wheremermaidsdwell · 2 years
character bingus: sif, thor, loki, bruce hulk, any dnd ocs (as far as your circle of friends you dnd with), ariel, flounder,
i am blanking rn on any other fandoms you're in. (probably for the best tbh)
you went for it huh lol. love you.
under cut for length and also there is commentary
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i don't think anything here is too surprising.
i don't think my opinions are too controversial within sif fans and my old rp account was closing in on 900 followers when i stopped so obviously the general public can't object too badly? I have had an occasional loki stan get mad tho. bite me.
the only valid sif ships are thorsif, sif/ladies, and sif/clint therefore fandom sucks because they barely think to try and ship her anyway and I gave up trying to find fic forever ago. I should write more. maybe there's sif/valkyrie now? idk. there should be.
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you know I put maybe but I think my controversial Thor opinions are def a lot. AoU and Infinity War are Good Actually to his character, Taika doesn't know what he's doing and is a disservice to Thor, and Jason Aaron is a bag of limp dicks. Also making thor a joke in endgame was shitty and giving someone a child is not a way to fix them.
also th*rki sucks and I hate it
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@thelaughingmagician also has valid Loki opinions. She is bae.
So. I like Loki. I hate Loki FANDOM. I like complex willing to be a villian loki not 'im a sob story wah wah' loki. He has layers! And some of those layers are absolute assholery and deception. more The Avengers Loki, less nonsense.
so it's a half on overrated because he is, overall, overrated, but in my preferred interpretation of Loki (the Right One) he is dreadfully underappreciated.
Also when I say he should be part of a dynamic I mean it's a crime we've never gotten a full thor/loki/sif convo because THAT is the shit I am talking about friends. Those three together is perfection when done right. understanding the balance is important. Not to even get into my thoughts on sif+loki frenemyship.
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You know I do like Bruce but I’ve never gone far into fanwork for him. I had a really great one in my first marvel rp group who was super fun.
Still shouldn’t have been in Ragnarok tho ✌️ 
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I am calling myself out here and doing her dirty bc I retired this character last year and while she was my first dnd character ever and I love her I also got frustrated and bored of her. My friends miss her which is why she's overrated - I could not be happier with my new girl.
she has the potential to come back if my current character dies or i really miss her, but I don't intend on it lol. She has visions of the future so me and the dm can go 'well she had a vision and had to come tell you' at any point (or just 'she missed you' but that's less fun than Danger)
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I am dying to play more in our campaign bc i want to play her more and flex her skills. She got cut out from her guild, is trying to find a way to get some stability and safety so she can get her lover (a noble girl) back. If she doesn't get shanked by someone (I made sure to invest in con lol) maybe she'll get to have a happy ending where she gets rich, marries her girl, and blackmails nobles on her off time.
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Ariel is perfect. Next question.
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Chubby, nervous, loyal. #relatable
I have more tabletop characters but no one wants all of them so I gave the two from my main dnd campaign. I play Ars Magica, Shadowrun, and Call of Cthulhu too.
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bubblesxo · 27 days
i dont know if you will see this but i am a big fan of your g!bruce meets the batfam!!!! I literally have tumblr just for this series (and now that I’ve tried it im beginning to love it ngl) . Annyywaayy ive just read the new chapter and it’s so good!?? Like i am really excited for the next chapter!!!
Oh and I haven’t watched gotham ( im planning too ) but i sometimes mix the twins????? Like your explanations are good dont get me wrong but yk when your reading and you need to check which ones which? Yeah … and like i want to fix that idk how .do i just like memorize the twins personalitys??
also in this au is theres 2 jokers??????? I saw you once mention Jerome(?) being revived or something
ps .im that great at English sorry .
oh wow wow wow thank you so so much!! i'm really glad that you're enjoying my story so much! it really means a lot to me. <33 i think your english is good! but if you need/want me to clarify anything i say here, just let me know and i'll try to rephrase it for you!
okay, so in the Gotham tv show (this has spoilers for all 5 seasons, so read on if you're okay with that) the way that they approached writing the joker was actually really up in the air in the beginning. this is because they didn't have the rights to use the name "joker," and so fox (the company that made the show) planned on making a bunch of smaller characters in the show as a kind of easter egg as people who could be the joker or who resemble him in some way.
this changed when cameron monaghan (the actor for both jerome and jeremiah) guest starred in s1e16 "the blind fortune teller." in it, the character of jerome is introduced as a 17/18 year old boy who travels with the circus with his mother, who is a snake dancer. he is meant to be one of the aforementioned joker-like characters in the show and wasn't actually supposed to be included again after that episode, if i am not mistaken.
however, the viewers LOVED his performance and jerome came back in season two as a member of the maniax, a group of arkham inmates who were broken out of the asylum. i won't go too into detail about the actual plot, but in seasons two, three, and four, jerome shows up in at least a few different episodes with very memorable storylines each time.
it isn't until season four of the show that jeremiah is even revealed at all! jeremiah and jerome are identical twin brothers, however, jeremiah has been in hiding for years under the fake name "xander wilde" in an attempt to escape jerome, who wants to get revenge on him for lying to their mother about what he (jerome) did when they were children. basically, jeremiah lied to their mother (lila, who jerome is revealed to have killed in 1x16) that jerome tried to kill him, causing jeremiah to be sent away and be adopted by rich people and get to go to a well-funded private school where he could live out his best life as a child prodigy (which was jeremiah's end goal to this), whereas jerome was left behind in the circus that they lived at (haly's circus, the same one that dick grayson later was raised in before being adopted by bruce). during this time, jerome was horrifically abused by his mother, his uncle, and his mother's many romantic partners. this eventually caused him to crack, which creates the character we see in the show.
here's an easy way to remember the difference in their personalities:
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in the standard american deck of cards, there are two jokers: one that is black and white and one that is in color. in this analogy, jeremiah is the black and white joker and jerome is the one in color.
this is jerome:
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he's got a *very* boisterous personality. he's outgoing and charismatic and, of course, severely messed up in the head. he *enjoys* the pain he causes people and does it with little to no reservations. he thinks things through less thoroughly than jeremiah but jerome always has a plan and is actually quite smart. i couldn't do him the disservice of calling him the dumb twin, despite some points about jeremiah that i'll get back to later.
anyway, jerome has a grand plan for all of gotham: he believes that, fundamentally, everyone in the world is like him and is also at least a bit crazy inside. he wants everyone to tap into their inner selves and let themselves run free / go crazy. he successfully ensnares huge hoards of gothamites with his persuasive way of speaking and interesting flare to his words. he amasses a large cult following, all of whom are very similar to him in the sense that they all demonstrate similar signs of instability.
here's some more gifs of him.
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jerome kind of invented the iconic "HAHAHA" signature joker laugh in the gotham universe, even though he isn't the one who goes on to become "mr. j" (gotham's version of the joker) in the end (that's jeremiah, though i have a lot to say about that).
jerome's always smiling, a genuinely creepy smile that throws people off at first but can be really scary once you know what you're looking at. he single handedly turns gotham into a madhouse on multiple occasions and is the one who basically spread the "crazy" to the general population (for short: genpop).
he's a classic cult leader in the sense that he can mesmerize a whole room with his magnetic presence but also will ruthlessly cut down any of his followers if they so much as upset him (or even if they're just being annoying or could have a greater purpose, like when he stabbed a follower in the gut to take their blood to draw a frowney-face on bruce).
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that reminds me, another important thing to know about jerome is that he has an iconic stapled-on face! this is because he died once (in season two, though he came back to life for season three onwards) and one of his followers tried to revive him using some insider medical knowledge from doctor hugo strange (who is just... a whole thing. ew.). he thinks that he failed at doing this and steals jerome's face so that he can wear it on television in an attempt to control jerome's followers (spoiler: this doesn't work).
however, it turns out that jerome *was* revived from this, and he's pretty upset that some dude stole his face! so he uses a staple gun to re-attach it after he gets it back (and kills the guy who did it). his face is later punched off by jim gordon but reattached more properly during his time at arkham afterward (the carnival scene happened in season 3 and jerome came back with a kind-of healed face in season 4).
here's some gifs with jerome's messed up face!
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jerome is the colorful joker because he's very much expressive. he lets out every single emotion he feels---unless he's trying to deceive someone, at which point he is a phenomenal liar. (in season 1 when we are first introduced to him, he almost successfully gets away with the murder of his own mother.)
jerome is funny and laughs a lot and is *loud.* he's also absolutely insane and incredibly cruel, as well as impulsive, but he's able to curb his instincts if he feels like he can pull off a big plan.
jerome is a showman by nature. he's a product of the circus and it *shows.* everything he does is like an act, something that is acknowledged by many people in the show.
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he's a funky lil dude. totally crazy, but kind of adorable at times.
he's also SEVERELY traumatized from his horrible past and has huge trust issues.
so, yeah. jerome is colors! remember that.
unfortunately, pookie died in season 4 and doesn't seem to have been revived this time </3
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now, onto his twin brother jeremiah!
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jeremiah is, at least at first, presented to be the complete opposite of jerome. he's calm, collected, and seemingly sane---at least at first. bruce trusts him at first and he even befriends him for a period of time before jeremiah betrays him.
jeremiah is a genius engineer, and, when looking into his past, we can assume that he was a child prodigy. he worked with thomas wayne before he died and designed the wayne plaza building under the aforementioned alias "xander wilde." he also locked himself in an underground maze for ~6 years (i believe?) and never went outside, instead sending his proxy (ecco) out to act in his place during business transactions.
as seen here, jeremiah seems to be the complete opposite of showboat jerome:
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when we first meet jeremiah, we are told that he is totally sane, but we can later see that this is not the complete truth.
i'll use jeremiah's project as a metaphor for this. jeremiah was building a set of generators which could make energy harvesting and usage much less expensive and much more bio-friendly (if i remember correctly). bruce promised to fund his project and jeremiah accepts his offer quickly.
after jerome dies in season 4 after kidnapping bruce and jeremiah, he left behind a concoction of chemicals that seemingly make jeremiah go insane. this is a play on joker toxin / joker venom from the greater dc universe.
however, after jeremiah reveals his new self
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he says that the spray did not actually change who he actually is, but just gave him an altered appearance. there are a lot of fan theories about this, but the general consensus is that the spray likely lowered his inhibitions, which gave him the kick needed to reveal his true self.
even his complexion resembles the joker he corresponds with: black and white. he is the black and white joker because he isn't as expressive, is way more calculated, and is more cruel and less happy. even his skin is paper white.
here's some gifs of what he looks like after those "slight cosmetic changes" :
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that looks a lot more like the joker we know and love today, right? bleach-pale skin, red painted lips, green hair. he's instantly recognizable as the stereotypical joker now.
remember when i mentioned the generators? let's go back to them. the entire time that the generators have been around, they've also been perfectly functional as powerful bombs. their ability to be used as bombs does not undermine the fact that they can also be used as generators, and both of these things were true at the same time *for the entire time they have existed.*
it is in this way that jeremiah's paradoxical nature has always existed. jeremiah is crafty, cunning, and absolutely vicious. he has no care or concern for human life in general and will sacrifice most people in his life if it means that he will get what he wants in the end.
this is shown both before and after the joker toxin in how he lied about jerome when they were children (which caused jerome to be heavily abused) and in how jeremiah willingly killed one of his most devoted and beloved followers, who was being ransomed, just because someone put him on hold and it was personally easier for him to just kill him than sit on hold on the phone for a while. (he also has a vicious streak, though, because he immediately moved the demolition of the bombs up to immediately once he was out of the blast zone because those people inconvenienced him.)
something that's important to realize about jeremiah is that he has an issue with being called crazy. jerome does, too, but he eventually comes to accept the term, almost like he's reclaiming it, but jeremiah is *violently* against it. that's one of the things that set him off in the previously mentioned interaction.
both jeremiah and jerome are obsessed with bruce, though in different ways. jeremiah sees bruce first as his best friend and later as the "brother [he] could never have, that jerome could never be." jerome just sees bruce as a particularly entertaining and interesting kid who he enjoyed tormenting who he would eventually kill.
anyway, despite jeremiah being crazy (or, depending on who you ask, just less inhibited) he is still crazy smart and calculating. he thinks through everything before he does it and his master plans seem like they go on forever with 10000 parts to them and backups and contingencies galore.
the only time that jeremiah ever really seems to break out of this is when he's fighting with bruce. while he still does have a greater point to make or something he's trying to accomplish, he thinks through things less with him and shows his impulsive and rash side a bit more, which is interesting because jerome showed his thoughtful and contemplative side when faced with the obstacle that is bruce thomas wayne. i love parallels and contrasts, especially in these two characters! i just love writing about twins, they're always so interesting.
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some important things about their relationship to one another:
even though jerome kidnapped jeremiah and seemingly strapped a bomb to his neck (after breaking into his house and telling him that he would kill him), jerome doesn't seem to actually want jeremiah to die. instead, as we later find out, he wants jeremiah to unleash his true self and carry on his legacy of chaos and cruelty in gotham for him after his death. this is why he left behind the laughing gas for him.
(the fact that jerome thought to do all of that shows that he really was a smart character and that he truly did understand the world around him well. he knew exactly what would happen in the event of his death, i.e. bruce offering to fund jeremiah's work and jeremiah accepting, as is shown when jerome has the joker venom in a present box which claims to be sent from wayne enterprises.)
jeremiah *hates* to be compared to jerome in any way, as he thinks of himself as "the face of true sanity." he actually has an entire notebook full of jerome's ideas, which he says he will outdo and perfect, thus defeating his brother in the end, which i don't know if i agree with, but whatever.
i think that it's because of the reputation that jerome got at the circus. jeremiah wanted people to think of him as better than jerome and as the perfect child, which he succeeded at. to him, jerome is synonymous with crazy, which i've already mentioned that he hates to be called.
okay, just one more part to talk about. the infamous, much anticipated Mr. J!!!
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in the series finale, it is revealed that jeremiah, after falling into a vat of acid, is horribly disfigured and pretends to be in a vegetative state for the whole ten years that bruce is on his quest to improve himself before becoming batman. he does this as a way of waiting for bruce to come back to gotham so he can continue to be obsessed with him.
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however, though this is jeremiah, it seems that he has actually gone through immense mental trauma sometime during this time (perhaps during his fall into a vat of chemicals), which has caused him to sort of lose his sense of self. he once says that there was "another me" [another him] once, which is, of course, referring to jerome. this implies that jeremiah sees jerome as an extension of himself, almost, and almost makes it seem as if mr. j is a whole different entity of his own.
hopefully this clears everything up a bit for you!! let me know if you have any questions or want to know anything specific about the characters and i will be glad to oblige!
thank you once again for being so kind as to leave this ask!! it really made my day. thank you for enjoying my fic, i hope it continues to live up to expectations. i have a lot of fun things planned (and i am very happy that you decided to look into these characters more, because they are actually extremely important to the plot as we get more into the actual story!). <33
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jessi4branchifer · 9 days
In Our Eyes - A John Dory & Fem. Reader Fanfic -Part One
I rlly hope that the second part will come out WAY sooner.
This is my first time posting a fanfic that includes the reader so it's a bit different than most. Like how this part of the story does not have the reader yet- just an introduction to John Dory. I do want to tell you that I am not having the reader fall for John Dory or anything, I just couldn't do that, IM SORRY but they will be rlly close friends! I really hope you like it! - Jessi ❤️
John Dory bolted up in bed, sweating, gasping for air that seemed to be lacking in his sleep. The dream, which had caused him so much stress, and the images he had seen only a few seconds before through closed eyelids, disappeared suddenly. He couldn't remember why he was so exhausted and scared and-- full of guilt?
He needed to fix up. Now.
He looked around wondering where he was. Within seconds, he remembered.
In the bunker.
With his brothers.
He had to admit that it did feel weird to be sleeping in a place that wasn't on the hard ground outside or on the scratchy couch inside of Rhonda, but hey, he wasn't complaining. He actually got a bed here, and his room was just as crazily decorated as Rhonda was, and it actually felt like home.
When Branch had suggested that they all sleep in the rooms he had designed for each of them specifically when they first entered Pop Village, all of them had been ecstatic, especially Clay.
John Dory smiled as he remembered Clay's excited exclamations: "YOU HAVE A BUNKER?! NO FLIPPIN' WAY! Can I get the bedroom on the lowest level?! Man, this place would be perfect in case of fires and earthquakes in the village!"
Branch had, indeed, given Clay the bedroom on the lowest level, near his. Floyd was given the bedroom right across from John Dory and Bruce, for whenever he came to visit and stay a bit for tours, was given the one closest to the kitchen, just like he had asked.
Just the memories of the "ooh's" and "ahh's" brought more smiles to John Dory's face. He was proud of his baby bro and said so to him that day.
Branch had just shrugged. "It was all I had to do, I guess."
He had walked away toward Floyd and continued talking and laughing like he hadn't said anything important, but John had stayed there, processing what his brother had just admitted.
Branch would have had something way better to do if he hadn't left him. He probably would have a normal pod and happier life, despite how happy Branch seemed to be so far.
If only...
John Dory got out of bed and went down the elevator toward the bathroom. He washed his face and stared at himself.
"You've got this, JD. You can conquer the world. Believe it and do it." He had quoted this to himself every morning for about twenty years, ever since BroZone had started.
He only really half-believed it though.
John Dory wasn't surprised to see Bruce already in the kitchen, as he always was up by 6 in the morning, before the sun was up. Usually, when John slept in, he'd be awakened by the sweet smells that always drifted from this section of the bunker. They had only been living in this bunker for a few months, but they already seemed to be in a comfortable routine.
Bruce was humming happily as he opened the oven door and slid something in there. He jumped when he saw John Dory standing there, at the door.
"Oh! Hello." He eyes his older bro suspiciously. "You usually aren't up for another 5 hours." Suddenly he rushed toward John Dory, hand outstretched to feel his forehead. "ARE YOU SICK?!!?! DON'T WORRY I BROUGHT EXTRA ELDERBERY SYRUP IF YOU-"
"Bruce! Dude, I'm fine!" John Dory backed away from his touch, annoyed.
Bruce stopped and chuckled. "Sorry. Dad instincts."
John Dory sat down at the breakfast nook. "What're you making?"
"Coffee cake with a sour cream glaze."
"Oooo, that sounds delicious!!" John Dory's stomach gave a rumble.
Bruce laughed. "Seems that your stomach agreed with you." He sat across from John, and examined him for a bit. "John, have you been getting any sleep lately? You have circles under your eyes."
John Dory shrugged. He didn't mention how he had woken up from the same dream every night without ever finding out what it was.
Bruce, realizing John Dory wasn't about to give him a real answer, stood up again. "If you need someone to talk to, I'm here. You know that, right?"
John Dory glared at him. "Stop talking to me like I'm your twelve year old daughter."
Bruce grinned. "Well, sometimes you act like her."
John Dory stood up and whacked him with a dish towel. Bruce chuckled, snatched the dish towel away, and hit him back.
Suddenly they were in a full-force dish towel war, laughing and falling over, getting up again, and taking the towel away from the other.
Gradually, Clay, Floyd, and Branch emerged from their rooms, all in their bathrobes and looking as if they just arose from the dead.
"What in the world is going on?" Clay asked, annoyed. "A man needs his beauty sleep."
Floyd stared at him. "Please don't ever say that again."
Branch stood in-between the two older brothers. "Okay, guys, can you chill out for a bit? It's like six in the morning!"
"Yeah, John! What're you doing up this early anyway? I thought you-- OMIGOSH IS THAT COFFEE CAKE WITH SOUR CREAM GLAZE?!" Clay ran toward the oven and stared at the cake through the window into the oven. "It's so beautiful..."
Floyd grinned. "Well, I'm glad you guys are in good moods at least."
John Dory scoffed. "I'm always in a good mood."
Branch rolled his eyes. "Alright, well, as we're up we might as well start on chores until breakfast is ready."
"Aww," sighed all of the brothers.
Branch held out his checklist. "I have a whole list of things to do today. Don't worry, it'll go by quickly."
Floyd raised an eyebrow. "Branch, that list is like five feet long."
Branch nodded. "Yeah, and last time it was five feet and two inches long. You're welcome."
"Hold up, Branch," John Dory said. "We've been doing your stupid list ever since we came to the bunker. Can we at least get a day's worth of rest?"
"You haven't been living here very long," Branch explained. "And if you live here you should help take care of it. And it's not stupid."
John Dory took the list from Branch.
"Hey!" Branch reached for it.
John Dory laughed. "Yeah! It says 'take a break all day' right here!" he pointed at a section on the list.
"Where?" the other brothers crowded around.
Branch groaned. "No, it doesn't!"
"It does! Right there, in invisible ink!"
His brothers laughed and all disappeared in different directions.
"Hey! Wait!" Branch cried out. "Guys, I have a busy day today! I need someone to help me take care of the bunker!"
"We'll do it later!" they said casually over their shoulders.
"Chill, Branch! It's not that big of a deal!" John Dory assured her. "I promise we'll do it sometime after lunch!"
Branch sighed and stared at his bros, who all disappeared once again into their room. Then he turned to Bruce, who was still standing in the kitchen.
"Ugh, lemme guess, I'm stuck with the list again?" Bruce sighed.
Branch was about to say "yes" but then stopped. No, John Dory had said he would do the list after lunch. Just because Bruce was the only one mature enough to stay didn't mean he had to be stuck with the hard tasks.
Plus, he was making coffee cake.
"No, I guess not." He sighed. "I trust John. He said he'll do the list later. I hope he will."
Of course, John Dory had forgotten. His day had been completely full of nonsense and fun. He didn't have time to think of the list at all.
After getting completely dressed he had eaten the coffee cake (it had been delicious, by the way), then he had gone out into Trollstopia to walk down the street in slow-motion while tons of girls begged for his autograph. After that he went to Poppy's pod where he knew they were holding a leader's meeting to tease and annoy Delta Dawn, who always rewarded him with shouts and threats, which always made him want to annoy her more.
After that he went out to lunch and took a nap in the sun at the bay. Afterward he went out to dinner, and then got back to the bunker in time to see Branch- finishing up the list with the rest of the bros.
Branch frowned at him when he saw him. "Where in the world have you been?"
John Dory shrugged. "Places. Why are you guys doing my jobs?"
"Because you weren't back in time to finish them," Floyd responded. "They were supposed to be done about-" he checked his hugtime watch, "-two hours ago maybe? Possibly three?"
"Thanks, Mom," John Dory teased.
"John, it's not funny." Branch crossed his arms. "You guys all promised to do it after lunch and it's almost 8:30 now."
"But it's after lunch!" John Dory grinned.
None of his younger brothers smiled.
"John Dory, I think you need to work on your promises," Bruce suggested. "Don't say your going to do stuff if you're not."
"I think that's a smart idea, Bruce," Clay agreed, shooting John Dory a nasty glance. "We all had our big amount of chores to do, and you just made our days longer by forcing us to do your work."
"I'm sorry, guys!" John Dory groaned, exasperated. "It was just one day of relaxation. Didn't think it was that big of a deal!"
Branch sighed then checked his watch. "I need to go. I was supposed to see Poppy for lunch and then had a few meetings with other people later, but I had to reschedule all but one."
John Dory bit his lip as he watched Branch trudge towards his room. He did look pretty exhausted.
"John, you need to make it up to Branch." Clay brought him back to the present.
"What?! It was one day!"
"No, it wasn't." Bruce shook his head. "You've been avoiding the chores since we've came here. Branch is pretty busy. He offers to help Poppy with her duties, and now he also helps Viva with her work sometimes too. He does help with the plumbing jobs around the village and such, and he now is part of our boyband and does part of the songwriting. He needs help with little things like this. It's not that hard."
John Dory rolled his eyes. He had never really thought about what Branch did around the village before they had come back. But still, if he had managed it before, why did he need so much help now?
"John Dory?"
He looked at Floyd, who was raising an eyebrow at him.
"Did you hear what Bruce said?"
John Dory sighed. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. What do I have to do? Finish with the stupid chores? Do them all tomorrow?"
Clay thought for a bit. "Honestly, the meeting Branch is going to now isn't one he wants to go to. It's like an interviewer or someone for BroZone. She wanted to specifically talk to Branch, but Branch did mention to me how she said you were her second favorite member. Maybe you could go to the meeting instead and Branch could still go see Poppy?"
"That's a good idea!" Floyd agreed. "John Dory, what do you think?"
John Dory considered. He was exhausted and talking people was one of the last things he wanted to do right now. But maybe all he would have to do was say how amazing he was and then cut it short and leave.
He guessed he could do that. Then things could get back to normal.
"Okay, sure. I'll do that," he agreed. "Just give me a second."
He went to Branch's room and knocked on the door.
"Yeah?" came the response.
"It's me. I wanted to say I'm sorry about today and that I'll go to your meeting for you if you'd prefer."
Branch poked his head out. "Really? She said she wanted to talk to me specifically."
"Pfft, it's fine. She'll barely notice the difference."
Branch looked as if John Dory had just insulted him. "Okay. Whatever. Here's the address." He handed John a slip of paper. "Prepare for a lot of questions."
"I've got this, don't worry." John Dory assured him.
Branch didn't look assured. "If you say anything stupid about us-"
"I won't! Chill, bro! I've got this!" John Dory winked. "When was the last time I failed you?"
Branch sighed and rubbed his temple. "That seems to be all your doing to me lately." Then he shut his door again.
John Dory stood there, stunned and dazed.
Wait. What did he just say?
I know this isn't how most stories that include the reader start, but this is my first time doing this and I thought it was a different and fun idea. The next part will be centered more around the reader, I promise. This was fun to write, IT JUST TOOK ME SO DARN LONG
Be on the lookout for Part Two! If you request it in the comments, I'll tag you when I publish it.
Thanks for reading so far! -@jessi4branchifer
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brooooswriting · 2 years
omg i love your stories i see other people requesting so thought i’d request one too can be natasha or wanda doesn’t matter but one where they are hanging out in the compound and someone makes a comment towards reader like as a joke and it makes reader insecure and sad and nat or wanda just laugh thinking it’s a joke and you wouldn’t be hurt by it not knowing the affect it had on you and you’re hurt they laughed thinking what was said about you is true until later they catch you crying and if it’s wanda she like reads your negative thoughts cause they’re so loud or if it’s nat she catches you looking at yourself or something and they fix it and explain and it’s just sadness at first then ends with soft fluff im in need of something sad then happy lol sorry it’s so long
Oh darling
Your day had been crap, school took over 90% of your time and to make it worse you fucked up your biology exam. You made your way into the compound and let yourself fall on the couch next to Wanda. “You alright?” She asked as she took her eyes off of the sitcom. “Yeah, long day” you said before snuggling further into her and the couch.
Something about watching sitcoms with Wanda made you feel at home, like nothing could hurt you and everything was alright. She made you feel at home.
You guys were watching for over 2 hours when Tony and Bruce came in. “Wow you guys are still sitting here?” Tony laughed before adding “I have to do that with pepper too”. You and Wanda laughed after she paused the show.
“Y/N, I’ve heard you got a bad grade on your biology exam. We can be lucky you don’t wanna be a doctor like the rest of you family huh?” He laughed, just like Wanda and Tony.
To them it seemed like a funny joke as you always told them that you’d never want to be a doctor but to you it was a punch in the face. Sure, you never wanted to be a doctor and you never wanted to be like your family but it was something they always complained about. It was always like you weren’t good enough, you weren’t smart enough, you weren’t studying enough it was never enough and that hurt.
You forced out a chuckle before standing up making Wanda look up at you. “Hey, where are you going?” She asked, she definitely felt your mood swift but didn’t think about it too much. “To my room, I still have some stuff to do” you answered before disappearing.
So you sat in your room studying the rest of the day. You were scared that you weren’t going to be enough for them, that in the end they’d think about you the way your family did. You were easy to replace as you didn’t have any special powers.
It was late and you’ve been studying for over 3 hours when it knocked on your door and Steve came in. “Hello Y/n, it’s time for dinner, Wanda cooked your favourite” he smiled at you and you smiled back but you realized you didn’t have time to eat. You should be studying. “That’s nice but I’m not hungry. Thanks though.” You turned back to your block which made Steve leave again.
“Steve, where’s Y/n?” Wanda asked when she saw him come down without you. “She said she isn’t hungry and she was studying so I left her alone” he answered as he sat down next to Bucky. Bruce noticed Wanda’s concerned look and said “It’s good. She should be studying more, you know? Keep her grades up she will graduate soon.”
Wanda was more then concerned when you didn’t come down and when she didn’t see you the next day and the day after that it got even worse.
So she decided to walk past your room and she was shocked. She could hear you negative thoughts even if she didn’t want to. They were so loud that they forced themselves into her head and they repeated themselves. ‘I am worthless’, ‘I’m not good enough for them’, ‘they don’t want you if you fuck this up’ and worse.
A soft knock was heard and you just grumbled. You didn’t even look up when Wanda came inside. “Hey sweetie” she said as she walked closer. Your room was only lit up by a small desk lamp and the floor and your desk were full with papers and books. “Hi” you underlined the sentence before shortly glancing up at her. “How can I help you?” You asked.
“We should talk” she answered standing next to you. You only mumbled a hm before scribbling something down. “How long have you been studying?” She asked you but honestly you lost track of time so you only shrugged.
You only really looked at her when she pulled your chair away from the desk and stood in front of it. “Wans, what are you doing? I gotta study.” You complained trying to push her away. “No you gotta sleep or you’ll get ill” you could clearly see the concern but you would rather concern her than being not good enough for her.
And again your thoughts pushed themselves into her head. “You will always be enough. Not just for me but for all of us and you are not replaceable. You are what holds us together and we never want you to leave. We want you to be happy and right now you’re clearly not” she reassured you.
The moment she wrapped you in a hug you lost it and started sobbing. Wanda wasn’t much older than you, she was barely 19, so she knew how hard school could be and that in addition to your family was terrible.
“Oh darling, come on let’s go to bed.” She whispered into your ear and tried to get you up but you didn’t. “No, I gotta do this. I’m fine” you insisted making her sigh. “No you’re not Y/n and it hurts to know that you’re not. I love you and I’ll not tolerate you destroying yourself just because of your grades. In addition to that I haven’t seen you for like three days and I miss you and cuddling. So move your ass into this bed so I can cuddle you” she was energetic and you knew that she meant said.
When you still didn’t move she picked you up and placed you onto the bed before cuddling into your side. You pulled her into you and placed a soft kiss on her lips, you couldn’t deny that you missed her. “I’m sorry for not coming to see you” you whispered into her hair while rubbing her back. “It’s okay, you’re fine. And you’re enough, I’m sorry I didn’t make you feel like it. Just because your family wasn’t smart enough to realize that it doesn’t mean that you aren’t. We all love you!” She said as she placed kisses all over your face causing you to giggle.
“And tomorrow we will find a healthier way for you to study darling” she said sternly so you nodded and kissed her again.
“I love you witchy “ you said between small kisses. “I love you too”
And she did. She helped you find a way to learn in a healthy matter in which the team was heavily involved. Steve helped you with history, Tony and Bruce with math and science and Nat and Wands helped you with English.
Wanda was always gonna be there for you no matter what you were insecure about.
This is my first Wanda x reader and I hope you like this. Keep leaving requests please :)
So I always made fun of people who fell in love with their straight best friend or something like that and guess who got karma for that :/ but I thought about making a story out of that. What do you guys think about that? Not quite sure if happy ending or not.
Well have a nice day everybody
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lulu-services · 2 years
What a waste of Time.
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You thought your middle school prom would be perfect, you went out of your way to by a absolutely beautiful dress from Tiffany's tiaras and Makeup from Bebe's. And the best thing is you got asked out by Bruce yamada! Although you thought he was going to ask Bethany Green-wood You and Donna met up at her house right after school to get ready! You met at her house at 4:23 and the prom started at 6:48 so you had lots of time you showed Donna your dress and she showed you her's
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(You choose what dress)
After you did your make-up Donna's mom Janice took like 100 photo's after that the time was now 6:34 you told Donna's dad Steve to 'get the car and drive!' Donna was going to the dance with Matty (B) So as soon as her dad pulled up to the gymnasium Matty went up to the car and pulled Donna out she giggle as she was pulled away with Matty. You popped out the car you could see Bruce talking to Bethany Green-wood who had a GORGEOUS dress on. It was White and Pink with a tint of silver sparkles your heel's click-clacked up to Bruce and kissed his cheek. "Hey handsome!" You giggle holding onto his arm. Bethany flicked her blonde hair in your face and said "Well... Bruce was just talking about you! Weren't you Brucey?" She said running her hand down his arm. "Look- Y/n.. I- I only asked you because I thought Bethany was going with Robin.. Im- so sorry.." Bruce said looking down at his shoes. "Yup.. Sorry Y/N/N but he wants to go with ME you can go now..." Bethany says gripping onto Bruce's arm. "Yn! Wait!" Bruce said trying to run but Bethany pulled him back.
You run into the gymnasium were you see Finney and Gwen talking on the bench you see Finney look at you and he saw your eyes were watery. "Gwenny.. what here" he said before fixing his blue tuxedo.
You cried and cried until the mascara starts dripping on your dress your mom bought that dress no point in waisting it. So you got out of the bathroom to see Finney waiting outside.
"J-j-jesus Finney! Y-you scared m-e." You say before wiping your eyes. As soon as you got out of the bathroom Finney ingraves you in a big hug you sink into his chest and cry some-more "I'm s-sorry I'm a total utter m-mess!" You say. "I wanted to ask if you wanted to go with me instead?" Finney asked. "I would love too!" You say kissing him on the 💗lips💗 "I just have too talk to Bethany." You say letting go of Finney
"Ohhhh some shits about to go down.." Gwen whispered as you marched over to Bethany as you shout her name. You get the punch bowl and pour it all over her. "Ugh! What The HELL! L/n! What until I get my hands in you!" She says lunging towards you she grabs her friends punch and throws it in your face. "UGH! I.HATE.YOU! YOU SICK SON OF A BI-" Said Bethany. "Young ladies drop the punch! Now!" Said your teacher Mr Johnson. You had a week worth's of detation but was it worth it? Yup!
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andsheloved · 2 years
fake dating is such a GOD TIER TROPE please write a lil drabble using fake dating with either loki or bucky! 🥰 and really mess with my heart here pls im going thru it tbh
love u <3
mia!! my love!! i am sorry to hear things are wonky for you!! i'm sending all of my love to you!! just know that i can 100% confirm loki is sending all of the hugs and kisses your way as well!! mwauh!! i hope it's okay i went with loki on this one, i have something very fun planned for bucky with one of your other requests!! i tried not to mess too much with your heart, but your wish is my command!! i hope you enjoy this my friend!! i love you!! mwauh!!
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pairing ~ loki x gn!reader
word count ~ 1.6k
warnings ~ mild angst with a fluffy ending, mentions of reader working in a lab, madeline can't write short drabbles anymore apparently
prompt ~ trope #7: fake dating
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He spoke your name with such affection as he referred to you, it seemed as if he had already said it that way countless times before.
His hand seemed to be consistently fixed on your lower back, his comforting warmth shooting sparks through your spine each time you found him guiding you through the bustling crowd.
And his lips, smirking, ghosting over the shell of your ear as he whispered some private quip meant only for you, threatened to melt you where you stood.
But it wasn't real. You had to keep begrudgingly reminding yourself.
It never was.
You scoffed to yourself as you thought back to when the team had explained to you the plan.
It was unusual that they had even asked you to venture into the field in the first place, but you couldn't help the secretly thrilled smile that crept onto your lips as they brought you into the conference room.
Loki had often visited you in the labs, and you saw Bruce and Tony often, but seeing all of them, heroes and gods and assassins, all in one room, you found yourself just the slightest bit overwhelmed at the thought of yourself trying to find a place amoungst them.
"Hey," You heard a voice call to you barely above a whisper, and you turned instantly.
Your timid smile grew when you saw him.
Loki quietly cleared his throat before gesturing to the chair beside him.
"Thank you" you replied, trying, and failing, to conceal the grin that threatened to split your cheeks.
You could barely hear anything but the constant thrumming of your own heartbeat until you heard Steve at the front of the room finally speak your name.
You quickly straightened yourself, did you hear him correctly?
"Well," He purred, "I'll finally be getting to see you beyond that lab of yours" He added, winking at you as he did.
It took immense effort not to slam your hand on your chest and gasp for air at his comment, but you fought the urge.
Wasn't this always what you wanted? A chance to be with him?
Of course it was, ever since he had been dragged into the lab by Thor on that mundane Tuesday morning, it seemed that any green solutions you found yourself mixing, or any golden sparks that appeared from Tony's equipment, had you smiling a bit more.
This was finally a chance for him to see you, not just in a lab, but really see you, and maybe for more than just a passing glance.
You shook your head at the memory, silently cursing your naivety for thinking this would go over smoothly.
You watched him as he elegantly weaved through the crowd, making brisk conversation with everyone he passed, throwing you the occasional glance to make sure you were alright.
You held your glass close to your chest, you breath hitching as you watched him gingerly grab the small flash drive from the pocket of a larger man as he laughed heartily, Loki patting the man on the back before turning again to you, a wicked smile on his face as he sauntered in your direction.
You sighed in relief, it was over, and you should have been relieved, but the sudden thought of the night ending had an undeniable rush of discontent flooding through you.
"Enjoying the party, my love?" He hummed, his arms swiftly snaking around your waist as he began to sway to the rhythm of the soft jazz echoing through the large ballroom.
You wanted to allow your arms to softly drape over his shoulder, to allow your body to lean into his touch, but you couldn't.
You found yourself flinching from his wandering hands, gently batting them away as he looked at you confused.
"Don't-" You noticed how the words seemed painfully caught in your throat, but you managed to sputter them out anyway. "Don't call me that."
"Darling, it's finished, we can rela-"
"Please" You almost begged, and as much as you tried, your tone still seemed to strain as you spoke. "We should get going" You smiled weakly.
He nodded, offering you his arm as he continued to smile, "As you wish"
You reluctantly weaved your arm with his own as he led you to the exit. An unshakable feeling of dread washed over you as the large doors drew closer.
You almost jumped when you realized how close his face was to your own.
"You looked lovely tonight, my dear."
If you hadn't known any better, you would've thought you were dreaming, but something about the indisputable feeling of the heat of his lips on your cheek grounded you.
He was kissing you.
In front of everyone.
In this crowded ballroom, as you journeyed together towards the exit.
He was kissing you.
And as he pulled away, it felt like sand slipping through your fingers.
This wasn't real. It was all just an act. That was all.
You had never likened yourself to a princess before, but as you finally set foot on the not-so-glamorous concrete sidewalk outside of the venue, you thought you could understand Cinderella a little more.
"The night is still young," He finally spoke, you found yourself amazed at his casual tone. "So, where to next my darling-"
"Please," You swallowed, "Don't say that."
His brow furrowed as he looked at you, still guiding you away from the building until you finally felt far enough way from the building.
"Did I-" He sighed as he pulled his arm from your own, fully turning to face you, "I shouldn't have done that, and I am sorry, I took things too far-"
"No, no," You interrupted, "It's not that, it's just," You hated how your voice trembled as you continued, "It's over, you don't have to call me that anymore."
"Darling?" His head was now tilted in confusion.
"All of it." You whispered, "The mission's over, you don't have to-" A choked sob bubbled in your throat before you could continue.
It was over. The phrase echoed in your mind, in some twisted, strange way, you had thought it would bring you comfort, once the mission ended, you would never have to day dream about him ever again, you had lived it, but as you quickly glanced behind you at the glittering building where you had left, you felt the sharp knife of grief for something that never was, twist deeper into your stomach.
"You don't have to call me any of it anymore."
You fought the urge to pull away as he leaned closer to your cheek, whispering in your ear once again, "What if I don't want to stop?"
It was less of a question and more of a statement, his words felt certain, almost rehearsed.
How you wanted to just grab him by his cheeks and pull him into your lips, but you knew that this was the better option, by stopping this all now, you were sparing yourself worse heartbreak later on.
"It was only a mission" You replied in a feigned chuckle, but you barely had time to add anything before his lips were suddenly crashing into yours.
Your eyes widened at the sensation, but as your body betrayed you, you felt how your eyelids fluttered closed as he deepened the kiss, pulling you impossibly closer to him by your waist.
"Say it again..." He muttered between kisses, "Tell me it was just a mission..."
"It was only a mission" You repeated breathlessly, feeling how your cheeks had suddenly grown damper from tears. You had no idea how long you had dreamed of this moment, but now that it was here, hidden in the shadow of deception for an assignment, you wished it never came.
He pulled away from you abruptly, his breaths uneven, "Tell me what you felt tonight wasn't real... Please" He urged, "Tell me and I'll stop, but please, tell me the truth."
For a moment, you only stared at each other, your hushed sniffles sprinkled within the pregnant silence.
You could have sworn his eyes had grown just the slightest bit glassier from when you had both left the event, and although you tried to shake the feeling that maybe he could have been feeling the same, you couldn't. The idea that he could have been wanting this as long as you had stirred something unintelligible within you.
Your lips seemed to screw themselves shut, even as you attempted to pry them open to speak, you couldn't, so you only reached for him, brushing your thumb over his cheek as you gently pulled him closer.
You pressed your lips to his once again, and even as you couldn't speak, you poured everything you could into him, it wasn't just this night, you felt all the late nights in the lab, all of the nights he had helped you clean up non existent messes until the wee hours of the morning, every hour he had spent in silence reading in your room, exchanging favorite quotes and lines, every smile, every brush against your skin, all of it, all at once. And suddenly, all of your late night doubts and spiraling thoughts dissipated.
It was real.
Maybe it always was.
You slowly pulled away from him with a soft smile,
"So, where to now?" He let out a soft chuckle as he now cradled your face in his hands,
You only responded with a confused hum, you knew you were both supposed to be getting back to the tower, and you could almost groan at the thought of all the paperwork you were certain was already laying on your desk.
"I've spent God's know how long waiting for this, and the night's just begun, so, my love, where are we off to?"
You thought for a moment, looking out into the empty streets and the endless night sky ahead of you, and turning back to look at him once again, you smiled, "Anywhere."
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i am so soft, oh gosh, i hope you enjoyed this my friend!! i've very much not written this trope before but i am obsessed with it and so so so happy you sent this in!! i hope i didn't play with your heart too much, you know i am an absolute sap for happy endings!! i am sending all my love to you my friend!! mwauh!!
as always, likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated!
want more loki? check out my masterlist!
join in on drabble tuesdays!
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youreatotalposer · 2 years
Right Place, Wrong Time. pt.3
(Natasha Romanoff X Reader <platonic>)
(Wanda Maximoff x Reader)
Warning: blood lots of blood, mentions of death, physical violence.
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I guess I had fallen asleep, Wanda was laying in the chair next to my bed. I smiled a bit, but something is off I can feel it. I felt my bed feeling wet. “Wan-“ I reached down and felt the liquid which turned out to be blood. I reached for the nurse’s button and Wanda heard the click and woke up. “Y/N??” I was covered in blood again and the room was spinning, “Wan- help” The room disappeared to blackness. In my conscious I could hear people screaming and monitors going off, I barely had the energy to open my eyes and I saw doctor’s faces telling me I was going to be okay. But was I?
-No ones pov-
“WHERE THE HELL IS WANDA.” Natasha screamed running through the lobby, followed by Yelena, Steve, and Tony. “Nat calm down hold on we wi-“Natasha grabbed the front desk nurse by the scrub top and was shouting asking where I was and what the hell was going on. Wanda ran out with tears streaming down her face. “They were sleeping and then all of the sudden, they woke me up with the nurses call button and blood was everywhere I couldn’t do anything to stop it.” Wanda ran into Tony’s arms crying.
The doctor walked out and talked to the team about what was happening and what they should do to prepare. “There is a lot of bleeding, we stopped it as much as we could, but we don’t know if it was enough. They might not recover.” Natasha went up to the doctor and poked him, “Then you turn your ass around and get in there and FIX THEM. They are a child. 24 YEARS OLD.” Steve grabbed Natasha and tried to calm her down, Yelena looked down at the floor. “It should have been me, you idiot.” She spat at Fury who showed up when the doctor began giving the news. Wanda was still crying in Tony’s arms. “Its no ones fault, Yelena you could be the one in there right now, be glad you aren’t.” Steve stated.
“They cannot die. Steve I was supposed to protect Y/N I couldn’t even do that.” Natasha said shaking her head as she paced the waiting room. “Sit down please you are making me anxious.” Yelena begged the red head. “Sorry..” Natasha mumbled. The rest of the group showed up including Peter and Kate. “Any news?” Kate asked sitting next to Yelena. “No. Not yet..” Yelena stated grabbing Kate’s hand squeezing it. The doctor came in the room and cleared his throat, “Good news is I stopped the bleeding, Bad news is she hasn’t woken up yet. She lost almost all of her blood, we only can transfuse so muc-“ “We will all donate.” Kate said standing up. “It doesn’t work that way, kid.” He stated shaking his head. “Be prepared for the worse. All of you may go to the room and stay as long as you need.” The entire team walked to room 103 where the shell of the person they had grown to sort of love in some cases. Machines were everywhere, and there were wires coming all off their body.
Natasha and Wanda sat on each side of the bed not saying a single word to each other. Kate, Yelena, and Peter sat in the corner by the table and started a game of cards. Tony, Thor, Bruce, Steve, Fury, Clint, and Vison were standing on the other side of the room trying to come up with a new strategy. Hour after Hour passed, until a cough came from the bed.
“Y/N?” Everyone said in unison, and everyone ran to the bed. When I opened my eyes everyone was staring at me, “Can I help you guys?” I said, they all let out a sigh of relief. Natasha wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly without hurting me. “You are so fucking lucky.” I chuckled a bit before coughing again. They all backed up worriedly, “I am fine guys.” Kate looked at me, “You almost died twice you idiot, you are not fine.” Yelena shrugged, “I was preparing a eulogy.” Natasha turned and punched Yelena in the arm. “I’m really happy you are okay” Wanda said smiling at me. I reached out and grabbed her hand, “Thank you Wands for everything.” I picked up her hand and kissed it. I leaned back into the bed, she blushed.
“How many fucking staples and wires do they need in me damn.” I stated and everyone busted out laughing. “Glad to have you back Y/N” Fury said.
Tag list: @alotofpockets , @nats-dreamland , @wandamaximoffbae , @hot4milfs, @atlas-nex , @marvelwomen-simp, @mellowladyangel, , @svftpetker
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Natasha Romanoff x Male Reader Pt 2
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It had been two months since Y/n passed his S.H.I.E.L.D assessment, he had settled in quite nicely. Although he hadn't seen Agent Romanoff that much, just a few passes in the corridor. Y/n had met the avengers once, Captain America was very kind, Stark was as arrogant as people had told Y/n, Thor was… well a character, and Banner seemed nice enough but he just had this weird feeling when he met Bruce with the other Avengers.
Y/n was sitting in the command room with the rest of the agents in his section when the Avengers walked in, Y/n didn't realise he was staring at Natasha until Billy punched him on the arm and said “see something you like?” this made Y/n blush a little, but what Y/n had not seen was the comment also made Natasha blush. 
Nick Fury then walked in not hesitating to get things started “ alright Agents Im going to need a few volunteers to accompany the Avengers on a mission” no one hesitated dozens of hands raised up including Y/n’s. “Alright team, how about you all pick one each, I can't be bothered.” Each avenger picked an agent from the Group leaving many disappointed. Natasha was the only one left to pick, she scour the long line of Agents before her emerald eyes fixed on Y/n, she gave a small smirk before speaking “i think i'll go with handsome over there” she pointed at Y/n “Y/n L/n” she said. Y/n couldn't keep his smile from coming out.
After that all the chosen Agents went over to the Avengers and started to talk. Y/n hesitated before walking up to Natasha who was in a conversation with Steve, they both turned to look at Y/n “welcome to the team Y/n” Steve said pating Y/n on the back, he then walked off leaving the two agents alone together. “Soo....” Y/n started “You ready to finally do some proper Agent work” Natasha said breaking the tension. “A little nervous but I'm sure I'll be fine especially if you're there to help me” Y/n said smoothly.  This made Natasha Smile.
Once the mission was over Y/n saw Natasha Talking to Bruce so he decided to go over to talk to them. “What's up guys?” Y/n didn't realise that it was a serious talk, Bruce turned round and stared at Y/n “we were in the middle of a conversation, do you mind?” Bruce had never been so rude to Y/n “BRUCE!” Natasha snapped “Y/n, i'll come and find you in a minute” “Ok” Y/n walked away a little shocked at Bruce's reaction had he done something wrong.
After about five minutes Natasha found Y/n under the stairs, she went and sat next to him “sorry about Bruce, he just wasn't in a good mood” “it's fine” it wasn't fine but Y/n wasn't going to say that. “ So what were you coming over to us about?” Y/n sat up and looked into Natashas eyes “i… ur… nothing.” Y/n stood up and looked down at the beauty before him. She really was the perfect woman, way out of Y/n’s league. “I've got to go, see you around” Y/n left.
Later that day he ran into One of the avenger Wanda “oh sorry” she said “its fine” y/n was just about to leave “Your Y/n L/n, right?” “ur, Yeah. and your Wanda Maximoff” Y/n and wanda got to talking, she then introduced Y/n to her brother Pietro and the two hit it off. 
While in the command room the twins and Y/n were talking when Natasha walked past Y/n couldn't help himself from watching her he thought to himself what he would do to be with her. “Romanoff, hu?” Wanda said “sorry?” Y/n was confused “you like Natasha Romanoff like, like her, want to kiss her.” this caught Y/n off guard he started stuttering “n-n-no” the twins started to laugh. “You couldn't make it more obvious if you tried,” Pietro said, still laughing, which caught the eye of many Agents in the room, including Romanoff. Y/n was so embarrassed.
if you want more feel free to request it :)
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cblgblog · 3 years
Sorry I’m advance but one of my other favorite accounts just reblogged a Tony scene and people are talking about Civil War and how it made them Stan Tony, and how when they watch that movie they hate team cap👀 Then someone was all about how he was sleep deprived and how much pressure he was under and couldn’t understand how people didn’t like Tony because. Someone literally said that when someone says they don’t like Tony in Civil War they say “did you watch the same movie as me.” I’m baffled. Oddly enough someone else said, “he just wants to help everyone.” Sorry for the rant but I think people forget about what the accords are and what it would mean for people. Side note, I hope you’re having a great day/night 😀
No sorry needed!
I feel you man, I do. Honestly, I’ve unfollowed people based on similar posts when I was in especially Done moods, so.
Look on the one hand, the movie would’ve been a narrative failure if everyone was in favor of one side or the other, right? The whole point of the damn thing—besides giving the Mouse overlords more money—was to spark discussion, debate. Which, yeah, we’ll call that the tame description for what actually happened. But just, the thing was meant to split the fanbase so in that regard…winning? Thanks, I guess?
Film is also very obviously subjective, different strokes for different folks, so yeah, ten people can watch a movie and none of them are gonna see the exact same film. Let’s try to remember that this is, in theory anyway, a good thing. I just read a professional film review yesterday where I had the same reaction. What film were you watching, dude? Incidentally his reviewing partner said the same thing.
So honestly, no, they weren’t watching the same film as you or I or anyone else, because everyone brings their own biases and experiences and knowledge and interests into a thing, and that’s always going to flavor how it’s viewed. Again, let’s try to remember that this is good. In theory. Heavy on the theory.
That out of the way? Let’s get into Tony specifically so his uber stans can find this and scream at me on anon as though I just shot RDJ with a nuke.
Oh yeah, he was stressed. Oh, he was sleep deprived. Yeah, I’ve heard that. And that it’s Pepper’s fault, if she hadn’t left the poor baby, if she was there to rein him in, he’d be fine dammit, leave the baby alone!
Here’s the thing. You know who gets a pass on their shit behavior when they’re upset or tired? Actual babies. Actual babies and toddlers, and children, up to a point. Because they actually cannot always help themselves. Their bodies and brains are different, they have not learned better.
When you’re a 50-year-old man who’s supposedly the world’s bestest superhero, who wants, wants to be in charge of protecting the whole world? You need a little more self-control than that. The sleep deprived excuse works if you snap at someone before you’ve had your coffee, not for this. Roseanne Barr didn’t get to blame Ambien for her racism, Tony doesn’t get to handwave CW away because oops, I was tired.
Really? You’re a superhero, dude. Most of your teammates are tired too, that’s part of the gig. If you crash and burn this badly without your afternoon nap, fucking hang up the armor and go back to your billionaire playboy lifestyle.
Speaking of that, sure, right. It’s Pepper’s fault because she left him. Put aside the argument on whether that was justified or not (cough, it was and she should’ve stayed away even though they are adorable together). It’s not Pepper’s job to keep Tony sane. It’s not any partner’s job to do that for anyone. If she wants out, she has a right to that, without Tony going off the rails and blaming it on her. Seriously, he says part of the reason he backed the Accords was to “split the difference” with Pepper.
Dude. You were an asshole and you lost your girl. You destroyed all your suits, turned an emotional and mental corner in IM 3…and then relapsed 4 minutes later I guess because Whedon. Either way, Tony admits himself that he does not want to stop. So instead of doing that, or finding another partner who can accept that, you back an unjust international law that pits you against your team, your supposed friends? Go to therapy, have a pint of ice cream, cry into your pillow, send her more of those strawberries you sent her in IM 2 that she’s allergic to. You don’t go trying to change international law in ways that could ultimately affect millions of people because your girl left you.
Honestly—and thank God they didn’t do this but—the only way the Pepper excuse works in excusing his behavior in any way is if she’d died. Or been severely injured like Happy in IM 3. Still wouldn’t be okay, but, like Quill messing up their chance to stop Thanos because Gamora died, it would’ve been more understandable. Understandable, not excusable, and the way the MCU treats their women as manpain fodder, we’re probably legit lucky we didn’t get this.
As for him wanting to help everyone. He does in fact want that, I think. The problem is that his need to feel like he’s doing that is stronger than his rational mind, or his want to actually help in a constructive way.
Tony is too smart. He’s dumb as hell in many instances, mostly involving people and relationships, but he’s also too smart, and he’s been told for too long that he’s smart, and he’s bought into it. Ultron. Suit of armor around the world, protects the world, no more alien threats. It’s a simple concept on paper that fails in execution. So there are people with dangerous powers. Okay, we’ll make a set of laws to keep them from being dangerous, problem solved. But again, it isn’t.
Tony is not used to problems he cannot solve. He’s a genius, right? He can fix anything. He should be able to fix anything. That’s how he feels. But not everything is zeros and ones and circuits, things that can be fixed mechanically like his armors can. The people he wants to protect are not built that way. But he needs to feel like he’s doing something, because he’s terrified of what happens to the world if he doesn’t. So he creates these simple solutions to complex problems. The suit of armor, the Accords. They sound good in theory, but the problems they’re trying to solve are bigger than they are. And Tony, way back in IM 1, he sat back for years, clueless that his weapons were being used for bad things. He says it to Cap in CW. When he found out what his weapons were being used for, he went in and stopped it. Whether or not he should’ve known that already is a separate issue here. The point here is that when he found out, too late or not, he went in and did something about it.
Tony needs to do something about it. Again, go back to Cap in AoU, Tony’s nightmare sequence. Steve asks Tony why he didn’t save them. Tony’s ultimate nightmare is that he sits back and does nothing, and his inaction causes everyone to die. Which is where you get Ultron. Something he came up with because of what he saw in space in Avengers 1, then doubled down on in AoU. It’s where you get the Accords. Oops, he caused someone to die, he killed Charles Spencer. Must do something about that right now so it doesn’t happen again, and he won’t have to feel this guilt. He should be collaborating with others to come up with solutions (no Bruce in AoU doesn’t count because Bruce was dumb there), or at the very least, taking more time to think through the repercussions of the things he puts out there. But he doesn’t, because he’s got his savior complex that tells him that he alone can and must fix this, and because he’s too dumb to realize how not-smart he is in certain areas.
“We need to be put in check. Whatever form that takes, I’m game.”
Isn’t that what he says in CW, or something very close to it? Whatever form that takes. That’s the issue, right there, whatever form that takes. Realistically, yes, there should be laws regarding people with powers, the same way there are special laws pertaining to people who carry guns, or people who are licensed to fly planes. You have a thing/can do a thing that not everyone else does, so there are regulations pertaining to that thing. Laws change with the times, they always have. Some new technology comes up, eventually there will be laws that regulate it. As there should be, honestly. The issue with the Accords, Steve’s issue with the Accords, was not the basic idea. He says as much. He says that it could work, but there would have to be safeguards. Safeguards that are not in the Accords that Tony wants him to sign.
It's not a matter of oh, fuck the law, there should be no law governing these people, they’re above it. The problem is that the law as it’s presented here is unjust. There’s what, a month between Lagos and Ross coming by to tell them about the Accords? A month is not enough time to properly analyze such a big issue, Especially when you’re reacting out of fear, which is what happened with Lagos. People died because of an Enhanced person, an Avenger, in this case. Lawmakers don’t want that to happen again, they especially don’t want the political shit storm that comes with it. Damn, we look like we were asleep at the switch here, not having anything to throw at this problem earlier. Quick, let’s throw together this thing so no one can say we’re not addressing the problem.
Patriot Act of 2001, anyone? 9/11 happened, the public were rightfully terrified, the US said oh man, these are unprecedented circumstances, we’ve never had this before. Don’t worry though, we’re on this, we’re protecting you. The reality being that that bill simply gave the government too much power, most of it being used against people who were not actually threats, and it’s debatable, to say the very least, whether or not that law helped more than it hurt.
No law is perfect. No law ever will be. It’s not possible. We still have to strive for perfection though, have to aim there so that the laws we get are as close to fair as possible. Tony’s a big deal. If not for his “whatever form that takes” attitude, he might’ve been able to use his influence to pressure lawmakers into coming up with a fairer bill. Hey, I’m me, the public loves me, I will endorse this bill publicly and work on getting the rest of the team to sign, but you need to change this and this and this first, or no deal. Instead, he took the easy way out, the quickest, easiest way for him to feel like he’s atoned for his sins without actually doing anything. Whatever form that takes.
Tony’s not wrong because he backs the creation of a law that addresses these things. He’s wrong because he says himself that he does not care what that law does, specifically, so long as it exists. He’s wrong because he violates said law upteen times during the movie, while preaching to team Cap about what assholes they are for not backing it. He’s wrong because he cares more about feeling as though he’s tackled a problem than he does about taking the time to make sure that the thing he’s proposing is actually a good idea. He’s wrong because of what he does with Bucky, though that’s honestly a separate issue, for the purposes of this discussion.
Anyway, that was longer than I ever wanted it to be. Damn. Next time you see a comment about CW being the reason people stan Tony, just remember there are other people out there who stopped stanning Tony because of that movie. Everyone’s entitled to see a piece of media however they see it, and although the Tony stans are often the loudest, there are plenty of like-minded people out there who share your take on events. Block who you need to, unfollow who you need to, blacklist what you need to, and don’t let them get you down.
Hang in there, and have an awesome day :)
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ectonurites · 3 years
can anybody please explain the appeal of tim drake because ive been into the batfamily for a while now and tbh im really confused on why people like his character so much compared to the other robins. like they all have their own thing going on and he just... doesnt?
Have you read his Robin solo? Because if not and you want to try to like him but just don’t understand why people do, that’s what I’d recommend. That and like, Young Justice 1998. 
Because Tim definitely... does have his own thing going on. Maybe not in the same way as the others, but like, there’s a reason he has a 183 issue long solo comic that ran for like 16 years: he was fun to read about!
But I will give some more specific thoughts on the subject as a Tim Drake Appreciator™ (this got long im sorry)
The appeal of Tim (especially early on Tim) is kinda the fact that he’s this more normal kid. For a while that is his ‘thing’. He was basically designed to be a self-insert (he definitely became more than that along the way, but from the start he was meant to be relatable) in a different way than how Dick and Jason had been before him. 
Like the role of Robin from the start was this way to create a character young readers could identify with more, could see themselves in more. And Dick and Jason did that, but they still had this element to their lives and stories that was more... unattainable for the average reader. Dick was a circus prodigy, Jason was either also a circus prodigy if we remember pre-crisis or if we go with his post-crisis story he’s this street-wise orphaned kid who had a really tough life but still went on to be a hero anyways. Obviously those lives are relatable for some people, but those’re definitely not as broadly recognized as common upbringings especially not by DC trying to market to the ‘average’ kid/young teen.
But the creation of Tim changed the game a bit. Dick and Jason were these aspirations a kid could look to like ‘wow I want to be cool like that!’ but Tim was a Robin designed for kids to look at and go ‘wow, his problems and civilian life are just like mine AND he’s a hero, I want to be cool like that!’, ya know? Tim was... just a clever kid with an average life who managed to connect some dots and had enough drive to want to fix things he saw were a problem, he didn’t have the same kind of heightened drama backstory the others did. The Robins that came after Tim definitely didn’t have this idea of relatability in mind the same way either. Unfortunately Steph’s time as Robin was much more of a marketing ploy than an actual like... decision to make her Robin, so it’s hard to really fit her into this conversation. But Damian from the start was first of all initially created not to be Robin but just as the son of Talia and Bruce back in the 80’s, but when he was later reimagined into the character that would become Robin he had the whole ‘raised by and is the heir to the league of assassins and is the son of batman’ thing going on still. He just was not supposed to be relatable that same way, he was a character designed with different things in mind.
I really think it was more just DC’s 90′s era younger-audience comics in general that tried to push that relatability thing (like in YJ how Cissie even after quitting the team stays a major character as a civilian throughout, and the civilian aspect that’s super present in Bart’s 90s solo too, etc), but later in the 2000’s that idea was definitely pushed to the side in favor of... putting in even more dramatic superhero-y stuff.
And the other thing that’s... such a more normal thing but it actually made him unique here, was that Tim’s dad was still alive until like 2004 (so 15 years into Tim being around as a character). This gave Tim a lot more typical ‘family school girlfriends normal life etc’ problems on top of/in contrast with his superhero problems. These just manifested in very different ways than they could with the other Robins because of that unique situation with a living civilian parent who doesn’t know about hero stuff (until he did find out which lead to that whole Unmasked thing, but there was only the brief time around War Games & Identity Crisis where Jack knew Tim was actively Robin and he was... still alive) Tim also had his life at school expanded way more than most other Robins, like, he had such an extended supporting cast of civilian friends which is a really interesting thing to read about (and the fact that he hasn’t had that stuff since the New 52 I think really hurts his character)
And then related to that loss of his dad... Personally another thing about Tim that really interests me is how a lot of things were more... his choice. if that makes sense. A lot of characters in the Batfamily were struck with tragedy/extreme trauma before they became heroes and that’s what spurred them into this life of becoming heroes. Tim’s situation wasn’t like that at all! When he first got involved in everything during Lonely Place of Dying, the only tragedy he’d experienced was watching Dick’s tragedy happen. Which sure yes traumatic obviously, but that’s not the same as how pretty much all the other Bats had gone through these very personal losses or other sorts of very first-hand personal traumas that served as motivators. Tim didn’t start to experience those things until after he got involved in the hero life, and aside from his Mom’s death which was more of just an unrelated incident (that technically happened before he was officially Robin but it was during his time training to become Robin), pretty much all these other tragedies and things... would not have happened or been experienced by him had he not become Robin. 
That’s not me placing blame on him or anything like that, because god no that’s not how that works, but it’s very interesting because from his point of view he definitely feels that guilt because he knows him being Robin played a role in a lot of it (Thinking specifically about in Adventure Comics #3 when Kon even says “I know what guilt does to you” to him like it’s... it’s a thing with him!). His dad was murdered because he was Robin. He only met Steph and started dating her through being Robin, and thus he would not have experienced the loss of his girlfriend dying like that had he not been Robin. Tim met both Conner and Bart through being Robin, and would not have had a personal connection to them when they died otherwise. The whole Bruce’s death thing after Final Crisis, like. I could go on honestly, that was only talking about losses not even his own experiences nearly getting killed, but yeah, all these personal tragedies were experienced by him specifically because he chose to bring himself into this life, which I think in turn plays into how throughout his comics you see him go from having this really optimistic view on things and being really hopeful to seeing him at that low point he reaches by the time of Red Robin. (thinking about that one post that points out how Tim started out in the 90′s as an optimist and Steph a cynic and by the time they were Red Robin and Batgirl in 2009 they had switched outlooks...) 
I also think that him having had such a great team book with the original Young Justice can help contribute to people liking him. His friendships with the rest of the core four and that team in general are really compelling. (and that’s something like again when looking at the other Robins, while Dick had the Titans ofc, Jason never really found footing with a team outside of like one mission with the Titans and then We All Know How Damian’s Teen Titans Stuff Went. Steph also only ever really worked with a team outside the batfam on very brief occasions) and even though I’m not as big of a fan of the 2003 Teen Titans run that came after YJ, people who read Young Justice and also that could follow and be attached to those same characters over a pretty decently long period of time. 
Idk man, I don’t really have an ultimate point here i’m just rambling. I can definitely understand not seeing the appeal to him right away (honestly i’ve been into Batfam since like 2013/2014 and Tim did not become one of my faves until 2020) especially if like... idk when you say ‘into the batfamily’ that can mean a lot of different things. If you’re reading more like the bigger events with the batfam sure Tim can kinda fade into the bg a bit, if you’re more talking about fanon the fanon version of him is prettyyyyy uhhhhh not really the same as how he was in pre New 52 canon, if you’re mainly reading New 52 era Batfam stuff then that Tim I also don’t understand the appeal of bc thats Not My Boy, if you’re interested in a different member primarily and only familiar with Tim when he shows up in things focused on that other character then it’s easy to not really understand the appeal right away bc he’s more there to support that character rather than shine in his own right. 
I think it’s also worth mentioning he’s just not everybody’s cup of tea, and that’s totally fine. Like, these are fictional characters and sometimes you just will vibe with a character and sometimes you won’t! idk if this helped at all or even made sense. but yeah. I just think he’s neat 😌
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platonicavengers · 3 years
headcanons for being the youngest maximoff (part two)
pairings: maximoff twins x sibling!gn!reader && avengers x gn!reader
warnings: spoilers for infinity war + endgame, death, non-descriptive violence, idk
author’s note: IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO COME OUT AAAAAAAA it was supposed to be up a while ago but things got in the way and im so sorry :(
tags: @madamevirgo​  @euphoniumpets​
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headcanons under the cut !
after steve broke everyone out of the raft you were all on the run for a while
vision and natasha joined you all at some point, and scott and clint returned home to their families
after a while wanda and vision decided to stay in scotland, leaving you with sam, nat, and steve
you were not a huge fan of the idea of leaving her behind
you had already lost your parents and pietro and even though she wasn’t dead you still wouldn’t be able to see her
but you knew why she did what she did
fast forward a little bit
you find out that tony went missing
and then that wanda and vision are being attacked
so u all fly to scotland to help them
*insert u being a badass and beating the shit out of an alien*
finally reuniting w your sister
there were tears
when you arrived back at the compound it was like a breath of fresh air after so long
it’s a shame you weren’t there under better circumstances
immediately getting upset when you saw the hologram of ross
that motherfucker
going to wakanda was an.... interesting experience
you wanted to enjoy it 
but considering why you were there,,,,,,
it was kinda hard to enjoy it lol
wanda ofc stayed up in the lab with vision and shuri
she wanted you to stay up there as well so she could keep an eye on you
she was very hesitant to let you go into the front lines of the battle
even though you were an adult now you were still her little sibling and she was worried for you
you assured her that you would be fine though
fine might be pushing it but
let’s be realistic here
you kicked some alien ass down there
taking out enemy after enemy with no hesitation
pretty impressive tbh. ur fucking awesome
eventually wanda came down to join the battle
the two of you fought alongside each other
badass sibling duo ugh yes
but then
you had to go against thanos himself
ugly ass mf
you tried to use your magic to remove his gauntlet
you were unsuccessful
he kinda tossed you to the side like a rag doll
which hurt like a bitch
when he snapped you had no idea what tf to do
i mean you had just lost, what were you supposed to do?
you were in the middle of crawling over to wanda, wanting to try to comfort her over the loss of vision
but then she just kinda, disintegrated?
you were in shock for a minute
but then it hit you
“no, no, no, no, no...”
you started sobbing
now you had officially lost your whole family
after a little bit you made your way over to what was left of the team
you all kinda stood in silence for a little while, just processing everything that had happened
eventually you all returned to the quinjet and flew back home
for the first two-ish weeks after the snap you just locked yourself in your room and refused to leave
though eventually you did leave your room again, though very reluctantly
after three weeks had passed by carol, who you were quite fascinated by, returned to the compound carrying a spaceship with her
turns out tony was on said ship
you were glad to see him after so long
and now we jump to going to space to beat thanos’ ass (a g a i n)
you had never been to space before so it was quite a new experience
shame it was under such poor circumstances
when you arrived at thanos’ residence you were out for blood
he took your last remaining family and you were not in the mood to let him get away with it
and then you found out the stones were gone
and everything he had done couldn’t or so you thought be reversed
you were already ready to kill thanos before, but especially now that that was revealed
sadly though, thor took the responsibility of killing the titan himself
*5 years later*
you were 23 now
a whole ass adult
you still lived at the compound with natasha, not exactly having anywhere else to go
not like you would’ve left anyways but
nat had become your sort of support system over the last few years
after all, at this point you really only had each other
all of the rest of the remaining team went their separate ways, none of which deciding to stay with the two of you
one day though steve comes by
you were glad to see him, you had missed him a lot since he left
the three of you had a not-so-positive conversation and then out of nowhere scott appears at the front gate
he tells you his insane idea of using the quantum realm to time travel back to before thanos
you were very wary
you didn’t exactly have a lot of knowledge on the quantum realm but you could still tell that it seemed risky
the four of you went to tony’s house to try to convince him
he almost immediately said no
you all tried to convince him but to no avail
so you went to bruce hulk instead
bruce?? hulk?? who tf is he tbh
but anywho
when you saw him you were kinda like ????????
but chose to ignore it
you got him to agree to the time travel thing
and it was ?somewhat? successful
somewhat is pushing it tbh
scott became a baby which wasn’t great
but then tony showed up and fixed it like the genius he is
you helped recruit all the remaining avengers to help w the whole time travel thing
you were going to go back in time and get the stones before thanos could
you went with clint and natasha to vormir
you thought it made the most sense for you to sacrifice yourself
after all you weren’t even positive this whole thing with the stones would work, and you couldn’t risk continuing to live a life without wanda and the rest of the team
they stopped you before you could jump though
when natasha dropped you swore your heart stopped beating
she had been all you had for the past 5 years and then she was just gone
you ended up getting the soul stone but at what cost
you and clint returned to the compound and there was a small ‘memorial’ (for lack of a better word) for natasha
after that tony put all of the stones together into a makeshift gauntlet
after a little bit of deliberation it was decided that bruce would be the one to snap his fingers
bruce, hulk, whatever tf
sorry back to the headcanons LOL
he snapped
immediately everything felt different
you went out to look out a window, seeing a few butterflies fluttering around that you knew weren’t there before
a smile immediately took over ur face
“hey guys, i think it worked!” - you
you were about to turn around and walk back to everyone else
but then
you saw a large ship in the distance
and something began flying toward the compound
and then everything went dark
when you woke up again you were buried under a bunch of rubble
which bruce picked up off of you
you ran out to where thor, tony, and steve were
you saw thanos and froze
they were engaged in a battle and you tried to keep your distance in order to collect yourself for a moment
which proved to be futile because you were dragged into the fight not long after
you kinda got your ass handed to you
it wasn’t pretty
you were lying on the ground when all of a sudden you saw orange light surrounding you
you looked up to see portals opening, all your allies who you had thought to be dead stepping out
you saw wanda and you stopped breathing for a moment
you got up as quick as you could
which proved to be difficult due to ur injuries and overall extreme fatigue
you launched yourself at her, bringing her into the tightest hug you could muster
the two of you held onto each other for a moment before you had to return to fighting
maximoff sibling teamup part 2???? yeah most definitely 
fast forward to after thanos and his bitch ass army lost (im sorry i just really dont have the energy to write all that rn)
and to after tony’s funeral 
you and wanda had a l o t of catching up to do
5 years worth LOL
u had to comfort her over vision’s death a lot
considering that to her, that was still only a couple days ago
and a lot of the time when you two talked the mood was kinda depressing, all things considered
but you still tried to keep it lighthearted
for example
your absolute favorite thing in the world was the fact that you were now older than her due to the snap, 3 years older to be exact
you held it over her all the time, constantly making fun of her for it
all in good fun of course
something wanda really loved was when you would tell her stories from when she was in the soul world (only happy ones ofc)
though it made her sad that you had to go so long without her, and she missed out on so much
she wanted to know what she had missed
all in all
you two were incredibly close, the snap and its aftermath only further confirming that
sibling goals tbh
a/n #2: aaaaaa im sorry to end it on that note (i didnt know how to end it im sorry asf) but yeah </3 and once again, so sorry this took me so long to post, ive been super busy with school && life in general so i just havent gotten around to it :( butttttttttttt if u guys want i could try to continue this series of headcanons for wandavision?? i’d wait until friday ofc for the final episode and id spoiler tag it and everything but i could try my best? might be kinda difficult but i think it could be fun so if anyone wants that then lmk!! :)
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buckys-other-punk · 3 years
Why There?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Tony suggests a little game for everyone to play after a party. You and Bucky are partnered up and let’s just say things become heated throughout the game.
Warnings: SMUT, unprotected sex, cussing and alcohol/drunk-ish people?
Prompt: “Let’s go fuck in that closet.”
Word Count: 2.8K 
A/N: Helloo loves! Starting off the new year with a new smutty fic! This was suppose to be for a writing challenge I joined back in May (holy shit i’ve put this off for way to long..sorry), but the blog who hosted the challenge kinda logged off of tumblr...but I still wanted to write this if they decided to come back (and check it out) and also for you guys of course. This is also very much unedited (like always because im excited to share this) Lemme know if you guys wanna be tagged in future fics and what you think of this fic! Enjoy ;)
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“Fuck, how many drinks have you had?” Sam asked, looking at Bucky.
“Far too many. You think Stark’s gonna stop poisoning us?” he chuckled in reply.
“Guys we should play a game!” Tony slurred excitingly towards all of you.
“Tony, are you drunk?” Steve asked Tony. In response he ignored the captain.
You looked at Natasha who was sitting next to you on the couch. Rolling your eyes you asked the man, “What game should we play Tony?”
“I’m glad you asked my dear sweet Y/N.” he stated as he patted your head gently.
“He’s for sure drunk.” you heard Clint huff under his breath.
“Whoever said that, go suck a dick.” Tony grumbled. “Anyways we should play hide and seek! It would be so fun to play it in this big tower!” he exclaimed.
“Tony, I honestly think you’ve had way too much to drink.” Pepper chuckled at her husband.
“No, I’m fine dear. Seriously guys come on! I’ll make it fair. We can have partners!” Tony explained.
“I call Y/N!” Sam yelled getting up from his seat. 
“Dude what the fuck!” Bucky whispered, slapping his shoulder with an angry expression.
“Hey, I wanted to partner with Y/N.” Natasha pouted towards Tony and you.
“Guys, relax I’m sure Tony is the one who will be picking partners. Isn’t that right Tony?” you hesitantly said looking at Stark.
“That’s right Y/N.” Tony replied. “And since Mr. Wilson over here was so eager he’s going to be partnered with Clint.”
“Noo!” Sam and Clint both shouted in astonishment as they looked at Tony.
“Sorry boys. Nat you’re with Steve.” Tony ordered looking at the pair. “I’m with my beautiful wife of course.”
“Yeah, no I’m tired honey. Being the host of an extravagant party was enough.” she said as she kissed Tony’s cheek.
“Good night Pepper.” you said ever so sweetly.
“Thanks. Have fun guys.” she said waving goodbye to everyone and exiting the room.
“Well, I guess I’m with you Banner. I’m assuming you’re playing.” Tony asked, crossing his arms.
“Do I have a choice?” Bruce said in defeat. 
“Nope!” Tony said. “And that leaves Y/N and Bucky for the final pair.” he added looking towards the two of you. You were kind of happy to be paired with Bucky, even though you wished to be paired with Natasha, but Bucky will have to do. I mean, you and Bucky have been having an on and off thing every so often, how bad would this be? You looked towards Bucky with a smile which he returned.
“What?! How come Bucky gets to be with Y/N!? I called dibs!” Sam said angrily towards Tony.
“Because I said so.” Tony snapped which made Sam go off in the corner to sulk.  “So here are the rules; you can’t ask FRIDAY for help, each pair needs to stay together, if you are found you can’t help the seeker find the others, and this entire floor is up for grabs.” Tony explained.
“Wait, if the entire floor is good to hide, that means we can hide in people’s rooms?” Clint asked with a mischievous smirk.
“Yup, everything is clear. If everyone is ok with that?” Tony asked, looking at everyone.
“Yeah.”    “I’m fine with that.”    “Ok.”     “Sure.”
“Alright, but just in case none touches anybody’s stuff in their rooms. Oh, I also forgot to mention, you can move around if you don’t like your hiding spot.” Tony stated sounding less drunk than before. “So, is everyone ready?” he asked and everyone gave a nod towards the man. 
“Ok, Bruce and I will be the seekers. We’ll give everyone 15 minutes to hide. FRIDAY can you announce when the time is up and who gets found when we find people?” he asked the AI.
“Yes, Mr. Stark.” the AI said. “Your 15 minute timer starts now.”
With that everyone grabbed their partners and took off. Clint practically dragged Sam from the corner where he was sulking. Steve picked up Nat and carried her out of the room. Natasha was furiously yelling at Steve to put her down saying she can walk herself. Bucky grabbed your hand and you both ran towards the kitchen.
As the two of you entered the kitchen you both saw Clint try to shove Sam into one of the cabinets underneath the island table. They both felt yours and Bucky’s stares and whipped their heads towards the two of you.
“GET OUT!” Sam yelled as he tried to shimmy into the storage space. Bucky raised his hands in defeat and the two of you exited the kitchen. As you both were leaving you heard Sam yell to Clint, “Dude quit shoving me so hard!” The two of you laughed as you walked down the hallway.
You both passed the living quarters where you briefly saw red hair hiding behind a dresser. You stopped walking to look into the room, which was Clint’s, and saw blue eyes were peeking underneath a bed. “You guys are gonna be found first.” you said to the two.
“Fuck off Y/N. You guys haven’t even hidden yet.” you heard Nat say from behind the dresser.
“There is 5 minutes remaining.” FRIDAY announced.
“Let’s see who gets found first.” Steve said from underneath the bed.
You shook your head and walked towards Bucky. The two of you couldn’t find a perfect spot to hide and time was running out.
“Y/N there.” Bucky said pointing towards the laundry room. You nodded and the two of you quickly entered the room searching for a good place to hide. 
“Damn it there’s nowhere good to hide in here!” you huffed out towards the man.
“Aw come on Y/N. What about there?” he said pointing to the supply closet. “Let’s go fuck in that closet.” he said with a smirk.
“What the fuck Bucky!” you quietly yelled. “First off, no. Second, why should we hide there? Isn’t it a little too obvious to hide in a closet?” you replied with your hands on your hips.
“Hey at least I tried.” he said, raising his arms in defense. “Well it may be so obvious that the science bros wouldn’t even look there.” Bucky replied, back arms crossed.
“The 15 minute time is up. Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner is on their way.” the AI announced.
“Ugh, fine we’ll hide in the closet.” you huffed in defeat as you pulled Bucky with you towards the closet. You opened the door, shoved Bucky inside first and got in closing the door behind you. The space felt super small with Bucky’s large frame pressed up behind you. His hands were on your hips and you felt his hot breath on your exposed neck. Fuck why did Tony have to have this idea right after a party? You grumbled to yourself.
“You smell nice, doll.” Bucky whispered in your ear.
“That’s fucking creepy Bucky.” you replied back.
“What, I can’t help it. You look so fucking hot in this dress.” he started as he rubbed his hands along your frame which of course gave you goosebumps.
“Wait, be quiet. I think I hear someone.” you whispered. Bucky became quiet, but his arms wrapped around your front this time and he pulled you even closer to his body. You could feel his bulge pressing against your lower back.
“Nothing here.” you heard Bruce yell.
“Did you check the closet?” Tony asked.
“I don’t think anyone would be hiding in the closet. That’s the most obvious place to hide.” Banner said.
“Alright then.” Stark stated as the two of them exited the laundry room.
He sobered up quickly you said to yourself.
Both you and Bucky huffed out the breath you were holding. You waited a good 5 minutes before opening the closet door and pulling Bucky out. As soon as the two of you got out of that closet you heard FRIDAY announce that Natasha and Steve were found first.
“Knew it.” you whispered with a smirk towards Bucky. “We gotta find somewhere else to hide.” you added.
“Where should we go?” he asked, walking towards the exit of the laundry room, looking out into the hallway to see if the coast was clear.
“Maybe someone’s room. I don’t think that Tony and Bruce would go back there since they already found a pair.” you said shrugging your shoulders.
“Alright, let's go to Sam’s room.” Bucky said. “I’ve always wanted to mess with his stuff.” he added with a smirk.
“Tony said to not mess with the rooms, Buck.” you said as the two of you walked into the hallway towards the room.
“Fuck his rules. I’ve been meaning to mess with Wilson’s stuff for a while, but never got the chance.” he snickered.
“Whatever.” you huffed.
The two of you arrived in Sam’s room without hesitation and Bucky wreaked havoc. He went into the bathroom and messed with all of Sam’s toiletries. Sam’s bed was neatly fixed before the two of you got there, but once Bucky finished messing with his bathroom, he walked towards the bed laying down on it.
“You wanna fuck in his bed?” Bucky said wiggling his eyebrows at you.
“What no.” you quickly said.
“Fine, maybe next time.” winking at you as he stood up from the bed. You rolled your eyes as you looked around the room wondering if Tony and Bruce found Sam and Clint. About 15 minutes passed and you were getting bored. Did Tony and Bruce give up?
“You guys are giving me a headache.” you heard Tony announce through the intercoms. “New rule, if you found a new spot to hide you have to stay there.”
“Ugh, I need this game to be over so i can get out of this dress.” you said as you laid on Sam’s bed.
“I can help with that, doll.” Bucky flirted which again made you roll your eyes. “Come one Y/N. Help me get back at Sam for his prank on me. Let’s fuck on his bed.” he begged at you on his knees. You sat up as an idea formed in your mind, which would help him get his revenge.
“No, I’m not gonna have sex with you in Sam’s bed.” you said and Bucky groaned frustrated looking at the ground. “But,” you started and that made him lift his head up. You leaned forwards towards him so that your face was close to his. “I’ll fuck you in his closet.” you said looking straight into his eyes. You saw his blue eyes turn dark filling with lust.
“You’re serious Y/N? You’re not messing with me right?” he asked quietly staring into your eyes
“I’m dead serious babe.” you said confidently and with that Bucky stood up and lifted you into his arms. As he walked towards the closet his blue eyes were staring into your y/e/c eyes. He looked down to your lips then back up at your eyes. Once Bucky entered the open closet he leaned his head forward and connected his lips with yours.
The kiss was passionate and rough. Bucky closed the door slightly so just enough light could peak through. He pressed you up against the wall as he still held onto you. He deepened the kiss and the two of you moaned as your tongues fought for dominance. Your chest was pressed up against his, arms around his neck holding him close and thighs wrapped around his torso.
You felt one of his hands move from your back to your exposed thigh. He ran his hand from your thigh up to your hip, pushing your black dress along with it. Bucky withdrew his lips from yours and attached them to your neck. Unsatisfied with his thin grey dress shirt, you moved your hands to his chest and began to unbutton the fabric wanting more of him. Just as you finished unbuttoning his shirt you both heard a noise outside the closed space. 
Both of you froze in place looking towards the cracked door not wanting to get caught. You heard footsteps walk past the room and a grumble followed by a door shutting. It was probably Steve, tired of Tony’s little game and wanting to sleep the rest of the night. With that the two of you huffed in relief, Bucky looked back to you  with his lustful eyes.
“You’re sure you still want to do this?” he asked face inches to yours.
“If we get caught, then whoever catches us will have a great show.” you said smugly.
“I’m gonna fucking ruin you, doll.” he growled as he took off his shirt completely while still holding onto you. 
You followed suit, luckily your dress had no zippers, so you pulled your dress up over your head and kicked off your heels. Bucky pulled back and drooled at the sight of you. You wore a black bralette and lace thong underneath your dress. He grabbed the back of your head and pulled it forward as he pressed his lips on yours once again. Your hands ran up his toned chest to the back of his neck, you used our right hand to slightly pull at his hair which made him moan.
Bucky’s right hand moved from your hip to up your body, stopping at your left breast giving it a light squeeze. Moaning at the sensation you began to grind against his lower half, feeling his dick twitch underneath his dress pants. Bucky pushed the fabric covering your breasts down, his lips removed from yours as he placed hot wet kisses from your jaw down to your chest. Admiring your naked torso he lifted you higher against the wall so he could attach his lips on your hardened nipple as one of his hands began to rub your clit through your lace thong. You moaned, grabbing a fist full of his hair drawing his lips back to yours. 
Once your lips were attached Bucky’s, he began to unbuckle his belt and you fumbled unzipping his pants off. He pushed them down along with his boxer briefs to his thighs and his hard dick sprang free form its restraints. It was your turn to now drool at the sight of him. You moved your right hand between your bodies as you grabbed his dick and began stroking it. Bucky moved his hand back to your clothed pussy and moved your lace thong to the side. He gathered the slick juices from your pussy to his mouth, moaning harder at the taste of you and your actions.
“You ready doll?” he asked looking at your eyes and you replied with a yes. He spat in his hand and pumped his dick before slowly inserting into you. The two of you moaned at the sensation as Bucky held you close waiting for you to adjust to his size.
“Move baby.” you whispered in his ear. Bucky slowly pulled out of you and back in.His movements were torturously slow and you wanted more.
“Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner have found Mr. Wilson and Barton.” FRIDAY announced. 
Oh thank god you said to yourself. “You better make this fast Barnes.” you breathed out finally getting what you wanted.
“Oh doll, if you want fast I’ll show you fast.” he whispered in your ear. Just like that his hips pulled back almost completely and quickly thrusted back into you. You moaned in Bucky’s ear pulling at his hair with your right hand, scratching his back with the other keeping his body close to yours. His pace changed to an agonizing slow pace making you clench around him.
“Fuck Bucky.” you moaned as your head rested on his shoulder. Bucky then thrusted hard into you again. You screamed, biting his shoulder as your back was pressed harder against the wall.
“Shit doll, you’re taking me so well.” he said as he kissed along your jaw. With each sharp thrust his lips moved closer and closer to yours. Once he felt your clench around his dick he placed his lips on yours swallowing your moans. 
“What the fuck?” a voice yelled as they entered his room.
Bucky’s ears perked up and he quickened his pace fucking you harder and harder. You couldn’t control how loud your moans were. You quickly slapped your hand over your mouth, hoping Sam didn’t hear. Your legs began to shake as you felt your climax come near and Bucky felt you clench around his dick. He quickly moved his hand over to your clit rubbing the small bundle of nerves as fast as he could. You both hear footsteps come closer and closer to the closet door. 
You and Bucky began panting hard at how close you both were. You felt Bucky’s dick twitch inside of you, which made you clench around him and just as you both were at the peak of your climax the closet door quickly opened revealing Sam. His eyes wide at the sight of you naked pressed up against the wall and Bucky balls deep inside of you. The two of you groaned in each other's mouths as you both came hearing yelling in the background.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Sam yelled again. Covering his eyes at the scene in front of him, his two best friends having sex with one another.
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A/N: WOOOOO! What did you think of this mess! Was it hot (or not)? lol Again if you wanna be tagged in future fics, have any requests or just wanna chat, hit me up! 
Tags: @lostinthoughtsandfeelings​​ @sebtheromanianprince​​​ @aquabrie​​ @who-the-hell-is-sebastianstan​ @princess76179​​​ @anbrax5553​​​ @wintersoldierissucharide​ @caplanbuckybarnes​​​ @miraclesoflove​​​ @kitkatd7​​ @saiyanprincessswanie​​​ @fandomsandxfiles​​ @hailmary-yramliah​​ @coffeebooksandfandom​​​ @thefallenbibliophilequote​
^please lemme know if you wanna be added/removed for future tags or if i forgot you^
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xsarcasticwriterx · 3 years
Wonderwall-part 3
Summary: While all of the avengers facility may be aware of your pregnancy there's someone else who also needs to know.
Pairing: Tony stark x reader x Bucky barnes
Warnings: swearing, Pregnancy shit, angst, 
Wonderwall masterlist
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It had been 2 weeks sense everyone found out you were pregnant including yourself. things were back to semi normal. Everyone was treating you like you'd break if things happened to fast and bucky and tony hadn't said a word to each other. Not that they ever actually did speak to each other but now its less than usual. Bruce banned you from going on missions which everyone agreed to. It was the only time tony and bucky had agreed on something so you grumbled and accepted it.
You were currently sat in the main lounge watching tv with your feet up on the table. You had to admit a 9 month break was awesome. you heard the door open and close. “Y/n?”  you heard tony call for you. “over here” you yell back. you see tony round the corner. “hey how are you feeling?” he asks sitting next to you.  “mmmmmm” you grumble closing your eyes. your head falls onto his shoulder. he laughs and you move your head to his lap putting your legs on the side of the couch. “hey so uh I was thinking.” he starts. you tilt your head looking up at him “wow that's a first you say.” you say laughing. 
Tony rolls his eyes. “sorry sorry go ahead what is it?” you ask. “Well sense things have calmed down here for the most part I was thinking of telling pepper. your going to be showing here soon and I just figured ya know” he says. you sit up “uh yea i mean obviously you'd have to tell her and sooner than later makes sense.” you said. “How and when you gonna tell her?” you ask. “Not quite sure. was thinking of taking her out ya know have her mood up before...” he trails off. 
“before shattering yalls whole world?” you say blatantly. Tony makes a face of nervousness. “sorry...just...honest when nervous.” you said messing with your fingers. “I’m sure it'll be fine...right?” you asked. tony shrugged. to be honest he wasn't sure of anything. He hoped she understood this was never intended and that the cause of it only happened because they felt so alone and hopeless.
You already felt sick but the nervousness of how pepper would react made it worse. You launched up running to the restroom hunching over and puking your breakfast out. you groaned and tony came over. he rubbed your back calmly “shh shh its ok” he said softly. you sat back looking at him “ugh i know im gonna love this little one when their born but my god does this suck” you grumbled. tony laughed and pulled you towards him. you laid your head on his shoulder. 
“hey i have an ultrasound next week they'll tell me how far along i am and we’ll see if the baby is healthy.” you said smiling. “that's amazing i'll definitely be there. Is bucky coming?” tony asked. you nodded “yea he's been really supportive actually i'm so happy he's been so ok with it” you say with a smile. “I hope pepper reacts similarly. you got lucky ya know with buck and all.” he says looking down. your smile fades “i know...really fucked this up...Bucky still loves me and I still love him its just....different, hes different.” it was true ever sense you told bucky he had been off. He cared for you and still held you close and kissed you but everytime he left he used to kiss you but this time he just says bye. Its usually in a neutral tone and anytime Tony comes around you can see him become pissed off. 
He cares for you and helps you with the side effects. Helps you with the morning sickness and cravings, dosent get angry when your mood changes every 2 seconds or when you watch sad movies and immediately fall apart. But hes still just...off. You knew he would stay and help but you wondered if things would be good again or if it'll only get worse when the baby is here.
“ok now” you start sitting up and walking to the bedroom, you sat on the bed and tony followed after. “tell me about the missions you know i gotta live through you now that i'm on house arrest” you say as tony sits next to you. “your pregnant not on house arrest last thing we needed was some dude giving you a sob story and you falling apart.” he said with a laugh. you hit his chest “uh huh sure that was why” you said. you moved and layed on the bed, tony laying next to you. “ok ok, the most recent a group tried to pull a major hack into a major bank” he said as you curled into his side. He spoke of how amazing it was to take them down. How steve and hom fought for control as usual. you laughed and smiled but over all you missed your team.
You missed being on missions, missed feeling included and missed the jokes and laughter and overall just missed being with them. you slowly fell asleep during his story. It was just so peaceful and nice you couldn't help it he was so warm and he was rubbing your back. Tony looked down at you and smiled, you looked so beautiful and at peace. Most days you held your guard up though it was falling more and more from your pregnancy. Moments like this you looked so vulnerable and at peace, he loved to just see you so...calm.
 Tony looked up as the door opened and bucky came in. Bucky saw you curled into tony's side and straightened up. He closed the door and looked back at you two. “hey” bucky whispered “hey” tony said back.
“I guess i should go” tony said ready to leave this awkward situation. “no no stay she hasn't gotten much sleep recently with worrying and ya know puking” bucky said walking to the couch and sitting. “im sorry” tony said “Really i am” tony wasn't sure on what to say but he knew he needed to say something, anything to fix this.
“I’m going to tell pepper tomorrow” tony said trying to make conversation. “Y/n tell you she has an ultrasound next week?” bucky asked. tony nodded “I wanted to come if thats ok” tony basically asked for permission. This was new for him he never asked to do anything but he felt like he was overstepping. “their your child of course its ok” bucky said. And with that it was back to silence
“Tony I’m going to ask you this once and i need you to be honest. Do you have feelings for her?” he asked. Tony was taken back by this. Did he have feelings for you? “no no of course not shes your girl.” tony said. bucky shook his head “not what i asked” bucky said. “No i dont i promise” tony said. bucky nodded with a small smile “ok, now on with that, how do you feel?” bucky asked. He felt relieved that tony didn't have feelings for her and it made it much easier to be around him knowing this.
“how do I feel? uh strange i guess. It's strange to look at her and know there's a human growing in there.” tony said. It was strange because she was starting to show slightly and knowing it was the start to a human a child that was his was strange to him. “yea i get what you mean its like you know there was going to be a child there but to see it happening is just something else.” bucky said. 
“yea...i also feel nervous you know, nervous of being a good father. My dad” tony started before looking up at bucky who had straightened up. They never talked of tony's father after word came out of bucky killing his parents. Not that tony talked of them much but it became nothing after the incident. tony looked at tony before looking back down at the bed. “anyways i guess over all else i'm happier than ever. I know i'll love this kid more than life itself so im just...happy.” tony said.
“how about you how do you feel?” tony asked. “happy i guess we talked of having a family before” he said. “what stopped you two?” tony asked hoping he wasn't pushing it. “Well being in the avengers and nearly dying on every mission mostly. then just us not sure on parenting not exactly like she had the best father and I was born in 1917 then when we finally decided to just do it....she went to space” he said looking up at tony. tony avoided his gaze looking anywhere but at bucky. he felt you turn in his arms and looked down seeing your eyes flutter open.
You looked up at tony and gave a soft smile before sitting up and seeing bucky. You looked between the two contemplating how no one got killed in the time you were asleep. “I should go now um guess i'll talk to you after i tell pepper” tony said to you. you nodded and smiled “sure don't get killed” you said before tony gave a small laugh and left. you looked at bucky “no one died” you said with a small smile. he laughed and nodded “nope no one died.” he said. “so does that mean things are ok again?” you ask. bucky nods “things are ok again” he said. you smiled “good” you wanted things to be the way they were where everyone could at least stand one another. where it felt like a family for those without one.
Later that night you sat on your bed watching tv while bucky and a few of the others were on a small mission. Anyone who wasn't on the mission was crashing from the last mission. You knew tony was going to tell pepper today which made you keep your phone on hand just in case. your phone dinged and you looked seeing a text from tony. “hide” was all it said. you of course not one to not listen when something says hide, hid in the secret spots you each had that no one other than you knew. It was originally in case bucky went all winter solider again but after that got fixed it simply became a spot incase some people attacked.
yours was a spot in the bathroom, figured it was least obvious, behind the toilet there's a small hole leading to a whole other room prepared with food and water and a bed that could last up to a month. you climb through still with your phone you text back “got it” and sat on the bed. Guess pepper didn't take it well.
You heard the front door slam and yelling. there was the sound of things being tossed around and door opening and closing, probably those who were sleeping and going to find out what the fuck was going on. You sat on the bed waiting and listening to the voices though it sounded like charlie brown teachers you could kind of tell by tone what was going on. Then you got a text from tony saying “come on out, don't worry steve and vision are down here so she won't kill you...or if she does you got back up” you sighed standing up and walking out.
You walked to the living room and saw pepper,tony,steve,vision all standing there pepper looked and stared you down. you slowly walked in “you” pepper said starting towards you. Steve moves in front lighting pushing her back. you hid behind steve “your ok” he whispered to you. “you absolute whore!” pepper yelled at you throwing glass at you. you screamed hiding behind steve fully. “we didn't know we'd be back!” tony yelled. “Pepper-” you wanted to apologize fix everything “No you shut the fuck up!” she yelled. you jumped back and steve put a protective arm around you.
“I don't want to hear it! Were done” pepper said “pep” tony said and pepper turned around slapping him. you moved from your spot by steve to tony. Pepper took the chance and slapped you. you stumbled back and tony grabbed your arm. “done” pepper said walking out slamming the door. steve moved to you “you ok?” steve asked. you felt tears brewing in your eyes. “guess its over” tony said. you pulled away and walked to your room curling up. A few minutes later there was a knock. “mmm” you grumbled. the door slightly opened.
steve came in and sat next to you “you ok?” he asked. you looked up at him and put your head in his lap “I just want to sleep” you grumbled. steve nodded and stroked through your hair. You fell asleep quickly and soon bucky came in. His face was washed in panic. “you heard?” steve asked. bucky nodded “is she ok?” he asked. steve shrugged “said she just wanted to sleep” he said. bucky nodded and sat next to you. “pepper broke up with tony” steve said. “figured” bucky said rubbing your arm. you curl up between bucky and steve. bucky's head rested back against the headboard and slowly fell asleep. steve wasn't sure on what to do so he just stayed stroking your hair as you fell asleep and looking at how at peace his best friend seemed for the first time in his life.
Tig tag list: @vicmc624​
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An AU where Steve is Cap and Peggy is in modern day (no shield or anything for her)
They break up after a petty argument where they're both too stubborn right now to see they're both wrong.
They still very clearly harbor feelings for one another.
Steve was just always late and kept trying to hide he was Cap for her safety.
Peggy thought a) he was cheating on her because the excuses for his bruises and broken bones and exhaustion were weak, b) when she found out he was Cap, she took that he hid it because he didnt want her to be in love with Cap or use Cap like others, etc. and c) she was tired of the lies.
It was a petty, nasty argument during a date when he showed up half dead. She wasnt so petty she didnt help him and call help from his phone, no doubt seeing texts from a Natasha Romanoff, etc.
Its been a few months and okay she misses him BAD. After the Battle of New York, she texts him out of the blue:
Glad to see you're not dead. You did good work out there. - PC
Steve texts almost immediately back.
It was touch and go. Stark almost died. Are you...safe? - SR
I saw. I wasnt worried about him. I was worried about you. - PC
And yes I'm safe. I wasnt in town. I was with Micheal and Daniel. My shop? Not so much. There's a hulk-sized hole in my roof and my flowers are ruined. - PC
You worry about me? - SR
You were...out of town? Right. Yeah. I hope you had a lovely time with your boyfriends. Oh shit, Pegs. I'm so sorry. I'll talk to someone, see if we can fix it. Insurance isnt budging? - SR
Natasha is now glaring at Steve after reading over his shoulder. "Jealousy doesnt look good on you. But I'll call in a few favors. That's the only shop that grows purple roses. If Clint can't get those for his poison dipped arrows, he's going to be upset."
Theres another motivate behind it, Steve knows. Because he still likes her. The arrows and roses have nothing to do with it.
I always worried about you. - PC
I'm not doing this, Steven. I can handle it myself. - PC
So colored her surprise (not) when she shows up the next morning to find Steve Rogers still hurt from the battle wearing plaid and a construction belt, working on her roof. She stares up at him, lips pursed before slamming her office door. Not that it does much good, the wall falls right out.
Steve tries not to look disappointed and upset.
"I don't get it," he says after climbing down from the roof and standing in the wall-less doorway. "Why are you pissed? I'm helping! Natasha already bullied Stark into revamping your shop. You get all the say. I was doing a headstart! Why are you pissed?"
"Because you're a bloody fucking idiot!" She screams at him over the desk, the chair flying back as she stands up. The office is ruined, its again her desk is still standing.
"If Im such an idiot why are you here then? Why arent you with your boyfriends? Where's Mikey and Danny to help you?"
Steve swore she was going to slap him as she stalked forward. Instead she jerked him down to kiss him hard. It stunned them both, her hand still gripping the dust-covered shirt tightly as they parted.
"Micheal is my brother and Daniel is his fiance, Steven!"
Steve blinks, eyelashes clumping together. All he can think about is how beautiful she is and how theres a fleck of sawdust on her nose.
"Damn right oh. I worried about you! You didn't...didnt even call me. I always worry about you."
This time its Steve who kisses. Its hungry and needy. He picks her up with one hand and knocks the things off her desk, laying her on it.
They don't notice the construction crew coming in and instantly leaving.
Nor Natashas sly photo of Steve with Peggys legs around his waist and his pants down.
She later sends it to both and says 'Americas Ass.'
Peggy isnt sure if shes mad at herself for getting back with Steve or happy but she knows one thing as she cuddles into bed with him that night.
Steve needs her. Needs someone to remind him hes human and to watch after himself. To take care of himself.
She needs him. More than she knows. And its not because hes Cap or can lift the heavy water barrels.
She needs him because she loves him, because she reminds her that some things are worth fighting for, that you have to let your guard down some times to let people in.
But she definitely needs him to fix that goddamn Hulk-sized hole in her back garden or she's going to be peeved and no Bruce Banner rage will equal to hers if her Tropical Plants are ruined because aliens invaded New York
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xserpentlife · 4 years
Care *Smut*
Requested: Kinda, mentioned this yesterday, started as a request but when elsewhere. Orig Request here: Hey hun ease can I have a ddlg little girl smut imagine with sweetpea or fp jones not bothered which where I have been a brat all day and he punishes me thanks so much xx.
A/N: This was created and I accidently went somewhere other than the request, I am also using this as one of the bingo spots on my card: Aftercare. 
Warnings: Smut
Word Count: 2339
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There was something off with you today and Sweet Pea could tell from the start. First it was waking you up, you didn’t want to, which was not much different than usual, however, this time you actually cried and Pea didn’t know what to do. You weren’t in pain, you weren’t going through anything really. He just held you while you cried and then eventually got you dressed and to school.
Finally at school when pulling in the drive you began to calm down.
“Wanna tell me what that was about?”
“I dunno, Daddy.”
Another odd thing to add to the list for the day. You were his little girl, mostly only in bed though, and once in a while after play when you slipped into little space. It was very, very odd and concerned him that you were calling him daddy in a non sexual manner while at school. You were often a brat in public, using daddy to turn him on, but this was entirely different.
“Baby girl talk to me”
“Gotta school daddy”
“Be a good girl in class and don’t say anything okay, I’ll see you during free hour”
“Okay daddy” you kissed him on the cheek something you always did while in little space
He was afraid you’d get found out, your kink and little space would be exposed and it would put you in even more of a rut. See no one really knew of yours and Peas' relationship except one or two people. You keep it secret, it is deeply personal. You went through a lot of trauma, falling into little space is your way of dealing with stress and hard times, he could usually make it better pretty quick but this time he had no idea why you fell into little space so hard and so quick. I mean you had both been busy the past few days. Not seeing much of each other than in passing and at night when falling asleep, but you never hid anything from him, and you hadn’t mentioned anything bad at all, so the fact you slipped without him knowing or detecting it made him so upset with himself. He knew he shouldn’t have sent you into class, but you had a test you absolutely could not miss and he was hoping you’d be okay alone. He has learned that when in little space you cling to him like a bear. Turning to your little side is your safe space, but without Pea there would be none of that at all. He is like the base to your tower.
The class could not have ended faster for him, he needed to see you and make sure you were all right. He always waited for you by the lockers. He watched and waited but hadn’t found you. He walked to your classroom and saw the teacher yelling at you. He walked in, not caring about anything in the world, plus he didn’t have this teacher for math. But saw you crying eyes watering red and puffy.
“What the fuck is going on”
“None of your business son, you can’t just barge in my classroom like that”
“I can damn well barge in here when your yelling and up in a girls face for no goddamn reason sir, plus no one fucking talks to my girlfriend like that I don’t care if you’re her teacher or not. You can speak to her on monday” Pea dragged you out of the room, grabbing your hand in the process. Tears still streaming down your face he brought you to a corner in the rec room, thankfully no one was in there, because your friends are usually the only ones there and they were all in class except fangs, but he was with Kevin. All you did was cry as he sat you down, no words coming out of your mouth. He loved you so goddamn much and seeing you cry was always a struggle for him.
“Princess you gotta talk to me or I can’t fix it or at least try to make it better” You shook your head pouting up at him
“Baby c’mon please whyd id he yell at you”
“Said… said i was bad at math and, and then he...” you started balling again.
“He got bad at me cause I got done early and it was so bad, but he, he got mad also cause I got done early and drew on my paper. I don’t get it daddy you always say I can draw!”
“Baby you didn’t do anything wrong”
“He… he yelled yes I did daddy he got mad. Was my drawing not good daddy”
“Im sure it was perfect aby, but sometimes there are things we just can’t draw on”
“Wanted to color but no pages, thought I could make a pretty picture but…” You cried one again Fangs walking into the room Pea glancing back at him.
Fangs found out you had a little space when he had walked into the trailer one day completely beat up and you were coloring on the floor while pea ran to the store.
“Pea I need… Y/N?” HE saw you sitting on the floor onesie on coloring away on a giant page.
“Hi Fangsy, come color, Fangsy color, pleaseeeeeee”
“Y/N I need you to patch me up”
“I, Uh… fangsy hurt?
“Yeah, can you get me ice and a bandage?”
“Mhm, '' you nodded walking over to the freezer, grabbing the ice before heading to the bathroom and bringing it all back over to fangs. You leaned down pacci hanging from your shirt.
Pea walked in then starting fangs down when he walked through the door.
“What the fuck Fangs!”
“Sorry bro im hurt, I just walked in I didn’t”
“Don't yell daddy! Fangsy hurts”
“Sorry baby girl, can you go into the bedroom and i'll be in, in a minuted”
“You nodded kissing him before walking off to the bedroom” That was the night Fangs learned about your little space. It only made sense he would find out. Him and Pea were always together, so that means you are always there too. SOmetimes you were good at suppressing it, and hiding it but other times it wasn’t so easy. Fangs didn’t necessarily get it at least not at first, neither did pea, but they both supported and were there for you entirely . Fangs was a good support system and closest to Pea, meaning when Pea couldn’t be there, he was.
*end flashback*
“Aww pretty lady why you crying” If pea couldn't calm you down, fangs would come in making you laugh and forget about it.
“Bruce didn’t like my picture”
“Well that means an old man is just an ass hat, I bet your picture was absolutely stunning. Just like its creator, a true artist”
“I not that good”
“Mhm you sure are, i think you should draw me a picture for my apartment, could you do that?”
“Mhm” you nodded your head smiling. Fangs got you distracted long enough to stop crying and calm down some.
“Baby girl yo okay now” you nodded your head slightly still clinging onto him “baby we gotta get to class…”
“Wanna go home”
“Baby we..”
“Want home Pea, need you… please, wanna forget” he knew exactly what it meant. Sometimes you wanted to color, have food made for you, a bath run with pea in it, and other times you wanted him and only him, not just cuddling you want more.
“Okay, let’s go...” He didn’t hesitate, he knew what you needed. In that moment he knew everything.
He tried letting you go to stand up but you didn’t want to. You clung onto him like a bear in the wild. You loved Pea, you needed Pea in more ways than you could even explain. Fangs grabbed the keys from his pocked and unlocked the truck as Pea placed you in.
“Thanks bro”
“She gonna be okay”
“Mhm she’ll be fine just needs some time today to decompress”
“Okay, I know you got her but call if you need anything, and i'll cover for you in class”
“Always bro, and thanks again”
You got to his trailer as he led you to the bedroom sitting you down slowly. He grabbed the silk ties from the bottom drawer slowly kissing along you wrists as he tied them together.
“Baby are you sure”
“Yes daddy want you”
“Okay Princess but you know your safe word right?”
“Can you tell me?”
“Avacadoooo” He chuckled to himself lightly remembering back ot the time that you created the safeword. You thought it was so funny because the first time you used it he wasn’t hurting you at all, but you were so overpleasured you couldn’t go on, out you screamed avacadooooo as both you and him simalteanosly ignished. Its one of his funnies and best memories of the two of you.
By now, the amount of times you had been together he could read you like a book. The emaming of every movement the change in tone of every breath sound, he knew ever bit and piece of you, and your life and you wouldn’t have it any other way”
“Good girl” he began tying your hands to the bedpost.
“Want you to fuck me hard daddy, wnat to hurt, want to forget” when you were so subby that you slipped into little space forhours you wouldn’t always know what you needed or wanted. Pea knew you didn’t need to be fucked you needed love.
“You ready baby”
“Yes daddy”
You felt his body press lightly onto your own, he began kissing you, heading up to your neck, probably one of your weakest spots.
“Daddy not fair, you have your clothes on”
“Wanna take them off princess” You pouted up at him, you couldn’t you were tied.
“Well guess they stay on” You began to whimper eyes filling slightly
“Hey hey princess no crying tonight okay, want you happy”
“Always happy with you daddy” He took of his clothes bringing his body to yours once again. His cock already hard. You atche dhim come up to you, his lips ghosting over your own. HIs tip tickled over your entrance as you whimpered for more. He began thrusting slow short at first, then deeper as he went. The quicker they got the more you moaned. His hand found its way up to your neck, a firm grip, your breath halting for a moment. The feeling arousing you to no end. You felt your orgasm building.
“You like that princess”
“Yes daddy” he untied your wrists with a pull, your arms making there way around his neck as he thrusted into you . Head in the crook of his neck you moaned out.
“Daddy I can’t”
“Gonna cum for me princess”
“Mhm, yes fuck daddy”
“Fuck.” He cried out. CUmming  as you came, eyes rolling back into your head he watched you come undone. YOu let out a loud moan of his name, as you felt his hand tighten by accident a second wave of pleasure passed through the both of you. He kissed you on the lips as he laid down next to you, pulling you to his chest. Your breathing remained heavy, your orgasm being one of the stronger ones you've had with pea.
“I didn’t hurt you did I?” Worry overcame him. He never wanted to hurt you. He never wanted to be that guy. He always made sure to protect you, always made sure to make sure that you were okay.
“No you didn’t daddy” you smiled, your eyes fluttering shut as his lips pressed to your forehead.
“I’m gonna run your bath and get you water okay” being with someone for so long helped you realize what they needed after certain things. For you water was number one. A bath always comes second due to the ties and your skin. Luckli silk helped you not get hurt, but it still could leave marks especially with how hard you pull to get away.
He came back and moved the blanket off you watching his release drip out of you. He picked you up placing you in the warm water, before slipping in behind you. You whimpered as you felt him lean you back against him, your hands touching the water and the little marks stinging. It was not a pain you didn’t like. It was nothing that Pea did, everything he did was perfect, but it always made him upset.
“Baby i’m”
“No… don’t apologize, I needed it, thankyou” He leaned down kissing your shoulder blade. You both sat in the water till it became colder. Your eyes began to get heavy. He stepped out watching you shiver from the cold air, as his body heat was removed from your skin. He helped you stand up legs still weak from the session. He grabbed your lotion and helped you over to the bed to lay you down and apply it to you.
“Wanna sleep”
“No baby, not yet or at least lay down so I can cover you in your lotion okay” You laid down, as his hands casted their way over your skin you began to fall asleep, him talking as you closed your eyes. The blanket soon made its way over you, his body coming to touch your back, “I love you” You felt a kiss to your head before you fell into a sweet darkness. Waking up the next day you were better than you had been a while. You thanked him with morning kisses, getting dressed and ready for the day as you both went to Pops for breakfast. He was your rock, your night, the light in the darkness you felt, and he’d always be there.
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dessarious · 4 years
Misconceptions, Miscommunication, and Misinformation Pt85
Inspired by @ozmav Maribat AU
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Marinette waited patiently for her mother to finish yelling at her. Right or wrong there was absolutely no point in arguing back and she did her best to keep her expression neutral rather than bored. She had a feeling that this outburst wasn’t just about what she’d said either. Her parents were having to adjust to so much all at once. Finding out she’s Ladybug and the Guardian, her paralysis, and now the living situation issue. It would be a lot for anyone and she should have thought about that before being so flippant. It wasn’t her mother’s fault that Marinette had completely upended their reality.
“Do you have anything to say to me?” Marinette was brought back to the present by her Maman’s stern tone and hazarded to look at her. Her annoyance was written all over her face but Marinette could see the strain underneath was well. She’d caused that and weight of the guilt settled in her stomach.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been disrespectful.” That wasn’t at all what she was sorry about but it’s what Sabine wanted to hear so it was the least she could do.
“As well you should be. And who’s going to be taking care of you while you stay in Paris Damian?” Marinette saw Damian’s posture go ridged out of the corner of her eye. It was hard to tell if he was reacting to Sabine’s tone or just offended that she thought he needed to be looked after. Luckily Tim spoke up before he could set her mother off again.
“Bruce and Selina are flying in to oversee the house purchase and any repairs or renovations that are needed. I believe they were planning on discussing the living situation with you before any permanent decisions are made though.” That seemed to relax her mother but Damian looked livid.
“I don’t see why he has to bring that woman. This has nothing to do with her and she’ll just be in the way. The last thing I need is Father’s booty call trying to make decisions for me.” Marinette looked to Luka but he just shrugged at her. Whoever Selina was Damian hadn’t mentioned her to either of them. Given his obvious hatred for her she was a bit surprised the name hadn’t come up. Tim rolled his eyes.
“They’ve been together three years this time Damian, even you have to admit it’s starting to look like it may stick.” Damian just scowled at him.
“I admit nothing. Their on again, off again bullshit is just a waste of time and money for everyone involved. I refuse to be sucked into such nonsense.” Marinette wasn’t sure why he was so hostile about the situation, but his overall attitude towards romantic relationships was starting to make more sense.
“Whatever it is, it’s between them. You need to chill out Damian. Most likely Selina will stay for a week before she gets bored and then you’ll be free of her. She likes spending time with you almost as much as you do her.” Marinette saw her parents exchange a look and had to wonder if it was because of how disrespectful Damian was being towards his dad’s girlfriend or the fact that his dad was knowingly dating someone that disliked one of his kids. Either way she was grateful for her parent’s solid relationship both for the example and so she didn’t have to deal with anything similar.
“I suppose I’ll just have to find a way to stay away from them until she leaves then.” Damian’s grumbled response caused a spark to form in Luka’s eyes.
“You could always stay with me. My mom won’t mind and Jules is hardly ever home anyway.” Tim’s back was turned so he didn’t see Damian blush or the glare he sent to his boyfriend.
“That’s not a bad idea, at least for a few days while the dust settles. You know how B gets when he has to play mediator with you two and it’ll be worse without Alfred to fix things when he screws them up.” Damian actually looked amused before he hid it behind a mask of annoyance.
“Speaking of Alfred he wanted me to ask you if you’d give my father parenting advice. Though I personally think he’s a lost cause at this point.” Marinette watched her mother roll her eyes.
“I’m sure he didn’t say anything of the sort.” Damian looked insulted.
“I would not have said it if it weren’t true.”
“I’m sure Alfred probably did say it actually. He’s probably tired of Bruce ignoring his advice and is hoping hearing it from someone else will make a difference.” Tim let out an amused huff before continuing. “It’s a shame Alfred isn’t coming since he’s the only one with a successful track record of keeping Damian in line.”
“Maybe that’s because he’s the only one that listens to him. Or the only one that treats him like a person instead of a problem that needs to be fixed or hidden away somewhere they won’t make a scene.” Everyone looked at Chloe in surprise while she pretended to study her nails. Marinette doubted anyone else heard the underlying hurt and anger in her tone as subtle as it was, but she did. Damian was staring at her like she’d grown a second head and Marinette could only sigh. He and Chloe were a lot more alike than either would admit and this was a perfect example of why. They had both been used as tools and props by their parents, especially their mothers. While their fathers seemed to mean well neither seemed to have any real idea how to help them. Damian’s father tried to turn him into himself, while Chloe’s just gave her everything she asked for in the hopes it would calm her down.
“She’s right. All of you seem to push your ideas onto him and ignore anything he says to contradict them. Why wouldn’t he push back?” From anyone else that would have sounded like an accusation. From Luka it was simply a statement of fact and Tim could only frown at him in confusion. Suddenly Marinette decided that it would be mentally and emotionally draining if Damian’s siblings were constantly cycling in and out of Paris. They were going to have to reprogram them all one at a time and hope it stuck until the next time they came back.
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