#I'mjust here
monorayjak · 1 year
Magnus Archive Characters' MTG Color ID
(In no particular order)
Ground rules: These are largely my personal opinions, so feel free to disagree and suggest your own readings of the characters. This is coming from someone who loves the Magnus Archives, but I've only listened through it one time, so my memory is likely to be iffy in some regard. I'm also reading this through my own interpretation of the color pie to some degree (which is largely the same as the normal color pie, but with a few things I feel line up more closely with a color that the creators have said lines with a different one). I'm going to try and limit myself to just 12 characters, and I will try to nail them into 3 or less colors.
Spoilers for the entire series in some regards:
Jon: Jon's curiosity is both his greatest strength and his greatest weakness. With his emotional connections to others acting as his anchors to humanity as the series progresses, especially in regards to Martin, I don't think it's hard to see him as solidly blue/red. He has glimpses of both white and black as the series progresses. Becoming willing to use his powers to get what he needs and losing himself to them a bit and feeding off innocents is heavily black; but his desire to self-sacrifice in the pursuit to help others, both at the end of the series and his trip to retrieve Daisy from the coffin, as well as his desire to see the entities unable to escape to hurt others in another world is very white. All in all, I think Jon is primarily blue/red.
Martin: Martin is, to me at least, the heart of the Magnus Team. He slowly becomes more willing to hurt others as the series goes on, especially notable during the final season where he encourages Jon to use his powers to kill the Avatars/Monsters they come into contact with. Despite this ruthlessness, I don't see Martin aligned very heavily with black. He's certainly prominent in red due to his empathy and emotional thought processes, and he has both aspects of white and green, desiring to help others and caring for his family, both literally in the form of his mother, but also figuratively in the family the Magnus Team has slowly formed over their time together. With all of this in mind, I heavily think Martin is either red/white or red/green/white.
Tim: Tim. Ah, Tim. Tim is a man with a singular goal in mind: learn what happened to his brother. He acts goofy and lovable during the first season (and is throughout his time in the series, but it gets progressively less), and seems to genuinely care for at least some of his coworkers. With this information I have to say Tim is most likely either mono-black or black/red.
Sasha: Sasha. Sasha is intelligent, adaptable, caring, and a character who tries to help. She may not have had her light shine for long in the series, but by God she made an impact. I have to say she is blue/red/white.
Melanie: Melanie is... difficult to color. At least for me. Her inquisitive nature cries blue, her emotional outlashes cry red, her ruthlessness in her goals cries black, and her desire to completely disconnect herself from the fears cries green in some regard. In totality she fits into all of these colors well, and even falls into white near the end of the series when she tries to protect people alongside Georgie. But, in pursuit of my desire to remain nailing characters into 3 or less colors, I'm going to make a decision; I could see Melanie either falling into black/green/blue, black/red/green, or white/black/green all pretty easily. With that in perspective, I'm going to go ahead and say Melanie is black/green at her core, with different points in time pulling out different colors in combination with her primary two; namely, her time pre-Archives is black/green/blue, her time at the archives with the bullet is black/red/green, and her ending point trying to give hope to others is white/black/green. So, yes, Melanie is primarily black/green.
Elias: The bastard. Elias is obsessed with power and the Eye. He is conniving, cruel, tricky, and a million other things. But, to avoid going on a long rant, I choose to just give Elias' id here: Blue/black/red. Blue due to his schemes and the several layers of backup plans, as well as his connection to the Eye; Black... because he's Elias and he literally murders people because they annoyed him... plus also the whole psuedo-lich things with the body hopping; and finally red, because he enjoys what he does. He is not a stoic man, he is someone who enjoys making others know he's winning, to make them suffer their defeat.
Gertrude: Gertrude Robinson is a perfect example of a blue/black anti-hero. She is largely a hero, but she achieves the goals of saving others through means many people would like to avoid discussing. She is extremely curious, and is much smarter than most in the show give her credit for early on. She was willing to let the world end just to test a theory. She avoids emotional connections. She doesn't seem to want to save the world because she cares for others, but more so because she's curious about the entities, she doesn't want to die herself, and she doesn't want an entity to be unleashed onto the world. So yes, Gertrude is blue/black.
Jurgen: Jurgen is a calm man with a singular goal: Protect the people from the books such as the "Boneturner's Tale" and "A Guest for Mister Spider." While curious and wanting to research the books himself, he makes it clear throughout his time that he is not doing it because he desires power in any real regard, he does not have a compelling personal reason to do it; he simply wants to collect the books to protect them from others and others from them. His curiosity is blue, all the way through. His methodical approach and altruistic goals are white. Jurgen Leitner is white/blue.
Agnes: Agnes is a character we don't really get to know as a person until her episode. We learn bits and pieces of her past throughout the series, but we only have one episode that really shows who she is as a person, so the explanation for her is most likely going to be short. Agnes is red/green, potentially with a bit of white or black. She cares deeply for others, despite being born for the singular purpose to end the world. She sacrifices herself willingly to stop the Desolation's ritual, all because she met one man who showed her kindness and cared for her. She is someone who wishes she could live a simpler life, one where she is not forced on the path of destiny. Despite this, she eventually accepts she is not a person who can remain in the world without consequences, and chooses to give herself up for the benefit of others. Agnes is a perfect example of red/green character who knows destiny exists, but chooses to alter it's course slightly (which interestingly actually leads her into blue because blue is the color that rejects destiny the most, but I digress). Agnes is red/green.
In all honesty, these last three I don't have amazing reasons for, or at least I can't articulate them at this moment, so I'm just going to put the colors and leave it for the time being. I may return in the future to update this. Georgie: Georgie is either black/green or black/red/green.
Daisy: Daisy is black/red/green.
Basira: Basira is white/blue or white/blue/black.
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franzmasc · 1 year
think i'm going to get into star trek
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sexyfemalehb20 · 1 month
About me...
Hello everyone I'mjust your typicalearly30's cardiophile here and i am honoredto rejoin this community. I just wanna tell you all a little about me because a lot of you "doctors" out there are actually very smart.
I am sick. I have a chronic autoimmune disease called Graves disease and for those of you who don't know what that is I will sum it up for you. My body is attacking my thyroid gland and making it hyper active. Meaning my body is using up way more energy than I can store and this makes me so tired all the time. This also affects my heart. I have palpitations often. Some of them I don't feel and some of them actually hurt. So my heart is always racing or was. I'm on medication for my heart currently but it makes me sleepy. Which I really don't need to be more sleepy but oh well.
Anyway I'm happy to share my heart with you regardless, when I am not sleeping that is, and I am happy to still be around. Peace ✌️
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lookthetart · 28 days
I hate instagram because it's all "my husband here, my baby there, my vacation which I did with my fiancé that I paid with the money from my fancy job. Also I'mjust 23" etc. Let me ALONE ALREADY
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jazz-kity · 7 months
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+ you get torn apart cuz the pressure keeping you weird looking gets removed too fast ^
that's interesting though. maybe heres where rift pokemon come from? and zetta like.... was from darchlight cave. which is why he looked like that. or something. bit strange how a solosis' true soul or whatever is a gay blonde twink but i'mjust spitballing here
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Im sorta proud of myself for omething but i can't say it wihtout being concerning and i'd not like to be that for a few reasons. So . I'mjust ganna sit here.
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moonlight-at-dawn · 1 year
Ahagah im fucking crying idk what to do without pain meds "restricting the amount for members safety"my ass, I've been taking this for years and now suddenly im being punished by not giving me pain relief which forces me to need to return to weed, what forces many ppl onto hard drugs m whose fucking safety is this for cause saying it's for mine is a fucking lie and WHY THE FUCK is this suddenly a thing this year, AFTER the CDC said prescribers and insurance went way overboard in holding back on narcotics bc of a fear of prosecution????
Thanks insurance company, I'mjust gonna keep doing drugs that're illegal in other parts of the country (not here tho) bc you refuse ti give me what ACTUALLY FUCKING WORKS
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alexstorm · 2 years
I‘m sorry but I’m slightly tipsy and can’t follow your train of thought. How is marriage even a thing in this situationship?!// Sorry, I'll try to make it more clear. I don't think they are getting married, but the anon that mentioned marriage prompted me to say that, as unreasonable as it may seem from the outside to some of us, at this point I understand that it seems possible to other people. And I think it could also be something remotely thought up by Alex or Louise (utopianly) (here I'mjust using A LOT of imagination). But what I was trying to explain is that, for me, this possibility of thought is motivated by how I think Alex's current state is (in relation to him, his self-knowledge and those around him) and not because the relationship is lasting. But like I said, I don't think it will happen it's just that there is too much uncertainty and it is understandable that without a deeper analysis (or analyzing from another perspective) one might think that it could happen.
Yeah but I don’t think marriage is the first thought here. Quite the opposite.
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eveningclouds · 3 years
Zayn fucking Gigi and you are crying about Zarry lmao
yes actually i am more emotionally invested in a friendshp from 2013 than i am in most of my personal matters
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ourfairdominion · 4 years
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simplyghosting · 6 years
So apparently I have a career readiness/social media project where I have to talk about all my social media accounts and what I post and I’m not sure my professor is going to believe me when I tell them that this is literally the only social media platform I have. 
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Hello~ dunno if you remember me but a while back I sent a lil something about a mccree road trip. All these great prompts make me wanna start actively daydreaming stories to send for your perusal again. I used to write fic but fell out of the habit. I guess this isn't a promise that anything extraordinary will happen, but you're the type of person who makes me wanna challenge myself to do it. (Plus your tags are actually, truly fun to read.) 🐦 - bird emoji bc we stan one (1) young sparrow
Would it be creepy if I said that I remember everyone who submits an ask? (F— it I’ll risk sounding creepy, I’m sure I’ve made more concerning comments. LOL. But yes, of course I remember you!) Moreover, really truly, if you felt inspired and did some writing, I’d be honoured if you sent it my way! Don’t feel like you have to just because you this ask my way (god, don’t I know that writing fanfic is a) fun but also b) totally exhausting) but I hope you know that I’m here for it, from one daydreamer to another.
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I'm, I'mjust gonna leave this here but......Jack McBrayer, but as the voice for Dr. Starline...
I'll let that simmer in your mind for a bit.
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despair-games · 2 years
Student Profile;
Oliver Lifeline
Ultimate Ornithologist
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Oliver Lifeline is a student at Hopes Peak Academy, in a branch within a different country. The despair disease has a high likelyhood of contaminating him. He is the younger brother of Taylor Lifeline
He is intelligent beyond his age, and he is well aware of it, working hard to make something of that, ending up in university at the age of eleven (11) years old. He is often frustrated with others as they 'just aren't intelligent enough' to understand what he wants to say.
"I don't care about being an ultimate, I'mjust filling out the final six years I have left in education. However, being an Ornithologist was an important choice to me. I certainly wanted something that could allow me to assist with my older brother's work. I don't think there are many people as worthwhile as him to see as a role model."
We see here from the interview, he looks up to his brother - more than likely not with his intelligence (looking at their grades, Taylor is going to be heavily relying on his ultimate) but his ability to lead and care for others without fail.
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Unsurprisingly, during the interview, when asked what things oliver likes, he responded with a flurry of different games that make you think to win. However, one surprise was that he said despite how he feels toward most things - he still enjoys watching an episode of feel-good children's cartoons.
"To be simple about it, I require things such as chess or other games that stimulate your brain in the STEM areas. However, one or two episodes of children show nonsense is nice too."
From there, he had a nice discussion on the importance of STEM, and showed quite a bit of disdain towards artistic fields of work and study when asked about them, stating while he doesn't mind the content - its not very important to him.
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Lastly, we must state his medical records, so that we cannot be held liable if he fails to account for his own needs and take precautionary steps with the academy to ensure his safety.
Allergies: Allergic to most medications.
Medical Disorders or disabilities: None known
"I'm allergic to pretty much most medication, so I carry around everything I might need."
We suspect Oliver will be a rather interesting student to have in the academy. We will ensure we will see more of him.
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... Sadistic and gross fourth wall breaker... I don't think you deserve common courtesy in any way, shape, or form. :) Because you probably don't wanna give me any common courtesy. Grrr... Going past the point of no return seems to happen to me pretty often haha- So let's maybe try backtracking to a point of return, yeah? Haha- By the way, you better stay away from Mango or so help me-
I did not lie. All I did was try to be sarcastic back at you since you seem super snarky! Bleh! Don't mess with my emotions or any other part of me!! I will get my happy ending no matter what! That doesn'tmean I'mjust goingto roll over and immediatelygive DK what he wants! I want to be what he needs in order to help him! Plus what the heck are you talking about with things going to plan?! =| Also... please don't ever call me "cutie" again... it's gross and I don't like it... Only DK can call me nicknames like that, and, as far as I can tell, you are not DK in any way shape or form.
- ☆Space Anon☆
"Sadistic and gross fourth wall breaker- now ain't that a mouthful! I deserve the world and I know it, God gives me all the special privileges~ I'm the favourite! PFFF, don't you know what the point of no return means??? There isn't any bsckpedalling once you're off the ledge silly, or maybe you just aren't that bright? d:"
*Flauros pauses to only snort as he begins to mock you
""I'm not going to just roll over and immediately give Dk what he wants!! I want to be what he needs in order to help him!!""
"HAHAHA, Holy shit you think you can help that sick fuck? Oh wow, heh! I'm tearing up over here!! Hehe!".
*your last few word leaves a shit eating grin on his face
"Funny you say that, I could just become Dk if it's his looks that get you so damn excited. Wouldn't that be hilarious? Then I could call you Darling~ (: "
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hey! i just want to thank you like, a whole lot.. i know tumblr shouldn't be my only resource by a long shot for understanding things, and it definitely hasn't been, but your infographics about DID / OSDD and.. well, a lot of discussions had on this blog about things, were kind of my "jumping off" point about understanding it all better. a lot of it, too, being because of the further connection to a lot of like-minded users and / or acquaintances of yours i see around ( osddifficult, dissociatingdingo, etc, all of you have just been so informative and i'm so grateful for all the discussions and excerpts and explanations of things shared )
my girlfriend has DID and ever since she started to be a little more open about it, i figured it would be a good idea to learn more in case i could ever help and be supportive about it. and its just that, with how a lot of the community is here and on twitter and wherever else ( mostly younger folks looking for community, and a lot of behavior is understandable of course ) there seems to just be.. a lot of misunderstanding, a lot of misconceptions about a lot of things ( usually stuff that falls under nonrealization ) and just.. so much discourse that isn't really helpful or very productive.
essentially, i'mjust very grateful that i found myself in this "area" and mindset of it all, starting from the the things you've made and shared here. since then, i've looked into reading a few of the books often reccomended because it honestly just makes me emotional and happy that i am able to do that when i know a lot of the contents can be triggering, because i can warn my girlfriend effectively in advance and be able to discuss and understand things with her instead of having to do that all alone. i find myself always tucking away things that could be helpful or a resource and trying my best to clear up misconceptions ( i ended up doing a ( very reviewed in advance of course ) class project on the topic, and even though the audience was quite small, when are these people ever going to get reliable, unstigmatized information about this stuff? ) because this is important to me now, yknow? its a present thing in my life nowadays, whether it be through my girlfriend or other friends and mutuals, even if not as a direct experience.
i'm sorry this is so long, and you definitely don't need to reply with much, but it really means a lot to me how things domino'd like this and i very much feel like after many months of this year that things make a lot of sense to me. so thank you all ok?
This is so very sweet and thoughtful, and I really appreciate that you took the time to write me.
I am very thankful for our small crowd of likeminded mutuals and friends; interacting inside the DID/OSDD community can feel very lonesome as a 20+ year old when most of the public discussion is about things that don't really align with your experiences or concerns. I'm glad to have these other people to talk to, and that our discussions can be helpful for others in a similar spot.
Wishing the best to you and your girlfriend. It sounds like you're a partner with a healthy sense of curiosity and responsibility. Take good care, anon.
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