#Im fuckin ready my dudes
good-wine-and-cheese · 6 months
Gambling Apocalypse Tenma AU
As I rewatch Kaiji I inevitably end up wanting to combine show I like with other show I like and stuffing fav characters into show. So here we are.
This was uh going to be a short summary type thing but I accidentally wrote a novella about it sorry
This AU starts off with a much more depressive Tenma. After Tobio's death, rather than immediately pour his grief into developing a robot version of his son, he recedes into himself, psychologically paralyzed, likely turning to alcohol to drown out his anguish.
His mental state is taken as an opportunity within the Ministry of Science to have him ejected from his position; Tenma was never the most well-liked director, and there were those with ambition to usurp him that would jump at the chance. Not that he especially cares in his state.
He's eventually dragged out of his stagnation by Ochanomizu - who, inadvertently, becomes the very catalyst pushing Tenma to develop a robot replacement to his child. This was not what he meant by encouraging Tenma to fill the void left by his son.
...But, well, he is no longer the director of the Ministry of Science. His access to limitless government funds and resources for "scientific research" has been cut off, and this is a project he cannot finance on his own. He can't ask Ochanomizu for help, but...interestingly...a representative of a certain shady organization known as the Teiai Corporation reaches out to him, offering to finance and support his project. A sane and well-minded Tenma might think better of it, but grieving and desperate, Tenma accepts their offer and is able to create a robot in the image of his beloved Tobio. For a while, there's joy in his life.
But the bill, as ever, comes due: Tenma must pay up, and the very resources that had been at his disposal will certainly ensure that he will, or else. Of course, he doesn't have the money; instead, he is given a choice. He can relinquish the robot Tobio in order to wipe out his debt - the child is a sophisticated and powerful robot, after all - or he can participate in a certain illicit event hosted by the Teiai Corporation.
It's nothing major...just a four-hour gambling cruise with a collection of desperate, damned souls that were also swept into debt with Teiai. The conditions are simple: Those who choose to participate are given a chance to clear their debts wholesale should they win. And should they lose...?
Well...no one really knows what happens to the losers seized by Teiai. It's said that they labour away their debts under Teiai's watchful eye and are freed once their work has covered their debts, though it's rumoured that most perish before they reclaim freedom.
There's only one answer Tenma can give, of course; he's not willing to lose Tobio again.
Thus is Tenma's debut into the Gambling Apocalypse, where he must become cutthroat in order to survive; if he wants to see his son again, he must make choices that will doom the hapless to miserable servitude, with a nonzero chance it ends in their death.
He survives the cruise, but of course, it was hardly enough to clear his debt; the cruise was never going to be the end of it. Teiai doesn't let go of its victims that easily. He will be called on again: this is a weight that hangs over him, all while he returns to his son Tobio. The same hands that have pushed innocents into hell must now be the hands that can embrace his child.
He wants to protect Tobio from the truth and enjoy what peaceful moments he's allowed with his son, but it's difficult. It's difficult to be the parent of a child who cannot understand the danger that looms ahead; this "happy" home is not to last. Tenma angers quickly and easily. He turns that anger onto Tobio.
As Teiai's games become more and more vicious and unrelenting, as his conscience holds onto the last vestiges of thread that remain, Tenma even threatens, once, to give the boy in: it would all end, then; the debt would be clear and no longer would he have to endure Tobio's childish annoyances, his ungratefulness.
The next time that Tenma is beckoned, Tobio takes matters into his own hands. He does understand, now; and he would have, if only Tenma had bothered to explain sooner. If it's a debt that needs clearing, he will work. He will help his father clear his debts however he can. Of course, it's difficult to find work as a child; but a circus troupe finds amusement in the idea of a child robot, and takes him in. He is whisked into a certainly unpleasant working situation, but he remembers his father, and what he must be enduring. Tobio, also, will endure.
When Tenma returns, Tobio is gone.
All that held Tenma back from becoming something monstrous has disappeared. All that kept him going has disappeared. When he is called upon by Teiai, there is no knowing what sort of person might come out the other end; whether a monster clawing his way to freedom regardless of what actions he must take, or a desolate husk surrendering defeat.
There is still a light, however dim: Found by Professor Ochanomizu and rescued from the circus, Tobio - now Atom - is able to shed light on the situation which Tenma took great pains to keep hidden from his old friend. With time running out, Ochanomizu and Atom must do what they can to save Tenma - from Teiai, and from himself.
UHHH and that's a wrap!!!! I couldn't quite decide which way Tenma would go after hitting Rock Bottom in this AU, and tbh it would really depend on the kind of mental state he's in at the time. On the one hand I like the narrative of Ochanomizu and Tobio racing to prevent Tenma from crossing a line (actual outright murder probably) - or having to pull him back into humanity (and yknow, his ensuing penance)
But on the other hand having him get sent to Teiai Evil Hell Prison would be interesting because a) there's a lot of narrative potential having Tenma faced with what Teiai is doing with the people that lose the games and b) need him to decimate the foreman at chinchirorin Kaiji style
Tenma's whole character is definitely a much different guy in this AU, he starts off pretty sympathetic, the guy you wanna root for, he just ends up having an inverse character arc where he gets worse instead of better. His conflict with "Tobio" is also kind of reversed, less about being unsatisfied with Tobio as a son and more not being able to handle the fact that he probably has intense PTSD now and isnt capable of coping with it in a way conducive to being a parent (or like, coping at all)
Anyway that's gambling apocalypse tenma!!!
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fbfh · 1 year
I got an ask about dad!ricky a while ago (which I completley forgot to answer until now) and it's lived in muy nhead rent free since. dad!rficky hcs are up now on patreon and are dropping here 8/31/23. it's so fuckin cute I can't deal.
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strawdxll · 8 months
"nobara... i just wanna clear the air and say that the crusty socks on my floor are fushiguro's, not mine. he tosses them in here when he 'cleans' his room. he's framing me."
unprompted ask | always accepting
she doesn't buy the excuse. not one bit. fushiguro wasn't the type to be messy. his room was arguably more organized than hers. ignoring her itch to call him out on his lie, she kicks one of the said abominations with her slipper.
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"it doesn't matter who they belong to—it's still gross! why the hell are they so... crunchy?"
"actually, forget that. do you not do laundry?!"
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lovelywingsart · 9 months
Plans for after 'Dear Mother' (kinda long plan update shite!)
So y'all have probably noticed that I'm going ham on 'Dear Mother' - Thats because I gave myself the goal of finishing it before years end. And, good news, its almost done!!! So really, im just here to say my plans afterwards since I really haven't been updating much at all;
> Immediately after Dear Mother is finished, I'll be going on a partial hiatus to finish Baldurs Gate 3 and give myself time to relax and just... give myself a fucking break. The only times I'll be on the computer are the 2 days a week my fiance uses the PS5 to play with friends, so those are the only time I'll be doing any kind of art, be it personal or commission work. So if you happen to get a commission, please do not expect it right away. The general TAT for small things is 2 weeks, and with this hiatus and minimal energy, it might be longer. But I'll be giving myself a very... VERY much needed break to finish BG3 and have more shenanigans afterwards.
> When hiatus is over, be it immediately after the game or giving some time to work on other things, I'll be starting a new comic, and will try to pace myself a little bit because its going to be... huge. There will also be one more Survival AU written story before it starts- because this comic will be the fight against Miranda, involving the Lords, Emelia and Ethan. It is going to be huge, and its going to be difficult. There will be no other primary written stories until after its done unless there's a drabble or something someone asks me to make. I'll be finishing up and perfecting a few stories for after that's done, though I will primarily be working on the Survival AU with art, as well.
> Now, when the Survival AU comic is done, I may take another break, because there's yet another comic I'm going to start, which will be Emelias arrival to the factory. The start of this comic will also kickstart primary work focusing on the first few years of Emelias arrival. I am going to say now that while yes, they may have their moments, there will be quite a bit of mildly uncomfortable subjects, as the first few years involved some heavy mutual abuse from both. You'll get to see how she got there and how they managed the first few years as well as quite a bit with her having... well, two eyes 😂 I'll give another warning when I get there but yknow. I've said before how genuinely dysfunctional they are with a few written examples, but I feel like it'll be a different story with proper visual...
And while I'm working on that fun little bit, I'll also be introducing a new written series that I've been secretly chipping away at- While I work on Emelias background and arrival, I'll also be working on Karls.
I will be working on/posting a small(?) mini(???) series of Karls own backstory. It will include his own 'arrival' to the village, interactions with Miranda and occasionally the Lords, and even smaller things such as the loss of his leg and how he got the scars across his nose and throat, all up until Emelia is dropped off. I don't plan on there being VERY many stories, though I will absolutely be more than open to writing for him if anyone has other ideas! 💙
And... thats it for now! Noting that the next two comics are going to take quite a while, ESPECIALLY the Survival AU one... I've no idea how long everything will take exactly, and all this is going off of if life decides to give me a fucking break. There's still alot going on, and I'm struggling alot... but I still have plans. Dear Mother will be finished before the new year (if not nearly exactly ON new years depending on our plans for the next two weeks and me not getting burnt out) and I'll have January to attempt to recuperate. Will I take the entire month? I'm not sure. But given shit doesn't go wrong like it did this year, we might be ok.
But... yeah! Thats about it. Right now I'm focusing on Dear Mother and trying my best. Comms ARE still open but will just take a lil bit more time than usual, so if you're fine waiting, hit me up 👍
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roaringheat · 2 years
so much is happening all at once I need a BREAK
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crazylittlejester · 18 days
Because I saw a post like this and it feels like them-
Wild: Sup dude
Hyrule: Wassup?
Wild: Can you hand me that pamphlet?
Hyrule: Brochure.
Time wheezing in the background while Warriors looks ready to chase him: You are infecting them with your dad jokes!
Time: And? I saw Wind yesterday go up to you holding a flower crown he made, called you mom
I'm sorry this was stupid
Luna feels dumb 🙂
IM FUCKIN CRYING 😭 it took my dumb ass a second to get the joke but i choked the second i did aksskdkdkdkdkkddk
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quodekash · 4 months
I didnt get enough sleep last night but its not my fault qtoey fuckin kissed
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hes literally the most babygirl in this entire show
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I love this more than I can ever possibly describe
it's so silly
so goofy
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they should kiss again I think
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babes your voice just got three octaves higher, do better at lying next time
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who the FUCK is this guy and why is he being introduced in episode 7 of 16 (apparently 16??? it's wild that this show is supposed to be 16 episodes long (according to mdl?) cos we're not even halfway through the show and 2 out of 4 of the main couples have officially kissed, and 1 is officially together. which is insane when you think about how msp is 12 episodes long and tinngun didnt properly kiss til thE END OF THE LAST FUCKING EPISODE)
(no im never getting over this, they COULD have counted 67 FUCKING TIMES throughout the show and they fucking DIDNT)
anyway this guy is probably gonna be a main part of the drama that's gonna go down in order to keep this show long enough 😭
why cant we just keep the light and fluffy show as it is and keep spreading joy and dopamine straight to my bones
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two adorable little munchkins standing next to each other
theyre my sons
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whAT rEAlLY???
he asked if he could hit on you, then asked if he could KISS you, AND THEN YALL FUCKIN MADE OUT IN A HAUNTED HOUSE
so I suggest you all give up on this "plan", and change to this real plan: march up to him, ask him out, plant a kiss on his cheek, take your fuckin artist easels and canvases to a fuckin beach at sunset, paint and make out
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oml pun's an astrology girlie
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what the fuck no why does it look like its gonna get angsty, I cant do this :(
dont make me watch toey sob, I dont want that, I want them to make out again :((
im so confused dude why is he so angry
I genuinely dont get it
I mean im watching at 2x speed so I can get through this quickly so I might've missed some dialogue somewhere or smth, but still
why's he angry
idk why he's angry but I do know one thing: satang is too fucking good at portraying anguish
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im too tired to process words so im not entirely sure what he means but I think it sounds poetic so we're gonna go with that
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brb just gonna rip my fucking SOUL out
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"its like im sitting in a vast grassy field with a gentle breeze under a bright sky" OKAY WTF ARE THE GMM WRITERS READING MY TUMBLR POSTS OR SMTH
its why his heart doesnt beat fast for sound, he just doesnt have that kind of crush, its more of a relaxing crush, like a gentle breeze
ill fucking find the post if I can
I literally wrote an extended metaphor poem combined with a fic about it
what the fuck dude
if they're watching my posts then why havent they given us my satang and perth siblings agenda yet
and where is the markford series
gmm I know you're looking at this, answer my fucking questions guys
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they all just make me so happy 😭😭😭
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okay but he didnt know you were milk frappe boy when hE FUCKING MADE OUT WITH YOU IN A HAUNTED HOUSE
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theyre holdin hansssss
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is what I think and want to happen about to happen
that wasnt grammar but its fine
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oh fuck yes next week theyre goi g to a volunteer camp
volunteer camp episodes are always comfort episodes so thjis is gonna be GOOD
well anyway I just wanna see qtoey kiss again :(
ill rewatch that one scene in the meantime
buhbye for now my friends, see yous next week
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akascow · 1 month
the more posts i see about tua4 the more im convinced none of the writers went back and watched the previous seasons because literally so much is wrong dude HAHA
annoying words under the break and spoilers !!
for starters since when has allison ever helped klaus in the previous seasons🧍🏻‍♀️ it was always diego man. im glad he got to be the fun but very cautious uncle for claire but allison rarely helped klaus with anything except in s2 where they just got drunk together on the kitchen floor HAHA
also lila 'i dont like bracelets' pitts who was already shown making bracelets in 2 (with diego), losing her bracelet at the end of 2, then diego giving it back to her in 3 (and she wore that shit !!) all for it to be thrown away for whatever the fuck happened in the strawberry timeline lol
this ones a throwaway rant but 1) why did none of the fives in that diner experience paradox psychosis and 2) whyd they all look the same lol u cant tell me every five chose to wear the same exact suit with the same haircut (and the same age appearance wise!!)
someone already said this one so dont credit me but five wouldve 1000000% recognized his apocalypse that second he stepped outta that train (by the smell) and would not need to look around for 10 seconds at the debris he spent like 40 years in to clock it as ".....i know this place,, its my apocalypse" lmfao yeah man
not gonna get into this one but raymond "id rather spend a day with you than a year without you" chestnut would never fuckin walk out on allison and claire lol WHAT
anotha one that ppl have already mentioned but ben wouldve told klaus what happened to him when he died right? like he stuck around for 15 years because he wasnt ready to leave his siblings he for sure woulda mentioned it at some point right 🧍🏻‍♀️
and biggest of all (for me bc its been bugging me) but if lila had to be there in the end "otherwise itd just reset again" then why the hell didnt the other oct 1st people need to be there too are we just supposed to forget about them (RAHHH) if the reasoning is that they shouldve never existed (awful reasoning btw) then why do the others get a free pass HUH?? unless theyre like "well the cleanse took over the entire world so they got slorped up too" or "the others died a while ago these 8 are the last marigold kids" which is a stupid cop out and i will not accept it lmao.
also they never went anywhere with reggies alien self HAHA not a problem w me bc i do not care about him at all but like,, why was he an alien (i cant remember if they explained it in the comics but) HAHA whatever man
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dr4kenlvr · 2 years
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feat. mikey sano, draken, baji keisuke, chifuyu matsuno, mitsuya takashi (reader is mentioned here and there too!) - crack/humour/fluff (1.2k+)
nana's note: can toman boys drive cars?? no keep reading to find out about the boys and their driving habits!! spoiler alert: in no way should you drive like them please don't listen to this post LMAO
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to mikey, the written test wasn't too bad—he went in, sat in his little cubicle, and got through the questionnaire without too much issue
dude couldn't lie though, he was sweating bullets at the demerit point questions FR
but of course, mikey boasts to everyone (especially baji but we'll get to that later) about his success, and is very excited to hit the road
didn't realize just how small being behind a car wheel feels until he sits and needs to bump the seat up a few notches LMAO
baji teases him: "you need heels on to reach the pedals, too? HAHHAHA"
is constantly driving with an :0 expression
"oh my god, the car is moving ken, im making the car move—ken, look!"
"yes mikey, your foot is on the gas pedal."
cheers when he does a left turn successfully, because fuck are those a pain in the ass sometimes
sometimes forgets to signal, and has been flipped off a few times for almost crashing in front of the car behind him
mikey absolutely has a snack stash in his trunk too—it's filled, and always being refilled, with sweets, savoury treats, and drinks
"y/n, could you grab me a bag of chips please? any flavour!" he yells from the front
???? what ????—you crane your head back to a fucking kitchen of snacks like it's normal for anyone to have that much
occasionally gets extremely tired at the wheel, and shuts his eyes for two seconds at a red light
it's either a honk waking him up or ken profusively cursing at him
"oops!" x2
now i don't wanna be bias (user dr4kenlvr, am i right), but ken is probably the second best driver on this list
written test wise, he passed on the first try
wasn't too difficult, and the lady at the desk even congratulated him with a warm smile, to which he happily returned
he got use to the mechanisms of the car pretty quickly
all of these gears and switches were like second nature to him, considering how much he works with motorbikes on the regular
likes to play music as he drives, it varies depending on the time of day it is
nice r&b on a night drive is always his favourite though
once draken gets really comfortable with the wheel, he'll have an arm hanging out the window
heavenly sigh—he looks really good <3
never drove alone with just his G1, despite his delinquent reputation
good job ken!!
one thing though: he has an oddly high level of road rage LMFAOOO
draken thinks it's probably because he's in a car—surrounded by 4 walls—rather than being out in the open like on a bike
people can't hear him curse the living hell out of them with the windows up so...
yeah, he gets loud LMAOO and vulgar
with his viens popping out and shit, he probably looks crazy if you pull up next to him in the adjacent lane
just don't look over, you'll be okay
same ken
this mf spent months studying for the written test
he was extremely keen on doing well too, because he wanted the luxury of being able to finally drive a car
baji also wanted to be able to drive his mother to and from work, so that she "wouldn't have to take public transit all the time"
love you keisuke
created study nights with chifuyu, where the boys would quiz each other on repetitive shit like signs
"okay, what's this one?"
"uhh.. there's like a merry-go-round ahead?"
"wha—? d'you mean a ROUNDABOUT???"
he had the right spirit, so chifuyu gave him a point either way AHSDHDSHF
time rolled around and baji declared him finally ready to take on the test and..
...he passed!! yay keisuke !!!
dude wanted to explode from the sheer relief, he literally picked you up and spun you around 18 times out of happiness
BUT THIS MF ON THE ROAD IS SO FUCKING WILD—he's good with the wheel, but like there's always something going on in his car
you could get whiplash by how fast he goes sometimes
he doesn't even mean to
50 maximum but he's going 80
"oH—FUCK, SORRY! sorry!"
also is a huge multitasker - and isn't too shabby at it
he could be calling someone via bluetooth speaker, while eating, while scratching his back, while signalling into the right lane ALL AT ONCE
miraculous how he doesn't have even a scratch or dent yet to be honest
idk man, just make sure you have your seatbelt on at all times, kay'?
i think he gets a little too excited every time he gets behind the wheel
like hes giggling with every lane change or right turn
literally fucking SCREAMS when he sees a cat walk on the road
"chifuyu, it's fine! it walked back. K-KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD!"
has a cushion specifically for peke j in the back seat where no one can sit or move it to sit
"ahh no. that's peke j's spot, you can sit in the trunk or something."
baji: "are you fucking kidding me."
speaking of peke j, he has a component in his trunk filled with toys and cat food for him
it's honestly really sweet, how much he cares and cherishes his little cat
you can't find the heart to be too angry with him when you find cat fur stuck to the seats
i think chifuyu has a lot of fucking fast food garbage in his car too
his mom (and you) is always up his ass about it:
like, you would sit in the passenger seat and at your feet there's just wrappers and straws and shit
you look at him with a look that just speaks volumes of "really?"
and he's all (。╹ω╹。)
it's an honest mistake <3
oh god—the most responsible driver out of his friends by FAR
he is so so happy when he passes, because he is able to get things done quicker with a car than by walking
dropping/picking up his sisters from school, escorting his mother to places, getting groceries, visiting his friends, just about everything in his life is made 10x easier and faster
mitsuya's car ALWAYS smells good
he's always got a new car freshener hooked onto his rearview mirror when the scent runs out
his favourite is lavender <3 and his sisters like the fruity ones but they make his and your's nose tickle
and he does that fucking cute side smile when he talks to you but also needs to pay attention to the road
LOVES to bring his sisters on drives around the neighbourhood once he gets his full license
plays their favourite songs and sings out loud with them
it'll be cartoon openings and disney soundtracks but he doesn't mind
not when the grin on your's and his sister's faces are so bright and genuine
omfg - picnics where you two set up food in the trunk and watch luna and mana play at the playground
and they rush over when they're hungry to eat and rest
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taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @kazuhoya @gwynsapphire @sscarchiyo @reiners-milkbiddies @smileyswifeyy @bontensimp-blog @thisbicc @megumisemo (send me an ask or dm to be added!)
reblogs and comments are very appreciated!
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intertexts · 2 months
HELLOOOOOOO i hope u have fun w ur siblings :] but also holy shit i cant wait for u to finish 39 and get to 40 heheheheheheh. ANYWAY. welcome to wibby torment nexus hours here we go!!!!!!!!!
actually going to start with the whisperer/mal/trickster thing because holy shit dude ive had IN DEPTH thoughts about this. i cant even type it all out here bc thats for a wholeeee second ask but basically. fuckin. yeah. fundamental basics: in nhw world trickster killed clarence. not going to give you the reasoning for this yet. im on the fence about how particularly intentional wibbys death was BECAUSE of that but.... yeah thats for sure a fucking soup ingredient dude.
out of all the options you said... hmmmmmm okay. i like all of them for different reasons. i dont think he would specifically kill wibby JUST to spite mal, theres definitely more to it than that, but i think its a funny little bonus for him. mals hatred is proabably MOSTLY one sided. but trickster thinks its funny to make him look like an idiot sooo. haha i killed the kid who reminds me of the other guy i killed in front of you get fucked loser! I ALSOOOO. HMMMM. I DO REALLY LIKE THE IDEA OF WILLIAM GETTING STRUNG ALONG but i dont think trickster is manipulative Like That. hes impatient, he doesnt like playing the long game he likes instant gratification. getting ashe was a HUGE exception to that. so while i do love a good "morally grey hero works with the villain to get something he wants" thing. i think its EXTREMELY in character for william to do that but maybe not so much trickster. i do think if we want a moment like this though...................... what if. ohhh evil cooking in my mind rn. what if trickster makes it. OH FUCK. OKAY. HERE WE GO. LITERALLY JUST POPPING INTO MY MIND AS I TYPE OKAY OKAY FUCK . PSYCHIC DAMAGE
what if. what if. this happens at the beginning of the battle. they find muse sitting in the clearing by himself. they all show up ready to fight, theyre surrounding him (they have scouts out looking for trickster, too, since taking down the puppetmaster is how they free the puppets. ill get to this in a second). um. well. his hair is down, not in any fancy braid or anything. and william cant sense the breaker state. (dakota can, but hes not fast enough). trickster is making it seem like ashe is free by suppressing the breaker state as much as he can wihtout actually turning it off. he has ashe turn toward his friends, talks to them like its actually him, saying htings like "guys please he let me go help me get these off of me" (referring to. the strings) . and . in a panicked state of. relief and desperation to get ashe back, because he cant sense the breaker state, he believes the ruse, wibby is the first person to rush forward. it would maybe be more in character for dakota to rush in, but he hesitates, because with the effects of his power he CAN tell that ashe is still in breaker state. he and/or virion reach out to grab william before he can get too close but hes too fast and hes already in his own breaker form so even if they could grab him their hands would just slip through. he gets close enough and far enough away from the other heroes that trickster has ashe snap fully back into muse mode and rips wibby in half. so his real goal there was just to trick (ha!) at least one of the heroes into getting close enough to do that (lmao funny prank, get gamzeed idiot) but the fact that it was william specifically who did it makes the whole thing EVEN FUNNIER. his trap fooled the logical one, the smart one, the one who is usually stopping the OTHERS from doing stupid things like this !! AND this also just so happens to be mallard ghoul conway's little pet project who looks suspiciously like the hero trickster killed when he took over his first city!!!!!!!!!!! the whole thing is just so delicious for him. which . oh god the wards are out of commission because of wibby death but its also maybe kind of a good thing that this happened because trickster is so busy laughing at his own successful prank that it makes it just a tiny bit easier to find where hes holed up.
is this anything. hi. holy shit wibby torment nexus. i feel like there was something else i wanted to say but i got so lost in the sauce of the Scenarios
AUUUUHGH THIS IS EVERYTHING. YEAH. YEAH HOLY SHIT. sorry i took so long 2 get to this but like. Augh. holy shit. ok. this hits so perfectly i love it a lot. yeah. this goes hard. what if. also. honestly. he just could straight up turn off muse's shaker stuff/breaker state for a minute....... maybe he lets ashe think he's free maybe he's still controlling him or maybe it's genuine & he's really free for half a minute..... then also they doesn't have any reason to suspect him & if dakota Does ashe's telekinesis just. trips him up or prevents him from getting 2 will in time (bc half of dakota's thing is just Being Really Fucking Fast right).... will goes into his breaker state for Extra Security (remember how i said he hates actually fighting w/ it & stuff? he just Doesn't Know that it doesn't work right in ashe's area of effect.) & as soon as he gets close the ruse drops & everything bubbles and shifts around him & it's too late. do u think the trickster still does it with ashe's hands? also i couldn't stop thinking abt the image of wibby's breaker state just. dropping as soon as muse rips him apart. the clean blue-white glow fizzles and disappears & everything's just. blood and meat spraying. that moment of horror. (& maybe also dakota & virion literally just. can't get close safely for a while, they don't Know wibby is still Alive Like that, they just saw him get ripped apart, it's only when they recover from the shock/get desperate enough to enter the muse dreamscape that they realize his lungs are like. still going & stuff....) anyway. did we ever talk about how we fix this? how does he fucking get put back together????
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stars-n-spice · 7 months
Thoughts on s3 Ep06!
Going to make this quick and will probably be shorter than others because I have fuck awful memory and even though I literally just saw the episode, I watched episode 7 right after and so that's fresher in my mind bUT
Spoilers under cut-
As always, these are not coherent thoughts or in any order of the episode and what happened in it
And I was surprised to see the Raxus Senator again, it really does seem like they're trying to tie up all the loose ends so now I wouldn't be surprised if that Bennie (?) kid shows up again or something
Felt like a fucking clown when I was like "Oh that's Tech, that's so Tech" the entire time during the beginning of the episode only for it to not be Tech
Howzer <3
I completely forgot about what happened between Howzer and Crosshair on Ryloth so I was like,, "Why the fuck is Howzer being so aggressive?? I don't remember Howzer being so aggressive??" and then I was like, "oh yeah,, nvm-"
I just keep loving Crosshair more and more with every episode,, Force help me
Captain Rex my beloved <3
He looks so funny without his pauldron thingy
I could nOT sit still the entire time I was watching these episodes,, I was watching it like how Asian dads watch TV,, like right up in front of the tv and whatnot
It was also because it was dark as fuck and I couldn't see SHIT because my tv kinda sucks but I was standing for pretty much the entire time
Then when Wrecker appeared I fell to my knees
I'm going to be thinking about him petting Batcher for a long time-
Also I love Echo so so so so much,, when he gave her that modified crossbow and told her to keep the others in check?? :(( mom,,
"they don't look happy to see us...just like old times huh?" WRECKER omfg,,
also that clone assassin is so tech right?? like,, that's Tech yeah?? even with the voice thingy he sounds like Crosshair kinda and in the previous episode Crosshair had a moment where he sounded like Tech so like,, that's GOTTA be him
Aaaa,, when Howzer starting coming for Crosshair and Wrecker looked about ready to square up in the background,, and then Hunter defending Cross later, ack ack ackk
at that point i'm kinda surprised they kept him alive?? but still-
i really thought Rex might know what 'M-count' was when Omega mentioned it since he was around Jedi but I guess not??
that entire conversation I was chanting, "Talk to Ahsoka, talk to Ahsoka, talk to Ahsoka"
dude when the fucking,, when (i'm going to call him Tech) when Tech just fucking SNUCK in and was like RIGHT there,,
FUCK that entire,, ugh when he called to report he found Omega I was just like,, "Oh they fucked up so badly. So badly"
the,, the conversation between Crosshair and the clone assassin,,
Cross,,, dude,, what,, what are you hiding man?
Fireball :(((((((((
then Tech got fucking crushed by all those rocks and I was like,, "Okay, so maybe he ISN'T tech," but then,, fucking episode 7 changed that-
im so normal about this show :)
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class-1b-bull · 1 year
Class 1-b as random things me and my friends have said to eachother!
I tried to get everyone multiple times but some characters got more than others </3
There is a lot of cussing, name calling and mentions of virginity but dats about it. Plus a brief mention of drug dealing.
:] :] :]
Bondo- uh yea?
Manga- i knew you were cringe but a virgin? Do better man.
:] :] :]
Awase- ctrl z dosent work on tattoos actually..
:] :] :]
Kuroiro - the atoms will align because im hot like that. *runs straight into a wall*
:] :] :]
Kamakiri - the riddle isnt that fucking hard your just dumb as shit.
Kosei - can I give them a hint?
Kamakiri - no, fuck you.
Awase - you had to high expectations for me and tokage when making this riddle.
Kamakiri - I litterally looked up riddles for kids.
Tokage - well im obviously not a kid so that probably why I cant figure it out..
Kosei - can I pleasssseeeeeee give them a hint.
Kamakiri - fine whatever.
Kosei - ASS!!
Kamakiri - you know what? Actually... shut the fuck up!
Kosei - its a good hint!
Kamakiri - no the fuck its not.
Rin - no actually thats a great hint. Want me to demonstrate?
Awase - what is there to demonstrate???
*litterally 3 1/2 hours later*
:] :] :]
Kendo - just letting you know, your a great friend. And I really care about you.
Kodai - being nice to me wont change the fact that your ass at mario cart.
:] :] :]
Shiozaki - *running up to kendo full sprint* hey um- quick question, could jesus do a kick flip? SPECIFICALLY with the kids hello kitty skatebord that crack dealer tried to sell us...
:] :] :]
Shishida - I dont like gossip but I thought I should let you know that monoma thinks your a drug dealer...
Kosei - why? Is he a cop?
Shishida - no but-
Kosei - is he buyin?
:] :] :]
Shoda - *crying in a voice message to the class b group chat* I just got into a car wreak and the cop had to pull me out of my carrr *loud as sniff* while fucking doja cat was talking about sucking dick... and it was really embarrassing. Oh! And I broke my leg I guess but whatever.
:] :] :]
Pony - Want my autograph? Too fuckin bad bitch! Im Beyonce type famous now I dont have TIME for your annoying ass.
Kodai - what happened?
Komori - she got 15 likes on a tumblr post.
:] :] :]
Tetsutetsu - MEN CAN LACTATE?!?!?!
Kosei - *loudly starts playing carless whisper in the distance*
:] :] :]
Kamakiri - shut the fuck up I only came over to your house to watch madoka magica and pet your cat now where the fuck is kitty kitty bang bang?!
:] :] :]
Honenuki - hand.
Honenuki - HAND!
Kuroiro - TAKE ME TO DINNER FIRST?! I aint ready for that kind of commitment man.
Honenuki - if you dont let me finish painting you nails I am going to kill your cat.
:] :] :]
Bondo - *crying while eating pretzels* he really did crank that soulja boy...
:] :] :]
Monoma - statistics show that I am better than you at litterally everything so riddle me this? If I am so fucking awesome why do I cry myself to sleep every night?!
:] :] :]
Reiko - that toddler is so fucking metal..
Like get it bitch. Tell your mom to fuck off for putting you in time out. Girlboss shit.
:] :] :]
Rin - that kid is litterally me.
Kosei - *earth shattering scream and falls off ceiling*
:] :] :]
Shiozaki - so is everyone that does crack jesus or just your mom?
:] :] :]
Shoda - thats a nice fucking rock...
Kodai - please dont fuck the rock...
:] :] :]
Rin - awase why would sen have a LIVE jellyfish inside of a lava lamp...
Awase - he would if he wasent a beta cuck.
:] :] :]
Pony - if I give you $20 can you draw the dude from highschool musical pregnant? Its for my cousins birthday.
Manga - first of all what the actual fuc-
:] :] :]
Shiozaki - believe it or not. But being a man. Ok? And sucking another mans dick. BEFORE MARRIAGE. Hear me out on this one... Is slightly againt the great lord above.
Kodai - jesus?
Reiko - no, ace ventura: pet detective.
Reiko - specifically after he climbed out of the rinos ass, naked.
:] :] :]
Sen - bro what even is this? Its low key ugly as fuck.
Rin - thats litterally me...
Sen - daymn *sticks photo in pants* ANYWAYS-
:] :] :]
Shishida - I get everyone is trying to stay calm but twerking to the fire alarm wont stop the fire!
:] :] :]
Rin - cute dogs!
Kosei - *lifting his foot* thanks I moisturize~
:] :] :]
Pony - i knew something was wrong with you when you laughed at my joke but not in the 'I watched mean girls' type of way.
:] :] :]
Komori - *walking around the house frantically*
Reiko - we would be out the door already if you didnt kiss all of your plants goodbye..
:] :] :]
Awase - I couldn't even hear that because me and kosei were talking about how hot she was.
:] :] :]
*Rin buddled up in like 20 blankets in front of a fire place*
Kosei - hot girl shit. *dives into the pile and face plants right into his balls.*
:] :] :]
Manga - can I eat your knees tall man?
Bondo - no thanks.
Manga - what if I asked in a uwu voice?
Bondo - still no.
Manga - daymn... alpha male type shit.
:] :] :]
Rin - you realize i am a dude right?
Awase - guys can have long hair?
Sen - of course they can have long hair dipshit.
Kosei - who cares if rin used to be a girl?! Hes a guy now and thats all that matters!
Rin - no I was always a guy...
Kosei - its ok man :D ill always be your friend <3
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question...how are we feeling about tuco and the like,,, curious bc im a tuco girlie (gay ass man)
my second favorite salamanca 😌 tuco girlies i love you and i see you
anatomical terms: tits
Tumblr media
not going to bottom for you. it's not happening. cope. he is not letting anything near his ass.
^ im srs btw i feel like he's the type to be like "yeah i'll fuck other dudes but i'm not taking it up the ass that's gay 🤢"
tops hard and fucks nasty. he bites, slaps, spanks, chokes, pulls your hair, you name it. he’s an animal. and he’s LOUD. growling, mean dirty talk, he will NOT shut up. plus he’s for SURE a screamer when he cums.
“yeah, take it. take it, you nasty bitch! you fuckin' like that, slut? oh, you ain't gonna be able to fuckin' WALK when i'm done with you."
i feel like the only time he'd be even remotely gentle is when he's sober, and even then he has to care about you a lot.
but that's literally 1% of the time anyway the rest is INTOX INTOX INTOX
his ass does NOT get coke dick idc what y'all say. he does a line and he's ready to GO.
i just imagine he takes a huge fucking hit of something and he's like "god DAMN, that's fucking good! hey, c'mon, let's go, get your pretty ass over here. " and he pulls you into his lap and starts kissing you messily, running his hands up and down your body.
def the type to grope and squeeze you, ESPECIALLY if you're on the heavier side. he just loves how squishy you are :3 (and if you're pre-op trans he's for sure going to grab/suck on your tits and motorboat them 😵‍💫 honestly he'll prolly do it if you're post-op too.)
favorite position: doggy (he loves grabbing you by your hips and pulling you back into him so he can hit deeper)
favorite place to cum: your face (but your ass is a close second)
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ask-jodio · 3 months
hey ✋ saw my good ol lady pal giorno had an acc like this so i decided to make one too ;)
send in asks ig this could be fun
HI HI owner of the acc here!! (she/he/they)
i fuckin love these lil rp accs theyre so cute.
im also the same bitch who runs @giorno-askvanna so thats funny
a few head canons to keep in mind 😏
DRAGONA IS A TRANS GIRL!!! but jodio is kinda stupid and he has no idea what that is or that his sister is even a girl. he was fully ready to accept that she's just a dude who dresses in girls clothes bc (as someone who actually lives in hawaii) its way more common than you think
jodio himself doesnt actually do any hard drugs like the shit he gophers out, but he does get weed from dragona
he definitely vapes LOL
He's aroace
most of the interactions i imagine betwern jodio and dragona are pretty much identical to me and my sibling irl. bc we are like them. except im not jodio in those situations 😭😭
- no nsfw asks please. again, hes a minor.
- I'm not fully caught up with jojolands yet, so please no spoilers for anything past chapter 9 😭
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darkniters · 1 month
i wrote this in 2021 for cscoop but i will replace coopers name with schlatts. enjoy!
"very sorry about having to delay the video again! i'm working really really hard on it, just give me some extra time, and i'll have it up by next week!"
... i feel bad for lying to the fans, but what am i supposed to say in a situation like this. 'oh sorry loyal viewers of the y/c/n youtube channel, ive been a bit busy having a child.'
i hadn't told anyone about her, and i wasn't really planning on it until she was old enough to conveniently walk into my recording studio. i made a really bad decision months ago when i decided to fuck a dude i didn't know, but the outcome was truly someone beautiful.
i sighed and decided that i should maybe try get a video out by next week, so i get off my ass and head to my recording room. however, before i do so i go to my own room to check on my little girl.
she's sleeping peacefully in the dimly lit room, nothing but her soft breathing being heard. i smile, not in a million years would i expect this to happen. when i found out i was pregnant i was mortified, i told nobody, i still haven't, what will they think of me if they found out i just fucked a random dude? i'd be slaughtered for sure. however, when i first lay eyes on her, i knew that she deserved all the love in the world, for she was perfect.
instead of staring at my child for the next hour i decide to finally get out of the room and work on the video i promised. it was already recorded, just editing to do, so the fun parts already over with. instead of wearing headphones, i let the sound come straight from my speakers, with my pc turned down extremely low, just to not disturb my daughters slumber.
the videos not too hard to edit, just a gameplay of castle crashers with the sleep deprived gang. the memories of the recording session rushed back as i was editing, a smile was brought to my face.
"go dude get his ass!' i yell into my mic.
'you're fuckin alive too y/n, help me out here!' schlatt responds 'besides, you were all talk earlier, what was that you said 'ougghhh i'm sooo good at castle crashers i finished all of it on the original xbox, you guys wont get any opportunity to shine.'
the rest of the group laugh as schlatt teases. mika ended up getting the final kill on the boss.
'god, you two tease SO much, why dont you two just fuck already?' mika joked. the group laughed once more, however, i was left thinking... is this really what everyone else thinks? do they know im pregnant? oh god...
'you good y/n? shit was a joke please dont think too much about it. i dont wanna get too many thoughts into your head.' mika interrupts your thought process.
'dont worry moka, i was just thinkin of a good response, since schlatts mouth is a little too full at the moment.' i smile, leading up to a bit, hoping schlatt gets where i'm trying to go with it. i never actually thought of cooper as such, however, the idea was intriguing... i wouldn't say no if he ever asked me out... and with this little dude on the way, itd be a good help.
'my mouths too full? what the fucks that supposed to mean?' schlatt quizzes, surprisingly he doesn't know what i'm leading up to. thats not like jschlatt...
'your mouths filled up with deez nuts dog, jesus christ' you giggle, schlatt groans in response, a bang on his desk being heard over the discord call. once again the other members in the call erupted into laughter.
'how'd you miss that coming, schlatt! i saw that shit from 300 miles away!' aztro struggles to say, her voice filled with laughter.
'surley.' mika simply says.
'look shut up, i'm a bit stup- oH SHIT WATCH YOUR ASSES WE HAVENT SAVED' schlatt yells out, but it's a little bit too late, as each knights health runs to 0.
the video was edited in the span of 3 hours, and with regular checks on the wee doll, everything was going fine.
you let your subscribers know that the video was done and ready to be uploaded with a tweet and youtube community post.
'hey dudes! the videos all ready to upload! see you guys again next week!'
as soon as i posted, likes and quote retweets were flying in. the people in the replies were ecstatic, and all of the dudes were dropping 'welcome backs :D' in the comments.
however, when i saw the response from schlatt, i swear my smile beamed more.
'welcome back fuckhead, we hangin later, yea? awesome, i'll be an hour ;)'
though my smile didn't last, for i looked down to see my daughter in my arms. oh. fuck.
what's schlatt gonna say when he sees you?!
hes gonna think im a whore! oh fuck my friendships gone hes gonna tell everyone, and im just getting feelings for him and everythings goin- woah hold on.
. . .
it sounds so right to say that?
i have feelings... for johnathan jschlatt...
i have feelings for johnathan jschlatt...
i have FEELINGS for JOHNATH okay we get it.
there's definitely a blush on my face, but i gotta put this newly discovered truth to the side, cause this silly little goobers here. what do i do?! i cant just stuff her into a closet! my plans foiled!
this panic ensures for an hour, until that dreadful moment where theres a knock on the door.
i put her back into my bedroom, hoping that theres a chance that maybe she'll sleep again?
and walk back down the hall...
to the front door...
and slowly pull the handle...
to reveal...
schlatt, of course, who else was i expecting.
"schlatty!" i exclaim, pulling him into a tight hug.
"ey, whats up y/n," schlatt responds, return the hug, placing his head atop of mine. "you've been offline for a bit and wanted to see if everythings good. i hope you don't mind me suddenly coming over." he chuckles.
i smile in relief, hes so chill all the time. "don't worry, i've just been a bit.. pre-occupied, i'm perfect as usual dude." i close the door after schlatt, and we both walk into the living room.
theres no shortage of conversations, johnathan talks about how him, mika and pandah recently had a massive clear out, and he found an old glow in the dark ring i won for him in an arcade years ago.
"'we're only 20 points away from being able to get anything from the prize counter, come on john, lets play some easy mini games!' a 18 year old y/n replays in your mind.
'you want to get something so bad get your own points... i'll keep watch though cause i know you too well, y/n.' johnathan responds. 'besides, you wouldn't want me to miss if you got something huge, right?'
i stick my tongue out, preparing to spin a wheel with numerous numbers of points on them. it finally lands on 100 points, which definitely isn't the most but it's not the lowest amount either.
'YOOOOO!' you yell in unison, claiming your points.
as we arrive at the counter, i see this glow in the dark ring and decide 'john will hate me for this'
so i purchased it, and jokingly proposed to johnathan. to my surprise, he said yes, and wore it back to his house, his parents question it, i remember. they've been very keen on johnathan and i getting together, ever since we were younger. too bad my plans changed...
as we both kept reminiscing of the past and our food arrived, everything was going quite well. she was silent for majority of the time schlatt was in my home, which is really lucky.
we would occasionally go silent, and during that time i would scan johnathans face. he'd catch me starting from time, and he'd stare at me with forced wider eyes. we'd laugh at this.
unfortunately the moment was ruined, for a small, frail cry could be heard down the hall. at this moment i could feel my soul leave my body FUCK
"dude..." johnathan begins hesitantly. he looks extremely confused. "you.. you fuckin... child dlc?"
you both laugh at the comment, however he still looks lost. the kids probably best not to be left crying, so i head to the room to bring her down the hall. i come back, and his face shows a bit more understanding.
"woah." he gawks. his head relaxing on his shoulders and his muscles un-tensing. a smile is brought to my face.
at this point the small wails from the girl has stopped, her tiny frame in your arms as you sit down next to johnathan, a little closer than last.
"shes my little dude! sorry i didnt really say anything... i didnt want anyone to know, especially the youtube dudes..." at the end i trail off, thinking how stupid that sounds. these guys are some of my closest friends, why would they judge me for something like this?
one of his arms wrap around my shoulder and the other wraps around the little girl in my arms. theres a tranquil smile on his face, as he looks down at her.
"why'd you think hiding something this cool was good idea, y/n? look at her! she's awesome, i'm sure the dudes will love her!" he laughs. he leans his head against mine, and my face grows warm. "still surprised you 'got some' though, yknow what im sayin?" you can feel a faint smile tug your lips.
schlatts finger runs down the childs arm softly, and ends at her hand. he stopped and stared as her tiny fingers gripped around his finger. truth be told, he was astatic that his long time friend had a child. he was so happy to see his friend happy, and to have her here in his arms, and her daughter made everything better.
he loved you.
he kept staring at the little girl in my arms, his eyes unmoving, but there were another set of eyes that were unmoving.
my eyes kept on schlatts face, a dazed smile plastered on both of our faces. unnoticed, i put my hand over johnathans which rested on my shoulder.
his eyes move to look at mine, a shimmer in his eyes as his pupils grow. i study his face, his pasty physique now grazed with a soft pink, and his lips slightly parted. his eyes seem to be doing the same as yours.
his hands turning around to grasp mine, and just now am i noticing how silent the room is, all that is heard is the breathing from the three of us. a nervous smile once again graces my lips, leaning my back into johnathan a little more.
after a couple of more seconds of decision on wether or not this is what we should be doing, our mouths finally meet.
it was a very quick kiss, but we take no time at all to go back for a second, then a third.
and then a fourth.
once finished, we both smiled and looked down, both of our faces a rose like color. johnathans hands still caught by the girl in my arms, and my own.
"i could get used to this." johnathan says after some time, his head leaning into mine. all three of us falling asleep on one another. i hum in response, with a small chuckle coming through. i turn my head and give him another kiss on the cheek, and as i do it his cheeks turn red again. some of his brown hair falls down closer to his face as he looks at me again, simply to return the favor.
his lips are slightly chapped, but still feel soft and perfect against yours, he parts first, feeling his finger finally being let go. she had fallen asleep.
"my fingers sweaty... euch" he whispers, making a grossed out noise at the end. he leaned back into you. "love you."
i feel hot again.
"love you too johnathan."
this story was better when it wasnt jschlatt dont care hope you enjoyed
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tradetobest · 3 months
bennguin fic rec list (pt 1?)
in honour of the steers and queers anniversary im making a bennguin fic rec list!! it has 14 fics cuz jamie number :))
i wrangled the fuck out of my bookmarks for this, so enjoy :))
Kelowna: Become Human by LadyJanelly
rating: T words: 8.9k summary: What better way is there for a professional hockey team to make sure their prospects can focus on getting NHL ready, than buying them their very own android?
if you know me, you know i am a GIANTTT fan of detroit become human, so this fic is a dream come true for me. it is literally great too like i love it. tyler prioritizing jamie's orders over his programming... oughh....
Custom, Discreet by inlovewithnight
rating: E words: 12k summary: Tyler accidentally discovers Jamie's kink. He is so very on-board.
LINGERIE FIC!! we love.... we love that its JAMIE in the lingerie.... oughhhh
Must Love Dogs by SpiritsFlame
rating: G words: 12k summary: It doesn't occur to Jamie until he's standing on Tyler's front porch at 3am, barefoot, that maybe he should have called first In which Jamie Benn steals a dog, gets his best friend back, and combats toxic masculinity. In more or less that order.
i love this fic so much. cute ass fucking dog. PHENOMENAL use of the premise.
Featuring Marshall by wutheringjane
rating: G words: 4.1k summary: Tyler's latest video was called "GUESS WHO'S GOING TO DALLAS"
YOUTUBER AUUUUUU!!!!!! oh my god i am OBSESSED w youtube aus. and this ones so fucking cute too. theyre fans of each other your honour
the old brag of my heart (I am, I am, I am) by Mayhem10
rating: G words: 9.9k summary: Sometimes people forget that Jamie Benn exists.
this is part of the condition of existence series, and it's the second one in the series, but the whole series is phenomenal. i replay tyler's discovery moment in my brain over and over (OH YEAH, READ THE FIRST ONE DIRECTLY FROM THIS LINK)
Pitches Love Velocity by bohnem990
rating: T words: 12k summary: There’s no use in talking about money to Tyler, Brownie knows. It’s the reason that Brownie was the one to major in business in college, while Tyler majored in drinking with a minor in marketing. “If you want to drop a grand on one night at a sports event can’t you at least spend it on a real sport?” Several people, Tyler included, gape at him. “Like hockey,” Brownie barrels on, “We could totally go to a hockey game. We’re Canadian, Segs! We’re supposed to eat, sleep, and breathe hockey!” -- Alternately : “Dude,” Brownie laughs, “I think Jamie Benn’s agent just asked you to fuck him.”
THIS FIC. tyler at the restaurant lives rent free. FRAT BOY ASS. i love them so much.
Something Wild by Linsky
pairing: tyler seguin/jamie benn
rating: E words: 3k summary: The girl on Tinder is typing again. why don’t you show me how good you are with a cock Tyler coughs and drops his phone. That’s—wow. He did not expect her to go there.
oh my god. oh my god. tyler is such a dumbass here and i love it. im OBSESSED. 10/10 misunderstanding fic.
something over nothing any day by clawsandsympathy
rating: G words: 1.5k summary: “About this time on Hawkeye in the Morning, we run a little segment called Second Date Update. When someone has a great first date but never make it to the second date, they call us and we try to help them out. Tyler, can you tell us how you met Jamie?”
i think this fic is adorable. the concept is so fuckin cute and i think its executed well w some tropes i really like :))
I Know a Little Chapel by Linsky
rating: M words: 4.5k summary: Tyler Seguin is a very good wedding planner. Which is why he’s not freaking out that Jamie Benn of the Dallas fucking Stars is sitting in his office.
wedding plannerrrrrr auuu!!!!!!!!! tyler planning jordies wedding isnt something i knew i needed but by god did i
sneeze by Anonymous
rating: T words: 5.3k summary: Tyler had never actually heard Jamie purr. It was the strangest goddamn thing.
THIS FIC IS ADORABLE i love the story around why jamie's purrs are Like That. and tyler misunderstanding. ough ITS PERF
let's give them something to talk about by Anonymous
rating: T words: 2.6k summary: ashlee @/messysegsy - Sep 15 why does it feel like everyone got #OneTImerTour tickets except for me??????? @/tylerseguin please explain (5 replies 3 retweets 20 likes)
first part of the rheotaxis series!! i am a big sucker for social media aus, and aus in general, and musician/hockey is a trope i LOVE (shout out to that mceichel fic) so this is the perfect fic for me. unironically perfect.
scar tissue by eternalvariegation
rating: T words: 12k summary: Jamie still remembers when they were practically living out of each other’s pockets, the memory twinging like a muscle he hasn’t used in a long time but that his body hasn’t forgotten. It was probably inevitable that they’d see less of each other once Jamie formally requested that they no longer go into the field together but it still hits him sometimes. The tangible feeling of loss despite it having been his own decision in the end. Tyler didn’t speak to him for a month after he found out. 
SPY AU oh my gosh. "partner doing what he thinks is best for other partner. it is not best" is such an insane trope and i love it so much in this fic. done incredibly well. please read this.
Arms of the Sea by LadyJanelly
rating: T words: 3.7k summary: Jamie gives her back to the sea when she dies, three years into their marriage, their baby still inside her. He sews her up in sailcloth with the porridge pot she brought from her mother’s house, a stone from their shared hearth, scaling knife, thimble and needle. He sails out to the deep water and lowers her into the water, weeps as she sinks into the ocean’s embrace. He sails back to land and gives his boat to his brother. He will not return to the ocean. It is a graveyard to him now. He finds a job in a logging camp, and for a year his feet are dry, his lips do not taste of salt.
incredibly emotional and beautiful fic. op wonders whether their execution of the concept is dull and pretentious in the opening notes and i think that is the worst part of this fic, only because it does such a disservice to it. RAHH i love it
wandering bee seeks the rose by clachnaben
rating: E words: 8.7k summary: Jamie Benn coaches a youth hockey team and Tyler is a determined Hockey Mom. Meet cutes and queer women and youth hockey
yk i had to shout out the lesbians to round it out. sexy hockey mom tyler lives in my head rent free and i dont even like women.
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