rogueolight · 8 months
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shout out to juri for being everyone’s autistic dad and older lesbian sister figure at the same time
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last-boy-03 · 8 months
Quick headcanon, since Richie is literally my favorite. (but so is every Jon character)
Richie annunciates his words like that because he has a very prominent lisp, he goes the speech therapy classes and his therapist told him that focusing on the annunciation could help.
So he pays attention to every word he says, so he doesn’t get bullied for his lisp. Only until Max is gone does he try and work on it for himself and not for others.
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sandersgrey · 1 year
AUs where either Geralt or Jaskier fake their own deaths after the mountain are good but what about an AU where Jaskier doubles down and fakes Geralt's.
Nilfgaard cant hunt you if it doesnt think youre alive!!
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wilcze-kudly · 5 months
Also additional tidbit for the minor ailments thing:
Bolin is far-sighted. Mans can perfectly aim a pebble straight into someone's forhead but has difficulty reading and writing. Doesn't know he should go see a doctor about this until someone drags him. He thinks the letters are just blurry for everyone.
His handwriting is canonically shitty and imo its partially because he wasn't taught to write properly and partially because he can't fucken see
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us-costco-official · 4 months
chardee too, is yuri.
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i dunno he just seems FTM to me.
absolute king, love you, please carry on with your crimes against the general public he's a lil 🏳‍⚧ man :))
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poopyboiman · 5 months
In regards to Pilk, I think Offense squad doesn't care and dares/ forces each other to do this kinda sh*t all the time, Medic Demo and Sniper I think have high tolerances for stuff in their body/ would be fascinated, I DO think it would cause 192644749 physical and psychic damage to Engie and Heavy, but only Spy would explode into bits 😔
yep that's pretty spot on, now grab the popcorn and come enjoy the fireworks with me
rip spy or whatever
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kougaonn · 6 months
btw post s5 after everything calms down for once it finally hits atsushi fully that akutagawa died in front of him and for him and he goes into a shinji ikari style depression guilt and grief combo episode and can't look at akutagawa without remembering that day on the ship
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demegod-dess · 9 months
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Sharing this thing I sent in discord because it’s fun to me and idk how long it will take me to actually draw smth or whatever also please ignore my nickname in this server ty <3
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artemiswolfheart · 5 months
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Two posts in two days, is it Christmas late?? NO It's always Halloween. I may have forgotten to finish this for halloween.
Click for better resolution and my commissions are still open!
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nevvaraven · 5 months
Some of you are blonde to me. I know you’re not, but…..you are.
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gealach-edits · 1 year
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Rinka Watanabe, “Jin” at Grand Prix Final 2022
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thinenotthee · 1 year
“The blackest crow you’ve ever seen Will turn its feathers white If ever I forget you, dear The day will turn to night”
tried setting some of my art to music! foreshadowing for future endeavors? i won’t tell. this is part 2 of my “Wax & Wane is actually about Asougi Kazuma” series. This is the last song on the EP, Two Turtle Doves (not a christmas song, surprisingly enough)
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nicotrashie · 1 month
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more tomiko!!! i like the idea of using my tumblr to post non-spoilery conceptual stuff for my comic and also talk more about side characters and minor characters who don’t appear as much in the story as i would like them to
when (re)designing her i drew inspiration from wednesday addams, 2000s jhorror game protagonists, and buttercup from the powerpuff girls!!
other stuff about her that i didn’t mention in the art is that she swears a SHIT ton, socially she’s a bit of a loner because she tends to come off as rude/mean (and oftentimes is that way on purpose), part of her character originally was that she’s a huge disability rights advocate against school and i want to keep that still but i feel like if i did i would have to include it in the comic where it doesn’t really have space to come up ^-^
they won’t admit it but they care about ren a lot… he’s probably the only person they’re willing to open up to (even if said opening up comes in the form of rants) and ren maybe the only the only person that tomiko can actually “read” (thinking about it now that might apply to them with all their siblings but especially to ren)
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donfermin · 2 months
haven’t seen a second of the match but Cambiaso mvp
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angeygirl · 11 months
Dave Miller X reader: In which Dave and the author both embarrass themselves (Bad Ending [for you, at least. Dave's having a great time])
I promised I would write the Bad Ending to This One-shot Here if anyone asked me about it. Well, I got the request from @pudimbot to finish it like 3 weeks ago and I'm sorry it took so long I kept forgetting about it :(
Anyway, here you go, have fun walking right into danger :P
(Context is in the original fic since this is just a change to the ending)
 As you pack up your things to leave, Dave slides a note over to you and shuffles off. He hangs by the doorway a moment, watching to see if you’ll read it and then scurries away.
You unfold the piece of paper.
‘meet me outside freddy’s at 7’
Wait... what? Was that why he’d been so awkward the last few days? There’s no way this guy had feelings for you, right? Ok, maybe that was a bit presumptuous. Asking to meet up could really mean anything.
You feel a gaze on the back of your neck and realize Dave is still behind you. You shove the note in your pocket and head home. Once there you do some chores, make yourself dinner and settle down to watch TV. It’s almost seven when you remember the note in your pocket. You take it out and reread it.
“Maybe I’m overthinking...” Dave did seem pretty harmless. It was kinda hard to be intimidated by a guy who has days where he’s scared of his own shadow. Against your better judgment, you head back to the pizzeria.
It’s getting dark out by the time you arrive. As you pull into the parking space you spot a tall, skinny someone sneaking around the side.
“Hey Dave.” You call.
The figure perks up and scuttles over to you. “You came.” He says, stepping into the light of a street lamp. He peeks at the inside of your car. “And alone. Good.” He chuckles nervously and his voice rises in pitch. “I was, well, I was gonna tell you to come alone but uh... glad to see you already were doing that.”
“Yeah.” That wasn’t weird or anything. “So, what did you want to talk about?”
“Hmm? Oh, I don’t know. I haven't been on a date in...” He counts on his fingers and quickly hides them behind his back. “A while... heh, a bit of a long while.”
“A...a date?”
“Well, yes? I mean clearly you have feelings for me, saying I rescued you, sharing your lunch, you know.”
“That was just being nice.”
Dave’s eyes go wide with disappointment. “What?” He shakes himself. “Never mind that. Where do you work? Or, um, what do you do for a living? That’s less creepy, right?”
“I work at Freddy’s, Dave. Same as you.”
“Woah, uh... really?” He tugs at his collar. “Th-that’s crazy me too.”
“We only know each other because we’re co-workers.”
Dave gives another nervous chuckle. “Yeah... yeah I know. Uh I used to be a mechanic, actually and before that I slept under a bridge.”
“You what?”
“Yeah everyone assumes I’m either crazy or on drugs, well, I don’t have money for drugs or a psychologist so, you know!” He throws his hands up in an anxious shrug.
You nod unsteadily. “Right...”
He scuffs the ground with his shoe and stares at the sidewalk. His eyes dart around, as if he's intensely studying the cracks in the pavement. “You, uhh, want to come inside?”
You shrug. “Ok.”
Dave leads you in via the side door and closes it behind you. It’s too dark to see anything back here. You can hear Dave tripping on himself. “Sorry, sorry. Just looking for the light switch.”
He hums nervously to himself while you stand in total darkness. Your eyes slowly adjust, but it’s so cluttered backstage that you still can’t make much out. Your nose wrinkles as a nasty smell comes up behind you. You don’t need to feel the breath on your neck to figure out who it is. But before you can scoot out of Dave’s way, a pair of bony hands clap over your face.
It’s hard to tell what happened the next few minutes, but by the time your head clears, you’ve been tied to a chair with duct tape on your wrists. Dave leans on a nearby table, grinning at you. It’s not an evil grin, more of a shy, dorky pride. What?
“Sorry about that.” He says sheepishly. “I just got nervous, you know? Not really used to this. Anyway, where were we?”
“Hmm? Oh I just need to feel like I’m in total control of a situation in order to feel safe.” He giggles shyly before he hops up on the table and gently kicks his legs over the edge. “So, tell me a little about yourself.”
“Is... is this an interrogation?”
He tilts his head. “What? No! It’s a date! I mean, here we are, alone together, talking, spending time together. There’s probably leftover food here if that would be better for you.”
“Wait... did you kidnap me?!”
He waves his hands defensively. “Oh no, no, no! Trust me, I know a thing or two about kidnapping and I can tell you this is not that. Well, ok, this is kinda like that I can see why you’d think that, but I’ll let you go once the date is over!”
You're in disbelief.
"Trust me, trust me. You're not in any danger, not as long as we're both having a good time. You, uhh... want some pizza? There's leftovers in he kitchen." He hops down from the table and scurries off like an anxious host trying to make you happy and not like you're tied to a chair, stuck with him whether you want to be or not.
A few minuets later, Dave comes back with a leftover pizza and some lemonade. He cuts one of your hands free and tapes the other to the leg of the chair. "See? This is a proper date. I mean, that's what teenagers do, right? Oh! That's it. We're just a pair of silly teenage hoodlums trespassing and stealing and not treading on work time. Isn't that more fun?"
"You think teenagers trespass and steal as a fun date idea?"
"I mean... yeah? I did it as a kid... ok I was actually thirteen when I committed my first arson, but no one ever caught me!"
You blink slowly. "You committed arson while on a date?"
"Huh?" He tilts his head at you. "Oh, no I never went on any dates as a teenager. All the girls at my school thought I was too ugly. Which, well," He glances at his dishevelled uniform that he's probably been sleeping in for a week. "I don't blame them. Cleaned up a bit in uni but then I had a... well, a workplace accident and lost my job and then I started sleeping under a bridge for a few months and then became a mechanic and then got hired here." He grins like just told an embarrassing secret.
He roughly clears his throat and sits on the table again. "So, uh, eat your pizza and why don't you tell me a little about yourself?"
So, you’ve just gotta survive ‘date night’ and you’ll be fine. Hopefully.
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