#I've actually made a new post! yay!!!
kcloveslegos · 1 year
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I'm remodeling Star just a little bit and I hope you all love this!
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stupidwarriorkitties · 6 months
Daniel Mullinverse Dashboard Simulator
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🎮 lionelsnill follow
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Walk WIP! Usually I don't share these for free but I've decided this would be a great way to give the game some publicity and promote my kofi
#rb #HOLYSHIT??? #super weasel kid
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🌵 ilovecowboys unpopular opinon, rust from waste world is a gilf
🌵 ilovecowboys
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I cannot believe you OP, rust is a fucking DILF not a gilf. get your fucking facts together
🌵 ilovecowboys
oh fuck you're right im sorry. rust from waste world is a dilf.
#ww rust #waste world
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🃏 luckycarder
hey guys, sorry to have a serious video out of the blue but some important stuff has popped up. i'll keep this post pinned for a while since it's a big issue rn
#important #lucky card posts
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🔼 gamefuna-offical follow sponsored
merry christmas from gamefuna headquarters! as a little gift super weasel kid 09 deluxe is going on sale til january! #gamefuna #merry christmas (2 notes)
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🎣 carla51
merry christmas guys, remember to boycott gamefuna because they fucking suck and so do their games.
#carla goes fishing
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🎩 thedarkclown follow
:) #i see you (666 notes)
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💎 orbofpoweryum
#vallimar speaks #secrets of legendaria (170 notes)
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🎣 carla51
i saw the secrets of legendaria poll and HOLY SHIT THANK YOU for saying all that nice stuff about the fishing bit it genuinly means the world to me people found that and enjoyed it anyways im gonna go cry now :') #carla goes fishing (61 notes)
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🐹 weazelkid01 happy birthday super weasel kid! :D #super weasel kid #swk #super weasel kid: radical road (20 notes)
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⬛ bandito7
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(70,000 notes)
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🔼 gamefuna-offical follow sponsored we are sad to inform everyone that inscryption, a game that many have been talking about is not real. it's simply a rumor that some very rude people made up. if you have come across any sort of content of gamefuna without it being sold, please not that (read more) (10 notes)
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📺 t0theweb follow
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🎣 carla51
taking a break from tumblr, alot has happened in the last few days and i need some time to process it. i'll hopefully be back in a week or two, sorry. #carla goes fishing #important (30 notes)
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🃏 luckycarder
gonna start a gameplay series soon! i know most people probably only follow me for card stuff but found this neat little game in the woods and i wanna check it out, i'll upload the first video soon! (120 notes)
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453 notes · View notes
mtkay13 · 1 month
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My version of the wardrobe template! yay!! I had a LOT of fun doing this and feel like I could elaborate a bit more on each of those.
It's already linked up here, but here's once again a > link to the post.< Anyway! More about these designs below!
So first, for WKX's template! - Chapter 2: Grey robes I had already made my design of those for the full TYK lineup I made a while back. I really, really like those, and took inspiration from some of the robes SHL!WKX wears in the show for the shapes. - Chapter 69: dark robes with dark red belt I expected to like that style for him, but not that much! I had seen a tutorial on how asymetrical hanfus were worn by archers in the past and that inspired me, purely on a fashion level of course. I like how intimidating he looks with those and enjoy the touches of blue in the inner layer of the robes. - Chapter 75: dark red robes The GVM robes! which I also designed a while back when researching for the illustrations of the Mt Fengya battle scenes that I wanted to make. I reworked them just a little bit and got rid of some details that I didn't like anymore. I tremendously pleated skirts for WKX so I went at it once again. I also used shifts in hues to make it look like it could have been drenched in blood. - Extra 5: deep red robes For the reminder (since apparently some people are not aware of extra 5's existance), this extra is set 5 years post-canon. I wanted WKX to wear something that looked comfortable for traveling but also practical and fashionable. The teal jacket is of course another nod at SHL since the red and teal combo was an absolute banger. Let's say I didn't want WKX to just sport an all-red look. Furthermore, the teal really works to adorn the red hues. - My personal favourite I actually don't really know whether those are my actual personal favourites, but I've come to LOVE WKX dressed in red and white thanks to @kwehxing's designs. I think it really suits him and on top of that it avoids the question "is this Hua Cheng" LMAO--okay jokes aside, I combined most of the shapes that I really like for WKX (wider shoulders, wide sleeves, and long robes with pleated inner robes) and I find him very elegant like this. Now, for ZZS! - Chapter 1: sapphire blue scholar robes Those had already been designed before as well! They're my go to generic TC!ZZS robes, haha. I was a bit extra with the blue colour here, but oh well. I'm quite obsessed with the silver brocade cynching his waist, haha. - Chapter 2: stolen farmer robes A classic as well as far as I'm concerned--of course, inspired by his hobo fit in SHL because it was quite efficient. I'm forever fond of my scruffy hobo!Xu and his toes poking from his sandals. - Chapter 18: luxurious robes from the Gao family Those were a new design! Which I had a lot of fun coming up with. Putting ZZS in a different colour scheme was also really nice. For those who don't remember, ZZS feels quite ridiculous when he sees himself in a mirror wearing those fancy robes while being so emaciated and still sporting his hobo mask. I wanted to give this "out of place" feeling; and also work on a very "wuxia" style for the robes, since this is jianghu and they were provided by Gao Chong. - Extra 5: black robes I'm incredibly fond of this design. I worked quite a bit on it, since I wasn't sure of where I wanted to go. My main guidelines were: practical and cool. I really like ZZS having a lot of room to move so ideally not too much fabric in the way, and I think he also needs arm braces to be rid of annoying sleeves. Of course, him looking much healthier and having a dynamic ponytail really works to "complete the look", and I find that he looks really cool there haha. - My personal favourite This one has been refined over the months, but it's definitely, overall, my favourite look for him in terms of shapes and construction. I like that the robes are short, I like the more fashionable jacket. I'm especially into the "pants tucked into the boots" silhouette, as well as the little ribbons keeping them tight around the ankles. I'd say that this leg shape + short robes + a bun (or sometimes a ponytail) is THE ZZS design combo for me, haha. It looks practical and fun and adventurous, just how I like it.
To conclude the whole post, I had more fun doing this than I even expected, and needless to say that I'm very excited to see other versions of them following this template. It was a good opportunity to try and project what the characters look like throughout the book, and a fun design exercise as well. I actually don't really like doing character design usually, but for characters I'm obsessed with, it's of course a much nicer experience. Anyway, thank you for reading!
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aklaustaleteller · 1 month
We'll Meet Again, Beloved
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Klaus is in trouble again and his lover, who is soon to become the goddess that the wolves would get to worship, comes to his rescue, again. And it's painful to come with the knowledge that she's always leaving in the end. But at last, this'd be the last time she'd ever have to leave.
Warnings - mentions of blood and inflicted pain. Word Count - 1.8k
This is actually a rewritten version of this fic that I'd posted in 2021! I'm quite proud to say that I think it's much better than it had originally been, so I hope you like it as well! I'd be rewriting a couple more fics before I post the new work I've written, so yay! Enjoy <3
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Fury burned Klaus’ eyes with such extreme rage that they began to shine a golden ring inside, the one that made it look like there was a solar eclipse inside his once beautifully green orbs. Aguish encapsulated all of his bones as if he were turning into his wolf form, his blood beginning to boil inside him and pour out of the corners of his mouth that had twisted into a dangerous snarl.
“You’re a monster!” The witch shouted at him, blood slipping out her own nose as she threw hateful insults at him, her voice growing louder in order to maintain the effect of the spell as she herself grew weaker by spending her magic such carelessly. 
Her hands shook and yet she kept them faced towards Klaus, who kneeled due to the force, writhing in pain in front of her, screaming at her the death threats that she knew weren’t empty. Her eyes clenched shut as she yelled, her voice shaking similarly to Klaus’ hands that he held his head with. 
“Stop it!” Klaus shouted at her, denying himself from crouching in the agonising pain that she’d been inflicting on him for so long that she’d fallen to her knees as well. Klaus knew that she knew were she to fail this attempt of ending him, she won’t live to even see him get off his knees – seeing as she refused to back down despite the fact that she might end herself with him. 
His body shook as if he’d been given wolfsbane and his forearms dug further deep into the ground. 
Looking up at her with her death flashing in his eyes, Klaus screamed at her once again. “Stop this or I will make sure your death is as painful as I can make it!” 
He raised his arm in order to reach her, noticing the indent he had caused in the soil as he struggled to raise his head. And in that moment he decided that this would be the very place he would leave her dead for the animals to feast upon. 
“Stop,” Klaus growled as her magic finally began to weaken, losing its grip on him as the witch lay on the ground, chanting the spell with as much power as her wilting body could muster up.
“Burn in hell,” the witch dared to stop herself and grit her teeth at him, now muttering the spell under her breath. She shut her eyes to stop herself from witnessing the smirk on Klaus’ mouth that was curling to show his sharp canines that would be tearing her apart into shreds. 
“And where, little witch, do you think he’s come from, then?” A soft voice mumbled tauntingly, causing Klaus to lift his gaze up from the witch’s trembling body to look at the woman leaning over her, whispering something under her breath that stopped the witch’s heart and tore it to pieces inside her chest – Klaus could hear that, or perhaps, he was persuaded to hear that.
The pain coursing through his body stopped and he felt his insides healing within a matter of seconds as he stood up from the ground, covered in blood and dirt. Still, he managed to smile graciously at the woman.
She wasn’t just any woman, no. She was a child to the gods, soon to become one herself as her turning year turned into the turning month, creeping up on her faster than she’d anticipated becoming Y/n, a goddess for all the wolves to worship. 
“My one and only,” she smiled back at him, a smile that could kill and bring one back from death’s hand itself. Her head lulled to the side as she looked at him adoringly, her soft plush lips calling out to him to come to her. Her hair flying behind her, making her seem all the more mystical and alluring than she already was. 
From where her hands had been hanging beside her, she offered them for Klaus to hold. Following his gaze to her right hand, she noticed some blood smeared on it and a corner of her mouth lifted. She shifted her weight on her right leg, freeing her left leg to relax a little. 
Which then made Klaus’ attention to catch on the bottom of her dress. It seemed as if it had been scraped and torn, the tearing marks seeming sharp, almost ready to dagger whatever lay beneath. The skirt flowed with the wind, allowing Klaus to see dirt crawling up her legs, telling him that there’d again been a struggle when she’d tried to come to him. 
“It was the god that the Vampires worship. He put up a rather annoying tantrum and tried to stop me from coming to you, my love,” she shrugged, complaining innocently and answering his question before he’d even asked it, all at once.  “You know I had to,” she grinned, a little cunningly. 
And then, her ears caught up with his ragged breathing. “Go,” she whispered, watching Klaus turn in front of her as she rid him of the pain he would’ve felt had she not been here.  
And as Klaus ran off into the woods, hunting down all that came in his way from camping humans to newly turned vampires looking to feed themselves, Y/n stood near the witch’s body and shut her eyes, trying to catch a word with the Witch’s god. He, who was already rather annoyed that another one of his had died because of defying the one rule he’d set. 
“I told you, anyone who’d hurt him would die,” Y/n muttered under her breath.
“I apologise, dear Y/n. I’ll make sure this doesn’t happen again” he sighed, and he must’ve opened his eyes because the connection had seemingly broken. 
So she opened her eyes, looking at the neverending sky, full of stars that witnessed such evil too frequently for her comfort.
This hadn’t been the first time she’d helped Klaus, nor was it the first time a tear had slipped out of her eyes because of the restrictions that prevented her from confessing to him until she’d turned herself into a goddess, a trap that had been set by the gods themselves – they’d known her yearn to be a human and walk the Earth and yet, they’d put up the condition over her so she’d turn, a trap. And she was willing to step into it just so that she’d never have to leave Klaus again. And she was going to, soon. 
She’d coffessed such to him before, which was the reason that he mostly tried to stay away from her – to prevent inflicting pain on her already beaten heart. To wait until she could safely be his, without her heart breaking into a million pieces over the reminder that it was going to take a long time before she could let herself fold in his arms. 
Wiping the lone tear, she sat up focusing her attention on his movement to see if he was going to come back anytime soon. She waited for him, for her favourite wolf, to come and ask her to turn him back so that he could touch her with just as much vulnerability as she did him.
Her mind lulled her to think about his state when he’d return. His soft shiny fur would be wet with blood and sweat, paws as soft as feathers after running at the speed of light, ears flopped down in search of comfort and searching for her heartbeat. She jerked a little when she heard twigs breaking and leaving rustling, crunching and crushing under his paws as he neared her. His nose sniffing and his fur brushing against trees. 
She moves to catch sight of him, instead feeling his paw on her back. She turned to take him in her arms, to lay back with him on top of her, so that his heart would calm down listening to hers. But when she did do that, instead of putting his head in the crook of her neck, Klaus looked into her eyes – searching them for something while the one thing Y/n saw in his eyes was a raw seek for comfort.
Showing him all the love that he needed to be reassured, she felt as he melted in her arms right then and there. His snout reached her exposed neck while he remained lying on top of her with his head on her chest, looking up at her with the truest loving eyes. 
But then she felt a tear slip down her skin and she brought her hands to scratch his fur, holding him a little closer. “It’s alright, little wolf. You’ll be alright,” she whispered. “You’re in safe hands, lay to rest for a little,” she assured him, knowing that all his senses must be heightened right now. 
Tears collected on the rim of her eyes as she thought of the times she almost lost him, lost her grasp on him because of the very consequences of his own actions, had witnessed him crying to himself because of the number of times he had been betrayed. But she blinked them away when she heard him purr lightly, coming to the realisation that he was safe and in her arms, and that was all that mattered in the moment. 
He got off of her when the moon began to hide away behind drifting clouds, making her sit up as well. 
“Let’s get you back to your disguise, shall we, little wolf?” She asked him, a whisper of her soft giggle following behind. 
Klaus wagged his tail twice, indicating that he was indeed ready. He felt his heart swell with love when she ruffled his fur while moving to stand up, scratching behind his ear a couple times before asking him to follow her. 
Coming to halt under direct moonlight, she closed her eyes before mumbling a spell, so softly that even Klaus would have taken that as the mere sound of wind during nightfall. He kept looking at her until a tear slipped past her shut eyes, which made him look down and brush up against her feet for the last time, for a long while. 
When he looked up again, she’d already been gazing at him. Leaning down, she pressed a kiss between his eyes and walked back a couple steps. 
“We’ll meet again soon, beloved,” Y/n whispered, another tear escaping her eyes as a gust of wind carried her away with it, leaving no trace of her other than the tingling beneath Klaus’ skin. 
Klaus looked up at the sky then and swore to her that he’d be waiting for her right here the next time she’d come down to meet him, to finally let herself go in his arms. And his eyes glossed over as he felt another gush of wind, this time changing him from his wolf form, and back to his hybrid physique. 
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pt II our flag means death but I've never watched it
HELLO OFMD FANDOM! It's the Good Omens Mascot and Resident Dumbass, back again for part II. First, let's clear the air of all controversy!
Some of you lovely maggots were kind enough to warn me about certain discourse about a salad spoon and also about a certain gentleman named Izzy. I was warned not to make assumptions and not to take sides, and I hear some members had to leave the fandom for a while because it got toxic. Maggots. All the rest of you. Worry not about me. I'm here to unite the OFMD fandom! How, you ask? By being so undeniably stupid in my own opinions that you all will have to unite to disagree with me. You underestimate the power of my dumbassery. Well, let's not dilly dally and dawdle, here's the updated summary:
I have been informed there is cannibalism on this ship but it is not real. Someone pretends to eat someone and then their wife helps them fake their death while they run away from the ship though their lover wanted them to run to China.
There are BDSM lesbians, which is honestly such a slay, Pinterest has let me down by not informing me of that when I made Part I. I will no longer be using Pinterest a reliable source in future academic essays.
Mermaid Stede performs necromancy while a song called Kate Bush plays (I don't know who this is, a politician? Idk whether of US or UK).
Gravy Basket is a destination and Buttons is a sea witch and there is educational stabbing. Buttons is then a bird because of the BDSM lesbians.
There is a lady who is extremely beautiful and intimidating and powerful and she has twenty husbands and I assumed incorrectly that you were all talking about a Jack Russel terrier.
Let's start with the controversy! Izzy. Secondary protagonist or antagonist? Good or bad? Kindly father figure or homoerotically charged friend? Necessary death or not? No no no. Behold:
I present a new question, a hot take sizzling from the pan: Did Izzy really exist?
Personally, I firmly believe that no, he did not. I believe that the rum on the ship was spiked with hallucinogens.
Izzy was simply the manifestation of Ed's Freudian subconscious, taking the shape of a human being, vaguely resembling a humanoid potato Ed was forced to boil as a kid. I was a psychology student with a final grade of 99% and I accept only destructive criticism on my posts thank you. Feel free to discuss whether he boiled the potato in a fit of rage or whether he was forced to.
There are assorted Ned's, Mary's and an uncertain number of Jeff's on ship.
One of the Jeff's is an accountant, and there is a nonbinary talking sword named Jim. Actually I'm not sure if they talk.
Love you all, rooting for the show to be renewed.
REMINDERS. Be polite to each other in the reblogs, on tumblr reblogs spread posts and not likes (which don't do anything for visibility) unlike other social media sites, but MOST IMPORTANTLY.
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filmbyjy · 1 year
How hyung line would look after you on your period ?
a/n: oh actually I’ve done one with the whole group before but since this is only for the hyung line, it’s going to be a new one! also it’s great to know i’m currently on my period as I started writing this🧌currently dying👍🏻
WARNING: since it is the hyung line, i'm making it more suggestive than usual. why? bc these four have me on chokehold. which also means minors please do not interact. mentions about giving head. mentions of makeout. i'm putting this in the smut tag only bc i realise the more i write, the more i want to go further😀.
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enhypen reacts [hyung line]: taking care of you during your period
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— placing this in case the read more messes up —
❦ heeseung
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oh lee heeseung…holding back myself bc i may pounce
but anyways, i've said in my other post with the whole group, heeseung would definitely be sweet
he buys you pads whenever you run out (with addition of him being terrified by the heaps of pads and tampons in that section)
helps make tea (or coffee but i'm more of tea girl) when you feel in pain.
helps you distract from your cramps by making you laugh
he still that sweet boyfriend but...
his patience is at the low when he's getting hot and heavy.
i mentioned that heeseung now uses kisses to make you feel better whenever you are having cramps.
and when those kisses get carried away, you bet your asses you will be laid back onto the couch as heeseung hovers over you.
and he would get annoyed if your cramps interrupt his kissing session with you.
if it escalates even further, you have to stop him and remind him that you are on your period.
to which, he groans
"i just want to give you some love. why does mother nature have to come at the worst timing." he complains.
oh lee heeseung, you wished god never made women suffer with periods every month but there was no choice.
so to suffice heeseung's lust, you umm well offer him to give him head.
and yes, he agreed bc who wouldn't want to receive head from their significant other.
❦ jay
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okay so i've mentioned before that since jay is an only child, he wouldn't know much about periods and stuff
after all, the only womanly figure around him is his mom.
however, he does quickly learn how to handle these sorts of things bc well he is simply park jongseong.
and once he becomes a pro at it then yay! happy girlfriend = happy jay
now for the suggestive part...
jay, to put it quite frankly, has a high sex drive. i won't lie
but he is a patient man so he will wait
however, not when you've been teasing him.
you've gotten more horknee during your period and like you have a hunk of a boyfriend
how are you not supposed to tease him
your kisses always lingered on him and it makes him want to swoop you in and kiss you hard
but he knows he shouldn't
"love, we shouldn't." jay says.
"but i just want to kiss you."
"if i kiss you, i won't be able to control myself."
but of course, you kissed him.
it ends with you and him having clothed sex and yes, it was the hottest thing you've done with jay.
❦ jake
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i've mentioned that jake has 'golden retriever' energy
and it's true he does
he would be a good boy and run around helping you whenever he needs to
bc he loves you
which does make him sound like a total simp, which he is. however, do you wear the pants in the relationship?
unfortunately, you don't bc although jake is all 'happy puppy', he can turn into a total menace with you.
tbh, he hates whenever you have your period. sure he takes care of you and whatever.
but to him, a period is like cockblocker
he can't have sex with you
and we all can tell that he has a high sex drive (read: scorpio sign staring right back at you)
so like whenever, it's that time of the month...jake has no choice but to either jerk off or be holy and not touch himself
if he decides to stay holy is bc he would rather feel you than use his hands.
however, if he can't wait then his right hand will be of use.
❦ sunghoon
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i didn't mention much in hoon's side bc it was just crack
and honestly, it's true
sunghoon just wants to liven up the mood bc he knows it probably hurts
or well you told him how much it hurts
sunghoon doesn't enjoy seeing you in pain so he opts to make you smile
or well...see you flustered
sunghoon likes to also tease you during your period
why? bc you can't do anything about it
little does he know, your hormones go way worse when it's that time of the month.
he will trap you against a wall, lean down to nearly kiss your lips and then pulling away.
you hate it but you also loved it bc god you loved the tension whenever it happens.
finally, you cracked. you wrapped your arms around sunghoon's neck and kissed him. he wasn't fazed by it since he wanted this too.
it escalates further, you were in the bedroom. straddling sunghoon's lap still kissing him and grinding down on him.
sunghoon knows this should stop but he drunk off the feeling, it had been a long time (it was only 2-3 days).
you had ended it off by giving him head and he helped you out by letting you ride his thigh.
701 notes · View notes
sweatypad · 3 months
HELLO, I'm gonna rewrite mcd, I'm not sure if anybody will see this post but I really hope so. 🙏 My rewrite will be very close to cannon but I am of course fixing any and all plotholes and adding a few minor headcannons >:) I've wanted to rewrite it for soooo long but never felt like I had any good reason to, UNTIL I met my bsf and recently discovered that I HAVE to make him love mcd. I know he won't watch the actual show tho and he loves reading so this is my way to make him do it.
Anyways, if you like fantasy, gays, long lore filled stories, please read!! I purposefully made this rewrite in a way that people can read it and get the full experience without having to watch the crappy mc vids! YAY.
ALSO SOMEONE IN THE FANDOM PLSPLSPLS MOOT ME (Is that what they're called on tumblr? Idk I'm new here) BC I WANT MCD/APH FRIENDSSS
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queeranarchism · 1 year
hi! loved your post about not giving up on learning new things as an adult. do you have any resources you could share about making your own clothes? thanks 💞
Hmmm.. I don't really have specific links and I've only been doing this for like.. a month? I made three pieces of clothing so far that I actually wear in public. But my starting pointers would be:
You need a sowing pattern and you need to follow the instructions. You can not just trace your favorite t-shirt and expect it to look good. (which is what I did when I started). New patterns can be expensive but if you have a printer, you can find free sowing patterns online. If not, thrift stores and online markets will have cheap old patterns and pattern-magazines. One magazine often has over a dozens of patterns.
Youtube is amazing for tutorials.
For me, half the trouble of learning how to sow was learning how to handle a sowing machine, getting the right tension on the threads so it doesn't break or get stuck, etc. I'm still getting the hang of all the things that can go wrong when handling a sowing machine. Again: Youtube is great.
If you don't have a sowing machine: ask older relatives before spending money on a new one. A lot of people have an old machine lying around and those old heavy machines are really good. And bonus: you might get a free class in how to use that damn machine.
In my experience, slightly thicker fabrics and unpredictable patterns help camouflage beginners mistakes. Loose baggy clothing is also easier because the fit doesn't have to be perfect. My first project that I actually wear in public is tartan dungarees (yay, punk). Do consider: cheap modern sowing machines aren't always capable of handling thick fabrics.
You can make your own clothes for many reasons but honestly: don't expect to save a lot of money. Nice fabrics are quite expensive and then there's all the tools. Of course you can recycle your old curtains, get fabrics from thrift stores, etc. But in my experience the cheapest of disposable fashion is so ridiculously cheap that most home made clothing can not compete.
If you wanna save money, reduce your impact on the environment and/or start easy: try fixing and resizing clothes you already own! @wastelesscrafts has a lot of tutorials, like this post full of ideas about how to upsize your clothes: https://www.tumblr.com/wastelesscrafts/700971177595830272/upsizing-clothes-there-are-a-million-upcycling/
That's my starting points for now, maybe more experienced people can leave more advice in the comments?
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bookishdaze · 2 months
My too long theory post about Mae as Reverse Caesar? This is multiple theories, really...
My theories on Mae's origins have ranged from her just being a lone smart girl among feral humans, to her coming from an underground civilization living in a bunker (My personal favorite. I like Fallout, lol).
Here's one that came to mind recently. It's not my main theory for her, (I still think she's just from some colony of smart humans) but it's my most "creative" and "crazy" one, but if people are allowed their crazy astronaut theories, THEN I'M ALLOWED THIS ONE 🤪
I'm gonna be calling her Mae/Nova for this.
Feel free to poke holes in this theory by the way, hehe.
This theory came to me after watching the new trailer, where we hear her being called "Nova," and we also get a shot of her riding on horseback with Raka. It reminded me a lot of Nova from War riding with Maurice.
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So I thought, 'Huh, we're getting another blonde girl named Nova riding on horseback with an orangutan in the exact same way. It almost looks like the characters and plot for KOTPOTA could be a reworked version of what a plot could look like for a direct War sequel following a grown up Cornelius with Nova and Maurice and ohhhhhh-'
*puts on tinfoil hat* So my weird train of thought led me to this wacky theory: Mae/Nova is a human that was taken in by Raka as a child, and he has been raising and taking care of her. Just like Maurice did for Nova. She's kinda like Tarzan.
At first I had thought Raka met Mae/Nova because she was separated from her human colony and he was helping her get back home before they ran into Noa.
I also thought that maybe they come from a place where humans and apes already coexist, and I honestly still think either of these is the case tbh, but this part of a recent article made me think otherwise.
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The "rabbit-in-headlights" bit makes me doubt she comes from a place where there are intelligent humans. (It's still possible she could be. I'll get to that later). To me this sounds like she's smarter, but still has some "animal" behaviors.
As for why Raka took her in, it can totally just be coincidence that we have another friendly orangutan who adopted a young girl.
Or maybe it became some sort of, ehh, tradition? Him wearing a necklace with Caesar's symbol and talking about how apes and humans used to live side by side makes him sound like a religious person. Maybe somewhere along the line, it became custom for those who follow his faith to "adopt a Nova" to raise and take care of, like Maurice did.
There is a difference, though. Raka could have been taking care of Mae/Nova, but he still sees her as an...well, an animal. A very smart animal that he feels a responsibility towards. I know him viewing her as an animal sounds pretty harsh, but keep in mind that humans have regressed to be like animals at this point.
And there's also this scene where he just....tosses her some food. It's no different from the way humans toss a friendly animal some food, really.
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"But why does she seem frightened by the apes at the fireplace if she's been raised by Raka?"
I think she's scared of Noa here.
Orangutans are actually solitary creatures (I googled, lol), so it's very possible that it's just been her and Raka, and any newcomer makes her nervous.
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Ok ok ok, so he's a guy who has taken in an animal that shows signs of intelligence and has taken it upon himself to nurture and care for this animal because his personal beliefs tell him that in doing so, he could potentially make the world a better place.
Like Will did with Caesar.
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"So she's reverse Caesar." Yeah. That's pretty much what I've been trying to get at with all my rambling. Yay, parallels!
And we know Will cared for Caesar, but he always saw him as an animal. A very smart animal, but an animal nonetheless. He had him on a leash, and as much as he didn't want to, he still took him to the primate shelter. It wasn't Will being cruel, he just treated Caesar the way any human would have treated an animal, no matter how close they are.
Of course, like Caesar, Mae/Nova is gonna go through some changes. She's a young girl growing into adulthood. She'll have "needs and wants," as this article states.
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Those needs and wants could be many things. To be regarded as equal. No longer wanting to feel inferior. And if she truly is some lone smart girl among a world of feral humans, she's also gonna feel really really lonely. (Think about it. If she does not come from a colony of smart humans and she truly is the only one, that's tragic. I'd be depressed, man).
So she'll also want friendship and companionship. To have a friend or anyone she can relate with. She'll most likely find this with Noa, since the article says, "...there are far more parallels and commonalities between the two of them than they might have originally imagined."
Okay, one question came to mind when coming up with this theory.
Why is she smarter than other humans? I got a few theories.
Theory 1. She could still be someone who grew up in a colony of intelligent humans, whether it be a colony in an underground bunker or anywhere else. It doesn't matter. But something terrible may have happened, like her colony was killed off, or she was separated from them as a little girl. Then Raka found her and took her in. Like Tarzan!
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Theory 2. This one and the third one won't be as satisfying to fans, I assume. But maybe Raka noticed a lone child that was smarter than most, and he decided to take her in and help her intelligence grow.
Theory 3. She started off as an unintelligent feral girl, but being raised by an ape allowed her to slowly gain her intelligence back. I actually like this one. For starters, it's similar to the Planet of the Apes novel from 1963, where one of the astronauts became feral and unintelligent because of spending too much time in a cage with feral humans at a zoo, and Nova actually gained the ability to speak and became intelligent after spending a year or two in space with Ulysse, the protagonist.
Theory 4. She's like Megamind where she was launched into space from an alien planet as a baby while her homeworld burned all around her and she crash landed onto Earth. THERE'S YOUR ASTRONAUT THEORY.
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I'm kidding. That was a joke. I know April Fool's was two days ago.
As for her name, we've gotten three so far. Mae, Nova, and Echo. I like to think of her name as a sort of symbol or indicator of her character growth, where I assume she'll gain the ability to speak at the end, or will have grown into herself as a person.
She'll start off as Nova. A common generic name given to all humans, given to her by Raka.
Then Echo. A more unique name given to her by Noa, but still not her own.
Then, finally, Mae. Her true unique name that she was either born with, or she picks out for herself.
Aaaaand I think that's it. I'm done. I know that was long, but I wanted to gather all of my thoughts and theories on Mae/Nova somewhere before I watch the movie in a month. Whatever her story is, I cannot wait to see it unfold. Now it's time for me to SLEEP.
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lutawolf · 6 months
The Sign Commentary Review Ep 1
So earlier today, I made a post telling everyone to go watch. By popular demand, I'll be doing a commentary. Moving forward, I will do commentary at the same time I watch, but I'm unable to do that here. Still, even in the second watch, I have a lot to say.
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And action! Because I've watched this already, I know it's a training exercise. I was clueless to this initially, though, which in my personally opinion kept me more on edge. For the sake of the review, I have to point out that some of the fight scenes appear slow. Not all of them, just some of the fighting here and there. I'm assuming due to new actors and not enough rehearsal time, but I still enjoyed it. It's just something you pick up on, not something that takes away from the show. But as you can see below with the betrayal scene, that for the most part, the fight scenes are well choreographed.
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The way Tharn sees the future has me a little concerned about him getting hurt. He's distracted and in the thick of things, that's not a good thing. But he sees enough to know he has to rescue Phaya from real danger. Without another thought, he rushes to Phaya's side. At this point, I do pick up feelings from Tharn. You can brush it off to him rushing to help someone, he would do it for anyone, but it's the intensity in which he does it. I mean, there is a lot more concern there that you would expect more with a bestie or crush.
Chart is straight up anger management crazy. How did he pass the psych evaluation to even go into training? Tharn shows up at the critical moment to save Phaya and because of Chart's crazy ass, they all fail. As well as being punished.
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Let me tell you, I tend to punish all my kids at the same time, too. Why? Because the ones suffering due to the one who messed up will make the one who messed up suffer. The two will gang up to make the one, and that mistake will not be repeated. Why am I not seeing that here? Why is anyone still siding with that douche canoe???
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Yet there they are, siding with him instead of beating his ass. Also, is Chart really talking like Tharn saving Phaya was a bad thing? Like that if Phaya had asked for help, it's somehow unacceptable?
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Then we meet the side friends! I adore Tharn's half brother.
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And then the side couple? Maybe? Maybe not. I mean, I tend to be like "Bitch, you better be joking" when it comes to cheating.
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Though the way Khem calls Thong Babe is adorbs.
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I've counted three times when Chart has done the thumb to nose. Is this some kind of character habit, or is he a user?
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I love these two lovely bunch of coconuts, your honor. I truly do. I also think that Yai is more insightful than he appears. Take him asking Tharn why most of his visions involve Phaya. He's trying to lead the horse to the trough. "But you seem to care about him a lot." See, insightful.
Then Phaya comes to break up the brotherly love. Maybe he would have said thank you had Tharn been truthful, but you can't really blame Tharn there.
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I think Phaya finds Tharn suspicious. Nope, he does not believe Tharn at all.
Then the torture training begins. Luckily for us because we then get to see them cuddle huddle together for warmth.
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Why are only the two of them cuddling, huddling together. Where is the brotherly love?!?
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This is clearly a macho exercise. Where they are just trying to survive. It is absolutely not flirting. 👀👀👀
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Still not flirting.
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Nope, no obvious middle school flirtation going on here.
For some quality time together, the guys cart logs through the woods. Tharn gets a glimpse into the future and sees Chart getting hurt. The better man than me, actually checks on Chart. Yes, I would have absolutely let him taste Karma. The dude is unstable! Thankfully, despite Tharn's attempt to interfere, Chart still falls.
Underwater training has them escaping from hand ties and reaching lifeboats. However, Phaya hasn't come up and Tharn is losing his shit. This is when we get a dragon and a mermaid!!! While Phaya takes the mermaid's hand, he is pulled up by Tharn.
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Nothing to see here! Absolutely not a romantic moment at all.
We see Phaya drawing the mermaid, which both Tharn and Yai take notice of because she looks so much like Tharn. A lot of mocking ensues thanks to Yai who his clearly trying to play matchmaker, "You like him so much, you're even drawing his picture.". And I think it's working because when he mentions that the names are similar, we notice that Phaya finds this interesting. What I find interesting is when Yai asks why he is drawing Tharn's picture, there is no denial. Phaya simply says it's personal.
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This is when we see flashbacks of the first time Phaya and Tharn meet. Yeah, it was a fated moment without a doubt.
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Have I mentioned that I love Yai? Him tripping those that are after his brother is just icing on the cake.
Then Yai instigates the moment that leads to an accidental kiss.
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It's at this time that they also find a body floating in the water. It ends up being one of the trainers at the faculty. Some are saying it's suicide, but that doesn't make sense to Phaya.
Tharn chases after Phaya like a golden retriever. Trying to make sure he wasn't angry about that morning. Phaya stops and trips Tharn up, Causing him to fall. Still not flirting! 👀👀👀
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*Cough. Cough* Yeah, no mistaking that. We are now clearly flirting.
In celebration of passing their training, the guys go out to drink. Hilarity and comradery ensue. We find out about possible side couple having dated in the past. That our golden retriever is also cursed with bad romantic luck. Leaving him very virginal.
We get this beautiful moment in the bathroom. And that should be an oxymoron but damn if it wasn't sexy. Phaya zipping up Tharn's zipper and Tharn unable to stop himself from leaning his head back. Then Phaya throwing down the gauntlet of flirtation. Boy is no longer hiding. If Tharn is confused, then it's cause he is stupid. When they get back to the table and start playing a truth or dare game, Tharn drinks rather than admitting that he likes someone at the table. I mean, might as well admit it at this point, cause the drinking said it all. Then Phaya questioning what Tharn is like drunk. Hmmm. Me thinks he wants some secrets answered. He has his suspicions about Tharn and he wants answers. Be it Tharn or his drunk brother.
We end the episode on a bit of a cliffhanger note. With them, overhear the instructors talking about the death, and everything points to it not being a suicide.
I am 100% hooked. I can't wait for the next episode. Hope you guys enjoyed!!! 💜💜💜
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eloise-t-g · 1 month
long post ahead. i wanted to respond to some of the things i've seen people saying about the watcher situation. i honestly just needed to get some of this stuff off my chest lmao.
"sorry, the bridge has been burnt and i can no longer support watcher" - valid.
"i'm happy with this compromise and will continue to watch their content" - valid.
"oh so they apologise, change nothing, and now people are happy to give them money?" - things have changed. they compromised and completely changed their plan for the new website. did you not watch the update video? they're also issuing refunds to anyone who wants one.
"i bet people who over-reacted feel real stupid now!" - some people over-reacted, but a lot of people had valid criticisms and concerns. they shouldn't feel stupid if they expressed it in a non-abusive way.
"yay, we successfully bullied them into changing their minds!" - you're ... you're proud that you bullied someone? this isn't fucking elon musk or jeff bezos. these guys aren't multibillionaires exploiting their employees. these are three youtubers who want to pay themselves and their employees a living wage, while making content they're proud of, and they made a simple fucking mistake. stop throwing around the term 'eat the rich' as though it applies here.
"the apology video is clearly PR!" - yes, watcher is a business. this is how a business responds to situations like this. they had abuse hurled at them for 48 hours straight, they shouldn't feel bad for wanting to make sure everything said in the video was 100% agreed upon and analysed beforehand.
"steven was clearly the one behind this, he should be fired or step down!" - was he? do you know that for a fact? cause from what i saw, all three of them got in front of the camera and made the announcement video together. i agree that he should step down as CEO, but only because they clearly need someone who has actual business experience leading them (if you remember, ryan and shane stepped down a while ago because they didn't want to deal with that side of the company anymore - in the same video, they thanked steven for being the sole reason watcher was still going).
"they shouldn't have been silent the whole weekend" - maybe so, but it's clear they went into lockdown/crisis mode. also, businesses aren't open on weekends. i think it's fair that they waited until monday and took their time with it. maybe they should have tweeted something like "we're sorry and we're working on an explanation", but that just would have given people another place to attack them.
"you're all being parasocial" - i've seen this used against both people who are supporting/giving the team the benefit of the doubt, and people who are against everything. a lot of people (myself included) have used this experience to realise they were developing/had developed a parasocial relationship with these men. this is a good thing - it allows us to recognise these things and make changes within ourselves.
i think generally people are more parasocial towards youtubers than celebrities in films and tv shows. YT feels like there is a barrier removed between the creators and us; it makes us feel like we know these people in a way that we don't know actors who are always playing different roles. YT makes it easier to believe we're seeing the real people, when we really don't know them at all.
"why should i pay someone who owns a tesla?" - you don't have to. also, steven has been working consistently for years. it doesn't surprise me that he has enough savings for an expensive car. people are allowed to own things that you and i can't afford.
"they're embarrassed to be youtubers" - might be true, who knows. but for me it feels more like they want to be taken seriously as filmmakers/television producers, and don't feel like they can do that on YT.
"there's clearly money mismanagement going on" - i think this is likely. i personally don't know what it's like to run a business like this, which is why i've been watching videos from other youtubers who do. since they're saying they don't know where the funds are going, i'm inclined to believe watcher's budget is way off what it should be.
"why didn't they initially say they were having money troubles and might close doors?" - i can see both sides of this. i believe they should have recognised that their audience would have been more receptive to this kind of honesty. however, if you're asking people to give you money, while also saying the venture might not work out, it doesn't engender a great deal of trust. why should i pay for a 12 month sub if it's possible watcher will fold in 6? who will be around to issue me a refund then?
"we were happy with blue and yellow text on a screen!" - valid, but it's clear that they weren't. they clearly want to push themselves further creatively. on the other hand, it definitely feels like they got impatient and wanted that future creation to start now, when they don't have the funds for it. they shouldn't have tried to force their loyal audience to pay for content the audience didn't ask for.
"i don't want to fund steven, andrew, and adam flying around the world eating expensive food." - very valid. i wonder how different things would have been if this 'Worth It' revival had come around 6 months earlier. it still would have been tone deaf in a global living crisis, but i don't think people would have been this upset. what i don't understand is them doing this show if they genuinely couldn't afford it, which is the implication i got from them announcing it just before announcing the paywall.
"why don't they move their office out of LA?" - that would be incredibly expensive, especially for a company that is struggling financially. they would have to uproot their entire lives, and would probably lose a great number of their staff who don't want to/can't move. they would have to completely start over, which is something i imagine they're desperately trying to avoid.
i think the cancel culture that has grown in popularity over the internet over the last few years has led people to believe that:
they can say whatever they want online with no consequences.
people aren't allowed to make a single mistake, and should understand that when they do, it's okay to for others to spew hate and awfulness towards them.
part of me doesn't even know why i made this post, i think i just got sick of seeing the same complaints and questions lmao.
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Ok, now that submissions for characters are closed, I would like to give some clarifications as well as a little road so you know what steps I need to do (this should make future updates more tangible)
Firstly: my unique problem, and my solution. Since this is of course a challenge for most obscure blorbo I can't have a minimum amount of nominations in order to narrow the nominations down, and any other method means researching each of the submissions I got, which I am absolutely not doing. So here is my solution:
Put as many characters in as possible
With the amount of submissions I got, this means 2048 characters! Which, as far as I know, is the most characters any bracket like this on Tumblr has.
This of course means that your specific blorbo won't be seen too often, but I hope you all stick around to vote on other's blorbos. (It also means this is gonna take a LONG time)
But anyways on to that roadmap. I don't really have estimates as to how long each step will take, but I will be working hard to do this all:
1: Take all the submissions I got and put them in a list until I got 2048 (as of making this I have ~430)
2: do a quick search of every character to make sure they each at least exist, replacing them with a new submission if I can't quickly find info on them.
3: Put them all in a bracket making website so you can all see who is where and point out any mistakes I've made. (Like puting in a character twice)
4: Set up a big ol' queue, and while I do that, I'll ask a few questions*
5: You finally get to vote on the actual polls! Yay!
*This is when I will ask a few more questions, like how many posts per day. This is also when I will start letting people submit art if visuals of your character are hard to find.
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lynzishell · 5 months
✨23 Faves of 2023✨
I've been tagged on a few different versions of this throughout the month. For mine, I've decided to take 23 moments from my story and share them in chorological order. 💖TYSM for tagging me @hannahssimblr, @jarakio, @rebouks, @theosconfessions, @bloomingkyras, @igotsnothing 💖 I'm sorry if I missed anyone... I'm usually better at keeping note of who tagged me but I dropped the ball on this one and had to search through my mentions lol!
Alright... let's dive in shall we?
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✨First up: Looooook at baby Phoenix 🥹 hehe! This was the first time he visited Mt Komorebi and the first time he saw snow... sparking his love affair with both. If you listen carefully, you can hear Wolfgang yelling in the distance, "Yo Penis!" (I miss that nickname. Special thanks to Becca for never letting it die 😅)
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✨Ahhh The Bluffs -- I think this is my favorite lot in game, and look how stunning it is at sunset! This is from Phoenix's 18th birthday... aka that fateful night when [redacted] was [redacted]
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✨Just me being obsessed with San Myshuno... particularly the Spice District. This is from Phoenix and Dawn's movie night... back when they were still just friends/co-workers.
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✨Eeee this moment still gives me all the feels! When these two finally crossed the line from friends to lovers.
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✨This one doesn't need a caption... just look at them... and the vibrant colors... 😍
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✨The moment they became official
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✨Falling in looooooove
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✨I don't know why, but this is actually my favorite pic of them
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✨Greta returns...lol! It was actually unintentional how well these two match the environment, but it made taking screenies so fun!
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✨My second favorite pic of these two... *sigh* just look at them
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✨Enter my Asher obsession... I can't tell you how happy I was when I found this pose because this is exactly how I envisioned him entering the room... against the door frame all leaned over and relaxed... even the way his feet are crossed and his left arm just hangs... it's just sooo HIM.
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✨I mean... ahhh! I love him! and Lex too lol... we don't see much of her in my story, but these two have been BFFs since middle school. She's super sweet and funny.
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✨Atlas and Asher, my loves. There's so much in this scene for me... I had such a clear picture of it in my mind looong before I created it in sims, and I was pretty happy with how it came out. And the song I used was very purposeful (even if I never state why lol) This moment here was actually quite self-indulgent if I'm honest.
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✨Yep, still obsessed with these two lol! I just love this shot... the colors and the way they're holding each other. This is actually the desktop background on my laptop lmao
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✨I had soooo much fun making this post!! Omg this song is so fkin good! I'll probably reblog this post on New Year's just for funzies 😊
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✨Back to Phoenix and Dawn as they prepare to move in together... Had to get a shot of the fountain before saying goodbye to the Spice District
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✨Ahaa and here we are.. beginning the journey up Mt Komorebi! I think this little bridge is my favorite spot along the way. It's really cool, and I got lots of great screenies from all angles. I really like this one.
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✨Love how this shot came out! We all know this moment, yeah? Right before Dawn [redacted]
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✨Yay! Celebrating the fact they made it to the summit... enjoy you two, you earned it!
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✨Me carefully side-stepping the sad posts... love this moment of the two of them reconnecting... with the water and the city in the background... I just think it's nice.
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✨Relaxing in their favorite summer spot... I love all the blues
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✨I really like this shot from Kiyoshi and Kaori's wedding, with only their ceremony in the distance in focus, and the vibrant colors.
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✨This seemed like a nice one to end on. I love the snow falling out the window, and the way Dawn is lit up by the candles. And I know there are mods to get rid of the z's when they sleep, but tbh, I kinda think they're adorable lol
Thank you to anyone who took the time to go on this little journey with me! If you made it to the end, please help yourself to a cookie 🍪 and know that I adore you!
My story will return on Jan 1st yay!! 🎉
I'm not going to tag anyone because a post like this doesn't need a tag! If you haven't done this yet, PLEASE do! Revisit your work from the year and share your favorites with us! Let's all go into 2024 feeling excited and inspired 💖
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for-a-longlongtime · 5 months
Yay we made it through 2023!
The end of Dec always feels hard to me; generally, I just want it to be over with so I can start with a new year. But I do want to take a moment to acknowledge the good things this year brought me.
When starting 2023, I'd felt creatively dead and emotionally empty for a good 3 years (lot of bad stuff happened). I was surprised when this silly Tiktok meme of a guy in a car with Nic Cage kept popping up and making me smile. My wife told me 'Hey, you should watch that movie, it's fun and that actor is great'. After a deep dive into Pedro's filmography (Joel really sealed the deal for me, my god) and getting sucked into this fandom with Met Gala, I eventually ended up here on Tumblr. And damn, has it been a wild ride, these past five months.
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I'm so grateful for all the people I've gotten to know here, friendships that developed, the absurd amount of fic I've read, but perhaps most of all how a combination of those three things led me to write 'for fun' again for the first time in many years. Academia, medical leave, and life shit basically had stomped that completely out of my system - not to mention wrecked any confidence I had about my skills and most of my self esteem. So goddamn, it sure as hell was a surprise to suddenly find myself with all these fic ideas and then actually following through with them, thanks to everybody's support!
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Over the past months, I posted Pt 1 of 'Nothing That I Didn't Know' (Frankie x Santi x reader) and I'm currently working on pt 2, which hopefully will be ready some time in the next week. I also put up snippets of a Rockford/Peña WIP that ended up becoming a much bigger storyline than I expected, and I'm really excited to start putting out proper chapters in probably Feb/March!
It's the first time that I have a group of friends (who are also writers) around me who have been so encouraging, who help me brainstorm and prod at new ideas, review my writing and give me advice, and overall just make this whole process of creation something that is fun and exciting. Especially @legendary-pink-dot, @sin-djarin, @imalrightllama, @magpiepills and @morallyinept! I can't even express in words how much your friendship and support means to me, not to mention how you're constantly helping me to become better at writing down what I want to convey - either directly through your advice, or leading by example with your own work. 💜
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But even beyond the people named above, there are SO many of you for whose friendship I'm so grateful, or who I simply am so excited about to be mutuals with, or whose writing has just affected me in so many ways! I'm always worried about leaving out people by accident when I start tagging, so please, if you read this: I am grateful for knowing you and hanging out here with you here (or on Discord)! MWAH.
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pudding-parade · 6 months
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Figured I'd do this this way instead of adding to the comment pile. :) I should've made a separate post with my whining, but…meh. What's done is done.
But yeah, not so much "medical drama" as just…stuff. I had a liver transplant in September. I haven't specifically talked much about it here because...I don't know. I guess I thought if I didn't talk about it it would be less...I don't want to say "depressing," because I'm not depressed, and I don't want to conflate being temporarily down in the dumps with depression. Maybe "difficult" is the right word.
Anyway...I've needed a transplant for about 10 years, my original having been badly damaged by asymptomatic hepatitis C that I unknowingly had, until the damage started making me really sick. I probably originally contracted it from a blood transfusion I had in the 80s, before they tested donated blood for Hep C. Medication as well as a special diet and supplements helped with the symptoms of a failing liver for a while, but this past spring things started to go downhill more quickly and the meds, etc. weren't helping as much.
I had a matching living donor, a relative of my husband's, who wanted to do it and who was finally approved for it. (She'd been deemed too young before.) And I was at the point of, "Do it now or else you won't be healthy enough later to survive the surgery/recovery." So, I did it. And like I said, I know it will be good in the long run, but right now it just kind of sucks. (Though it is nice to be not quite so yellow. I actually have eye whites now, yay! And I look less like a character from The Simpsons. Also also, I can legitimately say that I'm part Mexican now. LOL )
I'll spare you/everyone the gorier details, but I spent almost three weeks (as opposed to the one-week-or-so that's normal for transplants) in the ICU due to rejection issues (which is why my immunosuppressant dose was very high), and then once finally released I was under a "no contact" rule. As in, no contact with anyone but my husband, who was also not allowed contact with other people or else he wouldn't be allowed contact with me. (Thank goodness DoorDash exists now or I don't know what we would have done for food.) The only time I could leave this place was to go directly to a car to be driven directly to a doctor's office where they have a special process/set-up for people in my situation, and it's just nuts. People who went batty during covid lockdowns had it easy compared to this.
So it's been….rough. I don't really care about not being able to see people so much, frankly, but I do not like being cooped up inside. My latent claustrophobia has become not-so-latent of late. At home, I can sit out on the deck or I can wander about or ride my horse for miles in the wilderness without seeing another soul, but not here in a city. Cities suck. If I'd had more time to arrange things I would've at least rented a place with a patio/balcony, but since it was very short-notice, what we have is the best we could get, and it's not very good.
The good news is it's getting better. My immunosuppressant dosages are being lowered and I have no signs of rejection yet, so… *fingers crossed* And I'm down to twice-a-week appointments instead of literally every weekday. So, as of this past Friday I'm now allowed incidental contact, which means I can walk the streets or be at outdoor venues if I stay away from people, especially children (because they go to day care/school and tend to carry all sorts of interesting illnesses), as much as possible, but I can't be indoors for long periods with lots of people, so no stores, movie theaters, restaurants, etc. But this is why we're considering a zoo trip tomorrow. My doctors probably would consider it more than "incidental contact," but at least it's outdoors, close by, and it shouldn't be too crowded since it's winter and the kids aren't out of school for Christmas yet. They also have wheelchair or scooter rentals, so I don't have to walk the whole thing, and I would just be happy to be out in an environment other than a doctor's office for a day. So, I'm pretty sure we're going to do it. Because fuck it.
But anyway. Yeah, I'm trying to be more active online. It was hard for a while because with a giant healing abdominal incision and bruised-up everything, sitting up for long periods of time was a no-go, but I'm doing much better on that front. I've actually been playing No Man's Sky more than Sims, just because it's a space exploration game that makes me feel more like I'm "out there" than Sims does. But, I'm also trying to get back into the simblr momentum. I want to get back to playing the Random Legacy I started, because I can post about that more easily than the weird-o saves I usually play. LOL It's just hard to feel motivated right now, I guess. But we'll get there.
And you know what? For a movie that's supposed to be a comedy, Lilo & Stitch makes me bawl my eyes out. And that scene that I quoted is the "worst" in that regard. But it's still one of my favorite movies. :)
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ccasey0 · 3 months
alrighty, lets get this said and done.
i am likely not going to post on here a lot unless i get asks or comments or smthn, just so you know.
anyways, i have a question for you guys. ive got an au that ive been wanting to share and post about for a while, but im not sure if i can. reason being that it is pretty old and it started when i was young and stupid and didnt know how to draw my own poses and stuff, so i would trace the outline of characters and then draw over it. i don't know if i can post or share any of the art from that time since i dont have any of the credits to the owners anymore:( i would love to be able to share my world with you guys since ive put a ton of time and effort into the hundreds of doodles and sketches ive made for it, but i need to know if it's okay. let me be clear on this though so there is no confusion: i am not claiming the art to be mine. i did not trace directly over most of the art, i just copied the general shape/art style/pose and then turned it into my own characters. not all of the art for this au is traced.
anyways, with that out of the way i want to explain a little about the au so that i can know if anyone would actually want to see it.
so it's basically a mashup of my OCs, rottmnt, mha, lmk, and a bunch of other fandoms i've been inspired by. it is set in a post apocalyptic world in the year 2080(sort of). The main cast consists of Casey "Moon"(based off of me), Jupiter "Dellta"(based off a friend/sister of mine), Jasper "Spots", Raphael Montero, Keigo "feathers"(based off hawks from MHA), Kat(based off bakugou from MHA), Deku(based of Deku from MHA), Felix, Sandro, and Pancake(it comes in WAY later tho). these guys are known as "The Gang." aren't i so creative with names? they are also the people i draw the most. there are, of course, side-ish characters who play major roles on the story but aren't in the gang. as for the relationships between the characters, here u go: Jupiter, Casey, Jasper, and Raph are all siblings. Raph is the oldest by 2 years, Casey and Jupiter are twins, and Jasper is younger by a month. technically Jasper, Jupiter, and Casey are triplets. but they were raised by different people so jasper celebrates his birthday on a different date than the twins. they have a very complicated and definitely not realistically possible relationship with their Bio Mom but ill explain that in another post if ya'll want. Deku, Casey, and Kat are all in a relationship. Yes it is a threesome. no i do not care. please do not hate, it isn't that big of a deal. Jupiter and Felix are in a relationship. jupiter and keigo are besties. jupiter is sandro's adoptive mother(comes in much later). casey is pancake's adoptive caretaker(comes in much, much later). now for the explanation of the setting, yay! so, it is a post apocalyptic world that has been brought to ruin. the world divided itself into different Sectors, which are areas set up around still standing cities around the world.(i can explain how al that got established and all that stuff in another post if it is wanted.) The sector that the story takes place in is the New York Sector. it is a bit larger than Texas and was named the NY sector cause NY was the last city standing in that area at the time. NYS has 8 safe zones inside it. Safe Zones are walled off areas that are safe from Corrupted(ill explain that next). SZ are like towns or bases that people and yokai all live in. every zone is different and has different kinds of people. th zone that the gang usually interacts with is zone five(basically the blackmarket of the safe zones.) (ill explain what th different zones are like in another post as well.) okay, now for corrupteds. these guys are complicated and hard to explain w/o a picture for reference, so ill do my best and make a seperate post about them later. basically, they are the zombies or kraang of this world. they are the product of a failed lab experiment. A team of scientists were working on a project to make trees produce twice as much oxygen, but some bad guys called Seekers(once again, ill make a seperate post for these guys) broke into the lab and did something to the trees. they made them start producing these strange spores that began bringing corpses back to life zombie-style. but these weren't zombies. the corpses became mutated and horrifying monsters that would kill on sight. the more spores were released, the more corrupteds came to life. and the spores also mutated other trees, causing them to produce the spores as well. the corrupteds can only live as long as they have an intact heart organ inside of them. they are attracted to light and will kill on sight. although most of them are blind, so i guess they kill on sound?? anyways, as trees became more infected, their roots became vines and they started overgrowing everywhere, with huge vines the size of giant redwood trees(yes i had to search up giant trees to scale this) growing up buildings and through streets.
alrighty. wow. i can't believe you are still here. thank you for bearing with me. please tell me if you want more of this au via comments or asks. any questions go in the ask box. i do have some disclaimers for this tho: i don't do digital art, all this will be traditional drawings. also, i don't have this as an actual comic. it's more just a bunch of drawing that a the explanations to are in my head so i will likely post art and then explain the story bit to it typed out.
also important thing to add to the au:
TW!!! Blood, gore, swear words, trauma, physical abuse, psychological abuse, fighting, horror, queer ships, threeway ships, implied attempts, implied seizures, dark humor, mental breakdowns, panic attacks, sensory overloads, ect. it isn't as bad as it sounds i promise 😅
oke, i'm done now. thanks for reading all this and i hope for your feedback and/or much wanted advice or recommendations. like i said, any questions please go in the ask box and any requests for explanations or art go there too.
byeeeeee :)
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