filmbyjy · 1 year
great to know there is a possibility that my sims might break😀
i literally just finished reorganizing and adding a backup file for my game so that my mods and cc won’t go wrong🙃
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whilomm · 1 month
note: pollmaker is thinking of the USAmerican lottery system (powerball, mega millions, state lottos, scratchoffs, etc), but poll applies to other countries lotteries systems so long as its still the same concept of "big ol state sponsered gambling shit", but not like casino style gambling. u know what i mean, Lottos.
questions for the tags: how regularly, what stuff you play, if you have limits for yourself, if you feel like its a Problem for you, and for funsies the usual 'first thing youd do if you won the lottery' shit
reblog to have absolutely zero effect on your luck either way. just like, absolutely no change in luck whether you reblog this or scroll past. this is the luck neutral post reblog in the next 30 seconds or dont who give a shit
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oddthesungod · 17 days
fuckin…. im a bit grouchy today, but reading “omg someone who draws, draw this extremely complicated and time consuming idea I had for free teehee just throwing this idea out there” makes me want to chew concrete, this isnt cute, you arent coy. just the flippancy of it rubs me the wrong way, “teehee im not asking for artists to draw for me for free, im just throwing this idea out there teehee”
Drives me up the walls, you want your ideas drawn, animated, whatever? Fucking pay an artist
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epikhightechnology · 7 months
Desperate times ask for desperate measures aka I find myself unsure of how I am going to pay my rent & bills this winter so I am wondering if anyone would be interested in exchanging some money for my drawing services? I don't do prints cause I don't know how lol but I can mail you the actual drawing. Here's some of the stuff I've drawn this year:
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I can draw your blorbo, your bias, your mom, anyone really, just need a good reference picture. Price would depend on the picture, the size, if it's b&w or coloured and shipping (i live in the EU). If anyone's interested lmk and we'll figure it out together? 🙏🙏
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spaciebabie · 3 months
followers stealing from you in cotl is so funny b/c like. they realize that if they steal from me their quality of life is gonna be worse right. if you steal 400+ coin from the fucko running the show they're not gonna pay for the new brewery they just unlocked. did you know i hold grudges, putre? did you know i am going 2 tax the whole cult b/c you decided it would be funny 2 steal from me? do you still find it funny now that you're imprisoned, putre?
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socksandbuttons · 18 days
Staring at the new laes episode nodding
Man i love lunar interact with his bros
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speedlimit15 · 7 months
blazed neil gaiman post begging tumblr users to respect copyright law is the funniest thing i’ve read all morning
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rapidhighway · 6 months
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yonpote · 2 months
actually i AM gonna talk abt dan's fashion expenses outside of tags fuck it and im gonna be 100% forreal about this and idc if the bants about his $300 pants are mostly jokes
yall know about what happens with fast fashion right. it's all cheaply made by people trapped in sweatshops and factories all day for little to no pay, and when a fashion cycle or season is over, all of the unsold clothes get dumped onto the shores of a country that has been cast as lesser by societies that continue to benefit from colonization and slavery despite acting like we're somehow above it. and of course thats not even accounting for clothes that end up in trash landfills, just all this fuckin waste that goes into letting a t shirt be $15USD.
and like okay. no, dan buying $300 parachute pants isn't singlehandedly saving the world, and no, phil buying $10 graphic tees isn't singlehandedly killing it. but still it bugs me AND I KNOW ITS A JOKE HAHA SO FUNNY BUT LIKE IT BUGS MEEEE when ppl are like "xD dan howell participating in capitalism by buying expensive clothes" when its like, ok he's buying from brands that nobody's heard of, who probably make clothes by order, and tbf i'm not 100% confident that the working conditions of the people who made dan's $300 pants are all super safe and sound and all of the workers are well-paid, but they're at the very least being paid. being paid more than a USD cent. and you're probably not going to see thousands of parachute pants piling up on a madagascan beach.
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discountsoysauce · 3 months
Thinking about Eli trying to teach Victor how to drive
(It goes horribly)
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anotherpapercut · 5 months
I went to a show tonight and decided to get a CD from one of the bands and the guy asked me if I actually listen to CDs or just collect them lol
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fatuismooches · 3 months
Actually crying i got kicked out of my tumblr account for like a few months :( anyways got back into my account yay! As a celebration i offer some rot!
Ok so i think everyone agrees that Capitano is larger than the average human right? big hands, big body etc. So what ends up happening is he gets items custom made for him. But the one thing he cant make larger is flowers. The last thing you'd think this guys worst enemy would be flowers. So when he decides to attempt to grow some flower for you he fails horribly. His custom watering can always has too much water, his soil isnt ' healthy enough ', the list never ends! it seems everything he tries fails so in the end he has no choice but to give up.
So when he comes to you with his regrettably brought bouquet of flowers and confesses he attempted to grow them the last thing he expected was for you to offer to help him. Turns out you know a thing or two about flower growing from your family so you and him grow flowers together! You help him update the soil, use the right amount of water and in the end its a success. The accomplishment he felt as you gave him a single Heliotrope ( search up what it means hehe ) from the many now grown flower made him happy he was able to do it with you, because everything is better when he does it with you.
ASDFGHJKL i felt a little sappy today and I conjured this up lol -Jellofish Anon!
You always express your love for your husband in many different ways, and Capitano can't help but want to naturally reciprocate. However, he isn't very good with his words around you. And despite how much he loves you, his actions can be stiff and unsure. So he opts for gift giving. But then he realizes he's never bought anything like this before and now he's unsure if you'll actually like a gift. This is very hard for the First Harbinger. But flowers. Flowers are a universally loved gift, right? People gift them all the time. They would be nice, he thinks. Should he ask Childe which are the best flower shops around? But then he thinks once more - you always love to give him handmade gifts imbued with your love. Perhaps if he did the same, you'd love it more? He is willing to try, for you.
Unfortunately, as many of his attempts at trying normal hobbies turn out, the process of growing flowers for you ends up as a failure. He's not very surprised, but still a bit disappointed. He wanted to portray his love for you as deeply as possible. You're both amused, touched, and a bit sad by his continued devotion.
Capitano is very much happy when you decide to teach him the art of gardening. He loves it when you teach him new things. It's funny because he's a quick learner with a lot of things, as he observes very carefully, but in practice, he struggles with such delicate movements. But you keep supporting him no matter what! (Eternal love and devotion <33)
(Okay but the idea of things being made bigger for him is really funny... I like to imagine the doorways in his mansion had to be modified so he doesn't have to keep bending down to enter and exit. They're kind of weird yet funny for an average-height person to walk through... Not to mention, his claymore is much bigger than the average-sized one. This is fine but it scares some recruits because of the size compared to their own body.)
(The other Fatui/employees, watching their Lord Harbinger water flowers expertly from afar:)
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eggcats · 3 days
My OLD job is literally 3 days a week and as long as I work it they'll pay me for the full 40 hours.
I've worked like, over 2 weeks straight sometimes and clocked more than 50 hours a week but I'm on SALARY so it doesn't even fucking matter, and then the SECOND I make less than 40 hours because I was at work for 16 hours straight and my coworker sends me home I get in trouble for "not doing the work I was promised" despite being the reason that shit was even finished on time AND I was hired under the "get your job done and we don't care what your hours are" promise.
Holy shit dude.
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beepboopchibbo · 2 months
just like mme fr…..,,,,,
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3416 · 30 days
if the leafs sign max domi for a raise and any extended period of time, they really are THE dumbest organization in the league
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