#Ibiki angst
dira333 · 10 months
Unwavering I - Ibiki x Reader
this is for @snuggleboots (taglist is open) this is what happens if you rant to me about your favorite character - I can't help but write about them.
Warnings: Reader is dealing with psychological aspects of her work and she's having trouble with alcoholism. Please do not read if this triggers you.
This is going to be a longer fic, I've already written four more parts and am currently working on the ending.
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“Aunty!” Little Ino’s voice is so much like herself - hard to ignore. 
“Hey, Princess.” You drop low to grab her and throw her up in the air, catching her easily in your arms when she comes down giggling.
“You have a new Lipstick!” Ino points out, sticky fingers already on your mouth.
“Hmm. Do you like the color?”
“It’s pretty.”
“You think so? You wanna try too?”
“I can?” Ino asks, blue eyes wide in excitement.
“Why not?” You ask back just as her mother steps out of the shop. “But it will be our secret.” You whisper into your niece's ear and she giggles, clutching you a little tighter.
“What a bold choice.” Your sister-in-law points out when you enter the flower shop with Ino still secure in your arms. 
“You think so?” You smile at yourself in the big window and wipe some lipstick off that Ino had smeared before. “I think it could be a little brighter.”
“I won’t tell you what to wear for work, but is it really the right attire to work at the shop?” 
You press a kiss to Ino’s left cheek instead of answering, exaggerate the noise, and repeat it on the other side of her face. She giggles, unaware of the red blooming on her cheeks now. 
“I think it suits me just fine.” You tell your sister-in-law and turn back to the window, pointing Ino’s reflection out to her. “What do you think, Ino-chan?”
“It’s so pretty!”
“Stocking up?” Ibiki’s so close his chest bumps into your back as you wait in line. There are five bottles of wine, two bottles of Sake, and a six-pack of cheap bear in your baskets, crushing a bag of instant ramen under their weight.
“Oh, I’m having a party.” You lie effortlessly and turn to smile up at him.
That’s the most infuriating thing about Ibiki. No matter how bright your lipstick or low-cut your top is, his eyes never leave your eyes when he’s talking to you. You wonder if he’s learned to read them.
“Great.” His voice is so dry he could very well be reading a phone book out loud. “When is it? I’ll bring the snacks.”
“You’re not invited.” You turn back and start unloading your stuff, scrambling to pull your wallet out in time to pay.
“Put in on my tab.” Ibiki orders behind you. “If you’re free this evening, I need to discuss next week's interrogations with you.”
You sigh and pack your groceries back into your basket, silently enjoying how the Ramen noodles crunch under the weight of the wine bottles.
“Can it wait until after I had Dinner?” You ask when he puts his wallet away, his own basket a stark contrast to yours. It’s filled with fresh vegetables and a square package that’s either meat or fish. It’s so healthy, it could give you hives.
Instead of answering he puts one hand on your elbow. He doesn’t need to put any pressure into the touch to let you know to start walking. 
Only when you’re outside the store he starts talking again.
“I’ll cook,” he orders, his voice making it clear that he’s not going to take no for an answer, “Your dinner will just leave you unable to talk.”
Shame burns in your veins as you keep walking, unable to speak.
Your last physical had been a few weeks ago but not even Tsunade telling you to lower your Alcohol intake had made you feel this way. After all, who was she to talk?
Ibiki slips his shoes off before he steps inside his apartment and you follow his example awkwardly. Inside, the fattest cat you’ve ever seen trots up to your colleague and rubs itself on his leg, purring so loud you wonder if it’s really an animal and not something else.
“This is Neko.” Ibiki introduces you. “She is very friendly.”
Neko looks up at you as if she wants to disagree. There’s no purring for you, instead, she shows you her ass and walks away.
“Make yourself at home. I’ll start cooking.”
“Can I help?”
“Can you?” He asks back, slipping out of his coat. “Cook, I mean?”
Shame burns through you again. Every other time this topic came up it made you look rebellious and cool to women and a femme fatale to the guys. 
In front of Ibiki, you feel like even more of a failure.
“I’m not stupid.” You bark out and he nods.
“You can cut the vegetables.”
“This is Ibiki Morino.” Inochi gestures at the guy in front of you. “You’re going to work together from now on.”
“Why?” You ask, eyeing him curiously. You know Ibiki. You’d been one year behind him in the academy, but other than that you hadn’t interacted much. 
He’d always been just one of the guys, not as memorable as Kakashi nor as flirtatious as Genma. Not a pervert and not someone to lust after. Just… Ibiki.
You, on the other hand, should be well-known to him.
“He’s been made Jonin recently,” Inoichi explains and you straighten in interest.
“Can’t he talk for himself?” You ask because you hate that he’s made Jonin before you. Even if he’s one year older than you, you’ve been handled as the Families Genius for years.
“He can.” Ibiki’s voice is deep, even at sixteen. “I’m going to be assistant to the leader of the Intelligence Division.” 
You gape in shock, turning back to your brother. “I was going to be assistant!” 
You know you sound like a petulant child, but he’d promised you this position the moment he’d known he’d become Leader.
Inoichi has the decency to look ashamed. Ibiki looks like he could care less.
“Since your abilities are so similar, the Hokage thought it would be better to have someone else take the role of the assistant.” Ibiki points out dryly. “But I hope to work well with you as my assistant.” 
You move on instinct, but Inoichi is faster, grabs your hand before it can connect with Ibiki’s face. You’re not sure if you wanted to slap him or read his mind, but now you just look like a fool.
Ibiki is the right choice for the position, even if you don’t want to admit it out loud.
He works late when Inoichi can’t be bothered to, little Ino always a bit more important than work. His approach is so different from yours that it would be easy to push it aside but you can see that it works. It’s like two hands, entwined. It’s hard to tell where one starts and the other ends.
But he’s infuriating, impossible to crack.
More than once you’ve been called the most beautiful Kunoichi of your generation. You’ve learned to use your beauty in your work without anyone teaching you to the point that men spill their secrets at the sight of your lips or the flutter of your lashes. 
Not Ibiki.
When you have to leave Konoha for a mission and Genma and Ebisu are trying to subtly fight over who gets to share a tent with you, Ibiki tells them with a bored voice that they will share one tent, leaving you to take over the first watch.
Ibiki is a hard-ass, uncaring for anything that’s not his work.
That’s what you think until
You curse and grip your hand but there’s still blood dribbling down your arm.
“Let me see.” Ibiki is at your side in a heartbeat, pulling your hands apart to assess the damage.
“It won’t need stitches.” He exclaims. “But if you don’t want it to leave a scar you should use Chakra.”
“I know that.” You huff in indignation. “I’m trained in Medical Ninjutsu.”
“Then you’ll have no problem with helping yourself.” He points out and pulls you toward the sink only to step in the place you just vacated, inspecting your work. Even from this distance you can tell you haven’t done your best. You hate cutting onions. 
Ibiki doesn’t mention the uneven pieces and you turn back to the cut in your hand, calming yourself down enough to heal it up.
“Turn down the heat.” He points at the stove when you’re done. “And turn the fish.”
You stare at him in confusion. He takes a Spatula from a drawer and flips the filet in the pan without further comment. You feel like a little kid but not in a good way and you scramble to find something to hold on to.
“About next week’s interrogations.”
“I don’t think you should interrogate the Kiri-Nin.” His eyes are on a green vegetable you can’t name. He’s cutting it into thin stripes, his hand moving so swiftly it distracts you from his words for a moment.
You gape when you realize what he’s just said. 
“What? No! I was successful with his colleague when your method did not work. It’s my job!”
“Just because two Shinobi come from the same Village doesn’t mean they will both succumb to the same interrogation.” He points out.
You huff. “Let me try. If it won’t work, you’ll have free reign. But I’m sure it will work.”
“Oh? Did you have something planned?”
You straighten. “Of course. Most Kiri-Nin are used to harsher methods. It works well to establish a connection with them.”
He hums in thought. “How are you planning on doing that?”
You start to explain, quickly engaged in a conversation as he continues asking questions. It’s easy to forget that Ibiki is a hard-ass when he decides to act like a normal person.
“Please set the table.” He interrupts your explanation of a difficult Jutsu. “The plates are in this drawer.”
You straighten in surprise. You hadn’t noticed the time passing.
“Do you want some wine?” You ask when you set down the plates, your basket at the door attracting your attention like it’s True North and you’re an innocent compass drawn toward it.
“No alcohol in this house,” Ibiki announces from the kitchen.
“It’s just a little wine.” You huff.
“Nothing’s just a little wine with you.” His voice is calm but his words cut into you like knives made from ice. You freeze.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask, your voice dangerously low.
“You know what I mean.”
“No, Morino. I don’t.”
He turns, dares to lean his back against the stove behind him.
“I got the report from your last physical.” He announces. “Inoichi doesn’t know yet, but-”
“What?” You hiss. “Were you planning on telling him? Hm? To get me kicked off the squad?”
“You’re going to get yourself kicked off if you keep drinking like that.”
“I don’t have a fucking problem!” You yell. Something crashes loudly and you realize belatedly that you threw a plate at his head, the porcelain shattering on contact but hitting only the kitchen cupboards.
Ibiki doesn’t speak. Somewhere behind you, you can hear Neko mewling loudly, clearly indignant about the noise in her home. You can barely breathe, the room suddenly too small for you. You move toward the door without another word, grab your basket on the way out, and leave your shoes in your haste to get away.
You don’t have a problem.
Your team lead is dead, Ibiki has been captured and Ebisu keeps bleeding from a nasty cut on his arm. He’s the least helpful in this situation, mumbling non-stop as he goes through all the books he’s read, trying to find a strategy that might work.
The worst thing about this? It’s your fault. 
Well, that’s not entirely correct. You didn’t kill your team lead and you were not the one who barely missed Ebisu’s heart and instead cut into his arm.
But you’d been one heartbeat too slow, stumbling to catch up in a fight that would have been difficult to win even in top condition. 
You remember fighting with Ibiki on your way here, calling him a stuck-up bitch to his face when he refused to listen to your plan on implementing a new Jutsu. 
You remember him moving you out of the way, scarred hands warm on your skin as he pushed you to the side just moments before he was pulled from your sight. 
If you’d been faster, better, less intent on fighting him instead of your actual opponent, he’d still be here.
Right now you’d take being captured over sitting here with Ebisu.
There’s nothing quite like figuring out you’re not as talented as everyone thinks you are. Nothing like realizing your own failings just in time to see someone looking up to you, believing that you’ll be exactly what they need.
Ebisu is looking at you like that. “You’re the team lead now.” He says and your stomach churns so violently you have to excuse yourself.
You wish for the warmth that settles in your stomach after the first sip of Sake or the fuzzy feeling of safety that comes after a glass of wine. Everything but what you have now.
You promise yourself a six-pack of beer if you manage to find out where they’re keeping Ibiki. Your body won’t mind the extra calories if Ebisu keeps eating your rations as well as his.
When that is done, you promise yourself that new dress you’d been eyeing. It’s a deep shade of brown that makes you look like a delicate flower and reminds you a little bit of Ibiki’s eyes when he’s laughing - not that you’d ever tell him that. It’s crazy expensive but you’ll look amazing in it. It might even get Ibiki to show a reaction if only to sigh and tell you not to waste your money on things like this.
All you have to do to earn this dress? Break Ibiki out.
When you find him, his head is a bloody mess but he’s glaring up at you as you untie him.
“Took you long enough.” He jokes but winces when you move him.
“Can you walk?” You ask and put a hand on his neck to stabilize him.
“Sure.” He says but doesn’t budge.
“I don’t know much Medical Ninjutsu.” You explain as you position yourself, pulling his head gently into your lap. A lock of silver hair clings to your fingers when you pull them away and you stare at it. Whatever it is that makes you slip the lock of hair into your pocket, it shall stay hidden.
“Ah, don’t worry if it leaves a scar.” He jokes. “It will fit my face.”
He must notice how your breathing picks up as you struggle to keep your Chakra flowing. You’ve never minded the sight or smell of blood until now. There’s just so much of it and all of it is Ibiki’s.
“How’s Ebisu?”
“He’s fine.” 
“And you?”
“Just a little hungry.” You lie, fighting against the urge to throw up.
“Ebisu ate your rations?”
You sigh. 
“Why did you push me out of the way?”
“My work doesn’t care if I get a new scar or two. Your work does.”
You laugh shakily.
“You’re just saying that. In reality, you thought I’d not make it through their interrogation.”
You don’t sound angry, don’t feel it even though you think you should. He’d not be wrong in thinking it either.
“You would have made it through the interrogation without a problem,” Ibiki states calmly. “But they might have thought you don’t know enough and killed you.”
Your hands still on his skin. You barely managed to stop the bleeding.
“Ibiki-” You start, unsure what you want to say when Ebisu bursts through the door.
“Guys, we have to go! Oh, am I interrupting something?”
“Yeah, me trying to heal him.” You snap back. “Help me here. He can’t walk on his own.”
It’s a miracle that Ibiki makes it back to Konoha alive. That he survives the multiple head wounds. He doesn’t seem ashamed of his scars but you are. It’s another sign of your failings.
You never buy that brown dress but on weekends when you’re not on babysitting duty, you sit with a new six-pack of beer or a bottle or two of wine and fight the fear of being left behind.
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issybee06 · 5 months
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Part iii
Warnings: swearing, the council, violence, blood, poison, field surgery, scars, body image issues, Hatakes has dog teeth, flashbacks of every kind!, drinking
(Adj.) pleasing to the eye
“I don't want to go to the academy, Ka-chan.”
The tall woman sighed, pushing her short red hair out of her face as she dragged the little 5-year-old.
“Chibi-chan…I know you don't want to go, but you have to.”
The little girl puffed her cheeks, glaring forward, “it's gonna stink.”
The red-haired woman sighed, adjusting her yukata as she walked, “and remember, Kushina-san is going to pick you up because I have to return to the capital.”
The little girl frowned, fist-grabbing her dress skirt while she willed tears not to rise. The Academy was in view and she couldn't help but look down at her feet as they walked.
As the got to the entrance the woman smiled, raising a hand in greeting, “Sakumo-kun, hey!”
The white-haired man jumped a bit, startled by the red-haired woman's loud voice. When he saw who it was, he returned the smile and nervously waved back, “Risa-Hime, Kon'nichiwa.”
He looked down at the small girl, who ducked behind her mother's leg. She peaked out, studying the white-haired man with calculating eyes. Looking to his side, she was surprised to she a mini version of him but with a mask.
She furrowed her brows at him, and he glared back.
The man placed his hand on the little boy's head, ruffling his spiky hair.
“You remember Risa-Hime, right Kakashi?”
The woman laughed lightly, “Probably not…been a while since we've been away from the capital…”
She nudged the girl out, “(Y/n)…this is my very good friend Hatake Sakumo, and his son Kakashi. Sakumo and I were on the same Genin team.”
The girl cautiously came out from behind her mother, cheeks red as she bowed.
“Its very nice to meet you!”
Sakumo nervously laughed, “gosh, last time you brought her to the village she was just a baby.”
He smiled down at the girl, “it's very nice to meet you too, (Y/n)-hime.”
He nudged the boy, “Kakashi, why don't you and (Y/n)-hime walk to the classroom together?”
The boy frowned but nodded silently, and looked at the Girl.
“…lets go.”
She nodded with a light blush, following him as he walked through the gate.
The parents watched, Risa biting her thumb nail as she watched the little girl disappear.
Sakumo huffed with a smile, “…never thought we'd be parents.”
Risa snorted, “I was never going to be a parent, but you? You were always going to be a dad Sakumo, your too…”
He huffed, “too what?”
She smirked, “dog like.”
He pursed his lips, looking away, “…im not dog Like.”
She chuckled, her teeth still butting at her nail.
He looked over at her, frowning at her nail-biting, “I see you still have that habit.”
She narrowed her green eyes at him, and he chuckled.
“I do not, Baka…”
Opening my eyes, I groaned quietly. Inching my way to my alarm clock, I died a little inside when it read “7:20am”.
Great, only 4 hours of sleep.
I rolled onto my back, staring up at the ceiling as Saké jumped onto the bed to great me. He cried, pawing at me as he demanded to be let out of my tiny room so that he could get breakfast. He’ll probably bother Genma for it, Genma usually spoils the Ragdoll by feeding him egg scraps.
I sit up, scooting to the end of the bed before sliding on slippers. Looking down at my cloths, I make a face realizing I slept in my work pants. I kick the slippers off before shimming out of my pants, kicking them to the corner. I go to my draw, pulling out cotton shorts.
After getting redressed, I open my door and almost get tripped as Saké darts between my legs to trot down the hall.
“Fucking cat…”
I stumbled down the hall, accidentally bumping the corner as I entered the kitchen/living room area, and groaned. After living in this apartment for four years, you'd think I'd know how to avoid the corners.
I opened the fridge, grabbing the egg crate and the wet cat food. I placed the crate on the counter before grabbing a small bowl from the shelf and putting a spoonful of wet food in it. I placed it on the ground and huffed a laugh as Saké raced over to pig out.
Genma yawned as he walked out of his room, bare-chested. He scratched his head, squinting his eyes, “w…why the hell are you up?”
I clench my jaw, cracking an egg before putting into the pan.
“Meeting about that S-class poison. Forgot all bout it…”
Genma hums, walking over to rest his chin on my shoulder, “Eggs for me too?”
I smile, patting his cheek, “yeah, you too.”
A lot of people thought we were dating since we live together and are very close, but it was only because we found comfort in each other's company. I wouldn't say I'd never date Genma, but as years have gone by he's become like family to me.
He hummed, “how late will you be?”
Shrugging, I dish out two plates of eggs, purposely dropping a good size piece for Saké.
“Not too late, it's just a meeting.”
He nods, taking his plate to the table as begins to eat. I sit down across from him, blowing on my eggs before putting them in my mouth. Biting down, I felt a crunch and frown when I realized shells had gotten in. Extra protein I guess.
Saké, having finished the scrap I dropped for him, now was weaving his body around our legs and loudly begging for more. Genma giggled like a 5-year-old, dropping more for the Ragdoll. He really did spoil that cat.
I stood, emptying the rest of my eggs onto Genmas plate. “Im running late, clean up for me?”
He made a noise, egg in his mouth and I took it as a ‘yes’. I go down the hall To the bathroom, closing the door behind me and locking it.
I pulled my shirt off, then unhooked my bra with a sigh of contentment. I really needed a bra with a better wire, this one stabbed my armpits and didn't support me at all. I than shimmied out of my shorts and underwear, kicking it to the basket.
I then to the mirror, pulling my short hair into a bun. I frown slightly, eyes catching the long ugly scar going down my front.
Rin… did a good job, but she was mediocre at healing scars. I owe her my life, but I couldn't help the itching in the back of my head that told me that the scar made me…ugly. I, of course, know scars are not meant to be seen as ugly, but as marks that show I was still alive…but I still felt that ich.
Jumping into the shower, I scrub myself down from head to toe in lavender soap. It was calming, and coming from a clan that had animal…characteristics on my father's side, the smell wouldn't be too overpowering. I was also thinking of the Inuzuka that would be present, Inuzuka Tsume, and the silver Anbu that would be hiding in the rafters.
After cleaning, I jump out and towel-dry before walking across the hall to my room, getting a low and teasing whistle from Genma.
I walked back out, hitting Genma in the head with a scroll. I walk to the door, pulling my shinobi sandles on.
He grinned, “aw, no good bye kiss?”
He began to pucker his lips, making loud smooching sounds as he tried to grab me. I giggle, pushing his face away, “you wish.”
He gasps dramatically, “Oh dear Princess of Konoha! You wound me so!”
I roll my eyes, “Ittekimasu, Genma.”
He smiles, “Ittekimasu, (Y/n). Be safe out there.”
I smile, standing and opening the door, “I always am.”
“…so as you can see, our research shows that the poison drives from Fungis. Now, if we can narrow down which one, we can create the necessary cure and/or antidote.”
I finish, placing my notes down as the rest of the visible people in the room nod, murmuring.
Tsume huff, “and you suggest that the Inuzukas find this mushroom, yes?”
I nod, “Hai. With your powerful sense of smell, this would be elementary level for you.”
Play her, paise her and she'll take the bait.
The older Kunoichi smirked, “hm, so the Chibi Hatake wasn't up for this?”
I bristle a bit, and Inoichi stands, “Anbu have more pressing missions, you however are free since you are just now come I G out of maternity leave.”
She huffed, “second one was harder to train then Hana, not my fault.”
I smiled, “so will you take the mission?”
She waved me off, and I frowned, “Yeah, yeah. I'll do it, just give me the sent so I can get this over with.”
Setsuko walks out, handing the wolfish woman a glass vial containing the poison. Tsume pops the cap open, and blue fumes waft out. She smifts the air around it, careful not to sniff the actual poison. With a shiver, she seals the Vail, “That's a strong smell, how do you work with this Senju-hime?”
My mouth goes into a straight line, and I don't respond. My father's Side was…a touchy subject.
She hums, handing the Vail back to Setsuko. She stands, and Inoichi and Ibiki stand as well, “Arigatō, Tsume-sama. This is very helpful for us.”
She scoffs, waving Inoicho off, “Call it a favor from an old friend.”
He smiles, and the crowfeet by his eyes become more apparent. He walks out with her, and Ibiki follows after. Setsuko and I begin to clear up the office room, gathering the extra poison vials and notes.
I look up, and I see that stupid dog mask smiling down at me as he crouches on a beam. Setsuko looks over, smiling, “ready?”
I roll My neck, “ah, not yet. I'm gonna hang back and read over the notes one more time. I'll catch up, kay?”
The younger girl blushes, nodding, “H-hai, Senju-hime. See you back at the lab.”
She leaves, slipping out the metal door and closing behind her.
“…shes cute.”
“Shes not your type.”
He jumps down, landing soundlessly onto the table, not even making a tube rattle.
“Maa, I wasn't talking about for me.”
“Shes Not my type either, she's 16.”
He huffs lighly, a laugh.
“16? And working in TI?”
I look boredly over at him, “look who's talking, Mr. “I joined Anbu at 13”.”
He leans back on his hands, crisscrossing his legs as he tilts his head playfully, “I was asked.”
I hum, crossing my arms, “still did it.”
He hums back, tilting his head to the other side, “saw what you did, with Tsume-sama. You played her.”
I scoff, “I did no such thing, honestly I'm appalled you'd even suggest I played a clan head.”
I was grinning, and I could tell he was too busy his his chakra warmed a bit.
I furrow my brows at him, “what?”
He gave a snort of a laugh, “your accent.”
I raise my brow, “accent?”
He raised a hand, gesturing to me, “When you talk for long enough, you say things in a snooty capital accent.”
I scoff, laughing as I shove him, “I do not have a snooty capital accent.”
He laughs, jumping off the table, “you do though! Ever since we were kids!”
I roll my eyes, opening the door as he follows After me.
“I don't have an accent…”
He huffed, walking with md to the lab, “It's gotten less noticeable since you first moved here, but it's there.”
I shake my head, opening the door to the lab and peaking in to make sure Setsuko east in there. Sighing, I open it more.
“It was a light accent when I got here! Barely noticeable.”
He scoffed, walking in as I shut the door. He sat down in my rolly chair, “it was so bad I couldn't understand you for two weeks, (Y/n).”
I shake my head, moving over next to him to place the vials back into their protective case. He leans back, watching me.
“It was not a bad accent...”
He chuckles, “no…it was cute, you used to get so frustrated when people picked on you for it. Never seen someone get so red.”
I scoff, looking down at the dog mask.
“Yeah? And was it cute when I punched Ebisu in the face because of it?”
“No, that was hilarious and I wish I had a video of it.”
I roll my eyes at Him, reading over my notes. Kakashi and I were close…we’d been closed since we first met, considering his close our parents were.
Sure…we didn't talk for a sold 2 years after the nine-tails, but now things started to feel normal…even if it was only when he had that stupid Dog mask on. When he didn't, he got quiet, barely speaking when he did talk, and couldn't hold any eye contact. Kskashi without inu…was the same Kakashi who lost his team and family.
But when he had that mask on, he was hiding that side of him. He was fearless, playful, and more open…
It was Inu, not Kakashi.
“Are you coming with all of us to Ichirakus?”
He shifted s bit, his chakra growing colder.
“Ah, no. I have a mission tonight, sorry.”
I frown a bit, concerned. He had been taking back-to-back missions more often, A and S class mostly. My eyes softened for him, understanding why.
It was his escape, however unhealthy it was, he needed the rush of a mission to keep him going. He craved it, like a drug, and no matter how many times he tries to quit he'd go back full force the next day.
The only way he was leaving the anbu was either being pulled…of death.
I burst out laughing, leaning drunkenly on Genma as we all watch Gai sing off toon to music from the karaoke massine.
We left Ichiraku hours ago and had stumbled in here after Asuma challenged Gai to a singing competition, and I've got to say, Gsi sure did have some pipes.
Maybe the ciggerets were ruining peoples voices, because Asuma couldn't hold a note to save his life.
Kurenai and Asuma burst out laughing, falling out of their seat as Gai began to dance magic mike style to the music. Gai Really was the life of every party, always so bright and good.
I smiled softly, and I looked over at Genma. Smirking, I follow his eyes to the bar area.
“You should go talk to her.”
His face turned Scarlett, “w-what?! I can't do that!”
I roll mg eyes, “go on. I need the apartment to myself something, you know?”
He kissed my cheek, “thank you wing man.”
I smiled as I watched him go, noticing all my friends were getting tired. Asuma, who was less drunk than Kurenai pulled her up, “I'll walk her Home, you got Gai?”
I nod, smiling, “always.”
I groan, coving the tall mans mouth, “Gai, my love, I beg of you to shut up.”
He smiled lazily, resting his head on mine and we walked to his apartment, “but that song is sooooo youthful.”
I laugh, shaking my head at Him as I help him up the stairs.
“Keys, Gai.”
He clumsily hands them over, and I giggle down at the little turtle charm.
I help him in, steering him towards his room. I wince as I bumps into a corner, but he just giggles.
As soon as he hit his bed, he was out, and I moved his trash can over to his bed if he got sick.
Walking to his kitchen I filled a glass of water up, then went to his bathroom to dig up Advil for his ragging headache that was sure to come in the morning.
After double checking the windows, I close the door behind me. I walk down the stairs, wrapping my jacket closer to my body to protect myself from the cold.
I walked home, eyes on the snowy ground. I was sobering up, and couldn’t help but let my thoughts wonder to my silver headed friend.
He…really was in a hurry to die. Back to back A and S class missions weren’t healthy for any shinobi, especially one with Kakashis mind. It was too…broken, off center.
“I swear, I’m going to force him into therapy..” I mumble as I climb my stairs, opening my door.
I draw back, my sensitive nose filling with the smell of iron.
I draw my kunai out, holding it at the ready as I scan my living room. No one.
I move forward, sensing Chakra from the bathroom.
I silently pad towards the door, kunai up and ready to strike. I twist the knob, and walk in with my sharp canines bared and my kunai raise.
My eyes widen, and I drop the kunai.
He looked over at me lazily, sitting in my tub as blood flowed out from his side. Saké, was next to him.
“W-what the fuck?! Why didn’t you go to the hospital?!”
I go to grab him, completely sober now, but he just snaps at me, baring his own canines at me and I only now come to realize both masks are gone.
“N-no. No hospital.” He glares, gasping air as he groans and hits his head on the back wall.
“F-fix me. I-I trust you.”
My eyes widen and I look absolutely terrified, “I-I can’t do medical ninjutsu! You know that!”
He grabs my hand, blood making stains on my skin. His mismatching eyes look at me half lidded, “I. trust. you.”
Then he passes out, slumped over himself and bleeding out in my tub. Of fucking course he does.
I groan, looking up as I will myself not to cry.
“You stupid asshole…”
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genma-support-group · 4 months
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The Love of Arrangement
Rating: Explicit
Summary: The population of the Leaf -the shinobi- has fallen below the acceptable baseline. Forcing the Third Hokage to call for the marriages of all the available ninjas who aren't already married to be assigned a partner they deem fit for their abilities. This order has caused problems for many, including that of Ibiki Morino and his lover Mayumi. Will they follow the order or risk being arrested?
Tags: One-Sided Relationship, Drama & Romance, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Shameless Smut, Pet Names, Impregnation, Forced Pregnancy, Some Plot, Arranged Marriage, Established Relationship
A/N: It won't let me put the full story on here, so the link below is the complete first chapter.
Warning: AO3 link is for those that have an account!
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A young woman leans on the railing of a small bridge across the river that cuts through the lower parts of the village before curving up and through the northeast section of the Leaf by the East gates. A woman sighed as she held the tan envelope that held her future as a female ninja in the Leaf. But as she was lost in thought, eased by the sounds of the river below, Ibiki, a man she called her lover and her future husband to many friends, approached without a sound. Wrapping his arms around her, she rested a hand on his forearm covered by his long black coat sleeve. She had bought him years prior, a gift from a friend they considered themselves to be at one time.
“I only hope it's you in this envelope,” The woman’s voice was shaky, tears threatened but never fell. “Ibiki what if you aren’t the one they picked for me?”
Ibiki was silent for a time, his normally dark eyes lightened for a moment before he spoke. “Hush, Mayumi our fates might have been decided for us but,” He held her close but not before he dug around in the deep pockets of his long coat. “Before this order was made, I bought you this,” He pulled out a small box that he opened, which held a small diamond ring. “I was going to ask you to be my wife, if I had asked sooner then we wouldn’t be separated.”
Mayumi’s eyes filled with happiness before the light vanished, as there was no way to continue this relationship without going against the Third Hokage. A man that they both respected and she knew better than to ask such a thing from a man as loyal as Ibiki. She held the box as tears ran down her cheeks, she was nothing more than a mess of a person as she stared at the ring. If this were any other day, she would say yes without question, but now she finds herself locked in a decision. Who is her new partner, and why is fate so cruel?
“I want to spend our last day together, making love like we always do after a long mission, and I want that to be the last memory I have of you.” She says through tears as she hands the box back to him.
“I can do that, but know that no matter what I will always love you, Dove.”
Grabbing him by the zipper of his green vest, they embrace in a long, hungry kiss. Her small hand travels down his chest, mid-section, and finally stops at his crotch where he lets out a moan. Pulling away from her for a moment, locking eyes before placing the box back in his pocket and picking her up. Mayumi let out a yelp as Ibiki set off for his apartment which was only a couple of blocks away, which was nothing for a man his age. She held on to him, as though her life depended on it and that’s when she says those words she was saving for their wedding day.
“I love you, Ibiki,” She looked up at him, but she failed to see his eyes that grew wide at her confession. “I only wished I could have been a Morino instead of whomever I was picked for.”
“Don’t say such things, when we will be separated from one another, it’s only going to hurt us more.” He struggles to say as he lands on the small patio that is located in front of a sliding door.
Pushing her up against the glass door, their lips crashing into one another as people walk unaware of the passionate kissing that is happening above. Pulling himself away as he rests his head against hers, the metal of his headband rests against her warming skin. She closed her eyes as her lips curved into a smile as she took deep breaths drawing him in for another deep kiss. As her right hand searches for the handle that was always left unlocked for their nightly visits. But his hand beat her to the handle as he pulled away from her, a smirk growing on his face as he gestured for her to enter the home.
As he closes the door behind him, he grips her wrist and his eyes burn with lust. Faint words leave his lips, causing her to rub her thighs together at the thought of being railed. Pulling her in close as he unzips her vest, revealing the fish netting that was underneath, where only a crop top covered her nipples and some of her breasts. Swallowing the pool of saliva he plants a needy kiss onto her lips, where she yelped in surprise, not by the kiss itself but the level of neediness it filled her with. And without realizing it, she let out a moan that only egged him on. His large hand suddenly moved down to the shorts that kept him from what he wanted—what they wanted.
“Ibiki,” Mayumi says between kisses, feeling her shorts fall to the ground along with his long black coat. “Slow down, we don’t need to go so~~”
“Hush, Dove, let me take care of you.” Ibiki finishes as he kisses down her neck, and her chest as they move to the single bed that was pushed up against the wall.
Laying on the mattress, Mayumi’s chest rose and fell as he continued to kiss down her now naked body. He paused just above her privates, giving a look that searched for her answer, and with a quick nod she allowed him to continue. Pulling off his right glove as he licks his lips, using his right hand he spreads her wet folds that pull a groan from her lips. Mayumi had always loved the way he would spread her open, and use his tongue in ways that drove her to see God. And this time wasn’t any different, so she thought.
“I love you, Mayumi, beyond your understanding.” He stated before his hot breath drew another whimper from her lips.
The feeling of his breath on her aching pussy caused her to cry out, forcing another hush to fall from his hungry lips. As he positions himself comfortably between her aching legs that hang off his shoulders. Gently running his pointer finger up her folds that were soaked in her arousal, forcing him to hold back his moans as he got a taste of her. Moaning at the bitter yet sweet aftertaste, before pushing one of his thick fingers into her cunt. Causing her chest to rise and another moan that turned whimper falling from her lips.
His pace was unforgiving, thrusting his pointer finger in and out, whispering words of encouragement as each thrust pulled her closer to her release. “A little faster, baby, just—just a little more!” She barely says above a whisper as she tries to muffle her cries and begs.
Smirking as he speaks in a low voice riddled with lust. “I’ll add another finger, and maybe another one for good measure, just to get you ready for me.” Before doing just that, adding another finger to the wet messy hole she called a pussy.
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Tag List: @helenarasmussen87 @n0vqni
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I have put us through enough angst!!! Time for some fluff/ something heartfelt in GOS.
Now I'm not sure if its the same for you, but I like to subscribe to the idea that once a god gives their word/ promises something, they can not take it back. They can add clauses, contingencies and clever word use to ensure there is a backdoor/ trick someone into something, but breaking a godly promise is not allowed.
And although Kakashi is mortal, I think instinctively, he always avoided words like "I swear I'll" or "I promise to" to others. And a rare time he did, he always kept them.
Now here's the fun bit: what if because of his promises on his and Gai's wedding day, he will one day be the reason this will be Gai's last mortal life, and that he too will reach godhood with him.
Like he had written out a speech ahead of time (classic Kakashi) but the moment he and Gai are in front of the village. In front of all these friends, families, and unbeknownst to him, an entire pantheon of gods/ immortal beings... he just speaking from his soul. Words love love that have been trapped inside him for centuries.
And in the end, he doesn't promise to love him to the end of his life, not to death do we part, but that they will stand by each other's side, fully dedicated, until the end of eternity...
And it will be a promise, in front of all these gods, that he will have to commit to.
Kakashi not knowing that his words are going to be kept for all eternity, and the main reason Hashirama and even Madara finally agree it’s time something changes
(Is Madara happy to have a god who will happily fight him over and over again? Of course! Hashirama is brilliant of course but it has been thousands upon thousands of years since he had a new and interesting challenge)
Also, maybe Kakashi will stop flooding villages and even the world now that he doesn’t have to lose his favorite mortal. That would be nice 🥰🥰🥰
But in all seriousness, even though it’s technically the promise of a mortal the gods heart it and they have every intention of making sure it’s kept. Gai can finish his life on the mortal plan, but the next time he dies he’ll be looking for Obito but instead will be greated by Ibiki and Kakashi (can’t not have Kakashi there. He will bite you if you try and tell him he can’t come XD)
When Gai asks what’s going on, Ibiki just sort of rolls his eyes and places a hand against Gai’s forhead (Hashirama, Madara and Mito were going to do it, but for once Ibiki volunteered. He’d seen his lover break and murder over this mortal for centuries. He wanted to be the one to change it so that would never happen again)
Gai opens his eyes once again, but this time he’s not mortal or a spirit
He’s a God, and the first person he gets to see as a newly born God is Kakashi
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onmywaytofanfic · 1 year
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I am loosing my mind with soooooo many ideas, I definetly need to focus on one, maybe two and keep going from there. If not, this tumblr is going to be a disaster... althought it is a disaster already.
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ao3feed-hashimada · 2 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/h54fK9m
by That_Fandom_Trash
Right, so here's some extra stuff. It'll be fluff, maybe some angst. The chapters will be individual stories. The titles will contain the name and what the ship is for easy access.
If there's a ship you really want to see that's not a part of the main work, it'll show up here. Let me know if you want tagged in the chapter you wanted to see. (If I can do that.) "Eg: Snow Day - Naruto/Hinata - Suggested by User123"
I won't draft anything too spicy, it'll probably be heavy kissing at most then a fade to black.
Words: 5132, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Naruto: Konoha's No. 1 Knucklehead Konoichi
Fandoms: Naruto
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Multi
Relationships: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke & Yamanaka Ino, Hyuuga Hinata/Uzumaki Naruto, Uzumaki Naruto & Yamanaka Ino, Haruno Sakura/Sai, Haruno Sakura/Kankurou, Hatake Kakashi & Nohara Rin, Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka, Hatake Kakashi/Uchiha Obito, Hatake Kakashi/Maito Gai | Might Guy, Nohara Rin/Uchiha Obito, Gekkou Hayate/Uzuki Yuugao, Shizune/Umino Iruka, Mitarashi Anko/Umino Iruka, Shiranui Genma/Umino Iruka, Hagane Kotetsu/Kamizuki Izumo, Jiraiya/Orochimaru (Naruto), Jiraiya/Tsunade (Naruto), Katou Dan/Tsunade, Terumi Mei/Tsunade, Namikaze Minato/Uzumaki Kushina, Sarutobi Hiruzen & Shimura Danzou, Sarutobi Biwako/Sarutobi Hiruzen, Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Madara, Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Izuna, Senju Hashirama/Uzumaki Mito, Senju Hashirama/Uchiha Madara, Hyuuga Hanabi/Sarutobi Konohamaru, Moegi/Sarutobi Konohamaru, Hyuuga Hanabi/Moegi, Haruno Sakura/Karin, Haruno Sakura/Omoi, Hatake Kakashi/Yuuhi Kurenai, Hanare/Hatake Kakashi, Hyuuga Hinata/Inuzuka Kiba, Hyuuga Hinata/Yamanaka Ino, Hyuuga Hinata/Kankurou, Akimichi Chouji/Yamanaka Ino, Akimichi Chouji/Haruno Sakura, Akimichi Chouji/Karui, Aburame Shino/Akimichi Chouji, Maito Gai | Might Guy/Morino Ibiki, Hyuuga Neji/Tenten, Haruno Sakura/Hyuuga Neji, Hyuuga Neji/Uzumaki Naruto, Tenten/Darui, Terumi Mei/Ay, Kankuro/Sai, Baki/Morino Ibiki, Nagato/Konan, Konan/Yahiko (Naruto), Deidara/Sasori (Naruto), Uchiha Itachi/Yakushi Kabuto, Deidara/Uchiha Itachi, Hyuuga Hinata/Uchiha Itachi, Hidan/Kakuzu (Naruto), Deidara/Tobi (Naruto), Hoshigaki Kisame/Uchiha Itachi, Hoozuki Suigetsu/Karin, Karin/Uchiha Sasuke, Juugo/Karin (Naruto), Juugo/Uchiha Sasuke, Juugo/Kimimaro (Naruto), Haku/Momochi Zabuza, Hotaru/Utakata (Naruto)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Alternate Universe - Domestic, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst and Hurt/Comfort
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/h54fK9m
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redlineoffate · 1 year
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@aklramenai said: ⭐ *grabby hands*
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Atla muses
Zuko, Azula, Aang, Toph @ Iroh
Aang @ Roku, Kyoshi
Toph @ Lin
Zuko @ Izumi
Team 7, Kushina, Tsunade, Lee, Itachi, Rin, Kurama, Toffee (OC) @ Kakashi
Naruto, Orochimaru, Tsunade, Asui Tsuyu, Kurama, Toffee (OC) @ Jiraiya
Kakashi, Tsunade, Kushina, Orochimaru @ Sakumo
Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Lee, Karin, Kurama, Toffee (OC) @ Hinata
Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Lee, Karin, Hinata, Toffee (OC) @ Neji
Tsunade, Naruto, Toffee (OC) @ Kashin Kojin (angst!)
Ameyuri, Toffee (OC) @ Zabuza
Kakashi, Tsunade, Toffee (OC) @ Ibiki
Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Lee, Tsunade, Kakashi, Toffee (OC) @ Shikamaru
Naruto, Kakashi, Hinata, Sakura, Tsunade, Lee @ Mirai
Tsunade, Naruto,Orochimaru @ Satsuki, Yoshikado
Tsunade, Orochimaru @ Tobirama
Naruto, Toffee (OC) @ Teuchi
Naruto, Hinata, Sakura, Kurama, Tsunade @ Himawari
Naruto, Sakura, Hinata, Lee, Tsunade, Sasuke, Toffee (OC) @ Ino
Kakashi, Kushina, Tsunade, Orochimaru @ Inoichi
Kimetsu no Yaba
Mitsuri, Tanjiro, Nezuko @ Zenitsu
Mitsuri, Giyu @ Gyomei
Tanjiro, Nezuko @ Mizan ( maybe demon au?)
Mitsuri, Tanjiro, Giyu @ Rengoku
Tanjiro, Nezuko @ Giyu, Urokodaki (found family!)
Mitsuri, Giyu @ Uzui
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thespookymoth · 3 years
✨Genma Week 2021 ✨
It's Genma Week 2021!
@genmaweek Since I saw the prompt "But Did You Die?" I had to write this. Follow the Link ➡️ Dressed Up Rating: Mature Relationship: Hatake Kakashi & Shiranui Genma Characters: Shiranui Genma, Hatake Kakashi, Maito Gai | Might Guy, Hagane Kotetsu, Kamizuki Izumo, Morino Ibiki, Sarutobi Asuma, Yuuhi Kurenai Tags: Friendship, Campfire stories, Missions going wrong, Banter, Light Angst Summary: “You can’t deny the fact you always have the most amazing stories to tell,” Izumo said, taking one of the sticks with the fish, offering it to his partner.
Grumbling Kotetsu took it. “Fine, one story. But first I want to hear something by Genma.”
“Shouldn’t be Kakashi first? He is the squad leader after all.”
“And as the leader I think it’s your turn, Genma.”
He really didn’t like the amused glint in Kakashi’s eye, the other one as usual covered by his hitai-ate. Being at his mercy could be a good or a bad thing. He respected him as a shinobi. He counted him as one of his friends. But he wasn't his entertainer.
“If you insist I will tell you about a mission that went so wrong that I ended up in a dress in Amegakure.”
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kagami--uchiha · 3 years
The sacrifices we never wanted to make
Starter for @konoha-interrogation
The attack was sudden. So sudden and relentless that no one really expected it to happen like it did. It was a day like any other, shining sun and clear sky, everything in its usual bustling everyday life.
Until it wasn’t anymore. It was one immensely loud explosion, an attack unlike any that the Shinobi had known, eradicating a great part of the village, just like that. It could almost be described as in the blink of an eye, a lot had already died from that, but those who survived looked onto the horror that was just the beginning of something far bigger.
Surely it was his duty, not just because he was a shinobi, but also because he wanted to viciously defend what he loved and even as seasoned and talented as he was in fighting, no amount of training could have prepared him for something like this. It was only one of them, a female, but for all she was alone, she made up for the summons she called upon. Especially one hound, that just grew more heads the more he tried to defeat it, so while being cornered, he used a great portion of chakra to bring up one of his biggest Jutsu.So after forming the seals necessary, he draws in a deep breath announcing his “Katon: Yurika no Jutsu!” after which multiple Fireballs were shot out, hopefully eradicating the summon after the last of the balls would roll over it. The downside of course was the chakra drain coming with it, so with deep breaths, sweat dripping down the tip of his nose he crouched down, hoping to have some time to recover and maybe get a chakra-pill somewhere.
What he didn’t take into consideration, was that even after the summon was gone, there still could be an enemy waiting behind, which sadly held true, as a figure stepped out from the smoke and ashes that covered the alleyway at that very moment. A dark, dangerous voice then let his name roll over their tongue, seemingly enjoying that tremble that wrecked his body before he came to a halt right in front of him.
“I would have always expected you a little taller, considering how much fear you spread all throughout the five nations.” And even in this obvious defeat, he was still being taunted for his height, great. Ever so slowly the enemy produced a sharp chakra rod out of their palm, breaking it off and aiming at his very head.
“I am sure generations will still be honoring your name, Kagami Uchiha.”
So this was how he would die, huh? So be it then, the only thing he regretted… Was to not having spent more of his time with the only person he ever learned to love.. And so he closed his eyes in the hopes to at least call upon memories he treasured.
“... I am sorry, Ibiki..”
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uchihashisui-kun · 2 years
Imagine a Time Travel AU where there's no major angst or struggles. Shisui wakes up after dying and decides to make it everyone's problem
Instead of being depressed or troubled or whatever he looks at himself in the mirror and goes "You know what? Following the rules and trying to get as little attention as possible got me dead. Now we do things my way"
No one understands how Shisui went from 'friendly and energetic but manageable' to 'fucking unhinged and impossible to control' in the span of a single night and he loves it
He doesn't break the rules nor does he do anything that could have him branded as a traitor, but he works hard to find any loophole possible in every law ever created, he does missions his way and makes sure to do everything the mission asks him to... But the wrong way
Hiruzen is still trying to figure how does that work
Kakashi hears about it from Itachi and decides that he must become friend with Shisui just to be trolls together. Somehow Gai gets roped into this as well, and he immediately loves how Shisui is just as weird as him but different at the same time
At some point a glitter bomb explodes in the Hokage office the exact moment Danzō is in there alone. No one saw Shisui put up the trap. No one saw him entering and leaving. No one has proofs that it was him, and thus no one can do anything about it
Ibiki has a constant migraine because Inoichi keeps sending Shisui to T&I once every two weeks for an examination to try and understand if this is some sort of mental breakdown, but Shisui always comes out of there with the results being nothing short of perfect and a smug smile on his face
Anko once witnesses Shisui using shibari rope to tie up an enemy in the most NSFW way while acting like it's completely normal. "This is the best way to tie someone up, don't you think Anko-san? The ropes pull at aa~all the right spots to completely paralyze the enemy!"
She wants him as her best friend
Shisui starts attracting every single weird shinobi/kunoichi of Konoha while Fugaku's hair start going grey because the police has no proof to arrest Shisui even if he knows full well that he's the one doing all the trouble
Shisui targets the Uchiha who are pro-coup enough times that Fugaku convinces himself that this is all a plot from the Hokage to stop them and he ends up begging Hiruzen to just stop this madness and that they won't even think about the coup anymore
Shisui stops targeting them as much once they actually start working to make things better. Meanwhile Danzō is wondering who the fuck is skilled enough to infiltrate into the ROOT HQ and target him without ever being caught and no one ever seeing anything
Shisui is cackling like a madman in the background and Itachi is honestly worried that his friend might be insane for real
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dira333 · 9 months
Unwavering III - Ibiki x Reader
this is for @snuggleboots (taglist is open)
Warnings: Reader is dealing with psychological aspects of her work and she's having trouble with alcoholism. Please do not read if this triggers you.
Masterlist - Part II
Are you ready for some action?
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Two months after that first night you slept over, you step into your apartment to get a present you bought early only to realize that you can’t tell when you’ve last been here for more than half an hour.
You wonder how Ibiki feels about you living at his place permanently. 
He seems undisturbed in his routine for the most part. Doesn’t seem to care that you always wake up curled around him like a question mark. 
You could probably walk around naked and he wouldn’t care.
But there are moments when he freezes up.
When you’re cozied up with Neko. When you’re on your period, hair unkempt and body unwashed, vegetating on the Couch in one of his shirts with an industrial-sized bag of chips. 
When you put salt into the pudding instead of sugar or when you forgot to take out the cherry pits before making jam, almost losing a tooth when you taste-tested it.
It’s cozy to live with him. There’s always Neko to come home to, even if he’s on a mission. Even if your bed is a little too small to share.
He’s a good cook and an even better teacher. He doesn’t mind if you want to talk after work or stay quiet. He calls you out on your laziness and lets you off the hook more often than not.
If he ever decides to throw you out, you might have turned into a decent cook, but you’ll sure as hell miss him and his annoying fat cat.
You’re celebrating Guy finally making Jonin tonight and you know exactly what you want to wear. The dark brown dress you never bought.
You don’t know if Ibiki was invited to the party as well but you already know it would not affect him. It would affect others though and maybe that’s what you need to get out of whatever this was you had going on with Ibiki.
You choose a dark green dress instead, not as low-cut as you normally wear but with an open back to show off. You choose your lipstick carefully from the multitude of colors you still have in this apartment. You know you look good but something is off.
You realize what it is when you step inside Kakashi’s apartment and someone presses a cup into your hand, the liquid splashing over the rim and covering your fingers. The smell makes you want to throw up. 
“Thank you.” You tell Raido with a smile. His eyes linger on your lips. You want to go home.
“Where’s Guy?” You ask and he points somewhere to his right. You follow his direction and land in the kitchen where you pour your drink down the sink, wash your hands, and pour yourself Orange Juice with a generous splash of raspberry juice until your drink looks almost the same as the one in the giant punch bowl. 
You take a sip and flinch at the sweetness. It will do.
The noise leads you to the open deck and the garden where most of the people have accumulated.
Guy’s proving to everyone that he’s able to carry both Kakashi and Asuma at the same time, both men more interested in their drinks than the person carrying them.
“Y/N!” Guy calls out when he spots you. “My flower of Youth!”
You roll your eyes fondly and fling your present at him, knowing full well that he’s capable of catching it. And he does, rips away the wrapping paper to reveal a green jumpsuit that’s way too small for him.
“What’s the meaning of this?” He asks, holding it up. “I don’t have a child.”
“For your future students.” You point out. “May they be worthy of your training.”
Guy looks like he’s about to cry. Asuma has already moved out of his reach but Kakashi’s still standing there, seemingly interested in his drink. Guy wraps an arm around him as if suddenly unable to hold himself up. uses him as a makeshift crutch until he’s close enough to you to hug you, much too tight to be comfortable.
“I like your dress.” Guy declares loudly when he lets go of you again. “We match.”
You smile and pat his head. 
“Of Course. You made Jonin after all.”
Another Newcomer diverts Guy's attention. 
“Ibiki!” He calls out in surprise. “What brings you here, my friend?”
“I was invited.” Ibiki points out stiffly. You smother a giggle behind your drink. Ibiki’s eyes cut to yours, then to your cup. His mouth is a thin line as always but you already know what he’s thinking.
“Where’s your present?” You ask Ibiki. “Forgot it at the office?”
“No. I did not bring a present.” Somewhere behind you, Raido boos loudly. 
“I thought long about what Guy would need as a Jonin. But I found that he might only need our assistance and that he has in spades.”
Guy tears up immediately. You think you hear Kakashi snort but that could be your imagination.
Guy leans forward, probably to pull Ibiki into one of his hugs, and you move to intercept.
“Oh, Anko!” You smile at her. “You’ve just come in too, right? Guy, Anko’s here too.” You turn your friend a little and grab Ibiki’s arm when you’ve succeeded.
“Let’s get you a drink, boss-man.” You don’t have to pull, he’s following you without hesitance into the kitchen that’s still as blissfully empty as before.
“What are you drinking?” He asks quietly.
“A disgusting mix of orange and raspberry juice.” You hand him the cup. “But it looks like the Punch everyone else’s drinking. Do you want Soda or something else?”
Instead of an answer, Ibiki pulls you back to him.
You open your mouth, to ask, to protest, you’re not sure. Instead, your lips meet his.
Someone sighs softly and you can’t tell if it’s you or him. 
But it’s your hands that curl into his shirt. Hold him close until you hear footsteps coming closer, the noise making you shoot apart. 
There’s not even a hint of red on his lips and you’re glad you decided to wear kissproof lipstick tonight, not knowing you’d need it.
Kakashi steps into the kitchen and you stare at him as if he’s a ghost. He blinks.
“Everything okay with you?”
“This has way too much sugar.” Ibiki points out calmly from your side. He’s got your cup in his hand, taking another sip as if it’s his. Your heart’s still beating loudly in your ears.
Did that really happen just now? Or did you fall victim to a Genjutsu? Wait, is he just drinking out of your cup right now?
“Well, no one said you had to drink it.” You point out angrily, “I’ll get you a Soda.”
“Afraid of the Punch?” Kakashi asks and grabs the bowl. “Raido made it.”
“I’m not drinking alcohol.” You say like it’s nothing. Kakashi freezes in his movements. Now it’s him staring at you like you’re a ghost.
“Since when?” Wow, you really must have had a problem if even Kakashi is perturbed by this.
“Two months.” You find the bottles of Soda - not in the fridge because this is Kakashi’s place and he’s never been normal about things like these - and toss one to Ibiki before taking one for yourself. “Glad you noticed.”
“I was wondering why you weren’t hanging out as much.” Kakashi points out. “Thought you got a boyfriend.”
Your eyes don’t flicker to Ibiki because you’ve got control of yourself. You’re a Jonin and a damned good one. But you’d lie if you didn’t think of him the moment Kakashi mentioned the dreaded term. If your lips didn’t start tingling. 
But it must have been a Genjutsu, right? Why else would Ibiki still be as nonchalant as he is now? Well, two could play that game.
“Yeah? Well, maybe I got one.” You tease and take your juice back from Ibiki. It’ll probably taste better mixed with Soda.
“Dude!” Raido shakes the chair next to him. “Sit next to me.”
“I think he means you.” You tell Ibiki loudly, knowing full well that Raido likes Ibiki about as much as he likes Dentists. 
Raido’s face falls for a second before he reconsiders his strategy. 
“No sitting together for the two of you.” He calls out and points at you and Ibiki. “You’ll just cheat.”
“Cheating is only needed if you can’t win in a fair fight.” Ibiki points out, sounding bored, and Raido huffs. “Whatever. Y/N, sit next to me. Ibiki can sit next to Guy or whatever.”
“Ibiki, my friend!” Guy welcomes him with open arms. “You’re also not drinking alcohol? We can share this bottle of pear juice that Kakashi gifted me.”
“What are you drinking?” Anko asks rudely to your right. She glares at the bottle of Soda in your right. “Where’s your Punch? Raido, didn’t you give the girl something decent to drink?”
“I’m not drinking alcohol.” You repeat, enjoying how satisfying it feels to say it out loud. You’re not drinking alcohol. That’s it.
Silence falls over your group of friends. Genma drops his Senbon, Asuma almost chokes on his Cigarette. Ibiki sits stone faced next to Guy who looks like he’s going to cry any second. Raido’s sitting slack-jawed. 
“What? Why?” Anko looks like you’ve grown a second head. “You’re always so much fun to drink with.”
“I’m pregnant.” Time freezes for a second. Raido’s now sputtering next to you like he’s fighting for his last breath. More than one pair of eyes flies from your face to Ibiki who looks just as bored as he’s looked seconds before. You feel a little sick. How has everyone picked up on your feelings for him when your best flirting leaves him as unbothered as the weather report.
“Just kidding.” You huff. “Gosh, like I’d deal with that weight gain. Nah, I just decided to join Guy in the community of Non-drinkers.”
“When did that happen?” Anko asks, clearly miffed by your choice.
“Ah, about two months ago.”
“So you hid away because you didn’t want to drink with us?” She crosses her arms. “I would have forgiven you if you finally got yourself a boyfriend but you know you can go out with us and stay sober, right?”
“Yeah, yeah.” You nod. “I just wasn’t sure if I’d cave right away. But I’m good now.”
“So no boyfriend?” Raido asks next to you, sounding a tad bit too hopeful for your likes.
“Doesn’t matter, she’s not interested in you.” Anko points out before you can. “Well, let’s get the games started then. Can we do knife juggling again? I love that game!”
You stay the longest out of all your friends, helping to clean up the mess even though you hate doing it. You’re a little afraid of what’ll wait for you at home.
Ibiki’s nowhere to be found and you’re not sure when he left. It’s frankly surprising that he even came. While no one from your friend group would turn their backs on him, he’s not exactly the most social guy. He’s up for a friendly chat in between missions if you meet him on the street, but he’s not the type of person you invite to get a drink together.
Which is a shame, to be honest. He’s awfully good to talk to, doesn’t shy away from getting into heated discussions that actually make sense, and listens to your points instead of waving them off because you’re just a pretty face.
You huff out a breath as you toss out the last bag of garbage. Kakashi’s snoring somewhere behind you, most of the group has conked out in the garden. Guy’s somewhere in the kitchen preparing a midnight snack.
“I’m going to be off now.” You tell him. He moves to hug you and you let him. It’s not as tight as it was when you came in and yet it feels like it carries more meaning this way.
“You and Ibiki, huh?” He asks, boyish grin lighting up his features.
“I don’t know what you mean.” You deflect. He snorts.
“Come on. I know you long enough to know when you’re interested in someone.”
“Sure,” You huff, allowing yourself to be vulnerable now that it’s just you and Guy. ”But me liking him doesn’t make this a thing.”
“That might be true. But I’m sure he cares about you. In his own way.”
You sigh. “Don’t you think it’s… weird?”
Guy stiffens. “Because of how he looks?” 
“What? No!” You protest and shuffle your feet awkwardly. This isn’t easy for you to admit. “Because he’s… smart. And tough. And one of the most talented Jonin I know and I’m just… me.”
“Don’t put yourself down. You’re amazing too.”
You huff. “Yeah, Guy. I’m really pretty. I’ve been told that so many times I’ve started to think there’s nothing else about me worth mentioning.”
“No, no.” He grabs you by the arms and lifts you, looks you in the eyes with a determination that’s so Guy it hurts. “You are smart. And powerful. And funny. And caring. You never give up!”
“Jeez, just kiss already.” You hear a voice behind you. You both turn to see Kakashi leaning against the doorway.
“How much did you hear?”
“Enough to wonder why you’re still here.”
“Where else would I be?” You ask.
“At Ibiki’s place, confessing.”
You sink back into yourself. Even with that kiss, you’re not sure this is a good idea. You might have imagined it, after all. Or it was a test and you failed.
After all, Raido had been flirting with you all evening and he’d not once reacted to that.
As it stands, you can’t run from this any longer. 
“Well,” you swallow the insecurity and hold it in your stomach where it burns. “I’ll try. Don’t tell the others in case it goes wrong.”
“Sure.” Kakashi nods and pulls you into the most awkward half-hug you’ve ever experienced. He’s definitely not a hugger. 
“We believe in you.” Guy pumps his fist in the air to emphasize his point.
taglist: @snuggleboots @missalienqueen
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Each week we will be introducing two of our fantastic Kakairu Reverse Bang Mods!
This week will be featuring:
We asked this weeks mods Animetrashmuffin and Bells to share a few words about each other's favorite work!
Bells’ favorite work of Animetrashmuffin's is...
"I mean this with all my heart, it is a torture to pick out a single work. Animetrashmuffin’s collection is so broad, varying and filled to the brim with the most iconic and emotion tugging work. She can bring both great fluff or great angst in mere moments. It is beautiful”
"If I must chose I will go with this recent work. From the moment I saw the sketches I was floored. It was so tender and passionate. The body language speaking volumes untold. The anatomy the attention to detail given to musculature, and how clothing would move and lay is spectacular. AHHH TOO MUCH TO SAY IN THIS SHORT ALLOTMENT! Last but not least we have to talk about the lighting. It is radiant and makes the mood completely shift. Truly Animetrashmuffin has outdone themselves! This is the art to to look at when you need soft Kakairu vibes to soothe your heart.”
“And I am not done because Animetrashmuffin is infact a double threat.”
Love is a horrible orange scarf
(T, 1.6k, No Archive Warnings Apply)
”This is a short fic but a good one! This fic is hilarious and soft and overall so fun!! I am absolutely in love with how dorky and sweet Kakahsi is around Iruka! I was absolutely hooked when I read this line “Kakashi seemed to wither under the constant onslaught until his eyes met Iruka’s and he seemed to perk up slightly (maybe his hair stood a little straighter but his back definitely didn’t).” Soft in love Kakashi is an absolute yessss! This fic is heartwarming, hilarious, and also has a bonus bit of art. Animetrashmuffin is a multi talented WONDER!!!”
A fun fact about this art from Animetrashmuffin: “Oh good, I was worried I wouldn’t actually have anything to say about this but I do! The lighting on this piece was actually an accident (a happy one) because I was messing with layer modes and flipped my shading layer from dark to light and voila! Super sappy just-back-from-mission feels! Also the brush that I used for the coloring was one that Ciça shared and I love it!"
Ihave-nocontrol- Bells
Animetrashmuffin's favorite work of Bells' is Anko’s Self Care Soirée
(T, 1.6k, No Archive Warnings Apply)
"Not only is it so cathartic to read about someone taking care of Iruka (the man does so much and we love him for it) but it’s also just self-care to read this fic in general. This fic is absolutely feel-good in a way that makes me smile to the point where my cheeks hurt and I’m smothering my giggles with my hand. Bells does so a lovely job of giving you just the right amount of angst to make the fluff HIT SO GOOD. Anyway, it’s short and perfect and I think about Ibiki in this more than I ever thought I would. Who knew T&I heads could be so sweet?"
A fun fact about this fic from Bells: "Ah well you see, this was a kinda a self indulgent fic for myself, but mostly it was an idea formed for my friend Bee who just so happens to share many of the things I adore!! At the time I was coming off what felt like a terrible writing block, so I decided to throw worry aside and quickly write something that was fun!I loved being silly in the fic and my favorite detail had to be Matcha, one of Anko’s beloved and beautiful summons. A not so secret fun fact is, I adore Anko through and through, she will usually appear in some way in my fics, and where there is Anko you can usually find Ibiki! Gosh I love my supporting cast, and adore kkir!
And that concludes the last of our Mod introductions! Hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about our team! We can't wait to meet you all soon.
Join in the fun! Sign Ups will be live until March 26th!
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cywscross · 3 years
For @badthingshappenbingo, for the square ‘Forced to Watch’
Title: to live (to be left behind)
Fandom: Naruto
Character/Pairing: Haruno Sakura & Hatake Kakashi, Haruno Sakura & Team 7, Haruno Sakura & Kyuubi | Kurama, Haruno Sakura & Inner Sakura, Haruno Sakura, Hatake Kakashi, Umino Iruka, Kyuubi | Kurama, Inner Haruno Sakura, Team 7, Mitarashi Anko, Morino Ibiki, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Orochimaru
Rating: T
Word Count: 5275
Summary: Sasuke doesn’t survive Orochimaru’s cursed seal, the Eight Trigrams Seal self-destructs under Orochimaru’s tampering, and when Sakura leaves the Forest of Death, it is with Orochimaru’s head, her teammates’ corpses, and a demon fox wrapped around her legs.
Tags: Canon Divergence AU, Character Death, Near Death Experiences, Angst, Dissociation, Corpses, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Ambiguous/Open Ending
Also Submitted For: - 100prompts Challenge - 016. Endless sorrow - Gen Prompt Bingo [Round 19] - Angst - Trope Bingo [Round 16] - Wake Up Call - Hurt/Comfort Bingo [Round 12] - near death experience - 100ships Challenge - #57. red
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!!!! IbiKaka
Who’s the cuddler?
Both but Kakashi's willing to admit it and Ibiki's refusing
Who makes the bed?
Kakashi. Ibiki's out the door early and Kakahsi has a routine before leaving that he has to follow to keep some control in his life.
Who wakes up first?
Ibiki. Kakashi always sleeps in
Who has the weird taste in music?
I feel like it's Kakashi but it could also be both.
Who is more protective?
Kakashi for sure. This is the man who will die protecting his friends. Few can match up
Who sings in the shower?
Hmmm i feel like this might be Ibiki. it would be funny
Who cries during movies?
Kakashi. Poor man needs an outlet and he's a sucker for a good romance movie
Who spends the most while out shopping?
Ibiki. Kakashi's the type of dude who convinces others to spend money for him XD
Who kisses more roughly?
Ibiki but Kakashi can give as good as he gets. He just never starts it
Who is more dominant?
My rating of the ship from 1-10.
9. Really cute, with lots of angst and worry potential since Ibiki is usually in the village working while Kakashi is a field shinobi. But also they can be soft and lovey when they're together
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yodda123 · 3 years
Ship Stories/Fanfictions Recommendation: Kakashi Hatake/Anko Mitarashi (KakaAnko)
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So I kind of like Kakanko
Since Naruto in a way became Kakashi's "light/hope" in life you could say. I could see Anko with him since she has similar personality to young Uzumaki. Almost being female!Naruto really xP (not Boruto version tho). 
And since both of them experienced being betrayed and left alone by people they looked up to (White Fang, Orochi), they could understand each other better then anyone else in village.
I always also found that there is a lot of potential for intriguing chemistry between those two. Calm and wild but both witty and trollish enough and a lot of unexplored story. And it’s good reflected in fics that I will recommend here. Now mind you, it’s not just ships fics. If you just enjoy their characters alone, you will also find something here.
Update/edit number God knows which one:I added few more
Dissimulation by Deviant Nation  and Dissimulation (Ending) by Jaded_nobody
| Drama/Adventure | Summary: Because little girls who are traitors with secrets untold and memories that can't be recalled are better off dead. This is for the sake of Konohagakure, this mission is a good thing. Or so the Council says. Anko was never meant to come home alive. |
This is not really KakaAnko ship fic. It’s Anko-centric story. Plot is dark so watch out but interesting and quite realistic. It dwells on what happend to Anko after Orochimaru’s betrayal. If you like just Anko alone as character you might still like it.
Now original story ends in the worst imaginable place! But good news! Other writer (Jaded_nobody) picked up story and is now writing ending for it. Please send support for this person if you enjoy it. Comments and positive reinforcement is one of the best motivations for writer to keep writing the story!
eyesight to the blind by meatballs in the impala
| Drama/Romance | Summary: After Naruto's departure, everything in Konoha changes, yet it somehow stays the same. Kakashi-centric. Kakashi/Anko. |
Now THIS is a gem of Kakanko ship. This fic lay fondation for my interpretation of Kakashi and Anko relationship. Writer really has great take on them. Their interactions are reallty entraining and they nicely bounce off each other while slowly developing believable bond. This fic was the reason why I started to like this ship, with Anko being little playfull sassy boss-bitch that she is and Kakashi’s sarcastic deadpan wit. It's still being updating but updates are slow. So again, comment as much good things you can for writer’s motivation.
Overall all author fics with this ship are a ton of fun. So check other works of her.
Rise of the Rokudaime by Nate Grey 
| Drama/Angst |  Summary: An assassination attempt on Konohamaru summons the winds of change in Konoha, and Kakashi finds that he can no longer ignore the beckon of destiny. Set during White Dog Night's timeskip. Not Another Romance |
There is really no shiping materal in this fic. It’s just Ibiki, Anko and Kakashi fun interactions and little bit of interesting politics in Leaf village.
Sweet Price to Pay by thir13enth
| Humor | Summary: Anko drags Kakashi to eat with her...at her favorite dango shop, no doubt. But what are her true intentions in bringing him along with her? Because she pitied him that he was always alone, or something more subtle? Suggested AnkoKaka |
Now in this one-shot they are quite mean to each other. Short and spicy I suppose.
Scar Deep by thir13enth
| Humor/Romance |  Summary: Complete. Trick for trick, joke for joke, plot for plot, wrapped all up in revenge-when will things get too far? KakaAnko |
Here is a bit of how their relationship could function if they were a pair.
Jealousy by sweetsheart
| Romance/Humor |  Summary: Anko's going to find out that dating arguably the most powerful ninja of her generation doesn't come without its quirks. With the arrival of the mail, jealousy rears its head – can Kakashi make it up to Anko? KakaAnko, T for language. |
One shot with fluffy wholesome feeling to it. It’s quite accurate interpretation, if they would be a couple, fitting for their personalities.
Returning Something by GrayWolf555
| Romance |  Summary: Memories fade, usually from time, but occasionally for other reasons. Anko gets back what was taken from her in the war. KakaAnko. Oneshot. M for a reason. Just some good, old fashioned smut. |
NSFW but quite nice dynamic of how they comfort each other in harder times. (After Asuma’s death)
Forged in Fire by AlphaEph19
| Adventure/Family |  Summary: The shinobi way of life is not kind to families. Many drift apart, or are torn apart. Sometimes the blood that binds relatives together becomes a curse. But not all families are linked by blood. Some rise up out of suffering, formed by individuals who have had enough of being broken down - they want to build anew. These are the strongest families... the ones forged in fire. AU |
Anko with Kakashi are forced by Hiruzen to helps with Sasuke's trauma after Uchiha massacre. So fluff it is.
Chasing a Legend by Voiceofsummer
| Adventure/Friendship |   Summary:  During one of the most crucial missions in the history of Konoha, Sakumo is forced to make an all too different decision. The White Fang dies as a hero and not in disgrace. The life of Hatake Kakashi is changed forever. AU. |
It has more ship teases then actually ship but it’s really good Kakashi-centric story during Third War.
Let Me Take Him by Durriken
| Humor | Summary:  What reason could Anko possibly have for wanting to help Naruto? Let's find out. |
Anko talk with Hiruzen about taking care of Naruto oneshot. Fluff? I think?
Dominion by  Don'tChaseWhat'sGone
| Drama | Summary:  Kakashi Hatake meets all the requirements befitting a Hokage. The strength of ten men, the respect of a village, and unwavering dedication. The toll it takes on unexplained relationships is a different story. |
Now this fic takes on a lot of interesting things and quite complications that this ship would face if they would be together. It touches on Orochimaru’s return to village after the IV war and Anko bitterness toward that idea and more.
Sensual Country by  EEevee
| Romance/Humor | Summary:   [challenge fic] Dancing, possessiveness, and country music. Why? Because country is sexy! XD . |
Summary speaks for itself. Anko’s suffering of reluctant dance partner.
Drunken Misery by Meda-Chan
| Summary: Ever since Asuma died, Kurenai drank everynight. Kakashi finds her outside the sake shop and helps her home, Anko with her......This as a kakashikurenaiAnko fiction requested...OK, I got the whole story on there now, im pleased with my reviews. |
Smut for smut although it’s kind of sad one.
The Interrogator by LunarSkies2383
| Romance/Humor | Summary: Anko Mitarashi can be a fierce interrogator. But concerning a certain dog she'll make him bark before the day is done. |
Again, it’s a lemon but this time fun one and more lighthearted
Gelato by LiraWM
| Romance | Summary: The icecream was never this hard to get and taste: KakashiAnko, KakaAnko |
Longer story with smut
Anko & Kakashi One Shots & Minifics   by seductivewifey 
| Romance/Angst  | Summary: This is an ongoing collection of my work dedicated to the kakaanko ship. I personally follow anime only so don't be surprised when things don't fall in line with the manga. This should also clearly tell you I don't own these characters in anyway. 🍋🍋🍋Everything is pretty citrusy so please no one under the age of 18. |
Now I generally don’t trust wattpad webste with good fics. But there are exceptions. And that’s one of them. There is smut a but really fun one. With Anko shining with her personality but also touching a little bit some of their insecurities. Alternative link
A Bad time for Poor Judgement  by Whistler1234
| Romance/Adventure  |  Summary: Kakashi has been charged with bringing in a rogue ninja but she has other ideas.Contains adult themes and language. |
So... this fic was deleted buuuuuuuuuuut thanks to black magic, the way to recover this fic was found... This story is ton of fun. The tags will give away that it’s hot smut story but with a lot of deceptive ninja elements in it. There is a lot of sensuality without even getting into the explicit scenes but it's not easy read. The way author write it, is quite ambiguous and leaves many "fill in the blanks" stuff.
Take It All Off by Annwyd
| Humor/Romance | Summary:  A lighthearted glimpse of the sex lives of personally dysfunctional ninja. AnkoKaka. |
I like things that are implied in this fic. Like the last line “Tastes like fabric”, I could find symbolic things in it xP
Friends by TwoTails
| Drama/Romance | Summary: NOW COMPLETE! 1st in AnkoKakashi Friends series. Anko is exhausted after coming back from a mission. An innocent drink or four with Kakashi leads to an interesting test between friends. M for future adult situations. PS, I don't own Naruto.  |
Lighthearted story of them becoming friends with benefits. Last chapter has smut in it but they have good fun flirting with Kakashi taking the lead this time. Author wrote many sequels to this. So check on author page for continuation of this fanfic.
Naruto: Altered History by Geor-sama
| Adventure | Summary: Meet Uzumaki Naruto, the number one prankster ninja. He lives in Konoha...and has a dark secret so large that NOBODY knows, not even Naruto.  |
Now this in not really Kakanko fic, it has only teases of the ship. But it’s good Anko story, it’s sells the idea of sensei Anko and her struggle of being a teacher. In that, Naruto was Anko's apprentice (his unusual graduation meant the teams were already decided etc) and there is a point where she realizes that she is teaching Naruto the same way Orochimaru taught her. Anko was very much invested in proving that she wasn't a monster because of Orochimaru in that fic which is notable given that some characters (like Kurenai?!) straight up hated her for it.
About a Book by Arkhe
| Humor | Summary: Anko's having a bad day and she's all up for sharing the pain. Kakashi becomes an unwilling participant. [Lime scented]  |
It’s sfw. Just Anko teasing Kakashi a bit, while giving her review about his  literatura.
Kage Regrets by MsSage
| Angst/Hurt/Comfort | Summary: As long as he didn't act on it, he mused, everything would probably be alright. Kakashi centric musings as he wonders about Anko, Iruka and everything else. Might do a chapter from Anko's POV if reviewers are keen for it, but its a one shot for the time being.  |
Now, this one is a bit tragic, no deaths in it, it’s just melancholic. But it’s well written, some of you may like it.
A Bite of Dango by jiemae
| Romance/Hurt/Comfort | Summary: She hated sweets—despised them, really. So it must have been a mistake that she wound up inside a fictional character known for loving them. It must have been. [SI-as-Anko—Drabble]  |
As it says, it’s self-insert. But Anko still feels like her, so I wil give it a pass. Plus bonus, Kushina and Minarto still lives in this one and trying to restore her memories.
To Feel Alive by Warrior and Scholar
| Romance/Hurt/Comfort | Summary: Kakashi loses a partner on a mission. Kakashi is hurt by the loss can Anko help him to feel alive? R&R Rated: M for later chapters.  |
Kakashi and Anko drink together and play around (but in sfw way, until last chapter). Kakashi may act a bit more goofy here then normal but he is drunk, so you know.
One Eye, Full of Wisdom by MrBright01
| Adventure/Humor | Summary: Kakashi survived his losses in spirit as well as in body, and having learned both wisdom and intellect from his experiences, he now seeks to pass those traits on to his students. Story emphasis is on tactical fighting, mind games, adventure, and the occasional bout of humor. GenFic, no story stealing OC's or creepy romance between children. Current Arc: Jashin Needs YOU. .  |
Fic doesn't focus on their shipping but they have great interactions there. Specifically in “Omake” chapters. You can read only those if you just want to see them trolling each other and others.
A Hero's Reward by PurpleFlamingo
| Romance | Summary: Kakashi was having a rough time, having died, talked to his father, and been revived, all in the span of a few hours. Now, he was in the hospital, recovering while the village was repairing itself. And, of course, Anko wanted to pay him a visit. After hours, of course. Kakashi/Anko  |
Just smut after the Pain defeat. With Anko and Kakashi not so subtly hiding that they are seeing each other.
Mission: Testing subjects by LiraWM
| Romance | 
SFW. Kakashi and Anko go on a mission test, when they have to pretend to be a married couple and discover the identity of their target that is testing their “gather information” abilities.  Yeah, the idea sounds cliche but it’s executed in a good way.
Histriōnis by viridian_house
| Angst/Hurt/Comfort| Summary: Anko has a favor to ask of Kakashi—as for why, well, she's sure he already has his suspicions.
SFW (for first two chapter)
Very well written. Touches on Anko's insecurities on how she is seen by the village. On how she uses sex as coping and how Orochimaru ruined her up mentality and her mixed feelings about Sarutobi. Also fic mentions Kakashi’s insecurities about potentially being new hokage, his anger toward his father- which prevents him from creating connection with Sasuke to stop him from leaving for Orochimaru and so Anko decides to step in.
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kahenn · 2 years
✔ for ibiki
Send me ✔ and I will bold my preferences for your muse!
My muse(s):
Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me MORE about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship ( I mean I guess it kind of sort of is in terms of familiarity??)
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married (the idea of them being married is a hilarious scenario to me, they'd be so weird) | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other 
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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