hug and kiss on the forehead before you leave, telling you to visit her often
Oh just one more hug before you go
Before Alastor can pull away from his own hug, she pulls him back to whisper to him
"You picked a good one, my darling boy...~"
You three are a family after that, no matter what anyone says, no matter what happens
She loves you just as much as she loves her boy and she'll brag about you just as much as he does
Carries a photo of you two around in her purse so she can show everybody
Literally loves having you around and is worried that other men will try to take you for themselves
You don't have a ring on that finger
Not yet anyways
Alastor's mother just has to convince him that he wants to get married
Which probably won't be hard
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This is like the only photo of Alastor's mother I can find and I don't even know if it's canon or not-
She's gorgeous??
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This one wasn't originally what I was working on but it was too good to pass up
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alixra · 8 months
away game | paige bueckers
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summary- paige is away at a game and calls you.
word count- 1.1k
UConn had just beat Maryland. A much-needed win after a tough loss against NC State.
You hardly knew anything about basketball. But you had found interest in the sport after falling in love with one of its biggest stars: Paige Bueckers. You had been dating her for roughly seven months. And you couldn't be happier.
Her schedule did make things difficult. She almost always had to be on the road for an away game. And if she wasn't, she was either at practice or working out. The two of you found ways to make it work. No matter how much you missed each other.
It had been two hours since the game ended. And you were awaiting a call from Paige. It had become a routine for her to call you every night when she was away. Even if it was for a short period.
Your phone began ringing, and you tried not to squeal in excitement.
"Hi, baby," Paige said as soon as you answered.
"Hi," you said through a smile. "How did your game go?"
"Good, I'm tired."
"You should be. You did amazing," you stated.
Paige's heart fluttered at your praise, "Thank you."
"Of course." You replied, comfortable silence taking over the phone call.
"What are you doing?" Paige asked, breaking the quiet.
"Homework," you groaned, causing her to laugh. "Where are the girls?"
"Oh, they went out. I'm the only one still here."
"Why didn't you go with them?" You questioned.
"I didn't feel like it," she explained. "I had something else on my mind anyway."
"Like what?"
"You," she smiled.
You giggled, glad that she couldn't see the blush on your face. "Oh really?"
"Mmhhmm," she responded proudly.
"I was thinking about you too."
"Yes," you whispered, lying on your back.
The atmosphere shifted, going from lighthearted to intense in mere seconds.
"I wanna hear your voice," Paige confessed, her hand resting on her stomach.
"Ok," you smiled. "What do you want me to say?"
"Tell me how good I did again."
Your grin widened, "You did so good. And you're so amazing and so perfect. And so hot."
Paige smirked, focusing on the last part of your sentence. "I'm so what?" She teased.
"So hot," you repeated, your voice serious compared to her playful one.
Paige cleared her throat, her hand getting close to her pants. "Thank you," she said, her voice huskier than before.
It was silent for a little before you spoke, "Paige."
"What's the real reason you didn't go out?" You inquired, knowing it wasn't like the party animal to not want to go out and get wasted.
"You know me too well," she smiled.
"I do," you responded, smirking triumphantly. "Now answer my question," you said firmly, noticing Paige was trying to get you off-topic.
Paige licked her lips, "Because I wish you were here."
"To do what?"
She opened her mouth to speak, but her words stuck in her throat.
"Come on, Paige. You can tell me."
"I just missed you," she replied stubbornly, slipping her hand underneath her sweatpants.
"Oh yeah?" You asked, picking up on the way her breath hitched out of nowhere.
"Yeah," she responded. Trying to control her shaky breath as she rubbed her clit through her soaked underwear.
"Liar," you stated.
"How am I a liar?" She replied, keeping up the innocent act.
"Because I know what you're doing right now."
She had now moved past her underwear, her fingers inching closer to her aching entrance. "What am I doing then?"
You smiled, taking your bottom lip in your teeth, "Touching yourself."
She chuckled breathily, "You caught me."
"I did," you replied. Your stomach tightened as you thought about Paige touching herself to your voice.
"Keep talking," she struggled to say, not trying to hide the quiver in her voice anymore.
"Why?" You asked, even though you knew what she wanted.
"Just- please," she whined. The faint sound of her fingering herself is prominent in your hearing.
"Do you do this a lot?" You questioned, giving in to her request.
"Only when you're not around," she responded.
"What do you think about?" You asked, already knowing the answer.
Her breathing was getting heavier now, "You."
"Why?" You inquired, enjoying making her say what you already knew out loud.
She huffed, "You know why."
"No, I don't," you lied, "Tell me.”
"Because you're pretty and hot," she practically whined. "And you have such an amazing body."
"I do?"
"Yes!" She responded, her tone more amped up now.
You couldn't help the way your hand drifted downwards. The throbbing between your legs is too intense to ignore.
"You close, baby?" You asked, now touching yourself too.
"Yeah," she moaned.
You sat your phone down on the bed, right beside your ear. "Hold on a little longer," you instructed.
You moved your hand from your clit to your dripping slit. Too impatient to wait any longer, you slipped two of your fingers inside yourself. Imagining that they were Paige's instead.You let the sounds she made bring you closer and closer to the edge. A few moans escape from your lips as well.
"Fuck," she murmured, aware of what you were doing.
"I love you," you exhaled.
"I love you too," she said, her voice strained.
You slid your fingers in and out of yourself, using your thumb to rub your clit.
She inhaled sharply before speaking again, "I'm gonna cum."
"Me too," you agreed, gritting your teeth.
Paige let out a long groan, finishing. Meanwhile, your orgasm was quickly approaching. You let the sounds of her riding out her high tip you over the edge, a string of curse words falling from your swollen lips. It wasn't one of the best orgasms you've had. But the mere idea of Paige made it enjoyable.
Silence rang throughout your ears as you let out a satisfied sigh. The only sound coming from your phone is your girlfriend's heavy breathing. Several minutes passed, the two of you simply listening to each other breathe.
"Y/n," Paige whispered.
"I was just making sure you were still there," she said, and you could tell she was smiling.
You laughed, "I'm here."
"Don't leave," she pleaded.
"I won't.”
"Thank you."
"Anytime," you responded.
Either way, you loved falling asleep on the phone with Paige. You loved the adorable sound of her breathing and how comforting her presence was. Even if she wasn't physically with you, you felt safe and secure.
"Goodnight, beautiful," she murmured, already half asleep.
Butterflies swarmed your stomach, "Goodnight, even more beautiful."
She laughed softly before submitting to sleep. You rolled over on your back, squirming around as you got comfortable. You relished in the warmth and coziness of your bed, thinking about how lucky you were to have your girlfriend.Your eyes felt heavy, and you yawned as you fell asleep, wishing that Paige was next to you.
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cutielando · 11 months
lucky number 100 | l.n.
synopsis: in which he makes his 100th race extra special
my masterlist
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100 races.
If someone had told you that you would be with Lando and see his 100th race with McLaren, you would've probably laughed in their face.
You and Lando have been together for years, you being by his side ever since he started his racing career. You had never missed a race, not a weekend went by when you weren't seen on the paddock proudly wearing your boyfriend's number on your back.
With the COTA Grand Prix coming up, it also being Lando's 100th race in Formula 1, it was safe to say he was more nervous than he usually was.
That is precisely the reason why it was 1 in the morning before race day and Lando couldn't get himself to go to sleep. Thoughts plaguing his mind, all sorts of scenarios regarding the race going through his head.
You had fallen asleep earlier that evening, having been exhausted by the qualifying and everything. However, you woke up a little past 1, stretching your arm over Lando's side of the bed in search for his warmth but you were met with the cold sheets, making you frown.
"Honey?" you called out, rubbing your eyes and waiting for a response.
When you couldn't hear anything, you pulled the covers off your body and took Lando's hoodie that had been discarded on the floor and pulled it over your head.
You opened the door to your bedroom and walked out, quietly searching for your boyfriend in the middle of the night.
You found him sitting on the couch in your living room, watching TV with the volume down with a lost look in his eye.
"Baby, what are you doing up? You need to get some sleep before tomorrow" you said, making your way over to him and sitting down next to him, snuggling up in his arms.
"Sorry, I couldn't sleep. Kept fidgeting so I decided to come out here so I wouldn't wake you up" he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and kissed your temple, savoring the feeling of your body snuggled up to his.
"What's got you worked up?" you whispered, trailing one of your hands up and down his chest, knowing it was one of the things that helped calm him down in any situation.
"The race, I guess" he shrugged, not being able to really pinpoint the trouble himself.
"What about the race?" you pushed, knowing he had to get whatever it was off his chest.
"I don't know, I just feel like everybody expects me to win because it's my 100th race and everyone will be disappointed if that doesn't happen and I'll let everyone down"
You nodded your head, understanding now where he was coming from.
A lot of his fans and people in the F1 business are constantly talking about him winning this race, how amazing it would be if he did it and how it has been long overdue, which obviously puts a tremendous amount of stress on him.
If he does deliver, he's going to be on top of the world. But if he doesn't, people are going to judge, they're going to talk shit and judge him.
"You don't have to listen to anyone. Screw what other people are saying, you don't need to put this pressure on yourself. Just drive how you know you can and let the result be whatever it may be. I'm still going to be proud of you, regardless if you end up being P1 or P20, baby" you raised your head and took his chin in your hands, making him look at you.
"You're not going to be disappointed if I don't win?" his voice was so soft and vulnerable, it made your heart break at the thought of possibly being anything but proud of him.
"Baby, no. I'll be proud of you if you finish first and I'll be proud of you if you finish last. That doesn't matter to me. All that I care about is that you are safe and come back to me in one piece. I love you, and I'm always going to support you in everything, but you need to stop letting these things get to you. You know what you're capable of, put that talent to use and have fun"
He sighed but a small smile made its way on his lips before he slowly nodded his head.
"You always know what to say, one of the many reasons why I love you" he leaned in and pecked your lips, bringing you into an even tighter hug afterwards.
"I should consider switching my job as a full-time wag to being a motivational speaker" you joked, enjoying the sound of his laugh filling the room.
"10 minutes to go" Lando's engineer said as he poked his head in his driver's room where the two of you were hanging out.
Lando nodded and his engineer left, leaving the two of you alone again.
"This is it" he spoke up, looking at his hands which were fidgeting on his lap.
You took his hands in yours, intertwining your fingers with his in order to calm him down.
"Remember, don't push yourself too hard and risk crashing or getting hurt. It's not worth it. You'll get your win, baby, but don't push it today if it's not meant to be. Be safe, please"  
Lando nodded and gave you a reassuring smile, kissing you deeply after you stopped talking.
You squeezed his hand as you pulled away and stood up, motioning that you should get going.
You walked with him until you got to his car, giving him one final kiss before he got into the car and put his helmet on.
Lando's engineer motioned for you to join him, giving you a pair of headphones so you could be up to date with everything happening.
You all watched the formation lap before every driver got into their respective positions. You held your breath as you saw the lights before it was time to finally begin the race.
Lights out.
He did it.
He had won first ever race in F1. 
You couldn't explain the pride and love that filled your heart when he was the first one to see the checkered flag.
He had absolutely dominated the whole race, managing to overtake every single car on the track and maintaining his position when it seemed that he might be under attack.
You don't think you had ever seen him drive better than he did today.
"Y/N! I did it!!!" he shouted as he ran to you, helmet and balaclava already off.
"I'm so proud of you, baby!!" you squealed and jumped into his arms, squeezing him like never before.
"Oh my God, I did it, my love. This is all for you" he exclaimed, holding you tightly and squeezing your waist.
"No, Lando. This is for you. You've been waiting your whole life for this, you've worked so hard all these years and today everything finally paid off. I'm proud of you to the moon and back, baby" you pulled away from the hug just enough so you could lean in and kiss him, pouring every single feeling of pride and adoration for him into the kiss.
"I love you so much" he muttered against your lips, refusing to let go of you when his PR manager called him for some interviews.
"I love you too, my winner"
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idiswhadidis · 4 months
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pairing ⚝ best friend jungwon x fem. reader 𓂅 genre ⚝ fluff, best friends to potentinal lovers 𓂅 warnings ⚝ none 𓂅 wc ⚝ 0,6k
a/n well who would have thought i'm back from the dead wohoo
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
to be a nail tech was always your biggest dream. and your number one supporter Jungwon, also called your bestest friend, was how can you say this nicely? your labor rat <3
and to be a certified nail tech you have to practice a lot on puppet hands and on real life models. soo, who could be a better model than him?
so here you both are at 10pm on a saturday in your house, sitting on these damn chairs for two hours almost finished with one hand. too bad that a human got two which means another two hours of work are on your way which also means minus two hours of Jungwons life span. but hey you always promise him to pay for the ordered food and to go to every of his football matches.
“okay i think, i think one hand is done..”
breaking Jungwon out of his trance watching tv, “wait for real?” bouncing his legs excitedly, “yes, look how good it looks”, making him look at his nails feeling the sass cause of the long ass length, he makes the slay pose “you nailed it my queen” making you laugh and blush “alrighty let's order food i’ll guess the usual right?” he nods, standing up and cracking his back.
he walks to the couch ready to sit down to gain the energy he needs for the other hand lord help him, the time where you begged him to be your model he couldn’t say no, not to the girl he deeply loves. he would do everything for you, the compromise of ordering food on your costs were your idea but going to his football matches were his. you’re his lucky charm. 
flopping down on the sofa stretching your limbs letting out an exhausted yawn, making Jungwon look at you patting his thigh, signaling you to lay down, not thinking twice you lay your head like he offered onto his thighs. he strokes your hair out of your face making you sigh in comfort closing your eyes. 
“you did really good and it takes you less time to complete one hand”, “yeah at the beginning it took me like five hours for one hand like damn i got much better”, making him smile proudly “ but i really have to thank you, without your sacrifice of time to be my model i wouldn’t be that good”, ”always, princess.”
15 minutes later the doorbell rings making you jump up running to the door ready to devour food. “i will literally never get enough of fries” speaking with your mouth full, looking like a chipmunk making him laugh “i know, i will never ever forget that night were Jake held a party were we got drunk as fuck and went to the in-n-out and you flirted with the cashier to get free fries” “and it literally worked” making a finger gun.
after dinner you got back to work practicing on his nails, and him being distracted watching a movie, making you steal glances at him from time to time. mesmerized by how handsome he is, really blessed by aphrodite herself.
“you know..” he suddenly says, making you look up, him still looking at the tv “i want another compromise..” blinking, another compromise? ready to ask, he beats you to it “let me take you out on a date.” he suddenly turns his head looking right into your widening eyes. you're at a loss for words, your bestest friend aka long time crush aka unconfirmed boyfriend asks you on a date? slap me across the face dear heavens, taking too long to answer he says  “or don't you want me as a model anymore?” making you gasp quietly shaking your head “fuck yes, of course i will let you take me on a date.”
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gojoux · 1 year
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· Pairing: Gojo Satoru x Reader
· Summary: You and him got caught in a heated make out session.
· CW: 3k // Suggestive. Fluff. Slight crack. You two got cockblocked lmao. Gojo is a bit of exhibitionist. Gojo can't keep his mouth shut. Gojo is taller than reader. Gojo lifts reader up. Reader sits on his lap. Fem!Reader.
This request made me continue this piece in my draft.
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You just came back home from your mission, texting your boyfriend who has come back from his own to inform him that you're already at school. You also grab something to drink from the vending machine once you've arrived near the buildings. You bought two, for him as well.
You walk more towards the teacher's office, opening the door to be greeted by the sight of him relaxed sitting on his desk, doing his paperwork, reporting a file for the result of his mission.
Gojo looks up from the paperwork he's filing and smiles at you. “Ah, you're back. How was the mission?” He stands up and walks over to you, putting his arms around your waist and hugging you tightly. “No injuries this time, I hope?”
You set your drinks on the table beside you before circling your arms around his neck. “Nope. Not a scratch.” You smile proudly.
Gojo smiles back at you, leaning down to kiss your lips, a hand caressing your cheek. “Good,” his voice is soft as he speaks to you. “I'd hate to see my beautiful girlfriend come home all scratched up.” He kisses you again longer. “Tell me about the mission.”
You take the drink that you bought for him before answering, “Later.”
He takes the drink from you with one hand and his other am still around your waist, his attention immediately captured. “Ah, you're trying to distract me?” He takes a sip of his drink. “Seems it's working.”
“But don't think you can keep me from asking you about the mission,” he grins at you. “I'll get it out of you eventually.”
“Oh, really? And how would you do that, hm?” You lean to kiss his chest. “Why do you even want to know my mission anyway, it's nothing new.” You let out a small yawn after.
“You're right, it's likely nothing new,” he chuckles. “I just want to know what kind of curse had the misfortune of running across you this time.”
“But I bet I could... motivate you to tell me about the mission.” He begins to kiss your jaw, slowly working his way down to your neck.
You reach one of your hands to his hair, “Now you're the one who's distracting me.”
He presses his lips firmly against your neck, nibbling the skin with his teeth. His hands move slowly, caressing your waist and lower back. “Maybe that's exactly what I wanted to do," he whispers in your ear before pulling back slightly but still holding firmly onto you. “This is exactly what you want too, isn't it?”
You hum in response, enjoying the way his soft pressing against your skin. “Let's talk about something else then.”
He moves his lips back to your ear. His hand moves up further towards your shoulders, and he begins to massage them gently. “What would you like to talk about instead?” He asks, his tone sounding more and more sensual now. “Anything else we could do to pass the time?” His free hand begins to knead the muscles of your shoulder.
“Anything in mind?” You ask back. “You're usually the one who comes up with the ideas.”
“Of course, I have lots of ideas,” he says, his voice sounding even more sultry now. “I'm just not sure how to choose.” He moves his lips away from your neck but keeps his body close to yours, his hands continuing to caress you.
You lean your body closer to him even more. “I was thinking we should just kiss.”
“Hmm,” he lowers his head, his face just inches from yours. “And if we did that,” He gives you a few pecks on your lips before speaking again. “Are you sure we could keep things at just a kiss?” He asks playfully.
“If it's with you, I don't think so.” You chuckle, also giving him a few short pecks.
He chuckles as his hands move down towards your ass, squeezing it firmly but gently. He breaks away for a moment, breathing heavily. “I can't resist you when you look at me like that.” He gives you another peck on the lips before trailing more kisses onto your cheek.
“All I want to do is kiss you... and do many things to you... You would like that, won't you?” He says between kisses. “You can't resist me after all.”
“You know me so well,” you smile at his words, enjoying the way he kisses you so gently, but no mistake that there's a sense of need behind his kisses. You know him and how this would turn out.
“If we keep this up,” he wraps his arms tightly around your waist, whispering to your ear, making your body shiver at the way he talks to you, “I don't think I'll be able to control myself.”
“That's good.” You hum in contentment. “Don't hold back.”
Gojo's eyes light up at your response, and he finally kisses you, his lips pressing against yours in a feverish, desperate way. His hands move back up to your waist, the muscles in his arms and hands flexing as he holds you tight against him.
After a moment, he breaks the kiss to breathe. “Mm, I love you so much,” he says, his voice a bit strained, before kissing you again eagerly.
You let out a small moan at the kiss, relishing the way his lips pressed and moved so fluidly against yours. “Mm... Love you, too...” You try to answer between kisses. His hand went up to reach the back of your head, keeping your head still as he pushed his lips more.
He lifts you up mid-kiss, making you gasp, and he takes the opportunity to slide his tongue in, licking and sucking your tongue that makes your whole body tingle.
He pulls away slightly, “I want you right now.” He kisses you again, his lips moving back down to your neck, bringing his other hand down, squeezing your waist.
“Here?” You ask, already breathless from the kiss.
“Why not?” He smiles mischievously. “I don't want our lovemaking to be constrained by silly social conventions,” his hands moving lower down to your thighs as he continues to kiss you. “In fact,” he whispers, “I'm a little excited at the thought of risking being caught together like this.”
“So you're asking for it.” You let out a breathy chuckle as he continues to kiss you.
Gojo laughs flirtatiously as you respond, your words only making him more excited. “Damn right, I am.” His body tightly pressed against yours with him between your thighs. “I'm absolutely asking for it,” he adds. “I want you so bad, right here, right now, in front of the whole Jujutsu High if possible.”
He pulls away slightly to look at you again needily. “Please, I need you right now.”
“Here I thought we were just making out.” You caress his arms, looking up at him. “Not that I'm complaining, I love your kisses.” He may be unreadable through his blindfold, but you could tell that his eyes are looking at you with lust, just wanting to take you there and then.
“Well, I'm not really in the mood for ‘just’ making out,” the playfulness in his tone is still there as he speaks. “You can tell by just looking at me right now. I need more.” He presses his lips against yours again, the intensity of the kiss increasing if possible. He begins to grind slowly against you, his hands gripping your hips tightly, making you let out a small moan at the kiss. “I want you so bad.” He whispers.
“Okay." You manage to say a word from the kiss that just took your breath away. “Is that a yes?” He whispers, nibbling on your lip. “Come on, baby,” he's already impatient, “Don't make me wait for it anymore. Just let me take what I need,” he gives you a short kiss, “I'm begging you here.”
“You know you don't need to ask for that.” You pull him closer by his nape, claiming his lips with yours once more.
He gasped a bit, quickly returning the kiss, his eyes lit up as he heard your response. “Let me take you right here, right now.” He moves his body against you, rubbing himself more against you.
“I can't wait any longer.” Then, in his most needy and desperate tone yet, he adds, “Please, let me have you.”
You hum in approval at the kiss, and he lifts you up again, carrying you for a few steps towards his desk, placing you on his lap.
“That's it,” he pulls you closer to him, his hands firmly gripping your hips. He begins to kiss you again, his lips pressing forcefully against yours. “Don't make me wait anymore,” he sounds desperate already, full of desire just for you.
You quickly unzip his jacket, opening it wide. He still has a t-shirt underneath. No problem, you'll get to that later.
This time, it's your turn, placing kisses down from his jawline to his neck. He lets out a satisfied moan as he feels your lips moving down his jawline, and he lets his jacket hang loosely on his shoulders, his hands moving to rest on your waist. His skin feels warm and soft, and he slowly brings his hands up toward the back of your head as you continue to kiss him, leaving a few hickeys on the way.
“Ah... yes...” He tilts his head back. He pulls you closer, urging you to move on his lap. “I need you now,” he grabs the back of your hair slightly to pull you away from his neck to kiss you again. He really can't get enough of the taste of your lips. He just wants more and more.
You lean back, breathless. He takes the opportunity to remove your top, “Is this the way you want it?” He asks, pulling it off your shoulder. “Do you like what I'm doing to you?” He leans to kiss the place above your breast that is covered by your bra.
“Yes...” You grasp his hair, looking down at what he's doing. “Good.” He moves down to nibble the skin of your breast, his fingers teasingly playing with the strap. He kisses up to the side of your neck, his finger reaching the back of your bra to unclasp it, until—
“What are you doing?”
You both stopped abruptly as you both looked at the door.
It's the person you've known since high school,
Principal Yaga.
“Oh, hey, Yaga-sensei.” He waved a hand and his other arm still held your body close to him. “It's nothing serious," he replies casually. “We were just discussing some training methods. As you see, we are quite busy right now.” He leans forward to give you a short kiss, his tone remains relaxed and unbothered. He's just being his usual self. “Sorry if we made too much noise. I didn't even notice. We'll be finished in a few moments.”
And he's smiling so lightly as he says so like this isn't even a big deal, which it is not at all, for him.
Yaga could only sigh, “What did I tell you about keeping your private matters away in the public?” He doesn't even sound angry, he already knows you two are going to keep doing it anyway.
That is because Yaga has already been used to the sight of you and Gojo making out at some random places ever since you were in high school.
Yes, that's right.
Everyone who has visited Jujutsu High has already seen you and Gojo showing public displays of overload affection ever since you were high school sweethearts until you both became respected teachers at the school.
Gojo continues to look back and forth between you and Yaga, his tone sounding playful and relaxed. “Just a few moments, as I said. We'll be done before the day is out.”
“Besides," he continues, more casual now, “Why should we need to limit our making out to a private space like this one? Love is meant to be seen by everyone, isn't it?” His eyes flit to yours, the playful tone turning slightly flirtatious. “At least, that's what I think,” he grins widely.
You press your lips together, trying to not laugh at his words. Your man really is shameless.
“That's not how it works, Satoru.” Yaga deadpanned, he sounds so done with his antics.
Gojo just chuckles as he leans back on his chair, pulling you along onto his chest. “Oh, come on, sensei. I think love should be expressed freely, without the boundaries of time or space. Love should be seen by everyone. It should be celebrated for all to hear.” He leans forward, kissing you again before speaking. “I mean, why should I need to hide my love for my girlfriend here?” He kisses you again.
“She's too beautiful to go unnoticed. And besides,” he adds, confident and playful, “All that matters is that I enjoy it, and that (Y/N)-chan enjoys it.” He glances at your exposed body behind his blindfold.
You just want to hide yourself right now from how he talks about it. What people think about what he's talking about is completely different from what he's actually implying. You know him too well.
You pull your top to hide your body while you hide your face onto his shoulder, trying to contain the embarrassment and laughter at the same time. “That's enough, Satoru.”
Gojo continues to look at Yaga, who is for some reason just stood there with blank faces and crossed arms, his tone sounding defiant and rebellious, like he was in high school.
“What, you mean that's enough of me or enough kissing?” He chuckles before returning his attention to Yaga, “I'm not hurting anyone. In fact, I would say I'm doing everyone a favor. Wouldn't the world be much happier if there were more public displays of love like this?” He leans forward, kissing your neck again and his hand moves down your body until it reaches your mid-thigh.
Yaga shakes his head like a disappointed father. “Keep yourself busy with something else. I want both of your mission reports done by tomorrow.”
“Of course, sensei. We'll be done after this. Please, don't mind us.” He caresses the back of your head that is still on his shoulder. “I'm sure we'll have our mission reports done by tomorrow.” He presses a kiss on your forehead.
Yaga left the office with yet another sigh, not wanting to deal with this for too long. This defiant man who used to be a student of his surely won't take this matter seriously, like always.
You lift your head from his shoulder. “What was that for?” You finally let the laughter escape after a while holding it back.
“Just a little bit of fun," he cheerfully answered. “Come on, it's not like we were doing anything bad. Maybe a bit distracting, but nobody's going to be upset by two people who love each other so much that they can't contain their affections.” He smiles at you again, “Don't you think so, my beautiful baby?” He nudges your cheek with the back of his finger.
“I want to know." You reach your finger up to his eye to pull his blindfold down, revealing his beautiful blue eyes that you absolutely adore. “You didn't know he's coming because you were too lost in the moment or you just ignored him so he found us out in this position?” You ask rather teasingly.
Judging by how Gojo is, you should have known it's most likely the latter.
“I knew he was going to come,” he replies, the playful tone returning to his voice.
“But I also knew that he wouldn't mind if he walked in on us like this,” he continues, his eyes flitting back to your lips. “Yaga-sensei has known we've been making out around the school for years now. I imagine he's gotten used to the idea of it, by now.” He leans in and kisses you quickly on the lips. “But there's no need to worry about that now. We're alone.”
“Mm, right, right.” You regain your composure after a good laugh.
He nuzzles his nose against yours with a wide smile still on his face. “I love that you're not worried about someone else finding out,” he says. “It shows how comfortable you've become with me.”
“But it also shows me something else,” he continues, his tone turning more flirtatious again. “You like it when others see you as my beautiful, loving girlfriend. You like it when other people have to see and recognize how much I love you. Am I right?” He leans in again and kisses you, his tongue gently teasing your lips as he does so.
“That's right. What if I do?” You smile when you feel his tongue wetting your lips. “I have such a loving, handsome boyfriend after all. I also want to show you off that you're mine, you know.”
With his blindfold off, you can clearly see how his eyes light up at your words. “Well, I definitely don't mind you showing me off,” he continues to kiss you, his tongue moving slowly against yours compared to the previous kisses. “And if I have my way,” he says, his tone sounding both excited and eager, “Everyone will know exactly how much I love you.”
“I think everyone does know that already with the way you are.” You chuckle as you brush back his hair.
He laughs lightly at your response, his eyes flickering with amusement as he looks at you. “Yeah, they do. I suppose it's hard to not know that when I'm constantly praising your beauty and showing off my devotion to you.” He keeps caressing your cheek gently, his eyes gazing into yours. “And I won't stop anytime soon, either.”
He cups your cheeks before leaning to give you a few more short kisses, making a smooching sound on purpose.
“So are you going to let me continue where we left off?”
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This was longer than I expected, what am I doing... 😐️
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jo-harrington · 7 months
Standard Operating Procedures 1.06 (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Eddie’s your boyfriend. Now what?
Previous Part: Disaster Preparedness
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Reader works at the Claire's at StarCourt. Eddie works at TapeWorld. First Dates and silliness, Sickeningly sweet fluff, miscommunication (not in a bad way), sexual tension, smut, allusion to oral sex, PinV Sex
Note: Here we go guys, the penultimate installment of SMVerse. We only have the finale to go. It's been a wild ride, I'm both ready to move on and give my other stories their attention, and also a little bit loathe to let my babies go. They can always make their little appearances in one-shots in the future if I need them back.
Thank you to @deathbecomesthem and @courtingchaos for looking over a few little things. Your insight is always appreciated.
You can find my masterlist here for more featuring our resident Store Manager and all of my other writing.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
"Do I show up with flowers?"
"What's that voice, you don't like flowers?"
"Not really."
How you got to become friends with Steve Harrington, you couldn't tell for sure. One day, he was just a frantic customer running around in a Scoops Ahoy sailor uniform worrying about cherry chapstick, and then suddenly he was sitting in your store once a week looking for relationship advice.
Like today, as he tried to figure out plans to win back his ex.
Or something like that.
It was hard to tell with Steve. Oftentimes you got a half-finished story, as though you were some omniscient being that was supposed to know the other parts already. Sometimes he'd be an apt listener with the patience of a saint as you gave him whatever advice you could, and sometimes, he would go off on a one-sided tangent, and thank you for something that you didn't even know had come out of your mouth.
He reminded you of Jimmy a lot, which was why you were as patient with him as you were.
It was fine; it was a Thursday in January and the holidays were over, that meant the mall was dead. You'd hadn't had a single customer yet and a mountain of shipment to process. He could stay as long as he wanted, as long as he kept bringing cookies as payment.
"Everyone likes flowers," Steve argued skeptically after a moment of contemplation. "You're telling me Munson hasn't gotten you roses or something?"
Speak of the devil...
The shop bell rang, a chain rattled, and leather squeaked, and before you could answer, your boyfriend--you were still giddy referring to him like that in your head--himself chimed in.
"If I was a jealous man," he started with an exaggerated glare at Steve. "I would say you're here flirting with my girlfriend."
You rolled your eyes at his antics and crossed your arms over your chest, both Steve and your menial tasks forgotten momentarily, but you giggled nonetheless.
"What are you doing here?" you asked. "Don't you have school?"
"I came to ask you a very important question," Eddie smiled conspiratorially. "But imagine my surprise when someone else is sitting in my spot."
"It's not your spot. And I'm giving him advice."
"He's hopeless, apparently."
"I'm right here," Steve exclaimed and got to his feet, ready to leave. "I didn't come here to be made fun of. I actually need help."
You were about to deliver a snarky remark to your friend when Eddie held a hand out towards you and led Steve out of the store.
The shop bell rang again and you sighed, lamenting your conversion for the millionth time.
You'd just bully Eddie into buying something small.
After a short time, Eddie returned to the store and approached you with a smug smile on his face.
"What?" you asked.
"Oh, nothing," he replied nonchalantly. "Just playing Cupid, that's all."
"Look at you, hopeless romantic." You opened another box and gleefully picked up a little purple jewelry carding that proudly displayed fuzzy red heart studs. You held them up to Eddie's face and squinted one eye.
"What are you doing?"
"Valentine's Day is coming up," you explained. "Trying to see if my resident Cupid here would look cute in heart earrings."
He slapped your hand away and chuckled.
"You know I would," he teased and then fluttered his lashes at you coquettishly.
"Does that mean you're finally gonna let me pierce your ears?"
"Mmmm, does Claire's have a lobotomy option I could consider first? Maybe next time, sweetheart."
"I knew you hated needles," you shot him a teasing glare. "Alright, why did you skip school today? Spill. What is this very important question you wanted to ask me?"
Eddie shoved his hands in the pockets of his jacket and rocked on the toes of his boots, then began pacing around nervously. Which made you nervous in turn.
"You know, you just mentioned Valentine's Day," he began. "And...actually yeah, they're starting to talk about a Valentine's dance at school. It's corny, they always do it. Paper hearts and cherry punch and sugar cookies and bad love songs.
“And the guys were asking if I was gonna ask you. Well, Henderson more than anyone. I think he has a crush on you if I'm being honest, even though he insists that he has a girlfriend in Salt Lake City, do you believe that? Little liar. Isn’t the whole bit that the fake girlfriend lives in Canad—”
"Eddie," you snapped him out of his tangent with a laugh, trying to calm the butterflies in your stomach. "Are you asking me to the dance right now?"
Ok, a high school dance...wasn't exactly your idea of a good time but...the idea was a bit of a novelty. They didn't have dances like that at your very Catholic, very-all-girls high school. Even prom with the neighboring boys school was...modest dresses and suits and a nice dinner at a banquet hall. No real fun, no real dancing.
Last time you really even danced with someone was at a party Jen dragged you to and then you ended up in a heated makeout session that maybe went a little too far. And wasn't remarkable.
To go to a school dance with Eddie...that would be so sweet and fun. A do over for some non-existent or downright mediocre experiences.
"No, I'm not actually."
Never mind then.
"But it reminded me," he abruptly turned to face you. "That we haven't gone out on an actual date yet."
"Wh...Eddie what do you mean?" you scoffed. "Did you hit your head? We went out on Christmas Eve. Dinner at Benny's."
Eddie had picked you up for work with a thermos of hot coffee that day, you both worked until the mall closed, and then went straight to the diner. The jukebox played Christmas carols only and Ben had two special holiday prix fixe meals: a classic Pot Roast dinner and then one with a little more Benny’s flair—Christmas Dinner style omelettes, candied yam hash browns, and hot cocoa with peppermint whipped cream. You and Eddie ordered one of each and shared.
But you were both so tired that you didn't even talk; you just sat on the same side of the booth snuggled against each other, dozing off and picking at your food until Benny came to wake you both up when he was ready to close.
When Eddie dropped you back off at home, it started snowing right when you kissed goodbye. It was the perfect date.
"I've decided that it isn't our first date," he announced.
"And why is that?"
"Because we didn't even say anything but 'fuck that guy wanting to make a return on Christmas' and 'pass the salt.'"
"You also realize that we've been going out every Sunday since last..." you paused briefly to think back. "May? First week of June?"
"Those don't count either," he shook his head resolutely. "In fact those were specifically not dates."
Funny, that’s how you always thought of them too.
You were about to give in and agree, about to tell him "whatever you say Eddie." He did make a good point and it wasn't like he was calling your relationship off, he just wanted another chance at a first date. What was the harm in that?
But he beat you to the punch, suddenly nervous under your scrutiny.
"Listen, I know it's silly," he crossed his arms over his torso and shrugged. "I just...want to get it right. Make you dinner, see a movie, I know you just told Harrington you don't like flowers but...a bouquet of cookies or something?" He reached over and flicked the bag of cookies on the ear piercing station. "Make you a mixtape, I dunno."
"You made me a mixtape already, Ed."
"Yeah but I want to give you the kind of mixtape a guy makes for his girl."
You melted at his words and fought the smile that threatened to bloom on your lips and butterflies that suddenly fluttered in your stomach.
"And what's on that one that's not on the other one?" you teased, intentionally obtuse.
"You know...ballads and...sappy love songs and..." He froze and you watched as he flushed prettily. "You're making fun of me."
"It's really fun to do," you told him matter-of-factly.
Eddie ran a hand over his mouth and then looked around. He leaned back to glance out into the mall, and then faster than you could react, he ran right up to you, cupped your face in his hands and smooshed his lips to yours in a kiss. You dropped the jewelry you were holding and covered his hands with yours; you took two little steps to get as close to him as you could, and sighed as he broke away to continue pecking at your lips between his words.
"You're a menace." Peck. "You're a trickster." Peck. "And I'm picking you up for a real date." Peck. "Our official first date." Peck. "On Sunday."
You were joined together once again and he paid special attention to your lower lip, sucking on it in a way that made your spine tingle.
"Hmmm," you pulled away, trying to ignore the heat that was overtaking your body. You were still at work, after all. "Sunday huh? I thought Sundays didn't count."
"Well they count starting now." He stole another peck and then backed out of the store. "You have a great day, sweetheart. See you later."
Everyone teased you for your entire shift on Sunday.
Mindy was the first, having already unlocked the gate and counted up the registers for store open.
"Oh lookie here," she whistled. "Miss Lovebird is all dressed up for her date with the wannabe-rockstar."
You did a little spin and a pose for her; not dressed in your Seventeen Magazine best, but something a little more comfortable--still a dress, just a little more you--so you wouldn't have to frantically change for your date.
Chrissy offered to do your makeup on break and then confessed that she had a first date fast approaching too.
"No more Jason?" you asked, trying not to sound too hopeful as she swiped eyeshadow on.
"No, he was kind of..." she sighed. "He wasn't what I thought he'd be like as a boyfriend. I don't think I would've had the courage to end things and go after someone I really liked if I didn't work here though. I've...gained a lot of confidence since being here."
"I'm glad," you beamed at her.
Stacey even apologized for all the jokes she'd made about Eddie before she left at the end of her shift.
"I know I give him a lot of shit, but Munson's actually alright," she sniffed uncomfortably, as though complimenting him was something she was allergic to. "That thing he did at Christmas...the Santa thing? That was really sweet."
"Yeah it was."
Finally, 6pm rolled around and the gates closed. The rest of your team went home and you were left counting down the registers in anticipation as Mindy gave you a talk very reminiscent of the Birds and the Bees that your parents gave you once upon a time.
Before you knew it, Eddie was standing outside with his hands shoved in the pockets of his leather jacket, and you flashed him a quick "five" to let him know you wouldn't be long.
"Ok listen," Mindy got real close to you know, hand on your shoulder, lips close to your ear as she whispered. "If you guys wanna do the ol' Horizontal Tango tonight--"
"What are you 75?"
"--at the very least do it in a bed and not the back of his van, ok?"
"I swear to god," you mumbled under your breath.
"Invite him back to your place. Light a candle. Ambience. Make sure you have condoms."
She started cackling.
"I mean, I guess you don't have to have--
"Utter one more word and you're fired," you pointed at her threateningly.
Mindy immediately held her hands up innocently and then dragged her fingers across her lips like a zipper.
As you finished counting down the registers though, you wondered if you'd only shut her up because she was crossing a line...or if it was because she was actually really good at reading the secret expectations that you may or may not have had for this date.
It was just a first date, nothing was gonna happen. You could think about all of that next time. But…what if…
The store suddenly became unbearably warm.
Before long, the two of you ducked under the gate and Mindy simply waved goodbye while holding back her laughter as Eddie approached you.
"What was that?" he asked, thumbing over his shoulder at her. "Everything ok?"
"She thought she was being funny, but instead she's just an asshole," you explained, trying to laugh off the awkward conversation and illicit thoughts that still lingered in your mind.
"Ah," he nodded slowly, his eyes squinted for a moment and you swore you saw the gears turn in his head. "Yeah...Kyle did the same thing for me too. You remember when I found out the kids had a bet against us? Apparently the whole team had a secret bet going too.”
"And Kyle won?" you questioned eagerly, glad for a change of topic.
"No, Paulie. But P gave me a cut, thanked me for being such a stick in the mud and holding out as long as I did."
"How much?"
"Fifty bucks," he pulled a roll of bills from his pocket. "Gave it to me today and told me to take you someplace nice. Which was the plan anyway, if you were wondering."
The two of you stood there awkwardly for a second before Eddie cleared his throat.
"You look nice sweetheart," he said with a nervous smile.
"Thanks, so do you."
And he did.
He had his leather jacket over a fitted forest green henley, with ripped black jeans and boots. You'd never considered green to be such a favorable color on him, his usual outfits consisting of blacks and reds and the occasional blue, but it was dashing. Brought out the glowing warmth of his eyes, the tiny honeyed flecks that often got lost in chocolate depths.
"I, uh, have something for you," he announced, fishing something out of his pocket. "I didn't have time to do a new mixtape, so you'll have to take an IOU for it. This...might be a little cheesy... but...well, close your eyes."
You followed his instruction and felt him grab your hands and lift them up. He positioned them just so, and then left you standing there as he prepped whatever your gift was.
"It's not my usual thing," he muttered as he fumbled with what-sounded-like a rustle of paper. "But the guys helped me clean out the van--"
"You cleaned the van?" you scoffed. "For me? Eddie I've been in your van before."
"Hey listen," he suddenly sounded offended. "First date and such, you deserve the best."
"I like the clutter in your van," you told him truthfully.
"Listen, if I hadn't cleaned it out I would've never been able to gift you with this, the Mirror of Galadriel. Well it's more like a hand mirror. Hey no peeking!"
He continued telling you about the way Lucas and Will, crafty as they were, helped him make this little surprise during the break of their Friday night session of Hellfire.
"Apparently Sinclair's little sister and her friends make these for each other, and he's helped them. Which, ask me to paint minis for DnD any day; this shit was hard. There. Open your eyes now."
He slipped something over the tips of your fingers and when you opened them you found...
"A cootie catcher?" You asked with a laugh. "Eddie..."
You were about to ask what the deal was when you noticed it wasn't just a folded piece of paper littered with numbers and words, but taped and glued together with bits of familiar papers.
You brought it closer to your face for further inspection, flexing your fingers this way and that to see the bits folded inside.
Was that the logo from Pizzeria Uno? And...a movie ticket?
"Ok, it's not just garbage," he assured you. "I know I don't really clean out my van that often. Shit, there was homework in there that I was supposed to turn in last year. No wonder I had to repeat again. But I guess I never realized that after our not-dates, I sort of left a few things in the glovebox or emptied my pockets in the back to throw out later.
"This...this is from our first outing for pizza. And when we went to see Day of the Dead. I cut up the order form when you paid the last installment on Sweetheart. And this? The menu from that one takeout place we ordered from? That night when...you know...before we went to Chicago? A-and a Chef Boyardee label. Y'know from that one time we ate dinner at your place? Well, actually, I don't think it's from that night.
"I-I know, I'm a walking contradiction," he concluded with a laugh. "I said that this was gonna be our first official date and here I am with a reminder of all the times we weren't dating but...I guess I figured...our times together as friends are just as important as any date. So now that...you're actually my girlfriend, I needed you to know you'll still always be my best friend too."
You felt your eyes water and your heart pound in your chest.
"Do you like it?" he asked nervously.
"It's only," you let out a watery laugh. "Only the best gift I've ever gotten."
"Not even the Boston cassette I got you?"
"Not even that," you shook your head. "Seriously Eddie...it's perfect."
All you wanted in that moment right there was to kiss him.
And you would have, but the lights in the mall concourse dimmed, signaling customer hours were over and that everyone needed to leave.
"You ready?" he backed away from you and held his hand out, fingers wiggling and eager to twine with yours. You gladly took it, expecting to hold his hand as you walked out towards the employee lot, but he surprised you by twirling you in a circle. He spun you into him, tucked against his side, and draped his arm across your shoulder.
You were sure it was gonna be a perfect night. Again.
Because he was perfect.
Turns out the Cootie Catcher wasn't just a gift with little mementos of your friendship, it was the means of which the two of you would decide the fate of your date night.
"I'll pick first," he explained. "And then you pick next ok? You just gotta trust me on this."
Throughout the night you both picked numbers and pinched the corners of the cootie catcher back and forth, back and forth, until you came up with the next activity you would embark on.
"Dinner at...the Hideaway," you read the first outcome that had come up. "The Hideaway? I thought it was the Hideout."
"No, they're two different places," Eddie explained. "Damn, you've almost lived in Hawkins for a year now and you still don't know? I'm a really bad Welcome Committee."
Turns out the Hideaway was a sports bar on the outskirts of town. The bar itself was a little crowded with patrons drinking beers and watching football on the twin tv's that were mounted overhead, but there was a tiny little dining room off to the side that was practically empty.
As you scanned the menu, your eyes immediately caught a glimpse of The Wayne under the sandwich header.
"Wayne as in...Uncle Wayne?" you asked with a laugh, and Eddie couldn't have looked any prouder if he tried.
"Yup," he puffed out his chest. "Nothing amazing ever happens in Hawkins, but if you can guess the Super Bowl winner accurately at the beginning of the season for 5 years in a row, you get a sandwich named after you at a bar."
"Shut up," you laughed. "He did not."
"Swear on my mother's grave," Eddie leaned forward and challenged you.
You both ended up ordering the Wayne, and Eddie spent most of dinner telling you Wayne's Scientific Method to choosing the winners, and then the way the winning streak broke.
"He put twenty dollars in a pool at the plant," he explained. "Figured he'd been guessing right at the Hideaway for so long without getting anything more than a free dinner out of it, he might as well try to win a little cash. Turns out fate only meant for him to win a hearty chicken dinner and nothing more, so he didn't try to tempt the Gods again lest he incur their wrath."
The sandwich was delicious, the company even better. And you held hands across the table pretty much the entire time.
Back and forth, back and forth the cootie catcher went, and you groaned when you saw the outcome.
"I'm not good at it Eddie," you tried to persuade him to choose again. "I'm gonna embarrass myself."
"Too bad, I'm not good at it either. We'll both look like idiots together."
"I'm wearing a dress Eddie."
"This is our destiny!" He exclaimed with a tone of finality, hand on the gearshift to put the van into drive. "And before you try to fight me on it, I'll even let my chivalry take a hit and let you pay for the first round of beer."
Knowing that a win was a win, you agreed.
The Roane County Bowlarama was something out of a time capsule, though, and that in and of itself was a novelty. Casino carpet and funky modular chairs and a neon light that sat over the pristinely waxed hardwood lanes in a very kitschy style that proudly advertised the Bowlarama's foundation in 1960.
It certainly smelled like nostalgia in here.
Eddie went to get your shoes while you meandered to the little concessions counter to get two solo cups of cheap beer and a soft pretzel with plastic cheese for the two of you to share.
As you got your score cards written up, you confided in Eddie that the only time you'd ever been bowling was for a birthday party for a classmate when you were in the 7th grade.
He just laughed and told you it had been the same for him too.
He pointed down to one of the lanes where a family was happily bowling with their two small children.
"If you go over there, I'm sure you'll still see the dent in the floor where I dropped the ball," he whispered. "It was too heavy and I went to go bowl and it dropped out of my hand and almost cracked the hardwood. And I vowed never again."
"Then why did you put it on the Cootie Catcher?" you asked incredulously.
"Well, we've gotta look stupid in front of each other sometime, right?" he reasoned.
“As though we haven’t done that already.” You shook your head. "Eddie Munson, you are something else."
"I know." He bowed proudly and then went to take his turn.
At the end of ten frames, you turned in your scorecards and your shoes at the counter, all the while snickering as the attendant read out your abysmal scores.
You'd beaten Eddie, sure...but it wasn't hard to beat a zero.
Was he really that bad at bowling or had he let you win? You’d never know.
It had been a great night but it was getting late by the time you got back out to the van.
Normally, you wouldn't mind a longer Sunday night out with Eddie, even if you had work and he had school in the morning. Honestly, you couldn't quite give a shit if you were tired for a Monday morning call with your boss or to unpack shipment boxes.
Still, you stopped Eddie before he could fish the Cootie Catcher out of the cupholder on the console.
"What's wrong?" he frowned. "You getting tired? Too tired for a late night snack? I put Dairy Queen for ice cream and Bradley's for a mystery snack adventure as options."
He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, trying to entice you into letting fate take you once again.
The thing was...ending the night wasn't really the thought on your mind. It had been a great night out, reminiscent of those few early Sunday nights, cruising around Hawkins and finding someplace new you hadn't been yet.
But part of the fun of some other not dates with Eddie were the times you got to spend alone. Even recently, as you started cuddling and making out on the couch or stealing kisses in the food court at the little table hidden closer to the JCPenney entrance while sharing cheese fries, it was the intimacy and closeness you cherished. Those times spent together were spent in a world just for the two of you.
And as the night went on and you came to that realization, Mindy's words echoed through your head: Horizontal Tango.
God, ok, that was not the way you wanted to think of it, but it did get your mind on that night. The last time things had started getting heated between the two of you, the night you thought everything had been ruined before you both realized that there were some actual feelings deeper than friendship there.
That had been...nice.
Sure you'd been high, but laughing and groping and kissing and grinding...
Yeah it was more fun to do all of that with someone than to take care of things on your own with your imagination or one of the bodice rippers you secretly bought at Waldenbooks at your disposal.
One of the bodice-rippers with a love interest that your brain had started to fill in with a certain metalhead that was your then-crush and now-boyfriend.
Suddenly the more you thought about it--actively thought about it--sitting here in the van with Eddie, surrounded by the scent of his cigarettes and his Old Spice cologne, having just had probably the best date you could ask for...you realized that you wanted more too. With him.
More than a quick fuck at a party or a romp on a couch.
You wanted Eddie.
First date be damned.
"Sweetheart?" Eddie pulled you from your thoughts. "We can call it if you want. If you're too tired to drive, I can take you home now and...I'll pick you up for work tomorrow before I go to class."
"Uh." You worried your bottom lip, at a loss for words, as your hand still gripped the top of his over the center console. He was being so kind, so chivalrous, so thoughtful with this whole date, all of these sweet plans...you didn’t want to undercut the effort he’d put in.
How did one just ask their boyfriend to have sex with them?
"Do you wanna have sex?"
The words escaped your mouth as though you were on autopilot, and both you and Eddie stared at each other dumbfounded as the question hung heavily between you.
Well that was one way to do it.
"Wha...whe...like? Here? Now?" He stared at you wide-eyed as he questioned. There was a beat and then he shook his head and stared down at your hands in silence.
What you wouldn't have given at that very moment to hear the thoughts that were clearly racing through his head, as he visibly tried to compute the situation you were both in.
You felt your chest get tighter and your heart raced.
See? First date, no fooling around. You should have trusted your instincts.
"I mean...yes,” Eddie finally blurted out. “But it wasn’t on the cootie catcher.”
It was silent for another moment, then you both broke down in hysterical laughter.
Unintelligible words were shared as you both relived the last few tense moments with intense clarity—basking in the silliness that could only be shared between the two of you—and then you both seemed to have a lightbulb moment. Eddie turned in his seat to grab something from the back of the van while you dug for something in your bag.
It was a race to see who could get there first, and Eddie won as he fell back into the driver's seat with a sharpie held in the air like his ultimate prized possession. You abandoned your own search and began carefully unfolding the cootie catcher and before long, on the inner most flaps, new adventures for the night were written.
Blizzards at DQ was soon scribbled out in favor of Your Place.
And Mystery Snacks from Bradley’s replaced by My Place.
Eddie started situating the fortune teller over the tips of his fingers when you grabbed his wrist.
“What if we don’t end up getting either place?” You asked a little stupidly.
“Well then I guess we’re gonna head to the civic center and play Boggle with Gareth’s mom and dad, Sweetheart,” he snarked. “Pick a number.”
Back and forth the cootie catcher went as you called out numbers.
Until Your Place sat proudly on display between you.
“Alright then,” Eddie placed the cootie catcher back into the cup holder and then clapped his hands. “Your place it is.”
For as bold as you both had been in the van, it was unexpectedly awkward when you got into your apartment.
It was a moment of being in a place you'd both been a hundred times together before, but the implication of why you were there made it difficult to simply begin.
You both ended up on the couch for a while, watching some late night reruns and sharing a pint of Rum Raisin until you were calm and comfortable enough to share tentative kisses and touches in front of the glow of the tv.
"This isn't..." Eddie chuckled when you found yourself horizontal on the couch and he kissed his way down your neck and across your décolletage. "This isn't like a porno."
You both broke down in laughter again and he admitted that that thought had been on his mind all night, along with the possibility that this would be waiting for the two of you at the end of the date.
"I had that thought," he continued once the laughter had subsided. "Last time we were like this. That's...do you remember I...god did I honk your boob?"
"You did," you remembered fondly, even though the outcome of that encounter was anything but a fond memory.
"I think that's why I did it," he ran a finger along the neckline of your dress, which caused goosebumps to erupt along your arms as you shivered with anticipation. "I don't need to be anything with you except myself. I don't have to be the...hot boyfriend or the hunky pizza guy or anything. I'm just me, and you're just you."
"You can't make me cry before we fuck," you told him matter-of-factly, and dragged him back up so you could kiss him again.
"Actually," he broke away again and his brows shot up into his bangs. "That's another kind of porno. We can add that to the list for next time ok?"
That set the pace and the expectation for the rest of the night: intimate moments punctuated by words and laughter.
There was no rush, so you took your time to explore one another's bodies. You moved from the couch to the bed and clothes came off one piece at a time, including socks which both of you agreed was the least seductive piece of clothing to remove.
"But I did read about this thing with tights once," you bit your lip in too-little-too-late realization, after you'd chucked your pantyhose into the corner of your bedroom. "It was kind of hot."
"I'm making notes," Eddie tapped his temple twice. "Don't worry. Next time."
And if you ever had the impression that Eddie was a bad student, all of that doubt vanished because he was incredibly studious when it came to your body. Both of you were as you licked and kissed and groped. You took the time to find spots that were sensitive or ticklish, that generated moans or giggles.
Boy, did you find out how much he liked to giggle.
You traced along the hazy ink of his tattoos with the tip of your tongue, in awe of the imagination that he'd put into each piece of artwork permanently etched on his body as he stammered out a brief story of each one. He told you about something he wanted along his ribcage, and when you went to kiss along the proposed path, he burst into a fit of laughter that almost rocketed him off the bed.
Soon there were more panting breaths than breathy laughter. As Eddie took his time worshipping you, committing every dip and curve and crease of you to memory--just like all the other things that he seemed to take note of--and the way you hiccuped and moaned as he lavished you with attention.
You both became teachers, showing one another just how you found pleasure alone--Eddie quick to admit that his solitary ministrations might have been done to the thought of you--before tonight. You were both happy to oblige each other's desires with your hands and mouths.
You quickly realized how much you liked the way that he stuttered your name as you suckled the head of his cock, and he seemed to take that as a challenge when he kissed and sucked your clit in return, the first partner you'd ever had to think to do so and not just fumble with zero thought or coordination.
"I'm a sex god," he boasted, chin resting smugly on your mound after you'd finished riding the crest of your first orgasm. "What can I say?"
"You're so full of it," you scoffed. "But you can say whatever you want if you just promise me you'll do that again."
"Oooh, gonna especially take note of that one," he said mischievously as he walked his fingers up the length of your body and then took your hand in his, both of you ready for the pièce de résistance of the night.
It was a lazy kind of fucking, even though the two of you were as wound up as you were; however, considering that you'd both had an entire day of work and then a lengthy date and foreplay, neither of you could complain.
You could have headboard-banging, heart rate-climbing, frenzied, nasty sex anytime you wanted for however long you'd be together.
"Hopefully forever," Eddie whispered against your mouth after you'd reassured him of just that, as he sank into you and realized that he was more comfortable in the cradle of your arms and thighs than stiffly knelt above you. "You promise?"
"Hopeless romantic," you muttered in return. You moaned as he slowly bucked into you and created a delicious drag of his fingers on your clit again. "But yeah, I promise."
There were very few words after that, just sounds. Pants and sighs and sucking kisses; a few swears as you both found the peaks of your pleasure, and finally an "is there any more of that ice cream" once Eddie collapsed beside you when it was all over.
You both couldn't help but brag how great it had all been come morning, when he drove you back to the mall for work.
Or when you showed up at his place the following night to do it all over again.
Next Chapter: Longevity
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caapsiizzereads · 1 year
I got your heart skippin' when I'm gone
Jamie Tartt x f!reader
Words: 2,3k
Warnings: language, author’s first attempt at writing🥴
A/n: yes, the title is, indeed, a Taylor reference.
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A glass of champagne in your hand, you are standing in the company of Frank, your boss, and a few other of your colleagues, chatting about how good of a job they did at setting up today’s event. A bunch of compliments are also directed at you and Frank for all of the work you’ve done leading up to this. You know you’re great at your job, but moments like this really make you feel fucking good about yourself. At 26, you can proudly say that you are the Assistant Creative Director for one of the biggest jewelry brands in England. And today your company is celebrating the launch of their latest collection that you’ve been working really hard on. The past couple of months have been terribly busy, Frank and you practically living at work and surviving purely on caffeine. But now it’s finally over, and you can just relax, look pretty (“absolutely stunning,” actually, to quote Frank), and sip champagne, while people are singing you well-deserved praises.
The company’s event team really knew what they were doing too. Natalie, your friend from PR, had been very pumped for the night, rambling about all the famous people coming. You briefly went through the guest list, of course, but, honestly, you were more excited about the open bar. But if one of those guests just so happened to be lovely enough, you wouldn't mind indulging in some of that either.
An hour into the party, you were done with all the formalities, and you could switch from your neat glass of champagne to a drink more worthy of a Saturday night. You’re standing by the bar, looking at your phone, when you hear a question, seemingly directed at you.
“Can I get you a drink?” Looking at you, there’s a guy, around your age, dyed blonde hair, pretty face, really nice bone structure. His face looks familiar, but you just can’t remember why.
You give him an amused smile, “You know that they are free, right?”
“And how am I supposed to be chivalrous in these conditions?” he says theatrically.
“If buying a girl a drink is your definition of chivalrous, maybe you shouldn’t even try,” you say, your voice full of sarcasm, but still a smile on your face.
He chuckles lightly and smiles at you, “I’m Jamie.” Really pretty smile too.
“Y/n,” as a force of habit you offer him your hand to shake. The gesture seems to surprise him a little bit, but he goes with it anyway, shaking your hand lightly.
The two of you settle next to each other by the bar with an easygoing chatter. You’ve been talking for about 10 minutes, when Jamie says that he’s a football player, and it finally clicks for you.
“Oh my God.” You tilt your head down and cover your eyes with your hand in embarrassment. “You’re Jamie Tartt. You were in our campaign a few months ago. Fuck, I’m so sorry. My memory, like, resets once the campaign is done and it’s not my problem anymore.”
Jamie smiles almost shyly at your realization. “No, no, it’s fine! I’m sure you go through a lot of those, can’t remember everyone.” He definitely remembered you, though. Not that he’s gonna tell you that. And a part of him is even kinda relieved that you didn’t because–
“On second thought, I do remember you. You were, like, 40 fucking minutes late.” Yeah, that. You didn’t speak to him directly that day, but the look on your face was the most passive-aggressive thing he’d ever seen. Honestly, could give Roy a run for his money. Except that your version also looked kinda hot. But he still would rather not be at the receiving end of that glare ever again.
“I’m sorry! I underestimated the traffic,” he says awkwardly. And to think that this has been going well…
You take a sip of your drink, giving him an unimpressed look.
“I’m not getting invited again, am I?”
“Well, you are on my naughty list, but I wouldn't write you off that fast. You attract a nice audience of sports fans and sportsmen fans.” Jamie can swear you have just checked him out. “And you have a nice neck, you know, makes the necklaces look good. But that’s just my professional opinion.”
You said it in the most nonchalant way, but you might have just become the first person to make Jamie Tartt flustered. He decides to push his luck some more.
“And your personal opinion?”
“That you were 40 fucking minutes late,” you deadpan.
No luck, then.
“So,” Jamie perks up again at your attempt to keep the conversation going, “did you have a match earlier today? Or is it tomorrow?”
“Yeah, it was today.”
“How was it?”
A smug smile appears on his face, “We won, 3-1.”
“Well,” you raise your glass, “cheers to that.”
Jamie clinks his glass to yours, “Cheers.” You both take a sip of your drinks.
“So you’re not into football then?” Jamie asks, once you put down your glasses.
“Nope,” with a dramatic ‘p’. “Don’t take it personally. I’m not really into any sports,” you say blithely.
The conversation keeps flowing easily between you two. 30 minutes later, you are pretty sure that you are taking this man home with you tonight. Jamie seems genuine, in a cute kind of way, (mostly unintentionally) funny, attractive, obviously, and there’s something about him that you just know that he would be such a good time. 40 minutes later, you even consider letting him stay for breakfast. 45 minutes later, however, you start feeling a slight headache, but fuck if you will let it ruin your night, so you decide to just ignore it and hope it will take a hint and go away.
No such luck. The universe must truly hate you, because about an hour and a half into your conversation with Jamie you feel like someone is kicking your skull from the inside. You’ve tried to ignore it to the best of your ability, but this party suddenly isn’t any fun anymore. Fuck. Your. Life. You are aware that Jamie is saying something, his voice being a steady background noise, but you don’t have a clue what he just said because all you can focus on is a throbbing pain in your head. That’s when you know that you should just give up and go home.
Jamie notices your attention slipping away and your smile faltering as he speaks. Then you look away for a moment before looking back at him with a smile, saying that it was nice talking to him and wishing him a good night. You get up from your seat and start walking away before he can even process what has just happened.
You’re putting on your coat when you see Jamie quickly walking up to you with a concerned expression on his face. “Did I say something wrong? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean–”
You don’t let him finish, “No, no, no! You’re good.” Jamie keeps looking at you with an obvious question on his face. “It’s just–,” you gesture at your head with a circling motion, “my head is fucking killing me. So I'm gonna go home, take some Ibuprofen and pray it goes away.”
Jamie’s face changes from concern to understanding. You think that this is it, so you turn to leave, but then he speaks up again. “I can give you a ride?” It was more of a question than a statement.
“No, it’s fine. Really. I’ll just get an uber.”
“It really is no problem. Come on,” he’s looking at you expectantly.
You think on it for a moment and give him an evaluating look. “I’m not inviting you in.”
“Oh. No! I didn’t mean it like that! I was really just–”
“Relax. I was just making sure you don’t have any false hopes.”
“Nope, no false hopes here.”
“Good,” you nod at him.
You walk to his car and Jamie opens the door for you. He sees you smiling at him approvingly.
“See, now you’re being chivalrous,” you say playfully before getting in the car. Jamie closes the door after you and gives himself a moment to blush in privacy. After starting the car, he turns the volume on the radio all the way down and opens a window a little bit for you. You lean back in your seat and give him a small smile, “Thanks.”
Your talk on the way home consists mostly of you giving Jamie the directions and his attempts on small talk.
“Do you get them a lot?”
“No, not really. Only when it’s the least convenient apparently.”
“Maybe it’s because you–“
“If you’re about to say that it’s because I don't drink enough water, I'm jumping out of this car at full speed.”
Jamie’s mouth opens, closes, and opens again. “Actually, I was going to say…” he pauses again.
You raise your eyebrows at him, prompting him to go on.
“I was going to say… that it’s probably because of your hard work schedule, yeah. You know, having to deal with people being 40 minutes late and everything.” He throws a glance at you, checking if he’s managed to save the situation.
That makes you chuckle, despite the pain it causes. “You know what, I think you might be right.”
Soon, you’re parked by your building. “Thanks for the ride. It was really nice to meet you,” you say, before opening the car’s door.
“Yeah, you too,” he smiles at you.
Jamie spends another minute parked by your building. It’s only after you disappear from his view that he realizes that he hasn’t even gotten your number. He sighs and bumps his head against the steering wheel.
Meanwhile, you’re just glad to finally get your hands on some painkillers and flop on the couch, waiting for your head to stop throbbing. But an hour later, when you feel like a person again, your mind goes back to Jamie. You really liked him, huh. Hypothetically, you can look up the paperwork for the campaign he did, and his contact information should be there. Realistically, you should probably just let it go.
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On Monday everything goes back to normal. After the workload that you had to deal with before the launch, the lack of a hundred points on your to-do list and constant burning deadlines almost feels like a vacation. And judging by the laid-back atmosphere at the office, you’re not the only one who feels this way.
You go out for lunch with Natalie, and after she’s done catching you up on all the fresh gossip, she can’t help but ask about your chat with Jamie Tartt. You tell her that’s exactly what it was, just a chat at the party.
She looks at you like she knows something you don’t. “That’s interesting. Because Keeley Jones, you know, from KBPR, called me earlier today to ask for your number.”
You give her a look that says “is this supposed to mean anything to me?”
Natalie dramatically rolls her eyes like it couldn’t be more obvious, “KBPR represents Jamie Tartt!”
Now it’s your turn to roll your eyes.
“Excuse me, have you seen yourself in that dress? I totally would ask for your number too.”
You smirk at her, “You have my number.”
“And now so does Keeley Jones. All I’m saying is, if you’re not interested, let him down easily. ‘Cause I'm totally planning on using him for more campaigns. Have you seen those hands?! They were meant to put rings on them. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you–”
You start cackling before she can even finish.
It’s just after 6pm and you’re getting in your car when your phone rings, you don’t recognize the number.
“Hi! (Y/n) (Y/l/n)?”
“That’s me.”
“Hi! It’s Keeley Jones, from KBPR. Natalie gave me your number.”
“Right, she mentioned. How can I help you?”
“It’s more of a social call, actually. Jamie asked me to ask for your number. You know, Jamie Tartt, the footballer? He said you met at the brand party the other night.”
You smile to yourself, “Yeah, no, I remember him.”
“I was just gonna check if it’s okay with you?”
“Yeah, it’s fine. Thanks for asking me first, though.”
“Of course!”
Keeley then congratulates you on your launch, and you tell her that she should totally come to the next one.
Not even an hour later, another call, another unknown number.
“Hi. It’s Jamie. Tartt. We met–”
“I know. Did you ask Keeley to ask Natalie for my number?” you ask teasingly.
“Maybe…? The alternative was to wait for you outside your building, but that would be creepy.”
“Yeah, better not do that.“
“Right. Uh, how’s your head?”
You chuckle at the question, “It’s fine.”
“Good, that’s good.”
“Mhm,” an amused smile is growing on your face.
“So… I was gonna ask, do you want to, I mean, if you’re not busy, maybe we could go out for dinner?” You can easily tell that he’s nervous, it’s quite cute actually.
“Alright,” the easiest yes you have ever said.
“Yeah?” Jamie wants to smack himself in the face for how hopeful that came out.
You chuckle again, “Yeah.”
“Cool. Uh, are you free tomorrow?”
“I can do tomorrow.”
“Fucking mint. I will pick you up? At seven?” You can hear the excitmenet in his voice.
“Okay,” he grins.
“See you tomorrow then,” and if you’re smiling then there’s no witnesses and no one will prove anything.
“Yeah, see you,” and if he’s grinning like an idiot then it’s no one’s business.
“Oh, and Jamie?”
“Don’t be fucking late.”
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sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
Hi! Could you do a shion x reader where he has a gf that’s way of his league. Shion introduces her to the rest of the tenjiku gang. They can’t believe that the out of everyone shion managed to bag a baddie. Our dear reader loves Shion a lot 😭
It's a Shion Supremacy around here, ladies and gents!
I Mean It: Shion Madarame x Fem!Reader
wc: 636
tw: smut
"Th-the meeting is gonna start soooooooon!"
Shion isn't whining, you note, sucking up his length and flicking your wrist around his tip before lowering back down. He's just overstimulated.
"Give me a sec, babe," you urge him, still working your mouth around his heavy cock and slurping loudly. "Need to finish." Shion doesn't protest, lacing his fingers through your hair and grunting softly. "Just relax."
All the air leaves Shion's body when you finally take him down your throat, every inch of him nestled sweetly in your beautiful mouth. He practically jumps in the driver's seat, holding onto you for dear life as you suck loudly, coming back up for air.
"'m gonna cum," he whispers huskily, squeezing his eyes shut as your head bobs up and down and you make those little gagging noises he loves. Without much effort, he tenses up and begins to stutter his hips as thick ropes of cum fill your mouth. When you've swallowed every drop, Shion pulls you up and kisses you on the mouth without hesitation.
"I'm fucking lucky," he grins, biting his lower lip and eyeing you with a hungry look. "So lucky to have a girl like you. Can't wait until they see you."
And so you walk into the pitiful warehouse, hand in hand with your beau and observing the place with a displeased look. "This is where he brings you all to meet?"
"Better here than where we were a few years ago," the blonde mutters, wrapping his arm around your waist and holding you close. "Shipyards are private but not glamorous." Shion nips at your ear playfully and you giggle, letting him caress you and say stupid things in your ear.
When you finally get to the space where the other five members are, you stand next to Shion awkwardly, noticing that there aren't any other girls.
"Shion," a white-haired man murmurs. "Who have you brought to our meeting?"
"My girlfriend," Shion pronounces proudly, smirking all the while. "I thought I'd introduce her to you before we started." A long silence precedes intense laughter from all sides of the room. They laugh so loud that it echoes, and you're stuck standing next to Shion, unsure of what to do. He pulls you ever closer, though, and his face tightens into a frown.
"You're a pretty little thing," one of the men chuckles, walking up to you and touching your hair carefully. "How much did he pay you to stand here next to him?"
"Nothing," you quip, shirking away from the man with two braids and a sleepy look about him. "I'm really his girlfriend."
"And pigs can fly," another one scoffs, rolling his red eye. You frown at him, wishing you could sneer at them and make them all believe that you're really his. But when they keep making comments about how Shion "could never" find a woman who looked, talked, or walked like you, you grab his hand.
"Come on, Shion. You don't need their approval." The conversation ceases abruptly, and you take his hand and tug him along with you. "They're just jealous."
"Hold on, hold on," a bulky man calls out before standing. "You say you're his girlfriend."
"I am."
"What side does he sleep on?" Shion isn't sure why Mochi would ask a question like that, but you reply confidently:
"He sleeps like a starfish."
"Yeah, they're fucking." Mochi grumbles, shrugging. "Shion does starfish out in the bed late at night. I'll never forget it in all my years of watching him sleep."
Shion turns to his companions and smirks again. "Such a warm welcome for my girl. Thanks, you guys."
"Congrats," Izana mutters solemnly. "You have me eating my words, Mad Dog. But just this once."
"Once is more than enough, Izana. It's more than enough!"
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chaenniz · 1 year
hi!! could i request a fic where reader falls asleep in the practice room after a long day and yunjin carries them to the car? thank you<33
my dear - huh yunjin x 6th! member reader
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A/N ;; angst definitely after this one.. also wrote this one to this
genre ;; fluff
disclaimer ;; mentions of not feeling like enough
wc ;; 1.8k
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as a member of the globally renowned k-pop girl group, le sserafim, you were constantly under pressure to perform at your best.
you had always been a hard worker, but lately, you had been pushing yourself to the brink of exhaustion.
despite your friends and groupmates' concerns, you couldn't seem to slow down. you were determined to be the best you could be, no matter what the cost.
one day, after a grueling solo practice session, you collapsed on the floor, exhausted. you couldn't remember the last time you had slept properly, or even eaten a decent meal.
you were so consumed by your work that everything else had fallen by the wayside.
it wasn't until you woke up hours later that you realized where you were. you were lying on a bench in the practice room, surrounded by empty water bottles and crumpled papers.
you felt a pang of guilt as you looked around at the mess you had made. you had been so focused on your work that you hadn't even bothered to clean up after yourself.
you tried to sit up, but your body was too weak. you slumped back down onto the bench, feeling defeated.
that's when you heard a familiar voice. "hey, are you okay?"
you looked up to see yunjin, one of your bandmates, standing in front of you. she looked worried, her brow furrowed with concern.
you tried to say something, but your throat was dry and scratchy. you coughed weakly, and yunjin reached for a water bottle and handed it to you.
"here," she said. "drink this."
you took a few sips of water, feeling it soothe your parched throat. "thanks," you managed to croak out.
yunjin sat down next to you on the bench, her expression softening. "you've been overworking yourself," she said gently. "we're all worried about you. the girls are still up at home, wondering where you are."
you felt a wave of shame wash over you. you knew yunjin was right. you had been pushing yourself too hard, and it was starting to show, worrying your fellow members in the process.
"i'm sorry," you said, tears prickling at the corners of your eyes. "i just...i wanted to be enough for you guys. be able to stand on stage proudly next to all of you.."
yunjin put a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it gently. "you’re more than enough" she said firmly. "but you need to take care of yourself, y/n. you can't keep pushing yourself like this."
you nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. you had been so caught up in your own work that you hadn't realized how much you needed someone to take care of you.
yunjin helped you to your feet, her arm around your waist for support. "come on," she said. "let's get you out of here."
as you walked towards the door, you felt your legs wobbling beneath you. you leaned on yunjin for support, feeling embarrassed and weak.
but yunjin didn't seem to mind. she wrapped an arm around your waist, holding you up as you stumbled towards her car.
once you were safely in the passenger seat, yunjin turned to you. "do you want to go home?" she asked.
you shook your head. "not yet," you said. "i don't think i can face everyone right now. can we just...drive around for a bit?"
yunjin nodded, starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot. you watched as the buildings whizzed by, feeling a sense of calm wash over you. yunjin's presence was soothing, and you were grateful to have her by your side.
as you drove around aimlessly, you felt yourself drifting off to sleep. the exhaustion was catching up to you , and soon you were sound asleep again, your head resting against the window.
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yunjin glanced over at you, her heart swelling with affection. she couldn't help but feel protective of you, knowing how hard you worked and how much pressure you put on yourself.
as the car continued to move, yunjin’s thoughts turned to the future. she knew that she couldn't always be there to catch you when you fell.
you needed to learn to take care of yourself, to find balance and rest when you needed it.
but for now, she was content to drive around with you, letting you sleep and offering her support when you needed it most.
after a while, yunjin pulled into a quiet park and turned off the engine. she turned to you, gently shaking your shoulder. "hey," she said softly. "we're here."
you blinked blearily, looking around at the peaceful surroundings. "where are we?" you asked, still feeling a little groggy.
"it's a park," yunjin said. "i used to come here when i needed some peace and quiet."
you nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude towards yunjin for bringing you here. you stepped out of the car and followed her towards a nearby bench, where you sat down and leaned back against the cool metal.
for a while, you two sat in comfortable silence, watching as the world went by. the sun was starting to set, casting long shadows across the grass. the air was cool and refreshing, a welcome change from the stuffy practice room
as the darkness started to descend, yunjin turned to you. "are you feeling better?" she asked.
you nodded, feeling a sense of peace settling over you. "yeah," you said. "thank you, yunjin. i don't know what I would do without you."
yunjin smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "you don't have to thank me," she said. "i'm just doing what good friends do."
you smiled back, feeling grateful for the bond you shared with yunjin.
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as the night deepened and the stars twinkled overhead, you and yunjin continued to talk, sharing stories and memories.
you talked about your childhood, your dreams, and your hopes for the future. you opened up to yunjin in a way that you didn't often do with others, feeling a sense of comfort and trust that you didn't feel with many people.
yunjin listened intently, her gaze fixed on you as you spoke. she felt a sense of pride and admiration for you, knowing how hard you worked and how much you sacrificed for your passion.
she couldn't imagine what it must be like to be in your shoes, to have the weight of the world on your shoulders every day.
as the conversation started to wind down, yunjin suddenly turned to you, her face flushed and her eyes darting nervously. gone was her cool, hot girl persona.
"hey, can I tell you something?" she asked, her voice cracking a little.
you looked at her with concern, wondering what was on her mind. "of course, what is it?" you asked, trying to sound reassuring.
yunjin took a deep breath, her hands fidgeting nervously in her lap. "um, well, you know how we've been spending a lot of time together lately?" she asked, her voice trailing off uncertainly.
you nodded, wondering where this was going. "yes, we have. what's on your mind, yunjin?" you prompted gently.
yunjin looked up at you, her cheeks turning a bright shade of red. "i just wanted to say that, um, i really like you. like, a lot. and i know it might be weird, since we're both in the same group and all, but i just had to tell you," she said, her voice growing more confident with each word.
you couldn't help but smile at her nervousness, feeling a sense of fondness for your dorky, yet thoughtful bandmate.
"yunjin, that's really sweet of you," you said, reaching over to squeeze her hand. "and i like you too, you know. like you as more than a friend."
yunjin’s face lit up at your words, and she let a serene smile grace her face. yunjin took initiative and intertwined her hands with yours, a comfortable silence washing over the two of you again.
that is, until yunjin breaks it. "i want you to promise me something," she said, her gaze resting on yours..
you looked at her, sensing the gravity of her words. "what is it?" you asked.
"i want you to promise me that you'll take care of yourself," yunjin said. "that you won't push yourself too hard, or sacrifice your health for your dreams."
you felt a lump form in your throat, touched by yunjin's concern. "i promise," you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
yunjin smiled, a relieved expression crossing her features. "good," she said. "because I don't want to see you burn out. you're too important to me, to the group, and to your fans."
you nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude towards yunjin for caring so much about you. how did you ever manage to get so lucky?
you knew that she was right, that you needed to find a balance between your passion and your health.
as you and yunjin headed back to the car, you felt a sense of peace settling over you. you knew that there would be more hard days and long nights, but you also knew that you had yunjin by your side, ready to catch you when you fell.
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as the car pulled up to the dorm, yunjin turned to you, her eyes full of warmth and affection. "i'm proud of you," she said. "for everything that you've accomplished, and for everything that you will accomplish in the future."
you felt a lump form in your throat for the third time that night, touched by her words. "thank you, yunjin," you said. "i couldn't have done any of this without you."
yunjin smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "you could have," she said. "you’re just that amazing.”
you both laughed, feeling a sense of lightness and joy in the air. you watch as the moonlight highlights yunjin’s beautiful features, her eyes shining even in the dead of night.
feeling captivated by her, you start to lean in.
you feel a buzz in the pocket of your hoodie, a familiar ringtone playing soon after.
you huff in frustration as yunjin giggles softly. you take your phone out of your hoodie pocket, revealing 4 missed messages and 1 missed call from chaewon, your groups leader.
you call her back, chaewon’s high pitched voice frighteningly deeper than usual.
“where are you two?” chaewon interreogated.
“we’re outside, we’re just about to come in.” you reply back, feeling a little scared as to what was to come for you and yunjin after heading inside.
you hear chaewon sigh on the other side of the, with sakura’s faint voice behind her. “hurry up then, it’s 12 am, curfew’s at 11. you should both know this by now.”
with that, chaewon hung up on you.
you turn to yunjin, who had an amused grin on her face. you stared at her while she stared right back at you.
yunjin leaned in, kissing your forehead. “let’s head back inside?”
your face brightened after her kiss, “yeah, let’s go.”
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A/N ;; first long(ish) fic ina while, i hope it doesn’t suck ass 💀 (I’M SO SORRY THIS TOOK LONGER THAN EXPECFTED ANON)
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hazelsmirrorball · 1 year
Teacher Things | Hazel Callahan
parings: Teacher! Hazel Callahan × Teacher! Reader, Summary: It's Halloween in Rockbridge elementary and Hazel decides it's a good idea to play secret admirer with one of the teachers. a/n: hi! I'm in love with this story. I decided to mix something that I've been thinking of doing for a while Abbott Elementary X bottoms. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did writing it! Also the bold letters mean that they are doing a private interview! warnings: English isn't my main language so excuse any mistake! Not proof read.
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The bell rang loudly filling the halls mixing with the loud voices of the kids that were heading towards their classrooms. The teachers patiently waited outside the door greeting every single kid that entered. The hallways where different from their day to day. Miss L/n had stayed all night up decorating the halls to make them spooky for halloween.
"Hi! I'm principal PJ. I still don't know how I ended up ruling this school but might I say I love it here. I’m the literal queen of this school, everyone does what I say, it’s like I direct them or something. There’s a lot of perks of working at Rockbridge elementary,  Hot teachers, smart kids and the paycheck. Being a principal is the best, so I welcome you to my lovely kingdom. But enough about me, let’s talk about my untalented and ugly staff so you guys can see what I have to work with everyday. Look, there we have one of our annoying second grade teachers, Y/n. I'll leave you guys to it and let me say if you need more beauty shots, I'll be in my office" PJ said while tilting her crown down sending a kiss towards the camera. She turns to the left and the camera slowly follows her walking towards one of the students eating a lollipop. PJ quickly takes it out of her hand and eats it herself. She walks away leaving the kindergartener alone crying in the halls. 
"Hello!! I'm Y/n L/n. But around here everyone calls me Miss L/n. I've been teaching second grade here for about four years now and honestly it's a blast. I love the kids, I love the school, I love my coworkers, I love the classes, I love my mood ...Sorry l am rambling but in my defense it's one of the best holidays of the year. Halloween!  and this year is different because we got the opportunity to dress up this year. They also let me put the whole school in halloween decor. All the kids are so excited to wear their little costumes and eat candies. That’s why I had to step up my game. Guess what I am? No? Okay. Well I’m a bumblebee cause people say I’m sweet like honey and sometimes that is cloying, but that’s nobody's buzzness. Did you get the joke? Did you understand?  Because I am dressed as a bee? I know you got it, I see that smile on your lips, cameraman. Anyway, let me just get to the point, I teach second grade and around here we all love to have fun. Do you want a Frankenstein cupcake? I made them myself" She said with a huge grin stretching out her hand with a cupcake toward the cameramen while the kids in the background made cute cupcakes. Her face was covered in frosting and her costume was covered in glitter. 
Hazel Callahan, giggled as she excitedly greeted her first graders, exclaiming proudly “may the force be with you” as they entered the classroom, her Anakin Skywalker costume intact. She watched as her little students entered the classroom all giggly while holding onto buckets filled with candies she had personally requested them to bring so they could exchange with their classmates. When the last student entered, her eyes trailed towards the end of the hall where she could see Y/n L/n handing her kids a lollipop while they entered. Hazel stared at her in aw, as she did a dance battle with one of the kids that was dressed as a hip hop dancer. Y/n stinger got caught on the door making her fall back as all the kids from her class ran up to her to help her up. She shook them off by saving countless thank you’s. Y/n threw her head back laughing at her kids following the action as Hazel stayed in her place being starstruck by her beauty. She waited a few seconds to catch her eye and waved at her with a soft smile which Y/n happily returned. Being lost by the sudden interaction Hazel couldn’t feel the small child tugging on the bottom of her robes trying to get her attention. 
“Miss Hazel! You are staring at Miss L/n again” The child exclaimed quite loudly making Hazel jump up and panicked. She quickly crouched down to be at the same level as the kid. 
“Alex, what did we say about yelling?” Hazel said softly, trying to push back her flushed face. Alex looked down towards his shoes shaking his head. 
“That we shouldn’t do it. I’m sorry Miss Hazel. I was trying to get your attention because I needed to tell you something but you were looking at Miss L/n. I heard that in their class they are making cupcakes today. What are we going to do? It’s Halloween we should do something fun” Alex said, raising his head and grinning excitedly towards Hazel. Hazel mirrored her expression. 
“Well, I talked to Principal PJ as she said we could blow bombs outside. So after we exchange candies right after recess we can blow some things up” Hazel said resting her hands on his shoulder grinning. Alex quickly squealed in excitement jumping up and down. Hazel followed his actions moving side to side. “Wait, what did you need to tell me that was so urgent?” Hazel said quickly remembering what were his true intentions. 
“I actually don’t remember” Alex said, making a thinking face. 
"Miss Hazel!  Jeremy is kicking me again" a kid screamed from inside the classroom making Hazel quickly enter the room to detain the fiasco before it got worse. Jeremy was quite the fighter and she didn’t feel like cleaning up blood today. 
Hazel Callahan didn't expect to like being a teacher as much as she did but now after being a  teacher for about a year, she was starting to get the hang of things. She enjoyed the kids' presence, they made things actually fun for her and the best thing, aside from the kids, there was Y/n L/n. Having Y/n around made the teaching experience quite refreshing. She was around the same age as Hazel  but she had been teaching there for about four years just like her close friend and English teacher, Josie . Hazel had tried several times to get in their little group but it was quite hard for her to click with the teachers. It wasn’t that they were mean or anything, it was the fact that they didn’t take the rookie teacher seriously. Adding to the fact that Hazel wasn’t the best when getting social clues, for some people, it felt like they were talking to a child while they were talking to Hazel. 
“Miss Callahan, I wanted to inform you that the camera crew just got here today, so don't be surprised if they catch your fine ass. You look quite attractive with those robes." Principal PJ said, peeking her head through the door. Hazel turned around with a scared look on her face seeing PJ wiggle her eyebrows at her. Hazel’s hands dropped stopping the two kids that were originally fighting. 
"Excuse me?" Hazel asked, raising an eyebrow at PJ making her wink at Hazel. 
"I'm just playing but remember that they...Oh look they are here now! Here we have Miss Hazel Callahan. She teaches first grade and she's been working here for about a year, yet she can barely get a hold of her class but we are working on it. So enjoy your time with her. The hottest teacher in the school. Bye" She exclaimed while she left Hazel standing agape in the hallway with a camera crew filming straight at her. Hazel quickly took her glasses off, cleaning them on her robes nervously while the kids screamed as loud as they could in the back of the class, the kids once again starting their fight.
“First of all, I'm not the hottest teacher here, I'll leave that to Brittany and second of all I have perfect control of my kids. Didn’t you guys catch on camera me stopping the fight? " Hazel exclaimed defensively while putting on her glasses and looking at the camera clearly stressed. Her hair was now messy pointing to several directions as her breath was unsteady. 
"Miss Hazel! Help me, Jeremy is still pulling my hair now" a kid yelled from the back of the class quickly gaining Hazel’s attention. She quickly ran towards the back of the class and the camera crew quickly behind her. Hazel tried pulling Jeremy off one of the other kids but he wouldn't move.
"Jeremiah, let go!" Hazel said while falling desperately to get his attention. 
"I'm not letting go Haze! She bit me with her stupid vampire teeth" Jeremiah yelled still not letting go of his grip becoming stronger. 
"First, I told you even though you are stronger than me to call me Miss Hazel. Second of all, we said no bad words in the classroom and that included the word stupid.  Now let's just try to be in a loving mood, it's Halloween, don't you guys want to be in a loving mood?!" Hazel asked desperately, trying to convince the kids to let go of each other. All the kids around them were unphased by the interaction, exchanging candies while the fiasco unfolds.
"NO!" Both of the kids exclaim pushing Hazel down towards the floor. She closed her eyes in pain waiting for a few seconds for the floor to eat her alive. She let out a sigh, dragging herself to one of the classroom doors praying that someone, beside PJ or Y/n, would help her out. 
"How are you kids so strong?! Sylvie!  Sylvie please, please help me. Sylvie I know you can see me" Hazel exclaimed as she gripped on the side of the door from the floor. She reached forward holding her leg desperately not wanting her to move. Sylvie stopped dead in her tracks staring down at Hazel with pity. Her eyes were nearly covered in tears as she begged her to come and help. Sylvie looked towards the break room as she turned her back from it, taking a step into the classroom but not before quickly rolling her eyes at Hazel. Instantly the kids stopped fighting while the ones that were exchanging candies  sat down hiding their sweets.
"How?" Hazel mouthed to the camera while watching the kids stay like statues with Sylvie.
"I'm Sylvie. Please do not associate me with the principal or I will call the authorities against you. If it were my decision, I would have been principal and I would have said no to this little filming festival you have going around here. But since l am not principal, I have to answer your dumb questions.  I am the other second grade teacher here at Rockbridge elementary. The only person I don't get annoyed at in this school is possibly Hazel. She isn't the worst teacher in the world but she isn't the greatest. Kids here can be little shits but I have them under control. Hazel on the other hand doesn't. She lacks control and I truly believe she's one of the kids." Sylvie said to the camera while moving to the side to let into view a giggling Hazel Callahan exchanging her candies  with her students excitedly.
Meanwhile, Josie  and Annie walked together to the break lounge ready to eat their lunch and enjoy their break. Both of them worked on the second floor with the middle school kids and they were exhausted.
"Good evening, I'm Josie and I teach seventh grade english. I've been in this school for four years and quite frankly still don't know why I've stayed so long."
Annie sat down taking her food out of her neatly prepared lunch box while Josie took her mug to serve herself some coffee. Both of them took in the wonderful peace and quiet that surrounded the break lounge, something that it always lacked. But the peace and quiet was interrupted by the door slamming open and a visually alarmed Hazel  coming through, Sylvie following behind shortly after.
"I'm so done with those little pieces of sh.. You"  Hazel took a deep breath pointing at the cameramen. "Stop following me with those stupid cameras. You're making me seem like I'm a bad teacher” She said while her eyes twitched, making Josie hide a chuckle with a cough. She continued to drink her coffee attempting to calm herself.
"I don't think they're making you seem like a bad teacher, maybe you're just being one” Annie  responded while taking a bite of her sandwich making Josie  "cough" even louder.
"Annie.  I came to this school the same time Hazel Callahan did and it still surprises me that she is still here. There were fifty new teachers and surprisingly the only two left are Hazel Callahan  and me, I thought she was going to be the first one to leave, yet here she is, still struggling and still not getting the hang of it" Annie said to the camera while fixing the nonexistent wrinkles of her dress.
"Well, I have you know I am a great teacher! My students say it to me all the time when I get emotional. I bet you don’t even cry with your students. My students and I had a Halloween party, something that didn't even cross your mind to have today. We exchanged candies, had a dance party and watched movies. They love me. I love them. And all you did was bore you kids to death today, I suppose. What did you do? Make them read" Hazel responded angrily while looking at the peaceful Annie. 
"Actually, yes. We read about the history behind witches. Something you can actually do to learn since you come to school to learn not to party. But I guess you didn't get the memo since all you did was go to frat parties in college" She said taking another bite of her sandwich.
"Jokes on you I wasn't even in a frat. But I just know your kids wanted lollipops and by the way I gave my kids lollipops and none of them threw them at each other so I believe that's progress"Hazel said proudly while looking in the fridge giving her back to the teachers letting them see the back part of her robes covered in lollipops.
"Congrats! You are getting better, Callahan. I am really proud” Josie  applauded while placing her cup of coffee down.
“But I don't think you should get your kids hopes up with Halloween. You should show them the gory things that I showed mine today. Real, scary, halloween movies. When they’ll get older they will thank you for teaching them how to survive a psycho. ” Sylvie responded while sitting next to Annie.
"Aren't your kids seven?" Annie asked concerned, raising an eyebrow at Sylvie.
"And your point is, Anabelle?" Sylvie asked while taking a sip of her black coffee. 
“I already told you, my name isn't Annabelle, it's Annie" she said seriously while glaring at the woman.
"I will not stop spreading love in my classroom.I love Halloween and no one and I mean no one  loves 
Halloween more than me" Hazel exclaimed sitting down with her arms crossed. 
"Hellooo fellow teachers!" Y/n exclaimed throwing flower petals in the air while entering the break room. 
"I highly doubt it" Josie responded while looking at her best friend, dressed up in her vibrant yellow costume. She was holding onto a basket filled with sweets while her wings neatly placed on her back. Her hair wasn't styled as usual, instead it was pulled back in two braids with her antennas.
"Happy Halloween to you, and you, and you" She said, handing a beautifully devoted Halloween box to each of her coworkers.
Annie smiled softly, Josie whispered a thanks and Sylvie rolled her eyes, but deep down she loved it. Y/n headed towards Hazel giving her a bigger box than the rest. Hazel blushed hard, taking in the gift in her hand while Y/n placed down her things. 
"Thank you, Y/n. I appreciate it a lot" She said smiling softly but her smile got wider when she sat next to her.
"You're welcome Hazel! By the way, I love your wizard robes. A lot of my students dressed the same. It looks cute" she said, playing with the ends of Hazel’s robes. 
“Actually, Y/n. Hazel’s dressed as An...” Sylvie started but quickly got cut off by Hazel slamming her hand against the table. 
"Thank you, Y/n! I was trying really hard for that wizard look. I really like your bee costume. I know everyone was buzzing about it” She said excitedly while trying to hide her  blush. Y/n threw her head laughing hitting Hazel’s shoulder softly making Hazel blush more if it even was possible.  
"Thank you! I wanted to go all out today, I heard that the party was going to be the bomb.” Y/n said winking towards Hazel which made her grin excitedly. 
“You know about that?” Hazel asked confusedly, while taking her food out of her bag. 
“Yeah! My kids were telling me about some big plan you have after recess. I was so excited for the afternoon party I forgot to bring lunch" She smiled at her while opening a water bottle and looking down at her notes to fix anything that was incorrect for the party the school was throwing later today.
"Here, have my sandwich" Hazel exclaimed quickly, planting the sandwich next to her. She looked up from her paper shaking her head.
“Don't worry about it Hazel. You should eat, I can wait until later.” She responded by trying to hand it back at her but she shook her head.
"Have it, I'm not even hungry" Hazel said smiling softly while shrugging trying not to worry her.
"Thank you Hazel! I owe you one" Y/n said, taking a bite while Josie  looked at the camera suspiciously while drinking her coffee.
"What? I'm not hungry. My stomach is filled with brownies, candies and cupcakes. Plus the cupcake I had this morning, if Y/n’s hungry I wouldn't mind giving her my food!! Or anyone not necessarily her, I give my food to everyone that wants it, look. Here have this kiwi" Hazel exclaimed while taking out the kiwi she was previously eating and handing it in to a kid that was passing by. The kid stared at Hazel weirdly before continuing walking.
"So,what are you guys doing tonight? Anything special planned in this spooky evening" Hazel asked, trying to change the subject while they all peacefully ate. Everyone stayed quiet but Hazel anxiously taped her finger on the round table making Annie groan and speak up.
"Well, since you're being nosy, my boyfriend rented out a movie theater to watch movies tonight” Annie responded, closing her book. Y/n squealed, turning to her with a smile. "It was so romantic. What did you get?" Annie asked, directing herself to Y/n, but she simply shrugged.
“The kids gave me some beautifully made cupcakes, those that count?" She asked sitting next to her, Sylvie laughed making the two girls stare at her.
“It's sad that you want that to count," She said, taking another sip of her coffee.
“Don't listen to Sylvie, she's just jealous the kids didn't give her anything because they are scared of her” Annie said, rolling her eyes as Y/n fixed her posture awkwardly. 
"My kids love me, they know my second grade class is the superior one and they did get me sweets. I just don't like them" Sylvie responded, getting a bag of candy and throwing it on the table leaving Annie in shock.
"Well, maybe you'll get something later, the night is still young" Hazel said suspiciously while looking at the camera with a smirk. As if it were by cue a delivery man opens the door holding a big strawberry bouquet.
“Delivery for Y/n L/n” the delivery man said while reading the card. Y/n excitedly got up taking it in her hands and placing it down on the table picking the card to see from who it was. She quickly smiled at the delivery man saying thanks before he left. All the teachers looked at the bouquet waiting for her to say who it was from.
"From who is it?" Hazel  asked while standing next to her with a huge grin on her face.
"It says spooky berries  from a secret admirer, " she said, picky a strawberry eating it.
Josie, Annie and Sylvie stood outside in the hallways with the camera crew Filming them.
"It was Hazel" the trio said at the same time while rolling their eyes.
"This is beautiful! The person that got me this has to know me really well, I love chocolate covered strawberries. They are literally the best thing to ever exist on this planet"
" You see! I know her well!! I got her that gift and went all out! I'm proud of my hard work and the smile on her face is to die for. So ha! I win Halloween" Hazel exclaimed happily at the camera while grinning.
"Breaks over, I need my teachers in their classrooms so they can take the kids to that dumb party Y/n’s making" PJ said entering the lounge and getting herself some coffee.
"Nothing you can do will ruin my mood today PJ. So I will take that as a compliment" She responded, taking a picture of the strawberries.
"You got yourself that gift? That's sad, even for you L/n" PJ responded while taking a sip of the drink.
"Actually, it was a secret admirer" she responded, not even looking at her.
"Hazel, it was Hazel" PJ said, looking at the camera in the hallway while taking a bite of a strawberry she had taken from Y/n's gift.
"Also how are you guys enjoying the reality show we have going on here?" PJ asked, winking at the camera.
"I feel watched and stalked" Sylvie responded seriously.
"I didn't ask you. Hazel?" PJ turned her head towards Hazel who started to pick up her things so she could head back to her classroom. 
"This isn't a reality show PJ. it's a documentary for schools with poor funding so I don't think we should be proud of that” She said while standing up and putting her tote bag on her shoulder. 
"You know what I'm not proud of, the fact I haven't received my Valentine's Day gift yet" PJ said only for her to hear. Hazel shivers while looking at her with the same expression as before. "Now everyone chop chop. We don't have all day" she continued while applauding obnoxiously.
Everyone started leaving the teachers lounge leaving Hazel to herself to open the box Y/n had given her, she slowly opened the box and opened her eyes wide when she saw the gift.
"Oh, I've known about Hazels' crush ever since she started working here. But I love seeing the reactions she does when she thinks I don't know a thing about the little gestures she does for me. That's why I decided that I should give something back" Y/n said smiling to the camera holding the gift she had received from her. In the background you could see Hazel dancing excitedly and when Y/n turned around to look at her, She froze waving at her trying to act cool which Y/n responded with a smile while quickly turning to her classroom.
Hazel looked at her kids jumping up and down at the party and she smiled. She looked at the camera men and then down at her hand.
"I'm going on a date today" She said screaming while joining her kids in a dance battle.
Josie looked at Hazel and then at her best friend from the other side of the school gym and smiled softly at her.
"You asked her out, didn't you?" Josie asked, looking at Y/n.
"Yes, I think she’s cute." She responded while looking at the dancing Hazel. Both of them looked at how Hazel huddled up with the kids with a box shaped thing in her hands. 
“Wait, is that a bomb?” 
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