#I've been trying to write the satan fic
zephyrchama · 4 months
Post Masterlist
Headcanons and Silly Ideas List
Groupchat without MC High Pitched Noises When the HoL is too dirty Angrily using their full titles MC and alcohol MC's schedule Mammon's Nightmare Levi's Room Password Satan and Goncharov Sneezing Solomon in Nightbringer but based on WandaVision Brothers & Long haired MC Outside their Comfort Zones Soap Cursing False Eyelashes Chin on Palm Challenge Diavolo's Events Morning Routine Fasting MC April Fool's Sleeping in the HoL's shared space Luke learns slang Different Tastes Unnoticed :D Jobs Fridge Art Hatsuharu Belphegor Fall in love again Cursed Chips Overly Expectant Asmo Asserting Dominance Mammon's First Grimm MC and periods Reluctant Thirteen Lucifer's Portrait Mammon's Wallet Would Lucifer still love you as a worm? Welcome Home Hugs Your foot feels hot
Mini Fics
From Sheep to Human Free Massage Tickets Movie Night with Diavolo and Barbatos Church Wedding Back cracking Lap Pillow (Mammon and Belphegor) Rushed April Fools Day 2024 piece (boop) Levi needs a break Is Simeon's fridge running? Paper cut (Satan) Punching Bag Going Away The Cuddle Pile Knowing Everything Water Wrinkles A New Game
Ask Requests (that I've gotten to so far)
Wasp fear Vampire MC A crumb of Leviathan fluff Follow-up to MC with Periods
Info about the blog owner:
Hi! I've very recently gotten into writing and wanted to give it a chance, in vague hopes of writing an original story some day. I've been playing Obey Me! since literally the day the OG was released. I don't read much fanfic or do fandom stuff much at all, but it seemed fun and I wanted to try getting closer to the fandom. I am a hardcore cosplayer so whenever a convention is coming up this blog will get slow as I focus on sewing. I'm close to 30 years old, I'm ace which is why this blog has suggestive content but won't really get more intense than that. My asks are open but expect a really slow response because I am so shy hkgahkj. I take requests but no guarantee I'll write them, or it may take several months. Am also very open to constructive critique! Thanks for reading.
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buckyalpine · 8 months
Please please please would you ever think of writing more to wait, what? I love it.
Maybe the group are upset they weren’t their for the wedding so they ask the reader and Bucky to have another one, renewing vows so they call all be there.
Plus the uncle and aunts playing with the baby. Babies first show of super grip.
More babies. How happy Bucky is when she is pregnant again. Maybe twins and they name them after the group; like have a girl so call her Samantha for Sam and a boy who is Nathaniel/Niklaus for nat.
Would love to see Tony as baby 2s godfather. Could totally see him “competing” against Steve. Look I got my Godkid this and that more than steve gave his. Not that it matters as tony fits for best uncle title so he gives everything to baby Stevie anyway :). Etc. Love your writing can’t wait to read your next fic. Anyway How are you? Hope you are well. How do you come up with stories?
YES YES One of my FAVOURITE AUs which I love to keep adding too. I've broken up this ask into parts here:
Wait, what? - 💔🥰 The secret you’ve been keeping from the team can only be hidden for so long (pregnant reader)
Wait, what? 2 -  🔥💔🥰 A little more back story + baby Barnes! (pregnant reader)
I do (again) Wait, what? 3 -  🥰 Everyone missed the first wedding, obviously you have to have another one
Wait, what? More Babies? -  🔥🥰 The family grows with a little new addition
Here is a little drabble with the aunts and uncles being complete menaces because they compete with each other. You shook your head looking at the growing pile of gadgets and toys collecting everywhere. There wasn't a single place where there wasn't a new present from either and aunt or an uncle, your kids spoilt beyond reason.
"Mama look!" Stevie ran into your room with a new shield in hand, proudly showing off the new technology it had been upgraded with from when he first got it. He whistled, grinning when the shield started to rumble before the plates shifted, expanding it to double the size. He had on a special type of watch fitted to his wrist and you couldn't even begin to comprehend what that would lead to.
"Baby, where do we keep all this?"
"In my room!" He scrambled off without looking back, only to have his presence replaced by the twins, each floating into the room with glowing red capes.
"What on earth are you to doing?" You knew better than to try and intervene with whatever it was they were doing, Samantha and Nathaniel giggling while sipping in circles from their latest gift from Aunty Wanda.
"Aunty Wanda charmed it for us!" They squealed, the tiny rocket booster running shoes they had been given from Tony boosting them to the ceiling.
"Get down from there!" You hissed, making your way to the living room to ask each God parent if they were trying to take years away from your life through stress.
"Did you see what I got for the tiny terminators" Tony grinned at Steve, hearing sound of laugher down the hall followed by your exasperated voice. He chuckled when he saw you disheveled form with each twin under your arm, clutching onto them like footballs to keep them from flying off.
"Best. God Father. EVER" Nathaniel grinned while Samantha nodded, trying to squirm from your hold.
"Steve jr got an upgrade too" Steve stated proudly, seeing his god son using his shield to surf down the staircase, causing you to drop one twin and catch your elder son before he face planted onto the floor.
"For F-" You caught yourself before finishing your sentence, both men snickering while you huffed, "I swear, wait till daddy is home" You placed your kids in a pile between their God fathers before going up to take a well deserved bath.
Bucky snorted at the sound of chaos that he heard as he made his way from the gym to your shared bedroom. He didn't want to set food into the living room when his demon spawn and Satan's love child god fathers were together, making his way straight to you instead.
"How are you mama" Bucky whispered softly, seeing the bathroom door left lightly ajar, the scent of lavender filling the room.
"Your children are spoiled Barnes" You peeked one eye open before closing it again, humming when you felt Bucky step into the tub, settling himself behind you.
"And who is spoiling mama?" He smirked, letting a sneaky hand trail down between your legs, kissing the sensitive skin on your neck, "Hm?"
A snap of his fingers was all that was needed to lock the doors and sound proof the walls. He'd already shot a text to Steve before coming to your room.
"You're both babysitting. Code XXX" (and Steve 1000% blushed like mad though Tony cackled and decided to set up a bet on if tonight would make another baby Barnes)
It was going to be a loooong night.
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hi hi!!! can you pretty pretty please write a fic where dead takes the reader’s virginity after they had been dating for a while. and it’s really soft and sweet
My heart
Tumblr media
warning : smut, p in v, not to graphic, fluff/comfort, kissing, some aftercare
Info : So it took a while and after some days of no motivation I finally bring this to an end. I hope you like it dear anon have fun reading everyone else too ;)
Disclaimer : I don't want to glorify anything, it's about the actors who play a role, not the real events.
Love is not always easy, but when was it, especially in the case of the singer of the band who saw themselves as the messengers of Satan, the beginnings of Norwegian black metal.
But how did it happen that on this dark evening he found himself in a sea of clothes that were neither decorated with rivets nor patches. On the contrary, his blue eyes were fixed on the body beneath him.
His cold pale hands had gently wrapped around hers, her hands kissing each finger individually until she was ready to open them and slide onto the bed. ,,Are you sure, my heart?" the blonde asked, his hair spilling over his shoulder and tickling her still lightly clothed torso. Was she ready?
She had always wanted to be, or was that not why she had fallen in love in the first place? When she had seen the singer at a concert, it was love at first sight. Love that they both now wanted to consummate on a physical level. In a way that they both knew would be pleasant, careful and slow.
The blond, despite his morbid nature, knew that his heart needed her time. ,,Y-Yes I'm sure...I trust you Dead" he received her answer and couldn't hide his grin, which he didn't often do. But ever since they'd gotten together, they'd wanted to do it. engaging her in another gentle kiss, his hands slowly wrapped around the clasp of her bra.
A glance at her was further confirmation as she slowly lowered her hands before the penultimate piece of clothing fell between them. ,,Don't be afraid... I would always love you," he murmured, kissing her cheeks, which had heated up with shame and accompanying arousal.
The blonde dropped the garment on the bed before gently beginning to massage her breasts. Her breathing slowly increased, her skin warm and soft everywhere he touched.
She was filled with life, something he loved so much in his own dead being. ,,And I love you...forever," she replied, an almost cautious sigh escaping her as he kissed her lips again before turning his attention to hers. Kisses and gentle love bites left a kiss for every little bite, sucking on her jugular vein.
He watched her reaction and gave her time if it got too much for a moment. ,,Feels...good," she whispered, watching Dead's eyes light up with pride and devotion as he continued to kiss his way down her body, his hands tracing little circles and her own hands, daring her to put her own hands on him.
To hold and feel him. The slight upsurge of her body as he placed his lips on her tender breasts, the first time she had been touched like this, pleasured like this. The light scratching over his skin as her arousal made Dead sigh.
She watched as the blonde slowly moved down her body. ,,I'm making you feel good...promise" she heard him say, trying to concentrate on him, the warmth, the soft mattress and his touch. The blond did not let himself be deprived of spoiling her further as he kissed the soft skin of his favorite.
,,You don't know how long I've loved you... wanted to do this," he confessed and she thought she saw a pinkish tinge on his cheeks. His blue eyes settled on her body as he watched her as if she were a work of art, his work of art. Something he cherished, loved and would love forever.
Dead knew that until the end of his already dead life he would love her, there was no other way. Kissing his way up her thighs, leaving light marks, he felt her tense a little again. ,,Hey hey my heart...I'll be careful okay?" he asked this over and over in the same soft patient tone as his hands finally settled on her and his last piece of clothing between them.
She gave him her consent and their underwear slid to the floor. ,,My pretty Eve," he quipped, seeing the little smirk on her lips as she followed it with a ,,My pretty dead Adam" she pulled him into another kiss before he positioned himself properly. His hands slid to hers for a moment between them before he entered her. His gasp at her moaning out hit them both as they took a moment to get used to the feeling.
She continued to hold herself against the mattress and Dead before she gave him a small nod and he began to move. Slowly and rather carefully but it was just right for them both. They knew that in all the time they had been together that they wanted to take their time and now they were finally together.
They finally had what they wanted and needed. Each other. His gaze only became more full of love and lust as it met hers and the bond between them was strengthened.
His lips searched hers again, his fingers stroking hers as they both held each other. ,,So beautiful," he murmured, kissing her again, feeling his fingers scratching his pale skin as he found the right spot. Her sounds echoed louder and louder through the room as he placed his hand on her breast again.
The massage and the taking of her sensitive spots seemed to bring her to her climax. When she breathlessly tried to tell him just a few moments later, she held onto him and he spoke sweet words to her.
She tightened around him, hearing his own moans as her body reared up slightly and the moment seemed to last forever. Dead herself as she muffled after she came down from her high.
They both just hung on for a moment as they both tried to catch their breath. ,,That...was...unbelievable I love you," he murmured as he sat down next to her and pressed a kiss to her cheek, his fingers playing with a strand of hair as he watched his darling barely seem to believe it had happened. ,,I love you too," she replied, brushing a strand of hair from his face before snuggling up to him. Knowing full well that they would not repeat this just once and had all time they needed.
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koolades-world · 4 months
intro to my blog
hi! my name is koolade! I'm 19 and I mostly use she/her but am also fine with other pronouns! satan and thirteen are my favs. I play project sekai, genshin impact, and honkai star rail (I actually haven't opened obey me in months haha)
fics for gaza post can be found here! please check it out if you have a spare moment
I have two side blogs: @koolade-reblogs for reblogs, and @koolades-thoughts for anything else/misc! commissions are currently open!! i use kofi, where listings can be found here
for my posts, I try to make one daily around 7 to 8 pm est. Most of the time, I do schedule the posts, so please keep that in mind too! right now I'm just writing for obey me but if you happen to want something from the games I have listed above, I would be glad to write them as long as it's not too regular of a thing since this is mainly an obey me blog.
my requests box is open right now! most of my posts do come from requests, and I work in the order I receive them in. as of now, I've been working at about a month and a half turn around time due to the sheer number of requests. thank you to everyone who's made one <33
some basic rules are
please try to keep it to just the brothers or the datables! you can mix and match but it's difficult to write so many characters so please keep that in mind. the fewer characters, the more I can write for them so if you want something more concentrated, do one or two characters
if you have a specific format you want, let me know! I usually do headcanons, but if you want, I can do a drabble or a full on fic. headcanons will be done fastest, followed by drabbles, then fic
while I don't mind requests through comments, I'm very bad about checking them so please send them to my inbox instead, if you can!
I usually do a gn reader, but if you want something other than that, let me know! I actually don't refer to the reader all that much since I usually write in second person
I will do: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, something mildly suggestive, and really most anything as long as I can do research on it! I try my best :3
I won't do: nsfw, anything super intense, and strong blood or gore. maybe one day I'll do nsfw but as of now I just can't seem to get it down
headcanons w/ mc
headcanons w/ mc p.2
enjoy <3
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homemadeaxolotl · 2 months
Obey Me x TWST Chapter 2
[Back In The Devildom]
"What do you mean they're gone?! What did you do, Solomon?!"
Lucifer had lost his shit and his brothers were just as pissed, all of them in agreement for once, which was concerning. Diavolo was standing behind everyone, simply listening as Barbatos stood by his side, remaining calm despite the icy glare leveled at the sorcerer.
Before it could get too loud, Diavolo stepped forward, looking serious as everyone stepped back. Diavolo then walked over to Solomon and stood in front of him as the prince spoke in a scarily quiet voice. "Where's (Y/N), Solomon?"
Solomon sighed and shrugged as he looked at Diavolo. "If I knew where my apprentice was, I would have said so already." "What happened?" Diavolo's voice was sharp as he kept staring at Solomon, showing that he was just as irritated as the rest of the demons were.
"Well, I wanted to test a spell that should have just made them extremely small, but I must have read something wrong. I doubt it, though." Solomon tried sounding confident, but it was obvious that even he was getting nervous.
"Where did you find this spell?" Satan sounded eerily calm as he stared coldly at Solomon. Solomon cleared his throat and smiled at Satan as he handed the avatr of wrath an ancient spellbook with a neon pink sticky note sticking out of the top. Satan then carefully flipped to the page with everyone's eyes on him. Once Satan read what was on the page, he growled and shoved the book into Asmodeus' hands before slamming Solomon against the wall. "You moron! That spell doesn't make someone smaller!"
Lucifer forced Satan back, much to his irritation, as Asmodeus gasped dramatically and stared at Solomon in horror. "You sent our precious (Y/N) to another world?!"
The room fell into total silence as all the demons in the room stared at Solomon. It was so quiet that a pin could be heard, but before anyone could freak out (more than Satan and Asmo did, anyway), Diavolo spoke calmly and coldly, keeping a level head. "Solomon, you will be staying out of this. we can find a way to bring (Y/N) back."
Solomon actually looked alarmed when he heard Diavolo's words as he tried defending himself, but Diavolo wasn't having any of it. Diavolo held a hand up to silence Solomon as he spoke coldly. "You are not allowed to help us. We cannot risk messing up and you cannot be trusted currently."
With that, Lucifer and his brothers headed back to the House of Lamentation and Diavolo and Barbatos went deeper into the castle, leaving Solomon all alone in the main hall, with his only option being to go back to Purgatory Hall, regretting sending his apprentice away on accident as he tried to figure out how he was going to break the news to Simeon, Luke, and Raphael.
No one was going to be happy with Solomon and he, oddly enough, wasn't happy to be on everyone's shit list.
Alright, this is gonna be the last chapter before finals week. It was a shorter chapter, but I'll try to make the chapters after this a little longer. I'll post the 3rd chapter either the week after finals or the week after that.
It might be a bit early to say this, but thank you for all the support I've gotten for this fic so far. It's only in its early stages, but everyone has been so kind to me and so eager for more, which makes me excited to write more, so thank you!
Taglist: @axvfr @energy-addict
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moonah-rose · 6 months
This was what I originally thought was going to happen as I was watching the exorcist scene. Had planned to write this as a fic but don't think I've got the energy.
Everything is the same up until the exorcism. Only when Alison gets down there, she sees the ghosts all stood in front of the Vicar, frozen as he speaks. They shout at her that they can't move. Alison tries to tell him to stop but Betty encourages it to continue. Alison slaps the Bible out of his hands but its too late - a bright light shines down on the ghosts, blinding Alison for a few seconds, then when she opens her eyes they're gone.
Panicking, she begins running around the house, calling their names, begging them to show themselves so she knows they're OK. But nothing. Eventually Betty finds her collapsed in tears. She asks why she could be upset and Alison explodes at her about how she had no right to do that, how the ghosts were her family and she's just sent them away. Betty is shocked and then feels awful once the truth settles but also berates Alison for not being honest. Mike finds Alison and holds her, telling his mum it's best she goes.
Alison doesn't sleep all night, having waited for the ghosts to come back if they could. The next morning Mike suggests they take a walk with Mia. They walk towards the lake and a bereft Alison is promising Mia she's going to hear all about her aunts and uncles who loved her so much. Like how sweet Auntie Kitty was, how naughty Uncle Julian was-
"And how handsome Uncle Thomas was?"
And Alison replies: "Yes how handsome Uncle Thom..."
She pauses. Then turns her head.
The ghosts are stood there, on the other side of the fence, smiling at her. She screams in shock and relief and Mike is confused but also relieved once Alison confirms they're all there and all safe. She asks what happened and they say they saw the same light but then woke up outside the grounds.
And now they can't get back in.
The exorcism didn't make them get sucked off; it banished them from the grounds. Alison asks if that means they're stuck in Maddox's place now. But Cap has already done a run and found he could go farther then Maddox. There doesn't seem to be any boundaries for them anymore.
Kitty begs Alison to call the Vicar back so he can undo it. Julian suggests perhaps a Satanic priest might be better. Alison hesitates and then asks; "Is that what you guys really want? You're free now. You can go wherever."
That hasn't really sank in for them, they're more concerned with being separated from Alison. But Alison tells them she's not interested in staying in the house either; not without them. If they're gone then she and Mike might as well take the golf resorts offer and buy a new place - once which the ghosts are more than happy to visit. However; they're also free to go where they want in the world, without restrictions.
It takes some sorting out as Alison sells the place and the guys stay on Maddox's land for the meanwhile until the moving vans are there. But this time as they drive out, the car and van stops, Alison beeps the horn once they exit the gates and all the ghosts pile in to either the backseat of the car or the van. Then they drive off together.
Cut to a few Christmas' later, the now loaded Coopers are setting the table and the ghosts start to arrive but in different orders. Alison welcomes them back happily, Mia can't see them anymore but she still waves to them when her mum says they're there. As they sit, Alison asks what they've all been up to in their various travels - except for Julian, the others aren't able to call or text her. Fanny finally snuck onto a luxury cruise but didn't seem as good as the Titanic. Thomas went to Venice to see if much had changed ("still nice"). Cap has been visiting WWII memorials and trying to find information on Havers. Pat visits his grandson. Humphrey has visited Paris. Kitty had discovered nightclubbing in London and joined in many hen parties. Julian goes to the House of Commons to watch Rachel speak out (he also does other stuff not suitable for Mia's ears). Robin says he went to the moon - everyone gasps- but he's only joking, he went to NASA but wasn't stupid enough to try to climb aboard any launched satellites- maybe next manned mission though.
Alison reminds them that they're all free to stay over Christmas as long as they want, but they say how they wouldn't impose for too long as they wouldn't want to be too in the way - though there are spare rooms for them to share when they need. They are all happy to spend time with the Coopers, coming back whenever they can, but always promising to spend Christmas together.
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spareseratoninplz · 1 year
**Side note: I'm new to Tumblr, so if anyone can suggest how to make the titles of the fics I write shorter and to the point, it would be greatly appreciated!
I'm also taking this time to announce that I'm currently taking requests. Please give me writing ideas, I need purpose in my life. 🤟**
"What were you guys talking about?" I asked, sitting down in my seat at the dinner table.
"Don't mind them, (Y/N). They're just boasting about... trivial things." Lucifer rolled his eyes.
"If it's so trivial, then what about you, Lucifer? How many have you had?" Asmo demanded. Lucifer scoffed before placing down his glass of demonus.
"Obviously, I've had many... I've been around far longer than any of you after all..." He said, folding his arms and closing his eyes.
"Who keeps count, honestly? When you've been alive for thousands of years, it's hard to keep up." Satan added, shaking his head with a slight grin on his face.
"Yeah, even Levi's had a few." Mammon laughed, and Levi blushed at his comment.
"Sh- shut up! That's my business!" Levi spat, looking over at Beel and Belphie.
"You two as well?!" He demanded. Beel simply nodded, and Belphie shrugged.
"Of course. Don't be ridiculous." Belphie said, furrowing his brow in annoyance.
"What I'm most interested in knowing... is you, (Y/N)." Asmo said, resting his cheek in his hand as he smiled over at me in a playful manner.
"I'm... not even sure what you're all talking about." I laughed nervously, swallowing a bite of food before bringing my glass of demonus to my lips.
"Y'know. Your 'body count'." He said, and my eyes widened.
"I- no! I've never killed anyone before!" I said, suddenly feeling a cold chill run through me. All the brothers had admitted to quite a few. Honestly, I didn't think any of them were capable of such things. Least of all, Mammon.
"No... (Y/N).. you misunderstand." Lucifer said, giving me a slight pitying look.
"What Asmo was trying to say was-" Satan started, but Asmo cut him off by slamming his hands loudly on the table.
"SEXUAL PARTNERS!" He shouted with glee, and I suddenly felt a good bit of my demonus get sucked into my right lung. After several long seconds of trying to clear the liquid with vigorous coughing, I looked around the table to see that they were eagerly awaiting my answer.
"Ah... um... well... that is... t- traditionally... in the human world... that sort of... activity is saved for... after marriage... y'know...?" I spoke low, not able to meet anyone's eyes. I was so incredibly embarrassed that I felt my ears turning red.
"I'm so sorry, (Y/N). In the Devildom, it's not uncommon to openly discuss matters that would normally be labeled as taboo in the human world." Lucifer explained, and I nodded.
"Yes... yes, I understand... um... I haven't... uh... done that." I mumbled.
"Whoa... wait a sec... (Y/N), you're a VIRGIN?!" Mammon demanded and I'd had enough. I felt like a kettle that was about to erupt from the heat building inside me. I stood quickly, knocking my chair backwards as it clattered noisily onto the floor. My hands were balled into tight fists as I squeezed my eyes shut, tears trickling from the corners as I shouted.
"YES, I'M A VIRGIN, OKAY?!" I screamed, my confession echoing from off the walls of the dining room.
"Oh dear... have we come at a bad time?" Another voice off to the side spoke and I opened my eyes and snapped my head in it's direction to see Barbatos and Lord Diavolo standing just past the threshold of the dining room.
My eyes quickly skimmed across the room, realizing everyone was staring at me in pure shock, their eyes wide and mouths agape.
Was it because I shouted?
Or... was it because of what I shouted?
I felt the tears trickling down my cheeks as I covered my hand over my mouth and bolted from the room at fast as I could.
I ran straight to my room, slamming and locking the door behind me before turning my back to it and sliding down to sit on the floor. I brought my knees to my chest, and gripped the sides of my head, trying to calm the beating of my heart.
"Shit... I can't believe I said that... and in front of Barbatos and Lord Diavolo too...!" I groaned before jumping at the sound of a sudden knock on my door.
"Just, leave me alone!" I called out to the person on the opposite side.
"(Y/N), please open the door. I apologize for my brother's for making you feel uncomfortable." Lucifer spoke, his voice slightly muffled by the mahogany door.
"Dammit..." I sighed before unlocking the door and stepping over to my bed, grabbing a pillow to hug against me as he let himself in.
"I've never been so embarrassed..." I groaned, holding my face in my hands.
"What's worse is... I let myself become flustered and shouted my response for the whole Devildom to hear!" I said. He stood in front of me as I sat hunched over on the bed. He gently took hold of my wrists, moving then away from my face as he kneeled to be at eye level with me.
"You have nothing to be embarrassed about, love." He said, and I felt my cheeks heat up at his choice in nicknames.
"I... it's not like the opportunity never came along... it's just... whenever it did... it was never with anyone that I truly felt something for..." I said, feeling more and more foolish as the words fell from my mouth.
"It's your body, (Y/N). So it only makes sense that you should choose whom you would give such a precious part of yourself to. It should only be someone you love, and trust above all others. Someone who makes you feel safe and secure." He said, listing things off as he went.
That's when the realization hit me like a ton of bricks. My entire face engulfed in heat, but now I had no way of hiding it since Lucifer was holding both of my hands in his.
"What's wrong (Y/N)?" He asked, and I swallowed hard.
"It's just... everything you just listed off..." my heart was beating so fast, I was worried it would burst out of my chest.
"You're all of those things to me, Lucifer..." I said, and his eyes widened before a light blush dusted his cheeks.
"(Y/N)..." He mumbled my name, and my heart did a flip as he smiled.
"That you would think I'm the one worthy of..." He closed his eyes before turning his head away and clearing his throat.
"That is... of course you would think that... however, I don't want you to feel rushed into anything you aren't aptly ready for... that being said-" He took my hand in his.
"(Y/N)... whenever you're ready, I'm here." He nodded, resting one hand on his chest as the other caressed my knuckles gently.
I smiled as I relished his touch, happily enveloped in the warmth between the two of us.
"And when you are ready, you needn't worry... I assure you, I am generously equipped to please you in anyway you wish." He added, a playful smirk pulling on his lips.
It felt like someone had just lit my entire head in fire as my face began to burn red and hot from his suggestive words.
"C'mon, (Y/N)...! Open the door!" Mammon called, and I sobbed quietly. Of all the people to have run after me, why did it have to be him? Why did it have to be Mammon? The demon that I've had the longest relationship with since arriving at the Devildom.
The demon who I've confided in for nearly everything, and has always been a shoulder to cry on when I needed him most, despite his pretending to find it 'annoying' or 'inconvenient'.
"(Y/N)...! I... I screwed up this time. For real... I'm... sorry..." He mumbled the last part to where I could barely hear him through the door.
He's right. He really did screw up this time. And for some reason, his admittance only made fuel for the fire as I stood to my feet with my hands balled into fists. I was trembling, still crying and red-faced.
It was definitely a sight as I threw open the door, much to Mammon's surprise, but not quite as much as when my open palm met his cheek in a bruising slap that nearly knocked him off his feet.
He stood dazed for half a second, staring at me wide eyed and his mouth hanging open. For once, not a single witty comeback.
"OF ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE THREE REALMS, WHY DID YOU HAVE TO HEAR ME SAY THAT?!" I cried, squeezing my eyes shut as I shook my head, my cheeks ablaze with heat.
"Of all the things I've told you... things I've said to you in confidence... how could you be so thoughtless?!" I demanded, furiously rubbing at my eyes. I felt his hands grip my arms gently, pushing me back towards my room, but I fought against him, beating my fists against his surprisingly sturdy chest.
One thing about Mammon is that it's quite easy to forget that he's one of the most powerful demons in the Devildom. He's one of the elite, despite the fact he acts like a goof most of the time.
Which would explain why my punches didn't phase him in the slightest. He was merely allowing me to lash out at him to get my anger out.
When I had ceased the hitting, he caught my wrists in his large, slender hands, holding them up to keep me from continuing.
"(Y/N)." He said my name now with a serious tone. When I opened my eyes, he was gripping my wrists gently, looking into my eyes with an uncharacteristic look of guilt and seriousness.
"I'm sorry." He said sincerely, holding my gaze with his own.
Again, my eyes began to well up with tears as I fought to hold them back. He quickly pulled me into his chest, holding the back of my head with his hand and tangling his fingers within my hair as he pressed my face into the crook of his neck.
"Is not like bein' a virgin is a bad thing, y'know..." He mumbled.
"Sure but... I can't help but feel embarrassed... especially in front of you." I said, feeling my face growing hot.
"What're ya sayin' (Y/N)?" He asked, pulling away for a moment to look me in the eye again, but I couldn't meet his this time.
"You... are you really gonna make me say it... even after all this...?" I asked, covering my mouth with one hand as though it would hide my obviously flustered appearance.
"Would ya just come out with it already? Ya just said yourself, you tell me everything. How's this any different?" He asked. As annoying as it was, he was right. I took a deep breath, and looked him directly in the eye with a look of determination.
"I'm especially embarrassed that you know about my virginity, partially because I'm slightly intimidated that you've had so much more... experience than me... but mainly because... " I took another a deep breath before swallowing the lump in my throat.
"Out of anyone I've ever met before... you're the only one... that I would even consider giving it to." I said, looking up at him from beneath my lashes.
Mammon.exe has stopped working ---
"You... wha...?" He mumbled, flabbergasted.
"Gah, what have I done...?! I've only made things worse...!" I groaned.
"Just... pretend like I never said anything...!" I said, waving my hands around in a flustered manner.
"Mammon, please! Maybe you should leave before the embarrassment kills me-" My sentence was cut short when he all but gently slammed his lips into mine.
I was frozen in place at first until the realization hit me that this was actually happening.
He pulled away from me after a moment, his cheeks flushed with pink.
"You know ya can't just say somethin' like that and then bail from it... are ya tryin'to drive me insane?" He asked.
Silently, I shook my head and he sighed.
"Anyways..." He caressed my cheek with his hand before cradling it gently.
"Tell me more about how you want THE Mammon to ravage ya." He said, winking and grinning at me.
A quick, light blow to his shoulder was enough to wipe the smirk off his face.
"Cheeky." I said before the both of us had a good laugh and spent the rest of the evening binge watching movies.
*knock knock*
"GO AWAY!" I shouted towards the door. There was a moment of silence before another set of knocks on my door.
*knock knock knock*
I groaned before standing to my feet and taking the doorknob in a firm grip.
"I SAID GO-" I threw open the door roughly, heading out smash into something before something firm hit the floor.
"Away...?" I mumbled, blinking a few times before noticing a pair of feet in the floor.
I opened the door a bit more and my eyes widened as a hand clapped over my mouth.
"Levi!" I exclaimed, hurrying to his side. His nose was bleeding and he was sitting in the floor.
"Levi, I am so sorry!" I cried, helping him up and into my room. I helped him sit on the edge of the bed as I ran to the bathroom to grab a cold rag for his swelling nose.
"Here, let me help." I insisted. His face lit up red as he shook his head.
"N-no! R-really, it's okay! I deserve this!" He said.
"Oh Levi... no one deserves to get hit in the face with a door... apart from maybe Mephisto, but still..." I finally managed to get him to move his hand, and placed the rag firmly against his nose to help decrease the swelling.
"Actually, Satan taught me a spell. It could help too." I said.
"(Y/N)-" He started, but I was more concerned with helping to alleviate his pain.
"May the vestiges of pain that linger within the demon before me be eliminated... I am the one they call (Y/N). Hear my command!" I spoke clearly and confidently whilst holding my hand steadily in from of Levi's bloody nose.
"Wh- hey, wait! Are you sure you-" He spoke, but was silenced by a quick flash of white light that blinded the two of us for several moments.
"Ah... hey. I'm all healed...!" Levi said, poking the tip of his nose with his finger.
"Thanks, (Y/N)!" He smiled, laughing happily.
"Don't thank me. Thank Satan for being such a good tutor before the exams." I chuckled nervously.
"I really am sorry about that Levi." I said, my brow furrowing slightly.
"It's okay... more importantly I... I wanted to make sure you were okay." He said, a blush renewing itself on his cheeks.
"Oh, that... I guess more than anything, I'm just super embarrassed by my outburst." I said, scratching at the back of my neck.
"It was that moron Mammon that started it all." He spat, in reference to his brother.
"You have nothing to be embarrassed of... in fact-" He stopped himself, covering his mouth with his sleeve as his cheeks lit up again. His eyes darted around, looking for anything besides me to land on.
"I mean... oh what am I saying? You don't want to hear a gross, insecure Otaku tell you something like that ... he mumbled to himself, but of course I heard every word.
"I wish you wouldn't talk about yourself like that, Levi. You're funny, cute, smart, and talented in so many ways! If you can't see that in yourself, then just know that I do! You're very precious to me, Levi. " I said earnestly.
A look of determination suddenly came over him. He grasped my hands firmly in his as he stood from the bed, a head or so taller than me.
"(Y/N) You always help me feel better about myself, and I... I want you to know that you shouldn't be embarrassed about being a virgin. Personally... I... I think it's... cute." He said, sitting away once more, staring down at our hands. His were trembling and sweating a bit, but I didn't mind in the least.
"You... you really think so...?" I asked. It was now my turn to blush as the heat engulfed my cheeks.
"O-of course! I'll say it again as many times as you'd like until you believe me!" He said, and I smiled brightly.
"Levi... thank you." I giggled. Overcome with joy at his words.
"While we're on the subject... and please don't take this the wrong way, but... I was actually quite surprised when Mammon mention that you... y'know." I said, and he swallowed thickly.
"Right, that... those encounters... well... to be honest, they were super awkward. I was mainly pressured by Asmo after drinking too much demonus AND after he had forced me to tag along to a few of his stupid normie parties." He explained.
"So... even though I have done it... I didn't really enjoy it. " He sighed.
"I suppose you haven't found the right person yet." I said, and he hummed in question.
"Would you... be very upset if I told you that... I wouldn't mind my first time being with you...?" I asked, my voice low as I looked up at him bashfully.
"Y-y-you what...?!" He demanded, flinging himself backwards into the wall behind him as he clutched his chest.
"I... I need to go...! I'll talk to you later, (Y/N)!" He shouted as he stumbled towards the door, falling over his feet a few times before making it into the hallway where he ran straight back to his room.
"Levi?! Wait!" I called after him, but he was already out of sight.
"Did I go too far...?" I asked myself. After several long moments, my phone chimed, indicating a new message.
"Just so you know, I'm not upset at all!"
"In fact, I feel the same about you..."
"I love you, (Y/N)!"
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I blushed, and smiled as I plopped backwards onto my bed.
I must have reread the last text he sent a hundred times.
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vashhanamichi · 8 months
Sorry for the number of asks/questions. I am curious on what you like about Tomarry and Grindledore. Also what are your honest thoughts on Dumbledore/Tom Riddle, Drarry, Tomione and Wolfstar. What other HP ships appeal to you?
So, first of all, I'm very sorry for taking so long to answer! And second, never apologize for sending me questions, I love getting them even if I take a while to answer. If you'll forgive me, I will only talk about one of those ships in this ask, but you can ask me about the other ones in other asks, it's just that talking about all of them in just one ask would turn my answer into a (even more) giant rambling I fear. Also because I only have true strong opinions about some of these ships, so I chose a single one, the one I have most opinions about, the one I have loved for the longest time.
That ship is, naturally, Voldemort (Tom Riddle)/Harry Potter.
I want to preface this by saying that I see them and ship them in a sort of unusual way, or at least it seems so, because I haven't found my particular interpretation of them in the fandom so far (though I've read fanfics that shook some of its branches) in more than a decade of shipping this ship. But I guess all authors are like that -- we're all trying to fill a void shaped as our own want.
It's true, too, that there's many ways of interpreting canon and molding its clay. I'm not constant in my characterization of Voldemort (though some things repeat themselves) for example: in some fics I make him an experienced philanderer, in others he's as virginal as Harry, or even more so. He's angrier at times, but softer, milder in some others. More or less irrational depending on the context. More or less bloodthirsty. Harry's well of patience dries with diverging speeds. So does his sanity.
With that said, what do I like about them, the basis?
I like a combination of two main rivers of characterization regarding them. Those are: 1) Voldemort as the Monster Groom, the Fairy Tale Villain, the Nightmare, The embodiment of fear and Harry as his favorite Victim, his killing, his bride. 2) Voldemort as a Father, Harry as his child. Voldemort as a son, Harry as his Mother. Voldemort as God (or Satan), Harry as his creation. It's important to note that these are fluid and fund with each other -- God is also a Groom, God is also a Father. A bride is a victim, is a deer, is a son, is a killing, is a meal.
Alright, so on with it.
Trigger warnings: discussion of CSA, incest So, Voldemort as the Monster, Harry as his Victim:
I think it’s very interesting how for four books Voldemort haunted Harry from beyond the grave, so to speak. Until his resurgence in the graveyard Voldemort was, in his own words, “less than spirit, less than the meanest ghost . . . but still (…) alive.”
That, along with his self-appointed title, the awe and terror he inspires, his seemly unlimited power, gives him the aura of being more monster than human.
It’s also telling that their first meeting — when Harry was a baby — happened in Harry’s nursery, in the bedroom. It’s been written before by scholars who write about the slasher genre that the violation of the bedroom can be read as a violation of the victim’s own body. Even after coming back as flesh Voldemort keeps on haunting Harry in his dreams — again, violating him in his bed. Throughout the fifth book he entices Harry to leave the safety of Hogwarts to meet him again.
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Candyman (1992)
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A nightmare on elm street — the dream master (1988)
There’s an element of fairy-tale thrill to Voldemort and his relationship with Harry; his self-given title and his true name are both keys to understand him, even to defeat him. It’s only by discovering the truth about “Tom Riddle” that Harry acquires the weapons needed to defeat “Lord Voldemort”. By turning him from monster to human — uncovering his past, something the protagonists of horror movies usually have to do to defeat the monsters trying to kill them.
Candyman, for example, is called forth by having his name said aloud three times in front of a mirror. A similar taboo is put upon Voldemort’s name in the seventh book.
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In more romantic terms, Voldemort seems to me like Mr. Rochester when he calls Jane Eyre — his strange, almost unearthly thing — and she hears his call all the way across the moors. Voldemort and Harry’s connection is an supernatural one and thus surpasses the physical obstacles in their way.
Then there’s Harry, Harry as a bride, Harry as a victim, Harry as The Final Girl — the one who got away. The Boy Who Lived.
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Nancy in A Nightmare on Elm Street
Harry’s existence and his title — The Boy Who Lived — are defined by Voldemort. He was a survivor before he could speak, he was marked. Like many Final Girls he’s a teenager, virginal, brave. He’s also not taken as seriously as he should be. He survives but there’s always a cost. In the fifth book (imo the best in the series) he’s explicitly traumatised. A final girl wanders into the Death Realm. She comes back but brings something with her. She’s changed. Voldemort changed Harry, Voldemort touched Harry, Voldemort violated Harry. He comes back from the graveyard (the Death Realm) but he’s not the same.
In the fifth book Harry displays a lot of signs of trauma and, many times, the trauma of someone who was raped. After Nagini’s attack he feels deeply unclean:
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There’s a deep sense of inevitability when it comes to Harry and Voldemort. He’s transformed, marked, from an ordinary baby to a Christ figure, The Chosen One. He’s made. Voldemort’s touch transforms him.
He lives between two deaths, like Hannibal’s Abigail:
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Twice-killed, Abigail lived a borrowed amount between one father and the next. Her scar was a sign that she was marked for death, like a bride wearing an engagement ring. Harry was the same — his time was borrowed, between one Avada Kedavra and the next.
Harry’s becoming from ordinary child to redeemer of Wizarding Kind was done through Voldemort’s tempering. It’s as if Voldemort is God to Lily’s Mary and James’ Joseph. It took Voldemort’s decision to make him into The Chosen One. Harry as we know him is Voldemort’s creation.
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That makes Voldemort, in a way, Harry’s third parent. Harry collects father figures throughout the books, he finds them in Sirius, Lupin, Dumbledore (Snape too arguably). They all abandon him by dying. The one who endures, the one who’s always there, is Voldemort. Voldemort never disappoints. His parenting of course it’s a painful one but we can’t forget that pain is what Harry knows given what he faced with the Dursleys. A child weaned on poison considers harm a comfort.
Voldemort is obsessed with him and hurts him. But he’s there, always there. Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike, Dumbledore says. Voldemort is many thing but not indifferent to Harry.
And that’s the thing. That’s the pain of it, the way I like them — fiction is not reality after all — as a unhealthy, tragic pairing. Harry can’t live without Voldemort because he’s too deeply his. Alice Notley says it best:
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Harry belongs to Voldemort. I ship Voldemort with other characters, like Dumbledore and Bellatrix, but they all have extensive pasts and lives (even Bellatrix, who's so devoted to Voldemort) beyond Voldemort. Harry was created for Voldemort, scarred by him, mauled by him. This sort of prison, the fact that Harry can't ever escape Voldemort, his Father, his Maker, his Killer, is part of what draws me so much to them.
It's getting very late here and I'm making less and less sense as I go. This is the longest post I have ever wrote I think, on years and years of tumblr, and to be honest I could keep talking about them, using other metaphors, other references. I hope it's not completely nonsensical. I really like them.
That's all for today, and I apologize again for the delay in answering it, if you want you can ask me about other ships in separate asks! Thank you for the ask and I'm sorry for all of this rambling.
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themushroomgoesyeet · 5 months
It's time ladies and gentlemen
Arcana characters as Disney's Hercules
I promise not all of these are gonna be Disney themed lol I'm just a Muriel simp (if you couldn't tell) and when I originally came up with the Disney princess idea Muriel as Hercules started rotting a hole through my brain so here we are! Also, we're gonna get some side character/familiar action here as well, yay!
Asra, Nadia, Julian, & Portia - the muses
Are there other characters that these four could fit? Probably
Am I going to fit them there? No
Someone needs to be the muses, and I choose these 4
From left to right (since none of the muses are named) Portia, Julian, Nadia, & the last two get subsumed into Asra
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Idk I think they'd have fun jamming out & watching Muriel do his thing
Lucio - Hades
Oh god I can hear the Lucio simps screeching at me in the comments already
But consider: am I wrong tho
Let's face it bro is the villain in every route but his own and the cynical, "better than thou" personality that they both share just fits so well
Plus this version of Hades is a Satan analog who makes binding deals with others for his own benefit, and doesn't that sound like a certain devil we all know?
Not to mention both of them are trying to escape the realms they've been assigned & make themselves god king of everything
Two words: ✨anger issues✨
Morga - Phil
And now we get to the fun characters outside the M6
I will admit, Phil is a lot nicer than Morga, but jaded older mentor figure trying to make up for failed prodigies fits
Plus, Morga was Muriel's mentor in his route
I feel like both also fit into the role of proud parent figure by the end of their respective stories
And both are disapproving of their pupil's romances lol
Inanna - Pegasus
Admittedly Inanna is a bit more no-nonsense than Pegasus is, but she can still be goofy and fun when she wants to
Incredibly supportive of their human companions, important assets in battle, their appearance started the main character on a path for a better and more fulfilling life
Not much else to say here it just works
Vlastomil and Volta - Pain & Panic
Honestly idk if I can fit Vulgora and Valdemar into the Hercules narrative, but at least I could get these two in here
Vlastomil is Pain and Volta is Panic; I realize both could probably fit into Panic's role as they are the more timid and mild mannered courtiers, but I've chosen things this way because Volta is a little bit more flighty and afraid to commit crimes like Panic, where as Vlastomil is a bit more bold (when he's allowed to be) and better fits Pain
There's also the whole shape shifting deal they can all do
Khamgalai - Zeus
This one.....is a bit weird ngl, I'm still not quite sure about it
Honestly this is the ONLY time I will conflate someone so near & dear to my heart with Zeus
Mostly this all fits into the "detached/secret family member" archetype
And....I mean Zeus in this narrative at least is actually very kind & caring, as well as a proud dad which is similar enough to Khamgalai to work ok
Plus they both act as a guide for the main character when they're trying to find/drifting away from the plot a little bit
Merf (my MC) - Meg
I know what you're thinking
And I'm going to state once again that I am a huge Muriel simp
My MC is also a self insert, and for as long as I can remember I've always identified the most with Meg, more than any of the other Disney women
Anyone who has read my fic, seen the stuff I've posted about my character either on this blog or others, or even just talked to me on the arcana discord started by @iliveforyouilongforyouvesuvia can probably see that our personalities are very similar
Meg is very special to me as a character and I'm literally writing a post about mashing together my beloved and one of my favorite Disney movies, I'm not apologizing for conflating her with myself
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hamsterclaw · 1 year
You r never disappointing, i swear you're the one that keeps the Hoseok/YN Tag alive and going.
Hi lovely, you're in for a TREAT today. I went on one checking out my reblogs for all my fave Hoseok fics and here they are, a curated list of all the banging Hoseok fics that keep Hoseok/YN alive.
Category: Mafia Hobi/gang Hobi
Look no further than the sublime writing of @xjoonchildx - the Hobi in the drabble Close Call is only a taste of how excellent the Gentlemen of the Gajog series is, featuring the rapline.
I've re-read Heartbeat by @joonbird so many times because this Hobi's written so perfectly - a sexy, tough guy who's decent and insecure underneath and also so so so so hot.
Category: Sweet husband Hobi
@bonvoyagenoona is the writer I admire and aspire to be like. I got on AO3 just so I could read her writing. I adore all her work and The Cul-de-Sac cons is the story I come back to when I want to escape, genuinely escape. JK is the romantic pairing but the Hobi in this is such a sweetheart.
Lawn boy Hobi in Hot and Bothered by @sahmfanficbts is glorious crack at its very best. Sam's devoted to Namjoon but when she branches out, it's still ace.
Category: Soft Hobi/nice guy Hobi
Project Dream Girl, a holiday story that's heartwarming and snuggly and full of brilliant details, also written by @bonvoyagenoona She writes with such compassion and feeling I will never get over it.
I've lamented more than once that @gukslut is no longer active because her writing is incredible and if I could only read stories from one writer ever it would be her. The Holiday Hobi is a perfect mix of filthy and sweet.
Useless Magic by @reliablemitten is a feel-good romp of a story with clever, clever writing featuring a sexy banker Joon and a sweet sweet Hobi who teaches toddlers.
There's something about Hobi in the holidays, and Ho-ho-horrible by @ugh-yoongi is a sweet, heartwarming tale of a thoroughly decent Hobi.
For the first time by @candlewaxandp0lar0ids is beautifully written, and features a sexy neighbour Hobi.
Category: Sexy boss Hobi, with a helping of angst
I read the entirety of Jungle Park by the very excellent @jimlingss in one night. I've been reeling ever since. It's perfect. I've never seen better.
Category: Kinky Hobi
@btssmutgalore writes kinks in the most beautiful and inclusive way. Pas de Trois is so incredibly hot and also features a side of JK.
Category: Fuckboi Hobi
An underwritten trope, imo. The Hobi in Flight 18 by @noona-la-la-la is so funny and charming you're pulled in no matter that your thoughts are on that airport outfit.
Flip & Reverse It by @neonlights92 is funny, smart and so so entertaining, check it out, it's the best laugh you'll have all day.
Fuckboi rapper Hobi in Holiday Inn by @bangtanintotheroom is frankly irresistible and it's futile to even try.
I think putting Party Time by @sugakookitty under this category is underselling this Hobi because frankly, he's sexy, unhinged and way too entertaining for his own good.
Category: Historical Hobi
The Hobi in Kanalia by @xjoonchildx is the ultimate brooding sexy man of few words.
Category: Spy Hobi
Lightning never strikes twice by @vyduan is clever, sparky and so so funny.
Category: Supervillian Hobi
Versus by @minisugakoobies featuring Yoongi, Hobi and Namjoon and a kickass superhero lead, is one of the funniest and crackiest fics I've read on here.
Category: Demon Hobi
I honestly think about the demon Hobi from Not today, Satan, written brilliantly by @gimmethatagustd all the time, and the outrageous MC too.
Same for this unexpectedly soft sleep paralysis demon Hobi in Whispers in the Dark from the brilliant mind of @miscelunaaa .
Category: Crack Hobi
This tentacle-wielding, dancing Cthoseok from Unspeakable Horrors by @thatlongspringnight is straight-up crack and makes me ugly laugh.
Popping these at the end because they make me laugh every time:
@bang-tan 's fake subtitles in this have me crying.
@jeonjapan's hixtape tracklist is gold.
So hey, anon, for you and for me, Hobi's got a lot of strong players in his corner and writers who write him like he's the king he is. Happy birthday month, Hobi! 💜
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stressed-cryptid · 8 months
Recently I've been remembering a lot of fics I read before that I can't find and it's messing with me bc I feel like I'm being a bother.....but I want to find these fics soooo bad so....
I remember reading a fic where you/mc are at a party and someone tries to assassinate you. You're there with all the brothers and side characters (minus mephis, raf, and thirteen I think), you're having fun and enjoying the party then a bang goes off and everybody's panicking.
The vague details I remember are that the assassin shoots you twice with a gun in the back and back of the head I think, Levi had gone off away from the party before everything went down, Satan vomits, Luke is crying, people are under tables, I believe Mammon was on an upper level of the venue, Lucifer and Diavolo try to go after the person and Beel ends up catching him and slamming him. I also remember the fic saying guns are outlawed in the devildom or at the very least under heavy restrictions.
Anyways, you recover and I think it was Mammon, Beel, and Lucifer that bring you home in Mam's car. The brothers fought over who would go but ultimately decided the combo above would be the best.
Sorry if this is poorly articulated, I'm writing this before I forget it while also trying to pay attention to a lecture. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? If you do, please help ;-;
Edit: Post found!
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reveriera · 2 years
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SUMMARY | after losing himself to his jealousy and making a scene at your high school reunion, schlatt gets himself back into your good graces the only way he knows how; through his actions.
PAIRING | jschlatt x reader
WARNINGS | nsfw, 18+
NOTES FROM THE AUTHOR | this is the first fic i've written since late last year so i might be a bit rusty since i also am not a native english speaker. this is also my first time ever writing schlatt and i will admit that i'm not as sure on his personality as i am other members of the mcyt, so i apologize if my portrayal of him is weird. not proofread, so apologies in advance for any possible mistakes. please let me know what you think.
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Being in a relationship with Johnathan Schlatt had been a wild ride all the way from the very beginning; of that much you were, and always had been, certain. And yet, despite being fully aware of and used to his ways of behaviour, it seemingly never failed to surprise you when he actively went out of his way to go against you. 
It also never failed to frustrate you to absolutely no end, and as you stood before him in your shared living room on this late Friday afternoon, you had to use all the self-restraint that you possessed in order to not blow up on him. 
But while you were managing – although very barely – to keep it together enough to not start a screaming match, the glare you had set on your boyfriend of some time now was hard and unwavering, the fists you had clenched and hidden away underneath your snugly crossed arms tense and tight. 
Schlatt, on the other hand, was barely acknowledging your existence, sitting slouched down in the couch you’d had to buy only a week prior as a result of a certain someone having broken your old one during one of his chaotic streams, with his eyes plastered to the television and his feet carelessly thrown on top of the coffee table in front of him, with a half-full bottle of beer lazily hanging from his hand over the armrest. 
You waited another half minute for him to acknowledge you, gave him an honest chance to stop this episode of his all too frequent and familiar child-like behaviour before it got out of hand. But, as you had already expected, he only continued to ignore you, because going against your wishes whether they were verbal or silent, was what he seemed to do best.  
Realizing you weren’t going to get much out of him by simply glaring, you cleared your throat in an attempt to catch his attention. Still getting nothing, the glare on you face only hardened.  
“Please tell me you’re not wearing that tonight.” You finally spoke, and finally, he turned his head away from the television to meet your expectant stare.  
He wasn’t even trying to pretend that he hadn’t seen you there, making it painfully obvious that he had just been ignoring you.  
“What’s wrong with this?” He asked simply, with little to no emotion behind his voice, as he motioned with the beer bottle toward his torso. 
It took everything you had in you not to take the bottle and just, smash it over his head, right then and there, and to instead take a slow breath.  
“It’s offensive, and inappropriate.” You replied, and watched as Schlatt’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, as if he didn’t know what you were talking about. But the small, almost invisible, tug of his lips told you otherwise, and so did your common sense. 
You didn’t know anyone who would’ve considered his shirt appropriate to wear in a public setting, the shirt in question portraying a nun wearing nothing but her headpiece and adorning a suggestive stare, with her bare and very full chest on complete display to the viewer, a multitude of satanic symbols scribbled around the image in big, bold, red lines, and the letters “show me your tits” lining the upper edge of the print.  
It was one of the many shirts you had banned your boyfriend from wearing anywhere other than at home, and you were sure that was the sole reason he had decided to wear it on this night in particular, to begin with, on which he knew you were attending your high school reunion. 
To say that it was something he hadn’t been looking forward to would be a big understatement. 
He had met your high school acquaintances no more than once prior to this day, when you had been visiting your hometown for Christmas the year before, and that one time had been plenty enough for him.  
To put it shortly, they were all spoiled, entitled assholes who thought the entire world revolved around them and their minor, petty problems. His words, not yours.  
You didn’t necessarily disagree, but you still possessed enough maturity not to express your opinions aloud. Your boyfriend, however, was an entirely different story. 
“Well, I guess I’ll just have to stay home, then. Sucks to be me.” 
You automatically rolled your eyes at his sarcastic retort and uncrossed your arms from over your chest. 
“Is everything a joke to you?” You asked, continuing, “You know how important this is to me and you promised you’d go with me.” 
“I’m not getting dressed up for those plutocrats.” Schlatt only grumbled under his breath and lazily took a swig from his beer. 
“Okay, you don’t have to.” You said and lightly shrugged your shoulders. “Get dressed up for me instead.” You continued, meeting his eyes once they flickered back over to yours. 
You held each other’s gazes for a few seconds, stubborn and displeased battling fiercely against pleading and determined. Eventually, the latter ended up bringing home the win, much to your satisfaction and your boyfriend’s dismay. 
With another displeased mutter, Schlatt brought his legs down from the coffee table and leaned forward in his seat. He put the bottle that was now almost empty down on the wooden surface, shut off the television and stood up, wordlessly passing by you were you stood and heading straight into your shared bedroom. 
You could faintly make out the sound of his wardrobe opening and closing, and then the faucet of the sink being turned on in the bathroom. Silence followed for another two or so minutes, before your boyfriend remerged and joined you where you stood. 
“Is that asshole Dexter going to be there?” He asked you once he had come to a stop in front of you, looking straight ahead as you started working on straightening the collar of the patterned button-up he was now wearing. 
You raised an eyebrow at his question.  
“I would guess so, seeing as we went to school together.” You deadpanned.  
The glare you had previously been wearing was gone at this point, now having been replaced by a neutral expression.  
The same couldn’t be said for your boyfriend, who was still sulking away like a child where he stood. 
“Yeah, well, I guess I don’t have much of a choice then, do I?” He muttered, and you rolled your eyes, taking his hand in yours and intertwining your fingers as you left the warmth of your apartment to head outside.  
🦋 °○°○°○°○°○°○°○°○ 🦋 °○°○°○°○°○°○°○°○ 🦋
An hour and a half later, you were passing by the big welcoming sign at the border of your hometown and yet another five minutes later, you were pulling up outside your old high school, outside which the parking lot was already crowded with cars of all shapes, colours and sizes.  
Due to already being late, much thanks to your boyfriend, you didn’t waste any time in getting out of the car and heading towards the building once you were parked.  
You could hear the music before you even got to the door, and the louder and closer it got, the more bitter the man at your side seemed to become. 
“Dexter.” He was muttering under his breath, the name sounding like an insult falling off of his tongue.  
“Who even name their kid that, anyway?” He continued, this time directing the question at you. “That name is reserved for dogs and serial killers, not people.” 
You rolled your eyes at the comment, but couldn’t hold back the small snort that slipped past your lips. 
“Play nice, please.” You replied with a nudge to his side and grabbed his hand once again. 
The last thing you heard before you opened the large doors, stepped inside and became overthrown by the overpowering sound of music and chatter, was him muttering under his breath that he wouldn’t make any promises. 
Come to turn out, if he had promised you that he would play nice, he would’ve ended up breaking that vow fairly quickly, either way. Half an hour into it, to be exact. 
The only other person he could tolerate at this god-forsaken party was your best friend, who seemed to have slipped off to an unknown location and, by doing so, left him to fend for himself with people he’d either met once and decided he didn’t like, or people he hadn’t met at all. 
Safe to say, neither of the two were very ideal.  
You had stuck by his side for the first twenty or so minutes, introducing him to everyone and catching up with those you had been friendly with during your high school years. Schlatt had done his part of playing the comedic and talkative boyfriend, admittedly not wanting to ruin the experience for you despite how he felt about it, himself. 
But a man could only take so much involuntary socializing, and while it had been manageable when you had still been glued to his side with your hand tightly woven together with his own, it was much less tolerable when you weren’t there and some chick who he had never met in his entire life was talking his ear off about something he couldn’t have cared less about.  
So, his eyes searched the room, looking first toward the snack table which had been your supposed destination back when you had first left him by his lonesome, and found no trace of you. 
He wasn’t very surprised about it, having learned very early into your relationship that you had a somewhat inconvenient tendency to stray as a result of getting distracted between point A and point B.  
That very tendency was the sole reason he had sworn never to visit Disneyland with you again.  
He had never slept for as long as he had after getting home from that trip, never been so exhausted, and now it would seem that you had done the exact same thing, seeing as you weren’t anywhere near where you’d told him you were heading off to. 
Instead, after a moment of searching the crowd for the one face he never got tired of seeing, he finally found you on the complete other side of the room, and the second his eyes registered who you had been so occupied talking to for the past ten minutes, the entirety of his focus was shifted onto you.  
Schlatt wasn’t normally the type to get jealous. Not because he wasn’t insecure or didn’t know that you deserved better - because he definitely was, and you definitely did – but because he knew that you were the most honest person in his life, and he knew where the two of you stood with each other.  
But when it came to this guy, he just couldn’t help it. It was the one person except for your best friend who he had met on more than one occasion - and let me tell you, he had hated every second of it. 
Dexter. The one name that could make him see red with the mere mention of it, the name that shouldn’t even exist beyond the infamous, fictional serial killer and maybe a dog or two.  
But it did exist, it was very real, and so was the person to whom it had been given, and the feelings said person brought Schlatt, who had instantly been overflooded by red hot jealousy in his chest, uncomfortable tingling in his hands and feet, and a tang so sour in his mouth that his lips turned down at the taste of it.  
He just couldn’t help it.  
You had been with this guy for most of your life in one way or another. Childhood best friends turned high school sweethearts, voted school’s cutest couple three years in a row, and most likely to get married. You had been each other's firsts, and you had planned to build a life together.  
The only reason you had broken off your relationship was because you ended up moving to a different state, and he wasn’t willing to leave your hometown to follow.  
There hadn’t been any relationship problems, no major disagreements or incompatibilities, no big drama or any ugly fights, and most importantly; no lack of attraction.  
You had still been attracted to him both physically and emotionally at the time of your breakup, and it was probably that part that bothered him the most; knowing that, had the circumstances been just slightly different, you could’ve still been with this guy instead of him. 
It made him feel threatened, and it didn’t help to watch you laugh at his jokes and stare at him with the amount of nostalgic admiration that you did as you took a trip down memory lane with each other, all while Schlatt sat and watched.  
He wasn’t sure what he was thinking when he stood up and made a beeline for where you were standing, or if he was thinking at all which, let’s be honest, he already knew that he wasn’t. S 
afe to say, his mind had already been relatively empty when he had first gotten out of his seat and started moving, but it wasn’t until he was halfway there and watched from afar as you turned your back to your ex-boyfriend and allowed him to touch your hair and back, that Schlatt’s mind really went blank.  
The speed in his step increased significantly and before he knew it, before he had even gotten to remove his hands from your body and as soon as he found himself within hearing range, he heard his own voice cut out through the music,  
“How about you get your hands off of my girlfriend?” 
He came to a stop right in front of the two of you, with a glare hard enough to kill etched onto his face as he reached his hand out and firmly grasped the wrist of his rival.  
Only then did the two of you realize your boyfriend had joined you, not having been given much time to register it by yourselves with the way he had immediately gone to attack. 
Dexter's eyes grew wide, at first out of shock, and then out of mildly annoyed bewilderment.  
“Excuse me?” He near-spat and janked his hand back to himself.  
He took a step back to put some distance between the two of them and Schlatt immediately responded by stepping closer to you, gluing himself to your side and sliding an arm snugly around your waist.  
“It’s fine. You remember Dexter, right?” You moved into your boyfriend’s side and attempted to soothe his very obvious anger, but to no avail.  
“Yeah, I remember him, alright.” Schlatt’s eyes didn’t waver from the other man for as much as a millisecond. 
It wasn’t hard for the other man to pick up on the hostile change of environment.  
“I was just helping her untangle her hair from the zipper of her dress, man.” He joined you in trying to salvage the situation, but he wasn’t as skilled in hiding his annoyance as you were – a skill you had picked up thanks to your boyfriend, to begin with – and the boyfriend in question only took that as a further threat.  
“Well, thank you for your service, but that’s what she has me for.” He sarcastically replied, his voice dripping with venom, before he turned to you and continued with a stern glare, “Grab your coat, we’re going home.” 
A crease formed between your brows as they furrowed. “What? We just got here.” Your annoyance was starting to seep through, and he immediately noticed judging by the way his gaze only hardened.  
“And now we’re leaving.” He repeated, drawing an unimpressed scoff from your lips.  
“You can’t be serious right now.” You crossed your arms over your chest.   
“As serious as I’ve ever been.” He didn’t miss a beat.  
You narrowed your eyes and shook your head. “I’m not going anywhere- hey, what’s wrong with you?!” You interrupted yourself mid-sentence when he suddenly took you by your shoulders and turned you around.  
He began to steer you in the direction of your coats while you verbally protested, but before you could get very far, a firm hand had placed itself on his own shoulder.  
“Hey, don’t touch her!” Dexter demanded and squeezed down on his shoulder. 
Displeased was no longer sufficient in describing how Schlatt was feeling as he stopped in his tracks and turned back around to get rid of the hand. 
Two pairs of equally as annoyed eyes met. 
“Excuse me? Do I need your permission to touch my girlfriend?”  
“No, but you do need hers, and I’m pretty sure we both heard her say no.” 
Schlatt raised his eyebrows, shooting out a deadpan stare.  
“Is this your relationship? Your girlfriend? No? Then butt out, asshole.” He turned back to you, once again portraying determination in everything he did as he ordered you once again to, “Stop arguing and get your fucking coat.” 
Your eyes didn’t falter from those of your boyfriend’s as they narrowed into angry slits. You started up to fight back, like you had so many times before, but before you could even get a word in edgewise to defend yourself, you were once again cut off, this time by Dexter.  
“Do you always speak for her like this?” He asked your boyfriend. “That’s kind of problematic, don’t you think?” 
Schlatt stood his ground, once again raising his eyebrows in a challenging manner as he retorted, “Oh, I’m sorry, are you not doing the exact same thing, right now?” 
Dexter opened his mouth to speak once more, and that’s when you’d had enough. 
“Okay, fine, you know what? I'm actually very tired, and we’re going to go home.” 
You took a firm grip of your boyfriend’s hand and pinched the flesh of his palm, knowing how much he hated it when you did it. As expected, he immediately attempted to silently fight you off with his own fingers and, much to your dismay, managed to do so.  
You didn’t bother trying again, proceeding to instead ignore him to turn back to your friend. 
“I’m so sorry, Dex. I’ll call you later, okay? We’ll have to continue that conversation over coffee someday.” You offered him an apologetic smile and he nodded, the glare on his face slowly but surely being replaced by a smile of his own.  
“Yeah, that’s probably best.” He nodded. His smile took a bit of a worried turn as he continued, “Just, give me a call if you need anything, okay? I’m always available for you if you need anything, and I mean anything-” 
He cut himself off and discretely looked between you and the man at your side, and you nodded before the man in question could use it to fire the argument back up.  
“Yeah, I know, and I appreciate it. But I’m good, thank you.” You assured him and, after another few seconds of hesitation, he seemed to relax as his eyes settled on you.  
“Okay, good. Well, I guess I’ll see you around. It was good seeing you again, it’s been far too long since last.” 
He leaned down and kissed your cheek as you said your final goodbyes, all while maintaining eye contact with Schlatt over your shoulder, who unbecknownst to you was about ready to pounce any second now. 
Luckily for everyone present in that room, many of whom had been pulled by their previous conversations by your argument, it didn’t get any further than that, as the two of you wordlessly went and got your things and left the building with rash, hurried steps. 
The second you got had gotten situated in the car and the key was turned in the ignition, you spoke sternly without taking your eyes off the road in front of you, “We’re talking about this the second we get home.” 
Schlatt kept his eyes straight ahead of him, as well, and snapped out an equally as hostile, “Can’t wait”, before pressing down on the gas, driving out of the school’s parking lot and turning down the road. 
🦋 °○°○°○°○°○°○°○°○ 🦋 °○°○°○°○°○°○°○°○ 🦋
The car ride home might have been wordless, with not a single sound uttered from either of you to the other, but the air in the car was everything but silent. The atmosphere had been so tense with emotions that it made both your ears ring, painfully and seemingly endlessly, with anger; yours directed at him and his fragile ego, and his directed at his you and your ex-boyfriend. 
As soon as you came to a stop and parked outside your apartment complex, it was like you entered an unspoken competition where both of you did everything you could to show the other how mad you were.  
Doors were slammed, stairs were stomped, and curses were thrown carelessly and harshly into the innocent air every time you messed something up as a result of your harsh, jagged and anger-shaken movements. 
The second you had shut the front door behind you and twisted the lock, the bubble of temporary peace that you had managed to maintain up until then ruptured in a matter of seconds, and so the arguing began.  
“I can’t fucking believe you.” You were the first to speak up with disgust and embarrassment dripping from every uttered word as you angrily yanked off your scarf and jacket and threw them on the coat hanger.  
“I can’t believe you!” He shot back with just as much distain while throwing off his shoes, hard enough for them to bounce across the floor and dunk into the wall in front of them.  
“What the hell did I do?!” You whipped around to face him and yelled. 
In response, his eyes narrowed. “You’re asking me that after you just let your ex feel you up right in front of me?” 
“I- feel me up?” If only looks had been able to kill, your boyfriend would have been sent six feet under on the spot, right then and there. “Are you serious right now? I was having a conversation with a friend! A con-ver-sation, with a friend! I wasn’t aware that went against the very laws of a relationship!” 
“It wouldn’t have if it weren’t for the embarrassingly obvious fact that the asshole is still head over heels in love with you, but it is what it is, so tough fucking shit!” 
“So, what if he is?! How he feels about me does absolutely nothing to change how I feel about you! Literally the only thing that is changing the light in which I see you right now is your own fucking behaviour. I mean, what the fuck has gotten into you?! You never get like this! You watch other guys flirt with me all the time and you mock and laugh at them because you know that they’re trying in vain, so why is this one guy so different?!” 
“Because he’s an asshole who doesn’t respect that you’re in a relationship!” 
“And you’re not an asshole?!” 
“Well, at least I’m not shamelessly throwing myself at my ex!” 
You stilled where you stood and hardened your face, having had more than enough of the crap he was unfairly putting you through.  
“Fine, if that’s how you want to be then you can sleep on the fucking couch. I don’t even want to look at you right now.” You shook your head in disgust and turned on your heel, heading in the direction of your bedroom.  
“Fine, I will!” He snapped behind you as he audibly followed.  
“Fine.” You repeated, this time lower than the last.  
Once again, he snapped out with a fierceness significantly more intense than your own, “Fine!” 
As you entered your bedroom and, while still standing in the doorway with your back turned to him, reached your hand out for the bed, you spoke one last time, “Fine. Take your fucking pillow, too.” 
The pillow in questioned hit him square in the face before he got the time to react, and before he got to utter another word to you, you had slammed the bedroom door in his face and shut yourself into the bedroom. 
You stood silently on the other side of the door and listened, being met with a few seconds of silence and then the sound of his retreating footsteps. 
You heard him turn on the television no more than a second later and the mere sound of it was enough to infuriate you even further. Your entire body felt hot, your blood felt as if it was boiling and about to erupt with the way that it was pumping in your veins.  
You wanted nothing more than to go back out there and just scream at him until he was so far pushed into the ground that you couldn’t see him anymore but before you could do that or anything else that you knew you’d later come to regret, you blocked out the sound of his stupid house renovation program and stomped your way into the bathroom, getting started on your night routine all while muttering profanities and angry ramblings under your breath to yourself. 
Acting out everything you wanted to say to the various toiletries stored in your bathroom wasn’t quiet as efficient as you imagined it would have been to act it out to the very source of your frustration and wasn’t even nearly enough to rid you of your anger completely. But it did do the trick well enough to stop you from throwing fuel to the fire once you had completed your bedtime rituals and gotten back into your bedroom, beyond which you could still hear the sound of the television. 
You noticed quickly that the volume had been increased significantly from when he had first put it on, no doubt in an attempt from his side to get you to react. You knew that, for him, a negative reaction was better than no reaction at all, and that was one of the very few things about him that you wished, just, wasn’t. All it did was make it your responsibility to be the bigger person in an argument, and sometimes you really wanted, needed, to be the smaller one. 
But you wouldn’t let yourself be this time around, you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction by reacting, so rather than acting on his attempt to provoke, you simply picked your phone up from where it laid on your bedside table and annoyedly typed in a text, locking it and putting it back down as soon as you heard the whooshing sound that confirmed that the text had been sent.
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Not even a second later, you heard the familiar ding of your boyfriend’s phone, and you listened as he shuffled around in the couch in the other room, the leather creaking under his weight and the wooden structure squeaking ever so slightly. The downside of buying a second-hand couch, you supposed.
Not many seconds passed before your phone dinged to signal you had received a reply. You didn’t move a muscle, made no attempt to read what he had written you back. Instead you just laid there, turned to the side with your hands tucked under your head and your eyes staring into the wall in front of you.  
And you waited.  
And waited, and waited, and- 
The loud voices from the television suddenly grew silent, as did the entire apartment. The voices were soon enough replaced by the sound of incoming footsteps and, before you knew it, the door to the bedroom was pushed open. 
A second later, a gust of air hit your partly bare back where your blanket had slipped down, accompanied by a muffled thump as the pillow you had thrown out of the room only minutes before was thrown back to where it belonged.  
A weight was added behind you to the other side of the bed, followed shortly by the sound of your boyfriend’s voice.  
“I’m not sleeping on the couch, it’s fucking uncomfortable.” He complained bitterly, and began making himself comfortable behind you. 
You knew that he couldn’t see your face at the position you were laying in, but you still couldn’t stop yourself from raising your eyebrows as to say I told you so, and you were just too proud not to let him hear it, supporting your hidden expression by muttering back, “I told you so, but you still insisted on buying it.”  
“Yeah, well, maybe I ought to listen to my beautiful girlfriend more often. She’s clearly got more brains than I do.” He wasted no time in shooting back, just as proud as you judging by how desperately he was trying to hold on to the tough-guy act he had adapted during the course of your argument. 
But you could hear it in his voice that he was faltering, that he was aware of it, and very, very disgruntled about it, and that very fact was enough to bring a light scoff from your lips.  
“Is that your way of apologizing?” You deadpanned simply, not moving where you laid even as he crept up behind you.  
He could clearly tell that you weren’t impressed, judging by the way his arms slowly and hesitantly wrapped around your middle atop the blanket no more than a second later. 
You were still mad at him for taking his jealousy out on you and ruining your experience by doing so, and even more annoyed by the fact that he couldn’t own up to his bad behaviour instead of just buttering his way back into your good graces. 
And yet, even though he opted for the latter and less preferable option out of the two and annoyed you to absolute bits, you did nothing to stop him when he pressed a kiss to your exposed shoulder and started to rub slow, gentle circles on your arm. 
You never could stop him when it happened, because no matter how much you hated to admit it about yourself, both of you would fall at each other’s feet whenever you’d give the other any kind of physical affection. 
And so, when he began moving his lips along the length of your neck, his facial hair scratching the sensitive skin with every move, you wordlessly turned around to face him and made no complaints when he met you in the middle for a kiss.  
It started out slow, with him carefully testing the waters and attempting to urge you on with his actions while you remained the slightest bit grudging; not because you didn’t want to give in, but because you wanted to prove a point and for him to know that you were still pissed and that he wasn’t forgiven. 
You realized quickly, though, that he already knew all of those things. He must have, or else he wouldn’t have remained silent the way that he currently was, most likely too scared about the possibility of pissing you off even further and, as if the couch hadn’t been bad enough, landing himself a permanent sleeping spot out on the street.  
He knew you wouldn’t hesitate if it came to it, and as he’d rather not sleep in his car, he knew that he had to get back into your good graces as quickly as possible, and so far, you didn’t seem to be against his chosen way of doing so with the way you were moving closer and closer to him. 
Your blanket slipped off your form as you did so, your lightly clothed body instinctively shifting into a sitting position and your hands, that had now found their way to the sides of your boyfriend’s jaw, pulling him along with you. 
Without breaking away from each other, you shifted onto your knees. You gave him a moment to follow your move and pull his back up to the headboard of the bed, before slowly raising your leg over his and sitting down on his thighs. 
“You’re infuriating, you know that?” You were the first one to speak once you were properly situated on top of him, your voice coming out muffled against the rapidly increasing urgency of his lips. 
“Yeah, and you’re just such a delight.” He simply uttered back against your own.  
His big hands found their way to the sides of your thighs where they gripped at the flesh. Such a small touch, and yet it was enough to bring a tingle to your core and draw the smallest of moans from your lips.  
Schlatt swallowed the sweet sound with his kiss and reciprocated it with a groan of his own when your hand passed by the waistband of his shorts and grazed over the hardening tent in his boxers.  
“God, I love you.” He mumbled against your lips as a response to your touch.  
“You’re not going to sweet talk yourself out of this one. I’m still mad at you and will continue to be until you apologize to Dexter.” You fired back in return, but couldn’t deny to feeling the smallest bit amused about his contradicting statements.  
Schlatt, on the other hand, wasn’t the slightest bit amused.  
“Could you, maybe, not bring him up while you’ve got your hand down my pants?”  
You didn’t need to look at each other for you to know that he was glaring at you in his head, as was only further proven by the tone of his voice as he grumbled. 
All of the sudden, you found yourself no longer minding the jealousy that he was expressing. You would never admit aloud to knowing why you’d had the sudden change of heart, but it just might have had something to do with the constant surges of pleasure that were being sent to straight between your legs at the feeling of his hands roaming your body and squeezing at everything they could get ahold of. 
“Why? Does it bother you?”
As a response to the request he had given you only some seconds before, the teasing words rolled off your tongue before you’d even been able to register them in your head.  
You had to bite down on your lip to keep control of your mind, and instinctively brought your arms up to wrap around his neck, your fingers weaving themselves into his long hair in an attempt to bring him even closer, if such a thing was even possible. 
Your words made him react the way you would have expected them to, the energy radiating off of him and his movements getting slightly more frustrated.  
“What do you think?” He muttered back, his hands sliding past the curve of your hips and continuing up your sides.  
You hummed to yourself, the warmth and tenderness of his hands leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. You responded to his advances accordingly, proceeding to press your hand down against his crotch before clenching your fist in a firm grasp around the very source of his arousal. 
The speed of his heart increased significantly, and he seemed to no longer find himself capable of concentrating on kissing as you continued to rub him through his underwear with torturously slow movements. 
The tips of your fingers became damp along with the fabric underneath them as his arousal leaked through and into your touch.  
It never failed to rile you up to see how quickly you could have him a mess with little to no effort, the sensitive bundle of nerves between your thighs beginning to throb as his head fell down into the crook of your neck and his entire body seemed to melt into putty.  
His hips raised ever so lightly into your hand, and you responded immediately by pressing down with more pressure. In return, he grew even hungrier, beginning to leave sloppy, open-mouthed kisses all along your neck. 
The mere feeling of his tongue running over your skin was enough to make you lose all train of thought, and when he moved his hands down to firmly grasp your ass, pressing you down hard and rough on his thigh in the process, you couldn’t suppress the moan that rose in your throat. 
You could feel your own wetness seeping through your underwear at that point, and you automatically squeezed your legs tighter together and ground down in a desperate attempt to create some friction. 
Schlatt immediately picked up on your eagerness and squeezed your ass even harder, pulling you further up on his lap in the process and causing your hand to slide out of his pants as a result. 
“Am I forgiven yet?” 
Another moan left your lips as he placed you right on top of his own arousal, where your hand had been teasing him to the point of a full erection. 
His breaths were ragged and uneven against the dampened skin of your neck, and the feeling of the cool air hitting your most sensitive spots together with his rock-hard member pressing up against where you needed him the most, was making it incredibly hard to focus on anything else. 
Still, by controlling your own breathing, you managed to reply through airy pants, “No. I think I’m gonna need some more convincing.”  
His persona which had previously been soft and sweet and reminding you of that of a scolded puppy, quickly got replaced by a fiercer, more heated demeanour, and you couldn’t find it in yourself to complain. 
“Tell me what you want.” 
His feelings about the events of the night were coming back, you could tell by the tone of his voice as he gave you the order.  
“You know what I want.” You replied with an equal amount of annoyance, your emotions from the night’s events not having left, at all. 
“I want to hear you say it.” He grumbled into your neck.  
“Fuck you.” 
You jumped as a sharp pinch was suddenly delivered to the flesh of your behind and moaned in sync with the man beneath you when he pushed himself closer to you as a response to the pleasure your sudden movements had given him. 
“Watch your mouth, sweetheart.” He grumbled once again, and at that you couldn’t help but to snicker through heavy breaths.  
“Or what?” You challenged, and nevertheless raised your arms with no protests when he gripped the bottom hem of your nightgown and pulled it up your body, allowing him to discard you of the item and throw it to the floor. 
The teasing, the bickering, the challenging and the taunting all came naturally to the two of you. It had been how you had first met, and how you had kept behaving throughout the entirety of your relationship. 
Neither of you had ever taken offense by it, but this time around, after everything that had happened that evening and everything you were currently feeling, there was a limit even for the two of you, only so much you could take before you no longer could.  
No more time nor words were wasted from that moment forward, the two of you just needing to release your individual frustrations about the issue at hand and, to put it plainly, needing each other. 
Schlatt’s shirt joined your nightgown on the floor not even a second later and you were both in such a rush to get your releases that you didn’t bother removing the rest of your clothes. His manhood was released from the entrapment of his shorts by your hand, and your heat exposed from your panties by two of his fingers while the two of you joined in another series of heated kisses. 
They pushed past the soft fabric and continued on to part your folds. A moan immediately fell from your lips at the feeling of his fingers prodding your entrance, and your head followed suit by falling back against your neck. 
“Fuck, you’re wet.” 
Schlatt's voice came out as a mere gust of air. You felt him throb in your hand at the discovery, and yourself do the same as he gathered your wetness and spread it along your core and all the way up to the bundle of nerves that, at this point, was swollen with the need for release. 
With a snide and determined demeanour, he added pressure on that very part of you, knowing just how to move his fingers in order to tick you off and get a rise out of you. The sounds falling from your mouth and the sight of your bodily reactions only further proved that he knew exactly what he was doing. 
“You think that asshole could make you feel like his?” 
His question was unexpected, having thought that you were through with speaking for the time being, and you, admittedly, found yourself unable to determine whether or not he had actually asked it with how far up the clouds your head was currently feeling. 
Still, you pursed your lips and scoffed – a sound that came out sounding everything except for its intent as it was rudely interrupted by yet another moan. 
“I- don’t be stupid.”  
You leaned your head back down to look at him through hooded eyes and hardened your grip on him just the tiniest bit in retaliation. 
When you did this, you could see even through the lack of light in the room how his eyes grew impossibly dark, and struggled to maintain your confident demeanour when he quickened his circular movements around your clit.  
“I need you to answer me, sweetheart.” 
You squeezed your teeth together and fought the urge to do the same to your eyes.  
“No.” You muttered through tightened lips, and cursed yourself in your head for being so desperate. 
“No, what?” He raised an eyebrow. 
“He couldn’t.” You replied without missing a beat. 
You weren’t in the mood nor state of mind to keep fighting, or talking at all, for that matter, but he just couldn’t help himself. 
“That’s right. I’m the only one who can mess you up like this, and I should have shown him that right then and there on the fucking floor for the way that he was touching you.” 
As soon as he’d said that, his lips were back on your neck, latched onto your skin as he toyed with your arousal in an infuriatingly anti-climactic manner.  
Frustration grew in the pit of your stomach and before he could say anything else, you gave a sharp tug to his hair to get him back up from your neck. 
His eyes were already open and waiting to meet yours, like he had known you were going to do what you did. Of course, he did, you thought, with the way he was trying to get a rise out of you. 
The next few seconds went by in a flurry of fumbling, shifting and grabbing as you got yourselves situated for what was to come.  
Your hands grabbed the hem of his shorts and boxers and pulled them down further down his thighs, he then proceeded to flip the two of you over so that he was hovering above you, reached down to grab a hold of himself and lined himself up at your entrance. 
He didn’t get more than a second to adjust himself before you had wrapped your legs around his hips and pushed him inside of you.  
His head immediately fell into the crook of your neck at the feeling, but he didn’t waste a second before moving his hips and working to find a steady pace.  
Before you knew it, he was driving himself into you like a starved animal, grunting into your neck as he moved in long, hard strokes. 
The sound of your moans blended together with his as well as the sound of your bodies slapping together, and you had to bite your lip and concentrate to the point of your eyebrows creasing together in order to keep yourself as quiet as you possibly could, in an attempt not to wake up your neighbours. 
But soon enough, you’d reached the point where you couldn’t hold it in anymore, the point of your stomach knotting together familiarly as he picked up his pace and reached his hand down between your bodies to help you reach the edge of release. 
You pressed your head into the pillow and squeezed your eyes shut at the overwhelming feeling. 
“I- shit-” You moaned, clinging to his shoulders with all your might as you reached your climax. 
You dug your nails into the skin of his back and at the sudden addition of pain, Schlatt’s hips began stuttering and getting sloppier with every move.  
“Fuck.” He cussed into your neck, and before you’d gotten the chance to react, the familiar feeling of his seed spilling into you flooded your senses.  
You rode out your highs together and after doing so, both of your bodies fell limp where you laid while you struggled to catch your breaths. Schlatt’s head moved up from your neck to instead rest atop your bare chest, and his arms wrapped around you as the two of you eventually fell into a comfortable silence.  
It wasn’t long before he had snoozed off from a mixture of exhaustion and the feeling of your fingers running through his hair, light snores passing by his half-open mouth and fanning across your skin. 
Not feeling ready to sleep yet but being a bit too immobilized by the brute of a man now sleeping on top of you and trapping you to the mattress with majority of his body weight slumped down on you, you didn’t have many other options of entertainment other than to pick up your phone.  
As you did so, your lips immediately twitched at the sight of the message conversation with the man of the hour, where a new message had now made its way into the chat. 
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The message was short and to anyone else, it probably wouldn’t have been much at all. But knowing your boyfriend, this was an as heartfelt of a message that you could ask for, and was enough for you to forgive him right then and there.  
He may have been too obstinate to apologize and admit to his flaws out loud, but for as long as you had been together, he had never left you to go to bed upset, and that’s what mattered. 
🦋 °○°○°○°○°○°○°○°○ 🦋 °○°○°○°○°○°○°○°○ 🦋
𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖘 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖌𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖑𝖞 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖉, 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖌𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖆𝖓 𝖎𝖒𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖘 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗
🦋 °○°○°○°○°○°○°○°○ 🦋 °○°○°○°○°○°○°○°○ 🦋
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viovicugna · 2 years
Cuz I've really been in a levi stan mindset recently here's some hcs about levi and fanfictions
• He has a secret akupatt account (L3VIACHAN_03) where he posts tsl fanfictions. He's got a really popular ongoing one in which the tsl cast (cough cough only Henry and the third Lord) just go on more adventures. The others are mostly one shots about his otp Henry × reader Lord of Shadows. They all have obnoxious titles that detail the plot like "My best friend went on a dangerous mission to retrieve my prized statue from my scummy brother who is holding them hostage so now I have to save them!" Or "My annoying brothers keep trying to steal my one true friend's attention so we end up dueling over their affection but they end up stopping us to choose me" or "My brother killed my best friend and despite their reincarnation I struggle to cope with that very traumatic event and now fear he might hurt them again".
• What do you mean? "They sound familiar" no way they do! They're totally not based off real life events.
• But now that we're talking about real life events. He has another even more secret account under which he writes MC × reader fics. He's really active and writes novel worthy ideas down the moment they come to mind, which means he's hanging out with MC and thinks of something super smooth he could say or do but gets too flustered to actually do it so instead he writes fanfics abt it after. These fanfics are actually pretty popular. MC is a celeb in a way, there's no demon who hasn't heard of them. They're like Venom for the Monster fuckers to the Human fuckers. Mammon and Satan read Levis fanfics (Mammon doesn't know it's Levi, Satan does but doesn't say anything cuz the fics are really good. Asmo, Beel and Belphie also know but they usually don't read them. Unless MC's in the Human Realm. And Asmo only does cuz Levi writes smut sometimes. Levi doesn't know they know of his account, but does know that they know that he writes fanfics. No one lets Lucifer know cuz he might forbid him from doing so. Lucifer has thought of looking up fanfictions when MC was gone cuz he missed them so much but his pride wouldn't let him.)
• As anonymous president of MC Simps aka their schools MC fanclub (unofficial obvi) all the members read his fanfics and give him feedback. Though be careful, don't get too passionate talking bout MC...
• (He also has an anonymous fanpage for the ship of him and MC. He trashes all other ships and starts shipping wars, which, if ya know, are deadly. He reblogs all shipping content from drawings to fanfics to edits to just weird, stalker-y photos from them.)
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I've been feeling nostalgic today so I thought I would share the very first proper fic that I wrote at the beginning of 2023 - the one that most of my others stemmed from.
It's called NAMELESS GHOUL and it features Sunshine and an original ghoul character named Itzal, plus the Papa IV ghouls and ghoulettes.
It's been described as, 'dark and wholesome', which sums it up accurately I think.
Read it here on AO3
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Description below. As always, please be mindful of the AO3 tags as this story won't be for everyone - sometimes it goes dark.
Nameless Ghoul
132k words (completed with occasional updates)
Mentions of trauma, implied non-con and PTSD
A ghoul is summoned illegally and enslaved by a rogue sect of the Clergy.
Itzal has spent the last twenty years under the control of an evil Satanic sorcerer. He's endured things that no ghoul should have to and been forced to do things that have tainted his soul beyond all recognition - or so he thinks.
A chance meeting with Clergy ghoulette Sunshine finally gives him the courage to try and escape his life of torment.
The story charts the enslavement, escape and eventual recovery of the original ghoul character Itzal. He meets Clergy ghoulette Sunshine and his life changes forever.
Please also note that this is the first thing I wrote for a long, long while. The story and the characterisations are pretty solid but sometimes the writing might not be perfect.
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The Sleepover
Part 1
Summary: RAD exams are rough, you go to Levi's room for a little comfort.
Pairing: Leviathan x GN Reader/MC, demon brothers
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None.
Author's note: I forgot to mention this when I first posted this, but this fic was actually inspired by a matchup @levi4thans did for me months ago. I had never really considered Levi as a romantic interest before then, but after that I couldn't stop thinking about him trying to comfort MC and I knew I needed to write something. I've been sitting on this little story since August and I really wanted to finally post it, so pardon the two part structure.
Your heart was heavy.
Was it burnout from exams? Were you missing your loved ones in the Human World? Were your insecurities mounting until they became unbearable? Or maybe it was a combination of the three.
You found yourself wandering the halls, your feet moving automatically. You weren't sure where you were going until you arrived at Levi’s door.
He was gaming, of course, you heard the electronic sounds of his game and the clicks of the d-pad under his rapidly moving fingers. Occasionally he’d exclaim something you couldn't quite make out through the door.
You didn't bother with the password you customarily rattled off every time you visited Levi’s room. You weren't sure you could even remember it with the state your mind was currently in.
Levi didn't notice you enter the room, he was too engrossed in the game.
You made your way to Henry’s fish tank and pressed your hands and forehead to the glass. Watching the little orange fish swim around was usually soothing to you. You hoped now it would calm your troubled heart.
Levi cursed as his avatar was killed by the boss. Stretching, he prepared to start again. “Good thing I saved back at the drawbridge, huh Hen–”
He jumped when he saw you standing there.
“I didn't even know you came in, MC,” he pressed a hand to his heart. You were staring at him, your usually bright eyes glassy. “Did you come to play Devilkart?”
You shook your head, closing your eyes and wrapping your arms around yourself.
He stood up from his gaming chair. “MC–”
You couldn’t keep it in anymore, the tears just started flowing.
He practically ran to your side, his hands hovering around your shoulders. His Player 2, his favorite human was broken. What was he supposed to do in this situation? “M-MC what do I–”
You closed the space between the two of you, burying your face in his chest. He hugged you back after a second, his heart rate elevating. He wasn't someone who was used to hugging other people, that was more Belphie’s or Asmo’s domain. Either of them would have been better for this situation. Yet you’d chosen him, you’d gone to his room.
Taking a deep breath, he squeezed you tighter. You needed the clear-headed action of Grand Admiral Leviathan right now, not the panicked frenzy of Levi the yucky otaku.
Focus Levi, focus.
“Can we stay like this?” Your voice was muffled by his shirt.
Like a miracle the right words had tumbled out. “Yeah, we can stay like this for as long as you need.”
He sunk to the floor with you in his arms, guiding you to sit on his lap. Your body shook with sobs as you hugged him tight, tears soaking into his shoulder. You cried awful heaving sobs while Levi rubbed circles into your back.
“It’s going to be ok, MC.” he said quietly. He wasn't sure if his words would be comforting to you but he felt compelled to say something. It broke his heart to see you cry.
After a while your exhaustion caught up with you and you succumbed to sleep, your body going limp in his arms as you snored softly.
Levi sat there for a moment, one shoulder leaning up against the glass of Henry’s tank, still holding you. What was he supposed to do now?
He opened The Demon Brothers chat on his D.D.D. and started typing.
– Hlep!
Lucifer: Hlep? Is this some kind of new slang word?
Asmodeus: I think he just misspelled “help”.
Lucifer: Oh.
Satan: Is it one of your cursed games again, Levi?
Asmodeus: It better not affect the rest of us, I have plans later!
Lucifer: You really need to be more considerate of the household when choosing your games, Levi.
– Not a game. 3D world problem. Hlep pls!
Beelzebub: What’s wrong then?
How was he supposed to explain this quickly?
Mammon: ???
Belphegor: Must not be that big of a problem. Beel, wake me up if something interesting happens.
Beelzebub: Ok.
Levi opened the camera on his D.D.D. and took a selfie. His cheeks were dusted with pink as he looked over your shoulder, his eyes pleading. Only the back of your head was visible in the picture but the hair was unmistakably yours. He sent it.
Pounding feet sounded down the hall moments later, rapidly approaching. Levi’s bedroom door crashed open.
“Get your hands off a’ them, ya creep!” Mammon growled.
“Shhhh!” said Levi. “They’re sleeping. Help me get them into my bed.”
“Hell no, I ain't doin’ that.” Mammon hissed.
“Mammon, please. My legs are asleep and the bed is right there.”
“Fine.” Mammon lifted you easily from Levi’s arms. He paused, contemplating if he should just run away with you, before reluctantly slipping you into Levi’s bathtub bed.
Levi rubbed his legs to get the blood circulating so he could stand again.
“Well, well, what have we here?” Asmo leaned on the doorframe, his eyes lighting on his two older brothers standing over your sleeping form.
“Shhh!” both of them said.
Asmo sauntered into the room. He took in the scene with relish, imagining some sort of indecent scenario until he got a glimpse of your face.
“Wait, were they crying?” Asmo knelt by the side of the bathtub, looking at your puffy eyes and the tear tracks on your cheeks. “Why?”
Levi shrugged. “Stress maybe? One minute they were watching Henry swimming around, the next they were breaking down.” He could relate. The mind and body often didn't realize what it had been through until after the battle was over. Quiet could amplify the pain.
“So that’s why you were holdin’ them like that,” Mammon looked relieved. “Well now that we cleared that up, why don't we take them back to their own room?”
“I don’t think they wanted to be alone,” said Levi.
“Poor thing,” Asmo brushed your hair out of your face before tucking the blankets tighter around you.
“So what do we do?” Mammon asked. “They ain’t spendin’ the night alone with Levi, that’s for sure.”
Asmo smacked him on the arm. “We let them rest for as long as they need. Stress is like murder for the skin.” He got up and started toward the door.
“And where are you goin’?”
“I’m going to get some pajamas for MC and a few things from my room,” Asmo smirked over his shoulder. “We’re going to have a sleepover in here.”
Asmo was out the door before Levi or Mammon could protest, pushing past Lucifer and Beel who arrived next, with Satan and Belphie close behind them.
“What is going on in here?” Lucifer quirked an eyebrow.
“Is MC ok?” Beel asked when he saw you in Levi’s bed.
“They’re tired and stressed out,” Mammon said as if he had been the one who’d made the discovery. “Seems the RAD workload is a bit too much for a human.” He gave a pointed look towards Lucifer.
“I will have to speak to Diavolo about that then,” said Lucifer.
“Ha! When I complained about exams you basically told me to suck it up.”
“That was your own fault.”
Satan nodded, “As much as I hate to agree with Lucifer, you squandered your study time and therefore reaped the consequences of your actions,” He said, “MC and I studied every night up until exams while you went to the casino. Although I had no idea all that work was taking such a toll on them.”
Beel’s stomach growled loudly. He took a step back, ducking his head guiltily. “MC was in charge of dinner tonight but they need to rest so–”
“We’ll order takeout,” said Lucifer, pulling out his credit card. He handed it to Beel. “Order something MC likes and do not go overboard.”
Beel was practically drooling as he took the card. “Ok I won’t.”
Lucifer sighed, “On second thought maybe Satan should go with you.”
The fourth born acquiesced, he would follow Lucifer’s orders tonight for your sake.
The two left together, leaving the rest of the brothers to listen to their footsteps disappearing down the hall.
“So now what?” Belphie asked after a moment.
“We’re having a sleepover, apparently.” said Levi.
Cross-posted on AO3
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missn11 · 11 months
I remember that ryo in vj loses his memory and Miki is a new Miki created based on the world of punishment of satan, the manga is translated into Spanish and almost at the end Jack talks about satan's feelings for Akira and it's all pretty crazy, go Nagai has a great mind 😭
I love your fanfics!
Oh man yes, the Violence Jack manga is a wild ride in mostly the best ways for me and I have been slowly reading through the Spanish translated version of the manga. Honestly Go Nagai's work back in the 70s to 90s was fun for me even if messy as hell! XD
I do have a theory that Miki in VJ was unconsciously recreated by Ryo/Satan because he had wanted to experience romantic love since he couldn't with Akira, mainly due to his actions in Devilman.(Kind of a mood killer when you end up destroying humanity and all XD) Just like Honey being Ryo's sister and doing everything she could to try to rescue him was his longing to have a sibling who do anything to save him.(unlike Michael who stayed by their father's side and did nothing while Satan was suffering)
And maybe Ryo did grow to have feelings for Miki in the original Devilman despite his jealously but didn't realise them until it was too late. Or maybe he had wanted to truly know Miki beyond seeing her as a rival for Akira's affections.
And yes, towards the end of VJ, Jack(who is a reborn Akira) acknowledges Ryo/Satan's love for him, and honestly like I've said before Ryo/Satan will always love Akira. And the world of punishment was built from his regret of killing Akira, destroying humanity and accidentally causing the Kanto HellQuake.
But speaking of Ryo/Satan's love for Akira, I've noticed an interesting detail that both VJ and Devilman Lady have.
Ryo when he first sees Jack when Jack first battles the Slum King
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And Jun(Who is half of Satan) when she first meet Akira in Hell
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they both cry upon seeing that man they love more than anything even if they do not remember him, Ryo's and Jun's hearts remember him.
Also thank you Anon, I'm glad you enjoy my fics, I hope to update my fics or write more fics soon! 🥰
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