#Idk im just rambling instead of doing my homework
estbela · 5 months
giving my ships children is kind of hard when they are nations. Maybe in a human AU it would be easier, but ehh (lately human AUs don't interest me as much).
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idk if theres something wrong with me but I feel the deep seated urge to just study the bat family and their weird ass family dynamics/relationships with eachother and like make a huge chart with notes then work my way out from there to their friends and then their friends friends until I know the entire web of complex interlocking relationships and how different people interact with each other and their histories with each other and shit. like I want to dissect the dc charaters and I know the only reason my ass is here in the first place is bc I hyperfixated on nightwing then got invested (sobbing shittung dying nightwing is my lil dude I put into a hydraulic press so unfortunately he would take up so much brain realistate💀) I wanna write silly goofy lil stories featuring him but I also want to do other characters justice and have full context of events and stuff I will throw up if im ooc and or just fucking wrong about something. like theyre so funky I wanna do right by their charaters but ive also gripped dick by the throat and started projecting onto his guilt ridden ass.(eldest child moment yippeee disappointmenting my parents makes me explode :( also hes funky like that lol) but like genuinely want to be able to take existing relationships and just like idk go into it? like explore them I guess and how they interact, what makes a character tick and all that. theres just something about charaters that are so fun to pull apart and find who they are at their core, what makes them this charater, you know? and I feel like part of discovering that is understanding the connections and history of a character in relation to the setting and other charaters, how they react, how they think and feel when put into situations, shit like that I could rotate in my head for hours. im also an emo lil shit and my brain tends to fixate on the darker events and happenings, which can be a hindrance at times 💀. and like im also just one lil dude my Interpretation of those relationships and charaters could be comepletely different form someone else's due to my experiences or lack of experiences with certain stuff. and like I wanna do it justice I dont wanna should dumb or completely miss the point because that would suck ass, Especially if I ever did post it online it would be like being dragged through the city tied to a Honda civic or smth. or at least thats probably how it would feel lol. damn fear of failure and ridicule we meet again you assholes....anyway, I wanna write silly goofy lil stories for my own enjoyment but I want them to be good and accurate to the characters, maybe add small little head canons as a treat but. Domestic type shit or me projecting onto dick my fucking adhd and making him explode too lmao.(im very insane about that head canon ive thought about it a lot, shout out to middle school me for doing all that research instead of sleeping or doing homework your a real one lol). that and using dick as a vehicle to explore my own queerness in a sense because like, its fun, and probably less dangerous than walking around downtown by myself. like I really enjoy giving dick a funky gender that he cant quite label or name that just is, and it doesn't matter because he’s just rocking around kicking ass, he just happens to not be cishet in my heart and mind. that and I wanna draw him in fun outfits, my friends agree he dress like a lesbian(lesbian approved statement). and like yeah I just think its neat to heasdcanon him as queer, Especially the funky genders because hes just doing his own thing bhfdjknvl. this turned into me rambling about making dick gender queer in some fashion not to say that cis dudes cant wear traditionally seen as feminine clothing or anything ya’ll because fuck the notion of gendered clothing, I just mean like imagine like very loud outfits, patterns colors weird shapes and sizes. that and cursed thrift store shirts that say some shit like “oat sealed frog jar” with a picture of Freddy Mercury sitting on a bench wrong. with the like insane fonts. I guess I wanna throw dick in fits that you typically would associate with the chill queer alt people who have cool drip. idk man. anyway sorry to y’all reading this it kinda got outta hand there. 
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cornflowercanine · 2 years
i f33l like pretty much every person whos had online friends has wondered "what would we do if u were here irl" 8ut at least for me trying to think a8t it realistically is like.... IDEALLY we'd talk a lot and laugh really loud and eat together when we wanted and id let them 8orrow my shoes if they wanted 8ut REALISTICALLY it's like. hope u dont mind i like to stay in my room all day, dont know how to talk to ppl irl and it shows, and cant eat anything with onions in it
#clove rambles#sometime last year i think i was talking w my 8est friend a8out how youll talk a8t how u wish u could 8e with ur online friends irl#lots and lots and lots 8ut the chance of it happening is like miniscule so saying i wish you were here etc#kinda ends up 8ecoming like; a compliment/way of showing u care a8t them moreso than like an actual thing u want to achieve#and i have that on the 8rain. sometimes its not even that your circumstances dont match up enough u could m33t up#its that sometimes you just dont even want to lol idk how to explain it without sounding mean#like youll love them and you like the convos you have 8ut irl stuff is just so.... much.#like i love u 8ut i would not drive to ur house instead of finishing up the last of my homework or whatever#8UT THEN WHEN YOU HAVE FRIENDS THAT YOU *DO* LIKE IN THE WAY THAT UR LIKE#YEAH I COULD LIVE WITH IT IF YOU THREW UP IN MY 8ATHROOM OR WE JUST KINDA STOOD AROUND NOT TALKING FOR 20 MINS#ITS *STILL* LIKE WHAT THE FUCK WOULD WE EVEN DO LOL#id always imagine that having m33ting actual friends irl would make me like come out of my shell and magically make me not awkward#8ut there are things that while not 8ad would not. 8e defined under 'coming out of my shell' ie i just dont like speaking that much#then there are things that are just like... im jade harley syndrome <3 as in#'wasnt allowed to interact with anyone outside of immedi8 family until i was like 16#so all my friends HAD to 8e online friends i kept a secret' which resulted in not even having a fucking concept#of what is Weird to do irl aside from what ive heard ppl say online; cause i was never around irl ppl to glare at me or w/e#in the first place! WHICH MEANS THAT ASIDE FROM ALREADY 8EING INHERENTLY WEIRD I AM PRO8A8LY LIKE.#*VERY* WEIRD I JUST DONT KNOW IN WHAT WAYS LOL. if u think interacting irl would make me act like a regular person#and thats what ur hopes would 8e if we interacted irl you are terri8ly terri8ly wrong i just Do Shit#anyway XP#personal
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maria-akira · 3 years
how you meet the ahs boys + their reaction while you're having a class - PART 1
hey yall im back again 🧍🏻‍♀️ is this what you call a headcanon?? idk BAHAHSHHA. anyways i've had this idea in my mind for a while and i wanted to share it to yall, so i hope you guys like it 😌
these also have a little back story on how you guys meet !!
also, special mention to @tatestripedsweater for helping me give ideas with jimmy's part !! thank you so much mwah 🥺❤
warnings: none! just pure fluff <3
please excuse any errors !
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before the pandemic, you and your family have moved into the murder house.
the house gave your family a very odd vibe, but nonetheless all of you had to bear with it because it was sold for a cheap price.
but when the pandemic arrived the country, you were stuck at home 24/7. thus, classes were online.
you met tate because of your father. tate was one of his patients and the both of you grew close.
"Y/N, what are you doing?"
tate would randomly barge in your room while having a class and you would jump out of shock.
"Jesus, Tate. Stop scaring me like that!"
tate would giggle and lay on your bed, observing the lesson that the teacher rambled about.
while you're writing notes, he would stand up and take a chair from some part of your room and sit beside you.
knowing that tate is clingy, you would warn him not to bug you and behave while you listened in class.
of course, he doesn't listen and he would place his head on your shoulder and eventually would cuddle you.
"Taaate, please let me focus."
luckily, you always keep your camera off.
"Mmm, no. I enjoy bugging you."
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one time, you were driving to school on your own and you were almost running out of gas.
luckily, you saw a gas station nearby and decided to get a fill before heading to school. and there, you met kit.
when you first laid your eyes on kit, you thought that he was the prettiest man ever. you couldn't let this chance slip, thus, you exchanged numbers with him.
you talked all day and night, the both of you were so inlove with each other and you finally decided to introduce him to your parents.
your parents loved him and you were so, so happy.
but when the pandemic came, it affected your relationship with kit.
since all schools and unis were closed down, everything went online.
when kit stayed over, he couldn't spend a lot of time with you because you had to attend classes early in the morning, till afternoon.
"Can you stay in bed with me for a little bit, darling?"
unfortunately, you woke up late that day and you missed 10 minutes of your first class. and just like that, you were stuck to your desk until afternoon.
"Kit baby, I'm sorry. I'm late for my first class. Maybe later, okay?"
as much as kit hated this whole online class thing, he would always find a way to cheer you up.
thus, he would cook you breakfast and bring it over to your room.
"C'mere, I'll feed you while you listen and write down notes."
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madison, your friend, had bugged you all week to go with her to this college frat party near your house.
you weren't the party type. you loved staying at home, watching netflix or reading some sort of fan fiction on wattpad.
but you hated being single. so, this was your chance to actually get a boyfriend.
when you arrived at the party, you immediately hated it. everything was so loud and everyone was drinking, it was definitely a new sight for you.
you were sitting on a couch that was in the balcony, with a red cup that was filled with punch. you loved being away from the commotion.
this is where you met kyle, it was love at first sight. the both of you had so much in common and you thought that he was the man of your dreams.
you exchanged snapchats and from there, you were partners-in-crime.
you and kyle had stopped going to parties ever since the pandemic arrived, which means you got to see each other less.
since the both of you were students, both of your classes went online.
one time, kyle had no classes for a day and he decided to surprise you.
that day, you were having an online presentation. both your camera and microphone were on.
"Rene Descartes was the Father of Modern Philosophy—"
as you were presenting the slide show, you were cut off by kyle's presence infront of your desk.
"I brought you food, baby!"
you would shush him and suddenly turn off your mic.
"I'm so sorry, Miss. My boyfriend arrived and I—"
kyle would go beside you and kiss you on your cheek, your classmates and teacher cooing over it.
"Miss, you better give my girlfriend a good grade."
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*pretend that he survived the bus accident and had a coma, because we arent involving witchcraft here*
kyle and his fraternity were on a bus that was going to some college event at school.
on the way there, you guys snapped each other and his friends would talk to you as well.
unfortunately, they got in an accident and the bus was flipped over.
a few students, including kyle, survived the accident.
when you heard this news, you cried your heart out and you didnt talk to anyone in your family.
you and your family visited the hospital and you rushed to kyle's room, it broke your heart to see tubes in him, with machines that beeped like there was no tomorrow.
when the doctor said that kyle was in a coma, your heart sank in the deepest part of your body.
this made you stay 24/7 with him until he was discharged.
when he was discharged from the hospital, he was not his usual self. the bubbly, energetic kyle was gone. instead, he was so confused with everything.
kyle's mom made him stay with you until he got his memory back, and you were more than glad to help.
but this took a toll on your studies because your classes were online due to a pandemic.
everyday in class, you would let kyle sit beside you and let him observe what you were doing.
"We're in Science class, Kyle. You were really good in Science, you helped me alot with my homeworks."
most of the time, you would help kyle develop his speech and his writing. but it was difficult for you.
"S-Sci... S-Sci-en.. ce?"
"Yes, Kyle! Good job, now one more time."
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ever since you were a kid, you loved going to carnivals, your parents would always bring you there every weekend.
there were carnivals almost everywhere, and your family brought you to all of them.
to you, each carnival was unique. the clowns and magicians in each carnival had different tricks up their sleeve.
but as you grew up, these carnivals slowly went out of business. except for one, which was elsa's cabinet of curiosities.
you decided to visit it one day just for a trip down memory lane, you never really had expectations for this place.
when you arrived there, there were a few people that were seated.
the show started and it instantly made you smile, they reminded you of your younger days. oh how you wished to be a child again.
you watched through a few acts, and the last act was a man named jimmy darling
when he came on stage, you locked eyes with him. there was something about him that really struck you.
after the performance ended, jimmy ran over to you and got your number. from there, you always talked and you would visit him regularly.
the regular visits stopped when the pandemic struck the country, forcing entertainment establishments, schools and unis to close down.
for the mean time, all your classes went online. you told jimmy that he could stay with you until things went back to normal.
on an early tuesday morning, you were in english class. jimmy was with your parents preparing breakfast, and you were falling asleep while your teacher discussed about the odyssey.
unlike tate, jimmy would always knock on your door. as his mom always taught, never enter anyone's room without knocking.
jimmy would giggle at your sleeping sight, your head lowered and your hair messed up.
"Hey, sweetheart, wake up! You're in class."
jimmy's timing was perfect. as he woke you up, you were called by the teacher.
"Miss Y/N, Do you think Odysseus was loyal to his wife?"
obviously, you panicked. but jimmy was there to save you. since jimmy was fond of reading, he finished the book and he whispered the answer to you before you could turn on your mic.
"No, Ma'am. Odysseus had an affair with Calypso and Circe."
once you got your teacher's approval, you turned off your microphone and let out a sigh of relief.
"You're lucky that I'm here to help you."
jimmy would joke and you would jump up to him, tackling him into a hug.
"I'm always lucky to have you, baby."
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at a young age, you were exposed to different types of fabrics. denim, silk, corduroy, neoprene. they name it, you've probably seen it.
your mother worked as a fashion designer. she managed to open a shop in the city and it was a great success for you and your family.
your mother has styled famous models. because of this, the shop was promoted and broadcasted all over the country. one day when you came from school, you saw a long line outside the shop.
that day, the staff count was low. there were only 5 employees instead of 10. you didn't exactly know why, so you decided to help.
after what felt like several hours, the long line finally dissolved into 2 customers, which was a mother and her son. they looked through the shop and the mother instantly loved everything.
her son, on the other hand, was trying on this lilac tux that your mother made.
you assisted her son and when you locked eyes, the both of you smiled. you entertained him throughout his shopping spree and the both of you never broke eye contact.
this was how you met dandy. he made the first move by getting your number, and of course you gave it back.
from there, the both of you talked day and night, even when you were in school.
since dandy's mother, gloria, loved your mother's shop so much, she would invite you and your mother regularly to her mansion.
gloria and your mother got along very well, and it was like gloria was your second mother.
so when your mother went to paris for a fashion show, she let you stay in gloria's mansion until she came back.
but to your dismay, your mother was not able to come back due to a pandemic that was all over the world. flights, establishments, and schools closed down.
of course you were sad, but you didn't worry so much because gloria treated you like her real daughter.
classes were online and you were forced to attend them everyday in the shared room you had with dandy.
since you had to get ready for class early in the morning, you would quietly get out of bed because dandy was sometimes a light sleeper.
it was around 8am and you were in math class. in your school, cameras were required to be turned on at all times. you thought this was a shit rule, but you had no choice to comply.
you were drawing some circles with a compass for an example that was being discussed by your teacher, when all of a sudden dandy was beside you.
"Dandy, sweetie, what are you doing up so early? Go back to sleep.."
dandy would pout at the lack of attention that you were giving him. since he loved holding your hand, you let him hold your other hand that you didn't use for writing.
"You're doing Math instead of cuddling with me!"
i'm actually super proud of this omg !! i hope yall enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it 🥺❤
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wizkiddx · 3 years
heyheyhey idk if u do req but love your dad tom stuff! PLZ PLZ do tom helping his kids with homework but cant do it and reader has to help and its all fluffy 😩💕
ye im down to do req and this had me going completely ott cos its v cute (and a lot less angsty than what ive written recently aha) so apologies for my ramblings:
Summary: tom has the kids for a day and maths homework throws a spanner in the works - tomhollandxreader
implied smut + v slight reference to porn but basically just fluff I promise xox
Tom had dealt with a lot of whining today. Nova and Leo were the absolute joys of his life, there was no doubt about it. Of course, he also loved you a hell of a lot too - sometimes to his detriment though, hence the position he was in now. 
You’d had a busy week at work and he had been away for the first half of it - leaving you as an almost single mother to a 5 and a 7 year old. So completely fairly, you’d asked if he wouldn’t mind watching the kids for a the day on Sunday, allowing you to go to a friends baby shower. There was no answer but to agree, Tom loved quality time with the kids and he wanted you to kick back and relax with you friends too. 
However the afternoon had not been nearly as idealistic as it were supposed to be in his head. You had left him only one real job (apart from the unavoidable essentials of keeping the kids alive with food and water, something you’d hope he need not be reminded about now). Really it shouldn’t of been that hard, it was just each kid had two pieces of homework. After convincing and cajoling the kids into sitting at the table which he’d already set up with Nova’s ‘Liverpool FC’ and Leo’s ‘captain marvels’ pencil case, the English was easy. 
In fact 5 year old Leo took great joy out of writing a poem with his Dad, which basically involved trying to rhyme any word with another - especially when he tried to convince Tom that all his completely fictitious words were real and worked together. A personal favourite had been ‘snakes’ and ‘palakes’ which Leo was convinced meant pancakes - arguing so vehemently Tom almost started to doubt himself on basic English. 
Thankfully though his eldest and most sensibly child eventually took him out his misery. If anyone had any control over the Holland boys, Leo and Tom - it was the Holland girls. You and Nova had both boys completely under you spell, often taking advantage of the fact too. It was only when Nova got bored of hearing Tom and Leo mock arguing, interspersed with the little boys giggles that Tom tried his absolute hardest to keep a straight face at, that she swooped in.
“Stop being silly Leo, mummy told you he’s not good at school!” She looked oh so innocent, eyes immediately flicking down to continue the little short story she was happily going on with. In response  Tom scowled, knowing your highly curious and intelligent daughter had asked you (for one reason or another) why he was not so academic. Yet instead of Leo bursting out laughing, instead he just nodded and accepted it too - making Tom scowl even more. Not even Leo thought it was a joke. 
So apart from his children apparently taking pity on his simple mind, it was all going smoothly. Perhaps, due to the thankful fact your children had inherited their brains from their mother - something Tom was forever thankful for, until he was shamed for his substandard intellect in the family. Then again though, he was Spiderman. So take that. 
Until Nova brought out her maths sheet. Then the afternoon quickly descended into chaos. It was fractions, something she hadn’t quite grasped from school yet - a concept that still hurt her head somewhat. Normally though it’d be fine, she’d bring the sheet to you and the two of you used ‘ girl power’ to figure it out… you prior experience as a tutor while in uni helping you know how to break through to her. 
Unfortunately Tom didn’t share this same experience. Nor did Tom share a maths qualification… something that had evaded him completely during his schooling career. Of course, it had never been a particular issue, acting didn’t require the use of maths and algebra and Tom was in a very lucky position of being able to pay someone to manage his finances from a very young age. So no, dividing 2/3 and 3/7 didn’t come the most naturally to him. Or at all to be quite honest. 
“I CANT DO IT AND GRACE IN MY CLASS COULD!” For context, Grace was one of her school friends, who forever liked to compare herself to the young Holland - especially because she was normally ahead. Nova had gone from quiet frustration, staring at the questions with her tongue sticking out slightly, to one of pure rage - yelling at her dad with tears in her eyes. Nova was normally incredibly intuitive, she always found it difficult when she couldn’t do something. Now, with a ‘teacher’ who was more useless than her - the frustrations inevitably bubbled over. 
“Hey, we can work it out, just calm-“
“YOU CANT DO IT EITHER YOUR STUPID “ She was just young and frustrated, Tom tried not to take it personally but … it wasn’t always easy. Chiefly because this was the height of offensive statement Nova knew - this was her version of adult explicit language. 
“Nova you can’t be rude.” He used his stern voice, something Tom very rarely used with his little girl. Though he never wanted to upset her, neither did he want her to think it was ever okay to be so rude to anyone like that- no matter how crappy at maths they were. It hurt him to do so but it was necessary - life lessons about the importance of being kind needed to be learnt. And it worked… if what Tom was aiming for was his beautiful baby girl’s eyes to brim with sparkling tears, her bottom lip quivering slightly. 
Instantly Tom’s eyebrows drooped, trying to fight his natural reaction to scoop her onto his knee and reassure her everything was okay. But as you had lectured him many a time before, he had to put his foot down once in a while. So instead, the father and daughter were locked in a silence and intense eye contact, until Nova hesitantly began to speak. 
“I’m sorry Daddy.” During which, Nova shoved her chair back, making it screech against the tiled floors uglily before running off up the stairs. Tom knew she was crying a lot. Knew this was going to take a bit of fixing. 
With a sigh of his daughters name, Tom popped his head into the living to check on Leo who had already finished all his stuff. Seeing him completely zombified in front of ‘paw patrol’ on TV, Tom trudged up the stairs. He knew where she was, when Nova was upset she always hid in the corner of her wardrobe and cried in the darkness. So after steadying himself with a little internal monologue of how to approach the situation Tom walked in and sat down beside the wardrobe - knocking on the door slightly. 
“Nova… can we talk please?” All he heard was sniffing echoing from the wooden chamber until she tried to shout through the door.
“Go-go… go away daddy.” It broke his heart, the way her voice wavered, making Tom pout - gently letting his head fall against the wardrobe doors. 
“I don’t want you to be upset beautiful…. And you did apologise which I appreciate. You know why Daddy got angry right?” Her sniffles heightened before she muttered a quiet ‘yes’. “And you are sorry? Because that might’ve made me really sad too.”
“I’m s-s-sorry, I didn’t mean it.”
“Then that’s good and we don’t need to cry. You want a cuddle little one?” Before Tom could even properly get up the door was being pushed open by her little hands, revealing a tear stained face and big glassy eyes looking up at her Dad. Swiftly Tom scooped her up and out of the cupboard, whispering to her while she buried her face in his chest. 
“Oh come here my little bean.”
When you came home late that evening, only mildly exhausted from spending the whole day gossiping with your girls, it was weirdly quiet. All the lights were out in the front room, which made you close the door gently, thinking Tom had managed to exhaust the kids - and himself in the process. With a relieved sigh at the peace you pattered into the kitchen to get yourself a drink (it had been a little concern that Tom would’ve worked the kids into a hyperactive and delerious state that kept them up long past bedtime - which ultimately you’d have to deal with). The house was remarkably silent and though it was clear from the littered toys everywhere that it had indeed been Tom alone in charge, everything seemed pretty okay. 
It was only as you were about to head upstairs to join your hubby in bed that you realised the study light was still on, streaming through the small crack in the doorframe. Assuming Tom had just neglected to turn it off, in otherwords Tom being Tom, you nudged it open with your hand. Surprisingly though, there was your husband, hunched over the desk, looking almost angrily focused - between the computer screen and a piece of paper below him. Normally you would’ve just assumed it was another script sent over or an edit Harry had sent of another screenplay they were writing together. 
But no, the blatant red flag was the screen that you could see. A screen on YouTube, of a man pointing at a whiteboard of fractions. 
So with a soft wrist you wrapped your knuckled on the side of the door, even if you had technically already entered the room. The reaction had you stifling a laugh, it was as if you’d caught him watching something *less PG* the way he jumped out his seat, closing the browser immediately. 
“Love!! I -er … didn’t know you’d got back?”
“I just did.” You smiled gently, while walking into stand behind his chair, wrapping your arms round his neck and pressing a kiss to his jaw. “Soooo…. what’ca doingggg” The glee in your voice was evident, making Tom groan and shut his eyes. 
“I hate you, you know that right?” 
“No you don’t… but you were watching a primary school video on fractions, if I’m not so mistaken?” He sighed deeply, making a point of turning the paper with his scribbles over to obscure it. 
“Nova’s homework.. she couldn’t do it and neither could I, so then she basically screamed at me for being thick and udseless and then had a breakdown.” 
Now you felt guilty. This was a bit of a sore spot with Tom, he always for some reason felt inferior because of his academic ability. Which was stupid- mainly because he was the most clever and talented man you’d ever met. Just…. Just not at fraction. 
“Oh T… you could’ve just left it for me to do with her, I don’t mind.”
“That’s not the point Y/n.” He snapped a little, shrugging your arms off him and spinning in the chair so he could face you. “She’s my daughter and I should be able to help her! It’s not like it’s that hard, it’s just I’m unbelievable thick.”
“Tom stop. Look - you can do this I assure you, it’s just been a long old time ‘kay? Your rusty and that’s only natural.”
“I really don’t think I could ev-“
“Can I teach you? It’s just the method and then I promise you’ll get it.”
It took a bit of persuasion but eventually Tom agreed, letting you pull the corner chair forward to beside his desk so you could demonstrate it to him. To be fair, he really could do it- just a bit of familiarising on the ‘stick-change-flip’ method. The way the lightbulb moment literally caused his face to light up; scurrying to do the question for himself, tongue sticking out in the process; then presenting it to you proudly - well it had you melting in your seat. 
“See! That took all of 5 minutes and you got it.” You elbowed  his side by leaning forward in the chair, which instead of letting go, Tom reached and caught, before pulling you up and round. You landed with you bum perched on the edge of the mahogany desk, Tom now stood up- his legs in-between your parted thighs - your feet hooking round the back of knees. 
“It’s all down to my incredibly talented teacher.”
“No…. No I really don’t think it is” You mused with a soft voice, fingers instinctively going to the nape of his neck - twirling the little curls round your fingertips. 
“Well even so… I think I could teach you a thing or two too.” Never one to mull on anything, Tom’s tone had immediately switched to something a lot more… mischievous. 
“Not even going to ask about my day? Wheres the chat mr smooth?” He had to repress the grin at your smirk because as much as you infuriated the hell out of him - you also had this weird ability of making him feel so entranced and helpless. He relented with a sarcastic chime.
“Fine, how was your day love.”
“Good…. but I have a feeling you’re about to make it a whole lot better.”
That was all the signals he needed to lean forward, in doing so forcing you back until your back landed completely on the cool wood. His lips feathered yours, both hands pinned either side of your head.
“Oh darling… you have no idea.”
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batfam-chaos · 4 years
out of context spoilers for birds fly ch 21
Time for birds fly out of context spoilers: written at 1am with no proofreading edition! Please enjoy the fruits of my exhaustion. I’m going to bed almost immediately after posting this lmao.
This edition of out of context spoilers is going to feature... my assorted 1am thoughts and commentary on this chapter!! I sure hope that this is coherent!!!!!!
i would kill for dr. leslie thompkins (this comes first in the list because it’s very important)
bro u should change into ur pajamas, you’ll be way more comfortable
i love putting otherwise hilarious lines in the middle of super serious scenes. my goal as an author is to make everyone reading my fics cry from sadness and also simultaneously cry from laughter. im gonna cause u pain and u will enjoy it
fuck i should’ve had them watch spongebob instead of queer eye. spongebob resembles my childhood experience way more closely.
am i going to edit this before posting it tomorrow? absolutely not because i’ve already gone over it once on my own and again with my beta and i’m sleepy and dont feel like editing more stuff unless me beta tells me to bc theyre Always Right
this isnt technically relevant to anything in the chapter, but i have the power to subject you all to my random opinions, so i’m going to do it: leslie thompkins is a lesbian. no i will not take constructive criticism. It Just Makes Sense.
timmy PLEASE ask your dad for help. i’m begging u. he wants to help u
bruce actually does have a superpower and it’s the ability to hold his shit together whenever one of his children tells him something Very Concerning
please drink water. this is technically both a comment on the chapter and also a general reminder bc i just realized that im VERY thirsty
We’ll see how the in context spoilers for this chapter go because idk how well I’ll remember whatever I’m rambling on about rn!!!!! Love y’all, I’m going to bed. Peace out.
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lavendertrash39 · 4 years
This is what I think Imposter Factory is going to be like (also feel free to drop your theories below :P)
SO, I discussed in a post about how in the trailer it says “end of a world” and not “end of the world” and thinking that that world was Neil’s machine. We see at the end of the teaser trailer Eva gets a call (I think from Roxie) and it cuts off after she says “NEIL WHAT?” or something like that. I think that the interaction went somewhat like Roxie rambling about the fact that something’s wrong with Neil having to do with a Sigcorp Machine. That is THAT world. They are unable to enter into it, so they must destroy it without hurting him. Now, to the name.  Strange isn’t it? Imposter Factory, well (I can't remember the username) someone said on Youtube that they thought that the girl and Quincy could be Johnny and Faye, Johnny not looking the same because of a Hazy memory. Faye not looking the same because either same reasons or she’s a master of disguise. That goes into italics. You know these things that make you sound really calming or suspicious hehe. Well in the description of Imposter factory, it always says Quincy, not just Quincy. This could imply that Quincy is not indeed Quincy. He is an imposter of Johnny, and the girl is an imposter of Faye.
Okay quick break between this so I don’t have to be consistent because this is basically a bunch of jumbled ideas written down: you know the tape recorder? Well I’ve seen many things that say that it’s so he can tell the difference between reality and fantasy. Why did I put reality in bold? Lol I’m having fun with weird formatting, but also because A reality without me. In that, we hear the sounds that came with the tape recorder and if you heard those three annoying off key notes then they weren’t annoying, its one of the main patterns of notes in Bestest Detectives. There also could be a thing where he starts having trouble knowing if he’s in a machine or not, which could actually make him probably more emotional during the cases. 
Alrighty more out of context-ness. Did you notice the other person besides the girl on the cover art for Imposter Factory? I didn’t until I read a post about it. It looks like a guy’s shillouette (I can’t spell the word I’m sorry). That person in the background could be Quincy, but what if it was Neil? It seems like a dark area, maybe Eva and Roxie tried to get in contact with Neil through Faye. So she takes him to a secluded dark area to try to tell him that this place isn’t real and try to make him remember. Maybe even bringing out the tape recorder, and playing the audio files from the Christmas Party we saw him taking. 
Okay, so I’ve been trying to get one of my friends into this fandom for a while and she watched it and wasn't a fan, but she still enjoys hearing me talk about it and when I showed her art (lol she said she wished it focussed on Neil and Eva more instead of Johnny and River or Colin and his crew of emotional instability). Whenever I was freaking out about a reality without me and I noticed how it said IF for the initials. She then came up with the idea of IF Neil never died, which plays along with that time machine thing that Quincy finds in the bathroom (which actually could be Neil’s machine now that I think of it). So it goes into this reality where Neil never died and Eva and him get married. Then it’s the end of that world, and a reality without me plays because she has to live in a world without him. Then again, that doesn’t really touch on the almost ENTIRETY of Minisode two with the two Evas and all that. Basically, I think it’s going to be focused on the IF since y’know that's what's highlighted, and it’ll use the time machine (or Neil’s machine) and a lot of bullshit happens. 
Something else is the fact that there's people seen at Neil and Eva’s wedding killed by presumably long cat (he was too long to be trusted), there's the two Evas, there's the fact Kan Gao said “the only way to not spoil this story is to mislead” when he posted to chase a murderer, and finally, there's the weird naked Neil sprites Kan Gao posted saying “doing some important work”
I really don’t know about the last one it was posted like A YEAR ago and uh yeah long cat seems like something Neil would create. Oh can we talk about the fact that there's only Sigcorp employees and those like 2 other people I think at the wedding. Like I wouldn’t be surprised if Neil’s family didn’t come (maybe his mom did...? idk I have a lot of theories) but Eva’s? Like AT LEAST her sister would come, and she seems to be close with her family. It just throws me off a bit.  OKAY I GOTTA DO HOMEWORK ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS I WILL TRY TO ANSWER BUT IM LOW KEY FAILING SCHOOL BYEEEE
(I’m so sorry this is so long)
Okay so I talked about the fact that that theory basically explains nothing having to do with Minisode two besides the brief mention of the tape recorder, but I think I got something. What if Quincy for some reason is one of the workers at the wedding after party Neil and Eva have, so the time machine is Neil’s machine. I talked about that already, but what if that little cut of Eva in that one machine at the end of the Minisode is her using his ‘time machine’ to go to a time IF Neil never died. Then there's also something about Faye being in Neil’s memories at one point because we see her dress straps on that motorcycle scene in FP and you hear the sound of a memory reset and Neil forget something he just said which is creepy af, so idk about that.
I don't know this is such a confusing game series and I have no idea what’s going to happen.
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gimme those sweet sibling headcanons to get me through the night 😤 ~ lyell ( p.s. I rlly hope im not being annoying with these asks lol .... ♡ )
@caffeinatedkissesxx ok first of all you are NEVER annoying n I will beat whoever says you are with a huge staff because ILY N YOU ARE SO GOOD 💜❣️💜
Under the read more because idk how long this will be on mobile—
~ I mentioned in it the previous ask bout Mikoto but Tasuku gives them a hecc ton of headpats because like it’s the main way that he can show affection to them without it being completely awkward FJFBBFDND it all started when they were younger cause whenever they had a fight n stuff, Tasuku would pat their head to apologize so it just kinda stuck ksjdndndnd
~speaking of arguments,, the two of them used to have a ton of petty arguments when they were younger n it was mainly because I HC that Tasuku was a lot more clumsier when he was younger n so hed sometimes bump into their toys n stuff. Cue an angry Mikoto because ‘I WAS WORKING SO HARD ON THIS N YOU RUINED IT!’ in reality it was just like a smol portion of the Lego set that somehow got collapsed but KSHDKANSHS, Tasuku defending himself n it ends up then the two of them just sulking over it for the rest of the night until Fuyuki (that’s tasuku’s older bro who honestly seems like such a nice guy?? I wanted to make him some HCs here but idk enough bout him ORZ) would ask them to sit down together n help them talk things out :3
~ I kinda feel that Tasuku would pass Mikoto any cheese on his food ?? it’s canonically his least favourite food n Mikoto really loves cheese n so he has on more than one occasion offered to eat the corn on Mikoto’s food if they’ll take his cheese ok like why would Tasuku even eat food with cheese on it if he knows he’ll hate it idk maybe it was a menu thing n he didn’t know there’d be cheese— this whole thing was way better in my head BUT UH HAVE IT ANYWAYS FNEAPSKSNS
~Big Bro is TOL compared to Mikoto (he’s 185 n they’re 160cm) n so I like the whole thing of them talking to someone n then he just stands behind them kinda protectively (ESPECIALY IF ITS A GUY MIKOTO IS TALKING TO) but considering how intimidating he is, the poor other person usually ends up getting really scared n running away DKFNNFND
~ when they were both in Uni he would often offer to help them with their homework n stuff !! Sadly Mikoto said no most of the time because like this was pre his fall out with Tsumugi n the three of them were all really close n so they’d choose to ask Tsumugi for help instead because ‘hehehehe crush is good at studying’ n also cause he’d sometimes accidentally straightaway give the answers to them n Tasuku has to ask him not to do that
~ Tasuku deserves better treatment from young Mikoto ngl😔✌️ BUT MIKOTO TREATS HIM BETTER WHEN THEY ARE OLDER N MATURER N THEY HAVE VERY GOOD BOND NOW 🥺🥺
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bazzledazzled · 6 years
Ok so what do you want to talk about?
i feel awful i just now saw these asks ANYWAYS--- uhhh idk? Hmmmmm... well theres klance. ive been way too obsessed with klance and oh my gods some of the fics out there in the world are so beautiful i want to frame them omgs
other than that i havent really got much to talk about? I mean, I started watching the Dragon Prince (and i really like the way its animated???) but my brother decided to watch it with me so now i have to wait for him which is ANNOYING-- also i have no time to do anything because me, being an idiot because well i am, decided to not only take AP World History and PreAP English because those are my favorite classes, but also take PreAP Spanish 3 as well as PreAP Biology AND forced myself to be first violin (*cough* typically the harder part with higher notes and SHIFTING) for a concert that is in a month all the while trying to read books like i always have and have just a moment where I can curl up with the book, plus i want to draw and write things for Klance Month and Inktober and NaNoWriMo are coming up and I want to create a Digital December for myself where I practice digital art and---
vkjascnsnjd i need to stop rambling. Anyways i made stupid decisions to make myself seem smart and instead of dropping classes like a *cough* smart person so i dont have all these AP classes, i kept them all because im a stubborn gay disaster. 
okay im sorry i will try to stop talking about homework i want to forget about that and im 99% sure my friends are tired of it at this point byeeee
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tbhstudying · 6 years
hi seo! I was wondering if you had any tips or links to studying and staying on top of school work with a mental illness?? Im usually p good about finishing up my homework and studying for a test a few minutes a day but theres days where depression hits me full on and i just cant force myself to be productive and i get tired insanely quickly and it isnt very good for,,, anything at all?? ive tried reward systems and the pomodoro method but it rarely, if ever, helps,,, thank you for any help!
i always fall back on my 10 minute work time and force myself through it in hopes of falling into a workflow. i talk abt it in my faq in the procrastination section + in my procrastination video. 
honestly, in these times, it absolutely sucks and it’s so incredibly hard to get anything done. idk abt you but for me, i almost always end up hating myself even more for being unable to get any work done so the 10 minute method manages to make me feel even the tiniest bit better than i usually would.
taking 30 minutes to cope can help too. i usually end up making myself a cup of tea, drinking water, washing my face, playing video games, etc etc. just some sort of routine where i don’t rly have to think as much + something that makes me smile at least for a little bit. 
im gonna put the rest under the cut bc i ended up rambling a bunch!! sorry ;; tw: mentions of self-harm 
sometimes, i scroll thru a bunch of cat accounts on instagram or i read thru messages that my friends send me in hopes of smiling and finding something happier to think abt for a little while. 
also? just talking abt being sad and abt your emotions and having a good cry helps too. if ur inclined to hurt yourself, write on your skin with a washable marker instead bc self harm is Not Good and it Sucks. write abt it in a journal or write it on a scrap piece of paper and tear it up. and unrelated but if ur bothered abt your scars, slap some neosporin on them if they’re fresh and bandage it up. if they’re not but the marks are still there, aloe vera gel helps a bunch + concealer can work too (just make sure to clean it off thoroughly.) stay safe!!!!!!!! I DO NOT RECOMMEND but just in case. remember that scars do fade and it’s possible to heal, both mentally and physically.
also, if you’re tired, just go to sleep early and hold off the work for later. that’s something that i personally need to get better on because 1. my sleep cycle is wrecked and 2. i’m sleep-deprived to the point where i become snappy and not nice which i Do Not Like and i feel like i’m pushing other people away from me. sleep is a very important thing and i saw smth on twitter listing the health problems associated with little sleep and i got Scared oh boy
i’ve got a tag for health which will have posts regarding mental health too. and in the end, remember that you are worth all of the stars in the sky and that happier times will come. your feelings are valid and it’s ok to feel sad, but remember that i’ll be here to cheer you on. you have the strength to pick yourself back up and hey, you’ve survived all of these other days. that only shows how resilient you are. you’re doing it, anon, and i hope that you’re doing okay.
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mymagnificentself · 7 years
if you say im gonna start loving myself and not waste any more time and energy on people that dont appreciate/value/care about/for me and my company/...conversational like whatevers that sounds a lot better than saying i have no friends and no one (id like to) will respond to me and thats kinda sad bc im getting rather desperate but i see that theres no point in bothering anyone who doesnt give a shit(not meaning to throw any shade, thats just sometimes how things are and i _understand_) and making things forced and uncomfortable for everyone so after enough attempts to initiate any further conversation ill just naturally let it die out .....and thats actually how i "lost" all those people id considered ""friends""(or well willing subjects to my daily spam™) or maybe thats just me being over dramatic and misinterpreting every thing in life (since i have no reference whatsoever to how things in a "normal" life with "healthy relationships" are supposed to be like) buuutttt i meeeeaaan no thats what in feeling like and what im picking up on and actually it is true that people should be thankful to have me in their lives bc i (can be) a good person and whatnot(..thats what id like to think at least, or that i try) and if they cant handle or recognize that then its really their loss and i should move on and no longer waste my energy on people who dont want me and instead make personal text posts screaming into the ѵօíժ tђคภк y๏ย ש๏เ๔ աaɨt աaɨt ɦօʟɖօռ ňoɰ omɢ ţһıs ıs ɢяєѧţ ⓞⓞⓞⓗⓗⓗ ŤĤĨŚ ĨŚ PĔŔŦĔČŤ օհ í ղҽҽժ Եօ ժҽςíժҽ օղ ɑ ƒօղԵ (ɷɾ ɟųىt kҽҽp ىkɩppɩŋɠ єשєгy モєฬ ฬ๏г๔ร ) (ɯɧıĆɧ ąٳŞơ ŞɛɛmŞ ŧơ ɯơřҠ) вυт тнιѕ ιѕ ѕo cool ¡ ⊂Λ∩ mΛkξ mÿ p☻§t§ l☻☻k ŘÊĂĹĹŶ ĈÕÕĹ ĂŇĎ ĈŘŶPŤĨĎ AǸd Aし$✿ ㉫v㉫Ǹ ħArd㉫r †✿ r㉫Ad ₣ØŘ ΔŇ¥ØŇ€ ŦŘ¥ΞŇg ŦØ ŞŦΔŁҜ Μ€ ANÐ USE ŦħESE AGAINSŦ ME ѳkɑy ʆɑรt ѳɳɛ wɦicɦ ɗѳ wɛ ʆikɛ ɓɛรt รѳ Բɑʀ tђเร ๏ภє เร tђє ђคг๔єรt ๏ภє t๏ гєค๔ เ tђเภк คภ๔ tђє ๓๏รt lเкє שเรยคlly קlєครเภﻮ lเкє שєгy קlคyモยl l๏tร ๏モ .... รςђภöгкєl モ๏г รєςгєt รєςгєt ק๏รtร ๓คy๒є? tɧat ɷŋҽى aɭىɷ ŋɷt baɖ ɷŋ tɧҽ aɾtɩىtɩcى ɩ tɧɩŋk bųt ɷbѵɩɷųىɭʏ mųcɧ mɷɾҽ ɭҽɠɩbɭҽ bųt ɩ tɧɩŋk ىɷ ʆaɾ ɩ ɭɩkҽ tɧҽ ɷtɧҽɾ ɷŋҽ bҽttҽɾ Եհҽ օղҽ ҍҽƒօɾҽ ԵհɑԵ (í ՏհօմӀժ ʍɑվҍҽ ցíѵҽ Եհҽʍ ղմʍҍҽɾՏ օɾ ՏօʍҽԵհíղց յҽՏմՏ ςհɾíՏԵ ) ղɑհ ҍմԵ íʍ ղօԵ ɾҽɑӀӀվ Ӏíkíղց ԵհíՏ ɮɛċaʊsɛ aċtʊaʟʟʏ tɦօsɛ (ɑҍօѵҽ) ʟօօҡ ʟɨҡɛ a ҡɨɖs sċʀɨɮɮʟɨռɢs. sօ ɨʍ ɢօռռa ɢօ tɦʀօʊɢɦ tɦɛʍ ʄʀօʍ tɦɛ tօք (օʀ tɦɛ օռɛs ɨ ʟɨҡɛɖ) jusţ ţo sєє һoɰ ţһєʏ ʟooҡ oň ţһєıя oɰň ıň ɞıɢɢєя ɞuʟҡs. ѧňԀ ţһєň sєє ғяom ţһєяє ɞuţ ѧċţuѧʟʟʏ ţһє ҡıԀs sċяıɞɞʟıňɢ ʟooҡıňɢ oňє ѧʟso һѧs ıţs ċһѧяms ơҠ ŧɧɛ ŧɧřɛɛ ơŋɛŞ ცɛʄơřɛ ŧɧıŞ ąřɛ ŧɧɛ ơŋɛŞ ცąĆҠɯąřɖŞ ąŧ ŧɧɛ ცɛɠıŋŋıŋɠ. ცųŧ ɯơɯ ʝųŞŧ ٳıҠɛ ŧɧąŧ ŧɧąŧ ąٳřɛąɖყ ٳơơҠŞ Ćơơٳ w¡t∏ t∏w ∫☻∩t ⊂∏Λ∩g¡∩g ξνξ®ÿ ∩ξw pΛ®Λg®Λp∏ ¡ mξΛ∩ ∩☻☻☻t ®ξΛllÿ Сgg¡∩g t∏¡§ ☻∩ξ t∏☻ ∩ΛΛ∏ t∏Λt j∪§t l☻☻k§... p®¡m¡tνξ ¡Ðk ɑɳɗ tɦɛ ʆɑรt ѳɳɛ ɓc tɦɛ ѳtɦɛʀร ɑʀɛ ɑʆʆ ѵɛʀy cɑpitɑʆiรɛɗ iԲ ɑɳyѳɳɛ cɑɳ ʀɛɑɗ tɦiร ɑɳɗ iร iɳtɛʀɛรtɛɗ iɳ wɦɛʀɛ i gѳt it Բʀѳɱ ɓtw тнιѕ ιѕ done вy a вeaυтιғυl app called ĸιĸaĸeyвoard тнaт leтѕ yoυ cυѕтιмιѕe yoυr ĸeyвoard and нaѕ ғυnny ғonтѕ. ๏кเ๔๏кเ เ ๔๏ שєгy ๓ยςђ รtเll lเкє tђเร เ tђเภк tђเร ๏ภєร ๓y モคש๏ยгเtє (คภ๔ เt l๏๏ร שєгy ђเﻮђ tєςђ/คlเєภ ๏г ฬђคtєשєг ๔๏єรภt เt?) ....เร tђเร คภ คςtยคl tђเภﻮ เภ ค lคภﻮยคﻮє tђ๏ ค๓ เ ןยรt lเкє คฬモยlly คקקг๏קгเคtเภﻮ ร๏๓є ςยltยгє 0.๏ ҍς í հɑѵҽղԵ Տҽҽղ ʍօՏԵ/ɑղվ օƒ ԵհօՏҽ ՏվʍҍօӀՏ ҍҽƒօɾҽ ҍմԵ ԵհɑԵ ժօҽՏղԵ հɑѵҽ Եօ ʍҽɑղ ɑղվԵհíղց aռɖ tɦɨs օռɛ ɨ aʟsօ ʟɨҡɛ ɮċ ɨt ҡɨռɖa ʟօօҡs ʟɨҡɛ ɨt ɦas a ɮʊռċɦ օʄ ʊքsɨɖɛ ɖօառ ċʀօssɛs aռɖ ʄɛɛʟs ҡɨռɖa աɨtċɦʏ ռօt tɦat ɨ ɦaʋɛ aռʏtɦɨռɢ tօ ɖօ աɨtɦ tɦat... and тнιѕ ιѕ jυѕт lιĸe "neυтral" вυт wιтн a вιт oғ cнaracтer モг๏๓ tђє קєгร๏ภคlเty tђ๏ เ l๏๏๏๏๏๏שє tђเร ๏ภє гєคlly ђ๏קє เ๓ ภ๏t คקקг๏קгเคtเภﻮ คภytђเภﻮ ๏г ๏モモєภ๔เภﻮ คภy๏ภє ฬเtђ tђเร ๒ยt เ รยקק๏รє เภ tђє ﻮгคภ๔ รςคlє เ๓ ภ๏t เ๓ק๏гtคภt єภ๏ยﻮђ t๏ гєคlly ๓คttєг.
0 notes
multifandommania · 6 years
hey can i get a matchup for ouran and mm please? i’m a 5’ feet tall leo with glasses and a brown bob. i guess i’m kinda curvy but like. thin idk skdkns im an enfp i’m rly talkative and energetic and loud i’m trusting to a fault i love drawing and languages but i’m really bad @ math and am. lazy on schoolwork honestly so i need someone to make me do it!!! jekdks i talk rly fast and i love dogs and my friends and also i think i’m this way cause i have 4 siblings lol thank u so much!!!
pt 2: i’m literally so sorry to make this so long but i’m the last ask (the 5’ enfp) and i didn’t even put my gender or orientation in ksksks so pt 2. i’m a bi girl. i ramble a lot and get distracted as u. probably already saw i’m so sorry but thank u so much!!!!
hello fellow leo! How’s life goin!
Let’s see, for Ouran I see: Takahashi Morinozuka!
You said you talk a lot (not even a bad thing?) but guess what? This dude hangs out with mitsukuni  and Tamaki all in the same day! Literally nothing phases him anymore. He’ll just smile softly and nod his head whenever you start talking because its so endearing and he loves just listening
5 ft tall? This man loves short things!
If you’re energetic then he casually suggests that you both practice kendo together (for me thats a hard no but more power to you if that’s your thing)
Loyal af (welcome to that club too sis) This man would rather die than break any kind of trust between the two of y’all. (You saw how he acted when Honey got a cavity somebody help him T.T). He kinda takes it too far and overthinks everything wayyy too much and sometimes you have to reassure him that its perfectly ok and its not his fault.
Again, this man lives with mitsukuni . You being lazy holds no problem to him. He’ll sit you down and do homework with you (and help you on that math) and even occasionally call your name to get you back on track so y’all can finish and do other things (i put myself in my UwUs help)
If you haven’t read the manga, animals are just naturally attracted to Mori? Y’all will be walking outside or something and a dog will just run up to both of you and beg to be pet. (Ultimate win for the animal magnet)
you took him home to meet the folks and your siblings (if they’re shorter) see this dude as nothing but a tree to climb on. He’s like, unfazed though? Mori will let them climb all over him and pull his hair and shake him while still holding a conversation with your parents (he’s a keeper btw)
For MM, I would say: Jaehee Kang!
She’s a quiet bb so she needs someone to break the silence and distract her every now and then. Loves hearing you talk and ramble on about things and if you get on the topic of Zen you can bet she’ll be right there talking away with you. (The restaurant owners sometimes have to tell you they’re closing because ya’ll will just sit and talk)
Ya’ll sometimes talk to each other in the gc and its really cute because you exchange pictures and selfies and fangirl
She loves the fact that you’re shorter than her (glasses twins too)
Jaehee feels really really bad because you two make plans but then the devilman himself will add more work and sometimes she has to reschedule whatever you’re doing together but jaehee its ok? Please don’t worry about it much. She tries to make it up and she could even be taking you to the convenience store and its so cute and nice to spend time with her
Martial arts master inbound? can you spell ride or die? She would literally go to jail for you if someone harassed you
ooff she’s not a big animal person but for you she’d make an exception. she prefers big cuddly woofers instead of little yip yappers
She’ll try to help you with your homework as best as she can, but for stuff she really doesn’t understand she might ask Seven for help. If it even goes farther she might have to suck it up and ask Jumin (rip Jaehee). Also helps with getting you back on track so you’re not wasting time and can finish
Hope you like it bb!!!
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jooheonies · 6 years
nawar lover no.1 aka user shwhyuk uwu
bloodorangeki said: the lady formerly known as hyuccwoo, shreknu if u will,
send me a tumblr url and ill tell you what i think of them!
hhhhhh ok before i eben launch into this full love essay. i jst wanna say tht u truly are the light at the end of my tunnel sejung,,,,u make me so happy !!! Like i remember when i was losing my mind off of like three sips of pineapple cider and i legitimately felt like i was gonna throw up but then i was like … damn i can’t forget to text shannon and tell her about all this. and then i talked to u for a full hour or so while u called me a liddle babie nd i continuously whined…either way you truly have me under your spell you demon!!
okay so not to be. dramatic but youre so dreamy and pretty you remind me of rain and soft kisses on the cheeks and rose gardens and bouquets of flowers and soft sunlight on flower meadows and like! that feeling you get in your cheeks when you smile too much for too long and you get that permanent blush across your face! god that’s probabaly nonsense and not very cohesive but you have the same sort of colors…soft orange and light pink….you’re like a sunset on the beach right at the start of spring when theres barely anyone on the shore and the whole world feels really big and wide but even though youre all alone you don’t feel lonely because it still feels like the whole world(you) is poised right at the edge of your fingertips.
hhhh that also probably made very little sense but i dont care i love you so much and im very bad at expressing emotion (blame my virgo moon who hasn’t felt any feelings in over 18 years) but i still feel like always showering u in that sweet love and affection, despite the fact that im horrible with words and i have absolutely no consistency. I feel like it’s really rare to meet someone who literally changes your entire perception of the world but … damn here we are!! tlkaing to u is literally a part of my daily life its a part of who i am at this point :/
Anyways, friendships don’t really come naturally to me because I have a very weird perosnality where like. im simultaneously suffocating whilst also being very detached and it turns people off so quickly but..god we mesh so well i truly love you so much. i also tend to not write a lot whenever i make these posts bc im the kind of person who continously says how much i love you throughtout the convo (even thoguh ill ghost most ppl for a few days) so whenever i get around to writing these im like :// but what else do i say :// but this time!!! oooo i have so much to say i can never go into full loving hours with you bc you always turn things around and get me to start talking abotu myself and pretty soon we start talking about how i used to raise rocks as a kid instead of talking about how hot you are :/
so anyways firstly . those were just the intro pragaraphs im finally getting into my loving sejung essay :(( helloooo one of my favortie things about talking to you is how easily the conversation always flows ….us talking about shownus asshole and the questionable consumption of expired jello and orbeez at 3 am is most likely the more demonic things weve done while simultaenously being the more tame things…my head still aches when i remember that giagntic bruise i got from looking at that wonho+tentacles/changkyun+black hole sketch u made… god we somehow always go from topic to topic with absolutely no regard for cohesiveness and yet neither of us ever question it…we’ll spend hours discussing absolutely nothing …like that one night we stayed up for like three hours on rabbit talking about all the different mx stans and which member has the most stans internationally versus domestically and why….icons of developing complex sociocultural theories at 2am while occasionally mentioning “oh wow its late u should go to bed >:/” god its just that I always lose track of time whenever I talk to you…its like im so focused on that I Love Her mood that I don’t even realize its been 4 hours until I look down at my pile of unfinished homework and then back up at my laptop like. This was a Valid choice why would I pick ib math when I have a whole entire sejung talking to me. hhhh its just that talking to you comes so naturally and I always tell you all these quesiotnable things to which you always respond by first calling me a demon and then laughing about it and encouraging my stupidity. it’s also so so endearing that ill tell you about the dumb shit im doing and your first response is always to nag at me to be safe and take care of myself as if ill actually listen to you and clean a cut with alcohol, risking legitimate Pain… anyways sejung? queen of making me feel loved and noticed? MORE LIKELY THAN U THINK!!!!
hhhhh ok moving on now I get to talk about how. sexy u are damn….i remember back when we were first starting to talk and you sent me those pictures of yourself in that button up and I literally. I quite literally almost passed out in the starbucks while the barista was handing me my strawberry lemonade I truly almost lost it…nd right before that I was encouraging you to talk to the boba girl nd flirt nd be all spicie…but then u sent me those pics nd I was like for what reason would she have to impress boba girl when im right here … mouth open so wide in love that all the bobas are spilling out of my mouth :( not to be dramatic yet again when I know ive mentioned those selfies before but damn…those were so hot u unbuttoned like two or three of the top buttons and u looked so hot truly. raw me vore me behind each and every single boba store location hewwwooo u look so intense nd powerful im truly putty in ur hands not only would I lose my mind for u, I have already lost it
hhhhh im very much rambling and making very little sense rn bc its. 2:30 am and im sleebie nd I blocked all social media sites so id do homework bt I kept thiknning abt u so I was like hm the universe clearly wants me to write about sejung more even though ill have to post this in the morning bc tungle is blocked until then :// bt anaywas that also means I get to go into all the other thigns I love about u and all the things u remind me of :(( hhhh its so wild that I never actually aunch into full loving shannon mood bt I talk abt u so much w my friends theyre all. suspicious ,,,,
them: nawar u don’t actually like romance and u hate talking about people r u perhaps dating this girl??me, w hearts in my eyes laughing at smth ure saying on my phone: what
HHHH DJHFKSJDHF TAHST TRULY ME,,,,ALWAYS THIKNING ABT U,,,ALWAYS BEING BIG HEART EYES FR U,,,at any given moment I could be reminded of u :( I see a piece of paper nd im like huh I should do work then again is work necessary to live perhaps not but sejung is necessary to live,,,,me thinking abt u as I procrastinate every single thing ive ever had to do :D Like, ive never understood when people say that they hated a zodiac sign at one point, and then they met one person and they were like oh my god nevermind this sign is perfect but truly,,,I love geminis now ,,,I used to hate them almost as much as cancer nd now? geminis are all good ure so wonderful nd loving nd sweet u being a gemini saved geminis collectively,,
ill also neber stop talking abt how now matter how much I whine and demand attention, youre always jst,,,supplying it without any question like at one point people usually get annoyed, no matter how endeared they were by it at first, bt youre always calling me a baby (even though im older) nd giving me that sweet Love and Attention,,mmmmm my libra sun thrives under ur care :( hhhh also I feel it is important to point out I love. all of u,,,,like I don’t even usually care much for peoples voices or anything unless its like so deep it sounds like the grim reaper bc that’s wild u ,,bt anyways the first moment I heard ur voice I was. breathless I was so shocked like ur voice is so soothing nd warm its like. if the aesthetic of sunlight and honey and warm pies had a voice,,,hhhh im also not the type to really believe in things like fate nd destiny and soulmates and stuff bt that’s kind of what u remind me of ? in a? not weird way hhhhh so I feel like youre just so naturally in tune with people like nothing really catches you off guard and you roll with peoples different personalities and quirks and you always jst. mesh so well with everyone ure like the minhyuk of the internet,,,,nd like!! theres smth abt u that reminds me of balance and maybe its my libra sun always seeking peace and harmony in life but I always feel so relaxed nd steady whenever I talk to you its like . idk how to explain it!!! its jst so comforting!!!
I was originally gonna cut myself off at 1k but its too late for that now and im gonna put this under a read more anyways and its 3am now so I feel like. go Big or go Home!!! now im gonna launch into a long analysis of u! and ur smile!! first of all,,,its so rare nd wild to find someone who likes validating people more than being validated,,,,u finding my libra antics cute???hhhhh tahts so wild,,,,I could pout for hours nd u would call it cute,,,validating!!! nd the fact that you’ve read my writing,,,,excerpts from my demonic wips and youre stil friends with me?? you still talk to me?? damn that’s like. never to be expected any time I make someone read that tangerine fic they ghost me for a good month but I sent you pieces of that tentacle fic and YOU FUCKCING SKETCHED OUT THE LOOK,,,,,MY MUSE,,,nd also you tend to always steer the convo around to focus on the other person n dim a FOOL who almost falls for it every time,,,before I remember and make u tell me thigns…god ive told you so many obscure things from my childhood like that time I tried to eat a brick and yet you still,,,,talk to me,,,,who are u,,,,hhhh ure always so cute nd giving nd caring I feel like I could genuinely truly look like shit nd send u a selfie nd you would still be like WOW GORGEOEUS YOU LOOK SO GOOD THAT’S HOT!!! u,,,going out of ur way to make ppl happy :( anyways im a fool in love w u ,,,also not to be like. one of those old white boy text posts from tumblr but ,,,,hey girl,,,ladie,,,wamen,,,did u know? ur smile lights up my world? ,,,did u know? theres no such thing as u being anything less than perfect,,,why? because its impossible to be anything less than the essence of who you are. hhhh that’s the dumbest thing im ever written im cutting myself off that was too much this is like. 2k words so far and in all honesty I could continue but then id get gushier than that last line and nobody wants to see That,,,hhhh
this started out with. somewhat decent grammar like I used periods and I think I occasionally capitalized the first letter of the sentence but at this point its incoherent rambling it’s the inside of my brain every time I see u or hear frm u its like when spongebobs brain was on fire and all the cabinets and computers were going up in flames and all the little brain spongebobs were losing their mind that’s me right now losing my mind over you I wrote exactly 2k words in that whole essay,,,,im so fucking valid,,,,ananywas I love you if you couldn’t tell nd iim . somewhat satisfied at being able to vent all this love,,,smoochie,,smoochh,,SMOOCHIIE
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Killing Book
Aka, the Death Note movie released this year. Now, I like Death Note (the anime of course). I watched it when I was like 12 or something and it introduced to the world of gory anime. So as you can expect, I was upset at seeing this movie, seeing the wrong things in the trailer and knowing it would be even more wrong in the movie. I was interested though, as one would be interested in watching a kid harmlessly fall so you can snicker at them. I avoided the movie even if I wanted to see the train wreck it was. But tonight, at somewhere around nine pm I decided NO MORE! I shall watch the movie and tell my friend how bad it was. We’ll be calling her Friend. I skype messaged her (i know who uses skype anymore? i do. because im lazy and dont want to change to discord) while watching it. Sadly she left early because she sleeps waaaaay earlier than I do. So at some point I’m just talking to myself. Just to let you know. Enjoy my ramblings.
WARNING: Obviously lots of death is mentioned. Also, if you liked the anime of Death Note, do NOT watched this movie. It’s horrible.
So this was taken directly from skype, with VERY little editing (just small things like personal stuff etc.) and it is rude, crude and not pleasant to look at. I tend to message a lot, in segments and that is was what made this so long. You have been warned.
Me: so I'm finally watching the death note movie Me: and I might rant at you a bit Me: first, its set in Washington in seattle Me: and lights fuckin blond frosted highlights Me: why
Friend: so Friend: 10/10
Me: its the best start a movie could ever have Me: so light is bullied and does homework for other classmates Me: who is this man? this isn't the light I know
Friend: maybe Friend: maybe Friend: just maybe Friend: someone kidnapped him
Me: god and now he likes this fark haired girl Me: dark Me: light loves no one Me: his heart is too icy to love Me: if only he was kidnapped Me: then at least he would break out and kill the person impersonating him
Friend: does he have the death note?
Me: yeah Me: its so different Me: its not the same at all Me: its like they just took the concept and fucked it Me: so the death note looks used even tho I pretty sure it was blank in the anime
Friend: it's for the money
Me: shit dude ryuk is in the house
Friend: is ryuk still cool thougj
Me: and light just fell over and is now running away Me: idk we'll see
Friend: does he still freak out over apples
Me: maybe Me: didn't ryuk show himself in lights room? Me: cause right now he's in school at detention Me: oh ryuk ate the apple
Friend: they met in his room
Me: welp here they met at detention
Friend: also it's to soon for light to know ryuk's obsession with apples
Me: its waaay too soon Me: I'm 10 minutes in Me: light didn't know ryuk for awhile Me: not almost immediately after getting the death note Me: also ryuk is persuading light into using it Me: anime light did not hesitate to kill a motherfuker Me: didn't need a demon to tell him what to do
Friend: wait Friend: what about the chip scene
Me: oh Me: what] Me: the Me: FUCK Me: they've ruined it
Me: wasn't it a rule that if you put someone name without a death, theyd die of a heart attack like an hour later Me: well Me: fuck that rule Me: doesn't exist Me: they die by random bullshit means
Friend: WHAT?!?!!?
Me: also Me: no chip scene Me: yet Me: I'm waiting Me: anime light waited until he got home to kill a guy Me: but movie light was still at school and watched him die Me: heres what happened that absolutely gets rid of the heart attack rule Me: so a couple of kids had a basketball and dropped it when a woman's bags of groceries ripped Me: the kid chased after the ball into the street, where a car swerved to miss him Me: another car coming the opposite way swerved to miss the car and hit a parked car Me: a ladder on top of the crashed car got loose and decapitated the guy whose name was written Me: instantly after his name was written Me: wtf happened man
Friend: -.-
Me: also Me: apparently there are rules to the book Me: lemme get to the scene where he looked at them Me: but I know one of them was the holder of the death note can only hold it for 7 days Me: wtf?? Me: in the anime anyone could have for eternity if they wanted Friend: for as long as they lived or until they gave it up Me: atleast his dad is still a cop Me: but his mom is dead??
Friend: dfhnasjkfahdjkasdhf Friend: what
Me: by getting hit by a car by the guy he killed earlier Me: wtffffff Me: okay Me: okay Me: tell me what you get from this, its rule 65 of the book Me: "each page of the note contains the power of the whole note" Me: wtf does that mean?? Me: ooh Me: oooooooh Me: wait Me: is that the thing where you could tear a page out and it would still work? Me: wtf you gotta word it like that man
Friend: it's as bad as tests
Me: okay I got a previous rule wrong Me: it was rule 95 Me: anyone can write names in the note but only the keeper can have it longer than 7 days
Friend: -.- that's still stupid
Me: it is yeah Me: I'm pretty sure a death note was supposed to have one owner Me: I mean once you touched the paper, you were stuck with the powers until you died or gave it up Me: also Me: previous apparently wrote warning ramblings in the book for light to see Me: "don't trust ryuk"
Friend: -.- Friend: no
Me: he also said ryuk weird Me: I say ree-yook Me: he said rye-uhk
Friend: i'm sad Friend: i'm pissed
Me: and that's barely 20 mins in
Friend: need bleach?
Me: still another hour and a half left Me: god Me: 90 more mintes Me: ryuk is creepin in lights closet Me: light is offering an apple Me: ryuk is happy Me: ooh thank god Me: ryuk told light how to pronounce his name Me: I don't think I could live with light always saying his name wrong Me: ryuk looks gross Me: haven't seen him clearly yet tho Me: always in shadows
Friend: ryuk is cool
Me: movie ryuk is pretty chill Me: light has killed again Me: this time the gfather of the guy he killed ealier
Friend: is
Me: oky
Friend: is light killing innocent people
Me: heres how he died because I'm pretty sure light didn't right a death Me: not yet Me: so a couple knocked a salt shaker of a table at a restuarant Me: a waiter trips on it and bumps into the dude who will die Me: the father get knocked forward and stabs himself in the neck with a knife that he had been holding upwarrd Me: he sprays blood all over his guests and dies
Friend: why are the deaths so convoluted
Me: ryuk cackles in the background Me: I have no idea Me: wow steak sounds good right now Me: even tho I guy just died because of some Me: a Me: oops heres dark haired pretty girll in the bakground Me: she talked to light Me: wtf Me: who is this chick Me: she elooks like the next bella swan Me: turner Me: light turner Me: and her name is mia Me: what was the name of the blond girl who loved light?
Friend: yeah
Me: mia was her name? really? Me: she has no idea what a death note is Me: and light is showing it to her
Friend: fucking moron
Me: anime light would never do that Me: mia is laughing at hime Me: shit her name in the anime was misa Me: not mia Me: noe light is killing in front of mia Me: but at least hes using the news like anime light did Me: this movie is horrible
Friend: I wonder how they will ruin L Friend: i might cry at that part
Me: and I will tel you every wrong thing they do Me: so light and mia teamed up
Friend: i know you will
Me: even tho mia doesn't have a death note like anime misa did Me: and light want to kiss her Me: help Me: help Me: oh n Me: they Me: making out Me: I don't want to put skype down Me: hep Me: me
Friend: GET Friend: THE Friend: BLEACH!!!!!!!!!
Me: theyre done Me: no[e Me: not done Me: shit Me: okay Me: wait Me: stop' Me: they keep kissing Me: and its inbwteen scenes Me: so it surpried Me: me
Friend: life has no meaning
Me: okay hang on Me: how did light start getting called kira in the anime Me: didn't the public start calling that?
Friend: yea
Me: well light chose it in the movie Me: hes like Me: I want to be kalled kira Me: and now somehow the whole world knows Me: agh Me: nudity
Friend: >=c
Me: brief, dead women nudity Me: L is helping kira? Me: L informed kira of a club full of baddies
Friend: are you sure that's L
Me: yep Me: subtitles label him as L Me: here lemme send a screen shot Me: there it is Me: proven by the subtitles Me: L is originally from England right? Me: I cant tell if movie L is sitting like anime L
Friend: L is an orphan from England yes
Me: no accent Me: move L is american
Friend: i'm sorry japan
Me: gotta apologise to the mangaka who wrote death note
Friend: who
Me: idk their name
Friend: who the hell made the decision to make them..
Me: I have no idea Me: eath note was done and over years before they made this movie Me: why did they make it now?
Friend: money
Me: fuck the money Me: at least follow the god damn plot
Friend: yeah
Me: they used the right logo for L Me: that's nice Me: to see somethingsimilar Me: ugh Me: L is such a pig in the movie Me: hes got candy everywhere and is eating it messily Me: anime L was careful and deliberate
Friend: yeah
Me: ugh Me: they say "fuck" is this movie too much
Friend: i'm going to bed. you can keep ranting and i will respond tomorrow
After this point, it’s just me ranting so there will be no more Me: going on. Just a series of messages one after the other.
kay okay wait this was funny the movie did a funny so lights dad is meeting L in L's big fancy hideout and lights dad has his hand held out and and ice cream is just silently put in his hand with no information about it no one says a word about it he just holds the ice cream now L is speaking to a million reporters in broad daylight outside and movie L doesn't sit exactly the same as anime L hes in the same pose as anime L but movie L sits on his butt instead of sitting/squatting on his feet in the chair if that makes any sense L is calling out kira on the news ryuk likes L so apparently to kill using the book, you need a name AND a face but I'm pretty sure in the anime you only needed a name and now L isn't even sitting right hes lounging LOUNGING also mia cant see ryuk even tho shes touched the note book all the rules have been tossed out the window mia stole the book and is killing all the investigating agents oh siiit mia didn't do it ryuk did ryuk killed 13 people and now hes telling light to let the note go anime ryuk didn't do this he wanted light to have the note mia wants to kill lights dad so light and L have met in public and they fightin and light is being sooo suspicious they've got the weather in this movie right tho its constantly rainging shit mia told light she loved him and they making out now so if you write a name and burn the page before the person dies, theyre spared. but you can only do this once so many dumb rules  what I don't understand is why they changed misa's name to mia but didn't changed light's misa is a way more normal name than light why change it?? okay now movie L is sitting like in the anime lights dad is beating L down L is threatening light and light is acting as innocent as possible ryuk is meddling in lights plans lemme tell you those plans light write the name of L' assistant, having him find L's name and then tell light but ryuk is there to screw things up oh shit ryuk took the page with L's assisatants name on it so mia betrayed light light wanted to save watari watari is L's assitant but mia and ryuk messed that up ooooh shiiiiit mia did kill all those agents she killed 13 people not ryuk oooh L is angry that watari is dead and mia is trying to kill light hope he kills her instead L is gonna hunt light down L is driving angrily through the streets just rmapgaing dude rampaging now L is chasing light on foot 20 mins left no chip scene (note: really sad there wasn’t any chip scene) L is confrtoning light but light is saved by one of his many admirerers mia is trying to take the book and theyre fighting at the top of a ferris wheel light put mias name in the book she dead the ferris wheel deatached so now its slowly falling ryuk is manipulating the ferris wheel mia is hanging out of the pod thing light dropped her light fell mia died in an explosion of flowers light landed in water the book did too now L' there the page containg lights name is burning and L saw the page buring some old guy just picked up the washed up death note this new guy is carrying on kira's duty while light is in a coma now he's returning the book back to light oh light woke up L knows that mia was involvev involved lights dad knows he knows now light is gonna tell his dad how it works okay wait some exposition is going down and you need to know what is up so mia wrote that light's heart would stop at midnight so to fix that light chose a rapist who had connections to a hospital to save light when he fell in the water, give him cpr and keep light in a medically induced coma hospital guy commits suicide then light writes a pedophile mailman gets the note book on the shore, writes criminals names to keep up the act while light is in a coma, gives the death note back and commits suicide then he writes when mia takes the note book from light, she falls, tears the page with lights name on it that then the page is burned, light lands safely in water and mia dies instantly when she hits the ground L found the page with watari's name and all the agent's names L angry at light hes laughing crazily L looked like he was gonna write light's name but then the credits are going ooh that was interesting they showed behind the scenes stuff while playing the credits but it was done in a way I hadn't seen before they were like flashing it on screen inbetween credits, only a few seconds at a time got to see how they did ryuk which was cool god damnit they never showed if L wrote light's name or not I'm guessing not I waited through 5 mins of creits for thi why so light didn't kill any innocent people huh but mia sure did so my rating is 0/10 this wasn't death note this was like like some knock off version called'killing book' hope your happy that L is alive tho didn't have to kill himself like anime L did unless that was what the end implied hang on imma see if movie L killed himself too well Wikipedia doesn't say anything but we all know how reliable Wikipedia is that was a real joy ride hope you enjoyed my ramblings even thought half of them prob don't make sense
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professor-tammi · 7 years
so due to the lack of anime to watch I instead took to watching MOVIES
I saw the Death Note movie (it was very bad) and the two Chihayafuru movies (which were good enough to cure me), so here are some impressions under the cut in case anybody enjoys rambles,
1) Ok let’s talk Death Note first. I knew going into it that it would be bad, but it miraculously managed to surpass my expectations and be even worse than I imagined it would be, which is kind of a feat in and of itself! Congratulations!!
The movie has three major issues (plot holes aside, I’m not even going to bother going into those): Light’s characterization is the first one. The original Light was an honor student, but also a sociopath, and the contrast between his charismatic outward facade and his inner thoughts as well as the way all of these things influenced those close to him (eg his family) was part of what made Death Note good in the first place. All of that is gone, and instead we have a Light who is motivated primarily by a crush (ughhhh) rather than a god complex, which is incredibly dull and a terrible change
Second issue: honestly everything about BAD GIRL Mia (did they name her that because it’s one letter off from Misa?? idk). I don’t even know where to begin. Ok so, not only is the romance subplot a completely unnecessary change, but it also... makes no sense? She initially only becomes interested in Light because he tells her he saw someone get decapitated, which you’d think would be the biggest red flag ever buuut I guess this version of Light doesn’t think with his brain. Anyway I was going to talk about that bit near the end where she threatens to kill Light unless he hands her the Death Note and he’s all “YOU WON’T DO IT IF YOU TRULY LOVE ME” but of course she doesn’t care and anyway it’s all so dumb that I don’t even know how to express in words how disappointed it makes me so instead I’ll just leave it at “it’s really bad” :)
Third issue: the rivalry between Light and L is essentially gone because this Light frankly isn’t smart enough for L and that rivalry was like, 90% of what  Death Note is about ??? (Near is a successor to L so I am counting him in these 90%.) No doing a high-schooler’s math homework does not make Light smart, movie, haven’t you heard of show don’t tell? smh >:(
Now that I’ve talked about the bad things, I want to mention some things I liked: Ryuk was pretty good, shockingly, because you’d think he would be the easiest character to mess up. L was also quite decent (up until the end where he acts rather out of character but still), which is again shocking because L is not easy to get right. I think that’s about it?
2) In happier news: Chihayafuru! I figured I’d watch the movies since I whole-heartedly adore the anime and they were both excellent and very feel-good-y! I haven’t seen a huge amount of Japanese movies before, so I was a bit surprised by how similar the humor in the live action movies is to the humor in the anime itself... I always thought the exaggerated humor was an anime thing, but maybe it’s just a general Japanese media thing!? Still it’s quite remarkable how they manage to make oddball jokes like Chihaya falling asleep immediately after a match work :D
Speaking of Chihaya, she was perfectly casted and her eccentric tendencies  were all spot-on and very endearing! Actually I kind of feel like... everyone was perfectly casted? I can’t think of any characters that were off, and that includes ones which I’d expect to be a bit trickier to portray, like Shinobu (she was amazing im cry. also Shinobu freaking out over Chihaya’s towel was my favorite part) and Arata (who is very adorable, I love Arata)
The movies do change things up a bit -- notably, there’s no lengthy flashback to how Chihaya/Taichi/Arata came to play together as children, and instead you get shorter flashbacks interspersed throughout the movies, and the meeting with Arata after his grandfather’s death is a bit less dramatic (which made me a bit sad actually because I loved that moment in the anime haha). Oh and I felt like there was a bit more focus on Arata’s relationship with Shinobu than expected? But either way none of the changes felt like they got in the way, maybe Death Note should’ve taken a page out of this movie’s book ; ) i mean movies dont have pages but
Also I feel like I should probably mention that I couldn’t find the second movie with subtitles so I just watched it without and I failed to understand half of what Arata and Shinobu had to say bc their Fukui accents confused me lol. As much as I love their accents I can not understand them :’)
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jungnoir · 7 years
college boyfriend!wonwoo;
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my first piece for wonwoo!!! for this request
for some reason i was kinda struck with this idea of wonwoo while i was plotting and i can’t really get it out of my head
so in college, wonwoo is... elusive
he’s the kind of guy that could be in a class of eight and you still wouldn’t recognize him if someone showed you a picture
but that’s bc of himself and no one else
he doesn’t really like taking all the spotlight and by going to a huge university, he can blend in pretty well
despite having a lot of outgoing friends, their personalities have never really rubbed off on him
despite his best friend mingyu trying to bring him out of his shell all the time, wonwoo is pretty fine being confined to his dorm in between classes and staying home from rowdy parties on the weekends
and it’s not a problem to him. he loves solitude
some of his friends don’t really understand how he could be so chill with just spending all this time alone by himself but they never pressure him
however, one night after they all ace their exams, wonwoo is inevitably dragged out to party bc “you gotta celebrate that close call!”
wonwoo’s only reason for going is free food 
so the guys take him to a bar and they’re all getting drunk off their asses, chasing around pyt’s and having the times of their lives, when wonwoo decides he’ll head home early
he’s not even halfway out of the door when he feels off
it’s like the happy atmosphere from inside is hosed off and all he can feel is danger danger danger
he turns this way and that, expecting some wannabe gangster or thug to be lurking around, ready to nab his stuff, but instead he sees you on the other side of the street, walking home and obviously alone
when he sees you’re the only person out in the open he just turns and starts his trek home, but then he gets a really nasty feeling in his gut and it keeps telling him to turn around
and when he does, he sees him
it looks like a pretty shady guy, somewhere in his late forties, dressed way too heavily for barely cool weather
the guy is keeping a pretty good distance from you too, so good that wonwoo, if he hadn’t been so instinctively inclined, might’ve went back on his merry way
but wonwoo knew better, and soon he was slinking across the street and tailing you two
as soon as an alleyway appears, the guy ahead starts sprinting, and wonwoo does too, his legs keeping him close behind until he’s right on top of the guy
the guy tries to grab your arm and when you hear the commotion behind you, you peel back just in time 
wonwoo rams into the guy’s back and throws him to the ground, using all his force and knocking the guy’s breath out of his lungs, sending a kick to his side and making the guy cough in pain
“what do you think you were about to do?” wonwoo growls, and the guy on the ground shrinks back and quivers bc he definitely wasn’t expecting a real fight tonight
the guy keeps shaking helplessly and glances at you before he goes “m-man, she’s not even worth it” and runs off
wonwoo is still standing, watching and making sure the guy doesn’t come back, when you grasp his upper arm
he jolts bc he’s still kind of riled up, but when he sees you, soft and gentle, he finally takes a peaceful breather
“thank you, wonwoo”
wonwoo kinda rears back in shock bc??? you know his name?? how???? he only talks to like twelve idiots and they’re all currently drunk in a bar half a mile back
when you see the uncomfortable look on his face you immediately pull your hand away from him, telling him your name as you start blabbering “i’m not a creeper or anything i swear! you’re just in one of my classes and i remembered you”
and again, wonwoo is still in shock
bc this is the guy that blends in on purpose, and never tries to make conversation unless absolutely necessary, so why had you said his name like you were both old friends?
“your... class?” he asks, racking his mind for where he might’ve seen you, and you tell him that you both have chinese history together and he’s like ohhhhh, the class he always falls asleep in
the only reason he’s passing is bc of jun and minghao, two chinese transfers who always begrudgingly help him with his homework
“i remember you from hearing the teacher yell your name every fifteen minutes. are you... narcoleptic or something? should i walk you home just in case you pass out?”
and you actually mean it seriously, even going as far as to take his arm in your hold
but wonwoo is just so endeared by your look of concern that he splutters between laughter, turning his head away from you in disbelief
bc really, a pretty stranger like you wouldn’t speak to him longer than they had to, so why were you still here?
“i’ll be fine. if anything i should walk you home, in case that punk is waiting around the corner or something” he says, casting glances here and there to make sure the coast is clear
finally you just take his arm fully and drag him along with you, taking him by surprise as you hum, “for the sake of both of us, then”
the walk home is quiet and while usually it’d be awkward for wonwoo, he actually doesn’t mind it in your presence
he can focus on the sounds of cars on the street, dogs barking in the distance, and your soft breaths in the cold air
he watches as you take forced deep breaths and exhale just to watch the air steam before you, as you take pride in the crunch of leaves under your boots, as you tug your scarf just a little tighter
and when you two finally make it to your dorm, you’re reluctant to pull away, your fingers twiddling as you give him a small smile “thanks for walking me all the way”
wonwoo just nods, stuffing his hands into his pockets, ready to leave, when you randomly call his name
when he turns, you’re shoving your phone into his chest faster than he can think, his hands fumbling to catch it before it falls
“put your number in”
it’s not even a question or a suggestion
you might as well be holding a gun to his head lol
(but you wouldn’t need one, wonwoo would do it anyway :D)
with freezing, nimble fingers, he puts his number in and watches as you smile at it
he’s about to ask what you need it for when you raise the phone and snap a picture of him, his eyes blown wide as he attempts to assess the situation
“cute. I think i’ll keep that.” you mumble to yourself, setting his picture as his icon before tucking the phone away in your back pocket and heading back inside, offering him a quick wave before you disappear from sight
wonwoo ends up walking back to his dorm a little slower, the only thing on his mind being the brief flash of light in his eyes before you snapped his picture, and the prideful smile you held when you looked it over by yourself
he didn’t even have your number, but you had his
walking home, he could only think “what a strange girl”
and strange indeed, bc the next day after class he’s getting a call from you
you don’t say much, just that he should meet you out front, near the building where you two share a class
he’s like pshhhh. nah. im not going........well. idk im gonna walk past it to get to my next class..... i guess i could go see her...... maybe
his class is the opposite direction but shhh
when he gets there, he sees you holding two coffees, wrapped up in your scarf from the night before, looking cheery as he nears
“here!!” you shove a black coffee into his hand and he stares at the cup in confusion, popping the lid like???
“you assumed my favorite coffee is black coffee. you assumed wrong.”
and then you’re shoving like ten packets of sugar into his free hand with a pout “i had a feeling black coffee was presumptuous so i got you lots of sugar in case. you’re welcome.”
there’s a metaphor hidden in there you know
you start walking away and he stares at your back, unsure what to do until you twist and beckon him, and for whatever he reason, he finds himself following after you like a dog on a leash
you two stroll across campus, you chatting away and attempting to make him a laugh
and a few times you actually succeed
in between your rambling wonwoo focuses on you, attempting to decipher exactly why you’ve bothered to get him coffee, or to walk with him so casually as if both of you had been friends for years
it’s like you see more of him than he thought he had been showing
to his surprise, you two end up where his next class is with ten minutes to spare, the route you’d taken getting him there far quicker than the one he usually took
he mentally maps it in his mind before giving you a glance over and a small “thank you”
“no prob. see you later!” 
and wonwoo is like yeah lol that’s just a simple, normal parting
but you actually see him later
guess who’s childhood friends with boo seungkwan???
when wonwoo comes over to see seungkwan at practice for the upcoming musical he’s in, he sees you joking around with the cast and playing with seungkwan
as soon as you two make eye contact, you’re shuffling over with a big grin and seungkwan is not far from behind, the look in his eyes
seungkwan: (    ͡ °  ͜ʖ   ͡° )
wonwoo: Do Not
seungkwan: (    ͡°   ͜ʖ   ͡° )!!!!!
“so, you two know each other?” and there he goes
before wonwoo can even try to save his ass from what he knows seungkwan will royally misinterpret you’re butting in “oh yeah!! he walked me home”
and seungkwan is like oh??? did he now?? :)
“right after he fended off some creep. honestly, if he wasn’t there, I would've had to get my hands dirty”
but all seungkwan can hear is love! love! love! loVE
“wow, wonwoo doesn’t step in for just anybody. you must be special” he says, to make matters somehow worse
and then you’re looking, eyes wide, before glancing between him and seungkwan like no!!! no. no. what? no way.
but seungkwan is Convinced and there is no unconvincing mr. boo sorry i don’t make the rules
“it’s not like that, seungkwan” wonwoo pleads
“probably not. any decent person would step in if they saw something going on. i just... ya know... think it’s funny how wonwoo didn't really have to walk you home. like not really. like that didn’t have to happen.”
and wonwoo wants to defend himself but also he... cannot?? like normal wonwoo would not go through that much effort
normal wonwoo would have beat that guy’s ass way worse too, but you had been there and he didn’t want to frighten you
which... is another thing he can’t tell seungkwan
instead he’s silent and seungkwan is like point? made
finally, seungkwan has to go bc some kid needed help learning runs
so when it’s just you two standing backstage you suddenly become quiet, even looking a lil
and he’s like isn’t that my thing
“sorry about seungkwan” you both say at the same time, and then you two make eye contact, right before you break into laughter
there he goes again, laughing because of you
his heart even swells a bit when you beam at him, proud that you’ve made him laugh
“you have a really pretty laugh. you should laugh more often” you tell him, and his cheeks BLARE red
instinctively he covers his mouth, up until you grab his wrist and pull it down “don’t hide your smile either”
and wonwoo on the inside is like “this girl is dripping in grease... i like it....”
you two just look at each other, gazes locked, neither of you knowing if the other should speak first or not
and then wonwoo breaks the silence to your surprise, “wanna go get something to eat? seungkwan looks like he’s gonna be a while”
he takes you to a sushi place and while wonwoo starts off really reserved, you manage to open him up a significant amount
by the end of the night he’s laughed more than he has since starting the school year, and you’ve just made him feel really happy and what is this feeling??? omg??
when you two are walking out, you’re about ready to do something bold but
he beats you to it
“this is probably really soon and i don’t want to freak you out but... wanna do this more often? like... go out, i mean. not like friends but you know as... something more.”
and you’re immediately like “of course!!! yes let’s do that!!!” and it’s just so cute
both of you are blushing, giggling messes going home
and from that moment forward, the cutest relationship ever begins
you’re much bolder in the relationship so it’s expected for wonwoo to have you come over unannounced often, or have you call him late at night just bc you want to hear his deep voice
he usually sounds tired and done with you but in reality his heart grows even fonder every time
he loves that in your spare time, when you’re away from him, you’re thinking about him still
you always send him cheesy texts and silly puns to make him laugh bc “even if i’m not there to hear it, you should be laughing wonwoo”
he is a gentleman and a little awkward about it
like he pulls your chair out a little too far for you and you nearly fall on your ass
he opens the door for you when you’re like fifteen feet away
his hands rarely drift farther than your shoulders
but it’s bc he doesn’t know how far to go, or how far you’ll let him go, so he’s always super cautious and tries to stay in tune to how you feel
he’s deeply emotional but he doesn’t like showing it
he’d rather bottle it all up until he’s so thinly stretched he implodes
so you learn that when he gets quiet and doesn’t really react to you when you ask him how he’s feeling that he’s bottling up something
you stop everything you’re doing and force him to talk to you
at first, he really despises doing it, but then he becomes a lot more open
you won’t even have to ask, he’ll just tell you how he feels right off the bat
he can simply text you how he feels and vice versa and you two take care of each other
wonwoo: feeling shitty. inadequate. please tell me you love me
you: coming over with ur fave movie and some takeout. i’m wearing the sweater you like to snuggle up on. i love you to the moon and back
you: i said i didn’t care that you were acting close with that girl from your class but in reality i was jealous :/
wonwoo: dummy, who else would put up with an emo dweeb like me besides an emo dweeb like you?? i don’t want anyone else either
like your relationship is so healthy
wonwoo feels safe with you
like he doesn’t have to tie himself up and restrict himself in front of you. he can just be
he loves you so much he takes you home to meet his family, and that’s a big deal for him
his family means the world to him so you meeting them is like... monumental
from then on, everyone knows he’s smitten with you
seungkwan has also deemed himself yall’s mediator and/or therapist
so if you two get into a particularly heated fight he’s always first to try and repair 
he knows you two like the backs of his hands, so it’s easy for him to see where one of you has gone wrong
he scolds you both when you act childish and ends up ending fights way quicker than the two of you would end them on your own
the other guys are also deeply invested in the relationship
at least one of them knows where either you or wonwoo is at all times
wonwoo can trust his friends to look after you when he’s not around and you can trust his friends to be honest with you when wonwoo is feeling out of his element and not telling you
surprisingly, wonwoo is the first to say i love you
it just slips in the middle of a fight, when you two have come to each other’s ends and all the stress from school and friends has hit with a vengeance
he screams it, tears welling in his eyes 
the room falls silent and he thinks that he’s really fucked up now
but then you come closer and pull him into a hug and he freely breaks down in front of you, holding onto you like dear life
“i love you too, idiot... i love you” is all you whisper to him, rubbing his back and letting him let go until he’s feeling better
wonwoo is actually very sensitive and he sometimes doesn’t say what he means but he loves deeply
and he’ll be loyal for a long time
all he wants is the same thing
so yes love this boy pls
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