bratphomett · 1 month
All the best people live far away and I'm sick of it 🤧
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deadlittledogs · 1 year
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I’m taking out my birth control implant bro not only has it destroyed my skin but I cannot take this two periods a month bullshit anymore……pray with me brothers because my PMS symptoms will come back full force and that shit is SO FUCKING BRUTAL…..
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tipsywench · 2 years
I dont wanna work tomorrow I should get a bonus weekend since mine was wasted dealing with menstrual pain
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
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cant believe i forgot to scream and cry about this with everyone when i first saw it
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t4tails · 1 year
Question of curiousity; I never actually got around to watching RvB, even though I was a fan of other Halo machinima back in the day. Is it worth watching nowadays?
it really depends on your tolerance for early 2000s gamer humor! usage of the r slur, casual gay and fat jokes, etc. while i think theres still a lot of humor to be enjoyed that doesnt fall into that category, i can see specific jokes ruining the show for people. thats the biggest hurdle - the main storyline still holds up fucking fantastically. seasons 6 through 13 are great on that front, though you cant skip s1-5 because i think theyre necessary to get you attached to the characters. since the final season has been announced, i dont think theres ever been a better time to watch it if youre still interested!
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groupwest · 11 months
oh my god i almost had a meltdown at work it was soooooo hard such a fucked day (i did cope somehow… but the mask was definitely falling)
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nutlessspeedrun · 7 months
its not faaaair, im so fucking wet... i got SO SO SO hard from edging myself as slowly as possible, i could feel my pulse under my fingertips >///<
ive edged four times today, and i already want more... i wanna keep edging and make myself into a sloppy throbbing mess, but im worried i might accidentally go over the edge if i keep going... why is it so haaard aaaa
(please make it worse)
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2n2n · 27 days
ch. 117
ALRIGHT...... off we go !!! To the set-up chapter.......
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I guess whatever you do to the world, Lemon is still going to be a dog...
Aidairo-sensei are.. so funny... this is so predictable... they love to create a specific food situation and give everyone a discreet idiosyncratic order which will be dictated to us the viewer for our pleasure and knowledge...... they have some sort of interest in this kind of thing..... thank you Demmy's
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she is kawaii
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its nice she has this on her phone and can look at it whenever she wants... (: poor girl... painful but intriguing, right? She must have had to linger and really think about him...
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pooooooooooooooooor Nene-chan.....! Pooooor Nene-chaaaan she's trying to be such a selfless girl again....! Tsk tsk... it's not faaaair you know, you've been through so much, if only you could be selfish! Too noble and pure-hearted to confidently usurp your boy's timeline... too small & unconfident to declare their love's existence as important or essential to Amane's being....
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uhhfgggf nooo don't put them side by siiiiiiide 🫣 IYAAAAAA... the size discrepancy.... Amane's smile & Tsukasa's blank gaze.... KYA... ah Tsukasa you're at perfect pelvis height.... wwww
Surprised to see Akane unwilling to change the world back... genuinely is aligned against the proliferation of kaii, then. All things told, the last world was terribly unsafe for Aoi, of all people.
I'm glad for Teru's unconventional mind.... as a boy made happy by unusual things, that makes sense for him. Happiness isn't something as prescriptive as a list of things accomplished, or an age reached. Surviving doesn't mean flourishing...
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she's quick to diminish her own importance, our Nene-chan...
I think in this world, love is the most important thing of all. I wonder what Yugi-sensei's everyday life was defined by... what did he feel, going home alone each day?
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a nice and painful face from Teru! I like it....
how fragile life is. He's a bit of a control freak in many ways, he really wouldn't like this sort of situation... deferring to some greater force. Wouldn't it feel much safer to craft reality for yourself & those you love... to have a choice and exercise it, and prove that you can.
Really though, why would the Minamoto family need parents HAH, Teru is so happy with his precious little brother & Princess... being the breadwinner... I'm sure.
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I like such an angry Aoi hehaaa... cucked !?!?
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tell the AUDIENCE THAT, NENE-CHAN!! You've got such excellent taste ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
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ohhh this poor Aoi of this world haha, she's not ready for this directness at all, is she....! Hahaha... I wonder how easily one could 0 to 60 an Aoi who hasn't been confessed to every single day of her life? It works on her much better right here than it typically did in our reality, doesn't it.... you've made her heart stop.... she used to tease you about that as your goal..... haha. Isn't this Akane so impressive and crazy seeming, you have to be bewitched? Oh Akane's charm point....
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jesus, the gang increases in size then.... I suppose we want to really carry as many people through this arc as we can. That makes me suspect that we'll really pingpong all over between different people's experiences .... since I can't imagine AidaIro-sensei would want to balance so many people in 1 room interacting... I wonder how we'll divide the gangs up in the longrun? Honestly, so long as Nene-chan isn't stuck with someone like Kou, I'll be content.... he's strapped to Mitsuba seemingly, I hope it stays that way for a while...
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so many more questions than answers already....
on this first glance, we would have so much confusion, trying to make sense of this appearance... how would we question if this was the Red House of this world?
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such questions would occur: is the house so dilapidated even without a murder-suicide occurring here? Does that mean Yugi-sensei never occupied it, never inherited it from his family? If not a massive family suicide, why would it be abandoned in such a terrible state? If not cursed & ominous, why would it be avoided, as such a palatial estate? It was a large & well-furnished, well-loved house, in the Yugi's childhood... what situation would cause their parents to allow it to fall into such chaos? Why would nobody take it over? Who owned it, in its final years of occupation? Where did Yugi-sensei live? Did he rent an apartment elsewhere? Why wouldn't it simply be sold?
At what point did Yugi-sensei no longer call this home, in this timeline? Were his parents still alive, as he moved out? How long ago did they die? Did he outlive them, or die before them?
This just doesn't look like the house of a family who lived happily & as long as they could....
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but this might
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changes rapidly in appearance from panel to panel.
So our previous questions are moot.... or are they? Haha....
No longer crawling with ivy and dilapidated, chains gone, shingles fixed, NOW it looks like a place Yugi-sensei could have inherited and lived within in his adult life. So is this as it truly is, haha....? Now this looks like a house maintained by a living & fine family ... with few sudden & unforeseen miseries.
I wonder what our Red House's life was like, in this timeline....
I'm quite fond of the idea of Yugi-sensei living in it, taking it over from his parents when they pass away....
a handsome man in a beautiful house~~
let's see what will happen!
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how do you know your human friends?
Illusion: Oh oh! I know! Andy and Raf are cousins and they got chosen for a special ro-bo-tics program a couple years ago!
Andy: yeah, and we just decided to stay here.
Illusion: i thought the program was longer.
Raf: Oh, it is. Its an after school program. Andy ages out next year though.
Andy: its not faaaair!! Miko, Jack and you get to stay!
Raf: I'm the only one in the program right now. Miko and Jack are because of their parents.
Andy: Damn nepobabies...
Illusion: What does a dam have to do with them?
Andy: uhhh. Forget that. bye!
Illusion: Huh?
Raf: ignore them. Do you know how Spike, Carly and Chip came to be here?
Illusion: Uhm... i wasnt here yet. I got here a few months before you guys. Let's go find Bee! He's the oldest.
Raf: I thought that was Sideswipe and Sunstreaker.
Illusion: The twins are younger. Aren't they?
Raf: I thought Arcee said they were just slightly older than Bee.
Illusion: Hm... Well, we're still going to Bee, i like him better.
Raf- Bee!
Illusion- Hey Bee!!
Bumblebee- Yeah? What's up guys?
Illusion- Why are Spike, Carly and Chip here?
Bumblebee- Uhm... huh? Because they work here?
Raf- Illusion means how did they start working here, or something.
Bumblebee- Oh! Spike started coming here when he was a kid, his mom and dad are engineers here. It was supposed to just be a one time thing, cause his parents didn't trust him to be alone at home, so he came here after school for a week. He started to come here even after his brother graduated high school and he was trusted to stay home alone. He liked it here, especially because at the time Chip had started coming here for the same program you and your cousin are here for.
Raf- The program is that old?
Chip- I only heard the last part, i take offense to that, I am not that old! You are 14!! this wasnt even 10 years ago! I was 15 when i was accepted into the program! Im 20!!
Raf- You are old though.
Chip- I have never hit a child, but I am so close to right now.
Carly- Why is Chip about to hit Raf?
Bumblebee- He called Chip old.
Carly- If he's old what does that make me?? Im 2 years older than him!
Raf- Also old.
Carly- I think Chip had a good idea.
Spike- Ok, both of you stop. Hes a teenager, and the youngest human here, he's going to be arrogant.
Bumblebee- Oh yeah, and Carly came here when she was... 18 i think?
Carly- Huh? Why are you wondering about when i came here?
Illussion- For the ask blog!
Carly- Oh! Yeah, I started coming here when i moved here for university! I would have loved to come here before, but I guess the program is only available to people that live in the nearby city, since its only a couple miles from here. Plus the program is limited to like, 5 people from the university. The past couple years, no one has qualified for the program besides me, Chip and Spike. For college kids, its like an unpaid internship the first year, and you can work up to getting a paid internship, and you have a job once you graduate! I recently graduated, so i started working full time here.
Spike- I just have one more year of the internship. Carly and I specialized in different types of engineering so we won't be working together, but we will work in the same area.
Raf- But, Chip isnt an engineer, why is he here?
Chip- You know, you're still in slapping range. *sighs* I'm a computer science major. I help integrate the Cybertronian technology with ours.
Illusion- So you work with Jazz and Blaster?
Chip- Yeah, or anyone that has monitor duty in the bridge. Jazz is like, spec ops, so he isn't there all the time, Blaster is the one mostly in charge of them.
Illusion- Oh!
Chip- We do important work.
Illusion- I have a question.
Chip- Yeah?
Illusion- Why are Jack and Miko here? They aren't in any of the programs you guys mentioned. They always hangout with us when Andy and Raf are shadowing the adults.
Spike- Oh, those two are here because of their parents.
Illusion- But why?
Spike- Jack's mom is a nurse, she was hired back when... Jack was like 13? His mom worries, so she asks him to come here after school. She used to pick him up, but several autobots volunteered to do it for her, so she didnt have to worry. And Miko, her parents were transferred here from japan. Miko was like... 12. They saw that there were a couple kids here already, so they just started bringing her here. She gets picked up after school along with Jack, Andy and Raf.
Illusion- Oh so they don't do anything.
Spike- I mean, they sometimes shadow their parents, but not in an official manner.
Illusion- Freeloaders?
Bumblebee- Ok, who taught you that word?? You always struggle with words that are that long, how did you say it right the first time??
Illusion- Andy calls Miko and Jack that all the time.
Spike- Ok, I think I should talk to Andy about appropriate ways to treat her classmates.
Illusion- but you just said they arent in the program.
Spike- Not here, but they are in the same school. Hey Carly, aren't you the one in charge of them?
Carly- Yeah, but when its their free time, I'm off teacher duty and do my normal tasks.
Raf- Do you even know how to be a teacher?
Carly- Chip?
Chip- Yeah?
Carly- Hold my earrings.
*end transmission*
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baileys-writing-desk · 10 months
Kikwis are not food!
Faron follows through on her claims to eat an annoying Kikwi. Or at least…she tries to.
[Misfits of the 3 Dragons]
Faron swims through the chambers of Lake Floria, with a small Kikwi clutched in her claw. The old plant had already told Link where she lives a while back…and now it has given the small hero even more of her information. So tonight, she decides, he’s dinner.
This ends now, little brat.
As she continues, and as the Kikwi holds its breath, she listens to the sounds of the lake: the chubby pufferfish, Jellyf splashing around, the way her own body moves through the water so smoothly…and even an odd-sounding noise from far behind her. Hmph. Those fish are always getting into trouble.
She still can’t believe that this scrawny old Kikwi would break her trust again. Perhaps Link forced the information out of it, but she had sworn to all residents of the woods that almost everything about her be kept secret from the hero. Now Link knows her age, her favorite foods, her biggest pet peeves, biggest fears…even the things Eldin and Lanayru do that she finds annoying. Rage boils in her chest and she huffs. Ugh!!
Finally she breaks the surface in the comfort of her home, tucked away deep within the lake’s chambers, and wipes some of the water off the little plant’s leaves. The Kikwi shivers and glances up at her face, brow furrowing.
“Ah, you wretched thing!” she exclaims. “How many times did I tell you to keep that big mouth shut? Hmm…I bet you’re gonna taste wonderful.”
“Noooo, Faron, don’t eat meeeee!” the Kikwi pleads with puppy-dog eyes. But the Water Dragon simply scoffs.
“Hmph. I’m not gonna feel sorry for a plant.”
“I’m sorry…I won’t tell Link anything ever again! I’ll keep my mouth shut! Pweeease?”
Faron grunts. “Not buying it.” She holds the Kikwi up to her mouth, smelling all the fresh leaves atop its head. “And not that there’s much else you could tell Link anyway.”
“Look…he wants to know you better as a friend, and he feels like you two aren’t quite getting along.”
“That doesn’t mean you can just go tellin’ him things willy-nilly. Which is why you’re my feast tonight! Mmm…so scrumptious…”
The Kikwi squeals, but she ignores the sound as she closes her eyes, biting off a big, juicy leaf. Ohhh…so refreshing… This could easily be the best dinner she’s had in a while. She sighs with delight as the flavors of the leaf dance on her tongue, a leaf made from the heavens…
She gasps, eyes flying open. What in Hylia??
Floating in the waters of her hall is a familiar figure…with his yellow coat and fluffy white beard, and he glares at her intensely. He surely does not look happy.
“L-Lanayru?!” she cries out. “What are you doing here??”
“Put that Kikwi down.”
How—how did he—
“You heard me, Faron. Don’t give me that look. Let him go.”
As much as she wants this Kikwi to be long gone—this stupid plant has betrayed her once too many—she knows she must not disobey Lanayru.
“…Fine,” she huffs, rolling her eyes at the Thunder Dragon. “I won’t eat this—thing.” With the Kikwi tight in her grip, she holds her arm back and chucks it right at him.
“Woah-ho!” Lanayru exclaims, managing to catch it without getting slammed in the face. “I didn’t say to throw him, sweet Hylia!”
The Kikwi groans as it looks up at the Thunder Dragon with pleading eyes. “Please…save me, old man. She’s gonna—“
“I know. But she won’t anymore.” Lanayru’s voice is so soft, so calming, and it makes Faron scowl in disgust. “I’m taking you with me.”
“Ughhhh!!” She throws her hands up in dismay, glaring at the older dragon. “I hate you, Lanayru! You ruined my dinner!!”
“Well, deal with it. Find something else to eat, then. Like, I don’t know…a fish?”
“Ewww, that’s so boring!! And the Kikwis taste so good…Here, what if I spare its life, but I just eat all the leaves off its little head?”
“Come on, pleeeease?”
Lanayru huffs. “I said no.”
“What?? This isn’t faaaair!!” she whines, folding her arms across her chest. “It’s because I’m the youngest, isn’t it? ‘Cause you let Eldin eat whatever he wants.”
“Hold on a second, since when have I done that?? Eldin tried to eat an electric frog! And he chomped an arm off a rusted robot! You do know he’s not allowed in the desert without my permission, right?”
Faron sighs. Crap. “Yeah…I remember.”
“Good. Now I better not catch you tryin’ this again. You know, I could always bring in LD-301S Scrapper to watch over you.”
“No! Please no, not Scrapper!!” she shouts. “That robot hurls insults at us like Eldin’s fireballs! I will not have him in my hall!”
“Well then, the choice is yours.” Lanayru shrugs his shoulders with a grin. “Don’t eat Kikwis and you won’t get the mean robot.”
“Really, huh? What if I just…smash it to bits?”
“Faron!” The Thunder Dragon’s eyes go wide with horror. “I swear, if you do that—“
“Haha, I’m kidding!” she exclaims, giving him a mischievous grin. “You should’ve seen the look on your face!!”
Lanayru lets out a long sigh. “…Good grief, Faron.” He glances at the entrance behind them. “And to think I just came to say hi…whew, I’m getting tired.”
“Then go take a nap, old man! Leave me here to ‘enjoy’ my boring fish dinner alone.”
The Kikwi seems more relaxed now in Lanayru’s claw, unfortunately safe from being eaten. Ugh, I’m so- aarghhhh!
“Oh, you want me to stay?”
“No, I don’t.” Faron points at the doorway. “Get outta here, Lanayru.”
Slowly, the Thunder Dragon turns around and ducks under the water, leaving the hall with the Kikwi in his clutches. Lanayru may not be as fast a swimmer as Faron, and his old age limits him quite a bit, but he still manages.
As she watches his cloudy tail disappear around the bend, she wonders if he had perhaps followed her all the way here…it’s the only explanation for why he showed up so quickly after her arrival.
That stupid little sneaker!
With an exasperated huff, the enraged Faron grabs a pufferfish in her reach. Ugh, guess this will have to do. At least now that the Kikwi is with Lanayru, and will be from now on, she won’t have to see that bratty old plant in her woods again.
She just hopes the Thunder Dragon will be able to deal with it.
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aerospectrum · 4 months
Unsure if I sent a response back sorry adhd brain is bad sometimes LOL but it’s been lovely talking to you too! I don’t have anyone to talk about the show with besides my mom who watches it with me but I still have Yellowstone brainrot. Again I’m a Beth girlie but it’s nice to talk to others in the fandom and discuss. I think the show is great because they’re all such victims of each other and the family dynamics are just horrifically toxic. Every relationship John has with his children is abusive and volatile in some degree. Branding Kayce because he disobeyed him. Pushing and punishing Jamie because he’s not who he wants him to be, sending him away to college when that’s not what he wanted. Beth is extremely loyal to him to her own detriment because I personally feel like she’s trying to make up for killing her mother and taking his wife away from him, but no matter how much she tries she won’t ever make that up in John’s eyes. Anyways, you have a good one 💕
Aaaahhh I have so many thoughts also the adhd brain is a mood for sure my dude! sorry it took me forever to get to this! I’ll put my stuff under a cut again only because I tend to ramble and I gotta save the dash sanity for others lol
ok first I wanna go back to Beth lmfao. god she has such depth to her and I feel like we’ve been cheated by T.Sher so badly. Her trauma is unreal and so unprocessed and so unexplored and it’s not faaaair. When it’s Christmas and she is terrified of what’s happening to her??? puberty and she’s terrified, my poor child, I felt so sad that that was such a scary moment for her and then she was already in pain too and her mom was just like “now I have to make sure you’ll survive this man’s mans world and make you ultra haaaard” that made me so sad because I feel like she already was trying so hard to survive as a child. then the flashback to her mothers death. Genuinely I still feel so much rage over it. She was clearly uncomfortable and did not want to be on this big animal that she wasn’t comfortable controlling and unsure of being on and her mom just idk completely disregarded her and basically told her “you’re shit outta luck man up” like girl what??? Your young daughter is feeling very unsafe on a dangerous animal, I get pushing your kids to face their fears but like why did it have to be a joke to East Jesus nowhere??? Then ITS NOT EVEN BETH’S FAULT, Evelyn’s horse spooks(it’s not even looking at Beth, Beth does nothing wrong and nothing at all to affect her horse) but yeah it spooks it’s fucking self and obviously crushes her but Beth is already weeping and scared and blaming herself and Kayce is so intune with the needs of everyone so he pleads for her to let him go get John and she LOCKS EYES WITH BETH AND BLAMES HER!!! straight up is like nah Beth’s the reason my horse spooked it’s her fault my horse crushed me she made this mistake being a completely normal scared child she has to fix this mistake
Beth didn’t even hardly know the way back her horse bucks her off, she gets hurt she runs back she’s already internalizing the grief of this unfair blame she’s saddled with and then what happens???? JOHN YELLS AT HEEEEER. crying screaming throwing up dyyyyying. home girl literally got blamed by her mom for killing her and then he dad yells at her for crying and being hurt and scared oh my gosh I’m so mad lmao. Um…. but yeah. Beth clearly struggled with anxiety and security at a young age and I think she wanted to make her mother proud and prove she was hard enough to survive “with the boys” so she could survive her own survivors guilt that Evelyn forced her to experience maybe???
also yeah!!! I do think John blamed Beth for his wife’s death and she’s desperate to make up for it but also resents John for moving on with any other woman because I think he made sure she felt she was responsible for Evelyn’s death and his unhappiness afterwards— maybe somehow that ties into like her resentment of what Jamie did to her too? Like maybe it triggers this massive guilt in her where she subconsciously thinks well fuck I stole my fathers happiness so my brother stole mine??? God idk what even is meta? Probably not this lol.
not me writing a novel on Beth’s childhood… but then a few years pass and she asks Jamie for help and yeah he fucks it up because well idk part of me does feel it was lazy writing on Tshers behalf again, because they had to be teens in the 90s and sterilization on Rez’s stopped in the 70’s I’m pretty sure idk still. But also like I just think with the fear of failing and the deep rooted trauma of “inate otherness” that Jamie clearly carried around from a young age I just don’t genuinely feel like it was in his character to allow Beth to suffer like that. He would’ve spoken up or argued with her about how he wouldn’t let her go in that clinic. They would’ve fought like shit but he would’ve convinced her that John finding out was better than being cheated out of motherhood and idk Beth and Jamie are just so goddamn conniving (in a good way) that they would’ve saved Rip from John’s wrath.
John’s undying love for the land and his egos unquenchable thirst for false pride and accolades is definitely his downfall as a father in my mind. They definitely are all victims of one another’s traumas and John’s refusal to acknowledge he’s the creator or root/epicenter of it all. All the siblings deserve so much better and I’ll never forgive the writing for completely wiping Lee out of the story too!!!
I also think about how if this is along the storyline that the Rez is still sterilizing women then John was completely ok with Kayce forcing that torture and agony on Monica if it meant protecting the pride of his ranch. But suddenly he’s upset Jamie took Beth there, like is he blind to his own double standards? Fuck but I love johns depth too. They’re all so weirdly complex and i end up thinking damn this man has a lifetime of unfiltered and unfinished trauma too aaaaaaaaahhhhh. I want to write all the things with Beth and John and Jamie lol. They sooth the shallow waters of my weird little soul soil.
sorry I ramble so badly, I can’t tell if that’s the adhd working or if I’m really just bad at staying on track because everything reminds me of something else and then I can’t find my way back to the circles beginning! But I’ve loved your asks they’ve been such high points in my time here thank you so much for talking and sharing in this with me my dude, I hope you have an excellent day/night/afternoon/dusk and beyond lol.
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thigh-inspectors · 1 year
the twitter thighs are finally up to date! but looks like shiyu keep his thighs warm during autumn... however, the instagram legs will follow soon!
hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah
You are a true asset to the International Bureau of Visual Kei Thigh Inspection. Thank you for your service! o7
I suppose its only faaaair that he cover them in autumn, but I'm still gonna pout about it hahaha. Fingers crossed that Halloween brings some fresh leggies 🤞
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
Second of all finished Chapter 1 <3 I watched an Xbox stream muted at 2x while skipping battles because I wanted to save the proper experience for my friend's stream and your stream but uhhhhh <3 without saying too much or setting any expectations <3 personal favorite Kiryu game no contest LOL but I figured it would be so no surprises there... I'm def taking note of how long individual chapters might take and stuff since this wasn't exactly an Optimal Playthrough but we'll get there when we get there
but gottamn already done with chapter 1- VERY MUCH APPRECIATE MAKIN MENTAL NOTES ON CHAPTER LENGTHS if that gameplay wasnt optimal then heh 😏 i promise to be worse 😏
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akkivee · 2 years
Omg one of my favorite merch lines is getting nagosaka versions now!!! 🙏🙏🙏
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Any merch lines in particular that were only made for the original 4 divis that you want nagosaka versions of?
i quite literally just preordered the coin purses because this one was one of my faves too lol!!!!!
i’ve always wanted nagosaka to have their versions of that halloween line that got faux reproduced by everyone and their mom back in the day lol
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and the chocon to friends plushies were too cute i’m sad that covid may have done them in since they were just starting 😭😭😭
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nebulaleaf · 1 year
banging my fists down. its not fair. ITS NOOOT FAAAAIR. infinity train was such a unique concept that i am desperate to know more about. EIGHT BOOKS. EIGHT BOOKS!!!!!!!! and we only had FOUR. dies
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azemessence · 1 year
I can't cry EVERY time i rewatch endwalker scenes ITS NOT FAAAAIR
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