#If you don’t it’s otome game and it has the mafia
magiclessxprefect · 2 years
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“…I have trust issues. My lack of trust in people is slowly increasing as time goes on.”
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otome-mondays · 8 months
Piofiore: Fated Memories Review 🔫
(Ignore the fact that’s a water gun ty)
Another one I’m late to reviewing, but also another one I finished years ago. I first started this while in the middle of Collar x Malice and at the end of my senior year of high school. I finished this one shortly after graduating. Now this game is very rough so if you are triggered by violence, mafia, graphic descriptions of torture, drug abuse, human trafficking, suicide, and catholicism, please put yourself first and don’t play this game. I’d also recommend looking up a full list in case I have missed anything. Also, as with all of my reviews, these are my own opinions about the game. You may agree with me, you may not. I’m open to discussions but please be respectful! This review will contain general game spoilers, as well as spoilers for the secret route.
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Piofiore takes place in 1925 Italy, in the small fictional town of Burlone. Burlone is run basically by the mafia, split up into 4 parts. There are 3 different mafia within the town, who each control a district, and then there’s a neutral fourth district. The Falce district is run by the older and more traditional Falzone mafia, the Creta district is run by the younger Italiant mafia the Visconti, and the Veleno district is run by a faction of the Chinese Lao-Shu mafia. We play as Liliana Adornato, an orphan raised in the Catholic Church by the nuns. Lili lives a very simple life and enjoys it, not really leaving the neutral district unless with members of the church. That is until all of the sudden she gets targeted by the mafias and now we start the game. This seems kind of early, and to be fair I did skip a lot of the prologue details for a few reasons. One, the prologue changes more as you complete more routes. It expands and gets longer and adds more choices. Two, the prologue is honestly a little long and boring to me. It’s only two chapters long if I’m remembering correctly, but it was ridiculously painful for me to get through after the first time. You are introduced to all the known love interests during the prologue though, and your answers to questions determine which route you are playing. Most routes are locked at the start and I had very minimal info on a definitive route order, so I decided to specifically follow the one on Otome Kitten’s review. Like my last review, I’m going to go in order I played.
Spoilers Ahead
Nicola Francesca ☕️
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First up we have Nicola, the underboss of the Falzone mafia family. Underboss basically means second in command, and he definitely fits the roll. Nicola’s route honestly served as the perfect introductory route to this game. We get to learn about many different terms and explanations as to what the mafia are doing without giving an information overload. We also see how the mafias work within the city of Burlone and have some minimal exploration of the world of Piofiore. I have seen very mixed opinions on this route, but Nicola’s routes was one of my favorites in the game. Nicola is also one of the few consistently written characters and it makes me enjoy him as a character even more. So in Piofiore, every route has 3 big endings: best, good, and tragic. Unlike Collar x Malice, you’ll generally know what route your on because you can get completely different chapters and some are shorter than others. The best and good endings here are great and really give a nice wrap up to Nicola’s route! They’re more on the lighthearted sides which helps ease you into the game. Meanwhile the tragic ending…the writing it great but oh boy is this ending twisted. Bit of a spoiler but warning, this is a yandere end. Now, most the tragic endings are very jarring and twisted, so if you don’t like that don’t read them (but also you really shouldn’t be playing this game if that’s the case). This isn’t even anywhere close to being the worst tragic ending in terms of twisted-ness, so brace yourself for the next ones. This route gets an 8/10 for me!
Yang 🐼
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Congratulations everybody, we’ve made it to the incredibly twisted route. Do you like trash characters who don’t pretend to be morally correct? Then Yang is gonna be your guy! So Yang here is in charge of the Lao-Shu, which are typically the antagonists of the routes. He’s the one that basically pushes the story into motion too, having the Lao-Shu abduct Lili at the start of every route. In this route, he’s successful and keeps Lili with him in the Lao-Shu. I don’t know why I keep feeling the need to bring this up, but if you are looking for any cute romance stories this is not the game and this is definitely not that route. Yang’s route honestly probably has the best writing for both characters and story, and it makes a very interesting playthrough. All of Yang’s endings are also very interesting and Lili behaves differently as a character throughout them too. It’s interesting to see all the sides of Yang and because of this he’s my favorite character based purely on writing. Now as an actual love interest, my god I hate him. But I would 1000% replay this route and enjoy it. 9.5/10
Dante Falzone ✝️
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Welcome to the long route…buckle up this one takes a bit. Dante is the boss of the Falzone family, and unfortunately very boring to me at least. At this point in me playing the game, I genuinely don’t have any problems with him other than he’s just kinda bland to me. Dante is a very straightforward and straight-laced man, and is an extremely devout Catholic who follows his beliefs better than most people I know irl who fall into any Christian denominations. Other than besides, ya know, murdering people and doing criminal stuff with the mafia. Anyways, Dante’s route has a lot of lore! A lot of lote that basically becomes meaningless outside of this route. Unfortunately for Dante, his endings didn’t stand out as much compared to others in this game. His best ending is a pretty basic happy ending, his tragic ending is another basic sad ending. As for the good ending? I genuinely do not remember it and I’m not going back to re-read it. Now for most of the good endings I have had to go back to look at the CGs to try to remember what happened and even doing that for Dante didn’t jog my memory so idk what happened there. At the end of Dante’s route, he’s left still an ok basic character. Unfortunately for him it won’t stay that way by the end of the game. 7/10
Orlok 🗡️
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Oh boy here it is, the saddest route in the game. Orlok easily was my favorite and I was so excited for his route. Orlok is a very mysterious character seeing as he isn’t in any mafia family, but rather working as an assassin for the church. And oh boy, he has so much religious trauma. The church tends to shove most of their dirty work onto him and any unlucky soul forced into this position. His route makes me so mad, because while there is great writing and even minimally talks about having to balance religious trauma with spirituality, lots of characters are just butchered for the sake of angst. And not in a good way. Dante and Gil specifically are like 2 entirely different characters who are both incredibly stupid and way more aggressive than before…which is saying something. The best and good endings give Orlok and Lili some peace, but the tragic endings is one of the most brutal endings. I hated reading it too because of how it just shouldn’t of happened if we kept the proper characterizations of the others. Nicola’s the only one who doesn’t get his character assassinated. 8/10
Gil Redford 🥃
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Need something to cheer you up after Orlok? Well, it’s a good thing we’re on Gil’s route! This route is surprisingly more easy-going than most of the other routes. Gil here is the leader of the Visconti, but he’s very friendly with all the citizens of Burlone regardless of their district. He’s really easy-going too, and I felt like he was the only one to really see Lili as a person rather than a target of the mafia. After Orlok’s route, I thought I’d hate him like I hate Dante, but he proved to have an actually entertaining and good route that redeemed him. His route also is nearly perfect, but because of the supposed need of a Finale we get some more “this would never happen” crap. Unfortunately I don’t remember his good ending, but his best ending and tragic ending were great! 9/10
Spoilers Below!
Finale 💶
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The secret final boss, the finale route! This one functions a bit differently than the others. This route is also longer than the rest like Dante’s, and it was even less necessary! Unlike the other routes, this one has 2 major endings: Finale end and Henri end. Let’s start with the good one. The finale ending is very unique because it’s not a romantic one! This one rather ties up loose ends and solves the biggest mystery about wants going on in Burlone and who is orchestrating everything. Genuinely a good ending and if anything, could be considered the true ending. 8/10. Now the bad. Henri on the other hand…oh boy. Sorry to any Henri fans, but I hate this guy. Henri is the biggest man-child I have ever seen in a romance based game that I’ve played. That is really bad. Instead of doing any work on his trauma, he just blames everybody else for anything and everything bad that happens to it. It’s never his fault. The dude actively does bad things and throws a whole fit when bad things happen because of that. Maybe I’d understand it more if he wasn’t in his 30s! Even Yang would be a healthier partner than Henri at this point and that’s saying something. Literally 1/10 I hate this so much.
Overall Thoughts 🔫
Believe it or not I did enjoy this game, but it is definitely not for everybody! I am still upset years later about how Orlok’s route was handled and the fact Henri is even a part of the game. There’s bonus post-route stories for both the best endings and tragic endings, and Henri gets his own as well. The good ending ones specifically set up Piofiore: Episodio 1926 (which when I was playing had yet to be localized). As for a route order, I do recommend Nicola -> Yang -> Dante -> Orlok -> Gil -> Finale. At minimum play Dante’s route before Orlok’s because I feel Orlok’s route ruins Dante. This also follows the least to greatest lore drops and developing lore as you go along. Even with its issues, I do recommend this game for anybody who can handle it. 8/10
EDIT: I decided to add in my rankings for LIs and routes to my reviews!
Route: Yang > Gil > Orlok > Nicola > Finale > Dante >Henri
LIs: Orlok > Nicola > Gil > Yang > Dante > Henri
Resources 📝
I went and took pictures of the CGs use above, but I also got my walkthroughs from Otome Kitten. I also interacted with the otomegames subreddit for thoughts on the game.
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doomed-prophetess · 2 years
Any unpopular opinions on Death is the only ending for the Villainess?
overrated. It's full of abuse apologism, dare I say pro imperialism, pro slavery, all women in this manhwa only exist to torment the mc and get their punishment while the men (only if handsome!) are forgiven
the characters are flat. We don't know anything about their likes and hobbies. Iklies at least has the excuse that as a slave he has no time or money to pursue an interest but the other male leads are nobility. They should have a life that doesn't revolve around Penelope.
Iklies being a yandere doesn’t mean his character has to be two dimensional. Yanderes are capable of following their own agenda aside from their obsession with their s/o. Let him have that.
Iklies deserved better
the Eckarts deserved to die or put in prison
why is Derrick a love interest when he lusted after a 12 year old as an adult?  Why is no one talking about that?
Callisto should be executed for the genocide in Delman. If he was old enough to participate in a war, he would have been old enough to be judged for his crimes according to the law of his time. But I think even if we applied the modern law he could be tried for everything he did from age 18-23. And if someone tries to apply the insanity defense here then by that same logic he shouldn't be allowed to rule a country but send to therapy.
villains who are only complicit or have an understandable motive get harshly punished, meanwhile the main perpetrator or the one who indirectly caused this goes free (the cook loses her job, Emily, a child abuser, stays, the imperialist and enslaver gets his happy ending, the slave loses the girl he loves and is villainized for rebelling and wanting his abusers to die)
the fandom has a problem with abuse apologism. I saw someone once calling Penelope paranoid and partly guilty for the abuse against her.
Penelope has plot armor
I’d be more interesting if she had lives left she can use up (maybe 5 for each love interest?). Adds more suspense as we’d know she’ll die but wouldn’t know when or how she would die.
Callisto/Penelope scenes seem forced. When he held his sword against her neck and called her a rat and she said she loved him I cringed so hard. Was that supposed to be romantic? Her family back in Korea used to call her a rat. So far iklies and Vinter are the only LI’s who haven’t degraded her. But Vinter is a plot device and Iklies a villain.
this has to do with personal taste: I hate the fan service (men showing their abs) and the manhwa could do better without them. This is a death/survival game. How the narrative tries to insert Callisto scenes and attempts to make them seem romantic breaks me out of the flow. It just feels misplaced.
the behaviour of some characters is inconsistent (i.e. Penelope decided to keep the abusive maid around with the excuse that no one can gurantee her if her replacement won’t be worse, but then after establishing her place in the Eckart household she decides to leave for the palace where Mr grimreaper crown prince lives, the people that ordered the assassination and hundreds of servants that no one can gurantee aren’t dangerous because they could be working for the queen. Also why did she even expect the Eckarts to help her after everything they’ve done to her. That was foolish.)
making the og! heroine the villain, making the og villainess secretly a saint/mage is cheap. Been there. Done before. The manhwa had such a unique premise but then it fell into the usual cliches I thought it would avoid.
Penelope should have attempted to run away when she had nothing to lose anymore. I wonder why she never tried to go the independent route because if I remember correctly some Otome games do provide routes where you don’t necessarily need a man. (Arcana Famiglia I believe where Felicia can become a mafia boss without marrying anyone). The fastest way to end the game in Code Realize is not choosing a man and travelling the world alone. (It counts as a bad end but still). What I’m saying is it’s strange Penelope never tested out other options.
the abuse against Penelope should have had an effect on her health. Doesn’t vitamin defiancy lead to poor eyesight? Things like that.
I find it hard to believe Ivonne was such a nice person when she was raised by classist and racist people. The Eckarts probably idealized her in their memories.
Cha Siyeon pursuing a degree in archeology..you won’t get a lot money and it is a scientific and academic discipline which doesn’t have a lot of practical application, I heard you have to suck up to rich people and fight a lot with rich people (who are for example annoyed to stop construction work on their factory because they could damage an important artefact or historical burial site). So if she did it to escape her rich family she’d just be at square one. I’ve heard her family has already sabotaged her life in hopes she’ll return to them (the shitty appartment for example), so choosing a field to major in that isn’t very lucrative is well maybe not a good idea. I get it she did it because it’s a subject she’s passionate about but as someone rational as her I’m not sure if it was a good decision or even in character. (debateable) If you want independence, money comes first. I’ve read yelansdicecharm‘s concept of Siyeon being a computer major and that by hacking the game to achieve a happy ending she caused the error which sucked her into the game world. I think that concept is very cool.
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pen-observing · 3 years
- to live between shadow and light
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a genshin impact mafia/cop au, brought to you by @sailormakoto​ and me keke.
a/n: so in my mind this is the ‘imagine your life in a mafia/cop otome game universe’ but combine it with genshin characters for maximum effect. we have been brainstorming and talking about this for 6 months straight i am not joking with you. enjoy!
warnings: (only mentions, nothing explicit): manipulation, fwb, baizhu is your uni prof. and you date him (but uni so no gross stuff tnx.), gun shooting practice, broken glass and furniture. are mafia/cop aus ever really appropriate for minors? (don’t think so.) w/c: 3,4k characters: baizhu, kazuha, scaramouche, xiao, albedo, thoma, zhongli, venti, itto, ayato part ii with ei, kaeya, childe, klee (plationic obvi), rosaria, sucrose, diluc 
baizhu was your biggest sin and your biggest mistake. they always say that the devil does not come like an enemy and instead comes like everything you ever dreamed of. 
how stupid were you to think that having a relationship with your academy professor would amount to something good in the long run? sucrose, your best friend and colleague, watched you gaze at him. she did warn you as soon as you started to change but blinded love sees no signs of permanent ends. she watched the effect he had on you once you became his assistant. you’ve always been curious and baizhu was ready to test the limits of science and humans even if that meant shady business. you became his lover, his accomplice and partner. with science as the main mission baizhu did not care who used his products or how: and, because you fell in love – neither did you. who cares about who offered the biggest price for poison that you made if it was a creation of love? dark rooms in which you made deals with mafia gangs made you feel nothing as you sat down next to him and his hand found way to your thigh. after a closed deal his kisses tasted like the sweetness of honey. little did you know, baizhu was poison himself. he put a ring on your finger, whisked you away to a new house with a secret underground lab. he gave you jewelry constantly and while it did sparkle, it was nothing compared to his eyes. how were you supposed to know he’d betray you and that ideal love made in devilish lies? how were you supposed to know he put a tracking device in your ring? baizhu has no sincerity for anything or anyone. you were a naïve fool that enjoyed his game of play pretend.
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‘the wind has carried me to you; it’s voice was gentle even if you are the opposite right now’ is the first thing kazuha kaedahara ever said to you. the road of redemption and healing is not an easy one and you did what zhongli told you – you went away for a while, tried your hand at alone time being the crux of healing but loneliness is overbearing. even if you were betrayed, before the betrayal you were not lonely. now, it hurts, it causes you to choke. kazuha showed up at the moment when your healing journey streamed towards a violent outburst from a simple inconvenience. the wind is gentle and you are not but he still stuck with you somewhere along the way. he was light as air, he was poetic in the way he brought peace. he would randomly show up, unexpected but welcomed, because fate was at play, right? you cannot call him a soulmate, a friend or an acquaintance because those labels do not fit him. he was a temporary break from the darker side of the world on your healing journey where you’ve learned the difference between being alone and being lonely. he is not a soulmate but: he has to be a kindred spirit. you still think of him when filling out paperwork and wonder if, by any chance, you are gentler like the wind of first meetings.
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scaramouche is entirely boasted upon his ego and thinks his subordinates are not fit to carry out underground meetings with potential suppliers; that is the reason he goes to them himself and he supposed he has that quality to thank for meeting you. scaramouche was used to baizhu, frankly he was annoyed by him too, so seeing you sitting next to him stirred something. intrigue and interest? perhaps. wonder about how baizhu found someone to love him while being the sly serpent? definitely. scaramouche was certain he would eventually betray you but he was also certain you were competent if you were sitting next to him. he never approached you directly but he did research into your past. when baizhu arrived alone at a meeting, without his engagement ring, he was certain the collapse he foretold had taken place. what was he supposed to do? just leave someone that competent alone and waste their talent? obviously, his ego got the better of him and he kept tabs on you. the face you made once he knocked on your new apartment was priceless. but seeing a new dimension of you that wasn’t glued to baizhu or made in his image was even better. were you vulnerable? yes? did he hate it? not particularly, he was able to touch your skin under the sheets and make sure that the serpent did not ruin you completely. scaramouche became a ‘friend’ with benefits and it was similar to a business arrangement. it was a good fit for you both; passionate even while rarely together, only known to the two of you but no lingering promises to keep. scaramouche is sure that his strings really aren’t attached or interwoven with yours but he keeps wondering about that red scarf and occasional bandages next to your nightstand. they clearly aren’t for you, so who are you keeping them for?
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after the recuperation of your broken heart, you made a decision. the best way to get revenge on baizhu (the way you now realize zhongli directed you towards) is not to kill him or hunt him down. no, the best way is to hide your sins while making his known, working with the police and making sure you get justice and he gets pain. for a long time, you were protected by him (even if he was the serpent) and you were kept at a good enough distance; never to be in direct confrontation with danger. alas, no one is naive enough to choose revenge, name it justice, and stay in that safety. the person you have to thank for your edge and sharp shooting is none other than xiao. you wanted to get stronger fast, regular classes with self-defense teachers just wouldn’t do. you had to be quick and you decided to take the last of the money leftover and hand it into xiao’s hands to train you. from the moment you saw him help a young girl in the alleyway with his back facing you and his tattoos on display – you knew he had to be the one to train you. xiao wanted to turn you down, he was a car mechanic and did not want anyone to know his side dealings. however, in your eyes, he saw fear like that of the little girl, and he saw that the embers of your revenge were too strong to be left alone. mr. zhongli told him that people with that spark can easily end up in worse positions than he has – so he changed his mind. xiao taught you krav maga hoping you’d never have to use it, he held your hand to steady the gun during practice shootings – begging that it never meant an end for you. once he hears you say a sincere thank you after 5 months and sees your back exit his shop, xiao is well aware why some people want open endings. you are looking forward because the end with xiao means a new beginning. he hopes you believe his last words to you: ‘if you need me, call me.’ he hopes you are never in such danger than you need to but his shop is a bit too quiet now – almost lonely.
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to albedo, you are a fable; something similar to a folklore being that his closest friends have encountered but he has not. ever observing, albedo hears your name plenty before he has a chance to connect it to your face. while he was instructing sucrose he heard it a lot. way back, from the days when she was even more naïve than now. it would be rare for her not to mention you. a short funny tale or one that shows your intelligence would be uttered before sucrose’s voice grew quieter and her gaze unfocused for a split moment. after years of that; he hears your name from kaeya, apparently you would be joining their unit. albedo wants to ask kaeya, his close friend and superior by rank, why that was suddenly decided but his infinite curiosity knows that eventually he will learn; and finally, finally – he can see you; the person so beloved and mentioned who had apparently taken a wrong turn somewhere in the maze of life. and when he finally sees you walk through that door on their floor (which makes a creaking sound he hates) albedo is sure – you could still be called a folklore creature. he has not understood all the complexities of love but with the sunlight gently touching you; something tells him that he will have a chance to explore emotions more; with you as a catalyst.
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what was wrong with you that day thoma will never know but he swore he will never again fill in as a cook at his friend’s restaurant. he wasn’t supposed to be there that night; and it looked like you weren’t either because the table for two reserved in your name became a table for one. thoma was the cook for that night and when he heard that someone refused to give their comments on a new dish he spent 3 weeks creating, he had to see who it was. as soon as he saw you, his disappointment was replaced by pity. thoma pitied you. horrible, he knows, but you looked like every single puzzle piece of your life was slipping away and you were frozen in place. left there at that table just to wait and watch it all disappear. he approached you and before he even had a chance to say something; you stood up and held his face in your hands. your eyes were wide and thoma did not know what to do. they were teary too, that is why perhaps you said: ‘oh. oh, you are not him. i-i apologize. i thought it was him; i-i really wished to see my friend tonight, you see. i am terribly sorry.’ and you practically ran away before he had a chance to react. who were you? who did you want to see? does he resemble a man who failed you so much? thoma will never know still – but he hopes you might walk into his own restaurant once. he sees you buying apples in the same grocery store as him and you feed the cat on your way out. the two of you exchange simple greetings and comment on new sales. he doesn’t want to take it further because his presence disturbed you that much and he was not glad to see you suffer but..it seems like you are doing better. just a bit more and he might get the courage to.
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close to dawn, zhongli got an emergency call on his private number. he was a man of many secrets and connections so his workers were instructed to call him first instead of the police if something were to occur. apparently, in one of his buildings the workers heard loud noises: glass breaking and things being thrown. but the door was locked and somehow the emergency keys got lost. zhongli asked for the number of the apartment and address and decided he had to drive down there on his own. he told baizhu not to make any wrong moves on his territory, zhongli was a mafia boss and couldn’t risk one of his contacts to create problems for him. curse baizhu for being so coy to actually learn his true identity. he did not know about you at all and imagine his surprise when he opened the door and found you sitting in the middle of the floor with shattered glass, a flipped table and furniture out of place. he saw no traces of baizhu and concluded that you did not pose any threat in the slightest with your current state so he texted his underling for information on you. zhongli was not the best at comforting but he certainly was a good actor who never revealed all his cards but still got people to trust him. it felt weird. lifting you off the floor onto the tattered sofa and sitting next to you. he hadn’t seen a vulnerable person so long, hadn’t felt the feeling of providing comfort. the most he could do is whisper cliché generic words of comfort until you calmed down. he got you water and some calming tea. it was the only thing he could find. his people worked quick and while your hands were shaking holding the mug, he saw your whole history. an energetic child, a close childhood friend, loved by their friends and peers but you chose to marry baizhu instead.. he saw that your relationships suffered because of this and he understood why this meltdown happened. baizhu’s stuff was nowhere to be found because he left you. you were no longer necessary for him and now the only thing you have left is that ring with a tracking device. zhongli did always consider that man a serpent. a betrayer, a torturer and he never understood him. how can you be strongly possessive over a ‘thing’ while you are preparing to leave them? and then, you just walk away like none of the emotions ever existed? zhongli decided that he would try to help you. he too has lost precious people because of his path but there was still a chance for you to be saved. he is not a myrtle or a hero but he can be a guide away from ‘his’ world. while you were sleeping, he took the ring off your finger and threw it in the shattered glass. for 3 days he stayed with you in that broken apartment. to you – he did not feel real. the line of reality was so blurred that you were sure zhongli was just a ghost that god sent to help you. on the 4th day reality finally felt real again but zhongli was nowhere to be found. he left, but you understood that healing was a process and that everyone and everything can eventually leave you. baizhu, zhongli, sanity – so now, you will never be so shocked that you lose yourself and naively follow someone again.
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meeting venti was a blessing but the way that the two of you met was simply a disaster that scared you. after coming back from the grocery store you were busy placing things in their right spot when someone frantically knocked on your door. it sounded like an emergency. perhaps it was scaramouche – you hadn’t seen him in a while. it could have been childe too (he always did have a bad habit of coming to you after fights) maybe he was seriously hurt this time! but when you opened the door the only thing you saw was a person on their knees saying: ‘cat allergic! drunk! help me! help me, call the doctors!’ pressing the correct buttons to dial with shaky hands was so hard but you had to be fast. now, you can laugh about it because that same person turned out to be your new neighbor and is in your kitchen and cutting apples, but it was a truly terrifying first meeting. venti became a true friend. you learned that he has a personality that entertains, he studies music and he drinks too much for his own good but, his disposition is always genuine and true. it is odd how one moment can mean one emotion and the next one brings something new altogether. he is humming a tune while saying that he doesn’t really believe an apple a day keeps the doctor away and you would laugh if you did not know his meaning behind it. last night, while you were pretending to sleep; venti was on the roof singing a new song he composed to his friend. it made you cry because that same morning – the two of you went to visit the grave. venti made you realize how you can cling to certain parts of the past and honor them but he also made you realize that laughter, fake or not, can lead to a true remedy in the future.
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paperwork was annoying to you but whenever the papers would be signed by the name ‘itto’ it was even worse. was this dude a child? did he ever actually pass his middle school classes? how is anyone able to have such an ugly handwriting? after leaving notes for a month that said ‘please don’t write in a hurry’, ‘pay attention to your handwriting.’, ‘this is not what a responsible adult should write like’, ‘how do they even allow you to sign documents in the bank?’, and ‘if you don’t work on your hand writing right now i am going to bring you a kid’s practice notebook !!.’; they all came back the same. as soon as they were set down on your desk for checking, you took the practice books from your bag, rushed downstairs and threw them on the messy table with the ‘itto’ nameplate. you should have guessed his desk would be messy too: papers everywhere (some even on the floor), 2 mugs and 4 water bottles, just one pen next to his lunch and,,,was that a photo is his pet bug? reptile? ‘admiring my homie, are you? he really is a fine specimen! you have quite the eye!’ and when you turned around you had to look up so much you swore never to date a man so much taller than you. it became painfully clear that this man, who writes itto like you drew the sun at 3 years old, was meant for this job. paperwork was an unnecessary concern for him; he preferred being out in the middle of action. since then, he always says hi and runs up to you with the goofiest grin on his face. he brings you coffee and talks about his ‘homie’ winning another fight. it is endearing. he is so joyful, and he actually tried to do those practice books, so you cannot be mad at him. the most you can be is annoyed because he feels it is appropriate to always be shouting your name.
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inside of that coffee shop close to your new neighborhood that offers a quiet place solitude your soul felt unrest. solitude can only go so far before it turns into a new ache called loneliness and while you were finally moving forward, taking roots in a new place away from your past – there was this overwhelming need to suddenly share. such things always catch you off guard; the need to be listened to. because of a new attraction in the park across the shop; it was unusually crowded that day. the man who resembled shining moonlight choose to ask if you would be okay with him sitting at your table while he drank his tea. you said yes. despite your sudden wish to be heard you would not tell your life story or any struggles to this stranger. so, for a couple of minutes the two of you shared that small space, the table resembled a full moon and somehow you were getting lost in it and reminiscing. it caused your cup to fall down and break as you extended your hand. when you looked down, perhaps from all the lonely moments and the definite realization that even your past was not filled enough with joy – you almost started crying. certain things are a spiral and even with understanding that you have no idea how it all ended with you spending hours with that handsome stranger; how it ended with the two of you talking about life and philosophy and some struggles. it was a shame that he got an urgent call and had to leave before you even had a chance to learn his name. but, life is still a spiral, the moon shines and that same man stood in front of you once again. his name? kamisato ayato. his occupation? professional psychologist working with the favonius police. your surprise upon meeting him again was certainly interesting; but the surprise expressed by everyone else inside the meeting room when he told you ‘oh, how nice to see you once again’ was something completely different.
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solomonish · 4 years
What I Think Your Favorite Demon Brother Says About You
warning for deprecating and some nsfw humor. also this is all for the memes i doubt anybody fits all these boxes
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every otome game you’ve ever played has a man that looks exactly like him. and you go for it. every. time.
no. i’m not joking. go into your otome memory databank and look at all the character you’ve romanced. that’s right, you black-haired red-eyed vampire loving bitch they’re all the same
speaking of: you say “oh haha sparkly vampires ew real vampires or horrifying creatures of the night” but you secretly want to be sucked dry by a vampire of the handsome sparkly sort
you are religious about ao3 fic tagging (as you should be)
you have looked into those websites where you sign up to be a sugar baby
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the childhood friend trope was not an option so you stuck with this
it takes exactly 76.6% of you ONE comfortable casual conversation for you to fall in love
You have what it takes to make several viral tiktoks. Not for your wit though they all end in you getting hurt
You don't know if you're going to/what you want to go for in college. Even if you're currently in college.
“you’re ALREADY annoyed with me?? Try having me in your head all the time forever!!”
20 million phone games because they bore you too easily and you forget to delete them
you’ve had to swear yourself off of amazon lest you spend every last dollar on sketchy finds
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you’re either so familiar with psychological projection you’ve somehow morphed it’s meaning in your mind to something different entirely or you are not familiar with it at all
you (or your friends) know/knew the Russian national anthem and would frequently make the obligatory communism jokes high schoolers find so funny for some reason
you were the friend who openly admitted to their friends that you wrote fanfic
You kin
You had a google+ and used it regularly
Also a wattpad (and you still have a wattpad?)
You wish text signatures were still a thing
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you are/will be the former gifted kid who burned out two years into their degree and are now/will be having an existential crisis for a solid few years
you believe in catboy supremacy
All of your OCs are/were "super quiet and shy but mess with her friends and she'll killies you!!!1!!1"
you secretly wish you had a reason to go somewhere nice and dress up
Scary good at mafia-style games
“your mind and your meat are huge”
if you ever take an ethics class you WILL be the person who lets it get to their head and won’t shut up about kantian ethics
[raises hand] if i may play devil’s advocate?
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you filter fics on ao3 by explicit only
you either spend 2 hours minimum getting ready in the morning or you don’t but you DO have a pinterest board full of outfits you’d spend 2 hours minimum getting ready in the morning for
Your shortcomings are the fault of your zodiac sign
You fell into the mustache pattern trend in like 2013
There is at least one social media site where you have/had over 1k followers
“here let me in the dressing room, I’ll help you change!”
someone asking you to zip up the back of their dress is the highest form of flattery and clasping a necklace on someone is the most romantic gesture in the world
you like high school musical
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you want a guy that’s sweet, a guy that’s tough, a feminist who likes to pay for stuff
crunching sounds are good ASMR for you
himbos are good for the soul (and while beel is not quite a himbo it’s close enough to count)
your courting process involves asking a significant other to crack a watermelon between their thighs
YES it is reasonable to go to walmart in your pjs at 1 am on a school night they have GUSHERS
if there is any type of ball within your vicinity you WILL pick it up and toss it up in the air aimlessly. this is not up for debate
tiddies (any gender) are best used for friends’ pillows (second best purpose: crumb catchers)
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cMoN fUcK mE EmO bOy
you are told you cannot have something so you immediately need it (moreso than is to be expected)
you’ve used that one sad kaneki icon before
You torture your sims and only play to get a taste of what it feels like to be god
you secretly still like those black-and-white images with the borderline insensitive depression quotes
you’ve gotten in trouble for the stupid stuff you’ve looked up online for one reason or another
you would stick your hand in a lion’s cage just to pet the kitty
you definitely had a secret simon curtis phase
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
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Title: filthy rich [3/3]  Pairing: millionaire!sakusa kiyoomi x y/n [filthy capitalist au] Genre: mystery, major angst ahead, thriller, mafia!au-ish
Synopsis: Just run, Y/N. Don’t look back.
Warnings: dark and yandere themes, toxic relationships, mentions of violence, shady business, class differences, mentions of rape, smoll breeding kink, unwanted pregnancy, mentions of abortion, and sakusa being a manipulative bastard 
Im disappering again for a week or two so as a parting gift, here ya go, im starting a bokuto fanfic soon and posting the reboot of notice me soon too hnnng thanks for the wait guys uwu
A sorta realistic take on a yandere is harder than it looks kssjdn omg anyways here yall go the long awaited last chapter of filthy rich. I’m not sure if I should put like a one shot sequel but so far im marking this series completed. Thanks for sticking by!
previous || series masterlist || blood son [sequel;one shot]
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You run your hands through your hair and shut your eyes tight, the quietness and stillness of your shared apartment was something to bask on before you put on a fake mask of happiness. It had been exactly two months since you found out about the birth control switch and the medaide agenda. 
In the span of those two months, you had grown more observant towards your boyfriend’s actions and you knew that it wouldn’t be anytime soon until he actually notices that you were onto him. 
You let out a shaky breath as you recollected some weird things you’ve seem to have noticed, how his brows would furrow when he’d receive a call indicating that something was up and it was serious or how you visited your ex-boss one time a week or so ago along with Kenjiro since you wanted to see how he was doing.
“...Well, he just didn’t come home and sold the place. Apparently he was in a rush to move or something because of family matters so I didn’t exactly see him.” the neighbor gossiped to you two.
You jump on your spot as you hear that dreadfully familiar voice.
“Hey,” You greet, walking up to him, you decide to do your usual hug but stop when you notice a small red stain on his necktie, the tie is dark blue and although it wasn’t obvious from afar, it definitely was up close. Your brows are furrowed together, this time in pure curiosity, “Did you get hurt? It’s unlike you to get messy.”
You notice the quick shift of attitude in his eyes, you were seemingly getting good at observing his emotions these days and it looked like he panicked for a second there.
“A friend of mine had gotten hurt a while ago, you remember Atsumu Miya?”
A vivid image of a blonde man crossed your mind, he was another conglomerate friend of your boyfriend, another person to be weary of to add to the list, “Oh, is he alright?” you asked, trying to keep it casual as you untie his tie for him as usual.
“Yes. He’s awfully clumsy. You don’t need to worry.”
“Oh…” You mumbled, “by the way, I visited my ex-chief.”
“Mhm.” you hummed, “You know, my boss from before? Me and a few co-workers decided to visit him since he was a really good boss. Turns out he just left without telling anyone, poor man.”
“Sounds unpleasant. Did you know why he quit?”
“No.” You shrugged as you take the tie out and place it on the side, “He suddenly just quit his job and moved, neighbors said it was also because of family matters. It’s kinda weird because as far as we knew, he didn’t have a family.”
“Would you like me to look into it?”
You almost stiffen when he slithers his arms on your waist but you didn’t want to give away any suspicion, “No. I don’t want to pry. Hopefully he’s enjoying his retirement.” You sighed, turning towards him with a tight smile, “Now what would you like for dinner? I was thinking Mediterranean? I need to lose some weight since I’ve been feeling bloated for a while.”
He leans in for a soft kiss on your temple, “Mediterranean would be fine. Would you like anything else? We could order more.” he hummed, his lips slowly started to dangerously hover on top of yours.
“No, it’s fine.” You give him a quick peck and wiggle your way out of his arms, your stomach doesn’t feel well these days. Whenever you were near Sakusa you had the urge to throw up your innards despite having an empty stomach.
You don’t notice the dangerous gaze on your behind as you pick up the phone for your take-out.
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Sakusa hasn’t felt you in a long time and it’s driving him insane, he wants to feel your heat, your body, and everything in between. He wants to fill you up and see you pregnant with his children. He wants everyone in the world to know you were his and his only.
Yet he can’t do that.
You’ve ignored his affections these past few weeks and it had been driving him insane to the point where he had to ask one of his men to put an eye on you to see if you had been cheating on him or seeing someone else.
Yet you hadn’t.
Your routine was the same old one and Sakusa is digging his nails deeply into his skin in his office one day with his tie uncharacteristically untied. Miya Atsumu sits across him, taking a sip from his flask, “Ya look like shit.” the blonde points out.
“Fuck off, Miya.”
“Heard from your cousin that you’re not getting laid by your girl these days.”
“You better be thankful that you’ve got men behind you or I’d be shooting your fucking brains out for saying that.” Sakusa spats, his dark gaze pointedly looking at the blonde across him.
“You should just find someone else then and not yer prude of a-”
“Keep telling me ideas like that and maybe I might just shoot you and chop your body up until it looks fuckin’ unrecognizable.”
Atsumu raises his hands up, signaling that he was giving up, “Gee, omi-omi. I was just giving my advise. It’s so easy to drop her.”
“I don’t want to drop what’s mine.”
“You’ve got issues.” He chuckles, “Haven’t you been switching out her pills and fucking her raw for the last couple of months? I bet yer ass you got her pregnant on that before but ya just don’t know it. Getting her pregnant would definitely secure her spot in her life. Woman’s nuthin’ without ya.”
“She’s...she’s not showing…”
“When was the last time ya two went at it?”
“Two months ago.”
“Ya poor boy.” Atsumu sighs, shaking his head, “Ya sure you don’t want to take a break from being a loyal boyfriend for one night? i bet Y/N wouldn’t notice.”
“And no one would notice if you fucking disappeared. I’ll make sure of it, now get out.”
You may not have been the sharpest tool on the shed but you know that someone’s been tailing you these past few days, you’re not stupid. You could only come to the conclusion that it was Sakusa who was doing such things but you couldn’t get why.
Something just didn’t make sense. It felt like you were missing an important piece in the puzzle, med-aide and the switch of your pills and now a hidden tail?
You furrow your brows together in deep thought  as you sat down next to a teenage boy on his phone, you decided to take the bus today to the grocery store, surprisingly the one tailing you wasn’t around today.
Your eyes slowly shift towards the boy’s phone, it seemed like he was playing a video game.
An otome game, to be exact.
You felt your lips twitch up, you remembered those games a lot growing up. The graphics seem to have massively improved now by the looks of it, “...That looks interesting.” You tell the teenage boy who turns to you in surprise.
“Oh, thanks.” the blonde replied quietly.
“Is that a new otome game?”
“Kind of.” He blinks, his gaze returning back to the screen,  “It’s sort of a remake of the yandere simulator from back then.”
You feel your shoulders tense up.
“A yandere?”
“Yeah.” The blonde nods, “The girl’s awfully creepy in the game, she stalks him, does things to get him. The player has to catch her in the act and evade her at the same time.”
“Oh…” You blink, “I-uh, this is weird… but what’s a yandere again?’
“It’s someone obsessively in love with you. They’ll do anything to have you stay by them.” He says, pushing on a button but suddenly the screen turns red and you feel shivers run down your spine as you hear him curse and the words ‘you’re caught’ appear on the screen.
“W-what happened to your character?”
“He died. Nothing much.” he mumbles, “If the Yandere knows they can’t have you, they’ll kill you.”
You immediately went pale as soon as you heard that. Maybe, just maybe you were being paranoid. He wouldn’t go to that extent, would he?
“How did your character escape the yandere in the game?” 
“Well, I haven’t finished the game yet but based on some anime’s and manga’s I've usually read. They either killed to get away or they moved so far away where they wouldn’t be seen so I think the creator might have the same ending.” The blonde said, he slowly looked to your side, “You’re looking awfully pale, ma’am. Are you alright?”
“Yeah, j-just remembered a horrible game I played back when I was your age.” You gulped in, “Nightmares, you know? The yandere tried to get my character pregnant and tried to get in her way of moving out of the country.”
“Sounds like a very realistic one.”  He mumbles, “What did your character do?”
“I wasn’t able to finish it.” you whispered, loud enough for him to only hear, “I couldn’t really find a way out.”
“The developers of the game must’ve made it hard for you. Maybe your character should’ve ran away,” he advised, “Or better yet, you should’ve killed him.”
“I-well, I don't think there were options like that.”
“Well if I were you and there was no option for killing, I’d run. Far, far away. Change my identity and all that.” he exits the game and stuffs the phone back in his pocket, you get a good look of his cat-like eyes and immediately feel a shiver on your spine with the next words he say, “I mean its a game but you wouldn’t wanna loose and get your character killed, right?”
The teenage boy hops down without even saying goodbye and you have a scary realization that you can’t break it off like you originally had planned. You needed to run, run far as you can and get lost.
The words that the teenage boy says echoes in your head for the next few days, from that point on, realization dawns upon you that, nothing is certain now. You couldn’t trust anyone, you couldn’t let friends and family be involved in this. Sakusa Kiyoomi is a powerful man so you needed to be careful with how you were going to disappear.
You continue to act nonchalant and the same as you try to lay out your plan but you knew that you had only a week or so to complete this for it to successfully work.
Sakusa Kiyoomi wonders what he should do to save the relationship, he’s tried everything in the book that he could think of but you remained the same. Was this the end of the relationship? For real?
He could never stomach the idea of having you leave him.
It’s eerie that day, something felt different when he came home to an empty apartment. It looked the same yet something felt very, very different. Apparently the apartment guards said you were here since your car hadn’t left the driveway and they hadn’t seen you go out.
He checks out your side of the closet, your clothes remain there untouched and your toiletries were there too. He scans the fridge for your notes but nothing is stuck there. He suddenly feels like something cold was dumped on him.
It couldn’t be, right?
He runs to every room, checking every nook and cranny and when he finally reaches the last room which was the bathroom, nothing is there.
Everything was in its place except you.
Where were you?
Your bank account remains untouched, your wallet and phone was left in the apartment. It was as if you were returning home, the very least. Komori tells him to calm down, saying that they’re letting the best people find you around the city, they don’t rule out that someone might’ve had the audacity to touch you.
Whoever took you would be given hell to pay, that’s for sure. Was it the triad? Kkangpae’s? Or opposing yakuza’s? Oh, they’ll definitely have their heads on the platter if they tried to harm a single hair on your head.
Sakusa doesn’t even hesitate to notify the police about you already despite the memorandum that twenty-four hours is needed to consider a person missing, it's nothing a little money can fix.
“I hope we find her soon.” Your aunt sighed, “I’ve notified her parents about it. It’s definitely weird that she’d leave all her valuables behind.”
Hinata and Natsu sit there next to their mom, completely sad and worried, “I’ve hired the best people for it already, obaasan. We’ll find Y/N.” Sakusa replies yet his thoughts are in a complete frenzy now.
And find you they did.
No stone was left unturned. He made sure of it. Yet after a month of relentless searching. Nothing came up, it seemed like you had just vanished and Sakusa Kiyoomi had turned the whole underground world upside down for you but nothing came up.
Some say that you disappeared and ran away but that was immediately ruled out, no security cameras saw you in and out during that day and it would be impossible for you to just leave without security cameras on you. The guard had exclaimed that despite the blackout that day, the generators only took a few minutes to power up so they’d definitely catch you on camera in case you ever exited the building (along with the guards since they knew exactly what you looked liked) plus the clothes and such were still there, left untouched.
Some said you died, it was definitely impossible for you to just vanish without a single trace after all since everyone was looking for you.
Yet no one dared to say it in front of the boss, not if they valued their life.
The billionaire had dried out his connections to find you. What good was it to be the most powerful and richest man in the country if he couldn’t find you? Life had no meaning now, you were gone. It felt like a part of him was ceasing to function.
Sakusa Kiyoomi was a dead man walking now.
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Unknown to the whole world, you’re in a small town with little to no signal. Your hair is chopped unevenly and your skin is darker from the repeated exposure under the sun, your life is simple and mundane now yet you’re happy.
For the first time in months, you actually felt free.
You shut your eyes tight, the events that transpired this past few months replayed  in your head. Your escape was definitely done as carefully as you can and you didn’t even know if you’d succeed since you weren’t a master in that sort of thing.
You recalled that it was a week before you ran away, a few days after you met that kid in the bus. Someone from the electric company had come to inform you that there was a scheduled black out in the city that day during the afternoon and you felt something bubble up in you. That was the day you’d put your plan into motion.
You knew that the longer you delayed your plan, the harder it would be to escape.
You had a few minutes to actually put your plan to work. The camera’s on the hallways would cease to function for a few minutes according to the guard downstairs as he did a protocol on the building (apparently the generators were quick). So that morning after Sakusa left, you placed only a few clothes and the stash of money you had been carefully hiding in a garbage bag and chopped your hair short in an uneven manner. Burning all the remaining hair on the fireplace and the black hair color that you use with it. The maid uniform that you stole on your floor and a fake name plate that you made was on and you were good to go.
The minute the black out started, you took the garbage bag and walked out. Taking the stairway used by the caretakers, you made sure to just look down and never directly up at the camera’s pretending to work.
When you finally made it out of your building. You let out a stiff sigh and put down the bag, it was only the beginning. If you thought the same way as Sakusa Kiyoomi, you could only imagine that you needed to be more careful from this point on.
You take the newly bought duffel bag that you strategically hid behind some boxes. Thankfully when you had placed it yesterday afternoon, it hadn’t been touched. 
You put on a pair of shorts and a baggy shirt with cheap shades and stuffed the maid uniform in the duffel bag along with your belongings in the garbage bag. You take the other route that led to the busy streets. It was easy to look like a tourist and seemingly blend in the crowd, from that point on, you only had one destination in mind.
When you were younger, you vividly remember an acquaintance telling you about this small town outside of Tokyo where her grandparents were from. It was only an hour away via plane and when you went down another few hours via bus yet if you took the bus route all in all, it would take a few days.
Since it was far, only a few busses actually went there and since you had to leave within the day, you decided to just take the bus nearest to that town and take another bus when you arrived there.
The plan smooth-sailed from that point on.
Except for one minor detail.
You open your eyes and look down at your now small bump. The monster who almost had you trapped left a parting gift, you grip your garden hoe tightly.
A big part of you wanted to kill it.
Yet every time you try to, you hesitate.
The moment you arrived here, you had to pretend to be a weary and poor widow. You just didn’t expect to be a weary and poor expecting widow. You let out an uncharted sigh at the thought, it was hard enough to be alone here with little to no money. 
This child had the demon’s blood in it.
Yes, you may have gone free from his cage but in truth with his seed growing in your stomach day by day, you started to feel quite the opposite.
taglist [thanks for your support ilyasm skkss im so sorry for updating late too :(]
@maraudusk ;; @iamnotobsessed  ;;  @ssuna ;; @weebartistinc ;; @aomineavenue ;; @tsukkismamagucci ;; @onlyshinji ;; @ichiraku-verse ;; @watevermelon ;; @victoriasee ;;  @caramelcandescence ;; @n-nara ;; @bloody-bella ;; @ricefarmerkita​ ;; @paripedia ;; @srhlsx ;; @craftyfawns ;; @kepchups ;; @soggycardboardd ;;  @vinnieluv ;; @dinablossom ;; @yourstruly-01 ;; @shinhiromi ;; @dinablossom ;; @kneecotinee ;;  @vicassa ;; @ahoeforshouto ;; @benimarus-main-mop​ ;; @atsunakaashi​ ;; @myaaa-xoxoxox​ ;;  @newfriendjen​​ ;; @usedcoupon​
[can’t tag you guys uwu just make sure ur tags are open :<]
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Goodnight - Soryu Oh
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Author Note: So I played some Otome games randomly and one of them was Kissed By The Baddest Bidder. Interesting plots. Soryu was one of my favourites, so was Shuichi. Anyway, enjoy this maybe. A little suggestive at points. Also just straight uploaded not checked yet.
On any other day Soryu would’ve avoided the establishment; he despised the heavy stench of alcohol blended unevenly with a few of Mamaru’s cigarettes. He’d suffer once he returned to the sanctity of his room for the evening, he could already feel the scent clinging to the insides of his nose. Soryu would hold this against his friends for a while; even if neither of them had forced him to come. His body had moved of its own accord the second the young maid had shone a bright smile and asked if he was joining them.
The Ice Dragon had situated himself on the opposite side of the table from her, if it had been a possibility, he would have sat on a bar stool beside the bar. Instead, he suffered sat besides, what could only be called, the useless Detective. Perhaps Soryu had been to harsh in that thought, Kishi may be lazy but he’d helped Inui out of a spot of bother a few times. The Dragon couldn’t help the sparks of Envy that had lodged in his chest once again, albeit for a different reason, as he pondered on Kishi. No-one could blame Soryu, Mamoru held the second thing that Soryu could never have.
After a while the Auction Managers had dispersed, each going their separate ways as they bid farewell for the night. A few a little more than tipsy as they staggered by the many bar patrons. Baba had been the first to leave; a charismatic grin on his face as he promised to do this again before following a rather scantily clad woman out of the bar. Ota and Mamoru had been the next to go, a exasperated Detective wrapping an arm under Ota to support his drunken frame. With those three gone it had left Soryu with a nonchalant Eisuke and a close to tipsy maid. He should have left after Baba; it had been his intention to go but the young maid had started to speak to him and so effortlessly he had found himself lost as they conversed. They hadn’t even noticed when Eisuke had left; and that thought had made the blood in Soryu’s body run cold.
“What about those two?” Came a partially slurred voice, the syllables gently tore the man from his thoughts. His ever-observant gaze falling briefly to the woman. She’d stayed; the second they’d both realised Ichinomiya abandoned them she had chosen to stay and so had he. Soryu convinced himself that his presence was for Eisuke. He was staying to make sure she didn’t embarrass the man or cause any more trouble than she had since the Auction. It hadn’t been because Soryu had noticed the several less than sober men whose eyes lingered on her for a little too long when she went to order herself another drink, nor had it been because her presence beside him soothed his stress-riddled body.
Soryu lifted his gaze from his companion to gaze at the pair situated in a booth by the entrance. A rather thin salaryman with comedically thick rimmed glasses and a sort of awkwardness in his actions that rivalled a nerdy schoolboy sat across from another scantily clad woman. Her fingers danced around the rim of her glass as she watched the man with vague interest. Every so often she would lean further forward allowing the salaryman a clearer view of her cleavage.
“He’s a nerd and she’s an escort” Oh commented idly, he reached for his seventh whisky of the evening, relishing briefly as the liquid seeped down his throat. Normally he would stop at four and switch to a light beer but then again, he would never have been out drinking for this long unless he was making a deal. As he placed the, now, empty glass back on the table he reminded himself that he should’ve left before Eisuke.
“Soryu that’s not how you play the game” She chuckled a little as she finished the rest of her own drink. Her fingers danced around the rim of her own glass as she hugged it against her chest. At some point she had slithered into the seat beside him, and he could smell the lavender that swam through the air around her, offsetting any other smell from the establishment.
He’d frozen. His mind replaying the same word in her voice as though trying to retain how the syllables had rolled from her tongue in that innocent tipsy tone of hers. She’d never called him by his name before. It had always been ‘Mr. Oh’ or ‘Sir’. Never Soryu as much as he had craved it. He’d have told her if it hadn’t been for his pride. If he hadn’t wanted to save himself from being teased by Baba or Ota.
“You’re supposed to say something like. She’s asking him to buy her cat.” She whistled, another sip of her drink and Soryu caught the gaze of the bartender. In a brief flick of his wrist, the Bartender nodded. “But he’s allergic to cats, so she’s offering herself with the cat but he’s just waiting for the other members of his DnD club.” Soryu couldn’t help the soft chuckle that tore through his throat. “Do that again, I like that sound.”
Her drunken words meant nothing currently, yet it didn’t stop the warmth from dusting Soryu’s cheeks. The Ice Dragon caught the way she began to rock sideways, and he was certain that the room was spinning around her; so as the bartender set down a tray of coffee, Soryu placed his arm on the back of their seat, it was a precaution to keep her on the cushioned bench. He inched closer to her – just to make sure she had something to keep her propped up. Not because he wished she would fall towards him. Or so in that moment he could hold her.
“Ok, how about he’s a police officer in disguise, and she’s a widower. They matched on a dating app whilst he was trying to get closer to a drug ring. She guessed the code correctly and he wants to arrest her, and she just wants to get her rocks off. Two crossed wires.” Soryu smirked. Stifling her laughter, she placed hand in front of her mouth. She shifted in her seat, her leg brushing against his, an innocent action that had Soryu’s muscle tensing and his mind malfunctioning. The ever-composed Ice Dragon felt pathetic – she could reduce him to dust with just a smile and they hadn’t even known each other that long, not before the man had fallen for her soothing presence.
“Better…who next….?” She sighed, her head roaming the other patrons. Soryu lifted his coffee to his lips, the liquid lingering on his tastes buds as he revelled in the bitter drink. The second it hit the back of his throat he felt the caffeine kick in, doing its best to rid him of the alcohol coursing through his system. “Him” she practically beamed pointing to the bar.
For a second, he wondered if she meant the bartender, who stood cleaning an already immaculate wine glass, but then his gaze just skimmed a man hunched over his drink. He was younger than the other patrons, his dishevelled brown hair damp from what Soryu assumed was the rain outside. A hefty sigh masked the mumbles that came from the bartender, and for a second Soryu recalled a face in his mind’s eye. Especially when he caught sight of the glasses that sat beside the man’s drink, he paired them with the off brown three piece that adorned the man’s body and it suddenly occurred to him, just who he was looking at.
“That’s Shuichi’s and Eisuke’s love child. See the bartender doesn’t like him, clearly, he has the aura to get on everyone’s nerves just from his presence alone, probably from Eisuke, but arguable from Shuichi too. Then there’s the hair, the poor eyesight, and that sigh.” Soryu announced.
The room fell silent before hysterical laughter rang out. Soryu almost jumped at the sound as it resonated in his ears. She wrapped her arms around her body as she struggled to compose herself or even breathe. A grin spread through Soryu’s features, as they ignored the quizzical looks from the other customers. Even from the love child whose scowl imitated Shuichi so well that the woman’s laughter doubled.
“I bet…” She paused, inhaling deeply, “I bet he’s sad because his dads are fighting so he left after coming all the way to Japan to see them. Maybe he went to Dubai first to look for Shuichi but when he found out that he came to Japan he followed. Poor guy. Don’t worry sir, your dads will stop fighting soon” She shouted the last of her sentence. Soryu hushed her, sending the man an apologetic smile.
“Here. Have some coffee” He uttered. The mug remained untouched, her body lifting from their shared seat. She stumbled towards the bar, hands gripping the wooden surface tight as she ordered another drink. The bartender, whose eyes flew between her and Soryu, nodded before handing her a glass of what Soryu knew would be water. The mafia boss had slipped some money to the bartender when he had delivered his coffee, a silent look passed between the two men in a wordless contract to cut her off.
Soryu had been so caught up in his thoughts that he hadn’t noticed the pair of legs now stood in front of his coffee. He lifted his gaze carefully, cautious not to linger on any places he shouldn’t. She grinned down at him, rocking on her feet to keep herself steady.
“Look Sor, I’m taller than you now” She giggled. The nickname held an effect on him that he was too ashamed to admit to. The Mafia boss stood his hand hovering in the air before he turned around.
“Get on, it’s time we left” He announced; he bent slightly at the knees whilst he waited. She took a moment to understand what he meant, her body all but jumping onto his back. She hung her arms around his neck as her legs wrapped around his waist. Neither of them missed the way her body shivered the second he placed his hands under her thighs, or the way his body seemed to relax further.
To any outside observers they looked like a couple, a boyfriend who had come to collect his drunk girlfriend carrying her back to their room. Especially with the way she grinned, every so often blowing on the shell of his ear. The action would have Soryu jolting slightly, his fingers squeezing her thighs in a false warning. The Ice Dragon Leader wore a softened expression, a small smile gracing his usually frowning features.
“We should tell Mr Ichinomiya and Mr Hishikura to kiss and make up so their son can have his family back. He looked so sad; I wonder what Mr Ichinomiya did.” She mumbled, her voice seemed quieter now and she slurred her words a little less. A soft rumble in Soryu’s chest alerted them both to just how entertaining the idea of waking Eisuke up to tell him his fake son was waiting for him was.
“Maybe not tonight. I don’t think Eisuke will be too impressed” Soryu laughed. The woman fell silent even as she continued to blow on Soryu’s ear or tap her fingers against Soryu’s chest. What he had failed to notice in her silence was her reaction to his laugh. He’d only chuckled earlier, and yet the soft exhale that could barely be called laughter had the maid craving for more. “Ok, I need to put you down now” He added as they stepped inside the Penthouse elevator.
She didn’t move to release him, in fact she tightened her hold on the man, her legs wrapped tighter around his waist as she buried her head into the crook of his neck. He could feel the pout she wore, especially as her lips skimmed the skin on his neck. He moved his head away from her, a small shudder running through his body as he gazed at her through his peripheral.
“The elevator card is in my pocket; I can’t reach with you on my back.” He informed her; she continued to pout, shaking her head a little. A mischievous spark in her eyes startled Soryu as he felt her press further against his back, her fingers running down her chest towards his jacket pocket. His eyes closed struggling to maintain his composure until he felt the soft prick on his check. He peeked through a crack in his eyelid to see the familiar white key card.
“Here you go” She beamed, “Now onwards Sor.”
Mentally he was scolding himself, he should’ve told her – forced her to get off him. Anyone else and he would’ve. He’d done it many times in the past, each with a different drunk woman who would remember little of Soryu’s kindness and forever wind up hating him for his harshness the next morning. He should’ve left when Baba left.
He stood there, in the middle of the penthouse longue, unsure of where to put her. He couldn’t walk up the stairs and dump her on Eisuke. Not with his ill-temper when he gets disturbed. Nor could he leave her on the couch, not with the wandering hands of both Baba and Ota. He couldn’t think, not with her head resting in the crook of his neck, her breath gliding across his skin eliciting goosebumps in its wake. He shook his head as he headed towards his own suite. She’d stay in the spare bed tonight, if Eisuke hadn’t removed it already. Soryu would leave her there and make his way to his condo for the rest of the night. By the time he reached it, he’d have just enough time to shower and go to the Ice Dragon’s headquarter.
This wasn’t her first time in his suite, and much to his dismay he hoped it wouldn’t be the last. She’d cleaned the room many times before, but this was the first time that he willingly brought her to the room. The first time he had placed her on the bed. He was a statue by the bed; watching as she hid her face with her hands. Her clothing hung dishevelled on her body, her skirt rising just high enough to have Soryu’s mind wondering. He’d imagined her many times in his bed, and he wished he could say those thoughts had remained in the dead of night at his condo, but often he found himself fantasizing during his meetings with Eisuke. The Ice Dragon Leader would catch her cleaning in her maid uniform – hardly the most scandalous outfit but enough to have his blood racing and his eyes glossing over.
“Do you need anything? Water?” He frowned at himself. He knew the answer already and with that knowledge he’d bring her some water before he left. In the morning he’d send Inui over with some pain medication and perhaps some breakfast to keep her hangover at bay. With that settled he turned to leave. Just as quickly as he had moved, he felt a significantly smaller hand pull at his. His eyes drifting to the fingers that wrapped around his wrist as he let himself be pulled down.
“Don’t go” She paused; her words sounding panicked. “Not just yet” She continued. The simple sentence attacked what little self-control Soryu had left. It’s when his head hits the pillow that the alarm bells ring. A harsh reminder of just how bad things could turn out. At that point he should’ve stopped, told her she was drunk and left immediately. He should have. Yet he remained there, his body turning to lay on his side. Neither spoke, for a while, at least not with words. Soryu’s usually calm eyes roamed every corner of her face, a silent plea. He drank her in as though this would be the last time, he’d see her. Which should Eisuke find them was a very real possibility.
“Hold on” She whispers, breath warm against his face. She reaches out to him. Two fingers gently running over the skin of his forehead as they push back a stray hair. “There much better” She adds. Her hand remained there, it pulls him closer to her and he doesn’t stop the way his body shuffles closer on the bed. He can feel her rubbing her fingers against the skin of his temple. Soryu can feel her breath on his lips, and that on its own is enough to send his heart racing, he can smell the alcohol and the heavenly scent of Lavender. A scent he would forever associate with her, with this. It’s a smell subtle enough not to irritate him. Her fingers run over his hair, and he can’t help the shiver that escapes him. Nor can he stop his eyes from closing as he revels in the sensation. She eats at his control, and he can feel it slipping. He should be scared by just how easily she made him weak, but he’s not.
“I should go,” He mutters, he doesn’t mean these words anymore, “and you should get some rest before we do anything we’ll regret”. He doesn’t move, any conviction in his body went the second her fingers fell from his hair to the nape of his neck. She doesn’t force him to move, its written in her eyes how she feels, especially when he places his hand on her thigh. His fingers rubbing slow circles into her skin.
It’s innocent. The soft caress of her lips on his. She made the first move, he’s painfully aware of that fact but he kisses back regardless. His mind savouring the way her lips move against his, its everything he imagined it to be. The innocence depleting quickly as his mind races with the countless scenarios he imagined in his early morning showers. Her lips tempt him just as much as he tempts her. His hands pulling her body flush against him. Both ignoring the burning sensation in their lungs demanding them to breathe. His hand resting on her thigh rises higher; high enough to feel the material of her underwear.
Her own hands move to his shoulders desperate to rid him of his jacket. It doesn’t take long for the material to fall to the ground in a crumpled heap. His lips travel from hers to skin of her jaw, he leaves wet kisses as he turns his attention to her neck. In turn she moves her attention to the buttons of his shirt. He can feel the air stabbing against his overheating chest and the sensation knocks his brain into gear. He’s quick to hear the alarm bells, quicker to release her neck from his torment.
In an instant they both stop, her hands caught in one of his hands whilst his other remains still on her thigh. He inhales attempting to muster some control as he pulls himself off the bed.
“I’m sorry, I can’t” his words end in a pitiful chuckle; aimed at himself. In a reckless moment he had ruined what little closeness they could have. She wasn’t his to hold, to kiss or to touch. She wasn’t his as much as he wished she was. “I better say goodnight before I change my mind” He utters. He casts one last look at her, face red and dishevelled.
The second the door closed behind him; he fell against it. He hadn’t bothered to grab his jacket, nor had he bothered to rebutton his dishevelled shirt. Soryu lifts his fingers to his lips, he can still feel her lips against his, still feel the lingering warmth on his body. He was changing his mind the second he fished for his phone in his pocket. If Inui didn’t answer he’d go back in, deal with the fallout tomorrow.
“Was it everything you’d hope it’d be?” Eisuke’s voice filled the silence. The tight-lipped syllables turned Soryu’s blood to ice. “I do hope it was worth touching what belongs to me. I can see you enjoyed it and this once I’m willing to overlook it for an old friend.” He added.
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blueluneacy · 4 years
Soaps and Special Drinks
I wrote a giant melone x reader off a fantasy i had at work. enjoy
word count: 4k
warnings: delusional yandere, not sfw, breeding kink, stalking, public sex, aphrodisiacs, forced drugging, major dub con, does making someone uncomfy at work count? idk but its there
You didn’t hear her until she called your name for the third time, and when you did, you nearly fell over.
“Oh god, what happened, what did I miss, I wasn’t asleep, my eyes were open!” You yelled, leaving your manager to jump.
“(Y/n), it’s okay, don’t worry!’ She said, laughing a bit to herself. “Don’t worry, I was just going to ask about what was happening and if you needed anything. But it looks like nothing is happening.” She sighed. You nodded, looking around the shop. You worked at a small, handmade soap. The soaps in here were beautiful, but the shop itself was quiet, only getting a few customers. The bulk of sales ended up being online at the owner’s etsy shop, with the actual building simply being in their family for the last 300 years, making it hard to part with. You didn’t mind, the soap was nice, you often got to take some of it home, and the work was easy. But you couldn’t deny that god, it was really god damn boring. 
“Yeah, I’m alright. Sorry, I’m just… Really bored.” You laughed, your manager just sighing.
“I can take the front of shop for a bit and you can play on your phone or something. You don’t have to just stand there all day.”
“I don’t mind it. Gives me time to think. Besides, I see you playing on your phone in front of shop all the time, I know that I can do it right here if I wanted to.” You hummed, your manager just rolling her eyes.
“I put it away when a customer shows up, don’t you worry. And what is it that you’re always thinking about, huh? A boyfriend?” She teased. You rolled your eyes.
“You know that I don’t have anyone like that in my life. I end up thinking about stupid stuff. Like what would happen if cows became four feet taller, or something.” You told her. It was a lie, of course, but you could never admit what actually went through your mind.
After all, how could you admit that you were just sitting there thinking about otome games and anime characters? It was nice to sit and think about lots of handsome men loving you. Maybe you played too many video games or watched too much anime.
“Alright, alright. Keep sitting with your weird thoughts.” She teased, the two of you laughing before the bell at the door rang as it swung open. 
The two of you stared as you saw the man walk in. He was so strangely dressed, and he was wearing a mask. Is this some sort of bad Dread Pirate Roberts cosplay? Half of his shirt was missing, which you sort of wanted to chalk up to bad sewing, but you also knew that it merely could be bad fashion. People around here are weird looking. He had choppy purple hair that covered one of his eyes, making you think that maybe the whole mask thing was meant to be an eye patch more than anything. You weren’t an expert in eyeball health. Still, you smiled brightly at the customer, not wanting to offend as you walked over to him, ready to assist in any way possible.
“Hello, Welcome! Is there anything in particular that you were looking for today?” You asked, Melone looking over at you before his eyes widened. God, you were just so… So god damn cute! The apron you were wearing hugged your curves so well, your body was so cute in the way you held yourself, smiling as you looked up at the man. He could just notice your tummy under the apron, a shudder going through his body as he saw your bright, smiling demeanor looking up at him.
“Oh, I heard that there were handmade facial products here? I’m looking for something a little more natural in my skin care routine.”  He replied, looking down to see your little name tag, smiling as he got the information. “Ah, I suppose then you could help me, (Y/n)?”
You forced your grin a little wider when he said your name, before nodding, waving him over and you brought him over to a little corner of the store. You don’t know why, but it seemed to only make you uncomfortable when people did things like read off your name tag. Which seems silly, after all, it was there for a reason, but still.
“Of course, sir, let me show you. Are you looking for something like a cleanser? We also have exfoliate scrubs, made all in house.” You told him. Melone just hummed, leaning over the products and moving a bit too much into your personal space as he pulled off his gloves. 
“You can call me Melone, sweetheart, no need for the formalities. And do any of these have scents in their formulas? I would hate to break out from oils…” He asked, touching his face lightly. You just smiled, shaking your head. You took note of his name, trying to keep yourself smiling
“Any scents that the product has is from the actual parts, not from anything we add. Like, our coffee ground scrub smells like coffee, because you know. We also have some regular facial soap, all in bar form, that we have, if you’d like to see. I can also make some samples for you, and we have a sink where you can try out some of the testers we have out.” You told him. He just smiled, nodding as he looked around a bit.
“That’s all well and good, but what would you recommend before bed? I need to remove my makeup, and so many cleansers are for the morning.” He complained. You just smiled, looking around and grabbing the giant pot of what you were looking for.
“Here we go! This stuff kills at removing any makeup. It’s made with shea butter, honey and rose water, with a little bit of tea tree oil in there for that calming feeling.” You said, reaching in and using a little spoon to put some on one of the little dishes your store carried, and then handed it to him. “Go on, go to the sink and check it out! You should also really check out our poppy soap too, it has poppy seeds in it which honestly? My skin has never been better.” You chuckled. Melone looked at you, before smiling and nodding. If that soap was what gave you such a glow, then he would definitely have to try it. You sighed as you went back to the counter next to your manager, watching the man as he washed his hands, his eyes widening before he grabbed one of the little papers you had next to the table, and a pen. Since everything here was served in whatever amount the customer wanted, the shop kept papers for customers to make a list of what they wanted.
“What is it now, daydreaming about a customer?” Your manager teased, leaving you to roll your eyes.
“Do you want him instead? He was all in my personal space.” You replied.
“Oh, cheer up, he wasn’t that bad. A little weird, but harmless. And you really need to get used to the idea that Italians don’t have a notion of personal space. You practically lost it when that old lady grabbed your hand.” 
“Hey, that was a while ago, that’s not fair! I think I’m used to it now, he’s just sort of creepy. Melone…” You mumbled his name to yourself, Melone’s ears perking up as heard you speak about him. Oh, your name sounded so good rolling off your tongue. He wanted to hear it over and over again, make you make the sound, scream it, moan it-
“I think I have my list ready, cara. Care to help me out?” Melone asked, coming over to the counter and leaning over it, handing the list over to you. You just took it from his hands, looking over the list before sighing.
“Can you get the bar soap while I get the cleanser?” You asked, writing down what you needed in the liquid before handing out the rest of the list to her. She nodded, walking off with a small smile on her face before you just sighed, going to get the cleanser. You grabbed one of the small glass jars you had, before putting it on the scale, taring it out after placing down the glass. 
“Five hundred grams, right?” You asked, only for Melone to nod. 
“Yes. It’s heavier, so it’ll be less than what I assume it’s going to be, so I might as well just go for it. I’ll use it anyway.” He replied, watching the way you reached into the pot and carefully scooped out the cleanser. You were so focused, he couldn’t help but imagine what you would look like in a domestic situation, maybe using a serving spoon to scoop out sauce for dinner, maybe just for the two of them. Maybe you would be in a cute little apron like the one you were in now, your feet bare and your hair loose as you grew heavy with his child-
In that moment, Melone felt a plan start to form in his mind.
The rest of the transaction went fine, in all honesty. Melone seemed as though he was suddenly in a hurry, that he forgot that he had something to do, purchasing his items and leaving with a quick “Ciao!”. You could tell that he was speed walking down the street, but you didn’t really care. Maybe you were over exaggerating, and he was just some normal gy, albeit oddly dressed. Still, it didn’t really matter to you. The fact that the store was empty meant that you could go back to your daydreams.
You were so grateful when the store finally closed. As the two of you locked up, you pulled your coat closer to your body, looking around.
“You should be careful now going home. It’s dark a lot earlier now, I’m afraid that maybe there might be some bad actors in the alleyways…” Your manager sighed. You nodded in agreement, the thoughts of how dangerous this city was becoming as Passione moved themselves in running through the both of your minds. Your manager had talked about moving, not wanting her kids to grow up here, and you couldn’t blame her. But both of you knew deep down that no matter where you went, the mafia probably lurked there somewhere.
“I will, don’t fret. Text you when I get home?” You asked, giving her a smile. She just smiled back and nodded.
“Don’t zone out and forget, alright? I’ll text you when I’m home as well!” She said, before waving, the two of you walking off in separate directions.
You hummed slightly to yourself as you walked down the street. You made sure to stay close to the streetlight, but you could swear that you could see something out of the corner of your eye, the feeling of being watched harsh in your stomach. You turned around often just to check, but no one was there. You must really be losing it today.
Still, it was like you were attracted to what was unknown. You instinctively started to move farther away from the streetlight, to try and see what exactly was going on in the shadows, but nothing was there. You barely even noticed how far you were in the dark until you passed by an alleyway. You didn’t even see the hand that shot out and grabbed onto your collar.
You immediately tried to scream, but you could barely make a sound as lips crashed into yours, your body pressed up against the wall as you squirmed. You winced as your head slammed against the wall, your vision tripling and a groan leaving your mouth and easily swallowed up by Melone. He pulled away, taking deep, harsh breaths, watching as you tried to focus on him.
“Don’t worry cara, it’s only me, didn’t mean to scare you, wanted to surprise you on your way home…” He cooed, pinning your hands above your head and moving to let his lips press against your neck, leaving light kisses and he hummed.
“Wha… Y.. You’re that guy from the soap shop! What are you doing, let me go!” You yelled, starting to squirm. Melone just pouted, as if you had told him a bad insult or you had genuinely hurt his feelings.
“Ah, don’t be like that, bambina. Are you mad because I embarrassed you at work? It’s alright, I’ll make it all better.” He hummed, reaching into his pocket to pull out a small vile. He used his teeth to pull out the cork, before letting a drop hit his tongue.
“Yep, it’s still good. Go on, drink this all down, and you’ll feel much better, carina.” He told you. 
“Like hell I’m going to drink anything you give me-” Perhaps you shouldn’t have spoken. When you opened your mouth and started to yell at him again, he just shoved the vial into your mouth, pouring the liquid in before covering your mouth with his hand.
“It’s alright, I know it tastes awful, but you have to drink it all, amore, otherwise it won’t work.” Melone hummed. You just sat there, holding the foul tasting liquid in your mouth before finally caving and swallowing. It wasn’t like you had much of a choice. When Melone felt that you had swallowed, he pulled his hand away, leaning over and pressing a gentle kiss against your forehead.
“Di molto… Good, thank you. It means a lot to me that would trust me like that.” Like you had any other fucking choice. You just let your eyes narrow as you continued to let them dart around for some sort of escape.
“What exactly did you fucking give me?” You hissed, Melone laughing a bit.
“Well, I suppose you’ll feel it momentarily, won’t you? Liquid medication only takes one to four minutes to assimilate…” He hummed. You swallowed, feeling that your mouth was starting to feel really dry. It felt like everything was getting hotter, until your whole body was on fire. You let out a soft whine when you finally opened your mouth to let out a few pants, suddenly out of breath, before squirming again. This time, to try and get rid of the heat that was engulfing you. 
“W-What is this?! Please, it’s so hot, what did you do?!” You cried out, internally cringing at how desperate your voice sounded. But Melone just ate it all up, leaning in to press his body against yours, the outline of his cock making you shudder. God, think, what was happening to you?!
“It’s one of the best aphrodisiacs out there. Only the best for you, bella, I want to make sure that you feel amazing throughout all of this…” He told you, before pressing his lips against yours. You tried to struggle, but god, you were feeling so weak as the drug coursed through your veins, and Melone’s lips felt so good against yours. You felt your knees get weak, your body slipping down the wall that you were leaning against as it became harder and harder for you to support your own weight. Melone just pulled away, watching you sink to the ground as if weighed down by your own lust, smirking to himself. You were so beautiful like that. Melone could see the way you were tugging at your clothing, trying to get them off in some relief from the hell that consumed you. He just chuckled, pulling you up and making you lean on him. You just ended up grabbing onto Melone tightly, trying to take deep breaths.
“Don’t worry bambina. I bet it hurts bad right now, doesn’t it? Maybe I should’ve opened you up first…” Melone thought aloud, before shrugging. Too late now. He reached down to start to pull your panties off, the other arm wrapped around you and firmly holding you against him. He shuddered at the way your soft body pressed up against him, holding onto him like it was the end of the world.
“Don’t worry, (Y/n). I’ll make this heat go away, make you feel all better. You’ll feel perfect and well once you’re fucked full of my children.” He hummed. Despite yourself, you just nodded, desperate for a suggestion that would mean that you would feel better. 
Melone practically jumped in delight, easily pushing two fingers inside of you, relishing in how wet you had become, to the point where you were starting to slick your legs. You moaned, gripping onto Melone tightly and starting to whine shrilling, babbling back at him.
“O-Oh fuck, that feels so good, fuck, please, Melone, pleeeeease…” You whined, already trying to buck against his fingers. It felt so good, but it wasn’t enough, it just wasn’t enough to satisfy you, to make you feel whole again.
“You’re tempting me so much, bambina. You make me want to fuck you right now, god, you’re going to be so full when I’m done with you, my cute little wife.” He told you as he added another finger, scissoring you open. God, if you could hold yourself up, Melone would have no problem getting on his knees and eating you out until you came all over his face. He wondered what cute, fucked out faces you would make after cumming five, ten, a hundred times for him. He felt his cock twitch in his trousers and did his best not to get ahead of himself. He wanted to make sure that you felt just as good as he did, but god, you were making it so hard with those cute faces of yours! The way you were clinging to him, gasping and moaning like a bitch in heat, begging him for more, it was all so much.
“P-Please, fuck, more… It’s still so hot, please, need you so bad…” You mumbled, moving to rest your head against his shoulder as he thrust his fingers into you. He let out a low moan at your words, his hips slightly bucking against you for it. He was so pent up, not wanting to waste a single drop until he found the perfect person to fill up with it, and here you were, all perfect and begging him to breed you full of his children.
“Aww, poor thing. Perhaps I gave you a bit too much…” Melone sighed, pulling his fingers out of you and leaving you to whine in frustration. He pushed his fingers into his mouth and just moaned, shuddering as he tasted your juices. You grabbed onto him tighter, begging for some sort of relief from this hell. When Melone finally pulled his fingers from his mouth, he let his own lips crash against yours, pushing your back against the wall and pressing your chest against his to hold you up while his hands moved to rip his cock out from his trousers.
It was nice, bigger than you expected, and you could see that Melone was well groomed about himself as well. In any normal circumstance, you would be continuing to scream, but as Melone started to rub his cock against you, slicking himself up with your juices, you just moaned.
“Yes, fuck yes! Please, more, give me more, god, fuck me already!” You cried out, squirming and trying to make Melone’s cock catch to try on your entrance. Melone just groaned, moving a hand to grab your hip, before pushing into you slowly. He threw his head back as he moaned, his nails digging into you as he started to move, only pulling his cock out half way before slamming back, leaving you to whine in return.
“Oh, cara, you’re so tight, fuuuuck… You’re so perfect, fuck, my pretty little wife, gonna be such a great mother, fill you up and keep you full of my babies-” Melone groaned, leaning forward and leaning on your shoulder, babbling his nonsense into your ear. And you just ate it all up, nodding and wrapping your arms around him and digging into his back, whining.
“Fuck, yes, please… Feels so good, please, Melone, pleeease…” You whined, holding onto him tightly as you tried to grind against him. Your words were enough to really spring Melone into action, starting to pound against you wildly, mouthing as your neck and leaving harsh bruises. You just scratched at him in return, leaving red welts that might even turn into bruises tomorrow. Melone groaned at the idea of you marking him so primally, the feeling of you marking him as yours just as he was marking you as his. 
“God, you’re all mine, aren’t you? Love you so much, (Y/n), gonna keep you safe, warm, all mine, I’m yours just as much as you’re mine, fuck-” His teeth dug into his lip as he felt the way you were clenching down on him, the signal that your orgasm was fast approaching. Really, it was a miracle that you haven’t cum once or twice already, but perhaps it was something in the back of your mind that was holding you back, keeping you from finishing.
“Mmm, I can feel you’re close… Di molto, that’s perfect, do you want to cum while I breed you? It’ll be a great way to make sure it goes as far as it can.” Melone groaned into your ear, his voice sultry and husky in a way that filled your foggy head with static, only pulling Melone closer as you tried to chase your own orgasm.
“Yes, yes please, fuck, it’s too much, I’m gonna cum, please let me cum, please-” You mewled, on the verge of tears from how pent up you felt, grabbing onto Melone as if he would disappear if you let go.
“Fuck, good, then cum, cum on my cock, make me breed you, gonna fill you up so much, so perfect and soft and round, do it, cum for me, God-!” His voice was practically as a howl as his movements became jerky, before finally thrusting in and bottoming out inside of you, finally cumming. It was the feeling of him pushing inside of you that one last time that set you over the edge, a loud keen coming from you as you squeezed down on Melone, starting to milk him for all you could. 
The two of you rode at your orgasms together, quiet panting and whimpers from the both of you as Melone finally pulled out of you. You practically collapsed as he let you go, free from the burning heat but now exhausted beyond all belief. Melone caught you, holding you up with his arms and chuckling a bit. You shuddered as you felt some of Melone’s seed drip down your leg, leaving Melone just to purse his lips.
“We shouldn’t be wasteful like that. I should’ve brought a plug, poor thing…” He sighed, reaching down to scoop up what fell and push it back inside of you. You moaned at the sensation, giving him a look to let him know that you were much too sensitive right now. He just laughed at your expression, before easily scooping you up in his arms.
“Well, I suppose it doesn’t matter. We have all the time in the world once we get home.” Melone hummed. You stared at him incredulously, trying to figure out what the fuck he meant. You started to squirm a bit, but you were much too exhausted to really put in an effort to get away from him.
“Hmm? Well, of course I’m going to bring my wife home.” Melone hummed, petting your hair lightly. Your face went pale at the realization, but there was nothing you could do. Even if you could get out of his arms, you were too weak to run away away from him. You were stuck, hopelessly trapped with a madman, forced to listen to his deranged cooing as he made his declaration.
“We have a lot more work to be done if we’re going to make you a mother.”
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soukokuwu · 4 years
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☼ : short on time? lazy like me? try these ^.<
oneshots/scenarios !
come back, even as a shadow, even as a dream ☼ — he remembers you, since the day he first met you, and even when you’re gone. he remembers everything.
the day i met a demon ☼ — once upon a time he did you a favour, and now he’s come to collect. [au: grim reaper dazai]
life & you ☼ — he sticks by you, even when he knows you’re going to leave him soon. this is dazai giving his all to a love he knows is bound to fail.
“why haven’t you left?”; alternate ending — dazai pushes you away to save you from his dangerous world, and instead finds you in even more danger than before.
imagine — he’s gone, and you think you’re crazy for seeing him.
a breathing pain — the story of how dazai osamu killed you.
wandering — what could be worse than losing your best friend, your confidant? (may be rewriting this)
a letter to dazai osamu ☼ — you write a letter to your boyfriend.
something left unguarded — it’s hard not to let your guard down around someone you love, what’s harder is not to falter when they’re gone.
❝how our journey pans out❞ [complete] — the story of how you and dazai’s friendship flourished while breaking your heart.
chapter 001 - this is our beginning. — fluff-ish
chapter 002 - and how it all goes.
chapter 003 - but it all came crashing.
take a chance [university!au] ☼ — it’s your senior year and the infamous suicidal bastard has just come back. (part 2 coming soon)
“why haven’t you left?” — dazai doesn’t understand why you have so much faith in him.
through my eyes — you don’t think you’re beautiful, but he does, and he tries to show you you are.
what you would give — being in a secret relationship with pm!dazai is never going to be easy.
your masks & mine — you feel insecure because of your own childhood, and dazai wants to understand.
cognizance — dazai never lets you in, and you’re losing faith in the relationship.
takes two to tango ☼ — dazai thinks he may have found his match in you. the one where you’re an assassin and dazai did not see this coming.
hot chocolate & marshmallows — an indoors day with your favourite drink.
home is not a place — dazai comforts you after an unnecessary hardship [tw: discrimination against skin tone]
the perfect escape — comfort cuddling with dazai in bed.
lovebug — sometimes the simplest dates carry the greatest meanings.
stop lying to yourself — dazai takes care of his ex-partner. like, really takes care of him.
our dirty little secret — you and dazai are fuck buddies and you decide to have a rendezvous in someone’s office...
on edge ☼ — a steamy night of overstimulation and getting to peg your boyfriend dazai.
little babygirl — soft dom dazai with a shy you.
drabbles !
things he said too quietly
things they said at 1am [soukoku]
things he said when he was scared
things he said when he was drunk
things he said while you were crying
things he said when he was crying
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    headcanons !
turned back into a child & s/o has to take care of him
s/o with identical twin sister [& drabble]
finding s/o with mild heart attack
s/o who sleeps everywhere
sleepy cuddles with s/o
makeup artist s/o
insecure chubby s/o    
s/o with identical twin sister [& drabble]
tall fem!s/o insecure about her height
popular artist fem!s/o
fem!crush with yandere-ish male!best friend
clumsy male!s/o
falling for a one-night stand
male!s/o with anxiety attacks
s/o working in kindergarten
s/o who likes surprising them
bubbly s/o with a similar past
s/o who likes baking sweets
sick s/o with hallucinations and tries to jump
s/o who likes to jump scare him
jealous because fem!s/o loves anime, otome games etc & keeps showing off husbandos & waifus
water date
meek male s/o
little sister left mafia with him, now kouyou wants her back
very affectionate & headstrong s/o
s/o with a bad past
comforting his s/o
punishing s/o for trying to top him
taking care of baby atsushi with s/o
super horny s/o
very deredere crush
pm boss!dazai x pm!s/o 
yandere s/o
a broken darling s/o 
punishing darling for escaping
s/o stops taking vital medicine 
shy hikikomori s/o NSFW
s/o not receptive to their feelings at all
hikikomori darling who escapes trying to protect him
s/o has a thing for his hands NSFW
hikikomori darling has to stay in the hospital
darling kisses him while he’s sleeping & says that they still love him despite everything
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hhawks · 2 years
Yesssss, I’d love to recc you some!!! All of these are for the Switch, except for the first two, which are downloadable apps:
-Mystic Messenger IS really good!!! All the characters are great and it has a really unique real-time texting mechanic to its gameplay in addition to the usual visual novel style. But it might keep you up waiting to get texts from fictional men, so just be ready for that lol
-Obey Me is really popular right now and good if you’re a monsterfucker because all the main characters are demons hehe. It’s not a traditional otome, but you can definitely get romantic with the boys while playing a lot of fun minigames!
-Collar x Malice is pretty widely considered one of the best otome games for the Switch. It’s got a really interesting plot and has similar vibes to the anime Psycho Pass and other similar psychological thriller stuff. You get to investigate crime with a bunch of handsome dudes. One of my faves, I’d highly recommend it!
-Piofiore takes place in Italy and centers around dating members of the mafia, and it’s notoriously dark, so just be aware of that if you try to play it and maybe look up a list of triggers. The art is gorgeous and it’s a good one if you’re into… Problematic love interests. Yang is a DISASTER and he knows it.
-Cupid Parasite has you play as a goddess of love, who has come to Earth to work as a matchmaker and has to match five seemingly unmatchable bachelors to their true loves (hint: they’re your love interests). This game is SO GOOD: the art is beautiful and colorful, the music is catchy as hell, it’s really funny and relatively fluffy, all of the love interests are great, and the MC is a really spunky and fun career woman. HIGHLY recommended!
-Olympia Soiree is steamier than the other ones and is a really good fantasy otome. It has more love interests than most, but balances it by still having them be developed and having an engaging plot.
-Variable Barricade has you play as a tsundere heiress who has four boys trying to woo her. I don’t know as much about this one because it just came out, but it’s gotten a lot of good reviews!
anon came thru HEHHEHE thank you so much for these !!!! cupid parasite n piofiore n collar x malice sound so <3_____<3 actually ALL of them sound so good??? MONSTERFUCKER ok i have to try obey me too.... i'll give it a go on my switch hehe hopefully they aren't too expensive 😵‍💫 but thank you for the recs baby!!!!
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benichi · 4 years
Piofiore: Fated Memories - Spoiler Free Review
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Liliana Adornato was born and raised at a church in the center of the Italian town of Burlone which is lead by three criminal organizations. Her encounters with the leaders of the Mafia lead to danger and distraction. Once Lili is drawn into the shadowy world of crime, she realizes there is no going back.
[Content warning]
As you can likely imagine from the description - this game deals with heavy topics like violence (often times specifically targeted at women) and (drug) abuse. If you’d like more info on that feel free to read this [ask] I’ve answered.
+ The game looks stunning and has useful features other Otoge don’t have (but should). The interface itself is nice and organized and I especially liked the little details: like the Background changing depending not only on the time of day but also which route you’re playing. The art drawn by RiRi looks beautiful, I loved all of the CG’s. After completing each LI’s main storyline you’ll get access to not only to a continuation of their Best Ending but also of the Bad one which I found very interesting.
Plus my one true love: a Progress segment for all routes. It’s so satisfying to look at the completed page (which is something I very much miss now that we don’t have Vita Trophies anymore) and I really wish more Otoge would include these.
+ A strong atmosphere. I’ve been thinking about how to describe the feel of this game and I think “strong” does a good job. As I explained in the beginning we’re dealing with some dark topics here - and Piofiore definitely doesn’t hold back. The good thing about that is that the game certainly gives off an intense vibe and feels immersive due to that.* (I put the rest into my final verdict because I felt like it’s better placed there).
+ Great music. A lot of lovely tracks that also add to the atmosphere. I felt like pointing the music out seperately because there are three different Ending songs (for Best/Good/Bad) which I liked a lot.
+ Interesting Romance Options. You know what’s up when I choose the word interesting lol. But no - on a more serious note I do think that they are interesting. I’ve already talked about how some people said that they feel as though the Characters feel inconsistent before - but I wouldn’t say that inconsitent is the right word. Depending on whose route you’re on you’ll see different sides of each Character. Which makes sense since all of us have those. And also depending on how much time they did (or didn’t) spend with the MC and considering each routes circumstances it rings true that not everyone will always behave in the same way. I can understand if some people won’t like this - especially because some scenes are hard to swallow (LOOKING @ U DANTE) but I do feel like this is a realistic approach to how humans work and shouldn’t be writtend off as inconsistency. As I’ve said: view each story as a separate entry in the universe and you’re good.
∙ MC was overall ok. She’s certainly not a complete doormat, which is pretty much what I heard before playing the game. And tbh as with a lot of Otoge her character had to be a certain way to make the story work. I felt that (considering her circumstances) she was doing a pretty good job standing up for herself so long as you’re on your way to the Best/Good Ending. For the Bad ones she would, at times, do things that are downright stupid which was a bit annoying. But that’s how it is for a lot of Otoge if we’re being honest (like for example Ichika didn’t shine in that aspect either). Also it's a nice addition that you could input her First & Last name + a Nickname. If you keep the default the LI’s will have voiced lines for her name.
∙ Localization is perfectly fine. You know me, I’m a fast reader so there may be things I didn’t catch. But we’re definitely in a different league compared to the mess that was Collar x Malice - Unlimited -. Again, I do feel like putting something with this much text out there and not have a single mistake is near impossible so there are no complaints from me here.
Conclusion. Should you play this? If the themes mentioned above don’t turn you off definitely. I can totally understand if people say that they use Otoge as an escape from reality and would like to avoid a game like Piofiore.
But *I wouldn’t say that this is a bad game just because it deeply explores such intense topics. In my opinion it’s a matter of taste and what you’re looking for in an Otome game. This game is basically a more intense version of Steam Prison. If you felt uncomfortable playing SP then this game probably isn’t for you. Though there is the option of playing only the Best Endings which will spare you from a lot of the unpleasant scenes (but again - not everything). However if you liked Steam Prison and enjoy a mature storyline that doesn’t hold back on intesity you’ll definitely have a good time with Piofiore.
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
Hi! It’s the anon asking about your major lol. I noticed you went into a lot of detail about SR Reader and I was wondering if you chose ballet because you’re also a dancer? I’ve also never heard of Teatro di San Carlo until you mentioned it in her bio so I feel like reading your stuff is educational lol, I love how you really looked around to make a whole background story for her!
i’m not really a full-fledged dancer, though i’ve dabbled in it before. i am into fitness-related stuff (specifically aerobic) though! i do a hodgepodge of techniques, most of which are related to ballet, since that tones the parts of the bodies i’m most interested in toning.
oh boy... i’ve been Waiting to talk about how i developed sr reader’s backstory hehehe >:) 
so, when i was working on it, ballet just happened to almost perfectly fit what i had envisioned. there were a few things in the back of my mind when creating her backstory. first, i wanted a solid, plausible reason as to why sr reader went to study abroad. especially in a country that wouldn’t have her native tongue as the language, or her not choosing a popular city like milan or rome, and going with naples. second, i wanted sr reader to have some sort of athletic background, so she wouldn’t have trouble fitting into the physically demanding job. i learned ballet originated from italy, that naples had a prestigious ballet program, and was like oh. excellent. this will do. >:) 
so i was just researching for hours basically. i had already kind of included ribbon ballet motifs into her stand’s design (sr wears ballet shoes and her pose is also based off a ballet photograph i found), so it seemed perfect. i really wanted sr reader to bring her own unique presence to the team. due to her background, she’s the most flexible of team bucciarati, and likely has the best overall stamina from years of training. sr reader can be very light on her feet and nimble! bucciarati took all of this into account when inviting her to join passione, seeing these strengths and the potential she had. 
anon 2: I'm in an angsty mood what has been sr reader's biggest arguments with the bucci gang? I can see giorno, after he becomes don, overstepping his boundaries getting involved with reader's affairs too much and her not liking it at all.
i had imagined there being some sort of conflict or argument in each of the routes, so here’s a brief run down of what i pictured! in the order of what routes i pictured being taken first to last. 
mista: as i said before, it’s somewhat more lighthearted, as mista is actually a god tier boyfriend. his carefree nature could be a source of contention though, as i imagine sr reader wishes he’d act more serious at times. 
narancia: as this would be narancia’s first relationship, he can be a bit insecure and petty at times. sr reader would have a zero tolerance for any controlling behavior. until she learns about narancia’s background of people leaving him and is able to empathize more with his insecurity that stems from that, it’d result in some disagreements. 
trish: hmm... there are a few possibilities here. one, where sr reader feels like trish isn’t making enough time for her and the fallout that ensues, trish frustrated by sr reader’s sudden of lack of support. or two, where trish makes a few insensitive comments about sr reader not yet returning to the dance scene. something where trish had only meant to convict sr reader but it just didn’t turn out well.
fugo: oh lord. this and abba’s route would have a few arguments. fugo might feel overwhelmed by pursuing a relationship, no matter how much he wants it, resulting in himself getting snappy with sr reader. they both didn’t communicate their feelings well and resulted in a big verbal showdown. but don’t worry, they’d reconcile eventually! just... lots of hurt feelings for some time. 
abbacchio: to anyone who has played otome games... abba is like that one love interest that is super distant and :/ the entire time. you know what i mean. i think for the most part sr reader would be understanding and patient, but every human has limits. abbacchio would call her overbearing and annoying, not really meaning it, with sr reader taking it to heart this time. ensue hurt and comfort time . 
bruno: i can imagine bruno and giorno having similar discourse. bruno would be slightly more overbearing though, likely trying to get sr reader to leave passione and the mafia scene entirely once they got together. bruno would have lots of doubts about getting sr reader involved in it, wondering why his younger self had dragged her into it, meanwhile sr reader is having none of that shit lmao. it’d be a mess. sr reader might even just peace out on a flight home to get space from him 💀
giorno: similar to bruno, would probably lessen sr reader’s passione related work, but wouldn’t try to remove her entirely like bruno. giorno is also very clueless when it comes to relationships, i see him as the type to try and compensate for that by giving gifts for the lack of time he has with sr reader. so that’d also be a point of contention at certain points.
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verwelktesgedicht · 3 years
When Otome-games break your heart?!?
I played my 2nd otome game ever... piofiore... and got ORLOKS FREAKING TRAGIC ENDING?!?!?!
I came here to have a good time and after my first game, Nightshade-Hanzo’s adorable route which warmed my heart a lot and made me get interested in otome games because I loved his route so much, I decided to try out which route I would get in piofiore with a friend who had already played it (that’s how it was possible for me to get Orlok’s route right in the beginning) and WHAT THE FUCK!
First of all, I love tragic endings in books and movies and stuff! Really. I do. But..........
I know this was only my 2nd game but I can’t imagine any other otome ending could make me more heartbroken than this?!
I was so happy I got Orlok... T_T I didn’t aim for it. I just went with the flow. And then he showed up and I ended up with his route... that lost boy...... that adorable little boy who vows to protect me... Who has no real concept of what friendship and love is... Who has no real person who is there for him... Who is actually really just.. alone?? Who actually I want to protect and hug and show some happiness in this world! T_T
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I loved the scene were he plays with the kids in the beginning while waiting for me... Those were the times T_T
Spoiler ahead
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All the characters have 3 endings and a couple of endings during the story where I just... die if I don’t take care... (I don’t see them as real ending though xDD You NEED to reach one of those 3 real ones or it isn’t satisfying, right? xD) There was one mistake I made which led me to a bad ending where I sacrifice myself by accident and Orlok kills me. (Ooops.) And I thought how sad that was (but also kinda.. oww...... at least it was him?!) and that I was happy I saved the game not long before and that I do need to continue without dying in the middle of the game. Since it wasn’t one of his real three endings, I thought I can’t just stop here in the middle where I accidently got killed..
After finishing the whole route...
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But no! Of course I continued and then I reached the last chapter and it was titled “Albtraum” and my head just went.. “Fuck. No. Please no.”
When I reached that rape... that I “agreed” to only because I wanted to protect Orlok and that he himself even has to watch.. That broke my heart. I didn’t expect it would still get worse!? (But also... maybe this WAS the part that, thinking of it afterwards, I thought of the worst..... I mean... the raping is the worst. But in addition to that... Orlok, lying there, seeing it and begging for it to stop and knowing that this happens only because I agreed to do whatever is asked from me, so that he doesn’t die.. and he has to experience all this happening to his love without being able to help even though he promised to protect me?! Wow.)
And when I sneak into the jail to free him and he mentioned how I smell of that Mafia boss guy (because hey... have to be with him every. freaking. following. night. of my life.)... When we have that one last talk..... and Orlok declines leaving without me (not that he could WITH CUT TENDONS!!!).. and then.... that asshole of a Mafia boss finds us and... I get my tendons cut too so I can’t come down to the jail anymore and we are both there in the same mansion but will never be able to meet each other again, not talking of escaping, because none of us can walk anymore... Also not being able to kill ourselves because that would mean breaking our promises/being responsible for the other one to be killed... “I cursed God for the first time in my life.” And the “the End”-screen appears.....!?
This really hit me hard?!
And then the extra bonus scene afterwards in jail where Orlok dreams of us being happy together and then he wakes up... and, half-dead, forbids himself to die because he promised to be near me until the very end?? When he forces the food into his body?! And wonders where he (and FREAKING I) went wrong... And ends up deciding that all went wrong with his birth... And that a scenario where he saves me never existed from the beginning. (It DID... I just fucked up.) Holy shit...
I thought tragic ends are like..... the guy sacrifices himself for her to rescue her from.. I don’t know.. a bullet or so. And then he dies. And maybe she kills herself too because of the sadness. And that would be tragic! But I didn’t expect.. THIS!
Also. Respect for the voice actor. The extra scene in jail.... wow. Just wow.
I just quote the sentence that appeared above the “the End”: “Heu, Fortuna, quis est crudelior in nos“
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Many tears flowed that day. I mean, if you watch a movie or read a book and it would end like that, it will be super tragic! But... you aren’t that CLOSE?! With a game like this you play it for hours over hours. You ARE the girl and you hope for a good ending and then it ends like this and you are kind of RESPONSIBLE for it?! You wonder where you went wrong... T_T
Well... but... I do have to say.. okay, after that ending it sounds wrong to say “this game was fun!!” but I do have to say... it was fun except for the ending T_T it was interesting and thought-through I guess? It did have an unexpected and far from boring ending.. how hard it was.. it was still... interesting... from an objective point of view.... It was good and tragic and maybe a little TOO tragic. But it was... from the writing point of view.. good.
I also like that most of the time you have absolutely no idea which decision is the right one (or was that only me?) and even after making it you often still don’t know. That was very interesting and exciting.
Orlok was so interesting because he is the only one who is alone, I think? He doesn’t really have anyone. While the othere characters have their families...
I do like the game... I do like Orlok’s route... I wonder if I can ever play any other route after this T__T I mean.. I heard Mr. Mafia-boss, who did this horrible stuff to those, has a good route as well..
But I guess I need some time off this game first xD”““
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xenetala · 4 years
Piofiore: Fated Memories Review
I’ll keep this as spoiler free as possible, but with this game that may be a bit difficult. This is just my thoughts on the game and its quality. This game overall is really well done and if you are familiar with Amnesia Memories, you’ll really enjoy this one.
There are a few things I’d like to give people a heads up on in this one. First, this is a game about the Mafia. While it should be obvious, many people who play otome games may not realize this isn’t like the sweet games such as Kissed by the Baddest Bidder. Please do not play this game if you are sensitive to blood, gore, death, rape, drug abuse, psychological abuse, torture, violence, general crime, and other such themes. While you can play the best routes and avoid too much of this, you will be exposed to some pretty gruesome and brutal things in this game.
The second thing I’d like to give a heads up on is you have to play the routes in a semi set order to unlock things. By this I mean you don’t get to completely choose who you play at first. While this by no means makes the game bad, it’s something to think about before playing. You may not get to choose your favorite boy right off.
If you do play this, I have a recommended play route. I recommend this based on the lore of the world. That’s not to say you have to play this order, but I think it’ll give a better feel for the world.
While you can start with either Dante or Nicola, I’d recommend playing through Dante’s route first and follow his route with Orlock. While Yang is my absolute favorite boy by far, I recommend playing Nicola before Yang. Gilbert’s route you can’t play until you’ve played the other 4 so Dante > Orlock > Nicola > Yang is my recommended order, but Dante > Nicola > Orlock > Yang isn’t a bad order either.
Overall Story
This is a really good story. There’s a lot of absolutely lovable characters in it and I wish there were more routes. I also wish the stories were longer just because of how good the characters are. Even the supporting characters are great. The setting is in Italy during the 1920′s. There are a few references to world events around that time such as World War I, the depression, American prohibition, and several other things that happened around the world.
The game takes a lot of the terms and historical things and puts them in a nice handy dictionary in case the audience isn’t familiar with them. Personally I find all of the references common knowledge, but then I’m also a history buff so that may not be the case.
As far as the plot goes, the basis is you play an MC who grew up in a church in a small mafia run city. Depending on the route, the MC gets captured or rescued by one of the three mafia groups and ends up in their care as a guest. The three groups are the Italian based Falzone, the mixed heritage Visconti, and the Chinese based Lao-Shu.
Each route has a different part of the story and history of the world and the town as well as a different perspective. Some of the routes are more peaceful while others not so much. In all of them, the MC is one I consistently like. Despite being brought up in a quasi Roman Catholic based belief system, she’s quite down to Earth and many times stands up to the mafia so that earns her many points in my book.
The one thing in this game that I feel is a big missed opportunity is the character Roberto De Feo. I would have loved to see him as an option in this game. Especially after playing all of the routes including the hidden one, I feel like he would have made a nice addition to the story.
This game has a really good set of characters and even the supporting characters are good so I’m going to go over quite a few people in this. I’ll break these down by factions to help keep things orderly. Each character does have a best, good, and tragic ending. Some of them are really good, but the tragic ones to be pretty brutal to play.
Also, a fun note in the CGs you can press a button to hear the character’s comments on the scene.
Falzone Family
Dante Falzone - This is the first route I recommend playing. He’s kind of the ‘canon’ route in this and goes over a lot of the lore of the world. It can get a bit overwhelming to keep up with all of the mythology of the game, but you will need that information for later routes.
He’s introduced as the cold and cruel boss of the Falzone, but in reality he’s more of the slightly cold gentleman. While he can be cruel as evidenced in a torture scene, he’s really very sweet and you see much more of his caring side as the story progresses. I’m not a fan of his route as it is way sweeter than I’d like for a mafia boss, but it is the most romantic one.
In this route the MC spends most of her time confined with Dante and is more of a prisoner than a guest in my opinion. She’s not allowed to roam free much and is quite dependent on Dante. There is a lot of violence in this route and is one of the more gruesome ones in a few places. I actually like his good ending better than the best ending. His tragic end is really sad so beware. It’s not as brutal as others, but it’ll tug your heartstrings. Death can bring more peace than life. 
Leo Cavagnis - While not a love interest, Leo is an adorable character. He’s assigned as the MC’s body guard in anything related to the Falzone family. I would like to have seen him as a romance option just because it’d be nice to have a choice other than only higher ranking mafia members, but even without him being an option he’s a fun character in all of the routes.
Nicola Francesca - He is the underboss for the Falzone family and is Dante’s cousin. I liked his route much more than I thought I would and he is more what you’d expect for a mafia themed game. It is mentioned in all routes a few times that Nicola is more suited to being the boss than the underboss, and I agree with this.
Nicola is presented as a playboy, but though he’s flirty he’s not really a playboy. He has a lot of charisma and appears nice, but there is a cruel side to him. This is showcased in how he treats his men and in a torture scene. His route has almost none of the lore and is refreshing in that fact.
The MC is still more of prisoner in this one, but she’s not as dependent on Nicola. Even though I’d say Nicola is more ruthless than Dante, this route is actually one of the less violent ones. I will warn that his route is predictable and not quite as exciting to play as far as plot twists and such. Despite that, this is a fun route and the MC gets to showcase a bit more strength than in some of the others.
He is really tied to his idea of trying to free Dante from the curse of his blood and duties so Nicola often acts brashly and without really trying to understand others. This makes him quite focused on his own goals. His best ending is a great ending and for sure deserves to be called the best ending. I don’t really care for his good ending as much. While not sad, he’s too much of a mafia boss for the good ending to really fit him. His tragic ending is a work of art.
Giulia Ceste - She is the motherly housekeeper of the Falzone and takes care of the MC a lot when in the company of the Falzone family. While not a big character, she does help create some humor in the routes and is always a welcome addition when things get really serious.
The Church
Just a few notes on this ‘faction’. This group plays different roles in each route and doesn’t really follow a branch of the Christian religions. Even though the set up is implied to be the Roman Catholic branch, the lore behind this church isn’t really clear on things. There’s a relic mentioned and that relic is given all sorts of explanations as to what it is, but in reality very little of this game really follows any specific branch. So, if you find yourself confused on this group that’s normal.
Josef von Rosburg - Josef is a bishop for the church and has varying roles depending on the route you play. For the most part he’s reasonably pious and does things on behalf of what he believes to be the best for the church. Although, as the saying goes the road to hell is paved with the best of intentions.
Orlock - This boy is all cinnamon roll and I did not like his route until I played all endings. Part of the problem I have with his route is he’s so naïve and innocent that he comes off as childlike. After seeing him in some of the other routes I’d had the expectation that he’d be more of a cold hearted assassin than he is.
That I think colored my perceptions too much to fully enjoy this route and is partly why I recommend him as the second one you play. He is a disciple which basically just means he’s an assassin for the church.
He is absolutely devoted to the MC to the point of basically worshiping her and can see no fault in anything she does. This route is one of the more violent ones and uncovers more of the lore of the world. Orlock feels much younger than the MC because of his innocence despite being able to kill just about anyone.
The good route I liked a lot more than the best route in this one and that’s partly because he didn’t feel as much like a child in that end. The tragic route though changed my mind about his story a bit though. I love his tragic route. It is brutal and merciless, but you see him as an adult and not like a child. Plus, I’m a sucker for a good gut wrenching tragedy that just makes you question why you’d put yourself through the torture of reading it.
Elena Croce - This girl is the MCs best friend and someone she grew up with in the church. Her role varies depending on the route, but she’s generally a quite girl and is good at cooking.
Sister Sofia - She is one of the sisters in the church and is the mother figure of the story. She knows MC’s history and why she’s so important, but keeps things secret from her to prevent her from carrying a heavy burden.
Oliver Haas - Sadly this is another one that doesn’t have a romance option. Oliver is the Visconti family lawyer and helps smooth things over when members of the family get arrested. He is very strict and is often reprimanding Gilbert for things. It would be interesting to see the story from his perspective for sure.
Visconti Family
Gilbert Redford - He is the leader of the Visconti family and was born in Chicago. Gilbert has ties to the US and the mafia in Chicago. Unlike the Falzone family, he had to earn his way to the boss of the faction and wasn’t passed to him through blood ties.
This route is the most peaceful route. Though Gilbert is mafia, he is a businessman first and foremost. In his story the MC has a lot more freedom as she leaves the manor and tours sections of the city with Gilbert. Much of the MC’s time with him is more like being on dates.
Even though this route is far less violent than the others and softer in many respects, this one has more intrigue. Gilbert is the type that fights with strategy more than with violence so there’s a lot of intelligence gathering and plotting.
Basically the premise is that Gilbert is being framed for a crime and everyone is trying to clear his name. Due to the nature of the crime, it affects all of the families and even Yang is willing to help out Gilbert through this ordeal. The whole story is really a build up to the big finale of the case and you get to see aspects of all the characters in a very different light.
I really like his endings. All of them fit the story and are beautifully done. One of the things I like most about Gilbert’s story is everyone sticks together and helps out.
Lan - She is one of the twins that is assigned as the MC’s guard when in company with the Laou-Shu. This girl is absolutely adorable and creates a lot of fun moments. As cute and sweet as she is, she is also very strong and will kill someone without a second thought.
Yang - He is by far my favorite of all the characters. Yang is highly intelligent and very skilled in combat. This is show cased by the fact that he is bored without intrigue or other shenanigans to provide him amusement. The MC in this route is one of the more interesting ones in my opinion. Her intelligence really shines through in this one because in order to survive Yang she has to think on her feet a lot.
One of the things I really liked about this route is there were more fun scenes in it. While Yang’s route is by far the most brutal and violent, there are points that are just good fun and provide some of that cute romantic mishap stuff we all kind of want in these games.
The Laou-Shu is a different type of mafia group from the others and this story is in opposition to the lore of the world. Pretty much everyone gets killed and there’s a lot of misfortune in Yang’s route. He is a violent person who grew up under less than ideal circumstances. The MC is gets involved in the goings on with the Laou-Shu and is brought to some pretty grisly things.
I’ve seen quite a few people compare Yang’s personality to that of Hisoka from the anime Hunter x Hunter and I agree that they have similarities. Both live for the moment and share the bloodlust from a good battle with a strong opponent. He is also a master manipulator and very good at twisting words to get exactly what he wants. His best and tragic endings are simply gorgeous, but his good ending isn’t as fun. It’s not a badly done ending, but I would have liked them both to die in it.
Fei - He is the other of the twins that guard the MC when in the company of the Laou-Shu. He’s very protective of his sister and is the calming force for her. Just like Lan, as adorable as he is he can and will kill someone without a second thought.
Marco Caldroni - He is the other detective that comes into the game and is more often than not trying to keep Roberto in check. Marco is more okay with letting the mafia deal with things than his partner is and tends to either stay out of the way or help in cases where civilians are in danger.
Roberto De Feo - This guy grows on you as you play the game. At first I really didn’t like him and especially so after playing Nicola’s route, but they really should have given him an option. I’d rather have been able to play Roberto than Orlock. Roberto is a newer detective with the police force and has a very strong idea of what justice is. He does not like that the town is overrun with mafia and that the mafia controls everything. This guy tends to pop up and pick fights with some of the mafia members.
??? - This is a hidden route that is only unlocked after you’ve played through all of the others. You learn a lot more about the lore of the world and the MC is pretty much on her own in this route. I found this route very boring and the person you romance in this is too haunted by the past for me to really enjoy them.
As much as I love a good redemption story or even a good tragedy, this route is so boring. I would much rather have this be a totally different character’s route. While I get this person’s story helps fill in the gaps from Gilbert’s route, this gentleman is one of those revenge is everything types and I’m just not onboard with him. The endings are a peaceful kind of harem ending for the best ending and I don’t mind that one too much. There is a romance ending and I just don’t care for this character enough.
I get wanting revenge, but I find the all consuming revenge to the point of self-destruction and destruction of everything you hold dear just stupid. That’s how this romance goes. Reminds me a lot of the Sasuke and Sakura stuff from the anime Naruto.
31 notes · View notes
kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 4 years
Otomate Party 2019 Piofiore no Banshou: December 31, 1925 drama
So... I ended up translating this as a favour owed to someone who I got to borrow a switch from before I got my own. Haven’t actually played piofiore so I might have used different words for the chars as opposed to what’s  in the game (please tell me if you think something should be changed since I strive to match the game text). 
This is likely going to be the only piofiore translation i do since I found nothing aside from some of the stories that came from a store bonus booklet which ended up being translated and put in to copy-able text that I could read....  and I have no interest in going further out of my way to hurt my hand by writing out the text from any more dramas from a fandom I don’t really have any interest in... as I already did so for this. 
anyway, I translate from Chinese into English so this may not be 100% accurate. the video for this has now been moved to my private blog.
Piofiore no Banshou: December 31, 1925
Translation by KumoriYami
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Nicola: no one's here yet, though this is definitely the agreed upon time. Well, it is New Year's Eve today. If no one comes after midnight, I'll just head back.
(door creaks open)
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Gilbert: ~hums~ haha yo, nicola!
Nicola: Hello, that really was quite an entrance, Gilbert. Have you been drinking?
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Gilbert: I haven't/No [check audio], I just recently met interesting man at a/the bar who dreams of going to the moon. It was incredible, like we weren't strangers at all.
(door creaks open)
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Yang: What, surprisingly no on is here yet, and it seems that I'm early.
Gilbrt: Noo, you're totally late, late at the clock, Yang.
Yang: In any case you were also late, Redford
Nicola: Can you stop being late all the/every time?
Yang: As always, you have such a strong sense of time, Francesca. Are you really from this country?
Nicola: How rude. My family is of pure Italian descent, regardless of how far many generations back you go/regardless of how far back you go.
Gilbert: Ah, what happened to Dante? I don't see him.
Nicola: Ah, Dante, he was taken by our consultant.
Gilbert: Does that mean he'll be arriving late?
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Nicola: Drinking to much— it'll cause a certain .... you understand?
Gilbert: That's true, although that hasn't been exaggerated/that's no exaggeration, the situation still hasn't reached that staged.
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Yang: Ha......This is terrible. Why is it that on the last day of the year I must see a man's face/Why do I have to see a man's face until the end of the last day of the year?
Nicola: That's what I should be saying. Well, it was pretty nice to say hello to that child anyway.
Yang: As expected of Francesca, you're simply full of impure motives/bad ideas/have/are a collection of bad ideas.
Nicola: Yang [check audio might have written name down incorrectly], can you say that to me/do you have the right to say that to me?
Yang: I'll be taking that woman/That woman will brought back by me anyway so you should give up.
Gilbert: What are you saying, Yang. Also no one asked for your opinion.
Nicola: That's right, that child isn't yours.
Gilbert: Right, just as Nicola says, she's interested in me, so don't do anything unnecessary.
Nicola: That's right, she's Gilbert's— eh?
Gilbert: eh?
Nicola: Who do you think is interested in whom?
Gilbrt: Ahaha, don't make me repeat this since I'll feel embarrassed. She's already to go out on a date with me.
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The two of us went to a gelato store overlooking the coast/sea...
Nicola: Isn't that just eating gelato in the same place? You can't be certain that she's interested in you.
Gilbert: Oh? What's wrong? Are you jealous/feeling bitter? Nicola.
(Yang’s VA starts walking away)
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Nicola: For adults on a date to actually go to a gelato store [parlour] by the ocean, it's completely tasteless with zero sense of sentiment involved.
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Yang: Hm...
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Nicola: By the way, last week that child and I enjoyed an evening at a nice and stylish bar.
gilbert. Oh.
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Yang: ah, there's a split end
Gilbert: Ha! Isn't that just inviting someone to a simple dinner?
I mean, she's also lived at my home.
Nicola: That was since she couldn't do anything about it after you begged her, and was only pressured into do so.
Right! Before that, she specifically made me some desserts as a consolation.
Giilbert: That wasn't just for you. It was for Dante and Leo.
nicola: keh
Yang: Ah, I don't know when a scratch got onto the pipe.
gilbert: [Anyway?] Yang! 
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Yang: What.
Gilbert: Why aren't you showing any interest in this?
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Yang: Because it's extremely boring, and I can't help it.
Besides, even if you want to argue
Wouldn't it be hard for you both to compete with me, who has already slept in that woman's room?
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Nicola: eh, eh, ha, eh—?
Yang: I slept there.
nicola: eh?
Yang: The bed in that room was so bad, it's not even worth mentioning.
Nicola: [you know that] Using force is a crime/Used force to commit a crime? Yang.
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Gilbert: Ah, wai-wait, wait,  hold it, Nicola.
That guy literally broke into her room without permission and slept there, that's all!
Nicola: Even though that was an unsuccessful attempt, wouldn't it be better to send him off here? In order to ensure her safety.
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Gilbert: No, why are you always so quick to anger /why do you have such a short temper becomes so low when Yang is involved
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Yang: che, how boring. In the end though, what's wrong? A man who makes a woman wait isn't a man, is he?
Gilbert: No, no, she's not waiting for you.
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Nicola: nn, she's waiting for me.
Gilbert: No, no, that's also not right.
Yang: It's a pity, but I'm still the one who makes that woman most happy.
Nicola: If you don't want to compete, why don't you go back? Gilbert?
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Gilbert: Ngh... Really, why are you bothersome.
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Of course my desire to touch her is no less than how much you want tooooooooo
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Nicolata: Gilbert, what the hell are you trying/asserting—
Ah, you, since when were you over there?
Yang: I see, it's no wonder why someone's gaze could be felt from the start of this until now
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Gilbert: No, if you noticed, say something earlier, Yang!
Yang: So when did you start eavesdropping?
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Nicola: from the very beginning, everything....
Gilbert: ...if it's true, there's no way around it
Nicola: Eh, wait, Gilbert?
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Gilbert: When I see you smile, my heart becomes heated.
I want to touch you, and to hold you, regardless of where
Of course, even now.
I sincerely mean this.
Although we're only friends right now, I truly would like to have a special relationship with you one day
From now on, I will ask that you please be aware of my feelings.
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Nicola: hey, hey, wa-wait a moment, Gilbert, why are you suddenly talking about love?
Gilbert: Hm? What's so strange about that?
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yang: I think the the development just now was a little strange. 
Gilbert: I didn't say these words as a joke.
I want to tell people what I truly feel, and to the woman I love -
nicola: I don't think those are words that can be excused/forgiven for such a reason. You see, she also—
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yang: ...You have a somewhat approving mood to this/You’re slightly receptive to this?
Gilbert: You see, a man needs to be honest, remember that well
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Yang: Thanks for your guidance, so what will you be doing? Francesca.
Nicola: What's going on?/What?
Yang: Do you want Redford to enjoy himself? Why don't you say one or two passionate words of courtship?
Nicola: Aren't you clearing enjoying the excitement/this?
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Gilbert: Hehe! Don't force it, Nicola. Even you aren't able to love in the way I do.
Yang: What, Francesca? Are you not going to say anything?
Nicola: When it comes to that, I naturally also have feelings I want to convey
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I think I'm messing around with you to some extent, but aren’t you always messing around with me?
I shouldn't be taking this seriously, and I understand that from the bottom of my heart.
I'm in the Mafia, and you're an ordinary girl.
There are countless reasons I can list for why we can't be together
even so, this is a real headache/dilemma.
For the first time, whenever I'm in your presence, I can't do what I want.
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I love you, signorina.
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Gilbert: Oh. Eh. Th-Th-That reaction was quite intense, so.. what will you do? Between myself and Nicola, who do you want to choose?
Yang: there's no need to ask such a question, Redford. Because that woman is already mine/my thing from the start.
Nicola: But I don't think any girl would choose a savage man like Yang?
Yang: Whatever you say. Fine. I'll accept your provocation.
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Oi, you, become my woman.
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Gilbert: Why would you start with something so thoughtless...
Nicola: I'd doubt your common sense, though there never was any common sense in Yang's dictionary in the first place/though, in the first place, there never was any common sense in your dictionary, Yang [check audio].
Yang: Shut up, don't interrupt me.
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I hate cheap women who grovel, and having said that, it goes without saying that women who show fear are also boring.
I'd kill women who bore me, so you should actually look forward to it/this.
Perhaps you'll be a good toy to stop me from being bored.
How is that? If you come to my side, you will have a taste of a whole new world.
Should I take you back now and show you what it's like?
Adult games, that kind of stuff—
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Nicola: okay okay okay, stop there!
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Gilbert: On top of that, we can't go further than that/that's not going to work
nicola?: eh?
Gilbert: Would you have already been stabbed if Orlok was here?
Nicola: He'd/It'd be very nice if he went home.
Yang: Hah... what a noisy bunch. I'd have immediately brought her back if i knew it'd be like this.
Sweet words are enough in bed—
Gilbert: That's enough, Yang.
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Yang: What are you doing, let me go
Gilbert: Who's going  to let you go. As soon as I l do that, you'll say something stupid.
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No, [instead,] we really shouldn't have met on New Year's Eve.
Nicola: In the end, there was simply no time to talk about work. Let's wait for a new opportunity to find time to do so later.
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Gilbert: Ah, that's fine. Goodbye, Nicola. Alright, you're going back Yang!
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Yang: There's no helping it then. I'll go back for today, but next year, I will make you mine/my thing [东西 is usually translated into "thing' or "stuff" in chinese... tho from what i’ve read, i kinda thing "toy" would work? might just leave it at  'mine'].
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Gilbert: Ah, that's enough!
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Nicola: okay okay, buon anno, have a good new year~
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On this street [alt: district? check gameplay videos], we welcomed a peaceful day.
But as members of the mafia, a hated and loathed existence, this peace [of ours/now] will not last forever.
In a few moments the new year will be here. It will surely have trials that that haven't been thought of.
But, I will protect you until the very end.
(bell starts ringing)
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Ah, it's here, the new year
1926, it's about to start—
-----end -----
images cut from video of the 2020 otomate new title party tho this drama was originally from the 2019 otomate party... i think?
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nightowlfandom · 4 years
It...had been a long time coming I said this was coming....last year and it just didn’t happen. Until now! 
Rules- One, If a character you are asking for is depicted as high school age, then please be aware they will be written in a style that has them being 18 or older and most likely will not be written in a NSFW sense. I enforce this rule because while I do like writing for people, SFW or NSFW it’s just...what I like to do. I have every right to deny your request, please keep that in mind. Two....there is no rule two.
Here’s how you request- Choose 2- 5 prompts (No more than 5, no less than 2) and those will used to make a one-shot or two-shot depending on how long it gets. You need to tell me who you want me to write about (and if it’s an AU, then state that as well.) Then give me a short summary of what you want it to be about. (Example- You want a Vampire AU about Levi Ackerman with 2,5, 18, 27, and 45. Boom!) If you want smut, PLEASE SPECIFY! I won’t write smut if you don’t ask. Same with if you want a certain type of au or fluff/ angst. Just let me know.
Side note- I write a lot of AU’s and am pretty much open to whatever. Yandere, Tsundere, Office AU, Mafia AU, Vampire AU, Royal AU, Ghost AU, Magical AU -BItch I do everything. HOWEVER I WILL NOT WRITE non-consent, Incest (including step siblings), Underaged readers and anything along those lines.
I write for fluff, smut, AND angst. More fluff and smut but yeah. I also ask if you could say ‘please’ when you request because MANNERS PEOPLE!
Do I do ships- YES! Not often but if you ask I’ll do it.
Link to my masterlist here!
I write for various K-pop groups, animes, Voltage games/Otome Visual Novels, and Final Fantasy/Misc. If you need clarification on if I write for a certain character just go ahead and ask
By the way if you see some repeats from my last prompt list, just hushity hush! I liked them okay? It’s our little secret alright? I will NOT take requests from past prompt lists.
... (Actual prompts below the cut) ⬇️
1- Have you ever just wanted to...run away from it all?
2-  I’ve wanted to tell you this for a long time...
3- People like that are just jealous of you, you know that right?
4- Stop looking down, you’re too pretty to be that shy.
5- I know you’ve never done anything with anyone before…so I’m gonna make sure your first time is special!
6- You asked me to take care of it...so I’ll take care of it.
7- If anyone even THINKS about touching you, I’ll kick their asses!
8-Oh baby, I treat you like a maid because that’s basically all you are.
9- I love this new angry side of you, it’s so hot.
10- I think I’ll keep you as a pet! You’re fun to mess with.
11- Why can’t you just admit you have feelings for me?!
12- I love you. I-I said it! I just-...I love you so much Y/N
13- I’m not shy! I’m just not used to girls like you being so close to me.
14- Cute? Did you call me cute?!? 
15- Come on! We have so much to do today!
16- Do you want me to sing a song for you to help you get to sleep? Okay then...
17- Well you just kissed me and I don’t even know your name...wanna fix that?
18- Alright, alright! I’ll stop making fun of you okay? Just don’t leave.
19- Hmm, who you tryna’ look sexy for babygirl?
20- Don’t finish that sentence darling...it won’t end well for you.
21- Let’s cuddle and I’ll stroke your hair, okay?
22- I dare you to finish that sentence...
23- Is that my shirt?
24- We can’t be just friends...I’m too in love with you.
25- What. Did. They. Say to you? I won’t ask again.
26- S-so, I guess this means we’re together now?
27- I couldn’t stop thinking about you all day.
28- Shhh, be quiet. We can’t be too loud, babe.
29- When are you going to realize that I can treat you better than he could?!
30- Dance for me. I’ll sit right here and you put on a show, okay?
31- I know it seems like we’re moving too fast but I haven’t felt this way about someone in a long time...I think I’m in love with you
32- Do we have too!? I wore my comfy pants today!
33- If I cared enough to give that asshole the time of day I’d probably be in jail Y/N...
34- Do you think trying to make me jealous is a smart move sweetheart?
35- You’ve been avoiding me...why?
36- I got into a fight, not like I killed someone. Geez Y/N...
37- I didn’t know what kind of flowers you liked...so I got everything they had!
38- I bought takeout! It’s time for me to cheer you up, babe
39- I’d much rather hang out with you than those jerks, what do ya say?
40- *Trips and falls* Oh I’m sorry, I was just making sure I wasn’t dreaming. *flirty smile*
41- I’ll be the best boyfriend you’ve ever had! i promise.
42- How dare you say things about me that are 100% true! I am offended!
43- You know I can tell when you’re lying, right?
44- You know that feeling when it seems like you two are the only people in a room?...That’s how I feel right now.
45- It’s you and me, not us and them. Fuck what they think.
46- You never told me you were in a band!!
47- You’re too cheeky for you own good, kid.
48- Stay a little longer?
49- Say you’re mine! Say it, say it, say it! *Insert giggle here*
50- I think you’ve lost your mind, but okay!
51- Damn, you look good in that dress.
52- Hi, I’m your next best mistake, what’s your name?
53- It breaks my heart to see you so sad.
54- You can lay on my chest if it makes you feel better.
55- Damnit Y/N! I’m trying to confess my feelings to you!
56- I had a dream about you.
57- I know you’re shy around my friends, but they love you!
58- I hate when we fight...let’s just calm down for a second.
59- I didn’t know you liked playing Cat and Mouse.
60- I may or may not have peeked in your diary...
61- Normal? Baby we’re the farthest from it.
62- Avoiding me won’t fix your undying love for me, many have tried but all have failed.
63- Just admit you’re in love with me Y/N...maybe we can have some fun later.
64- Of all the days to be stuck with someone, it’s you...ugh
65- Please never give up for me...or us.
66- Look at me when I fuck you...(I have a feeling this is gonna be a favorite)
67- Aww! Let me play a tune for you on the world’s smallest violin!! (I love spongebob lol) 
68- You never told me you could sing!!
69- Bend over this counter. I need to fill you up.
70- Babe...Lets just calm down. You’re making that face you make when you’re about to-
71- Let’s prepare a Hot Pot today! That always makes us feel better, right? (Hot Pot on a cold rainy day...YESSSS)
72- Me? You...want to be my girlfriend. You sure? Because I am a huge handful.
73- I want you to have my children...I want to be with you forever.
74- Come here girl, let me show you how much I love you.
75- I’ll give you a second chance to fix what you just said babygirl.
76- Everytime I leave you alone, you always make a mess.
78- What’s that thing you do with your neck when you’re mad? Yeah that neck roll thing! Teach me how to do that!
79- Let’s just relax and sleep in all day.
80- You sounded very serious on the phone. What’s up?
81- Yes, I am very awkward and yes I’m probably making this ten times worse than it already is....but 
82- You’re gonna make beg for forgiveness aren’t you.
83- How are we gonna fix this? Because breaking up isn’t an option Y/N.
84- I didn’t think you’d ever love me back...I’m so happy.
85- I wanna meet your parents!
86- Looks like someone could use a visit from the tickle monster!
87- I’d rather die than admit I have feelings for you! You’re disgusting and....perfect in every way,
89- Be mine?...I’m gonna keep asking until you say yes! 
90- Okay stop it already! People are gonna think I’m bullying you if you keep sobbing like that.
91- I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong!
92- You’re acting like a four year old right now!
93- Calm down, I’m just giving you a massage.
94- It’s been awhile since...all that happened.
95- Sending memes at three in the morning is NOT productive!
96- Okay...before you get mad, just know I did it because I love you!
97- How many times can I make you blush today, I’m curious to know.
98- Sometimes it’s nice to just stargaze. It calms me down a lot.
99- I suppose this is a good time to mention that I can’t cook!
100- So...about that picture you sent me today....
101- Hm...why don’t you sit on my lap and tell me what you want.
102- I don’t have anything to hide. I’m an open book.
103- Ah! Don’t look at me! I’m not decent! No! Aaah!
104- I mean you could...come to my place! We could have a little date y’know.
105- Snail, Mouse, Pet, Underling, pick a name, Babes.
106- Y/N, I think we’re drunk. And as responsible adults, we should take our clothes off so we don’t suffocate!
107- Okay babe! Tell me all about your day....Your coworker did what?!!
108- I know you’re not asleep, Y/N.
109 - Are you crying because of me? Hm...I didn’t realize I have that effect on you.
110- That’s daddy to you, sweetheart.
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