#Idk whats with the weird hairs in his head. I just call them his cat ears
reinabeestudio · 11 months
okay yomiel since that last ask i have been searching for what felt like 15 minutes trying to look for that one joke art i made MONTHS back and since its relevant to your AHEM BLUE CODED IDIOTS i present to thee:
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we still eating together? :)?
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the-bi-space-ace · 22 days
Clone Cuddle Headcanons
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Wrecker is the biggest cuddle bug idk what to tell you. He does run hot however. The amount of times whoever he’s cuddling with wakes up sweating and a thousand degrees is unbelievable. He’s real great to lay on top of though. Right on top. Get up there.
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Crosshair is a surprising confusing individual and I keep looking at him in disbelief. He’s not averse to touch but he does want to be the one to initiate it. Especially cuddling. He will sit by himself in silence and then randomly walk up and just plop on top of whoever he’s chosen. They then have to lay there and let him choose the position, the blanket situation, the temperature, etc. otherwise he’ll leave. Cat rules.*
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Tech isn’t huge on cuddling either but is willing to not be the initiator if they also respect whatever activity he is doing. If he’s sitting working on a project he will allow one of them to lay their head in his lap or wrap around him as long as they aren’t in the way. He may even play with their hair or rub their backs absentmindedly.
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Echo goes through phases. He wants to be touched but not all the time and sometimes he really hates it and other times he really craves it. It’s mainly important to either ask first or let him ask. He likes to sleep near another person and will choose someone to latch on to if he’s in a cuddling mood. Sometimes he literally can’t get enough physical contact to feel comfortable and it drives him up a wall. (Can I please suggest that part of the reason Hunter touches his shoulder so often is bc of those moods where Echo legitimately can’t get enough physical touch. I just think that would be a nice thought.) He feels best when he gets to hold someone else and he is especially partial to Wrecker who not only keeps him warm but also is pretty willing to switch the cuddling up at any point. Good man.
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Hunter! Hunter here! Really enjoys a good cuddle! Loves his back scratched or his hair played with! He has passed out on top of the other batchers before and woken up two hours later not knowing where tf he is. He also appreciates a good weight on him so his preferred position if he’s holding somebody is on his back with the other person laying their head on his chest. He runs warm so he’s a good option for the cold nights.
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Fives loves everyone’s personal space. Especially Echo’s. He is a cuddle while sleeping type of guy. No need to feel weird about asking him for a cuddle he’s down for it. If anyone sits on the edge of his bed while he’s trying to sleep he rolls over and wraps his arms around their waist and hugs them. Had so much practice at comfort when he was a cadet that it is second nature for him. When he joined the 501st he got real protective of the shinies so they sought him out often when they needed support.
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Rex does like a good cuddle but only with specific people. Doesn’t really want to be touched by people he doesn’t know well. Is honestly more accustomed to touch if it’s playful but again. Usually with people he knows well. Likes to lay his head in people’s laps or let them fall asleep on him. Is not too hot or too cold. Got used to the dominos crawling into his bunk while he was asleep and had to adapt to them being clingy on bad days. Got used to it and ended up missing when they weren’t there. Cody calls him a softie. Says they ruined him forever. He gets so grumpy back.
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Cody. This man. Idk why but I always headcanon him as a physical touch kind of guy. Doesn’t like overly fond affection in public spaces but is real affectionate in private. Like Rex he’s more comfortable with the playful affection but there’s always a spot in his bed if someone needs it. He’s rarely sleeping through the night anyway. Might as well be the support system for those who need it. More accustom to holding hands honestly. It’s quiet it’s easy he can still use his datapad while he holds someone’s hand.
*I have a cute addition which is that the first time Crosshair plopped down and decided Echo was going to be his cuddle target Echo was in the middle of something and Crosshair just threw whatever Echo was working on aside and laid his head in Echo’s lap while this man just looked at the rest of the batch like ‘help?!? He’s never done this before am I in danger? What do I do!?!’ And everyone else was just like ‘you’re fine just be normal about it’ and after a few minutes of silence he just plopped his hand on Crosshair’s head and that’s how they both accidentally took a three hour nap and woke up disoriented with aching necks.
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manicpixiefelix · 5 months
love the hand that feeds you {Felix Catton/Reader/Oliver Quick}
One-Shot for head, heart, hand. but can be read as a stand-alone.
Summary: Everyone's always called you Felix's Dog. Felix has always had a problem with this. You've always wished that he didn't. Oliver's never been much of a cat person anyways.
Need to Know: They/Them. NB!Reader. Oliver's POV. Set after the Summer at Saltburn but with a happy, poly ending. Established Felix/Reader/Oliver. Reader's AGAB/sex is never made explicitly clear so hopefully all of y'all can enjoy.
Warnings: SMUT. Porn with plot. Pet play, obviously. Demeaning language (dog is the main one, obviously), oral, threesome, unprotected sex, d/s dynamics (all three of you go back and forth but there's mostly Dominant!Oliver), teasing, praise kink (and praise kink by proxy), pet names (ha). Felix & Reader being horny puppies who love Oliver Quick (and each other) very much.
A/N: 9494 words. i told my girlfriend about this fic and how long it is and she said 'at that point is it a oneshot or a cry for help' and idk man it's definitely a cry for something 👀
It starts because Felix likes having his hair played with.
Actually, it starts the week before with you, drunk and giggling at a house party, playing with the chain Oliver's always wearing with more fascination than usual, when you admit that Venetia once bought you a collar. Of course you provide the caveat that it was more to piss Felix off, which it had, and that it had been thrown into the fire before you ever got to wear it. Oliver, who'd been watching Felix playing beer pong across the room, has to take a moment to process what you'd said.
"Wish she didn't make it all weird," you sighed a little forlornly, and you give the chain a faint tug, "I'm such a good dog, everyone says so," then you huffed a faint, flustered laugh, "not everyone. Not you and Fi, you guys are lovely, but sometimes I am a bit like a dog; I'm okay with that."
In the next moment you're humming along to whatever trashy pop is playing, and Oliver's pretty sure you've already forgotten what you'd just said, but even in his own state of inebriation, he can't.
The next day, on one of the many lawns across Oxford's beautiful campus, Oliver's sitting with Felix's head in his lap, fingers running through his hair as you and Felix are brainstorming gifts for Venetia's upcoming birthday. Felix has his eyes closed, enjoying the warm afternoon and the sensation of Oliver's gentle petting, while you're splayed out on the grass beside them both, focusing on your notebook.
Yes, you've always been a good dog, but you'd been well trained; the more Oliver thinks about it, the more he finds himself also drawing comparisons between Felix and an excitable, affectionate, pampered pup himself. But there was potential there, Oliver could see it clear as day.
So he'd started to come up with a plan. A simple plan, thankfully; knowing you both it wouldn't require anything too complicated, it wouldn't be particularly manipulative. At least not maliciously.
A simple, two step plan to show the impossibly beautiful, rich, loving heirs how much he loved and appreciated them for all their qualities, especially the dog-like ones, in certain circumstances. Really it's not even his idea; Felix's whole family had drawn the comparison with you before it had even really occurred to him. He couldn't be blamed for being intrigued about following it to its logical end, and showing you both it's not the negative it usually comes across as. At least, that's how he phrases it in his mind when he's justifying it to himself.
And if he thinks you and Felix would both look pretty in a collar, well that's just a perk he keeps to himself.
The first step is submission.
All three of you fluctuated between dominance and submission on any given day, an enthusiastic ebb and flow of control amongst the three of you, in every combination imaginable. Except Felix seems unable to fully commit himself to submitting to Oliver alone; oh he plays along without hesitation, will get on his knees for Oliver at the slightest firm tone, but he always seems more thrilled knowing your hand is on his metaphorical leash.
So Oliver takes his time figuring out what exactly will make Felix long for Oliver's hand on his throat. The solution is shockingly simple.
It couldn't be just any praise. He'd lived his life hearing sweet words about how good he looks, or how lovely he was, it had to be deeper than that. Praise only you or Oliver could give, praise that he craved to hear, praise for the parts of himself he quietly put effort into.
Praise for being helpful, for being diligent, for being caring and genuinely thoughtful to the two of you, for being good.
"God, you're so good to me, Felix," Oliver groans in the bathroom of a house party, back pressed against the door while Felix was on his knees, Oliver's cock in his mouth. When Oliver looks down, sees Felix with a faint blush on his cheeks that's far sweeter than the rest of the debauchery of their situation, Oliver cards a hand through his hair, giving him a look that radiated just as much love as he felt for the man himself, "always so fuckin' good to me," he murmurs this time.
Felix, now bright red, all kinds of flustered, pulls back for half a second, unable to fight back a smile as he swears under his breath, but Oliver's hand in his hair tightens. Felix eyes flutter closed as Oliver, tone on his voice like a warning, tells Felix that he didn't say stop.
And Felix seems more than delighted to obey, to be as good to Oliver as he'd just been deemed.
Praise like this always made Felix all smitten and obedient and eager to please. Of course Oliver had always been quick to praise Felix, but this was different, was concentrated and specific. Once Oliver had started with these efforts, Felix seemed to grow more relaxed and eager to let Oliver become dominant over him when the mood struck him, even without the specific praise. Though the praise always helped.
The second step is acceptance.
Considering everything that had happened at Saltburn - the voyeuristic games you'd played with Oliver, the adventurous ways and places in which you and Felix would fuck, the handjob you'd given him after you caught him drinking the bath water that Felix had gotten off into that ended with you also managing to come untouched while Oliver moaned Felix's name in your ear, just to name a few - Oliver knew your sex lives would be more than a little kinky before he even officially joined this relationship. He was not disappointed.
Both you and Felix seemed more than willing to try anything, though Oliver was delighted to discover just how much you'd both already done, and were more than eager to do again.
All this to say that pet play was barely a step removed from roleplay, so he shouldn't have been surprised that you jump at the chance. At first it stays between you and Oliver, for obvious reasons that have everything to do with Felix's hangups about the derogatory way other people had often called you a dog. But when Oliver calls you 'pretty pup' for the first time, you react just the same way Felix does when praised.
Flustered. Bashful. Obedient.
Except Oliver quickly learns that you react far stronger than Felix. It seems not only were you telling the truth about being okay with the title, simply hearing it said so lovingly by Oliver, even in the most innocent situations, was enough to turn you on. It was validation you so desperately wanted, craved, your efforts and constant place by their side acknowledged and appreciated. There are times even when you're in control where you demand praise, and the words slip out.
"You're a good dog," Oliver gasps out, your legs over his shoulders, his head between your thighs. A pleased noises rumbles from somewhere in your chest and you laugh low and heady.
"You're fucking lucky to have a dog like me, Oliver Quick," comes out all lazy and confident, but his nose of agreement isn't enough for you, clearly, as your thighs momentarily tighten around him, trapping him, and he feels one of your heels press insistently against his back, "aren't you lucky," you say pointedly, warning in your voice, "to have such a good dog?" Echoing your words in agreement, they come out sounding like a breathless prayer, one he's eager to chant to see the heady, powerful smile you wear when you hear it.
Fuck he feels dizzy with lust in this moment, desperate to devour you, have his mouth on you, like his life depends on it, hoping you'll grant him the chance to fuck you - there's something about you in control that will always drive Oliver utterly mad. Actually, no matter the situation or who's in control, knowing you and Felix continue to want him, love him, choose him to share these moments with... sometimes he still can't believe he got here in the end.
He never thought he'd hear you beg, let alone for him. It's like fucking music.
When he's got you like this, under him, desperate, eager to please, mind a messy haze caught up in this fantasy being played out with you as his perfect pup - so good, so loyal, fuck you're precious, pet - where he can do or say practically anything to you, where you want him to.
"Fuck I love how pathetic you sound, pet," he mumbled into your ear, pressed against you, thrusting slow and deep, "can't even form a proper thought, can you?" He teases. Your hips stutter up into his in an inconsistent rhythm, desperate. Chiding you for it, he sits back, even as a disappointed mewl escapes you. As if moving out of instinct, you reach out, as if to try and pull him back in, and your fingers catch on the chain he still wears around his neck.
"Drop it," he orders immediately, to which you let go as if the metal had burned you. However, Oliver can feel you clench around his cock, hips rolling, pressing close to him, instinctively, "good dog," he purred, pleased, deciding to reward you by finally fucking you with intent.
So it's not you who still has to come to accept this concept. But Oliver's fairly confident you will be the main reason when Felix does come to accept it. In fact, he doesn't even bring the concept up to Felix himself; he knows you well enough that it will only be a matter of time.
It doesn't take long.
One night at the club, all three of you drunk and feeling indulgent under the lights and haze, you hear a resentful -
"Felix really can't go anywhere without his dog -"
You have to hold Felix back from searching for the girl who said it to start shouting at her, assuring him it's fine, but Oliver then has to drag you both of the dancefloor when you start unexpectedly arguing with each other. He actually genuinely can't pick exactly what the argument is about until he's got you both in one of the marginally quieter side rooms, you and Felix still arguing animatedly -
"- shouldn't even be talking about you like that, they don't even know you -" Felix snapped, while you stepped up into his space, having him in the chest.
"When the fuck have I ever cared what anyone but you thinks of me?!"
"I don't think of you as my dog!"
"How many times do I have to say that I don't mind being called your dog before you figure out that maybe I want you to call me that?!" You glare up at him, watching the confusion and mixed emotions about the idea pass over his face in rapid succession, "I'm getting sick of you taking issue with the title, and refusing to understand why I don't; am I not every fucking thing the perfect dog is to you? I am loyal," with each descriptor you gave an instant push against his chest, as if to punctuate each point, "diligent, protective, you know I'd follow you to hell and back, it makes me happy to make you happy, and yes, Felix, just like a dog, I can be obedient," Felix's gaze is shocked as you lay it all out before him. Your voice lowers, Oliver can barely hear you over the music in the next room, "but unlike a dog, I was not trained to love you, to stick by you like I do; that is a choice I made. That is a choice I continue to make happily every single day of my life. Every other asshole who calls me a dog can see it, most of them are fucking jealous because I am the one you choose to keep by your side. Why would I ever take issue with being called that? What do I have to be jealous of? I am the dog, Felix Catton, and I am yours."
It's... reductive, Oliver thinks, but it has to be to get your point across, so he keeps that to himself. He knows all too well how old this sore spot is between you two, far older than his place in your relationship. Perhaps if things hadn't worked out quite so well for him, or if he weren't so secure in his relationship with you both, perhaps he'd worry, be jealous of how you're speaking once more like you and Felix only have each other. But her knows you're not, knows that you're speaking to the version of Felix who can't let go of his discomfort at the title's implications. Part of Felix would always listen to you above all others, even Oliver, but Oliver himself had in part fallen for the way you two loved each other, he lives seeing that connection still strong, bright and alive, and knowing that you've both still chosen to love him too.
Felix, a few feet away, looks suddenly conflicted, almost upset as he tries to process and reconcile your words. However, when Felix can't seem to give a proper reaction, a look of disappointment crosses over your face, and you turn sharply, stalking from the room, from the club entirely.
"It still feels demeaning to them," Felix has been sulking the entire walk back to campus, he and Oliver having left not too long after you. Oliver bites his tongue on the fact that he knows you get off on being demeaned in the right circumstances; Felix is off course aware of this, but not the true extent. Instead, all Oliver offers is a non-committal hum. Felix pouts, still mostly talking to himself, "'s rude," he mumbled, "'s a mean thing to call someone; dog..." Though it sounds almost like a question.
"So you'd be mad if someone called you Y/N's dog?" Oliver says with a surprising amount of casualness considering he has no idea where his boldness came from. Beside him, Felix goes very quiet. Oliver pointedly doesn't look at him.
"That's different," Felix finally managed after several long, strained moments in which he'd thoroughly considered Oliver's words. Except Felix hasn't managed to sound nearly as casual as Oliver, the poor boy sounds rather abashed at the thought, though he still tries to play it off, albeit unsuccessfully, "Ollie, that's- that's completely different."
"How's it different?" Oliver needles him subtly, still giving Felix a modicum of privacy from his ever watchful eyes.
"Because it is," Felix insists, before blurring out - "because it's never happened!"
When Oliver finally looks over at Felix, he keeps his expression just on the positive side of neutral, only to be met with the sight of Felix, wide eyed, and faintly flush. Oliver blinks.
"But you are," he says easily. Felix's lips press into a thin line, face turning steadily darker with his blush as he finally stops walking. Oliver can read the 'the fuck do you mean by that?' all across Felix's flustered, intoxicated features before the man can even open his mouth to ask, so Oliver stops walking too, elaborating without hesitation, "if we're going by Y/N's metrics for what a good dog is, aren't you one too?"
This conversation was completely unexpected for Oliver too, despite how he was the one who pushed it in this direction. Beautiful, expressive Felix is already growing less tense as he turns the thoughts over in his mind. Oliver, eager to help him along on his path to acceptance, reiterates the values you'd laid out in the club -
"Loyal, diligent, protective," he lists easily, "you know you'd follow them anywhere, and do anything to make them happy," he doesn't have to say that Felix can be obedient to you to know they're both thinking it. Instead, Oliver shrugs, "but you're Felix Catton, of course no-ones going to call you a dog."
"What?" Felix's deliberation finally gives way in the face of confusion.
"Everyone knows Y/N loves you, but they don't want to think about you loving Y/N back."
"But I do," Felix's soft voice sounds so hurt by the very idea, "everyone knows I do." Oliver's own expression softens as he steps forward. Felix's brow creases in what can only be described as disappointed confusion.
"I know," he assures smoothly, "that's other people's problem, its not fair on either of you." Oliver's hand is gentle on Felix's shoulder, but Felix is still clearly bothered, even as they start walking again.
"Maybe that's why it bothered you so much," Oliver finally speaks again when they're back on campus. Felix doesn't speak, but does look to Oliver with an expression of clear confusion, "because you didn't like the idea of people thinking Y/N loved you more than you loved them." After a moment, Felix sighs, making a faint, disappointed hum of agreement.
"Did you think that?" Felix asked softly after a moment, "before you really knew us, is that what you thought of us too?" He sounds almost disappointed at the thought. Oliver, however, has to fight back a smile.
"Not even for a fuckin' second," he admits with a sharp laugh, and Felix immediately perks up with intrigue and something almost like relief, though Oliver's tone is amused as he continues, "I honestly couldn't believe no-one else could see it; never seen anyone quite so dedicated to taking care of their dog as Y/N was to looking out for you."
Felix turns bright red once more, but he's wearing that big, bashful grin Oliver's always loved.
"I am, aren't I?" Felix sounds almost giddy at the thought. Oliver feels like there's fireworks going off in his chest.
"Y/N really can't go anywhere without their dog either," Oliver teases, lovingly parroting the words that had been so cruelly overheard at the club. If Felix were any drunker or happier, he probably would have started actually skipping. As it was, however, the two of them approaching Felix's dorm building, he wraps an arm around Oliver's shoulders.
"You know all that stuff they said, all that stuff about being a good dog, you know that's how we feel about you too, Ollie," Felix can clearly tell the minute Oliver's brain short circuits, because he laughs and plants a kiss on Oliver's cheek, "sorry if you're more of a cat person, mate," he teases, as if he hadn't just suddenly rewired something in his boyfriend's brain.
You and Felix. YouAndFelix. Both love him the way a dog loves their owner. It goes beyond even any lewd fantasies he'd had; a year ago he was watching you both through his window, talking and laughing in the afternoon sun, wishing desperately that he could work up the courage to talk to either of you, befriend you.
But you and Felix - YouAndFelix, together, individually, in every single way Oliver can conceive the idea of you - both love him. Our Ollie, the way he's heard spoken so lovingly, sounds so much sweeter than he'd ever even imagined.
"You're both very sweet to me," Oliver hears himself mumble as he and Felix finally find themselves outside of Felix's door. Everything feels like it's spinning, in a way that has nothing to do with the alcohol, and everything to do with the way Felix is smiling at him. Instead of answering, though Oliver's sure there's half a dozen teasing or sappy comments trapped in the tip of Felix's tongue, he kisses him instead. Felix always seemed to know exactly when Oliver was overwhelmed with their shared reality, and always took his time to admire that look in Oliver's eyes. Now was no different.
He's always thought Oliver was so strange, so queer, so different from everyone else in his life, and so clearly loved him for it.
Felix finally is the one to break the moment, knocking lightly on the door, knowing you well enough to anticipate where you'd be despite your earlier anger. As if on cue, you sighed heavily on the other side of the door, before inviting them in.
While Felix barely gives you time to react where you're in your pyjamas, sitting in his bed in the lamp light, not even kicking off his shoes before he throws himself into your lap, wrapping his arm around your waist as he pressed his face against your thigh, Oliver hovers by the door.
"Hi, sorry, hi, love you," escapes Felix in a rush. Despite your conflicted expression, the way your hand comes to rest on his head, carding through his hair is automatic. It's an endearing, amusing sight to Oliver, considering the night that had just passed. He knows you're looking at him, questioning gaze searching for some kind of explanation for Felix's change of behaviour, but Oliver lets himself linger a few moments longer on watching Felix's almost childishly clingy behaviour.
He struggles to kick off his shoes for a moment before he finally managed, and hitch a leg up, over both of yours, still in his jeans and jacket but refusing to be anything but wrapped up in you.
"I'm not staying," is what Oliver finally says, despite the gentle affection in his voice. You frown faintly, but still seem more confused than upset, "I think you two need to talk," he explains. Despite the way your mouth flattens into a thin line, you're still gently petting Felix's hair. Still, Oliver steels himself, giving you a strange little smile, "you're a good dog, Y/N," he says pointedly. This seems to surprise you, but not as much as Felix's sitting echo.
"Such a good dog," he agrees with a fond sigh, half muffled against you. Immediately your confusion, your concern drops in favour of sweet, hopeful shock. But Oliver continues before he shuts the door, smile growing into a grin.
"So are you, Felix," and Felix's head shoots up so he can level a bright, sunny smile over his shoulder at Oliver. Christ, Oliver can practically see his tail wagging.
"Love you, Ollie," Felix beams cheerfully. While Oliver echoes the sentiment back at you both as he closes the door, you can't seem to look away from Felix.
Something warm and pleased and satisfied curls itself comfortably in Oliver's chest on the brief walk back to his own room. It goes beyond any selfish, sexual desires he's had, not that there wasn't an element of that, of course, but he can't stop thinking about the joy in Felix's expression, or the way you'd disbelieving smile you'd been wearing when Oliver had closed the door. An old ache beginning to heal.
The change is subtle at first. At least, from the outside.
After that fateful summer, the three of you had made no secret of your relationship. Felix had always been tactile and clingy and prone to shows of affection, you had always made a point to make Oliver feel included and welcome and like you craved his company, while Oliver himself had never made any secret of whose attention and contact he preferred in any group setting. So he's sure, to their friends, the three of you seem to be the same as you've always been.
Farleigh had once scoffed at the pub that the three of you were insufferably gross, and while the rest of the group at the table had agreed, it had been more teasing than malicious; on one side of Oliver, you'd pressed your laughter into his shoulder, while Felix had throw his arm around Oliver and chided Farleigh not to be jealous, wearing a wide, easy smile.
Oliver and Farleigh still may not exactly see eye to eye, but things had gotten easier between them. Across the table, Farleigh met Oliver's bashful gaze and though he'd rolled his eyes, though he seemed exasperated by all three of you, there was warmth in his eyes. He may not love Oliver, but he still loved you and Felix; baby steps.
So all that to say that at first the change is so subtle that even the ever-watchful Farleigh, who knows you and Felix better than any of your other friends, doesn't even notice.
But oh, Oliver feels the change right away.
He honestly thought the three of you weren't able to get closer, but he's never been more thrilled to be wrong. Never afraid or jealous of each other living your own lives, it just seemed that when you're around each other, you weren't interested in being seen as an individual. More possessive in the most affectionate way. Always in some kind of obvious contact, arguably too close for the comfort of others, not that any of you cared. Oliver, always shadowed by his beautiful guard dogs.
"Can I wear this?" You ask casually one evening, drinking cheap vodka and juice as you waited for Oliver to get ready to go out. When Oliver turns, half dressed after a shower, he sees you holding one of the chains he always found himself wearing. He doesn't think twice before agreeing, doesn't even think much of the request at the time. The significance is missed on him until the two of you meet up with Felix in the line for the club and he pulls you by the chain, in for a kiss. You're still holding Oliver's hand, fingers linked with his. Reading Felix's kiss for the compliment it is, you grin sharply as you pull back, stepping up beside him in line.
"Thanks, it's Ollie's."
"I know," Felix snorts a laugh, throwing an arm around you as he gives Oliver himself a sly smile, "you look good too, mate, how're you going?" You squeeze Oliver's hand, leaning into him for a moment with a coy smile. Your free hand is playing with his chain around your throat. Like you know exactly where his mind has suddenly gone.
Oliver already knows how this night will end, and it doesn't disappoint.
Neither he nor Felix can seem to leave you or the chain around your neck well enough alone, and you're clearly love it. You let yourself be lead around, let them lavish you with affection in dark corners, wearing a smile that's all teeth when you meet the surprised, scandalised gazes of those who gawked rather than averted their gaze.
In the back of the taxi on the way to campus, you're impossibly affectionate, like an excited puppy as you try and split your attention to your boyfriends either side of you.
"Settle down, love," Felix takes your hand in his, keeping you momentarily still, even as you pout.
"We'll be home soon," Oliver murmurs quietly, trying to act casual as he looks out the window, his hand coming to rest on your thigh. A faint, impatient whine escapes you, but you acquiesce, leaning your head on Felix's shoulder even as a fond laugh rumbles from his chest.
The cabbie has the radio on in the front, pointedly ignoring the three of you. But the music is loud enough that he doesn't hear the soft, approving way Felix mutters in your ear -
"Good dog."
But Oliver hears, feels the way your thighs momentarily clench together, hears the breathless, needy 'fucking hell, Fi' that escapes you. His grin grows wider.
On the walk back to your room - always cleaner than Felix's, and with a bigger, nicer bed than Oliver's - you're quiet, seemingly focusing very hard on staying that way, even as Oliver and Felix are bantering easily either side of you. Hands to yourself - well, metaphorically, Oliver and Felix are both holding one of your hands, Felix, feeling particularly joyful swings your linked hands in wide arcs between you - you listen diligently, and chime in whenever you felt your input was needed. Oliver thinks you're being incredibly endearing, but once the door is closed and the rest of the world is cut off from the three of you, Felix softly asks if you're okay.
Surprise lights up across your face the minute the question is spoken. It hadn't even occurred to you that Felix wouldn't understand your behaviour in this moment; this is far newer to him than it is to you. But then you look to Oliver, almost like you're afraid that he wouldn't understand either.
But he does, of course.
There's a faint thrill that courses through him realising that for what is perhaps the first time since he'd met you, he can read you better than Felix. That Felix was yet to understand how far from reluctant or uncomfortable you were in that moment.
Felix had told you to settle, called you a good dog when you had. So now you were trying your hardest to remain settled, to remain good. How delightfully obedient you were in these moments, in this headspace.
Oliver finally gave you a warm smile, shrugging off his jacket.
"They're being good is all," he says casually, drawing Felix's confused attention as you broke out into a wide smile at the praise. Again, Oliver has a flash, a mental image of a tail wagging with joy behind you.
"I'm being good, I'm being settled," you reiterated pointedly, standing carefully by the foot of the bed. Once more, however, you've started fussing with the chain around your neck. Felix looks back to you, as if he still can't quite grasp the full scope of what's happening, and laughs lightly.
"You're so fucking cute," he grinned, "love, you didn't have to stay settled all the way back here."
"I didn't?" Your eyes go wide with confusion, and you look again to Oliver, as if for confirmation, "but I..."
Oliver can feel his heart beating in his throat. Oh, right, he's the one who's done this before, he's the one who started this all, at least this version of this dynamic. You aren't Felix's dog in this moment, you are his.
"You did good, pet, don't worry" Oliver assures you, soothing you with a gentle tone as he steps towards you and takes your face in his hands, kissing you on the forehead. Wearing a grateful little smile, you regard him lovingly for a few moments, before he steps away and you turn your focus back to Felix. There's a hungry kind of intrigue in his big, brown eyes now as he takes the scene in with newfound understanding.
"You really are a good dog," Felix marvels approvingly. Your whole face lights up at that, stumbling a few steps forwards, as if you hadn't meant to move but needed to be close to him. Nodding furiously in agreement, your fingers fidget like you're trying desperately not to reach for him. Felix steps towards you, his smile growing wider as he does so, "mine- ours?" He corrects, wrapping his arms around you, and finally your resolve breaks.
"Both," you assure in a rushed breath before you're pulling him in, kissing him frantically, as all the longing you'd held back since you'd been told to settle floods through you. Once fidgeting hands now start frantically tugging at clothing, both yours and his, but Felix is matching your energy entirely. Oliver gets hit in the face with your jacket as it's flung across the room but neither you nor Felix notices. In his enthusiastic haste several of the buttons on your nice, expensive shirt are ripped off, pinging around the room.
Not that Oliver actually minds.
Still in his jeans, he leans his hip against your desk and watches for a few long moments with both a lewd appreciation, and amusement. Perhaps another day, or when it was just the two of you, Felix would invest himself properly in a version of this fantasy where you truly are his dog. Tonight, however, Oliver sees opportunity in the obvious, messy, needy way Felix is pawing at you. An opportunity for his plan to finally be realised, and he's not letting it pass him by.
When you fall back on the bed, Felix braced over you, your hand finding his fly while the two of you still haven't stopped to really breathe, Oliver sticks two fingers in his mouth to let out a sharp whistle.
Immediately there's silence, the attention of both of you having immediately snapped to Oliver. Shaking his head with faux exasperation, Oliver sighs loudly, as if terribly put upon.
"Can't take you two anywhere," he tsked, crossing his arms over his chest, "pair of naughty fuckin' puppies, you can't leave each other alone."
Felix blinks quickly, as if caught of guard by the shift in tension, the dynamic.
"Ollie, what are you -"
"Ollie, don't be mean, Fi's the best dog, take that back!" You chided despite your wide grin.
"Is he now?" Oliver asks archly, smirking at you both. Felix isn't quite looking at him, expression drawn and thoughtful as he processed this change, turned it over in his mind. Slowly, he looks down at you, at your soft, warm smile. A silent conversation between you both, one of many that Oliver will only ever be able to guess at, and you close your eyes as you sit up enough to press your forehead to Felix's.
Felix visibly relaxed, which you must feel judging by the way you grin.
"It's fun, I promise," your whisper, though in the cool, quiet night, Oliver can still hear it clearly.
"But he called me naughty, I can't believe it," Felix whined playfully, causing you to laugh as the two of you sank back down on the bed. Felix tucked himself up beside you, face half hidden where he was pressing his lips to your shoulder to hide his little smile, "you're so mean to me, Ollie." It sounded as though he was pouting, but his eyes betrayed him, nervous and tentative to be adapting and playing along with the bit, but clearly more than a little excited too. There's also something tearing, almost challenging about the way Felix was running his fingertips up and down the side of your chest.
"You are being naughty," Oliver finally pushes off of the desk, sauntering over to the bed, "both of you acting like I didn't exist."
"Can you blame me?" You actually giggled, sounding downright gleeful, "look at who we get to play with!" Felix flushed at that, pressing his bashful smile against your shoulder. Oliver finds himself really quite taken with how you've chosen to adapt to having Felix by your side in this fantasy.
"If I can't blame you," Oliver says with faint notes of faux warning in his voice as he sits by you both on the bed, "are you saying I should blame Felix? Is our new pet a bad influence." You stumble over your words for moment, searching for a denial, but Felix's head shoots up at that, his eyes wide as he props himself up on the bed beside you.
"Hey, I'm a good influence! I'm good!" He insists, the words coming to him so automatically that it seems to startle even him before he properly focuses back on Oliver's fond amusement. Felix grins sheepishly at his own enthusiasm, ducking his head to look instead at you as he reiterated with a soft giggle, "I'm good."
"I think you're very good," there's love on your tongue, in your eyes as you gaze up at him. Then, in the next moment, you wriggle yourself over to rest your head against Oliver's thighs, gazing up at him with a pout, "come on, Ollie, don't be mean," you practically whined, while Felix himself half draped himself across your middle, his head resting on your belly as he turned his full attention and hopeful brown eyes upon your boyfriend. It was far more convincing than Oliver had been expecting, and he actually feels his hard resolve beginning to falter under the combined force of both your longing gazes.
"We're sorry for neglecting you," you add sweetly, expression earnest as your fingers begin to card through Felix's hair. For a moment, Oliver watches the way Felix's eyes fall closed, leaning into the sensation.
"Can we make it up to you?" Despite Felix's soft voice, his smile was already all kinds of pleased and contented, "we're good at that," he insists. God, Oliver knows all too well that you both are; fucking hell, part of him may never believe this isn't a dream. Except he knows his definitely not dreaming when he feels the delicate touch of your free hand on his knee, moving higher - or as high as you're able given the awkward angle your arm is at.
"Play with us, let us make it up to you," giving Oliver thigh a squeeze you grinned up at him. Without giving him a moment to respond, however, you made a tsk noise in the back of your throat, "you're so overdressed. Fi -" you tap Felix's head gently to get his attention once more, and Felix's eyes open, alight and at attention, "he's so overdressed, don't you think?" Immediately Felix is sitting up, agreeing.
"Think we should help him with that," Felix says frankly, wearing a pleased little grin like he's excited to be helpful. All over-eager and enthusiastic, both you and Felix are suddenly all over Oliver, working together to get him out of his jeans before he can even wonder where he'd lost control of the situation.
Playfully victorious, you're peppering Oliver's face with excited kisses as Felix is kneeling by the bed, tugging the now free jeans down his thighs. Despite the chaos of it all, Oliver's laughing loud and bright, trying his best to get his arms around you to still some of the kinetic love you're showering him with.
"Come on, Ollie," Felix, however, gets caught up halfway through his own job, and presses a kiss to his knee, hands coming to rest, flat and warm on Oliver's thighs, "how'd you expect to get off with those on?" But he sounds so light and joyful; Oliver's heart is fucking singing in this moment.
"Oi, sit," Oliver tries to order between his own laughter and your lips on his every few moments. It takes him another second to claw back some of his composure, "both of you, sit," at least this time you both listen, despite him still radiating breathless amusement.
Felix looks to you for a moment, watches the way you settle yourself, cross-legged and hands in your lap as you fought back a smile, and sits back on his heels, wearing a sheepish grin of his own as he looks back to Oliver. Oliver has to take a moment to compose himself, barely restraining his own laughter, before he kick his pants off from around his ankles. Felix takes the opportunity to then lean in and rest his chin on Oliver's knee, wide, affectionate grin on his face that Oliver practically melts at. He can't help himself -
"Who's a good boy?" He teases Felix, reaching over to scratch at Felix's scalp lightly. Again, Felix eyes close at his nose scrunches with a strange little smile.
"If it's not me I'm actually going to be so upset," he mutters, sounding almost embarrassed by the thought. It takes a moment for his words to sink, and he followed it with a snort of amusement, before all three of you are laughing in the warm privacy of your bedroom, and this moment.
"Of course it's you," Oliver reassures him, coaxing him up onto the bed, shifting to sit back against the headboard with room for you both on either side. Felix looks far less embarrassed and far more pleased now, leaning in when Oliver coaxes him in for a kiss, "my helpful, good boy," Oliver murmurs against his lips, and Felix lets out a breathless, pleased noise as he wraps an arm around Oliver's neck, kissing him back almost desperately. Oliver would always love how Felix was so wonderfully consistent when it came to his praise kink.
Beside him, he can feel you shift on the bed, and in the next moment, your hand is on his thigh. When he and Felix both look to you, breaking their focus on one another, you've settled yourself by Oliver's thighs. Leaning in, you gently nudge at his cock where it's staining against the material of his boxers with your nose, before proceeding to kiss softly up his shaft through the material. Sing when you reach the head, you sit back a little, giving pause as two of your fingers hooked into the elastic of his waistband. Finally met his gaze, looking up at him through your lashes expectantly, want in your eyes that has Oliver's already quick heartrate thundering in his chest.
"Thought I told you to sit," he says wryly. You wet your lips, hips shifting a little.
"I am sitting," you pointed out, which set Felix off, had him pressing his amused chuckle against Oliver's shoulder. You did, however, remain obediently still. Except for the challenging smile that graced your lips, "wanted to make up for ignoring you."
Felix's laughter, however, had died down at that, and the hand that had been around Oliver was now trailing feather-light down his bare chest, past your own, to wrap around Oliver's aching hard cock, still trapped behind a thin layer of cotton.
"Just gotta say the word," Felix murmurs into his ear. His hand begins to slowly work up and down Oliver's cock. Oliver watches you lean down and press a kiss to the soft skin of his belly, by his hip, just above his waistband, while Felix was pressing languid kisses along his jaw.
"Both so good to me," Oliver groaned, gently pushing at Felix's shoulder, though he takes the hint and joins you by Oliver's thighs.
A moment passes between you both, Felix taking your face in his free hand and pulling you in for an intense kiss that only somehow manages to make Oliver even more painfully turned on than he already was. Both still half dressed, you're both practically overflowing with love for each other and Oliver in this moment. The kiss breaks and youre both grinning foreheads pressed together; Oliver's never been truly able to read the exact things that pass between you in these moments of silent communication, but he thinks he sees 'see, I told you this was fun' in the way you smile.
And as much as he adores this moment, he's pretty sure if someone doesn't actually touch his dick soon he's going to die.
"'s there a reason you're keeping me waiting?" Oliver asks archly; Felix's grin grows wider, while you give him a faintly guilty smile, apologising softly before you pull down his boxers. Finally.
Oliver's hips buck the second your fingers wrap around him, leaning down with intent to -
"Hey!" Felix almost sounds indignant that you'd taken his place, a thought which sends a thrill through Oliver. You look up at this, but the minute you're distracted Felix has bent down to run his tongue along the head of Oliver's cock, tasting the precum beading there before he's taking Oliver into his mouth.
"Fi, that's cheating!" You whined, pouting with your free hand braced against Oliver's thigh - "Ollie, Fi's cheating!" You pouted, to which Felix raised his head to defend himself, gleefully and entirely submersed in this roleplay.
"I'm not cheating," he tried to declare, however you dipped down in an attempt to usurp him. Felix, seemingly anticipating this, refuses to move, instead letting you headbutt him, the two of you in a playful stalemate while you attempted to keep up a consistent rhythm with your hand still on Oliver's cock. Tension, with neither of you backing down, breaks only when one of you - though Oliver's genuinely not sure which - seems to realise the reality of the situation, and how close you both are, and suddenly you're aggressively making out.
Not in Oliver's wildest dreams would he ever have imagined that he could have the two of you fighting over who gets the privilege of going down on him. It's going to take all of his willpower if he wants to last much longer. But he needs to last at least a bit longer, needs to take back control, to make sure this plays out well for both of you too.
So Oliver calls your name, and you and Felix break apart. Your eyes are on Oliver, wide eyed and breathing hard.
"No fighting," he chided, and you wet your lips, sitting back a little as Felix takes this as his victory. Oliver coaxes you up to him, part of him sad to lose the feeling of your talented fingers around him, but Felix is more than capable, and more than makes up for it. Oliver wraps an arm around you, his free hand guiding one of yours to Felix's head as it bobbed up and down between Oliver's thighs, "you're going to help him, you can do that, can't you?" His words are gentle, commanding, and even as you still seem to be playing at sulking, you give a small nod. Felix groans appreciatively as your grip tightens on his hair, which Oliver echoes as he feels it himself.
You're beginning to squirm. Good. He's been utterly thrilled by how tonight has been playing out, but Oliver always enjoys when you finally fall into being desperately obedient. He wants to show Felix how good of a dog you really are.
Oliver pulls you in closer, nose to nose, smirking as the playful fight in you was giving way quickly to pure desire.
"Our good boy, isn't he? Our Felix," Oliver's voice is loud enough for you both to hear; Felix moans around his cock, shifting to get a better angle, to take Oliver deeper, as deep as he can. Your breath catches, pupils blown wide. There was something truly, almost sickeningly fascinating about what he could only describe as your Praise-Kink-By-Proxy; you clearly got off to the way Oliver lusted over Felix, that much was made clear that night in the bathtub at Saltburn, and Oliver could see it in your eyes again now.
"Our Felix," you'd mumbled breathlessly, casting your gaze to him as Oliver lazily trialled kisses down your jaw and throat. Felix doesn't stop, your hand on his head still making sure he keeps a consistent rhythm, but he does look up, does meet your lust-filled gaze, does see how your hips and thigh are shifting. Oliver brings your gaze back to him by tugging at his chain around your throat, and it's all you need to kiss him. He doesn't let it go. Sloppy and passionate, he moans Felix's name into your mouth and you whimper desperately at the sound. His hips are rolling, matching Felix's rhythm as his cockhead presses insistently against the back of his throat, and you're panting and whining and unable to find any real relief -
"Did I say you could touch yourself?" Oliver murmured sharply the minute he feels you reaching for the waistband of your own pants with your free hand. You whimpered, and his grip on the chain around your neck grows tighter. Squeezing your eyes closed as you shook your head, traitorous hand moving to dig your fingernails into your thigh, "are you going to settle down for me?" He whispered, lips brushing yours as you squirmed helplessly.
"This is unfair," you moaned, and Oliver's grip around you grew tighter, "Ollie, please -"
"You fucking love when I'm unfair to you," he hissed with an almost cruel smugness as you gasped, hips beginning to roll and rutt against nothing.
"Ollie, don't be mean," Felix raised his head, hand going still on Oliver's desperately twitching cock, an actual note of warning in his voice. Oliver smirks at him, all lazy, arrogant confidence. He maneuvers you, pulls you back from him to let Felix properly see the way your lip is beginning to tremble with how desperate you were for satisfaction or even just a hint of relief. Still, you tried to press yourself against him, even as your back arched wantonly and your thighs pressed together, shifting in search of friction that was still upsetting absent from where you desired it most.
"You think I'm being too mean right now?" Oliver whispered in your ear; unfortunately for you, Oliver knows all too well how much you love this game. After a moment of hesitation, your gaze locked with Felix's. It's as if you're embarrassed to be seen in this state, the way you'd so willingly let Oliver drive you mad with desire. Averting your gaze from Felix's, you swallow hard.
"No," the single word comes out as a sulky kind of whimper.
"And why's that?" Oliver prompted, adding slyly, "you made Felix worry." He pressed a soft kiss to your cheek.
"He's -" you tired your head back with a desperate groan as Oliver raked the nails of his free hand up your side, "he's always good to me in the end." You pouted, clearly still thinking it was unfair being denied in the moment.
"You promise?" Felix asks firmly, looking Oliver in the eyes now.
"Promise," Oliver smirks back, whispering against your skin that if you're a good for him, he'll let Felix play with you. The desperate noise that escapes you is incredibly telling, and one Oliver knows all too well as the indication that you were on the edge of being incoherent. Good, he loves getting you to this point, and loves even more the way Felix is looking at you right now.
"You're doing so well, Felix, don't keep them waiting," Oliver insisted. At that you reached out once more, hand coming to rest on Felix's head, petting him gently before he allowed you to guide him back down to Oliver's spit-slicked and waiting cock. Oliver's grip on the chain shifts, the metal loose between his fingers as he carefully, delicately, wraps his hand around your throat. Your pleading expression is so deliciously needy when Oliver pulls you back in against him.
"Good dog," he presses the praise against your trembling lips.
It's like a beautiful symphony, better than any wet dream or fantasy he'd ever had, and he hadn't even fucked either of you yet. He moans Felix's name into your mouth when he finally comes undone, his hand resting on yours atop Felix's hair as he takes it all and swallows every last drop.
"So fucking good, Felix," Oliver's breathing hard as he comes down from the euphoric high he'd just experienced, scratching gently at Felix's scalp as he raised his head, pleased grin on his face. When Felix sits up, out of both of your grips, your hand immediately goes between your thighs, desperate to touch yourself but still fighting the urge, trapping it while still making your intent obvious.
But while Oliver is more than satisfied, you, tucked up against him, are all but a mess as he cradled you close.
"Come on, Ollie," Felix climbs over his legs to be by your side. His smile is warm and fond, and when Felix's hand comes to rest on your hip, your soft, whining noises become more audible, "the poor thing deserves a treat."
Oliver feels the way you shiver and tense with anticipation at Felix's words, nose then bumping insistently against Oliver's jaw, keening noises catching in your throat. You were begging in the only way you have left, now that you'd found yourself deep enough in this headspace.
"Look at him," Oliver murmured, sounding almost proud as you turned your desperate, hopeful gaze upon Felix, "he's even being good to you."
Taking it as a blessing, you're immediately scrambling to your knees by Felix, no longer whining, and clearly overjoyed. One hand pulling him in for a kiss, your other was frantically trying to remove your pants.
"Not ignoring you," Felix insisted to Oliver as you'd broken the kiss if only to pitch yourself back on the bed in an effort to wriggle desperately out of your pants, "just -"
"Settle down," Oliver ordered suddenly, and you suddenly went still, ceasing the way you'd been fighting with your pants around your ankles, "help them, Felix," she sighs with fond exasperation. Of course Felix does, but it's like a switch has flipped; he's back on board, a good dog still, just like you. Once your pants are off, Felix is trailing kisses up your legs, much to your clear glee -
"You puppies are so stupid," Oliver shakes his head, affection in his words, "you're lucky you're cute," but still both of you turn to him with a a sad kind of confusion. Oliver tries not to laugh, he really tries, you're both somehow hot and adorable at the same time, "Felix, you're still wearing pants."
Somehow, this seems to surprise both of you, and again you're up 'I can help, I can help, I can help' radiating enthusiastically from you as you make quick work of finally undoing Felix's fly, as you'd attempted to earlier in the evening. The two of you share soft giggles as Felix's hard cock is freed and his pants are tossed to the side, leaving him standing on the floor at the edge of the bed where you're up on your knees, looking up at him. Like this, he still manages to dwarf you, and Oliver watches with an aroused fascination as this moment plays out.
Felix doesn't speak, it's as if he's matching your energy, understanding your headspace, he's confident and even cocky in a way that Oliver doesn't often see from him. He remembers saying 'if you're good, I'll let Felix play with you' and it seemed some primative part of Felix's mind has taken that to heart as he held tight to the chain around your throat, leaning in with an unmistakable huger in his eyes. It has you practically melting, hands on his hips, not daring to stray further without his approval. He doesn't even kiss you, he holds you at bay with his lips inches from yours and a hand firm on your collar, drinking in your desperation. You begin to whimper again, shifting your weight back and forth, hips rocking in anticipation; Oliver's sure he'll be able to see the marks your nails leave on Felix's hips when you finally let go.
Another silent conversation between you both, but so clear, so loud, so simple Oliver can hear it loud and clear. Felix is telling you, in no uncertain terms, that in this moment you are his, and every part of you agrees. Yet Oliver knows with a smug, self satisfaction, that he with one word you would both be by his side. So he'll let you both have this.
A year ago, he would have paid his entire life savings and then some to get to see you two in a moment like this. Already, he's getting hard again; a familiar, voyeuristic thrill runs through him as he drinks you both in, taking his cock in hand.
Felix barely has to tip his head, letting go of your necklace, before you're moving quickly, a moment vague and indecipherable to anyone else is a clear directive for you to turn. It's a flurry of movement after that, of Felix's hands on you, on your hips to pull you close, your lower back to have you bending, face pressed to the mattress. Your ass in the air, presented to him perfectly, he slides into you, drawing unholy noises from you both after so long spent waiting already that night.
Oliver basks in this moment, can only imagine how good you must feel right now, all tight and warm and completely and utterly desperate to be filled. Felix's groan is its own kind of beautiful, finally finding his voice again as absolutely filthy praise spills from his lips. Hips rocking back to meet each of Felix's slow, deep thrusts, your breathing is shaky amid the low, pleased noises that escape you. Beautiful, a creature of mindless want and desire, you've got one shaking hand between your thighs as the other reaches out, searching blindly for Oliver.
Face pressed into the plush duvet, you link your fingers with Oliver's the moment he reaches out to you. Your grip is tight, and he runs his thumbs in comforting rhythms against your hands, something pleased, loving, and so fucking turned on as Felix was quickly coming to fuck you like an absolute animal. The way you so desperately craved.
"Perfect," Felix moaned, "god you're so fucking perfect for us, pet, aren't you?" Nodding weakly, as much as your able, you clutch at Oliver's hand; his teasing had clearly already worked you up, brought you close. Both of you.
"Our good dog," Oliver murmurs, just to hear you whimper.
Fuck, he can't wait to watch you come undone.
Can't wait to make you both sit, roll over, beg.
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sugar-omi · 1 year
PLSSS I BEG OF U COVE HOLDEN X FEM!READER NEWLY MARRIED AND R JUST SO LOVEY DOVEY AND CANT GET ENOUGH OF EACH OTHER let me stop with the caps anyway as i was saying newly married cove and fem!reader on their honey moon to (insert place with nice oceans and views but you can take them anywhere you want) and they’re just sooo IN LOVE ITS DISGUSTING HOW IN LOVE THEY ARE you can add spice and intimacy if u want 🤷🏾❤️‼️
IM SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO WRITE THIS ITS BEEN SITTING IN THE DRAFTS FOREVER.... im gonna blame it on my demon cat, its his fault he always wants to play outside i wanted a cat not a dog wtf !!!!! anyway here you go anon i loved writing this sm bc i have been thinking abt honeymoon hcs for awhile mmm<3333 also i jus wanna say cove is very much a "grabs your stomachs n prbly shakes it" man, like yk how your boyfriend is always grabbing your stomach idk at first i thought it was weird like "wtf is he grabbing your stomach n shaking it" but now i know. n cove does it ok i wont explain it but he also rubs anywhere, hes tracing your body n making shapes w his fingers on you, hes just so TOUCHY eta: I JUST REALIZED THIS LIKE 70% SMUT BUT UM.... ANYWAY 😁😁i hope you like it anyway, also added a hc's i forgot at the v bottom <3333
tags : fluff, step 4/wedding dlc, fem/afab reader (could be okay for masc/amab/nb readers as well if you ignore cove calling you 'wife' once), buff tatted cove, headcanons at the very bottom below the nsfw
+ NSFW (at the bottom), fem/afab reader, rough raw sex, creampie, missionary, v horny cove <3
perhaps i should make a part 2 with all the times n places cove fucks you during your honeymoon, mmm thats a good idea write that down write that down
synopsis : you and cove on your honeymoon to the bahamas !!
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surprise to literally no one, you two pick the Bahamas for your honeymoon
it wasn't a hard pick. it was just a matter of where had the nicest views, open hotels, and safest locations, and with how cove got more starry-eyed with each solidified detail, the Bahamas was your destination.
if it wasn't for the fact that you just had an eventful wedding full of love from friends and family, plus the plane trip, cove would've dropped everything and ran for the glittering water.
once you're checked in and changed from your flight clothes into something a bit more dressy but comfortable, you and cove make your way for some much anticipated dinner.
when you're seated, the silence between you two is so easy and filled by the bustle of the restaurant.
across from you, cove is watching you with his chin hiked atop his clasped fingers, easily looking like a puppy.
"what? what're you staring at?" you laugh, taking a dip if your drink to uselessly wash away your fluster at your husband's blatant staring.
cove already has a rosy tint to his cheeks and if he was younger cove would've caught fire at being caught staring. instead he just grinned cheerily and happily, with a gaze of a man sick with love. "just admiring my wife."
you can't help but tuck your head a bit, flustered by his direct compliment. God you're in for a long marriage.
thank god, you think distantly.. a lifetime of being flustered by each other no matter how long you're together doesn't sound to bad at all.
while you're eating, you two respond to your family blowing up the "[Last] - Holden family" group chat, that was so courteously made by your snickering sister and cousin leading up to your wedding.
after a lovely dinner (only after you reassured cove that you had a few days to try out everything on the menu before the trip was over) you two took a well deserved nap together with cove tucked into your neck and your fingers in his hair. <3
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okay listen... would it be bad to say you planned your wedding around your honeymoon
there's a reason!!!
i imagine you and cove (mostly cove) wanted to rent a house on the beach, or at least close to it, but i imagine its hard to snag one so once you finally got a place the wedding just fell around it
while you're in the bedroom sleeping, recovering and recharging, cove still gets up early to go play around on the beach.
not without a fight though!
when he wakes up the sky is still navy, and he flips over, feeling antsy to start the day and your activities.
but there you are, laying next to him in one of his shirts that you've stolen and your face is still scrunched up a bit from cove's movement which makes him settle down.
cove reaches to stroke your cheek, running his hand over your hair and he admires the way your face relaxes from the touch...
he feels like kicking and screaming right now, now looking at his ring(s) and remembering that you're married and you're his and he's yours and...
he's going to bawl his eyes out again.
so instead of crying and watching you until you wake up, which definitely won't be for another hour or more at least, he slowly untangles himself from you and the sheets.
it kills him a bit to do so, wanting nothing more than to be close to you every second of the day but he also wants to make you feel special today. he also can't stay in bed that long, he's too much of a busybody to do that..
so when you finally wake up, after much struggle and a lot of stretching, you drag yourself from the bed and tame your wild hair before you find your husband.
cove is leaning on the porch overlooking the beach, a random song playing lowly on the radio that you left on last night.
he whips around when you tug open the sliding door and abandons his orange juice to pull you into his arms and cove's rocking you two back n forth, kissing your jaw and cheek and he's holding your hand and compliments you.
"you look so pretty..."
"nice ring, your husband is really lucky." he says it with a smirk and you both laugh.
when he finally snaps out of his daze, totally bewitched by the warmth of the sun, view of the beach accompanied by the sound of waves and the way you lean into him had cove in a trance.
he leads you over to the kitchen where he insists you sit and watch while he makes breakfast.
in the end, you do end up spending most the day at the beach house. so when lee shoots a series of text asking about your day and if you did anything, you respond with a picture of you two buried in the blankets and a christmas hallmark movie on the TV, you laugh at her spam about how you should be enjoying the sand and waves instead of a out of season movie and respond with a meme.
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the next day you spend a lot of it outside, and i even imagine you rent a boat to take out for the day or smth like that and it reminds you of when lee took you all out on a boat, but this time it was just the 2 of you
let me just say.. everyone even 5 miles away can tell you're on your honeymoon
cove is always looking at you
whether its to see how you react to a good joke
or you're telling a story and he's watching in admiration at your mannerisms while you speak
or you're at the booth ordering ice cream for the both of you
or even better, he's trying his best to capture you imagine as you walk back to him, squeezing out your slip/coverup that blew away and you laugh at him for capturing this moment instead of helping you.
"stop laughing! haha, it's not funny! *swats at him with the coverup* im taking your shirt to cover up with!"
many many pictures and videos of your honeymoon. they're mostly of you
or your shared favorite:
you're on top of cove and his eyes are closed so he doesn't notice you're recording him.
"you've gotten more tan. y'know that reminds me of when we were kids, you had such bad tan lines!" you laugh, the camera shaking.
he squints at you, squeezing your hips when he realizes you're recording him. "i did not."
"you did, i saw it. you had different tan lines from your shorts!" you tease loudly and giggle, thinking about the varying darkness of teenage-cove's tan lines because of how some of his swim shorts and pants hung lower than the other bottoms he'd wear.
cove jumps up a bit, laughing as he sputtered. "you saw that?!"
"yeah! you were the one with your v-line hanging out all the time, mister "i don't like wearing layers'!"
his look is full of love, and so is cove's hands running up and down your hips and back. but he's still smug when he says it and the wide smirk on his face makes you wanna kiss it off him.
"well you were the one looking, i didn't hear any complaints.."
you hit his shoulder, "you're so smug, you brat!", the camera shaking from your laughter.
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cove is very handsy during this time
something about being married now has him seeking you out and keeping some form of contact between you
whether its holding hands, locking arms, or kissing you in public
he's always pulling you into him, wrapping a arm around your waist...
but when you're at the beach house.. well i hope you keep the curtains closed for the most part especially in the bedroom because clothes are pretty optional/limited during your honeymoon
usually cove's sex drive is pretty average, or low (i feel like at this point his drive matches yours but it's always a little lower depending on how high yours is, but thats for a different post okok)
so it surprises you how.. horny he is
he surprises himself too honestly
but he just wants to be close to you so bad!
you look so beautiful, and so happy... and now you're married and its like when he was a teenager all over again
the sun is coming through the windows, warming up your naked back.
you hum, enjoying the warmth and you feel the bed shift and now there's lips on your forehead, and cove's hand is running up and down your spine, rubbing soothingly across your shoulders.
"g'morning, y/n..." cove's gravely voice sends a shiver down your spine. "mmm, hi.." you tilt your head to the side, letting him kiss your cheek and the back of your neck.
you peak at him, still sleepy but enjoying the warmth and attention. you try to stretch your body, stretching out your legs and with how cove is leaned over you, your butt brushes against him and makes him gasp, his fingers squeezing your shoulder reflexively.
"at least let me brush my teeth..." you laugh, sitting up and after a second of looking at your clothes on the floor, you grab the robe on the chair beside you and lazily wrap it around you and shuffle to the bathroom.
cove is looking at you, you can feel his gaze and the second you disappear behind the door you hear him shuffling around before he comes behind you, dressed in nothing. cove didn't walk around naked often, only if he was walking around your bedroom finding his clothes for the day, but man was it a treat.
he wraps his arms around you, his hand rubbing your stomach and the other is wandering.
"c'mere..." you mumble, grabbing cove's toothbrush and sitting on the counter to brush his teeth for him. he lets you, and you laugh throughout the process because its a funny thing to do but you get through it and he spits in the other sink beside you before he picks you up and carries you back to bed.
on your way back to the bed, your lips find his shoulder and you add onto the array of marks already bloomed on his neck.
cove lays you down on the bed, shuffling your bodies closer to the pillows, tugging off your robe as you fumble around and throwing it somewhere. you're definitely making him clean up the room after this, but first..
you bring him in, letting your tongues tangle together and cove stretches his arm, looking for the lube and a rubber.
"ah-" cove sits up, and he looks back at you sheepishly. "there's no more.. um..."
you grin, already looking forward to cove's reaction. "that's okay. just fuck me raw, won't be the last time. right, covey?" you tangle your fingers in the sheets and get comfortable while you watch it sink in.
it isn't the first time, but fuck it always turns cove on and it makes him impossibly horny.
cove curses and he moves down, pushing your legs up and he kisses your inner thighs, sucking on the skin very close to your cunt that his cheek brushes against you and you whine, your hands finding his hair.
cove teases you a bit more, but he's teasing himself too so his mouth happily finds your cunt, grinning at the way you jump when his tongue runs over your sensitive clit.
even though cove ran a pleasurable train over you last night, your cunt sensitive but still pulsing with need.
your leg is shaking in cove's hold, his hand holding up one of your legs to give him easy access to your wet cunt but he happily lets your other leg shake on his shoulder, your foot bumping against his side and toes curling as he thrusts his tongue in and out your twitching insides.
he kept tongue-fucking you, his thumb petting your clit and he mumbled praises against your cunt as you came, your slick pooling on his tongue.
you buried your face in the pillow, always left twitching after cove sucks your soul from your body. you peak at cove spreading the lube on your sexes, lining himself up and sinking into you.
"ah fuck..."
cove looks so attractive like this, sunlight streaming in through the sheer curtains and leaned over you, shaded by the broad expanse of his torso and caged between his arms.
"cove!" your nails dig into his shoulders, your mouth falling open with a sharp moan when cove snaps his hips, burying himself inside you.
cove tucks his head into your shoulder, both of you panting and pulling each other closer even though the air between you two is balmy and hot.
"i'm gonna move..." cove kisses your jaw, tearing himself away from you to show you his flushed face. you whine when cove picks up your lower body, stuffing a pillow under you and the movement makes his tip bump your insides.
cove throws your legs over his shoulders and grips your hips in his hands, kissing your ankle that has your anklet hanging on it.
you throw your head back and moan loudly, cove starting a rough pace from the beginning.
you're so sensitive from last night, and cove abusing your insides again has tears coming to your eyes. "oh fuck! please, cove-"
you reach for him and cove offers his hand and intertwines it with yours. you don't know exactly what you're asking for, for him to be more gentle? a kiss? for cove to fuck you harder?
you just want more of him, to be closer, to be one with him...
"its okay, that's it.. good girl." cove shushes you, putting his free hand by your head to lean over you, your legs almost flush with your chest as cove practically mounts you.
something about the sharpness of cove's eyes and his flushed face makes you want to mess with him, so you bring his hand up to your mouth, wrapping your fingers around his tattooed wrist and sucking on his middle and ring finger.
cove groans, watching the way your tongue slides around his wedding band(s). "you.." cove pushes on your tongue, thrusting his hips up to bump against the spongy spot deep inside your cunt.
your eyes roll into the back of your head when cove picks up the pace again, his hips rolling back and slamming against your butt hard, making your body bounce, pushing his cock deeper against your walls.
while you're moaning and crying out so sweetly, cove squeeze's his hand between your bodies to rub your clit, the proximity of your bodies not leaving much room for anything more than tight circles against the poor sensitive nub.
"cove.." you huff, feeling your cunt gush more slick and adding to the wet, loud squelching. "cove, kiss me, please. oh fuck- oh fu-" cove's lips cut off your mindless babbles, muffling yours and his loud moans as he fucks you with shallow thrusts.
he breaks apart, panting and stealing small kisses in between his sentence. "i'm- *kiss* oh god- i'm gonna *kiss, kiss* cum.."
you whimper and hook your shaking leg around cove's back, the overstimulation makes you want to pull away but you're so close and you want cove to make you cum, and to finish with you. to finish inside you.
"cum inside!" your nails scratch down his back. "please, cum, cum inside-"
cove whines into your neck, the rhythm of his thrusts falling apart as he comes closer to finishing. he rubs faster circles on your clit, and when your fingers drag down his back as you cum, cove's hips push your body deeper into the bed as he fills your cunt with his thick cum.
he leans lifelessly over your body, panting into your neck and pressing kisses into your shoulder as he sits up to give you a kiss.
"i'll..i'll run us a bath, okay?" cove smiles dozily, stroking your hips. you blink, trying to regain your vision from your orgasm.
"and carrying me to the bath!" cove nods at that, accepting the fact he's basically rendered your legs useless for the morning. "and you're making breakfast too." you grin at him. "its punishment."
cove kisses your cheeks. "mm, trying out new methods?" cove teases.
you smack his arm and push him away, breath hitching when he pulls out.
cove watches out his cum starts to leak from your poor, twitching cunt and before he can get any bright ideas you put your foot on his shoulder and nudge him. "stop looking!" you tug the sheets over you and cove gets up with a sheepish laugh. "okay, okay!"
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is very very whipped for you
does anything n everything you ask the whole trip
when he goes out and it comes up somehow, he'll tell anyone and everyone he's on his honeymoon w his lovely spouse <3
if you do any underwater activities like snorkeling or smth, you're holding hands underwater <333
yes you hold hands everywhere you go, he's so in love with you he just has to be close to you
if you're not holding hands than he's trailing very close behind you or you're at least wearing his shirt
every young person is ither inspired by your relationship or is sick of seeing you at the beach, go HOME
the old people love you and talk your ear off in the middle of the store, telling you stories of their marriages and tips on how to have a long happy marriage
when you tell them you're childhood friends/lovers though they laugh and tell you you already have it down then since you've known each other so long!
when you finally get on the plane to go home, i hope you rmbr to get some foundation or at least tell cove to wear his hair down and a t-shirt instead of a tank top because his neck and back/shoulders are Marked Up
liz and lee tease you about how glowy and refreshed you look <3
cove is very flustered if any of your friends or family see any marks or scratches
or even worse if someone asks if you had a good wedding night, etec
if you want to have kids n give birth, liz also jokes that shes too young to be a grandma for real (you sputter n tell her you and cove arent her kids n shes exaggerating!!)
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enjoythesilentworld · 2 months
Simon's Month - (Cat)Fish
day 19!! @youngroyals-events
Simon tries to convince a man on a dating app that, yes, that is his actual face in those pictures.
read below or on ao3 (T, 500)
You got a match! 
Wille liked your photo!
Wille sent a message!
Wille: If you’re gonna use fake pictures you might as well make them believable…
Simon: im sorry what?
W: I’m just saying, it’s pretty obvious you’re a catfish. Those pictures are not real.
S: um yes they are? that's literally my face
W: Nice try! No one actually looks like that. Way too perfect.
S: is this some kind of weird pickup line because im not sure you’re executing it properly
W: No? What do you mean? Clearly those are photoshopped or something. Who has skin that smooth looking? Or eyes that beautiful shade of brown?
S: literally i do
W: Seriously, where did you find these? Did you edit them yourself?
S: did you get dropped on your head as a child or something
W: … I mean, probably. But that doesn’t matter here. I know an edit when I see one.
S: clearly you dont because that is my face thank you for the compliment, i guess???
W: You’re welcome for complimenting your editing skills. But I still don’t believe you.
S: ok now im convinced this is some weird plot toget me to send like nudes or something
W: Oh my gosh, no! I’m not even on here for that! I’m too much of a romantic for hook-ups. We’d have to go on at least a few dates first.  And I would only ever ask if I knew you wanted to.  To send pictures.  Naked ones. And only you felt safe doing so. But I think in person is better anyway.
S: okay…
W: Sorry if that was weird. I keep staring at the pictures and they’re making it hard for my brain to work.
S: hard huh?
W: Ha. Ha.
S: i guess that’s kinda sweet i’m not much into hook-ups either
W: Oh. That's cool. But, seriously, where did you find these pictures?
S: i remind you. that is me im starting to question your sanity Wille
W: Sure, Simon. You just walk around like that all day and somehow you’re still single and on a dating app. Sure, very believable, *catfish*! 
S: omfg i do have pet fish but im not a catfish you're one to talk no ones hair is that color also there is no way u have a perfect little freckle on ur top lip or do you put that there with makeup
W: What?? Me?? No, it’s not makeup! I am just Swedish! I get freckles in the sun!
S: suuuure
W: Don’t turn this around on me, Simon.  Except, wait, do you really have pet fish?
S: yes, i do
W: Can I see them? 
S: [Image attached]
W: Beautiful!  What are their names? 
S: idk if i can trust you with their names you think i’m a liar
W: :( Simon
S: :( Wille
You can trust me.  It’s justified, I think, that I don’t believe you.
S: [Image attached] literally me [Image attached] me with fish for proof i cant believe your awful rizz is working on me … Wille? here i’ll write out a little note for you so you know its actually me [Image attached]
W: ‘.,;-=p./ ?um I-m her e SOrry I was.. You are real? 
S: lol i am real
W: When are you free?
S: huh?
W: I would like to take you on a date, Simon To apologize for calling you a catfish But also because you are funny and pretty, and I need to see you in person just to be totally sure that you’re actually real. 
S: hm i guess i’d be okay with that i wanna know what that freckle on your lip tastes like
W: asdnasfwaogjfan
S: their names are oski, olle, and felle, btw are you free tonight?
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divinefireangel · 1 year
Hi dear¡! ♡
Can I ask SF9 how they showed their love to their partner? (Hugs, kisses, physical touches, loving words, etc)
Sorry for my english 🥺
Your English is fine hun! Plus the language is kinda stupid hehe
SF9's Love Languages 🩷
Warnings: These are what I think are SF9's top love language. Of course it is impossible for such lovely people to have just one 😔. Mention of food/cooking in Tae's. Tea is Chani's.
I will literally physically fight if anyone disagrees with me lol. Our man is so wise and sweet and his voice is just is soothing so I just think that his ultimate way to show you appreciation will be through words. Plus man's a great and creative lyricist.
Quality time
Well, it's mostly just him trying to make you laugh by saying and making up the stupidest jokes, if you can call them that, ever. I'm also a strong believer that this man just wants to annoy you enough to start a debate with him cuz he's bored lol
Physical Touch
Maybe this is me projecting my needs maybe it is not okay idk. But let's be honest here, this man is the cutest ever and he will want to squish your cheeks, irrespective of squishyness quotient. He also likes to hug you, literally engulf you in his broad af chest and baby you although you want to baby him don't we all
Acts of service
I just love him sm 😭. See, he's the kind to leave you sweet sticky notes with reassuring words and a drawing or something stupid on the back lol. But yeah it's all the small things that he'll do like buying you a new chapstick before your old one gets over, bringing your water bottle around even when you tell him you won't carry it, letting you use his arm as a pillow during the long car ride to your destination although it definitely hurts after some time, fixing your hair when you're distracted, etc. Bye I need a Sanghyuk
Words of Affirmation
He is so much different that Youngbin tho lemme tell you. So Bin uses maturity and juju uses his baby voice(?) aka he does aegyo and makes you feel all mushy inside. I mean, he is cute.
Gift Giving
It won't necessarily be stupid gift all the time, he does give you good ones occasionally like a sunscreen stick for example. Most of the time it is something useless and weird like a spoon pillow or some shit but it's the thought that counts right?💀
But no on a real note he's super thoughtful when he gives you gifts and he thinks of it as something that'll remind you of his love when you use it.
Yoo Taeyang
Acts of Service
It could be doing your laundry or cooking for you or putting you phone on charge. It's the little things that you need in your daily life that sometimes get so difficult to manage. But don't worry, our teddy Tae is here to be your little lovely helper fairy, even if you don't ask or notice it right away.
Physical Touch
Yes he hates skinship from members but you, no. He loves clinging to you and hugging you and kissing you. He's like a mama cat and you his kitten and he wants to kith and protecc and love you so much till you physically have to be away from him lol
Quality Time
It doesn't even have to be like an eventful couple of hours. It could just be him laying on your lap taking a nap and you reading you book and playing with his hair, giving him a head massage or tracing his cute facial features. It could also be sitting on the rooftop with hot tea cups and talking about life while nuzzling into each other for warmth.
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roadkillremi · 1 year
Here I am requesting Randy again 🫣💖
He and reader go on like a blind dating thing (idk maybe Tatum and stu set them both up for it) and they meet up again after high school (they lost contact or something) and they like fall in love all over again?? <33333
Thank youuuuu
This is such a good idea! Of course!!!
(did I name it after the Tyler the Creator song... Yeah. For a good reason too!)
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See you again...
Randy Meeks X Gn!Reader
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Warnings : Language, Mentions Killing, Randy shows reader scar, Mentions death.
Summary : The ask above explains it for you!
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"Tatum, how did you meet them?!" Randy mumbled swatting her away from fixing his shirt.
"I told you! They live in a couple towns over! We met at the mall. They were wearing uh... a Jason shirt! and I thought you'd like them." Tatum smiled. Randy sighed, this wasn't the first time Tatum tried to get him a date.
"As long as they're not like your cousin..." Randy mumbled. Tatum smacked his arm, "Ow!" He yelled.
"You're fine! Now you're taking them to the fall fair. Me and Stu are gonna be there so don't mess it up!" She pointed her finger in his face. He gave her a mocking smile, "I'm serious, Randy! You gotta get out there and stop moping!".
"Fine. Just don't-"
The doorbell interrupted Randy's sentence. Tatum squealed, "They're here!". Randy gave Tatum a look from the squeal and followed her to the door.
"Hey! Randys in here! He's a bit weird by the way."
You walked through the door with a small smile. Randy's eyes widened, Tatum actually found someone that was his type.
"Here he is!" Tatum smiled.
"Hi, I'm Y/N" you waved, Randy waved back, "Randy.". Tatum rolled her eyes, "He's awkward. Now you two go I'm still waiting on Stu." She shoved you and Randy outside.
"Does she always pair people off?" You said walking towards your car. Randy followed, "Uh, yeah. She has a bad habit of playing Cupid.".
"I mean I know she means well. But I'm too awkward for this." You gave him a soft smile. He smiled back, "Me too.. uh, wanna head to the fair?'.
"Of course!"
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"Just focus, you got this." Your head was by Randy's. His face was bright pink, your hand was on his back. He gripped the hoop tightly taking a deep breath. He tossed it landing it on a bottle's neck. You jumped up and cheered, "YAY! Go Randy!!". The worker handed Randy a plush cat. Randy smiled and handed it to you. You hugged it to your torso, "Thank you, Randy.". You kissed his cheek and grabbed his hand. Randy smiled following you, "Where are we going?".
"I hope you're not scared of heights." You smiled going in line for the sky tram. You went up the stairs closer to the seats. Randy fidgeted the zipper of his jacket. Once it was time for you two to hop on to the cart. Randy gripped the rail across his lap.
"Why did you agree to go on a date with me?"
"Why did you agree to go on a date with me?" You laughed softly. Randy looked down at the people below him, you gently touched his shoulder.
"I thought you were cool. Tatum told me about you, a lot. She said how you like movies and stuff. She showed me a group picture of everyone in her room. And I thought you were cute."
Randy looked up at you I'm disbelief, "Really?".
"Of course!" You smiled. Randy smiled, "I think you're cute too.". You smiled at him leaning in to kiss him. He was still shocked at the fact someone was kissing him. You backed your head away and laughed a bit.
"What?" Randy whispered
"Nothing! Did I scare you?" You asked, moving some of Randy's hair off his forehead.
"No." He smiled giving you a quick kiss.
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After that date you two called each other almost everyday. You'd have other small dates like movie nights or going out to eat. But after the Woodsboro Murders you lost contact. Your sweet teen romance ended as quickly as it stated. You dated other people but they weren't like Randy. You got accepted to Windsor University with a major in Directing.
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You slammed your alarm off on your nightstand. Your sleep schedule was fucked from winter break. It was the second semester and you had film theory class in the morning. You got ready to go and went to the dining hall to grab breakfast and head to class. You held an apple in your mouth as you walked in placing your back on a desk. You went over to the professor taking the apple out of your mouth.
"I'm Y/N L/N" you smiled softly. The teacher nodded checking your name off. You went back to your desk, "Y/N?!". You turned around hearing a familiar voice.
"Randy?" You asked. He smiled and waved awkwardly, "In the flesh.". You blinked, he got taller, a bit more fit, better clothing, and a small beard.
"Wow.. you look great.." you smiled. He placed his stuff by your seat, "You do too!". You sat in your seat amazed to see Randy Meeks in the same room as you. You were a bit scared he died, you knew Tatum did but unsure of Randy. He sat in his seat, "Would you like to get something to eat after this?".
"Uh, sure." You said biting into your apple. He smiled, "Sorry, I didn't notice you've eaten..".
"Don't be sorry! I can go for a milkshake!" You smiled, he nodded.
You couldn't help but glance at him throughout class. You watched his forearms flex a bit when he moved them. You looked down at your desk ashamed of yourself. The bell rang and you got up ready to leave. Randy followed you out the door, "So, you're alive." You said. Randy raised his eyebrow, "I sure hope so.".
"Sorry.." you mumbled, Randy opened the door for you.
"So why Windsor?" Randy asked looking down at you. You smiled, "Furthest away from home.".
"True." He added. You walked across the street to a small restaurant. You waited in line to order with Randy.
"I missed you." You said looking straight ahead. Randy looked at you a bit surprised, "I missed you too..". Once it was your turn to order you stepped up to the counter quickly.
"I'll have a strawberry milkshake, please." You smiled.
"And I'll have a chocolate milkshake." Randy added. You looked over at him, he reached into his back pocket for his wallet. "I'll pay." He smiled handing the cashier some money. You went to a table and waited for your food. Randy followed you and sat down across from you.
"I'm sorry I didn't call.." you mumbled. You fidgeted with your hands on the table. Randy placed his hand on top of yours.
"It's okay..".
"I just got scared. Tatum died and I was scared you were dead. I couldn't bring myself to call or watch the news!" Tears built up in your eyes.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm not mad. I understand, I didn't reach out either, I should've.". You wiped your tears away from your eyes. A lady brought you the milkshakes. Randy thanked her, You took a deep breath.
"I'm glad you're safe now." You smiled weakly. He smiled back, "It's alright, besides I got this wicked scar.". He pulled the collar of his shirt to show his shoulder scar.
"Oh my God!" You gasped.
"I survived though!"
"Was it because you're a virgin?" You joked.
"Hey! Used to be!"
Your face went red, "Oh." You awkwardly laughed. Randy realized what he said and stopped smiling.
"I mean it wasn't anything like... I'm not dating her.." he corrected himself. You shrugged, "It's fine Randy. You survived a killer after all.". You smiled nodding towards him.
"I did miss you.." he said. You smiled, "I missed you too.".
"Hows Dewey? How did he handle Tatum.." you asked.
" I'm not sure. He got stabbed in the back a couple times.".
You nodded, "That sucks. And Sidney?".
"She's still paranoid, but she has a boyfriend now." He leaned close to you "I'm still suspicious of him." He smiled. You smiled back at him, "I'm glad you're okay. I know this is sudden but I wanna go on a date. I heard the stab movie is coming out soon?" You laughed softly.
"That was a bad joke sorry." You added. Randy laughed softly, "It's fine. But no, I don't wanna see someone pretend to me. But we can watch Misery in my dorm." He looked up at you. You smiled, "Of course, I'd love to!".
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kiss2012 · 5 months
tsc thoughts under the cut cause i finished
i literally cannot wrap my thoughts around my overall opinion of it i feel like i absolutely need to reread it first
but also i need to reread tfc because I MISS TFC SO BAD ➡️ girl who reread it last may. i do think i spoke tsc into existence by doing this because i hadn’t looked at the trilogy since 2019 and then all of a sudden i decided to reread and found that unfortunately they still make me batshit crazy. what is in those books.
however i do like tfc better 🤷🏽‍♀️ so if i did reread tfc after this and read tsc again i would just want to read tfc again
this is not fair to say at all because tfc is a whole trilogy and this was only book 1. and i rlly need to start saying aftg instead of tfc cause it’s getting confusing because like i do think tsc is better than tfc (the first book). however i just…like aftg better? i feel like it’s more fun which is probably a weird thing to say considering it’s a lot More than tsc is. and obviously this book was more about jean’s recovery. but more happens in aftg. idk we’ll see tho
i do love jean and the trojans but i miss neil and the foxes every page. i feel like it’s harder to connect to the trojans because there r so many of them. and idk sports so the three coaches is probably normal for a team of this size i really wouldn’t know lol but i couldn’t keep the coaches straight in my head either
point is the foxes r my everything 4ever. i love jean jeremy cat and laila and i see what she was trying to do by introducing the floozy line (cute name) however i dont really have a strong feeling about them because we met them for like 5 minutes
i do love nabil tho why is he not part of the floozy line :(((((
i think cat and laila were absolutely perfect. they’re given a lot of depth especially cat and they’re so important to me. they’re better here than in fanon i think but i feel like fanon did get their personalities and relationship down mostly right. apart from cat not just being called alvarez LMAO bless neil only calling her that and fanon having no choice but to do the same because no one agreed on one single name. i remember sara was one that i saw a lot but i like catalina way way better i love cat <3 i love laila <3 their friendship with jeremy <3
an evening breeze rainbows open roads friends 😭😭😭😭😭😭
bi jean is so dear to me
also jean rooming with cat and laila (and then jean) literally perfect omg. no one ever put that in fics but i think it was the best thing to do. sorry for having to compare tsc to fanon im not trying to say one is better than the other at all but what you have to understand is how many fics about jean post tkm are out there and how many of them i read so my mind is going to go there. i wasn’t rlly obsessed with jerejean but i was (and am) a jerejean girl. and i had (have lmao) very high standards for fic so i stand by a lot of those fics WHILE still standing by everything tsc is
by which i mean i cannot get poc jean out of my head thanks to that one fic where he is moroccan. in that same fic jeremy was also spanish and i sort of adopted that into my image of them so i am trying to let go of it but i mean even the hatfords being pakistani still lives in my head despite how unlikely it is. and most of the time i pictured jeremy with golden hair (sometimes curls) so even though i think nora’s compromise being to have naturally brown-haired jeremy bleaching his hair is hilarious and iconic. sort of impossible for me not to picture him with golden hair.
however when jean was all startled and went “blond” when he saw jeremy’s hair. reader i died
english major jeremy is still a gift to me personally
kevin bargaining and arguing for his history major..my baby…the mentions of kevin and kevin’s actual appearances in tsc are everything. the postcards and magnets…kill me
every time neil showed up i lost my mind i love him SO MUCH!!!
see my problem is i wish the foxes showed up more even though it makes no sense for them to. i want kevin jeremy and jean in a room together. i will kill for jean and allison interaction especially if they talk about renee (yes i am holding onto renison still). i want jeremy and cat and matt and dan to hang out. i need laila to meet andrew. i need more renee I LOVE RENEE we did get a good amount of her though i think. she was everything.
genuinely think the way jean and renee was handled here was so perfect. i totally see the merit of it if they end the series together. i also see why jean might end the series without being with anyone romantically. but narratively i cant help but feel jerejean is what makes the most sense. the reason i liked them in the first place is their narrative appeal. and they were genuinely so good in this. so. idk. can’t think about that too much.
i have some problems with the writing like i did with the og series but um the thing is i cannot view these books objectively because they impacted me so much at a young age. i will say i wish tsc could have had a professional editor lol.
i also have some issues with the pacing tho because i did not expect it to end there at all? im so glad she started it where she did but when it ended i was like WAIT WHAT
i have a feeling the reason riko did what he did with the backliners is because he saw jean looking at kevin. could be wrong here but judging from how often jean talks about learning his lesson about looking at guys too long. well.
the main thing for me is that i don’t see how we’re going to get to championships in 2 books if this book only covered till the summer. you could argue exy games arent that important for jean’s story but i do think they are insanely important for jeremy’s story. and if he’s a pov character i want more about him!! that man is keeping his issues locked up (I NEED TO KNOW WHAT THEY R) but we can tell he loves exy and he needs to win his last year
my memory of the extra content is so dim and some of it i have voluntarily chosen to forget or just not consider plus i think some of it will/has changed. but i think i remember reading that trojans win for their last year and i Need that to happen. cause in my head it went: foxes win neil’s first year and trojans win neil’s second year and jeremy’s last year. idc for the rest i want neil to have won championships twice or at least once as captain so that’s what happens in my head.
like i need more about jeremy teaching jean to love exy again and more about jeremy’s apparently complicated family issues with exy???? jeremy let me in.
anywayy. this book feels like a fever dream and im going insane
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ryuichirou · 10 months
More replies! We have a couple of asks about Jack today~ Talked a lot about the good boy of the cast lol
Oh, and spoiler warning for Kuroshitsuji and twst ch7 for the second reply (the first one under the “read more”) thing. Kind of sort of?? Just to be safe.
Anonymous asked:
"I try not to spend more than one hour per day on writing replies." Omg, ryuichi, you spend almost 1 hour replying to asks?! Are you ok?! Don't push yourself.
Also, femChenya, being able to change her breast size, is so cursed that i love it. Thanks, i won't stop thinking about that for the rest of the day lmao.
(related to our hc post)
Aww thank you for your concern, Anon!! I’m just very slow at writing things, and I tend to talk a lot, so it takes longer than it should. But I really want people to get their replies + I really enjoy writing them, so it’s fun! If I get tired, I’ll just skip a day or two… As long as people don’t mind me replying after like a month, it’s all good lol
I’m glad you enjoyed that Che’nya headcanon! She is one cursed cat, I’m 100% sure she has startled Riddle with this trick multiple times…
Anonymous asked:
Silver 🤝Snake
Being cute silver haired boys mentally broken  by Yana Toboso by finding out the truth about two conflicting sides related to their family/found family
Every time we talk about Snake we keep calling him Silver :( This is a curse that cannot be lifted, and of course both of these calm and quiet silver haired babes are going to suffer emotionally in the worst way possible. Poor boys (they look so cute when they suffer though)
Anonymous asked:
Hehe...Vil and Azul being in-laws will be hilarious. Like if it is Christmas and that all those two did just bicker and argue. Idia too scared to confront them while Ortho cheers for Vil. Also a way to get Azul to exploit Vil...
(related to our previous repliy)
God how much I want to see them celebrate Christmas together lol it really would be a disaster. Poor Idia just wants everyone to disappear, he has games to play and anime to watch.
I wonder how long it’d take for Azul to stop trying to act like the slimiest smiling nice guy in the world and start getting openly irritated by Vil who doesn’t buy his bullshit. I guess spending Christmas holidays together would be enough lol
furubatsu asked:
I just read Jack's dorm vignette and idk if you ship them or not but I need your take on whatever the fuck he and Ruggie have going on. He's insane in that story.
*addendum of my prev ask: I meant I now you don't ship them, I just wanted your take on Jack and Ruggie because what the fuck is that vignette? (Also even with some of your ships I don't like, I am very into your takes o  the chara ters and their dynamics)
Sorry for the late reply, but we FINALLY watched that vignette, and it was so funny and weird. Just like you said…  Jack is insane TwT
Just like you said, we don’t ship these two, but that interaction gave us quite some food to chew on. And ironically, the only thought I have in my head after watching this is “wow, Jack really is just a puppy”. Maybe it’s because with Jack I always get this weird desire to treat him like a pup, he is surprisingly cuddable for a guy his size. In a “gosh how pwecious you are, with your floofy tail and ears awwww who’s a good boi yes you are mister doggie sir”. And Jack’s behavior in this vignette certainly didn’t help with that at all lol
But overall it’s just cute that he has this dog (wolf) mentality of trying to find order or hierarchy in a group that he is a part on. He needs the structure of a pack, I guess it’s just more natural to him. What’s also interesting is that while he admires Ruggie and I guess has chosen him as a leader (congrats on being an alpha, Ruggie…?), he doesn’t want a boss. I think the guys nailed it when they realised that Jack is acting like a little brother who has a lot to learn from Ruggie.
Which is suuuuper ironic because while being a good older brother for his own younglings, Ruggie really doesn’t want to get all familial with the guys from NRC. He wants connections and useful friendships, but when it comes to the type of dynamic Jack asks for, Ruggie is like the one person who wouldn’t want this type of closeness. And it’s very interesting to see how he just doesn’t get Jack’s desire to help him out and protect him selflessly and gratuitously.
So yeah, they’re interesting! We also liked their interactions in the Portfest event. Jack is super stubborn with his morals and his urge to do good things to people he respects, and it’s hilarious how Ruggie can’t really fight it and is visibly uncomfortable with it because of how unusual it is to him.
(Also, thank you so much for your kind words, I am very happy that you like the way I talk about the characters even if you don’t like some of our ships <3 I appreciate it a lot!)
Anonymous asked:
how do you feel about jack/epel? is a vanilla but sweet ship imo, and i think epel definitely would have a thing for buff men
i also may or may not hc rook has an interest in everyone’s “mating habits”, especially the non human students. he’d find it interesting watching his junior take on a big beastman
They are kind of too vanilla for us because Jack is general is kind of vanilla despite his animalistic side, so it’s not a huge ship for us, but it’s still a very good one! Epel absolutely has a thing for buff men, it’s funny how pretty much all of his ships are just him + huge animalistic guy… Epel would try to act like he’s “one of the dudes”, just another buff bro in his soul, but we all know how giggly he would get if, you know. Things happened.
And the Rook hc is pretty much canon, at least in my head lol There is absolutely no way he wouldn’t get interested. What a blessing it is that Epel’s potential mates are wolves, eels and all kinds of animals~ It makes the whole experience even more beauté
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crazys-art · 6 months
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day 28 of martch - redraw old art
had this idea 4 years ago and now i have realized it lol. i put way too much thought into this so notes below
notes for designs i did while making this:
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i wanted them all to have unique eye shapes instead of defaulting to how i draw eyes normally because animal crossing characters dont have uniform eyes lol
also i worried wayy too much about some of the species choices lol. like. do i make junko a bear because monokuma, or does that give the twist away? do i make everybody a different species, or do i double dip in a few places to make the twin twist less predictable? ultimately decided fuck it im not writing the game im drawing fanart i can do what i want
when i first came up with this idea i'd only fully decided on the species of 7 of the cast so here's my train of thought for why they are what they are:
yasuhiro- easiest out of the way first. there's nothing else he could be but a frog. decided to give him the weird facial hair animal crossing sometimes gives their characters because its not animal crossing without a couple ugly guys (affectionate)
hifumi- big guy. elephant. made sense. gave him some pink accents despite not thinking it worked all that well to get that animal crossing authenticity yknow lol. plus he likes some cutesy things so he can have some pink as a treat
sakura- felt bad about making her a gorilla ngl- especially since she is. one of the three characters in this game with a darker skin tone. but literally no other species made sense for her. and ngl there are like. no gorilla villagers i like. so i tried my best to make her look cool as hell
sayaka- cat villagers are super popular, so might as well make the ultimate pop idol one, right?
asahina- okay this comes from bias on my part but in my new horizons my default uchi villager was a rabbit and asahina would 100% be an uchi villager so bada bing bada boom. ended up making her coat more orange than it actually is cause i wanted her to be red and didnt want it to clash.
mondo- im going to be completely honest. when i thought of this i was just like "oh that makes sense i always associated mondo with tigers i dont remember why tho." and i just double checked and not only are they in his execution but he also has tiger underwear. so. this ones canon imo
ishimaru- once again, wolf villagers are popular, and just made sense for him. hes a loyal rules guy, and more edgy than a dog- plus, it gives him a cat and dog dynamic with mondo! this concludes everyone that i came up with their species 4 years ago, below is the ones i decided now
kyoko: i was between anteater and wolf for her, and since i decided not to double dip on species, i went with anteater. idk, anteater villagers always seem so aloof and strange to me, it's just her vibe.
junko & mukuro: i was between bear, cat, and rabbit for them, and once again, avoided double dipping. bear is pretty obvious, but cat was because once again, cat villagers are so popular, and rabbit was because of the irony. junko's ears are also supposed to mimic the little monokuma hair ties she has lol
celestia: i was between anteater and ostrich, and i'd already chosen kyoko as the anteater. i didn't even remember that the ostrich villager was called ostrich for a bit, i kept thinking of her as a peacock, but then realized that was perfect for her whole european thing lol.
toko: i was between cat and squirrel, and sayaka was cat. her just being such a small bitter little guy is fitting for her i think.
chihiro: i was between hamster, rabbit, and mouse, and rabbit was taken. i think i only went with mouse because i wanted to draw that head shape, but i did realize after that that means they and mondo are a cat and mouse lol
makoto: i was between deer and dog, and honestly it all came down to his ahoge. if there was a way to have antlers and an ahoge, i would have done so, but honestly it worked out for the best i think. having a dog and cat relationship with sayaka + komaru and toko being dog and squirrel just worked too well.
togami: i was between horse and eagle and this was one of the hardest decisions. ultimately went with eagle simply because i didnt want to draw an animal crossing horse. this did end up making the squirrel be obsessed with the eagle which i do love. i kept trying to work blue into his design but it just did not work at all.
leon: oh leon. the hardest one to choose. i had to save him for until id decided everyone else lol. i was between bull, eagle, and tiger, and went with bull bc of double dipping. all three suited him equally i think it was hard to choose. also coloring him was hard too lol
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eddywoww · 1 year
Okay here are my Flashbacks questions,
- How long was Steve’s hair? Like in my head I had this idea by the time he was a dancer he has this super long thick like down to the waist hair but only reading the last chapter I was like I am so wrong about this hair length haha
- Did they get the cats?!
- Did they have children? If so was the child called Lily? (If not was the cat called Lily?!)
- Why did Eddie choose that house? What about it made him think of Steve? Did they stay in the house? Did Steve decorate it to make it warm and homey unlike his apartments/home?
- Was there ever a oiled up album cover with the necklace on show?
- What did Steve move on to do? Yoga? Stay at home?
- Did Wayne get a house? Did they move close to Wayne? Was Wayne at the wedding?
- Did Steve invite any of his old carers to the wedding?
- Did the wedding have lilies?
(Okay I know it’s a lot and I could go on forever because my brain is so invested right now but feel free to just be like uh idk figure it out yourself. Also if any of these where answered in the fic I totally could be missing parts because I’m so overly excited about the ending oops)
About shoulder length but I think he’d grow it out more because of the nickname and because he wanted very badly to growing up. Also think they’d take turns brushing each others hair.
Yes two cats and a dog. I’m thinking maybe two short hairs and a Great Dane or giant schnauzer
GREAT question. I tend to not always think about children in fics (for my own bias) but I do think if they had a kid ever, Lily would be somewhere in there 🥺
I think Eddie chose a house based off of all the things Steve wanted as a kid. Even the ridiculous things? like he filed them away in his head. A wrap around porch and a swing set and a big kitchen. And so if he saw that type of house, I think he’d have a hard time resisting buying it. Even to just languish in if steve rejected him. And I do think Steve and Eddie would have the best time decorating and having little get togethers in their house and I also think it’d be their lifetime house
YES, I do think Eddie did the necklace thing. If not for an album, then just for a photo shoot. Just to piss Steve’s mom off (it works and she tries to contact them but is fully blocked and ignored)
I think Steve would keep doing yoga but he also had an inkling for song writing, even if it’s only hinted at a little. I think Eddie would find his journals and love every part of them and he’d take steve to a studio with him to help out
Wayne was at the wedding! I think Wayne would be like damn about fucking time. And he would have been one of the few people at their wedding. I imagine they’d still have to travel to see him but not that far
I think Steve didn’t invite any of his old carers to the wedding but he’s probably got their numbers and texts them on occasion. Sends them gifts for the holidays, calls them on their birthdays
Yeah I imagine their wedding flower was definitely lilies and Eddie insists on it
And don’t feel weird!!! This was fun to answer because it made me think back on it!!!! 💕💕💕
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
im sorry abt your surgery, ill be there in spirit to hold your hand if you need it <3 wishing you the best and hopefully its just a scare and nothing to worry too much abt!!
as for asks...
i always love your music taste so, 5 songs youve had on repeat lately that make you think of chryzure + chrysijacks? also, if they were each a pair of unlikely animal friends (ie, a pig and a monkey lol) which ones would they be? def feeling rabbit and cat for chryzure.
this question is a very self-indulgent one cus ive been going thru a huge superhero phase but, if they were superheroes which ones would they be? this could either be made-up or existing superheroes-- personally, i think chrysi would be an AMAZING black cat/felicia hardy, she has the white hair and the dark aesthetic to match it :3 i def think azure would be a mutant/x-men (no particular reason, it just seems to match him?) and jacks... well, jacks is just giving me deadpool energy. slutty antihero? i think yes. it'd be cool to know what kind of superhero abilities youd assign to them tho :33
thank you 🖤 please hold my other hand though, they’re cutting up my right one 🤧 hopefully there’s nothing to worry abt since my family has a history of the weirdness w/o the cancer..
chryzure songs:
so good right now // fall out boy (wanted the whole album to make me think of chrysigil, then it jst wound up being chryzure and chrysijacks coded…)
xyz // technoplanet (vv specific vibe, idk why, but instrumentals like this make me go crazy, go wild)
anicent history // the crane wives (teehee! in agony thinking abt them separated)
in my head // mike shinoda, kailee morgue ((bonus song, still alive // demi lovato because screamvi brainrot real….. jst saying the au goes wild!))
cartoon people // billie marten (the vibes themselves……)
chrysijacks songs (he’s more annoying):
chapstick // coin (sorry, juno…:(( sorry jacks ruined this for you)
summer // circadian clock, baethoven (biting him!)
blood in the cut // k.flay (sorry juno pt.2)
hold my like a grudge // fall out boy (part-time soulmate, full-time problem too real for chrysijacks…)
chryzure is kittybunny lovers all the time… they are doing this right now:
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chrysijacks is kitty and fox… sorry, the legend of the archer and the fox is actually abt chrysijacks and chrysi’s the archer and jacks is the fox!! idk what was going on in the books, get ur facts right!
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((more proof is that i had a chrysijacks song called the fox before the book came out + the lyrics imply jacks not wanting to be the fox and hunted down by the archer… explain this 🤨))
oh my god, i looked up black cat and you’re RIGHT, that’s sooo chrysi??? esp the probability thing… explains why azure’s gotten such bad luck over the years.
if i were to make chrysi her own superhero, hmmm….. i feel like she’d summon ghosts and stuff… ??????? idk, i’ve never thought abt it 🫢 i mean, the funniest option is totally that she can bring back the dead and summon ghosts and stuff, but she never fucking uses that in favor of bashing ppl’s heads in w a baseball bat. OH, wait, her fated abilities include causing fear and giving nightmares, so maybe i could do something like that!!! she can keep the ghost summoning thing if she wants. idk what name i’d give her. it’s so hard coming up w a good superhero name. nightmare is too basic + i’m sure there’s thousands of ppl w that superhero name 💀 oh well!
AZURE WOULD SOOOOO HAVE X-MEN VIBES. he gets to go to a special little mutant school and have like minded peers… little special princess boy 🙄 SOME people learned they inflict fear on ppl and had to deal with it ALONE, but it’s fine. it’s rlly okay.
his powers probably are jst spatial manipulation, but he’s good enough at it that it looks like it’s jst telekinesis… and also teleportation :) jst the idea of him tricking ppl he has one power when it’s actually another makes me go crazy, go wild!!! idk what his title would be either. this is HARD, how do comic book writers do it!!!
yes. jacks is a whore. fuck him. i want him dead in a ditch. his powers are making ppl love him and want to obey him? rlly? he gets everything handed to him on a platter???? killing him killing him killing him!!!! he’d be the villain that chrysi and azure have to take down first, but they get there and jacks is jst rlly lameand they’re like, “…….. okay, guess we’ll leave you alive….?” and now he’s a thorn in their side that doesn’t leave ://////
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mizuribbons · 2 years
v3 liveblogging starts now
start of prologue - end of prologue
spoilers under the cut
here we goooo it's startinggg
"I'm the protagonist-" false information!!! besides you aren't even better than the real protag smh my head /hj
"a classroom?" No shit Mozart or whatever I don't know classical musicians well
that's a very weird pinching noise...
*my dumbass kissing the screen*
haha butt /j
i should honestly be bonked for obsessing too much over a fictional character... actually two fictional characters.
something about Kaede saying shut up is the funniest fucking thing ever
gray guy's ass /j i do not have a crush on gray guy
"why me?" you signed up for this shit kaede don't act like you didn't (I know I know she doesn't remember blah blah blah)
slapping shit time
Kaede asking the door questions /j yes yes inner dialogue I know no shit
"what?" quote of the year fr
kokichi time
there he is
i accidentally skipped his dialogue waaaaaa
hello sir avocado man
there are 16 gayasses
hehehehehehehe ryoma so fucjing short lmaooo /hj
i don't like string cheese. actually i don't like cheese at all!!!
"we screwed up" the game makers screwed up when making you and your siblings except monodam he's the only good one
just realised my fav monokub is in front of one of my comfort characters and my least fav is in front of the other.... hmmmmmmm
damn maybe monokid mentioned hell at some point idk
kaede really flabbergasted at them being monokubs
yes you were fucking right no shit avocado
off topic but the monokub theme fucking slaps it's an absolute banger
sleepy ass bitch tbh wake up!!! wake up!!!!!!!!!
"forgot" you mean forgor???? they forgor lol
hello again Kokichi :)
"friggin'" you know you can say fucking this is Danganronpa after all
MLG horns + Sailor Moon transformation = V3 transformation sequence
"what am I wearing" clothes lmao
we waking up again soon
we already did this shit!!!!!!!!!
here comes Shuichi 2.0!!!!! insert autism creature yippee
he's so cute fr
aaaand here comes the music
monokubs are back I hate those bitches
i hate monokid most but he's so fucking funny, you're the monster actually why are you scared you lil bitch
wow monokid confirmed stuffed animal
first monokid boner of the game...
you calling the best people ever cretins?!?! honestly stfu monophanie sorry i am obsessed with fictional characters
sixteen sure is a number kaede
skipping the whole ultimate explanation I don't care honestly
monokid rager voice line count: 2
introductions for the second time, you love to see it
star kissing the screen again... that isn't even my fav character
"usually just piano freak" well that isn't nice
baby kaede still ugly as fuck tbh where's her nose and why does she already have a full head of hair even baby peko looked better and she didn't have a nose either
at least she grows up very pretty
"when did this get in my backpack?" 0.3 seconds ago!
smoothie :D
foreshadowing moment
yaaaaaa blueberry smooothieeeee
Kaede is such a hardcore lesbian
going to see avocado man again!!!
clearly you're the ultimate avocado
i forgot to type anything here when talking to Himiko but now I'm talking to Tenko
"you're so cute!" And you're a lesbian
Tenko said her first degenerate males im so proud of her
let's go to best character (Kokichi)
Here he IS
sorry I am very happy
we have all of the best boys in one room (and Kaede is there too)
how couldn't Kaede tell that Kiibo is a robot????
he did it he said "i will see you in court"
yes introduce yourself king!!!!!
he's so silly
why is this man so fucking funny he has my brain in a chokehold
maki rol
hello short cat lover man
oops I forgot to go see miu lmao
news flash: everyone who wears pants is a PERVERT!1!1!1!11!!!1!! more at 9
"everyone knows that only pervs wear hats" himiko: 😐
she wants drugs
THERE we go now we can go see kork
gonna be honest sometimes I forget his name is Korekiyo and not just Kork
bro I don't think your teeth fell out they're definitely right there (also you can't... have... fingernails...)
monokid rager voice line count: 3
"walls are erected" 😳
the wall can be demolished just you wait
ah yes the exisals somehow have wives and kids
you can slap yourself Kaede but don't slap one of my comfort characters. that is a crime against humanity
space idiot time
"not just anyone can get up there" I can /j
here are the monoshits again
BRO PISSES IN THE SHOWER I know it happens it just gets me every time
BRO SHITS IN THE SHOWER again it gets me every time
hello mom aka basically just 2B from Nier (or so I've heard idk I have never played Nier)
time to meet our next autism creature
wonder what this guy's name is
found him right away! after 10 years
last one
im still pissed that instead of keeping it as a generic god so it doesn't offend any religion, they chose to make angie's god the real fucking Polynesian gods
angie still cute though <3
time to go gym lol
im like a cat with the zoomies
another reference thank you blueberry smoothie
honestly??? kokichi so fucking silly I love him (if you somehow couldn't tell)
i think it might be a killing game not sure tho
i will crush you guys with this here exisal
hello motherfucker- I mean monokuma
"im not mad" he says firing a fucking lazer
yoooo they said despair
the songs in this game >>>>>
yeaaaaa rock paper scissors
imagine if monokuma ate monophanie
murder very sophisticated
yo the monokuma tongue sprite weird as hell
the rager voice line count is 4
nvm it's 5
*laughs to death*
honestly this is tiring me out but I gotta complete the prologue!!!
"a lie... more like fiction..." that's bc it is lmfaooooooooooo
the first character to attempt a murder talking about how they won't kill is so funny to me
damn they laughing
yes I know what game this is
prologue over guys we can go home now
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kkusuka · 4 years
Ok ok so kenma with a s/o who wears thigh highs and has thicc thighs that he likes to be squished by and it’s HEAVEN place. Like one day he’s just lying on them and biting on them too or would just lay on them when he’s at practice and the rest of the team just “wow” stares at them like kenma really is sleeping on a girls thigh and sucking on it too.
Or karasuno with a manager who has a large chest and nishinoya and hinata just like napping there randomly or on her thighs. And Omg Kageyama just wanting them to himself for her chest to nap on.
Oh idk this randomly came up when I was sleeping 💀🧍‍♀️
1. i’m glad we all agree that kenma is a boob perv
2. awkward kageyama is a cute kageyama
this is also kind of like a drabble story thing, idk
⇒ sometimes he just doesn’t want to deal with lev anymore. at one point it was just too much, he didn’t want to do it. and right now all he wanted to do was sit around and do nothing. why did he have to work so hard right now anyway? kuroo should be the one teaching lev the basics. 
⇒ ten minutes into the 45-minute game break, he called it quits with helping the poor first year out. instead seeking refuge the only place he could, you. it was a normal occurrence for the two of you, he would do it between game rounds when things weren’t going his way. and sometimes during movies when he just wants to nap. 
⇒ so like all the other times you knelt in front of him, he on his laid flat onto his stomach. usually he would lay on the tops of your thighs and let you run hands through his hair, sometimes letting you braid it. 
⇒ but today he pressed your thighs open took a deep breath and shoved his entire face into the apex of your thighs. bringing is arms around you waist he completely encased his head in your legs. 
⇒ this had happened before, so you didn’t mind all that much. but he had just finished practice and  he was breathing fairly heavily. much to your embarrassment, his small breaths were tickling your thighs, and you had to let out a few soft giggles. and of course your ever observant captain noticed the situation. 
⇒ and since kuroo never shuts up, he started directing attention to the both of you, funny enough, kenma always knew when stuff like that was happening so he started to squirm which tickled you more. 
⇒ it just ended with kenma hitting your thigh to tell you to calm down and let him nap for a bit. 
Karasuno manager
⇒ it was almost every bus ride, Kageyama almost felt bad for you. after every game Nishinoya and Hinata would cuddle into your sides like cats. he knew that Hinata did it because he was an idiot, but Nishinoya knew what  he was doing. just from the way he would make kissy faces at Kageyama whenever they made eye contact. 
⇒ but he couldn’t just walk up to you and tell you that he wanted to nap on you because you looked really soft and he was sick of hearing hinata talk about how amazing it felt to lay on you. and it wasn’t like he stared at you all the time wondering what it felt like 
⇒ or how sometimes you would run hands through their hair so he made sure that his hair was always soft just in case he had the courage to let it happen. did you think it was weird the way he would always try to ask you but would pull away as soon as the other two came around. 
⇒ it’ll happen one day, he’s sure of it. all he ahs to do is make sure that the two gremlins never got in the way. and that he could form a sentence to ask you to have the chance. (and to make sure he has no nose bleeds at any time)
⇒ easy as pie, for anyone who isn't him, he’ll just have to hope that you notice and take pity on his poor soul. 
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realcube · 4 years
haikyuu!! boys with a s/o that becomes clingy/affectionate while drunk
characters: kyōtani, kenma, iwaizumi, matsukawa and bokuto
thank you anon for this marvellous request mwah
tw// drinking, suggestive themes, sexual references, swearing
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Kentarō Kyōtani
kyōtani was used to having a cool, laid-back s/o who was just as awkward about physical touch as he was 
i mean, that’s kinda a part of the reason he liked you so much - so y’all could get over your awkwardness together
so imagine his surprise when his usually level-headed, calm s/o came stumbling out of the club, a blubbering mess and threw themselves into his arms, wailing something about a maths test
he was like ‘omg why are they touching me? i kinda like it- wait are they crying? tf? i ain’t ever seen them cry before- should i help them? lord everyone is looking at us now. so what the fuck do i do- AYE DON’T TOUCH ME THERE’
so he had no choice but to dip with you flung over his shoulder lol
he took you back to your shared apartment and forced you to drink some water and instead of ordering a take-out, he just gave you his leftover burrito which he took to the club smh
it was probably cold 
but that was the best he could think of at the time bc he simply needed to shut you up with food bc the alcohol in your system was causing you to become especially touchy, hence resulting in kyōtani getting especially aroused
but the last thing he’d do is fuck you while you’re drunk and i firmly believe that despite the fact kyōtani is a bit of a lout - he still has like a basic moral compass
but i mean if you kept being so damn suggestive then it was gonna be a lot harder for him to resist his urges
you were rubbing him up and shit, calling him every pet name in the book so ofc he just stuck a burrito in your mouth and went ‘stfu 😡’
the painful part was that he was silently enjoying it too (┬┬﹏┬┬)
(though, he was red from blushing lol, not anger) 
and he wasn’t used to it either so obviously he was gonna get flustered, i mean, everything was happening all at once
oh and you told him ‘i love you’ and he literally combusted like lord have mercy on this man 
just that morning you were calling him your ‘annoying rat boyfriend’ (jokingly, ofc) and now you love him?-
that wasn’t the first time you told him that you loved him but he was still blushing none the less 
and he stammered out a ‘love you too’ PRAYING that you wouldn’t remember any of this the following day
anyway, he cuddled you to sleep and railed you as soon as you sobered up - the end ❤
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Kenma Kozume
pov: you’re kenma happily being a wallflower in the club then your s/o approaches you, demanding for you to fuck them 
- ok, end of POV - 
anyway, your speech was slurred so kenma wasn’t really sure if that was what you were asking him to do but if it was, he would’ve happily obliged if it wasn’t for the fact you were clearly drunk
mans was blushing though
bc y’all hardly ever do it but now - all of a sudden - you were tightly wrapped around him, garbling erotic threats into his ear
kenma was worried at first but you were like..really weak
so it wasn’t hard to get you off his torso, usher you out of the club and grip your hand as he ordered a taxi 
also kenma had read enough wattpad fanfictions to know how to deal with someone while they’re drunk 
but none of those fanfictions ever mentioned a single thing about how to deal with yourself while your partner is drunk
like seriously..he was in pain
both from the throbbing erection he had and the aching embarrassment he felt - both stemming from the fact you tried to give him a lap dance in taxi ✋ please oml
anyway, he took you back to his apartment and insisted that you have a few slices of the left-over pizza in the fridge along with a glass of water
after you changed into your pyjamas, you had clearly sobered up slightly as you could now compose coherent sentences
but that wasn’t any better for him bc now you were draped over him, whimpering into his ear about how much you love him
‘i’m so lucky to have you, kenma. i love you so much. you remind me of my first cat - you’re such a cat- i mean, blessing..you’re such a blessing.’ 
ngl, at that point he would be at a loss for words, just deciding to hug you until you fall asleep
like he finds it so cute that you’re finally opening up to him about how you feel as you’re usually quite composed and restrained 
but also- what does he do now? 
you eventually fell asleep in his arms and the next day, you woke up to kenma having made breakfast and telling you how much he adores you which was..confusing, to say the least
he told you about how you acted when you were drunk and to say you were embarrassed would be an understatement 
also, he’ll tease you about it for the rest of your life ;)
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Hajime Iwaizumi
literally all you had to do was send him a text like ‘iwa...,,.,...ily so mycj ❤’’ and he’s already waiting in the line to get into the club lol
he marches in there, finds you, grabs your hand and drags you home 
let’s hope that your friends know what iwaizumi looks like so they don’t have to just watch a random guy haul you out the club-
and tries to act all like angry iwaizumi >:( but when you are trailing behind him, muttering about how amazing he is, he becomes more like angy iwa grrr (*  ̄︿ ̄)
by that, i mean that angry iwaizumi would bring you home and lecture on how irresponsible it is to get so intoxicated 
but angy iwa just takes care of you but with a disapproving scowl 
and angry iwaizumi would make nasty, bitchy remarks about how inappropriate your outfit is 
while angy iwa would be like ‘babe, your outfit is lovely but maybe wear something different next time, idk....’
either way, he takes good care of you 
he makes sure you eat (and he cooks good food btw - he doesn’t make you eat leftovers lmao) 
he lets you change into more comfortable clothes
he ensures that you don’t die in the shower 
and he forces you to go to bed
but all of that is rather difficult when you’re clinging to him like your life depends on it, raving on about how sweet of a boyfriend he is and covering his face sloppy kisses
his original plan was to go train some more in his gym (yes, there is a gym in y’alls house-) but when you were peppering his cheek in kisses, begging him to stay with you for whatever reason, of course he didn’t have the balls to leave
 so he ended up laying like a log in bed as you cuddled up to him like koala, resting your head in his chest and allowing him to run his hand through your hair as you slept
in that moment - as he stared down at your tranquil figure - he realised how grateful he was for moments like these, as he finally got see a side of you that he knew you’d almost never exhibit when you’re sober
like yeah, you often tell him how much you love him but he can always tell that it’s as if you’re setting aside your pride to say such a thing but now, you’re gushing on about it with the most genuine look in your eyes, he can tell that you’re being completely sincere 
and to say that he adores it would be an understatement 
so yeah, you were kind of a pain while drunk but you were also the most adorable thing that iwaizumi had ever laid his eyes on (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
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Issei Matsukawa
ok so the only reason matsukawa wasn’t getting drunk with you was bc the first time y’all got drunk together he got fined for public indecency and you got done for public intoxication
so you decided that it was best (for your wallets) if you took turns getting tipsy
emphasis on ‘tipsy’ bc you both went to the bar together (along with a few friends) and you promised matsukawa that you’d only have a few drinks 
so please explain to him why he is now having to carry you bridal style out of the bar because you are too hammered to walk properly 
and he was kinda grumpy bc he had to leave his friends mid-conversation bc not only were you pestering him but also, the erotic things you were whispering in his ear caused him to get a boner
and he was getting weird looks from people as he carried you home but that was the least of his problems tbh- he didn’t even notice lol
the biggest issue on his mind rn was the fact that you made him hard yet you can’t help him bc you’re drunk smh 
like he was tempted at first bc you seemed down to do it but he quickly came back to reality and realised how morally incorrect that’d be 
so he was mumbling curses the whole way home just to tune you out bc if he paid any more attention to the racy promises you were muttering in his ear- he’d explode
he’s alright at taking care of you like he isn’t iwaizumi’s level of caring but he’s a close second, i mean he’s gotten drunk plenty of times so he knows the basics
he was like ‘drink water idk lol ’
anyway, once he handled himself he wasn’t too fazed by your lustful advances
and he was so smug about it too deadass like ‘keep talkin’ me up, (y/n), you ain’t getting shit until you’re sober.’
smh ANYWAY he thinks you’re so charming when you’re like lovey-dovey drunk but SO annoying when you’re horny drunk bc like- he can’t get some (T_T)
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Kōtarō Bokuto 
best for last 👌
ok anyway he’s an athlete and he doesn’t need alcohol to have a good time- he’s forever drunk tbh- drunk on life :)
so while you’re getting hammered with your pals, he’s doing stupid shit while sober lol
once you both rendezvous outside the club to head home and you’re absolutely steamin- he’s just like ‘hi, babe! how’s your night been?’
anyway, he drives back to y’alls house and since you’re fatigued at first, you spent 90% of the car ride sleeping
but when you get home, more awake, you’re all up on him
but you’re not like sensual drunk- more like..emotional drunk but with love 🥺
so basically you are sobbing into his chest about whatever and bc he is an such empath he will start crying too, or at least get a bit emotional 
you could say something like, ‘omg, bo. i hardly get to see you because you’re at work so often- i wish i could spend more time with you. i miss you so much’  ╯︿╰
and he would deadass reply whole-heartedly while weeping into your shoulder, ‘I’M QUITTING VOLLEYBALL, (Y/N)!!’
(ok, so maybe he was a bit tipsy too- but like..definitely not has drunk as you)
he has no idea where to start when it comes to taking care of you but he tries (´◡` ‘) 
at the very least, he ensures that you don’t having any more alcohol and that you don’t die somehow 
he’s v overprotective though 
you could be getting a fork to eat your instant-noodles with and he’ll be like 
‘apologies ✋ but i cannot allow you to handle such a dangerous weapon while intoxicated. maybe eat with a spoon instead, idk.’ /h
other than that, he just cuddles you to sleep and deals with you in your badly hungover state the next day
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lovelysugawara · 3 years
Haikyuu Boys; a kiss on the nape
A/N: haikyuu!! boys, y/n kissing their nape. idk i just love imagining them with y/n. enjoy ^^
Pairings: Osamu, Atsumu, Suna, Bokuto, Akaashi, Kuroo, Kenma, Tsukishima x reader
-you both are enjoying the afternoon sun while resting at the bench somewhere in the city.
You are both tired of walking because it’s an enjoyable date.
-osamu’s been busy telling you stuff about his restaurant and you’re so happy hearing his voice. It’s been weeks since you last dated, and you really miss him.
-as he continues to tell you stories, you can’t help but suddenly close the gap between you two and grab his right shoulder and kiss his pretty nape.
-and when you look at him, he’s totally blushing and holding his nape.
-“Oh you did that on purpose.” he said and he suddenly grabs you for a formal kiss.
-it’s his rest day, and you two planned to have some movie date at his own apartment.
-you sitting on the couch and him sitting on the floor and between your legs. You like caressing his grown hair and he seems to enjoy it too.
-he’s wearing a thin white shirt, and it’s really kind of sexy because it’s also fit and you can easily see his toned body. XD
-but what you really like is his nape. You always have this urge to just bite or kiss it. And now that he’s so focused on the movie, you already got the chance.
-you bow a little and then kiss his nape.
-you really enjoy his reactions. Atsumu suddenly stands up, and touches his nape, he looks at you blushing and still shocked.
-”Y/n, you know i’m actually trying so hard not to be so aggressive, but because you did this, i have to make you pay.” he said, with so much hunger in his eyes.
-he suddenly carries you to his bedroom while deeply kissing you.
-sleeping together is actually one of your intimate times together with suna.
-hugging each other, kissing from time to time, hearing each other's heartbeats are your happy place.
-suna can sleep longer than anyone which means you actually wake up earlier because you’re already famished.
-looking at your boyfriend, you know he will soon wake up.
-”hey, why aren't you hugging me? I want my personal pillow babe.” he said while he’s a bit sleepy. “I can’t babe, I had to do our dinner. I'm hungry.” ous said despite the fact you wanted to sleep more with him.
-he looks at you with a serious face of rejection, “whatever,” he said and he turns his back from you and he hugs a pillow instead.
-you laugh a little knowing he’s a bit pissed and still sleepy. Just how much time does he need to complete his sleep? Then your attention goes to his exposed nape.
-as payment for him being snobby, you dive in and kiss his nape. Knowing he’s a bit ticklish on that part, you enjoyed seeing him blush as he looks back at you.
-”you are seriously in trouble babe.” he said and then he pulled you back to him. Enjoying the rest of the evening with lots of sweet things with him.
-while you prepare your dinner, bokuto is busy watching some volleyball matches in the living room. This has been his hobby for quite a long time while waiting for dinner.
-today is one of the MYSB team’s so-called day off, and the two of you had an interesting whole day to date and be with each other.
-you watch him as he enjoys watching a match and he is so engrossed in it and you felt a bit jealous. You wanted to have an intimate time with him but he’s “busy”. While being jealous you can see his wide back and that sexy nape he has while he wears a simple blue fitted shirt. God, he’s so sexy.
-you can’t resist it, and you walk towards him and pretend to just pat his hair. He automatically holds your hands and makes you hug him from behind. You struggle a little to continue your plan, until you manage you kiss his nape, sending little electricity into his body.
-he suddenly looked back, and you can see his blushing face. “y/n, what are you doing?” he said. He stands up and you know he’s not interested in watching anymore.
-you laugh as he hugs you from behind too, and starts kissing your nape too. Your laugh turns into little moans as he didn’t stop those erotic kisses.
-you are currently studying with akaashi at his house for the upcoming midterms. Going inside his room actually makes you a bit nervous, but you know this is akaashi. He won't do anything weird.
-looking at this man, you feel so lucky to have him as your boyfriend. He’s actually more beautiful than you (than us lmao).
-”are you bored, princess?” he noticed that you’re already daydreaming and not studying. You just pout, “this problem is so hard, I can't continue.” you stand up and go to his side to show your note.
-akasshi’s already looking at your notes, “ah, this one. I’ll show you how. Listen, you should exchange this into this one and find the value of this number…” as he continues explaining the problem to you, your attention is actually drawn to his nape. You remember that he was actually a bit ticklish on that part. And you as a naughty one, you think about doing something to try teasing him.
-a few seconds and your lips are already touching his nape. Akaashi shudders a little bit, and he automatically touches his nape after you kiss him.
-”Y/a, that is a dangerous move! I need to be patient until we graduate, or I can't stop myself.” he said while blushing.
-and you can’t help yourself but giggle at the fact he felt embarrassed saying those words.
-you two are quietly sitting on the couch one night and talking random things and all stuff that happens the whole day.
-kuroo tells you things while his head rests on your chest, somehow he likes hearing your heartbeat. And you enjoy it too.
-then suddenly, his phone rings and he has to sit up to answer his call. While he is still on the phone, you can’t help but admire his physique. And you really love his nape, it’s really beautiful and sexy. Since he’s busy, you wanted to tease him a little.
-hugging him from behind which shocked him, you then place your lips on his nape and kiss it. He froze a little, you enjoy his reaction, and you even lick his nape for the final act. He then chuckled a little
-” talk to you later, i have a very naughty cat here, and i have to punish it. Bye.” as he pressed the end button he looked at you, with eyes filled with desire.
-”you naughty kitty.” After he said that, he attacked you with the sweetest and wild kiss ever.
-You two fight this morning and he chooses to ignore you.
-tired from his stream since this morning, he slipped to your shared bed that night and then hugs you. You can’t help but forgive him, because he’s so cute the way he apologizes now.
-”tired?” you asked him. “Yeah, and i’m sorry for neglecting you on your rest day.” you smiled as you hugged him back. “Yeah, it’s okay. We can have another day off next week.”
-he looks at you, and you know he’s tired and hungry. “Let me reheat the food. You haven’t had your dinner.” you sit up as you get your jacket.
-when suddenly, kenma hugs you from behind and plants kisses on your nape. When you start to moan a little, he then kisses your ear and says “actually, i’m not hungry for food, y/n.”
-and guess who didn’t have dinner tonight. XD
-he’s looking at the thermometer and then he looks at you while you are in bed, comforters all over you. “Guess who's the idiot getting a fever in summer?” he then smirked. “Hey, i don’t have a fever, i’m just tired.” You said as he was getting some medicines on the medicine box.
-”yeah right, you’re just tired.” he laughs. “Guess i’ll be staying for today, hmm?” and you couldn’t be happier hearing that. “What about work?” you said. He looks at you and smirks, “i can’t let an idiot like you struggle while having a fever.” you blushed and pout at the same time. “I’m not an idiot.” you said looking away.”
-and true to his words, tsukishima didn’t go to work but stays with you. That afternoon, as you wake up, he’s reading a book sitting on the floor beside your bed. You already felt better after your rest.
-when you suddenly felt the urge to kiss him on his nape which he didn’t complain about. Giving you more access and you pulled him back to bed. He’s now laying beside you.
-”i didn’t know fever will make you this daring, y/n. I hope you know what you’re doing.” he said and he then kisses you.
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