#Immigration status maintenance
usadvlottery · 7 months
Upon entry into the United States, individuals must comply with the terms of their visa, such as maintaining lawful status, abiding by visa expiration dates, and adhering to any restrictions on employment or study. Depending on the type of visa, individuals may also have the option to apply for permanent residency, known as a green card, which grants them the right to live and work in the U.S. indefinitely. This process typically involves meeting additional eligibility criteria, such as sponsorship by a family member or employer, and navigating a separate application process with USCIS. Ultimately, for those aiming to become U.S. citizens, obtaining a green card is often a crucial step towards eligibility for naturalization, which requires meeting residency, language, and civics requirements, among others. Throughout each stage of the immigration process, applicants must carefully follow instructions, provide accurate information, and adhere to deadlines to maximize their chances of success.
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so i haven't covered much about the election so far. thats because mainly there hasn't been anything going on. we're back to the pre covid status quo of labour applying bandaids while national aims to make everything worse. hitchen's govt has largely been meek and pedestrian because of labour's overall policy of neolib bullshit then compared to the last national govt which gave us the worst housing crisis in memory aside from covid.
the maintenance of the center left status quo. so economically its the same old struggling to keep our heads above water or being actively pushed under.
what is really worrisome is the sudden explosion of new parties. overall it represents dissatisfaction with the current system which is largely justified but being fringe groups their plans to fix the issues are honestly batshit. covid conspiracy theorists and lockdown avengers despite covid control being essentially over here.
more worrisome is the culture war bullshit largely spurned by online activism. anti maori, anti trans, anti gay, anti immigrant. anti anyone not actually causing the problems of this country. with this explosion of new parties pushing these lines if they gain any significant portion of the vote they will be courted by the larger parties even if they gain no seats in parliament. this will drag both labour and national into bigoted policies as a gift to the new parties for loyalty.
this can already be seen in the UK where trans issues have become so toxic to political careers that even the head of the labour party has said only cis women are women. we largely fought off this garbage with crusher collin's disastrous trump inspired campaign but now we've had 3 years of covid and inflation to make people pissed and wanting easy answers.
please go out and vote. voting has already happened and will continue till the 14th
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
A new lawsuit from a local conservative group seeks to force election officials in Arizona's most populous county to take extra steps to verify the citizenship status of about 26,000 voters.
The suit, filed against Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer by Trump-aligned America First Legal on behalf of Strong Communities Foundation of Arizona, is the latest in a series of legal challenges regarding voters who register to cast ballots in federal races without providing documentary proof of citizenship. It comes weeks after the law group sent out demand letters to counties statewide and hits during a key period for voter registration before the high-stakes presidential election in November.
Nationwide, registration forms generally require voters to attest that they are American citizens. Voters do so under the penalty of perjury, meaning they can be held criminally liable if they are found to have provided false information. But Arizona also requires voters to hand over a birth certificate, a passport or one of a handful of other documents proving their citizenship.
Of the state's 4.1 million registered voters, about 42,000 haven't provided that proof, creating a unique, two-track system. Federal courts have repeatedly ruled that state lawmakers can block voters who have not shown citizenship documents from participating in state and local races, but must allow so-called "federal-only voters" to cast ballots in federal contests. That includes the upcoming presidential race, U.S. Senate contest and congressional matchups.
These voters still go through checks.
State law mandates that county recorders "use all available resources to verify the citizenship status" of those registering to vote, including checking the citizenship status of federal-only voters against an immigration status verification service provided by the Department of Homeland Security when practicable. That system requires specific identification numbers that county officials don't have for every federal-only voter.
Voter rolls are also routinely checked with information from the U.S. Social Security Administration, the U.S. Postal Service, the Arizona Department of Health Services, the Arizona Department of Transportation and the Maricopa County Jury Commissioner’s Office.
But attorneys with America First Legal said that isn't enough and raised concerns about growing numbers of federal-only voters in recent months. Their suit accuses Richer of failing to perform required voter list maintenance — a claim his office denies.The lawyers say county officials should take extra steps to verify the citizenship of federal-only voters, such as directly requesting citizenship information from the Department of Homeland Security under provisions of federal codes that requires government entities to exchange information about a person's citizenship status for purposes mandated in law.
"This lawsuit seeks to restore public trust in our State’s electoral system by holding Recorder Richer accountable for his failures and to ensure that the list maintenance required by the law — and common sense — is performed," the suit reads.
Sierra Ciaramella, a spokesperson for the Maricopa County Recorder's Office, said the agency maintains "accurate, up-to-date voter rolls."
"Under Recorder Stephen Richer, voter list maintenance has remained a top priority, removing more than 400,000 voters from the rolls since January 2021," she said. "As an administrative office, we will continue to follow the letter of the law."
Ahead of election, conservatives raise concerns about federal-only voters
The lawsuit against Maricopa County comes on the heels of several dizzying swerves in an ongoing legal appeal that ultimately aims to require all Arizona voters to show proof of citizenship to register to vote.
The appeal, brought by GOP legislative leaders and national Republicans, challenged a federal judge's decision to block portions of two laws passed in 2022. Last month, a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals temporarily stayed that decision and said voters registering on state forms could see their applications rejected for not providing proof of citizenship. The court determined voters could continue to register to vote in federal races if they used federal voter registration forms.
It then swiftly reversed its decision, ruling last week that Arizonans would again be allowed to register to vote in federal races with state forms without having to prove citizenship. Republican officials have since vowed to seek an emergency stay from the U.S. Supreme Court.
Ciaramella said at least 200 voter registration requests were rejected in the time period between the two court decisions. She said the most recent ruling didn't include a retroactive reconsideration of those registration attempts, but county officials are in the process of sending letters to rejected voters informing them of the new ruling and how they can register to vote.
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attorneyssphuket · 1 month
Property Leasehold in Phuket
Phuket, Thailand, with its pristine beaches, vibrant culture, and thriving tourism industry, has long been a popular destination for foreigners seeking to invest in or rent property. While the process of leasing property in Phuket can be relatively straightforward, it's essential to understand the nuances and legal considerations to ensure a smooth and successful experience.
Understanding the Types of Leases
Short-Term Leases (30 days or less): These are typically used for vacation rentals and are generally managed by property management companies. They offer flexibility but often come with higher rental rates.
Long-Term Leases (1 year or more): These are more common for individuals seeking a permanent or semi-permanent residence in Phuket. They provide stability and can often result in lower rental rates.
Key Considerations for Foreigners
Lease Agreement: A well-crafted lease agreement is crucial to protect your interests. Ensure it clearly outlines the rental amount, duration, maintenance responsibilities, security deposit, and dispute resolution procedures.
Visa Requirements: Your visa status will significantly impact your ability to lease property. While some visas allow for long-term residency, others may have restrictions. Consult with immigration authorities to determine the appropriate visa for your circumstances.
Property Management: Consider hiring a reputable property management company to handle day-to-day tasks like rent collection, maintenance, and tenant disputes. This can save you time and effort, especially if you're not residing in Phuket full-time.
Local Laws and Regulations: Familiarize yourself with Thai property laws and regulations, including tenancy agreements, rent control, and dispute resolution processes. It's advisable to consult with a local lawyer to ensure compliance.
Rental Market Analysis: Research the rental market in your desired area to understand current rental rates, demand, and trends. This information can help you negotiate favorable terms and make informed decisions.
Cultural and Social Norms: Be mindful of Thai cultural and social norms, especially regarding tenant-landlord relationships. Respecting local customs can contribute to a harmonious living environment.
Tips for Successful Property Leasing
Thorough Inspection: Before signing a lease, conduct a thorough inspection of the property to identify any existing issues.
Negotiation: Don't hesitate to negotiate rental rates, terms, and conditions. A well-prepared and informed approach can lead to favorable outcomes.
Emergency Fund: Set aside an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses, such as repairs or maintenance costs.
Communication: Maintain open and effective communication with your landlord or property manager to address any concerns promptly.
By carefully considering these factors and following the guidelines outlined above, foreigners can successfully navigate the property leasing process in Phuket and enjoy a fulfilling experience in this beautiful tropical paradise.
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thoughtportal · 2 months
Whiteness riots have familiar features: police partisanship, local and national media fomentation, moral panics about crime and ‘race-mixing’, followed by calls for new criminal and immigration legislation.
The riots in Southport are just the latest flashpoint in a long history of British reactionary politics. In Fractured, Michael Richmond and Alex Charnley move away from the ahistorical temper of the identity politics debate, exploring how historical class struggles were formed and continue to determine the possibilities for new forms of solidarity in an increasingly dangerous world.
In this edited excerpt the authors explore the relationship between street racism and the modernisation of policing and immigration controls.
Conservative reactions to anti-racist movements are sensitive to temporal shifts in street protests and uprisings. The most dangerous point in a movement cycle is when things quiet down. State functionaries and journalists work hard to alienate the integrity of the utopian moment by generating debates that trivialise its political nucleus, while police move in to make arrests. Conservatives are aware of this and choose their moments carefully. The conservative claim that anti-racism causes racism (or makes racism worse) can be convincing because the state and the press personalise its causes. The pitting of opinions about ‘race’ at the national level creates hypervisibility for racialised people in schools, workplaces and streets. Those who ‘innocently’ identify with Britishness are painted as victims of anti-racist ‘race-baiting’, with many people of colour alienated by the direction this discourse takes, and the dangers it presents. State racism cannot proceed without this kind of maintenance, the ultimate goal being to enhance state powers over the organisation of workers and working-class communities more generally.
After Colston, we saw precisely how this happened. Within days, thousands of white supremacists gathered to protect a Churchill statue. Similar marches engulfed memorial squares across the country. In Coventry, a viral video showed a mass of white male and female football fans mobbing two young Black men. Dozens approached them, hurling glass bottles and racist epithets. When police arrived, the crowd accused one of the Black men of having a knife, even as weapons were visible in the hands of those crowding them. Cops moved in to arrest the two men. As part of the fans’ celebrations, BLM placards, left behind in the town centre from two recent multiracial anti-racist marches, were destroyed. Police later announced the incident wasn’t ‘racially motivated’. Two weeks later, ‘WHITE LIVES MATTER’ was scratched onto a hill in huge letters in a Coventry park, a video showed someone wearing a KKK hood next to it.
One year on, the government commissioned a race report to find out if there was really a racism problem in Britain: ‘In many areas of investigation, including educational failure and crime, we were led upstream to family breakdown as one of the main reasons for poor outcomes.’ The report found prejudice had statistically declined and that a ‘highly subjective dimension’ entered into ‘references to “systemic”, “institutional” or “structural racism” ’. The Daily Mail heralded the report: ‘Britain’s Race Revolution: Landmark report says UK “a model to the world” on diversity – and finds NO evidence of institutional racism.’ Other threats were detected, however,
A strident form of anti-racism … reinforced by a rise of identity politics, as old class divisions have lost traction … tend to stress the ‘lived experience’ of the groups they seek to protect with less emphasis on objective data.
The same oppositions between ‘identity politics’ and class, inculcated on the left for decades, were used as part of a government offensive. If anything was systemic, it was ‘anti-racism’, and with exclusionary effects: ‘the UK is open to all its communities. But we are acutely aware that the door may be only half open to some, including the white working-class.’ Whereas data on various ethnicities were compared, horizontally, and related to cultural or familial explanations, the ‘white working class’ was the only identity where systemic injustice could be explained. The report was launched with an almost trollish smirk from politicians. They searched and searched but no structural racism could be found in the data (except for a disregarded white working class). All this commotion and yet Britain was more inclusive than ever? ‘BLM’ was wrong to make British people feel otherwise. The report was immediately repudiated and discredited, even by some falsely credited as authors. But the government just pushed through the media cycle and pressed harder.
That same month, the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill was proposed. This was an opportunity to rubberstamp the far right reaction to ‘wokeness’ with concrete legislation that could suppress future protest waves and direct action tactics. The bill had a broader outlook, however, threatening the very existence of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities, by awarding police – and landowners – new powers to criminalise trespass and seize transport, that is, homes. Digital surveillance powers were enhanced, stop and search, as well as legal barriers to protest, including ten-year sentences for vandalising statues. ‘Back to the 80s,’ wrote Liz Fekete, ‘into the kind of territory that led to … the 1981 and 1985 inner city rebellions, the 1984–85 miners’ strike, and the mass unrest that followed the introduction of the Poll Tax’. The Nationality and Borders Bill followed. It presented a heinous broadening of deportation powers. Clause 9 would allow the state to deport any of six million naturalised or dual national British citizens, ‘without notice’, if the decision corresponded with the ‘public interest’. Nisha Kapoor predicts, ‘disqualification from voting rights, the withdrawal of access to services and provisions – bank accounts, passports, driving lessons – already administered … in counterterrorism cases, may become more routine. And should citizenship deprivation come, offshore detention centres will be waiting.’ The verticalisation of far-right social media trends and mainstream policymaking deserves proper attention. Undoubtedly, fascism and electoral politics are aligning. The ramping up of state powers to police, prosecute, deport and brutalise, depends on money and media pressure organised through liberal, conservative and fascist elites. That being said, reasoning around these authoritarian turns can also be underwhelming when the charisma of authoritarians, or fascism more broadly, is isolated as the cause. Racist anti-immigration legislation has been built piece by piece, over time, by politicians of every stripe.
In his writing on the Notting Hill riots of 1958, Peter Fryer describes ‘thousands’ of whites storming migrant neighbourhoods. Rioters surrounded Black people’s cars, shouting ‘let’s lynch them!’ Tory and Labour MPs joined the press (and a returned Oswald Mosley) in calling on the government to halt ‘coloured’ immigration and demanding deportations. The Tory government’s solution to the unrest was the 1962 Commonwealth Immigrants Act, ending automatic right of entry and settlement in Britain for Commonwealth subjects. Labour initially opposed the broadening of controls, though largely based on a colonial sentimentality about ‘Mother Country’ duties and maintaining good trade relations with Commonwealth states. Harold Wilson embraced controls once in government,* further restricting ‘coloured’ immigration with a 1965 white paper. Labour’s 1968 Commonwealth Immigrants Act built on this precedent. It was rushed through amidst government fears Britain would have to accept all Kenyan Asians made stateless by an independent Kenya’s ‘Africanisation’ policy. Restrictions didn’t apply to white Commonwealth settlers, because these ‘patrials’, as they were called, could trace their family lineage back to British blood and soil. Jim Callaghan, future Labour Prime Minister, told Tony Benn: ‘We don’t want any more blacks in Britain.’ The TUC supported Labour policy throughout.
The historical mutability of ‘whiteness’ is concretely determined by the peculiarity of the given racial regime and the stresses of the historical conjuncture. However, over time, best practises and rules of thumb are distinguished and generalised. What we refer to as ‘whiteness riots’ are ‘sparks’ of violence, routinely followed by ‘race reports’ and legislative reactions, designed to impart control through indirect means: the market, but also courts, social care, schools, border forces, policing. 
Through these instruments of the liberal democratic state, in the name of equality, racism is not only preserved, but also formalised, nationalised and modernised. It is important therefore to apprehend racist street violence – and the infantilising, innocent register used to explain it – as structural, indeed, as bordering, an action that seeks to incite and lobby for state violence further up the chain. This is why Sivanandan made racism central to his analysis of fascism, rather than isolating the fascist as an egregious extremist: ‘We have fought the idea that racism was an aspect of fascism – our take was that racism was fascism’s breeding ground.’
Whiteness riots have familiar features: police partisanship, local and national media fomentation, moral panics about crime and ‘race-mixing’, followed by calls for new criminal and immigration legislation. They have also operated as significant flash points for constituting the public interest as white. Labour passed a flurry of laws in the 2000s. Help for asylum seekers was cut. New detention centres were built to buttress a new ‘biometric’ regime. Deportations, including charter flights, accelerated with claimants having no right to appeal until they had been ‘returned home’.
Enoch Powell personifies the psychodrama of Britishness. He was an early adopter of post-war immigration as a minister, who later mourned an English race contaminated and in decline. The post-war moment has ever since remained the freezing point for British imaginaries of the migrant – as nation-builder, or nation-destroyer. Powell framed the colonial anxieties of post-war liberal democracy in his 1968 ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech. It infamously depicted a foreboding future of racial role-reversal, of who would soon hold the ‘whip hand’. He referenced the murder of Martin Luther King Jr. and the riots that followed in the USA, warning similar would befall Britain unless immigration was halted. Powell’s dismissal from the Tory front bench for his speech was met with solidarity strikes by East End dockers. In an era when strike action was invariably economistic, a ‘political’ strike in support of a Tory politician was extraordinary. Over a thousand dockers and several hundred meat-porters from Smithfield Market marched to Westminster with signs saying: ‘We back Enoch!’ and ‘Back Britain, not Black Britain’. Harry Pearman led the strike, demanding a ‘total ban on immigration because there were enough already here’. After meeting Powell, he declared: ‘It made me feel proud to be an Englishman … We are representatives of the working man. We are not racialists.’ Powell’s popularity with a section of the working class, as Shilliam explains, is due to a perennial ‘defence of the ordinary, deserving working class as the white working class’. Tory legislation in 1971 and 1981,23 as well as its 1972 accession to what would become the EU, cemented Britain’s racist immigration policy.
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cupiare · 5 months
this school really deserves its impending doom bcs management is soooo tone deaf “but why do our students choose to go to uni in their own city and out of the 2 they choose the non russell group one why aren’t we doing something to support them to aim higher 🤔” could it possibly be that this school is in one of the most deprived areas of the city/nationwide and thats a significant factor affecting academic achievement so students default to the uni w lower entry requirements theyre likely to get into? or maybe that our predominantly immigrant students and their families don’t share the culture of moving out and living independently at 18? that their immigration status and overseas qualifications affect their entry requirements ? that many of them are responsible for their families and don’t want to leave them? that its more affordable to stay home and not be in even more debt by taking out a maintenance loan to stay alive? the girls who aren’t allowed to leave home before marriage? what a truly confounding phenomenon that our students don’t go to a russell group uni it must be a very bad look that we get 90% students in higher education or formal training after college but not the ‘best’ choice. But what do i know i guess !
#p#theres no institutional racism and no racial and ethnic segregation here guys don’t worry. our students have equal opportunities!#unreal how tone deaf that whole email was#asking what we’re doing wrong where we’re going wrong#as if its no achievement to consistently send off students to uni regardless of status or rank#and like we have loads of students who Do move out and go to very good unis and even oxbridge#loads of students going into medicine and engineering and law#and loads of students whom we had to fight and advocate for to their families to even allow them to go to uni!!!!!!#you’re looking at one of the shittest areas and one of the shittest schools and acting like we’re getting disappointing results#shove your british values up your ass fix your country#on the same note as shitting themselves over ofsted and getting less than a good rating My brothers ofsted is comparing our school to#schools in the posh neighborhoods (some of the most middle upper class areas nationwide also)#and instead of seeing this as an opportunity to challenge standards and place value on everything we do right by our students#they’re trying to get the stats equal to those other schools and its having tangibly adverse effects on achievement engagement and attendanc#i’m sick from frustration with this damn schools leadership u are all shit#they should maybe possibly potentially look at what has actually improved student achievement and whose ideas they were#hint. not the white british leadership team’s#but i digress .
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nursing-student-guide · 10 months
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Florence Nightingale, first practicing nurse epidemiologist. Developed the first organized program for training nurses, the Nightingale Training School for Nurses (St. Thomas' Hospital, London). Established the first health-maintenance-and-restoration-based nursing philosophy. Known as the "lady with the lamp" during the Crimean War (1853) where she volunteered, traveling the battlefield hospitals nightly to treat the wounded.
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Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross (1881). She risked her life provided self-taught nursing aid to wounded soldiers on the battlefields during The Civil War (1860-1965), and became referred to as the "Angel of the Battlefield". One of the first women to work for the federal government, she made the Office of Missing Soldiers to aid in the reunion of more than 20,000 soldiers with their families. While providing aid during the Franco-Prussian War (1869), the Red Cross movement was first brought to her attention, inspiring her to bring the movement to America.
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Dorothea Lynde Dix, an advocate of indigenous people and the mentally ill. She visited multiple mental institution, reporting her findings and advocated for better managed institutions, eventually establishing asylums of her own. During The Civil War (1860-1865), she aided the Union army by recruiting more than 3,000 nurses and was designated as the Superintendent of Army Nurses. She was known and respected for providing aid to the wounded soldiers from both Confederate and Union sides.
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Mary Ann Ball, aka Mother Bickerdyke. She was a hospital administrator for the Union soldiers during The Civil War (1860-1865), regulating supplies and provision for the troops. Referred to as one of the best "generals" during the war for her efforts and organizations of military hospitals, following the war she remained an advocate for veterans - becoming an attorney for those who faced legal issues. 300 hospitals were built to aid the wounded over 19 different battlefields from her involvement.
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Harriet Tubman, provided safe passage for slaves during the Underground Railroad movement. Known as the "Moses" of her people, her actions resulted in more than 300 slaves being lead to freedom. She provided nursing aide to the Union forces during The Civil War (1862-1865). Following the war, she played in active role in causes including the Womens Suffrage, and created the "Harriet Tubman Home for Indigent Aged Negroes" where orphans and the elderly could be taken in and care for.
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Mary Mahoney, brought awareness to the cultural and racial diversity in nursing, emphasizing respect and the inclusion of all in the profession. The first African-American to receive an official education for the nursing profession (New England Hospital for Women and Children, Boston - 1874). She became the first African-American member of what is now referred to as the American Nurses Association, and helped start up the National Association for Colored Graduate Nurses in 1908.
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Isabel Hampton Robb, a large influence in the advancement of the nursing social status in society. She influenced the system of nursing education by implementing a grading policy in the program to improve the quality of the students graduating from the program. She authored the comprehensive and foundational text, Nursing: Its Principles and Practice (1893), and helped to standardize the nursing education all around. She served as president of both the National League for Nursing Education and what is now referred to as the American Nurses Association.
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Lillian Wald, opened the Henry Street Settlement (1893) with her fellow nurse graduate, Mary Maud Brewster. Addressed the health needs of poor immigrant families residing in tenements of New York City's Lower East Side. Coined the term "public health nurse", she fought for public health care, women's rights, and children's rights. Her and Mary Brewster started the Visiting Nursing Service of New York. During her work at the Henry Street Settlement, she established one of the earlier playgrounds and aided in paying salary to the first Public School Nurses in NYC. She had a hand in starting up the United States Children's Bureau, the National Child Labor Committee, and the National Women's Trade Union League.
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Mary Adelaide Nuting, known for becoming the first nursing professor in 1906 (Columbia Teachers College), and assisted in getting nursing education in Universities across the states. She attended the first nursing training following Florence Nightingale's inflence (John Hopkins Hospital Training School - 1889). Throughout her advancement in the nursing profession working at the school, she assisted in advancing the program - brought in scholarships and on-the-field experience; her work influencing other Universities create and better their own nursing programs. Founder of the American Journal of Nursing (1900), she also became the first registered nurse in the state of Maryland. Several of her authored and coauthored books are still implemented today in nursing programs throughout the nation.
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foxfireink · 1 year
Samuel Whitley
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Image from Library of Congress (public domain)
Adopting parent of Tom Fuller. Automaton engineer and retired High Nocturne of the Stewards of the Swords, the anti-eldritch bodyguards of the king and his family. Samuel is a quiet intellectual who curbs his son's more dubious meanderings. He convinced Tom to move up to Belleview and earn a living with automaton repair and protective ward maintenance. His measured, perspicacious nature and anti-eldritch experience have earned him the respect of the Malbury Eldritch Anomalies Department. After years of eldritch exposure, Sam monitors himself very carefully in conjunction with the local EAD.
Samuel’s career as a Steward was both highly commended and rife with controversy; his views on the nature of eldritch corruption, his use of augury and automatons, and his immigrant status led to his quiet retirement just two years shy of serving the full (and rarely achieved) length allotted to actively serving Stewards. Learn more about Sam here, or visit the Stewards of the Swords page.
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abudhabilawyers · 2 months
What are the common legal issues faced by expatriates in Dubai?
Common Legal Issues Faced by Expatriates in Dubai
Expatriates living and working in Dubai may encounter various legal challenges unique to their status as foreign residents in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). While Dubai offers a dynamic and thriving environment for expatriates, navigating the legal landscape can sometimes be complex. Law firms in Dubai assist expatriates in addressing these common legal issues:
1. Employment Disputes: Expatriates in Dubai may face employment-related disputes, including issues related to contracts, wages, termination, and workplace discrimination. Law firms provide legal advice and representation to expatriates seeking to resolve employment disputes through negotiation, mediation, or litigation, ensuring their rights are protected under UAE labor laws.
2. Visa and Residency Matters: Obtaining and maintaining the necessary visas and residency permits is essential for expatriates living in Dubai. Common visa and residency issues faced by expatriates include visa renewals, sponsorship changes, and visa cancellations. Law firms offer guidance on visa requirements, documentation, and compliance with immigration regulations, helping expatriates navigate the visa process smoothly.
3. Property and Tenancy Disputes: Expatriates renting or owning property in Dubai may encounter disputes with landlords, property developers, or homeowners' associations. Common issues include lease agreements, rental disputes, property maintenance, and landlord-tenant disagreements. Law firms assist expatriates in resolving property and tenancy disputes through negotiation, arbitration, or litigation, ensuring their rights as property owners or tenants are protected.
4. Family Law Matters: Expatriates may face family law issues related to marriage, divorce, child custody, and inheritance in Dubai. Differences in legal systems and cultural norms can pose challenges for expatriates navigating family law matters. Law firms provide legal advice and representation to expatriates involved in family law disputes, guiding them through the legal process and advocating for their rights and interests.
5. Debt and Financial Disputes: Expatriates in Dubai may encounter debt-related issues, such as loan defaults, credit card debts, or financial disputes with creditors. Law firms assist expatriates in resolving debt and financial disputes through negotiation, debt restructuring, or legal proceedings, ensuring their financial interests are protected under UAE laws.
6. Business and Commercial Matters: Expatriates involved in business ventures or commercial transactions in Dubai may face legal issues related to company formation, contracts, intellectual property, and regulatory compliance. Law firms provide legal advice and assistance to expatriates navigating business and commercial matters, helping them understand their rights and obligations and comply with relevant legal requirements.
In summary, expatriates in Dubai may encounter various legal issues related to employment, immigration, property, family, finance, and business. Law firms in Dubai play a crucial role in assisting expatriates with these legal challenges, providing expert advice, representation, and support to ensure their rights are protected and their legal needs are addressed effectively.
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debtcollection · 2 months
What Are the Common Legal Issues Faced by Expats in Dubai?
Expats in Dubai often encounter unique legal challenges due to the intersection of their home country’s laws and the legal framework of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Understanding these common legal issues can help expatriates navigate their new environment more effectively. Here are some of the prevalent legal issues faced by expats in Dubai:
1. Employment Disputes
Contractual Issues: Expats may face issues related to employment contracts, such as discrepancies between the contract terms and the actual working conditions, unpaid salaries, or wrongful termination. It is crucial for expats to have a clear and comprehensive employment contract and to understand their rights under UAE labor law.
Work Permits and Visas: Obtaining and renewing work permits and visas can be a complicated process. Delays or errors in these documents can lead to legal issues, including fines or deportation.
2. Property and Real Estate Issues
Rental Disputes: Many expats face disputes with landlords over rental agreements, including issues related to rent increases, maintenance responsibilities, and eviction notices. Understanding the tenancy laws in Dubai is essential for resolving these disputes.
Property Purchases: Expats looking to purchase property in Dubai must navigate the complexities of property law, including ownership rights, financing, and legal documentation. Misunderstandings or missteps in the buying process can lead to significant financial and legal problems.
3. Family Law Matters
Marriage and Divorce: Family law issues, such as marriage and divorce, can be particularly challenging for expats. Differences between local laws and the laws of the expat’s home country can complicate these matters. It is important to seek legal advice to understand the implications of UAE family law.
Child Custody: In cases of divorce, child custody can become a contentious issue. The UAE has specific laws and regulations regarding custody, which may differ from those in the expat’s home country.
4. Financial and Debt Issues
Debt Recovery: Expats who face financial difficulties may encounter issues with debt recovery. Failure to repay loans or credit card debts can lead to legal actions, including travel bans and imprisonment.
Banking and Investment: Navigating the local banking system and understanding the legal implications of investments can be challenging for expats. Mismanagement or misunderstandings can result in financial losses or legal disputes.
5. Criminal Law
Public Behavior: Expats must be aware of the strict laws governing public behavior in Dubai. Actions that are considered acceptable in their home countries, such as public displays of affection or consuming alcohol in unauthorized places, can lead to legal issues in Dubai.
Drug Laws: The UAE has stringent drug laws, and even small quantities of illegal substances can result in severe penalties, including long-term imprisonment or deportation.
6. Residency and Immigration
Visa Overstay: Overstaying a visa can result in hefty fines, legal troubles, and deportation. It is crucial for expats to keep track of their visa status and ensure timely renewals.
Sponsorship Issues: Many expats rely on sponsorship for their residency. Changes in employment or personal circumstances can affect their sponsorship status, leading to legal complications.
7. Business and Corporate Law
Setting Up a Business: Expats interested in starting a business in Dubai must navigate a complex legal framework. This includes understanding the requirements for business licenses, ownership structures, and regulatory compliance.
Commercial Disputes: Business-related legal issues, such as disputes with partners, suppliers, or customers, can arise. Effective legal representation and understanding of local business laws are essential to resolving these disputes.
Expats in Dubai face a range of legal issues that can impact their personal and professional lives. Employment disputes, property issues, family law matters, financial problems, criminal law, residency and immigration challenges, and business law complexities are common areas where legal difficulties may arise. Seeking advice from experienced lawyers in Dubai can help expats navigate these challenges and ensure compliance with local laws. Being proactive and informed can significantly reduce the risk of legal problems and enhance the overall expat experience in Dubai.
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educationedges-blog · 6 months
Turning Dreams into Ventures: The Canadian Startup Visa Unveiled
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In the realm of entrepreneurship, where dreams meet determination, Canada has emerged as a beacon of opportunity for innovative minds worldwide. With its robust support systems, vibrant startup ecosystem, and now, the groundbreaking Canada Start-up Visa program, the country is paving the way for turning dreams into ventures like never before.
The Canadian Startup Visa Program: An Overview
The Canada Start-up Visa program is a game-changer for aspiring entrepreneurs seeking to establish their innovative ventures on Canadian soil. Launched in 2013, this initiative aims to attract dynamic entrepreneurs with promising business ideas to contribute to Canada's economy and create employment opportunities.
Key Features of the Program:
1. Entrepreneurial Spirit: The program is designed to welcome individuals with a genuine entrepreneurial spirit, who are committed to building innovative businesses that can compete globally.
2. Supportive Ecosystem: Canada boasts a supportive ecosystem for startups, with access to funding, mentorship, research institutions, and a diverse talent pool.
3. Permanent Residency: Successful applicants and their families receive permanent residency status, providing a stable environment to grow their ventures long-term.
4. No Investment Threshold: Unlike some other programs, the Canadian Startup Visa does not require entrepreneurs to secure a specific amount of investment. Instead, they need support from designated organizations.
5. Designated Organizations: To be eligible, entrepreneurs must have the support of a designated organization, such as venture capital funds, angel investor groups, or business incubators.
The Journey to Success: Navigating the Startup Visa Process
1. Eligibility Assessment:
   - Entrepreneurs must meet eligibility criteria regarding business ownership, language proficiency, financial stability, and educational background.
2. Business Plan and Support:
   - Applicants must develop a detailed business plan outlining their venture's objectives, market potential, financial projections, and growth strategy. They also need support from a designated organization, which validates their business idea and commitment.
3. Application Submission:
   - Once the business plan and support are in place, applicants submit their visa application to the designated immigration authorities, along with the necessary documentation.
4. Visa Approval and Relocation:
   - Upon approval, entrepreneurs and their families receive visas to relocate to Canada and commence their startup journey.
5. Building and Scaling:
   - With access to resources, networks, and opportunities, entrepreneurs focus on building and scaling their ventures within Canada's thriving startup ecosystem.
Success Stories: Inspiring Entrepreneurs Thriving in Canada
The impact of the Canada Start-up Visa program is evident through numerous success stories of entrepreneurs who have transformed their dreams into thriving ventures on Canadian soil. Here are a few notable examples:
1. Clearbanc - Founded by Andrew D'Souza and Michele Romanow, Clearbanc revolutionized startup funding by providing data-driven investment solutions. The company, supported by the Canadian Startup Visa program, grew exponentially and attracted global recognition.
2. Fiix - Co-founded by Marc Castel and Joshua Lombardo-Bottema, Fiix is a leading provider of maintenance management software. With access to Canada's supportive ecosystem, Fiix expanded its operations and continues to innovate in its industry.
3. Plenty of Fish - Markus Frind, the founder of Plenty of Fish, leveraged the opportunities offered by Canada's startup environment to create one of the world's largest online dating platforms, demonstrating the program's impact on digital innovation.
The Future of Entrepreneurship in Canada
As Canada continues to prioritize innovation and entrepreneurship, the future looks bright for aspiring founders and their ventures. The Canada Start-up Visa program remains a cornerstone of this vision, attracting diverse talent and fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration, and success.
Entrepreneurs worldwide are encouraged to explore the opportunities presented by Canada's startup ecosystem and the supportive framework of the Startup Visa program. Together, we can turn dreams into ventures that not only drive economic growth but also make a lasting impact on industries and communities globally.
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latest-uk-visa-news · 7 months
Your Comprehensive Guide to the UK Spouse Visa: Reuniting with Your Loved One in the UK
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The UK Spouse Visa, also known as a UK Partner Visa, is a gateway for non-UK residents to join their UK spouse (or civil partner) and build a future together in the United Kingdom. Whether you have recently married or have been in a committed relationship for years, this visa allows you to officially establish your life with your spouse in the UK.
Eligibility Criteria: Demonstrating a Genuine Relationship
The foundation of a successful UK Spouse Visa application rests on proving a genuine and subsisting relationship with your UK spouse. This can be established through various means:
Marriage Certificate: A valid marriage certificate issued by a recognized authority is the most straightforward proof.
Civil Partnership Documents: If you're in a civil partnership recognized in the UK, the official civil partnership certificate will suffice.
Evidence of Cohabitation: For couples who haven't formalized their union but have been living together for at least two years, providing documents like joint tenancy agreements, utility bills with both names and shared bank statements can demonstrate a genuine cohabiting relationship.
Meeting the Financial Requirements for Your UK Spouse
To ensure your well-being in the UK, the visa process requires your UK spouse to meet a minimum income threshold. This amount is currently set at £29,000 per year but is scheduled to increase to £38,700 by early 2025. Your UK spouse can meet this requirement through their salary, savings, or a combination of both. Additionally, income from certain sources like pensions or child maintenance payments may be considered.
Navigating the UK Spouse Visa Application Process
The application for a UK Spouse Visa is handled entirely online through the UK government website. The process involves gathering and submitting various documents, including:
Your passport and any previous passports you've held.
Your partner's passport and proof of their settled status in the UK.
Marriage certificate, civil partnership documents, or cohabitation evidence.
Financial documents demonstrating your UK spouse meets the income requirement.
Tuberculosis test certificate (may be required depending on your nationality).
In some instances, you might be called for an interview with an immigration officer to discuss your application and relationship further.
What to Expect After Your UK Spouse Visa is Granted
Once your UK Spouse Visa is approved, you'll be granted an initial visa typically valid for 2 years and 9 months. This allows you to reside in the UK with your spouse and enjoy certain benefits:
The Right to Work: The UK Spouse Visa grants you the authorization to work and contribute to the UK economy.
Path to Permanent Residency: After the initial visa period, you can apply for extensions and eventually settle permanently in the UK, leading to Indefinite Leave to Remain.
Staying Updated and Seeking Support
The landscape of UK immigration is subject to change, and it is important to stay updated with the latest information on the UK Spouse Visa.
Additional Tips for a Smooth Application Journey
Gather Documents Early: Start collecting all the required documents well in advance to avoid delays in processing. The earlier you have everything prepared, the quicker your application can be assessed.
Seek Professional Guidance: If your situation involves complexities, such as previous marriages or dependent children, consider consulting with an immigration lawyer or advisor for professional guidance.
Demonstrate a Genuine Relationship: Remember, the UK Spouse Visa is intended for couples in a bona fide relationship. Be prepared to present strong evidence that showcases the depth and authenticity of your bond with your UK partner.
By following these guidelines and staying informed about the latest regulations, you can confidently navigate the UK Spouse Visa process and embark on a new chapter in your life with your UK spouse.
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nikhil1713 · 11 months
How to do Online Marriage Registration in Mumbai
Are you considering the idea of having your wedding in Mumbai, the vibrant city of dreams? Planning a wedding can be overwhelming, but thanks to technology, it has become more convenient in certain aspects. One such aspect is the process of marriage registration. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore online marriage registration in Mumbai, delving into how it simplifies and streamlines the entire process for you. Say goodbye to long queues at government offices and embrace the ease of completing the registration process from the comfort of your own home with just a few clicks. Whether you are a Mumbai resident or planning a destination wedding in this bustling metropolis, this guide will provide you with all the essential information you need. From the required documents to step-by-step instructions, we’ve got you covered every step of the way. Let’s dive right in and embark on your wedding planning journey with the seamless convenience of online marriage registration in Mumbai!
Why Online Marriage Registration in Mumbai is Important
Online marriage registration in Mumbai holds significant importance for various reasons, making it a vital step for couples who have recently tied the knot. In this section, let’s explore the reasons behind its importance:
A. Legal Recognition and Documentation
Legal Compliance: Many jurisdictions, including Mumbai, require you to register your marriage online. Registering ensures that the government officially recognizes your union, which is crucial for maintaining legal compliance.
Protection of Rights: Registering your marriage grants legal protection to both spouses. It establishes the rights and responsibilities of each partner within the marriage. This documentation is particularly essential in case of legal disputes, inheritance matters, or divorce proceedings.
Visa and Immigration Purposes: For couples planning to travel or live abroad, online registration is often a prerequisite for visa and immigration processes. Obtaining an official marriage certificate through registration is crucial for maintaining your legal status in another country.
Access to Government Benefits: Married couples are eligible for various government schemes and benefits. Registering your marriage makes you eligible for these benefits, including tax breaks, social security benefits, and more.
Asset and Property Rights: Registering your marriage is essential for safeguarding property and asset rights. It ensures that both spouses have equal rights to shared properties and assets.
B. Social Recognition and Acceptance
Family and Social Acceptance: Registering your marriage not only provides legal recognition but also social acceptance. It formalizes your relationship in the eyes of your families, friends, and the broader community, which is especially important in traditional or close-knit societies.
Religious Ceremonies: Online marriage registration complements traditional or religious wedding ceremonies by providing legal status to your marriage. This dual recognition can offer peace of mind and assurance to couples with diverse backgrounds or beliefs.
Children’s Rights: Officially registering your marriage also protects the rights of any children born to the couple. They are legally considered legitimate, ensuring that they have rights to inheritance, maintenance, and other legal privileges.
C. Facilitating Various Legal Processes (Visa, Passport, etc.)
Visa and Passport Applications: A registered marriage certificate is often a mandatory document when applying for visas or passports, especially for international travel. It ensures the smooth processing of such applications and helps avoid unnecessary delays.
Change of Name: After marriage, individuals may choose to change their last names or surnames. Updating these details on legal documents such as passports and driver’s licenses typically requires a registered marriage certificate.
Financial Transactions: Opening joint bank accounts, applying for loans as a couple, or purchasing property together may require a registered marriage certificate for financial transactions.
Insurance and Health Benefits: Proof of marriage is often required by insurance providers for spouses to be eligible for family coverage. Registering your marriage is a crucial step to ensure you and your spouse can access health and life insurance benefits.
How to Register for Marriage Online in Mumbai
Registering for marriage online in Mumbai is a convenient and efficient process. In this section, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the registration process, along with some valuable tips to overcome common challenges.
A. Step-by-Step Guide to Online Marriage Registration
1. Creating an Account on the Marriage Registration Portal
To initiate the process of online marriage registration in Mumbai, you need to create an account on the official marriage registration portal. Follow these steps:
Visit the official website of the Marriage Registration Department in Mumbai.
Search for the option 'Create Account' or 'Register.'
Then provide your personal information, including your name, email address, mobile number, and create a secure password.
Click on the 'Submit' or 'Register' button once you have entered the necessary information.
Upon completion, you will be sent a confirmation email or SMS containing your login credentials. Remember to securely save these details as you will need them to access your account in the future.
2. Filling out the Marriage Registration Form
After creating your account, you can proceed to fill out the marriage registration form. Here's what you need to do:
Log in to your account on the marriage registration portal.
Find and select the option 'Apply for Marriage Registration.'
Provide the required details about yourself, your partner, and your marriage, such as names, dates of birth, addresses, and the date of marriage.
Review the form to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all the information.
3. Uploading Required Documents
Marriage registration typically necessitates the submission of several documents, including:
Passport-sized photographs of both partners.
Proof of age (birth certificates, school leaving certificates, etc.).
Address proof documents like Aadhar card, passport, and utility bills, among others.
Marriage invitation card or affidavit (if applicable).
Identity and address proof of witnesses.
Scan these documents and upload them to your online application. Please ensure that the scanned copies are clear and easily readable.
4. Verifying the Details and Submitting the Application
After uploading the required documents, carefully review the entire application form to confirm the accuracy of the provided information. Once you are certain that all the details are correct, submit the application. Upon completion, you will be provided with an acknowledgment or reference number.
Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them
1. Document Verification Issues
Occasionally, you may encounter verification issues with your documents, which can delay the registration process. To overcome this challenge:
Ensure that all your documents are valid and up-to-date.
Double-check the accuracy of the information stated on the documents.
Seek guidance from a legal expert if you encounter repeated verification issues.
2. Technical Glitches and Solutions
Dealing with technical glitches on the marriage registration portal can be frustrating. Here are some solutions:
Use a stable and fast internet connection.
Try accessing the portal during non-peak hours to reduce server congestion.
If you encounter a technical issue, contact the portal’s customer support for assistance.
3. Common Mistakes to Avoid
Avoiding common mistakes can streamline the registration process:
Double-check all the information before submitting your application to prevent errors.
Ensure that the uploaded documents are in the specified format and meet the requirements.
Stay updated on any changes in the marriage registration process by visiting the official website or contacting the authorities.
Eligibility Criteria for Online Marriage Registration
Registering your marriage online in Mumbai is a convenient and streamlined process that ensures the legal recognition of your union. Let's explore the eligibility requirements, including age and consent, the necessary documentary evidence, and special considerations for interfaith and inter-caste marriages.
A. Age and Consent Requirements
Legal Age: Both individuals involved in the marriage must meet the legal age requirements in India. Typically, brides must be at least 18 years old, while grooms must be at least 21. It's important to note that state-specific laws may slightly vary these age requirements, but for Mumbai, these ages apply.
Consent: Giving consent willingly and voluntarily is crucial for a valid marriage. Both the bride and groom must provide their consent to the marriage. Any form of coercion or force invalidates the marriage. Additionally, if either party lacks sound mind or the ability to provide informed consent, the marriage may not be considered valid.
B. Documentary Evidence Required
To complete your online marriage registration in Mumbai, you need specific documentary evidence to establish the legitimacy of your union. The required documents typically include:
Marriage Registration Application Form: You must complete this primary document online, including personal details of both the bride and groom, as well as information about the marriage ceremony.
Photographs: You need recent passport-sized photographs of both parties that meet the specified guidelines for clarity and size.
Proof of Age: You must provide valid documents such as birth certificates, school leaving certificates, or passports to establish the age of both individuals.
Proof of Address: Use documents like Aadhar cards, voter ID cards, or utility bills to establish your current residence.
Identity Proof: Confirm your identity with valid identification documents such as Aadhar cards, passports, or voter ID cards.
Wedding Invitation Card: Provide a copy of the wedding invitation card as proof that the marriage ceremony took place.
Affidavit: Submit an affidavit stating the date of birth, marital status, and nationality of both parties.
Passport-sized Photographs of Witnesses: If witnesses were present at the wedding, their passport-sized photographs and identity proof may be required.
C. Special Cases: Interfaith, Inter-caste Marriages
In Mumbai, as well as the rest of India, marriages across different faiths and castes are not only permissible but also protected by law. However, interfaith and inter-caste marriages have additional considerations:
Special Marriage Act: Register interfaith and inter-caste marriages under the Special Marriage Act, which allows individuals from different religions or castes to marry without the need for conversion.
Notice Period: A mandatory notice period of 30 days is required before solemnizing the marriage under the Special Marriage Act to allow for raising objections.
Witnesses: The presence of witnesses is crucial, and their consent is usually required.
No Discrimination: It's important to note that any discrimination or opposition based on religion or caste in the context of marriage is against the law in India. The authorities ensure the protection of your rights.
In summary, online marriage registration in Mumbai is a significant step towards modernizing the process of legalizing unions. It not only guarantees the legal recognition of marriages but also promotes their social acceptance. This streamlined process simplifies the bureaucratic hurdles that couples often face when registering their unions. The significance of online marriage registration lies in its capacity to make the process more accessible, efficient, and transparent. It's a friendly and hassle-free way to say "I do"!
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uk-visa-updates · 11 months
Bringing Your Family to the UK: Dependant visa UK Explained
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Table Of Contents:
What is a Dependant visa to the UK?
Who Can Apply for a UK Dependant Visa?
Eligibility Requirements for a Dependant Visa UK
Documents Required for a UK PBS Dependant Visa
Processing Time for the Dependant Visa
Fees for a Dependant Visa in the UK
Funds Required for a Dependant Visa
How The SmartMove2UK Can Assist with Your UK Dependant Visa Application
What is Dependant visa to the UK?
A UK Dependent Visa allows immediate family members of UK visa holders to come to the UK. This type of application typically applies to family and children.
This visa is designed for the family members of individuals holding or applying for various work-related visas, including the Worker routes (formerly Tier 2), Temporary Worker routes (formerly Tier 5), Representatives of overseas business, Innovators, Global Talent migrants, and those with visas granted based on UK ancestry.
At The SmartMove2UK, we specialise in facilitating the legal advice and latest updated information of UK Dependant Visas for your family members, ensuring that you can embark on your new journey to the UK with peace of mind.
Who Can Apply for a UK Dependant Visa?
To be eligible for a Dependant Visa, you must be a dependent family member of a qualifying migrant, defined as:
Husband, wife, or civil partner
Unmarried or same-sex partner
Child under 18 years at the time of application
It's unlikely that other family members can claim dependent status for this visa. Spouses or partners must be in a genuine, subsisting relationship akin to marriage for the past two years. Children can apply if both parents are applying for entry clearance simultaneously, or if one parent is already in the UK, and the other is applying for entry clearance.
An essential requirement is that the family must have sufficient funds to support themselves without relying on public funds.
Eligibility Requirements for a Dependant Visa UK
Qualifying family members who can apply for a dependent visa include spouses, civil partners, unmarried partners in a provable durable relationship, and children under 18 at the date of application. Partners must demonstrate a genuine relationship with the main applicant and the intention to live together in the UK. Children should not lead an independent life.
Documents Required for a UK PBS Dependant Visa
When applying for a Dependant Visa, ensure you include these essential documents:
Passport or valid travel document
Birth Certificate (for Child) or Marriage Certificate (for Spouse)
Bank statements
Evidence of the relationship between the dependant and the main applicant
Tuberculosis test results (if applicable)
Criminal record check results (if applicable)
All documents must be accurate, meet specifications, and be translated if not in English or Welsh.
Read More: How dependants can join their family in the UK?
Processing Time for the Dependant Visa
Processing times for a Dependant Visa can vary. From outside the UK, it may take 12 weeks. You can expedite the decision within 5 working days for an additional fee.
Inside the UK, the standard processing time is 8 weeks, but you can opt for priority or super priority services to get faster decisions.
UK Dependant Visa Fees / Cost
The dependent visa fee aligns with the main applicant's fee. Each dependent also pays an Immigration Health surcharge. The cost is different for each type and length of visa.  Additional fees may apply for certain visa subcategories.
Check Updated UK Dependant Visa Fees Here…
Funds Required for UK Dependant Visa
Dependants of Skilled Workers must meet specific financial requirements. Evidence of a bank balance is not required if the main applicant's A-rated sponsor certifies maintenance. Other dependants must show adequate funds to support themselves.
Also Read: What is a UK Skilled Worker Dependent Visa & How to Apply?
How The SmartMove2UK Can Assist with Your UK Dependant Visa Application
Our UK qualified lawyers at The SmartMove2UK possess extensive experience in successfully processing UK Dependant Visa applications. We provide clear guidance and legal advice to improve the approval chances of your Dependant Visa application. From the initial meeting to the visa decision, our exceptional customer service ensures you are well-informed and supported throughout the application process.
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colombianvisas · 1 year
🇨🇴 Are you interested in obtaining the Visa for Father or Mother of a Colombian National? 🌟 Article 70 of Resolution #5477 of 2022 establishes this type of Migrant Visa for foreigners who are parents of a Colombian by birth 📜 This visa can be granted for up to three (3) renewable years 🔄 Specific Requirements for the Visa for Father or Mother of a Colombian National by Birth: 📋 1️⃣ Have a valid passport or travel document, in good condition, with free space for visas 🛂 2️⃣ Copy of the Birth Certificate, issued within the last 3 months before the visa application 📄 3️⃣ If both parents are foreigners, it must have a notation: "Valid for proving nationality," according to the Registraduría 📝 4️⃣ Letter of request from a Colombian parent, stating that the foreigner complies with the obligations. If both parents are foreigners, they must sign it. If the child is of legal age, they must subscribe and attach a national identity card. Authority certificate of the family if the Colombian parent does not give consent (optional) ✉️ 5️⃣ Digital front photo on a white background, size 4 x 3 cm Neutral expression No accessories like earrings, glasses, caps, etc. Maximum file size of 100 KB 📸 6️⃣ Foreign father or mother must provide a copy of the visa they held at the time of the child's birth 📜👶 7️⃣ Certificate of Movements Migratory Movements issued by the Special Administrative Unit of Migration Colombia for both parents 🌎 8️⃣ Demonstrate economic solvency through averages in bank statements for the last six (06) months and source of income 💰 9️⃣ Payment of Government Fees: 💸Study $55 USD 💼 Issuance $400 USD approx 🌐 Foreigner ID Card $50 USD approx 📃Other Documents That May Be Required at the Discretion of Colombian Immigration Authorities: 📑If you are in Colombia, you must have a valid legal status or a "Salvoconducto" 📜Copy of the passport page certifying the last entry stamp ✈️Travel itinerary or tickets if you are outside the country Location address in the country: Hotel, temporary accommodation, rented housing, or the place where you will be received 🏨Criminal Record Certificate from the country of origin or residence of the applicant, Apostilled, Legalized, and Translated if it is in a language other than Spanish 📜🔒Health Insurance Policy, Contract, Program, or Assistance Plan with Coverage in the National Territory 🏥Advantages of the Visa for Father or Mother of a Colombian National by Birth: 🌟Temporary residence in Colombia for up to three (03) renewable years 🏡Colombian ID required to access Health Benefits, Education, Open Bank Accounts, Access to Credit, among others 📚💳Open work permit to engage in any lawful activity in compliance with Colombian state regulations 💼👷‍♂️Accumulate time for obtaining permanent residence after three (03) years and become eligible for Colombian citizenship application after 5 years 🕊️You can apply for the visa for direct beneficiaries who are financially dependent, such as spouses and children up to 25 years old or with disabilities with no age limit 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Online application or at any Colombian Consulate Worldwide 🌍Lower cost of living than in other countries 💵Access to quality services 🏥Foreigner-friendly environment 🤝Excellent climate ☀️Diverse nature 🌳Rich local culture 🎉Limitations of the Visa for Father or Mother of a Colombian National by Birth: 🚫You must fulfill your obligations as a parent, including providing for the child's support and maintenance if they are a minor. Failure to comply will result in sanctions ⚖️Renew the Visa Before Expiry 🔄Comply with the country's laws, including paying taxes 💰📝Do not stay outside the country for periods exceeding 180 days in a year. Doing so may cause your visa to expire prematurely 🗺️🕒Other Different Types of Visas If You Are Not Eligible for the Visa for Father or Mother of a Colombian National by Birth: 🌍Spouse 💑Permanent Partner 💏Student 📚Investor 💼💰Digital Nomad 💻🌐Independent Professional 👩‍💼Service Provider-Labor Work 👷‍♂️Partner or Owner 👥Among others 🌟Colombia offers various types of visas for foreigners! 🌎 Do you need to obtain coverage for the required guarantee of a Colombian Visa? 🛡️ Resolution No. 5477 of July 22, 2022, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia establishes that Visa Applicants must present insurance, a contract, program, or comprehensive assistance plan. Required Coverages: Accidents, Illness, Hospitalization, Disability, Maternity, Repatriation, or Death ☂️💊🏥Advantages of Our Colombian Visa Application Guarantee Program: 💼🌟Free Professional Consultation 24/7 🕒🆓Over 20 years of Experience in the Market 📅👔Easy Enrollment Without Medical Exams or Age Limits 🤝🩺Supported by Qualified Providers 🏆Best Market Rates. Special Discounts for Groups, Families, and Long-Term Contracts 💲🤝Option to contract for 1, 2, or 3 years 📆Ideal for obtaining long-term visas 🌍Contact Pacho Viloria to discuss your specific case 📞Authorized Agent Specialist in Colombian Visa Insurance and Assistance 🏛️ WhatsApp: (+)57-324 367 53 33 📲 Email: [email protected] 📧 We guarantee the Requirement for Your Visa and Your Peace of Mind While You Are in Colombia! 🇨🇴 #VisaInsurance #ColombianVisas #Colombia #Barranquilla #Bogota #Bucaramanga #Cali #Cartagena #SantaMarta #Medellin 🌆🌎🏙️Volver a generar 🇨🇴 Are you interested in obtaining the Visa for "Padre o Madre de Colomb...
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melitaafterfeather · 1 year
British Housing
Councils and Borrows are there for the citizens
Citizens enquire housing
Registered person can add members to a family and cannot take away a member they have to take themselves of off the registrar should they divorce
Only in a case of death a member can be taken of off the registrar
A houseing officer ensures the Council houses are maintained for the leasehold because all Council houses have a leashold and maintenance insurance 🏠
Council tenants do not pay service charges unless the tenants are in a private property
Service charges for maintenance of the building 🏢🏫 are paid by the Council housing budget of the district territory unless the property is a private property
Would you like me to add you to my property application as a member we need to be in an formal relationship or civil partnership
Friends and families cannot be registered unless in a formal relationship
Family members can and cannot be recognised as members
Family laws for relationships possessions are not a job of Council housing officers
Council is regarded as a district institution of the Government in Britain
Parliament distribute housing budget to the Council
The Council district distributes budget to the citizens as the Council workers are paid by the district
Council sends a business plan to the Government the number of properties needed
Royal families have to enquire their royal properties
make a business plan for housing accommodation hand it to the Government by hand
Postal office workers deliver posts to citizens as collection service is paid separately from delivery fee which is stamp paid by the sender not by receiver
Are you royal are you a citizen
Which political party you and them and belong to is not a lawful status
Parties are not part of the British constitution
English tradition is part of the Constitution because of the English language
Renting property is not for long term residency should be assessed as an issue
Parliament should deal with progress and social economical issues and not just
Address to the Housing Department British Parliament to distribute instructions to the Council
Immigrants who come from abroad must come with ID
When immigrants come without an ID to Britain housing and social laws become affected
Personal social justice and collective social justice should be addressed as independent needs
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