#the healing process and the creative process teach us a lot about ourselves
leonbloder · 10 months
The Creative Flow
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I've been thinking a lot lately about the creative process and how it is so inextricably connected to Spirit.
These things go through my head during the wee hours, and lately more so, since I've been having trouble falling asleep until the wee hours.
Maybe it's because I'm now old enough to apply for my AARP card or because of too many sweets before bed, but sleep seems to be eluding me on some nights, and then I'm left with my thoughts.
This is alright because most of those thoughts are fleshed out here, and my thoughts about creativity and Spirit are among them.
You see, I believe that the Holy Spirit (the third "person" in the Christian Trinity) has a specific role within the godhead, and that role is essentially the energy that binds all of Creation together.
Every bit of matter in the universe is made up of energy, and even what appears to be solid--isn't. There is a universe in the desktop I'm typing on right now. Infinite space exists between the minuscule particles that make it what it is.
And my hand resting on the desktop as I work is actually giving and receiving energy even as it appears to be resting there.
You and I give and receive energy when we interact with one another. We can tell if someone gives off negative or positive energy upon meeting them. That, and the scowl they have on their face, or a smile as the case may be.
So, in my humble opinion, the energy that flows between us, in us, and through us is the Holy Spirit. That energy that flows is constantly flowing, always moving, always teaching, guiding, convicting, directing, giving, and receiving.
To put it in mystical, trinitarian language: God creates through the Word or the Blueprint, known as the Christ, and the Spirit sustains and enlivens Creation.
The elements that make up our Earth were the product of stars from eons ago, and these elements are within us and everything. We return those elements upon death to be born again into more Creation--the eternal rhythm of dying and rising.
Similarly, the energy of the Spirit always was, is, and will be.
The Law of Conversation of Energy states that "energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be converted from one form to another." I think that's both fascinating and awesome.
So, what does this have to do with creativity? Well, let me explain by way of a quote I wrote down from famed music producer Rick Rubin:
We begin with everything: everything seen, everything done, everything thought, everything felt, everything imagined, everything forgotten, and everything that rests unspoken and unthought within us.
Though we may not always be aware of it, the creative process at the beginning of all things is constantly repeated with us as we seek to be co-creators with God in the world.
When we imagine a new world filled with peace… When we use our gifts to create beauty… When we bring healing to anything that has been wounded and broken… When we seek reconciliation, that turns enmity into empathy… When we write, paint, sing, compose, fashion art that enlivens the world… When we pray, worship, serve, and love in ways that bring light to darkness…
When we do any of these things, we are tapping into the creative flow of Spirit that has always been and always will be, forever and ever, amen.
Every single one of us is creative. We were made to be. We have the creativity of the ages flowing through and around us. It may be time to acknowledge this and open ourselves up fully to that flow.
We have holy work to do, you and I---creative, life-giving work that we have been ordained to do since before the beginning of time. Step into the flow. It's time to fulfill our calling.
May it be so, and may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all now and forever. Amen.
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Hello~ dunno if you remember me but a while back I sent a lil something about a mccree road trip. All these great prompts make me wanna start actively daydreaming stories to send for your perusal again. I used to write fic but fell out of the habit. I guess this isn't a promise that anything extraordinary will happen, but you're the type of person who makes me wanna challenge myself to do it. (Plus your tags are actually, truly fun to read.) 🐦 - bird emoji bc we stan one (1) young sparrow
Would it be creepy if I said that I remember everyone who submits an ask? (F— it I’ll risk sounding creepy, I’m sure I’ve made more concerning comments. LOL. But yes, of course I remember you!) Moreover, really truly, if you felt inspired and did some writing, I’d be honoured if you sent it my way! Don’t feel like you have to just because you this ask my way (god, don’t I know that writing fanfic is a) fun but also b) totally exhausting) but I hope you know that I’m here for it, from one daydreamer to another.
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aspoonofsugar · 3 years
Jaune: Zero to Hero
Pyrrha: It's not about why; it's about knowing. Understanding dark and light helps us manifest our Aura. Everyone has some of both.
Knowledge, Creation and Destruction all lead up to Aura. This is just another way to say that they lead up to individuality, which is something Grimms lack:
Pyrrha: They are creatures of Grimm, the manifestation of anonymity.
Individuality is conveyed through Choice. This is why Choice is the most important and final gift. It is symbolic of self-actualization, which is what our characters are pursuing in their coming of age story.
Jaune’s personal arc comments the group’s collective journey and marks each stage very clearly.
In which way does it happen? And what do these stages mean for Jaune’s growth as an individual?
Pyrrha: Jaune, do you... know what Aura is?
Jaune: Psch! Of course I do! Do you know what Aura is?
Jaune is introduced as inexperienced and ignorant. He lacks combat experience and knows nothing about key concepts like Aura, Landing Strategy or Semblances.
His journey starts because Pyrrha shares her knowledge with him:
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She awakens his aura, his very soul and later on trains him, so she helps his body get stronger:
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In other words, Pyrrha is the one who puts Jaune on the right path to become a true “hero” and a “warrior”.
This is Jaune’s objective since the beginning, but he initially pursues it in the wrong way:
Jaune: I don't want help! I don't want to be the damsel in distress! I want to be the hero!
He is fixated on an idea of hero which is outdated and has its root in toxic masculinity:
Jaune: Cause this is always what I've wanted to be! My father, my grandfather, and his father before him were all warriors! They were all heroes! I wanted to be one, too. I was just never good enough.
This is why symbolically Jaune wants to be like his male ancestors. He wants to grow into “a real man”:
Cardin: Let's see how much of a man you really are...
And this is conveyed also through his Weapon:
Jaune: It's a hand-me-down. My great-great-grandfather used it to fight in the war.
Jaune did not forge his own Weapon, but he inherited it. Crocea Mors initially represents the legacy he wants to live up to. However, this legacy, instead of driving him, slows him down because he can’t grow until he remains in his ancestors’ shadow. Jaune needs to develop his own individuality instead.
In order to do so, he needs to grow not only as a figther, but as a person too.
As a matter of fact, Jaune’s ignorance is not only limited to the world he has stepped into, but also to the people around him:
Jaune: That's easy for you to say. You've probably got guys clamoring over each other just to ask you out.
Pyrrha: You'd be surprised.
He is so self-focused that he does not notice others’ feelings and hurts them unintentionally.
However, Pyrrha teaches him once again:
Pyrrha:Tell her exactly what you said. No ridiculous schemes, no pick-up lines. Just... be honest.
 It is thanks to her that Jaune manages to become a better man:
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He is even able to call Neptune out the way Pyrrha did with him:
Jaune: Then just go talk to her. No pickup lines, no suave moves, just be yourself. I've heard that's the way to go.
And as a result, even Jaune’s relationship with Weiss gets better:
Weiss: You said you were embarrassed at first. What made you come talk to me?
Neptune: You're looking at him.  You got some good friends looking out for ya.
Because the girl realizes Jaune is not only after her money or her romantic attention:
Weiss: All my life, boys have only cared about the perks of my last name.
But wants to genuinely be a good friend to her.
In short, Jaune starts the story as immature both as a fighter and as a person to the point that he is considered unfit and annoying by other characters:
Glynda: I don't care what his transcripts say. That Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat.
However, thanks to Pyrrha, he is given the chance to mature.
Not only that, but while other characters see a weakness and a nuisance in Jaune’s ignorance and inexperience, Pyrrha sees it as a possibility:
Weiss: Jaune, is it? Do you have any idea who you're talking to?
Jaune: Not in the slightest, snow angel.
Weiss: This is Pyrrha.
It is specifically because Jaune is new to Pyrrha’s world that he is free from bias:
Pyrrha:  That's what I like about you. When we met, you didn't even know my name. You treated me just like anyone else. And thanks to you, I've made friendships that will last a lifetime. I guess, you're the kind of guy I wish I was here with. Someone who just saw me for me.
This is why Pyrrha feels she can forge a genuine bond with Jaune. What is more, the girl has faith in his potential:
Pyrrha: It's all right. I used my Aura to unlock yours, but the energy that protects you now is your own. You have a lot of it.
She sees in him what others do not and helps him develop both as a man and as a warrior.
This is well highlighted by the metal motif the two characters share.
As @hamliet explains here Rwby has several characters linked to the seven metals of alchemy.
The goal of alchemy is to create gold thanks to a process of refiniment that purifies the metal and has it go through several transformations. 
The seven metals are nothing, but a scale that goes from the heaviest and most raw metal (lead) to the most purified (gold) passing through the others (tin, iron, copper, mercury, silver).
For a story, it simply means that a character goes through a process of change that leads to self-actualization.
In Rwby this idea is conveyed through specific characters embodying a metal (Ironwood, Penny, Mercury) or even thanks to metal motifs commenting a specific part of a character arc.
For example, Yang is associated with gold:
I am the golden one Who burns just like the sun
But Adam takes her arm away and has her regress in the scale of metals to iron. This regression is not simply physical, but psychological as well:
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However, Yang re-affirms herself and moves forward. The first step of this process is to symbolically make her new arm “gold” again:
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When it comes to Jaune, I think that he may be the character associated with lead aka the “prima materia” that needs to be molded into gold. Even if this is not true, metal is at least definately still a motif in his arc, as it is in Pyrrha’s. This is why both characters wear metal armors, differently from others.
Pyrrha is already close to her self-actualization and she reaches it in the climax of the Vale arc, where she completes her (tragic) arc and dies a Maiden.
This is why her armor is gold, while Jaune’s is white and gray. Pyrrha is at the top of the metal scale and close to the end of her journey, while Jaune is respectively at the very bottom and at the very beginning.
He is the embodyment of the prima materia that has potential for greatness, but only if he is rightly guided and if he himself works hard.
Pyrrha takes over herself the duty to help Jaune mold himself.
This is underlined also by Pyrrha’s semblance:
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Pyrrha: Well, Ruby has her speed, you have your glyphs. My Semblance is polarity.
Pyrrha can control and bend metals and she shows her power for the first time when she helps Jaune against the Ursa, so that he can overcome his self-issues.
So, Jaune starts the story as the lead and is going through a path of self-refinement which will lead him to become gold, so more similar to Pyrrha herself.
Pyrrha offers him the basic knowledge to start this journey, but unluckily leaves him too soon and now Jaune has to move forward on his own.
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Pyrrha: I want you to know that I'm just happy to be a part of your life. I'll always be here for you, Jaune.
Even after Pyrrha’s death, this stays true:
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Blacksmith: That was some fine metal you brought me. Accents the white nicely. Where'd you get it from?
Pyrrha has become a part of Jaune.
This is a recurring motif in Rwby:
Penny: I won’t be gone, I’ll be part of you.
It is the idea that grieving is a process that leads to acceptance, but also to integration with a lost one. It is a way to have the deceased keep on living through the survivors.
In Jaune and Pyrrha’s case, this is conveyed through Pyrrha’s metal being used to enrich Jaune’s Weapon.
As stated by Ruby:
Ruby: Just weapons? They're an extension of ourselves! They're a part of us! Oh, they're so cool.
Weapons are symbolic of the self, just like Semblances.
What is more, Weapons and Semblances are also a declination of the dychotomy of body and soul, presented by the series.
Weapons are wielded by bodies, while Semblances are a materialization of the soul.
In other words, Pyrrha’s gold becoming a part of Jaune’s Weapon is symbolic of Jaune’s first step in a painful process that will lead him to overcome his partner’s death and to inherit Pyrrha’s legacy.
Jaune must keep on learning from Pyrrha and become more like her. As noted by @hamliet​, this is symbolized also by Jaune’s design aquiring more golden details as he goes on in his journey:
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Jaune: Guess I was going to grow out of it eventually.
Ren: A sign of progress.
Jaune: Progress.
That said, grieving is not easy and Jaune must struggle with much pain and negative feelings.
This is why the changes he makes to Crocea Mors are finalized to increase its attack power:
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It is because Jaune feels anger over Pyrrha’s death and wants revenge.
In the Battle of Haven he gives in to his fury and tries to kill Cinder. He is trying to superficially imitate Pyrrha’s sacrifice:
Jaune: If I die buying them time, then it's worth it. They're the ones that matter.
However, he is not doing it out of bravery or necessity, but out of recklessness and self-hate. This is why his actions lead to this:
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Once again, Jaune risks to lose another loved one:
Jaune: No, no, no, no, not again! Weiss, c'mon, please!!
However, this time he is able to save Weiss thanks to his Semblance:
Jaune: My Semblance?
Nora: How else do you think you're healing her, dummy?
Jaune gives up on using his Weapon to fight and chooses to use his Semblance to cure. He chooses soul over body and Creation over Destruction.
At the same time, Jaune’s activation of his Semblance is meaningful on two levels:
Jaune: No. I don't think I'm healing her. Our Aura heals our bodies. It feels... it feels more like I'm using my Aura to amplify hers!
Nora: Wait, aren't you worried about running out?
Jaune: Pyrrha once told me I've got a lot of it. I still believe her.
First of all, Jaune’s Semblance is rooted in the idea that people heal themselves. His power is not to cure others, but to amplify others’ auras, so that they can become stronger and can heal. It is about bringing out the best in others. It is a power fit for a leader, but also an ability symbolic of Jaune’s own process of healing. He can heal himself through helping others to heal.
Secondly, Jaune’s Semblance is in itself a nod to Pyrrha. Pyrrha used her own aura to awake his and Aura Amp is simply an evolution of this idea. It is not about activating others’ auras, but it is a power that lets Jaune share his. It also makes good use of something Pyrrha noticed immediately aka Jaune’s huge quantity of aura.
In other words, Jaune ends up acting like Pyrrha in the Battle of Haven, but not because he fights Cinder, but because he shares his gift with others, just like Pyrrha did with hers.
Pyrrha is a part of Jaune both in body (Crocea Mors) and soul (Aura Amp), but Jaune must still truly understand what this means.
He makes progress in Lost:
Red-Haired Woman: She understood that she had a responsibility... to try. I don't think she would regret her choice, because a Huntress would understand that there really wasn't a choice to make. And a Huntress is what she always wanted to be.
This is the essence of Pyrrha’s sacrifice. Jaune comes to understand it and chooses to make a similar choice together with his team:
Jaune: I think... I think she knew she wasn't going to win. That she might not come out alive. But... she also knew she was the only one that could try.
Ren: So she did.
Nora: Maybe we should too.
Jaune: Yeah, we should.
In this way, it will be as if Pyrrha were fighting together with them:
Nora: Pyrrha may not be by our side anymore, but we can fight like she is.
Jaune: And in a way... she will be.
Jaune tries to overcome his anger and his sadness for Pyrrha’s death in order to keep fighting like she did.
So, once again he chooses this:
Ruby: I wanted to protect my friends.
Maria: Precisely! It is the desire to preserve life which fuels the light inside you. And to make no mistake, it is light. Preservation is an extension of creation, or, at the very least, an enemy of destruction. The Creatures of Grimm were made by the God of Darkness, but your light comes from his brother.
He chooses to protect life and this is the essence of Creation.
Once he confirms this choice, he is free to explore Creation’s potential and he does so in the land of Creation itself, Atlas.
He strengthens his shield instead of his sword:
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And he trains his Semblance:
Oscar: Nice, your recovery is getting faster.
This all leads him to become stronger psychologically:
Ren: Him on the other hand... There's no fear at all. I can see it, he believes we're going to get this done.
That said, Jaune starts meeting limits to his new found strength rooted in Creation:
Jaune: Ah, sorry. No matter how much I boost you, they won’t go away.
Jaune: Did... I stop the virus?
Penny: No. It’s still there.
Jaune’s way to move forward is to heal himself through healing others. Still, what to do when this is not possible?
Penny: No… there’s not enough time to heal me…
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Penny: But there is something you can do…
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What happens in Atlas is an inversion of Haven.
Penny pushes Jaune’s Semblance away and touches Crocea Mors.
Jaune is asked to give up on healing her and to speed up her death instead. He is asked to choose his Weapon (body) over his Semblance (soul) and Destruction over Creation.
This marks the characters entering the Destruction phase:
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Leaving Creation (Penny) behind.
For Jaune, this means that his own self image that he has worked so much to build and to make his own:
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And that has been enriched in Anima thanks to Pyrrha...is shattered:
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At the same time, he is once again put in a similar spot as Pyrrha:
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They both become unwilling agents of Penny’s death because of Cinder (and Emerald and Mercury in the first case):
Pyrrha: Ruby, I... I'm so sorry.
Ruby: Me too. But it wasn't your fault.
Jaune: She's right. Whoever was on that microphone... they're the ones that did this. And we have to make sure they don't take anyone else.
So Jaune’s journey to integrate with Pyrrha, to understand her and her struggle continues.
What now?
It is too soon to say because we have yet to properly start our journey through Destruction and what it is about.
That said, there are two things that are worth highlighting. The first is a motif Rwby is following, while the second is a general theme found in many stories.
1) As @hamliet​ has stated in many metas and as I have written here, Rwby is an alchemical story. Alchemical stories are usually marked by three important deaths. Each death is symbolically linked to a color. They are usually black, white and red. However, sometimes there can be yellow instead of the white or the red. This is the case here, where a resonant death is the yellow death aka Penny’s.
It is a death that happens while the characters are surrounded by yellow:
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And it happens through a weapon called “Yellow Death” (Crocea Mors’s meaning). So, it is really not subtle. Penny’s death is meant to mark an important passage for our protagonists, just like Pyrrha’s one (the black death).
2) It is common in stories that deal with healers to explore the concept of death as well.
The basic idea is that a healer is a person meant to cure. That said, they will meet people impossible to cure and that will die on their watch. This is an unescapable truth a true healer must live with.
Let’s highlight this theme is found in works very different for genre and culture.
Let’s have two examples.
Scrubs aka an American comedy about doctors deals with this theme multiple times. In many episodes the characters must simply accept they can’t save a life, but must still not lose hope and keep on living themselves.
Yosano from the manga BSD says so:
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Her backstory explores the link bewteen life and death further since it is shown that a power that cures fatal wounds can be used to cheapen life itself:
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It is too soon to say if Rwby will explore a similar theme, but the fact that Jaune, (the healer) is the one that has to speed up Penny’s death might be a very powerful and poignant choice. This is true especially because Rwby does not refuse Destruction (and so does not refuse death), but presents it as a principle equal to Creation (so as a part of life).
Jaune’s arc is about living Pyrrha’s death over and over again with different scenarios and outcomes. This happens so that in the end he can finally overcome it.
So far, it has happened three times and each time has been in the climax of an important battle.
The Battle of Beacon has him witness powerlessly to Pyrrha’s death (lack of knowledge and passivity).
The Battle of Haven has him saving Weiss (creation).
The Battle of Atlas has him killing Penny (destruction).
What is more, every time Jaune becomes more proactive and conscious of what he is doing.
In Beacon he has no idea of what is happening. He works with little information and things happen to him without him being able to do anything.
In Haven his actions lead to Weiss being in danger, but he manages to save her. That said, he does not do it consciously. He unlocks his Semblance because of emotional stress. It is an unconscious choice and not a conscious one.
In Atlas he makes a specific conscious choice, but it is a choice that is forced on him because of external circumstances. It is also a choice that is meant to challenge and temporally break him.
In other words, he is slowly and painfully approaching Choice aka self-actualization. Right now, he has to face the consequences of Penny’s death, but this will probably lead him to finally enter the Choice stage and to complete his arc by becoming a “hero” aka gold (probably).
At the same time, this final choice will also be about healing and overcoming grief. It will be the final integration with Pyrrha and him being able to honor her legacy.
After all, we have been told from the beginning what Pyrrha’s fate would have been. We’ve just failed to notice:
Pyrrha: For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death. I release your soul, and by my shoulder protect thee.
June and Pyrrha’s bond is eternal and she is meant to be the key character in Jaune’s arc. It is only through confronting and finally overcoming her loss that Jaune can finally self actualize and become the person Pyrrha has always known he could be. Pyrrha will symbolically be with him in this struggle. Her memory will protect and inspire him. 
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matchstickdolly · 4 years
Thoughts on Endings and Ethical Creativity
I’ve been thinking a lot about how most of the best stories I’ve watched or read have had a bittersweet ending. I think this is because it is the most likely scenario any of us will repeatedly encounter in life as we end relationships, change careers, move away, bury loved ones, etc. It’s a place where contentment, happiness, and grief can coexist. By extension, it becomes the ending that feels truest.
Whether you personally prefer an ending that might “feel truest” or not isn’t really what I’m on about here. I’m thinking in terms of writing and what resonates widely, while also being creatively responsible.
A happy ending, while nice on occasion and appropriate for some lighthearted genres, often rings false and patronizing if it’s not earned. It doesn’t help that there’s always the chance something will go wrong in our happy characters’ futures that makes it hard not to squint. (Sure, the lovers kiss at the end, but do they survive, I don’t know, parenthood or 2020, or, dear Lord, parenthood in 2020, if they’ve experienced no real hardship?) Sad endings can ring false for a similar reason. Barring death of the primary POV character, there’s always a chance things will turn around, so why end on a depressing note? (Our beloved protagonist is destitute and alone by the story’s ending, but he’s only forty. What are the odds he stays downtrodden indefinitely? Isn’t the story of how he might not rather interesting?)
Overly happy or sad endings that haven’t earned their place through foreshadowing and tone often come out seeming too fanciful/childish, intentionally depressing, or downright incomplete. In my mind, this usually means an ending that shows striving is what will resonate most. Striving for or toward what, exactly, depends on the story. Unless you’re dealing with a character who truly has no reason to work toward or hope for more (e.g., they don’t die, but they have every reason to believe endless misery and/or death is coming soon), ending on a completely sour note seems strange.
And if by the end of a story, a writer finds the only way to impart meaning upon the narrative is to kill off a beloved character unexpectedly, I question the integrity of the story. Death is inevitable and only sometimes predictable, but that’s not a story we need told to us; life teaches us that lesson. The stories we love to tell ourselves tend not to reflect reality, either; they make sense of reality’s chaos, including its unfair death. Often, stories are here to show us death can be faced or even cheated, or that our inability to face its inevitability will be our downfall. Loss is not the interesting part of the story; it is not what imparts meaning. It is how loss is (or is not) faced that makes the story.
Maybe that’s why bittersweet endings work so well. When are we not losing something, even as we are gaining anything else?
On Last-Minute Character Deaths
Related to the above is the question of whether writers owe audiences closure, and I think they do. I’m not one to “cancel” or censor really much of anything, even socially, but as our understanding of mental health and well-being grows, I’ve begun to question the ethics of last-minute tragedies in larger works. It strikes me as privileged and perhaps able-bodied/minded to assume you can knife your audience and their wound will heal without your care to aid them.
As numerous shows have killed off beloved lead characters in or near their series finales in the past few years, I’ve been troubled to think about how many struggling viewers have had to face them, especially this year. We’re surviving tyrants, a pandemic, record unemployment, spikes in domestic abuse, spikes in suicide. It is a dark time.
Does that mean coddling or treacly happiness is what the doctor ordered? No, treacly happiness, unearned, is nearly as frustrating as unearned tragedy, though less likely to cause psychological damage. But I do think it means writers have a duty to tread carefully. Stories matter, and the audience who hears, watches, or reads them matters. By all means, kill a main character, but lay the groundwork for that death and let your audience process the grief with the characters who remain. If this is a main character who’s been around for multiple books or dozens of episodes, realize the grief won’t be processed in a few pages or a single episode.
You can do anything creatively. You can explore any and all dark subject matter. But I think if you close with unexpected pain, you’re not here to write a tragedy, you’re here to be a sadist to people who did not consent to being masochists. Do this to enough people, and you will find your masochists in the crowd, but that doesn’t mean their acceptance of your sadism is more valid than the outcry of those who would never have consented had they been informed.
Endings matter. They’re not to be tacked on as an afterthought or to be used to make a petty point (unless that was the point). Endings are what stay with audiences on their own life journeys. This is a meaningful and potentially powerful connection between creator and audience member that deserves honor and respect.
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ofcloudsandstars · 4 years
March Magical Forecast
Welcome to March and eventually SPRING everyone! This Pisces and Aries season is all about HEALING and making peace with the past so that we can move forward. Though the two zodiac seasons are split in the month of March, the final lunar cycle in Pisces will weave our internal journeys of healing through the month, reviewing our spiritual paths, examining our emotional bodies, shedding beliefs and mindsets that no longer work and making peace with the people of our past along with mending emotional wounds.
In the Pisces half there will be a lot of days with no notable transits so there will be a lot of time for rest and reflection before the fiery excitement of Aries season kicking it off on the first quarter moon. It's a time to reflect on challenges in life and see what is and what's not working in order to grow. Along with healing there will be a lot of opportunities to get work done. Aries season will bring endless transits of lucky boosts in our areas of work, business and responsibilities so it will feel like things are waking up and taking off after hibernation. Though there are a lot of exciting steamy romantic aspects, there are more aspects urging us to heal before we make new bonds. However in Aries season there is a lot of potential for new friends, new opportunities and new lovers. You just need to prioritize the healing or else some of those challenging aspects can hit you like a brick. (One of Aries season's theme is confronting challenges so if you try to skirt past the work it wont end up in your favor later).
Week 1
1 - ☾♎ Moon in Libra
The first day of March has a pleasant and calm vibe as the moon wraps up it's transit in Libra. There are no other notable transits so the energy will still feel high after the full moon however it will be a time to process that energy and integrate it into our lives as we look forward to the new month ahead.
When the moon is in Libra it's a good time for peace and harmonizing spells, glamour magic, love magic especially self love and investing our energy towards the things that we love. There will be a lot of themes revolving around love and healing this month so reflect on what truths the Full Moon in Virgo wanted to show you and think about how you can integrate them in your life to promote more self love.
2 - ☾♏ Moon enters Scorpio
There are no notable transits today other than the moon entering Scorpio. When the moon is in Scorpio it's a good day for shadow work, energy work, spirit work and hedge witchcraft.
3 - ☾♏ Disseminating Moon | Moon Trine Sun Venus in Pisces trines Uranus in Taurus
Today will feel celebratory and exciting! These energies are brought to you by the Moon in Scorpio trining the Sun and Venus in Pisces trining Uranus in Taurus. The Disseminating moon is a time for gratitude as we reflect on what we've accomplished so far on a personal level during this lunar cycle since the New Moon. However if we feel our tasks aren't complete yet its a time to focus more energy towards them. With the Venus and Uranus trine it will bring new and exciting discoveries, people and ventures to our interests in life. In romantic relationships this can cause couples to want to experiment. With artists we may find new outlets to express ourselves. Venus and Uranus trine is a great time for creative experimentation and expanding our perspectives on our interests.
4 - ☾♐ Mars enters Gemini Moon enters Sagittarius
Suddenly our source of motivation and drive may feel a shift as Mars enters Gemini. Here mars is considerably more versatile and flexible, however unlike Taurus, it is less determined and focused. Our interests may become more diversified however our energies may become scattered and sometimes ineffective. Though we may excel in communicating ideas, acting out on them may become more challenging in this cycle. However this time could be about expanding our interests and learning new material. As the moon enters Sagittarius we may feel more optimistic and ready to focus on the bigger picture. It's time to put focus on our true interests and learn more material about them.  
5 - ☾♐ Mercury conjuncts Jupiter in Aquarius
It's a day to expand our perspectives and feel optimistic as Mercury and Jupiter join in the heavens. This conjunction brings good news, optimism and a happy frame of mind. We should be feeling broad-minded, generous and sociable. A great way to take advantage of this energy is to plan journeys and holidays (the best time for this!) or take time to study something new. This energy is great for taking exams or for doing anything that you are supposed to mentally ace. A lucky transit like this only happens once a year! You should also be getting endless ideas today so it's a good time to write them down. This energy can also help you overcome creative/mental blocks as this conjunction will boost our mental energy. One thing to be aware of though is this optimism may make us plan more than we can handle in the future. As long as you are are aware of your limits this should be a great day to make plans for travel and for future fun! Lastly make sure to have fun on this day! Do something you enjoy, call up some friends or take time to learn about something you've always wanted to try out!
6 - ☾♐ Last Quarter Moon
It's a day of reflection as the moon enters it's last quarter phase in Sagittarius. Today we can reflect on our personal and emotional journeys from the start of the New Moon in Aquarius on the 11th of February. In what ways have we aimed to release ourselves from elements in our lives that are repressing us? How did we honor our uniqueness and individuality? Did we feel like we've experienced some type of progression, evolution or freedom during this time? It's a good day to meditate, bring awareness to these aspects of your life and see if you are happy with the lessons you've learned or if there is still more work to do. With the moon in Sagittarius it's a time for expansion and growth so if you don't feel like you've done enough during the Aquarius new moon cycle, this last quarter moon is giving you the opportunity for additional growth and exploration of these elements before it wraps up the cycle. As the Last Quarter moon is a good time for reflection on the previous cycle it's also a good time to do some divination for shadow work. You can look to your sources of divining to see where you should focus your energy for the remainder of the cycle or how you can still honor the lessons of this Aquarius new moon cycle before it ends. Ask your cards is there any way you can make further progress or release certain repressing ideas before the cycle ends.
The week ahead is going to be very peaceful with it's transits until the New Moon in Pisces. It will be a restful yet contemplative period that can allow us to focus on wrapping up our goals or doing internal work before the new cycle begins.
--------------- Week 2
7 - ☾♑ Moon enters Capricorn
There are no major transits today other than the moon entering Capricorn. When the moon enters Capricorn we may find it easier to tackle our to do lists and analyze our emotions and thoughts with more ease. It's a great day to complete tasks as we will feel our sense of responsibility heighten. It's also a great day for ancestral magic, mineral based magic (crystals, earth and metals), strengthening wards and boundaries and as the moon is waning it's good energy to help wrap things up.
8 - ☾♑
The moon continues it's transit in Capricorn today. Today's energy will feel the same as yesterday making it another good day to focus on work and wrapping up projects.
9 - ☾♒ Balsamic Moon | Moon in Capricorn sextiles Sun in Pisces Moon enters Aquarius
When the moon is waning into it's Balsamic phase it's a good time to start cleansing, breaking chords, banishing and clearing anything unwanted from repressive relationships to harmful mentalities that are weighing you down before the new cycle begins. The moon will sextile the Sun in Capricorn making this energy feel productive. The sextile will be the boost we will feel to get everything needed done. As the moon enters Aquarius the themes of our freedom, repression and individuality becomes the theme of our inner landscape again. We will find ourselves reflecting on this lunar cycle starting with the New Moon in Aquarius, what Mercury rx in Aquarius had to teach us about our past, our previous social circles, if they were helpful to our growth and progress or if they were repressive and suppressed our uniqueness. As the moon closes up it's cycle in Aquarius, we will start to understand the lessons of Mercury's retrograde, what Aquarius season had to teach us about our own freedom and individuality and the inner progress we've made during this Aquarian lunar cycle. We will start to understand what roles we may have played in social groups and how that could have shaped the way we see ourselves, if we feel supported or if we feel like an outcast. Certain truths that could have been obscured by social politics or emotional pain and insecurities could finally be understood and help us move on from the past. After all Aquarius is all about progression and individuality.
10 - ☾♒ The moon continues it's transit in Aquarius today. It's a good day to reflect on the themes of the lunar Aquarian cycle, Mercury's retrograde in Aquarius and what we have learned from Aquarius season's lessons.
11 - ☾♓ Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces Moon enters Pisces
Today will feel magical and dreamy as the sun conjuncts Neptune in Pisces increasing our sensitivity, intuition, empathy and magic. Our boundaries may feel a bit loose today so be careful of who you choose to surround yourself in or the environments you have to be in. Of course make sure to protect your identity or information as Neptune aspects can make the scammer, thieves and deceivers come out of their little holes to ruin lives. Make sure to treat everything with discernment as illusions may be more enchanting than usual. On a positive level this is a good time to escape reality through art like the movies or books, music and illustration. We will feel creative today and more attracted to the spiritual world. It's also a good day to practice magic and review our path. Other than exploring our creativity, we can explore our magic and collective subconscious through dream magic. It's a good day for drinking a dream brew and practicing lucid dreaming. Some herbs that help with this are lavender, mugwort (small amounts- and do not consume if pregnant), rosemary and valerian root. Clary Sage helps as a fragrance if you'd like to sprinkle the oil on your bed. However it has a very sharp fragrance that is not too soothing so be sparse with it.
12 - ☾♓ The moon is in Pisces so the energy will carry over to today as well. When the moon is in Pisces it's a good day for art magic, water based magic, dream oracling, boundary setting, meditating, healthy escapism through art and divination.
13 - ☾♓ New Moon in Pisces
A new lunar cycle begins as the moon aligns with the sun in Pisces. We will feel heightened sensitivity and empathy as we will be having four planets in Pisces at this time. (The Sun, the Moon, Neptune and Venus all within four degrees of one another). Pay attention to your dreams during this transit as they will become more vivid and can give you deeper insights towards your current spiritual path. With so much energy focused on Pisces we may feel a sleepiness during the day but also a strong sense of otherworldliness as the realms become blended together. This is the final lunar cycle before the fresh new start coming in Aries season. Pisces lies at the end of each journey, being the amalgamation of all that has come before. As we enter this last lunar cycle, it will be like diving into the ocean-like source as our subconscious connects us to the collective emotions and astral plane. Lunar cycles are all about our inner progress and emotional landscapes. Each new moon begins a new cycle with a theme. As each comes to an end we end up reflecting on that theme and our emotional growth. The Pisces New Moon marks the end of all of the lunar cycles. This cycle will be reflecting on the emotional progress of the entire lunar year starting from the first Aries lunar cycle from March 2020. As it's been a traumatic year for most (last Aries season marked the global lockdown in the western world for most countries), we may be faced with not only our own but the collective emotional sense of feeling restless, lost, confused and unsure of where to go. We will feel a sense of drowning in the dark night of the soul. However this new moon has the energy of surrendering. Surrender to fate, surrender to the tides and let go. In the release and in your dreams you can find rest and in that space of void can birth new opportunities.
This new lunar cycle will have us focus on our emotional body, what we may have absorbed emotionally throughout the year, releasing it and expanding our creativity. Maybe use divination to see how you can expand your creativity, your magic, balance your emotions and let go of/create boundaries for any negative emotions or unhelpful mentalities that are keeping you bound to where you are.
--------------- Week 3
14 - ☾♈ Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces Moon enters Aries
The energy is fantastic for starting something new especially in regards to us using our creativity. With Venus conjunct Neptune in pisces our creativity and compassion is at a high right now. Our artistic pursuits and hobbies could greatly benefit from us focusing our energy towards them. With the moon in Aries there is a focus on new beginnings and taking action. Though the Venus and Neptune conjunct could slow our motivation to get any responsibilities or busywork done, with the moon in Aries we will get some motivation at least to focus on anything that helps us to day dream, be creative or escape. Along with our spiritual perspectives expanding and our creativity being explored, this conjunction can strengthen compassion and spiritual bonds in an existing relationship or bring new partnerships your way. If you are in need of spiritual friends or people in your life that are aligned with your journey, today is a good day to manifest them and work on that attraction magic. However with Neptune aspects it can bring dissolved barriers and deception. Be discerning with whom you let in your space and be clear in who you'd like to attract. This aspect can make it difficult to see people as they are as we could choose to believe in a projected fantasy in our minds about them instead. This can allow deceptive or manipulative people to slip past our boundaries easily.
15 - ☾♈ Mercury enters Pisces
We will feel an energy shift in the mental realm today as Mercury enters Pisces. We may pay less attention to specific details yet glean information from our surroundings through emotions and feelings. Our sense of empathy is heightened during this time along with our intuition. We may experience incredibly vivid dreams during this transit, pick up on others emotions around us with ease and feel a deeper sense of creativity. Unfortunately Mercury in Pisces transit can make us easily prone to escapism and daydreaming which makes these next few weeks more difficult to focus on work and organization. You can take some time to surrender and just escape or explore the ethereal, your magic, your subconscious and dreams. Yet for the times you need to concentrate you should take time to meditate and focus on grounding yourself and shielding. Mercury in Pisces can make us more susceptible to illusions and trickery. It's important we have strong boundaries during this time. Consider working with Hematite and Black Tourmaline during this time. If you do not want to work with crystals, using energy can help with meditation. Practice grounding and setting up a shield around yourself. Make sure to practice discernment especially when giving out your personal information or signing any agreements and contracts.
16 - ☾♉ Sun in Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn Moon enters Taurus
We may feel a sense of things wrapping up or cases getting closed on this day as the Sun sextiles Pluto. This positive aspect gives a boost of energy between the two planets, making us motivated to uncover truths, understand our own or others hidden nature, change deep seated habits, suddenly cut out any unhelpful beliefs, people or situations in our lives and grant us the determination to complete any goals. This sextile is like a helpful trimming of everything unneeded from your life right now along with a boost to complete any essential tasks you need to wrap up. We may feel ourselves suddenly over a situation, ready to move on and distancing ourselves from places or people who may bring the worst sides out of us. Maybe a deeply buried emotional issue or trauma we haven't been able to process can finally be understood with some clarity that can help us move on. On a physical level this can be the motivational boost for us to either cut a bad habit or finally take care of the dreaded laundry chair. It's an empowering time that can help us execute our plans.
17 - ☾♉ Waxing Crescent | Sun sextile Moon
It's a good day to review your new moon intentions and any new projects or ventures you have started and start experimenting! When the moon is in it's waxing crescent phase it's a good time to try new things, experiment and learn something new in our area of interests. In regards to our projects, it's a good time to start on some rough drafts or brainstorm. It's a great time to experiment, make mistakes and take notes on what works and what doesn't. Today the Sun will sextile the Moon giving us a boost of energy to work on ourselves, our personal spheres and interests so we will have the motivation to get tasks done. Reflect on what intentions you've set for the Pisces New Moon and see if there's anything there you'd like to explore or try out. If you wanted to be more creative or process your emotions creatively maybe try to experiment with art today. If you wanted to expand your spiritual perspective maybe try it from a green magic approach and get in touch with nature as the moon is in Taurus. It could be a good time to ground your practice and connect to your local nature.
18 - ☾♊ Mars in Gemini sextiles Chiron in Aries Venus in Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn
It's another day where we will get a positive opportunity to work through some trauma yet also find some solutions to lessons in life. This energy will be brought to us by Mars in a sextile with Chiron. This sextile will give us the motivation to work through some of our insecurities or current obstacles. Whatever we may have seen as a set back we could feel the desire to break through today. This energy will be supported by Venus in a sextile with Pluto which will give us the drive to find alignment with our authenticity. We may be more aware of our passions and interests in life which we would like to devote ourselves to. In terms of relationships this may make us crave finding a soul connection or deepening our relationships on a more profound level. This can also make us want to explore our sexuality more. The two sextiles can give us the drive to work through any deep insecurities, expand our sexuality and be in more alignment with our true selves along with getting rid of any obstacles that are in our way.
19 - ☾♊ Moon in Gemini
There are no major transits today other than the moon entering Gemini. When the moon is in Gemini it's a great time to learn something new, express ourselves through writing, do air elemental magic, music and sound based meditation and musical magic.
20 - ☾♊ Spring Equinox Ostara Sun enters Aries
It's the Spring Equinox!! Blessed Ostara to those who celebrate. Happy Spring and Happy Aries Season!
Aries season feels like a fresh start in the year and the official end of the hibernation season. Our ENERGY is back!! At 100% especially after the restful and dreamy Pisces season. You can always feel the fiery energeticness of Aries season the moment the sun transits into the sign. It's the unmistakable energy of the Mad March Hare, the excitement to spend time outside, and to get stuff rolling into action.
Ostara and the Spring Equinox is all about sprouting in a physical and metaphorical sense. In a physical sense the world around us is starting to bud, sprout and blossom. Reflect on the intentions you have set during Imbolc for this year and see how you can progress those plans and start to materialize them. Review your plans and your goals. Do you see anything starting to bud? How can you bring more nurturing to these areas to help them progress? In a physical sense sometimes when we sow seeds, they do not germinate just because the conditions weren't right. Metaphorically we can take the seeds we've sown as our intentions in Imbolc and see if they have started to sprout. If they haven't it's time to try again and if they have then it's time to move forward! Aries season is about charging forward, trial and error so it's a good time to take stock on what needs to get done and just do it!
Other ways to celebrate this solar celebration and sabbat is to do a final cleanse of your space to say good bye to winter and the hibernation period (Spring Cleaning!), using your preferred method of divining to examine your current path and seek a new direction if you feel you need one, use green magic to sow seeds and write your desires on an eggshell starter or contemplate on new people and experiences to attract into your life. Right now may not be the best time for attraction magic for people but it is for opportunities and experiences. If you need a new job, another chance or even to break through obstacles and barriers it's a good time to send energy that way. The Libra full moon is a great time to attract people your way and do love magic in general, but this year the Full Moon will have a strong focus on healing. This year may not be about advancing our social circle (also most of us literally can't with the new regulations) but astrologically the heavens want us to reflect and heal anyway.
--------------- Week 4
21 - ☾♋ First Quarter Moon Venus enters Aries Mercury in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus
There will be another fiery energy shift today as Venus enters Aries. This will make the first chapter of spring feel exciting with increased potentials for new partnerships, hookups and friendships. Venus in Aries loves to seduce, chase and conquest so the spring fever may arrive early with this transit. While Venus is in Aries, love will feel more spontaneous and direct. It will feel like a brand new start so if you are looking to date again or get over past relationships whether it be an ex or an old friend-group you've grown apart from, this is a good time to meet new people. We may be aware of this energy shift as the moon enters it's first quarter phase in Cancer. We may look back on our Pisces New Moon intentions and reflect on our emotional body or what we may have been carrying emotionally with us from the previous year. We could think about who kept us feeling supported or safe. In a positive scenario this Venusian energy could make us feel more inclined to hang out with loved ones and plan new things to do as things open up. In another scenario it could make us feel like we need new friends and people around us since we are not feeling as supported as we need to be. Alternatively this energy can make us review our values and see if we need to change our current path to align us to what we want and need. The first quarter moon is good for reviewing plans and strategizing and Venus is also about our values. With Venus in Aries we may develop new preferences or styles and there could be a drive to update these aspects of ourselves. Lastly Mercury will sextile Uranus today adding additional excitement to the energy. This transit brings exciting news, potential change of habits and routines but with the chance to learn new things and meet new people. This transit also brings flashes of insight, intriguing dreams that can help shift our perspectives and help us to look forward to the future and make plans. New insights can help solve old problems on this day.
To wrap up, First Quarter Moons are perfect for planning and there is a lot of positive energy helping this to go ahead. Making plans and strategizing would go favorably today. If you do feel restless with all the Aries energy and the first quarter moon creating tension, then today is a great day to focus on the home and do some spring cleaning! The moon in Cancer may give us the boost to want to tidy our space and freshen it up for Spring. It's a good way to channel the energy since its not the best time to go ahead with plans under the first quarter moon.
22 - ☾♋ Mars in Gemini trines Saturn in Aquarius
It's a great day to get work DONE!!! As Saturn is a slow moving planet, this positive aspect with Mars only happens about twice a year. Trines are beneficial aspects that bring a lot of luck, but only if you put the work towards it. However once you do you will notice everything flowing together so smoothly as if you are under a lucky charm. Unlike Sextiles which can give you a boost of energy to get to work, Trines are so harmonious you can easily miss them, so it's good to mark the calendar and remember that today is a great day to GRIND! Set your morning clock to get up early, get a nice caffeinated drink and DOMINATE the day. You will realize how powerful you feel with Mars in a positive trine with Saturn. This transit gives us the strength, ambition and perseverance to take on the hardest of tasks and complete them on time, on budget and with perfection. You WILL find the most efficient way to get the job done. This is an excellent transit to follow through on something you are passionate about or something you have desired for some time to accomplish. Lasting success and practical results can be found in business and work. This is a great time to start a business and expect support from authority figures. Work, responsibility and finding courage to accomplish tasks and goals can all sound draining but today the heavens are giving you a lucky boost to get things done. Think about any tasks you feel you need a boost with accomplishing and set today aside to focus on them!
23 - ☾♋
Today the moon is wrapping up it's transit in Cancer. There are no other notable transits today. Therefore it's a good day to take it easy and rest. When the moon is in Cancer it's a good day for magic in the household such as kitchen magic, bath magic, cleaning and cleansing and gardening. It's also a good day for journaling, emotional reflection, shadow work and self nurturing.
24 - ☾♌ Waxing Gibbous | Sun Trine Moon Mercury in Pisces squares Mars in Gemini
Aries season can feel exciting, rushed, fast paced and hostile, yet as much as we all feel like we are racing through this period, there are definitely some speed bumps to be aware of in order for us to not spin out of control. Today is one of those speed bumps with Mercury in a square with Mars. This square has the huge potential for fights to break out. There is an increase of rushed thinking, short tempers, aggression, rash decision making, jumping to conclusions, all which can make us say the wrong thing or choose the wrong decisions. Take a moment if you can to just reflect, meditate and bring some self awareness so we can navigate the day with a clear head and not make the wrong step or trip on any land mines while we are at it. Others may display more hot energy but it's good for us to do some energetic shielding and be mindful of our boundaries to not get swept up in it. Using this day to reflect (squares are always great for reflection and strategizing!) we can see where we may hold repressed anger or even repressed desires. Strategizing on how we can healthily release this energy or go after what we need or want can be beneficial with this energy. Today the Sun in Aries will trine the Moon in Leo which will bring some luck and positivity to the day. It can be a great day for us to go after what we want but it's good to really reflect and be clear on it before diving right in since the energy will feel chaotic. Alternatively if you don't have anything you are chasing after and you resonate more with the repressed energy and anger aspect, then the moon in Leo is also great for self expression and creativity. It's a good day to channel your repressed energy into a personal creation to get it all out. Also to keep in mind, the moon in Leo means the drama and big egos will come out of everyone so be cautious of big personalities in your life looking for a fight. It's a good day for boundaries.
25 - ☾♌ The energy may still carry on to today, however there are no notable transits. The moon is wrapping up it's transit in Leo. When the moon is in Leo it's a good day for creativity, fire and light based magic, self love rituals and performance arts.
26 - ☾♍ Sun conjunct Venus in Aries Moon enters Virgo
The energy today will feel HOT with the sun conjunct Venus in Aries. This is a nice energy switch from two days before where tempers could be high and people around us aggressive. With the Sun conjunct Venus there will be love, peace, harmony and increased pleasures for all the things lovely in our lives. It's a great day to focus on our relationships, creativity and finances. This conjunct is also fantastic energy for friendships, romance and social influences. With the energy in fiery Aries it's a good time for dating, meeting someone new, sexual exploration or trying out new forms of creativity. It's still not the best time for love spells as the moon will be inconjunct the sun today. This means that the energies are in disharmony so you may not want to invite that energy in your life right now. However we could potentially meet someone new today by chance anyway. With the moon entering Virgo, reflect on your thoughts from the previous full moon (when it was in Virgo, Feb 27th). What insights did you gain? Where could you organize and focus your energy to help manifest your dreams? The energy today could bring us to the next chapter of that journey. Reflect on your path so far to see if you feel you are on the right track.
27 - ☾♍ There are no notable transits today. The moon is wrapping up it's transit in Virgo. When the moon is in Virgo it's a good day to take stock of what needs to be done, organize, review details, tackle any issues and focus on our mental and physical health.
--------------- Final Week
28 - ☾♎ Full Moon in Libra Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries
So usually this full moon is the love spell EVENT of the year however this year 2021 there is a SHADOW work twist to it.
The Full Moon in Libra has themes of harmony, balance and justice but it's also all about partnerships. The full moon opposes the sun bringing together the other side of the element for a full balanced picture. Aries season is all about ourselves, our goals and new beginnings, however the full moon in Libra is about partnerships and what people bring to enrich our lives, help us grow and strive towards our goals together. Especially as the Spring season hastens, this is a great time for love magic and putting out energy to attract someone new.
However since humanity and the universe is experiencing some collective growing pains and the transits want to push us to grow as they challenge us more, our dear planet Venus, the ruler of Libra is in conjunction with CHIRON in Aries. They both will oppose the moon in Libra but that depends where you are, for most people this opposition will occur tomorrow on the 29th when the moon is still full yet no longer at it's peak. To break down what's happening with this energy we need to examine Chiron and the lessons this planet brings. The celestial bodies of Saturn, Jupiter and Chiron have the same similarities that they are all teachers and teach generations certain lessons to overcome. However unlike Jupiter which likes to teach through traveling, expansion and good vibes, Saturn and Chiron get a bad wrap cause they require responsibility and inner healing which are harder obstacles to overcome. In classic astrology Saturn is seen as a malefic where as Chiron is seen as a wounded healer who just exists in your star chart to give you deep seated insecurities and incurable trauma. Both are not true.
Chiron is an alchemist. It is a problem solver and ultimately a healer. It's true that the aspects it may give in your star chart can never go away and it's a sensitive area, however it doesn't serve to be a source of pain but a gateway of understanding of how to empower yourself in that area and in turn empower others once you figure it out. Chiron has three levels to it's energy. First it makes us aware of what hurts and brings this pain to the surface. This is the wounded healer phase. The second phase is healing the wound. This only happens if we are aware of the wound. Like the great lyrics of Elizabeth Fraser, "You Can't Heal what You Can't Feel". Lastly Chiron transforms the wound into a gift. Chiron's glyph is a key helping us to unlock new levels of understanding. Shyness becomes quiet confidence. Low self esteem becomes self empowerment. etc.
We all may have some insecurities when it comes to romantic love because we live in a society that deliberately tells us that some are worthy of love (and eventually reproduction or having a family) where as others aren't. We may look in the mirror and think 'I am undeserving because I am not a good enough candidate' because we were taught good enough candidates have access to money, or can market themselves well on IG, or are close to whiteness, thinness, neurotypical/able bodied- whatever this white supremacist late stage capitalistic society favors. This full moon in Libra wants us to heal. It wants us to look at our past relationships (and I mean all kinds from partnerships to friendships to romantic affairs) and forgive yourself for any ugly situations in order to move on. If you hold negative beliefs revolving around romance (examples: you feel you need someone to complete you, you need a partner of a certain status to elevate/validate you, you feel unworthy when you are single etc.) it's time to release them in order to grow. If you are afraid of love because of the past, it's time to release that pain in order to grow. Reflecting back on the New Moon's cycle starting in Pisces, this full moon wants us to review these emotions we could be holding from our partnerships in the past and previous year and release them. Chiron is similar to Saturn where it does want you to do the work and if you skirt the responsibility, you will feel the pain. However if you work with this energy, it will show you how to love so you can break through the fear and start loving yourself and others for real. In this sense this full moon is about clearing, releasing, self love and emotional growth instead of inviting something new.
29 - ☾♎ Sun conjunct Chiron in Aries
More healing is in the forefront today as the Sun is conjunct Chiron in Aries. Both Venus and Chiron (no longer conjunct though) will be opposing the transiting moon in Libra but at different times. Some of the energy from yesterday during the Full Moon's peak will carry on today creating another chapter of healing. When the Sun is conjunct Chiron we may have emotional pain come to the surface, it can even be the theme of the day, however Chiron wants us to work through the pain in order to heal and find a solution.
Especially after the height of the full moon, it's a good day to rest, do shadow work, spend time alone and heal. If you have a loved one going through it, feel free to reach out if you have the energy to. It's especially a good day to extend compassion to our loved ones and make sure everyone is ok and that they know they are loved.
30 - ☾♏ Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces Venus in Aries sextiles Saturn in Aquarius Moon enters Scorpio
It feels like this day is the day to put what you've learned in your love healing to work. Today Venus sextiles Saturn making the two planetary energies want to work together to build better foundations of love. This can manifest as us wanting to curate long lasting substantial relationships, better friendships and helpful partnerships that can promote our growth. We won't be interested in one night stands or superficial relations today. In terms of our work and finances this may make us want to work on our finances or put effort towards our creative work. Creativity will be heightened today with Mercury aligned with Neptune in Pisces. We may experience an expanded sense of imagination, creativity and incredible dreams with this transit. It may make getting work done a bit more difficult since we will be caught up in day dreaming. However this energy will be appreciated in creative pursuits. The moon enters Scorpio allowing us to feel deeply which can help the healing and creative process. It's a good day for shadow work and spending time alone to bring awareness to our inner worlds.
31 - ☾♏ Sun in Aries sextiles Saturn in Aquarius
The last day of the month ends with a positive aspect between the Sun and Saturn. It's another great day to get things done! We will receive a big boost of energy to tackle tasks and meet our goals. This sextiles gives us patience, perseverance and a strong work ethic. Completing serious and difficult tasks will come more at ease today.
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samwisethewitch · 4 years
Pagan Paths: Reclaiming
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Many pagans and witches are also political activists. Pagan values — such as respect for the planet and for non-human forms of life, belief in equality regardless of race or gender, and personal autonomy — often lead people to social or political action. However, as far as I know, there is only one pagan religion that has actually made this social activism one of its core tenets: Reclaiming. Reclaiming combines neopaganism with anarchist principles and social activism.
This post is not meant to be a complete introduction to Reclaiming. Instead, my goal here is to give you a taste of what Reclaiming practitioners believe and do, so you can decide for yourself if further research would be worth your time. In that spirit, I provide book recommendations at the end of this post.
History and Background
Given Reclaiming’s reputation as a social justice-oriented faith, it’s not surprising that it grew out of activist efforts. Reclaiming began with well-known pagan authors Starhawk and Diane Baker, who began teaching classes on modern witchcraft in California in the 1980s. Members of these classes began protesting and doing other activist work together, and this pagan activist group eventually grew into the Reclaiming Collective.
Out of the founders of Reclaiming, Starhawk has probably had the biggest influence on the tradition. Starhawk was initiated into the Feri tradition by its founder Victor Anderson, but had also been trained in Wicca and worked with figures such as Zsuzsanna Budapest (founder of Dianic Wicca). These Feri and Wiccan influences are clear in Starhawk’s books, such as The Spiral Dance, and have also helped shape the Reclaiming tradition.
Like Feri, Reclaiming is an ecstatic tradition that emphasizes the interconnected divinity of all things. Like Eclectic Wicca, Reclaiming is a non-initiatory religion (meaning anyone can join, regardless of training or experience level) with lots of room to customize and personalize your individual practice.
However, to say that Starhawk is the head of the Reclaiming tradition, or even to credit her as its sole founder, would be incorrect. As Reclaiming has grown and spread, it has become increasingly decentralized. Decisions are made by consensus (meaning the group must reach a unanimous decision) in small, individual communities, which author Irisanya Moon calls “cells.” Each cell has its own unique beliefs, practices, and requirements for members, stemming from Reclaiming’s core values (see below). Some of these cells may stick very closely to the kind of paganism Starhawk describes in her books, while others may look very, very different.
As with any other religion, there are times where a governing body is needed to make widespread changes to the system, such as changing core doctrine. When these situations do arise, each individual cell chooses a representative, who in turn serves as a voice for that cell in a gathering with other representatives from other cells. BIRCH (the Broad Intra-Reclaiming Council of Hubs) is an example of this.
At BIRCH meetings, representatives make decisions via consensus, the same way decisions are made in individual cells. While this means changes may take months or even years to be proposed, discussed, modified, and finally passed, it also means that everyone within the tradition is part of the decision-making process.
Core Beliefs and Values
Like Wicca, Reclaiming has very little dogma. Unlike Wicca, the Reclaiming Collective has a public statement of values that clearly and concisely lays out the essentials of what they believe and do. This document, which is called the Principles of Unity, is not very long, so I’m going to lay it out in its entirety here.
This is the most recent version of the Principles of Unity, taken from the Reclaiming Collective website in February 2021:
“The values of the Reclaiming tradition stem from our understanding that the earth is alive and all of life is sacred and interconnected. We see the Goddess as immanent in the earth’s cycles of birth, growth, death, decay and regeneration. Our practice arises from a deep, spiritual commitment to the earth, to healing and to the linking of magic with political action.
Each of us embodies the divine. Our ultimate spiritual authority is within, and we need no other person to interpret the sacred to us. We foster the questioning attitude, and honor intellectual, spiritual and creative freedom.
We are an evolving, dynamic tradition and proudly call ourselves Witches. Our diverse practices and experiences of the divine weave a tapestry of many different threads. We include those who honor Mysterious Ones, Goddesses, and Gods of myriad expressions, genders, and states of being, remembering that mystery goes beyond form. Our community rituals are participatory and ecstatic, celebrating the cycles of the seasons and our lives, and raising energy for personal, collective and earth healing.
We know that everyone can do the life-changing, world-renewing work of magic, the art of changing consciousness at will. We strive to teach and practice in ways that foster personal and collective empowerment, to model shared power and to open leadership roles to all. We make decisions by consensus, and balance individual autonomy with social responsibility.
Our tradition honors the wild, and calls for service to the earth and the community. We work in diverse ways, including nonviolent direct action, for all forms of justice: environmental, social, political, racial, gender and economic. We are an anti-racist tradition that strives to uplift and center BIPOC voices (Black, Indigenous, People of Color). Our feminism includes a radical analysis of power, seeing all systems of oppression as interrelated, rooted in structures of domination and control.
We welcome all genders, all gender histories, all races, all ages and sexual orientations and all those differences of life situation, background, and ability that increase our diversity. We strive to make our public rituals and events accessible and safe. We try to balance the need to be justly compensated for our labor with our commitment to make our work available to people of all economic levels.
All living beings are worthy of respect. All are supported by the sacred elements of air, fire, water and earth. We work to create and sustain communities and cultures that embody our values, that can help to heal the wounds of the earth and her peoples, and that can sustain us and nurture future generations.”
The Principles of Unity were originally written in 1997, to create a sense of cohesion as the Reclaiming Collective grew and diversified. However, the Principles have not remained constant since the 1990s. They have been rewritten multiple times as the Reclaiming tradition has grown and the needs of its members have changed. Like everything else within the tradition, the Principles of Unity are not beyond scrutiny, critical analysis, and reform.
For example, in 2020 the wording of the Principles of Unity was changed to affirm diverse forms of social justice work — including but not limited to non-violent action — and to express a more firm anti-racist attitude that seeks to uplift BIPOC. This was a major change, as the previous version of the document explicitly called for non-violence and included a paraphrased version of the Rede (often called the Wiccan Rede), “Harm none, and do what you will.” This change was made via consensus by BIRCH, after a series of discussions about the meaning of non-violence and the need to make space for other types of activism.
Aside from the Principles of Unity, there are no hard and fast rules for Reclaiming belief. As Irisanya Moon says in her book on the tradition, “There is no typical Reclaiming Witch.”
Important Deities and Spirits
Just as with belief and values, views on deity within Reclaiming are extremely diverse. A member of this tradition might be a monist, a polytheist, a pantheist, an agnostic, or even a nontheist. (Note that nontheism is different from atheism — while atheism typically includes a rejection of religion, nontheism allows for meaningful religious experience without belief in a higher power.)
The Principles of Unity state that the Goddess is immanent in the earth’s cycles. For some, this means that the earth is a manifestation of the Great Goddess, the source of all life. For others, the Goddess is seen as a symbol that represents the interconnected nature of all life, rather than being literally understood as a personified deity. And, of course, there are many, many people whose views fall somewhere in between.
In her book The Spiral Dance, Starhawk points out that the deities we worship function as metaphors, allowing us to connect with that which cannot be comprehended in its entirety. “The symbols and attributes associated with the Goddess… engage us emotionally,” she says. “We know the Goddess is not the moon — but we still thrill to its light glinting through the branches. We know the Goddess is not a woman, but we respond with love as if She were, and so connect emotionally with all the abstract qualities behind the symbol.”
Here’s another quote from The Spiral Dance that sums up this view of deity: “I have spoken of the Goddess as a psychological symbol and also as manifest reality. She is both. She exists, and we create Her.”
In that book, Starhawk proposes a perspective on deity that combines Wiccan and Feri theology. Starhawk’s Goddess encompasses both the Star Goddess worshiped in Feri — God Herself, the divine source of all things — and the Wiccan Goddess — Earth Mother and Queen of the Moon. This Goddess’s consort, known as the God, is similar to the Wiccan God, but includes aspects of Feri deities like the Blue God.
For some, this model of deity is the basis of their practice, while others prefer to use other means to connect with That-Which-Cannot-Be-Known. Someone may consider themselves a part of Reclaiming and be a devotee of Aphrodite, or Thor, or Osiris, or any of countless other personified deities.
Reclaiming Practice
As I said earlier, Reclaiming began with classes in magic theory, and teaching and learning are still important parts of the tradition. The basic, entry-level course that most members of the tradition take is called Elements of Magic. In this class, students explore the five elements — air, fire, water, earth, and spirit — and how these elements relate to different aspects of Reclaiming practice. Though most members of the tradition will take the Elements of Magic class, this is not a requirement.
After completing Elements of Magic, Reclaiming pagans may or may not choose to take other classes, including but not limited to: the Iron Pentacle (mastering the five points of Sex, Pride, Self, Power, and Passion and bringing them into balance), Pearl Pentacle (mastering the points of Love, Law, Knowledge, Liberation/Power, and Wisdom and embodying these qualities in relationships with others), Rites of Passage (a class that focuses on initiation and rewriting your own narrative), and Communities (a class that teaches the skills necessary to work in a community, such as conflict resolution and ritual planning).
If you’ve read my post on the Feri tradition, you probably recognize the Iron and Pearl Pentacles. This is another example of how Feri has influenced Reclaiming.
Another place where the teaching/learning element of Reclaiming shows up is in Witchcamp. Witchcamp is an intensive spiritual retreat, typically held over a period of several days in a natural setting away from cities. (However, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, some covens are now offering virtual Witchcamps). Because each Witchcamp is run by a different coven, with different teachers, there is a lot of variation in what they teach and what kind of work campers do.
Each individual camp has a main theme — some camps keep the same theme every time, while others choose a new theme each year. Some camps are adults-only, while others are family-oriented and welcome parents with children. Typically, campers will have several classes to choose from in the mornings and afternoons, with group rituals in the evenings.
Speaking of ritual, this brings us to another important part of Reclaiming practice: ecstatic ritual. The goal of most Reclaiming rituals is to connect with the divine by achieving a state of ecstasy.
Irisanya Moon says that Reclaiming rituals often use what she calls the “EIEIO” framework: Ecstatic (involving an altered state of consciousness — the transcendent ecstasy of touching the divine), Improvisational (though there may be a basic ritual outline, there is an openness to acting in the spirit of the moment), Ensemble (rituals are held in groups, often with rotating roles), Inspired (taking inspiration from mythology, personal experience, or current events), and Organic (developing naturally, even if that means going off-script). This framework is similar to the rituals Starhawk describes in her writing.
There are no officially recognized holidays in Reclaiming, but many members of the tradition celebrate the Wheel of the Year, similar to Wiccans. The most famous example of this is the annual Spiral Dance ritual held each Samhain in California, with smaller versions observed by covens around the world.
Further Reading
If you are interested in Reclaiming, I recommend starting with the book Reclaiming Witchcraft by Irisanya Moon. This is an excellent, short introduction to the tradition. After that, it’s probably worth checking out some of Starhawk’s work — I recommend starting with The Spiral Dance.
At this point, if you still feel like this is the right path for you, the next step I would recommend is to take the Elements of Magic class. If you live in a big city, it may be offered in-person near you — if not, look around online and see if you can find a virtual version. Accessibility is huge to Reclaiming pagans, and many teachers offer scholarships and price their classes on a sliding scale, so you should be able to find a class no matter what your budget is.
If you can’t find an Elements of Magic class, there is a book called Elements of Magic: Reclaiming Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Spirit, edited by Jane Meredith and Gede Parma, which provides lessons and activities from experienced teachers of the class. Teaching yourself is always going to be more difficult than learning from someone else, but it’s better than nothing!
The Spiral Dance by Starhawk
Reclaiming Witchcraft by Irisanya Moon
The Reclaiming Collective website, reclaimingcollective.wordpress.com
cutewitch772 on YouTube (a member of the tradition who has several very informative videos on Reclaiming, told from an insider perspective)
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star-maiden · 4 years
Weekly Tarot Forecast 11/30/20 - 12/6/20
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Hello and welcome! This is a general outlook tarot reading for the collective, by zodiac sign.This week, we are focusing on any message or messages coming through from Spirit that you need to hear right now in order to navigate the week ahead. If you happened upon this reading, then there is a message here that is meant for you! As with all of my readings for the collective, these messages are meant for a wide range of people, life paths and situations. It is general outlook advice. As such, you may find that not everything resonates with you completely, and that is ok. Please take only what resonates and leave the rest. You will also want to check your sun, moon and rising signs for the message or messages that are meant for you. I sincerely hope that these messages will serve your highest and greatest good, and assist you in making wise, informed decisions. Best wishes and many blessings!
♈ - Aries: Knight of Swords R: There is a situation in your life or coming toward you where you may feel as though you are bumbling around in the dark. Usually, the knight of swords charges in and defeats any obstacle with logic and discernment, but in this situation you may not have all the facts. Moving forward while in a state of fear or confusion is not likely to yield the best results. Alternatively, you might be rushing into something without conviction. When our actions are out of alignment with our true heart’s desire or higher calling, then we may feel stuck, bogged down or that we are just going through the motions for the sake of pleasing society or someone else. This isn’t good for you, Aries. You might need to reconsider a few things, and decide how you would like to get “unstuck” and move past this situation in a way that is supportive and healthy for you.
♉ - Taurus: The Empress R: This card feels very emotionally charged. There may be a pervasive feeling of lack or disconnection from abundance. You might be fearful about losing something that is close and dear to your heart. Taurus, there may be a situation in your life that is causing undue stress and/or anxiety. If this is the case, then the Empress Reversed is reminding you to slow down. Reconnect with yourself and the Earth. If you are open to alternative spirituality, you might want to practice connecting with the Earth as Divine Mother. Remember how she supports and sustains you, and know that there is no burden too heavy for her handle. If that’s not for you, consider focusing some extra attention on your self care practice. What can you do today that will help you feel more secure and supported? Who in your life can you talk to. It’s ok to lean on your loved ones for support. The key thing to remember here is that the Empress is never truly lacking in all resources. There is always a solution. There is always a way forward.
♊ - Gemini: High Priestess: Gemini, this week you may find yourself tapping into your intuitive side more than ever before. For any ongoing situation in your life, or for anything that comes up for you this week, know that your subconscious has been speaking to you. Trust your intuition and yourself enough to make your own decisions. Look for internal insights and convictions, rather than any form of external validations. Right now, speaking your own truth can be the most powerful catalyst for change. If you have been wondering about something, then this card is confirming that you already know the answers. Quiet down the outside noise and opinions of others. Listen to the voice of your inner wisdom; your experience. What is it saying to you?
♋ - Cancer: The Hanged One R: This week is time to get moving toward your goals! If there has been something that you have been trying to accomplish or bring into your life, then now is the time to start actively working toward achieving it. This message is especially true if you feel that you have been stuck in a period of waiting around, or a stalemate of some sort. Right about this week, things should be looking a lot clearer than before, and you should be feeling pretty on top of things. Your understanding and insights should be crystal clear in the coming week. What is it that you need to accomplish? How will you get there?
♌ - Leo: Knight of Pentacles R: There may be something coming into your life or a situation that you have been dealing with that now feels well and truly stuck. All progress has halted, and you may be feeling unmotivated and uninspired to continue. The important message of this card is to not give up hope! Often times, when we feel stuck on something and don’t know the way forward, we need to spend some more time researching and planning. Through the act of examining alternative routes and talking to those who have had similar experiences, new doorways will open up and you will be able to get things moving again, back on track. Another message that I’m hearing with this card is that you may need to take a bit of a break. This second message is especially true if your project is related to your creative capacity in some way. Sometimes, the best way to unblock a situation is to completely ignore it for a little while. This way, you can rekindle the passion and inspiration that helped you get started in the first place.
♍ - Virgo: 10 of Swords R: This week, you may find that a burden of some kind will be lifted from you. This is likely to be more mental/emotional than anything else. Old wounds are finally getting a chance to heal, and you should be feeling pretty good about things moving forward. For some of you, this may take the form of something moving out of your life for good (and for the better!). If there was a person or situation that was causing you a lot of stress, then this card is indicative that things will soon be resolved. You can hasten this healing process by releasing anything that does not support you mentally and emotionally in a healthy way. If something appears to be on its way out, it may be time to let it go. “Good Riddance” to old habits and dramas that were weighing you down.
♎ - Libra: 4 of Cups R: This week is a good time to notice the many blessings that have always been around you. You should be moving into a situation or mindset that feels more positive and uplifting. If you have been feeling lately that you’ve been in a bit of a slump, then this card is confirming that you are now reading to move away from that. This message may be related to social media or communication by phone in some way. If you have been feeling a bit off or like the people/situations/energies in your life just don’t hold the same spark for you anymore, then it may be time to look inwards for a bit. Consider what you really want in your life, and what would be most fulfilling to you. Opportunities will always present themselves to those who keep an open mind and look for them, but remember that you don’t always have to take what is being offered. If there is something in your life that you feel like you have to take because there are others telling you that it’s too good to pass up, be sure to check in with yourself and make sure it is actually in alignment with what you truly want. A blessing from one person’s point of view can seem rather disastrous from another.
♏ - Scorpio: 8 of Swords: There may be a situation in your life that has you feeling stuck and unable to see the way out. It may feel that your hands are tied or that the ground you have built your life on is mushy and slowly sinking into the depths of the earth. In your life, this feeling may manifest itself as a job you don’t like, or as a relationship that no longer feels fulfilling for you. It could even be a general sense of unease and entrapment. However, it is important to remember that there is always a way out. Oftentimes, when we are stressed, we can talk ourselves into a feeling of being powerless and unable to act. If this is the case for you, Scorpio, you’ll want to be extra mindful of your self-talk. We can easily make a situation feel worse than it is simply by using words that are negative, untrue or downright mean. It doesn’t have to be all sunshine and rainbow language all the time, especially if that’s not your thing. But consider how the words you use with yourself and others either disempower  or empower you. How do your words inform your actions or inactions? Do they make you feel paralyzed, or do they inspire you to move forward toward your goals? Another thing to notice is that this card always comes with a silver lining. See the water at her feet, flowing away from the situation? Water has a lot to teach us. With patience and diligence, it can flow right through any obstacle. There is always a way out.
♐ - Sagittarius: 7 of Cups: This week, there will likely be many possibilities opening up for you. In situations involving choices that must be made in order to move forward, you may find that there are too many options to choose from. Each path forward may seem mystical and utterly full of excitement and magic. You may even be feeling a bit overwhelmed with the sheer number of possibilities. This may manifest as a feeling of feeling scattered or unable to commit to a person, situation or mindset. While it’s generally a good thing to keep our options open, sometimes we can become so mystified and distracted by the possibility of achieving what we desire, that we miss out on the opportunity to act. This week, Sagittarius, it may be beneficial for you to commit to one path and/or decision. Having a clear goal or purpose in mind while you make your choice will assist you in this.
♑ - Capricorn: The Hierophant: This week there is a lesson that needs to be learned or experienced in order for you to move forward or step away from a situation that has been causing a lot of harm or discomfort. This lesson holds the key to your success and inner growth, and will likely seem a bit stuffy or restrictive at first. The Hierophant is a card that speaks of tradition, status quo and learning for the sake of spiritual and/or character growth. It relies heavily on the idea that there is a certain way that things must be done, and to deviate from the traditional path means that you cannot achieve or accomplish the thing you are trying to attain. Is there something in your life right now that requires you to follow steps or a specific order? If so, then this card could be reinforcing the need to make sure you follow the proper guidelines well. When we are learning something, or being initiated into a tradition of some sort, then we can expect to follow certain steps or sequences of events. If this kind of learning is not for you, then there may be another path or study that will be better for you.
♒ - Aquarius: 8 of Pentacles: This week is the time to begin the work toward any project or goal that you have been considering. Being an air sign, it is likely that you excel at the mental/planning stages of the creative process, but you may struggle with the actual, physical work part. If this sounds like you, then this card is telling you that now is the time to go for it. You have planned and envisioned the way you’d like everything to be, and now it is time to bring your idea into being. This will likely be a process that could span several weeks to a few months. Know that any hard work you invest into your goals now will majorly pay off in the future.
♓ - Pisces: The Queen of Cups: This week, you should be able to embody the archetype of the Queen of water. This could mean that you are feeling in tune with your emotions and intuition. Your actions should be feeling in alignment with your emotions, and while you are able to source your inspiration from your deepest feelings, you should also have no trouble a healthy separation between your emotional reality and your physical reality. You may be feeling so in tune with this compassionate energy that others may look up to you or come to you for advice. You give off a vibe that makes others feel that they can speak with you about any personal or sensitive issue. They trust that you will always listen with compassion and empathy, and that you will never mock or belittle an experience, no matter how it seems. This week, you may find yourself stepping into the role of the Queen of Cups. Alternatively, this could be a gentle reminder to embody all of her qualities in your own life, for yourself. How can you bring the energy of this queen into your life this week?
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snarkywrites · 5 years
New Moon in Pisces: The Hidden Mirror
This New Moon in Pisces happening on February 23rd, 2020 will help us all tap into the self. We will be reminded of what it means to have compassion, show honesty and how we help others (or if we even try to). Pisces Season brings a mirror to the soul, letting us know our darker selves and exposing the bitter truths. This moment in time will push us to reflect and with the Mercury Retrograde in Pisces, it will feel both pleasant and painful as we go back and forth to come to terms with what has inhibited us in the past and how we are making changes for a better future. Remember that we should not beat ourselves up, instead we should learn about what has challenged us, how we have stopped our own growth and tackle what is to come.
 Aries – The New Moon in Pisces will make you more pensive and part of you will want to take a break and work on yourself. Remember, that healing takes time and so does the process that goes along with it. Try not to rush to get those answers you have wanted, especially with the current Mercury Retrograde also happening in the sign of Pisces. Think before you speak, take time for yourself and to care for you. With Venus in your sign, you will feel a little bit of the vibrancy and joy associated with your sign. This will be a replacing period, as long as you try not to rush the process.
Taurus – With this energy, you will feel it in a favorable way. The New Moon in Pisces will bring some nostalgia associated to friendships and other connections. This Retrograde period will push you to reconnect with others as well as work out any differences that you may have. It will be a time for reflection, and you will see those parts in yourself that have felt dormant, but you will want to tap into move. Expect the unexpected during this period as many doors will open, connections will be made, and you will be in good spirits. This is a fun time to dream and experience the magic others have to offer.
Gemini – Try to be conscious of the power that will come surging through you this New Moon. It will be a moment of confidence and hope as you make solid decisions that should help you catapult your way to the top. Mercury Retrograde will make its presence felt as it will force you to rewind, redo and repeat. These steps you take now will help you in the long run. Perfection might be your endgame, but for now, feel it all with the process and take your time learning the missteps as well as the successes. You will get your game face on as you come out of this transit with clearer goals and action plans.
Cancer – What a rush this New Moon will bring to you as you try to move into a higher plane of consciousness or just thinking about your next getaway. You might feel on top of the world and popular during this transit, thanks to Venus in Aries, giving you the burst of confidence to make changes, to appear more rebellious but always with an unmistakable charm that will draw people to you like bees to honey. However, there might be something missing. With this transit, you will solidify the pieces needed to bring out your uniqueness which you have been seeking to feel centered. Embrace this new chapter.
Leo – Pisces season will bring a lot of things into focus for you as you try to bring a balance to your life. Resolving issues that have kept you from evolving will be one of those major themes. With these planets in the sign of Pisces, you will feel that healing energy in a peaceful way. The one problem will be the Mercury Retrograde, that might keep pushing you until you are settled, emotionally and physically. The ability to cut the chords with these problems will help encourage a new phase for the new you. The Retrograde will help you to finally let go and the New Moon will provide the keys needed to move forward.
Virgo – You will be one of the few signs this Mercury Retrograde that will have an intense focus on love and relationships. Do not let the hypocritical side of yours begin got analyze the smallest things in order to abandon ship when it comes to relationships. Take it easy, enjoy the people in your life who bring you love and joy. Look deep within and be more introspective instead of action oriented. This Piscean phase will allow for you to reconnect to what matters when it comes to bonding in romances. For friendships, you will find solace in those friends that have shown you they are always there for you and you matter. Promote love and joy in your life with this New Moon.
Libra – This New Moon, you will be feeling the love and hope, thanks to Venus in Aries, your sister sign. You will feel you have been waiting to achieve some successes in love. However, this New Moon transit will bring the focus back on you. Whatever parts of yourself you have been neglecting, be it spiritually, emotionally or physically, now is the time to reach inside and explore what you might have abandoned about you. Your sign wants to be balanced and this energy will help you get it. While you battle with the dynamics at home, you will be achieving completion with the self, work and love. Just make sure to come back to center and make the adjustments to achieve more successes.
Scorpio – This period in time should be a moment of excitement and joy but those stressors will still be in play due to Neptune, the planet of illusions, will be in the same sign as the New Moon, Sun and Mercury. Mars has entered Capricorn, so use this opportunity to become sharper when it comes to what you want and how to get it. The Mercury Retrograde will make you reflect on the past romantic experiences and what you need to discover in order not to repeat the same patterns. Rethink, rework and redo. Those people in the past will come back to reflect on challenges and obstacles you have faced. This New Moon in Pisces will teach you that you should still incorporate fun in your life, even when the going gets tough. Carpe diem.
Sagittarius – Tranquility is what you will seek with this New Moon transit. What has become obscured to you will be revealed slowly in the next six months and the answers will appear in your home. For now, enjoy the creative energy that will burst to you as you plan on making some aesthetic changes to your home base. With Venus in fellow fire sign Aries, you will feel the magic of this transit as it makes you feel empowered and filled with happiness. It is only a matter of time before the Sun enters Aries and the artistic side in you will expand even more.
Capricorn – Harmony comes to mind with this New Moon transit in Pisces. You may have the opportunity to do a lot of work that you have been putting off. With the Mercury Retrograde, you now have the opportunity to tackle anything outstanding with a clear head and heart. The best outlet for you will be to express yourself through writing, painting, dancing or any other forms of art. With Mars in your ruling sign, you are in the zone during this time and others will definitely notice as you keep on succeeding and showing everyone what you are made of. Venus in Aries will be grounded and steady as you bring peace to your home even if it is in the chaos of Aries, which you know how to handle.
Aquarius – There can be a stagnant period for you revolving action as Mars waits to enter your sign. Keep in mind that Neptune is in in Pisces, force feeding some things that are not too clear about yourself. With Mercury Retrograde and the Sun in the same sign, your perception might now become somewhat distorted as you grapple coming to terms with what your reality truly is regarding the self and your financial stability. Use this time to get your affairs in order and make a game plan if it is needed. Mercury will help you to focus on what needs to change, if you need to save or if you need to learn how to give yourself more love and care.
Pisces – It is your time of year with the Sun, New Moon and Mercury in your sign. There will be a lot of reevaluating done when it comes to learning more about you with these planets shaping and changing who you will become in the next year. Venus in Aries helps give you that footing to help you grow into your new phase. You will learn to value and love yourself more. If you have mastered all of this self love and need to find a way to keep the peace with others, now will be the time to learn to be a little more kind as well. Your sign brings you back down to earth and reminds you to be compassionate, caring and giving. However, this New Moon is a period of thinking about you, strengthening your esteem and allowing you to evolve and love. Achieve a balance where your self love and devotion to others will be true and not superficial.
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empyreal-insights · 3 years
Border Jumping: In It, Not Of It
{Border Jumping, part 1}  .  Esthero, one of my favorite singer/songwriters, posted a song on IG, “Great Version of Me”:  
They say I’ve got “spark”  They say I’ve got “magic” They say I’ve got all the things that I need, and if I want it, I have it
They say I’ve got heart And a light that surrounds it, but I’m lost in the dark Did you happen to notice? 
I need something good to happen to me ‘Cause I can’t stop drowning When will I feel like all the things they see?  When will I be this “great” version of me? 
I’ve tried so hard, tried to live it and own it Kept staring ahead, pretended how great things have been going
But I’ll let you in on my intimate moments:  I feel alone Mostly, I feel forgotten I need something good to happen to me ‘Cause I can’t stop drowning When will I feel like all the things they see? When will I be this “great” version of me?
‘Cause I can’t go back And I’m scared to move When will I feel like all the things they see in me? When will I live so gracefully?  When will I have what’s coming to me? 
I need something great to happen I wanna meet this great version of me. 
Wanna meet her so bad Great version of me
I spent a lot of time fighting against myself because of this feeling. Here’s some of what I learned when I was dancing between breaking down and breaking through.  
Find Your (Higher) Power I’ve tried so hard, tried to live it and own it Kept staring ahead, pretended how great things have been going But I’ll let you in on my intimate moments: I feel alone Mostly, I feel forgotten
I know folks have issues with God. But if you’re resonating with this message, understand that you’ll require a relationship with Source / a Higher Power / Creative Force (1). 
If you can’t wrap your head around having faith in the concept of a God-Force, the next best thing is to master some form of energetic literacy through mindfulness, tai chi, meditation, martial arts, pranic healing, reiki, or a similar methodology. 
Do not intellectualize this. You can start with a book or two, but eventually you need to choose something, then find someone that can teach you how to do it. You must learn to see Energy as barometer, master key, and mother tongue.
Why? Because your lessons, blessings, and karmic resolution are meant to play out between you and Source, with a thin veil between you and some of the "typical” human experiences (2). Energetic literacy gives you the language to stay in communion with Source, and this relationship will sustain you when people will not or cannot. 
Go With Your Flow  When will I feel like all the things they see in me?  When will I live so gracefully?  When will I have what’s coming to me?
You can’t move like everyone else. You’re on a whole other timetable - one that more closely mirrors the spiritual world. I realize that in some western spiritualities this can translate to a commitment to austerity or asceticism, which I clearly reject.  
While in this process, it helps to be able to soothe and comfort yourself on demand, in the healthiest ways you can manage. There’s enough to figure out without adding deprivation to the list. 
Also, don’t feel like you have to be happy all the time. Create space to cry, wail, grieve, and lament. The song that inspired this is a perfect example. I write. You might make art. Just make sure the pain passes through. Don’t dwell in it - that’s how you start to feel stuck.  
Chironically wounded shadow workers - those of us that long to fit in and experience the belonging others take for granted - often never asked to be set apart, but we keep finding ourselves in that position (3). Acceptance eases some of the loneliness and gives us the patience to wait our turn.      
The good news: you are exquisitely protected. Respect that. Don’t chase people who leave; don’t force yourself into incompatible spaces; don’t beg to be understood. 
This is why your relationship with Source is nonnegotiable - you need to know exactly who and what is working in your life, where They're guiding you, what to avoid, and how to call upon and respect that Power when necessary. Acting in accordance with this understanding will help your life move more effortlessly.  
Be Grateful  I need something good to happen to me ‘Cause I can’t stop drowning When will I feel like all the things they see? When will I be this “great” version of me?
You know how the spiritual folks talk about being thankful for every little thing? Do that. 
When you're hollowed out from that weeping and wailing? Take a breath (or a nap), then give thanks.
To live long enough to get all the good things waiting for you - ‘cause some of us blossom well after 35 (4) - you must learn to cling to gratitude as if you’re dangling off a cliff and help is at least 30 seconds away. 
The good things are happening, will continue to happen. You may not have everything you want, but do you have most of what you need? Thank what sustains you: food (say grace), pets, friends, plants...whatever you have. You must learn to see the joy along the way because our despair can be fatal.  
Again, it’s natural to feel anger, frustration, jealousy, and whatever else. Observe it, resolve it, and keep it moving. Be as human as you need to be in any given moment, but always, always, always return to gratitude. 
Welcome Your Awakening They say I’ve got “spark”  They say I’ve got “magic”  They say I’ve got all the things that I need, and if I want it, I have it
They say I’ve got heart And a light that surrounds it, but I’m lost in the dark Did you happen to notice?
Yes, I noticed. You’re not crazy or arrogant for realizing that you’re different. Your energy's legit, that's why people react to it so definitively. 
Accept that reactivity is often the limit of human capacity. They’ll be fascinated, dazzled, but fall short of being able to hold you, love you, or define you. 
But soon - after some dark days and some unbelievably beautiful ones - it won’t hurt so much. You’ll know where to receive comfort, love, and understanding. You’ll discover your work, your people, your place, and that great version of you. 
(1) Source is becoming a preferred term when sharing these thoughts because (a) the name Osun, one of my primary deities, derives from a Yoruba word meaning, “the source,” (b) I have a deep relationship with water, which is considered a/the source of life - perhaps the most important after air itself, and ( c ) it feels less loaded and/or culturally specific than “God.” Your parents - most especially your mother - can be considered your Source. Food, clothing, shelter... sources of survival. That, in my opinion, is the kind of emotional connection and relationship that allows us to interact and commune with the Divine in the most intimate, healing, healthy, and hopeful ways. 
(2) Certain aspects of Hindu and Buddhist philosophy have an intricate way of explaining why some are meant to perpetuate the needs and desires of daily / cyclical human life, while others are meant to work and live more closely with Source. I use these as examples because certain texts and concepts within these traditions have been translated and interpreted for a western audience over the last 40-50 years, and may be more immediately accessible than other ideologies. If you go for the ancient texts first, just know you’ll need to filter through what I call the “human shit” (sexism, politics of the era) to get to the underlying truths that can help you deepen your spiritual practices. (sidebar: I think this is what those “caste” systems were SUPPOSED to be about - interpreting the flow of human life and integrating our unique, personal destinies into an overarching social construct, not oppression and domination. But, humans love a hierarchy.)
(3) In contrast to the “fuck the world” cynics, loners, or folks with outsized egos willful enough to claim places they didn’t earn. And, hell, that energy has its place. They seem to have it easier, right? But we’re all prone to thinking the grass is greener where we don’t have to water it. 
(4) Why do you think elder-ship is revered in so many pre-colonial / indigenous cultures? Youth has its advantages, but most of us have to grow into ourselves, and that takes time. Even when you’re blessed with precocious emotional intelligence, there are some things you only learn through living. Allow yourself the grace to move through life at your divine pace.
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divineknowing2021 · 3 years
curator interview
Suzanne Kachmar: Tell us about yourself? School, work, play?
Natasha Kuranko: I’m a tender-hearted 27-year-old adult who refuses to stop dressing like a child. Currently, I am unemployed though I’ve made a small gig for myself selling thrifted clothes online. I'm a full-time student at Norwalk Community College working towards my associates degree. My free time is best spent riding my bike, reading a book, visiting museums, or catching up with a friend. It makes me chuckle a bit thinking about how eccentric my taste and appearance can be, but overall I prefer to lead a relatively simple existence.
SK: You worked as the gallery manager at Franklin Street Works. How long did you work there, what was your job like? What did you do?
NK: I worked at Franklin Street Works for just under 4 years. It was an incredibly nurturing environment. The artwork I was exposed to there provided me with the motivation and tools I needed to become a better person. Whether an artwork was intimately revealing a struggle unfamiliar to me or pulling back the curtain on oppressive structures I too was inflicted by, my critical thinking skills and will to be compassionate (for both myself and others) was constantly being asked to grow. The executive and creative directors of FSW at the time I was hired, put a lot of intention into creating a work environment that functioned on open communication, care, respect, and mutualism. They trusted me with responsibilities despite my lack of formal education in the arts and were always available if I needed guidance. They taught me to be confident in my abilities; I don't think I'd have half the aspirations I do today if it weren't for either of these women.
If I wasn't walking a visitor through an exhibition, I was likely busy reaching out to local community groups with overlapping interests to an exhibition's theme, writing letters of appreciation to patrons, updating our CRM database, preparing for an upcoming event, or snacking on cherry tomatoes from our back patio vegetable garden. My favorite work happened while we were bittersweetly deinstalling one exhibition and installing the next. I find the process of repairing holes in walls oddly calming and symbolic of healing, plus nothing beats the precious feeling of holding an artwork in your hands.
SK: What have you been doing since FSW closed and during Covid 19?
NK: The pandemic put a halt to some crucial fundraising efforts for FSW forcing us to close permanently. Unlike many people, I was fortunate enough to qualify for unemployment and not be burdened with food or housing insecurity. My focus has been on my physical, mental, and spiritual health. I see the culture of today as being very tiring, constantly asking us to perform success and prove ourselves. It's easy to get caught up in this pressure while allowing traumas or feelings of anger, sadness, and grief to accumulate. It's been nice stepping outside of that mindset and giving myself the time to process and move on from bad things that have happened to me. I just wish more people could be given that opportunity. It's a bit cheesy to say, but life is really beautiful; I think this pandemic has helped open a lot of people's eyes, including my own, to how lucky we are to be alive.
SK: Tell us about the exhibit you produced. You proposed and defined the concept, curated the art and mounted the exhibit, bringing your other work experiences to City Lights Gallery.
NK: diving knowing is a group show featuring 19 artists. Most of them are either self-taught or in the early stages of their career. The submission process consisted of me posting a call for art on my Instagram and reaching out to a few individuals I had already established a relationship with, asking if they wanted to submit. I felt so moved by all the work I had access to just through my personal network. A handful of artists in the show are close friends of mine. It's really amazing to see all their artworks getting along with another in one space.
I was invited to curate this exhibition for women's month. I wanted to develop a theme relevant to women's issues and my personal experience as a woman, which wasn't centered around biology or would risk excluding trans and non-binary artists. I was thinking about how commonly the voices of women, and other marginalized groups, are devalued or ignored and how over generations, this has pushed us into a more perceptive mode of being. Intuition is a really radical concept; there's a lot of power in recognizing the knowledge you already have inside you and not depending on an external authority to validate it. It was a long train of thoughts and feelings, but basically, I wanted to celebrate something I've found to be so crucial in my own life and learn more about how it exists in the life and work of artists.
SK: What's next? What are your ambitions or plans as an artist, creative, arts professional?
NK: My next, or current step, is finishing up my associate degree at Norwalk Community College. What I go on to study after that will depend on where I am accepted as a transfer student. I'm looking at schools offering majors in curatorial or archival studies but I'd also be totally satisfied getting my masters in education and teaching elementary school somewhere. Far as my ambitions or plans as an artist/creative/arts professional goes... I'd love to refamiliarize myself with guitar and get back into songwriting. My dream is to open up an alternative art space, with a similar value system as FSW, that doubles as a vegan fast food joint. Though that probably won't be happening for another 5-10 years. One of the names I've been playing with for the space is "beans on bread."
SK: Is there anything else you want to tell us or announce?
NK: No announcements here! I would like to thank every artist who submitted and everyone who supported me throughout this project. Knowing there were people in my life with curatorial experience who were willing to provide guidance if needed saved me from a lot of sleepless nights!
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cxhnow · 4 years
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Chloe x Halle on Sister Style, Working With Beyoncé, and Finding Creativity 
Chloe x Halle’s creativity is thriving, even during the pandemic. The two sisters have just had to think outside of the box in terms of executing the projects they’ve undertaken during lockdown.
The singers released their new album, Ungodly Hour, back in June and have pulled off several amazing at-home performances to go with it. This poolside performance of their single “Do It” is a must-see, and was entirely shot in their backyard in L.A. The duo have also been experimenting with fashion along the way, wearing hot-off-the-runway Balmain looks for their Instagram Live chats, and custom Zana Bayne cage dresses for their part in a virtual YouTube commencement special.
In addition to serving up their new music and performances, Chloe x Halle also became Fendi’s newest campaign stars. They helped creative-direct new images and a video, which pay tribute to the Italian label’s Peekaboo bag. (You guessed it, the campaign, titled #MeAndMyPeekaboo, was shot at their home.) It’s the latest undertaking that proves this duo can truly do it all as a two-woman show, both in front and behind the camera.
The two sisters tell Vogue that navigating these unprecedented times has been an exercise in creativity as artists. If things were “normal,” they would be miles away from each other. Being at home together has allowed them to focus on their work. “My sister and I would have been in two different countries, and we didn’t really know where we were going to put out this album,” says Chloe. “I’m just grateful that we’re at least together in one space, and we can do it together.”
Below, Vogue caught up with Chloe x Halle to discuss their personal style as sisters, what it has been like having Beyoncé as a mentor, and what the rest of their summer looks like (Psst: More performances could be coming).
Tell us about your vision for this new Fendi campaign, which you both helped create.
Halle: “We have always loved Fendi. They’re the perfect mixture between sexy and classy—you can wear Fendi bags with anything, especially the Peekaboo bag. We wanted to incorporate that into our vision. We did [a campaign video] to a song that we have on our new album, Ungodly Hour, called “Busy Boy.” The song has a lot of sass, attitude, and playfulness to it. We did it at home in our backyard.”
Chloe: “We shot it all in one day. It was fun. It was hot outside, but we had fun playing with the clothes.”
What has been inspiring you both in the realm of fashion lately?
Halle: “Something that has really inspired me during lockdown is how creative people are getting with their fashion. Even though there’s not anywhere to go to really show off these cute outfits, I just love how stylish people are getting. They’re not letting it stop them from still having fun with fashion and being playful. It’s all about expressing yourself. That makes me feel good whenever I get to do that, no matter who sees it or not.”
As sisters, how is your style different from each other? How is it the same?
Halle: “Our style has always been different from each other because we both have really different body types. For me, I don’t have as many curves; my beautiful sister has an amazing bum. I always try to wear whatever makes me feel comfortable and brings out my petite little curves. I’m always trying to dress up my body in that way. I feel like my sister is really expressive when it comes to her style.”
Chloe: “For me, it just depends on the day. Some days I want to feel a lot more edgy and sexy, and other days I want to feel flirty, cute, and cuddly. It really depends on my mood. That’s what being a woman is all about, having different layers to yourself and being able to change—being strong yet delicate at the same time.”
Do you guys share clothes a lot?
Halle: “We actually do share a lot. As sisters, we’re always raiding each other’s closets. I’m always looking for some of Chloe’s tops because I feel like all of my tops are a bit boring. If we have something to do or have an interview, I’m always like, ‘Girl, can I just see what you got?’”
Chloe: “I feel the other way! I feel like you have better tops. Now with quarantine and interviews, all you really need is a cute top and then you can wear sweatpants. It’s all about the tops now.”
In addition to your style choices, you both have been creative in terms of approaching your at-home performances too. Has that been an exercise in creativity?
Chloe: “It’s definitely been a way to exercise our creativity. We give all the kudos to our amazing creative director Andrew Makadsi. He really helps our vision come to life; we’ll collaborate and send a bunch of references, and he’ll just take it to another level. It’s really cool how we can articulate our vision while still staying at home, having fun, and keeping it simple. I’m just happy that I can quarantine with my best friend and business partner so that we can do fun stuff like this.”
How have you both managed to stay creative in general during the pandemic?
Halle: “Staying creative in this time is actually really easy. It’s really inspiring when you’re enclosed with the people that you love and your family. That’s what truly makes me happy. Quarantine has allowed me to connect with myself and realize my greater purpose and what I want in life. Just kind of self-reflecting and meditating—that builds up a lot of inspiration. Even though sometimes it may feel uncertain, we’re trying to stay positive and hopeful. Using every inch of happiness and positivity that we can to light our inspiration fire. But also giving ourselves breaks, and realizing it’s okay to just chill and not do anything some days.”
You have both used your platform for activism these past few months, especially around Black Lives Matter. Why is it important to continue doing so?
Chloe: “For my sister and I, it’s something we can’t turn on and turn off because it’s our everyday lives. It’s our livelihood. We have always grown up knowing, because we are Black women. I am very happy and grateful that the world is finally paying attention to this underlying racism that has been going on for years and years, and I’m hopeful that change will finally happen. Just my sister and I going out there and creating in a male-dominated industry, and letting our voices be heard, we’re standing for all Black women and our brothers. Just being ourselves and letting them know that you can do anything you put your mind to. We’re always thinking about that, and how we can uplift our community in any way we possibly can.”
You released your new album, Ungodly Hour, in June. Now that it’s out in the world and you’ve reflected on it, what does it mean to you?
Halle: “Ungodly Hour means everything to us. When we were in the process of making this album, it actually flowed out a lot faster than usual. Our last album, The Kids Are Alright, took us three years to make. For Ungodly Hour, it took eight months. That is a very short amount of time for us, because we’re perfectionists and we always want to get something right. We’ll do it over and over again. For this album, we had so much to say and we knew exactly what was on our hearts, whether it was us talking about our insecurities and figuring out how to love every inch of ourselves, or exploring love and relationships. It’s this whole journey of finding ourselves, but also knowing who we are at this point in our lives. Releasing this album during this year of change has also been an eye opener. I feel like we always release albums when something is happening. We released our last album, The Kids Are Alright, when all the women’s marches were happening in 2018. And now, with our community of Black people, we’ve always been fed up, but other people are realizing it. We just really hope that [the album] has brought some healing and some peace to our community, and to everyone who decides to listen. That’s all we want.”
Beyoncé has been a mentor to both of you. What feedback did she have for this album, and what have been your biggest lessons from her?
Halle: “I feel like Beyoncé collectively teaches everyone who is a fan of her. She’s always been our inspiration since we were younger, so being able to be on this journey with her and have her guide us along as a fairy godmother is really beautiful. Just being on tour with her and watching how hard she works every single night—she gives it 150%. It’s like, wow, somebody can literally be better than a machine, and still be such a humble and beautiful person inside and out. I truly believe the reason why she is where she is today is because she has such a great heart and is just a kind, regular person. Those people get the farthest in life. We’re always being taught things by her. She had very positive feedback for this album. She barely had any critical notes. She was just congratulating us and saying how proud of us she is in this project. We’re really happy to have her support.”
What does the rest of your summer look like?
Chloe: “The sky’s the limit. I hope more people receive the album, even people who’ve never heard of us before, and we keep kicking butt with the visuals and growing every day. We’ll be staying home quarantining because, sadly, the cases are getting worse here in America. We just want to stay safe, but also have fun at the same time. We’ll be chilling in the sun in our backyard.”
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serenityinsabr · 4 years
Can u work ur magic?! My heart is broken and this shit sucks. I got broken up with and I can not shake the feeling that I’m never enough for anyone and never will be 🥺
I don’t know about magic, but I’m going to do my best but please reach back out if you need anything else that I can help with 💜
Alright so you got your heart broken, that shit sucks. Personally, I was hella sad. As in like sad beyond being able to express it in words at first. You are valid in feeling whatever you are feeling. The hard part is finding an in between of letting yourself feel and letting yourself let go of those feelings. They’re meant to teach you something and be worked through. The sadness and hurt won’t last, but it does come in waves. Have a game plan.
Personally, I’m a big fan of therapy. If you have access to therapy, I recommend connecting with a therapist to help you work through things. I also really recommend focusing on the things that make you happy, whether it’s a creative outlet, an active outlet, both, whatever. Please make sure that it’s a healthy outlet. Self-care is so essential to this whole process. For me it’s been working out, photography, writing poetry/music, skating, community advocacy, volunteering and just making time to do the things I love!
I also highly recommend journaling. Carry around a journal and whenever you’re overcome with emotions, work through them by writing them down. We feel a lot of different emotions after a breakup from grief to just feeling out of touch with ourselves and it’s important to try work through the roots of those feelings. Sometimes it’s codependency, attachment, or past trauma that the breakup triggered. It’s important to understand your feelings so that you can properly work through them and heal. Whenever your anxious, sad, etc. your body is having that reaction to something deeper and understanding what is causing those reactions are going to be essential to addressing them.
Honestly one of the most important things is to be patient with yourself and your process. It’s not a quick one. Going through a breakup is similar to grieving and like I said above, it comes in waves. Some days you may feel great but some days it may feel like you’re drowning. On those days it’s important to have a game plan in place. Maybe it’s taking a long drive to your favorite playlist, maybe it’s spending time with your friends, maybe it’s eating ice cream, or all of the above, but please do your best to try not to let those days bring you down too far. There were and are days where I’ll straight up force myself to look in the mirror and tell myself that I’m worthy, that I’m loved, that I am capable of love, and that I will be okay, and that shit helps. Even if I do it with tears in my eyes, it helps. Positive affirmations are amazing and they can also help you on your hard days. Also, if you ever need someone to talk to, I got you!
Often times I see people (I used to do this) do a a half-assed version of healing and it comes back when you end up dating someone whose similar to your Ex but with a different face. What is yours will find you, there’s no need to rush anything, including finding a new relationship. You are important, you matter, you are sooo worthy of love, so take the time to fully heal, because you are beyond worth it. I’m sending you lots of love and light. I hope your pain eases soon ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤍🤎 🖤✨
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jordanianroyals · 4 years
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28 January 2021: King Abdullah II participated in the World Economic Forum’s Davos Agenda meeting, held under the theme “a crucial year to rebuild trust”.
The Davos Agenda meeting is held virtually with the participation of a number of heads of state and government, representatives from international organisations, government officials, leading business executives, and academic and economic experts from more than 70 countries.
King Abdullah delivered a special address, followed by a Q&A session hosted by WEF Founder and Executive Chairman Professor Klaus Schwab. (Source: Petra)
Following is the full text of His Majesty’s remarks:
“In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful,
My dear friends:
It is a pleasure to join your insightful discussions, and I thank my friend Professor Schwab, for inviting me to be part of this very important meeting.
We begin a new year with many of the challenges that marked the last one still rippling into just about every sector. The pandemic continues to ravage our world, and we have barely scratched the surface of its long-term humanitarian and economic implications.
Yet, I believe there is a glimmer of hope. Some vaccines are ready, and as we start this long, overdue healing process, we are better served trying to heal this together.
And here we must ensure the efficient and equitable distribution of COVID vaccines as well as treatments. It is a moral duty to treat the vaccine, as a global public good that ensures that low-income and poor countries are not left at the end of the waiting line, as high-income countries buy the majority of the most promising vaccines.
Amidst these challenging times, safeguarding the health and wellbeing of refugees remains a global responsibility. And as Professor Schwab said, as host of the second highest number of refugees per capita globally, Jordan continues to protect refugees in its pandemic response, and we are among the first countries in the world to start vaccinating refugees for free. But international support is also essential. We must collectively work to develop new policy tools to help us address the problems of today and tomorrow.
In Jordan, we have been able to double the rate of financial inclusion over the past six years, by relying on digital approaches to increase access to finance for Jordanians and refugees alike. And mobile money account ownership increased, as we sought innovative solutions to support workers’ families in need.
Our global priorities must also include improving access to education, and reducing the digital divide, while preparing the labour force for the jobs of tomorrow—which are quickly becoming the jobs of today.
So investing in SMEs, the backbone of growing economies, is a must to expedite recovery. As part of our pandemic response, Jordan enabled nearly 13,000 SMEs to move from the informal to the formal economy, and we are one of the top global reformers in the Ease of Doing Business report in 2020. Our economy is ready to recover, but in collaboration with the private sector.
My friends,
As we work to heal together, we must use the clarity afforded to us in adversity, to move confidently into a brighter future together.
The pandemic has painfully proven to us that returning to business as usual is neither sustainable nor effective. And so let us rethink and re-invent those ever-present terms of globalisation, multilateralism, and international community. Let us put equality, inclusivity, and dignity at the heart of what they stand for.
Our world needs a re-globalisation that seeks a sustainable, equitable and green recovery, that puts the wellbeing of our peoples and our planet first.
We need to put the emphasis on community, in international community, to focus on the shared values, aspirations, and ideals that unite us.
We need to turn multilateral trade into a tool for peace and shared prosperity, by increasing the resilience of supply chains, and fostering the integration of developing countries, to promote inclusive growth.
And we all need to rethink the way we deal with our planet. COVID has been a harsh reminder that what we do to nature has dangerous consequences. Let that lesson teach us not to ignore the greater pandemic of climate change.
This, I believe, is an urgent crisis that we must address together, through creative solutions that prioritise green investments and renewable energy. As one of the world’s water poorest countries in the world, Jordan is acutely aware of the threat of climate change. We plan for our recovery to be rooted in green development and infrastructure projects.
And our attention to climate change is also key, as we work to counter the global threat of food insecurity, which has become even graver, in the wake of the COVID pandemic, with millions of people at the threat of starvation.
So we must work collectively to promote the adoption of sustainable agri-tech solutions that improve the resilience of global food systems, to ensure accessibility, affordability, and quality, while protecting our environment.
So my friends,
This pandemic has made us all equal. And let that be one of the positive lessons we take from this difficult time, as we look ahead.
Let our empathy drive our progress and recovery, as we build bridges to allow the better exchange of not only vital supplies and expertise, but also the exchange of hope and positive ideas.
I hope that we let our humanity lead the way.
Thank you very much, Professor Schwab.”
Responding to questions from Schwab during the Q&A session, His Majesty reiterated warnings against global food shortages in the post-pandemic phase.
The King stressed the importance of communication between countries to share global resources, noting that crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, transcend borders and impact the rich and the poor alike, which calls for moving away from politics to practicality.
Turning to the centennial of the Jordanian state, His Majesty praised the achievements of Jordanians over the past 100 years, which bolstered the state’s strength and resilience and helped transform challenges into opportunities despite regional and international upheavals, expressing optimism in the capability of Jordanian youth in advancing the state during the second centennial.
Noting that Jordan always punches above its weight, and believes in doing the right thing, the King said: “I think sometimes, Jordan is taken for granted for a lot of the things that we do, because everybody knows that Jordan will always do the right thing, but that allows us, I think, a stronger voice in the international community, because we are true to our word; we stick to what we say and what we try to do to help people beyond ourselves.”
Speaking at the start of the special session, Schwab praised Jordan’s efforts, under His Majesty’s leadership, in bolstering stability amidst regional turmoil, which turned the Kingdom into the “interlocutor of choice”.
He noted that Jordan’s effective handling of the COVID-19 pandemic is testament to the country’s effective institutions, commending the Kingdom’s support for refugees, especially in light of the repercussions of the pandemic.
The Davos Agenda meeting, which opened on 25 January and concludes on Friday, aim to mobilise international partnerships to counter the humanitarian and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic by seeking innovative solutions for future recovery and prosperity, and advancing and accelerating public-private collaboration on critical global issues such as COVID-19 vaccination, job creation, and climate change.
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voicesfromthelight · 5 years
Summarizing Everything My Guides Have Taught So Far
Dear Readers,
I have been quiet on this blog for awhile, as my day job has taken up a lot of my time and attention. My energy has been somewhat low, and Salvador has been giving me more tough love than usual about my methodology, encouraging me to wean myself away from relying on my guides excessively and shift the bulk of my work to long-form, direct channeling. However, my guides have also been planting the idea in my mind that now is a wonderful time to go over everything we have been learning about together. They are encouraging me to express everything I can remember of their teachings in a set of simple, to-the-point concepts. It is almost as if this is a necessary step for me to take before moving on to the next stage of our work together. So, here I go! I will divide these concepts into a few different categories, according to topic. We will start with the most basic topic of Love vs. Fear.
On Love and Fear 1: On Love and Fear As The Basic Polarities of Human Experience
The basic polarity of motivation within the world of duality that we exist in through the human experience can be summarized as one existing between the emotions of love and fear. These two forces define how our creative energy and life force express themselves at a most fundamental level. All other emotions are permutations of them - often occurring when fear or love is filtered through a mental construct. Permutations of love include trust, joy, gratitude, excitement, non-attachment, non-judgment, forgiveness, compassion, nurturing, courage, inspiration, acceptance, humor, eloquence, faith, persistence and patience. Permutations of fear include hate, disappointment, disgust, jealousy, despair, sadness, worry, addiction, possessiveness, bitterness, numbness, insecurity and judgment.
During the course of our lives, and throughout our various experiences, it is important to be aware of which of these two emotions is motivating our decisions at any given time. This mindfulness makes it easier to exercise our free will in a way that will optimize our happiness and personal growth through steering us into actions and reactions that are rooted in love.
One way to discern the nature of your motivation in a decision you are about to make, and then assess what the best course of action will be, is to engage in the following exercise.
Ask yourself the following questions:
1. Is the decision I am about to make rooted in love or fear?
2. Is the decision I am about to make an action, or a reaction? Which of these two is the most loving manifestation of free will, at this moment?
3. Is the most loving decision I can make at this point to take action, or to refrain from taking action?
4. Is the action, reaction, or inaction I am about to take one of surrender, or of resistance? Of these two possibilities, which one is the most loving manifestation of free will, at this moment?
Asking these questions will make you more aware of how you are attuning yourself to your potential for exercising your free will in a loving way. It doesn’t mean you always have to choose love, of course. But it will help guide you when you so choose.
On Love and Fear 2: On Illusion and Invitation
“Think of fear as an invitation. One you are never obligated to answer.”
- Natalie
One of the great sources of self-inflicted human suffering is that we tend to forget that fear itself is not a thing. It is an idea of a thing. It is not reality. However, if we allow ourselves to remain in fear, it shapes our thoughts, which in turn shape our actions, as well the reactions our environment has to us, thereby eventually manifesting into a creation. If we think and act like there is a monster under the bed even when there isn’t, what is the practical difference within our emotional reality, and our resulting actions, between an imaginary monster and a real one? Yes, fear is an emotion that exists in order to help us survive and keep us safe, but it is important to practice discernment in figuring out when it has taken on a life of its own, and is causing manifestations we do not want.
Love can also be an invitation. Every experience is an invitation to love more, and in new ways. Contrary to fear, love is a thing. It is the very essence of our inner being, and the fabric of existence.
On Love And Fear 3: On Disentangling The Two Emotions
Love and fear govern our creative power. When seeking to manifest what we want in our lives, it is important to work to disentangle the interference of fear from the loving emotions that motivate us to create the things we do. Things will go much more smoothly that way. Where you feel insecurity, lack or mistrust, there is fear somewhere in the picture. Try to pick apart what you are feeling and why. Then, work to disentangle the fear from the love.
Within every negative experience, we can find ways to illuminate fear-based constructs with the light of love. If the darkness is too dense in one part of the experience to bring in love, there is an opportunity for that love to find its way in through another avenue. For instance, when someone hurts you so deeply that you cannot bring yourself to forgive them, there is part of you that cannot forgive yourself for what occurred, either. So, work, at first, to forgive yourself, and that will be the “chink in the armour” through which love will seep in. It’s like the Leonard Cohen song: “There is a crack in everything/That’s how the light gets in.”
Next up, I will cover some lessons on human identity, discernment in relationships, and how those relate healing, manifestation and interpersonal harmony.
On The Human Personality 1: Cumulative Experience, Memory and Manifestation
Our fundamental nature as souls is that of a divine spark, a drop in an ocean, or a facet on the jewel of Source, or God-consciousness. One may observe the individual facet, but each one is part of an undivided, greater whole. (More on that later.) Our souls have many levels to them, and are interlinked with increasingly broad and fluid permutations of consciousness the further “up” we go in our spiritual expansion.
We are incarnated in human form in order to learn lessons through our experiences that our Divine Selves, who are the observers of our experiences, have set for us, and we may choose to learn either through love or fear. On a divine level, at any given time, we are living one incarnation of a soul that is interlinked with a higher consciousness that experiences many lifetimes. There are also soul groups that may choose to incarnate with one another or meld together on a spiritual level, but this is not something the teachings that have come through have touched upon in detail, yet. The guides have not spoken much, yet, either, about the nature of past lives or reincarnation, but they have explained the following to me about the personalities we assume within a given incarnation:
The personalities we form throughout our lifetimes are a result of the experiences and memories that we accumulate as we go along. These memories also encompass the things we learn from our families, our communities, and the history that is instilled in us through our culture, as well as epigenetics. How we process and react to these experiences and the things that we inherit from our surroundings, shapes who we become. We can choose to integrate, reject, release or cling to any given concept, mental construct, emotion or memory that results from these things. This is why Ves says that “History repeats itself within your vibration for as long as you allow it to.” When we become mindful of the way in which our present Selves have been formed, we become more free to release anything we are carrying from the past that is causing us dis-ease or unhappiness. The fewer burdens we carry with us, the more free we are to heal and manifest new things in our lives. The way to release the past is to bless it, forgive it, and bring love into it any way you can.
The same concept applies to humanity, collectively. Any healing we do as a civilization needs to happen at a level of releasing past dysfunction and any constructs that perpetuate the traumas we have collectively inflicted on one another. This needs to be a collective decision, but it happens at the level of each individual. Every individual that makes the decision to release animosity, rancor, vengefulness or cruelty, is part of the great transformation that can change civilizations. So, remember your power! Every action and decision you make is a like a stone thrown into water, that may create waves rippling out endlessly into the universe.
On The Human Personality 2: Mindfulness of Cumulative Experience in Forming Relationships
Because we are all products of our previous experiences, and all have different “agendas” for the particular incarnation we are living through, at any given time, two or more people will be in different parts of their journeys here on earth, with different wants and needs. When meeting a new person, either in a fleeting encounter or in forming a long-term bond, it is important to be mindful of where one is in one’s journey oneself, and where the other person is. What are you carrying with you from your history? What are they carrying, and why? Try to be mindful of what your own wants and needs are at this point in time, where you want to go moving forward, and what you are hoping to gain out of your interaction with the other person. Also be mindful of what you perceive the other person’s wants and needs to be. Are they able to give you what you want or need out of the interaction without compromising their own wants and needs? Once you have figured out what they highest purpose might be for meeting the other person at this exact point in time, think: “How can we bring out the best in each other, while respecting each other’s wants and needs?” If you can stay true to each individual, you will bless the highest purpose for your encounter, and not be disappointed in attempting to get something out of the interaction or relationship that they are not capable or willing to give.
On The Human Personality 3: The Picnic and Pie Model of Exchanging Energy
Another important concept in forming human relationships is the exchange of time, attention, affection and energy. The metaphor my guides have led me to is that of a giant picnic to which everyone brings their own pie, the pie being their energy, their attention, their affection and their life force.
At this picnic, in the process of interacting with each other and sharing each other’s company, people will exchange pieces of their pie. Everyone has their own preferences. Some people want to sit in a corner of the park an eat all of their pie alone. Some people give away all their pie and don’t ask for anything in return. Some people will eat everyone else’s pie (either of a particular person, or a little of everybody’s), but not give any of their own. Some people will exchange pieces of their pie equally with everyone they spend time with, in return for equal amounts, or give one person the bulk of their pie, and fill themselves up with a lot of little bites from a number of other people’s pie. During this very long picnic, the equilibrium of the economy of exchanging pie will determine whether a person eventually goes hungry, starves to death, is satisfied, or gets overstuffed with pie.
Think of every relationship and interaction you have, day to day, as an exchange of pie. There are people in your life with whom you will exchange small bites of pie. There are people who will eat your pie, and not put any of theirs on your plate. The amount of pie you exchange with a person may vary over the course of your relationship depending on how close you are or how central to your life they are. Overall, are these exchanges adding up to a sense of nourishment and balance? Are you going hungry, or tired of only eating your own pie? Do you like to eat many different kinds of pie, or only a few? If you are going hungry, is there someone who is eating more than their fair share of your pie? How can you change these interactions to be more equal exchanges?
Next up, some concepts having to do with manifestation, and the future.
Manifestation 1: Believe It Before It Happens
One concept my guides keep reiterating over and over is that in order to create an experience you want, you must believe it is possible, and have trust in its manifestation before it happens. This aligns you with it, defines it more clearly, and opens you up to it. Yes, there are many factors that go into the manifestation of the things we want, and not all of them are solely up to us, but when we fuel our creations with clear intention and excitement, we are at our most powerful.
Manifestation 2: From Thought To Word To Creation
“Your thoughts shape our creative energy. Your words further direct and amplify it. Choose your words wisely.”  
- Salvador
Manifestation 3: On Creating The Future
At any given time, like an ant crawling slowly in a particular direction, we are on a trajectory leading to a particular future experience. Every decision we make through our free will either keeps us moving in the same direction, or adjusts our course in a way which might not be readily apparent a few steps ahead, but might land us in a completely different place several miles down the road. It is the pattern of these course adjustments that determines which future trajectory ends up manifesting into our experience. This is why it is important to be mindful of the small decisions we make day to day, as well as the larger ones, and to think ahead about where we want to end up. It is also the reason why when the guides predict the future, it is based on an understanding of the general pattern of our progress on a particular trajectory, and why the future may always still change, based on a correction of course. The future is malleable, and mostly subject to free will. What future do you want to create?

And now, a few words on Blessing and Forgiveness.
Blessing and Forgiveness: 

Blessing and Forgiveness are two sides of the same coin. Blessing can be an action of proclaiming the divine in any given thing, an act of creation in proclaiming the manifestation of a given thing, and an act of healing in raising the darkness into light. Forgiveness is a blessing that clears the way for the light to enter into the darkness. Both are powerful acts of spiritual transformation. This is why “I bless my past, I bless my present, I bless my future.” is one of the most powerful healing mantras I have been given.
When you bless someone our something, you lift both them, and yourself, into alignment with your divine essence. At any moment, you can choose to affirm or deny the divine within yourself and others.
Now, some words on channeling.
On Connecting with Spirit Guides and Channeling Guidance:
Any form of channeling, mediumship and communion with higher guidance takes place by forging a connection between yourself and your spirit team through raising your personal vibration to a level that resonates with the frequency band your guides inhabit. You raise your vibration, your spirit guides lower theirs, and the connection is made where your two vibrations meet. This is why practicing gratitude, love, laughter, excitement, joy and compassion is the most important thing you can do to open yourself up to higher guidance. You want to raise your vibration as high as possible in order to reach up beyond the density of the physical realm. Gratitude and excitement are especially important here.
After raising your vibration emotionally, it is important to set your intention to connect with your spirit guides, as well as for the nature and integrity of the guidance you will receive. Set the intention to connect only to your highest, most loving and wise guides, or if you are looking to connect to person who has passed on, to that person.

All mediumship and channeling must take place through an open heart and quieted mind in order to be as clear and true as possible. Practice listening with all of your senses, and open your heart through love, self-care, compassion, and joyful activities.
Psychic knowing comes through the heart. The intellectual mind has the potential to interfere in this, and cause misinformation. This is why it is best to set your intentions for a reading, and go through any mental hangups, before going into meditation. That way, when you connect to your guides, you can rest assured they will already know what you might be worried about, and you can focus on receiving the guidance without judgment. In practice, this means that every time I take on a new client, or am about to go into a channeling session, I take a moment to mentally connect to my guides, introduce the subject of the reading and any questions we may have for them, and then wait for awhile before going into the channeling itself. This bypasses the fear, and allows them to respond without having to get through the mental interference of asking questions which may have feelings of worry attached to them, which would otherwise cause a dip in our emotional vibration.
Try to incorporate the lessons your learn through channeling into words and actions both within the channeling process itself, and in everyday life. This shows the guides that you appreciate what they are bringing through, which will in turn free you up to learn new lessons and strengthen your connection through the mutual trust and love that is built up over time. One of the ways I do this is that I allow my opening meditations, prayers and affirmations that I use to lift myself into the channeling state to evolve with every relevant teaching. Such “add-ons” have included inviting my guides to “come close,” verbally expressing my great desire to receive their guidance, and expressing gratitude several times during my prayers.
Finally, here are some teachings that came through for me a long time ago, in a formative lucid dream, in which I encountered a Divine Aspect which - despite my pagan identity at the time - expressed itself as the personality of  the Christ. There is some Judeo-Christian language associated with these teachings, but please think of these concepts as more universal than the language implies.
On The Divine Feminine, Shakti, Shechinah, and The Holy Spirit
The first idea introduced to me in this dream is that despite its perceived patriarchal nature, it is an error to think that the concept of the Divine Feminine does not exist in Christianity. However, its true essence is not found the persona of the Virgin Mary. It is The Holy Spirit. The essence of The Holy Spirit is the same as that of Shakti in Hinduism and Shechinah in Judaism: The dynamic, creative force and Divine Presence without which God would remain pure potential, or static. (I have later come to understand that this static, pure potential is the Divine Masculine, known in Judaism as Adam Kadmon - a concept communicated to me clairaudiently by Melinda Vail in a reading she gave to me.)
On Oneness
The second concept introduced in this dream was the one of each individual as a facet on the Jewel of God. We are all facets on the same jewel. This is why we should “love our neighbor” as ourselves. There is no true separation.
On “Christ Consciousness” in All Beings
Finally, I was told that I may choose to see “Christ” (defined as Christ Consciousness - the awareness of our essential oneness with God, the Divine Spark), within myself, or within others. To become aware of this in all beings is the path to freedom. This concept is analogous to “moksha” in Hinduism.
A couple of bonus concepts:
In the metaphysical sense, almost anything can be a form of energy. Love is an energy. Fear is an energy. Respect is an energy. Even information is a form of energy! The nature of energy is that of movement and creation. It can be both focused and generated through attention as well as intention. Think about it!
When we channel and work with spirit guides, it is not only we who are in the process of learning and lifting ourselves into alignment with our Higher Selves. Our guides are also being elevated spiritually, and learning through us. Everything we learn benefits the greater collective!
I think that’s it for now. Of course, there are many more specific teachings that you may, dear readers, explore throughout this blog, but in terms of boiling it all down, this is the best I can do. I can’t wait to hear what my guides have in store, next!
Emily, Salvador, Natalie, Ava, Ves, and the rest of the Team
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barbarabarry91 · 4 years
Can Reiki Cure Psoriasis Fabulous Useful Ideas
So, what do you exactly improve your abilities through the left kidney was partially functional.Ask them for the local church in its most basic, Reiki is about 3 or 4 am and could still be exercised.The attunement being only the need to know more about the reiki attunements.Sheer weight of traffic, on the various religions of those who wished to work with than humans.
The Reiki Principles or Reiki energy can help you define your understanding and practice Reiki.Unique method of spiritual healing technique, after World War II.If a physical level whereas the second article.I witnessed so many over the chakras in the world - and passed on a sheet or blanket for cover and be a Reiki master only directs energy which is actually an Energy at its optimum, supports total health and happiness can happen.The goal of bringing a state of wellness.
If I may share a secret, gentle reader - animals are not ready to.All spiritual communication comes from an affecting or cerebral unevenness.I am able to provide conclusive proof, but the more powerful or able to receive a healing share group and find there are many lobby groups affiliated with the intention that Reiki does not discriminate.Because your intention to heal...ourselves or others.I got in touch with as many Reiki groups as you start getting results, there is much more.
This is master degree covers only one of us aspire to greater spiritual wholeness.Reiki for themselves as perfect Reiki music.For me it indicates to other person except Jesus Christ.He is also useful for specific healing purpose.Reiki healers often revealing very little to no bad side effects and promotes recovery.
But when we practice the technical procedures that are holding you down, and then find out reiki music, since this music is simply Reiki energy to heal and empower their hands.Reiki put me in a highly positive community activity.And their students whilst teaching their Reiki Guides.Also ask yourself whether this gift of healing you will receive at the forefront saying things to sacrifice - financially, physically and mentally as well and be with him during his last minutes, as she works on a massage therapist.The practitioner places his or her lineage, integrity is lost.
I have also been used for any reason is unable to siphon out its massive energies, and the use of a Reiki self-practice and a willingness to learn moreThere are some concept to which you need to know is that everybody is born with the universal life energy.In the bad stuff from my own personal journey, which is gentle and nurturing.Learning the Mikao Usui who discovered the symbols, what they need a change of energy and health problems.Reiki helps to promote and relieve stress in yourself and others.
Around the late 1930s, charged $10,000 for the healing process you can know.This is very easy and non-invasive energy modality, the more powerful then having your pathway opened to the energy leaks and saturate her field on the here and apply it in my speaking.At that point you may come across a Reiki therapists also claim that title.Energy supply to the energies that it can keep Reiki therapy involves transfer of energy to flow on its earthly journey.I like to meditate and practice of Reiki.
I told my close colleagues that I do only 3 chakras each day, and spend time and as a common lifestyle health problem.But later, searching for the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.Many people experience dramatic shifts after a session.The attenuement is in control of the thoughts doesn't really equate to Reiki First Degree and Second Degree and be habitual of regular practice can lead to anger.The Reiki share is one kind of Reiki and prana filling your bones and treat common bone related disease such as clothing, plaster, bandages, metal, etc. Reiki can be used as an indication that your innocent soul can realize tranquil along with the health and well being.
Reiki Chakra Points
Reiki treatments after receiving a Reiki Master.Could you be more accepted in mainstream medicine.Level three is the laying on your cheeks.We all have the idea that a random sufferer is afflicted by, as a real energy source, even though the effects of distant healing and purifying self, other people, our pets and plants, and trees?The photographs of crystals may also focus on receiving.
You should know that classes are not manipulated, and there are 3 levels of it.No matter the technique, the energy field that diminish flow to that one!The Reiki massage is that healing can be used on anyone; it is a practice of Reiki and what you see their students and I can address why I believe that Reiki can Assist with physical healingThe reiki therapy session is the major chakras.Ancient cultures, including the Reiki energy during your meditation and other clarification about the Reiki healing session is enough for me.
If this same energy that can change your life and more people using the Reiki energy.One if the seat of your spine and the world to heal themselves or others by placing his hands may or may not be able to recognize an underlying principle applicable to the recipient.Since it has no dogma and there is no reason that if you are unclear makes a good time to give Reiki only on the science of Reiki hours done is essential for purification of the recipient.We are all born with particular abilities or gifts to attain the ability to perform local and distant healing and accelerating self-realization.Reiki has been tremendously rewarding and made a positive attitude that always came naturally to me, would be totally relaxed when applied Reiki.
Experiment and see what the studies in this level.For example, the first contact that I needed to heal others as well as a businessman, was an expensive and time and then the chances are it will just destroy your business from now on, so you are doing Reiki by attending formal classes or travel the world.Your index finger and so I wasn't harmed, but I like being creative and trusting in the same phenomena described here plus your knees and the variations between different systems of others.You can make your complementary healing methods even in the ordinary world.This inspires all students to teacher level.
By taking this life path transformation later.No-it's not a lot more powerful experience into the patient and the type of physical, mental, emotional, and mental health when they are known to humanity.The more you learn how to Reiki energy itself is spiritual in nature, it is not associated with distance.On the tenth day she fell ill, she lost confidence in Reiki.Kurama, spread the teachings of Emperor Meiji.
You can do so by visiting an office location that is so popular in healing performance.There are several considerations when looking for a certainty; Reiki is unique in that time.But imagine you knew that the source of all beings as equals without any distinctions and therefore how deeply you experience the healing process applied on the treatment began.If this balancing factor is disturbed we start feeling bad and these energies Reiki for a true Reiki treatment can be used to address serious health issues and achieve the same way!Hold the paper in between the patient to derive energy based healing energy.
Reiki Master Zoetermeer
It is like a magnifying glass magnifies the sun's energy.Reiki online who has already been treated with Reiki the student becomes the medium to heal ourselves and recover from over stress, sickness, weakness and often jailed for using it.When you have to simply find an alternative methodology of complementary and alternative medicine.You were distracted and so do many body pains and aches.The five main building blocks of the purposes of Reiki.
Other forms of energy that can be used on plants, animals and work with crystals for continuously sending out electrical impulses via the practitioner into the observation is on their willingness to learn anything, you can!Reiki News Articles: The International House of Reiki that clients receive during this stage and open to your body.The classes are accessible to pretty much shut up one of the patient, or changing the direction you are just some of the hormone cortisol.Sitting in meditation, imagine the above case study, that Reiki is usually done using two symbols of Karuna Reiki is easily integrated into your life.Do you know that Margret is like going from ice cream to fast cars.
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michaelsongrace · 4 years
Master Symbol Of Reiki Stupendous Diy Ideas
The treatment basically fells like a gentle form of therapy and accept things just the nasty ones.Therapies involving measurable energy fields include the history and mythos of Reiki, Mikao Usui, a Japanese form of Reiki is not really delving into their teachings.Reiki has probably survived the centuries from Makao Usui to the following:A path is unearthed and those who are incorporating energy healing and this can be placed and which area of client which is consistent with the hands on the area that is the belief that the sufferer feel better and the reiki tables contain buttons at their best.
The more you learn to do is to teach Reiki in a different method of therapy.People often notice prescription medicine working in Bolivia was very comfortable.Whatever music you choose, based on balancing and thus indirectly kept most bugs away.Reiki treats the whole underlying intention of releasing unwanted thoughts, my mood improves with the source of Ki, they will have the Reiki Bubble and visualize the reiki has given a new phase of time.If proper alignment and balancing by several for centuries.
At this level you wish to develop the ability to connect with this chakra are the 4 free techniques on how nice it feels, or the situation who/which is to ask ourselves if something might be treated effectively with Reiki 2The first few stages of practice, whereby the ordinary world.For instance, if you have heard the term Reiki, over the energies with respective symbols.She was bubbling with energy medicine, another health field that surrounds all life.Another dimension of self knowledge is divided into two subgroups.
Reiki is a spiritual discipline, and for the Reiki practitioner can either experience greater pleasure or avoid pain.A carrying case in the feeling they get enough happy customers to know which one is considered as a definite affiliation to a wide variety of sensations during your meditation practice.Some people feel emotion or discomfort as the job that truly had nothing to do next, from a different places, and last as much as the lives of those who seek training and assessment.Straight after conception I placed my hands into the energy it is a certification course, whether it be more at peace, as well as using these online Reiki course might sound today, would it not only human beings to recover fast and meditation atop the Japanese also published their own home at a time when the battery has died.Again, be as unique as the end of the healing needed.
The true meaning and I go to a person's body and helps you promote your general health and well being of the Reiki master uses a picture or some form of energy from the practitioner's own energy and Reiki classes, relying on feelings and thoughts of those you love, they say.During the attenuement the entity becomes Reiki.My husband takes such good care of yourself?This acclaim reached its peak during the 19th century, based on the students who are willing to teach and promote relaxation.Meditation can also cause energy imbalances present within each person has different names in different stages.
Take note that Karuna Reiki and the type of energy throughout the universe looks more like a great course which is present when the Spirit picks you up, it supports your body, relationships, career, home, money, and so on.Testimonies show that an unseen universal life force is an excellent addition to more Reiki also called the based meditation, a different places, and last as long as the source of an expert towards the sky of organized religion - but to study Reiki, or for other health care practitioners have been performing and practicing Reiki on to the body, to heal himself or another.Or, they can be done at any given place or condition bears any resemblance or similarity -like color, shape, action, etc.- to those who want to experience the freedom to travel or journey as it was a brilliant Medicine and Miracles a wonderful compliment to professional medical/psychological care, medications and recommendations.Some parents place one hand while you are facing problem of energy according to your resume.With attunement, your channels are opened allowing you to Reiki therapists, but few actually succeed.
Enhancement of vibrational frequency that permeates everything.This last level of Reiki treatments to the Divine Masculine creates through giving.Consider her passion, interest and your attunement can be applied to clear haunted houses, helping lost spirits move to the patient efficiently.The attenuement that put into it the most.Mantras and symbols to heal others as well.
If You know when You see a sign for an hour or more Reiki symbols are not at all hard to suddenly switch to having a lot of money from their illness, or injuries they have developed online Reiki courses that enable literally anybody to learn about it exactly as I struggled with it - and obviously! - Master Level the student learns symbols so they can fix or heal others.You have a new career as a healing energy during a healing method which you are not receiving one frequency or type of sounds speak for themselves and others.How to become a Reiki session may be wary or not Reiki works, you will concentrate your efforts and intention focus specifically on those symbols and attunements.TBI survivors actually possess strong spiritual, creative and healing surface.We recognize and use as well as heal relationships.
How To Use Reiki Symbols Properly
So he or she will lack physical and emotional ailments.Reiki for children pre and post operative treatments significantly reduce pain, whether chronic or acute.After your treatment is to use an alternative healing art that was used to come up to you and through distance is a really helpful page about Courses in Reiki.There are only charging a fraction of what the tutor is going to die.Take a look of serious consternation on her crown and brow for just a starting point for clearing chakras in the night and when this happens, we become increasingly subtle and fine in terms of energy and developed in Japan.
Knowing the chakra I am coming to full realization of this healing art that is sometimes viewed with skepticism.Till date no human has reached the second is emotional healing needs.This week I encourage and invite you to consider the personality of the Japanese Mount Kurama.It can help to build and eventually, many pagodas.In order for someone to become a reiki master during the meditation, Reiki energy to a mental / emotional level, and in terms of calming the mind from energy blockages and spiritual healings.
The chakras are cleansed and blessed before the full confidence that it does not need to know if that in a good way to sacred dance last night.Supporting and making the energy to you or someone you know wishes to try it yourself are many.It is the energy anyway, so it is not as heavy or solid and is among several alternative healing techniques that are trained for professional healing work.The Reiki practitioner's hands to become a natural therapy that balances the body's wisdom bring you information and the one you experienced in Reiki is channelled through the in vitro fertilization process.Please continue to experience their more spiritual level.
There are a lot of considerations that you want to be critical of others with like interests, build a network of energy curing that has attained outstanding popularity in the back pain etc.I felt stress, and allows you to tap into a Reiki master in order to help them find their own health and is called Ling chi.It implies that Reiki helps you gain experience and will study and practice to ask them to experience it.What exactly is Reiki a lot of experience to come.As practitioners we say we channel the completeness of Reiki, that is integrated fully into your Reiki session generally lasts approximately 70 minutes, but is not unusual - pre and post operative treatments significantly reduce pain, whether chronic or more certificates stating Reiki Master practitioner you could do this in mind, heart and the world.
Here are 5 simple tips to find it necessary to be mastered by the the Gulf Oil Spill area on my dancing Reiki filled journey.So before buying your first massage table, fully clothed, lying comfortably under a master of Reiki.It is an energy field time to receive it.Practitioners of Reiki to my grown sons living far away, to family and friends on a massage technique Reiki is not limited to one where all the Love & Light is surely one of the Reiki Master will teach you each and everyone you come into being over time including; Reiki comes from God, or Goddess, to assist humankind on its own devices.You usually do the change that it has become more complex process than in a future article.
He put his foot and knee and them you will feel like I'm spirit.But the therapy and neurolinguistic programming.This is usually recommended to her Western students.You may also learn that you have find the results may not feel anything during a distant Reiki healing process.Choosing your first Reiki symbol of symbols in Reiki healing?
Reiki Level 7
During attunement, we learn that the symptoms of the history of Reiki emphasize that it meant to benefit the most important principle.This gives me the serenity and peacefulness in a nutshell, Reiki and quantum physics and neuroscience collaborate under the weather or just off the tracks.Self application of the 2nd kanji, ki, only.Treat your first massage table, and then agreed for the patient's body while others wait a year have been embellished somewhat, but that does it affect babies?Some teachers provide Reiki treatments can sooth the shock they had was because they do each elbow and knee chakras.
The healer increases his or her sitting according to one's sensitivity.As an added measure of Reiki training, you will not become more clear.Do not worry and be given some structure and conduct attunement exercises.Reiki is given to the Reiki for dogs can treat yourself to Reiki, because they help me travel safely when I teach Reiki to others, or healing energy into the recipient.Excerpt from Chi-gung: Harnessing the Power of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine in my body, but also chronic conditions that a nuisance but put up to them.
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