#If i was a billionaire this is how id use my money
surprisequeersubplot · 3 months
A complete reboot of the entire Psych series where everything is exactly the same EXCEPT Shawn and Gus are married to each other. Their relationship is completely the same otherwise. The fact that they are a couple is only referenced in passing like twice a season and is of course fully accepted by everyone around them. It plays no part in the plot, and all of the original series romance subplots are replaced with bestie subplots with those same women.
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pointsfortrying · 4 months
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shmothman · 3 months
Internet Safety
(Casper x reader, 500 words, post-ending 3, T for language)
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“Casper. I need you to listen to me very carefully right now.”
You turn your phone around to face him, and he looks at you confused before reading aloud: “‘Immediate action required for your bank account.’” His brows knit as he looks up at you. “That sounds serious, are you in some kind of trouble?”
“No, no. Look at who it’s sent from.”
He reads the (incredibly phony-sounding) email address back to you, and then looks at you again, still confused.
You point at it. “This is what a scam text looks like.”
Casper narrows his eyes. He looks back at the text, then looks back at you. “But… it says your immediate action is required. Isn’t your bank account very important?”
You sigh. “It’s a lie, babe. They want me to click that link and put in my bank password. They’ll take that password to hack into my actual bank account, and then they’ll steal all my money.”
He still seems unconvinced. “But… what if you’re wrong?”
“You really are a scammer’s wet dream, you know that?”
He bristles slightly. “I do not want to risk not taking immediate action on my bank account.”
That gives you pause. “Wait, do they have banks in the underworld?”
“Yes? How do you think we deal with money?”
“Even in the underworld you have to deal with capitalism?” Honestly, you thought that his society was better than yours at that kind of thing. Though, maybe the whole ‘he was created for one purpose and that purpose is his job’ thing should’ve tipped you off. The billionaires of the mortal realm would love that shit. “Fuck, next you’re gonna tell me there’s capitalism in the afterlife, too.”
He shrugs. “I do not know. It is possible.”
“Please don’t say that to me. Anyway. If you’re gonna live in the mortal world for now, you’re gonna need to be able to tell what a scam looks like.”
“As far as I can tell, I cannot have a bank account here without an ID. Which, as I am not a citizen of this world, I do not have.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know I’m your sugar daddy from here on out. But there’s still plenty of stuff I want to help you not fall for. Like the fucking virus you gave my computer last week.”
He frowns. “It said I had won a prize.”
“Also, what if we have to forge some documents for you and get you an ID and bank account?”
There’s a hint of a smile on his face. “Are you looking to break as many of your world’s rules as I have mine? It will be much harder for us if we both have to go on the run.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose and heave an exaggerated sigh. “Point taken. Just. Please. If you get any texts, emails, or popups like this… come to me before you click anything, okay? The geek squad guys think I’m an idiot.”
“It is not—“
“So I told them that my idiot boyfriend is the one who clicked the link.”
He pouts, and it’s very, very cute. “Very well.”
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1989stanz · 4 months
Nash proposing to Libby
Hey, guess what? I wrote another fic. Why? Because I have no job.
Mentions of Nash Hawthorne, Libby Grambs and Alisa Ortega. Minor cursing.
English is not my first language. I'm sorry if there's any mistakes.
While growing up, all Nash craved and dreamed of—whole heartily, soul consuming and passionately— was his grandfather approval. He just wanted to know that he did enough, that he was enough. All the old man lessons he kept in mind, so he would not make any mistakes the next time. Be perfect. Better. Stronger. That's what Tobias always praised. But it didn't take long for him to discover who his grandfather, the man he admired, was. And after that, how could he learn about what being extraordinary really meant from a man who was worse than the devil? The respect slowly started to go away, giving room for the need to stay away from. From his money. His house. His horrific lessons that Nash memorized, who seemed to age like milk in his brain, leaving the dreadful spoiled smell behind. Eventually, he just put in his head that his lectures were full of bullshit that he did not need. But he knew, deep in his soul and heart, that he would never forget one, no matter how much time passed by. It just didn't go away.
5 years later
Nash was 22 years old, and he just came home from a long trip around the country. He tried working at different jobs, since he wouldn't use his grandfather money to keep him alive and under a roof. Tried being a mechanic, because he understood a lot of cars and motorcycles. Chef, since he knew a thing or two about cooking. Worked at Target for a long period, for the reason that he simply liked his costumers. Makeup artist, 'cause why not? At the time, he found it more enthusiastic to work as a bartender, serving all kind of drinks and listening to people's stories. However, he usually had a hard time trying to get a job, since he even refused to use his real last name and had to use a fake ID. Fortunately, he knew how to convince someone that his name really was Nash Ortega. Maybe he could change after his marriage with Alisa. Sure, she was having a bad time accepting the fact that he wanted her to move on from his grandfather and get others clients, but she probably would give in. She loved Nash and already said that she wanted to have a life with him, so there was a high chance that they would make it through. Of course they would. Just because it was a minor argument, that didn't mean they wouldn't work out as a marriage couple. They would, and Nash was more than pleased to state that he couldn't wait any longer to runaway from the billionaire with the love of his life, Alisa. The woman he could only think 24/7. The one he always saw first in the mornings. The one and only he thought about having a family with. His heart pounded faster and harder just at the thought of his new life with his incredible wife. In fact, it beat so fast that it was the only thing he could hear at the quiet tree house. He took a moment to analyze it better. The Hawthornes were know for being magnificent when it came to luxury, always having really expensive and glorious things. Their own house and the others old man's properties were an example of it. But the tree house was out of curve, without anything really rich and embellished. It was like a normal tree house, the magic was on the memories. That's when Nash heard footsteps behind him, too fragile and languidness to belong to any of his brothers. Without turning around, he felt a light but firm hand on his shoulder. “It's beautiful, isn't it?”, the old man asked, and Nash couldn't keep himself from feeling a really pure disgusting feeling of his grandfather. Of everything that he had done. Yet, the Nash that once saw him as a father felt love. “It could be yours, all yours, if you choose to stay with Alisa.” His grandson threw his head back, laughing really hard. “Trying to manipulate me again, Tobias?”, he emphasized his name. No “grandfather” or “old man” for him today. The devil stood still, not appearing offended by his word or apologizing to his grandson. But the secret was that he would never say sorry to any of them—ever. He would die before it. “You're consistent, Nash,” he replied. “Resisting even when I offer you everything. That's what I love about you.” Nash snorted, “We both know that it isn't going to be me.” Tobias looked at Nash's eyes, his expression never giving a hint about his thoughts.
“Maybe you really aren't. But who cares? You decided years and years ago that you hated everything that was related to me, and you've been running away from me since them. And you have the audacity to say in front of my face that I'm manipulating you!”. The old man smiled, amused. “You took a decision years ago and stood with it, without any hesitation.”, he looked at Nash. “That's what you should do if you want to help people. I know you don't want my money, but don't hesitate, Nash. Never hesitate when making decisions to save someone. Be consistent, hard to deal with hesitation.”, he looked away. “If you don't be, the consequences can destroy you completely.” Nash felt like the old man was talking about his own experiences in life, but he didn't give a damn at the time. Or at least pretended to. He wasn't really good at pretending, if everything always came back to haunt him.
Looking at the ring he just bought to Libby, this memory came back. Nash wasn't made for hesitation. He always thought about the right decision to make, and he stood with his decision no matter what. It was hard to change his mind. When he broke free from the old man, he was confident about it. When it came to his brothers, he was sure about every single decision. Even when he proposed to Alisa, he was more than certain about it. Of course, he was ignorant enough to think that Alisa would give up on the old man. She didn't, and it was terrifying to think about the things that Tobias did. The things he took away from Nash. But this time he wasn't there, which meant that he couldn't take Libby away. He was hers and this would never change. He was sure about everything that was about her, so why he got so nervous and insecure just by looking at the ring? Probably because he didn't know if she wanted it too. Libby loved Nash, but what if it was too early to take this step? What if it was the wrong kind of ring? What if the place wasn't adequate? And the most horrendous question: what if she wanted it, but not with him? There were so many doubts, and he didn't like to be so. . . Scared. That's it, Libby managed to get him scared. And unsure. But that's what he would find in a marriage life. Sometimes, being married isn't a straight road, and it's definitely not easy and secure. It was more like being in a road full of multiple turns and confused, mysterious and even scary streets. But once the streets are crossed, the rest is lovely. Not easy, but worth it. And Nash was ready for it.
Libby spent her entire life in Connecticut, and now that she had money and a food truck business, she wanted to travel to places that once were only part of an unreachable dream. Like Paris. Nash had the idea, and he planned everything for the two of them: booked a hotel, searched for restaurants that made her favorite foods, localized the most famous places that sold flowers—just in case— and he had every single day planned. Well, at least the second day had to strictly follow the plan.
They arrived late at night in Paris, Nash still feeling terrible from the flight, ate dinner and slept. Nash woke up at 5:00 am, anxiety not letting him sleep for long, and they left at 7:00 am.
The Eiffel Tower. Notre Dame. Palais Garnier. Louvre Museum. Champs-Élysées. Nash took her to visit all these places, loving to see the admiration in her face. He has been to Paris before, therefore there wasn't anything he hasn't seen—at least at the most famous locations. Even though he did not like expensive places, he really wanted to give this experience to Libby before proposing. And by the end of the day, they were exhausted. It was impossible to feel his toes, but he had to ask the important question to her. They were standing on a cliff, staring at the Eiffel Tower—which was pretty, he had to admit. “Nash, why did you randomly take me to Paris?” Libby asked, and he froze, unable to even look at her. But she glanced at him. “I know you would eventually take me to travel, but why right now?”
He gathered himself, his heart pounding fast. “I love you, Libby. You deserve to have a day like this one every day for the rest of your life”, he picked her chin, looking in her eyes. “But I brought you here today because I wanted to ask you something.” He dropped her chin, searching for the ring on his pocket. “You saved me in so many ways, Libby. You fixed what I thought could never be fixed. You loved me for what I am, and I want to be with you until I die. So,” he picked the box, “I really want to know.” Opening it carefully, he revealed the ring. If he wasn't shaking, sweating and so god-damn nervous, he would've noticed Libby's shy smile and her hands shaking. She was blushing, like him. Kneeling, he asked, “Lib, will you marry me?” Her smile grew more and more, happiness dominating her completely. She shook her head and said out loud, “Yes, Nash. I'll marry you. I love you so much.” Lib managed to say the last part with a quavering voice, tears falling down her cheeks. He got up from the ground, and she hugged him really tight, both with bright smiles. Nash kissed her like his life depended on it, like he was made for it and for nothing else, a soft and lovely kiss. His lips held an unspoken promise: “I will fight for you, love you, and always choose you. I'm yours, and I'll do everything I can to make you happy.” And they stood there, kissing, with happy tears in their eyes.
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quinnfebrey · 6 months
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sorry just controlling the keywords showing up on my blog but i did wanna answer this
unfortunately this is just not true, though i understand why you think that and i used to agree actually
key points:
to preface id like to put a billion dollars into perspective: if 1 dollar = 1 second, a million dollars is 11 days, 1 billion dollars is 32 years. a billionaire could spend $2,000 per day and have to spend for OVER 1,000 YEARS to get rid of it. and most people have several billions
in the grand scheme of things, people making 50 million dollars a year are working class
i don’t want to be patronizing but i don’t think the average person has a true comprehension of a billion dollars so i like to just reemphasize it
okay let’s move on
billionaires are the reason why other people live paycheck to paycheck and/or are homeless
just because it is not directly an association does not mean they aren’t still creating the problem
first, the hoarding of wealth is inherently tied up in a lack of funding for social programs and/or wealth distribution
to remind you, a billion dollars really cannot be spent in a lifetime, let alone multiple billions. and most billionaires do not stop at one.
they are sitting on money they literally will NEVER spend
second, billionaires only exist because of a system that exploits less wealthy people. money has no value without scarcity, therefore billionaires have no value without the poor
(also just because artists aren’t ceos doesn’t mean they’re not indirectly exploitative, think about literally every trickle down employee in every avenue of their work from touring to merch to production etc, but i won’t focus on that bc it doesn’t really change my point)
the tldr is that it doesn’t matter HOW someone becomes a billionaire, it is the existence of them that is not ethical. i could be gifted 1 billion dollars tomorrow and i am unethical if i keep 100% of it even though i did not do anything “wrong” to earn it
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luv4-liv · 10 months
❝In exchange of..❞
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Reader
Warnings: Smut. +18. Oral sex (fem receiving). Kidnapping. Shower sex. Unknown. Fast sex (so fast, we are talking about Pietro). Unprotected sex (do not do it please¡!).
Summary: Leah is held in Avengers Tower by force. Pietro says that he is going to release her in exchange for a favor.
The plot of this One Shot is totally mine and my imagination.
You can find it in Spanish on my wattpad account (piscessbabyy)
Remember that English is not my language so it may contain several errors, please be patient with me
Leah was a girl who wanted to be as far away as possible from the Avengers and the dangers they faced every day.
Coincidentally, she was now locked up against her will, in one of the rooms of the Avenger tower. And to make matters worse, she was sitting on the floor, with both feet tied to the leg of the bed, and her hands tied with a rope.
She was in a rather uncomfortable position, and had been that way since six o'clock in the morning. He had had nothing to eat or drink since then.
Why was he there? For lying about his age. Pretty stupid, compared to the dangers the Avengers had had to face. But the great Tony Stark was very paranoid lately.
Leah had gone to buy an alcoholic beverage, and the store she was going to, didn't sell alcohol to anyone under twenty. She was eighteen, but it wasn't the first time she had shopped there, so she had a fake ID, lying about her age.
Unfortunately, she crossed paths with Tony Stark, in his fantastic suit, who accidentally scanned her and the billionaire could tell she was lying.
And that brings us to the moment where we started. The Avengers, upon hearing Tony's story, knew she was exaggerating, she was just a teenager buying booze.
But Tony turned a deaf ear. He entered the room a couple of times and asked questions like "Who do you work for?" or "What were you really going to buy?". To which the girl answered him with total sincerity and he ignored.
Wanda was very sorry that Leah had suffered like that all day. So she got together with the other avengers. Stark wouldn't even let them near the room.
So, they agreed to go out to dinner, all except Pietro. He would fake a headache and when they left, he would release the girl until they returned and talk to Tony, this time, being able to protect her.
So, they set the plan in motion. They were all already on their way to Tony's favorite restaurant, while Pietro was already on his way to the room where Leah was, which in fact, was next to his own.
He had seen her when Stark brought her in.
She had caught his attention, her little face looked so innocent, he wouldn't believe she faked her age to buy an alcoholic beverage.
And he was curious to know if that innocent face could prove anything else to him.
Opening the door to the room, the girl looked at him at once.
"Thank God, I'd had enough of Stark's face."
Maximoff smiled at the sound of her voice.
He crouched down in front of her and could see her confused expression.
"What's wrong with you?"
"I'm being kidnapped by a superhero and his super friends How are you?" sarcastically replied
"Do you want me to untie you?"
"Yes! Please, I swear I won't be able to walk tomorrow because my legs will be numb from this awkward position."
Maybe so, but not exactly because of the bad position....
"I'll untie you, in exchange for a favor."
His sokovian accent, curiously made Leah pay more attention to his words.
"Look, I have no money, parents neither so you can't threaten me, if you want to burn down my house, I live in apartment and you would burn down the whole building, which would be frowned upon since you are an avenger.."
Pietro laughed at her witticisms.
"What's your name, cutie?"
"Well, Leah, I'm Pietro."
"I know who you are, everyone knows who you are."
"Oh yeah? "
"If you're going to untie me?"
"You know the rules, I untie you in exchange for a favor."
"Yeah, yeah, I heard you, what do you want?"
The look on the Sokovian's face made Leah instantly understand what he was talking about.
She thought about it for a moment, under the boy's gaze.
But at last she made up her mind, and held out her bound hands to Maximoff, as a sign for him to untie her, feeling her cheeks redden.
He smiled and began to untie her quickly.
As she stood, Leah staggered, she had been on the ground for a long time.
Pietro placed his hands on the back of her thighs, lifting her up. She grabbed his shoulders and the Sokovian went quickly to her room.
As soon as he locked the door, the girl was pressed against it, while he left kisses on her neck to kiss her lips.
Pietro left her on the floor without stopping kissing her and began to unbutton the blouse of the chestnut.
"Is this your first time?"
"No, with an avenger? Yes."
He let out a laugh as he tossed Leah's blouse somewhere and pulled off her shirt.
"What about you, do you do this with all the girls that your tin can superhero friend kidnaps?" she spoke again
"Only with you." he smiled before kissing her neck again as he picked her back up and walked to the bathroom.
Once inside, he closed the door and turned on the warm shower. To then walk over to the sink and set Leah down on the counter.
He unclasped her bra while pulling her shorts down, so she lifted up slightly so he could pull them off.
He removed her shorts along with her underwear and she finally felt the coolness of the counter against the back of her thighs.
Though that coldness quickly vanished when she felt Pietro's large hands slowly pulling her legs apart.
"Spread your legs for me, love.."
Maximoff's accent, the tone in which he spoke to her, melted her completely, she obeyed immediately, feeling him sink his fingers lightly into her thighs.
"What are you going to-, Oh my god..." she moaned in surprise, when the boy ran his tongue over her intimacy without warning.
"Look how you are.." he said, running a finger around her entrance, to which she gasped in response, making him smile.
The next thing she felt, was the platinum guy's tongue making circles around her clitoris, but without touching it, which started to make her desperate.
"Don't be an asshole will you?" he demanded.
"I don't speak in that language, pretty girl."
She hesitated, but she seriously needed to calm that burning she felt.
"Please.." she gasped
Then he moved on to making circles directly on her clit and she pulled her head back.
Leah tangled her hand in Pietro's hair to keep him from pulling away, while with her other hand she squeezed the edge of the counter and closed her eyes as if that would imprison the sensations.
When she thought it couldn't get any better, he slipped two of his fingers inside her.
Leah opened her mouth, unable to even let out a moan.
He curled his fingers inside her, as he moved them incredibly fast and increased the speed of his tongue. He tightened the grip of his free hand on her hips even tighter.
Surely there were going to be marks left on her, just like on her neck, but neither wanted to worry just yet.
Leah opened her eyes, letting out moans that could not be controlled. She felt herself getting closer and closer, that knot in her stomach that wanted to let go.
The counter under her thighs was already warm, the mirror had fogged up from the steam of the shower, but she could still see the reflection of the marks on her neck.
And he, Pietro Maximoff, kneeling in front of her, making her scream.
She had many sensations both in her chest and in her stomach.
And with that image, she let that knot loosen.
He slowly pulled away, as he went up to kiss her while groping her breasts.
When she was calmer, he lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist.
Pietro stepped into the shower with her, both feeling the warm water cover them.
"I'm offended by the question."
He laughed to then stick the girl's back against the wall, and slowly sink into her.
"You're so...perfect." she gasped.
He dropped his head on Leah's shoulder as he sped up his movements.
He carried an incredibly fast speed, he was in and out with such ease....
Their bodies colliding made a really obscene noise. And the situation even worse. He, an avenger, sleeping with a stranger. And she, letting herself be handled by an avenger, a famous one, that she just met.
Plus the other avengers could arrive at any moment. And that made it even more fun.
At the next thrust, Pietro reached a point where Leah felt something she would never have thought to experience.
She let out a loud groan and dug her nails into the platinum-haired man's shoulders.
He smiled, hitting the same spot over and over again.
"So there, huh?" he teased.
He went faster, if that was possible, hard, hard, carelessly, on that spot that drove her crazy.
She threw her head back, to which he took the opportunity to leave more marks on her neck.
"Oh God damn it, I think I'm going to..." Maximoff silenced her with a kiss, hitting her spot one last time, before releasing next to her.
Leah closed her eyes, regulating her breathing. Her chest heaved down and up, trying to calm the sensations.
They both ended up showering, her somewhat embarrassed.
He gave her clothes that Wanda had left for her, she was really tired.
Although Leah was quite embarrassed, because she never thought she would do that with someone she didn't know, Pietro talked to her and made silly jokes, which gave her much more confidence.
She was sitting on the platinum guy's bed, her eyes wanting to close.
"I'm going to get you some food, then you can sleep until the others get here." he said in his very striking accent.
God, no, he couldn't notice someone who was probably just a lucky lay, and he was an avenger to boot.
Unless he noticed her, too...
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jayjuno · 8 months
Hamas is a violent terrorist group; Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip- both are true
No decent person would support terrorism. Hamas is an evil terrorist group, and what they've done to Israeli civilians is pure evil.
However, it's also evil of the far-right Israeli government to take advantage of the situation to exact genocide against the Palestinian people, most of whom had nothing to do with the Hamas attacks. Why is the Israeli government purposely shooting at buildings housing civilian men, women, and children instead of ensuring their targets only include terrorists?
Look, I support Jewish people and Israeli people, but I do NOT support this shitty far-right government that's taken over Israel. I don't believe the Israeli government speaks for common Jewish people at all- they only care about rich Jewish people. Hamas doesn't speak for the Palestinian people either. Hamas also doesn't care about common or poor Palestinians.
Sad to say, but the Israeli government has treated the Palestinian people like garbage for decades- that's the truth. Since the 1990s, the Israeli government and soldiers have forced Palestinians to live in conditions that are equivalent to the Krakow ghetto and concentration camps of the holocaust from World War II.
Many Israeli soldiers who enforce check points and ID checks in the Gaza Strip and West bank essentially act like Nazi officers towards the Palestinians. They harass and intimidate Palestinians- they throw rocks at Palestine children, spit on them, curse them, and treat Palestinian neighborhoods like open garbage dumps, dumping their garbage onto the Palestinian people below, with no regard for whether their garbage hits a child. Which is very ironic indeed, when you consider that the ancestors of these Israeli soldiers were the ones being beaten by Nazi officers for not having ID cards.... oh nevermind...
And any billionaire who refuses to hire me for making these statements? That billionaire can take their slavery-derived money and shove it up their classist rich ass. I would be PROUD to be blacklisted by any shitty billionaire. Of course billionaires abuse their economic power to force everyone to agree with them about how the Israeli government is completely innocent in everything regarding Palestine. What's the point of being a billionaire if you can't publicly support freedom of speech while also trying to censor and punish freedom of speech?
Fuck billionaires and fuck their money! As if I want to be apart of their shitty rigged capitalist system anyway? Good riddance!
It was definitely wrong of the Hamas terrorists to attack Israel in a way that murdered civilian men, women, and children. The hostage situation is evil.
It's also evil that the Israeli government, the same government that has treated Palestinians horribly for decades, is using this situation as an excuse to exact genocide on the Palestinian people. What's being done by the Israeli government against the Gaza strip right now is just pure genocide. It's genocide.
You can't just blindly support ONLY Israel or ONLY Palestine- the truth is that both the Hamas controlled Palestinian government and the far-right controlled Israeli government are both complete shit, and they don't give two fucks about their own citizens right now.
Fuck the governments and fuck the rich billionaires who profit from war. Fuck their greedy capitalist war machine that's making money off this war this very moment.
No, my heart is with the innocent civilians caught in-between- the people of Palestine AND Israel.
Terrorists, billionaires, and corrupt governments can just fuck off.
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tears-of-boredom · 10 months
have eaten fuck all today. if I didnt fucking hate doing shit in this household id make myself brownies. but it feels so awful to bake when you know that you're hogging up space that someone else might need. and the sink is kinda full so id feel so fucking horrible if i didnt wash all the dishes and shit i used for baking. I fucking hate this house. and its getting late so id feel bad for making noise as well. I fucking hate it here. because all of these things i dont want to do are because i myself fucking hate it when someone else does it. fucking hate it when the counters are full of shit. hate it when theres easily washable dishes in the sink. hate it when people are being noisy in the house at fucking 22. hate it when they fucking leave any light on, because every fucking light in this house is bright as shit. I don't fucking get how blind these two are to need a light to see as soon as the sun isnt shining right into the room.
i swear that there was some positive post or something i saw recently that i thought really helped me stay calm in these situations, but i dont remember anything like that now. oh my god I hate living with people. it should be a fucking crime to force someone to live with other people for this long. if I had the option to move into my own place right now, you would have to pay me a lot of fucking money to get me to not go. like genuinely my price for staying here, if i had the option, would be at least a million euros. and at that point i could afford to move onto my own anyway, without having to worry much about anything. so its not like id stay even at that point. and if you said that I couldnt use the money to move out,,. tbh whats the time limit. how long do i have to stay here for the money. if its 2 years id probably take 10 mil. but if I had to live here forever, there is literally no amount that would get me to stay. like genuinely you could give me enough money to fucking end climate change and i wouldnt fucking do it. btw isnt that fucked up how rich people could legit just stop climate change but they just dont want to. controversial opinion but we should feed them to whales. wait hold on. why cant we just shoot all the oil into space? like all the fucking oil barons are like "ooh we need to get it out of the ground cuz were cleaning nature" which is bullshit and all, but why cant the famously space obsessed rich people just send the oil to space if its polluting the earth so much. its not like they fucking care about the milkyway getting polluted. what if we made a hole into the ozone layer again and just shot all the greenhouse gases out of it? i mean not literally all of them cuz earth would freeze over but you know, all the surplus. and why not get rid of some extra while we're at it, make the earth cold but still livable. or maybe just cool. i mean the drastic change in temperature would fuck up everything for a while but thats just natural selection doing its thing. maybe we can push all the billionaires into like florida or something, so the natural disasters are more likely to kill them. convince them that theres a bunch of oil there. wait no cuz the fuckers dont live where they make money do they. cuz they dont wanna live in the horrible conditions they're making people go through to exploit them.
anyway what was this post about? like,, me hating my family or something.
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 2 years
elon musk dick suckers need to fucking stop
so this video was saying how that "self made billionaires" can't exist as all billionaires get money from other people or come from rich families, and there is no way in hell that the average middle class person will ever come close to being a billionaire, let alone a millionaire.
and this asshole decided to comment "no actually billionaires are the best because only billionaires are able to turn a lot of money into a lot more money".
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[ID: tiktok comment from disdad1428 that reads "you're grasping at straws here. taking 30k and turning it into multiple large business is still nearly impossible for the average person" end ID]
and I said that he was technically correct, because the only people who have a lot of money to turn it into a lot more money are the people who already have a lot of money.
and then this bitch came along and said that he actually had enough money just laying around to start up multiple business, but that he couldn't become a billionaire. so either he admits that no matter what, the average person can't become rich. or it means that even by doing the exact same things that he thinks billionaires do, he still can't be a billionaire because.... billionaires are magic or something
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[ID two tiktok comments. first by. daughter of Sappho that reads "it is. (referring to it being impossible for the average person to turn 30k into multiple businesses.) because the average person doesn't have 30k to just throw away and gamble like that."
second comment is by purple dishwasher that reads "I do, I can't become a billionaire though"
end ID]
so I told him that he isn't normal, and that the average person doesn't even make 30k in a year. so he called me a liar, even though the actual average income is about 31k, so I wasn't even that far off. and thats an entire year. that's not counting rent, food, water, electricity, gas, insurance, etc. you'd have to go an entire year without spending a single fucking penny, only to throw away all that money, just at a chance to open up multiple businesses, with absolutely no outside funding or assistance, to achieve what these people THINK billionaires do.
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[ID tiktok comments
daughter of Sappho: the average person doesn't even make 30k in a year. you seriously have that much to just throw away? I don't believe that.
purple dishwasher: and the average income is over 30k, so stop lying m
daughter of Sappho: average income in america, $31,113. oh my g-d I'm so fucking sorry I was off by fucking three percent! you're so fucking pedantic
end ID]
I should also point out that the same person who says "I have enough money to start up multiple businesses, but I won't because I'm not a magic billionaire" also says that he will literally give away all his money to the next Jeff Bezos. you're not just licking the boot. you're not even deepthroughting the boot. the boot is all the way down your large intestine
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[ID comment by purple dishwasher: "I'm not average. I have investments and savings. I'd be happy to loan it to the next elon" end ID]
these people are beyond stupid. they are a plauge. there is no reason why these people should be able to use the internet. they are bowing down and sucking the dick of a man singlehandedly starving the entire planet who doesn't even know that these people exist.
incredibly pathetic.
will update with more later
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theres a lot of different ways people have illustrated the greed and evil of billionaires from visual portrayals of how big a billion actually is to comparing their philanthropy and how much money they have to highlighting the sufferings of those theyve exploited, and theyre all great demonstrations in of themselves.
but one i dont see quite as often is comparing the charitable works of every day people to that of billionaires. i think part of it is that a billionaire can donate more money to charity in one click of a finger than i can in my entire life, but i think another part is a combination of not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth while also not wanting to rock the boat.
a great example of that is the fact that you cant criticise mr beast/jimmy donaldson without people pushing it aside with the notion of "hes helping people" or "the guy could cure cancer and youd find something to criticise about it", which are endlessly frustrating and engaging with your criticism in bad faith.
but outside of him, youll see versions of it across the board for any philanthropic rich person. people automatically assume your criticism is coming from a cynical point of view, and often that you dont ever take part in charitable acts yourself.
and it is endlessly frustrating to run into that attitude every damn time like youre a dog running into that same glass door. because there is very valid criticism to be made about it.
because most of the time, these people could use that money to make lasting structural changes. i mean, the UN estimates you could end world hunger with $6billion, but no billionaires attempted to. on a smaller scale, you can build shelters or youth hubs or rehab facilities, or you could invest in ongoing work to help people out of poverty or improve local education or help people get better healthcare. or even just put your money where your mouth is and financially back the people trying to make these structural changes.
but these so-called philanthropists dont because systematic changes arent what they actually want. theyre this rich because of the system.
and their philanthropy is a form of propaganda; they want you to think the system is unchangeable and that your only options for improving your life is working yourself to the bone or for some kindly rich person to take pity on you and just hand you the money you need. the system is fucked, but the rich are good people who just want to help. this isnt some hot take, ro ramdin made a great video about mr beast specifically regarding this sort of thing. müne cat also has a video about it which is basically a 30 minute rant from her stream.
i know why you dont see the comparison of billionaire philanthropy to every day charity that often, and its because you have to preface the entire thing with the explanation that i just had to make, because most people dont want to think further than "give money to charity is good". i think part of that is people not realising everything is political, but thats a discussion for a different post.
originally, i started writing this just to get something out of my head. two days ago, i asked my mom if she still had the trumpet i accidentally stole from school (long short story) because id been thinking about the fact like, i could flog that for £200 and £200s a good bit of money. during the conversation, it came up that one of our neighbours had bought an empty guitar case from a charity shop for a fancy dress party, and all thoughts of flogging it were suddenly gone from my mind.
because it reminded me that i could donate it to a charity shop or find a local musical program aimed towards giving poorer kids a chance to learn how to play an instrument. and like, how could i flog it when i could do just a little bit of good with it.
a similar thing happened with these big marvel pictures i had in my room as a teenager. idk how much money theyd go for but they werent cheap when we bought them. but then my mom found this local charity where you could donate items that theyd then auction off and that money went directly to the local foodbank, and so thats where they went.
and this isnt for me to be like hey how good of a person i am; i do not give a shit about that. its about the fact that this mindset is directly opposed to that of billionaires and to neoliberalism in general.
you cant earn a billion dollars by being a good person, we all know that. but i do think a great illustration of it is to compare those billionaires with the people who run your local food bank or run charity drives or the people who put free period products in public bathrooms or the local deli owner who lets unhoused people eat for free.
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lyriakisser · 1 year
aww man :[ at lwast uu got a cinnamoroll plush tho !!! hes one of my fav sanrio charas teehee ☆ also id love to see it if uu dont mind sharing ofc >:D 👍 /nf AND YEAH CONS R SO FUCKING COOL !!! THE LAST TIME I WENT I ACTUALLY GOT PICS OF SOME WXS COSPLAYERS IT WAS THE COOLEST EVER ( also saw one aira cos but they were too far away for me to ask for pics :sad: there were so many cool ppl ) !!!!!! im hoping i can go to the same con next year :]]
also since im getting another job over the summer i shld be able to buy more cool stuff !! i used to have a job but i quit bc i was roughing thru exams. lmao !! the only good thing abt growing up a bit . . . money 🎉✨️ ( simultaneously the worst thkng tho. eww working jobs ) i currently have $250ish to my name tho so !!! im so rich i can buy wtvr i want :sugar mommy: /JOKE I LOVE UU SOSOO MUCH TOO BTW <33 the only ever :33 !!!!
HERE HE IS this took way longer than it could have took if i just got up BUT WHATEVER there he is!!!!! i love himsomuch
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remember those. Cinnamoroll layouts i made for you..... THEY LOOK HORRIBLE TO ME NOW HOW DID YOU EVEN USED THEM RWJGJSHGFH alsoalso uhm. everytime i see Cinnamoroll i think about you.iamnotgay DJAKFJSKNFBD AND YEYAYAYAYYAYS REAL CONS ARE SO FUCKING COOL!!!! i dont remember if i ever took photos with cosplayers i think i did on one but i was still pretty young back then aaaaaaaa... when i was stupid and dumb and didnt know a single thing... good times.. WOWOOWOWOWOWO WXS COSPLAYERS?!?! we didnt have those back in my daysHDJAJFJWJGJ ANDD IF YOU DO GO TELL ME ALL ABOUT IT WEHEHEHEHE~,, OHHHH NO WONDER YOU DO HAVE MONEY IM STILL PRETTY FUCKING YOUNG TO EVEN THINK OF WORKING EAJJRKWBFJR i really wanna live that experience even when i know it may be awful tho bweeeeeee i love idealizing the almost adult life HDJABFBSB AND WHAT THE HELL TAHTS A SHIT TON OF MONEY HOLY....... ELIE BILLIONAIRE REAL WOAHG!!!!!! Aalso hey what ofyou mean the only ever Elie that is kinda gay....blushes..iloveyou......
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po1songore · 2 years
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anything you'd crave part c
warning the follower chapter includes but is not limited to female reader, age gap, mention of daddy issues, sweet talk, nicknames and pet names of sexual nature, mention of harassment, heartbreak for the reader etc etc. proceed at your own risk.
authors note! hey, is this another character added?!you but it is, say hi to jeremy,yes, we talking fnaf jeremy !
AUTHORS NOTE 2! next chapter will contain a shit ton of smut,im blue balling you but its totally worth it
a little groan escaped your lips and your head threw back."fuck...that hurts-.."you whined out, sweat dripping down your temple as you held onto the chair in front of you, your back arched..
jane sighed a bit."if you keep crying out like its your first time i won't be able to tighten this fucking dress ."
"why did he even choose a dress with laces on the back?!"
"because it looks good when its tied, you are just crying. dont you know y/n that beauty is pain?take another breath."
you took yet another deep breath and soon it was all set, the dress was fixed on your body and you stepped towards the mirror, heels clicking on the wooden floor of your room. a deep purple silk dress, hugging your figure tightly as the back was open and tied by laces and chains. you looked absolutely gorgeous, the black heels and purse setting the whole thing up.
looking at the reflection you saw jeremy, your childhood friend standing there with the dark coat on his hands as he waited for you to slide your hands through.
you did so and turned to smile at your friends.you looked and felt amazing, and the smile on your face added onto that so much.
"so..how do i look?"
"like a million dollars baby!"jane said and fixed your dress a bit more on your body as jeremy nodded a bit."hey,if this thing works out and he falls in love with you like the movies show, when you are a billionaire dont forget us."he said chuckling.
"of course not, who do you think ill be riding my personal jet with?"you added in the joke."im sorry guys,i know tonight was movie night and all,but i really need this money."
"ahh,are you insane?we will be fine, if i was you id suggest to blow him too for that amount."the girl said which made you red immediately and hit her with your purse.
and the clock ticked and you were finally there, walking outside the limousine and holding onto william's arm. and just for one moment you felt nice.it didnt feel like a boss with his worker, it felt sweet.maybe it was the way he held onto you, or the smell of his cologne, or the way his eyes were glued on you.maybe even the way the suit fit him, the purple tie that matched your dress. maybe jeremy was right for telling you you had some type of daddy issues all these years. you could get used to this. the photographers snapping all these shots of you walking side by side with him,people opening the door to the mansion for you .paparazzi asking your name too.
but you knew none of these was real .you knew you weren't some famous lady, you were just someone that worked as a journalist .you ate with your hands, you could afford cheap beers at best, and you weren't the best at walking on heels. and most importantly you knew this wasn't genuine. you were not the interest of william fucking afton, you were just a pretty and young girl that is a fine accessory besides him.
but why does that bother you?you only cared about your pay.
you snapped out of your thoughts for a moment there and looked up to him as you walked in the mansion.gold and white decorations all around, a plethora of well dressed people you recognized from magazines. butlers everywhere, serving and cleaning.
"you dont have to smile for the cameras and all, these guys are a pain in the ass i know."
a little smile exited your lips as you shook your head.
"okay,now we are gonna meet some rich idiots that think they are better than us.i want you to be super kind and if they say something weird, laugh it off,ill deal with them."
you weren't sure what he meant by that.you tried to not pay attention to all the flashes blinding you from every side.soon enough a large group of men with their partners came along, and talked to william.you got lost though,only staring up at him.
"yeah, we could totally invest to that."
"seems like you have been investing in more than just business, will."
soon chuckles and eyes were turned to you.your face melted from embarrassment as you wanted so bad to say something but,you really didn't want to disappoint william.he asked you to ignored them and thats exactly what you're gonna do.
"huh,cat got her tongue?didn't know you went for mute girls now. at least this one doesn't talk back.what is she, another one of these ones living in these filthy neighborhoods."
"no!"you spoke up, making everyone turn to you.great job y/n.now you have explanations to give that wont make a fool of mr afton.
"i..im y/n l/n, daughter of d/n l/n.my father owns 7% of afton robotics expenses.so please, don't compare me to all those others you are referring to."
you looked at william
then william looked at you
then you both looked at the shocked group and smiled.
"of course, y/n here is going to inherit her dad's place as one of the most important...investors of my company. im even honored she said yes to coming with me tonight!"william said and wrapped his arm around your waist giving you a little squeeze, the way his hand felt on your side making your throat shut.
"well then...
we are so sorry mrs. l/n, we had no idea of your statues.you are more than welcome on our next events as well, we could even talk about some future business plans."
as you were about to speak william interrupted you by pulling you aside."we would love that but i have to show y/n the mansion, maybe some other time."
once you two were lost in the crowd of the people and hid in the buffet, william immediately looked at you like you were out of your fucking mind.
"really y/n?!dad is an investor of 7% of MY company?"he whispered loudly and chugged down immediatly a shot of whiskey from the bar.
"I don't know i dont even have a dad to begin with!!i just didnt like the way they talked to me.."you said and gulped down a glass yourself.
"okay..this is okay as long as the press doesn't learn about this, we are okay.but for the rest of the night you can not tell anyone anything like that again all right...?"he told you, eyes locked to yours in an almost hurt manner."promise."
"okay i promise i wont."
with a nod, he poured you two another drink for each.and the night passed smoothly, you kept that big mouth of yours shut and you just kept on chugging glasses of rum and whiskey until you were too numb to even answer.not just you, but william too, a sentence could not be formed without a giggle.and now, it was finally time to go, and you two walked out down the carpet of the mansion, leading to the road.you were surprised he held you up well enough that neither of you fell to the ground.
"okay."he shut the door of the limo and sat besides you.
"whats your address y/n..i...i think i need to drop you down..i mean home..i.."genuine drunken giggles filled the car as you giggled at his laugh, and fell back on the seat absolutely dead.
"i live in...in..holy shit!"you laughed realizing you didn't remember your new address since you were new in the neighborhood and the alcohol didn't help clear the memory.
"its okay, you can sleep at my place..what was it..princess of denmark?"
"no it was daughter of investor."
you two broke into laughter in the backseat,your head on his chest as tears filled your eyes from laughs.the whole limo smelled of rum and cologne.you almost blacked out on top of william but sadly the ride was over soon,as you reached his house.
"c'mon, lets get you up and then you can sleep."
the cold air made your vision better for a few seconds,only enough to see the four floor house with the gigantic garden, pool and glass windows of your boss.as he put his security code on the door, you were dumbfounded.
"this isnt a house this is a museum god.."you said as william laughed a bit.
"no..its not that grand."he helped you in, and shut the door behind.you, drunken and careless at this point took off your heels and threw them aside, while afton undid his tie and ran a hand through his hair."hell i cant even stand straight.."he told you with a little giggle.
"me neither..i think my entire makeup is ruined too.."
"i doubt it, but i cant promise it either, im not sure i can even tell the colors on your face."he said with a little chuckle and walked closer to check on your makeup.
"isn't it smudged?"you asked with a little giggle and held onto his arm, his hand going on your lip to fix the smudge on the side of your lips.
"no its perfect actually..."by now your faces were inches away from each other, to the point you could feel his breath.
"well.."you cleared your throat."why dont we..uh..ruin it a bit?"
after a second, you felt william's lips on yours, and a small groan of relief escaping him, as the room filled with your heavy breaths.your hands flew to rest on his shoulders as his moved to your hips,and you felt yourself sit back on top of the couch's back..
"wait y/n im so sorr-"
"no dont be."you pulled him by his collar bringing him in onto your lips again, now his hands pulling on your hips to glue you on his body immediately..
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justkending · 3 years
Moral of the Story (Prologue)
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Series Summary: From childhood friends, to highschool sweethearts, the two naive, young, and lovestruck teens decided the best way to keep a strong relationship during college would be to marry right out of highschool. No one batted an eye at the idea as everyone knew they were soulmates. However, college is a big step in a person’s life. You learn new things about yourself, you make new friends, find new hobbies… And maybe being newly weds and going to different colleges across the states wasn’t the best plan… After a falling out, and a tragic heartbreaking divorce, the two now hold grudges for how the other handled the whole thing in the past. Neither not really knowing both sides of the story. 10 years later, and they both get a call from the lawyers office that settled their divorce. Somehow the papers never went through and the divorce was never completed. So now, the exes, or should we say husband and wife, have to meet back up after all these years to settle their failed marriage once and for all. (This summary will be shorter in other chapters. I just needed to get the full concept out there;)
A/N (repeat): So the other day while I was doing my hair (quite the process), I was playing music and the song Moral of the Story by Ashe came on. Mind you, I’ve heard this song hundreds of times, but for some reason, this time I got a major story idea! Listening to the lyrics brought me to this new series. Of course, the lengthy summary above will give you an idea of what came to my brain, but I recommend you listen to the song still because it plays a big part in my thought process:) (Plus it’s a good song;) Enjoy and please do not hesitate to share your thoughts and comments with me! I love each and every single one<3
(I will release the first chapter at the beginning of next week! That way I can give myself some time to write more chapters before sharing it!)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Y/N (Modern AU)
Word Count: 1200+
"Melody, have the papers for the Bee's Knees company come in yet?"
"Uh, no. But I can call them again and see if they faxed it or sent over a physical copy though," Melody answered from her desk, already typing away to find the company.
"Perfect. We have a meeting with a recycling plant next week and I want to get everything set before we go in with them," Y/N nodded, coming out from her office with a file in her hands. She turned to her assistant at the front desk who was about 20 emails deep and already finding the issue. "Hey, you're not coming in tomorrow, right?"
"Um, no, no. I am. I rescheduled that date," she answered bashfully as if she had been caught in the act of something.
"Melody..." Y/N drug out, hand on her hip.
"What? I- He understood. He said he was fine moving it to Saturday," the young woman shrugged, never looking back at her boss that was clearly sending her a motherly stare.
"You're already over your 40 hours this week, and you've rescheduled with him, what? 3 times now?" Y/N moved to the front of the desk so the young brunette had to make eye contact with her.
"Yes," she answered hesitantly.
"Is it just nerves or something else?" Y/N smirked.
"I'm not nervous... It's just been a while since I've had time for a date."
"Two things about what you just said in the past minute. One, clearly this guy likes you because he's rescheduled with you this many times and hasn't called it off yet. So if you're nervous about it not going well on his end, I think you're safe," Y/N pointed a finger at her.
"But-," Melody started.
"Second," Y/N cut off with a raised eyebrow. "I'm giving you time to go on a date and you're still not taking it. Work is no longer an excuse."
Melody stopped avoiding eye contact and looked up at the Y/H/C hair woman leaning on her reception desk.
"You've been talking with my mom again, haven't you?" she sighed.
"I promised I'd take care of you. So yes, I have. And though her reasoning for you dating is because she wants grandbabies, I just want you to have fun and live your life. You're 22. Don't waste your young years being scared."
"Ugh, fine. I'll text him now and see if he's still available for tonight," she groaned.
"Perfect!" Y/N grinned in victory as she started to walk back to her office. "I expect the details in the morning," she winked before she walked in.
"Oh, Y/N!" Melody stopped her. "A message came for you while you were in that last meeting."
"Who from?" Y/N quirked an eyebrow, moving back to the desk.
"Uh, I don't really know. Didn't sound familiar, but here's the name and number they said to call back from," she answered, handing her a note.
Y/N took the small paper and looked it over. Her face dropped and her eyes widened.
"You ok? Is it someone you know?" the young assistant asked, noticing what looked like horror on her face.
"Um, yeah. Yeah, an old acquaintance of mine," Y/N tried to quickly brush off. "Um, I'm going to take this. Can you hold any calls and if anyone comes to talk, tell them to just email me?"
"Oh, ok. Yeah, I'll take care of it," Melody nodded.
"Thank you."
Rushing back to her office and quickly shutting her door, she raced to her phone. She read the business name again, not sure if she was dreaming or if it was a hallucination.
Nope. Hammer Attorney was written in Melody's perfect penmanship on the paper with a number that held an area code from New York. A place she never thought she would hear from again and from a town she hadn't visited in almost 10 years._________________
"Buck, did you tell Fury about getting those new water therapy machines?" Steve shouted from his room.
"We're at home, Steve. Why are we talking about work?" Bucky groaned as he slouched on the couch. A beer in hand and a documentary with I Survived stories playing in front of him.
Steve came in from around the corner looking down at his phone in hand before moving his eye line to his roommate.
"Because I just got a call from the night crew saying that the last one that was working, finally went out tonight while they were running it for some test," Steve raised an eyebrow.
"Ugh, you would think that a facility run by a billionaire who literally makes his money on high-tech machines, wouldn't have to ask for those kinds of things," Bucky groaned, grabbing his own phone and going through emails. "Let me check to see if the email went through. He wasn't in office when I went to tell him."
As he was sorting through the hundreds of emails sent back and forth just this week alone, he found the reply message.
"Yeah, management confirmed it. They should be in by Saturday it looks like. Guess Stark was still working out the kinks to a new one and was waiting to send one our way until the last one died to get more time on his newest model."
Steve nodded before walking to the kitchen and typing Bucky's response to the other crew members.
"The man is always finding new ways to upgrade them before he can even send them to us."
Just as Bucky was about to throw his phone to the side again though, it started ringing. Looking at the caller ID, he didn't recognize the unknown number. It was from in-state but in his hometown area of Brooklyn. He pinched his eyebrows together confused at the call, but answered it anyway, thinking it must be someone from home.
"Hello. Is this Mr. Barnes?" The other voice answered.
"Yes, this is him. Who's this?" he asked, sitting up a little and putting the beer on the end table.
"My name is Matthew Murdock. I work at Nelson and Murdock Law firm," he went on. Bucky shook his head not knowing what that was supposed to mean. "Well, you may actually know us previously as Hammer Attorney. We recently just took over their business after some fraud issues."
Bucky's heart stopped. He knew what that name meant.
"I hate to inform you, but we were going through some of their old files. Ones we were informed could be incomplete or done completely incorrectly due to little care in the actual cases, but more so in taking the money."
"Incomplete cases?" Bucky said softly. His brain was still trying to wrap around the conversation.
"Yes, unfortunately, it looks like a lot of cases having to deal with divorces that the past owners handled, were done strictly in order to launder money. They weren't actually certified, nor trained in handling divorce settlements."
Bucky froze. Eyes wide. Mouth agape.
He stuttered out a response when the man on the other line didn't continue.
"A-And talking about incomplete divorce settlements, you called because..." Bucky knew. He needed to hear it out loud because if he didn't, it wasn't true. It couldn't be.
"I'm so sorry Mr. Barnes, but it looks as though you and your wife, Y/N Y/L/N or sorry, Y/N Barnes, are actually not divorced."
(I will release the first chapter at the beginning of next week! That way I can give myself some time to write more chapters before sharing it!)
Moral of the Story Taglist:
@taylormobley @ximaginx @vicmc624
Marvel Tags:
@thejourneyneverendsx @death-unbecomes-you @heyiamthatbitch @lizzymacy555  @srrymydood @xa-dia @redhairedfeistynerd @morganclaire4 @connie326 @captain-asguard @mollygetssherlockcoffee @teenagedreams-bucky @shower-me-with-roses​ @pham-tastical 
My Lovelies forever:
@natura1phenomenon​ @lauravicente​ @kakakatey​ @traceyaudette​ @notyourtypicalrose​  @laneygthememequeen​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​ @sandlee44​ @thorne93​ @thefaithfulwriter​ @essie1876​ @greyeyedsmile14​ @capsiclehan​  @xostephanie​ @averyrogers83​ @awesomenursingstudent​ @gh0stgurl​ @cs-please​ @carls1022​ @jjlevin​ @rainbowkisses31​ @carls1022​ @anise-d-castle6​ @deannotmoose​ @their-bibliophile​ @kitkatd7​ @willowbleedsonpaper​ @mariaenchanted​ @snffbeebee​ @couldabeenamermaid​ @rebekahdawkins​ @alyispunk​
Bucky Barnes Tags:
@chloe-skywalker​ @charmedbysarge​ @jbarness​ @bellamy-barnes​ @katiaw2​ @aikeia​
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xsarcasticwriterx · 3 years
My Boy-part 1
Summary: you need money, tony stark has plenty, all he needs is someone in his life even if he pays for it
Pairing: Tony stark x reader
warnings: Swearing, smut, Sugar daddy tony
Notes: i got this idea from the song sugar daddy by qveen herby and then other stories of characters i like as sugar daddies bUt i hadn't seen one for tony sO here we are. honestly just wanted a reason to write a smutty story pfft
my boy masterlist
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You sat on your front porch looking down at the “rent due: last warning” flyer in your hand. you groaned before face palming. “you ok there doll?” your neighbor asked. he was usually outside at this time working on his cars or some random things.you'd be lying if you said you didn't have a crush on him but hes a billionaire, hell hes THE tony stark. The genius,billionaire, playboy,philanthropist who was only staying in this house when he wanted to not because he had to no he had another place two as a matter of fact. That's not even counting the avengers headquarters.
“great” you said with a fake smile and a thumbs up. “mhm doll i can tell when your lying” he said with a small smile and walked over to you. your breath hitched. you didn't need the hottest guy you knew to know you had money problems. he sat next to you “what's up?” he asked. you shifted from side to side.
he saw the flyer and snatched it from your hands. you cleared your throat and looked around anywhere but at him. “ah i see” he said you shook your head “no you dont” you replied. he chuckled “no i don't but i want to help you” he said handing you back the paper. you took it putting it to your side “i don't want a hand out” you grumbled and tony smiled and shook his head “no dear it's not a hand out” he said “i couldn't pay you back” you said and tony wrapped his arm around your shoulder and leaned in “darling i don't want money” he said kissing your earlobe.
your breath hitched and you instinctively moved your head to the side to give him more room. he gave a small laugh against you neck leaving a small peck before pulling back but keeping his arm around you. “i belive you know the term sugar daddy?” he said tilting his head towards you. you slowly looked at him and nodded not trusting your voice. he smiled and nudged your jaw with his nose “let me be your i dont want anything from you that your uncomfortable with i just ask you spend time with me and let me help you out” he said against your jaw before leaving small kisses. “are you ok with this” he asked stopping the small touch. “yes” you whimpered out. he smiled and kept the small kisses going.
“so what do you say darling?” he asked moving behind you and started kissing your neck. you sighed leaning back into him. “ok” you whispered out. he smiled against your neck lightly biting a spot making you whimper before he lciked over it “great so let me pay for this” he said tapping on the paper. you nodded “ok” you said. you shifted feeling the wetness in your underwear. tony laugh before kissing your cheek and standing up. “i’ll get you the money tonight dear oh and dress up for me will ya doll” he said with a wink before going back to his house. you groaned laying back onto the porch. 
what just happened? you just accepted to be tony stark's sugar baby. how the fuck. you felt like you had blacked out. you stood up your legs wobbly and started back in before you heard your name called. turning to your neighbors you saw tony outside again “ that little problem there” he said pointing to your pants “leave it” he said winking at you and walking back inside.
you were left speechless before sighing and walking back inside. your thigh kept squeezing together as you sat on the couch trying to just watch tv till night but the memory of his lips and touch lingering. you groaned your head leaning back. you groaned and stood up walking up to your room opening your closet. you put in music.
You didn't have many nice things but you walked to your dresser and opening it. stripping yourself of your clothes you put on a lace bra and underwear feeling nice in it. you danced around singing loud “ooooooh Your sex is on fire” you sung smiling and twirling. you heard the doorbell ring and turned off the music quickly putting on the one dress you had which was a black lace dress. you quickly fixed up your hair before running downstair and opening the door “hi” you said with a smile he smiled back and looked you over “had fun doll?” he asked. you giggled “you heard the music?” you asked. he nodded “think the whole neighborhood did” he said. you smiled and opened up the door and he walked in.
he looked you over again and you smiled looking at the floor. tony laughed before walking around looking over the house. “this is a nice place” he said. you cleared your throat before speaking “yea it works for just me” you said walking to your kitchen and grabbing a bottle of scotch pouring some for you both. “scotch?” you asked holding the glass out to him. he smiled and took it “rarely meet a women who likes scotch” he says drinking. you laugh “well could use some liquid courage” you reply.
 he looks out into your yard “you have a pool” he point out. you nod “yea kinda crazy i got this place for so cheap ya know until it no longer seemed cheep” you said messing with the glass. “yes about that” he says putting the glass onto the coffee table and reaching into his pocket he pulled out a large wad of cash putting it onto the table. your eyes opened wide. tony laughed and walked back to you holding your face “i wasn't lying” he said rubbing his nose against yours and kissed your forehead. 
“let's go for a swim” he said  “ok let me get changed” you said starting to turn away before tony grabbed your wrist “no now” he said turning you back around. “huh?” you asked. “come on” he said opening the door. “but i don't have a suit under this. you don't have a suit” you said. tony smiled and winked “who says we need suits” he whispered to you and pulled you out.
you watched as he stripped his shirt and you shifted. his muscles prominent and his arms were large. you cleared your throating inhaling largely. he turned to you and motioned you to strip, you rubbed the back of your neck and tony walked towards you. his pants were unbuttoned hanging on his hips open you could see his underwear through and his breathing was deep and slow. 
“you don't have to if you don't want to dear but id love to see this beautiful body” he said holding your hips. you looked up at tony and put your head on his chest and nodded “i can do this” you said more to yourself.you lifted up your head and tony kissed your cheek. you slowly took off the dress and it fell to your ankles. you stepped out of it and watched as tony looked over you. “beautiful” he said kissing your collarbone “just beautiful” he said against your skin.
he held your hips and kissed up your neck. he nibbled and licked and sucked marking you. you pushed his pants down and felt tony smirk against your neck. he pulled away and you groaned “we’ll get there dear just, come on” he said sliding into the pool.
you blinked and walked down the steps into the pool you swam to the wall. tony walked to you and trace over the outline of the undergarments. “you put these on just for me?” he asked. “mhm” was all that escaped. tony wrapped his arms around your waist and put his head on your shoulder and kissed your shoulder. “tony” you whispered. “hmm?” he asked still peppering kisses.
“what are we doing?” you asked. tony's hands moved outlining your torso “whatever you want doll” he said lifting his head up. his eyes shimmered in the moon light and he had a small smile on his face. the water glistened on his chest and you traced his muscles. “what if i want you to fuck me?” you ask looking up at him. he smiled and chuckled “not that not yet doll not sex specifically” he said his hands moved down and his thumbs hooked onto your underwear “but if you want me to taste that pretty little cunt i will do it in a heartbeat” he said kissing your earlobe. you groaned and your hips moved forward on instinct.
he kissed your jaw softly. “please” you whimpered out. he nodded and left a small bit on your jaw. he lifted you onto the side of the pool but still near the edge. he kissed down your torso and left small bites on your chest. he licked over your navel and bit right below before taking your underwear off, you lifted your hips up to help him. he placed them to the side and bent your legs spreading your thighs apart. “look at that beautiful pussy all for me” he said.
He started kissing your thighs leaving small nibbles and marks. you knew you'd be completely marked up tomorrow but honestly you didn't care. he licked a strip through you before settling on you clit. nibbling and sucking you moaned grabbing the back of his head. your hips moved involuntarily onto his tongue.
he grabbed your hips stopping you. his tongue moved into you as your eyes slammed shut and your head leaned back. he lifted you putting your legs on his shoulder. he removed his face as best he could. “fuck my face doll” he said and you nodded grabbing his hair lifting yourself up. his strength amazed you as you rode his tongue. his grip on your thighs definitely leaving bruises tomorrow but who cares. you felt his tongue slide all over you as you kept your hips moving. “cum for me angel” he mumbled against you. your walls tightened and you felt a rush over you. your hips moved fast up and down and his tongue settled on your clit. you rode out your orgasm before tony set you back on the edge.
your head landed on his shoulder as you caught your breath. tony left small kisses on your neck as he massaged your thighs. “now that the ice has been broken i assume you have questions of our arrangement” tony said. you nodded “what are the rules i guess” you asked sitting up. tony's hands stayed on your thighs. “well i own you so no one else can have that delicious pussy except me” he said kissing your thigh. “do as i say” he said nudging your jaw. “and we dont fuck until i say so” he said.
you nodded. “why not?” you asked curious of why he wouldn't have sex. “We will doll don't worry i just want to get to know you if were going to be spending so much time together i want to know you not just fuck you and pay you, then your just a prostitute.” he replied. fair enough i mean it made sense and was actually sweet he saw this as something real then just sex. “of course we can always use our mouths as you clearly enjoy” he said with a wink “just no fucking yet” he said kissing your shoulder. “ok fair enough” you said. “good now if you break those rules you get punished” he said with a wink before getting serious “and i’ll actually be hurt” he said looking at the water. you lifted his jaw “i wont hurt you” you said. tony gave a soft smile before pecking holding your face in his hands. tony leaned in leaving a small kiss on your lips. it was short and soft but god it felt amazing. “ill see you tomorrow doll” and with that he got out o the pool
“where are you going?” you asked and he nodded next door “home” he said with a smile. you pouted and he chuckled walking to you and kissing you longer but still soft. “ill be back tomorrow doll don't worry” he said putting his shirt on and walking through the gate next door. “see you tomorrow doll” he said over his fence. you heard his door closed and leaned back kicking the water. was this crazy? oh who cares this perfect man just gave you the best deal you could ask for who cares how crazy it is. but yes, it was insane.
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notwonderlandsworld · 3 years
Some Science Event
Tony Stark is such an iconic character, both comically and physically in the movies/comic franchise, because of that alone he deserves so many fics. Plus, I love him LOL. Also I know that Tony doesn’t necessarily need the arc reactor to live and that he’s had it “removed” technically, but in the timeline I'm speaking of, he still has it as a necessity. As usual, GN means gender neutral.
pairing(s): Iron Man/Tony Stark x GN!Reader
warnings: cursing, fluff, and a tiny tiny bit of angst? Bien poquito :)
word count: 1383
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‘I’m going to kill him’ you thought as you were on your way to kill Tony Stark. Maybe not physically. Perhaps emotionally.
To bring you up to schedule, you had been hired by your boyfriend—Tony Stark—to become his personal assistant. His recent one—Natasha Romanoff—had turned out to be an undercover spy who was also on the run from the cops. Once the secret was out, she was able to quit and stop kissing Tony’s ass.
With that, he was left without someone to do his boring work for him. Until he remembered that his gorgeous girlfriend was currently jobless—well, not yet at least—after he wouldn’t stop pestering her to become a housewife. You still remember the conversation.
“Please (Y/N)!” Tony begged you, “I’m telling you! I’m loaded, you can do whatever you want if you quit!”
You sat on the sofa, crossing your arms. Tony wouldn’t stop complaining about how your job was taking away your quality time from yourself, and him of course. Honestly, you didn’t like the idea of being dependent on your boyfriend's money, which you had noted to him. He always told you the same thing, “I’m. Literally. A. Billionaire! You don’t need to worry about money with me at all!”
“That’s not the point, Tony!” you yelled.
“Wait!” Tony realized, “You can be my new assistant! I’ll fire Natalia and then you can work for me!”
You scolded him, “You're not gonna fire her just because of me!”
“Please (Y/N)!”
Needless to say, you gave into the begging and after Natalia Rushman turned out to actually be Natasha Romanoff, you got your new job as Tony Stark’s personal assistant.
From that moment on, he used the work hierarchy to his advantage. Whether that was making you come into his lab just to cuddle or even going to various restaurants for your “meetings” with him. Other than that, you seemed to enjoy being Tony’s assistant.
He was making your job easier by not piling so much work onto you.
Until now that is.
You were at your desk taking calls for various TV programs that wanted an interview with your boyfriend, when you got a call on your actual phone.
“I’m terribly sorry, ma’am. I’m going to have to call you back a bit later.” You hung up before grabbing your actual phone from your back pocket.
Looking at the caller ID, you realized it was Natasha. Strange. She usually texts you instead.
You answered the phone, “Nat? You ok? You usually text me if you need something.”
“Hey (Y/N)! So quick question, you said Tony was supposed to be at some famous science event, right?” she asked. You hummed in agreement, “Yep! I accepted the invitation for him to attend. Why?” Natasha laughed before telling you. “Well I was simply asking…” she started, “...because he just called me for help 50 minutes ago and we just finished defeating a bad guy.” What now?
“Oh,” she added, “He’s also in the hospital right now and told me not to tell you.”
You were about to leave when you heard a gust come from his lab. Rushing downstairs to the Hall of Armor, you saw his Ironman suit landing onto the ground. Angrily, you marched up to him and went to remove his helmet. “You better start explaining, now.”
As you reached up to remove it, the entire suit had disassembled and started to put itself away. You were flabbergasted when you realized he had sent the suit home, but he was still in the hospital. As if by some cliché story prompt, your phone vibrated. You checked and saw that Natasha had given you the details of the hospital and what room he was staying in.
Huffing, you went back upstairs and grabbed the keys to the Audi.
‘I’m going to kill him.’
You had finally made it to the hospital and had been granted permission to visit his room.
As you were stomping through the hallways, you were figuring out how you were going to rip Tony apart for a) lying to you about being at the event, b) going off to fight some bad guy, and c) ending up in the hospital and leaving you worried sick.
Finding his room, you knocked before slowly entering. Inside, Tony was sitting up on the bed eating what looked like...McDonalds?
“Since when did they sell Big Macs at the cafeteria?” You asked, walking towards him. He hadn’t looked up yet. “They don’t, but I love burgers so I had to order it....” he looked up, “...to deliver...uh-oh.”
You glared at him, “Yeah uh-oh, what the hell were you thinking?! Why did you lie to me about the event? And why were you out when you told me not even a week ago that your arc reactor was malfunctioning—something about the electromagnet? But that’s besides the point! Are you insane, Tony?”
He raised his finger in question, “Don’t answer that!” you yelled. Tiredly sighing, you sat on the edge of his bed, your head in your hands.
“Why?” you asked, voice cracking, “Why did u do that? You could've gotten a serious malfunction with the reactor or something. Hell if worse came to worse, you could’ve possibly died. Did you not think about that? Why didn't you tell me?”
Great. Now Tony felt like a prick.
He put his burger on the desk nearby before scooting closer to you, well, as much as the IV tubes would let him. “Look, (Y/N). I know I should've told you, but I also knew had I told you that you weren’t gonna like me going-”
“No shit,” you interrupted, tears starting to fall down your cheeks, “Look at you!”
Tony sighed before nodding, rubbing his face. He looked like he had lost the battle more than winning it. He was sporting a black eye on his right, a single, jagged scar on his forehead along with multiple nasty bruises all over his cheeks. His body looked worse, had he not been wearing a hospital gown, you probably would’ve been full on sobbing at this point.
He looked bad.
“I know It looks bad, but baby please hear me out,” Tony grabbed your face between his hands, “I can’t promise that I won’t end up in this state again. But what I can promise you is that I wouldn’t ever lie to you. I was going to attend the science fair, honestly I was, but then I had received info from Jarvis that Ivan Vanko had escaped prison and was causing terror near the science thingy.”
You giggled, “It was a science event. Not a fair.”
Tony smiled at you before continuing, “Well, I was originally planning on just heading over to the science event once I was done with him. Till I realized he had made some allies along the way. Several at that. So I called for backup as well, but I had to hold them off in the meantime.”
“Natasha?” you asked. Tony chuckled.
“Well...her and a few other allies, or should I say some weapons from S.H.I.E.L.D? Since legally, I’ve gotten in trouble in the past for flying the suits across the area. The lawyers called it an unauthorized use of vehicles. Can you believe that? Calling my suits-”
You laughed, “Ok! I get it.”
“But in all seriousness,” Tony continued, “I really was going to go, but then the fight just...well it happened. I didn’t mean to get so caught up in things that it would mean a lie. I’m sorry for worrying you, and I'm sorry for not telling you.” He gave you a soft smooch. “Please don't be angry anymore. I'm stable. I’m ok.”
You looked into his eyes, tear dried. Smirking, you said, “I don’t know. I don’t think I believe you.”
“Oh come on!” He groaned, “I’m already in pain! You’re gonna add to that?”
You leaned closer to him before whispering, “Perhaps not, but maybe if you find a way to convince me...”
He smirked before yanking you on top of his aching body, “Oh that can be arranged, why don't we—” he then groaned before huffing, “Ow! Ow! Ow! Get off baby! Please!”
“Huh?! You’re the one who pulled me in!”
I actually like what I wrote? *gay gasp*
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css1992 · 3 years
Guilty Pleasure
[Porn AU]
Summary: Peter and Beck used to be a power couple in the porn industry, but after Beck dumps him, Peter is forced to start over. With no money, no family and nowhere to go, he doesn’t have much choice other than to keep doing porn, so he joins Just4Fans to get back on his feet and then one day he gets a very generous tip from someone under the username of YKWIM.
All the warnings listed on Part I apply.
Read on AO3
Part I / Part II / Part III / Part IV / Part V / Part VI / Part VII / Part VIII / Part IX / Part X /  Part XI / Epilogue
The last couple of weeks of May flew by, soon June arrived and with it even more sunny days and warmer temperatures. Peter couldn’t help but think that his life fell apart in the winter, and as summer approached, it was slowly getting back on track. He was able to save a decent amount of money every month, his apartment was coming together – he even had a dinner table and chairs by the second week of June –, he was taking on more responsibility at BFF way quicker than expected and he was happier, in general.
He felt comfortable enough to make plans again – with the steady money he was making, he might be able to give up porn in a couple of years and he would still be eligible to apply for some of BFF’s grants and scholarships, meaning he may be able to go to college at 23, after all. Money would be tight for a while, but it was doable. He could always work part-time to supplement his income as well.
Summer also brought some unexpected good news. On a random Thursday morning, he was bombarded with messages on Twitter and Instagram from people asking where they could find his videos now that Beck’s channel was down. He was confused at first, but when he went to check, the channel wasn’t there, it had disappeared from the site.
He gasped. For a total of five seconds, his mind went wild, his heart raced, and his eyes watered. For those five seconds, he felt a mixture of happiness, relief and confusion, knowing those videos weren’t out there anymore, couldn’t be found, couldn’t be seen, couldn’t be remembered. But it was only for five blissful seconds. When his brain turned back on and the first rush of excitement died down, he realized that probably wouldn’t last.
That had happened before, when they first started posting. People mass reported the videos and the channel until they got taken down, because Peter looked very young at eighteen. They had to send a picture of his ID to the website for check several times, it was months before it stopped happening once and for all. Peter assumed Beck was posting videos of his new boyfriend, who he knew looked very young, so it was probably just a misunderstanding and only a matter of time until he got the channel – and the videos – back up.
Still, he allowed himself to count that as a win and couldn’t help but feeling giddy all day, to the point where everybody noticed his good mood – Ned, MJ, people at BFF and Tony.
Tony, who didn’t disappear. As days and nights and weeks went by, Peter stopped waiting for it to happen.
“Someone is awfully cheery today.” The older man grinned at him from the driver’s side that night, as Peter sang along to Ed Sheeran, because it was his turn to choose the playlist. Tony had picked him up from BFF and they were heading to his place for a quiet night in.
“It’s a good day, Tony.” He shot back after the chorus of Put it All on Me and the older man beamed, the corners of his eyes crinkling up.
“It sure is, kitten.” He turned up the volume and Peter sang even louder, causing Tony to burst out laughing.
At some point, he realized life was a little less complicated than he gave it credit for. He realized that if he actually gave things the precise amount of thought they deserved, not everything felt like the end of the world. The minute he decided to just let things happen the way they were supposed to happen, without overthinking every detail, life got so much easier.
He decided not to make the thing with Tony a big deal. Sure, when he thought about it for more than two minutes, it seemed like a huge fucking deal, he was basically dating Tony Stark, one of the richest men in the world, Iron Man himself, the man who had literately saved half the universe from extinction not even two years earlier. So, yes, that seemed like a big fucking deal, but–
To him, he was just Tony. This charming guy who texted him daily to ask about his day and crack acid jokes about his business associates. This kind guy who sent him chocolates when he was feeling down and cooked him dinner every weekend and made sure to e-mail him easy and healthy recipes so he wouldn’t starve to death. This gentle guy who called him beautiful and touched him with such care that he forgot how many hands had left bruises on his skin before.
When he forgot everything Tony was supposed to be and just focused on everything that he was to him, what they had seemed so simple and pure.
He stopped worrying about labels, too. In the beginning, he kept stressing about what they had, what was expected of him, what he expected of Tony, but eventually, he decided none of that mattered. They made each other feel good, they made each other happy, they made each other better, all in all, whatever label he could put on their relationship wouldn’t make any difference, so he let it go.
Weeks later, Peter heard Beck had managed to get the channel back up, only for it to get taken down again in a few hours, then his Instagram and Twitter also disappeared. He wasn’t too surprised, and if he was honest with himself, it was fun imagining Beck losing his mind as he tried to fix it. After all, every day the channel was down, he was losing money. And his social media, specially his Twitter account, was where he promoted his content to thousands of followers, so losing that meant losing money as well, and if there was one thing Peter knew Beck loved, it was money.
He wondered what the fuck the man had done to piss people off like that, it was clearly a coordinated attack, but he wasn’t curious enough to try and find out what happened. He would rather watch from a distance, rejoicing in the satisfaction it gave him to imagine that maybe, just maybe, one of those days Beck wouldn’t be able to get the channel back up and would have to start from scratch, like Peter did. And maybe then he wouldn’t re-upload his videos – that part was a little harder to believe, but who knew, stranger things had happened.
When June came to an end, Peter was surprised with a notification from Tony on Just4Fans. He had almost forgot the man was still subscribed to his account there, they obviously never chatted on the app anymore, and when he opened the notification, his blood ran cold in his veins.
It was a tip.
A hundred thousand dollars tip.
He couldn’t fucking believe it. A tip? For what, a job well done? It wasn’t like Peter was – what did that even mean? Was Tony trying to say something with that, send some kind of message?
He decided not to call him right away, he was too – upset. The older man was picking him up later that evening for dinner, so he decided to wait. Whatever he had to say to him, he wanted to hear it in person. He wanted him to look in his eyes and tell him he thought he was his fucking wh–
“What is the meaning of this?” He asked as soon he got in his car, avoiding the kiss that came his way. Tony blinked in surprise, trying to understand why he got a phone shoved in his face instead of a kiss, and then he finally saw what that was all about.
“Oh, that–“ But before he could answer anything, Peter interrupted.
“I told you I’m not – Tony, why would you – this is so insulting!” He was honestly at a loss for words. They had been seeing each other for almost two months by then, things were going great, they met every week, they made apple pie together, for God’s sake, had he misunderstood all the signs?
“My God, Peter, that’s not that, I just thought – I mean, I’m a billionaire, you know this is pocket change for me, right?” Peter gasped, shocked, and Tony’s eyes widened when he fumbled with the door handle. “Wait! I didn’t mean – Jesus, okay, hold on a second, please!” Tony reached over him to shut the door before Peter could get out of the car. The young man turned to look at him with tears in his eyes and Tony looked incredulous when he leaned back and ran a hand through his hair. “Don’t just assume the worst, have I given you any reason for that?” He sounded hurt, which made Peter gulp. He took a few calming breaths and shook his head slowly.
“No,” he whispered, dropping his gaze.
“Ok, good.” He actually sounded relieved at that. “I am a billionaire, Peter, and this is pocket change for me, which means –“ he raised his voice a little, predicting a reaction from him that didn’t come, “I didn’t realize this would be such a big deal. For me, it’s like giving you, I don’t know, flowers. I didn’t mean this as a payment for whatever you think this is, I just thought this would be a good help. You’re starting your life now, you have that list of yours that you don’t let me see, you’re saving up money, you have your plans for college, I just meant to help. I mean, if we weren’t together, I would have tipped you every month, so I thought –“
“But we are together, Tony, I –“ he was a little calmer then, because that was, in fact, a reasonable explanation and he shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions. “Look, I appreciate the gesture, but next time you mean to give me flowers, just give me flowers! I believe you have the best intentions at heart, but it’s just weird for me. I don’t want this to be about money. I just – don’t want that, okay?”
He gazed at the older man as he gaped at him, mouth opening and closing, but no sound came out for a while.
“I just thought – I mean, people usually –“ It was unusual to see Tony speechless like that, but the man shook his head and looked back at him, almost embarrassed. “I just want to help you.”
“Are you kidding me?” Peter poked him in the arm, trying to lighten up the mood in the car. “You’re teaching me how to cook. Yesterday I made an omelet and I only burned one side, I’m getting good at this. That’s a big help.”
Tony didn’t laugh at his joke, like he usually did, he just gazed at him with an unreadable expression, before leaning in to kiss him, which Peter gladly reciprocated.
“I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable,” he whispered, then, resting his forehead against his.
“And I’m sorry I was rude. It won’t happen again,” he promised, and he meant it.
After that night, he removed Tony from his Just4Fans, which came as a blow to the older man, who pouted and whined for about a week, only stopping when Peter showed up at his place one Saturday wearing Iron Man lingerie under his clothes – it was supposed to be a joke, but it worked surprisingly well for Tony.  
By July, it became impossible to keep sneaking around Ned and MJ, as the dates became more frequent. Peter decided to tell them that he had met someone online and that they were getting to know each other. He told them it was nothing serious yet and if it became serious, they would meet him.
He did have to throw in a few lies to get them off his back – he definitely had to lie about Tony’s age to avoid certain comparisons, but he would cross that bridge when he got to it, if he ever got to it. He wasn’t sure if or when he was going to tell them the whole truth, but for the time being, he  felt more comfortable keeping that relationship to himself.
He and Tony didn’t go out much, but when they did, it was always to fancy and discreet restaurants with private rooms; Tony was, after all, a celebrity for all intents and purposes, and at if the press got a whiff of them there would be no secret left to keep.
But staying in with Tony was far from boring. They cooked together and the older man taught him all of his grandmother’s secret recipes – Peter could never replicate them by himself at home, but it was still fun trying. They spent almost all of their time down in the workshop, though, where Tony  had him do menial tasks, like screwing bolts or reaching for a part inside an Iron Man suit. He said his tiny hands were useful for his projects.
He knew he wasn’t really that useful, but he loved when Tony included him and asked for his help, even though he didn’t really need it. He was fascinated by everything the older man taught him in those moments and in turn Tony always looked proud and pleased when Peter put his lessons to use.
He didn’t mind keeping him company when Tony was focused on projects he couldn’t help with, he stayed there anyway, reading a book or watching TV on the tiny couch – Tony kept saying he was going to get a bigger one, but he didn’t believe it, he knew the older man enjoyed the fact that the only way they could fit comfortably on it was if Peter was lying half on top of him.
So after several weeks, they established a little routine of their own. Since Tony had a busy schedule and Peter was still trying to keep Ned and MJ somewhat in the dark, they didn’t meet that often on week days, but they always talked on the phone before bed. On Thursdays, Tony picked him up after his shift at BFF and he spent the night at his place. They had breakfast together on Fridays and then they met again every Saturday after lunch, and finally Tony dropped him back off home every Sunday evening, so he could have dinner with his friends.
In August, for the first time in his life, Peter had two birthday celebrations. One with his friends, when the three of them went bar-hopping and he got home so hammered he had absolutely no idea how they managed to climb the stairs, and another with Tony, when he decorated the workshop with  balloons and put party hats on Dum-E and U.
“Surprise!” He yelled lamely, throwing confetti at Peter when they stepped into the workshop. The younger man laughed, delighted, as Tony hurried to the kitchenette and came back with something in his hands. “I know it doesn’t look good, but I promise it tastes good. Probably.” When Peter looked down, he noticed it was a large chocolate cake with ‘Happy Birthday, kitten’ written on it in bright pink icing. It looked so ugly, but it was so beautiful at the same time. “What did I do now?” Tony frowned, face falling.
He blinked a few times and when he touched his cheeks, he realized he was crying.
“I’m sorry, I’m just – really happy.” He grinned, pulling the older man’s face to give him a kiss. “Thank you.”
It was late October when Tony told him he had to go on a trip to China for two weeks, and even though it wasn’t his first work trip since they started dating, five months earlier, it would be by far the longest one since then, so it was kind of a big deal. Still, he didn’t expect to feel so affected, but on the days leading up to it he was so upset he couldn’t hide it.
They spent their last Sunday together wrapped up in each other doing absolutely nothing. They slept in, Tony brought Peter breakfast in bed, which was rewarded with a lazy and sloppy blow job, and they spent all day in bed, only getting up for essentials, like food and water. They didn’t even turn on the TV, they didn’t even talk much. They just held each other and exchanged slow, tender kisses until their bodies were too warm to stay under the sheets.
Tony ran a bath for them and got in the tub – it was big enough for eight people, but Peter made a point to sit in his lap, clinging to him like a koala. He felt Tony’s arms encircle him gently, as he rested his chin on top of his head.
“I’ll be home before you even have time to miss me, kitten.” He whispered, and those were the first words either of them had said in at least a few hours.
Peter didn’t tell him that was impossible since he already missed him, instead he just held him even tighter.
After the bath water went cold, they climbed out of the tub and Tony insisted on drying him, before dressing him in one of his own T-shirts, even though Peter had a multitude of spare clothes in his closet. He sat in bed, watching Tony pack a huge suitcase that reminded him just how long he would be gone for. He sulked a little – just a little – and that earned him a little kiss on his forehead, which was enough to undo the frown between his brows.
Finally, in the evening, Tony parked his car in front of Peter’s building, turning to look at him with an almost pained smile, before leaning in for a kiss.
“I’m gonna miss you,” Peter whispered against his mouth and felt when Tony’s lips stretched into a small smile. He pulled away a little, just enough to look into his eyes, and cupped his chin in his hand.
“I’ll miss you too, but I won’t be long, ok? It’s just a few days.” He pecked Peter’s lips one more time for good measure and the younger man nodded.
“Call me if you have time.”
“Of course, kitten, every day.” He leaned in for another kiss, this one longer than the previous, and Peter’s heart fluttered. He took a deep breath and slowly let it out, containing the urge to say those three words that had been trapped in the back of his throat for weeks.
“Have a safe trip. Let me know when you land.”
“I will, baby.”
Peter got out of the car and waved, watching as it disappeared down the street. He sighed and his heart ached, he already missed Tony and it had only been a few seconds, how was he going to survive fifteen whole days? It seemed impossible. It was crazy to think how far they had come since March, when they talked for the first time. It seemed like a lifetime ago.
He turned to go inside, but froze in place when he heard a familiar voice.
“So that’s why you’ve been ignoring me, huh? How rude.” He turned slowly to the left, only to be met with Beck’s cocky, arrogant smile, just a few feet away from him. “I tried calling, I tried texting, you’ve blocked me everywhere, I can’t even e-mail you anymore, it appears.” Beck walked slowly and leaned against the rails of the stairs to Peter’s building and the younger man curled his hands in fists, trying to control the urge to just run. “Long time no see, Petey-pie.”
He was paralyzed, muscles rigid, but to his own surprise, it wasn’t fear that he felt, or sadness. It was pure anger.  
“I wonder why,” he answered quietly, but firmly. Beck’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline, before the smile was back in place. “How did you find me?” He demanded, because Beck had never cared to ask where Peter was going to stay after he kicked him out, so how in the hell would he know where to find him?
“Wasn’t easy, I have been following you on Instagram, some of your morning run routes seemed familiar, so I–”
“You stalked me?” He frowned, taking a step closer to the other man, who looked at Peter with indignation and hurt. He shook his head, softened those baby blue eyes and placed one hand over his chest, right above where his heart would have been if he had one.
“I just wanted to see you, is all.” He shrugged, dropping his gaze to stare at his own feet, and Peter wanted to roll his eyes. It was so weird watching his whole act now that the spell had been lifted.
“What do you want?” He asked, making the older man’s head snap back up, a little surprised by his cold tone.
“I just told you, I wanted to see you. I missed you.” He took a few steps towards Peter, who in turn walked backwards to keep his distance
“You missed me?” He scoffed, shaking his head. “Where’s your new boy-toy, you put him away so you could come play with me?” He cocked his head to the side and, for a moment, he could see the shock crossing his features.
“Pete… Why are you acting like this, it’s like I don’t even know you anymore...” His voice broke and he looked away, pretending to wipe away a tear. He wondered how the hell he used to fall for that.
“You don’t, Quentin. I’m not a lost little boy anymore, you should go back to your boyfriend. Or is he smarter than me and dumped you already? Is that what this is all about?” He narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest, and Beck’s mouth hung open like he couldn’t believe his words.
“I made a mistake, Pete. After so many years, I took you for granted, I couldn’t see what I saw the first time I met you. I couldn’t see how beautiful you were, how caring and loving you were, how loyal and reliable and – I don’t know, I was blind. I was so stupid, I shouldn’t have left you.” His eyes were wide, earnest, shining with unshed tears. His face was open, even his body language screamed honesty. Suddenly, he didn’t feel so bad about falling for his act – Beck was good. “Don’t  you miss me, baby? Don’t you miss us?”
Peter snorted, shaking his head, he couldn’t believe the nerve of that man.
“You made a mistake, huh? So you dumped your new boy, right? If I were to go home with you right now, he wouldn’t be there, waiting for you, like a fucking plan B, in case this doesn’t go your way. Right?” It was his turn to take a few steps towards the older man. “Like I was your plan B while you waited for him to turn 18?”
“Peter, c’mon–“
“Is he there, Beck? Just answer me that. Come on, if he’s not, I’ll take you back right now, we can go home together.” He insisted, looking into the older man’s eyes, but he didn’t say anything, he just sighed. “Of course he is. If I said yes, what would you do? Tell him to pack his things in the middle of the night and leave? Would you keep all the money he’s made you and tell him to fuck off? Would you leave him broke and lonely and fucking lost in this world? Would you tell him that he wasn’t good enough and dispose of him like he’s fucking garbage?” His voice grew louder and louder, and when he came to himself, he noticed he was in Beck’s face, their chests almost touching, so he took a step back. “So to answer your question, Quentin, no, I don’t fucking miss you. You fucking ruined me!”
“I saved you!” And just like that, the good guy act was gone. His whole demeanor changed, the soft baby blues widened, his mouth was set in a sneer, he puffed out his chest to intimidate him, but Peter stood his ground. “Don’t pretend you don’t remember who you were before me. You were a fucking loser! An orphan, no family, no friends, no future! I took you in, I took care of you, I gave you a profession – don’t fucking roll your eyes, what the fuck are you doing now, huh? Rocket science? ‘Cause it seems to me like you’re still doing porn, and now you’re clearly branching out into prostitution, would you look at that!”
“You have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about!” He placed his hands on the man’s chest and pushed him away when he got too fucking close for comfort. He held his breath when he realized what he had done, afraid of the man’s reaction, but he just kept his distance.  
“You know what? Fuck you, Peter. I was wrong about you, I thought I knew who you were, I thought I missed you, but you’re just a disgusting fucking whore, after all. You’re a dirty little bitch in heat who likes to get this loose hole of yours fucked by old perverts, I don’t know why I’m surprised, I mean, that’s why I dumped you, you were enjoying those videos a little bit too much for my taste. You weren’t even satisfied with two cocks up your ass, one in your mouth and a line of men waiting to fuck you. You disgust me.” He started walking away, and Peter wanted to say something, he wanted to yell at him and defend himself, he wanted to tell him he didn’t fucking enjoy it, he wanted to tell him that it was all his fault, he threw him to the lions, he let those men fucking–
He rushed inside the building and ran upstairs, eyes clouded with tears. He tripped and fell knees first on the steps, but he didn’t even feel pain, he just got up and kept going, kept running, trying to put as much distance between him and Beck as he could, even though it was irrational. Beck was gone, he walked away, he left him, he left him again, he wasn’t coming back–
“Ned?!” He knocked urgently on his friends’ door. He didn’t have his spare key, it was upstairs in his own apartment, but he couldn’t trust himself to go all the way up there and down again without having a full on panic attack. “MJ?! Are you guys home?!” He was really trying not to sound too desperate, he didn’t want to scare them, but it was hard controlling his emotions when his heart was hammering against his chest and he couldn’t fucking breathe.
“Peter?” It was MJ who yanked the door open. She had a towel wrapped around her torso, her hair was wet, and Peter felt guilty, but she took one look at him and quickly pulled him into a hug. “My God, Peter...” She whispered into his hair when he started sobbing uncontrollably on her naked shoulder. “Come on in, c’mon.” He heard the door closing behind him, but he didn’t let go of her, he felt like if he did, he wouldn’t be able to hold himself together.  
He wanted to tell her not to worry, that she should go finish her shower and change, but he really, really needed her right then. She sat down on the couch, pulling him with her and he promptly laid down, burying his face in her legs. He couldn’t stop crying and sobbing and no matter how many times she asked him what was wrong, sounding increasingly more worried, he couldn’t get his feelings under control enough to give her any answer.
He was there for what felt like hours, when at some point someone lifted him from MJ’s lap and enveloped him in such a tight hug he couldn’t breath for a second, but he sighed in relief, it was right what he needed. Ned’s arms felt like home, it calmed him down almost instantly – his voice whispering that it was fine, everything was going to be okay helped a lot, too.
“I hate him, I hate him so fucking much,” he mumbled into his shoulder, God knew how much time later, and his friend just hummed, patting his back. “I hate that he made a mess of me and I let him.” He couldn’t hold back more tears when he said that, because it was true, it was so fucking true. He let Beck do whatever he wanted to him, he let him ruin his dreams, his future, his fucking personality, until he was nothing but a shell of what he used to be.
“I know, Peter, I know,” Ned soothed him, rubbing his back, even though he probably had no idea what he was talking about. “It’s okay now. You’re okay. It’s over”
“I made tea.” MJ’s quiet voice sounded somewhere from his right and when he turned to look at her, she was already dressed, wet hair up in a bun, with a mug in her hands, which she extended to him. He accepted it but didn’t dare to take a sip, he was positive that if he did, he would throw up, his stomach was all kinds of fucked up at that moment. “Peter, what happened? Did Star – uh, did your boyfriend do something? Did he hurt? ‘Cause I swear to God–” Just the mention of Tony being the cause of his distress made him sick, so he cut her off.
“Beck was here.” He sniffed, looking at the mug to avoid their eyes when he heard both of them gasping.
“Beck? Beck was here? Fucking Beck?” MJ screeched and he nodded.
“He was waiting for me outside.” He rubbed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to gather enough energy to have that conversation.  
“What did he want?” Ned asked calmly, while MJ paced the floor, furious.
“I don’t know...” He shrugged, wrecking his brain to try and figure out what his motive was. “His channel got taken down a few weeks ago and he couldn’t get it back up. I heard he had to start over.” He hadn’t been watching that closely, but he knew something was wrong, even his Twitter and Instagram accounts kept getting taken down almost monthly, it was impossible he was making any money over the past few months. “He said he wanted to get back together, probably because he thinks us making up would be a big hit or whatever. I said no, of course. He didn’t like the answer.”
“Did he hurt you?!” MJ strode back to him until she was standing right in front of him, looking into his eyes. He was almost intimidated by her.
“No, he just… Said some pretty shitty things, is all,” he answered sheepishly, because he hated that that man could still make a mess of him with just a few hurtful words.
“Oh, dude. He’s just mad he’s lost control over you. Whatever he said, he just wanted to hurt you, it doesn’t mean anything.” Ned placed an arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer, and Peter rested his head against his, sighing.
“I know. He was always like that, you know,” he whispered, as flashes of memories crossed his mind. “When I didn’t bend to his wishes, when I didn’t do things his way, he fucking–“ He squeezed his eyes shut, furious, because he had fallen for that again. “He tries to charm me and when it doesn’t work, he attacks me. But the thing is, he really knows what to say to destroy me. It just sucks. But it’s fine. I just need a moment, I’ll be fine.” He sat up straight and looked both of his friends in the eyes.
“Yes, you will. You most certainly will.” Ned patted his shoulder one last time, getting up from the couch. “Why don’t you lie down for a second, huh? I’m making dinner, I’ll even try one of those recipes your mystery boyfriend taught you.” Just the mention of Tony made him breathe a little easier, even though he wouldn’t be able to see him for a while.
“Okay.” He nodded, smiling softly. MJ took Ned’s place on the couch and he lay down, placing his head on her legs, as she ran her fingers through his hair. He sighed contently and closed his eyes, feeling exhausted. He was close to drifting off when he heard Ned gasp.
“Oh my God,” He breathed quietly from the kitchen and both Peter and MJ looked at him curiously from over the back of the couch.
“What?” She didn’t look too worried, but Peter was concerned about how pale he was.
“Ned, what’s wrong?” He frowned, watching Ned’s horrified expression looking at his phone like it was a murder scene. He raised his eyes and gulped.
“Peter is trending on Twitter,” he whispered, after a while.
“What?!” They both hurried over to the kitchen counter, and the first thing Peter saw when he looked at his phone was a picture of him and Tony in his car, kissing. As Ned scrolled down, more pictures showed up, but not only that, clips of his old videos were all over Twitter, people knew his full name, his real name, and they were making all sorts of comments. Iron Man, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, sex worker, prostitute and porn were trending.
The room was completely silent for a whole minute, before MJ turned on the TV.
“… appear that Tony Stark, former CEO of Stark Industries and retired Avenger, was seen kissing a young man in his car earlier this evening. The person in the pictures seems to be one Peter Parker, a twenty-one year old porn actor, who is also said to work as a prostitute…”
Peter’s heart sank to the bottom of his stomach, his vision blurred and he felt bile rising in his throat. He took a deep breath and got up from the couch, ears ringing, as he rushed to the front door.  He heard his friends yelling something, but he couldn’t make out their words, and he just couldn’t deal with all that right then and there.
“I, uhm, I gotta go,” he called from over his shoulder, slamming the door shut on his way out.
As he ran upstairs, vision blurred by tears and chest hurting, begging for oxygen, he couldn’t help but remember his life fell apart in the winter. And fall would be over soon.
So... It appears that someone has lost the ability to write short chapters... 
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Anyways, only three more chapters to go!  🥳
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