#If people like this kind of content I'd love to do more! Feedback and suggestions are welcome to!
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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Taking a snooze.
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24-7-testing · 9 months
For The People Who Are Still Alive...
Hey Portal Friends and Followers,
I hope you're all doing well! Lately, I've had something on my mind that I think it's time to share with you all. Over the past year or so, my life has taken some significant turns! Major events have included graduating from college, starting my career in Design Engineering, and getting married! Life has been an exciting roller coaster, and I'm enjoying all the fun new things.
However, among all the changes, I've also been contemplating my relationship with the Portal games and the Portal Fandom. Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been active on this blog for quite a while. The Testing Queue still goes out daily but, beyond that, I haven't been sharing new artwork or engaging as much. My YouTube channel, where I used to make Portal videos and build robots and props, has been on a long hiatus too. Everything Portal-related in my life just doesn’t seem as captivating as it used to be.
These days, when I think about Portal and all the things I used to do in the fandom, it conjures a strange feeling in me. On one hand, I still hold the story and characters dear, and I fondly remember all the fantastic fanart, interactions, and stories that I’ve seen as part of the fandom. But on the other hand, the fervor and eagerness I once had seem to have softened. It's like my passion has transformed from being a passionate superfan to a calmer and more passive enthusiast.
Has anyone else experienced this kind of transition in their fandom journey? If so, I'd love to hear how you dealt with it and any insights or suggestions you might have for me. Feel free to reply or DM.
These feelings have left me with a dilemma: what to do with my blog. I don't want to abandon it or delete it, but even refilling my queue is starting to feel tiresome. Plus, without active effort I'll eventually run out of posts to queue from my archive, so maintaining the queue alone is only a temporary solution. I've been toying with the idea of inviting someone who’s more active in the fandom to become a Moderator for the blog and keep it alive with fresh content, but I'm still uncertain about this option. If you have any feedback on that idea, please reply or DM.
So that's where I stand now. My life has taken me in a new direction and, while I still love Portal, I don't have the same time and energy to invest in the fandom as before. I'm eager to find a way to keep this blog alive in a way that feels authentic and will keep the content you all followed for going for the foreseeable future.
If any of you have encouraging words, suggestions, ideas, or thoughts, I'm all ears! Your support has meant the world to me, whether you've followed 24-7-testing since its inception in 2016 or if you just followed a few days ago. Please don’t be shy about replying or DMing me. I'm genuinely grateful for each one of you!
Rock On Portal Fandom!
- 24-7-testing
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Just want to say that your writing is so amazing!! Do you have any writing tips or advice for someone who may have been so inspired by your writing they’re thinking of taking a crack at it themselves?
Hey, nonnie! Wow, I'm so flattered that you enjoy my writing - I'm not a very experienced writer, so this is such an honour! And EEEK, I'm so happy you're coming aboard the writing train! CHOO-CHOOOOOO
If I had to give any advice (and wow omg I am an advice-giver now, what even is this life), I think these are some of the most important parts:
Write for yourself. Don't force yourself to write content for other people, for engagement or likes or validation, because you'll inevitably be disappointed. It'll become an obsession that can never be fully satiated, and I guarantee your work will suffer for it. Write the things you want to write, when you want to write them.
Edit your work before posting. One of the things that will make you stand out is having logical, grammatically coherent writing. There's nothing wrong with having developing skills, but it's really important to make sure you check over your work before you put it out because it really does make for a more enjoyable reading experience when that kind of attention is evident. If you're not confident with this part, you can try Grammarly ('Grammarly can help!' lol) or see #3;
Get a beta reader - someone with command over grammar, punctuation, style, even plot, someone who can look over your work and edit for any errors or point out inconsistencies. I know this sounds frightening, but we're all here to support each other! It's not so terrifying after a while. For example, my beta baes are usually @angelqueen04 and @ewanmitchellcrumbs, both swiggity as HEEELL. I in turn offer my beta-ing to a whole BUNCH of peeps, I am a whore for editing. Will spread my cheeks for the Google Doc.
Don't let yourself be too swayed by your audience. Wherever you decide to post when the time comes - to AO3 or Tumblr or Wattpad, etc. - remember that reader suggestions are nice, reader suggestions are cool, but you do not have to take reader suggestions. This does sorta circle around to the whole 'write what you wanna write' thing, but eh; point is, don't get caught up in trying to please people, stick to your guns and write the story you want to write.
Remember that you come first. Your health comes first. Your wellbeing comes first. You are not a machine designed to pump out content. You are not a 'content creator' - you are an artist. It's a hobby, not your life! Ignore the people who only ever ask you to 'update' or 'write a part 2', because that's never a constructive way to give feedback. Block anyone who complains about having to wait for your next upload. You are a person with human dignity and a right for that to be recognised.
I feel like this is a good starting point, nonnie! I kinda hope this is what you meant by advice? If not, feel free to send in any more questions you have, and I'll do my best to answer those.
Good luck with your writing - I'd love to read some day!
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lashysdomain · 3 months
tw for stalking
Arms stretched over her head Niriol leaves the corner store, a few bags in one hand from the late night snack run. She'd forgotten to shop the night before and it's too close to dawn for her to go for a proper trip.
Hitting the button on her fob Niri doesn't pay much mind when she doesn't hear the thunk of a car unlocking, simply opening the driver side door and climbing in. She probably forgot to lock it is the only thought that crosses her mind as her bags are set into the footwell of the adjoining seat. Time to get home before she falls asleep in the parking lot.
Pulling out of the parking lot it's a short uneventful drive back to her home. The unfamiliar music playing from her sound system strikes her as having some very strange composition, what with the odd shifting noises interspersed with the rest of the instrumental. It was a new station she'd picked out on the way over to keep her awake and one she'll change once back home it seems.
Once the violets car is pulled into her garage she steps out, pulling the bags with her so she won't have to go to the other side. Normally she'd close the garage door, but this morning is meant to be mild and there's no real reason for it when the weather isn't bad. Better to air out the dank smell of the concrete box.
Stepping up to the side door of her home the faint metallic thunk behind her makes her turn. It takes a moment or two for her to realize what the noise is, her heart skipping a beat seeing the far back seat door of her car ajar, closing a moment after she notices.
Swallowing hard she glances down to her hands, currently fumbling quicker with her various keys to find the one that matches the door behind her. Staring out into the garage isn't helping, she can't tell just by feel....
She looks down to try and find the right key as quickly as possible after realizing telling by feel is futile. Immediately she regrets it, the scuffing of shoes running snapping her attention up just in time to see the individual clad in blue rushing for her, their hands slamming beside her head against the door. They're considerably taller than her 5'3" stature causing her to shrink down in reflex, fins flicking back as her nerves begin to set in further.
"Hi! Niriol! I know it's like, reaaally kind of Not Cool to spring up on creators like this but you're going to have to forgive me, okay? I just, I have this new idea you see. I think you could pull it off really well, and you've not been messaging me back on Chitter, so I figured I'd, like, come tell you in person!"
An idea....? Usually Niri would gladly listen to any suggestions unless they were unreasonable.... There's not anyone lately that she'd had to tell no to.... Unless someone else had filtered their messages entirely from her...
Oh no.
"WingedBinger, yeah! I've been trying to get you to reply back to me for like half a sweep at this point! You can understand why I'm here now, right? Our first conversation was great! You were so sweet, you really seemed lovely! I-I've come up with new ideas, though! It's not the same one you said no to before!"
"I'm... Sorry I don't... Do the kind of shoots you've mentioned..."
"But you could! I could be the photographer if that's the issue! You're like really pretty, you could make a lot of people happy by doing more! For your fans!"
Sure Niriol got the occasional person who would wish she would wear things that were more revealing, but this person... They'd been trying to pressure her into that sort of content for the better part of a sweep now, using various alt accounts to get around her initial block, always insisting that they'd be willing to take the pictures. One of her mods was assigned to filter through her messages on her main platforms, while others had them turned off to avoid the spam.
"I... Appreciate the feedback, but I'm not comfortable-"
"It's for your fans! You say you'd do anything for them, don't you? Come on, lets go inside, I can show you how cool it'll be!"
Niri's blood runs cold feeling the keys pulled from her hands and an arm wrap around her waist, pulling her flush into this strangers body. They're trying each key so casually to try and get into her home when something thunks into the frame of the door, a large rock having whizzed past the pair of them.
"Hey, cunt, I don't think the lady wants your attention. Do me a favor and fuck off."
The figure stalking her way through the garage door isn't entirely unfamiliar to Niriol, though the pair have never met in person. Gold and white heterochromia, short hair with straight bangs, platform boots that bring her to just over 6 feet tall; that's Kheron's friend.
"Let her go, or I'll find something to bash your skull in."
The cold confidence of Vayuya's voice sends a chill down Niri's spine and makes the blue blood pause, grip loosening just enough for her to make a break for it, running over to the tall woman's side. Vayu's hand is laid on Niri's head as she hides in an attempt to calm the terrified woman.
"Drop the keys, walk away, and don't look back."
"We were just ta-"
"You were breaking into her home. Don't think your shrill voice couldn't be heard outside. Get lost."
They fumble for an excuse, not finding one that she seems to even entertain, they chuck the keys at Vayu before running past her; despite the keys being thrown the gold blood takes the full impact of them to her face, barely flinching and making sure that she stays between the stranger and the terrified seadweller.
"Close the garage."
Vayu commands after the stranger clears the door, Niriol running over to the panel on the wall to do so with the gold blood close behind.
"I kept telling Kheron this would happen... You need to grow a backbone, damn it..."
She scoffs, waiting for the door to be fully closed before leaving Niri's side so she can pick up the discarded keys.
"Here. Get yourself inside and make sure everything else is locked. Windows included."
"Th... Thank you, Vayuya..."
".... Yeah."
"You should come in... The sun's nearly up."
She pauses, debating Niriol's offer and how much she dislikes being in other peoples spaces and not her own. Her place would be another 40 minute walk, and this girl could use someone who's perhaps a bit hyper paranoid to make sure her place is safe....
"Fine.... I'm gonna text Kheron, let him know what happened."
"... Do you have to?"
"Legally? No. Morally, also no, but I'm going to."
The violet blood nods not at all looking forward to the conversation that might follow Kheron finding out about all this, finally finding the right key to let the pair into her home. At least with Vayuya around Niri doubts that person will be back tonight.
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
Do you have any advice for fan fiction writers who aren't getting many readers etc? I feel like giving up some days but I love writing and find fan fiction my personal therapy if that makes sense. I'd love any advice you can give or any suggestions. 💕
Well, honestly I'm not any kind of authority so take whatever I say with a grain of salt. Because honestly, I never really thought I'd get any kind of following to begin with 😕 this surprised me, and still does to this day, more than anyone. When I started posting my first fic (very nervously and through the feeling like I was going to throw up) I thought "well, I'll just write a few chapters and probably no one will ever read it and I'll get bored and it'll be out of my system." And now here we are, and I have no idea how that happened 😳
What advice I can give is, you can't write for the sake of other people. I know that sounds cheap as hell because the whole point of sharing fic is to get feedback and interact with others in the fandom, but really at the heart of it you have to just write stories that you like and you want to read above everything else. Keep writing. Keep growing. Keep refining your work and your style so no matter what the view count is, you know you're becoming a better writer regardless. And truth be told, you never know what idea or fic will hit with readers and what won't. You may write something and think oh no one is gonna gaf about this and then out of nowhere, that's what people love. It happens more than you know.
Another thing is - and this is going to sound harsh at first but bear with me please - in this day and age sadly you have to manage your expectations. Not because you don't deserve more readers or comments or because your work isn't good, but because the culture of fandom and fanfic/fanart is changing, and not for the better. There's dozens of posts that make the rounds on here passively warning people about how a lot of writers and artists are getting burned out and fed up with the lack of reciprocal community from their audience. Tiktok and IG and all that shit has kind of ruined the landscape of fandom because now everything is seen as just consumption based. More and more people read a fic and move on, binge a show and move on, burn through a fandom's entire AO3 content in 3 months and move on, and it sucks. I mean when you look at fandoms of old, the days of Xena and Buffy for example, a lot of those fans are still around and still participating and still creating work even though the show/fandom/ships are long gone. You don't really see that loyalty much anymore, and it becomes a cycle of the fandom shrinking and then the feedback and comments and support grinds to a halt, and then creators stop feeling like wasting hours of their life to pour themselves into work that gets maybe a handful of comments even though they see hundreds or thousands of people have read it. It just sucks all around. So expecting to see the numbers that a fic did even 3-5 years ago, sadly, just isn't going to happen.
I do also know this, the Clexa fandom has been one of the best fandoms I've ever been in, both as just a fan on the outskirts and someone who tries to contribute. I've found Clexas to be funny and welcoming and we have a core group of fucking awesome and loyal, supportive readers, but the thing is you have to keep going. Sometimes building an audience and a regular group of readers takes time. Name recognition matters. Yes there are writers out there that are just synonymous with the fandom, but there's other writers (hi yes hello me, I mean me lol) who came late to the party and it's taken some time to get people to see their work. Tagging things and reblogging, talking in tags, reaching out to other people in the fandom and making friends who want to help you with your work because you help support theirs. All that stuff. It makes a difference. Damn near every week or so I get a new reader saying "wow idk how I hadn't heard of you before/read your stuff before but I'm glad I found it, keep going!" And that 100% will never have even the possibility of happening if you stop writing!
In the end, you just have to decide what's best for you. If this feels incredibly unhelpful I truly am sorry, I wish I had better advice to give you but I'm as clueless to this all as you are. But 2 things I do know for sure without a doubt? One, there is a place for you in any fandom, and your work does matter. There is an audience out there who want to read what you have to write and they'll love it. And two, in the end just be kind to yourself. Love yourself and be proud of yourself for trying, and for being creative and growing your work. Fanfic is supposed to be fun, writing about your favorite blorbos is meant to be fun, even if more often than not it feels like the equivalent of just dancing alone in your kitchen. Ya get what I mean?
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» Hii! Welcome! 💖
» I’m Kalista! You can read my About Me page if you’re interested to know more!
» Here you will find all of the links/information associated with my blog!
» Icon made by my amazing sister @moony-mai! 💗
*Masterlist, Request Info, Taglist Info, etc., below the cut!
This blog is a safe space for all LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, disabled, neurodivergent, & minority folk. This is a welcoming place to all with love and good intentions!
No prejudice or disrespect of ANY kind will be tolerated. I will not hesitate to block you!
I will not follow back any blogs that do not have an adult age/age range, or at the very least, a clear adult age indicator (i.e.: 18+, minors dni, etc.). I will also not accept any nsfw requests/add blogs to my taglists that do not include the same information!
I write as an adult, about adults, for adults -including all my SFW content. All the characters I write are 18+, or aged-up to be 18+. Please understand, this is not a space I carefully curate for minors’ eyes, though I am very mindful about tagging NSFW content as best as I can (you can choose to block these tags -listed below). I ask that all minors please respect my rules and do not interact with my NSFW content!
At the end of the day, you are in charge of your own media consumption. I know I cannot force you not to find ways to look at my blog/consume my content. Therefore, I trust that any minors that decide to view my content understand their own limits and will immediately stop consuming anything that brings them discomfort.
Please do not message/interact with me on a personal level -outside of liking/reblogging posts and whatnot. For the sake of yours and my safety, I respectfully do not wish to be friends with you or interact with you personally in any way! I still wish you the very best, though!
Lastly, PLEASE do not lie about your age! It is so important that the adults you are interacting with know whether or not you’re truly an adult as well. Lying can not only put you in a lot of danger, but it also can get people in some serious trouble!
*Thanks for respecting these boundaries of mine! 😊
Please do not repost or translate my work onto any other sites (even with credit).
If you like my fics, please like, comment, and/or reblog! Doing so not only keeps my blog alive, but also lets me know what you like and how to improve!
I am always open to constructive feedback! I’m here to learn and grow as a writer, so anything would be greatly appreciated!
My fellow mutuals, don’t hesitate to send me an ask/message anytime! I’d love to talk and be friends! 💖
About Me
Main Masterlist
Request Info
Linktree (All links associated with me and my work, outside of fanfiction writing)
Ko-fi (Send me a tip, if you'd like! I'd greatly appreciate it! 💞)
*I will not add you to any of my taglists if I do not see an adult age/age range or obvious adult age implication (i.e.- 18+/minors dni/etc) listed in your bio or pinned page! By asking to join my taglists, you’re confirming that you’re 18+!
» Taglists include all writings in relation to the character (one shots, series, headcanons, drabbles, etc.).
» If you would like to be added to the taglist for a particular character(s), please let me know by sending me an ask/message specifying which character(s) that is and let me know which of the following you’d prefer:
ALL writings for said character (including SFW + NSFW)
SFW content only (may include suggestive content)
» If you would like to be added to my forever taglist (be tagged in all my future writings), let me know by the same method above. Make sure to specify whether you’d prefer ALL content (including SFW + NSFW), or only SFW!
» You can opt out of any taglist by sending an ask/message asking to be removed!
» These are the personal tags I use, in case you want to search for something specific or want to block them out.
» All tags in relation to a specific character/fandom will simply look like #character name or #film/show/etc name. I try my best to tag all my posts/reblogs accurately.
*Here is a tutorial on how to block/filter specific tags.
NSFW Tags:
k.smut (full nsfw content)
k.spicy (suggestive/soft nsfw content)
Other Tags:
kalistawrites (all my fics/writings)
k.masterlist (all of my masterlists)
k.drabbles/k.thoughts (all of my drabbles/thought pieces)
k.answers (responding to your asks)
k.requests (about/responding to requests)
k.info (important info/announcements)
k.recs (fics from others I recommend)
k.talks (posts about random/personal stuff)
k.fav (my favorite things)
*Writers/Artists/Blogs I recommend you check out! Please respect their individual blog rules! (Let me know if you want to be removed)
@jslittlebirdie (Misc. content w/a focus on L!Joker & fluffy/soft J fics 💜)
@likesofsue (Stranger Things/Eddie Munson blog -w/Eddie fics! 🖤)
@maileysartistry (Amazing digital artist -original art & fanart! Lots of MHA art! 💖)
@xkatsukizukux (Multifandom w/a heavy focus on My Hero Academia 💙)
@ajokeformur-ray (Misc. content w/a focus on Arthur Fleck/Joker -lovely fics for Arthur Fleck/Joker, L!Joker, and Patrick Verona ❤️)
@ghosttownwherenoonegoes (Stranger Things/Eddie Munson/Uncle Wayne blog -lots of fics! 🖤)
@jokerownsmysoul (A blog *love letter* for Arthur Fleck/Joker -beautiful fics 🤎)
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I think I would die immediately if my s/o ever found my blog.
Wanted to join in on flustering Warden. (✿◦’ᴗ˘◦)♡ I like your blog very much!
(long explanation incoming)
Funnily enough, he's the reason I'm on here.
So I skipped BWB2W2 because I listened to the people who had said they were terrible games.
(There are people like that for every generation i later realized)
So when I played PLA and Ingo showed up, I had no clue who he was but it was, honest to Arceus, love at first sight.
From there I got back into the Pokémon fandom. I'd poke around at various sources of fanart. One site, I honestly cannot remember, I WANT to say it was the Pokémon TTRPG fan site. But someone put forth the idea of disabled people in the Pokémon universe and how it was kind of a bummer there wasn't proper representation.
People HATED the idea of disabled characters/trainers and insisted that it wouldn't be a thing since Pokémon was supposedly in the future and medical advancements were so far ahead there were no disabled people.
(This thought is wrong on so many levels that I will not address it here for threat of making this post longer than it needs to be)
Me being the "Fuck you and the horse you rode in on" kind of person that I am, came up with a story that revolved around two Pokémon researchers trying to make it easier for disabled individuals to become Pokémon trainers.
I had started work on it, and had 9 pages done of the comic when S/o started showing off my work on discord and it received some positive feedback, in both looks and story premise. It was suggested i find a place to post this comic so others could enjoy it.
TA-DA I found Tumblr.
While I had intended to stay solely for that comic, I met some amazing people and started this blog instead. The rest is history.
The comic is on here. It's on a hidden blog until I feel comfortable with revealing it. After Sweet Beginnings is done, I hope to do about 10 more pages of it before moving on to the next project.
I do genuinely worry about offending people with the content so I'm trying my hardest to be mindful of what the story entails. That's why it is hidden and only open to a select few people who make sure I'm not doing something stupid.
OH! And I'm very glad you like my blog! My little idiot blog. Totally not worthy of THE.
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cybercl0ne · 2 years
❦ Rules ❦
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« Introduction »
Welcome all! This is a page I made for fun and any suggestions or request you want to make is welcome. You are free to comment and ask stuff about me and/or about my work and I'll be more than willing to answer!
If you want to commission or support my work by donating, I do have a cashapp link set up for you to do so, any amount is more than appreciated. Lastly, if you want to message me off of anything please use Tumblr to have a better chance of getting in contact with me.
!!!Please note that at some point the rules will probably change in time so please check them often!
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« What Anime's I'll Write About »
ʚ My Hero Academia
ʚ Neon Genesis Evangelion
ʚ Death Note
ʚ Naruto
ʚ Demon Slayer
ʚ !! If you have any others that I didn't list keep in mind I'm open to them, these are just some animes that I've watched and don't mind writing for. So, if you have any others feel free to submit them to me!!
« What Games I'll Write About »
ʚ Your Boyfriend (Game)
ʚ Poppy Playtime (Game)
ʚ FNAF (game)
ʚ Walking Dead (game)
ʚ John Doe (game)
ʚ Genshin Impact (game)
ʚ !! Same thing with animes, if I left any games out that you know please submit them to me and try to tell me about the game if I've never heard of it so I can do it justice! ^^!!
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« "Yes" Rules »
18+ content - If you do want 18+ content that is no problem! I have no issue doing NSFW, especially if there are specifics and slow build in it. So, NSFW stuff is ok.
Messages - If you ever want to message me for anything, even if it's not just request that's cool by me! I love when people interact with me besides work and I want to hear feedback and ways I can improve as well, so feel free to DM me for anything.
Kinks - If you want to include Kinks into your request that's perfectly fine! Just ask which ones and I'm willing to include them into your commission. !!Keep in mind that some kinks will have to be excluded because of either personal reasons or I'm just not comfortable with that specific kink. Please don't misunderstand it as a kink shame!!
AU's - I will do different types of AU's if asked (princess/prince, vampire, fairytale core etc.) All that fun stuff! If you'd like to ask for anything like that my doors are wide open to any!
Poly - If you like Poly and want a request on it then I would be more than happy to do so! You might have to detail it a little because I myself have never really heard of Poly and don't really know what specific things go on with it.
Headcanons - I love headcanons, so if you yourself wants to request one I'd be happy to make one for you! I do (Fluff, Angst, etc.)
Oc's/Self insertions - If you want an Oc or self-insertion, I'm pushing towards commission because I don't really want self-insertions or Oc's to be a feature on my page. I would still make one if you commissioned though.
Note - There are other obvious things that are allowed on my page, so be mindful that these are just some key things that are allowed so there's no miscommunication or misunderstandings!
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« "No" Rules »
Homophobia - Hate or any rude and downright disrespectful things that aim towards the LGBTQ+ community will NOT be tolerated on this page. This place should be considered a safe place for people of all sexualities, and therefore this should be a simple rule to follow.
Racism - Like with the LGBTQ community, there will be no hate nor disrespect towards POC of any race tolerated on this page. This should be a safe place for people of any color and ethnicity. Another simple rule that is easy to follow.
Scat - I do kinks as request and commissions but I don't do scat just because me personally, am very uncomfortable with the act. I do allow some other kinds of kinks.
Harassment - Harassment on my page will not be tolerated. If you are attacking another person or me, you will just be straight up blocked. Same think with spamming and trolling. It is just annoying and a hassle.
Slurs- Slurs will never be a feature or allowed on my page. Anyone who uses slurs here will be met with an instant block.
Minors - I do NOT interact with Minors and no NSFW will be made for minors, from minors because of the stuff I'm willing to write I do just want to make sure that minors aren't the ones interacting with it. !!DISCLAIMER: I do not check age on here so if you do request something and you are a minor there's nothing, I can do about that. I just want to make sure that minors know that this stuff isn't for them!!
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« End Notes »
I hope this post helped you a little bit on what's to be expected of you when being a member of my page and I hope that you stick around long enough to see some of my greatest work. I can't wait to make your desires come true! ^^
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genshrineimpact · 2 years
Heeeey why don't you accept requests :( Writing request and suggestions are the same?? Theres no different imo
might count as a 'vent' for some people so just in case i'll put it under the cut!
cw: vent(-ish, though tbh all of this is /gen and /nm)
in summary: because i write for myself.
and to answer your question - no, they're not the same, from my point of view.
for example, this is what i'm doing currently if you've noticed: you might send me idea A. i might or might not agree with idea A and just leave it at that. i might get inspired from idea A and expand more upon it. i might get inspired from idea A and write another idea that isn't exactly related to idea A - maybe B, Z, or even 123. i might not get any inspiration from idea A, reply with a 'this is good i like this', and then come back the next day to refer back to idea A because suddenly my tiny writer brain manages to expand upon idea A.
this means that i have full creative freedom over what i write, and i'm not constrained to a specific bubble (prompt & time). that's why i said i won't write requests but i do take suggestions. i need people to know that there's no guarantee that what you're sending in will get a full fic or drabble or scenario or headcanon or whatever it is that you wanted to see. because ultimately i am writing for my own satisfaction.
compare that to a typical writing request blog. you send a writer idea A. if the writer is comfortable and inspired to write idea A, then they write idea A. otherwise, it sits on their draft for days, months, even years. alternatively, it gets deleted - either immediately or after some time has passed. in that case, sometimes the writer feels guilty, other times they don't, but trust me when i say the former doesn't feel good. in any case, maybe they post an announcement of cleaning their ask box, and some are unfortunate enough to receive hate saying that they're "inconsiderate" and "can't write for shit"- look, it sucks, okay. i've been there. therefore, i will confidently say this:
this blog is not and will never be a writing request blog.
i've abandoned so many of those in the past because i am tired of writing for people and not getting any feedback whatsoever compared to the effort i put on it, and dealing with the stress of having unfinished requests laying around was horrible.
at least, in this blog, i get to write what i want, when i feel like it. i don't feel like i owe anyone anything. and when a post flops, then it flops - it's sad but in the end who cares because i had a blast writing it. and if a post gets 7492849283 notes, then it puts a smile on my face, brightens my day, and i move on with my day with a little pep in my step. in the end, i still get to make fellow writer friends and kind reader friends. and while i still appreciate my followers, all the lovely tags, comments, and kind replies, and although i will occasionally crave for interactions, in the end i'll always remember that i'm doing this for my self-enjoyment.
and i think that's enough for me.
so yeah, if you're here expecting me to write your request, i'd suggest you to go to other blogs (but make sure to read their rules first before requesting!!). there are a lot of talented writers out there that writes for genshin. i'm sure one of them would be more than willing to write the content you want to consume. just please, if they do write your request, go and support them. give them a like and at a minimum a reblog. maybe even add a little comment. unlike me, you owe them that at least, since they wrote it for you.
am i saying that other writing blogs are 'doing it wrong'? definitely not, everyone has their own motivations for writing and running a blog.
does that mean i don't appreciate the reblogs and comments and asks sent to me? no, your validations are still very much appreciated and your comments puts a smile on my face.
am i selfish? yeah, probably.
fingers crossed i managed to convey what i wanted to say properly and didn't offend anyone with this slkdjfslkdjf
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veterveter · 2 years
Hello Tuuli!
2, 3, 5, 11, 13, 17, 18, 20, 30, 33 for Fic writer ask game
That's what I'd like to know 😃
Hi Max!! Thank you so much for popping by with these!! <3
2. How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both?
I mainly read, but when I'm actively writing I read less. I struggle not to hold myself to the impossible standards of my favourite writers, and usually I just reread the same favourites again and again. (my old ff.net account still exists with 2k favourite stories, so clearly I used to read more back then)
3. Are there any fics that inspired you to write what you do?
I think if I had to name one, then it'd be Breaking and Entering by Resonant. This is one I've, like, analysed, and it's beautiful how many things are said between the lines, and I've been trying to imply more things than I write out ever since. Sometimes I try to imply too many things, for sure, because I'm not a master of it. But maybe some day. (if I had to name more it'd be everything @sorrydearie has ever written, that's the energy I wish to convey when I write Berlermo specifically but that's honestly not a standard me or anyone else should ever hold me to and that's why this is in brackets)
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something?
I can't deal with bad grammar. Like it's not such a big issue nowadays but back in the ff.net days you'd have perfectly good stories absolutely ruined by atrocious grammar. Other than that, I don't really like it when people use a trope but don't bend it to fit the ship they're writing for, that kind of thing. I've a lot of squicks obviously but these are things that I think are a bit more universal?
11. How do you come up with your fic titles?
I put Panic! at the Disco on shuffle until inspiration strikes. Well, sometimes a title comes to mind before that, and I totally have come up with some myself, but this is simply foolproof. Panic! has never let me down.
13. Do you outline your fics? How much of a headache would someone get if they just looked at an outline of yours without reading the fic?
I don't :))) I write whatever scenes come to mind and then I try to fill in the gaps that don't inspire me. I bother my boyfriend to proofread and tell me what doesn't make any sense. Well, sometimes I pitch my ideas to friends and honestly that's the closest it comes to an outline. So maximum headache, you'll have to trust me that it makes sense in my head.
17. How obsessively do you sit and stare at your fic after you’ve just posted and wait for feedback?
Used to be verrrrry obsessively but now it's less so because I already know there won't be much of a response :'D that being said, nowadays I content myself when I hear that one (1) person other than myself liked a thing. That has to be enough.
18. Do you have a WIP that you keep telling yourself you’ll eventually get back to, but deep down you know that’s probably a lie?
Oh yes. I wish to finish my Hollywood fic. More so now that I've actually been to Hollywood. But I don't feel skilled enough to execute it to where I want it to be. I have the vibe so clear in my head, but whenever I try to commit it to paper it just doesn't... work.
20. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
Editing beloved <3 I love not having the stress of figuring out a plot. Plots freak me out and so the less the better. So editing is me living my best life.
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words.
Below the cut, have this exchange from what will hopefully be my Berlermo AUgust fic. It's 303 words but sue me.
When Andrés suggested they go to a football match, simply because it was a thing a lot of people did, he had conveniently forgotten about one very important detail. 
"Who's playing?" 
"Hmm? I have no idea." 
Martín actually cared about football. 
"It's crucial," Martín insisted. "I mean, of course I'll go, but we need to know who's playing, so we can pick the correct side of the stand. Don't look at me like that, this is important."
Andrés laughed. "Look, I'll leave the organisational side of it to you." 
Martín glared at him, as though Andrés's lack of passion offended him personally. 
Anyway, that's how Andrés found himself a week later, with Martín tying a yellow and blue scarf around his neck, three hours before the game.
"These aren't my colours," he complained. 
"You're right," Martín agreed, "They're my colours. And you're going to be a good fake boyfriend and support my team." 
"I'm surprised you found an Argentinian team playing here." 
"Not just any Argentinian team!" Martín insisted, "It's Boca. That is important, because I'd rather die than show any support for Los Millonarios." 
"Would you ever want to go back to Argentina?" Andrés asked, and Martín's hands stopped moving. Unfortunate, really. 
"If I did, I'd go for the Superclásico and nothing else," Martín said, bringing the topic back to football so smoothly it could have fooled someone else. 
"So you won't abandon me here all by myself?" Andrés asked, aiming for jest but realistically - this was the reason why he was asking. They'd be finishing school in a year, and Martín was smart, and if he wanted to go back, he could probably get accepted by any university he chose. 
"No," Martín said, needlessly solemn, "Till death do us part. Provided you don't say anything offensive at the match, anyway."
33. What do you like writing better: one shots or multi-chapter stuff?
One-shots (no plot vibes only), but actually my favourite thing to write is 1+1 so the fic and the b-side that's the other POV. Even better if they've complementary but slightly different vibes (ruining this banquet // spike the punch beloved). This is mostly because I always wish to see the other side of all my favourite fics so I try to deliver that + it allows more exploration of all the background stuff I enjoy implying. Win-win, really.
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wondrouswendy · 2 years
For the Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask! Let's hear your answers for 🤡, 🛒, and 💌!
Thanks for the questions! These were fun to think about.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
“There’s no need to downplay the fact of the matter with euphemism.” He chuckled to himself cynically. “But, I’m afraid that even if you and the others dress me up in religious garb, even if I start prancing around looking like some cleric with a stick up his arse, the moment I open my mouth the entire charade will fall apart.”
“So don’t open your mouth...?”
“That’s like asking me not to breathe.”
Josephine shook her head and tapped her wooden board impatiently. “So, hold your breath.”
This ^ is from a story I wrote featuring a Rogue!Inquisitor and Josephine.
Casper Darling belongs among the weird and strange, but more importantly, he belongs at his side.
Well, that is until Casper suggests they take a picture with their faces shoved into cardboard cutouts of little green men at the end of the museum. The space beside the cutouts suits him just fine for their souvenir photo.
I like this ^ example because I think it's funny without having to be reliant on dialogue to get the humor across.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Well in The Days of Thunder I've been trying to incorporate the running theme of nostalgia and how often we try to chase after it because the present can sometimes be difficult to bear.
I try to include references to music or just vibes I get from certain songs. Sometimes I'm more subtle, sometimes I'm much more overt.
With whatever I'm writing, though, I try to emulate the feeling/vibes/aesthetic of the source material. I try to mimic cadence through the prose. I tried to do this with my Hades pieces, for example. I was trying to emulate the way the Narrator speaks.
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
I love receiving comments and feedback as much as the next content creator. I enjoy hearing what made people emotional, whether happy or sad. I have talked about it before, but in the immediate aftermath of writing emotional scenes, I find that I'm kind of detached from it. I'm too immersed in it already to "feel" anything from it. It usually takes me some distance/time apart from a story before I can go back and cry from something I've written myself. So to hear from others that something I wrote made them emotional helps me greatly.
I want others to feel moved by what I've written or gripped by suspense. I don't mind if people have their theories or take guesses about what's going to happen, in fact I'd love to hear them! That's the whole point of foreshadowing.
I tend to not seek out concrit though. Other people like receiving that kind of feedback, but I'm of the belief that you shouldn't give that to people unless they ask for it. Or, at the very least, if you are going to give that kind of feedback, you should handle it privately.
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bailey-reaper · 3 years
Hello lovely people,
I've been thinking about this for a little while now and I'd welcome any thoughts / feedback you might have in terms of blog organisation –– I'm not talking in terms of coding a better layout or anything (I suck at such things and am happy enough with the basic format).
What I'm specifically referring to is making it easier to access content on the blog –– there's over 400 posts on here now, and a fair bit of that is legit content rather than my random ModChat BS.
You may have noticed that I've already done a couple of masterlist posts on certain themes (Klint, Alt. Universes, Vampires, etc) but should I do more of them? If so, what kind of masterlists would you like to see?
Alternatively, shall I start cross-posting stuff to AO3?
I do have an AO3 account, it's largely unloved but I could use it (or a Pseud) as an archive for my blog drabbles / content.
Also, are there any other things you'd like to see on the blog / suggest? I'd be interested to hear your views!
Thanks for being part of this blog, for liking my posts, commenting on them, sending in asks and following. It really does mean a lot to know that the stuff I've written has interested you enough that you want to follow the blog / like content / request things.
Stay safe and healthy and have a lovely day!
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clumsyclifford · 2 years
Hi I wanted to get more into writing and you’re one of the best writers I know so I was wondering if you had any advice/tips for a new writer? (Or good starting prompts I have no clue where to even begin)
hi, hello, sorry that i left this sitting in my inbox for so long. ive been alternating between forgetting about it and remembering it but having no idea how to respond, so i'm just gonna start typing while i'm thinking of it and hopefully some inspiration will come as i do.
first off: thank you!!! that's very kind of you to say. i'm flattered that you came to me with this inquiry. before i give you the rest of this, i can direct you to this other ask i answered, which also asked me for writing advice. that answer is more technical and more about the actual process of writing itself rather than sort of the "writer's journey" or whatever, which is what this is.
so...okay. advice. i can do my best, though i will admit i haven't been a new writer in quite a long time, so i don't know how much this will track. that said, i do have the perspective of being able to look back on my past self from when i was a new writer, so i guess here are some suggestions i can give you based on that:
read. this one is surpassingly self-evident but it is true for all writers everywhere and ESPECIALLY good for fanfic writers - read fic. trust me, the quickest way to get an idea of how to write characters is to see how lots of other people are writing them.
write what you want to see written. there's always something!! the best best best place to start writing is filling a gap for the content you would love to read but that no one else is writing. this trick has never failed me. you think anyone else is writing acappella AUs? nope, it's just me. (so far. eyes emoji.) have you ever thought to yourself, "man, i wish someone would write a fic where ____" ?? THAT'S YOUR FIC. write it. go for it. it's all you.
get an editor. a beta, if you will. a second set of eyes who - and this is important - will give you honest and helpful feedback on how to improve your story. genuine caveat: if you don't care about improving then fuck this step. sometimes you just wanna create and you don't want judgement or anything. that's totally valid. but if you want to hone your craft, you need a second opinion, and you need someone who won't just say "this is soooo good!" and omit all the parts that could use a facelift. constructive criticism is your friend. i still remember con crit someone gave me from like five years ago. it made me a better writer.
i am now at a crossroads, because as a fic-writing veteran i want to advise you to not post immediately, and to sit on your writing for a little while and leave and come back to it with fresh eyes, because that is genuinely a good piece of advice. however. i understand the urge to post a fic. validation is always nice!! and i am really not one to talk about delayed gratification. so i'm going to stand by this, but just know that i know it's hypocritical and a little preachy. but there is real value in leaving your fic for even just a few days, untouched, and then returning to it. you start to catch little details, or even bigger ones, and because you refrained from posting it, you have the opportunity to fix those problems. i have gone back and reread some fics that i wrote and then posted in a spur of the moment, and i wish i'd waited to post those ones. there are things i would fix.
obviously this has a dark side, which is that if you keep sitting on a fic and returning to it you're going to keep finding problems with it and then you're just beating a dead horse, but there's a sweet spot in the middle there and i trust you to find it.
and of course the most important piece of advice, which trumps all this other shit i've said:
write. write! just write something. whatever thoughts you're having, write them down. they don't have to form a cohesive story. they don't have to become anything. you have a picture in your mind? describe it. you see two seconds of a scene? put it in words. eventually an idea is going to grab you by the throat and threaten to throw you into the river unless you write it right now this minute. and on the other end of that, you'll have written a story, and that's awesome. writing anything at all is amazing, because you told a story where a story didn't exist. you put words together that had never been put together that way before. you created something unique. well done.
NOW as to prompts!!! i can direct you to my prompts tag. unfortunately i'm not sure how much more specific i can be with this, because everyone feels differently about different kinds of prompts. for example, i personally prefer dialogue prompts to scenario prompts, because i think dialogue prompts still leave the opportunity to write any scenario at all, as long as you can fit the dialogue in there. on the flip side i know there are people who prefer scenario prompts specifically because it gives you the exact scenario in which the characters find themselves, and they can be doing or saying more or less whatever you decide, but you don't have to choose the AU/circumstances because they've been chosen for you. different strokes, different folks! i recommend choosing one that inspires you and seeing what you do with it. if you get stuck, try again. there's no limit to the number of prompts you can steal for your own personal gain. go absolutely insane.
i hope this was helpful, though i know it may not have been. if i had left this ask in my inbox any longer it may have begun gathering dust and i didn't want to leave you completely hanging. good luck!!! i have faith in you. and feel free to swing by with any more questions/inquiries which i will once again try to answer to the best of my abilities. xoxo
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its-toasted · 3 years
The very long answer to why I've been writing again lately
You know the NBA commentator Beau Estes? No? Word that makes sense. Well he's an A1 dude who has narrated the NBA top 10 nightly highlights for a very, very long time. Since or soon after I heard NBA 2K07 playing on the Best Buy PS3, and it said Dwaaayne Waaaade to applause, and I started watching Wiz games with pa, and caring about shoes, and wanting to go outside.
I swear every single week I think about something and I'm like goddamn I'm getting old and I hate it. Anyways the NBA top 10 roundup is what your average modern sports fan with short attention span loves to see. I say sports fan and not basketball fan because everyone who loves sports loves basketball. Or at least appreciates the finesse enough to peep the highlights sometimes. That's hyperbole but not much. I digress again.
What moonlight-meister Beau gets paid to do is simply sit his ass down and talk about what he sees, but really deliver it freestyle. The purpose is your entertainment. But it's different than generic commentating, which is what everyone else does. Beau whips up a storm of wordplay and rhythm and rhymes and freshly baked bars every night. He speaks the language of basketball so naturally, has a great time doing it, and developed such a loyal audience that he became the NBA Rhyme Guy. I stamp it's been over a decade and he still crushes.
Brace yourself, we shifting. That's pretty close to what I do as a marketing writer. A lot closer than the commonly associated assumptions. I mean I'm still writing cohesive professional narratives, but the difference is I take my time writing on pages. And the objective is not only to entertain, it's to offer you, the reader, a thing. I haven't always been proud of the things I've offered you, but my work situation changed a few months ago. Now I'm trying to give you damn good things. Our business model is built on providing such great value for free that people of all kinds of businesses choose to work with us. This is the rundown of what I do -- I write about dope things we've made or dope things others are doing to engage or teach or help you. It's also to make current events and educational resources and boring numbers make you smile. It's not bad work.
We shifting again. Before I'd gotten this job, I straight forgot that I was a good writer. It truly didn't feel that way for years because of the content I was hired to create. My first two gigs over two years had me pitch you wishy-washy things. Things that shined more on the surface than they should've suggested. My job was to sensationalize a bit and convince you to click or buy. AKA bag your money. And I came up as a journalist in school so my identity was a mess. It was tough to fade but it paid. A few months ago I was over five months deep into a job hunt. I find a media company that I've been reading from since mid-college and they have a witty-smooth brand voice and they want someone who finesses language. A fresh three-page google doc sample and a handful of interviews got me an offer. This company has great things and wants to share those great things to attract great people and I said yes.
Whether I'm writing an email to a million or a poem to a few, the creative process is so much the same. My day job these days is still creative writing, just with a different voice than I'm used to. One that I'm growing fond of. I didn't know this rant was gonna end up explaining why I mean it when I say I'm good these days. Why my head is finally at peace enough to make poetry again. Cause for quite some time it felt like I trapped myself and it was a long positive feedback loop of anxiety. And it made some people I love give up on me. And it made me kinda cold. Thank God for my brother man. And that's not blame that's just how you can't help but feel sometimes. These days I'm working myself back into a groove and feeling half-sunny again. I'm good.
It's not exactly that this job makes me happy. I have security, and it's a great fit, and I can maintain my own process, but work is still work no cap. It's that I'm starting to thrive again. Landing this job reminded me that I'm okay, in the best way at the right time, you know? Like the world is still for me and there are still places out here for me. And peace of mind is for me too. And good things are coming.
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that-damn-girl · 4 years
My readers and writers/artists dearest, I need your Point Of View
To all those reading this, I am assuming that you all are following me, so THANK YOU for that. It maybe for the stuff I write or for those I reblog, but I am grateful to you regardless.
To Readers:
I can't help but notice the number of likes on my post and the number of comments have got no comparison at all. While I am thankful to see those notes, no matter however small, on something I've worked hard behind, I would also like to know your thoughts.
For example, let me show you the number of people who have commented on my posts out of those who have liked:
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5 comments (by 8% of those who liked)
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6 comments (6%)
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8 comments (6.5%)
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7 comments (11 %)
The thing is, I understand that you are not obliged to like or reblog everything you stumble upon. I understand that that you've got your own "Likes" part where it is entirely up you to keep whatever YOU want in that section. I understand that you've got a blog where YOU have the control to show your followers what kind of stuff you're into, which my content may not be. It may also be that you just didn't like my content enough to share it with others, which is FINE. You are an individual with YOUR Own Preferences.
Those who do like and reblog, THANK YOU!!!
However, as a writer who provides content for free, I'd like to think that I have some sort of right to want to get feedback about my work. It may be positive or constructive negative (constructive criticism).
I know for a fact that I am not perfect. Not everyone will like my work. Even if they do, there might be a lil something that may not sit well with them. PLEASE tell me about it. I am not here to serve anyone, but I do want people to read my work and get as big an audience as I can. So tell me if there is something which you don't like so that I can change that habit of mine in the future as much as possible to give the content both YOU and I can enjoy. For FREE.
If you do like my work, thank you again. Please TELL me that you do so that I can give you more like it; so that both YOU and I can enjoy. For FREE. It's nice to know my work is liked/loved/appreciated by others.
Commenting neither takes up your "Likes" section nor "Posts". But it can make a writer's/artist's day and helps them a lot. It is very much appreciated by them.
As a reader myself, I can say with 100% surety that I do reach out to the content creators to give them feedback of their work.
If you are a silent reader, and for readers in general, what you can comment to help the writers/artists:
Emojis! I would totally accept your feedback in the form of a simple thumbs up/down. If you do feel more expressive, use the faces with different reactions on your keypad. Even just 1 would do!
If you like a particular line/para in what I wrote, ONLY COPY THAT TO PASTE IT IN THE COMMENT AND NOWHERE ELSE, followed by a thumbs up or anything you like. That is the only form of plagiarism I would accept.
Maybe point out a little detail you like/dislike, no matter how obvious it is.
Express however you want to, really.
Just one word/short phrases would do too. It can be "Good", "Liked it", "The previous one was better", "Need more like this", etc.
To Writers And Artists:
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THANK YOU for contributing to the fandom they way you do, though you can never be thanked enough for the time, effort and hardwork you put into your content! It is very much appreciated. 💋❣️
Please tell me/other readers if you are okay with emojis as comments. I often can't describe how I feel with words, so emojis is the way for me. Tell me if you'd prefer that or just simple words.
Tell us if you are open to suggestions/constructive criticism. If yes, how do you want the readers to reach out to you so that neither do they feel uncomfortable nor you offended by any chance?
Please tag accordingly and not unnecessarily.
Express your views too.
To Activate Commenters:
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Tagging those saints to show my gratitude: @taylorsmakingfuckingmacandcheese @autty0314 @myxsecretsky @wintersoldierissucharide @iwishiwasthemoontonight @clapoftheass @thorfanficwriter @stranger-stark-montgomery @loudherobanditgarden @iwillmakeyoucraveme @kahlanmars @the-omni-princess @barjuude @hiddles-rose @proudgarbage @jobean12-blog @writingsoftheloser @bitchassbucky @threeminutesoflife @iluvsumbucky @superlulumac-blog @rayche776 @yn-the-reader @trynnabemultifandom @yetanotherravenclaw
To all the ones tagged above, I APPRECIATE EVERY SECOND YOU HAVE TAKEN TO APPRECIATE AND COMMENT ON MY WORK. Whenever I read them back, I have a smile one my face which YOU have caused. Thank you again. Please keep doing it with other writers and myself too.
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rules + FAQ
updated: march 2024
this is a reader insert blog
i will not tolerate any disrespect of any kind on this blog. this blog is a safe space for any and all ships/ideas/theories so long as they are appropriate ones.
PLEASE do me and other content creators the solid of leaving feedback or reblogging at the very least! liking content is great, but it doesn't spread our work. reblogs and feedback both help boost our reach to other fans and help motivate us to keep doing what we're doing.
DO NOT repost or plagiarize my works under any circumstances. i will not tolerate anyone taking my work and reposting it to other sites- even if they credit it back to me, DO NOT DO IT. I write on tumblr and i crosspost to ao3 and wattpad (rarely lol). plagiarism is just lazy, insulting, rude and just plain uncalled for and if you find someone else's work (or even mine somewhere) that someone has claimed as their own, call them out and let the original owner know so measures can be taken. we, as content creators, do not sit and tole over ideas and write and work hard for our work and stories to be stolen. don't be that person
any and all content that may have inspired you to create something like playlists, art, banners, moodboards, etc. are all welcome! if someone i create inspires you to do anything, pls be sure to tag me in what you've created! i'd love to check it out!
FAQ: utc
Do you post your stories/fics anywhere else other than tumblr?
yes, I do. I cross-post on ao3 and wattpad. though, wattpad is very unkempt and i don't tend to favor it, so if you don't read tumblr fics, then you can most likely find it on my ao3- which i greatly prefer!
Ao3: aem888
Do you have a posting schedule of any sort/at all?
pfft, absolutely not.
Will xxx have another part to it?
i will always try and include in my m.list if a fic will be a series or not. if it's not listed as a series or doesn't have multiple chapters outlined on my m.list post, then chances are it will not contain any more parts than i map out (although chapters can fluctuate if i go overboard with a series, but i will always address and update the m.list if that is the case).
Will this one-shot/drabble be contined?
referring to above, if the story in question is listed as finished or there are no further update links mapped out on my m.list then the answer is no. there's always a chance i could do drabbles based on a past fic, but it is rare. so, if it's labeled as finished, then it is and i have no plans to continue. this also applies to any discontinued fics that may occur in the future.
Do you know when xxx will be updated?
point blank: the answer will always be no. even if i set a date i'd like for something to be done and finished and posted, scheduling for me never seems to properly work out. and do not- i repeat- do NOT demand updates from me. i've dropped fics in the past from people demanding continuations. if you're curious about the progress of a story, feel free to ask politely, but if you're going to demand or ask me 'when' it'll be up without so much of thinking about how i feel, i will not answer you. be patient , it will all come when it comes.
Do you write R-rated content? // will xx containt smut?
although i have written it in the past for other stories in other fandoms, i do not write smut frequently at all. i have written maybe 4 fics in the past including smut and i can say without a doubt i hated every moment of it lol. i'm simply not comfortable writing it. i do try and challenge myself to try on occasion, but even then it's not full-on raw dogging it- just suggestive content bc i just can't bring myself to write sex scenes- soz. any suggestive content will always be tagged in warning(s), but i will not write what i'm uncomfortable with
additionally: the only R-rated content I will usually include will be graphic violence/death or perhaps any future obsessive/yandere-like themes or brief nude scenes in fics. still no sex tho
Can you recommend me a fic about xxx with xxx plot?
typically, no. but i've been around the block and if at all someone asks for recs, i can always answer it blankly and others can reply some fics for you in my stead lol
Can you recommend any blogs?
again, typically no. any blogs i frequently reblog things from can always been found through tags. if you're looking for something specific, search through my tags or ask me directly and i may be able to help.
Is it alright to DM or talk with you personally?
of course! so long as you remain kind, don't act like a creep, aren't a minor sliding up on me (bc hello i'm in my early twenties and i get gross messages for no reason and i'm not abt that/get kinda iffy about interacting with minors in general), and are generally respectful, feel free to message me. i'm just very awkward, so there's nothing really for you to fear or be shy about lol.
*Any questions related to anything mentioned above will automatically be referred here. *
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