#Ik in one movie he does and it's a joke that he hates it but ngl
dbphantom · 1 year
Reddit users as soon as you say Egghead Luffy is actually wearing a dress with a cropped jacket over top
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Am I wrong tho? That's a dress. The jacket sleeves and the hood are attached to the top part which is seperate from it. And when he transforms into G5, he's just wearing shorts and no shirt which I also do when I'm wearing a dress, so I mean...
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Also, fun fact, the numbers on the back change from 163 to 5G (or SG, to fit the front) only on this panel, which I'm assuming was an error, but could also just be a G5 reference, I dunno.
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Watch next chapter have him unzip it and have a shirt underneath just bc I posted this asgdgdjssjdh
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umeoniii · 1 year
aot men beige flags
eren, jean, reiner , levi , armin , connie
!: sfw
☆ makes weird voices.
high pitched, low pitched, shaky he doesn’t care.
like sometimes as a bit he just uses weird accents and stuff.
he’ll speak like a caveman for one day.
“me want ooga burga” he’ll scratch his head like one too
and you’ll just stare at him like, “this mfs crazy” bcs literally wtf is he on about?!
the next day he’s trying to sound french
“oui oui mon amour”
and he’s wiggling his brows and has his imaginary mustache in between his fingers.
☆ his next one is he’s kind of oblivious to a lot of things.
you can pull out the ugliest outfit known to man to test him and he’ll say “that looks so good baby”
not bcs he’s setting u up. no, because he doesn’t think that lime green ripped jeans and a orange cropped hoodie look bad together.
you’ll have to show him what fashion looks like and he’ll get better as time goes on.
the tickle monster.
☆ when you’re around him u have to watch your back. he’s serious about it.
u can have a super cute sentimental moment with him and he’ll pull it out.
“i really love you baby.” you’d say
“who else do you love, because i know you’re cheating on me with him.”
and you’re like WHAT.
“with who?!”
he’d pause and stare at you for a few seconds.
and he’d tickle you until you can’t breathe and almost pee yourself.
and after that you don’t trust him but then proceed to slip up multiple times.
u guys are gonna hate me for this next one…
☆ he does “the face” when he’s gonna kiss u
u guys know what i’m talking about
“the face guys make when they go in for a kiss”
his isn’t horrid, only because he’s attractive
sometimes he actually over exaggerates it to piss you off.
it’s not super horrible but it’s giggle worthy
☆ he’s a cringe bf. unironically. it’s sweet but not all the time.
by cringe i mean “i just found out about periods, god it must suck to be a beautiful goddess :/.”
or he’s like
“hey! tell you’re period it can’t hurt you like that, it’s not cool!”
☆ he’s also a scaredy-cat.
behind all that muscle is a big baby.
he jumps at scary movies even when he knows what happens next.
cannot play something like fnaf with him
he will throw the phone and scream like he got stabbed in his chest.
he’s probably still scared of the dark but it’s kind of sweet idk. he literally cuddles with you at night like a mother and her baby. you’re practically holding him like a frail little princess, except he’s kind of the exact opposite.
this is actually kind of cute though..
☆ now his beige flag is that he can be SUPER sarcastic. ik he is.
he’s super snarky and sassy.
like he’s the type to tell what’s considered a ‘corny dad joke’ but instead he’d say it with a stoic face.
like if youre talking and couldn’t remember and say something like “remember when umm…” and you just sit there and think, he’d come back with “no i don’t remember when that happened”.
he wouldn’t laugh or anything.
i feel like that’s why it’s funny. he could make a childish poop or fart joke and it would only be funny bcs he looks like this 😐
he would own a stupid t-shirt that says something like, “find your patience before i lose mine”.
☆ he’s a karen as well. he’s not super bad but like at restaurants and stuff when his foods not right or the tables are not bussed…
i’d be in the bathroom crying my mascara off if i was his waitress
☆ he’s scared of animals.
this includes typical house pets like dogs or cats.
it’s bcs “they don’t speak , so you’ll never know what they’ll do next.”
his fear stems from one small thing that happened when he was younger.
a cat jumped onto his lap.
he thought it was trying to attack him and so he screamed and the cat got scared.
that’s it.
he can’t even visit the zoo because he’s scared the animals will break out. (he’s super serious about it, it’s not even something he jokes about)
he’s tried to like animals and it worked for a while.
until the dog started to play a little too much to his liking.
☆ also he just randomly informs you of random facts.
completely random.
you could be on the toilet and he’ll come in the bathroom like, “a shrimps heart is in its head…”
no “did you know?” or “isn’t it cool that?” he just says it.
if you ever go onto a game show you’ll probably win it with all the useless knowledge he’s given u.
☆ you could tell him the most god awful thing happened to you and he’ll be like
“wait, this reminds me of something that happened in something i just watched.”
he’ll proceed to whip out his phone and show you the tv show, news report, tiktok. whatever it was he saw.
this tends to happen to every experience that you have.
you could be held hostage and they’ll call him for ransom and somehow it reminds him of this one part of a tv show.
sometimes it’s funny sometimes it’s not.
☆ he sleeps like he hasn’t slept since the day he was born.
he hops into the bed and sits there for 1 minute before he starts snoring aggressively.
he looks dead, like actually…
sprawled out and snoring with his mouth open.
one time he slept with his eyes wide open and you shook him awake panicking.
he belittled you and was all smart and cocky saying “i would never sleep with my eyes wide open” even though he did.
he sleeps to the rain sounds with the thunder. but sometimes is so sleepy and forgets about it.
tagz!🐬: @hangesgirlypop , @yiugen , @heartshapedtearss
a/n: heyooo! b4 u guys request it, im doing girls next ;). i just think this trend is the cutest thing ever, plus it feels good to write fluff. also im actually getting back to requests. like frl this time, i’ve been grinding non stop all night so i could be done by hopefully friday. feel free to request cute things u guys, i will absolutely write it! and also feel free to request other characters, i feel like u guys don’t request them bcs u guys don’t see them and so u think i won’t do them. trust i probs will!
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thepunkmuppet · 11 months
ok if this is just me then it’s whatever but for me teen wolf finishes at season 3b.
like allison dies, the end. the rest of it is what my brain and the brains of talented fic writers can conjure up, because it could be absolute nonsense and still be better than whatever the hell season 4 onwards even is.
liam is okay I guess. I like the season where stiles disappears. there are some (emphasis on some) really great moments and plotlines. but season 4 is such a fucking shitshow, honestly some of the worst tv I have ever watched, which is made even worse because I have to watch it play out with characters I love.
isaac, who had the potential to be one of the best characters, disappears without a trace, and later so does the wonderful kira
malia (who I high key really hate, sorry but she sucks) and scott get together at the end which is just. what the actual fuck
alison’s aunt comes back in the most contrived and stupid way I’ve ever seen (were-jaguar?? ik this show is weird and silly but give me a fucking break)
danny also disappears in favour of a personality-less gay best friend (sorry if you like him, he never did anything wrong it just pisses me off bc he only seems to be there for diversity points. I literally can’t even remember his name)
jackson comes back and is dating one of the also personality-less twins for no reason (and yet they couldn’t even confirm stiles is bi??? what a joke)
and the writing is just bad it’s just so bad… where the dialogue in the first seasons was campy and fun now it’s just cringe and borderline unwatchable, and the plot points are sketchy at best and completely incomprehensible at worst (aka whatever the fuck happened in season 4 I still don’t know)
sorry I’m really dredging up some 2020-teen-wolf-obsessed-in-lockdown emotions here but god I just hate it so much. there is so much potential in that show, so many great characters and concepts, but it all just devolved into twilight-level awfulness and honestly full on character assassination, all culminating in me not even giving a single flying fuck about the (objectively insane and exciting) movie coming out whenever tf it did.
yeah I love teen wolf but it finishes with season 3 the rest is up to fanfiction for me idk what to tell you 🫡
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hibischush · 3 months
Ik we’re months away from the month of October and spookiness. but could you please make one where s/o is a huge halloween enjoyer, and takes juniper, celine, march, hayden, and adeline to those really fun but scary haunted house rides? 🎃
Oh, never fear, my dear, for the spooky month of October is always near! 🦇 (well, 4 months. close enough). Halloween is my favorite time of the year, so I do not mind indulging in it early haha 🌺
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Juniper's appearance and occupation literally screams Halloween
After getting to know you, she jokes that you only got together because she is a sorceress
Juniper also quite enjoys Halloween since she can literally just go as herself and the townsfolk don't suspect anything
However, being in a relationship with you means she is forced into stepping her Halloween game up
You two are THE couple on Halloween
You both look fabulous in costumes and you both put a lot of time and care in costume design
And while Juniper loves when you compliment her and smother her in love, she absolutely loves showing you off on Halloween
(Because you can show her off any other day, right?)
Joking. She knows this is your day to shine based of how much you adore it
When it comes to the fun Halloween festivities like rides or haunted houses...
She's actually terrified of them
Of course she never tells you this, she has to keep her image up
But its also partly because she doesn't want you to worry about her when this day is so special to you
She'll act all tough going through a haunted house with you, but even you know that with the death grip she has on your arm that she's scared
She jumps, flinches, and will not hesitate to scream
If you are able to, she can and will jump into your arms
If you aren't able, she'll hide her face into your shoulder while holding onto you with great strength
Afterwards she enjoys the adrenaline high with you, and despite hating the actual going-through-the-attraction, she will continue to do it for years to come for you
Another Halloween Enthusiast
I hc that Celine like to make her own clothes
She 100% is crazy about making costumes
With you, that craziness is turned up to 1000%
You both spends days, even up to a week, preparing your costumes together at her cottage
You both make it a date and will talk and snack on treats she made while sewing
Couples costumes ✅✅✅
Since she enjoys gardening, she helps grow pumpkins and other autumn crops for the town's spooky decorations
Combined with your efforts, the town looks totally enchanted after you both help decorate
While Celine loves the aesthetics of autumn and "cute" spooky things, she does not enjoy being scared
That being said, she does not go out of her way to go on those intense rides
The most she'll do with you is a regular haunted house, but she'll have to hold your hand the entire time and won't look up from the ground
But that disappointment is made up for how much effort she puts in things like corn mazes and bobbing for apples
Literally you ain't never seen someone bob for apples quite like she does but you fall in love with her over and over again whenever you see her lmao
She loves the corn mazes too, even the ones with "spooky" things
"Haunted corn mazes and haunted houses are two very different things!"
It really just gives her an excuse to walk to you closer and maybe sneak off to give you a few smooches because you just look too dang good in that costume you made
Ah March. The resident hater
He's not that big of a fan of Halloween before you two met and began dating
But you indoctrinated him into the Halloween Lover's Club
March is still not nearly as passionate about Halloween as you are, but most of his enjoyment of the holiday is just seeing how much you enjoy it
Idk if movies exist in Mistria but March definitely would love watching horror movies with you
He would dress up with you, but he almost dresses, modestly?
Like not a bad costume, just decent
And it's not out of carelessness, he just wants you to be the one who shines
He really enjoys going on those intense haunted house rides with you!
Even though he's scared out of his mind (He tries not to show it) he loves the thrill of it
It makes him feel a lot better being there with you too
He's definitely the type to accidently punch a scare actor too LMAO
He's just trying to protect you he didn't mean it
March enjoys leaving the haunted house with you, the rush of relief is something unmatched, especially when holding hands with you
He just loves to look at you and see the wide, satisfied grin you have
At that point he'll have to pull you in to give you a gentle kiss on your forehead
He likes to eat caramel apples with you afterwards and maybe take a glass of spiced apple cider, too
You though you were the biggest Halloween enjoyer? Hah
Hayden is insane with his love for Halloween
Your combined love for Halloween is what confirmed your soulmate status lol
Hayden goes all out with decorations, his costume, the vibes, the treats, and the scares
You two are going in and out of the most frightening attractions one by one like its no big deal
You two eat up getting scared
Side note, Hayden definitely laughs after being scared
He also loves to tease you if you do get scared
⬆️This often bites him in his ass because he will literally scream so loud if you sneakily tap his shoulder while walking through a haunted house
He is holding your hand the entire way through these attractions and would jokingly sweep you off your feet to "protect you" from the "bloodthirsty murder clowns"
He also loves the corn mazes and other things like bobbing for apples
Or sneaking kisses in at said corn maze
Basically just think about what you would do and Hayden is already five steps ahead and lovin' it
Adeline is probably the only person who remains neutral about Halloween even after she begins to date you
Don't get me wrong, she will still respond warmly to you and your shenanigans and support you, but most of the festivities are just okay to her
With one large exception:
Adeline loves pumpkin carving
And she's crazy good at it
Like think Faberge egg type of intricate with her designs
She likes to set aside an evening where you two can carve pumpkins together near the fireplace in the manor, sipping on warm beverages and eating sweet treats
She thinks it's pretty fun to dress up with you, too, but her costumes are pretty tame compared to your extravagant costumes
She's hesitant to go into haunted houses but she'll go with you because she feels so safe with you
Adeline is hiding beside you most of the time
But after leaving she enjoys hearing about what parts of the haunted house you liked
She just likes listening to you, particularly if you're talking about your passions
Her favorite part about Halloween is being able to snuggle up to you in bed and hear you talk about everything the two of you saw and experienced that day, all the while thumbing the back of your hand lovingly
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Y'know I was thinking while writing that it kinda seems weird to have those crazy haunted house rides in Mistria?? Like it doesn't make sense to have such modern engineering. Then I realized we can literally use magic in the game and all was resolved.
Also sorry if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes! It's later for me than usual while writing this and post-work brain sometimes can't comprehend English
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pumpkinsy0 · 28 days
papercut brokeback mountain au hcs. perhaps. Maybe. 🙂🧍
ive never watched brokeback mountain,,,,but ik ENOUGH to know that if i ever find out who u r,,,u will b dealt w,,,swiftly,,,,,
•BEFORE WE GET ALL ANGSTY, can i say that before i rlly knew of the plot,,,i thought brokeback mountain was like,,,,a sex joke,,,im not even trying to b funny, i rlly, truly thought it was, but it doesnt matter bc i can say that curly would b making jokes about it anyways and ponys sick of it
•i think its fitting to say curlys jack and ponys ennis, and i say that bc like i said, curly doesnt care who hes doin and to a degree pony doesnt????but he cares more so about what ppl think, and curlys not rlly like that
•idk exactly how it happens in the movie, but maybe instead of them just like being adults all throughout most of it, its more so like a “u see them grow up and get closer” thing, it started out as a summer job and every summer they were excited to see each other every summer and kept in touch over the course of the year till they saw each other again, but it is mostly about them in their 30s or 40s, middle aged papercut gets a rare appearance
•this also means that curlys teasing pony for his name, a cowboy w the name pony???, curly def had a few things to say bout that one, in return pony teased curly about his last name being shepard considering they were dealing w sheep
•when it comes to pony and him being afraid to show himself, i think that would piss curly off a lot more, bc pony would reciprocate and then other times literally push him away, and curly hated how “complicated ur making this”, its even worse bc pony does in fact have a way w words and curly wont 100% admit it but it makes him feel special so for pony to like him one minute then push him away the next???yea hes goin through it
•w the postcards theyd send each other, this is gay as hell, but im a sucker for indirect kissing w papercut, so maybe they kiss their postcard before they send it off
•pony would even draw curly and let curly keep em and he’d have a lil note at the bottom w it, this is a cruel world we live in just let them kiss in a deli store💔💔
•they swap hats and coats a lot, the coats dont fit, but thats ok, it still smells like em so they keep it
•honestly for this au, id say its a mix of curlys parents being homophobic and pony being scared to b out w it, everyone else knows just, doesnt say anything, kind of like a dirty secret?????
•instead of saying i love u, they just say “i swear”
•what if nothing bad happened and we were all SUPER just say that pony and curly accidentally got into lavender marriages and their wives r rlly just gfs and pony and curly r bfs hahahah, but nobody says anything (im gonna lose my marbles)
•if we wanna go the “one of them dies” route (i hate u deeply) instead of what happened w the ashes, lets say that years ago, they had one of those “when i die, i wanna b a _____” OR the other always just say em as a certain animal, and when they die, everytime they see that animal, they thing if them!!! think of like,,,red dead redemption w that buck and coyote when it comes to arthur morgan
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imlivinginyourtrashcan · 10 months
Hi hello im a dirty American heres some friendsgiving headcannons for the sp character
That man aint bringing shit
Only there for the food
The type of mf to steal ingrediants while youre cooking something
Dives RIGHT for the pumpkin pie
Nobody is happy
He denies it but its do obvious hes stealing shit 🤬
Does not wait for a toast
Bro just dives in
Getting seconds, thirds, fourths
When hes done theres no left overs
If he were to bring something id be pie
His moms recipe
Sometimes hosts the friendsgiving at his house
Brings the sparkling grape juice/apple juice
And also the Kosher things
Only has one helping, tries to get leftovers for the family or for kenny
Helps his mom cook when hes hosting
Setting the table always
Tries to toast but ends up yelling at Cartman for eating before hes done
Helps Ike pack for those little kindergarten thanksgivings?
Yknow when you dressed as a pilgrim and ate food?
Was I the only one who did that??
He panicks and brings what he can find
"Hey dude! What you bring?"
"Uhhh... leftover mash potatos?"
Downing the sparkling juices like no tomorrow
The eggnog too
Cartman encourages it
Watching the football game
RESTRAINS himself when it comes to food
Like, he wants it but knows Kyles gonna be pissed
Plays catch with everyone else
Or pingpong
Doesnt give a fuck about the Macys parade
Brings canned stuff he got from the food drive
Like cranberry sauce
Sneaking leftovers for his family
Plays catch with the boys
Died from a football lodged in his eye
Oh and from the
"Macys parade"
You dont want to know
Brings the sweet potatos
Suggest christmas music/movies be played
Cartman called him gay immediately
So that got shut down
Brings the extra pies and everything since Cartman eats his
Lover of cranberry sauce and other things most people hate on thanksgiving
"Oh that was good! Could I have more please?"
"Butters what the fuck who likes CRANBERRY SAUCE???"
"I do!"
Doer of the toast
Often gets hit in the face when they play catch and cries
Can't stay for long cuz his parents are strict but hes there on video call rest of the time
The type of mf when you ask what he brought he says
"My presence"
You need to bring FOOD
They have to kick him out
He comes back with bread rolls or crackers, cheese and olives
So hes aloud back in
Doesnt care abt the parades or catch or anything
Just kinda there for Tweek
If someone asks him to do sonething he'll do it though
Hes limited by meals thanks to his braces
He doesnt care
Thats future craigs problem
Flips someone off if they beat him in a sport
Or flips off the tv when someone does something stupid in football
Has restraint when it comes to food
Bro will just wait
And then devour his plate in seconds
Brings homemade cider or pumpkin spice
Panicked the whole time
Hiding upstairs half the time
At least until food
He looks like a sopping wet cat
Doesnt really eat that much
Convinced the food is poison
Dont try to reassure him either he doesnt trust you
Has to check a million times though
"Is this poison???"
"GAHH!! I dont believe you!!"
Leaves after feasting
He can only handle so much
Arrives super late too which is ironic
Brings the food over and makes a puns
Like puts devil horns on eggs
"Jimmy what is that?"
"D-d-d-deviled Eggs"
Bro is telling thanksgiving jokes every second
Does the toast some years
Its like a stand up comedy routine tho
He lets you eat during that
Sneaking food
Mischievous little bastard
Puts on family fued when he realizes the boys are too pissed at football
Also has brace limits
But does he follow them ever? Nope
Drinks sparkling juice from a wine glass
Able to keep the party going for a WHILE he has ENERGY
Card playing KING
Winning at Crazy 8s left and RRRRIGHTTTTTT
Brought mac and cheese
Either that or bread
Food sneaker
Thinks hes good at sports
Hes not
He gets hit in the face so often
And cries
Tried Tweeks coffee
Started coughing and gagging immediately
Hes a picky eater im calling it now
Like will not eat if he doesnt think he'll like it
Me too Clyde i get it
Likes the Macys parade
Fucking weirdass
Arrives a bit before Tweek but is still late
The mf to get seconds
Wont eat before the event either
Saving his stomach for yum yums
Also hosts
Helps his parents with food
Makes the dinner table look like a whole buffet
When hes not hosting he brings stuffing or some expensive good food
Or like
Homemade dip?
Seems like itd change every year
Great at sports
Helps clean up too
Toasts sometimes
Very generic toast
Doesnt seem like someone who has much to say
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borom1r · 3 months
2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22 for lotr from the violence ask meme 😈
OK i have answered 2 already but lets do this thing fuck yea (thank uuuuuuuuuu!!!!!)
3) screenshot or description of the worst take you’ve seen on tumblr
look its not really a "take" but the amount of people who just post variations of "I don't like Boromir, he's the worst" IN THE BOROMIR TAG is genuinely insane to me. like have ur (incorrect) opinion but keep it out of the tag worstie
7) what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
uhhhh no one thank the gods. ive always disliked Denethor Because of canon. but i will say stumbling across the file index of an old LotR fansite + clicking on files w/ no preview only to find graphics thirsting over Denethor did cause massive psychic damage lmao
8) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
idk 😭 i dont interact w/ the broader fandom really. i do find the way ppl reduce Pippin to Just a joke character in fanon insufferable tho
9) worst part of canon
also ngl i do find the Aragorn/Arwen romance....... Weird. like I'm far from averse to "love at first sight" so long as it comes with the recognition that it's really more infatuation + true love takes work. and there's the fact Aragorn fell head over heels for an image of Lúthien, and Arwen's heart did not turn towards him until Galadriel dressed him up in elven finery. not to mention she was "not yet weary of her days" when Aragorn dies + has to die "whether I will or I nill" like she. wastes away? slowly alone in Lothlórien.
like idk [Aragorn kinnie voice] that's my sister, man but all that aside I do think.. Arwen deserved better? I like that the movies made her more active + I do wish she'd actually been there at Helm's Deep bc it would've been fun to see her and Éowyn bond but yeah. the vibes were off with that whole situation imho
12) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
huh. does Théodred count? i feel like he's kind of a blank slate so fandom can just kinda run wild with him but i do genuinely enjoy writing him + find that there are solid implications for at least a friendship between him + Boromir (if not more). i mean, Boromir got a Rohirric shield from someone
14) that one thing you see in fics all the time
ok th implication here bein its sth that bothers me which thankfully i pretty much only read Aramir or Faramir/Éomer fics soooo theres not much??
i think the only things that RLLY get to me + they aren't THAT popular trope-wise (or ive been rlly good at avoiding them lmao) are fics that 1) make Boromir overly aggressive or 2) completely woobify Faramir
+ tbh the Faramir one bothers me more actually. that is a grown ass man and captain of the rangers of Ithilien.....................
18) it’s absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
HRM. again idk :3 <- blissfully not interacting w the broader fandom + only interacting w/ ppl w correct takes on Boromir + Rohan
(tentatively i need to start following more ppl i see some of yall in my notes + i shld follow. sorry im like a nervous dog u need to coax out from under the porch lol)
20) part of canon you found tedious or boring
side-eyeing my copies of the Histories. i need to finish those. eventually.............
22) your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
ignores?????? nothing i think (thankfully lmao) but i will say there is SO much detail in the films that it makes me INSANE. ik we literally just talked abt this in DMs lmao but i could sit n talk abt LotR costuming for fucking HOURS the films were SO stunning and the clothing alone reveals sooooooo much abt the characters i think its a super underrated vehicle for character analysis :3
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uriekukistan · 3 months
Hi!! I saw the character ask thing and was wondering if you would answer for Megumi? :D Questions 1-15 (if you feel up to it)!! <3 I literally love him so much and ik from your blog that you do too ! :) (btw loving your itafushi week works!! 🖤)
hiii thank you for the ask and im glad youre loving my itafushi week fics :3 hope youre doing well !!
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
i looooveeee everything abt him tbh, but i think probably the thing that makes me the most fond of him is that he reminds me a lot of myself in the way he processes things and makes decisions, sorting them into good or bad
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
hmmm idk if it’s my top fav thing abt him but i love his technique and the way he uses it. especially the shadow inventory and when he stores himself in it? so cool. ig its more when he sets his mind to it, he’s crazy powerful. underrated fr.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
i cant say im a fan of the position he’s in but at the same time i appreciate the narrative choice. wouldn’t ask for things to change, i just wish he was suffering less.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
i’ve been writing him in a tokyo ghoul crossover fic recently if that counts
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
rn…avalanche by bring me the horizon
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
a lot tbh….lets go w we’re both more reserved, a bit avoidant, and keep our feelings hidden 88% of the time (the right person can see through)
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
i love when ppl show him as like. the type to subtly show he cares like acts of service type and then he acts like nothing happened. canon. to me.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
WHEN THEY HATE HIM FOR NO REASON & BLAME HIM FOR THE EVENTS OF JJK LIKE THATS SO WRONG & INCORRECT HES JUST A KID DOING HIS BEST AND MOST OF YHE PPL SHITTING ON HIM WOULDNT LAST TWO MINUTES AS HIM. or when they make mahoraga jokes that are just tasteless, midgumi, potential man, nah i’d give up….im in your walls
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
like. if i had to yeah. we both prefer our own space so it could probably work but it also might be a bit awkward. gonna go with if we were already friends before we became roommates, yes. if not, then no bc neither of us would ever speak, and you gotta be able to communicate w your roommates
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
yes, if there was a “facilitator” friend. like we need the local extrovert to get us to hang out first or we’d never even become acquainted
11. Would you date this character?
no. one he’s a minor two i dont like men like that
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
recently i have been writing abt bassist megumi, so im thinking he air guitars while he’s listening to music when hes alone in his room. or air drums maybe. won’t sing along out loud bc the walls are thin, but if he did, he’d have a nice voice.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
i think he would not use emojis or emoticons when texting but maybe he’d adopt the ‘:)’ bc yuuji kept asking if he was mad (gojo would also ask, but megumi’s not gonna change his habits for that). ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ but this is megumi
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
basic but color coordinated, baggy, no patterns, mostly darker colors (black, green, & blue - royal blue not navy). sweaters & jackets most of the time w jeans or just regular pants. he’s cold easily so wears this in the summer too. getting rid of his canon shoes and giving him vans or doc martens oxfords.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
ITAFUSHI <3333333333 I LOVE THEM SO MUCH its like. semi not normal but idc.
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mysteriawrites · 1 year
hello this is unit 4402 let's do a matchup trade :D
i'm one of those people that enjoys their alone time but when i'm with someone i'm comfortable with, i'm super noisy and goofy. i like to make people laugh! and i like walking to the beat of my own drum too. it's easy for me to fixate on the things that interest me to the point that i forget to take care of myself even though i want to take care of others. i prefer to take the lead and make moves first, but i'm tsun as much as i hate to admit it lol
ty for the request! feel free to send one in and i'll do one for you 👍
-unit 4402
We Interupt your regularly scheduled program for.......A MATCHUP TRADE WITH
@brisquad-unit-4402 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thx for the trade I hope you’re not disappointed. Took me a good minute to decide who to match you with i had a handful of options but I like the potential of this pairing so DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!
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(Srry if you wanted Sonny or Ike I know they’re your oshies but i just think this a nice balanced pairing)
I think you guys would work really well when it actually came down to it. Just a unique vibe of chaos and comfort. You and Fulgur both have a tendency to take care of others while both still being absolute chaos gremlins who know how to have fun.
You guys are like the fun aunt and uncle of the family, but you both make sure to take care of each other and not let the other get burnt out. You’re definitely the more chaotic or the two of you however Fulgur does like to indulge your goofy nature. He’s just happy that you’re happy being yourself
You guys met after he joined niji. you were part of a (non existent) earlier wave and were assigned with Ike to host the new wave debut program. You had gotten a little bit of a chance to talk to the new wave before, but only exchanged a few words. However you were pleasantly surprised to find out how completely unhinged the new guys were. You had to admit you were intrigued.
You had arranged for you to collab with one of the Noctyx members named Fulgur Ovid. Up until them he seemed kinda quiet to you, but when you guys were collabing it was like hanging out with old friends. You were making jokes and bantering like there was no tomorrow. Your fans even started shipping you guys which jump started your will they won’t they campaign.
Since then all of your interactions would be slightly flirty, suggestive, and/or teasing. You two did still get very close though, even met up irl after he moved to the states and did and off collab.
When Fulgur’s health declined a bit and he had to go take a break for a little bit you took care of him, and that’s what led him to falling for you. After that his flirting had a lot more feeling behind it, He would be genuinely flustered whenever you flirt back, and sad if you dodged his advances.
One day you were over at his house playing valorant. He thought you were so hot when you were focused he could barley focus on the game. When you guys won your last match you turned to him with a proud smile on your face and that destroyed him. You two stared at each other for awhile as the sexual tension grew until he asked if he could kiss you and you said yes (let’s just say you found out how about Fulgur’s detachable part worked) (this is how sexual tension works right?)
Since then you guys became a real thing. Going for walks with dog, playing games together, drinking together, and just chillin and hanging out.
He takes care of you when you get caught up in your fixations, but still encourages you and tries to learn more about it so you guys can share it together.
You guys aren’t super cuddly but you have your moments especially at night or watching a movie. He has a lot of movies to show you (with some help from Vox)
Speaking of which you 3 (+ Aia) play dnd together every weekend. Your party is a group of absolute murder hobos, but at least you all are having fun and try out other ttrpgs when you can.
You guys all in all are a pretty chill and playful couple, and the new parents of Nijisanji EN.
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This one is less lore connected and kinda short because I’m still not 100% sure on Fulgur’s lore so idk how to integrate it into the story so I just wrote about after he started streaming. Anyway hope you like it.
Runners Up: Luca Kaneshiro, Ren Zotto, Sonny Brisko, Kyo Kaneko
Disclaimer for anyone else reading this: all of my nijien writing and fics are fictional and don’t pertain at all to the streamers behind the model. Please respect them and others in the community thank you.
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smol-grey-tea · 9 months
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Top 5 games, that's a good question 🤔ᴴᴹ.. Lemme list some games first so ik what to choose from
Dandelion, Nameless, Mystic Messenger, Ssum, Doki Doki Literature Club, Five Nights at Freddy's, Danganronpa, Undertale and Deltarune, Stanley Parable, Beginner's Guide, Presentable Liberty, Zelda, Minecraft, The Walking Dead Game, Life is Strange, Until Dawn, Fran Bow, Cinderella Phenomenon, ummmmm, Detroit Become Human, Beyond Two Souls, Little Misfortune, Papa's Pizzeria, Sonic Heroes, My Sims, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Mario Kart
Ok I can't rly think of any more games so I'll just rank these..
1. Nameless. Duh. ʕ͡°ʖ̯͡°ʔ
Is anyone surprised? (◉0◉)ᵎᵎᵎ It's my favourite game of all time, I identify w the whole game so much, such an emotional and gripping story, I love theorising, I love the art, I love the voice acting. I love the pure amount of passion you can tell was put into the game
It's been my favourite game for the past 7 years - it was actually my 7 year anniversary of first buying the game yesterday!! I so wish I could have official merch.. Gotta go to Korea myself one day 😊😊😊
2. Zelda
I'm being purposely vague since I kinda don't have a favourite specific Legend of Zelda game? All the Zelda games I've played before include (in order): Breath of the Wild, Link's Awakening, Age of Calamity, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Skyward Sword and now finally Tears of the Kingdom. The only games of the mentioned that I've actually completed tho are just BotW, AoC and TotK so I can't rly have too much of an opinion on the other games..
Zelda games are kinda known for their puzzles but my favourite parts about games (or really...anything) would be the story/lore and the vibe/atmosphere. I love the whole setting of the Zelda games, such a gorgeous and beautiful art style as well w the newer games, n fun adventure too!! Hell, maybe I'll even get Zelda tattoos too? Idk. I just fuckin love it tho
3. Danganronpa
I'm sorry, I like it!! I think it kinda has a bad reputation cuz of the fandom but imo the games themselves are fine (could be much worse..) and I rly love solving the mysteries!!! They are actually difficult puzzles!!! I love it!!
And the characters are so good too :) Especially w the 2nd game - the 2nd game is very good at creating characters who you can really root for or really hate and I think that's so cool. I wonder if I can be able to do that too with my own writing
4. Undertale
Bruh it's the nostalgia 😫 also it's a rly good game. I almost prefer Deltarune idk but good puzzles good characters good story and theorising material and good difficulty and-
Undertale good. I can't wait to see where Toby Fox takes his games in the future!!
5. Wii Plaza
I joke!! Haha!!
5. Ummmm idk, Five Nights at Freddy's??
It's not even rly about the game itself tho is it. It's what you associate w it. Ppl who went to see FNaF at the cinema didn't go to see a good movie, they went to see a love letter to their childhood
I remember being 11 yrs old and first finding out about FNaF by hearing my sister screaming from downstairs. I remember talking about it to my friends at school, doing impressions of the animatronics. I remember ppl talking about Markiplier and feeling guilty for watching his videos because at that age my parents weren't yet comfortable with me hearing swearing, but I still watched him anyway and I'm actually rewatching his Five Nights at Freddy's play through right now. Isn't that so cool?
I loved seeing the film at the cinema and holding my sister's hand everytime a jump scare startled her
The games are very good themselves too, even tho the guy who made them supported Trump and he also probably should've finished the series at Ultimate Custom Night and now the games are steadily losing quality and also logic but who actually cares about that in the end? Does it matter? Does it matter if the games themselves are actually good or not? I love them not just despite that but almost because of that
My hands are dry
I also rly highly recommend the other games I listed at the start too!! All of them are good, a majority from my childhood/early teens, all w fond memories attached. I find that my favourite types of games are choice based games/games w more than 1 ending (like Undertale, Walking Dead Game, Until Dawn) or visual novels (like Doki Doki, Nameless, Danganronpa). Adventure kinda games tho I think are super cool too :) 😊😊😊
(*ˊᗜˋ*)ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ so much for asking!!!!! 😁😁😁 I hope you enjoy my long responses 😊 when I think about it, I guess ppl don't usually have long responses to these kinda asks, they usually have short ones. I do love a good ramble ٩(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)۶ᴳᴳ (๑`✪̤◡✪̤)◞ღԵհɑղƘՏღ
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
434 of 2022
Random Survey [made @ xanga.com/surveys_for_nimrods]
1. Did you ever have to be saved by a lifeguard?:
No, never. Not in any situation that has anything to do with water.
2. Who is your favorite Disney princess?:
I don’t care about them much.
3. What do your bathing suits look like?:
I don’t have any.
4. What's your favorite Ke$ha song?:
I don’t listen to her.
5. When it comes to nose piercings, do you prefer a ring or stud?:
Studs, but not on myself. Just on others. Everyone is allowed to wear whatever they want anyway.
6. How many tattoos do you want?:
Two more, except one that I already have.
7. Last place you vacationed at?:
Does a weekend off count? If so, then Waterloo.
8. How many hours do you get at your current job?:
Standard is 40 hours a week, but now, I’m gonna get 8 hours a week due to health reasons.
9. Are you or anyone you know a vegetarian? Who?:
Yeah, me. Quite so.
10. Does your job have any restrictions on piercings and tattoos? What are they?:
No, it doesn’t. But I work in the factory and I don’t see people from outside, so no one cares.
11. What's your favorite song by your favorite band?:
Either Lange Frans & Baas B - Ik Wacht Al Zo Lang or Vildhjarta - Shiver.
12. What's one band that you only like one or two songs from?:
There are too many bands like that. I’m generally open to all kinds of music, but I rarely like the whole discography.
13. Do you want or have your belly button pierced?:
No and no.
14. Are you comfortable using public bathrooms?:
Nah. I never feel like doing a pee in front of other guys lol.
15. Ever been in a physical fight? How did it go?:
Nah, not really.
16. Do you like swimming? Do you have a pool?:
I’ve never learnt to swim, despite being born and raised at the sea; I’m not scared of water whatsoever. I don’t have a pool, our house is too small for that anyway.
17. What do you wear to bed in the summer?:
Literally nothing.
18. What's your least favorite fruit?:
Watermelon and all melon-related things. I hate the taste and the structure.
19. Ever seen the movie Fear Dot Com? Did you like it?:
Never heard about it.
20. Is anyone you know racist or sexist? How do you feel about it?:
Yeah, quite a few people. They won’t admit it loud, but they make jokes about Jews or black people, or people who are transgender. I don’t discuss things with people, but I don’t like when they joke in that way. For me, everyone is equal.
21. How old is the drinking age where you live?:
We don’t have a drinking age. We only have legal purchasing age, which is 16 for beer and wine, and 18 for strong liquors. Since 2010, it’s not allowed for adults to buy drinks for minors, previously it was something normal here.
22. What about the age to buy cigarettes?:
Again, 18.
23. Did you ever own a fake ID?:
Yea, good luck for that in Belgium. XD Our ID cards have a chip connected to the government database and it contains your whole life history that can be accessed by everyone who owns an electronic card reader. I doubt anyone would be able to quickly make up every possible document.
24. Do you have feelings for the last person you kissed? Why or why not?:
Yeah, he’s my husband.
25. Can you see without glasses or contacts?:
Not much, only blurred stains of colour. I suffer from lens dislocation in both eyes, it’s a symptom of Marfan syndrome, and my eyesight still gets worse, even though I’m older than 25.
26. What year did/do you graduate high school?:
27. How long does your cellphone battery last?:
Depends on the usage, one or two days.
28. Last hotel you stayed at?:
Martin’s Hotel, Waterloo. It was in April.
29. How do you take your tea?:
I don’t drink tea.
30. Do you think The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) was better as a wrestler or as an actor?:
I’ve never heard of him, so no opinion here.
31. If given a blank map of the US, could you name every state and where it belongs?:
Nah. I can tell you the location of every European country, though.
32. Do you prefer rollerskating or rollerblading?:
Both are fun.
33. Do you like mint-flavored gum?:
I hate mint, so no. I’m known for chewing gum all the time, though.
34. What type of socks do you like best (ankle, knee high, etc.)?:
Normal ones? Like, what do guys typically wear?
35. Would you rather write a 3-page paper or complete Algebra work?:
Algebra, even though it was one of my least favourite parts of math. I’m bad at verbal expression, so no writing for me.
36. Have you seen all of the Toy Story movies? What did you think of the last one?:
I’m not interested in movies, so no.
37. Ever gave money to a homeless person?:
Yeah, 2€ to the lady in Brussels. She has blessed me afterwards.
38. What's your favorite cartoon?:
Shaun the Sheep, man, this is hilarious.
39. How do you usually pay for stuff (cash, credit, etc.)?:
Debit card. Cash whenever it’s not possible to use a card.
40. Favorite ice cream flavor?:
Strawberry or so.
41. Last time you mailed something? What was it?:
I’ve mailed a link to one website to myself, because I wasn’t using my computer at that momenyt.
42. What are your parents' jobs?:
My mum has been unemployed for years and my dad is retired.
43. How long do you plan on living at home for?:
I live at home? What kind of question is that, I haven’t been living with my parents for years. I’m 32, for God’s sake.
44. Do you pay rent to live at home? Why or why not? Do you know if your parents will ever make you pay rent? If so, when?:
This is totally not applicable, I live with my husband and we share the bills.
45. How young is your youngest friend? What about oldest?:
Youngest is 22, oldest is 60.
46. Do you watch Judge Judy? Would you ever take a case to her?:
Never really did.
47. Last color you dyed your hair?:
It was supposed to be purple.
48. Ever been to a drive-in movie theater? Would you like to go?:
I’ve been once, fell asleep in the car. I wouldn’t do it again, I think.
49. What beach do you usually go to?:
Sint-Laureinsstrand, Westende. I was raised there <3 optionally, with my husband, we go to Bredene or Albertstrand in Knokke-Heist.
50. How many ear piercings do you have?:
Five, three in left ear and two in right ear.
[made @ xanga.com/surveys_for_nimrods]
0 notes
17sasuke · 3 years
thoughts on badhaai do
it definitely wasn't a perfect movie and the story was too obviously led by cishets but i loved how it didn't end w everyone's acceptance. sumi's mom wasn't even present during the pooja at the end but it didn't matter bc they had what was important to them. freedom, a child and their own acceptance. and that of sumi and rimjhim under the pride flag? i owe them my life for it. if i'm reviewing this objectively its 7/10 but i'm attached to the characters this is now one of my comfort films so for introducing sumi, rimjhim, guru and shardul's mom to me i'm giving this one a ten. (also for the pride scene. cinematography.)
spoilers under the cut
what i didn't like: it does drag in between while some other plotlines are never properly explored (i honestly didn't feel like they focused enough on sumi and shardul's relationship although it was supposed to be the backbone of the film). the kabir plotline should have been completely deleted actually and instead focused more on shardul's misogyny and his relationship w sumi.
the entire kabir plotline was so bad tbh. one, the age gap was a questionable (they'd been together 3 years already so). two, wow were they gonna write that domestic violence off bc they were both men?? bc shardul should have gone to jail for that wtf?? three, it wasn't even ever resolved. if they were carry it in this direction anyway there should have been a scene where they sat down and talked but?? four, the domestic violence thing. you can't raise ur hand on ur lover and it looks so much worse bc shardul's around 8-10 years older than him he's dating a college student and when he realizes the dude's bored of him and lying to him he hits him and then says sorry stfu and go to jail.
also there's many times thru out where i really felt like this story was made largely by cishets. the romances really suffered from the heterofication of gay love bc a) the violence thing w shardul and b) when sumi and rimjhim fought and said callous things to each other but never talked about it, apologized or even addressed the root of the issue (rimjhim's jealousy. u can argue that it'd be futile to bring it up since everyone knows suman's gay but it doesn't hurt to write a scene where a girl placates her gf's insecurities.)
basically. heterofication. like they had to show gay romances were like toxic cishet ones to make the audience more accepting or smth i literally dk but i hated it.
oh and the biphobia. did they have to shove that on rimjhim's character. like ik gay ppl can be v biphobic but if ur not going to address that as an issue that needs to be changed then don't bring it up at all.
lastly, shardul's misogyny. tbh i loved that they brought it up bc really cis gay men can be so fucking nasty and misogynist and its almost never talked about bc apparently gay men are more understanding of women (suman even exclaims this once!). it was done well and used as a comedic device which did give way to some good jokes but in the end we never see him grow out of it, realize he was wrong or apologize to suman. from the one year skip its obv it was resolved he isn't a dick anymore (bc shardul's misogyny came from his need to hide his sexuality behind the alpha male façade) but instead of wasting time on the kabir plot i wish they'd instead explored this deeper and concluded this plotline onscreen.
what i liked:
everything else. i loved every lgbt character (except kabir bc idk what to think about him and shardul bc he's on thin fucking ice), shardul's mother and suman's dad. also loved naaznin. if only we got to see more of her.
i teared up so much by the end esp during suman's conversation w her father and when shardul's mom hugged him. but its when her father tells rimjhim to sit beside sumi that i genuinely broke down. everything else was like sumi herself said: u expected this much from them. u imagine that soming out scene so much when they say those exact words that lock u up w terror, u feel like u've already heard it before. her father was the only one she had hope in, her father was the only person she had any expectations for. he too let her down thou, he too broke her heart. but he got over it, he made up for it. he didn't only accept her, he accepted her gf too, as sumi's partner, as the mother to sumi's child. he told her to sit next to his daughter and sobbed so hard like i'm never going to have that so its soothing to see a fictional character get that.
and shardul's mom oh god i adore her. she shouldn't have outed suman ever but i can't bring myself to think of her as a bad person for that. bc when it came to her own son? she accepted him the minute he said he was gay. she gave him what sumi wanted from her father, what she begged her father for. not understanding not even kindness just acceptance. and that's true love yk that's what parental love should be like. u don't need to understand ur kids u should be accepting them no matter what. i do think the reason she outed suman had less to do w her being gay and more w her thinking suman cheated on her son thou. this is like the only time i've forgiven an outing wow this movie really did that.
anyway the whole kabir sequence was unnecessary and only made me hate shardul more. cis gay men Are misogynist and i like that they addressed that but it wasn't properly resolved onscreen and that combined w kabir made shardul such a despicable character. if i delete that thou then i adore him misogyny and all. i was so proud of him in the end. when he came out in anger hearing his family insulting sumi (inadvertently insulting him), when he wore the mask during pride and when he called his bf over during the pooja. loved his growth thou really instead of the kabir plot i wish they worked more on sumi and shardul i wanted to see them bond more to see them become best friends, each other's ride-or-dies. only good thing that came out of that plotline was that we got sumi-shardul bonding moments. yeah my only gripe w this movie is the kabir plot. all that screentime wasted when they could have focused on other plots like sumi-shardul, shardul/guru or more of sumi/rimjhim. or the resolution of his misogyny.
omg guru. i loved that guy so much loved every scene w him in it he really saved the movie by fixing the male lead thank god. (those scenes of him flirting w shardul. the business card and the secret hand holding omg.)
my favorite thing obv was sumi and rimjhim. there was smth so accurate about lesbians moving in immediately and then discussing children within weeks of dating. their romance arc their relationship the way they're moms!! (they're MOMS!!) all of it was such a delight to watch. it felt so good to watch a wlw romance in a bollywood movie i could watch them for hours i wish they got a full length feature film like all that chemistry, their acting, their story, it feels inadequate watching it all squeezed into the movie as a parallel plot. (wish we saw them getting married. just a marriage scene is that too much to ask for.)
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aerinthefish · 3 years
I was gonna make this into a fic but I’m too busy so here’s a buncha jumbled thoughts abt modern au high school Ralbert
So Ralbert
But Race likes to lie a lot and make sarcastic jokes with a deadpan face
And Albert is the only one who can tell when he’s being serious (his smirk is, like, slightly different but Al can’t explain it)
So Jack will regularly go to him if his brother is lying
And the group will all just turn to Al when Race lies to make sure he’s joking about breaking into the zoo cause, shit, we have class tomorrow Race!
And like Race will fake flirt w everyone
But also w Albert
But Albert can tell he’s not lying when he compliments his dimples
But Albert doesn’t want to call him out on it so like??? He just doesn’t?? Until they’re having a Friday Movie Night
And Race isn’t even paying attention to Mean Girls (the nerve)
So Albert does have to call him out
“Stop lookin’ at me, Race”
“I like lookin at ya”
“Your lies used to be more believable”
“‘M not lyin’, Al”
Oh. “Yeah I know”
“Oh, cool”
And one day after track practice, Race is like looking over at Al who is waiting for him for their weekly Friday Movie Night
And Jack is like oh shit
So he calls Albert up the next day and is like
“Dude, Race is so in love with you”
And Albert’s like “yeah ik”
“What do you mean you know?”
Albert shrugs “I can tell. He knows I know too. We just don’t really talk abt it that much”
Jack is just. Dumbfounded
“My little brother, the one you’ve been in love with since third grade—“
“Now wait a minute—“
“Don’t interrupt me. My brother that you’ve been in love with for years loves you back and you haven’t fucking done anythin??”
“I haven’t been in love with him since third grade, first of all. And second of all, we’re literally dating so like. I can’t marry him or anything. What else do you want me to do??”
And Jack is so shocked he just hangs up
Cause shit he didn’t know they were dating
And he starts to realize things like
Their movie nights? Dates
When Albert “left” his letterman jacket at their house and Race “happened” to forget his coat that day
When Albert brings two of everything in his lunch because Race hates school lunch but won’t pack his own
Their conversations in a few gestures and expressions, their jokes, the fact that they literally always touch some part of each other, whether it’s a hand, a hip, a shoulder
And, most obvious of all, all the times he’s gone into Race’s room after a quick knock to find a blushing Albert and a smirking Race on opposite sides of the bed
God, Jack is stupid
Davey agrees but he didn’t know they were dating either so ha! suck it Dave
So when Race turns nineteen and moves in with Albert, Jack isn’t surprised
He’s not surprised when they impulsively go to Italy for three months
And he’s certainly not surprised when Race proposes to Albert at the ripe old age of 22 and they elope the next week
He refuses to be surprised by his train wreck of a little brother and his new brother in law
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How about B, I, L, U, V for our big boi Theo? :3c
Sure thing, bub!! Theo hcs coming right up! 💙💙💙💙
I really hope you like them!!!! :3c
Fluff ABCs Template here for requests
Body -- What is his favorite part of her body?
Do y’all have any idea how hard it is for me to answer this letter without making this horny hours.
ANYWAY losing my mind because my instinct was to respond with “her tears.” And then my brain was like. Minnie that’s not a part of the body…that’s not how any of this works…But let’s pretend for a moment like I am valid, shall we?
No cap, I die on this hill. And my answer comes in two parts. The first reason tears destroy him like nothing else is because of how much she feels for the van Gogh brothers tbh. I think Theodorus is very accustomed to their situation being seen through a lens of indifference, a kind of “oh well, what can be done ¯\_(ツ)_/¯” especially. While he may argue that he’s used to it, he’s full of shit. It hurts every time–even more so because people are being dismissive about the person he loves most in the world (other than her, of course.) He’ll be silent for the most part, usually pretty stoic if those things come up, but the way her eyes glisten with tears just undoes him. He feels stupid to be so affected, but it’s something else entirely when somebody actually gives a damn. Somehow it's harder to keep his composure under that gaze...
The second reason is more about teasing. He can’t resist getting a reaction out of her sometimes, or seeing her brought to frustrated tears. That lovely blush overtaking the tips of her ears and face, to say nothing if it happens during nsfw hours. They make her face shine, a visible manifestation of all the emotion he tries so hard to deny–to run from–that it just moves him like nothing else. Where he can't find words or proper expression, she always does. Leonardo said once that a single glance at that man and you can tell he’s in love with art. And he was right, save that that kind of passion can be found in him again in moments like this. Alone, driving her to madness and pleasure.
It’s the part of him that belongs to her, and her alone.
Injury -- How would he act if she got hurt?
Lmao call Vincent instead of Theo if you actually want anything productive to be done about it.
I’m KIDDING mostly but to be honest I think he has a hard time hiding his distress when MC is hurt. If it’s something small he’ll try to play it off as mild irritation, muttering about oblivious hondjes and how she needs to be more careful. If it’s something like a bruise or a bandaged cut–maybe she bumped into something–he’ll just clumsily try to pat the pain away. Don’t try to hide it from him either because he has eyes like a hawk and will expose you. He’ll be a dumdum but it’s really sweet because he’ll be so gentle over such a tiny wound (it always amuses Dazai so much) that all the men will have to kind of hold back laughter. They don’t mean to mock the guy but he takes it so seriously it’s a little bit funny. Vincent is so unironically proud of him for being sensitive though and it’s enough to make a girl cry TwT
If it’s a very serious injury I am sorry but you are getting nothing but probably a panic attack from him. He doesn’t really do well with even the slightest suggestion of losing a loved one, so if she breaks a bone or experiences excessive bleeding–whatever the risk may be to her life–he is fighting to stay in control of his body’s response. He’s trying so hard to be strong for her, but he can hardly breathe and his vision is a little fuzzy and did they say she would be unconscious for a few days? Needless to say he’s a bit of a mess. Ideally, Vincent would do his best to help the guy stabilize while he waits for things to improve, but it’s touch and go for a bit there.
When she wakes up, he needs as much gentleness as she does in many respects. The stress attacks and constant distress have just resulted in so much tension and exhaustion, he doesn’t even have the energy for any verbal swipes at anyone. (I was going to say “he’s just a big puppy” but the irony hit me so hard I literally couldn’t finish typing the sentence). He just really needs lots of kisses and hand holds and promises she isn’t going anywhere, completely unprompted. Not to be emo (WAKE ME UP) but he really needs to be brought back to life slowly, in a way. He’ll get better with some time and assurance that she’s going to make it, but oTL hondje please, he can only take so many heart attacks in one lifetime.
Love -- How does he show her he loves her?
He does not.
I’m KIDDING but I stand by the fact that he’s more of a show than tell type of guy. He has a really, really hard time verbalizing everything that he feels, so I think the person he loves would ideally have to keep that in mind. He’s lowkey but very classy, imo. Gets surprise flowers every once in a while, buys groceries after work all the time if she needs things at home, always reliable with taking care of their finances (and in general). I feel like the thing about Theodorus is that he’s the quiet romantic; he won’t smooth talk or endlessly go on about love, but when she needs him? He’s there. Come hell or high water. When things are hard, when things feel impossible, when life just feels like one slap in the face after another–he’s warm and there and steady, leading her by the hand.
He's very proactive about just about anything other than expressing his feelings directly, so write that down--
Upset --How does he act when she's upset?
LMFAO catch him crashing at Vincent’s place tonight, no thanks murderous hondje ain’t it for me, sorry sweaty.
All jokes aside, I think he’s the type of guy who just has no idea how to handle it. I mean she’s the one that’s usually pretty stable emotionally, so when she isn’t it tends to be a big deal–the cause of her foul mood has got to be sizable. While he may be stymied upfront, will most likely go after the root cause of her distress and kill it with a hammer when her back is turned. Nobody upsets his hondje (unless it’s him) and gets away with it. The man has two modes: kill and more kill, and so he uses the second one as necessary in these situations.
That being said, it doesn't mean he's completely bereft of sensitivity. If it's a more sorrowful kind of upset, he'll try to make time for a lot of cuddling and pampering. Get her things she likes to eat/drink, rub her back gently, put on a movie she likes (even if it's boring to him). He hopes that some care and a few little distractions will be enough to calm her soon. He loves his hondje best when she's smiling, after all ùwú
Vaunt -- What is he proud of? Does he like to show her off?
Oh my goddddddd. Bih. If this man suffers from a cardinal sin, it’s pride I swear. Even if he’s Mr. Bad Mood Stink Face he will literally never say a bad word about her. There are so many people convinced he’s deadass got some kind of disorder because he has scary face, but also looks so delighted at the same time it's terrifying. Gets all puffed up about what a hard worker she is, how talented, how he couldn’t have done any of this without her. Even when he’s roaring drunk, now he just rambles on and cries about how much he loves her and Vincent and it’s beyond hilarious. Would throw down for her, would die for her, would steal a clown’s balloon for her–you name it.
She can do absolutely no wrong, so write that down.
Has a love hate relationship with showing her off (in the more blatant way) though because. Homewrecking. Does she look lovely in that dress? Undoubtedly so. If he sees one more gross lustful/covetous gaze directed at her though, he’s just gonna leave with her in tow. (He would throw hands but she doesn't like that.) Y’all know the whole Lord of The Rings’ “My p r e c i o u s” thing? That’s his vibe LMFAO. Depending on his mood he will either be like "hell yeah that's my wife you jealous bih, I'm the luckiest guy ever ik now buzz off" or he will just get more and more lowkey steamed until they leave.
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volfoss · 3 years
how about ranking bucciarati's team?
regret to inform you that ur gonna get a very long answer bc i have passionate feelings about them all! also trish is in this bc she is part of the team and no one will tell me otherwise and will also include some rambling bc it is me and i have so many feelings towards these characters and none of them r cohesive
under the cut just in case (post writing yes it was long)
Giorno Giovanna:
way way more complex than ppl normally give him credit for (i will not go into feelings on how a majority of the fandom treats him unless ppl want me to then i will in fact make a very long ranty post and will not be stopped)
mildly op (esp at the beginning with how hes kind of able to just use his stand really well w no problems altho i think thats true of most of the jojos that we have seen animated?)
i am emotionally attached to him and want to give him a big hug
hes just a kinda goofy kid and is maybe a bit not good with figuring out hey this is a semi dangerous situation maybe i shouldnt be taunting him (leaky eye luca for example)
has the actual best theme
i love how he works off the rest of the team so well (even w members who do not like him)
is in my top 3 jojos i love this kid sm i would adopt him if he was real
Bruno Bucciarati:
the fucking way his character develops from licky man to best dad material is my favorite thing
his outfit is so so so good i would die to wear it
in general this man is one of my fave jojos characters and i get a lot of comfort from him
hes just really neat and has a good taste in music
he did his fucking best and i will always love him for that
imo the way that his death was drawn out was genuinely one of the most heartbreaking deaths in the entire series and fucks me up each time i think of it
i feel like he really is the one to hold the team together in a way that everyone feels cared for and saved
def has a savior complex tho for sure
dilf but im ace
also manga superiority bc he either makes the stupidest faces or looks very nice (anime has a lot of weird animation in regards to his face) and also because its lingerie there instead of a tattoo that changes thickness and placement every second
Leone Abbacchio:
guilty pleasure liking man
i am obsessed with his vibes and wish to become him
i cannot physically express just how much i love him but hes one of my faves of all time (not obvious by my theme at all wdym)
i miss his manga palette but also the colored manga isnt my beloved but also black lipstick abba
hot take maybe but anime abba looks better than manga minus the lipstick debacle
hes so so tall and i will steal his height in a nice way
his past man his past it fucks me up
his death fucks me up normally but when i was rewatching recently, i saw he gave this tiny lil smile after helping the kids get their ball and i could not take it anymore
him and brunos relationship (canonically and out of canon too) is one of my favorites in the series
also fandom hot take as i guess i am doing those for everyone- but ppl either have him as cosntantly trying to murder giorno or being like good son and v out of character, and it is really weird? not sayign that ill do better when i write them but also like im convinced some ppl havent seen the show or smth
i will steal both him and bruno and marry them both <3
this man is beloved i love him to death
Pannacotta Fugo:
i cannot spell his first name to save my life
also fandom take- ppl make him constantly only angry boy all the time and it really irks me. ik araki did not give him 2 much to work w in terms of canon personality but its frustrating
the light novel purple haze feedback is so so so good and adds sm to his character and i really like it for that!
fugo is one of those that imo deserves a lot and didnt get that
genuinely the vibes between how he treats narancia is v interesting to me, like its clear he cares about nara but nara not doing great w math really frustrates him
i love their interactions and how he is genuinely a kind person at times
the manga colors r superior here, my strawberry boy <3
i just really love and appreciate him a lot and wish that ppl gave him more love
i keep getting assigned him on kin quizzes
very smart good boy
ALSO ok fugo did not do any wrong by leaving
unsure if thats a hot take but i genuinely dont blame the character one bit for leaving and again purple haze feedback really delves into that and why he did it
if ur a fugo fan go read it
his past is really upsetting esp in the anime i will cry over it
his stand is adorable and i wanna hug it
his vibes r fun and i wanna gift him strawberry dangly earrings
Narancia Ghirga:
this boy i am also adopting (i am adopting most of them sorry)
i really hate how ppl act as if hes stupid bc bad math skills do not equal stupid like did ppl not see the fight w formaggio??
the way he just fucking dove into the water after the boat and how brunos face went all soft and happy it will never not make me cry
he is constnatnly making me wanna cry if i think too much about him for 2 seconds i love him sm
how can anyone not adore him when he set an entire street on fire yk
hes just happy despite his past and it makes me sad i love nara sm
torture dance is one of my favorite memes from the show
ALSO ok the way he died so suddenly absolutely broke me bc the remaining team members r really just seeing everyone die in front of them so quickly
his goofy and laid back moments r my fave
i love just how loyal and caring he is to his friends
his stand is really cool and again the fight w formaggio was so fun to watch
Guido Mista:
probably my least favorite member of the team for a semi good reason:
the jokes towards trish are really really uncomfy and how fugo doesnt wanna be involved but he is pushing him to do something that makes him uncomfortable did not make me like him a lot
hes goofy but not goofy enough for me to be ok with the repeated jokes about that esp in the body swap episode (ik it was supposed to be funny but it just felt off)
his vibes r good but i wish we got to see his hair
the fandom interpretation is normally pretty good of him overall?
despite not loving him a lot, i really enjoying writing for him (one day might open up headcanon requests or smth but unsure)
hes someone id wanna watch movies w but his taste in movies and mine r very different
love how he and his stand get along
honestly has very very good comedic potential
i really like how he and giorno interact as the series goes on (in a platonic way i need to clarify that i love their friendship)
again him in purple haze feedback was really interesting
probably a 5/10?
Trish Una:
beloved and deserved better
her first outfit in the manga > outfit in the anime
actually in general i believe in manga trish superiority like her hair in the manga looks so cool
her stand her stand her stand i love sm
if u dont include trish in the group i am murdering u <3
fandom gripe is how people either pretend she does not exist or has the trish first introduction thing where shes using her defense mechanisms and acting a bit spoiled
OK but her in purple haze feedback!!! mild spoilers but how bruno was taking care of her post the ending of vento aureo makes me so happy each time i think of it
very mad that she canonically didnt really get an ending and yet again PHF my beloved actually gave her that
how spice girl starts out as a stand thats helping her thru a very stressful situation is so cool and i love it
DAD BRUNO DAD BRUNO DAD BRUNO *frothes at the mouth*
but more seriously how she leans on bruno and begins 2 trust him and nearly point blank is referring to him as a father figure always fucks me up
esp because of the resulting fight afterwards
and the very ending of the arc that ends w bruno being like bye gonna go in the clouds and look ethereal now, oh man it makes me so sad
bc giorno is the only one that knew what happened and people that were closer to bruno due to knowing him longer didnt
i wanna see how trish coped w that personally
despite being introduced not at the beginning i think her arc and character in general were as well paced as it could be!
finally done! sorry that took so long but oh man i have so many feelings towards these guys its not even funny
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anunvalidcritic · 4 years
Justice League: Snyder Cut
Oh, the time has come my friends! Now, I originally did a review on Batman V.S. Superman and I didn’t care for it, so I deleted it. But before I start, I would like y’all to read this statement made by @verified-villain-fxcker - You can click HERE to read it. As I stated in my repost, I couldn’t have said it better. May Autumn Snyder continue to rest in peace. Let’s get started!
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It’s been so long since I’ve made a post I can’t even remember how I do this LOL.
CLARK is outta there to say the least...
WONDER WOMAN and LOIS look flabbergasted, as they should... BRUCE as well.
Talk about a shock-wave scream 
All jokes aside, the hate that LEX has towards SUPERMAN is just to much energy to be giving to another person..
why are they letting a minority approach the fucking the cube?!?!
*insert travel montage scene here*
                      Part 1 - “Don’t count on it, Batman.”
BRUCE knows damn well he’s talking to AQUAMAN. Let’s move this shit along lol
“Oh Gotham? How’s that shit hole?” - AQUAMAN
Ik these bitchies aren’t singing rofl
I’d sniff anything wore by Jason Momoa too.
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“Maybe a man who broods in a cave isn’t cut out to be a recruiter.” - ALFRED
AMY ADAMS can literally take my heart, step on it, throw it in a river and I still wouldn’t be mad. 
Here comes the lovely WONDER WOMAN!
broooo her hands were moving like Donnie Yen in Ip Man!
Fucked that entire ceiling up
Ofc the one who tried to touch it would make the stupid statement. 
STEPPENWOLF is really wildin’ out
Don’t look back! I hate it when they look back!!
These are some strong as women!
                             PART 2 - “The Age of Heroes”
“It’s toxic, that’s good.” - STEPPENWOLF
I can only imagine that this is how toxic people think. 
this dude really just threw that lil demon fella like it was nothin’ lmao
You know you're working at a job for too long when you say this is the first time in a while that they're going home early smdh
Now that shit was pretty lit....
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SILAS thinkin’ shit I better check on my son. 
“You know a lot about monsters, don’t you? Especially how to make them.” - CYBORG
If that isn’t teen angst, then I don’t know wtf is lmao
Seeing Gal in this tomb makes me want to re-watch Wonder Woman 1 all over again!
DARKSEID ol’ trifflin’ ass
plopped him down like he was dirty laundry
God bless Willem Dafoe, this man is a fuckin’ legend!
“This world is divided. They’re a primitive species. Unevolved and at war with one another. Too separate to be one.” - STEPPENWOLF
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DeSaad kinda looks like Doctor Doom in the Fantasic Four reboot lmao
GREEN LATERNS!!!!!!!!!!!! OH SHIT!!!!!!!!
we really need a Green Lantern Corps moving...
ZEUS + ARES = A Dynamic Duo When They Aren’t Being Dicks To Each Other
You know I feel bad for man because all they did was bury that shit in the ground rofl
                  Part 3 - “Beloved Mother, Beloved Son”
BARRY + IRIS = Love at First Sight 
The burger can’t be that good like damn. 
Bro the detail on his fucking shoes and the glass!!
damn did the car really need to explode...
lol BARRY must really need the job lol
... I would’ve just played dead after he threw me against that rock...
Man of Steel probably has one of the best soundtracks not just for a superhero movie but just in general
Americans love their football!
I have this love-hate relationship with CYBORG being in the JL and not with the TITANS you know since he’s a kid, but he’s a college student in this one. 
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Thank God DIANA spoke with VICTOR instead of BRUCE because I honestly don’t think he would’ve gotten him on board.
Everyone can literally zigzag zoom across this planet at undeniable speed except for BATMAN lol
Come on, VIC, help the lady out.
You know honestly, BARRY has a pretty cool pad for someone who's trying to get by paying for a Criminal Justice Degree. 
“A very attractive Jewish boy. Who drinks milk, I don’t drink milk.” - BARRY
“Fuck the World.” - CYBORG
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dang Ik DIANA has every right to grieve over STEVE, but damn that man has her whipped!
“You’re looking at the hottest thing on Earth. The exact same thing I said to my prom date. She dumped me anyway.” - RYAN CHOI
Why does MERA have an accent in this but not in AQUAMAN?? (ik the answer)
                               PART 4 - “Change Machine”
CYBORG just glided over silently
Seeing BARRY move like that to stop the debris and to ping DIANA’S sword really is amazing..
But he should not be screaming like that LOL
How do you not remember the planet that’s habitants almost killed you?? Because if that was me, I wouldn’t have forgotten that shit at all!
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 Would've held a big ass grudge until I could go back. 
“I know we’re all thinking the same thing right now. Who’s gonna say it? I’m not gonna say it.” - BARRY
WOOOAAHHH J’ONN JONES?! (forgot about that)
 “There are six, not five. There is no us without him.” - BRUCE
Damn, no faith at all 
                         PART 5 - “ALL The King’s Horses”
BARRY - “Wonder Woman. What do you think, man? You think she’d go for a younger guy?”
VICTOR - “She’s 5,000 years old, Barry. Every guy is a younger guy.”
I would’ve kept swippin’ that ID like a cashier at Wal-Mart swippin’ a debit card.
They're movin’ a little too slow for me. Ik they’ve never been on the ship before, but I would’ve been zoomin’ through that entire ship just to hurry and get the job done. 
Damn, they couldn’t have at least picked up the photo??
The foreshadowing was spectacular! It will always amaze me. 
I’m sure Allstate will cover that person’s car...
Just when LOIS was about to move on. 
CLARK grabbed DIANA like miss me with that Rafiki shit.
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I would’ve come back to my senses too after looking at Amy Adams. 
DR. SILAS takin’ one for the team
                              PART 6 - “Something Darker”
As crazy as radiation is, it’s quite an amazing spectacle.
I wish this Justice League movie could’ve held off until we got some other heroes such as the Green Lanterns, Hawkgirl, and many others. 
Our generation was truly blessed to have an incredible actor as SUPERMAN, and we are not putting him to use!
JONATHAN sounds like President Biden lol
Alright, team?! Break!
AQUAMAN is totally enjoying this fight. He rode that Parademon like a surfboard.
I swear every scene that WONDER WOMAN enters into does not fail to include the “Ancient Lamentation Music”. 
VICTOR hurry up and say “one” god damnnit!!
Somebody needs to put this fight on WorldStar
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The Unity  = The Three Bitchies
I bet DARKSEID will remember that shit now
                        EPILOGUE - “A Father Twice Over”
VICTOR = A Final Requiem
LOL VULKO and MERA look stressed tf out!
“Uh, I have too much to live for. And more important things to do.” - LEX
A cocky motherfucker LMAO
Alright, we’re back in this type of dream sequence. 
“Who have you ever loved?” - MERA
Uh, bitch his parents, Robin tf?!
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Thank you, JOKER, for stating the facts for Ms. Fish-stick
 Oh shit, they let LOIS die, goddamn it!
Well, the dream is over once again...
I just don’t see how people can live with all those fuckin’ windows. 
“Oh, and some have called me The Martian Manhunter.” - J’ONN
Yes, the movie was long but what needed to be expressed was. As we already the Snyder Cut wasn’t supposed to be seen because a father simply wanted to grieve the death of his child. I’ll once again reiterate what @verified-villain-fxcker you don't have to like the film but at least give it the benefit of the doubt from its predecessor. For me, I did enjoy watching his version, but let’s be honest what he who shall not be named did was just fucked up. 
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