#If that's not your cup of tea
zrenxa · 7 months
A Thornless Rose
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“I saw it growing in our backyard despite never having planted roses before, so I want to give it to you, maybe bring it to school?” asked the father tenderly, “Humor, an old man, would you?” Morro only chuckled upon hearing that. She nodded, accepting her father’s request. “Goodbye, Father.” “Be careful, Morro.” Outside, she inspected the rose more carefully. It has already grown but still hasn’t fully bloomed.
Grown but hardly bloom. Never planted in the first place, but still able to grow healthy. How cute…
On the other day, she will overanalyze the strange flower. On another day, she will look at it intensely and try to figure out how the plant can grow despite never being planted. But today, she holds that rose tightly but carefully. Today, she looks at the thornless rose with warm eyes. Today, she accepted that rose fully.
Well!! Look who's decided to post his artwork for the fanfic he's made! Me, the answer is me xD
This Morro artwork is an old artwork that I made back then as a character study!! I turn Morro into a burnt-out gifted child!! It's fun to do and I probably will do another fanfic in the same universe!!
For those who asked!! It's a high school AU (you can say it's just like the Ninjago movie but with some changes) that I made so I can learn how to write and do character studies and trauma dumping if we being honest again! UwU
Well if you interested, you can read my fanfic here!! UwU
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roxas--munchkin · 2 years
First Posting of Hopefully Many More To Come
Hey there, Roxas here. Due to the very convincing SeaDragon’s words (cough cough @you-say-that-so-often, cough cough) I’ve decided to start posting stuff here. I’m mainly active on Twitch, with the occasional use of my Discord. I’ll be posting up my artwork that I do on-stream, thoughts about various events, and hopefully something interesting might spark. To those who lurk and/or follow, thanks for stopping by to my tiny corner of this vast digital world- it means a lot :D
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redthemarten · 1 month
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If you check the stores for the Neuvillette teacup and it's all sold out, this is the reason.
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thatsbelievable · 2 years
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windlullaby-arts · 6 months
I'm not sure if I can request drawings but.......rengoku wholesome drawing?? Pretty please 🥺🎀❓️
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I hope this is wholesome enough for you but if it’s not, his character alone should be enough :D
If you enjoy my works please consider buying me a coffee ( ´• ω •` ) thank you for your support! <3
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the-bar-sinister · 3 months
Imagine getting drunk with your F/O. Picking out what to drink together. Clinking each other's glasses. That warm, hazy sensation overtaking you. Noticing your F/O laugh louder, and speak and touch you more freely. Pulling yourselves into one another's arms. Kissing with the taste of alcohol in your mouths.
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toffeemugg · 6 months
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"look at this mess. you have all the subtlety of a rock to the face."
finally got around to reading @comicaurora and i am Not Immune to hubristic nerds with dark hair (and darker secrets)
pose/dialogue reference below (spoilers for chapter 21)
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raapija · 4 months
Love this one clip in one of Lance's cute compilation videos where he is dancing silly with his mom ❤️
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kacievvbbbb · 2 months
I think Mihawk and Garp would have the best relationship
In that I think Garp goes out of his way to relentlessly troll Mihawk by being stubbornly, purposefully, inept about the most mundane things while Mihawk, who knows exactly what he is doing and that he is being set up but ugghhhhhh, hates him on a level yet undiscovered by science.
He only gives the most tiniest of reactions to Garp’s ineptness, a brow furrowing a frown becoming deeper the tiniest twitch of an eye but Garp sees it, he knows that he’s succeeded and Mihawk hates him for it
Mihawk and Garp sitting at opposite ends of the giant ass warlord meeting table locked in an intense mental chess match unbeknownst to everyone in the room. Garp keeps waging psychological warfare on Mihawk by eating the pieces, everyone but him is extremely thrown when Mihawk unsheathes Yoru and lunges at Garp, who laughs manically, without warning
Mihawk tries to get some sympathy from Shanks but Shanks’ has found Garp and his shenanigans hilarious since he was five so he obviously thinks this is the best thing ever. It might also help that Mihawk tends to look like a puffed up pretty bird after every encounter with Garp but Shanks is just a man for Christ sake! he’s weak!
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sincerely-anascot · 4 months
Levi thought your long hair was impractical as a soldier in the Survey Corps. Even though you always kept it in a neat braided updo during training and expeditions, he doubts it’s an easy task. There’s also the fact that hair fall sounds like hell for a clean freak like him—he shivers imagining the shower drains after your turn.
He shuts up about it when he finally witnesses your skills with the ODM. You were a decent soldier at the HQ but an even better titan killer outside the walls.
He learns from someone(Hange) that you kept it that way since your mother adored your thick hair and taught you how to do all sorts of hair styles growing up. When she passed away after the fall of Wall Maria, your father learns to do your hair for you as you both grieve. It becomes a routine to commemorate your happy times. So, you go through the painstaking daily trouble of wrangling you hair with a brush and spending a good chunk of your hard-earned money on hair products. It’s all worth it when you get your leave to visit your father and he happily tells you he’s been practicing with the neighbors’ kids.
After the Battle of Trost, you had no more reason to keep your hair long anymore.
Levi catches you just as you motion to slide a knife across your hair. He admonishes you for being outside after curfew but then surprises you when he offers to cut your hair.
Just before he starts to slice away, he sees the hesitation in your eyes. You talk and explain why you kept your hair long after all these years and he pretends it’s his first time hearing the story. You break down and he does a very shit job at comforting you.
“When you braid your hair in the morning, will it remind you of their deaths or will it remind you of their love?” He asked you.
The question felt like a slap to the face when you realize the moments of peace when your parents did your hair was one of the happiest memories you had of them. And like a fool, you were about to rid of the only reminder of those times.
Years later, Levi would visit you with your favorite flowers at hand after the war.
He’d apologize if he didn’t have enough fingers to braid your hair anymore. But ruminates that you wouldn’t mind;
They buried you with your hair down after all.
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Anyone who claims that Saiki would be a dick to Kokomi (pre-terusai) is a complete and utter liar. There's so many fanfics where he's just rude to her before they start dating/he stars liking her and there's not a crumb of truth in those.
His primary overt attempt to be rude to her was on their little date thing in canon where he just beat her at every game they played in an effort to get her to hate him. That was one of his best attempts. He wasn't even rude to her for the sake of being rude like so many fanfics suggest, he didn't even do anything to ruin her day, he was just like "I'm going to play several games with her and beat her at all of them, this is so very rude of me and I hope it makes her not want to date me."
He didn't even taunt her or boast about his victory or anything like that. He just quietly won then moved onto the next game.
You think that this man would be the type to do something to ruin her day like fucking with her morning coffee or purposefully fucking with something of hers (Like making her think she has bad luck for the day or that her tarot fortune gave her bad luck or generally leaving her in a bad spot)? That man would slap himself if he even entertained those thoughts. Ship or no ship, he deeply cares for her and would never do something to genuinely put her in a bad spot or make her miserable. If he accidentally did either, you think he wouldn't do everything he could to frantically undo it only to find out that her magic god/perfect pretty girl powers solved it anyways in true sitcom fashion ?
Plus they always make it seem like Teruhashi is helpless in a sense, that her fate could easily be manipulated by Saiki, which is untrue. God would kill that boy where he stood if he tried to harm her mentally or psychically.
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kori-dearest · 4 months
People moralize so much that doesn’t need to be moralized. Ugly people are good. Annoying people are good. Unhygienic people are good. People with weird kinks are good. Rude people are good. Criminals are good. Uneducated people are good. And I’m being serious.
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szynkaaa · 3 months
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I like how you can tell which order I drew them based on how messy the lines get lmfao
Some very self-indulging Sephiroth x OC art
I made Sephiroth's bangs the same length as they were in Crisis Core because I really like that detail that they were shorter than in the main game.
I also like the contrast that when she met Miniroth, her hair was long and he had short hair, and then as adults she cut her hair short and he let it grow out.
I have like some things jotted down here and there about my OCs backstory and how she met Sephiroth blabbla bla, but all I can say is she definitely contributed to his abandoment issue LOL. Love me a messy relationship
some NSFW under cut :))))
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kaelidascope · 5 months
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Hey hey! It's ya favorite chef here with a HORROR FIC this time! Peep the tags and the note before proceeding <3 It's time for some INFECTED BEES! 💃💃
Alt banner version
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lilbitofmac · 2 years
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Two genius billionaires walk into a room…
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